Number of occurrences in corpus: 46
Genesis B 553a | ċ him þisne bodsċipe / selfa | seċġe, | || þonne iċ of þȳs sīðe |
Genesis A 1915a | es, || bēġra uncer, / sōðne | seċġe. | || Iċ þē selfes dōm / līfe |
Genesis A 2287a | || Iċ þē wordum nū / mīnum | seċġe, | || þæt sē maĝu-rinċ sċe |
Genesis A 2393a | þe ġe·hēt. / Sōþ iċ þē | seċġe, | || on þās selfan tīd / of id |
Daniel 745b | þē unċēapunga || or-læġ | seċġe, | / worda ġe·rȳnu, || þā þ |
Andreas 618a | ndreas || ā·ġeaf andsware: / | ‘Seċġe | iċ þē tō sōðe || þæt |
Andreas 733a | of wǣĝe || and word sprece, / | seċġe | sōþ-cwidum, || (þȳ sċulo |
Dream of the Rood 96b | æt þū þās ġe·sihþe || | seċġe | mannum, / onwrēoh wordum || þ |
Christ A 190a | lċes. || Mē nāwþer dēah, / | seċġe | ne swīġe. || Ġif iċ sōþ |
Christ A 197a | d þus reordade: / ‘Sōþ iċ | seċġe | || þurh sunu metodes, / gǣsta |
The Fortunes of Men 97b | nū ealles þanc || ǣġhwā | seċġe, | / þæs þe hē fore his miltsu |
Resignation 97a | sēoc. || Iċ be mē tulĝost / | seċġe | þis sār-spell || and ymb s |
Riddles 67 15b | on, / sinċe || and seolfre. || | Seċġe | sē þe cunne, / wīsfæstra hw |
Juliana 51a | lan þīnes. / Swelċe iċ þē | seċġe, | || ġif þū tō sǣmran gode |
Juliana 285b | ·þæt hē his sīþ-fæt || | seċġe | mid rihte, / ealne% fram orde, |
Precepts 64b | þ tō siġe, || þonne þū | seċġe | hwæt.’ / Niĝoþan sīðe || |
Beowulf 590a | , || þēah þīn wit dūĝe. / | Seċġe | iċ þe tō sōðe, || sunu E |
Beowulf 684a | ca; || ac wit on niht sċulon / | seċġe | ofer·sittan, || ġif hē% ġ |
Beowulf 1997b | þ Grendel. || Gode-iċ þanc | seċġe | / þæs þe iċ þe ġe·sundne |
Beowulf 2019a | ge; || oft hēo bēah-wriðan / | seċġe | sealde%, || ǣr hēo tō setl |
Beowulf 2795b | , / wuldₒr-cyninge, || wordum | seċġe, | / ēċum drihtne, || þe iċ h |
The Paris Psalter 100:1 2a | | mihtĝan dryhtnes / singe and | seċġe | || and sōþ on·ġiete / on un |
The Paris Psalter 101:21 4b | daĝas / mīnra mǣtra || mōde | seċġe, | / þæt þū mē meaht on middl |
The Paris Psalter 103:31 2b | htne / singe sōþlīċe || and | seċġe | ēac, / þenden iċ wunie || on |
The Paris Psalter 106:2 1a | || miċel% tō weorolde. / / # / | Seċġe | þæt nū-þā || þæt hīe |
The Paris Psalter 115:7 2b | iċ þe lāces lof || lustum | seċġe. | / / # / Iċ min ġe·hāt || hāl |
The Paris Psalter 117:17 2b | ifie / and weorc godes || wīde | seċġe. | / / # / Sē clǣnsode, || sē þe |
The Paris Psalter 118:13 1b | on mīnum welerum || wordum | seċġe | / ealles þīnes mūðes || mea |
The Paris Psalter 118:26 2b | ċ þē weĝas mīne || wīse | seċġe, | / and þū mē ġe·hīerdest | |
The Paris Psalter 118:63 1a | andette || eall æt·gædere, / | seċġe | þīne dōmas || dǣdum rihte |
The Paris Psalter 137:2 3b | ǣr þīnne naman || on nīed | seċġe. | / / # / Ofer þīne þā miċelan |
The Paris Psalter 140:3 2b | iċ þe ǣfen-lāc || ēstum | seċġe. | / / # / Sete% swǣse ġe·heald | |
The Paris Psalter 141:2 4b | ll ġeorne / fore him selfum || | seċġe | ġe·nēahhe. / / # / Ġif mīne |
The Paris Psalter 144:7 4b | and þīne sōðfæstnesse || | seċġe | ġe·nēahhe. / / # / Mild-heort |
The Paris Psalter 54:16 2b | d on midne dæġ, || mæġene | seċġe | / and bodie, || þæt þū blī |
The Paris Psalter 55:7 1b | nū lēofum gode || līf min | seċġe, | / sette on þīnre ġe·sihþe |
The Paris Psalter 65:3 3b | hten; / and þē singe ēac, || | seċġe | ġe·nēahhe, / þæt þīn nam |
The Paris Psalter 72:12 1b | / Ġif iċ self cwǣde || and | seċġe | ēac, / swā þē bearn weorða |
The Paris Psalter 88:1 4b | iċ þīne sōþfæstnesse || | seċġe | ġe·nēahhe / on mīnum mūðe |
The Paris Psalter 91:2 1b | onne on morĝene || mæġene | seċġe, | / hū hē milde wearþ || manna |
The Paris Psalter 91:2 3b | anna cynne, / and his sōðe || | seċġe | nihtes. / / # / Hwæt, iċ on tī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 29a | od maniġ. / Siþþan iċ þē | seċġe | || þæt þū sweotole meaht / |
Solomon and Saturn 48b | . || Wilt þū þæt iċ þē | seċġe? | / Ān fuĝol siteþ || on Filis |
Maxims II 65a | e þæt hēr for sōþ / mannum | seċġe | || hwelċ sīe metodes ġe·s |
The Judgment Day II 4b | ġe·hæġe, || eall swā iċ | seċġe. | / Ēac ðǣr wynn-wyrta || wēo |
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 1a | Cattle / / Þonne þe man ǣrest | seċġe | þæt þīn ċēap sīe losod |