Number of occurrences in corpus: 211
Genesis B 266b | ene / hwit and hiowbeorht || ne | meahte | he æt his hige findan / þæt |
Genesis B 412b | a on leofran tid || leanum ne | meahte | / mine gife gyldan || gif his g |
Genesis B 417b | he mid feþerhoman || fleogan | meahte | / windan on wolcne || þær gew |
Genesis B 543a | þē hīeran ne cann, / ac þū | meahte | forþ faran. || Iċ hæbbe m |
Genesis B 600b | bræc / word and willan || þa | meahte | heo wide geseon / þurh þæs l |
Genesis B 608b | / þæt heo swa wide || wlitan | meahte | / ofer heofonrice || þa se for |
Genesis B 671b | mæst / wereda wynsumast || hwa | meahte | me swelc gewit gifan / gif hit |
Genesis B 834b | grunde genge || gif ic godes | meahte | / willan gewyrcean || nis me on |
Genesis A 1457b | æt heo for flode || fotum ne | meahte | / land gespornan || ne on leaf |
Genesis A 1691a | iste || hwæt oþer cwæþ / ne | meahte | hie gewurþan || weall stæne |
Genesis A 2043b | a / þara þe he wiste || þæt | meahte | wel æghwylc / on fyrd wegan || |
Genesis A 2343b | a / bryd blondenfeax || bringan | meahte | / on woruld sunu || wiste gearw |
Genesis A 2380b | þþan he on fære || furþum | meahte | / his waldendes || willan fremm |
Genesis A 2606b | þ / wine druncen || gewitan ne | meahte | / idesa wurdon eacne || eaforan |
Daniel 14a | ǣm weorode ġe·af / mōd and | meahte, | || metod æl-wihta, / þæt hī |
Daniel 50b | dum / hu he israelum || eaþost | meahte | / þurh gromra gang || guman o |
Daniel 84b | m snytru on sefan || seċġan | meahte, | / nealles þȳ þe hē þæt m |
Daniel 145a | || þæs min sefa myndgaþ / ne | meahte | þa seo mænigeo || on þam m |
Daniel 166b | e ær for fyrenum || onfon ne | meahte | / babilonie weard || in his bre |
Daniel 168b | ere þæt Daniel || ġe·dōn | meahte | / þæt hē wolde metodes || me |
Daniel 169b | te / þæt hē wolde metodes || | meahte | ġe·līefan, / ac hē wyrċan |
Daniel 202b | e hīe tō þǣm ġe·bede || | meahte | ġe·bǣdan / hǣðen herġes w |
Daniel 226b | lēded%, || swā hē grimmost | meahte, | / frecne fȳres līeġe, || þ |
Daniel 239a | der þǣm fȳrenan hrōfe. / Ne | meahte | þēah hira wlite || ġe·wem |
Daniel 472b | On·hyċġaþ nū || hālġe | meahte, | / wīse wunder Godes! || Wē ġ |
Daniel 647a | || ac hē wīde bēad / metodes | meahte | || ðǣr hē meld āhte, / sī |
Christ and Satan 22b | te him% on mōde || þæt hit | meahte | swā, / þæt hīe wǣron% self |
Christ and Satan 249b | ġif% ġē willaþ mīnre% || | meahte% | ġe·līefan. / Ūta% ofer·hy |
Christ and Satan 352a | sċīeneþ ymb·ūtan / metodes | meahte, | || ġond þæt mǣre cynn, / ð |
Christ and Satan 399a | hæleþa bearnum, / metod þurh | meahte; | || wolde manna rīm, / fela þ |
Christ and Satan 470b | stas, / iċ ēow þurh mīne || | meahte | ġe·worhte, / Ādam ǣrest || |
Christ and Satan 491a | | nē wera snytru, / þæt ēow | meahte | helpan, || nemþe hǣlend God |
Christ and Satan 517a | ne || eall ymb·fangen, / þæt | meahte | þǣm miċelan || mæġene wi |
Christ and Satan 672b | / ‘ġif þū swā miċele || | meahte | hæbbe’. / Þā him andswarod |
Andreas 16b | ell-þēodiġra || ēðles ne | meahte | / blǣdes brūcan. || Oft him b |
Andreas 272b | lyt / sincweorþunga || syllan | meahte | / þæt þu us gebrohte || bran |
Andreas 477b | , / sinċ-weorðunga, || sellan | meahte, | / fǣted-sinċes. || Wolde iċ |
Andreas 479b | mfæst, || þīnne%, ġif iċ | meahte, | / be·ġietan gōdne. || Þæs |
Andreas 573a | || ā·ġeaf andsware: / ‘Hū | meahte | þæt ġe·weorðan || on wer |
Andreas 694a | , || diernan þōhton / metodes | meahte. | || Man eft ġe·hwearf, / yfel |
Andreas 922b | c þe swa godne || ongitan ne | meahte | / on wægfære || þær ic word |
Andreas 929b | on þā ċeastre || be·cuman | meahte, | / þinġ ġe·hīeġan || þrē |
Andreas 939a | ō wīdan ealdre, / cræfte and | meahte. | || þū on þā ċeastre gang |
Andreas 986b | niġ gumena || on·ġietan ne | meahte, | / synfulra ġe·sêon. || Hæfd |
Andreas 1129a | eaft, || friðes wilnian. / Ne | meahte | earm-sċeapen || āre findan, |
Andreas 1323b | er middangeard || þynden hit | meahte | swa / þone herodes || ealdre b |
Andreas 1393b | / mōd ġe·mieltan. || Hit ne | meahte | swā. / þā wæs nīewunga || |
Andreas 1543b | r inne / bēatende brim. || Ne | meahte | beorna hlōþ / of þām fæste |
Soul and Body I 33b | eardode ic þe on innan || ne | meahte | ic þe of cuman / flæsce befan |
Dream of the Rood 18b | c þurh þæt gold || ongytan | meahte | / earmra ærgewin || þæt hit |
Dream of the Rood 37b | rðan sċēatas. || ealle iċ | meahte | / fēondas ġe·fiellan, || hw |
Dream of the Rood 102a | rihten arās / mid his miċelan | meahte | || mannum tō helpe. / hē þā |
Elene 33b | a cyning / ymbsittendra || awer | meahte | / abannan to beadwe || burgwige |
Elene 160b | a / þe him to soþe || secggan | meahte | / galdrum cyþan || hwæt se go |
Elene 243a | æte || mægen fægerre / þær | meahte | gesion || se þone siþ beheo |
Elene 146a | an, / be·diernan þā dēopan | meahte.’ | || þā wurdon hīe dēaðes |
Elene 170b | das hire ongen þingode || ne | meahte | he þa gehþu bebugan / oncyrra |
Elene 171b | re on·ġēan þingode || (ne | meahte | hē þā ġiehþu be·būĝan |
Elene 420a | þrowode || þrymmes hyrde / ne | meahte | hire iudas || ne ful gere wis |
Elene 421a | de, || þrymmes hierde.’ / Ne | meahte | hire Iudas, || ne full ġeare |
Elene 719b | elost / ond deorlicost || gedon | meahte | / dugoþum to hroþer || hwæt |
Elene 720b | / and dēorlicost || ġe·dōn | meahte, | / duĝuþum tō hrōðor, || hw |
Christ A 311b | / ðæt ænig elda || æfre ne | meahte | / swa fæstlice || forescyttels |
Christ C 1401b | to lyt / mode ðuhte || gif ðu | meahte | sped / efenmicle gode || agan n |
Christ C 1431a | a || wære ðe gelic / ond ðu | meahte | || minum weorðan / mægwlite g |
Christ C 1467b | scod / in byrgenne || ðæt ðu | meahte | beorhte uppe / on roderum wesan |
Vainglory 5b | ðæt ic soðlice || siððan | meahte | / ongitan bi ðam gealdre || go |
Soul and Body II 30b | ðe in innan || no ic ðe of | meahte | / flæsce bifongen || ond me fi |
Guthlac A 358a | im giefe sealde / ðæt hine ne | meahte | || meotudes willan / longað ge |
Guthlac A 413a | on ða hean lyft / sealdon him | meahte | || ofer monna cynn / ðæt he f |
Guthlac A 433a | um || ana cwome / gif hy him ne | meahte | || maran sarum / gyldan gyrnwr |
Guthlac A 486a | yfte || londa getimbru / geseon | meahte | || wæs me swegles leoht / torh |
Guthlac A 576b | sse / meotudes cempan || hit ne | meahte | swa / cwædon cearfulle || cris |
Guthlac B 989b | ðan / mon on moldan || ðætte | meahte | him / gebeorgan ond bibugan || |
Guthlac B 1023b | ða sið oncwæð || sona ne | meahte | / oroð up geteon || wæs him i |
Guthlac B 1055a | || he ðæs onbæru / habban ne | meahte | || ac he hate let / torn ðolie |
Guthlac B 1057b | weallan wægdropan || wyrd ne | meahte | / in fægum leng || feorg gehea |
Guthlac B 1109b | ygesnottor || swa he hraðost | meahte | / meðe for ðam miclan bysgum |
Guthlac B 1154b | m / awrecen wælpilum || wlo ne | meahte | / oroð up geteon || ellenspræ |
Guthlac B 1159b | f he his wordcwida || wealdan | meahte | / spræce ahebban || ðæt him |
Guthlac B 1164b | f mon leofum || ðeah he late | meahte | / eorl ellenheard || oreðe geb |
Guthlac B 1225b | r longre hwile || swa he late | meahte | / elnes oncyðig || oreðe gewe |
Guthlac B 1251a | ge || fira cynnes / ðæt me ne | meahte | || monna ænig / bideaglian || |
Deor 11b | t heo eacen wæs || æfre ne | meahte | / ðriste geðencan || hu ymb |
Riddles 29 6b | earwum asettan || gif hit swa | meahte | / ða cwom wundorlicu wiht || o |
Riddles 4 43b | es / oððe ðes middangeard || | meahte | geweorðan / ond ic giestron w |
Riddles 4 67b | e earn oððe hafoc || æfre | meahte | / nis zefferus || se swifta win |
Riddles 40 43b | oþþe þēs middan-ġeard || | meahte | ġe·weorðan, / and iċ ġiest |
Riddles 40 44b | es / oþþe þes middangeard || | meahte | geweorþan, / ond ic giestron w |
Riddles 40 67b | e earn oþþe hafoc || ǣfre | meahte; | / nis zefferus, || sē swifta w |
Riddles 40 69b | e earn oþþe hafoc || æfre | meahte; | / nis zefferus, || se swifta wi |
Riddles 9 10b | n / oððæt ic aweox || widdor | meahte | / siðas asettan || heo hæfde |
Azarias 166b | to healle || swa he hraðost | meahte | / eorl acolmod || ðæt he ofer |
Riddles 93 21b | e for wunde weop || ne wrecan | meahte | / on wigan feore || wonnsceaft |
The Phoenix 617a | hergað || ond heofoncyninges / | meahte | mærsiað || singað metude l |
Juliana 226a | fracuðlic ðuhte / ðæt he ne | meahte | || mod oncyrran / fæmnan fore |
Juliana 358b | ste geðoncge || ðæt ic ðe | meahte | / butan earfeðum || anes cræf |
Juliana 392a | || gehðu mænan / ðæt ic ne | meahte | || mægnes cræfte / guðe wið |
Juliana 570b | he hit for worulde || wendan | meahte | / sohte synnum fah || hu he sar |
Juliana 572b | t / ðurh ða wyrrestan || witu | meahte | / feorhcwale findan || næs se |
The Wanderer 26b | ic feor oððe neah || findan | meahte | / ðone ðe in meoduhealle || m |
The Seafarer 26b | / feasceaftig ferð || frefran | meahte | / forðon him gelyfeð lyt || s |
The Seafarer 108b | aðelað || forðon he in his | meahte | gelyfeð / stieran mon sceal st |
Beowulf 190b | enes / sīn-gāla sēaþ, || ne | meahte | snotor hæleþ / wēan on·wend |
Beowulf 207a | āra þe hē cēnoste / findan | meahte; | || [XV]na sum / sund-wudu sōht |
Beowulf 243b | mid scipherge || sceððan ne | meahte | / no her cuðlicor || cuman ong |
Beowulf 462b | or here-brōĝan || habban ne | meahte. | / Þonan hē ġe·sōhte || Sū |
Beowulf 511b | lēof ne lāþ, || be·lēan | meahte | / sorhfullne sīþ, || þā ġi |
Beowulf 542b | me / flodyðum feor || fleotan | meahte | / hraðor on holme || no ic fra |
Beowulf 571b | iċ sǣ-næssas || ġe·sēon | meahte, | / windġe weallas. || Wyrd oft |
Beowulf 656b | n iċ hand and rand || hebban | meahte, | / þrȳð-ærn Dena || būtan |
Beowulf 754b | on ferhðe || no ðy ær fram | meahte | / hyge wæs him hinfus || wolde |
Beowulf 762b | op / mynte se mæra || ðær he | meahte | swa / widre gewindan || ond on |
Beowulf 780b | betlic ond banfag || tobrecan | meahte | / listum tolucan || nymðe lige |
Beowulf 967a | his līċ swice. / Iċ hine ne | meahte, | || þā metod nolde, / ganges |
Beowulf 1078b | a heo under swegle || geseon | meahte | / morðorbealo maga || ðær he |
Beowulf 1082a | fne fēam ānum, / þæt hē ne | meahte | || on þǣm mæðₑl-stede / w |
Beowulf 1130a | eard gemunde / ðeah ðe he ne | meahte | || on mere drifan / hringedstef |
Beowulf 1140b | torn-ġe·mot || þurh·têon | meahte | / þæt hē Ēotna bearn || inn |
Beowulf 1150b | don / ætwiton weana dæl || ne | meahte | wæfre mod / forhabban in hreð |
Beowulf 1446b | im hilde-grāp || hreðere ne | meahte, | / eorres inwitt-fenġ, || ealdr |
Beowulf 1496b | one grund-wang || on·ġietan | meahte. | / Sōna þæt on·funde || sē |
Beowulf 1504b | ne fyrd-ham || þurh·fōn ne | meahte, | / locene liðu-sierċan || lā |
Beowulf 1508a | tō hofe sīnum, / swā hē ne | meahte, | || nā hē þæs% mōdiġ wæ |
Beowulf 1515b | for hrōf-sele || hrīnan ne | meahte | / fǣr-grīpe flōdes; || fȳr- |
Beowulf 1561b | ðer / to beadulace || ætberan | meahte | / god ond geatolic || giganta g |
Beowulf 1659a | d || nymðe mec god scylde / ne | meahte | ic æt hilde || mid hruntinge |
Beowulf 1877b | rēost-wielm || for·beran ne | meahte, | / ac him on hreðere || hyġe-b |
Beowulf 1919b | ym / wudu wynsuman || forwrecan | meahte | / het ða up beran || æðeling |
Beowulf 2091b | olde / maniġra sumne || hit ne | meahte | swā, / siþþan iċ on ierre | |
Beowulf 2340b | æt him holtwudu || helpan ne | meahte | / lind wið lige || sceolde læ |
Beowulf 2464b | ge / weallende wæg || wihte ne | meahte | / on ðam feorhbonan || fæghð |
Beowulf 2466b | ðone heaðorinc || hatian ne | meahte | / laðum dædum || ðeah him le |
Beowulf 2520b | / wið ðam aglæcean || elles | meahte | / gylpe wiðgripan || swa ic gi |
Beowulf 2547b | n wælm / heaðofyrum hat || ne | meahte | horde neah / unbyrnende || æni |
Beowulf 2609a | || swā his fæder āhte. / Ne | meahte | þā for·habban; || hand ran |
Beowulf 2621b | yrnan, || oþ·þæt his byre | meahte | / eorlsċipe efnan || swā his |
Beowulf 2673b | rn bord wið rond || byrne ne | meahte | / geongum garwigan || geoce gef |
Beowulf 2770b | he ðone grundwong || ongitan | meahte | / wræte giondwlitan || næs ð |
Beowulf 2855a | ætre || him wiht ne speow / ne | meahte | he on eorðan || ðeah he uð |
Beowulf 2870b | er feor oððe neah || findan | meahte | / ðæt he genunga || guðgewæ |
Beowulf 2877b | arf / ic him lifwraðe || lytle | meahte | / ætgifan æt guðe || ond ong |
Beowulf 2904b | / sexbennum seoc || sweorde ne | meahte | / on ðam aglæcean || ænige |
Beowulf 2954b | t hē sǣ-mannum || on·sacan | meahte, | / heaðu-līðendum || hord for |
Beowulf 2971a | odcyning || ðyder oncirde / ne | meahte | se snella || sunu wonredes / ea |
Judith 49a | gen, || þæt sē bealu-fulla / | meahte | wlītan þurh, || wiĝena bea |
Judith 75b | hēo þone atolan || ēaðost | meahte | / ealdre be·nǣman || ǣr sē |
Judith 102b | o þæs unlǣdan || ēaðost | meahte | / wēl ġe·wealdan. || Slōh |
The Paris Psalter 103:4 2a | | worhte and sette, / þæt hē | meahte | ēaðe || up ā·stīĝan, / s |
The Paris Psalter 103:30 3a | alle bifian; / ġif hē mid his | meahte | || muntas hrīneþ, / hīe full |
The Paris Psalter 104:12 1b | / / # / Ne lēt hē him manna || | meahte | sċieþþan / and hē þearle f |
The Paris Psalter 104:30 3a | an || and grame ċeaforas; / ne | meahte | þā on moldan || man ġe·r |
The Paris Psalter 105:25 5b | s, / on his gāste gram; || ne | meahte | him godes willan / mid his wele |
The Paris Psalter 118:13 2b | secge / ealles þines muþes || | meahte | domas / / # / and ic on wege swyl |
The Paris Psalter 118:102 1a | eorne, / þæt iċ þīne word | meahte | || wēl ġe·healdan. / / # / Nā |
The Paris Psalter 144:4 3a | || wordum ġeorne, / and þīne | meahte | ēac || miċele seċġen. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 144:11 1a | lētsien. / / # / And hīe þīne | meahte | || manna bearnum / cȳðan mid |
The Paris Psalter 64:7 1a | | foldum wuniaþ. / / # / Þīnre | meahte | sċulon || muntas hīeran, / sw |
The Paris Psalter 65:15 1a | mīnre sāwle. / / # / Þurh his | meahte | iċ || mūðe clipie / oþþe% |
The Paris Psalter 67:7 1b | / Sē þe on his mæġenes || | meahte | ġe·lǣdeþ / þæt hē þā |
The Paris Psalter 68:22 1b | iċ sōhte, || findan iċ ne | meahte. | / / # / Hīe mīnne mete || mengd |
The Paris Psalter 70:15 2b | ċ on þīne þā miċelan || | meahte | gange. / / # / Iċ þīne sōþf |
The Paris Psalter 70:20 3b | ·trymedest || þæt iċ tela | meahte; | / for·þon iċ þe andette, || |
The Paris Psalter 72:13 2b | l glēawlīċe || on·ġietan | meahte, | / hū þis ġe·winn || wolde g |
The Paris Psalter 73:12 1b | / Þū on þīnes mæġenes || | meahte | spēdum / sǣ ġe·settest, || |
The Paris Psalter 76:9 5a | ld-līfe. / / # / Eft þū þīne | meahte | || maniġe cȳðdest / folcum o |
The Paris Psalter 77:1 3b | līċe / mīnes mūðes word || | meahte | ġe·hīeran. / / # / Iċ on anl |
The Paris Psalter 77:44 2a | streamas || wende to blode / ne | meahte | wæter drincan || wihta ænig |
The Paris Psalter 79:3 1a | daþ þē. / / # / A·wece þīne | meahte | || and mid wuldre cum, / and ū |
The Paris Psalter 79:14 6b | mannes sunu, || þe þū his | meahte | ǣr / under þē ġe·trymedest |
The Paris Psalter 84:9 2b | , / mild-heortnesse mōd || and | meahte | sōþ, / and hine sibbe lufu || |
The Paris Psalter 88:12 1a | lċe, drihten. / / # / Wesan hēa | meahte | || handa þīnre% / ā·hafen o |
The Paris Psalter 88:32 6b | sunnan anlic / and swa mona || | meahte | on heofenum / þe is ece gewita |
The Paris Psalter 91:3 2b | ċ þe on psalterio || singan | meahte | / oþþe þe mid hearpan || hly |
The Paris Psalter 98:10 3b | / mærum beorge || forþon his | meahte | synt / and halig is || heofonri |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 22a | þelingum || ut on grecas / ne | meahte | þa seo wealaf || wige forsta |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 60b | an þearflice || hu he þider | meahte | / crecas oncerran || þæt se c |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 76b | under wolcnum || he þy wyrs | meahte | / þolian þa þrage || þa hio |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 98b | gesælig / gif hiora modsefa || | meahte | weorþan / staþolfæst gereaht |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 102b | e / murge mid monnum || gif hit | meahte | swa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 94a | scriþan || wac and hnesce / ne | meahte | hit on him selfum || soþ ic |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 107a | d eorþan || eall toblawen / ne | meahte | on þære eorþan || awuht li |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 6a | || feþrum minum / oþþæt þu | meahte | || þisne middangeard / ælc eo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 69a | node siþþan / oþþæt him ne | meahte | || monna ænig / þegna sinra | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 102b | rycræftum || þeah hio gedon | meahte | / þæt þa lichoman || lange |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 94a | | forþæm wuhta nan / æfre ne | meahte | || elles wunian / gif hi eallm |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 5b | on heane munt / monna ænig || | meahte | asettan / healle hroffæste || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 10b | mon / on sondbeorgas || settan | meahte | / fæste healle || ne mæg eac |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 12b | olde fandian || gif þæt fyr | meahte | / lixan swa leohte || and swa l |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 48b | u þæt se anwald || eaþe ne | meahte | / godes ælmihtiges || þone ge |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 53b | gif he wolde || þæt he wel | meahte | / þæt unriht him || eaþe for |
Metrical Psalm 91:3 2b | ċ þē on salterio || singan | meahte | / oþþe% þe mid hearpan || h |
Solomon and Saturn 1b | fyrn-ġe·writum || findan ne | meahte | / sōðe samnode%. || Iċ sōht |
Solomon and Saturn 230a | anna || middan-ġeardes / þæt | meahte | þāra twēġa || twēon ā· |
Solomon and Saturn 269a | manna || middangeardes / þæt | meahte | þara twega || tuion aspyrian |
Solomon and Saturn 299a | | and þæt eall saĝaþ: / 'Ne | meahte | iċ of ðǣre heortan || hear |
Solomon and Saturn 15a | e || and þæt eall sagaþ / ne | meahte | ic of þære heortan || heard |
The Judgment Day II 109b | e sē mōna næfþ || nānre% | meahte | wiht, / þæt hē ðǣre nihte |
The Judgment Day II 116b | ǣnaþ, / þone mǣran metod || | meahte | and þrymme. / Sitt þonne siġ |
Psalm 50 117b | e; / swā min mūþ siþþan || | meahte | þīne / and lof ġeorne || lē |
The Seasons for Fasting 164b | t hē strǣla his || stellan | meahte | / on þǣm līċ-haman%; || næ |
Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version 2a | || heofonrices weard / meotodes | meahte | || and his modgeðanc / weorc w |
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 15a | ðæt he his biscepum / sendan | meahte | || forðæm hi his sume ðorf |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 2a | e iċ āĝe, þe mā þe || / | meahte | Herod ūrne drihten. Iċ ġe |
The Battle of Maldon 9a | re hilde stōp; / be þǣm mann | meahte | on·cnāwan || þæt sē cnih |
The Battle of Maldon 14b | e hē mid heandum || healdan | meahte | / bord and brād-sweord; || bē |
The Battle of Maldon 64a | -stæðe || ealle stōden. / Ne | meahte | ðǣr for wætere || weorod t |
The Battle of Maldon 70a | ord || and sē æsċ-here. / Ne | meahte | hira ǣniġ || ōðrum derian |
The Battle of Maldon 124b | hwā ðǣr mid orde || ǣrost | meahte | / on fǣġan menn || feorh ġe |
The Battle of Maldon 167a | dan || fealu-hilte sweord; / ne | meahte | hē ġe·healdan || heardne m |
The Battle of Maldon 171a | orþ || gōde ġe·fēran; / ne | meahte | þā on fōtum lenġ || fæst |