Number of occurrences in corpus: 41
Genesis A 1581b | ċēawian, || ne þā sċande | hūru | / hleo-māĝum helan, || ac hē |
Genesis A 2047b | -ġe·trume%; / wolde his mǣġ | hūru, | / Lōth ā·linnan || of lāðs |
Genesis A 2345a | iste ġearwe / þæt þæt wīf | hūru | || wintra hæfde / efne [C], || |
Christ and Satan 170a | um ne mōt || up% lōcian, / ne | hūru | mid ēarum ne sċeall || ǣfr |
Christ and Satan 521a | || and-lēofan ġungran, / and% | hūru | seċġan hēt || Simon Petre / |
Soul and Body I 1a | # Soul and Body I / / | Hūru, | þæs be·hōfaþ || hæleþa |
Soul and Body I 22b | mē, wērĝa. || Hwæt, þū | hūru | wyrma ġiefl / lȳt ġe·þōht |
Soul and Body I 38b | d / earfoð-līċe. || Nis nū | hūru | sē ende tō gōd%. / Wǣre þ |
Dream of the Rood 10b | ġesċæft. || ne wæs ðǣr | hūru | fracuðes ġealga, / ac hine ð |
Christ B 613a | d lof || þēodne ūssum, / and | hūru | ðǣre hǣlu || þe hē ūs t |
Maxims I 150a | þæt hēafe be·windeþ, / ne | hūru | wæl wēpeþ || wulf sē grǣ |
Soul and Body II 22b | mē, wērĝa. || Hwæt, þū | hūru | wyrma ġiefl / lȳt ġe·þōht |
Guthlac A 769a | ēohte ġe·rǣhte. / Nis þæt | hūru | lǣsost || þæt sēo lufu c |
Resignation 102a | e; || nāh iċ fela goldes / ne | hūru | þæs frēondes, || þe mē |
Beowulf 182a | son hīe drihten god, / ne hīe | hūru | heofona helm || herġan ne c |
Beowulf 369b | nċaþ / eorla ġe·eahtlan; || | hūru | sē ealdor dēah, / sē þǣm h |
Beowulf 862a | || rīċes wierðra. / Ne hīe | hūru | wine-drihten || wiht ne lōĝ |
Beowulf 1071a | -wæle || feallan sċolde. / Ne | hūru | Hilde·burh || herġan þorft |
Beowulf 2836a | d-fruman || hand-ġe·weorce. / | Hūru | þæt on lande || lȳt manna |
Beowulf 3120a | ūs || flāne full·ēode.’ / | Hūru | sē snotora || sunu Wīh·st |
Judith 345b | n / tō þǣm eall-mihtĝan; || | hūru | æt þǣm ende ne twēode / þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:8 2b | hyġe healdan, || þæt þū | hūru | mē / on þissum ealdre || ǣnn |
The Paris Psalter 118:10 2b | re / heortan sēċe; || ne þū | hūru | mē / fram þīnum be·bodum || |
The Paris Psalter 118:176 3b | ætte for·weorðan || wolde | hūru; | / lā, sēċe þīnne esne || e |
The Paris Psalter 120:4 1b | ē. / / # / Efne sē on hyġde || | hūru | ne slǣpeþ / ne swefeþ swīð |
The Paris Psalter 68:16 3a | || sealte flōdas. / / # / Ne mē | hūru | for·swelġe || sǣ-ġrundes% |
The Paris Psalter 70:11 1a | nne.’ / Ne of·ġief þū mē | hūru, | || god æl-mehtiġ; / be·seoh |
The Paris Psalter 72:22 3a | don, || ne hira hyġe settan; / | hūru | þū for·lēosest || þā fo |
The Paris Psalter 73:21 1a | ·sprǣcon. / / # / Ne for·ġiet | hūru | || gōdra manna / sōðra stefn |
The Paris Psalter 87:10 1a | || hebbe and þenie. / / # / Ne | hūru | wunder || wyrċaþ dēade, / o |
The Paris Psalter 88:41 2a | æt sīe min lȳtle spēd; / ne | hūru | þū manna bearn || on middan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 38a | nis || þīn ġe·līċa, / ne | hūru | ǣniġ || æl-cræftiġre, / fo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 4b | nna ǣniġ, || ne ā·mērran | hūru | / ǣniġ eorðliċ þinġ, || h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 12a | ōðer || of ġe·wīteþ. / Ne | hūru | sē steorra || ġe·stīĝan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 10b | s, / ne hīe þāra hræġla || | hūru | ne ġīemdon / þe nū dryht-gu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 31a | land || ell-lendne wearod, / ne | hūru | ymbe sċip-herġas || sċealc |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 22a | || ofer wer-þēode / his ānes | hūru | || an-weald cȳðan. / Ēac hit |
Solomon and Saturn 49b | ā·sċēadan of sċyldum? || | Hūru | him sċieppend ġeaf / wuldorli |
Solomon and Saturn 97b | eþ, / heolstre be·helmed. || | Hūru | him biþ æt biþ æt heortan |
Solomon and Saturn 22b | mæġ / grund ġe·rǣċan; || | hūru | sē Godes cunnaþ / full dyslī |
Waldere B 14a | eddode wordum: / ‘Hwæt, þū | hūru | wendest, || wine Burĝenda, / |