Number of occurrences in corpus: 439
Genesis A 30a | d || and þæs engles mod / þe | þone | unræd ongan || ærest fremma |
Genesis A 106b | e fremde / idel and unnyt || on | þone | eagum wlat / stiþfrihþ cining |
Genesis B 235b | s oþres ealles || forlætaþ | þone | ænne beam / wariaþ inc wiþ |
Genesis B 236a | e ænne beam / wariaþ inc wiþ | þone | wæstm || ne wyrþ inc wilna |
Genesis B 260a | ngan him winn up ahebban / wiþ | þone | hehstan heofnes waldend || þ |
Genesis B 299a | innan ongynneþ / mid mane wiþ | þone | mæran drihten || þa wearþ |
Genesis B 422b | rþran micle || and moton him | þone | welan agan / þe we on heofonri |
Genesis B 444b | helm on heafod asette || and | þone | full hearde geband / spenn mid |
Genesis B 476a | æron || witode geþingþo / on | þone | hean heofon || þonne he heon |
Genesis B 492a | c || and wand him þa ymbutan / | þone | deaþes beam || þurh deofles |
Genesis B 528a | nd me warnian het / þæt ic on | þone | deaþes beam || bedroren ne w |
Genesis B 572b | ebod godes / lare læstes || he | þone | laþan striþ / yfel andwyrde | |
Genesis B 637b | ortan læg / æppel unsælga || | þone | hire ær forbead / drihtna drih |
Genesis B 643b | en / widbradne welan || gif hie | þone | wæstm an / lætan wolden || þ |
Genesis B 697a | sceoldon || and hellgeþwing / | þone | nearwan niþ || niede onfon / s |
Genesis B 733a | || ac hie to helle sculon / on | þone | sweartan siþ || swa þu his |
Genesis B 736a | on mode || þæt her men bun / | þone | hean heofon || þeah wit hear |
Genesis B 774b | ntreowa / tacen iewde || se him | þone | teonan geræd / þæt hie helle |
Genesis B 817a | t ic bæd heofnes god / waldend | þone | godan || þæt he þe her wor |
Genesis B 841b | wa / togengdon gnorngende || on | þone | grenan weald / sæton onsundran |
Genesis A 1234b | wocan / eaforan and idesa || he | þone | yldestan / noæ nemde || se ni |
Genesis A 2328b | agan / bearn be bryde þinre || | þone | sculon burhsittende / ealle isa |
Genesis A 2384a | ædlice || ac heo gearum frod / | þone | hleoþorcwyde || husce belegd |
Genesis A 2645b | ǣtan, / hēah be·hēowan%, || | þone% | þe hēr leofaþ / rihtum þēa |
Genesis A 2765b | brahame woc / bearn of bryde || | þone | brego engla / ær þy magotudre |
Genesis A 2777a | ærest || þurh his agen word / | þone | dægwillan || drihten bodode / |
Genesis A 2930a | or arones || brembrum fæstne / | þone | abraham genam || and hine on |
Exodus 8a | secgan || gehyre se þe wille / | þone | on westenne || weroda drihten |
Exodus 28a | erice || and his sylfes naman / | þone | yldo bearn || ær ne cuþon / f |
Exodus 172b | / him þær segncyning || wiþ | þone | segn foran / manna þengel || m |
Exodus 364a | eoden || mid his þrim sunum / | þone | deopestan || drencefloda / þar |
Exodus 400a | || no þy fægenra wæs / wolde | þone | lastweard || lige gesyllan / in |
Exodus 406b | t / he þæt gecyþde || þa he | þone | cniht genam / fæste mid folmum |
Daniel 46a | re || manbealwes georn / awehte | þone | wælniþ || wera aldorfrea / ba |
Daniel 198b | oldon / habban ne healdan || ac | þone | hean cyning / gasta hyrde || þ |
Daniel 236b | dore / god gumena weard || gast | þone | halgan / engel in þone ofn inn |
Daniel 237a | || gast þone halgan / engel in | þone | ofn innan becwom || þær hie |
Daniel 339b | mid lufan and mid lisse || se | þone | lig tosceaf / halig and heofonb |
Daniel 353a | || þær þa dædhwatan / geond | þone | ofen eodon || and se engel mi |
Daniel 454b | d in babilone || siþþan hie | þone | bryne fandedon / dom wearþ æf |
Daniel 457b | lig heofonrices weard || wiþ | þone | hearm gescylde / þa ic secan g |
Daniel 518b | ylle / het eac gebindan || beam | þone | miclan / ærenum clammum || and |
Daniel 540a | hæþen || heriges wisa / ealne | þone | egesan || þe him eowed wæs / |
Daniel 683a | t babilone || blæd swiþrian / | þone | þa hæleþ || healdan sceold |
Christ and Satan 30b | brad / ac gedufan sceolun || in | þone | deopan wælm / niþær undær n |
Christ and Satan 31b | m / niþær undær nessas || in | þone | neowlan grund / gredige and gif |
Christ and Satan 46a | || selrum tidum / þær nu ymb | þone | æcan || æþele stondaþ / hel |
Christ and Satan 90b | þu / niþer under nessas || in | þone | neowlan grund / nu ic eow hebbe |
Christ and Satan 148b | ferian / bringan to bolde || in | þone | biteran grund / ealle we syndon |
Christ and Satan 177b | iht / alæded fram leohte || in | þone | laþan ham / ne mæg ic þæt g |
Christ and Satan 201b | æm hean selde || gemunan we | þone | halgan drihten / ecne in wuldre |
Christ and Satan 208a | hselde || hnigan þencaþ / and | þone | anwaldan || ara biddan / þonne |
Christ and Satan 250b | elefan / uta oferhycgan || helm | þone | micclan / weroda waldend || aga |
Christ and Satan 331b | des ad / wunian ne moten || and | þone | werigan sele / þær is wom and |
Christ and Satan 336b | at / dracan and næddran || and | þone | dimman ham / forþon mihte gehe |
Christ and Satan 377a | seoþþan / þæt hi mosten in | þone | ecan || andwlitan seon / buton |
Christ and Satan 635b | wite / clom and carcern || and | þone | caldan grund / deopne adreogan |
Christ and Satan 641a | cne anwaldan || oft forgeaton / | þone | þe hie him to hihte || habba |
Christ and Satan 667a | his mildsa sped / þa gewearþ | þone | weregan || þe ær aworpen w |
Christ and Satan 22a | gang þonne swa / oþþæt þu | þone | ymbhwyrft || alne cunne / and |
Christ and Satan 23a | g þonne swā / oþ·þæt þū | þone | ymb-hwyrft || ealne cunne, / an |
Christ and Satan 37a | ilum hream astag / þonne he on | þone | atolan || eagum gesawun / hæfd |
Christ and Satan 38a | am% ā·stāh%, / þonne hē on | þone | atolan || ēaĝum ġe·sāwon |
Andreas 86b | um / werigum wrohtsmiþum || on | þone | wyrrestan / dugoþa demend || d |
Andreas 227b | secan / middangeardes weard || | þone | mæran ham / þær soþfæstra |
Andreas 747b | mon cigaþ / godes ece bearn || | þone | þe grund ond sund / heofon ond |
Andreas 752a | is is se ilca || ealwalda god / | þone | on fyrndagum || fæderas cuþ |
Andreas 831a | upweg || eþles neosan / leton | þone | halgan || be herestræte / swef |
Andreas 978b | ecan / eallra cyninga cining || | þone | clænan ham / eaþmedum upp || |
Andreas 1171b | morþres brytta / hellehinca || | þone | halgan wer / wiþerhycgende || |
Andreas 1175b | innan ceastre / ellþeodigra || | þone | ic andreas / nemnan herde || he |
Andreas 1324a | ard || þynden hit meahte swa / | þone | herodes || ealdre besnyþede / |
Andreas 1431a | nges || word hloþrode / ne wep | þone | wræcsiþ || wine leofesta / ni |
Andreas 1566a | ode || ofost is selost / ond us | þone | halgan || helpe biddan / geoce |
The Fates of the Apostles 45a | ræftig beorn || bartholameus / | þone | heht astrias || in albano / hæ |
The Fates of the Apostles 68a | d / þurh matheus || mære lare / | þone | het irtacus || þurh yrne hyg |
The Fates of the Apostles 81b | rowigan / sigelean secan || ond | þone | soþan gefean / dream æfter de |
The Fates of the Apostles 90a | begang || þæt he geomrum me / | þone | halgan heap || helpe bidde / fr |
Soul and Body I 11a | e seofon niht || sawle findan / | þone | lichoman || þe hie ær lange |
Soul and Body I 115b | licum / wordum wrixlian || wiþ | þone | werian gast / gifer hatte se wy |
Soul and Body I 134a | gefæste || ond þus soþlice / | þone | lichoman || lustum gretaþ / wi |
Dream of the Rood 127a | is me nu lifes hyht / þæt ic | þone | sigebeam || secan mote / ana of |
Elene 243b | rre / þær meahte gesion || se | þone | siþ beheold / brecan ofer bæ |
Elene 294b | eorpon, || þā ġē wiergdon | þone | / þe ēow of wierhþe || þurh |
Elene 302b | deofla gastum || ge to deaþe | þone | / deman ongunnon || se þe of d |
Elene 370a | wiþroten hæfdon / onscunedon | þone | sciran || scippend eallra / dry |
Elene 423a | yrna leas || godes agen bearn / | þone | orscyldne || eofota gehwylces |
Elene 14a | orulda || willum gefylled / þe | þone | ahangnan cyning || heriaþ on |
Elene 15a | a || willum ġe·fylled, / þe% | þone | ā·hangnan cyning || herġa |
Elene 18a | an || on woruldrice / þæt on | þone | halgan || handa sendan / to feo |
Elene 19a | || on weorold-rīċe / þæt on | þone | hālĝan || handa sendan / tō |
Elene 27b | niþa gehwam / unasecgendlic || | þone | sylf ne mæg / on moldwege || m |
Elene 28b | e·hwǣm / unaseċġendliċ, || | þone | self ne mæġ / on mold-weġe | |
Elene 148b | nama / cenned for cneomagum || | þone | hie þære cwene agefon / sægd |
Elene 149b | cenned for cnēo-māĝum), || | þone | hīe ðǣre cwēne ā·ġēaf |
Elene 160b | gehwylcne / agenne eard || ond | þone | ænne genam / iudas to gisle || |
Elene 161b | ·hwelcne / āgenne eard || and | þone | ǣnne ġe·nam, / Iudas tō ġ |
Elene 176b | streac ond hnesce || þæt he | þone | stan nime / wiþ hungres hleo | |
Elene 177b | ac and hnesċe, || þæt hē | þone | stān nime / wiþ hungres hlēo |
Elene 248a | werige || þurh sunu meotodes / | þone | ahangnan god || þæt þu hun |
Elene 249a | werġe || þurh sunu metodes, / | þone | ā·hangnan god, || þæt þ |
Elene 258b | an ongan / sarum besylced || on | þone | seofeþan dæg / meþe ond mete |
Elene 259b | gann / sārum be·sylċed || on | þone | seofoþan dæġ, / mēðe and m |
Elene 345b | cen þin / swa þu gehyrdest || | þone | halgan wer / moyses on meþle | |
Elene 346b | / Swā þū ġe·hīerdest% || | þone | hālĝan wer / Moyses on mæðe |
Elene 358b | þelige / hyht untweondne || on | þone | ahangnan crist / þæt he sie s |
Elene 359b | olie, / hiht untwēondne, || on | þone | ā·hangnan Crīst, / þæt hē |
Elene 424a | des || ær he asettan heht / on | þone | middel || þære mæran byrig |
Elene 425a | || ǣr hē ā·settan hēt / on | þone | middel || ðǣre mǣran byri |
Elene 452a | olce || fæder weorþodon / ond | þone | soþan || sunu wealdendes / wor |
Elene 453a | ce. || Fæder weorðodon, / and | þone | sōðan || sunu wealdendes / wo |
Elene 469a | wunigan || nu cwom elþeodig / | þone | ic ær on firenum || fæstne |
Elene 470a | n. || Nū cōm ell-þēodiġ, / | þone | iċ ǣr on firenum || fæstne |
Elene 494a | forsoht || wiþsæcest fæste / | þone | ahangnan cyning || þam þu h |
Elene 495a | ōht, || wiþ·sæcest fæste / | þone | ā·hangnan cyning, || þām |
Elene 509a | orhtost || ond lufan dryhtnes / | þone | fægran gefean || ond on fyrb |
Elene 510a | rhtost || and lufan dryhtnes, / | þone | fæġran ġe·fēan || and on |
Elene 517b | dra / þæs þe heo gehyrde || | þone | hellesceaþan / oferswiþedne | |
Elene 518b | æs þe hēo ġe·hīerde || | þone | helle-sċaðan / ofer·swīðed |
Elene 634b | reordode / þu me eorla hleo || | þone | æþelan beam / rode rodera cin |
Elene 635b | ‘Þū mē, eorla hlēow, || | þone | æðelan bēam, / rōde rodera |
Elene 722b | þsnotterne / ricene to rune || | þone | þe rædgeþeaht / þurh gleawe |
Elene 723b | nottorne / recene tō rūne, || | þone | þe rǣd-ġe·þeaht / þurh gl |
Elene 783b | eorþeden / mode ond mægene || | þone | mæran dæg / heortan gehigdum |
Elene 784b | rðoden / mōde and mæġene || | þone | mǣran dæġ, / heortan ġe·hy |
Elene 815a | wundor || onwrigen hæfde / ymb | þone | beorhtan beam || swa ic on bo |
Elene 816a | der || on·wriġen hæfde / ymb | þone | beorhtan bēam, || swā iċ o |
Christ A 16a | na; || nū sċeall līf-frēa / | þone | wearĝan hēap || wrāðum ā |
Christ A 23b | sprecaþ, / and m[…]giaþ || | þone | þe mann ġe·sċōp / þæt h |
Christ A 76b | arnes þurh ġe·byrde || and | þone | ġe·bedsċipe / aefter manwīs |
Christ A 136b | n / ealra cyninga cyning || and | þone | clǣnan ēac / sācerd sōðlī |
Christ A 355b | þā þū ǣrest wǣre || mid | þone | ēċan frēan / self settende | |
Christ B 637a | nde || and hine fuĝol nemde, / | þone | Iūdēas || on·ġietan ne me |
Christ B 647b | e, / mōdiġ meahtum strang, || | þone | māran hām, / hwīlum hē tō |
Christ B 719b | / ealle eorð-būend, || þurh | þone | æðelan stiell.’ / Wæs sē |
Christ B 729b | ell / on byrġenne, || þā hē | þone | bēam of·ġeaf, / fold-ærne f |
Christ B 774b | an, / biddan bearn godes || and | þone | blīðan gǣst / þæt hē ūs |
Christ C 914b | um mannum / tō sċēawianne || | þone | sċīenan wlite, / wēðne mid |
Christ C 1007b | rned / þonne mehtiġ god || on | þone | mǣran beorh / mid þȳ mæstan |
Christ C 1093a | īta ne cūðon, / þæs hē on | þone | hālĝan bēam || ā·hangen |
Christ C 1122a | Sprǣcon him ed-wīt, / and on | þone | ēadĝan || andwlitan swā sa |
Christ C 1225b | and ðǣr wōm-sċaðan || on | þone | wiersan dæl / fore sċieppende |
Christ C 1322a | wamm ǣrran || wunde hǣlan, / | þone | lȳtlan first || þe hēr lī |
Christ C 1368b | a, / reord-berendum; || sċulon | þone | rihtan dōm / ānne ġe·efnan, |
Christ C 1484a | e || selfes willum? / Ġē þū | þone | līċ-haman || þe iċ ā·l |
Vainglory 7b | rn, / wilġest on wīcum || and | þone | wācran swā some, / sċyldum |
Vainglory 38a | || lǣteþ inwit-flān / brecan | þone | burĝ-weall, || þe him be·b |
Vainglory 84a | n mōde || mǣla ġe·hwelcum / | þone | sēlestan || siĝora wealdend |
Widsith 93a | sċēata || sċilling-rīme; / | þone | iċ Ēadġilse || on ǣht sea |
Maxims I 197a | his brōðor% swǣsne / Cāin, | þone | cwealm nerede; || cūþ wæs |
The Order of the World 42b | es hand / hēaþ and hebbaþ || | þone | hālĝan% blǣd. / For·þon ea |
The Panther 41b | / þrymme ġe·welĝod%, || on | þone | þriddan dæġ, / snēome of sl |
The Panther 54b | me / aefter ðǣre stefne || on | þone | stenċ faraþ. / Swā is drihte |
The Panther 59a | || Þæt is sē ealda fēond, / | þone | hē ġe·sǣlde || on sūsla |
The Whale 52a | holme || hungor bisiĝaþ / and | þone | āĝlæċan || ǣtes lysteþ, |
The Whale 55b | oþe, || þætte ōðre þurh | þone, | / sǣ-fisca cynn, || be·swicen |
Soul and Body II 11a | seofon-niht || sāwle findan / | þone | līċ-haman || þe hēo ǣr l |
Soul and Body II 110b | līċe / wordum wrixlan || wiþ | þone | wearĝan gǣst. / Gīfer hātte |
Guthlac A 104a | -mēdu || ealne ġe·sealde, / | þone | þe hē on ġuĝuþe || be·g |
Guthlac A 477a | ĝe || þæt hīe siġelēase / | þone | grēnan wang || of·ġiefan s |
Guthlac A 533a | þæt hē on elne ā·drēah: / | þone | fore-genġan || fæder æl-me |
Guthlac A 571a | ðe ġe·hēton / þæt hē on | þone | grimman gryre || gangan sċol |
Guthlac A 595a | þæt ġē his wer-genġan / on | þone | lāðan līeġ || lǣdan mōt |
Guthlac A 618a | abban || heofon-cininges. / Iċ | þone | dēman || on daĝum mīnum / wi |
Guthlac A 645b | ·þon iċ ġe·trīewe || on | þone | torhtestan / þrīnesse þrymm, |
Guthlac B 821a | ǣġe, || þætte frymþa god / | þone | ǣrestan || ielda cynnes / of |
Guthlac B 868b | æt hē be·būĝan mæġe || | þone | biteran drinc / þone Ēue fyrn |
Guthlac B 869a | mæġe || þone biteran drinc / | þone | Ēue fyrn || Ādame ġeaf, / by |
Guthlac B 990b | ·beorĝan and be·būĝan || | þone | blēatan drinc, / dēopan dēa |
Guthlac B 1004a | ēðel-bodan || inne wiste, / | þone | lēofostan || lārēow ġe·c |
Guthlac B 1106a | r || on þā æðelan tīd / on | þone | beorhtan dæġ || blissum hr |
Guthlac B 1240a | þan iċ furðum on·gann / on | þone | æfteran || ān-seld būĝan / |
Riddles 20 4a | swylce beorht seomað / wir ymb | þone | wælgim || þe me waldend gea |
Riddles 23 13a | ē of hrife flēoġeþ, / þæt | þone | mān-drinc || mæġene ġe· |
Riddles 24 4b | c, / hwīlum iċ on·hȳrġe || | þone | haswan earn, / gūþ-fuĝoles h |
Riddles 3 3a | ne || under sal-wanges% / bearm | þone% | brādan || and on bid wriċe |
Riddles 40 73a | gōres sunu || gange hrǣdra, / | þone | we wīfel || wordum nemnaþ. / |
Riddles 40 76a | gores sunu || gonge hrædra, / | þone | we wifel || wordum nemnað. / H |
Riddles 50 3b | dumbum twam / torht atyhted, || | þone | on teon wigeð / feond his feon |
The Judgment Day I 32a | u ġe·reċċan, / swā ġeorne | þone | godes dæl, || swā hē ġear |
The Judgment Day I 92b | Þæt is siġe-drihten || þe | þone | sele frætweþ, / timbreþ torh |
Resignation 54a | ðne sīþ, / þȳ læs hīe on | þone | fore-þanc || ġe·fēon mōt |
The Descent into Hell 79b | ġe·cȳðdest% || þā þū | þone | cniht / tō ūs brōhtest on Be |
Alms-Giving 5b | Efene swā hē mid wætere || | þone | weallendan / līeġ ā·dwǣsċ |
The Lord's Prayer I 8a | āf ūserne, || helpend wera, / | þone | singalan, || sōþfæst metod |
Azarias 55b | lufan and þurh lisse. || Sē | þone | līeġ tō·sċēaf, / hāliġ |
Azarias 88a | biþ sē þe cann / on·ġietan | þone | ġēocend, || þe ūs eall g |
Azarias 157a | tiġne || fæder on heofonum, / | þone | sōðan sunu || and þone si |
Azarias 157b | um, / þone sōðan sunu || and | þone | siġefæstan gǣst. / For·þon |
Riddles 93 15a | n% fūsum rād / oþ·þæt him | þone | glēaw-stōl || ġingra% brō |
The Phoenix 85a | hit on frymþe ġe·sċōp. / | Þone | wudu weardaþ || wundrum fǣ |
The Phoenix 173b | stne / under heofon-hrōfe%, || | þone | hātaþ menn / Fenix on foldan, |
The Phoenix 281b | s, / þā hine ǣrest god || on | þone | æðelan wang / siĝorfæst set |
The Phoenix 305a | | be·seted weorðeþ. / Is ymb | þone | swēoran, || swelċe sunnan h |
The Phoenix 339a | || mēaglum reordum, / and swā | þone | hālĝan || hringe be·telda |
The Phoenix 395b | nd hīe þā ġe·sette || on | þone | sēlostan / foldan sċēata%, | |
The Phoenix 396b | ēlostan / foldan sċēata%, || | þone | fīra bearn / nemnaþ neorxna-w |
The Phoenix 439a | ran ūsse, || ān-for·lēton / | þone | wlitiĝan wang || and wuldres |
Juliana 111b | en dyde, / lufie mid lācum || | þone | þe lēoht ġe·sċōp, / heofo |
Juliana 284a | word hleoðrode: / ‘For·foh | þone | frǣtĝan || and fæste ġe· |
Juliana 543b | þā þū ofer·swīðdest || | þone | snotorostan / under hlin-sċūa |
Juliana 566b | clǣne, / leahtra lēase || and | þone | līeġ tō·wearp, / heoru-ġif |
Juliana 606a | wealm ne þēah, / siþþan hē | þone | fintan || furður cūðe. / Þ |
Juliana 616b | ā·gōl, / earm and unlǣd, || | þone | hēo ǣr ġe·band / ā·wierĝ |
Juliana 716b | æt mē sēo hālġe || wiþ | þone | hīehstan cyning / ġe·þingie |
The Wanderer 27a | oþþe nēah || findan meahte / | þone | þe on medu-healle || min% m |
Beowulf 13b | cenned, / ġung on ġeardum, || | þone | God sende / folce tō frōfre; |
Beowulf 107b | hæfde / on Cāines% cynne. || | Þone | cwealm ġe·wræc / ēċe driht |
Beowulf 168a | l || sweartum nihtum; / nā hē | þone | ġief-stōl || grētan mōste |
Beowulf 202a | | þā him wæs manna ðearf. / | Þone | sīþ-fæt him || snotere ċe |
Beowulf 300a | | swelcum ġifeþe biþ / þæt | þone | hilde-rǣs || hāl ġe·dīġ |
Beowulf 363a | es be·gang || Ġeata lēode; / | þone | ieldestan || ōret-meċġas / B |
Beowulf 479a | es gryre. || God ēaðe mæġ / | þone | dol-sċaðan || dǣda ġe·tw |
Beowulf 792a | e eorla hleo || ǣnġe þinga / | þone | cwealm-cuman || cwicne for·l |
Beowulf 801b | þōhton, / sāwle sēċan, || | þone | synn-sċaðan / ǣniġ ofer eor |
Beowulf 943b | swā hwelċ mæġeþa || swā | þone | maĝan cende / aefter gum-cynnu |
Beowulf 1053b | e·sealde, / ierfe-lāfe || and | þone | ǣnne hēt / golde for·gieldan |
Beowulf 1054b | e hēt / golde for·gieldan, || | þone | þe Grendel ǣr / māne ā·cwe |
Beowulf 1202a | , || ġe·ċēas ēċne rǣd. / | Þone | hrinġ hæfde || Hyġe·lāc |
Beowulf 1273b | ōfre and fultum; || þȳ hē | þone | fēond ofer·cōm, / ġehnæġd |
Beowulf 1298b | ēonum, / rīċe rand-wiĝa, || | þone | þe hēo on ræste ā·brēat |
Beowulf 1309a | ealdor-þeġn || unlibbende, / | þone | dīerestan || dēadne wisse. / |
Beowulf 1318a | heall-wudu dynede), / þæt hē | þone | wīsan || wordum nǣġde% / fr |
Beowulf 1354a | || þonne ǣniġ mann ōðer; / | þone | on ġār-daĝum || Grendel ne |
Beowulf 1367b | ofaþ / gumena bearna, || þæt | þone | grund wite; / þēah þe hǣð- |
Beowulf 1406a | n mōr, || maĝu-þeġna bær / | þone | sēlestan || sāwol·lēasne / |
Beowulf 1496a | ā wæs hwīl dæġes / ǣr hē | þone | grund-wang || on·ġietan mea |
Beowulf 1504a | ūtan ymb·bearh, / þæt hēo | þone | fyrd-ham || þurh·fōn ne me |
Beowulf 1545a | fielle wearþ. / Of·sæt þā | þone | sele-ġiest || and hire seax |
Beowulf 1614a | ǣr maniġe ġe·seah, / būtan | þone | hafolan || and þā hilt samo |
Beowulf 1758a | n ne ġīemeþ. / Be·beorh þe | þone | bealu-nīþ, || Bēow·ulf l |
Beowulf 1780a | ealdre ġe·bād / þæt iċ on | þone | hafolan || heoru-drēoriġne / |
Beowulf 1810a | s lēanes þanc, / cwæþ, hē | þone | gūð-wine || gōdne tealde, / |
Beowulf 1877a | mann tō þon lēof / þæt hē | þone | brēost-wielm || for·beran n |
Beowulf 1956a | -cynnes || mīne ġe·frǣġe / | þone | sēlestan || be sǣm twēonum |
Beowulf 1995a | ċ þē lange bæd / þæt þū | þone | wæl-gāst || wihte ne grētt |
Beowulf 2007b | ġ% ofer eorðan || ūht-hlem | þone, | / sē þe lenġest leofaþ || l |
Beowulf 2048a | wine, || mēċe ġe·cnāwan / | þone | þīn fæder || tō ġe·feoh |
Beowulf 2055b | , / morðres ġielpeþ% || and | þone | māðum bireþ, / þone þe þ |
Beowulf 2056a | || and þone māðum bireþ, / | þone | þe þū mid rihte || rǣdan |
Beowulf 2101a | | mere-grund ġe·fēoll. / Mē | þone | wæl-rǣs || wine Sċieldinga |
Beowulf 2172a | yndiġ. / Hīerde iċ þæt hē | þone | heals-bēah || Hyġde ġe·se |
Beowulf 2173b | tlicne wundᵤr-māðᵤm, || | þone | þe him Wealh·þēow ġeaf, / |
Beowulf 2295a | runde, || wolde guman findan, / | þone | þe him on sweofote || sāre |
Beowulf 2334b | a-land ūtan, || eorð-weard | þone | / glēdum for·grunden; || him |
Beowulf 2346a | || hringa fenġel / þæt hē | þone | wīd-floĝan || weorode ġe· |
Beowulf 2376a | ǣde || hālford wǣre / oþþe | þone | cyne·dōm || ċēosan wolde; |
Beowulf 2382a | healden || helm Sċielfinga, / | þone | sēlestan || sǣ-cyninga / þā |
Beowulf 2389a | þan Heard·rǣd læġ, / lēt | þone | breĝu-stōl || Bēow·ulf he |
Beowulf 2399b | ēowes, / ellen-weorca, || oþ | þone | ǣnne dæġ / þe hē wiþ þǣ |
Beowulf 2421a | || wyrd unġemete nēah, / sē | þone | gamolan || grētan sċolde, / s |
Beowulf 2466a | ġe·bētan; / nā þȳ ǣr hē | þone | heaðu-rinċ || hatian ne mea |
Beowulf 2528a | on mōde fram / þæt iċ wiþ | þone | gūþ-floĝan || ġielp ofer |
Beowulf 2588a | a Eċġ·þēowes / grund-wang | þone | || of·ġiefan wolde; / sċolde |
Beowulf 2661a | e·mǣne.’ / Wōd þā þurh | þone | wæl-rīeċ, || wīġ-hafolan |
Beowulf 2690a | hþa ġe·myndiġ, / rǣsde on | þone | rōfan, || þā him rūm ā· |
Beowulf 2699a | his mǣġes% healp, / þæt hē | þone | nīþ-ġiest || niðor hwēne |
Beowulf 2751b | tan / līf and lēodsċipe, || | þone | iċ lange hēold.’ / Þā iċ |
Beowulf 2770a | ǣm lēoma% stōd, / þæt hē | þone | grund-wang || on·ġietan mea |
Beowulf 2823a | æt hē on eorðan ġe·seah / | þone | lēofostan || līfes æt ende |
Beowulf 2959a | n Hyġe·lāces% / friðu-wang | þone | || forþ% ofer·ēodon, / siþ |
Beowulf 2969b | / wiersan wrixle || wæl-hlemm | þone, | / siþþan þēod-cyning || þi |
Beowulf 2991a | and ġe·lǣste%swā. / ġeald | þone | gūþ-rǣs || Ġēata drihten |
Beowulf 3003b | an ūserne / ealdor-lēasne, || | þone | þe ǣr ġe·hēold / wiþ hett |
Beowulf 3009a | yning || ðǣr sċēawien / and | þone | ġe·bringen, || þe ūs bēa |
Beowulf 3034b | llēasne / hlim-bedd healdan || | þone | þe him hringas ġeaf / ǣrran |
Beowulf 3073b | , / wammum ġe·wītnod, || sē | þone | wang strude%, / nealles hē gol |
Beowulf 3081b | hē ne grētte || gold-weard | þone, | / lēte hine liċġan || ðǣr |
Beowulf 3086a | æt ġiefeþe tō swīþ / þe | þone | þēodcyning% || þider on·t |
Beowulf 3097b | dǣdum / on bǣl-stede || beorh | þone | hēan, / miċelne and mǣrne, | |
Beowulf 3116a | līeġ || wiĝena strenġel, / | þone | þe oft ġe·bād || īsern-s |
Judith 71b | elum, / weras wīn-sade, || þe | þone | wǣr-loĝan, / lāðne lēod-ha |
Judith 75a | þearle ġe·myndiġ / hū hēo | þone | atolan || ēaðost meahte / eal |
Judith 98b | e·nīewod; || ġe·nam þā | þone | hǣðnan mannan / fæste be fea |
Judith 100b | ire weard / bismerlīċe || and | þone | bealufullan / listum ā·leġde |
Judith 104a | an. || Slōh þā wunden-locc / | þone | fēond-sċaðan || fāĝum m |
Judith 106a | æt hēo healfne for·ċearf / | þone | swēoran him, || þæt hē on |
Judith 110a | s ellen-rōf || ōðre sīðe / | þone | hǣðnan hund, || þæt him |
Judith 258a | || Næs þēah eorla nan / þe | þone | wīġend || ā·weċċan dors |
Judith 259b | te / oþþe ġe·cunnian || hū | þone | cumbol-wiĝan / wiþ þā hāl |
The Paris Psalter 102:1 2b | , / and eall min inneran || his | þone | ēċan naman. / / # / Blētsie, m |
The Paris Psalter 103:3 2a | þu aþenedest || hyde gelice / | þone | weardiaþ ufan || wætra þry |
The Paris Psalter 103:9 2a | ldas || bā% ā·stīĝaþ / on | þone | stede || þe þū ġe·staðo |
The Paris Psalter 103:24 3b | / miċelra and mætra; || ofer | þone | mæġene oft / sċipu sċrīðe |
The Paris Psalter 104:6 3b | erþeoda / and iacobes bearn || | þone | he geara geceas / / # / he is ure |
The Paris Psalter 104:22 1a | inwit fremedan / / # / þa he him | þone | mæran || moyses sende / his sy |
The Paris Psalter 104:22 3b | d ætgædere / and aaron eac || | þone | he ær geceas / / # / he sette on |
The Paris Psalter 104:38 2a | || fægere on blisse / and his | þone | gecorenan || heap clæne on w |
The Paris Psalter 105:8 2a | n || þa hi on brad wæter / on | þone | readan sæ || randas bæron / |
The Paris Psalter 105:14 3b | bysmrian / and aaron mid || eac | þone | halgan / / # / þa eorþe togaan |
The Paris Psalter 105:17 3b | / on·wendan hira wuldor || on | þone | wiersan hād / hǣðen-stierċe |
The Paris Psalter 105:36 5a | we þinne naman || nede motan / | þone | halgestan || her andettan / and |
The Paris Psalter 106:1 2a | ċ andette || ēċne drihten, / | þone | gōdan god, || forþon iċ hi |
The Paris Psalter 110:6 5a | sse || well geheoldan / and his | þone | halgan naman || hæfdan mid e |
The Paris Psalter 112:5 1b | . / / # / Hē of eorðan mæġ || | þone | unaĝan / weċċan tō willan | |
The Paris Psalter 112:5 3a | willan || and of weorf-torde / | þone | þearfendan || þrīste ā·r |
The Paris Psalter 112:6 1b | num / / # / he of eorþan mæg || | þone | unagan / weccan to willan || an |
The Paris Psalter 112:6 3a | o willan || and of woruftorde / | þone | þearfendan || þriste arecca |
The Paris Psalter 117:21 1a | a gewurde || wis on hælu / / # / | þone | sylfan stan || þe hine swyþ |
The Paris Psalter 117:25 2a | beldæge || settan georne / and | þone | gelome || lustum healdan / oþ |
The Paris Psalter 118:37 3a | || ac me on soþne weg / þinne | þone | leofan || læde cwiculice / / # |
The Paris Psalter 118:38 1a | c mē on sōðne weġ / þīnne | þone | lēofan || lǣde cwiculīċe. |
The Paris Psalter 131:2 3b | old teala / wiþ iacobes || god | þone | mæran / / # / þeah þe ic on mi |
The Paris Psalter 131:11 2a | opne aþ || drihten aswor / and | þone | mid soþe || swylce getrymede |
The Paris Psalter 136:2 4b | e wepaþ / his agen bearn || on | þone | æþelan stan / þonne we sion |
The Paris Psalter: Psalm 136 2b | eteþ% / his āĝen bearn || on | þone | æðelan stān. |
The Paris Psalter 137:3 3a | | samed ætgædere / þu þinne | þone | halgan naman || neode gedydes |
The Paris Psalter 138:20 3a | eortan gehygd || her gesceawa / | þone | fælan geþanc || frine me sy |
The Paris Psalter 144:21 4a | hwylc || þurh fæle word / his | þone | haligan naman || her bletsian |
The Paris Psalter 147:5 3a | le flys || wolcnum bringe / and | þone | toweorpeþ || wide swa æscea |
The Paris Psalter 56:8 3a | eagum || on locade / and hi on | þone | ylcan || eft gefeollan / / # / ge |
The Paris Psalter 56:9 1a | m || inn lōcade, / and hīe on | þone | īlcan || eft ġe·fēollon. / |
The Paris Psalter 60:5 3a | winter eac || wynnum iced / oþ | þone | dæg þe he || on drihtnes sc |
The Paris Psalter 61:4 3b | e urnon / þurstiġe mūðe; || | þone | blētsodon / and þone wierġdo |
The Paris Psalter 61:4 4a | muþe || þæne bletsadan / and | þone | wyrgedan || wraþe mid heorta |
The Paris Psalter 71:12 3a | mæġ || wiht on·sittan, / and | þone | wǣdlan, || þe on weorolde n |
The Paris Psalter 79:8 3a | wingeard || wurpe þeode / and | þone | ylcan þær || eft asettest / / |
The Paris Psalter 79:14 5a | hē mid rihte || rǣde gange, / | þone | þīn sēo swīðre || sette |
The Paris Psalter 83:2 2a | d flæsc || hyhtaþ georne / on | þone | lifigendan || leofan drihten / |
The Paris Psalter 88:17 4b | fultum sette / ofermihtigne || | þone | ic me ær geceas / / # / ic me de |
The Paris Psalter 91:1 3a | neodlice || his naman asinge / | þone | heahestan || hæleþa cynnes / |
The Paris Psalter 94:5 1b | sæs wealdeþ || and he sette | þone | / worhte his folme eac || folda |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 14b | wua / efne from muntgiop || oþ | þone | mæran wearoþ / þær sicilia |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 53b | boitius / se hæle hatte || se | þone | hlisan geþah / wæs him on gem |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 68a | omwarum || rihtes wyrþe / lete | þone | leodscipe || þa þa lare ong |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 69b | ngeat / þeodric amuling || and | þone | þegn oferfeng / heht fæstlice |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 71a | tlice || folcgesiþas / healdon | þone | hererinc || wæs him hreoh se |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 12a | || steorleasum men / þeah mæg | þone | wisan || on gewitlocan / þære |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 15b | steþ / and he þeah ne mæg || | þone | tobredan / ofer þas nearowan | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 22a | et || ealnig swincen / þæt ge | þone | hlisan || habban tiliaþ / ofer |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 31a | rlæt || rodora waldend / ac he | þone | welegan || wædlum gelice / efn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 37a | n || forþæm hi symle sculon / | þone | ilcan ryne || eft gecyrran / þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 27a | taman || nauht ne gehicgge / ac | þone | wildan gewunan || wille geþe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 43a | eora lareowa || listum beodan / | þone | ilcan mete || þe he hi æror |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 27a | || æþelo swa selfe / and eac | þone | fæder || þe hine æt fruman |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 58a | cnum || hwæt þu wuldres god / | þone | anne naman || eft todældes / f |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 196a | bbaþ || þæs þe hi nabbaþ / | þone | ænne cræft || þe we ær ne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 215b | eaþ / hwilum eft smeaþ || ymb | þone | ecan god / sceppend hire || scr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 264a | stnian || fæder engla todrif / | þone | þiccan mist || þe þrage nu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 3a | ig mon || gif he gesion mæge / | þone | hlutrestan || heofontorhtan s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 5b | s goodes / and of him selfum || | þone | sweartan mist / modes þiostro |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 11a | to rodorum || rihte stige / on | þone | ecan eard || ussa saula |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 21a | se yfmest is || eallra tungla / | þone | saturnus || sundbuende / hataþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 25b | eorrum / siþþan þu þonne || | þone | up a hafast / forþ oferfarenne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 29a | | gif þu on riht færest / þe | þone | hehstan heofon || behindan l |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 44b | / hæfdon heora hlaford || for | þone | hehstan god / and weorþodon || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 48a | er || god eac swa he / saturnus | þone | || sundbuende / heton hæleþa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 119a | t ingeþonc || ælces monnes / | þone | lichoman || lit þider hit wi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 31a | swa we ær spræcon / he sceal | þone | monnan || mode lufian / and his |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 14a | re eaxe || utan ymbhweorfeþ / | þone | norþende || nean ymbcerreþ / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 30a | ra || cymeþ efne swa same / on | þone | ilcan stede || eft ymb þriti |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 48b | mle doþ / middelnihtum || wiþ | þone | monan foran / hadrum heofone || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 13b | tigan wile / westdæl wolcna || | þone | wise men / ursa nemnaþ || eall |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 21a | eastan up || ær þonne sunne / | þone | monna bearn || morgenstiorra / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 47b | / hwilum þæt drige || drifþ | þone | wætan / hwylum he gemengeþ || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 6b | læteþ / and mid uua forgit || | þone | ecan gefean / þringþ on þa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 13a | hsne || nede weorþaþ / swelce | þone | mæran || morgensteorran / þe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 15b | nemnan heraþ || þu genedest | þone | / þæt he þære sunnan || si |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 24b | fde / leafa gehwelces || þurh | þone | laþran wind / eala hwæt on eo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 49b | e meahte / godes ælmihtiges || | þone | gelpscaþan / rice berædan || |
Metrical Psalm 91:1 3a | odlice || his næmæn æsinge / | þone | heæhestæn || heleðæ cynne |
The Battle of Brunanburh 61b | ræw bryttian / saluwigpadan || | þone | sweartan hræfn / hyrnednebban |
The Battle of Brunanburh 62b | hræfn, / hyrned-nebban || and | þone | hasu-pādan, / earn æftan hwī |
The Coronation of Edgar 7a | dgan dæge || eallum geworden / | þone | niþa bearn || nemnaþ and ci |
The Death of Edgar 5b | oda bearn, / menn on moldan, || | þone | mōnaþ ġe·hwǣr / on þisse |
The Death of Edgar 9a | || þær se geonga gewat / on | þone | eahteþan dæg || eadgar of l |
The Death of Edgar 30b | oderum / steorra on staþole || | þone | stiþferhþe / hæleþ higeglea |
Durham 21a | | þæs þe writ seġeþ, / mid | þone | dryhnes wer || dōmes bīdeþ |
The Rune Poem 70b | æfter ran / þus heardingas || | þone | hæle nemdun / eþel byþ oferl |
Solomon and Saturn 17a | būtan ġe·witte, / sē þurh | þone | cantic ne cann || Crīst ġe |
Solomon and Saturn 18a | | feoh butan gewitte / se þurh | þone | cantic ne can || crist geheri |
Solomon and Saturn 64b | um / clūsum be·clemme, || hē | þone | cræft briceþ / and þā or-þ |
Solomon and Saturn 69b | iftigum / clusum beclemme || he | þone | cræft briceþ / and þa orþan |
Solomon and Saturn 77b | sē þe wile ġeornlīċe || | þone | Godes cwide / singan sōðlīċ |
Solomon and Saturn 79b | būtan leahtrum, || hē mæġ | þone | lāðan gǣst, / feohtende fēo |
Solomon and Saturn 82b | / and se þe wile geornlice || | þone | godes cwide / singan soþlice | |
Solomon and Saturn 84b | ian butan leahtrum || he mæg | þone | laþan gæst / feohtende feond |
Solomon and Saturn 89b | e lange / gyldene gade || and a | þone | grymman feond / swiþmod sweopa |
Solomon and Saturn 127b | lleþ / //G// G sē ġēapa, || | þone | God sendeþ / frēondum on fult |
Solomon and Saturn 132b | e stilleþ / gear g se geapa || | þone | god sendeþ / freondum on fultu |
Solomon and Saturn 12a | dan ne mæġ || fīra ǣniġ, / | þone | mearc-stede, || man ġe·sē |
Solomon and Saturn 17a | foldan ne mæg || fira ænig / | þone | mercstede || mon gesecan / fugo |
Solomon and Saturn 74a | ·lūcan || wiþ lēod-gryre. / | Þone | fuĝol hātaþ || feorr-būen |
Solomon and Saturn 86a | num belucan || wiþ leodgryre / | þone | fugel hataþ || feorbuende / fi |
Solomon and Saturn 157a | for·ieldan% || ǣnġe hwīle / | þone | dēoran sīþ, || ac hē hine |
Solomon and Saturn 189a | mon forildan || ænige hwile / | þone | deoran siþ || ac he hine adr |
The Menologium 13a | s dryhtnes || tō ūs cymeþ, / | þone | twelfta dæġ || tīr-ēadiġ |
The Menologium 42b | e, / heard and hyġe-strang, || | þone | herġaþ wēl / on ġe·writum |
The Menologium 60b | sang: / ‘Þis is sē dæġ || | þone | drihten ūs / wīsfæst worhte, |
The Judgment Day II 15b | on·drǣde mē ēac || dōm | þone | miċelan / for mān-dǣdum || m |
The Judgment Day II 51a | % mōd% || wealdend engla, / ne | þone | wlacan smocan || wāces fleax |
The Judgment Day II 116a | orod, || ēċne be·hlǣnaþ, / | þone | mǣran metod || meahte and þ |
The Gloria I 23b | afta / on siex daĝum || and on | þone | seofoþan þū ġe·restest. / |
The Gloria I 27a | t hine || maniĝum tō helpe. / | Þone | hēahan dæġ || healdaþ and |
The Lord's Prayer III 16a | hēah-cyning, || hlāf ūrne, / | þone | þū on·sendest || sāwlum t |
The Creed 12a | ǣm uplican || engla rīċe, / | þone | Gabriel, || Godes ǣrend-wrac |
The Creed 29a | an stāh, || gumena drihten, / | þone | ġōmor-mōd || Iosep bierĝd |
The Creed 37a | and þā his rīċe be·gann, / | þone | uplican || ēðel sēċan, / cw |
The Creed 55a | eahtra ġe·hwelċes, / and iċ | þone | ǣrest || ealra ġe·trēowe, |
Psalm 50 8a | enne || þēodum% sīnum / wiþ | þone | mildostan || manna sċieppend |
Psalm 50 96a | e || ealra þīnra miltsa, / ne | þone | gōdan fram mē || gāst hāl |
The Seasons for Fasting 7b | elfum ā·sæġde, || hū hē | þone | sōðan wæġ / lēofum lēods |
The Seasons for Fasting 34b | mid englum || and ūs eallum | þone | / hiht and ġe·hāteþ, || ġi |
The Seasons for Fasting 77b | efene swā swā ǣrran || and | þone | ār-wesan / lēofne lēoda frē |
The Seasons for Fasting 114a | sċrifene, / hēt hine lēodum | þone | || lēoran and tǣċan / ielda |
The Seasons for Fasting 139a | ifene || ofstum þiċġen / and | þone | dēoran wist, || dryhtnes lā |
The Seasons for Fasting 151a | r || firena ġe·lǣstaþ / and | þone | upplican || ēðel sēċaþ. / |
The Seasons for Fasting 217a | || lēoĝan on·ġinnaþ / and | þone | tæppere || tyhtaþ ġe·lōm |
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 4a | ealdor, / þæt ġe·fyrðriġe | þone | writre || wynsum cræfte / þe |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 2a | Godes healde be·bēode / wiþ | þone | sāra stice%, || wiþ þone s |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 2b | þone sāra stice%, || wiþ | þone | sāra sleġe, / wiþ þone grym |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 3a | wiþ þone sāra sleġe, / wiþ | þone | grymma gryre, || / wiþ þone |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 4a | þone grymma gryre, || / wiþ | þone | miċela eġesa || þe biþ ǣ |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 3b | ā, hlūde, || þā hīe ofer | þone | hlǣw rīdan, / wǣran ān-mōd |
Instructions for Christians 2a | yle ece gode || æhta þinra / | þone | teoðan dæl; || he getyþað |
Instructions for Christians 68b | / mid his handum twam || þurh | þone | halga gast. / Se forholena cræ |
Instructions for Christians 86a | redon || longe gebetað, / and | þone | unlærdan || eac gelæreð. / H |
Instructions for Christians 88a | ð || eghwylcne kyng, / swilce | þone | earman || eac aræreð / and |
Instructions for Christians 91b | nd heo eac æþelne gedeð || | þone | ðe ær ne wæs; / eac heo þr |
The Battle of Maldon 18b | hu hi sceoldon standan || and | þone | stede healdan / and bæd þæt |
The Battle of Maldon 19b | hīe sċoldon standan || and | þone | stede healdan, / and bæd þæt |
The Battle of Maldon 75a | || þæt wæs ceolan sunu / þe | þone | forman man || mid his francan |
The Battle of Maldon 77a | þæt wæs Ċēolan sunu, / þe | þone | forman mann || mid his franca |
The Battle of Maldon 86a | hi upgang || agan moston / ofer | þone | ford faran || feþan lædan / |
The Battle of Maldon 88a | p-gang% || āgan mosten, / ofer | þone | ford faran, || fēðan lǣdan |
The Battle of Maldon 100a | m || he mid bordum het / wyrcan | þone | wihagan || and þæt werod he |
The Battle of Maldon 102a | | hē mid bordum hēt / wyrċan | þone | wīġ-haĝan || and þæt weo |
The Battle of Maldon 149a | þæt se to forþ gewat / þurh | þone | æþelan || æþelredes þege |
The Battle of Maldon 151a | sē tō forþ ġe·wāt / þurh | þone | æðelan || Æðel·rēdes þ |
The Battle of Maldon 185b | eame / godric fram guþe || and | þone | godan forlet / þe him mænigne |
The Battle of Maldon 187a | t || mear gesealde / he gehleop | þone | eoh || þe ahte his hlaford / o |
The Battle of Maldon 187b | , / Godrīċ fram gūðe || and | þone | gōdan for·lēt / þe him mani |
The Battle of Maldon 189a | ġe·sealde; / hē ġe·hlēop | þone | eoh || þe āhte his hālford |
The Battle of Maldon 191b | wendon fram þam wige || and | þone | wudu sohton / flugon on þæt f |
The Battle of Maldon 193b | ndon fram þām wīġe || and | þone | wudu sōhton, / fluĝon on þæ |
The Battle of Maldon 275a | | þa his betera leg / he bræc | þone | bordweall || and wiþ þa beo |
The Battle of Maldon 277a | ā his betera leġ. / Hē bræc | þone | bord-weall || and wiþ þā b |
The Battle of Maldon 284a | um || þa æt guþe sloh / offa | þone | sælidan || þæt he on eorþ |
The Battle of Maldon 286a | || Þā æt gūðe slōh / Offa | þone | sǣ-lidan, || þæt hē on eo |