Number of occurrences in corpus: 86
Genesis A 1831b | pnes ecge / for freondmynde || | feore | beneote / saga þu sarra || þ |
Genesis A 1838a | ræce || swa þu minum scealt / | feore | gebeorgan || gif me freoþo d |
Exodus 548b | roda wuldorcyning || to widan | feore | / swa reordode || ræda gemyndi |
Daniel 15b | a / þæt hie oft fela folca || | feore | gesceodon / heriges helmum || |
Daniel 101b | num / þæt þa frumgaras || be | feore | dæde / þæt þam gengum þrym |
Andreas 106a | þær þu tyres most / to widan | feore | || willan brucan / geþola þeo |
Andreas 284b | t þu on þa fægþe || þine | feore | spilde / him þa andreas || age |
Andreas 810a | es dreamas / ond þæs to widan | feore | || willum neotan / nu þu miht |
Andreas 1452a | of || þeoda waldend / to widan | feore | || wuldor on heofonum / þæs |
Andreas 1538b | leon fealone stream || woldon | feore | beorgan / to dunscræfum || dro |
Elene 134b | wice / flugon on fæsten || ond | feore | burgon / æfter stanclifum || s |
Elene 211a | ie in hynþum sculon / to widan | feore | || wergþu dreogan / þa wæs c |
Elene 59a | / synna leasne || sawles larum / | feore | beræddon || swa he þurh feo |
Elene 849b | ara þe gewurdon || on widan | feore | / ofer sidne grund || soþfæst |
Elene 882b | þ / wuldorcyninges || to widan | feore | / amen || |
Christ A 230b | geworden forð || a to widan | feore | / leoht lixende gefea || lifgen |
Christ A 277b | ðara ðe gewurde || to widan | feore | / hu ðec mid ryhte || ealle re |
Christ C 1343a | la dreames / ond ðæs to widan | feore | || willum neotan / onfoð nu mi |
Christ C 1543a | || synne forbærnan / to widan | feore | || wom of ðære sawle / ac ð |
Christ C 1573b | / findan mote || se ðe nu his | feore | nyle / hælo strynan || ðenden |
The Riming Poem 45b | dyre || scriðeð nu deop in | feore | / brondhord geblowen || breostu |
The Whale 88a | fne || in lofe motan / to widan | feore | || wuldres neotan |
Guthlac A 13a | nd sawla ræst / ond ðær a to | feore | || gefeon motun / dryman mid dr |
Guthlac A 130b | a ðe ne bimurnað || monnes | feore | / ðæs ðe him to honda || hu |
Guthlac A 436b | treowde / hæfde feonda feng || | feore | gedyged / wæs seo æreste || e |
Guthlac A 442a | wære || se ðe his anum her / | feore | gefreoðade || ðæt him feon |
Guthlac A 548a | ðegnas grimme / ealle hy ðam | feore | || fyl gehehton / no hy hine to |
Guthlac B 840a | n a || in sindreamum / to widan | feore | || wunian mostun / dryhtne on g |
Guthlac B 994b | nig ðam / flæsce bifongen || | feore | wiðstondan / ricra ne heanra | |
Riddles 2 18b | t me bearn wræce || on bonan | feore | / gif me gromra hwylc || guðe |
Riddles 20 18b | t me bearn wræce || on bonan | feore, | / gif me gromra hwylc || guþe |
Riddles 23 14b | geceapað / fullwered fæste || | feore | sine / nelle ic unbunden || æn |
Riddles 26 1b | Riddles 26 / / mec feonda sum || | feore | besnyðede / woruldstrenga bino |
Riddles 3 32a | cyle rice || birofen weorðan / | feore | bifohten || fæmig ridan / yða |
Riddles 4 65b | ah ic ætes ne sy || æfre to | feore | / ic mæg fromlicor || fleogan |
Riddles 40 67b | ah ic ætes ne sy || æfre to | feore. | / Ic mæg fromlicor || fleogan |
The Lord's Prayer I 11b | rom yfla gehwam || a to widan | feore | |
Riddles 93 22a | || ne wrecan meahte / on wigan | feore | || wonnsceaft mine / ac ic agl |
Juliana 508b | ode / ða ðe gewurdun || widan | feore | / from fruman worulde || fira c |
Precepts 23b | rde / ne gewuna wyrsa || widan | feore | / ængum eahta || ac ðu ðe an |
Beowulf 578b | nnon / hwaðere ic fara feng || | feore | gedigde / siðes werig || ða m |
Beowulf 933b | me / weana ne wende || to widan | feore | / bote gebidan || ðonne blode |
Beowulf 1293a | s on ofste || wolde ut ðanon / | feore | beorgan || ða heo onfunden w |
Beowulf 1548b | stnet broden || ðæt gebearh | feore | / wið ord ond wið ecge || ing |
Beowulf 1843a | ic snotorlicor / on swa geongum | feore | || guman ðingian / ðu eart m |
Beowulf 3013b | nd nu æt siðestan || sylfes | feore | / beagas gebohte || ða sceall |
The Paris Psalter 101:21 7b | on þines anes gear || awa to | feore | / / # / æt fruman þu || drihten |
The Paris Psalter 101:25 3b | ra sylfra cynn || syþþan to | feore | / on worulda woruld || well ger |
The Paris Psalter 104:9 4a | e || iacobe bead / þæt awa to | feore | || israheles cyn / his gewitnes |
The Paris Psalter 104:40 3b | rne / and his æbebod || awa to | feore | |
The Paris Psalter 106:8 3b | godum / fæste gefylleþ || to | feore | syþþan / / # / þa þe her on |
The Paris Psalter 108:15 3b | e / of þysse eorþan || awa to | feore | / / # / næs him milde gemynd || |
The Paris Psalter 116:2 4b | dryhtnes / wunaþ ece || awa to | feore | |
The Paris Psalter 118:15 3b | ra / ealra ofergittul || awa to | feore | / / # / ic on þinre soþfæstnys |
The Paris Psalter 118:74 1a | orhte leornian / / # / þa þe on | feore | forhtigaþ || þa me on fæge |
The Paris Psalter 118:111 3b | getreowe / on ecnesse || awa to | feore | / þæt byþ heahbliss || heort |
The Paris Psalter 118:142 3b | ble biþ / on ecnesse || awa to | feore | / is þin swylce æþelnes || a |
The Paris Psalter 118:160 3b | eted / and on ecnesse || awa to | feore | / ealle þine domas synt || dæ |
The Paris Psalter 118:165 3b | im æswic on þon || æfre to | feore | / / # / ic þinre hælu bad || ha |
The Paris Psalter 132:4 2b | n / lifes bletsunga || lange to | feore | / of þisson nu || awa to worul |
The Paris Psalter 144:9 4b | orc / eall yldum cuþ || awa to | feore | / / # / andetten þe drihten || e |
The Paris Psalter 144:21 5b | bletsian / on ecnesse || awa to | feore | |
The Paris Psalter 145:9 2b | drihten / on ecnesse || awa to | feore | / and þin sione god || symble |
The Paris Psalter 51:8 1b | / / # / ic þe andette || awa to | feore | / on þære worulde || þe þu |
The Paris Psalter 54:22 1b | he soþfæstum || syþþan to | feore | / þæt him yþende mod || inna |
The Paris Psalter 54:23 3a | ed || ne fæger lif / on middum | feore | || gemeteþ ahwær / ic me on m |
The Paris Psalter 60:3 1b | ndum / / # / ic eardige || awa to | feore | / on þinum selegesceote || þ |
The Paris Psalter 64:5 3b | pl / ece and wræclic || awa to | feore | / / # / gehyr us hælend god || |
The Paris Psalter 65:6 2b | anna cyn / on ecnesse || awa to | feore | / and he ofer ealle þeode || e |
The Paris Psalter 68:1 2a | forþon hreoh wæter / to minum | feore | inn || floweþ and gangeþ / eo |
The Paris Psalter 68:10 1a | gefeollon / / # / þonne ic minum | feore | || fæsten gesette / eall hi me |
The Paris Psalter 68:36 4b | iaþ / þær eardiaþ || awa to | feore | |
The Paris Psalter 71:17 2a | eall niþa bearn / and to widan | feore | || weorþeþ gebletsod / ær su |
The Paris Psalter 77:66 2b | æste eac / ece edwit || awa to | feore | / / # / and he georne wiþsoc || |
The Paris Psalter 80:14 2b | yþ hiora yfele tid || awa to | feore | / / # / he hi fedde || mid fætre |
The Paris Psalter 88:26 1a | heahstne / / # / ic him to widan | feore | || wille gehealdan / min milde |
The Paris Psalter 88:27 1a | and getreowe / / # / ic to widan | feore | || wyrce syþþan / þin heahse |
The Paris Psalter 88:46 2a | etsad || ece drihten / to widan | feore | || wese swa wese swa |
The Paris Psalter 90:1 3b | d / þe me æt wunaþ || awa to | feore | / / # / ic to drihtne cwæþ || |
The Paris Psalter 91:6 6b | orulda woruld || and to widan | feore | / / # / þu on ecnesse || awa dri |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 16b | waldeþ / freonde ne feonde || | feore | ne æhtum / ac he reþigmod || |
Metrical Psalm 91:6 6b | ldæ% world% || and to widæn | feore. | |
Fragment of Psalm 50 2b | ram ðinre ansyne || æfre to | feore | / ne huru on weg aber || ðone |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 9a | e geswence / ne me næfre minum | feore | || forht ne gewurðe / ac gehæ |
The Battle of Maldon 192b | on þæt fæsten || and hyra | feore | burgon / and manna ma || þonne |
The Battle of Maldon 257b | ceþ / frean on folce || ne for | feore | murnan / þa hi forþ eodon || |