A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: we

Number of occurrences in corpus: 517

Genesis A 1b is / / us is riht micel || þæt we rodera weard / wereda wuldorcin
Genesis B 357b swiþe / þam oþrum ham || þe we ær cuþon / hean on heofonrice
Genesis B 359a þe me min hearra onlag / þeah we hine for þam alwaldan || aga
Genesis B 367b dan / wesan him on wynne || and we þis wite þolien / hearm on þ
Genesis B 389a nra handa geweald / ac þoliaþ we nu þrea on helle || þæt sy
Genesis B 392a ænige synne gestælan / þæt we him on þam lande laþ gefrem
Genesis B 393b ealra wita mæste || ne magon we þæs wrace gefremman / geleani
Genesis B 397b a rice mid hluttrum saulum || we þæs sculon hycgan georne / þ
Genesis B 398a s sculon hycgan georne / þæt we on adame || gif we æfre mæg
Genesis B 398b orne / þæt we on adame || gif we æfre mægen / and on his eafru
Genesis B 400b him þær willan sines || gif we hit mægen wihte aþencan / ne
Genesis B 402b his engla cræfte || ne magon we þæt on aldre gewinnan / þæt
Genesis B 403a þæt on aldre gewinnan / þæt we mihtiges godes mod onwæcen |
Genesis B 404a a bearnum / þæt heofonrice nu we hit habban ne moton || gedon
Genesis B 407b imman grundas || þonne moton we hie us to giongrum habban / fir
Genesis B 410b mas / geara forgeafe || þenden we on þan godan rice / gesælige
Genesis B 420b ice / mid welan bewunden || and we synd aworpene hider / on þas d
Genesis B 423a oton him þone welan agan / þe we on heofonrice || habban sceol
Genesis B 436b earo / æfter to aldre || þæs we her inne magon / on þyssum fyr
Genesis A 939a þon þu sweltan scealt / hwæt we nu gehyraþ || hwær us hearm
Genesis A 995b gehwilces / sprytan ongunnon || we þæt spell magon / wælgrimme
Genesis A 1842a | se us þas lade sceop / þæt we on egiptum || are sceolde / fre
Genesis A 2013b hames mæg / of sodoma byrig || we þæt soþ magon / secgan furþ
Genesis A 2502b gne / eac þissum idesum || þe we her on wlitaþ / alæde of þys
Genesis A 2521b þær / are and reste || þæt we aldornere / on sigor up || seca
Genesis A 2524b forstandan || on þære stowe we / gesunde magon || sæles bidan
Genesis A 2686b ohte alecgean / ormæte yfel || we þe arlice / gefeormedon || and
Genesis A 2726b sceal / wes us fæle freond || we þe feoh syllaþ / cwæþ þa e
Genesis A 2786b el / lædan mid hie || ne beoþ we leng somed / willum minum || gi
Exodus 1a # Exodus / / hwæt we feor and neah || gefrigen hab
Exodus 529a gollice || modum tæcan / þæt we gesne ne syn || godes þeodsc
Daniel 130a ne || swefen cyninge / hu magon we swa dygle || drihten ahicgan /
Daniel 293a yldo help || halig drihten / nu we þec for þreaum || and for
Daniel 295b arna biddaþ / lige belegde || we þæs lifgende / worhton on wor
Daniel 300a gedon || halgan lifes / siendon we towrecene || geond widne grun
Daniel 306b e / on hæft heorugrimra || and we nu hæþenra / þeowned þolia
Daniel 399b tod domige / breostgeþancum || we þec bletsiaþ / frea folca geh
Daniel 404a þ in wuldre || witig drihten / we þec herigaþ || halig drihte
Daniel 412b a geseah / þeode mine || þæt we þry sendon / geboden to bæle
Daniel 418a || þæt is wundra sum / þæt we þær eagum || on lociaþ / ge
Daniel 473b ge mihte / wise wundor godes || we gesawon / þæt he wiþ cwealme
Christ and Satan 37a || hwær com engla þrym / þe we on heofnum || habban sceoldan
Christ and Satan 41a led || nis nu ende feor / þæt we sceolun ætsomne || susel þr
Christ and Satan 44a heofnum || hehselda wyn / hwæt we for dryhtene iu || dreamas he
Christ and Satan 54a st || þurh lyge þinne / þæt we helende || heran ne scealdon /
Christ and Satan 60b uld ahtest / alra onwald || and we englas mid þec / atol is þin
Christ and Satan 61b tol is þin onseon || habbaþ we alle swa / for þinum leasungum
Christ and Satan 94b dream / ne ængla þreat || ne we upheofon / agan moten || is þe
Christ and Satan 100a ca ham || wites afylled / nagan we þæs heolstres || þæt we u
Christ and Satan 100b n we þæs heolstres || þæt we us gehydan mægon / in þissum
Christ and Satan 114a s || ord onstaldon / ne þurfon we þes wenan || þæt us wuldor
Christ and Satan 149a in þone biteran grund / ealle we syndon || ungelice / þonne þe
Christ and Satan 150a syndon || ungelice / þonne þe we iu in heofonum || hæfdon ær
Christ and Satan 153a arme || bearn hælendes / þær we ymb hine utan || ealle hofan /
Christ and Satan 201b f þæm hean selde || gemunan we þone halgan drihten / ecne in
Christ and Satan 207a gemunan soþ and riht / þonne we to hehselde || hnigan þenca
Christ and Satan 228b e worde / nu is gesene || þæt we syngodon / uppe on earde || sce
Christ and Satan 231a winn || drihtnes mihtum / hwæt we in wuldres wlite || wunian mo
Christ and Satan 232a wlite || wunian moston / þær we halgan gode || heran woldon / a
Christ and Satan 234b sceoldon / þusendmælum || þa we þær wæron / wunodon on wynnu
Christ and Satan 253a te || þis is idel gylp / þæt we ær drugon || ealle hwile / þa
Christ and Satan 254b le / þa gewearþ usic || þæt we woldon swa / drihten adrifan ||
Christ and Satan 289a n wile || freobearn godes / gif we þæt on eorþan || ær geþe
Christ and Satan 298a ol || uton cyþan þæt / deman we on eorþan || ærror lifigend
Christ and Satan 382b onne wæs þam atolan || þe we ær nemdon / þa wæron mid egs
Christ and Satan 388a ereþ || fægere leoht / þonne we æfre ær || eagum gesawon / bu
Christ and Satan 389a r || eagum gesawon / buton þa we mid englum || uppe wæron / wil
Christ and Satan 396b pe heonan / sawla lædan || and we seoþþan a / þæs yrreweorces
Christ and Satan 536a is drihten || dome gewurþad / we þe gesawon || æt sumum cyrr
Christ and Satan 552b gelædde / up to eþle || þær we agan sceolon / drihtnes domas #
Christ and Satan 554a olon / drihtnes domas # || / and we in wynnum || wunian moton / us
Christ and Satan 589a e || þurh his læcedom / þær we moton seolfe || sittan mid dr
Christ and Satan 594a ed || uton teala hycgan / þæt we hælende || heran georne / cris
Christ and Satan 596a || þær is cuþre lif / þonne we on eorþan mægen || æfre ge
Christ and Satan 643a n || geond þas worulde / þæt we hælende || heran onginnen / ge
Andreas 1a # Andreas / / hwæt we gefrunan || on fyrndagum / twel
Andreas 264a r on waroþe || wiþþingode / we of marmedonia || mægþe synd
Andreas 268a rh || snude bewunden / oþþæt we þissa leoda || land gesohton
Andreas 292a egend fira || of nacan stefne / we þe estlice || mid us willaþ
Andreas 323b bebead / þeoden þrymfæst || we his þegnas synd / gecoren to c
Andreas 405a m land curon / hwider hweorfaþ we || hlafordlease / geomormode ||
Andreas 407b orfeorme / synnum wunde || gif we swicaþ þe / we bioþ laþe ||
Andreas 408a m wunde || gif we swicaþ þe / we bioþ laþe || on landa gehwa
Andreas 438b þan / swa gesælde iu || þæt we on sæbate / ofer waruþgewinn
Andreas 455a || þa ure mod ahloh / syþþan we gesegon || under swegles gang
Andreas 511b / oft þæt gesæleþ || þæt we on sælade / scipum under sceal
Andreas 515b ce / gesæleþ on sæwe || þeh we siþ nesan / frecne geferan ||
Andreas 666a e || he wæs twelfta sylf / þa we becomon || to þam cynestole /
Andreas 673a | he on gewitte oncneow / þæt we soþfæstes || swaþe folgodo
Andreas 687b nde / fæder ond modur || þæs we gefrægen habbaþ / þurh modge
Andreas 859a onge gencwidum || gastgerynum / we þe andreas || eaþe gecyþa
Andreas 875a ryhten || dream wæs on hyhte / we þær heahfæderas || halige
Andreas 881a men || cining israhela / swylce we gesegon || for suna meotudes /
Andreas 1167a e || is nu þearf mycel / þæt we wisfæstra || wordum hyran / þ
Andreas 1347a his fæder oncwæþ / ne magan we him lungre || laþ ætfæstan
Andreas 1352a am anhagan || aldre geneþan / we þe magon eaþe || eorla leof
Andreas 1357a lege || utan gangan eft / þæt we bysmrigen || bendum fæstne / o
Andreas 1424a eafde || to forlore wurde / gif we þine lare || læstan woldon /
Andreas 1559a sylfe || soþ gecnawan / þæt we mid unrihte || ellþeodigne / o
Andreas 1564a æs þe ic soþ talige / þæt we hine alysan || of leoþobendu
Andreas 1568b sona / sybb æfter sorge || gif we secaþ to him / þa þær andre
Andreas 1606a e || is nu þearf mycel / þæt we gumcystum || georne hyran / þa
The Fates of the Apostles 23a legan || gealgan þehte / hwæt we eac gehyrdon || be iohanne / æ
The Fates of the Apostles 63a hte || sigores to leane / hwæt we þæt gehyrdon || þurg halig
The Fates of the Apostles 70a ing || wæpnum aswebban / hyrde we þæt iacob || in ierusalem / f
The Fates of the Apostles 115a cundes || gastes bruce / ah utu we þe geornor || to gode cleopi
The Fates of the Apostles 117a n þa beorhtan gesceaft / þæt we þæs botles || brucan motan /
Homiletic Fragment I 42b es / uton to þam beteran || nu we bot cunnon / hycgan ond hyhtan
Homiletic Fragment I 43b on / hycgan ond hyhtan || þæt we heofones leoht / uppe mid englu
Homiletic Fragment I 44b hyċġan and hyhtan, || þæt we heofones lēoht / uppe mid engl
Dream of the Rood 70a þær mæte weorode / hwæþere we þær greotende || gode hwile
Elene 364a dum || wundra gefremede / hwæt we þæt gehyrdon || þurh halig
Elene 397a a anmode || ondsweredon / hwæt we ebreisce || æ leornedon / þa
Elene 399b cuþon / æt godes earce || ne we geare cunnon / þurh hwæt þu
Elene 401b | hlæfdige us / eorre wurde || we þæt æbylgþ nyton / þe we g
Elene 402a | we þæt æbylgþ nyton / þe we gefremedon || on þysse folcs
Elene 427a t || nu is þearf mycel / þæt we fæstlice || ferhþ staþelie
Elene 428a ce || ferhþ staþelien / þæt we þæs morþres || meldan ne w
Elene 74a t is || ealles wealdend / þeah we æbylgþ wiþ hine || oft gew
Elene 75b t gewyrcen / synna wunde || gif we sona eft / þara bealudæda ||
Elene 75a is || ealles wealdend, / þēah we ǣ·bylhþ wiþ hine || oft
Elene 76b wyrċen, / synna wunde, || ġif we sōna eft / þāra bealu-dǣda
Elene 99a eate || wordum mældon / næfre we hyrdon || hæleþ ænigne / on
Elene 100a || wordum mǣldon: / ‘Nǣfre we hīerdon || hæleþ ǣniġne /
Elene 217a maþelade || gnornsorge wæg / we þæs hereweorces || hlæfdig
Elene 231a hraþe || caseres mæg / hwæt we þæt hyrdon || þurh halige
Elene 232a || cāseres mæġ: / ‘Hwæt, we þæt hīerdon || þurh hāl
Elene 413a yhtgifa || hangen wære / hwæt we þæt hyrdon || þurh halige
Elene 414a a, || hangen wǣre: / ‘Hwæt, we þæt hīerdon || þurh hāl
Elene 681a criste || hie cwædon þus / nu we seolfe geseoþ || sigores tac
Elene 682b cen / soþwundor godes || þeah we wiþsocun ær / mid leasingum |
Elene 682a || Hīe cwǣdon þus: / ‘Nū we selfe ġe·sēoþ || siĝores
Elene 683b / sōð-wunder godes, || þeah we wiþ·sōcon ǣr / mid lēasung
Christ A 22a || gif his weorc ne deag / huru we for ðearfe || ðas word spre
Christ A 25b orðan / cearfulra ðing || ðe we in carcerne / sittað sorgende
Christ A 31a | ðe he to wuldre forlet / ða we heanlice || hweorfan sceoldan
Christ A 78a monwisan || mod ne cuðes / ne we soðlice || swylc ne gefrugna
Christ A 81a durgiefe || swylce befenge / ne we ðære wyrde || wenan ðurfon
Christ A 119a sceadu || dreogan sceoldan / nu we hyhtfulle || hælo gelyfað /
Christ A 127b s sunu / geðwære on ðeode || we ðæs ðonc magon / secgan sige
Christ A 246a we || us is eallum neod / ðæt we ðin medrencynn || motan cunn
Christ A 247b motan cunnan / ryhtgeryno || nu we areccan ne mægon / ðæt fædr
Christ A 261b er usse nioda lust || forðon we nergend ðe / biddað geornlice
Christ A 270b forteah ond fortylde || ðæt we tires wone / a butan ende || sc
Christ A 301a ne unwemme || a gehealdan / eac we ðæt gefrugnon || ðæt gefy
Christ A 339b inre sylfre sunu || siððan we motan / anmodlice || ealle hyht
Christ A 341a / anmodlice || ealle hyhtan / nu we on ðæt bearn foran || breos
Christ A 346a ferge || in fæder rice / ðær we sorglease || siððan motan / w
Christ A 358b emæne / heahgæst hleofæst || we ðe hælend crist / ðurh eaðm
Christ A 362a niedðiowa || nergende god / hu we sind geswencte || ðurh ure s
Christ A 368b e / afrefre feasceafte || ðeah we fæhðo wið ðec / ðurh firen
Christ A 371a || ond usse yrmða geðenc / hu we tealtrigað || tydran mode / hw
Christ A 375b iefe / soðfæst sylle || ðæt we siððan forð / ða sellan ði
Christ A 384b god / wærfæst onwrah || ðæt we hine witan moton / forðon hy d
Christ A 429a am || dryhten weoroda / forðon we hine domhwate || dædum ond w
Christ B 517a ca fruma || fæder eðelstoll / we mid ðyslice || ðreate willa
Christ B 586a nd ealles leohtes gefea / hwæt we nu gehyrdan || hu ðæt hælu
Christ B 611b ne / iecað eorðwelan || ðæs we ealles sculon / secgan ðonc on
Christ B 615b ncyrde / æt his upstige || ðe we ær drugon / ond geðingade ||
Christ B 746b de / modig æfter muntum || swa we men sculon / heortan gehygdum |
Christ B 749a gen || mærðum tilgan / ðæt we to ðam hyhstan || hrofe gest
Christ B 752a d || is us ðearf micel / ðæt we mid heortan || hælo secen / ð
Christ B 753a heortan || hælo secen / ðær we mid gæste || georne gelyfað
Christ B 756a homan || lifgende god / forðon we a sculon || idle lustas / synwu
Christ B 758a ðæs sellran gefeon / habbað we us to frofre || fæder on rod
Christ B 766a gan || biterne stræl / forðon we fæste sculon || wið ðam f
Christ B 772a | utan us beorgan ða / ðenden we on eorðan || eard weardien / u
Christ B 783a en || is ðam dome neah / ðæt we gelice sceolon || leanum hleo
Christ B 784a sceolon || leanum hleotan / swa we widefeorh || weorcum hlodun / g
Christ B 848a e || is us ðearf micel / ðæt we gæstes wlite || ær ðam gry
Christ B 850b en / nu is ðon gelicost || swa we on laguflode / ofer cald wæter
Christ B 854b stream / yða ofermæta || ðe we her on lacað / geond ðas waca
Christ B 857a s se drohtað strong / ærðon we to londe || geliden hæfdon / o
Christ B 861a || ond us giefe sealde / ðæt we oncnawan magun || ofer ceoles
Christ B 862a gun || ofer ceoles bord / hwær we sælan sceolon || sundhengest
Christ C 1202b forðon ðe he wolde || ðæt we wuldres eard / in ecnesse || ag
Christ C 1312a ða weorud geseoð / eala ðær we nu magon || wraðe firene / ges
Christ C 1327a c ond sawle || lifgan mote / nu we sceolon georne || gleawlice
Christ C 1329b eortan eagum / innan uncyste || we mid ðam oðrum ne magun / heaf
Christ C 1549a omum || folcum scendeð / ðæt we magon eahtan || ond on an cwe
Vainglory 82a me se witega ne leag / forðon we sculon a hycgende || hælo r
Maxims I 70a ahsetle geneah / lean sceal gif we leogan nellað || ðam ðe us
Maxims I 135b nd / se us eal forgeaf || ðæt we on lifgað / ond eft æt ðam e
The Order of the World 31a etanne || godes agen bibod / ac we sculon ðoncian || ðeodne m
The Order of the World 34a lite || forgiefan wille / ðæt we eaðe magon || upcund rice / fo
The Order of the World 36a | gif us on ferðe geneah / ond we willað healdan || heofoncyni
The Panther 2b iddangeard / unrimu cynn || ðe we æðelu ne magon / ryhte arecca
The Panther 8b ymetende / sealtyða geswing || we bi sumum hyrdon / wrætlice gec
The Whale 84b e / wordum ond weorcum || ðæt we wuldorcyning / geseon moton ||
The Whale 87a lnan tid || hælu secan / ðæt we mid swa leofne || in lofe mot
The Partridge 12a oðor || on bearna stæl / uton we ðy geornor || gode oliccan / f
Guthlac A 32b ðe in haligra / rim arisað || we ðæs ryht magun / æt æghwylc
Guthlac A 34a ghwylcum || anra gehyran / gif we halig bebodu || healdan willa
Guthlac A 49b bringe / ofer ða niðas || ðe we nu dreogað / ærðon endien ||
Guthlac A 93a ðe his lufan adreogeð / magun we nu nemnan || ðæt us neah ge
Guthlac A 108a s god || georne trymede / hwæt we hyrdon oft || ðæt se halga
Guthlac A 182b urdun monge / godes ðrowera || we ðæs guðlaces / deorwyrðne d
Guthlac A 266a sprecan || firenum gulpon / oft we ofersegon || bi sæm tweonum /
Guthlac A 269a in gelimpe || life weoldon / no we oferhygdu || anes monnes / geon
Guthlac A 280a an || ðonne ðeos mengu eall / we ðe beoð holde || gif ðu us
Guthlac A 284b hra feallan / wæpna wundum || we ðas wic magun / fotum afyllan
Guthlac A 290a || gif ðu ure bidan ðencest / we ðec niða genægað || ongin
Guthlac A 452a rga gæst || wordum sægde / no we ðe ðus swiðe || swencan ð
Guthlac A 467a h ðe ge hy in dygle gefremme / we ðec in lyft gelæddun || oft
Guthlac A 468b ðu ðe sylfa gesawe || ðæt we ðec soð onstældun / ealles
Guthlac A 526b / forðon is nu arlic || ðæt we æfæstra / dæde demen || secg
Guthlac A 587a gefremedes || in flæschoman / we ðe nu willað || womma gehwy
Guthlac A 751a yldran || usse gemunde / oððe we selfe || siððan cuðen / hwæ
Guthlac A 752a elfe || siððan cuðen / hwæt we ðissa wundra || gewitan sind
Guthlac A 763b eard / wile se waldend || ðæt we wisdom a / snyttrum swelgen ||
Guthlac B 1360a || bi sæm tweonum / ðara ðe we on engle || æfre gefrunen / ac
Deor 14a ofereode || ðisses swa mæg / we ðæt mæðhilde || monge gef
Deor 21a ofereode || ðisses swa mæg / we geascodan || eormanrices / wylf
Riddles 36 13b const / to gesecganne || ðæt we soð witan / hu ðære wihte ||
Riddles 4 73a s sunu || gonge hrædra / ðone we wifel || wordum nemnað / hefig
Riddles 40 73a sunu || gange hrǣdra, / þone we wīfel || wordum nemnaþ. / Hef
Riddles 40 76a sunu || gonge hrædra, / þone we wifel || wordum nemnað. / Hefi
Riddles 41 6a at || to gefean agen / ne magon we her in eorðan || owiht lifga
Riddles 41 7a orðan || owiht lifgan / nymðe we brucen || ðæs ða bearn do
The Judgment Day I 35a sceal se dæg weorðan / ðæt we forð berað || firena gehwyl
The Judgment Day I 42a anes fricgan / ealles ðæs ðe we on eorðan || ær geworhtan / g
The Judgment Day I 104a soð ðæt wile cyðan / ðonne we us gemittað || on ðam mæst
The Descent into Hell 61a us/ /ige || secan woldest / nu we on ðissum bendum || bidan //
The Descent into Hell 69a am bendum || bicgan wille / swa we ealle to ðe || an gelyfað / d
The Descent into Hell 80b / brohtest in bethlem || bidan we ðæs longe / setan on sorgum |
The Descent into Hell 82b te / wynnum ond wenum || hwonne we word godes / ðurh his sylfes m
The Descent into Hell 86b to us / brohtest in bethlem || we ðæs beofiende / under helle d
The Descent into Hell 90b nnum / ðonne hy gehyrdon || hu we hreowen/ / /on murnende || mæg
The Descent into Hell 95b e / ageaf from usse geogoðe || we ðurh gifre mod / beswican us s
The Descent into Hell 96b ifre mod / beswican us sylfe || we ða synne forðon / berað in u
Azarias 14a yldo help || halig dryhten / nu we ðec for ðearfum || ond for
Azarias 16b arena biddað / lege bilegde || we ðæs lifgende / worhton in wor
Azarias 21a ogedon || halgan lifes / wurdon we towrecene || geond widne grun
Azarias 27b hæft heorogrimmes || sceolon we ðær hæðenra / ðreanyd || /
Azarias 89a | ðe us eall good syleð / ðe we habbað || ðenden we her beo
Azarias 89b eð / ðe we habbað || ðenden we her beoð / ond us milde meotod
Azarias 91a e meotod || mare gehateð / gif we geearniað || elne willað / ð
Azarias 155a meotud || miltsum hergað / nu we geonge ðry || god bletsiað /
Azarias 171a || ðæt ic geare wiste / ðæt we ðreo hæfdon || ðeoda wisa /
Riddles 73 13b w/ || / /ec on ðeode || utan we/ / || /ipe / ond to wrohtstæp/ |
Riddles 73 13a w[] || / []ec on þēode ūtan we[] || / []ipe || / and tō wrōht-
The Phoenix 393a n || eðle gestrynað / habbað we geascad || ðæt se ælmihtig
A.3.4 393 erity in the homeland above. / We have learned that the almight
The Phoenix 573a s æriste || in ece lif / ðæt we ðy geornor || ongietan meaht
A.3.4 573 n into eternal life, / so that we might more readily perceive /
The Phoenix 668a lyfed || [lucis auctor] / ðæt we motun her || [merueri] / goddæ
A.3.4 668 of light has granted us / that we may merit here / to attain thr
The Phoenix 670a tan || [gaudia in celo] / ðær we motun || [maxima regna] / secan
A.3.4 670 deeds joys in heaven, / where we may seek the greatest kingdom
Juliana 1a # Juliana / / hwæt we ðæt hyrdon || hæleð eahti
Juliana 75b dne god / ofer ða oðre || ðe we ær cuðon / welum weorðian ||
Juliana 325b onne he usic sendeð || ðæt we soðfæstra / ðurh misgedwield
Juliana 327b cyrren / ahwyrfen from halor || we beoð hygegeomre / forhte on fe
Juliana 329b a milde / egesful ealdor || gif we yfles noht / gedon habbað || n
Juliana 330b ht / gedon habbað || ne durran we siððan / for his onsyne || ow
Juliana 334a || hateð ðræce ræran / gif we gemette sin || on moldwege / o
Juliana 339b ne oðcyrreð / haligra hyge || we ða heardestan / ond ða wyrres
Juliana 730a || forgif us mægna god / ðæt we ðine onsyne || æðelinga wy
The Seafarer 117a nne ænges monnes gehygd / uton we hycgan || hwær we ham agen / o
The Seafarer 117b ehygd / uton we hycgan || hwær we ham agen / ond ðonne geðencan
The Seafarer 118b en / ond ðonne geðencan || hu we ðider cumen / ond we ðonne ea
The Seafarer 119a can || hu we ðider cumen / ond we ðonne eac tilien || ðæt we
The Seafarer 119b we ðonne eac tilien || ðæt we to moten / in ða ecan || eadig
Beowulf 1a # Beowulf / / hwæt we gardena || in geardagum / ðeod
Beowulf 260a rodes wisa || wordhord onleac / we synt gumcynnes || geata leode
Beowulf 267a elhwylc || wide geond eorðan / we ðurh holdne hige || hlaford
Beowulf 270a wes ðu us larena god / habbað we to ðæm mæran || micel ære
Beowulf 273a ne || ðu wast gif hit is / swa we soðlice || secgan hyrdon / ð
Beowulf 342b r spræc / heard under helme || we synt higelaces / beodgeneatas |
Beowulf 347a gif he us geunnan wile / ðæt we hine swa godne || gretan moto
Beowulf 941a es miht || dæd gefremede / ðe we ealle || ær ne meahton / snytt
Beowulf 958a maðelode || bearn ecðeowes / we ðæt ellenweorc || estum mic
Beowulf 1326b dbora / eaxlgestealla || ðonne we on orlege / hafelan weredon ||
Beowulf 1652a ode || bearn ecgðeowes / hwæt we ðe ðas sælac || sunu healf
Beowulf 1818a elode || bearn ecgðeowes / nu we sæliðend || secgan wyllað /
Beowulf 1819b llað / feorran cumene || ðæt we fundiað / higelac secan || wæ
Beowulf 2075a fengrom || user neosan / ðær we gesunde || sæl weardodon / ð
Beowulf 2104a um || syððan mergen com / ond we to symble || geseten hæfdon /
Beowulf 2115a trum frod || worn gemunde / swa we ðær inne || ondlangne dæg /
Beowulf 2633b / ic ðæt mæl geman || ðær we medu ðegun / ðonne we geheton
Beowulf 2634a | ðær we medu ðegun / ðonne we geheton || ussum hlaforde / in
Beowulf 2636a ðe us ðas beagas geaf / ðæt we him ða guðgetawa || gyldan
Beowulf 2653b ðynceð me gerysne || ðæt we rondas beren / eft to earde ||
Beowulf 2654b s beren / eft to earde || nemne we æror mægen / fane gefyllan ||
Beowulf 3008a e || nu is ofost betost / ðæt we ðeodcyning || ðær sceawian
Beowulf 3079a swa us geworden is / ne meahton we gelæran || leofne ðeoden / ri
Beowulf 3106b earo / ædre geæfned || ðonne we ut cymen / ond ðonne geferian
Judith 287b niðum neah geðrungen || ðe we sculon nyde losian / somod æt
The Paris Psalter 102:14 1b # / gemune mihtig god || þæt we synt moldan and dust / beoþ ma
The Paris Psalter 105:5 2b eose mid gecorenum || þenden we cwice lifgen / þæt we mid þi
The Paris Psalter 105:5 3a þenden we cwice lifgen / þæt we mid þinre þeode || þær bl
The Paris Psalter 105:6 1a e þin || æghwær herige / / # / we gefyrnedan || mid urum fæder
The Paris Psalter 105:6 2a || mid urum fæderum ær / and we unsoþfæste || ealle wæron /
The Paris Psalter 105:36 3b gesamna / of widwegum || þær we wean dreogaþ / þæt we þinne
The Paris Psalter 105:36 4a þær we wean dreogaþ / þæt we þinne naman || nede motan / þ
The Paris Psalter 105:36 6a halgestan || her andettan / and we on lofe þinum || lungre weor
The Paris Psalter 113:9 2a læs us || nergend dryhten / ac we naman þinum || neode secgea
The Paris Psalter 113:25 1a eonan || helle seceaþ / / # / ac we lifigende || leofne dryhten / b
The Paris Psalter 117:24 3a yhtnes naman || dædum mærum / we eow æt godes huse || gearwe
The Paris Psalter 121:8 3a eahstan || nemne swylce / þæt we sibbe on þe || symble habbon
The Paris Psalter 122:4 2b n / miltsa us swylce || forþon we manegum synt / forhogednessum |
The Paris Psalter 122:5 1a sum || hearde gefylde / / # / and we manegum synd || manna wordum /
The Paris Psalter 123:7 2a sadan || grame torænded / and we synd alysde || lifes wyrþe / w
The Paris Psalter 123:7 3a e synd alysde || lifes wyrþe / we us naman drihtnes || neode ha
The Paris Psalter 125:1 3b e / hæftned hefige || syþþan we hraþe weorþaþ / afrefrede ||
The Paris Psalter 125:2 2b an syþþan / muþas ure || and we ma sprecaþ / beoþ ure tungan
The Paris Psalter 125:3 6a dur mid us || wyrce mære / and we bealde on þam || bliþe weor
The Paris Psalter 128:6 5a eow wese || eac his bletsung / we eow neodlice || on naman drih
The Paris Psalter 131:6 1a de || georne gecweme / / # / efne we þas eall || on eufraten / sæc
The Paris Psalter 131:7 1a l manegu || on wudufeldum / / # / we on his selegesceot || swylce
The Paris Psalter 136:1 2a ne || brādum strēame, / ðǣr we sittaþ || and sāre wēpaþ,
The Paris Psalter 136:1 3a imeþ || and eac seteþ / þær we sittaþ || and sare wepaþ / hi
The Paris Psalter 136:2 4a wīðe ġeorne. / / # / On saliġ we sariġe || swīðe ġe·lōme
The Paris Psalter 136:2 5a on þone æþelan stan / þonne we sion gemunan || swiþe georne
The Paris Psalter 136:3 1a || swiþe georne / / # / on salig we sarige || swiþe gelome / ure o
The Paris Psalter 136:4 1a n ġe·nēahhe.’ / Hū maĝon we singan || sangas drihtne / on
The Paris Psalter 136:5 3a || sungan geneahhige / hu magon we singan || sangas drihtne / on
The Paris Psalter 138:17 4a searu || ealle tiligean / þæt we heora burh || tobrecan moton /
The Paris Psalter 62:4 2b / þonne þis læne lif || þe we lifiaþ on / weleras þe mine |
The Paris Psalter 64:5 1a || eardaþ syþþan / / # / ealle we þin hus || ecum godum / fæger
The Paris Psalter 65:11 1a ge eac || men ofer heafod / / # / we þuruh fyr faraþ || and þur
The Paris Psalter 66:2 1a e || milde and bliþe / / # / and we þæs on eorþan || andgyt ha
The Paris Psalter 70:10 3a || swa swa gymeleasne / þonne we hine forgripen || and his gea
The Paris Psalter 70:19 6b lysdest / þysse eorþan || þe we on buiaþ / / # / þær þu þin
The Paris Psalter 73:8 1a wege || ealle towurpan / / # / ne we sweotul tacen || us geseoþ
The Paris Psalter 73:8 2a tacen || us geseoþ ænig / ne we on ænige wisan || witegan ha
The Paris Psalter 74:1 1a e Paris Psalter: Psalm 74 / / # / we þe andettaþ || ecne drihten
The Paris Psalter 77:3 1a ron æt frymþe / / # / ealle þa we oncneowan || cuþ ongeaton / an
The Paris Psalter 77:20 5a amlice || be gode spræcan / ac we þæs ne wenaþ || þæt us w
The Paris Psalter 77:22 1a illan || wynnum flowan / / # / ne we hwæþere wenaþ || þæt he
The Paris Psalter 78:4 1a lagan || nahtan byrgendas / / # / we synd gewordene || wera cneori
The Paris Psalter 78:8 2b ealdend / ealdra unrihta || þe we oft fremedon / ac we hraþe beg
The Paris Psalter 78:8 3a hta || þe we oft fremedon / ac we hraþe begytan || hyldo þine
The Paris Psalter 78:8 4a egytan || hyldo þine / forþon we þearfende || þearle syndon /
The Paris Psalter 78:14 1a t on þe || ealle hæfdon / / # / we þin folc wærun || and fæle
The Paris Psalter 78:14 2b fæle sceap / eowdes þines || we þe andettaþ / and þe to woru
The Paris Psalter 79:2 3b c mannasse / and beniamin || nu we biddaþ þe / / # / awece þine m
The Paris Psalter 79:4 2b eow / þinne andwlitan || ealle we beoþ hale / / # / eala þu mæge
The Paris Psalter 79:6 2b arcwide / urum neahmannum || nu we cunnion / hu us mid fraceþum |
The Paris Psalter 79:7 2b eow / þinne andwlitan || ealle we beoþ hale / / # / þu of ægyptu
The Paris Psalter 79:16 4b eoruda drihten || ne gewitaþ we fram þe / / # / ac þu us wel cw
The Paris Psalter 79:17 2a wel cwica || wealdend mihtig / we naman þinne || neode cigeaþ
The Paris Psalter 85:11 4b lig god / nemned drihten || and we naman þinne / on ecnesse || a
The Paris Psalter 88:15 2a es eart || mærost wuldor / and we þinum weldædum || wurdan ah
The Paris Psalter 89:7 1a eorþeþ to duste / / # / forþon we on þinum yrre || ealle forwu
The Paris Psalter 89:9 2a dagas || ealle geteorudun / and we on þinum yrre synt || swiþe
The Paris Psalter 89:12 2a ecwom || micel ofer ealle / and we on þam gefean || forhte gewu
The Paris Psalter 89:16 1a scealcum || wel eaþbede / / # / we synd gefyllede || fægere on
The Paris Psalter 89:16 2b inre mildheortnesse || þæs we on mode nu / habbaþ ealle daga
The Paris Psalter 89:17 1a e dagas || æþele blisse / / # / we gefeoþ swylce || for þon f
The Paris Psalter 89:17 3a htest / and for þam gearum þe we on gesawon || yfela feala / / #
The Paris Psalter 94:2 2a ansyne || ærest secean / þæt we andettan || ure fyrene / and we
The Paris Psalter 94:2 3a we andettan || ure fyrene / and we sealmas him || singan mid wyn
The Paris Psalter 94:7 2a hten god || dema usser / wærun we his fæle folc || and his fæ
The Paris Psalter 98:3 1a | ofer eall hæleþa folc / / # / we andetaþ þinum || þam ecean
The Paris Psalter 99:2 3b end god / he us geworhte || and we his syndon / / # / we his folc sy
The Paris Psalter 99:3 1a rhte || and we his syndon / / # / we his folc syndan || and his f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 45b mana wita / and se aroda || þe we ymb sprecaþ / hiora heretoga |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 6a || and eac swa same / þara þe we eagum || on lociaþ / ealra ges
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 79a ardnes || wuhte gehwelcre / þe we mid þæm bridle || becnan ti
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 24b dum / wiþ þa unþeawas || þe we ymb sprecaþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 20b / is þæt wundorlic || þæt we witan ealle / þæt mon secan s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 34b / us is utan cymen || eall þa we habbaþ / gooda on grundum || f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 142b þer / æghwilc gesceaft || þe we ymb sprecaþ / hæfþ his agenn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 196b aþ / þone ænne cræft || þe we ær nemdon / sio gesceadwisnes
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 231b ah / ealle efenbeorhte || hwæt we oft gesioþ / hadrum nihtum ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 262a eagan hal || ures modes / þæt we hi on þe selfum || siþþan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 3b die to / þæm ecum gode || þe we ymb sprecaþ / and to þæm ges
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 4b nd to þæm gesælþum || þe we secgaþ ymb / se þe þonne nu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 7a des þiostro || mæg aweorpan / we sculon þeah gita || mid gode
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 33b nga / and þæs anwaldes || þe we ymbe sprecaþ / gif him ænig
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 30b t mæge / mildsige yflum || swa we ær spræcon / he sceal þone m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 18a e || sunne mid rihte / be þæm we magon singan || swylc butan l
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 14a mæran || morgensteorran / þe we oþre naman || æfensteorra / n
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 1a s of Boethius: Metre 9 / / hwæt we ealle witon || hwelce ærlest
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 61b wæs swiþe sweotol || þæt we sædon oft / þæt se anwald ne
Metrical Psalm 94:2 2a ansine || arest seceæn / þet we andettæn || ure fyrene / and w
Metrical Psalm 94:2 3a e andettæn || ure fyrene / and we sealmas him || singæn mid wi
Metrical Psalm 94:7 2a ihten god || dema usser / werum we his fele folc || and his fæg
Solomon and Saturn 147a st.’ / ‘For·hwon ne mōton we þonne ealle || mid an-mēdla
Solomon and Saturn 176a cwæþ # || / forhwon ne moton we þonne ealle || mid onmedlan /
Solomon and Saturn 226b ra / Filistina witan, || þonne we on ġe·flitum sǣton, / bōcum
Solomon and Saturn 265b ara / filistina witan || þonne we on geflitum sæton / bocum tobr
The Menologium 20a and þæs embe ane niht / þæt we marian || mæssan healdaþ / cy
The Menologium 63a || eadigum to blisse / ne magon we þa tide || be getale healdan
The Menologium 68b findan / halige dagas || sculan we hwæþere gyt / martira gemynd
The Menologium 118b rþ acenned / tyn nihtum eac || we þa tiid healdaþ / on midne su
The Menologium 176a es dæg || ylda bearnum / hwæt we weorþiaþ || wide geond eor
The Menologium 189b od ætgædere / on anne dæg || we þa æþelingas / fyrn gefrunan
The Menologium 199b / and þy ylcan dæge || ealra we healdaþ / sancta symbel || þa
The Judgment Day II 119a heahsetle || helme beweorðod / we beoð færinga || him beforan
The Rewards of Piety 20b eos woruld is æt ende || and we synd wædlan gyt / heofena rice
The Lord's Prayer II 2b d / cyninc on wuldre || forðam we clypiað to ðe / are biddað |
The Lord's Prayer II 30a da selost || and ece lif / ðar we sibbe and lufe || samod gemet
The Lord's Prayer II 75a rda selost || and ece lif / gif we soð and riht || symle gelæs
The Lord's Prayer II 81a n || and us fultum sile / ðæt we moton wyrcan || willan ðinne
The Lord's Prayer II 90a ansunde || eft geworden / ðar we swutollice || siððan oncnaw
The Lord's Prayer II 91a siððan oncnawað / eal ðæt we geworhton || on worldrice / bet
The Lord's Prayer II 93a ar beoð buta geara / ne magon we hit na dyrnan || for ðam ðe
The Lord's Prayer II 99a e deofles ðeowet / swa hwaðer we geearniað || her on life / ða
The Lord's Prayer II 102b ifigende god / sawle ure || swa we her forgifað / earmon mannum |
The Lord's Prayer II 106b nd bærnan / sawla ure || ðeah we sinna fela / didon for ure disi
The Lord's Prayer II 109b e weorc / ðine bodu bræcon || we ðe biddað nu / ælmihtig god
The Lord's Prayer II 113b / ac alys us of yfele || ealle we beðurfon / godes gifnesse || w
The Lord's Prayer II 114b e beðurfon / godes gifnesse || we agylt habbað / and swiðe gesi
The Lord's Prayer II 115b abbað / and swiðe gesingod || we ðe soðfæstan god / heriað a
The Lord's Prayer II 122a u self wilt || soðfæst dema / we ðe engla god || ealle heria
The Gloria I 38b ne bec / eall middaneard || and we men cweðað / on grunde her ||
The Gloria I 52a u hy sylf worhtest / [Amen] || / we ðæt soðlice || secgað eal
The Lord's Prayer III 21b ces wunda / and mandæda || swa we mildum wið ðe / ælmihtigum g
The Lord's Prayer III 23a gode || oft abylgeað / swa swa we forlætað || leahtras on eor
The Lord's Prayer III 29a e || crist nerigende / ðy læs we arlease || ealra ðinra milds
The Lord's Prayer III 32b ac nu-ða / feonda gehwylces || we in ferhðlocan / ðeoden engla
Fragment of Psalm 19 3a c gehyr || holdum mode / swylce we ðe daga || drihten cigen
Fragment of Psalm 32 2b ig drihten / wel ofer us || swa we wenað on ðe
Fragment of Psalm 43 3a us æt feondum ahrede / forðon we naman ðinne || nyde lufiað
Fragment of Psalm 79 2b eow / ðinne andwlitan || ealle we beoð hale
The Kentish Hymn 7a na gehwilcum || goodes willan / we ðe heriað || halgum stefnum
Psalm 50 5a num || hearpera mærost / ðara we an folcum || gefrigen hæbben
Psalm 50 155a forgef us god mæahtig / ðæt we synna hord || simle oferwinna
A Prayer 33a eond ealne middaneard / ne mage we næfre asæcgan || ne ðæt s
The Seasons for Fasting 25a ddan dæge || ðeodum ætywed / we ðæt gehyrdon || hæleða m
The Seasons for Fasting 35b one / hyht and gehateð || gyf we his willað / ðurh rihtne sefa
The Seasons for Fasting 39a || ac scal on wyrd sceacan / nu we herian sceolan || her for lif
The Seasons for Fasting 43b froda iu / moyses mælde || and we ða mearce sceolan / heoldan hi
The Seasons for Fasting 47a rome / gregorius || gumena papa / we ðæt forme sceolan || fæste
The Seasons for Fasting 71a e man september || genemneð / we ðæt feorðe sceolen || fæs
The Seasons for Fasting 73b full / dryhtnes gebyrde || and we mid deornum scylan / wordum and
The Seasons for Fasting 97b | ðeodlareow / fæstendtida || we ðam forð nu gyt / geond engla
The Seasons for Fasting 103a ne scealt || æfre filian / eac we feowertig daga || fæsten hea
The Seasons for Fasting 116a ncum || eallum to tacne / ðæt we mid fæstene magon || freode
The Seasons for Fasting 132a el wearð || seald fram engle / we sint on westene || wuldres bl
The Seasons for Fasting 135a elpes tid || halig dryhten / hu we munt ðinne || mærne gestyga
The Seasons for Fasting 138a yhtnes word || dædum lærað / we ða andlifene || ofstum ðycg
The Seasons for Fasting 142a fenesse || her for life / ðæt we ðæs muntes mægen || mærð
The Seasons for Fasting 150a hafað || ham mid blisse / gif we ðæt fæsten her || fyrena g
The Seasons for Fasting 176a her || dædum fylgest / hæbbe we nu gemearcod || hu ða mæran
The Seasons for Fasting 178a ig daga || fæsten hewdon / and we bebeodað || ðurh beorn gode
Instructions for Christians 9b orða is þæt fæsten || ðe we gefremmon sceolon. / Syndon eac
Instructions for Christians 55a m ðe he ær lustum gæf. / Gif we us sylfum || synna gehwylce /
Instructions for Christians 113b æt is for gemænan || þæt we munuc nemniað. / Ne mot ænig
Instructions for Christians 124a bbanne || her on weorulde. / Ac we sculon gemunan || mæla gehwy
Instructions for Christians 131a he bið earm for Gode. / Hwæt, we þæt gehyrdon || hæleða se
Instructions for Christians 264a e us, || [filius dei], / þæt we to þam earde || becumon moto
Cnut's Song 4b nites noer the lant / and here we þes muneches sæng.
The Battle of Maldon 32a || mid gafole forgyldon / þon we swa hearde || hilde dælon / we
The Battle of Maldon 33a we swa hearde || hilde dælon / we willaþ wiþ þam golde || gr
The Battle of Maldon 34a e || hilde% dǣlen. / Ne þurfe we ūs spillan, || ġif ġē sp
The Battle of Maldon 35a ġif ġē spēdaþ tō þām; / we willaþ wiþ þām golde || g
The Battle of Maldon 38a ode || and niman friþ æt us / we willaþ mid þam sceattum ||
The Battle of Maldon 40a e || and niman friþ æt ūs, / we willaþ mid þām sċeatum ū
The Battle of Maldon 59b geseman / grim guþplega || ær we gofol syllon / het þa bord ber
The Battle of Maldon 61b n, / grimm gūþ-pleĝa, || ǣr we% gafol sellen.’ / Hēt þā bo
The Battle of Maldon 210b ræc / gemunan þa mæla || þe we oft æt meodo spræcon / þonne
The Battle of Maldon 211a oft æt meodo spræcon / þonne we on bence || beot ahofon / hæle
The Battle of Maldon 212b Ġe·munan% þā mǣla || þe we oft æt medu sprǣcon, / þonne
The Battle of Maldon 213a oft æt medu sprǣcon, / þonne we on benċe || bēot ā·hōfon
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 6 35 he stack, he placed the altar / we mentioned previously, which p
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 10 18 to their retirement, / the one we have mentioned kept to the co
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 11 49 me of the highest Lord, / that we would remain free from sin af
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 11 57 he name of God: ‘have pity, we pray, / or at least that your
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 16 20 submerge himself in the waves we have spoken of already. / / # / T
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 18 11 alls of the present cell / and we both coveted the calm of one
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 21 28 aselessly struck heaven, / and we were not allowed to see such
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 21 29 with our sight, / but in fact we were fearful, and desired to
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 22 14 ch a crop. / And when in haste we both advanced along the road,
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 22 15 ced along the road, / suddenly we caught sight of a city shinin
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 22 74 ith flaming gifts. / Going on, we hastened at last to the west
AETHILVVALD.Wihtfrith.Octo 19 flict of Christ, makes clear: / ‘We bear atop our foreheads the b
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 146 t, / he recalled the sign that we said he once saw / in the dim
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 907 ho led me from the body, / and we travelled towards the rising
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 908 of the summer sun, / to where we came to a valley that was bot
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 923 filled with darkness, / and as we entered it, the appearance of
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 926 his shining garments. / And as we entered in this way through t
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 963 o limit to its extent. / But as we drew near, I do not quite cle
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 964 rly know how / or in what way, we were standing on the top of t
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 982 y slight. / I gladly hoped that we would enter in, but suddenly
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 984 back along the path by which we had come, / and as we entered
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 985 by which we had come, / and as we entered again the beautiful p
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1207 es not suit to say now. / Here, we have only told what Bede the
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1320 ierian style, holy Balthere, / we seek to signal this place for
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1383 roud. / But now, holy Balthere, we devoutly ask you / that, just
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1590 ope of our life, / without you we are battered on the stormy wa
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1591 world, / without you as leader we are bereft and tossed by coun
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1592 in as to what kind of harbour we deserve to reach. / While sun
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 29 9 griefs by his prayers, / if now we pour forth tears from a pious
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 77 st our God, / and in that place we well believe that you will be
ALDHELM.CarmEcc 3 77 medication for our life, / for we are nourished by the body and
ALDHELM.CarmRhyth.Octo 43 the rest of its throng, / which we learn in ancient days was cal
ALDHELM.CarmRhyth.Octo 65 nks responding to each other, / we celebrate the melody of Matin
ALDHELM.CarmRhyth.Octo 93 rts of the terrified, / perhaps we would have been struck with l
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 110 hreefold ones in number which we already spoke about above. / Al
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 218 d upper air grows hot. / Nor do we think there should be spurned
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 479 rk damage of black poisons. / We have also read of the one com
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 722 e faces of our sisters, / since we are continuously joined to yo
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 724 e shrine in your heart, / where we will always both be happily j
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 728 rries the name of Wisdom; / and we have been sent here from the
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 877 d on to the heavenly citadel. / We, whom fertile Britain bears i
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1247 tormented together in life . / We believe that he who frees the
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1586 this speech: / ‘Brothers, if we truly have hearts that believ
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2317 vise, / that is how many crowns we will tally up in the citadel
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 87 overcome, he says: / ‘Alas, we wretches, whose minds are ove
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 88 overcome by sluggish sleep, / we do not deserve to see the hea
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 221 sness occupy our minds, / that we are making no effort to sever
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 256 oo was wondering about this. / We have not brought a meal in ve
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 257 e is no hostelry nearby, / and we cannot complete our journey i
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 326 woman will come to meet us as we arrive / and will take up thes
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 593 today, beloved brother, that we spend today in banquets and f
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 597 death. / And for that reason we should now seek with our word
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 608 ation ask the Thunderer / that we, who are burdened on earth by
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 930 m heaven in the saintly face. / We have offered these gifts to Y
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 933 eat joy through humble words / we have touched upon the lofty s
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 255 to fall with a sudden crash: / “We hold to an ancestral principl
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 257 John. For he established / that we should celebrate holy Easter
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 293 urt / greater than Peter, whom we and the kings of old have rea
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 626 ent / and caused by my laws?” “We,” they replied, “do not accus
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 745 the weeds which have emerged. / We have discovered that the Engl