Number of occurrences in corpus: 214
Genesis A 110b | der roderum / wonn and weste || | oþþæt | þeos woruldgesceaft / þurh wo |
Genesis B 454a | ferde || þurh feondes cræft / | oþþæt | he adam || on eorþrice / godes |
Genesis B 589b | peon / idese on þæt unriht || | oþþæt | hire on innan ongan / weallan w |
Genesis B 715a | oþiewde || and treowe gehet / | oþþæt | adame || innan breostum / his h |
Genesis A 899b | fah wyrm þurh fægir word || | oþþæt | ic fracoþlice / feondræs gefr |
Genesis A 936a | an || þenden þu her leofast / | oþþæt | þe to heortan || hearde grip |
Genesis A 974b | hte heold / fæder on fultum || | oþþæt | forþ gewat / dægrimes worn || |
Genesis A 1068b | rfes hyrde / fæder on laste || | oþþæt | he forþ gewat / siþþan mathu |
Genesis A 1071b | sinum / æþelinga gestreon || | oþþæt | aldorgedal / frod fyrndagum || |
Genesis A 1248a | / drihtne dyre || and domeadig / | oþþæt | bearn godes || bryda ongunnon |
Genesis A 1420a | / fær seleste || flod up ahof / | oþþæt | rimgetæl || reþre þrage / da |
Genesis A 1466a | wucan wilde || seo wide fleah / | oþþæt | heo rumgal || restestowe / fæg |
Genesis A 1608b | ldreamas / blæd mid bearnum || | oþþæt | breosta hord / gast ellorfus || |
Genesis A 1625b | mægþe sinre / domas sægde || | oþþæt | his dogora wæs / rim aurnen || |
Genesis A 1652a | e rincas || sohton rumre land / | oþþæt | hie becomon || corþrum miclu |
Genesis A 1673a | o weorce || and to wrohtscipe / | oþþæt | for wlence || and for wonhygd |
Genesis A 1703b | nd wriþade / mægburh semes || | oþþæt | mon awoc / on þære cneorisse |
Genesis A 1765a | r swegle || sunum and dohtrum / | oþþæt | fromcyme || folde weorþeþ / |
Genesis A 1782b | e frean hæse / abraham wide || | oþþæt | ellenrof / to sicem com || siþ |
Genesis A 1798a | a selfcyning || soþ gecyþde / | oþþæt | drihtweras || duguþum gefora |
Genesis A 1813b | ilna breac / beorn mid bryde || | oþþæt | brohþrea / cananea wearþ || c |
Genesis A 1856a | sumne wlite || wordum heredon / | oþþæt | he lædan heht || leoflic wif |
Genesis A 1892a | ham and loth || ead bryttedon / | oþþæt | hie on þam lande || ne meaht |
Genesis A 1924b | d gelic godes / neorxnawange || | oþþæt | nergend god / for wera synnum | |
Genesis A 1979a | n gieldan || and gafol sellan / | oþþæt | þa leode || leng ne woldon / e |
Genesis A 1987a | gencorþrum || modum þryþge / | oþþæt | folcgetrume || gefaren hæfdo |
Genesis A 2082b | ldorduguþe / dome bedrorene || | oþþæt | hie domasco / unfeor wæron || |
Genesis A 2403b | es mæg / sylfa on gesiþþe || | oþþæt | hie on sodoman / weallsteape bu |
Genesis A 2422b | htne guldon / god mid gnyrne || | oþþæt | gasta helm / lifes leohtfruma | |
Genesis A 2449b | liþnysse / fægre on flette || | oþþæt | forþ gewat / æfenscima || þa |
Genesis A 2538b | ofstum forþ / lastas legde || | oþþæt | he gelædde / bryd mid bearnum |
Genesis A 2596a | ælstowe fyrr || wic sceawian / | oþþæt | hie be hliþe || heare dune / e |
Genesis A 2750a | || ac him þæt metod forstod / | oþþæt | se halga || his hlaforde / abra |
Genesis A 2875b | a tæhte / wegas ofer westen || | oþþæt | wuldortorht / dæges þriddan u |
Exodus 59a | enge anpaþas || uncuþ gelad / | oþþæt | hie on guþmyrce || gearwe b |
Exodus 127b | stræte / segn ofer sweoton || | oþþæt | sæfæsten / landes æt ende || |
Exodus 204b | s anmod / werud wæs wigblac || | oþþæt | wlance forsceaf / mihtig engel |
Exodus 479b | egesan hweop / sæmanna siþ || | oþþæt | soþ metod / þurh moyses hand |
Daniel 17a | || þara þe him hold ne wæs / | oþþæt | hie wlenco anwod || æt winþ |
Daniel 29b | soþ gelyfdon / lytle hwile || | oþþæt | hie langung beswac / eorþan dr |
Daniel 63a | a þa eorlas || agan sceoldon / | oþþæt | hie burga gehwone || abrocen |
Daniel 149b | swefn cyninge / wyrda gerynu || | oþþæt | witga cwom / daniel to dome || |
Daniel 247b | eallan / iserne ymb æfæste || | oþþæt | up gewat / lig ofer leofum || a |
Daniel 446b | m sædon fela / soþra tacna || | oþþæt | he sylfa gelyfde / þæt se wæ |
Daniel 492a | odsefan || þonne gemet wære / | oþþæt | hine mid nyde || nyþor asett |
Daniel 516b | wudubeames / eorþan fæstne || | oþþæt | eft cyme / grene bleda || þonn |
Daniel 577a | and wreceþ || swa wildu deor / | oþþæt | þu ymb seofon winter || soþ |
Daniel 584b | nde biþ / anwalh for eorlum || | oþþæt | þu eft cymst / gehyge þu frea |
Daniel 639b | iþrode / rice under roderum || | oþþæt | se ræswa com / þa wæs eft ge |
Daniel 650a | | þe he mid wilddeorum ateah / | oþþæt | him frean godes || in gast be |
Daniel 667b | folca ræswa / caldea cyning || | oþþæt | him cwelm gesceod / swa him ofe |
Daniel 669b | dsaca ne wæs / gumena ænig || | oþþæt | him god wolde / þurh hryre hre |
Daniel 677b | rga aldor / weold wera rices || | oþþæt | him wlenco gesceod / oferhyd eg |
Daniel 693b | þe men bun / babilon burga || | oþþæt | baldazar / þurh gylp grome || |
Daniel 735a | s ærendbec || æþelinga cyn / | oþþæt | daniel com || drihtne gecoren |
Daniel 751b | æ hæfdon / æt godes earce || | oþþæt | hie gylp beswac / windruncen ge |
Christ and Satan 476b | ian moston / eorlas on eþle || | oþþæt | eft gelamp / þæt hie afyrde e |
Christ and Satan 22a | s grundes || gang þonne swa / | oþþæt | þu þone ymbhwyrft || alne c |
Christ and Satan 23a | grundes; || gang þonne swā / | oþ·þæt | þū þone ymb-hwyrft || ealn |
Christ and Satan 46b | laþe scræf / atol mid egum || | oþþæt | egsan gryre / deofla mænego || |
Christ and Satan 47b | sċræf, / atol mid ēaĝum, || | oþ·þæt | eġesan gryre / dēofla meniġu |
Andreas 268a | ic sæmearh || snude bewunden / | oþþæt | we þissa leoda || land gesoh |
Andreas 464a | eadig oreta || eorlas trymede / | oþþæt | hie semninga || slæp ofereod |
Andreas 820a | leoþorcwidum || haliges lare / | oþþæt | hine semninga || slæp ofereo |
Andreas 826a | id lissum || ofer lagufæsten / | oþþæt | sæwerige || slæp ofereode / |
Andreas 835a | niþhetum || nihtlangne fyrst / | oþþæt | dryhten forlet || dægcandell |
Andreas 1061a | olcmægen || gefrægen hæfde / | oþþæt | he gemette || be mearcpaþe / s |
Andreas 1245b | ceolde / swa wæs ealne dæg || | oþþæt | æfen com / sigetorht swungen | |
Andreas 1247b | d / ymb þæs beornes breost || | oþþæt | beorht gewat / sunne swegeltorh |
Andreas 1268b | en herede / weorþade wordum || | oþþæt | wuldres gim / heofontorht onhla |
Andreas 1304a | niwan stefne || niþ upp aras / | oþþæt | sunne gewat || to sete glidan |
Andreas 1456b | yhten herede / halgan stefne || | oþþæt | hador sægl / wuldortorht gewat |
Andreas 1574a | dstream || flod wæs on luste / | oþþæt | breost oferstag || brim weall |
Dream of the Rood 26a | reowcearig || hælendes treow / | oþþæt | ic gehyrde || þæt hit hleo |
Dream of the Rood 32b | me þær beornas on eaxlum || | oþþæt | hie me on beorg asetton / gefæ |
Elene 139b | luste, / ēhton ell-þēoda || | oþ·þæt | ǣfen forþ / fram dæġes orde |
Elene 426a | bearhtme || ond gebidan þær / | oþþæt | him gecyþde || cyning ælmih |
Elene 427a | htme || and ġe·bīdan ðǣr / | oþ·þæt | him ġe·cȳðde || cyning æ |
Elene 446a | n halig || hra wæs on anbide / | oþþæt | him uppan || æþelinges wæs |
Elene 447a | ġ. || Hrǣw wæs on an-bīde / | oþ·þæt | him uppan || æðelinges wæs |
Elene 818b | ġe-bēacne. || Ā wæs secg% | oþ·þæt | / cnyssed ċear-wielmum, || //C |
Christ A 307a | t% || witĝa ġond þēodland / | oþ·þæt | hē ġe·starode || ðǣr ġe |
Christ C 1005a | d ūtan || eorðan sċēatas, / | oþ·þæt | eall hafaþ || ǣldes lēoma / |
Christ C 1452b | e% þolode, / yfel earfoþu, || | oþ·þæt | iċ ānne for·lēt / of mīnum |
Widsith 141b | rǣran, / eorlsċipe efnan, || | oþ·þæt | eall sċæceþ, / lēoht and l |
The Fortunes of Men 4b | waþ, / tennaþ and tǣtaþ, || | oþ·þæt | sēo tīd cymeþ, / ġeġāþ |
The Fortunes of Men 23b | ·þeah, / lāceþ on lyfte, || | oþ·þæt | lengre ne biþ / wæstm wudu-b |
The Fortunes of Men 34b | īdan, / seomian æt swylte, || | oþ·þæt | sāwol-hord, / bān-cofa blōdi |
The Fortunes of Men 86b | ·temian, / hafoc on handa, || | oþ·þæt | sēo heoru-swealwe / wynsum weo |
The Fortunes of Men 90a | -swiftne || lȳtlum ġieflum, / | oþ·þæt | sē wielisca || wǣdum and d |
Maxims I 46b | tan þæt hē teala cunne, || | oþ·þæt | hine mann ā·temedne hæbbe, |
Maxims I 47b | / sille him wist and wǣdu, || | oþ·þæt | hine mann on ġe·witte ā·l |
The Order of the World 70a | re tungol || faran on hēape, / | oþ·þæt | on ǣfenne || ūt gār-seċġ |
The Riming Poem 77a | and þā wist ġe·þiġeþ, / | oþ·þæt | bēoþ þā bān || ān, / and |
The Whale 36b | en, / frōfre tō fēondum, || | oþ·þæt | hīe fæste ðǣr / æt þām w |
The Whale 59b | inn faraþ / unware weorode, || | oþ·þæt | sē wīda ċeafl / ġefylled bi |
Guthlac A 134a | ne trymedon || on twā healfa / | oþ·þæt | þæs ġe·winnes || weoroda |
Guthlac A 147b | ōw / be·miden fore mannum, || | oþ·þæt | metod on·wrāh / beorh on bear |
Guthlac A 498b | blissiaþ / weorolde wynnum, || | oþ·þæt | wintra rīm / ġe·ġæþ on þ |
Guthlac A 546a | arda hyġe || hāliġ wunode, / | oþ·þæt | hē þā bisiĝu || ofer·bid |
Guthlac B 1291b | candel, / fram ǣfen-glōme || | oþ·þæt | ēastan cōm / ofer dēop ġe· |
Deor 39b | þ tilne, / holdne hālford, || | oþ·þæt | Heorrenda nū, / lēoþ-cræfti |
Riddles 23 8a | | iċ bēo lengre þonne ǣr, / | oþ·þæt | iċ spǣte, || spilde ġe·bl |
Riddles 3 12a | r lande || and laĝu swīġe, / | oþ·þæt | iċ of enġe || up ā·þring |
Riddles 53 4b | nd eorðe / fēdan fæġere, || | oþ·þæt | hē frōd daĝum / on ōðrum w |
Riddles 9 7a | e% || swā hire āĝen bearn, / | oþ·þæt | iċ under sċēate, || swā m |
Riddles 9 10a | ðe mǣġ || fēdde siþþan, / | oþ·þæt | iċ ā·wēox, || wīdor meah |
The Judgment Day I 16a | rde || ġe·hlæġes tiliaþ, / | oþ·þæt | hīe be·swīcaþ || synna we |
The Descent into Hell 92a | murnende || mǣġ-burh ūsse, / | oþ·þæt | [] || siġe-drihten god, / bime |
The Ruin 24a | maniġ || //M// drēama full, / | oþ·þæt | þæt on·wende || wyrd sēo |
Riddles 72 10a | earle. || Iċ þæh on lust, / | oþ·þæt | iċ wæs ieldra || and þæt |
Riddles 73 2b | / hrūse and heofon-wolcn%, || | oþ·þæt | mē on·hwierfdon / ġēarum fr |
Riddles 93 15a | eaxe%. || Iċ on% fūsum rād / | oþ·þæt | him þone glēaw-stōl || ġi |
The Phoenix 141a | nsaþ || sǣlum ġe·blissod, / | oþ·þæt | sēo sunne || on sūð-rodor / |
The Phoenix 151a | and lissa, || landes frætwa, / | oþ·þæt | hē þūsende || þisses līf |
The Phoenix 166a | nd þēow || þēodne mǣrum, / | oþ·þæt | hīe ġe·sēċaþ || Sier-wa |
The Phoenix 263b | ĝa his / feorh ā·fēdeþ, || | oþ·þæt | fyrn-ġe·setu, / āĝenne eard |
The Phoenix 346b | wynnum / æðelne tō earde, || | oþ·þæt | sē ān-hoĝa / oþ·flēoġeþ |
The Phoenix 363b | ltum inn, / wunian on wange, || | oþ·þæt | wintra biþ / þūsend urnen. | |
The Phoenix 420b | be·tȳned / wintra meniġu, || | oþ·þæt | wuldor-cyning / þurh his hider |
The Phoenix 484b | ah-cyning / earnaþ on elne, || | oþ·þæt | ende cymeþ / dōĝor-rīmes, | |
Juliana 285a | an || and fæste ġe·heald. / | oþ·þæt | hē his sīþ-fæt || seċġe |
The Wanderer 71a | || þonne hē bēot spriceþ, / | oþ·þæt | collen-ferhþ || cunne ġearw |
The Wanderer 86a | rd-ġeard || ielda sċieppend / | oþ·þæt | burg-wara || breahtma lēase / |
Beowulf 9a | cnum, || weorþ-myndum þāh, / | oþ·þæt | him ǣg·hwelċ || þāra ymb |
Beowulf 56b | hwearf, / ealdor of earde), || | oþ·þæt | him eft on·wōc / hēah Healf |
Beowulf 66b | -māĝas / ġeorne hīerdon, || | oþ·þæt | sēo ġuĝuþ ġe·wēox, / ma |
Beowulf 100b | amum lifdon / ēadiġlīċe, || | oþ·þæt | ān on·gann / firene fremman% |
Beowulf 145b | hte wann, / ana wiþ eallum, || | oþ·þæt | īdel stōd / hūsa sēlest. || |
Beowulf 219a | -heals || fuĝole ġelīcost, / | oþ·þæt | ymb ān·tīd || ōðres dō |
Beowulf 296b | an on sande / ārum healdan, || | oþ·þæt | eft bireþ / ofer laĝu-strēam |
Beowulf 307b | ōnetton, / siĝon ætsamne, || | oþ·þæt | hīe sæl% timbred, / ġeatoli |
Beowulf 545b | wǣron / fīf nihta frist, || | oþ·þæt | unc flōd tō·drāf, / wadu we |
Beowulf 622b | welcne, / sinċ-fatu sealde, || | oþ·þæt | sǣl ā·lamp / þæt hēo Bēo |
Beowulf 644b | ǣlum, / siġe-folca swēġ, || | oþ·þæt | samnunga / sunu Healf·denes || |
Beowulf 1133b | be·lēac / īs-ġe·binde, || | oþ·þæt | ōðer cōm / ġēar on ġearda |
Beowulf 1254b | ndel warode, / unryht efnde, || | oþ·þæt | ende be·cōm, / swylt aefter s |
Beowulf 1375b | tyreþ, / lāþ-ġe·wīdru, || | oþ·þæt | lyft drysmaþ, / rodoras rēota |
Beowulf 1414a | sra manna || wang sċēawian, / | oþ·þæt | hē fǣringa || fierġen-bēa |
Beowulf 1640a | old-sele || Grendles hēafod, / | oþ·þæt | samnunga || tō sele cōmon / f |
Beowulf 1714b | atas, / eaxl-ġe·steallan, || | oþ·þæt | hē ana hwearf, / mǣre þēode |
Beowulf 1740a | | (hē þæt wierse ne cann), / | oþ·þæt | him on innan || ofer-hyġda d |
Beowulf 1801a | ld-fāh; || ġiest inne swæf / | oþ·þæt | hræfn blaca || heofones wynn |
Beowulf 1886b | yning, / ǣghwæs orleahtre, || | oþ·þæt | hine ieldu be·nam / mæġenes |
Beowulf 2039a | m wǣpnum || wealdan mōston, / | oþ·þæt | hīe for·lǣddan || tō þǣ |
Beowulf 2058b | e·hwelċe / sārum wordum, || | oþ·þæt | sǣl cymeþ / þaet sē fǣmnan |
Beowulf 2116b | angne dæġ / nīede nāmon, || | oþ·þæt | niht be·cōm / ōðer tō ield |
Beowulf 2210b | cyning, / eald ēðel-weard, || | oþ·þæt | ān on·gann / deorcum nihtum | |
Beowulf 2269b | wearf% / dæġes and nihtes, || | oþ·þæt | dēaðes wielm / hrān æt heor |
Beowulf 2280b | rna sum, / ēacen-cræftiġ, || | oþ·þæt | hine ān ā·bealh / mann on m |
Beowulf 2303b | eard on-bād / earfoðlīċe || | oþ·þæt | ǣfen cōm; / wæs þā ġe·bo |
Beowulf 2378b | m hēold, / ēstum mid āre, || | oþ·þæt | hē ieldra wearþ, / Weder-Ġē |
Beowulf 2621b | missera, / bill and byrnan, || | oþ·þæt | his byre meahte / eorlsċipe ef |
Beowulf 2782b | u-weallende / middel-nihtum, || | oþ·þæt | hē morðre swealt. / Ār wæs |
Beowulf 2791b | on·gann / wæteres weorpan, || | oþ·þæt | wordes ord / brēost-hord þurh |
Beowulf 2934a | lgode || feorh-ġe·nīðlan, / | Oþ·þæt | hīe oþ·ēodon || earfoðl |
Beowulf 3147a | den || wind-bland ġe·læġ, / | oþ·þæt | hē þā bān-hūs || ġe·br |
Judith 30b | wīþ-mōd sinċes brytta, || | oþ·þæt | hīe on swīman lǣĝon, / ofer |
Judith 33b | r / fylĝan flett-sittendum, || | oþ·þæt | fīra bearnum / nēa-lǣhte nih |
Judith 134a | idesa bā || ellen-þrīste, / | oþ·þæt | hīe% be·cōmon, || collen-f |
Judith 238a | ll-þēoda || ealle þrāĝe, / | oþ·þæt | on·ġēaton || þā þe gram |
The Paris Psalter 104:11 3a | folce || feawe wæran ænige / | oþþæt | bigengum || beornas onwocan / c |
The Paris Psalter 104:11 5a | æfter cynne || cende wæran / | oþþæt | hio oþer folc || egsan geþi |
The Paris Psalter 104:15 5b | e æryst / hæfdon to hæfte || | oþþæt | hine halig god / þurh his word |
The Paris Psalter 104:23 5a | dan cneomagum || cystum godum / | oþþæt | heo geforan || folc chananea / |
The Paris Psalter 106:3 2a | ram uppgange || æryst sunnan / | oþþæt | heo gewiteþ || on westrodur / |
The Paris Psalter 106:6 3a | on rihtne weg || ricene eodan / | oþþæt | hi cuþlice || on becwoman / to |
The Paris Psalter 111:9 3b | grimetaþ / þearle þindeþ || | oþþæt | þonne byþ / þæt fyrenfulra |
The Paris Psalter 112:3 2a | fram upgange || æryst sunnan / | oþþæt | heo wende || on westrodur / ge |
The Paris Psalter 118:51 2a | ofermodige || unriht fremmaþ / | oþþæt | hi on eorþan || ealle forweo |
The Paris Psalter 118:51 3a | r-mōdġe || unryht fremmaþ, / | oþ·þæt | hīe on eorðan || ealle for |
The Paris Psalter 122:3 5a | m godan gode || geare lociaþ / | oþþæt | us miltsige || mihta wealdend |
The Paris Psalter 129:6 2a | m þære mæran || mergentide / | oþþæt | æfen cume || ylda bearnum / is |
The Paris Psalter 131:5 1a | nwange || þriste gereste / / # / | oþþæt | ic gemete || mære stowe / drih |
The Paris Psalter 136:7 3a | Wuton hīe īdle ġe·dōn, / | oþ·þæt | hīe hira || eard ġe·ċēos |
The Paris Psalter 136:8 5a | eþaþ || wutun hi idle gedon / | oþþæt | hi heora || eard geceosan / / # |
The Paris Psalter 138:7 2a | eru gefo || fleoge ær leohte / | oþþæt | ic beutan wese || eallum sæw |
The Paris Psalter 140:12 2b | ngnettum / ic me syndrig eom || | oþþæt | ic swa fere |
The Paris Psalter 141:9 2a | soþfæste || snotere bidaþ / | oþþæt | þu me edlean || eft forgylde |
The Paris Psalter 56:1 4b | || fiþera þinra / gewicie || | oþþæt | gewite forþ / and unriht me || |
The Paris Psalter 57:6 3b | geþ / swa his bogan bendeþ || | oþþæt | bitere eft / adl on seteþ || s |
The Paris Psalter 63:6 2a | man manig || modig on heortan / | oþþæt | hine ahefeþ || hælend driht |
The Paris Psalter 67:22 3a | sæ deopre || sniome onwende / | oþþæt | þin fot weorþe || fæste on |
The Paris Psalter 70:17 1a | t þu me || lifigende god / / # / | oþþæt | ic þines earmes || eall asec |
The Paris Psalter 71:7 3a | fæstnes || swiþe genihtsum / | oþþæt | byþ ahafen || hluttor mona / / |
The Paris Psalter 72:13 4a | u þis gewinn || wolde gangan / | oþþæt | ic on his hus || halig gange / |
The Paris Psalter 80:15 3b | halig god / sealde of stane || | oþþæt | hi sæde wæron |
The Paris Psalter 89:6 3b | gebloweþ / and geefneþ swa || | oþþæt | æfen cymeþ / þonne forwisna |
The Paris Psalter 93:11 5a | ele dagas || ealle gebeorgest / | oþþæt | biþ frecne seaþ || þam fyr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 29b | s gewunnen / wintra mænigo || | oþþæt | wyrd gescraf / þæt þe þeodr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 62b | wonnan niht / mona onlihteþ || | oþþæt | monnum dæg / sunne bringeþ || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 85a | ceafta || winnaþ betweox him / | oþþæt | þios eorþe || eall forweor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 6a | e ferþlocan || feþrum minum / | oþþæt | þu meahte || þisne middange |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 40a | ge folc || on gedwolan lædde / | oþþæt | him gelyfde || leoda unrim / fo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 69a | þæm wife || wunode siþþan / | oþþæt | him ne meahte || monna ænig / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 32b | rneþ þæt æþele tungol || | oþþæt | he be eastan weorþeþ / eldum |
Metrical Psalm 93:11 5a | ĝas || ealla ġe·beorĝest / | oþþæt | biþ frecne sēoþ || þǣm f |
The Death of Alfred 12a | yt || ælc yfel man him gehet / | oþþæt | man gerædde || þæt man hin |
The Death of Alfred 17a | lċ yfel mann him ġe·hēt, / | oþ·þæt | mann ġe·rǣdde || þæt man |
The Death of Edward 25b | el bewerode / land and leode || | oþþæt | lungre becom / deaþ se bitera |
Solomon and Saturn 137a | lfrenum, || swīðe weallaþ, / | oþ·þæt | him bān blīcaþ, || blēda |
Solomon and Saturn 142a | seolfrynum || swiþe weallaþ / | oþþæt | him ban blicaþ || bledaþ æ |
Solomon and Saturn 149b | eþ, / hornum ġe·hēaweþ, || | oþ·þæt | him heortan blōd, / fāmiġ fl |
Solomon and Saturn 154b | ehnægeþ / hornum geheaweþ || | oþþæt | him heortan blod / famig flodes |
Solomon and Saturn 250b | m mid þȳ tēoðan dǣle, || | oþ·þæt | hē his tornes% ne% cūðe / en |
Solomon and Saturn 291a | and hine ġond land spaneþ, / | oþ·þæt | his eġe biþ, || æf-þuncum |
Solomon and Saturn 292b | him mid þy teoþan dæle || | oþþæt | he his tornes ne cuþe / ende |
Solomon and Saturn 294a | ond || on fēower ġe·cynd, / | oþ·þæt | hē ġe·wendeþ || on þā w |
Solomon and Saturn 7a | | and hine geond land spaneþ / | oþþæt | his ege biþ || æfþancum fu |
Solomon and Saturn 10a | se feond || on feower gecynd / | oþþæt | he gewendeþ || on þa wyrsan |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 22b | , / sēo māre þā læssan, || | oþ·þæt | him bēġra bōt sīe. / Ġe·m |
The Battle of Maldon 276a | || and wiþ þa beornas feaht / | oþþæt | he his sincgyfan || on þam s |
The Battle of Maldon 278a | and wiþ þā beornas feaht, / | oþ·þæt | hē his sinċ-ġiefan || on |
The Battle of Maldon 322b | yrmest eode / heow and hynde || | oþþæt | he on hilde gecranc / næs þæ |