Number of occurrences in corpus: 399
Genesis A 136b | ceacan / middangeardes || metod | æfter | sceaf / scirum sciman || scippe |
Genesis A 144a | n || þa com oþer dæg / leoht | æfter | þeostrum || heht þa lifes w |
Genesis B 282b | ran on heofne || hwy sceal ic | æfter | his hyldo þeowian / bugan him |
Genesis B 291a | oleccan || awiht þurfe / gode | æfter | gode ænegum || ne wille ic l |
Genesis B 396a | þær he hæfþ mon geworhtne / | æfter | his onlicnesse || mid þam he |
Genesis B 436a | steþ || him biþ lean gearo / | æfter | to aldre || þæs we her inne |
Genesis B 469b | ifes beam / moste on ecnisse || | æfter | lybban / wesan on worulde || se |
Genesis B 471a | þæs wæstmes onbat / swa him | æfter | þy || yldo ne derede / ne suht |
Genesis B 550b | mæst / eallum heora eaforum || | æfter | siþþan / wurde on worulde || |
Genesis B 592a | æt heo hire mod ongan / lætan | æfter | þam larum || forþon heo æt |
Genesis B 623b | c / swa hire eaforan sculon || | æfter | lybban / þonne hie laþ gedoþ |
Genesis A 961a | | wæstmas fedan / gesæton þa | æfter | synne || sorgfulre land / eard |
Genesis A 964a | onne se frumstol wæs / þe hie | æfter | dæde of || adrifen wurdon / on |
Genesis A 987a | s middangeard || monnes swate / | æfter | wælswenge || wea wæs arære |
Genesis A 1005a | easa || cwealmes wyrhta / ædre | æfter | þon || andswarode / ne can ic |
Genesis A 1042a | e beneoteþ || hine on cymeþ / | æfter | þære synne || seofonfeald w |
Genesis A 1043a | nne || seofonfeald wracu / wite | æfter | weorce || hine waldend on / tir |
Genesis A 1054a | þær him freolecu mæg / ides | æfter | æþelum || eaforan fedde / se |
Genesis A 1067a | burg caines || malalehel wæs / | æfter | iarede || yrfes hyrde / fæder |
Genesis A 1070a | athusal || magum dælde / bearn | æfter | bearne || broþrum sinum / æþ |
Genesis A 1074a | / lif oflætan || lameh onfeng / | æfter | fæder dæge || fletgestealdu |
Genesis A 1101a | es || seofonfeald wracu / micel | æfter | mane || min sceal swiþor / mid |
Genesis A 1129a | seth || leod weardode / eafora | æfter | yldrum || eþelstol heold / and |
Genesis A 1143a | gedal || fremman sceolde / him | æfter | heold || þa he of worulde ge |
Genesis A 1156a | risse wæs || cainan siþþan / | æfter | enose || aldordema / weard and |
Genesis A 1224b | / and hundseofontig to || sunu | æfter | heold / lamech leodgeard || lan |
Genesis A 1305a | yman || and rihte setl / ælcum | æfter | agenum || eorþan tudre / gescy |
Genesis A 1450b | tum hrefne / of earce forlet || | æfter | fleogan / ofer heah wæter || h |
Genesis A 1601a | ntra || þisses lifes / freomen | æfter | flode || and fiftig eac þa h |
Genesis A 1956b | col / mon for metode || þe him | æfter | a / þurh gemynda sped || mode |
Genesis A 2015a | þur || hwelc siþþan wearþ / | æfter | þæm gehnæste || herewulfa |
Genesis A 2155a | || æt æscþræce / fuhton þe | æfter | frofre || gewit þu ferian nu |
Genesis A 2178b | ytlian / ænegum minra || ac me | æfter | sculon / mine woruldmagas || we |
Genesis A 2184b | nteþ / ingeþancum || þæt me | æfter | sie / eaforan sine || yrfeweard |
Genesis A 2199a | || þurh gebyrd cumen / se þe | æfter | biþ || yrfes hyrde / gode mær |
Genesis A 2284a | ara || eaþmod ongin / dreogan | æfter | dugeþum || wes drihtenhold / |
Genesis A 2357a | a sunu || soþ forþ gan / wyrd | æfter | þissum || wordgemearcum / ic i |
Genesis A 2400a | on him þa ædre || ellorfuse / | æfter | þære spræce || spedum fera |
Genesis A 2450b | gewat / æfenscima || þa com | æfter | niht / on last dæge || lagustr |
Genesis A 2494b | ne meahton / reþemode || reced | æfter | gistum / swa hie fundedon || ac |
Genesis A 2672a | dæde || drihtnes handa / sweng | æfter | swefne || heht sylf cyning / hi |
Exodus 5a | / in uprodor || eadigra gehwam / | æfter | bealusiþe || bote lifes / lifi |
Exodus 105b | n / swegl siþe weold || sæmen | æfter | / foron flodwege || folc wæs o |
Exodus 109a | gehwam || oþer wundor / syllic | æfter | sunnan || setlrade beheold / of |
Exodus 132a | || hyra mægen beton / bræddon | æfter | beorgum || siþþan byme sang |
Exodus 143a | yrfeweard || ingefolca / manna | æfter | maþmum || þæt he swa micel |
Exodus 195a | rp werod || ecan læddon / laþ | æfter | laþum || leodmægnes worn / þ |
Exodus 212a | orwenan || eþelrihtes / sæton | æfter | beorgum || in blacum reafum / w |
Exodus 299a | u wægfaru || oþ wolcna hrof / | æfter | þam wordum || werod eall ara |
Exodus 331a | ma gegrind || þær iudas for / | æfter | þære fyrde || flota modgade |
Exodus 340a | s gearu swa þeah / þær forþ | æfter | him || folca þryþum / sunu si |
Exodus 347b | t / þa þær folcmægen || for | æfter | oþrum / isernhergum || an wiso |
Exodus 350b | wearþ / on forþwegas || folc | æfter | wolcnum / cynn æfter cynne || |
Exodus 351a | s || folc æfter wolcnum / cynn | æfter | cynne || cuþe æghwilc / mægb |
Exodus 396a | || þara þe manna bearn / fira | æfter | foldan || folmum geworhte / to |
Exodus 418b | onum / wuldres hleoþor || word | æfter | spræc / ne sleh þu abraham || |
Exodus 511a | eora || secgan moste / bodigean | æfter | burgum || bealospella mæst / h |
Exodus 565a | rna || biþ eower blæd micel / | æfter | þam wordum || werod wæs on |
Daniel 78b | land geheolde / eþne eþel || | æfter | ebreum / het þa secan || sine |
Daniel 139b | þon / mine aldorlege || swa me | æfter | wearþ / oþþe ic furþor || f |
Daniel 186b | est / unræd efnde || him þæs | æfter | becwom / yfel endelean || unrih |
Daniel 317b | rndagum / ican wolde || þætte | æfter | him / on cneorissum || cenned w |
Daniel 455a | one bryne fandedon / dom wearþ | æfter | duguþe gecyþed || siþþan |
Daniel 570b | ne / þæt þu ne gemyndgast || | æfter | mandreame / ne gewittes wast || |
Daniel 636b | ylpe wæs / stod middangeard || | æfter | mandrihtne / eard and eþel || |
Daniel 637b | mandrihtne / eard and eþel || | æfter | þam æþelinge / seofon winter |
Christ and Satan 26a | n helle || ham staþeledon / an | æfter | oþrum || in þæt atole scre |
Christ and Satan 628a | clum || nu ic eow ne con / sona | æfter | þæm wordum || werige gastas |
Andreas 37b | yrred / þæt hie ne murndan || | æfter | mandreame / hæleþ heorogrædi |
Andreas 78b | e scyle / ablended in burgum || | æfter | billhete / þurh hearmcwide || |
Andreas 88a | demend || deaþ ofer eorþan / | æfter | þyssum wordum || com wuldres |
Andreas 124b | toglad / lungre leorde || leoht | æfter | com / dægredwoma || duguþ sam |
Andreas 133a | hie to æte || ærest mihton / | æfter | fyrstmearce || feores beræda |
Andreas 156a | incas || hu þæs gastes siþ / | æfter | swyltcwale || geseted wurde / s |
Andreas 182b | hgedal / earmlic ylda cwealm || | æfter | wyrþan / þær ic seomian wat |
Andreas 229a | r soþfæstra || sawla moton / | æfter | lices hryre || lifes brucan / |
Andreas 335a | || stræte gelicgaþ / bodiaþ | æfter | burgum || beorhtne geleafan / o |
Andreas 468a | acu || þa þam halgan wearþ / | æfter | gryrehwile || gast geblissod / |
Andreas 581a | ge wanhale || witum gebundene / | æfter | burhstedum || blinde gesegon / |
Andreas 593a | gmode || reste gefegon / werige | æfter | waþe || wiste þegon / menn on |
Andreas 600a | lum || eard weardigan / þa þe | æfter | deaþe || dryhten secaþ / þa |
Andreas 620a | mede || folces ræswum / wundor | æfter | wundre || on wera gesiehþe / s |
Andreas 738b | stod / stan fram stane || stefn | æfter | cwom / hlud þurh heardne || hl |
Andreas 761a | sigores god || swegles agend / | æfter | þyssum wordum || weorud hlos |
Andreas 904b | eame / spræc worda worn || wat | æfter | nu / hwa me wyrþmyndum || on w |
Andreas 1026a | || / gewyrht || eardes neosan / | æfter | þyssum wordum || wuldres þe |
Andreas 1219a | manslaga || ic þe mid wunige / | æfter | þam wordum com || werod unm |
Andreas 1228b | don / hwylc him þæt edlean || | æfter | wurde / heton þa lædan || ofe |
Andreas 1232b | n meahton / drogon deormodne || | æfter | dunscræfum / ymb stanhleoþo | |
Andreas 1237a | te stanfage || storm upp aras / | æfter | ceasterhofum || cirm unlytel / |
Andreas 1426a | | is min swat adropen / licgaþ | æfter | lande || loccas todrifene / fex |
Andreas 1447a | last beseah || leoflic cempa / | æfter | wordcwidum || wuldorcyninges / |
Andreas 1483a | þæt he in life adreag / eall | æfter | orde || þæt scell æglæwra |
Andreas 1527a | reflod || meoduscerwen wearþ / | æfter | symbeldæge || slæpe tobrugd |
Andreas 1568a | re || us biþ gearu sona / sybb | æfter | sorge || gif we secaþ to him |
Andreas 1585a | || þa wæs forþ cumen / geoc | æfter | gyrne || geofon swaþrode / þu |
Andreas 1621a | t ærende || ealwealdan gode / | æfter | hleoþorcwidum || haliges gas |
Andreas 27b | n lande / þa wæron gefylde || | æfter | frean dome / dagas on rime || s |
Andreas 44b | wne / stodon him þa on ofre || | æfter | reotan / þendon hie on yþum | |
The Fates of the Apostles 22a | hildeheard || heriges byrhtme / | æfter | guþplegan || gealgan þehte / |
The Fates of the Apostles 82a | ond þone soþan gefean / dream | æfter | deaþe || þa gedæled wearþ |
The Fates of the Apostles 101b | ceal gedreosan / ur on eþle || | æfter | tohreosan / læne lices frætew |
Dream of the Rood 65a | hine þær hwile reste / meþe | æfter | þam miclan gewinne || ongunn |
Elene 135a | n fæsten || ond feore burgon / | æfter | stanclifum || stede weardedon |
Elene 233b | con / ofer mearcpaþu || mægen | æfter | oþrum / ond þa gehlodon || hi |
Elene 363a | wan || þeah ic feala for him / | æfter | woruldstundum || wundra gefre |
Elene 430a | halige trio || beheled wurde / | æfter | wigþræce || þy læs toworp |
Elene 51a | || þonne broþor þin / onfeng | æfter | fyrste || fulwihtes bæþ / leo |
Elene 236a | nwreon || swa gewritu secgaþ / | æfter | stedewange || hwær seo stow |
Elene 388b | cyþed / ongan þa wilfægen || | æfter | þam wuldres treo / elnes anhyd |
Elene 532a | nes æ || dyrnan woldon / boden | æfter | burgum || swa brimo fæþmeþ |
Elene 594a | e gife || swylce iudas onfeng / | æfter | fyrstmearce || fulwihtes bæ |
Elene 715a | nwitan || beforan sungen / eall | æfter | orde || swa hit eft gelamp / þ |
Elene 825a | ed || wyn is geswiþrad / gomen | æfter | gearum || geogoþ is gecyrred |
Elene 828a | es glæm || nu synt geardagas / | æfter | fyrstmearce || forþ gewitene |
Christ A 77a | byrde || ond ðone gebedscipe / | æfter | monwisan || mod ne cuðes / ne |
Christ A 235b | mægðum / torht mid tunglum || | æfter | ðon tida bigong / sylfa sette |
Christ A 322a | foldan neosan / ond hio ðonne | æfter | him || ece stondað / simle sin |
Christ A 332a | ne || crist ælmihtig / swa ðe | æfter | him || engla ðeoden / eft unm |
Christ B 473b | ðæs / leofum gesiðum || lean | æfter | geaf / ond ðæt word acwæð | |
Christ B 573a | giefstol || godes agen bearn / | æfter | guðplegan || nu ge geare cun |
Christ B 711a | s giefe || godes ðegna blæd / | æfter | upstige || ecan dryhtnes / bi |
Christ B 746a | leoðu || hlypum stylde / modig | æfter | muntum || swa we men sculon / h |
Christ B 803a | tede || werig bidan / hwæt him | æfter | dædum || deman wille / wraðra |
Christ B 846b | með / leofum ge laðum || lean | æfter | ryhte / ðeoda gehwylcre || is |
Christ C 983a | la || deaðleg nimeð / færeð | æfter | foldan || fyrswearta leg / weal |
Christ C 1142b | tan / muras ond stanas || monge | æfter | foldan / ond seo eorðe eac || |
Christ C 1220a | || scrifeð bi gewyrhtum / eall | æfter | ryhte || rodera waldend / ðonn |
Christ C 1412a | win || ond sweartne deað / ond | æfter | hingonge || hreosan sceoldes / |
Christ C 1554a | e eadig || ðær he ece sceal / | æfter | hingonge || hamfæst wesan / ne |
Vainglory 55a | hmodne || se sceal hean wesan / | æfter | neosiðum || niðer gebiged / w |
Widsith 12a | ehwylc || ðeawum lifgan / eorl | æfter | oðrum || eðle rædan / se ðe |
The Order of the World 72a | eð || glom oðer cigð / niht | æfter | cymeð || healdeð nydbibod / h |
The Panther 12a | ard weardian || eðles neotan / | æfter | dunscrafum || is ðæt deor p |
The Panther 36a | gen || ðonne foddor ðigeð / | æfter | ðam gereordum || ræste sece |
The Panther 44a | t || ðurh ðæs wildres muð / | æfter | ðære stefne || stenc ut cym |
The Panther 54a | lacende || deor efne swa some / | æfter | ðære stefne || on ðone ste |
The Whale 68a | ning || him se awyrgda ongean / | æfter | hinsiðe || helle ontyneð / ð |
The Whale 77a | a grimman || goman bihlemmeð / | æfter | feorhcwale || fæste togædre |
Guthlac A 23a | fæstra || sawla motun / cuman | æfter | cwealme || ða ðe her criste |
Guthlac A 27a | nes || mod astigan / ær oððe | æfter | || ðonne he his ænne her / g |
Guthlac A 129a | e || ond ðurh neðinge / wunne | æfter | worulde || swa doð wræcmæc |
Guthlac A 169a | | ðonne he menniscum / ðrymme | æfter | ðonce || ðegan wolde / god w |
Guthlac A 211a | arme ondsacan || æror mostun / | æfter | tintergum || tidum brucan / ðo |
Guthlac A 399a | he wæs ðeara sum / ne won he | æfter | worulde || ac he in wuldre ah |
Guthlac A 471a | gongen || ðæt him god wolde / | æfter | ðrowinga || ðonc gegyldan / |
Guthlac A 493a | n || ond ða sellan no / demdan | æfter | dædum || ne beoð ða dyrne |
Guthlac A 532a | ed || micel is to secgan / eall | æfter | orde || ðæt he on elne adre |
Guthlac A 561a | r firenfulra || fæge gæstas / | æfter | swyltcwale || secan onginnað |
Guthlac A 811b | ryht / him ðæt ne hreoweð || | æfter | hingonge / ðonne hy hweorfað |
Guthlac B 836a | ælda tid || ende gebidan / ac | æfter | fyrste || to ðam færestan / h |
Guthlac B 855a | ond hyra bearnum swa / eaferum | æfter | || ða hy on uncyððu / scomum |
Guthlac B 875a | n mislicum || monna gebihðum / | æfter | stedewonga || stowum fremedon |
Guthlac B 877a | ær sume sið || sume in urra / | æfter | tælmearce || tida gemyndum / s |
Guthlac B 883a | eweorc || wide ond side / breme | æfter | burgum || geond bryten innan / |
Guthlac B 943a | burgum || wæs ðam bancofan / | æfter | nihtglome || neah geðrungen / |
Guthlac B 998a | e / enge anhoga || ætryhte ða / | æfter | nihtscuan || neah geðyded / wi |
Guthlac B 1093a | r ne sorg || ic me sylfum wat / | æfter | lices hryre || lean unhwilen / |
Guthlac B 1178b | hyra / ðurh feorggedal || fys | æfter | ðon / ðæt ðu gesecge || swe |
Guthlac B 1225a | wer || ageaf ondsware / leofum | æfter | longre hwile || swa he late m |
Guthlac B 1260b | c lætan ðe / æfre unrotne || | æfter | ealdorlege / meðne modseocne | |
Guthlac B 1275a | um || staðelum fæste / wynnum | æfter | wongum || wyrta geblowene / hun |
Guthlac B 1325a | s || heahðrym godes / breahtem | æfter | breahtme || beofode ðæt eal |
Guthlac B 1334a | hyðe || ðæt se hærnflota / | æfter | sundplegan || sondlond gespea |
Riddles 12 15a | lifgende || lond reafige / ond | æfter | deaðe || dryhtum ðeowige |
Riddles 2 21b | cledu / eaforan minum || ðe ic | æfter | woc / nymðe ic hlafordleas || |
Riddles 20 21b | cledu / eaforan minum || þe ic | æfter | woc, / nymþe ic hlafordleas || |
Riddles 27 17a | rðan swa || esnas binde / dole | æfter | dyntum || be dæges leohte |
Riddles 28 11a | d no wið spriceð / ond ðonne | æfter | deaðe || deman onginneð / mel |
Riddles 30a 5b | l oft mec gesiþas || sendað | æfter | hondum, / þæt mec weras ond w |
Riddles 33 1a | # Riddles 33 / / wiht cwom | æfter | wege || wrætlicu liðan / cyml |
Riddles 39 15a | most || ealra wihta / ðara ðe | æfter | gecyndum || cenned wære / ne h |
Riddles 39 23b | nne / hu hyre ealdorgesceaft || | æfter | gongeð / woh wyrda gesceapu || |
Riddles 59 5b | / se ðe wende wriðan || word | æfter | cwæð / hring on hyrede || hæ |
The Judgment Day I 44a | nænig gryre mare / geweorðan | æfter | worulde || ond se bið wide c |
The Judgment Day I 80a | l || sið ne bemurneð / hu him | æfter | ðisse worulde || weorðan mo |
The Judgment Day I 82a | ldan || gæsta dryhten / willum | æfter | ðære wyrde || wuldres ealdo |
The Judgment Day I 86b | ifes waldend / heofona hyrde || | æfter | heonansiðe / godum dædum || |
The Judgment Day I 100a | t hit sceal life onfon / feores | æfter | foldan || folc bið gebonnen / |
The Judgment Day I 118a | setu || byrnende lig / siððan | æfter | ðam lige || lif bið gestað |
Resignation 31b | etilge / leorendum dagum || lif | æfter | oðrum / geseo ond gesece || ð |
Resignation 52a | tse || ðeah ðe ic mana fela / | æfter | dogrum dyde || ne læt ðu me |
Resignation 111a | || is seo bot æt ðe / gelong | æfter | life || ic on leohte ne mæg / |
Azarias 34b | dagum / ycan wolde || ðæt hit | æfter | him / on cyneryce || cenned wur |
Azarias 176a | s me sylfa gerad / hweorfað nu | æfter | heorðe || nængum hat sceðe |
Riddles 30b and 60 5b | l oft mec gesiðas || sendað | æfter | hondum / ðær mec weras ond wi |
The Ruin 10b | d / ræghar ond readfah || rice | æfter | oðrum / ofstonden under stormu |
Riddles 73 10a | || gif his ellen deag / oððe | æfter | dome || /ri/ / /an || mæ/ /ða |
Riddles 80 10a | boran || wordleana sum / agyfe | æfter | giedde. || Good is min wise / o |
Riddles 88 16a | an twam || magas uncre / sculon | æfter | cuman || eard oððringan / gin |
The Phoenix 111b | ylcum / siððan hine sylfne || | æfter | sundplegan / heahmod hefeð || |
The Phoenix 223a | ð || hwæðre him eft cymeð / | æfter | fyrstmearce || feorh edniwe / s |
The Phoenix 225a | an ða yslan || eft onginnað / | æfter | ligðræce || lucan togædre / |
The Phoenix 238b | mum gelic / ealdum earne || and | æfter | ðon / feðrum gefrætwad || sw |
The Phoenix 258a | swa se fugel weorðeð / gomel | æfter | gearum || geong edniwe / flæsc |
The Phoenix 270b | m gegædrað / ban gebrosnad || | æfter | bælðræce / ond ðonne gebrin |
The Phoenix 343b | yht / wildne weorðiað || worn | æfter | oðrum / cræftum cyðað || on |
The Phoenix 350b | el seceð / swa se gesæliga || | æfter | swylthwile / his ealdcyððe || |
The Phoenix 370a | yltcwale || ðe him symle wat / | æfter | ligðræce || lif edniwe / feor |
The Phoenix 371a | igðræce || lif edniwe / feorh | æfter | fylle || ðonne fromlice / ður |
The Phoenix 382a | t ece lif || eadigra gehwylc / | æfter | sarwræce || sylf geceoseð / |
The Phoenix 384a | eað || ðæt he dryhtnes mot / | æfter | geardagum || geofona neotan / o |
The Phoenix 405a | ær him bitter wearð / yrmðu | æfter | æte || ond hyra eaferum swa / |
The Phoenix 408a | eonlice || toðas idge / ageald | æfter | gylte || hæfdon godes yrre / b |
The Phoenix 434b | ote / ðurh liges blæst || lif | æfter | deaðe / edgeong wesan || ond h |
The Phoenix 437a | unbeorht gesetu || secan mote / | æfter | fyrbaðe || swa ða foregenga |
The Phoenix 527a | ste || ðær ða eadgan beoð / | æfter | wræchwile || weorcum bifonge |
The Phoenix 533a | | ond he sylfa mid / ond ðonne | æfter | lige || lif eft onfehð / edniw |
The Phoenix 542a | hergað cyninges ðrym / stefn | æfter | stefne || stigað to wuldre / w |
The Phoenix 557a | in greotes fæðm / ond ðonne | æfter | deaðe || ðurh dryhtnes gief |
The Phoenix 559a | e fugel fenix || feorh edniwe / | æfter | æriste || agan mote / dreamas |
The Phoenix 566a | llan || swa ðeah weoruda god / | æfter | swylthwile || sawle alyseð / o |
The Phoenix 577a | ond yslan || ealle gesomnað / | æfter | ligbryne || lædeð siððan / |
The Phoenix 583a | pe || læððum hwopan / swa nu | æfter | deaðe || ðurh dryhtnes miht |
The Phoenix 645a | wite || he ðy ðriddan dæge / | æfter | lices hryre || lif eft onfeng |
Juliana 11a | ealne || yrmenne grund / foron | æfter | burgum || swa he biboden hæf |
Juliana 78b | wearc ða swiðferð || sweor | æfter | worde / ðære fæmnan fæder | |
Juliana 161b | he in æringe / gelædan het || | æfter | leohtes cyme / to his domsetle |
Juliana 197a | wiðerhycgendre || witebrogan / | æfter | weorðan || butan ðu ær wi |
Juliana 199a | ingige || ond him ðoncwyrðe / | æfter | leahtorcwidum || lac onsecge / |
Juliana 527a | inn || ic bihlyhhan ne ðearf / | æfter | sarwræce || siðfæt ðisne / |
Juliana 554a | || ða hine seo fæmne forlet / | æfter | ðræchwile || ðystra neosan |
Juliana 660a | mægna gode || mæste ðearfe / | æfter | sorgstafum || forðon ge sylf |
Juliana 707a | d ur || acle bidað / hwæt him | æfter | dædum || deman wille / lifes t |
The Wanderer 50a | efigran || heortan benne / sare | æfter | swæsne || sorg bið geniwad / |
The Seafarer 77b | nes / ðæt hine ælda bearn || | æfter | hergen / ond his lof siððan | |
Beowulf 12b | d cyning / ðæm eafera wæs || | æfter | cenned / geong in geardum || ð |
Beowulf 85a | t se ecghete || aðumsweorum / | æfter | wælniðe || wæcnan scolde / |
Beowulf 117a | ean huses || hu hit hringdene / | æfter | beorðege || gebun hæfdon / fa |
Beowulf 119a | || æðelinga gedriht / swefan | æfter | symble || sorge ne cuðon / won |
Beowulf 128a | ft || gumum undyrne / ða wæs | æfter | wiste || wop up ahafen / micel |
Beowulf 140a | erumlicor || ræste sohte / bed | æfter | burum || ða him gebeacnod w |
Beowulf 187a | dan || wel bið ðæm ðe mot / | æfter | deaðdæge || drihten secean / |
Beowulf 315b | orna sum / wicg gewende || word | æfter | cwæð / mæl is me to feran || |
Beowulf 332b | r wlonc hæleð / oretmecgas || | æfter | æðelum frægn / hwanon ferige |
Beowulf 341b | ode / wlanc wedera leod || word | æfter | spræc / heard under helme || w |
Beowulf 580a | g || ða mec sæ oðbær / flod | æfter | faroðe || on finna land / wadu |
Beowulf 724b | wæs / recedes muðan || raðe | æfter | ðon / on fagne flor || feond t |
Beowulf 824a | ægrim || denum eallum wearð / | æfter | ðam wælræse || willa gelum |
Beowulf 885a | esæged || sigemunde gesprong / | æfter | deaðdæge || dom unlytel / sy |
Beowulf 931a | e || a mæg god wyrcan / wunder | æfter | wundre || wuldres hyrde / ðæt |
Beowulf 944a | gða || swa ðone magan cende / | æfter | gumcynnum || gyf heo gyt lyfa |
Beowulf 995a | gyredon || goldfag scinon / web | æfter | wagum || wundorsiona fela / sec |
Beowulf 1008a | a || legerbedde fæst / swefeð | æfter | symle || ða wæs sæl ond m |
Beowulf 1049b | ð / se ðe secgan wile || soð | æfter | rihte / ða gyt æghwylcum || e |
Beowulf 1067a | healgamen || hroðgares scop / | æfter | medobence || mænan scolde / be |
Beowulf 1149a | ne gripe || guðlaf ond oslaf / | æfter | sæsiðe || sorge mændon / æt |
Beowulf 1213a | an wigfrecan || wæl reafedon / | æfter | guðsceare || geata leode / hre |
Beowulf 1255a | || oððæt ende becwom / swylt | æfter | synnum || ðæt gesyne wearð |
Beowulf 1257a | ðætte wrecend ða gyt / lifde | æfter | laðum || lange ðrage / æfter |
Beowulf 1258a | æfter laðum || lange ðrage / | æfter | guðceare || grendles modor / i |
Beowulf 1301a | æs oðer in || ær geteohhod / | æfter | maððumgife || mærum geate / |
Beowulf 1315a | er him alwalda || æfre wille / | æfter | weaspelle || wyrpe gefremman / |
Beowulf 1316a | e || wyrpe gefremman / gang ða | æfter | flore || fyrdwyrðe man / mid h |
Beowulf 1320a | gwina || frægn gif him wære / | æfter | neodlaðum || niht getæse / hr |
Beowulf 1322a | || helm scyldinga / ne frin ðu | æfter | sælum || sorh is geniwod / den |
Beowulf 1342a | mæg || ðegne monegum / se ðe | æfter | sincgyfan || on sefan greote |
Beowulf 1389b | ið drihtguman / unlifgendum || | æfter | selest / aris rices weard || ut |
Beowulf 1403a | ndhæbbendra || lastas wæron / | æfter | waldswaðum || wide gesyne / ga |
Beowulf 1425a | feða eal gesæt / gesawon ða | æfter | wætere || wyrmcynnes fela / se |
Beowulf 1492a | ce || oððe mec deað nimeð / | æfter | ðæm wordum || wedergeata le |
Beowulf 1572b | scineð / rodores candel || he | æfter | recede wlat / hwearf ða be wea |
Beowulf 1589a | | hra wide sprong / syððan he | æfter | deaðe || drepe ðrowade / heor |
Beowulf 1606a | won || ða ðæt sweord ongan / | æfter | heaðoswate || hildegicelum / w |
Beowulf 1680a | weorc || hit on æht gehwearf / | æfter | deofla hryre || denigea frean |
Beowulf 1720a | w || nallas beagas geaf / denum | æfter | dome || dreamleas gebad / ðæt |
Beowulf 1775a | n eðle || edwenden cwom / gyrn | æfter | gomene || seoððan grendel w |
Beowulf 1879a | n hreðre || hygebendum fæst / | æfter | deorum men || dyrne langað / b |
Beowulf 1938a | ene || hraðe seoððan wæs / | æfter | mundgripe || mece geðinged / |
Beowulf 1943a | reoðuwebbe || feores onsæce / | æfter | ligetorne || leofne mannan / hu |
Beowulf 1964a | rda || mid his hondscole / sylf | æfter | sande || sæwong tredan / wide |
Beowulf 2030a | a gesette || oft seldan hwær / | æfter | leodhryre || lytle hwile / bong |
Beowulf 2052a | e || syððan wiðergyld læg / | æfter | hæleða hryre || hwate scyld |
Beowulf 2060a | n ðegn || fore fæder dædum / | æfter | billes bite || blodfag swefe |
Beowulf 2066a | ælniðas || ond him wiflufan / | æfter | cearwælmum || colran weorða |
Beowulf 2110a | || hwilum syllic spell / rehte | æfter | rihte || rumheort cyning / hwil |
Beowulf 2154b | an / guðsweord geatolic || gyd | æfter | wræc / me ðis hildesceorp || |
Beowulf 2176a | lbeorht || hyre syððan wæs / | æfter | beahðege || breost geweorðo |
Beowulf 2179a | um cuð || godum dædum / dreah | æfter | dome || nealles druncne slog / |
Beowulf 2260a | ebræc || bite irena / brosnað | æfter | beorne || ne mæg byrnan hrin |
Beowulf 2261a | eorne || ne mæg byrnan hring / | æfter | wigfruman || wide feran / hæle |
Beowulf 2268a | iomormod || giohðo mænde / an | æfter | eallum || unbliðe hwearf / dæ |
Beowulf 2288a | wroht wæs geniwad / stonc ða | æfter | stane || stearcheort onfand / f |
Beowulf 2294a | eð || hordweard sohte / georne | æfter | grunde || wolde guman findan / |
Beowulf 2461a | alman || sorhleoð gæleð / an | æfter | anum || ðuhte him eall to ru |
Beowulf 2463a | nd wicstede || swa wedra helm / | æfter | herebealde || heortan sorge / w |
Beowulf 2531a | searwum || hwæðer sel mæge / | æfter | wælræse || wunde gedygan / un |
Beowulf 2581a | ded || ða wæs beorges weard / | æfter | heaðuswenge || on hreoum mod |
Beowulf 2669a | h ealgian || ic ðe fullæstu / | æfter | ðam wordum || wyrm yrre cwom |
Beowulf 2731b | ifeðe swa / ænig yrfeweard || | æfter | wurde / lice gelenge || ic ðas |
Beowulf 2750a | as || ðæt ic ðy seft mæge / | æfter | maððumwelan || min alætan / |
Beowulf 2753a | de gefrægn || sunu wihstanes / | æfter | wordcwydum || wundum dryhtne / |
Beowulf 2803a | e || hlæw gewyrcean / beorhtne | æfter | bæle || æt brimes nosan / se |
Beowulf 2816b | afte / eorlas on elne || ic him | æfter | sceal / ðæt wæs ðam gomelan |
Beowulf 2832a | usan || hordærne neah / nalles | æfter | lyfte || lacende hwearf / midde |
Beowulf 3005a | ð hettendum || hord ond rice / | æfter | hæleða hryre || hwate scild |
Beowulf 3096b | et / bæd ðæt ge geworhton || | æfter | wines dædum / in bælstede || |
Judith 18a | r wæron bollan steape / boren | æfter | bencum gelome || swylce eac b |
Judith 65b | nswæslicne || swylcne he ær | æfter | worhte / ðearlmod ðeoden gume |
Judith 117a | de gehæfted || in hellebryne / | æfter | hinsiðe || ne ðearf he hopi |
The Paris Psalter 101:6 3b | a me heredan || hi me hraþe | æfter | / full swyþe eft || swerigean |
The Paris Psalter 102:10 3a | wyrhtum || woldest us don / ne | æfter | urum unryhte || ahwær gyldan |
The Paris Psalter 102:11 1a | ahwær gyldan / / # / forþon þu | æfter | heahweorce || heofenes þines |
The Paris Psalter 102:12 2b | windeþ / þes eastrodor || and | æfter | west / he betweonan þam || teo |
The Paris Psalter 103:27 5b | eoriaþ / on heora agen dust || | æfter | hweorfaþ / / # / onsend þines s |
The Paris Psalter 104:11 4a | engum || beornas onwocan / cynn | æfter | cynne || cende wæran / oþþæ |
The Paris Psalter 104:31 1a | ton wæstmas / / # / syþþan he | æfter | sloh || æghwylc frumbearn / þ |
The Paris Psalter 104:33 1b | gra / / # / wurdon him egyptas || | æfter | bliþe / syþþan hi on fore || |
The Paris Psalter 104:36 3b | / þa hi on iordane || gengdan | æfter | / / # / ac he wæs þæra worda | |
The Paris Psalter 105:34 3a | na || þonne hi hynþa drugan / | æfter | his miltsa || menigu godes / / # |
The Paris Psalter 106:38 2b | re costunge || þe him becwom | æfter | / sares and yfeles || þe hi sy |
The Paris Psalter 106:41 1b | soþfæste geseoþ || sniome | æfter | / bliþe weorþaþ || beot geþ |
The Paris Psalter 118:25 2a | wul || flore geneahhige / do me | æfter | þinum wordum || wel gecwicia |
The Paris Psalter 118:41 3a | æt milde mod || mære hælu / | æfter | þinre spræce || spowendlice |
The Paris Psalter 118:58 4a | u me on mode || milde weorþe / | æfter | þinre spræce || spowendlice |
The Paris Psalter 118:88 1a | sum ealdre || anforlætan / / # / | æfter | þinre þære myclan || mildh |
The Paris Psalter 118:88 2a | aldre || ān-for·lǣtan. / / # / | Æfter | þīnre ðǣre miċelan || mi |
The Paris Psalter 118:107 3a | || forgif me ece god / þæt ic | æfter | þinum wordum || weorþe bli |
The Paris Psalter 118:116 2a | e freondlice || fæle drihten / | æfter | þam þe þu sylfa || sægdes |
The Paris Psalter 118:133 2a | lce || þæt ic on rihtne weg / | æfter | þinre spræce || spedum gang |
The Paris Psalter 118:149 2a | mine stefne || halig drihten / | æfter | þinre þære myclan || mildh |
The Paris Psalter 118:149 3a | myclan || mildheortnesse / and | æfter | þinum domum || do me halne / / |
The Paris Psalter 118:156 2a | synt þine || mihtig drihten / | æfter | þinum domum || do me cwicne / |
The Paris Psalter 118:169 4a | re gesihþe || symble drihten / | æfter | þinre spræce || syle me spe |
The Paris Psalter 118:170 3a | esihþe || symble æt þearfe / | æfter | þinre spræce || do spedlice |
The Paris Psalter 121:4 2a | neorisse || cende wæron / cynn | æfter | cynne || cuþan þa drihten / a |
The Paris Psalter 125:1 1b | / þonne drihten wyle || gedon | æfter | / þæt he of sione || swære a |
The Paris Psalter 125:5 4b | heora sylfra sæd || sniþaþ | æfter | / / # / cumaþ þonne mid cumendu |
The Paris Psalter 135:6 1a | æleþa andgit / / # / he eorþan | æfter | wæter || ærest sette / / # / he |
The Paris Psalter 138:1 4b | oncneowe / and minne ærist || | æfter | gecyþdest / / # / and mine geþo |
The Paris Psalter 143:7 2b | and þu hi toweorpest || wide | æfter | / synd þine strele || strange |
The Paris Psalter 144:18 2b | m / eallum on eorþan || and he | æfter | þan / on his weorcum is || wis |
The Paris Psalter 146:8 3b | deþ / þe þeos eorþe fram || | æfter | groweþ / / # / he of beorgum ut |
The Paris Psalter 150:2 2a | n his heahmihtum / heriaþ hine | æfter | mode || his mægenþrymmes / / # |
The Paris Psalter 59:3 2b | eardra wisan || and hi hraþe | æfter | / mid wynsume || wine drenctest |
The Paris Psalter 61:12 4a | ness || þæt he manna gehwam / | æfter | his agenum || earnungum deme |
The Paris Psalter 77:11 3b | s hi on wiges dæge || wendon | æfter | / / # / ne heoldan hi || halgan d |
The Paris Psalter 78:12 1a | feterum || fæste wæran / / # / | æfter | þines earmes || æþelum mæ |
The Paris Psalter 78:14 2a | feterum || fæste wǣran. / / # / | Æfter | þīnes earmes || æðelum m |
The Paris Psalter 80:12 3a | leofust wæs || leode þeodum / | æfter | hiora willum || wynnum miclum |
The Paris Psalter 93:17 1a | de || þæt ic feorh ahte / / # / | æfter | þære menigeo || minra sara / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 67a | | þeah hit lang þince / deaþ | æfter | dogorrime || þonne he hæfþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 70b | gegripan mot / se eca deaþ || | æfter | þissum worulde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 60b | t cald / swifte windas || sumor | æfter | cymeþ / wearm gewideru || hwæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 33b | / forþæm hi æfre ne lyst || | æfter | spyrian / secan þa gesælþa | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 47a | ood || hwæt þu halig fæder / | æfter | þinum willan || woruld gesce |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 14a | sio an hyþ || þe æfre biþ / | æfter | þam yþum || ura geswinca / ys |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 17b | o frofor an / eallra yrminga || | æfter | þissum / weoruldgeswincum || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 19a | incum || þæt is wynsum stow / | æfter | þyssum yrmþum || to aganne / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 33a | hwæs || wlite geberhteþ / and | æfter | þæm || eallum wealdeþ / nele |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 1a | of Boethius: Metre 22 / / se þe | æfter | rihte || mid gerece wille / inw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 2b | d gerece wille / inweardlice || | æfter | spyrian / swa deoplice || þæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 46a | ne rinca hwilc || rihtwislice / | æfter | frigne || gif he awuht nafaþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 50a | || hæfdon þa mægþa / ælcne | æfter | oþrum || for ecne god / sceold |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 10a | ion || þæt he symle spyreþ / | æfter | æghwelcum || eorþan tudre / d |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 12a | fuglum || deaþ eac swa same / | æfter | moncynne || geond þisne midd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 16a | gehede || þæt he hwile ær / | æfter | spyrede || is þæt earmlic |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 15a | naþ || ealle stiorran / sigaþ | æfter | sunnan || samod mid rodere / un |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 23a | æm he hæleþum dæg / bodaþ | æfter | burgum || brengeþ æfter / swe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 23b | aþ æfter burgum || brengeþ | æfter | / swegeltorht sunne || samad ea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 27a | up || ær for sunnan / and eft | æfter | sunnan || on setl glideþ / wes |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 61b | herbuendum / ripa receþ || ren | æfter | þæm / swylce hagal and snaw | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 3a | || oþrum steorran / þara þe | æfter | burgum || beorhtost scineþ / g |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 2b | fylgan / gliowordum gol || gyd | æfter | spelle / song soþcwida || sumn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 23a | c hit hreosan wile / sigan sond | æfter | rene || swa bioþ anra gehwæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 44b | þ to þæm ecum || þe þær | æfter | cumaþ / hine þonne æghwonan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 57a | de || se þas wongstedas / grof | æfter | golde || and æfter gimcynnum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 57b | edas / grof æfter golde || and | æfter | gimcynnum / hwæt he frecnu ges |
Metrical Psalm 93:17 1a | # Metrical Psalm 93:17 / / | æfter | ðere mænigeo || minræ sar |
The Rune Poem 69b | n eft / ofer wæg gewat || wæn | æfter | ran / þus heardingas || þone |
Solomon and Saturn 58a | || hu min hige dreoseþ / bysig | æfter | bocum || hwilum me bryne stig |
Solomon and Saturn 114a | heap || hydeþ hine æghwylc / | æfter | sceades sciman || sceaþa bi |
Solomon and Saturn 133b | freondum on fultum || færeþ | æfter | dæg d / fifmægnum full || fyr |
Solomon and Saturn 143b | dlīċe / blēoum breġdaþ. || | Æfter | bān-cofan / feðer-haman on·f |
Solomon and Saturn 148b | s syllice / bleoum bregdaþ || | æfter | bancofan / feþerhoman onfoþ | |
Solomon and Saturn 106b | eþ hine on foldan || friteþ | æfter | þam / wildne fugol || heo ofer |
Solomon and Saturn 215a | ac sceall on gebyrd faran / an | æfter | anum || þæt is eald gesceaf |
Solomon and Saturn 219b | man / wadan on wisdom || winnan | æfter | snytro / salomon cwæþ # || / h |
Solomon and Saturn 236b | e be leohte gesihþ || luteþ | æfter | / gesegnaþ and gesyfleþ || an |
The Menologium 25a | of wicum || and se wigend þa / | æfter | seofentynum || swylt þrowade |
The Menologium 128a | || geond wærþeoda / swylce hi | æfter | þam || unrim fremedon / swutel |
Maxims II 60a | tas || þe for gode hweorfaþ / | æfter | deaþdæge || domes bidaþ / on |
The Rewards of Piety 22a | is hefig byrden / and ðeah ðu | æfter | ðinum ende || eall gesylle / |
A Summons to Prayer 22a | || [uirginem almum] / and ðær | æfter | to || [omnes sancti] / bliðmod |
The Lord's Prayer II 72a | nnum || and him mare gehætst / | æfter | forðsiðe || ðines fæder r |
Fragment of Psalm 50 2a | ten || swa ðu manegum dydest / | æfter | ðinre ðære mycelan || mild |
The Seasons for Fasting 58b | hafað / on ðære wucan || ðe | æfter | cumeð / ðam sunnandæge || ð |
The Seasons for Fasting 215a | orðegide || ðurste gebæded / | æfter | tæppere || teoð geond stræ |
Cædmon's Hymn, Northumbrian Version 8b | oncynnæs uard / eci dryctin || | æfter | tiadæ / firum foldu || frea al |
Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version 8b | oncynnes weard / ece drihten || | æfter | teode / firum foldan || frea æ |
Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 5a | gaste || godes oððe yfeles / | æfter | deaðe heonon || demed weorð |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 21a | || hlud and undiop / tofloweð | æfter | feldum || oð hit to fenne we |
Instructions for Christians 15b | e is þæt oðer, || þæt he | æfter | þan / heofanan kyninge || her |
Instructions for Christians 58a | odd || on us syððan. / Se ðe | æfter | synnum || swiðe lange / forh |
Instructions for Christians 78a | t þe on ende || eft gereowe / | æfter | dæg-rime, || þonne þu hit |
Instructions for Christians 82a | geearnost || ece blisse / and | æfter | þisse weorlda || weorðscipe |
Instructions for Christians 198a | ælle forwurðon, / ac gif he | æfter | ðan || mid alle mægne / synn |
Grave 21b | and þe | æfter | lihten. / For sone þu bist lad |
The Battle of Maldon 63b | um / þær com flowende || flod | æfter | ebban / lucon lagustreamas || t |