- Sievers
- Scansion: xxx / | xx /
- Type: 0
- Bliss
- Scansion: xxxSx|xS
- Type: 3B*1c
Places with this scansion (sievers)
- Genesis 1170
- Genesis 1409
- Genesis 2163
- Genesis 2326
- Genesis 2370
- Genesis 2484
- Genesis 2651
- Genesis 2803
- Genesis 2898
- Daniel 29
- Daniel 342
- Daniel 487
- Daniel 677
- Christ and Satan 86
- Christ and Satan 124
- Christ and Satan 138
- Christ and Satan 144
- Christ and Satan 338
- Christ and Satan 354
- Christ and Satan 662
- Christ and Satan 668
- Christ and Satan 714
- Andreas 11
- Andreas 483
- Andreas 672
- Andreas 707
- Andreas 788
- Andreas 816
- Andreas 1045
- Andreas 1326
- Andreas 1482
- Andreas 1486
- Andreas 1693
- The Fates of the Apostles 56
- The Fates of the Apostles 81
- Soul and Body I 144
- Dream of the Rood 12
- Dream of the Rood 73
- Dream of the Rood 82
- Elene 74
- Elene 100
- Elene 446
- Elene 599
- Elene 618
- Elene 725
- Elene 734
- Elene 965
- Elene 974
- Elene 1125
- Elene 1163
- Elene 1166
- Elene 1223
- Elene 1228
- Elene 1317
- Christ 30
- Christ 210
- Christ 235
- Christ 362
- Christ 370
- Christ 453
- Christ 580
- Christ 585
- Christ 613
- Christ 720
- Christ 727
- Christ 921
- Christ 1017
- Christ 1029
- Christ 1067
- Christ 1077
- Christ 1087
- Christ 1309
- Christ 1445
- Christ 1449
- Christ 1452
- Christ 1475
- Guthlac 20
- Guthlac 85
- Guthlac 388
- Guthlac 399
- Guthlac 493
- Guthlac 515
- Guthlac 532
- Guthlac 539
- Guthlac 704
- Guthlac 754
- Guthlac 1016
- Guthlac 1053
- Guthlac 1104
- Guthlac 1239
- Guthlac 1245
- Guthlac 1269
- Guthlac 1356
- Azarias 60
- Azarias 175
- Azarias 187
- The Phoenix 84
- The Phoenix 237
- The Phoenix 347
- Juliana 46
- Juliana 116
- Juliana 222
- Juliana 313
- Juliana 356
- Juliana 377
- Juliana 460
- Juliana 481
- Juliana 483
- Juliana 558
- The Gifts of Men 27
- Precepts 24
- The Seafarer 41
- The Seafarer 46
- Widsith 3
- Widsith 119
- The Fortunes of Men 14
- The Fortunes of Men 50
- Maxims I 11
- The Order of the World 35
- The Order of the World 45
- The Riming Poem 44
- The Riming Poem 74
- The Riming Poem 87
- The Panther 62
- The Whale 49
- The Whale 67
- The Whale 85
- The Partridge 5
- Soul and Body II 35
- Soul and Body II 97
- Riddles 3 15
- Riddles 3 73
- Riddles 9 11
- Riddles 23 6
- Riddles 33 8
- Riddles 47 2
- The Wife's Lament 39
- The Wife's Lament 45
- The Judgment Day I 99
- Resignation 49
- Resignation 84
- Riddles 72 7
- Riddles 93 16
- Riddles 93 20
- The Battle of Finnsburh 25
- The Battle of Maldon 48
- The Battle of Maldon 139
- The Battle of Maldon 324
- Solomon and Saturn 235
- Solomon and Saturn 449
- The Menologium 54
- The Menologium 100
- The Menologium 200
- The Menologium 221
- Maxims II 46
- The Rewards of Piety 40
- The Lord's Prayer II 10
- The Creed 36
- The Kentish Hymn 33
- The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 8
- Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 62
Places with this scansion (bliss)
- Genesis 30a
- Genesis 93
- Genesis 219
- Genesis 881
- Genesis 1170
- Genesis 1409
- Genesis 2326
- Genesis 2370
- Genesis 2484
- Genesis 2651
- Genesis 2803
- Genesis 2898
- Genesis 2899a
- Exodus 20a
- Exodus 98a
- Daniel 17a
- Daniel 29
- Daniel 109a
- Daniel 133a
- Daniel 474a
- Daniel 677
- Daniel 738a
- Christ and Satan 86
- Christ and Satan 124
- Christ and Satan 138
- Christ and Satan 144
- Christ and Satan 338
- Christ and Satan 430a
- Christ and Satan 662
- Christ and Satan 668
- Christ and Satan 679a
- Andreas 212a
- Andreas 346a
- Andreas 352a
- Andreas 483
- Andreas 672
- Andreas 707
- Andreas 788
- Andreas 816
- Andreas 846a
- Andreas 1045
- Andreas 1326
- Andreas 1482
- Andreas 1486
- The Fates of the Apostles 56
- The Fates of the Apostles 81
- Soul and Body I 55a
- Soul and Body I 94a
- Soul and Body I 119a
- Soul and Body I 144
- Homiletic Fragment I 11a
- Dream of the Rood 12
- Dream of the Rood 73
- Dream of the Rood 82
- Elene 446
- Elene 725
- Elene 734
- Elene 965
- Elene 1125
- Elene 1163
- Elene 1177a
- Elene 1228
- Elene 1317
- Christ 30
- Christ 210
- Christ 228
- Christ 235
- Christ 362
- Christ 370
- Christ 568a
- Christ 585
- Christ 720
- Christ 727
- Christ 1017
- Christ 1029
- Christ 1087
- Christ 1108a
- Christ 1171a
- Christ 1309
- Christ 1445
- Christ 1452
- Guthlac 20
- Guthlac 85
- Guthlac 399
- Guthlac 493
- Guthlac 515
- Guthlac 532
- Guthlac 539
- Guthlac 704
- Guthlac 754
- Guthlac 1016
- Guthlac 1101
- Guthlac 1104
- Guthlac 1245
- Guthlac 1269
- Guthlac 1356
- Azarias 60
- Azarias 175
- Azarias 187
- The Phoenix 84
- The Phoenix 237
- Juliana 46
- Juliana 222
- Juliana 377
- Juliana 481
- Juliana 483
- Juliana 558
- The Wanderer 69a
- The Gifts of Men 27
- The Seafarer 46
- Widsith 3
- Widsith 10a
- Widsith 109a
- The Fortunes of Men 14
- Maxims I 49a
- Maxims I 100
- The Order of the World 8a
- The Order of the World 45
- The Riming Poem 44
- The Riming Poem 74
- The Riming Poem 87
- The Whale 49
- The Whale 67
- The Partridge 5
- Soul and Body II 35
- Soul and Body II 52a
- Soul and Body II 87a
- Riddles 3 15
- Riddles 3 73
- Riddles 9 11
- Riddles 22 13a
- Riddles 23 6
- Riddles 33 8
- Riddles 47 2
- The Wife's Lament 6a
- The Wife's Lament 9a
- The Wife's Lament 45
- The Judgment Day I 99
- Resignation 49
- Resignation 84
- The Descent into Hell 127a
- Riddles 72 7
- Riddles 93 16
- Riddles 93 20
- Beowulf 79a
- Beowulf 83
- Beowulf 192
- Beowulf 366
- Beowulf 401
- Beowulf 404
- Beowulf 431
- Beowulf 450
- Beowulf 487
- Beowulf 574
- Beowulf 595
- Beowulf 633
- Beowulf 764
- Beowulf 772
- Beowulf 891
- Beowulf 929
- Beowulf 1209
- Beowulf 1467
- Beowulf 1664
- Beowulf 1672
- Beowulf 1759
- Beowulf 2132
- Beowulf 2222
- Beowulf 2277
- Beowulf 2471
- Beowulf 2484a
- Beowulf 2624
- Beowulf 2694a
- Beowulf 2741a
- Beowulf 2773a
- Beowulf 3166a
- The Battle of Finnsburh 25
- The Battle of Maldon 48
- The Battle of Maldon 187
- Solomon and Saturn 217a
- Solomon and Saturn 222a
- Solomon and Saturn 300a
- Solomon and Saturn 319a
- Solomon and Saturn 442a
- Solomon and Saturn 449
- Solomon and Saturn 543a
- The Menologium 54
- The Menologium 100
- The Menologium 221
- Maxims II 46
- The Judgment Day II 66
- The Judgment Day II 225a
- The Judgment Day II 273a
- The Lord's Prayer II 10
- The Lord's Prayer II 28a
- The Lord's Prayer III 20a
- The Creed 36
- The Kentish Hymn 33
- Psalm 50 96a
- A Prayer 57a
- The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 12a
- The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 8
- Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 62