A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Poem Word List

92 unique words in the poem.

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anra - 45 occurrences
Genesis A 2490 er edoras || and þa ofstlice / anra gehwilcum || ymbstandendra / fo
Exodus 187 iht || æþelum deore / forþon anra gehwilc || ut alædde / wæpned
Exodus 227 mægen wæs onhrered / wæs on anra gehwam || æþelan cynnes / ale
Daniel 369 daþ / sunna and mona || sundor anra gehwilc / herige in hade || and
Christ and Satan 430 arum || ham gelihtan / aras þa anra gehwylc || and wiþ earm ges
Andreas 933 earwor / þæt ic eaþe mæg || anra gehwylcne / fremman ond fyrþra
Andreas 1283 lgeofa || þu wæst ond const / anra gehwylces || earfeþsiþas / ic
Soul and Body I 98 weaxen / þæt þu ne scyle for anra || gehwylcum onsundrum / riht a
Dream of the Rood 86 ond ic hælan mæg / æghwylcne anra || þara þe him biþ egesa t
Dream of the Rood 108 deman || se ah domes geweald / anra gehwylcum || swa he him ærur
Elene 848 dæleþ / in fyres feng || folc anra gehwylc / þara þe gewurdon ||
Christ C 1025 berende / of foldgrafum || folc anra gehwylc / cuman to gemote || mo
Christ C 1029 rdes æt ende || sceal ðonne anra gehwylc / fore cristes cyme ||
The Order of the World 8 a || wera cneorissum / is ðara anra gehwam || orgeate tacen / ðam
Soul and Body II 91 ðu ne scyle for æghwylc || anra onsundran / ryht agieldan || ð
Guthlac A 33 ryht magun / æt æghwylcum || anra gehyran / gif we halig bebodu |
Riddles 13 5 ond gesyne || on seles wæge / anra gehwylces || ne wæs hyra æn
Riddles 36 10 a / ac ðær wæs æghwylces || anra gelicnes / horses ond monnes ||
The Judgment Day I 3 oldan || feores bið æt ende / anra gehwylcum || oft mæg se ðe
Azarias 93 l || ðurh frean hæse / sundor anra gehwæs || sawl of lice / ond
The Phoenix 487 || wæpnum geðryðed / ealdor anra gehwæs || ond in eorðan fæ
The Phoenix 503 neð / ade onæled || weorðeð anra gehwylc / forht on ferððe ||
The Phoenix 522 negum / egeslic æled || ðonne anra gehwylc / soðfæst ge synnig |
The Phoenix 534 onfehð / edniwinga || swa bið anra gehwylc / flæsce bifongen || f
The Phoenix 598 es / wlitige in wuldre || weorc anra gehwæs / beorhte bliceð || in
Beowulf 732 on dæg cwome / atol aglæca || anra gehwylces / lif wið lice || ð
Beowulf 784 rðdenum stod / atelic egesa || anra gehwylcum / ðara ðe of wealle
Judith 95 elne onbryrde || swa he deð anra gehwylcne / herbuendra || ðe h
The Paris Psalter 60:4 3 hte eode / yrfe þu sealdest || anra gehwylcum / se þe naman þinne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 83 ipes || freondrædenne / tilaþ anra gehwilc || agnes willan / worul
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 18 egesan ne brohte / swa þincþ anra gehwæm || eorþbuendra / sio s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 16 þæt is tile haten / þeah nu anra hwa || ealles wealde / þæs ig
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 3 æt he mid ealle gedræfþ || anra gehwylces / monna cynnes || mod
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 65 c hiora || agenne stede / þeah anra hwilc || wiþ oþer sie / miclu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 228 od ælmihtig / be geearnunga || anra gehwelcre / ealle hi scinaþ ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 20 / for þæm anwalde || þe him anra gehwilc / his tirwina || to ful
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 63 eawum || þe ic þe ær nemde / anra gehwelcum || a underþeodan / s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 95 um || þonne ingeþonc / hæfde anra gehwylc || his agen mod / þæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 23 sond æfter rene || swa bioþ anra gehwæs / monna modsefan || mic
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 6 ceat || æghwam dohte / þa þa anra gehwæm || on eorþwæstmum / g
The Rune Poem 60 || his magan leof / sceal þeah anra gehwylc || oþrum swican / for
Solomon and Saturn 35 engles snytro / þara þe wile anra hwylc || uppe bringan / þæt
Solomon and Saturn 181 dor geæfnan || ac hira sceal anra gehwylc / onlutan and onliþiga
The Judgment Day II 96 mme cyningc || her wile deman / anra gehwylcum || be ærdædum / oð
The Judgment Day II 280 liðe || sigores brytta / sylð anra gehwam || ece mede / heofonlice
anunga - 2 occurrences
Beowulf 634 minra secga gedriht / ðæt ic anunga || eowra leoda / willan geworht
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 6 io wilde beo || þeah wis sie / anunga sceal || eall forweorþan / gif
awuht - 6 occurrences
Genesis B 496 a mid ligenum || langaþ þe awuht / adam up to gode || ic eom on
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 9 sceafte / þe þæs ambehtes || awuht cunnon / ge eac swa same || þa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 7 orweorþan / gif hio yrringa || awuht stingeþ / swa sceal sawla gehw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 107 e meahte on þære eorþan || awuht libban / ne wuhte þon ma || w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 46 slice / æfter frigne || gif he awuht nafaþ / on his modsefan || myc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 59 s / ne magon æfre þurhtion || awuht goodes / for þæm yfle || þe
beo - 30 occurrences
Genesis A 2316 fromcynne || ic þæs folces beo / hyrde and healdend || gif ge
Genesis A 2362 anum tudre || þu þæs tiþa beo / hwæþre ic isace || eaforan
Christ and Satan 50 ian and cweþan # || / la þus beo nu on yfele || noldæs ær te
Andreas 72 ecgum / sweordum aswebban || ic beo sona gearu / to adreoganne ||
Andreas 98 ylle / sybbe under swegle || ne beo þu on sefan to forht / ne on m
Andreas 214 re gehealdan / treowe tacen || beo þu on tid gearu / ne mæg þæ
Guthlac B 1064 leofestan || wordum negan / ne beo ðu unrot || ðeah ðeos adl
Guthlac B 1077 a || min ðæt leofe bearn / ne beo ðu on sefan to seoc || ic eo
Guthlac B 1175 || ðine forlæte / asanian || beo ðu on sið gearu / siððan li
Riddles 23 7 escop / leoðo forlæteð || ic beo lengre ðonne ær / oððæt ic
Juliana 49 t / ongietest gæsta hleo || ic beo gearo sona / unwaclice || willa
Juliana 365 ðelian / to godes willan || ic beo gearo sona / ðæt ic him monig
Juliana 398 hwæt / onginne gæstlice || ic beo gearo sona / ðæt ic ingehygd
Juliana 409 lof godes / lices lustas || ic beo lareow georn / ðæt he monðea
Precepts 90 lda mæg || eades hleotan / ne beo ðu no to tælende || ne to t
Precepts 92 de læt || men to fracoðe / ac beo leofwende || leoht on gehygdu
Beowulf 386 s modðræce || madmas beodan / beo ðu on ofeste || hat in gan / s
Beowulf 1173 m wordum || swa sceal man don / beo wið geatas glæd || geofena
Beowulf 1226 ðe an tela / sincgestreona || beo ðu suna minum / dædum gedefe
Beowulf 1825 c gyt dyde / guðgeweorca || ic beo gearo sona / gif ic ðæt gefri
The Paris Psalter 118:6 1 n bebod || elne healde / / # / ne beo ic þonne on ealdre || æfre
The Paris Psalter 118:117 1 gefultuma me fæste || þonne beo ic fægere hal / and ic þine s
The Paris Psalter 138:18 3 niþe / and ofer þine feondas beo || facne gebolgen / / # / swa ic
The Paris Psalter 60:3 3 þær me softe byþ / þær ic beo fægere beþeaht || fiþerum
The Paris Psalter 62:8 1 ltum || fæste gestode / / # / ic beo fægere beþeaht || fiþerum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 5 fulneah þon / hwæt sio wilde beo || þeah wis sie / anunga sceal
The Judgment Day II 75 ht agyldan / ic lære ðæt ðu beo hrædra || mid hreowlicum tea
The Rewards of Piety 3 ende || rice gestigan / ðænne beo ðu eadmod || and ælmesgeorn
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 27 ealle || bliðu mode / ðæt me beo matheus helm || marcus byrne /
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 7 e ge wilde || to wuda fleogan / beo ge swa gemindige || mines god
bute - 2 occurrences
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 10 en weorþeþ / unrihthæmede || bute him ær cume / hreow to heortan
A Prayer 15 ndlean || hafað and sceawað / bute he ðæs yfeles || ær geswyc
bēo - 30 occurrences
Genesis A 2316 am-cynne. || Iċ þæs folces bēo / hierde and healdend, || ġif
Genesis A 2362 tūdre. || Þū þæs tīða bēo. / Hwæðere iċ Īsace, || eafo
A.1.4 51 ian and cweðan: / ‘Lā, þus bēo nū on yfele! || Noldest ǣr
A.2.1 72 sweordum, ā·swebban, || iċ bēo sōna ġearu / tō ā·drēoĝa
A.2.1 98 e sibbe / under sweġele. || Ne bēo þū on sefan tō forht, / ne o
A.2.1 214 ·healdan, / trīewe tācen. || Bēo þū on tīd ġearu; / ne mæġ
Guthlac B 1064 stan || wordum nǣġan: / ‘Ne bēo þū unrōt, || þēah þēos
Guthlac B 1077 | Mīn þæt lēofe bearn, / ne bēo þū on sefan tō sēoc. || I
Guthlac B 1175 for·lǣte / ā·sānian.’ || ‘Bēo þū on sīþ ġearu, / siþþa
A.3.22.23 7 p, / liðu for·lǣteþ, || iċ bēo lengre þonne ǣr, / oþ·þæt
A.3.5 49 ġietest gǣsta hleo, || iċ bēo ġearu sōna / unwāclīċe ||
A.3.5 365 lian / tō godes willan, || iċ bēo ġearu sōna / þæt iċ him ma
A.3.5 398 n·ġinne gǣstlīċe, || iċ bēo ġearu sōna, / þæt iċ inn-
A.3.5 409 godes, / līċes lustas. || Iċ bēo lārēow ġeorn / þæt hē mā
A.3.8 90 mæġ || ēades hlēotan. / Ne bēo þū nā tō tǣlende, || ne
A.3.8 92 lǣt || menn tō fracuþe, / ac bēo lēof-wende, || lēoht on ġe
A.4.1 386 -þræce || māðmas bēodan. / Bēo þū on ofoste, || hāt on g
A.4.1 1173 um, || swā sċeall man dôn. / Bēo wiþ Ġēatas glæd, || ġief
A.4.1 1226 tela / sinċ-ġe·strēona. || Bēo þū suna mīnum / dǣdum ġe·
A.4.1 1825 de, / gūð-ġe·weorca, || iċ bēo ġearu sōna. / Ġif iċ þæt
A.4.1 2747 wund, || sinċe be·rēafod. / Bēo nū on ofoste, || þæt iċ
The Paris Psalter 118:6 1 be·bod || elne healde / / # / Ne bēo iċ þonne on ealdre || ǣfre
The Paris Psalter 118:117 2 fultuma mē fæste; || þonne bēo iċ fæġere hāl, / and iċ þ
The Paris Psalter 138:18 3 ðe, / and ofer þīne fēondas bēo || facne ġe·bolĝen. / / # / Sw
The Paris Psalter 60:3 3 r mē sōfte biþ, / ðǣr iċ bēo fæġere be·þeaht || fiðer
The Paris Psalter 62:8 1 | fæste ġe·stōde. / / # / Iċ bēo fæġere be·þeaht || fiðer
A.5.6.10 65 / hwæt ēow ǣfre þȳ bet || bēo oþþe þynċe? / For·þǣm þ
A.5.6.18 5 nēah þon. / Hwæt, sēo wilde bēo, || þēah wīs sīe, / ānunga
A.6.17 75 ieldan. / Iċ lǣre þæt þū bēo hrǣdra || mid hrēowlicum t
A.6.43.11 27 le || blīðu mōde / þæt mē bēo Matheus% helm, || Marcus byrn
būte - 2 occurrences
A.5.6.18 10 weorðeþ / unryht-hǣmede, || būte him ǣr cume / hrēow tō heort
A.6.28 15 an || hafaþ and sċēawaþ, / būte hē þæs yfeles || ǣr ġe·
cume - 19 occurrences
Genesis B 553 ge || þonne ic of þys siþe cume / ofer langne weg || þæt git
Christ A 12 orce ðearf / ðæt se cræftga cume || ond se cyning sylfa / ond ð
Riddles 15 10 geoguðcnosle || hwonne gæst cume / to durum minum || him bið de
Resignation 21 bote gemon / cyninga wuldor || cume to gif ic mot / forgif ðu me m
Beowulf 23 gen / wilgesiðas || ðonne wig cume / leode gelæsten || lofdædum
The Paris Psalter 108:14 2 manes gefremedan || on gemynd cume / and on ansyne || ures drihtne
The Paris Psalter 118:41 1 æd gecwycige / / # / and me ofer cume || ece dryhten / þæt milde mo
The Paris Psalter 118:41 2 ġe·cwycie. / / # / And mē ofer cume, || ēċe drihten%, / þæt mild
The Paris Psalter 126:3 2 | ealle arisaþ / ærþon leoht cume || leoda bearnum / arisaþ nu r
The Paris Psalter 129:6 2 || mergentide / oþþæt æfen cume || ylda bearnum / israhelas on
The Paris Psalter 54:13 1 || þine and mine / / # / hi ofer cume || unþinged deaþ / astigon he
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 76 o swa hwearfaþ / þæt hio eft cume || þær hio æror wæs / þonn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 10 unrihthæmede || bute him ær cume / hreow to heortan || ær he hi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 8 lne friodom || þæt he forþ cume / to þæm gesælþum || saula
The Judgment Day II 158 er afeormad / and ðonne ðider cume || ðearle aclænsad / ðonne f
The Lord's Prayer III 6 ðlocan || fæste gestaðelod / cume nu to mannum || mihta wealden
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 26 fæstne hider / cylle brohte || cume eft hræðe / gif her ðegna hw
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 55 attorgeblæd / gif ænig attor cume || eastan fleogan / oððe æni
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 56 eogan / oððe ænig norðan || cume / oððe ænig westan || ofer w
cynnes - 75 occurrences
Genesis A 193 cyning / metod alwihta || monna cynnes / þa forman twa || fæder and
Genesis A 1065 s || siþþan wocan / þa þæs cynnes || cneowrim icton / mægburg ca
Genesis A 1190 arn || fæder her þa gyt / his cynnes forþ || cneorim icte / eaforan
Genesis A 2550 sra || cwealmes on ore / laþan cynnes || lig eall fornam / þæt he g
Exodus 227 s on anra gehwam || æþelan cynnes / alesen under lindum || leoda
Exodus 435 h his sylfes lif / þæt þines cynnes || and cneowmaga / randwiggendr
Andreas 545 der heofonhwealfe || hæleþa cynnes / þætte areccan mæg || oþþ
Andreas 582 wa he on grundwæge || gumena cynnes / manige missenlice || men of d
Andreas 590 wam / ond of fif hlafum || fira cynnes / fif þusendo || feþan sæton
Andreas 1374 lyse || of leoþubendum / manna cynnes || ofer mine est / him þa andr
Elene 188 ras || dryhten ealra / hæleþa cynnes || ond to heofonum astah / þus
Elene 305 / in þæt ærre lif || eowres cynnes / swa ge modblinde || mengan on
Elene 82 wite / for oferþearfe || ilda cynnes / forþan ic þe lære || þurh
A.2.6 83 te / for ofer-þearfe || ielda cynnes. / For·þon iċ þe lǣre || þ
Elene 152 he is for eorþan || æþeles cynnes / wordcræftes wis || ond witga
A.2.6 153 ē is for eorðan || æðeles cynnes, / word-cræftes wīs || and wī
Elene 764 deum || gumena wiste / hæleþa cynnes || to þære halgan byrig / cum
A.2.6 765 um || gumena wiste, / hæleþa cynnes, || tō ðǣre hālĝan byriġ
Christ B 780 las / ænig on eorðan || ælda cynnes / gromra garfare || gif hine go
Christ C 956 / ðær mægen werge || monna cynnes / wornum hweorfað || on widne
Widsith 16 andreas || ealra ricost / monna cynnes || ond he mæst geðah / ðara
Maxims I 32 ð on foldan swa fela || fira cynnes / ne sy ðæs magutimbres || ge
The Order of the World 14 can / ðæt a fricgende || fira cynnes / ond secgende || searoruna ges
The Whale 40 ðætte fira gehwylc / hæleða cynnes || on his hringe bið / fæste
Guthlac A 755 f / ænig ofer eorðan || ælda cynnes / ac swilc god wyrceð || gæst
Guthlac B 821 a god / ðone ærestan || ælda cynnes / of ðære clænestan || cynin
Guthlac B 975 worhton / ða ærestan || ælda cynnes / ða wæs guðlace || on ða g
Guthlac B 988 || ðætte ænig ne wæs / fyra cynnes || from fruman siððan / mon o
Guthlac B 1204 ge || hæleða leofost / gumena cynnes || ðurh gæsta weard / ðæt
Guthlac B 1250 ra ængum / on foldwege || fira cynnes / ðæt me ne meahte || monna
Guthlac B 1362 ne || ðurh cildes had / gumena cynnes || to godes dome / werigra wra
Riddles 33 9 ceaft / is min modor || mægða cynnes / ðæs deorestan || ðæt is d
Riddles 60 4 fæst || fea ænig wæs / monna cynnes || ðæt minne ðær / on anæd
The Phoenix 358 s || ðæt ne wat ænig / monna cynnes || butan meotod ana / hu ða wi
The Phoenix 492 beoð || on gemot læded / fyra cynnes || wile fæder engla / sigora s
The Phoenix 535 wylc / flæsce bifongen || fira cynnes / ænlic ond edgeong || se ðe
The Phoenix 546 / ne wene ðæs ænig || ælda cynnes / ðæt ic lygewordum || leoð
Juliana 18 um wæs æhtwelig || æðeles cynnes / rice gerefa || rondburgum weo
Juliana 470 ðoncum || beorna unrim / monna cynnes || misthelme forbrægd / ðurh
Juliana 551 || ne ðweorhtimbran / mægða cynnes || is on me sweotul / ðæt ðu
Juliana 680 e / ðurh wæges wylm || wigena cynnes / heane mid hlaford || hroðra
Juliana 719 bidde ic monna gehwone / gumena cynnes || ðe ðis gied wræce / ðæt
Beowulf 701 ed / ðæt mihtig god || manna cynnes / weold wideferhð || com on wa
Beowulf 712 r / mynte se manscaða || manna cynnes / sumne besyrwan || in sele ða
Beowulf 735 en / ðæt he ma moste || manna cynnes / ðicgean ofer ða niht || ðr
Beowulf 883 lan / hæfdon ealfela || eotena cynnes / sweordum gesæged || sigemund
Beowulf 1058 || metod eallum weold / gumena cynnes || swa he nu git deð / forðan
Beowulf 1729 n / monnes modgeðonc || mæran cynnes / seleð him on eðle || eorða
Beowulf 2008 ðe lengest leofað || laðan cynnes / facne bifongen || ic ðær fu
Beowulf 2234 thwylc / eormenlafe || æðelan cynnes / ðanchycgende || ðær gehydd
Beowulf 2354 ap || grendeles mægum / laðan cynnes || no ðæt læsest wæs / hond
Beowulf 2813 ell / ðu eart endelaf || usses cynnes / wægmundinga || ealle wyrd fo
Judith 52 a || ond on hyne nænig / monna cynnes || nymðe se modiga hwæne / ni
Judith 310 siria || ealdorduguðe / laðan cynnes || lythwon becom / cwicera to c
The Paris Psalter 112:4 2 þeode / se heahsta || hæleþa cynnes / is ofer heofenas eac || ahafe
The Paris Psalter 58:13 2 god / ofer middangeard || manna cynnes / and ealra eac || eorþan gem
The Paris Psalter 64:11 2 þ / mænige on moldan || manna cynnes / on cneorisse || cende weorþa
The Paris Psalter 65:3 5 a bearn / se hehsta || hæleþa cynnes / / # / cumaþ nu and geseoþ ||
The Paris Psalter 91:1 3 e / þone heahestan || hæleþa cynnes / / # / and þonne on morgene ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 4 æfþ || anra gehwylces / monna cynnes || mod fulneah þon / hwæt sio
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 34 wæs se apollinus || æþeles cynnes / iobes eafora || se wæs gio c
Metrical Psalm 91:1 3 þone heæhestæn || heleðæ cynnes.
A.6.13 69 oldan || fīra ǣniġ / eorðan cynnes, || ǣr·þon iċ hine ana on
Solomon and Saturn 81 foldan || fira ænig / eorþan cynnes || ærþon ic hine ana onfand
A.6.13 124 || þū eart swīðe biteres cynnes, / ierre eormen-strynde. || Ne b
Solomon and Saturn 144 an || þu eart swiþe bittres cynnes / eorre eormenstrynde || ne bey
A.6.13 219 hē forþ ne sīe || firenes cynnes’. / ‘Full oft iċ frōde menn |
Solomon and Saturn 257 t he forþ ne sie || fyrenes cynnes / saturnus cwæþ # || / full of
A.6.13 272 oldan || fīra ǣniġ / eorðan cynnes, || þāra þe man āĝe, / þe
Solomon and Saturn 315 foldan || fira ænig / eorþan cynnes || þara þe man age / þe dea
The Lord's Prayer III 17 hæle / on middaneard || manna cynnes / ðæt is se clæna || crist d
The Battle of Maldon 215 ic wæs on myrcon || miccles cynnes / wæs min ealda fæder || ealh
A.6.9 217 wæs on Mierċum || miċeles cynnes; / wæs min ealda fæder || Ealh
The Battle of Maldon 264 s on norþhymbron || heardes cynnes / ecglafes bearn || him wæs æ
A.6.9 266 on Norð·hymbrum || heardes cynnes, / Eċġ·lāfes bearn, || him w
eala - 50 occurrences
Christ and Satan 163 ost || þonne he ut þorhdraf / eala drihtenes þrym || eala dugu
Christ and Satan 163 hdraf / eala drihtenes þrym || eala duguþa helm / eala meotodes mi
Christ and Satan 164 es þrym || eala duguþa helm / eala meotodes miht || eala middane
Christ and Satan 164 a helm / eala meotodes miht || eala middaneard / eala dæg leohta |
Christ and Satan 165 todes miht || eala middaneard / eala dæg leohta || eala dream god
Christ and Satan 165 iddaneard / eala dæg leohta || eala dream godes / eala engla þreat
Christ and Satan 166 g leohta || eala dream godes / eala engla þreat || eala upheofen
Christ and Satan 166 am godes / eala engla þreat || eala upheofen / eala þæt ic eam ea
Christ and Satan 167 engla þreat || eala upheofen / eala þæt ic eam ealles leas || e
Christ and Satan 315 / a to worulde || a buton ende / eala hwæt se awyrgda || wraþe ge
Andreas 203 þa ondswarude || ece dryhten / eala andreas || þæt þu a woldes
Soul and Body I 138 fæder rice / arum bewunden || eala min dryhten / þær ic þe most
Christ A 18 from egsan || swa he oft dyde / eala ðu reccend || ond ðu riht c
Christ A 50 horscne had || hergan willað / eala sibbe gesihð || sancta hieru
Christ A 71 se earma sceal || are gebidan / eala wifa wynn || geond wuldres ð
Christ A 104 id soðfæder || symle wunian / eala earendel || engla beorhtast / o
Christ A 130 ine sylfne us || sendan wolde / eala gæsta god || hu ðu gleawlic
Christ A 164 ideferh || mid waldend fæder / eala ioseph min || iacobes bearn / m
Christ A 175 minre / afrefran feasceaftne || eala fæmne geong / mægð maria ||
Christ A 214 sylfum beon || soðe gefylled / eala ðu soða || ond ðu sibsuma /
Christ A 275 helm alwihta || hreddan wille / eala ðu mæra || middangeardes / se
Christ A 348 in wuldre || mid weoroda god / eala ðu halga || heofona dryhten /
Christ A 378 on on ðeode || ðinne willan / eala seo wlitige || weorðmynda fu
Christ A 416 e / a butan ende || ece herenis / eala hwæt ðæt is wræclic wrixl
Christ C 1312 ðær hit ða weorud geseoð / eala ðær we nu magon || wraðe f
Resignation 108 ode gelufian / eorl on eðle || eala dryhten min / meahtig mundbora
The Descent into Hell 76 t ðu mundbora || minum wære / eala gabrihel || hu ðu eart gleaw
The Descent into Hell 84 s sylfes muð || secgan hyrde / eala maria || hu ðu us modigne / cy
The Descent into Hell 99 um feondum || freoðo wilnian / eala hierusalem || in iudeum / hu ð
The Descent into Hell 103 fgende || ða ðe lof singað / eala iordane || in iudeum / hu ðu i
The Wanderer 94 u || hwær sindon seledreamas / eala beorht bune || eala byrnwiga /
The Wanderer 94 ledreamas / eala beorht bune || eala byrnwiga / eala ðeodnes ðrym
The Wanderer 95 beorht bune || eala byrnwiga / eala ðeodnes ðrym || hu seo ðra
The Paris Psalter 114:5 1 an drihtnes || nyde cigde / / # / eala þu leofa god || alys mine nu
The Paris Psalter 115:6 1 gesyhþe || swylt haligra / / # / eala ic eom þin agen || esne dryh
The Paris Psalter 117:23 1 udrum || eadgum to blisse / / # / eala þu dryhten god || do me haln
The Paris Psalter 117:23 2 u dryhten god || do me halne / eala þu dryhten min || do us gesu
The Paris Psalter 79:5 1 an || ealle we beoþ hale / / # / eala þu mægena god || mære drih
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 18 ceatas || is þæt unnet gelp / eala ofermodan || hwi eow a lyste /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 96 a gehealdaþ / sibbe samrade || eala sigora god / wære þis moncyn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 1 Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 / / eala þæt se yfla || unrihta gede
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 1 Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 / / eala þæt is hefig dysig || hyge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 1 Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 / / eala min drihten || þæt þu eart
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 25 s || þurh þone laþran wind / eala hwæt on eorþan || ealla ges
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 53 foldan sceat || buton fea ane / eala min dryhten || þu þe ealle
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 16 ndstyred || on staþu beateþ / eala þæt on eorþan || auht fæs
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 39 ldum || he wæs æghwæm laþ / eala þær hit wurde || oþþe wol
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 55 te forbærnþ || biteran lege / eala hwæt se forma || feohgitsere
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 53 his yfeles || elles gestioran / eala gif he wolde || þæt he wel
The Judgment Day II 247 id sorgum || and mid sargunge / eala se bið gesælig || and ofers
eall - 408 occurrences
Genesis A 199 ter / wunian on gewealde || and eall worulde gesceaft / brucaþ blæ
Genesis A 205 / geond hronrade || inc hyraþ eall / þa sceawode || scyppend ure /
Genesis B 292 urþan / þa hit se allwalda || eall gehyrde / þæt his engyl ongan
Genesis B 604 itre || heofon and eorþe / and eall þeos woruld wlitigre || and
Genesis B 756 s þoliaþ / hit is nu adame || eall forgolden / mid hearran hete ||
Genesis A 871 / for þe andweardne || ic eom eall eall nacod / him þa ædre god
Genesis A 1280 t he wolde || for wera synnum / eall aæþan || þæt on eorþan w
Genesis A 1282 ifes gast / fæþmum þeahte || eall þæt frea wolde / on þære to
Genesis A 1353 ægþreate / æhta and agend || eall acwellan / þa beutan beoþ ||
Genesis A 1359 l || and heora wif somed / and eall þæt to fæsle || frea ælmi
Genesis A 1403 se egorhere || eorþan tuddor / eall acwealde || buton þæt earce
Genesis A 1514 ean fryþo || fyllaþ eorþan / eall geiceaþ || eow is eþelstol /
Genesis A 1554 eludon || and gefylled wearþ / eall þes middangeard || monna bea
Genesis A 1905 e sceal / elles awiht || nymþe eall tela / lufu langsumu || nu þu
Genesis A 2212 nd eft wendelsæ || wide rice / eall þæt sculon agan || eaforan
Genesis A 2492 ton / hēafod-sīena. || Wearþ eall here sōna / burh-warena blind.
Genesis A 2550 s on ore / laþan cynnes || lig eall fornam / þæt he grenes fond |
Genesis A 2559 pes / swogende leg || forswealh eall geador / þæt on sodoma byrig
Genesis A 2561 ecgas ahton / and on gomorra || eall þæt god spilde / frea mid þy
Genesis A 2781 ig on hige || and heora hiwan eall / druncon and drymdon || þa cw
Exodus 88 a wic / folce to frofre || fyrd eall geseah / hu þær hlifedon || h
Exodus 100 tefnum / wuldres woman || werod eall aras / modigra mægen || swa hi
Exodus 214 ean on wenum || wæccende bad / eall seo sibgedriht || somod ætg
Exodus 299 f / æfter þam wordum || werod eall aras / modigra mægen || mere s
Exodus 500 nge / modewæga mæst || mægen eall gedreas / þa gedrencte wæron
Daniel 62 na || under stanhliþum / swilc eall swa þa eorlas || agan sceold
Daniel 156 stes / þæt him engel godes || eall asægde / swa his mandrihten ||
Daniel 243 a wæs se ofen onhæted / isen eall þurhgleded || hine þær esn
Daniel 359 don bletsian || bearn israela / eall landgesceaft || ecne drihten /
Daniel 381 htmhwate || þa þec bletsige / eall eorþan grund || ece drihten /
Christ and Satan 87 endes || agan me burga gewald / eall to æhte || and þeos earme h
Christ and Satan 136 yrmas || is þes windiga sele / eall inneweard || atole gefylled / n
Christ and Satan 225 gen || feond ondetan / wæs him eall ful strang wom and witu || h
Christ and Satan 252 || agan us þis wuldres leoht / eall to æhte || þis is idel gylp
Christ and Satan 321 / swylce onæled || wæs þæt eall full strong / þonne wæs heora
Christ and Satan 391 u || þurh his wuldres cræft / eall toweorpan || nu þes egsa com
Christ and Satan 463 a wolde / þis wæs on uhtan || eall geworden / ær dægrede || þæ
Christ and Satan 516 od / þeah he wære mid irne || eall ymbfangen / þæt mihte þam mi
A.2.1 19 elda || hearde ġe·sċēode. / Eall wæs þæt mearc-land || mor
A.2.1 945 esan || of lāðra hete, / and eall þæt manncynn || þe him mid
Andreas 1097 nde / æscum dealle || þa wæs eall geador / to þam þingstede ||
Andreas 1146 xe gelicost / on þam orlege || eall formeltan / þy læs scyldhatan
Andreas 1320 ægdest / hafast nu þe anum || eall getihhad / land ond leode || sw
Andreas 1359 gearu / wiþ þam æglæcan || eall getrahtod / þa hleoþrade || h
Andreas 1434 gene besette / me is miht ofer eall # || / sigorsped geseald || so
A.2.1 1434 sette. / Mē is meahtmeht ofer eall, / siĝor-spēd ġe·seald. || S
Andreas 1483 ng || þæt he in life adreag / eall æfter orde || þæt scell æ
Andreas 1486 e || þæt fram fruman cunne / eall þa earfeþo || þe he mid el
Andreas 1519 le / giofum geardagum || þonne eall gimma cynn / þurh his halige h
Andreas 1590 gas / geotende gegrind || grund eall forswealg / nalas he þær yþe
Andreas 1627 / eaforan unweaxne || þa wæs eall eador / leoþolic ond gastlic |
Andreas 51 bledsod || ond his blæd ofer eall / in heofonþrymme || halgum sc
A.2.1 52 bletsod || and his blǣd ofer eall / on heofon-þrymme || hālĝum
A.2.3 18 þū mē, / eorðan fullness || eall for·wīsnod, / lames ġe·lī
Soul and Body I 50 n þam myclan dæge || þonne eall manna cynn / se ancenneda || ea
Dream of the Rood 6 e bewunden / beama beorhtost || eall þæt beacen wæs / begoten mid
Dream of the Rood 12 gastas / men ofer moldan || ond eall þeos mære gesceaft / syllic w
Dream of the Rood 20 tan on þa swiþran healfe || eall ic wæs mid sorgum gedrefed / f
Dream of the Rood 48 on hie unc butu ætgædere || eall ic wæs mid blode bestemed / be
A.2.5 55 / wann under wolcnum. || wēop eall ġe·sċeaft, / cwīðdon cinin
Dream of the Rood 58 o þam æþelinge || ic þæt eall beheold / sare ic wæs mid sorg
Dream of the Rood 62 / standan steame bedrifenne || eall ic wæs mid strælum forwundo
Dream of the Rood 82 side / menn ofer moldan || ond eall þeos mære gesceaft / gebidda
Dream of the Rood 94 alle menn / geweorþode || ofer eall wifa cynn / nu ic þe hate || h
A.2.6 26 / sweotole ġe·samnod || and% eall sibb% ġeador. / For folca ġe
Elene 313 ful / heofun ond eorþe || ond eall heahmægen / tire getacnod || s
A.2.6 314 full / heofon and eorðe || and eall hēah-mæġen, / tīre ġe·tā
A.2.6 417 elf / on rōde trēo%. || Rodor eall ġe·swearc / on þā slīðan
Elene 691 ene brohte || hæfde ciriacus / eall gefylled || swa him seo æþe
A.2.6 692 e brōhte. || Hæfde Ciriacus / eall ġe·fylled, || swā him sēo
Elene 715 h fyrnwitan || beforan sungen / eall æfter orde || swa hit eft ge
A.2.6 716 yrn-witan || be·foran sungen / eall aefter orde, || swā hit eft
Elene 757 g byrþ / þa þæt ofstlice || eall gelæste / elene for eorlum ||
A.2.6 758 ’ / Þā þæt ofostlīċe || eall ġe·lǣste / Elene for eorlum.
Elene 838 ed # || / swa a þeos world || eall gewiteþ / ond eac swa some ||
A.2.6 839 | / Swā ā% þēos weorlod || eall ġe·wīteþ, / and ēac swā s
Elene 854 digra mægen || him gemetgaþ eall / ældes leoma || swa him eþos
A.2.6 855 mæġen. || Him ġe·metgaþ eall / ǣled% lēoma, || swā him ī
Elene 872 gehwylces / þurh ofnes fyr || eall geclænsod / amered ond gemylte
A.2.6 873 hwelċes / þurh ofenes fȳr || eall ġe·clǣnsod, / ā·mered and
Christ A 7 ræcne / ðæt geond eorðb/ /g eall || eagna gesihðe / wundrien to
Christ A 42 wæs, || dryhtnes ġe·rȳne. / Eall ġiefu gǣstliċ || grund-sċ
Christ A 85 ġþhād sē miċela. || Swā eall manna bearn / sorĝum sāwaþ,
Christ A 97 ġan / þæt is Ēuan sċyld || eall for·pynded, / wierhþa% ā·wo
Christ A 153 um. || Is sēo bōt ġe·lang / eall æt þē ānum || […] ofer-
Christ A 305 teald / on þām ēċan hām || eall sċēawode. / Wlāt þā swā w
Christ A 308 d wæs / æðeliċ inn-gang. || Eall wæs ġe·bunden / dēoran sin
Christ A 366 alorapum || is seo bot gelong / eall æt ðe anum || ece dryhten / h
Christ B 666 ðele andġiet. || Sē mæġ eall fela / singan and seċġan ||
Christ B 842 an tid / leofra micle || ðonne eall ðeos læne gesceaft / ðær he
Christ C 887 f deaðe || dryhtgumena bearn / eall monna cynn || to meotudsceaft
Christ C 964 tan || mægenearfeðum / ðonne eall ðreo || on efen nimeð / won f
Christ C 969 / þrȳðum bærneþ || þrīe eall on ān / grymme tō·gædere. |
Christ C 971 re. || Grornaþ ġe·sarĝod% / eall middan-ġeard || on þā mǣr
Christ C 996 dfrætwe || gleda forswelgað / eall ærgestreon || eðelcyninga /
Christ C 1005 n || eorðan sceatas / oððæt eall hafað || ældes leoma / woruld
Christ C 1027 e || moncynnes gehwone / ðonne eall hraðe || adames cynn / onfehð
Christ C 1032 homan / edgeong wesan || hafað eall on him / ðæs ðe he on foldan
Christ C 1052 ær earnode || eces lifes / ond eall ondweard || ðæt hi ær oð
Christ C 1115 rincum || ða he on rode wæs / eall ðis magon him sylfe || geseo
Christ C 1137 unga || weorud sceawian / ufan eall forbærst || ðæt hit on eor
Christ C 1182 heofones eac || heahgetimbro / eall fore ðam anum || unrot gewea
Christ C 1201 mildan || metodes lāre, / and eall þā earfoþu || þe hē fore
Christ C 1220 ende || scrifeð bi gewyrhtum / eall æfter ryhte || rodera walden
Christ C 1283 æs / ðæt mon yðæst mæg || eall ðurhwlitan / ðonne bið ðæt
Christ C 1358 staðeladon / mid modes myne || eall ge ðæt me dydon / ðonne ge h
Christ C 1442 sar for ðe / ðurh eaðmedu || eall geðolade / hosp ond heardcwide
Christ C 1512 freoran hyge / mode gefengen || eall ge ðæt me dydan / to hynðum
A.3.10 26 t. / Biþ þæt æf·þanca || eall ġe·fylled / fēondes flyġe-p
A.3.10 31 is wīse || wēlhwǣm þynċe / eall unforcūþ. || Biþ þæs ō
A.3.11 141 rlsċipe efnan, || oþ·þæt eall sċæceþ, / lēoht and līf sa
A.3.13 135 , || sāwla nerġend, / sē ūs eall for·ġeaf || þæt we inn li
A.3.14 43 ne hālĝan% blǣd. / For·þon eall swā teofenode, || sē þe te
A.3.14 44 lċ wiþ ōðrum; || sċoldon eall beran / stīðe stefn-byrd, ||
A.3.15 58 apum atole mis·þāh || and eall stund ġe·nāh. / Swā nū weo
A.3.19 18 t þū mē, / eorðan fylnes || eall for·weornast, / lāmes ġe·l
Guthlac A 42 ġdon || and þurh wītedōm / eall ā·nemdon, || swā hit nū g
Guthlac A 96 des willan / mod gerehte || man eall forseah / eorðlic æðelu || u
Guthlac A 194 elĝan, / þæt his earfoþu || eall ġe·lumpe / mōd-cearu mǣĝum
Guthlac A 279 elæran || ðonne ðeos mengu eall / we ðe beoð holde || gif ðu
Guthlac A 325 / engla mæġene. || Ġe·wāt eall þonan / fēonda meniġu. || Ne
Guthlac A 373 reosan sceal / swa ðeos eorðe eall || ðe ic her on stonde / ðeah
Guthlac A 414 a cynn / ðæt he fore eagum || eall sceawode / under haligra || hyr
Guthlac A 532 gemeted || micel is to secgan / eall æfter orde || ðæt he on el
Guthlac A 753 issa wundra || gewitan sindon / eall ðas geeodon || in ussera / tid
Guthlac B 1130 bearna || wæs ðæs deoplic eall / word ond wisdom || ond ðæs
Guthlac B 1296 ū fere, / and þā ǣrendu || eall be·þenċe, / ofostum lǣde, |
Guthlac B 1309 sċān, / bēama beorhtost. || Eall þæt bēacen wæs / ymb þæt
Guthlac B 1320 e-stōl, || engla hlēoðres, / eall innan-weard. || Þǣr wæs ǣ
A.3.22.40 33 r yfele || adelan stinċeþ. / Eall iċ under heofones || hwearft
A.3.22.40 40 an; / ēac iċ under eorðan || eall sċēawie / wōm wrāð-sċrafu
A.3.22.40 84 grēna: / iċ ūtor ēaðe% || eall ymb·winde, / wrætlīċe ġe·
A.3.22.5 6 winnes, / ǣr iċ mid ieldum || eall for·wurðe%, / ac mec hnossia
A.3.23 29 / Eald is þēs eorþ-sele, || eall iċ eom of·langod, / sindon de
A.3.23 46 sīe æt him selfum ġe·lang / eall his weorolde wynn, || sīe fu
A.3.24 12 | beorhte ġe·sċeafte. / biþ eall þēs ġinna grund || glēda
A.3.24 58 ġen-cininges þrēa; / bifaþ eall beorhte ġe·sċeaft, || bran
A.3.24 106 seċġaþ þonne rihta fela, / eall swelċe under heofonum ġe·w
The Judgment Day I 117 sceal || leoda gehwylcum / ofer eall beorht gesetu || byrnende lig
Resignation 3 heofon ond eorðan / ond wundor eall || min wundorcyning / ðe ðær
A.3.25 8 eorc, || wītiġ drihten, / and eall min liðu, || lēohtes hīerd
A.3.25 74 st ġearwian || and mē þæt eall for gode þolian / blīðe mōd
A.3.25 94 his iermþu || and hē þæt eall þolaþ, / sār-cwide seċġa |
A.3.26 115 earf. / Þū meaht ymb·fōn || eall folca ġe·setu, / swelċe þū
A.3.28 7 ā || searu-hæbbendra; / þæt eall for·nam || ȳþ%[] / wrāðe w
A.3.3 76 as || and hlūtor wæter, / and eall mæġen || eorðan ġe·sċea
Azarias 88 gytan ðone geocend || ðe us eall good syleð / ðe we habbað ||
The Ruin 26 wide || cwoman woldagas / swylt eall fornom || secgrofra wera / wurd
The Ruin 39 ate wearp / widan wylme || weal eall befeng / beorhtan bosme || ðæ
Riddles 83 8 min fromcynn || fruman agette / eall of earde || ic him yfle ne mo
Riddles 94 6 || / leofre ðonne ðis leoht eall || leohtre ðon w/
The Phoenix 7 nfremmendum / wlitig is se wong eall || wynnum geblissad / mid ðam
A.3.4 241 || Þonne bræġd weorðeþ% / eall ed-nīewe || eft ā·cenned, /
The Phoenix 279 on wynnum / eadig eðellond || eall bið geniwad / feorh ond feðer
A.3.4 285 / asċan tō ēacan. || Þonne eall ġe·ador / be·byrġeþ beadu-
A.3.4 505 / lǣne land-welan, || līeġ eall þiġeþ / eorðan ǣht-ġe·st
A.3.4 511 ĝoles tācen, / þonne anweald eall || up ā·stelleþ% / of byrġe
Juliana 36 sa / mara in gemyndum || ðonne eall ðæt maððumgesteald / ðe in
A.3.5 44 e ofer eorðan. || Hēo þæt eall for·seah, / and þæt word ā
A.3.5 155 rymmes, / and him ānum tō || eall be·þenċe, / þæt hē mund-b
A.3.5 163 ðǣre fǣmnan wlite, || folc eall ġeador. / hīe þā sē æðel
A.3.5 399 , / þæt iċ inn-ġe·hyġd || eall ġond·wlīte, / hū ġe·fæst
Juliana 432 / wurde ðus wigðrist || ofer eall wifa cyn / ðæt ðu mec ðus f
Juliana 450 ðearfendum / ðæt unsælig || eall ne forweorðe / ðeah ic ðec g
A.3.5 496 sitte || sumor-langne dæġ, / eall þā earfoþu || þe iċ ǣr
Juliana 506 ma riman / yfel endeleas || ic eall gebær / wraðe wrohtas || geon
A.3.5 644 || þæt hine wer-þēode / and eall engla cynn || up on rodorum / h
A.3.5 709 eomaþ sorh-ċeariġ. || Sār eall ġe·man, / synna wunde, || þe
A.3.6 36 ine / wenede tō wiste. || Wynn eall ġe·drēas. / For·þon wāt s
A.3.6 60 rce, / þonne iċ eorla līf || eall ġeondþenċe, / hū hīe færl
A.3.6 79 ēame be·drorene, || duĝuþ eall ġe·crang, / wlanc be wealle.
The Wanderer 106 glfare || hæleðum on andan / eall is earfoðlic || eorðan rice
A.3.6 110 ne, || hēr biþ mæġ lǣne, / eall þis eorðan ġe·steall ||
A.3.6 115 der on heofonum, || ðǣr ūs eall sēo fæstnung standeþ.
A.3.9 86 Ġe·droren is þēos duĝuþ eall, || drēamas sind ġe·witene,
Beowulf 71 efrunon / ond ðær on innan || eall gedælan / geongum ond ealdum |
A.4.1 486 āh, || þonne dæġ līexte, / eall benċ-þelu || blōde be·st
A.4.1 523 e / burh and bēaĝas. || Bēot eall wiþ þē / sunu Bēan·stānes
Beowulf 651 an / wan under wolcnum || werod eall aras / gegrette ða || guma oð
A.4.1 680 re be·nēotan, || þēah iċ eall mæġe. / Nāt hē þāra gōda
A.4.1 744 | sōna hæfde / unlibbendes || eall ġe·feormod, / fēt and folma.
A.4.1 835 earm and eaxle || (ðǣr wæs eall ġeador / Grendles grāpe) || u
A.4.1 848 nde, / atol ȳða ġe·swing || eall ġe·menġed / hāton heolfre,
A.4.1 998 bold || tō·brocen swīðe, / eall inne-weard || īren-bendum f
A.4.1 1086 æt hīe him ōðer flett || eall ġe·rȳmdon, / healle and hēa
A.4.1 1129 wintₑr || wunode mid Finne / eall% unhlytme. || Eard ġe·munde,
A.4.1 1155 ldinga || tō sċipon feredon / eall inn-ġe·steald || eorþ-cini
A.4.1 1185 um eaforan, || ġif hē þæt eall ġe·mann, / hwæt wit tō will
A.4.1 1424 sliċ fyrd-lēoþ%. || Fēða eall ġe·sæt. / Ġe·sāwon þā a
A.4.1 1567 , / bān-hringas bræc. || Bill eall þurh·wōd / fǣġne flǣsċ-h
A.4.1 1593 þæt wæs ȳþ-ġe·bland || eall ġe·menġed, / brim blōde fā
A.4.1 1608 t wæs wundra sum, / þæt hit eall ġe·mealt || īse ġelīcost
A.4.1 1620 af. / Wǣron ȳþ-ġe·bland || eall ġe·fǣlsod, / ēacne eardas,
A.4.1 1701 ht / fremeþ on folce, || feorr eall ġe·man, / eald ēðel% weard,
A.4.1 1705 ofer þēoda ġe·hwelċe. || Eall þū hit ġe·þyldum healdes
A.4.1 1708 sċealt tō frōfre weorðan / eall lang-twīdiġ || lēodum þī
A.4.1 1738 eċġ-hete īeweþ, || ac him eall weorold / wendeþ on willan ||
A.4.1 1790 ofer dryht-gumum. || Duĝuð eall ā·rās. / Wolde blanden-feax
Beowulf 2005 e / yrmðe to aldre || ic ðæt eall gewræc / swa begylpan ne ðear
Beowulf 2017 cwen / friðusibb folca || flet eall geondhwearf / bædde byre geong
Beowulf 2042 syhð / eald æscwiga || se ðe eall geman / garcwealm gumena || him
Beowulf 2080 uðbonan / leofes mannes || lic eall forswealg / no ðy ær ut ða g
Beowulf 2087 m fæst / sio wæs orðoncum || eall gegyrwed / deofles cræftum ||
Beowulf 2149 wylle / estum geywan || gen is eall æt ðe / lissa gelong || ic ly
Beowulf 2427 genæs / orleghwila || ic ðæt eall gemon / ic wæs syfanwintre ||
Beowulf 2461 / an æfter anum || ðuhte him eall to rum / wongas ond wicstede ||
Beowulf 2663 cwæð / leofa biowulf || læst eall tela / swa ðu on geoguðfeore
Beowulf 2727 fde / eorðan wynne || ða wæs eall sceacen / dogorgerimes || deað
Beowulf 2885 al sincðego || ond swyrdgifu / eall eðelwyn || eowrum cynne / lufe
Beowulf 3030 fela / wyrda ne worda || weorod eall aras / eodon unbliðe || under
Beowulf 3087 wæs ðær inne || ond ðæt eall geondseh / recedes geatwa || ð
Beowulf 3094 gena / wis ond gewittig || worn eall gespræc / gomol on gehðo || o
Beowulf 3164 beorg dydon || beg ond siglu / eall swylce hyrsta || swylce on ho
Judith 323 cera cynna || ða seo cneoris eall / mægða mærost || anes monð
A.4.2 331 an mæġe || searu-þancolra; / eall þæt þā þēod-guman || þ
A.4.2 338 reġnode rēadum golde || and eall þæt sē rinca bealdor / swī
The Paris Psalter 101:23 2 rþaþ || and þu sylf wunast / eall forwisnaþ || wædum anlice / a
The Paris Psalter 102:1 2 e sawle || bliþe drihten / and eall min inneran || his þæne ece
The Paris Psalter 102:20 1 mmaþ / / # / bletsian drihten || eall his bearna mægen / and his þe
The Paris Psalter 102:21 1 willan || wyrcean georne / / # / eall his agen geweorc || ecne drih
The Paris Psalter 103:12 4 of wæstmum || weorca þinra / eall eorþan ciþ || ufan byþ gef
The Paris Psalter 103:23 3 rhtest / is þeos eorþe eac || eall gefylled / þinra gesceafta ||
The Paris Psalter 104:2 2 salletaþ / secgaþ his wundor eall || wide mæru / / # / hergeaþ hi
The Paris Psalter 105:2 3 d aspyrian || oþþe spedlice / eall his lofmægen || leode gehyra
The Paris Psalter 105:15 1 / / # / þa eorþe togaan || and eall forswealh / on deope forwyrd ||
The Paris Psalter 105:15 3 thanes weorod / and abirones || eall ætgædere / / # / þær fyr abar
The Paris Psalter 105:26 6 um || swyþe guldan / him þæt eall gewearþ || to æswyce / / # / on
The Paris Psalter 105:28 1 d / / # / þanon eorþe wearþ || eall mid blode / mane gemenged || mi
The Paris Psalter 105:29 1 gemenged || misdædum fah / / # / eall hi forheoldan || heahweorc go
The Paris Psalter 105:29 3 ce drihten / and he his yrfe || eall forhogode / / # / he hi on handge
The Paris Psalter 105:37 4 lc / wese swa wese swa || þurh eall wide ferhþ
The Paris Psalter 108:7 1 num / / # / gewurþe him weste || eall his onwunung / and on hys eardu
The Paris Psalter 108:13 2 forwyrd / and on anum cneowe || eall gewyrþe / his nama nyhsta || n
The Paris Psalter 108:14 1 ma nyhsta || nede adilgad / / # / eall þæt unriht || þe his ealdr
The Paris Psalter 110:4 6 ellþeodigra / on agene æht || eall gesyllan / / # / ys his handgeweo
The Paris Psalter 113:7 2 ryhtnes / þeos eorþe sceal || eall abifigan / and for iacobes gode
The Paris Psalter 113:11 2 ame / uppe mid englum || and he eall gedeþ / swa his willa byþ ||
The Paris Psalter 115:8 4 yndan / þær hit eagum folc || eall sceawiaþ / and on hierusalem |
The Paris Psalter 116:1 3 te || herigan wordum / and hine eall folc on efn || æþelne herig
The Paris Psalter 117:21 5 ofrade / þæt is urum eagum || eall wundorlic / / # / þis ys se dæg
The Paris Psalter 118:18 2 ic wel mæge / on þinre æ || eall sceawian / wundur wræclicu ||
The Paris Psalter 118:62 3 gange / þær ic þe andette || eall ætgædere / secge þine domas
The Paris Psalter 118:62 4 ange / ðǣr iċ þe andette || eall æt·gædere, / seċġe þīne
The Paris Psalter 118:64 1 georne / / # / þeos eorþe is || eall gefylled / þinre mildheortness
The Paris Psalter 118:64 2 orne. / / # / Þēos eorðe is || eall ġe·fylled / þīnre mild-heor
The Paris Psalter 118:73 3 syle me nu andgyt || þæt ic eall mæge / þine bliþe bebodu ||
The Paris Psalter 118:73 4 ē nū andġiet, || þæt iċ eall mæġe / þīne blīðe be·bod
The Paris Psalter 118:92 4 þæt ic on minum eadmedum || eall forwurde / / # / ne mæg ic þæs
The Paris Psalter 118:93 1 iċ on mīnum ēad-mēdum || eall for·wurde. / / # / Ne mæġ iċ
The Paris Psalter 118:128 1 || teala gimma / / # / forþon ic eall þin bebod || elne healde / and
The Paris Psalter 118:128 2 ela ġimma. / / # / For·þon iċ eall þīn be·bod || elne healde,
The Paris Psalter 118:153 1 / # / ac min eaþmedu geseoh || eall ful georne / genere niode || nu
The Paris Psalter 118:153 2 min ēað-mēdu ġe·seoh% || eall full ġeorne, / ġe·nere nīed
The Paris Psalter 118:172 3 spræce || spede eodan / wærun eall þin bebodu || æghwær rihtw
The Paris Psalter 118:173 1 ċe || spēde ēodon; / wǣron eall þīn be·bodu || ǣġhwǣr r
The Paris Psalter 129:2 3 eldende || mid hige swylce / on eall gebedd || esnes þines / / # / gi
The Paris Psalter 129:3 1 # / gif þu ure unriht wilt || eall behealdan / drihten drihten ||
The Paris Psalter 129:3 3 fre / þæt he þæt geefne || eall mid rihte / / # / ys seo mildheor
The Paris Psalter 129:4 3 æ || ece drihten / þas oþer eall || eaþe aræfnige / / # / hwæt
The Paris Psalter 130:3 1 ig / / # / ac ic mid eaþmedum || eall geþafige / is min sawl on þon
The Paris Psalter 131:6 1 orne gecweme / / # / efne we þas eall || on eufraten / sæcgean gehyr
The Paris Psalter 134:12 1 / / # / sealde heora eardland || eall israhelum / and heora yrfe || e
The Paris Psalter 135:10 1 n / / # / he ægyptas sloh || and eall heora frumbearn / / # / and he is
The Paris Psalter 136:7 2 bearna, / þe on Edōm sint || eall libbende, / þonne þū Hierus
The Paris Psalter 138:3 1 ungan / / # / efne þu drihten || eall oncneowe / þa ærestan || eac
The Paris Psalter 138:4 1 ic is geworden || þin wisdom eall / se is beutan me || eac gestra
The Paris Psalter 138:12 2 orþon þu mid egesan eart || eall gewuldrad / and þine weorc wæ
The Paris Psalter 138:14 2 les wæs / unfrom on ferhþe || eall þæt forþ heonan / on þinum
The Paris Psalter 139:11 4 sseþ / oþþe he on eorþan || eall forweorþeþ / / # / ic þæt gea
The Paris Psalter 144:5 4 sprecaþ || weredum secggeaþ / eall þin wundur || wide mære / / #
The Paris Psalter 144:9 4 miltsa || ofer us mære weorc / eall yldum cuþ || awa to feore / / #
The Paris Psalter 148:2 2 reatas / lofige hine swylce || eall his leodmægen / / # / herigen hi
The Paris Psalter 148:6 1 het / / # / þa he on ecnesse || eall staþelade / and on worulda wor
The Paris Psalter 55:6 5 iht hæle / on yrre þu folc || eall geþreatast / / # / ic nu leofum
The Paris Psalter 56:1 5 gewite forþ / and unriht me || eall beglide / / # / heonan ic cleopig
The Paris Psalter 61:1 3 n / æt him is hælu min || her eall gelancg / / # / hwæt he is god m
The Paris Psalter 65:3 2 / geweorþie || wuldres ealdor / eall þeos eorþe || ecne drihten /
The Paris Psalter 65:3 4 ie / þæt þin nama is || ofer eall niþa bearn / se hehsta || hæl
The Paris Psalter 65:4 3 s eac / swiþe egeslice || ofer eall ylda bearn / / # / he mæg onwend
The Paris Psalter 65:6 1 / his mægen wealdeþ || ofer eall manna cyn / on ecnesse || awa t
The Paris Psalter 66:6 4 ac bletsige / hæbbe his egesan eall || eorþan gemæru
The Paris Psalter 67:8 3 feraþ / þanon eorþe byþ || eall onhrered / / # / for ansyne || ec
The Paris Psalter 67:10 3 ne ascadeþ god || sundoryrfe / eall þu þa gefremest || þurh þ
The Paris Psalter 68:10 2 inum feore || fæsten gesette / eall hi me þæt on edwit || eft o
The Paris Psalter 68:12 1 fēore || fæsten ġe·sette, / eall hīe mē þæt on ed·wīt ||
The Paris Psalter 70:13 2 d || swiþost getreowige / ofer eall þin lof || lengest hihte / / #
The Paris Psalter 70:17 1 / oþþæt ic þines earmes || eall asecge / stiþe strencþe || þ
The Paris Psalter 71:17 1 / þonne byþ his nama || ofer eall niþa bearn / and to widan feor
The Paris Psalter 71:18 1 / and him byþ eorþan cynn || eall gebletsad / ealle hine þeoda |
The Paris Psalter 71:20 1 de / / # / and þeos eorþe si || eall gefylled / þurh his wuldres mi
The Paris Psalter 72:5 2 h þæt hira unriht wearþ || eall untyned / / # / þanon forþ beco
The Paris Psalter 72:24 1 e || healde fæste / / # / and ic eall þin lof || eft asecge / sione
The Paris Psalter 74:2 1 ode ciegen / / # / ic þin wundur eall || wræclic sæcge / swa ic fæ
The Paris Psalter 76:12 3 līeġette || līexan cōmon, / eall ymb·hwyrft || eorðan on·hr
The Paris Psalter 76:15 2 onne ligette || lixan cwoman / eall ymbhwyrft || eorþan onhrerda
The Paris Psalter 77:8 2 æder / him sceolde se yldra || eall gesæcgan / / # / þæt hi gleawn
The Paris Psalter 77:38 2 | mangewyrhtan / yrre awende || eall ne wolde / þurh hatne hyge ||
The Paris Psalter 77:51 2 bearna gehwylc / on ægiptum || eall acwealde / and frumwæstme || f
The Paris Psalter 77:62 2 nder ecge / and his yrfe eac || eall forhogode / / # / heora geoguþe
The Paris Psalter 79:9 3 ttest / þanon eorþe wearþ || eall gefylled / / # / his se brada scu
The Paris Psalter 79:12 2 his / wealdeþ his winbyrig || eall þæt on wege færþ / / # / hine
The Paris Psalter 84:3 1 ra fyrene || fæste hæle / / # / eall þu þin yrre || eþre gedyde
The Paris Psalter 88:6 3 ncg / micel and egeslic || ofer eall manna bearn / þa þe on ymbhwy
The Paris Psalter 88:10 2 swylce / eorþan ymbehwyrft || eall þu gesettest / / # / þu norþd
The Paris Psalter 89:8 1 edrefde / / # / þu ure unriht || eall asettest / þær þu sylfa || t
The Paris Psalter 90:8 1 / hwæþere þu þæs eagan || eall sceawadest / gesege fyrenfulra
The Paris Psalter 93:5 2 cne gehyndan / and yrfe þin || eall forcoman / / # / ælþeodige men
The Paris Psalter 94:3 2 / and se micla cynincg || ofer eall manna godu / / # / forþon ne wi
The Paris Psalter 95:1 2 ngas neowe / singe þeos eorþe eall || eceum drihtne / / # / secgeaþ
The Paris Psalter 98:2 2 mæsta / heah and mære || ofer eall hæleþa folc / / # / we andetaþ
The Paris Psalter 99:1 2 le gefean || mihtigum drihtne / eall þeos eorþe || elne hyre / and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 39 eweald / agan moste || he þæt eall aleag / wæs þæm æþelinge |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 9 can || þæt þeos eorþe sie / eall for þæt oþer || unigmet ly
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 30 gen / heofon and eorþan || and eall holma begong / swa hæfþ gehea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 77 ebætte mid / his agen weorc || eall æt frymþe / þæt is wiþerwe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 85 him / oþþæt þios eorþe || eall forweorþeþ / and eac swa same
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 88 te / ac se ilca god || se þæt eall metgaþ / se gefehþ fela || fo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 34 wuht / neata ne monna || nimþ eall þæt hio fint / swa doþ wuduf
A.5.6.13 49 / stefne styrġaþ; || stunaþ eall ġeador / welwynsum sang, || wu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 8 west and east / his anwalde || eall underþieded / ne mot he þara
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 4 he æfre sie / his unþeawum || eall underþyded / ado of his mode |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 8 ana / ermþa sinra || þeah him eall sie / þes middangeard || swa s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 19 eastewearde / þeah he nu þæt eall || agan mote / hwy biþ his anw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 6 þeah wis sie / anunga sceal || eall forweorþan / gif hio yrringa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 22 num willan || þu hit worhtes eall / and mid anwalde || þinum age
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 28 mb se þe wile / forþon hit is eall an || ælces þincges / þu and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 32 goodnes is / ælmihtig good || eall mid þe selfum / hit is ungelic
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 34 m gecynde / us is utan cymen || eall þa we habbaþ / gooda on grund
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 44 go moncynnes / ælmihtig god || eall geworhtest / þing þearle good
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 55 re þeah / ungelice || nemdest eall swa þeah / mid ane noman || ea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 62 | and feowerþe lyft / þæt is eall weoruld || eft togædere / habb
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 106 aþ oft / axe giond eorþan || eall toblawen / ne meahte on þære
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 156 þær þæt oþer fyr / up ofer eall þis || eardfæst wunaþ / sona
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 171 þre / æg ymbutan || swa stent eall weoruld / stille on tille || st
A.5.6.20 207 / hire ūtan ymb, || swā swā eall dēþ / ryne-swīfte rodor, ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 276 nde || hwæt þu fæder engla / eall þing birest || eþelice / buto
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 14 mode || þæt hit mæg findan / eall on him innan || þæt hit oft
A.5.6.22 17 t siþþan / yfel and unnytt || eall þæt hē hæfde / on his inn-c
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 52 / anes and oþres || him þæt eall gehæt / his recelest || rihtes
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 9 sume scriþaþ leng / utan ymb eall þis || an þara tungla / worul
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 16 þære ilcan || eaxe hwerfeþ / eall ruma rodor || recene scriþe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 68 nna bearnum / on eorþan fet || eall þætte groweþ / wæstmas on w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 15 e gesceafta / his agen weorc || eall geondwliteþ / endemes þurhsyh
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 7 ncuþ || creopaþ and snicaþ / eall lichoma || eorþan getenge / na
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 42 e || buton wendinge / þonne he eall forsihþ || eorþlicu good / an
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 44 mestan || næssan on eorþan / eall þæt nerone || nede oþþe l
A.51.93.5 2 e·hindan / and ierfe þīn || eall for·cōmon.
Metrical Psalm 94:3 2 nd% se% micla% kining || ofer eall manne godu.
The Death of Edward 13 ppaþ || cealde brymmas / þæt eall eadwarde || æþelum cinge / hy
A.6.13 23 ne him biþ lēofre || þonne eall þēos lēohte ġe·sċeaft, /
Solomon and Saturn 24 nne him biþ leofre || þonne eall þeos leohte gesceaft / gegoten
A.6.13 178 a%, / leornunga% locan. || Land eall ġeond·hwearf, / Indea mere, |
Solomon and Saturn 183 cæga / leornenga locan || land eall geondhwearf / indea mere || eas
A.6.13 53 ht is, / þæt hine him sċyle eall þēod || inn ġe·næman / wǣ
Solomon and Saturn 65 naht is / þæt hiene him scyle eall þeod || on genæman / wæpna e
A.6.13 89 de, / langre līnan, || lisseþ eall þæt hēo wile. / Bēam hēo
Solomon and Saturn 103 wide / langre linan || lisseþ eall þæt heo wile / beam heo abreo
Solomon and Saturn 137 siþþan flowan mot / yþ ofer eall lond || ne wile heo awa þæs
A.6.13 249 is ġe·sīðum wolde / hȳðan eall heofona rīċe || and him þo
Solomon and Saturn 291 mid his gesiþum wolde / hiþan eall heofona rice || and him þonn
A.6.13 298 el tō his earde || and þæt eall saĝaþ: / 'Ne meahte iċ of ð
Solomon and Saturn 14 gel to his earde || and þæt eall sagaþ / ne meahte ic of þære
A.6.17 4 non / on middan ġe·hæġe, || eall swā iċ seċġe. / Ēac ðǣr
A.6.17 9 rēred, / and min earme mōd || eall wæs ġe·drēfed. / Þā iċ f
The Judgment Day II 12 can fers || onhefde mid sange / eall swylce ðu cwæde || synna ge
The Judgment Day II 19 um gode / and hu mihtig frea || eall manna cynn / todæleð and tode
The Judgment Day II 41 t dihle wæs / openum wordum || eall abæred / breostes and tungan |
The Judgment Day II 58 ig and manful / mid undædum || eall gesymed / he drihtene swa ðeah
The Judgment Day II 99 es cyme || cyðað on eorðan / eall eorðe bifað || eac swa ða
The Judgment Day II 103 geslica sweg || ungerydre sæ / eall manna mod || miclum gedrefeð
A.6.17 104 d || miċelum ġe·drēfeþ. / Eall biþ ēac up-heofon || / swear
A.6.17 115 ered, || stiellaþ ymb·ūtan / eall engla weorod, || ēċne be·h
The Judgment Day II 128 d becumað || of swegles hleo / eall engla werod || ecne ymtrymma
A.6.17 130 iċel || and ā·boden þider / eall Adames cnōsl || eorð-būend
A.6.17 137 cas || on ðǣre dæġ-tīde, / eall þæt sēo heorte || hearmes
A.6.17 141 ræfum% || þinga on eorðan; / eall þæt hwone sċamode || sċyl
The Judgment Day II 145 | ðæt man lange hæl / ufenan eall ðis || eac byð gefylled / eal
A.6.17 146 þis || ēac biþ ġe·fylled / eall upliċ lyft || ǣtrenum līe
The Judgment Day II 147 ttrenum lige / færð fyr ofer eall || ne byð ðær nan forestea
A.6.17 149 mæġ || meaht for·wiernan; / eall% þæt ūs þyncþ ǣmtiġ ||
A.6.17 151 eġe / biþ efenes mid þȳ || eall ġe·fielled. / Þonne fȳren l
A.6.17 175 fod%, || stāne ġe·līcost, / eall ārlēas hēap || yfeles on w
A.6.17 195 aþ / for þæs ofenes bryne || (eall hē is bealwes full); / hwīlum
A.6.17 213 || bryniĝum tuxlum. / Ufenan eall þis || biþ þæt earme brē
A.6.17 272 liċ ġe·þwǣrness%. / Ufenan eall þis || ēċe drihten / him eal
The Rewards of Piety 22 eah ðu æfter ðinum ende || eall gesylle / ðæt ðu on eorðan
The Gloria I 6 tegod || swa ðu wealdan miht / eall eorðan mægen || and uplyfte
The Gloria I 7 e / wind and wolcna || wealdest eall on riht / ðu eart frofra fæde
The Gloria I 38 re stefne || and cristene bec / eall middaneard || and we men cwe
Fragment of Psalm 102 1 e sawle || bliðe drihten / and eall min inneran || his ðone ecan
Fragment of Psalm 50 3 yrenum || and nu forð heonon / eall min unriht adwæsc || æghwæ
A.6.26 42 . / For·þon iċ unryht min || eall on·cnāwe%, / and ēac synna
Psalm 50 87 ahta ðinra / ðu unriht min || eall adilga / æc ðu dryhten crist
A.6.26 98 ehtiġ, / þīnra% ārna mē || eall ne be·sċierwe. / Sele nū bl
The Seasons for Fasting 191 s ealdor / ðurh ælmesdæde || eall gegladian / ðonne is ðearf mi
A.6.43.11 5 iþ ǣġhwǣm lāþ, / and wiþ eall þæt lāþ || þe on tō lan
A.6.43.11 22 on || and mīne fore nerġon, / eall mē ġe·healdon, || mē% ġe
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 32 ic gefare || frind ic gemete / eall engla blæd || eadiges lare / b
A.6.43.2 62 ringan, / sǣs tō·slūpan, || eall sealt wæter, / þonne iċ þis
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 11 mihta || and his mundcræftas / eall he weornige || swa syre wudu
Instructions for Christians 205 e wolde þær, / forþon geond eall is || eorðan rices, / heofon-
Instructions for Christians 224 miht þu æfre þonne% ma || eall aspyrian / ures wealdendes ||
A.6.7 22 an wolde, / ac hē fræġn ofer eall || un-dearnunga, / dēor-mōd h
A.6.7 36 Sweord-lēoma stōd, / swelċe eall Finnesburh || fȳrenu wǣre. /
The Battle of Maldon 254 acwehte / unorne ceorl || ofer eall clypode / bæd þæt beorna geh
A.6.9 256 eahte, / unorne ċeorl, || ofer eall clipode, / bæd þæt beorna ġ
The Battle of Maldon 312 ytlaþ / her liþ ure ealdor || eall forheawen / god on greote || a
A.6.9 314 . / Hēr liġeþ ūre ealdor || eall for·hēawen, / gōd on grēote
ealle - 584 occurrences
Genesis A 57 is feond friþo || and gefean ealle / torhte tire || and his torn g
Genesis A 219 n adælede || drihtnes mihtum / ealle of anum || þa he þas eorþa
Genesis B 308 f heofnum on helle || and heo ealle forsceop / drihten to deoflum |
Genesis B 432 rd hearmscearu || hycgaþ his ealle / hu ge hi beswicen || siþþan
Genesis B 565 meaht swa wide || ofer woruld ealle / geseon siþþan || and selfes
Genesis B 583 nales godes engel / ac ic cann ealle swa geare || engla gebyrdo / he
Genesis B 674 swa wide geseon || on woruld ealle / ofer þas sidan gesceaft || i
Genesis B 759 ed / hyge ymb heortan gerume || ealle synt uncre hearmas gewrecene /
Genesis B 804 egra ær / wæron orsorge || on ealle tid / hu sculon wit nu libban |
Genesis A 1386 feorh / of flæschoman || flod ealle wreah / hreoh under heofonum ||
Genesis A 1409 waldend || sunu lameches / and ealle þa wocre || þe he wiþ wæt
Genesis A 1490 an hofe || hiwan læd þu / and ealle þa wocre || þe ic wægþrea
Genesis A 1648 þeoda || þa nu æþelingas / ealle eorþbuend || ebrei hataþ / ge
Genesis A 1759 iaþ / þurh þe eorþbuende || ealle onfoþ / folcbearn freoþo || a
Genesis A 1929 on sodoma byrig / æhte sine || ealle lædde / beagas from bethlem ||
Genesis A 2151 | þe ic þe æt hilde gesloh / ealle buton dæle || þissa drihtwe
Genesis A 2329 || þone sculon burhsittende / ealle isaac hatan || ne þearf þe
Genesis A 2464 ode lungre ut / spræc þa ofer ealle || æþelinga gedriht / sunu ar
Genesis A 2618 a || moabitare / eorþbuende || ealle hataþ / widmære cynn || oþre
Exodus 84 geseon meahton / eorþbuende || ealle cræfte / hu afæstnod wæs ||
Exodus 190 indan mihte / wæron ingemen || ealle ætgædere / cyningas on corþr
Exodus 249 erad / beama beorhtost || bidon ealle þa gen / hwonne siþboda || s
Exodus 437 e cunnon / yldo ofer eorþan || ealle cræfte / to gesecgenne || soþ
Exodus 440 weorþe / þæt he ana mæge || ealle geriman / stanas on eorþan ||
Exodus 573 won hie þær weallas standan / ealle him brimu blodige þuhton ||
Daniel 73 yd dyde / israela bearn || ofer ealle lufen / wæpna lafe || to weorc
Daniel 136 m / næron ge swa eacne || ofer ealle men / modgeþances || swa ge me
Daniel 219 edon georne / þæt æ godes || ealle gelæste / and ne awacodon || w
Daniel 271 hwurfon || in þam hatan ofne / ealle æfæste þry || him eac þæ
Daniel 367 rþiaþ / and þec ælmihtig || ealle gesceafte / rodorbeorhtan tungl
Daniel 527 olctogan feran || frægn ofer ealle / swiþmod cyning || hwæt þæ
Daniel 604 el / wearþ þa anhydig || ofer ealle men / swiþmod in sefan || for
Daniel 614 gewat / ana on oferhyd || ofer ealle men / swa wod wera || on gewind
A.1.4 61 þīn an-sīen! || Habbaþ we ealle swā / for þīnum lēasungum |
A.1.4 92 hæftum || hām ġe·fērde% / ealle% of earde. || Nis hēr ēadġe
Christ and Satan 126 wordum sæde / his earfoþo || ealle ætsomne / fah in fyrnum || fyr
Christ and Satan 143 todes / habbaþ eadige bearn || ealle ymbfangen / seolfa mid sange ||
Christ and Satan 149 lde || in þone biteran grund / ealle we syndon || ungelice / þonne
Christ and Satan 153 des / þær we ymb hine utan || ealle hofan / leomu ymb leofne || lof
Christ and Satan 196 lacan feond / for oferhygdum || ealle forwurdon / neoman us to wynne
Christ and Satan 253 l gylp / þæt we ær drugon || ealle hwile / þa gewearþ usic || þ
Christ and Satan 383 emdon / þa wæron mid egsan || ealle afyrhte / wide geond windsele |
Christ and Satan 432 ryre / egeslic þuhte || wæron ealle þæs / fægen in firnum || þ
Christ and Satan 525 n gefregn || gingran ætsomne / ealle to galileam || hæfdon gastes
Christ and Satan 530 am || to þæs gingran þider / ealle urnon || þær se eca wæs / fe
Christ and Satan 615 incg alwihta || cleopaþ ofer ealle / ge sind wilcuman || gaþ in w
Christ and Satan 625 nde # || / ece drihten || ofer ealle gecwæþ / astigaþ nu awyrgde
Christ and Satan 655 / cyning in cestre || cweþaþ ealle þus / þu eart hæleþa helm |
Andreas 101 | of þyssum leoþubendum / ond ealle þa menigo || þe þe mid wun
Andreas 327 od || eallra gesceafta / swa he ealle befehþ || anes cræfte / hefon
Andreas 332 asta streonan / faraþ nu geond ealle || eorþan sceatas / emne swa w
Andreas 676 hwæt ge syndon earme || ofer ealle menn / wadaþ widlastas || weor
Andreas 762 nd þæt side sel || swigodon ealle / þa þa yldestan || eft ongun
Andreas 895 munan swa mycles || ofer menn ealle / ond þæt word gecwæþ || wi
Andreas 994 s standan / seofone ætsomne || ealle swylt fornam / druron domlease
Andreas 1499 s rædum / fore þæs onsyne || ealle gesceafte / forhte geweorþaþ
Andreas 1565 ine alysan || of leoþobendum / ealle anmode || ofost is selost / ond
Andreas 1601 rund hruron / hie þa anmode || ealle cwædon / nu is gesyne || þæt
Andreas 1623 da ræswan / het þa onsunde || ealle arisan / geonge of greote || þ
The Fates of the Apostles 30 manncynnes / he in effessia || ealle þrage / leode lærde || þanon
The Fates of the Apostles 84 an gestreon / idle æhtwelan || ealle forhogodan / þus þa æþeling
The Fates of the Apostles 122 omaþ / ece ond edgiong || ofer ealle gesceaft / [finit] ||
A.2.2 122 , / ēċe and ed-ġung, || ofer ealle ġe·sċeaft. || Finit.
Soul and Body I 51 ll manna cynn / se ancenneda || ealle gesamnaþ / ne eart þu þon le
Soul and Body I 77 wiþe mycle / þonne þe wæron ealle || eorþan speda / butan þu hi
Soul and Body I 140 me lædan / þæt wyt englas || ealle gesawon / heofona wuldor || swy
Dream of the Rood 9 eheoldon þær engel dryhtnes ealle / fægere þurh forþgesceaft |
Dream of the Rood 37 ian geseah / eorþan sceatas || ealle ic mihte / feondas gefyllan ||
Dream of the Rood 74 ld || þa us man fyllan ongan / ealle to eorþan || þæt wæs eges
Dream of the Rood 93 an sylfe / ælmihtig god || for ealle menn / geweorþode || ofer eall
Dream of the Rood 128 ecan mote / ana oftor || þonne ealle men / well weorþian || me is w
Elene 293 re || ond dædhwæte / hwæt ge ealle snyttro || unwislice / wraþe w
Elene 385 n / wordum genegan || wlat ofer ealle / oft ge dyslice || dæd gefrem
Elene 289 ce / sæs sidne fæþm || samod ealle gesceaft / ond þu amæte || mu
A.2.6 290 / sǣs sīdne fæðm, || samod ealle ġe·sċeaft, / and þū ā·m
Elene 678 reþig || sægdon wuldor gode / ealle anmode || þeah hie ær wæro
A.2.6 679 iġ, || sæġdon wuldor gode / ealle ān-mōde, || þēah hīe ǣr
Christ A 208 fre gæst / geeardode || nu ðu ealle forlæt / sare sorgceare || sag
Christ A 240 t / mid ði waldende || worhtes ealle / forðon nis ænig ðæs horsc
Christ A 278 an feore / hu ðec mid ryhte || ealle reordberend / hatað ond secga
Christ A 291 c ne cwom / ænig oðer || ofer ealle men / bryd beaga hroden || ðe
Christ A 340 iððan we motan / anmodlice || ealle hyhtan / nu we on ðæt bearn f
Christ A 359 lend crist / ðurh eaðmedu || ealle biddað / ðæt ðu gehyre || h
Christ A 382 ordberende / earme eorðware || ealle mægene / hergan healice || nu
Christ A 422 æft / ðonne hit eorðbuend || ealle cuðan / ðurh geryne || hu he
Christ B 540 oll / beorn breostsefa || bidon ealle ðær / ðegnas ðrymfulle ||
Christ B 544 gend, / ær·þon up stiġe || ealle wealdend / on heofona ġe·hiel
Christ B 683 yttað / nyle he ængum anum || ealle gesyllan / gæstes snyttru ||
Christ B 719 his wuldre || woruld alyseð / ealle eorðbuend || ðurh ðone æ
Christ C 885 an / eastan ond westan || ofer ealle gesceaft / weccað of deaðe ||
Christ C 975 widmære blæst || woruld mid ealle / hat heorogifre || hreosað ge
Christ C 1056 ena hord || heortan geðohtas / ealle ætyweð || ær sceal geðenc
Christ C 1101 / ðonne sio reade || rod ofer ealle / swegle scineð || on ðære s
Christ C 1278 la here || ond hæleða bearn / ealle eorðbuend || ond atol deofol
Christ C 1318 elne || æghwylc wille / ðurh ealle list || lifes tiligan / feores
Christ C 1377 o anum sprece || ond hwæðre ealle mæneð / firensynnig folc || f
Christ C 1382 ifgendne gæst / arode ðe ofer ealle gesceafte || gedyde ic ðæt
Christ C 1515 m geðolian / ðonne ðær ofer ealle || egeslicne cwide / sylf sigor
Widsith 88 ond ic wæs mid eormanrice || ealle ðrage / ðær me gotena cyning
The Order of the World 9 n / ðam ðurh wisdom || woruld ealle con / behabban on hreðre || hy
The Order of the World 56 s agend / in his anes fæðm || ealle gesceafta / swa him wideferh ||
The Panther 17 butan dracan anum / ðam he in ealle tid || ondwrað leofað / ðurh
The Panther 65 ig ond wynsum || geond woruld ealle / siððan to ðam swicce || so
Soul and Body II 48 onne monna cynn / se ancenda || ealle gegædrað / ne eart ðu nu ðo
Soul and Body II 72 wiðe micle / ðonne ðe wæran ealle || eorðan spede / butan ðu hy
Guthlac A 50 nu dreogað / ærðon endien || ealle gesceafte / ða he gesette || o
Guthlac A 119 dum / oðer him ðas eorðan || ealle sægde / læne under lyfte || o
Guthlac A 200 ille / swa him yrsade || se for ealle spræc / feonda mengu || no ðy
Guthlac A 253 t tweoð / ðæt me engel to || ealle gelædeð / spowende sped || sp
Guthlac A 299 e ða wic bugað / ðeah ge ða ealle || ut abanne / ond eow eac gewy
Guthlac A 548 ron ðearle || ðegnas grimme / ealle hy ðam feore || fyl gehehton
Guthlac A 760 brucað / swa se ælmihtiga || ealle gesceafte / lufað under lyfte
Guthlac B 1171 noht longe ofer ðis || læst ealle well / wære ond winescype || w
Guthlac B 1184 ic me warnade / hyre onsyne || ealle ðrage / in woruldlife || for
Deor 16 æt hi seo sorglufu || slæp ealle binom / ðæs ofereode || ðiss
Riddles 4 53 nd fingras ðry / utan eaðe || ealle ymbclyppan / heardra ic eom ond
A.3.22.40 53 ingras þrīe / ūtan ēaðe || ealle ymb­·clyppan. / Heardra iċ e
Riddles 40 54 nd fingras þry / utan eaþe || ealle ymbclyppan. / Heardra ic eom on
Riddles 55 10 fealwa holen || frean sindon ealle / nyt ætgædre || naman habba
The Judgment Day I 67 æste / cearian clomme || crist ealle wat / gode dæde || no ðæs gi
The Judgment Day I 101 bið gebonnen / adames bearn || ealle to spræce / beoð ðonne gegæ
The Descent into Hell 69 bendum || bicgan wille / swa we ealle to ðe || an gelyfað / dryhten
The Descent into Hell 89 gefeah / wæron ure ealdfind || ealle on wynnum / ðonne hy gehyrdon
The Descent into Hell 102 ðe geondferan || foldbuende / ealle lifgende || ða ðe lof singa
The Descent into Hell 123 e ðinre me/ || /ian nama / ða ealle hellwara || hergað ond lof/ /
The Descent into Hell 134 eoruda dryhten / bliðe mode || ealle burgwaran / swylce git iohannis
Alms-Giving 8 ðan / swa he mid ælmessan || ealle toscufeð / synna wunde || sawl
Azarias 70 bletsian || bearn in worulde / ealle gesceafte || ecne dryhten / ðe
Azarias 113 tig god / wesað ond weaxað || ealle werðeode / lifgað bi ðam lis
Azarias 132 dlicra fela / bletsien ðec ða ealle || ece dryhten / ðurh ðinne w
Azarias 134 | wuldorfæst cyning / ond ðec ealle æsprynge || ece dryhten / hean
Azarias 141 s ond fuglas || felameahtigne / ealle ða ðe onhrerað || hreo wæ
Riddles 66 3 ðonne sunne || sæs me sind ealle / flodas on fæðmum || ond ðe
Riddles 84 9 / fyrn forðgesceaft || fæder ealle bewat / or ond ende || swylce a
Riddles 93 23 nsceaft mine / ac ic aglæca || ealle ðolige / ðæt /e bord biton |
The Phoenix 77 gehladene / ofett edniwe || in ealle tid / on ðam græswonge || gre
The Phoenix 495 n mid ryhte / ðonne æriste || ealle gefremmað / men on moldan || s
The Phoenix 576 bana lafe / ascan ond yslan || ealle gesomnað / æfter ligbryne ||
Juliana 183 meahtum sind / a butan ende || ealle gesceafta / ða for ðam folce
Juliana 562 ðæt he sigora gehwæs / ofer ealle gesceaft || ana weolde / ecra e
Juliana 675 ge hwile / on swonrade || swylt ealle fornom / secga hloðe || ond hi
The Gifts of Men 23 dcræftas / under anes meaht || ealle forlæte / ðy læs he for wlen
The Gifts of Men 99 neacen / ðæt hi æfre anum || ealle weorðen / gegearwade || ðy l
The Gifts of Men 102 ige / gif he hafað ana || ofer ealle men / wlite ond wisdom || ond w
The Seafarer 50 wlitigað || woruld onetteð / ealle ða gemoniað || modes fusne /
The Seafarer 81 geðum || dagas sind gewitene / ealle onmedlan || eorðan rices / næ
The Seafarer 124 dres ealdor / ece dryhten || in ealle tid / amen ||
A.3.9 124 ealdor, / ēċe drihten, || on ealle tīd. || Amen.
Beowulf 111 cynne fram / ðanon untydras || ealle onwocon / eotenas ond ylfe || o
Beowulf 649 n / oððe nipende || niht ofer ealle / scaduhelma gesceapu || scrið
Beowulf 699 nd heora / ðurh anes cræft || ealle ofercomon / selfes mihtum || so
Beowulf 705 hornreced || healdan scoldon / ealle buton anum || ðæt wæs yldu
Beowulf 830 gelæsted / swylce oncyððe || ealle gebette / inwidsorge || ðe hie
Beowulf 941 miht || dæd gefremede / ðe we ealle || ær ne meahton / snyttrum be
Beowulf 1080 te heold / worolde wynne || wig ealle fornam / finnes ðegnas || nemn
Beowulf 1122 tspranc / laðbite lices || lig ealle forswealg / gæsta gifrost ||
Beowulf 1699 c / sunu healfdenes || swigedon ealle / ðæt la mæg secgan || se ð
Beowulf 1717 ynnum / eafeðum stepte || ofer ealle men / forð gefremede || hwæð
Beowulf 1796 ð wisade / se for andrysnum || ealle beweotede / ðegnes ðearfe ||
Beowulf 2236 ær gehydde / deore maðmas || ealle hie deað fornam / ærran mælu
Beowulf 2667 dum rof / æðeling anhydig || ealle mægene / feorh ealgian || ic
Beowulf 2814 usses cynnes / wægmundinga || ealle wyrd forsweop / mine magas || t
Beowulf 2899 ac he soðlice || sægde ofer ealle / nu is wilgeofa || wedra leoda
Judith 10 to ðam het se gumena baldor / ealle ða yldestan ðegnas || hie
Judith 16 odon / wlance to wingedrince || ealle his weagesiðas / bealde byrnwi
Judith 31 lagon / oferdrencte his duguðe ealle || swylce hie wæron deaðe g
Judith 237 a morgentid / ehton elðeoda || ealle ðrage / oððæt ongeaton ||
Judith 253 sæte / mægen ebrea || mynton ealle / ðæt se beorna brego || ond
Judith 269 orcendferhðe || hi ða somod ealle / ongunnon cohhetan || cirman h
The Paris Psalter 100:3 2 me fore eagum || yfele wisan / ealle ic feode || facnes wyrcend / n
The Paris Psalter 100:8 2 genne ofslea || manes wyrhtan / ealle þe unriht || elne worhtan / an
The Paris Psalter 100:8 4 rena fela || gefremed habbaþ / ealle ic þa of drihtnes || drife c
The Paris Psalter 101:12 2 ine scealcas / ambyhtmæcgas || ealle hæfdan / forþon þe þu stiþ
The Paris Psalter 101:13 2 n neodlice || on naman þinum / ealle eorþbuend || egsan habbaþ / a
The Paris Psalter 101:25 2 u namon / and þær eardedan || ealle þrage / and heora sylfra cynn
The Paris Psalter 102:3 2 sade eallum / and þine adle || ealle gehælde / / # / he alysde þin l
The Paris Psalter 102:13 4 || liþe weorþeþ / forþan he ealle can || ure þearfe / / # / gemune
The Paris Psalter 102:16 3 / deorust and gedefust || ofer ealle þa þe ondrædaþ him / / # / sw
The Paris Psalter 102:19 1 ricum || eallum wealdeþ / / # / ealle his englas || ecne drihten / bl
The Paris Psalter 103:11 1 / / # / of þam eorþan deor || ealle drincaþ / bidaþ assan || eac
The Paris Psalter 103:12 2 wæstmum / ufan eorþwæstme || ealle growaþ / swylce of wæstmum ||
The Paris Psalter 103:16 2 elgum treowwæstme || tydraþ ealle / þa on libanes || lædaþ on
The Paris Psalter 103:19 2 || on þearle niht / on þære ealle wildeor || wide toeornaþ / / #
The Paris Psalter 103:23 2 þine weorc || mihtig drihten / ealle þa þu mid snyteru || sylfa
The Paris Psalter 103:25 4 / his bysmere || brade healdan / ealle to þe || ece drihten / ætes o
The Paris Psalter 103:26 3 ne þa halgan || hand ontynan / ealle hi gefyllan || fægere gode / /
The Paris Psalter 103:28 3 ac scyppest / eorþan ansyne || ealle swylce / / # / wuldor si wide ||
The Paris Psalter 103:30 1 ten / / # / he on þas eorþan || ealle locaþ / deþ hi for his egsan
The Paris Psalter 103:30 2 caþ / deþ hi for his egsan || ealle beofian / gif he mid his mihte
The Paris Psalter 103:33 2 þa on þysse eorþan synt || ealle sniome / þæt hio ne wunian ||
The Paris Psalter 104:1 3 geaþ / his wundorweorc || ofer ealle werþeode / / # / singaþ him swy
The Paris Psalter 104:18 1 / # / þæt he his ealdormen || ealle lærde / swa he his sylfes mod
The Paris Psalter 104:18 3 ed hæfde / and þa yldestan || ealle lærde / þæt heo wisdomes ||
The Paris Psalter 104:26 1 / # / sende on heora eorþan || ealle swylce / toscean teonlice || þ
The Paris Psalter 105:3 3 soþe domas || sylfe efnan / on ealle tid || æghwæs healdan / heora
The Paris Psalter 105:6 2 um ær / and we unsoþfæste || ealle wæron / and unrihtes || æghw
The Paris Psalter 105:7 2 as ure || fæste ne oncneowan / ealle þa wundor || þe þu on egyp
The Paris Psalter 105:11 3 emdan / and þæs eft hraþe || ealle forgeaton / weorca wræclicra |
The Paris Psalter 105:23 2 n heora gemetincge || mægene ealle / and þær healicne || on hryr
The Paris Psalter 105:27 4 earna feala / þa unscyldige || ealle wærun / syþþan hi gecuran ||
The Paris Psalter 105:35 2 miltse / þær hi on gesawon || ealle ætgædere / þe ehtend him ||
The Paris Psalter 106:7 2 ortnesse || mihtigan drihtnes / ealle andettaþ || and eac sæcgea
The Paris Psalter 106:11 2 an on gewinnum / and untrume || ealle wæran / næfdan þa on foldan
The Paris Psalter 106:14 2 eort mod || mihtigan drihtnes / ealle andettan || and eac cweþan / m
The Paris Psalter 106:16 1 geþ / / # / he hi of unrihtum || ealle swylce / þam wraþan wege || w
The Paris Psalter 106:26 4 ncen hwylc || gedwæs spyrige / ealle heora snytru beoþ || yfele f
The Paris Psalter 106:30 1 lum alysde / / # / hi andettan || ealle drihtne / hu he milde wearþ ||
The Paris Psalter 106:39 2 alige lare / hiora ealdormen || ealle wæron / sare beswicene || swic
The Paris Psalter 107:5 3 e swylce / ofer þas eorþan || ealle mære / and þine þa gecorenan
The Paris Psalter 107:8 3 || magas swylce / ic idumea || ealle cenne / and min gescy þyder ||
The Paris Psalter 108:2 4 e firenlicu || and afuhtan me / ealle earwunga || ungemete swyþe / /
The Paris Psalter 108:9 1 / weorþan his agene bearn || ealle steopcild / and his wif wyrþe
The Paris Psalter 108:11 1 s huse || hleowes wilnian / / # / ealle his æhta || unholde fynd / ric
The Paris Psalter 108:13 1 || stande to helpe / / # / gangan ealle his bearn || on ece forwyrd / a
The Paris Psalter 108:27 1 / # / Sīen þā būtan āre || ealle ġe·ġierede / þe mē tælnes
The Paris Psalter 108:28 1 iþe / / # / syn þa butan are || ealle gegyrede / þe me tælnysse ||
The Paris Psalter 108:28 2 num mūðe || meahta dryhtnes / ealle andette || and ēac swelċe / h
The Paris Psalter 108:29 2 minum muþe || mihta drihtnes / ealle andette || and eac swylce / hin
The Paris Psalter 110:1 2 e þe || ece drihten / mid hyge ealle || heortan minre / for gesamnun
The Paris Psalter 110:5 3 ran wyle / wærun his bebodu || ealle treowfæste / on ealra weorulda
The Paris Psalter 111:7 4 fæstan || feonda ænig / ac he ealle forsyhþ || æghwær georne / /
The Paris Psalter 111:8 1 eorne / / # / se þe his æhta || ealle tostredeþ / and þearfendum ||
The Paris Psalter 112:4 1 ædum herigean / / # / he is ofer ealle || ingeþeode / se heahsta || h
The Paris Psalter 112:5 3 fonrice / eadig eardaþ || ofer ealle gesyhþ / þa eadmedu || æghw
The Paris Psalter 113:1 2 heles cynn / and of ægyptum || ealle foran / iacobes hus || of gramu
The Paris Psalter 113:1 4 ramum folce / þa elreordige || ealle wæron / / # / þa wæs geworden
The Paris Psalter 113:21 6 u gebletsadest || bliþe mode / ealle þa þe on þe || egsan hæfd
The Paris Psalter 113:22 2 is || mihtig dryhten / ofer eow ealle || and ofer agene bearn / / # / w
The Paris Psalter 113:24 2 e dryhten || deade heriaþ / ne ealle þa þe heonan || helle secea
The Paris Psalter 115:2 3 minum geþancum / þæt wæron ealle menn || ungemete lease / / # / hw
The Paris Psalter 116:1 1 Paris Psalter: Psalm 116 / / # / ealle þeode || ecne drihten / mid hy
The Paris Psalter 117:2 1 / # / þæt israela cwæþan || ealle nu-þa / þe he is se goda god
The Paris Psalter 117:4 1 mære to worulde / / # / cweþan ealle þæt || unforcuþe / þe him o
The Paris Psalter 117:10 1 n || ahwær to treowianne / / # / ealle me ymbsealdon || side þeode /
The Paris Psalter 118:2 3 || wise smeagan / and hine mid ealle || innancundum / heortan hordco
The Paris Psalter 118:4 2 u þine bebodu || bealde hete / ealle eorþbuend || elne haldan / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:6 2 || æfre gescynded / gif ic on ealle þine bebodu || elne locie / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:20 3 fæst word || gesund mote / on ealle tid || elne healdan / / # / þu o
The Paris Psalter 118:21 1 healdan / / # / þu oferhydige || ealle þreadest / þa þu awyrgde ||
The Paris Psalter 118:23 1 secan / / # / ac nu ealdormenn || ealle ætgædere / sæton on seldum |
The Paris Psalter 118:38 3 nige / and þa on ege þinum || ealle healde / / # / þu me scealt edwi
The Paris Psalter 118:39 1 e / and þā on eġe þīnum || ealle healed. / / # / Þū mē sċealt
The Paris Psalter 118:51 2 aþ / oþþæt hi on eorþan || ealle forweorþaþ / ic þinre æ ||
The Paris Psalter 118:51 3 oþ·þæt hīe on eorðan || ealle for·weorðaþ; / iċ þīnre
The Paris Psalter 118:56 1 lde / / # / þas me andweardum || ealle gewurdan / forþon ic þine so
The Paris Psalter 118:56 2 . / / # / Þās mē andweardum || ealle ġe·wurdon, / for·þon iċ þ
The Paris Psalter 118:78 1 e / / # / beon þa oferhydegan || ealle gescende / þe me unrihte || ah
The Paris Psalter 118:78 2 / Bēon þā ofer-hyġdĝan || ealle ġe·sċende, / þe mē unrihte
The Paris Psalter 118:79 2 ldu to þe / egsan ahtan || and ealle þa / þe þine gewitnesse || w
The Paris Psalter 118:79 3 ō þē / eġesan āhton || and ealle þā / þe þīne ġe·witnesse
The Paris Psalter 118:83 3 eom ic ofergyttol || þæt ic ealle nu / þine soþfæste weorc ||
The Paris Psalter 118:83 4 ċ ofer-ġietel, || þæt iċ ealle nū / þīne sōþfæste weorc
The Paris Psalter 118:84 2 þe þu mine ehtend for me || ealle gedeme / / # / me manwyrhtan || m
The Paris Psalter 118:85 1 þū mīne ēhtend for mē || ealle ġe·dēme. / / # / Mē mān-wyrh
The Paris Psalter 118:86 1 ece dryhten / / # / wærun þine ealle gebann || æþele and soþfæ
The Paris Psalter 118:86 2 ċe drihten / / # / Wǣron þīne ealle ġe·bann || æðele and sō
The Paris Psalter 118:91 1 yhten / / # / þu þas eorþan || ealle worhtest / swa heo nu to woruld
The Paris Psalter 118:91 2 . / / # / ­Þū þās eorðan || ealle worhtest, / swā hēo nū tō w
The Paris Psalter 118:98 2 e / feondas on foldan || fæcne ealle / forþon ic beorhtlice || þin
The Paris Psalter 118:98 3 fēondas on foldan || fǣcne% ealle; / for·þon iċ beorhtlīċe ||
The Paris Psalter 118:99 1 þine bebodu læste / / # / ofer ealle þa || þe me ær lærdon / ic
The Paris Psalter 118:99 2 ne be·bodu lǣste. / / # / Ofer ealle þā || þe mē ǣr lǣrdon, /
The Paris Psalter 118:104 2 eow / þæt ic unrihte wegas || ealle ofeode / forþon þu me æ þin
The Paris Psalter 118:104 3 , / þæt iċ unrihte weĝas || ealle of·ēode, / for·þon þū mē
The Paris Psalter 118:118 1 stnysse || symble þence / / # / ealle þu forhogodest || þa þe un
The Paris Psalter 118:118 2 stnysse || simle þenċe. / / # / Ealle þū for·hoĝodest, || þā
The Paris Psalter 118:118 3 earewe / þæt heo on unriht || ealle þohtan / / # / ic oferhylmend ||
The Paris Psalter 118:119 1 þohtan / / # / ic oferhylmend || ealle getealde / þa on eorþan her |
The Paris Psalter 118:119 2 hton. / / # / Iċ ofer-hylmend || ealle ġe·tealde, / þā on eorðan
The Paris Psalter 118:128 2 ealde / and ic unrihte wegas || ealle feoge / / # / wundorlic is þin g
The Paris Psalter 118:129 1 de, / and iċ unrihte weĝas || ealle fēoġe. / / # / Wundorliċ is þ
The Paris Psalter 118:140 3 d symble þa / þin esne her || ealle lufade / / # / ic wæs on geoguþ
The Paris Psalter 118:141 1 simle þā / þīn esne hēr || ealle lufode. / / # / Iċ wæs on ġuĝ
The Paris Psalter 118:145 1 ic syþþan lifige / / # / ic mid ealle ongann || inngehygde / heortan
The Paris Psalter 118:145 2 siþþan lifie. / / # / Iċ mid ealle on·gann || inn-ġe·hyġde / h
The Paris Psalter 118:150 2 a / and þa synfullan || syndan ealle hi / fram æ þinre || unneah g
The Paris Psalter 118:150 3 and þā synfullan; || sindon ealle hīe / fram ǣ þīnre || unnē
The Paris Psalter 118:151 2 neah || wuldres drihten / synt ealle þine wegas || wise and cuþe
The Paris Psalter 118:152 1 ah, || wuldres drihten; / sint ealle þīne weĝas || wīse and c
The Paris Psalter 118:160 4 nd on ecnesse || awa to feore / ealle þine domas synt || dædum ge
The Paris Psalter 118:161 1 ēċnesse || āwa tō fēore / ealle þīne dōmas sint || dǣdum
The Paris Psalter 118:168 3 sse || wordum trymede / forþon ealle mine wegas || wise syndan / on
The Paris Psalter 118:168 4 || wordum trymede; / for·þon ealle mīne weĝas || wīse sindon /
The Paris Psalter 119:6 4 lærde / þonne me earwunga || ealle onfuhtan
The Paris Psalter 123:1 2 drihten / cweþaþ israhelas || ealle nu-þa / nymþe us eardige on |
The Paris Psalter 124:5 4 b si israhelum || symble ofer ealle
The Paris Psalter 125:1 4 eorþaþ / afrefrede || fægere ealle / / # / sona beoþ gefylde || mid
The Paris Psalter 126:3 1 / forhwan ge mid idelnesse || ealle arisaþ / ærþon leoht cume ||
The Paris Psalter 127:1 1 : Psalm 127 / / # / eadige syndon ealle || þe him ecne god / drihten o
The Paris Psalter 127:6 4 hierusalem || goda gehwylces / ealle lange dagas || lifes þines / /
The Paris Psalter 129:7 2 htne / and he alyseþ || lustum ealle / þa þe hiht on hine || habba
The Paris Psalter 129:8 1 þ fæste / / # / he israhelas || ealle alyseþ / of unrihte || æghwæ
The Paris Psalter 131:1 2 u drihten || mærne dauid / and ealle his mannþwærnesse || micle
The Paris Psalter 133:1 2 bletsien nu || bliþe drihten / ealle his agene || onbyhtscealcas / /
The Paris Psalter 134:1 2 n hine his scealcas || swiþe ealle / / # / ge þe on godes huse || g
The Paris Psalter 134:5 3 forþon him dom standeþ / ofer ealle godu || eorþbuendra / / # / eall
The Paris Psalter 134:6 1 alle godu || eorþbuendra / / # / ealle þa þe wolde || worhte driht
The Paris Psalter 134:20 2 æm || þe hi ær worhtan / and ealle þa þe on hi || æfre getreo
The Paris Psalter 134:21 4 en / bliþe bletsien || beornas ealle / þa on lifes hus || leof eard
The Paris Psalter 134:22 2 n / bletsien drihten || beornas ealle / se drihten is || deore geblet
The Paris Psalter 135:11 1 bearn / / # / and he israhelas || ealle oþlædde / of ægyptum || eall
The Paris Psalter 135:11 2 alle oþlædde / of ægyptum || ealle gesunde / / # / on mihtigre || m
The Paris Psalter 135:14 1 ælde / / # / lædde israhelas || ealle þurh midne / / # / þær pharaon
The Paris Psalter 135:25 2 anda / þa þe wraþe || wæron ealle / / # / he eac afedeþ || flæsce
The Paris Psalter 135:27 1 scea æghwylc / / # / andetaþ nu ealle || þam ecean gode / þe on heo
The Paris Psalter 137:1 3 || heortan ealre / forþon þu ealle mine word || earum gehyrdest /
The Paris Psalter 137:3 4 man || neode gedydest / ofer us ealle || æghwær micelne / / # / swa h
The Paris Psalter 137:5 1 | on þines mægenes sped / / # / ealle þe andettan || eorþan cynin
The Paris Psalter 138:2 4 angas || gearwe atreddest / and ealle mine wegas || wel foresawe / fo
The Paris Psalter 138:11 3 e drihten / canst mine ædre || ealle gearuwe / onfenge me fægere ||
The Paris Psalter 138:14 2 es wæs / unfrom on ferhþe; || ealle þæt forþ heonan / on þīnum
The Paris Psalter 138:15 3 lifigean / me synd arwyrþe || ealle swiþe / þe þine frynd wærun
The Paris Psalter 138:17 3 nde / wutun þurh idel searu || ealle tiligean / þæt we heora burh
The Paris Psalter 138:18 1 ra burh || tobrecan moton / / # / ealle þa þe feodan || þurh facen
The Paris Psalter 141:2 3 e ageote / and mine earfeþu || ealle full georne / fore him sylfum |
The Paris Psalter 141:7 2 m laþum || hi me lungre synt / ealle ofer me || ungemete strange / /
The Paris Psalter 142:3 2 mine sawle || swiþe feondas / ealle ehtan || ungemete strange / hab
The Paris Psalter 142:5 3 t alumpan / metegade on mode || ealle þine mæran weorc / and ymbe
The Paris Psalter 144:10 1 e / / # / andetten þe drihten || ealle þine weorc / and þe þine þa
The Paris Psalter 144:15 2 | þa þe hreosaþ ær / and he ealle areceþ || earme gebrocene / / #
The Paris Psalter 144:20 1 dlice gedeþ || hale sona / / # / ealle gehealdeþ || halig drihten /
The Paris Psalter 144:20 4 eþ / geond widwegas || wearnum ealle / / # / sceal lof drihtnes || on
The Paris Psalter 145:3 4 æge || syþþan forweorþaþ / ealle þa geþohtas || þe hi þoht
The Paris Psalter 145:5 3 e sæ || samed ætgædere / and ealle þa þe him on || ahwær synd
The Paris Psalter 145:8 1 lufade / / # / þa elþeodigan || ealle drihten / lustum healdeþ || an
The Paris Psalter 146:3 2 æste / and heora unrotnesse || ealle gewriþeþ / / # / he recene mæg
The Paris Psalter 146:4 3 sona / full cuþlice || cigean ealle / / # / micel is ure || mihtig dr
The Paris Psalter 146:6 3 nfulle / wiþ eorþan niþer || ealle gehnegeþ / / # / onginnaþ ge dr
The Paris Psalter 148:2 1 on heanessum / / # / heriaþ hine ealle || engla þreatas / lofige hine
The Paris Psalter 148:7 2 lce || drihten of eorþan / and ealle neowelnessa || herian naman d
The Paris Psalter 148:10 2 ifle nædran cynn || be naman ealle / and fugla cynn || fiþerum ge
The Paris Psalter 148:11 1 rped / / # / eorþcyningas eac || ealle swylce / þe folcum her || fore
The Paris Psalter 148:11 4 aldormen || ahwær syndan / and ealle þe þas eorþan || ahwær de
The Paris Psalter 148:12 2 e fæmnan / ealde and geonge || ealle ætsamne / herian naman drihtne
The Paris Psalter 148:13 1 forþon his anes nama || ofer ealle is / ahafen healice || hæleþa
The Paris Psalter 52:4 1 god wolde || georne secan / / # / ealle heo on ane || idelnesse / symle
The Paris Psalter 52:5 1 | ealra wære / / # / ac ge þæs ealle ne magon || andgyt habban / þe
The Paris Psalter 52:8 2 lædum sælum / and israelas || ealle bliþe
The Paris Psalter 53:7 3 of earfoþum || eallum symble / ealle mine fynd || eagum ofersawe
The Paris Psalter 54:9 3 d inwit / and unsoþfæstnys || ealle wealde / / # / næfre on his weor
The Paris Psalter 54:11 1 bliþe mode / / # / þeah þe þa ealle || þe me a feodon / wordum wyr
The Paris Psalter 54:22 3 innan hreþre / þu arlease || ealle gelædest / on soþe forwyrd ||
The Paris Psalter 55:5 4 rne / on yfel heora geþeaht || ealle onwende / / # / on eardiaþ || þ
The Paris Psalter 56:6 3 and side / ofer þas eorþan || ealle mære / / # / fotum heo minum ||
The Paris Psalter 56:7 1 d sīde / ofer þās eorðan || ealle mǣre. / / # / Fōtum hēo mīnum
The Paris Psalter 56:13 2 enas || halig drihten / is ofer ealle || eorþan swylce / þines wuld
The Paris Psalter 56:13 3 , || hāliġ drihten; / is ofer ealle || eorðan swelċe% / þīnes w
The Paris Psalter 57:8 3 þ / þæt heo beoþ on yrre || ealle forswelgene / / # / soþfæst bli
The Paris Psalter 57:9 2 siþ ongan / hu þa arleasan || ealle forweorþaþ / and his handa þ
The Paris Psalter 57:10 4 e læste / hi on eorþan god || ealle gedemeþ
The Paris Psalter 58:2 2 remmendra / þe her unrihtes || ealle wyrceaþ / and me wiþ blodhreo
The Paris Psalter 58:8 3 ysmre / nafast þu for awiht || ealle þeoda / / # / ic mine strengþe
The Paris Psalter 58:12 3 can / wærun hi on oferhygde || ealle gescende / þa hi on lige || la
The Paris Psalter 59:2 1 / # / eorþan þu onhrerdest || ealle gedrefdest / hæl hyre wunde ||
The Paris Psalter 59:7 5 e syþþan gedo / allophilas || ealle gewylde / / # / hwylc gelædeþ m
The Paris Psalter 61:3 2 e ge mid mane || men ongunnon / ealle ge þa to deadan || dædun so
The Paris Psalter 61:4 1 stofne / / # / swa ge mine are || ealle þohton / wraþe toweorpan || w
The Paris Psalter 62:9 1 rfe / / # / forþon hi on idel || ealle syþþan / sohton synlice || sa
The Paris Psalter 62:10 3 abban || and hine heriaþ eac / ealle þa þe on hine || aþas swer
The Paris Psalter 62:10 4 orþon synt gemyrde || muþas ealle / þa unriht sprecaþ || ahwær
The Paris Psalter 63:8 1 n nu || teonan on sittaþ / / # / ealle synd gedrefede || þe hi on s
The Paris Psalter 64:5 1 towum || eardaþ syþþan / / # / ealle we þin hus || ecum godum / fæ
The Paris Psalter 64:9 2 rgenes gancg || wiþ æfentid / ealle þa deman || drihten healdeþ
The Paris Psalter 65:1 1 e Paris Psalter: Psalm 65 / / # / ealle eorþbuend || ecne drihten / wo
The Paris Psalter 65:6 3 e || awa to feore / and he ofer ealle þeode || eagum wliteþ / þa h
The Paris Psalter 65:7 2 etsigen þeoda || bliþe mode / ealle eorþbuend || ecne drihten / an
The Paris Psalter 65:13 4 e on tifrum || teala forgulde / ealle þa gehat || þe ic æfre her
The Paris Psalter 66:3 2 fæle god / and þe andetten || ealle þeoda / / # / hæbbe þæs gefea
The Paris Psalter 66:4 4 dum demest / and eorþbuende || ealle healdest / / # / folc þe andette
The Paris Psalter 66:5 2 e drihten / and þe andetten || ealle þeoda / / # / ge him eorþe syle
The Paris Psalter 67:5 2 e / and on his ansyne wesan || ealle gedrefde / þa þe wydewum syn
The Paris Psalter 67:7 3 iome / and þa to yrre beoþ || ealle gecigde / and eardiaþ || on eo
The Paris Psalter 68:4 3 ra feaxes / þe me earwunga || ealle feogeaþ / / # / ofer me syndon |
The Paris Psalter 68:12 1 / # / me wiþerwearde || wæron ealle / þa him sæton || sundor on p
The Paris Psalter 68:13 2 / Mē wiðer-wearde || wǣron ealle, / þā him sǣton% || sundor on
The Paris Psalter 68:19 1 came || / for þinre ansyne || ealle syndon / þe feondas me || fæc
The Paris Psalter 68:20 4 ; || / for þīnre ansīene || ealle sindon / þe fēondas mē || f
The Paris Psalter 69:3 2 incg || hweorfaþ and cyrraþ / ealle hiora scamien || þe me yfel
The Paris Psalter 69:4 1 n / / # / and heora æfstu eac || ealle sceamien / þe me word cwædon
The Paris Psalter 70:3 5 an nellaþ / syndon unrihtes || ealle wyrcende / / # / forþon þu me e
The Paris Psalter 70:22 2 fæst weorc || scende wæron ealle / þe me yfel to || ær gesohto
The Paris Psalter 71:9 1 / hine sigelwearas || seceaþ ealle / and his feondas || foldan lic
The Paris Psalter 71:10 5 gaþ / of arabia || eac of saba / ealle him leoda || lacum cwemaþ / / #
The Paris Psalter 71:11 2 cyningas / þa on eorþwege || ealle syndan / ealle þeoda hine || w
The Paris Psalter 71:11 3 on eorþwege || ealle syndan / ealle þeoda hine || weorþiaþ geo
The Paris Psalter 71:18 2 orþan cynn || eall gebletsad / ealle hine þeoda || þriste heria
The Paris Psalter 72:1 4 rnean syndon || losode nu-þa / ealle on foldan || fota gangas / / # /
The Paris Psalter 72:17 2 d clæne / wærun mine ædra || ealle tolysde / and ic to nawihte eom
The Paris Psalter 73:5 3 georne / þæt hi mid adesan || ealle towurpan / / # / þa hi þæt þi
The Paris Psalter 73:7 1 dan on heortan || wutan cuman ealle / and ure magas mid us || wutun
The Paris Psalter 73:7 4 ylce drihtnes / on eorþwege || ealle towurpan / / # / ne we sweotul ta
The Paris Psalter 73:14 3 hlude streamas / on æthane || ealle adrigdest / / # / þu dæg settes
The Paris Psalter 73:15 3 gesettest || sunnan and monan / ealle þu geworhtest || eorþan gem
The Paris Psalter 73:21 4 eogeaþ þe / and eft to þe || ealle stigaþ
The Paris Psalter 74:1 2 drihten / and þe andettaþ || ealle þeoda / and naman þinne || ne
The Paris Psalter 74:8 3 || don unbryce / forþam sculon ealle || drincan synfulle / þa on þ
The Paris Psalter 75:4 3 eum hider || æþelum beorgum / ealle synt yrre || þa þe unwise / h
The Paris Psalter 75:6 4 eþ / þæt he on eorþan do || ealle hale / þe he mildheorte || met
The Paris Psalter 75:8 3 rum þam godan || gode georne / ealle þe on ymbhwyrfte || ahwær s
The Paris Psalter 76:5 2 eþohte / hæfde me ece gear || ealle on mode / / # / ic þa mid heorta
The Paris Psalter 76:14 2 mihtġe handa / and Aarones || ealle ġe·sunde.
The Paris Psalter 76:17 3 mihtige handa / and aarones || ealle gesunde
The Paris Psalter 77:3 1 cum || wæron æt frymþe / / # / ealle þa we oncneowan || cuþ onge
The Paris Psalter 77:16 3 | swa hit drihten het / and him ealle niht || oþer beacen / fyres le
The Paris Psalter 77:48 2 ce hæglum / and heora æhta || ealle fyre / / # / he æbyligþe on hi
The Paris Psalter 77:53 3 on fyrhtu || feondes egsa / ac ealle þa || yþa fornamon / / # / he h
The Paris Psalter 78:13 3 ce / forþon hi edwit on þe || ealle hæfdon / / # / we þin folc wær
The Paris Psalter 79:4 2 ne æteow / þinne andwlitan || ealle we beoþ hale / / # / eala þu m
The Paris Psalter 79:7 2 ne æteow / þinne andwlitan || ealle we beoþ hale / / # / þu of ægy
The Paris Psalter 79:11 1 tigun || godes cedderbeam / / # / ealle þa telgan || þe him of hlid
The Paris Psalter 79:15 3 / fram ansyne || egsan þines / ealle þa on ealdre || yfele forweo
The Paris Psalter 79:16 3 u his mihta þe / geagnadest || ealle getrymedest / weoruda drihten |
The Paris Psalter 80:13 6 minra handa / heora ehtendas || ealle fornam / / # / him fynd godes ||
The Paris Psalter 81:5 3 i on þystrum || þrage eodan / ealle abeofedan || eorþan staþela
The Paris Psalter 81:6 2 t cwæþ || ge synd uppe godu / ealle uphea || and æþele bearn / / #
The Paris Psalter 82:3 3 swice hogedon / and ehtunga || ealle hæfdon / hu hi þine halgan ||
The Paris Psalter 82:4 1 ædan cuþlice || wutun cuman ealle / and hi towyrpan || geond wer
The Paris Psalter 82:5 1 / # / forþon hi an geþeaht || ealle ymbsætan / and gewitnesse wiþ
The Paris Psalter 82:7 2 amod mid þam || swylce assur / ealle on wegum || æghwær syndon / o
The Paris Psalter 82:8 3 ne / and sisare || swylce iabin / ealle þa namon || ændor wylle / and
The Paris Psalter 82:9 4 eora ealdrum || eallum swylce / ealle þa on an || ær gecwædon / þ
The Paris Psalter 82:13 1 n þinne || neode seceaþ / / # / ealle beoþ georette || eac gescend
The Paris Psalter 82:14 1 eaþ / / # / þu ana eart || ofer ealle heah / eorþbuende || ece driht
The Paris Psalter 85:8 1 rc magon || wyrcean anlic / / # / ealle þu geworhtest || wera cneori
The Paris Psalter 86:1 3 ten / ofer iacobes wic || goode ealle / / # / wærun wuldurlice wiþ þ
The Paris Psalter 87:7 2 ed / and þu me oferhige on || ealle gelæddest / / # / feor þu me dy
The Paris Psalter 87:10 3 eccean / and hi andettan þe || ealle syþþan / / # / cwist þu oncnaw
The Paris Psalter 88:9 3 en / þines earmes sped || wiþ ealle fynd / / # / heofonas þu wealdes
The Paris Psalter 88:17 1 se halga / / # / þonne þu ofer ealle || undearnunga / þine bearn sp
The Paris Psalter 88:21 1 ceþþan / / # / of his ansyne || ealle ic aceorfe / þa þe him feonda
The Paris Psalter 88:21 3 ne syndon / and his ehtendas || ealle geflyme / / # / hine soþfæstnes
The Paris Psalter 88:33 4 || gewitnesse / esnes þines || ealle gewemdest / his halignesse || h
The Paris Psalter 88:34 1 ignesse || her on eorþan / / # / ealle þu his weallas || wide todæ
The Paris Psalter 89:7 1 / forþon we on þinum yrre || ealle forwurdon / wæron on þinum ha
The Paris Psalter 89:9 1 / / # / forþam þe ure dagas || ealle geteorudun / and we on þinum y
The Paris Psalter 89:11 3 i hundehtatig || ylda gebiden / ealle þe þær ofer beoþ || æfre
The Paris Psalter 89:12 1 wærnes becwom || micel ofer ealle / and we on þam gefean || forh
The Paris Psalter 89:16 3 | þæs we on mode nu / habbaþ ealle dagas || æþele blisse / / # / w
The Paris Psalter 89:17 2 on þam þu us to eadmedum || ealle gebrohtest / and for þam gearu
The Paris Psalter 89:19 2 s godan godes || georne ofer ealle / gerece ure handgeweorc || hea
The Paris Psalter 90:16 2 an swylce / gewuldrige || geond ealle werþeoda / and him lifdagas ||
The Paris Psalter 91:6 3 t / heap synnigra || hige onlic / ealle þær ætywaþ || þa þe unr
The Paris Psalter 91:8 2 æcne drihten / on eorþwege || ealle forweorþaþ / and weorþaþ to
The Paris Psalter 91:8 3 d weorþaþ towrecene || wide ealle / þa þe unrihtes || æror wor
The Paris Psalter 93:10 1 eþ || micelne wisdom / / # / god ealle cann || guman geþancas / eorþ
The Paris Psalter 93:11 4 ærest / and him yfele dagas || ealle gebeorgest / oþþæt biþ frec
The Paris Psalter 93:14 3 ne and stande / þe unrihtes || ealle wyrceaþ / / # / nymþe me drihte
The Paris Psalter 93:20 2 him gyldeþ || god ælmihtig / ealle þa unriht || þe hi geearned
The Paris Psalter 95:4 3 ian || he is egeslic god / ofer ealle godu || eorþbuendra / / # / synd
The Paris Psalter 95:5 1 du || eorþbuendra / / # / syndon ealle hæþenu godu || hildedeoful /
The Paris Psalter 95:7 3 þæt of hiora eþele don || ealle þeode / þæt hi naman drihten
The Paris Psalter 95:9 5 syþþan / eorþan ymbhwyrft || ealle gesette / / # / he ferhtlic riht
The Paris Psalter 95:10 2 cum demeþ / and on his yrre || ealle þeode / / # / heofenas blissiaþ
The Paris Psalter 95:12 2 das eac || fægere blisse / and ealle þa þe on him || eard weardi
The Paris Psalter 95:12 6 ymme / þæt he þas eorþan || ealle demde / / # / þonne he ymbhwyrft
The Paris Psalter 98:1 4 e sona mæg / ana eorþware || ealle onstyrian / / # / drihten is on s
The Paris Psalter 98:9 3 wurde / and heora æfþancan || ealle gewræce / / # / hebbaþ urne god
The Paris Psalter 99:2 1 owie / / # / gangaþ on ansyne || ealle bliþe / witaþ wislice || þæ
The Paris Psalter 99:3 2 sceap / þa he on his edisce || ealle afedde / gaþ nu on his doru ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 12 || sceotend þohton / italia || ealle gegongan / lindwigende || hi ge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 33 g / fulluhtþeawum || fægnodon ealle / romwara bearn || and him rece
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 60 n ymbspræce / sume openlice || ealle forgitene / þæt hi se hlisa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 8 s ælmihtig / þæm oleccaþ || ealle gesceafte / þe þæs ambehtes
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 22 gesette / hæfþ se alwealda || ealle gesceafta / gebæt mid his brid
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 24 s bridle || hafaþ butu gedon / ealle gemanode || and eac getogen /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 32 ces weard / mid his anwealde || ealle gesceafta / þæt hiora æghwil
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 64 ynde / swa swa ælc gesceaft || ealle mægene / geond þas widan woru
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 66 woruld || wrigaþ and higaþ / ealle mægene || eft symle onlyt / wi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 1 Metre 17 / / hwæt eorþwaran || ealle hæfden / foldbuende || fruman
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 3 n gelicne / hi of anum twæm || ealle comon / were and wife || on wor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 5 ld innan / and hi eac nu get || ealle gelice / on woruld cumaþ || wl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 7 nan wundor || forþæm witan ealle / þæt an god is || ealra gesc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 23 ac nu æghwilc mon || þe mid ealle biþ / his unþeawum || underþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 3 a || wohhæmetes / þæt he mid ealle gedræfþ || anra gehwylces / m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 3 m / þæt þa earman men || mid ealle gedwæleþ / of þæm rihtan we
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 13 | me gelicost þincþ / þætte ealle witen || eorþbuende / þoncolm
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 20 t wundorlic || þæt we witan ealle / þæt mon secan sceal || be s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 19 gra || ne nan mærra / ne geond ealle þa gesceaft || efnlica þin /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 56 ll swa þeah / mid ane noman || ealle togædre / woruld under wolcnum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 184 ehwilces / forþæm uþwitan || ealle seggaþ / þætte an gecynd ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 229 geearnunga || anra gehwelcre / ealle hi scinaþ || þurh þa scira
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 231 heofonum || na hwæþre þeah / ealle efenbeorhte || hwæt we oft g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 233 tum || þætte heofonsteorran / ealle efenbeorhte || æfre ne scina
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 280 ow || þe se weg to ligþ / þe ealle to || a fundiaþ / men of molda
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 12 nige || swa he swiþost mæge / ealle to þæm anum || his ingeþon
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 11 || wlitan siþþan / ufan ofer ealle || meahtes eac faran / ofer þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 12 e micle / ælc oþrum || and hi ealle him / þonan mid þy þrymme ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 64 frean / and he eac swa same || ealle mægne / efne swa swiþe || hi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 86 tas wurdon / ealde ge giunge || ealle forhwerfde / to sumum diore ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 32 e lufian / and his unþeawas || ealle hatian / and ofsniþan || swa h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 14 one wise men / ursa nemnaþ || ealle stiorran / sigaþ æfter sunnan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 30 onne niht cymeþ / hataþ hine ealle || æfenstiorra / se biþ þær
A.5.6.29 45 sċeafta, / ac sē ēċa god || ealle ġe·metĝaþ / sīda ġe·sċe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 87 an sceolden / æghwilc hiora || ealle to nauhte / weorþan sceoldon |
A.5.6.29 89 ena, / þēah þā āne lufe || ealle ġe·sċeafta / heofones and eo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 53 e / eala min dryhten || þu þe ealle ofersihst / worulde gesceafta |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 5 ne || hræþe bioþ aþistrod / ealle ofir eorþan || oþre steorra
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 1 f Boethius: Metre 9 / / hwæt we ealle witon || hwelce ærleste / ge n
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 24 m cierre / þæt se ilca het || ealle acwellan / þa ricostan || roma
A.51.90.16 2 welċe / ġe·wuldrie || ġond ealle weorðode / and him līf-dæġ
A.51.91.6 3 p sinninġra || hyġe anliċ / ealle ðǣr æt­·īewaþ || þā
A.51.91.8 2 e drihten / on eorð-wæġe || ealle for·weorðaþ / and weorðaþ
A.51.91.8 3 eorðaþ t·owrecene || wīde ealle / þā þā unryhtes || ǣror
A.51.93.14 3 e and stande / þe unryhtes || ealle wyrċaþ.
The Death of Edward 31 ylfum / æþelum eorle || se in ealle tid / hyrde holdlice || hærran
Solomon and Saturn 6 || pater noster / sille ic þe ealle || sunu dauides / þeoden israe
A.6.13 21 re liðeran / īrenum aplum; || ealle bēoþ ā·weaxen / of ed-wīte
Solomon and Saturn 22 acere liþran / irenum aplum || ealle beoþ aweaxen / of edwittes ||
A.6.13 42 on hafað sē cantic || ofer ealle Crīstes bēċ / wīd-mǣrost w
Solomon and Saturn 45 þon hafaþ se cantic || ofer ealle cristes bec / widmærost word |
A.6.13 65 riceþ / and þā or-þancas || ealle tō·slīteþ. / Hungor hē ā
Solomon and Saturn 70 briceþ / and þa orþancas || ealle tosliteþ / hungor he ahieþeþ
A.6.13 138 hwǣm nǣron eorð-welan% || ealle ġe·dǣled% / lēodum ġe·lī
A.6.13 147 For·hwon ne mōton we þonne ealle || mid an-mēdlan / ġeġnum ga
Solomon and Saturn 164 forhwam næron eorþwelan || ealle gedæled / leodum gelice || sum
Solomon and Saturn 176 | / forhwon ne moton we þonne ealle || mid onmedlan / gegnum gangan
Maxims II 59 ceal || syþþan hweorfan / and ealle þa gastas || þe for gode hw
The Judgment Day II 26 gedrefed / nu ic eow æddran || ealle bidde / ðæt ge wylspringas ||
The Judgment Day II 32 eorðan / and geearnade sar || ealle ic gecige / ic bidde eow || ben
The Judgment Day II 163 eodcyningas / earm and eadig || ealle beoð afæred / ðær hæfð an
The Judgment Day II 165 ega / forðon hi habbað ege || ealle ætsomne / ðæt reðe flod ||
The Judgment Day II 172 tig wesan || deman gehende / ac ealle ðurhyrnð || oga ætsomne / br
The Judgment Day II 233 orulde gefean || gewitað mid ealle / ðonne druncennes || gedwine
The Judgment Day II 251 and samod bliðe || on woruld ealle / his ðeodne geðeon || and ð
The Judgment Day II 274 e ðenað / ðær a andweard || ealle weorðað / and fehð and gebly
The Judgment Day II 292 angen || beorhtost wereda / ðe ealle læt || ænlicu godes drut / se
The Rewards of Piety 42 / forðan heo ða unðeawas || ealle gesomnað / ðe ðære saule ||
The Rewards of Piety 77 en fleon / and ða oferfylle || ealle forlætan / gif ðu wilt ða up
The Rewards of Piety 81 gebindan / and ða unðeawas || ealle forlætan / ðe ðu on ðis lif
A Summons to Prayer 24 | [beatus et iustus] / ðæt hi ealle ðe || [unica uoce] / ðingian
The Lord's Prayer II 10 nd frofor / blissa beorhtost || ealle abugað to ðe / ðinra gasta
The Lord's Prayer II 12 lypiað to criste || cweðað ealle ðus / halig eart ðu halig ||
The Lord's Prayer II 21 ð bec / ðæt ðu engla god || ealle gesettest / ælcere ðeode ||
The Lord's Prayer II 26 ðu eart geæðelod || geond ealle world / cum nu and mildsa || mi
The Lord's Prayer II 31 að / eagena beorhtnysse || and ealle mirhðe / ðar bið gehyred ||
The Lord's Prayer II 36 nd eart / ece geopenod || geond ealle world / and ðu ðe silf eart |
The Lord's Prayer II 45 cyninga ðrym || clypast ofer ealle / bið ðin wuldorword || wide
The Lord's Prayer II 64 ford / ðu geæðelodest ðe || ealle gesceafta / and tosyndrodest hi
The Lord's Prayer II 86 ðonne ðu on dome sitst / and ealle men || up arisað / ðe fram wi
The Lord's Prayer II 89 nodon || ban mid ðam flæsce / ealle ansunde || eft geworden / ðar
The Lord's Prayer II 96 dde / ðonne bið egsa || geond ealle world / ðar man us tyhhað on
The Lord's Prayer II 113 urðan / ac alys us of yfele || ealle we beðurfon / godes gifnesse |
The Lord's Prayer II 118 eadum / æðele and ece || ofer ealle ðingc / ðu miht on anre hand
The Lord's Prayer II 122 æst dema / we ðe engla god || ealle heriað / swa ðu eart gewurðo
The Gloria I 2 nd lof || wide geopenod / geond ealle ðeoda || ðanc and wylla / mæ
The Gloria I 11 clæne gecynd || cyning ofer ealle / beald gebletsod || boca lareo
The Gloria I 19 ðan / eardas and uplyft || and ealle ðing / ðu settest on foldan |
The Gloria I 22 ego / ðu gewrohtest ece god || ealle gesceafta / on syx dagum || and
The Gloria I 28 g || healdað and freoðiað / ealle ða ðe cunnon || cristene ð
The Gloria I 34 ftas heo || cyðað wide / ofer ealle woruld || ece standeð / godes
The Gloria I 36 weorc || groweð swa ðu hete / ealle ðe heriað || halige dreamas
A.6.21 51 æt sōðlīċe || seċġaþ ealle: / þurh clǣne ġe·cynd || þ
The Gloria I 52 / we ðæt soðlice || secgað ealle / ðurh clæne gecynd || ðu ea
The Creed 45 nemned / ac is an god || se ðe ealle hafað / ða ðry naman || ðin
Fragment of Psalm 102 1 sade eallum / and ðine adle || ealle gehælde / / # / se alysde ðin l
Fragment of Psalm 34 3 um feondum / ðe min ehtend || ealle syndon / sæge ðonne syððan
Fragment of Psalm 58 3 remmendra / ðe her unrihtes || ealle wyrceað / and me wið blodhreo
Fragment of Psalm 79 2 de æteow / ðinne andwlitan || ealle we beoð hale
Fragment of Psalm 89 2 s godan godes || georne ofer ealle / gerece ure handgeweorc || hea
The Kentish Hymn 17 sunu || and soð hælend / ofer ealle gescæft || angla and manna /
The Kentish Hymn 24 es / for ðinre arfæstnesse || ealle towurpe / fiond geflæmdest ||
A Prayer 26 fst and waldest || / ana ofer ealle || eorðan and heofonas / syddr
A Prayer 28 ðu eart soð meotod / ana ofer ealle || eorðbugende / swilce on heo
Thureth 10 ace / and he sceal æce lean || ealle findan / ðæs ðe he on foldan
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 26 lu || soðfæstra engla / biddu ealle || bliðu mode / ðæt me beo m
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 61 dran || nean behealdað / motan ealle weoda nu || wyrtum aspringan /
Instructions for Christians 138 e || weoruld-weolona genohne. / Ealle hi wæron || æðeles kynnes,
Instructions for Christians 257 sige-fæste weogas || syndon ealle þreo / heonan to heofonum, ||
The Battle of Maldon 61 / þæt hi on þam easteþe || ealle stodon / ne mihte þær for wæ
A.6.9 63 hīe on þām êa-stæðe || ealle stōden. / Ne meahte ðǣr for
The Battle of Maldon 194 ære / gyf hi þa geearnunga || ealle gemundon / þe he him to duguþ
A.6.9 196 if hīe þā ġe·earnunga || ealle ġe·munden / þe hē him tō d
The Battle of Maldon 201 es ealdor / æþelredes eorl || ealle gesawon / heorþgeneatas || þ
A.6.9 203 ldor, / Æðel·rēdes eorl; || ealle ġe·sāwon / heorð-ġe·nēat
The Battle of Maldon 205 | efston georne / hi woldon þa ealle || oþer twega / lif forlætan
A.6.9 207 ton ġeorne; / hīe woldon þā ealle || ōðer twēġa, / līf for·
The Battle of Maldon 229 / hwæt þu ælfwine hafast || ealle gemanode / þegenas to þearfe
A.6.9 231 æt þū, Ælfwine, hafast || ealle ġe·manode / þeġnas tō þea
The Battle of Maldon 236 ic hæfþ / earh oddan bearn || ealle beswicene / wende þæs formoni
A.6.9 238 hafaþ, / earh Oddan bearn, || ealle be·swicene. / Wēnde þæs for
The Battle of Maldon 302 eorþan / oswold and eadwold || ealle hwile / begen þa gebroþru ||
A.6.9 304 ðan. / Ōswold and Ēadwold || ealle hwīle, / bēġen þā ġe·br
The Battle of Maldon 318 e / swa hi æþelgares bearn || ealle bylde / godric to guþe || oft
A.6.9 320 hīe Æðel·gāres bearn || ealle bielde, / God·rīċ tō gūðe
forlegen - 1 occurrences
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 9 þan losian / gif se lichoma || forlegen weorþeþ / unrihthæmede || bu
forleġen - 1 occurrences
A.5.6.18 9 sian, / ġif sē līċ-hāma || for·leġen weorðeþ / unryht-hǣmede, ||
forweorðan - 5 occurrences
Judith 288 nyde losian / somod æt sæcce forweorðan || her lið sweorde geheawen /
The Paris Psalter 118:176 3 þæt dysġe sċēap, / þætte for·weorðan || wolde hūru; / lā, sēċe
The Paris Psalter 57:6 1 | lungre drihten. / / # / Ac hīe for·weorðan || wætere ġe·līcost, / þon
A.5.6.18 6 sīe, / ānunga sċeall || eall for·weorðan / ġif hēo ierrunga || āwuht
A.5.6.21 34 . / Nele sē wealdend || þæt for·weorðan sċylen / sāwla ūsse, || ac h
forweorþan - 4 occurrences
The Paris Psalter 118:176 2 swa þæt dysige scep / þætte forweorþan || wolde huru / la sece þinne
The Paris Psalter 57:6 1 n || lungre drihten / / # / ac hi forweorþan || wætere gelicost / þonne hi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 6 wis sie / anunga sceal || eall forweorþan / gif hio yrringa || awuht stin
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 34 deþ / nele se waldend || þæt forweorþan scylen / saula usse || ac he hi
fullnēah - 1 occurrences
A.5.6.18 4 hwelċes / manna cynnes || mōd full-nēah þon. / Hwæt, sēo wilde bēo,
fulneah - 1 occurrences
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 4 gehwylces / monna cynnes || mod fulneah þon / hwæt sio wilde beo ||
gedeþ - 9 occurrences
The Paris Psalter 113:11 2 ppe mid englum || and he eall gedeþ / swa his willa byþ || on woru
The Paris Psalter 128:3 1 / drihten is soþfæst || and gedeþ sniome / þæt he firenfullra |
The Paris Psalter 129:3 2 ealdan / drihten drihten || hwa gedeþ æfre / þæt he þæt geefne |
The Paris Psalter 144:19 6 lde gehyreþ / and hi hrædlice gedeþ || hale sona / / # / ealle geheal
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 32 n || wædlum gelice / efnmærne gedeþ || ælces þinges / hwær sint
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 1 eala þæt se yfla || unrihta gedeþ / wraþa willa || wohhæmetes /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 65 rþe onfehþ || eallum sædum / gedeþ þæt hi growaþ || geara geh
The Rune Poem 44 cne / þe him ænigne || onfeng gedeþ / sigel semannum || symble biþ
Instructions for Christians 90 ome geclensað / and þæt mod gedeþ || mycle ðe bliðre; / and he
gedræfþ - 2 occurrences
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 3 ohhæmetes / þæt he mid ealle gedræfþ || anra gehwylces / monna cynne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 42 || wodþrag micel / sio swiþe gedræfþ || sefan ingehygd / monna gehwe
gehwilc - 26 occurrences
Genesis B 297 rþra mæst || swa deþ monna gehwilc / þe wiþ his waldend || winna
Genesis B 314 || ungemet lange / ealra feonda gehwilc || fyr edneowe / þonne cymþ o
Genesis A 1281 n eorþan wæs / forleosan lica gehwilc || þara þe lifes gast / fæþ
Genesis A 1297 de || folc acwellan / and cynna gehwilc || cucra wuhta / þara þe lyft
Genesis A 2213 n || eaforan þine / þeodlanda gehwilc || swa þa þreo wæter / steap
Genesis A 2319 þ / min fullian || sceal monna gehwilc / þære cneorisse || cildisc w
Exodus 187 | æþelum deore / forþon anra gehwilc || ut alædde / wæpnedcynnes |
Exodus 230 || fiftig cista / hæfde cista gehwilc || cuþes werodes / garberendra
Exodus 374 or sæleoda || eac þon sæda gehwilc / on bearm scipes || beornas fe
Daniel 363 ldcræfta wlite || and weorca gehwilc / heofonas and englas || and hl
Daniel 369 sunna and mona || sundor anra gehwilc / herige in hade || and heofons
Daniel 375 somod and dæg / and þec landa gehwilc || leoht and þeostro / herige
Daniel 389 || and wildu deor / and neata gehwilc || naman bletsie / and manna be
Daniel 408 ifes leohtfruma || ofer landa gehwilc / þa þæt ehtode || ealdor þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 52 an oþrum bion / ac sceal wuhta gehwilc || wiþerweardes hwæthwugu / h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 83 || freondrædenne / tilaþ anra gehwilc || agnes willan / woruldgesceaf
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 10 || of aslepen / and þeah wuhta gehwilc || wrigaþ toheald / sidra gesc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 14 fæste getiode / swa nu þinga gehwilc || þiderweard fundaþ / sidra
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 8 wuht stingeþ / swa sceal sawla gehwilc || siþþan losian / gif se lic
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 159 cyþþe gewit / and þeah wuhta gehwilc || wilnaþ þiderweard / þær
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 20 þæm anwalde || þe him anra gehwilc / his tirwina || to fultemaþ / g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 51 ne wundriaþ || þætte wuhta gehwilc / men and netenu || micelne hab
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 45 ede oþþe lustum / heaþorinca gehwilc || heran sceolde / he hæfde hi
The Seasons for Fasting 179 ðurh beorn godes / ðæt manna gehwilc || ðe for moldan wunað / ær
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 8 || mines godes / swa bið manna gehwilc || metes and eðeles
Instructions for Christians 28 da Godd. / For þi sceal þegna gehwilc || geþylde nimon, / forþon i
gehwylces - 42 occurrences
Exodus 538 wyrm / open ece scræf || yfela gehwylces / swa nu regnþeofas || rice d
Andreas 1283 a || þu wæst ond const / anra gehwylces || earfeþsiþas / ic gelyfe to
Soul and Body I 93 ylf || dæda gehyran / hæleþa gehwylces || heofena scippend / æt ealra
Elene 319 þan || for eowic forþ / tacna gehwylces || þe ic him to sece / eodan
Elene 423 arn / þone orscyldne || eofota gehwylces / þurh hete hengon || on heann
Elene 470 / hafaþ mec bereafod || rihta gehwylces / feohgestreona || nis þæt f
Elene 590 earu / wraþu wannhalum || wita gehwylces / sæce ond sorge || hie sona
Elene 716 || swa hit eft gelamp / þinga gehwylces || þeodcwen ongan / þurh gast
Elene 871 / þæt in wylme biþ || womma gehwylces / þurh ofnes fyr || eall gecl
The Panther 20 ic deor || wundrum scyne / hiwa gehwylces || swa hæleð secgað / gæsth
The Panther 22 osephes / tunece wære || telga gehwylces / bleom bregdende || ðara beor
Guthlac A 45 / bið seo siðre tid || sæda gehwylces / mætræ in mægne || forðon
Guthlac A 587 an / we ðe nu willað || womma gehwylces / lean forgieldan || ðær ðe
Guthlac B 926 leas || ac se halga wer / ælda gehwylces || ðurh ða æðelan meaht /
Riddles 13 5 gesyne || on seles wæge / anra gehwylces || ne wæs hyra ængum ðy wy
Riddles 4 36 e / ðicce ond ðynne || ðinga gehwylces / onlicnesse || æghwær healde
Riddles 40 37 / þicce ond þynne; || þinga gehwylces / onlicnesse || æghwær healde
Resignation 23 geðyld ond gemynd || ðinga gehwylces / ðara ðu me soðfæst cyning
The Phoenix 624 tendum / geongra gyfena || goda gehwylces / micel unmæte || mægnes stre
Juliana 30 / ðæt hire mægðhad || mana gehwylces / fore cristes lufan || clæne
Juliana 216 hhast / ða sind geasne || goda gehwylces / idle orfeorme || unbiðyrfe / n
Juliana 224 eferh || wuldres agend / sigora gehwylces || ðæt is soð cyning / ða
Juliana 352 ælde / ic ðe ead mæg || yfla gehwylces / or gecyðe || oð ende forð /
Precepts 5 tu / god ðe bið symle || goda gehwylces / frea ond fultum || feond ðam
Beowulf 732 g cwome / atol aglæca || anra gehwylces / lif wið lice || ða him alum
Beowulf 1396 gor ðu || geðyld hafa / weana gehwylces || swa ic ðe wene to / ahleop
Beowulf 2094 hu ic ðam leodsceaðan / yfla gehwylces || ondlean forgeald / ðær ic
Beowulf 2189 cwom / tireadigum menn || torna gehwylces / het ða eorla hleo || in gefe
Judith 32 deaðe geslegene / agotene goda gehwylces || swa het se gumena aldor / fy
The Paris Psalter 107:11 3 byþ || her on eorþan / manna gehwylces || mægene idel / / # / us sceal
The Paris Psalter 118:169 5 æt þu me generige || niþa gehwylces / / # / ingange min ben || ece dr
The Paris Psalter 118:170 4 æt þu me generige || niþa gehwylces / / # / nu mine weleras þe || wo
The Paris Psalter 127:6 3 uce eac / on hierusalem || goda gehwylces / ealle lange dagas || lifes þ
The Paris Psalter 59:10 3 byþ || her on eorþan / manna gehwylces || mægene idel / / # / us sceal
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 3 e mid ealle gedræfþ || anra gehwylces / monna cynnes || mod fulneah
Solomon and Saturn 43 ht / amyrgaþ modsefan || manna gehwylces / of þreamedlan || þisses lif
The Judgment Day II 186 ð || sefan and spræce / manna gehwylces || for micelnysse / nænig spr
The Rewards of Piety 24 orðan || ær gestryndes / goda gehwylces || wylle gode cweman / ne mihtu
The Rewards of Piety 34 æt bið drihtnes lac / gumena gehwylces || ðe on god gelyfð / ceapa
The Lord's Prayer III 32 efreo || us eac nu-ða / feonda gehwylces || we in ferhðlocan / ðeoden
The Creed 54 fe / lisse ic gelyfe || leahtra gehwylces / and ic ðone ærest || ealra
The Seasons for Fasting 76 mynde / ðeodne deman || ðinga gehwylces / efne swa swa ærran || and ð
gif - 340 occurrences
Genesis B 398 n georne / þæt we on adame || gif we æfre mægen / and on his ea
Genesis B 400 dan him þær willan sines || gif we hit mægen wihte aþencan /
Genesis B 409 aþ nu ymb þa fyrde þencean / gif ic ænegum þægne || þeoden
Genesis B 413 ne meahte / mine gife gyldan || gif his gien wolde / minra þegna h
Genesis B 427 e heofonrice / agan to aldre || gif hit eower ænig mæge / gewenda
Genesis B 430 ona hie him þe laþran beoþ / gif hie brecaþ his gebodscipe ||
Genesis B 434 restan on þyssum racentum || gif him þæt rice losaþ / se þe
Genesis B 559 olgen wyrþ / mihtig on mode || gif þu þeah minum wilt / wif will
Genesis B 569 aht þu adame || eft gestyran / gif þu his willan hæfst || and
Genesis B 570 and he þinum wordum getrywþ / gif þu him to soþe sægst || hw
Genesis B 578 waldende || weorþan þyrfen / gif þu þæt angin fremest || id
Genesis B 618 t / þurh minne cime cræfta || gif giet þurh cuscne siodo / læst
Genesis B 643 ig drihten / widbradne welan || gif hie þone wæstm an / lætan wo
Genesis B 661 anne || þonne his wiþermedo / gif þu him heodæg wuht || hearm
Genesis B 662 æce / he forgifþ hit þeah || gif wit him geongordom / læstan wi
Genesis B 672 a meahte me swelc gewit gifan / gif hit gegnunga || god ne onsend
Genesis B 787 ahton / libban on þam lande || gif hie wolden lare godes / forwear
Genesis B 806 || oþþe on þys lande wesan / gif her wind cymþ || westan oþ
Genesis B 828 / hire þa adam || andswarode / gif ic waldendes || willan cuþe /
Genesis B 834 ac ic to þam grunde genge || gif ic godes meahte / willan gewyrc
Genesis A 1040 freomagum feor || fah gewitan / gif þe monna hwelc || mundum sin
Genesis A 1444 alde || þæt he on neod hine / gif he on þære lade || land ne
Genesis A 1754 on mundbyrde || minre lifigan / gif þe ænig || eorþbuendra / mid
Genesis A 1838 num scealt / feore gebeorgan || gif me freoþo drihten / on woruldr
Genesis A 2253 || þæt agar sceal ongieldan / gif ic mot for þe || mine wealda
Genesis A 2314 on gehwilcne / wæpnedcynnes || gif þu wille on me / hlaford habba
Genesis A 2317 ces beo / hyrde and healdend || gif ge hyraþ me / breostgehygdum |
Genesis A 2326 wa ic hate / ic eow treowige || gif ge þæt tacen gegaþ / soþgel
Genesis A 2414 go ebrea || hwæt þa men don / gif hie swa swiþe || synna fremm
Genesis A 2475 or gode wille / gemundbyrdan || gif ic mot for eow / him þa seo m
Genesis A 2482 st / wineþearfende || wilt þu gif þu most / wesan usser her || a
Genesis A 2500 oscealcas || fægre to lothe / gif þu sunu age || oþþe swæsn
Genesis A 2523 re / on sigor up || secan moten / gif git þæt fæsten || fyre wil
Genesis A 2656 idese sine / wif to gewealde || gif þu on worulde leng / æþeling
Genesis A 2660 alt / mid feo and mid feorme || gif þu þam frumgaran / bryde wyrn
Genesis A 2662 de wyrnest || he abiddan mæg / gif he ofstum me || ærendu wile /
Genesis A 2787 we leng somed / willum minum || gif ic wealdan mot / næfre ismael
Genesis A 2827 nd mægburge || minre arfæst / gif þe alwalda || ure drihten / sc
Exodus 52 yrnan þohton / moyses magum || gif hie metod lete / on langne lust
Exodus 242 heaþorincas || hilde onþeon / gif him modheapum || mægen swiþ
Exodus 414 cgum reodan / magan mid mece || gif hine metod lete / ne wolde him
Exodus 523 am siþfate || soþum wordum / gif onlucan wile || lifes wealhst
Exodus 561 in fyrndagum || fæderyncynne / gif ge gehealdaþ || halige lare /
Daniel 133 wyrda gesceaft || wisdom bude / gif þu his ærest ne meaht || or
Christ and Satan 249 eow læran || langsumne ræd / gif ge willaþ minre || mihte gel
Christ and Satan 289 þman wile || freobearn godes / gif we þæt on eorþan || ær ge
Christ and Satan 301 ngean cumaþ / þusend engla || gif þider moton / and þæt on eor
Christ and Satan 672 m for hungre || hlafas wyrcan / gif þu swa micle || mihte hæbbe
Christ and Satan 8 d to gewealde / rodora rices || gif þu seo riht cyning / engla and
Andreas 70 d mancynnes || mod in hreþre / gif þin willa sie || wuldres ald
Andreas 210 l breme || mid þam burgwarum / gif hit worde becwiþ || wuldres
Andreas 212 rþan / ne on gewitte to wac || gif þu wel þencest / wiþ þinne
Andreas 288 ran byrig / þeoden leofesta || gif þu us þine wilt / on merefaro
Andreas 344 þa ondswarode || ece dryhten / gif ge syndon þegnas || þæs þ
Andreas 407 gode orfeorme / synnum wunde || gif we swicaþ þe / we bioþ laþe
Andreas 417 st cining || word stunde ahof / gif þu þegn sie || þrymsittend
Andreas 460 fgende god / eorl on eorþan || gif his ellen deah / swa hleoþrode
Andreas 479 / þeoden þrymfæst || þinne gif ic mehte / begitan godne || þ
Andreas 482 igne hyht || on heofonþrymme / gif þu lidwerigum || larna þinr
Andreas 557 e / saga þances gleaw || þegn gif þu cunne / hu þæt gewurde ||
Andreas 575 t / gumena leofost || hu he his gif cyþde / geond woruld wide || w
Andreas 1350 þe findest / frecne feohtan || gif þu furþur dearst / to þam an
Andreas 1424 of heafde || to forlore wurde / gif we þine lare || læstan wold
Andreas 1521 || þu scealt hræþe cyþan / gif þu his ondgitan || ænige h
Andreas 1568 aru sona / sybb æfter sorge || gif we secaþ to him / þa þær an
Andreas 1612 uldres leoht / torht ontyned || gif ge teala hycgaþ / sende þa hi
Elene 435 ma ricsian / æcræft eorla || gif þis yppe biþ / swa þa þæt
Elene 2 de || ond þæt word gecwæþ / gif þe þæt gelimpe || on lifda
Elene 20 as usse / þurh wraþ gewitt || gif hie wiston ær / þæt he crist
Elene 75 | oft gewyrcen / synna wunde || gif we sona eft / þara bealudæda
Elene 94 elest þince / to gecyþanne || gif þeos cwen usic / frigneþ ymb
Elene 103 þe þynce / fyrngidda frod || gif þu frugnen sie / on wera corþ
Elene 137 s in life || lige ne wyrþeþ / gif ge þissum lease || leng gefy
Elene 182 ene for eorlum || undearnunga / gif þu in heofonrice || habban w
Elene 333 synne fruma || susle gebunden / gif þin willa sie || wealdend en
Elene 337 n cildes had / þeoden engla || gif he þin nære / sunu synna leas
Elene 342 ldend / aweahte for weorodum || gif he in wuldre þin / þurh þa b
Elene 349 phes / swa ic þe weroda wyn || gif hit sie willa þin / þurg þæ
Elene 417 rc / on þa sliþan tid || saga gif þu cunne / on hwylcre þyssa
Elene 564 an hæl / abeodan beadurofre || gif hie brim nesen / ond gesundne s
Christ A 21 wyrneð / wlitigan wilsiðes || gif his weorc ne deag / huru we for
Christ A 190 awðer deag / secge ne swige || gif ic soð sprece / ðonne sceal d
Christ B 781 lda cynnes / gromra garfare || gif hine god scildeð / duguða dry
Christ C 1309 ra gehwylcne / yfel unclæne || gif he hit anum gesegð / ond næni
Christ C 1401 | eades to lyt / mode ðuhte || gif ðu meahte sped / efenmicle god
Vainglory 45 rencum || nu ðu cunnan meaht / gif ðu ðyslicne || ðegn gemitt
Vainglory 78 cyning || wite ðe be ðissum / gif ðu eaðmodne || eorl gemete /
Vainglory 81 gen bearn / wilsum in worlde || gif me se witega ne leag / forðon
Maxims I 3 lle ic ðe min dyrne gesecgan / gif ðu me ðinne hygecræft hyle
Maxims I 34 timbres || gemet ofer eorðan / gif hi ne wanige || se ðas worul
Maxims I 44 yllan / hælo of heofodgimme || gif he wat heortan clæne / lef mon
Maxims I 70 n heahsetle geneah / lean sceal gif we leogan nellað || ðam ðe
Maxims I 105 eft gebyre weorðe / ham cymeð gif he hal leofað || nefne him h
Maxims I 110 m bið wic alyfed / mete bygeð gif he maran ðearf || ærðon he
Maxims I 113 umen bið he ær he acwele || gif he nat hwa hine cwicne fede / m
Maxims I 175 nnes / eorles eaforan wæran || gif hi sceoldan eofor onginnan / o
The Order of the World 35 upcund rice / forð gestigan || gif us on ferðe geneah / ond we wi
Guthlac A 34 t æghwylcum || anra gehyran / gif we halig bebodu || healdan wi
Guthlac A 195 al gelumpe / modcearu mægum || gif he monna dream / of ðam orlege
Guthlac A 236 aða gedal || dreogan sceolde / gif he leng bide || laðran gemot
Guthlac A 276 ond ðurst || hearde gewinnan / gif ðu gewitest || swa wilde deo
Guthlac A 280 gu eall / we ðe beoð holde || gif ðu us hyran wilt / oððe ðec
Guthlac A 289 berað ðec blodgum lastum || gif ðu ure bidan ðencest / we ðe
Guthlac A 291 far ðær ðu freonda wene || gif ðu ðines feores recce / gearo
Guthlac A 433 him to earfeðum || ana cwome / gif hy him ne meahte || maran sar
Guthlac A 592 godes mægne / doð efne swa || gif eow dryhten crist / lifes leoht
Guthlac B 842 esihðe || butan deaðe forð / gif hy halges word || healdan wol
Guthlac B 1159 æd hine ðurh mihta scyppend / gif he his wordcwida || wealdan m
Wulf and Eadwacer 2 e / willað hy hine aðecgan || gif he on ðreat cymeð / ungelic i
Wulf and Eadwacer 7 e / willað hy hine aðecgan || gif he on ðreat cymeð / ungelice
Riddles 11 10 eah bringað || horda deorast / gif hi unrædes || ær ne geswica
Riddles 12 3 ngas || ðenden ic gæst bere / gif me feorh losað || fæste bin
Riddles 15 7 e græs || me bið gyrn witod / gif mec onhæle || an onfindeð / w
Riddles 15 14 htmod fergan || fleame nergan / gif he me æfterweard || ealles w
Riddles 15 20 mæg freora || feorh genergan / gif ic mægburge mot || mine gel
Riddles 15 24 lhwelpes wig || wiht onsittan / gif se niðsceaða || nearwe stig
Riddles 16 4 beom strong ðæs gewinnes || gif ic stille weorðe / gif me ðæ
Riddles 16 5 nnes || gif ic stille weorðe / gif me ðæs tosæleð || hi beo
Riddles 16 8 eal / ic him ðæt forstonde || gif min steort ðolað / ond mec st
Riddles 2 19 earn wræce || on bonan feore / gif me gromra hwylc || guðe gen
Riddles 2 24 s geaf / me bið forð witod || gif ic frean hyre / guðe fremme ||
Riddles 20 19 arn wræce || on bonan feore, / gif me gromra hwylc || guþe gen
Riddles 20 24 geaf. / Me bið forð witod, || gif ic frean hyre, / guþe fremme,
Riddles 21 14 sidan / ðæt ic toðum tere || gif me teala ðenað / hindeweardre
Riddles 23 12 || ðæt ic ðær ymb sprice / gif hine hrineð || ðæt me of h
Riddles 26 18 tfolca helm || nales dol wite / gif min bearn wera || brucan will
Riddles 27 12 hrycge sceal || hrusan secan / gif he unrædes || ær ne geswice
Riddles 29 6 r atimbran / searwum asettan || gif hit swa meahte / ða cwom wundo
Riddles 3 29 ceole wen / sliðre sæcce || gif hine sæ byreð / on ða grimma
Riddles 3 54 aðsperu / swylteð hwæðre || gif him soð meotud / on geryhtu ||
Riddles 32 13 rucað / rice ond heane || rece gif ðu cunne / wis worda gleaw ||
Riddles 36 12 d eac wifes wlite || ðu wast gif ðu const / to gesecganne || ð
Riddles 38 6 | se ðe me gesægde / seo wiht gif hio gedygeð || duna briceð /
Riddles 38 7 hio gedygeð || duna briceð / gif he tobirsteð || bindeð cwic
Riddles 39 28 g lim || leofað efne seðeah / gif ðu mæge reselan || recene g
Riddles 42 4 anfeng / wlanc under wædum || gif ðæs weorces speow / fæmne fy
Riddles 43 4 e hata ðurst / yldo ne adle || gif him arlice / esne ðenað || se
Riddles 43 8 blisse / cnosles unrim || care gif se esne / his hlaforde || hyre
Riddles 5 6 eð / ðeowað him geðwære || gif him ðegniað / mægeð ond mæ
Riddles 50 7 , / þeowaþ him geþwære, || gif him þegniað / mægeð ond mæ
Riddles 53 12 wæs ond unlæt / se æftera || gif se ærra fær / genamnan in nea
Riddles 59 9 rohte / ond in eagna gesihð || gif ðæs æðelan / goldes tacen |
Resignation 21 mon / cyninga wuldor || cume to gif ic mot / forgif ðu me min frea
Azarias 91 milde meotod || mare gehateð / gif we geearniað || elne willað
The Husband's Message 47 lgestreona / ðeodnes dohtor || gif he ðin beneah / ofer eald gebe
A.3.32 47 trēona, / þēodnes dohtor, || gif hē þīn be·nēah || / ofer
Riddles 61 7 n upweardne || on nearo fegde / gif ðæs ondfengan || ellen doht
Riddles 72 18 æfre meldade || monna ængum / gif me ordstæpe || egle wæron
Riddles 73 9 | folme bysigo/ / /dlan dæl || gif his ellen deag / oððe æfter
Riddles 85 7 wunige || a ðenden ic lifge / gif wit unc gedælað || me bið
Riddles 95 5 um stondeð / hiðendra hyht || gif ic habban sceal / blæd in burg
Juliana 47 ne ðearft / swiðor swencan || gif ðu soðne god / lufast ond gel
Juliana 51 ðines / swylce ic ðe secge || gif ðu to sæmran gode / ðurh deo
Juliana 83 | ðine hyldu / winburgum in || gif ðas word sind soð / monna leo
Juliana 87 ealde / dem ðu hi to deaðe || gif ðe gedafen ðince / swa to lif
Juliana 119 e onheht / ic ðæt gefremme || gif min feorh leofað / gif ðu unr
Juliana 120 emme || gif min feorh leofað / gif ðu unrædes || ær ne geswic
Juliana 126 eora gripe || deaðe sweltest / gif ðu geðafian nelt || ðingr
Juliana 169 e giefe || geoguðhades blæd / gif ðu godum ussum || gen gecwem
Juliana 174 rna || ðe ðe gegearwad sind / gif ðu onsecgan nelt || soðum g
Juliana 201 sace restan / lað leodgewin || gif ðu leng ofer ðis / ðurh ðin
Juliana 251 itu gegearwad / sar endeleas || gif ðu onsecgan nelt / gleawhycgen
Juliana 329 frea milde / egesful ealdor || gif we yfles noht / gedon habbað |
Juliana 334 trum || hateð ðræce ræran / gif we gemette sin || on moldwege
Juliana 337 n bælwylme / suslum swingen || gif soðfæstra / ðurh myrrelsan |
Juliana 382 a gumcysta || geasne hweorfan / gif ic ænigne || ellenrofne / geme
The Gifts of Men 102 ðære mærðe || mod astige / gif he hafað ana || ofer ealle m
Precepts 10 mid heortan / maga gehwylcne || gif him sy meotud on lufan / wes ð
Precepts 48 geceos / a ðe bið gedæled || gif ðe deah hyge / wunað wisdom i
Beowulf 272 san ðæs ic wene || ðu wast gif hit is / swa we soðlice || sec
Beowulf 346 | min ærende / aldre ðinum || gif he us geunnan wile / ðæt we h
Beowulf 442 með / wen ic ðæt he wille || gif he wealdan mot / in ðæm guðs
Beowulf 447 e habban wile / dreore fahne || gif mec deað nimeð / byreð blodi
Beowulf 452 ng sorgian / onsend higelace || gif mec hild nime / beaduscruda bet
Beowulf 527 gehwær dohte / grimre guðe || gif ðu grendles dearst / nihtlongn
Beowulf 593 e ðinum / hynðo on heorote || gif ðin hige wære / sefa swa sear
Beowulf 661 ðum || ne bið ðe wilna gad / gif ðu ðæt ellenweorc || aldre
Beowulf 684 ht sculon / secge ofersittan || gif he gesecean dear / wig ofer wæ
Beowulf 1140 r ðohte || ðonne to sælade / gif he torngemot || ðurhteon mih
Beowulf 1185 yldan wille / uncran eaferan || gif he ðæt eal gemon / hwæt wit
Beowulf 1319 ægde / frean ingwina || frægn gif him wære / æfter neodlaðum |
Beowulf 1379 miht / felasinnigne secg || sec gif ðu dyrre / ic ðe ða fæhðe
Beowulf 1477 ena || hwæt wit geo spræcon / gif ic æt ðearfe || ðinre scol
Beowulf 1481 m magoðegnum / hondgesellum || gif mec hild nime / swylce ðu ða
Beowulf 1822 ewenede || ðu us wel dohtest / gif ic ðonne on eorðan || owiht
Beowulf 1826 geweorca || ic beo gearo sona / gif ic ðæt gefricge || ofer flo
Beowulf 1836 | ðær ðe bið manna ðearf / gif him ðonne hreðric || to hof
Beowulf 1846 is wordcwida || wen ic talige / gif ðæt gegangeð || ðæt ðe
Beowulf 2514 hðe secan / mærðu fremman || gif mec se mansceaða / of eorðsel
Beowulf 2519 eord beran / wæpen to wyrme || gif ic wiste hu / wið ðam aglæce
Beowulf 2637 a guðgetawa || gyldan woldon / gif him ðyslicu || ðearf gelump
Beowulf 2841 e hringsele || hondum styrede / gif he wæccende || weard onfunde
The Paris Psalter 101:2 3 end fram me || wuldres ealdor / gif ic geswenced sy || þu swæs
The Paris Psalter 101:21 6 minra dagena / sona gecigean || gif þu sylfa wylt / earon þines a
The Paris Psalter 103:27 1 gefyllan || fægere gode / / # / gif þu þine ansyne fram him ||
The Paris Psalter 103:30 3 or his egsan || ealle beofian / gif he mid his mihte || muntas hr
The Paris Psalter 106:24 1 wearn || on wætergrundum / / # / gif he sylfa cwyþ || sona ætsta
The Paris Psalter 118:6 2 on ealdre || æfre gescynded / gif ic on ealle þine bebodu || e
The Paris Psalter 118:171 2 rdum belcettaþ / ymnas elne || gif þu me ærest wylt / þine soþ
The Paris Psalter 123:2 3 wyllen / sniome forsweolgan || gif hi swa magon / / # / þonne us þ
The Paris Psalter 123:3 4 wætre gelice / sona gesupan || gif hit swa wolde / / # / oft ure saw
The Paris Psalter 129:3 1 ll gebedd || esnes þines / / # / gif þu ure unriht wilt || eall b
The Paris Psalter 131:4 1 estbedd || ricene gestige / / # / gif ic minum eagum || unne slæpe
The Paris Psalter 131:12 3 m cwome / ofer þin heahsetl || gif nu healdaþ well / þines sylfe
The Paris Psalter 136:5 1 oldan || þe us fremde is / / # / gif ic þin hierusalem || forgyte
The Paris Psalter 136:6 4 ole min tunge || fæste gomum / gif ic ofergittol þin || æfre w
The Paris Psalter 136:7 1 tol þin || æfre weorþe / / # / gif ic ne forsette þe || symble
The Paris Psalter 138:6 1 befleon || eorþan dæles / / # / gif ic on heofenas up || hea asti
The Paris Psalter 138:6 3 r on efn || andweard sittest / gif ic on helle gedo || hwyrft æ
The Paris Psalter 138:7 1 me æt byst || efne rihte / / # / gif ic mine fiþeru gefo || fleog
The Paris Psalter 138:16 1 rissum || cuþ gestrangod / / # / gif ic hi recene nu || riman ongi
The Paris Psalter 138:16 4 nu gyt / mid þe sylfum eom || gif þu syþþan wylt / þa firenfu
The Paris Psalter 138:21 1 e / / # / and þu sylfa geseoh || gif ic on swiculne weg / oþþe on
The Paris Psalter 141:3 1 sylfum || sæcge geneahhe / / # / gif mine grame þenceaþ || gast
The Paris Psalter 54:10 3 nsceat || man inwides / forþon gif me min feond || fæcne wyrge
The Paris Psalter 57:1 1 e Paris Psalter: Psalm 57 / / # / gif ge soþ sprecan || symble wyl
The Paris Psalter 57:7 1 byþ / / # / swa weax melteþ || gif hit byþ wearmum neah / fyre ge
The Paris Psalter 58:4 1 ene eac || fremde drihtne / / # / gif ic on unriht bearn || ic þæ
The Paris Psalter 58:15 3 i towrecene || wide hweorfaþ / gif hi fulle ne beoþ || fela gno
The Paris Psalter 65:14 3 ow mid soþe || secgean wylle / gif ge godes egesan || georne hab
The Paris Psalter 65:16 1 tungan || tidum blissade / / # / gif ic me unrihtes oncneow || awi
The Paris Psalter 67:13 1 huse men || her gedælaþ / / # / gif ge slæpaþ || samod on clero
The Paris Psalter 68:11 1 on edwit || eft oncyrdan / / # / gif ic mine gewæda || on witehr
The Paris Psalter 72:12 1 finger || be leohtne dæg / / # / gif ic sylf cwæde || and sæcge
The Paris Psalter 75:5 5 mycel || hwylc mæg æfre þe / gif þu yrre byst || ahwær wiþs
The Paris Psalter 77:8 1 um || cyþden and mærden / / # / gif bearn wære || geboren þam f
The Paris Psalter 80:8 1 e Paris Psalter: Psalm 80 / / # / gif þu israhel a wylt || elne ge
The Paris Psalter 80:9 1 el a wylt || elne gehyran / / # / gif þu israhel || me anum gehyrs
The Paris Psalter 88:28 1 s dagas || her mid mannum / / # / gif mine bearn nellaþ || mine be
The Paris Psalter 88:29 1 e domas || dædum healdan / / # / gif hi mine rihtwisnessa || fraco
The Paris Psalter 89:11 1 d seo || samod ætgædere / / # / gif on mihtigum || mannum geweor
The Paris Psalter 93:16 1 a min sawl || sohte helle / / # / gif ic þæs sægde || þæt min
The Paris Psalter 94:8 1 his edisce || ær afedde / / # / gif ge to dæge || drihtnes stefn
The Paris Psalter 94:11 3 c ær on yrre || aþe benemde / gif hi on mine reste || ricene eo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 27 s magorinca || mod mid grecum / gif hi leodfruman || læstan dors
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 1 Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 / / gif nu hæleþa hwone || hlisan l
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 69 ænig / guma æt þæm gilpe || gif hine gegripan mot / se eca dea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 80 æm bridle || becnan tiliaþ / gif se þioden læt || þa toslup
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 98 is moncyn || miclum gesælig / gif hiora modsefa || meahte weor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 102 la þonne / murge mid monnum || gif hit meahte swa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 10 bibread || healfe þy swetre / gif he hwene ær || huniges teare
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 13 y fægenra / liþes weþres || gif hine lytle ær / stormas geston
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 16 egum þuhte / dæg on þonce || gif sio dimme niht / ær ofer eldum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 25 a cyþþe || becuman siþþan / gif þu up atyhsþ || ærest sona
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 32 niges þinges / ofer þa ane || gif þu hi ealles ongitst
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 22 c ondræde || dogora gehwelce / gif hit æfre gesælþ || þæt h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 36 h hi wel sien / tela atemede || gif hi on treowum weorþaþ / holte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 21 his anwald || auhte þy mara / gif he siþþan nah || his selfes
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 7 nga sceal || eall forweorþan / gif hio yrringa || awuht stingeþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 9 la gehwilc || siþþan losian / gif se lichoma || forlegen weorþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 103 tere || weorþaþ geþawened / gif þæt nære || þonne hio wæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 110 nige cræfte / for cele anum || gif þu cyning engla / wiþ fyre hw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 158 esceaft / mid cele ofercumen || gif hit on cyþþe gewit / and þea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 37 an onlihtan || lifes wealdend / gif þonne hæleþa hwilc || hlut
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 36 n and scinan / swa hit wolde || gif hit geweald ahte / þeah biþ s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 42 c siþþan mid / goodre lare || gif hit growan sceal / hu mæg æni
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 46 rihtwislice / æfter frigne || gif he awuht nafaþ / on his modsef
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 52 ne cunne / findan on ferhþe || gif he frugnen biþ / forþæm hit
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 2 lces þinges / gesælig mon || gif he gesion mæge / þone hlutres
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 28 r uppan / rodere ryneswiftum || gif þu on riht færest / þe þone
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 44 endendlic || wlitig and mære / gif þu weorþest || on wege riht
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 47 hi nu geta || forgiten hæbbe / gif þu æfre eft || þær an cym
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 55 der willan || fæste stondan / gif þe þonne æfre || eft geweo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 22 c / his tirwina || to fultemaþ / gif mon þonne wolde || him awind
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 29 gnungum || þringaþ ymbeutan / gif he wyrsa ne biþ || ne wene i
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 30 || ne wene ic his na beteran / gif him þonne æfre || unmendlin
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 34 aldes || þe we ymbe sprecaþ / gif him ænig þara || ofhende wy
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 46 don || swa swa wuldres cining / gif he to þæm rice wæs || on r
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 74 t weas come / niwan gesælde || gif hiora nængum hwylc / ær ne o
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 76 || is þæt earmlic þinc / ac gif hiora ænig || æfre weorþe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 1 Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 / / gif þu nu wilnige || weorulddrih
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 84 he sendeþ || hæt eft cuman / gif he swa gestæþþig || ne sta
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 95 fre ne meahte || elles wunian / gif hi eallmægene || hiora ordfr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 1 1 / / hwæt þu meaht ongitan || gif his þe geman lyst / þætte mi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 49 nnum ne deriaþ || mane aþas / gif þu nu waldend ne wilt || wir
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 4 r burgum || beorhtost scineþ / gif him wan fore || wolcen hanga
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 24 geþonc || miclum gedrefan / ac gif þu nu wilnast || þæt þu w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 40 m gebunden / mid gedrefnesse || gif hine dreccean mot / þissa yfla
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 37 an wæs / weorþ on weorulde || gif mon his willan ongeat / yfelne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 12 r unsnyttrum / wolde fandian || gif þæt fyr meahte / lixan swa le
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 53 feles || elles gestioran / eala gif he wolde || þæt he wel meah
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 63 anwald ne deþ || awiht godes / gif se wel nele || þe his geweal
Metrical Psalm 93:16 1 # Metrical Psalm 93:16 / / Gif ic ðet segde || þet min sil
Metrical Psalm 94:11 3 c er on yrre || æðe benemde / gif hi on mine reste || recedon e
Metrical Psalm 94:8 1 # Metrical Psalm 94:8 / / Gif ge to dege || drihtnes stefne
The Rune Poem 3 gehwylc || miclun hyt dælan / gif he wile for drihtne || domes
The Rune Poem 28 pe and to hæle gehwæþre || gif hi his hlystaþ æror / is byþ
The Rune Poem 64 yþ leodum || langsum geþuht / gif hi sculun neþan || on nacan
The Rune Poem 72 þ oferleof || æghwylcum men / gif he mot þær rihtes || and ge
Solomon and Saturn 9 oldes || and mine suna twelfe / gif þu mec gebringest || þæt i
Solomon and Saturn 27 sceatum full || feohgestreona / gif he æfre þæs organes || owi
Solomon and Saturn 86 de feond || fleonde gebrengan / gif þu him ærest on ufan || ier
Solomon and Saturn 2 ah ic no sprece / wat ic þonne gif þu gewitest || on wendelsæ /
Solomon and Saturn 239 æghwylcum men / selre micle || gif heo gesegnod biþ / to þycggan
Solomon and Saturn 240 esegnod biþ / to þycgganne || gif he hit geþencan cann / þonne
Solomon and Saturn 244 hit þæt gecyþeþ full oft / gif hit unwitan || ænige hwile / h
Solomon and Saturn 275 wyrda gehwylce / gemetigian || gif he biþ modes gleaw / and to hi
Maxims II 44 æmne hire freond gesecean || gif heo nelle on folce geþeon / þ
The Judgment Day II 86 n / glæd bið se godes sunu || gif ðu gnorn ðrowast / and ðe sy
The Judgment Day II 302 g beon heardes || her on life / gif ðu wille secgan || soð ðæ
The Rewards of Piety 2 c ðe || swa man leofne sceal / gif ðu wille ðæt blowende || r
The Rewards of Piety 26 || sauwle ðine / ut alysan || gif heo inne wyrð / feondum befang
The Rewards of Piety 39 hwilcum || ðæt he micel age / gif he him god ne ondræt || / swi
The Rewards of Piety 69 s lif / ðu miht hy gefleman || gif ðu filian wilt / larum minum |
The Rewards of Piety 78 oferfylle || ealle forlætan / gif ðu wilt ða upplican || eard
The Lord's Prayer II 75 d / earda selost || and ece lif / gif we soð and riht || symle gel
A Prayer 40 under mycel || wealdend engla / gif ðu hit sylfa wast || sigores
The Seasons for Fasting 16 dan || and ðær fundon raðe / gif hie leohtras heora || letan g
The Seasons for Fasting 87 s boca dom || ðeodlic demeð / gif ðe ðonne secgan || suðan c
The Seasons for Fasting 119 ran sceolan || leoda gehwylce / gif us ðære duguðe hwæt || dr
The Seasons for Fasting 150 aten hafað || ham mid blisse / gif we ðæt fæsten her || fyren
The Seasons for Fasting 172 ðæs inne || ahwæt scotian / gif he myrcels næfð || manes æ
The Seasons for Fasting 175 ærfæste || æghwær helpað / gif ðu dryhtnes her || dædum fy
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 20 an || nis ðæt rædlic ðing / gif swa hlutor wæter || hlud and
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 27 le brohte || cume eft hræðe / gif her ðegna hwelc || ðyrelne
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 2 ance / he in me findan mæg || gif hine feola lysteð / gastlices
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 55 sgeblæd || wið attorgeblæd / gif ænig attor cume || eastan fl
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 4 enesan mote / ut lytel spere || gif her inne sie / stod under linde
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 10 ne togeanes / ut lytel spere || gif hit her inne sie / sæt smið |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 13 drum swiðe / ut lytel spere || gif her inne sie / syx smiðas sæt
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 16 tan / ut spere || næs in spere / gif her inne sy || isernes dæl / h
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 18 geweorc || hit sceal gemyltan / gif ðu wære on fell scoten || o
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 21 næfre ne sy ðin lif atæsed / gif hit wære esa gescot || oðð
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 8 usa || ðæt he hit oðhealde / gif hyt hwa gedo || ne gedige hit
Instructions for Christians 33 re, || ðe us drihten gescop? / Gif þu þisses eorðlican weles
Instructions for Christians 55 þam ðe he ær lustum gæf. / Gif we us sylfum || synna gehwylc
Instructions for Christians 71 %. / Betere bið þe dusige, || gif he on breostum can / his unwis
Instructions for Christians 104 r his ege || ær gewonede. / Ac gif þu nelt || naht leofes gesyl
Instructions for Christians 142 mycel wela || manna ænegum, / gif he to swiðe ne bið || sylfe
Instructions for Christians 159 ge, || swa ðu swiðost miht. / Gif þu mage gefinden || fæst-hy
Instructions for Christians 164 / ne to slapor ne to slaw, || gif þu sige-drihten / mid cræfte
Instructions for Christians 166 ecampe || gecweman þæncest. / Gif mon mid ealra || innancundre%
Instructions for Christians 180 a eanig / onwendan to wille || gif he ne wolde ær. / þær ðær
Instructions for Christians 185 egum monna / laðes nawiht, || gif him ne licað / þinga gehwilc
Instructions for Christians 187 wilce || ða he þonne doð, / gif he his ælmyssan || alning d
Instructions for Christians 198 || mid ælle forwurðon, / ac gif he æfter ðan || mid alle m
Instructions for Christians 204 wicum || ðe he wunode ær, / gif þæt he wolde || þæt he wo
Instructions for Christians 215 a eanegum / to ondrædanne, || gif hit forbugan mæg / and þurh
Waldere, Fragment II 28 oce || he þær gearo findeþ / gif þa earnunga || ær geþence
Waldere B 29 ce, || he þær gearo findeð / gif ða earnunga || ær geðence
he - 1997 occurrences
Genesis A 3 ordum herigen / modum lufien || he is mægna sped / heafod ealra |
Genesis A 7 de cymþ / ecean drihtnes || ac he biþ a rice / ofer heofenstolas
Genesis A 31 mman / wefan and weccean || þa he worde cwæþ / niþes ofþyrste
Genesis A 32 þ / niþes ofþyrsted || þæt he on norþdæle / ham and heahset
Genesis A 35 / and þam werode wraþ || þe he ær wurþode / wlite and wuldre
Genesis A 41 hten ure / gasta weardas || þa he hit geare wiste / synnihte bese
Genesis A 54 twæfde / bælc forbigde || þa he gebolgen wearþ / besloh synsce
Genesis A 93 þeoden ure / modgeþonce || hu he þa mæran gesceaft / eþelsta
Genesis A 176 es leohtfruma || leofum rince / he þæt andweorc || of adames / l
Genesis A 178 listum ateah / rib of sidan || he wæs reste fæst / and softe sw
Genesis A 195 and moder / wif and wæpned || he þa worde cwæþ / temaþ nu an
Genesis A 219 s mihtum / ealle of anum || þa he þas eorþan gesceop / wætre w
Genesis B 239 þanc / lista and þara lara || he let heo þæt land buan / hwær
Genesis B 248 ihten / tene getrimede || þæm he getruwode wel / þæt hie his g
Genesis B 250 wyrcean his willan || forþon he him gewit forgeaf / and mid his
Genesis B 252 | halig drihten / gesett hæfde he hie swa gesæliglice || ænne
Genesis B 252 gesæliglice || ænne hæfde he swa swiþne geworhtne / swa mih
Genesis B 253 ihtigne on his modgeþohte || he let hine swa micles wealdan / h
Genesis B 254 him on heofona rice || hæfde he hine swa hwitne geworhtne / swa
Genesis B 256 rom weroda drihtne / gelic wæs he þam leohtum steorrum || lof
Genesis B 256 ohtum steorrum || lof sceolde he drihtnes wyrcean / dyran sceold
Genesis B 257 rihtnes wyrcean / dyran sceolde he his dreamas on heofonum || an
Genesis B 258 tne þancian / þæs leanes þe he him on þam leohte gescerede
Genesis B 258 hte gescerede || þonne læte he his hine lange wealdan / ac he
Genesis B 259 he his hine lange wealdan / ac he awende hit him to wyrsan þin
Genesis B 261 þam halgan stole / deore wæs he drihtne urum || ne mihte him
Genesis B 266 t and hiowbeorht || ne meahte he æt his hige findan / þæt he
Genesis B 267 he æt his hige findan / þæt he gode wolde || geongerdome / þe
Genesis B 269 an || þuhte him sylfum / þæt he mægyn and cræft || maran h
Genesis B 273 ohte þurh his anes cræft / hu he him strenglicran || stol gewo
Genesis B 275 t hine his hige speone / þæt he west and norþ || wyrcean ong
Genesis B 277 cwæþ him tweo þuhte / þæt he gode wolde || geongra weorþa
Genesis B 278 / hwæt sceal ic winnan cwæþ he || nis me wihtæ þearf / hearr
Genesis B 283 omes || ic mæg wesan god swa he / bigstandaþ me strange geneat
Genesis B 295 wiþ drihten sinne || sceolde he þa dæd ongyldan / worc þæs
Genesis B 301 f þan hean stole / hete hæfde he æt his hearran gewunnen || h
Genesis B 302 e goda on his mode || forþon he sceolde grund gesecean / hearde
Genesis B 303 ardes hellewites || þæs þe he wann wiþ heofnes waldend / acw
Genesis B 305 p / on þa deopan dala || þær he to deofle wearþ / se feond mid
Genesis B 310 d / noldon weorþian || forþon he heo on wyrse leoht / under eor
Genesis B 352 metto || ealra swiþost / þæt he ne wolde || wereda drihtnes / w
Genesis B 355 æs him utan / wraþlic wite || he þa worde cwæþ / is þæs æn
Genesis B 360 / romigan ures rices || næfþ he þeah riht gedon / þæt he us
Genesis B 361 fþ he þeah riht gedon / þæt he us hæfþ befælled || fyre t
Genesis B 385 be þam healse || swa ic wat he minne hige cuþe / and þæt wi
Genesis B 391 n þas sweartan mistas || swa he us ne mæg ænige synne gest
Genesis B 392 þam lande laþ gefremedon || he hæfþ us þeah þæs leohtes
Genesis B 394 him mid laþes wihte || þæt he us hafaþ þæs leohtes bescy
Genesis B 395 afaþ þæs leohtes bescyrede / he hæfþ nu gemearcod anne midd
Genesis B 395 cod anne middangeard || þær he hæfþ mon geworhtne / æfter h
Genesis B 396 er his onlicnesse || mid þam he wile eft gesettan / heofona ric
Genesis B 401 leohtes furþor || þæs þe he him þenceþ lange niotan / þ
Genesis B 405 æt hie þæt onwendon þæt he mid his worde bebead || þonn
Genesis B 405 worde bebead || þonne weorþ he him wraþ on mode / ahwet hie f
Genesis B 412 fdon ure setla geweald / þonne he me na on leofran tid || leanu
Genesis B 415 wilc || geþafa wurþan / þæt he up heonon || ute mihte / cuman
Genesis B 417 d hæfde cræft mid him / þæt he mid feþerhoman || fleogan me
Genesis B 430 caþ his gebodscipe || þonne he him abolgen wurþeþ / siþþan
Genesis B 453 || þæt hie wurdon laþ gode / he þa geferde || þurh feondes
Genesis B 454 þurh feondes cræft / oþþæt he adam || on eorþrice / godes ha
Genesis B 476 n þone hean heofon || þonne he heonon wende / þonne wæs se o
Genesis B 486 scyred / lytle hwile || sceolde he his lifes niotan / secan þonne
Genesis B 494 d wende hine eft þanon / þær he wiste handgeweorc || heofoncy
Genesis B 499 hine sylfne sæt || þa het he me on þysne siþ faran / het
Genesis B 514 arfeþu / sylfa habban || þæt he on þysne siþ fare / gumena dr
Genesis B 515 iþ fare / gumena drihten || ac he his gingran sent / to þinre sp
Genesis B 516 sent / to þinre spræce || nu he þe mid spellum het / listas l
Genesis B 522 nrice / adam maþelode || þær he on eorþan stod / selfsceafte g
Genesis B 529 e wurde / beswicen to swiþe || he cwæþ þæt þa sweartan hel
Genesis B 535 es ne sagona || ic wat hwæt he me self bebead / nergend user |
Genesis B 537 r || þa ic hine nehst geseah / he het me his word weorþian ||
Genesis B 541 oþiewdest || ænig tacen / þe he me þurh treowe || to onsende
Genesis B 545 orhte / her mid handum sinum || he mæg me of his hean rice / geof
Genesis B 546 n mid goda gehwilcum || þeah he his gingran ne sende / wende hi
Genesis B 547 / wende hine wraþmod || þær he þæt wif geseah / on eorþrice
Genesis B 555 stan wel / hwilc ærende swa || he easten hider / on þysne siþ s
Genesis B 556 ysne siþ sendeþ || nu sceal he sylf faran / to incre andsware
Genesis B 558 da beodan || þy ic wat þæt he inc abolgen wyrþ / mihtig on m
Genesis B 569 þu his willan hæfst || and he þinum wordum getrywþ / gif þ
Genesis B 572 u gebod godes / lare læstes || he þone laþan striþ / yfel andw
Genesis B 576 || span þu hine georne / þæt he þine lare læste || þy læs
Genesis B 610 c / þurh feondscipe || nalles he hie freme lærde / þu meaht nu
Genesis B 621 ic him þa womcwidas || þeah he his wyrþe ne sie / to alætann
Genesis B 622 ie / to alætanne || þæs fela he me laþes spræc / swa hire eaf
Genesis B 635 þe hine ne warnaþ || þonne he his geweald hafaþ / sum heo hi
Genesis B 641 orfton / þegnas þolian || ac he þeoda gehwam / hefonrice forge
Genesis B 651 are || and geleafan nom / þæt he þa bysene from gode || brung
Genesis B 652 om gode || brungen hæfde / þe he hire swa wærlice || wordum s
Genesis B 658 ic on his gearwan geseo / þæt he is ærendsecg || uncres hearr
Genesis B 662 æg wuht || hearmes gespræce / he forgifþ hit þeah || gif wit
Genesis B 665 an || unc is his hyldo þearf / he mæg unc ærendian || to þam
Genesis B 667 | ic mæg heonon geseon / hwær he sylf siteþ || þæt is suþ
Genesis B 699 odes || forbrocen hæfdon / þa he forlærde || mid ligenwordum /
Genesis B 706 an / his hige hweorfan || þæt he þam gehate getruwode / þe him
Genesis B 717 gann / wendan to hire willan || he æt þam wife onfeng / helle an
Genesis B 761 satan ic þær secan wille || he is on þære sweartan helle / h
Genesis B 763 þer / boda bitresta || sceolde he þa bradan ligas / secan helle
Genesis B 800 ian for þis siþe || forþon he unc self bebead / þæt wit unc
Genesis B 817 / waldend þone godan || þæt he þe her worhte to me / of liþu
Genesis B 832 nu-þa / on flod faran || nære he firnum þæs deop / merestream
Genesis A 857 dyde / wiste forworhte || þam he ær wlite sealde / gewitan him
Genesis A 955 eah þe hie him from swice / ac he him to frofre let || hwæþer
Genesis A 982 ende niþ / yrre for æfstum || he þa unræden / folmum gefremede
Genesis A 1068 e / fæder on laste || oþþæt he forþ gewat / siþþan mathusal
Genesis A 1117 þanc sie / adam hæfde || þa he eft ongan / him to eþelstæfe
Genesis A 1126 # || / and þritig eac || þa he þas woruld / þurh gastgedal |
Genesis A 1131 de / fif and hundteontig || þa he furþum ongan / his mægburge |
Genesis A 1142 || þa seo tid gewearþ / þæt he friþgedal || fremman sceolde
Genesis A 1143 eolde / him æfter heold || þa he of worulde gewat / enos yrfe ||
Genesis A 1146 h / sædberendes || sethes lice / he wæs leof gode || and lifde h
Genesis A 1147 er / wintra hundnigontig || ær he be wife her / þurh gebedscipe
Genesis A 1153 suna and dohtra || swealt þa he hæfde / frod fyrnwita || fif a
Genesis A 1164 igonhund / wintra hæfde || þa he woruld ofgeaf / and tyne eac ||
Genesis A 1170 d sixtig / wintra hæfde || þa he be wife ongann / bearna strynan
Genesis A 1178 e / fif and hundnigontig || þa he forþ gewat / and eahtahund ||
Genesis A 1192 hæfde / fif and syxtig || þa he forþ gewat / and nigonhund eac
Genesis A 1194 imes / wine frod wintres || þa he þas woruld ofgeaf / ond geared
Genesis A 1200 and drihtscipe # || / þenden he hyrde wæs || heafodmaga / brea
Genesis A 1210 || and heora aldor somed / ac he cwic gewat || mid cyning engl
Genesis A 1214 ine to monnum || modor brohte / he þam yldestan || eaforan læf
Genesis A 1216 d syxtig / wintra hæfde || þa he woruld ofgeaf / and eac þreo h
Genesis A 1222 htra / hæfde frod hæle || þa he from sceolde / niþþum hweorfa
Genesis A 1234 as wocan / eaforan and idesa || he þone yldestan / noæ nemde ||
Genesis A 1238 orwisa / fif hund wintra || þa he furþum ongan / bearna strynan
Genesis A 1273 | womma þriste / inwitfulle || he þæt unfægere / wera cneoriss
Genesis A 1277 um || hreaw hine swiþe / þæt he folcmægþa || fruman aweahte
Genesis A 1278 aweahte / æþelinga ord || þa he adam sceop / cwæþ þæt he wo
Genesis A 1279 a he adam sceop / cwæþ þæt he wolde || for wera synnum / eall
Genesis A 1291 eoþre || helm allwihta / hwæt he fah werum || fremman wolde / ge
Genesis A 1369 ameches || syxhund wintra / þa he mid bearnum || under bord ges
Genesis A 1391 drihten / scyppend usser || þa he þæt scip beleac / siþþan wi
Genesis A 1409 es / and ealle þa wocre || þe he wiþ wætre beleac / lifes leoh
Genesis A 1428 siþa / reste ageafe || þæra he rume dreah / þa hine on sunde
Genesis A 1443 f huse ut / noe tealde || þæt he on neod hine / gif he on þære
Genesis A 1444 || þæt he on neod hine / gif he on þære lade || land ne fun
Genesis A 1449 / salwigfeþera || secan nolde / he þa ymb seofon niht || sweart
Genesis A 1493 geþeahtne || þriddan eþyl / he fremede swa || and frean hyrd
Genesis A 1504 uþ dyde / nergend usser || þa he noe / gebletsade || and his bea
Genesis A 1506 || and his bearn somed / þæt he þæt gyld on þanc || agifen
Genesis A 1523 dor oþþringeþ || ne þearf he þy edleane gefeon / modgeþanc
Genesis A 1566 ne wæs / læg þa limnacod || he lyt ongeat / þæt him on his i
Genesis A 1571 slæpe || sefa nearwode / þæt he ne mihte || on gemynd drepen /
Genesis A 1579 g / ferhþe forstolen || þær he freondlice / on his agenum fæd
Genesis A 1582 de huru / hleomagum helan || ac he hlihende / broþrum sægde || h
Genesis A 1594 earn / wordum wyrgean || cwæþ he wesan sceolde / hean under heof
Genesis A 1601 r flode || and fiftig eac þa he forþ gewat / siþþan his eafo
Genesis A 1606 heafodmaga / sunu and dohtra || he wæs selfa til / heold a rice |
Genesis A 1631 swa us gewritu secgeaþ / þæt he moncynnes || mæste hæfde / on
Genesis A 1684 yning || steore gefremede / þa he reþemod || reorde gesette / eo
Genesis A 1721 e brohte / wif to hame || þær he wic ahte / fæger and freolic |
Genesis A 1742 eled rime / and fife eac || þa he forþ gewat / misserum frod ||
Genesis A 1777 / fif and hundseofontig || þa he faran sceolde / carran ofgifan
Genesis A 1806 oþere siþe / wibed worhte || he þær wordum god / torhtum cigd
Genesis A 1840 end usser / an ælmihtig || swa he ær dyde / lengran lifes || se
Genesis A 1856 te || wordum heredon / oþþæt he lædan heht || leoflic wif to
Genesis A 1872 of þære folcsceare || þæt he on friþe wære / þa abraham |
Genesis A 1939 leodþeawum || loth onfon / ac he þære mægþe || monwisan fl
Genesis A 1940 e || monwisan fleah / þeah þe he on þam lande || lifian sceol
Genesis A 1944 gelicost || lara gemyndig / þe he ne cuþe || hwæt þa cynn dy
Genesis A 1951 cneorisse / foldwonga bearn || he frean hyrde / estum on eþle ||
Genesis A 1952 rde / estum on eþle || þenden he eardes breac / halig and higefr
Genesis A 2040 s heorþwerod / wæpna onfon || he þær wigena fand / æscberendr
Genesis A 2043 ac || þeodenholdra / þara þe he wiste || þæt meahte wel æg
Genesis A 2052 um neh / gefaren hæfdon || þa he his frumgaran / wishydig wer ||
Genesis A 2300 me || ismael geboren / efne þa he on worulde || wintra hæfde / s
Genesis A 2332 s mihtum / freondsped fremum || he onfon sceal / blisse minre || a
Genesis A 2341 on hige sinum / modgeþance || he þæs mældæges / self ne wend
Genesis A 2347 de / efne hund || geteled rimes / he þa metode oncwæþ || missar
Genesis A 2379 geþum iecte / on woruldrice || he him þæs worhte to / siþþan
Genesis A 2380 him þæs worhte to / siþþan he on fære || furþum meahte / hi
Genesis A 2537 sparode / eorl mid idesum || ac he ofstum forþ / lastas legde ||
Genesis A 2538 orþ / lastas legde || oþþæt he gelædde / bryd mid bearnum ||
Genesis A 2551 nnes || lig eall fornam / þæt he grenes fond || goldburgum in /
Genesis A 2577 gangan / mid ærdæge || þæt he eft gestod / þær wordum ær |
Genesis A 2579 ldend spræc / frod frumgara || he geseah from foldan up / wide fl
Genesis A 2588 st þa / abraham arlice || swa he oft dyde / leofne mannan || lot
Genesis A 2605 wod / mode and gemynde || þæt he mægþa siþ / wine druncen ||
Genesis A 2626 wordum || bearh his aldre / þy he wiste gearwe || þæt he wine
Genesis A 2626 / þy he wiste gearwe || þæt he winemaga / on folce lyt || freo
Genesis A 2633 fylste þa / ece drihten || swa he oft dyde / nergend usser || com
Genesis A 2658 þelinga helm || aldres recce / he is god and gleaw || mæg self
Genesis A 2661 am frumgaran / bryde wyrnest || he abiddan mæg / gif he ofstum me
Genesis A 2662 yrnest || he abiddan mæg / gif he ofstum me || ærendu wile / þe
Genesis A 2719 alde him to bote || þæs þe he his bryd genam / gangende feoh
Genesis A 2738 ean hæse / lufum and lissum || he wæs leof gode / forþon he sib
Genesis A 2739 || he wæs leof gode / forþon he sibbe || gesælig dreah / and h
Genesis A 2743 elehe / for þære synne || þe he wiþ sarrai / and wiþ abrahame
Genesis A 2745 abrahame || ær gefremede / þa he gedælde || him deore twa / wif
Genesis A 2746 deore twa / wif and wæpned || he þæs weorc gehleat / frecne wi
Genesis A 2761 ea ælmihtig / to sarrai || swa he self gecwæþ / waldend usser |
Genesis A 2775 m wif sunu / on þanc gebær || he þæs þrage bad / siþþan him
Genesis A 2792 ahame / weorce on mode || þæt he on wræc drife / his selfes sun
Genesis A 2833 imelehe / wære sealde || þæt he wolde swa / siþþan wæs se ea
Genesis A 2860 nd me lac bebeodan / ne forsæt he þy siþe || ac sona ongann / f
Genesis A 2870 æg wæs his agen þridda / and he feorþa sylf || þa he fus ge
Genesis A 2870 da / and he feorþa sylf || þa he fus gewat / from his agenum hof
Genesis A 2894 || hæfde on an gehogod / þæt he gedæde || swa hine drihten h
Genesis A 2899 | swa him se eca bebead / þæt he on hrofe gestod || hean lande
Genesis A 2910 abraham hlude / stefne cygde || he stille gebad / ares spræce ||
Genesis A 2925 othes / breost geblissad || þa he him his bearn forgeaf / isaac c
Genesis A 2935 nd ealra þara sælþa || þe he him siþ and ær / gifena driht
Exodus 12 ce alwalda || in æht forgeaf / he wæs leof gode || leoda aldor
Exodus 24 da god || wordum nægde / þær he him gesægde || soþwundra fe
Exodus 30 þeah hie fela wiston / hæfde he þa geswiþed || soþum cræf
Exodus 56 swa || mægburh heora / oferfor he mid þy folce || fæstena wor
Exodus 86 s || feldhusa mæst / siþþan he mid wuldre || geweorþode / þe
Exodus 123 reþreate || hatan lige / þæt he on westenne || werod forbærn
Exodus 143 manna æfter maþmum || þæt he swa miceles geþah / ealles þ
Exodus 189 || wigan æghwilcne / þara þe he on þam fyrste || findan miht
Exodus 277 stefne / lifigendra leod || þa he to leodum spræc / hwæt ge nu
Exodus 317 lde || sigorworca hreþ / þæt he ealdordom || agan sceolde / ofe
Exodus 335 icel angetrum / eode unforht || he his ealdordom / synnum aswefede
Exodus 336 rdom / synnum aswefede || þæt he siþor for / on leofes last ||
Exodus 339 or oþþah / ead and æþelo || he wæs gearu swa þeah / þær fo
Exodus 349 e / mægenþrymmum mæst || þy he mære wearþ / on forþwegas ||
Exodus 367 þre || halige treowa / forþon he gelædde || ofer lagustreamas
Exodus 383 d bebead / werþeoda geweald || he on wræce lifde / siþþan he g
Exodus 384 | he on wræce lifde / siþþan he gelædde || leofost feora / hal
Exodus 404 yrfelafe / feores frofre || þa he swa forþ gebad / leodum to laf
Exodus 406 dum to lafe || langsumne hiht / he þæt gecyþde || þa he þon
Exodus 406 hiht / he þæt gecyþde || þa he þone cniht genam / fæste mid
Exodus 409 e lafe || ecg grymetode / þæt he him lifdagas || leofran ne wi
Exodus 410 as || leofran ne wisse / þonne he hyrde || heofoncyninge / up ar
Exodus 432 gin || and þeos geomre lyft / he aþ swereþ || engla þeoden /
Exodus 440 tor || in sefan weorþe / þæt he ana mæge || ealle geriman / st
Exodus 489 a paþ / merestreames mod || ac he manegum gesceod / gyllende gryr
Exodus 502 ypta / faraon mid his folcum || he onfond hraþe / siþþan grund
Exodus 530 þeodscipes / metodes miltsa || he us ma onlyhþ / nu us boceras |
Exodus 544 tede || manegum demeþ / þonne he soþfæstra || sawla lædeþ /
Exodus 553 r ongeton / modiges muþhæl || he to mænegum spræc / micel is
Exodus 558 ce / wile nu gelæstan || þæt he lange gehet / mid aþsware || e
Daniel 25 || þæt wæs weorc gode / oft he þam leodum || to lare sende /
Daniel 49 ossor || þurh niþhete / þæt he secan ongan || sefan gehygdum
Daniel 50 an ongan || sefan gehygdum / hu he israelum || eaþost meahte / þ
Daniel 85 || secgan mihte / nales þy þe he þæt moste || oþþe gemunan
Daniel 86 || oþþe gemunan wolde / þæt he þara gifena || gode þancode
Daniel 106 rd / egesful ylda bearnum || no he æ fremede / ac in oferhygde ||
Daniel 119 sorh astah || swefnes woma / no he gemunde || þæt him meted w
Daniel 124 berend || reste wunode / wearþ he on þam egesan || acol worden
Daniel 125 am egesan || acol worden / þa he ne wisse || word ne angin / swe
Daniel 165 lonia || mid bocerum / siþþan he gesæde || swefen cyninge / þ
Daniel 166 sæde || swefen cyninge / þæt he ær for fyrenum || onfon ne m
Daniel 169 t daniel || gedon mihte / þæt he wolde metodes || mihte gelyfa
Daniel 170 e metodes || mihte gelyfan / ac he wyrcan ongan || weoh on felda
Daniel 204 to þam gyldnan gylde || þe he him to gode geteode / þegnas
Daniel 216 ea / guman to þam golde || þe he him to gode teode / noldon þea
Daniel 224 arþ yrre anmod cyning || het he ofn onhætan / to cwale cnihta
Daniel 226 hie his cræftas onsocon / þa he wæs gegleded || swa he grimm
Daniel 226 n / þa he wæs gegleded || swa he grimmost mihte / frecne fyres l
Daniel 227 ihte / frecne fyres lige || þa he þyder folc samnode / and gebin
Daniel 268 ah þa swiþmod cyning || þa he his sefan ontreowde / wundor on
Daniel 343 e ne wæs / owiht geegled || ac he on andan sloh / fyr on feondas
Daniel 425 s || þristum wordum / cweþaþ he sie ana || ælmihtig god / witi
Daniel 446 fela / soþra tacna || oþþæt he sylfa gelyfde / þæt se wære
Daniel 459 gn || soþum wordum / siþþan he wundor onget # || / babilone w
Daniel 474 dor godes || we gesawon / þæt he wiþ cwealme gebearh || cniht
Daniel 476 am þe his lof bæron / forþam he is ana || ece drihten / dema æ
Daniel 487 wa / babilone weard || siþþan he beacen onget / swutol tacen god
Daniel 493 asette / metod ælmihtig || swa he manegum deþ / þara þe þurh
Daniel 499 st / beorht on blædum || næs he bearwe gelic / ac he hlifode ||
Daniel 500 um || næs he bearwe gelic / ac he hlifode || to heofontunglum / s
Daniel 501 de || to heofontunglum / swilce he oferfæþmde || foldan sceata
Daniel 503 as / twigum and telgum || þær he to geseah / þuhte him þæt se
Daniel 522 tigra / wite wealdeþ || þonne he him wiþ mæge / þa of slæpe
Daniel 529 þæt swefen bude / nalles þy he wende || þæt hie hit wiston
Daniel 530 de || þæt hie hit wiston / ac he cunnode || hu hie cweþan wol
Daniel 536 cræft / wisne wordcwide || oft he wundor manig / metodes mihta ||
Daniel 538 mihta || for men ætbær / þa he secgan ongan || swefnes woman
Daniel 544 dum / hwæt se beam bude || þe he blican geseah / and him witgode
Daniel 546 him witgode || wyrda geþingu / he þa swigode || hwæþere soþ
Daniel 549 g / wandode se wisa || hwæþre he worde cwæþ / æcræftig ar ||
Daniel 588 ær þam seo þrah cyme / þæt he þec aworpe || of woruldrice /
Daniel 597 od astah / heah fram heortan || he þæs hearde ongeald / ongan þ
Daniel 599 lp micel / caldea cyning || þa he ceastergeweorc / babilone burh
Daniel 626 a bearnum / ana ece gast || þa he eft onhwearf / wodan gewittes |
Daniel 627 f / wodan gewittes || þær þe he ær wide bær / herewosan hige
Daniel 630 ynd / mod to mannum || siþþan he metod onget / gewat þa earmsce
Daniel 644 hwilcum / welan swa wite || swa he wolde sylf / ne lengde þa || l
Daniel 646 ldor / witegena wordcwyde || ac he wide bead / metodes mihte || þ
Daniel 647 e bead / metodes mihte || þær he meld ahte / siþfæt sægde ||
Daniel 649 inum leodum / wide waþe || þe he mid wilddeorum ateah / oþþæt
Daniel 651 becwom / rædfæst sefa || þa he to roderum beseah / wyrd wæs g
Daniel 657 as || for his ofermedlan / swa he ofstlice || godspellode / metod
Daniel 684 eþ || healdan sceoldon / wiste he ealdormen || in unrihtum / þa
Daniel 688 þæt ær man ne ongan / þæt he babilone || abrecan wolde / alh
Daniel 717 m þæt tacen wearþ || þær he to starude / egeslic for eorlum
Daniel 719 eorlum || innan healle / þæt he for leodum || ligeword gecwæ
Daniel 725 cul for þam egesan || geseah he engles hand / in sele writan ||
Daniel 739 apian / burhge weardas || þæt he him bocstafas / arædde and are
Daniel 760 eard || wundor gecyþde / þæt he wære ana || ealra gesceafta /
Christ and Satan 3 fde || miht and strengþo / þa he gefestnade || foldan sceatas /
Christ and Satan 4 nade || foldan sceatas / seolfa he gesette || sunnan and monan / s
Christ and Satan 9 ihtum || and alne middangeard / he selfa mæg || sæ geondwlitan
Christ and Satan 11 ofene || godes agen bearn / and he ariman mæg || rægnas scuran
Christ and Satan 13 welcne || daga enderim / seolua he gesette || þurh his soþan m
Christ and Satan 19 ene || nymþe ece god / dreamas he gedelde || duguþe and geþeo
Christ and Satan 33 e and gifre || god ana wat / hu he þæt scyldige werud || forsc
Christ and Satan 77 wæs þa forht agen / seoþþan he þes wites || worn gefelde / he
Christ and Satan 78 he þes wites || worn gefelde / he spearcade || þonne he spreoc
Christ and Satan 78 efelde / he spearcade || þonne he spreocan ongan / fyre and atre
Christ and Satan 80 iþ swelc fæger dream / þonne he in witum || wordum indraf / ic
Christ and Satan 116 alefan / æþel to æhte || swa he ær dyde / ecne onwald || ah hi
Christ and Satan 146 # || / butan þam anum || þe he agan nyle / þa ic mot to hæft
Christ and Satan 162 leah / attre gelicost || þonne he ut þorhdraf / eala drihtenes
Christ and Satan 189 de / hwearf þa to helle || þa he gehened wæs / godes andsaca ||
Christ and Satan 194 an || hæleþa æghwylc / þæt he ne abælige || bearn waldende
Christ and Satan 199 ecne gefean || engla waldend / he þæt gecydde || þæt he mæ
Christ and Satan 199 end / he þæt gecydde || þæt he mægencræft hæfde / mihta mic
Christ and Satan 200 ft hæfde / mihta miccle || þa he þa mænego adraf / hæftas of
Christ and Satan 211 þæt him wlite scine / þonne he oþer lif || eft geseceþ / fæ
Christ and Satan 217 ra || uta cerran þider / þær he sylfa sit || sigora waldend / d
Christ and Satan 259 od seolfa him / rice haldeþ || he is ana cyning / þe us eorre ge
Christ and Satan 264 mbutan / on æghwylcum || þæh he uppe seo / ne mot he þam sawlu
Christ and Satan 265 m || þæh he uppe seo / ne mot he þam sawlum || þe þær seca
Christ and Satan 278 alefan / eþel to æhte || swa he ær dyde / swa gnornedon || god
Christ and Satan 283 se þe his heorte deah / þæt he him afirre || frecne geþohta
Christ and Satan 291 lgan || helpe gelefaþ / þonne he us no forlæteþ || ah lif sy
Christ and Satan 305 cweman / synne adwæscan || swa he sylfa cwæþ / soþfæste men |
Christ and Satan 316 rgda || wraþe geþohte / þæt he heofencyninge || heran ne wol
Christ and Satan 334 | and gnornungc mecga / nabbaþ he to hyhte || nymþe cyle and f
Christ and Satan 346 ndne crist / rodera rices || ah he on riht geheold / hired heofona
Christ and Satan 368 eardagum || in godes rice / þa he in wuldre || wrohte onstalde /
Christ and Satan 369 ldre || wrohte onstalde / þæt he oferhyda || agan wolde / þa sa
Christ and Satan 371 nus || swearte geþohte / þæt he wolde on heofonum || hehseld
Christ and Satan 374 || him þæt eft gehreaw / þa he to helle || hnigan sceolde / an
Christ and Satan 379 a becom / dyne for deman || þa he duru in helle / bræc and begde
Christ and Satan 462 dagum / witegan sædon || þæt he swa wolde / þis wæs on uhtan
Christ and Satan 465 becom / hlud of heofonum || þa he helle duru / forbræc and forbe
Christ and Satan 516 glic || stan gefæstnod / þeah he wære mid irne || eall ymbfan
Christ and Satan 518 iclan || mægne wiþhabban / ah he ut eode || engla drihten / on
Christ and Satan 522 cgan het || simon petre / þæt he moste in galileam || god scea
Christ and Satan 523 eawian / ecne and trumne || swa he ær dyde / þa ic gongan gefreg
Christ and Satan 542 ora || didimus wæs haten / ær he mid hondum || hælend genom / s
Christ and Satan 543 enom / sylfne be sidan || þær he his swat forlet / feollon to fo
Christ and Satan 547 ten / geþrowode || þeoden ure / he on beame astah || and his blo
Christ and Satan 551 dædum and weorcum / þæs þe he us of hæftum || ham gelædde
Christ and Satan 559 lcum / gecyþed mancynne || ær he in þa mæran gesceaft / burhle
Christ and Satan 569 gende crist || gecwæþ þæt he þæs / ymb tene niht || twelf
Christ and Satan 576 him seo dæd ne geþeah / þæs he bebohte || bearn wealdendes / o
Christ and Satan 583 | þæt is monegum cuþ / þæt he ana is || ealra gescefta / wyrh
Christ and Satan 665 owode || þeoden engla / swylce he fæste || feowertig daga / meto
Christ and Satan 668 pen wæs / of heofonum || þæt he in helle gedeaf / þa costode |
Christ and Satan 35 te wiþ þes laþan || hwilum he licgan geseah / hæftas in hyll
Christ and Satan 37 || hwilum hream astag / þonne he on þone atolan || eagum gesa
Christ and Satan 39 n / blac bealowes gast || þæt he on botme stod / þa him þuhte
Christ and Satan 44 ne cræft || susle amæte / þa he gemunde || þæt he on grunde
Christ and Satan 44 mæte / þa he gemunde || þæt he on grunde stod / locade leas wi
Andreas 51 n mid billes ecge || hwæþre he in breostum þa git / herede in
Andreas 53 | heofonrices weard / þeah þe he atres drync || atulne onfenge
Andreas 54 ne onfenge / eadig ond onmod || he mid elne forþ / wyrþode wordu
Andreas 59 yrhþlocan || fæste bewunden / he þa wepende || weregum tearum
Andreas 94 þres sweg / mæres þeodnes || he his maguþegne / under hearmloc
Andreas 112 re || in þas hæþenan burg / he þe alyseþ || of þyssum leo
Andreas 120 to þam uplican / eþelrice || he is on riht cyning / staþolfæs
Andreas 163 þelode || strangum mihtum / hu he in ellþeodigum || yrmþum wu
Andreas 166 breum || ond israhelum / swylce he iudea || galdorcræftum / wiþs
Andreas 185 biþ fore þreo niht || þæt he on þære þeode sceal / fore h
Andreas 232 || ne wæs him bleaþ hyge / ah he wæs anræd || ellenweorces / h
Andreas 240 beorn wæs on hyhte / syþþan he on waruþe || widfæþme scip
Andreas 244 andel blac / ofer lagoflodas || he þær lidweardas / þrymlice þ
Andreas 263 na wæs || meþelhegendra / þe he þær on waroþe || wiþþing
Andreas 305 im þa beorna breogo || þær he on bolcan sæt / ofer waroþa g
Andreas 321 e || selre biþ æghwam / þæt he eaþmedum || ellorfusne / oncna
Andreas 324 nas synd / gecoren to cempum || he is cyning on riht / wealdend on
Andreas 327 e god || eallra gesceafta / swa he ealle befehþ || anes cræfte
Andreas 329 algum mihtum / sigora selost || he þæt sylfa cwæþ / fæder fol
Andreas 378 lmode || ænig ne wende / þæt he lifgende || land begete / þara
Andreas 385 sægde / ricum ræsboran || þa he gereordod wæs / þe þissa sw
Andreas 419 becwist / rece þa gerynu || hu he reordberend / lærde under lyft
Andreas 501 æft / is þon geliccost || swa he on landsceare / stille stande |
Andreas 520 e yþa / þyþ ond þreataþ || he þeodum sceal / racian mid riht
Andreas 563 uman / grome gealgmode || þæt he god wære / þeah þe he wundra
Andreas 564 þæt he god wære / þeah þe he wundra feala || weorodum gecy
Andreas 569 ge weox / word ond wisdom || ah he þara wundra a / domagende || d
Andreas 575 des miht / gumena leofost || hu he his gif cyþde / geond woruld w
Andreas 577 de || wealdendes bearn / sealde he dumbum gesprec || deafe gehyr
Andreas 582 hstedum || blinde gesegon / swa he on grundwæge || gumena cynne
Andreas 584 deaþe / worde awehte || swylce he eac wundra feala / cynerof cyþ
Andreas 586 de || þurh his cræftes miht / he gehalgode || for heremægene /
Andreas 589 on þa beteran gecynd / swylce he afedde || of fixum twam / ond o
Andreas 605 þin || wundor on eorþan / þa he gefremede || nalas feam siþu
Andreas 618 ecge ic þe to soþe || þæt he swiþe oft / beforan fremede ||
Andreas 622 umena / folcræd fremede || swa he to friþe hogode / him ondswaro
Andreas 625 n / maga mode rof || mægen þa he cyþde / deormod on digle || þ
Andreas 665 tmæcgas / geteled tireadige || he wæs twelfta sylf / þa we beco
Andreas 672 ocan onspeon / wroht webbade || he on gewitte oncneow / þæt we s
Andreas 674 folgodon / læston larcwide || he lungre ahof / woþe wiþerhydig
Andreas 684 ordfruman || æþelu onwocon / he wæs afeded || on þysse folc
Andreas 699 a dryhten || secan digol land / he þurh wundra feala || on þam
Andreas 700 nne / cræfta gecyþde || þæt he wæs cyning on riht / ofer midd
Andreas 704 od || eallra gesceafta / swylce he oþerra || unrim cyþde / wundo
Andreas 707 siþe / getrume mycle || þæt he in temple gestod / wuldres aldo
Andreas 710 e / synnige ne swulgon || þeah he soþra swa feala / tacna gecyþ
Andreas 712 || þær hie to segon / swylce he wrætlice || wundor agræfene
Andreas 716 efrætwed / wlitige geworhte || he worde cwæþ / þis is anlicnes
Andreas 737 eop / frod fyrngeweorc || þæt he on foldan stod / stan fram stan
Andreas 753 fyrndagum || fæderas cuþon / he abrahame || ond isace / ond ioc
Andreas 786 htum || ongiten hæfdon / gewat he þa feran || swa him frea mih
Andreas 788 fde / ofer mearcpaþu || þæt he on mambre becom / beorhte blica
Andreas 812 t gehyran || hyse leofesta / hu he wundra worn || wordum cyþde /
Andreas 844 || þa se wisa oncneow / þæt he marmedonia || mægþe hæfde /
Andreas 846 te || swa him sylf bebead / þa he him fore gescraf || fæder ma
Andreas 847 raf || fæder mancynnes / geseh he þa on greote || gingran sine
Andreas 849 ryhte him / swefan on slæpe || he sona ongann / wigend weccean ||
Andreas 856 e || ic his word oncneow / þeh he his mægwlite || bemiþen hæ
Andreas 913 wæs || þurh cnihtes had / þa he worde cwæþ || wuldres aldor
Andreas 992 s cempa || carcerne neh / geseh he hæþenra || hloþ ætgædere
Andreas 1004 ncne || deaþwang rudon / geseh he matheus || in þam morþorcof
Andreas 1007 omweorþinga / engla þeodne || he þær ana sæt / geohþum geomo
Andreas 1037 / generede fram niþe || þær he nænigne forlet / under burgloc
Andreas 1059 ædmod gangan || to þæs þe he gramra gemot / fara folcmægen
Andreas 1061 || gefrægen hæfde / oþþæt he gemette || be mearcpaþe / stan
Andreas 1109 hþ || cearegan reorde / cwæþ he his sylfes sunu || syllan wol
Andreas 1137 arlic || to geþolianne / þæt he swa unscyldig || ealdre sceol
Andreas 1151 / dryhtna dryhtne || þæs þe he dom gifeþ / gumena gehwylcum |
Andreas 1176 ne ic andreas / nemnan herde || he eow neon gesceod / þa he afere
Andreas 1177 de || he eow neon gesceod / þa he aferede || of fæstenne / mannc
Andreas 1243 asundrad fram synnum || þeah he sares swa feala / deopum dolgsl
Andreas 1250 aþne gewinnan / to carcerne || he wæs criste swa þeah / leof on
Andreas 1266 l for þy egesan || þæs þe he ær ongann / þæt he a domlico
Andreas 1267 þæs þe he ær ongann / þæt he a domlicost || dryhten herede
Andreas 1280 / weoll waþuman stream || ond he worde cwæþ / geseoh nu dryhte
Andreas 1327 | ond hine rode befealg / þæt he on gealgan || his gast onsend
Andreas 1373 tig || ofer middangeard / þæt he þe alyse || of leoþubendum /
Andreas 1448 widum || wuldorcyninges / geseh he geblowene || bearwas standan /
Andreas 1449 ndan / blædum gehrodene || swa he ær his blod aget / þa worde c
Andreas 1482 nne / langsum leornung || þæt he in life adreag / eall æfter or
Andreas 1486 unne / eall þa earfeþo || þe he mid elne adreah / grimra guþa
Andreas 1490 can || þæt is fyrnsægen / hu he weorna feala || wita geþolod
Andreas 1492 || in þære hæþenan byrig / he be wealle geseah || wundrum f
Andreas 1495 edrifene / eald enta geweorc || he wiþ anne þæra / mihtig ond m
Andreas 1591 || grund eall forswealg / nalas he þær yþe || ane bisencte / ac
Andreas 1655 | sægde his fusne hige / þæt he þa goldburg || ofgifan wolde
Andreas 22 nne / mycel modes sorg || þæt he þa menigeo geseah / hweorfan h
Andreas 29 swa him dryhten bebead / þæt he þa wederburg || wunian sceol
Andreas 33 siþe / sylfa gesecan || þær he sawulgedal / beaducwealm gebad
The Fates of the Apostles 18 | aldre geneþde / ne þreodode he fore þrymme || þeodcyninges
The Fates of the Apostles 30 nan hrif || fæder manncynnes / he in effessia || ealle þrage / l
The Fates of the Apostles 47 nd || heafde beneotan / forþan he þa hæþengild || hyran ne w
The Fates of the Apostles 56 / þurh dryhtnes miht || þæt he of deaþe aras / geong ond guþ
The Fates of the Apostles 89 ysses giddes begang || þæt he geomrum me / þone halgan heap
The Fates of the Apostles 108 isses galdres begang || þæt he geoce me / ond frofre fricle ||
The Fates of the Apostles 114 | swa biþ ælcum menn / nemþe he godcundes || gastes bruce / ah
Soul and Body I 2 þ || hæleþa æghwylc / þæt he his sawle siþ || sylfa geþe
Soul and Body I 119 || on þam eorþscræfe / þæt he þa tungan totyhþ || ond þa
Soul and Body I 123 erie / lic acolod biþ || þæt he lange ær / werede mid wædum |
Homiletic Fragment I 16 n / gefylled mid facne || þeah he fæger word / utan ætywe || æ
Homiletic Fragment I 37 e || nimþe feara hwylc / þæt he soþlice || sybbe healde / gast
Dream of the Rood 34 es / efstan elne mycle || þæt he me wolde on gestigan / þær ic
Dream of the Rood 40 strang ond stiþmod || gestah he on gealgan heanne / modig on ma
Dream of the Rood 41 ig on manigra gesyhþe || þa he wolde mancyn lysan / bifode ic
Dream of the Rood 49 þæs guman sidan || siþþan he hæfde his gast onsended / feal
Dream of the Rood 64 þær heofenes dryhten || ond he hine þær hwile reste / meþe
Dream of the Rood 69 þam mæran þeodne || reste he þær mæte weorode / hwæþere
Dream of the Rood 92 heofonrices weard / swylce swa he his modor eac || marian sylfe
Dream of the Rood 101 adomes || ealdgewyrhtum / deaþ he þær byrigde || hwæþere ef
Dream of the Rood 103 clan mihte || mannum to helpe / he þa on heofenas astag || hide
Dream of the Rood 107 d || ond his englas mid / þæt he þonne wile deman || se ah do
Dream of the Rood 108 geweald / anra gehwylcum || swa he him ærur her / on þyssum læn
Dream of the Rood 112 þe se wealdend cwyþ / frineþ he for þære mænige || hwær s
Dream of the Rood 114 olde / biteres onbyrigan || swa he ær on þam beame dyde / ac hie
Dream of the Rood 147 algtreowe || for guman synnum / he us onlysde || ond us lif forg
Dream of the Rood 151 fate / mihtig ond spedig || þa he mid manigeo com / gasta weorode
Elene 9 stantines || caserdomes / þæt he romwara || in rice wearþ / ah
Elene 13 es weox / rice under roderum || he wæs riht cyning / guþweard gu
Elene 15 / mærþum ond mihtum || þæt he manegum wearþ / geond middange
Elene 59 hreþa || here sceawede / þæt he on romwara || rices ende / ymb
Elene 70 ætywed / þam casere || þær he on corþre swæf / sigerofum ge
Elene 74 ylc / geywed ænlicra || þonne he ær oþþe siþ / gesege under
Elene 75 e siþ / gesege under swegle || he of slæpe onbrægd / eofurcumbl
Elene 85 aþe findest / sigores tacen || he wæs sona gearu / þurh þæs h
Elene 88 d / fæle friþowebba || geseah he frætwum beorht / wliti wuldres
Elene 100 a hleo / beorna beaggifa || swa he þæt beacen geseah / heria hil
Elene 346 re sceawode / sigora dryhten || he on gesyhþe wæs / mægena weal
Elene 21 t || gif hie wiston ær / þæt he crist wære || cyning on rode
Elene 40 don ær / sarum settan || þeah he sume hwile / on galgan his || g
Elene 54 æs || stanum worpod / ne geald he yfel yfele || ac his ealdfeon
Elene 56 erd || bæd þrymcyning / þæt he him þa weadæd || to wræce
Elene 59 larum / feore beræddon || swa he þurh feondscipe / to cwale mon
Elene 62 eft / miltse gefremede || þæt he manegum wearþ / folca to frofr
Elene 65 nergend || naman oncyrde / ond he syþþan wæs || sanctus paul
Elene 70 wer || on woruld cendan / þeah he stephanus || stanum hehte / abr
Elene 149 n / sægdon hine sundorwisne || he þe mæg soþ gecyþan / onwreo
Elene 152 t from orde || oþ ende forþ / he is for eorþan || æþeles cy
Elene 155 eþle || him gebyrde is / þæt he gencwidas || gleawe hæbbe / cr
Elene 156 hæbbe / cræft in breostum || he gecyþeþ þe / for wera mengo
Elene 162 || ond þa georne bæd / þæt he be þære rode || riht getæh
Elene 170 e ongen þingode || ne meahte he þa gehþu bebugan / oncyrran r
Elene 171 gan / oncyrran rex geniþlan || he wæs on þære cwene gewealdu
Elene 176 þ / streac ond hnesce || þæt he þone stan nime / wiþ hungres
Elene 179 / beteran wiþhyccge || þonne he bega beneah / him þa seo eadig
Elene 190 rtan || ond gehwæþres wa / ge he heofonrices || hyht swa mode /
Elene 192 lete / rice under roderum || ge he þa rode ne tæhte / hu mæg ic
Elene 228 ngen þingode || cwæþ þæt he þæt on gehþu gespræce / ond
Elene 254 ldon / in drygne seaþ || þær he duguþa leas / siomode in sorgu
Elene 316 n seraphin / be naman hateþ || he sceal neorxnawang / ond lifes t
Elene 327 þme / þeostrum forþylmed || he þinum wiþsoc / aldordome ||
Elene 328 um wiþsoc / aldordome || þæs he in ermþum sceal / ealra fula f
Elene 330 ian / þeowned þolian || þær he þin ne mæg / word aweorpan ||
Elene 337 ldes had / þeoden engla || gif he þin nære / sunu synna leas ||
Elene 338 re / sunu synna leas || næfre he soþra swa feala / in woruldric
Elene 342 d / aweahte for weorodum || gif he in wuldre þin / þurh þa beor
Elene 359 on þone ahangnan crist / þæt he sie soþlice || sawla nergend
Elene 365 wearþ / beornes breostsefa || he mid bæm handum / eadig ond æg
Elene 383 geweorþod in wuldre || þæs he wære wiþ þec / stephanus heo
Elene 384 þec / stephanus heold || þeah he stangreopum / worpod wære || h
Elene 385 e stangreopum / worpod wære || he hafaþ wigges lean / blæd buta
Elene 387 sint in bocum his / wundor þa he worhte || on gewritum cyþed /
Elene 390 lfan / under turfhagan || þæt he on twentig / fotmælum feor ||
Elene 393 e gehydde / in þeostorcofan || he þær þreo mette / in þam reo
Elene 403 n geseh / halig under hrusan || he mid handum befeng / wuldres wyn
Elene 415 en mid him / geþrowedon || ond he wæs þridda sylf / on rode tre
Elene 423 wære / sigebearn godes || ær he asettan heht / on þone middel
Elene 448 inges beam / sigebeacen soþ || he sona aras / gaste gegearwod ||
Elene 489 cyning || se ehteþ þin / ond he forlæteþ || lare þine / ond
Elene 520 || ymb þæs weres snyttro / hu he swa geleafful || on swa lytlu
Elene 563 rdon / æþelinges word || heht he elenan hæl / abeodan beadurofr
Elene 599 res breostum / bylde to bote || he þæt betere geceas / wuldres w
Elene 608 e || huru wyrd gescreaf / þæt he swa geleaffull || ond swa leo
Elene 615 to þære halgan byrig / þæt he gesette || on sacerdhad / in ie
Elene 663 wyrd / niwan on nearwe || hwær he þara nægla swiþost / on þam
Elene 688 p þara leoda / niwan stefne || he þam næglum onfeng / egesan ge
Elene 727 re geceas / þurh þeodscipe || he hire þriste oncwæþ / þæt i
Elene 742 winnaþ / wraþ wiþ wraþum || he ah æt wigge sped / sigor æt s
Elene 751 deop gewod / wisdomes gewitt || he þæt word gecwæþ / cuþ þæ
Elene 819 rwelmum || cen drusende / þeah he in medohealle || maþmas þeg
Elene 833 num || winde geliccost / þonne he for hæleþum || hlud astige
Christ A 14 brosnad is / hus under hrofe || he ðæt hra gescop / leomo læmen
Christ A 17 eddan / earme from egsan || swa he oft dyde / eala ðu reccend ||
Christ A 24 || ðone ðe mon gescop / ðæt he ne /ete/ || /ceose weorðan / c
Christ A 30 gedo usic ðæs wyrðe || ðe he to wuldre forlet / ða we heanl
Christ A 34 || se ðe soð spriceð / ðæt he ahredde || ða forhwyrfed wæ
Christ A 36 eong / mægð manes leas || ðe he him to meder geceas / ðæt wæ
Christ A 129 symle bi gewyrhtum / ðæs ðe he hine sylfne us || sendan wold
Christ A 304 / in ealddagum || esaias / ðæt he wære gelæded || ðæt he li
Christ A 304 t he wære gelæded || ðæt he lifes gesteald / in ðam ecan h
Christ A 307 itga geond ðeodland / oððæt he gestarode || ðær gestaðela
Christ A 343 s nu || ðristum wordum / ðæt he us ne læte || leng owihte / in
Christ A 345 ne || gedwolan hyran / ac ðæt he usic geferge || in fæder ric
Christ A 423 lle cuðan / ðurh geryne || hu he rodera ðrim / heofona heahfrea
Christ A 432 um || ðe gemynd hafað / ðæt he symle oftost || ond inlocast /
Christ A 434 geornlicost || god weorðige / he him ðære lisse || lean forg
Christ A 436 a / efne in ðam eðle || ðær he ær ne cwom / in lifgendra || l
Christ A 438 fgendra || londes wynne / ðær he gesælig || siððan eardað /
Christ B 445 || ðurh clænne had / siððan he marian || mægða weolman / mæ
Christ B 466 er / ðæs ymb feowertig || ðe he of foldan ær / from deaðe ara
Christ B 472 s agend / fæder frumsceafta || he him fægre ðæs / leofum gesi
Christ B 568 feondum || anes meahtum / ðær he of hæfte ahlod || huða mæs
Christ B 580 lædan / in dreama dream || ðe he on deoflum genom / ðurh his sy
Christ B 604 monigfealdra || mægna geryno / he us æt giefeð || ond æhta s
Christ B 613 / ond huru ðære hælo || ðe he us to hyhte forgeaf / ða he ð
Christ B 614 e he us to hyhte forgeaf / ða he ða yrmpðu || eft oncyrde / æ
Christ B 628 eling || yðre gefremede / ða he leomum onfeng || ond lichoman
Christ B 633 ðon giedd awræc || iob swa he cuðe / herede helm wera || hæ
Christ B 648 ang || ðone maran ham / hwilum he to eorðan || eft gestylde / ð
Christ B 651 ulde || bi ðon se witga song / he wæs upp hafen || engla fæð
Christ B 683 um || his giefe bryttað / nyle he ængum anum || ealle gesyllan
Christ B 691 ealdre || engla ond monna / swa he his weorc weorðað || bi ðo
Christ B 696 swa scyne || buton god sylfa / he is se soðfæsta || sunnan le
Christ B 720 yll / wæs se forma hlyp || ða he on fæmnan astag / mægeð unm
Christ B 724 stiell / bearnes gebyrda || ða he in binne wæs / in cildes hiw |
Christ B 727 lyp / rodorcyninges ræs || ða he on rode astag / fæder frofre g
Christ B 729 ða stiell / in byrgenne || ða he ðone beam ofgeaf / foldærne f
Christ B 731 st || wæs se fifta hlyp / ða he hellwarena || heap forbygde / i
Christ B 734 m teagum / gromhydigne || ðær he gen ligeð / in carcerne || clo
Christ B 737 hlyp / haliges hyhtplega || ða he to heofonum astag / on his eald
Christ B 759 er on roderum / ælmeahtigne || he his aras ðonan / halig of heah
Christ B 775 ond ðone bliðan gæst / ðæt he us gescilde || wið sceaðan
Christ B 816 gehwone || læran wille / ðæt he ne agæle || gæstes ðearfe /
Christ B 818 te || ðenden god wille / ðæt he her in worulde || wunian mote
Christ B 843 ll ðeos læne gesceaft / ðær he hine sylfne || on ðam sigeð
Christ B 866 ldend / halge on heahðu || ða he heofonum astag / ðonne mid fer
Christ C 910 eadgum ond earmum || ungelice / he bið ðam godum || glædmod o
Christ C 918 ond weorcum || wel gecwemdun / he bið ðam yflum || egeslic on
Christ C 924 eð / forht on ferðe || ðonne he frean gesihð / ealra gesceafta
Christ C 1033 hafað eall on him / ðæs ðe he on foldan || in fyrndagum / god
Christ C 1093 cende || wita ne cuðun / ðæs he on ðone halgan beam || ahong
Christ C 1095 ncynnes || manforwyrhtu / ðær he leoflice || lifes ceapode / ðe
Christ C 1099 / mid ðy usic alysde || ðæs he eftlean wile / ðurh eorneste |
Christ C 1114 hð / rinnan fore rincum || ða he on rode wæs / eall ðis magon
Christ C 1116 n ðonne / open orgete || ðæt he for ælda lufan / firenfremmend
Christ C 1151 emede || tungolgimmum / forðon he his bodan sende || ða wæs g
Christ C 1165 / tirmeahtig cyning || forðon he hine tredne him / ongean gyrede
Christ C 1171 / on hira anne gestag || ðær he earfeðu / geðolade fore ðear
Christ C 1201 e / ond eal ða earfeðu || ðe he fore ældum adreag / forðon ð
Christ C 1202 ore ældum adreag / forðon ðe he wolde || ðæt we wuldres ear
Christ C 1257 sa || ðe hy bu geseoð / ðæt he hy generede || from niðcwale
Christ C 1307 gað on hine sylfne || ðonne he ða synne bigæð / mæg mon sw
Christ C 1309 ehwylcne / yfel unclæne || gif he hit anum gesegð / ond nænig b
Christ C 1323 rst || ðe her lifes sy / ðæt he mæge fore eagum || eorðbuen
Christ C 1333 ðe god || under wunige / ðæt he on ða grimman tid || gode li
Christ C 1334 mman tid || gode licie / ðonne he ofer weoruda gehwylc || wuldr
Christ C 1336 ahsetle || hlutran lege / ðær he fore englum || ond fore elðe
Christ C 1340 ing || halgan reorde / frefreð he fægre || ond him frið beode
Christ C 1372 e / ðæs ælmihtigan || ðonne he yrringa / on ðæt fræte folc
Christ C 1375 s riht / ondweard ywan || ðæt he him ær forgeaf / syngum to sæ
Christ C 1377 || onginneð sylf cweðan / swa he to anum sprece || ond hwæðr
Christ C 1553 t sie / earm ðe eadig || ðær he ece sceal / æfter hingonge ||
Christ C 1555 | hamfæst wesan / ne bisorgað he || synne to fremman / wonhydig
Christ C 1556 to fremman / wonhydig mon || ne he wihte hafað / hreowe on mode |
Christ C 1580 ond gæst / somodfæst seon || he his sawle wlite / georne bigong
Christ C 1585 riðende || scinan mote / ðæt he ne forleose || on ðas lænan
Christ C 1616 ile / firenum gewyrcan || ðæt he fah scyle / from his scyppende
Vainglory 28 ilum || facensearwum / breodað he ond bælceð || boð his sylf
Vainglory 32 bið ðæs oðer swice / ðonne he ðæs facnes || fintan sceawa
Vainglory 33 s || fintan sceawað / wrenceð he ond blenceð || worn geðence
Vainglory 35 gar leteð / scurum sceoteð || he ða scylde ne wat / fæhðe gef
Vainglory 39 | ðe him bebead meotud / ðæt he ðæt wigsteal || wergan sceo
Vainglory 71 nd his feond lufað / ðeah ðe he him abylgnesse || oft gefreme
Widsith 3 rðan / folca geondferde || oft he on flette geðah / mynelicne ma
Widsith 5 myrgingum / æðele onwocon || he mid ealhhilde / fælre freoðuw
Widsith 16 ra ricost / monna cynnes || ond he mæst geðah / ðara ðe ic ofe
Widsith 37 || modgast ealra / no hwæðre he ofer offan || eorlscype freme
Widsith 95 / leofum to leane || ðæs ðe he me lond forgeaf / mines fæder
Widsith 134 ice / to gehealdenne || ðenden he her leofað / swa scriðende ||
The Fortunes of Men 24 / westem wudubeames || ðonne he on wyrtruman / sigeð sworcenfe
The Fortunes of Men 30 ðeodigra / frecne foldan || ah he feormendra / lyt lifgendra || l
The Fortunes of Men 38 lwigpad || sawelleasne / noðer he ðy facne mæg || folmum biwe
The Fortunes of Men 40 n || bið his lif scæcen / ond he feleleas || feores orwena / bla
The Fortunes of Men 52 ond / meodugal mæcga || ðonne he gemet ne con / gemearcian his m
The Fortunes of Men 74 || gearwad weorðað / ful oft he gehyrdeð || ond gehyrsteð w
The Fortunes of Men 75 l / brytencyninges beorn || ond he him brad syleð / lond to leane
The Fortunes of Men 76 brad syleð / lond to leane || he hit on lust ðigeð / sum sceal
The Fortunes of Men 87 alwe / wynsum weorðeð || deð he wyrplas on / fedeð swa on fete
The Fortunes of Men 98 onc || æghwa secge / ðæs ðe he fore his miltsum || monnum sc
Maxims I 5 fæder userne || forðon ðe he us æt frymðe geteode / lif on
Maxims I 6 eode / lif ond lænne willan || he usic wile ðara leana gemonia
Maxims I 11 do || ælmihtigne / ne gomelað he in gæste || ac he is gen swa
Maxims I 11 e gomelað he in gæste || ac he is gen swa he wæs / ðeoden ge
Maxims I 12 he wæs / ðeoden geðyldig || he us geðonc syleð / missenlicu
Maxims I 42 sar in his mode / onge ðonne he hit ana wat || ne weneð ðæ
Maxims I 44 n / hælo of heofodgimme || gif he wat heortan clæne / lef mon l
Maxims I 46 nnan / trymman ond tyhtan ðæt he teala cunne || oððæt hine
Maxims I 48 cildgeongne forcweðan || ær he hine acyðan mote / ðy sceal o
Maxims I 49 al on ðeode geðeon || ðæt he wese ðristhycgende / styran sc
Maxims I 52 feorran to londe || hwæðer he fæste stonde / weallas him wi
Maxims I 104 ah leofes wenan / gebidan ðæs he gebædan ne mæg || hwonne hi
Maxims I 105 gebyre weorðe / ham cymeð gif he hal leofað || nefne him holm
Maxims I 110 ð wic alyfed / mete bygeð gif he maran ðearf || ærðon he to
Maxims I 110 if he maran ðearf || ærðon he to meðe weorðe / seoc se bið
Maxims I 112 e mon on sunnan læde / ne mæg he be ðy wedre wesan || ðeah h
Maxims I 113 earm on sumera / ofercumen bið he ær he acwele || gif he nat h
Maxims I 113 bið he ær he acwele || gif he nat hwa hine cwicne fede / mæg
Maxims I 174 geteod / betre him wære ðæt he broðor ahte || begen hi anes
Maxims I 184 eldan in sidum ceole || nefne he under segle yrne / werig scealc
Maxims I 186 on wearnum tihð / eargne ðæt he elne forleose || drugað his
The Order of the World 22 reotan || ðegn modigne / ðæt he wislice || woruld fulgonge / le
The Order of the World 28 gemet || moldhrerendra / ðæt he mæge in hreðre || his heah
The Order of the World 86 ne waciað ðas geweorc || ac he hi wel healdeð / stondað sti
The Order of the World 98 n scyle mon gehycgan || ðæt he meotude hyre / æghwylc ælda b
The Riming Poem 17 || oft ðær rinc gebad / ðæt he in sele sæge || sincgewæge /
The Riming Poem 80 ær ðæt eadig geðenceð || he hine ðe oftor swenceð / byrge
The Panther 17 tig || butan dracan anum / ðam he in ealle tid || ondwrað leof
The Panther 18 að / ðurh yfla gehwylc || ðe he geæfnan mæg / ðæt is wrætl
The Panther 30 wum bliceð / symle sellicra || he hafað sundorgecynd / milde gem
The Panther 31 dorgecynd / milde gemetfæst || he is monðwære / lufsum ond leof
The Panther 59 ðæt is se ealda feond / ðone he gesælde || in susla grund / on
The Panther 62 ge / of digle aras || ðæs ðe he deað fore us / ðreo niht ðol
The Whale 41 hringe bið / fæste gefeged || he him feorgbona / ðurh sliðen s
The Whale 44 / firenum fremmað || mid ðam he færinga / heoloðhelme biðeah
The Whale 49 ende / eorlas ond yðmearas || he hafað oðre gecynd / wæterði
The Whale 66 stenc / leasne willan || ðæt he bið leahtrum fah / wið wuldor
The Whale 76 fdagum || larum hyrdon / ðonne he ða grimman || goman bihlemme
Soul and Body II 2 ð || hæleða æghwylc / ðæt he his sawle sið || sylfa bewit
Soul and Body II 94 || ac hwæt do wit unc / ðonne he unc hafað geedbyrded || oðr
Soul and Body II 114 ealra || on ðam eorðscræfe / he ða tungan totyhð || ond ða
Soul and Body II 118 æt werge / lic acolad || ðæt he longe ær / werede mid wædum |
Guthlac A 15 mas her / æfnað on eorðan || he him ece lean / healdeð on heof
Guthlac A 27 n / ær oððe æfter || ðonne he his ænne her / gæst bigonge |
Guthlac A 48 rulde || wyrpe gehycgan / ðæt he us fægran || gefean bringe / o
Guthlac A 51 endien || ealle gesceafte / ða he gesette || on siex dagum / ða
Guthlac A 56 || ðe his æ healden / gesihð he ða domas || dogra gehwylce / w
Guthlac A 58 wendan || of woruldryhte / ða he gesette || ðurh his sylfes w
Guthlac A 59 ette || ðurh his sylfes word / he fela findeð || fea beoð gec
Guthlac A 80 dæghwam dryhtne ðeowiað || he hyra dæde sceawað / sume ða
Guthlac A 101 fe sealde / engelcunde || ðæt he ana ongan / beorgseðel bugan |
Guthlac A 104 u || ealne gesealde / ðone ðe he on geoguðe || bigan sceolde /
Guthlac A 123 gorwuldre / dryhtnes dreamas || he him dæda lean / georne gielde
Guthlac A 127 if / oðer hyne scyhte || ðæt he sceaðena gemot / nihtes sohte
Guthlac A 150 igne || ham arærde / nales ðy he giemde || ðurh gitsunga / læn
Guthlac A 153 eond oferwon / cristes cempa || he gecostad wearð / in gemyndigra
Guthlac A 158 alga ðeow / elne geeode || ða he ana gesæt / dygle stowe || ð
Guthlac A 159 a gesæt / dygle stowe || ðær he dryhtnes lof / reahte ond rærd
Guthlac A 163 onwrah / lifes snyttru || ðæt he his lichoman / wynna forwyrnde
Guthlac A 168 sa / mara in gemyndum || ðonne he menniscum / ðrymme æfter ðon
Guthlac A 170 gan wolde / god wæs guðlac || he in gæste bær / heofoncundne h
Guthlac A 174 sum / mearclond gesæt || ðær he mongum wearð / bysen on bryten
Guthlac A 184 rðne dæl || dryhtne cennað / he him sige sealde || ond snyttr
Guthlac A 192 n feðehwearfum / cwædon ðæt he on ðam beorge || byrnan sceo
Guthlac A 195 elumpe / modcearu mægum || gif he monna dream / of ðam orlege ||
Guthlac A 208 st || ana gefremede / siððan he for wlence || on westenne / beo
Guthlac A 235 tafum || swiðe geheton / ðæt he deaða gedal || dreogan sceol
Guthlac A 236 gedal || dreogan sceolde / gif he leng bide || laðran gemotes /
Guthlac A 243 | se mec mæg eaðe gescyldan / he min feorg freoðað || ic eow
Guthlac A 294 || ond on elne strong / ne wond he for worde || ac his wiðerbre
Guthlac A 315 otun || ic eom dryhtnes ðeow / he mec ðurh engel || oft afrefr
Guthlac A 328 guðlace || forgiefan ðohtan / he wæs on elne || ond on eaðme
Guthlac A 331 longeðas || lænra dreama / no he hine wið monna || miltse ged
Guthlac A 333 æd || sawla gehwylcre / ðonne he to eorðan || on ðam anade / h
Guthlac A 340 a gæsta / treow getweode || ne he tid forsæt / ðæs ðe he for
Guthlac A 341 | ne he tid forsæt / ðæs ðe he for his dryhtne || dreogan sc
Guthlac A 347 wile / sawla gehwylcre || ðær he gesælan mæg / symle hy guðla
Guthlac A 354 onlufan / sorg gesohte || ðæt he sið tuge / eft to eðle || ne
Guthlac A 359 willan / longað gelettan || ac he on ðæs lareowes / wære gewun
Guthlac A 364 hateð him lifes ræste / ðæt he ðæs latteowes || larum hyre
Guthlac A 372 gesceaft / deað gedælan || ac he gedreosan sceal / swa ðeos eor
Guthlac A 382 æl / in gefean fareð || ðær he fægran / botles bruceð || nis
Guthlac A 389 | ðonne his anes gemet / ðæt he his lichoman || lade hæbbe /
Guthlac A 396 od / freoðade on foldan || swa he feora gehwylc / healdeð in hæ
Guthlac A 398 ra gæst / ðihð in ðeawum || he wæs ðeara sum / ne won he æf
Guthlac A 399 || he wæs ðeara sum / ne won he æfter worulde || ac he in wu
Guthlac A 399 e won he æfter worulde || ac he in wuldre ahof / modes wynne ||
Guthlac A 404 ldlicra ma || wundra gecyðde / he hine scilde || wið sceððen
Guthlac A 414 ahte || ofer monna cynn / ðæt he fore eagum || eall sceawode / u
Guthlac A 428 tan / earde on eorðan || ðæt he eft gestag / beorg on bearwe ||
Guthlac A 450 anode / ellen mid arum || ðæt he ana gewon / him se werga gæst
Guthlac A 472 winga || ðonc gegyldan / ðæt he martyrhad || mode gelufade / se
Guthlac A 474 hygdum / mægenfæste gemynd || he wið mongum stod / ealdfeonda |
Guthlac A 515 es / synnum asundrad || sceolde he sares ða gen / dæl adreogan |
Guthlac A 518 ra sum / monnum ðuhte || ðæt he ma wolde / afrum onfengum || ea
Guthlac A 521 / wæs ðæt gen mara || ðæt he middangeard / sylfa gesohte ||
Guthlac A 524 eald / lifes ond deaðes || ða he lustum dreag / eaðmod on eorð
Guthlac A 532 gan / eall æfter orde || ðæt he on elne adreag / ðone foregeng
Guthlac A 539 fela / to secgenne || ðæs ðe he sylfa adreag / under nyðgista
Guthlac A 541 nyðgista || nearwum clommum / he ða sar forseah || a ðære s
Guthlac A 546 hyge || halig wunade / oððæt he ða bysgu || oferbiden hæfde
Guthlac A 571 encan || swiðe geheton / ðæt he in ðone grimman gryre || gon
Guthlac A 639 ldan || ealra gesceafta / ðæt he mec for miltsum || ond mægen
Guthlac A 702 ðær ge hine sylfne genoman / he sceal ðy wonge wealdan || ne
Guthlac A 709 om ic ðara twelfa sum || ðe he getreoweste / under monnes hiw
Guthlac A 711 r monnes hiw || mode gelufade / he mec of heofonum || hider onse
Guthlac A 721 gewitnesse / dryhtne lædon || he his dæde conn / ða wæs guðl
Guthlac A 736 cyðdon / eadges eftcyme || oft he him æte heold / ðonne hy him
Guthlac A 741 o wildeorum wynne || siððan he ðas woruld forhogde / smolt w
Guthlac A 766 ena gyld || genge weorðe / ða he us to are || ond to ondgiete /
Guthlac A 771 mbreð / gæstcunde gife || swa he guðlaces / dagas ond dæde ||
Guthlac A 774 / geseted wið synnum || ðær he siððan lyt / wære gewonade |
Guthlac A 778 ðoncade ðeodne || ðæs ðe he in ðrowingum / bidan moste ||
Guthlac A 785 seald / setl on swegle || ðær he symle mot / awo to ealdre || ea
Guthlac B 831 s dryre || ne deaðes cyme / ac he on ðam lande || lifgan moste
Guthlac B 833 neotan / niwra gefeana || ðær he no ðorfte / lifes ne lissa ||
Guthlac B 868 s georn || ne gynnwised / ðæt he bibugan mæge || ðone bitran
Guthlac B 880 odes willan / eadig on engle || he him ece geceas / meaht ond mund
Guthlac B 884 rgum || geond bryten innan / hu he monge oft || ðurh meaht gode
Guthlac B 892 ite / ealra ðara wundra || ðe he in worulde her / ðurh dryhtnes
Guthlac B 914 ene fundon / ðonces gleawne || he geðyldum bad / ðeah him feond
Guthlac B 924 || nænig forðum wæs / ðæt he æwiscmod || eft siðade / hean
Guthlac B 931 lmihtig || unnan wolde / ðæt he blædes her || brucan moste / w
Guthlac B 935 l || neah geðrungen / siððan he on westenne || wiceard geceas
Guthlac B 940 him færinga / adl in gewod || he on elne swa ðeah / ungeblyged
Guthlac B 957 mu hefegedon / sarum gesohte || he ðæt soð gecneow / ðæt hine
Guthlac B 959 eosade / meotud fore miltsum || he his modsefan / wið ðam færha
Guthlac B 961 rymede / feonda gewinna || næs he forht seðeah / ne seo adlðrac
Guthlac B 971 pu || wæs neah seo tid / ðæt he fyrngewyrht || fyllan sceolde
Guthlac B 1003 ngan || to godes temple / ðær he eðelbodan || inne wiste / ðon
Guthlac B 1049 fa || geomrende hyge / siððan he gehyrde || ðæt se halga wæ
Guthlac B 1050 halga wæs / forðsiðes fus || he ðæs færspelles / fore his mo
Guthlac B 1054 hlaford geseah / ellorfusne || he ðæs onbæru / habban ne meaht
Guthlac B 1055 nbæru / habban ne meahte || ac he hate let / torn ðoliende || te
Guthlac B 1101 ede / dryhten mid dreame || ða he of deaðe aras / onwald of eor
Guthlac B 1104 stne / to heofonum ahof || ða he from helle astag / swa se eadga
Guthlac B 1109 wynn / heard hygesnottor || swa he hraðost meahte / meðe for ða
Guthlac B 1118 n gesceaft / to eadwelan || swa he ær ne sið / æfre to ealdre |
Guthlac B 1137 ebysgad / sarum geswenced || ne he sorge wæg / geocorne sefan ||
Guthlac B 1159 hine ðurh mihta scyppend / gif he his wordcwida || wealdan meah
Guthlac B 1161 de / onwrige worda gongum || hu he his wisna truwade / drohtes on
Guthlac B 1164 ware / leof mon leofum || ðeah he late meahte / eorl ellenheard |
Guthlac B 1199 dnes word / ombehtðegne || ða he ædre oncneow / frean feorhgeda
Guthlac B 1225 um æfter longre hwile || swa he late meahte / elnes oncyðig ||
Guthlac B 1252 nna ænig / bideaglian || hwæt he dearninga / on hyge hogde || he
Guthlac B 1254 || heortan geðoncum / siððan he me fore eagum || onsyne wear
Guthlac B 1301 ðy æðelan gyfle || swylce he his eagan ontynde / halge heafd
Guthlac B 1328 tlice / beorn unhyðig || ðæt he bat gestag / wæghengest wræc
Guthlac B 1342 reðre wæg / micle modceare || he ðære mægeð sceolde / lace g
Guthlac B 1345 æmne wæs / wuldres wynmæg || he ða wyrd ne mað / fæges forð
Guthlac B 1353 incgiefan / holdne biheledne || he sceal hean ðonan / geomor hweo
Guthlac B 1375 an het / sigedryhten min || ða he wæs siðes fus / ðæt ðu his
Wulf and Eadwacer 2 llað hy hine aðecgan || gif he on ðreat cymeð / ungelic is u
Wulf and Eadwacer 7 llað hy hine aðecgan || gif he on ðreat cymeð / ungelice is
Riddles 15 14 d fergan || fleame nergan / gif he me æfterweard || ealles weor
Riddles 27 11 san || minre genæsteð / ðæt he hrycge sceal || hrusan secan /
Riddles 27 12 cge sceal || hrusan secan / gif he unrædes || ær ne geswiceð /
Riddles 3 31 man tid || gæsta fulne / ðæt he scyle rice || birofen weorða
Riddles 37 5 ah ðurh his eage / ne swylteð he symle || ðonne syllan sceal /
Riddles 37 8 n bosme || blæd bið aræred / he sunu wyrceð || bið him sylf
Riddles 38 7 gedygeð || duna briceð / gif he tobirsteð || bindeð cwice
Riddles 4 5 / healdeð ond wealdeð || swa he ymb ðas utan hweorfeð / he me
Riddles 4 6 wa he ymb ðas utan hweorfeð / he mec wrætlice || worhte æt f
Riddles 4 7 ice || worhte æt frymðe / ða he ðisne ymbhwyrft || ærest se
Riddles 4 19 eom || æghwær cenra / ðonne he gebolgen || bidsteal giefeð /
Riddles 4 55 st / hrim heorugrimma || ðonne he to hrusan cymeð / ic eom ulcan
Riddles 4 94 syne || ic eom swiðre ðonne he / swylce ic eom on mægene || m
Riddles 4 108 rotende || wynnum lifde / ðæt he ||
Riddles 40 6 healdeð ond wealdeð, || swa he ymb þas utan hweorfeð. / He m
Riddles 40 7 a he ymb þas utan hweorfeð. / He mec wrætlice || worhte æt f
Riddles 40 8 ce || worhte æt frymþe, / þa he þisne ymbhwyrft || ærest se
Riddles 40 20 eom || æghwær cenra, / þonne he gebolgen || bidsteal giefeð;
Riddles 40 56 , / hrim heorugrimma, || þonne he to hrusan cymeð; / ic / eo
Riddles 40 98 yne; || ic eom swiþre þonne he, / swylce ic eom on mægene || m
Riddles 40 113 rotende || wynnum lifde / þæt he ||
Riddles 44 7 gellan || heafde gretan / ðæt he efenlang ær || oft gefylde
Riddles 47 6 wæs / wihte ðy gleawra || ðe he ðam wordum swealg
Riddles 48 2 ne butan tungan || tila ðeah he hlude / stefne ne cirmde || str
Riddles 5 5 trangne oft / wif hine wrið || he him wel hereð / ðeowað him g
Riddles 5 8 e ryhte / fedað hine fægre || he him fremum stepeð / life on li
Riddles 50 6 rangne oft / wif hine wrið; || he him wel hereð, / þeowaþ him
Riddles 50 9 ryhte, / fedað hine fægre; || he him fremum stepeð / life on li
Riddles 53 4 ðe / feddan fægre || oððæt he frod dagum / on oðrum wearð |
Riddles 53 8 yrstum / foran gefrætwed || nu he fæcnum weg / ðurh his heafdes
Riddles 54 1 54 / / hyse cwom gangan || ðær he hie wisse / stondan in wincsele
Riddles 55 6 erum up / hlædre rærde || ær he helwara / burg abræce || ic ð
Riddles 59 17 n / hringes to hæleðum || ða he in healle wæs / wylted ond wen
The Wife's Lament 51 se min wine / micle modceare || he gemon to oft / wynlicran wic ||
The Judgment Day I 26 ldeð mid his muðe || ne con he ða mircan gesceaft / hu hi but
The Judgment Day I 32 eorne ðone godes dæl || swa he gearo stondeð / clænum heortu
The Judgment Day I 70 hyre sie swegl ongean / ðonne he gehyrweð ful oft || halge la
The Judgment Day I 71 / brigdeð on bysmer || ne con he ðæs brogan dæl / yfles ondgi
The Judgment Day I 73 t || ær hit hine on fealleð / he ðæt ðonne onfindeð || ðo
The Judgment Day I 75 rd || monegum gecyðeð / ðæt he bið on ðæt wynstre weorud
The Judgment Day I 76 eorud || wyrs gescaden / ðonne he on ða swiðran hond || swica
The Judgment Day I 87 ðe / godum dædum || ðæs ðe he swa geomor wearð / sarig fore
The Judgment Day I 113 að / for ðam ærende || ðæt he to us eallum wat / oncweð nu
Resignation 94 stað / ycað his yrmðu || ond he ðæt eal ðolað / sarcwide se
Resignation 118 e mæg / wyrd onwendan || ðæt he ðonne wel ðolige
The Descent into Hell 14 || hæleð iudea / wendan ðæt he on ðam beorge || bidan sceol
The Descent into Hell 27 e gehaten || hælend user / ða he me on ðisne sið || sendan w
The Descent into Hell 28 ne sið || sendan wolde / ðæt he me gesoht/ || siex monað / eal
The Descent into Hell 37 eðust ealra cyninga / ne rohte he to ðære hilde || helmberend
The Descent into Hell 38 ære hilde || helmberendra / ne he byrnwigend || to ðam burggea
The Descent into Hell 53 d || godes sylfes sið / geseah he helle duru || hædre scinan /
The Descent into Hell 63 broðorleasne / wræccan // || he bið wide fah / ne bið he no
The Descent into Hell 64 / || he bið wide fah / ne bið he no ðæs nearwe || under nið
The Descent into Hell 66 n || under bealuclommum / ðæt he ðy yð ne mæge || ellen hab
The Descent into Hell 67 mæge || ellen habban / ðonne he his hlafordes || hyldo gelyfe
Alms-Giving 5 yhtne || doma selast / efne swa he mid wætre || ðone weallenda
Alms-Giving 6 llendan / leg adwæsce || ðæt he leng ne mæg / blac byrnende ||
Alms-Giving 8 nende || burgum sceððan / swa he mid ælmessan || ealle toscuf
Azarias 86 h / meotud ðan maran || ðonne he wið monna bearn / wyrceð weld
Azarias 166 e / hwearf ða to healle || swa he hraðost meahte / eorl acolmod
Azarias 167 meahte / eorl acolmod || ðæt he ofer his ealdre gestod / abead
Azarias 181 gongan / anhydig eorl || ðæt he ofer ðam ade gestod / het ða
The Husband's Message 31 mara on gemyndum || ðæs ðe he me sægde / ðonne inc geunne |
The Husband's Message 35 ðum || s/ / næglede beagas || he genoh hafað / fædan goldes ||
The Husband's Message 47 treona / ðeodnes dohtor || gif he ðin beneah / ofer eald gebeot
The Husband's Message 51 d dæg || aðe benemnan / ðæt he ða wære || ond ða winetreo
Riddles 65 5 / monnan ic ne bite || nympðe he me bite / sindan ðara monige |
Riddles 73 27 frið hæfde / feringe from || he fus ðonan / wendeð of ðam wi
Riddles 77 6 || felles ne recceð / siððan he me of sidan || seaxes orde / hy
Riddles 85 3 omne || ic eom swiftre ðonne he / ðragum strengra || he ðreoh
Riddles 85 4 ðonne he / ðragum strengra || he ðreohtigra / hwilum ic me rest
Riddles 85 5 ohtigra / hwilum ic me reste || he sceal yrnan forð / ic him in w
Riddles 91 10 ile / lafe ðicgan || ðara ðe he of life het / wælcræfte awrec
The Phoenix 5 ngum gefere / folcagendra || ac he afyrred is / ðurh meotudes mea
The Phoenix 142 ed weorðeð || ðonne swiað he / ond hlyst gefeð || heafde on
The Phoenix 146 || fugol bið geswiged / symle he twelf siðum || tida gemearca
The Phoenix 148 is / bearwes bigengan || ðæt he ðær brucan mot / wonges mid w
The Phoenix 151 sa || londes frætwa / oððæt he ðusende || ðisses lifes / wud
The Phoenix 158 ugað / eard ond eðel || ðær he ealdordom / onfehð foremihtig
The Phoenix 168 ðscufeð scearplice || ðæt he in scade weardað / on wudubear
The Phoenix 171 dde || hæleða monegum / ðær he heanne beam || on holtwuda / wu
The Phoenix 190 || bið him neod micel / ðæt he ða yldu || ofestum mote / ður
The Phoenix 199 / swetes under swegle || ðær he sylf biereð / in ðæt treow i
The Phoenix 233 wyrm || wundrum fæger / swylce he of ægerum || ut alæde / scir
The Phoenix 235 onne on sceade weaxeð / ðæt he ærest bið || swylce earnes
The Phoenix 237 in / wridað on wynnum || ðæt he bið wæstmum gelic / ealdum ea
The Phoenix 239 n / feðrum gefrætwad || swylc he æt frymðe wæs / beorht geblo
The Phoenix 259 edniwe / flæsce bifongen || no he foddor ðigeð / mete on moldan
The Phoenix 267 e / geong geofona ful || ðonne he of greote his / lic leoðucræf
The Phoenix 280 d / feorh ond feðerhoma || swa he æt frymðe wæs / ða hine ær
The Phoenix 282 elan wong / sigorfæst sette || he his sylfes ðær / ban gebringe
The Phoenix 314 || ðæs gewritu secgað / nis he hinderweard || ne hygegælsa /
The Phoenix 317 urh lyft || lacað fiðrum / ac he is snel ond swift || ond swi
The Phoenix 320 e him ðæt ead gefeð / ðonne he gewiteð || wongas secan / his
The Phoenix 368 ce || wundrum to life / forðon he drusende || deað ne bisorga
The Phoenix 378 ahta || moncynnes fruma / ðæt he swa wrætlice || weorðan sce
The Phoenix 379 eolde / eft ðæt ilce || ðæt he ær ðon wæs / feðrum bifonge
The Phoenix 383 / ðurh deorcne deað || ðæt he dryhtnes mot / æfter geardagum
The Phoenix 429 mod || wintrum gebysgad / ðær he holtes hleo || heah gemeteð /
The Phoenix 430 hleo || heah gemeteð / in ðam he getimbreð || tanum ond wyrtu
The Phoenix 433 || bið him neod micel / ðæt he feorhgeong eft || onfon mote /
The Phoenix 453 icum || dryhtnes cempa / ðonne he ælmessan || earmum dæleð / d
The Phoenix 462 san / glædmod gyrneð || ðæt he godra mæst / dæda gefremme ||
The Phoenix 468 wide / to his wicstowe || ðær he wundrum fæst / wið niða gehw
The Phoenix 532 orsweleð under sunnan || ond he sylfa mid / ond ðonne æfter l
The Phoenix 551 reordade / wuldre geweorðad || he ðæt word gecwæð / ic ðæt
The Phoenix 638 ð æfre / eades ongyn || ðeah he on eorðan her / ðurh cildes h
The Phoenix 642 g wunade / dom unbryce || ðeah he deaðes cwealm / on rode treow
The Phoenix 644 fnan sceolde / ðearlic wite || he ðy ðriddan dæge / æfter lic
The Phoenix 648 um || godbearnes meaht / ðonne he of ascan || eft onwæcneð / in
The Phoenix 664 n ðam uplican / rodera rice || he is on ryht cyning / middangeard
Juliana 11 nd / foron æfter burgum || swa he biboden hæfde / ðegnas ðryð
Juliana 22 dia / heold hordgestreon || oft he hæðengield / ofer word godes
Juliana 91 weorg || yrre gebolgen / ðær he glædmode || geonge wiste / wic
Juliana 92 geonge wiste / wic weardian || he ða worde cwæð / ðu eart doh
Juliana 102 æhtspedigra / feohgestreona || he is to freonde god / forðon is
Juliana 109 n wille / mægrædenne || nemne he mægna god / geornor bigonge ||
Juliana 110 god / geornor bigonge || ðonne he gen dyde / lufige mid lacum ||
Juliana 113 g / eodera ymbhwyrft || ne mæg he elles mec / bringan to bolde ||
Juliana 114 elles mec / bringan to bolde || he ða brydlufan / sceal to oðerr
Juliana 116 tealdum / idese secan || nafað he ænige her / hyre ða ðurh yrr
Juliana 156 anum to || eal biðence / ðæt he mundbora || min geweorðe / hel
Juliana 160 on feonda geweald / heliseo || he in æringe / gelædan het || æ
Juliana 220 sece to him / freondrædenne || he ne findeð ðær / duguðe mid
Juliana 226 an || fracuðlic ðuhte / ðæt he ne meahte || mod oncyrran / fæ
Juliana 227 oncyrran / fæmnan foreðonc || he bi feaxe het / ahon ond ahebban
Juliana 231 rimme || siex tida dæges / ond he ædre het || eft asettan / lað
Juliana 253 eman / wes ðu on ofeste || swa he ðec ut heonan / lædan hate ||
Juliana 285 | ond fæste geheald / oððæt he his siðfæt || secge mid ryh
Juliana 294 rode / in hyge bisweop || ðæt he iohannes bibead / heafde biheaw
Juliana 298 e / simon searoðoncum || ðæt he sacan ongon / wið ða gecorena
Juliana 303 ðær ic neron bisweac / ðæt he acwellan het || cristes ðegn
Juliana 308 c egias || eac gelærde / ðæt he unsnytrum || andreas het / ahon
Juliana 310 ligne || on heanne beam / ðæt he of galgan his || gæst onsend
Juliana 325 | geornfulra ðonne ic / ðonne he usic sendeð || ðæt we soð
Juliana 332 onsyne || ower geferan / ðonne he onsendeð || geond sidne grun
Juliana 370 ustas / mæne modlufan || ðæt he minum hraðe / leahtrum gelenge
Juliana 373 swiðe || synnum onæle / ðæt he byrnende || from gebede swice
Juliana 378 ofonn / leohtes geleafan || ond he larum wile / ðurh modes myne |
Juliana 380 minum hyran / synne fremman || he siððan sceal / godra gumcysta
Juliana 385 onan / bugan from beaduwe || ac he bord ongean / hefeð hygesnotto
Juliana 388 ðreaf || nele gode swican / ac he beald in gebede || bidsteal g
Juliana 397 ne / agælan æt guðe || ðeah he godes hwæt / onginne gæstlice
Juliana 410 || ic beo lareow georn / ðæt he monðeawum || minum lifge / acy
Juliana 523 sealde / feond moncynnes || ða he mec feran het / ðeoden of ðys
Juliana 556 nnan / on wita forwyrd || wiste he ði gearwor / manes melda || ma
Juliana 561 ord / sægdon soðlice || ðæt he sigora gehwæs / ofer ealle ges
Juliana 570 s || weorc to ðolianne / ðær he hit for worulde || wendan mea
Juliana 571 meahte / sohte synnum fah || hu he sarlicast / ðurh ða wyrrestan
Juliana 574 æt / se hine gelærde || ðæt he læmen fæt / biwyrcan het || w
Juliana 596 ongon his hrægl teran / swylce he grennade || ond gristbitade / w
Juliana 606 e se cwealm ne ðeah / siððan he ðone fintan || furðor cuðe
Juliana 643 ligra hyht || heofonengla god / he is ðæs wyrðe || ðæt hine
Juliana 720 || ðe ðis gied wræce / ðæt he mec neodful || bi noman minum
The Wanderer 2 / metudes miltse || ðeah ðe he modcearig / geond lagulade || l
The Wanderer 13 orle || indryhten ðeaw / ðæt he his ferðlocan || fæste bind
The Wanderer 14 de his hordcofan || hycge swa he wille / ne mæg werig mod || wy
The Wanderer 34 || nalæs foldan blæd / gemon he selesecgas || ond sincðege / h
The Wanderer 41 ðinceð him on mode || ðæt he his mondryhten / clyppe ond cys
The Wanderer 43 lecge / honda ond heafod || swa he hwilum ær / in geardagum || gi
The Wanderer 64 mæg weorðan wis || wer ær he age / wintra dæl in woruldrice
The Wanderer 69 æfre gielpes to georn || ær he geare cunne / beorn sceal gebid
The Wanderer 70 beorn sceal gebidan || ðonne he beot spriceð / oððæt collen
The Wanderer 113 is breostum acyðan || nemðe he ær ða bote cunne / eorl mid e
The Gifts of Men 15 sy || ealra ðinga / ðara ðe he geworhte || in woruldlife / geo
The Gifts of Men 24 ht || ealle forlæte / ðy læs he for wlence || wuldorgeofona f
The Gifts of Men 27 forhycge || heanspedigran / ac he gedæleð || se ðe ah domes
The Gifts of Men 47 htan ryht / sele asettan || con he sidne ræced / fæste gefegan |
The Gifts of Men 50 dum mæg || hearpan gretan / ah he gleobeames || gearobrygda lis
The Gifts of Men 63 ð || monige gefremman / ðonne he gewyrceð || to wera hilde / he
The Gifts of Men 71 / ðafað in geðylde || ðæt he ðonne sceal / sum domas con ||
The Gifts of Men 102 re mærðe || mod astige / gif he hafað ana || ofer ealle men /
The Gifts of Men 104 wisdom || ond weorca blæd / ac he missenlice || monna cynne / gie
The Gifts of Men 108 wlite || sumum on wige / sumum he syleð monna || milde heortan
Precepts 3 ld / wordum wisfæstum || ðæt he wel ðunge / do a ðætte duge
Precepts 19 ðæt ðu sy wommes gewita || he ðe mid wite gieldeð / swylce
Precepts 28 rde / modleofne magan || ðæt he gemunde ðis / ne aswic sundorw
Precepts 56 mb his forðgesceaft || nefne he fæhðe wite / wærwyrde sceal
Precepts 82 yced / meahtum spedig || ðonne he mon flyhð / yrre ne læt ðe |
Precepts 89 ehygdum || georn wisdomes / swa he wið ælda mæg || eades hleo
The Seafarer 8 o || æt nacan stefnan / ðonne he be clifum cnossað || calde g
The Seafarer 42 s dryhten to ðæs hold / ðæt he a his sæfore || sorge næbbe
The Seafarer 74 ndra || lastworda betst / ðæt he gewyrce || ær he on weg scyl
The Seafarer 74 betst / ðæt he gewyrce || ær he on weg scyle / fremum on foldan
The Seafarer 102 oce || for godes egsan / ðonne he hit ær hydeð || ðenden he
The Seafarer 102 he hit ær hydeð || ðenden he her leofað / micel bið se meo
The Seafarer 108 t mod gestaðelað || forðon he in his meahte gelyfeð / stiera
The Seafarer 113 ið laðne || bealo / ðeah ðe he hine wille fyres || fulne / oð
The Seafarer 123 s sy ðam halgan ðonc / ðæt he usic geweorðade || wuldres e
Beowulf 7 st wearð / feasceaft funden || he ðæs frofre gebad / weox under
Beowulf 29 aroðe / swæse gesiðas || swa he selfa bæd / ðenden wordum weo
Beowulf 80 wordes geweald || wide hæfde / he beot ne aleh || beagas dælde
Beowulf 88 se ðe in ðystrum bad / ðæt he dogora gehwam || dream gehyrd
Beowulf 108 ræc / ece drihten || ðæs ðe he abel slog / ne gefeah he ðære
Beowulf 109 s ðe he abel slog / ne gefeah he ðære fæhðe || ac he hine
Beowulf 109 efeah he ðære fæhðe || ac he hine feor forwræc / metod for
Beowulf 114 gode wunnon / lange ðrage || he him ðæs lean forgeald / gewat
Beowulf 168 age sel || sweartum nihtum / no he ðone gifstol || gretan moste
Beowulf 199 idan / godne gegyrwan || cwæð he guðcyning / ofer swanrade || s
Beowulf 203 eorlas / lythwon logon || ðeah he him leof wære / hwetton higero
Beowulf 206 / cempan gecorone || ðara ðe he cenoste / findan mihte || fifti
Beowulf 264 aten / gebad wintra worn || ær he on weg hwurfe / gamol of geardu
Beowulf 279 mne sefan || ræd gelæran / hu he frod ond god || feond oferswy
Beowulf 346 n ærende / aldre ðinum || gif he us geunnan wile / ðæt we hine
Beowulf 358 edriht / eode ellenrof || ðæt he for eaxlum gestod / deniga frea
Beowulf 359 gestod / deniga frean || cuðe he duguðe ðeaw / wulfgar maðelo
Beowulf 379 don / ðyder to ðance || ðæt he ðritiges / manna mægencræft
Beowulf 392 n min / aldor eastdena || ðæt he eower æðelu can / ond ge him
Beowulf 404 | / heard under helme || ðæt he on heoðe gestod / beowulf mað
Beowulf 442 ine deað nimeð / wen ic ðæt he wille || gif he wealdan mot / i
Beowulf 442 / wen ic ðæt he wille || gif he wealdan mot / in ðæm guðsele
Beowulf 444 na leode / etan unforhte || swa he oft dyde / mægen hreðmanna ||
Beowulf 446 e ðearft / hafalan hydan || ac he me habban wile / dreore fahne |
Beowulf 460 der || fæhðe mæste / wearð he heaðolafe || to handbonan / mi
Beowulf 463 gan || habban ne mihte / ðanon he gesohte || suðdena folc / ofer
Beowulf 472 æteres hrycg / ealde madmas || he me aðas swor / sorh is me to s
Beowulf 503 | micel æfðunca / forðon ðe he ne uðe || ðæt ænig oðer
Beowulf 505 edde under heofenum || ðonne he sylfa / eart ðu se beowulf ||
Beowulf 517 s æht / seofon niht swuncon || he ðe æt sunde oferflat / hæfde
Beowulf 520 mas || holm up ætbær / ðonon he gesohte || swæsne eðel / leof
Beowulf 522 / freoðoburh fægere || ðær he folc ahte / burh ond beagas ||
Beowulf 541 ronfixas / werian ðohton || no he wiht fram me / flodyðum feor |
Beowulf 595 rim || swa ðu self talast / ac he hafað onfunden || ðæt he
Beowulf 595 c he hafað onfunden || ðæt he ða fæhðe ne ðearf / atole e
Beowulf 599 egum arað / leode deniga || ac he lust wigeð / swefeð ond sende
Beowulf 618 re beorðege / leodum leofne || he on lust geðeah / symbel ond se
Beowulf 628 eorl gelyfde / fyrena frofre || he ðæt ful geðeah / wælreow wi
Beowulf 671 mægnes || metodes hyldo / ða he him of dyde || isernbyrnan / he
Beowulf 676 orda sum / beowulf geata || ær he on bed stige / no ic me an here
Beowulf 681 tan || ðeah ic eal mæge / nat he ðara goda || ðæt he me ong
Beowulf 681 ge / nat he ðara goda || ðæt he me ongean slea / rand geheawe |
Beowulf 682 lea / rand geheawe || ðeah ðe he rof sie / niðgeweorca || ac wi
Beowulf 684 culon / secge ofersittan || gif he gesecean dear / wig ofer wæpen
Beowulf 691 / nænig heora ðohte || ðæt he ðanon scolde / eft eardlufan |
Beowulf 693 folc oððe freoburh || ðær he afeded wæs / ac hie hæfdon ge
Beowulf 708 a || under sceadu bregdan / ac he wæccende || wraðum on andan
Beowulf 714 under wolcnum || to ðæs ðe he winreced / goldsele gumena || g
Beowulf 717 e wæs ðæt forma sið / ðæt he hroðgares || ham gesohte / næ
Beowulf 718 ðgares || ham gesohte / næfre he on aldordagum || ær ne sið
Beowulf 722 n / fyrbendum fæst || syððan he hire folmum æthran / onbræd
Beowulf 723 onbræd ða bealohydig || ða he gebolgen wæs / recedes muðan
Beowulf 728 cost || leoht unfæger / geseah he in recede || rinca manige / swe
Beowulf 731 ða his mod ahlog / mynte ðæt he gedælde || ærðon dæg cwom
Beowulf 735 wæs ðæt wyrd ða gen / ðæt he ma moste || manna cynnes / ðic
Beowulf 740 se aglæca || yldan ðohte / ac he gefeng hraðe || forman siðe
Beowulf 748 hte ongean / feond mid folme || he onfeng hraðe / inwitðancum ||
Beowulf 751 onfunde || fyrena hyrde / ðæt he ne mette || middangeardes / eor
Beowulf 753 elran men / mundgripe maran || he on mode wearð / forht on ferh
Beowulf 757 æs his drohtoð ðær / swylce he on ealderdagum || ær gemette
Beowulf 762 stop / mynte se mæra || ðær he meahte swa / widre gewindan ||
Beowulf 772 hæfde heaðodeorum || ðæt he on hrusan ne feol / fæger fold
Beowulf 773 ne feol / fæger foldbold || ac he ðæs fæste wæs / innan ond u
Beowulf 804 billa nan || gretan nolde / ac he sigewæpnum || forsworen hæf
Beowulf 811 nna cynne / fyrene gefremede || he wæs fag wið god / ðæt him s
Beowulf 844 irleases || trode sceawode / hu he werigmod || on weg ðanon / ni
Beowulf 875 an || welhwylc gecwæð / ðæt he fram sigemundes || secgan hyr
Beowulf 880 buton fitela mid hine / ðonne he swulces hwæt || secgan wolde
Beowulf 887 wyrm acwealde / hordes hyrde || he under harne stan / æðelinges
Beowulf 894 glæca || elne gegongen / ðæt he beahhordes || brucan moste / se
Beowulf 900 wigendra hleo / ellendædum || he ðæs ær onðah / siððan her
Beowulf 902 sweðrode / eafoð ond ellen || he mid eotenum wearð / on feonda
Beowulf 905 sorhwylmas / lemede to lange || he his leodum wearð / eallum æð
Beowulf 913 leða rice / eðel scyldinga || he ðær eallum wearð / mæg hige
Beowulf 925 a hose / hroðgar maðelode || he to healle geong / stod on stapo
Beowulf 956 lda ðec / gode forgylde || swa he nu gyt dyde / beowulf maðelode
Beowulf 965 bedde || wriðan ðohte / ðæt he for mundgripe || minum scolde
Beowulf 970 g / feond on feðe || hwæðere he his folme forlet / to lifwraðe
Beowulf 1025 lf geðah / ful on flette || no he ðære feohgyfte / for sceotend
Beowulf 1055 ndel ær / mane acwealde || swa he hyra ma wolde / nefne him witig
Beowulf 1058 um weold / gumena cynnes || swa he nu git deð / forðan bið andg
Beowulf 1082 nas || nemne feaum anum / ðæt he ne mehte || on ðæm meðelst
Beowulf 1093 treonum / fættan goldes || swa he fresena cyn / on beorsele || by
Beowulf 1098 flitme || aðum benemde / ðæt he ða wealafe || weotena dome / a
Beowulf 1130 tme || eard gemunde / ðeah ðe he ne meahte || on mere drifan / h
Beowulf 1138 ode wrecca / gist of geardum || he to gyrnwræce / swiðor ðohte
Beowulf 1140 ohte || ðonne to sælade / gif he torngemot || ðurhteon mihte /
Beowulf 1141 emot || ðurhteon mihte / ðæt he eotena bearn || inne gemunde /
Beowulf 1142 ena bearn || inne gemunde / swa he ne forwyrnde || woroldrædenn
Beowulf 1167 ora his ferhðe treowde / ðæt he hæfde mod micel || ðeah ðe
Beowulf 1167 hæfde mod micel || ðeah ðe he his magum nære / arfæst æt e
Beowulf 1181 can / glædne hroðulf || ðæt he ða geogoðe wile / arum healda
Beowulf 1182 healdan || gyf ðu ær ðonne he / wine scildinga || worold ofl
Beowulf 1184 orold oflætest / wene ic ðæt he mid gode || gyldan wille / uncr
Beowulf 1185 n wille / uncran eaferan || gif he ðæt eal gemon / hwæt wit to
Beowulf 1204 ges || nyhstan siðe / siððan he under segne || sinc ealgode / w
Beowulf 1206 || hyne wyrd fornam / syððan he for wlenco || wean ahsode / fæ
Beowulf 1207 n ahsode / fæhðe to frysum || he ða frætwe wæg / eorclanstana
Beowulf 1209 ofer yða ful / rice ðeoden || he under rande gecranc / gehwearf
Beowulf 1263 ngan breðer / fæderenmæge || he ða fag gewat / morðre gemearc
Beowulf 1270 || ætgræpe wearð / hwæðre he gemunde || mægenes strenge / g
Beowulf 1273 yfde / frofre ond fultum || ðy he ðone feond ofercwom / gehnægd
Beowulf 1274 m / gehnægde helle gast || ða he hean gewat / dreame bedæled ||
Beowulf 1308 inc || on hreon mode / syððan he aldorðegn || unlyfigendne / ð
Beowulf 1318 cale || healwudu dynede / ðæt he ðone wisan || wordum nægde /
Beowulf 1336 ad || heardum clammum / forðan he to lange || leode mine / wanode
Beowulf 1337 eode mine / wanode ond wyrde || he æt wige gecrang / ealdres scyl
Beowulf 1353 m || wræclastas træd / næfne he wæs mara || ðonne ænig man
Beowulf 1370 sece / feorran geflymed || ær he feorh seleð / aldor on ofre ||
Beowulf 1371 h seleð / aldor on ofre || ær he in wille / hafelan hydan || nis
Beowulf 1385 || selre bið æghwæm / ðæt he his freond wrece || ðonne he
Beowulf 1385 he his freond wrece || ðonne he fela murne / ure æghwylc sceal
Beowulf 1392 wigan / ic hit ðe gehate || no he on helm losað / ne on foldan f
Beowulf 1394 on gyfenes grund || ga ðær he wille / ðys dogor ðu || geðy
Beowulf 1412 wle næssas || nicorhusa fela / he feara sum || beforan gengde / w
Beowulf 1414 nna || wong sceawian / oððæt he færinga || fyrgenbeamas / ofer
Beowulf 1435 dre stod / herestræl hearda || he on holme wæs / sundes ðe sæn
Beowulf 1466 es / eafoðes cræftig || ðæt he ær gespræc / wine druncen ||
Beowulf 1467 gespræc / wine druncen || ða he ðæs wæpnes onlah / selran sw
Beowulf 1470 n / drihtscype dreogan || ðær he dome forleas / ellenmærðum ||
Beowulf 1472 æs ðæm oðrum swa / syððan he hine to guðe || gegyred hæf
Beowulf 1485 eseon sunu hrædles || ðonne he on ðæt sinc starað / ðæt i
Beowulf 1496 e || ða wæs hwil dæges / ær he ðone grundwong || ongytan me
Beowulf 1508 ðengel || to hofe sinum / swa he ne mihte || no he ðæs modig
Beowulf 1508 e sinum / swa he ne mihte || no he ðæs modig wæs / wæpna gewea
Beowulf 1513 n || ða se eorl ongeat / ðæt he in niðsele || nathwylcum wæ
Beowulf 1535 s || swa sceal man don / ðonne he æt guðe || gegan ðenceð / l
Beowulf 1539 rægd ða beadwe heard || ða he gebolgen wæs / feorhgeniðlan
Beowulf 1544 strengest / feðecempa || ðæt he on fylle wearð / ofsæt ða ð
Beowulf 1556 t gesced / yðelice || syððan he eft astod / geseah ða on searw
Beowulf 1563 d geatolic || giganta geweorc / he gefeng ða fetelhilt || freca
Beowulf 1572 dre scineð / rodores candel || he æfter recede wlat / hwearf ða
Beowulf 1576 o ecg fracod / hilderince || ac he hraðe wolde / grendle forgylda
Beowulf 1578 n || guðræsa fela / ðara ðe he geworhte || to westdenum / ofto
Beowulf 1580 | ðonne on ænne sið / ðonne he hroðgares || heorðgeneatas /
Beowulf 1584 | ut offerede / laðlicu lac || he him ðæs lean forgeald / reðe
Beowulf 1585 d / reðe cempa || to ðæs ðe he on ræste geseah / guðwerigne
Beowulf 1589 e || hra wide sprong / syððan he æfter deaðe || drepe ðrowa
Beowulf 1597 linges || eft ne wendon / ðæt he sigehreðig || secean come / m
Beowulf 1612 || ðæt is soð metod / ne nom he in ðæm wicum || wedergeata
Beowulf 1613 ta leod / maðmæhta ma || ðeh he ðær monige geseah / buton ðo
Beowulf 1625 / mægenbyrðenne || ðara ðe he him mid hæfde / eodon him ða
Beowulf 1711 lan || arscyldingum / ne geweox he him to willan || ac to wælfe
Beowulf 1714 as / eaxlgesteallan || oððæt he ana hwearf / mære ðeoden || m
Beowulf 1721 dome || dreamleas gebad / ðæt he ðæs gewinnes || weorc ðrow
Beowulf 1727 ryttað / eard ond eorlscipe || he ah ealra geweald / hwilum he on
Beowulf 1728 || he ah ealra geweald / hwilum he on lufan || læteð hworfan / m
Beowulf 1733 lde dælas / side rice || ðæt he his selfa ne mæg / for his uns
Beowulf 1735 rum || ende geðencean / wunað he on wiste || no hine wiht dwel
Beowulf 1739 l worold / wendeð on willan || he ðæt wyrse ne con / oððæt h
Beowulf 1748 inceð him to lytel || ðæt he lange heold / gytsað gromhydig
Beowulf 1750 p seleð / fædde beagas || ond he ða forðgesceaft / forgyteð o
Beowulf 1810 him ðæs leanes ðanc / cwæð he ðone guðwine || godne teald
Beowulf 1831 at / geata dryhten || ðeah ðe he geong sy / folces hyrde || ðæ
Beowulf 1832 eong sy / folces hyrde || ðæt he mec fremman wile / wordum ond w
Beowulf 1837 / geðingeð ðeodnes bearn || he mæg ðær fela / freonda finda
Beowulf 1877 him se man to ðon leof / ðæt he ðone breostwylm || forberan
Beowulf 1891 d onfand / eftsið eorla || swa he ær dyde / no he mid hearme ||
Beowulf 1892 eorla || swa he ær dyde / no he mid hearme || of hliðes nosa
Beowulf 1900 hroðgares || hordgestreonum / he ðæm batwearde || bunden gol
Beowulf 1901 golde / swurd gesealde || ðæt he syððan wæs / on meodubence |
Beowulf 2003 wearð on ðam wange || ðær he worna fela / sigescyldingum ||
Beowulf 2012 a || mago healfdenes / syððan he modsefan || minne cuðe / wið
Beowulf 2028 | ond ðæt ræd talað / ðæt he mid ðy wife || wælfæhða d
Beowulf 2034 gehwam || ðara leoda / ðonne he mid fæmnan || on flett gæð
Beowulf 2077 onsæge / feorhbealu fægum || he fyrmest læg / gyrded cempa ||
Beowulf 2084 m goldsele || gongan wolde / ac he mægnes rof || min costode / gr
Beowulf 2089 cræftum || ond dracan fellum / he mec ðær on innan || unsynni
Beowulf 2096 ne leode / weorðode weorcum || he on weg losade / lytle hwile ||
Beowulf 2099 eardade / hand on hiorte || ond he hean ðonan / modes geomor || m
Beowulf 2114 || hreðer inne weoll / ðonne he wintrum frod || worn gemunde /
Beowulf 2134 e geneðde / mærðo fremede || he me mede gehet / ic ða ðæs w
Beowulf 2146 ren hæfde / mægnes mede || ac he me maðmas geaf / sunu healfden
Beowulf 2161 e / hwatum heorowearde || ðeah he him hold wære / breostgewædu
Beowulf 2165 ast weardode / æppelfealuwe || he him est geteah / meara ond mað
Beowulf 2172 oðra gemyndig / hyrde ic ðæt he ðone healsbeah || hygde gese
Beowulf 2181 tas || næs him hreoh sefa / ac he mancynnes || mæste cræfte / g
Beowulf 2187 wolde / swyðe wendon || ðæt he sleac wære / æðeling unfrom
Beowulf 2194 elra || on sweordes had / ðæt he on biowulfes || bearm alegde /
Beowulf 2208 rade rice / on hand gehwearf || he geheold tela / fiftig wintra ||
Beowulf 2217 rde || hond // / since fahne || he ðæt syððan // / ðeah ðe h
Beowulf 2218 e ðæt syððan // / ðeah ðe he slæpende || besyred wurde / ð
Beowulf 2220 onfand / bufolc beorna || ðæt he gebolgen wæs / nealles mid gew
Beowulf 2240 or || wende ðæs ylcan / ðæt he lytel fæc || longgestreona / b
Beowulf 2275 oldbuend / swiðe ondrædað || he gesecean sceall / hord on hrusa
Beowulf 2276 ceall / hord on hrusan || ðær he hæðen gold / warað wintrum f
Beowulf 2289 ort onfand / feondes fotlast || he to forð gestop / dyrnan cræft
Beowulf 2300 h æthwearf / sincfæt sohte || he ðæt sona onfand / ðæt hæfd
Beowulf 2329 mæst / wende se wisa || ðæt he wealdende / ofer ealde riht ||
Beowulf 2339 ten / wigbord wrætlic || wisse he gearwe / ðæt him holtwudu ||
Beowulf 2346 de ða || hringa fengel / ðæt he ðone widflogan || weorode ge
Beowulf 2347 ode gesohte / sidan herge || no he him ða sæcce ondred / ne him
Beowulf 2349 e / eafoð ond ellen || forðon he ær fela / nearo neðende || ni
Beowulf 2351 digde / hildehlemma || syððan he hroðgares / sigoreadig secg ||
Beowulf 2362 na ðritig / hildegeatwa || ða he to holme beag / nealles hetware
Beowulf 2371 ol || bearne ne truwode / ðæt he wið ælfylcum || eðelstolas
Beowulf 2375 elinge || ænige ðinga / ðæt he heardrede || hlaford wære / o
Beowulf 2377 edom || ciosan wolde / hwæðre he him on folce || freondlarum h
Beowulf 2378 old / estum mid are || oððæt he yldra wearð / wedergeatum weol
Beowulf 2385 || him ðæt to mearce wearð / he ðær for feorme || feorhwund
Beowulf 2395 ohteres / wigum ond wæpnum || he gewræc syððan / cealdum cear
Beowulf 2397 m || cyning ealdre bineat / swa he niða gehwane || genesen hæf
Beowulf 2400 ca || oð ðone anne dæg / ðe he wið ðam wyrme || gewegan sc
Beowulf 2409 de hean ðonon / wong wisian || he ofer willan giong / to ðæs ð
Beowulf 2410 fer willan giong / to ðæs ðe he eorðsele || anne wisse / hlæw
Beowulf 2446 ide / giong on galgan || ðonne he gyd wrece / sarigne sang || ðo
Beowulf 2448 gað / hrefne to hroðre || ond he him helpe ne mæg / eald ond in
Beowulf 2466 | fæghðe gebetan / no ðy ær he ðone heaðorinc || hatian ne
Beowulf 2468 dum || ðeah him leof ne wæs / he ða mid ðære sorhge || ðe
Beowulf 2471 mon / lond ond leodbyrig || ða he of life gewat / ða wæs synn o
Beowulf 2490 eah / ic him ða maðmas || ðe he me sealde / geald æt guðe ||
Beowulf 2492 feðe wæs / leohtan sweorde || he me lond forgeaf / eard eðelwyn
Beowulf 2494 | næs him ænig ðearf / ðæt he to gifðum || oððe to garde
Beowulf 2503 ndbonan || huga cempan / nalles he ða frætwe || frescyninge / br
Beowulf 2534 annes || nefne min anes / ðæt he wið aglæcean || eofoðo dæ
Beowulf 2550 ge / let ða of breostum || ða he gebolgen wæs / wedergeata leod
Beowulf 2568 wyrm gebeah / snude tosomne || he on searwum bad / gewat ða byrn
Beowulf 2573 | ðonne his myne sohte / ðær he ðy fyrste || forman dogore / w
Beowulf 2606 an / gemunde ða ða are || ðe he him ær forgeaf / wicstede weli
Beowulf 2619 ða fæhðe spræc / ðeah ðe he his broðor bearn || abredwad
Beowulf 2620 is broðor bearn || abredwade / he frætwe geheold || fela misse
Beowulf 2624 gewæda / æghwæs unrim || ða he of ealdre gewat / frod on forð
Beowulf 2626 sið / geongan cempan || ðæt he guðe ræs / mid his freodryhtn
Beowulf 2638 elmas ond heard sweord || ðe he usic on herge geceas / to ðyss
Beowulf 2641 ond me ðas maðmas geaf / ðe he usic garwigend || gode tealde
Beowulf 2645 anne || folces hyrde / for ðam he manna mæst || mærða gefrem
Beowulf 2657 t næron ealdgewyrht || ðæt he ana scyle / geata duguðe || gn
Beowulf 2686 ge / swenge ofersohte || ðonne he to sæcce bær / wæpen wundrum
Beowulf 2692 lne ymbefeng / biteran banum || he geblodegod wearð / sawuldriore
Beowulf 2697 swa him gecynde wæs / ne hedde he ðæs heafolan || ac sio hand
Beowulf 2698 ebarn / modiges mannes || ðær he his mæges healp / ðæt he ðo
Beowulf 2699 ær he his mæges healp / ðæt he ðone niðgæst || nioðor hw
Beowulf 2704 iter ond beaduscearp || ðæt he on byrnan wæg / forwrat wedra
Beowulf 2713 eworhte / swelan ond swellan || he ðæt sona onfand / ðæt him o
Beowulf 2716 ða se æðeling giong / ðæt he bi wealle || wishycgende / ges
Beowulf 2724 onspeon / biowulf maðelode || he ofer benne spræc / wunde wælb
Beowulf 2725 æc / wunde wælbleate || wisse he gearwe / ðæt he dæghwila ||
Beowulf 2726 eate || wisse he gearwe / ðæt he dæghwila || gedrogen hæfde /
Beowulf 2756 geseah ða sigehreðig || ða he bi sesse geong / magoðegn modi
Beowulf 2767 n || hyde se ðe wylle / swylce he siomian geseah || segn eallgy
Beowulf 2770 m || of ðam leoma stod / ðæt he ðone grundwong || ongitan me
Beowulf 2782 ende / middelnihtum || oððæt he morðre swealt / ar wæs on ofo
Beowulf 2787 ðeoden / ellensiocne || ðær he hine ær forlet / he ða mid ð
Beowulf 2788 e || ðær he hine ær forlet / he ða mid ðam maðmum || mærn
Beowulf 2790 igne fand / ealdres æt ende || he hine eft ongon / wæteres weorp
Beowulf 2818 te word / breostgehygdum || ær he bæl cure / hate heaðowylmas |
Beowulf 2822 unfrodum / earfoðlice || ðæt he on eorðan geseah / ðone leofe
Beowulf 2834 mæhta wlonc / ansyn ywde || ac he eorðan gefeoll / for ðæs hil
Beowulf 2838 ra || mine gefræge / ðeah ðe he dæda gehwæs || dyrstig wær
Beowulf 2839 ehwæs || dyrstig wære / ðæt he wið attorsceaðan || oreðe
Beowulf 2841 ingsele || hondum styrede / gif he wæccende || weard onfunde / bu
Beowulf 2852 omela læg / wlitan on wilaf || he gewergad sæt / feðecempa || f
Beowulf 2855 | him wiht ne speow / ne meahte he on eorðan || ðeah he uðe w
Beowulf 2855 meahte he on eorðan || ðeah he uðe wel / on ðam frumgare ||
Beowulf 2859 ædan / gumena gehwylcum || swa he nu gen deð / ða wæs æt ðam
Beowulf 2867 e ge ðær on standað / ðonne he on ealubence || oft gesealde /
Beowulf 2869 ðeoden his ðegnum || swylce he ðrydlicost / ower feor oððe
Beowulf 2871 e neah || findan meahte / ðæt he genunga || guðgewædu / wraðe
Beowulf 2875 uðe / sigora waldend || ðæt he hyne sylfne gewræc / ana mid e
Beowulf 2899 pella || se ðe næs gerad / ac he soðlice || sægde ofer ealle
Beowulf 2939 eohhe || ondlonge niht / cwæð he on mergenne || meces ecgum / ge
Beowulf 2954 t || wiðres ne truwode / ðæt he sæmannum || onsacan mihte / he
Beowulf 2967 rong / forð under fexe || næs he forht swa ðeh / gomela scilfin
Beowulf 2973 ceorle || ondslyht giofan / ac he him on heafde || helm ær ges
Beowulf 2974 afde || helm ær gescer / ðæt he blode fah || bugan sceolde / fe
Beowulf 2975 eolde / feoll on foldan || næs he fæge ða git / ac he hyne gewy
Beowulf 2976 n || næs he fæge ða git / ac he hyne gewyrpte || ðeah ðe hi
Beowulf 2989 hares hyrste || higelace bær / he ðam frætwum feng || ond him
Beowulf 2992 ryhten / hreðles eafora || ða he to ham becom / iofore ond wulfe
Beowulf 3027 hu him æt æte speow / ðenden he wið wulf || wæl reafode / swa
Beowulf 3029 cggende wæs / laðra spella || he ne leag fela / wyrda ne worda |
Beowulf 3055 soðcyning || sealde ðam ðe he wolde / he is manna gehyld || h
Beowulf 3056 g || sealde ðam ðe he wolde / he is manna gehyld || hord openi
Beowulf 3066 buan / swa wæs biowulfe || ða he biorges weard / sohte searonið
Beowulf 3074 || se ðone wong strude / næs he goldhwæte || gearwor hæfde /
Beowulf 3081 s hyrde || ræd ænigne / ðæt he ne grette || goldweard ðone /
Beowulf 3082 ne / lete hyne licgean || ðær he longe wæs / wicum wunian || o
Beowulf 3098 ean / micelne ond mærne || swa he manna wæs / wigend weorðfullo
Beowulf 3100 || wide geond eorðan / ðenden he burhwelan || brucan moste / uto
Beowulf 3108 userne / leofne mannan || ðær he longe sceal / on ðæs waldende
Beowulf 3140 bordum / beorhtum byrnum || swa he bena wæs / alegdon ða tomidde
Beowulf 3147 || windblond gelæg / oððæt he ða banhus || gebrocen hæfde
Beowulf 3176 rge / ferhðum freoge || ðonne he forð scile / of lichaman || l
Beowulf 3180 heorðgeneatas / cwædon ðæt he wære || wyruldcyninga / manna
Judith 4 ðæs hehstan deman || ðæt he hie wið ðæs hehstan brogan
Judith 60 eðafian ðrymmes hyrde || ac he him ðæs ðinges gestyrde / dr
Judith 63 ll his beddes neosan || ðær he sceolde his blæd forleosan /
Judith 65 rðan unswæslicne || swylcne he ær æfter worhte / ðearlmod
Judith 66 mod ðeoden gumena || ðenden he on ðysse worulde / wunode unde
Judith 68 ca on his reste middan || swa he nyste ræda nanne / on gewitloc
Judith 95 dre mid elne onbryrde || swa he deð anra gehwylcne / herbuendr
Judith 106 rf / ðone sweoran him || ðæt he on swiman læg / druncen ond do
Judith 117 / æfter hinsiðe || ne ðearf he hopian no / ðystrum forðylmed
Judith 118 / ðystrum forðylmed || ðæt he ðonan mote / of ðam wyrmsele
Judith 184 e god / lengran lifes || ðæt he mid læððum us / eglan moste
Judith 276 rod / ðara beadorinca || ðæt he in ðæt burgeteld / niðheard
Judith 280 stes gesne / lifes belidenne || he ða lungre gefeoll / freorig to
The Paris Psalter 100:6 5 ymble mid || sæton and eodon / he me holdlice || her þegnade / /
The Paris Psalter 101:15 1 || his seo soþe sped / / # / oft he þearfendra bene || þance ge
The Paris Psalter 101:15 2 ra bene || þance gehyrde / and he ne forhogode || heora hold ge
The Paris Psalter 101:16 3 ressum || cyþed syndan / þæt he folc gesceop || fægere driht
The Paris Psalter 101:17 1 || hrore geþance / / # / forþon he fæstlice || forþ locade / of
The Paris Psalter 101:18 1 eofenum || her on eorþan / / # / he þa gehyrde || heahgnornunge /
The Paris Psalter 101:21 1 oldlice || hyran syþþan / / # / he him andwyrdeþ || eallum sona
The Paris Psalter 102:2 3 re weorþan / ealra goda || þe he þe ær dyde / / # / he þinum ma
The Paris Psalter 102:3 1 da || þe he þe ær dyde / / # / he þinum mandædum || miltsade
The Paris Psalter 102:4 1 ne adle || ealle gehælde / / # / he alysde þin lif || leof of fo
The Paris Psalter 102:5 1 illan || fægere mid gode / / # / he þe gesigefæste || soþre mi
The Paris Psalter 102:7 1 eaflice || teonan þolian / / # / he his wegas dyde || wise and cu
The Paris Psalter 102:12 3 eastrodor || and æfter west / he betweonan þam || teonan and
The Paris Psalter 102:13 4 þ || liþe weorþeþ / forþan he ealle can || ure þearfe / / # /
The Paris Psalter 102:15 1 as || læne syndan / / # / þonne he gast ofgifeþ || syþþan hin
The Paris Psalter 102:18 3 hsetl || hror timbrade / þanon he eorþricum || eallum wealdeþ
The Paris Psalter 103:4 1 þ ufan || wætra þryþe / / # / he wolcen eac || worhte and sett
The Paris Psalter 103:4 2 eac || worhte and sette / þæt he mihte eaþe || upp astigan / se
The Paris Psalter 103:5 1 m tredeþ || fiþru winda / / # / he his englas deþ || æþele ga
The Paris Psalter 103:6 1 e þegnas || fyr byrnende / / # / he gefæstnude || foldan staþel
The Paris Psalter 103:7 1 orld || weorþeþ ahylded / / # / he nywolnessa || neoþan swa swa
The Paris Psalter 103:18 1 þ || oft on stanas / / # / monan he geworhte || on þa mæran tid
The Paris Psalter 103:30 1 weorcum || bealde drihten / / # / he on þas eorþan || ealle loca
The Paris Psalter 103:30 3 is egsan || ealle beofian / gif he mid his mihte || muntas hrine
The Paris Psalter 104:5 1 / # / gemunaþ ge on mode || hu he mænig wundor / worhte wræclic
The Paris Psalter 104:6 1 eac || mære domas / / # / hwæt he abrahames cynn || þe his esn
The Paris Psalter 104:6 3 da / and iacobes bearn || þone he geara geceas / / # / he is ure dr
The Paris Psalter 104:7 1 || þone he geara geceas / / # / he is ure drihten || dædum sped
The Paris Psalter 104:8 1 orþan || æghwylcne dæl / / # / he þæs on worulde || wearþ ge
The Paris Psalter 104:8 2 ulde || wearþ gemyndig / þæt he worde gecwæþ || on gewitnes
The Paris Psalter 104:9 1 | cwyc se þe lifde / / # / þæt he mid aþsware || to abrahame / a
The Paris Psalter 104:12 1 || egsan geþiwdan / / # / ne let he him manna || mihte sceþþan /
The Paris Psalter 104:12 2 manna || mihte sceþþan / and he þearle for him || þrea geaf
The Paris Psalter 104:15 1 de menn || wædlan hlafes / / # / he him snoterne beforan || sende
The Paris Psalter 104:17 1 ealdormen || eallum sette / / # / he sette hine on his huse || to
The Paris Psalter 104:18 1 || anweald betæhte / / # / þæt he his ealdormen || ealle lærde
The Paris Psalter 104:18 2 ealdormen || ealle lærde / swa he his sylfes mod || geseted hæ
The Paris Psalter 104:20 1 ardude || eorþan chanaan / / # / he þæt eadige folc || ehte swy
The Paris Psalter 104:21 1 e getrymede / / # / hiora heortan he ongan || hwyrfan æryst / þæt
The Paris Psalter 104:22 1 eac || inwit fremedan / / # / þa he him þone mæran || moyses se
The Paris Psalter 104:22 3 ædere / and aaron eac || þone he ær geceas / / # / he sette on hi
The Paris Psalter 104:23 1 ac || þone he ær geceas / / # / he sette on hi sylfe || soþne w
The Paris Psalter 104:24 1 geforan || folc chananea / / # / he hi mid þystrum ongan || þre
The Paris Psalter 104:27 1 a cofum || cwyce eardedan / / # / he sylfa cwæþ || sona cwoman / m
The Paris Psalter 104:30 1 ringan || ne bearwa treow / / # / he þa syþþan cwæþ || sona c
The Paris Psalter 104:31 1 fræton wæstmas / / # / syþþan he æfter sloh || æghwylc frumb
The Paris Psalter 104:34 1 r egesa || angryslic stod / / # / he hi wolcne bewreah || wraþum
The Paris Psalter 104:37 1 dane || gengdan æfter / / # / ac he wæs þæra worda || wel gemy
The Paris Psalter 104:37 2 g / halig heofenes weard || þe he hleoþrade / to abrahame || his
The Paris Psalter 105:1 3 an ic hine godne wat / forþon he his mildheortnysse || mannum
The Paris Psalter 105:13 1 s þær || geare costedan / / # / he him been sniome || brohte and
The Paris Psalter 105:19 3 ra moyses || mægene ne hulpe / he þæt folc forstod || feonda
The Paris Psalter 105:19 4 tod || feonda mægene / forþon he him his yrre || of acyrde / þ
The Paris Psalter 105:19 5 m his yrre || of acyrde / þæt he hi ne towurpe || geond werþe
The Paris Psalter 105:21 1 his wordum || wel gehyran / / # / he his handa ahof || and hi hra
The Paris Psalter 105:24 2 ndætes || finees awerede / þa he on þam folce || feondgyld ge
The Paris Psalter 105:24 3 am folce || feondgyld gebræc / he þæs hæl gehleat || and hel
The Paris Psalter 105:25 4 ysgad / for heora yfelum || swa he oftor wæs / on his gaste gram
The Paris Psalter 105:29 3 rre wearþ || ece drihten / and he his yrfe || eall forhogode / / #
The Paris Psalter 105:30 1 is yrfe || eall forhogode / / # / he hi on handgeweald || hæþenu
The Paris Psalter 105:33 1 rihtum || oft gehynde / / # / swa he furþum oncneow || þæt heor
The Paris Psalter 105:33 2 eow || þæt heora fynd ehtan / he heora bene || bealde gehyrde /
The Paris Psalter 105:34 1 || bealde gehyrde / / # / þonne he his wordgebeot || well gemund
The Paris Psalter 105:35 1 || menigu godes / / # / syþþan he him sealde || sona miltse / þ
The Paris Psalter 106:5 2 e || cleopedan to dryhtne / and he hi of þam earfeþum || eallu
The Paris Psalter 106:8 1 || manna bearnum / / # / forþon he gesedeþ || sawle idle / and þ
The Paris Psalter 106:12 2 e || cleopedan to drihtne / and he hi of þam earfoþum || eallu
The Paris Psalter 106:13 1 þum || eallum alysde / / # / and he hi of þam þystrum || þanon
The Paris Psalter 106:15 1 ofer manna bearn / / # / forþon he æren dor || eaþe gescæneþ
The Paris Psalter 106:16 1 rne steng || ana gebigeþ / / # / he hi of unrihtum || ealle swylc
The Paris Psalter 106:18 2 e || cleopedan to drihtne / and he hi of þam earfoþum || eallu
The Paris Psalter 106:19 1 arfoþum || eallum alysde / / # / he him wisfæstlic || word onsen
The Paris Psalter 106:20 2 ndettan || ecum drihtne / þæt he milde wearþ || manna cynne / m
The Paris Psalter 106:24 1 n || on wætergrundum / / # / gif he sylfa cwyþ || sona ætstanda
The Paris Psalter 106:27 2 e || cleopedan to drihtne / and he hi of earfeþum || eallum aly
The Paris Psalter 106:28 1 arfeþum || eallum alysde / / # / he yste mæg || eaþe oncyrran /
The Paris Psalter 106:29 1 þa þe brimu weþaþ / / # / and he hi on hælo || hyþe gelædde
The Paris Psalter 106:29 2 n hælo || hyþe gelædde / swa he hira willan || wyste fyrmest /
The Paris Psalter 106:29 3 a willan || wyste fyrmest / and he hig of earfoþum || eallum al
The Paris Psalter 106:30 2 andettan || ealle drihtne / hu he milde wearþ || manna cynne / m
The Paris Psalter 106:32 1 tra || secgean to worulde / / # / he on westenne || wynne streamas
The Paris Psalter 106:32 2 amas / soþfæst sette || þær he sarig folc / geþewde þurste |
The Paris Psalter 106:33 1 e þurste || þa blissade / / # / he þa weaxendan || wende eorþa
The Paris Psalter 106:34 1 þe hire on lifdan / / # / westen he geworhte || on widne mere / and
The Paris Psalter 106:35 1 || æþelast burnan / / # / þær he hungrium || ham staþelude / an
The Paris Psalter 106:37 1 ra || aloden wæstmum / / # / þa he bletsade || and hi brade þa /
The Paris Psalter 106:40 1 || wendan hwilum of / / # / þær he þearfendra || þa miltsude / a
The Paris Psalter 107:12 2 ihten / soþfæst syllan || and he sona mæg / ure feond gedon ||
The Paris Psalter 108:10 2 rn swylce || toboren wide / and he ut weorpe || earme þearfan /
The Paris Psalter 108:16 2 lde gemynd || on modsefan / and he þearfendra || þriste ehte / s
The Paris Psalter 108:16 4 heortan || hogode geornust / hu he mid searuwe || swylce acweald
The Paris Psalter 108:17 1 earuwe || swylce acwealde / / # / he wolde wergþu || wyrcean geor
The Paris Psalter 108:17 3 ylce on || eft gesette / nolde he bletsunge || biddan ne tilian
The Paris Psalter 108:18 1 afyrred || of ferhþcofan / / # / he hine gegyrede || mid grame wy
The Paris Psalter 108:18 2 rede || mid grame wyrgþu / swa he hine wædum || wræstum geteo
The Paris Psalter 108:19 1 | beteþ and hæleþ / / # / wese he hrægle gelic || þe her hra
The Paris Psalter 108:30 1 on midle || manna herige / / # / he sylfa gestod || on þa swyþr
The Paris Psalter 108:30 2 || on þa swyþran hand / þær he þearfendra || þinga teolode
The Paris Psalter 108:30 3 þearfendra || þinga teolode / he mine sawle || swylce gehealde
The Paris Psalter 109:6 1 # hefige gefylleþ || / heafod he gebreceþ || hæleþa mænige
The Paris Psalter 110:3 1 nyss wunaþ || symble ece / / # / he gemynd dyde || mærra wundra /
The Paris Psalter 110:3 2 de || mærra wundra / mildheort he is and modig || mihtig drihte
The Paris Psalter 110:4 1 m þe his ege habbaþ / / # / and he on worulde || wearþ gemyndig
The Paris Psalter 110:4 2 emyndig / his gewitnesse || þe he wel swylce / myhtum miclum || a
The Paris Psalter 110:4 5 and to his folce cwæþ / þæt he him wolde yrfe || ellþeodigr
The Paris Psalter 110:5 2 oþfæstra / ryhte domas || þa he ræran wyle / wærun his bebodu
The Paris Psalter 110:6 1 tnysse || ræda getrymede / / # / he alysinge || leofum folce / soþ
The Paris Psalter 110:7 2 am || snytru on frymþe / þæt he godes egesan || gleawe healde
The Paris Psalter 111:2 1 deþ || bealde mid willan / / # / he on eorþan byþ || eadig and
The Paris Psalter 111:4 5 on mode || mihtig dryhten / and he ys soþfæst || symble æt þ
The Paris Psalter 111:7 4 ætfæstan || feonda ænig / ac he ealle forsyhþ || æghwær ge
The Paris Psalter 112:4 1 naman || dædum herigean / / # / he is ofer ealle || ingeþeode / s
The Paris Psalter 112:6 1 rþwege || up on heofenum / / # / he of eorþan mæg || þone unag
The Paris Psalter 113:3 1 ice / / # / swa heo sæ geseah || he hio sniome fleah / for him iord
The Paris Psalter 113:8 1 gode || geara forhtigean / / # / he wendeþ stan || on widne mere
The Paris Psalter 113:11 2 dreame / uppe mid englum || and he eall gedeþ / swa his willa by
The Paris Psalter 113:18 3 dne begeaton / fælne fultum || he hi wiþ feondum geheold / / # / a
The Paris Psalter 113:19 2 on dryhten / leofne gelyfdan || he him liþe wearþ / and him fult
The Paris Psalter 113:20 3 ht heora || habban on drihten / he him fultum || fæste gestande
The Paris Psalter 114:6 2 a lytlan / ic hean gewearþ || he me hraþe lysde / / # / gecyr min
The Paris Psalter 115:3 2 / for eallum þam godum || þe he me ærur dyde / / # / ic her hæl
The Paris Psalter 117:2 2 cwæþan || ealle nu-þa / þe he is se goda god || and gearu s
The Paris Psalter 117:3 2 arones hus || eac þæt sylfe / he ys se goda god || and gearu s
The Paris Psalter 117:4 3 deþ || egsa dryhtnes / forþon he ys se goda god || and gearu s
The Paris Psalter 117:5 2 tunge || cigde to dryhtne / and he me gehyrde || on heare brædu
The Paris Psalter 117:14 2 yhtne / and herenes heah || and he me eac / ys a to worulde || wor
The Paris Psalter 117:28 2 ette || eceum dryhtne / forþon he ys se goda god || and ic ful
The Paris Psalter 118:9 3 dran || ræd gemittan / þonne he þine wisan || word gehealde /
The Paris Psalter 118:23 5 n esne || elnes teolode / þæt he þine soþe word || snotur be
The Paris Psalter 118:38 2 um esne || oþer swylce / þæt he þine spræce || sped leornig
The Paris Psalter 118:145 3 to drihtne / ceare cleopian || he me cynlice / hraþe gehyrde ||
The Paris Psalter 119:1 3 tunga || cnysdon geneahhe / and he me gehyrde || holde mode / / # /
The Paris Psalter 120:3 1 || hrusan swylce / / # / ne sylle he þinne fot || on feondes gewe
The Paris Psalter 124:3 3 tan || furþor gangan / þonne he soþfæstra || settan wylle / /
The Paris Psalter 124:4 1 æstra || settan wylle / / # / ne he soþfæste || swylce læteþ /
The Paris Psalter 124:4 3 r willen / handum ræcean || ac he him hraþe gyldeþ / do þu dri
The Paris Psalter 125:1 2 en wyle || gedon æfter / þæt he of sione || swære ahweorfe / h
The Paris Psalter 125:3 3 miclade || mihtig drihten / þa he him wundur mid || worhte seld
The Paris Psalter 126:4 1 af || swiþe æton / / # / þonne he slæp syleþ || swiþe leofum
The Paris Psalter 126:6 2 er || se þe a þenceþ / þæt he his lust on þon || leofne ge
The Paris Psalter 126:6 3 on || leofne gefylle / ne biþ he on ealdre ealre || æfre gesc
The Paris Psalter 126:6 4 lre || æfre gescended / þonne he on gaton greteþ || his grame
The Paris Psalter 128:3 2 st || and gedeþ sniome / þæt he firenfullra || fæcne geþanc
The Paris Psalter 128:5 1 || foldan losige / / # / of þam he ne gefylleþ || folme æfre /
The Paris Psalter 128:5 2 leþ || folme æfre / þeah þe he hit mawe || micle elne / ne mid
The Paris Psalter 128:5 4 g || sceat afyllan / þeah þe he samnige || swiþe georne / / # /
The Paris Psalter 129:3 3 ten || hwa gedeþ æfre / þæt he þæt geefne || eall mid riht
The Paris Psalter 129:7 2 tnesse || miht on drihtne / and he alyseþ || lustum ealle / þa
The Paris Psalter 129:8 1 on hine || habbaþ fæste / / # / he israhelas || ealle alyseþ / of
The Paris Psalter 131:2 2 þ drihten / and gehat gehet || he geheold teala / wiþ iacobes ||
The Paris Psalter 131:11 3 þe || swylce getrymede / þæt he hine for hole || ær ne aswor
The Paris Psalter 131:11 4 ne aswore / gehet dauide || swa he him dyde syþþan / / # / þæt h
The Paris Psalter 131:12 1 e him dyde syþþan / / # / þæt he weorþlicne || wæstm gesette
The Paris Psalter 134:3 1 lofiaþ ge drihten || forþon he lungre is / fæstræd and frems
The Paris Psalter 134:3 3 orþiaþ his naman || forþon he wyrþe is / / # / forþon him god
The Paris Psalter 134:6 4 sæ || swylce on eallum / þær he dyrne wat || deorce grundas / /
The Paris Psalter 134:7 1 wat || deorce grundas / / # / and he fram þysse eorþan || ende l
The Paris Psalter 134:9 1 c ealra || oþ þa nytenu / / # / he sigetacen || sende manegum / fo
The Paris Psalter 134:14 2 demeþ || fægere drihten / and he biþ on his esnum || agenum f
The Paris Psalter 135:1 2 dette || ecum drihtne / forþon he god is || and ic ful gearwe w
The Paris Psalter 135:1 3 | and ic ful gearwe wat / þæt he to worulde byþ || wis and mi
The Paris Psalter 135:3 3 n || dædum spedigast / forþon he god is || and ic gearwe wat /
The Paris Psalter 135:4 1 es || is mycel to worulde / / # / he wundur dyde || weorþlic ana /
The Paris Psalter 135:6 1 worhte || hæleþa andgit / / # / he eorþan æfter wæter || ære
The Paris Psalter 135:7 1 er wæter || ærest sette / / # / he leohtfatu || leodum ana / micel
The Paris Psalter 135:10 1 hte || monan and steorran / / # / he ægyptas sloh || and eall heo
The Paris Psalter 135:11 1 eall heora frumbearn / / # / and he israhelas || ealle oþlædde /
The Paris Psalter 135:13 1 allmihte || earmes swylce / / # / he readne sæ || recene todælde
The Paris Psalter 135:16 1 n sæ || recene forwurdan / / # / he gewealdendlice || þuruh west
The Paris Psalter 135:17 1 ofe folc || lædde swylce / / # / he of stanclife || stearce burna
The Paris Psalter 135:18 1 || on leofne þanc / / # / swylce he acwealde || cyningas mycle / / #
The Paris Psalter 135:19 1 lde || cyningas mycle / / # / and he eac ofsloh || æþele cyninga
The Paris Psalter 135:25 1 | and us mycel sealde / / # / and he us aferede || feondum of hand
The Paris Psalter 135:26 1 e wraþe || wæron ealle / / # / he eac afedeþ || flæscea æghw
The Paris Psalter 139:11 4 wer || yfel gecnysseþ / oþþe he on eorþan || eall forweorþe
The Paris Psalter 143:2 1 fingras || to gefeohtanne / / # / he is mildheortnes || min æt þ
The Paris Psalter 144:15 2 d || þa þe hreosaþ ær / and he ealle areceþ || earme gebroc
The Paris Psalter 144:18 2 egum / eallum on eorþan || and he æfter þan / on his weorcum is
The Paris Psalter 144:19 5 s ege swylce || elne ræfnaþ / he heora bene || bealde gehyreþ
The Paris Psalter 144:20 3 hine || lustum healdeþ / and he synfulle || swylce todrifeþ /
The Paris Psalter 145:6 1 e him on || ahwær syndon / / # / he his soþfæst word || swylce
The Paris Psalter 145:8 3 geofeþ / weodewum wencelum || he hiom wel onfehþ / fyrenfulra w
The Paris Psalter 146:1 1 lm 146 / / # / heriaþ drihten || he is heah and good / singaþ him
The Paris Psalter 146:4 1 nesse || ealle gewriþeþ / / # / he recene mæg || riman steorran
The Paris Psalter 146:6 2 / milde mode || and manþwære / he onfehþ fægere || and fyrenf
The Paris Psalter 146:9 1 e fram || æfter groweþ / / # / he of beorgum ut || blæde læde
The Paris Psalter 147:2 1 þinne soþne god / / # / forþon he getrymede || wiþ teonhete / þ
The Paris Psalter 147:3 1 nnan þe || ahwær wæren / / # / he þine gemæru || gemiclade / þ
The Paris Psalter 147:4 1 ætecynnes || holde lynde / / # / he his spræce hider || spowendl
The Paris Psalter 147:5 1 yrneþ || wundrum sniome / / # / he snaw sendeþ || samed anlice /
The Paris Psalter 147:6 1 rpeþ || wide swa æscean / / # / he his cristallum || cynnum send
The Paris Psalter 147:7 1 im standan || stiþe mode / / # / he his word sendeþ || þuruh wi
The Paris Psalter 147:8 1 tere || weorþeþ sniome / / # / he his word eac || ær mid wisdo
The Paris Psalter 147:9 1 || eac his domas / / # / ne dyde he ahwær swa || eldran cynne / þ
The Paris Psalter 147:9 2 ær swa || eldran cynne / þæt he him his domas || digle gecydd
The Paris Psalter 148:5 1 | herigen drihten / / # / forþon he sylfa cwæþ || sona wærun / w
The Paris Psalter 148:5 3 / and gesceapene wærun || þa he sylfa het / / # / þa he on ecnes
The Paris Psalter 148:6 1 n || þa he sylfa het / / # / þa he on ecnesse || eall staþelade
The Paris Psalter 148:6 3 rulda woruld || wolde healdan / he sette bebod || syþþan heo
The Paris Psalter 148:14 1 um || heofone and eorþan / / # / he horn hefeþ || holdes folces /
The Paris Psalter 148:14 2 horn hefeþ || holdes folces / he lofe leohteþ || leofe þa ha
The Paris Psalter 149:4 2 drihtne / wel licendlic || and he wynlice / þam manþwærum syle
The Paris Psalter 51:6 3 m þær || fæstne gelyfde / ac he on his welan spede || wræste
The Paris Psalter 52:7 3 ne || nymþe sylfa god / þonne he his folc || fægere alyseþ / o
The Paris Psalter 53:4 3 || ece drihten / sawle minre || he me swican ne wile / / # / afyr me
The Paris Psalter 54:21 2 n drihten || þin soþ gehygd / he þe butan fracoþum || fedeþ
The Paris Psalter 54:22 1 fedeþ syþþan / / # / ne syleþ he soþfæstum || syþþan to fe
The Paris Psalter 56:3 1 ndgode || þe me wel dyde / / # / he þa of heofenum || hider onse
The Paris Psalter 57:9 1 / soþfæst blissaþ || þonne he siþ ongan / hu þa arleasan ||
The Paris Psalter 59:11 2 ihten / soþfæst syllan || and he sona mæg / ure fynd gedon || f
The Paris Psalter 60:5 3 ynnum iced / oþ þone dæg þe he || on drihtnes sceal / on ansyn
The Paris Psalter 61:2 1 || her eall gelancg / / # / hwæt he is god min || and gearu hæle
The Paris Psalter 61:2 2 d min || and gearu hælend / is he fultum min || ic ne forhtige
The Paris Psalter 61:5 3 de hæfde || georne geþeoded / he minre geþylde || þingum wea
The Paris Psalter 61:6 1 || þingum wealdeþ / / # / hwæt he is god min || and gleaw hæle
The Paris Psalter 61:12 3 de / and mildheortness || þæt he manna gehwam / æfter his agenu
The Paris Psalter 61:12 5 || earnungum demeþ / efne swa he wyrceþ || on worldlife
The Paris Psalter 64:4 1 sdædum || mihta wealdend / / # / he weorþeþ eadig || se þe hin
The Paris Psalter 65:5 1 e || ofer eall ylda bearn / / # / he mæg onwendan || wætera þry
The Paris Psalter 65:6 3 n ecnesse || awa to feore / and he ofer ealle þeode || eagum wl
The Paris Psalter 65:8 1 ne lof || strang asecgean / / # / he mine sawle || sette to life / n
The Paris Psalter 65:14 4 an || georne habbaþ / hu mycel he dyde || minre sawle / / # / þuru
The Paris Psalter 65:18 1 / drihten si gebletsad || þe he ne dyde æfre / nymþe he mine
The Paris Psalter 65:18 2 | þe he ne dyde æfre / nymþe he mine bene || bealde gehyrde / n
The Paris Psalter 67:4 4 æs || seftne and rihtne / þe he sylfa astah || ofer sunnan up
The Paris Psalter 67:7 2 enes || mihte gelædeþ / þæt he þa gehæftan || hæleþ snio
The Paris Psalter 67:21 3 feonda || her gescæneþ / and he tofylleþ || feaxes scadan / þ
The Paris Psalter 68:33 2 ten / gehyreþ holdlice || nyle he gehæfte eac / on heora neode |
The Paris Psalter 70:10 4 and his geara ehtan / syþþan he ne hæbbe || helpend ænne / / #
The Paris Psalter 71:1 2 / suna cynincges syle || þæt he soþ healde / / # / dem þu þin
The Paris Psalter 71:4 3 lce || fyrhte þearfan / swylce he þearfena bearn || þriste h
The Paris Psalter 71:5 1 bearn || þriste hæleþ / / # / he þa hermcweþend || hyneþ an
The Paris Psalter 71:6 1 woruld || wunaþ him ece / / # / he þonne astigeþ || swa se str
The Paris Psalter 71:8 1 þ ahafen || hluttor mona / / # / he þonne wealdeþ || wera cneor
The Paris Psalter 71:12 1 weorþiaþ georne / / # / forþon he alyseþ || lungre þearfan / þ
The Paris Psalter 71:13 1 r elles || ænigne fultum / / # / he helpeþ þearfan || swylce ea
The Paris Psalter 71:13 2 fan || swylce eac wædlan / and he þearfigendra || sawla gehæl
The Paris Psalter 71:14 1 gendra || sawla gehæleþ / / # / he of mansceatte || and of mane
The Paris Psalter 71:15 1 or him || neode gebyrhted / / # / he lyfaþ leodum || him byþ lun
The Paris Psalter 73:19 2 eah þe wædla || and þearfa he wyle / naman þinne || neode he
The Paris Psalter 74:7 1 ma || drihten sylfa / / # / sumne he gehyneþ || sumne ahefeþ sni
The Paris Psalter 74:7 3 ylled is || þæs onfehþ þe he ann / / # / þonne he of þysum o
The Paris Psalter 74:8 1 onfehþ þe he ann / / # / þonne he of þysum on þæt || þonne
The Paris Psalter 74:8 2 æt || þonne oncerreþ / nyle he þa dærstan him || don unbry
The Paris Psalter 75:2 2 s stow || soþe behealden / and he on sione || swylce eardaþ / / #
The Paris Psalter 75:3 1 e || swylce eardaþ / / # / þær he hornbogan || hearde gebendeþ
The Paris Psalter 75:6 4 dome || drihten ariseþ / þæt he on eorþan do || ealle hale /
The Paris Psalter 75:6 5 eorþan do || ealle hale / þe he mildheorte || meteþ and find
The Paris Psalter 76:1 2 ann || styrman to drihtne / and he me gehyrde || and beheold son
The Paris Psalter 76:8 2 æfre god || ungemyndig / þæt he miltsige || manna cynne / oþþ
The Paris Psalter 76:9 5 licra || worda gemyndig / þæt he æt fruman wundor || fæger g
The Paris Psalter 77:5 3 an miht || mænigu wundur / þa he geworhte || wera cneorissum / /
The Paris Psalter 77:6 1 worhte || wera cneorissum / / # / he aweahte || gewitnesse / on iaco
The Paris Psalter 77:7 1 rahelum || æ gesette / / # / þa he fæste bebead || fæderum uss
The Paris Psalter 77:13 2 fdon / and þara wundra || þe he worhte ær / þara heora yldran
The Paris Psalter 77:14 1 eora yldran || on locadan / / # / he on ægypta || agenum lande / hi
The Paris Psalter 77:15 1 mpotanea || eac mid soþe / / # / he sæ toslat || sealte yþa / gef
The Paris Psalter 77:17 1 s leoma || folcnede heold / / # / he on westene || wide ædran / him
The Paris Psalter 77:21 1 widum and sidum / / # / þeah þe he of stane || streamas lete / wæ
The Paris Psalter 77:22 1 we hwæþere wenaþ || þæt he wihte mæge / mid hlafe þis fo
The Paris Psalter 77:23 2 æt gehyrde || halig drihten / he ylde þa gyt || and eft gespr
The Paris Psalter 77:25 1 an || lare forhogedon / / # / het he þa widan duru || wolcen onty
The Paris Psalter 77:33 1 ncg || eac unnytte / / # / þonne he hi sare sloh || þonne hi soh
The Paris Psalter 77:37 1 rhþe || fæstne geleafan / / # / he þonne is mildheort || and ma
The Paris Psalter 77:38 1 nolde hi to flymum gedon / / # / he þa manige fram him || mangew
The Paris Psalter 77:39 1 e || hæleþum cyþan / / # / and he gemunde || þæt hi wæran mo
The Paris Psalter 77:43 1 æge || werede and ferede / / # / he ægypti || egesan geþywde / mi
The Paris Psalter 77:44 1 æt wæs cuþ werum / / # / þær he wæterstreamas || wende to bl
The Paris Psalter 77:49 1 heora æhta || ealle fyre / / # / he æbyligþe on hi || bitter an
The Paris Psalter 77:50 1 iþ yfele || englas sende / / # / he him weg worhte || wraþan yrr
The Paris Psalter 77:50 2 eg worhte || wraþan yrres / ne he heora sawlum deaþ || swiþe
The Paris Psalter 77:51 1 t || niþcwealm forswealh / / # / he þa on þam folce || frumbear
The Paris Psalter 77:52 1 stme || folce chames / / # / þa he his folc genam || swa fæle s
The Paris Psalter 77:53 1 enas || wegas uncuþe / / # / and he hi on hihte || holdre lædde /
The Paris Psalter 77:54 1 alle þa || yþa fornamon / / # / he hi þa gelædde || on leofre
The Paris Psalter 77:55 1 | þa his hand begeat / / # / and he manige for him || mære þeod
The Paris Psalter 77:59 2 æt gehyrde || halig drihten / he hi forhogode || and hraþe sy
The Paris Psalter 77:60 1 cynn || egsan geþyde / / # / and he þa swa gelome wiþsoc || sny
The Paris Psalter 77:60 2 se / wæs his agen hus || þær he eard genam / ær mid mannum ||
The Paris Psalter 77:61 1 d mannum || mihtig hæfde / / # / he hi þa on hæftnyd || hean ge
The Paris Psalter 77:65 2 weaht || wealdend drihten / swa he slæpende || softe reste / oþ
The Paris Psalter 77:66 1 eorþ man || wine druncen / / # / he þa his feondas sloh || and h
The Paris Psalter 77:67 1 edwit || awa to feore / / # / and he georne wiþsoc || iosepes hus
The Paris Psalter 77:67 3 r geceas || effremes cynn / ac he geceas iudan him || geswæs f
The Paris Psalter 77:68 1 ær him wæs symble leof / / # / he þa anhornan || ealra gelicas
The Paris Psalter 77:69 3 be sceapum / fostur feormade || he him onfencg hraþe / / # / he þo
The Paris Psalter 77:70 1 || he him onfencg hraþe / / # / he þonne fedeþ || folc iacobes
The Paris Psalter 77:71 1 israhela || yrfelafe / / # / and he hi þonne butan facne || fede
The Paris Psalter 79:14 4 seoh || wingeard þisne / þæt he mid rihte || ræde gange / þæ
The Paris Psalter 80:15 1 yfele tid || awa to feore / / # / he hi fedde || mid fætre lynde /
The Paris Psalter 81:1 2 stod || godum on gemange / and he hi on midle || mægene toscea
The Paris Psalter 84:7 3 odsefan || mælan wille / sybbe he his folces || seceþ geornast
The Paris Psalter 84:8 1 e hine seceaþ / / # / hwæþere he is mid soþe || forswiþe nea
The Paris Psalter 86:4 3 gewearþ || mann on innan / and he hi þa hehstan || her staþel
The Paris Psalter 88:23 2 n hand || settan þence / þæt he sæstreamum || syþþan weald
The Paris Psalter 88:24 1 reamum || syþþan wealde / / # / he me him to fælum || fæder ge
The Paris Psalter 88:35 2 a towurpon || wegferende / and he on edwit wearþ || ymbsittend
The Paris Psalter 90:3 1 n þe geare hycge / / # / forþon he me alysde || of laþum grine /
The Paris Psalter 90:4 1 unholdum || hearmum worde / / # / he me mid his gesculdrum || scea
The Paris Psalter 90:11 1 nahwær sceþþan / / # / forþon he his englum bebead || þæt hi
The Paris Psalter 90:14 1 || liste gebygean / / # / forþon he hyhte to me || ic hine hraþe
The Paris Psalter 90:14 2 lyse / niode hine scylde || nu he cuþe naman minne / / # / he cigd
The Paris Psalter 90:15 1 | nu he cuþe naman minne / / # / he cigde me || and ic hine cuþl
The Paris Psalter 91:2 2 morgene || mægene sæcge / hu he milde wearþ || manna cynne / a
The Paris Psalter 93:7 2 awe / drihten æfre || dyde swa he wolde / ne þæt iacobes god ||
The Paris Psalter 93:9 4 gesyhþ || eallum sealde / and he scearpe ne mæge || gesceawia
The Paris Psalter 93:13 2 gena || gehwyrfed byþ / þæt he on unriht || eft ne cyrre / oþ
The Paris Psalter 94:4 3 gen folc || æfre æt þearfe / he þas heahbeorgas || healdeþ
The Paris Psalter 94:5 1 as || healdeþ swylce / / # / eac he sæs wealdeþ || and he sette
The Paris Psalter 94:5 1 / eac he sæs wealdeþ || and he sette þone / worhte his folme
The Paris Psalter 94:7 1 þe us worhte ær / / # / forþon he is drihten god || dema usser /
The Paris Psalter 94:7 3 || and his fægere sceap / þa he on his edisce || ær afedde / /
The Paris Psalter 95:4 1 o dæge || drihtnes hælu / / # / he is se mycla god || forþon hi
The Paris Psalter 95:4 2 ne mæn sculon / elne herian || he is egeslic god / ofer ealle god
The Paris Psalter 95:9 4 æst rice / drihten ure || dome he syþþan / eorþan ymbhwyrft ||
The Paris Psalter 95:10 1 mbhwyrft || ealle gesette / / # / he ferhtlic riht || folcum deme
The Paris Psalter 95:12 5 tan || ecean drihtnes / forþon he cwom || on cyneþrymme / þæt
The Paris Psalter 95:12 6 cwom || on cyneþrymme / þæt he þas eorþan || ealle demde / /
The Paris Psalter 95:13 1 an || ealle demde / / # / þonne he ymbhwyrft || eorþan folca / so
The Paris Psalter 97:8 4 yne || ecean drihtnes / forþon he eadig com || eorþan to deman
The Paris Psalter 97:8 1 com || eorþan to demanne / / # / he ymbhwyrft || eorþan demeþ / s
The Paris Psalter 98:1 1 98 / / # / rixaþ drihten || and he reþe folc / healdeþ on yrre |
The Paris Psalter 98:3 2 num || þam ecean naman / þæt he mid mannum is || mycel and eg
The Paris Psalter 98:5 4 l || forþ weorþiaþ / forþon he halig is || hæleþa bearnum /
The Paris Psalter 98:7 2 cymlice || cigdon drihten / and he hi gehyrde || holde mode / spr
The Paris Psalter 98:8 3 bebodu || beorhte efnedan / þa he him sealde || and sylfa bebea
The Paris Psalter 99:2 2 liþe / witaþ wislice || þæt he is wealdend god / he us geworht
The Paris Psalter 99:2 3 e || þæt he is wealdend god / he us geworhte || and we his syn
The Paris Psalter 99:3 2 an || and his fæle sceap / þa he on his edisce || ealle afedde
The Paris Psalter 99:4 1 aþ naman drihtnes || forþon he is niþum swæs / is þin milde
The Metres of Boethius: Proem 4 || Him wæs lust micel / ðæt he ðiossum leodum || leoð spel
The Metres of Boethius: Proem 7 ife / selflicne secg, || þonne he swelces lyt / gymð for his gil
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 35 recene to / friþes wilnedon || he him fæste gehet / þæt hy eal
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 38 g / þenden god wuolde || þæt he gotena geweald / agan moste ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 39 gotena geweald / agan moste || he þæt eall aleag / wæs þæm
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 51 geofa sella || siþþan longe / he wæs for weorulde wis || weor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 60 mbe / þencean þearflice || hu he þider meahte / crecas oncerran
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 72 h sefa / ege from þam eorle || he hine inne heht / on carcernes |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 76 ær / wlencea under wolcnum || he þy wyrs meahte / þolian þa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 80 fæstene || frofre gemunde / ac he neowol astreaht || niþer of
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 4 wolde || wordum biddan / þæt he hine æghwonon utan || ymbeþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 15 lisan || heardost lysteþ / and he þeah ne mæg || þone tobred
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 31 forlæt || rodora waldend / ac he þone welegan || wædlum geli
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 67 þ æfter dogorrime || þonne he hæfþ drihtnes leafe / hwæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 15 lice || sibbe gecynde / þa þa he wolde || þæt þæt he wolde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 15 a þa he wolde || þæt þæt he wolde / swa lange swa he wolde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 16 þæt he wolde / swa lange swa he wolde || þæt hit wesan sceo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 29 wealdleþer || wille onlæten / he hafaþ þe bridle || butu bef
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 72 es leohtfruma || læt þenden he wile / geond þas mæran gescea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 76 tan / efne þara bridla || þe he gebætte mid / his agen weorc |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 5 an / clænum hwæte || þy læs he ciþa leas / licge on þæm lan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 10 read || healfe þy swetre / gif he hwene ær || huniges teare / bi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 20 etere / and þy wynsumre || þe he wita ma / heardra henþa || her
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 3 d his bridlum || begþ þider he wile / mid his anwalde || ge en
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 43 eodan / þone ilcan mete || þe he hi æror mid / tame getede || h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 54 lcne boh || byge wiþ eorþan / he biþ upweardes || swa þu an
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 2 / on his mode þe bet || þeah he micel age / goldes and gimma ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 9 e || eall underþieded / ne mot he þara hyrsta || hionane læda
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 11 mare / hordgestreona || þonne he hiþer brohte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 5 lengde || and gimcynnum / þeah he wæs on worulde || witena geh
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 15 dwis || scealc gereccan / þæt he him þy selra || sie oþþe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 1 e anwald agon || þonne sceal he ærest tilian / þæt he his se
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 2 sceal he ærest tilian / þæt he his selfes || on sefan age / an
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 3 age / anwald innan || þy læs he æfre sie / his unþeawum || ea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 19 indeas || eastewearde / þeah he nu þæt eall || agan mote / hw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 21 anwald || auhte þy mara / gif he siþþan nah || his selfes ge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 25 his unþeawum || underþieded / he forlæt ærest || lifes frums
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 29 elaþ || ælmihtig god / þæt he unæþele || a forþ þanan / w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 3 a willa || wohhæmetes / þæt he mid ealle gedræfþ || anra g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 11 cume / hreow to heortan || ær he hionan wende
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 242 an / eft on eorþan || forþæm he ær of hire / weox on weorulde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 250 / neata cynnum || nergend user / he hi siþþan asiow || sæda mo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 8 ræþe / fulne friodom || þæt he forþ cume / to þæm gesælþu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 35 rþan scylen / saula usse || ac he hi selfa wile / leoman onlihtan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 40 || hlutre beorhto / þonne wile he secgan || þæt þære sunnan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 5 huru / ænig eorþlic þincg || he ærest sceal / secan on him sel
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 6 / secan on him selfum || þæt he sume hwile / ymbutan hine || æ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 9 innan / and forlæte an || swa he oftost mæge / ælcne ymbhogan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 11 nnet sie / and gesamnige || swa he swiþost mæge / ealle to þæm
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 16 lneg seceþ / gooda æghwylc || he ongit siþþan / yfel and unnet
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 17 n / yfel and unnet || eal þæt he hæfde / on his incofan || æro
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 19 ange / efne swa sweotole || swa he on þa sunnan mæg / eagum andw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 21 m andweardum || on locian / and he eac ongit || his ingeþonc / le
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 46 twislice / æfter frigne || gif he awuht nafaþ / on his modsefan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 51 pes || swa bereafod sie / þæt he andsware || ænige ne cunne / f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 52 unne / findan on ferhþe || gif he frugnen biþ / forþæm hit is
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 55 gio / ald uþwita || ure platon / he cwæþ þætte æghwilc || un
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 58 in to sinum / modes gemynde || he mæg siþþan / on his runcofan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 2 s þinges / gesælig mon || gif he gesion mæge / þone hlutrestan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 22 ende / hataþ under heofonum || he is se cealda / eallisig tungl |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 39 ealne || eorþan and heofones / he his gewaldleþer || wel gemet
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 17 feonde || feore ne æhtum / ac he reþigmod || ræst on gehwilc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 25 nga / and þæs anwaldes || þe he ær hæfde / þonne meaht þu g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 26 nne meaht þu gesion || þæt he biþ swiþe gelic / sumum þara
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 29 gum || þringaþ ymbeutan / gif he wyrsa ne biþ || ne wene ic h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 35 t þæt him þynceþ || þæt he þonne sie / becropen on carcer
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 66 ra hlaforda || hæftedome / þe he hine eallunga ær || underþi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 67 e / þæt is wyrse get || þæt he winnan nyle / wiþ þæm anwald
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 69 nwalde || ænige stunde / þær he wolde a || winnan onginnan / an
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 71 urhwunian forþ / þonne næfde he || nane scylde / þeah he oferw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 72 æfde he || nane scylde / þeah he oferwunnen || weorþan sceold
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 7 / þæm casere || cynericu twa / he wæs þracia || þioda aldor /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 22 æfde / þracia cining || þæt he þonan moste / he let him behin
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 23 ning || þæt he þonan moste / he let him behindan || hyrnde ci
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 37 lum / gumena gehwylcum || þæt he good wære / hehst and halgost
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 41 lyfde || leoda unrim / forþæm he wæs mid rihte || rices hirde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 46 || swa swa wuldres cining / gif he to þæm rice wæs || on riht
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 47 s iobes fæder || god eac swa he / saturnus þone || sundbuende /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 64 lufode || liþmonna frean / and he eac swa same || ealle mægne /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 66 e || hi on sefan lufode / þæt he to his earde || ænige nyste /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 68 nlan || ofer mægþ giunge / ac he mid þæm wife || wunode siþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 87 fde / to sumum diore || swelcum he æror / on his lifdagum || geli
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 8 e magon || bitres gecyndes / nu he eow ælce dæg || onet towear
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 9 d / ne magon ge gesion || þæt he symle spyreþ / æfter æghwelc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 14 hunta || a biþ on waþe / nyle he ænig swæþ || æfre forlæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 15 swæþ || æfre forlætan / ær he gehede || þæt he hwile ær /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 15 lætan / ær he gehede || þæt he hwile ær / æfter spyrede || i
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 23 nriht || æghwelcum men / þæt he oþerne || inwitþoncum / fioge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 28 a gehwilces || þæt is þæt he lufige / godra gehwilcne || swa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 29 lufige / godra gehwilcne || swa he geornost mæge / mildsige yflum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 31 yflum || swa we ær spræcon / he sceal þone monnan || mode lu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 33 e hatian / and ofsniþan || swa he swiþost mæge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 31 þritig / geargerimes || þær he gio þa wæs / hwa is weoruldmo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 42 ndrige / fulles monan || þonne he færinga / wyrþ under wolcnum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 65 micel / monna ænegum || þæt he mægge gesion / dogora gehwilce
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 77 / to þon firwetgeorn || þæt he fela onginþ / leornian lista |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 16 rodere / under eorþan grund || he ana stent / nis þæt nan wundo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 17 stent / nis þæt nan wundor || he is wundrum fæst / upende neah
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 22 þ under heofonum || forþæm he hæleþum dæg / bodaþ æfter
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 32 t æþele tungol || oþþæt he be eastan weorþeþ / eldum oþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 48 || drifþ þone wætan / hwylum he gemengeþ || metodes cræfte /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 70 wel forþbrengeþ / hit þonne he wile || heofona waldend / and e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 72 || eorþbuendum / nimþ þonne he wile || nergende god / and þæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 75 ceaft / þenaþ and þiowaþ || he þonan waldeþ / þæm geweltle
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 77 eafta / nis þæt nan wundor || he is weroda god / cyning and drih
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 83 fta || on his ærendo / hionane he sendeþ || hæt eft cuman / gif
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 84 sendeþ || hæt eft cuman / gif he swa gestæþþig || ne staþo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 20 abban to heofonum || þy læs he his hige wende / niþer swa þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 16 || þu genedest þone / þæt he þære sunnan || siþ bewitig
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 17 þ bewitige / geara gehwelce || he gongan sceal / beforan feran ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 17 / atrendlod of þæm torre || he on tu siþþan / tosceaden wyr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 11 ac se stearca storm || þonne he strong cymþ / norþan and east
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 12 g cymþ / norþan and eastan || he genimeþ hraþe / þære rosan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 4 | sumne þa geta / cwæþ þæt he ne herde || þæt on heane mu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 7 / wenan þæs weorces || þæt he wisdom mæge / wiþ ofermetta |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 30 gan wille / soþan gesælþa || he sceal swiþe flion / þisse wor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 32 þþan / his modes hus || þær he mæge findan / eaþmetta stan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 42 wise || buton wendinge / þonne he eall forsihþ || eorþlicu go
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 2 ord hæfde / swetole areahte || he þa siþþan ongan / singan so
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 38 an ongeat / yfelne mid eldum || he wæs æghwæm laþ / eala þær
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 44 ehwelces / mod amerred || þæt he maran ne recþ / ac hit on witt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 58 || and æfter gimcynnum / hwæt he frecnu gestreon || funde mæn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 9 n / unrihtwises || inwidþoncas / he het him to gamene || geara fo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 11 ices wæs / ealles eþelstol || he for unsnyttrum / wolde fandian
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 14 onge eac / read rasettan || swa he romane / secgan geherde || þæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 20 s gamenes || gilpan lyste / þa he ne earnade || elles wuhte / but
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 21 de || elles wuhte / buton þæt he wolde || ofer werþiode / his a
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 27 þelestan || eorlgebyrdum / þe he on þæm folce || gefrigen h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 30 meca ecgum / billum ofbeatan || he his bryde ofslog / self mid swe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 31 fslog / self mid sweorde || and he symle wæs / micle þe bliþra
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 33 þra || on breostcofan / þonne he swylces morþres || mæst gef
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 37 gewyrhtum || wohfremmendum / ac he on ferþe fægn || facnes and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 46 inca gehwilc || heran sceolde / he hæfde him to gamene || þonn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 46 æfde him to gamene || þonne he on gylp astag / hu he eorþcyni
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 47 || þonne he on gylp astag / hu he eorþcyningas || yrmde and cw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 53 s || elles gestioran / eala gif he wolde || þæt he wel meahte /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 53 an / eala gif he wolde || þæt he wel meahte / þæt unriht him |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 59 nan worold || liban sceoldon / he on unscyldgum || eorla blode /
Metrical Psalm 91:2 2 n morgenne || megenne sege / hu he milde weærð || mænnæ cyne
Metrical Psalm 92:1 1 m 92:1 / / Drihten ricsode wlite he scyrdde
Metrical Psalm 92:2 1 ydde drihten strangnesse% and he begirde hine of megene
Metrical Psalm 93:13 2 e gena || gewerfeþ bið / þet he on unriht% || eft ne oncyrre /
Metrical Psalm 93:7 2 e% / drihten æfre || dyde swæ he wolde / ne ðet iacobes god ||
Metrical Psalm 93:9 4 gesihð || eallum sealde / and he scarpe ne mæge || gesceawian
Metrical Psalm 94:4 3 n folc || æfre æð ðeærfe / he þæs heahbeorgæs || healde
Metrical Psalm 94:5 1 # Metrical Psalm 94:5 / / Eæc he seæs wealdeð || and he sett
Metrical Psalm 94:5 1 Eæc he seæs wealdeð || and he sette ðone / worhte his folme
Metrical Psalm 94:7 1 Metrical Psalm 94:7 / / Forðon he is drihten god || dema usser /
Metrical Psalm 94:7 3 | and his fægere sceæp / þæ he% on his edisce || ær æfedde.
The Battle of Brunanburh 40 n ne þorfte / mæca gemanan || he wæs his mæga sceard / freonda
The Death of Alfred 2 n hæft sette / and his geferan he todraf || and sume mislice of
The Death of Alfred 14 ig || swa gebundenne / sona swa he lende || on scype man hine bl
The Death of Alfred 16 || brohte to þam munecon / and he þar wunode || þa hwile þe
The Death of Alfred 16 þar wunode || þa hwile þe he lyfode / syþþan hine man byri
The Death of Alfred 18 gebyrede / ful wurþlice || swa he wyrþe wæs / æt þam westende
The Death of Edward 4 n godes wæra || gast haligne / he on worulda her || wunode þra
The Death of Edward 16 emod || bealuleas cyng / þeah he lange ær || lande bereafod / w
Durham 17 gecheþe / lerde lustum || and he his lara wel genom / eardiæþ
The Rune Poem 3 wylc || miclun hyt dælan / gif he wile for drihtne || domes hle
The Rune Poem 68 stdenum / gesewen secgun || oþ he siþþan eft / ofer wæg gewat
The Rune Poem 72 ferleof || æghwylcum men / gif he mot þær rihtes || and gerys
The Rune Poem 89 eard / wætre beworpen || þær he wynnum leofaþ / ear byþ egle
Solomon and Saturn 19 can || crist geherian / woraþ he windes full || worpaþ hine d
Solomon and Saturn 27 tum full || feohgestreona / gif he æfre þæs organes || owiht
Solomon and Saturn 28 rganes || owiht cuþe / fracoþ he biþ þonne and fremede || fr
Solomon and Saturn 46 ristes bec / widmærost word || he gewritu læreþ / stefnum steor
Solomon and Saturn 64 gastes gife || godspel secgan / he biþ seofan snytro || and sau
Solomon and Saturn 66 s meolc || mærþa gesælgost / he mæg þa saule || of sienniht
Solomon and Saturn 68 / feterum gefæstnaþ || þeah he hie mid fiftigum / clusum becle
Solomon and Saturn 69 d fiftigum / clusum beclemme || he þone cræft briceþ / and þa
Solomon and Saturn 71 cas || ealle tosliteþ / hungor he ahieþeþ || helle gestrudeþ
Solomon and Saturn 73 weorpeþ || wuldor getimbreþ / he is modigra || middangearde / st
Solomon and Saturn 75 onne ealra stana gripe / lamena he is læce || leoht wincendra / s
Solomon and Saturn 76 ce || leoht wincendra / swilce he is deafra duru || dumbra tung
Solomon and Saturn 84 wile / lufian butan leahtrum || he mæg þone laþan gæst / feoht
Solomon and Saturn 94 eþ / eoh e hiene yflaþ || swa he a wile / ealra feonda gehwane |
Solomon and Saturn 99 lint brecan / scines sconcan || he ne besceawaþ no / his leomona
Solomon and Saturn 101 ne biþ him læce god / wendeþ he hiene þonne under wolcnum ||
Solomon and Saturn 103 im biþ æt heartan wa / þonne he hangiende || helle wisceþ / þ
Solomon and Saturn 124 sona / helle hæftling || þæt he on hinder gæþ / þonne hiene
Solomon and Saturn 153 nde || feoh gestrudeþ / hwilum he on wætere || wicg gehnægeþ
Solomon and Saturn 156 þ || foldan geseceþ / hwilum he gefeteraþ || fæges mannes / h
Solomon and Saturn 157 es / handa gehefegaþ || þonne he æt hilde sceall / wiþ laþ we
Solomon and Saturn 159 rud || lifes tiligan / awriteþ he on his wæpne || wællnota he
Solomon and Saturn 164 e him se wlite cweme / ac symle he sceal singan || þonne he his
Solomon and Saturn 164 mle he sceal singan || þonne he his sweord geteo / pater noster
Solomon and Saturn 168 is feond cyme / // swice || ær he soþ wite / þæt þa sienfulla
Solomon and Saturn 188 ulfes eard / saulus rice || swa he suþ ligeþ / ymbe geallboe ||
Solomon and Saturn 14 filistina || freond nebrondes / he on þam felda ofslog || fif o
Solomon and Saturn 27 ed scip / ne fugles flyht || ne he mid fotum ne mæg / grund geræ
Solomon and Saturn 70 r heafdu / medumra manna || and he is on middan hwælen / geowes h
Solomon and Saturn 71 e is on middan hwælen / geowes he hafaþ fiþeru || and griffus
Solomon and Saturn 79 þritig || þusend wintra / ær he domdæges || dynn gehyre / nyst
Solomon and Saturn 114 / cealde geclungne || full oft he gecostaþ eac / wildeora worn |
Solomon and Saturn 115 eac / wildeora worn || wætum he oferbricgeþ / gebryceþ burga
Solomon and Saturn 154 iste / on domes dæge || þonne he demeþ eallum gesceaftum / salo
Solomon and Saturn 189 hwile / þone deoran siþ || ac he hine adreogan sceall / saturnus
Solomon and Saturn 206 lome / grimme greotan || þonne he geong færeþ / hafaþ wilde mo
Solomon and Saturn 236 men || snæd oþþglideþ / þa he be leohte gesihþ || luteþ
Solomon and Saturn 240 nod biþ / to þycgganne || gif he hit geþencan cann / þonne him
Solomon and Saturn 257 || ne þes middangeard / þæt he forþ ne sie || fyrenes cynne
Solomon and Saturn 275 da gehwylce / gemetigian || gif he biþ modes gleaw / and to his f
Solomon and Saturn 290 d side byrnan || cwæþ þæt he mid his gesiþum wolde / hiþan
Solomon and Saturn 292 þy teoþan dæle || oþþæt he his tornes ne cuþe / ende þur
Solomon and Saturn 1 / oþer hine læreþ || þæt he lufan healde / metodes miltse |
Solomon and Saturn 10 || on feower gecynd / oþþæt he gewendeþ || on þa wyrsan ha
The Menologium 33 þe / feorþan geare || þænne he furþor cymeþ / ufor anre niht
The Menologium 98 þne on breostum || þæs þe he on brytene her / eaþmode him |
Maxims II 6 cealdost / lencten hrimigost || he byþ lengest ceald / sumor sunw
Maxims II 56 ian / fægere ongildan || þæt he ær facen dyde / manna cynne ||
Maxims II 66 aft / sigefolca gesetu || þær he sylfa wunaþ
The Judgment Day II 45 giendum || selest hihta / ðæt he wunda her || wope gecyðe / upl
The Judgment Day II 59 / mid undædum || eall gesymed / he drihtene swa ðeah || deaðe
The Judgment Day II 61 bena bebead || breostgehigdum / he mid lyt wordum || ac geleaffu
The Judgment Day II 110 fð || nanre mihte wiht / ðæt he ðære nihte || genipu mæge
The Judgment Day II 142 de || scylda on worulde / ðæt he ænigum men || ypte oððe cy
The Judgment Day II 154 ðe || ræsct and efesteð / hu he synfullum || susle gefremme / n
The Judgment Day II 157 ðær || are gefremman / buton he horwum sy || her afeormad / and
The Judgment Day II 195 / for ðæs ofnes bryne || eal he is bealuwes full / hwilum eac
The Rewards of Piety 11 a || to ðinum hælende / ðæt he ðine synna || adwæscan wyll
The Rewards of Piety 30 tigne || ealninga bidde / ðæt he ðe ne forlæte || laðum to
The Rewards of Piety 38 yfel / manna gehwilcum || ðæt he micel age / gif he him god ne o
The Rewards of Piety 39 cum || ðæt he micel age / gif he him god ne ondræt || / swiðo
The Rewards of Piety 50 ddan / heofena drihten || ðæt he ðe hæl gife / milde mundbora
A Summons to Prayer 27 ihtne || [alta polorum] / ðæt he ðine saule || [summus iudex]
A Summons to Prayer 29 lice || [factor aeternus] / and he gelæde || [luce perhennem] /
The Creed 30 eomormod || iosep byrigde / and he of helle || huðe gefette / of
The Creed 35 frea || recene of moldan / and he feowertig daga || folgeras si
The Creed 38 n || eðel secan / cwæð ðæt he nolde || nænne forlætan / ðe
Fragment of Psalm 102 1 re weorðan / ealra goda || ðe he ðe ær dyde / / # / he ðinum ma
Fragment of Psalm 102 2 da || ðe he ðe ær dyde / / # / he ðinum mandædum || miltsade
Fragment of Psalm 102 2 illan || fægere mid gode / / # / he ðe gesigefæste || soðre mi
Fragment of Psalm 50 4 er || ðone halgan gast / ðæt he me færinga || fremde wyrðe /
Psalm 50 4 cynost || criste liofost / wæs he under hiofenum || hearpera m
Psalm 50 6 m || gefrigen hæbben / sangere he wæs soðfæstest || swiðe g
Psalm 50 21 s feores sceldig / for ðam ðe he uriam het || aldre beneman / fr
Psalm 50 24 e to wife / for gitsunga || ðe he godes eorre / ðurh his selfes
Psalm 50 151 god || weorðne munde / forðon he gebette || balaniða hord / mid
Psalm 50 153 aðmede || ingeðance / ða ðe he on ferðe || gefræmed hæfde
A Prayer 14 wa him ðære mirigðe / ðonne he ða handlean || hafað and sc
A Prayer 15 n || hafað and sceawað / bute he ðæs yfeles || ær geswyce / s
A Prayer 19 el hym ðæs geweorces / ðonne he ða handlean || hafað and sc
A Prayer 20 an || hafað and sceawað / gyf he ealteawne || ende gedreogeð /
Thureth 5 ðe leoht gesceop / gemyndi is he || mihta gehwylcre / ðæs ðe
Thureth 6 || mihta gehwylcre / ðæs ðe he on foldan || gefremian mæg / a
Thureth 8 e || ðeoda waldend / ðæs ðe he on gemynde || madma manega / wy
Thureth 10 earcian || metode to lace / and he sceal æce lean || ealle find
Thureth 11 ean || ealle findan / ðæs ðe he on foldan || fremað to ryhte
Aldhelm 13 quem tenet] / [encratea] || ac he ealneg sceal / boethia || bidda
Aldhelm 17 ðan / [fortis factor] || ðæt he forð simle
The Seasons for Fasting 7 a gescead / sylfum asæde || hu he ðone soðan weg / leofum leods
The Seasons for Fasting 23 | and to byrgenne / gedemdon || he ðær bedigled wæs / and ðy
The Seasons for Fasting 95 gregoriæ || gumena papa / ðus he gesette || sylf ond dyhte / ða
The Seasons for Fasting 99 gla land || estum filiað / swa he æt ðæm setle || sylfa gede
The Seasons for Fasting 107 l se goda / mære moyses || ær he on munt styge / he ðæt fæste
The Seasons for Fasting 108 oyses || ær he on munt styge / he ðæt fæsten heold || feower
The Seasons for Fasting 109 g daga / and nyhta samod || swa he nahtes anbat / ær he ða deora
The Seasons for Fasting 110 od || swa he nahtes anbat / ær he ða deoran æ || dryhtnes anf
The Seasons for Fasting 126 g daga / and nihta samod || swa he nahtes anbat / ær he on horeb
The Seasons for Fasting 127 od || swa he nahtes anbat / ær he on horeb dun || hali ferde / ut
The Seasons for Fasting 154 nes weord || heolp and lærde / he hine dyppan let || deorum ðw
The Seasons for Fasting 156 bæðe || fyrena bedæled / and he feowertig daga || firsude met
The Seasons for Fasting 164 gann || wommes gemyndig / ðæt he stræla his || stellan mihte /
The Seasons for Fasting 169 weard / costian durre || ðonne he crist dyde / wereda wulderfrean
The Seasons for Fasting 171 frean || womma leasne / ne mæg he ðæs inne || ahwæt scotian /
The Seasons for Fasting 172 s inne || ahwæt scotian / gif he myrcels næfð || manes æt e
The Seasons for Fasting 173 s næfð || manes æt egum / ac he on hinder scrið || and ðe h
The Seasons for Fasting 182 e / oð ða nigoðan tid || and he na bruce / flæsces oððe fyrn
The Seasons for Fasting 183 oððe fyrna || ðæ læs ðe he fah wese / sceolan sacerdas ||
The Seasons for Fasting 186 an / on ðam fæstenne || ðæt he freond wese / folce gynd foldan
The Seasons for Fasting 196 ilcum / wið his arwesan || gyf he him ærur hæfð / bitere onbol
The Seasons for Fasting 205 fremman / ryhthicgennde || ðe he to ræde tæchð / drince he hi
The Seasons for Fasting 206 e he to ræde tæchð / drince he him ðæt drofe || oððe ð
The Seasons for Fasting 218 tyhtað gelome / secgað ðæt he synleas || syllan mote / ostran
The Seasons for Fasting 228 dreng || welhwa mote / siððan he mæssan hafað || meðig ðic
Cædmon's Hymn, Northumbrian Version 3 idanc / uerc uuldurfadur || sue he uundra gihuaes / eci dryctin ||
Cædmon's Hymn, Northumbrian Version 5 s / eci dryctin || or astelidæ / he aerist scop || aelda barnum / h
Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version 3 anc / weorc wuldorfæder || swa he wundra gehwæs / ece drihten ||
Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version 5 s / ece drihten || or onstealde / he ærest sceop || eorðan bearn
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 8 || searoðonca hord / forðæm he monncynnes || mæst gestriend
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 14 gan bi ðære bisene || ðæt he his biscepum / sendan meahte ||
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 3 o frofre gehet || foldbuendum / he cwæð ðæt he wolde || ðæ
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 15 m || welerum gehæftað / ðæt he on unnyt || ut ne tofloweð / a
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 29 || bete hine georne / ðy læs he forsceade || scirost wætra / o
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 2 / / || /e ðe me rædan ðance / he in me findan mæg || gif hine
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 4 lifes || godre biesene / ðæt he ful eaðe mæg || upp gestiga
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 21 || / forgyu/ ða gyltas || ðe he geo worhte / and eac resðe mid
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 26 um || ealra cyninga / ðara ðe he sið oððe ær fore || secga
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 27 r fore || secgan hyrde / oððe he iorðcyninga ær || ænigne g
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 6 wrat || bam handum twam / ðæt he mote manega gyt || mundum syn
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 9 weald / rodera waldend || ðæt he on riht mote / oð his daga end
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 2 man for- / stolenne. Cwyð ær he ænyg oþer word cweðe: / Beth
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 5 hauest ermig || enne broðer / he ðe sceal legge || leaf et he
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 31 rum / wyrm com snican || toslat he man / ða genam woden || nigun
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 38 hten / halig on heofonum || ða he hongode / sette and sænde || o
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 5 fere ham ðæt feoh || / ðæt he næfre næbbe landes || ðæt
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 5 næfre næbbe landes || ðæt he hit oðlæde / ne foldan || ð
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 7 hit oðferie / ne husa || ðæt he hit oðhealde / gif hyt hwa ged
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 11 || and his mundcræftas / eall he weornige || swa syre wudu weo
Instructions for Christians 2 inra / þone teoðan dæl; || he getyþað þe / and he ðe mæ
Instructions for Christians 3 æl; || he getyþað þe / and he ðe mænigfealdað || mycle
Instructions for Christians 6 o þæra ecan || eadignesse; / he ne missað na || ða he gemet
Instructions for Christians 6 sse; / he ne missað na || ða he gemetað. / An is monnes geswin
Instructions for Christians 13 þeing. / An is ærest || þæt he ofte do / wop and hreowe% || f
Instructions for Christians 15 onne is þæt oðer, || þæt he æfter þan / heofanan kyninge
Instructions for Christians 17 ne is þæt þridde, || þæt he æfre sceal, / a wilnie eces l
Instructions for Christians 19 nne is þæt feorðe || þæt he fremman sceal, / þæt he geme
Instructions for Christians 20 æt he fremman sceal, / þæt he gemettige || metas and drinca
Instructions for Christians 48 andian || witona ænig / þæt he his% ælmessan || ofte gesyll
Instructions for Christians 54 lissum forgyldað || þam ðe he ær lustum gæf. / Gif we us sy
Instructions for Christians 60 t beoð anlicost || swylc swa he wære / on mægðhade || metod
Instructions for Christians 64 e / geleornian hwæt-hwugo, || he bið lað Gode, / and his saul
Instructions for Christians 67 ællað lufæ || on wisdome, / he hit mid þam mod gifeð, || m
Instructions for Christians 71 etere bið þe dusige, || gif he on breostum can / his unwisdom
Instructions for Christians 95 bede || rinca gewylce, / þæt he þence to þam || ðe he þon
Instructions for Christians 95 æt he þence to þam || ðe he þonne cweðe. / Se ðe ear gif
Instructions for Christians 97 / bearna gehwylce, || bysmer he gewyrceð / furþur mycele ||
Instructions for Christians 103 m, || God on heofonum, / þæt he for his ege || ær gewonede. /
Instructions for Christians 108 ht / eft on ænglisc, || þæt he eallum scyle / clæne sellan;
Instructions for Christians 109 llum scyle / clæne sellan; || he bið gecoræn to þan / sygora
Instructions for Christians 110 n to þan / sygora wearde. || He sceal swilc wesan / þæt he ge
Instructions for Christians 111 || He sceal swilc wesan / þæt he gelæran cunne || his leodscy
Instructions for Christians 120 / healan and gehyran, || þeah he heah-gestreon / on eorð-rice
Instructions for Christians 130 ahefð / for his ofer-mode, || he bið earm for Gode. / Hwæt, we
Instructions for Christians 142 l wela || manna ænegum, / gif he to swiðe ne bið || sylfe be
Instructions for Christians 153 || gewyrce georne. / Ne þearf he þæs gewenan || þæt hine d
Instructions for Christians 154 odd / maran mænige% || þonne he hine onmunde ær. / Spræc God
Instructions for Christians 168 fulfæstlice þencð || þæt he forð ofer þæt / þam æfre
Instructions for Christians 170 e to || eft ne gecyrre / þeah he ne fæste nawiht || / þonne
Instructions for Christians 180 nig / onwendan to wille || gif he ne wolde ær. / þær ðær aht
Instructions for Christians 186 icað / þinga gehwilce || ða he þonne doð, / gif he his ælm
Instructions for Christians 187 e || ða he þonne doð, / gif he his ælmyssan || alning dæle
Instructions for Christians 198 mid ælle forwurðon, / ac gif he æfter ðan || mid alle mægn
Instructions for Christians 199 synna geswicað, || ne þearf he swiltan for þam. / Nis þæs w
Instructions for Christians 201 | witena ænegum / þæt þæt he geond ealla || eorðen rices
Instructions for Christians 202 ices / secan sigora God, || ac he symle mæg / wunian on þem wi
Instructions for Christians 203 / wunian on þem wicum || ðe he wunode ær, / gif þæt he wol
Instructions for Christians 204 ðe he wunode ær, / gif þæt he wolde || þæt he wolde þær
Instructions for Christians 204 / gif þæt he wolde || þæt he wolde þær, / forþon geond e
Instructions for Christians 217 his synna swa some, || þeah he symle ne mage / bewacan and be
Instructions for Christians 226 weorc and angin, / forþon ðe he is heah-cræftig || heofonas
The Battle of Finnsburh 19 arulf || guþere styrde / þæt he swa freolic feorh || forman s
The Battle of Finnsburh 22 iþa heard || anyman wolde / ac he frægn ofer eal || undearning
The Battle of Finnsburh 24 e / sigeferþ is min nama cweþ he || ic eom secgena leod / wrecce
Waldere, Fragment II 27 lpe gelifeþ / to gode gioce || he þær gearo findeþ / gif þa e
Waldere B 28 e gelifeð, / to gode gioce, || he þær gearo findeð / gif ða e
The Battle of Maldon 6 orl nolde || yrhþo geþolian / he let him þa of handon || leof
The Battle of Maldon 9 e / wacian æt þam wige || þa he to wæpnum feng / eac him wolde
The Battle of Maldon 12 a forþ beran / gar to guþe || he hæfde god geþanc / þa hwile
The Battle of Maldon 13 fde god geþanc / þa hwile þe he mid handum || healdan mihte / b
The Battle of Maldon 14 te / bord and bradswurd || beot he gelæste / þa he ætforan his
The Battle of Maldon 15 swurd || beot he gelæste / þa he ætforan his frean || feohtan
The Battle of Maldon 21 an || and ne forhtedon na / þa he hæfde þæt folc || fægere
The Battle of Maldon 22 æt folc || fægere getrymmed / he lihte þa mid leodon || þær
The Battle of Maldon 23 þær him leofost wæs / þær he his heorþwerod || holdost wi
The Battle of Maldon 27 rænde to þam eorle || þær he on ofre stod / me sendon to þe
The Battle of Maldon 99 odon / byrhtnoþ mid beornum || he mid bordum het / wyrcan þone w
The Battle of Maldon 112 te geceas / byrhtnoþes mæg || he mid billum wearþ / his swuster
The Battle of Maldon 119 gesæde / þam burþene || þa he byre hæfde / swa stemnetton ||
The Battle of Maldon 134 ndod wearþ || wigena hlaford / he sceaf þa mid þam scylde ||
The Battle of Maldon 136 egremod wearþ se guþrinc || he mid gare stang / wlancne wicing
The Battle of Maldon 138 geaf / frod wæs se fyrdrinc || he let his francan wadan / þurh
The Battle of Maldon 140 ses hals || hand wisode / þæt he on þam færsceaþan || feorh
The Battle of Maldon 141 ceaþan || feorh geræhte / þa he oþerne || ofstlice sceat / þ
The Battle of Maldon 142 t / þæt seo byrne tobærst || he wæs on breostum wund / þurh
The Battle of Maldon 158 esyrwed || secg to þam eorle / he wolde þæs beornes || beagas
The Battle of Maldon 163 e gelette || lidmanna sum / þa he þæs eorles || earm amyrde / f
The Battle of Maldon 165 || fealohilte swurd / ne mihte he gehealdan || heardne mece / wæ
The Battle of Maldon 170 otum leng || fæste gestandan / he to heofenum wlat # || / geþan
The Battle of Maldon 187 mænigne oft || mear gesealde / he gehleop þone eoh || þe ahte
The Battle of Maldon 195 arnunga || ealle gemundon / þe he him to duguþe || gedon hæfd
The Battle of Maldon 197 de / on þam meþelstede || þa he gemot hæfde / þæt þær modi
The Battle of Maldon 209 mælde / ælfwine þa cwæþ || he on ellen spræc / gemunan þa m
The Battle of Maldon 222 e || me is þæt hearma mæst / he wæs ægþer min mæg || and
The Battle of Maldon 223 n mæg || and min hlaford / þa he forþ eode || fæhþe gemunde
The Battle of Maldon 224 eode || fæhþe gemunde / þæt he mid orde || anne geræhte / flo
The Battle of Maldon 233 igan to wige || þa hwile þe he wæpen mæge / habban and heald
The Battle of Maldon 237 ende þæs formoni man || þa he on meare rad / on wlancan þam
The Battle of Maldon 241 n || abreoþe his angin / þæt he her swa manigne || man aflymd
The Battle of Maldon 243 inde ahof / bord to gebeorge || he þam beorne oncwæþ / ic þæt
The Battle of Maldon 251 wæpen niman / ord and iren || he ful yrre wod / feaht fæstlice
The Battle of Maldon 252 wod / feaht fæstlice || fleam he forhogode / dunnere þa cwæþ
The Battle of Maldon 264 el ongan || geornlice fylstan / he wæs on norþhymbron || heard
The Battle of Maldon 266 rn || him wæs æscferþ nama / he ne wandode na || æt þam wig
The Battle of Maldon 267 e na || æt þam wigplegan / ac he fysde forþ || flan genehe / hw
The Battle of Maldon 268 e forþ || flan genehe / hwilon he on bord sceat || hwilon beorn
The Battle of Maldon 269 n tæsde / æfre embe stunde || he sealde sume wunde / þa hwile
The Battle of Maldon 270 alde sume wunde / þa hwile þe he wæpna || wealdan moste / þa g
The Battle of Maldon 273 ul || gylpwordum spræc / þæt he nolde fleogan || fotmæl land
The Battle of Maldon 275 c bugan || þa his betera leg / he bræc þone bordweall || and
The Battle of Maldon 276 þ þa beornas feaht / oþþæt he his sincgyfan || on þam sæm
The Battle of Maldon 277 mannum / wurþlice wrec || ær he on wæle læge / swa dyde æþe
The Battle of Maldon 284 / offa þone sælidan || þæt he on eorþan feoll / and þær ga
The Battle of Maldon 287 æt hilde || offa forheawen / he hæfde þeah geforþod || þ
The Battle of Maldon 287 fde þeah geforþod || þæt he his frean gehet / swa he beotod
The Battle of Maldon 288 þæt he his frean gehet / swa he beotode ær || wiþ his beahg
The Battle of Maldon 292 n wælstowe || wundum sweltan / he læg þegenlice || þeodne ge
The Battle of Maldon 297 unu || wiþ þas secgas feaht / he wæs on geþrange || hyra þr
The Battle of Maldon 309 s eald geneat || æsc acwehte / he ful baldlice || beornas lærd
The Battle of Maldon 319 bylde / godric to guþe || oft he gar forlet / wælspere windan |
The Battle of Maldon 321 windan || on þa wicingas / swa he on þam folce || fyrmest eode
The Battle of Maldon 322 de / heow and hynde || oþþæt he on hilde gecranc / næs þæt n
heonan - 48 occurrences
Genesis B 415 ·þafa wurðan, / þæt hē up heonan || ūte mihte / cuman þurh þ
Genesis B 476 hēan heofon, || þonne hē% heonan wēnde. / Þonne wæs sē ōðe
Genesis B 666 / heofon-cyninge. || Iċ mæġ heonan ġe·sēon / hwǣr% hē self si
Genesis A 1203 rodera wealdend. || Sē rinċ heonan / on līċ-haman || lisse sōht
Genesis A 2149 es%. || Ac þū selfa% mōst heonan / hūðe lǣdan, || þe iċ þ
Genesis A 2281 arode: / ‘Ne ceara þū feorr heonan || flēame dǣlan / sam-wist in
Genesis A 2515 ealdor-nere mīne / swā feorr heonan || fēðe-gange / sīðe ġe·s
Genesis A 2855 hēan landes, || þe iċ þē heonan ġe·tǣċe, / up þīnum āĝn
A.1.2 287 / fāĝe feldas, || þā forþ heonan / in ēċe tīd% || ȳðe þeah
Christ and Satan 395 es / engla drihten || wile uppe heonan / sawla lædan || and we seoþ
A.1.4 422 la þrēatas, || þæt iċ up heonan / mæġe and mōte || mid mīnr
A.1.4 652 and ēadġe sāwla, / þā þe heonan fēraþ. / Þǣr martiras || me
A.2.1 891 n, / hēan hwearfian, || þonne heonan gangaþ.’ / Þā wæs mōd-se
The Fates of the Apostles 109 ofre fricle || ic sceall feor heonan / an elles forþ || eardes neos
A.2.3 57 nded wæs. / Ne maĝon% þe nū heonan ā·dōn || hyrsta þā% rēa
A.2.5 132 a on foldan, || ac hīe forþ heonan / ġewiton of weorolde drēamum
Christ A 155 t ðe behindan || ðonne ðu heonan cyrre / mænigo ðus micle || a
Christ B 514 aran || sigores agend / wile up heonan || eard gestigan / æðelinga o
Christ B 582 / englum ond ældum || a forð heonan / wesan wideferh || wær is æt
Christ B 754 að / ðæt ðæt hælobearn || heonan up stige / mid usse lichoman ||
Vainglory 73 dres dream / in haligra hyht || heonan astigan / on engla eard || ne b
Maxims I 30 hwær se cwealm cymeð || ðe heonan of cyððe gewiteð / umbor yce
Soul and Body II 54 onsended wæs / ne magon ðe nu heonan adon || hyrste ða readan / ne
Guthlac B 1036 tgemearces || ðæt min feorh heonan / on ðisse eahteðan || ende g
The Wife's Lament 6 a / ærest min hlaford gewat || heonan of leodum / ofer yða gelac ||
The Husband's Message 27 te sænacan || ðæt ðu suð heonan / ofer merelade || monnan finde
The Phoenix 1 gefrugnen || ðætte is feor heonan / eastdælum on || æðelast lo
Juliana 253 u on ofeste || swa he ðec ut heonan / lædan hate || ðæt ðu lac
Juliana 457 a / hean helle gæst || ær ðu heonan mote / hwæt ðu to teonan ||
Juliana 661 forðon ge sylfe neton / utgong heonan || ende lifes / wærlic me ðin
The Seafarer 37 rð to feran || ðæt ic feor heonan / elðeodigra || eard gesece / fo
Beowulf 252 l / frumcyn witan || ær ge fyr heonan / leassceaweras || on land dena
A.4.1 1361 er foldan. || Nis þæt feorr heonan / mīl-ġe·mearces || þæt s
The Paris Psalter 113:24 2 eade heriaþ / ne ealle þa þe heonan || helle seceaþ / / # / ac we li
The Paris Psalter 118:24 3 fre wāt, || þæt iċ forþ heonan / his sōþfæstnesse || sēċe
The Paris Psalter 118:31 2 t·fealh, || þæt iċ forþ heonan / þīne ġe·witnesse || wēl
The Paris Psalter 138:14 2 n ferhþe || eall þæt forþ heonan / on þinum wisbocum || awriten
The Paris Psalter 148:14 4 / fælum folce || and hi forþ heonan / on his neaweste || neode wuni
The Paris Psalter 54:13 2 deaþ / astigon heo on helle || heonan lifigende / / # / forþam on heor
The Paris Psalter 56:2 1 unriht me || eall beglide / / # / heonan ic cleopige || to heahgode / an
The Paris Psalter 56:2 2 | eall be·glīde. / T PPs56:2> / Heonan iċ clipie || tō hēah-gode /
A.5.6.18 11 rēow tō heortan, || ǣr hē heonan wende.
A.5.6.20 239 || Hwæt, hīe simle tō þē / heonan% fundiaþ; || for·þǣm hīe
A.5.6.24 50 d and ēðel. || Iċ wæs ǣr heonan / cumen and ā·cenned || þurh
A.5.6.24 52 an meaht. / Nylle iċ ǣfre || heonan ūt witan, / ac iċ simle hēr
A.6.33.3 5 oþþe yfeles / aefter dēaðe heonan || dēmed weorðe.
Instructions for Christians 258 weogas || syndon ealle þreo / heonan to heofonum, || swa us se hal
A.6.9 246 æt ġe·hāte, || þæt iċ heonan nille / flēon fōtes trym, ||
heortan - 152 occurrences
Genesis B 354 oll him on innan / hyge ymb his heortan || hat wæs him utan / wraþlic
Genesis B 530 ldan sceolde || se þe bi his heortan wuht / laþes gelæde || nat þ
Genesis B 636 n handum bær || sum hire æt heortan læg / æppel unsælga || þone
Genesis B 724 hit him on innan com / hran æt heortan || hloh þa and plegode / boda
Genesis B 759 is min mod gehæled / hyge ymb heortan gerume || ealle synt uncre he
Genesis B 826 hreowan || þonne hit me æt heortan deþ / hire þa adam || andswar
Genesis A 936 u her leofast / oþþæt þe to heortan || hearde gripeþ / adl unliþe
Genesis A 980 æt wæs torn were / hefig æt heortan || hygewælm asteah / beorne on
Genesis A 1569 swima / on þæs halgan hofe || heortan clypte / swiþe on slæpe || se
Genesis A 2278 ne || witodes bidan / hwonne of heortan || hunger oþþe wulf / sawle a
Genesis A 2350 anc wege / heardrædne hyge || heortan strange / to dreoganne || dæge
Exodus 148 ræton / wæron heaþowylmas || heortan getenge / mihtmod wera || manum
Daniel 393 ran sinne / and þec haligra || heortan cræftas / soþfæstra gehwæs
Daniel 490 arþ him hyrra hyge || and on heortan geþanc / mara on modsefan ||
Daniel 569 eþ / and þonne onhweorfeþ || heortan þine / þæt þu ne gemyndgast
Daniel 597 || ac his mod astah / heah fram heortan || he þæs hearde ongeald / on
Daniel 628 r wide bær / herewosan hige || heortan getenge / þa his gast ahwearf
Andreas 36 wende gewit || wera ingeþanc / heortan on hreþre || hyge wæs oncyr
Andreas 52 in breostum þa git / herede in heortan || heofonrices weard / þeah þ
Andreas 1213 e sylfne / herd hige þinne || heortan staþola / þæt hie min on þe
Andreas 1252 || him wæs leoht sefa / halig heortan neh || hige untyddre / þa se h
Andreas 41 || þær manegum wæs / hat æt heortan || hyge weallende / hie þa geb
A.2.1 42 Þǣr maniĝum wæs / hāt æt heortan || hyġe weallende. / Hīe þā
Homiletic Fragment I 5 facen swa þeah / hafaþ in his heortan || hord unclæne / byþ þonne
A.2.4 6 en swā% þēah / hafaþ on his heortan, || hord unclǣne. / Biþ þonne
Elene 189 him wæs geomor sefa / hat æt heortan || ond gehwæþres wa / ge he h
A.2.6 190 m wæs ġōmor sefa, / hāt æt heortan || and ġe·hwæðres wā, / ġ
Elene 784 mægene || þone mæran dæg / heortan gehigdum || in þam sio halig
A.2.6 785 ġene || þone mǣran dæġ, / heortan ġe·hyġdum, || on þām sē
Christ A 174 e mæg / gehælan hygesorge || heortan minre / afrefran feasceaftne ||
Christ B 500 him wæs geomor sefa / hat æt heortan || hyge murnende / ðæs ðe hi
Christ B 539 || wæs seo treowlufu / hat æt heortan || hreðer innan weoll / beorn
Christ B 641 c gewit / hæfdon on hreðre || heortan stænne / noldan hi ða torhtan
Christ B 747 r muntum || swa we men sculon / heortan gehygdum || hlypum styllan / of
Christ B 752 us ðearf micel / ðæt we mid heortan || hælo secen / ðær we mid g
Christ C 1038 wlite || ond worda gemynd / ond heortan gehygd || fore heofona cyning
Christ C 1047 dæde / ne magun hord weras || heortan geðohtas / fore waldende || wi
Christ C 1055 ra dæg / hreðerlocena hord || heortan geðohtas / ealle ætyweð ||
Christ C 1328 urhseon / usse hreðercofan || heortan eagum / innan uncyste || we mid
Christ C 1493 ða mec ðin wea swiðast / æt heortan gehreaw || ða ic ðec from h
Widsith 73 ste hond || lofes to wyrcenne / heortan unhneaweste || hringa gedales
Maxims I 3 ygecræft hylest || ond ðine heortan geðohtas / gleawe men sceolon
Maxims I 44 of heofodgimme || gif he wat heortan clæne / lef mon læces behofa
Guthlac A 368 le / hyrsumne hige || ðæt him heortan geðonc / // ær oððe sið ||
Guthlac A 582 rcum || wel gecyðed / halig in heortan || nu ðu in helle scealt / deo
Guthlac A 611 || dæges ond nihtes / herge in heortan || heofonrices weard / ðæt eo
Guthlac A 799 htne geleafan / haligne hyht || heortan clæne / weorðiað waldend ||
Guthlac B 1009 him ðæt in gefeol / hefig æt heortan || hygesorge wæg / micle modce
Guthlac B 1052 e || modsorge wæg / hefige æt heortan || hreðer innan swearc / hyge
Guthlac B 1143 | ðæs ðe him in gesonc / hat heortan neah || hildescurum / flacor fl
Guthlac B 1205 weard / ðæt ðu hygesorge || heortan minre / geeðe eorla wyn || nis
Guthlac B 1209 fa || gehða gemanode / hat æt heortan || hyge gnornende / nihtes near
Guthlac B 1253 he dearninga / on hyge hogde || heortan geðoncum / siððan he me fore
Guthlac B 1336 e || gnornsorge wæg / hate æt heortan || hyge geomurne / meðne modse
Riddles 42 14 rynemenn / hygefæste heold || heortan bewrigene / orðoncbendum || nu
The Wife's Lament 43 mon || wesan geomormod / heard heortan geðoht || swylce habban scea
Alms-Giving 2 afað / reðehygdig wer || rume heortan / ðæt him bið for worulde ||
The Phoenix 477 eoldan || halge lare / hate æt heortan || hige weallende / dæges ond
The Phoenix 552 wæð / ic ðæt ne forhycge || heortan geðoncum / ðæt ic in minum n
Juliana 239 e heo wuldorcyning / herede æt heortan || heofonrices god / in ðam ny
Juliana 656 nd sibbe mid eow / healdað æt heortan || halge rune / ðurh modes myn
The Wanderer 49 / ðonne beoð ðy hefigran || heortan benne / sare æfter swæsne ||
The Gifts of Men 108 umum he syleð monna || milde heortan / ðeawfæstne geðoht || sum b
Precepts 9 der ond modor || freo ðu mid heortan / maga gehwylcne || gif him sy
The Seafarer 11 r ða ceare seofedun / hat ymb heortan || hungor innan slat / merewerg
The Seafarer 34 aldast || forðon cnyssað nu / heortan geðohtas || ðæt ic hean st
Beowulf 2270 ððæt deaðes wylm / hran æt heortan || hordwynne fond / eald uhtsce
Beowulf 2463 dra helm / æfter herebealde || heortan sorge / weallende wæg || wihte
Beowulf 2507 ecg bona / ac him hildegrap || heortan wylmas / banhus gebræc || nu s
The Paris Psalter 100:2 1 / # / ic mid unbealuwe || ealre heortan / þurh þin hus middan || hali
The Paris Psalter 100:5 1 oferhydegum eagum || unsædre heortan / nolde ic mid þæm men || min
The Paris Psalter 101:4 6 re stefn / hefig gnorniende || heortan getenge / ætfeolen eac min ban
The Paris Psalter 103:14 2 ut alæddest / hlaf to helpe || heortan manna / must and windrinc || my
The Paris Psalter 103:15 2 escyrpeþ / and hlaf trymeþ || heortan mannes / / # / swylce þu gefylle
The Paris Psalter 103:32 1 / wese him herenes min || æt heortan weþe / ic minne drihten || deo
The Paris Psalter 104:21 1 || fæste getrymede / / # / hiora heortan he ongan || hwyrfan æryst / þ
The Paris Psalter 108:16 3 þriste ehte / symble þæt on heortan || hogode geornust / hu he mid
The Paris Psalter 110:1 2 ece drihten / mid hyge ealle || heortan minre / for gesamnuncge || þæ
The Paris Psalter 111:4 3 um || þrage lifdan / and hiora heortan || heoldan mid rihte / milde is
The Paris Psalter 118:2 4 hine mid ealle || innancundum / heortan hordcofan || helpe biddaþ / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:7 2 ette || ece dryhten / mid minre heortan || holde geþance / on þan þe
The Paris Psalter 118:10 2 þe mid ealre || innancundre / heortan sece || ne þu huru me / fram
The Paris Psalter 118:11 1 drife / / # / forþon ic on minre heortan || hydde georne / þæt ic þin
The Paris Psalter 118:32 3 rinne || and þu rice nu / mine heortan geheald || on hyge brade / / # /
The Paris Psalter 118:33 1 || and þū rīċe nū / mīne heortan ġe·heald || on hyġe brāde
The Paris Psalter 118:34 3 swylce healde / on ealre minre heortan || holde mode / / # / gelæd me o
The Paris Psalter 118:35 1 welċe healde / on ealre mīnre heortan || holde mōde. / / # / Ġe·lǣd
The Paris Psalter 118:36 1 | symble wolde / / # / ahyld mine heortan || þæt ic halige nu / on þin
The Paris Psalter 118:36 2 mle wolde. / / # / A·hield mīne heortan, || þæt iċ hālġe nū / on
The Paris Psalter 118:58 2 e georne / mid ealre gehygde || heortan minre / þæt þu me on mode ||
The Paris Psalter 118:58 3 orne / mid ealre ġe·hyġde || heortan mīnre, / þæt þū mē on mō
The Paris Psalter 118:69 3 igra || ic nu mid ealre / minre heortan hige || hycge swiþe / þæt ic
The Paris Psalter 118:69 4 ; || iċ nū mid ealre / mīnre heortan hyġe || hyċġe swīðe, / þ
The Paris Psalter 118:111 4 feore / þæt byþ heahbliss || heortan minre / / # / ahylde ic mine heor
The Paris Psalter 118:112 1 rtan minre / / # / ahylde ic mine heortan || holde mode / þæt ic þin s
The Paris Psalter 118:112 1 re; / þæt biþ hēah-bliss || heortan mīnre. / / # / A·hylde iċ mīn
The Paris Psalter 118:112 2 īnre. / / # / A·hylde iċ mīne heortan || holde mōde, / þæt iċ þ
The Paris Psalter 118:145 2 id ealle ongann || inngehygde / heortan minre || hige to drihtne / cear
The Paris Psalter 118:145 3 e on·gann || inn-ġe·hyġde / heortan mīnre || hyġe tō drihtne /
The Paris Psalter 124:4 5 || þam þe gedefe her / hiora heortan riht || healdaþ mid gode / / #
The Paris Psalter 137:1 2 e drihten / on minre gehygde || heortan ealre / forþon þu ealle mine
The Paris Psalter 138:20 2 || swa hit cyn wese / and minre heortan gehygd || her gesceawa / þone
The Paris Psalter 139:2 2 | inwit and facen / hycgeaþ on heortan || þurh hearme geþoht / hi þ
The Paris Psalter 140:5 1 m healde / / # / ne hyld þu mine heortan || þæt ic hearme word / þuru
The Paris Psalter 146:3 1 rahelum / / # / se hæleþ eac || heortan geþræste / and heora unrotnes
The Paris Psalter 52:1 1 Psalter: Psalm 52 / / # / on his heortan cwæþ || unhydig sum / ungleaw
The Paris Psalter 54:19 7 on æfre / forþon hit wæs his heortan || gehygde neah / / # / hi word h
The Paris Psalter 57:2 1 || domum rihtum / / # / eft ge on heortan || hogedon inwit / worhton wra
The Paris Psalter 60:1 5 nu me caru beateþ / heard æt heortan || help min nu-þa / ahefe me h
The Paris Psalter 61:4 4 þone wyrgedan || wraþe mid heortan / / # / hwæþere ic me soþe ||
The Paris Psalter 61:8 2 | hælu to drihtne / doþ eowre heortan hige || hale and clæne / forþ
The Paris Psalter 61:11 2 arnum flowen / nyllan ge eow on heortan þa || hige staþelian / æne i
The Paris Psalter 63:6 1 gangeþ man manig || modig on heortan / oþþæt hine ahefeþ || hæl
The Paris Psalter 63:9 3 eneþ / and hine heriaþ eac || heortan clæne
The Paris Psalter 65:16 1 unrihtes oncneow || awiht on heortan / ne wite me þæt || wealdend
The Paris Psalter 72:1 2 || mid israhelum / þam þe mid heortan || hycgeaþ rihte / me fornean
The Paris Psalter 72:6 3 nde || lungre cwome / and hi on heortan || hogedon and þohton / hu hi
The Paris Psalter 72:11 3 || ænne ne wiste / hu ic mine heortan || heolde mid soþe / and mine
The Paris Psalter 72:17 1 forniman sneome / / # / ys minre heortan hige || hluttor and clæne / w
The Paris Psalter 72:21 2 æsc || hearde geteorad / ys me heortan gehygd || hyldu drihtnes / and
The Paris Psalter 73:7 1 | niode cenned / / # / cwædan on heortan || wutan cuman ealle / and ure
The Paris Psalter 75:4 4 yrre || þa þe unwise / heora heortan hige || healdaþ mid dysige / h
The Paris Psalter 76:6 1 ealle on mode / / # / ic þa mid heortan ongann || hycggean nihtes / wæ
The Paris Psalter 77:10 3 yrre and reþe / næfdon heora heortan || hige gestaþelod / nis to we
The Paris Psalter 77:20 1 holdne on lande / / # / hi þa on heortan || hogedon to niþe / and georn
The Paris Psalter 77:35 2 an || lease muþe / ne þæs on heortan || hogedan awiht / / # / næs him
The Paris Psalter 83:5 3 ymþe fælne god / and þæt on heortan hige || healdeþ fæste / geset
The Paris Psalter 83:12 2 fre || gode bedælan / þa þe heortan gehygd || healdaþ clæne / þ
The Paris Psalter 85:11 3 e || forþ andette / mid ealre heortan hyge || þæt þu eart halig
The Paris Psalter 89:14 3 | swyþe getyde / and þa heora heortan || healdaþ clæne / / # / gehweo
The Paris Psalter 94:8 2 ne / holde gehyran || næfre ge heortan geþanc / deorce forhyrden || d
The Paris Psalter 94:10 4 d eac swa oncneow / þæt hi on heortan || hyge dysegedan / / # / hi wega
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 11 || bute him ær cume / hreow to heortan || ær he hionan wende
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 21 swa nu-þa þiostro || þinre heortan / willaþ minre leohtan || lare
Metrical Psalm 94:10 4 c and swa oncneow / þet hi on heortan || hige disegan.
Metrical Psalm 94:8 2 stefne / holde gehiran nefre ge heortan geðanc / deorce forhirdan || d
A.6.13 55 um mē bryne stīġeþ, / hyġe heortan nēah || hǣdre wealleþ’. /
Solomon and Saturn 59 hwilum me bryne stigeþ / hige heortan neah || hædre wealleþ / salom
A.6.13 97 | Hūru him biþ æt biþ æt heortan wā, / þonne []e hangiende ||
A.6.13 149 ·hēaweþ, || oþ·þæt him heortan blōd, / fāmiġ flōdes bæþ,
Solomon and Saturn 154 num geheaweþ || oþþæt him heortan blod / famig flodes bæþ || fo
A.6.13 173 hafaþ wilde mōd, || wērġe heortan, / sefan sorhfulne, || slīdeþ
Solomon and Saturn 207 þ / hafaþ wilde mod || werige heortan / sefan sorgfullne || slideþ g
A.6.13 299 aþ: / 'Ne meahte iċ of ðǣre heortan || heardne ā·þringan / stīe
Solomon and Saturn 15 sagaþ / ne meahte ic of þære heortan || heardne aþringan / stylenne
The Judgment Day II 168 ð ða earman saula / and heora heortan || horxlice wyrmas / synscyldig
The Lord's Prayer II 79 || on ðin gewil / bewyrc us on heortan || haligne gast / fæste on inn
Fragment of Psalm 50 1 ymle / / # / syle me halig god || heortan clæne / and rihtne gast || god
A.6.26 88 ū, drihten Crīst, || clǣne heortan / on mē, mehtiġ God, || mōd-
Instructions for Christians 167 on mid ealra || innancundre% / heortan gehygde% || gehreowað his sy
The Battle of Maldon 143 urh þa hringlocan || him æt heortan stod / ætterne ord || se eorl
A.6.9 145 þā hrinġ-locan, || him æt heortan stōd / ǣtterne ord. || Sē eo
him - 1797 occurrences
Genesis A 5 ceafta / frea ælmihtig || næs him fruma æfre / or geworden || ne
Genesis A 28 þrymme / sid and swegltorht || him þær sar gelamp / æfst and of
Genesis A 46 e / grimme wiþ god gesomnod || him þæs grim lean becom / cwædon
Genesis A 49 ldan || and swa eaþe meahtan / him seo wen geleah || siþþan wa
Genesis A 53 metode || mægyn bryttigan / ac him se mæra || mod getwæfde / bæ
Genesis A 62 on wraþe / faum folmum || and him on fæþm gebræc / yrre on mod
Genesis A 69 ne siþ / geomre gastas || wæs him gylp forod / beot forborsten ||
Genesis A 86 n ofgæfon / leohte belorene || him on laste setl / wuldorspedum we
Genesis A 99 g || ricum mihtum / wolde þæt him eorþe || and uproder / and sid
Genesis A 124 gefylled / heahcininges hæs || him wæs halig leoht / ofer westenn
Genesis A 138 scippend ure / æfen ærest || him arn on last / þrang þystre ge
Genesis A 172 hyrde and healdend || forþon him heahcyning / frea ælmihtig ||
Genesis A 177 adames / lice aleoþode || and him listum ateah / rib of sidan ||
Genesis A 181 ænig com / blod of benne || ac him brego engla / of lice ateah ||
Genesis A 190 e cuþon / don ne dreogan || ac him drihtnes wæs / bam on breostum
Genesis B 240 et heo þæt land buan / hwærf him þa to heofenum || halig drih
Genesis B 250 cean his willan || forþon he him gewit forgeaf / and mid his han
Genesis B 254 swa micles wealdan / hehstne to him on heofona rice || hæfde he
Genesis B 255 s wæstm on heofonum || þæt him com from weroda drihtne / gelic
Genesis B 258 þancian / þæs leanes þe he him on þam leohte gescerede ||
Genesis B 259 ange wealdan / ac he awende hit him to wyrsan þinge || ongan him
Genesis B 259 him to wyrsan þinge || ongan him winn up ahebban / wiþ þone he
Genesis B 261 s he drihtne urum || ne mihte him bedyrned weorþan / þæt his e
Genesis B 268 me / þeodne þeowian || þuhte him sylfum / þæt he mægyn and cr
Genesis B 273 e þurh his anes cræft / hu he him strenglicran || stol geworhte
Genesis B 276 ne / trymede getimbro || cwæþ him tweo þuhte / þæt he gode wol
Genesis B 283 fter his hyldo þeowian / bugan him swilces geongordomes || ic m
Genesis B 302 fde his ferlorene / gram wearþ him se goda on his mode || forþo
Genesis B 318 abban sceoldon / worhte man hit him to wite || hyra woruld wæs g
Genesis B 341 oþ hie to dole wurdon / þæt him for galscipe || god sylfa wea
Genesis B 343 on þæt niobedd || and sceop him naman siþþan / cwæþ se hehs
Genesis B 353 ihtnes / word wurþian || weoll him on innan / hyge ymb his heortan
Genesis B 354 e ymb his heortan || hat wæs him utan / wraþlic wite || he þa
Genesis B 367 lican || stol behealdan / wesan him on wynne || and we þis wite
Genesis B 392 nige synne gestælan / þæt we him on þam lande laþ gefremedon
Genesis B 394 æs wrace gefremman / geleanian him mid laþes wihte || þæt he
Genesis B 400 ome || andan gebetan / onwendan him þær willan sines || gif we
Genesis B 401 ohtes furþor || þæs þe he him þenceþ lange niotan / þæs e
Genesis B 405 de bebead || þonne weorþ he him wraþ on mode / ahwet hie from
Genesis B 416 stro || and hæfde cræft mid him / þæt he mid feþerhoman || f
Genesis B 422 t / wurþran micle || and moton him þone welan agan / þe we on he
Genesis B 429 es / lare forlæten || sona hie him þe laþran beoþ / gif hie bre
Genesis B 430 his gebodscipe || þonne he him abolgen wurþeþ / siþþan bi
Genesis B 431 bolgen wurþeþ / siþþan biþ him se wela onwended || and wyrþ
Genesis B 431 se wela onwended || and wyrþ him wite gegarwod / sum heard hearm
Genesis B 434 an on þyssum racentum || gif him þæt rice losaþ / se þe þæ
Genesis B 435 þ / se þe þæt gelæsteþ || him biþ lean gearo / æfter to ald
Genesis B 445 nd / spenn mid spangum || wiste him spræca fela / wora worda || wa
Genesis B 446 ræca fela / wora worda || wand him up þanon / hwearf him þurh þ
Genesis B 447 || wand him up þanon / hwearf him þurh þa helldora || hæfde
Genesis B 458 on / godes gegearwigean || þa him to gingran self / metod mancynn
Genesis B 460 ncynnes || mearcode selfa / and him bi twegin || beamas stodon / þ
Genesis B 471 | se þæs wæstmes onbat / swa him æfter þy || yldo ne derede /
Genesis B 475 nges || her on worulde / habban him to wæron || witode geþingþ
Genesis B 485 reamas and drihtscipes || and him beon deaþ scyred / lytle hwile
Genesis B 491 þa on wyrmes lic || and wand him þa ymbutan / þone deaþes bea
Genesis B 552 d god / abolgen wyrþ || swa ic him þisne bodscipe / selfa secge |
Genesis B 570 inum wordum getrywþ / gif þu him to soþe sægst || hwylce þu
Genesis B 574 eþ / on breostcofan || swa wit him bu-tu / an sped sprecaþ || spa
Genesis B 619 t mina lara || þonne gife ic him þæs leohtes genog / þæs ic
Genesis B 621 || gegired hæbbe / ne wite ic him þa womcwidas || þeah he his
Genesis B 646 æt wæs deaþes beam || þe him drihten forbead / forlec hie þ
Genesis B 661 þonne his wiþermedo / gif þu him heodæg wuht || hearmes gespr
Genesis B 662 forgifþ hit þeah || gif wit him geongordom / læstan willaþ ||
Genesis B 669 þas woruld gesceop / geseo ic him his englas || ymbe hweorfan / m
Genesis B 684 || from gode come / hio spræc him þicce to || and speon hine e
Genesis B 687 || stod se wraþa boda / legde him lustas on || and mid listum s
Genesis B 688 | and mid listum speon / fylgde him frecne || wæs se feond full
Genesis B 702 heo on his willan spræc / wæs him on helpe || handweorc godes / t
Genesis B 707 he þam gehate getruwode / þe him þæt wif || wordum sægde / he
Genesis B 723 ædon / ofet unfæle || swa hit him on innan com / hran æt heortan
Genesis B 729 ynt forlædde / adam and eue || him is unhyldo / waldendes witod ||
Genesis B 741 c wearþ god yrre / forþon wit him noldon || on heofonrice / hniga
Genesis B 744 unc gegenge ne wæs / þæt wit him on þegnscipe || þeowian wol
Genesis B 762 mid hringa gesponne || hwearf him eft niþer / boda bitresta || s
Genesis B 766 on ba-twa / adam and eue || and him oft betuh / gnornword gengdon |
Genesis B 767 uh / gnornword gengdon || godes him ondredon / heora herran hete ||
Genesis B 774 rh untreowa / tacen iewde || se him þone teonan geræd / þæt hie
Genesis B 776 oldon / hynþa unrim || forþam him higesorga / burnon on breostum
Genesis B 844 hie þa habban ne moston / þe him ær forgeaf || ælmihtig god /
Genesis B 850 forgeate || god ælmihtig / and him gewisade || waldend se goda / h
Genesis A 858 m he ær wlite sealde / gewitan him þa gangan || geomermode / unde
Genesis A 861 tnes gehyrdon || and ondredon him / þa sona ongann || swegles al
Genesis A 864 ahsian || woruldgesceafta / het him recene to || rice þeoden / his
Genesis A 865 ce þeoden / his sunu gangan || him þa sylfa oncwæþ / hean hleo
Genesis A 872 dne || ic eom eall eall nacod / him þa ædre god || andswarede / s
Genesis A 882 || þe ic þe wordum forbead / him þa adam eft || andswarode / me
Genesis A 895 dum minum / fæste forbodene || him þa freolecu mæg / ides æwisc
Genesis A 945 eorxnawange || on nearore lif / him on laste beleac || liþsa and
Genesis A 954 æt frymþe || þeah þe hie him from swice / ac he him to frofr
Genesis A 955 þe hie him from swice / ac he him to frofre let || hwæþere fo
Genesis A 957 ne hrof || halgum tunglum / and him grundwelan || ginne sealde / he
Genesis A 966 hæse / bearn astrienan || swa him metod bebead / adames and euan
Genesis A 1004 n hwær abel || eorþan wære / him þa se cystleasa || cwealmes
Genesis A 1008 c hyrde wæs / broþer mines || him þa brego engla / godspedig gas
Genesis A 1022 last wrecan || winemagum laþ / him þa ædre cain || andswarode /
Genesis A 1036 f gesyhþe || þinre hweorfan / him þa selfa oncwæþ || sigora
Genesis A 1049 manscyldigne / cnosle sinum || him þa cain gewat / gongan geomorm
Genesis A 1051 syhþe / wineleas wrecca || and him þa wic geceas / eastlandum on
Genesis A 1053 e / fædergeardum feor || þær him freolecu mæg / ides æfter æ
Genesis A 1075 tgestealdum / botlgestreonum || him bryda twa / idesa on eþle || e
Genesis A 1116 mode asceaf / þeoden usser || him þæs þanc sie / adam hæfde |
Genesis A 1118 am hæfde || þa he eft ongan / him to eþelstæfe || oþres stri
Genesis A 1128 gastgedal || ofgyfan sceolde / him on laste seth || leod weardod
Genesis A 1143 friþgedal || fremman sceolde / him æfter heold || þa he of wor
Genesis A 1149 gebedscipe || bearn astrynde / him þa cenned wearþ || cainan
Genesis A 1158 fde / efne hundseofontig || ær him sunu woce / þa wearþ on eþle
Genesis A 1167 dera rum || rim wæs gefylled / him on laste heold || land and yr
Genesis A 1171 wife ongann / bearna strynan || him bryd sunu / meowle to monnum br
Genesis A 1202 a strynde / þreohund wintra || him wæs þeoden hold / rodera wald
Genesis A 1207 þ / geonge and ealde || þonne him god heora / æhta and ætwist |
Genesis A 1233 folc teala / bearna strynde || him byras wocan / eaforan and idesa
Genesis A 1250 nne secan / wergum folce || and him þær wif curon / ofer metodes
Genesis A 1258 hes bearn / torn niwiaþ || and him to nimaþ / mægeþ to gemæccu
Genesis A 1289 hte / breostgehygdum || forþon him brego sægde / halig æt hleoþ
Genesis A 1356 eart racu || stigan onginneþ / him þa noe gewat || swa hine ner
Genesis A 1361 efor / to heora ætgifan || swa him ælmihtig / weroda drihten ||
Genesis A 1363 ihten || þurh his word abead / him on hoh beleac || heofonrices
Genesis A 1426 gehata / lange þrage || hwonne him lifes weard / frea ælmihtig ||
Genesis A 1446 can wolde / on wægþele || eft him seo wen geleah / ac se feonde g
Genesis A 1494 / stah ofer streamweall || swa him seo stefn bebead / lustum miclu
Genesis A 1500 dæl || æhtum sinum / þam þe him to dugeþum || drihten sealde
Genesis A 1508 dædum / ær geearnod || þæt him ealra wæs / ara este || ælmih
Genesis A 1557 ham staþelian / and to eorþan him || ætes tilian / won and worht
Genesis A 1560 æda fela || sohte georne / þa him wlitebeorhte || wæstmas broh
Genesis A 1564 ncen / swæf symbelwerig || and him selfa sceaf / reaf of lice || s
Genesis A 1567 mnacod || he lyt ongeat / þæt him on his inne || swa earme gela
Genesis A 1568 inne || swa earme gelamp / þa him on hreþre || heafodswima / on
Genesis A 1590 || and þa sona ongeat / þæt him cynegodum || cham ne wolde / þ
Genesis A 1591 ynegodum || cham ne wolde / þa him wæs are þearf || ænige cy
Genesis A 1596 maga þeow / cham on eorþan || him þa cwyde syþþan / and his fr
Genesis A 1603 bryttedon / bearna stryndon || him wæs beorht wela / þa wearþ i
Genesis A 1623 rþ gewat / cham of lice || þa him cwealm gesceod / se magoræswa
Genesis A 1649 buend || ebrei hataþ / gewiton him þa eastan || æhta lædan / fe
Genesis A 1658 grene wongas / fægre foldan || him forþwearde / on þære dægtid
Genesis A 1663 mod || oþerne bæd / þæs hie him to mærþe || ær seo mengeo
Genesis A 1699 || ungeþeode / on landsocne || him on laste bu / stiþlic stantorr
Genesis A 1716 and loth || unforcuþlice / swa him from yldrum || æþelu wæron
Genesis A 1720 s wæs || mearc agongen / þæt him abraham || idese brohte / wif t
Genesis A 1727 rþ / abrahame þa gyt || þæt him yrfeweard / wlitebeorht ides ||
Genesis A 1730 hame || suna and dohtra / gewat him þa mid cnosle || ofer caldea
Genesis A 1736 eþeltyrf || abraham and loth / him þa cynegode || on carran / æ
Genesis A 1767 dlond monig || þine gefylled / him þa abraham gewat || æhte l
Genesis A 1770 wiþfeorm and gesælig || swa him sigora weard / waldend usser ||
Genesis A 1779 ran ofgifan || and cneowmagas / him þa feran gewat || fæder æl
Genesis A 1793 | lac onsægde / gasta helme || him þa gyt gewat / abraham eastan
Genesis A 1796 de / heofonweardes gehat || þa him þurh halig word / sigora selfc
Genesis A 1803 n / weallsteapan hleoþu || and him þa wic curon / þær him wlite
Genesis A 1804 | and him þa wic curon / þær him wlitebeorhte || wongas geþuh
Genesis A 1808 iber onsægde / his liffrean || him þæs lean ageaf / nalles hneaw
Genesis A 1816 amsittendum / wælgrim werum || him þa wishydig / abraham gewat ||
Genesis A 1829 ebedda || þe wile beorna sum / him geagnian || ic me onegan mæg
Genesis A 1836 twega / feorren cumenra || þu him fæste hel / soþan spræce ||
Genesis A 1846 mid æhtum || on egypte / þær him folcweras || fremde wæron / wi
Genesis A 1849 nce monige / dugeþum dealle || him drihtlicu mæg / on wlite modgu
Genesis A 1864 æþere || gumena aldor / hwæt him waldend wræc || witeswingum /
Genesis A 1865 end wræc || witeswingum / heht him abraham || to egesum geþread
Genesis A 1867 ageaf / wif to gewealde || heht him wine ceosan / ellor æþelingas
Genesis A 1880 heora woruldgestreon / ongunnon him þa bytlian || and heora burh
Genesis A 1920 ceape || nu ic þe cyst abead / him þa loth gewat || land sceawi
Genesis A 1927 and gomorran || s