- Sievers
- Scansion: ~+ | / \ x
- Type: N/A
- Bliss
- Scansion: ~+|Ssx
- Type: 1D2
Double Alliteration
Places with this scansion (sievers)
- Genesis 211
- Genesis 1268
- Genesis 1407
- Genesis 1779
- Genesis 1950
- Genesis 1985
- Genesis 2063
- Genesis 2290
- Genesis 2454
- Exodus 3
- Exodus 188
- Exodus 421
- Exodus 501
- Daniel 14
- Daniel 46
- Daniel 400
- Christ and Satan 299
- Christ and Satan 309
- Christ and Satan 358
- Christ and Satan 394
- Christ and Satan 424
- Christ and Satan 646
- Christ and Satan 669
- Christ and Satan 696
- Andreas 27
- Andreas 79
- Andreas 136
- Andreas 223
- Andreas 262
- Andreas 307
- Andreas 362
- Andreas 397
- Andreas 507
- Andreas 540
- Andreas 561
- Andreas 595
- Andreas 776
- Andreas 811
- Andreas 846
- Andreas 876
- Andreas 902
- Andreas 1062
- Andreas 1072
- Andreas 1096
- Andreas 1107
- Andreas 1163
- Andreas 1219
- Andreas 1252
- Andreas 1270
- Andreas 1293
- Andreas 1431
- Andreas 1465
- Andreas 1493
- Andreas 1682
- Andreas 1709
- Andreas 1711
- The Fates of the Apostles 29
- The Fates of the Apostles 106
- Dream of the Rood 27
- Dream of the Rood 103
- Elene 145
- Elene 226
- Elene 538
- Elene 865
- Elene 891
- Elene 1083
- Elene 1090
- Elene 1114
- Elene 1200
- Elene 1246
- Christ 48
- Christ 121
- Christ 309
- Christ 312
- Christ 320
- Christ 480
- Christ 500
- Christ 635
- Christ 686
- Christ 1016
- Christ 1562
- Guthlac 267
- Guthlac 533
- Guthlac 569
- Guthlac 663
- Guthlac 819
- Guthlac 822
- Guthlac 986
- Guthlac 1107
- Guthlac 1209
- Guthlac 1336
- Guthlac 1379
- Azarias 140
- The Phoenix 59
- The Phoenix 91
- The Phoenix 242
- The Phoenix 477
- The Phoenix 514
- The Phoenix 620
- The Phoenix 627
- Juliana 261
- Juliana 291
- Juliana 320
- The Gifts of Men 93
- The Seafarer 49
- The Seafarer 63
- Vainglory 13
- Vainglory 49
- Widsith 22
- Widsith 24
- Widsith 114
- Widsith 139
- The Fortunes of Men 40
- Maxims I 87
- Maxims I 140
- Maxims I 200
- The Order of the World 7
- The Order of the World 38
- The Order of the World 63
- The Riming Poem 75
- The Panther 72
- The Whale 5
- The Whale 80
- The Partridge 12
- The Wife's Lament 19
- The Judgment Day I 7
- Resignation 41
- Resignation 62
- Riddles 83 11
- The Battle of Finnsburh 12
- Waldere, Fragment II 14
- The Battle of Maldon 79
- The Battle of Brunanburh 18
- The Rune Poem 31
- Solomon and Saturn 14
- Solomon and Saturn 49
- Solomon and Saturn 137
- Solomon and Saturn 181
- Solomon and Saturn 199
- Solomon and Saturn 283
- Solomon and Saturn 305
- Solomon and Saturn 354
- Solomon and Saturn 387
- The Menologium 61
- Psalm 50 110
- A Prayer 71
- The Seasons for Fasting 48
- Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 32
Places with this scansion (bliss)
- Genesis 193a
- Genesis 929a
- Genesis 978a
- Genesis 989a
- Genesis 992a
- Genesis 1779
- Genesis 1947a
- Genesis 2063
- Genesis 2128a
- Genesis 2183a
- Genesis 2454
- Genesis 2488a
- Genesis 2924a
- Exodus 133a
- Exodus 175a
- Exodus 223a
- Exodus 283a
- Exodus 421
- Exodus 484a
- Exodus 503
- Daniel 14
- Daniel 46
- Daniel 259a
- Daniel 400
- Daniel 493a
- Daniel 632a
- Christ and Satan 64a
- Christ and Satan 120a
- Christ and Satan 309
- Christ and Satan 358
- Christ and Satan 457a
- Christ and Satan 513a
- Christ and Satan 615a
- Christ and Satan 666a
- Christ and Satan 669
- Christ and Satan 696
- Christ and Satan 697a
- Andreas 50a
- Andreas 69a
- Andreas 172a
- Andreas 357a
- Andreas 446a
- Andreas 504a
- Andreas 540
- Andreas 561
- Andreas 563a
- Andreas 612a
- Andreas 677a
- Andreas 693a
- Andreas 846
- Andreas 878a
- Andreas 902
- Andreas 963a
- Andreas 1102a
- Andreas 1107
- Andreas 1113a
- Andreas 1262a
- Andreas 1271a
- Andreas 1293
- Andreas 1465
- Andreas 1546a
- Andreas 1603a
- The Fates of the Apostles 29
- Soul and Body I 29a
- Dream of the Rood 103
- Elene 145
- Elene 314a
- Elene 478a
- Elene 865
- Elene 977a
- Elene 1005a
- Elene 1029a
- Elene 1083
- Elene 1090
- Elene 1116a
- Elene 1151a
- Elene 1213a
- Elene 1291a
- Elene 1302
- Christ 121
- Christ 244a
- Christ 320
- Christ 472a
- Christ 681a
- Christ 687a
- Christ 754
- Christ 986a
- Christ 1218a
- Guthlac 533
- Guthlac 727a
- Guthlac 822
- Guthlac 999a
- Guthlac 1150a
- Guthlac 1262a
- Guthlac 1368a
- Azarias 5a
- The Phoenix 176a
- The Phoenix 356a
- The Phoenix 486a
- The Phoenix 554a
- Juliana 182a
- Juliana 230a
- Juliana 291
- Juliana 320
- Juliana 436a
- Juliana 627a
- Juliana 658a
- Juliana 667a
- The Wanderer 5a
- Vainglory 49
- Vainglory 66a
- The Fortunes of Men 50a
- The Fortunes of Men 89a
- Maxims I 195a
- The Order of the World 38
- The Riming Poem 75
- The Panther 72
- Soul and Body II 26a
- Riddles 3 50a
- Riddles 26 12a
- The Judgment Day I 7
- Resignation 41
- Resignation 62
- Beowulf 21a
- Beowulf 165a
- Beowulf 398a
- Beowulf 2263a
- Beowulf 2266a
- Beowulf 2902a
- Beowulf 2915a
- Judith 14a
- The Battle of Finnsburh 12
- The Battle of Maldon 75a
- The Rune Poem 45a
- Solomon and Saturn 512a
- The Lord's Prayer III 1a
- Psalm 50 110
- Psalm 50 140a
- A Prayer 71
- Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 32