A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: miht

Number of occurrences in corpus: 95

Genesis B 336b heora miclan mod || and þurh miht godes / and þurh ofermetto ||
Genesis A 950a dig mon || ac se weard hafaþ / miht and strengþo || se þæt mæ
Exodus 9b æst cyning || mid his sylfes miht / gewyrþode || and him wundra
Daniel 327a uldor on us / gecyþ cræft and miht || þæt þa caldeas / and folc
Daniel 341b toswende || þurh þa swiþan miht / ligges leoman || þæt hyra l
Daniel 746b a gerynu || þa þu wendan ne miht / þu for anmedlan || in æht b
Christ and Satan 2b uendum / þæt meotod hæfde || miht and strengþo / þa he gefestna
Christ and Satan 6b and wolcn || þurh his wundra miht / deopne ymblyt || clene ymbhal
Christ and Satan 13b e gesette || þurh his soþan miht / swa se wyrhta || þurh his wu
Christ and Satan 164a la duguþa helm / eala meotodes miht || eala middaneard / eala dæg
Christ and Satan 604b ste arisaþ || þurh drihtnes miht / þæt biþ daga lengust || an
Christ and Satan 14b þe hate || þurh þa hehstan miht / þæt þu hellwarum || hyht n
Christ and Satan 16a t ne abeode / ah þu him secgan miht || sorga mæste / þæt þu gem
Andreas 340a || est ahwette / nu þu seolfa miht || siþ userne / gehyran hygeþ
Andreas 486a hte || nu þe tir cyning / ond miht forgef || manna scyppend / hu
Andreas 525b engla eþel || þurh his anes miht / forþan is gesyne || soþ org
Andreas 574b t þu ne gehyrde || hælendes miht / gumena leofost || hu he his g
Andreas 585b cyþde || þurh his cræftes miht / he gehalgode || for heremæge
Andreas 595a swa him gemedost wæs / nu þu miht gehyran || hyse leofesta / hu u
Andreas 603a ofer bolcan || beald reordade / miht þu me gesecgan || þæt ic s
Andreas 624a ondswarode || æþelinga helm / miht þu wis hæleþ || wordum ges
Andreas 642b a eþel || þurh þa æþelan miht / edre him andreas || agef onds
Andreas 811a feore || willum neotan / nu þu miht gehyran || hyse leofesta / hu h
Andreas 816b ædend || þa þu aræfnan ne miht / hreþre behabban || hygeþanc
Andreas 860b iþ userne || þæt þu sylfa miht / ongitan gleawlice || gastgehy
Andreas 1336b teorend || þurh his strangan miht / syþþan hie oncneowon || cri
Andreas 1364b ond forlærdest || nu leng ne miht / gewealdan þy weorce || þe s
Andreas 1434a yrde || mægene besette / me is miht ofer eall # || / sigorsped ges
Andreas 1476b swa ær || þurh þa æþelan miht / lof lædende || ond on his li
Andreas 1517a an || iosua ond tobias / nu þu miht gecnawan || þæt þe cyning
Andreas 50a od || eallra gesceafta / is his miht ond his æht || ofer middange
The Fates of the Apostles 7a fe on life || lof wide sprang / miht ond mærþo || ofer middangea
The Fates of the Apostles 56a wundorcræfte / þurh dryhtnes miht || þæt he of deaþe aras / ge
The Fates of the Apostles 105b nges þeodom || nu þu cunnon miht / hwa on þam wordum wæs || we
The Fates of the Apostles 121b þ / mycel ond mære || ond his miht seomaþ / ece ond edgiong || of
Dream of the Rood 78a e || golde ond seolfre / nu þu miht gehyran || hæleþ min se leo
Elene 295b wergþe || þurh his wuldres miht / fram ligcwale || lysan þohte
Elene 310b scyldfullum || ge þa sciran miht / deman ongunnon || ond gedweol
Elene 119a o hofe eodon / cyþdon cræftes miht || þa sio cwen ongan / weras e
Elene 158a isdomes gife / þurh þa myclan miht || swa þin mod lufaþ / hio on
Elene 287b htest || þurh þines wuldres miht / heofon ond eorþan || ond hol
Elene 723a þe rædgeþeaht / þurh gleawe miht || georne cuþe / frodne on fer
Elene 802a ran geþeaht / þurh þa mæran miht || on modes þeaht / wisdom onw
The Phoenix 583b fter deaðe || ðurh dryhtnes miht / somod siðiað || sawla mid l
Beowulf 940a scealc hafað / ðurh drihtnes miht || dæd gefremede / ðe we eall
Beowulf 1378b cne stowe || ðær ðu findan miht / felasinnigne secg || sec gif
The Paris Psalter 101:14 2b ette sion || þurh his sylfes miht / þær wæs gesyne || his seo
The Paris Psalter 105:8 5a on naman þinum / þa þu þine miht || mycle cyþdest / / # / þær
The Paris Psalter 129:7 1b / forþon is mildheortnesse || miht on drihtne / and he alyseþ ||
The Paris Psalter 135:8 1a || manna bearnum / / # / sette on miht dæges || mære sunnan / / # / on
The Paris Psalter 135:9 1a dæges || mære sunnan / / # / on miht nihte || monan and steorran / /
The Paris Psalter 138:10 1b eostru deorc || butan þinre miht / þurh þa onlihtest niht ||
The Paris Psalter 144:12 3a manig ætsomne / and þæt þin miht is || ofer middaneard / and þi
The Paris Psalter 61:12 1a ongeat || tidum gemeldad / / # / miht is drihtnes || ofer middangea
The Paris Psalter 65:5 4b eterian || þæt þu mid fote miht / on treddian || eorþan gelice
The Paris Psalter 67:10 3b fremest || þurh þine fæste miht / / # / þine wihte on þam || wy
The Paris Psalter 69:5 3b and symble cweþen || sy þin miht drihten / and þine hælu || ho
The Paris Psalter 70:1 3b || þuruh þine þa swiþeran miht / / # / ahyld me þin eare to ||
The Paris Psalter 71:20 2a ll gefylled / þurh his wuldres miht || wese swa wese swa
The Paris Psalter 72:16 2b ra ansyne || and þu hi eaþe miht / to nawihte || forniman sneome
The Paris Psalter 76:11 3b eart ana god || þe æghwylc miht / wundor gewyrcean || on woruld
The Paris Psalter 77:5 2a um drihtne / and his þa myclan miht || mænigu wundur / þa he gewo
The Paris Psalter 83:6 3b gene on mægen || þær wæs miht gesawen / on sionbeorge || soþ
The Paris Psalter 83:12 4b m ecean godes / to mundbyrde || miht gestreoneþ
The Paris Psalter 85:9 2a || mihtiga drihten / þe wundor miht || wyrcean ana / / # / gelæd dri
The Paris Psalter 88:8 2a wealdest mihtum / þu his yþum miht || ana gesteoran / þonne hi on
The Paris Psalter 88:9 1a ge || wind onhrereþ / / # / þu miht oferhydige || eaþe mid wunde
The Paris Psalter 88:26 2b ldan / min milde mod || and him miht syllan / mine gewitnesse || weo
The Paris Psalter 89:13 3a | egsa standeþ / and seo micle miht || nis þæt mann ænig / þe
The Paris Psalter 90:13 1a te spurne / / # / þu ofer aspide miht || eaþe gangan / and bealde nu
The Paris Psalter 93:1 1b u eart wracena god || and þu miht wrecan swylce / ana gefreogan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 4b est || and þurh þine halige miht / tunglu genedest || þæt hi
Solomon and Saturn 39a dryhtnes onæleþ / swylce þu miht mid þy beorhtan gebede || bl
The Judgment Day II 20b todemeð || ðurh his dihlan miht / ic gemunde eac || mærðe dri
The Judgment Day II 148b teal / ne him man na ne mæg || miht forwyrnan / eal ðæt us ðinc
The Judgment Day II 177a | hwæt dreogest ðu nu / hwæt miht ðu on ða tid || ðearfe gew
The Rewards of Piety 69a es || ongean drihtnes lif / ðu miht hy gefleman || gif ðu filian
The Lord's Prayer II 3b / are biddað || nu ðu yðost miht / sawle alysan || ðu hig sænd
The Lord's Prayer II 8b synnum || ðurh ðine soðan miht / ðu eart on heofonum || hiht
The Lord's Prayer II 33a in halige lof / and ðin micele miht || mannum to frofre / swa ðu e
The Lord's Prayer II 48a || fægere geblissast / sylest miht and mund || micclum herige / an
The Lord's Prayer II 119a ece || ofer ealle ðingc / ðu miht on anre hand || eaðe befeald
The Gloria I 5b gewlitegod || swa ðu wealdan miht / eall eorðan mægen || and up
The Gloria I 18a | ana gewrohtest / ðurh halige miht || heofonas and eorðan / earda
The Gloria I 32a soðan weorc / and ðin mycele miht || manegum swytelað / swa ðin
The Gloria I 58b cræftas || swylc is cristes miht
A Prayer 6a fes ealdor / forðan ðu eðest miht || ealra læca / ðæra ðe gew
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 4a u hattest || yldost wyrta / ðu miht wið ðreo || and wið ðriti
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 5a ðreo || and wið ðritig / ðu miht wið attre || and wið onflyg
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 6a attre || and wið onflyge / ðu miht wið ðam laðan || ðe geond
Instructions for Christians 78b e, || þonne þu hit gedon ne miht. / Onlær þinum bearne% || bysn
Instructions for Christians 105a || naht leofes gesyllan, / ne miht þu na gebicgan || þæt ðe
Instructions for Christians 158b d smeage, || swa ðu swiðost miht. / Gif þu mage gefinden || fæs
Instructions for Christians 208b ðor || þonne ðu geforþian miht? / Ac hafa ðu geleafa || to lif
Instructions for Christians 224a heo sceal heonon siðian; / ne miht þu æfre þonne% ma || eall