Number of occurrences in corpus: 77
Genesis A 59b | gewræc / on gesacum swiþe || | selfes | mihtum / strengum stiepe || hæ |
Genesis B 566b | ealle / geseon siþþan || and | selfes | stol / herran þines || and hab |
Genesis B 842b | ald / sæton onsundran || bidan | selfes | gesceapu / heofoncyninges || þ |
Genesis A 1593b | / sar on mode || ongan þa his | selfes | bearn / wordum wyrgean || cwæ |
Genesis A 1857a | an heht || leoflic wif to / his | selfes | sele || sinces brytta / æþeli |
Genesis A 1915b | uncer / soþne secge || ic þe | selfes | dom / life leofa || leorna þe |
Genesis A 2372a | acen || be frean hæse / on his | selfes | sunu || heht þæt segn wegan |
Genesis A 2793a | | þæt he on wræc drife / his | selfes | sunu || þa com soþ metod / fr |
Genesis A 2922b | ibb and hyldu || þonne þīn | selfes | bearn’. / Ād stōd on·ǣled |
Exodus 9b | sōþfæst cyning, || mid his | selfes | meaht / ġe·weorðode, || and |
Exodus 27b | ette siġe-rīċe, || and his | selfes | naman, / þone ieldu bearn || |
Exodus 434b | þfæst siĝora, || þurh his | selfes | līf, / þæt þīnes cynnes || |
Daniel 513b | e. / Hēt þonne be·snǣdan || | selfes | blǣdum, / twiĝum and telĝum, |
Christ and Satan 587a | . || Hafaþ wuldres bearn / his | selfes | seld || sweġel be·tolden%. / |
Christ and Satan 6b | ē ġe·selle || on% þīnes | selfes% | dōm% / folc and foldan. || Foh |
Andreas 651a | on wera ġe·mōte / þurh his | selfes | mūþ || simble ġe·hīerde. |
Andreas 1109a | reĝan reorde, / cwæþ hē his | selfes | sunu% || sellan wolde / on ǣht |
Andreas 1300b | / ‘Slēaþ synniġne || ofer | selfes | mūþ, / folces ġe·winnan. || |
Andreas 1417b | simble-ġiefa, || on þīnes | selfes | hand. / Þū þæt ġe·hēte | |
Andreas 1441a | ðlan onġinne. / Ġe·seoh nū | selfes | swæðe, || swā þīn swāt |
Soul and Body I 28b | sāwle on·sende || þurh his | selfes | hand, / metod æl-mehtiġ, || o |
Soul and Body I 56a | ē || ut sīðode / þurh þæs | selfes | hand || þe iċ ǣr on·sende |
Christ A 9b | þurh searo-cræft || þīn | selfes | weorc, / sōþfæst, siĝor-beo |
Christ A 254b | ne ġe·sēċe || þurh þīn | selfes | gang / ēað-mōd tō eorðan. |
Christ B 581a | n dēoflum ġe·nam / þurh his | selfes | siĝor. || Sibb sċeall ġe· |
Christ C 1483b | synne, / unsȳfre be·smite || | selfes | willum? / Ġē þū þone līċ |
Vainglory 28b | ē and bælceþ, || bōþ his | selfes | / swīðor miċele || þonne s |
Soul and Body II 25b | sāwle on·sende || þurh his | selfes | hand, / metod æl-mehtiġ, || o |
Soul and Body II 53a | || ūt sīðode / þurh þæs | selfes | hand || þe iċ ǣr on·sende |
Guthlac A 58b | hē ġe·sette || þurh his | selfes | word. / Hē fela findeþ, || f |
Guthlac A 706a | e || and him hīersume / on his | selfes | dōm || siþþan wǣron. / Ne s |
The Judgment Day I 4a | Oft mæġ sē þe wile / on his | selfes | sefan || sōþ ġe·þenċan. |
Resignation 6b | wle be·bēode || and mīnes | selfes | līċ, / and min word and min w |
The Descent into Hell 52b | at þā ġōmor-mōd || godes | selfes | sīþ. / Ġe·seah hē helle du |
The Descent into Hell 83a | wonne we word godes / þurh his | selfes | mūþ || seċġan hīerde. / Ē |
The Descent into Hell 127a | eoroda drihten, / þurh þīnes | selfes | ġe·weald || sēċan woldest |
Riddles 64 6b | er //E// / //Ā// and //SP// || | selfes | þæs folces. |
The Phoenix 282b | siĝorfæst sette. || Hē his | selfes | ðǣr / bān ġe·brinġeþ, || |
The Phoenix 530a | id þām sē wilda fuĝol / his | selfes | nest || be·seteþ ūtan, / þ |
Beowulf 700a | nes cræft || ealle ofercomon / | selfes | mihtum || soð is gecyðed / ð |
Beowulf 895a | he beahhordes || brucan moste / | selfes | dome || sæbat gehleod / bær o |
Beowulf 1147b | weordbealo sliðen || æt his | selfes | ham / siððan grimne gripe || |
Beowulf 2013a | an || mīnne cūðe, / wiþ his | selfes | sunu || setl ġe·tǣhte. / Weo |
Beowulf 2147b | u Healf·denes, || on mīnne% | selfes | dōm; / þā iċ þē, beorn-cy |
Beowulf 2222a | aldum || wyrm-hord ā·bræc% / | selfes | willum, || sē þe him sāre |
Beowulf 2325b | ūde tō sōðe, || þæt his | selfes | hām%, / bolda sēlest, || bryn |
Beowulf 2360a | en. || Þonan Bēow·ulf cōm / | selfes | cræfte, || sund-nytte drēah |
Beowulf 2639b | as / tō þissum sīþ-fæte || | selfes | willum, / on·munde ūsiċ mǣr |
Beowulf 2710b | æs / sīðast% siġe-hwīla || | selfes | dǣdum, / worlde ġe·weorces. |
Beowulf 2776a | m hladon% || bunan and discas / | selfes | dōme; || seġn ēac ġe·nam |
Beowulf 3013b | d%, / and nū æt sīðostan || | selfes | fēore / bēaĝas ġe·bohte%. |
Judith 349b | ġeles drēamas, || þurh his | selfes | miltse. |
The Paris Psalter 101:14 2b | ġe·sette Sion || þurh his | selfes | meaht, / ðǣr wæs ġe·sīene |
The Paris Psalter 103:28 1a | eorfaþ. / / # / On·send þīnes | selfes | gāst, || sōna weorðaþ / ġe |
The Paris Psalter 104:18 2a | || ealle lǣrde, / swā hē his | selfes | mōd || ġe·seted hæfde, / an |
The Paris Psalter 104:22 2a | e mǣran || Moyses sende, / his | selfes | sċealc, || samod æt·gæder |
The Paris Psalter 106:41 4a | || eft on·ċierreþ% / and his | selfes | mūþ || simle hemneþ%. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 108:25 1b | þ witen, || þæt sīe þīn | selfes | hand / and þū þās ġe·dyde |
The Paris Psalter 111:5 2b | eþ sōðne dōm || þurh his | selfes | word, / sē on ēċnesse || ēa |
The Paris Psalter 131:12 4a | if nū healdaþ wēl / þīnes% | selfes | bearn || sōðe trēowa / and |
The Paris Psalter 140:2 1b | þīnre ġe·sihþe || mīnes | selfes | ġe·bedd / full recene ġe·re |
The Paris Psalter 142:7 2a | pe is, || drihten lēofa, / min | selfes | gāst || swǣr ġe·worden, / n |
The Paris Psalter 144:18 1b | þfæst is drihten || on his | selfes | weĝum / eallum on eorðan || a |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 3b | o be·smītaþ || swelċe his | selfes | / þā ġe·witnesse, || ðǣr |
The Paris Psalter 76:4 1b | be·gangen wæs || and min% | selfes | gāst / wæs hwōnlīċe || orm |
The Paris Psalter 77:2 2a | um || ǣrest on·tȳne / mīnes | selfes | mūþ, || seċġan on·ġinne |
The Paris Psalter 88:43 4a | || dēope āðe / þurh þīnes | selfes | || sōþ be·nemdest? / / # / Ġe |
The Paris Psalter 93:16 1b | þæs sæġde, || þæt min | selfes | fōt / full sārlīċe || ā·s |
The Paris Psalter 94:9 6a | || cūþ on·ġēaton / and min | selfes | weorc || ġe·sāwon mid ēa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 2a | he ærest tilian / þæt he his | selfes | || on sefan age / anwald innan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 21b | ra / gif he siþþan nah || his | selfes | geweald / ingeþances || and hi |
Metrical Psalm 94:9 6a | | cūþ on·ġēaton / and min | selfes | weorc || ġe·sāwon mid ēa |
The Gloria I 4b | þfæstra sibb || and þīnes | selfes | dōm / weorolde ġe·wliteĝod, |
Psalm 50 25a | ðe he godes eorre / ðurh his | selfes | weorc || sona anfunde / him ða |
Psalm 50 115a | triowfest blissað / for ðines | selfes | || soðfestnesse / ontyn nu wal |
The Seasons for Fasting 5a | , || hēr on līfe / þurh% his | selfes | word || sette for lēodum, / ri |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 7a | gum, || þǣm þe bearn Godes / | selfes | hira ēaĝum || ġe·sēon m |