Number of occurrences in corpus: 92
Genesis B 342a | galscipe || god sylfa wearþ / | mihtig | on mode yrre || wearp hine on |
Genesis B 559a | at þæt he inc abolgen wyrþ / | mihtig | on mode || gif þu þeah minu |
Genesis B 605a | | and geweorc godes / micel and | mihtig | || þeah heo hit þurh monnes |
Genesis B 814b | o mete gemearcod || ac unc is | mihtig | god / waldend wraþmod || to hw |
Exodus 152b | hte / moyses leode || þær him | mihtig | god / on þam spildsiþe || spe |
Exodus 205a | c || oþþæt wlance forsceaf / | mihtig | engel || se þa menigeo beheo |
Exodus 262a | orla unrim || him eallum wile / | mihtig | drihten || þurh mine hand / to |
Exodus 292a | || ic wat soþ gere / þæt eow | mihtig | god || miltse gecyþde / eorlas |
Exodus 314b | / for his mægwinum || swa him | mihtig | god / þæs dægweorces || deop |
Daniel 234a | wæþere heora feorh generede / | mihtig | metodes weard || swa þæt m |
Daniel 372a | r || þa þec domige / and þec | mihtig | god || gastas lofige / byrnende |
Daniel 377a | d hat and ceald / and þec frea | mihtig | || forstas and snawas / winterb |
Andreas 662a | þæt se sigedema / ferde frea | mihtig | || næs þær folces ma / on si |
Andreas 786b | he þa feran || swa him frea | mihtig | / scyppend wera || gescrifen h |
Andreas 1372a | rh ætþringan / hwylc is þæs | mihtig | || ofer middangeard / þæt he |
Andreas 1496a | eweorc || he wiþ anne þæra / | mihtig | ond modrof || mæþel gehede / |
Dream of the Rood 151a | igorfæst || on þam siþfate / | mihtig | ond spedig || þa he mid mani |
Elene 241a | æt me halig god / gefylle frea | mihtig | || feores ingeþanc / weoruda w |
Elene 628a | dera wealdend / gefæstnod frea | mihtig | || be þam frignan ongan / cris |
Christ A 126a | utan synnum || somod eardedon / | mihtig | meotudes bearn || ond se monn |
Christ B 475a | || waldend engla / gefysed frea | mihtig | || to fæder rice / gefeoð ge |
Christ C 1007a | m || wælme forbærned / ðonne | mihtig | god || on ðone mæran beorg / |
Christ C 1170b | sceop / monge nales fea || ða | mihtig | god / on hira anne gestag || ð |
Resignation 61a | gæste ongegn || geoca ðonne / | mihtig | dryhten || minre sawle / gefreo |
Beowulf 558a | ldebille || heaðoræs fornam / | mihtig | meredeor || ðurh mine hand / s |
Beowulf 701a | tum || soð is gecyðed / ðæt | mihtig | god || manna cynnes / weold wid |
Beowulf 1339a | scyldig || ond nu oðer cwom / | mihtig | manscaða || wolde hyre mæg |
Beowulf 1519a | goda || grundwyrgenne / merewif | mihtig | || mægenræs forgeaf / hildebi |
Beowulf 1716a | ondreamum from / ðeah ðe hine | mihtig | god || mægenes wynnum / eafeð |
Beowulf 1725a | d || wundor is to secganne / hu | mihtig | god || manna cynne / ðurh sidn |
Judith 92b | on maran ðearfe || gewrec nu | mihtig | dryhten / torhtmod tires brytta |
Judith 198a | an || swa eow getacnod hafað / | mihtig | dryhten || ðurh mine hand / ð |
The Paris Psalter 101:11 1a | n woruld standeþ / / # / aris nu | mihtig | god || miltsa sione / nu is hir |
The Paris Psalter 102:8 1a | la / / # / mildheort þu eart and | mihtig | || mode geþyldig / ece drihten |
The Paris Psalter 102:11 2b | enes þines / mildheortnysse || | mihtig | drihten / lustum cyþdest || þ |
The Paris Psalter 102:13 2b | rnum / milde weorþan || swa us | mihtig | god / þam þe hine lufiaþ || |
The Paris Psalter 102:14 1a | can || ure þearfe / / # / gemune | mihtig | god || þæt we synt moldan a |
The Paris Psalter 102:16 1b | towe / / # / þin mildheortnes || | mihtig | drihten / þurh ealra worulda w |
The Paris Psalter 103:23 1b | / mycel wærun þine weorc || | mihtig | drihten / ealle þa þu mid sny |
The Paris Psalter 107:12 1b | # / us sceal mægenes gemet || | mihtig | drihten / soþfæst syllan || a |
The Paris Psalter 110:3 2b | / mildheort he is and modig || | mihtig | drihten / syleþ eallum mete || |
The Paris Psalter 111:4 4b | mid rihte / milde is on mode || | mihtig | dryhten / and he ys soþfæst | |
The Paris Psalter 113:21 1b | # / weorþ þu ure gemyndig || | mihtig | dryhten / and þine bletsunge | |
The Paris Psalter 113:22 1b | / / # / gemænigfealdige þis || | mihtig | dryhten / ofer eow ealle || and |
The Paris Psalter 114:5 3b | / þæt þu wære mildheort || | mihtig | dryhten / and ure god || æghw |
The Paris Psalter 118:64 2b | lled / þinre mildheortnesse || | mihtig | drihten / þine soþfæstnesse |
The Paris Psalter 118:88 2a | n || mildheortnesse / weorþ me | mihtig | god || milde and bliþe / and i |
The Paris Psalter 118:156 1b | ldan / / # / miltsa synt þine || | mihtig | drihten / æfter þinum domum | |
The Paris Psalter 120:5 2b | drihten / and þin mundbora || | mihtig | weorþe / ofer þa swiþran han |
The Paris Psalter 122:4 1b | ldend / / # / miltsa us nu-þa || | mihtig | drihten / miltsa us swylce || f |
The Paris Psalter 125:3 2b | iste / æghwær hi gemiclade || | mihtig | drihten / þa he him wundur mid |
The Paris Psalter 125:3 4b | seldlic / gemicla þe swylce || | mihtig | drihten / þæt þu wundur mid |
The Paris Psalter 134:13 2b | nemned ece / and þin gemynd || | mihtig | drihten / on ealra worulda woru |
The Paris Psalter 142:8 2b | rgene / þine mildheortnesse || | mihtig | drihten / forþon ic hycge to |
The Paris Psalter 143:3 1b | nes / / # / min þu mære eart || | mihtig | scyldend / ic hiht on þe || h |
The Paris Psalter 143:4 1b | dest / / # / hwæt is se manna || | mihtig | drihten / þe þu him cuþlice |
The Paris Psalter 146:5 1b | ean ealle / / # / micel is ure || | mihtig | drihten / and his mægen is mic |
The Paris Psalter 52:6 1b | || / / # / forþam manna ban || | mihtig | drihten / liste tosceadeþ || |
The Paris Psalter 55:10 1a | æniges mannes / / # / on me synd | mihtig | god || þæt ic þe min gehat |
The Paris Psalter 56:4 1a | þe me ær trædan / / # / sende | mihtig | god || his milde gehigd / and h |
The Paris Psalter 58:4 4b | dyde / þu eart mægena god || | mihtig | drihten / and israela god || æ |
The Paris Psalter 58:18 2b | andfengea / and mildheortnes || | mihtig | drihten |
The Paris Psalter 59:9 2b | fe / ne ga þu us on mægene || | mihtig | drihten / / # / syle us nu on ear |
The Paris Psalter 59:11 1b | # / us sceal mægenes gemet || | mihtig | drihten / soþfæst syllan || a |
The Paris Psalter 66:1 1a | alter: Psalm 66 / / # / miltsa us | mihtig | drihten || and us on mode eac |
The Paris Psalter 67:12 2b | him modes mægen || se þe is | mihtig | cynincg / and wlites wealdend | |
The Paris Psalter 67:26 1b | od þinum mægene || þu eart | mihtig | god / and þin weorc on us || m |
The Paris Psalter 68:13 1b | ic þonne min gebed || to þe | mihtig | drihten / tidum sende || teala |
The Paris Psalter 73:2 1b | þin mannweorod || þæt þu | mihtig | god / æt fruman ærest || fæg |
The Paris Psalter 76:11 2a | od || on wege halgum / hwylc is | mihtig | god || butan ure se mæra god |
The Paris Psalter 77:60 3b | eard genam / ær mid mannum || | mihtig | hæfde / / # / he hi þa on hæft |
The Paris Psalter 79:17 1b | þu us wel cwica || wealdend | mihtig | / we naman þinne || neode cige |
The Paris Psalter 81:1 1a | ris Psalter: Psalm 81 / / # / god | mihtig | stod || godum on gemange / and |
The Paris Psalter 84:6 1b | e / / # / æteow us milde mod || | mihtig | drihten / and us þine hæle sy |
The Paris Psalter 85:15 2b | þan weorþ / milde on mode || | mihtig | drihten / geteoh hrore meaht || |
The Paris Psalter 88:1 1b | 8 / / # / mildheortnesse þine || | mihtig | drihten / ic on ecnesse || awa |
The Paris Psalter 88:7 1b | n / / # / þu eart mægena god || | mihtig | drihten / nis þe ealra gelic | |
The Paris Psalter 91:4 1b | cle synt þine mægenweorc || | mihtig | drihten / wærun þine geþanca |
The Paris Psalter 94:3 1b | # / forþon is se micla god || | mihtig | drihten / and se micla cynincg |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 35a | orgode || hwæþer siþþan a / | mihtig | drihten || ametan wolde / wrece |
Metrical Psalm 94:3 1b | 3 / / Forðon is se micla god || | mihtig% | drihten% / and% se% micla% kini |
The Judgment Day II 19a | wam || æt sylfum gode / and hu | mihtig | frea || eall manna cynn / todæ |
The Gloria I 55a | | ðu gecyddest ðæt / ða ðu | mihtig | god || man geworhtest / and him |
Fragment of Psalm 24 5b | tnysse / weorð gemyndig min || | mihtig | drihten |
Fragment of Psalm 32 1b | / # / wese ðin mildheortnys || | mihtig | drihten / wel ofer us || swa we |
Fragment of Psalm 50 1a | ent of Psalm 50 / / # / mildsa me | mihtig | drihten || swa ðu manegum dy |
A Prayer 38b | im wytan / hu ðu mære eart || | mihtig | drihten / ac is wunder mycel || |
A Prayer 41b | s ealdor / hu ðu mære eart || | mihtig | and mægenstrang / ealra cyning |
A Prayer 51b | m / ðyn mægen ys swa mære || | mihtig | drihten / swa ðæt ænig ne wa |
A Prayer 69b | ost / ðæt ðu gemilsige me || | mihtig | drihten / heofena heahcyning || |
Instructions for Christians 67b | e hit mid þam mod gifeð, || | mihtig | drihten, / mid his handum twam |
Instructions for Christians 76a | nd tæcan, / ða hwile þe ðe | mihtig | Godd || mægnes unne, / þe l |