Number of occurrences in corpus: 474
Genesis A 26a | hæfdon gielp micel / þæt hie | wiþ | drihtne || dælan meahton / wul |
Genesis A 46a | æfdon hie wrohtgeteme / grimme | wiþ | god gesomnod || him þæs gri |
Genesis A 51a | ining || honda arærde / hehste | wiþ | þam herge || ne mihton hygel |
Genesis A 52a | || ne mihton hygelease / mæne | wiþ | metode || mægyn bryttigan / ac |
Genesis A 77b | ean / þæs þe heo ongunnon || | wiþ | gode winnan / þa wæs soþ swa |
Genesis A 127b | ldend / ofer laguflode || leoht | wiþ | þeostrum / sceade wiþ sciman |
Genesis A 128a | | leoht wiþ þeostrum / sceade | wiþ | sciman || sceop þa bam naman |
Genesis A 163a | ne || þa gesundrod wæs / lago | wiþ | lande || geseah þa lifes wea |
Genesis A 231b | noma / þridda is tigris || seo | wiþ | þeodscipe / ea inflede || assi |
Genesis B 236a | þone ænne beam / wariaþ inc | wiþ | þone wæstm || ne wyrþ inc |
Genesis B 260a | || ongan him winn up ahebban / | wiþ | þone hehstan heofnes waldend |
Genesis B 263a | an || ofermod wesan / ahof hine | wiþ | his hearran || sohte hetespr |
Genesis B 294a | gan || ofermede micel / ahebban | wiþ | his hearran || and spræc hea |
Genesis B 295a | nd spræc healic word / dollice | wiþ | drihten sinne || sceolde he |
Genesis B 298a | || swa deþ monna gehwilc / þe | wiþ | his waldend || winnan ongynne |
Genesis B 299a | || winnan ongynneþ / mid mane | wiþ | þone mæran drihten || þa w |
Genesis B 303b | llewites || þæs þe he wann | wiþ | heofnes waldend / acwæþ hine |
Genesis B 323a | r swa feala hæfdon / gewinnes | wiþ | heora waldend || wite þolia |
Genesis B 346b | helle / grundes gyman || nalles | wiþ | god winnan / satan maþelode || |
Genesis B 438a | gewinnan / sittan læte ic hine | wiþ | me sylfne || swa hwa swa þæ |
Genesis B 490b | rne / dyrne deofles boda || þe | wiþ | drihten wann / wearp hine þa o |
Genesis B 499a | æt nu fyrn ne wæs / þæt ic | wiþ | hine sylfne sæt || þa het h |
Genesis B 507a | || þinum hearran / hæfst þe | wiþ | drihten dyrne geworhtne || ic |
Genesis B 664a | t scal þe swa laþlic striþ / | wiþ | þines hearran bodan || unc i |
Genesis A 999a | mne || þurh forman gylt / þe | wiþ | metod æfre || men gefremeden |
Genesis A 1309b | reohund lang / elngemeta || and | wiþ | yþa gewyrc / gefeg fæste || |
Genesis A 1323a | an || eorþan lime / gefæstnod | wiþ | flode || fær noes / þy selest |
Genesis A 1409b | and ealle þa wocre || þe he | wiþ | wætre beleac / lifes leohtfrum |
Genesis A 2095a | or || wigsiþ ateah / þara þe | wiþ | swa miclum || mægne geræsde |
Genesis A 2117a | æt feohtan || mid frumgarum / | wiþ | ofermægnes || egsan sceolde / |
Genesis A 2119a | m || and halegu treow / seo þu | wiþ | rodora weard || rihte healdes |
Genesis A 2171a | st || ac ic þe lifigende her / | wiþ | weana gehwam || wreo and scyl |
Genesis A 2243a | olian || ac heo þriste ongan / | wiþ | sarran || swiþe winnan / þa i |
Genesis A 2247b | emest þu gerysnu || and riht | wiþ | me / þafodest þu gena || þæ |
Genesis A 2305b | reotiene gear / ece drihten || | wiþ | abrahame spræc / leofa swa ic |
Genesis A 2407a | an þa rodera waldend / arfæst | wiþ | abraham sprecan || sægde him |
Genesis A 2471b | w sylle þa / ær ge sceonde || | wiþ | gesceapu fremmen / ungifre yfel |
Genesis A 2565a | n burgum || under bæc beseah / | wiþ | þæs wælfylles || us gewrit |
Genesis A 2578b | ft gestod / þær wordum ær || | wiþ | his waldend spræc / frod frumg |
Genesis A 2651b | stor wære || næbbe ic synne | wiþ | hie / facna ænig || gefremed g |
Genesis A 2658b | is god and gleaw || mæg self | wiþ | god sprecan / geseon sweglcynin |
Genesis A 2743b | he / for þære synne || þe he | wiþ | sarrai / and wiþ abrahame || |
Genesis A 2744a | nne || þe he wiþ sarrai / and | wiþ | abrahame || ær gefremede / þa |
Genesis A 2788b | wealdan mot / næfre ismael || | wiþ | isace / wiþ min agen bearn || |
Genesis A 2789a | t / næfre ismael || wiþ isace / | wiþ | min agen bearn || yrfe dæle |
Genesis A 2812a | on þe giena speow / þæs þu | wiþ | freond oþþe feond || fremma |
Exodus 20b | ea / gesealde wæpna geweald || | wiþ | wraþra gryre / ofercom mid þy |
Exodus 72a | eofoncolum || þær halig god / | wiþ | færbryne || folc gescylde / b |
Exodus 172b | bogum / him þær segncyning || | wiþ | þone segn foran / manna þenge |
Exodus 224b | ste / siþþan hie getealdon || | wiþ | þam teonhete / on þam forþhe |
Exodus 237a | ordhreoþan || breostnet wera / | wiþ | flane feond || folmum werigea |
Exodus 303b | weall astah / uplang gestod || | wiþ | israhelum / andægne fyrst || w |
Exodus 422a | e || cyning alwihta / þæt þu | wiþ | waldend || wære heolde / fæst |
Exodus 515b | d ahte / ageat gylp wera || hie | wiþ | god wunnon / þanon israhelum | |
Daniel 21b | man scyle / his gastes lufan || | wiþ | gode dælan / þa geseah ic þa |
Daniel 278b | ldres god / þe hie generede || | wiþ | þam niþhete / þa azarias || |
Daniel 410b | dor þeode / nabochodonossor || | wiþ | þam nehstum / folcgesiþum || |
Daniel 457b | nd / halig heofonrices weard || | wiþ | þone hearm gescylde / þa ic s |
Daniel 466a | yres || ac him friþ drihtnes / | wiþ | þæs egesan gryre || aldor g |
Daniel 474a | godes || we gesawon / þæt he | wiþ | cwealme gebearh || cnihtum on |
Daniel 522b | ite wealdeþ || þonne he him | wiþ | mæge / þa of slæpe onwoc || |
Daniel 548b | drihten wæs / gumena aldor || | wiþ | god scyldig / wandode se wisa | |
Daniel 743a | boda || gleaw geþances / no ic | wiþ | feohsceattum || ofer folc ber |
Christ and Satan 96b | am / fyre onæled || ic eom fah | wiþ | god / æce æt helle duru || dr |
Christ and Satan 247a | ngan ic þa steppan forþ / ana | wiþ | englum || and to him eallum s |
Christ and Satan 430b | / aras þa anra gehwylc || and | wiþ | earm gesæt / hleonade wiþ han |
Christ and Satan 431a | and wiþ earm gesæt / hleonade | wiþ | handa || þeah hylle gryre / eg |
Christ and Satan 21a | g || and mid hondum amet / grip | wiþ | þæs grundes || gang þonne |
Christ and Satan 22a | and mid heandum ā·met. / Grip | wiþ | þæs grundes; || gang þonne |
Christ and Satan 25b | onne þe geornor || þæt þu | wiþ | god wunne / seoþþan þu þonn |
Christ and Satan 26b | ne þe ġeornor || þæt þū | wiþ | God wunne, / siþþan þū þon |
Christ and Satan 35a | | hwilum se wonna læg / læhte | wiþ | þes laþan || hwilum he licg |
Christ and Satan 36a | lum sē wanna līeġ% / lǣhte | wiþ | þēs lāðan. || Hwīlum hē |
Andreas 213a | o wac || gif þu wel þencest / | wiþ | þinne waldend || wære gehea |
Andreas 263b | , / þe hē ðǣr on waroþe || | wiþ | þingode: / ‘Wē of Marmedoni |
Andreas 275b | re mægþe || biþ þe meorþ | wiþ | god / þæt þu us on lade || l |
Andreas 299b | / him þa ofstlice || andreas | wiþ | / wineþearfende || wordum mæl |
Andreas 306b | t, / ofer waroþa ġe·weorp || | wiþ | þingode: / ‘Hū ġe·wearþ |
Andreas 389b | onlicne hlaf || swa þu hyldo | wiþ | me / ofer firigendstream || fre |
Andreas 425a | ne || sund is geblonden / grund | wiþ | greote || god eaþe mæg / hea |
Andreas 560b | || inwidþancum / iudea cynn || | wiþ | godes bearne / ahof hearmcwide |
Andreas 632b | -ġīet him wǣġes weard || | wiþ | þingode: / ‘Ne% friġne iċ |
Andreas 921a | þæt || waldend fira / synnig | wiþ | seolfne || sawla nergend / þæ |
Andreas 1188b | n to gefeohte || eart þu fag | wiþ | god / dugoþa demend || hwæt |
Andreas 1210a | | ah þinne modsefan / staþola | wiþ | strangum || nis seo stund lat |
Andreas 1291b | eswice / þu eart gescyldend || | wiþ | sceaþan wæpnum / ece eadfruma |
Andreas 1359a | æcsiþ || habbaþ word gearu / | wiþ | þam æglæcan || eall getrah |
Andreas 1387a | eame || se þe þa fæhþo iu / | wiþ | god geara || grimme gefremede |
Andreas 1495b | ifene / eald enta geweorc || he | wiþ | anne þæra / mihtig ond modrof |
The Fates of the Apostles 37a | rode || ealdre gedælan / feorh | wiþ | flæsce || philipus wæs / mid |
The Fates of the Apostles 83a | e || þa gedæled wearþ / lif | wiþ | lice || ond þas lænan gestr |
Soul and Body I 47a | ram gode sended / næfre þu me | wiþ | swa heardum || helle witum / ne |
Soul and Body I 115b | n huxlicum / wordum wrixlian || | wiþ | þone werian gast / gifer hatte |
Elene 18a | ræce || syþþan wæpen ahof / | wiþ | hetendum || him wæs hild bod |
Elene 64b | igena to lyt / eaxlgestealna || | wiþ | ofermægene / hrora to hilde || |
Elene 77b | hraþe / wlitig wuldres boda || | wiþ | þingode / ond be naman nemde | |
Elene 165a | || ond me tir forgeaf / wigsped | wiþ | wraþum || þurh þæt wlitig |
Elene 185a | on gesyhþe || sigores tacen / | wiþ | þeoda þræce || ond hu þy |
Elene 307a | linde || mengan ongunnon / lige | wiþ | soþe || leoht wiþ þystrum / |
Elene 307b | nnon / lige wiþ soþe || leoht | wiþ | þystrum / æfst wiþ are || in |
Elene 308a | || leoht wiþ þystrum / æfst | wiþ | are || inwitþancum / wroht web |
Elene 403b | se folcscere / þeodenbealwa || | wiþ | þec æfre / elene maþelade || |
Elene 416a | am folce || gefremed hæfdon / | wiþ | þam casere || þe him sio cw |
Elene 74a | es wealdend / þeah we æbylgþ | wiþ | hine || oft gewyrcen / synna wu |
Elene 75a | ealdend, / þēah we ǣ·bylhþ | wiþ | hine || oft ġe·wyrċen, / syn |
Elene 86b | e fremme / grimne geagncwide || | wiþ | godes bearne / þonne þu geear |
Elene 87b | mme%, / grimne ġeġn-cwide, || | wiþ | godes bearne. / Þonne þū ġe |
Elene 177a | e || þæt he þone stan nime / | wiþ | hungres hleo || hlafes ne gim |
Elene 178a | || þæt hē þone stān nime / | wiþ | hungres hlēow, || hlāfes ne |
Elene 383b | d in wuldre || þæs he wære | wiþ | þec / stephanus heold || þeah |
Elene 384b | on wuldre, || þæs hē wǣre | wiþ | þeċ, / Stephanus, hēold, || |
Elene 397b | beþeahton / iudea cynn || hie | wiþ | godes bearne / niþ ahofun || s |
Elene 398b | ahton, / Iūdēa cynn%. || Hīe | wiþ | godes bearne / nīþ ā·hōfon |
Elene 487b | am wearhtreafum || ic awecce | wiþ | þe / oþerne cyning || se ehte |
Elene 488b | h-trafum, || iċ ā·weċċe% | wiþ | þē / ōðerne cyning, || sē |
Elene 742a | r hie ymb sige winnaþ / wraþ | wiþ | wraþum || he ah æt wigge sp |
Elene 743a | e ymb siġe% winnaþ%, / wrāþ | wiþ | wrāðum. || Hē āh æt wī |
Elene 748a | rd || þis biþ beorna gehwam / | wiþ | æglæce || unoferswiþed / wæ |
Elene 749a | | Þis biþ beorna ġe·hwǣm / | wiþ | ǣĝlǣċe || unoferswīðed / |
Christ A 11a | || and sōna for·lǣt% / weall | wiþ | wealle. || Nū is þǣm weorc |
Christ A 368b | ċeafte, || þēah we fǣhþu | wiþ | þeċ / þurh firena lust || ġ |
Christ B 477b | / ac iċ lufan simle || lǣste | wiþ | ēowiċ, / and ēow meaht ġief |
Christ B 567a | s helm, || hilde ġe·fremede / | wiþ | his eald-fēondum || ānes me |
Christ B 617a | ·þingode || þēod-būendum / | wiþ | fæder swǣsne || fǣhþa mǣ |
Christ B 761b | , / þā ūs ġe·sċieldaþ || | wiþ | sċieþþendra / eġlum% earh-f |
Christ B 766b | or·þon we fæste sċulon || | wiþ | þām fær-sċyte% / simbe wǣr |
Christ B 775b | æt hē ūs ġe·sċielde || | wiþ | sċaðan wǣpnum, / lāðra ly |
Christ C 883b | ·samne, / trume and torhte, || | wiþ | tungla gang, / singaþ and swin |
Christ C 978b | aþ / and hēah-clifu, || þā% | wiþ | holme ǣr / fæste wiþ flōdum |
Christ C 979a | | þā% wiþ holme ǣr / fæste | wiþ | flōdum || foldan sċieldon%, |
Christ C 980b | and stæðfæst, || staðolas | wiþ | wǣġe, / wætere windendum. || |
Christ C 1060a | hū ġe·healdne sind / sāwle | wiþ | synnum || fore siġe-dēman. / |
Christ C 1526b | on grimmne% grund || þā ǣr | wiþ | gode wunnon. / Biþ þonne rī |
Vainglory 69a | an || ēað-mōd leofaþ, / and | wiþ | ġe·sibbra ġe·hwone || sim |
Widsith 42b | swurde / mierċe ġe·mǣrde || | wiþ | Myrġingum / be Fīfel-dore; || |
Maxims I 19a | ng sċeall ġe·hēġan / frōd | wiþ | frōdne; || biþ hira ferhþ |
Maxims I 100a | his lufu bǣdeþ. / Wif sċeall | wiþ | wer wǣre ġe·healdan, || of |
Maxims I 120b | meþ. / Gōd biþ genġe || and | wiþ | God lenġe. / Hyġe sċeall ġe |
Maxims I 185a | eġle ierne, / wēriġ sċealc% | wiþ | winde rōweþ; || full oft ma |
The Order of the World 44a | þe tela cūðe, / ǣġhwelċ | wiþ | ōðrum; || sċoldon eall ber |
The Order of the World 83a | || sē þe tela cūðe, / dæġ | wiþ | nihte, || dēop wiþ hēan, / l |
The Order of the World 83b | e, / dæġ wiþ nihte, || dēop | wiþ | hēan, / lyft wiþ laĝu-strēa |
The Order of the World 84a | te, || dēop wiþ hēan, / lyft | wiþ | laĝu-strēam, || land wiþ w |
The Order of the World 84b | t wiþ laĝu-strēam, || land | wiþ | wǣġe, / flōd wiþ flōde, || |
The Order of the World 85a | m, || land wiþ wǣġe, / flōd | wiþ | flōde, || fisċ wiþ ȳðum. |
The Order of the World 85b | , / flōd wiþ flōde, || fisċ | wiþ | ȳðum. / Ne wāciaþ þās ġe |
The Whale 67a | þæt hē biþ leahtrum fāh / | wiþ | wuldor-cyning. || Him sē ā |
Soul and Body II 110b | orsċlīċe / wordum wrixlan || | wiþ | þone wearĝan gǣst. / Gīfer |
Guthlac A 3b | s lǣnan drēamas || and hēo | wiþ | þām līċe ġe·dǣleþ. / Þ |
Guthlac A 203a | t, || ac him god sealde / ellen | wiþ | þām eġesan || þæt þæs |
Guthlac A 228a | -sleġe || sāwle ġe·dǣlan / | wiþ | līċ-haman, || ac hīe lyġe |
Guthlac A 240a | e ġielpan ne þorfton / dǣdum | wiþ | dryhtnes meahtum. || ‘Þēa |
Guthlac A 241a | dēaþ ġe·hāten, / mec wile | wiþ | þām nīðum ġe·nerġan || |
Guthlac A 323b | fe.’ / Swā mōdĝode, || sē | wiþ | maniĝum stōd, / ā·wreðed w |
Guthlac A 331a | lǣnra drēama. / Nā hē hine | wiþ | manna || miltse ġe·dǣlde, / |
Guthlac A 371b | n. / Ne mæġ min līċ-hama || | wiþ | þās lǣnan ġe·sċeaft / dē |
Guthlac A 404b | cȳðde. / Hē hine sċielde || | wiþ | sċieþþendra% / eġlum on·f |
Guthlac A 411a | īnan mosten, / and þæt friþ | wiþ | hīe || ġe·friðod wǣre. / H |
Guthlac A 457a | || þæt þeċ hāliġ gǣst / | wiþ | earfoþum || ēaðe ġe·sċi |
Guthlac A 474b | ġenfæste ġe·mynd. || Hē | wiþ | maniĝum stōd / eald-fēonda, |
Guthlac A 534a | genġan || fæder æl-mehtiġ / | wiþ | onhǣlum || ealdor-ġe·winnu |
Guthlac A 553a | þæt hine god wolde / nerġan | wiþ | nīðum || and hira nīed-wr |
Guthlac A 556a | iġ, || ēadiġra ġe·hwōne / | wiþ | earfoþum || ēaðe ġe·sċi |
Guthlac A 716b | sōcne, || þe iċ þā sibbe | wiþ | hine / healdan wille, || nū i |
Guthlac A 739b | on. / Swā þæt milde mōd || | wiþ | mann-cynnes / drēamum ġe·dǣ |
Guthlac A 774a | fēondum on andan, / ġe·seted | wiþ | synnum, || ðǣr hē siþþan |
Guthlac A 810a | ġe·bedu sēċaþ, / swincaþ | wiþ | synnum, || healdaþ sōþ and |
Guthlac B 960a | iltsum. || Hē his mōd-sefan / | wiþ | þām fǣr-haĝan || fæste t |
Guthlac B 1262b | orĝ-wielmum. || Ā iċ sibbe | wiþ | þē / healdan wille. || Nū of |
Guthlac B 1335a | sand-land ġe·spearn, / grand | wiþ | grēote. || Gnorn-sorĝe wæ |
Riddles 16 1a | # Riddles 16 / / Oft iċ sċeall | wiþ | wǣġe winnan || and wiþ win |
Riddles 16 1b | all wiþ wǣġe winnan || and | wiþ | winde feohtan, / samod wiþ þ |
Riddles 16 2a | and wiþ winde feohtan, / samod | wiþ | þām sæċċe, || þonne iċ |
Riddles 16 9a | eort þolaþ / and mec stīðne | wiþ | || stānas mōton / fæste ġe |
Riddles 20 27b | n sceal / bearngestreona. || Ic | wiþ | bryde ne mot / hæmed habban, | |
Riddles 27 10a | e mec fēhð on·ġēan, / and | wiþ | mæġen-þisan || mīnre ġe |
Riddles 28 10b | le / wilna brūceþ || and nā | wiþ | spriceþ, / and þonne aefter d |
Riddles 3 20a | ōd. || Fāmiġ winneþ / wǣġ | wiþ | wealle, || wann ā·rīseþ / d |
Riddles 3 41b | onne sċearp cymeþ || sċēo | wiþ | ōðrum, / eċġ wiþ eċġe; | |
Riddles 3 42a | || sċēo wiþ ōðrum, / eċġ | wiþ | eċġe; || earpan ġe·sċeaf |
Riddles 32 4a | seah searu hweorfan, / grindan | wiþ | grēote, || ġiellende faran. |
Riddles 39 12b | ēġa, / ne mūþ hafaþ, || ne | wiþ | mannum spræc, / ne ġe·witt h |
Riddles 42 13b | ·lēac / þe þā rǣdellan || | wiþ | ryne-menn / hyġefæste hēold |
Azarias 86b | tod þon māran || þonne hē | wiþ | manna bearn / wyrċeþ wēl-dǣ |
Azarias 161a | | and mid fiðerum be·wrēah / | wiþ | bryne-brōĝan.’ || Breahtm |
Riddles 60 14b | m ġe·þīedan, || þæt iċ | wiþ | þē sċolde / for unc ānum tw |
Riddles 73 6b | e·dydon þæt iċ sċolde || | wiþ | ġe·sċeape mīnum / on banan |
Riddles 88 14a | m || wannum nihtum, / sċieldon | wiþ | sċūrum; || unc ġe·sċōp |
Riddles 91 5a | ll, || hringum gyrded, / hearde | wiþ | heardum, || hindan þȳrel, / f |
The Phoenix 44b | la wang, / ǣġhwæs ansund, || | wiþ | ȳþ-fare / ġe·healden stōd |
The Phoenix 451b | d. / Þǣr him nest wyrċeþ || | wiþ | nīða ġe·hwǣm / dǣdum dōm |
The Phoenix 469a | e, || ðǣr hē wundrum fæst / | wiþ | nīða ġe·hwǣm || nest ġe |
Juliana 67a | reordode || rīċes hīerde / | wiþ | ðǣre fǣmnan fæder || frec |
Juliana 141b | e and ferhð-grimm, || fæder | wiþ | dehter. / Hēt hīe þā swinga |
Juliana 157b | orðe, / helpend and hǣlend || | wiþ | hell-sċaðum.’ / Hīe þā |
Juliana 197b | weorðan, || būtan þū ǣr | wiþ | hīe / ġe·þingie || and him |
Juliana 206a | cwide, || þe þū tælnessum / | wiþ | þā sēlostan || sacan on·g |
Juliana 214b | d, / sē mec ġe·sċieldeþ || | wiþ | þīnum sċinn-lāce / of gramr |
Juliana 260b | e. / Hire sē wræc-mæċġa || | wiþ | þingode: / ‘Iċ eom enġel g |
Juliana 299a | m || þæt hē sacan on·gann / | wiþ | þā ġe·corenan || Crīstes |
Juliana 384a | e mōdiġne || metodes cempan / | wiþ | flān-þræce, || nele feorr |
Juliana 420b | on clǣnra ġe·mang? || Þū | wiþ | Crīste ġō / wǣrlēas wunne |
Juliana 422a | and ġe·winn tuĝe, / hoĝodes | wiþ | hālĝum. || Þe wearþ helle |
Juliana 426a | ȳ wǣrra || weorðan sċolde / | wiþ | sōþfæstum || swelċes ġe |
Juliana 429b | .’ / Hire þā sē wērĝa || | wiþ | þingode, / earm āg·lǣċa: | |
Juliana 438b | onne iċ bēom on·sended || | wiþ | sōþfæstum, / þæt iċ on m |
Juliana 663a | þ || þæt ġe· wǣċċende / | wiþ | hettendra || hilde-wōman / wea |
Juliana 716b | rf, / þæt mē sēo hālġe || | wiþ | þone hīehstan cyning / ġe· |
The Gifts of Men 48b | reċed / fæste ġe·feġan || | wiþ | fǣr-dryrum. / Sum mid heandum |
The Gifts of Men 66b | rand, / fæste ġe·fǣġed% || | wiþ | flyġe gāres. / Sum biþ ārf |
The Gifts of Men 90a | dēofles ġe·winnes, / biþ ā | wiþ | firenum || on ġe·feoht ġea |
Precepts 40b | līcre sċame, || lang nīþ | wiþ | god, / ġēotende ġielp. || We |
Precepts 42a | es þū ā ġiedda wīs, / wǣr | wiþ | willan, || worda hīerde.’ / |
Precepts 50b | iet yfles, || heald þe elne | wiþ, | / feorma þū simle || on þīn |
Precepts 89a | | ġeorn wīsdōmes, / swā hē | wiþ | ielda mæġ || ēades hlēota |
Precepts 94b | fæder lāre || and þeċ ā | wiþ | firenum ġe·heald.’ |
The Seafarer 75b | sċyle, / fremum% on foldan || | wiþ | fēonda nīþ, / dēorum dǣdum |
The Seafarer 112a | mete healdan / wiþ lēofne and | wiþ | lāðne || bealu, / þēah þe |
Beowulf 113b | / swelċe ġīĝantas, || þā | wiþ | Gode wunnon / lange þrāĝe; | |
Beowulf 144b | æt-wand. / Swā rīxode || and | wiþ | rihte wann, / ana wiþ eallum, |
Beowulf 145a | e || and wiþ rihte wann, / ana | wiþ | eallum, || oþ·þæt īdel s |
Beowulf 152a | | þætte Grendel wann / hwīle | wiþ | Hrōð·gār, || hete-nīðas |
Beowulf 155a | āle sæce, || sibbe ne wolde / | wiþ | manna hwone || mæġenes Deni |
Beowulf 174a | þ-ferhþum || sēlest wǣre / | wiþ | fǣr-gryrum || tō ġe·fremm |
Beowulf 178a | -bana || ġēoce ġe·fremede / | wiþ | þēod-þrēaum. || Swelċ w |
Beowulf 213a | on; || strēamas wundon, / sund | wiþ | sande; || seċġas bǣron / on |
Beowulf 294a | maĝu-þeġnas || mīne hāte / | wiþ | fēonda ġe·hwone || flotan |
Beowulf 319a | ·sunde. || Iċ tō sǣ wille / | wiþ | wrāþ weorod || wearde heald |
Beowulf 326b | ldas, / randas reġn-hearde, || | wiþ | þæs reċedes weall, / buĝon |
Beowulf 365b | / þæt hīe, þēoden min, || | wiþ | þē mōten / wordum wrixlan. | |
Beowulf 384a | um, || þæs iċ wēn hæbbe, / | wiþ | Grendles gryre. || Iċ þǣm |
Beowulf 424b | / for·grand gramum || and nū | wiþ | Grendel sċeall, / wiþ þǣm |
Beowulf 425a | and nū wiþ Grendel sċeall, / | wiþ | þǣm āĝlæċan, || ana ġe |
Beowulf 426a | , || ana ġe·hīeġan / þinġ | wiþ | þyrse. || Iċ þē nū þā, |
Beowulf 439a | c iċ mid grāpe sċeall / fōn | wiþ | fēonde || and ymb feorh saca |
Beowulf 440a | || and ymb feorh sacan, / lāþ | wiþ | lāðum; || ðǣr ġe·līefa |
Beowulf 506b | þū sē Bēowulf, || sē þe | wiþ | Brecan wunne, / on sīdne sǣ | |
Beowulf 523b | h and bēaĝas. || Bēot eall | wiþ | þē / sunu Bēan·stānes || s |
Beowulf 540b | n, / heard on handa; || wit unc | wiþ | hran-fiscas / werġan þōhton. |
Beowulf 550a | | mōd on·hrēred; / ðǣr mē | wiþ | lāðum || līċ-sierċe min, |
Beowulf 660a | || mæġen-ellen cȳþ, / waca | wiþ | wrāðum. || Ne biþ þē wil |
Beowulf 733a | , || ānra ġe·hwelċes / līf | wiþ | līċe, || þā him ā·lumpe |
Beowulf 749b | hræðe / inwitt-þancum || and | wiþ | earm ġe·sæt. / Sōna þæt o |
Beowulf 811b | e·fremede || (hē wæs fāh | wiþ | god), / þæt him sē līċ-ham |
Beowulf 827a | le Hrōð·gāres, / ġe·nered | wiþ | nīðe; || niht-weorce ġe·f |
Beowulf 1088a | þæt hīe healfre ġe·weald / | wiþ | Ēotna bearn || āĝan mōsto |
Beowulf 1132a | ; || holm storme wēoll, / wann | wiþ | winde, || winter ȳðe be·l |
Beowulf 1173a | | swā sċeall man dôn. / Bēo | wiþ | Ġēatas glæd, || ġiefena |
Beowulf 1549a | e·bearh fēore, / wiþ ord and | wiþ | eċġe || ingang for·stōd. / |
Beowulf 1566a | || ierrunga slōh, / þæt hire | wiþ | healse || heard grāpode, / bā |
Beowulf 1864a | ode wāt / ġe wiþ fēond ġe | wiþ | frēond || fæste ġe·worhte |
Beowulf 1880a | menn || dierne langaþ / beorn | wiþ | blōde. || Him Bēow·ulf þo |
Beowulf 1954b | brēac, / hēold hēah-lufan || | wiþ | hæleþa breĝu, / ealles mann- |
Beowulf 1977a | tt innanweard. / Ġe·sæt þā | wiþ | selfne || sē þā sæċċe |
Beowulf 1978a | ā sæċċe ġe·næs, / mǣġ | wiþ | mǣġe, || siþþan mann-drih |
Beowulf 1997a | || selfe ġe·weorðan / gūðe | wiþ | Grendel. || Gode-iċ þanc se |
Beowulf 2013a | mōd-sefan || mīnne cūðe, / | wiþ | his selfes sunu || setl ġe· |
Beowulf 2341a | du || helpan% ne meahte, / lind | wiþ | līeġe. || Sċolde lǣn-daĝ |
Beowulf 2371a | | bearne ne truwode / þæt hē | wiþ | ell·fylcum || ēðel-stōlas |
Beowulf 2400a | oþ þone ǣnne dæġ / þe hē | wiþ | þǣm wyrme || ġe·weġan s |
Beowulf 2423a | d, || sundor ġe·dǣlan / līf | wiþ | līċe, || nā þon lange wæ |
Beowulf 2520a | wyrme, || ġif iċ wisse hū / | wiþ | þǣm āĝlæċan || elles me |
Beowulf 2521b | þ·grīpan, || swā iċ ġō | wiþ | Grendle dyde. / Ac iċ ðǣr he |
Beowulf 2528a | eom on mōde fram / þæt iċ | wiþ | þone gūþ-floĝan || ġielp |
Beowulf 2534a | nefne% min ānes, / þæt% hē | wiþ | āĝlæċan || eofoþu dǣle, |
Beowulf 2560a | eorĝe || bord-rand on·swāf / | wiþ | þǣm gryre-ġieste, || Ġēa |
Beowulf 2566b | um. / Stīð-mōd ġe·stōd || | wiþ | stēapne rand / winiġa bealdor |
Beowulf 2600a | || Hira on ānum wēoll / sefa | wiþ | sorĝum; || sibb ǣfre ne mæ |
Beowulf 2673a | īeġ-ȳðum for·bearn. / bord | wiþ | rand, || byrne ne meahte / ġun |
Beowulf 2839a | || dyrstiġ wǣre, / þæt hē | wiþ | ātₒr-sċaðan || oroþe ġ |
Beowulf 2914a | s sēo wrōht sċeapen / heard | wiþ | Hūĝas, || siþþan Hyġe·l |
Beowulf 2925b | ede / Hæþ·cynn Hrēðling || | wiþ | Hræfna-wudu, / þā for anmēd |
Beowulf 3004a | || þone þe ǣr ġe·hēold / | wiþ | hettendum || hord and rīċe / |
Beowulf 3027a | æt ǣte spēow, / þenden hē | wiþ | wulf || wæl rēafode.’ / Sw |
Beowulf 3049b | e, þurh·etenu, || swā hīe | wiþ | eorðan fæðm / þūsend wintr |
Judith 4b | tan dēman, || þæt hē hīe | wiþ | þæs hīehstan brōĝan / ġe |
Judith 99b | sīnum, || tēah hine folmum | wiþ | hire weard / bismerlīċe || an |
Judith 162a | eall. || Here wæs on lustum. / | Wiþ | þæs fæsten-ġeates || folc |
Judith 248a | || slǣpe tō·breġdan / and | wiþ | þæs bealufullan || būr-ġe |
Judith 260a | an || hū þone cumbol-wiĝan / | wiþ | þā hālĝan mæġeþ || hæ |
The Paris Psalter 100:4 4a | ælnessa || teonan geneahhige / | wiþ | heora þam nehstan || niþ ah |
The Paris Psalter 101:7 2b | / and ic minne drinc || mengde | wiþ | tearum / / # / for andwlitan || y |
The Paris Psalter 105:26 3a | hten ær || dema sægde / ac hi | wiþ | manfullum || mengdan þeode / a |
The Paris Psalter 106:17 3a | heora || oþ unmihte / þæt hy | wiþ | deaþa duru || drencyde wæra |
The Paris Psalter 108:3 1a | || ungemete swyþe / / # / hi me | wiþ | lufan || laþum dædum / torne |
The Paris Psalter 108:4 1b | ne / / # / hi me yfel settan || a | wiþ | goode / and feounge || for minr |
The Paris Psalter 108:15 1a | || mane fremede / / # / wesan hi | wiþ | drihtne || dædum swylce / and |
The Paris Psalter 108:29 3a | sāwle || swelċe ġe·healde / | wiþ | ēhtendra || eġesan grimman. |
The Paris Psalter 108:30 4a | mine sawle || swylce gehealde / | wiþ | ehtendra || egsan griman |
The Paris Psalter 113:18 3b | geaton / fælne fultum || he hi | wiþ | feondum geheold / / # / aarones h |
The Paris Psalter 114:8 3a | deaþe gelæddest / eagan mine | wiþ | tearum || æghwær geheolde / a |
The Paris Psalter 114:8 4b | wær geheolde / and fet mine || | wiþ | færslide / ic gelicie || leofu |
The Paris Psalter 118:23 3a | seldum || swyþe spræcon / and | wiþ | me wraþum || wordum scirdan / |
The Paris Psalter 118:158 3a | | fæste healdan / and ic þand | wiþ | þan || þe hi teala noldan / |
The Paris Psalter 118:158 4a | fæste healdan, / and iċ þand | wiþ | þon || þe hīe tela noldon / |
The Paris Psalter 120:4 3b | aldan nu / israela folc || utan | wiþ | feondum / / # / gehealde þe || h |
The Paris Psalter 120:6 4a | e·healde || hāliġ drihten / | wiþ | yfela ġe·hwǣm || ǣġhwǣr |
The Paris Psalter 130:1 1a | Psalm 130 / / # / nis min heorte | wiþ | þe || ahafen drihten / ne mine |
The Paris Psalter 130:1 2a | ahafen drihten / ne mine eagan | wiþ | þe || on oferhygde / / # / ne ic |
The Paris Psalter 131:2 1b | æt frymþe geswor || ferhþe | wiþ | drihten / and gehat gehet || he |
The Paris Psalter 131:2 3a | hat gehet || he geheold teala / | wiþ | iacobes || god þone mæran / / |
The Paris Psalter 138:11 1b | swa þragum gæþ || þeostru | wiþ | leohte / forþon þu hi settest |
The Paris Psalter 138:13 1a | | sona georne / / # / nis min ban | wiþ | þe || deope behyded / þæt þ |
The Paris Psalter 139:1 1a | lter: Psalm 139 / / # / genere me | wiþ | niþe || on naman þinum / fram |
The Paris Psalter 139:4 1b | / # / geheald þu me drihten || | wiþ | heteniþas / and wiþ firenfull |
The Paris Psalter 139:4 2a | rihten || wiþ heteniþas / and | wiþ | firenfulles || folmum swylce / |
The Paris Psalter 140:11 1a | || sawle mine / / # / geheald me | wiþ | þare gryne || þe me grame s |
The Paris Psalter 143:4 4a | gemet wære / þæt þu him aht | wiþ | || æfre hæfdest / / # / man by |
The Paris Psalter 143:8 2b | anessum / alys me and genere || | wiþ | lagustreamum / manegum wæterum |
The Paris Psalter 143:8 3b | eamum / manegum wæterum || and | wiþ | manfolmum / fremdra bearna || a |
The Paris Psalter 143:14 3b | tandaþ on staþule || stiþe | wiþ | geoguþe / / # / wærun heora doh |
The Paris Psalter 144:20 2a | þ || halig drihten / þe lufan | wiþ | hine || lustum healdeþ / and h |
The Paris Psalter 146:6 3a | hþ fægere || and fyrenfulle / | wiþ | eorþan niþer || ealle gehne |
The Paris Psalter 147:2 1b | d / / # / forþon he getrymede || | wiþ | teonhete / þæt þu þine doru |
The Paris Psalter 54:11 3a | en || and wearn sprecan / ic me | wiþ | heora hete || hyde sneome / / # |
The Paris Psalter 56:12 1b | þin mildheortnes || is mycel | wiþ | heofenas / is þin soþfæstnes |
The Paris Psalter 56:12 2b | s þin soþfæstnes || swylce | wiþ | wolcnum / / # / ahafen þu eart o |
The Paris Psalter 56:13 1b | īn sōþfæstnes || swelċe | wiþ | wolcnum. / / # / A·hafen þū ea |
The Paris Psalter 57:4 5b | m / þæt snotre men || singaþ | wiþ | attrum / / # / god heora toþas | |
The Paris Psalter 58:2 3a | htes || ealle wyrceaþ / and me | wiþ | blodhreowes weres || bealuwe |
The Paris Psalter 60:2 2b | re me se stranga tor || stiþ | wiþ | feondum / / # / ic eardige || awa |
The Paris Psalter 63:1 3a | unge || cnyssaþ geneahhe / and | wiþ | egesan || yfeles feondes / mine |
The Paris Psalter 64:9 1b | aþ / / # / ærmorgenes gancg || | wiþ | æfentid / ealle þa deman || d |
The Paris Psalter 67:16 4a | ode || wel liciendlic / on þam | wiþ | ende || eardaþ drihten / / # / w |
The Paris Psalter 68:20 1b | / / # / hi minne mete || mengdan | wiþ | geallan / and þa gedrugadne || |
The Paris Psalter 68:23 2b | / Hīe mīnne mete || mengdon% | wiþ | ġeallan / and þā ġe·drūĝ |
The Paris Psalter 70:16 5a | weorþlic sægde / and ic þæt | wiþ | oryldu || awa fremme / ne forl |
The Paris Psalter 73:9 4b | / þa wiþerweardan || wraþe | wiþ | ende / / # / for hwan awendest þ |
The Paris Psalter 73:10 3b | and / of þinum sceate || sylfa | wiþ | ende / / # / usser god cynincg || |
The Paris Psalter 74:5 2a | ea || eowre hygeþancas / ne ge | wiþ | gode æfre || gramword spreca |
The Paris Psalter 76:7 4a | n || for his weldædum / oþþe | wiþ | ende || æfre to worulde / his |
The Paris Psalter 77:49 3a | nde || oþ sawlhord / and þæt | wiþ | yfele || englas sende / / # / he |
The Paris Psalter 82:2 3a | odan drihten / and heora heafod | wiþ | þe || hofan swiþe / / # / hi on |
The Paris Psalter 82:5 2a | alle ymbsætan / and gewitnesse | wiþ | þe || wise gesettan / / # / sele |
The Paris Psalter 86:2 1a | e ealle / / # / wærun wuldurlice | wiþ | þe || wel acweþene / þæt þ |
The Paris Psalter 88:9 3b | mægen / þines earmes sped || | wiþ | ealle fynd / / # / heofonas þu w |
The Paris Psalter 90:5 1b | me soþfæstnes min || scylde | wiþ | feondum / ne þu þe nihtegsan |
The Paris Psalter 93:14 2a | e || þæt ic riht fremme / and | wiþ | awyrgedum || winne and stande |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 33b | eafta / þæt hiora æghwilc || | wiþ | oþer winþ / and þeah winnend |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 12a | gesceafta || swiþe onhelded / | wiþ | þæs gecyndes || þe him cyn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 17b | eola / woroldwuniendra || winþ | wiþ | gecynde / þeah nu on londe || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 53b | þeah þu hwilcne boh || byge | wiþ | eorþan / he biþ upweardes || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 67a | le mægene || eft symle onlyt / | wiþ | his gecyndes || cymþ to þon |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 24a | warenaþ || wordum and dædum / | wiþ | þa unþeawas || þe we ymb s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 65b | nne stede / þeah anra hwilc || | wiþ | oþer sie / miclum gemenged || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 73b | ædre / cyninges cempan || cele | wiþ | hæto / wæt wiþ drygum || win |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 74a | empan || cele wiþ hæto / wæt | wiþ | drygum || winnaþ hwæþre / w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 111a | anum || gif þu cyning engla / | wiþ | fyre hwæthwugu || foldan and |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 115b | blate forbærnan || þeah hit | wiþ | ba-twa sie / fæste gefeged || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 128a | þisne sidan grund / þeah hit | wiþ | ealla sie || eft gemenged / weo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 144a | || eard onsundran / biþ þeah | wiþ | þæm oþrum || eac gemenged / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 235b | est / þa heofoncundan || hider | wiþ | eorþan / saula wiþ lice || si |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 236a | n || hider wiþ eorþan / saula | wiþ | lice || siþþan wuniaþ / þis |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 265a | þiccan mist || þe þrage nu / | wiþ | þa eagan foran || usses mode |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 42b | eorna gehwylcum / to metanne || | wiþ | þæt micle leoht / godes ælmi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 68a | e get || þæt he winnan nyle / | wiþ | þæm anwalde || ænige stund |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 30a | elac || stunede sio brune / yþ | wiþ | oþre || ut feor adraf / on wen |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 48b | hi symle doþ / middelnihtum || | wiþ | þone monan foran / hadrum heof |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 58a | teþ || and eac swa same / yþ | wiþ | lande || ealneg winneþ / wind |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 59a | lande || ealneg winneþ / wind | wiþ | wæge || hwa wundraþ þæs / o |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 49a | ngeþ || metodes cræfte / cile | wiþ | hæto || hwilum cerreþ eft / o |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 28a | d mægne || butan men anum / se | wiþ | þinum willan || wyrceþ ofto |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 15a | clice || rihte floweþ / irneþ | wiþ | his eardes || oþ him on inna |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 43a | wegen tregan || teoþ tosomne / | wiþ | þæt mod foran || mistes dwo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 7b | ne biþ auht / to gesettane || | wiþ | þære sunnan leoht / þonne sm |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 8a | rces || þæt he wisdom mæge / | wiþ | ofermetta || æfre gemengan / h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 21a | apeþ || ne biþ sond þon ma / | wiþ | micelne ren || manna ængum / h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 23a | drinc || mængan cuþe / wæter | wiþ | hunige || ne heora wæda þon |
Metrical Psalm 93:14 2a | || þæt ic riht fremme / and | wiþ | ā·wierĝdum || winne and |
The Battle of Brunanburh 9a | gum || þæt hi æt campe oft / | wiþ | laþra gehwæne || land ealgo |
The Battle of Brunanburh 52a | xles || þæs hi on wælfelda / | wiþ | eadweardes || afaran plegodan |
The Death of Alfred 3a | me mislice ofsloh / sume hi man | wiþ | feo sealde || sume hreowlice |
The Death of Alfred 8a | ċe of·slōh; / sume hīe mann | wiþ | fēo sealde, || sume hrēowl |
The Rune Poem 49a | cna sum || healdeþ trywa wel / | wiþ | æþelingas || a biþ on fær |
Solomon and Saturn 48a | ǣm þe his gāst wile / meltan | wiþ | morðre, || merġan of sorĝe |
Solomon and Saturn 52a | þam þe his gast wile / meltan | wiþ | morþre || mergan of sorge / as |
Solomon and Saturn 153a | þonne hē æt hilde sċeall / | wiþ | lāþ weorod || līfes tilian |
Solomon and Saturn 158a | || þonne he æt hilde sceall / | wiþ | laþ werud || lifes tiligan / a |
Solomon and Saturn 73b | bindan, / lannum be·lūcan || | wiþ | lēod-gryre. / Þone fuĝol hā |
Solomon and Saturn 85b | te gebindan / lonnum belucan || | wiþ | leodgryre / þone fugel hataþ |
Solomon and Saturn 123a | od ġe·cȳðdon; / wunnon hīe | wiþ | dryhtnes meahtum, || for·þo |
Solomon and Saturn 143a | ne leode gecyþdon / wunnon hie | wiþ | dryhtnes miehtum || forþon h |
The Menologium 224a | isthydigum || thomase forgeaf / | wiþ | earfeþum || ece rice / bealdum |
Maxims II 16b | n sceal on eorle || ecg sceal | wiþ | hellme / hilde gebidan || hafuc |
Maxims II 50a | a him bebead meotud / god sceal | wiþ | yfele || geogoþ sceal wiþ y |
Maxims II 50b | l wiþ yfele || geogoþ sceal | wiþ | yldo / lif sceal wiþ deaþe || |
Maxims II 51a | oþ sceal wiþ yldo / lif sceal | wiþ | deaþe || leoht sceal wiþ þ |
Maxims II 51b | al wiþ deaþe || leoht sceal | wiþ | þystrum / fyrd wiþ fyrde || f |
Maxims II 52a | eoht sceal wiþ þystrum / fyrd | wiþ | fyrde || feond wiþ oþrum / la |
Maxims II 52b | trum / fyrd wiþ fyrde || feond | wiþ | oþrum / laþ wiþ laþe || ymb |
Maxims II 53a | rde || feond wiþ oþrum / laþ | wiþ | laþe || ymb land sacan / synne |
The Judgment Day II 73b | alt / ġieldan sċād wordum || | wiþ | sċieppend God, / and þǣm rī |
The Judgment Day II 224a | e biþ ðǣr fultum nan / þæt | wiþ | þā biteran þinġ || ġe·b |
The Judgment Day II 303a | || sōþ þǣm þe friġneþ, / | wiþ | þǣm þū mōte || ġe·mang |
The Lord's Prayer III 21b | mān-dǣda, || swā we mildum | wiþ | þē, / æl-mihtĝum Gode, || o |
The Lord's Prayer III 24a | leahtras on eorðan / þǣm þe | wiþ | ūs || oft ā·gyltaþ, / and h |
The Lord's Prayer III 31a | ċipe || fremde weorðan. / And | wiþ | yfele ġe·frēo || ūs ēac |
Psalm 50 8a | ingienne || þēodum% sīnum / | wiþ | þone mildostan || manna sċi |
The Seasons for Fasting 196a | þingian || þrēale hwelcum / | wiþ | his ār-wesan, || ġif hē hi |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 2a | nd on Godes healde be·bēode / | wiþ | þone sāra stice%, || wiþ |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 2b | e / wiþ þone sāra stice%, || | wiþ | þone sāra sleġe, / wiþ þon |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 3a | , || wiþ þone sāra sleġe, / | wiþ | þone grymma gryre, || / wiþ |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 4a | / wiþ þone grymma gryre, || / | wiþ | þone miċela eġesa || þe b |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 5a | þe biþ ǣġhwǣm lāþ, / and | wiþ | eall þæt lāþ || þe on t |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 20b | la / clipie iċ mē tō āre || | wiþ | eallum fēondum. / Hīe mē fer |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 37a | ter || simble% ġe·hǣlede% / | wiþ | eallum fēondum. || Frēond i |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 37b | dum. || Frēond iċ ġe·mete | wiþ, | / þæt iċ on þæs% æl-miht |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 39a | % || wunian mōte, / be·lōcun | wiþ | þǣm% lāðan, || sē mē l |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 4a | ieldost wyrta. / þū meahtmeht | wiþ | [III] || and wiþ [XXX], / þū |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 4b | meahtmeht wiþ [III] || and | wiþ | [XXX], / þū meahtmeht wiþ ā |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 5a | nd wiþ [XXX], / þū meahtmeht | wiþ | ātre || and wiþ on-flyġe, / |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 5b | meahtmeht wiþ ātre || and | wiþ | on-flyġe, / þū meahtmeht wi |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 6a | iþ on-flyġe, / þū meahtmeht | wiþ | þǣm% lāðan || þe ġond l |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 15a | stāne ġe·weox; / stand hēo | wiþ | ātre, || stunaþ hēo wǣrce |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 18b | or. / Þis is sēo wyrt || sēo | wiþ | wyrm ġe·feaht, / þēos mæġ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 19a | wyrm ġe·feaht, / þēos mæġ | wiþ | ātre, || hēo mæġ wiþ on- |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 19b | ġ wiþ ātre, || hēo mæġ | wiþ | on-flyġe, / hēo mæġ wiþ þ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 20a | ġ wiþ on-flyġe, / hēo mæġ | wiþ | þǣm% lāðan || þe ġond l |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 30b | te. / Þās [VIIII] maĝon% || | wiþ | niĝon ātrum. / Wyrm cōm snī |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 41a | eallum tō bōte. / Stand hēo | wiþ | wǣrce, || stunaþ hēo wiþ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 41b | wiþ wǣrce, || stunaþ hēo | wiþ | ātre, / sēo mæġ wiþ [III] |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 42a | hēo wiþ ātre, / sēo mæġ | wiþ | [III] || and wiþ [XXX], / wiþ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 42b | / sēo mæġ wiþ [III] || and | wiþ | [XXX], / wiþ fēondes hand || |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 43a | wiþ [III] || and wiþ [XXX], / | wiþ | fēondes hand || and wiþ fǣ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 43b | X], / wiþ fēondes hand || and | wiþ | fǣr-breġde%, / wiþ malsċrun |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 44a | nd || and wiþ fǣr-breġde%, / | wiþ | malsċrunge || mānra% wihta. |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 45b | maĝon þās [VIIII] wyrta || | wiþ | niĝon wuldor-ġe·floĝenum, |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 46a | niĝon wuldor-ġe·floĝenum, / | wiþ | [VIIII] ātrum || and wiþ ni |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 46b | m, / wiþ [VIIII] ātrum || and | wiþ | niĝon on·flyĝnum%, / wiþ þ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 47a | nd wiþ niĝon on·flyĝnum%, / | wiþ | þȳ rēadan ātre, || wiþ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 47b | , / wiþ þȳ rēadan ātre, || | wiþ | þȳ% runolan ātre, / wiþ þ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 48a | || wiþ þȳ% runolan ātre, / | wiþ | þȳ hwītan ātre, || wiþ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 48b | , / wiþ þȳ hwītan ātre, || | wiþ | þȳ wedenan ātre, / wiþ þȳ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 49a | , || wiþ þȳ wedenan ātre, / | wiþ | þȳ ġeolwan ātre, || wiþ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 49b | / wiþ þȳ ġeolwan ātre, || | wiþ | þȳ grēnan ātre, / wiþ þȳ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 50a | , || wiþ þȳ grēnan ātre, / | wiþ | þȳ wannan ātre, || wiþ þ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 50b | e, / wiþ þȳ wannan ātre, || | wiþ | þȳ wedenan ātre, / wiþ þȳ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 51a | , || wiþ þȳ wedenan ātre, / | wiþ | þȳ brūnan ātre, || wiþ |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 51b | , / wiþ þȳ brūnan ātre, || | wiþ | þȳ baswan ātre, / wiþ wyrm- |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 52a | e, || wiþ þȳ baswan ātre, / | wiþ | wyrm-ġe·blæd, || wiþ wæt |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 52b | tre, / wiþ wyrm-ġe·blæd, || | wiþ | wæter-ġe·blæd, / wiþ þorn |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 53a | d, || wiþ wæter-ġe·blæd, / | wiþ | þorn-ġe·blæd, || wiþ þi |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 53b | d, / wiþ þorn-ġe·blæd, || | wiþ | þistel-ġe·blæd%, / wiþ īs |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 54a | || wiþ þistel-ġe·blæd%, / | wiþ | īs-ġe·blæd%, || wiþ āto |
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 54b | d%, / wiþ īs-ġe·blæd%, || | wiþ | ātor-ġe·blæd, / ġif ǣniġ |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 1a | # Against ā Dwarf / / | Wiþ | dweorh man sċeall niman [VII |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 1a | # For ā Sudden Stitch / / | Wiþ | færstice feferfuiġe and sē |
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 1a | # For ā Swarm of Bees / / | Wiþ | ymbe nim eorðan, ofer-weorp |
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 4b | hit. / Hwæt, eorðe mæġ || | wiþ | ealra wihta ġe·hwelċe / and |
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 5a | ealra wihta ġe·hwelċe / and | wiþ | andan || and wiþ ǣ·mynde / a |
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 5b | hwelċe / and wiþ andan || and | wiþ | ǣ·mynde / and wiþ þā miċe |
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 6a | dan || and wiþ ǣ·mynde / and | wiþ | þā miċelan || mannes tunga |
Waldere, Fragment II 21b | rhhord feondum || ne biþ fah | wiþ | me / þonne // unmægas || eft |
Waldere B 22b | rd fēondum. || Ne% biþ fāh | wiþ | mē, / þonne [] unmāĝas || e |
The Battle of Maldon 7a | andon || leofne fleogan / hafoc | wiþ | þæs holtes || and to þære |
The Battle of Maldon 8a | um || lēofne flēoĝan / hafoc | wiþ | þæs holtes || and tō ðǣr |
The Battle of Maldon 30a | þu most sendan raþe / beagas | wiþ | gebeorge || and eow betere is |
The Battle of Maldon 31a | mōst sendan hræðe / bēaĝas | wiþ | ġe·beorĝe; || and ēow bet |
The Battle of Maldon 33a | de || hilde dælon / we willaþ | wiþ | þam golde || griþ fæstnian |
The Battle of Maldon 35a | pēdaþ tō þām; / we willaþ | wiþ | þām golde || griþ fæstnia |
The Battle of Maldon 37a | um || on hyra sylfra dom / feoh | wiþ | freode || and niman friþ æt |
The Battle of Maldon 39a | m || on hira selfra dōm / feoh | wiþ | frēode || and niman friþ æ |
The Battle of Maldon 80b | m gewyrcan / ac hi fæstlice || | wiþ | þa fynd weredon / þa hwile þ |
The Battle of Maldon 82b | rċan, / ac hīe fæstlīċe || | wiþ | þā fīend weredon, / þā hw |
The Battle of Maldon 101a | nd þæt werod healdan / fæste | wiþ | feondum || þa wæs feohte ne |
The Battle of Maldon 103a | d þæt weorod healdan / fæste | wiþ | fēondum. || Þā wæs feohte |
The Battle of Maldon 129b | ahof / bord to gebeorge || and | wiþ | þæs beornes stop / eode swa a |
The Battle of Maldon 131b | / bord tō ġe·beorĝe || and | wiþ | þæs beornes stōp. / Ēode sw |
The Battle of Maldon 275b | bræc þone bordweall || and | wiþ | þa beornas feaht / oþþæt he |
The Battle of Maldon 277b | bræc þone bord-weall || and | wiþ | þā beornas feaht, / oþ·þæ |
The Battle of Maldon 288b | n gehet / swa he beotode ær || | wiþ | his beahgifan / þæt hi sceold |
The Battle of Maldon 290b | ēt, / swā hē bēotode ǣr || | wiþ | his beah-ġiefan / þæt hīe s |
The Battle of Maldon 296b | ode wistan / þurstanes sunu || | wiþ | þas secgas feaht / he wæs on |
The Battle of Maldon 298b | tān, / Þur·stānes sunu%, || | wiþ | þās seċġas feaht; / hē wæ |