A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: sint

sum#1 verb pres subj act 3rd pl irreg_pp1

sum#1 verb pres subj act 3rd pl irreg_pp1

Number of occurrences in corpus: 66

Genesis B 379b erred mē min fēðe; || fēt sint ġe·bundene, / handa ġe·hæf
Genesis B 380b undene, / handa ġe·hæfte. || Sint þissa hell-dora / weĝas for·
Genesis B 420b d welan be·wunden, || and we sint ā·worpene hider / on þās d
Genesis B 421b opan dalu. || Nu hīe drihtne sint / wurðran miċele, || and mōt
Genesis B 510b his bodan bringaþ. || Brāde sint on weorolde / grēne ġeardas,
Genesis B 728b full maniĝum dæġe. || Menn sint for·lǣdde, / Ādam and Ēue.
Genesis B 751b brēostum, || for·þon hēr sint bū tū ġe·dōn: / ġe þæt
Genesis B 759b heortan ġe·rūme, || ealle sint uncre hearmas ġe·wrecene / l
Genesis A 1904a || ne þæt wille God. / Ac wit sint ġe·māĝas; || unc ġe·mǣ
Genesis A 2411b an; || for·þon wǣr-loĝona sint, / folces% firena hefiġe. || I
Andreas 198b / weĝas ofer wīd-land. || Ne sint mē winas cūðe, / eorlas ell-
Andreas 323b ymfæst. || Wē his% þeġnas sint / ġe·coren tō cempum. || Hē
Andreas 348b trēamas, || swā ġē bēnan sint.’ / Þā on ċēol stiĝon || col
Andreas 391a | frēode ġe·cȳðdest. / Nū sint ġe·þrēade || þeġnas mī
Andreas 1365b wealdan þȳ weorce. || Þē sint wītu þæs grimm / witod be ġ
Andreas 1404a ryhtnes ǣ || dēman sċolde. / Sint mē liðu% tō·locen, || lī
Andreas 1425a lāre || lǣstan woldon. / Nū sint seonwe tō·slopen, || is min
Soul and Body I 65b ū nū dumb and dēaf, || ne sint þīne drēamas ā·wiht. / Sċ
Soul and Body I 74b , / ġīfre and grǣdġe. || Ne sint þīne ǣhta ā·wihte / þe þ
Elene 167b īr-ēadiġ cwēn: || ‘Þē sint tū ġearu, / swā līf swā d
Elene 301b eofonliċ. || Þāra on hāde sint / on sīn-drēame || siex ġe·
Elene 303a ġe·nemned, / þā ymb·sealde sint || mid siexum ēac / fiðerum
Elene 305a || fæġre sċīnaþ. / Þāra sint% [IIII] || þe on flyhte ā / þ
Elene 387b ēan, / blǣd būtan blinne. || Sint on bōcum his / wunder þā hē
Elene 828b / ġuĝuþhādes glǣm. || Nū sint ġār-daĝas / aefter first-mea
Beowulf 260a | word-hord on·lēac: / ‘Wē sint gum-cynnes || Ġēata lēode /
Beowulf 342b / heard under helme: || ‘Wē sint Hyġe·lāces / bēod-ġe·nēa
Beowulf 364b owulf nemnaþ. || Hīe bēnan sint / þæt hīe, þēoden min, ||
Beowulf 388b him ēac wordum || þæt hīe sint wil-cuman / Deniġa lēodum.’
The Paris Psalter 102:14 1b une, mehtiġ god, || þæt we sint moldan and dūst; / bēoþ mann
The Paris Psalter 103:33 2a ðaþ, / þā on þisse eorðan sint, || ealle snēome, / þæt hēo
The Paris Psalter 118:84 2a || smicere healde. / / # / Hwæt sint þīnum esne || ealra daĝena
The Paris Psalter 118:115 2b ram mē, || þe ā·wierĝede sint, / þenden iċ godes be·bodu ||
The Paris Psalter 118:152 1a e nēah, || wuldres drihten; / sint ealle þīne weĝas || wīse
The Paris Psalter 118:156 2a || sēċan noldon. / / # / Miltsa sint þīne, || mehtiġ drihten; / a
The Paris Psalter 118:161 1a ō fēore / ealle þīne dōmas sint || dǣdum ġe·sēðde. / / # / M
The Paris Psalter 122:2 1a ldest. / / # / Efne mīne ēaĝan sint || ealra ġe·līcost / þonne
The Paris Psalter 122:3 3a an || handa locaþ, / swā ūs sint ēaĝan tō þē, || ēċe dr
The Paris Psalter 122:4 2b ċe, || for·þon we maniĝum sint / for·hoġodnessum || hearde
The Paris Psalter 134:20 1a raþ || gōmum on mūðe. / / # / Sint anlīċe þǣm || þe hīe ǣ
The Paris Psalter 136:7 2a maniġra bearna, / þe on Edōm sint || eall libbende, / þonne þū
The Paris Psalter 141:7 1b m lāðum; || hīe mē lungre sint / ealle ofer mē || unġemete s
The Paris Psalter 148:4 2b r swelċe || þe ofer wolcnum sint / on heofon-hāme, || herġen d
The Paris Psalter 54:19 5a wōh fremedon; / for·þon hīe sint on ierre || ūt ā·dǣlde%, /
The Paris Psalter 62:10 4a | āðas swerġaþ; / for·þon sint ġe·mierde || mūðas ealle /
The Paris Psalter 65:4 2b cyme weorc / drihten worhte; || sint his dōmas ēac / swīðe eġes
The Paris Psalter 67:24 1a lĝum. / / # / Þǣr Bennianmines sint || bearn on ġuĝuþe / and eal
The Paris Psalter 75:4 3a r || æðelum beorĝum; / ealle sint ierre, || þā þe unwīse% / h
The Paris Psalter 82:6 2b mea / and Ismæhelita%, || ēac sint Moabes, / Ammon and Ammalech, |
The Paris Psalter 89:9 2a odon, / and we on þīnum ierre sint || swīðe ġe·wǣhte. / / # / W
The Paris Psalter 91:4 1a lĝum dǣdum. / / # / Hū miċele sint þīne mæġen-weorc, || meht
The Paris Psalter 93:10 2b ndra, || for·þon hīe īdle sint. / / # / Þæt biþ ēadiġ mann,
The Paris Psalter 98:10 3b rĝe; || for·þon his meahte sint / and hāliġ is || heofon-rī
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 6a ast and west, / hū wīd-ġiell sint || wolcnum ymb·ūtan / heofone
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 33a þ || ǣlċes þinġes. / Hwǣr sint nū þæs wīsan || Wēlandes
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 100b endebyrd, || swā swā ōðra sint / weorold-ġe·sċeafta. || Wǣ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 14b -mōde || þæt hīe ðǣr ne sint. / Hwæðer ġē nū willen || w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 29a ra þinga / þæt þā dyseĝan sint || on ġe·dwolan wordene, / ef
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 41a an ne mæġ, / for·þǣm hīe% sint earmran || and ēac dyseġran
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 18b mann / wǣre on weorolde? || Ne sint þā word sōþ, / nū þā ġe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 72a etodes eġe; / ac ġe·þwǣrod sint || þeġnas tō·gædere, / cin
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 76a e || wæstmas brengaþ; / þā sint on ġe·cynde || ċealda bā
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 41a wō || wendan sċolde. / Swā sint ġe·hydde || hēr on weorold
The Judgment Day II 191a mum || sūsle on helle. / Þǣr sint tō sorĝe || æt·samne ġe
The Seasons for Fasting 132a arþ || seald fram engle. / Wē sint on wēstenne || wuldres bliss
The Seasons for Fasting 136a nne || mǣrne ġe·stīĝan. / Sint for englas ġe·teald || eor