A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: manna

Number of occurrences in corpus: 285

Genesis A 193b t cyning, / metod æl-wihta, || manna cynnes / þā forman twā, || f
Genesis B 297b morðra mǣst. || Swā dēþ manna ġe·hwelċ / þe wiþ his weal
Genesis B 403b . || Uton oþ·wendan hit nū manna bearnum, / þæt heofon-rīċe,
Genesis B 425a || is sē rǣd ġe·sċiered / manna cynne. || Þæt mē is on mī
Genesis B 710a -earfoþa, || fylĝan sċolde / manna cynne, || þæs hēo on mōd
Genesis B 750a | and þæt rīċe for·ġeaf / manna cynne. || Mæġ þīn mōd we
Genesis A 1040a | fāh ġe·wītan. / Ġif þe% manna hwelċ || mundum sīnum / ealdr
Genesis A 1085b and þurh mōdes ġe·mynd || manna ǣrest, / sunu Lāmehes, || sul
Genesis A 1244a er rodorum, || rīm miċelode / manna mǣġþe || ġond middan-ġea
Genesis A 1251b f curon / ofer metodes ēst || manna eaforan, / sċyldfulra mǣġþ
Genesis A 1271a | siĝora wealdend / hwæt wæs manna || mānes on eorðan / and þæ
Genesis A 1328b : / ‘Iċ þē þæs mīne, || manna lēofost, / wǣre ġe·selle, |
Genesis A 1554b / eall þēs middan-ġeard || manna bearnum. / Þā Nōe on·gann |
Genesis A 1677a pton || stǣnenne% weall / ofer manna ġe·met, || mǣrþa ġeorne,
Genesis A 1696b ǣd / þurh his meahta spēd || manna sprǣċe. / Tō·fōron þā ||
Genesis A 1749a || Far, swā iċ þē hāte, / manna lēofost, || and þū mīnum
Genesis A 2085a || wiðer-trod sêon / lāðra manna. || Lōth wæs ā·hreded, / eor
Genesis A 2319b illaþ / min fullian. || Sċeal manna ġe·hwelċ / ðǣre cnēo-riss
Exodus 57b / land and leodweard || laþra manna / enge anpaþas || uncuþ gelad
Exodus 143a wearþ yrfeweard || ingefolca / manna æfter maþmum || þæt he sw
Exodus 173a ning || wiþ þone segn foran / manna þengel || mearcþreate rad / g
Exodus 334a icingas || ofer sealtne mersc / manna menio || micel angetrum / eode
Exodus 356b eof / cende cneowsibbe || cenra manna / heahfædera sum || halige þe
Exodus 395b æst and mærost || þara þe manna bearn / fira æfter foldan || f
Exodus 550a wa reordode || ræda gemyndig / manna mildost || mihtum swiþed / hlu
Daniel 390a gehwilc || naman bletsie / and manna bearn || modum lufiaþ / and þ
Christ and Satan 271a d unsibbe || oft on·styrġan / manna mǣġþum || ġond middan-ġe
Christ and Satan 399b m / meotod þurh mihte || wolde manna rim / fela þusenda || forþ ge
Christ and Satan 489a || clamm þrōwode. / Næs þā manna ġe·met, || nē mæġen engl
Christ and Satan 10a ū sēo riht cyning / engla and manna, || swā þū ǣr myntest’. /
Andreas 262a þe þæs wordes bad / hwæt se manna wæs || meþelhegendra / þe he
Andreas 486b tir cyning / ond miht forgef || manna scyppend / hu þu wægflotan ||
Andreas 517a e geferan || flodwylm ne mæg / manna ænigne || ofer meotudes est /
Andreas 544b a / miltsum gemærsod || nænig manna is / under heofonhwealfe || hæ
Andreas 637a cne || ne eom ic ana þæt / ac manna gehwam || mod biþ on hyhte / f
Andreas 908b elp gearu / milts æt mærum || manna gehwylcum / sigorsped geseald |
Andreas 1023a þ-ġe·þingu, / feohtan fāra manna: || ‘Nū is þis% folc on lu
Andreas 1374a þe alyse || of leoþubendum / manna cynnes || ofer mine est / him
The Fates of the Apostles 25a awe menn || æþelo reccan / se manna wæs || mine gefrege / þurh cn
Soul and Body I 50b m myclan dæge || þonne eall manna cynn / se ancenneda || ealle ge
Soul and Body I 94a || heofena scippend / æt ealra manna gehwæs || muþes reorde / wund
Soul and Body I 150b me sealdest / on gemotstede || manna ond engla / bygdest þu þe for
Soul and Body I 152b rþan me a langaþ || leofost manna / on minum hige hearde || þæs
Homiletic Fragment I 1b þ || / manig ond mislic || in manna dream / eorl oþerne || mid æf
Homiletic Fragment I 2b meþ / maniġ and misliċ || on manna drēam. / Eorl ōðerne || mid
Elene 326b hio þa on þreate || þusend manna / fundon ferhþgleawra || þa
Elene 295b ægenþrymme || ne mæg þær manna gecynd / of eorþwegum || up ge
Elene 296b n-þrymme%. || Ne mæġ ðǣr manna ġe·cynd / of eorð-weĝum ||
Elene 463a ela gemyndig / hwæt is þis la manna || þe minne eft / þurh fyrnge
Elene 464a ndiġ: / ‘Hwæt is þis, lā, manna, || þe mīnne eft / þurh fyrn-
Elene 789b / on maias calend || sie þara manna gehwam / behliden helle duru ||
Elene 790b aias kālend%. || Sīe þāra manna ġe·hwǣm / be·hliden helle d
Elene 873b nd gemylted || swa biþ þara manna ælc / ascyred ond asceaden ||
Elene 874b e·melted || Swā biþ þāra manna ǣlċ / ā·sċiered and ā·s
Christ A 85b mægðhad se micla || swa eal manna bearn / sorgum sawað || swa ef
Christ A 287b þon þū þæt ana || ealra manna / ġe·þohtest þrymlīċe, ||
Christ A 425a -frēa, || helpe ġe·fremede / manna cynne || þurh his mōdor hri
Christ A 431a e. || Þæt is hēalīċ rǣd / manna ġe·hwelcum || þe ġe·mynd
Christ B 487b cað / sibbe sawað || on sefan manna / ðurh meahta sped || ic eow m
Christ B 584a Wǣr is æt·samne / godes and manna, || gǣst-hāliġ trēow, / lufu
Christ B 589b re metodes sunu, || þæt nū manna ġe·hwelċ / cwic þendan hēr
Christ B 663b ēow and sette || ġond sefan manna. / Sumum word-laðe || wīse sen
Christ B 690b ēċe tō ealdre || engla and manna; / swā hē his weorc weorðaþ.
Christ C 887a e || dryht-gumena bearn, / eall manna cynn, || tō metod-sċeafte / e
Christ C 956b eþ. / Þǣr mæġen wērġe || manna cynnes / wornum hweorfaþ || on
Christ C 1046b orðaþ / ofer middan-ġeard || manna dǣde. / Ne maĝon hord weras%,
Christ C 1050b þām miċelan dæġe, || hū manna ġe·hwelċ / ǣr earnode || ē
Christ C 1054a Ne biþ ðǣr wiht for·holen / manna ġe·hyġda, || ac sē mǣra
Christ C 1433a || māne be·dǣled. / And fore manna lufan || min þrōwode / hēafo
Christ C 1627a iþ cwealma mǣst / dēofla and manna. || þæt is drēamlēas hūs,
Widsith 2a word-hord on·lēac, / sē þe manna% mǣst || mǣġþa% ofer eorð
Widsith 10a n þā worn sprecan: / Fela iċ manna ġe·fræġn || mǣġþum wea
Widsith 16a Alexandreas || ealra rīcost / manna cynnes || and hē mǣst ġe·
Widsith 36a || alewih denum / se wæs ðara manna || modgast ealra / no hwæðre
Widsith 38b / ac Offa ġe·slōh || ǣrest manna, / cniht-wesende, || cyne-rīca
The Fortunes of Men 94b ġend% / ġond middan-ġeard || manna cræftas / sċōp and sċierede
Maxims I 102a ġeorna%, / frēoþ hīe fremde manna, || þonne sē ōðer feorr ġ
Maxims I 137a þām ende || eallum wealdeþ / manna% cynne. || Þæt is metod self
The Order of the World 16b ēon / ā ġe·myndġe mǣst || manna wiston. / For·þon sċyle āsc
Soul and Body II 47b m miċelan dæġe, || þonne manna cynn / sē ān-cenda% || ealle
Soul and Body II 87a dǣda ġe·hīeran, / æt ealra manna ġe·hwǣm || mūðes reorde /
Guthlac A 154b % wearþ / on ġe·myndiġra || manna tīdum, / þāra þe nū ġīen
Guthlac A 195b d-cearu mǣĝum, || ġif hē manna drēam / of þām or-leġe || e
Guthlac A 247a || swā iċ ēow fore stande, / manna weorodes, || ac mē māra dæ
Guthlac A 311a | ac mē friðe healdeþ / ofer manna cynn || sē þe mæġena ġe
Guthlac A 331a ra drēama. / Nā hē hine wiþ manna || miltse ġe·dǣlde, / ac ġe
Guthlac A 413b t, / sealdon him meahte || ofer manna cynn, / þæt hē fore ēaĝum
Guthlac A 416b ġe·wealdum / on mynsterum || manna ġe·bǣru, / þāra þe hira l
Guthlac A 490a as || and rēðe mōd / ġungra manna || on godes templum; / woldon
Guthlac A 762a nder lyfte || on līċ-haman, / manna mǣġþe || ġond middan-ġea
Guthlac B 865b ond middan-ġeard. || Nǣniġ manna wæs / of þām siġe-tūdre ||
Guthlac B 874b e godes willan / on mislicum || manna ġe·byhtum / aefter stede-wang
Guthlac B 1173a word ða wit spræcon / leofast manna || næfre ic lufan sibbe / ðeo
Guthlac B 1230a on ealdre || ǣngum ne wolde / manna ofer moldan || melda weorðan
Guthlac B 1251b ynnes, / þæt mē ne meahte || manna ǣniġ / be·dēaĝlian || hwæ
Guthlac B 1255b rþ. / Ā iċ on mōde māþ || manna ġe·hwelcne / þēodnes þrymm
Guthlac B 1257a || oþ þisne dæġ. / Lēofost manna, || nū iċ for lufan þīnre,
Riddles 22 1b s 22 / / æt·samne cōm || [LX] manna / tō wǣġ-stæðe || wiċġum
Riddles 3 50b ġeþ, / miċel mōd-þrēa || manna cynne, / brōĝan on burgum, ||
The Descent into Hell 109a æt þū ūs ġe·mildsie, || manna sċieppend. || / Þū fore man
The Descent into Hell 110a nna sċieppend. || / Þū fore manna lufan || þīnre mōdor bōsm
Azarias 86b on māran || þonne hē wiþ manna bearn / wyrċeþ wēl-dǣdum. |
Azarias 96b / wearme wederdagas || waldend manna / frean on ferðe || fremest eo
Azarias 146a , || dēor and nīeten. / Metod manna bearn || miltsum herġen / and
Riddles 60 4a le fæst; || fēa ǣniġ wæs / manna cynnes, || þæt mīnne ðǣr
Riddles 72 17b swiĝode, / nǣfre meldode || manna ǣngum / ġif mē ord-stæpe ||
Riddles 77 4b / mūþ on·tynde. || Nū wile manna sum / min flǣsċ fretan, || fe
Riddles 83 12b el, / ac iċ mīðan sċeall || manna ġe·hwelcum / dēaĝolfulne d
Riddles 95 13b e hwīlum / mīne be·mīðe || manna ġe·hwelcum.
The Phoenix 323a folcum oþ·īeweþ / maniĝum manna || ġond middan-ġeard, / þonn
The Phoenix 358a eres; || þæt ne wāt ǣniġ / manna cynnes, || būtan metod ana, /
The Phoenix 544b . / Bēoþ þonne ā·merede || manna gæstas, / beorhte ā·bīewde
Juliana 84a || ġif þās word sind sōþ / manna lēofost, || þe þū mē sa
Juliana 459b n hæbbe / micelra manweorca || manna tudre / deorcum gedwildum || hy
Juliana 470a ealu-þancum || beorna unrīm / manna cynnes, || mist-helme for·br
Juliana 718b el mōdes sorh. || Bidde iċ manna ġe·hwone / gumena cynnes, ||
Juliana 729a īfeþ be ġe·wyrhtum / meorde manna ġe·hwǣm. || For·ġief ūs
The Gifts of Men 97b is nū ofer eorðan || ǣniġ manna / mōde þæs cræftiġ, || ne
The Gifts of Men 104b blǣd; / ac hē missenlīċe || manna cynne / ġielpes stīereþ || a
The Gifts of Men 108a m on wīġe, / sumum hē sileþ manna || milde heortan, / þēawfæst
The Seafarer 90a aldaþ and sēaraþ, / swā nū manna ġe·hwelċ || ġond middan-
The Seafarer 111a rum, || wīsum clǣne, / sċyle manna ġe·hwelċ || mid ġe·mete
Beowulf 155a sæce || sibbe ne wolde / wið manna hwone || mægenes deniga / feor
Beowulf 201b ærne ðeoden || ða him wæs manna ðearf / ðone siðfæt him ||
Beowulf 380a ðance || ðæt he ðritiges / manna mægencræft || on his mundgr
Beowulf 701b gecyðed / ðæt mihtig god || manna cynnes / weold wideferhð || co
Beowulf 712b re bær / mynte se manscaða || manna cynnes / sumne besyrwan || in s
Beowulf 735b ða gen / ðæt he ma moste || manna cynnes / ðicgean ofer ða niht
Beowulf 779b nga / ðæt hit a mid gemete || manna ænig / betlic ond banfag || to
Beowulf 789a n || heold hine fæste / se ðe manna wæs || mægene strengest / on
Beowulf 810b e fela æror / modes myrðe || manna cynne / fyrene gefremede || he
Beowulf 914b llum wearð / mæg higelaces || manna cynne / freondum gefægra || hi
Beowulf 1413a um || be·foran gengde / wīsra manna || wang sċēawian, / oþ·þæ
Beowulf 1461a næfre hit æt hilde ne swac / manna ængum || ðara ðe hit mid m
Beowulf 1725b to secganne / hu mihtig god || manna cynne / ðurh sidne sefan || sn
Beowulf 1835b enes fultum || ðær ðe bið manna ðearf / gif him ðonne hreðri
Beowulf 1915b e ðe ær lange tid || leofra manna / fus æt faroðe || feor wlato
Beowulf 2527a || swa unc wyrd geteoð / metod manna gehwæs || ic eom on mode fro
Beowulf 2645a e || folces hyrde / for ðam he manna mæst || mærða gefremede / d
Beowulf 2672a fah || fionda niosian / laðra manna || ligyðum for / born bord wi
Beowulf 2836b ce / huru ðæt on lande || lyt manna ðah / mægenagendra || mine ge
Beowulf 2887b s mōt / ðǣre mǣġ-burĝe || manna ǣghwelċ / īdel hweorfan, ||
Beowulf 3056a ealde ðam ðe he wolde / he is manna gehyld || hord openian / efne s
Beowulf 3057a hord openian / efne swa hwylcum manna || swa him gemet ðuhte / ða w
Beowulf 3098b / micelne ond mærne || swa he manna wæs / wigend weorðfullost ||
Beowulf 3181a æt he wære || wyruldcyninga / manna mildust || ond monðwærust / l
Judith 52a bearna || and on hine nǣniġ / manna cynnes, || nemþe sē mōdĝa
Judith 181a ernus || unlibbendes, / þe ūs manna mǣst || morðra ġe·fremede
Judith 235a es || heanne ne ricne / cwicera manna || ðe hie ofercuman mihton / s
The Paris Psalter 103:1 3b swyþe / meahtum mære || ofer manna bearn / / # / þu þe weorþlice
The Paris Psalter 103:13 3b a þu geworhtest || to wraþe manna / / # / eac þu him of eorþan ||
The Paris Psalter 103:14 2b dest / hlaf to helpe || heortan manna / must and windrinc || myclum b
The Paris Psalter 104:12 1a n geþiwdan / / # / ne let he him manna || mihte sceþþan / and he þe
The Paris Psalter 106:7 3b sæcgeaþ / mycel wundur hys || manna bearnum / / # / forþon he gesede
The Paris Psalter 106:14 3b þan / mycel wundur his || ofer manna bearn / / # / forþon he æren do
The Paris Psalter 106:20 2b htne / þæt he milde wearþ || manna cynne / mycel ys his wundur ||
The Paris Psalter 106:20 3b e / mycel ys his wundur || ofer manna bearn / / # / hi him sculon laces
The Paris Psalter 106:30 2b drihtne / hu he milde wearþ || manna cynne / mære synd his wundur |
The Paris Psalter 106:30 3b mære synd his wundur || ofer manna bearn / / # / forþon hine on cyr
The Paris Psalter 107:11 3a hælu byþ || her on eorþan / manna gehwylces || mægene idel / / #
The Paris Psalter 108:28 3b ac swelċe / hine on middle || manna herġe. / / # / Hē selfa ġe·st
The Paris Psalter 108:29 3b d eac swylce / hine on midle || manna herige / / # / he sylfa gestod ||
The Paris Psalter 113:23 4b dryhten / sealde þas moldan || manna bearnum / / # / næfre þe dryhte
The Paris Psalter 118:134 1b rede me hearmcwidum || heanra manna / þæt ic þine bebodu || beal
The Paris Psalter 118:134 2b e mē hearm-cwidum || hēanra manna, / þæt iċ þīne be·bodu ||
The Paris Psalter 122:5 1b de / / # / and we manegum synd || manna wordum / ure sawl || swiþe gef
The Paris Psalter 123:3 1a swa magon / / # / þonne us þara manna || mod yrsade / and us wiþerwe
The Paris Psalter 135:7 2b leodum ana / micel geworhte || manna bearnum / / # / sette on miht dæ
The Paris Psalter 143:4 1a nderþeoddest / / # / hwæt is se manna || mihtig drihten / þe þu him
The Paris Psalter 144:9 2a ylce eallum is || ure drihten / manna cynne || milde and bliþe / syn
The Paris Psalter 144:11 1b ien / / # / and hi þine mihte || manna bearnum / cyþan mid cynnum ||
The Paris Psalter 144:12 2a || ofer cneorisse / þær synd manna bearn || manig ætsomne / and
The Paris Psalter 145:2 2a rmenn || ane getreowian / ne on manna bearn || nis þær mycel hæl
The Paris Psalter 145:7 2a o ræde || rice drihten / þara manna bearn || þe ær man gebræc /
The Paris Psalter 146:11 1a uþes æses / / # / nafast þu to manna || mægene willan / ne þe on
The Paris Psalter 52:3 2a beseah || halig drihten / ofer manna bearn || hwæþer his mihta
The Paris Psalter 52:6 1a ne þurfon # || / / # / forþam manna ban || mihtig drihten / liste t
The Paris Psalter 56:5 1a || sare gedrefed / / # / synd me manna bearn || mihtigum toþum / wæp
The Paris Psalter 56:5 2a re ġe·drēfed. / / # / Sind mē manna bearn || mihtĝum tōðum / wǣ
The Paris Psalter 57:1 2a recan || symble wyllen / demaþ manna bearn || domum rihtum / / # / eft
The Paris Psalter 58:13 2b ldeþ god / ofer middangeard || manna cynnes / and ealra eac || eorþ
The Paris Psalter 59:10 3a hælu byþ || her on eorþan / manna gehwylces || mægene idel / / #
The Paris Psalter 61:9 1a ne on fultum / / # / hwæþere ge manna bearn || manes unlyt / wyrceaþ
The Paris Psalter 61:12 3b and mildheortness || þæt he manna gehwam / æfter his agenum || e
The Paris Psalter 63:8 2a || þe hi on sioþ / sceal him manna gehwylc || man ondrædan / and
The Paris Psalter 64:11 2b tyddraþ / mænige on moldan || manna cynnes / on cneorisse || cende
The Paris Psalter 65:6 1b mægen wealdeþ || ofer eall manna cyn / on ecnesse || awa to feor
The Paris Psalter 67:18 5b lacgeofa / ofer middangeard || manna bearnum / / # / ne magon þær ea
The Paris Psalter 67:24 3a de || gleowe sungon / on þæra manna || midle geongra / on tympanis
The Paris Psalter 67:27 2a e || glēowe sungon / on þāra manna || middle ġungra / on tympanis
The Paris Psalter 70:19 2b s feala / on costunge || cuþra manna / and me yfela feala || oft onc
The Paris Psalter 72:4 1b s / / # / ne synd hi on miclum || manna gewinnum / and hi mid manna ne
The Paris Psalter 72:4 2a || manna gewinnum / and hi mid manna ne beoþ || mægene beswungen
The Paris Psalter 73:16 1b htest / / # / wes þu gemyndig || manna bearna / þæra gesceafta || þ
The Paris Psalter 73:21 1b n / / # / ne forgit huru || godra manna / soþra stefna || þa þe sece
The Paris Psalter 76:8 2b gemyndig / þæt he miltsige || manna cynne / oþþe on yrre || æfre
The Paris Psalter 77:25 3a heofenum || and hider rignan / manna to mose || manna cynne / sealde
The Paris Psalter 77:25 3b hider rignan / manna to mose || manna cynne / sealde him heofenes hla
The Paris Psalter 78:10 4a eagum || oftust worpen / þær manna wese || mæst ætgædere / / # /
The Paris Psalter 79:5 5a ncan gifest || deorcum tearum / manna gehwylcum || on gemet rihtes /
The Paris Psalter 82:4 3b eoda / þæt ne sy gemyndig || manna ænig / hu israhela naman || æ
The Paris Psalter 87:11 4b emeteþ / on ofergyttolnesse || manna ænig / / # / ne on þeostrum ne
The Paris Psalter 87:12 4b teþ / on ofer-ġietelnesse% || manna ǣniġ? / / # / Iċ mē tō% þē
The Paris Psalter 88:1 5b ge geneahhe / on minum muþe || manna cynne / / # / forþon þa þu cw
The Paris Psalter 88:6 3b icel and egeslic || ofer eall manna bearn / þa þe on ymbhwyrfte |
The Paris Psalter 88:41 2a si min lytle sped / ne huru þu manna bearn || on middangeard / to id
The Paris Psalter 88:42 1a æfre geworhtest / / # / hwylc is manna || þæt feores neote / and hw
The Paris Psalter 88:42 3a þ ne gesceawige / oþþe hwylc manna is || þæt his agene / fram he
The Paris Psalter 89:3 3a u cuþlice || cwæde sylfa / ic manna bearnum || mod onwende / / # / fo
The Paris Psalter 91:2 2b sæcge / hu he milde wearþ || manna cynne / and his soþe || sæcge
The Paris Psalter 91:13 1b n / / # / nu gyt syndan manige || manna swylce / þe hiom yldo gebidan
The Paris Psalter 94:3 2b se micla cynincg || ofer eall manna godu / / # / forþon ne wiþdrife
The Paris Psalter 99:4 2b æs / is þin milde mod || ofer manna bearn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 12a ġeþ. || Biþ ēac swā same / manna ǣġhwelċ || miċele þȳ f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 34a || libbendes wiht, / nēata ne manna, || nimþ eall þæt hēo fint
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 6b þes middangeard || and þis manna cyn / sy under sunnan || suþ w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 20b n, / nū on þǣm mōde biþ || manna ġe·hwelcum / þā right-æðe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 4a ræfþ || ānra ġe·hwelċes / manna cynnes || mōd full-nēah þo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 83b , / fȳres and eorðan. || Fela manna wāt / þætte yfemest is || ea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 1a Boethius: Metre 21 / / Wēl lā, manna bearn || ġond middan-ġeard,
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 26a a, || ac hīe swīðor ġīet / manna ġe·hwelċes || mōdes ēaĝ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 4a t hīe tō·drīfan ne mæġ / manna ǣniġ, || ne ā·mērran hū
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 27b maĝon / of mōde ā·tēon || manna ǣnĝum / rihtwīsnesse, || þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 31a d unþēawas || oft bisiĝien / manna mōd-sefan, || mǣst and swī
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 34b efan / for·tihþ mōd foran || manna ġe·hwelċes, / þæt hit swā
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 43a æfþ || sefan inn-ġe·hyġd / manna ġe·hwelċes, || þonan mǣs
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 55a æftas || hio gedwolan fylgde / manna swiþost || manegra þioda / cy
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 69b , / oþ·þæt him ne meahte || manna ǣniġ / þeġna% sīnra || ð
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 101b t ne mæġ / mōd on·wendan || manna ǣniġ / mid drȳ-cræftum, ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 109b ftas / of þǣm mōde cumaþ || manna ġe·hwelcum, / ān·līepra ǣ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 111b ġietan / þætte mā dereþ || manna ġe·hwelcum / mōdes unþēaw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 115b flǣsċ / þæt mōd mæġe% || manna ǣnġes / eallunga tō him ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 65a e þyncþ þæt wunder miċel / manna ǣngum || þæt hē mæġe ġ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 21a p || ǣr þonne sunne; / þone% manna bearn || morĝen-steorra / hāt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 67b ȳtaþ. / Ac sē milda metod || manna bearnum / on eorðan fēt || ea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 22b nliċ, / þæt sē mōd-sefa || manna ǣnġes / niðer-heald wese ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 32a num earmum || eorðan tūdre, / manna cynne, || þurh þīnra meaht
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 5a erde || þæt on hēane munt / manna ǣniġ || mihte ā·settan / he
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 21b d þon ma / wiþ micelne ren || manna ængum / huses hirde || ac hit
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 24a Swā bēoþ ānra ġe·hwæs / manna mōd-sefan || miċelum ā·we
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 48b / efene þām munte || þe nū manna bearn / Etne hātaþ. || Sē on
Metrical Psalm 91:2 2b sege / hū hē milde wearþ || manna cynne / and his sōðe || sege
The Rune Poem 2a || fira gehwylcum / sceal þeah manna gehwylc || miclun hyt dælan /
The Rune Poem 9a ng ys yfyl || ungemetun reþe / manna gehwylcun || þe him mid rest
Solomon and Saturn 52b ōd ġe·menġeþ. || Nǣniġ manna wāt, / hæleþa under heofonum
Solomon and Saturn 56b iteþ / mod gemengeþ || nænig manna wat / hæleþa under hefenum ||
Solomon and Saturn 35b t, / ā·myrġaþ mōd-sefan || manna ġe·hwelċes / of þrēa-mēdl
Solomon and Saturn 43b geþoht / amyrgaþ modsefan || manna gehwylces / of þreamedlan ||
Solomon and Saturn 58a faþ || [IIII] heafdu / medumra manna || and hē is on middan hwæl
Solomon and Saturn 70a faþ || feower heafdu / medumra manna || and he is on middan hwæle
Solomon and Saturn 229a fēngon, / þæt nǣre nǣniġ manna || middan-ġeardes / þæt meah
Solomon and Saturn 268a ges fengon / þæt nære nænig manna || middangeardes / þæt meahte
Solomon and Saturn 288b weþ him and yppeþ || earmra manna / mis-ġe·mynda || and þurh
Solomon and Saturn 4b weþ him and yppeþ || earmra manna / misgemynda || and þurh þæt
The Menologium 86a þrowode || þeoden engla / for manna lufan || meotud on galgan / be
Maxims II 57a an || þæt he ær facen dyde / manna cynne || meotod ana wat / hwyde
The Judgment Day II 19b de / and hu mihtig frea || eall manna cynn / todæleð and todemeð |
The Judgment Day II 103a ca sweg || ungerydre sæ / eall manna mod || miclum gedrefeð / eal b
The Judgment Day II 186a swiðað || sefan and spræce / manna gehwylces || for micelnysse / n
The Judgment Day II 196b c ða teð for miclum cyle || manna ðær gryrrað / ðis atule gew
The Rewards of Piety 9a nd seo hluttre lufu / godes and manna || and seo ælmessylen / and se
The Rewards of Piety 38a lanne || hit bið swiðe yfel / manna gehwilcum || ðæt he micel a
The Lord's Prayer II 67b an / and a ðine mildse || ofer manna bearn / swa mid sibbe || sænst
The Lord's Prayer III 17b lum to hæle / on middaneard || manna cynnes / ðæt is se clæna ||
The Creed 58a lif || eallum dælest / swa her manna gehwylc || metode gecwemað
The Kentish Hymn 17b r ealle gescæft || angla and manna / ðu dryhten god || on dreamum
The Kentish Hymn 32b gemyndig / mildsa nu meahtig || manna cynne / and of leahtrum ales ||
Psalm 50 8b sinum / wið ðane mildostan || manna sceppend / wæs se dryhtnes ði
Psalm 50 31b meahta walden || nu ðu wast manna geðohtas / help ðu hælend mi
Psalm 50 137a e lac || lioda ðinra / hælend manna || hio ðæt halige cealf / on
The Seasons for Fasting 179a ð || ðurh beorn godes / ðæt manna gehwilc || ðe for moldan wun
The Seasons for Fasting 212b ðe him fylian wyle || folces manna / sona hie on mergan || mæssan
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 10a wearde, || Rōm-wara betest, / manna mōd-weliĝost, || mǣrþum
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 12a bec || hider on eorðan / geond manna mod || missenlice / sume hine w
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 8a ndige || mines godes / swa bið manna gehwilc || metes and eðeles
Instructions for Christians 141b yrda. / Ne dereð mycel wela || manna ænegum, / gif he to swiðe ne
The Battle of Maldon 193a || and hyra feore burgon / and manna ma || þonne hit ænig mæþ
The Battle of Maldon 195a | and hira fēore burgon, / and manna mā || þonne hit ǣniġ mǣ
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm05 456 acrum populo uictum candentia manna / Ferrent et caeli frugem terre
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch01 228 iccauit iter, mirabile nimbis / Manna pluit, saxo latices produxit
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch03 212 scibus auxit; / Sufficiens tunc manna pluit, modo panibus amplum / Qu
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 620 ux reddidit ortu, / Niuosos dat manna cibos, quae farre minuto, / Sun
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 52 as. / Caelicolum uictum niualis manna parauit, / Vel cum terrifici re
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 117 cha dehinc colitur et candens manna negatur / Ditibus annona, quam
££.PRVD.Ditt 43 t urceus aureus exim / Seruatum manna; ingratis uenit altera nubis / A