Number of occurrences in corpus: 152
Genesis B 354a | oll him on innan / hyge ymb his | heortan | || hat wæs him utan / wraþlic |
Genesis B 530b | ldan sceolde || se þe bi his | heortan | wuht / laþes gelæde || nat þ |
Genesis B 636b | n handum bær || sum hire æt | heortan | læg / æppel unsælga || þone |
Genesis B 724a | hit him on innan com / hran æt | heortan | || hloh þa and plegode / boda |
Genesis B 759a | is min mod gehæled / hyge ymb | heortan | gerume || ealle synt uncre he |
Genesis B 826b | hreowan || þonne hit me æt | heortan | deþ / hire þa adam || andswar |
Genesis A 936a | u her leofast / oþþæt þe to | heortan | || hearde gripeþ / adl unliþe |
Genesis A 980a | æt wæs torn were / hefig æt | heortan | || hygewælm asteah / beorne on |
Genesis A 1569b | swima / on þæs halgan hofe || | heortan | clypte / swiþe on slæpe || se |
Genesis A 2278a | ne || witodes bidan / hwonne of | heortan | || hunger oþþe wulf / sawle a |
Genesis A 2350b | anc wege / heardrædne hyge || | heortan | strange / to dreoganne || dæge |
Exodus 148b | ræton / wæron heaþowylmas || | heortan | getenge / mihtmod wera || manum |
Daniel 393b | ran sinne / and þec haligra || | heortan | cræftas / soþfæstra gehwæs |
Daniel 490b | arþ him hyrra hyge || and on | heortan | geþanc / mara on modsefan || |
Daniel 569b | eþ / and þonne onhweorfeþ || | heortan | þine / þæt þu ne gemyndgast |
Daniel 597a | || ac his mod astah / heah fram | heortan | || he þæs hearde ongeald / on |
Daniel 628b | r wide bær / herewosan hige || | heortan | getenge / þa his gast ahwearf |
Andreas 36a | wende gewit || wera ingeþanc / | heortan | on hreþre || hyge wæs oncyr |
Andreas 52a | in breostum þa git / herede in | heortan | || heofonrices weard / þeah þ |
Andreas 1213b | e sylfne / herd hige þinne || | heortan | staþola / þæt hie min on þe |
Andreas 1252a | || him wæs leoht sefa / halig | heortan | neh || hige untyddre / þa se h |
Andreas 41a | || þær manegum wæs / hat æt | heortan | || hyge weallende / hie þa geb |
Andreas 42a | Þǣr maniĝum wæs / hāt æt | heortan | || hyġe weallende. / Hīe þā |
Homiletic Fragment I 5a | facen swa þeah / hafaþ in his | heortan | || hord unclæne / byþ þonne |
Homiletic Fragment I 6a | en swā% þēah / hafaþ on his | heortan, | || hord unclǣne. / Biþ þonne |
Elene 189a | him wæs geomor sefa / hat æt | heortan | || ond gehwæþres wa / ge he h |
Elene 190a | m wæs ġōmor sefa, / hāt æt | heortan | || and ġe·hwæðres wā, / ġ |
Elene 784a | mægene || þone mæran dæg / | heortan | gehigdum || in þam sio halig |
Elene 785a | ġene || þone mǣran dæġ, / | heortan | ġe·hyġdum, || on þām sē |
Christ A 174b | e mæg / gehælan hygesorge || | heortan | minre / afrefran feasceaftne || |
Christ B 500a | him wæs geomor sefa / hat æt | heortan | || hyge murnende / ðæs ðe hi |
Christ B 539a | || wæs seo treowlufu / hat æt | heortan | || hreðer innan weoll / beorn |
Christ B 641b | c gewit / hæfdon on hreðre || | heortan | stænne / noldan hi ða torhtan |
Christ B 747a | r muntum || swa we men sculon / | heortan | gehygdum || hlypum styllan / of |
Christ B 752a | us ðearf micel / ðæt we mid | heortan | || hælo secen / ðær we mid g |
Christ C 1038a | wlite || ond worda gemynd / ond | heortan | gehygd || fore heofona cyning |
Christ C 1047b | dæde / ne magun hord weras || | heortan | geðohtas / fore waldende || wi |
Christ C 1055b | ra dæg / hreðerlocena hord || | heortan | geðohtas / ealle ætyweð || |
Christ C 1328b | urhseon / usse hreðercofan || | heortan | eagum / innan uncyste || we mid |
Christ C 1493a | ða mec ðin wea swiðast / æt | heortan | gehreaw || ða ic ðec from h |
Widsith 73a | ste hond || lofes to wyrcenne / | heortan | unhneaweste || hringa gedales |
Maxims I 3b | ygecræft hylest || ond ðine | heortan | geðohtas / gleawe men sceolon |
Maxims I 44b | of heofodgimme || gif he wat | heortan | clæne / lef mon læces behofa |
Guthlac A 368b | le / hyrsumne hige || ðæt him | heortan | geðonc / // ær oððe sið || |
Guthlac A 582a | rcum || wel gecyðed / halig in | heortan | || nu ðu in helle scealt / deo |
Guthlac A 611a | || dæges ond nihtes / herge in | heortan | || heofonrices weard / ðæt eo |
Guthlac A 799b | htne geleafan / haligne hyht || | heortan | clæne / weorðiað waldend || |
Guthlac B 1009a | him ðæt in gefeol / hefig æt | heortan | || hygesorge wæg / micle modce |
Guthlac B 1052a | e || modsorge wæg / hefige æt | heortan | || hreðer innan swearc / hyge |
Guthlac B 1143a | | ðæs ðe him in gesonc / hat | heortan | neah || hildescurum / flacor fl |
Guthlac B 1205b | weard / ðæt ðu hygesorge || | heortan | minre / geeðe eorla wyn || nis |
Guthlac B 1209a | fa || gehða gemanode / hat æt | heortan | || hyge gnornende / nihtes near |
Guthlac B 1253b | he dearninga / on hyge hogde || | heortan | geðoncum / siððan he me fore |
Guthlac B 1336a | e || gnornsorge wæg / hate æt | heortan | || hyge geomurne / meðne modse |
Riddles 42 14b | rynemenn / hygefæste heold || | heortan | bewrigene / orðoncbendum || nu |
The Wife's Lament 43a | mon || wesan geomormod / heard | heortan | geðoht || swylce habban scea |
Alms-Giving 2b | afað / reðehygdig wer || rume | heortan | / ðæt him bið for worulde || |
The Phoenix 477a | eoldan || halge lare / hate æt | heortan | || hige weallende / dæges ond |
The Phoenix 552b | wæð / ic ðæt ne forhycge || | heortan | geðoncum / ðæt ic in minum n |
Juliana 239a | e heo wuldorcyning / herede æt | heortan | || heofonrices god / in ðam ny |
Juliana 656a | nd sibbe mid eow / healdað æt | heortan | || halge rune / ðurh modes myn |
The Wanderer 49b | / ðonne beoð ðy hefigran || | heortan | benne / sare æfter swæsne || |
The Gifts of Men 108b | umum he syleð monna || milde | heortan | / ðeawfæstne geðoht || sum b |
Precepts 9b | der ond modor || freo ðu mid | heortan | / maga gehwylcne || gif him sy |
The Seafarer 11a | r ða ceare seofedun / hat ymb | heortan | || hungor innan slat / merewerg |
The Seafarer 34a | aldast || forðon cnyssað nu / | heortan | geðohtas || ðæt ic hean st |
Beowulf 2270a | ððæt deaðes wylm / hran æt | heortan | || hordwynne fond / eald uhtsce |
Beowulf 2463b | dra helm / æfter herebealde || | heortan | sorge / weallende wæg || wihte |
Beowulf 2507b | ecg bona / ac him hildegrap || | heortan | wylmas / banhus gebræc || nu s |
The Paris Psalter 100:2 1b | / # / ic mid unbealuwe || ealre | heortan | / þurh þin hus middan || hali |
The Paris Psalter 100:5 1b | oferhydegum eagum || unsædre | heortan | / nolde ic mid þæm men || min |
The Paris Psalter 101:4 6b | re stefn / hefig gnorniende || | heortan | getenge / ætfeolen eac min ban |
The Paris Psalter 103:14 2b | ut alæddest / hlaf to helpe || | heortan | manna / must and windrinc || my |
The Paris Psalter 103:15 2b | escyrpeþ / and hlaf trymeþ || | heortan | mannes / / # / swylce þu gefylle |
The Paris Psalter 103:32 1b | / wese him herenes min || æt | heortan | weþe / ic minne drihten || deo |
The Paris Psalter 104:21 1a | || fæste getrymede / / # / hiora | heortan | he ongan || hwyrfan æryst / þ |
The Paris Psalter 108:16 3a | þriste ehte / symble þæt on | heortan | || hogode geornust / hu he mid |
The Paris Psalter 110:1 2b | ece drihten / mid hyge ealle || | heortan | minre / for gesamnuncge || þæ |
The Paris Psalter 111:4 3a | um || þrage lifdan / and hiora | heortan | || heoldan mid rihte / milde is |
The Paris Psalter 118:2 4a | hine mid ealle || innancundum / | heortan | hordcofan || helpe biddaþ / / # |
The Paris Psalter 118:7 2a | ette || ece dryhten / mid minre | heortan | || holde geþance / on þan þe |
The Paris Psalter 118:10 2a | þe mid ealre || innancundre / | heortan | sece || ne þu huru me / fram |
The Paris Psalter 118:11 1a | drife / / # / forþon ic on minre | heortan | || hydde georne / þæt ic þin |
The Paris Psalter 118:32 3a | rinne || and þu rice nu / mine | heortan | geheald || on hyge brade / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 118:33 1a | || and þū rīċe nū / mīne | heortan | ġe·heald || on hyġe brāde |
The Paris Psalter 118:34 3a | swylce healde / on ealre minre | heortan | || holde mode / / # / gelæd me o |
The Paris Psalter 118:35 1a | welċe healde / on ealre mīnre | heortan | || holde mōde. / / # / Ġe·lǣd |
The Paris Psalter 118:36 1a | | symble wolde / / # / ahyld mine | heortan | || þæt ic halige nu / on þin |
The Paris Psalter 118:36 2a | mle wolde. / / # / A·hield mīne | heortan, | || þæt iċ hālġe nū / on |
The Paris Psalter 118:58 2b | e georne / mid ealre gehygde || | heortan | minre / þæt þu me on mode || |
The Paris Psalter 118:58 3b | orne / mid ealre ġe·hyġde || | heortan | mīnre, / þæt þū mē on mō |
The Paris Psalter 118:69 3a | igra || ic nu mid ealre / minre | heortan | hige || hycge swiþe / þæt ic |
The Paris Psalter 118:69 4a | ; || iċ nū mid ealre / mīnre | heortan | hyġe || hyċġe swīðe, / þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:111 4b | feore / þæt byþ heahbliss || | heortan | minre / / # / ahylde ic mine heor |
The Paris Psalter 118:112 1a | rtan minre / / # / ahylde ic mine | heortan | || holde mode / þæt ic þin s |
The Paris Psalter 118:112 1b | re; / þæt biþ hēah-bliss || | heortan | mīnre. / / # / A·hylde iċ mīn |
The Paris Psalter 118:112 2a | īnre. / / # / A·hylde iċ mīne | heortan | || holde mōde, / þæt iċ þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:145 2a | id ealle ongann || inngehygde / | heortan | minre || hige to drihtne / cear |
The Paris Psalter 118:145 3a | e on·gann || inn-ġe·hyġde / | heortan | mīnre || hyġe tō drihtne / |
The Paris Psalter 124:4 5a | || þam þe gedefe her / hiora | heortan | riht || healdaþ mid gode / / # |
The Paris Psalter 137:1 2b | e drihten / on minre gehygde || | heortan | ealre / forþon þu ealle mine |
The Paris Psalter 138:20 2a | || swa hit cyn wese / and minre | heortan | gehygd || her gesceawa / þone |
The Paris Psalter 139:2 2a | | inwit and facen / hycgeaþ on | heortan | || þurh hearme geþoht / hi þ |
The Paris Psalter 140:5 1a | m healde / / # / ne hyld þu mine | heortan | || þæt ic hearme word / þuru |
The Paris Psalter 146:3 1b | rahelum / / # / se hæleþ eac || | heortan | geþræste / and heora unrotnes |
The Paris Psalter 52:1 1a | Psalter: Psalm 52 / / # / on his | heortan | cwæþ || unhydig sum / ungleaw |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 7a | on æfre / forþon hit wæs his | heortan | || gehygde neah / / # / hi word h |
The Paris Psalter 57:2 1a | || domum rihtum / / # / eft ge on | heortan | || hogedon inwit / worhton wra |
The Paris Psalter 60:1 5a | nu me caru beateþ / heard æt | heortan | || help min nu-þa / ahefe me h |
The Paris Psalter 61:4 4b | þone wyrgedan || wraþe mid | heortan | / / # / hwæþere ic me soþe || |
The Paris Psalter 61:8 2a | | hælu to drihtne / doþ eowre | heortan | hige || hale and clæne / forþ |
The Paris Psalter 61:11 2a | arnum flowen / nyllan ge eow on | heortan | þa || hige staþelian / æne i |
The Paris Psalter 63:6 1b | gangeþ man manig || modig on | heortan | / oþþæt hine ahefeþ || hæl |
The Paris Psalter 63:9 3b | eneþ / and hine heriaþ eac || | heortan | clæne |
The Paris Psalter 65:16 1b | unrihtes oncneow || awiht on | heortan | / ne wite me þæt || wealdend |
The Paris Psalter 72:1 2a | || mid israhelum / þam þe mid | heortan | || hycgeaþ rihte / me fornean |
The Paris Psalter 72:6 3a | nde || lungre cwome / and hi on | heortan | || hogedon and þohton / hu hi |
The Paris Psalter 72:11 3a | || ænne ne wiste / hu ic mine | heortan | || heolde mid soþe / and mine |
The Paris Psalter 72:17 1a | forniman sneome / / # / ys minre | heortan | hige || hluttor and clæne / w |
The Paris Psalter 72:21 2a | æsc || hearde geteorad / ys me | heortan | gehygd || hyldu drihtnes / and |
The Paris Psalter 73:7 1a | | niode cenned / / # / cwædan on | heortan | || wutan cuman ealle / and ure |
The Paris Psalter 75:4 4a | yrre || þa þe unwise / heora | heortan | hige || healdaþ mid dysige / h |
The Paris Psalter 76:6 1a | ealle on mode / / # / ic þa mid | heortan | ongann || hycggean nihtes / wæ |
The Paris Psalter 77:10 3a | yrre and reþe / næfdon heora | heortan | || hige gestaþelod / nis to we |
The Paris Psalter 77:20 1a | holdne on lande / / # / hi þa on | heortan | || hogedon to niþe / and georn |
The Paris Psalter 77:35 2a | an || lease muþe / ne þæs on | heortan | || hogedan awiht / / # / næs him |
The Paris Psalter 83:5 3a | ymþe fælne god / and þæt on | heortan | hige || healdeþ fæste / geset |
The Paris Psalter 83:12 2a | fre || gode bedælan / þa þe | heortan | gehygd || healdaþ clæne / þ |
The Paris Psalter 85:11 3a | e || forþ andette / mid ealre | heortan | hyge || þæt þu eart halig |
The Paris Psalter 89:14 3a | | swyþe getyde / and þa heora | heortan | || healdaþ clæne / / # / gehweo |
The Paris Psalter 94:8 2b | ne / holde gehyran || næfre ge | heortan | geþanc / deorce forhyrden || d |
The Paris Psalter 94:10 4a | d eac swa oncneow / þæt hi on | heortan | || hyge dysegedan / / # / hi wega |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 11a | || bute him ær cume / hreow to | heortan | || ær he hionan wende |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 21b | swa nu-þa þiostro || þinre | heortan | / willaþ minre leohtan || lare |
Metrical Psalm 94:10 4a | c and swa oncneow / þet hi on | heortan | || hige disegan. |
Metrical Psalm 94:8 2b | stefne / holde gehiran nefre ge | heortan | geðanc / deorce forhirdan || d |
Solomon and Saturn 55a | um mē bryne stīġeþ, / hyġe | heortan | nēah || hǣdre wealleþ’. / |
Solomon and Saturn 59a | hwilum me bryne stigeþ / hige | heortan | neah || hædre wealleþ / salom |
Solomon and Saturn 97b | | Hūru him biþ æt biþ æt | heortan | wā, / þonne []e hangiende || |
Solomon and Saturn 149b | ·hēaweþ, || oþ·þæt him | heortan | blōd, / fāmiġ flōdes bæþ, |
Solomon and Saturn 154b | num geheaweþ || oþþæt him | heortan | blod / famig flodes bæþ || fo |
Solomon and Saturn 173b | hafaþ wilde mōd, || wērġe | heortan, | / sefan sorhfulne, || slīdeþ |
Solomon and Saturn 207b | þ / hafaþ wilde mod || werige | heortan | / sefan sorgfullne || slideþ g |
Solomon and Saturn 299a | aþ: / 'Ne meahte iċ of ðǣre | heortan | || heardne ā·þringan / stīe |
Solomon and Saturn 15a | sagaþ / ne meahte ic of þære | heortan | || heardne aþringan / stylenne |
The Judgment Day II 168a | ð ða earman saula / and heora | heortan | || horxlice wyrmas / synscyldig |
The Lord's Prayer II 79a | || on ðin gewil / bewyrc us on | heortan | || haligne gast / fæste on inn |
Fragment of Psalm 50 1b | ymle / / # / syle me halig god || | heortan | clæne / and rihtne gast || god |
Psalm 50 88b | ū, drihten Crīst, || clǣne | heortan | / on mē, mehtiġ God, || mōd- |
Instructions for Christians 167a | on mid ealra || innancundre% / | heortan | gehygde% || gehreowað his sy |
The Battle of Maldon 143b | urh þa hringlocan || him æt | heortan | stod / ætterne ord || se eorl |
The Battle of Maldon 145b | þā hrinġ-locan, || him æt | heortan | stōd / ǣtterne ord. || Sē eo |