Number of occurrences in corpus: 41
Genesis A 2226a | tæf || æfre weorþe / gifeþe | ætgædere | || ic eom geomorfrod / drihten |
Exodus 190b | mihte / wæron ingemen || ealle | ætgædere | / cyningas on corþre || cuþ o |
Exodus 214b | / eall seo sibgedriht || somod | ætgædere | / maran mægenes || oþ moyses |
Exodus 247b | | / þa wæs handrofra || here | ætgædere | / fus forþwegas || fana up ger |
Andreas 992b | h / geseh he hæþenra || hloþ | ætgædere | / fore hlindura || hyrdas stand |
Dream of the Rood 48a | þan / bysmeredon hie unc butu | ætgædere | || eall ic wæs mid blode bes |
Christ C 1035b | d, / ġēara gangum, || hafaþ | æt·gædere | bū, / līċ and sāwle. || Sċ |
Riddles 53 11a | t hīe ān yste% strudon / hord | æt·gædere; | || hrǣd wæs and unlæt / sē |
Riddles 55 11a | ; || frēan sindon ealle / nytt | æt·gædere, | || naman habbaþ ānne, / wulf- |
The Descent into Hell 132b | on ðǣre burnan || baðodon | æt·gædere. | / Ofer·wurpe þū mid þȳ wæ |
Juliana 292b | r blōd and wæter || bū tu | æt·gædere | / eorðan sōhton. || þā ġī |
The Wanderer 39b | onne sorh and slǣp || samod | æt·gædere | / earmne ān-hoĝan || oft ġe |
Beowulf 321a | stanfah || stig wisode / gumum | ætgædere | || guðbyrne scan / heard hondl |
Beowulf 329b | todon / sæmanna searo || samod | ætgædere | / æscholt ufan græg || wæs s |
Beowulf 387b | an / seon sibbegedriht || samod | ætgædere | / gesaga him eac wordum || ðæ |
Beowulf 729b | / swefan sibbegedriht || samod | ætgædere | / magorinca heap || ða his mod |
Beowulf 1063b | r wæs sang ond sweg || samod | ætgædere | / fore healfdenes || hildewisan |
Beowulf 1164b | ran || ða gyt wæs hiera sib | ætgædere | / æghwylc oðrum trywe || swyl |
Beowulf 1190a | || ond hæleða bearn / giogoð | ætgædere | || ðær se goda sæt / beowulf |
The Paris Psalter 101:12 4a | || stanum and eorþan / eallum | ætgædere | || ær miltsadest / / # / forþon |
The Paris Psalter 104:22 2b | de / his sylfes scealc || samod | ætgædere | / and aaron eac || þone he ær |
The Paris Psalter 105:15 3b | s weorod / and abirones || eall | ætgædere | / / # / þær fyr abarn || frecne |
The Paris Psalter 105:35 2b | / þær hi on gesawon || ealle | ætgædere | / þe ehtend him || ær gestoda |
The Paris Psalter 113:10 2b | inre soþfæstnysse || samed | ætgædere | / þy læs þæt æfre cweþan |
The Paris Psalter 118:23 1b | / # / ac nu ealdormenn || ealle | ætgædere | / sæton on seldum || swyþe sp |
The Paris Psalter 118:62 3b | / þær ic þe andette || eall | ætgædere | / secge þine domas || dædum r |
The Paris Psalter 118:62 4b | ðǣr iċ þe andette || eall | æt·gædere, | / seċġe þīne dōmas || dǣd |
The Paris Psalter 134:9 4b | de / and his scealcum || samed | ætgædere | / / # / se sloh þeode folc || þ |
The Paris Psalter 137:3 2b | e / and soþfæstnesse || samed | ætgædere | / þu þinne þone halgan naman |
The Paris Psalter 145:5 2b | swylce / and sidne sæ || samed | ætgædere | / and ealle þa þe him on || a |
The Paris Psalter 54:12 4b | ac / æton swetne mete || samed | ætgædere | / and on godes huse || gangan s |
The Paris Psalter 56:4 2b | nd his soþfæst mod || samod | ætgædere | / and mine sawle || sona alysde |
The Paris Psalter 56:4 3b | his sōþfæst mōd || samod | æt·gædere, | / and mīne sāwle || sōna ā |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 6b | hi syþþan ne beoþ || samod | ætgædere | / / # / syþþan hi wisslice wito |
The Paris Psalter 78:10 4b | pen / þær manna wese || mæst | ætgædere | / / # / wrec agen blod || esna þ |
The Paris Psalter 88:22 1b | ine soþfæstnes min || samod | ætgædere | / and mildheortnes min || mæge |
The Paris Psalter 89:10 5b | e heora hundred seo || samod | ætgædere | / / # / gif on mihtigum || mannum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 49b | wiþerweard gesceaft || wesan | ætgædere | / symbel geferan || ac hit is s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 160b | r his mæġþe biþ || mǣst | æt·gædere. | / Þū ġe·staðolodest || þu |
Solomon and Saturn 142b | þ þā ġe·sīðas || samod | æt·gædere, | / wōp and hleahtor? || Full of |
The Menologium 188b | þ / and seofon nihtum || samod | ætgædere | / on anne dæg || we þa æþel |