Genesis A 19 |
ūðon, / firena fremman, || ac |
hīe |
on friðe lifdon, / ēċe mid h |
Genesis A 24 |
lenġ / hira selfra rǣd, || ac |
hīe |
of sibb-lufan / Godes ā·hwurf |
Genesis A 26 |
| Hæfdon ġielp miċel / þæt |
hīe |
wiþ drihtne || dǣlan meahto |
Genesis A 45 |
an wīte-brōĝan. || Hæfdon |
hīe |
wrōht-ġe·tīeme / grymme wi |
Genesis A 96 |
eld, || sēlran weorode, / þā |
hīe |
ġielp-sċaðan || of·ġiefe |
Genesis A 141 |
nihte naman. || Nerġend ūre / |
hīe |
ġe·sundrode; || siþþan ǣ |
Genesis B 249 |
m hē ġe·truwode wēl / þæt |
hīe |
his ġungorsċipe || fyliġan |
Genesis B 252 |
drihten. / Ġe·sett hæfde hē |
hīe |
swa ġe·sǣliġlīċe, || ā |
Genesis B 287 |
e·steallan. || Frīend sind |
hīe |
mīne ġeorne, / holde on hira |
Genesis B 326 |
m and þīestru, || for·þon |
hīe |
þeġnsċipe / Godes for·ġīe |
Genesis B 327 |
ipe / Godes for·ġīemdon. || |
Hīe |
hira gāl be·swāc, / engles o |
Genesis B 335 |
|| Fīend on·ġēaton / þæt |
hīe |
hæfdon ġe·wrixled || wīta |
Genesis B 340 |
lēof, / drihtne dīere, || oþ |
hīe |
tō dole wurdon, / þæt him fo |
Genesis B 404 |
ne mōton, || ġe·dōn þæt |
hīe |
his hyldu for·lǣten, / þæt |
Genesis B 405 |
his hyldu for·lǣten, / þæt |
hīe |
þæt on·wendon þæt hē mi |
Genesis B 406 |
him wrāþ on mōde, / ā·hwet |
hīe |
fram his hyldu. || Þonne sċ |
Genesis B 406 |
his hyldu. || Þonne sċulon |
hīe |
þās helle sēċan / and þās |
Genesis B 407 |
grundas. || Þonne mōton we |
hīe |
ūs tō ġungrum habban, / fīr |
Genesis B 421 |
/ on þās dēopan dalu. || Nu |
hīe |
drihtne sint / wurðran miċele |
Genesis B 426 |
num hyġe hrēoweþ, || þæt |
hīe |
heofon-rīċe / āĝan tō eald |
Genesis B 428 |
e·wendan mid wihte || þæt |
hīe |
word Godes / lāre for·lǣten, |
Genesis B 429 |
s / lāre for·lǣten, || sōna |
hīe |
him þē lāðran bēoþ. / Ġi |
Genesis B 430 |
im þē lāðran bēoþ. / Ġif |
hīe |
brecaþ his ġe·bodsċipe, | |
Genesis B 433 |
Hyċġaþ his ealle, / hū ġē |
hīe |
be·swīcen. || Siþþan iċ |
Genesis B 439 |
þās hātan helle, || þæt |
hīe |
heofon-cininges / un-wurðlīċ |
Genesis B 452 |
dan and for·lǣran, || þæt |
hīe |
wurdon lāþ Gode. / Hē þā |
Genesis B 457 |
mod, / frēo fæġroste, || swa |
hīe |
fela cūðon / Godes ġe·ġear |
Genesis B 462 |
e·wered mid wæstme, || swā |
hīe |
wealdend God, / hēah heofon-cy |
Genesis B 588 |
dēofle ġe·līċ’. / Lǣdde |
hīe |
swā mid lyġenum || and mid |
Genesis B 601 |
urh þæs lāðan lǣn || þe |
hīe |
mid lyġenum be·swāc, / dearn |
Genesis B 610 |
fēondsċipe% || nealles hē |
hīe |
freme lǣrde: / ‘Þū meaht n |
Genesis B 624 |
ulon || aefter libban: / þonne |
hīe |
lāþ ġe·dōþ, || hīe sċ |
Genesis B 624 |
nne hīe lāþ ġe·dōþ, || |
hīe |
sċulon lufe wyrċan, / bētan |
Genesis B 630 |
·lǣd mid lyġenum, || þæt |
hīe |
lāþ Gode / þurh þæs wrāð |
Genesis B 643 |
, / wīd-brādne welan, || ġif |
hīe |
þone wæstm ān / lǣtan wolde |
Genesis B 647 |
rihten for·bēad. / For·lēoc |
hīe |
þā mid lyġenum || sē wæs |
Genesis B 685 |
/ on þā dimman dǣd || þæt |
hīe |
dryhtnes hira / willan brǣcon. |
Genesis B 692 |
ran and for·lǣdan, || þæt |
hīe |
lǣn Godes, / æl-mihtġes ġie |
Genesis B 695 |
ċaða / ġearwe wiste || þæt |
hīe |
Godes ierre / habban sċoldon | |
Genesis B 698 |
|| nīede on·fôn, / siþþan |
hīe |
ġe·bod Godes || for·brocen |
Genesis B 722 |
r, / mennisċra morþ, || þæt |
hīe |
tō mete dǣdon, / ofett unfǣl |
Genesis B 730 |
yldu / wealdendes witod, || nū |
hīe |
word-cwide his, / lāre for·l |
Genesis B 731 |
re for·lēton. || For·þon |
hīe |
lenġ ne maĝon / healdan heofo |
Genesis B 732 |
/ healdan heofon-rīċe, || ac |
hīe |
tō helle sċulon / on þone sw |
Genesis B 775 |
one tēonan ġe·rǣd, / þæt |
hīe |
helle nīþ || habban sċoldo |
Genesis B 781 |
end, || and hine bǣdon / þæt |
hīe |
his% hearm-sċeare || habban |
Genesis B 782 |
/ ġeorne full-gangan, || þā |
hīe |
Godes hæfdon / bodsċipe ā·b |
Genesis B 783 |
odsċipe ā·brocen. || Bāre |
hīe |
ġe·sāwon / hira līċ-haman; |
Genesis B 785 |
et / sǣlþa ġe·setena, || ne |
hīe |
sorĝe wiht / weorces wiston, | |
Genesis B 786 |
e wiht / weorces wiston, || ac |
hīe |
wēl meahton / libban on þǣm |
Genesis B 787 |
ibban on þǣm lande, || ġif |
hīe |
wolden lāre Godes / for·weard |
Genesis B 788 |
s / for·weard fremman. || Þā |
hīe |
fela sprǣcon / sorh-worda samo |
Genesis B 793 |
dġe and ġīfre. || Nū þū |
hīe |
grimman meaht / heonane ġe·h |
Genesis B 822 |
īenost, / wīfa wlitiĝost; || |
hīe |
wæs ġe·weorc Godes, / þēah |
Genesis B 837 |
ldu for·worhte, || þæt iċ |
hīe |
habban ne mæġ. / Ac wit þus |
Genesis B 840 |
es holtes hleo’. || Hwurfon |
hīe |
bā twā, / tō·ġengdon gnorn |
Genesis B 843 |
eapu / heofon-cininges, || þā |
hīe |
þā habban ne mōston / þe hi |
Genesis B 845 |
eaf || æl-mehtiġ God. / Þā |
hīe |
hira līċ-haman || lēafum b |
Genesis B 847 |
alde, || wǣda ne hæfdon; / ac |
hīe |
on ġe·bēd fēollon || bū |
Genesis B 849 |
e, || bǣdon mihtiġne / þæt |
hīe |
ne for·ġēate || God æl-me |
Genesis B 851 |
de || wealdend sē gōda, / hū |
hīe |
on þǣm lēohte forþ || lib |
Genesis A 860 |
|| blǣde be·rēafod, / hȳdon |
hīe |
on heolstre, || þā hīe hā |
Genesis A 860 |
don hīe on heolstre, || þā |
hīe |
hāliġ word / dryhtnes ġe·h |
Genesis A 941 |
ōcon || and weorold-iermþu. / |
Hīe |
þā wuldres weard || wǣdum |
Genesis A 943 |
/ frēa frum-hræġle; || hēt |
hīe |
fram hweorfan / neorxna-wange | |
Genesis A 954 |
er æt frymþe, || þēah þe |
hīe% |
him fram swīce, / ac hē him t |
Genesis A 964 |
onne sē frum-stōl wæs / þe |
hīe |
aefter dǣde of || ā·drifen |
Genesis A 965 |
ā·drifen wurdon. / On·gunnon |
hīe |
þā || be Godes hǣse / bearn |
Genesis A 1272 |
| mānes on eorðan / and þæt |
hīe |
wǣron || wamma þrīste, / inw |
Genesis A 1319 |
m tō-weard, / rēðe wīte. || |
Hīe |
ne% rōhton þæs. / Ġe·seah |
Genesis A 1396 |
rōĝan / hǣste hrīnan, || ac |
hīe |
hāliġ God / ferede and nerede |
Genesis A 1433 |
|| swelċe wīf hira, / hwonne |
hīe |
of nearwe || ofer næġled-bo |
Genesis A 1584 |
rn hine / ræste on reċede. || |
Hīe |
þā ræðe stōpon, / hira and |
Genesis A 1586 |
under loðum listum, || þæt |
hīe |
lēofum menn / ġēoce ġe·fre |
Genesis A 1652 |
sōhton rūmre land, / oþþæt |
hīe |
be·cōmon || corðrum miċel |
Genesis A 1653 |
elum, / folc fērende, || ðǣr |
hīe |
fæstlīċe / æðelinga bearn, |
Genesis A 1663 |
-mōd, || ōðerne bæd / þæs |
hīe |
him tō mǣrþe, || ǣr sēo |
Genesis A 1668 |
tō rodor-tunglum. / Þæs þe |
hīe |
ġe·sōhton || Sennera feld, |
Genesis A 1686 |
ndum || un-ġe·līċe, / þæt |
hīe |
ðǣre spǣce || spēd ne āh |
Genesis A 1687 |
ǣce || spēd ne āhton. / Þā |
hīe |
ġe·mitton || meahtum spēd |
Genesis A 1691 |
wæt ōðer cwæþ. / Ne meahte |
hīe |
ġe·wurðan || weall stǣnen |
Genesis A 1692 |
nenne / up forþ timbran, || ac |
hīe |
earmlīċe / hēapum tō·hlōc |
Genesis A 1717 |
weorold-rīċe; || for·þon |
hīe |
wīde nū / duĝuþum dēmaþ | |
Genesis A 1724 |
æs þe ūs seċġaþ bēċ. / |
Hīe |
þā wintra fela || weorold b |
Genesis A 1851 |
ūhte, / cininges þeġnum. || |
Hīe |
þæt cūþ dydon / hira folc-f |
Genesis A 1854 |
ðelinge || idesa% sunnon, / ac |
hīe |
Sarran || swīðor miċele, / w |
Genesis A 1870 |
m, / ambiht-sċealcum, || þæt |
hīe |
hine ārlīċe / ealles ansundn |
Genesis A 1875 |
of Ēġypta || ēðel-mearce: / |
hīe |
ellen-rōfe || idese feredon, |
Genesis A 1876 |
/ brȳd and bēaĝas, || þæt |
hīe |
tō Bethlem / on cūðe wīc || |
Genesis A 1892 |
. || Ēad bryttodon, / oþþæt |
hīe |
on þǣm lande || ne meahton |
Genesis A 1964 |
fōr on fultum. || Ġe·witon |
hīe |
fēower þā / þēod-cyningas |
Genesis A 2037 |
ame / trēowa sealdon, || þæt |
hīe |
his torn mid him / ġe·wrǣcon |
Genesis A 2055 |
him wæs ðearf miċel / þæt |
hīe% |
on twā healfe / grymme gūð- |
Genesis A 2082 |
ōme be·drorene, || oþþæt |
hīe |
Dāmasco / un·fēor wǣron. || |
Genesis A 2115 |
-weorod / gūðe spōwan, || ac |
hīe |
God flīemde, / sē þe æt feo |
Genesis A 2154 |
incas || rihte be·nǣman, / ac |
hīe |
mē full ēodon || æt ǣsċ- |
Genesis A 2268 |
āt / wēsten sēċan. || Þǣr |
hīe |
wuldres þeġn, / enġel dryhtn |
Genesis A 2403 |
a on ġe·siþþe || oþþæt |
hīe |
on Sōdoman, / weall-stēape bu |
Genesis A 2414 |
|| hwæt þā menn dôn, / ġif |
hīe |
swā swīðe || synna fremma |
Genesis A 2415 |
wum and ġe·þancum, || swā |
hīe |
on þweorh sprecaþ / fācen an |
Genesis A 2428 |
sōhton || Sōdoma ċeastre. / |
Hīe |
þā æt burh-ġeate || beorn |
Genesis A 2444 |
des hlēow / and þeġnunge. || |
Hīe |
on þanc curon / æðelinges ē |
Genesis A 2456 |
elum || cuman ācsian, / þæt |
hīe |
be·hæfdon || herġes mæġe |
Genesis A 2495 |
reċed aefter ġiestum, / swā |
hīe |
fundodon, || ac ðǣr frame w |
Genesis A 2545 |
te, || weallende fȳr, / þæs |
hīe |
on ǣr-daĝum || drihten tīe |
Genesis A 2569 |
spell / stille wunode, || ðǣr |
hīe |
strang be·ġeat / wīte, þæs |
Genesis A 2581 |
oĝan || wæl-grimne rīeċ. / |
Hīe |
þæs wlenċu on·wōd || and |
Genesis A 2582 |
|| and wīn-ġe·drinc / þæt |
hīe |
firen-dǣda || tō frece wurd |
Genesis A 2596 |
|| wīċ sċēawian, / oþþæt |
hīe |
be hliðe || hēare dūne / eor |
Genesis A 2629 |
n his || þeġnas sende, / hēt |
hīe% |
bringan || tō him selfum. / Þ |
Genesis A 2651 |
re. || Næbbe iċ synne wiþ |
hīe, |
/ fācna ǣniġ || ġe·fremed |
Genesis A 2780 |
hame || Ismael pleĝan, / ðǣr |
hīe |
æt swǣsendum || sǣton bū |
Genesis A 2786 |
llor || and Ismael / lǣdan mid |
hīe. |
|| Ne bēoþ we lenġ samod / w |
A.1.2 29 |
frōd fædera cynn, || þēah |
hīe |
fela wiston. / Hæfde hē þā |
A.1.2 51 |
, || Ēġypta folc, / þæs þe |
hīe |
wīde-ferhþ || wiernan þōh |
A.1.2 52 |
hton / Moyses māĝum, || ġif |
hīe |
metod lēte, / on langne lust | |
A.1.2 59 |
un-cūþ ġe·lād, / oþþæt |
hīe |
on Gūð-mierċe || ġearwe b |
A.1.2 64 |
īr-fæste% hæleþ, / siþþan |
hīe |
fēondum || oþ·faren hæfdo |
A.1.2 124 |
| weorod for·bærnde, / nemþe |
hīe |
mōd-hwate || Moyses hīerde. |
A.1.2 130 |
Fierd-wīc ā·rās; / wierpton |
hīe |
wērġe, || wiste ġe·nǣġd |
A.1.2 150 |
ra; || mānum trēowum / woldon |
hīe |
þæt feorh-lēan || facne ġ |
A.1.2 151 |
an || facne ġieldan, / þætte |
hīe% |
þæt dæġ-weorc || drēore |
A.1.2 155 |
|| or-trīewe wearþ / siþþan |
hīe |
ġe·sāwon || of sūð-weĝu |
A.1.2 197 |
þider wǣron fūse. / Hæfdon |
hīe |
ġe·mynted || tō þǣm mæ |
A.1.2 224 |
fyrd wæs on ofste. / Siþþan |
hīe |
ġe·tealdon || wiþ þǣm t |
A.1.2 243 |
pum || mæġen swīðrode, / ac |
hīe |
be wæstmum || on% wīġ curo |
A.1.2 264 |
|| dǣd-lēan ġiefan, / þæt |
hīe |
libbende || lenġ ne mōton / |
A.1.2 319 |
fdon him tō seġne, || þā |
hīe |
on sund stiĝon, / ofer bord-hr |
A.1.2 325 |
ndum || lange þolian, / þonne |
hīe |
tō gūðe || gār-wudu rǣrd |
A.1.2 387 |
as, || on Sēone beorh. / Wǣre |
hīe |
ðǣr fundon, || wuldor-ġe· |
A.1.2 443 |
a sand%, || sealte ȳða. / ac |
hīe |
ġe·sittaþ || be sǣm twēo |
A.1.2 499 |
|| flōd-blāc here, / siþþan |
hīe |
on buĝon% || brūn yppinge, / |
A.1.2 515 |
te, / ā·ġeat ġielp wera. || |
Hīe |
wiþ God wunnon! / Þanon Israh |
A.1.2 570 |
. / Līfe ġe·fǣĝon% || þā |
hīe |
oþ·lǣded hæfdon / feorh of |
A.1.2 571 |
fēonda dōme, || þēah þe |
hīe |
hit frecne ġe·nēðdon, / wer |
A.1.2 572 |
tera hrōfas. || Ġe·sāwon |
hīe |
ðǣr weallas standan, / ealle |
A.1.2 574 |
don hilde-spelle, || siþþan |
hīe |
þǣm herġe% wiþ·fōron; / h |
A.1.3 6 |
efen, || wiĝena meniġu, / and |
hīe |
of Eġyptum || ūt ā·fōron |
A.1.3 8 |
t wæs mōdiġ cynn! / þenden |
hīe |
þȳ rīċe || rǣdan mōston |
A.1.3 15 |
te, || metod æl-wihta, / þæt |
hīe |
oft fela folca || fēore ġe |
A.1.3 17 |
e him hold ne wæs, / oþþæt |
hīe |
wlenċu on·wōd || æt wīn- |
A.1.3 19 |
| druncne ġe·þōhtas. / Þā |
hīe |
ǣ-cræftas || āne for·lēt |
A.1.3 28 |
m weorode || wīsdōm budon. / |
Hīe |
ðǣre snytru || sōþ ġe·l |
A.1.3 29 |
on / lȳtle hwīle, || oþþæt |
hīe% |
langung be·swāc / eorðan dr |
A.1.3 31 |
amas || ēċes rǣdes, / þæt |
hīe |
æt sīðestan || selfe for· |
A.1.3 56 |
lufan, līf-welan, || þenden |
hīe |
lēt metod. / Þā iċ% īeðan |
A.1.3 63 |
|| āĝan sċoldon, / oþþæt |
hīe |
burga ġe·hwone || ā·broce |
A.1.3 88 |
e || drihten sċierede. / Þā |
hīe |
ðǣr fundon || þry% frēa-g |
A.1.3 96 |
orn, || in Caldea byrġ. / Þā |
hīe |
þǣm wlancan || wīsdōm sċ |
A.1.3 148 |
r·hæfed ġe·wearþ / þætte |
hīe |
sædon || swefn cyninge, / wyrd |
A.1.3 180 |
tefne || ofer burh-ware. / Þā |
hīe |
for þǣm cumble || on cnēow |
A.1.3 189 |
rġ, / eorlas Israela, || þæt |
hīe |
ā noldon / hira þēodnes dōm |
A.1.3 191 |
|| þafian on·ġinnan, / þæt |
hīe |
tō þǣm bēacne || ġe·bed |
A.1.3 197 |
de || cūþ ġe·dydon, / þæt |
hīe |
him þæt gold || tō Gode no |
A.1.3 200 |
|| þe him ġiefe sealde. / Oft |
hīe |
tō bōte || bealde ġe·cwǣ |
A.1.3 201 |
|| bealde ġe·cwǣdon / þæt |
hīe |
þæs wēoġes || wihte ne r |
A.1.3 202 |
oġes || wihte ne rōhton, / ne |
hīe |
tō þǣm ġe·bede || meahte |
A.1.3 203 |
ðen herġes wīsa, || þæt |
hīe |
þider hweorfan wolden, / guman |
A.1.3 205 |
as þēodne sæġdon || þæt |
hīe |
ðǣre ġe·þeahte wǣron, / h |
A.1.3 212 |
nd ġēocre on·cwæþ, / þæt |
hīe |
ġeġnunga || ġieldan sċold |
A.1.3 214 |
recne fȳres wielm, || nemþe |
hīe |
friðes wolde / wilnian tō þ |
A.1.3 222 |
wurfe% || in hǣðen-dōm, / ne |
hīe |
tō facne || friðu wilnodon, |
A.1.3 225 |
a fēorum || for·þǣm þe |
hīe |
his cræftas on·sōcon. / Þā |
A.1.3 232 |
e ġe·fremede; || þēah þe |
hīe |
swā grame nydde / in fæðm f |
A.1.3 237 |
ofen innan be·cōm || ðǣr |
hīe |
þæt āĝlǣċ druĝon, / frē |
A.1.3 240 |
æs wǣfran līeġes, || þā |
hīe |
sē wealdend nerede. / Hrēoh-m |
A.1.3 241 |
sē hǣðna þēoden, || hēt |
hīe |
hræðe bærnan. / Ǣled wæs u |
A.1.3 257 |
ten on drēame, || dydon swā |
hīe |
cūðon / ofene on innan, || ea |
A.1.3 262 |
lǣten līeġes gange, || ne |
hīe |
him ðǣr lāþ ġe·dydon. / N |
A.1.3 278 |
|| Þæt wæs wuldres God / þe |
hīe |
ġe·nerede || wiþ þǣm nī |
A.1.3 360 |
en, / þēoda wealdend. || Swā |
hīe |
þrīe cwǣdon, / mōdum horsċ |
A.1.3 421 |
ealde / ġungum gædelingum% || |
Hīe |
God herġaþ, / ānne ēċne, | |
A.1.3 429 |
| Nis hit āwihtes gōd / þæt |
hīe |
sīen on þǣm lāðe || len |
A.1.3 432 |
, / ċierdon cyne-gōde || swā |
hīe |
ġe·cȳðde wǣron, / hwurfon |
A.1.3 437 |
feax fȳre be·swǣled, || ac |
hīe |
on friðe dryhtnes / of þǣm g |
A.1.3 445 |
ǣm hǣðnan folce, / sēpton% |
hīe |
sōþ-cwidum || and him sæġ |
A.1.3 447 |
re meahta wealdend || sē þe |
hīe |
of þǣm mierċe ġe·nerede. |
A.1.3 451 |
mǣre meahta wealdend, || sē |
hīe |
of þǣm morðre ā·līesde. |
A.1.3 453 |
ǣht% eald-fēondum, || þæt |
hīe |
āre hæfdon. / Wæs hira blǣd |
A.1.3 454 |
lǣd in Babilone, || siþþan |
hīe |
þone bryne fandodon, / dōm we |
A.1.3 455 |
þe ġe·cȳðed, || siþþan |
hīe |
drihtne ġe·hīerdon. / Wǣron |
A.1.3 456 |
ra rǣdas rīċe, || siþþan |
hīe |
rodera wealdend, / hāliġ heof |
A.1.3 529 |
alles þȳ hē wende || þæt |
hīe |
hit wiston, / ac hē cunnode || |
A.1.3 530 |
wiston, / ac hē cunnode || hū |
hīe |
cweðan woldon. / Þā wæs tō |
A.1.3 590 |
ode / wyrċan bōte%, || þonne |
hīe |
woldon selfe, / firene fæstan, |
A.1.3 699 |
tō ðǣre hēah-byriġ / þæt |
hīe |
Babilone || ā·brecan mihton |
A.1.3 707 |
, / gold in Ġerusalem, || þā |
hīe |
Iudea / blǣd for·brǣcon || b |
A.1.3 710 |
mon / beorhte frætwe. || Þā |
hīe |
tempel struĝdon, / Salomanes s |
A.1.3 751 |
t Godes earce, || oþ·þæt |
hīe |
ġielp be·swāc, / wīn-drunce |
A.1.4 23 |
þæt hit meahte swā, / þæt |
hīe |
wǣron% selfe% || sweġeles b |
A.1.4 74 |
/ for þǣm an-mēdlan% || þe |
hīe |
ǣr druĝon. / Eft reordode || |
A.1.4 191 |
ġīfre and grǣdġe, || þā |
hīe% |
God be·drāf / in þæt hāte |
A.1.4 345 |
um || hām staðolodon, / þæt |
hīe |
woldon be·nǣman || nerġend |
A.1.4 358 |
æt sind word Godes), / þonne |
hīe |
be·fæðmeþ || fæder mann- |
A.1.4 359 |
þ || fæder mann-cynnes, / and |
hīe |
ġe·seġna. || mid his swī |
A.1.4 360 |
ǣdeþ% tō lēohte, || ðǣr |
hīe |
līf āĝon / ā tō ealdre, || |
A.1.4 377 |
þ, || and nā siþþan / þæt |
hīe |
mosten in þone ēċan || and |
A.1.4 381 |
. || Bliss wearþ mannum / þā |
hīe |
hǣlendes || hēafod ġe·sā |
A.1.4 449 |
ton, || ac in helle grund, / ne |
hīe |
ed-ċierres || ǣfre mōton / w |
A.1.4 467 |
eġde; || bān weornodon / þā |
hīe |
swā lēohtne || lēoman ġe |
A.1.4 472 |
and þæt æðele wīf. / Þā |
hīe |
be·ġēaton || on Godes will |
A.1.4 477 |
þ·þæt eft ġe·lamp / þæt |
hīe% |
ā·fyrde% eft || fēond in f |
A.1.4 533 |
t% hit% þus ġe·lamp / þæt |
hīe |
sċēawodon || sċieppend eng |
A.1.4 540 |
ġe·sċēawiaþ’. / ‘Sume |
hīe |
ne meahton || mōde% on·cnā |
A.1.4 633 |
þ, || and nā siþþan / þæt |
hīe |
up þonan || ǣfre mōton, / ah |
A.1.4 637 |
| and dēofles spellunge, / hū |
hīe |
him on ed-wīt || oft ā·set |
A.1.4 639 |
þe and firene%, || ðǣr þe |
hīe |
frēo-drihten%, / ēċne an-wea |
A.1.4 641 |
ft for·ġēaton, / þone% þe% |
hīe |
him tō hyhte || habban sċol |
A.2.1 5 |
onne cumbol hniton, / siþþan |
hīe |
ġe·dǣldon, || swā him dri |
A.2.1 23 |
s drinc / tō brūcanne, || āh |
hīe |
blōd and fell, / fīra flǣsċ |
A.2.1 26 |
Swelċ wæs þēaw hira / þæt |
hīe |
ǣġhwelcne || ell-þēodiġr |
A.2.1 30 |
en, / unlǣdra eafoþ, || þæt |
hīe |
ēaĝena ġe·sihþ, / hettend% |
A.2.1 37 |
ġe wæs on·ċierred), / þæt |
hīe |
ne murndon || aefter man-drē |
A.2.1 38 |
hæleþ heoru-grǣdġe, || ac |
hīe |
hīeġ and gærs / for mete-lē |
A.2.1 48 |
erend, || tō þām or-leġe. / |
Hīe |
þām hālĝan ðǣr || handa |
A.2.1 132 |
ċ || hwīle wunodon, / hwelcne |
hīe |
tō ǣte || ǣrest mihton / aef |
A.2.1 134 |
| fēores be·rǣdan. / Hæfdon |
hīe |
on rūne || and on rīm-cræf |
A.2.1 136 |
, || wera ende-stæf, / hwonne% |
hīe |
tō mōse || mete-þearfendum |
A.2.1 142 |
an || dēofles lārum, / þonne |
hīe |
unlǣdra || eafoþum% ġe·l |
A.2.1 143 |
a || eafoþum% ġe·līefdon. / |
Hīe |
þā ġe·mētton || mōdes g |
A.2.1 150 |
s || ā·writen hæfdon / þæt |
hīe |
bān-hringas || ā·brecan þ |
A.2.1 157 |
ale || ġe·seted wurde. / Swā |
hīe |
simble ymb þrītiġ || þin |
A.2.1 159 |
| wæs him nīed miċel / þæt |
hīe |
tō·bruĝdon || blōdĝum ċ |
A.2.1 178 |
s ðǣre meniġu þēaw / þæt |
hīe |
uncūðra || ǣngum ne willa |
A.2.1 247 |
ittan sīþ-frame, || swelċe |
hīe |
ofer sǣ cōmon. / Þæt wæs d |
A.2.1 250 |
mid his englum twǣm. / Wǣron |
hīe |
on ġe·sċierplan || sċip-f |
A.2.1 252 |
ċe || êa-līðendum, / þonne |
hīe |
on flōdes fæðm || ofer feo |
A.2.1 254 |
d wæter || ċēolum lācaþ. / |
Hīe |
þā ġe·ġrētte, || sē þ |
A.2.1 368 |
|| ofer flōdes wielm, / þæt |
hīe |
þe ēaþ mihton || ofer ȳð |
A.2.1 403 |
e, || þafian ne woldon / þæt |
hīe |
for·lēton || æt lides stef |
A.2.1 464 |
|| eorlas trymede, / oþ·þæt |
hīe |
samnunga || slǣp ofer·ēode |
A.2.1 534 |
. || Wadu sweðrodon / siþþan |
hīe |
on·ġēaton || þæt þe god |
A.2.1 610 |
|| Mē þæt þynceþ, / þæt |
hīe |
for æfēstum || inwitt siere |
A.2.1 613 |
rne, / wrāðum wǣr-loĝan. || |
Hīe |
sēo wyrd be·swāc, / for·lē |
A.2.1 614 |
ēolc and for·lǣrde. || Nū |
hīe |
lungre sċulon, / wearĝe mid w |
A.2.1 654 |
e, || tō frēan dōme, / ðǣr |
hīe |
heorcnodon || hālġes lāre. |
A.2.1 711 |
tācna ġe·cȳðde, || ðǣr |
hīe |
tō sǣĝon. / Swelċe hē wræ |
A.2.1 785 |
| folce ġe·cȳðan, / hwelcne |
hīe |
god meahtum || on·ġieten h |
A.2.1 795 |
slǣpe þǣm fæstan. || Hēt |
hīe |
tō þām sīðe ġierwan, / fa |
A.2.1 796 |
tō frēan dōme. || Sċoldon |
hīe |
þām folce ġe·cȳðan / hwā |
A.2.1 803 |
pen eorþ-sċræfu, || woldon |
hīe |
ǣdre ġe·cȳðan / frum-weorc |
A.2.1 807 |
weorðodon || wuldres ealdor. / |
Hīe |
þā recene hēt || rīċes h |
A.2.1 894 |
ngran ġe·hīerdon, || þæt |
hīe |
god wolde / on·munan swā miċ |
A.2.1 954 |
īcost / faran flōde blōd. || |
Hīe |
þīn feorh ne maĝon / dēaðe |
A.2.1 975 |
þurh mīnne naman, || þēah |
hīe |
morðres fela / on fyrn-daĝum |
A.2.1 980 |
ra ġe·hwelcum, || þām þe |
hīe |
findan cann. / Þā wæs ġe·m |
A.2.1 1012 |
s, || gode þancode / þæs þe |
hīe |
ansunde || ǣfre mōston / ġe |
A.2.1 1016 |
|| earme be·þeahte, / cyston |
hīe |
and clypton. || Crīste wǣro |
A.2.1 1017 |
n bēġen / lēofe on mōde. || |
Hīe |
lēoht ymb·sċān / hāliġ an |
A.2.1 1050 |
, / trēow-ġe·þoftan, || ǣr |
hīe |
on tū hweorfan. / Ǣġðer þ |
A.2.1 1073 |
on || wiðer-hyċġende / þæt |
hīe |
on ell-þēodĝum || ǣt ġe |
A.2.1 1078 |
e·weorc, || hierdas dēade. / |
Hīe |
þā unhȳðġe || eft ġe· |
A.2.1 1089 |
| Nyston beteran rǣd, / þonne |
hīe |
þā be·lidenan% || him tō |
A.2.1 1111 |
ungne%, / līfes tō lisse. || |
Hīe |
þā lāc hræðe / þǣĝon t |
A.2.1 1121 |
dad || beorne maniĝum, / þæt |
hīe |
þæs cnihtes cwealm || corð |
A.2.1 1123 |
fēngon / līfes tō līfne. || |
Hīe |
lungre tō þæs, / hǣðne hea |
A.2.1 1154 |
ēod% unhwīlen, || þām þe |
hīe |
findan cann. / Þā wæs wōp h |
A.2.1 1214 |
e, || heortan staðola, / þæt |
hīe |
min on þē || mæġen on·cn |
A.2.1 1215 |
æġen on·cnāwan. / Ne maĝon |
hīe |
and ne mōton || ofer mīne |
A.2.1 1224 |
wæs || æðelinga wynn, / and |
hīe |
andweardne || ēaĝum meahton |
A.2.1 1231 |
, || torn-ġe·nīðlan, / swā |
hīe |
hit frēcnost || findan meaht |
A.2.1 1329 |
num þrȳþ-fullum, || þæt |
hīe |
þē hnǣġen, / ġiengran æt |
A.2.1 1334 |
n || ġielp for·bīeġan.’ / |
Hīe |
wǣron rēowe, || rǣsdon on |
A.2.1 1337 |
strangan meahtmeht. / Siþþan |
hīe |
on·cnēowon || Crīstes rōd |
A.2.1 1339 |
lite, || mǣre tācen, / wurdon |
hīe |
þā ācle || on þām on-fen |
A.2.1 1500 |
hte ġe·weorðaþ, || þonne |
hīe |
fæder ġe·sēoþ / heofonas a |
A.2.1 1597 |
|| folces on lāste. / Wēndon |
hīe |
wīfa% || and wera cwealmes, / |
A.2.1 1601 |
lācan || under grund hruron. / |
Hīe% |
þā ān-mōde || ealle cwǣd |
A.2.1 1628 |
liċ and gǣstliċ, || þēah |
hīe |
lungre ǣr / þurh flōdes fær |
A.2.1 1653 |
and þrīste be·bēad / þæt |
hīe% |
his lāre || lǣston ġeorne, |
A.2.1 1660 |
rc% tō ġe·þolienne, / þæt |
hīe |
sē lēod-fruma || lenġ ne w |
A.2.1 43 |
t heortan || hyġe weallende. / |
Hīe |
þā ġe·brōhton || æt bri |
A.2.1 46 |
fre || aefter rēotan / þendon |
hīe |
on ȳðum || æðelinga wynn / |
A.2.2 10 |
ēape || hlīet wīsode / ðǣr |
hīe |
dryhtnes ǣ || dēman sċoldo |
A.2.2 99 |
rðan brūcaþ%. || Ne mōton |
hīe |
āwa æt·samne, / weorold-wuni |
A.2.3 11 |
ndan / þone līċ-haman || þe |
hīe |
ǣr lange wæġ, / þrīe hund |
A.2.3 78 |
eorðan spēda, / (būtan þū |
hīe |
ġe·dǣlde || drihtne selfum |
A.2.3 114 |
um tō frōfre; || for·þon |
hīe |
ne maĝon husclicum / wordum wr |
A.2.3 131 |
lustum þæt lamfæt || þæt |
hīe |
ǣr lange wæġ. / Þonne þā |
A.2.4 27 |
ācenlīċe þenċaþ, / þonne |
hīe |
æt nīehstan || nearwe be·s |
A.2.5 32 |
rnas on eaxlum, || oþ·þæt |
hīe |
mē on beorh ā·setton, / ġef |
A.2.5 46 |
an mē ne dorste. / þurhdrifon |
hīe |
mē mid deorcan næġlum. || |
A.2.5 48 |
iĝum sċieþþan. / bismeredon |
hīe |
unc būtū æt–gædere. || |
A.2.5 60 |
d elne miċele. || ġenāmon |
hīe |
ðǣr æl–mihtiġne god, / ā |
A.2.5 63 |
strǣlum forwundod. / āleġdon |
hīe |
ðǣr limweriġne, || ġe·st |
A.2.5 64 |
līċes heafdum, / be·hēoldon |
hīe |
ðǣr heofones drihten, || an |
A.2.5 66 |
banan ġe·sihþe; || curfon |
hīe |
þæt of beorhtan stāne, / ġe |
A.2.5 67 |
of beorhtan stāne, / ġesetton |
hīe |
ðǣr on siĝora wealdend. || |
A.2.5 68 |
n þā ǣfen–tīde, || þā |
hīe |
woldon eft sīðian, / mēðe f |
A.2.5 115 |
ǣr on þām bēame dyde. / ac |
hīe |
þonne forhtiaþ, || and fēa |
A.2.5 116 |
, || and fēa þenċaþ / hwæt |
hīe |
tō crīste || cweðan onġin |
A.2.5 132 |
ela / frēonda on foldan, || ac |
hīe |
forþ heonan / ġewiton of weor |
A.2.6 48 |
wǣpnum tō wīġe, || þēah |
hīe |
weorod lǣsse / hæfdon tō hil |
A.2.6 68 |
niht-langne frist, / þæs þe |
hīe% |
fēonda ġe·fær || fyrmest |
A.2.6 175 |
ēah hira fēa wǣron), / þæt |
hīe |
for þām cāsere || cȳðan |
A.2.6 209 |
tyhte, / Iūdēa cynn, || þæt |
hīe |
god selfne / ā·hēngon, herġ |
A.2.6 210 |
ngon, herġa fruman. || Þæs |
hīe |
on hīenþum sċulon / tō wīd |
A.2.6 355 |
/ hālġe hyġe-frōfre, || ac |
hīe |
hieredon mē%, / fēodon þurh |
A.2.6 396 |
nde, || sōþ on·cnāwan.’ / |
Hīe |
þā ān-mōde || andswerodon |
A.2.6 415 |
|| hwæt sēo synn wǣre / þe |
hīe |
on þām folce || ġe·fremed |
A.2.6 21 |
urh wrāþ ġe·witt, || ġif |
hīe |
wiston ǣr / þæt hē Crīst w |
A.2.6 36 |
ton, / on sefan sōhton || hū |
hīe |
sunu metodes / ā·hēngon, hel |
A.2.6 39 |
æðelost bearna. / Ne meahton |
hīe |
swā dysġe || dēaþ oþ·f |
A.2.6 40 |
n, / weras wan-sǣlġe, || swā |
hīe |
wēndon ǣr, / sārum settan, | |
A.2.6 58 |
|| tō wræce ne sette, / þæt |
hīe% |
for æfstum || unsċyldiġne, |
A.2.6 118 |
e / lēod-ġe·byrġan, || þā |
hīe |
laðod wǣron / þurh heard ġe |
A.2.6 146 |
pan meahte.’ || þā wurdon |
hīe |
dēaðes on wēnan, / ādes and |
A.2.6 149 |
for cnēo-māĝum), || þone |
hīe |
ðǣre cwēne ā·ġēafon, / s |
A.2.6 239 |
wylt for synnum, || þæt iċ |
hīe |
siþþan mæġe / ġe·clǣnsia |
A.2.6 275 |
engan hofe, || up for·lēte. / |
Hīe |
þæt ofostlīċe || efnedon |
A.2.6 326 |
/ on wīta for·wyrd, || ðǣr |
hīe |
on wielme nū / drēoĝaþ dēa |
A.2.6 398 |
·þeahton, / Iūdēa cynn%. || |
Hīe |
wiþ godes bearne / nīþ ā·h |
A.2.6 399 |
rne / nīþ ā·hōfon, || swā |
hīe |
nā sċoldon, / ðǣr hīe leah |
A.2.6 400 |
swā hīe nā sċoldon, / ðǣr |
hīe |
leahtra fruman || lārum ne h |
A.2.6 540 |
um, || wyrda lāðost, / ðǣr |
hīe |
hit for weorolde || wendan me |
A.2.6 560 |
d% hæfdon / on Crēca land. || |
Hīe |
sē cāsere hēt / ofstum miċe |
A.2.6 565 |
bēodan beadu-rōfre, || ġif |
hīe |
brim nesen / and ġe·sundne s |
A.2.6 592 |
welċes, / sæce and sorĝe. || |
Hīe |
sōna ðǣr / þurh þā hālĝ |
A.2.6 666 |
t þā tācen forþ, || ðǣr |
hīe |
tō sāwon, / fæder, frōfre g |
A.2.6 679 |
de / ealle ān-mōde, || þēah |
hīe |
ǣr wǣron / þurh dēofles spi |
A.2.6 681 |
ā·ċierred fram Crīste. || |
Hīe |
cwǣdon þus: / ‘Nū we selfe |
A.2.6 707 |
ode, / æðelne innoþ, || swā |
hīe |
æl-mehtiġ / siġe-bearn godes |
A.2.6 742 |
weord-ġe·nīðlan, || ðǣr |
hīe |
ymb siġe% winnaþ%, / wrāþ w |
A.2.6 767 |
lǣran lēofra hēap || þæt |
hīe |
lufan dryhtnes, / and sibbe sw |
A.2.6 783 |
m, / werum and wīfum, || þæt |
hīe |
weorðoden / mōde and mæġene |
A.2.6 853 |
duĝuþ dōm-ġeorne, || swā |
hīe |
ā·drēoĝan maĝon / and būt |
A.2.6 866 |
cumaþ, / wuldor-cyninge, || ac |
hīe |
worpene bēoþ / of þām heað |
A.2.6 870 |
n / ġe·sēon, siĝora god. || |
Hīe |
ā·sodene bēoþ, / ā·sundro |
A.2.6 879 |
lde and blīðe, || þæs þe |
hīe |
māna ġe·hwelċ / for·sāwon |
A.2.6 881 |
wordum clipodon. || For·þon |
hīe |
nū on wlite sċīnaþ / englum |
Christ A 146 |
e / sīðe ġe·sēċan. || Nū |
hīe |
sōfte þæs / bidon on bendum |
Christ A 325 |
ðer, || nemþe nerġend god, / |
hīe |
ǣfre mā || eft on·lūceþ. |
Christ A 385 |
hine witan mōton%. / For·þon |
hīe, |
dǣd-hwate, || dōme ġe·sw |
Christ A 392 |
æt Crīst for·ġeaf, / þæt |
hīe |
mōton his æt-wiste || ēaĝ |
Christ B 454 |
ere on bōcum ne cwiþ / þæt |
hīe |
on hwītum ðǣr || hræġlum |
Christ B 455 |
n þā æðelan tīd, || swā |
hīe |
eft dydon / þā sē breĝa% m |
Christ B 495 |
þæs temples hrōf || ðǣr |
hīe |
tō sǣĝon, / þā þe lēofes |
Christ B 498 |
ġnas ġe·corene. / Ġe·sēon |
hīe |
on hīehþu || hālford stī |
Christ B 501 |
|| hyġe murnende, / þæs þe |
hīe |
swā lēofne || lenġ ne mōs |
Christ B 506 |
eafelan līexte. / Ġe·sǣĝon |
hīe |
æl-beorhte || englas twēġe |
Christ B 535 |
urh, / ġōmor-mōde, || þonan |
hīe |
god nīehst / up stīĝende || |
Christ B 559 |
d / ealles þæs gafoles || þe |
hīe |
ġār-daĝum / on þæt or-leġ |
Christ B 642 |
e, || heortan stǣnne. / Noldon |
hīe |
þā torhtan || tācen on·cn |
Christ B 707 |
emdon, / gæstes þearfe, || ac |
hīe |
godes tempel / brǣcon and bær |
Christ B 828 |
rht cyning lēanaþ / þæs þe |
hīe |
on eorðan || earĝum dǣdum / |
Christ B 829 |
lifdon leahtrum fā. || Þæs |
hīe |
lange sċulon / fergð-wērġe |
Christ C 888 |
re ealdan moldan, || hātaþ |
hīe |
up ā·standan / snēome of sl |
Christ C 1052 |
s, / and eall andweard || þæt |
hīe |
ǣr oþþe sīþ / worhton on w |
Christ C 1075 |
ringen / of þām ēðle || þe |
hīe |
inn lifdon. / Þonne bēoþ bea |
Christ C 1106 |
æt him betst be·cōm, / ðǣr |
hīe |
hit tō gōde || on·ġietan |
Christ C 1130 |
ċearum cwīðdon, || þēah |
hīe |
cwice nēaron, / þā hira% sċ |
Christ C 1169 |
ac bēamas on·budon || hwā |
hīe |
mid blǣdum sċōp, / manġe, n |
Christ C 1183 |
, / forht-ā·fangen. || Þeah |
hīe |
ferhþ-ġe·witt / of hira æð |
Christ C 1188 |
n, / flintum heardran, || þæt |
hīe |
frēa nerede / fram hell-cwale |
Christ C 1210 |
um / þurh milde mōd, || þæt |
hīe |
mōston mān-weorca / tōme lib |
Christ C 1212 |
īres blǣd / ēċne āĝan. || |
Hīe |
þæs ēðles þanc / hira weal |
Christ C 1229 |
ng, || synfulra weorod. / Þǣr |
hīe |
ā·rāsode || rēotaþ and b |
Christ C 1233 |
den / wera cnēorissum, || swā |
hīe |
ġe·worhton ǣr, / ðǣr biþ |
Christ C 1235 |
e tācen samod, || þæt þe |
hīe |
hira þēodnes wēl / wordum an |
Christ C 1238 |
rest || or-ġiete ðǣr / þæt |
hīe |
fore lēodum || lēohte blīc |
Christ C 1243 |
|| andġiete swā same, / þæt |
hīe |
him on wuldre witon || wealde |
Christ C 1245 |
, || ēaĝum tō wynne, / þæt |
hīe |
on heofon-rīċe || hlūtre% |
Christ C 1253 |
|| wynsum ġe·fêa, / þonne |
hīe |
þæt yfel ġe·sēoþ || ō |
Christ C 1254 |
þ || ōðre drēoĝan, / þæt |
hīe |
þurh miltse || metodes ġe· |
Christ C 1255 |
| metodes ġe·nǣson. / Þonne |
hīe |
þȳ ġeornor || gode þancia |
Christ C 1256 |
aþ / blǣdes and blissa || þe |
hīe |
bū ġe·sēoþ, / þæt hē h |
Christ C 1257 |
e bū ġe·sēoþ, / þæt hē |
hīe |
ġe·nerede || fram nīþ-cwa |
Christ C 1268 |
ealfa. / Ān is þāra || þæt |
hīe |
him iermþa tō fela, / grimm h |
Christ C 1270 |
/ andweard sēoþ, || on þām |
hīe |
āwa sċulon, / wræc winnende, |
Christ C 1273 |
ieldgum tō sċande, || þæt |
hīe |
ðǣr sċama mǣste / drēoĝa |
Christ C 1285 |
h, / cwīðende cearu, || þæt |
hīe |
on þā clǣnan sēoþ, / hū h |
Christ C 1286 |
e on þā clǣnan sēoþ, / hū |
hīe |
fore gōd-dǣdum || glade bli |
Christ C 1287 |
dum || glade blissiaþ, / þā |
hīe, |
unsǣlġe, || ǣr for·hoĝdo |
Christ C 1290 |
eorcum || wēpende sār / þæt |
hīe |
ǣr frēolīċe || fremedon u |
Christ C 1291 |
fremedon unryht. / Ġe·sēoþ |
hīe |
þā beteran || blǣde sċīn |
Christ C 1294 |
| ēad tō sorĝum, / þæs þe |
hīe |
swā fæġere ġe·fēan% || |
Christ C 1298 |
haman% || īdelne lust. / Þǣr |
hīe |
ā·sċamode, || sċandum ġe |
Christ C 1301 |
re him þonne betere || þæt |
hīe |
bealu-dǣde, / ǣlċes unryhtes |
Christ C 1304 |
godes bodan sæġdon || þæt |
hīe |
tō gryne wiston / firen-dǣda |
Christ C 1341 |
d him friþ bēodeþ, / hāteþ |
hīe |
ġe·sunde || and ġe·senade |
Christ C 1351 |
n% / on mildum sefan. || þonne |
hīe |
him þurh mīnne naman / ēað- |
Christ C 1359 |
þæt mē dydon, / þonne ġē |
hīe |
mid sibbum sōhton || and hir |
Christ C 1365 |
|| æl-wealda god. / Ne þurfon |
hīe |
þonne tō metode || miltse |
Christ C 1437 |
, || mān-fremmendra. / Swelċe |
hīe |
mē ġe·blendon || bitere t |
Christ C 1443 |
hosp and heard-cwide. || Þā |
hīe |
hwæsne bēah / ymb min hēafod |
Christ C 1447 |
/ rōde ġe·fæstnod, || þā |
hīe |
rīċene mid spere / of mīnre |
Christ C 1503 |
earfum for·wierndon || þæt |
hīe |
under ēowrum þæce mosten / i |
Christ C 1506 |
/ mōses metelēasum. || Þeah |
hīe |
him þurh mīnne naman / werġe |
Christ C 1511 |
ōfre ġe·sprǣcon, || þæt |
hīe |
þȳ frēoran hyġe / mōde ġe |
Christ C 1524 |
rēosan sċulon.’ / Ne maĝon |
hīe |
þonne ġe·hīenan || heofon |
Christ C 1538 |
synne ne ā·springaþ, / ðǣr |
hīe |
leahtrum fā, || līeġe ġe |
Christ C 1546 |
| gǣsta on þīestre, / ǣleþ |
hīe |
mid þȳ ealdan līeġe || an |
Christ C 1567 |
biþ, / synne cwīðaþ; || ac |
hīe |
tō sīþ dōþ / gǣstum helpe |
Christ C 1613 |
eþ / wǣrlēasra weorod || and |
hīe |
wealdend ġiefeþ / fēondum on |
Christ C 1620 |
nder līeġes locan, || ðǣr |
hīe |
limu rǣċaþ / tō bindenne% | |
Christ C 1630 |
t bōca be·bod; || for·þon |
hīe |
ā·bīdan sċulon / on sīn-ni |
A.3.10 61 |
·sāwon hira sellan, || þā |
hīe |
tō swice þōhton / and þrymm |
A.3.11 47 |
|| suhtor-fæderan, / siþþan |
hīe |
for·wrǣcon || wīċinga cyn |
A.3.11 108 |
þā þe wēl cūðon, / þæt |
hīe |
nǣfre sang || sellan ne hīe |
A.3.11 126 |
ā sǣmestan, / þēah þe iċ |
hīe |
ā·nīehst || nemnan sċolde |
A.3.13 20 |
biþ hira ferhþ ġe·līċ, / |
hīe |
ā sace sēmaþ, || sibbe ġe |
A.3.13 34 |
| ġe·met ofer eorðan, / ġif |
hīe |
ne wānie || sē þās weorol |
A.3.13 40 |
tre ġe·sihþe. || Ne maĝon |
hīe% |
tunglu be·witian%, / sweġel-t |
A.3.13 55 |
biþ sǣ smilte, || / þonne |
hīe |
wind ne weċeþ; || / swā bē |
A.3.13 56 |
ēoda ġe·þwǣre, || þonne |
hīe |
ġe·þingod% habbaþ, / ġe·s |
A.3.13 64 |
f word ġe·springeþ, || oft |
hīe |
mann wammum be·līhþ, / hæle |
A.3.13 65 |
nn wammum be·līhþ, / hæleþ |
hīe |
hospe mǣnaþ, || oft hire hl |
A.3.13 100 |
er wǣre ġe·healdan, || oft |
hīe |
mon wammum be·līhþ% / fela b |
A.3.13 102 |
þ fyr-witt-ġeorna%, / frēoþ |
hīe |
fremde manna, || þonne sē |
A.3.13 174 |
ē brōðor āhte, || bēġen |
hīe |
ānes mannes, / eorles% eaforan |
A.3.13 175 |
rles% eaforan wǣran, || ġif |
hīe |
sċoldon eofor on·ġinnan / o |
A.3.13 179 |
æt·samne swefan; || / nǣfre |
hīe |
mann tō·mǣlde%, || / ǣr h |
A.3.13 180 |
e mann tō·mǣlde%, || / ǣr |
hīe |
dēaþ tō·dǣle. || / Hīe t |
A.3.13 181 |
r hīe dēaþ tō·dǣle. || / |
Hīe |
twēġen sċulon tæfle ymb· |
A.3.13 189 |
stān for·stōlen. || / Oft |
hīe |
wordum tō·weorpaþ, || / ǣr |
A.3.13 190 |
wordum tō·weorpaþ, || / ǣr |
hīe |
bacum tō·breden; || / ġeara |
A.3.14 47 |
ā miċelan ġe·cynd%. / Swā |
hīe |
tō weorolde || wlite forþ b |
A.3.14 86 |
þās ġe·weorc, || ac hē |
hīe% |
wēl healdeþ; / standaþ% stī |
A.3.14 93 |
a unrīm, || engla þrēatas. / |
Hīe |
ġe·sēoþ simle || hira sel |
A.3.17 12 |
naþ || wǣġ-līðende / þæt |
hīe |
on êa-land sum || ēaĝum wl |
A.3.17 32 |
ēaw, / dēofla wīse, || þæt |
hīe |
drohtende / þurh dierne meaht |
A.3.17 35 |
, / wēmaþ on willan, || þæt |
hīe |
wraðe sēċen, / frōfre tō f |
A.3.17 36 |
e tō fēondum, || oþ·þæt |
hīe |
fæste ðǣr / æt þām wǣr-l |
A.3.17 58 |
stenċ / ūt ġe·wīteþ%. || |
Hīe |
ðǣr inn faraþ / unware weoro |
A.3.19 73 |
eorðan spēde, / (būtan þū |
hīe |
ġe·dǣlde || drihtne selfum |
Guthlac A 1 |
·fēana fæġerost || þonne |
hīe |
æt frymþe ġe·metaþ, / enġ |
Guthlac A 65 |
emde ġe·weorðan. / For·þon |
hīe |
nū hierwaþ || hāliġra mō |
Guthlac A 73 |
sa / hlēonaþ ofer heafdum. || |
Hīe |
þȳ hīehstan bēoþ / þrymme |
Guthlac A 83 |
illum / hāmas on heolstrum. || |
Hīe |
þæs heofon-cundan / boldes b |
Guthlac A 117 |
and sē atola gǣst. / Nealles |
hīe |
him ġe·līċe || lāre bǣr |
Guthlac A 132 |
| hūðe ġe·lǣdeþ, / būtan |
hīe |
þȳ rēafe || rǣdan motan. / |
Guthlac A 133 |
rēafe || rǣdan motan. / Swā |
hīe |
hine trymedon || on twā heal |
Guthlac A 142 |
þ, / searu-cræftum swīþ; || |
hīe |
him self hira / ansīen īewdon |
Guthlac A 187 |
|| fǣhþe rǣran. / Ne meahton |
hīe |
æf-ēste || ān-for·lǣtan, |
Guthlac A 190 |
hine elne trymede, || þonne |
hīe |
him ierre hweopan%, / frecne f |
Guthlac A 209 |
nne / beorĝas brǣce, || ðǣr |
hīe% |
bīdinge, / earme andsacan, || |
Guthlac A 212 |
um || tīdum brūcan, / þonne |
hīe |
of wāðum || werġe cōmon / r |
Guthlac A 219 |
fēondas || ondan naman, / swā |
hīe |
sīn-gāles || sorĝe drēoĝ |
Guthlac A 220 |
sorĝe drēoĝaþ. / Ne mōton |
hīe |
on eorðan || eardes brūcan, |
Guthlac A 221 |
eorðan || eardes brūcan, / ne |
hīe |
lyft swefeþ || on lima ræst |
Guthlac A 222 |
wefeþ || on lima ræstum, / ac |
hīe |
hlēolēase || hāma þoliaþ |
Guthlac A 226 |
| ende ġe·rȳme. / Ne mōston |
hīe |
Gūð·lāces || gǣste sċie |
Guthlac A 228 |
ǣlan / wiþ līċ-haman, || ac |
hīe |
lyġe-searwum / ā·hōfon hear |
Guthlac A 230 |
don, / sorĝe sifodon, || þā |
hīe |
swīðra ofer·stāh / weard on |
Guthlac A 233 |
|| grēne beorĝas. / Hwæðere |
hīe |
þā ġīena, || godes andsac |
Guthlac A 237 |
lāðran ġe·mōtes, / hwonne |
hīe |
mid meniġu || māran cōme, / |
Guthlac A 239 |
an þingode, || cwæþ þæt |
hīe |
ġielpan ne þorfton / dǣdum w |
Guthlac A 327 |
Ne wæs sē frist miċel / þe |
hīe |
Gūð·lāce || for·ġiefan |
Guthlac A 348 |
hē ġe·sǣlan mæġ. / Simle |
hīe |
Gūð·lāc || on godes willa |
Guthlac A 406 |
gum% || earmra gǣsta; / wǣron |
hīe |
rēowe || tō rǣsanne / ġīfr |
Guthlac A 410 |
n, || lifde sē þe ana / þæt |
hīe |
him mid heandum || hrīnan mo |
Guthlac A 411 |
mosten, / and þæt friþ wiþ |
hīe |
|| ġe·friðod wǣre. / Hīe h |
Guthlac A 412 |
hīe || ġe·friðod wǣre. / |
Hīe |
hine þā hōfon || on þā h |
Guthlac A 424 |
wæs || lȳtle hwīle, / þæt |
hīe |
his līċ-haman || lenġ ne m |
Guthlac A 426 |
im wiht ġe·sċōd / þæs þe |
hīe |
him tō tēonan || þurh·to |
Guthlac A 430 |
n, / mǣndon murnende || þæt% |
hīe |
mannes bearn / þrēam ofer·þ |
Guthlac A 433 |
earfoþum || ana cōme, / ġif |
hīe |
him ne meahte || māran sāru |
Guthlac A 462 |
|| nealles gode þiġaþ, / ac |
hīe |
līċ-haman || fore lufan cw |
Guthlac A 466 |
da dierne, || þēah þe ġē |
hīe |
on dīegle ġe·fremme. / Wē |
Guthlac A 476 |
ġde him tō sorĝe || þæt |
hīe |
siġelēase / þone grēnan wan |
Guthlac A 497 |
stan / blǣde ġe·beran, || ac |
hīe |
blissiaþ / weorolde wynnum, || |
Guthlac A 548 |
le, || þeġnas grymme, / ealle |
hīe |
þām fēore || fiell ġe·h |
Guthlac A 549 |
ore || fiell ġe·hēton. / Nā |
hīe |
hine tō dēaðe% || dēman m |
Guthlac A 552 |
an || lēofran tīde. / Ġeorne |
hīe |
on·ġēaton || þæt hine go |
Guthlac A 564 |
r næssas || neowole grundas. / |
Hīe |
hine breġdon, || budon or-le |
Guthlac A 567 |
biþ fēonda þēaw, / þonne |
hīe |
sōþfæstra || sāwle willa |
Guthlac A 574 |
um || bryne þrōwian. / Woldon |
hīe |
ġe·tēon || mid torn-cwidum |
Guthlac A 729 |
m anwillan || eorðan dǣle. / |
Hīe |
hine bǣron || and him bryċe |
Guthlac A 737 |
t hē him ǣte hēold, / þonne |
hīe |
him hungriġe || ymb hand flu |
Guthlac A 759 |
esse || wendan þurfe, / þonne |
hīe |
on ġe·sihþe || sōðes br |
Guthlac A 806 |
|| on godes willan / swenċaþ |
hīe |
selfe, || sāwle frætwaþ / h |
Guthlac A 812 |
|| aefter hin-gange, / þonne |
hīe |
hweorfaþ || on þā hālĝan |
Guthlac A 814 |
nga || tō Hierusālem, / ðǣr |
hīe |
tō weorolde || wynnum mōton |
Guthlac B 842 |
|| būtan dēaðe forþ, / ġif |
hīe |
hālġes word || healdan wold |
Guthlac B 844 |
lǣstan, / efnan on ēðle. || |
Hīe |
tō ǣr ā·þrēat / þæt hī |
Guthlac B 845 |
īe tō ǣr ā·þrēat / þæt |
hīe |
wealdendes || willan lǣsten, |
Guthlac B 855 |
swā, / eaforum aefter, || þā |
hīe |
on uncȳþþu, / sċamum sċūd |
Guthlac B 859 |
|| þurh dēaðes cwealm, / þe |
hīe |
unsnytrum || ǣr ġe·fremedo |
Guthlac B 873 |
re / gǣst-hāliġra, || ðǣr |
hīe |
godes willan / on mislicum || m |
Guthlac B 898 |
diġ || eard weardode. / Þǣr |
hīe |
mislīċe || maniĝum reordum |
Guthlac B 913 |
man || ātre spēowdon. / Simle |
hīe |
Gūð·lāc || ġearene fundo |
Guthlac B 917 |
/ flēah fuĝla cynn, || ðǣr |
hīe |
feorh-nere / witode fundon || a |
A.3.20 16 |
ase || Ġeates friġe, / þæt |
hīe |
sēo sorh-lufu || slǣp ealle |
A.3.21 2 |
him mann lāc ġiefe; / willaþ |
hīe |
hine ā·þeċġan, || ġif h |
A.3.21 7 |
eras ðǣr on īeġe; / willaþ |
hīe |
hine ā·þeċġan, || ġif h |
A.3.22.11 10 |
gaþ% || horda dēorost, / ġif |
hīe |
unrǣdes || ǣr ne ġe·swīc |
A.3.22.13 6 |
ðe% þȳ sārre%, || þēah |
hīe |
swā sċoldon / rēafe be·rofe |
A.3.22.16 5 |
if mē þæs tō·sǣleþ, || |
hīe |
bēoþ swīðran þonne iċ, / |
A.3.22.20 12 |
/ mīne for meniġu, || ðǣr |
hīe |
medu drincaþ, / healdeþ mec o |
A.3.22.22 6 |
as || ofer mere fēolan, / swā |
hīe |
fundodon, || ac wæs flōd t |
A.3.22.22 19 |
/ fram stæðe hēam, || þæt |
hīe |
stōpon up / on ōðerne, || el |
A.3.22.26 19 |
earn wera || brūcan willaþ, / |
hīe |
bēoþ þȳ ġe·sundran || a |
A.3.22.26 24 |
d ēad / ēstum īeċaþ || and |
hīe |
ār-stafum / lissum be·leċġa |
A.3.22.26 25 |
m / lissum be·leċġaþ || and |
hīe |
lufan fæðmum / fæste clyppa |
A.3.22.3 23 |
den, || ōðer fēreþ, / þæt |
hīe |
ġe·mittaþ || mearc-lande n |
A.3.22.30 7 |
nne iċ mec on·hæbbe || and |
hīe |
on·hnīġaþ% tō mē / moniġ |
A.3.22.43 6 |
eall / on þām sīþ-fæte, || |
hīe |
ġe·sunde æt hām / findaþ w |
A.3.22.43 12 |
þæt bām sċieðeþ, / þonne |
hīe |
fram bearme || bēġen hweorf |
A.3.22.53 10 |
ieste / ōðrum rȳmeþ. || Oft |
hīe |
ān yste% strudon / hord æt·g |
A.3.22.54 1 |
yse cōm gangan, || ðǣr hē |
hīe |
wisse / standan on winc-sele, | |
A.3.22.57 6 |
lu / niþþa bearna. || Nemnaþ |
hīe |
selfe. |
A.3.22.58 4 |
/ þurh sċīrne dæġ, || ne |
hīe |
sċip fereþ, / naca næġled-b |
A.3.22.6 8 |
winne inn / feorran swīðe; || |
hīe |
þæs fēlaþ þēah, / swelċe |
A.3.23 12 |
dierne ġe·þōht, || þæt |
hīe |
tō·dǣlden unc, / þæt wit |
A.3.24 16 |
hlæġes tiliaþ, / oþ·þæt |
hīe |
be·swīcaþ || synna weardas |
A.3.24 17 |
caþ || synna weardas, / þæt |
hīe |
mid þȳ hēape || helle sē |
A.3.24 27 |
ā mierċan ġe·sċeaft, / hū |
hīe |
būtan ende || ēċe standeþ |
A.3.24 47 |
wille / lēode lǣran || þæt |
hīe |
lof godes / herġan on hīehþu |
A.3.25 54 |
| on lāðne sīþ, / þȳ læs |
hīe |
on þone fore-þanc || ġe·f |
A.3.25 55 |
|| ġe·fēon mōton / þȳ þe |
hīe |
him selfum || sellan þuhten / |
A.3.25 57 |
nne ēċe Crīst. / Ġe·luĝon |
hīe |
him æt þām ġe·lēafan; | |
A.3.25 57 |
m ġe·lēafan; || for·þon |
hīe |
lange sċul[], / werġe wihta, |
A.3.25 62 |
·friða hire and ġe·feorma |
hīe, |
|| fæder mann-cynnes, / hǣdre |
A.3.26 8 |
| hæleþ wǣron mōdġe, / þe |
hīe |
æt þām beorĝe || blīðe% |
A.3.26 10 |
|| Maria on dæġ-rǣd, / hēt |
hīe |
ōðre mid || eorles dohtor. / |
A.3.26 12 |
on þæt eorð-ærn || ðǣr |
hīe |
ǣr wiston / þæt hine ġe·h |
A.3.26 16 |
iston þā wīf-menn, || þā |
hīe |
on weġ ċierdon. / Ac ðǣr c |
A.3.26 90 |
nd || ealle on wynnum / þonne |
hīe |
ġe·hīerdon || hū we hrēo |
A.3.26 106 |
wan || fold-būende; / mōston |
hīe |
þīnes wæteres || wynnum br |
A.3.28 2 |
les / on Farones fyrde, || þā |
hīe |
folc godes / þurh fēondsċipe |
A.3.3 71 |
en, / þēoda wealdend. || Swā |
hīe |
þrīe cwǣdon, / mōdum horsċ |
A.3.3 102 |
p dryhtnes be·bod || druĝon |
hīe |
þæt lange. / And þeċ, Crīs |
A.3.3 164 |
aton || godes andsacan / þæt |
hīe |
ne meahton, || ne metod wolde |
A.3.3 165 |
ā·cwellan% cnihta ǣ, || ac |
hīe |
Crīst sċielde. / Hwearf þā |
A.3.3 184 |
t þā hālĝan, || siþþan |
hīe |
hwætmōde / weorold-cininges | |
A.3.3 188 |
/ ġīfre glēda nīþ%, || ac |
hīe |
mid gǣst-lufan / synne ġe·sw |
A.3.31.1 7 |
Þonne iċ mec on·hæbbe, || |
hīe |
on·hnīġaþ tō mē, / mōdġ |
A.3.34.84 15 |
re cræft[] || / [] || / []onne |
hīe |
ā·weorp[] || / []þe ǣniġ |
A.3.4 166 |
| þēodne mǣrum, / oþ·þæt |
hīe |
ġe·sēċaþ || Sier-wara la |
A.3.4 246 |
on ripes tīman, || þȳ læs |
hīe |
reġnes sċūr / ā·wierde und |
A.3.4 247 |
ierde under wolcnum; || ðǣr |
hīe |
wraðe mētaþ, / fōdor-þeġe |
A.3.4 327 |
ēan || folca þrȳðum / ðǣr |
hīe |
sċēawiaþ% || sċieppendes |
A.3.4 389 |
m / bēacnaþ on burgum, || hū |
hīe |
beorhtne ġe·fēan / þurh fæ |
A.3.4 395 |
| þurh his wundra spēd, / and |
hīe |
þā ġe·sette || on þone s |
A.3.4 402 |
ad, / bēames blǣde, || þæt |
hīe |
bū þǣĝon / æppel unrǣdum |
A.3.4 410 |
þan / gryne on·guldon, || þe |
hīe |
þæt ġiefl þǣĝon / ofer ē |
A.3.4 411 |
fer ēċes word. || For·þon |
hīe |
ēðles wynn / ġōmor-mōde || |
A.3.4 415 |
þurh fǣcne ferhþ, || þæt |
hīe |
feorr þonan / on þās dēað- |
A.3.4 476 |
weorca tō lēane, / þæs þe |
hīe |
ġe·hēoldon || hālġe lār |
A.3.4 481 |
ne biþ him wynne hiht / þæt |
hīe |
þis lǣne līf || lang ġe· |
A.3.4 489 |
e / lǣne līċ-haman, || ðǣr |
hīe |
lange bēoþ / oþ fȳres cyme |
A.3.4 579 |
unnan tō·ġēanes. || Þǣr |
hīe |
siþþan forþ / wuniaþ wintra |
A.3.4 609 |
ng, || ǣfre ne sweðraþ, / ac |
hīe |
on wlite wuniaþ, || wuldre b |
A.3.4 658 |
d / on drēama drēam, || ðǣr |
hīe |
drihtne tō ġiefe / worda and |
A.3.5 12 |
eġnas þrȳþfulle. || Oft% |
hīe |
þræce rǣrdon, / dǣdum ġe· |
A.3.5 63 |
Reord up ā·stāh, / siþþan |
hīe |
tō·gædere || gāras hlǣnd |
A.3.5 77 |
, / on hyġe herġan, || oþþe |
hīe |
nabban.’ / ġe·swearc þā s |
A.3.5 85 |
e þū mē saĝast, / þæt iċ |
hīe |
ne sparie, || ac on spild ġi |
A.3.5 87 |
e tō ġe·wealde%. / Dēm þū |
hīe |
tō dēaðe, || ġif þe ġe |
A.3.5 142 |
, || fæder wiþ dehter. / Hēt |
hīe |
þā swingan, || sūsle þrē |
A.3.5 158 |
end || wiþ hell-sċaðum.’ / |
Hīe |
þā þurh ierre || Affrīcan |
A.3.5 164 |
wlite, || folc eall ġeador. / |
hīe |
þā sē æðeling || ǣrest |
A.3.5 197 |
ðan, || būtan þū ǣr wiþ |
hīe |
/ ġe·þingie || and him þanc |
A.3.5 301 |
opne ġe·dwolan, || sæġde |
hīe |
drȳas wǣron. / Nēðde iċ ne |
A.3.5 336 |
ah || fundne weorðen, / þæt |
hīe |
ūsiċ binden || and on bǣl- |
A.3.5 477 |
an || blōde spēowdon, / þæt |
hīe |
fǣringa || feorh ā·lēton / |
A.3.5 482 |
me iċ rōde be·fealh, / þæt |
hīe |
hira drēorġe || on hēan g |
A.3.5 484 |
ġe·flite fremede, || þæt |
hīe |
fǣringa / ealde% æf·þancan |
A.3.5 487 |
de / wrōht of wǣġe, || þæt |
hīe |
on wīn-sele / þurh sweord-gr |
A.3.5 501 |
m iċ ealdor oþ·þrang, / and |
hīe |
ġe·lǣrde || þæt hīe luf |
A.3.5 501 |
and hīe ġe·lǣrde || þæt |
hīe |
lufan dryhtnes, / ēċe ēad-ġ |
A.3.5 599 |
nd his godu tǣlde, / þæs þe |
hīe |
ne meahton% || mæġene wiþ |
A.3.5 622 |
ċ tō meldan wearþ. / Lǣtaþ |
hīe |
lāðra || lēana hlēotan / þ |
A.3.5 636 |
nd tō ðǣre stōwe || ðǣr |
hīe |
stearc-ferhþe / þurh cumbol-h |
A.3.5 677 |
nd hine selfne mid, / ær·þon |
hīe |
tō lande || ġe·liden hæfd |
A.3.5 686 |
da% / wītedra wēnan, || þæt |
hīe |
on wīn-sele / ofer bēor-setle |
A.3.5 691 |
ene || tō mold-græfe, / þæt |
hīe |
hit ġe·brōhton || burgum o |
A.3.6 61 |
f || eall ġeondþenċe, / hū |
hīe |
færlīċe || flett of·ġēa |
A.3.7 99 |
e þæs mæġen-ēacen, / þæt |
hīe |
ǣfre ānum || ealle weorðen |
A.3.8 70 |
aþ wiht for þæt, || þēah |
hīe |
wamm dōn / ofer metodes be·bo |
A.3.9 84 |
| swelċe ġō wǣron, / þonne |
hīe |
mǣst mid him || mǣrþa ġe |
A.3.9 103 |
metodes eġesa, || for·þon |
hīe |
sēo molde on·ċierreþ; / sē |
A.4.1 15 |
| firen-þearfe on·ġeat / þe |
hīe |
ǣr druĝon || ealdor-lēase% |
A.4.1 28 |
r fēran || on frēan wǣre. / |
Hīe |
hine þā æt·bǣron || tō |
A.4.1 43 |
|| feorr ġe·wītan. / Nealles |
hīe |
hine lǣssum || lācum tēodo |
A.4.1 47 |
|| umbor-wesende. / Þā ġīet |
hīe |
him ā·setton || seġn gylde |
A.4.1 132 |
eġn-sorĝe drēah, / siþþan |
hīe |
þæs lāðan || lāst sċēa |
A.4.1 175 |
| tō ġe·fremmanne. / Hwīlum |
hīe |
ġe·hēton || æt hearh-traf |
A.4.1 180 |
undon / on mōd-sefan, || metod |
hīe |
ne cūðon, / dǣda dēmend, || |
A.4.1 181 |
, / dǣda dēmend, || ne wisson |
hīe |
drihten god, / ne hīe hūru he |
A.4.1 182 |
e wisson hīe drihten god, / ne |
hīe |
hūru heofona helm || herġan |
A.4.1 307 |
iĝon ætsamne, || oþ·þæt |
hīe |
sæl% timbred, / ġeatoliċ and |
A.4.1 313 |
a / torht ġe·tǣhte, || þæt |
hīe |
him tō meahton / ġeġnum gang |
A.4.1 323 |
īr / sang on searwum, || þā |
hīe |
tō sele furðum / on hira gryr |
A.4.1 364 |
meċġas / Bēowulf nemnaþ. || |
Hīe |
bēnan sint / þæt hīe, þēo |
A.4.1 365 |
þ. || Hīe bēnan sint / þæt |
hīe, |
þēoden min, || wiþ þē m |
A.4.1 368 |
, || glæd-mann Hrōð·gār. / |
Hīe |
on wiġ-ġe·tawum || wierðe |
A.4.1 388 |
ġe him ēac wordum || þæt |
hīe |
sint wil-cuman / Deniġa lēodu |
A.4.1 418 |
t iċ þē sōhte, / for·þon |
hīe |
mæġenes cræft || mīnne% c |
A.4.1 477 |
d, / wīġ-hēap ġe·wanod; || |
hīe |
wyrd for·swēop / on Grendles |
A.4.1 482 |
ǣġe || ōret-meċġas / þæt |
hīe |
on bēor-sele || bīdan woldo |
A.4.1 562 |
wā hit ġe·dēfe wæs. / Næs |
hīe |
ðǣre fylle || ġe·fêan h |
A.4.1 563 |
, / mān-for·dǣdlan, || þæt |
hīe |
mē þǣĝon, / simble ymb·sǣ |
A.4.1 648 |
hilde ġe·þinġed, / siþþan |
hīe |
sunnan lēoht || ġe·sēon n |
A.4.1 694 |
ðǣr hē ā·fēded wæs; / ac |
hīe |
hæfdon ġe·frugnen || þæt |
A.4.1 694 |
hæfdon ġe·frugnen || þæt |
hīe |
ǣr tō fela miċeles / on þǣ |
A.4.1 698 |
/ frōfor and fultum, || þæt |
hīe |
fēond hira / þurh ānes cræf |
A.4.1 706 |
Þæt wæs ieldum cūþ / þæt |
hīe |
ne mōste, || þā metod nold |
A.4.1 797 |
n, / mǣres þēodnes, || ðǣr |
hīe |
meahton swā. / Hīe þæt ne w |
A.4.1 798 |
, || ðǣr hīe meahton swā. / |
Hīe |
þæt ne wisson, || þā hīe |
A.4.1 798 |
Hīe þæt ne wisson, || þā |
hīe |
ġe·winn druĝon, / heard-hyċ |
A.4.1 831 |
bētte, / inwitt-sorĝe, || þe |
hīe |
ǣr druĝon / and for þrēa-n |
A.4.1 862 |
ndra, || rīċes wierðra. / Ne |
hīe |
hūru wine-drihten || wiht ne |
A.4.1 881 |
olde, / êam his nefan, || swā |
hīe |
ā wǣron / æt nīða ġe·hw |
A.4.1 937 |
āra þe ne wēndon || þæt |
hīe |
wīde-ferhþ / lēoda land-ġe |
A.4.1 1048 |
mēarum and māðmum, || swā |
hīe |
nǣfre man liehþ, / sē þe se |
A.4.1 1068 |
de / be Finnes eaforum, || þā |
hīe |
sē fǣr be·ġeat, / hæleþ H |
A.4.1 1074 |
n%, / bearnum and brōðrum; || |
hīe |
on ġe·byrd hruron, / gāre wu |
A.4.1 1085 |
ngan / þēodnes þeġna; || ac |
hīe |
him ġe·þingu budon, / þæt |
A.4.1 1086 |
him ġe·þingu budon, / þæt |
hīe |
him ōðer flett || eall ġe |
A.4.1 1087 |
alle and hēah-setl, || þæt |
hīe |
healfre ġe·weald / wiþ Ēotn |
A.4.1 1095 |
r-sele || bieldan wolde. / Þā |
hīe |
ġe·trūwodon || on twā hea |
A.4.1 1102 |
|| ǣfre ġe·mǣnden / þēah |
hīe |
hira bēaĝ-ġiefan || banan |
A.4.1 1156 |
ld || eorþ-cininges, / swelċe |
hīe |
æt Finnes hām || findan mea |
A.4.1 1157 |
hton / siġla, searu-ġimma. || |
Hīe |
on sǣ-lāde / dryhtliċe wīf |
A.4.1 1238 |
eardode / unrīm eorla, || swā |
hīe |
oft ǣr dydon. / Benċ-þelu be |
A.4.1 1247 |
ċ. || Wæs þēaw hira / þæt |
hīe |
oft wǣron || ān-wīġ-ġear |
A.4.1 1305 |
þæt ġe·wrixle til, / þæt |
hīe |
on bā healfa || byċġan sċ |
A.4.1 1347 |
de, || seċġan hīerde / þæt |
hīe |
ġe·sāwon || swelċe twēġ |
A.4.1 1350 |
Þāra ōðer wæs, / þæs þe |
hīe |
ġe·wisslicost || ġe·witan |
A.4.1 1355 |
nemdon% / fold-būende. || Nā |
hīe |
fæder cunnon, / hwæðer him |
A.4.1 1357 |
ā·cenned / diernra gasta. || |
Hīe |
dīeĝol land / wariaþ, wulf-h |
A.4.1 1430 |
de, / wyrmas and wild-dēor; || |
hīe |
on weġ hruron, / bitere and ġ |
A.4.1 1596 |
|| on·ġeador sprǣcon / þæt |
hīe |
þæs æðelinges || eft ne w |
A.4.1 1604 |
iston and ne wēndon || þæt |
hīe |
hira wine-drihten / selfne ġe |
A.4.1 1628 |
odnes ġe·fǣĝon, / þæs þe |
hīe |
hine ġe·sundne || ġe·sêo |
A.4.1 1770 |
a / wēold under wolcnum || and |
hīe |
wīġe be·lēac / maniĝum mǣ |
A.4.1 1858 |
estan, / inwitt-nīðas, || þe |
hīe |
ǣr druĝon, / wesan, þenden i |
A.4.1 1875 |
m, || ōðres swīðor, / þæt |
hīe% |
siþþan% nā% || ġe·sêon |
A.4.1 1911 |
|| ofer brim-strēamas, / þæt |
hīe |
Ġēata clifu || on·ġietan |
A.4.1 1966 |
ān, / siġel sūðan fūs. || |
Hīe |
sīþ druĝon, / elne ġe·ēod |
A.4.1 2038 |
Beardna% ġe·strēon / þenden |
hīe |
þǣm wǣpnum || wealdan mōs |
A.4.1 2039 |
| wealdan mōston, / oþ·þæt |
hīe |
for·lǣddan || tō þǣm lin |
A.4.1 2124 |
|| feorh uð-genġe. / Nāðer |
hīe |
hine ne mōston, || siþþan |
A.4.1 2233 |
e% || ǣr-ġe·strēona, / swā |
hīe |
on ġār-daĝum || gumena nā |
A.4.1 2236 |
de, / dīere māðmas. || Ealle |
hīe |
dēaþ for·nam / ǣrrum mǣlum |
A.4.1 2381 |
|| suna Ōht·heres; / hæfdon |
hīe |
for·healden || helm Sċielfi |
A.4.1 2592 |
on / þæt þā āĝlæċan || |
hīe |
eft ġe·mētton. / Hierte hine |
A.4.1 2598 |
·stōdon / hilde-cystum, || ac |
hīe |
on holt buĝon, / ealdre burgon |
A.4.1 2630 |
% sē wyrm on·fand, / siþþan |
hīe |
tō·gædere || ġe·gān hæ |
A.4.1 2707 |
don || feorh ellen wræc, / and |
hīe |
hine þā bēġen || ā·brot |
A.4.1 2850 |
htnes || miċelan þearfe, / ac |
hīe |
sċamiende || sċieldas bǣro |
A.4.1 2934 |
orh-ġe·nīðlan, / Oþ·þæt |
hīe |
oþ·ēodon || earfoðlīċe / |
A.4.1 2943 |
|| samod ǣr-dæġe, / siþþan |
hīe |
Hyġe·lāces || horn and bī |
A.4.1 2984 |
him ġe·rȳmed wearþ / þæt |
hīe |
wæl-stōwe || wealdan mōsto |
A.4.1 2996 |
middan-ġearde, || siþþan% |
hīe |
þā mǣrþa ġe·slōĝon, / a |
A.4.1 3002 |
|| Swēona lēoda, / siþþan |
hīe |
ġe·friċġaþ || frēan ūs |
A.4.1 3038 |
wundₒr-dēaðe swealt. / Ǣr |
hīe |
ðǣr ġe·sāwon || seldlicr |
A.4.1 3049 |
ōmġe, þurh·etenu, || swā |
hīe |
wiþ eorðan fæðm / þūsend |
A.4.1 3112 |
ĝum / bold-āĝendra, || þæt |
hīe |
bǣl-wudu / feorran fereden, || |
A.4.1 3130 |
n; || lȳt ǣniġ mearn / þæt |
hīe |
ofostlīċe% || ūt ġe·fere |
A.4.1 3163 |
notere menn || findan mihton. / |
Hīe |
on beorh dydon || bēah and s |
A.4.2 4 |
īehstan dēman, || þæt hē |
hīe |
wiþ þæs hīehstan brōĝan |
A.4.2 10 |
e þā ieldestan þeġnas; || |
hīe |
þæt ofostum miċelum / ræfnd |
A.4.2 15 |
īenu, || ǣrest ġe·sōhte. / |
Hīe |
þā tō þǣm simble || sitt |
A.4.2 19 |
cas / fulle flett-sittendum; || |
hīe |
þæt fǣġe þǣĝon, / rōfe |
A.4.2 27 |
eahhe / benċ-sittende || þæt |
hīe |
ġe·bǣrden wēl. / Swā sē i |
A.4.2 30 |
sinċes brytta, || oþ·þæt |
hīe |
on swīman lǣĝon, / ofer·dre |
A.4.2 31 |
is duĝuþe ealle, || swelċe |
hīe |
wǣron dēaðe ġe·slæġene |
A.4.2 37 |
ste, / hringum ġe·hrodene. || |
Hīe |
hræðe fremedon, / ambiht-sċe |
A.4.2 40 |
þǣm ġiest-ærne, || ðǣr |
hīe |
Iudithe / fundon ferhð-glēawe |
A.4.2 54 |
ca tō rūne ġe·ġangan. || |
Hīe |
þā on ræste ġe·brōhton / |
A.4.2 94 |
te on hreðere mīnum.’ || |
Hīe |
þā sē hīehsta dēma / ǣdre |
A.4.2 134 |
|| ellen-þrīste, / oþ·þæt |
hīe% |
be·cōmon, || collen-ferhþe |
A.4.2 136 |
|| ūt of þǣm herġe, / þæt |
hīe |
sweotollīċe || ġe·sêon m |
A.4.2 138 |
eallas blīcan, / Bethuliam. || |
Hīe |
þā bēah-hrodene / fēðe-lā |
A.4.2 140 |
lāste || forþ ōnetton, / oþ |
hīe |
glæd-mōde || ġe·gān hæf |
A.4.2 150 |
hire tō·ġēanes gān, / and |
hīe |
ofostlīċe || inn for·lǣto |
A.4.2 160 |
e || burh-sittende, / siþþan |
hīe |
ġe·hīerdon || hū sēo hā |
A.4.2 168 |
|| mōd ā·rēted, / siþþan |
hīe |
on·ġēaton || þæt wæs Iu |
A.4.2 170 |
ðle || and þā ofostlīċe / |
hīe |
mid ēað-mēdum || inn for· |
A.4.2 220 |
don / tō þǣm fyrd-wīcum. || |
Hīe |
þā framlīċe / lēton forþ |
A.4.2 235 |
rīċne%, / cwicra manna || þe |
hīe |
ofer·cuman meahton. / Swā þ |
A.4.2 241 |
īewdon / weras Ebreisċe. || |
Hīe |
wordum þæt / þǣm ieldestum |
A.4.2 269 |
bielde, / sweorcend-ferhþe. || |
Hīe |
þā samod ealle / on·gunnon c |
A.4.2 289 |
hēafdod healdend ūre.’ || |
Hīe |
þā hrēowiġ-mōde / wurpon h |
A.4.2 301 |
ultum, || frēa eall-mehtiġ. / |
Hīe |
þā framlīċe || fāĝum sw |
A.4.2 321 |
ende / sweordum ā·swefede. || |
Hīe |
on swæðe reston, / þā þe h |
A.4.2 334 |
lāre, / mæġeþ mōdiġre. || |
Hīe |
tō mēde hire / of þǣm sīþ |
A.4.2 340 |
aĝa and beorhtra mādma, || |
hīe |
þæt ðǣre beorhtan idese / |
The Paris Psalter 101:3 4 |
æs þe mē þynceþ, / swelċe |
hīe |
on cōcer-pannan || cōcas ġ |
The Paris Psalter 101:6 3 |
ton, / and þā mē heredon; || |
hīe |
mē hræðe aefter / full swī |
The Paris Psalter 101:23 3 |
|| wǣdum anlīċe, / and þū |
hīe% |
on·wendest, || swā man wri |
The Paris Psalter 101:23 4 |
swā man wriġels dēþ, / and |
hīe |
bēoþ tō weorolde || wended |
The Paris Psalter 102:20 3 |
þe þæt þenċe nū, / þæt |
hīe |
his willan || wyrċan ġeorne |
The Paris Psalter 103:9 4 |
|| standaþ fæste; / ne maĝon |
hīe |
ofer ġe·mǣre || māre ġe |
The Paris Psalter 103:9 5 |
e || māre ġe·gangan, / þæt |
hīe |
þisse eorðan || āwiht habb |
The Paris Psalter 103:13 2 |
test ā·lǣdan, || on þǣm |
hīe |
līf healdaþ; / wyrta þū ġe |
The Paris Psalter 103:21 2 |
n up cumeþ || æðele sunne, / |
hīe |
of sīðum eft || ġe·samnia |
The Paris Psalter 103:21 3 |
ðum eft || ġe·samniaþ / and |
hīe |
on hōlum || hȳdaþ hīe ġe |
The Paris Psalter 103:21 3 |
and hīe on hōlum || hȳdaþ |
hīe |
ġeorne. / / # / Mæġen-weorc on |
The Paris Psalter 103:26 3 |
an || hand on·tȳnan, / ealle |
hīe |
ġe·fyllan || fæġere gōde |
The Paris Psalter 103:27 2 |
|| ǣfre ā·wendest, / þonne |
hīe |
ġe·drēfde || dēope weorð |
The Paris Psalter 103:30 2 |
orðan || ealle locaþ, / dēþ |
hīe |
for his eġesan || ealle bifi |
The Paris Psalter 103:30 4 |
is meahte || muntas hrīneþ, / |
hīe |
full recene || rēocaþ sōna |
The Paris Psalter 104:23 1 |
ġe·ċēas. / / # / Hē sette on |
hīe |
selfe || sōðne wīsdōm / wor |
The Paris Psalter 104:23 3 |
na / and fore-bēacna, || þæt |
hīe |
framlīċe / cȳðdon cnēo-mā |
The Paris Psalter 104:23 5 |
|| cystum gōdum, / oþ·þæt |
hīe |
ġe·fōron || folc Khananea. |
The Paris Psalter 104:24 1 |
ron || folc Khananea. / / # / Hē |
hīe |
mid þīestrum on·gann || þ |
The Paris Psalter 104:24 2 |
rēan æt frymþe, / for·þon |
hīe |
word hira || wēl ne on·cnē |
The Paris Psalter 104:32 2 |
seolfre / ġe·weorðode || and |
hīe |
wīslīċe / lēofe lǣde; || n |
The Paris Psalter 104:33 2 |
s || aefter blīðe, / siþþan |
hīe |
on fore || folc sċēawodon, / |
The Paris Psalter 104:34 1 |
|| angrisliċ stōd. / / # / Hē |
hīe |
wolcne be·wrēah, || wrāðu |
The Paris Psalter 104:35 1 |
foran wīsian. / / # / Flæsċes |
hīe |
bǣdon, || fuĝolas cōmon, / o |
The Paris Psalter 104:35 3 |
ġe || ganotas flēoĝan, / and |
hīe |
heofon-hlāfe || hālġe ġe |
The Paris Psalter 104:36 3 |
ā him ġe·wǣtan fōt, / þā |
hīe |
on Iordane || gengdon% aefter |
The Paris Psalter 104:39 3 |
ne ǣht || ōðre þēode / and |
hīe |
folca ġe·winn || fremdra ġ |
The Paris Psalter 104:40 1 |
remdra ġe·sǣton. / / # / Þǣr |
hīe |
hēoldan% || hālġe dōmas / a |
The Paris Psalter 105:7 4 |
, || wunder unlȳtel; / nēaron |
hīe |
ġe·myndġe || miltsa þīnr |
The Paris Psalter 105:8 1 |
þe || maniġe cȳðdest. / / # / |
Hīe |
bismrodon, || þā hīe on br |
The Paris Psalter 105:8 1 |
. / / # / Hīe bismrodon, || þā |
hīe |
on brād wæter / on þone rēa |
The Paris Psalter 105:8 3 |
|| randas bǣron, / ðǣr þū |
hīe |
ā·līesdest, || līfes eald |
The Paris Psalter 105:8 4 |
esdest, || līfes ealdor, / and |
hīe |
ġe·neredest || on naman þ |
The Paris Psalter 105:9 3 |
| þā wāroþas drīġe, / and |
hīe |
be·twēonum wætera || weall |
The Paris Psalter 105:9 4 |
tera || weallas lǣdest, / swā |
hīe |
on wēstenne || wǣron on dry |
The Paris Psalter 105:10 1 |
| wǣron on dryĝum. / / # / Swā |
hīe |
ā·līesde || līfes ealdor / |
The Paris Psalter 105:11 1 |
ān spell-boda. / / # / Siþþan |
hīe |
his wordon || wēl ġe·līef |
The Paris Psalter 105:11 4 |
on, / weorca wræclicra; || nā |
hīe |
wēl siþþan / his ġe·eahtun |
The Paris Psalter 105:12 1 |
unge || āhwǣr hēoldan. / / # / |
Hīe |
on wēstenne || wrāðe on·g |
The Paris Psalter 105:14 1 |
ō ġe·nihte. / / # / On·gunnon |
hīe |
on þǣm wīcum || wrāðe sw |
The Paris Psalter 105:17 1 |
|| snēome for·bærnde. / / # / |
Hīe |
on Choreb swelċe || ċealf o |
The Paris Psalter 105:18 1 |
|| hīeġ-etendes. / / # / Godes |
hīe |
for·ġēaton, || þe hīe of |
The Paris Psalter 105:18 1 |
es hīe for·ġēaton, || þe |
hīe |
of gramra ǣr / fēonda folmum |
The Paris Psalter 105:19 1 |
on þǣmrēadan sǣ. / / # / Þā |
hīe |
wolde tō·weorpan || wuldres |
The Paris Psalter 105:19 5 |
|| of ā·ċierde, / þæt hē |
hīe |
ne tō·wurpe || ġond wer-þ |
The Paris Psalter 105:20 1 |
|| ġond wer-þēoda. / / # / Ne% |
hīe |
for āwiht || eorðan cyste / |
The Paris Psalter 105:20 4 |
ac || woldan ġe·līefan; / ac |
hīe |
grānodon || and grame sprǣc |
The Paris Psalter 105:21 1 |
Hē his handa ā·hōf || and |
hīe |
hræðe wolde / on þǣmwēsten |
The Paris Psalter 105:22 1 |
n || sendan on wīd-land. / / # / |
Hīe |
Belpheġor || bǣdon āre, / ǣ |
The Paris Psalter 105:23 1 |
t ġe·dēfe ne wæs. / / # / And |
hīe |
bismrodon || bealde drihten / o |
The Paris Psalter 105:24 1 |
| on hryre ġe·fremedon. / / # / |
Hīe |
þæs fēond-ǣtes || Finees |
The Paris Psalter 105:25 1 |
and on cnēo-risse. / / # / Ēac |
hīe |
ġe·fremedon || ōðer bisme |
The Paris Psalter 105:25 2 |
medon || ōðer bismer, / ðǣr |
hīe |
wiðer-cwide || wæteres hæf |
The Paris Psalter 105:26 1 |
sne ġe·tǣċan. / / # / Noldon |
hīe |
tō·weorpan || wrāðe þēo |
The Paris Psalter 105:26 3 |
hten ǣr || dēma sæġde, / ac |
hīe |
wiþ mānfullum || mengdan% |
The Paris Psalter 105:27 5 |
ġe || ealle wǣron, / siþþan |
hīe |
ġe·curon || Chananea god. / / |
The Paris Psalter 105:29 1 |
|| mis-dǣdum% fāh. / / # / Eall |
hīe |
for·hēoldon || hēah-weorc |
The Paris Psalter 105:30 1 |
|| eall for·hoĝode. / / # / Hē |
hīe |
on hand-ġe·weald || hǣðnu |
The Paris Psalter 105:31 3 |
heandum || hīenþe þolodon; / |
hīe |
ā·līesde oft || līfes eal |
The Paris Psalter 105:32 1 |
sde oft || līfes ealdor. / / # / |
Hīe |
hine on ġe·þeahte || oft |
The Paris Psalter 105:34 2 |
/ hrēaw hine sōna, || þonne |
hīe |
hīenþa druĝon, / aefter his |
The Paris Psalter 105:35 2 |
sealde || sōna miltse, / ðǣr |
hīe |
inn ġe·sāwon || ealle æt |
The Paris Psalter 106:2 1 |
ċġe þæt nū-þā || þæt |
hīe |
selfa god / ā·līesde, līfes |
The Paris Psalter 106:2 3 |
ard, || lāðum of handa, / and |
hīe |
of sīd-folcum || ġe·samnod |
The Paris Psalter 106:3 5 |
e weġ || cūðne mittan, / þe |
hīe |
eardunge || inn ġe·naman. / / |
The Paris Psalter 106:4 1 |
|| inn ġe·naman. / / # / Hæfde |
hīe |
hungor and þurst || heard ġ |
The Paris Psalter 106:5 1 |
|| feorh ā·þolode. / / # / And |
hīe |
þā on ðǣre costunge || cl |
The Paris Psalter 106:5 2 |
lipodon tō drihtne%, / and hē |
hīe |
of þǣm earfoþum || eallum |
The Paris Psalter 106:6 1 |
um || eallum ā·līesde. / / # / |
Hīe |
þā ġe·lǣde || līfes eal |
The Paris Psalter 106:6 2 |
lǣde || līfes ealdor, / ðǣr |
hīe |
on rihtne weġ || recene ēod |
The Paris Psalter 106:6 3 |
|| recene ēodon, / oþ·þæt |
hīe |
cūðlīċe || inn be·cōmon |
The Paris Psalter 106:7 1 |
eardung-stōwe. / / # / For·þon |
hīe% |
mild-heortnesse || mihtĝan d |
The Paris Psalter 106:10 1 |
and on īserne. / / # / For·þon |
hīe |
dydon || dryhtnes sprǣċe / ǣ |
The Paris Psalter 106:12 1 |
n foldan || fultum ǣnne. / / # / |
Hīe |
on costunge || clipodon tō d |
The Paris Psalter 106:12 2 |
clipodon tō drihtne, / and hē |
hīe |
of þǣm earfoþum || eallum |
The Paris Psalter 106:13 1 |
llum ā·līesde. / / # / And hē |
hīe |
of þǣm þīestrum || þon |
The Paris Psalter 106:14 1 |
bitere snēome. / / # / For·þon |
hīe |
mild-heort mōd || mihtĝan d |
The Paris Psalter 106:16 1 |
| ana ġe·bīeġeþ. / / # / Hē |
hīe |
of unrihtum || ealle swelċe / |
The Paris Psalter 106:16 3 |
e || wīs ā·lǣdeþ, / ðǣr |
hīe |
wǣron on wō || ǣr wrāðe |
The Paris Psalter 106:17 1 |
ǣr wrāðe be·smitene. / / # / |
Hīe |
on·hȳsċton || ǣġhwelcne |
The Paris Psalter 106:17 3 |
n hira, || oþ unmihte, / þæt |
hīe |
wiþ dēaða duru || drencede |
The Paris Psalter 106:18 1 |
|| drencede wǣron. / / # / Þā |
hīe |
on costunge || clipodon tō d |
The Paris Psalter 106:18 2 |
clipodon tō drihtne, / and hē |
hīe |
of þǣm earfoþum || eallum |
The Paris Psalter 106:19 2 |
| word on·sende, / þurh þæt |
hīe |
hrǣdlīċe || hǣlde wǣron / |
The Paris Psalter 106:20 1 |
on ġe·nerede. / / # / For·þon |
hīe |
nū andetten || ēċum drihtn |
The Paris Psalter 106:21 1 |
nder || ofer manna bearn. / / # / |
Hīe |
him sċulon lāces lof || lus |
The Paris Psalter 106:23 1 |
|| on wæter-þrȳðum. / / # / |
Hīe |
dryhtnes weorc || dēaĝol ġ |
The Paris Psalter 106:27 1 |
|| yfele for·glendred%. / / # / |
Hīe |
on costunge || clipodon tō d |
The Paris Psalter 106:27 2 |
clipodon tō drihtne, / and hē |
hīe |
of earfeþum || eallum ā·l |
The Paris Psalter 106:29 1 |
e brimu wēðaþ. / / # / And hē |
hīe |
on hǣlu || hȳðe ġe·lǣde |
The Paris Psalter 106:29 3 |
lan || wiste fyrmest, / and hē |
hīe |
of earfoþum || eallum ā·l |
The Paris Psalter 106:30 1 |
um || eallum ā·līesde. / / # / |
Hīe |
andetton || ealle drihtne, / h |
The Paris Psalter 106:35 3 |
on || swelċe ċeastre, / ðǣr |
hīe |
eard nāmon || āwa siþþan. |
The Paris Psalter 106:36 1 |
nāmon || āwa siþþan. / / # / |
Hīe |
wīn-ġeardas || wyrċan on· |
The Paris Psalter 106:37 1 |
/ # / Þā hē blētsode || and |
hīe |
brāde þā / wēoxan wierðlī |
The Paris Psalter 106:38 1 |
a || nan ġe·yfelod. / / # / Oft |
hīe |
fēa wurdan || fēondum ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 106:38 3 |
er, / sāres and yfeles, || þe |
hīe |
siþþan be·ġeat. / / # / Siþ |
The Paris Psalter 106:39 1 |
þan be·ġeat. / / # / Siþþan |
hīe |
for·hoġodon || hālġe% lā |
The Paris Psalter 106:40 2 |
rfendra || þā miltsode, / and |
hīe |
of wǣdle || wēan ā·līesd |
The Paris Psalter 108:2 1 |
a mūðas || inn gānian. / / # / |
Hīe |
þā inwitt fela || īewdon o |
The Paris Psalter 108:3 1 |
nga || unġemete swīðe. / / # / |
Hīe |
mē wiþ lufan || lāðum dǣ |
The Paris Psalter 108:4 1 |
æd || unġemete ġeorne. / / # / |
Hīe |
mē yfel setton || ā wiþ g |
The Paris Psalter 108:10 3 |
rpe || earme þearfan, / þonne |
hīe |
tō his hūse || hlēowes wil |
The Paris Psalter 108:15 1 |
r || māne fremede. / / # / Wesan |
hīe |
wiþ drihtne || dǣdum swelċ |
The Paris Psalter 108:24 1 |
wā sē gærs-hoppa. / / # / Swā |
hīe |
mē ġe·sāwon, || sōna hī |
The Paris Psalter 108:24 1 |
īe mē ġe·sāwon, || sōna |
hīe |
waĝodon, / hrērdon hira hēaf |
The Paris Psalter 108:25 1 |
|| mild-heortnesse. / / # / Þæt |
hīe |
sōþ witen, || þæt sīe þ |
The Paris Psalter 108:26 1 |
nryhte || ǣnġe styrian, / and |
hīe |
ðǣr sċeande || selfe āgon |
The Paris Psalter 110:6 3 |
him swelċe be·bēad, / þæt |
hīe |
on ēċnesse || ā siþþan / h |
The Paris Psalter 113:2 2 |
den || weorode Iūdēa, / þæt |
hīe |
hǣl ġe·hluton || hālġes |
The Paris Psalter 113:3 1 |
| and miċel rīċe. / / # / Swā |
hīe |
sǣ ġe·seah, || hē hīe sn |
The Paris Psalter 113:3 1 |
ā hīe sǣ ġe·seah, || hē |
hīe |
snēome flēah, / for him Iorda |
The Paris Psalter 113:15 1 |
wiht ġe·hīeran. / / # / Handa |
hīe |
habbaþ, || ne hīe% hwæðer |
The Paris Psalter 113:15 1 |
/ # / Handa hīe habbaþ, || ne |
hīe% |
hwæðere maĝon / ġe·ġrapia |
The Paris Psalter 113:16 1 |
fela gangan. / / # / Ne clipiaþ |
hīe |
care, || þēah þe hīe ċē |
The Paris Psalter 113:16 1 |
iaþ hīe care, || þēah þe |
hīe |
ċēolan habban, / ne him hlūt |
The Paris Psalter 113:18 3 |
ēaton / fǣlne fultum; || hē |
hīe |
wiþ fēondum ġe·hēold. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 113:20 2 |
weġen || eġesan dryhtnes, / |
hīe |
hiht hira || habban on drihte |
The Paris Psalter 114:8 2 |
e || selfa ġe·neredest, / and |
hīe |
of dēopum || dēaðe ġe·l |
The Paris Psalter 117:12 1 |
ġeorne ġe·hǣlde. / / # / Þā |
hīe |
mē ymb·sealdon || samod anl |
The Paris Psalter 118:24 2 |
rþ and ġe·trīewe, / and iċ |
hīe |
on mōde || metĝie ġeorne / a |
The Paris Psalter 118:36 1 |
bryċe hæbbe, / for·þon iċ |
hīe |
mid sōðe || simle wolde. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 118:46 3 |
ingum || cȳðan mōte, / ðǣr |
hīe |
ēaĝum || inn lōcian, / hū m |
The Paris Psalter 118:48 1 |
e mǣrne rǣd, / for·þon% iċ |
hīe |
on lufan mīnre || lange hæf |
The Paris Psalter 118:51 3 |
| unryht fremmaþ, / oþ·þæt |
hīe |
on eorðan || ealle for·weor |
The Paris Psalter 118:54 1 |
nfulra || fācen-dǣdum, / þā |
hīe |
ǣ þīne || ān-for·lēton. |
The Paris Psalter 118:87 2 |
mē || fæġere, drihten / / # / |
Hīe |
mē lȳtle lǣs || lāðe wol |
The Paris Psalter 118:144 1 |
ste, / ēac on mīnum mōde || |
hīe |
metĝode ġeorne. / / # / Is mē |
The Paris Psalter 118:150 3 |
ā synfullan; || sindon ealle |
hīe |
/ fram ǣ þīnre || unnēah% |
The Paris Psalter 118:152 3 |
līċe, || þæt þū ġearwe |
hīe |
/ on ēċnesse || ǣr staðolod |
The Paris Psalter 118:156 1 |
rr || fǣlre hǣlu; / for·þon |
hīe |
þīne sōþfæstnesse || sē |
The Paris Psalter 118:158 4 |
nd iċ þand wiþ þon || þe |
hīe |
tela noldon / þīnre sprǣċe |
The Paris Psalter 118:165 3 |
l || þe him þenċeþ, / þæt |
hīe |
naman þīnne || nīede lufie |
The Paris Psalter 119:6 1 |
be·ēode. / / # / Mid þǣm þe |
hīe |
sibbe || swīðost fēodon, / i |
The Paris Psalter 119:6 3 |
ēdlīċe tō || sprǣċe and |
hīe |
lǣrde, / þonne mē earwunga | |
The Paris Psalter 121:5 1 |
|| ǣġhwǣr habban. / / # / Oft |
hīe |
ðǣr on seldum || sǣton æt |
The Paris Psalter 123:2 2 |
on·ġinnaþ; / wēn is, þæt |
hīe |
ūs libbende || lungre willen |
The Paris Psalter 123:2 3 |
nēome for·swelĝan, || ġif |
hīe |
swā maĝon. / / # / Þonne ūs |
The Paris Psalter 123:3 3 |
ġe·nēahhe; / wēn is, þæt |
hīe |
ūs woldon || wætere ġelī |
The Paris Psalter 124:1 2 |
ira || dǣdum ġe·trīewaþ, / |
hīe |
bēoþ on Sionbeorĝe || swī |
The Paris Psalter 124:2 1 |
t biþ || on Hierusālem. / / # / |
Hīe |
sind mund-beorĝas || miċele |
The Paris Psalter 124:4 2 |
ste || swelċe lǣteþ, / þæt |
hīe |
tō unrihte || āhwǣr willen |
The Paris Psalter 124:5 2 |
oþ || tō gramum bendum, / eft |
hīe |
ġe·lǣdeþ || ēċe drihten |
The Paris Psalter 125:3 1 |
n || tela wynsume. / / # / Þonne |
hīe |
ġond þēode || cweðaþ þr |
The Paris Psalter 125:3 2 |
cweðaþ þrīste; / ǣġhwǣr |
hīe |
ġe·miċelode || mehtiġ dri |
The Paris Psalter 125:5 2 |
tornlicum || tēarum sāwaþ, / |
hīe |
eft fæġerum || ġe·fēan s |
The Paris Psalter 125:6 2 |
ira sċēafas beraþ, || swā |
hīe |
ġe·samnodon. |
The Paris Psalter 126:2 2 |
astre mid cynnum, || ne mæġ |
hīe |
cynlīċe / wæċċende% || wea |
The Paris Psalter 128:1 4 |
īend on ġuĝuþe, / ne mihton |
hīe |
āwiht æt mē || ǣfre ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 128:4 1 |
swīðost hæfdon. / / # / Wesen |
hīe |
hyġe || hēr ġe·līcost / þ |
The Paris Psalter 131:12 5 |
% ġe·witnesse, || þe% iċ |
hīe |
wēl lǣre. / / # / Þonne hira s |
The Paris Psalter 131:15 3 |
eard nime, || for·þon iċ |
hīe |
ǣr ġe·ċēas. / / # / His wide |
The Paris Psalter 132:1 3 |
n || bēġen hyċġen, / ðǣr |
hīe |
ǣnne sċylen || eard weardia |
The Paris Psalter 134:17 1 |
on. / / # / Ēaran habbaþ, || ne |
hīe |
āwiht maĝon / holdes ġe·hī |
The Paris Psalter 134:18 1 |
wiht ġe·stincaþ. / / # / Handa |
hīe |
habbaþ, || ne hīe hwæðere |
The Paris Psalter 134:18 1 |
/ # / Handa hīe habbaþ, || ne |
hīe |
hwæðere maĝon / ġe·grāpia |
The Paris Psalter 134:19 1 |
e maĝon fela% gangan. / / # / Ne |
hīe |
on hracan āwiht || hlūde ne |
The Paris Psalter 134:20 1 |
# / Sint anlīċe þǣm || þe |
hīe |
ǣr worhton, / and ealle þā |
The Paris Psalter 134:20 2 |
orhton, / and ealle þā þe on |
hīe |
|| ǣfre ġe·trīewaþ. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 136:7 2 |
nū oft cweðaþ: || ‘Wuton |
hīe |
īdle ġe·dōn, / oþ·þæt h |
The Paris Psalter 136:7 3 |
e īdle ġe·dōn, / oþ·þæt |
hīe |
hira || eard ġe·ċēosan. |
The Paris Psalter 137:5 2 |
ðan cyningas%, / for·þon þe |
hīe |
ġe·hīerdon || hlūde reord |
The Paris Psalter 138:11 2 |
wiþ lēohte, / for·þon þū |
hīe |
settest || swelċe, drihten; / |
The Paris Psalter 138:15 1 |
aĝas sindon trymede, || swā |
hīe |
drihten ġe·sċōp. / ne mæġ |
The Paris Psalter 138:16 1 |
ġe·strangod%. / / # / Ġif iċ |
hīe |
recene nū || rīman on·ġin |
The Paris Psalter 138:16 2 |
ene nū || rīman on·ġinne, / |
hīe |
bēoþ ofer sand-corn || snē |
The Paris Psalter 138:18 2 |
odon || þurh fācen god, / iċ |
hīe |
fēode nū || fæste mid nī |
The Paris Psalter 138:19 1 |
ne ġe·bolĝen. / / # / Swā iċ |
hīe |
mid rihte || recene fēoġe, / |
The Paris Psalter 138:19 2 |
|| recene fēoġe, / for·þon |
hīe |
mē fēondas || fǣcne wurdon |
The Paris Psalter 139:2 3 |
|| þurh hearme ġe·þōht, / |
hīe |
þæt tō ġe·feohte ġeorne |
The Paris Psalter 139:5 1 |
on hyġe þōhton, || þæt |
hīe |
ā·hielten mē / and mīnne ga |
The Paris Psalter 139:8 5 |
|| on līf-daĝum, / þȳ læs |
hīe |
ā·hafene ofer mē || hwīle |
The Paris Psalter 139:9 2 |
| hefiĝast ġe·winna, / þæt |
hīe |
mid welerum || ġe·worht hab |
The Paris Psalter 139:10 1 |
l || inn ġe·sittan. / / # / Eac |
hīe |
feallaþ || on fȳres glēde, |
The Paris Psalter 139:10 2 |
|| on fȳres glēde, / and þū |
hīe |
mid fȳre || fācnes ġe·hn |
The Paris Psalter 139:10 3 |
fācnes ġe·hnǣġest, / þæt |
hīe |
þǣm iermþum || ā ne wiþ |
The Paris Psalter 140:8 3 |
|| wēl līciendlīċe / sindon |
hīe |
æt strangum || stāne for·s |
The Paris Psalter 141:7 1 |
A·līes mē fram lāðum; || |
hīe |
mē lungre sint / ealle ofer m |
The Paris Psalter 142:4 1 |
elċe || ġe·lȳtlod is. / / # / |
Hīe |
mē on dīegle || deorce stō |
The Paris Psalter 143:6 2 |
·hrīn þissum muntum || and |
hīe |
hræðe rēocaþ. / / # / Þine l |
The Paris Psalter 143:7 2 |
aþ% and beorhtaþ%, / and þū |
hīe |
tō·weorpest || wīde aefter |
The Paris Psalter 143:7 4 |
|| strange swelċe, / and þū |
hīe |
ġe·drēfed hafast || dēope |
The Paris Psalter 143:9 3 |
|| simle ā·bisiĝod, / þæt |
hīe |
unryhtes% || elne tiliaþ. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 143:13 3 |
|| simle ā·bisiĝod, / þæt |
hīe |
unryhtes || āwa tilian. / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 143:16 2 |
æstme || fulle sindon, / þæt |
hīe |
rūmlīċe || rocettaþ swī |
The Paris Psalter 143:18 1 |
mete fætte. / / # / Ne hrēosaþ |
hīe |
tō hrūsan || hearde ġe·b |
The Paris Psalter 144:6 1 |
under || wīde mǣre. / / # / And |
hīe |
mæġen swelċe || mǣre and |
The Paris Psalter 144:11 1 |
an || hēr blētsien. / / # / And |
hīe |
þīne meahte || manna bearnu |
The Paris Psalter 144:17 1 |
est% þū þīne handa || and |
hīe |
hræðe fyllest, / ealra wihta |
The Paris Psalter 144:19 6 |
e || bealde ġe·hīereþ / and |
hīe |
hrǣdlīċe ġe·dēþ || hā |
The Paris Psalter 145:3 2 |
endeþ / on þā eorðan || þe |
hīe |
of cōmon; / of þǣm selfan d |
The Paris Psalter 145:3 4 |
lle þā ġe·þōhtas || þe |
hīe |
þōhton ǣr. / / # / þonne biþ |
The Paris Psalter 148:14 4 |
Israhela / fǣlum folce || and |
hīe |
forþ heonan / on his nēawiste |
The Paris Psalter 149:7 1 |
elċe on folmum. / / # / Mid þȳ |
hīe |
wrecan þenċaþ || wrāðum |
The Paris Psalter 149:8 1 |
e || þēodum ēawan. / / # / And |
hīe |
bindan || bealde þenċaþ / cy |
The Paris Psalter 53:5 2 |
e yfel || fēonda mīnra, / and |
hīe |
sōþfæst tō·weorp || siþ |
The Paris Psalter 54:13 1 |
nge || þīne% and mīne. / / # / |
Hīe |
ofer cume || unþinged dēaþ |
The Paris Psalter 54:18 1 |
æt% ġe·hīereþ god || and |
hīe |
ġe·hīeneþ ēac, / þe ǣr w |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 4 |
/ þā ġe·witnesse, || ðǣr |
hīe |
wōh fremedon; / for·þon hīe |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 5 |
hīe wōh fremedon; / for·þon |
hīe |
sint on ierre || ūt ā·dǣl |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 6 |
ierre || ūt ā·dǣlde%, / ne |
hīe |
selfe wēl || ġe·sēon ǣfr |
The Paris Psalter 54:20 1 |
tan || ġe·hyġde nēah. / / # / |
Hīe |
word hira || wēl ġe·smiere |
The Paris Psalter 56:8 2 |
|| swīðe on·bīeġdon. / / # / |
Hīe |
dēopne sēaþ || dulfon wīd |
The Paris Psalter 56:9 1 |
ēaĝum || inn lōcade, / and |
hīe |
on þone īlcan || eft ġe·f |
The Paris Psalter 57:3 2 |
le || fremde wurdon, / siþþan |
hīe |
on weorolde || wǣron ā·cen |
The Paris Psalter 57:4 3 |
aspide || ielde nemnaþ; / sēo |
hīe |
dēafe dēþ, || dytteþ hire |
The Paris Psalter 57:5 2 |
|| grame ġe·sċǣneþ, / þā |
hīe |
on mūðe || miċele habbaþ; |
The Paris Psalter 57:6 1 |
en || lungre drihten. / / # / Ac |
hīe |
for·weorðan || wætere ġe |
The Paris Psalter 57:7 3 |
swā hēo feallaþ on þæt; / |
hīe |
sunnan ne ġe·sēoþ || siþ |
The Paris Psalter 57:10 4 |
st weorc || simle lǣste;’ / |
hīe |
on eorðan god || ealle ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 58:6 1 |
unryht || elne wyrċaþ. / / # / |
Hīe |
æt ǣfne eft || inn ġe·ċi |
The Paris Psalter 58:6 2 |
|| inn ġe·ċierraþ, / þonne |
hīe |
heardne || hungor þoliaþ, / s |
The Paris Psalter 58:7 1 |
|| hwammas ċeastre. / / # / Efne |
hīe |
habbaþ on mūðe || milde sp |
The Paris Psalter 58:8 2 |
hira hyġe sēċeþ? / And þū |
hīe, |
drihten, dēst || dēope tō |
The Paris Psalter 58:10 3 |
| þe mē fela sindon; / ne dō |
hīe |
tō dēadan, || þȳ lǣs hī |
The Paris Psalter 58:10 3 |
īe tō dēadan, || þȳ lǣs |
hīe |
dollīċe / þīnre ǣ ġe·ban |
The Paris Psalter 58:11 1 |
ān·for·lǣton. / / # / Ac þū |
hīe |
wīde tō·drīf || þurh þ |
The Paris Psalter 58:11 2 |
h þīnes wordes mæġen, / and |
hīe |
wrāðe tō·weorp, || wealde |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 2 |
ield || mān-worda fela, / þā |
hīe |
mid welerum || wrāðe ā·sp |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 3 |
wrāðe ā·sprǣcon; / wǣron |
hīe |
on ofer·hyġde || ealle ġe |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 4 |
e || ealle ġe·sċende, / þā |
hīe |
on lyġe || lange feredon; / fo |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 5 |
e || lange feredon; / for·þon |
hīe |
on ende || ierre for·grīpe |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 6 |
de || ierre for·grīpeþ / and |
hīe |
siþþan ne bēoþ || samod |
The Paris Psalter 58:13 1 |
od æt·gædere. / / # / Siþþan |
hīe |
wīslīċe witon, || þætte |
The Paris Psalter 58:14 1 |
ac || eorðan ġe·mǣru. / / # / |
Hīe |
on ǣfenne || eft ġe·ċierr |
The Paris Psalter 58:15 1 |
|| hwammas ċeastre. / / # / Efne |
hīe |
tō ǣte || ūt ġe·wītaþ, |
The Paris Psalter 58:15 2 |
te || ūt ġe·wītaþ, / ðǣr |
hīe |
tō·wrecene || wīde hweorfa |
The Paris Psalter 58:15 3 |
cene || wīde hweorfaþ; / ġif |
hīe |
fulle ne bēoþ, || fela gnor |
The Paris Psalter 59:3 2 |
þīnum / heardra wīsan || and |
hīe |
hræðe aefter / mid wynsume || |
The Paris Psalter 59:4 3 |
īnne || elne healdaþ, / þæt |
hīe |
him ġe·beorĝen || boĝan a |
The Paris Psalter 62:9 1 |
le æt þearfe. / / # / For·þon |
hīe |
on īdel || ealle siþþan / s |
The Paris Psalter 62:9 4 |
u || ēodon ġe·nēahhe; / nū |
hīe |
wǣron ġe·seald || under sw |
The Paris Psalter 63:4 1 |
ȳ || sċotian þenċaþ. / / # / |
Hīe |
hine samnunga || sċearpum st |
The Paris Psalter 63:4 3 |
þ, || eġesan ne habbaþ, / ac |
hīe |
mid wrāðum || wordum trymma |
The Paris Psalter 63:5 1 |
ġe·sihþ ūsiċ? / / # / Swā |
hīe |
smēaĝaþ oft || swīðost u |
The Paris Psalter 63:5 3 |
|| eft% for·weorðaþ, / ðǣr |
hīe |
māmriaþ || mān and unryht. |
The Paris Psalter 63:8 1 |
alle sind ġe·drēfde || þe |
hīe |
inn sêoþ; / sċeall him manna |
The Paris Psalter 64:7 4 |
or-mǣtum || ȳða hlūde / and |
hīe |
unēaðe mæġ || ǣniġ ā· |
The Paris Psalter 64:14 1 |
e || weaxaþ ġe·swiru%. / / # / |
Hīe |
bēoþ ġe·ġierwede || gōd |
The Paris Psalter 64:14 4 |
weorðliċ on hwǣtum; / þonne |
hīe |
cynlīċe tō þē || clipia |
The Paris Psalter 66:4 3 |
ealde þēoda, / þæs þe þū |
hīe |
on rihtum || rǣdum dēmest / a |
The Paris Psalter 67:2 1 |
e hine fēodon ǣr. / / # / Rece% |
hīe |
ġe·līcost || recene ġe·t |
The Paris Psalter 67:3 1 |
þfæste || simble ēċe. / / # / |
Hīe |
ansīene || ēċan dryhtnes / h |
The Paris Psalter 67:14 1 |
|| beorhtan golde. / / # / Þonne |
hīe |
sē heofonlica cyning || hēr |
The Paris Psalter 67:14 2 |
hēr tō·sċādeþ, / siþþan |
hīe |
on Selmon || snāwe weorðaþ |
The Paris Psalter 68:7 4 |
m / eft ġe·timbrode, || ðǣr |
hīe |
eard nimaþ. / / # / Ne sċulon |
The Paris Psalter 68:12 1 |
e || fæsten ġe·sette, / eall |
hīe |
mē þæt on ed·wīt || eft |
The Paris Psalter 68:12 3 |
ġl / cȳme ċierde, || cwǣden |
hīe |
siþþan, / þæt iċ him wæfe |
The Paris Psalter 68:19 1 |
Be·heald mīne sāwle || and |
hīe |
hrǣdlīċe / ā·līes and wi |
The Paris Psalter 68:23 2 |
|| findan iċ ne meahte. / / # / |
Hīe |
mīnne mete || mengdon% wiþ |
The Paris Psalter 68:24 1 |
an || ēac ā·dimmod, / þæt |
hīe |
ġe·sēon ne maĝon || siþ |
The Paris Psalter 68:25 1 |
ed ēac. / / # / A·ġēot ofer% |
hīe |
|| þīn þæt grame ierre, / a |
The Paris Psalter 68:26 3 |
ġness ēac || ierres þīnes / |
hīe |
for·grīpe || gram-hiċġend |
The Paris Psalter 68:27 3 |
on·eardiendes. / / # / For·þon |
hīe |
ealra || ēhtan on·gunnon, / |
The Paris Psalter 68:28 3 |
te him þā unryht tō || þe |
hīe |
ġe·earnodon, / and mid unriht |
The Paris Psalter 68:29 2 |
ihte || ǣr ġe·worhton, / and |
hīe |
on þīn sōþfæst weorc || |
The Paris Psalter 68:29 3 |
siþþan ne gangan. / / # / Sīen |
hīe |
ā·dīlĝod || of ġe·dēfr |
The Paris Psalter 68:30 2 |
|| lēofra% bōcum; / ne wesen |
hīe |
mid sōþfæstum || siþþan |
The Paris Psalter 68:36 3 |
ā him sindon inn. / / # / Þǣr |
hīe |
ierfe-stōl || eft ġe·sitta |
The Paris Psalter 69:3 1 |
le || sōhton mid nīðe. / / # / |
Hīe |
on hinder-ling || hweorfaþ a |
The Paris Psalter 72:4 1 |
wīsliċ trymnes. / / # / Ne sind |
hīe |
on miċelum || manna ġe·win |
The Paris Psalter 72:4 2 |
lum || manna ġe·winnum, / and |
hīe |
mid manna ne bēoþ || mæġe |
The Paris Psalter 72:5 1 |
be·swungene%. / / # / For·þon |
hīe |
ofer-hygd nam || unġemete sw |
The Paris Psalter 72:6 3 |
e·lynde || lungre cōme, / and |
hīe |
on heortan || hoĝodon and þ |
The Paris Psalter 72:6 4 |
|| hoĝodon and þōhton, / hū |
hīe |
fyrmest || fācen and unryht / |
The Paris Psalter 72:7 1 |
ðost ā·cwǣdon. / / # / Hwæt, |
hīe |
on heofon setton || hyġe hir |
The Paris Psalter 72:8 2 |
|| fæġere hweorfeþ, / ðǣr |
hīe |
fulle daĝas || findaþ sōna |
The Paris Psalter 72:14 2 |
|| yfel be·fēole, / ā·wurpe |
hīe |
wrāðe, || þā hīe wēndan |
The Paris Psalter 72:14 2 |
·wurpe hīe wrāðe, || þā |
hīe |
wēndan% ǣr, / þæt hīe wǣr |
The Paris Psalter 72:14 3 |
þā hīe wēndan% ǣr, / þæt |
hīe |
wǣron ā·līesde, || lāðu |
The Paris Psalter 72:15 1 |
m wiþ-ferede. / / # / Nū sindon |
hīe |
ġe·wordene || wrāðe tō· |
The Paris Psalter 72:15 3 |
or·wurdon / for unrihte || þe |
hīe |
ǣr dydon, / swā fram slǣpe h |
The Paris Psalter 72:16 1 |
|| swǣrum ā·rīse. / / # / And |
hīe |
on byriġ dryhtnes || bealde |
The Paris Psalter 72:16 2 |
aþ / hira ansīene || and þū |
hīe |
ēaðe meaht / tō nāwihte || |
The Paris Psalter 73:4 2 |
sōðe ne on·ġēaton, / swā |
hīe |
on weġe || wyrċan sċoldon / |
The Paris Psalter 73:4 3 |
oldon / wunder-bēacen, || swā |
hīe |
on wudu dydon. / / # / Hīe mid |
The Paris Psalter 73:5 1 |
swā hīe on wudu dydon. / / # / |
Hīe |
mid æscum duru || elne curfa |
The Paris Psalter 73:5 3 |
ġum || tilodon ġeorne / þæt |
hīe |
mid adesan || ealle tō·wurp |
The Paris Psalter 73:6 1 |
| ealle tō·wurpan. / / # / Þā |
hīe |
þæt þīn fæġere hūs || |
The Paris Psalter 74:4 3 |
fremman / and ā·gyltan, þæt |
hīe |
|| ne gulpan þæs. / / # / Ne ā |
The Paris Psalter 75:4 5 |
hyġe || healdaþ mid dysġe; / |
hīe |
slǣp hira || swǣfon% unmurn |
The Paris Psalter 75:4 7 |
þe welan sōhton, / þæs þe |
hīe |
on heandum || hæfdan godes. / |
The Paris Psalter 77:4 1 |
|| ǣror sæġdon. / / # / Noldon |
hīe |
þā swīðe || hira% synna d |
The Paris Psalter 77:7 2 |
ad || fæderum ūssum, / þæt |
hīe |
hira bearnum || buden and sæ |
The Paris Psalter 77:9 1 |
eall ġe·seċġan. / / # / Þæt |
hīe |
glēawne hiht || tō gode hæ |
The Paris Psalter 77:10 1 |
eorne hēoldon. / / # / Ne wesen |
hīe |
on facne || fæderum ġe·lī |
The Paris Psalter 77:11 3 |
rǣle || bitere sendan, / þæs |
hīe |
on wīġes dæġe || wendon a |
The Paris Psalter 77:12 1 |
endon aefter. / / # / Ne hēoldon |
hīe |
|| hālĝan dryhtnes / ġe·wit |
The Paris Psalter 77:13 1 |
angan. / / # / Ealra god-dǣda || |
hīe |
for·ġieten hæfdon, / and þ |
The Paris Psalter 77:15 2 |
e ȳða / ġe·fæstnode || and |
hīe |
fōron þurh. / / # / Him wīsode |
The Paris Psalter 77:19 1 |
|| wætera þrȳðe. / / # / Þā |
hīe |
hira firene || furður ēhton |
The Paris Psalter 77:20 1 |
weard || holdne on lande. / / # / |
Hīe |
þā on heortan || hoĝodon t |
The Paris Psalter 77:24 1 |
Israhelas. / / # / For·þon þe |
hīe |
ne woldon || wordum dryhtnes / |
The Paris Psalter 77:29 3 |
sta || lifdon hwīle; / nēaron |
hīe |
be·sċierede || sċēattes w |
The Paris Psalter 77:30 1 |
attes willan. / / # / Þā ġīet |
hīe |
on mūðe || hira mete hæfdo |
The Paris Psalter 77:31 1 |
c for·wurdon. / / # / In% eallum |
hīe |
þissum || ēhton synne, / and |
The Paris Psalter 77:32 1 |
rum || wēl ġe·līefan. / / # / |
Hīe |
hira daĝena tīd || dǣdun% |
The Paris Psalter 77:33 1 |
ēac unnytte. / / # / Þonne hē% |
hīe |
sāre slōh, || þonne hīe s |
The Paris Psalter 77:33 1 |
% hīe sāre slōh, || þonne |
hīe |
sōhton hine, / and ǣr lēohte |
The Paris Psalter 77:34 1 |
| lustum cōmon. / / # / Siþþan |
hīe |
on·ġēaton, || þæt wæs g |
The Paris Psalter 77:35 1 |
god || hira ā·līesend. / / # / |
Hīe |
hine lufodon || lēase muðe, |
The Paris Psalter 77:36 2 |
hreðere || heorte clǣne, / ne |
hīe |
on ġe·witnesse || wīsne h |
The Paris Psalter 77:37 2 |
e / hira firen-dǣdum, || nolde |
hīe |
tō flīemum ġe·dōn. / / # / H |
The Paris Psalter 77:39 1 |
/ And hē ġe·munde || þæt |
hīe |
wǣran moldan and flǣsċ / gā |
The Paris Psalter 77:40 1 |
s sē ġēan-ċierr% eft. / / # / |
Hīe |
hine on wēstenne || wordum a |
The Paris Psalter 77:41 1 |
| oft būtan wætere. / / # / Oft |
hīe |
grimmlīċe || godes costodon |
The Paris Psalter 77:45 2 |
te, || hundes flēoĝan, / and |
hīe |
ǣton ēac || yfele toscan; / h |
The Paris Psalter 77:45 3 |
ēac || yfele toscan; / hæfdon |
hīe |
eallinga || ūt ā·worpen. / / |
The Paris Psalter 77:49 1 |
re. / / # / Hē ǣ·byliġðe% on |
hīe |
|| biter and ierre, / sārliċ |
The Paris Psalter 77:53 1 |
eĝas un·cūðe. / / # / And hē |
hīe |
on hyhte || holdre lǣde; / næ |
The Paris Psalter 77:54 1 |
|| ȳða for·nāmon. / / # / Hē |
hīe |
þā ġe·lǣde || on lēofre |
The Paris Psalter 77:55 3 |
sealde him wēste land, / þæt |
hīe |
mid tāne || ġe·tuĝon riht |
The Paris Psalter 77:56 2 |
ǣton / hrōres folces, || þā |
hīe |
hēanne god / ġe·bismerodon, |
The Paris Psalter 77:57 1 |
bodu / fæste healdan. || / / # / |
Hīe |
ā·wendon ā·weġ, || neall |
The Paris Psalter 77:58 1 |
endon and ċierdon. / / # / Swā% |
hīe% |
his% ierre% || oft% ā·weaht |
The Paris Psalter 77:58 2 |
% || oft% ā·weahton, / þonne |
hīe |
ofer-hydiġ || up ā·hōfon, |
The Paris Psalter 77:59 2 |
erde || hāliġ drihten, / hē |
hīe |
for·hoĝode || and hræðe s |
The Paris Psalter 77:61 1 |
m, || mehtiġ hæfde. / / # / Hē |
hīe |
þā on hæft-nīed || hēan |
The Paris Psalter 77:63 3 |
e be·grētte, || þēah þe |
hīe |
grame swulton. / / # / Wǣron sā |
The Paris Psalter 77:71 1 |
a || ierfe-lāfe. / / # / And hē |
hīe |
þonne būtan facne || fēde |
The Paris Psalter 77:71 2 |
n, / and his folmum siþþan || |
hīe% |
forþ% lǣdeþ. |
The Paris Psalter 78:2 3 |
-bearu || āne cytan; / swelċe |
hīe |
setton || swylt þīnum esnum |
The Paris Psalter 78:3 1 |
ċ || hundum and dēorum. / / # / |
Hīe |
þāra bearna blōd || on byr |
The Paris Psalter 78:7 1 |
ede ċīeġaþ. / / # / For·þon |
hīe |
Iacob || ġāra ǣton, / and hi |
The Paris Psalter 78:14 3 |
ang þā dēaða bearn || þe |
hīe |
dēmaþ nū. / / # / Ġield nū g |
The Paris Psalter 78:14 4 |
ld nū gram-hyġdgum, || swā |
hīe |
ġe·earnodon, / on sċēat hir |
The Paris Psalter 79:11 3 |
|| sealte ġe·brǣdest, / and |
hīe% |
tō% flōdas || forþ ā·wea |
The Paris Psalter 80:12 1 |
ealdan || holde mōde. / / # / Ac |
hīe |
libban hēt || lustum heorten |
The Paris Psalter 80:15 1 |
d || āwa tō fēore. / / # / Hē |
hīe |
fēde || mid fætre lynde, / hw |
The Paris Psalter 80:15 3 |
alde of stāne, || oþ·þæt |
hīe |
sæġde wǣron. / / # / Ġif þū |
The Paris Psalter 81:1 2 |
odum on ġe·maniġe, / and hē |
hīe |
on middle || mæġene tō·s |
The Paris Psalter 81:5 1 |
īesaþ. / / # / Nē on·ġēaton |
hīe |
|| nē ġeare wiston, / ac hīe |
The Paris Psalter 81:5 2 |
hīe || nē ġeare wiston, / ac |
hīe |
on þīestrum || þrāĝe ēo |
The Paris Psalter 82:3 1 |
þē || hōfon swīðe. / / # / |
Hīe |
on þīnum folce him || fāce |
The Paris Psalter 82:3 4 |
ahtunga || ealle hæfdon, / hū |
hīe |
þīne hālĝan || hēr yfelo |
The Paris Psalter 82:4 2 |
: || ‘Wuton cuman ealle / and |
hīe |
tō·wyrpan || ġond wer-þē |
The Paris Psalter 82:5 1 |
niġ nemne.’ / / # / For·þon |
hīe |
ān ġe·þeaht || ealle ymb- |
The Paris Psalter 82:9 5 |
n || ǣr ġe·cwǣdon, / þæt |
hīe |
hāliġnesse godes || hēr ġ |
The Paris Psalter 82:10 1 |
|| hēr ġe·setten. / / # / Sete |
hīe |
nū, min god, || samod anlī |
The Paris Psalter 82:11 1 |
gre mōr-hǣþ. / / # / Swā þū |
hīe |
on ierre || ēhtest and drēf |
The Paris Psalter 82:11 2 |
| ēhtest and drēfest, / þæt |
hīe |
on hrērnesse || hræþe for |
The Paris Psalter 82:12 2 |
īen || āwa sċeamie, / þonne |
hīe% |
naman þīnne || nīede sēċ |
The Paris Psalter 82:13 3 |
weorðþ ġe·drēfde, / þonne |
hīe |
naman þīnne || nīede sēċ |
The Paris Psalter 83:5 5 |
þisse sārĝan dene%, / ðǣr |
hīe |
tēara || tēonan cnyssaþ% / o |
The Paris Psalter 85:3 4 |
sāwle blīðe, / for·þon iċ |
hīe |
tō þē || hebbe ġe·neahhe |
The Paris Psalter 86:4 3 |
rþ || mann on innan, / and hē |
hīe |
þā hīehstan || hēr staðo |
The Paris Psalter 87:5 4 |
mynde || menn ne wēnon, / swā |
hīe |
sīen fram þīnre handa || h |
The Paris Psalter 87:6 1 |
da || hēane ā·drifene. / / # / |
Hīe |
mē ā·setton || on sēaþ h |
The Paris Psalter 87:10 2 |
er || wyrċaþ dēade, / oþþe |
hīe |
listum || lǣċas weċċan / an |
The Paris Psalter 87:10 3 |
istum || lǣċas weċċan / and |
hīe |
andettan þē || ealle siþþ |
The Paris Psalter 87:12 1 |
/ # / Cwīst þū, on·cnāwaþ |
hīe |
|| wundru þīne / on þǣm dim |
The Paris Psalter 87:17 1 |
n || bitere ġe·drēfde. / / # / |
Hīe |
mē ealne dæġ || ūtan ymb |
The Paris Psalter 88:3 7 |
te / full sēfte seld, || þæt |
hīe |
sǣten inn. / / # / Heofonas ande |
The Paris Psalter 88:8 3 |
|| ana ġe·stīeran, / þonne |
hīe |
on wǣġe || wind on·hrēre |
The Paris Psalter 88:11 3 |
t Hermon || on naman þīnum; / |
hīe |
mid strengþe ēac || up ā· |
The Paris Psalter 88:29 1 |
s || dǣdum healdan. / / # / Ġif |
hīe |
mīne rihtwīsnessa || fracu |
The Paris Psalter 88:29 2 |
|| fracuþe ġe·wemmaþ / and |
hīe |
mīne be·bodu || blīðe ne |
The Paris Psalter 89:5 1 |
ġe·gan wǣre; / / # / And swā |
hīe |
on niht hierdnesse || nīede |
The Paris Psalter 89:11 2 |
mannum ġe·weorðeþ, / þæt |
hīe |
hund-eahtatiġ || ielda ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 90:11 1 |
is englum be·bēad, || þæt |
hīe |
mid earmum þē / on hira heand |
The Paris Psalter 91:6 5 |
e || worhton ġeornost, / þæt |
hīe |
for·wordene || weorðen siþ |
The Paris Psalter 93:2 2 |
ield ofer·hyġdĝum, || swā |
hīe |
ǣr grame worhton. / / # / Hū la |
The Paris Psalter 93:4 1 |
tan || morðre ġielpaþ? / / # / |
Hīe |
oftost sprecaþ, || unnytt se |
The Paris Psalter 93:5 1 |
|| wyrċaþ unryht. / / # / Folc |
hīe |
þīn, drihten, || fǣcne ġe |
The Paris Psalter 93:10 2 |
/ eorð-būendra, || for·þon |
hīe |
īdle sint. / / # / Þæt biþ ē |
The Paris Psalter 93:18 3 |
·fæstnast || fācen sāres; / |
hīe |
sōþfæste || snēome ġe·h |
The Paris Psalter 93:20 2 |
tiġ / ealle þā unryht || þe |
hīe |
ġe·earnedon, / and on hira fa |
The Paris Psalter 94:9 5 |
se || cunnodon ġeorne, / ðǣr |
hīe |
cunnodon, || cūþ on·ġēat |
The Paris Psalter 94:10 4 |
d ēac swā on·cnēow, / þæt |
hīe |
on heortan || hyġe dysiĝodo |
The Paris Psalter 94:11 1 |
rtan || hyġe dysiĝodon. / / # / |
Hīe |
weĝas mīne || wihte ne on· |
The Paris Psalter 94:11 3 |
erre || āðe be·nemde, / ġif |
hīe |
on mīne ræste || recene ēo |
The Paris Psalter 95:7 4 |
dōn || ealle þēode, / þæt |
hīe |
naman dryhtnes || nīede her |
The Paris Psalter 98:7 1 |
man || nīede ċīeġdan. / / # / |
Hīe |
cȳmlīċe || ċīeġdon drih |
The Paris Psalter 98:7 2 |
| ċīeġdon drihten, / and hē |
hīe |
ġe·hīerde || holde mōde, / |
The Paris Psalter 98:8 1 |
|| þurh wolcnes swīer. / / # / |
Hīe |
þā ġe·witnesse || wēl ġ |
The Paris Psalter 98:9 1 |
ēad. / / # / Þū ġe·hīerdest |
hīe, |
|| hāliġ drihten, / and him, |
A.5.6.1 13 |
e·gangan, / lind-wīġende. || |
Hīe |
ġe·lǣston swā / efene fram |
A.5.6.1 27 |
nca || mōd mid Grēcum, / ġif |
hīe |
lēod-fruman || lǣstan dorst |
A.5.6.1 36 |
ē him fæste ġe·hēt / þæt |
hīe |
eald-rihta || ǣlċes mosten / |
A.5.6.1 62 |
sē cāsere eft / an-weald ofer |
hīe |
|| āĝan mōste. / Sende ǣren |
A.5.6.1 64 |
fordum / dēaĝollīċe || and |
hīe |
for drihtne bæd / ealdum trēo |
A.5.6.1 65 |
æd / ealdum trēowum, || þæt |
hīe |
æft tō him / cōmen on þā |
A.5.6.10 43 |
|| Wēlandes bān, / on hwelcum |
hīe% |
hlǣwa || hrūsan þeċċen? / |
A.5.6.10 52 |
, || þǣm wæs Cāton nama? / |
Hīe |
wǣron ġe·fyrn || forþ-ġe |
A.5.6.10 53 |
ne; / nāt nǣniġ man || hwǣr |
hīe |
nū sindon. / Hwæt is hira her |
A.5.6.10 61 |
|| ealle for·ġietene, / þæt |
hīe |
sē hlīsa || hīew-cūðe ne |
A.5.6.11 11 |
þā þæs āuht nyton / þæt |
hīe |
þæs þēodnes || þēowas s |
A.5.6.11 25 |
| and ēac ġe·toĝen, / þæt |
hīe |
ne mōten || ofer metodes ēs |
A.5.6.11 36 |
tan ymb·clyppeþ, / þȳ læs |
hīe |
tō·swīfen. || For·þǣm h |
A.5.6.11 36 |
e tō·swīfen. || For·þǣm |
hīe |
simle sċulon / þone īlcan r |
A.5.6.11 81 |
t || þā tō·slūpan, / sōna |
hīe |
for·lǣtaþ || lufan and sib |
A.5.6.11 94 |
|| fæste ġe·samnaþ, / þæt |
hīe |
hira frēondsċipe || forþ o |
A.5.6.12 32 |
/ ofer þā āne, || ġif þū |
hīe |
ealles on·ġietst. |
A.5.6.13 8 |
ed mid his racentan, || þæt |
hīe |
ā·redian ne maĝon / þæt h |
A.5.6.13 9 |
·redian ne maĝon / þæt hīe |
hīe |
ǣfre him || of ā·slēpen; / |
A.5.6.13 35 |
dōþ wudu-fuglas; || þēah |
hīe |
wēl sīen, / tela ā·temede, |
A.5.6.13 36 |
en, / tela ā·temede, || ġif |
hīe |
on trēowum weorðaþ / holte t |
A.5.6.13 38 |
ewene / hira lārēowas, || þe |
hīe |
lange ǣr / tȳdon and temedon. |
A.5.6.13 39 |
ge ǣr / tȳdon and temedon. || |
Hīe |
on trēowum wilde / eald-ġe·c |
A.5.6.13 43 |
/ þone īlcan mete || þe hē |
hīe |
ǣror mid / tame ġe·tēode. | |
A.5.6.13 45 |
aþ / emne swā myrġe || þæt |
hīe |
þæs metes ne recþ, / þyncþ |
A.5.6.13 47 |
m sē weald on·cwiþ; / þonne |
hīe |
ġe·hīeraþ || hlēoðrum b |
A.5.6.13 48 |
bræġdan / ōðre fuĝolas, || |
hīe |
hira āgne / stefne styrġaþ; |
A.5.6.15 10 |
ā þȳ sǣl wesan; || þēah |
hīe |
sume hwīle / ġe·cure būtan |
A.5.6.15 12 |
|| cyninga dyseĝast, / nēaron |
hīe |
þȳ wierðran || witena ǣn |
A.5.6.17 3 |
ende, || fruman ġe·līċne; / |
hīe |
of ānum twǣm || ealle cōmo |
A.5.6.17 5 |
fe, || on weorold innan, / and |
hīe |
ēac nū ġīet || ealle ġe |
A.5.6.19 14 |
ūende / þancol-mōde || þæt |
hīe |
ðǣr ne sint. / Hwæðer ġē |
A.5.6.19 24 |
and hīewa ġe·hwæs. / Hwæt, |
hīe |
ēac witon || hwǣr hīe ēa- |
A.5.6.19 24 |
æt, hīe ēac witon || hwǣr |
hīe |
ēa-fiscas / sēċan þurfan || |
A.5.6.19 26 |
elcra fela / weorold-welena; || |
hīe |
þæt wēl dōþ, / ġeornfulle |
A.5.6.19 30 |
e, / efene swā blinde || þæt |
hīe |
on brēostum ne maĝon / ēaðe |
A.5.6.19 33 |
sindon ġe·hȳda. / For·þǣm |
hīe |
ǣfre ne list || aefter spyri |
A.5.6.19 35 |
a. || Wēnaþ samwīse / þæt |
hīe |
on þis lǣnan mæġen || lī |
A.5.6.19 41 |
seċġan ne mæġ, / for·þǣm |
hīe% |
sint earmran || and ēac dyse |
A.5.6.19 43 |
onne iċ þe seċġan mæġe. / |
Hīe |
wilniaþ || welan and ǣhta / a |
A.5.6.19 45 |
|| tō ġe·winnanne; / þonne |
hīe |
habbaþ || þæt hira hyġe s |
A.5.6.19 47 |
|| swā ġe·witlēase / þæt |
hīe |
þā sōðan || ġe·sǣlþa |
A.5.6.2 14 |
re betst / trūwian sċolde. || |
Hīe |
mē tō wendon / hira bacu bitr |
A.5.6.20 12 |
t wæs, / ende-byrdes, || þæt |
hīe |
ǣġhwæðer / ġē ǣr faraþ |
A.5.6.20 40 |
þīnes ġe·þōhtest || and |
hīe |
þā worhtest. / Næs ǣror% þ |
A.5.6.20 89 |
e / mearce ġe·settest || and |
hīe |
ġe·mengdest% ēac. / Hwæt, |
A.5.6.20 146 |
būtan ōðrum bēon. / Þēah |
hīe |
unsweotole || samod eardien, / |
A.5.6.20 149 |
m || wuniaþ on fȳre, / þēah |
hīe |
sindon% || sweotole þǣm wī |
A.5.6.20 166 |
| þe hēo simle dyde. / Hwæt, |
hīe |
þēah eorðliċes || āuht n |
A.5.6.20 177 |
s / sāwle ġe·settest || and |
hīe |
siþþan ēac / styrest and sti |
A.5.6.20 195 |
ofer·þungen, / for·þǣm þe |
hīe |
habbaþ, || þæs þe hīe na |
A.5.6.20 195 |
e hīe habbaþ, || þæs þe |
hīe |
nabbaþ, / þone ǣnne cræft | |
A.5.6.20 211 |
e·līcost, || hwierfeþ ymbe |
hīe |
selfe, / oft smēaġende || ymb |
A.5.6.20 214 |
ĝum and nihtum. / Hwīlum ymb% |
hīe |
selfe || sēċende smēaþ, / h |
A.5.6.20 217 |
ġe·līcost, || hwierfþ ymb |
hīe |
selfe. / Þonne hēo ymb hire s |
A.5.6.20 219 |
o biþ up ā·hæfen || ofer |
hīe |
selfe, / ac hēo biþ eallunga |
A.5.6.20 221 |
hire selfre, / þonne hīo ymb |
hīe |
selfe || sēċende smēaþ; / h |
A.5.6.20 229 |
|| ānra ġe·hwelcre. / Ealle |
hīe |
sċīnaþ || þurh þā sċī |
A.5.6.20 238 |
/ sāwl on flǣsċe. || Hwæt, |
hīe |
simle tō þē / heonan% fundia |
A.5.6.20 239 |
onan% fundiaþ; || for·þǣm |
hīe |
hider of þē / ǣror cōmon, | |
A.5.6.20 245 |
am þǣm æl-mihtĝan, || þe |
hīe |
ǣror ġō / ġe·samnode, || |
A.5.6.20 247 |
ās foldan ġe·sċōp || and |
hīe |
ġe·fylde þā / swīðe misli |
A.5.6.20 250 |
ynnum, || nerġend ūser. / Hē |
hīe |
siþþan ā·sēow || sǣda m |
A.5.6.20 253 |
e god, || ūrum mōdum, / þæt |
hīe |
mōten tō þē, || metod al- |
A.5.6.20 262 |
āl || ūres mōdes, / þæt we |
hīe |
on þe selfum || siþþan mō |
A.5.6.20 273 |
þū sōfte ġe·dēst / þæt |
hīe |
þe selfne || ġe·sēon mōt |
A.5.6.21 25 |
a / sōðra ġe·sǣlþa, || ac |
hīe |
swīðor ġīet / manna ġe·hw |
A.5.6.21 27 |
on brēostum, || þonne hīe |
hīe |
beorhtran ġe·dōn. / For·þ |
A.5.6.21 35 |
ylen / sāwla ūsse, || ac hē |
hīe |
selfa wile / lēoman on·liehta |
A.5.6.22 3 |
an / swā dēoplīċe, || þæt |
hīe |
tō·drīfan ne mæġ / manna |
A.5.6.24 46 |
is æðele stōw, / þēah þū |
hīe |
nū ġīeta || for·ġieten h |
A.5.6.24 61 |
olc || wierst tūciaþ, / þæt |
hīe |
simle bēoþ || swīðe earme |
A.5.6.25 12 |
miċele / ǣlċ ōðrum || and |
hīe |
ealle him / þonan mid þȳ þr |
A.5.6.25 45 |
etta, || unnytta saca. / Þonne |
hīe |
ġe·bolĝene% weorðaþ, || |
A.5.6.25 61 |
|| for·þǣm hīe willaþ |
hīe |
/ þǣm unþēawum || þe iċ |
A.5.6.26 18 |
ā% sēo tīd ġe·lamp / þæt |
hīe |
þæt rīċe || ġe·ræht h |
A.5.6.26 65 |
mæġne / efne swā swīðe || |
hīe |
on sefan lufode, / þæt hē t |
A.5.6.26 71 |
sīnra || ðǣr mid wesan, / ac |
hīe |
for þǣm iermþum || eardes |
A.5.6.26 79 |
ēac || rǣpan maniġne. / Sume |
hīe |
tō wulfum wurdon, || ne meah |
A.5.6.26 82 |
ras, || ā grymetedon% / þonne |
hīe |
sāres hwæt || seofian sċol |
A.5.6.26 84 |
e / ierrunga rȳn || ā þonne |
hīe |
sċoldon / clipian for corðre. |
A.5.6.26 91 |
ītan / mennisċes metes, || ac |
hīe |
mā lufedon / dīera drohtaþ, |
A.5.6.26 93 |
t ġe·dēfe ne wæs. / Næfdon |
hīe |
māre || mannum ġe·līċes / |
A.5.6.28 4 |
swifto, || rȳne tungla, / hū |
hīe |
ǣlċe dæġe || ūtan ymb·h |
A.5.6.28 7 |
b þās wlitiĝan tungol, / hū |
hīe |
sume habbaþ || swīðe miċe |
A.5.6.28 13 |
nne ōðru tungol, / for·þǣm |
hīe |
ðǣre eaxe || ūtan ymb·hwi |
A.5.6.28 46 |
ian || ǣlċes steorran, / hwȳ |
hīe |
ne sċīnen || sċīrum weder |
A.5.6.28 47 |
foran ðǣre sunnan, || swā |
hīe |
simle dōþ / middel-nihtum || |
A.5.6.28 55 |
þæt sēlliċ þinġ, / þæt |
hīe |
ne wundriaþ || hū hit on wo |
A.5.6.28 72 |
eaft || ǣfre ne wǣre / þæt |
hīe |
seldon ġe·sēoþ, || ac sw |
A.5.6.28 81 |
onne iċ wāt ġeare || þæt |
hīe |
ne wundriaþ / maniġes þinġe |
A.5.6.29 4 |
ġene / heofones tungla, || hū |
hīe |
him healdaþ be·twuh / sibbe s |
A.5.6.29 6 |
e, || dydon swā lange . / Swā |
hīe |
ġe·wenede || wuldres ealdor |
A.5.6.29 31 |
e sunnan swiftra; || siþþan |
hīe |
on setl ġe·wītaþ, / of·irn |
A.5.6.29 42 |
e·met þynceþ, / for·þon |
hīe |
be healfe || heofones þisses |
A.5.6.29 44 |
|| æl-mehtiġ god, / þȳ læs |
hīe |
ōðra for·dyden || æðela |
A.5.6.29 65 |
llum sǣdum, / ġe·dēþ þæt |
hīe |
grōwaþ || ġēara ġe·hwel |
A.5.6.29 91 |
|| hæbben ġe·mǣne, / þæt |
hīe |
þēowien || swelcum þēod-f |
A.5.6.29 95 |
meahte || elles wunian, / ġif |
hīe |
eall-mæġene || hira ord-fru |
A.5.6.31 8 |
eorðan ġe·tenġe, / nabbaþ |
hīe |
æt fiðerum fultum, || ne ma |
A.5.6.31 8 |
fiðerum fultum, || ne maĝon |
hīe |
mid fōtum gangan, / eorðan br |
A.5.6.4 5 |
tunglu ġe·nīedest || þæt |
hīe |
þē tō hīeraþ. / Swelċe s |
A.5.6.4 55 |
n-cynn / mildum ēaĝum, || nū |
hīe |
on maniĝum hēr / weorolde ȳ |
A.5.6.5 5 |
|| wolcen hangaþ, / ne mæġen |
hīe |
swā lēohtne || lēoman on· |
A.5.6.5 9 |
grymme ġe·drēfeþ, / þonne |
hīe |
ġe·mengaþ || miċela% ȳst |
A.5.6.5 45 |
weartum mistum, || ær·þǣm |
hīe |
ġe·swīðrod weorðen. |
A.5.6.6 10 |
s blōstman, || fæġen þæt |
hīe |
mōton. / Ac sē stearca storm, |
A.5.6.7 25 |
hira stede styrede, || þonne |
hīe% |
strang dreċeþ / wind under wo |
A.5.6.7 27 |
m || weorold-earfoþa, / oþþe |
hīe% |
eft sē rēða || reġn on·h |
A.5.6.8 10 |
ċe || mettas ne drincas, / ne |
hīe |
þāra hræġla || hūru ne |
A.5.6.8 13 |
niġ || næs þā ġīeta, / ne |
hīe |
ne ġe·sāwon || sund-būend |
A.5.6.8 14 |
| sund-būende, / ne ymb·ūtan |
hīe |
|| āwēr ne hīerdon. / Hwæt, |
A.5.6.8 15 |
|| āwēr ne hīerdon. / Hwæt, |
hīe |
firenlusta || frece ne wǣron |
A.5.6.8 16 |
frece ne wǣron, / būtan swā |
hīe |
meahton || ġe·metlicost / þ |
A.5.6.8 18 |
e him Crīst ġe·sċōp, / and |
hīe |
ǣne on dæġe || ǣton simle |
A.5.6.8 24 |
n mā / seoloce siowian%, || ne |
hīe |
searo-cræftum / god-webb ġier |
A.5.6.8 25 |
tum / god-webb ġieredon, || ne |
hīe |
ġimm-reċed / setton searulī |
A.5.6.8 26 |
ed / setton searulīċe, || ac |
hīe |
simle him / eallum tīdum || ū |
A.51.93.10 2 |
as / eorð-būendra || froðon |
hīe |
īdle sind. |
A.51.93.18 3 |
stnost ēac || fācen sāres / |
hīe |
sōþfæste || snēome ġe·h |
A.51.93.2 2 |
gild ofer-hȳġdiĝum || swā |
hīe |
ǣr grame worhton. |
A.51.93.20 2 |
iġ / ealla þā unryht || þe |
hīe |
ġe·earnodon / and on hira fa |
A.51.94.10 4 |
ac and swā on·cnēow / þæt |
hīe |
on heortan || hȳġe dysiĝia |
A.51.94.11 3 |
rre || ēaðe be·nemde / ġif |
hīe |
on mīne ræste || recedon ē |
A.51.94.9 5 |
se || cunnodon ġeorne / ðǣr |
hīe |
cunnodon || cūþ on·ġēato |
A.6.10.1 8 |
/ fram cnēo-māĝum, || þæt |
hīe |
æt campe oft / wiþ lāðra ġ |
A.6.10.1 51 |
wǣpen-ġe·wrixles, || þæs |
hīe |
on wæl-felda / wiþ Ēad·wear |
A.6.10.2 11 |
mmum / lange || þraġe, || oþ |
hīe |
ā·lȳsde eft / for his weorþ |
A.6.10.3 4 |
, || Acemannes-ċeastre; / ēac |
hīe |
īeġ-būend || ōðre worde / |
A.6.10.5 8 |
ume mislīċe of·slōh; / sume |
hīe |
mann wiþ fēo sealde, || sum |
A.6.10.5 9 |
rēowlīċe ā·cwealde, / sume |
hīe |
mann bende, || sume hīe mann |
A.6.10.5 9 |
sume hīe mann bende, || sume |
hīe |
mann blende, / sume hamelode, | |
A.6.10.5 14 |
tō þon lēofan Gode, / þæt |
hīe |
blission || blīðe mid Crīs |
A.6.12 18 |
liċ, || byrneþ oftost / ðǣr |
hīe |
æðelingas || inne restaþ. / |
A.6.12 27 |
ru on brēostan, || weorðeþ |
hīe |
þēah oft nīða bearnum / tō |
A.6.12 28 |
hǣle ġe·hwæðre, || ġif |
hīe |
his hlystaþ ǣror. / //I// īs |
A.6.12 46 |
| simle biþ on hyhte, / þonne |
hīe |
hine ferĝaþ || ofer fisċes |
A.6.12 47 |
þ || ofer fisċes bæþ, / oþ |
hīe |
brim-henġest || brinġeþ t |
A.6.12 64 |
|| langsum ġe·þūht, / ġif |
hīe |
sċulon nēðan% || on nacan |
A.6.12 65 |
an% || on nacan tealtum, / and |
hīe |
sǣ-ȳþa || swīðe brēgaþ |
A.6.13 62 |
ċan under foldan, || nǣfre |
hīe |
sē fēond tō þæs niðer / f |
A.6.13 63 |
ġe·fæstnaþ; || þēah hē |
hīe |
mid fīftiĝum / clūsum be·cl |
A.6.13 125 |
rymme on·ġieldað, || þæs |
hīe |
oft ġielp brecaþ. / Þonne hi |
A.6.13 142 |
artne ġe·swencan, || nǣfre |
hīe |
þæs seldlīċe / blēoum bre |
A.6.13 145 |
lum flotan grīpaþ; / hwīlum |
hīe |
ġe·wendaþ || on wyrmes lī |
A.6.13 34 |
wiht hyġeþ. / Ġe·strangaþ |
hīe |
and ġe·staðeliaþ || stað |
A.6.13 39 |
e·weald hafaþ’. / ‘Siġe |
hīe |
on·sendaþ || sōþfæstra |
A.6.13 40 |
m, / hǣlu hȳðe, || þǣm þe |
hīe |
lufaþ’. / ‘Ān wīse is || |
A.6.13 54 |
e·næman / wǣpna eċġum; || |
hīe |
þæs wǣre cunnon, / healdaþ% |
A.6.13 98 |
s ġe·tīeġeþ, / ġe·ðȳð |
hīe |
and ġe·þrēataþ, || þæt |
A.6.13 98 |
and ġe·þrēataþ, || þæt |
hīe |
þraĝe bēoþ / ċealde ġe·c |
A.6.13 109 |
|| leaf bēoþ grēne; / þonne |
hīe |
eft fealwiaþ, || feallaþ on |
A.6.13 115 |
d wēnaþ wan-hoĝan || þæt |
hīe |
wille wuldor-cyning, / æl-meht |
A.6.13 123 |
e lēod ġe·cȳðdon; / wunnon |
hīe |
wiþ dryhtnes meahtum, || for |
A.6.13 123 |
ryhtnes meahtum, || for·þon |
hīe |
þæt weorc ne ġe·dǣdon. / N |
A.6.13 143 |
ōp and hleahtor? || Full oft |
hīe |
weorð-ġeornra / sǣlþa tō· |
A.6.13 159 |
|| Gōde oþþe yfele, / þonne |
hīe |
bēoþ þurh āne || idese ā |
A.6.13 223 |
, / wyrd þe warnung, || þonne |
hīe |
winnaþ oft / mid hira þrēa-m |
A.6.13 243 |
drohtaþ hēo mid ūs? / Hwæt. |
Hīe |
wile libbende || late ā·þr |
A.6.13 260 |
ad || bearn heofon-wara / þæt |
hīe |
ēac sċoldon || ā þenden h |
A.6.13 260 |
e ēac sċoldon || ā þenden |
hīe |
lifdon / wunian on wielme, || w |
A.6.13 270 |
būtan ed-wende || ā þenden |
hīe |
libbaþ’. / ‘Is þonne on |
A.6.14 128 |
| ġond wǣr-þēoda, / swelċe |
hīe% |
aefter þǣm || un-rīm freme |
A.6.14 190 |
s / fyrn ġe·fruġnon || þæt |
hīe |
fore-mǣre, / Simon and Iudas, |
A.6.14 192 |
/ drihtne dīere; || for·þon |
hīe |
dōm hluton, / ēadiġne up-we |
A.6.15 45 |
le on folce ġe·þēon / þæt |
hīe |
man bēaĝum ġe·byċġe. || |
A.6.17 165 |
rm and sē weleĝa, / for·þon |
hīe |
habbaþ eġe || ealle æt·sa |
A.6.17 207 |
ċiele || and lāðliċ full; / |
hīe |
mid nosan ne maĝon || nāht |
A.6.17 211 |
ne || lāðliċes fȳres, / and |
hīe |
wæl-grymme || wyrmas slīta |
A.6.17 284 |
hēapum and þrēatum%. / Þǣr |
hīe |
bēoþ ġe·þēode || þēod |
A.6.21 21 |
ela cynna / and tō·syndrodost |
hīe |
|| siþþan on meniġu; / þū |
A.6.21 50 |
nd ġe·sīene, || þæt þū |
hīe |
self worhtest. / Wē þæt sō |
A.6.28 4 |
m for·wundod; / ġe·hǣl þū |
hīe, |
|| heofona drihten, / and ġe· |
A.6.28 5 |
drihten, / and ġe·lācna þū |
hīe, |
|| līfes ealdor, / for·þon |
A.6.28 37 |
eċġan on·gunnon, / ne maĝon |
hīe |
nǣfre ā·reċċan, || ne þ |
A.6.31 11 |
and þā hǣleþ samod, / swā |
hīe |
on lēodsċipe || lǣrde wǣr |
A.6.31 12 |
sċipe || lǣrde wǣron; / ġif |
hīe |
wancole || weorc% on·gunnon, |
A.6.31 14 |
ā·sende siĝora% God || and |
hīe |
sōna tō him / friða wilnodon |
A.6.31 16 |
nd ðǣr fundon hræðe, / ġif |
hīe |
lēohtras hira || lēton ġe |
A.6.31 19 |
|| hēold and worhte, / þenden |
hīe |
līfes frēan || lufian woldo |
A.6.31 21 |
|| earm and þrēaliċ%, / þā |
hīe |
be·sieredon || selfne drihte |
A.6.31 27 |
|| brēman and writan, / þæt |
hīe |
fæstenu || fēower hēoldon / |
A.6.31 45 |
e-fæste || mid Anglum, / swā |
hīe |
ġe·brēfde ūs || beorn on |
A.6.31 158 |
, / lēodum tō lāre, || þæt |
hīe |
on lengten sċolon / efen fēow |
A.6.31 213 |
wille || folces manna. / sōna |
hīe |
on morĝen || mæssan singaþ |
A.6.31 216 |
tēoþ ġond strǣta. / Hwæt. |
Hīe |
lēaslīċe || lēoĝan on· |
A.6.31 223 |
e || and ne wīĝliaþ / hwone% |
hīe |
tō mōse fōn, || mǣða be |
A.6.31 224 |
e fōn, || mǣða be·dǣled. / |
Hīe |
þonne sittende || sadian ā |
A.6.36 15 |
/ sendan meahte, || for·þǣm |
hīe |
his sume þorfton, / þā þe L |
A.6.43.1 1 |
ht þīne æceras bētan ġif |
hīe |
|| / nellaþ wēl weaxan oþþ |
A.6.43.10 12 |
ā wierstan; || / hǣlon þæt |
hīe |
for·helan ne mihton. Swā n |
A.6.43.11 21 |
āre || wiþ eallum fēondum. / |
Hīe |
mē ferġon and friðion || a |
A.6.43.4 3 |
on buteran. || / Hlūde wǣran |
hīe, |
lā, hlūde, || þā hīe ofe |
A.6.43.4 3 |
an hīe, lā, hlūde, || þā |
hīe |
ofer þone hlǣw rīdan, / wǣr |
A.6.43.4 4 |
an, / wǣran ān-mōde, || þā |
hīe |
ofer land rīdan. / Sċield þ |
A.6.43.4 9 |
| hira mæġen be·rǣdon / and |
hīe |
ġiellende || gāras sendon; / |
A.6.43.8 7 |
or·weorp ofer grēot, þonne |
hīe |
swierman, and || / cweþ: || / |
A.6.7 41 |
guldon || his hæġ-stealdas. / |
Hīe |
fuhton fīf daĝas, || swā h |
A.6.7 42 |
oll / dryht-ġe·sīða, || ac |
hīe |
þā duru hēoldon. / Þā ġe |
A.6.9 19 |
rǣdde, || rincum tǣhte / hū |
hīe |
sċoldon standan || and þone |
A.6.9 46 |
|| hwæt þis folc sæġeþ? / |
Hīe |
willaþ ēow tō gafole || g |
A.6.9 63 |
ran, || beornas gangan, / þæt |
hīe |
on þām êa-stæðe || ealle |
A.6.9 67 |
lang hit him þūhte, / hwonne |
hīe |
togædere || gāras bǣren. / H |
A.6.9 68 |
e togædere || gāras bǣren. / |
Hīe |
ðǣr Pantan strēam || mid p |
A.6.9 82 |
da || flēam ġe·wyrċan, / ac |
hīe |
fæstlīċe || wiþ þā fīe |
A.6.9 83 |
end weredon, / þā hwīle þe |
hīe |
wǣpna || wealdan mōston. / Þ |
A.6.9 84 |
pna || wealdan mōston. / Þā |
hīe |
þæt on·ġēaton || and ġe |
A.6.9 85 |
and ġeorne ġe·sāwon / þæt |
hīe |
ðǣr bryċġ-weardas || bitr |
A.6.9 87 |
lāðe ġiestas, / bǣdon þæt |
hīe |
up-gang% || āgan mosten, / ofe |
A.6.9 108 |
n; || wæs on eorðan ċierm. / |
Hīe |
lēton þā of folmum || fēo |
A.6.9 127 |
ōdon stede-fæste; || stihte |
hīe |
Byrhtnōþ, / bæd þæt hyssa |
A.6.9 180 |
eom frymdiġ tō þē / þæt |
hīe |
hell-sċaðan || hīenan ne m |
A.6.9 185 |
frēan || feorh ġe·sealdon. / |
Hīe |
buĝon þā fram beaduwe || |
A.6.9 196 |
hit ǣniġ mǣþ wǣre, / ġif |
hīe |
þā ġe·earnunga || ealle |
A.6.9 207 |
earge menn || efston ġeorne; / |
hīe |
woldon þā ealle || ōðer t |
A.6.9 209 |
þe lēofne ġe·wrecan. / Swā |
hīe |
bielde forþ || bearn Ælf·r |
A.6.9 229 |
end and ġe·fēran, || þæt |
hīe |
forþ ēoden. / Offa ġe·mǣld |
A.6.9 260 |
ē for fēore murnan.’ / Þā |
hīe |
forþ ēodon, || fēores hīe |
A.6.9 260 |
hīe forþ ēodon, || fēores |
hīe |
ne rōhton; / on·gunnon þā h |
A.6.9 263 |
erend || and god bǣdon / þæt |
hīe |
mosten ġe·wrecan || hira wi |
A.6.9 283 |
/ clufon cellod bord, || cēne |
hīe |
weredon; / bærst bordes læri |
A.6.9 291 |
| wiþ his beah-ġiefan / þæt |
hīe |
sċoldon bēġen || on burh r |
A.6.9 307 |
maĝas || wordum bǣdon / þæt |
hīe |
ðǣr æt þearfe || þolian |
A.6.9 320 |
|| liċġan þenċe.’ / Swā |
hīe |
Æðel·gāres bearn || ealle |