Number of occurrences in corpus: 118
Genesis B 777b | gesorga / burnon on breostum || | hwilum | to gebede feollon / sinhiwan so |
Genesis B 810a | emang || se byþ fyrnum ceald / | hwilum | of heofnum || hate scineþ / bl |
Exodus 170a | ge gast || folc wæs gehæged / | hwilum | of þam werode || wlance þeg |
Christ and Satan 131b | od / hwæt her hat and ceald || | hwilum | mencgaþ / hwilum ic gehere || |
Christ and Satan 132a | and ceald || hwilum mencgaþ / | hwilum | ic gehere || hellescealcas / gn |
Christ and Satan 134b | ænan / niþer under næssum || | hwilum | nacode men / winnaþ ymb wyrmas |
Christ and Satan 33b | susle gefeol / earm æglæce || | hwilum | mid folmum mæt / wean and witu |
Christ and Satan 34b | folmum mæt / wean and witu || | hwilum | se wonna læg / læhte wiþ þe |
Christ and Satan 35b | g / læhte wiþ þes laþan || | hwilum | he licgan geseah / hæftas in h |
Christ and Satan 36b | an geseah / hæftas in hylle || | hwilum | hream astag / þonne he on þon |
Andreas 443b | m oft oncwæþ / yþ oþerre || | hwilum | upp astod / of brimes bosme || |
Andreas 514a | fer bæþweg || brimhengestum / | hwilum | us on yþum || earfoþlice / ge |
Homiletic Fragment I 21b | unig on muþe / wynsume wist || | hwilum | wundiaþ / sare mid stinge || |
Dream of the Rood 22b | en / wendan wædum ond bleom || | hwilum | hit wæs mid wætan bestemed / |
Dream of the Rood 23b | / beswyled mid swates gange || | hwilum | mid since gegyrwed / hwæþre i |
Christ B 646a | fæla fugel || flyges cunnode / | hwilum | engla eard || up gesohte / modi |
Christ B 648a | tum strang || ðone maran ham / | hwilum | he to eorðan || eft gestylde |
Guthlac A 86b | fes ofonn / eaweð him egsan || | hwilum | idel wuldor / brægdwis bona || |
Guthlac B 907a | eðlease || hleoðrum brugdon / | hwilum | wedende || swa wilde deor / cir |
Guthlac B 908b | de deor / cirmdon on corðre || | hwilum | cyrdon eft / minne mansceaðan |
Guthlac B 910b | ennisc hiw / breahtma mæste || | hwilum | brugdon eft / awyrgde wærlogan |
Guthlac B 916a | nda hloð || feorhcwealm bude / | hwilum | him to honda || hungre geðre |
Guthlac B 919b | weorðedon / meaglum stefnum || | hwilum | mennisce / aras eaðmedum || ef |
Riddles 12 4b | æste binde / swearte wealas || | hwilum | sellan men / hwilum ic deorum | |
Riddles 12 5a | e wealas || hwilum sellan men / | hwilum | ic deorum || drincan selle / be |
Riddles 12 6b | ncan selle / beorne of bosme || | hwilum | mec bryd triedeð / felawlonc f |
Riddles 12 7b | d triedeð / felawlonc fotum || | hwilum | feorran broht / wonfeax wale || |
Riddles 12 10b | / wæteð in wætre || wyrmeð | hwilum | / fægre to fyre || me on fæð |
Riddles 14 3b | ond sylfore / woum wirbogum || | hwilum | weras cyssað / hwilum ic to hi |
Riddles 14 4a | bogum || hwilum weras cyssað / | hwilum | ic to hilde || hleoðre bonne |
Riddles 14 5b | leoðre bonne / wilgehleðan || | hwilum | wycg byreð / mec ofer mearce | |
Riddles 14 6b | ycg byreð / mec ofer mearce || | hwilum | merehengest / fereð ofer floda |
Riddles 14 8a | r flodas || frætwum beorhtne / | hwilum | mægða sum || minne gefylle |
Riddles 14 9b | gefylleð / bosm beaghroden || | hwilum | ic bordum sceal / heard heafodl |
Riddles 14 11a | eafodleas || behlyðed licgan / | hwilum | hongige || hyrstum frætwed / w |
Riddles 14 13b | rincað / freolic fyrdsceorp || | hwilum | folcwigan / on wicge wegað || |
Riddles 14 16a | fag swelgan || of sumes bosme / | hwilum | ic gereordum || rincas laðig |
Riddles 14 17b | cas laðige / wlonce to wine || | hwilum | wraðum sceal / stefne minre || |
Riddles 17 7a | hrife fleogað || hyldepilas / | hwilum | ic sweartum || swelgan onginn |
Riddles 2 5b | geaf / se me widgalum || wisað | hwilum | / sylfum to sace || ðonne ic s |
Riddles 2 13b | / healdeð mec on heaðore || | hwilum | læteð eft / radwerigne || on |
Riddles 20 5b | eaf, / se me widgalum || wisað | hwilum | / sylfum to sace. || þonne ic |
Riddles 20 13b | / healdeð mec on heaþore, || | hwilum | læteð eft / radwerigne || on |
Riddles 24 2a | u wiht || wræsne mine stefne / | hwilum | beorce swa hund || hwilum bl |
Riddles 24 2b | fne / hwilum beorce swa hund || | hwilum | blæte swa gat / hwilum græde |
Riddles 24 3a | hund || hwilum blæte swa gat / | hwilum | græde swa gos || hwilum giel |
Riddles 24 3b | gat / hwilum græde swa gos || | hwilum | gielle swa hafoc / hwilum ic on |
Riddles 24 4a | os || hwilum gielle swa hafoc / | hwilum | ic onhyrge || ðone haswan ea |
Riddles 24 5b | n earn / guðfugles hleoðor || | hwilum | glidan reorde / muðe gemæne | |
Riddles 24 6b | lidan reorde / muðe gemæne || | hwilum | mæwes song / ðær ic glado si |
Riddles 25 5b | oðan ruh nathwær || neðeð | hwilum | / ful cyrtenu || ceorles dohtor |
Riddles 27 8b | ona weorpe / esne to eorðan || | hwilum | ealdne ceorl / sona ðæt onfin |
Riddles 3 1a | # Riddles 3 / / | hwilum | mec min frea || fæste genear |
Riddles 3 17a | alde || ðe me wegas tæcneð / | hwilum | ic sceal ufan || yða wregan / |
Riddles 3 36a | ðweg || hwa gestilleð ðæt / | hwilum | ic ðurhræse || ðæt me on |
Riddles 3 38b | toðringe / lagustreama full || | hwilum | læte eft / slupan tosomne || s |
Riddles 3 68a | rymful ðeow || ðragum winne / | hwilum | under eorðan || hwilum yða |
Riddles 3 68b | winne / hwilum under eorðan || | hwilum | yða sceal / hean underhnigan | |
Riddles 3 69b | ða sceal / hean underhnigan || | hwilum | holm ufan / streamas styrge || |
Riddles 3 70b | holm ufan / streamas styrge || | hwilum | stige up / wolcnfare wrege || w |
Riddles 49 4a | rh gopes hond || gifrum lacum / | hwilum | on ðam wicum || se wonna ðe |
Riddles 56 8b | bisgo dreag / leolc on lyfte || | hwilum | londe neah / treow wæs getenge |
Riddles 57 5b | rmað / tredað bearonæssas || | hwilum | burgsalo / niðða bearna || ne |
Riddles 6 6a | ec min frea || feohtan hateð / | hwilum | ic monigra || mod arete / hwilu |
Riddles 6 7a | wilum ic monigra || mod arete / | hwilum | ic frefre || ða ic ær winne |
Riddles 7 3a | wic buge || oððe wado drefe / | hwilum | mec ahebbað || ofer hæleða |
Homiletic Fragment II 5b | cuð / treowgeðofta || teorað | hwilum | / waciað wordbeot || swa ðeos |
Riddles 61 2b | olicu meowle / ides on earce || | hwilum | up ateah / folmum sinum || ond |
Riddles 62 5b | eardne / hæleð mid hrægle || | hwilum | ut tyhð / of hole hatne || hwi |
Riddles 62 6b | lum ut tyhð / of hole hatne || | hwilum | eft fareð / on nearo nathwær |
Riddles 63 3a | golde || ðær guman drincað / | hwilum | mec on cofan || cysseð muðe |
Riddles 71 5b | wad / wire geweorðad || wepeð | hwilum | / for minum gripe || se ðe gol |
Riddles 73 7b | inum / on bonan willan || bugan | hwilum | / nu eom mines frean || folme b |
Riddles 73 25a | cræfte / under hrægnlocan || / | hwilum | eawunga || eðelfæsten / forð |
Riddles 80 3b | cyninges geselda. || Cwen mec | hwilum | / hwitloccedu || hond on legeð |
Riddles 80 7a | me || þæt on bearwe geweox. / | Hwilum | ic on wloncum || wicge ride / h |
Riddles 83 9b | yfle ne mot / ac ic hæftnyd || | hwilum | arære / wide geond wongas || h |
Riddles 85 5a | um strengra || he ðreohtigra / | hwilum | ic me reste || he sceal yrnan |
Riddles 89 7a | te wea/ || / || listum worhte / | hwilum | eft || / ðygan || him ðoncad |
Riddles 91 8a | wyn freoðað || middelnihtum / | hwilum | ic under bæc || bregde nebbe |
Riddles 93 5b | / heah ond hyht/ || / /rpne || | hwilum | / || /wilum sohte / frea/ || /s |
Riddles 93 9a | wod / dægrime frod || deo/ /s / | hwilum | stealc hliðo || stigan sceol |
Riddles 93 10b | stigan sceolde / up in eðel || | hwilum | eft gewat / in deop dalu || dug |
Riddles 93 13b | anwongas grof / hrimighearde || | hwilum | hara scoc / forst of feaxe || i |
Riddles 95 12b | ne / swiðe secað || ic swaðe | hwilum | / mine bemiðe || monna gehwylc |
Juliana 440b | oncyrre / hyge from halor || me | hwilum | bið / forwyrned ðurh wiðerst |
The Wanderer 43b | ge / honda ond heafod || swa he | hwilum | ær / in geardagum || giefstola |
The Seafarer 19b | hlimman sæ / iscaldne wæg || | hwilum | ylfete song / dyde ic me to gom |
Beowulf 175a | færgryrum || to gefremmanne / | hwilum | hie geheton || æt hærgtrafu |
Beowulf 496b | ge / scencte scir wered || scop | hwilum | sang / hador on heorote || ðæ |
Beowulf 864a | r || ac ðæt wæs god cyning / | hwilum | heaðorofe || hleapan leton / o |
Beowulf 867b | gere ðuhton / cystum cuðe || | hwilum | cyninges ðegn / guma gilphlæd |
Beowulf 916a | gefægra || hine fyren onwod / | hwilum | flitende || fealwe stræte / me |
Beowulf 1728a | lscipe || he ah ealra geweald / | hwilum | he on lufan || læteð hworfa |
Beowulf 1828b | n ðywað / swa ðec hetende || | hwilum | dydon / ic ðe ðusenda || ðeg |
Beowulf 2016b | lsittendra / medudream maran || | hwilum | mæru cwen / friðusibb folca | |
Beowulf 2020a | lde || ær hie to setle geong / | hwilum | for duguðe || dohtor hroðga |
Beowulf 2107a | elafricgende || feorran rehte / | hwilum | hildedeor || hearpan wynne / go |
Beowulf 2108b | pan wynne / gomenwudu grette || | hwilum | gyd awræc / soð ond sarlic || |
Beowulf 2109b | gyd awræc / soð ond sarlic || | hwilum | syllic spell / rehte æfter rih |
Beowulf 2111a | fter rihte || rumheort cyning / | hwilum | eft ongan || eldo gebunden / go |
Beowulf 2299b | iges gefeh / beaduwe weorces || | hwilum | on beorh æthwearf / sincfæt s |
Beowulf 3044a | ere || lyftwynne heold / nihtes | hwilum | || nyðer eft gewat / dennes ni |
The Paris Psalter 106:39 4b | and on wegas werige || wendan | hwilum | of / / # / þær he þearfendra | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 9b | ce / and þeah uncuþre || ær | hwilum | fond / me þas woruldsælþa || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 214a | gesceafta || dagum and nihtum / | hwilum | ymb hi selfe || secende smea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 215a | mb hi selfe || secende smeaþ / | hwilum | eft smeaþ || ymb þone ecan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 47a | gesceafta || softa geþweraþ / | hwilum | þæt drige || drifþ þone w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 49b | es cræfte / cile wiþ hæto || | hwilum | cerreþ eft / on uprodor || æl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 10a | || þurh þinra meahta sped / | hwilum | eac þa sunnan || sines berea |
Solomon and Saturn 58b | reoseþ / bysig æfter bocum || | hwilum | me bryne stigeþ / hige heortan |
Solomon and Saturn 149b | ancofan / feþerhoman onfoþ || | hwilum | flotan gripaþ / hwilum hie gew |
Solomon and Saturn 150a | foþ || hwilum flotan gripaþ / | hwilum | hie gewendaþ || in wyrmes li |
Solomon and Saturn 153a | ldgongende || feoh gestrudeþ / | hwilum | he on wætere || wicg gehnæg |
Solomon and Saturn 156a | odes bæþ || foldan geseceþ / | hwilum | he gefeteraþ || fæges manne |
Solomon and Saturn 210a | ilna leas || wuldres bedæled / | hwilum | higegeomor || healle weardaþ |
The Judgment Day II 194a | t and ceald || helle tomiddes / | hwilum | ðær eagan || ungemetum wepa |
The Judgment Day II 196a | ne || eal he is bealuwes full / | hwilum | eac ða teð for miclum cyle |