Number of occurrences in corpus: 58
Daniel 27b | ige gastas / þa þam werude || | wisdom | budon / hie þære snytro || so |
Daniel 96b | byrig / þa hie þam wlancan || | wisdom | sceoldon / weras ebrea || wordu |
Daniel 132b | nede / oþþe wyrda gesceaft || | wisdom | bude / gif þu his ærest ne me |
Daniel 142b | nnon / þa þe me for werode || | wisdom | beraþ / ge sweltaþ deaþe || |
Andreas 569a | m || æþelinge weox / word ond | wisdom | || ah he þara wundra a / domag |
Andreas 650a | ic þæs æþelinges / word ond | wisdom | || on wera gemote / þurh his s |
Andreas 10a | an || cristenra weox / word ond | wisdom | || syþþan wuldres þegn / æ |
Elene 334a | leawe || halige rune / word ond | wisdom | || hwæt ge witgena / lare onfe |
Elene 235a | tsunu || þu scealt geagninga / | wisdom | onwreon || swa gewritu secga |
Elene 803a | æran miht || on modes þeaht / | wisdom | onwreah || ic wæs weorcum fa |
Christ C 1551a | || ðæt se sawle weard / lifes | wisdom | || forloren hæbbe / se ðe nu |
The Order of the World 9a | m || orgeate tacen / ðam ðurh | wisdom | || woruld ealle con / behabban |
Guthlac A 503a | in ðeawum || ðeodum ywað / | wisdom | weras || wlencu forleosað / si |
Guthlac A 529b | e / ðurh his wundra geweorc || | wisdom | cyðað / geofu wæs mid guðla |
Guthlac A 763b | d / wile se waldend || ðæt we | wisdom | a / snyttrum swelgen || ðæt h |
Guthlac B 1131a | s ðæs deoplic eall / word ond | wisdom | || ond ðæs weres stihtung / m |
Riddles 95 9a | wist mine || ic monigum sceal / | wisdom | cyðan || no ðær word sprec |
A.3.4 29 | learning, wise ones in their | wisdom, | / tell us in their writings, / |
The Phoenix 30a | gefreogum gleawe / witgan ðurh | wisdom | || on gewritum cyðað / ðonne |
A.3.4 548 | writing poetry. Listen to the | wisdom | / of Job’s songs. Inspired in |
A.3.4 622 | ou, true God, and strength of | wisdom, | / and thanks to you, sitting in |
The Gifts of Men 103a | a || ofer ealle men / wlite ond | wisdom | || ond weorca blæd / ac he mis |
Precepts 49a | d || gif ðe deah hyge / wunað | wisdom | in || ond ðu wast geare / ondg |
Precepts 62a | re || lærgedefe / wene ðec in | wisdom | || weoruda scyppend / hafa ðe |
Beowulf 350a | a || manegum gecyðed / wig ond | wisdom | || ic ðæs wine deniga / frean |
The Paris Psalter 104:15 6b | halig god / þurh his worda || | wisdom | ahof / / # / sende him soþ cynin |
The Paris Psalter 104:23 1b | e sette on hi sylfe || soþne | wisdom | / worda and weorca || wundortac |
The Paris Psalter 138:4 1b | wundorlic is geworden || þin | wisdom | eall / se is beutan me || eac g |
The Paris Psalter 140:4 4b | standende / þæt on welerum || | wisdom | healde / / # / ne hyld þu mine h |
The Paris Psalter 93:9 7b | se þe men læreþ || micelne | wisdom | / / # / god ealle cann || guman g |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 81a | d sceppend || weorulde þisse / | wisdom | and æ || woruldbuendra / ealla |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 1a | of Boethius: Metre 6 / / þa se | wisdom | eft || wordhord onleac / sang s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 1a | ethius: Metre 7 / / þa ongon se | wisdom | || his gewunan fylgan / gliowor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 7b | nan þæs weorces || þæt he | wisdom | mæge / wiþ ofermetta || æfre |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 12a | ealle || ne mæg eac fira nan / | wisdom | timbran || þær þær woruld |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 39a | | eardfæst wunigaþ / þær se | wisdom | a || wunaþ on gemyndum / forþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 1a | oethius: Metre 8 / / sona swa se | wisdom | || þas word hæfde / swetole a |
Metrical Psalm 93:9 7b | se ðe men læreð || micelne | wisdom. | |
Solomon and Saturn 179a | des ræswan / gewesan ymbe hira | wisdom | || wyrs deþ se þe liehþ / o |
Solomon and Saturn 219a | es || and dædfruman / wadan on | wisdom | || winnan æfter snytro / salom |
Maxims II 33a | etrum || treow sceal on eorle / | wisdom | on were || wudu sceal on fold |
Instructions for Christians 74b | heah-þearfe || forhelan his | wisdom. | / Ac þu scealt gelome || gelæ |
Instructions for Christians 229a | æra || þe ðær on wuniað. / | Wisdom | is leoht || wera% æghwilcum |
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 23 21 | ory, power, virtue, perpetual | wisdom, | / praise, and honour always ab |
AETHILVVALD.Offa.Octo 22 | le gifts. / A crown of wordy | wisdom | attests shining brilliance: / h |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor P 1 | tEubor / / Christ God, strength, | wisdom | of the highest Father, / life, |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1414 | vealing to him the secrets of | wisdom. | / For he was sprung from very d |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1455 | reign lands, drawn by love of | wisdom: | / in the hope that he might ha |
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1519 | dedicated this church to Holy | Wisdom | before the tenth day / on whic |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 727 | ing wise, carries the name of | Wisdom; | / and we have been sent here fr |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1128 | ments of books, / which worldly | wisdom | celebrates with slow-witted s |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 409 | se of birds, when the Book of | Wisdom | urges: ‘Look to the paths / |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 444 | / and in the rays of prophetic | wisdom. | / One of them is Boisil, the |
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 509 | / he was aspiring to celestial | wisdom | with a dedicated heart; / for |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 174 | ration the secret recesses of | wisdom, | in all its diversity. / Love in |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 268 | rt, / was chosen to dispel with | wisdom | the twists in an uneven path |
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 458 | ind, which was rich in divine | wisdom, | inspired him / to aggrandise th |
N.MiraculaNyniae 490 | / used to meditate on heavenly | wisdom | with a focused mind; / often h |