Number of occurrences in corpus: 57
Genesis A 2253a | t agar sceal ongieldan / gif ic | mot | for þe || mine wealdan / abrah |
Genesis A 2475b | wille / gemundbyrdan || gif ic | mot | for eow / him þa seo mænigeo |
Genesis A 2787b | illum minum || gif ic wealdan | mot | / næfre ismael || wiþ isace / w |
Christ and Satan 137a | nneweard || atole gefylled / ne | mot | ic hihtlicran || hames brucan |
Christ and Satan 139a | e on þa beorhtan gescæft / ne | mot | ic æfre ma || eagum starian / |
Christ and Satan 144b | sange || ne ic þam sawlum ne | mot | / ænigum sceþþan # || / butan |
Christ and Satan 147a | um || þe he agan nyle / þa ic | mot | to hæftum || ham geferian / br |
Christ and Satan 169a | ofon geræcan / ne mid eagum ne | mot | || up locian / ne huru mid earu |
Christ and Satan 265a | ylcum || þæh he uppe seo / ne | mot | he þam sawlum || þe þær s |
Christ and Satan 267a | fre gehrinan / ah ic be hondum | mot | || hæþenre sceale / gripan to |
Christ and Satan 364b | l is þam || þe þæt wyrcan | mot | / wæs þæt encgelcyn || ær g |
Dream of the Rood 142b | e asette || þær ic syþþan | mot | / wunian on wuldre || well mid |
Elene 476b | cirde to him / æhte mine || ne | mot | ænige nu / rihte spowan || is |
Christ A 100a | is onfangen / ðæt nu bletsung | mot | || bæm gemæne / werum ond wif |
Christ B 590b | endan her wunað || geceosan | mot | / swa helle hienðu || swa heof |
Vainglory 72b | illum in ðisse worulde || se | mot | wuldres dream / in haligra hyht |
The Order of the World 65b | a beorhtost || ond his brucan | mot | / æghwylc on eorðan || ðe hi |
The Riming Poem 86a | wuldre generede / ðær moncyn | mot | || for meotude rot / soðne god |
Guthlac A 717b | dan wille || nu ic his helpan | mot | / ðæt ge min onsynn || oft sc |
Guthlac A 785b | l on swegle || ðær he symle | mot | / awo to ealdre || eardfæst we |
Guthlac B 1040b | gesweðrad || ond ic siððan | mot | / fore meotudes cneowum || meor |
Riddles 15 20a | orh genergan / gif ic mægburge | mot | || mine gelædan / on degolne w |
Riddles 2 27b | gestreona || ic wið bryde ne | mot | / hæmed habban || ac me ðæs |
Riddles 20 27b | estreona. || Ic wiþ bryde ne | mot | / hæmed habban, || ac me þæs |
Riddles 3 15b | clomme || ðæt ic onbugan ne | mot | / of ðæs gewealde || ðe me w |
Riddles 3 73b | rære || ðonne ic restan ne | mot | / oððe hwa mec stæððe || |
Riddles 39 20b | heofonum hran || ne to helle | mot | / ac hio sceal wideferh || wuld |
The Wife's Lament 37a | s eorðscrafu / ðær ic sittan | mot | || sumorlangne dæg / ðær ic |
Resignation 21b | inga wuldor || cume to gif ic | mot | / forgif ðu me min frea || fie |
Resignation 105a | htum || willan adreogan / wudu | mot | him weaxan || wyrde bidan / tan |
Riddles 83 8b | ll of earde || ic him yfle ne | mot | / ac ic hæftnyd || hwilum aræ |
The Phoenix 148b | ngan || ðæt he ðær brucan | mot | / wonges mid willum || ond wela |
The Phoenix 361a | fugles gebyrd / ðær se eadga | mot | || eardes neotan / wyllestreama |
The Phoenix 383b | ne deað || ðæt he dryhtnes | mot | / æfter geardagum || geofona n |
The Phoenix 516b | dres gim || wel bið ðam ðe | mot | / in ða geomran tid || gode li |
The Gifts of Men 6b | / agne spede || ðara æghwylc | mot | / dryhtwuniendra || dæl onfon / |
Beowulf 186b | ewendan || wel bið ðæm ðe | mot | / æfter deaðdæge || drihten |
Beowulf 442b | t he wille || gif he wealdan | mot | / in ðæm guðsele || geotena |
Beowulf 603b | gebeodan || gæð eft se ðe | mot | / to medo modig || siððan mor |
Beowulf 2886b | / lufen alicgean || londrihtes | mot | / ðære mægburge || monna æg |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 69b | m gilpe || gif hine gegripan | mot | / se eca deaþ || æfter þissu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 68a | n frean leafe / ne hio æfre ne | mot | || eorþan þyrscwold / up ofer |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 9a | walde || eall underþieded / ne | mot | he þara hyrsta || hionane l |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 129b | dgesceafta || þeah waldan ne | mot | / þæt hit ænige || eallunga |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 139a | oþrineþ / ne hire on nanre ne | mot | || near þonne on oþre / stowe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 35a | lces / þæt hit swa beorhte ne | mot | || blican and scinan / swa hit |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 7b | ceafte || þæt sio fyrene ne | mot | / sunne gesecan || snawcealdes |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 40b | refnesse || gif hine dreccean | mot | / þissa yfla hwæþer || innan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 44a | dwoleman / þæt hit seo ece ne | mot | || innan geondscinan / sunne fo |
The Rune Poem 72a | leof || æghwylcum men / gif he | mot | þær rihtes || and gerysena |
Solomon and Saturn 136b | þ gesiene || siþþan flowan | mot | / yþ ofer eall lond || ne wile |
Solomon and Saturn 159a | us cwæþ # || / ac forhwon ne | mot | seo sunne || side gesceafte / s |
Solomon and Saturn 226b | / dreogeþ deop gesceaft || ne | mot | on dæg restan / neahtes neþy |
Solomon and Saturn 230a | ne cann / forhwan se stream ne | mot | || stillan neahtes / salomon cw |
The Judgment Day II 252b | ðeodne geðeon || and ðonne | mot | / habban heofonrice || ðæt is |
The Seasons for Fasting 85a | unhæl || an geðreatige / ðe | mot | hæt oððe wæt || ærur ði |
Instructions for Christians 114a | | þæt we munuc nemniað. / Ne | mot | ænig heora || awiht onsundra |