A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: symble

Number of occurrences in corpus: 106

Genesis B 316b rne wind / forst fyrnum cald || symble fyr oþþe gar / sum heard gesw
Daniel 700a abrecan mihton / gesæt þa to symble || siþestan dæge / caldea cyn
Andreas 157a wale || geseted wurde / swa hie symble ymb þritig || þing gehedon /
Andreas 659b comon / snottre selerædend || symble gefegon / beornas bliþheorte |
Andreas 1384b an þine yrmþu || þe biþ a symble / of dæge on dæg || drohtaþ
Andreas 1581b ed / smeolt wæs se sigewang || symble wæs dryge / folde fram flode |
Soul and Body I 10a gast cuman || geohþum hremig / symble ymbe seofon niht || sawle fin
Vainglory 15a s || winburgum in / sittað æt symble || soðgied wrecað / wordum wr
Riddles 31 12a eorlum on gemonge / siteð æt symble || sæles bideð / hwonne ær h
Beowulf 119a elinga gedriht / swefan æfter symble || sorge ne cuðon / wonsceaft
Beowulf 2104a syððan mergen com / ond we to symble || geseten hæfdon / ðær wæs
Beowulf 2450a nd infrod || ænige gefremman / symble bið gemyndgad || morna gehwy
The Paris Psalter 100:6 4a fæste || treowe funde / þa me symble mid || sæton and eodon / he me
The Paris Psalter 102:12 4b ht / us fram afyrde || æghwær symble / / # / swa fæder þenceþ || f
The Paris Psalter 104:4 3b æghwær / secaþ his ansyne || symble georne / / # / gemunaþ ge on mod
The Paris Psalter 105:3 4b aldan / heora soþfæstnysse || symble mid dædum / / # / gemune us drih
The Paris Psalter 106:41 4b yrreþ / and his sylfes muþ || symble hemneþ / / # / hwylc is wisra nu
The Paris Psalter 108:5 1b n / / # / gesete him synnfulle || symble to ealdrum / stande him on þa
The Paris Psalter 108:16 3a e þearfendra || þriste ehte / symble þæt on heortan || hogode ge
The Paris Psalter 110:2 4b d his soþfæstnyss wunaþ || symble ece / / # / he gemynd dyde || mæ
The Paris Psalter 111:4 5b ryhten / and he ys soþfæst || symble æt þearfe / / # / glæd man gle
The Paris Psalter 111:6 2b ra / þe his soþe and riht || symble healdeþ / ne him on hlyste ||
The Paris Psalter 111:8 3b / his soþfæstnyss wunaþ || symble oþ ende / byþ his horn wended
The Paris Psalter 113:20 4b deþ / and him scyldend byþ || symble æt þearfe / / # / weorþ þu ur
The Paris Psalter 118:16 1b c on þinre soþfæstnysse || symble meteode / þæt ic þine wislic
The Paris Psalter 118:20 1b bebodu / / # / þæt sawul min || symble wilnaþ / þæt ic þin soþfæ
The Paris Psalter 118:33 2b æt ic on soþfæste wegas || symble gange / and ic þa secan || sym
The Paris Psalter 118:33 3b ble gange / and ic þa secan || symble mote / / # / syle me andgit eac |
The Paris Psalter 118:35 3b be / forþan ic hy mid soþe || symble wolde / / # / ahyld mine heortan
The Paris Psalter 118:48 4b ge / and on þine soþcwydas || symble ic getreowige / / # / gemun nu dr
The Paris Psalter 118:54 1b orleton / / # / ac me to sange || symble hæfde / hu ic þine soþfæstn
The Paris Psalter 118:60 1a | wel gefere / / # / gearo ic eom symble || nalæs grames modes / þæt
The Paris Psalter 118:68 3b cunne / þin soþfæst weorc || symble healdan / / # / ys nu mænigfeald
The Paris Psalter 118:80 2b ic on þin soþfæst word || symble getreowige / þæt ic on ealdre
The Paris Psalter 118:93 2b cnesse / nymþe ic soþ word || symble gehealde / forþon ic cuþlice
The Paris Psalter 118:106 2b hycge / þæt ic soþne dom || symble healde / / # / and ic eadmedu ||
The Paris Psalter 118:109 1b ten swylce / / # / is sawl min || symble on þinum / holdum handum || ne
The Paris Psalter 118:112 2b t ic þin soþfæst weorc || symble worhte / forþon ic þæs ece |
The Paris Psalter 118:113 1b hæbbe / / # / and ic synfulle || symble feode / and ic æ þine || elne
The Paris Psalter 118:117 2b nd ic þine soþfæstnysse || symble þence / / # / ealle þu forhogod
The Paris Psalter 118:121 1b as þine / / # / ic soþne dom || symble worhte / ne syle þu me ehtendu
The Paris Psalter 118:138 1b / hwæt þu soþfæst weorc || symble hete / on þinre gewitnesse ||
The Paris Psalter 118:140 2b fyren / sylf swiþe hat || and symble þa / þin esne her || ealle lu
The Paris Psalter 118:141 3b e / þæt ic þin soþ weorc || symble heolde / / # / is þin soþfæstn
The Paris Psalter 118:142 1b e / / # / is þin soþfæstnes || symble drihten / seo soþfæste || and
The Paris Psalter 118:142 2b ten / seo soþfæste || and seo symble biþ / on ecnesse || awa to feo
The Paris Psalter 118:160 2b inra / þæt þær byþ soþ || symble meted / and on ecnesse || awa t
The Paris Psalter 118:164 1b / swa ic þe seofon siþum || symble wolde / leofum lustlice || lofs
The Paris Psalter 118:169 3b idde nu / on þinre gesihþe || symble drihten / æfter þinre spræce
The Paris Psalter 118:170 2b drihten / on þinre gesihþe || symble æt þearfe / æfter þinre spr
The Paris Psalter 118:174 2b de / drihten ælmihtig || do me symble / þæt ic æ þine || elne met
The Paris Psalter 120:5 3b þe / ofer þa swiþran hand || symble æt þearfe / / # / ne þe sunne
The Paris Psalter 120:7 2b drihten / sawla soþcynincg || symble gehealde / of þisson forþ ||
The Paris Psalter 121:8 3b ylce / þæt we sibbe on þe || symble habbon / / # / and ic for mines g
The Paris Psalter 124:5 4b wyrceaþ / sibb si israhelum || symble ofer ealle
The Paris Psalter 129:5 1b e / / # / hwæt þæt sawl min || symble aræfnede / þæt ic on þinum
The Paris Psalter 129:5 3b de / forþon min sawl on þe || symble getreoweþ / / # / fram þære m
The Paris Psalter 129:8 2b lyseþ / of unrihte || æghwær symble
The Paris Psalter 130:4 2b feded / swa þu minre sawle || symble gyldest / / # / israhelas on drih
The Paris Psalter 133:4 2b iþe drihten / of sionbeorge || symble æt þearfe / se þe heofon wor
The Paris Psalter 136:5 2b be / forgyte min seo swyþre || symble æt þearfe / ætfeole min tung
The Paris Psalter 136:7 1b / # / gif ic ne forsette þe || symble æt frymþe / ac ic on hierusal
The Paris Psalter 140:7 1b æfre / / # / ac me soþfæst || symble gerecce / and mildheorte || mod
The Paris Psalter 141:2 2b lde swylce / on his gesihþe || symble ageote / and mine earfeþu || e
The Paris Psalter 142:12 7b þon ic þin esne eom || agen symble
The Paris Psalter 143:9 2b word / biþ hyra seo swiþre || symble abysgod / þæt hi unrihtes ||
The Paris Psalter 143:13 2b word / byþ hyra seo swiþre || symble abysgad / þæt hi unrihtes ||
The Paris Psalter 144:2 1b / / # / þuruh syndrige dagas || symble ic þe bletsige / and naman þi
The Paris Psalter 144:4 1b / / # / cneorissa cynn || cwidum symble / þin weorc herigen || wordum
The Paris Psalter 145:9 3b o feore / and þin sione god || symble to worulde
The Paris Psalter 149:2 2b c blissien / and sione bearn || symble hihtan / swiþust ealra # || / /
The Paris Psalter 53:7 2b ealdor / of earfoþum || eallum symble / ealle mine fynd || eagum ofer
The Paris Psalter 57:1 1b 57 / / # / gif ge soþ sprecan || symble wyllen / demaþ manna bearn ||
The Paris Psalter 57:10 3b es / þe his soþfæst weorc || symble læste / hi on eorþan god || e
The Paris Psalter 58:17 2b nd ic helpe æt þe || hæfde symble / þonne me costunge || cnysedo
The Paris Psalter 61:1 1b Psalm 61 / / # / ic mine sawle || symble wylle / full gleawlice || gode
The Paris Psalter 62:8 4b e þin seo swiþre onfencg || symble æt þearfe / / # / forþon hi on
The Paris Psalter 63:9 1b wisdome / / # / se soþfæsta || symble on drihten / blissaþ baldlice
The Paris Psalter 67:5 1b / wesaþ ge on his gesyhþe || symble bliþe / and on his ansyne wesa
The Paris Psalter 67:23 4b gas rihte / soþes cynincges || symble on halgum / / # / þyder ealdorme
The Paris Psalter 68:34 1b n on / / # / forþon sione god || symble hæleþ / beoþ mænige byrig |
The Paris Psalter 69:5 2b rþe blisse / þa þe secean || symble drihten / and symble cweþen ||
The Paris Psalter 69:5 3a secean || symble drihten / and symble cweþen || sy þin miht driht
The Paris Psalter 70:5 3b nd min / on þe ic singge nu || symble and geneahhie / / # / ic eom swa
The Paris Psalter 70:11 2b tig / beseoh þu me soþ god || symble on fultum / / # / beoþ gedrette
The Paris Psalter 70:13 1a e me syrwedan yfel / / # / ic me symble on god || swiþost getreowige
The Paris Psalter 70:16 1b þine soþfæstnesse geman || symble drihten / þu me ara god || ær
The Paris Psalter 71:19 2b ihten / and hiora sylfra god || symble gebletsad / se þe wundor mycel
The Paris Psalter 72:18 2a mid þe || anum neate / and ic symble mid þe || syþþan hwæþere
The Paris Psalter 74:2 3b befon wordum / and eac soþ || symble deme / / # / eorþe is gemolten |
The Paris Psalter 74:3 2b d mid / ic þonne hire swyre || symble getrymme / / # / ic to yflum cwæ
The Paris Psalter 77:5 1a oþrum cyþde / / # / sægdon lof symble || leofum drihtne / and his þa
The Paris Psalter 77:67 4b sione byrig || þær him wæs symble leof / / # / he þa anhornan || e
The Paris Psalter 84:12 1b tmas / / # / hine soþfæstnes || symble foregangeþ / and on weg sette
The Paris Psalter 86:1 2b beorgas / lufude sione duru || symble drihten / ofer iacobes wic || g
The Paris Psalter 87:8 2a t || freondas cuþe / settan me symble || þær me unswæsost wæs / e
The Paris Psalter 88:2 5b arnum / and þin soþfestnes || symble gearwad / / # / ic minum gecorenu
The Paris Psalter 88:7 3b pedum / is þin soþfæstnes || symble æghwær / / # / þu wide sæs ||
The Paris Psalter 88:14 5b e / and þine soþfæstnesse || symble æghwær / / # / forþon þu heor
The Paris Psalter 94:10 3a a rimes || wunade neah / aa and symble cwæþ || and eac swa oncneow
The Rune Poem 38a d || wyn on eþle / peorþ byþ symble || plega and hlehter / wlancum
The Rune Poem 45b feng gedeþ / sigel semannum || symble biþ on hihte / þonn hi hine f
The Menologium 191b foremære / simon and iudas || symble wæron / drihtne dyre || forþo
The Gloria I 31a dæg is gewurðod / and nu and symble || ðine soðan weorc / and ði
Fragment of Psalm 5 2b ten / soðum gebidde || and ðu symble gehyr / morgena gehwylce || min
Instructions for Christians 39b þu scealt þæt selre lif || symble lufian / and æfre fleon || un