- Sievers
- Scansion: / xxx | / x
- Type: N/A
- Bliss
- Scansion: Sx|xxSx
- Type: 1A*1b
Places with this scansion (sievers)
- Genesis 20
- Genesis 116
- Genesis 914
- Genesis 978
- Genesis 1332
- Genesis 1587
- Genesis 1748
- Genesis 1908
- Genesis 1982
- Genesis 2227
- Genesis 2467
- Exodus 81
- Daniel 429
- Christ and Satan 17
- Andreas 224
- Andreas 360
- Andreas 479
- Andreas 565
- Andreas 688
- Andreas 924
- Andreas 964
- Andreas 1016
- Andreas 1082
- Andreas 1241
- Soul and Body I 107
- Dream of the Rood 45
- Elene 159
- Elene 166
- Elene 1126
- Christ 65
- Christ 128
- Christ 357
- Christ 404
- Christ 556
- Christ 922
- Christ 966
- Christ 994
- Christ 1079
- Christ 1119
- Christ 1126
- Christ 1132
- Christ 1142
- Christ 1219
- Christ 1474
- Christ 1502
- Christ 1537
- Christ 1543
- Christ 1654
- Christ 1655
- Guthlac 215
- Guthlac 409
- Guthlac 1295
- The Phoenix 21
- The Phoenix 96
- The Phoenix 265
- The Phoenix 340
- Juliana 64
- Juliana 521
- Juliana 556
- Juliana 728
- The Wanderer 6
- The Wanderer 14
- Precepts 8
- Vainglory 24
- Widsith 2
- The Riming Poem 41
- The Riming Poem 55
- Soul and Body II 102
- Riddles 15 2
- Riddles 21 2
- Riddles 24 1
- Riddles 25 4
- Riddles 31 11
- Riddles 33 4
- Riddles 35 11
- Riddles 4 29
- Riddles 4 66
- Riddles 46 6
- Riddles 51 2
- Riddles 53 11
- Riddles 59 15
- The Wife's Lament 23
- The Wife's Lament 29
- The Judgment Day I 2
- The Judgment Day I 103
- Resignation 87
- The Descent into Hell 9
- The Descent into Hell 45
- Homiletic Fragment II 13
- Riddles 30b and 60 5
- The Ruin 10
- Riddles 66 2
- Riddles 67 15
- Riddles 72 13
- Riddles 85 6
- Riddles 87 1
- Riddles 88 10
- Riddles 88 28
- The Battle of Maldon 297
- The Battle of Brunanburh 72
- The Death of Edward 22
- The Death of Edward 33
- The Rune Poem 8
- The Rune Poem 45
- Solomon and Saturn 25
- Solomon and Saturn 27
- Solomon and Saturn 30
- Solomon and Saturn 44
- Solomon and Saturn 104
- Solomon and Saturn 121
- Solomon and Saturn 144
- Solomon and Saturn 271
- Solomon and Saturn 285
- Solomon and Saturn 426
- Solomon and Saturn 454
- Solomon and Saturn 508
- The Menologium 62
- The Menologium 123
- The Rewards of Piety 60
- The Lord's Prayer II 113
- The Gloria I 35
- The Lord's Prayer III 1
- The Lord's Prayer III 29
- Fragment of Psalm 79 2
- Fragment of Psalm 87 3
- Fragment of Psalm 89 7
- Psalm 50 58
- Psalm 50 95
- Psalm 50 155
- A Prayer 7
- A Prayer 18
- A Prayer 63
- Thureth 1
- Bede's Death Song, Northumbrian Version 4
- Bede's Death Song, The Hague Version 4
- The Leiden Riddle 11
- The Leiden Riddle 14
- The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 28
- The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 27
- Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 14
- Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 14
Places with this scansion (bliss)
- Genesis 20
- Genesis 51a
- Genesis 116
- Genesis 143a
- Genesis 894a
- Genesis 914
- Genesis 1035a
- Genesis 1043a
- Genesis 1047a
- Genesis 1231a
- Genesis 1287a
- Genesis 1305a
- Genesis 1438a
- Genesis 1587
- Genesis 1601a
- Genesis 1612a
- Genesis 1764a
- Genesis 1908
- Genesis 1942a
- Genesis 1950a
- Genesis 1958a
- Genesis 1982a
- Genesis 1982
- Genesis 2049a
- Genesis 2067a
- Genesis 2204a
- Genesis 2403a
- Genesis 2415a
- Genesis 2443a
- Genesis 2570a
- Genesis 2605a
- Genesis 2663a
- Genesis 2813a
- Exodus 73a
- Exodus 81
- Exodus 109a
- Exodus 132a
- Exodus 143a
- Exodus 218a
- Exodus 222a
- Exodus 396a
- Exodus 403a
- Exodus 437a
- Daniel 243a
- Daniel 287a
- Daniel 290a
- Christ and Satan 4a
- Christ and Satan 19a
- Christ and Satan 214a
- Christ and Satan 263a
- Christ and Satan 372a
- Christ and Satan 714a
- Andreas 2a
- Andreas 25a
- Andreas 46a
- Andreas 93a
- Andreas 98a
- Andreas 224
- Andreas 237a
- Andreas 360
- Andreas 420a
- Andreas 479
- Andreas 495a
- Andreas 620a
- Andreas 970a
- Andreas 1016
- Andreas 1027a
- Andreas 1051a
- Andreas 1082
- Andreas 1104a
- Andreas 1188a
- Andreas 1190a
- Andreas 1204a
- Andreas 1241
- Andreas 1384a
- Andreas 1426a
- Andreas 1611a
- The Fates of the Apostles 11a
- The Fates of the Apostles 94a
- Soul and Body I 64a
- Soul and Body I 100a
- Soul and Body I 107
- Soul and Body I 128a
- Dream of the Rood 36a
- Dream of the Rood 45
- Elene 159
- Elene 184a
- Elene 218a
- Elene 267a
- Elene 274a
- Elene 534a
- Elene 625a
- Elene 750a
- Elene 826a
- Elene 842a
- Elene 896a
- Elene 952a
- Elene 955a
- Elene 1126
- Elene 1235a
- Elene 1270a
- Christ 57a
- Christ 65
- Christ 76a
- Christ 128
- Christ 134a
- Christ 290a
- Christ 329a
- Christ 403a
- Christ 404
- Christ 421a
- Christ 436a
- Christ 448a
- Christ 460
- Christ 556
- Christ 746a
- Christ 922
- Christ 968a
- Christ 994
- Christ 1034a
- Christ 1114a
- Christ 1119
- Christ 1126
- Christ 1127a
- Christ 1132
- Christ 1142
- Christ 1170a
- Christ 1219
- Christ 1242a
- Christ 1474
- Christ 1502
- Christ 1510a
- Christ 1535a
- Christ 1537
- Christ 1583a
- Christ 1654
- Guthlac 7a
- Guthlac 82a
- Guthlac 120a
- Guthlac 168a
- Guthlac 169a
- Guthlac 203a
- Guthlac 215
- Guthlac 409
- Guthlac 493a
- Guthlac 536a
- Guthlac 552a
- Guthlac 605a
- Guthlac 732a
- Guthlac 733a
- Guthlac 755a
- Guthlac 816a
- Guthlac 841a
- Guthlac 883a
- Guthlac 1230a
- Guthlac 1275a
- Guthlac 1325a
- Azarias 114a
- The Phoenix 21
- The Phoenix 27a
- The Phoenix 47a
- The Phoenix 96
- The Phoenix 140a
- The Phoenix 199a
- The Phoenix 265
- The Phoenix 328a
- The Phoenix 405a
- The Phoenix 467a
- The Phoenix 538a
- The Phoenix 604a
- The Phoenix 619a
- The Phoenix 671a
- The Phoenix 671
- Juliana 36a
- Juliana 44a
- Juliana 64
- Juliana 521
- Juliana 528a
- Juliana 556
- Juliana 584a
- Juliana 597a
- Juliana 728
- The Wanderer 14
- The Wanderer 50a
- Vainglory 24
- Vainglory 33a
- Widsith 2
- Widsith 20a
- Widsith 55a
- The Fortunes of Men 7a
- Maxims I 76a
- Maxims I 115a
- Maxims I 142a
- The Order of the World 4a
- The Riming Poem 5
- The Riming Poem 27a
- The Riming Poem 41
- The Riming Poem 48a
- The Panther 66a
- Soul and Body II 102
- Deor 1a
- Riddles 1 7a
- Riddles 3 40a
- Riddles 8 4a
- Riddles 1 2a
- Riddles 15 5a
- Riddles 15 16a
- Riddles 15 22a
- Riddles 2 16a
- Riddles 2 34a
- Riddles 21 2
- Riddles 22 10a
- Riddles 22 18a
- Riddles 24 1
- Riddles 25 4
- Riddles 26 22a
- Riddles 26 23a
- Riddles 29 10a
- Riddles 33 4
- Riddles 35 11
- Riddles 4 1a
- Riddles 4 3a
- Riddles 4 21a
- Riddles 4 29
- Riddles 4 66
- Riddles 4 76a
- Riddles 4 78a
- Riddles 4 80a
- Riddles 46 6
- Riddles 48 2a
- Riddles 51 2
- Riddles 59 15
- The Wife's Lament 4a
- The Judgment Day I 2
- The Judgment Day I 18a
- The Judgment Day I 36a
- The Judgment Day I 49a
- The Judgment Day I 100a
- The Judgment Day I 107a
- Resignation 46a
- Resignation 81a
- Resignation 85a
- The Descent into Hell 30a
- The Descent into Hell 40a
- The Descent into Hell 70a
- The Descent into Hell 77a
- The Descent into Hell 108a
- Homiletic Fragment II 14
- Riddles 30b and 60 5
- The Husband's Message 31a
- The Husband's Message 34a
- The Husband's Message 34
- The Husband's Message 46a
- The Ruin 10
- Riddles 62 3a
- Riddles 65 5a
- Riddles 66 2
- Riddles 66 3a
- Riddles 66 6a
- Riddles 66 10a
- Riddles 67 15
- Riddles 72 13a
- Riddles 73 28a
- Riddles 87 1
- Riddles 88 10
- Riddles 88 18a
- Riddles 88 28
- Riddles 95 10a
- Beowulf 46a
- Beowulf 90
- Beowulf 248a
- Beowulf 292a
- Beowulf 419a
- Beowulf 532a
- Beowulf 684a
- Beowulf 699
- Beowulf 705a
- Beowulf 769
- Beowulf 802a
- Beowulf 846a
- Beowulf 931a
- Beowulf 1003
- Beowulf 1257a
- Beowulf 1387
- Beowulf 1417a
- Beowulf 1591a
- Beowulf 1604a
- Beowulf 1618a
- Beowulf 1643a
- Beowulf 1724
- Beowulf 1869a
- Beowulf 1924a
- Beowulf 2007a
- Beowulf 2110a
- Beowulf 2260a
- Beowulf 2294a
- Beowulf 2686a
- Beowulf 2766
- Beowulf 2803a
- Beowulf 2880a
- Beowulf 2899
- Beowulf 2922
- Beowulf 3011a
- Beowulf 3016a
- Beowulf 3060a
- Beowulf 3103a
- Judith 86
- Judith 189a
- Judith 201a
- Judith 202a
- Judith 332a
- The Battle of Finnsburh 11a
- Waldere, Fragment II 6a
- The Battle of Maldon 31a
- The Battle of Maldon 76a
- The Battle of Maldon 118a
- The Battle of Maldon 133a
- The Battle of Maldon 305a
- The Battle of Brunanburh 28a
- The Battle of Brunanburh 72
- The Death of Edgar 35a
- The Death of Edward 33
- The Rune Poem 45
- The Rune Poem 52a
- Solomon and Saturn 12a
- Solomon and Saturn 14a
- Solomon and Saturn 27
- Solomon and Saturn 30
- Solomon and Saturn 79a
- Solomon and Saturn 144
- Solomon and Saturn 271
- Solomon and Saturn 285
- Solomon and Saturn 308a
- Solomon and Saturn 343a
- Solomon and Saturn 381a
- Solomon and Saturn 426
- Solomon and Saturn 451a
- Solomon and Saturn 454a
- Solomon and Saturn 454
- Solomon and Saturn 548a
- The Menologium 62
- The Menologium 74a
- The Menologium 120a
- Maxims II 16a
- The Judgment Day II 6a
- The Judgment Day II 32
- The Judgment Day II 36
- The Judgment Day II 38
- The Judgment Day II 49
- The Judgment Day II 142
- The Judgment Day II 163
- The Rewards of Piety 60
- The Lord's Prayer II 13a
- The Lord's Prayer II 113
- The Gloria I 35
- The Gloria I 57a
- The Lord's Prayer III 1
- The Lord's Prayer III 29
- The Creed 54a
- Fragment of Psalm 27 3a
- Fragment of Psalm 34 8a
- Fragment of Psalm 79 2
- Fragment of Psalm 89 7
- Fragment of Psalm 102 1a
- Fragment of Psalm 102 9a
- Psalm 50 58
- Psalm 50 95
- Psalm 50 155
- A Prayer 7
- A Prayer 26a
- A Prayer 28a
- Thureth 1
- The Seasons for Fasting 183a
- Bede's Death Song, Northumbrian Version 4
- Bede's Death Song, The Hague Version 4
- The Leiden Riddle 11
- The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 28a
- The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 28
- The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 7a
- Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 14