A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: hwa

Number of occurrences in corpus: 52

Genesis B 438b ic hine wiþ me sylfne || swa hwa swa þæt secgan cymeþ / on þ
Genesis B 483a sorgum || siþþan libban / swa hwa swa gebyrgde || þæs on þam
Genesis B 671b lca mæst / wereda wynsumast || hwa meahte me swelc gewit gifan / g
Genesis A 2584b rgeaton / drihtnes domas || and hwa him dugeþa forgeaf / blæd on
Daniel 420b þine gerysna / ongyt georne || hwa þa gyfe sealde / gingum gædel
Christ and Satan 17b n heofonum / and heanne holm || hwa is þæt þe cunne / orþonc cl
Andreas 381a ohte || næs him cuþ þa gyt / hwa þam sæflotan || sund wisode
Andreas 797a oldon hie þam folce gecyþan / hwa æt frumsceafte || furþum te
Andreas 905a c worda worn || wat æfter nu / hwa me wyrþmyndum || on wudubate
The Fates of the Apostles 98a hine lysteþ || leoþgiddunga / hwa þas fitte fegde || feoh þæ
The Fates of the Apostles 106a þeodom || nu þu cunnon miht / hwa on þam wordum wæs || werum
Christ C 1149b tid / heofon hluttre ongeat || hwa hine healice / torhtne getremed
Christ C 1164a idene || hwæt eac sæ cyðde / hwa hine gesette || on sidne grun
Christ C 1169b ncan / ge eac beamas onbudon || hwa hy mid bledum sceop / monge nal
Maxims I 113b e ær he acwele || gif he nat hwa hine cwicne fede / mægen mon s
The Order of the World 80a under wætra geðring / oððe hwa ðæs leohtes || londbuende / b
Riddles 3 35b n sceal / strong on stiðweg || hwa gestilleð ðæt / hwilum ic ð
Riddles 3 73a || saga hwæt ic hatte / oððe hwa mec rære || ðonne ic restan
Riddles 3 74a onne ic restan ne mot / oððe hwa mec stæððe || ðonne ic st
The Judgment Day I 30a a to ealdre || orleg dreogeð / hwa is ðonne ðæs ferðgleaw ||
The Judgment Day I 62b wyrht / ðonne bið gecyðed || hwa in clænnisse / lif alifde || h
Riddles 83 7a gyrne || ic ful gearwe gemon / hwa min fromcynn || fruman agette
Juliana 318b moncynnes / siðfæt secgan || hwa ðec sende to me / hyre se agl
Beowulf 52b nde / hæleð under heofenum || hwa ðæm hlæste onfeng / ða wæs
Beowulf 2252b f / gesawon seledream || ic nah hwa sweord wege / oððe feormie ||
Beowulf 3126b e geong / næs ða on hlytme || hwa ðæt hord strude / syððan or
The Paris Psalter 118:82 3b pede eodan / cwædon cynlice || hwa cwicenne me / on þysum ealdre
The Paris Psalter 129:3 2b behealdan / drihten drihten || hwa gedeþ æfre / þæt he þæt g
The Paris Psalter 54:6 1b / / # / ic þa on mode cwæþ || hwa me sealde / to fleogenne || fi
The Paris Psalter 59:8 2b n ceastre / weallum beworhte || hwa wyle swylce me / in idumea || e
The Paris Psalter 63:4 4b trymmaþ / and sare sprecaþ || hwa gesyhþ usic / / # / swa hi smeag
The Paris Psalter 89:13 1a gefean || forhte gewurdan / / # / hwa þæs soþ me cann || sæcgea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 27a iodisc || miclum herien / þeah hwa æþele sie || eorlgebyrdum / w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 42a f his rihtryne || rinca ænig / hwa wat nu þæs wisan || welande
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 16a t is tile haten / þeah nu anra hwa || ealles wealde / þæs igland
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 1a Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 / / hwa is on eorþan || nu unlærdra
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 5b werfeþ / eallne middangeard || hwa is moncynnes / þæt ne wundrie
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 18a ald swifeþ || swift untiorig / hwa is on weorulde || þæt ne wa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 32a imes || þær he gio þa wæs / hwa is weoruldmonna || þæt ne w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 41a || þonne hio on setl glideþ / hwa is on weorulde || þæt ne wu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 44b fad / beþeaht mid þiostrum || hwa þegna ne mæge / eac wafian ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 59b eg winneþ / wind wiþ wæge || hwa wundraþ þæs / oþþe oþres
Solomon and Saturn 31a faþ / saturnus cwæþ # || / ac hwa mæg eaþost || ealra gesceaf
Solomon and Saturn 153a apas / saturnus cwæþ # || / ac hwa demeþ þonne || dryhtne cris
Solomon and Saturn 156a sceaftum / salomon cwæþ # || / hwa dear þonne dryhtne deman ||
The Seasons for Fasting 195a um hiora || ligegen to fæste / hwa mæg ðyngian || ðreale hwil
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 8a æt he hit oðhealde / gif hyt hwa gedo || ne gedige hit him næ
The Battle of Finnsburh 23b ndearninga / deormod hæleþ || hwa þa duru heolde / sigeferþ is
The Battle of Maldon 69a ænig || oþrum derian / buton hwa þurh flanes flyht || fyl gen
The Battle of Maldon 93a guman to guþe || god ana wat / hwa þære wælstowe || wealdan m
The Battle of Maldon 122a s æt hilde || hogodon georne / hwa þær mid orde || ærost miht
The Battle of Maldon 213b ard gewinn / nu mæg cunnian || hwa cene sy / ic wylle mine æþelo