Number of occurrences in corpus: 213
Genesis A 11b | d side / þurh geweald godes || | wuldres | bearnum / gasta weardum || hæf |
Genesis A 83a | gesome || þa þe swegl buaþ / | wuldres | eþel || wroht wæs asprungen |
Genesis B 639b | fet / and þæt word acwæþ || | wuldres | aldor / þæt þæt micle morþ |
Genesis A 941a | n || and woruldyrmþo / hie þa | wuldres | weard || wædum gyrede / scyppe |
Genesis A 1002b | ste eacen / þa worde frægn || | wuldres | aldor / cain hwær abel || eor |
Genesis A 1511a | | Þā ġīet drihten cwæþ, / | wuldres | ealdor || word tō Nōe: / ‘T |
Genesis A 1574b | n / werum and wifum || siþþan | wuldres | þegn / ussum fæder and meder |
Genesis A 2268b | wat / westen secan || þær hie | wuldres | þegn / engel drihtnes || an ge |
Genesis A 2570b | geat / wite þæs heo wordum || | wuldres | þegna / hyran ne wolde || nu s |
Genesis A 2575b | dra sum / þara þe geworhte || | wuldres | aldor / him þa abraham gewat | |
Genesis A 2916b | ade / eaforan þinne || him an | wuldres | god / mago ebrea || þu medum s |
Exodus 100a | n herebyman || hludan stefnum / | wuldres | woman || werod eall aras / modi |
Exodus 270b | n ræd / þæt ge gewurþien || | wuldres | aldor / and eow liffrean || lis |
Exodus 418a | ran cwom || stefn of heofonum / | wuldres | hleoþor || word æfter spræ |
Exodus 428a | mæg || heofon and eorþe / his | wuldres | word || widdra and siddra / þo |
Exodus 568a | || folc wæs on lande / hæfde | wuldres | beam || werud gelæded / halige |
Exodus 577a | orce || drihten heredon / weras | wuldres | sang || wif on oþrum / folcswe |
Daniel 13a | nrices weard || halig drihten / | wuldres | waldend || se þam werude gea |
Daniel 277b | inde geondsawen || þæt wæs | wuldres | god / þe hie generede || wiþ |
Daniel 759a | ofer sin mægen / siþþan him | wuldres | weard || wundor gecyþde / þæ |
Christ and Satan 14b | ht / swa se wyrhta || þurh his | wuldres | gast / serede and sette || on s |
Christ and Satan 24a | eron seolfe || swegles brytan / | wuldres | waldend || him þær wirse ge |
Christ and Satan 42b | wian / wean and wergu || nalles | wuldres | blæd / habban in heofnum || he |
Christ and Satan 85b | de / þæt ic wolde towerpan || | wuldres | leoman / bearn helendes || agan |
Christ and Satan 106b | t / iu ahte ic gewald || ealles | wuldres | / ær ic moste in þeossum atol |
Christ and Satan 118a | onwald || ah him alles gewald / | wuldres | and wita || waldendes sunu / fo |
Christ and Satan 140b | an / is me nu wyrsa || þæt ic | wuldres | leoht / uppe mid englum || æfr |
Christ and Satan 151b | ite and weorþmynt || ful oft | wuldres | sweg / brohton to bearme || bea |
Christ and Satan 174a | agan me þæs dreames gewald / | wuldres | and wynne || me þær wyrse g |
Christ and Satan 231a | | drihtnes mihtum / hwæt we in | wuldres | wlite || wunian moston / þær |
Christ and Satan 235b | wunodon on wynnum || geherdon | wuldres | sweg / beman stefne || byrhtwor |
Christ and Satan 251b | eroda waldend || agan us þis | wuldres | leoht / eall to æhte || þis i |
Christ and Satan 342b | s æghwær wa / witum werige || | wuldres | bescyrede / dreamum bedælde || |
Christ and Satan 390b | wile nu ure witu || þurh his | wuldres | cræft / eall toweorpan || nu |
Christ and Satan 447b | id him / witum werige || nalles | wuldres | leoht / habban moton || ah in h |
Christ and Satan 506b | / wuniaþ in wynnum || habbaþ | wuldres | blæd / þusendmælum || ic eow |
Christ and Satan 512a | / to haligum drihtne # || / swa | wuldres | weard || wordum sæde / meotod |
Christ and Satan 555a | wynnum || wunian moton / us is | wuldres | leoht # || / torht ontyned || |
Christ and Satan 555b | nnum || wunian mōton. / Ūs is | wuldres | lēoht / torht on·tȳned, || |
Christ and Satan 584b | rhta and waldend || þurh his | wuldres | cræft / siteþ him on heofnum |
Christ and Satan 586b | waldend mid witegum || hafaþ | wuldres | bearn / his seolfes seld || swe |
Christ and Satan 592b | / wunaþ in wynnum || þær is | wuldres | bled / torht ontyned || uton te |
Christ and Satan 616b | e / ge sind wilcuman || gaþ in | wuldres | leoht / to heofona rice || þæ |
Christ and Satan 648b | nnum bewunden || þæm þe in | wuldres | leoht / gongan moten || to gode |
Christ and Satan 659a | || to þissum eadigan ham / swa | wuldres | weard || wordum herigaþ / þeg |
Andreas 55b | elne forþ / wyrþode wordum || | wuldres | aldor / heofonrices weard || ha |
Andreas 70b | hreþre / gif þin willa sie || | wuldres | aldor / þæt me wærlogan || w |
Andreas 88b | / æfter þyssum wordum || com | wuldres | tacen / halig of heofenum || sw |
Andreas 193a | hrædlice || heofona scyppend / | wuldres | waldend || swa þu worde becw |
Andreas 210b | arum / gif hit worde becwiþ || | wuldres | agend / ne meaht þu þæs siþ |
Andreas 354a | ereliþendum || miltsa biddan / | wuldres | aldor || ond þus wordum cwæ |
Andreas 535b | fde / wære bewunden || se þe | wuldres | blæd / gestaþolade || strangu |
Andreas 539a | llenferhþ || cyning wyrþude / | wuldres | waldend || ond þus wordum cw |
Andreas 596a | ehyran || hyse leofesta / hu us | wuldres | weard || wordum ond dædum / lu |
Andreas 708a | || þæt he in temple gestod / | wuldres | aldor || wordhleoþor astag / g |
Andreas 726b | ndmægen / awriten on wealle || | wuldres | þegnas / þa gen worde cwæþ |
Andreas 758a | ne || cenned sceolde / weorþan | wuldres | god || is seo wyrd mid eow / op |
Andreas 806b | elingas / wordum weorþodon || | wuldres | aldor / hie þa ricene het || r |
Andreas 870b | ng / wlitig weoroda heap || ond | wuldres | þreat / utan ymbe æþelne || |
Andreas 887a | sa || brucan moton / þær wæs | wuldres | wynn || wigendra þrym / æþel |
Andreas 913b | es had / þa he worde cwæþ || | wuldres | aldor / wes þu andreas hal || |
Andreas 1026b | osan / æfter þyssum wordum || | wuldres | þegnas / begen þa gebroþor | |
Andreas 1056b | þadon / wyrda waldend || þæs | wuldres | ne biþ / æfre mid eldum || en |
Andreas 1268b | / weorþade wordum || oþþæt | wuldres | gim / heofontorht onhlad || þa |
Andreas 1380b | le gebunden / in wræc wunne || | wuldres | blunne / syþþan þu forhogede |
Andreas 1510a | la || on þe sylf cyning / wrat | wuldres | god || wordum cyþde / recene g |
Andreas 1611b | e / witu be gewyrhtum || eow is | wuldres | leoht / torht ontyned || gif ge |
Andreas 1631a | fulwihte || ond freoþuwære / | wuldres | wedde || witum aspedde / mundby |
Andreas 1661b | lde / wihte gewunian || þa him | wuldres | god / on þam siþfæte || sylf |
Andreas 10b | x / word ond wisdom || syþþan | wuldres | þegn / æþelcyninges ar || ea |
Andreas 11b | ord and wīsdōm, || siþþan | wuldres | þeġn, / æðel-cininges ār, |
Andreas 47b | mihton / ond þa weorþedon || | wuldres | agend / cleopodon on corþre || |
Andreas 48b | ihton, / and þā weorðodon || | wuldres | āĝend, / clipodon on corðre |
The Fates of the Apostles 27b | ast / on weres hade || syþþan | wuldres | cyning / engla ordfruma || eor |
The Fates of the Apostles 48b | lde / wig weorþian || him wæs | wuldres | dream / lifwela leofra || þonn |
The Fates of the Apostles 61b | g / wund for weorudum || þonon | wuldres | leoht / sawle gesohte || sigore |
The Fates of the Apostles 87b | unbræcne / wegan on gewitte || | wuldres | þegnas / nu ic þonne bidde || |
Dream of the Rood 14b | unded mid wommum || geseah ic | wuldres | treow / wædum geweorþode || w |
Dream of the Rood 90b | m / hwæt me þa geweorþode || | wuldres | ealdor / ofer holmwudu || heofo |
Dream of the Rood 97b | nwreoh wordum || þæt hit is | wuldres | beam / se þe ælmihtig god || |
Dream of the Rood 133b | worulde dreamum || sohton him | wuldres | cyning / lifiaþ nu on heofenum |
Elene 77a | ht || him se ar hraþe / wlitig | wuldres | boda || wiþ þingode / ond be |
Elene 84a | || þu to heofenum beseoh / on | wuldres | weard || þær þu wraþe fin |
Elene 89a | seah he frætwum beorht / wliti | wuldres | treo || ofer wolcna hrof / gold |
Elene 217b | an / wigena þreate || hwær se | wuldres | beam / halig under hrusan || hy |
Elene 295b | e eow of wergþe || þurh his | wuldres | miht / fram ligcwale || lysan |
Elene 287b | u geworhtest || þurh þines | wuldres | miht / heofon ond eorþan || on |
Elene 288b | e·worhtest || þurh þīnes | wuldres | meaht / heofon and eorðan || a |
Elene 298a | an || mid þa leohtan gedryht / | wuldres | aras || þu geworhtest þa / on |
Elene 299a | mid þā lēohtan ġe·dryht, / | wuldres | āras. || Þū ġe·worhtest |
Elene 312b | / weoroda wealdend || is þæs | wuldres | ful / heofun ond eorþe || ond |
Elene 313b | weoroda wealdend. || Is þæs | wuldres | full / heofon and eorðe || and |
Elene 361b | cining / walde widan ferhþ || | wuldres | on heofenum / a butan ende || e |
Elene 362b | ning, / wealde wīdan ferhþ || | wuldres | on heofonum, / ā būtan ende | |
Elene 388b | þa wilfægen || æfter þam | wuldres | treo / elnes anhydig || eorþan |
Elene 389b | will-fæġen || aefter þām | wuldres | trēo, / elnes ān-hyġdiġ, || |
Elene 404a | rusan || he mid handum befeng / | wuldres | wynbeam || ond mid weorode ah |
Elene 405a | || Hē mid heandum be·fēng / | wuldres | wynn-bēam || and mid weorode |
Elene 427b | undor for weorodum || be þam | wuldres | treo / gesæton sigerofe || san |
Elene 428b | nder for weorodum || be þām | wuldres | trēo. / Ġe·sǣton siġe-rōf |
Elene 600a | ote || he þæt betere geceas / | wuldres | wynne || ond þam wyrsan wiþ |
Elene 601a | Hē þæt betere ġe·ċēas, / | wuldres | wynne || and þām wiersan wi |
Elene 650a | | in þa beorhtan gesceaft / on | wuldres | wyn || bide wigena þrym / þæ |
Elene 651a | ā beorhtan ġe·sċeaft, / on | wuldres | wynn%. || Bide wiĝena þrymm |
Elene 695b | s feollon / ofer wira gespon || | wuldres | gefylled / cwene willa || heo o |
Elene 696b | on / ofer wīra ġe·spann), || | wuldres | ġe·fylled / cwēne willa. || |
Elene 812b | / willum in worlde || ic þæs | wuldres | treowes / oft nales æne || hæ |
Elene 813b | lum on weorolde. || Iċ þæs | wuldres | trēowes / oft, nealles ǣne, | |
Christ A 8b | esihðe / wundrien to worlde || | wuldres | ealdor / gesweotula nu ðurh se |
Christ A 71b | bidan / eala wifa wynn || geond | wuldres | ðrym / fæmne freolicast || of |
Christ A 83b | e / weorðlicu wunade || nu ðu | wuldres | ðrym / bosme gebære || ond no |
Christ A 158a | ð cynelice || crist nergende / | wuldres | æðeling || ne læt awyrgde |
Christ A 160a | d agan || læf us ecne gefean / | wuldres | ðines || ðæt ðec weorðie |
Christ A 409b | ond rodoras / wigendra hleo || | wuldres | ðines / helm alwihta || sie ð |
Christ B 463a | a fela || tires brytta / onwrah | wuldres | helm || wordgerynum / ærðon u |
Christ B 493b | a ðreat / weorud wlitescyne || | wuldres | aras / cwomun on corðre || cyn |
Christ B 527a | | folc under roderum / ða wæs | wuldres | weard || wolcnum bifongen / hea |
Christ B 565b | wan / wæpna wyrpum || siððan | wuldres | cyning / heofonrices helm || hi |
Christ B 740b | e / wynnum geworden || gesawan | wuldres | ðrym / æðelinga ord || eðle |
Christ C 1197b | cynne / weorðan in worulde || | wuldres | agend / eades ordfruma || ðurh |
Christ C 1202b | ðon ðe he wolde || ðæt we | wuldres | eard / in ecnesse || agan moste |
Christ C 1587b | / ond his weorces wlite || ond | wuldres | lean / ðætte heofones cyning |
Christ C 1664b | dryht / weoruda wlitescynast || | wuldres | mid dryhten |
Vainglory 65a | esettan || on hyra sylfra dom / | wuldres | wynlond || ðæt him wige for |
Vainglory 72b | m in ðisse worulde || se mot | wuldres | dream / in haligra hyht || heon |
The Order of the World 95b | nis him wihte won || ðam ðe | wuldres | cyning / geseoð in swegle || h |
The Whale 88b | lofe motan / to widan feore || | wuldres | neotan |
The Partridge 4b | er / ðæt word ðe gecwæð || | wuldres | ealdor / in swa hwylce tiid || |
The Partridge 16a | æðelne || eardwica cyst / in | wuldres | wlite || wunian motan / [finit] |
Guthlac A 8b | wegas ðe sindon weðe || ond | wuldres | leoht / torht ontyned || eart n |
Guthlac A 25b | rgdan gæstas || bigytað him | wuldres | ræste / hwider sceal ðæs mon |
Guthlac A 76b | n forð / wyscað ond wenað || | wuldres | bycgað / sellað ælmessan || |
Guthlac A 324b | m stod / awreðed weorðlice || | wuldres | cempa / engla mægne || gewat e |
Guthlac A 558b | enmode / wraðe wræcmæcgas || | wuldres | cempan / halig husulbearn || æ |
Guthlac A 688b | yldigne / of ðam wræcsiðe || | wuldres | cempan / lædan limhalne || ð |
Guthlac B 1081b | me wracu ne gewin || ðæt ic | wuldres | god / sece swegelcyning || ðæ |
Guthlac B 1246a | e || ond me in hreðre bileac / | wuldres | wilboda || wisdomes giefe / mic |
Guthlac B 1286b | dogor / awrecen wælstrælum || | wuldres | scima / æðele ymb æðelne || |
Guthlac B 1304b | nsende / weorcum wlitigne || in | wuldres | dream / ða wæs guðlaces || g |
Guthlac B 1345a | erð || ðær seo fæmne wæs / | wuldres | wynmæg || he ða wyrd ne ma |
Guthlac B 1364b | reamum of / winemæga wyn || in | wuldres | ðrym / gewiten winiga hleo || |
Guthlac B 1368b | n / wunað wælræste || ond se | wuldres | dæl / of licfæte || in leoht |
The Judgment Day I 82b | willum æfter ðære wyrde || | wuldres | ealdor / ðam ðe his synna nu |
The Lord's Prayer I 2a | n heofonum eardast / geweorðad | wuldres | dreame || sy ðinum weorcum h |
Azarias 48a | of settend || ond soð meotod / | wuldres | waldend || ond woruldsceafta / |
Riddles 66 7a | erhnige || heofonas oferstige / | wuldres | eðel || wide ræce / ofer engl |
The Phoenix 117b | woruld gewlitegad || siððan | wuldres | gim / ofer geofones gong || gru |
The Phoenix 130a | ofonum || siððan heahcyning / | wuldres | wyrhta || woruld staðelode / h |
The Phoenix 439b | on / ðone wlitigan wong || ond | wuldres | setl / leoflic on laste || tugo |
The Phoenix 475a | wyrtum || wic gestaðelad / in | wuldres | byrig || weorca to leane / ðæ |
The Phoenix 516a | etle || halgum scineð / wlitig | wuldres | gim || wel bið ðam ðe mot / |
The Phoenix 588b | ð / wlitig ofer weoredum || in | wuldres | byrig / ðonne soðfæstum || s |
The Phoenix 628b | ealra ðrymma ðrym || ðines | wuldres | / uppe mid englum || ond on eor |
The Phoenix 662b | e / ðurh woruld worulda || ond | wuldres | blæd / ar ond onwald || in ða |
Juliana 153b | es ðegnum / ac ic weorðige || | wuldres | ealdor / middangeardes || ond m |
Juliana 180b | easinga / weohweorðinga || ond | wuldres | god / ongyte gleawlice || gæst |
Juliana 223b | a gehwylc / waldeð wideferh || | wuldres | agend / sigora gehwylces || ð |
Juliana 269a | eaclad || ðe hyre se aglæca / | wuldres | wiðerbreca || wordum sægde / |
Juliana 311a | algan his || gæst onsende / in | wuldres | wlite || ðus ic wraðra fela |
Juliana 454b | e wende / ða seo wlitescyne || | wuldres | condel / to ðam wærlogan || w |
Juliana 516a | h ðe him weoruda god / onwrige | wuldres | cyning || wisdomes gæst / gief |
Juliana 600b | ndan / wifes willan || wæs seo | wuldres | mæg / anræd ond unforht || ea |
Juliana 641b | ð / gemunað wigena wyn || ond | wuldres | ðrym / haligra hyht || heofone |
Juliana 665b | eohtend / weges forwyrnen || to | wuldres | byrig / biddað bearn godes || |
The Seafarer 123b | / ðæt he usic geweorðade || | wuldres | ealdor / ece dryhten || in eall |
Beowulf 17a | ge hwile || him ðæs liffrea / | wuldres | wealdend || woroldare forgeaf |
Beowulf 183a | fena helm || herian ne cuðon / | wuldres | waldend || wa bið ðæm ðe |
Beowulf 931b | yrcan / wunder æfter wundre || | wuldres | hyrde / ðæt wæs ungeara || |
Beowulf 1752a | ðæs ðe him ær god sealde / | wuldres | waldend || weorðmynda dæl / h |
Judith 59b | me besmitan || ne wolde ðæt | wuldres | dema / geðafian ðrymmes hyrde |
The Paris Psalter 101:2 2b | æfre þinne / awend fram me || | wuldres | ealdor / gif ic geswenced sy || |
The Paris Psalter 105:19 1b | / # / þa hi wolde toweorpan || | wuldres | aldor / þær heora moyses || m |
The Paris Psalter 118:151 1b | ten / / # / wes me swiþe neah || | wuldres | drihten / synt ealle þine wega |
The Paris Psalter 118:151 2b | / # / Wes mē swīðe nēah, || | wuldres | drihten; / sint ealle þīne we |
The Paris Psalter 142:7 3b | geworden / ne awend fram me || | wuldres | ealdur / þine ansyne || wese i |
The Paris Psalter 146:12 1b | eorþan / / # / ac wel licaþ || | wuldres | drihtne / þa þe hine him ondr |
The Paris Psalter 55:3 2b | / wene ic me wraþe to þe || | wuldres | drihten / / # / ic wealdend god | |
The Paris Psalter 56:13 3a | alle || eorþan swylce / þines | wuldres | wlite || wide and side |
The Paris Psalter 65:1 4a | || neode mid sealmum / and him | wuldres | lof || wide syllaþ / / # / and g |
The Paris Psalter 65:3 1b | cne leogaþ / / # / geweorþie || | wuldres | ealdor / eall þeos eorþe || e |
The Paris Psalter 68:6 1a | c ne reafude ær / / # / þu wast | wuldres | god || þæt ic eom unwis hyg |
The Paris Psalter 70:8 1b | erian / / # / ne aweorp þu me || | wuldres | ealdor / þonne me ylde tid || |
The Paris Psalter 70:18 3b | t / wundur wræclicu || nis þe | wuldres | cyning / ænig æfre gelic || e |
The Paris Psalter 71:20 2a | si || eall gefylled / þurh his | wuldres | miht || wese swa wese swa |
The Paris Psalter 72:19 3a | ell gelæddest / and me þa mid | wuldres | || welan gename / / # / hwæt mæ |
The Paris Psalter 73:10 1b | / / # / for hwan awendest þu || | wuldres | ansyne / æfre fram us || eac |
The Paris Psalter 76:10 3a | f Æġyptum. / / # / Hwæt, þē, | wuldres | god, || wæter sċēawedon / an |
The Paris Psalter 76:13 1a | || of ægyptum / / # / hwæt þe | wuldres | god || wæter sceawedon / and |
The Paris Psalter 78:5 1a | nu-þa syndon / / # / hu wilt þu | wuldres | god || wraþ yrre þin / on end |
The Paris Psalter 85:8 2b | eorissa / þa þe weorþiaþ || | wuldres | aldor / and naman drihtnes || n |
The Paris Psalter 87:9 2b | worden for wædle || ic me to | wuldres | gode / þuruh ealne dæg || eln |
The Paris Psalter 89:2 3b | þþe world wære || þu eart | wuldres | god / / # / ne ahwyrf þu fram m |
The Paris Psalter 95:6 3b | letsad / and weorþlic wlite || | wuldres | þines / / # / bringaþ nu drihtn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 57b | ld under wolcnum || hwæt þu | wuldres | god / þone anne naman || eft t |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 45b | god / and weorþodon || swa swa | wuldres | cining / gif he to þæm rice w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 6b | swa lange / swa hi gewenede || | wuldres | aldor / æt frumsceafte || þæ |
Solomon and Saturn 105a | cymeþ, || engla ġe·rǣswa, / | wuldres | stæf, || wrāðne ġe·grīp |
Solomon and Saturn 175b | hhe, / wēriġ, wilna lēas, || | wuldres | be·dǣled, / hwīlum hyġe-ġ |
Solomon and Saturn 209b | geneahhe / werig wilna leas || | wuldres | bedæled / hwilum higegeomor || |
The Menologium 115b | ta / woruldgesceafta || þænne | wuldres | þegn / ymb þreotyne || þeodn |
The Menologium 159b | e iu / mid wætere oferwearp || | wuldres | cynebearn / wiga weorþlice || |
The Rewards of Piety 28b | ed / welena forwyrned || ac ðu | wuldres | god / ece ælmihtigne || ealnin |
Fragment of Psalm 5 1b | m 5 / / # / word ðu min onfoh || | wuldres | ealdor / and mid earum gehyr || |
Fragment of Psalm 50 1b | rihten / / # / ne awyrp ðu me || | wuldres | ealdor / fram ðinre ansyne || |
A Prayer 74b | hweorfe / ne forweorn ðu me || | wuldres | drihten / ac getyða me || tyre |
The Seasons for Fasting 54b | id sange / wlancne weorðian || | wuldres | bryttan / ofer ða eastertid || |
The Seasons for Fasting 74b | scylan / wordum and weorcum || | wuldres | cyninge / in ða ylcan tid || e |
The Seasons for Fasting 132b | m engle / we sint on westene || | wuldres | blisse / on ðæm ænete || eal |
The Seasons for Fasting 145b | gewat / of ðissum wangstede || | wuldres | neosian / hine fyren scryd || f |
The Seasons for Fasting 190b | m betan / wordes and weorces || | wuldres | ealdor / ðurh ælmesdæde || e |
The Seasons for Fasting 207b | re / wæter of wege || ðæt is | wuldres | lare / ac ic secgan mæg || sor |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 11a | unu || and frofre gast / ealles | wuldres | || wyrðig dryhten / swa swa ic |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 23b | ldon / worces stirende || si me | wuldres | hyht / hand ofer heafod || hali |