Number of occurrences in corpus: 205
Genesis A 199b | an on ġe·wealde || and eall | weorolde | ġe·sċeaft / brūcaþ blǣd-d |
Genesis B 470a | se || aefter libban, / wesan on | weorolde, | || sē þæs wæstmes on·bā |
Genesis B 474b | du heofon-cininges || hēr on | weorolde, | / habban him tō wǣron || wito |
Genesis B 481a | d gōdes / ġe·wand% on þisse | weorolde. | || Sċolde on wīte ā / mid sw |
Genesis B 504a | sċēates% ðearf / ne wurde on | weorolde. | || Nū þū willan hæfst, / hy |
Genesis B 510b | n bringaþ. || Brāde sint on | weorolde | / grēne ġeardas, || and God s |
Genesis B 551a | m || aefter siþþan / wurde on | weorolde: | || ‘Iċ wāt, inċ wealdend |
Genesis B 835b | n ġe·wyrċan. || Nis mē on | weorolde | nēod / ǣnġes þeġnsċipes, |
Genesis A 1121a | || þisses līfes, / wintra on | weorolde. | || Ūs ġe·writu seċġaþ / |
Genesis A 1143b | aefter hēold, || þā hē of | weorolde | ġe·wāt, / Ēnos ierfe, || si |
Genesis A 1264a | || ġe·teled rīme / wintra on | weorolde | || wræce bisiĝodon% / fǣġe |
Genesis A 1963b | m Ambrafel / of Sennar || sīde | weorolde | / fōr on fultum. || Ġe·witon |
Genesis A 2300a | ġe·boren, / efene þā hē on | weorolde | || wintra hæfde / [VI] and [LX |
Genesis A 2656b | ġe·wealde, || ġif þū on | weorolde | lenġ, / æðelinga helm, || ea |
Daniel 296a | Wē þæs libbende / worhton on | weorolde, | || ēac þon wamm dyde / ūser |
Daniel 406b | eorðod wīde-ferhþ% || ofer | weorolde | hrōf, / hēah-cyning heofones, |
Daniel 426b | od, / wittiġ wuldor-cyning, || | weorolde | and heofona. / A·bann þū þ |
Christ and Satan 93b | r, / wlancra wīn-sele%, || ne | weorolde | drēam, / ne engla% þrēat%, | |
Christ and Satan 180a | -synnum% fāh, / ā·worpen of | weorolde. | || Wāt iċ% nū þā / þæt b |
Christ and Satan 210a | ōfaþ || sē þe hēr wunaþ / | weorolde | wynnum || þæt him wlite sċ |
Christ and Satan 314a | m || mid drihtne Gode, / ā tō | weorolde | || ā būton ende. / Ēalā% hw |
Christ and Satan 500a | || mearc ā·ĝangan / þæt on | weorolde | wæs || wintra ġe·rīmes / þ |
Christ and Satan 642b | ġe·þenċan || ġond þās | weorolde, | / þæt we hǣlende || hīeran% |
Andreas 304a | e lust ā·hwettan, / willan on | weorolde, | || swā þū worde be·cwist. |
Andreas 356a | || dōm-weorðunga, / willan on | weorolde | || and on wuldre blǣd, / metod |
Andreas 509a | Ǣġhwelċes canst / worda for | weorolde | || wīsliċ andġiet.’ / Him |
Andreas 948a | eall bōt hræðe / weorðan on | weorolde | || and on wuldre lēan, / swā |
The Fates of the Apostles 112a | iċ selfa hwǣr, / of% þisse% | weorolde. | || Wiċ sindon uncūþ, / eard |
Soul and Body I 7b | e swā wuldor, || swā him on | weorolde | ǣr / efene þæt eorþ-fæt || |
Soul and Body I 13b | ing, / æl-mehtiġ God, || ende | weorolde | / wyrċan wille, || weoroda dri |
Soul and Body I 25b | tō wiste. || Hwæt, þū on | weorolde | ǣr / lȳt ġe·þōhtest || h |
Soul and Body I 43a | n līfe, / siþþan iċ þē on | weorolde | || wunian sċolde, / þæt þū |
Soul and Body I 90b | on·wriġene, || þā þē on | weorolde | ǣr / firenfulle menn || fyrn |
Dream of the Rood 133a | hīe forþ heonan / ġewiton of | weorolde | drēamum, || sōhton him wuld |
Elene 4a | inġ-ġe·mearces, / wintra for | weorolde, | || þæs þe wealdend god / ā |
Elene 2a | m, / eaforan, || / wende hine of | weorolde | || and þæt word ġe·cwæþ |
Elene 123a | | ymb fyrn-ġe·writu, / hū on | weorolde | ǣr || wītĝan% sungon, / gās |
Elene 540a | lāðost, / ðǣr hīe hit for | weorolde | || wendan meahton, / crīstenra |
Elene 555a | frōfra mǣst / ġe·worden on | weorolde | || æt þām will-spelle, / hli |
Elene 703b | ǣr be·foran || fram fruman | weorolde, | / folcum tō frōfre. || Hēo |
Elene 714a | ēo cwēn be·ġeat / willan on | weorolde. | || Wæs sē wītedōm / þurh f |
Elene 813a | iċ lustum brēac, / willum on | weorolde. | || Iċ þæs wuldres trēowes |
Christ A 8a | na% ġe·sihþe / wundrien tō | weorolde | || wuldres ealdor. / Ġe·sweot |
Christ A 40a | þǣm, || ǣr ne siþþan, / on | weorolde | ġe·wearþ || wīfes ġiernu |
Christ A 101b | , / werum and wīfum, || ā tō | weorolde | forþ / on þām upplican || en |
Christ A 217a | r wǣre || eallum ġe·worden / | weorolde | þrymmum || mid þīnne wuldo |
Christ B 598a | flǣsċ and gǣst / wuniaþ on | weorolde. | || Wuldor þæs āĝe / þrīne |
Christ B 650a | grund-ēat sōhte, / wende tō | weorolde. | || Be þon sē wītĝa sang: / |
Christ B 799a | ðe word / þām þe him ǣr on | weorolde | || wāce hīerdon, / þendan // |
Christ B 818a | n god wille / þæt hē hēr on | weorolde | || wunian mōte, / samod sīði |
Christ C 1022a | aĝa eġeslicost / weorðeþ on | weorolde, | || þonne wuldor-cyning / þurh |
Christ C 1053a | e ǣr oþþe sīþ / worhton on | weorolde. | || Ne biþ ðǣr wiht for·ho |
Christ C 1191b | e-þancle menn || fram fruman | weorolde | / þurh wīs ġe·witt, || wīt |
Christ C 1197a | || hæleþa cynne / weorðan on | weorolde, | || wuldres āĝend, / ēades or |
Christ C 1388b | þæt þū mōstes wealdan || | weorolde | ġe·sċeaftum, / þā iċē on |
Christ C 1423b | ðum. || Hwæt, iċ þæt for | weorolde | ġe·þolode. / Lȳtel þūhte |
Christ C 1495a | an ġe·healdan. / Iċ wæs on | weorolde | wǣdla || þæt þū wurde we |
Vainglory 72a | ġe·fremede / willum on þisse | weorolde. | || Sē mōt wuldres drēam / on |
Vainglory 81a | godes āĝen bearn / wilsum on | weorolde, | || ġif mē sē wīteĝa ne l |
The Order of the World 47a | lan ġe·cynd%. / Swā hīe tō | weorolde | || wlite forþ beraþ / dryhtne |
Soul and Body II 7b | e swā wuldor, || swā him on | weorolde | ǣr / efene þæt eorþ-fæt || |
Soul and Body II 14b | ten, / æl-mehtiġ god, || ende | weorolde. | / Clipaþ þonne swā ċēarful |
Soul and Body II 40a | on līfe, / þenden iċ þe on | weorolde | || wunian sċolde, / þæt þū |
Soul and Body II 84b | on·wriĝene, || þā þe on | weorolde | ǣr / firenfulle menn || fyrn |
Guthlac A 47a | sē mann ne ðearf / tō þisse | weorolde | || wierpe ġe·hyċġan, / þæ |
Guthlac A 105a | ġuĝuþe || be·gān sċolde / | weorolde | wynnum. || Hine weard% be·h |
Guthlac A 129a | þurh nēðinge / wunne aefter | weorolde, | || swā dōþ wræc-mæċġas |
Guthlac A 304a | e hand || oþ·beran þenċe, / | weorolde | wǣpen, || ne sċeall þēs w |
Guthlac A 337a | him enġel nēah), / hū þisse | weorolde | || wynna þorfte / mid his lī |
Guthlac A 399a | āra sum; / ne wann hē aefter | weorolde, | || ac hē on wuldre ā·hōf / |
Guthlac A 498a | ·beran, || ac hīe blissiaþ / | weorolde | wynnum, || oþ·þæt wintra |
Guthlac A 814a | Hierusālem, / ðǣr hīe tō | weorolde | || wynnum mōton% / godes ansī |
Guthlac B 892b | a þāra wundra || þe hē on | weorolde | hēr / þurh dryhtnes ġiefe || |
Guthlac B 932a | des hēr || brūcan mōste%, / | weorolde | līfes. || Wæs ġe·winnes |
Guthlac B 946b | gla / on þisse wan-sǣlĝan || | weorolde | līfe / leahtra lēasne || lang |
Guthlac B 982a | | Eue ġe·biermde / æt fruman | weorolde. | || Fēond byrelode / ǣrost ð |
Guthlac B 1047a | ·dāl; || lang is þis anbid / | weorolde | līfes.’ || þā wæs wōp |
Guthlac B 1321b | and wynsumra || þonne hit on | weorolde | mæġe / stefn ā·reċċan, || |
The Wife's Lament 46a | him selfum ġe·lang / eall his | weorolde | wynn, || sīe full wīde fāh |
The Judgment Day I 38a | lod. / Ne biþ þonne on þisse | weorolde | || nemþe wæteres swēġ / || |
The Judgment Day I 44a | re māre / ġe·weorðan aefter | weorolde | || and sē biþ wīde cūþ. / |
The Judgment Day I 50a | an dryhtnes / wyrċan on þisse | weorolde, | || ǣr þon sē wlanca dæġ / |
The Judgment Day I 80a | urneþ, / hū him aefter þisse | weorolde | || weorðan mōte. / Wile þonn |
Resignation 42a | fæder mann-cynnes, / of þisse | weorolde, | || nū iċ wāt þæt iċ sċ |
Resignation 80a | wearþ / ġe·witnod for þisse | weorolde, | || swā min% ġe·wyrhtu% wǣ |
Alms-Giving 3a | e heortan; / þæt him biþ for | weorolde | || weorðmynda mǣst, / and for |
Azarias 17a | Wē þæs libbende / worhton on | weorolde, | || ēac þon wamm dydon / ieldr |
Azarias 69b | bǣdon blētsian% || bearn on | weorolde | / ealle ġe·sċeafte || ēċne |
The Husband's Message 30a | þīn on wēnum. / Ne mæġ him | weorolde | || willa ġe·limpan% / māra o |
Riddles 84 38a | ġearora, || ġimmum dēorra; / | weorolde | wlitiĝaþ, || wæstmum tȳdr |
The Phoenix 41a | aldre, || ær·þon ed-wenden / | weorolde | ġe·weorðe. || Swā ġō w |
Juliana 416a | on leġre sċeall / weorðan on | weorolde | || wyrme tō hrōðor, / be·fo |
Juliana 509a | || wīdan fēore / fram fruman | weorolde | || fīra cynne, / eorlum on eor |
Juliana 570a | þolianne, / ðǣr hē hit for | weorolde | || wendan meahte, / sōhte synn |
Juliana 711a | þ oþþe ǣr / ġe·worhte on | weorolde. | || Þæt iċ wōpiġ sċeall / |
The Wanderer 74a | ċ biþ, / þonne ealre% þisse | weorolde | wela || wēste standeþ, / swā |
The Seafarer 45b | , / ne tō wīfe wynn || ne tō | weorolde | hiht, / ne ymbe āwiht elles, | |
Beowulf 950a | Ne biþ þē nǣniġra% gād / | weorolde | wilna, || þe iċ ġe·weald |
Beowulf 1062b | ēr / on þissum winn-daĝum || | weorolde | brūceþ. / Þǣr wæs sang and |
Beowulf 1080a | ðǣr hēo% ǣr mǣste hēold / | weorolde | wynne. || Wīġ ealle for·na |
Beowulf 1387a | sċeall || ende ġe·bīdan / | weorolde | līfes; || wyrċe sē þe mō |
Beowulf 1732b | þ him swā ġe·wealdene || | weorolde | dǣlas, / sīde rīċe, || þæ |
Beowulf 2343a | ǣr-gōd || ende ġe·bīdan, / | weorolde | līfes || and sē wyrm samod, |
Beowulf 3068a | lfa ne cūðe / þurh hwæt his | weorolde | ġe·dāl || weorðan sċolde |
Judith 66b | ena, || þenden hē on þisse | weorolde | / wunode under wolcna hrōfe. | |
The Paris Psalter 101:21 2a | deþ || eallum sōna / on weġe | weorolde, | || ðǣr his% ġe·wīs% mæ |
The Paris Psalter 101:23 4a | ls dēþ, / and hīe bēoþ tō | weorolde | || wended siþþan. / / # / Þū |
The Paris Psalter 104:8 1a | welcne dæl. / / # / Hē þæs on | weorolde | || wearþ ġe·myndiġ, / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 105:1 4a | || mannum cȳðde, / on þisse | weorolde | || wīs ġe·standeþ. / / # / Hw |
The Paris Psalter 106:1 3b | mild-heortness || miċel% tō | weorolde. | / / # / Seċġe þæt nū-þā || |
The Paris Psalter 106:31 3b | sōþfæstra || seċġan tō | weorolde. | / / # / Hē on wēstenne || wynne |
The Paris Psalter 110:4 1a | eġe habbaþ. / / # / And hē on | weorolde | || wearþ ġe·myndiġ / his ġ |
The Paris Psalter 111:3 3a | swelċe mǣre, / þenden þisse | weorolde | || wunaþ ǣniġ dæl. / / # / L |
The Paris Psalter 112:2 2b | / of þissan forþ || āwa tō | weorolde. | / / # / Fram up-gange || ǣrest s |
The Paris Psalter 113:25 3b | / of þissan forþ || āwa tō | weorolde. | |
The Paris Psalter 117:1 3b | mild-heortness || miċel tō | weorolde. | / / # / Þæt Israela cwǣðen || |
The Paris Psalter 117:2 3b | s mild-heortness || mǣre tō | weorolde. | / / # / Cweðe Aarones hūs || ē |
The Paris Psalter 117:3 3b | mild-heortness% || mǣre tō | weorolde. | / / # / Cweðen ealle þæt || un |
The Paris Psalter 117:4 4b | s mild-heortness% || mǣre on | weorolde. | / / # / Iċ on costunge || ċīe |
The Paris Psalter 117:14 3a | || and hē mē ēac / is ā tō | weorolde | || worden on hǣlu. / / # / Ā bi |
The Paris Psalter 117:28 3b | ld-heortness || is miċel tō | weorolde. | |
The Paris Psalter 118:44 3a | e || efne and healde, / and tō | weorolde | on ðǣre || wunian mōte / and |
The Paris Psalter 118:53 1a | ēoden drihten, / þæt iċ on | weorolde | æt þē || wurde ā·frēfre |
The Paris Psalter 118:91 3a | e worhtest, / swā hēo nū tō | weorolde | || wunian þenċaþ; / þurh þ |
The Paris Psalter 118:96 3a | nd swelċe wāt, / ealre þisse | weorolde | || weorðeþ ende; / brād is |
The Paris Psalter 120:7 3b | / of þissum forþ || āwa tō | weorolde. | |
The Paris Psalter 124:2 3b | en / of þissum nū || āwa tō | weorolde. | / / # / Nǣfre for·lǣteþ || l |
The Paris Psalter 130:5 2b | en / of þissum nū || āwa tō | weorolde. | |
The Paris Psalter 131:13 2a | a || swelċe mōton / ā þisse | weorolde | || wynnum brūcan / and on þī |
The Paris Psalter 132:4 3b | e / of þissumn nū || āwa tō | weorolde. | |
The Paris Psalter 135:1 3a | l ġearwe wāt, / þæt hē tō | weorolde | biþ || wīs and mild-heort. / |
The Paris Psalter 135:3 4b | ld-heortness || is miċel tō | weorolde. | / / # / Hē wunder dyde || wierð |
The Paris Psalter 135:28 2b | ld-heortness || is miċel tō | weorolde. | |
The Paris Psalter 137:8 2b | % mild-heortness || miċel on | weorolde; | / ne for·seoh ǣfre, || þæt |
The Paris Psalter 144:1 3b | rġe / on ēċnesse || āwa tō | weorolde. | / / # / Þurh syndriġe daĝas || |
The Paris Psalter 144:2 3b | rġe / on ēċnesse || āwa tō | weorolde. | / / # / Miċel is drihten, || hin |
The Paris Psalter 145:6 2a | swelċe ġe·healdeþ, / and on | weorolde | his || wīse dōmas / dēþ ġe |
The Paris Psalter 145:9 3b | īn, Sione, god || simle tō | weorolde. | |
The Paris Psalter 51:6 2a | || āwa tō fēore / on ðǣre | weorolde | || þe þū ġe·worhtest hē |
The Paris Psalter 54:18 2a | e ġe·hīeneþ ēac, / þe ǣr | weorolde | wæs || and nū wunaþ ēċe. |
The Paris Psalter 57:3 2a | emde wurdon, / siþþan hīe on | weorolde | || wǣron ā·cende / and hēo |
The Paris Psalter 60:5 5a | ndweard gangan, / and ðǣr tō | weorolde | || wunian ēċe. / / # / Hwelċ s |
The Paris Psalter 61:12 2a | ddan-ġeard / and him þæs tō | weorolde | || wuldor stande / and mild-heo |
The Paris Psalter 71:11 1b | maþ. / / # / Hine weorðiaþ || | weorolde | cyningas / þā on eorð-weġe |
The Paris Psalter 71:12 3b | / and þone wǣdlan, || þe on | weorolde | næfþ / āhwǣr elles || ǣni |
The Paris Psalter 71:19 5b | tsad / on ēċnesse || āwa tō | weorolde. | / / # / And þēos eorðe sīe || |
The Paris Psalter 72:10 2a | le || foldan ǣhta / and þisse | weorolde | welan || wynnum namon. / / # / Þ |
The Paris Psalter 72:21 3b | es / and ēċe dæl || āwa tō | weorolde. | / / # / For·þon þā for·weor |
The Paris Psalter 74:8 5a | | firene wyrċaþ; / iċ þonne | weorolde | ġe·fēan || wynnum healde, / |
The Paris Psalter 76:7 4b | oþþe wiþ ende || ǣfre tō | weorolde | / his milde mōd || mannum ā· |
The Paris Psalter 89:8 3a | aĝum locadest, || / and ūre | weorolde | þū || ēac ġe·staðolodes |
The Paris Psalter 89:11 4a | | ǣfre ġe·tealde / wintra on | weorolde, | || þā bēoþ ġe·winn and |
The Paris Psalter 92:4 2a | l || and þū, ēċe god, / ǣr | weorolde | fruman, || wunast būtan ende |
The Paris Psalter 98:4 4a | be || gōde dōmas / æt fruman | weorolde | || fæġere settest. / / # / A·h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 51a | siþþan lange. / Hē wæs for | weorolde | wīs, || weorð-mynða ġeorn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 57a | s || māran wierðe / wǣron on | weorolde. | || Ac hit is wierse nū, / þæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 70b | ċa dēaþ || aefter þissum | weorolde? | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 17a | an sċolde. / Swā hit ēac tō | weorolde | || sċeall wunian% forþ, / for |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 45a | īðe him / ġond þās wīdan% | weorolde | || winnaþ be·tweox him, / and |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 10a | a || heonana lǣdan / of þisse | weorolde | || wihte þon māre, / hord-ġe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 5a | mm-cynnum, / þēah hē wæs on | weorolde | || witena ġe·hwelcum / on his |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 30a | || ā forþ þonan / wierþ on | weorolde, | || tō wuldre ne cymþ. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 18a | ġe·sǣlliċ mann / wǣre on | weorolde? | || Ne sint þā word sōþ, / n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 24a | an-wealde || þīnum āĝenum / | weorolde | ġe·worhtest || and wuhta ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 60b | olde ān / and wæter ōðer || | weorolde | dǣles, / and fȳr is þridde | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 243a | ǣm hē ǣr of hire / wēox on | weorolde. | || Wunedon æt·samne / efen sw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 251b | da maniĝum / wuda and wyrta || | weorolde | sċeatum. / For·ġief nū, ē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 34a | same || ealra ġe·sċeafta, / | weorolde | wealdeþ. || Þæt is wīs cy |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 56b | þæt þu wilt oþþe most || | weorolde | þiostro / eft fandian || þu m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 18a | swift, untīeriġ. / Hwā is on | weorolde | || þæt ne wāfie, / būtan þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 41a | on setl glīdeþ. / Hwā is on | weorolde | || þæt ne wundrie / fulles m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 28a | on setl glīdeþ, / west under | weorolde. | || Wer-þēoda his / naman on· |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 69a | l þætte groweþ / wæstmas on | weorolde | || wel forþbrengeþ / hit þon |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 80b | fta, / wyrhta and sċieppend || | weorolde | þisse, / wīsdōm and ǣ || we |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 7b | g on þā þīestre || þisse | weorolde, | / sorĝum ġe·swenċed. || Sw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 11a | s || būtan gnornunge / fremdre | weorolde. | || Him is frōfre ðearf. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 14b | ihtĝa / wealdend and wyrhta || | weorolde | ġe·sċeafta / his āĝen weor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 41b | ā sint ġe·hydde || hēr on | weorolde | / ġond burga fela || beorhte c |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 47b | riġen mid wrencum. || Nū on | weorolde | hēr / mannum ne deriaþ || mā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 54a | || þū þe ealle ofer·sihst / | weorolde | ġe·sċeafta, || wlit nū on |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 56a | || nū hīe on maniĝum hēr / | weorolde | ȳðum || wynnaþ and swinca |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 36a | nġes gōdes, / þonne þe for | weorolde | || wiðer-wearda mæsþ / þing |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 17a | āuht fæstlīċes / weorces on | weorolde | || ne wunaþ ǣfre. |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 31a | sċeall swīðe flēon / þisse | weorolde | wlite, || wyrċe him siþþan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 8a | ā swelċ. / Nǣron þā ġond | weorolde | || weleġe hāmas, / ne mislī |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 37a | niġ siþþan wæs / weorþ on | weorolde, | || ġif man his willan on·ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 56a | ma || feoh-ġītsere / wǣre on | weorolde, | || sē þās wang-stedas / grō |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 59a | unde mæniĝum / be·wriġen on | weorolde, | || wætere oþþe eorðan. |
Metrical Psalm 91:6 6a | done || weorðen siþþan / on | weorolde% | weorold% || and tō wīdan f |
Metrical Psalm 92:4 2a | tl || and þū ēċe God / ǣr | weorolde | fruman || wunast būtan ende. |
The Coronation of Edgar 19a | nīþ-weorca heard, / wintra on | weorolde, | || þā% þis ġe·worden wæ |
Solomon and Saturn 50b | licne wlite. || Meċ þæs on | weorolde | full oft / fyr-witt friġneþ, |
The Menologium 201a | e sīþ oþþe ǣr / worhtan on | weorolde | || willan dryhtnes. / Siþþan |
Maxims II 55a | ll snotor hyċġan / ymb þisse | weorolde | ġe·winn, || wearh hangian, / |
The Judgment Day II 141b | hwone sċamode || sċylda on | weorolde, | / þæt hē ǣnġum menn || ypt |
The Judgment Day II 178b | þe% þēowast% || þissere% | weorolde%, | / and hēr glæd leofast || on |
The Judgment Day II 233a | ġe·dwīnaþ heonane / þisse | weorolde | ġe·fēan, || ġe·wītaþ% |
The Gloria I 5a | bb || and þīnes selfes dōm / | weorolde | ġe·wliteĝod, || swā þū |
The Gloria I 15a | an || frēa mann-cynnes / ealre | weorolde | || wlite and frōfor%, / clǣne |
The Lord's Prayer III 13b | nnum ġe·wliteĝod || ā tō | weorolde | forþ. / Sele ūs nū tō dæġ |
The Seasons for Fasting 30a | || lēofum tō tācne / þe for | weorolde% | wæs || wamma be·dǣled. / Ac |
The Seasons for Fasting 222a | ealdaþ þā īlcan / wīsan on | weorolde | || and ne wīĝliaþ / hwone% h |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 3b | þæt hē wolde || þæt on | weorolde | forþ / of þǣm innoþum || ā |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 39b | ; / sette and sende || on [VII] | weorolde | / earmum and ēadĝum || eallum |
The Battle of Maldon 174b | ra þāra wynna || þe iċ on | weorolde | ġe·bād. / Nū iċ āh, milde |