A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: þam

Number of occurrences in corpus: 551

Genesis A 35a de || þa wearþ yrre god / and þam werode wraþ || þe he ær wu
Genesis A 36b ode / wlite and wuldre || sceop þam werlogan / wræclicne ham || we
Genesis A 51a || honda arærde / hehste wiþ þam herge || ne mihton hygelease /
Genesis A 139b last / þrang þystre genip || þam þe se þeoden self / sceop nih
Genesis A 152b m mihtum / wæter of wætrum || þam þe wuniaþ gyt / under fæsten
Genesis A 183b odende ban / wer unwundod || of þam worhte god / freolice fæmnan |
Genesis A 217a as heora || æþele feower / of þam niwan || neorxnawonge / þa wæ
Genesis B 256a weroda drihtne / gelic wæs he þam leohtum steorrum || lof sceol
Genesis B 258a an / þæs leanes þe he him on þam leohte gescerede || þonne l
Genesis B 260b fnes waldend || þe siteþ on þam halgan stole / deore wæs he dr
Genesis B 284b atas || þa ne willaþ me æt þam striþe geswican / hæleþas he
Genesis B 320a rman siþe || fylde helle / mid þam andsacum || heoldon englas fo
Genesis B 322a ston / lagon þa oþre fynd on þam fyre || þe ær swa feala hæ
Genesis B 357a ænga styde || ungelic swiþe / þam oþrum ham || þe we ær cuþ
Genesis B 359a earra onlag / þeah we hine for þam alwaldan || agan ne moston / ro
Genesis B 385a y me god hafaþ / gehæfted be þam healse || swa ic wat he minne
Genesis B 392a nne gestælan / þæt we him on þam lande laþ gefremedon || he h
Genesis B 396b / æfter his onlicnesse || mid þam he wile eft gesettan / heofona
Genesis B 483b hwa swa gebyrgde || þæs on þam beame geweox / sceolde hine yld
Genesis B 512a geardas || and god siteþ / on þam hehstan || heofna rice / ufan a
Genesis B 544a bbe me fæstne geleafan / up to þam ælmihtegan gode || þe me mi
Genesis B 592a hire mod ongan / lætan æfter þam larum || forþon heo æt þam
Genesis B 592b þam larum || forþon heo æt þam laþan onfeng / ofer drihtnes w
Genesis B 598a e þegn swa monig / forlædd be þam lygenum || þe for þam larum
Genesis B 598b dd be þam lygenum || þe for þam larum com / heo þa þæs ofæt
Genesis B 634b þolian / monige hwile || biþ þam men full wa / þe hine ne warna
Genesis B 665b f / he mæg unc ærendian || to þam alwaldan / heofoncyninge || ic
Genesis B 700a rlærde || mid ligenwordum / to þam unræde || idese sciene / wifa
Genesis B 705b sceonost / ful þiclice || oþ þam þegne ongan / his hige hweorfa
Genesis B 706b his hige hweorfan || þæt he þam gehate getruwode / þe him þæ
Genesis B 713a || heofoncyninges / worhte mid þam wordum || þe heo þam were s
Genesis B 713b te mid þam wordum || þe heo þam were swelce / tacen oþiewde ||
Genesis B 717b ndan to hire willan || he æt þam wife onfeng / helle and hinnsi
Genesis B 760b e þoledon || nu wille ic eft þam lige near / satan ic þær seca
Genesis B 784b / heora lichaman || næfdon on þam lande þa giet / sælþa gesete
Genesis B 787a ac hie wel meahton / libban on þam lande || gif hie wolden lare
Genesis B 795a hyran || nis heofonrice / gelic þam lige || ac þis is landa bets
Genesis B 797a nc || habban moston / þær þu þam ne hierde || þe unc þisne h
Genesis B 834a s o min mod getweode / ac ic to þam grunde genge || gif ic godes
Genesis B 851a || waldend se goda / hu hie on þam leohte forþ || libban sceold
Genesis A 857b bearn dyde / wiste forworhte || þam he ær wlite sealde / gewitan h
Genesis A 881a þu æppel || ænne byrgde / of þam wudubeame || þe ic þe wordu
Genesis A 958a rundwelan || ginne sealde / het þam sinhiwum || sæs and eorþan /
Genesis A 988b aræred / tregena tuddor || of þam twige siþþan / ludon laþwend
Genesis A 994a bearnum || doþ gieta swa / of þam brad blado || bealwa gehwilce
Genesis A 1057a || siþþan fæsten ongon / mid þam cneomagum || ceastre timbran /
Genesis A 1062b wocan / bearn from bryde || on þam burhstede / se yldesta wæs ||
Genesis A 1099a weres || wat ic gearwe / þæt þam lichryre || on last cymeþ / so
Genesis A 1106b oþer feded / soþfæst sunu || þam wæs seth noma / se wæs eadig
Genesis A 1212a yssum lænan || life feran / on þam gearwum || þe his gast onfen
Genesis A 1214a to monnum || modor brohte / he þam yldestan || eaforan læfde / fo
Genesis A 1303b ip wyrcan / merehus micel || on þam þu monegum scealt / reste gery
Genesis A 1315a | swa hine nergend heht / hyrde þam halgan || heofoncyninge / ongan
Genesis A 1341a r wægbord || werodum gelæde / þam þe mid sceolon || mereflod n
Genesis A 1400a s elna || þæt is mæro wyrd / þam æt niehstan || wæs nan to g
Genesis A 1489a ce || and on eorþan bearm / of þam hean hofe || hiwan læd þu / a
Genesis A 1500a n eallum dæl || æhtum sinum / þam þe him to dugeþum || drihte
Genesis A 1501a um || drihten sealde / gleaw to þam gielde || and þa gode selfum
Genesis A 1552b d cham / iafeþ þridda || from þam gumrincum / folc geludon || and
Genesis A 1592b an / hyldo and treowa || þæt þam halgan wæs / sar on mode || on
Genesis A 1632a moncynnes || mæste hæfde / on þam mældagum || mægen and stren
Genesis A 1638b sse woc / wermægþa fela || of þam widfolce / cneorim micel || cen
Genesis A 1646b eber haten / eafora semes || of þam eorle woc / unrim þeoda || þa
Genesis A 1706a d wer || þeawum hydig / wurdon þam æþelinge || eaforan acende /
Genesis A 1710b e wæron / abraham and aaron || þam eorlum wæs / frea engla bam ||
Genesis A 1713b fora feded / leoflic on life || þam wæs loth noma / þa magorincas
Genesis A 1738b genamon / weras mid wifum || on þam wicum his / fæder abrahames ||
Genesis A 1758b lisse selle / wilna wæstme || þam þe wurþiaþ / þurh þe eorþ
Genesis A 1810a e || þurh his hand metend / on þam gledstyde || gumcystum til / þ
Genesis A 1883a on wonge || wibed setton / neah þam þe abraham || æror rærde / h
Genesis A 1890a n || lisse and ara / wunedon on þam wicum || hæfdon wilna geniht
Genesis A 1892a ead bryttedon / oþþæt hie on þam lande || ne meahton leng some
Genesis A 1938a ecne unræd || æfre ne wolde / þam leodþeawum || loth onfon / ac
Genesis A 1940a onwisan fleah / þeah þe he on þam lande || lifian sceolde / facen
Genesis A 1942b eawfæst and geþyldig || on þam þeodscipe / emne þon gelicost
Genesis A 2000a m || gewiton feorh heora / fram þam folcstyde || fleame nergan / se
Genesis A 2021a secan || se þæt orlegweorc / þam ebriscan || eorle gecyþde / fo
Genesis A 2059a ce drihten || eaþe mihte / æt þam spereniþe || spede lænan / þ
Genesis A 2140a ehate || hæleþa waldend / for þam halgan || þe heofona is / and
Genesis A 2293a nnaþ || mid wæpenþræce / of þam frumgaran || folc awæcniaþ /
Genesis A 2330a þæs eaforan sceomigan / ac ic þam magorince || mine sylle / godcu
Genesis A 2334b etsunge / lufan and lisse || of þam leodfruman / brad folc cumaþ |
Genesis A 2364b oran þinum / geongum bearne || þam þe gen nis / on woruld cumen |
Genesis A 2401a re spræce || spedum feran / of þam hleoþorstede || halige gasta
Genesis A 2430a e sittan || sunu arones / þæt þam gleawan were || geonge þuhto
Genesis A 2434b munde / riht and gerisno || and þam rincum bead / nihtfeormunge ||
Genesis A 2442a rlæt / þa to fotum loth # || / þam giestum hnah || and him georn
Genesis A 2458a giestum || heton lædan ut / of þam hean hofe || halige aras / wera
Genesis A 2460a e || wordum cwædon / þæt mid þam hæleþum || hæman wolden / un
Genesis A 2530a a weorþan || teng recene to / þam fæstenne || wit þe friþe h
Genesis A 2536a a onette || abrahames mæg / to þam fæstenne || feþe ne sparode
Genesis A 2572a | nu sceal heard and steap / on þam wicum || wyrde bidan / drihtnes
Genesis A 2592b hæle / for frean egesan || on þam fæstenne / leng eardigean || a
Genesis A 2615a e agen bearn || ammon hete / of þam frumgarum || folces unrim / þr
Genesis A 2637a ing || þurh swefn sprecan / to þam æþelinge || and him yrre hw
Genesis A 2660b feo and mid feorme || gif þu þam frumgaran / bryde wyrnest || he
Genesis A 2843a worhte || and his waldende / on þam glædstede || gild onsægde / l
Genesis A 2844b gild onsægde / lac geneahe || þam þe lif forgeaf / gesæliglic |
Genesis A 2892a er || þæt þu torht gode / to þam brynegielde || bringan þence
Genesis A 2911b lle gebad / ares spræce || and þam engle oncwæþ / him þa ofstum
Exodus 122a beamas || bellegsan hweop / in þam hereþreate || hatan lige / þ
Exodus 153a de || þær him mihtig god / on þam spildsiþe || spede forgefe /
Exodus 170a folc wæs gehæged / hwilum of þam werode || wlance þegnas / mæt
Exodus 189a an æghwilcne / þara þe he on þam fyrste || findan mihte / wæron
Exodus 197b se / hæfdon hie gemynted || to þam mægenheapum / to þam ærdæge
Exodus 198a ed || to þam mægenheapum / to þam ærdæge || israhela cynn / bil
Exodus 224b iþþan hie getealdon || wiþ þam teonhete / on þam forþherge |
Exodus 225a ldon || wiþ þam teonhete / on þam forþherge || feþan twelfe / m
Exodus 299a aru || oþ wolcna hrof / æfter þam wordum || werod eall aras / mod
Exodus 321a hreoþan || beacen aræred / in þam garheape || gyldenne leon / dri
Exodus 323a olca mæst || deora cenost / be þam herewisan || hynþo ne woldon
Exodus 397a foldan || folmum geworhte / to þam meþelstede || magan gelædde
Exodus 522a ara þe him drihten bebead / on þam siþfate || soþum wordum / gif
Exodus 543a ædum fah || drihten sylfa / on þam meþelstede || manegum demeþ
Exodus 565a biþ eower blæd micel / æfter þam wordum || werod wæs on salum
Exodus 574b n hildespelle || siþþan hie þam herge wiþforon / hofon hereþr
Exodus 576a eþreatas || hlude stefne / for þam dædweorce || drihten heredon
Daniel 13b drihten / wuldres waldend || se þam werude geaf / mod and mihte ||
Daniel 25a þæt wæs weorc gode / oft he þam leodum || to lare sende / heofo
Daniel 27a es weard || halige gastas / þa þam werude || wisdom budon / hie þ
Daniel 34b ces þeoden / unhold þeodum || þam þe æhte geaf / wisde him æt
Daniel 44b n / bewrigene mid weorcum || to þam þæt werod gefor / mægenþrea
Daniel 64a || abrocen hæfdon / þara þe þam folce || to friþe stodon / geh
Daniel 67a þær funden wæs / and þa mid þam æhtum || eft siþedon / and ge
Daniel 96a rn || in caldea byrig / þa hie þam wlancan || wisdom sceoldon / we
Daniel 102a garas || be feore dæde / þæt þam gengum þrym || gad ne wære /
Daniel 108a erhygde || æghwæs lifde / þa þam folctogan || on frumslæpe / si
Daniel 124a || reste wunode / wearþ he on þam egesan || acol worden / þa he
Daniel 145b meahte þa seo mænigeo || on þam meþelstede / þurh witigdom ||
Daniel 153a uma || earmre lafe / þære þe þam hæþenan || hyran sceolde / hi
Daniel 171a wyrcan ongan || weoh on felda / þam þe deormode || diran heton / s
Daniel 176a of golde || gumum arærde / for þam þe gleaw ne wæs || gumrices
Daniel 180a || ofer burhware / þa hie for þam cumble || on cneowum sæton / o
Daniel 181a on cneowum sæton / onhnigon to þam herige || hæþne þeode / wur
Daniel 191a afigan onginnan / þæt hie to þam beacne || gebedu rærde / þeah
Daniel 202a || wihte ne rohton / ne hie to þam gebede || mihte gebædon / hæ
Daniel 204a ider hweorfan wolden / guman to þam gyldnan gylde || þe he him t
Daniel 211a ode || eorlum onmælde / grimme þam gingum || and geocre oncwæþ
Daniel 215a hie friþes wolde / wilnian to þam wyrrestan || weras ebrea / guma
Daniel 216a estan || weras ebrea / guman to þam golde || þe he him to gode t
Daniel 238b n fæþmum beþeahte || under þam fyrenan hrofe / ne mihte þeah
Daniel 264b bryne beot mæcgum || þe in þam beote wæron / ac þæt fyr fyr
Daniel 265b / ac þæt fyr fyr scyde || to þam þe þa scylde worhton / hwearf
Daniel 266b þa hæþenan hæftas || fram þam halgan cnihton / werigra wlite
Daniel 270b hte / hyssas hale hwurfon || in þam hatan ofne / ealle æfæste þr
Daniel 278b god / þe hie generede || wiþ þam niþhete / þa azarias || inge
Daniel 310a u usic ane || ece drihten / for þam miltsum || þe þec men hliga
Daniel 311a þe þec men hligaþ / and for þam treowum || þe þu tirum fæs
Daniel 345a | for fyrendædum / þa wæs on þam ofne || þær se engel becwom
Daniel 350a iþ wedera cyst / swylc wæs on þam fyre || frean mihtum / halgum t
Daniel 410b eode / nabochodonossor || wiþ þam nehstum / folcgesiþum || þæt
Daniel 429a owihtes god / þæt hie sien on þam laþe || leng þonne þu þur
Daniel 433b / hwurfon hæleþ geonge || to þam hæþenan foran / wæron þa be
Daniel 438a ac hie on friþe drihtnes / of þam grimman gryre || glade tredde
Daniel 443a ld || halgum metode / hæfde on þam wundre gewurþod || þe þa g
Daniel 444b hyssas heredon drihten || for þam hæþenan folce / septon hie so
Daniel 447b ihta waldend || se þe hie of þam mirce generede / gebead þa se
Daniel 451b re mihta waldend || se hie of þam morþre alysde / agæf him þa
Daniel 469a omne || sine leode / and þa on þam meþle || ofer menigo bebead /
Daniel 471a | and wundor godes / þætte on þam cnihtum || gecyþed wæs / onhi
Daniel 475b nihtum on ofne / lacende lig || þam þe his lof bæron / forþam he
Daniel 478b dom forgeaf / spowende sped || þam þe his spel beraþ / forþon w
Daniel 489a n godes || no þy sel dyde / ac þam æþelinge || oferhygd gesceo
Daniel 525a m þæs egesa stod / gryre fram þam gaste || þe þyder god sende
Daniel 531a ie cweþan woldon / þa wæs to þam dome || daniel haten / godes sp
Daniel 534a num || se his hyge trymede / on þam drihtenweard || deopne wisse /
Daniel 547a þere soþ ongeat / daniel æt þam dome || þæt his drihten wæ
Daniel 550b de cwæþ / æcræftig ar || to þam æþelinge / þæt is weredes w
Daniel 587b leo / þinga for þeodne || ær þam seo þrah cyme / þæt he þec
Daniel 612a d eþel || agan wille / þa for þam gylpe || gumena drihten / forfa
Daniel 637b htne / eard and eþel || æfter þam æþelinge / seofon winter samo
Daniel 703a l wearþ || mægenes wisa / het þam æþelum beran || israela ges
Daniel 725a oga || forht on mode / acul for þam egesan || geseah he engles ha
Daniel 729a le || hwæt seo hand write / to þam beacne || burhsittendum / wered
Daniel 737a fæst || in þæt seld gangan / þam wæs on gaste || godes cræft
Daniel 738a aste || godes cræft micel / to þam ic georne gefrægn || gyfum c
Daniel 749a tu halegu || on hand werum / on þam ge deoflu || drincan ongunnon
Christ and Satan 74a | geond þæt atole scref / for þam anmedlan || þe hie ær drugo
Christ and Satan 144b gen / seolfa mid sange || ne ic þam sawlum ne mot / ænigum sceþþ
Christ and Satan 146a ænigum sceþþan # || / butan þam anum || þe he agan nyle / þa
Christ and Satan 192b d bedraf / in þæt hate hof || þam is hel nama / forþan sceal geh
Christ and Satan 255b don swa / drihten adrifan || of þam deoran ham / cyning of cestre |
Christ and Satan 265a | þæh he uppe seo / ne mot he þam sawlum || þe þær secaþ up
Christ and Satan 290a n || ær geþencaþ / and us to þam halgan || helpe gelefaþ / þon
Christ and Satan 364a || heran þenceþ / and wel is þam || þe þæt wyrcan mot / wæs
Christ and Satan 372a um || hehseld wyrcan / uppe mid þam ecan || þæt wæs ealdor heo
Christ and Satan 382a || heafod gesawon / þonne wæs þam atolan || þe we ær nemdon /
Christ and Satan 415b lyfdon / namon mid handum || on þam halgan treo / beorhte blæda ||
Christ and Satan 502b emunde ic þæs mænego || on þam minnan ham / lange þæs þe ic
Christ and Satan 517a || eall ymbfangen / þæt mihte þam miclan || mægne wiþhabban / a
Christ and Satan 556b leoht # || / torht ontyned || þam þe teala þenceþ / þa wæs o
Christ and Satan 566a n || and hine forþ lædde / to þam halgan ham || heofna ealdor / h
Christ and Satan 31a rced hus || ameten hæbbe / þa þam werigan wearþ || wracu geten
Andreas 14a ordum writan || wundorcræfte / þam halig god || hlyt geteode / ut
Andreas 22a s þær hlafes wist / werum on þam wonge || ne wæteres drync / to
Andreas 47b wæron / eorre æscberend || to þam orlege / hie þam halgan þær
Andreas 48a cberend || to þam orlege / hie þam halgan þær || handa gebundo
Andreas 90a fenum || swylce hadre segl / to þam carcerne || þær gecyþed we
Andreas 119b ælwihta / engla scyppend || to þam uplican / eþelrice || he is on
Andreas 179a uþra || ængum ne willaþ / on þam folcstede || feores geunnan / s
Andreas 184a wat || þinne sigebroþor / mid þam burgwarum || bendum fæstne / n
Andreas 209b yrþe / breogostol breme || mid þam burgwarum / gif hit worde becwi
Andreas 294a || ofer fisces bæþ / efne to þam lande || þær þe lust myne
Andreas 314a oþe || is se drohtaþ strang / þam þe lagolade || lange cunnaþ
Andreas 381a || næs him cuþ þa gyt / hwa þam sæflotan || sund wisode / him
Andreas 467b cyrde / hreoh holmþracu || þa þam halgan wearþ / æfter gryrehwi
Andreas 598a fe || ond þurh lare speon / to þam fægeran gefean || þær freo
Andreas 638b on hyhte / fyrhþ afrefred || þam þe feor oþþe neah / on mode
Andreas 658a m togenes || god herigende / to þam meþelstede || manige comon / s
Andreas 666b fta sylf / þa we becomon || to þam cynestole / þær getimbred wæ
Andreas 683a þæt is duguþum cuþ / hwanon þam ordfruman || æþelu onwocon /
Andreas 697a en gewat || þegna heape / fram þam meþelstede || mihtum geswiþ
Andreas 699b d / he þurh wundra feala || on þam westenne / cræfta gecyþde ||
Andreas 718b na / þæs bremestan || þe mid þam burgwarum / in þære ceastre i
Andreas 728b hten / heofonhalig gast || fore þam heremægene / nu ic bebeode ||
Andreas 795b e þæm fæstan || het hie to þam siþe gyrwan / faran to frean d
Andreas 796b to frean dome || sceoldon hie þam folce gecyþan / hwa æt frumsc
Andreas 854a rwelan || æþeling ferede / in þam ceole wæs || cyninga wuldor /
Andreas 885b sittende / halige heahenglas || þam biþ hæleþa well / þe þara
Andreas 889a || næs þær ænigum gewinn / þam biþ wræcsiþ witod || wite
Andreas 909b ehwylcum / sigorsped geseald || þam þe seceþ to him / þa him for
Andreas 980b s ar gelang / fira gehwylcum || þam þe hie findan cann / þa wæs
Andreas 988a eon || hæfde sigora weard / on þam wangstede || wære betolden / l
Andreas 1004b rudon / geseh he matheus || in þam morþorcofan / hæleþ higerofn
Andreas 1008b na sæt / geohþum geomor || in þam gnornhofe / geseh þa under swe
Andreas 1014a unnan || syb wæs gemæne / bam þam gebroþrum || blis edniwe / æg
Andreas 1029b n godes / swylce se halga || in þam hearmlocan / his god grette ||
Andreas 1034a ædde || of leoþobendum / fram þam fæstenne || on friþ dryhtne
Andreas 1043a eordan || nalas leng bidon / in þam gnornhofe || guþgeþingo / gew
Andreas 1068b rigeas / folces frumgaras || to þam fæstenne / wærleasra werod ||
Andreas 1080a ne || laþspell beran / sægdon þam folce || þæt þær feorrcun
Andreas 1086a || þa wearþ forht manig / for þam færspelle || folces ræswa / h
Andreas 1098a le || þa wæs eall geador / to þam þingstede || þeod gesamnod /
Andreas 1118b eorh / breostum onbryrded || to þam beadulace / wæs þæt weatacen
Andreas 1130a pen || are findan / freoþe æt þam folce || þe him feores wolde
Andreas 1142a oldon æninga || ellenrofe / on þam hysebeorþre || heafolan gesc
Andreas 1146a pen wera || wexe gelicost / on þam orlege || eall formeltan / þy
Andreas 1154b symle gearu / freod unhwilen || þam þe hie findan cann / þa wæs
Andreas 1205a r cumblum || corþre mycle / to þam orlege || ordum ond bordum / þ
Andreas 1219a a || ic þe mid wunige / æfter þam wordum com || werod unmæte / l
Andreas 1222a mode || bæron ut hræþe / ond þam halgan þær || handa gebundo
Andreas 1226a ne || þær wæs sec manig / on þam welwange || wiges oflysted / le
Andreas 1298a wærloga || wigend lærde / for þam heremægene || helle dioful / a
Andreas 1315a | duguþum bereafod / ongan þa þam halgan || hospword sprecan / hw
Andreas 1322b lareow þin / cyneþrym ahof || þam wæs crist nama / ofer middange
Andreas 1339b cen / wurdon hie þa acle || on þam onfenge / forhte afærde || ond
Andreas 1351a || gif þu furþur dearst / to þam anhagan || aldre geneþan / we
Andreas 1353a on eaþe || eorla leofost / æt þam secgplegan || selre gelæran /
Andreas 1356a man || weald hu þe sæle / æt þam gegnslege || utan gangan eft /
Andreas 1359a þ || habbaþ word gearu / wiþ þam æglæcan || eall getrahtod /
Andreas 1369a swyltcwale || secgas mine / to þam guþplegan || gearwe sindon /
Andreas 1436b þeþ / mænig æt meþle || on þam myclan dæge / þæt þæt gewe
Andreas 1460a sacan || æþeling læddon / to þam carcerne || woldon cræfta ge
Andreas 1544a m || ne mihte beorna hloþ / of þam fæstenne || fleame spowan / w
Andreas 1646a aræred || ræd on lande / mid þam ceasterwarum || cirice gehalg
Andreas 1649b re beorhtan byrig || bisceop þam leodum / ond gehalgode || fore
Andreas 1650b leodum / ond gehalgode || fore þam heremægene / þurh apostolhad
Andreas 1659a þe || secan wolde / þæt wæs þam weorode || weorc to geþolige
Andreas 1662a ian || þa him wuldres god / on þam siþfæte || sylfum ætywde / o
Andreas 15a o wuldre || weorod unmæte / to þam halgan ham || heofona rices /
Andreas 34b al / beaducwealm gebad || þæt þam banan ne wearþ / hleahtre behw
The Fates of the Apostles 106a || nu þu cunnon miht / hwa on þam wordum wæs || werum oncyþig
Soul and Body I 16b receþ grimlice || se gast to þam duste / hwæt druh þu dreorega
Soul and Body I 50a gesynta || sceame þrowian / on þam myclan dæge || þonne eall m
Soul and Body I 89a c bæm || andwyrdan scealt / on þam miclan dæge || þonne mannum
Soul and Body I 96a || ac hwæt wylt þu þær / on þam domdæge || dryhtne secgan / þ
Soul and Body I 100a þonne reþe biþ / dryhten æt þam dome || ac hwæt do wyt unc / s
Soul and Body I 118b enydde to / ærest eallra || on þam eorþscræfe / þæt he þa tun
Soul and Body I 128a t sio halige sawl / færeþ to þam flæsce || frofre bewunden / bi
Soul and Body I 147a lan || ond þa soþfæstan / on þam mæran dæge || þæs þu me
Soul and Body I 163a re || ac wyt sylfe magon / æt þam dome þær || dædum agilpan /
Homiletic Fragment I 8b e syle þu me ætsomne || mid þam synfullum / in wita forwyrd ||
Homiletic Fragment I 10b / ne me on life forleos || mid þam ligewyrhtum / þam þe ful sme
Homiletic Fragment I 11a rleos || mid þam ligewyrhtum / þam þe ful smeþe || spræce hab
Homiletic Fragment I 42a ftig || sawle rædes / uton to þam beteran || nu we bot cunnon / h
Dream of the Rood 9a lce þær fife wæron / uppe on þam eaxlegespanne || beheoldon þ
Dream of the Rood 50a his gast onsended / feala ic on þam beorge || gebiden hæbbe / wra
Dream of the Rood 58a ær fuse || feorran cwoman / to þam æþelinge || ic þæt eall b
Dream of the Rood 59b gedrefed || hnag ic hwæþre þam secgum to handa / eaþmod elne
Dream of the Rood 61a lmihtigne god / ahofon hine of þam hefian wite || forleton me þ
Dream of the Rood 65a ær hwile reste / meþe æfter þam miclan gewinne || ongunnon hi
Dream of the Rood 69a woldon eft siþian / meþe fram þam mæran þeodne || reste he þ
Dream of the Rood 111a r ænig || unforht wesan / for þam worde || þe se wealdend cwy
Dream of the Rood 114b es onbyrigan || swa he ær on þam beame dyde / ac hie þonne forh
Dream of the Rood 129b l weorþian || me is willa to þam / mycel on mode || ond min mund
Dream of the Rood 143b / wunian on wuldre || well mid þam halgum / dreames brucan || si m
Dream of the Rood 146a on eorþan || ær þrowode / on þam gealgtreowe || for guman synn
Dream of the Rood 149b / mid bledum ond mid blisse || þam þe þær bryne þolodan / se s
Dream of the Rood 150b se sunu wæs sigorfæst || on þam siþfate / mihtig ond spedig ||
Dream of the Rood 154a | englum to blisse / ond eallum þam halgum || þam þe on heofonu
Dream of the Rood 154b sse / ond eallum þam halgum || þam þe on heofonum ær / wunedon o
Elene 70a on slæpe || sylfum ætywed / þam casere || þær he on corþre
Elene 93a hte || mid þys beacne þu / on þam frecnan fære || feond ofersw
Elene 133a unsofte || aldor generedon / on þam heresiþe || sume healfcwice /
Elene 146a ntino || cyning ælmihtig / æt þam dægweorce || domweorþunga / r
Elene 168b þon / sweotole gesecggan || be þam sigebeacne / þa þa wisestan |
Elene 170a isestan || wordum cwædon / for þam heremægene || þæt hit heof
Elene 175a hira fea wæron / þæt hie for þam casere || cyþan moston / godsp
Elene 191b iluestre / lærde wæron || æt þam se leodfruma / fulwihte onfeng
Elene 212b eogan / þa wæs cristes lof || þam casere / on firhþsefan || for
Elene 265a s gesyne || sincgim locen / on þam hereþreate || hlafordes gifu
Elene 277a þa gebeodan || burgsittendum / þam snoterestum || side ond wide /
Elene 337b ed wurde / mihta wealdend || be þam moyses sang / ond þæt word ge
Elene 342a acnod || þurh weres frige / be þam dauid cyning || dryhtleoþ ag
Elene 354b ran gingne / ond bearn cende || þam ic blæd forgeaf / halige higef
Elene 369a w þæs lungre aþreat / ond ge þam ryhte || wiþroten hæfdon / on
Elene 415a wæt sio syn wære / þe hie on þam folce || gefremed hæfdon / wi
Elene 416a olce || gefremed hæfdon / wiþ þam casere || þe him sio cwen wi
Elene 418b reordode / gidda gearosnotor || þam wæs iudas nama / wordes cræft
Elene 420b re / þæt hio wile secan || be þam sigebeame / on þam þrowode ||
Elene 421a secan || be þam sigebeame / on þam þrowode || þeoda waldend / ea
Elene 437b ldra fæder / sigerof sægde || þam wæs sachius nama / frod fyrnwi
Elene 5a gnan || ond geflitu ræran / be þam sigebeame || on þam soþcyni
Elene 5b æran / be þam sigebeame || on þam soþcyning / ahangen wæs || he
Elene 91b um lærde / septe soþcwidum || þam wæs symon nama / guma gehþum
Elene 111a on || þa cwom þegna heap / to þam heremeþle || hreopon friccan
Elene 147b hton / giddum gearusnottorne || þam wæs iudas nama / cenned for cn
Elene 165b acigde / elene maþelode || to þam anhagan / tireadig cwen || þe
Elene 226b e ær / sægdest soþlice || be þam sigebeame / leodum þinum || on
Elene 267b n ne mæg / ne leng helan || be þam lifes treo / þeah ic ær mid d
Elene 273a rwe || ond of nydcleofan / fram þam engan hofe || up forlete / hie
Elene 293a sitest || sigora waldend / ofer þam æþelestan || engelcynne / þe
Elene 310b d cweþaþ / clænum stefnum || þam is ceruphin nama / halig is se
Elene 314b tire getacnod || syndon tu on þam / sigorcynn on swegle || þe ma
Elene 347a || þa þu mihta god / geywdest þam eorle || on þa æþelan tid /
Elene 354a || forlæt nu lifes fruma / of þam wangstede || wynsumne up / unde
Elene 388b ongan þa wilfægen || æfter þam wuldres treo / elnes anhydig ||
Elene 394a an || he þær þreo mette / in þam reonian hofe || roda ætsomne
Elene 421b wiste / sweotole gecyþan || be þam sigebeame / on hwylcne se hæle
Elene 427b tig / wundor for weorodum || be þam wuldres treo / gesæton sigerof
Elene 455a || eallra gesceafta / þa wæs þam folce || on ferhþsefan / ingem
Elene 481a ean || hwæt se hælend me / in þam engan ham || oft getynde / geom
Elene 487a afas || wiþercyr siþþan / of þam wearhtreafum || ic awecce wi
Elene 494b ste / þone ahangnan cyning || þam þu hyrdest ær / him þa gleaw
Elene 544a ne holm || hlaford secean / ond þam wiggende || wilspella mæst / s
Elene 549b teonan / cristenum folce || þa þam cininge wearþ / þurh þa mær
Elene 554b st / geworden in worlde || æt þam willspelle / hlihende hyge ||
Elene 569a || þæt hio cirican þær / on þam beorhhliþe || begra rædum / g
Elene 581b rcan cuþon / stangefogum || on þam stedewange / girwan godes tempe
Elene 585a weorcean || ond gimcynnum / mid þam æþelestum || eorcnanstanum /
Elene 600b e geceas / wuldres wynne || ond þam wyrsan wiþsoc / deofulgildum |
Elene 616b cerdhad / in ierusalem || iudas þam folce / to bisceope || burgum o
Elene 625a þa mæran wyrd / geneahhe for þam næglum || þe þæs nergende
Elene 627a || ond his folme swa some / mid þam on rode wæs || rodera wealde
Elene 628b / gefæstnod frea mihtig || be þam frignan ongan / cristenra cwen
Elene 633a || ond þæt word acwæþ / to þam bisceope || bald reordode / þu
Elene 664a r he þara nægla swiþost / on þam wangstede || wenan þorfte / le
Elene 688b ara leoda / niwan stefne || he þam næglum onfeng / egesan geaclod
Elene 734a fira || þu þas næglas hat / þam æþelestan || eorþcyninga / b
Elene 749b wiþed / wæpen æt wigge || be þam se witga sang / snottor searuþ
Elene 777a omre || symle hælo þær / æt þam bisceope || bote fundon / ece t
Elene 781a e || ond þa eallum bebead / on þam gumrice || god hergendum / weru
Elene 784b n dæg / heortan gehigdum || in þam sio halige rod / gemeted wæs |
Elene 817a ngum || on gewritum cyþan / be þam sigebeacne || a wæs secg oþ
Elene 851a | soþfæste bioþ / yfemest in þam ade || eadigra gedryht / duguþ
Elene 857b lle beoþ / mane gemengde || in þam midle þread / hæleþ higegeom
Elene 864a gripe || gode no syþþan / of þam morþorhofe || in gemynd cuma
Elene 866a ge || ac hie worpene beoþ / of þam heaþuwylme || in hellegrund /
Elene 867b legrund / torngeniþlan || biþ þam twam dælum / ungelice || moton
Riddles 20 23a ordleas || hweorfan mote / from þam healdende || þe me hringas g
Riddles 50 11a lissum. || Leanað grimme / þam þe hine wloncne || weorþan
Riddles 70 1b ddles 70 / / Wiht is wrætlic || þam þe hyre wisan ne conn. / Singe
The Paris Psalter 100:4 4a teonan geneahhige / wiþ heora þam nehstan || niþ ahofan / þara
The Paris Psalter 101:4 1b stan / / # / ic eom hege gelic || þam þe hraþe weornaþ / þonne hi
The Paris Psalter 101:17 2a stlice || forþ locade / of his þam hean || halgan setle / drihten
The Paris Psalter 102:7 2a dyde || wise and cuþe / moyse þam mæran || on mænige tid / swyl
The Paris Psalter 102:11 3b ig drihten / lustum cyþdest || þam þe lufedan þe / / # / swa þas
The Paris Psalter 102:12 3a and æfter west / he betweonan þam || teonan and unriht / us fram
The Paris Psalter 102:13 3a weorþan || swa us mihtig god / þam þe hine lufiaþ || liþe weo
The Paris Psalter 103:11 1a alleþ || wide floweþ / / # / of þam eorþan deor || ealle drinca
The Paris Psalter 103:11 4a || healdaþ eardas / sendaþ of þam stanum || stefne mycle / / # / be
The Paris Psalter 103:16 5b uþlice / sylfa gesettest || on þam swylce nu / mid heora spedum ||
The Paris Psalter 104:3 3a hygeclæne || hlutre blissaþ / þam þe soþlice || secaþ dryhte
The Paris Psalter 104:11 2a e cynn || mycel on rime / ac on þam folce || feawe wæran ænige /
The Paris Psalter 104:16 2b lysde hine lungre || and hine þam leodum þa / to ealdormen || ea
The Paris Psalter 104:25 2a r swylce || wende to blode / on þam heora fisceas || frecne forwu
The Paris Psalter 104:39 1a ap clæne on wynne / / # / sealde þam leodum || landes anweald / on a
The Paris Psalter 105:1 2a ndette || ecum drihtne / georne þam gleawan || forþan ic hine go
The Paris Psalter 105:14 1a to genihte / / # / ongunnon hi on þam wicum || wraþe swylce / mærne
The Paris Psalter 105:18 5b orhte / and recene wundur || on þam readan sæ / / # / þa hi wolde t
The Paris Psalter 105:21 2a hof || and hi hraþe wolde / on þam westenne || wide todrifan / and
The Paris Psalter 105:24 2a s || finees awerede / þa he on þam folce || feondgyld gebræc / he
The Paris Psalter 106:5 2a pedan to dryhtne / and he hi of þam earfeþum || eallum alysde / / #
The Paris Psalter 106:12 2a pedan to drihtne / and he hi of þam earfoþum || eallum alysde / / #
The Paris Psalter 106:13 1a allum alysde / / # / and he hi of þam þystrum || þanon alædde / an
The Paris Psalter 106:16 2a i of unrihtum || ealle swylce / þam wraþan wege || wis alædeþ /
The Paris Psalter 106:18 2a pedan to drihtne / and he hi of þam earfoþum || eallum alysde / / #
The Paris Psalter 108:20 3a tældan || tyne hine dryhten / þam þe sar sprece || sawle minre
The Paris Psalter 108:21 2b mildheortnesse || for þinum þam mæran naman / swa þu oft þin
The Paris Psalter 110:3 3b drihten / syleþ eallum mete || þam þe his ege habbaþ / / # / and h
The Paris Psalter 111:4 2a s on leodum || leofum acyþed / þam þe on þystrum || þrage lif
The Paris Psalter 112:5 2a wylc ys anlic || urum dryhtne / þam halgan gode || þe on heofonr
The Paris Psalter 113:17 1a can eardaþ / / # / ac heo wæron þam wyrcendum || wel gelice / and
The Paris Psalter 113:23 2a fram gode || geara gebletsade / þam þe heofon worhte || hrusan s
The Paris Psalter 115:3 2a || gyldan dryhtne / for eallum þam godum || þe he me ærur dyde
The Paris Psalter 117:1 2a # / ic andette || ecum dryhtne / þam godan gode || ic hine gleawne
The Paris Psalter 118:42 1b ndlice / / # / and ic andwyrde || þam þe me edwitstafas / wordum wra
The Paris Psalter 118:46 4a || weorþ and getreowe / and on þam ne beon || æfre gescynded / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:49 2a u dryhten || þines wordes / on þam þu me þinum || þeowe hyht
The Paris Psalter 118:77 2a um geswyþede / and ic lange on þam || lifian mote / forþon me is
The Paris Psalter 118:116 2a dlice || fæle drihten / æfter þam þe þu sylfa || sægdest and
The Paris Psalter 118:136 3a ætera || wundrum gangeþ / swa þam ilcum byþ || þe ær nellaþ
The Paris Psalter 118:165 1a fæste || smicere gefylde / / # / þam biþ sib mycel || þe him þe
The Paris Psalter 119:2 2a ine sawle || lifes drihten / of þam welerum || þe wom cweþen / an
The Paris Psalter 119:6 1a awle || swiþe beeode / / # / mid þam þe hi sibbe || swyþost feod
The Paris Psalter 120:1 1b 0 / / # / hof ic mine eagan || to þam hean beorge / þær ic fultum f
The Paris Psalter 122:3 4a an to þe || ece drihten / urum þam godan gode || geare lociaþ / o
The Paris Psalter 123:5 3a on hearde || hæftnyd sealde / þam þe us mid toþum || toteon w
The Paris Psalter 124:4 4b gyldeþ / do þu drihten wel || þam þe gedefe her / hiora heortan
The Paris Psalter 125:3 6a wyrce mære / and we bealde on þam || bliþe weorþan / / # / gehweo
The Paris Psalter 128:4 2a wesen hi hige || her gelicast / þam þe on huses þæce || heah a
The Paris Psalter 128:5 1a ohten || foldan losige / / # / of þam he ne gefylleþ || folme æfr
The Paris Psalter 135:2 1b ldheort / / # / eac ic andette || þam þe ece is / ealra godena god |
The Paris Psalter 135:3 1b wat / / # / andette ic swylce || þam þe ealra is / drihtna drihten
The Paris Psalter 135:15 2a eol || and his fæge werud / on þam readan sæ || recene forwurda
The Paris Psalter 135:27 1b wylc / / # / andetaþ nu ealle || þam ecean gode / þe on heofonum is
The Paris Psalter 138:15 2a hten gesceop / ne mæg ænig on þam || awa lifigean / me synd arwyr
The Paris Psalter 139:1 3a menn || ece drihten / and fram þam were || þe wom fremme / / # / þ
The Paris Psalter 139:4 3a les || folmum swylce / and fram þam mannum || þe man fremmen / aly
The Paris Psalter 139:10 3a || facnes gehnegest / þæt hi þam yrmþum || a ne wiþstanden / /
The Paris Psalter 143:10 2a # / ic niwlice || niwne cantic / þam godan gode || gleawne singe / o
The Paris Psalter 143:11 4a inne agenne || ombihtmæcg / of þam awyrgedan || wraþan sweorde /
The Paris Psalter 145:3 3a eorþan || þe hi of comon / of þam sylfan dæge || syþþan forw
The Paris Psalter 149:4 3a l licendlic || and he wynlice / þam manþwærum syleþ || mære h
The Paris Psalter 150:1 1a ter: Psalm 150 / / # / heriaþ on þam halgum || his holdne drihten /
The Paris Psalter 53:1 1a alter: Psalm 53 / / # / on þinum þam haligan naman || gedo me haln
The Paris Psalter 59:4 2a becnuncge || beorhte sealdest / þam þe ege þinne || elne healda
The Paris Psalter 61:9 4b tast / þær ge idel gylp || on þam ilcan fremmaþ / / # / nellaþ ge
The Paris Psalter 63:5 2a oft || swiþost unriht / and on þam ilcan || eft forweorþaþ / þ
The Paris Psalter 67:4 5a sylfa astah || ofer sunnan up / þam is to naman || nemned drihten
The Paris Psalter 67:11 1a æste miht / / # / þine wihte on þam || wynnum lifiaþ / þu þin sw
The Paris Psalter 67:16 4a dendgode || wel liciendlic / on þam wiþ ende || eardaþ drihten /
The Paris Psalter 67:18 1a blissiendra / / # / drihten is on þam || dædum spedig / on heanesse
The Paris Psalter 67:23 2a ungan || habbaþ feondas / from þam þine gangas || wæron gesewe
The Paris Psalter 68:3 3a dan || goman hase / byþ me æt þam earon || eagon wiþgangen / hw
The Paris Psalter 68:30 1a fsange || læde swylce / / # / ic þam leofan gode || licie swyþor /
The Paris Psalter 70:12 3a ær || swyþust tældun / byþ þam scand and sceamu || þe me sy
The Paris Psalter 70:17 3a e || þisse cneorisse / eallum þam teohhe || þe nu toweard ys / /
The Paris Psalter 72:1 2a d is ece god || mid israhelum / þam þe mid heortan || hycgeaþ r
The Paris Psalter 73:3 3a lysdest || and sione byrig / on þam ilcan þu || eard gename / hefe
The Paris Psalter 73:3 6a essa || wraþe feondas / þinum þam halgum || hefige brohtan / gylp
The Paris Psalter 73:18 4a rce beoþ || dagas on eorþan / þam þe unrihtes || æghwær wyrc
The Paris Psalter 75:4 2a ice || wundrum onlyhtest / fram þam eceum hider || æþelum beorg
The Paris Psalter 75:8 2a and him hraþe gyldaþ / eowrum þam godan || gode georne / ealle þ
The Paris Psalter 75:9 1a gen || gode and clæne / / # / to þam egsan sceal || æghwylc habba
The Paris Psalter 76:2 4a him || neode eode / næs ic on þam siþe || beswicen awiht / / # / a
The Paris Psalter 76:10 2a gra weorca / hu ic me on eallum þam || eaþust geheolde / on eallum
The Paris Psalter 77:8 1b # / gif bearn wære || geboren þam fæder / him sceolde se yldra |
The Paris Psalter 77:18 1a let || strange burnan / / # / of þam wæter cwoman || weorude to h
The Paris Psalter 77:51 1a wealm forswealh / / # / he þa on þam folce || frumbearna gehwylc / o
The Paris Psalter 82:7 1a e on tyrum / / # / cwom samod mid þam || swylce assur / ealle on wegu
The Paris Psalter 83:5 6a i teara || teonan cnyssaþ / on þam sylfan stede || þe þu him s
The Paris Psalter 84:7 4a ceþ geornast / and swiþust to þam || þe hine seceaþ / / # / hwæ
The Paris Psalter 84:8 2a s mid soþe || forswiþe neah / þam þe egsan his || elne healda
The Paris Psalter 85:4 3a || mycel and genihtsum / eallum þam þe þe || elne cigeaþ / / # /
The Paris Psalter 86:5 2a t on gewritum || dema sægde / þam þe frumsprecend || folces w
The Paris Psalter 87:11 2a cnawaþ hi || wundru þine / on þam dimmum || deorcan þystrum / o
The Paris Psalter 87:12 3b e þin soþfæstnes || si on þam lande / þe ofergytnes || on ea
The Paris Psalter 89:12 2a || micel ofer ealle / and we on þam gefean || forhte gewurdan / / #
The Paris Psalter 89:14 2a wiþran hand || drihten cuþe / þam þe on snytrum syn || swyþe
The Paris Psalter 89:17 2a || for þon fægerum dagum / on þam þu us to eadmedum || ealle g
The Paris Psalter 89:17 3a m || ealle gebrohtest / and for þam gearum þe we on gesawon || y
The Paris Psalter 93:11 5b oþþæt biþ frecne seaþ || þam fyrenfullan / deop adolfen || d
The Paris Psalter 94:9 2a mnesse || fyrn geara dydan / on þam wraþan dæge || and on weste
The Paris Psalter 98:3 1b olc / / # / we andetaþ þinum || þam ecean naman / þæt he mid mann
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 21a t fæsten || fleah casere / mid þam æþelingum || ut on grecas / n
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 28a æstan dorsten / stod þrage on þam || þeod wæs gewunnen / wintra
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 44a | næs þæt hærlic dæd / eac þam wæs unrim || oþres manes / þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 72a wæs him hreoh sefa / ege from þam eorle || he hine inne heht / on
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 79a od eorl || are ne wende / ne on þam fæstene || frofre gemunde / ac
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 70a e || þæt hio wolde cuman / to þam earde || þe hio of becom / þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 14a hyþ || þe æfre biþ / æfter þam yþum || ura geswinca / ysta ge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 89a fdagum || gelicost wæs / butan þam cyninge || þe sio cwen lufod
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 48a swæfeþ || sumes onlice / efne þam munte || þe nu monna bearn / e
The Battle of Brunanburh 29a to gefeohte || fife lægun / on þam campstede || cyningas giunge /
The Coronation of Edgar 6a || þær wæs blis micel / on þam eadgan dæge || eallum geword
The Coronation of Edgar 20a þis geworden wæs / and þa on þam þritigoþan wæs || þeoden
The Death of Edgar 12b cild unweaxen / eorla ealdor || þam wæs eadweard nama / and him ti
The Death of Edgar 15b goda / þurh gecyndne cræft || þam wæs cyneweard nama / þa wæs
The Death of Edgar 20a || þæt wæs gnornung micel / þam þe on breostum wæg || byrne
The Death of Alfred 15b hine swa blindne || brohte to þam munecon / and he þar wunode ||
The Death of Alfred 19a ice || swa he wyrþe wæs / æt þam westende || þam styple ful g
The Death of Alfred 19b þe wæs / æt þam westende || þam styple ful gehende / on þam su
The Death of Alfred 20a || þam styple ful gehende / on þam suþportice || seo saul is mi
The Rune Poem 14b ylcum / sefte and swiþhwæt || þam þe sitteþ on ufan / meare mæ
The Rune Poem 61a gehwylc || oþrum swican / for þam dryhten wyle || dome sine / þ
Solomon and Saturn 7a treahteras || tala wisedon / on þam micelan bec # || / # m/ /ces h
Solomon and Saturn 1a | / swylce ic næfre on eallum þam fyrngewrytum || findan ne mih
Solomon and Saturn 25a leohte gesceaft / gegoten fram þam grunde || goldes and seolfres
Solomon and Saturn 51b | ingemyndum / to begonganne || þam þe his gast wile / meltan wiþ
Solomon and Saturn 87b e gebrengest / prologa prima || þam is peorþ p nama / hafaþ guþm
Solomon and Saturn 98a ego || bregdeþ sona / feond be þam feaxe || læteþ flint brecan
Solomon and Saturn 111a || wraþne gegripeþ / feond be þam fotum || læteþ foreweard hl
Solomon and Saturn 7b rþa þæs modige || þær to þam moning gelomp / suþ ymbe saner
Solomon and Saturn 8b sanere feld || sæge me from þam lande / þær nænig fyra ne m
Solomon and Saturn 14a ina || freond nebrondes / he on þam felda ofslog || fif ond twent
Solomon and Saturn 41b geneahhe / weotodne willan || þam þe wiht hygeþ / gestrangaþ h
Solomon and Saturn 50b fæstra gehwam / hælo hyþe || þam þe hie lufaþ / saturnus cwæ
Solomon and Saturn 75a s gyrn sefaþ / wylleþ hine on þam wite || wunaþ unlustum / singg
Solomon and Saturn 106b e on foldan || friteþ æfter þam / wildne fugol || heo oferwige
Solomon and Saturn 141b onne þissum modgum monnum || þam þe her nu mid mane lengest / l
Solomon and Saturn 212a feor || locaþ geneahhe / fram þam unlædan || agen hlaford / for
Solomon and Saturn 252a eallenga || eorl to gesihþe / þam þe gedælan can || dryhtnes
Solomon and Saturn 300a e ne namon / aweorp hine þa of þam wuldre || and wide todraf / and
The Menologium 8a nd us || cymeþ geþincged / on þam ylcan dæge || us to tune / for
The Menologium 21b modor || forþan heo crist on þam dæge / bearn wealdendes || bro
The Menologium 56b end sent / aprelis monaþ || on þam oftust cymþ / seo mære tiid |
The Menologium 85a eadigre || æþelust beama / on þam þrowode || þeoden engla / for
The Menologium 109b to tune / iunius on geard || on þam gim astihþ / on heofenas up ||
The Menologium 128a d wærþeoda / swylce hi æfter þam || unrim fremedon / swutelra an
The Menologium 132b idlice us / iulius monaþ || on þam iacobus / ymb feower niht || fe
Instructions for Christians 41b forþan heo hit forgyldað || þam ðe hit georna lufað / on þa
Instructions for Christians 42a am ðe hit georna lufað / on þam ende-dæge || mid ęce wita. /
Instructions for Christians 54b es gifu / lissum forgyldað || þam ðe he ær lustum gæf. / Gif w
Instructions for Christians 67a æ || on wisdome, / he hit mid þam mod gifeð, || mihtig drihten
Instructions for Christians 95a gewylce, / þæt he þence to þam || ðe he þonne cweðe. / Se
Instructions for Christians 146a banne || her on weorlde; / mid þam bið þe earman || oftost geh
Instructions for Christians 169a || þæt he forð ofer þæt / þam æfre to || eft ne gecyrre /
Instructions for Christians 182a t ne bið || ærfoðlices / on þam earnungum, || ne bið þær
Instructions for Christians 195b ; / weroda wuldor-kyning || to þam witegan spreac, / þeah ic sylf
Instructions for Christians 199b , || ne þearf he swiltan for þam. / Nis þæs weorkes þearf || w
Instructions for Christians 234a | þæt hit tale leohte, / for þam ofer-mettum || ðe hit ær dw
Instructions for Christians 261b oðer; / þridde is tohope || þam ðe eallunga / to þam uplican
Instructions for Christians 262a hope || þam ðe eallunga / to þam uplican hame || efestlice ge
Instructions for Christians 264a || [filius dei], / þæt we to þam earde || becumon moton. / Amen.
Waldere, Fragment II 1a II / / # /ce bæteran || / buton þam anum || þe ic eac hafa / on st
Waldere, Fragment II 26a h/ /a gehwilces / se þe him to þam halgan || helpe gelifeþ / to g
The Battle of Maldon 8a | and to þære hilde stop / be þam man mihte oncnawan || þæt s
The Battle of Maldon 9a æt se cniht nolde / wacian æt þam wige || þa he to wæpnum fen
The Battle of Maldon 27a || brimliþendra / ærænde to þam eorle || þær he on ofre sto
The Battle of Maldon 33a hilde dælon / we willaþ wiþ þam golde || griþ fæstnian / gyf
The Battle of Maldon 38a n friþ æt us / we willaþ mid þam sceattum || us to scype ganga
The Battle of Maldon 61a || beornas gangan / þæt hi on þam easteþe || ealle stodon / ne m
The Battle of Maldon 62b þær for wætere || werod to þam oþrum / þær com flowende ||
The Battle of Maldon 79a modige twegen / þa noldon æt þam forda || fleam gewyrcan / ac hi
The Battle of Maldon 119a his þeoden || þanc gesæde / þam burþene || þa he byre hæfd
The Battle of Maldon 130b op / eode swa anræd || eorl to þam ceorle / ægþer hyra oþrum ||
The Battle of Maldon 134a gena hlaford / he sceaf þa mid þam scylde || þæt se sceaft tob
The Battle of Maldon 140a ls || hand wisode / þæt he on þam færsceaþan || feorh geræht
The Battle of Maldon 152a e || se full caflice / bræd of þam beorne || blodigne gar / wulfst
The Battle of Maldon 157b / eode þa gesyrwed || secg to þam eorle / he wolde þæs beornes
The Battle of Maldon 188a oh || þe ahte his hlaford / on þam gerædum || þe hit riht ne w
The Battle of Maldon 191a uþe ne gymdon / ac wendon fram þam wige || and þone wudu sohton
The Battle of Maldon 197a offa on dæg || ær asæde / on þam meþelstede || þa he gemot h
The Battle of Maldon 225a de || anne geræhte / flotan on þam folce || þæt se on foldan l
The Battle of Maldon 238a a he on meare rad / on wlancan þam wicge || þæt wære hit ure
The Battle of Maldon 243b e ahof / bord to gebeorge || he þam beorne oncwæþ / ic þæt geha
The Battle of Maldon 266b nama / he ne wandode na || æt þam wigplegan / ac he fysde forþ |
The Battle of Maldon 276b þæt he his sincgyfan || on þam sæmannum / wurþlice wrec ||
The Battle of Maldon 298b ær him wigelines bearn || on þam wæle læge / þær wæs stiþ
The Battle of Maldon 321a || on þa wicingas / swa he on þam folce || fyrmest eode / heow an