A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ne

ne#1 noun adverb indeclform

ne#3 noun exclam indeclform

ne noun adverb indeclform

ne noun conj indeclform

neo#1 verb pres imperat act 2nd sg conj2

ne#1 noun adverb indeclform

ne#3 noun exclam indeclform

ne noun adverb indeclform

ne noun conj indeclform

neo#1 verb pres imperat act 2nd sg conj2

Number of occurrences in corpus: 2883

Genesis A 6b im fruma æfre / or geworden || ne nu ende cymþ / ecean drihtnes
Genesis A 18b ron / swiþe gesælige || synna ne cuþon / firena fremman || ac h
Genesis A 20b / ece mid heora aldor || elles ne ongunnon / ræran on roderum ||
Genesis A 51b rde / hehste wiþ þam herge || ne mihton hygelease / mæne wiþ m
Genesis A 72b an / seomodon swearte || siþe ne þorfton / hlude hlihhan || ac
Genesis A 103a forhealdene || of hleo sende / ne wæs her þa giet || nymþe h
Genesis A 156a æron metode þa gyta / widlond ne wegas nytte || ac stod bewrig
Genesis A 169a mum flode / and gefetero/ # || / ne þuhte þa gerysne || rodora
Genesis A 179b fæst / and softe swæf || sar ne wiste / earfoþa dæl || ne þ
Genesis A 180b sar ne wiste / earfoþa dæl || ne þær ænig com / blod of benne
Genesis A 189b cenned / meotodes mihtum || man ne cuþon / don ne dreogan || ac h
Genesis A 190a s mihtum || man ne cuþon / don ne dreogan || ac him drihtnes w
Genesis B 236b iaþ inc wiþ þone wæstm || ne wyrþ inc wilna gæd / hnigon
Genesis B 261b deore wæs he drihtne urum || ne mihte him bedyrned weorþan /
Genesis B 266b scene / hwit and hiowbeorht || ne meahte he æt his hige findan
Genesis B 284b þ me strange geneatas || þa ne willaþ me æt þam striþe g
Genesis B 289b is rice || swa me þæt riht ne þinceþ / þæt ic oleccan ||
Genesis B 291b e / gode æfter gode ænegum || ne wille ic leng his geongra wur
Genesis B 352a to || ealra swiþost / þæt he ne wolde || wereda drihtnes / word
Genesis B 359b ine for þam alwaldan || agan ne moston / romigan ures rices ||
Genesis B 375b cel / ufan and neoþone || ic a ne geseah / laþran landscipe || l
Genesis B 376b seah / laþran landscipe || lig ne aswamaþ / hat ofer helle || me
Genesis B 381b forworhte || swa ic mid wihte ne mæg / of þissum lioþobendum
Genesis B 391b sweartan mistas || swa he us ne mæg ænige synne gestælan /
Genesis B 393b orpen on ealra wita mæste || ne magon we þæs wrace gefremma
Genesis B 401a we hit mægen wihte aþencan / ne gelyfe ic me nu þæs leohtes
Genesis B 402b ades mid his engla cræfte || ne magon we þæt on aldre gewin
Genesis B 404a t heofonrice nu we hit habban ne moton || gedon þæt hie his
Genesis B 412b e na on leofran tid || leanum ne meahte / mine gife gyldan || gi
Genesis B 471b at / swa him æfter þy || yldo ne derede / ne suht sware || ac mo
Genesis B 472a æfter þy || yldo ne derede / ne suht sware || ac moste symle
Genesis B 498b ende hider / feorran gefered || ne þæt nu fyrn ne wæs / þæt i
Genesis B 504a t þe æniges sceattes þearf / ne wurde on worulde || nu þu wi
Genesis B 528b one deaþes beam || bedroren ne wurde / beswicen to swiþe || h
Genesis B 533b fnum || hwæt ic þinra bysna ne mæg / worda ne wisna || wuht o
Genesis B 534a ic þinra bysna ne mæg / worda ne wisna || wuht oncnawan / siþes
Genesis B 535a wisna || wuht oncnawan / siþes ne sagona || ic wat hwæt he me
Genesis B 538b læstan his lare || þu gelic ne bist / ænegum his engla || þe
Genesis B 540a is engla || þe ic ær geseah / ne þu me oþiewdest || ænig ta
Genesis B 542b urh hyldo || þy ic þe hyran ne cann / ac þu meaht þe forþ f
Genesis B 546b ilcum || þeah he his gingran ne sende / wende hine wraþmod ||
Genesis B 554b / ofer langne weg || þæt git ne læstan wel / hwilc ærende swa
Genesis B 557b lf faran / to incre andsware || ne mæg his ærende / his boda beo
Genesis B 587b erran minum / drihtne selfum || ne eom ic deofle gelic / lædde hi
Genesis B 594b s beames / weorcsumne wæstm || ne wearþ wyrse dæd / monnum geme
Genesis B 606a heo hit þurh monnes geþeaht / ne sceawode || ac se sceaþa geo
Genesis B 611b seon || swa ic hit þe secgan ne þearf / eue seo gode || þæt
Genesis B 621a e swa godes || gegired hæbbe / ne wite ic him þa womcwidas ||
Genesis B 621b cwidas || þeah he his wyrþe ne sie / to alætanne || þæs fel
Genesis B 635a iþ þam men full wa / þe hine ne warnaþ || þonne he his gewe
Genesis B 640b æt þæt micle morþ || menn ne þorfton / þegnas þolian || a
Genesis B 672b gifan / gif hit gegnunga || god ne onsende / heofones waldend || g
Genesis B 731b forleton || forþon hie leng ne magon / healdan heofonrice || a
Genesis B 733b tan siþ || swa þu his sorge ne þearft / beran on þinum breos
Genesis B 743b geongordom || ac unc gegenge ne wæs / þæt wit him on þegnsc
Genesis B 785b þa giet / sælþa gesetena || ne hie sorge wiht / weorces wiston
Genesis B 797a habban moston / þær þu þam ne hierde || þe unc þisne hear
Genesis B 813b wuht beforan / to scursceade || ne sceattes wiht / to mete gemearc
Genesis B 825b þinum || hit þe þeah wyrs ne mæg / on þinum hyge hreowan |
Genesis B 830a hearmsceare || habban sceolde / ne gesawe þu no sniomor || þea
Genesis B 837b worhte || þæt ic hie habban ne mæg / ac wit þus baru ne mago
Genesis B 838a bban ne mæg / ac wit þus baru ne magon || bu-tu ætsomne / wesan
Genesis B 843b yninges || þa hie þa habban ne moston / þe him ær forgeaf ||
Genesis B 846b redon mid þy wealde || wæda ne hæfdon / ac hie on gebed feoll
Genesis B 849a || bædon mihtigne / þæt hie ne forgeate || god ælmihtig / and
Genesis A 870b me sare / frecne on ferhþe || ne dear nu forþ gan / for þe and
Genesis A 875a || þu sceonde æt me / furþum ne anfenge || ac gefean eallum / f
Genesis A 901b d þa reafode || swa hit riht ne wæs / beam on bearwe || and þ
Genesis A 948a frean hæse || fyrene sweorde / ne mæg þær inwitfull || ænig
Genesis A 978b um / cyning eallwihta || caines ne wolde / tiber sceawian || þæt
Genesis A 1006a dre æfter þon || andswarode / ne can ic abeles || or ne fore / h
Genesis A 1006b warode / ne can ic abeles || or ne fore / hleomæges siþ || ne ic
Genesis A 1007b or ne fore / hleomæges siþ || ne ic hyrde wæs / broþer mines |
Genesis A 1015b fan / awyrged to widan aldre || ne seleþ þe wæstmas eorþe / wl
Genesis A 1023a þa ædre cain || andswarode / ne þearf ic ænigre || are wena
Genesis A 1037a fa oncwæþ || sigora drihten / ne þearft þu þe ondrædan ||
Genesis A 1255a cynne || and þa worde cwæþ / ne syndon me on ferhþe freo ||
Genesis A 1319b dum toweard / reþe wite || hie ne rohton þæs / geseah þa ymb w
Genesis A 1394b leste / for mid fearme || fære ne moston / wægliþendum || wætr
Genesis A 1444b gif he on þære lade || land ne funde / ofer sid wæter || seca
Genesis A 1457b / þæt heo for flode || fotum ne meahte / land gespornan || ne o
Genesis A 1458b m ne meahte / land gespornan || ne on leaf treowes / steppan for s
Genesis A 1478b culufran / ane sende || seo eft ne com / to lide fleogan || ac heo
Genesis A 1482b lfæstenne || þa hire þearf ne wæs / þa to noe spræc || ner
Genesis A 1523b / oþrum aldor oþþringeþ || ne þearf he þy edleane gefeon /
Genesis A 1565b f / reaf of lice || swa gerysne ne wæs / læg þa limnacod || he
Genesis A 1571a pe || sefa nearwode / þæt he ne mihte || on gemynd drepen / hin
Genesis A 1580b e / on his agenum fæder || are ne wolde / gesceawian || ne þa sc
Genesis A 1581b || are ne wolde / gesceawian || ne þa sceonde huru / hleomagum he
Genesis A 1590b t / þæt him cynegodum || cham ne wolde / þa him wæs are þearf
Genesis A 1686b æt hie þære spæce || sped ne ahton / þa hie gemitton || mih
Genesis A 1689b talum myclum / weorces wisan || ne þær wermægþa / ænig wiste
Genesis A 1691a g wiste || hwæt oþer cwæþ / ne meahte hie gewurþan || weall
Genesis A 1892b oþþæt hie on þam lande || ne meahton leng somed / blædes br
Genesis A 1902a bgebyrdum || þu min suhterga / ne sceolon unc betweonan || teon
Genesis A 1903b onan weaxan / wroht wriþian || ne þæt wille god / ac wit synt g
Genesis A 1904b t synt gemagas || unc gemæne ne sceal / elles awiht || nymþe e
Genesis A 1910b | and feretia / rofum rincum || ne willaþ rumor unc / landriht he
Genesis A 1937b a selfra / ecne unræd || æfre ne wolde / þam leodþeawum || lot
Genesis A 1944a icost || lara gemyndig / þe he ne cuþe || hwæt þa cynn dydon
Genesis A 1979b an / oþþæt þa leode || leng ne woldon / elamitarna || aldor sw
Genesis A 1994b eorle orlegceap || se þe ær ne wæs / niþes genihtsum || nor
Genesis A 2114b þ fyllan / on swaþe sæton || ne meahton siþwerod / guþe spowa
Genesis A 2144a ic me agan wille # || / sceat ne scilling || þæs ic on sceot
Genesis A 2157b leoda idesa || þu þe laþra ne þearft / hæleþa hildþræce
Genesis A 2159b tan, / norð-manna wīġ; || ac ne fuĝolas% / under beorh-hliðum
Genesis A 2168b de / meda syndon micla þina || ne læt þu þe þin mod asealca
Genesis A 2169b can / wærfæst willan mines || ne þearft þu þe wiht ondræda
Genesis A 2172b eo and scylde / folmum minum || ne þearft þu forht wesan / abrah
Genesis A 2177a e || nu ic þus feasceaft eom / ne þearf ic yrfestol || eaforan
Genesis A 2180a woruldmagas || welan bryttian / ne sealdest þu me sunu || forþ
Genesis A 2181b þ / on sefan swiþe || ic sylf ne mæg / ræd ahycgan || gæþ ge
Genesis A 2186b þ þæt me of bryde || bearn ne wocon / him þa ædre god || an
Genesis A 2196b o þinre / folcbearnum frome || ne læt þu þin ferhþ wesan / so
Genesis A 2200b || yrfes hyrde / gode mære || ne geomra þu / ic eom se waldend
Genesis A 2217b e / þæt him abrahame || ænig ne wearþ / þurh gebedscipe || be
Genesis A 2241b wæg / wæs laþwendo || lustum ne wolde / þeowdom þolian || ac
Genesis A 2247a sægde || and swiþe cwæþ / ne fremest þu gerysnu || and ri
Genesis A 2258a / wishidig wer || wordum sinum / ne forlæte ic þe || þenden wi
Genesis A 2265b þrea and þeowdom || þolian ne wolde / yfel and ondlean || þ
Genesis A 2281a re þa se engel || andswarode / ne ceara þu feor heonon || flea
Genesis A 2329b sittende / ealle isaac hatan || ne þearf þe þæs eaforan sceo
Genesis A 2342a e || he þæs mældæges / self ne wende || þæt him sarra / bryd
Genesis A 2385b legde / on sefan swiþe || soþ ne gelyfde / þæt þære spræce
Genesis A 2390a ahtor || þa cwæþ halig god / ne wile sarran || soþ gelyfan / w
Genesis A 2423b helm / lifes leohtfruma || leng ne wolde / torn þrowigean || ac h
Genesis A 2461b man wolden / unscomlice || arna ne gymden / þa aras hraþe || se
Genesis A 2468a mine || doþ swa ic eow bidde / ne can þara idesa || owþer gie
Genesis A 2493b a / burhwarena blind || abrecan ne meahton / reþemode || reced æ
Genesis A 2514a þa ædre loth || andswarode / ne mæg ic mid idesum || aldorne
Genesis A 2531b þe healdaþ / and mundbyrde || ne moton wyt / on wærlogum || wre
Genesis A 2536b g / to þam fæstenne || feþe ne sparode / eorl mid idesum || ac
Genesis A 2571a ordum || wuldres þegna / hyran ne wolde || nu sceal heard and s
Genesis A 2591a || þa seo mænegeo forwearþ / ne dorste þa || dædrof hæle / f
Genesis A 2602b on reste / heora bega fæder || ne wiste blondenfeax / hwonne him
Genesis A 2606b siþ / wine druncen || gewitan ne meahte / idesa wurdon eacne ||
Genesis A 2692a ast / abraham þa || andswarode / ne dyde ic for facne || ne for f
Genesis A 2692b arode / ne dyde ic for facne || ne for feondscipe / ne for wihte
Genesis A 2693a or facne || ne for feondscipe / ne for wihte þæs || ic þe wea
Genesis A 2710b den mæra / mundbyrde geceas || ne wæs me on mode cuþ / hwæþer
Genesis A 2729a de / to sarran || sinces brytta / ne þearf þe on edwit || abraha
Genesis A 2733b hwitan seolfre / deope bete || ne ceara incit duguþa / of þisse
Genesis A 2747b weorc gehleat / frecne wite || ne meahton freo ne þeowe / heora
Genesis A 2786b and ismael / lædan mid hie || ne beoþ we leng somed / willum mi
Genesis A 2824b d hyldo || þæt ic þe hneaw ne wæs / landes and lissa || wes
Genesis A 2860a ærnan || and me lac bebeodan / ne forsæt he þy siþe || ac so
Genesis A 2914b ordum mælde / abraham leofa || ne sleah þin agen bearn / ac þu
Exodus 28b naman / þone yldo bearn || ær ne cuþon / frod fædera cyn || þ
Exodus 82b den / swa þa mæstrapas || men ne cuþon / ne þa seglrode || ges
Exodus 83a a mæstrapas || men ne cuþon / ne þa seglrode || geseon meahto
Exodus 114b don / neowle nihtscuwan || neah ne mihton / heolstor ahydan || heo
Exodus 140b raf / wean witum fæst || wære ne gymdon / þeah þe se yldra cyn
Exodus 206b þær gelaþe mid him || leng ne mihton / geseon tosomne || siþ
Exodus 233b æt wæs wiglic werod || wace ne gretton / in þæt rincgetæl |
Exodus 235b s / þa þe for geoguþe || gyt ne mihton / under bordhreoþan ||
Exodus 238a lane feond || folmum werigean / ne him bealubenne || gebiden hæ
Exodus 240b or / gylpplegan gares || gamele ne moston / hare heaþorincas || h
Exodus 259a es wisa || wurþmyndum spræc / ne beoþ ge þy forhtran || þea
Exodus 264b n / þæt hie lifigende || leng ne moton / ægnian mid yrmþum ||
Exodus 266a n mid yrmþum || israhela cyn / ne willaþ eow andrædan || dead
Exodus 285b ealde staþolas || þa ic ær ne gefrægn / ofer middangeard ||
Exodus 323b t / be þam herewisan || hynþo ne woldon / be him lifigendum || l
Exodus 409b t he him lifdagas || leofran ne wisse / þonne he hyrde || heof
Exodus 415a d mece || gif hine metod lete / ne wolde him beorht fæder || be
Exodus 419a leoþor || word æfter spræc / ne sleh þu abraham || þin agen
Exodus 427a f mannes sunu || maran treowe / ne behwylfan mæg || heofon and
Exodus 436b neowmaga / randwiggendra || rim ne cunnon / yldo ofer eorþan || e
Exodus 456b en genap / atol yþa gewealc || ne þær ænig becwom / herges to
Exodus 488a on werbeamas || wlance þeode / ne mihton forhabban || helpendra
Exodus 508b þam þæs heriges || ham eft ne com / ealles ungrundes || ænig
Exodus 529a | modum tæcan / þæt we gesne ne syn || godes þeodscipes / meto
Daniel 16b helmum || þara þe him hold ne wæs / oþþæt hie wlenco anwo
Daniel 58b cyn / winburh wera || þa wigan ne gelyfdon / bereafodon þa reced
Daniel 102b æt þam gengum þrym || gad ne wære / wiste ne wæde || in wo
Daniel 103a m þrym || gad ne wære / wiste ne wæde || in woruldlife / þa w
Daniel 125a egesan || acol worden / þa he ne wisse || word ne angin / swefne
Daniel 125b orden / þa he ne wisse || word ne angin / swefnes sines || het hi
Daniel 133a isdom bude / gif þu his ærest ne meaht || or areccan / þa him u
Daniel 141b ceolde / nu ge mætinge || mine ne cunnon / þa þe me for werode
Daniel 145a es || þæs min sefa myndgaþ / ne meahte þa seo mænigeo || on
Daniel 147a h witigdom || wihte aþencean / ne ahicgan || þa hit forhæfed
Daniel 166b t he ær for fyrenum || onfon ne meahte / babilonie weard || in
Daniel 176a um arærde / for þam þe gleaw ne wæs || gumrices weard / reþe
Daniel 182b e þeode / wurþedon wihgyld || ne wiston wræstran ræd / efndon
Daniel 198a gold || to gode noldon / habban ne healdan || ac þone hean cyni
Daniel 201b æt hie þæs wiges || wihte ne rohton / ne hie to þam gebede
Daniel 202a æs wiges || wihte ne rohton / ne hie to þam gebede || mihte g
Daniel 207a sse hean byrig / þa þis hegan ne willaþ || ne þysne wig wur
Daniel 207b / þa þis hegan ne willaþ || ne þysne wig wurþigean / þe þu
Daniel 220a godes || ealle gelæste / and ne awacodon || wereda drihtne / ne
Daniel 221a ne awacodon || wereda drihtne / ne þan mæ gehwurfe || in hæþ
Daniel 222a mæ gehwurfe || in hæþendom / ne hie to facne || freoþo wilne
Daniel 239a e || under þam fyrenan hrofe / ne mihte þeah heora wlite || ge
Daniel 262b wurdon / alæten liges gange || ne hie him þær laþ gedydon / n
Daniel 264a e || þon ma þe sunnan scima / ne se bryne beot mæcgum || þe
Daniel 273b es / him þær on ofne || owiht ne derede / ac wæs þær inne ||
Daniel 309a æt þu us þas wrace teodest / ne forlet þu usic ane || ece dr
Daniel 342b ges leoman || þæt hyra lice ne wæs / owiht geegled || ac he o
Daniel 436b n / næs hyra wlite gewemmed || ne nænig wroht on hrægle / ne fe
Daniel 437a || ne nænig wroht on hrægle / ne feax fyre beswæled || ac hie
Daniel 463b lm þurhwodon || swa him wiht ne sceod / grim gleda niþ || gode
Daniel 570a þ || heortan þine / þæt þu ne gemyndgast || æfter mandream
Daniel 571a emyndgast || æfter mandreame / ne gewittes wast || butan wildeo
Daniel 574a a hlypum || geond holt wunast / ne biþ þec mælmete || nymþe
Daniel 575a ælmete || nymþe mores græs / ne rest witod || ac þec regna s
Daniel 645a swa wite || swa he wolde sylf / ne lengde þa || leoda aldor / wit
Daniel 668b a him ofer eorþan || andsaca ne wæs / gumena ænig || oþþæt
Daniel 687b e / meda aldor || þæt ær man ne ongan / þæt he babilone || ab
Daniel 696a m æt wine || wealle belocene / ne onegdon na || orlegra niþ / þ
Daniel 733a hand write || haliges gastes / ne mihton arædan || runcræftig
Daniel 744b r folc bere / drihtnes domas || ne þe dugeþe can / ac þe unceap
Daniel 746b orda gerynu || þa þu wendan ne miht / þu for anmedlan || in
Daniel 755a des goldfatu || in gylp beran / ne þy hraþor hremde || þeah
Christ and Satan 50b n ham / for oferhygdum || æfre ne wene / þa him andsweradan || a
Christ and Satan 54b nne / þæt we helende || heran ne scealdon / þuhte þe anum ||
Christ and Satan 79b reocan ongan / fyre and atre || ne biþ swelc fæger dream / þonn
Christ and Satan 93b adiges tir / wloncra winsele || ne worulde dream / ne ængla þrea
Christ and Satan 94a a winsele || ne worulde dream / ne ængla þreat || ne we upheof
Christ and Satan 94b lde dream / ne ængla þreat || ne we upheofon / agan moten || is
Christ and Satan 98b te on reþre || heo us helpan ne magon / is þæs walica ham ||
Christ and Satan 104b don reþe / dimme and deorce || ne her dæg lyhteþ / for scedes s
Christ and Satan 114a es oferhydes || ord onstaldon / ne þurfon we þes wenan || þæ
Christ and Satan 129b wæstmum || þæt ic gelutian ne mæg / on þyssum sidan sele ||
Christ and Satan 137a l inneweard || atole gefylled / ne mot ic hihtlicran || hames br
Christ and Satan 138a tlicran || hames brucan / burga ne bolda || ne on þa beorhtan g
Christ and Satan 138b ames brucan / burga ne bolda || ne on þa beorhtan gescæft / ne m
Christ and Satan 139a | ne on þa beorhtan gescæft / ne mot ic æfre ma || eagum star
Christ and Satan 144b ymbfangen / seolfa mid sange || ne ic þam sawlum ne mot / ænigum
Christ and Satan 168a n dreames / þæt ic mid handum ne mæg || heofon geræcan / ne mi
Christ and Satan 169a um ne mæg || heofon geræcan / ne mid eagum ne mot || up locian
Christ and Satan 170a mid eagum ne mot || up locian / ne huru mid earum ne sceal || æ
Christ and Satan 178a leohte || in þone laþan ham / ne mæg ic þæt gehicgan || hu
Christ and Satan 182b se þe heofencyninge || heran ne þenceþ / meotode cweman || ic
Christ and Satan 194a || hæleþa æghwylc / þæt he ne abælige || bearn waldendes / l
Christ and Satan 265a ghwylcum || þæh he uppe seo / ne mot he þam sawlum || þe þ
Christ and Satan 316b æt he heofencyninge || heran ne wolde / fæder frefergendum ||
Christ and Satan 331a | ah nymþe gryndes ad / wunian ne moten || and þone werigan se
Christ and Satan 348b seld / nis nænig swa snotor || ne swa cræftig / ne þæs swa gle
Christ and Satan 349a swa snotor || ne swa cræftig / ne þæs swa gleaw || nymþe god
Christ and Satan 406b eadige sawle / adames cyn || ac ne moste efe þa gyt / wlitan in w
Christ and Satan 410b h næddran niþ || swa wit na ne sceoldon / gelærde unc se atol
Christ and Satan 449a an moton || ah in helle grund / ne hi edcerres || æfre moton / we
Christ and Satan 489b owade / næs þa monna gemet || ne mægen engla / ne witegena weor
Christ and Satan 490a onna gemet || ne mægen engla / ne witegena weorc || ne wera sny
Christ and Satan 490b en engla / ne witegena weorc || ne wera snytero / þæt eow mihte
Christ and Satan 540a f || eft gesceawiaþ / sume hie ne mihton || mode oncnawan / þæt
Christ and Satan 575b ihten hælend || him seo dæd ne geþeah / þæs he bebohte || b
Christ and Satan 627b s / ofostum miclum || nu ic eow ne con / sona æfter þæm wordum
Christ and Satan 15b t / þæt þu hellwarum || hyht ne abeode / ah þu him secgan miht
Christ and Satan 16b þæt þū hell-warum || hiht ne ā·bēode, / ac þū him seċ
Andreas 16b a git / ellþeodigra || eþles ne mihte / blædes brucan || oft h
Andreas 22b s wist / werum on þam wonge || ne wæteres drync / to bruconne ||
Andreas 37a hyge wæs oncyrred / þæt hie ne murndan || æfter mandreame / h
Andreas 85a || biddan wille / þæt þu me ne gescyrige || mid scyldhetum / w
Andreas 98b e sylle / sybbe under swegle || ne beo þu on sefan to forht / ne
Andreas 99a ne beo þu on sefan to forht / ne on mode ne murn || ic þe mid
Andreas 139b ang / reþe ræsboran || rihtes ne gimdon / meotudes mildse || oft
Andreas 154b e / fæges flæschoman || feorh ne bemurndan / grædige guþrincas
Andreas 178b / þæt hie uncuþra || ængum ne willaþ / on þam folcstede ||
Andreas 198b rbrogan / wegas ofer widland || ne synt me winas cuþe / eorlas el
Andreas 199b as cuþe / eorlas elþeodige || ne þær æniges wat / hæleþa ge
Andreas 200b niges wat / hæleþa gehygdo || ne me herestræta / ofer cald wæt
Andreas 211a orde becwiþ || wuldres agend / ne meaht þu þæs siþfætes ||
Andreas 212a siþfætes || sæne weorþan / ne on gewitte to wac || gif þu
Andreas 215a tacen || beo þu on tid gearu / ne mæg þæs ærendes || ylding
Andreas 231b um cempan / aboden in burgum || ne wæs him bleaþ hyge / ah he w
Andreas 261a ode || ælmihti god / swa þæt ne wiste || se þe þæs wordes
Andreas 279a / of yþlide || engla scippend / ne magon þær gewunian || widfe
Andreas 280a þær gewunian || widferende / ne þær elþeodige || eardes br
Andreas 301b lde / næbbe ic fæted gold || ne feohgestreon / welan ne wiste |
Andreas 302a gold || ne feohgestreon / welan ne wiste || ne wira gespann / land
Andreas 302b eohgestreon / welan ne wiste || ne wira gespann / landes ne locenr
Andreas 303a ste || ne wira gespann / landes ne locenra beaga || þæt ic þe
Andreas 312b faroþstræte / hlafes wiste || ne hlutterne / drync to dugoþe ||
Andreas 317a on gewitte || wordhord onleac / ne gedafenaþ þe || nu þe dryh
Andreas 337a þm || ic eow freoþo healde / ne þurfan ge on þa fore || fr
Andreas 338a a fore || frætwe lædan / gold ne seolfor || ic eow goda gehwæ
Andreas 360b þele be æþelum || æfre ic ne hyrde / þon cymlicor || ceol g
Andreas 377b gnas wurdon / acolmode || ænig ne wende / þæt he lifgende || la
Andreas 402b gnas þrohthearde || þafigan ne woldon / þæt hie forleton ||
Andreas 493a | is þys ane ma / swa ic æfre ne geseah || ænigne mann / þryþ
Andreas 499a ic georne wat / þæt ic æfre ne geseah || ofer yþlade / on sæ
Andreas 502b le stande || þær hine storm ne mæg / wind awecgan || ne wæte
Andreas 503b storm ne mæg / wind awecgan || ne wæterflodas / brecan brondstæ
Andreas 516b an / frecne geferan || flodwylm ne mæg / manna ænigne || ofer me
Andreas 553b um / ic æt efenealdum || æfre ne mette / on modsefan || maran sn
Andreas 565b otulra ond gesynra || synnige ne mihton / oncnawan þæt cynebea
Andreas 574a an || in werþeode / þæt þu ne gehyrde || hælendes miht / gum
Andreas 633a wæges weard || wiþþingode / ne frine ic þe for tæle || ne
Andreas 633b / ne frine ic þe for tæle || ne þurh teoncwide / on hranrade |
Andreas 636b e wordlæþe / æþelum ecne || ne eom ic ana þæt / ac manna geh
Andreas 710a æced || haliges lare / synnige ne swulgon || þeah he soþra sw
Andreas 735a þe || hwæt min æþelo sien / ne dorste þa forhylman || hæle
Andreas 764b unnon / secgan synfulle || soþ ne oncneowan / þæt hit drycræft
Andreas 800a || þe þæt weorc staþolade / ne dorston þa gelettan || leng
Andreas 813a rn || wordum cyþde / swa þeah ne gelyfdon || larum sinum / modbl
Andreas 816b a rædend || þa þu aræfnan ne miht / hreþre behabban || hyge
Andreas 898b þu on faroþstræte || feor ne wære / cyninga wuldur || þa i
Andreas 901b oden / gasta geocend || ongitan ne cuþe / weorþ me nu milde || m
Andreas 916a c þe friþe healde / þæt þe ne moton || mangeniþlan / grame g
Andreas 922b t ic þe swa godne || ongitan ne meahte / on wægfære || þær
Andreas 928b æt þu on feorwegas || feran ne cuþe / ne in þa ceastre || be
Andreas 929a n feorwegas || feran ne cuþe / ne in þa ceastre || becuman meh
Andreas 954b flode blod || hie þin feorh ne magon / deaþe gedælan || þeh
Andreas 957a a slege || þu þæt sar aber / ne læt þe ahweorfan || hæþen
Andreas 964b slogon ond swungon || synnige ne mihton / þurh sarcwide || soþ
Andreas 986b him nænig gumena || ongitan ne mihte / synfulra geseon || hæf
Andreas 1056b yrda waldend || þæs wuldres ne biþ / æfre mid eldum || ende
Andreas 1082b to lafe / in carcerne || cwicne ne gemetton / ah þær heorodreori
Andreas 1129a feasceaft || friþes wilnian / ne mihte earmsceapen || are find
Andreas 1159b edon / weste winræced || welan ne benohton / beornas to brucanne
Andreas 1164a n þa gelome || freca oþerne / ne hele se þe hæbbe || holde l
Andreas 1209a þu andreas || ellen fremman / ne miþ þu for menigo || ah þi
Andreas 1215a min on þe || mægen oncnawan / ne magon hie ond ne moton || ofe
Andreas 1277b / hatan heolfre || hra weorces ne sann / wundum werig || þa cwom
Andreas 1293a ece eadfruma || eallum þinum / ne læt nu bysmrian || banan man
Andreas 1347a a || ond his fæder oncwæþ / ne magan we him lungre || laþ
Andreas 1364b ce ond forlærdest || nu leng ne miht / gewealdan þy weorce ||
Andreas 1393b llenrofes / mod gemyltan || hit ne mihte swa / þa wæs niowinga |
Andreas 1420b ne / þæt us heterofra || hild ne gesceode / ne lices dæl || lun
Andreas 1421a heterofra || hild ne gesceode / ne lices dæl || lungre oþþeod
Andreas 1422a ces dæl || lungre oþþeoded / ne synu ne ban || on swaþe lago
Andreas 1423a ynu ne ban || on swaþe lagon / ne loc of heafde || to forlore w
Andreas 1431a dorcyninges || word hloþrode / ne wep þone wræcsiþ || wine l
Andreas 1454b ryhten min / ellþeodigne || an ne forlæte / swa se dædfruma ||
Andreas 1467b his lichoman / hales brucan || ne scealt þu in henþum a leng /
Andreas 1471b ta / næs him gewemmed wlite || ne wloh of hrægle / lungre alysed
Andreas 1472b h of hrægle / lungre alysed || ne loc of heafde / ne ban gebrocen
Andreas 1473a re alysed || ne loc of heafde / ne ban gebrocen || ne blodig wun
Andreas 1473b of heafde / ne ban gebrocen || ne blodig wund / lice gelenge || n
Andreas 1474b e blodig wund / lice gelenge || ne laþes dæl / þurh dolgslege |
Andreas 1533b en / biter beorþegu || byrlas ne gældon / ombehtþegnas || þæ
Andreas 1543b s þær inne / beatende brim || ne mihte beorna hloþ / of þam f
Andreas 1609a gendra þreat || wordum retan / ne beoþ ge to forhte || þeh þ
Andreas 1619b / in feonda geweald || gefered ne wurdan / þa þæt ærende || e
Andreas 1660b æt hie se leodfruma || leng ne wolde / wihte gewunian || þa h
Andreas 1a mod # || / # fore sneowan || / ne scealt þu þæt eowde || anf
Andreas 2a / murnende mōd / fore snēowan. / Ne sċealt þū þæt ēowde ||
Andreas 25b efean || þær næfre feondes ne biþ / gastes gramhydiges || ga
Andreas 26b an, || ðǣr nǣfre fēondes ne biþ, / gæstes gram-hȳdġes,
Andreas 34b alm gebad || þæt þam banan ne wearþ / hleahtre behworfen ||
Andreas 35b e·bād. || Þæt þām banan ne wearþ / hleahtre be·hworfen,
The Fates of the Apostles 18a a / for egias || aldre geneþde / ne þreodode he fore þrymme ||
The Fates of the Apostles 47b n he þa hæþengild || hyran ne wolde / wig weorþian || him w
The Fates of the Apostles 99b s þæs on eorþan brucaþ || ne moton hie awa ætsomne / woruld
Soul and Body I 33b um / eardode ic þe on innan || ne meahte ic þe of cuman / flæsc
Soul and Body I 42a || gastes drynces / forþan þu ne hogodest || her on life / syþ
Soul and Body I 48a þ swa heardum || helle witum / ne generedest || þurh þinra ni
Soul and Body I 52a ancenneda || ealle gesamnaþ / ne eart þu þon leofra || næni
Soul and Body I 53b ifigendra / men to gemæccan || ne meder ne fæder / ne nænigum g
Soul and Body I 54a mæccan || ne meder ne fæder / ne nænigum gesybban || þonne s
Soul and Body I 57a d || þe ic ær onsended wæs / ne magon þe nu heonon adon || h
Soul and Body I 58a non adon || hyrsta þa readan / ne gold ne seolfor || ne þinra
Soul and Body I 58b readan / ne gold ne seolfor || ne þinra goda nan / ne þinre bry
Soul and Body I 59a seolfor || ne þinra goda nan / ne þinre bryde beag || ne þin
Soul and Body I 59b a nan / ne þinre bryde beag || ne þin boldwela / ne nan þara go
Soul and Body I 60a ryde beag || ne þin boldwela / ne nan þara goda || þe þu iu
Soul and Body I 65b / eart þu nu dumb ond deaf || ne synt þine dreamas awiht / scea
Soul and Body I 74b e wihta / gifre ond grædige || ne synt þine æhta awihte / þe
Soul and Body I 97a æge || dryhtne secgan / þonne ne biþ nan na to þæs lytel li
Soul and Body I 98a || on lime aweaxen / þæt þu ne scyle for anra || gehwylcum o
Soul and Body I 106a || ligeþ dust þær hit wæs / ne mæg him ondsware || ænige g
Soul and Body I 114b egum to frofre || forþan hie ne magon huxlicum / wordum wrixlia
Soul and Body I 145a t me wilna geniht / forþan þu ne þearft sceamian || þonne sc
Soul and Body I 148a n dæge || þæs þu me geafe / ne þe hreowan þearf || her on
Soul and Body I 156b e þonne secgan || þæt þu ne sorgode / forþan wyt bioþ geg
Soul and Body I 160a heofonum || heahþungene beon / ne þurfon wyt beon cearie || æ
Soul and Body I 161a n cearie || æt cyme dryhtnes / ne þære andsware || yfele habb
Homiletic Fragment I 8a orþan se witiga cwæþ # || / ne syle þu me ætsomne || mid
Homiletic Fragment I 9a or·þon sē wīteĝa cwæþ: / ‘Ne sele þū mē æt·samne || m
Homiletic Fragment I 10a ta forwyrd || weoruda dryhten / ne me on life forleos || mid þa
Homiletic Fragment I 11a or·wyrd, || weoroda drihten, / ne mē on līfe for·lēos || mi
Homiletic Fragment I 13b aþ holdlice || swa hyra hyht ne gæþ / wære mid welerum || we
Homiletic Fragment I 14b holdlīċe, || swā hira hiht ne gǣþ, / wǣre mid welerum.’
Homiletic Fragment I 40b / woruld wynsume || se þe wis ne biþ / snottor searocræftig ||
Homiletic Fragment I 41b rold wynsume, || sē þe wīs ne biþ, / snottor, searu-cræfti
Dream of the Rood 10b ægere þurh forþgesceaft || ne wæs þær huru fracodes geal
Dream of the Rood 35a olde on gestigan / þær ic þa ne dorste || ofer dryhtnes word /
Dream of the Rood 42b þa me se beorn ymbclypte || ne dorste ic hwæþre bugan to e
Dream of the Rood 45b / heofona hlaford || hyldan me ne dorste / þurhdrifan hi me mid
Dream of the Rood 47b gesiene / opene inwidhlemmas || ne dorste ic hira nænigum sceþ
Dream of the Rood 110a ssum lænum || life geearnaþ / ne mæg þær ænig || unforht w
Dream of the Rood 117a to criste || cweþan onginnen / ne þearf þær þonne ænig ||
Elene 28b ol / wulf on wealde || wælrune ne maþ / urigfeþera || earn sang
Elene 62b wæg / romwara cyning || rices ne wende / for werodleste || hæfd
Elene 81b re beodan / duguþa dryhten || ne ondræd þu þe / þeah þe el
Elene 166b eo / hio him ondsware || ænige ne meahton / agifan togenes || ne
Elene 167b ne meahton / agifan togenes || ne ful geare cuþon / sweotole ges
Elene 219b e / æþelcyninges rod || elene ne wolde / þæs siþfates || sæn
Elene 221a s siþfates || sæne weorþan / ne þæs wilgifan || word gehyrw
Elene 240b yþa swengas / sæ swinsade || ne hyrde ic siþ ne ær / on egstr
Elene 340b htum mære || swa þæs modor ne biþ / wæstmum geeacnod || þu
Elene 348b n / þrymmes hyrde || þanon ic ne wende / æfre to aldre || onsio
Elene 361b faþ / ond me israhela || æfre ne woldon / folc oncnawan || þeah
Elene 394b æ cuþon / witgena word || ge ne woldon þa / synwyrcende || so
Elene 399b ras cuþon / æt godes earce || ne we geare cunnon / þurh hwæt
Elene 428b t we þæs morþres || meldan ne weorþen / hwær þæt halige t
Elene 432b fæderlican / lare forleten || ne biþ lang ofer þæt / þæt is
Elene 9a s sunu || ær þec swylt nime / ne mæg æfre ofer þæt || ebre
Elene 10a unu, || ǣr þeċ swylt nime. / Ne mæġ ǣfre ofer þæt || Ebr
Elene 27b m / unasecgendlic || þone sylf ne mæg / on moldwege || man aspyr
Elene 28b aseċġendliċ, || þone self ne mæġ / on mold-weġe || man ā
Elene 38a ond elda || æþelust bearna / ne meahton hie swa disige || dea
Elene 39a d ielda, || æðelost bearna. / Ne meahton hīe swā dysġe || d
Elene 54a ephanus wæs || stanum worpod / ne geald he yfel yfele || ac his
Elene 55a hanus wæs || stānum worpod; / ne ġeald hē yfel yfele, || ac
Elene 56b him þa weadæd || to wræce ne sette / þæt hie for æfstum |
Elene 57b þā wēa-dǣd || tō wræce ne sette, / þæt hīe% for æfstu
Elene 85a || þæt þu hospcwide / æfst ne eofulsæc || æfre ne fremme /
Elene 85b e / æfst ne eofulsæc || æfre ne fremme / grimne geagncwide || w
Elene 86a þæt þū hosp-cwide, / æfst ne eofol-sæc || ǣfre ne fremme
Elene 86b / æfst ne eofol-sæc || ǣfre ne fremme%, / grimne ġeġn-cwide,
Elene 128a þæt geryne || rihte cyþan / ne hire andsware || ænige secga
Elene 129a t ġe·ryne || rihte cȳðan, / ne hire andsware || ǣnġe seċ
Elene 133a hio on aldre || owiht swylces / ne ær ne siþ || æfre hyrdon / e
Elene 134a dre || āwiht swelċes / ne ǣr ne sīþ || ǣfre hīerdon. / Elen
Elene 136b lle / ond þæs in life || lige ne wyrþeþ / gif ge þissum lease
Elene 137b , / and þæs on līfe || lyġe ne wierðeþ, / ġif ġē þissum
Elene 143a d weorþan || to woruldgedale / ne magon ge þa word geseþan ||
Elene 144b wrigon under womma sceatum || ne magon ge þa wyrd bemiþan / be
Elene 144a an || tō weorold-ġe·dāle. / Ne maĝon ġē þā word ġe·s
Elene 145b ĝon under wamma sċeatum, || ne maĝon ġe· þā wyrd be·m
Elene 170b / iudas hire ongen þingode || ne meahte he þa gehþu bebugan /
Elene 171b s hire on·ġēan þingode || (ne meahte hē þā ġiehþu be·
Elene 177b e / wiþ hungres hleo || hlafes ne gime / gewende to wædle || ond
Elene 178b þ hungres hlēow, || hlāfes ne ġīeme, / ġe·wende tō wǣdl
Elene 192b der roderum || ge he þa rode ne tæhte / hu mæg ic þæt finda
Elene 193b erum, || ġe· hē þā rōde ne tǣhte): / ‘Hū mæġ iċ þ
Elene 196a oþþe ma || geteled rime / ic ne mæg areccan || nu ic þæt r
Elene 196b g areccan || nu ic þæt rim ne can / is nu feala siþþan || f
Elene 197a mā || ġe·teled rīme. / Iċ ne mæġ ā·reċċan, || nū i
Elene 197b ċċan, || nū iċ þæt rīm ne cann. / Is nū fela% siþþan |
Elene 201b nned / cnihtgeong hæleþ || ic ne can þæt ic nat / findan on fy
Elene 202b , / cniht-ġung hæleþ. || Iċ ne cann þæt iċ% nāt, / findan
Elene 244b stiþhycgende || ic þa stowe ne can / ne þæs wanges wiht || n
Elene 245a cgende || ic þa stowe ne can / ne þæs wanges wiht || ne þa w
Elene 245b e can / ne þæs wanges wiht || ne þa wisan cann / elene maþelod
Elene 246a | ‘Iċ þā stōwe ne cann, / ne þæs wanges wihtne || þā w
Elene 253b / scufan scyldigne || scealcas ne gældon / in drygne seaþ || þ
Elene 254b an sċieldiġne || (sċealcas ne gǣldon) / on drȳĝne sēaþ,
Elene 263b ustum cyþe || nu ic hit leng ne mæg / helan for hungre || is
Elene 264b cȳðe, || nū iċ hit lenġ ne mæġ / helan for hungre. || Is
Elene 266b ard / dogorrimum || ic adreogan ne mæg / ne leng helan || be þam
Elene 267a rrimum || ic adreogan ne mæg / ne leng helan || be þam lifes t
Elene 267b -rīmum. || Iċ ā·drēoĝan ne mæġ, / ne lenġ helan || be
Elene 268a | Iċ ā·drēoĝan ne mæġ, / ne lenġ helan || be þām līfe
Elene 295b undene / mycle mægenþrymme || ne mæg þær manna gecynd / of eo
Elene 296b / miċele mæġen-þrymme%. || Ne mæġ ðǣr manna ġe·cynd / o
Elene 330b wned þolian || þær he þin ne mæg / word aweorpan || is in w
Elene 331b d þolian. || Þǣr hē þīn ne mæġ / word ā·weorpan, || is
Elene 343b n / þurh þa beorhtan || bearn ne wære / gedo nu fæder engla ||
Elene 344b / þurh þā beorhtan || bearn ne wǣre), / ġe·dō nū, fæder
Elene 377a ra cyninga þrym / þæt þu ma ne sie || minra gylta / þara þe
Elene 378a yninga þrymm, / þæt þū mā ne sīe || mīnra gylta, / þāra
Elene 399b r hie leahtra fruman || larum ne hyrdon / þa wæs modgemynd ||
Elene 400b hīe leahtra fruman || lārum ne hīerdon. / Þā wæs mōd-ġe
Elene 420a / geþrowode || þrymmes hyrde / ne meahte hire iudas || ne ful g
Elene 420b hyrde / ne meahte hire iudas || ne ful gere wiste / sweotole gecy
Elene 421a wode, || þrymmes hierde.’ / Ne meahte hire Iudas, || ne full
Elene 421b .’ / Ne meahte hire Iudas, || ne full ġeare wiste, / sweotole
Elene 466b / þis is singal sacu || sawla ne moton / manfremmende || in minu
Elene 467b is is singāl sacu. || Sāwla ne mōton / mān-fremmende || on m
Elene 476b le cirde to him / æhte mine || ne mot ænige nu / rihte spowan ||
Elene 477b ierde tō him / ǣhte mīne. || Ne% mōt ǣnġe nū / rihte spōwan
Elene 479b under roderum || ic þa rode ne þearf / hleahtre herigean || h
Elene 480b er roderum. || Iċ þā rōde ne ðearf / hleahtre herġan. || H
Elene 500a word gecwæþ || wisdomes ful / ne þearft þu swa swiþe || syn
Elene 501a ·cwæþ, || wīsdōmes full: / ‘Ne þearft þū swā swīðe, ||
Elene 561b wian / sylfe to siþe || secgas ne gældon / syþþan andsware ||
Elene 562b selfe tō sīðe. || Seċġas ne gǣldon / siþþan andsware ||
Elene 659b iæ / hleor onhylde || hygerune ne maþ / gastes mihtum || to gode
Elene 660b or on·hylde, || hyġe-rūne ne māþ, / gāstes meahtum || tō
Christ A 21b an wilsiðes || gif his weorc ne deag / huru we for ðearfe ||
Christ A 24a ðone ðe mon gescop / ðæt he ne /ete/ || /ceose weorðan / cear
Christ A 39b ð / nænig efenlic ðam || ær ne siððan / in worlde gewearð |
Christ A 77b dscipe / æfter monwisan || mod ne cuðes / ne we soðlice || swyl
Christ A 78a ter monwisan || mod ne cuðes / ne we soðlice || swylc ne gefru
Christ A 78b uðes / ne we soðlice || swylc ne gefrugnan / in ærdagum || æfr
Christ A 81a sundurgiefe || swylce befenge / ne we ðære wyrde || wenan ður
Christ A 155a ftas hygegeomre || hider /es / ne læt ðe behindan || ðonne
Christ A 158b nergende / wuldres æðeling || ne læt awyrgde ofer us / onwald a
Christ A 177b st ðu / cleopast cearigende || ne ic culpan in ðe / incan ænign
Christ A 190a lces || me nawðer deag / secge ne swige || gif ic soð sprece /
Christ A 198b æsta geocend || ðæt ic gen ne conn / ðurh gemæcscipe || mon
Christ A 241b ðon nis ænig ðæs horsc || ne ðæs hygecræftig / ðe ðin f
Christ A 247b n / ryhtgeryno || nu we areccan ne mægon / ðæt fædrencynn || f
Christ A 290b des butan synnum || nan swylc ne cwom / ænig oðer || ofer eall
Christ A 311b ðe / ðæt ænig elda || æfre ne meahte / swa fæstlice || fores
Christ A 343a | ðristum wordum / ðæt he us ne læte || leng owihte / in ðiss
Christ A 352a ig ða giet || engel geworden / ne ðæs miclan || mægenðrymme
Christ A 373a ice || cym nu hæleða cyning / ne lata to lange || us is lissa
Christ A 419b e / ond sio weres friga || wiht ne cuðe / ne ðurh sæd ne cwom |
Christ A 420a weres friga || wiht ne cuðe / ne ðurh sæd ne cwom || sigores
Christ A 436b in ðam eðle || ðær he ær ne cwom / in lifgendra || londes w
Christ B 448a m || hræglum gewerede / englas ne oðeowdun || ða se æðeling
Christ B 453b betleme || hwæðre in bocum ne cwið / ðæt hy in hwitum ðæ
Christ B 459b owes / on ðam wildæge || word ne gehyrwdon / hyra sincgiefan ||
Christ B 479b to ealdre || ðæt eow æfre ne bið / ðurh gife mine || godes
Christ B 501b æs ðe hi swa leofne || leng ne mostun / geseon under swegle ||
Christ B 564a um bidæled || deofla cempan / ne meahtan wiðerbrogan || wige
Christ B 578b / cyning on ceastre || corðre ne lytle / fyrnweorca fruma || fol
Christ B 637b emde / ðone iudeas || ongietan ne meahtan / in ðære godcundan |
Christ B 654a d halig || ofer heofona ðrym / ne meahtan ða ðæs fugles || f
Christ B 656a || ondsæc fremedon / ond ðæt ne gelyfdon || ðætte liffruma /
Christ B 706b ær ða synsceaðan || soðes ne giemdon / gæstes ðearfe || ac
Christ B 779a worulda || wuldor on heofnum / ne ðearf him ondrædan || deofl
Christ B 792a ymeð || engla ðeoden / ðe ic ne heold teala || ðæt me hæle
Christ B 816a wone || læran wille / ðæt he ne agæle || gæstes ðearfe / ne
Christ B 817a ne agæle || gæstes ðearfe / ne on gylp geote || ðenden god
Christ C 922b æt se him eallunga || owiht ne ondrædeð / se for ðære onsy
Christ C 923b se for ðære onsyne || egsan ne weorðeð / forht on ferðe ||
Christ C 999b ælda gedreag || ðonan ænig ne mæg / firendædum fah || frið
Christ C 1047a er middangeard || monna dæde / ne magun hord weras || heortan g
Christ C 1049a re waldende || wihte bemiðan / ne sindon him dæda dyrne || ac
Christ C 1053b e sið / worhtun in worulde || ne bið ðær wiht forholen / monn
Christ C 1083a ste / synfa men || sarigferðe / ne bið him to are || ðæt ðæ
Christ C 1092b onc gode / womwyrcende || wita ne cuðun / ðæs he on ðone halg
Christ C 1167b er sine yðe gan || eahstream ne dorste / his frean fet || flode
Christ C 1176b rð to swate || ðæt asecgan ne magun / foldbuende || ðurh fro
Christ C 1178b a ða onfundun || ða gefelan ne magun / dryhtnes ðrowinga || d
Christ C 1184b wit / of hyra æðelum || ænig ne cuðen / wendon swa ðeah wundr
Christ C 1186b dend for / of lichoman || leode ne cuðon / modblinde men || meotu
Christ C 1213b s ðonc / hyra waldende || wita ne cuðon / forðon ðær to teonu
Christ C 1231b swa gæt / unsyfre folc || arna ne wenað / ðonne bið gæsta dom
Christ C 1292a i ða betran || blæde scinan / ne bið him hyra yrmðu || an to
Christ C 1305b e wiston / firendæda on him || ne mæg ðurh ðæt flæsc se sc
Christ C 1316a eagum unclæne || ingeðoncas / ne ðæt ænig mæg || oðrum ge
Christ C 1329b uncyste || we mid ðam oðrum ne magun / heafodgimmum || hygeðo
Christ C 1365a rh egsan ðrea || alwalda god / ne ðurfon hi ðonne to meotude
Christ C 1366a otude || miltse gewenan / lifes ne lissa || ac ðær lean cumað
Christ C 1385b an sceolde || ðu ðæs ðonc ne wisses / ða ic ðe swa scienne
Christ C 1402b e sped / efenmicle gode || agan ne moste / ða ðu of ðan gefean
Christ C 1440b don me mid firenum || fæhðe ne rohtun / ond mid sweopum slogun
Christ C 1473b nde / ðinre alysnesse || ðonc ne wisses / ne ascige ic nu || owi
Christ C 1474a alysnesse || ðonc ne wisses / ne ascige ic nu || owiht bi ðam
Christ C 1510a him ðriste oftugon / sarge ge ne sohton || ne him swæslic wor
Christ C 1510b oftugon / sarge ge ne sohton || ne him swæslic word / frofre gesp
Christ C 1524a | on ðæt ge hreosan sceolan / ne magon hi ðonne gehynan || he
Christ C 1528b / yrre ond egesful || ondweard ne mæg / on ðissum foldwege || f
Christ C 1537b nd / siððan gesecað || synne ne aspringað / ðær hi leahtrum
Christ C 1541a ndyrne || ðæt is ece cwealm / ne mæg ðæt hate dæl || of he
Christ C 1552a || forloren hæbbe / se ðe nu ne giemeð || hwæðer his gæst
Christ C 1555a er hingonge || hamfæst wesan / ne bisorgað he || synne to frem
Christ C 1556b ne to fremman / wonhydig mon || ne he wihte hafað / hreowe on mod
Christ C 1566b m geotað || ðonne ðæs tid ne bið / synne cwiðað || ac hy
Christ C 1571b ða openan tid / sare greten || ne bið ðæt sorga tid / leodum a
Christ C 1575a trynan || ðenden her leofað / ne bið ðær ængum godum || gn
Christ C 1576a ængum godum || gnorn ætywed / ne nængum yflum wel || ac ðær
Christ C 1585a ende || scinan mote / ðæt he ne forleose || on ðas lænan ti
Christ C 1610b / lease ond forlegene || lifes ne wenan / ond mansworan || morðo
Christ C 1628a is dreamleas hus / ðær ænig ne mæg || ower losian / caldan cl
Christ C 1660b n gemonge || nis ðær hungor ne ðurst / slæp ne swar leger ||
Christ C 1661a ðær hungor ne ðurst / slæp ne swar leger || ne sunnan bryne
Christ C 1661b ðurst / slæp ne swar leger || ne sunnan bryne / ne cyle ne cearo
Christ C 1662a swar leger || ne sunnan bryne / ne cyle ne cearo || ac ðær cyn
Vainglory 10a | eaðe geðencan / se ðe hine ne læteð || on ðas lænan tid
Vainglory 35b rum sceoteð || he ða scylde ne wat / fæhðe gefremede || feo
Vainglory 63b ricne beryfan || swa hit ryht ne wæs / ond ðonne gesettan || o
Vainglory 74b onan astigan / on engla eard || ne bið ðam oðrum swa / se ðe o
Vainglory 76b dædum / leofað in leahtrum || ne beoð ða lean gelic / mid wuld
Vainglory 81b in worlde || gif me se witega ne leag / forðon we sculon a hycg
Widsith 108b æt hi næfre song || sellan ne hyrdon / ðonan ic ealne geondh
Widsith 119b wyrmhere || ful oft ðær wig ne alæg / ðonne hræda here || h
Widsith 125a reoðeric || wudgan ond haman / ne wæran ðæt gesiða || ða s
The Fortunes of Men 14b ið ðonne / modor bimurneð || ne bið swylc monnes geweald / sum
The Fortunes of Men 23b on lyfte || oððæt lengre ne bið / westem wudubeames || ðo
The Fortunes of Men 52b gal mæcga || ðonne he gemet ne con / gemearcian his muðe || m
Maxims I 1b I / / frige mec frodum wordum || ne læt ðinne ferð onhælne / de
Maxims I 9a ng ealdian || god us ece bið / ne wendað hine wyrda || ne hine
Maxims I 9b bið / ne wendað hine wyrda || ne hine wiht dreceð / adl ne yldo
Maxims I 10a a || ne hine wiht dreceð / adl ne yldo || ælmihtigne / ne gomela
Maxims I 11a ð / adl ne yldo || ælmihtigne / ne gomelað he in gæste || ac h
Maxims I 33a oldan swa fela || fira cynnes / ne sy ðæs magutimbres || gemet
Maxims I 34a || gemet ofer eorðan / gif hi ne wanige || se ðas woruld teod
Maxims I 40b bið him torhtre gesihðe || ne magon hi tunglu bewitian / sweg
Maxims I 41a lu bewitian / swegltorht sunnan ne monan || ðæt him bið sar i
Maxims I 42b onge ðonne he hit ana wat || ne weneð ðæt him ðæs edhwyr
Maxims I 48a t hine mon on gewitte alæde / ne sceal hine mon cildgeongne fo
Maxims I 55a sæ smilte || / ðonne hy wind ne weceð || / swa beoð ðeoda g
Maxims I 104a nan / gebidan ðæs he gebædan ne mæg || hwonne him eft gebyre
Maxims I 112a eah hine mon on sunnan læde / ne mæg he be ðy wedre wesan ||
Maxims I 116a || ðe hit forhelan ðenceð / ne bið ðæt gedefe deað || ð
Maxims I 150a | nales ðæt heafe bewindeð / ne huru wæl wepeð || wulf se g
Maxims I 163a enmod ond ungetreow || / ðæs ne gymeð god || / fela sceop meo
The Order of the World 21a sefan || ðencan forð teala / ne sceal ðæs aðreotan || ðeg
The Order of the World 86a wið flode || fisc wið yðum / ne waciað ðas geweorc || ac he
The Riming Poem 5b um / secgas mec segon || symbel ne alegon / feohgiefe gefegon || f
The Riming Poem 14b treame lad || ðær me leoðu ne biglad / hæfde ic heanne had |
The Riming Poem 15b iglad / hæfde ic heanne had || ne wæs me in healle gad / ðæt
The Riming Poem 24b ldorwordum gol || gomen sibbe ne ofoll / ac wæs gefest gear ||
The Riming Poem 29b e / sweglrad swinsade || swiðe ne minsade / burgsele beofode || b
The Riming Poem 52a neð || widsið onginneð / sar ne sinnið || sorgum cinnið / bl
The Riming Poem 54b nið / listum linneð || lustum ne tinneð / dreamas swa her gedre
The Riming Poem 72a t grimme græf / flean flæsce ne mæg || ðonne flanhred dæg /
The Riming Poem 79b a tan / balawun her gehloten || ne bið se hlisa adroren / ær ð
The Panther 2b unrimu cynn || ðe we æðelu ne magon / ryhte areccan || ne rim
The Panther 3b elu ne magon / ryhte areccan || ne rim witan / ðæs wide sind ||
The Whale 20b rðe / faroðlacende || frecnes ne wenað / on ðam ealonde || æl
The Whale 78b elle hlinduru || nagon hwyrft ne swice / utsið æfre || ða ð
Soul and Body II 49a e ancenda || ealle gegædrað / ne eart ðu nu ðon leofre || n
Soul and Body II 50b ifgendra / menn to gemæccan || ne medder ne fæder / ne nængum g
Soul and Body II 51a æccan || ne medder ne fæder / ne nængum gesibbra || ðonne se
Soul and Body II 54a d || ðe ic ær onsended wæs / ne magon ðe nu heonan adon || h
Soul and Body II 55a nan adon || hyrste ða readan / ne gold ne sylfor || ne ðinra g
Soul and Body II 55b a readan / ne gold ne sylfor || ne ðinra goda nan / ac her sculon
Soul and Body II 60b me / eart ðu dumb ond deaf || ne sindan ðine dreamas wiht / sce
Soul and Body II 69b te wihte / gifre ond grædge || ne sindon ðine geahðe wiht / ða
Soul and Body II 90a æge || dryhtne secgan / ðonne ne bið nænig to ðæs lytel li
Soul and Body II 91a || on lime geweaxen / ðæt ðu ne scyle for æghwylc || anra on
Soul and Body II 100a || ligeð dust ðær hit wæs / ne mæg him ondsware || ænige s
Soul and Body II 101a him ondsware || ænige secgan / ne ðær edringe || ænge gehata
Soul and Body II 109b rum to hroðor || forðon heo ne mæg horsclice / wordum wrixlan
Guthlac A 19a a getimbru || ðe no tydriað / ne ðam fore yrmðum || ðe ðæ
Guthlac A 46b in mægne || forðon se mon ne ðearf / to ðisse worulde || w
Guthlac A 61b an on wordum || ond ða weorc ne doð / bið him eorðwela || of
Guthlac A 130a swa doð wræcmæcgas / ða ðe ne bimurnað || monnes feore / ð
Guthlac A 187a færscytum || fæhðe ræran / ne meahton hy æfeste || anforl
Guthlac A 196b a dream / of ðam orlege || eft ne wolde / sylfa gesecan || ond hi
Guthlac A 220a hi singales || sorge dreogað / ne motun hi on eorðan || eardes
Guthlac A 221a i on eorðan || eardes brucan / ne hy lyft swefeð || in leoma r
Guthlac A 226a hyra earfeða || ende geryme / ne mostun hy guðlaces || gæste
Guthlac A 227a guðlaces || gæste sceððan / ne ðurh sarslege || sawle gedæ
Guthlac A 239b de || cwæð ðæt hy gielpan ne ðorftan / dædum wið dryhtnes
Guthlac A 246a n earfeðum || ana geðringan / ne eam ic swa fealog || swa ic e
Guthlac A 258b ð wille / æt gode gegyrnan || ne sceal min gæst mid eow / gedwo
Guthlac A 274a lifgan || ðeah ðu lond age / ne ðec mon hider || mose fedeð
Guthlac A 278b wiht / geswic ðisses setles || ne mæg ðec sellan ræd / mon gel
Guthlac A 282b maran mægne || ðæt ðe mon ne ðearf / hondum hrinan || ne ð
Guthlac A 283b on ne ðearf / hondum hrinan || ne ðin hra feallan / wæpna wundu
Guthlac A 294a ndsware || ond on elne strong / ne wond he for worde || ac his w
Guthlac A 304b eran ðence / worulde wæpen || ne sceal ðes wong gode / ðurh bl
Guthlac A 310a || nis min breostsefa / forht ne fæge || ac me friðe healde
Guthlac A 313b wiht æt eow / leofes gelong || ne ge me laðes wiht / gedon motun
Guthlac A 319a aldeð || is min hyht mid god / ne ic me eorðwelan || owiht sin
Guthlac A 320a me eorðwelan || owiht sinne / ne me mid mode || micles gyrne / a
Guthlac A 326b at eal ðonan / feonda mengu || ne wæs se fyrst micel / ðe hi gu
Guthlac A 340b rmra gæsta / treow getweode || ne he tid forsæt / ðæs ðe he f
Guthlac A 355b he sið tuge / eft to eðle || ne wæs ðæt ongin swylc / ðonne
Guthlac A 358a d him giefe sealde / ðæt hine ne meahte || meotudes willan / lon
Guthlac A 365a ðæs latteowes || larum hyre / ne lete him ealdfeond || eft onc
Guthlac A 371a mec to wundre || wægan motun / ne mæg min lichoma || wið ðas
Guthlac A 377b e ge hine sarum forsæcen || ne motan ge mine sawle gretan / ac
Guthlac A 384a ðisses beorges setl / meodumre ne mara || ðonne hit men duge / s
Guthlac A 386b s willan / dæghwam dreogeð || ne sceal se dryhtnes ðeow / in hi
Guthlac A 392a / wroht onwylled || woð oðer / ne lythwon leoðode || ðonne in
Guthlac A 399a ðeawum || he wæs ðeara sum / ne won he æfter worulde || ac h
Guthlac A 420b w / ðær ðæs ealdres || egsa ne styreð / no ðær ða feondas
Guthlac A 424b ðæt hy his lichoman || leng ne mostan / witum wælan || ne him
Guthlac A 425b eng ne mostan / witum wælan || ne him wiht gescod / ðæs ðe hy
Guthlac A 433a eðum || ana cwome / gif hy him ne meahte || maran sarum / gyldan
Guthlac A 443b ond / æt ðam ytmestan || ende ne scode / ðonne him se dryhtnes
Guthlac A 452a rĝa gǣst || wordum sæġde: / ‘Ne we þē þus swīðe || swen
Guthlac A 466a æs ðe ge in mode gehycgað / ne beoð eowre dæda dyrne || ð
Guthlac A 469b e || forðon ðu hit onwendan ne meahtes / ða wæs agongen ||
Guthlac A 479a cadene || on eow scyld siteð / ne cunnon ge dryhten || duguðe
Guthlac A 480a ge dryhten || duguðe biddan / ne mid eaðmedum || are secan / ð
Guthlac A 483a ge min onwald || agan mosten / ne ge ðæt geðyldum || ðicgan
Guthlac A 493b an no / demdan æfter dædum || ne beoð ða dyrne swa ðeah / ic
Guthlac A 496a geoguðe || ond gumena dream / ne magun ða æfteryld || in ða
Guthlac A 505a að || gæst aflihð / ðæt ge ne scirað || ac ge scyldigra / sy
Guthlac A 508b / gefeoð in firenum || frofre ne wenað / ðæt ge wræcsiða ||
Guthlac A 543a e ðæt mod geheold / ðæt him ne getweode || treow in breostum
Guthlac A 544a getweode || treow in breostum / ne him gnornunga || gæste scodu
Guthlac A 576b nnysse / meotudes cempan || hit ne meahte swa / cwædon cearfulle
Guthlac A 579a / to guðlace || mid grimnysse / ne eart ðu gedefe || ne dryhtne
Guthlac A 579b imnysse / ne eart ðu gedefe || ne dryhtnes ðeow / clæne gecosta
Guthlac A 580b tnes ðeow / clæne gecostad || ne cempa god / wordum ond weorcum
Guthlac A 612a onrices weard / ðæt eow æfre ne bið || ufan alyfed / leohtes l
Guthlac A 632a wiðhogdun || halgum dryhtne / ne mostun ge a wunian || in wynd
Guthlac A 659b ore nergende / leohtes leoma || ne lifes hyht / in godes rice || a
Guthlac A 673a lm hæbben || nales bletsunga / ne ðurfun ge wenan || wuldre bi
Guthlac A 676a scæd sconde || scufan motan / ne in bælblæsan || bregdon on
Guthlac A 698a nsette || ond geneahhe bibead / ne sy him banes bryce || ne blod
Guthlac A 698b bead / ne sy him banes bryce || ne blodig wund / lices læla || ne
Guthlac A 699b ne blodig wund / lices læla || ne laðes wiht / ðæs ðe ge him
Guthlac A 702b he sceal ðy wonge wealdan || ne magon ge him ða wic forstond
Guthlac A 707a sylfes dom || siððan wæron / ne sceal ic mine onsyn || fore e
Guthlac A 754b iman || forðon ðæs tweogan ne ðearf / ænig ofer eorðan ||
Guthlac A 811a ldað soð ond ryht / him ðæt ne hreoweð || æfter hingonge /
Guthlac B 828b nænges wæs / willan onsyn || ne welan brosnung / ne lifes lyre
Guthlac B 829a an onsyn || ne welan brosnung / ne lifes lyre || ne lices hryre /
Guthlac B 829b lan brosnung / ne lifes lyre || ne lices hryre / ne dreames dryre
Guthlac B 830a lifes lyre || ne lices hryre / ne dreames dryre || ne deaðes c
Guthlac B 830b ces hryre / ne dreames dryre || ne deaðes cyme / ac he on ðam la
Guthlac B 834a || ðær he no ðorfte / lifes ne lissa || in ðam leohtan ham /
Guthlac B 867b e / godes willan ðæs georn || ne gynnwised / ðæt he bibugan m
Guthlac B 904b o stund latu / earmra gæsta || ne ðæt onbid long / ðæt ða wr
Guthlac B 962a inna || næs he forht seðeah / ne seo adlðracu || egle on mode
Guthlac B 963a seo adlðracu || egle on mode / ne deaðgedal || ac him dryhtnes
Guthlac B 987b h ærgewyrht || ðætte ænig ne wæs / fyra cynnes || from frum
Guthlac B 993b ontyneð / ingong geopenað || ne mæg ænig ðam / flæsce bifon
Guthlac B 995a en || feore wiðstondan / ricra ne heanra || ac hine ræseð on /
Guthlac B 1023b him ða sið oncwæð || sona ne meahte / oroð up geteon || wæ
Guthlac B 1034b ga nealæceð / unlæt laces || ne bið ðæs lengra swice / sawel
Guthlac B 1055a ne || he ðæs onbæru / habban ne meahte || ac he hate let / torn
Guthlac B 1057b an / weallan wægdropan || wyrd ne meahte / in fægum leng || feor
Guthlac B 1064a ine leofestan || wordum negan / ne beo ðu unrot || ðeah ðeos
Guthlac B 1067b dnes willan / dryhtnes mines || ne ic ðæs deaðes hafu / on ðas
Guthlac B 1069a seocnan tid || sorge on mode / ne ic me herehloðe || helle ðe
Guthlac B 1070b elle ðegna / swiðe onsitte || ne mæg synne on me / facnes frumb
Guthlac B 1077a issa || min ðæt leofe bearn / ne beo ðu on sefan to seoc || i
Guthlac B 1081a æt swæse bearn / nis me wracu ne gewin || ðæt ic wuldres god
Guthlac B 1092a eadwelan || nis ðes eðel me / ne sar ne sorg || ic me sylfum w
Guthlac B 1118b aft / to eadwelan || swa he ær ne sið / æfre to ealdre || oðre
Guthlac B 1121a as lænan tid || lare gehyrde / ne swa deoplice || dryhtnes gery
Guthlac B 1137b e gebysgad / sarum geswenced || ne he sorge wæg / geocorne sefan
Guthlac B 1154b ngum / awrecen wælpilum || wlo ne meahte / oroð up geteon || ell
Guthlac B 1200b feorhgedal || ðæt hit feor ne wæs / endedogor || ongon ða o
Guthlac B 1221b es in geardum || huru ic giet ne wat / ær ðu me frea min || fu
Guthlac B 1229b ær / æfre on ealdre || ængum ne wolde / monna ofer moldan || me
Guthlac B 1236b stes mines / frofre gelettan || ne fæder mines / æfre geæfnan |
Guthlac B 1251a dwege || fira cynnes / ðæt me ne meahte || monna ænig / bideagl
Guthlac B 1345b uldres wynmæg || he ða wyrd ne mað / fæges forðsið || fusl
Guthlac B 1356b argum sefan || huru ic swiðe ne ðearf / hinsið behlehhan || i
Deor 8a | ðisses swa mæg / beadohilde ne wæs || hyre broðra deað / on
Deor 11b ðæt heo eacen wæs || æfre ne meahte / ðriste geðencan || h
Riddles 11 10b eorast / gif hi unrædes || ær ne geswicað
Riddles 13 5b seles wæge / anra gehwylces || ne wæs hyra ængum ðy wyrs / ne
Riddles 13 6a ne wæs hyra ængum ðy wyrs / ne siðe ðy sarre || ðeah hy s
Riddles 15 15b berað breost || ic his bidan ne dear / reðes on geruman || nel
Riddles 15 22b ond gesibbe || ic me siððan ne ðearf / wælhwelpes wig || wih
Riddles 15 25b stige / me on swaðe seceð || ne tosæleð him / on ðam gegnpa
Riddles 18 1b 18 / / ic eom wunderlicu wiht || ne mæg word sprecan / mældan for
Riddles 2 1b īlum iċ ġe·wīte, || swā ne wēnaþ menn, / under ȳða ġe
Riddles 2 10b de sǣ-grundas. || Sund-helme ne mæġ / losian ǣr mec lǣte ||
Riddles 2 11a || ond mec on sele weorðað / ne wyrneð wordlofes || wisan m
Riddles 2 17b æpnum awyrged || ic me wenan ne ðearf / ðæt me bearn wræce
Riddles 2 20a omra hwylc || guðe genægeð / ne weorðeð sio mægburg || gem
Riddles 2 27b arngestreona || ic wið bryde ne mot / hæmed habban || ac me ð
Riddles 2 35b ec wordum / ungod gæleð || ic ne gyme ðæs compes
Riddles 20 11a || ond mec on sele weorþað; / ne wyrneð wordlofes, || wisan m
Riddles 20 17b pnum awyrged. || Ic me wenan ne þearf / þæt me bearn wræce
Riddles 20 20a mra hwylc || guþe genægeð; / ne weorþeð sio mægburg || gem
Riddles 20 27b rngestreona. || Ic wiþ bryde ne mot / hæmed habban, || ac me
Riddles 20 35b wordum, / ungod gæleð. || Ic ne gyme þæs compes
Riddles 22 5a idhengestas || feower sceamas / ne meahton magorincas || ofer me
Riddles 22 13a | wægn to lande / swa hine oxa ne teah || ne esna mægen / ne fæ
Riddles 22 13b lande / swa hine oxa ne teah || ne esna mægen / ne fæthengest ||
Riddles 22 14a oxa ne teah || ne esna mægen / ne fæthengest || ne on flode sw
Riddles 22 14b esna mægen / ne fæthengest || ne on flode swom / ne be grunde wo
Riddles 22 15a thengest || ne on flode swom / ne be grunde wod || gestum under
Riddles 22 16a be grunde wod || gestum under / ne lagu drefde || ne on lyfte fl
Riddles 22 16b estum under / ne lagu drefde || ne on lyfte fleag / ne under bæc
Riddles 22 17a u drefde || ne on lyfte fleag / ne under bæc cyrde || brohte hw
Riddles 23 10a lo attor || ðæt ic ær geap / ne togongeð ðæs || gumena hwy
Riddles 27 12b secan / gif he unrædes || ær ne geswiceð / strengo bistolen ||
Riddles 27 15a || nah his modes geweald / fota ne folma || frige hwæt ic hatte
Riddles 3 15b nd clomme || ðæt ic onbugan ne mot / of ðæs gewealde || ðe
Riddles 3 53a n || scearpum wæpnum / dol him ne ondrædeð || ða deaðsperu /
Riddles 3 73b mec rære || ðonne ic restan ne mot / oððe hwa mec stæððe
Riddles 31 8b e / no hwæðre fleogan mæg || ne fela gongan / hwæðre feðegeo
Riddles 31 14b cyðan mote / werum on wonge || ne heo ðær wiht ðigeð / ðæs
Riddles 32 5b n / næfde sellicu wiht || syne ne folme / exle ne earmas || sceal
Riddles 32 6a cu wiht || syne ne folme / exle ne earmas || sceal on anum fet / s
Riddles 34 6b ða findeð || ða ðe fæst ne bið / læteð hio ða wlitigan
Riddles 35 3a f his innaðe || ærist cende / ne wat ic mec beworhtne || wulle
Riddles 35 5a || hygeðoncum min / wundene me ne beoð wefle || ne ic wearp ha
Riddles 35 5b / wundene me ne beoð wefle || ne ic wearp hafu / ne ðurh ðreat
Riddles 35 6a oð wefle || ne ic wearp hafu / ne ðurh ðreata geðræcu || ð
Riddles 35 6b reata geðræcu || ðræd me ne hlimmeð / ne æt me hrutende |
Riddles 35 7a æcu || ðræd me ne hlimmeð / ne æt me hrutende || hrisil scr
Riddles 35 8a hrutende || hrisil scriðeð / ne mec ohwonan || sceal am cnyss
Riddles 35 9a | sceal am cnyssan / wyrmas mec ne awæfan || wyrda cræftum / ða
Riddles 36 9b t hio wære / for flodwegas || ne wæs ðæt na fugul ana / ac ð
Riddles 37 5a felde || fleah ðurh his eage / ne swylteð he symle || ðonne s
Riddles 39 7a || gewiteð eft feran on weg / ne bið hio næfre || niht ðær
Riddles 39 10a weorfan || no ðy heanre bið / ne hafað hio fot ne folme || ne
Riddles 39 10b ne hafað hio fot ne folme || ne æfre foldan hran / ne eagena |
Riddles 39 11a folme || ne æfre foldan hran / ne eagena || ægðer twega / ne mu
Riddles 39 12a an / ne eagena || ægðer twega / ne muð hafað || ne wið monnum
Riddles 39 12b gðer twega / ne muð hafað || ne wið monnum spræc / ne gewit h
Riddles 39 13a fað || ne wið monnum spræc / ne gewit hafað || ac gewritu se
Riddles 39 16a fter gecyndum || cenned wære / ne hafað hio sawle ne feorh ||
Riddles 39 18a wundorworuld || wide dreogan / ne hafað hio blod ne ban || hw
Riddles 39 20b e / næfre hio heofonum hran || ne to helle mot / ac hio sceal wid
Riddles 39 27a b ðas wiht || wordum becneð / ne hafað heo ænig lim || leofa
Riddles 4 9a ende || wunian longe / ðæt ic ne slepe || siððan æfre / ond m
Riddles 4 20a gebolgen || bidsteal giefeð / ne mæg mec oferswiðan || segnb
Riddles 4 65a | symle lifgan / ðeah ic ætes ne sy || æfre to feore / ic mæg
Riddles 4 91b ðrymme || ðæt ic onðunian ne sceal / mara ic eom ond strengr
Riddles 4 98a searoðoncle || seaxe delfað / ne hafu ic in heafde || hwite lo
Riddles 4 100a wundne || ac ic eom wide calu / ne ic breaga ne bruna || brucan
Riddles 40 9a de || wunian lange, / þæt iċ ne slǣpe || siþþan ǣfre, / and
Riddles 40 10a nde || wunian longe, / þæt ic ne slepe || siþþan æfre, / ond
Riddles 40 20a lĝen || bid-steall ġiefeþ; / ne mæġ mec ofer·swīðan || s
Riddles 40 21a gebolgen || bidsteal giefeð; / ne mæg mec oferswiþan || segnb
Riddles 40 65a simle libban / þēah iċ ǣtes ne sīe || ǣfre tō fēore. / Iċ
Riddles 40 67a | symle lifgan / þeah ic ætes ne sy || æfre to feore. / Ic mæg
Riddles 40 91b e, || þæt iċ on·þunian%, ne sċeall. / Māra iċ eom and st
Riddles 40 95b rymme, || þæt ic onþunian ne sceal. / Mara ic eom ond streng
Riddles 40 100a m wīde calu; / ne iċ brēaĝa ne brūna || brūcan mōste, / ac
Riddles 40 102a aroþoncle, || seaxe delfað. / Ne hafu ic in heafde || hwite lo
Riddles 40 104a ndne, || ac ic eom wide calu; / ne ic breaga ne bruna || brucan
Riddles 41 6a oldan sceat || to gefean agen / ne magon we her in eorðan || ow
Riddles 43 2b in geardum || ðam se grimma ne mæg / hungor sceððan || ne s
Riddles 43 3b a ne mæg / hungor sceððan || ne se hata ðurst / yldo ne adle |
Riddles 43 4a an || ne se hata ðurst / yldo ne adle || gif him arlice / esne
Riddles 43 10b hyreð yfle / frean on fore || ne wile forht wesan / broðor oðr
Riddles 47 5b trangan staðol || stælgiest ne wæs / wihte ðy gleawra || ðe
Riddles 48 3a || tila ðeah he hlude / stefne ne cirmde || strongum wordum / sin
Riddles 49 9a || ic ðæt cyn nu gen / nemnan ne wille || ðe him to nytte swa
Riddles 5 4b o, / frecne feohtan. || Frōfre ne wēne, / þæt mē% ġōc cyme
Riddles 58 2b dreogan / wiht on wonge || wide ne fereð / ne fela rideð || ne f
Riddles 58 3a ht on wonge || wide ne fereð / ne fela rideð || ne fleogan mæ
Riddles 58 3b e ne fereð / ne fela rideð || ne fleogan mæg / ðurh scirne dæ
Riddles 58 4b gan mæg / ðurh scirne dæg || ne hie scip fereð / naca nægledb
Riddles 58 10a || eorðgræf pæðeð / wætan ne swelgeð || ne wiht iteð / fo
Riddles 58 10b æðeð / wætan ne swelgeð || ne wiht iteð / foðres ne gitsað
Riddles 58 11a geð || ne wiht iteð / foðres ne gitsað || fereð oft swa ðe
Riddles 58 12b eah / lagoflod on lyfte || life ne gielpeð / hlafordes gifum || h
Riddles 59 12b ðæs beages / benne cwædon || ne mæg ðære bene / æniges monn
Riddles 7 8b singað || ðonne ic getenge ne beom / flode ond foldan || fere
Riddles 8 4b healde mine wisan || hleoðre ne miðe / eald æfensceop || eorl
Riddles 9 2b ofgeafun / fæder ond modor || ne wæs me feorh ða gen / ealdor
The Wife's Lament 22a ul oft wit beotedan / ðæt unc ne gedælde || nemne deað ana / o
The Wife's Lament 39b oða fela || forðon ic æfre ne mæg / ðære modceare || minre
The Wife's Lament 41a re modceare || minre gerestan / ne ealles ðæs longaðes || ðe
The Judgment Day I 24a d || ac ðær is brogna hyhst / ne noht hyhtlic ham || ac ðær
The Judgment Day I 26b t / tomældeð mid his muðe || ne con he ða mircan gesceaft / hu
The Judgment Day I 38a heremægen || hat bið acolod / ne bið ðonne on ðisse worulde
The Judgment Day I 40a wætres sweg / || fisces eðel / ne bið her ban ne blod || ac sc
The Judgment Day I 43b worhtan / godes oððe yfles || ne mæg nænig gryre mare / geweor
The Judgment Day I 45a ulde || ond se bið wide cuð / ne tytað her tungul || ac bið
The Judgment Day I 52b ehatne leg / egsan oferðrym || ne bið nænges eorles tir / leng
The Judgment Day I 71b ge lare / brigdeð on bysmer || ne con he ðæs brogan dæl / yfle
The Judgment Day I 79b / siteð him symbelgal || sið ne bemurneð / hu him æfter ðiss
The Judgment Day I 88b arð / sarig fore his synnum || ne sceal se to sæne beon / ne ði
The Judgment Day I 89a || ne sceal se to sæne beon / ne ðissa larna to læt || se ð
The Judgment Day I 110a ðæs hlude || horn aðyteð / ne byman ablaweð || ðæt ne sy
The Judgment Day I 110b ð / ne byman ablaweð || ðæt ne sy seo beorhte stefn / ofer eal
The Judgment Day I 115a geweorðan / ðæt ic gewægan ne mæg || wyrd under heofonum / a
Resignation 15b ning / ræd arære || regnðeof ne læt / on sceade sceððan ||
Resignation 52b na fela / æfter dogrum dyde || ne læt ðu mec næfre deofol se
Resignation 77b ðara synna || ðe ic me sylf ne conn / ongietan gleawlice || go
Resignation 82b c martirdom / deopne adreoge || ne eom ic dema gleaw / wis fore we
Resignation 89b ed eom / earm of minum eðle || ne mæg ðæs anhoga / leodwynna l
Resignation 102a faroðe || nah ic fela goldes / ne huru ðæs freondes || ðe me
Resignation 103b am siðfate || nu ic me sylf ne mæg / fore minum wonæhtum ||
Resignation 106b / tanum lædan || ic for tæle ne mæg / ænigne moncynnes || mod
Resignation 111b g æfter life || ic on leohte ne mæg / butan earfoðum || ænge
Resignation 117b selast || ðonne mon him sylf ne mæg / wyrd onwendan || ðæt h
The Descent into Hell 37a fian || reðust ealra cyninga / ne rohte he to ðære hilde || h
The Descent into Hell 38a ðære hilde || helmberendra / ne he byrnwigend || to ðam burg
The Descent into Hell 39a || to ðam burggeatum / lædan ne wolde || ac ða locu feollan /
The Descent into Hell 64a æccan // || he bið wide fah / ne bið he no ðæs nearwe || un
The Descent into Hell 66a bealuclommum / ðæt he ðy yð ne mæge || ellen habban / ðonne
The Descent into Hell 101a re stowe || stille gewunadest / ne mostan ðe geondferan || fold
Alms-Giving 6b leg adwæsce || ðæt he leng ne mæg / blac byrnende || burgum
The Lord's Prayer I 9a singalan || soðfæst meotod / ne læt usic costunga || cnyssan
Azarias 60b liges leoman || swa hyra lice ne scod / ac wæs in ðam ofne ||
Azarias 164a on || godes ondsacan / ðæt hi ne meahtan || ne meotod wolde / ac
Azarias 164b dsacan / ðæt hi ne meahtan || ne meotod wolde / acwellan cnyhta
Azarias 178b mid / hafað beorhtne blæd || ne mæg him bryne sceððan / wlit
Azarias 184a ocodonossor || near ætgongan / ne forhogodon ðæt ða halgan |
Azarias 187b gewlitegad || swa hyra wædum ne scod / gifre gleda nið || ac h
Riddles 60 11b an searolic || ðam ðe swylc ne conn / hu mec seaxes ord || ond
Riddles 60 17b ma / uncre wordcwidas || widdor ne mænden
The Husband's Message 24a an geomorne || geac on bearwe / ne læt ðu ðec siððan || si
The Husband's Message 30a e ðeoden is || ðin on wenum / ne mæg him worulde || willa gel
The Husband's Message 45a erwunnen || nis him wilna gad / ne meara ne maðma || ne meododr
The Husband's Message 45b lna gad / ne meara ne maðma || ne meododreama / ænges ofer eorð
Riddles 63 9a | ðonne ic forð cyme / // || / ne mæg ic ðy miðan || / || /a
Riddles 63 10a þonne iċ forþ cyme. / [] || / Ne mæġ iċ þȳ mīðan, [] ||
Riddles 65 1a # Riddles 65 / / cwico wæs ic ne cwæð ic wiht || cwele ic ef
Riddles 65 5a briceð mine wisan / monnan ic ne bite || nympðe he me bite / si
Riddles 67 7a t / || nænne muð hafað / fet ne || / || welan oft sacað / cwi
Riddles 70 1b ætlic || þam þe hyre wisan ne conn. / Singeð þurh sidan. ||
Riddles 77 5b m / min flæsc fretan || felles ne recceð / siððan he me of sid
Riddles 78 6b o mos/ || / || swa ic him / || ne æt ham gesæt / || flote cwea
Riddles 82 4a | greate swilgeð / // || / fell ne flæsc || fotum gong/ / || /e
Riddles 83 8b / eall of earde || ic him yfle ne mot / ac ic hæftnyd || hwilum
Riddles 84 17a | / /ðe ænig ðara || / /fter ne mæg || / oðer cynn || eorða
Riddles 84 50b t searwum bið || / || deaðe ne feleð / ðeah ðe || / /du hrer
Riddles 85 1b les 85 / / nis min sele swige || ne ic sylfa hlud / ymb // || unc d
Riddles 88 23a ol weardian || stondan fæste / ne wat hwær min broðor || on w
Riddles 88 28b wa wit ðære beadwe || begen ne onðungan / nu mec unsceafta ||
Riddles 88 30b mec be wombe || ic gewendan ne mæg / æt ðam spore findeð |
Riddles 93 18b ardne / brun bennade || blod ut ne com / heolfor of hreðre || ðe
Riddles 93 21a e || no ic ða stunde bemearn / ne for wunde weop || ne wrecan m
Riddles 93 21b bemearn / ne for wunde weop || ne wrecan meahte / on wigan feore
The Phoenix 14b s grene / rume under roderum || ne mæg ðær ren ne snaw / ne for
The Phoenix 15a || ne mæg ðær ren ne snaw / ne forstes fnæst || ne fyres bl
The Phoenix 15b ne snaw / ne forstes fnæst || ne fyres blæst / ne hægles hryre
The Phoenix 16a tes fnæst || ne fyres blæst / ne hægles hryre || ne hrimes dr
The Phoenix 16b es blæst / ne hægles hryre || ne hrimes dryre / ne sunnan hætu
The Phoenix 17a gles hryre || ne hrimes dryre / ne sunnan hætu || ne sincaldu / n
The Phoenix 17b imes dryre / ne sunnan hætu || ne sincaldu / ne wearm weder || ne
The Phoenix 18a e sunnan hætu || ne sincaldu / ne wearm weder || ne winterscur /
The Phoenix 18b ne sincaldu / ne wearm weder || ne winterscur / wihte gewyrdan ||
The Phoenix 21b mum geblowen || beorgas ðær ne muntas / steape ne stondað ||
The Phoenix 22a eorgas ðær ne muntas / steape ne stondað || ne stanclifu / heah
The Phoenix 22b muntas / steape ne stondað || ne stanclifu / heah hlifiað || sw
The Phoenix 24a ah hlifiað || swa her mid us / ne dene ne dalu || ne dunscrafu /
The Phoenix 24b her mid us / ne dene ne dalu || ne dunscrafu / hlæwas ne hlincas
The Phoenix 25a dalu || ne dunscrafu / hlæwas ne hlincas || ne ðær hleonað
The Phoenix 25b nscrafu / hlæwas ne hlincas || ne ðær hleonað oo / unsmeðes w
The Phoenix 34b / wuduholt wynlic || wæstmas ne dreosað / beorhte blede || ac
The Phoenix 39b brosniað / leaf under lyfte || ne him lig sceðeð / æfre to eal
The Phoenix 51a on ðam londe || laðgeniðla / ne wop ne wracu || weatacen nan /
The Phoenix 52a ne wracu || weatacen nan / yldu ne yrmðu || ne se enga deað / ne
The Phoenix 52b eatacen nan / yldu ne yrmðu || ne se enga deað / ne lifes lyre |
The Phoenix 53a ne yrmðu || ne se enga deað / ne lifes lyre || ne laðes cyme /
The Phoenix 53b e enga deað / ne lifes lyre || ne laðes cyme / ne synn ne sacu |
The Phoenix 54a lifes lyre || ne laðes cyme / ne synn ne sacu || ne sarwracu / n
The Phoenix 54b aðes cyme / ne synn ne sacu || ne sarwracu / ne wædle gewin || n
The Phoenix 55a e synn ne sacu || ne sarwracu / ne wædle gewin || ne welan onsy
The Phoenix 55b e sarwracu / ne wædle gewin || ne welan onsyn / ne sorg ne slæp
The Phoenix 56a ædle gewin || ne welan onsyn / ne sorg ne slæp || ne swar lege
The Phoenix 56b lan onsyn / ne sorg ne slæp || ne swar leger / ne wintergeweorp |
The Phoenix 57a org ne slæp || ne swar leger / ne wintergeweorp || ne wedra geb
The Phoenix 57b war leger / ne wintergeweorp || ne wedra gebregd / hreoh under heo
The Phoenix 58b bregd / hreoh under heofonum || ne se hearda forst / caldum cylegi
The Phoenix 60a elum || cnyseð ænigne / ðær ne hægl ne hrim || hreosað to
The Phoenix 61a ne hrim || hreosað to foldan / ne windig wolcen || ne ðær wæ
The Phoenix 61b to foldan / ne windig wolcen || ne ðær wæter fealleð / lyfte g
The Phoenix 74a er heofonum || holtes frætwe / ne feallað ðær on foldan || f
The Phoenix 82b ond wynlond || ðæt onwended ne bið / æfre to ealdre || ærð
The Phoenix 134a wynsumra || wrenca gehwylcum / ne magon ðam breahtme || byman
The Phoenix 134b magon ðam breahtme || byman ne hornas / ne hearpan hlyn || ne
The Phoenix 135a m breahtme || byman ne hornas / ne hearpan hlyn || ne hæleða s
The Phoenix 135b ne hornas / ne hearpan hlyn || ne hæleða stefn / ænges on eor
The Phoenix 136b a stefn / ænges on eorðan || ne organan / sweghleoðres geswin
The Phoenix 137b ganan / sweghleoðres geswin || ne swanes feðre / ne ænig ðara
The Phoenix 138a es geswin || ne swanes feðre / ne ænig ðara dreama || ðe dry
The Phoenix 179b dendra / beorhtast geblowen || ne mæg him bitres wiht / scyldum
The Phoenix 314b secgað / nis he hinderweard || ne hygegælsa / swar ne swongor ||
The Phoenix 315a erweard || ne hygegælsa / swar ne swongor || swa sume fuglas / ð
The Phoenix 347b um snel || ðæt him gefylgan ne mæg / drymendra gedryht || ðo
The Phoenix 357b / wifhades ðe weres || ðæt ne wat ænig / monna cynnes || but
The Phoenix 368b / forðon he drusende || deað ne bisorgað / sare swyltcwale ||
The Phoenix 448b weardiað || ðær him wihte ne mæg / ealdfeonda nan || atre s
The Phoenix 480b e ceosað / ofer woruldwelan || ne bið him wynne hyht / ðæt hy
The Phoenix 546a e abywde || ðurh bryne fyres / ne wene ðæs ænig || ælda cyn
The Phoenix 552a ðæt word gecwæð / ic ðæt ne forhycge || heortan geðoncum
The Phoenix 561b fne lofiað || ic ðæs lifes ne mæg / æfre to ealdre || ende
The Phoenix 581b ealles edgiong || ðær ænig ne mæg / in ðam leodscype || læ
The Phoenix 594b e to ealdre || ðær him yfle ne mæg / fah feond gemah || facne
The Phoenix 608b efea / ece ond edgeong || æfre ne sweðrað / ac hy in wlite wuni
The Phoenix 611a frætwum || mid fæder engla / ne bið him on ðam wicum || wih
The Phoenix 612a wicum || wiht to sorge / wroht ne weðel || ne gewindagas / hungo
The Phoenix 612b t to sorge / wroht ne weðel || ne gewindagas / hungor se hata ||
The Phoenix 613b gewindagas / hungor se hata || ne se hearda ðurst / yrmðu ne yl
The Phoenix 614a || ne se hearda ðurst / yrmðu ne yldo || him se æðela cyning
Juliana 33b llan / welegum biweddad || wyrd ne ful cuðe / freondrædenne || h
Juliana 46b cgan || ðæt ðu ðec sylfne ne ðearft / swiðor swencan || gi
Juliana 53b encest / hætsð hæðenweoh || ne meaht ðu habban mec / ne geðr
Juliana 54a oh || ne meaht ðu habban mec / ne geðreatian || ðe to gesinga
Juliana 70b / ðæt heo mæglufan || minre ne gyme / freondrædenne || me ða
Juliana 85a ðe ðu me sagast / ðæt ic hy ne sparige || ac on spild giefe /
Juliana 104b eres frige / ece eadlufan || an ne forlæte / him ða seo eadge ||
Juliana 113b ma bigong / eodera ymbhwyrft || ne mæg he elles mec / bringan to
Juliana 120b ofað / gif ðu unrædes || ær ne geswicest / ond ðu fremdu godu
Juliana 135a ic me ondræde || domas ðine / ne me weorce sind || witebrogan /
Juliana 138a manfremmende || to me beotast / ne ðu næfre gedest || ðurh ge
Juliana 177a geðreatast || ðinum beotum / ne wita ðæs fela || wraðra ge
Juliana 210a ðele mod || unforht oncwæð / ne ondræde ic me || domas ðine
Juliana 211b s ðine / awyrged womsceaða || ne ðinra wita bealo / hæbbe ic m
Juliana 218a s / idle orfeorme || unbiðyrfe / ne ðær freme meteð || fira æ
Juliana 220b e to him / freondrædenne || he ne findeð ðær / duguðe mid deo
Juliana 226a || fracuðlic ðuhte / ðæt he ne meahte || mod oncyrran / fæmna
Juliana 258b ða fromlice || seo ðe forht ne wæs / criste gecweme || hwonan
Juliana 275a t fruman settest / ðæt ðu me ne læte || of lofe hweorfan / ði
Juliana 313b artra synna || ðe ic asecgan ne mæg / rume areccan || ne gerim
Juliana 314b ecgan ne mæg / rume areccan || ne gerim witan / heardra heteðonc
Juliana 328b egeomre / forhte on ferððe || ne bið us frea milde / egesful ea
Juliana 330b e yfles noht / gedon habbað || ne durran we siððan / for his on
Juliana 338b æstra / ðurh myrrelsan || mod ne oðcyrreð / haligra hyge || we
Juliana 374b ð stronglice || staðolfæst ne mæg / fore leahtra lufan || le
Juliana 392a ipe || gehðu mænan / ðæt ic ne meahte || mægnes cræfte / gu
Juliana 450b fendum / ðæt unsælig || eall ne forweorðe / ðeah ic ðec gedy
Juliana 453b e me / ðyslicre ær || ðrage ne wende / ða seo wlitescyne || w
Juliana 494b aroðoncum slog || ic asecgan ne mæg / ðeah ic gesitte || sume
Juliana 510b ra cynne / eorlum on eorðan || ne wæs ænig ðara / ðæt me ðu
Juliana 515a halge meaht || heahfædra nan / ne witgena || ðeah ðe him weor
Juliana 526b ig hondgewinn || ic bihlyhhan ne ðearf / æfter sarwræce || si
Juliana 541b t ðu furður me || fraceðu ne wyrce / edwit for eorlum || ðo
Juliana 548a ic to soðe wat / ðæt ic ær ne sið || ænig ne mette / in wor
Juliana 548b ðæt ic ær ne sið || ænig ne mette / in woruldrice || wif ð
Juliana 550b gelic / ðristran geðohtes || ne ðweorhtimbran / mægða cynnes
Juliana 590b wemde wlite || næs hyre wloh ne hrægl / ne feax ne fel || fyre
Juliana 591a e || næs hyre wloh ne hrægl / ne feax ne fel || fyre gemæled /
Juliana 592a feax ne fel || fyre gemæled / ne lic ne leoðu || heo in lige
Juliana 599a his godu tælde / ðæs ðe hy ne meahtun || mægne wiðstondan
Juliana 605b te gecorene || hine se cwealm ne ðeah / siððan he ðone finta
Juliana 683a d / hyhta lease || helle sohton / ne ðorftan ða ðegnas || in ð
The Wanderer 15a rdcofan || hycge swa he wille / ne mæg werig mod || wyrde wiðs
The Wanderer 16a erig mod || wyrde wiðstondan / ne se hreo hyge || helpe gefremm
The Wanderer 58a ne sefan / forðon ic geðencan ne mæg || geond ðas woruld / for
The Wanderer 59b oruld / for hwan modsefa || min ne gesweorce / ðonne ic eorla lif
The Wanderer 64a dreoseð ond fealleð / forðon ne mæg weorðan wis || wer ær
The Wanderer 66a drice || wita sceal geðyldig / ne sceal no to hatheort || ne to
The Wanderer 66b ig / ne sceal no to hatheort || ne to hrædwyrde / ne to wac wiga
The Wanderer 67a hatheort || ne to hrædwyrde / ne to wac wiga || ne to wanhydig
The Wanderer 67b hrædwyrde / ne to wac wiga || ne to wanhydig / ne to forht ne to
The Wanderer 68a to wac wiga || ne to wanhydig / ne to forht ne to fægen || ne t
The Wanderer 68b g / ne to forht ne to fægen || ne to feohgifre / ne næfre gielpe
The Wanderer 69a to fægen || ne to feohgifre / ne næfre gielpes to georn || æ
The Wanderer 112b ðe his treowe gehealdeð || ne sceal næfre his torn to ryce
The Gifts of Men 8a / dryhtwuniendra || dæl onfon / ne bið ænig ðæs || earfoðs
The Gifts of Men 9b arfoðsælig / mon on moldan || ne ðæs medspedig / lytelhydig ||
The Gifts of Men 10b ðæs medspedig / lytelhydig || ne ðæs læthydig / ðæt hine se
The Gifts of Men 98b monna / mode ðæs cræftig || ne ðæs mægeneacen / ðæt hi æ
Precepts 17a ðre siðe || heald elne ðis / ne freme firene || ne næfre fre
Precepts 17b elne ðis / ne freme firene || ne næfre freonde ðinum / mæge m
Precepts 18a fre freonde ðinum / mæge man ne geðafa || ðy læs ðec meot
Precepts 23a tgehygdum || his bearn lærde / ne gewuna wyrsa || widan feore /
Precepts 29a agan || ðæt he gemunde ðis / ne aswic sundorwine || ac a syml
Precepts 70a n colað || idlað ðeodscype / ne habbað wiht for ðæt || ðe
Precepts 83a || ðonne he mon flyhð / yrre ne læt ðe || æfre gewealdan / h
Precepts 90a ælda mæg || eades hleotan / ne beo ðu no to tælende || ne
Precepts 90b / ne beo ðu no to tælende || ne to tweospræce / ne ðe on mode
Precepts 91a tælende || ne to tweospræce / ne ðe on mode læt || men to fr
The Seafarer 12b erewerges mod || ðæt se mon ne wat / ðe him on foldan || fæg
The Seafarer 18a | hægl scurum fleag / ðær ic ne gehyrde || butan hlimman sæ /
The Seafarer 25b æt earn bigeal / urigfeðra || ne ænig hleomæga / feasceaftig f
The Seafarer 40a modwlonc || mon ofer eorðan / ne his gifena ðæs god || ne in
The Seafarer 40b an / ne his gifena ðæs god || ne in geoguðe to ðæs hwæt / ne
The Seafarer 41a ne in geoguðe to ðæs hwæt / ne in his dædum to ðæs deor |
The Seafarer 41b n his dædum to ðæs deor || ne him his dryhten to ðæs hold
The Seafarer 44a n hine dryhten || gedon wille / ne bið him to hearpan hyge || n
The Seafarer 44b e bið him to hearpan hyge || ne to hringðege / ne to wife wyn
The Seafarer 45a rpan hyge || ne to hringðege / ne to wife wyn || ne to worulde
The Seafarer 45b hringðege / ne to wife wyn || ne to worulde hyht / ne ymbe owiht
The Seafarer 46a ife wyn || ne to worulde hyht / ne ymbe owiht elles || nefne ymb
The Seafarer 55b breosthord || ðæt se beorn ne wat / esteadig secg || hwæt ð
The Seafarer 82b n rices / næron nu cyningas || ne caseras / ne goldgiefan || swyl
The Seafarer 83a ron nu cyningas || ne caseras / ne goldgiefan || swylce iu wæro
The Seafarer 94a a bearn || eorðan forgiefene / ne mæg him ðonne se flæschoma
The Seafarer 95a ðonne him ðæt feorg losað / ne swete forswelgan || ne sar ge
The Seafarer 95b losað / ne swete forswelgan || ne sar gefelan / ne hond onhreran
The Seafarer 96a forswelgan || ne sar gefelan / ne hond onhreran || ne mid hyge
The Seafarer 96b r gefelan / ne hond onhreran || ne mid hyge ðencan / ðeah ðe gr
The Seafarer 100a licum || ðæt hine mid wille / ne mæg ðære sawle || ðe bið
The Seafarer 106a l bið se ðe him his dryhten ne ondrædeð || cymeð him se d
Beowulf 38a feorwegum || frætwa gelæded / ne hyrde ic cymlicor || ceol geg
Beowulf 50b omor sefa / murnende mod || men ne cunnon / secgan to soðe || sel
Beowulf 80a eweald || wide hæfde / he beot ne aleh || beagas dælde / sinc æ
Beowulf 83b aðowylma bad / laðan liges || ne wæs hit lenge ða gen / ðæt
Beowulf 109a ten || ðæs ðe he abel slog / ne gefeah he ðære fæhðe || a
Beowulf 119b swefan æfter symble || sorge ne cuðon / wonsceaft wera || wiht
Beowulf 154b issera / singale sæce || sibbe ne wolde / wið manna hwone || mæ
Beowulf 157a bealo feorran || fea ðingian / ne ðær nænig witena || wenan
Beowulf 162b te heold / mistige moras || men ne cunnon / hwyder helrunan || hwy
Beowulf 169b moste / maððum for metode || ne his myne wisse / ðæt wæs wr
Beowulf 180b ndon / in modsefan || metod hie ne cuðon / dæda demend || ne wis
Beowulf 181b hie ne cuðon / dæda demend || ne wiston hie drihten god / ne hie
Beowulf 182a || ne wiston hie drihten god / ne hie huru heofena helm || heri
Beowulf 182b e huru heofena helm || herian ne cuðon / wuldres waldend || wa
Beowulf 185b fan / in fyres fæðm || frofre ne wenan / wihte gewendan || wel b
Beowulf 190b a healfdenes / singala seað || ne mihte snotor hæleð / wean onw
Beowulf 243b ig / mid scipherge || sceððan ne meahte / no her cuðlicor || cu
Beowulf 245b man ongunnon / lindhæbbende || ne ge leafnesword / guðfremmendra
Beowulf 246b word / guðfremmendra || gearwe ne wisson / maga gemedu || næfre
Beowulf 271b micel ærende / deniga frean || ne sceal ðær dyrne sum / wesan
Beowulf 336b m hroðgares / ar ond ombiht || ne seah ic elðeodige / ðus manig
Beowulf 429a nga || anre bene / ðæt ðu me ne forwyrne || wigendra hleo / fre
Beowulf 434b ca / for his wonhydum || wæpna ne recceð / ic ðæt ðonne forhi
Beowulf 450b morhopu || no ðu ymb mines ne ðearft / lices feorme || leng
Beowulf 462b cyn / for herebrogan || habban ne mihte / ðanon he gesohte || su
Beowulf 503a icel æfðunca / forðon ðe he ne uðe || ðæt ænig oðer man
Beowulf 510b deop wæter / aldrum neðdon || ne inc ænig mon / ne leof ne lað
Beowulf 511a m neðdon || ne inc ænig mon / ne leof ne lað || belean mihte /
Beowulf 569a tne ford || brimliðende / lade ne letton || leoht eastan com / be
Beowulf 577a es hwealf || heardran feohtan / ne on egstreamum || earmran mann
Beowulf 584b næfre git / æt heaðolace || ne gehwæðer incer / swa deorlice
Beowulf 595b unden || ðæt he ða fæhðe ne ðearf / atole ecgðræce || eo
Beowulf 600b / swefeð ond sendeð || secce ne weneð / to gardenum || ac ic h
Beowulf 648b an hie sunnan leoht || geseon ne meahton / oððe nipende || nih
Beowulf 660b len cyð / waca wið wraðum || ne bið ðe wilna gad / gif ðu ð
Beowulf 706a æt wæs yldum cuð / ðæt hie ne moste || ða metod nolde / se s
Beowulf 716b arwost wisse / fættum fahne || ne wæs ðæt forma sið / ðæt h
Beowulf 718b æfre he on aldordagum || ær ne siððan / heardran hæle || he
Beowulf 734b alumpen wæs / wistfylle wen || ne wæs ðæt wyrd ða gen / ðæt
Beowulf 739a r færgripum || gefaran wolde / ne ðæt se aglæca || yldan ðo
Beowulf 751a unde || fyrena hyrde / ðæt he ne mette || middangeardes / eorða
Beowulf 756b fleon / secan deofla gedræg || ne wæs his drohtoð ðær / swylc
Beowulf 772b odeorum || ðæt he on hrusan ne feol / fæger foldbold || ac he
Beowulf 778a ðær ða graman wunnon / ðæs ne wendon ær || witan scyldinga
Beowulf 793a ealmcuman || cwicne forlætan / ne his lifdagas || leoda ænigum
Beowulf 798a ær hie meahton swa / hie ðæt ne wiston || ða hie gewin drugo
Beowulf 858a nig oft gecwæð / ðætte suð ne norð || be sæm tweonum / ofer
Beowulf 862a ndhæbbendra || rices wyrðra / ne hie huru winedrihten || wiht
Beowulf 862b hie huru winedrihten || wiht ne logon / glædne hroðgar || ac
Beowulf 878b ra ðe gumena bearn || gearwe ne wiston / fæhðe ond fyrena ||
Beowulf 889b ana geneðde / frecne dæde || ne wæs him fitela mid / hwæðre
Beowulf 933a || ðæt ic ænigra me / weana ne wende || to widan feore / bote
Beowulf 937a || witena gehwylcum / ðara ðe ne wendon || ðæt hie wideferh
Beowulf 941b gefremede / ðe we ealle || ær ne meahton / snyttrum besyrwan ||
Beowulf 949b eald forð tela / niwe sibbe || ne bið ðe nænigra gad / worolde
Beowulf 967a | butan his lic swice / ic hine ne mihte || ða metod nolde / gang
Beowulf 1011a self cyning || symbel ðicgan / ne gefrægen ic ða mægðe || m
Beowulf 1027a ceotendum || scamigan ðorfte / ne gefrægn ic freondlicor || fe
Beowulf 1032b / ðæt him fela laf || frecne ne meahton / scurheard sceððan |
Beowulf 1071a n freswæle || feallan scolde / ne huru hildeburh || herian ðor
Beowulf 1082a || nemne feaum anum / ðæt he ne mehte || on ðæm meðelstede
Beowulf 1084a ig hengeste || wiht gefeohtan / ne ða wealafe || wige forðring
Beowulf 1100a ðæt ðær ænig mon / wordum ne worcum || wære ne bræce / ne
Beowulf 1100b mon / wordum ne worcum || wære ne bræce / ne ðurh inwitsearo ||
Beowulf 1101a ne worcum || wære ne bræce / ne ðurh inwitsearo || æfre gem
Beowulf 1130a || eard gemunde / ðeah ðe he ne meahte || on mere drifan / hrin
Beowulf 1142a bearn || inne gemunde / swa he ne forwyrnde || woroldrædenne /
Beowulf 1150b ændon / ætwiton weana dæl || ne meahte wæfre mod / forhabban i
Beowulf 1233b yst / druncon win weras || wyrd ne cuðon / geosceaft grimme || sw
Beowulf 1290b nig / hafen handa fæst || helm ne gemunde / byrnan side || ða hi
Beowulf 1304b geniwod / geworden in wicun || ne wæs ðæt gewrixle til / ðæt
Beowulf 1322a r maðelode || helm scyldinga / ne frin ðu æfter sælum || sor
Beowulf 1331b dbanan / wælgæst wæfre || ic ne wat hwæder / atol æse wlanc |
Beowulf 1377b / eft æt ðe anum || eard git ne const / frecne stowe || ðær
Beowulf 1384a maðelode || bearn ecgðeowes / ne sorga snotor guma || selre bi
Beowulf 1393a ehate || no he on helm losað / ne on foldan fæðm || ne on fyr
Beowulf 1393b losað / ne on foldan fæðm || ne on fyrgenholt / ne on gyfenes g
Beowulf 1394a an fæðm || ne on fyrgenholt / ne on gyfenes grund || ga ðær
Beowulf 1446b æt him hildegrap || hreðre ne mihte / eorres inwitfeng || ald
Beowulf 1454a ðæt hine syððan no / brond ne beadomecas || bitan ne meahto
Beowulf 1454b / brond ne beadomecas || bitan ne meahton / næs ðæt ðonne mæ
Beowulf 1460b swate || næfre hit æt hilde ne swac / manna ængum || ðara ð
Beowulf 1465a enweorc || æfnan scolde / huru ne gemunde || mago ecglafes / eafo
Beowulf 1468b / selran sweordfrecan || selfa ne dorste / under yða gewin || al
Beowulf 1471b dome forleas / ellenmærðum || ne wæs ðæm oðrum swa / syðða
Beowulf 1504b heo ðone fyrdhom || ðurhfon ne mihte / locene leoðosyrcan ||
Beowulf 1508a engel || to hofe sinum / swa he ne mihte || no he ðæs modig w
Beowulf 1514b r him nænig wæter || wihte ne sceðede / ne him for hrofsele
Beowulf 1515a g wæter || wihte ne sceðede / ne him for hrofsele || hrinan ne
Beowulf 1515b ne him for hrofsele || hrinan ne mehte / færgripe flodes || fyr
Beowulf 1520b geaf / hildebille || hond sweng ne ofteah / ðæt hire on hafelan
Beowulf 1596b hig ðæs æðelinges || eft ne wendon / ðæt he sigehreðig |
Beowulf 1604a d on mere staredon / wiston ond ne wendon || ðæt hie heora win
Beowulf 1612a mæla || ðæt is soð metod / ne nom he in ðæm wicum || wede
Beowulf 1659a fed || nymðe mec god scylde / ne meahte ic æt hilde || mid hr
Beowulf 1674b e || ðæt ðu him ondrædan ne ðearft / ðeoden scyldinga ||
Beowulf 1709b ðinum / hæleðum to helpe || ne wearð heremod swa / eaforum ec
Beowulf 1711a orum ecgwelan || arscyldingum / ne geweox he him to willan || ac
Beowulf 1733b de rice || ðæt he his selfa ne mæg / for his unsnyttrum || en
Beowulf 1736a e || no hine wiht dweleð / adl ne yldo || ne him inwitsorh / on s
Beowulf 1736b e wiht dweleð / adl ne yldo || ne him inwitsorh / on sefan sweorc
Beowulf 1737b witsorh / on sefan sweorceð || ne gesacu ohwær / ecghete eoweð
Beowulf 1739b on willan || he ðæt wyrse ne con / oððæt him on innan ||
Beowulf 1746b eran stræle || him bebeorgan ne con / wom wundorbebodum || werg
Beowulf 1757b / eorles ærgestreon || egesan ne gymeð / bebeorh ðe ðone beal
Beowulf 1760b geceos / ece rædas || oferhyda ne gym / mære cempa || nu is ðin
Beowulf 1773b der swegles begong || gesacan ne tealde / hwæt me ðæs on eðl
Beowulf 1842b tig drihten / on sefan sende || ne hyrde ic snotorlicor / on swa g
Beowulf 1877b ðone breostwylm || forberan ne mehte / ac him on hreðre || hy
Beowulf 1930a or || næs hio hnah swa ðeah / ne to gneað gifa || geata leodu
Beowulf 1940b n moste / cwealmbealu cyðan || ne bið swylc cwenlic ðeaw / ides
Beowulf 1993b are / sorhwylmum seað || siðe ne truwode / leofes mannes || ic
Beowulf 1995b ðu ðone wælgæst || wihte ne grette / lete suðdene || sylfe
Beowulf 2006a æt eall gewræc / swa begylpan ne ðearf || grendeles maga / æni
Beowulf 2014b æhte / weorod wæs on wynne || ne seah ic widan feorh / under heo
Beowulf 2067b ðy ic heaðobeardna || hyldo ne telge / dryhtsibbe dæl || denu
Beowulf 2091b on wolde / manigra sumne || hyt ne mihte swa / syððan ic on yrre
Beowulf 2124a feorh uðgenge / noðer hy hine ne moston || syððan mergen cwo
Beowulf 2126b ia leode / bronde forbærnan || ne on bæl hladan / leofne mannan
Beowulf 2184b swa hyne geata bearn || godne ne tealdon / ne hyne on medobence
Beowulf 2185a ata bearn || godne ne tealdon / ne hyne on medobence || micles w
Beowulf 2247b ld ðu nu hruse || nu hæleð ne moston / eorla æhte || hwæt h
Beowulf 2260b ena / brosnað æfter beorne || ne mæg byrnan hring / æfter wigf
Beowulf 2263b arpan wyn / gomen gleobeames || ne god hafoc / geond sæl swingeð
Beowulf 2264b hafoc / geond sæl swingeð || ne se swifta mearh / burhstede bea
Beowulf 2277b n gold / warað wintrum frod || ne byð him wihte ðy sel / swa se
Beowulf 2297b behwearf / ealne utanweardne || ne ðær ænig mon / on ðære wes
Beowulf 2332b geðoncum || swa him geðywe ne wæs / hæfde ligdraca || leoda
Beowulf 2340b / ðæt him holtwudu || helpan ne meahte / lind wið lige || sceo
Beowulf 2348a | no he him ða sæcce ondred / ne him ðæs wyrmes wig || for w
Beowulf 2370b eagas ond bregostol || bearne ne truwode / ðæt he wið ælfylc
Beowulf 2448b o hroðre || ond he him helpe ne mæg / eald ond infrod || ænig
Beowulf 2451b e / eaforan ellorsið || oðres ne gymeð / to gebidanne || burgum
Beowulf 2464b sorge / weallende wæg || wihte ne meahte / on ðam feorhbonan ||
Beowulf 2466b he ðone heaðorinc || hatian ne meahte / laðum dædum || ðeah
Beowulf 2467b ðum dædum || ðeah him leof ne wæs / he ða mid ðære sorhge
Beowulf 2476b ran / frome fyrdhwate || freode ne woldon / ofer heafo healdan ||
Beowulf 2489b / fæhðo genoge || feorhsweng ne ofteah / ic him ða maðmas ||
Beowulf 2506b es hyrde / æðeling on elne || ne wæs ecg bona / ac him hildegra
Beowulf 2533a twega || nis ðæt eower sið / ne gemet mannes || nefne min ane
Beowulf 2541b engo getruwode / anes mannes || ne bið swylc earges sið / geseah
Beowulf 2547b rnan wælm / heaðofyrum hat || ne meahte horde neah / unbyrnende
Beowulf 2574b wealdan moste || swa him wyrd ne gescraf / hreð æt hilde || ho
Beowulf 2583b on / hildeleoman || hreðsigora ne gealp / goldwine geata || guðb
Beowulf 2586b hyt no sceolde / iren ærgod || ne wæs ðæt eðe sið / ðæt se
Beowulf 2600b efa wið sorgum || sibb æfre ne mæg / wiht onwendan || ðam ð
Beowulf 2609a ehwylc || swa his fæder ahte / ne mihte ða forhabban || hond r
Beowulf 2628a reodryhtne || fremman sceolde / ne gemealt him se modsefa || ne
Beowulf 2628b / ne gemealt him se modsefa || ne his mæges laf / gewac æt wige
Beowulf 2653a ne goldgyfan || gled fæðmie / ne ðynceð me gerysne || ðæt
Beowulf 2665a e || geara gecwæde / ðæt ðu ne alæte || be ðe lifigendum / d
Beowulf 2673b / born bord wið rond || byrne ne meahte / geongum garwigan || ge
Beowulf 2682b rægmæl || him ðæt gifeðe ne wæs / ðæt him irenna || ecge
Beowulf 2697a enðu || swa him gecynde wæs / ne hedde he ðæs heafolan || ac
Beowulf 2738a lgesceafta || heold min tela / ne sohte searoniðas || ne me sw
Beowulf 2738b tela / ne sohte searoniðas || ne me swor fela / aða on unriht |
Beowulf 2741a fean habban / for ðam me witan ne ðearf || waldend fira / morðo
Beowulf 2801b remmað gena / leoda ðearfe || ne mæg ic her leng wesan / hatað
Beowulf 2827b leng / wyrm wohbogen || wealdan ne moste / ac hine irenna || ecga
Beowulf 2848a eowlogan || tyne ætsomne / ða ne dorston ær || dareðum lacan
Beowulf 2854b wehte hyne wætre || him wiht ne speow / ne meahte he on eorðan
Beowulf 2855a e wætre || him wiht ne speow / ne meahte he on eorðan || ðeah
Beowulf 2857a m frumgare || feorh gehealdan / ne ðæs wealdendes || wiht onci
Beowulf 2904b nna / sexbennum seoc || sweorde ne meahte / on ðam aglæcean ||
Beowulf 2922a rewioingas || milts ungyfeðe / ne ic to sweoðeode || sibbe oð
Beowulf 2923a || sibbe oððe treowe / wihte ne wene || ac wæs wide cuð / ð
Beowulf 2953b / wlonces wigcræft || wiðres ne truwode / ðæt he sæmannum ||
Beowulf 2971a ðeodcyning || ðyder oncirde / ne meahte se snella || sunu wonr
Beowulf 2995b a / landes ond locenra beaga || ne ðorfte him ða lean oðwitan
Beowulf 3010b us beagas geaf / on adfære || ne scel anes hwæt / meltan mid ð
Beowulf 3016b wegan / maððum to gemyndum || ne mægð scyne / habban on healse
Beowulf 3029b ende wæs / laðra spella || he ne leag fela / wyrda ne worda || w
Beowulf 3030a ella || he ne leag fela / wyrda ne worda || weorod eall aras / eod
Beowulf 3053b æt ðam hringsele || hrinan ne moste / gumena ænig || nefne g
Beowulf 3058b wæs gesyne || ðæt se sið ne ðah / ðam ðe unrihte || inne
Beowulf 3064b e / lifgesceafta || ðonne leng ne mæg / mon mid his magum || med
Beowulf 3067b d / sohte searoniðas || seolfa ne cuðe / ðurh hwæt his worulde
Beowulf 3079a dreogan || swa us geworden is / ne meahton we gelæran || leofne
Beowulf 3081a yrde || ræd ænigne / ðæt he ne grette || goldweard ðone / let
Judith 20b ggende || ðeah ðæs se rica ne wende / egesful eorla dryhten |
Judith 59b dle ond mid womme besmitan || ne wolde ðæt wuldres dema / geð
Judith 117b hellebryne / æfter hinsiðe || ne ðearf he hopian no / ðystrum
Judith 153b ðoncwyrðe ðing || ðæt ge ne ðyrfen leng / murnan on mode |
Judith 183b ðor gyt / ycan wolde || ac him ne uðe god / lengran lifes || ð
Judith 233b mæcgas / niðhycgende || nanne ne sparedon / ðæs herefolces ||
Judith 234b on / ðæs herefolces || heanne ne ricne / cwicera manna || ðe hi
Judith 274b / hyra winedryhten || him wiht ne speow / ða wearð sið ond lat
Judith 345b ihtigan || huru æt ðam ende ne tweode / ðæs leanes ðe heo l
The Paris Psalter 100:3 1a hus middan || halig eode / / # / ne sette ic me fore eagum || yfe
The Paris Psalter 100:7 1a holdlice || her þegnade / / # / ne eardaþ on midle || mines hus
The Paris Psalter 101:15 2a bene || þance gehyrde / and he ne forhogode || heora hold gebed
The Paris Psalter 101:24 2a t se ilca || se þu ær wære / ne beoþ winter þin || wiht þe
The Paris Psalter 102:2 2a mine sawle || bealde dryhten / ne wylt þu ofergeottul || æfre
The Paris Psalter 102:9 2a e þu oþ ende || yrre habban / ne on ecnesse || þe awa belgan /
The Paris Psalter 102:10 3a mum wyrhtum || woldest us don / ne æfter urum unryhte || ahwær
The Paris Psalter 102:15 2b bedd sceal / wunian widefyrh || ne him man syþþan wat / ahwær e
The Paris Psalter 103:6 2b n staþelas / eorþan eardas || ne seo æfre nu / on worulda world
The Paris Psalter 103:9 4a ære stowe || standaþ fæste / ne magon hi ofer gemære || mare
The Paris Psalter 103:33 3a ynt || ealle sniome / þæt hio ne wunian || on worldlife / bletsa
The Paris Psalter 104:12 1a r folc || egsan geþiwdan / / # / ne let he him manna || mihte sce
The Paris Psalter 104:13 1a im || þrea geaf cyningum / / # / ne sceolon ge mine þa halgan ||
The Paris Psalter 104:13 1b ge mine þa halgan || hrinan ne gretan / ne on mine witigan ||
The Paris Psalter 104:13 2a a halgan || hrinan ne gretan / ne on mine witigan || wergþe se
The Paris Psalter 104:24 2b forþon hio word heora || wel ne oncneowan / / # / and heora wæte
The Paris Psalter 104:29 2b rdas / and ficbeamas || furþor ne mihton / blæda bringan || ne b
The Paris Psalter 104:29 3b r ne mihton / blæda bringan || ne bearwa treow / / # / he þa syþ
The Paris Psalter 104:30 3a shoppan || and grame ceaferas / ne mihte þa on moldan || man ge
The Paris Psalter 104:32 4b oda þa / ænig untrum || yldra ne gingra / / # / wurdon him egyptas
The Paris Psalter 105:7 1b an / / # / fæderas ure || fæste ne oncneowan / ealle þa wundor ||
The Paris Psalter 105:10 5a d adrencte / þæt þæra æfre ne com || an spellboda / / # / syþ
The Paris Psalter 105:19 2b þær heora moyses || mægene ne hulpe / he þæt folc forstod |
The Paris Psalter 105:19 5a yrre || of acyrde / þæt he hi ne towurpe || geond werþeoda / / #
The Paris Psalter 105:20 1a owurpe || geond werþeoda / / # / ne hi for awyht || eorþan cyste
The Paris Psalter 105:20 3a þa selestan || geseon woldan / ne his wordum eac || woldan gely
The Paris Psalter 105:22 2b deadra lac || swa hit gedefe ne wæs / / # / and hi bysmredon ||
The Paris Psalter 105:25 5b tor wæs / on his gaste gram || ne mihte him godes willan / mid hi
The Paris Psalter 106:3 4a þan || swycedan geond westen / ne meahton ceastre weg || cuþne
The Paris Psalter 107:10 2b ynnige iu / adrife fram dome || ne do þu æfre swa / þæt þu of
The Paris Psalter 108:12 1a eoh onfon || fremde handa / / # / ne him ahwær wese || ænig fult
The Paris Psalter 108:12 2a m ahwær wese || ænig fultum / ne his steopcildum || stande to
The Paris Psalter 108:14 4a nd on ansyne || ures drihtnes / ne adilgode wesan || deorce fyre
The Paris Psalter 108:17 3b / nolde he bletsunge || biddan ne tilian / forþon hio him wæs a
The Paris Psalter 111:6 3a e and riht || symble healdeþ / ne him on hlyste || mycelum ondr
The Paris Psalter 111:7 2b getyhted || þæt him teonan ne mæg / fæcne ætfæstan || feo
The Paris Psalter 113:13 1b m / / # / þa muþ habbaþ || and ne magon hwæþere / wiht hleoþri
The Paris Psalter 113:13 2b hwæþere / wiht hleoþrian || ne word sprecan / beoþ onforan ea
The Paris Psalter 113:13 3b precan / beoþ onforan eagan || ne magon feor geseon / / # / earan h
The Paris Psalter 113:14 2a baþ swylce || and opene nose / ne magon eþian || awyht gehyran
The Paris Psalter 113:15 1b hyran / / # / handa hi habbaþ || ne hio hwæþere magon / gegrapian
The Paris Psalter 113:15 3b odes awiht / and fet habbaþ || ne magon feala gangan / / # / ne cle
The Paris Psalter 113:16 1a || ne magon feala gangan / / # / ne cleopigaþ hi care || þeah
The Paris Psalter 113:16 2a || þeah þe hi ceolan habban / ne him hluttur gast || on hracan
The Paris Psalter 113:24 2a þe dryhten || deade heriaþ / ne ealle þa þe heonan || helle
The Paris Psalter 113:25 2b e dryhten / balde bletsigaþ || ne þæs blinnaþ nu / of þyssan
The Paris Psalter 117:13 2a me helpe fand / þæt ic fæste ne feoll || ac ic me frofre bege
The Paris Psalter 117:17 1a dlice || æt heahþearfe / / # / ne swelte ic mid sare || ac ic g
The Paris Psalter 118:3 1a ordcofan || helpe biddaþ / / # / ne magon manwyrhtan || mægene f
The Paris Psalter 118:6 1a agen bebod || elne healde / / # / ne beo ic þonne on ealdre || æ
The Paris Psalter 118:8 3b me / on þyssum ealdre || ænne ne forlæte / / # / on hwan mæg se
The Paris Psalter 118:10 2b | innancundre / heortan sece || ne þu huru me / fram þinum bebod
The Paris Psalter 118:15 2a se || soþe getreowe / þæt ic ne weorþe || worda þinra / ealra
The Paris Psalter 118:19 2a om on eorþan || earm bigenga / ne do þu me dyrne || þine þa
The Paris Psalter 118:30 2a se geceas || wegas soþfæste / ne weorþe ic þinra doma || ged
The Paris Psalter 118:31 1a ċēas || weĝas sōþfæste; / ne weorðe iċ þīnra dōma ||
The Paris Psalter 118:31 3a ne gewitnysse || wel geheolde / ne wylt þu me on ealdre || æfr
The Paris Psalter 118:32 1a itnesse || wēl ġe·hēolde; / ne wilt þū mē on ealdre || ǣ
The Paris Psalter 118:43 1a um wordum || wære hæbbe / / # / ne afyr þu me æfre || fæle sp
The Paris Psalter 118:43 2a m wordum || wǣre hæbbe. / / # / Ne ā·fierr þū mē ǣfre || f
The Paris Psalter 118:46 4a orþ and getreowe / and on þam ne beon || æfre gescynded / / # / a
The Paris Psalter 118:47 1a nd ġe·trīewe, / and on þǣm ne bēon || ǣfre ġe·sċynded /
The Paris Psalter 118:80 3a getreowige / þæt ic on ealdre ne wese || æfre gescended / / # / m
The Paris Psalter 118:81 1a trīewe, / þæt iċ on ealdre ne wese || ǣfre ġe·sċended. /
The Paris Psalter 118:83 3a hrime setest || hlance cylle / ne eom ic ofergyttol || þæt ic
The Paris Psalter 118:83 4a rīme setest || hlance cylle; / ne eom iċ ofer-ġietel, || þæ
The Paris Psalter 118:87 3b escrifan / ic þin gebod || þa ne wolde / on þysum ealdre || anf
The Paris Psalter 118:87 4b n; / iċ þīn ġe·bod || þā ne wolde / on þissum ealdre || ā
The Paris Psalter 118:92 1b st / / # / þær me þin æ || an ne hulpe / þe ic on mode || minum
The Paris Psalter 118:92 2b / # / Þǣr mē þīn ǣ || ān ne hulpe, / þe iċ on mōde || m
The Paris Psalter 118:93 1a eadmedum || eall forwurde / / # / ne mæg ic þæs æfre forgytan
The Paris Psalter 118:93 2a ēdum || eall for·wurde. / / # / Ne mæġ iċ þæs ǣfre for·ġ
The Paris Psalter 118:109 2b le on þinum / holdum handum || ne ic þine þa halgan æ / on þy
The Paris Psalter 118:109 3b on þīnum / holdum heandum, || ne iċ þīne þā hālĝan ǣ / o
The Paris Psalter 118:110 2b gyrene / awriþan wraþe || and ne wolde ic / fram þinum bebodum
The Paris Psalter 118:110 3b ne / ā·wriðon wrāðe || and ne wolde iċ / fram þīnum be·bo
The Paris Psalter 118:116 4a eolde lifigan || lange þrage / ne gescend me on siþe || nu ic
The Paris Psalter 118:117 1a lde lifian || lange þrāĝe; / ne ġe·sċend mē on sīðe, ||
The Paris Psalter 118:121 2a c soþne dom || symble worhte / ne syle þu me ehtendum || æfre
The Paris Psalter 118:122 1a sōðne dōm || simle worhte; / ne sile þū mē ēhtendum || ǣ
The Paris Psalter 118:122 2b / þæt me oferhydige || æfre ne motan / hearmcwyddian || hyldo
The Paris Psalter 118:122 3b motan / hearmcwyddian || hyldo ne gymaþ / / # / hwæt me eagan min
The Paris Psalter 118:123 1b ton / hearm-cwiddian; || hyldu ne ġīemaþ. / / # / Hwæt, mē ēa
The Paris Psalter 118:126 2b man eac wel do / drihten ure || ne læt þu dole æfre / þin æbe
The Paris Psalter 118:126 3b ac wēl dō, / drihten ūre; || ne lǣt þū dole ǣfre / þīn ǣ
The Paris Psalter 118:165 3a naman þinne || neode lufien / ne biþ him æswic on þon || æ
The Paris Psalter 118:166 1a man þīnne || nīede lufien; / ne biþ him ǣ-swic on þon ||
The Paris Psalter 118:176 4a hten / forþon ic þinra beboda ne forgeat || beorhtra æfre
The Paris Psalter 120:3 1a n worhte || hrusan swylce / / # / ne sylle he þinne fot || on feo
The Paris Psalter 120:3 2a nne fot || on feondes geweald / ne hycge to slæpe || se þe hea
The Paris Psalter 120:4 1b / / # / efne se on hygde || huru ne slæpeþ / ne swefeþ swyþe ||
The Paris Psalter 120:4 2a on hygde || huru ne slæpeþ / ne swefeþ swyþe || se þe scea
The Paris Psalter 120:6 1a and || symble æt þearfe / / # / ne þe sunne on dæge || sol ne
The Paris Psalter 120:6 1b / ne þe sunne on dæge || sol ne gebærne / ne þe mona on niht
The Paris Psalter 120:6 2a e on dæge || sol ne gebærne / ne þe mona on niht || min ne ge
The Paris Psalter 120:6 2b ne / ne þe mona on niht || min ne geweorþe / ac þe gehealde ||
The Paris Psalter 123:5 1b ten si gebletsad || þe þæt ne dyde æfre / þæt us on hearde
The Paris Psalter 124:1 3a n sionbeorge || swyþe gelice / ne mæg hine on ealdre || ænig
The Paris Psalter 124:4 1a þfæstra || settan wylle / / # / ne he soþfæste || swylce læte
The Paris Psalter 126:2 2b drihten / ceastre mid cynnum || ne mæg hi cynlice / wæccende ||
The Paris Psalter 126:6 3a ust on þon || leofne gefylle / ne biþ he on ealdre ealre || æ
The Paris Psalter 128:1 4a fuhtan to || fynd on geoguþe / ne mihton hi awiht æt me || æf
The Paris Psalter 128:5 1a foldan losige / / # / of þam he ne gefylleþ || folme æfre / þea
The Paris Psalter 128:5 3a þe he hit mawe || micle elne / ne mid his sceafe ne mæg || sce
The Paris Psalter 128:6 1a | swiþe georne / / # / and þæt ne cweþan || þa his cwide weol
The Paris Psalter 130:1 2a te wiþ þe || ahafen drihten / ne mine eagan wiþ þe || on ofe
The Paris Psalter 130:2 1a wiþ þe || on oferhygde / / # / ne ic on mægene || miclum gange
The Paris Psalter 130:2 2a ic on mægene || miclum gange / ne wundur ofer me || wuniaþ æn
The Paris Psalter 131:10 2b e swylce / deorum dauide || þu ne do æfre / þæt þu andwlitan
The Paris Psalter 131:11 3b þæt he hine for hole || ær ne aswore / gehet dauide || swa he
The Paris Psalter 134:16 1b / / # / þa muþ habbaþ || and ne meldiaþ wiht / fægere eagan |
The Paris Psalter 134:16 2b eldiaþ wiht / fægere eagan || ne magon feor geseon / / # / earan h
The Paris Psalter 134:17 1b r geseon / / # / earan habbaþ || ne hi awiht magon / holdes gehyran
The Paris Psalter 134:18 1b ncaþ / / # / handa hi habbaþ || ne hi hwæþere magon / gegrapian
The Paris Psalter 134:18 3b s awiht / habbaþ fet swylce || ne magon feala gangan / / # / ne hi
The Paris Psalter 134:19 1a || ne magon feala gangan / / # / ne hi on hracan awiht || hlude n
The Paris Psalter 134:19 1b e hi on hracan awiht || hlude ne cleopiaþ / ne him gast waraþ
The Paris Psalter 134:19 2a n awiht || hlude ne cleopiaþ / ne him gast waraþ || gomum on m
The Paris Psalter 136:6 3a | ǣfre weorðe. / / # / Ġif iċ ne for·sette þē || simle æt
The Paris Psalter 136:7 1a n || æfre weorþe / / # / gif ic ne forsette þe || symble æt fr
The Paris Psalter 137:8 3a dheortnes || mycel on worulde / ne forseoh æfre || þæt þu sy
The Paris Psalter 138:4 3a s beutan me || eac gestrangod / ne mæg ic him on neode || a nea
The Paris Psalter 138:10 1a bleom || bregde neahhige / / # / ne beoþ þeostru deorc || butan
The Paris Psalter 138:15 2a ede || swa hi drihten gesceop / ne mæg ænig on þam || awa lif
The Paris Psalter 139:8 1a dæge || feondum awergean / / # / ne alyf þu me æfre || ofer lus
The Paris Psalter 139:8 4a rwearde me || wraþe hycgeaþ / ne forlæt þu me || on lifdagum
The Paris Psalter 139:10 3b st / þæt hi þam yrmþum || a ne wiþstanden / / # / se getynga we
The Paris Psalter 139:11 2a etynga wer || on teosuspræce / ne biþ se ofer eorþan || gerea
The Paris Psalter 140:4 2b swylce drihten / muþe minum || ne læt man sprecan / and æþele
The Paris Psalter 140:5 1a welerum || wisdom healde / / # / ne hyld þu mine heortan || þæ
The Paris Psalter 140:6 1a end wese || laþra firena / / # / ne ic æfre mid mannum || manfre
The Paris Psalter 140:6 3a m / gemænnesse || micle hæbbe / ne on heora gecorenesse || becum
The Paris Psalter 140:7 3b þreage / ele synfulra || æfre ne mote / heafde minum || hrinan a
The Paris Psalter 140:8 5b efe word / earan gehyran || eft ne mihton / / # / swa unefne is || e
The Paris Psalter 140:10 3a m and mode || æghwær gelyfe / ne ascuf þu fram me || sawle mi
The Paris Psalter 140:11 2a þe me grame setton / þæt me ne beswice || synwyrcende / þa þ
The Paris Psalter 141:4 4b ade / geseah on þa swyþran || ne me sylfne þær / ænig mid god
The Paris Psalter 142:2 1a || and me on soþe gehyr / / # / ne ga þu mid þinum esne || in
The Paris Psalter 142:2 2a me / forþon on þinre gesihþe ne biþ || soþfæst ænig / þe o
The Paris Psalter 142:7 3a sylfes gast || swær geworden / ne awend fram me || wuldres eald
The Paris Psalter 143:18 1a an eac || ungemete fætte / / # / ne hreosaþ hi to hrusan || hear
The Paris Psalter 143:18 2a i to hrusan || hearde gebiged / ne þær fernes is || folca mæn
The Paris Psalter 143:18 3a r fernes is || folca mænegum / ne care micle || cleopiaþ on wo
The Paris Psalter 145:2 2a ealdurmenn || ane getreowian / ne on manna bearn || nis þær m
The Paris Psalter 146:5 3a is micel || and mihtum strang / ne his snytru mæg || secgean æ
The Paris Psalter 146:11 2a u to manna || mægene willan / ne þe on þinum selegescotum ||
The Paris Psalter 147:6 3b ndwlitan celes || þær ænig ne mæg / him standan || stiþe mo
The Paris Psalter 147:9 1a israhele || eac his domas / / # / ne dyde he ahwær swa || eldran
The Paris Psalter 51:6 2a fore ænigre || egesan næfde / ne him fultum þær || fæstne g
The Paris Psalter 52:2 2a goddoend || se þe god wiste / ne an furþum || ealra wære / / #
The Paris Psalter 52:4 4a e god wolde || georne wyrcan / ne an furþum || ealra wære / / #
The Paris Psalter 52:5 1a a wære / / # / ac ge þæs ealle ne magon || andgyt habban / þe un
The Paris Psalter 52:5 4a lc fretaþ || swa fælne hlaf / ne hio god wyllaþ || georne cie
The Paris Psalter 52:5 6a aþ || frecnes egesan / æniges ne þurfon # || / / # / forþam man
The Paris Psalter 53:4 3b n / sawle minre || he me swican ne wile / / # / afyr me fæcne yfel
The Paris Psalter 54:1 2a yr min gebed || halig drihten / ne forseoh æfre || sariges bene
The Paris Psalter 54:19 2a onwendednes || on woruldlife / ne him godes fyrhtu || georne on
The Paris Psalter 54:19 6a hi synt on yrre || ut adælde / ne hi sylfe wel || geseon æfre /
The Paris Psalter 54:22 1a coþum || fedeþ syþþan / / # / ne syleþ he soþfæstum || syþ
The Paris Psalter 54:23 2b aluinwites / fæcne gefylled || ne fæger lif / on middum feore ||
The Paris Psalter 55:9 4b e drihten / wordum weorþige || ne me wiht an siteþ / egesan awih
The Paris Psalter 57:7 3a o feallaþ on þæt / hi sunnan ne geseoþ || syþþan æfre / / #
The Paris Psalter 58:3 4a range eac || stundum ongunnon / ne me unrihtes on || awiht wista
The Paris Psalter 58:3 5a e unrihtes on || awiht wistan / ne ic firene eac || fremde driht
The Paris Psalter 58:5 4a lra þeoda || æghwær landes / ne þu hweþere on mode || milde
The Paris Psalter 58:10 3a eondum || þe me feale syndun / ne do hy to deadan || þy læs h
The Paris Psalter 58:12 6a re forgripeþ / and hi syþþan ne beoþ || samod ætgædere / / #
The Paris Psalter 58:15 3a | wide hweorfaþ / gif hi fulle ne beoþ || fela gnorniaþ / / # / i
The Paris Psalter 59:9 1a idumea || eac gelædan / / # / ac ne eart þu se sylfa god || þe
The Paris Psalter 59:9 2a sylfa god || þe us swa drife / ne ga þu us on mægene || mihti
The Paris Psalter 61:2 2b ælend / is he fultum min || ic ne forhtige wiht / / # / þonne ge m
The Paris Psalter 61:6 2b leaw hælend / and fultum is || ne mæg ic hine ahwær befleon / /
The Paris Psalter 63:4 2b strelum / on scotiaþ || egsan ne habbaþ / ac hi mid wraþum ||
The Paris Psalter 63:7 2b um cilda / æghwæs onlicost || ne him awiht þon ma / heora tunga
The Paris Psalter 65:6 5a n yrre || æghwær gebringaþ / ne beoþ þa on him sylfum || sy
The Paris Psalter 65:8 2a e mine sawle || sette to life / ne læteþ mine fet || laþe hre
The Paris Psalter 65:16 2a s oncneow || awiht on heortan / ne wite me þæt || wealdend dri
The Paris Psalter 65:18 1b rihten si gebletsad || þe he ne dyde æfre / nymþe he mine ben
The Paris Psalter 65:18 3a e mine bene || bealde gehyrde / ne his milde mod || me dyde frem
The Paris Psalter 67:19 1a dangeard || manna bearnum / / # / ne magon þær eard niman || ung
The Paris Psalter 67:26 2a ra ġe·mōt || under folcum; / ne bēoþ ūt fram þē || ǣfre
The Paris Psalter 67:27 3a fearra gemot || under folcum / ne beoþ ut fram þe || æfre at
The Paris Psalter 68:5 4b agef / unrihtlice || þa þe ic ne reafude ær / / # / þu wast wuld
The Paris Psalter 68:6 2a d || þæt ic eom unwis hyges / ne wæren þe bemiþene || mine
The Paris Psalter 68:7 1a bemiþene || mine scylde / / # / ne sceolon æt me || ænige habb
The Paris Psalter 68:7 4b ihten / þu eart mægena god || ne sceal æt me / ænige unare ||
The Paris Psalter 68:7 5a | ðǣr hīe eard nimaþ. / / # / Ne sċulon æt mē || ǣnġe hab
The Paris Psalter 68:8 2b # / Þū eart mæġena god; || ne sċeall æt mē / ǣnġe unāre
The Paris Psalter 68:15 1a besencen || sealte flodas / / # / ne me huru forswelge || sægrund
The Paris Psalter 68:15 2a forswelge || sægrundes deop / ne me se seaþ || supe mid muþe
The Paris Psalter 68:16 3a enċen || sealte flōdas. / / # / Ne mē hūru for·swelġe || sǣ
The Paris Psalter 68:16 4a welġe || sǣ-ġrundes% dēop / ne mē sē sēaþ || sūpe mid m
The Paris Psalter 68:17 1a h on me || swylce drihten / / # / ne acyr þu æfre fram þinum cn
The Paris Psalter 68:18 2a mē || swelċe, drihten. / / # / Ne ā·ċierr þū ǣfre fram þ
The Paris Psalter 68:20 4b refrend ic sohte || findan ic ne mihte / / # / hi minne mete || me
The Paris Psalter 68:22 1b end iċ sōhte, || findan iċ ne meahte. / / # / Hīe mīnne mete
The Paris Psalter 68:23 2a | eac adimmad / þæt hi geseon ne magon || syþþan awiht / weor
The Paris Psalter 68:24 1a dimmod, / þæt hīe ġe·sēon ne maĝon || siþþan āwiht; / we
The Paris Psalter 68:25 2a e wic heora || weste and idel / ne on heora eþele ne sy || þin
The Paris Psalter 68:27 2a and īdel; / ne on hira ēðle ne sīe || þinġ on·eardiendes
The Paris Psalter 68:27 3b n soþfæst weorc || syþþan ne gangan / / # / syn hi adilgad ||
The Paris Psalter 68:28 3a ra lifigendra || leofra bocum / ne wesen hi mid soþfæstum || s
The Paris Psalter 68:29 2b sōþfæst weorc || siþþan ne gangan. / / # / Sīen hīe ā·d
The Paris Psalter 68:30 2a libbendra || lēofra% bōcum; / ne wesen hīe mid sōþfæstum |
The Paris Psalter 69:7 2b e drihten / eart alysend min || ne lata þu awiht
The Paris Psalter 70:1 2a god drihten || gearuwe gewene / ne weorþe ic on ealdre || æfre
The Paris Psalter 70:8 1a e dæg || æghwær herian / / # / ne aweorp þu me || wuldres eald
The Paris Psalter 70:8 4a n and mod || mylte on hreþre / ne forlæt þu me || lifiende go
The Paris Psalter 70:10 4a d his geara ehtan / syþþan he ne hæbbe || helpend ænne / / # / n
The Paris Psalter 70:11 1a e hæbbe || helpend ænne / / # / ne ofgif þu me huru || god ælm
The Paris Psalter 70:15 1a g || ece hælu / / # / forþon ic ne ongeat || grame ceapunga / ac i
The Paris Psalter 70:16 6a æt wiþ oryldu || awa fremme / ne forlæt þu me || lifigende g
The Paris Psalter 71:12 2a þearfan / þæt him se welega ne mæg || wiht onsittan / and þ
The Paris Psalter 72:3 2a aþes byþ || deorc endestæf / ne heora wites biþ || wislic tr
The Paris Psalter 72:4 1a es biþ || wislic trymnes / / # / ne synd hi on miclum || manna ge
The Paris Psalter 72:4 2a nna gewinnum / and hi mid manna ne beoþ || mægene beswungene / /
The Paris Psalter 72:11 2b þe ic on me ingcan || ænne ne wiste / hu ic mine heortan || h
The Paris Psalter 72:17 4b swa ic þæt be owihte || ær ne wiste / / # / ic eom anlic mid þ
The Paris Psalter 72:22 2b wynne to þe / habban noldan || ne heora hyge settan / huru þu fo
The Paris Psalter 73:4 1b / settan hiora tacen || soþe ne ongeaton / swa hi on wege || wy
The Paris Psalter 73:8 1a rþwege || ealle towurpan / / # / ne we sweotul tacen || us geseo
The Paris Psalter 73:8 2a tul tacen || us geseoþ ænig / ne we on ænige wisan || witegan
The Paris Psalter 73:16 4a || fæcne drihtne / unwis folc ne wat || þinne wyrþne naman / /
The Paris Psalter 73:17 1a t || þinne wyrþne naman / / # / ne syle þu unscyldigra || sawla
The Paris Psalter 73:17 3a þearfan / þara þu on ealdre ne forgit || ece drihten / / # / ges
The Paris Psalter 73:19 1a htes || æghwær wyrceaþ / / # / ne byþ se eadmoda || æfre gecy
The Paris Psalter 73:21 1a lne dæg || oft aspræcon / / # / ne forgit huru || godra manna / so
The Paris Psalter 74:4 3b emman / and agyltan þæt hi || ne gulpan þæs / / # / ne ahebbaþ
The Paris Psalter 74:5 1a æt hi || ne gulpan þæs / / # / ne ahebbaþ ge to hea || eowre h
The Paris Psalter 74:5 2a e to hea || eowre hygeþancas / ne ge wiþ gode æfre || gramwor
The Paris Psalter 74:6 1a rd sprecan / / # / forþon eastan ne cymeþ || gumena ænig / ne of
The Paris Psalter 74:6 2a tan ne cymeþ || gumena ænig / ne of westwegum || wera cneoriss
The Paris Psalter 74:6 3a f westwegum || wera cneorissa / ne of þissum westum || widum mo
The Paris Psalter 75:4 6a læp hiora || swæfun unmurne / ne þær wiht fundan || þa þe
The Paris Psalter 76:4 4b mid wæcceum / werded swyþe || ne spræc ic worda feala / / # / þa
The Paris Psalter 76:7 3a is ece god || æfre toweorpan / ne us witnian || for his weldæd
The Paris Psalter 76:8 1a ldlife || wera cneorissum / / # / ne byþ æfre god || ungemyndig /
The Paris Psalter 76:13 3a tīġe || ofer strang wæter; / ne biþ ðǣr eþe þīn spor ||
The Paris Psalter 76:16 3a e stige || ofer strang wæter / ne biþ þær eþe þin spor ||
The Paris Psalter 77:10 1a bebodu || georne heoldan / / # / ne wesen hi on facne || fæderum
The Paris Psalter 77:12 1a es dæge || wendon æfter / / # / ne heoldan hi || halgan drihtnes
The Paris Psalter 77:12 2b halgan drihtnes / gewitnesse || ne his weorca æ / awiht wislice |
The Paris Psalter 77:20 5a be gode spræcan / ac we þæs ne wenaþ || þæt us witig god /
The Paris Psalter 77:22 1a n willan || wynnum flowan / / # / ne we hwæþere wenaþ || þæt
The Paris Psalter 77:24 1a israhelas / / # / forþon þe hi ne woldon || wordum drihtnes / lus
The Paris Psalter 77:35 2a i hine lufedan || lease muþe / ne þæs on heortan || hogedan a
The Paris Psalter 77:36 2a m on hreþre || heorte clæne / ne hi on gewitnesse || wisne hæ
The Paris Psalter 77:38 2b gewyrhtan / yrre awende || eall ne wolde / þurh hatne hyge || hæ
The Paris Psalter 77:44 2a terstreamas || wende to blode / ne meahte wæter drincan || wiht
The Paris Psalter 77:50 2a m weg worhte || wraþan yrres / ne he heora sawlum deaþ || swi
The Paris Psalter 77:50 2b heora sawlum deaþ || swiþe ne sparude / and heora neat || ni
The Paris Psalter 77:63 2b lige / fyr fæþmade || fæmnan ne wæran / geonge begrette || þe
The Paris Psalter 77:64 2a as heora || sweordum abrotene / ne þæt heora widwan || wepan m
The Paris Psalter 77:67 2a eorne wiþsoc || iosepes huse / ne þon ær geceas || effremes c
The Paris Psalter 78:6 2b rice / and on cneowmagas || þe ne cunnan þe / ne naman þinne ||
The Paris Psalter 78:6 3a eowmagas || þe ne cunnan þe / ne naman þinne || neode cigeaþ
The Paris Psalter 78:8 1a wicstede || westan gelome / / # / ne gemune þu to oft || mihta we
The Paris Psalter 79:16 4b etrymedest / weoruda drihten || ne gewitaþ we fram þe / / # / ac
The Paris Psalter 80:9 2a u israhel || me anum gehyrst / ne byþ god on þe || niwe gemet
The Paris Psalter 80:9 3a þ god on þe || niwe gemeted / ne þu fremedne god || sylfa geb
The Paris Psalter 80:11 3a mine stefne || æfre gehyran / ne me israhel behealdan || holde
The Paris Psalter 81:5 1a ædlan || þriste alysaþ / / # / ne ongeatan hi || ne geara wista
The Paris Psalter 81:5 1b alysaþ / / # / ne ongeatan hi || ne geara wistan / ac hi on þystru
The Paris Psalter 82:1 2a c is þe gelic || ece drihten / ne swiga þu || ne þe sylfne be
The Paris Psalter 82:1 2b | ece drihten / ne swiga þu || ne þe sylfne bewere / / # / forþon
The Paris Psalter 82:4 3a rpan || geond werþeoda / þæt ne sy gemyndig || manna ænig / hu
The Paris Psalter 83:5 2a || se þe him oþerne / fultum ne seceþ || nymþe fælne god / a
The Paris Psalter 84:4 3a s || eac oncyrre / þæt þu us ne weorþe || wraþ on mode / / # /
The Paris Psalter 84:5 1a weorþe || wraþ on mode / / # / ne wrec þu þin yrre || wraþe
The Paris Psalter 85:7 3a ær efne gelic || ece drihten / ne þe weorc magon || wyrcean an
The Paris Psalter 85:13 5a mine sawle || swyþe geneahhe / ne doþ him for awiht || egsan d
The Paris Psalter 87:5 3b w / þær hiora gymynde || men ne wænan / swa hi syn fram þinre
The Paris Psalter 87:8 3b geseald || þær ic ut swican ne mæg / / # / eagan me syndon || u
The Paris Psalter 87:10 1a þe || hebbe and þenige / / # / ne huru wundur || wyrceaþ deade
The Paris Psalter 87:11 1a iþþan. / / # / Ne on þēostrum ne mæġ || þances ġe·hyġdum
The Paris Psalter 87:12 1a yttolnesse || manna ænig / / # / ne on þeostrum ne mæg || þanc
The Paris Psalter 88:5 2b eoroda drihten / ænig anlic || ne þe ænig byþ / betweox godes
The Paris Psalter 88:20 1a cle || mægene geswyþeþ / / # / ne mæg him ænig facen || feond
The Paris Psalter 88:20 2a ænig facen || feond æteglan / ne unrihtes bearn || ænig sceþ
The Paris Psalter 88:28 2a nellaþ || mine bebodu efnan / ne mine domas || dædum healdan /
The Paris Psalter 88:29 2b / and hi mine bebodu || bliþe ne healdaþ / / # / þonne ic heora
The Paris Psalter 88:31 1a ynne || swinglum forgylde / / # / ne ic him mildheortnesse || mine
The Paris Psalter 88:32 2b lgum / þæt ic dauide || dæda ne leoge / þæt on ecnesse || his
The Paris Psalter 88:41 2a od || hwæt si min lytle sped / ne huru þu manna bearn || on mi
The Paris Psalter 88:42 2b nd hwæþere on ende || deaþ ne gesceawige / oþþe hwylc manna
The Paris Psalter 89:3 1a e || þu eart wuldres god / / # / ne ahwyrf þu fram mænn || heah
The Paris Psalter 89:5 2a hyrdnesse || neode begangaþ / ne heora winterrim || for wiht n
The Paris Psalter 89:5 2b e heora winterrim || for wiht ne doþ / / # / morgen gewiteþ || s
The Paris Psalter 90:5 2a es min || scylde wiþ feondum / ne þu þe nihtegsan || nede ond
The Paris Psalter 90:6 1a tegsan || nede ondrædest / / # / ne forhtast þu þe on dæge ||
The Paris Psalter 90:7 3b þine þa swiþran || and þe ne sceaþeþ ænig / / # / hwæþere
The Paris Psalter 90:10 1a on þe || fæstne settest / / # / ne mæg þe ænig yfel || egle w
The Paris Psalter 90:10 2a e ænig yfel || egle weorþan / ne heard sweopu || huse þinum / o
The Paris Psalter 91:5 1b # / wonhydig wer || þæs wiht ne cann / ne þæs andgit hafaþ |
The Paris Psalter 91:5 2a dig wer || þæs wiht ne cann / ne þæs andgit hafaþ || ænig
The Paris Psalter 91:14 2b en / and hine unrihtes || awyht ne heolde
The Paris Psalter 93:7 1b / sægdan and cwædan || þæt ne gesawe / drihten æfre || dyde
The Paris Psalter 93:7 3a en æfre || dyde swa he wolde / ne þæt iacobes god || ongitan
The Paris Psalter 93:9 4a eallum sealde / and he scearpe ne mæge || gesceawian / and se þ
The Paris Psalter 93:9 6a eallum þeodum / and his þrea ne si || þær for awiht / se þe
The Paris Psalter 93:12 2b drihten ure / his agen folc || ne his yrfe þon ma / on ealdre wi
The Paris Psalter 93:13 2b yþ / þæt he on unriht || eft ne cyrre / oþþe hwylc nymeþ me
The Paris Psalter 93:18 1a / gesibbedan || sawle mine / / # / ne ætfyligeþ þe ahwær || fac
The Paris Psalter 93:18 1b tfyligeþ þe ahwær || facen ne unriht / þu gefæstnast || fac
The Paris Psalter 94:4 1a r eall manna godu / / # / forþon ne wiþdrifeþ || drihten usser /
The Paris Psalter 94:11 1b an / / # / hi wegas mine || wihte ne oncneowan / þæt ic ær on yrr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 22a m æþelingum || ut on grecas / ne meahte þa seo wealaf || wige
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 78b om / wæs þa ormod eorl || are ne wende / ne on þam fæstene ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 79a a ormod eorl || are ne wende / ne on þam fæstene || frofre ge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 82b da spræc / forþoht þearle || ne wende þonan æfre / cuman of
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 15a heardost lysteþ / and he þeah ne mæg || þone tobredan / ofer
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 29b duguþum diore || deaþ þæs ne scrifeþ / þonne him rum forl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 36a || welandes ban / forþy ængum ne mæg || eorþbuendra / se cræf
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 38a ian || þe him crist onlænþ / ne mæg mon æfre þy eþ || æn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 61b þæt hi se hlisa || hiwcuþe ne mæg / foremære weras || forþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 18a l wunian forþ / forþæm æfre ne magon || þa unstillan / woruld
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 25a e || and eac getogen / þæt hi ne moten || ofer metodes est / æf
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 26b etodes est / æfre gestillan || ne eft eallunga / swiþor stirian
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 51a is sellicre / þæt hiora ænig ne mæg || butan oþrum bion / ac
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 65b / mearce gesette || merestream ne dear / ofer eorþan sceat || ea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 68a ca cynne || butan frean leafe / ne hio æfre ne mot || eorþan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 69b þyrscwold / up ofersteppan || ne þa ebban þon ma / foldes mear
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 17b niht / ær ofer eldum || egesan ne brohte / swa þincþ anra gehw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 31a | sona oncnawan / and þu æfre ne recst || æniges þinges / ofer
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 8b racentan || þæt hi aredian ne magon / þæt hi hi æfre him |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 23b o æniges / blodes onbyrgeþ || ne þearf beorna nan / wenan þær
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 26b io þæs niwan taman || nauht ne gehicgge / ac þone wildan gewu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 34a ætan || libbendes wuht / neata ne monna || nimþ eall þæt hio
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 45b merge || þæt hi þæs metes ne recþ / þincþ him to þon wyn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 69a orþan || ænegu gesceaft / þe ne wilnie || þæt hio wolde cum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 74a orþan || ænegu gesceaft / þe ne hwearfige || swa swa hweol de
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 9a anwalde || eall underþieded / ne mot he þara hyrsta || hionan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 9a diorlingas || duguþum stepte / ne mæg ic þeah gehycgan || hwy
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 14a nængu biþ || niht on sumera / ne wuhte þon ma || on wintra d
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 23a nces || and hine eorneste / wel ne bewarenaþ || wordum and dæd
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 30b yrþ on weorulde || to wuldre ne cymþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 8a | þæt hit witena nan / þider ne seceþ || forþæm hit þær
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 8b seceþ || forþæm hit þær ne wexþ / ne on wingeardum || wli
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 9a | forþæm hit þær ne wexþ / ne on wingeardum || wlitige gimm
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 10a m || wlitige gimmas / hwy ge nu ne settan || on sume dune / fiscne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 14b þoncolmode || þæt hi þær ne sint / hwæþer ge nu willen ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 30b linde || þæt hi on breostum ne magon / eaþe gecnawan || hwær
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 33a don gehydda / forþæm hi æfre ne lyst || æfter spyrian / secan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 40a lan || swa hit me don lysteþ / ne ic þe swa sweotole || gesecg
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 40b þe swa sweotole || gesecgan ne mæg / forþæm hi sint earmran
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 5b es geocsa || þæt ic þa ged ne mæg / gefegean swa fægre ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 18b llic mon / wære on weorulde || ne synt þa word soþ / nu þa ges
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 19a a word soþ / nu þa gesælþa ne magon || simle gewunigan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 18b rþ simle / nis nan mihtigra || ne nan mærra / ne geond ealle þa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 19a nan mihtigra || ne nan mærra / ne geond ealle þa gesceaft || e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 20a þa gesceaft || efnlica þin / ne þe ænig nedþearf || næs
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 30b agen / forþæm hit his utan || ne com auht to þe / ac ic georne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 38a nan þing nis || þin gelica / ne huru ænig || ælcræftigre / f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 70b þætte heora ænig || oþres ne dorste / mearce ofergangan || f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 94a toscriþan || wac and hnesce / ne meahte hit on him selfum || s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 107a iond eorþan || eall toblawen / ne meahte on þære eorþan || a
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 108a ære eorþan || awuht libban / ne wuhte þon ma || wætres bruc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 112a wugu || foldan and lagustream / ne mengdest togædre || and geme
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 114a cræfte þine / þæt þæt fyr ne mæg || foldan and merestream
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 117a gefeged || fæder ealdgeweorc / ne þincþ me þæt wundur || wu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 129b ruldgesceafta || þeah waldan ne mot / þæt hit ænige || eallu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 138b þeah þære eorþan || æfre ne oþrineþ / ne hire on nanre ne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 139a eorþan || æfre ne oþrineþ / ne hire on nanre ne mot || near
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 145a þæm oþrum || eac gemenged / ne mæg hira ænig || butan oþr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 154b on fæste || þæt hit fiolan ne mæg / eft æt his eþle || þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 164a || þæt hio on ænige / healfe ne heldeþ || ne mæg hio hider
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 164b n ænige / healfe ne heldeþ || ne mæg hio hider ne þider / siga
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 166b t hi þeah eorþlices || auht ne haldeþ / is þeah efneþe || u
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 179b þy læsse || on þæm lytlan ne biþ / anum fingre || þe hire
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 233b an / ealle efenbeorhte || æfre ne scinaþ / hwæt þu ece god ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 23a des wela || modes eagan / æfre ne onlyhtaþ || auht ne gebetaþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 23b an / æfre ne onlyhtaþ || auht ne gebetaþ / hiora scearpnesse ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 3b eoplice || þæt hit todrifan ne mæg / monna ænig || ne amerra
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 4b drifan ne mæg / monna ænig || ne amerran huru / ænig eorþlic
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 26b and þa unþeawas || eallunga ne magon / of mode ation || monna
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 35a hwelces / þæt hit swa beorhte ne mot || blican and scinan / swa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 47b aþ / on his modsefan || mycles ne lytles / rihtwisnesse || ne ger
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 48b les ne lytles / rihtwisnesse || ne geradscipes / nis þeah ænig m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 51b e / þæt he andsware || ænige ne cunne / findan on ferhþe || gi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 15a | oþra þeoda / and se hlaford ne scrifþ || þe þæm here wal
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 16a e þæm here waldeþ / freonde ne feonde || feore ne æhtum / ac
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 16b þ / freonde ne feonde || feore ne æhtum / ac he reþigmod || ræ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 29a ringaþ ymbeutan / gif he wyrsa ne biþ || ne wene ic his na bet
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 29b eutan / gif he wyrsa ne biþ || ne wene ic his na beteran / gif hi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 53b gehæt / his recelest || rihtes ne scrifeþ / ic þe sæde ær ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 59a nrihtwise || eorþan cyningas / ne magon æfre þurhtion || awuh
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 69a wunode siþþan / oþþæt him ne meahte || monna ænig / þegna
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 79b e / sume hi to wulfum wurdon || ne meahton þonne word forþbrin
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 92b ra drohtaþ || swa hit gedefe ne wæs / næfdon hi mare || monnu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 100b hwæþre || þæt þæt gewit ne mæg / mod onwendan || monna æ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 113b mettrymnes / lænes lichoman || ne þearf leoda nan / wenan þære
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 7a e eow drihten gesceop / gebidan ne magon || bitres gecyndes / nu h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 9a ow ælce dæg || onet toweard / ne magon ge gesion || þæt he s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 17a rmlic þing / þæt his gebidan ne magon || burgsittende / ungesæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 2a n eorþan || nu unlærdra / þe ne wundrige || wolcna færeldes /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 6a ard || hwa is moncynnes / þæt ne wundrie || ymb þas wlitegan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 18b g / hwa is on weorulde || þæt ne wafige / buton þa ane || þe h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 32b / hwa is weoruldmonna || þæt ne wafige / hu sume steorran || o
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 37a wena nis || wuhte þe soþra / ne biþ hio on æfen || ne on æ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 37b oþra / ne biþ hio on æfen || ne on ærmorgen / merestreame þe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 41b / hwa is on weorulde || þæt ne wundrige / fulles monan || þon
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 44b t mid þiostrum || hwa þegna ne mæge / eac wafian || ælces st
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 46a ian || ælces stiorran / hwy hi ne scinen || scirum wederum / befo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 51a welces || swiþe wundraþ / and ne wundriaþ || þætte wuhta ge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 55a þæt sellic þincg / þæt hi ne wundriaþ || hu hit on wolcnu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 64b gecynd / weorþeþ to wætre || ne þincþ þæt wundor micel / mo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 71b t þæt ealdgesceaft || æfre ne wære / þæt hi seldon gesioþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 75a | gif hiora nængum hwylc / ær ne oþeowde || is þæt earmlic
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 81b nne ic wæt geare || þæt hi ne wundriaþ / mæniges þinges ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 7b umsceafte || þæt sio fyrene ne mot / sunne gesecan || snawceal
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 10b tungl / auþer oþres rene || a ne gehrineþ / ær þæm þæt oþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 12a m þæt oþer || of gewiteþ / ne huru se stiorra || gestigan w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 38a frymþe || fæder getiohhode / ne þearft þu no wenan || þæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 43a ealfe || heofones þisses / on a ne ne læt || ælmihtig god / þy
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 84b an / gif he swa gestæþþig || ne staþolade / ealla gesceafta ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 94a r || forþæm wuhta nan / æfre ne meahte || elles wunian / gif hi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 96a allmægene || hiora ordfruman / ne þiowoden || þeodne mærum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 9b / mode gelumpen || nu hit mare ne wat / for gode godes || buton g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 9a and spellum || leodum reahte / ne mæg hio þeah gescinan || þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 11a rgen neah || ealla gesceafta / ne furþum þa gesceafta || þe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 12a þe hio gescinan mæg / endemes ne mæg || ealla geondlihtan / inn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 8b baþ hi æt fiþrum fultum || ne magon hi mid fotum gangan / eor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 48a m || nu on worulde her / monnum ne deriaþ || mane aþas / gif þu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 49a mane aþas / gif þu nu waldend ne wilt || wirde steoran / ac on s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 5a im wan fore || wolcen hangaþ / ne mægen hi swa leohtne || leom
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 29b n forlætan / woruldearfoþa || ne most þu wesan for þæm / eall
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 30b for þæm / ealles to ormod || ne þu þe æfre ne læt / wlenca
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 34b orsorgum / woruldgesælþum || ne eft to waclice / geortreowe ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 44a es dwoleman / þæt hit seo ece ne mot || innan geondscinan / sunn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 6b rran / forþæm hiora birhtu || ne biþ auht / to gesettane || wi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 17b stlices / weorces on worulde || ne wunaþ æfre
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 4a umne þa geta / cwæþ þæt he ne herde || þæt on heane munt /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 6b asettan / healle hroffæste || ne þearf eac hæleþa nan / wenan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 11b ettan meahte / fæste healle || ne mæg eac fira nan / wisdom timb
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 17a elan / and þeah þæs þearfan ne biþ || þurst aceled / ne mæg
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 18a rfan ne biþ || þurst aceled / ne mæg hæleþa gehwæm || hus
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 20b ngre on / swift wind swapeþ || ne biþ sond þon ma / wiþ miceln
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 34b ndweal gearone || se toglidan ne þearf / þeah hit wecge wind |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 9a eond weorulde || welige hamas / ne mislice || mettas ne drincas /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 9b ge hamas / ne mislice || mettas ne drincas / ne hi þara hrægla |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 10a mislice || mettas ne drincas / ne hi þara hrægla || huru ne g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 10b s / ne hi þara hrægla || huru ne gemdon / þe nu drihtguman || d
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 13a iora nænig || næs þa gieta / ne hi ne gesawon || sundbuende / n
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 14a e hi ne gesawon || sundbuende / ne ymbutan hi || awer ne herdon /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 14b dbuende / ne ymbutan hi || awer ne herdon / hwæt hi firenlusta ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 15b / hwæt hi firenlusta || frece ne wæron / buton swa hi meahton |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 23b n cuþe / wæter wiþ hunige || ne heora wæda þon ma / sioloce s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 24b da þon ma / sioloce siowian || ne hi siarocræftum / godweb gired
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 25b arocræftum / godweb giredon || ne hi gimreced / setton searolice
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 29b r / calde wyllan || nænig cepa ne seah / ofer eargeblond || ellen
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 31a eargeblond || ellendne wearod / ne huru ymbe sciphergas || sceal
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 31b u ymbe sciphergas || scealcas ne herdon / ne furþum fira nan ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 32a phergas || scealcas ne herdon / ne furþum fira nan || ymb gefeo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 35a s blode || þe hine bill rude / ne furþum wundne wer || weoruld
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 44b mod amerred || þæt he maran ne recþ / ac hit on witte || weal
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 20a amenes || gilpan lyste / þa he ne earnade || elles wuhte / buton
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 48b þu þæt se anwald || eaþe ne meahte / godes ælmihtiges ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 62a we sædon oft / þæt se anwald ne deþ || awiht godes / gif se we
Metrical Psalm 91:14 2b n / and hine unrihtes || æwiht ne heolde.
Metrical Psalm 91:5 1b :5 / / wonhidig wer || ðes wiht ne ceæn / ne þæs ændgyt hæfæ
Metrical Psalm 91:5 2a dig wer || ðes wiht ne ceæn / ne þæs ændgyt hæfæd || æni
Metrical Psalm 93:12 2b drihten ure / his ægen folc || ne his yrfe ðon ma / on ealdre wi
Metrical Psalm 93:13 2b ið / þet he on unriht% || eft ne oncyrre / oððe wilc nimeð me
Metrical Psalm 93:18 1a # Metrical Psalm 93:18 / / Ne etfyligeð% þe æhwer || fac
Metrical Psalm 93:18 1b fyligeð% þe æhwer || facen ne unriht / þu gefestnæst eæc |
Metrical Psalm 93:7 1b / Segdæn and cweðæn || þet ne% gesæwe% / drihten æfre || dyd
Metrical Psalm 93:7 3a n æfre || dyde swæ he wolde / ne ðet iacobes god || ongitan c
Metrical Psalm 93:9 4a | eallum sealde / and he scarpe ne mæge || gesceawian / and se ð
Metrical Psalm 93:9 6a eallum ðeodum / and his ðrea ne sio || þa for awiht / se ðe m
Metrical Psalm 94:11 1b 4:11 / / hi wegæs mine || wihte ne oncneowan / þet ic er on yrre
Metrical Psalm 94:4 1a Metrical Psalm 94:4 / / Forðon ne wiðdrifeð || drihten usser /
The Battle of Brunanburh 24b / mecum mylenscearpan || myrce ne wyrndon / heardes hondplegan ||
The Battle of Brunanburh 39b tinus / har hilderinc || hreman ne þorfte / mæca gemanan || he w
The Battle of Brunanburh 44b n / giungne æt guþe || gelpan ne þorfte / beorn blandenfeax ||
The Battle of Brunanburh 46b bilgeslehtes / eald inwidda || ne anlaf þy ma / mid heora herela
The Battle of Brunanburh 47b id heora herelafum || hlehhan ne þorftun / þæt heo beaduweorc
The Battle of Brunanburh 65b græge deor / wulf on wealde || ne wearþ wæl mare / on þis eigl
The Death of Alfred 3a ne ġe·þafode Godwine eorl, ne ēac ōðre || / menn þe miċ
The Death of Alfred 6a ume hamelode || sume hættode / ne wearþ dreorlicre dæd || ged
The Death of Alfred 11a e hamelode, || sume hættode. / Ne wearþ drēorlicre dǣd || ġ
The Death of Edward 33b um / wordum and dædum || wihte ne agælde / þæs þe þearf wæs
The Rune Poem 22a biþ ōðra lēas. / //W// wēn ne brūceþ || þe cann wēana l
The Rune Poem 66b and se brimhengest || bridles ne gymeþ / ing wæs ærest || mid
Solomon and Saturn 1b m þam fyrngewrytum || findan ne mihte / soþe samnode || ic soh
Solomon and Saturn 17a witte, / sē þurh þone cantic ne cann || Crīst ġe·herġan. /
Solomon and Saturn 18a gewitte / se þurh þone cantic ne can || crist geherian / woraþ
Solomon and Saturn 94b can / sċinnes sċancan; || hē ne be·sċēawaþ nā / his limona
Solomon and Saturn 95b awaþ nā / his limona liþ, || ne biþ him lǣċe gōd. / Wendeþ
Solomon and Saturn 99b t brecan / scines sconcan || he ne besceawaþ no / his leomona li
Solomon and Saturn 100b eawaþ no / his leomona liþ || ne biþ him læce god / wendeþ he
Solomon and Saturn 103b emdne flǣsċ-haman, || feorh ne be·murnaþ%. / Þonne //S// S
Solomon and Saturn 108b / fremdne flæschoman || feorh ne bemurnaþ / þonne sigel s cyme
Solomon and Saturn 114b īþ-mōde swipan, || swenġa ne wiernaþ, / dēorra dynta; || h
Solomon and Saturn 119b s / swiþmode sweopan || swenga ne wyrnaþ / deorra dynta || him b
Solomon and Saturn 5a ǣm lande / ðǣr nǣniġ fīra ne mæġ || fōtum ġe·steppan
Solomon and Saturn 9a þam lande / þær nænig fyra ne mæg || fotum gestæppan / satu
Solomon and Saturn 11a fēoll; / for·þon þā foldan ne mæġ || fīra ǣniġ, / þone
Solomon and Saturn 13b an, / fuĝol ġe·flēoĝan, || ne þon mā foldan nēat%. / Þano
Solomon and Saturn 16a þ offeoll / forþan þa foldan ne mæg || fira ænig / þone merc
Solomon and Saturn 18b on gesecan / fugol gefleogan || ne þon ma foldan neat / þanon at
Solomon and Saturn 20b æter, / sē þe sund nafaþ || ne ġe·seġled sċip / ne fuĝole
Solomon and Saturn 21a faþ || ne ġe·seġled sċip / ne fuĝoles flyht, || ne hē mid
Solomon and Saturn 21b s flyht, || ne hē mid fōtum ne mæġ / grund ġe·rǣċan; ||
Solomon and Saturn 26b wæter / se þe sund nafaþ || ne gesegled scip / ne fugles flyht
Solomon and Saturn 27a nd nafaþ || ne gesegled scip / ne fugles flyht || ne he mid fot
Solomon and Saturn 27b egled scip / ne fugles flyht || ne he mid fotum ne mæg / grund ge
Solomon and Saturn 79a t hider? / Ne mæġ hit steorra ne stān || ne sē stēapa ġimm
Solomon and Saturn 79b mæġ hit steorra ne stān || ne sē stēapa ġimm, / wæter ne
Solomon and Saturn 80a ne sē stēapa ġimm, / wæter ne wild-dēor || wihte be·swīc
Solomon and Saturn 92a opdropan || winneþ oft hider / ne mæg hit steorra ne stan || n
Solomon and Saturn 92b e mæg hit steorra ne stan || ne se steapa gimm / wæter ne wild
Solomon and Saturn 93a n || ne se steapa gimm / wæter ne wildeor || wihte beswican / ac
Solomon and Saturn 118b mōt / ȳþ ofer eall-land, || ne wile hēo āwa þæs / sīðes
Solomon and Saturn 123b || for·þon hīe þæt weorc ne ġe·dǣdon. / Ne sċeall iċ
Solomon and Saturn 124a e þæt weorc ne ġe·dǣdon. / Ne sċeall iċ þē hwæðre, br
Solomon and Saturn 125b nes, / ierre eormen-strynde. || Ne be·iern þū on þā inwitt-
Solomon and Saturn 134a de wǣron’. / ‘Ac for·hwon ne mōt sēo sunne || sīde ġe
Solomon and Saturn 137b wan mot / yþ ofer eall lond || ne wile heo awa þæs / siþes ges
Solomon and Saturn 143b tum || forþon hie þæt worc ne gedegdon / ne sceall ic þe hw
Solomon and Saturn 144a on hie þæt worc ne gedegdon / ne sceall ic þe hwæþre broþo
Solomon and Saturn 145b cynnes / eorre eormenstrynde || ne beyrn þu in þa inwitgecyndo
Solomon and Saturn 147a e fracoðest.’ / ‘For·hwon ne mōton we þonne ealle || mid
Solomon and Saturn 149a gangan || on Godes rīċe?’ / ‘Ne mæġ fȳres fenġ || ne fors
Solomon and Saturn 149b / ‘Ne mæġ fȳres fenġ || ne forstes ċiele, / snāw ne sunn
Solomon and Saturn 150a || ne forstes ċiele, / snāw ne sunne || samod eardian, / ealdo
Solomon and Saturn 154a sē wiersa lenġ? / Sē wiersa ne wāt || on weorold-rīċe / on
Solomon and Saturn 156a ǣġ-winum || māran āre’. / ‘Ne mæġ mon for·ieldan% || ǣn
Solomon and Saturn 159a urnus cwæþ # || / ac forhwon ne mot seo sunne || side gesceaf
Solomon and Saturn 160b de, / twēġen ġe·twinnas, || ne biþ hira tīr ġe·līċ. / Ō
Solomon and Saturn 166a folgoþ betera?’ / ‘Mōdor ne rǣdeþ, || þonne hēo maĝa
Solomon and Saturn 176a saturnus cwæþ # || / forhwon ne moton we þonne ealle || mid
Solomon and Saturn 179a des rice / salomon cwæþ # || / ne mæg fyres feng || ne forstes
Solomon and Saturn 179b # || / ne mæg fyres feng || ne forstes cile / snaw ne sunne ||
Solomon and Saturn 180a feng || ne forstes cile / snaw ne sunne || somod eardian / aldor
Solomon and Saturn 185a aþ || se wyrsa leng / se wyrsa ne wat || in woroldrice / on his m
Solomon and Saturn 187b hālford, / ānne æðeling. || Ne mæġ dōn unlǣde swā’. /
Solomon and Saturn 188a aran are / salomon cwæþ # || / ne mæg mon forildan || ænige h
Solomon and Saturn 189b oĝeþ dēop ġe·sċeaft? || Ne mōt on dæġ restan, / nihtes
Solomon and Saturn 192b e ġe·wlitiaþ. || Iċ wihte ne cann / for·hwon sē strēam ne
Solomon and Saturn 193b se acende / twegen getwinnas || ne biþ hira tir gelic / oþer bi
Solomon and Saturn 193a ne cann / for·hwon sē strēam ne mōt || stillan nēahtes’. /
Solomon and Saturn 200a ra / salomon cuæþ # || / modor ne rædeþ || þonne heo magan c
Solomon and Saturn 216a d || cwic-libbende, / ne fuĝol ne fisċ || ne foldan stān, / ne
Solomon and Saturn 216b bbende, / ne fuĝol ne fisċ || ne foldan stān, / ne wæteres wie
Solomon and Saturn 217a ne fisċ || ne foldan stān, / ne wæteres wielm || ne wudu-tel
Solomon and Saturn 217b n stān, / ne wæteres wielm || ne wudu-telĝa, / ne munt ne mōr
Solomon and Saturn 218a lm || ne wudu-telĝa, / ne munt ne mōr || ne þēs middan-ġear
Solomon and Saturn 218b du-telĝa, / ne munt ne mōr || ne þēs middan-ġeard, / þæt h
Solomon and Saturn 219a iddan-ġeard, / þæt hē forþ ne sīe || firenes cynnes’. /
Solomon and Saturn 223b dne hlaford / anne æþeling || ne mæg don unlæde swa / saturnus
Solomon and Saturn 226b ice / dreogeþ deop gesceaft || ne mot on dæg restan / neahtes ne
Solomon and Saturn 229b uldre gewlitigaþ || ic wihte ne cann / forhwan se stream ne mot
Solomon and Saturn 230a hte ne cann / forhwan se stream ne mot || stillan neahtes / salomo
Solomon and Saturn 244b firena ġe·flitu || fǣhþu ne tȳdre’. / ‘Nolde gād ġea
Solomon and Saturn 250b || oþ·þæt hē his tornes% ne% cūðe / ende þurh inn-sċeaft
Solomon and Saturn 254a negu gecynd || cuiclifigende / ne fugel ne fisc || ne foldan st
Solomon and Saturn 254b lifigende / ne fugel ne fisc || ne foldan stan / ne wæteres wylm
Solomon and Saturn 255a gel ne fisc || ne foldan stan / ne wæteres wylm || ne wudutelga
Solomon and Saturn 255b ldan stan / ne wæteres wylm || ne wudutelga / ne munt ne mor || n
Solomon and Saturn 256a wæteres wylm || ne wudutelga / ne munt ne mor || ne þes middan
Solomon and Saturn 256b e wudutelga / ne munt ne mor || ne þes middangeard / þæt he for
Solomon and Saturn 257a es middangeard / þæt he forþ ne sie || fyrenes cynnes / saturnu
Solomon and Saturn 257b hēo lenġ mid hine || lāre ne nāmon, / ā·weorp hine þā o
Solomon and Saturn 285b urh fyrena geflitu || fæhþo ne tydre / salomon cwæþ # || / no
Solomon and Saturn 292b le || oþþæt he his tornes ne cuþe / ende þurh insceafte ||
Solomon and Saturn 299b æt heo leng mid hine || lare ne namon / aweorp hine þa of þam
Solomon and Saturn 299a de || and þæt eall saĝaþ: / 'Ne meahte iċ of ðǣre heortan
Solomon and Saturn 15a arde || and þæt eall sagaþ / ne meahte ic of þære heortan |
The Menologium 63a rþwarum || eadigum to blisse / ne magon we þa tide || be getal
The Menologium 64b etale healdan / dagena rimes || ne drihtnes stige / on heofenas up
The Menologium 101b se gleawa bebead / gregorius || ne hyrde ic guman a fyrn / ænigne
The Menologium 206a e frean hæse / þæt us wunian ne moton || wangas grene / foldan
The Judgment Day II 34a eow || benum nu-ða / ðæt ge ne wandian || wiht for tearum / ac
The Judgment Day II 38a eopeniað man || ecum drihtne / ne ðær owiht || inne ne belife
The Judgment Day II 38b rihtne / ne ðær owiht || inne ne belife / on heortscræfe || hea
The Judgment Day II 40a fe || heanra gylta / ðæt hit ne sy dægcuð || ðæt ðæt di
The Judgment Day II 49a ræplingas || recene onbindan / ne mid swiðran his || swyðe ne
The Judgment Day II 51a nhydige mod || wealdend engla / ne ðone wlacan smocan || waces
The Judgment Day II 53a rist || wætere gedwæscan / hu ne gesceop ðe se scaða || scea
The Judgment Day II 66b lange || ðæt ðu ðe læce ne cyðst / oððe hwi swigast ðu
The Judgment Day II 78b lled / flæsc mid synnum || hwi ne feormast ðu / mid teara gyte |
The Judgment Day II 80a teara gyte || torne synne / hwi ne bidst ðu ðe || beðunga and
The Judgment Day II 88a emst || for synnum on eorðan / ne heofenes god || henða and gy
The Judgment Day II 90a ð wrecan wile || ænigum men / ne scealt ðu forhyccan || heaf
The Judgment Day II 109a forswyrcð || sona on morgen / ne se mona næfð || nanre mihte
The Judgment Day II 147b lige / færð fyr ofer eall || ne byð ðær nan foresteal / ne h
The Judgment Day II 148a | ne byð ðær nan foresteal / ne him man na ne mæg || miht fo
The Judgment Day II 155a e synfullum || susle gefremme / ne se wrecenda bryne || wile for
The Judgment Day II 170a digra || ceorfað and slitað / ne mæg ðær æni man || be agn
The Judgment Day II 181a || sticelum ðæs gælsan / hwi ne forhtas ðu || fyrene egsan / a
The Judgment Day II 203a op and wanung || nawiht elles / ne bið ðær ansyn gesewen ||
The Judgment Day II 205a ra || ðe cwylmað ða earman / ne bið ðær inne || aht gemete
The Judgment Day II 207a and laðlic ful / hy mid nosan ne magon || naht geswæccan / buta
The Judgment Day II 219a nd || ecan witu / ðær leohtes ne leoht || lytel sperca / earmum
The Judgment Day II 220b lytel sperca / earmum ænig || ne ðær arfæstnes / ne sib ne ho
The Judgment Day II 221a ænig || ne ðær arfæstnes / ne sib ne hopa || ne swige gegla
The Judgment Day II 221b arfæstnes / ne sib ne hopa || ne swige gegladað / ne ðara wepe
The Judgment Day II 222a ne hopa || ne swige gegladað / ne ðara wependra || worn wihte /
The Judgment Day II 223b n wihte / flyhð frofor aweg || ne bið ðær fultum nan / ðæt w
The Judgment Day II 225a ing || gebeorh mæge fremman / ne bið ðær ansyn gemet || æn
The Judgment Day II 254a æt is hihta mæst / ðær niht ne genimð || næfre ðeostrum /
The Judgment Day II 256a heofenlican || leohtes sciman / ne cymð ðær sorh ne sar || ne
The Judgment Day II 256b ne cymð ðær sorh ne sar || ne geswenced yld / ne ðær ænig
The Judgment Day II 257a rh ne sar || ne geswenced yld / ne ðær ænig geswinc || æfre
The Judgment Day II 259a urst || oððe heanlic slæp / ne bið ðær fefur ne adl || ne
The Judgment Day II 259b ne bið ðær fefur ne adl || ne færlic cwyld / nanes liges geb
The Judgment Day II 260b cwyld / nanes liges gebrasl || ne se laðlica cyle / nis ðær un
The Judgment Day II 261b ca cyle / nis ðær unrotnes || ne ðær æmelnys / ne hryre ne ca
The Judgment Day II 262a unrotnes || ne ðær æmelnys / ne hryre ne caru || ne hreoh tin
The Judgment Day II 262b æmelnys / ne hryre ne caru || ne hreoh tintrega / ne bið ðær
The Judgment Day II 263a ne caru || ne hreoh tintrega / ne bið ðær liget || ne laðli
The Judgment Day II 263b ntrega / ne bið ðær liget || ne laðlic storm / winter ne ðune
The Judgment Day II 264a et || ne laðlic storm / winter ne ðunerrad || ne wiht cealdes /
The Judgment Day II 264b storm / winter ne ðunerrad || ne wiht cealdes / ne ðær hagulsc
The Judgment Day II 265a ðunerrad || ne wiht cealdes / ne ðær hagulscuras || hearde m
The Judgment Day II 266a gulscuras || hearde mid snawe / ne bið ðær wædl ne lyre || n
The Judgment Day II 266b e bið ðær wædl ne lyre || ne deaðes gryre / ne yrmð ne agn
The Judgment Day II 267a l ne lyre || ne deaðes gryre / ne yrmð ne agnes || ne ænigu g
The Judgment Day II 267b es gryre / ne yrmð ne agnes || ne ænigu gnornung / ac ðær samo
The Rewards of Piety 19b t ðu ðæt ece leoht || eal ne forleose / ðeos woruld is æt
The Rewards of Piety 25a ehwylces || wylle gode cweman / ne mihtu mid ðæm eallum || sau
The Rewards of Piety 30a | ealninga bidde / ðæt he ðe ne forlæte || laðum to handa / f
The Rewards of Piety 39a t he micel age / gif he him god ne ondræt || / swiðor micle ||
The Rewards of Piety 62a gedon wille / ðænne ðu lengc ne most || lifes brucan / eardes o
The Lord's Prayer II 84b rgif us ure synna || ðæt us ne scamige eft / drihten ure || ð
The Lord's Prayer II 93a yrse || ðar beoð buta geara / ne magon we hit na dyrnan || for
The Lord's Prayer II 104a e wið us agilt / and na us ðu ne læt || laðe beswican / on cos
The Lord's Prayer II 111a ihtig god || are and gifnesse / ne læt swa heanlice || ðin han
The Lord's Prayer III 25b að / and him womdæde || witan ne ðencað / for earnunge || ecan
The Lord's Prayer III 27a ð / for earnunge || ecan lifes / ne læd ðu us to wite || in wea
The Lord's Prayer III 28a u us to wite || in wean sorge / ne in costunge || crist nerigend
The Creed 44a freobearn || folca gereordum / ne synd ðæt ðreo godas || ðr
Fragment of Psalm 102 3a mine sawle || bealde drihten / ne wilt ðu ofergeotul || æfre
Fragment of Psalm 118 4a hten / forðon ic ðinra beboda ne forgeat || beorhtra æfre
Fragment of Psalm 24 1a || ðas woruld gesettest / / # / ne gemynega ðu me || minra fyre
Fragment of Psalm 5 3a to soðe wat / ðæt ðu unriht ne wilt || ænig drihten
Fragment of Psalm 50 1a higde || huru min drihten / / # / ne awyrp ðu me || wuldres ealdo
Fragment of Psalm 50 3a inre ansyne || æfre to feore / ne huru on weg aber || ðone hal
Psalm 50 54a || weorðan gefelde / ðæt ðu ne wilnast || weora æniges dea
Psalm 50 94a ferðe minum || feste geniowa / ne aweorp ðu me || weoruda dryh
Psalm 50 96a nsione || ealra ðinra miltsa / ne ðane godan fram me || gast h
Psalm 50 98b meahtig / ðinra arna me || eal ne bescerwe / sæle nu bliðse me
Psalm 50 122a r ðu wolde swa / ða ðu ðæt ne lufedest || lifes bretta / ðæ
Psalm 50 129b m / ða ðu ælmæhtig || æfre ne æwest / gedoo nu fræmsume ||
A Prayer 30a um up || ðu eart hælend god / ne mæg ðe aherian || hæleða
A Prayer 33a dan || geond ealne middaneard / ne mage we næfre asæcgan || ne
A Prayer 33b ne mage we næfre asæcgan || ne ðæt soðe witan / hu ðu æð
A Prayer 35a u æðele eart || ece drihten / ne ðeah engla werod || up on he
A Prayer 37a a tosomne || sæcgan ongunnon / ne magon hy næfre areccean || n
A Prayer 37b e magon hy næfre areccean || ne ðæt gerim wytan / hu ðu mær
A Prayer 52a ihtig drihten / swa ðæt ænig ne wat || eorðbuende / ða deopne
A Prayer 54a a deopnesse || drihtnes mihta / ne ðæt ænig ne wat || engla h
A Prayer 63b æges and nihtes || do swa ic ne sceolde / hwile mid weorce || h
A Prayer 74a ysum lænan || lyfe gehweorfe / ne forweorn ðu me || wuldres dr
Aldhelm 12a on gesæd || [Etiam nusquam] / ne sceal ladigan || [labor quem
The Seasons for Fasting 102a ðæt sylfe / ðæt ðu oðrum ne scealt || æfre filian / eac we
The Seasons for Fasting 129b æt se mæra ðegen || mihta ne hæfde / to astigenne || stæpp
The Seasons for Fasting 171a a wulderfrean || womma leasne / ne mæg he ðæs inne || ahwæt
The Seasons for Fasting 193b m / ðæt ða sacerdos || sylfe ne gyltan / ne on leahtrum hiora |
The Seasons for Fasting 194a a sacerdos || sylfe ne gyltan / ne on leahtrum hiora || ligegen
The Seasons for Fasting 197b re onbolgen || and ðæs bote ne deð / ac ða æbyligðe || eal
The Seasons for Fasting 200b / gyf se sacerd hine || sylfne ne cunne / ðurh dryhtnes ege || d
The Seasons for Fasting 202b n / nu-ða folces mann || fyrna ne gyme / ðe gehalgod mann || her
The Seasons for Fasting 222b ilcan / wisan on worulde || and ne wigliað / hwæne hie to mose f
The Leiden Riddle 3a his innoþe || ǣrest cende. / Ne% wāt iċ mec be·worhte || wu
The Leiden Riddle 5a | hyġe-þanc% []. / Wundne mē ne bēoþ wefle, || nē iċ wear
The Leiden Riddle 7a giðraec || ðret me hlimmith / ne me hrutendu || hrisil scelfat
Latin-English Proverbs 6b t forealdað || ðæs ðe ece ne byð
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 15b ftað / ðæt he on unnyt || ut ne tofloweð / ac se wæl wunað |
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 12b tan; / hælon þæt hi forhelan ne mihton. Swa næfre ðeos dæd
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 12a / hǣlon þæt hīe for·helan ne mihton. Swā nǣfre þēos d
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 13b wa næfre ðeos dæd / forholen ne wyrðe [per crucem Christi].
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 13a re þēos dǣd || / for·holen ne wierðe per crucem Christi. |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 8a ge and worcsige || se me dege / ne me mere ne gemyrre || ne me m
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 8b dege / ne me mere ne gemyrre || ne me maga ne geswence / ne me næ
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 9a rre || ne me maga ne geswence / ne me næfre minum feore || forh
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 9b e næfre minum feore || forht ne gewurðe / ac gehæle me ælmih
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 2a nne wenne || wenchichenne / her ne scealt ðu timbrien || ne nen
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 2b her ne scealt ðu timbrien || ne nenne tun habben / ac ðu sceal
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 25b t næfre for gefloge || feorh ne gesealde / syððan him mon mæ
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 35a el and attor / ðæt heo næfre ne wolde || on hus bugan / fille a
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 7b ðis ðæm adlegan || derian ne moste / ne ðæm ðe ðis galdo
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 8a m adlegan || derian ne moste / ne ðæm ðe ðis galdor || begy
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 20b ære on lið scoten || næfre ne sy ðin lif atæsed / gif hit w
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 22b e on līþ sċoten, || nǣfre ne sīe þīn līf ā·tǣsed; /
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 1a nn, sē hire ċild ā·fēdan ne mæġ, gange tō ġe·wītene
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 2a betest beadowræda / swa benne ne burnon || ne burston / ne fundi
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 2b wræda / swa benne ne burnon || ne burston / ne fundian || ne feol
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 3a benne ne burnon || ne burston / ne fundian || ne feologan / ne hop
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 3b n || ne burston / ne fundian || ne feologan / ne hoppettan || ne w
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 4a ton / ne fundian || ne feologan / ne hoppettan || ne wund waxsian /
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 4b | ne feologan / ne hoppettan || ne wund waxsian / ne dolh diopian
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 5a hoppettan || ne wund waxsian / ne dolh diopian || ac him self h
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 6a ac him self healde halewæge / ne ace ðe ðon ma || ðe eorða
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 1a ft of Cattle / / Ne for·stōlen ne for·holen nānuht, þæs þe
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 6a ndes || ðæt he hit oðlæde / ne foldan || ðæt hit oðferie /
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 7a foldan || ðæt hit oðferie / ne husa || ðæt he hit oðheald
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 8b oðhealde / gif hyt hwa gedo || ne gedige hit him næfre / binnan
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 13b . / Ġif hit% hwā ġe·dō, || ne ġe·dīeġe hit him nǣfre. /
Instructions for Christians 6a æra ecan || eadignesse; / he ne missað na || ða he gemetað
Instructions for Christians 21a mettige || metas and drincas. / Ne synd þa þrowunga || on þis
Instructions for Christians 31b lica / man ofer moldan, || hwi ne gemynas þu a / þæs diæðes
Instructions for Christians 34b ne gewilnost / orsorhnesse, || ne bið þær oht% betweon þe /
Instructions for Christians 35b / and þæm neatum || ðe naht ne witen. / Hit is idelnisse || þ
Instructions for Christians 43a ende-dæge || mid ęce wita. / Ne scealt þu þæt æfre% || ay
Instructions for Christians 47a a wyrrest || yfela getreowa%. / Ne scylen wandian || witona æni
Instructions for Christians 56b ce / weriað% be gewyrhtum, || ne wrecað æfre ða / ealmihtig
Instructions for Christians 70a a cræft || and forhyded god / ne bið ællunga || ungelice%. / B
Instructions for Christians 78b rime, || þonne þu hit gedon ne miht. / Onlær þinum bearne% |
Instructions for Christians 91b elne gedeð || þone ðe ær ne wæs; / eac heo þrah-mælum |
Instructions for Christians 105a elt || naht leofes gesyllan, / ne miht þu na gebicgan || þæt
Instructions for Christians 114a n || þæt we munuc nemniað. / Ne mot ænig heora || awiht onsu
Instructions for Christians 117a || þæt heom metod leanað. / Ne scylen ge þæs wenan || þea
Instructions for Christians 141a ælcere tide || bena gehyrda. / Ne dereð mycel wela || manna æ
Instructions for Christians 142a na ænegum, / gif he to swiðe ne bið || sylfe beleapen / on þ
Instructions for Christians 153a willan his || gewyrce georne. / Ne þearf he þæs gewenan || þ
Instructions for Christians 163a ið hine || miltse gefremman. / Ne scealt þu beon to sene || ne
Instructions for Christians 163b Ne scealt þu beon to sene || ne to sið-geare, / ne to slapor
Instructions for Christians 164a to sene || ne to sið-geare, / ne to slapor ne to slaw, || gif
Instructions for Christians 169b r þæt / þam æfre to || eft ne gecyrre / þeah he ne fæste n
Instructions for Christians 170a o || eft ne gecyrre / þeah he ne fæste nawiht || / þonne þre
Instructions for Christians 179a ealra leofest, / ac hit þonne ne mæg || þegna eanig / onwenda
Instructions for Christians 180b / onwendan to wille || gif he ne wolde ær. / þær ðær aht ne
Instructions for Christians 181a ne wolde ær. / þær ðær aht ne bið || ærfoðlices / on þam
Instructions for Christians 182b lices / on þam earnungum, || ne bið þær æfre þonne ma / o
Instructions for Christians 184a adleanum || eht deor-wurðes. / Ne doð þa ærran yfel || æneg
Instructions for Christians 185b na / laðes nawiht, || gif him ne licað / þinga gehwilce || ð
Instructions for Christians 199b e mægne / synna geswicað, || ne þearf he swiltan for þam. / N
Instructions for Christians 214a nd, || ac mid þeawum stepum. / Ne bið þæt fula sloh || fira
Instructions for Christians 217b a swa some, || þeah he symle ne mage / bewacan and beweardian
Instructions for Christians 219a tan geornan; / ac þonne diað ne mæg || ofer drihtnes gesceaf
Instructions for Christians 224a || heo sceal heonon siðian; / ne miht þu æfre þonne% ma ||
Instructions for Christians 232a onæled || mid ead-modnesse; / ne mæg hit eanig mon || æfre m
Instructions for Christians 235a e hit ær dwæsca%. / Næfre ic ne gehyrde || þæt wurde laford
Instructions for Christians 236b d / eft on ylde, || se ðe ær ne was / Gode oððe monnum || on
Instructions for Christians 238a monnum || on iugoð þeowa, / ne huru on ylde || æfre gewurð
Instructions for Christians 241a e mette || tale wel þeignan. / Ne scealt þu dysilice sprecan |
Instructions for Christians 241b cealt þu dysilice sprecan || ne dwollice geþencan / ymbe% næ
Instructions for Christians 243a nænigne% || eorð-buendra, / ne nið habban || wið ænigum m
Instructions for Christians 246a || na to wel lætan, / naðer ne for cræfta, || ne for weorul
Instructions for Christians 246b n, / naðer ne for cræfta, || ne for weoruld-æhta. / Ac þu sce
Godric's Prayer 2 6b de / thæt ic on this hi erthe ne sciulde uuit mine bare fot it
Grave 3b er come. / Ac hit nes no idiht, ne þeo deopnes imeten; / Nes gyt
Grave 7b meten and þa molde seoðða. / Ne bið no þin hus healice itin
The Battle of Finnsburh 3a ode þa || heaþogeong cyning / ne þis ne dagaþ eastan || ne h
The Battle of Finnsburh 3b g / ne þis ne dagaþ eastan || ne her draca ne fleogeþ / ne her
The Battle of Finnsburh 4a n || ne her draca ne fleogeþ / ne her þisse healle || hornas n
The Battle of Finnsburh 4b e her þisse healle || hornas ne byrnaþ / ac her forþ beraþ |
The Battle of Finnsburh 20b þære healle durum || hyrsta ne bære / nu hyt niþa heard || a
The Battle of Finnsburh 37a al finnsburuh || fyrenu wære / ne gefrægn ic næfre wurþlicor
The Battle of Finnsburh 39a ig sigebeorna || sel gebæran / ne nefre swetne medo || sel forg
The Battle of Finnsburh 41b ton fif dagas || swa hyra nan ne feol / drihtgesiþa || ac hig
Waldere, Fragment II 21b d wereþ / feorhhord feondum || ne biþ fah wiþ me / þonne // un
Waldere B 22b wereð / feorhhord feondum. || Ne bið fah wið me, / þonne […
The Battle of Maldon 20b ldon / fæste mid folman || and ne forhtedon na / þa he hæfde þ
The Battle of Maldon 21b lden / fæste mid folmum || and ne forhteden nā. / Þā hē hæfd
The Battle of Maldon 34a swā hearde || hilde% dǣlen. / Ne þurfe we ūs spillan, || ġi
The Battle of Maldon 46b eregeatu || þe eow æt hilde ne deah / brimmanna boda || abeod
The Battle of Maldon 48b ġeatwe || þe ēow æt hilde ne dēah. / Brīm-manna boda, ||
The Battle of Maldon 57a er / on urne eard || in becomon / ne sceole ge swa softe || sinc g
The Battle of Maldon 59a ūrne eard || inn be·cōmon. / Ne sċule ġē swā sōfte || si
The Battle of Maldon 62a þam easteþe || ealle stodon / ne mihte þær for wætere || we
The Battle of Maldon 64a êa-stæðe || ealle stōden. / Ne meahte ðǣr for wætere || w
The Battle of Maldon 68a eaxena ord || and se æschere / ne mihte hyra ænig || oþrum de
The Battle of Maldon 70a na ord || and sē æsċ-here. / Ne meahte hira ǣniġ || ōðrum
The Battle of Maldon 94b þa wælwulfas || for wætere ne murnon / wicinga werod || west
The Battle of Maldon 96b wæl-wulfas || (for wætere ne murnon), / wīċinga weorod, ||
The Battle of Maldon 116b þe mid his swurde || swenges ne wyrnde / þæt him æt fotum fe
The Battle of Maldon 118b e mid his swurde, || swenġes ne wiernde, / þæt him æt fōtum
The Battle of Maldon 165a to foldan || fealohilte swurd / ne mihte he gehealdan || heardne
The Battle of Maldon 167a foldan || fealu-hilte sweord; / ne meahte hē ġe·healdan || he
The Battle of Maldon 169a gangan forþ || gode geferan / ne mihte þa on fotum leng || f
The Battle of Maldon 171a n forþ || gōde ġe·fēran; / ne meahte þā on fōtum lenġ |
The Battle of Maldon 178b þæt hi helsceaþan || hynan ne moton / þa hine heowon || hæ
The Battle of Maldon 180b hīe hell-sċaðan || hīenan ne mōton.’ / Þā hine hēowon
The Battle of Maldon 188b þam gerædum || þe hit riht ne wæs / and his broþru mid him
The Battle of Maldon 190b n / godwine and godwig || guþe ne gymdon / ac wendon fram þam wi
The Battle of Maldon 192b ine and God·wīġ, || gūðe ne ġīemdon, / ac wendon fram þ
The Battle of Maldon 218a s ealdorman || woruldgesælig / ne sceolon me on þære þeode |
The Battle of Maldon 220a ann, || weorold-ġe·sǣliġ. / Ne sċulon mē on ðǣre þēode
The Battle of Maldon 247a gewinne || minne winedrihten / ne þurfon me embe sturmere || s
The Battle of Maldon 249a winne || mīnne wine-drihten. / Ne þurfon mē embe Stūr-mere |
The Battle of Maldon 256a a gehwylc || byrhtnoþ wræce / ne mæg na wandian || se þe wre
The Battle of Maldon 257b an þenceþ / frean on folce || ne for feore murnan / þa hi forþ
The Battle of Maldon 258b a hi forþ eodon || feores hi ne rohton / ongunnon þa hiredmen
The Battle of Maldon 258a elċ || Byrht·nōþ wrǣce%: / ‘Ne mæġ nā wandian || sē þe
The Battle of Maldon 260b forþ ēodon, || fēores hīe ne rōhton; / on·gunnon þā hīr
The Battle of Maldon 266a || him wæs æscferþ nama / he ne wandode na || æt þam wigple
The Battle of Maldon 268a m wæs Æsċ·ferþ nama. / Hē ne wandode nā || æt þām wī
The Battle of Maldon 315b ic eom frod feores || fram ic ne wille / ac ic me be healfe || m
The Battle of Maldon 317b om frōd fēores; || fram iċ ne wille, / ac iċ mē be healfe |
ABBO.Acrost2 7 , / Efficiendo quod ipsE mones, ne voce monerE / Non fecisse velis
ABBO.Acrost2 19 ine fine valetO, / Rumpe moras, ne sis duRus, cui ludo parumpeR /
ABBO.Acrost2 25 facta reoruM / Obsistendo rudi, ne mOx male crescat avitO. / Rex r
ABBO.Acrost2 32 S, / Ecce tibi tuus Abbo pEtit, ne despice ferrE, / Si quæris lau
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 11 63 suam monuit procernere uitam, / Ne rursum adueniens pro culpis p
AEDILVVLF.DeAbbatibus 13 16 tant ieiunia Christo / Reddere, ne mentes fallax eluderet astu / I
ALCVIN.Carm 4 5 elongo ducatur prora remulco, / Ne cito retrorsum rapiatur flumi
ALCVIN.Carm 4 41 utor, defensor adesto, / Invida ne valeat me carpere lingua noce
ALCVIN.Carm 6 17 h, / Passus in arce crucis sic, ne seduceret error / Afficiens hom
ALCVIN.Carm 9 230 egium conservet pastor ovile, / Ne rapidis capiat hoc lupus insi
ALCVIN.Carm 19 4 m nunquam pertranseat hostis, / Ne caros animis subito disiungat
ALCVIN.Carm 26 37 , / Hos regat et doceat, certis ne accentibus errent. / Instituit
ALCVIN.Carm 28 21 nctos sermone legentes / Semina ne vitae maculent zizania mortis
ALCVIN.Carm 36 2 iat, venias nec carta caveto, / Ne Musas mergat sospita dira tua
ALCVIN.Carm 37 16 ae precepta salutis, / Quae via ne tecum perveat astra super. / Ha
ALCVIN.Carm 42 20 i memores iuvenisque Daretis, / Ne laus quam querunt detrahat ip
ALCVIN.Carm 45 39 etherius Petrus in orbe pius, / Ne turbata fluat per mundum fulm
ALCVIN.Carm 46 12 bus sanctorum maxime templis, / Ne te praetereat ullius auxilium
ALCVIN.Carm 46 16 ia sceleratis castra rapinis, / Ne cuiquam tulerint vi sua forte
ALCVIN.Carm 49 17 Quantum, quod fraudor, liceat ne discere de te / Credere quod li
ALCVIN.Carm 55.5 3 utus, Christe, sub umbra tua, / Ne sibi subripiat hac fur noctur
ALCVIN.Carm 62 16 quaecumque voluptas. / Tu dare ne claudas palmas et prendere pa
ALCVIN.Carm 62 18 resonent bona verba salutis. / Ne, rogo, vindictam tua mens medi
ALCVIN.Carm 62 20 cifici magna dulcedine mores. / Ne tua poeniteat caves, victoria
ALCVIN.Carm 62 35 datur, sed moribus almis. / Fac ne te merito verbis derideat alt
ALCVIN.Carm 62 86 at. / Quod tibi non optes, alio ne feceris ulli. / Aequum pondus h
ALCVIN.Carm 62 90 ia verbis. / Si tu recta facis, ne cures verba malorum. / Utile co
ALCVIN.Carm 62 91 orum. / Utile consilium dominus ne despice servi. / Inter convivas
ALCVIN.Carm 62 109 . / Quae culpare soles, haec tu ne feceris ipse. / Vita aliena tua
ALCVIN.Carm 62 121 t amicos. / Converti ad dominum ne tardes tramite recto; / Doctrin
ALCVIN.Carm 62 181 is. / Pauperis et miseri mentem ne adflixeris umquam. / Diligit om
ALCVIN.Carm 71.2 5 ea pauperies ista minuta duo. / Ne vacua in sacris venisset dext
ALCVIN.Carm 76.1 4 mine sensus / Perlegat, Epicuri ne ruat in foveam. / Alcuinus ingr
ALCVIN.Carm 76.2 2 odica sulcare carina / Grandia, ne mergat turbidus auster eam, / I
ALCVIN.Carm 80.1 3 ae. / Atque dies dociles vacuis ne perdite rebus: / Nec redit unda
ALCVIN.Carm 85.1 29 noceat, optet, agat vel amet. / Ne maculis sibimet fuscet data t
ALCVIN.Carm 92.1 9 hic sua membra meis, / Obsecro, ne videat, proprios avertat ocel
ALCVIN.Carm 93 4 e salutis, / Forsan in ecclesia ne sileat senior. / Sunt anni iuve
ALCVIN.Carm 93 18 dulcis benedictio patris, / Et ne nam natus mente tenente duos.
ALCVIN.Carm 94 9 os ponant ordine quosque suo, / Ne vel falsa legat, taceat vel f
ALCVIN.Carm 97 10 , / Splendida stelligeri videas ne lumina caeli. / Aut tua iam voc
ALCVIN.Carm 97 14 aput valido tu percute pugno, / Ne tibi cernentes hospes excaece
ALCVIN.Carm 99.13 10 acuit concingere muro, / Pervia ne populi busta forent pedibus. /
ALCVIN.Carm 102.1 6 e pio Karolo per munera rege. / Ne compleret opus, rapuit mors i
ALCVIN.Carm 114.2 7 . / Igneaque infesti noceant te ne tela draconis, / Continuam infi
ALCVIN.Carm 114.5 4 ui veneranda sacraria templi, / Ne latro depopulans vastet ovile
ALCVIN.Hymn.Rhyth A 3 atorum <clamo> corde credulo; / <Ne me> tradas tetris tectis <dir
ALCVIN.Hymn.Rhyth M 34 rinitas. / Miserere mihi, deus, ne patiaris me perire / Neque aete
ALCVIN.Hymn.Rhyth N 39 ge hoc, quod peccaui; presta, ne plus adiciam. / Omnipotens trin
ALCVIN.Michael.Rhyth 9 ano / Orante diriguntur angeli, / Ne laedere inimici, / Quantum cupi
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 383 cri / ducitur, Osuualdi meritis ne tangeret illum / febris acerba,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 467 / coeperat ob merita scelerum, ne ad tartara dira / mortuus infer
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 662 o soli solus seruire sategit, / ne mundanus honor mentem mutaret
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 673 issum sibimet seruauit ouile, / ne lupus insidians Christi derod
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 741 uens. / Haec breuiter tetigi, ne tota tacere uiderer / inclyta r
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 785 eteris prouerbia dicti: / ‘Tu ne forte feras in siluam ligna,
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 803 cipiens primo curare sategit; / ne tamen aufugeret, uinciri iuss
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 896 nibus’, inquit, / ‘Te rogo, ne metuas nunc me, dulcissima co
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1053 dei / agnoscunt miseri, metuunt ne funditus omnis / iam caderet ci
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1183 cialiter unum / ex sociis, ludo ne se misceret inani. / Ille tam
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1373 Dum ruit, unda fluit, casus ne laederet illum: / gressibus aru
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1374 / gressibus arua manent, illum ne mergeret aequor. / Ambulat er
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1472 , / ulla ex parte lupus Christi ne laederet agnos, / ille quibus s
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1474 acri praestabat pabula uerbi, / ne sitis atque fames ullo uexare
ALCVIN.VPatRegSanctEubor 1570 mea fistula, partem, / desere, ne pereas lacrimarum gurgite mer
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 11 8 ent, caeli qui pane cibarent, / Ne plebs esuriens a se ieiuna re
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 17 ste fuisset / Consumenda prius: 'Ne te, rogo, terreat ignis; / Cons
ALDHELM.Aenig 87 4 corpus / conseruabo, uiri uitam ne dempserit Orcus. / Quis tantos
ALDHELM.Aenig 94 8 ndae, dum uexat uiscera tabo, / ne uirus serpat, possum succurre
ALDHELM.CarmVirg Praefatio 13 bus confer suffragia certA / Et ne concedas trudendos hostibus i
ALDHELM.CarmVirg Praefatio 15 uos defendens dextera tangaT, / Ne praedo pellax caelorum claude
ALDHELM.CarmVirg Praefatio 17 ualeat noxarum fallere scenA, / Ne fur strofosus foueam detrudat
ALDHELM.CarmVirg Praefatio 19 t OlimpO, / Pastor ouile tuens, ne possit rabula raptoR / Regales
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 6 renans caerula ponti, / Mergere ne ualeant terrarum litora limph
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 275 diuina potentia caeli, / Lurida ne mundi pateretur damna nefandi
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 720 dis compellant socibus ambae: / “Ne grauiter, iuuenis, deuotas sp
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1279 trato festina surgere, miles! / Ne metuas iuuenis sortiri dote p
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1472 m uerecundia frontis, / Corpore ne nudo temeraret iura pudoris. /
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1720 m, quae nectit retia sanctis, / Ne forte properet paradisi ad ga
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2513 cula uirgo, / Aethralem linquat ne uictrix forte coronam, / Ebrius
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2535 luam studeat superare uirago, / Ne balena uorax ualuas explodat
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2540 us obstat, / Frangantur dapibus ne propugnacula mentis. / Nectaris
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2569 a sagittis, / Lurida prostibuli ne possit serpere uirus / In fibra
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2634 um compescit inormem, / Vincere ne ualeat furiarum maxima mentes
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2653 to moderans praecordia gestu, / Ne rigor et rancor mentis penitr
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2656 potius mox desperatio maesta, / Ne ruat in praeceps mentis statu
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2676 sum, / Sedula sollicitum pulset ne lectio pectus / Lumina nec uigi
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2720 i, / Scanderet ad superas arces ne turba nepotum; / Sic quoque liu
BEDE.EApoc.Pref 17 s germina pauca sacris, / Copia ne potior generet fastidia mensi
BEDE.Hymn 2 231 atque / Cultorem exercent fidei ne torpeat otio, / At tria propter
BEDE.Hymn 2 359 atis perpendite sacra, / Iustis ne subducentes tribuatis iniquis
BEDE.Hymn 2 365 terii committere iura cauete. / Ne mihi succensete, precor, patr
BEDE.Hymn 2 472 rdotes se seuerissime norint, / Ne tamen hinc illos elatio pulse
BEDE.Hymn 2 495 fatetur auita: / Antiquos fines ne transgrediare parentum. / In tu
BEDE.Hymn 3 186 , aestas et hiems fit adulta, ne praeceps / Sic est autumnus nou
BEDE.Hymn 5 33 rbera / Vox in Rama percrebuit. / Ne, grex pusille, formides / Dentes
BEDE.Hymn 5 40 ramite, / Manus latronis impias / Ne, grex pusille, formides. / Abste
BEDE.Hymn 9 27 antur dextera, / Christus suos, ne saeculi / Demergat aequor, erig
BEDE.Orat 15 ei in tremore. / Adorate pure, ne forte irascatur, / Et pereatis
BEDE.Orat 24 aciem tuam uiam meam. / Domine, ne in furore tuo arguas me, / Nequ
BEDE.Orat 35 persequentibus, et libera me. / Ne forte capiat ut leo animam me
BEDE.Orat 44 s meus. / Inlumina oculos meos, ne unquam / Obdormiam in morte, / Ne
BEDE.Orat 66 tutes tuas. / Tu autem, Domine, ne longe sis a me, fortitudo / Mea
BEDE.Orat 82 tiae / Meae, et scelerum meorum / Ne memineris. / Secundum magnam mi
BEDE.Orat 100 . / Miserere mei, / Et exaudi me. / Ne abscondas faciem tuam / A me, n
BEDE.Orat 101 e abscondas faciem tuam / A me, ne declines in furore / A seruo tu
BEDE.Orat 104 uo tuo. / Auxilium meum fuisti, / Ne derelinquas me, et ne dimitta
BEDE.Orat 109 a, / Propter insidiatores meos. / Ne tradas me, Domine, / Animae tri
BEDE.Orat 115 em meam, / Cum clamauero ad te. / Ne tradas me cum peccatoribus / Et
BEDE.Orat 175 iustitiam tuam rectis corde. / Ne ueniat mihi pes superbiae, / Et
BEDE.Orat 183 liabitur eis Dominus. / Domine, ne in ira tua arguas me, / Neque i
BEDE.Orat 187 us meus: quia sequebar bonum. / Ne derelinquas me, Domine Deus m
BEDE.Orat 188 linquas me, Domine Deus meus, / Ne elongeris a me. / Festina in au
BEDE.Orat 193 libera me. Opprobrium / Stulto ne ponas me. Tolle a me / Plagas t
BEDE.Orat 200 et salutare meum, / Deus meus, ne moreris. / Ego dixi, Domine, mi
BEDE.Orat 252 em renoua in uisceribus meis. / Ne proiicias me a facie tua, et
BEDE.Orat 253 tua, et Spiritum sanctum / Tuum ne auferas a me. / Redde mihi laet
BEDE.Orat 268 us, exaudi orationem meam, et ne despexeris / Deprecationem meam
BEDE.Orat 342 onum / Tuarum respice ad me. / Et ne abscondas faciem tuam a seruo
BEDE.Orat 354 um, et saluator meus, / Domine, ne moreris. / In te, Domine, spera
BEDE.Orat 362 xspectatio mea, Domine. / Deus, ne elongeris a me, Deus meus, / In
BEDE.Orat 369 eus autem rex meus ab initio. / Ne tradas bestiis animam erudita
BEDE.Orat 370 ge tua, uitam pauperum tuorum ne obli / Viscaris in perpetuum. / E
BEDE.Orat 381 Iniquitati, et non disperdet. / Ne recorderis ueterum nostrarum
BEDE.Orat 397 manu impiorum liberate. / Deus, ne taceas, ne sileas, et non acq
BEDE.Orat 535 icero iudicia iustitiae tuae. / Ne errare me facias a mandatis t
BEDE.Orat 608 aeternum. / Opera manuum tuarum ne dimittas. / Si ascendero in coe
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes I 13 stans / uiribus ammonuit dubiis ne fidere mallet / et festina breu
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes VII 12 s dapibus quo membra nouetur, / ne frigusque famesque niuosaque
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes XI 6 sensusque adhibere benignos, / ne uaga pestiferi ludat uos aura
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes XIII 14 ti / sedulus horrescit, ueniens ne uatis amatam / dilectamque diu
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes XIIII 1 XERIT. / Talia mirantum fragili ne laude supernae / caelestisque e
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes XXI 49 dis / praeficitur, modio lateat ne tecta lucerna, / sed iubar alti
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes XXII 9 at cursim contingere plectro, / ne potior lassis generet fastidi
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes XXX 17 imatur et infit: / ‘Me, rogo, ne linquas, carique memento soda
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes XXX 18 arique memento sodalis, / aurea ne rutili penetres cum limina re
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes XXXIIII 10 edere bello, / et magis extremi ne ui superatus agonis / iam prope
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes XXXIIII 26 la; / fundatique petra grauibus ne cedite nimbis, / torrentum furi
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes XXXV 2 entes, / saucia secretis condat ne membra latebris, / sed leti et
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes XLIIII 9 fragilem qua texerat anglum, / ne pluuia aut boreae penetrabile
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Bes XLVI 17 i sana sub fronte medelae. / Et ne forte putet mendum me dicere
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 13 nfans / Viribus admonuit dubiis ne fidere mallet, / Et festina bre
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 153 dapibus quo membra nouentur, / Ne frigusque famesque niuosaque
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 276 sensusque adhibere benignos, / Ne uaga pestiferi laudat [laedat
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 313 ti / Sedulus horrescit ueniens, ne uatis amatam / Dilectamque diu
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 333 ydros. / Talia mirantum fragili ne laude supernae / Coelestisque e
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 500 dis / Praeficitur, modio lateat ne tecta lucerna, / Sed iubar alti
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 524 at cursim contingere plectro, / Ne potior lassis generet fastidi
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 603 crymatur, et infit: / Me, rogo, ne linquas, charique memento sod
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 604 arique memento sodalis, / Aurea ne rutili penetres cum limina re
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 701 la. / Fundatique petra grauibus ne cedite nimbis: / Torrentum furi
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 718 entes, / Saucia secretis condat ne membra latebris: / Sed lethi et
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 859 fragilem qua texerat anglum, / Ne pluuia aut Boreae penetrabile
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 920 i sana sub fronte medelae. / Et ne forte putet mendum me dicere
BONIFACE.Aenig P 18 efas est et gustare profanum, / ne dentes strideant fuscati pest
DVNSTAN.Orat.Acrost 31 soniS / O logiam pellax ualeat ne dicere ‘puppuP’. / Nunc pri
EVSEBIVS.Aenig 15 4 ligeramur: / murus inest medius ne statim corruat unus. / / # EUS 1
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 7 ribus antra / Cordis amara mei, ne quid displodat inepti / Lingua
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 30 o loquelas, / Affer praesidium, ne sit sub fasce ruendum. / Tellus
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 40 essu, / Ignis edax sotii subeat ne culmina tecti. / Herent immoti,
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 117 nsueta placent conubia forte, / Ne differre pares: generosi sang
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 199 uum. / Rennuit ipse tamen, huic ne foret exitus idem. / Sic pater
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 238 e iuuentae / Excursus trepidat, ne forsan mobilis aetas / Praecipi
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 301 es, hanc amplexemur et omnes, / Ne non uitalis pandatur regia te
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 315 s egrotis sensibus auras. / Sed ne blasphemae ruat in praerupta
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 483 ongas / Inscitia cogente moras, ne lingua pudorem / Praesumtrix tu
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 566 undis, / Ingeniti feruore laris ne corruat ustum. / Non ardor Phoe
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 748 um discrimine clades / Pendite, ne rudibus pereant antiqua bilib
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 771 andae robore uires, / Hoc uirus ne serpat, et incautos malesano /
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 778 nare beati. / His ita fundatis, ne sicut apostata uilis, / Aut leg
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 852 , quem tormentis imitaris, / Et ne desperes, aequo splendore nit
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1018 n post tanta pericula sennem, / Ne contingat huic moriens quod p
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1208 qui Christi stigmata gestat, / Ne ferale chaos euitandamque mep
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1306 le ciclo. / Fit formido granis, ne forte recedat ab illis. / Fratr
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 1353 uigilate, / Pyr-Flegeton calida ne uos absorbeat unda!" / Haec ait
GOSCELIN.VEdith.Vers f 11 nnuba. / Celestes sunt nuptiae. / Ne sponsa tandem sit sterilis De
LANTFRED.Altercationes D20 67 are uela profundo, / ah, nimium ne naufragium patiaris iniquum; /
LANTFRED.Altercationes D20 116 rite monebo / conentur ueterem ne uertere conditionem, / ne post
LANTFRED.Altercationes D20 117 terem ne uertere conditionem, / ne post perniciem nigram transir
LANTFRED.Altercationes D20 120 †camena† / inferni tenebras ne post patiaris amaras. / [discip
LANTFRED.Altercationes D20 129 ditiosam, / rursus stultiloquam ne cogas sumere pennam / me, qui m
LANTFRED.Altercationes D21 78 foedus et almum / consolidemus, / ne patiamur / demonis atras / inde c
LANTFRED.CarmLibArb 141 fratres, uos moneo, celeres, / ne torpore graui perdatis praemi
LANTFRED.TMirSwithun.Octo 31 ibera / quem redemisti propria, / ne saeuus hostis baratri / me merg
LVTTING.Hymn 2 7 ra, <nec iram> uentiles; / caue ne ulli inferas / quod nec libente
N.BVDunstan.Vers 9 mpno, / Et curam gereret sub ea ne peste periret. / At memorata lu
N.BeatusL.Vers 5 holicae, sancte pater, fidei, / Ne corda excedat stultorum umbra
N.BibliothecaMag.Aenig BIB 8 4 modos humanis moribus optat, / ne plus quisque petat quam sibi
N.Cerne.Hymn 3 amare / me nunc oportet flere, / ne me conburant dire / flammae pro
N.Cerne.Hymn 31 multum mira / lacrimarum amara / ne me consummat ira, / munda nunc
N.DieIud.Acrost H2 27 ra perosI / Atra graues pereant ne sic caelestia uotA / Candida se
N.Dunstan.Poem 13 di / Unica spes, et tuta fides, ne desine coeptum. / Me mare trans
N.EadwigBasan.Coloph 1 Gospels / / Pro scriptore precem ne tempnas fundere, pater: / Libru
N.Feria4Easter.Offert.Trop 3 deuia pascens: *Portas caeli* / Ne ualeant querulis lassari cord
N.Hymn.DeDiebDominic11 11 at / qualibet desidia, / 3b. Eius ne magnalia / silentii / culpa tegan
N.Hymn.SLaurent 24 artyrii / ovans tendis / te rogo, ne me deseras.” / 6a. Sixtus ad
N.IohEuang.Acrost 27 ra perosI / Atra graues pereant ne sic caelestia uotA / Candida se
N.PassEustace 125 simulacrum, / Tu statim pedibus ne tardes huc repedare. / Hic iter
N.PassEustace 231 enigna, [230] / Fraudibus ullis ne faciat nos ille malignus / Acce
N.PassEustace 273 hinc abscedere longe, / Derisum ne simus eis, qui nos bene noscu
N.PassEustace 349 tur: / ‘Christe, tuum famulum ne despice multa querentem, / Infa
N.PassEustace 351 ori claustra loquelae, [350] / Ne verbis ullis valeam te offend
N.PassEustace 573 ‘O bone domne, tuam miseram ne spernito servam, / Atque tuam c
N.Sacrament.Vers 1 es on the sacraments / / Viscera ne sanctum triplo curvamine pane
N.Schol.Melod 5 re tenores / accentusque grauis ne s[it] moderando suauis / aptemu
N.VmetIudoc 252 faciens post hanc reuolantem, / ne ferat ulterius gallum quem pa
N.VpNeot.Vers xix 5 hristus quem iussit habendum. / Ne dubites iubeo (supero modo mi
N.VÆdward.Vers 37 it, et sic / stare iubet, casum ne subeamus item. / Compos promiss
N.VÆdward.Vers 91 operis ordine pone modum. / Et ne continuo ledatur musica cursu
N.VÆdward.Vers I, c.i 29 / atque cauet populis, uiolent ne federa pacis. / Sic de fonte tu
N.VÆdward.Vers I, c.iv 26 am super hoste furenti / in te. Ne iugulum tardes huic, exere fe
N.VÆdward.Vers I, c.iv 41 item fideique docet pietatem, / ne sub eo pereat, quem crismatis
N.VÆdward.Vers I, c.v 6 hlas, illinc Cyllenius heros, / ne ruat inferius subsidat et und
N.VÆdward.Vers I, c.v 33 igra fuligine tectum, / conscia ne tanti sceleris sint. Contio d
N.VÆdward.Vers I, c.v 54 tua, mater, concordia sancta, / ne de pignore regali seu stirpe
N.VÆdward.Vers II, prologus 95 , et bene promeruit. / Scribere ne cesses; leget atque relecta r
N.Æthelstan.Coloph 18 rnicus aulae / se caueant, ne quid fraus inimica gerat: / hun
WULFSTANC.BreuOmnSanct 296 usis / Seque opponentes, feriat ne poena nocentes, / Addentes alii
WULFSTANC.BreuOmnSanct 643 estis inter solemnibus estis, / Ne uos aeternis separent diuorti
WULFSTANC.BreuOmnSanct 646 cis liceat concurrere festis? / Ne possessa, homines, sed uos, r
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun praefatio 116 um, iacto fundamine, templum; / Ne tamen expleret, raptus ab orb
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun praefatio 366 o precibus succurrite uestro, / Ne flatus per falsa queat me fal
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 1 69 rnam morum probitate coronam, / Ne per foeda suam maculando piac
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 1 71 m caecato corde profundam, / Et ne post modicam mundani temporis
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 1 325 hac uoce patronum / Alloquitur: "ne sis rogito, nutritor amande, /
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 1 326 sis rogito, nutritor amande, / Ne sis sollicitus de illa quam p
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 1 340 bo loquelis." / Gibber ad haec: "ne, quaeso, uelis dubitare, pater
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 1 643 e, salutem / Percipere amissam, ne te patiaris ad illud / Ferre mo
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 1 747 / Conuerti in melius, strictum ne exerceat actus / Iudicium, quo
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 1 912 lum celeres tentoria tendunt, / Ne populus supra nimium ruat und
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 1 1347 achis uitam ducentibus illic, / Ne cessent ymnis dominum laudare
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 1 1356 aque munera calcant. / Obsecro, ne grauidum sit eis, nec corde m
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 1 1358 Promere dulcisono, premat hos ne iudicis ira, / Qui genus humanu
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 2 98 ede plantis, / Amplius antiquum ne posset adire patronum. / Vertit
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 2 147 a quo / Custoditus erat, mundi ne lata sequendo / Lapsus in igniu
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 2 523 s, / Certatimque metunt, pluuia ne forte grauentur, / Imbribus aut
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 2 600 , Christe. / O Suuidhune pater, ne me, rogo, sancte relinquas, / S
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 2 624 Quem tacitus ianuae opposuit, ne staret aperta, / Sentiat et uig
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 2 763 ant tua queso mihi suffragia, ne sit / Peccatum pergrande mihi i
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 2 936 sine sustentamine postquam." / "Ne paueas," subdunt, "nos sed co
WULFSTANC.NmetSwithun 2 962 e dico tibi, tu sedulus audi. / Ne studeas inferre malum, te sua
£.BOETH.Cons.Phil01.01 6 otuit peruincere terror, / Ne nostrum comites prosequerentu
£.BOETH.Cons.Phil02.08 11 um mare / Certo fine coherceat, / Ne terris liceat uagis / Latos ten
£.BOETH.Cons.Phil03.09 11 is / Arida conueniant liquidis, ne purior ignis / Euolet aut mersa
£.BOETH.Cons.Phil03.12 45 ugem; / Sed lex dona coherceat, / Ne dum Tartara liquerit / Fas sit
£.BOETH.Cons.Phil05.05 14 sublime feras animum quoque, ne grauata pessum / Inferior sidat
£.LVCAN.Phars01 121 dedit aemula uirtus: / Tu, noua ne ueteres obscurent acta triump
£.LVCAN.Phars01 324 nt signa Milonem? / Nunc quoque ne lassum teneat priuata senectu
£.LVCAN.Phars01 393 e bellum / Fataque ferre uidet, ne quo languore moretur / Fortunam
£.LVCAN.Phars01 522 / Pompeio fugiente timent. tum ne qua futuri / Spes saltem trepid
£.LVCAN.Phars02 260 s, facient te bella nocentem. / Ne tantum, o superi, liceat fera
£.LVCAN.Phars02 323 m est: ideo me milite uincat, / Ne sibi se uicisse putet." Sic f
£.LVCAN.Phars02 560 le solutum / Defectumque uocet, ne uos mea terreat aetas: / Dux si
£.LVCAN.Phars02 651 is longaeque quietis / Armorum, ne quid fatis mutare liceret, / Ad
£.LVCAN.Phars02 688 ndem / Furtiuae placuere fugae, ne litora clamor / Nauticus exagit
£.LVCAN.Phars02 689 ora clamor / Nauticus exagitet, ne bucina diuidat horas, / Ne tuba
£.LVCAN.Phars02 690 tet, ne bucina diuidat horas, / Ne tuba praemonitos perducat ad
£.LVCAN.Phars02 698 nautae / Nec quatiunt ualidos, ne sibilet aura, rudentis. / Dux e
£.LVCAN.Phars03 63 i, semperque laborant / Aequora ne rupti repetant confinia monte
£.LVCAN.Phars03 296 itora Syrtis. / Acciperet felix ne non semel omnia Caesar, / Vince
£.LVCAN.Phars03 398 ligatam / Artet humum, pressus ne cedat turribus agger. / Lucus e
£.LVCAN.Phars03 436 uiolata in robora ferro: / "Iam ne quis uestrum dubitet subuerte
£.LVCAN.Phars03 688 inguat ut aequora flammas, / Hi ne mergantur, tabulis ardentibus
£.LVCAN.Phars04 141 pontem distendit in agros. / Ac ne quid Sicoris repetitis audeat
£.LVCAN.Phars04 362 peregit. / Hoc petimus, uictos ne tecum uincere cogas." / Dixerat
£.LVCAN.Phars04 511 iam, iubeant sperare salutem, / Ne nos, cum calido fodiemus uisc
£.LVCAN.Phars04 579 tur armis, / Ignorantque datos, ne quisquam seruiat, enses. / Mors
£.LVCAN.Phars05 368 us milite ferrum. / Ipse pauet, ne tela sibi dextraeque negentur
£.LVCAN.Phars05 387 imum repperit aetas, / Qua sibi ne ferri ius ullum Caesar abesse
£.LVCAN.Phars05 398 as / Iuris inops; careat tantum ne nomine tempus, / Menstruus in f
£.LVCAN.Phars05 420 s et Graia ad moenia perflet, / Ne Pompeiani Phaeacum e litore t
£.LVCAN.Phars05 492 entos impendo uota fretumque; / Ne retine dubium cupientis ire p
£.LVCAN.Phars05 536 sque inopem duxisse senectam. / Ne cessa praebere deo tua fata u
£.LVCAN.Phars05 588 a: proderit undis / Ista ratis. Ne flecte manum, fuge proxima ue
£.LVCAN.Phars06 130 uolucres, / Tot cecinere tubae. Ne quid uictoria ferro / Deberet,
£.LVCAN.Phars06 249 elli Magno crimenque remisit, / Ne solum totae fugerent te, Scae
£.LVCAN.Phars06 327 , Roma, quietem / Eripiam, qui, ne premerent te proelia, fugi? / A
£.LVCAN.Phars06 328 t te proelia, fugi? / A potius, ne quid bello patiaris in isto, /
£.LVCAN.Phars06 579 ngebat in usus. / Namque timens ne Mars alium uagus iret in orbe
£.LVCAN.Phars06 598 tus; hoc casibus eripe iuris, / Ne subiti caecique ruant. uel nu
£.LVCAN.Phars06 773 e oracula Mortis / Fortis adit. Ne parce, precor: da nomina rebu
£.LVCAN.Phars06 812 tum de funere pugna. / Tu fatum ne quaere tuum: cognoscere Parca
£.LVCAN.Phars07 6 nubes, non pabula flammis / Sed ne Thessalico purus luceret in o
£.LVCAN.Phars07 24 edes / Sic Romam Fortuna dedit. Ne rumpite somnos, / Castrorum uig
£.LVCAN.Phars07 83 isquam / Exspectat: propera, te ne tua classica linquant. / Scire
£.LVCAN.Phars07 96 Ciuilia bella / Gesturi metuunt ne non cum sanguine uincant. / Abs
£.LVCAN.Phars07 102 a est / His quibus effectum est ne pugnam tiro paueret; / Si modo
£.LVCAN.Phars07 318 ! / Vos tamen hoc oro, iuuenes, ne caedere quisquam / Hostis terga
£.LVCAN.Phars07 328 non sparsa maniplis. / Parcite ne castris: uallo tendetis in il
£.LVCAN.Phars07 382 urpes extremi cardinis annos, / Ne discam seruire senex." Tam ma
£.LVCAN.Phars07 406 ce repletam / Cladis eo dedimus ne tanto in corpore bellum / Iam p
£.LVCAN.Phars07 521 pependit, / Cum Caesar metuens, ne frons sibi prima laboret / Incu
£.LVCAN.Phars07 558 s populi stimulusque furorum, / Ne qua parte sui pereat scelus,
£.LVCAN.Phars07 590 ti generis per saecula nomen, / Ne rue per medios nimium temerar
£.LVCAN.Phars07 671 tum; / Sed timuit, strato miles ne corpore Magni / Non fugeret sup
£.LVCAN.Phars07 732 sit uitae. Sed castra fugatos / Ne reuocent pellatque quies noct
£.LVCAN.Phars07 735 ia terror, / Non ueritus, graue ne fessis aut Marte subactis / Hoc
£.LVCAN.Phars07 797 e suos in sanguine cernit. / Ac ne laeta furens scelerum spectac
£.LVCAN.Phars08 124 m ualet, utere Lesbo. / Accipe: ne Caesar rapiat, tu uictus habe
£.LVCAN.Phars08 126 meritae bene detrahe terrae, / Ne nostram uideare fidem felixqu
£.LVCAN.Phars08 215 huc securum a Caesare Tigrim. / Ne pigeat Magno quaerentem fata
£.LVCAN.Phars08 423 Debuerant in Bactra duces et, ne qua uacarent / Arma, uel arctou
£.LVCAN.Phars08 450 m / Horreat? innocua est aetas; ne iura fidemque / Respectumque de
£.LVCAN.Phars08 594 metuens non arma nefasque / Sed ne summissis precibus Pompeius a
£.LVCAN.Phars08 603 a fugasses? / Disponis gladios, ne quo non fiat in orbe, / Heu! fa
£.LVCAN.Phars08 616 pressit / Continuitque animam, ne quas effundere uoces / Vellet e
£.LVCAN.Phars08 627 ris, / An scieris aduersa pati. Ne cede pudori / Auctoremque dole
£.LVCAN.Phars08 714 ptim tumulum fortuna parauit, / Ne iaceat nullo uel ne meliore s
£.LVCAN.Phars08 764 uria fati / Hoc fas esse iubet; ne ponti belua quicquam, / Ne fera
£.LVCAN.Phars08 765 bet; ne ponti belua quicquam, / Ne fera, ne uolucres, ne saeui C
£.LVCAN.Phars08 789 unum / Parua clusit humo. Tunc, ne leuis aura retectos / Auferret
£.LVCAN.Phars08 791 compressit harenam, / Nautaque ne bustum religato fune moueret,
£.LVCAN.Phars08 825 Cumanae carmine uatis / Cautum, ne Nili Pelusia tangeret ora / Hes
£.LVCAN.Phars09 30 partes / Libertatis erant; quas ne per litora fusas / Colligeret r
£.LVCAN.Phars09 52 tas / Priuignique fugam tenuit, ne forte repulsus / Litoribus Phar
£.LVCAN.Phars09 100 aluere tuae, deceptaque uixi, / Ne mihi commissas auferrem perfi
£.LVCAN.Phars09 613 "Vana specie conterrite leti, / Ne dubita, miles, tutos haurire
£.LVCAN.Phars09 748 tonis / Ardentem tenuere uirum, ne spargere signa / Auderet totisq
£.LVCAN.Phars09 900 as paruus cum decidit infans, / Ne qua sit externae Veneris mixt
£.LVCAN.Phars09 982 euum. / Inuidia sacrae, Caesar, ne tangere famae; / Nam, si quid L
£.LVCAN.Phars09 1080 ore proras: / Famae cura uetat, ne non damnasse cruentam / Sed uid
£.LVCAN.Phars09 1083 le paratum / Litoris hospitium; ne sic mea colla gerantur / Thessa
£.LVCAN.Phars10 8 erum rapuere a sanguine manes / Ne populus post te Nilum Romanus
£.LVCAN.Phars10 67 sub gurgite casus, / An mundum ne nostra quidem matrona teneret
£.LVCAN.Phars10 426 i trepidos in nocte tumultus, / Ne caedes confusa manu permissaq
£.MART.CAP.Nupt1.091 10 nda premit sensa silentium, / Ne uulgata ciant corda doloribus
£.MART.CAP.Nupt4.423 2 ndi, iam progressum comprime, / Ne inflexa tortos stringat intim
£.MART.CAP.Nupt7.726 14 ae / Liliaque det papillae. / † ne nunc sensus iugalis / † fer
£.MART.CAP.Nupt7.802 6 it iam claudere fatibus orsa, / Ne superum nostri capiant fastid
£.MART.CAP.Nupt9.902 9 ngues / Nexus ualebunt rumpere. / Ne thalamos metuas; eris hoc, qu
£.MART.CAP.Nupt9.911 52 ratres culmina / Precabor ipsa, ne uerendos contrahant / Vultus iu
£.N.Dist.Cat11 2 amicus; / Sic bonus esto bonis, ne te mala damna sequantur.
£.N.Dist.Cat12 1 cha Catonis 12 / / Rumores fuge, ne incipias nouus auctor haberi,
£.N.Dist.Cat17 1 # Disticha Catonis 17 / / Ne cures, si quis tacito sermone
£.N.Dist.Cat22 1 # Disticha Catonis 22 / / Ne timeas illam, quae uitae est
£.N.Dist.Cat24 1 # Disticha Catonis 24 / / Ne tibi quid desit, quaesitis ut
£.N.Dist.Cat25 1 nis 25 / / Quod praestare potes, ne bis promiseris ulli, / Ne sis u
£.N.Dist.Cat25 2 otes, ne bis promiseris ulli, / Ne sis uentosus, dum uis bonus e
£.N.Dist.Cat30 1 30 / / Quae culpare soles, ea tu ne feceris ipse:, / Turpe est doct
£.N.Dist.Cat35 1 # Disticha Catonis 35 / / Ne dubites, cum magna petas, imp
£.PERS.Sat01 4 "turpe et miserabile." quare? / Ne mihi Polydamas et Troiades La
£.PERS.Sat01 108 dere uero / Auriculas? uide sis ne maiorum tibi forte / Limina fri
£.PERS.Sat03 96 lis." / "At tu deterius palles, ne sis mihi tutor. / Iam pridem hu
£.PERS.Sat04 21 , - sum candidus. - esto, / Dum ne deterius sapiat pannucia Bauc
£.PERS.Sat05 97 et secretam garrit in aurem, / Ne liceat facere id quod quis ui
£.PERS.Sat05 106 ris speciem dinoscere calles, / Ne qua subaerato mendosum tinnia
£.PERS.Sat05 170 lea, puer, obiurgabere rubra, / Ne trepidare uelis atque artos r
£.PERS.Sat06 32 range aliquid, largire inopi, ne pictus oberret / Caerulea in ta
£.PERS.Sat06 76 ute sollers / Omne latus mundi, ne sit praestantior alter / Cappad
£.VERGIL.Aeneid01 299 ginis arces / Hospitio Teucris, ne fati nescia Dido / Finibus arce
£.VERGIL.Aeneid01 413 cum dea fudit amictu, / Cernere ne quis eos neu quis contingere
£.VERGIL.Aeneid01 674 ngere flamma / Reginam meditor, ne quo se numine mutet, / Sed magn
£.VERGIL.Aeneid01 682 dalium sacrata sede recondam, / Ne qua scire dolos mediusue occu
£.VERGIL.Aeneid02 48 Aut aliquis latet error; equo ne credite, Teucri. / Quidquid id
£.VERGIL.Aeneid02 187 xtis caeloque educere iussit, / Ne recipi portis aut duci in moe
£.VERGIL.Aeneid02 606 um / Caligat, nubem eripiam; tu ne qua parentis / Iussa time neu p
£.VERGIL.Aeneid02 652 a / Ascaniusque omnisque domus, ne uertere secum / Cuncta pater fa
£.VERGIL.Aeneid03 160 is / Magna para longumque fugae ne linque laborem. / Mutandae sede
£.VERGIL.Aeneid03 316 amque extrema per omnia duco; / Ne dubita, nam uera uides. *****
£.VERGIL.Aeneid03 406 elare comas adopertus amictu, / Ne qua inter sanctos ignis in ho
£.VERGIL.Aeneid03 453 mque odere Sibyllae. / Hic tibi ne qua morae fuerint dispendia t
£.VERGIL.Aeneid03 473 t / Anchises, fieret uento mora ne qua ferenti. / Quem Phoebi inte
£.VERGIL.Aeneid04 16 nimo fixum immotumque sederet / Ne cui me uinclo uellem sociare
£.VERGIL.Aeneid04 338 hanc abscondere furto / Speraui (ne finge) fugam, nec coniugis um
£.VERGIL.Aeneid04 415 plex animos summittere amori, / Ne quid inexpertum frustra morit
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 74 o, / Alma, uiros. foliis tantum ne carmina manda, / Ne turbata uol
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 75 liis tantum ne carmina manda, / Ne turbata uolent rapidis ludibr
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 95 ami. ********************* / Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audent
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 196 Ramus humum. tuque, o, dubiis ne defice rebus, / Diua parens.”
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 353 tum cepisse timorem, / Quam tua ne spoliata armis, excussa magis
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 465 m. / Siste gradum teque aspectu ne subtrahe nostro. / Quem fugis?
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 544 mittit.” / Deiphobus contra: “ne saeui, magna sacerdos; / Disced
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 614 s, / Inclusi poenam exspectant. ne quaere doceri / Quam poenam, au
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 694 m, nate, periclis! / Quam metui ne quid Libyae tibi regna nocere
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 698 m, / Da, genitor, teque amplexu ne subtrahe nostro.” / Sic memor
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 832 ner aduersis instructus Eois! / Ne, pueri, ne tanta animis adsues
£.VERGIL.Aeneid06 868 s: / “O nate, ingentem luctum ne quaere tuorum; / Ostendent terr
£.VERGIL.Aeneid07 21 uultus ac terga ferarum. / Quae ne monstra pii paterentur talia
£.VERGIL.Aeneid07 96 ex alto uox reddita luco est: / “Ne pete conubiis natam sociare L
£.VERGIL.Aeneid07 202 astis ripas portuque sedetis, / Ne fugite hospitium, neue ignora
£.VERGIL.Aeneid07 236 mis: / Multi nos populi, multae (ne temne, quod ultro / Praeferimus
£.VERGIL.Aeneid07 332 Nocte, laborem, / Hanc operam, ne noster honos infractaue cedat
£.VERGIL.Aeneid07 438 , meas effugit nuntius auris; / Ne tantos mihi finge metus. nec
£.VERGIL.Aeneid08 39 , / Hic tibi certa domus, certi (ne absiste) penates; / Neu belli t
£.VERGIL.Aeneid08 42 **************** / Iamque tibi, ne uana putes haec fingere somnu
£.VERGIL.Aeneid08 205 t. / At furis Caci mens effera, ne quid inausum / Aut intractatum
£.VERGIL.Aeneid08 209 uperante iuuencas. / Atque hos, ne qua forent pedibus uestigia r
£.VERGIL.Aeneid08 532 omissa parentis. / Tum memorat: “ne uero, hospes, ne quaere profe
£.VERGIL.Aeneid08 613 romissa coniugis arte / Munera: ne mox aut Laurentis, nate, supe
£.VERGIL.Aeneid09 91 precibus sine posse parentem / Ne cursu quassatae ullo neu turb
£.VERGIL.Aeneid09 114 Rutulorumque agmina complet: / “Ne trepidate meas, Teucri, defen
£.VERGIL.Aeneid09 152 esis summae custodibus arcis, / Ne timeant, nec equi caeca conde
£.VERGIL.Aeneid09 321 uocat res. / Hac iter est. tu, ne qua manus se attollere nobis /
£.VERGIL.Aeneid10 11 asit? / Adueniet iustum pugnae, ne arcessite, tempus, / Cum fera K
£.VERGIL.Aeneid10 240 medias illis opponere turmas, / Ne castris iungant, certa est se
£.VERGIL.Aeneid10 372 nc subit aemula laudi, / Fidite ne pedibus. ferro rumpenda per h
£.VERGIL.Aeneid10 600 icta dabas. morere et fratrem ne desere frater.” / Tum latebra
£.VERGIL.Aeneid10 649 “Quo fugis, Aenea? thalamos ne desere pactos; / Hac dabitur de
£.VERGIL.Aeneid11 19 mis et spe praesumite bellum, / Ne qua mora ignaros, ubi primum
£.VERGIL.Aeneid11 43 eniret, / Inuidit Fortuna mihi, ne regna uideres / Nostra neque ad
£.VERGIL.Aeneid11 278 eris uiolaui uulnere dextram. / Ne uero, ne me ad talis impellit
£.VERGIL.Aeneid11 401 que tuis. proinde omnia magno / Ne cessa turbare metu atque exto
£.VERGIL.Aeneid11 417 borum / Egregiusque animi, qui, ne quid tale uideret, / Procubuit
£.VERGIL.Aeneid12 72 gis paucisque affatur Amatam: / “Ne, quaeso, ne me lacrimis neue o
£.VERGIL.Aeneid12 146 in parte locarim: / Disce tuum, ne me incuses, Iuturna, dolorem.
£.VERGIL.Aeneid12 565 so medius stans aggere fatur: / “Ne qua meis esto dictis mora, Iu
£.VERGIL.Aeneid12 641 ctum. / Occidit infelix nostrum ne dedecus Vfens / Aspiceret; Teuc
£.VERGIL.Aeneid12 801 ecibusque inflectere nostris, / Ne te tantus edit tacitam dolor
£.VERGIL.Aeneid12 823 iam leges et foedera iungent, / Ne uetus indigenas nomen mutare
£.VERGIL.Aeneid12 875 onstro? / Iam iam linquo acies. ne me terrete timentem, / Obscenae
£.VERGIL.Aeneid12 938 est Lauinia coniunx, / Vlterius ne tende odiis.” stetit acer i
£.VERGIL.Eclog02 17 esses? / O formose puer, nimium ne crede colori! / Alba ligustra c
£.VERGIL.Eclog03 4 us! ipse Neaeram / Dum fouet ac ne me sibi praeferat illa ueretu
£.VERGIL.Eclog03 29 / Experiamur? ego hanc uitulam (ne forte recuses, / Bis uenit ad m
£.VERGIL.Eclog03 51 ce Palaemon. / Efficiam posthac ne quemquam uoce lacessas. / Quin
£.VERGIL.Eclog06 73 Grynei nemoris dicatur origo, / Ne quis sit lucus quo se plus ia
£.VERGIL.Eclog07 28 rit, baccare frontem / Cingite, ne uati noceat mala lingua futur
£.VERGIL.Eclog09 63 in urbem. / Aut si nox pluuiam ne colligat ante ueremur, / Cantan
£.VERGIL.Eclog10 48 eni / Me sine sola uides. a, te ne frigora laedant! / A, tibi ne t
£.VERGIL.Eclog10 49 e ne frigora laedant! / A, tibi ne teneras glacies secet aspera
£.VERGIL.Georg01 69 ulco: / Illic, officiant laetis ne frugibus herbae, / Hic, sterile
£.VERGIL.Georg01 70 herbae, / Hic, sterilem exiguus ne deserat umor harenam. / Alterni
£.VERGIL.Georg01 80 s facilis labor, arida tantum / Ne saturare fimo pingui pudeat s
£.VERGIL.Georg01 92 s et uenas astringit hiantis, / Ne tenues pluuiae rapidiue poten
£.VERGIL.Georg01 111 ntia temperat arua. / Quid qui, ne grauidis procumbat culmus ari
£.VERGIL.Georg01 126 nulli subigebant arua coloni; / Ne signare quidem aut partiri li
£.VERGIL.Georg01 180 nu et creta solidanda tenaci, / Ne subeant herbae neu puluere ui
£.VERGIL.Georg01 390 sicca secum spatiatur harena. / Ne nocturna quidem carpentes pen
£.VERGIL.Georg01 501 rso iuuenem succurrere saeclo / Ne prohibete. satis iam pridem s
£.VERGIL.Georg02 252 aque iusto / Laetior. a, nimium ne sit mihi fertilis illa, / Nec s
£.VERGIL.Georg02 268 atur, / Mutatam ignorent subito ne semina matrem. / Quin etiam cae
£.VERGIL.Georg02 483 mora noctibus obstet. / Sin has ne possim naturae accedere parti
£.VERGIL.Georg03 70 malis: / Semper enim refice ac, ne post amissa requiras, / Ante ue
£.VERGIL.Georg03 127 uuiosque ministrant / Farraque, ne blando nequeat superesse labo
£.VERGIL.Georg03 135 tur inanes / Hoc faciunt, nimio ne luxu obtunsior usus / Sit genit
£.VERGIL.Georg03 298 ternere subter humum, glacies ne frigida laedat / Molle pecus sc
£.VERGIL.Georg03 389 tum cui lingua palato, / Reice, ne maculis infuscet uellera pull
£.VERGIL.Georg03 435 siti atque exterritus aestu. / Ne mihi tum mollis sub diuo carp
£.VERGIL.Georg03 561 re potest aut uincere flamma; / Ne tondere quidem morbo illuuieq
£.VERGIL.Georg04 89 mbo, / Deterior qui uisus, eum, ne prodigus obsit, / Dede neci; me
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm01 55 ius nullo cultore teneri? / Sed ne longa nouam contristent otia
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm02 140 a. / Tum ueritus serpens, firma ne mente uirili / Non queat iniect
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm02 198 nit. / Tu modo suspensos tantum ne contine tactus, / Nec captiua d
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm02 323 at uanis responsa figuris. / Et ne porrecto dicantur singula uer
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm03 181 mortua fleri / Quidue mori. ac ne quid desit tibi forte malorum
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm03 263 e uix quisquam largus humandi / Ne per dispersum naturae lege ca
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm03 314 su tum pertulit ipso, / Perdita ne precibus lacrimisue reduceret
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm04 248 dispersa cubilia cellis. / Tum ne rimosi compagum forte meatus /
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm04 262 quidquam non conuenit ultra: / Ne penitus cessans intercidat om
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm04 269 implenda resumat. / Nec timeas, ne forte feros animantia motus / S
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm04 281 erit penitusque cauendum est, / Ne iam mentito coniungat foedera
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm04 508 angi. / Sed sic cedamus, fluxum ne sentiat intus / Peccatumue trah
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm04 577 di reditus causaeque morandi, / Ne fors innexis fessum consumpse
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm04 655 e gerens, hoc setibus optans, / Ne redeant peccata tibi, ne mers
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm04 656 bi, ne mersa leuentur, / Mortua ne surgant, ne debellata rebelle
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm04 657 gant, ne debellata rebellent, / Ne post ablutum ualeant discrimi
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm05 77 unc palluit ore tyrannus. / Sed ne confusum tali succumbere sign
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm05 108 ortatu blando solatur amaros. / "Ne tantum uacuo submittite corda
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm05 134 , nitorem. / Quin magis auerso, ne tangat pristina, Nilo / Sanguis
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm05 398 tans infantia sustinet annis, / Ne praematurus fragilem contrist
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm05 567 ricis curet tutella columnae, / Ne quid ab aduersa liceat nos fr
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm06 299 te meos usuque polite, / Liuida ne facies pulla rubigine tinguat
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm06 426 tali legem cognoscere signo, / Ne Christi famulum solo sermone
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm06 484 um partiri aut perdere sucum, / Ne dispersa cauis desint fomenta
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm06 574 dore / Decreuit tum casta mori, ne crimine tanto / Ambirent misera
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 144 am congrua diligit ales, / Quae ne tarda gerat sine dogmatis ign
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 174 aluo / Carnis iure pati, uitam ne perderet orbis, / Maluit ipse m
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 225 uiris facundus detulit ignis. / Ne quid inexpertum studio medite
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 305 ouent; sed coepta relinquunt, / Ne uiolent quos turba fouet, qui
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 328 iare nouis et condere libris, / Ne pereas uiduata cibis, sine mu
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 345 is sola est largita uoluntas. / Ne deforme iugum similis portare
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 363 belli / Materia superante pari, ne criminis ultra / Per subolem pr
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 432 mplum sanxit uindicta duorum, / Ne quis dona uocet quae sponsio
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 517 sse dolent animaeque colonos, / Ne spargant quod corde metant, i
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 559 ire / Non patitur mensura uiae, ne plura locutus / Inueniar dixiss
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 578 bit / Qui uestis candore nitet, ne fulcra beata / Deserat abstract
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 583 alato / Interior festinet homo; ne uilior esset / Causa relicta ta
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 611 ens caelos conspexit apertos, / Ne lateat quod Christus agat. Pr
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 615 ius armat / Quos ad dona uocat; ne quis hic dimicet anceps, / Corp
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 721 mnes / Perpetuo de Sole canens. Ne desine, Saule, / Hunc celebrare
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 729 / Poena magistra docet Dominum ne respuat ultra / Post triduum su
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 817 epulsam / Elegere suae, lateant ne uulnera cordis / Quae lacrimis
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 853 quae uerba precaris; / Praemia ne desint uirtutibus, accipe cer
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 948 i fons reddidit; edite rursus / Ne preme colla tuis, alienis lib
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 962 re manu; gerit ista uicissim, / Ne quisquam putet esse suum meri
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 1052 s acumen / Aspera cuncta domat, ne ianua fixa uetaret / Orbis iter
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 16 / De turpi coepisse loco, pars ne qua uacaret / A meritis ieiuna?
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 60 dapes, de caute liquores. / Nam ne pauca piis fluerent miracula
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 88 s? / In libris sonat ecce tuis: "Ne credere tardes." / Consule sign
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 108 proprio maneas obnoxia regi; / Ne pereas, uult ipse mori; post
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 134 daea tibi, quae semina uitas, / Ne fructus afferre queas! Quibus
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 252 ant / Cum totum saluare queant? Ne quaere uetusto / More premi nou
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 277 e iugum; tamen esse cauendum: / Ne simulacra colant, quorum liba
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 278 ina semper / Exsecranda forent; ne suffocata cruore / Quae maculan
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 279 cruore / Quae maculantur edant; ne saeuior hoste libido / Hos impu
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 306 in undis. / Qui sanantur aquis ne figant uulnera membris. / Nesci
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 334 tret / Officium cum tuta uenit, "Ne sancta", quod inquit, / "Incipi
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 351 ns / Coniugio post sacra tamen, ne parcior usus / Ad subolis non s
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 364 urrens / Alterna ratione uices, ne forte sacerdos / Tunc generare
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 368 mes ut apertius ora resoluat, / Ne quisquam ieiunus eat. Nam sem
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 373 s / Ingenii strictasque ferens, ne fusa profani / Conculcata teran
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 452 ctum / Mens humana ferat, lolii ne sordeat herbis / Quam segetes p
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 504 gradiamur ut ad se, / Sanctaque ne pedibus posset cessare lucern
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 521 sti. / Tecta sub ambiguo lateat ne forte figura, / Qua dabitur rat
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 537 reparat dispendia saecli; / Cui ne sola forent quae feruidus inc
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 559 In castris sint, Paule, tuis, ne criminis imbres / Tempestas mun
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 590 se / Currere, fonte pio sacram ne deserat undam / Vlterius mortal
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 637 ta fumi / Pars per inane fugit, ne fabrica pulchra Creantis, / Qua
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 661 s auctor / Punitorque idem est, ne sit te iudice pulsus, / Qua sim
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 860 t / Quae uulnus sub pace creat; ne cedite duris; / Virtuti damnosa
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 938 e / Me Christus terrore quatit, ne signifer ultra / Auderem bellar
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 969 onus, contraria fontis honori / Ne renoueris aquis. Adam sub cri
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 996 tam triste premamus / Eloquium, ne forte legens sua fletibus ora
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 1051 s anno. / Linquimus hic, nimium ne gaudia nostra morentur / (Ad La
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 1085 cellas / Aufugiam temptare diu, ne forte canenti / Obruat exiguam
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 1099 ensere suum. Gerit illa ruina / Ne lateat quod Paulus erat sanct
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 1108 entus, / Consiliis parere prius ne litora Cretae / Linqueres insan
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 1236 ue in agone tribunal / Vincere, ne titulos paruus contingeret ho
££.ARATOR.Epist.adParthen 97 a patriam gloria nomen habet. / Ne dubita quin grata forent docu
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch01 194 nsit aquas, uitale sepulchrum / Ne moreretur habens, tutusque in
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch01 216 sto / Mitis facta uiro, sanctos ne laederet artus, / Coepit amare
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch01 261 cris / Non audent inimica suis, ne lite propinqua / Aut rogus exig
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch01 277 ine longum / Vel damnare nefas, ne mollia sentibus uram / Lilia, p
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch02 21 ptus, / Reddere difficilis, sua ne factura periret / Quaeque Deo s
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch02 54 a pulchris. / O facilis pietas! ne nos seruile teneret / Peccato d
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch02 86 regi regum tua regna minaris. / Ne tamen insano careant tua nomi
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch02 207 s ut tutior ulnis, / Ad lapidem ne forte pedem collidere possis.
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch02 241 / Atque nouum gestare hominem, ne forsan ab alto / Degenerent ter
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch02 258 m / Vtque polo sic pellat humo, ne corpora nostra / Tamquam uile s
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch02 264 m fidei speramus pane diurno, / Ne mens nostra famem doctrinae s
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch03 41 rorum depulit iras / Spirituum, ne flatus atrox laceraret iniqua
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch03 303 re / Redde mihi uel redde sibi, ne caeca potestas / Expellat trepi
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch05 71 pueroque reuulsam / Ense Petri, ne qua pius a pietate uacaret, / R
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch05 155 is, poenas amplectitur omnes, / Ne dignus sentire necem uel latr
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch05 247 upremum / Expauit natura modum, ne cogeret omnem / Summus apex inf
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 66 tali formatur uoce tonantis: / "Ne trepidate simul licitos praec
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 68 frondente creauit, / Solliciti, ne forte malum noxale legatis, / Q
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 131 uolutat. / Quis dominus, pigro ne frigore membra rigerent, / Cons
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 170 no fit notus inusto, / Sternere ne ferro liceat cuicumque nocent
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 171 ro liceat cuicumque nocentem, / Ne maius septena parent discrimi
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 253 mansura ad germina nidos. / Ac, ne fissilibus dissultent robora
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 270 bus infers / Atque tibi suetam, ne, cum per uasta fluenta / Cultio
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 329 tis cum flatibus halant. / Tum, ne consimili pereat discrimine t
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 434 re uinclo, / Sed fore germanam, ne fors immanibus ausis / Effrenis
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 511 tem dominus, dum talia fatur: / "Ne time confidens; seruus tibi n
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 600 ctos unum plus ambit et orat. / Ne puerum celeri linquat, dum pr
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 684 ates / Dixerat eximius, fraudem ne forma pararet / Coniugis innocu
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 732 uere sagittas. / Interea uates, ne quid clam forte pararet / Aucto
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 818 uidit / Vrguentem dictis, adeat ne regna Canopi, / Sed teneat solu
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 826 otius paterno edisserit actu. / Ne commota leui cupidine turba P
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 831 ns cunctos sub lege cohercet, / Ne sociam quisquam temptet rapta
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 877 studeat mactare parenti. / Et, ne forte dolos nudaret corpore l
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 902 ocens natum communiter ornat: / "Ne pete conubium, iuuenis, de ge
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 997 cris cohibebat cauta Rachela, / Ne pater inuenta puniret crimina
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 1004 diu sexto iam lumine nanctus, / Ne noceat, sancto domini terrore
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 1034 dus quam primum decute ferro, / Ne rapidus duro feriat mea pecto
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 1311 ire, / Inualidus durum nequeat ne ferre laborem. / Atque ubi iam
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept01.Gen 1367 Et geminum pretium, consertus ne foret error, / Condita quod cla
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 21 nt substructis molibus arces, / Ne redeat uacuis spes libertatis
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 49 itat / Futurum cum forma uirum, ne forte necetur, / Occultumque fo
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 51 us actis. / Sed metuens poenam, ne fraus admissa pateret, / Exposi
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 161 quae sunt iussa renarres. / Ac ne, praetrepidus coeptu, infirmer
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 623 u ratione legendi / Certa uiri, ne quis forsan plus condere mall
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 639 acuis referuntur ad aedes. / Ac ne forte dei tantum monumenta ui
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 738 n deserta minare / Praecipitur, ne poena foret coniuncta nocenti
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 777 ingens / Ingenti de sede deus. ne dilige moechas, / Neue hominem
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 779 tre / Periurans perhibe; furtum ne feceris ullum, / Neue malus tes
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 788 e gressu / Non sineris prompto, ne forte obscena renudes. / Seruus
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 872 ue solo, mox tegmine claudat, / Ne, si forte pecus fuerit per pro
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 934 mque priorem. / Femina defuncto ne sit temnenda marito, / Sed palp
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 936 gis puerique parentibus orbi. / Ne paribus poenis subeant peccat
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 963 tens subleua palmis. / Innocuum ne sterne uirum, nam pectore ius
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 978 ypto. / Ante meos uultus uacuus ne prodeat ullus. / Primitias oper
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 1010 mox uertenda colono. / Prouide, ne uetitis acclines colla sacell
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 1026 tas faciam decrescere sensim, / Ne uacua sit terra uiris, atque
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 1109 mque obscenam condere carnis, / Ne, dum sacra uehunt, denudent tu
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 1117 e uincat, / Edicit censura dei, ne forte tenebrae / Horrificam fac
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 1163 id nunc suae numen. / Tu motus ne flecte meos neue obuius ito, /
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 1165 inam. / Nec tu iacturam metuas, ne dempta potestas / Culmen ad alt
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 1244 usceptae ascribito turbae. / Ac ne sollicita tangat te cura uade
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 1254 ltumque precatur, / Vt uideant, ne forte dei sit grandior ira, / S
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 1308 osset / De populo concessa suo, ne forte uirorum / Incautas mentes
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept02.Exod 1320 mensi uelandum luminis ictum, / Ne Iudaea cohors cum uisu auerte
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 26 sibi mellitaque sicera natis. / Ne, quando dominum positas uenere
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 31 rem / Caelesti sub lege tenent: ne uultur in escis / Aut coruus pi
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 35 ile est metato edicere uersu: / Ne quae munda parum congesta in
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 43 usque dehinc iam feta diebus. / Ne, quae sanctificis adolentur cu
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 113 ibus undam. / Debet terra tegi, ne sit non condita fraudi. / Instr
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 133 natus detur seruire potenti, / Ne uetito nomen domini uioletur
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 134 tur in actu. / Masculus obsceno ne sit permixtus amore, / Neu sexu
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 143 ti, / Quae suprema fuit. mendum ne dixerit ullus, / Neu furtis ser
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 146 urandi imponere iura, / Laedere ne libeat quemquam uel rapta ten
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 150 poris ulli. / Iudicis arbitrium ne sit propensius umquam / In laeu
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 155 urgida pectora frena, / Inuisus ne forte fias. dum despicis omne
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 162 cito dudum contracta uigebat; / Ne dominus sis ipse tui uindexqu
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 164 ebus, / Sic fratri deposce tuo, ne dissona mens sit, / Hoc seruate
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 187 a membris. / Filia blandiloquis ne sit te mancipe moechis / Aut tu
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 208 uiduam uitet luxuue nocentem. / Ne maculosa fiat uetita de matre
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 225 estet flammatum lumen oliuum, / Ne decursa dies pallentes miscea
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 245 aera sibi commissa per annum, / Ne post emissum dimittat praedia
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 247 ia dextris, / Exigat implicitum ne post usura lucellum. / Quisquis
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept03.Leuit 304 ericlis, / In quibus implicitus ne sese inuolueret error, / Pars e
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept04.Num 45 dira tabes corruperat artus, / Ne ualidos inter positi contagia
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept04.Num 69 atum / Peruigili exoptat sensu, ne luxus in ipso / Corporeus certo
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept04.Num 164 hinc studio curaque lauantur, / Ne quando occultum maculent cont
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept04.Num 306 , / Verberat et sensus, id mors ne missa sequatur, / Vltrix nequit
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept04.Num 376 re metu cunctosque precantur, / Ne stolida in dubiis mittant con
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept04.Num 398 is gurgite mellis. / Vos tantum ne corda deo disiungite sancto. /
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept04.Num 412 is timida inter uerba rogaret / Ne stolida incassum mittentes ue
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept04.Num 430 tur / Missilibus saxis, uetitum ne serperet ausum. / Quin etiam qu
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept05.Deut 82 ebit / Iuuencae truncare pedem, ne maximus ultor / Sit deus innocu
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept05.Deut 100 si quis uult prendere fetus. / Ne matrem cum prole ferat. qui c
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept05.Deut 101 ui culmina pangit. / Prouideat, ne forte faber uoluatur ab alto.
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept05.Deut 102 faber uoluatur ab alto. / Vinea ne grauidos pariat bis feta race
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept05.Deut 106 lit. / Immundas inhibite lupas, ne praemia noctis / Venditae ad ae
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept05.Deut 108 ini sacraria portent. / Fugacem ne reddat ero quicumque tenebit,
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept05.Deut 109 reddat ero quicumque tenebit, / Ne ferus afficiat duro sub uerbe
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept05.Deut 116 misso si post uiduetur eodem. / Ne redeat spreti repetens consor
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept05.Deut 120 ue frangit. / Alter ob alterius ne pendat crimina poenam. / Ille q
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept05.Deut 123 ctat. / Ora triturantis fuerint ne uincta iuuenci. / Pignore non g
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept05.Deut 126 Qui superest, natosque creet. ne semine nullo / Sit uacuata domu
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept05.Deut 132 sant, / Inserat his mediam sese ne femina, neue / Inguina corripia
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept05.Deut 212 uod cernimus. abditum tenere, / Ne sit fors aliqua molesta plaga
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 19 ssat. / Legiferoque simul uisus ne dimoue libro, / Vt domino tutus
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 65 composta et credita dextris, / Ne captiua fiam socia cum stirpe
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 74 lle, trina sub luce latentes, / Ne, dum praepropero repetunt sua
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 162 tris, / Cognata comitante manu, ne nescius illam / Interimat miles
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 167 inceps populum iurare coegit, / Ne studeat quisquam muros renoua
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 326 re / Talibus alloquiis: "Timeas ne nomina regum / Multa simul uali
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 454 dedit factum noxale timenti, / Ne poena afficeret admissa piacu
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 513 aptae maneat testatio terrae: / Ne quandoque fiant uenturae obpr
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 516 uanis oblata libamina diuis. / Ne uero, ne tanta pios dementia
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 547 ucit docilis sententia legis; / Ne uariis actus sub flexibus amb
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept06.Iesu.Naue 551 di, / Dicite. discedam, noceant ne uana colentes. / Eligite, o cun
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept07.Iud 189 uens Iordanis litora claudit, / Ne quisquam breuibus ualeat tran
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept07.Iud 267 ia populum reuocauit ab urbe. / Ne rursus, uetitis adolent dum a
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept07.Iud 292 s alta ab radice reuellit. / Ac ne profanus genitor contraria fe
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept07.Iud 311 r. / Hanc etiam monitus minuit, ne turba coacta / Robore fida suo
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept07.Iud 342 ates primordia pugnae / Ed]ere, ne desit dominus, quo principe u
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept07.Iud 492 era partus, / Imperitans, natus ne uina et sicera libet, / Neu mac
££.CYPR.GALL.Hept07.Iud 595 se negatam / Colloc]at externo. ne post accensus et acer / Restitu
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.1 38 soluensque necantes / <Occidit> .....ne ........ nostra futuri / Gens h
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.1 40 are signa reis natura iubetur / Ne lateant mortale genus quaecum
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.1 200 tuum communes temperat auras, / Ne laedat frondes et ut omnia po
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.1 282 ans meditatur proelia toruus, / Ne Massyla fames duros descendat
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.1 292 uitae paritura medellas. / Sed ne cuncta simul passim per cunct
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.1 623 t saecla resurgere uitae. / Sed ne sit fixum reditus non esse se
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.2 12 e uices sua tempora lustrans, / Ne simul inuadant mundum sine lu
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.2 182 dit nullo fodiente ligone. / Et ne plura loquar, tua sunt quaecu
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.2 187 , de quicquid ubique creasti; / Ne tantum succumbat opus, stat c
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.2 277 nobis haec excusatio certa". / Ne furtim noceant angues quaerun
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.2 279 mmites et per deserta leones, / Ne gregibus sparsis uastent cult
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.2 281 aprum, cui retia figit, / Vinea ne pereat sub morsu dentis adunc
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.2 310 turnus, prauo uelatus in actu / Ne capiatur, agat ferro comitant
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.2 406 it / Et facinus reparare cupit, ne perderet usum / Criminis illuui
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.2 413 t / Pessima uota <Deus>, rursus ne perderet orbem / Aut impune reo
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.2 549 tat dominum regemque polorum, / Ne chaos omne grauet iubar insup
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.3 199 sta / Vota facit populus ualida ne bestia noxa / Sanguineum refera
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.3 207 minet alter, / Morsibus illisis ne bestia membra iacentis / Vexet
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.3 232 l, nixus uirtute magistri? / Et ne Roma diu nesciret munera Chri
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.3 252 s / Quem lateat lex sancta Dei, ne incredulus extet / Impendat qui
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.3 346 nore fecit? / Affectus perimit, ne condemnanda libido / Tolleret i
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.3 353 iae pater impius esse recusat / Ne sit auus famuli; pondus dicio
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.3 431 ribus orbem. / Institit occidi, ne esset post bella superstes / Ho
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.3 468 ae speramus munera uitae. / Sed ne forte uiris tantum data uerba
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.3 470 e mollis / Laudis onus metuens, ne sit sibi fama superstes / Torme
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.3 613 cipe, quaeso, satis, precibus ne clauseris aures / Nostris, sanc
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.3 733 es, subita sed morte necares, / Ne peterem ueniam quam numquam,
££.IVVENC.Euang01 393 us current tua membra leuare, / Ne lapidis laedat summas offensi
££.IVVENC.Euang01 396 is scripti caelestis oportet, / Ne uires Domini fidens audacia t
££.IVVENC.Euang01 477 lcent. / Vos estis mundi clarum (ne abscondite) lumen. / Nam quis p
££.IVVENC.Euang01 499 e poenas. / Ast ego praecipiam, ne quis consurgere in iras / Audea
££.IVVENC.Euang01 560 quis / Orabit, tribue, et mitem ne subtrahe uultum. / Nec tibi sit
££.IVVENC.Euang01 630 sa tenete: / Sollicitet proprio ne uos pro corpore uestis, / Neu f
££.IVVENC.Euang01 664 erius curabis demere aristam. / Ne canibus sanctum dederitis neu
££.IVVENC.Euang02 56 ni certissima proles, / Oramus, ne nos solitae regionis ab oris /
££.IVVENC.Euang02 238 / In tenebras pauidus refugit, ne lumine claro / Sordida pollutae
££.IVVENC.Euang02 335 leris deposcens dona salutis, / Ne prius ad letum natus traheret
££.IVVENC.Euang02 454 igia uestra, / Haereat iniustae ne uobis portio uitae. / Illos det
££.IVVENC.Euang02 624 rror, / Dimitti poterit, tantum ne Spiritus umquam / Vocibus insan
££.IVVENC.Euang02 680 tis propius consistere nobis, / Ne uerae uobis contingat gratia
££.IVVENC.Euang02 769 omnia crassis / Obicibus, sensu ne tangant munera uitae. / Auribus
££.IVVENC.Euang02 771 t clausis oculisque grauatis, / Ne conuersa bono sanetur noxia p
££.IVVENC.Euang03 209 olim tantam dimittere plebem, / Ne labor afficiat populos per lo
££.IVVENC.Euang03 389 natum non soluere regis; / Sed ne quem laedam, praeceptum susci
££.IVVENC.Euang03 511 pete cura / Obseruata reor, sed ne quid forte relictum / Desit, pr
££.IVVENC.Euang04 19 inclum / Deberi, generis pereat ne portio lapsi. / Finibus in nost
££.IVVENC.Euang04 97 stus: / "Obseruate dolum, falso ne nomine capta / Credulitas laque
££.IVVENC.Euang04 101 ide consistite robore cordis, / Ne mens accepto iaceat turbata t
££.IVVENC.Euang04 129 Poscite iam precibus, tristis ne frigore brumae / Adueniat fuga
££.IVVENC.Euang04 181 ia ferret / Arma procul, ruptas ne quis penetraret in aedes. / Sed
££.IVVENC.Euang04 215 pauitat chorus, omnibus aeque / Ne desint clarae nutrimina pingu
££.IVVENC.Euang04 407 eto, / Sed uitare dies paschae, ne plebe frequenti / Discordes pop
££.IVVENC.Euang04 498 horam? / Sed uigilate, precor, ne uos temptatio raptos / Horrida
££.IVVENC.Euang04 698 at: / "Spectemus pariter, caelo ne forte remissus / Helias ueniat,
££.IVVENC.Euang04 737 tos miles noua funera seruet, / Ne fera discipulis furandi audac
££.LACTANT.DeauePhoen 74 endentibus Aeolus antris / Ne uiolent flabris aera purpureu
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm15 114 eritum decorauit honorem. / Sed ne sola sacrum caput infula come
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm16 204 atenti / Pocula praebuerat. sed ne sitis ureret illum / Carnea, qu
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm18 271 o tam densum irrepere somnum, / Ne mea sentirem perfringere clau
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm27 134 angam confinia uitae, / Corpore ne toto trahar in consortia mort
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm27 241 sta meo depromam dignius ore, / Ne peccatoris stolidi sermo aspe
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm27 335 uel sero reuexit. / Quam metui ne te mediis regionibus hostis / D
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm27 489 cto circumdata saepto / Moenia, ne pateant oculis sacra tecta pr
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm27 608 , hunc orandi collige sensum, / Ne maneam terrenus Adam, sed uir
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm27 615 s; neque uertam lumina retro, / Ne salis in lapidem uertar sale
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm27 618 patrem. / Inueniam puteos, sed ne, precor, obruat illos / Inuidus
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm28 318 res. / Vita prior pereat pereat ne uita futura. / Sponte relinquam
££.PAVL.NOL.Carm28 320 ponte nisi fugimus; moriamur, ne moriamur; / Letalem uitam uital
££.PROSP.Epigram004 8 m castigans corde paterno, / Ne cito consumant saeua flagella
££.PROSP.Epigram005 6 s sic noxia crimina finit: / Ne sine fine habeat debita poena
££.PROSP.Epigram028 4 descendunt lucis ab arce, / Ne cuiquam parti desit utrumque
££.PROSP.Epigram030 6 oleranti, / Intima corrumpat ne furor exterior. / Nam non cert
££.PROSP.Epigram047 7 obstiterit. / Et magis erranti ne parcant flagra timendum est,
££.PROSP.Epigram047 8 flagra timendum est, / Quam ne non fiat quod uoluisse nocet.
££.PROSP.Epigram060 8 ere uitae, / Ipsa peregrinis ne uia sit laqueus. / Nam declina
££.PROSP.Epigram070 3 ibi, / Inuigilare tamen studio ne desine sancto. / Exercent an
££.PROSP.Epigram074 4 i uanarum obstacula rerum, / Ne perdat uoti tempora lenta fid
££.PROSP.Epigram075 6 timenti, / A quo discedens, ne pereat, redeat. / Conuerti nam
££.PROSP.Epigram091 9 ponderibusque suis. / Scrutari ne cura procax obstrusa laboret,
££.PROSP.Epigram098 8 cum ruiturus / Non exaudiri, ne rueret, meruit.
££.PROSP.Epigram100 4 ace est reuocandus ab ira: / Ne robur saeuis tempora dent odi
££.PROSP.Epigram103 23 pars tua Christus erit. / Qui, ne damnandi legeres mala gaudia
££.PRVD.Apoth 1 lurima sunt sed pauca loquar, ne dira relatu / Dogmata catholica
££.PRVD.Apoth 146 rios metuit uapor ire tiaras, / Ne coma fusa umeris fumo obsorde
££.PRVD.Apoth 243 tamen haec constare tria, ut ne separe ductu / Tris faciam, tri
££.PRVD.Apoth 736 quae consummata uidemus? / Ac, ne post hominum pastus calcata p
££.PRVD.Apoth 915 s. / Vitandus tamen error erit, ne traduce carnis / Transfundi in
££.PRVD.Apoth 1045 rimitus usu / Esse suam uoluit, ne iam uitiabilis esset. / Christu
££.PRVD.Apoth 1061 e, dicat eundem / Esse hominem, ne maiestas sua fortia perdat. / N
££.PRVD.Apoth 1074 / Debet enim mors uicta fidem, ne fraude sepulcri / Reddat curtum
££.PRVD.Apoth 1078 tim / Sorbuerat quocumque modo, ne mortuus omnis / Non redeat si q
££.PRVD.Apoth.Praef 49 les / Patitur colonus crescere, / Ne forte culmum fibra inanis spi
££.PRVD.Cath01 32 monet / Adesse iam lucem prope, / Ne mens sopori seruiat, / Ne somnu
££.PRVD.Cath01 33 rope, / Ne mens sopori seruiat, / Ne somnus usque ad terminos / Vita
££.PRVD.Cath02 102 ihil. / Sic tota decurrat dies, / Ne lingua mendax, ne manus / Oculi
££.PRVD.Cath02 104 anus / Oculiue peccent lubrici, / Ne noxa corpus inquinet. / Specula
££.PRVD.Cath03 177 Haustus amarus abesto procul, / Ne libeat tetigisse manu / Exitial
££.PRVD.Cath04 28 is medii sinu ac recessu, / Sed ne crapula ferueat cauendum est,
££.PRVD.Cath05 9 ras saxigeno semine quaerere, / Ne nesciret homo spem sibi lumin
££.PRVD.Cath05 36 us nexa pedum uincula soluere / Ne sanctum inuolucris pollueret
££.PRVD.Cath07 9 mantur uiscera, / Aruina putrem ne resudans crapulam / Obstrangula
££.PRVD.Cath07 33 que raptus euolauit praepete, / Ne de propinquo sordium contagio
££.PRVD.Cath07 118 m transuolans / Inpune linguam, ne retentam mordicus / Offam molar
££.PRVD.Cath07 167 ntalium / Sollers uirorum cura, ne uagum pecus / Contingat ore ror
££.PRVD.Cath08 21 la ut / Mulceat artus. / Addit et ne quis uelit inuenusto / Sordidus
££.PRVD.Cath08 61 laboris / Grandior usus. / Ergo, ne limum fragilem solutae / Desera
££.PRVD.Cath09 17 membra morti obnoxia / Induit, ne gens periret primoplasti ex g
££.PRVD.Cath09 70 eger lectulum. / Quin et ipsum, ne salutis inferi expertes foren
££.PRVD.Cath11 43 stus cadentum gentium, / Inpune ne forsan sui / Patris periret fab
££.PRVD.Cath12 107 Puerperarum est omnium / Fraus, ne qua furtim subtrahat / Prolem u
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm01 7 atris imploranda medella est, / Ne sinat antiquo Romam squalere
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm01 10 bis / Nil egit prohibendo uagas ne pristinus error / Crederet esse
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm01 14 aret? / Vir solus cui cura fuit ne publica morum / Plaga cicatrice
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm01 178 gine per uim / Se dixisse deum, ne stuprum numinis ullus / Obicere
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm01 521 ro obsequio ueniaque petenda. / Ne tanto imperio maneat pietate
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm01 542 it, / Imperium sine fine docet, ne Romula uirtus / Iam sit anus, n
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm01 543 la uirtus / Iam sit anus, norit ne gloria parta senectam. / Exulta
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm01 643 ti sordet in aruo. / Non uereor ne me nimium confidere quisquam /
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm01 657 iter longi cohibere libelli, / Ne tractum sine fine ferat fasti
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm01.Praef 88 cilis fouet. / Obtestor, iubeas ne citus impetus / Arsurum mediis
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 107 intermina saeclis / Promittit, ne totus eam resolutus inane / In
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 142 uo generosa probarem / Pectora, ne torpens et non exercita uirtu
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 147 / Elaqueanda animi constantia, ne retinaclis / Mollibus ac lentis
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 150 erba / Sectandum uirtutis iter, ne suauia fluxae / Condicionis ame
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 151 uxae / Condicionis amet, nimium ne congerat aurum, / Ne uarios lap
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 152 et, nimium ne congerat aurum, / Ne uarios lapidum cupide spectar
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 153 tare colores / Ambitiosa uelit, ne se popularibus auris / Ostentet
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 155 roque inflata tumescat honore / Ne natale solum, patrii ne iuger
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 157 animum diffundat in agros / Et ne corporeis addicat sensibus om
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 158 omne / Quod uult aut quod agit, ne praeferat utile iusto, / Spemqu
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 449 geniorum milia multa / Fingere, ne propria uacet angulus ullus a
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 466 gunt prauum insinuantia uotum / Ne liceat miseris uetitum commit
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 767 t seruetque palatia Christus. / Ne quis Romuleas daemon iam noue
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 932 ito stagna absorbentur hiatu, / Ne sulcos operire uadis neue ari
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 1025 cauete / Dura lapillorum macie, ne decidat illic / Quod seritur, p
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 1032 nodis rubus artat acutis; / Et ne iacta uiae spargantur in agge
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 1038 dis segetem disponit et agri, / Ne minus interno niteant praecor
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 1041 nim sentos de pectore uepres, / Ne uitiosa necent germen uitale
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 1042 ecent germen uitale flagella, / Ne frugem segetemque animae spin
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 1044 erum peccamine crebro, / Glarea ne tenuis ieiunis siccet harenis
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 1045 is / Marcentem sub corde fidem, ne pectoris aestus / Flagret et ef
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 1047 rat charismata uenis, / Denique ne iecoris detrita in parte reli
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 1048 te relinquat / Vilis cura deum, ne spem qua uescimur intus / Deser
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 1053 bus acrius instat; / Nec metuit ne congestum populetur aceruum / C
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 1100 iubet conuerso pollice rumpi, / Ne lateat pars ulla animae uital
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm02 1119 amica / Seruauit pietas? Solus ne praemia tantae / Virtutis caper
££.PRVD.Ditt 175 lle cruentus / Inter saxa rogat ne sit lapidatio fraudi / Hostibus
££.PRVD.Hamart 68 e nostris / Exemplumque oculis, ne quis duo numina credat. / [Impe
££.PRVD.Hamart 91 d tegmine uelat aquoso / Libera ne tenerum penetret meditatio ca
££.PRVD.Hamart 551 iis stulto oblectamine libans / Ne sub fasce iacens alieno et de
££.PRVD.Hamart 651 eatus / Obbrutescentis capitis, ne peruia tales / Concipiat flexur
££.PRVD.Hamart 835 aeuum / Immortale dedit, senio ne poena periret / Non pereunte an
££.PRVD.Hamart 946 isque suis mens nuda fruetur, / Ne cernat truculentum aliquem de
££.PRVD.Peristeph01 76 s olim nam satelles abstulit, / Ne tenacibus libellis erudita sa
££.PRVD.Peristeph01 93 uit, / Sed tamen peregit ictum, ne periret gloria. / Iamne credis,
££.PRVD.Peristeph02 207 is, / Quos corpus artat debile, / Ne per salutem uiscerum / Mens ins
££.PRVD.Peristeph02 298 t. / "Nunc addo gemmas nobiles, / Ne pauperem Christum putes, / Gemm
££.PRVD.Peristeph02 342 t. / "Prunas tepentes sternite, / Ne feruor ignitus nimis / Os contu
££.PRVD.Peristeph03 39 bdita rure et ab urbe procul, / Ne fera sanguinis in pretium / Mor
££.PRVD.Peristeph05 96 lit, / Conclamat: "Os obtrudite / Ne plura iactet inprobus! / "Vocem
££.PRVD.Peristeph05 103 m / Conuiciator sentiat, / Inpune ne nostris sibi / Dis destruendis
££.PRVD.Peristeph05 239 r / Lugubre in antrum truditur, / Ne liber usus luminis / Animaret a
££.PRVD.Peristeph05 390 . / "Iam nunc et ossa extinxero / Ne sit sepulcrum funeris, / Quod p
££.PRVD.Peristeph06 19 currere Fructuosus ultro. / Ac, ne quis socios timor feriret, / Pr
££.PRVD.Peristeph06 24 poenam coluber dei ministros. / Ne mors terreat! Est parata palm
££.PRVD.Peristeph06 80 uin ipse meos pedes resoluam, / Ne uestigia praepedita uinclis / T
££.PRVD.Peristeph06 136 stare sinu fidele pignus. / Sed ne reliquias resuscitandas / Et mo
££.PRVD.Peristeph07 43 ctora / Verbis mitificis rogans / Ne quem talia terreant / Neu const
££.PRVD.Peristeph10 80 ella mentes inquietas mobiles / Ne se inperita turba dedat legib
££.PRVD.Peristeph10 103 utis non licet nostrae domum, / Ne polluatur purus orandi locus.
££.PRVD.Peristeph10 115 tipitem, / Plebeia clarum poena ne damnet uirum. / "Tundatur" inqu
££.PRVD.Peristeph10 408 demum consules / Ab urbe Roma, ne retexam Nestoras. / Quidquid no
££.PRVD.Peristeph10 634 am refulsit ore conspicabili, / Ne fluctuaret ueritas dubia fide
££.PRVD.Peristeph10 650 undos sues, / Lutulenta sanctum ne terant animalia. / "Sed, quia p
££.PRVD.Peristeph10 755 Poenae et coronae sanguini ut ne parcerent. / "Videbat ipsos app
££.PRVD.Peristeph10 878 e ferro corporis superstitis, / Ne morte simpla criminosus multi
££.PRVD.Peristeph10 945 ac retexere, / Linguam loquella ne ministram postulet. / "Vis scir
££.PRVD.Peristeph11 146 ibulae siccantur harenae / Ne quis in infecto puluere ros m
££.PRVD.Peristeph13 39 i doctor Cyprianus incitabat, / Ne quis ab egregiae uirtutis hon
££.PRVD.Peristeph13 65 fuso tibi sanguine inmolari, / Ne qua ferum reprimat clementia
££.PRVD.Peristeph13 67 re, gloriam negare. / Da quoque ne quis iners sit de grege quem
££.PRVD.Peristeph13 68 t de grege quem tuum regebam, / Ne cadat inpatiens poenae titube
££.PRVD.Peristeph14 41 esta frequentia / Auersa uultus ne petulantius / Quisquam uerendum
££.PRVD.Psych 105 atum / Condere uaginae gladium, ne tecta rubigo / Occupet ablutum
££.PRVD.Psych 264 que agmina mersa uoraret, / Ac, ne fallacem puteum deprendere po
££.PRVD.Psych 390 regem / Incircumcisum patitur, ne praeda superstes / Victorem pla
££.PRVD.Psych 576 sola duello / Impositura manum ne quid iam triste supersit. / Omn
££.PRVD.Psych 613 extra. / Ingressurus iter peram ne tollito neue / De tunicae alter
££.PRVD.Psych 615 ec te sollicitet res crastina ne cibus aluo / Defuerit; redeunt
££.PRVD.Psych 622 fides dominum curare potentem / Ne pereant. Tu, cura dei, facies
££.PRVD.Psych 623 ies quoque Christi, / Addubitas ne te tuus umquam deserat auctor
££.PRVD.Psych 624 e tuus umquam deserat auctor? / Ne trepidate, homines; uitae dat
££.PRVD.Psych 744 ent uelis; reserantur carbasa ne quis / Marceat obscuro stertens
££.PRVD.Psych 758 det intus. / Ergo cauete, uiri, ne sit sententia discors / Sensibu
££.PRVD.Psych 759 discors / Sensibus in nostris, ne secta exotica tectis / Nascatur
££.PRVD.Psych 765 sus, / Qui sociat mortale patri ne carnea distent / Spiritui aeter
££.PRVD.Psych 783 enia praecurrere gestit / Anxia ne stabilem linquat sol conscius
££.PRVD.Psych 828 ut quattuor undique frontes, / Ne commissuris distantibus angul
££.SYMPHOS.Aenig.45 2 ro perfusa colore; / saeptaque, ne violer, telis defendor acutis
££.SYMPHOS.Aenig.84 3 ltarum cura sororum; / hoc volo ne breviter mihi syllaba prima l
££.SYMPHOS.Aenig.Praef 12 re quaeque vicissim. / Ast ego, ne solus foede tacuisse viderer,
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.1 98 dominus, male nulla verebor. / ne timeam timidum, timor est deu
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.1 184 ra, / et premit arca sacri hunc ne premat arca sepulchri. / mox ta
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.1 207 mul sanctam se ferre rapinam: / ne tamen effugiat, iustum custod
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.1 211 t Defensor episcopus obstans, / ne Martinus oves pastor curaret
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.1 251 ur cui rustica contio pugnax, / ne succidatur res nata et debita
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.1 315 est superare superbos. / inrue, ne trepides, ope nostra ad templ
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.1 326 inculti cultores ruricolares, / ne colerent melius sua si cultur
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.1 390 parens, tibi suggero luctus, / ne miseri pereant lacrimae, piet
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.1 464 geminae revocantur utrimque: / ne violet digitos, suspendit bel
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.2 7 ans, imple mea vela secundus, / ne trepidam classem contraria fl
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.2 29 arum veluti Moysiticus alter, / ne vapor excruciet, protendit pa
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.2 151 us indicat hostis, / sollicitus ne quid lapus abripuisset ovili.
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.2 184 habitet pia saepta magistri? / ne rea turba malis violet consor
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.2 272 ergo reniti, / interdicta sibi ne Martini occurrat ovili. / dum t
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.2 312 vit acumen / ac patefecit iter, ne clausa venena laterent / hostis
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.3 392 dicens: / "belligeratori velat ne famina iungi: / sola aciem meli
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.4 16 procella. / me tamen in bibulis ne mergeret auster harenis, / summ
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.4 84 ari decuit sua tegmina texit: / ne vitra depereant, olei custodi
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.4 125 , reserent ut claustra beato, / ne servum Christi venerandum ini
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.4 131 urguens, / concuit et graviter, ne cederet ipse sopori. / territus
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.4 150 scede loco, concede quod oro, / ne tua me graviter cito puniat u
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.4 335 acium tum armorum iure tueri, / ne quis eum peteret damnandum le
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.4 345 nt praedicti principis aures, / ne Martinus eat, synodi nisi pac
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.4 374 m / et tibi te revoca trepidum, ne noxia frangant, / gloria ne per
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.4 375 um, ne noxia frangant, / gloria ne peraet neu prospera lubrica p
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.4 563 t delicta relaxans, / effugiens ne quando sibi daret ultio damnu
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.4 599 coronam, / eripe, pastor, ovem, ne clauda vel extera restet, / por
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.P 35 a loqui. / poscendum est vobis, ne naufraga prora laboret, / fla