Number of occurrences in corpus: 86
Genesis A 189a | t wǣron || on weorold cenned / | metodes | meahtum. || Mān ne cūðon / d |
Genesis A 1251a | and him þær wif curon / ofer | metodes | est || monna eaforan / scyldful |
Genesis A 1530b | eapen / ælc hafaþ magwlite || | metodes | and engla / þara þe healdan w |
Genesis A 2431b | men for his eagum || aras þa | metodes | þeow / gastum togeanes || gret |
Genesis A 2908b | scencan / mæges dreore || þa | metodes | þegn / ufan engla sum || abrah |
Exodus 102b | es bebead / mære magoræswa || | metodes | folce / fus fyrdgetrum || forþ |
Exodus 530a | e ne syn || godes þeodscipes / | metodes | miltsa || he us ma onlyhþ / nu |
Daniel 4a | m gecynde wæs / siþþan þurh | metodes | mægen || on moyses hand / wear |
Daniel 20a | ie æcræftas || ane forleton / | metodes | mægenscipe || swa no man scy |
Daniel 169a | || gedon mihte / þæt he wolde | metodes | || mihte gelyfan / ac he wyrcan |
Daniel 174b | e weard / anne manlican || ofer | metodes | est / gyld of golde || gumum ar |
Daniel 234a | e heora feorh generede / mihtig | metodes | weard || swa þæt mænige ge |
Daniel 334a | se halga wer || hergende wæs / | metodes | miltse || and his mihta sped / |
Daniel 401a | || fæder ælmihtig / soþ sunu | metodes | || sawla nergend / hæleþa hel |
Daniel 537a | dcwide || oft he wundor manig / | metodes | mihta || for men ætbær / þa |
Daniel 647a | wordcwyde || ac he wide bead / | metodes | mihte || þær he meld ahte / s |
Daniel 658a | wa he ofstlice || godspellode / | metodes | mihtum || for mancynne / siþþ |
Christ and Satan 142b | ng on sweġele, || ðǣr sunu | metodes | / habbaþ ēadġe% bearn || eal |
Christ and Satan 164a | Ēalā duĝuþa helm! / Ēalā | metodes | meaht! || Ēalā middan-ġear |
Christ and Satan 172b | s iċ wolde of selde || sunu | metodes, | / drihten ā·drīfan, || and |
Christ and Satan 285b | / Ġe·munan simle on mōde || | metodes | strengþu; / ġearwian ūs tō |
Christ and Satan 352a | ǣr || sċīeneþ ymb·ūtan / | metodes | meahte, || ġond þæt mǣre |
Christ and Satan 527b | o ġe·sǣĝon || hwǣr sunu | metodes | / þā% on% up ġe·stōd%, || |
Andreas 140a | oran. || Rihtes ne ġīemdon, / | metodes | miltse. || Oft hira mōd on· |
Andreas 517b | mæġ / manna ǣniġne || ofer | metodes | ēst / lungre ġe·lettan: || |
Andreas 681b | sōðlīċe || þæt mid suna | metodes | / drohtien% dæġ-hwǣmlīċe. |
Andreas 694a | -ġeorne, || diernan þōhton / | metodes | meahte. || Man eft ġe·hwear |
Andreas 724a | m, || heofon-cininges þrymm, / | metodes | mundbyrd. || Hēr ā·mearcod |
Andreas 881b | e we ġe·sǣĝon || for suna | metodes, | / æðelum ēacne, || ēowiċ s |
Andreas 1498b | hīer þū, marman-stān, || | metodes | rǣdum, / fore þæs ansīene | |
Andreas 1632a | wītum ā·spēdde, / mund-byrd | metodes. | || Þā sē mōdĝa hēt, / cin |
Elene 23a | cyning on roderum, / sōþ sunu | metodes, | || sāwla nerġend?’ / þā m |
Elene 36b | efan sōhton || hū hīe sunu | metodes | / ā·hēngon, helm wera, || h |
Elene 126a | || ġe·þrōwade, / sōþ sunu | metodes, | || for sāwla lufan. / Hēo wǣ |
Elene 248b | t ġe·swerġe || þurh sunu | metodes, | / þone ā·hangnan god, || þ |
Elene 547a | t% þæt siĝor-bēacen / þurh | metodes | ēst || mēted wǣre, / funden |
Elene 880b | , synna weorc || and tō suna | metodes | / wordum clipodon. || For·þon |
Christ A 94a | ēac mōdor ġe·wearþ / mǣre | metodes | suna. || For·þon þæt mann |
Christ A 126a | um; || samod eardodon / mehtiġ | metodes | bearn || and sē mannes sunu / |
Christ A 143a | e·hāten wæs, / þætte sunu | metodes | || selfa wolde / ġe·fælsian |
Christ A 197b | þ iċ seċġe || þurh sunu | metodes, | / gǣsta ġēocend, || þæt i |
Christ A 210a | || Saĝa ēċne þanc / mǣrum | metodes | sunu || þæt iċ his mōdor |
Christ B 452b | unu wǣre / on middan-ġeard || | metodes | ā·cenned, / on Betleme. || Hw |
Christ B 589a | || folc under wolcnum, / mǣre | metodes | sunu, || þæt nū manna ġe |
Christ B 629b | nes maĝu-tūdre. || Siþþan | metodes | sunu / engla ēðel || up ġe· |
Christ C 1200b | lle / ġe·munan þā mildan || | metodes | lāre, / and eall þā earfoþu |
Christ C 1254b | n, / þæt hīe þurh miltse || | metodes | ġe·nǣson. / Þonne hīe þȳ |
Christ C 1261b | hēoldon / þurh mōd-lufan || | metodes | willan. / Þonne biþ þām ō |
The Order of the World 24a | e. || Iċ þē lungre sċeall / | metodes | mæġen-spēd || māran ġe· |
Guthlac A 358b | alde, / þæt hine ne meahte || | metodes | willan / langaþ ġe·lettan, | |
Guthlac A 576a | ·lǣċan || on orwēnnesse, / | metodes | cempan. || Hit ne meahte swā |
Guthlac A 708b | e / meniġu mīðan. || Iċ eom | metodes | þeġn. / Eom iċ þāra twelfa |
Guthlac B 1041a | || and iċ siþþan mōt / fore | metodes | cnēowum || meorda hlēotan, / |
Guthlac B 1243a | mec efna ġe·hwǣm, / mehtiġ | metodes | þeġn || and on morĝne eft, |
Resignation 12b | mīnre / tō ġe·mearcenne || | metodes | willan, / þæt iċ þe ġe·þ |
Azarias 50a | hālĝa wer || herġende wæs / | metodes | miltse || and his mōd-sefan / |
Azarias 126b | eþ, / þonne mere-strēamas || | metodes | rǣswum / wæter on·wealcaþ. |
Riddles 84 11a | e, || swelċe ān sunu, / mǣre | metodes | bearn, || þurh []ed, / and þ |
The Phoenix 6a | | ac hē ā·fierred is / þurh | metodes | meaht || mān-fremmendum. / Wli |
The Phoenix 457b | erċe mān-dǣde, || healdeþ | metodes | ǣ / beald on brēostum || and |
The Phoenix 471b | remmaþ / mōde and mæġene || | metodes | cempan, / mǣrþa tilĝaþ; || |
The Phoenix 524b | / fram mold-grafum || sēċeþ | metodes | dōm, / forht-ā·fǣred. || F |
Juliana 383b | ellenrofne / gemete modigne || | metodes | cempan / wið flanðræce || ne |
The Wanderer 2a | n-haĝa || āre ġe·bīdeþ, / | metodes | miltse, || þēah þe hē mō |
The Gifts of Men 87b | / mōde be·windeþ || and him | metodes | ēst% / ofer eorð-welan || eal |
Precepts 71a | || þēah hīe wamm dōn / ofer | metodes | be·bod. || Maniġ sċeall on |
The Seafarer 103a | ēr lēofaþ. / Miċel biþ sē | metodes | eġesa, || for·þon hīe sē |
Beowulf 670b | rne truwode / modgan mægnes || | metodes | hyldo / ða he him of dyde || i |
Judith 261a | gan mægð || hæfde geworden / | metodes | meowlan || mægen nealæhte / f |
The Paris Psalter 127:5 2b | ylc / mann on moldan || þe him | metodes | ege / on his dædum || drihten |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 25b | gen / þæt hi ne moten || ofer | metodes | est / æfre gestillan || ne eft |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 71b | rste / mearce ofergangan || for | metodes | ege / ac geþweorod sint || þe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 48b | wætan / hwylum he gemengeþ || | metodes | cræfte / cile wiþ hæto || hw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 16b | e neodfræce / man ana gæþ || | metodes | gesceafta / mid his andwlitan | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 48b | num / modes gesælþum || þurh | metodes | gife / þeah hine se wind || wo |
The Death of Edgar 21a | eostum wæg || byrnende lufan / | metodes | on mode || þa wæs mærþa f |
The Rune Poem 75a | es sond || deore mannum / mære | metodes | leoht || myrgþ and tohiht / ea |
Solomon and Saturn 280a | an || on Godes willan, / murnan | metodes | þrymm, || mid þȳ þe hit d |
Solomon and Saturn 286a | þ || þæt hē lufan healde, / | metodes | miltse || and his mǣĝa rǣd |
Solomon and Saturn 324a | wan || in godes willan / murnan | metodes | þrym || mid þy þe hit dæg |
Solomon and Saturn 2a | reþ || þæt he lufan healde / | metodes | miltse || and his mæga ræd / |
The Menologium 82b | mōdġe maĝu-þeġnas || for | metodes | lufan. / And þæs ymbe twā ni |
The Menologium 129b | and ġe·synra || þurh sunu | metodes, | / ealdor-þeġnas. || Þonne ǣ |
Maxims II 65b | mannum seċġe || hwelċ sīe | metodes | ġe·sċeaft, / siġe-folca ġe |
The Rewards of Piety 17a | rce || word oððe dæda / hafa | metodes | ege || on gemang symle / ðæt |
Instructions for Christians 12b | / man fram deofla || and beon | metodes | þeing. / An is ærest || þæt |