Number of occurrences in corpus: 52
Genesis A 163a | þa gesundrod wæs / lago wiþ | lande | || geseah þa lifes weard / dri |
Genesis B 392a | estælan / þæt we him on þam | lande | laþ gefremedon || he hæfþ |
Genesis B 784b | a lichaman || næfdon on þam | lande | þa giet / sælþa gesetena || |
Genesis B 787a | ie wel meahton / libban on þam | lande | || gif hie wolden lare godes / |
Genesis B 805b | t nu libban || oþþe on þys | lande | wesan / gif her wind cymþ || w |
Genesis A 1486a | lstol || eft gerymed / lisse on | lande | || lagosiþa rest / fæger on f |
Genesis A 1892a | ryttedon / oþþæt hie on þam | lande | || ne meahton leng somed / blæ |
Genesis A 1940a | an fleah / þeah þe he on þam | lande | || lifian sceolde / facen and f |
Genesis A 2724a | and þe wic geceos / on þissum | lande | || þær þe leofost sie / eþe |
Exodus 567b | fægerne sweg || folc wæs on | lande | / hæfde wuldres beam || werud |
Andreas 294a | fer fisces bæþ / efne to þam | lande | || þær þe lust myneþ / to g |
Andreas 398a | erian || flotan userne / lid to | lande | || ofer lagufæsten / ond þonn |
Andreas 1426a | n swat adropen / licgaþ æfter | lande | || loccas todrifene / fex on fo |
Andreas 1645b | godes / riht aræred || ræd on | lande | / mid þam ceasterwarum || ciri |
Andreas 26b | gastes gramhydiges || gang on | lande | / þa wæron gefylde || æfter |
Andreas 27b | tes gram-hȳdġes, || gang on | lande. | / Þā wǣron ġe·fylde || aef |
Christ B 857a | htaþ strang / ær·þon we tō | lande | || ġe·liden hæfdon / ofer hr |
Maxims I 52a | fundian / fealwe on feorran tō | lande, | || hwæðer hē fæste stande |
Maxims I 99a | wǣde nīewe, / liġþ him on | lande | || þæs his lufu bǣdeþ. / Wi |
Guthlac B 831a | ne deaðes cyme / ac he on ðam | lande | || lifgan moste / ealra leahtra |
Riddles 22 12b | ofer wætres byht || wægn to | lande | / swa hine oxa ne teah || ne es |
Riddles 3 11a | || Stille þynceþ / lyft ofer | lande | || and laĝu swīġe, / oþ·þ |
Riddles 3 64b | īġe eft / under lyfte helm || | lande | nēar, / and mē on% hryċġ hl |
Riddles 33 2b | fram ċēole || clipode tō | lande, | / hlinsode hlūde; || hleahtor% |
Riddles 56 8b | , / lēolc on lyfte, || hwīlum | lande | nēah. / Trēow wæs ġe·tenġ |
The Phoenix 50a | weorðaþ. / Nis ðǣr on þām | lande | || lāþ-ġe·nīðla, / ne wō |
Juliana 677a | hine sylfne mid / ærðon hy to | lande | || geliden hæfdon / ðurh ðea |
The Gifts of Men 52b | sum lēoða glēaw, || sum on | lande | snell, / fēðe-spēdiġ. || Su |
The Seafarer 66a | ne þis dēade līf, / lǣne on | lande. | || Iċ ġe·līefe nā / þæt |
Beowulf 1623a | as lænan gesceaft / com ða to | lande | || lidmanna helm / swiðmod swy |
Beowulf 1913b | geðrang / lyftgeswenced || on | lande | stod / hraðe wæs æt holme || |
Beowulf 2310a | s se fruma egeslic / leodum on | lande | || swa hyt lungre wearð / on h |
Beowulf 2836a | || hondgeweorce / huru ðæt on | lande | || lyt manna ðah / mægenagend |
The Paris Psalter 103:17 2a | s || hiora agen is / latteow on | lande | || oft laþne beorh / on hean m |
The Paris Psalter 114:8 6b | ofum drihtne / on lifigendra || | lande | nu-þa |
The Paris Psalter 141:5 5b | iht / eart þu on lifigendra || | lande | swylce / se gedefa dæl || drih |
The Paris Psalter 71:16 5b | / swa on eorþan heg || ute on | lande | / / # / þonne byþ his nama || o |
The Paris Psalter 77:14 1b | n / / # / he on ægypta || agenum | lande | / him worhte fore || wundur mæ |
The Paris Psalter 77:19 3b | eora heafodweard || holdne on | lande | / / # / hi þa on heortan || hoge |
The Paris Psalter 87:12 3b | in soþfæstnes || si on þam | lande | / þe ofergytnes || on eardige / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 6a | he ciþa leas / licge on þæm | lande | || is leoda gehwæm / þios oþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 18a | iþ ġe·cynde. / Þēah nū on | lande | || lēon ġe·mete, / wynsume w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 58a | || and eac swa same / yþ wiþ | lande | || ealneg winneþ / wind wiþ w |
The Death of Edward 16b | as cyng / þeah he lange ær || | lande | bereafod / wunode wræclastum | |
The Rune Poem 47b | hi brimhengest || bringeþ to | lande | / tir biþ tacna sum || healde |
Solomon and Saturn 4b | eld. || Sæġe mē fram þǣm | lande | / ðǣr nǣniġ fīra ne mæġ |
Solomon and Saturn 8b | re feld || sæge me from þam | lande | / þær nænig fyra ne mæg || |
Maxims II 43a | l on fenne gewunian / ana innan | lande | || ides sceal dyrne cræfte / f |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 3b | oran || ongunnan him of ðæm | lande | liðan / sona swa hy of ðæm l |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 4a | e liðan / sona swa hy of ðæm | lande | coman || ða ongunnan him ða |
The Battle of Maldon 97a | er || scyldas wegon / lidmen to | lande | || linde bæron / þær ongean |
The Battle of Maldon 99a | ieldas wǣĝon, / lid-menn tō | lande | || linda bǣron. / Þǣr onġē |