A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Poem Word List

32 unique words in the poem.

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aefter - 371 occurrences
Genesis A 136 can / middan-ġeardes, || metod aefter sċēaf / sċīrum sċīman, ||
Genesis A 144 ā cōm ōðer dæġ, / lēoht aefter þīestrum. || Hēt þā līf
Genesis B 282 heofone. || Hwȳ sċeall iċ aefter his hyldu þēowian, / būĝan
Genesis B 291 eċċan || āwiht þurfe / Gode aefter gōde ǣnġum. || Ne wille i
Genesis B 396 hē hæfþ mann ġe·worhtne / aefter his an-līċnesse. || Mid þ
Genesis B 436 eþ, || him biþ lēan ġearu / aefter tō ealdre, || þæs we hēr
Genesis B 469 bēam; / mōste on ēċnesse || aefter libban, / wesan on weorolde, ||
Genesis B 471 s wæstmes on·bāt, / swā him aefter þȳ || ieldu ne derede, / ne s
Genesis B 550 mǣst / eallum hira eaforum || aefter siþþan / wurde on weorolde: |
Genesis B 592 ēo hire mōd on·gann / lǣtan aefter þam lārum. || For·þon hē
Genesis B 623 / Swā hire eaforan sċulon || aefter libban: / þonne hīe lāþ ġe
Genesis A 961 tmas fēdan. / Ġe·sǣton þā aefter synne || sorhfulre land, / eard
Genesis A 964 sē frum-stōl wæs / þe hīe aefter dǣde of || ā·drifen wurdon
Genesis A 1005 asa || cwealmes wyrhta / ǣdre aefter þon || andswarode: / ‘Ne can
Genesis A 1042 nēoteþ, || hine inn cymeþ / aefter ðǣre synne || seofon-feald
Genesis A 1043 || seofon-feald wracu, / wīte aefter weorce’. || Hine wealdend i
Genesis A 1054 ǣr him frēolicu mǣġ, / ides aefter æðelum || eaforan fēde. / S
Genesis A 1067 g Cāines. || Malalēhel wæs / aefter Īarede || yrfes hȳrde / fæde
Genesis A 1070 sal% || māĝum dǣlde, / bearn aefter bearne || brōðrum sīnum / æ
Genesis A 1074 ·lǣtan. || Lāmeh on·fēng / aefter fæder dæġe || flett-ġe·s
Genesis A 1101 || seofon-feald wracu, / miċel aefter māne. || Mīn sċeall swīð
Genesis A 1129 th || lēod% weardode, / eafora aefter ieldrum; || ēðel-stōl hēo
Genesis A 1143 dāl || fremman sċolde. / Him aefter hēold, || þā hē of weorol
Genesis A 1156 sse wæs || Cāinan% siþþan / aefter Ēnose || ealdor-dēma, / weard
Genesis A 1224 hund-seofontiġ tō. || Sunu aefter hēold, / Lāmech lēod-ġeard,
Genesis A 1305 man, || and rihte setl / ǣlcum aefter āĝnum || eorðan tūdre. / Ġ
Genesis A 1450 hræfne / of earce for·lēt || aefter flēoĝan / ofer hēah% wæter
Genesis A 1601 || þisses līfes, / frēo-menn aefter flōde, || and fīftiġ ēac,
Genesis A 1956 l, / man for metode, || þe him aefter ā / þurh ġe·mynda spēd ||
Genesis A 2015 ur, || hwelċ siþþan wearþ / aefter þǣm ġe·hnǣste || here-wu
Genesis A 2155 æt ǣsċ-þræce, / fuhton þe aefter frōfre. || Ġe·wit þū fer
Genesis A 2178 lian / ǣngum mīnra, || ac mē aefter sċulon / mīne weorold-māĝas
Genesis A 2184 inn-ġe·þancum || þæt mē aefter sīe / eaforan sīne || ierfe-w
Genesis A 2199 urh ġe·byrd cumen, / sē þe aefter biþ || ierfes hīerde, / gōde
Genesis A 2284 að-mōd on·ġinn / drēoĝan aefter duĝuþum, || wes drihten-hol
Genesis A 2357 unu, || sōþ forþ gān / wyrd aefter þissum || word-ġe·mearcum.
Genesis A 2400 him þā ǣdre || ellor-fūse / aefter ðǣre sprǣċe || spēdum f
Genesis A 2450 t / ǣfen-sċīma. || Þā cōm aefter niht / on lāst dæġe. || Laĝ
Genesis A 2494 eahton / rēðe-mōde || reċed aefter ġiestum, / swā hīe fundodon,
Genesis A 2672 ǣde || dryhtnes handa / swenġ aefter swefne. || Hēt self cyning / h
A.1.2 5 rodor || ēadiġra ġe·hwǣm / aefter bealu-sīðe || bōte līfes,
A.1.2 105 el sīðe wēold, || sǣ-menn aefter / fōron flōd-weġe. || Folc w
A.1.2 109 m, || ōðer wunder, / seldliċ aefter sunne% || setl-rāde be·hēo
A.1.2 132 hira mæġen bēton. / Brǣdon aefter beorĝum, || siþþan bīeme
A.1.2 143 eard || inn-ġe·folca, / manna aefter māðmum, || þæt hē swā m
A.1.2 195 orod, || ēċan lǣdon, / lāþ aefter lāðum, || lēod-mæġenes w
A.1.2 212 nan || ēðel-rihtes, / sǣton aefter beorĝum || in blacum rēafum
A.1.2 340 aru swā-þēah. / Þǣr forþ% aefter him || folca þrȳðum / sunu S
A.1.2 347 ā ðǣr folc-mæġen || fōr aefter ōðrum, / īsern-herġum. ||
A.1.2 350 arþ, / on forþ-weĝas || folc aefter wolcnum, / cynn aefter cynne. |
A.1.2 351 || folc aefter wolcnum, / cynn aefter cynne. || Cūðe ǣġhwelċ / m
A.1.2 396 þāra þe manna bearn, / fīra aefter foldan, || folmum ġe·worhte
A.1.2 418 m, / wuldres hlēoðor, || word aefter spræc: / ‘Ne sleah þū, Abr
A.1.2 511 a% || seċġan mōste, / bodian aefter burgum || bealu-spella mǣst,
A.1.3 78 ·hēolde, / īeðne ēðel, || aefter Ebreum. / Hēt þā sēċan ||
A.1.3 139 ne ealdor-leġe, || swā mē aefter wearþ, / oþþe iċ furður ||
A.1.3 186 , / unrǣd efnde, || (him þæs aefter be·cōm / yfel ende-lēan), ||
A.1.3 317 um / īeċan wolde, || þætte aefter him / on cnēo-rissum || cenned
A.1.3 455 e bryne fandodon, / dōm wearþ aefter duĝuþe ġe·cȳðed, || si
A.1.3 570 æt þū ne ġe·myndgast% || aefter mann-drēame, / ne ġe·wittes
A.1.3 636 wæs. / Stōd middan-ġeard || aefter mann-drihtne, / eard and ēðel
A.1.3 637 n-drihtne, / eard and ēðel || aefter þǣm æðelinge, / seofon wint
A.1.4 26 elle || hām staðolodon, / ān aefter ōðrum, || in þæt% atole s
A.1.4 628 ū iċ ēow ne cann’. / Sōna aefter þǣm wordum || wērġe gāst
A.2.1 37 ed), / þæt hīe ne murndon || aefter man-drēame, / hæleþ heoru-gr
A.2.1 78 le, / ā·blended on burgum, || aefter bill-hete / þurh hearm-cwide |
A.2.1 124 ād, / lungre lēorde || lēoht aefter cōm, / dæġrǣd-wōma. || Du
A.2.1 133 īe tō ǣte || ǣrest mihton / aefter frist-mearce || fēores be·r
A.2.1 156 s, || hū þæs gāstes sīþ / aefter swylt-cwale || ġe·seted wur
A.2.1 182 l, / earmliċ ielda cwealm, || aefter wierðan. / Þǣr iċ seomian w
A.2.1 229 sōþfæstra || sāwla mōton / aefter līċes hryre || līfes brūc
A.2.1 335 rǣte ġe·liċġaþ. / Bodiaþ aefter burgum || beorhtne ġe·lēaf
A.2.1 468 || Þā þām hālĝan wearþ / aefter gryre-hwīle || gāst ġe·bl
A.2.1 581 hāle, || wītum ġe·bundne, / aefter burh-stedum || blinde ġe·s
A.2.1 593 ræste ġe·fǣĝon, / wērġe aefter wāðe, || wiste þǣĝon, / me
A.2.1 600 m, || eard weardian, / þā þe aefter dēaðe || drihten sēċaþ.
A.2.1 620 mede || folces rǣswum / wunder aefter wundre || on wera ġe·sihþe
A.2.1 738 , / stān fram stāne. || Stefn aefter cōm, / hlūd þurh heardne, ||
A.2.1 761 god, || sweġeles āĝend.’ / aefter þissum wordum || weorod hlos
A.2.1 904 me / spræc worda worn, || wāt aefter nū / hwā mē weorð-myndum ||
A.2.1 1228 / hwelċ him þæt ed-lēan || aefter wurde. / Hēton þā lǣdan ||
A.2.1 1232 on. / Drōĝon dēor-mōdne% || aefter dūn-sċrafum, / ymb stān-hli
A.2.1 1237 -fāĝe. || Storm up ā·rās / aefter ċeaster-hofum, || ċierm unl
A.2.1 1426 swāt ā·dropen%, / liċġaþ aefter lande || loccas tō·drifene,
A.2.1 1447 t be·seah || lēofliċ cempa / aefter word-cwidum || wuldor-cininge
A.2.1 1483 hē on līfe ā·drēah, / eall aefter orde. || Þæt sċell ǣ-glē
A.2.1 1527 ōd. || Medu-sċierwen wearþ / aefter simble-dæġe, || slǣpe tō
A.2.1 1568 || Ūs biþ ġearu sōna / sibb aefter sorĝe, || ġif we sēċaþ t
A.2.1 1585 Þā wæs forþ cumen / ġēoc aefter gyrne. || Ġeofon% sweðrode /
A.2.1 1621 ǣrende || eall-wealdan gode / aefter hleoðor-cwidum || hālġes g
A.2.1 28 de. / Þā wǣron ġe·fylde || aefter frēan dōme / daĝas on rīme,
A.2.1 45 / Stōdon him þā on ōfre || aefter rēotan / þendon hīe on ȳðu
A.2.2 22 e-heard, || herġes breahtme, / aefter gūþ-pleĝan || ġalĝan þe
A.2.2 82 ne sōðan ġe·fēan, / drēam aefter dēaðe, || þā ġe·dǣled
A.2.2 101 drēosan, / //U// on ēðle, || aefter tō·hrēosan% / lǣne% līċes
A.2.5 65 e ðǣr hwīle ræste, / mēðe aefter þǣm miċelan ġe·winne. ||
A.2.6 135 fæsten || and fēore burgon / aefter stān-clifum, || stede weardo
A.2.6 233 / ofer mearc-paðu, || mæġen aefter ōðrum, / and þā ġe·hlōdo
A.2.6 363 n, || þēah iċ fela for him / aefter weorold-stundum || wundra ġe
A.2.6 430 lġe trēo || be·heled wurde / aefter wīġ-þræce, || þȳ læs t
A.2.6 52 onne brōðor þīn / on·fēng aefter fierste || fulwihtes bæþ, / l
A.2.6 237 || swā ġe·writu seċġaþ, / aefter stede-wange || hwǣr sēo st
A.2.6 389 On·gann þā will-fæġen || aefter þām wuldres trēo, / elnes ā
A.2.6 533 ǣ || diernan woldon, / boden% aefter burgum, || swā brimu fæðma
A.2.6 595 e. || Swelċe Iudas on·fēng / aefter frist-mearce || fulwihtes bæ
A.2.6 716 itan || be·foran sungen / eall aefter orde, || swā hit eft ġe·la
A.2.6 826 /W//% is ġe·sweðrod, / gamen aefter ġēarum, || ġuĝuþ is ġe
A.2.6 829 ǣm. || Nū sint ġār-daĝas / aefter first-mearce || forþ ġe·wi
Christ A 77 e || and þone ġe·bedsċipe / aefter manwīsan || mōd ne cūðes.
Christ A 235 ġþum, / torht mid tunglum, || aefter þon tīda be·gang. / Selfa se
Christ A 322 ldan nēosan, / and hēo þonne aefter him || ēċe standaþ% / simle
Christ A 332 Crīst æl-mehtiġ. / Swā þē aefter him || engla þēoden / eft unm
Christ B 473 lēofum ġe·sīðum || lēan aefter ġeaf, / and þæt word ā·cw
Christ B 573 stōl, || godes āĝen bearn, / aefter gūþ-pleĝan. || Nū ġē ġ
Christ B 711 iefe || godes þeġna blǣd% / aefter up-stīġe || ēċan dryhtnes
Christ B 746 || hlīepum stielde, / mōdiġ aefter muntum. || Swā we menn sċul
Christ B 803 e || wēriġ bīdan / hwæt him aefter dǣdum || dēman wille / wrāð
Christ B 846 ēofum ġē lāðum, || lēan aefter rihte, / þēoda ġe·hwelcre.
Christ C 983 dēað-līeġ nimeþ, / færeþ aefter foldan || fȳr-swearta līeġ
Christ C 1142 / mūras and stānas || manġe aefter foldan, / and sēo eorðe ēac,
Christ C 1220 rīfeþ be ġe·wyrhtum, / eall aefter rihte || rodera wealdend. / Þo
Christ C 1412 n || and sweartne dēaþ, / and aefter hin-gange% || hrēosan sċold
Christ C 1554 , || ðǣr hē ēċe sċeall / aefter hin-gange || hāmfæst wesan.
A.3.10 55 e, || sē sċeall hēan wesan / aefter nēo-sīþum || niðer ġe·b
A.3.11 12 elċ || þēawum libban, / eorl aefter ōðrum || ēðle rǣdan, / sē
A.3.14 72 glōm ōðer ċīeġþ; / niht aefter cymeþ, || healdeþ nīed-be
A.3.16 12 weardian, || ēðles nēotan / aefter dūn-sċrafum. || Is þæt d
A.3.16 36 n, || þonne fōdor þiġeþ, / aefter þām ġe·reordum || ræste
A.3.16 54 nde; || dēor efene swā some / aefter ðǣre stefne || on þone ste
A.3.17 68 m sē ā·wierĝda on·ġēan / aefter hin-sīðe || helle on·tȳne
A.3.17 77 grimman || gaman be·hlemmeþ / aefter feorh-cwale || fæste tō·g
Guthlac A 23 æstra || sāwla mōton / cuman aefter cwealme, || þā þe hēr Cr
Guthlac A 27 mōd ā·stīĝan, / ǣr oþþe aefter, || þonne hē his ǣnne hēr /
Guthlac A 129 || and þurh nēðinge / wunne aefter weorolde, || swā dōþ wræc
Guthlac A 169 þonne hē menniscum / þrymme aefter þance || þēġan wolde. / Gō
Guthlac A 211 e andsacan, || ǣror mōston% / aefter tin-treĝum || tīdum brūcan
Guthlac A 399 wæs þāra sum; / ne wann hē aefter weorolde, || ac hē on wuldre
Guthlac A 471 gangen || þæt him god wolde / aefter þrōwunga || þanc ġe·ġie
Guthlac A 493 | and þā sellan nā / dēmdon aefter dǣdum. || Ne bēoþ þā die
Guthlac A 532 | Miċel is tō seċġan / eall aefter orde, || þæt hē on elne ā
Guthlac A 561 firenfulra || fǣġe gæstas / aefter swylt-cwale || sēċan on·ġ
Guthlac A 811 ht. / Him þæt ne hrēoweþ || aefter hin-gange, / þonne hīe hweorf
Guthlac B 836 tīd || ende ġe·bīdan, / ac aefter fierste || tō þām færesta
Guthlac B 855 nd hira bearnum swā, / eaforum aefter, || þā hīe on uncȳþþu, / s
Guthlac B 875 mislicum || manna ġe·byhtum / aefter stede-wanga || stōwum% freme
Guthlac B 877 sume sīþ, || sume on ūrra / aefter tæl-mearce || tīda ġe·myn
Guthlac B 883 rc || wīde and sīde, / brēme aefter burgum || ġond Bryten innan,
Guthlac B 943 gum. || Wæs þām bān-cofan / aefter niht-glōme || nēah ġe·þr
Guthlac B 998 e an-hoĝa || æt-rihte þā / aefter niht-sċūan || nēah ġe·þ
Guthlac B 1093 sorh. || Iċ mē selfum wāt / aefter līċes hryre || lēan unhwī
Guthlac B 1178 urh feorĝ-ġe·dāl. || Fys% aefter þon / þæt þū ġe·seċġe
Guthlac B 1225 || ā·ġeaf andsware / lēofum aefter langre hwīle, || swā hē la
Guthlac B 1260 lǣtan þē / ǣfre unrōtne || aefter ealdor-leġe / mēðne mōd-sē
Guthlac B 1275 um || staðolum fæste / wynnum aefter wangum || wyrta ġe·blōwne,
Guthlac B 1325 hēah-þrymm godes, / breahtem aefter breahtme. || Bifode þæt ēa
Guthlac B 1334 ðe, || þæt sē hærn-flota / aefter sund-pleĝan || sand-land ġe
A.3.22.12 15 libbende || land reafie / and aefter dēaðe || dryhtum þēowe.
A.3.22.20 21 edu / eaforan mīnum || þe iċ aefter wōc, / nemþe iċ hlāfordlēa
A.3.22.27 17 an swā || esnas binde, / dole aefter dyntum || be dæġes lēohte.
A.3.22.28 11 nā wiþ spriceþ, / and þonne aefter dēaðe || dēman on·ġinne
A.3.22.30 5 t mec ġe·sīðas || sendaþ aefter heandum, / þæt mec weras and
A.3.22.33 1 # Riddles 33 / / Wiht cōm aefter wēne || wrætlicu līðan, / c
A.3.22.39 15 st || ealra wihta, / þāra þe aefter ġe·cyndum || cenned wǣre. /
A.3.22.39 23 hire ealdor-ġe·sċeaft || aefter gangeþ, / wōh wyrda ġe·sċe
A.3.22.59 5 ē þe wende wriðan; || word aefter cwæþ / hrinġ on hīrede, ||
A.3.24 44 iġ gryre māre / ġe·weorðan aefter weorolde || and sē biþ wīd
A.3.24 80 sīþ ne be·murneþ, / hū him aefter þisse weorolde || weorðan m
A.3.24 82 ldan || gǣsta drihten / willum aefter ðǣre wyrde, || wuldres eald
A.3.24 86 wealdend, / heofona hīerde, || aefter heonan-sīðe / gōdum dǣdum,
A.3.24 100 eall līfe on·fōn, / fēores aefter foldan. || Folc biþ ġe·ban
A.3.24 118 || byrnende līeġ. / Siþþan aefter þām līeġe || līf biþ ġ
A.3.25 31 ie / lēorendum daĝum, || līf aefter ōðrum / ġe·sēo and ġe·s
A.3.25 52 || þēah þe iċ māna fela / aefter dōĝrum dyde, || ne læt þ
A.3.25 111 sēo bōt æt þē / ġe·lang aefter [lī]fe. || Iċ on lēohte ne
A.3.3 34 m / īeċan wolde, || þæt hit aefter him / on cyne-rīċe || cenned
A.3.3 176 elfa ġe·rād. / Hweorfaþ nū aefter heorðe, || nǣngum hāt sċi
A.3.31.1 5 t mec ġe·sīðas || sendaþ aefter heandum, / ðǣr mec weras and
A.3.33 10 ġ-har and read-fah || rīċe aefter ōðrum, / of­·standen under
A.3.34.73 10 ġif his ellen dēah, / oþþe aefter dōme || []ri[] / []ān || mæ[
A.3.34.80 10 || word-lēana sum / ā·ġiefe aefter ġiedde. || Gōd is min wīse
A.3.34.88 16 wǣm || māĝas uncre / sċulon aefter cuman, || eard oþ·þringan /
A.3.4 111 lcum. / Siþþan hine selfne || aefter sund-pleĝan / hēah-mōd hefe
A.3.4 223 . || Hwæðere him eft cymeþ / aefter frist-mearce || feorh ed-nīe
A.3.4 225 ā yslan || eft on·ġinnaþ / aefter līeġ-þræce || lūcan tō
A.3.4 238 e·līċ / ealdum earne || and aefter þon / feðerum ġe·frætwod,
A.3.4 258 sē fuĝol weorðeþ, / gamol aefter ġēarum, || ġung ed-nīewe,
A.3.4 270 adraþ / bān ġe·brosnod, || aefter bǣl-þræċe, / and þonne ġe
A.3.4 343 ht / wildne weorðiaþ, || worn aefter ōðrum, / cræftum cȳðaþ ||
A.3.4 350 eþ. / Swā sē ġe·sǣlĝa || aefter swylt-hwīle / his eald-cȳþþ
A.3.4 370 -cwale, || þe him simle wāt / aefter līeġ-þræce || līf ed-nī
A.3.4 371 æce || līf ed-nīewe, / feorh aefter fylle%, || þonne framlīċe /
A.3.4 382 līf || ēadiġra ġe·hwelċ / aefter sār-wræce || self ġe·ċē
A.3.4 384 , || þæt hē dryhtnes mōt / aefter ġār-daĝum || ġeofona nēo
A.3.4 405 ǣr him bitter wearþ / iermþu aefter ǣte || and hira eaforum swā
A.3.4 408 || tōðas īdġe / ā·ġeald aefter ġylte. || Hæfdon godes ierr
A.3.4 434 þurh līeġes blǣst || līf aefter dēaðe, / ed-ġung wesan || an
A.3.4 437 t ġe·setu, || sēċan mōte / aefter fȳr-baðe. || Swā þā fore
A.3.4 527 || Þǣr þā ēadĝan bēoþ / aefter wræc-hwīle || weorcum be·f
A.3.4 533 and hē selfa mid, / and þonne aefter līeġe || līf eft on·fēh
A.3.4 542 rġaþ cininges þrymm, / stefn aefter stefne, || stīĝaþ tō wuld
A.3.4 557 n grēotes fæðm, / and þonne aefter dēaðe || þurh dryhtnes ġi
A.3.4 559 ĝol fenix || feorh ed-nīewe / aefter ǣriste || āĝan mōte, / drē
A.3.4 566 n, || swā þēah weoroda god / aefter swylt-hwīle || sāwle ā·l
A.3.4 577 yslan, || ealle ġe·samnaþ / aefter līeġ-bryne, || lǣdeþ siþ
A.3.4 583 | lǣþþum hwōpan. / Swā nū aefter dēaðe || þurh dryhtnes mea
A.3.4 645 , || hē þȳ þriddan dæġe / aefter līċes hryre || līf eft on
A.3.5 11 alne || eormenne grund / Fōron aefter burgum, || swā hē be·boden
A.3.5 78 þā swīþ-ferhþ || swēor% aefter worde, / ðǣre fǣmnan fæder,
A.3.5 161 n ǣringe / ġe·lǣdan hēt || aefter lēohtes cyme / tō his dōm-se
A.3.5 197 ġendre%, || wīte-brōĝan, / aefter weorðan, || būtan þū ǣr
A.3.5 199 ngie || and him þanc-wierðe / aefter leahtor-cwidum || lāc on·se
A.3.5 527 || Iċ be·hliehhan ne ðearf / aefter sār-wræce || sīþfæt þis
A.3.5 554 ā hine sēo fǣmne for·lēt / aefter þræc-hwīle || þīestra n
A.3.5 660 ġena gode, || mǣste þearfe / aefter sorh-stafum. || For·þon ġ
A.3.5 707 // || ācle bīdaþ / hwæt him aefter dǣdum || dēman wille / līfes
A.3.6 50 ġran || heortan benna, / sāre aefter swǣsne. || Sorh biþ ġe·n
A.3.9 77 es, / þæt hine ielda bearn || aefter herien, / and his lof siþþan
A.4.1 12 cyning. / Þǣm eafora wæs || aefter cenned, / ġung on ġeardum, ||
A.4.1 85 ġ-hete% || āðum-swēorum%, / aefter wæl-nīðe || wæcnan sċold
A.4.1 117 ūses, || hū hit Hrinġ-Dene / aefter bēor-þeġe || ġe·būn hæ
A.4.1 119 æðelinga ġe·dryht / swefan aefter simble; || sorĝe ne cūðon,
A.4.1 128 || gumum undierne; / þā wæs aefter wiste || wōp up ā·hafen, / m
A.4.1 140 licor || ræste sōhte%, / bedd aefter būrum, || þā him ġe·bēa
A.4.1 187 ; || wēl biþ þǣm þe mōt / aefter dēað-dæġe || drihten sē
A.4.1 315 um / wiċġ ġe·wende, || word aefter cwæþ: / ‘Mǣl is mē tō f
A.4.1 332 anc hæleþ / ōret-meċġas || aefter æðelum% fræġn: / ‘Hwonan
A.4.1 341 , / wlanc Wedera lēod, || word aefter spræc, / heard under helme: ||
A.4.1 580 Þā mec sǣ oþ·bær, / flōd aefter faroþe || on Finna land, / wad
A.4.1 824 -rīm. || Denum eallum wearþ / aefter þǣm wæl-rǣse || willa ġe
A.4.1 885 . || Siġe·munde ġe·sprang / aefter dēað-dæġe || dōm unlȳte
A.4.1 931 | ā mæġ god wyrċan / wunder aefter wundre, || wuldres hīerde. /
A.4.1 944 a || swā þone maĝan cende / aefter gum-cynnum, || ġif hēo ġī
A.4.1 995 on. || Gold-fāh sċinon / webb aefter wāĝum, || wundₒr-sīena f
A.4.1 1008 || leġer-bedde fæst / swefeþ aefter simble. || Þā wæs sǣl and
A.4.1 1049 ē þe seċġan wile || sōþ aefter rihte. / Þā ġīet ǣghwelcum
A.4.1 1067 amen || Hrōð·gāres sċōp / aefter medu-benċe || mǣnan sċolde
A.4.1 1149 || Gūð·lāf and Ōs·lāf / aefter sǣ-sīðe, || sorĝe, mǣndo
A.4.1 1213 īġ-frecan || wæl rēafodon / aefter gūþ-sċeare, || Ġēata lē
A.4.1 1255 ·þæt ende be·cōm, / swylt aefter synnum. || Þæt ġe·sīene
A.4.1 1257 tte wrecend þā-ġīet / lifde aefter lāðum, || lange þrāĝe, / a
A.4.1 1258 r lāðum, || lange þrāĝe, / aefter gūþ-ċeare || Grendles mōd
A.4.1 1301 ðer inn || ǣr ġe·teohhod / aefter māðᵤm-ġiefe || mǣrum Ġ
A.4.1 1315 m eall-wealda% || ǣfre wille / aefter wēa-spelle || wierpe ġe·fr
A.4.1 1316 rpe ġe·fremman. / Gēong þā aefter flōre || fyrd-wierðe mann / m
A.4.1 1320 na, || fræġn ġif him wǣre / aefter nīed-laðum || niht ġe·tǣ
A.4.1 1322 ċieldinga: / ‘Ne friġn þū aefter sǣlum. || Sorh is ġe·nīew
A.4.1 1342 || þeġne maniĝum, / sē þe aefter sinċ-ġiefan || on sefan gr
A.4.1 1389 þ dryht-guman / unlibbendum || aefter sēlest. / A·rīs, rīċes wea
A.4.1 1403 hæbbendra. || Lāstas wǣron / aefter weald-swaðum || wīde ġe·s
A.4.1 1425 l ġe·sæt. / Ġe·sāwon þā aefter wætere || wyrm-cynnes fela, /
A.4.1 1572 eneþ / rodores candel. || Hē aefter reċede wlāt; / hwearf þā be
A.4.1 1589 w wīde sprang, / siþþan hē aefter dēaðe || drepe þrōwode, / h
A.4.1 1606 || Þā þæt sweord on·gann / aefter heaðu-swāte || hilde-ġiċe
A.4.1 1680 c; || hit on ǣht ġe·hwearf / aefter dēofla hryre || Deniġa frē
A.4.1 1720 Nealles bēaĝas ġeaf / Denum aefter dōme; || drēamlēas ġe·b
A.4.1 1775 ēðle || edwenden cōm, / gryn aefter gamene, || siþþan Grendel w
A.4.1 1879 reðere || hyġe-bendum fæst / aefter dīerum menn || dierne langa
A.4.1 1938 ene; || hræðe siþþan wæs / aefter mund-grīpe || mēċe ġe·þ
A.4.1 1943 u-webbe || fēores on·sǣce / aefter lyġe-torne || lēofne mannan
A.4.1 1964 a || mid his hand-sċole / self aefter sande || sǣ-wang tredan, / wī
A.4.1 2030 e·sette. || Oft seldan hwǣr / aefter lēod-hryre || lȳtle hwīle /
A.4.1 2052 siþþan Wiðer-ġield læġ, / aefter hæleþa hryre, || hwate Sċi
A.4.1 2060 þeġn || fore fæder dǣdum / aefter billes bite || blōd-fāh swe
A.4.1 2066 nīðas || and him wīf-lufan / aefter ċear-wielmum || cōlran weor
A.4.1 2110 hwīlum seldliċ spell / reahte aefter rihte || rūm-heort cyning. / H
A.4.1 2154 -sweord ġeatoliċ, || ġiedd aefter wræc: / ‘Mē þis hilde-sċe
A.4.1 2176 beorht; || hire siþþan wæs / aefter bēah-þeġe || brēost% ġe
A.4.1 2179 þ, || gōdum dǣdum, / drēah aefter dōme, || nealles druncne sl
A.4.1 2260 ræc || bite īrena, / brosnaþ aefter beorne. || Ne mæġ byrnan hr
A.4.1 2261 ne. || Ne mæġ byrnan hrinġ / aefter wīġ-fruman || wīde fēran,
A.4.1 2268 r-mōd || ġiehþe mǣnde / ān aefter eallum, || unblīðe hwearf% /
A.4.1 2288 wæs ġe·nīewod; / stanc þā aefter stāne, || stearc-heort on·f
A.4.1 2294 || Hord-weard sōhte / ġeorne aefter grunde, || wolde guman findan
A.4.1 2461 n, || sorh-lēoþ gæleþ / ān aefter ānum; || þūhte him eall t
A.4.1 2463 ċ-stede. || Swā Wedra helm / aefter Here-bealde || heortan sorĝe
A.4.1 2531 rwum, || hwæðer sēl mæġe / aefter wæl-rǣse || wunde ġe·dīe
A.4.1 2581 . || Þā wæs beorĝes weard / aefter heaðu-swenġe || on hrēoᵤ
A.4.1 2731 e swā / ǣniġ ierfe-weard || aefter wurde / līċe ġe·lenġe. ||
A.4.1 2750 | þæt iċ þȳ sēft mæġe / aefter māðᵤm-welan || min ā·l
A.4.1 2753 fræġn || sunu Wīh·stānes / aefter word-cwidum || wundum drihtne
A.4.1 2803 | hlǣw ġe·wyrċan / beorhtne aefter bǣle || æt brimes nōsan; / s
A.4.1 2816 e, / eorlas on elne; || iċ him aefter sċeall.’ / Þæt wæs þǣm
A.4.1 2832 || hord-ærne nēah. / Nealles aefter lyfte || lācende hwearf / midd
A.4.1 3005 hettendum || hord and rīċe / aefter hæleþa hryre, || hwate Sċi
A.4.1 3096 d þæt ġē ġe·worhten || aefter wines dǣdum / on bǣl-stede ||
A.4.2 18 r wǣron bollan stēape / boren aefter benċum ġe·lōme, || swelċ
A.4.2 65 wǣslicne, || swelcne hē ǣr aefter worhte, / þearl-mōd þēoden
A.4.2 117 e·hæfted || on helle-bryne / aefter hin-sīðe. || Ne ðearf hē
The Paris Psalter 101:6 3 heredon; || hīe mē hræðe aefter / full swīðe eft || swerġan
The Paris Psalter 102:10 3 rhtum || woldest ūs dōn, / ne aefter ūrum unryhte || āhwǣr ġie
The Paris Psalter 102:11 1 ġieldan. / / # / For·þon þū aefter hēah-weorce || heofones þī
The Paris Psalter 102:12 2 deþ / þēs ēast-rodor || and aefter west, / hē be·twēonan þǣm
The Paris Psalter 103:27 5 iaþ, / on hira āĝen dūst || aefter hweorfaþ. / / # / On·send þīn
The Paris Psalter 104:11 4 m || beornas on·wōcon; / cynn aefter cynn || cende wǣron, / oþ·þ
The Paris Psalter 104:31 1 on wæstmas. / / # / Siþþan hē aefter slōh || ǣġhwelċ% frum-bea
The Paris Psalter 104:33 1 . / / # / Wurdon him% Eġyptas || aefter blīðe, / siþþan hīe on for
The Paris Psalter 104:36 3 hīe on Iordane || gengdon% aefter. / / # / Ac hē wæs þāra worda
The Paris Psalter 105:34 3 þonne hīe hīenþa druĝon, / aefter his miltsa || meniġu godes. /
The Paris Psalter 106:38 2 costunge || þe him be·cōm aefter, / sāres and yfeles, || þe hī
The Paris Psalter 106:41 1 æste ġe·sēoþ, || snēome aefter / blīðe weorðaþ, || bēot
The Paris Psalter 118:25 2 flōre ġe·nēahhe; / dō mē aefter þīnum wordum || wēl ġe·c
The Paris Psalter 118:42 1 t milde mōd, || mǣre hǣlu / aefter þīnre sprǣċe || spōwendl
The Paris Psalter 118:59 1 mē on mōde || milde weorðe / aefter þīnre sprǣċe || spōwendl
The Paris Psalter 118:108 1 ief mē, ēċe god, / þæt iċ aefter þīnum wordum || weorðe bl
The Paris Psalter 118:116 3 ondlīċe, || fǣle drihten, / aefter þǣm þe þū selfa || sæġ
The Paris Psalter 118:133 3 , || þæt iċ on rihtne weġ / aefter þīnre sprǣċe || spēdum g
The Paris Psalter 118:149 3 e stefne, || hāliġ drihten, / aefter þīnre ðǣre miċelan || mi
The Paris Psalter 118:150 1 elan || mild-heortnesse, / and aefter þīnum dōmum || dō mē hā
The Paris Psalter 118:157 1 t þīne, || mehtiġ drihten; / aefter þīnum dōmum || dō mē cwi
The Paris Psalter 118:169 5 e·sihþe || simle, drihten; / aefter þīnre sprǣċe || sele mē
The Paris Psalter 118:170 4 sihþe || simle æt þearfe; / aefter þīnre sprǣċe || dō spēd
The Paris Psalter 121:4 2 o-risse || cende wǣron / cynn aefter cynne; || cūðon þā drihte
The Paris Psalter 125:1 1 ne drihten wille || ġe·dōn aefter, / þæt hē of Sione || swǣre
The Paris Psalter 125:5 4 hira selfra sǣd || snīðaþ aefter. / / # / Cumaþ þonne mid cumendu
The Paris Psalter 135:6 1 þa andġiet. / / # / Hē eorðan aefter wæter || ǣrest sette. / / # / H
The Paris Psalter 138:1 4 cnēowe, / and mīnne ǣrest || aefter ġe·cȳðdest. / / # / And mīne
The Paris Psalter 143:7 2 hīe tō·weorpest || wīde aefter; / sind þīne strǣle || strang
The Paris Psalter 144:18 2 / eallum on eorðan || and hē aefter þon / on his weorcum is || wī
The Paris Psalter 146:8 3 eþ / þe þēos eorðe fram || aefter grōweþ. / / # / Hē of beorĝum
The Paris Psalter 150:2 2 hēah-meahtum, / herġaþ hine aefter mōde || his mæġen-þrymmes
The Paris Psalter 59:3 2 ra wīsan || and hīe hræðe aefter / mid wynsume || wīne drenctes
The Paris Psalter 61:12 4 || þæt hē manna ġe·hwǣm / aefter his āĝenum || earnungum% d
The Paris Psalter 77:11 3 e on wīġes dæġe || wendon aefter. / / # / Ne hēoldon hīe || hāl
The Paris Psalter 80:12 3 ost wæs, || lēoda þēodum, / aefter hira willum || wynnum miċelu
A.5.6.10 67 ah hit lang ­þynċe, / dēaþ aefter dōĝor-rīme, || þonne hē
A.5.6.10 70 pan mōt / sē ēċa dēaþ || aefter þissum weorolde?
A.5.6.11 60 ald, / swīfte windas. || Sumor aefter cymeþ, / wearm ġe·wideru. ||
A.5.6.19 33 ·þǣm hīe ǣfre ne list || aefter spyrian, / sēċan þā ġe·s
A.5.6.20 47 Hwæt, þū, hāliġ fæder, / aefter þīnum willan || weorold ġe
A.5.6.21 14 o ān hȳþ || þe ǣfre biþ / aefter þǣm ȳðum || ūra ġe·swi
A.5.6.21 17 frōfor ān / ealra ierminga || aefter þissum / weorold-ġe·swincum.
A.5.6.21 19 cum. || Þæt is wynsum stōw / aefter þissum iermþum || tō āĝa
A.5.6.21 33 s || wlite ġe·beorhteþ / and aefter þǣm || eallum wealdeþ. / Nel
A.5.6.22 1 f Boethius: Metre 22 / / Sē þe aefter rihte || mid ġe·rēċe will
A.5.6.22 2 rēċe wille / inweardlīċe || aefter spyrian / swā dēoplīċe, ||
A.5.6.22 46 inca hwelċ || rihtwīslīċe / aefter friġne || ġif hē āwuht na
A.5.6.26 50 Hæfdon þā mǣġþa / ǣlcne aefter ōðrum || for ēċne god. / S
A.5.6.27 10 on || þæt hē simle spyreþ / aefter ǣġhwelcum || eorðan tūdre
A.5.6.27 12 lum? || Dēaþ ēac swā same / aefter mann-cynne || ġond þisne mi
A.5.6.27 16 hēde || þæt hē hwīle ǣr / aefter spyrede. || Is þæt earmliċ
A.5.6.29 15 ; || ealle steorran / sīĝaþ aefter sunnan || samod mid rodore / un
A.5.6.29 23 m hē hæleþum dæġ / bodaþ aefter burgum, || brenġeþ aefter / s
A.5.6.29 23 aefter burgum, || brenġeþ aefter / sweġel-torht sunne || samod
A.5.6.29 27 up || ǣr for sunnan / and eft aefter sunnan || on setl glīdeþ, / w
A.5.6.29 61 ndum, / rīpa reċeþ. || Reġn aefter þǣm / swelċe haĝol and snā
A.5.6.5 3 | ōðrum steorran / þāra þe aefter burgum || beorhtost% sċīene
A.5.6.7 2 / glēo-wordum gōl, || ġiedd aefter% spelle, / sang sōþ-cwīda ||
A.5.6.7 23 t hrēosan wile, / sīĝan sand aefter reġne. || Swā bēoþ ānra
A.5.6.7 44 tō þǣm ēċum || þe ðǣr aefter cumaþ, / hine þonne ǣg-hwona
A.5.6.8 57 | sē þās wang-stedas / grōf aefter golde || and aefter ġimm-cyn
A.5.6.8 57 das / grōf aefter golde || and aefter ġimm-cynnum. / Hwæt, hē frec
A.6.12 69 er wǣġ ġe·wāt, || wæġn aefter earn; / þus heardingas || þon
A.6.13 54 min hyġe drēoseþ, / bysiġ aefter bōcum; || hwīlum mē bryne
A.6.13 109 p. || Hȳdeþ hine ǣġhwelċ / aefter sċades sċīman; || sċaða
A.6.13 128 ēondum on fultum, || færeþ aefter //D// D / fīfel-mæġenum full
A.6.13 92 þ hine on foldan; || friteþ aefter þǣm / wildne fuĝol. || Hēo
A.6.13 181 ċeall on ġe·byrd faran / ān aefter ānum; || þæt is eald ġe·
A.6.13 184 / wadan on wīsdōm, || winnan aefter snytru?’ / ‘Hwæt. Him mæ
A.6.13 198 ēohte ġe·sihþ, || lūteþ aefter, / ġe·seġnaþ and ġe·syfle
A.6.14 25 ċum || and sē wīġend þā / aefter seofon-tīenum || swylt% þr
A.6.14 128 d wǣr-þēoda, / swelċe hīe% aefter þǣm || un-rīm fremedon / swe
A.6.15 60 tas || þe for Gode hweorfaþ / aefter dēað-dæġe, || dōmes bīd
A.6.26 34 es ānes, || æl-mehtiġ God, / aefter þīnre ðǣre% miċelan || m
A.6.26 35 || mild-heortnesse%. / And ēac aefter meniġu || miltsa% þīnra, / d
A.6.31 58 afaþ / on ðǣre% wucan || þe aefter cumeþ% / þǣm sunnan-dæġe |
A.6.31 215 ede, || þurste ġe·bǣded, / aefter tæppere || tēoþ ġond str
Bede's Death Song, Northumbrian Version 5 stae || godaes aeththa yflaes / aefter deothdaege || doemid uueortha
A.6.33.3 5 āste || gōdes oþþe yfeles / aefter dēaðe heonan || dēmed weor
A.6.37 21 d and undēop, / tō·flōweþ aefter feldum || oþ hit tō fenne w
A.6.43.3 5 æt ġealdor, þæt || / hēr aefter cweþ, man sċeall singan, ǣ
A.6.9 65 ðǣr cōm flōwende || flōd aefter ebban, / lucon laĝu-strēamas.
beman - 4 occurrences
Christ and Satan 171 geheran / þære byrhtestan || beman stefne / þæs ic wolde of seld
Christ and Satan 236 nnum || geherdon wuldres sweg / beman stefne || byrhtword aras / engl
Christ and Satan 601 hehenglas || hluddre stefne / beman blawan || ofer burga geseotu /
The Paris Psalter 150:3 1 þ hine on hleoþre || holdre beman
bīeman - 16 occurrences
A.1.2 159 de, / blicon bord-hrēoðan, || bīeman sungon), / þūfas þunian, ||
A.1.2 222 sed, / bruĝdon ofer burgum, || (bīeman ġe·hīerdon), / flotan feld-h
A.1.3 179 hlyst || þā hlēoðor cōm / bīeman stefne || ofer burh-ware. / Þ
A.1.3 192 þēah þe ðǣr on herġe || bīeman sungon. / ­Þā wǣron æðelu
A.1.4 171 hīeran / ðǣre beorhtestan || bīeman% stefne! / Þæs iċ wolde of se
A.1.4 236 ġe·hīerdon wuldres swēġ, / bīeman stefne. || Beorht-word ā·ra
A.1.4 601 ah-englas% || hlūdre stefne / bīeman% blāwan || ofer burga ġe·se
A.2.6 109 mang, / beran bēacen godes. || Bīeman sungon / hlūde for herġum. ||
Christ C 881 l-beorhte || on efen blāwaþ / bīeman on brehtme. || Bifaþ middan-
Christ C 1061 ore siġe-dēman. / Þonne sēo bīeman stefen || and sē beorhta se
A.3.24 51 sē wlanca dæġ / bodie þurh bīeman || bryne-hātne līeġ, / eġes
A.3.24 110 ūde || horn ā·þīeteþ / ne bīeman ā·blāweþ, || þæt ne sī
A.3.4 134 . / Ne maĝon þām breahtme || bīeman ne hornas, / ne hearpan hlynn,
A.3.4 497 ng / bēodeþ, breĝu engla, || bīeman stefe / ofer sīdne grund, || s
A.4.1 2943 īe Hyġe·lāces || horn and bīeman, / ġealdor on·ġēaton, || þ
The Paris Psalter 150:3 1 hine on hlēoðre || holdre bīeman. / / ‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏
drihten - 797 occurrences
Genesis A 40 cna bidan / deop dreama leas || drihten ure / gasta weardas || þa he h
Genesis A 112 ges / her ærest gesceop || ece drihten / helm eallwihta || heofon and
Genesis B 240 him þa to heofenum || halig drihten / stiþferhþ cyning || stod hi
Genesis B 247 nna / þurh handmægen || halig drihten / tene getrimede || þæm he ge
Genesis B 251 d his handum gesceop || halig drihten / gesett hæfde he hie swa ges
Genesis B 295 ræc healic word / dollice wiþ drihten sinne || sceolde he þa dæd
Genesis B 299 þ / mid mane wiþ þone mæran drihten || þa wearþ se mihtiga gebo
Genesis B 309 lle || and heo ealle forsceop / drihten to deoflum || forþon heo his
Genesis B 386 and þæt wiste eac || weroda drihten / þæt sceolde unc adame || yf
Genesis B 490 yrne deofles boda || þe wiþ drihten wann / wearp hine þa on wyrmes
Genesis B 507 inum hearran / hæfst þe wiþ drihten dyrne geworhtne || ic gehyrde
Genesis B 515 he on þysne siþ fare / gumena drihten || ac he his gingran sent / to
Genesis B 638 one hire ær forbead / drihtna drihten || deaþbeames ofet / and þæt
Genesis B 642 am / hefonrice forgeaf || halig drihten / widbradne welan || gif hie þ
Genesis B 646 wæs deaþes beam || þe him drihten forbead / forlec hie þa mid li
Genesis A 925 dohtor / abead eac adame || ece drihten / lifes leohtfruma || laþ ære
Genesis A 1036 þa selfa oncwæþ || sigora drihten / ne þearft þu þe ondrædan
Genesis A 1287 meches / domfæst and gedefe || drihten wiste / þæt þæs æþelinges
Genesis A 1362 n || swa him ælmihtig / weroda drihten || þurh his word abead / him o
Genesis A 1371 godes hæse / dugeþum dyrum || drihten sende / regn from roderum || an
Genesis A 1390 elo mid / þa segnade || selfa drihten / scyppend usser || þa he þæ
Genesis A 1411 gelædde þa wigend || weroda drihten / worde ofer widland || willflo
Genesis A 1500 m / þam þe him to dugeþum || drihten sealde / gleaw to þam gielde |
Genesis A 1510 d / domfæst dugeþa || þa gyt drihten cwæþ / wuldris aldor || word
Genesis A 1745 ices weard / to abrahame || ece drihten / gewit þu nu feran || and þi
Genesis A 1786 selfa / domfæst wereda || and drihten cwæþ / þis is seo eorþe ||
Genesis A 1838 e gebeorgan || gif me freoþo drihten / on woruldrice || waldend usse
Genesis A 1859 / duguþum stepan || hwæþere drihten wearþ / frea faraone || fah an
Genesis A 2058 cwæþ þæt him se halga / ece drihten || eaþe mihte / æt þam spere
Genesis A 2227 tgædere || ic eom geomorfrod / drihten min || do swa ic þe bidde / he
Genesis A 2255 | þæs sie ælmihtig / drihtna drihten || dema mid unc twih / hire þa
Genesis A 2305 en || ymb þreotiene gear / ece drihten || wiþ abrahame spræc / leofa
Genesis A 2354 fægere || frea ælmihtig / ece drihten || andswarode / þe sceal wintr
Genesis A 2545 fyr / þæs hie on ærdagum || drihten tyndon / lange þrage || him þ
Genesis A 2633 m || him þær fylste þa / ece drihten || swa he oft dyde / nergend us
Genesis A 2653 gena / him þa ædre eft || ece drihten / soþfæst metod || þurh þæ
Genesis A 2752 ham ongan || arna biddan / ecne drihten || him engla helm / getigþode
Genesis A 2777 agen word / þone dægwillan || drihten bodode / þa seo wyrd gewearþ
Genesis A 2796 gla spræc / to abrahame || ece drihten / læt þe aslupan || sorge of
Genesis A 2827 rfæst / gif þe alwalda || ure drihten / scirian wille || se þe gesce
Genesis A 2894 / þæt he gedæde || swa hine drihten het / him þæt soþcyning || s
Genesis A 2936 e he him siþ and ær / gifena drihten || forgifen hæfde
Exodus 8 e / þone on westenne || weroda drihten / soþfæst cyning || mid his s
Exodus 25 u þas woruld worhte || witig drihten / eorþan ymbhwyrft || and upro
Exodus 91 ugoþ israhela || þæt þær drihten cwom / weroda drihten || wicste
Exodus 92 æt þær drihten cwom / weroda drihten || wicsteal metan / him beforan
Exodus 262 rim || him eallum wile / mihtig drihten || þurh mine hand / to dæge
Exodus 521 ma gehwilcne || þara þe him drihten bebead / on þam siþfate || so
Exodus 542 iddangeard / dæg dædum fah || drihten sylfa / on þam meþelstede ||
Exodus 547 ssa blæd / dugoþ on dreame || drihten herigaþ / weroda wuldorcyning
Exodus 559 e gehet / mid aþsware || engla drihten / in fyrndagum || fæderyncynne
Exodus 576 stefne / for þam dædweorce || drihten heredon / weras wuldres sang ||
Daniel 12 od / heofonrices weard || halig drihten / wuldres waldend || se þam we
Daniel 87 e / þe him þær to duguþe || drihten scyrede / þa hie þær fundon
Daniel 130 inge / hu magon we swa dygle || drihten ahicgan / on sefan þinne || hu
Daniel 194 n / wæron wærfæste || wiston drihten / ecne uppe || ælmihtigne / cnih
Daniel 257 rlas ebrea || ofestum heredon / drihten on dreame || dydon swa hie cu
Daniel 281 atne lig / dreag dæda georn || drihten herede / wer womma leas || and
Daniel 292 and þurh hyldo help || halig drihten / nu we þec for þreaum || and
Daniel 309 ne forlet þu usic ane || ece drihten / for þam miltsum || þe þec
Daniel 330 and þæt þu ana eart || ece drihten / weroda waldend || woruldgesce
Daniel 359 ela / eall landgesceaft || ecne drihten / þeoda waldend || swa hie þr
Daniel 381 ige / eall eorþan grund || ece drihten / hyllas and hrusan || and hea
Daniel 396 llende / eallum eadmodum || ece drihten / annanias þec || and adzarias
Daniel 403 / wurþiaþ in wuldre || witig drihten / we þec herigaþ || halig dri
Daniel 404 ten / we þec herigaþ || halig drihten / and gebedum bremaþ || þu ge
Daniel 444 gewyrhto ahton / hyssas heredon drihten || for þam hæþenan folce / s
Daniel 476 ron / forþam he is ana || ece drihten / dema ælmihtig || se þe him
Daniel 547 el æt þam dome || þæt his drihten wæs / gumena aldor || wiþ god
Daniel 612 / þa for þam gylpe || gumena drihten / forfangen wearþ || and on fl
Daniel 716 friþe / þonne israela || ece drihten / him þæt tacen wearþ || þ
Daniel 761 wære ana || ealra gesceafta / drihten and waldend || se him dom for
Christ and Satan 47 eleþ ymb hehseld || herigaþ drihten / wordum and wercum || and ic i
Christ and Satan 108 n || æþele gebidan / hwæt me drihten god || deman wille / fagum on f
Christ and Satan 173 lde of selde || sunu meotodes / drihten adrifan || and agan me þæs
Christ and Satan 186 s þe ic geþohte adrifan || drihten of selde / weoroda waldend || s
Christ and Satan 197 neoman us to wynne || weoroda drihten / uppe ecne gefean || engla wal
Christ and Satan 201 de || gemunan we þone halgan drihten / ecne in wuldre || mid alra ge
Christ and Satan 218 e sylfa sit || sigora waldend / drihten hælend || in þæm deoran ha
Christ and Satan 221 ge heofenþreatas || herigaþ drihten / wordum and weorcum || heora w
Christ and Satan 239 sanctas || sigetorht aras / ece drihten || ofer us gestod / and geblets
Christ and Satan 255 usic || þæt we woldon swa / drihten adrifan || of þam deoran ham
Christ and Satan 260 / þe us eorre gewearþ || ece drihten / meotod mihtum swiþ || sceal
Christ and Satan 395 eolfa || sunu waldendes / engla drihten || wile uppe heonan / sawla læ
Christ and Satan 402 weg / dyne on dægred || hæfde drihten seolf / feond oferfohten || wæ
Christ and Satan 408 þ / ic þe æne abealh || ece drihten / þa wit adam twa || eaples þ
Christ and Satan 437 wæt þu fram minre dohtor || drihten onwoce / in middangeard || mann
Christ and Satan 441 eafta / let þa up faran || ece drihten / wuldre hæfde || wites clomma
Christ and Satan 450 n / wenan seoþþan || him wæs drihten god / wraþ geworden || sealde
Christ and Satan 460 || abrahames cynn / hæfde þa drihten seolf || deaþ oferwunnen / feo
Christ and Satan 514 es || ær on morgen / þæs þe drihten god || of deaþe aras / næs na
Christ and Satan 518 habban / ah he ut eode || engla drihten / on þæm fæstenne || and gef
Christ and Satan 528 odes / þa on upp gestod || ece drihten / god in galileam || to þæs g
Christ and Satan 535 || simon petrus / eart þu þis drihten || dome gewurþad / we þe gesa
Christ and Satan 557 þ / þa wæs on eorþan || ece drihten / feowertig daga || folgad folc
Christ and Satan 575 r on tifre || torhtne gesalde / drihten hælend || him seo dæd ne ge
Christ and Satan 580 eres / dæleþ dogra gehwæm || drihten weoroda / help and hælo || hæ
Christ and Satan 599 htig god # || / on domdæge || drihten seolfa / hateþ hehenglas || hl
Christ and Satan 625 him biþ reordende # || / ece drihten || ofer ealle gecwæþ / astiga
Christ and Satan 663 ære ecan gesceft / þæt is se drihten || seþe deaþ for us / geþrow
Christ and Satan 673 bbe / þa him andswarode || ece drihten / wendest þu awyrgda || þæt
Christ and Satan 3 beorh astah / asette on dune || drihten hælend / loca nu ful wide || o
A.1.4 4 stāh, / ā·sette on dūne || drihten hǣlend: / ‘Loca nū full wī
Christ and Satan 10 est / þa him andswarode || ece drihten / gewit þu awyrgda || in þæt
A.1.4 11 / Þā him andswarode || ēċe drihten: / ‘Ġe·wit þū, ā·wierĝd
A.2.1 5 īe ġe·dǣldon, || swā him drihten self, / heofona hēah-cyning, |
Andreas 73 ru / to adreoganne || þæt þu drihten min / engla eadgifa || eþellea
Andreas 173 nes || modhord onleac / weoruda drihten || ond þus wordum cwæþ / þu
A.2.1 190 f andsware: / ‘Hū mæġ iċ, drihten min, || ofer dēop ġe·lād /
A.2.1 202 / Him þā andswarode || ēċe drihten: / ‘Eala, Andreas, || þæt þ
Andreas 248 hie ofer sæ comon / þæt wæs drihten sylf || dugeþa wealdend / ece
A.2.1 317 e·dafenaþ þē, || nū þe drihten ġeaf / welan and wiste || and
A.2.1 343 Him þā andswarode || ēċe% drihten: / ‘Ġif ġē sindon þeġnas
A.2.1 355 m cwæþ: / ‘For·ġiefe þē drihten || dōm-weorðunga, / willan on
A.2.1 435 || sċieppend engla, / weoroda drihten. || Wæter-eġesa sċeall, / ġe
A.2.1 510 t.’ / Him andswarode || ēċe drihten: / ‘Oft þæt ġe·sǣleþ, ||
A.2.1 541 letsod, || breĝu manncynnes, / drihten hǣlend. || Ā þīn dōm lyf
A.2.1 600 n, / þā þe aefter dēaðe || drihten sēċaþ.’ / Þā-ġīen wǣ
A.2.1 621 e, / swelċe dēaĝollīċe || drihten gumena / folc-rǣd fremede, ||
A.2.1 626 mōd on dēaĝle, || þā mid drihten oft, / rodera rǣdend, || rūne
A.2.1 698 ahtum ġe·swīðed, / duĝuþa drihten, || sēċan dēagol land. / Hē
A.2.1 727 īen worde cwæþ || weoroda drihten, / heofon-hāliġ gǣst, || fore
A.2.1 835 niht-langne frist, / oþ·þæt drihten for·lēt || dæġ-candelle / s
A.2.1 874 u || hālĝan stefne / dryhtna drihten. || Drēam wæs on hyhte. / Wē
A.2.1 897 ġendra hleo: / ‘Nū iċ, god drihten, || on·ġieten hæbbe / þæt
A.2.1 1206 / Þā worde cwæþ || weoroda drihten, / metod mihtum swīþ || sæġd
A.2.1 1267 , / þæt hē ā dōmlīcost || drihten herede, / weorðode wordum, ||
A.2.1 1281 rde cwæþ: / ‘Ġe·seoh nū, drihten god, || drohtaþ mīnne, / weor
A.2.1 1407 || Hwæt, þū siĝora weard, / drihten hǣlend, || on dæġes tīde /
A.2.1 1455 te.’ / Swā sē dǣd-fruma || drihten herede / hālĝan stefne || oþ
A.2.1 1462 re deorcan niht. || Þā cōm drihten god / on þæt hlin-reċed, ||
A.2.1 1663 word ġe·cwæþ, || weoroda drihten: / ‘folc of firenum? || Is% hi
A.2.1 29 / daĝas on rīme, || swā him drihten be·bēad, / þæt hē þā wed
A.2.3 14 lde / wyrċan wille, || weoroda drihten. / Clipaþ þonne swā ċēarful
A.2.3 92 rn ġe·worhton, / þonne wille drihten self || dǣda ġe·hīeran / h
A.2.3 100 ieldan, || þonne rēðe biþ / drihten æt þǣm dōme. || Ac hwæt
A.2.3 138 m% be·wunden. || Ēalā, min drihten, / ðǣr iċ þē mōste || mid
A.2.4 7 s wammes ġe·wita || weoroda drihten. / For·þon sē wīteĝa cwæþ
A.2.4 10 n wīta for·wyrd, || weoroda drihten, / ne mē on līfe for·lēos ||
A.2.5 64 hēoldon hīe ðǣr heofones drihten, || and hē hine ðǣr hwīle
A.2.5 101 ǣr bierĝde, || hwæðre eft drihten arās / mid his miċelan meahte
A.2.5 105 cynn sēċan / on dōmdæġe || drihten selfa, / ælmihtiġ god, || and
A.2.5 144 drēames brūcan. || sīe mē drihten frēond, / sē þe hēr on eor
A.2.6 81 d, || wǣre bēodan, / duĝuþa drihten. || Ne on·drǣd þū þē, / þ
A.2.6 187 uldor / of dēaðe ā·rās, || drihten ealra / hæleþa cynnes || and
A.2.6 365 urh hālġe bēċ / þæt ēow drihten ġeaf || dōm unsċendne, / met
A.2.6 371 || sċieppend ealra, / dryhtna% drihten || and ġe·dwolan fylgdon / of
A.2.6 62 dēaðe. || Swā þēah him drihten eft / miltse ġe·fremede, ||
A.2.6 279 ende% / on þā dūne up || þe drihten ǣr / ā·hangen wæs%, || heof
A.2.6 321 ryrefæst. || Þæs þū, god drihten, / wealdest wīdan ferhþ || and
A.2.6 458 er þā þe worhte || weoroda drihten / tō feorh-nere || fīra cynne
A.2.6 842 | tēon-līeġ nimeþ, / þonne drihten self || dōm ġe·sēċeþ / en
Christ A 257 enċed, / dēor dǣd-sċūa, || drihten, þīn ēowde%, / wīde tō·wre
Christ A 272 iċ þon ofostlicor, || ēċe drihten, / æt þām lēod-sċaðan, ||
Christ A 348 alā þū hālĝa || heofona drihten, / þū mid fæder þīnne || ġ
Christ A 366 eall æt þē ānum, || ēċe drihten. / Hrēow-ċearĝum help, || þ
Christ A 405 le þū bist hāliġ, / dryhtna drihten. || Ā þīn dōm wunaþ / eorð
Christ A 428 dǣleþ dōgra ġe·hwǣm, || drihten weoroda. / For·þon we hine d
Christ B 512 eotole ġe·sēoþ || sōðne drihten / on sweġel faran; || siĝores
Christ B 594 ā þīestra wræce, / swā mid drihten drēam || swā mid dēoflum h
Christ B 782 hine god sċieldeþ, / duĝuða drihten. || Is þām dōme nēah / þæt
Christ C 1274 oĝaþ for·dōne. || On him drihten ġe·sihþ / nealles fēara sum
Christ C 1641 a lēase / drēam weardiaþ, || drihten lofiaþ, / lēofne līfes weard
Christ C 1664 te-sċīenost, || wuldres mid drihten.
A.3.12 64 / Swā missenlīċe || mehtiġ drihten / ġond eorðan sċēat || eall
A.3.13 35 tēode. / Dol biþ sē þe his drihten nāt, || tō þæs oft cymeþ
A.3.16 55 þone stenċ faraþ. / Swā is drihten god, || drēama rǣdend, / eall
A.3.19 13 | / būtan ǣr wyrċe || ēċe drihten, / æl-mehtiġ god, || ende weor
A.3.19 86 yrn ġe·worhton, / þonne wile drihten self || dǣda ġe·hīeran, /
A.3.19 93 ieldan, || þonne rēðe biþ / drihten æt dōme. || Ac hwæt dō wi
Guthlac A 14 e·fēon mōton%, / drȳman mid drihten, || þā þe his dōmas hēr / e
Guthlac A 90 feorh, || witon hira hiht mid drihten. / Þæt sind þā ġe·costan c
Guthlac A 134 þæs ġe·winnes || weoroda drihten / on þæs engles dōm || ende
Guthlac A 224 s wȳsċaþ, / willen þæt him drihten || þurh dēaðes cwealm / tō
Guthlac A 321 / ac mē dōĝra ġe·hwǣm || drihten sendeþ / þurh mannes hand ||
Guthlac A 379 īdan wille / þæs þe mē min drihten dēmeþ. || Nis mē þæs dē
Guthlac A 479 ċield siteþ. / Ne cunnon ġē drihten || duĝuþe biddan, / ne mid ē
Guthlac A 516 ā·drēoĝan, || þēah þe drihten his / wītum weolde%. || Hwæt,
Guthlac A 554 wræce / dēope dēman. || Swā drihten mæġ, / ana æl-mehtiġ, || ē
Guthlac A 592 ōþ efene swā, || ġif ēow drihten Crīst, / līfes lēoht-fruma |
Guthlac A 703 Iċ eom sē dēma, || sē mec drihten hēt / snūde ġe·seċġan, ||
Guthlac A 788 s / milde mund-bora, || mehtiġ drihten, / hāliġ hīerde, || heofon-r
Guthlac B 1083 bliss, / dōmfæstra drēam, || drihten andweard, / þām iċ ġeorne |
Guthlac B 1101 htiġ || ǣrost ġe·fremede, / drihten mid drēame, || þā hē of d
A.3.20 32 t ġond þās weorold / wītiġ drihten || wendeþ ġe·nēahhe, / eorl
A.3.22.40 12 isne middan-ġeard || mehtiġ drihten / mid his an-wealde || ǣġhwǣ
A.3.24 81 onne for·ġieldan || gǣsta drihten / willum aefter ðǣre wyrde, |
A.3.25 2 od, || / helpe min sē hālĝa drihten. || Þū ġe·sċōpe heofon a
A.3.25 4 e% ðǣr inn sindon, || ēċe drihten, / miċel and maniġfeald. || I
A.3.25 7 ord and min weorc, || wītiġ drihten, / and eall min liðu, || lēoht
A.3.25 45 ġe·lēoran lǣt, || lēofra drihten, / ġēoca mīnes gæstes. || Þ
A.3.25 61 n; || ġōca þonne, / mehtiġ drihten, || mīnre sāwle, / ġe·friða
A.3.25 108 ian / eorl on ēðle. || Ēalā drihten min, / mehtiġ mund-bora. || Þ
A.3.26 31 and witod [] / [] tō dæġe || drihten wille / [] ġe·sēċan, || si
A.3.26 70 ō þē || ān ġe·līefaþ, / drihten min sē dīera. || Iċ ā·dr
A.3.26 108 on ġe·dyrstum, || þū eart drihten Crīst, / þæt þū ūs ġe·m
A.3.26 116 meaht ġe·rīman, || rīċe drihten, / sǣs sand-grotu, || sēlost e
A.3.26 126 isne wræc-sīþ, || weoroda drihten, / þurh þīnes selfes ġe·wea
A.3.26 133 mid þȳ wætere, || weoroda drihten, / blīðe mōde || ealle burĝ-
A.3.3 3 eġ, / drēah dǣdum ġeorn, || drihten herede, / wīs on weorcum || an
A.3.3 13 þurh hyldu help, || hāliġ drihten, / nū we þeċ for þearfum ||
A.3.3 46 / þæt þū ana eart || ēċe drihten, / siġe-rōf settend || and sō
A.3.3 70 ealle ġe·sċeafte || ēċne drihten, / þēoda wealdend. || Swā hī
A.3.3 94 wol of līċe. / and þeċ, god drihten, || gæstas% herġen, / byrnende
A.3.3 98 þurh maniġne hād, || milde drihten, / and þeċ dæġ and niht, ||
A.3.3 108 bryten-rīċes weard, / dīerne drihten. || Ā þīn dōm sīe / god and
A.3.3 115 ūs sē lēofa cyning, / ēċe drihten, || ǣr ġe·sette / sīnum bear
A.3.3 116 earnum tō bryċe, || brēmen drihten. / and þeċ, hālĝa god, || h
A.3.3 123 era / hēa holmas, || hāliġne drihten, / dōmlīċe dēop wæter; || a
A.3.3 128 æt ǣr ġe·sċōp || ēċe drihten / laĝu-flōda be·gang, || lē
A.3.3 132 en þeċ þā ealle, || ēċe drihten, / þurh þīnne willan, || wuld
A.3.3 134 ealle ǣ-sprynġe, || ēċe drihten, / hēanne herġen. || Ful oft
A.3.3 142 ām brādan brime, || brēmen drihten, / herġen hāliġne || and heof
A.3.3 145 lyft faraþ. / Blētsien þeċ, drihten, || dēor and nīeten. / Metod m
A.3.3 149 ng, / milde mæsseras || mǣrne drihten, / and þīne þēowas%, || þē
A.3.34.85 2 ne iċ selfa hlūd / ymb || unc drihten% sċōp / sīþ æt·samne. || I
A.3.4 138 ǣniġ þāra drēama || þe drihten ġe·sċōp / gumum tō glēowe
A.3.4 445 ǣdum dōmlicum, || þæt him drihten wearþ, / heofona hēah-cyning,
A.3.4 454 , / duĝuþa lēasum || and him drihten ġe·cīeĝþ, / fæder on fult
A.3.4 463 da ġe·fremme; || þām biþ drihten sċield / on sīða ġe·hwone,
A.3.4 478 allende / dæġes and nihtes || drihten lufiaþ, / lēohte ġe·lēafan
A.3.4 494 eonoþ ġe·hēġan, / duĝuþa drihten, || dēman mid rihte. / Þonne
A.3.4 560 || āĝan mōte, / drēamas mid drihten, || ðǣr sēo dēore sċolu / l
A.3.7 111 līċe || wīde tō·sāweþ / drihten his duĝuþe. || Ā þæs% d
A.3.9 41 þæs dēor, || nē him his drihten tō þæs hold, / þæt hē ā
A.3.9 43 sorĝe næbbe, / tō hwon hine drihten || ġe·dōn wille. / Ne biþ h
A.3.9 106 dor. / Dol biþ sē þe him his drihten ne on·drǣdeþ; || cymeþ hi
A.3.9 124 ode, || wuldres ealdor, / ēċe drihten, || on ealle tīd. || Amen.
Beowulf 108 e || ðone cwealm gewræc / ece drihten || ðæs ðe he abel slog / ne
Beowulf 181 dæda demend || ne wiston hie drihten god / ne hie huru heofena helm
Beowulf 187 ðe mot / æfter deaðdæge || drihten secean / ond to fæder fæðmum
A.4.1 686 wā hwæðre hand, || hāliġ drihten, / mǣrþe dēme, || swā him ġ
A.4.1 696 m, / Deniġea lēode. || Ac him drihten for·ġeaf / wīġ-speda ġe·w
Beowulf 1050 e / ða gyt æghwylcum || eorla drihten / ðara ðe mid beowulfe || bri
A.4.1 1484 golde on·ġietan || Ġēata drihten, / ġesêon sunu Hrǣdles, || þ
Beowulf 1554 god / geweold wigsigor || witig drihten / rodera rædend || hit on ryht
A.4.1 1824 ufan || māran tilian, / gumena drihten, || þonne iċ ġīet dyde, / g
A.4.1 1831 on Hyġe·lāc wāt, / Ġēata drihten, || þēah þe hē ġung sīe,
Beowulf 1841 / ðe ða wordcwydas || wigtig drihten / on sefan sende || ne hyrde ic
A.4.1 2000 wes: / ‘þæt is undierne, || drihten Hyġe·lāc%, / miċel% ġe·m
Beowulf 2186 n medobence || micles wyrðne / drihten wedera || gedon wolde / swyðe
A.4.1 2338 hlēow / eall-īrenne, || eorla drihten, / wīġ-bord wrǣtliċ; || wiss
A.4.1 2402 lfa sum || torne ġe·bolĝen / drihten Ġēata || dracan sċēawian.
A.4.1 2560 ǣm gryre-ġieste, || Ġēata drihten; / þā wæs hrinġ-boĝan || he
A.4.1 2576 | Hand up ā·bræġd / Ġēata drihten, || gryre-fāĝne slōh / inċġ
A.4.1 2789 māðmum || mǣrne þēoden, / drihten sīnne, || drēoriġne fand / e
A.4.1 2901 will-ġiefa || Wedra lēoda, / drihten Ġēata, || dēaþ-bedde fæs
A.4.1 2991 d þone gūþ-rǣs || Ġēata drihten, / Hrēðles eafora, || þā hē
A.4.2 21 a ne wēnde, / eġesfull eorla drihten. || Þā wearþ Holofernus, / go
A.4.2 61 þæs þinġes ġe·stīerde, / drihten, duĝuþa wealdend. || Ġe·w
A.4.2 92 fe. || Ġe·wrec nū, mehtiġ drihten, / torht-mōd tīres brytta, ||
A.4.2 198 w ġe·tācnod hæfþ / mehtiġ drihten || þurh mīne hand.’ / Þā
A.4.2 299 e ġe·dīersod; || him fēng drihten god / fæġere on fultum, || fr
The Paris Psalter 101:1 1 01 / / # / þu min gebed || mære drihten / gehyr heofenes weard || and g
The Paris Psalter 101:10 1 / þu on ecnysse wunast || awa drihten / wunaþ þin gemynd || þenden
The Paris Psalter 101:14 1 ingas / / # / eft timbrade || ece drihten / and gesette sion || þurh his
The Paris Psalter 101:16 3 t he folc gesceop || fægere drihten / heraþ holdlice || hrore geþ
The Paris Psalter 101:17 3 his þam hean || halgan setle / drihten geseah of heofenum || her on
The Paris Psalter 101:22 1 o feore / / # / æt fruman þu || drihten geworhtest / eorþan frætwe ||
The Paris Psalter 102:1 1 / bletsa mine sawle || bliþe drihten / and eall min inneran || his
The Paris Psalter 102:2 1 tsie, mīne sāwle, || bealde drihten, / ne wilt þū ofer-ġietel ||
The Paris Psalter 102:6 2 u milde mod || mihta strange / drihten domas || eallum þe deope her
The Paris Psalter 102:8 2 mihtig || mode geþyldig / ece drihten || swa þu a wære / is þin mi
The Paris Psalter 102:11 2 ines / mildheortnysse || mihtig drihten / lustum cyþdest || þam þe l
The Paris Psalter 102:16 1 / þin mildheortnes || mihtig drihten / þurh ealra worulda woruld ||
The Paris Psalter 102:18 1 an / / # / on heofenhame || halig drihten / his heahsetl || hror timbrade
The Paris Psalter 102:19 1 / / # / ealle his englas || ecne drihten / bletsian bealde || heora bli
The Paris Psalter 102:20 1 nd hyge fremmaþ / / # / bletsian drihten || eall his bearna mægen / and
The Paris Psalter 102:21 1 eall his agen geweorc || ecne drihten / on his agenum stede || eac bl
The Paris Psalter 102:21 4 / bletsige min sawl || bliþe drihten
The Paris Psalter 103:1 1 / bletsa mine sawle || bliþe drihten / þu eart min drihten god || d
The Paris Psalter 103:1 2 | bliþe drihten / þu eart min drihten god || dædum swyþe / meahtum
The Paris Psalter 103:23 1 wærun þine weorc || mihtig drihten / ealle þa þu mid snyteru ||
The Paris Psalter 103:25 4 e healdan / ealle to þe || ece drihten / ætes on eorþan || eac wilni
The Paris Psalter 103:29 3 ssie on his weorcum || bealde drihten / / # / he on þas eorþan || eal
The Paris Psalter 103:32 2 || æt heortan weþe / ic minne drihten || deorne lufige / / # / and þa
The Paris Psalter 103:33 4 e / bletsa mine sawle || bliþe drihten
The Paris Psalter 104:3 3 mþe sōðlīċe || sēċaþ drihten. / / # / Sēċaþ ġē drihten ||
The Paris Psalter 104:4 1 secaþ dryhten / / # / secaþ ge drihten || and ge syþþan beoþ / teon
The Paris Psalter 104:7 1 he geara geceas / / # / he is ure drihten || dædum spedig / earun his do
The Paris Psalter 105:4 1 mble mid dædum / / # / gemune us drihten || on modsefan / forþ hycgende
The Paris Psalter 105:23 1 # / and hi bysmredon || bealde drihten / on heora gemetincge || mægen
The Paris Psalter 105:26 2 rpan || wraþe þeode / swa him drihten ær || dema sægde / ac hi wiþ
The Paris Psalter 105:29 2 orþan him yrre wearþ || ece drihten / and he his yrfe || eall forho
The Paris Psalter 105:36 1 an / / # / do us hale nu || halig drihten / and us se goda god || georne
The Paris Psalter 105:37 2 on worulda woruld || wealdend drihten / and þæt fægere becweþe ||
The Paris Psalter 106:1 1 lm 106 / / # / ic andette || ecne drihten / þæne goodan god || forþan
The Paris Psalter 107:1 1 / ys min heorte gearu || halig drihten / gearu is min heorte || þæt
The Paris Psalter 107:3 1 eme / / # / ic þe andette || ece drihten / on folca gehwam || fægrum wo
The Paris Psalter 107:5 1 u eart ofer heofenas || halig drihten / is wuldur þin || wide swylce
The Paris Psalter 107:6 2 alne / and me gehyre || hælynd drihten / þe on halgum spreceþ || her
The Paris Psalter 107:12 1 ceal mægenes gemet || mihtig drihten / soþfæst syllan || and he so
The Paris Psalter 108:20 2 rāĝe tǣldon; || tȳne hine drihten / þǣm þe sār sprece || sāw
The Paris Psalter 108:21 1 | sawle minre / / # / and þu min drihten god || do me þine nu / mycle m
The Paris Psalter 108:24 2 on hira hēafod; || help min, drihten god, / and mē hālne ġe·dō,
The Paris Psalter 108:25 2 rdan heora heafod || help min drihten god / and me halne gedo || hæl
The Paris Psalter 108:26 2 hand / and þu þas gedydest || drihten usser / / # / weorþan þa awyrgd
The Paris Psalter 110:1 1 110 / / # / ic andytte þe || ece drihten / mid hyge ealle || heortan min
The Paris Psalter 110:3 2 ort he is and modig || mihtig drihten / syleþ eallum mete || þam þ
The Paris Psalter 111:4 4 / milde is on mōde || mehtiġ drihten, / and hē is sōþfæst || siml
The Paris Psalter 112:1 1 erigean nu cnihtas || hælynd drihten / and naman dryhtnes || neode h
The Paris Psalter 113:9 1 ūs, nealles ūs, || nerġend drihten, / ac we naman þīnum || nīede
The Paris Psalter 113:18 1 / # / israhela hus || ærest on drihten / helpe gehogedan || holdne beg
The Paris Psalter 113:19 1 . / / # / Aarones hūs || ēac on drihten / lēofne ġe·līefdon; || hē
The Paris Psalter 113:20 2 s / hio hyht heora || habban on drihten / he him fultum || fæste gesta
The Paris Psalter 113:21 1 ūre ġe·myndiġ, || mehtiġ drihten, / and þīne blētsunge || brin
The Paris Psalter 113:22 1 aniġfealdġe þis || mehtiġ drihten / ofer ēow ealle || and ofer
The Paris Psalter 113:23 3 / heofonas healdeþ || hāliġ drihten, / sealde þās moldan% || manna
The Paris Psalter 113:24 1 nna bearnum. / / # / Nǣfre þē, drihten, || dēade herġaþ, / ne ealle
The Paris Psalter 113:25 1 / # / Ac we libbende || lēofne drihten / bealde blētsiaþ, || ne þæ
The Paris Psalter 114:1 1 114 / / # / ic lufie þe || leofa drihten / forþan þu mines gebedes ||
The Paris Psalter 114:5 3 wǣre mild-heort, || mehtiġ drihten, / and ūre god || ǣġhwæs sō
The Paris Psalter 114:6 1 s þine || milde weorþan / / # / drihten gehealdeþ || dome þa lytlan
The Paris Psalter 114:7 2 n þine / rædæs reste || rice drihten / þu me wel dydest || on worul
The Paris Psalter 115:6 1 iċ eom þīn āĝen || esne, drihten, / and þīn swelċe eom || sċe
The Paris Psalter 116:1 1 116 / / # / ealle þeode || ecne drihten / mid hygecræfte || herigan wo
The Paris Psalter 117:6 1 # / Nū mē fultum is || fǣle drihten, / nis mē eġe mannes || for ā
The Paris Psalter 117:7 1 # / Nū mē fultum is || fǣle drihten, / iċ fracuþe for·sēo || fē
The Paris Psalter 117:8 1 fēondas mīne. / / # / God is on drihten || ġeorne tō þenċanne, / þ
The Paris Psalter 117:9 1 ō trēowianne. / / # / God is on drihten || ġeorne tō hyhtanne, / þon
The Paris Psalter 117:13 3 frōfre be·ġeat, / þā mē drihten on·fēng, || swā hit ġe·d
The Paris Psalter 117:18 2 , || sē þe him clǣne wæs; / drihten æl-mehtiġ || nolde tō dēa
The Paris Psalter 117:20 1 # / Iċ þē andette, || ēċe drihten, / for·þon þū mē ġe·hīer
The Paris Psalter 117:21 3 / hwamma hēaĝost; || hāliġ drihten / tō wealles wrāðe || wīs t
The Paris Psalter 117:22 1 / þis ys se dæg || þe hine drihten us / wisfæst geworhte || wera
The Paris Psalter 117:23 1 m tō blisse. / / # / Ēalā þū drihten god, || dō mē hālne; / ēa-l
The Paris Psalter 117:23 2 dō mē hālne; / ēa-lā þū drihten min, || dō ūs ġe·sunde. / /
The Paris Psalter 117:24 4 use || gearwe bletsiaþ / nu us drihten god || deore onlyhte / / # / wuta
The Paris Psalter 117:26 1 ste hornas. / / # / Þū eart min drihten god || and iċ dǣdum þē / ē
The Paris Psalter 117:27 1 # / Iċ þē andette || ēċne drihten, / for·þon þū mē ġe·hīer
The Paris Psalter 118:7 1 / Iċ% þē andette, || ēċe drihten, / mid mīnre heortan || holde
The Paris Psalter 118:12 1 art ġe·blētsod, || blīðe drihten; / lǣr mē mid lufan, || hū i
The Paris Psalter 118:33 2 # / Ǣ þū mē sete, || ēċe drihten, / þæt iċ on sōþfæste weĝ
The Paris Psalter 118:41 2 / And mē ofer cume, || ēċe drihten%, / þæt milde mōd, || mǣre h
The Paris Psalter 118:49 2 e·trīewe. / / # / Ġe·mun nū, drihten, || þīnes wordes, / on þǣm
The Paris Psalter 118:52 3 nra ġe·þancol, || þēoden drihten, / þæt iċ on weorolde æt þ
The Paris Psalter 118:55 3 t iċ naman þīnne || nemde, drihten, / and iċ ǣ þīne || elne hē
The Paris Psalter 118:57 2 orne. / / # / Mē is on dǣle, || drihten ūser, / cwide cynnlīċe, ||
The Paris Psalter 118:64 2 inre mildheortnesse || mihtig drihten / þine soþfæstnesse || þu m
The Paris Psalter 118:64 3 e mild-heortnesse, || mehtiġ drihten; / þīne sōþfæstnesse || þ
The Paris Psalter 118:65 2 est / wel weorþlice || wene ic drihten / þæt þu þin word wylle ||
The Paris Psalter 118:65 3 l wierðlīċe; || wēne iċ, drihten, / þæt þū þīn word wille |
The Paris Psalter 118:68 1 sped on mode / / # / god þu eart drihten || and me god swylce / on þinu
The Paris Psalter 118:68 2 on mōde. / / # / God þū eart%, drihten || and mē god swelċe / on þ
The Paris Psalter 118:75 2 ġe·trīewde. / / # / Iċ þæt, drihten, on·ġeat, || dōmas þīne / r
The Paris Psalter 118:86 1 hit þīn ǣ hafaþ, || ēċe drihten / / # / Wǣron þīne ealle ġe·
The Paris Psalter 118:86 3 rhtan / gefultuma me || fægere drihten / / # / hio me lytle læs || laþ
The Paris Psalter 118:87 1 ġe·fultuma mē || fæġere, drihten / / # / Hīe mē lȳtle lǣs || l
The Paris Psalter 118:89 1 ærdest / / # / on ecnesse || awa drihten / þin word wunaþ || weorþ on
The Paris Psalter 118:89 2 st. / / # / On ēċnesse || āwa, drihten, / þīn word wunaþ || weorþ o
The Paris Psalter 118:91 1 īn sōþfæstnes || swelċe, drihten. / / # / ­Þū þās eorðan || e
The Paris Psalter 118:97 1 þe / / # / hu ic æ þine || ece drihten / lustum lufode || ic þæt lan
The Paris Psalter 118:97 2 / Hū iċ ǣ þīne, || ēċe drihten, / lustum lufode; || iċ þæt l
The Paris Psalter 118:103 2 d swete / þin agen word || ece drihten / hit is halwende || hunige myc
The Paris Psalter 118:103 3 e / þīn āĝen word, || ēċe drihten; / hit is hāl-wende, || huneġe
The Paris Psalter 118:105 2 otum minum / þæt ic þin word drihten || wel gehealde / and þæt ys
The Paris Psalter 118:105 3 mīnum, / þæt iċ þīn word, drihten, || wēl ġe·healde, / and þæ
The Paris Psalter 118:108 3 e / and me þine domas alær || drihten swylce / / # / is sawl min || sym
The Paris Psalter 118:109 1 ē þīne dōmas ā·lǣr, || drihten, swelċe. / / # / Is sāwol min ||
The Paris Psalter 118:116 1 / onfoh me freondlice || fæle drihten / æfter þam þe þu sylfa ||
The Paris Psalter 118:116 2 h mē frēondlīċe, || fǣle drihten, / aefter þǣm þe þū selfa |
The Paris Psalter 118:126 2 e tid || þæt man eac wel do / drihten ure || ne læt þu dole æfre
The Paris Psalter 118:126 3 , || þæt man ēac wēl dō, / drihten ūre; || ne lǣt þū dole ǣ
The Paris Psalter 118:129 2 īn ġe·witness, || wealdend drihten; / for·þon hēo min sāwol sm
The Paris Psalter 118:137 1 æ bebod || elne healdan / / # / drihten is soþfæst || synd his doma
The Paris Psalter 118:142 1 s þin soþfæstnes || symble drihten / seo soþfæste || and seo sym
The Paris Psalter 118:142 2 þīn sōþfæstnes || simle, drihten, / sēo sōþfæste || and sēo
The Paris Psalter 118:149 1 # / gehyr mine stefne || halig drihten / æfter þinre þære myclan |
The Paris Psalter 118:149 2 īer mīne stefne, || hāliġ drihten, / aefter þīnre ðǣre miċela
The Paris Psalter 118:151 1 wes me swiþe neah || wuldres drihten / synt ealle þine wegas || wis
The Paris Psalter 118:151 2 mē swīðe nēah, || wuldres drihten; / sint ealle þīne weĝas || w
The Paris Psalter 118:156 1 / miltsa synt þine || mihtig drihten / æfter þinum domum || do me
The Paris Psalter 118:156 2 iltsa sint þīne, || mehtiġ drihten; / aefter þīnum dōmum || dō
The Paris Psalter 118:159 2 bebod / lustum lufige || leofa drihten / on þinre mildheortnesse || m
The Paris Psalter 118:159 3 ·bod / lustum lufie, || lēofa drihten; / on þīnre mild-heortnesse ||
The Paris Psalter 118:166 1 / ic þinre hælu bad || halig drihten / and þine bebodu || bealde lu
The Paris Psalter 118:166 2 īnre hǣlu bād, || hāliġ drihten, / and þīne be·bodu || bealde
The Paris Psalter 118:168 4 n / on þinre gesihþe || soþe drihten / / # / nu genealæceþ || neode
The Paris Psalter 118:169 1 īnre ġe·sihþe || sōðe, drihten. / / # / Nū ġe·nēa-lǣċeþ ||
The Paris Psalter 118:169 3 / on þinre gesihþe || symble drihten / æfter þinre spræce || syle
The Paris Psalter 118:169 4 þīnre ġe·sihþe || simle, drihten; / aefter þīnre sprǣċe || se
The Paris Psalter 118:170 1 es / / # / ingange min ben || ece drihten / on þinre gesihþe || symble
The Paris Psalter 118:170 2 / In-gange min bēn, || ēċe drihten, / on þīnre ġe·sihþe || sim
The Paris Psalter 118:174 2 c þinre hælu || her wilnade / drihten ælmihtig || do me symble / þ
The Paris Psalter 118:174 3 īnre hǣlu || hēr wilnode, / drihten æl-mehtiġ; || dō mē simle
The Paris Psalter 118:176 3 u / la sece þinne esne || elne drihten / forþon ic þinra beboda ne f
The Paris Psalter 118:176 4 sēċe þīnne esne || elne, drihten; / for·þon iċ þīnra be·bod
The Paris Psalter 119:2 1 / / # / alys mine sawle || lifes drihten / of þam welerum || þe wom cw
The Paris Psalter 120:5 1 dum / / # / gehealde þe || halig drihten / and þin mundbora || mihtig w
The Paris Psalter 120:6 3 rþe / ac þe gehealde || halig drihten / wyþ yfela gehwam || æghwær
The Paris Psalter 120:7 1 gang þinne and ingang || ece drihten / sawla soþcynincg || symble g
The Paris Psalter 121:4 2 nn æfter cynne || cuþan þa drihten / and on þære gewitnesse || w
The Paris Psalter 122:1 1 þe ic mine eagan hof || ece drihten / þu þe heofonhamas || healde
The Paris Psalter 122:3 3 a us synt eagan to þe || ece drihten / urum þam godan gode || geare
The Paris Psalter 122:4 1 # / miltsa us nu-þa || mihtig drihten / miltsa us swylce || forþon w
The Paris Psalter 123:1 1 / / # / nymþe us on wese || ece drihten / cweþaþ israhelas || ealle n
The Paris Psalter 123:1 3 a / nymþe us eardige on || awa drihten / / # / þonne us manfulle || men
The Paris Psalter 123:5 1 nan || þæs wel gedegean / / # / drihten si gebletsad || þe þæt ne
The Paris Psalter 124:1 1 ter: Psalm 124 / / # / þa þe on drihten heora || dædum getreowaþ / hi
The Paris Psalter 124:2 2 aldeþ heora ymbhwyrft || ece drihten / of þisson nu || awa to worul
The Paris Psalter 124:3 1 # / næfre forlæteþ || lifes drihten / firenfulra tan || furþor gan
The Paris Psalter 124:4 4 he him hraþe gyldeþ / do þu drihten wel || þam þe gedefe her / hi
The Paris Psalter 124:5 2 endum / eft hi gelædeþ || ece drihten / mid þæm þe unriht || æghw
The Paris Psalter 125:1 1 Psalter: Psalm 125 / / # / þonne drihten wyle || gedon æfter / þæt he
The Paris Psalter 125:3 2 ghwær hi gemiclade || mihtig drihten / þa he him wundur mid || worh
The Paris Psalter 125:3 4 / gemicla þe swylce || mihtig drihten / þæt þu wundur mid us || wy
The Paris Psalter 125:4 1 ehweorf ure hæftned || halig drihten / swa suþhealde || swiþe hlim
The Paris Psalter 126:1 1 / nymþe hus timbrige || halig drihten / on idel gylp || oþre winnaþ
The Paris Psalter 126:2 1 / nymþe gehealde eac || halig drihten / ceastre mid cynnum || ne mæg
The Paris Psalter 127:1 2 don ealle || þe him ecne god / drihten ondrædaþ || and his gedefne
The Paris Psalter 127:5 3 metodes ege / on his dædum || drihten forhtaþ / / # / þe of sionbeorg
The Paris Psalter 127:6 1 / þe of sionbeorge || swylce drihten / bealde bletsige || and þu br
The Paris Psalter 128:3 1 a unriht || eft gelengdon / / # / drihten is soþfæst || and gedeþ sn
The Paris Psalter 128:6 3 bben / us gebletsige || bealde drihten / and ofer eow wese || eac his
The Paris Psalter 129:1 2 dum to þe || geomur cleopode / drihten drihten || do þu nu-þa / þæ
The Paris Psalter 129:3 2 unriht wilt || eall behealdan / drihten drihten || hwa gedeþ æfre /
The Paris Psalter 129:4 2 d / and ic for þinre æ || ece drihten / þas oþer eall || eaþe aræ
The Paris Psalter 129:6 3 || ylda bearnum / israhelas on drihten || a getreowen / / # / forþon is
The Paris Psalter 130:1 1 min heorte wiþ þe || ahafen drihten / ne mine eagan wiþ þe || on
The Paris Psalter 130:5 1 mble gyldest / / # / israhelas on drihten || a getreowigen / of þyssum n
The Paris Psalter 131:1 1 ter: Psalm 131 / / # / gemune þu drihten || mærne dauid / and ealle his
The Paris Psalter 131:2 1 rymþe geswor || ferhþe wiþ drihten / and gehat gehet || he geheold
The Paris Psalter 131:8 1 ris on þinre reste || recene drihten / þu earce eart || eallhaligra
The Paris Psalter 131:11 1 rþan / / # / þæs deopne aþ || drihten aswor / and þone mid soþe ||
The Paris Psalter 131:14 1 on him sione geceas || sylfa drihten / and him to earde geceas || æ
The Paris Psalter 132:4 1 / forþon her bebead || halig drihten / lifes bletsunga || lange to f
The Paris Psalter 133:1 1 # / efne bletsien nu || bliþe drihten / ealle his agene || onbyhtscea
The Paris Psalter 133:3 3 ig lof / and bletsiaþ || balde drihten / / # / ge bletsige || bliþe dri
The Paris Psalter 133:4 1 ten / / # / ge bletsige || bliþe drihten / of sionbeorge || symble æt
The Paris Psalter 134:3 1 gearwe syndan / / # / lofiaþ ge drihten || forþon he lungre is / fæst
The Paris Psalter 134:4 1 on him godne geceas || iacob drihten / and on agene æht || israeles
The Paris Psalter 134:5 2 eat || þæt is god and mycel / drihten ure || forþon him dom stande
The Paris Psalter 134:6 1 ealle þa þe wolde || worhte drihten / on heofonrice || and her on e
The Paris Psalter 134:13 1 ac his folce / / # / ys þin nama drihten || nemned ece / and þin gemynd
The Paris Psalter 134:13 2 ece / and þin gemynd || mihtig drihten / on ealra worulda woruld || wy
The Paris Psalter 134:14 1 on his folc demeþ || fægere drihten / and he biþ on his esnum || a
The Paris Psalter 134:21 1 aþ / / # / hus israela || holdne drihten / bletsien bealde || biddan swy
The Paris Psalter 134:21 3 lce / þæt aarones hus || ecne drihten / bliþe bletsien || beornas ea
The Paris Psalter 134:21 6 hus || leof eardiaþ / bletsien drihten || bliþe mode / / # / þa þe hi
The Paris Psalter 134:22 2 en || drihtnes egsan / bletsien drihten || beornas ealle / se drihten i
The Paris Psalter 134:22 3 n drihten || beornas ealle / se drihten is || deore gebletsad / of sion
The Paris Psalter 135:3 2 || þam þe ealra is / drihtna drihten || dædum spedigast / forþon h
The Paris Psalter 135:24 1 / forþon ure eaþmedu || ece drihten / gemyndgade || and us mycel se
The Paris Psalter 136:7 1 issie. / / # / Ġe·mune þū, || drihten, || maniġra bearna, / þe on Ed
The Paris Psalter 136:7 1 georne blissie / / # / gemune þu drihten || manigra bearna / þe on edom
The Paris Psalter 137:1 1 37 / / # / ic þe andette || ecne drihten / on minre gehygde || heortan e
The Paris Psalter 137:6 3 rd / eart þu healice || ahafen drihten / þu eadmodra || ealra locast /
The Paris Psalter 137:8 1 swyþre || sneome hælde / / # / drihten for me || dome gylde / is his m
The Paris Psalter 138:1 1 / þu min costadest || cynnum drihten / and me ongeate || gleawe mode
The Paris Psalter 138:3 1 ahwær on tungan / / # / efne þu drihten || eall oncneowe / þa ærestan
The Paris Psalter 138:11 2 þon þu hi settest || swylce drihten / canst mine ædre || ealle gea
The Paris Psalter 138:12 1 ned / / # / ic þe andette || ece drihten / forþon þu mid egesan eart |
The Paris Psalter 138:15 1 agas syndon trymede || swa hi drihten gesceop / ne mæg ænig on þam
The Paris Psalter 138:15 4 þine frynd wærun || fæste drihten / is heora ealdordom || ungemet
The Paris Psalter 139:1 2 inum / fram yfelum menn || ece drihten / and fram þam were || þe wom
The Paris Psalter 139:4 1 nad fæste / / # / geheald þu me drihten || wiþ heteniþas / and wiþ f
The Paris Psalter 139:6 2 god / gehyr min gebed || halig drihten / nu ic stefne to þe || styrme
The Paris Psalter 139:7 1 ne to þe || styrme hlude / / # / drihten drihten || þu eart gedefe m
The Paris Psalter 139:12 2 uwe ongeat || þæt gode deþ / drihten domas || þe on dagum þyssum
The Paris Psalter 140:1 1 Psalter: Psalm 140 / / # / ic þe drihten to || dyrum clypige / gehyr me
The Paris Psalter 140:4 1 sete swæse geheald || swylce drihten / muþe minum || ne læt man sp
The Paris Psalter 140:10 1 | hæfteneodum / / # / forþon ic drihten on þe || dædum minum / eagum
The Paris Psalter 141:1 1 / min stefn to þe || styrmeþ drihten / and ic mid strangere || stefn
The Paris Psalter 141:1 3 swylce / eam biddende || bealde drihten / / # / ic mine bene || bealde sw
The Paris Psalter 141:5 3 || secean wolde / þa ic to þe drihten || digle cleopode / and sona cw
The Paris Psalter 141:5 6 ande swylce / se gedefa dæl || drihten æghwær / / # / beheald mine saw
The Paris Psalter 142:1 1 Paris Psalter: Psalm 142 / / # / drihten min gebed || deore gehyre / and
The Paris Psalter 142:7 1 yþþan / / # / nu me deope is || drihten leofa / min sylfes gast || swæ
The Paris Psalter 142:8 2 ine mildheortnesse || mihtig drihten / forþon ic hycge to þe || he
The Paris Psalter 142:10 1 an geornast / / # / afyrr me frea drihten || feondum minum / nu ic helpe
The Paris Psalter 142:11 4 aman þines || neodweorþunge / drihten usser || do me halne / þæt ic
The Paris Psalter 143:1 1 Paris Psalter: Psalm 143 / / # / drihten is gebletsad || min se deora
The Paris Psalter 143:4 1 / hwæt is se manna || mihtig drihten / þe þu him cuþlice || cyþa
The Paris Psalter 143:6 1 ahyld þine heofenas || halig drihten / onhrin þissum muntum || and
The Paris Psalter 143:19 4 t folc || þe ælmihtig wile / drihten god || dema weorþan
The Paris Psalter 144:3 1 | awa to worulde / / # / mycel is drihten || hine man mægene sceal / hol
The Paris Psalter 144:8 1 cge geneahhe / / # / mildheort is drihten || and mannþwære / and geþyl
The Paris Psalter 144:9 1 t / / # / swylce eallum is || ure drihten / manna cynne || milde and bli
The Paris Psalter 144:10 1 awa to feore / / # / andetten þe drihten || ealle þine weorc / and þe
The Paris Psalter 144:13 1 fæst wuldur / / # / rice is þin drihten || ræde gefæstnod / and þu w
The Paris Psalter 144:14 1 cynn || and on cneorissum / / # / drihten is on wordum || dædum getreo
The Paris Psalter 144:16 1 ene / / # / eagan on þe || ealra drihten / wisra gewenaþ || wiste to ge
The Paris Psalter 144:18 1 is bletsunga / / # / soþfæst is drihten || on his sylfes wegum / eallum
The Paris Psalter 144:19 1 || wis and halig / / # / neah is drihten || niþum eallum / þe hine mid
The Paris Psalter 144:20 1 / # / ealle gehealdeþ || halig drihten / þe lufan wiþ hine || lustum
The Paris Psalter 145:1 1 # / herige min sawl || hælend drihten / and ic on minum life || lustu
The Paris Psalter 145:1 2 nd ic on minum life || lustum drihten / herige haligne || and holdum
The Paris Psalter 145:7 1 / / # / wreceþ to ræde || rice drihten / þara manna bearn || þe ær
The Paris Psalter 145:7 3 ylce þa gefetredan || fægre drihten / lungre alyseþ || and him lif
The Paris Psalter 145:7 5 feþ / and blinde eac || bealde drihten / on heora eagum || eft onleoht
The Paris Psalter 145:7 7 || eft onleohteþ / soþfæste drihten || swylce lufade / / # / þa elþ
The Paris Psalter 145:8 1 / / # / þa elþeodigan || ealle drihten / lustum healdeþ || and lif ge
The Paris Psalter 145:9 1 / / # / rixaþ mid ræde || rice drihten / on ecnesse || awa to feore / an
The Paris Psalter 146:1 1 salter: Psalm 146 / / # / heriaþ drihten || he is heah and good / singa
The Paris Psalter 146:2 1 / / # / eft hierusalem || georne drihten / timbreþ tidum || and to somn
The Paris Psalter 146:5 1 le / / # / micel is ure || mihtig drihten / and his mægen is micel || an
The Paris Psalter 147:1 1 / herige hierusalem || georne drihten / here þu sion swylce || þinn
The Paris Psalter 148:1 1 aþ ge on heofenum || hælend drihten / heriaþ hlude || on heanessum
The Paris Psalter 148:4 3 synt / on heofenhame || herigen drihten / / # / forþon he sylfa cwæþ |
The Paris Psalter 148:7 1 / / # / herigen dracan swylce || drihten of eorþan / and ealle neowelne
The Paris Psalter 150:1 1 on þam halgum || his holdne drihten / heriaþ hine on his mægenes
The Paris Psalter 52:3 1 a of heofenum beseah || halig drihten / ofer manna bearn || hwæþer
The Paris Psalter 52:6 1 / forþam manna ban || mihtig drihten / liste tosceadeþ || þa him l
The Paris Psalter 52:7 4 alyseþ / of hæftnyde || halig drihten / / # / þonne iacob byþ || on g
The Paris Psalter 53:4 2 fultumeþ / is andfengea || ece drihten / sawle minre || he me swican n
The Paris Psalter 54:1 1 / / # / gehyr min gebed || halig drihten / ne forseoh æfre || sariges b
The Paris Psalter 54:8 1 hreoh / / # / hat nu todælan || drihten usser / heora geþeode || geond
The Paris Psalter 54:15 3 e cuþlice / gehyrde || hælend drihten / / # / ic on æfenne || eac on m
The Paris Psalter 54:21 1 || scearpe garas / / # / sete on drihten || þin soþ gehygd / he þe bu
The Paris Psalter 54:23 4 emeteþ ahwær / ic me on minne drihten || deorne getreowige
The Paris Psalter 55:1 1 alter: Psalm 55 / / # / miltsa me drihten || forþon me man tredeþ / and
The Paris Psalter 55:3 2 c me wraþe to þe || wuldres drihten / / # / ic wealdend god || wordum
The Paris Psalter 55:4 5 dæg || eac ic swylce / on god drihten || gearewe gewene / nis me ege
The Paris Psalter 55:9 3 yfe / and ic ealne dæg || ecne drihten / wordum weorþige || ne me wih
The Paris Psalter 56:6 1 fe þe ofer heofenas || halig drihten / is wuldur þin || wide and si
The Paris Psalter 56:6 2 þe ofer heofonas, || hāliġ drihten; / is wuldor þīn || wīde and
The Paris Psalter 56:10 3 rise / and min hearpe || herige drihten / / # / ic þe on folcum || frine
The Paris Psalter 56:11 1 / # / ic þe on folcum || frine drihten / ecne andete || eac geond þeo
The Paris Psalter 56:11 2 Iċ þē on folcum || friġne drihten / ēċne andette, || ēac ġond
The Paris Psalter 56:13 1 u eart ofer heofenas || halig drihten / is ofer ealle || eorþan swyl
The Paris Psalter 56:13 2 art ofer heofonas, || hāliġ drihten; / is ofer ealle || eorðan swel
The Paris Psalter 57:5 3 lyseþ leona mægen || lungre drihten / / # / ac hi forweorþan || wæt
The Paris Psalter 58:4 2 on minne geanryne || aris þu drihten nu / and þu sylfa gesyhst ||
The Paris Psalter 58:4 4 u eart mægena god || mihtig drihten / and israela god || æghwær
The Paris Psalter 58:8 2 t hyra hyge seceþ / and þu hi drihten dest || deope to bysmre / nafas
The Paris Psalter 58:11 2 raþe toweorp || wealdend min drihten / / # / ys hyra muþes scyld || m
The Paris Psalter 58:18 2 ea / and mildheortnes || mihtig drihten
The Paris Psalter 59:1 1 salm 59 / / # / þu us todrife || drihten user / and us towurpe || geond
The Paris Psalter 59:9 2 a þu us on mægene || mihtig drihten / / # / syle us nu on earfoþum |
The Paris Psalter 59:11 1 ceal mægenes gemet || mihtig drihten / soþfæst syllan || and he so
The Paris Psalter 60:4 1 orþon þu gehyrdest || halig drihten / hu min gebed to þe || beorht
The Paris Psalter 63:1 1 / / # / gehyr min gebed || halig drihten / nu me costunge || cnyssaþ ge
The Paris Psalter 63:6 2 þæt hine ahefeþ || hælend drihten / / # / syndon hyra wita || scyte
The Paris Psalter 63:9 1 # / se soþfæsta || symble on drihten / blissaþ baldlice || bote gew
The Paris Psalter 64:1 1 salm 64 / / # / þe gedafenaþ || drihten user / þæt þe man on sion ||
The Paris Psalter 64:2 1 / / # / gehyr min gebed || halig drihten / for þe sceal ælc flæsc ||
The Paris Psalter 64:9 2 æfentid / ealle þa deman || drihten healdeþ / eorþan þu gefylles
The Paris Psalter 65:1 1 / / # / ealle eorþbuend || ecne drihten / wordum wislicum || wide heria
The Paris Psalter 65:3 2 dor / eall þeos eorþe || ecne drihten / and þe singe eac || secge ge
The Paris Psalter 65:4 2 and geseoþ || hu cyme weorc / drihten worhte || synt his domas eac /
The Paris Psalter 65:7 2 mode / ealle eorþbuend || ecne drihten / and mid stefne lof || strang
The Paris Psalter 65:16 2 / ne wite me þæt || wealdend drihten / / # / forþon me gehyrde || hæ
The Paris Psalter 65:17 1 forþon me gehyrde || hælend drihten / and minre stefne beheold || s
The Paris Psalter 65:18 1 e beheold || strange bene / / # / drihten si gebletsad || þe he ne dyd
The Paris Psalter 66:1 1 Psalm 66 / / # / miltsa us mihtig drihten || and us on mode eac / geblets
The Paris Psalter 66:5 1 / folc þe andetten || fælne drihten / and þe andetten || ealle þe
The Paris Psalter 66:6 2 stme / gebletsige us || bliþe drihten / and user god || eac bletsige /
The Paris Psalter 67:4 5 up / þam is to naman || nemned drihten / / # / wesaþ ge on his gesyhþe
The Paris Psalter 67:6 1 wesen || strange fæderas / / # / drihten is on his stowe || dema halig
The Paris Psalter 67:16 4 / on þam wiþ ende || eardaþ drihten / / # / wærun godes cræta || ge
The Paris Psalter 67:18 1 þusend || modblissiendra / / # / drihten is on þam || dædum spedig / o
The Paris Psalter 67:19 2 menn / wese of dæge on dæg || drihten user / se goda god || georne ge
The Paris Psalter 67:20 1 sylle us gesundne || siþfæt drihten / ure hælend god || helpe usse
The Paris Psalter 67:20 3 sser / and us æt deaþe eac || drihten gehealde / / # / hwæþere wealde
The Paris Psalter 67:22 1 / # / of basan cwæþ || bealde drihten / ic me on sæ deopre || sniome
The Paris Psalter 67:24 5 ngum / and on ciricean || crist drihten god / bealde bletsige || bearn
The Paris Psalter 67:27 4 , / and on ċiriċan || Crīst, drihten god / bealde blētsie || bearn
The Paris Psalter 68:7 3 s her / ful bealdlice || bidaþ drihten / þu eart mægena god || ne sc
The Paris Psalter 68:8 1 full bealdlīċe || bīdaþ%, drihten. / / # / Þū eart mæġena god; |
The Paris Psalter 68:13 1 ne min gebed || to þe mihtig drihten / tidum sende || teala liciendl
The Paris Psalter 68:14 1 e·bedd || tō þē, mehtiġ drihten, / tīdum sende || tela līciend
The Paris Psalter 68:16 1 || supe mid muþe / / # / gehyr drihten me || forþon gedefe is / þin
The Paris Psalter 68:16 4 þinra / geseoh on me || swylce drihten / / # / ne acyr þu æfre fram þ
The Paris Psalter 68:17 1 e mid mūðe. / / # / Ġe·hīer, drihten, mē, || for·þon ġe·dēfe
The Paris Psalter 68:18 1 / ġe·seoh on mē || swelċe, drihten. / / # / Ne ā·ċierr þū ǣfre
The Paris Psalter 68:32 2 oþ || sarie þearfan / seceaþ drihten || and eower sawl leofaþ / / #
The Paris Psalter 68:32 1 am þa þearfendan || þriste drihten / gehyreþ holdlice || nyle he
The Paris Psalter 68:34 2 || sārie þearfan, / sēċaþ drihten || and ēower sāwol lēofaþ
The Paris Psalter 68:34 1 þā þearfendan || þrīste drihten / ġe·hīereþ holdlīċe; ||
The Paris Psalter 69:1 1 ris Psalter: Psalm 69 / / # / wes drihten god || deore fultum / beheald d
The Paris Psalter 69:1 2 n god || deore fultum / beheald drihten me || and me hraþe syþþan /
The Paris Psalter 69:5 2 isse / þa þe secean || symble drihten / and symble cweþen || sy þin
The Paris Psalter 69:5 3 ymble cweþen || sy þin miht drihten / and þine hælu || holde lufi
The Paris Psalter 69:7 1 / þu me fultum eart || fæste drihten / eart alysend min || ne lata
The Paris Psalter 70:1 1 r: Psalm 70 / / # / ic on þe god drihten || gearuwe gewene / ne weorþe
The Paris Psalter 70:2 3 | and me lungre weorþ / on god drihten || georne þeccend / and on tru
The Paris Psalter 70:4 1 eart fæle geþyld || fæste drihten / wære me on geoguþe hyht ||
The Paris Psalter 70:16 1 oþfæstnesse geman || symble drihten / þu me ara god || ærest lær
The Paris Psalter 70:18 4 ning / ænig æfre gelic || ece drihten / / # / oft þu me ætywdest || e
The Paris Psalter 70:20 4 forþon ic þe andette || ece drihten / and þe on sealmfatum || sing
The Paris Psalter 71:1 1 alm 71 / / # / syle dom þinne || drihten cyninge / suna cynincges syle |
The Paris Psalter 71:19 1 iaþ / / # / wese israhela || ece drihten / and hiora sylfra god || symbl
The Paris Psalter 72:23 2 is swylce || þæt ic on god drihten / minne hiht sette || healde f
The Paris Psalter 73:9 1 wilt þu hu lange || wealdend drihten / edwit þolian || yfelum feond
The Paris Psalter 73:17 3 u on ealdre ne forgit || ece drihten / / # / geseoh þu nu sylfa god |
The Paris Psalter 73:20 1 inne || neode herian / / # / aris drihten god || dem þine nu / ealde int
The Paris Psalter 74:1 1 / / # / we þe andettaþ || ecne drihten / and þe andettaþ || ealle þ
The Paris Psalter 74:6 4 morum / forþon him is dema || drihten sylfa / / # / sumne he gehyneþ |
The Paris Psalter 75:6 3 þe beofaþ / þonne to dome || drihten ariseþ / þæt he on eorþan d
The Paris Psalter 76:2 1 # / ic on earfoþdæge || ecne drihten / sohte mid handum || swyþe ge
The Paris Psalter 77:16 2 tel / daga æghwylce || swa hit drihten het / and him ealle niht || oþ
The Paris Psalter 77:23 1 þþan þæt gehyrde || halig drihten / he ylde þa gyt || and eft ge
The Paris Psalter 77:59 1 # / þa þæt gehyrde || halig drihten / he hi forhogode || and hraþe
The Paris Psalter 77:65 1 þa wearþ aweaht || wealdend drihten / swa he slæpende || softe res
The Paris Psalter 78:1 1 / # / comon on þin yrfe || ece drihten / fremde þeode || þa þin fæ
The Paris Psalter 79:5 1 eala þu mægena god || mære drihten / hu lange yrsast þu || on þi
The Paris Psalter 79:16 4 || ealle getrymedest / weoruda drihten || ne gewitaþ we fram þe / / #
The Paris Psalter 81:8 1 ann || an gefealleþ / / # / aris drihten nu || dem eorþware / forþan
The Paris Psalter 82:1 1 / # / hwylc is þe gelic || ece drihten / ne swiga þu || ne þe sylfne
The Paris Psalter 82:2 2 / þa þe fæste ær || feodan drihten / and heora heafod wiþ þe ||
The Paris Psalter 82:14 2 ealle heah / eorþbuende || ece drihten
The Paris Psalter 83:1 2 || weorþe and leofe / mægena drihten || a ic on mode þæs / willum
The Paris Psalter 83:2 2 on þone lifigendan || leofan drihten / him eac spedlice || spearuwa
The Paris Psalter 83:3 1 ærun wigbedu þin || weoruda drihten / þu eart drihten min || and d
The Paris Psalter 83:3 2 n || weoruda drihten / þu eart drihten min || and deore cynincg / / # /
The Paris Psalter 83:4 2 iaþ / on þinum husum || halig drihten / and þe on worulda woruld ||
The Paris Psalter 83:7 1 / / # / gehyr min gebed || halig drihten / þu eart mære god || mildum
The Paris Psalter 83:8 1 es || god se mæra / / # / beseoh drihten nu || scyldend usser / oncnaw o
The Paris Psalter 84:1 1 / / # / þu bletsadest || bliþe drihten / foldan fæle || and afyrdest
The Paris Psalter 84:4 1 gehweorf us hraþe || hælend drihten / and þin yrre fram us || eac
The Paris Psalter 84:6 1 æteow us milde mod || mihtig drihten / and us þine hæle syle || he
The Paris Psalter 84:11 1 eþ us fremsum god || fægere drihten / þonne us eorþe syleþ || æ
The Paris Psalter 85:1 1 / ahyld me þin eare || halig drihten / forþon ic eom wædla || þu
The Paris Psalter 85:3 1 ic þe hihte to / / # / miltsa me drihten || þonne ic mægene to þe /
The Paris Psalter 85:4 1 n þu eart wynsum || wealdend drihten / is þin milde mod || mycel an
The Paris Psalter 85:5 1 # / þu mid earum onfoh || ece drihten / min agen gebed || and eac beh
The Paris Psalter 85:7 2 rice / ahwær efne gelic || ece drihten / ne þe weorc magon || wyrcean
The Paris Psalter 85:9 1 þu eart se mycla || mihtiga drihten / þe wundor miht || wyrcean an
The Paris Psalter 85:10 1 iht || wyrcean ana / / # / gelæd drihten me || on þinne leofne weg / an
The Paris Psalter 85:11 4 æt þu eart halig god / nemned drihten || and we naman þinne / on ecn
The Paris Psalter 85:12 1 mildheortnes mycel || ofer me drihten / and þu mine sawle || swylce
The Paris Psalter 85:14 1 ihtnes / / # / hwæt þu eart min drihten god || dædum mildheort / þend
The Paris Psalter 85:15 2 eorþ / milde on mode || mihtig drihten / geteoh hrore meaht || hysse
The Paris Psalter 85:15 4 num / do þinre þeowan sunu || drihten halne / / # / do gedefe mid me ||
The Paris Psalter 85:16 1 halne / / # / do gedefe mid me || drihten tacen / and þæt god ongitan |
The Paris Psalter 85:17 1 þu me wære fultum || fæste drihten / and me frefredest || frea æl
The Paris Psalter 86:1 2 s / lufude sione duru || symble drihten / ofer iacobes wic || goode eal
The Paris Psalter 86:5 1 hehstan || her staþelade / / # / drihten þæt on gewritum || dema sæ
The Paris Psalter 87:1 1 ter: Psalm 87 / / # / þu eart me drihten god || dyre hælend / ic on dæ
The Paris Psalter 87:13 1 rdige / / # / ic me to þe || ece drihten / mid modgehygde || mægene cly
The Paris Psalter 88:1 1 ildheortnesse þine || mihtig drihten / ic on ecnesse || awa singe / fr
The Paris Psalter 88:4 1 / heofenas andettaþ || halig drihten / hu wundor þin || wræclic st
The Paris Psalter 88:5 1 / nis under wolcnum || weoroda drihten / ænig anlic || ne þe ænig b
The Paris Psalter 88:7 1 u eart mægena god || mihtig drihten / nis þe ealra gelic || ahwær
The Paris Psalter 88:11 4 inne swiþran earm || swylce drihten / / # / wesan hea mihte || handa
The Paris Psalter 88:16 1 afene / / # / us an nimeþ || ece drihten / and israhela cyning || eac se
The Paris Psalter 88:40 1 wilt þu hu lange || wealdend drihten / yrre þin acyþan || swa onæ
The Paris Psalter 88:43 1 / hwær is seo ealde nu || ece drihten / micel mildheortness || þe þ
The Paris Psalter 88:45 1 eþaþ him þæt edwit || ece drihten / feondas þine || fæste ætwi
The Paris Psalter 88:46 1 þe / / # / a sy gebletsad || ece drihten / to widan feore || wese swa we
The Paris Psalter 89:1 1 u eart friþstol us || fæste drihten / of cynne on cynne || and on c
The Paris Psalter 89:4 1 e / / # / for þinum eagum || ece drihten / þusend wintra biþ || þon a
The Paris Psalter 89:14 1 us þa þine swiþran hand || drihten cuþe / þam þe on snytrum syn
The Paris Psalter 89:15 1 hweorf us hwæthwiga || halig drihten / wes þinum scealcum || wel ea
The Paris Psalter 89:18 2 and on þin agen weorc || ece drihten / and heora bearn gerece || bli
The Paris Psalter 90:9 1 eart se hehsta hyht || halig drihten / þu me friþstol on þe || f
The Paris Psalter 91:4 1 t þine mægenweorc || mihtig drihten / wærun þine geþancas || þe
The Paris Psalter 91:7 1 ore / / # / þu on ecnesse || awa drihten / heahesta bist || heofonrices
The Paris Psalter 91:8 1 / þi nu þine feond || fæcne drihten / on eorþwege || ealle forweor
The Paris Psalter 91:14 1 æt wære soþfæst || sylfa drihten / and hine unrihtes || awyht ne
The Paris Psalter 92:1 1 e Paris Psalter: Psalm 92 / / # / drihten hine gegyrede || gode streng
The Paris Psalter 92:2 1 micle || mægene begyrde / / # / drihten rixaþ || dema usser / and hine
The Paris Psalter 92:5 1 ofan heora stefne || streamas drihten / hofan and hlynsadan || hludan
The Paris Psalter 92:6 4 orlic || wealdend usser / halig drihten || on heanessum / / # / þin gewi
The Paris Psalter 92:8 2 se þinum || halig gedafenaþ / drihten usser || and dagas lange
The Paris Psalter 93:5 1 ceaþ unriht / / # / folc hi þin drihten || fæcne gehyndan / and yrfe
The Paris Psalter 93:7 2 nd cwædan || þæt ne gesawe / drihten æfre || dyde swa he wolde / ne
The Paris Psalter 93:12 1 tre / / # / næfre wiþdrifeþ || drihten ure / his agen folc || ne his y
The Paris Psalter 93:15 1 ealle wyrceaþ / / # / nymþe me drihten || dema usser / gefultumede ||
The Paris Psalter 93:17 3 a me þine frofre || fægere drihten / gesibbedan || sawle mine / / # /
The Paris Psalter 93:19 1 on me is geworden || wealdend drihten / to friþstole || fæst and ge
The Paris Psalter 93:20 4 ora facne || fæste todrifeþ / drihten eallmihtig || dema soþfæst
The Paris Psalter 94:1 2 e || wutun cweman gode / wynnum drihten || wealdend herigean / urum hæ
The Paris Psalter 94:3 1 on is se micla god || mihtig drihten / and se micla cynincg || ofer
The Paris Psalter 94:4 1 / # / forþon ne wiþdrifeþ || drihten usser / his agen folc || æfre
The Paris Psalter 94:7 1 worhte ær / / # / forþon he is drihten god || dema usser / wærun we h
The Paris Psalter 95:5 2 fonas þænne worhte || halig drihten / / # / ys on þinre gesihþe ||
The Paris Psalter 95:8 2 on his wictunas || weorþiaþ drihten / on his þære halgan || heall
The Paris Psalter 95:9 4 reowe becwom || tirfæst rice / drihten ure || dome he syþþan / eorþ
The Paris Psalter 96:1 1 / rixaþ nu mid rihte || rice drihten / is eorþe nu || eac on blisse
The Paris Psalter 98:1 1 Psalter: Psalm 98 / / # / rixaþ drihten || and he reþe folc / healdeþ
The Paris Psalter 98:2 1 þware || ealle onstyrian / / # / drihten is on sion || dema se mæsta /
The Paris Psalter 98:5 1 / ahebbaþ haligne || heofena drihten / usserne god || ellencræfte / a
The Paris Psalter 98:7 1 gdan / / # / hi cymlice || cigdon drihten / and he hi gehyrde || holde mo
The Paris Psalter 98:9 1 # / þu gehyrdest hig || halig drihten / and him meahtig god || milde
The Paris Psalter 98:10 1 / hebbaþ urne god || hælend drihten / and hine on halgum || her weo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 1 Boethius: Metre 20 / / eala min drihten || þæt þu eart ælmihtig / m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 49 ard || meahtum þinum / weorada drihten || swa þu woldest self / and m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 86 / is þæt wundorlic || weroda drihten / þæt þu mid geþeahte || þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 14 cnum || for wiges heard / creca drihten || campsted secan / aulixes mid
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 19 æht hæfdon / diore gecepte || drihten creca / troia burg || tilum ges
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 6 y ge þæs deaþes || þe eow drihten gesceop / gebidan ne magon || b
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 78 | he is weroda god / cyning and drihten || cwucera gehwelces / æwelm a
A.5.6.4 53 būtan fēa āne. / Ēalā, min drihten, || þū þe ealle ofer·sihst
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 37 en / forþæm on þære dene || drihten selfa / þara eadmetta || eardf
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 35 || hwæþer siþþan a / mihtig drihten || ametan wolde / wrece be gewy
Metrical Psalm 91:4 1 þine megenweorc || meæhtig drihten / werun ðine geðæncæn || þ
Metrical Psalm 91:7 1 91:7 / / þu on ecnesse || æwæ drihten / heæhste bist || hefonrices w
Metrical Psalm 91:8 1 Þi nu ðinre feond || fæcne drihten / on eorðwege || eælle forweo
Metrical Psalm 92:1 1 # Metrical Psalm 92:1 / / Drihten ricsode wlite he scyrdde
Metrical Psalm 92:2 1 Metrical Psalm 92:2 / / scrydde drihten strangnesse% and he begirde h
Metrical Psalm 92:6 4 lic || weældend usser / hælig drihten || on heænessum.
Metrical Psalm 92:7 1 Psalm 92:7 / / þin gewitnes is drihten || weorcum geleæfsum / and mid
Metrical Psalm 92:8 2 þinum || hælig gedæfenæþ / drihten usser || and dægæs længæ.
Metrical Psalm 93:12 1 93:12 / / Nefre% wiðdrifeð || drihten ure / his ægen folc || ne his
Metrical Psalm 93:15 1 trical Psalm 93:15 / / Nimðe me drihten || demæ usser / gefultumed ||
Metrical Psalm 93:17 3 æ me þine frofre || fegere drihten / gesibbedæn || sawule mine.
Metrical Psalm 93:19 1 on me is geworden || wealdend drihten / to friðstole fest || and ges
Metrical Psalm 93:20 4 iora facne || feste todrifeð / drihten elmihtig || dema soðfæst.
Metrical Psalm 93:5 1 ical Psalm 93:5 / / Folc hi þin drihten || fæcne gehindæn / and yrfæ
Metrical Psalm 93:7 2 cweðæn || þet ne% gesæwe% / drihten æfre || dyde swæ he wolde / n
Metrical Psalm 94:1 2 e% || uten cweman gode / winnum drihten || wealdind herigean / urum hel
Metrical Psalm 94:3 1 on is se micla god || mihtig% drihten% / and% se% micla% kining || ofe
Metrical Psalm 94:4 1 :4 / / Forðon ne wiðdrifeð || drihten usser / his agen folc || æfre
Metrical Psalm 94:7 1 cal Psalm 94:7 / / Forðon he is drihten god || dema usser / werum we hi
A.6.10.1 1 ðel·stān cyning, || eorla drihten, / beorna bēah-ġiefa || and hi
A.6.12 61 | ōðrum% swīcan, / for þǣm drihten wille || dōme sīne / þæt ea
A.6.13 45 ·þon mē ġe·unne || ēċe drihten / þæt mē ġe·sēme || snoto
A.6.13 256 æt ēadiġ on·fand || engla drihten, / þæt hēo lenġ mid hine ||
A.6.13 277 % menn% || enġel on·sendeþ / drihten heofona% þon% ēþ% || / sē
The Menologium 60 ang / þis is se dæg || þæne drihten us / wisfæst worhte || wera cn
The Menologium 96 nigon / dogera rimes || þætte drihten nam / in oþer leoht || agustin
Maxims II 62 þgesceaft / digol and dyrne || drihten ana wat / nergende fæder || n
The Judgment Day II 183 lice witu / ða deoflum geo || drihten geteode / awyrgedum gastum || w
The Judgment Day II 272 ærnes / ufenan eal ðis || ece drihten / him ealra goda gehwylc || gl
The Rewards of Piety 50 e || ealluncga biddan / heofena drihten || ðæt he ðe hæl gife / mil
The Rewards of Piety 61 ðe ðænne / tohwan ðe ðin drihten || gedon wille / ðænne ðu le
The Lord's Prayer II 14 halig || heofonengla cyningc / drihten ure || and ðine domas synd / r
The Lord's Prayer II 76 gelæstað / syle us to dæg || drihten ðine / mildse and mihta || and
The Lord's Prayer II 85 na || ðæt us ne scamige eft / drihten ure || ðonne ðu on dome sit
The Lord's Prayer II 93 na dyrnan || for ðam ðe hit drihten wat / and ðar gewitnesse beoð
The Lord's Prayer III 2 || frofres ic ðe bidde / halig drihten || ðu ðe on heofonum eart /
The Lord's Prayer III 14 forð / syle us nu to dæge || drihten gumena / heofena heahcyning ||
The Lord's Prayer III 18 s / ðæt is se clæna || crist drihten god / forgyf us gumena weard ||
The Creed 28 ade / on gealgan stah || gumena drihten / ðone geomormod || iosep byri
Fragment of Psalm 101 1 01 / / # / ðu min gebed || mære drihten / gehyr heofones weard || and g
Fragment of Psalm 102 2 bletsige mine sawle || bealde drihten / ne wilt ðu ofergeotul || æf
Fragment of Psalm 118 3 ru / la sec ðinne esne || elne drihten / forðon ic ðinra beboda ne f
Fragment of Psalm 139 2 ðinum / fram yfelum men || ece drihten
Fragment of Psalm 19 1 # Fragment of Psalm 19 / / # / do drihten cyng || dædum halne / and us e
Fragment of Psalm 19 3 um mode / swylce we ðe daga || drihten cigen
Fragment of Psalm 24 1 / # / do me wegas ðine || wise drihten / and me ðinra stiga || stapas
Fragment of Psalm 24 2 ndig || miltsa ðinra / ðe ðu drihten dydest || syððan dagas wær
Fragment of Psalm 24 5 weorð gemyndig min || mihtig drihten
Fragment of Psalm 27 1 / # / hal do ðin folc || halig drihten / and ðin yrfe eac || eal gebl
Fragment of Psalm 32 1 e ðin mildheortnys || mihtig drihten / wel ofer us || swa we wenað
Fragment of Psalm 34 1 Fragment of Psalm 34 / / # / dem drihten nu || ða me deredon ær / afeo
Fragment of Psalm 40 1 u mægene cweðe || miltsa me drihten / hæl mine sawle || forðon me
Fragment of Psalm 43 1 Fragment of Psalm 43 / / # / aris drihten nu || and us ricene do / fælne
Fragment of Psalm 5 2 or / and mid earum gehyr || ece drihten / / # / ongyt mine clypunga || cu
Fragment of Psalm 5 1 / / # / forðon ic to ðe || ece drihten / soðum gebidde || and ðu sym
Fragment of Psalm 5 3 t ðu unriht ne wilt || ænig drihten
Fragment of Psalm 50 1 Psalm 50 / / # / mildsa me mihtig drihten || swa ðu manegum dydest / æf
Fragment of Psalm 50 3 / on minre gehigde || huru min drihten / / # / ne awyrp ðu me || wuldre
Fragment of Psalm 50 3 inne willan getryme || weroda drihten
Fragment of Psalm 69 1 Fragment of Psalm 69 / / # / wes drihten god || deore fultum / beheald d
Fragment of Psalm 69 2 n god || deore fultum / beheald drihten me || and me hraðe syððan /
Fragment of Psalm 84 1 gehweorf us hraðe || hælend drihten / and ðin yrre fram us || eac
Fragment of Psalm 87 1 lm 87 / / # / ic me to ðe || ece drihten / mid modgehygde || mægne clyp
Fragment of Psalm 89 1 hweorf us hwæthwygu || halig drihten / wes ðinum scealcum || wel ea
Fragment of Psalm 89 2 and on ðin agen weorc || ece drihten / and heora bearn gerece || bli
A.6.25 1 mn / / Wuton wuldrian || weoroda drihten / hālĝan hlēoðor-cwidum, ||
A.6.25 12 na ġe·rēna, / þe þū, gōd drihten, || gāstes meahtum / hafast on
A.6.25 18 ft || engla% and manna. / Þū, drihten God, || on drēamum wunast / on
A.6.25 37 , / and þū eart ana% || ēċe drihten, / and þū ana bist || ealra d
A.6.26 36 r meniġu || miltsa% þīnra, / drihten weoroda, || ā·dīlĝa min u
A.6.26 58 n, / swelċe þū æt dōme, || drihten, ofer·swīðdest% / ealra synna
A.6.26 62 Þū þæt ana wāst, / mehtiġ drihten, || hū mē mōdor ġe·bær / o
A.6.26 88 || eall ā·dīlĝa. / Ac þū, drihten Crīst, || clǣne heortan / on
A.6.26 94 ·weorp þū mē, || weoroda drihten, / fram an-sīene || ealra þīn
A.6.26 125 c þe miċele mā, || mehtiġ drihten, / lifiende Crist, || liicwerðe
The Gloria II 1 y ðe and wurðmynt || wereda drihten / fæder on foldan || fægere g
A Prayer 1 # A Prayer / / æla drihten leof || æla dema god / geara m
A Prayer 4 ndod / gehæl ðu hy || heofena drihten / and gelacna ðu hy || lifes e
A Prayer 34 an / hu ðu æðele eart || ece drihten / ne ðeah engla werod || up on
A Prayer 38 n / hu ðu mære eart || mihtig drihten / ac is wunder mycel || wealden
A Prayer 44 engla / ealra dugeða duguð || drihten hælend / ðu eart se æðela |
A Prayer 51 mægen ys swa mære || mihtig drihten / swa ðæt ænig ne wat || eor
A Prayer 67 ic ðe halsige nu || heofena drihten / and gebidde me to ðe || bear
A Prayer 69 t ðu gemilsige me || mihtig drihten / heofena heahcyning || and se
A Prayer 74 ne forweorn ðu me || wuldres drihten / ac getyða me || tyreadig cyn
A.6.29 1 hālgung-bōc; || healde hine drihten / þe mē fæġere þus || fræ
Aldhelm 16 || [micro in cosmo] / ðæt him drihten gyfe || dinams on eorðan / [fo
A.6.31 21 hīe be·sieredon || selfne drihten, / on bēam setton || and tō by
A.6.31 111 m ðǣr ġe·sealde% || selfe drihten / brēmne bōca cræft, || bǣl
A.6.31 119 ūs ðǣre duĝuþe hwæt || drihten selleþ. / Eft Helias, || eorl
A.6.31 134 ū is helpes tīd, || hāliġ drihten, / hū we munt þīnne || mǣrne
A.6.31 185 mæssan, / dæġ-hwǣmlīċe || drihten biddan / on þǣm fæstenne ||
A.6.31 210 ewiaþ, / dæġ-hwǣmlīċe || drihten gremiaþ / and mid æf-ēste% |
Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version 4 || swa he wundra gehwæs / ece drihten || or onstealde / he ærest sce
Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version 8 ngeard || moncynnes weard / ece drihten || æfter teode / firum foldan
A.6.37 22 ēow nū drincan, || nū ēow drihten ġeaf / þæt ēow Greġorius |
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 10 iht mote / oð his daga ende || drihten herigan / amen || geweorðe ð
A.6.39 10 t mōte / oþ his daĝa ende || drihten herġan. || Amen. || Ġe·weo
A.6.43.11 11 , / ealles wuldres || worðiġ% drihten, / swā swā iċ ġe·hīerde ||
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 37 wa / ða wyrte gesceop || witig drihten / halig on heofonum || ða he h
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 26 eafde / hal westu || helpe ðin drihten
A.6.43.9 2 ā þe || / meahte Herod ūrne drihten. Iċ ġe·þōhte sancte Eadel
Instructions for Christians 32 æs diæðes hryre, || ðe us drihten gescop? / Gif þu þisses eorð
Instructions for Christians 67 id þam mod gifeð, || mihtig drihten, / mid his handum twam || þurh
Instructions for Christians 135 | and Abraham; / and Dauide || drihten sealde / win-burgum mid || weo
Instructions for Christians 139 þeod-land; || þeah hwaðere drihten heora / on ælcere tide || ben
Instructions for Christians 153 e þæs gewenan || þæt hine drihten Godd / maran mænige% || þonn
Instructions for Christians 171 þreora dagas, || þeah wile drihten hine / fæderlice onfon || æt
Instructions for Christians 193 . / þas worda cwæð || weroda drihten, / ælmihtig Godd, || to Ysaie;
The Battle of Maldon 146 / þæs dægweorces || þe him drihten forgeaf / forlet þa drenga sum
A.6.9 148 æs dæġ-weorces || þe him drihten for·ġeaf. / Forlēt þā dren
halgum - 49 occurrences
Genesis A 151 s adæled / under heahrodore || halgum mihtum / wæter of wætrum ||
Genesis B 742 fonrice / hnigan mid heafdum || halgum drihtne / þurh geongordom || a
Genesis A 956 forþ wesan / hyrstedne hrof || halgum tunglum / and him grundwelan ||
Genesis A 1463 erig sigan / hungri to handa || halgum rince / þa wæs culufre eft ||
Daniel 251 nd || on laþe men / hæþne of halgum || hyssas wæron / bliþemode |
Daniel 351 on þam fyre || frean mihtum / halgum to helpe || wearþ se hata li
Daniel 407 e hrof / heahcyning heofones || halgum mihtum / lifes leohtfruma || of
Daniel 442 a rices / heh þegn and hold || halgum metode / hæfde on þam wundre
Daniel 480 itigaþ || þurh wundor monig / halgum gastum || þe his hyld curon /
Christ and Satan 654 aþ / and herigaþ hehfæder || halgum stefnum / cyning in cestre || c
Andreas 328 cræfte / hefon ond eorþan || halgum mihtum / sigora selost || he þ
Andreas 723 iþferþe || stefnum herigaþ / halgum hleoþrum || heofoncyninges
Andreas 1054 d mid him / hæleþ higerofe || halgum stefnum / cempan coste || cynin
Andreas 52 ofer eall / in heofonþrymme || halgum scineþ / wlitige on wuldre ||
Dream of the Rood 143 an on wuldre || well mid þam halgum / dreames brucan || si me dryht
Dream of the Rood 154 lum to blisse / ond eallum þam halgum || þam þe on heofonum ær / w
Elene 548 r feala mæla / behyded wæs || halgum to teonan / cristenum folce ||
Christ A 284 ð / ðæt ðu sie hlæfdige || halgum meahtum / wuldorweorudes || ond
Christ B 750 am hyhstan || hrofe gestigan / halgum weorcum || ðær is hyht ond
Christ C 1189 frea nerede / fram hellcwale || halgum meahtum / alwalda god || ðæt
Christ C 1608 ascyred weorðeð / heane from halgum || on hearmcwale / ðær sceola
Christ C 1660 on swegle || sib butan niðe / halgum on gemonge || nis ðær hungo
Maxims I 131 yde beag || bec leornere / husl halgum men || hæðnum synne / woden w
The Riming Poem 83 ce in heofona rice || uton nu halgum gelice / scyldum biscyrede || s
Guthlac A 631 forsegon / ða ge wiðhogdun || halgum dryhtne / ne mostun ge a wunian
Guthlac A 807 hi sylfe || sawle frætwað / halgum gehygdum || heofoncyninges bi
Azarias 66 am fire || for frean meahtum / halgum to helpe || wearð se hata li
The Phoenix 206 d feðre / on healfa gehware || halgum stencum / ond ðam æðelestum
The Phoenix 421 cyning / ðurh his hidercyme || halgum togeanes / moncynnes gefea || m
The Phoenix 444 el / gehyrdun under heofonum || halgum ðeawum / dædum domlicum || ð
The Phoenix 515 ðrymlice / of his heahsetle || halgum scineð / wlitig wuldres gim ||
Juliana 171 m || mundbyrd secest / hyldo to halgum || beoð ðe ahylded fram / wra
Juliana 422 || ond gewin tuge / hogdes wið halgum || ðe wearð helle seað / ni
Juliana 442 ll || willan mines / hyhtes æt halgum || swa me her gelamp / sorg on
The Paris Psalter 107:6 3 yre || hælynd drihten / þe on halgum spreceþ || her on eorþan / an
The Paris Psalter 115:8 1 tum secge / / # / ic min gehat || halgum dryhtne / on his getynum || tid
The Paris Psalter 150:1 1 Psalm 150 / / # / heriaþ on þam halgum || his holdne drihten / heriaþ
The Paris Psalter 62:3 3 ene ic swiþe / þæt ic þe on halgum || her ætywe / þæt ic þin w
The Paris Psalter 62:5 3 de swylce / mine handa þwea || halgum gelome / / # / ys sawl min || swe
The Paris Psalter 67:23 4 soþes cynincges || symble on halgum / / # / þyder ealdormen || ofstu
The Paris Psalter 73:3 6 || wraþe feondas / þinum þam halgum || hefige brohtan / gylpaþ gra
The Paris Psalter 76:11 1 / / # / ys weruda god || on wege halgum / hwylc is mihtig god || butan
The Paris Psalter 88:32 1 ce / / # / ic æne swor || aþ on halgum / þæt ic dauide || dæda ne l
The Paris Psalter 91:3 5 t / hihte ic to þinra handa || halgum dædum / / # / hu micle synt þin
The Paris Psalter 98:10 2 | hælend drihten / and hine on halgum || her weorþiaþ / mærum beor
The Rewards of Piety 5 m || and wæccan lufa / on hyge halgum || on ðas hwilwendan tid / bli
The Kentish Hymn 7 odes willan / we ðe heriað || halgum stefnum / and ðe blætsiað ||
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 18 ast / ðæt ðu him to ðeossum halgum || helpe bidde / ðe heora gemy
Instructions for Christians 84 leornunge || longe fyligeð / halgum bocum || her on worulde, / heo
heahmihtum - 1 occurrences
The Paris Psalter 150:2 1 heriaþ hine swylce || on his heahmihtum / heriaþ hine æfter mode || h
heriaþ - 23 occurrences
Elene 14 / þe þone ahangnan cyning || heriaþ ond lofiaþ / þa ic fromlice |
The Paris Psalter 113:24 1 / næfre þe dryhten || deade heriaþ / ne ealle þa þe heonan || he
The Paris Psalter 134:1 1 Paris Psalter: Psalm 134 / / # / heriaþ naman drihtenes || neode swyl
The Paris Psalter 146:1 1 Paris Psalter: Psalm 146 / / # / heriaþ drihten || he is heah and goo
The Paris Psalter 148:1 1 Paris Psalter: Psalm 148 / / # / heriaþ ge on heofenum || hælend dri
The Paris Psalter 148:1 2 n heofenum || hælend drihten / heriaþ hlude || on heanessum / / # / her
The Paris Psalter 148:2 1 aþ hlude || on heanessum / / # / heriaþ hine ealle || engla þreatas /
The Paris Psalter 149:3 2 þreatum / on timpano || tidum heriaþ / and on psalterio || singaþ g
The Paris Psalter 150:1 1 Paris Psalter: Psalm 150 / / # / heriaþ on þam halgum || his holdne
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2 halgum || his holdne drihten / heriaþ hine on his mægenes || mære
The Paris Psalter 150:2 1 s mægenes || mære hælu / / # / heriaþ hine swylce || on his heahmih
The Paris Psalter 150:2 2 e swylce || on his heahmihtum / heriaþ hine æfter mode || his mæge
The Paris Psalter 150:3 1 ode || his mægenþrymmes / / # / heriaþ hine on hleoþre || holdre be
The Paris Psalter 62:4 3 on / weleras þe mine || wynnum heriaþ / / # / swa ic þe on minum life
The Paris Psalter 62:6 4 / þinne naman nu-þa || neode heriaþ / / # / swa ic þin gemynd || on
The Paris Psalter 62:10 2 se / hluttre habban || and hine heriaþ eac / ealle þa þe on hine ||
The Paris Psalter 63:9 3 ice || bote geweneþ / and hine heriaþ eac || heortan clæne
The Paris Psalter 67:4 2 and his naman swylce || neode heriaþ / doþ siþfæt þæs || seftne
The Paris Psalter 71:18 2 / ealle hine þeoda || þriste heriaþ / / # / wese israhela || ece drih
The Paris Psalter 78:14 4 e on worulda woruld || wordum heriaþ
The Paris Psalter 83:4 3 on worulda woruld || wealdend heriaþ / / # / þæt byþ eadig wer || s
The Paris Psalter 99:4 1 ofsangum || lustum myclum / / # / heriaþ naman drihtnes || forþon he
The Menologium 42 eard and higestrang || þæne heriaþ wel / in gewritum wise || weald
herġaþ - 43 occurrences
A.1.2 547 duĝuþ on drēame || drihten herġaþ, / weoroda wuldor-cyning, || tō
A.1.3 374 || and beorht sumor / nerġend herġaþ! || Niht samod and dæġ, / and
A.1.3 386 eċ weorðiaþ! / Hwalas þeċ herġaþ, || and heofon-fuĝolas, / lyft-
A.1.3 392 Israela, || ǣhta sċieppend, / herġaþ in hāde, || hearran sīnne%!
A.1.3 404 || wittiġ drihten! / Wē þeċ herġaþ, || hāliġ drihten, / and ġe·
A.1.3 421 ngum gædelingum% || Hīe God herġaþ, / ānne ēċne, || and ealles h
A.1.4 47 / hæleþ% ymb% hēah-seld, || herġaþ drihten / wordum% and weorcum%,
A.1.4 221 / hālġe% heofon-þrēatas || herġaþ drihten / wordum and weorcum. |
A.1.4 654 tiras || metode cwēmaþ, / and herġaþ hēah-fæder || hālĝum stef
A.1.4 659 / Swā wuldres weard || wordum herġaþ / þeġnas ymb þēoden, || ð
A.2.1 722 þ stīþ-ferhþe, || stefnum herġaþ, / hālĝum hlēoðrum, || heofo
A.2.6 15 % þone ā·hangnan cyning || herġaþ and lofiaþ.’ / þā iċ fram
A.3.26 123 , || / þā ealle hell-wara || herġaþ and lof[] / []lum || þe þe% y
A.3.3 154 nd Misahel, metod, || miltsum herġaþ. / Nū we ġunge þrīe || god b
A.3.4 541 , / clǣne and ġe·corene, || herġaþ cininges þrymm, / stefn aefter
A.3.4 616 ǣr gǣsta ġe·dryht / hǣlend herġaþ || and heofon-cininges / meahte
The Paris Psalter 104:3 1 nder eall || wīde mǣru. / / # / Herġaþ his naman || nīede swelċe; /
The Paris Psalter 113:24 1 fre þē, drihten, || dēade herġaþ, / ne ealle þā þe heonan || h
The Paris Psalter 134:1 1 Paris Psalter: Psalm 134 / / # / Herġaþ naman dryhtnes, || nīede swe
The Paris Psalter 146:1 1 Paris Psalter: Psalm 146 / / # / Herġaþ drihten, || hē is hēah and
The Paris Psalter 146:1 3 / and hine wlitiĝum || wordum herġaþ. / / # / Eft Hierusālem || ġeorn
The Paris Psalter 148:1 1 Paris Psalter: Psalm 148 / / # / Herġaþ ġē on heofonum || hǣlend d
The Paris Psalter 148:1 2 heofonum || hǣlend drihten, / herġaþ hlūde || on hēanessum. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 148:2 1 hlūde || on hēanessum. / / # / Herġaþ hine ealle || engla þrēatas
The Paris Psalter 149:3 2 rēatum, / on timpano || tīdum herġaþ / and on psalterio || singaþ
The Paris Psalter 150:1 1 Paris Psalter: Psalm 150 / / # / Herġaþ on þǣmhālgum || his holdne
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2 ālgum || his holdne drihten, / herġaþ hine on his mæġenes || mǣr
The Paris Psalter 150:2 1 mæġenes || mǣre hǣlu. / / # / Herġaþ hine swelċe || on his hēah-
The Paris Psalter 150:2 2 lċe || on his hēah-meahtum, / herġaþ hine aefter mōde || his mæ
The Paris Psalter 150:3 1 || his mæġen-þrymmes. / / # / Herġaþ hine on hlēoðre || holdre b
The Paris Psalter 62:4 3 ; / weleras þe mīne || wynnum herġaþ. / / # / Swā iċ þe on mīnum l
The Paris Psalter 62:6 4 nne naman nū-þā || nīede herġaþ. / / # / Swā iċ þīn ġe·mynd
The Paris Psalter 62:10 2 e% / hluttre habban || and hine herġaþ ēac / ealle þā þē on hine
The Paris Psalter 63:9 3 bōte ġe·wēneþ, / and hine herġaþ ēac || heortan clǣne.
The Paris Psalter 67:4 2 d his naman swelċe || nīede herġaþ; / dōþ sīþfæt þæs || sēf
The Paris Psalter 71:18 2 alle hine þēoda || þrīste herġaþ. / / # / Wese Israhela || ēċe dr
The Paris Psalter 83:4 3 eorolda weorold, || wealdend, herġaþ. / / # / Þæt biþ ēadiġ wer, |
The Paris Psalter 88:4 3 þ, / and þā hālĝan ēac || herġaþ on ċiriċan / þīne sōþfæs
The Paris Psalter 99:4 1 angum || lustum miċelum. / / # / Herġaþ naman dryhtnes, || for·þon
A.6.14 42 rd and hyġe-strang, || þone herġaþ wēl / on ġe·writum wīse, ||
A.6.21 36 swā þū hēte. / Ealle þē herġaþ || hālġe drēamas / clǣnre s
A.6.23 50 rh ānne ġe·þanc || ealdor herġaþ, / heofona hēah-cyning || hēr
A.6.25 7 % || gōdes% willan. / Wē þē herġaþ || hālĝum stefnum / and þē
hine - 563 occurrences
Genesis B 253 on his modgeþohte || he let hine swa micles wealdan / hehstne to
Genesis B 254 on heofona rice || hæfde he hine swa hwitne geworhtne / swa wynl
Genesis B 258 cerede || þonne læte he his hine lange wealdan / ac he awende hi
Genesis B 263 l ongan || ofermod wesan / ahof hine wiþ his hearran || sohte het
Genesis B 274 n on heofonum || cwæþ þæt hine his hige speone / þæt he west
Genesis B 300 sta heofones waldend || wearp hine of þan hean stole / hete hæfd
Genesis B 304 wiþ heofnes waldend / acwæþ hine þa fram his hyldo || and hin
Genesis B 304 ine þa fram his hyldo || and hine on helle wearp / on þa deopan
Genesis B 342 / mihtig on mode yrre || wearp hine on þæt morþer innan / niþer
Genesis B 345 sceolde / satan siþþan || het hine þære sweartan helle / grundes
Genesis B 350 s engel / hwit on heofne || oþ hine his hyge forspeon / and his ofe
Genesis B 359 me min hearra onlag / þeah we hine for þam alwaldan || agan ne
Genesis B 438 mena gewinnan / sittan læte ic hine wiþ me sylfne || swa hwa swa
Genesis B 442 m and dædum / lare # || / angan hine þa gyrwan || godes andsaca / f
Genesis B 484 on þam beame geweox / sceolde hine yldo beniman || ellendæda / dr
Genesis B 491 | þe wiþ drihten wann / wearp hine þa on wyrmes lic || and wand
Genesis B 493 r þæs ofætes || and wende hine eft þanon / þær he wiste han
Genesis B 495 weorc || heofoncyninges / ongon hine þa frinan || forman worde / se
Genesis B 499 nu fyrn ne wæs / þæt ic wiþ hine sylfne sæt || þa het he me
Genesis B 507 dyrne geworhtne || ic gehyrde hine þine dæd and word / lofian on
Genesis B 536 bebead / nergend user || þa ic hine nehst geseah / he het me his wo
Genesis B 547 he his gingran ne sende / wende hine wraþmod || þær he þæt wi
Genesis B 575 / an sped sprecaþ || span þu hine georne / þæt he þine lare l
Genesis B 635 || biþ þam men full wa / þe hine ne warnaþ || þonne he his g
Genesis B 684 c him þicce to || and speon hine ealne dæg / on þa dimman dæd
Genesis B 780 emdon / heofones waldend || and hine bædon / þæt hie his hearmsce
Genesis A 1041 ndum sinum / aldre beneoteþ || hine on cymeþ / æfter þære synne
Genesis A 1043 d wracu / wite æfter weorce || hine waldend on / tirfæst metod ||
Genesis A 1045 reoþobeacen frea || þy læs hine feonda hwilc / mid guþþræce
Genesis A 1213 um || þe his gast onfeng / ær hine to monnum || modor brohte / he
Genesis A 1276 sare / heardum mihtum || hreaw hine swiþe / þæt he folcmægþa |
Genesis A 1314 l þy mare / noe fremede || swa hine nergend heht / hyrde þam halga
Genesis A 1356 neþ / him þa noe gewat || swa hine nergend het / under earce bord
Genesis A 1404 ord / heold heofona frea || þa hine halig god / ece upp forlet || e
Genesis A 1429 e || þæra he rume dreah / þa hine on sunde || geond sidne grund
Genesis A 1443 oe tealde || þæt he on neod hine / gif he on þære lade || land
Genesis A 1521 mid synne || sawldreore / ælc hine selfa || ærest begrindeþ / ga
Genesis A 1572 ne mihte || on gemynd drepen / hine handum self || mid hrægle wr
Genesis A 1583 roþrum sægde || hu se beorn hine / reste on recede || hie þa ra
Genesis A 1733 secean wolde / cananea land || hine cneowmægas / metode gecorene |
Genesis A 1755 uendra / mid wean greteþ || ic hine wergþo on / mine sette || and
Genesis A 1784 spedig / cynne cananeis || þa hine cyning engla / abrahame || iewd
Genesis A 1870 m / ombihtscealcum || þæt hie hine arlice / ealles onsundne || eft
Genesis A 1941 eolde / facen and fyrene || and hine fægre heold / þeawfæst and g
Genesis A 1946 eþeleardum / cananea forþ || hine cyning engla / metod moncynnes
Genesis A 2174 drof drihtne sinum || frægn hine dægrime frod / hwæt gifest þ
Genesis A 2291 era cneorissum / magum sinum || hine monige on / wraþe winnaþ || m
Genesis A 2487 ylston wel / gystas sine || and hine of gromra þa / cuman arfæste
Genesis A 2736 þ her / abraham fremede || swa hine his aldor heht / onfeng freonds
Genesis A 2759 ynnes weard / abimeleche || swa hine abraham bæd / þa com feran ||
Genesis A 2768 eacen be eorle || isaac nemde / hine abraham on || mid his agene h
Genesis A 2770 rtorht ymb wucan || þæs þe hine on woruld / to moncynne || modo
Genesis A 2865 gendes / hæse wiþhogode || ac hine se halga wer / gyrde grægan sw
Genesis A 2868 lferhþ goldes brytta || heht hine geonge twegen / men mid siþian
Genesis A 2894 hogod / þæt he gedæde || swa hine drihten het / him þæt soþcyn
Genesis A 2930 ne / þone abraham genam || and hine on ad ahof / ofestum miclum ||
Exodus 23 || þa wæs forma siþ / þæt hine weroda god || wordum nægde /
Exodus 180 m eagan || landmanna cyme / ymb hine wægon || wigend unforhte / har
Exodus 414 reodan / magan mid mece || gif hine metod lete / ne wolde him beorh
Daniel 122 gn þa þa mænigeo || hwæt hine gemætte / þenden reordberend
Daniel 243 ted / isen eall þurhgleded || hine þær esnas mænige / wurpon wu
Daniel 341 beorht || hatan fyres / tosweop hine and toswende || þurh þa swi
Daniel 492 | þonne gemet wære / oþþæt hine mid nyde || nyþor asette / met
Daniel 541 an || þe him eowed wæs / bæd hine areccan || hwæt seo run bude
Christ and Satan 153 bearn hælendes / þær we ymb hine utan || ealle hofan / leomu ymb
Christ and Satan 244 eng || þe þær up becom / and hine on eorþan || ær gelefde / þa
Christ and Satan 375 gan sceolde / and his hired mid hine || in hynþo geglidan / nergend
Christ and Satan 458 s || in þa mæran burh / hofon hine mid him || handum halige / witi
Christ and Satan 565 des / onfeng freodrihten || and hine forþ lædde / to þam halgan h
Christ and Satan 42 senda / mila gemearcodes || swa hine se mihtiga het / þæt þurh si
A.1.4 43 / mila ġe·mearcodes, || swā hine sē mihtĝa hēt / þæt þurh
Andreas 502 sceare / stille stande || þær hine storm ne mæg / wind awecgan ||
Andreas 551 sum hysse || hold gewurde / ond hine geongne || geofum wyrþodest /
Andreas 820 idum || haliges lare / oþþæt hine semninga || slæp ofereode / on
Andreas 943 an / searonettum beseted || þu hine secan scealt / leofne alysan ||
Andreas 1143 olan gescenan / garum agetan || hine god forstod / halig of hehþo |
Andreas 1326 g iudea / rices berædde || ond hine rode befealg / þæt he on geal
Andreas 1335 sdon on sona / gifrum grapum || hine god forstod / staþulfæst steo
Andreas 1564 s þe ic soþ talige / þæt we hine alysan || of leoþobendum / eal
Andreas 30 rburg || wunian sceolde / ongan hine þa fysan || ond to flote gyr
A.2.1 31 h || wunian sċolde. / On·gann hine þā fȳsan || and tō flote
The Fates of the Apostles 97 n || foreþances gleaw / se þe hine lysteþ || leoþgiddunga / hwa
Dream of the Rood 11 þær huru fracodes gealga / ac hine þær beheoldon || halige gas
Dream of the Rood 39 þre ic fæste stod / ongyrede hine þa geong hæleþ || þæt w
Dream of the Rood 61 þær ælmihtigne god / ahofon hine of þam hefian wite || forlet
Dream of the Rood 64 r heofenes dryhten || ond he hine þær hwile reste / meþe æfte
Elene 14 ht cyning / guþweard gumena || hine god trymede / mærþum ond miht
Elene 200 tes gife || georne cyþan / ond hine soþlice || sylfne getengde / g
Elene 1 der minum / # eaferan || / wende hine of worulde || ond þæt word
A.2.6 2 er mīnum, / eaforan, || / wende hine of weorolde || and þæt word
Elene 48 oden engla || ond his þegnum hine / soþ sigora frea || seolfne g
A.2.6 49 den engla || and his þeġnum hine%, / sōþ siĝora frēa, || selfn
Elene 74 aldend / þeah we æbylgþ wiþ hine || oft gewyrcen / synna wunde |
A.2.6 75 nd, / þēah we ǣ·bylhþ wiþ hine || oft ġe·wyrċen, / synna wu
Elene 149 e þære cwene agefon / sægdon hine sundorwisne || he þe mæg so
Elene 150 wreon wyrda geryno || swa þu hine wordum frignest / æriht from o
A.2.6 150 cwēne ā·ġēafon, / sæġdon hine sundor-wīsne: || ‘Hē þe
A.2.6 151 yrda ġe·rȳnu, || swā þū hine wordum friġnest, / ǣ-riht fra
Elene 164 re wæs || lange bedyrned / ond hine seolfne || sundor acigde / elen
A.2.6 165 || lange || be·dierned, / and hine selfne || sundor ā·ċīeġd
Elene 272 ro || hio bebead hraþe / þæt hine man of nearwe || ond of nydcl
A.2.6 273 hēo be·bēad hræðe / þæt hine man of nearwe || and of nīed
Elene 275 ofstlice || efnedon sona / ond hine mid arum || up gelæddon / of c
A.2.6 276 tlīċe || efnedon sōna, / and hine mid ārum || up ġe·lǣdon / o
Elene 340 orgerimum || no þu of deaþe hine / swa þrymlice || þeoda weald
A.2.6 341 īmum; || nā þū of dēaðe hine / swā þrymlīċe, || þēoda
Elene 619 mple / cræftum gecorene || ond hine cyriacus / þurh snyttro geþea
A.2.6 620 e / cræftum ġe·corene || and hine Cyriacus / þurh snytru ġe·þ
Elene 724 uþe / frodne on ferhþe || ond hine frignan ongan / hwæt him þæs
A.2.6 725 e, / frōdne on ferhþe || and hine friġnan on·gann / hwæt him
Christ A 129 mle bi gewyrhtum / ðæs ðe he hine sylfne us || sendan wolde / eal
Christ A 384 / wærfæst onwrah || ðæt we hine witan moton / forðon hy dædhw
Christ A 429 || dryhten weoroda / forðon we hine domhwate || dædum ond wordum
Christ B 636 dendes / freonoman cende || ond hine fugel nemde / ðone iudeas || o
Christ B 781 cynnes / gromra garfare || gif hine god scildeð / duguða dryhten
Christ B 843 ðeos læne gesceaft / ðær he hine sylfne || on ðam sigeðreate
Christ C 1011 r weredum || waldende god / ond hine ymbutan || æðelduguð betas
Christ C 1119 a bearn || leohte oncnawan / hu hine lygnedon || lease on geðoncu
Christ C 1149 / heofon hluttre ongeat || hwa hine healice / torhtne getremede ||
Christ C 1164 e || hwæt eac sæ cyðde / hwa hine gesette || on sidne grund / tir
Christ C 1165 rmeahtig cyning || forðon he hine tredne him / ongean gyrede ||
Christ C 1307 m mon soð ðe lyge / sagað on hine sylfne || ðonne he ða synne
Christ C 1320 ðolian / synrust ðwean || ond hine sylfne ðrean / ond ðæt wom
Vainglory 10 mon || eaðe geðencan / se ðe hine ne læteð || on ðas lænan
Vainglory 52 | ond ðæt gyd awræc / se ðe hine sylfne || in ða sliðnan tid
The Fortunes of Men 12 gum / wealic weorðeð || sceal hine wulf etan / har hæðstapa || h
The Fortunes of Men 56 bealo || dreamum biscyred / ond hine to sylfcwale || secgas nemna
Maxims I 9 || god us ece bið / ne wendað hine wyrda || ne hine wiht dreceð
Maxims I 9 / ne wendað hine wyrda || ne hine wiht dreceð / adl ne yldo ||
Maxims I 46 t he teala cunne || oððæt hine mon atemedne hæbbe / sylle him
Maxims I 47 im wist ond wædo || oððæt hine mon on gewitte alæde / ne scea
Maxims I 48 on on gewitte alæde / ne sceal hine mon cildgeongne forcweðan ||
Maxims I 48 dgeongne forcweðan || ær he hine acyðan mote / ðy sceal on ðe
Maxims I 68 l gegierwed stondan || hwonne hine guman gedælen / gifre bið se
Maxims I 97 ham / agen ætgeofa || ond heo hine in laðað / wæsceð his warig
Maxims I 111 ðe to seldan ieteð || ðeah hine mon on sunnan læde / ne mæg h
Maxims I 113 r he acwele || gif he nat hwa hine cwicne fede / mægen mon sceal
Maxims I 147 an / felafæcne deor || ful oft hine se gefera sliteð / gryre sceal
The Riming Poem 80 ðæt eadig geðenceð || he hine ðe oftor swenceð / byrgeð hi
The Whale 51 nc || wrætlicran gien / ðonne hine on holme || hungor bysgað / on
The Whale 65 tid || lif bisceawað / læteð hine beswican || ðurh swetne sten
Guthlac A 99 im wæs hyht to ðam / siððan hine inlyhte || se ðe lifes weg / g
Guthlac A 105 gan sceolde / worulde wynnum || hine weard biheold / halig of heofon
Guthlac A 114 na lustas / tid wæs toweard || hine twegen ymb / weardas wacedon ||
Guthlac A 127 onne þæt ēċe līf. / Ōðer hine sċyhte, || þæt hē sċaðe
Guthlac A 133 reafe || rædan motan / swa hy hine trymedon || on twa healfa / oð
Guthlac A 138 aces || geoce gewunade / lufade hine ond lærde || lenge hu georno
Guthlac A 156 ena || ðurh gæstlicu / wundor hine weorðiað || ond his wisdome
Guthlac A 177 etta || ondwiges heard / gyrede hine georne || mid gæstlicum / wæp
Guthlac A 190 || him wæs fultum neah / engel hine elne trymede || ðonne hy him
Guthlac A 292 s recce / gearo wæs guðlac || hine god fremede / on ondsware || on
Guthlac A 331 geðas || lænra dreama / no he hine wið monna || miltse gedælde
Guthlac A 342 htne || dreogan sceolde / ðæt hine æreste || elne binoman / slæp
Guthlac A 356 wæs ðæt ongin swylc / ðonne hine engel || on ðam anade / georna
Guthlac A 358 || ond him giefe sealde / ðæt hine ne meahte || meotudes willan /
Guthlac A 363 ond his weorc trymað / laðað hine liðum wordum || gehateð him
Guthlac A 377 gewit gelæsteð / ðeah ðe ge hine sarum forsæcen || ne motan g
Guthlac A 395 m mode / weox ond wunade || ond hine weoruda god / freoðade on fold
Guthlac A 404 icra ma || wundra gecyðde / he hine scilde || wið sceððendra / e
Guthlac A 412 ið hy || gefreoðad wære / hy hine ða hofun || on ða hean lyft
Guthlac A 427 || ðurhtogen hæfdon / læddun hine ða of lyfte || to ðam leofe
Guthlac A 549 m feore || fyl gehehton / no hy hine to deaðe || deman moston / syn
Guthlac A 552 ne hīe on·ġēaton || þæt hine god wolde / nerġan wiþ nīðu
Guthlac A 557 m || eaðe gescildan / hwæðre hine gebrohton || bolgenmode / wrað
Guthlac A 564 r næssas || neole grundas / hy hine bregdon || budon orlege / egsan
Guthlac A 701 to dare || gedon motan / ac ge hine gesundne asettað || ðær ge
Guthlac A 701 gesundne asettað || ðær ge hine sylfne genoman / he sceal ðy w
Guthlac A 716 ocne || ðe ic ða sibbe wið hine / healdan wille || nu ic his he
Guthlac A 729 onwillan || eorðan dæle / hy hine bæron || ond him bryce heold
Guthlac A 730 | ond him bryce heoldon / hofon hine hondum || ond him hryre burgu
Guthlac A 733 cwom / bytla to ðam beorge || hine bletsadon / monge mægwlitas ||
Guthlac B 886 ygegeomre || hefigra wita / ðe hine unsofte || adle gebundne / sarg
Guthlac B 918 eorhnere / witude fundon || ond hine weorðedon / meaglum stefnum ||
Guthlac B 927 ðurh ða æðelan meaht / ðe hine seoslige || sohtun on ðearfe
Guthlac B 958 | he ðæt soð gecneow / ðæt hine ælmihtig || ufan neosade / meo
Guthlac B 995 stondan / ricra ne heanra || ac hine ræseð on / gifrum grapum || s
Guthlac B 999 ah geðyded / wiga wælgifre || hine wunade mid / an ombehtðegn ||
Guthlac B 1000 nade mid / an ombehtðegn || se hine æghwylce / daga neosade || ong
Guthlac B 1158 tan / meðne modglædne || bæd hine ðurh mihta scyppend / gif he h
Guthlac B 1162 ðære dimman adle || ærðon hine deað onsægde / him se eadga w
Guthlac B 1266 t / greothord gnornað || gæst hine fyseð / on ecne geard || utsi
Deor 5 e || wean oft onfond / siððan hine niðhad on || nede legde / swon
Wulf and Eadwacer 2 e him mon lac gife / willað hy hine aðecgan || gif he on ðreat
Wulf and Eadwacer 7 weras ðær on ige / willað hy hine aðecgan || gif he on ðreat
Riddles 15 15 fterweard || ealles weorðeð / hine berað breost || ic his bidan
Riddles 22 13 es byht || wægn to lande / swa hine oxa ne teah || ne esna mægen
Riddles 23 12 ðæt ic ðær ymb sprice / gif hine hrineð || ðæt me of hrife
Riddles 3 29 ole wen / sliðre sæcce || gif hine sæ byreð / on ða grimman tid
Riddles 5 5 feonde || forstrangne oft / wif hine wrið || he him wel hereð / ð
Riddles 5 8 as || mid gemete ryhte / fedað hine fægre || he him fremum stepe
Riddles 5 10 um || leanað grimme / ðam ðe hine wloncne || weorðan læteð
A.3.22.50 5 de. || For-strangne% oft / wīf hine wriþ; || hē him wēl hīere
Riddles 50 6 de. || / Forstrangne oft / wif hine wrið; || he him wel hereð, /
A.3.22.50 8 mid ġe·mete rihte, / fēdaþ hine fæġere; || hē him fremum s
Riddles 50 9 s || mid gemete ryhte, / fedað hine fægre; || he him fremum step
A.3.22.50 10 || Lēanaþ grymme / þām% þe hine wlancne || weorðan lǣteþ.
Riddles 50 11 || Leanað grimme / þam þe hine wloncne || weorþan læteð.
Riddles 53 3 wynne / wudu weaxende || wæter hine ond eorðe / feddan fægre || o
Riddles 55 15 es gieddes / ondsware ywe || se hine on mede / wordum secgan || hu s
The Judgment Day I 72 dæl / yfles ondgiet || ær hit hine on fealleð / he ðæt ðonne o
The Descent into Hell 13 || ðær hi ær wiston / ðæt hine gehyddan || hæleð iudea / wen
The Descent into Hell 33 ecan || sigebearn godes / fysde hine ða to fore || frea moncynnes
The Descent into Hell 68 ordes || hyldo gelyfeð / ðæt hine of ðam bendum || bicgan will
The Husband's Message 19 bugan / freondscype fremman || hine fæhðo adraf / of sigeðeode |
The Phoenix 106 r se tireadga || twelf siðum hine / bibaðað in ðam burnan ||
The Phoenix 111 æt baða gehwylcum / siððan hine sylfne || æfter sundplegan / h
The Phoenix 281 | swa he æt frymðe wæs / ða hine ærest god || on ðone æðel
The Phoenix 365 e him weorðeð / ende lifes || hine ad ðeceð / ðurh æledfyr ||
The Phoenix 380 æs / feðrum bifongen || ðeah hine fyr nime / swa ðæt ece lif ||
Juliana 27 s mod ongon / fæmnan lufian || hine fyrwet bræc / iulianan || hio
Juliana 185 de / beotwordum spræc || bealg hine swiðe / folcagende || ond ða
Juliana 364 bleo || mod oncyrre / ðær ic hine finde || ferð staðelian / to
Juliana 372 um gelenge || larum hyreð / ic hine ðæs swiðe || synnum onæle
Juliana 553 s wurde / on ferðe frod || ða hine seo fæmne forlet / æfter ðr
Juliana 574 n || næs se feond to læt / se hine gelærde || ðæt he læmen f
Juliana 605 e bineotan / criste gecorene || hine se cwealm ne ðeah / siððan h
Juliana 643 d / he is ðæs wyrðe || ðæt hine werðeode / ond eal engla cynn
Juliana 676 le fornom / secga hloðe || ond hine sylfne mid / ærðon hy to land
The Wanderer 32 að || leofra geholena / warað hine wræclast || nales wunden gol
The Wanderer 35 elesecgas || ond sincðege / hu hine on geoguðe || his goldwine / w
The Gifts of Men 11 g || ne ðæs læthydig / ðæt hine se argifa || ealles biscyrge /
The Seafarer 43 fore || sorge næbbe / to hwon hine dryhten || gedon wille / ne bi
The Seafarer 77 dum || deofle togeanes / ðæt hine ælda bearn || æfter hergen /
The Seafarer 99 dum / maðmum mislicum || ðæt hine mid wille / ne mæg ðære sawl
The Seafarer 113 laðne || bealo / ðeah ðe he hine wille fyres || fulne / oððe o
Beowulf 22 tum || on fæder bearme / ðæt hine on ylde || eft gewunigen / wilg
A.4.1 28 ran || on frēan wǣre. / Hīe hine þā æt·bǣron || tō brime
Beowulf 43 ht || feor gewitan / nalæs hi hine læssan || lacum teodan / ðeod
Beowulf 45 treonum || ðon ða dydon / ðe hine æt frumsceafte || forð onse
Beowulf 109 ah he ðære fæhðe || ac he hine feor forwræc / metod for ðy m
A.4.1 142 eall-þeġnes hete; || hēold hine siþþan / fierr and fæstor ||
Beowulf 232 e randas / fyrdsearu fuslicu || hine fyrwyt bræc / modgehygdum || h
Beowulf 265 eg hwurfe / gamol of geardum || hine gearwe geman / witena welhwylc
Beowulf 347 f he us geunnan wile / ðæt we hine swa godne || gretan moton / wul
Beowulf 372 aðelode || helm scyldinga / ic hine cuðe || cnihtwesende / wæs hi
Beowulf 381 mundgripe / heaðorof hæbbe || hine halig god / for arstafum || us
Beowulf 399 inges / aras ða se rica || ymb hine rinc manig / ðryðlic ðegna h
Beowulf 441 sceal / dryhtnes dome || se ðe hine deað nimeð / wen ic ðæt he
Beowulf 461 andbonan / mid wilfingum || ða hine wedera cyn / for herebrogan ||
Beowulf 518 lat / hæfde mare mægen || ða hine on morgentid / on heaðoræmas
Beowulf 617 eastdena || eðelwearde / bæd hine bliðne || æt ðære beorðe
Beowulf 678 uðgeweorca || ðonne grendel hine / forðan ic hine sweorde || sw
Beowulf 679 onne grendel hine / forðan ic hine sweorde || swebban nelle / aldr
Beowulf 688 || swa him gemet ðince / hylde hine ða heaðodeor || hleorbolste
Beowulf 689 nfeng / eorles andwlitan || ond hine ymb monig / snellic særinc ||
Beowulf 788 nigean / helle hæfton || heold hine fæste / se ðe manna wæs || m
Beowulf 813 e lichoma || læstan nolde / ac hine se modega || mæg hygelaces / h
Beowulf 879 nd fyrena || buton fitela mid hine / ðonne he swulces hwæt || se
Beowulf 904 forlacen / snude forsended || hine sorhwylmas / lemede to lange ||
Beowulf 915 na cynne / freondum gefægra || hine fyren onwod / hwilum flitende |
Beowulf 961 || uðe ic swiðor / ðæt ðu hine selfne || geseon moste / feond
Beowulf 963 on frætewum || fylwerigne / ic hine hrædlice || heardan clammum /
Beowulf 967 sig || butan his lic swice / ic hine ne mihte || ða metod nolde / g
A.4.1 975 , / synnum ġe·swenċed, || ac hine sār hafaþ / mid% nīed-grīpe
Beowulf 1045 eteah / wicga ond wæpna || het hine wel brucan / swa manlice || mæ
A.4.1 1205 lgode, / wæl-rēaf weorode; || hine wyrd for·nam, / siþþan hē f
Beowulf 1291 ne gemunde / byrnan side || ða hine se broga angeat / heo wæs on o
A.4.1 1436 s / sundes þȳ sǣnra, || þȳ hine swylt for·nam. / Hræðe wear
Beowulf 1441 don / gryrelicne gist || gyrede hine beowulf / eorlgewædum || nalle
Beowulf 1451 d / befongen freawrasnum || swa hine fyrndagum / worhte wæpna smið
Beowulf 1453 de / besette swinlicum || ðæt hine syððan no / brond ne beadomec
Beowulf 1472 ðæm oðrum swa / syððan he hine to guðe || gegyred hæfde / be
Beowulf 1509 g wæs / wæpna gewealdan || ac hine wundra ðæs fela / swencte on
Beowulf 1590 ade / heorosweng heardne || ond hine ða heafde becearf / sona ðæt
Beowulf 1599 a ðæs monige gewearð / ðæt hine seo brimwylf || abroten hæfd
A.4.1 1628 ġe·fǣĝon, / þæs þe hīe hine ġe·sundne || ġe·sêon mō
Beowulf 1716 || mondreamum from / ðeah ðe hine mihtig god || mægenes wynnum
Beowulf 1735 cean / wunað he on wiste || no hine wiht dweleð / adl ne yldo || n
Beowulf 1799 ende || habban scoldon / reste hine ða rumheort || reced hliuade
Beowulf 1868 lfdenes || maðmas twelfe / het hine mid ðæm lacum || leode swæ
Beowulf 1886 ghwæs orleahtre || oððæt hine yldo benam / mægenes wynnum ||
A.4.1 1985 m hēan / fæġere friċġan || hine fyr-witt bræc, / hwelċe Sǣ-
A.4.1 2050 īðe, / dīere īren, || ðǣr hine Dene slōĝon, / wēoldon wæl-
Beowulf 2124 n || feorh uðgenge / noðer hy hine ne moston || syððan mergen
A.4.1 2184 r. || Hēan wæs lange , / swā hine Ġēata bearn || gōdne ne te
A.4.1 2185 earn || gōdne ne tealdon, / ne hine on medu-benċe || miċeles wi
A.4.1 2204 an || tō banan wurdon, / þā hine ġe·sōhton || on siġe-þē
A.4.1 2230 pen% || / || sċeapen / || þā hine sē fǣr% be·ġeat. / Sinċ-f
A.4.1 2274 ēoġeþ / fȳre be·fangen; || hine fold-būend / swīðe% on·drǣ
A.4.1 2280 acen-cræftiġ, || oþ·þæt hine ān ā·bealh / mann on mōde;
A.4.1 2379 þ, / Weder-Ġēatum wēold. || Hine wræc-mæċġas / ofer sǣ sōh
A.4.1 2437 rðₒr-bedd strēd, / siþþan hine Hæþ·cynn || of horn-boĝan
A.4.1 2593 hīe eft ġe·mētton. / Hierte hine hord-weard || hreðer ǣðme
A.4.1 2707 | feorh ellen wræc, / and hīe hine þā bēġen || ā·broten h
A.4.1 2720 eorð-reċed || innan healde. / Hine þā mid handa || heoru-drēo
A.4.1 2772 s ðǣr / ansīen ǣniġ, || ac hine eċġ for·nam. / Þā iċ on h
A.4.1 2784 n, / frætwum ġe·fyrðred; || hine fyrwitt bræc, / hwæðer colle
Beowulf 2787 eoden / ellensiocne || ðær he hine ær forlet / he ða mid ðam ma
Beowulf 2790 e fand / ealdres æt ende || he hine eft ongon / wæteres weorpan ||
A.4.1 2812 lm, / bēah and byrnan, || hēt hine brūcan wēl: / ‘Þū eart en
Beowulf 2828 hbogen || wealdan ne moste / ac hine irenna || ecga fornamon / heard
A.4.1 2854 | frēan eaxlum nēah, / weahte hine wætere; || him wiht ne spēo
A.4.1 2872 u / wrāðe for·wurpe, || þā hine wīġ be·ġeat. / Nealles folc
A.4.1 2875 iĝora wealdend, || þæt hē hine selfne ġe·wræc / ana mid eċ
A.4.1 2883 þrang ymbe þēoden, || þā hine sēo þrāh be·cōm. / Nū sċ
A.4.1 2916 ġe || on Frēsna land, / ðǣr hine Hætt·ware || hilde ġe·nǣ
A.4.1 2964 ċolde / Eofores ǣnne dōm. || Hine ierrunga / Wulf Wan-rǣding ||
A.4.1 2976 ē fǣġe þā-ġīet, / ac hē hine ġe·wierpte, || þēah þe h
A.4.1 3082 te || gold-weard þone, / lēte hine liċġan || ðǣr hē lange w
A.4.2 13 þan dōĝre / þæs þe Iudith hine, || glēaw on ġe·þance, / ide
A.4.2 44 þǣm hēan, / ðǣr sē rīċa hine || ræste on simble / nihtes in
A.4.2 51 ōm / hæleþa bearna || and on hine nǣniġ / manna cynnes, || nem
A.4.2 96 hwelcne / hēr-būendra || þe hine him tō helpe sēċeþ / mid r
A.4.2 99 ste be feaxe sīnum, || tēah hine folmum wiþ hire weard / bismer
A.4.2 277 / nīþ-heard nēðde, || swā hine nīed for·drāf. / Funde þā
The Paris Psalter 102:13 3 || swa us mihtig god / þam þe hine lufiaþ || liþe weorþeþ / fo
The Paris Psalter 102:15 1 he gast ofgifeþ || syþþan hine gærsbedd sceal / wunian widefy
The Paris Psalter 104:15 4 s / ioseph on geoguþe || þær hine grame æryst / hæfdon to hæft
The Paris Psalter 104:15 5 hæfdon to hæfte || oþþæt hine halig god / þurh his worda ||
The Paris Psalter 104:16 2 cyning || sweotule are / alysde hine lungre || and hine þam leodu
The Paris Psalter 104:16 2 are / alysde hine lungre || and hine þam leodum þa / to ealdormen
The Paris Psalter 104:17 1 || eallum sette / / # / he sette hine on his huse || to hlafwearde /
The Paris Psalter 105:1 2 ne þam gleawan || forþan ic hine godne wat / forþon he his mild
The Paris Psalter 105:32 1 de oft || lifes ealdor / / # / hi hine on geþeahte || oft abylgdan /
The Paris Psalter 105:34 2 dgebeot || well gemunde / hreaw hine sona || þonne hi hynþa drug
The Paris Psalter 106:1 2 æne goodan god || forþan ic hine gleawne wat / is his mildheortn
The Paris Psalter 106:31 1 ofer manna bearn / / # / forþon hine on cyrcean || cristenes folce
The Paris Psalter 108:15 2 drihtne || dædum swylce / and hine adilgie || dome ealne / of þys
The Paris Psalter 108:17 2 wergþu || wyrcean georne / and hine seo ylce on || eft gesette / no
The Paris Psalter 108:18 1 rred || of ferhþcofan / / # / he hine gegyrede || mid grame wyrgþu
The Paris Psalter 108:18 2 e || mid grame wyrgþu / swa he hine wædum || wræstum geteode / an
The Paris Psalter 108:19 2 e ealdaþ / and gyrdelse || þe hine man gelome gyrt / / # / þis is w
The Paris Psalter 108:20 2 aþe me / trage tældan || tyne hine dryhten / þam þe sar sprece |
The Paris Psalter 108:28 3 e andette || and ēac swelċe / hine on middle || manna herġe. / / #
The Paris Psalter 108:29 3 lle andette || and eac swylce / hine on midle || manna herige / / # /
The Paris Psalter 110:7 4 git good || eallum swylce / þe hine wyllaþ well || wyrcean and h
The Paris Psalter 112:5 4 rīste ā·reċċan. / / # / And hine on ealdor-dōm || up ā·sett
The Paris Psalter 112:7 1 an || þriste areccan / / # / and hine on ealdordom || upp asettan / h
The Paris Psalter 116:1 3 cræfte || herigan wordum / and hine eall folc on efn || æþelne
The Paris Psalter 117:1 2 dryhtne / þam godan gode || ic hine gleawne wat / ys his mildheortn
The Paris Psalter 117:21 1 / / # / þone sylfan stan || þe hine swyþe ær / wyrhtan awurpan ||
The Paris Psalter 117:22 1 ic / / # / þis ys se dæg || þe hine drihten us / wisfæst geworhte
The Paris Psalter 118:2 3 ewitnesse || wise smeagan / and hine mid ealle || innancundum / heor
The Paris Psalter 124:1 3 orge || swyþe gelice / ne mæg hine on ealdre || ænig onhreran /
The Paris Psalter 129:7 3 lustum ealle / þa þe hiht on hine || habbaþ fæste / / # / he isra
The Paris Psalter 131:11 3 || swylce getrymede / þæt he hine for hole || ær ne aswore / geh
The Paris Psalter 131:18 4 um / criste gecorenum || þe ic hine cuþne wat / / # / ic his feondas
The Paris Psalter 131:19 2 we / mid scame swiþust || ofer hine scir cymeþ / minra segnunga ||
The Paris Psalter 134:1 2 tenes || neode swylce / herigen hine his scealcas || swiþe ealle /
The Paris Psalter 135:2 2 alra godena god || forþon ic hine godne wat / / # / andette ic swyl
The Paris Psalter 144:3 1 rulde / / # / mycel is drihten || hine man mægene sceal / holde mode
The Paris Psalter 144:19 2 drihten || niþum eallum / þe hine mid soþe hige || seceaþ and
The Paris Psalter 144:20 2 halig drihten / þe lufan wiþ hine || lustum healdeþ / and he syn
The Paris Psalter 146:1 3 ealmas || swiþe geneahhe / and hine wlitegum || wordum herigeaþ /
The Paris Psalter 146:12 2 þ || wuldres drihtne / þa þe hine him ondrædaþ || dædum and
The Paris Psalter 148:2 1 e || on heanessum / / # / heriaþ hine ealle || engla þreatas / lofig
The Paris Psalter 148:2 2 alle || engla þreatas / lofige hine swylce || eall his leodmægen
The Paris Psalter 148:3 1 ll his leodmægen / / # / herigen hine swylce || sunna and mona / ægh
The Paris Psalter 148:4 1 t æþele leoht / / # / heofenas hine heofena || herian georne / and
The Paris Psalter 149:2 1 ed geneahhe / / # / israhelas on hine || eac blissien / and sione bea
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2 || his holdne drihten / heriaþ hine on his mægenes || mære hæl
The Paris Psalter 150:2 1 es || mære hælu / / # / heriaþ hine swylce || on his heahmihtum / h
The Paris Psalter 150:2 2 || on his heahmihtum / heriaþ hine æfter mode || his mægenþry
The Paris Psalter 150:3 1 is mægenþrymmes / / # / heriaþ hine on hleoþre || holdre beman
The Paris Psalter 53:6 3 e / geara andette || forþon ic hine goodne wat / / # / forþon þu me
The Paris Psalter 61:6 2 d / and fultum is || ne mæg ic hine ahwær befleon / / # / on gode st
The Paris Psalter 61:7 3 mycel / me is halig hyht || on hine swylce / / # / hycge him halig fo
The Paris Psalter 62:10 2 blisse / hluttre habban || and hine heriaþ eac / ealle þa þe on
The Paris Psalter 62:10 3 heriaþ eac / ealle þa þe on hine || aþas sweriaþ / forþon syn
The Paris Psalter 63:4 1 y || scotian þenceaþ / / # / hi hine samnuncga || scearpum strelum
The Paris Psalter 63:6 2 || modig on heortan / oþþæt hine ahefeþ || hælend drihten / / #
The Paris Psalter 63:9 3 baldlice || bote geweneþ / and hine heriaþ eac || heortan clæne
The Paris Psalter 64:4 1 / he weorþeþ eadig || se þe hine ece god / cystum geceoseþ || a
The Paris Psalter 64:4 2 e god / cystum geceoseþ || and hine clæne hafaþ / and on his eard
The Paris Psalter 65:6 4 e þeode || eagum wliteþ / þa hine on yrre || æghwær gebringa
The Paris Psalter 67:1 3 / fleoþ his ansyne || þa þe hine feodan ær / / # / rece hi gelica
The Paris Psalter 68:30 2 drihtnes || neode herige / and hine mid lofsange || læde swylce /
The Paris Psalter 68:32 2 dryhtnes || nīede herġe / and hine mid lof-sange || lǣde swelċ
The Paris Psalter 68:33 1 de || na forhycgan / / # / herige hine swylce || heofen and eorþe / s
The Paris Psalter 68:35 1 ā for·hyċġan. / / # / Herġe% hine swelċe || heofon and eorðe,
The Paris Psalter 70:10 2 lice || wuton cunnian / hwænne hine god læte || swa swa gymeleas
The Paris Psalter 70:10 3 swa swa gymeleasne / þonne we hine forgripen || and his geara eh
The Paris Psalter 71:9 1 ysse eorþan || utgemæru / / # / hine sigelwearas || seceaþ ealle /
The Paris Psalter 71:11 1 im leoda || lacum cwemaþ / / # / hine weorþiaþ || worulde cyninga
The Paris Psalter 71:11 3 || ealle syndan / ealle þeoda hine || weorþiaþ georne / / # / for
The Paris Psalter 71:15 3 arabia gold || eorlas lædaþ / hine weorþiaþ || wera cneoressa /
The Paris Psalter 71:15 4 rþiaþ || wera cneoressa / and hine ealne dæg || eac bletsiaþ / /
The Paris Psalter 71:18 2 cynn || eall gebletsad / ealle hine þeoda || þriste heriaþ / / #
The Paris Psalter 77:19 2 a firene || furþur ehtan / and hine on yrre || eft gebrohtan / heor
The Paris Psalter 77:33 1 sare sloh || þonne hi sohton hine / and ær leohte to him || lust
The Paris Psalter 77:35 1 a god || heora alysend / / # / hi hine lufedan || lease muþe / ne þ
The Paris Psalter 77:40 1 || næs se geancyr eft / / # / hi hine on westenne || wordum and dæ
The Paris Psalter 77:40 3 mod || eft gebrohtan / aweahtan hine on eorþan || oft butan wæte
The Paris Psalter 77:69 2 ceas || deorne esne / and genam hine æt eowde || ute be sceapum / f
The Paris Psalter 79:13 1 eall þæt on wege færþ / / # / hine utan of wuda || eoferas wrota
The Paris Psalter 80:11 1 / ontyn þinne muþ || and ic hine teala fylle / nele min folc min
The Paris Psalter 84:7 4 t / and swiþust to þam || þe hine seceaþ / / # / hwæþere he is m
The Paris Psalter 84:9 3 sse mod || and mihte soþ / and hine sybbe lufu || swylce clyppeþ
The Paris Psalter 84:12 1 yleþ || æþele wæstmas / / # / hine soþfæstnes || symble forega
The Paris Psalter 88:18 2 e scealc || dauid gemette / and hine halige ele || handum smyrede /
The Paris Psalter 88:19 2 eþ || and min fæle earm / and hine mid mycle || mægene geswyþe
The Paris Psalter 88:22 1 ehtendas || ealle geflyme / / # / hine soþfæstnes min || samod æt
The Paris Psalter 88:33 2 wiþsoce || soþum criste / and hine forhogodest || hwile yldest / a
The Paris Psalter 88:35 1 sten his || for folcegsan / / # / hine þa towurpon || wegferende / an
The Paris Psalter 88:38 1 hte || fælne helpend / / # / þu hine of clænnesse || clæne alysd
The Paris Psalter 90:14 1 / forþon he hyhte to me || ic hine hraþe lyse / niode hine scylde
The Paris Psalter 90:14 2 || ic hine hraþe lyse / niode hine scylde || nu he cuþe naman m
The Paris Psalter 90:15 1 nne / / # / he cigde me || and ic hine cuþlice / hold gehyrde || and
The Paris Psalter 90:15 2 cuþlice / hold gehyrde || and hine hraþe syþþan / of earfoþum
The Paris Psalter 90:16 1 earfoþum || ut alysde / / # / ic hine generige || and his naman swy
The Paris Psalter 91:14 2 oþfæst || sylfa drihten / and hine unrihtes || awyht ne heolde
The Paris Psalter 92:1 1 Psalter: Psalm 92 / / # / drihten hine gegyrede || gode strengþe / an
The Paris Psalter 92:1 2 egyrede || gode strengþe / and hine þa mid micle || mægene begy
The Paris Psalter 92:2 2 hten rixaþ || dema usser / and hine mid weorþlice || wlite gegyr
The Paris Psalter 93:11 1 t biþ eadig mann || þe þu hine ece god / on þinre soþre æ |
The Paris Psalter 93:11 3 re æ || sylfa getyhtest / and hine þeodscipe || þinne lærest /
The Paris Psalter 95:4 1 he is se mycla god || forþon hine mæn sculon / elne herian || he
The Paris Psalter 98:10 2 ne god || hælend drihten / and hine on halgum || her weorþiaþ / m
The Paris Psalter 99:3 4 his doru || god andettaþ / and hine weorþiaþ || on wictunum / mid
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 72 efa / ege from þam eorle || he hine inne heht / on carcernes || clu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 3 gelp || agan wille / þonne ic hine wolde || wordum biddan / þæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 4 lde || wordum biddan / þæt he hine æghwonon utan || ymbeþohte /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 14 unge || gelpes scamian / þonne hine þæs hlisan || heardost lyst
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 69 g / guma æt þæm gilpe || gif hine gegripan mot / se eca deaþ ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 13 ægenra / liþes weþres || gif hine lytle ær / stormas gestondaþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 1 of Boethius: Metre 15 / / þeah hine nu se yfela || unrihtwisa / ner
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 13 þran || witena ænegum / þeah hine se dysega || do to cyninge / hu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 22 es geweald / ingeþances || and hine eorneste / wel ne bewarenaþ ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 27 e / and eac þone fæder || þe hine æt fruman gesceop / forþæm h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 28 e æt fruman gesceop / forþæm hine anæþelaþ || ælmihtig god /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 7 | þæt he sume hwile / ymbutan hine || æror sohte / sece þæt si
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 45 || þegen mid gesceade / þeah hine rinca hwilc || rihtwislice / æ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 56 || ungemyndig / rihtwisnesse || hine hræþe sceolde / eft gewendan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 66 hlaforda || hæftedome / þe he hine eallunga ær || underþiodde /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 18 rgsittende / ungesælige men || hine ær willaþ / foran to sciotan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 30 || þonne niht cymeþ / hataþ hine ealle || æfenstiorra / se biþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 40 bunden / mid gedrefnesse || gif hine dreccean mot / þissa yfla hwæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 45 um || þe þær æfter cumaþ / hine þonne æghwonan || ælmihtig
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 49 m || þurh metodes gife / þeah hine se wind || woruldearfoþa / swi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 50 earfoþa / swiþe swence || and hine singale / gemen gæle || þonne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 53 d || wraþe blaweþ / þeah þe hine ealneg || se ymbhoga / þyssa w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 34 þa geta / beornes blode || þe hine bill rude / ne furþum wundne w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 19 næs þæt herlic dæd / þæt hine swelces gamenes || gilpan lys
Metrical Psalm 90:16 1 # Metrical Psalm 90:16 / / Ic hine generie || and his næmæn sw
Metrical Psalm 91:14 2 oðfest || silua drihtæn / and hine unrihtes || æwiht ne heolde.
Metrical Psalm 92:2 1 n strangnesse% and he begirde hine of megene
Metrical Psalm 93:11 1 t bið eædig mæn || ðe ðu hine ece god / on þinre soðre æ |
Metrical Psalm 93:11 3 re æ || sylfa getihtest / and hine þeodscipe || þinne lerest / a
The Death of Alfred 1 e Death of Alfred / / ac godwine hine þa gelette || and hine on h
The Death of Alfred 1 dwine hine þa gelette || and hine on hæft sette / and his gefera
A.6.10.5 6 unryht wǣre. || / Ac Godwine hine þā ġe·lette || and hine o
A.6.10.5 6 e hine þā ġe·lette || and hine on hæft sette, / and his ġe·
The Death of Alfred 12 æt man gerædde || þæt man hine lædde / to eligbyrig || swa ge
The Death of Alfred 14 swa he lende || on scype man hine blende / and hine swa blindne |
The Death of Alfred 15 on scype man hine blende / and hine swa blindne || brohte to þam
The Death of Alfred 17 hwile þe he lyfode / syþþan hine man byrigde || swa him wel ge
A.6.10.5 17 ann ġe·rǣdde || þæt mann hine lǣdde / tō Eliġ-byrġ || sw
A.6.10.5 19 hē lende, || on sċipe mann hine blende, / and hine swā blindne
A.6.10.5 20 sċipe mann hine blende, / and hine swā blindne || brōhte tō
The Rune Poem 46 symble biþ on hihte / þonn hi hine feriaþ || ofer fisces beþ / o
A.6.13 18 hē windes full, || worpaþ hine dēoful / on dōm-dæġe, || dr
Solomon and Saturn 19 aþ he windes full || worpaþ hine deofol / on domdæge || draca e
A.6.13 78 ide / singan sōðlīċe || and hine simle wile / lufian būtan leah
Solomon and Saturn 83 cwide / singan soþlice || and hine siemle wile / lufian butan leah
A.6.13 86 / //A// A ofer-mæġene || and hine ēac of-sliehþ. / //T// T hine
A.6.13 87 hine ēac of-sliehþ. / //T// T hine teoswaþ || and hine on þā
A.6.13 87 / //T// T hine teoswaþ || and hine on þā tungan stīcaþ, / wrǣ
Solomon and Saturn 91 lgeþ / ac a ofermægene || and hine eac ofslihþ / tir t hine teswa
A.6.13 91 | fæste ġe·standan. / Þonne hine on unþanc //R// R || ierrung
Solomon and Saturn 92 | and hine eac ofslihþ / tir t hine teswaþ || and hine on þa tu
Solomon and Saturn 92 hþ / tir t hine teswaþ || and hine on þa tungan sticaþ / wræste
A.6.13 96 him lǣċe gōd. / Wendeþ hē hine þonne under wolcnum, || wī
A.6.13 100 tan || ēðel-rīċes. / Þonne hine for·cinnað || þā ċiriċa
Solomon and Saturn 105 ngestan || eþelrices / þonne hine forcinnaþ || þa cirican get
A.6.13 108 ġond helle hēap. || Hȳdeþ hine ǣġhwelċ / aefter sċades sċ
A.6.13 111 swīðe ġe·stilled. / Swelċe hine //G// Q and //V// V || cwealm
Solomon and Saturn 113 as / geond helle heap || hydeþ hine æghwylc / æfter sceades scima
A.6.13 116 þæt dēoful lāþ. / Þonne hine I and //L// L || and sē ierr
A.6.13 120 t hē on hinder gæþ. / Þonne hine //F// F and //M// M || ūtan
Solomon and Saturn 121 biþ þæt deofol laþ / þonne hine i and lagu l || and se yrra c
A.6.13 126 e oft ġielp brecaþ. / Þonne hine æt nīehstan || nearwe still
Solomon and Saturn 131 s hie oft gilp brecaþ / þonne hine æt niehstan || nearwe stille
A.6.13 131 . / //H// ōnetteþ, || enġel hine sċierpeþ, / Crīstes cempan,
A.6.13 134 || ġunges hræġles. / Þonne hine on lyfte || līf-ġe·twinnan
Solomon and Saturn 136 le bideþ / h onetteþ || engel hine scierpeþ / cristes cempan || o
Solomon and Saturn 139 es || geonges hrægles / þonne hine on lyfte || lifgetwinnan / unde
A.6.13 10 / dracena on dæġ-rǣd || and hine þā dēaþ% of·fēoll; / for
Solomon and Saturn 15 tig / dracena on dægred || and hine þa deaþ offeoll / forþan þa
A.6.13 50 iddel-ġe·mǣrum; || munt is hine ymb·ūtan, / ġēap gylden wea
A.6.13 51 ēap gylden weall. || Ġeorne hine healdaþ / witan Filistina, ||
A.6.13 53 aþ þæs þe nāht is, / þæt hine him sċyle eall þēod || inn
A.6.13 55 þæs wǣre cunnon, / healdaþ% hine nihta ġe·hwelċe || norðan
Solomon and Saturn 62 ina / middelgemærum || munt is hine ymbutan / geap gylden weall ||
Solomon and Saturn 63 n / geap gylden weall || georne hine healdaþ / witan filistina || w
A.6.13 63 and his gryn sefaþ, / wielleþ hine on þǣm wīte, || wunaþ unl
A.6.13 65 lēoma liċġaþ. || Langaþ hine hearde, / þynceþ him þæt s
Solomon and Saturn 67 e þæs wære cunnon / healdaþ hine niehta gehwylce || norþan an
A.6.13 68 es || dynn ġe·hīere. / Niste hine on ðǣre foldan || fīra ǣn
A.6.13 69 ðan cynnes, || ǣr·þon iċ hine ana on·fand / and hine þā ġ
A.6.13 70 on iċ hine ana on·fand / and hine þā ġe·bendan% hēt || ofe
A.6.13 71 t || ofer brād wæter, / þæt hine sē mōdĝa hēt || Melotes b
Solomon and Saturn 75 | and his gyrn sefaþ / wylleþ hine on þam wite || wunaþ unlust
Solomon and Saturn 77 his leoma licggaþ || longaþ hine hearde / þynceþ him þæt sie
Solomon and Saturn 80 omdæges || dynn gehyre / nyste hine on þære foldan || fira æni
Solomon and Saturn 81 / eorþan cynnes || ærþon ic hine ana onfand / and hine þa geben
Solomon and Saturn 82 rþon ic hine ana onfand / and hine þa gebendan het || ofer brad
Solomon and Saturn 83 het || ofer brad wæter / þæt hine se modega heht || melotes bea
A.6.13 92 stefn on sīðe, / ā·fielleþ hine on foldan; || friteþ aefter
A.6.13 104 | þonne sē swipra nīþ / sē hine ġe·lǣdeþ || on þā lāð
Solomon and Saturn 106 ne || stefn on siþe / afilleþ hine on foldan || friteþ æfter
Solomon and Saturn 120 e || þonne se swipra niþ / se hine gelædeþ || on þa laþan wi
A.6.13 140 t hafaþ, / gōdes grǣdiġ; || hine God seteþ / þurh ġe·earnung
A.6.13 157 one dēoran sīþ, || ac hē hine ā·drēoĝan sċeall’. / ‘
Solomon and Saturn 166 o lyt hafaþ / godes grædig || hine god seteþ / þurh geearnunga |
Solomon and Saturn 189 le / þone deoran siþ || ac he hine adreogan sceall / saturnus cwæ
A.6.13 252 les ġe·hyġdu; || for·lēt hine þā of dūne ġe·hrēosan, /
A.6.13 253 ne ġe·hrēosan, / ā·fielde hine þā || under foldan sċēata
A.6.13 254 under foldan sċēatas, / hēt hine ðǣr fæste ġe·bindan. ||
A.6.13 257 drihten, / þæt hēo lenġ mid hine || lāre ne nāmon, / ā·weorp
A.6.13 258 || lāre ne nāmon, / ā·weorp hine þā of þǣm wuldre || and w
A.6.13 275 lend-cwide || ā·runnen / and hine man ānnunga || ūt ā·banne
A.6.13 281 ȳ þe hit dæġ biþ. / Þonne hine ymbe·gangaþ || gāstas twē
A.6.13 285 e stīelnan helle; || / ōðer hine lǣreþ || þæt hē lufan he
A.6.13 287 | and his mǣĝa rǣd, / ōðer hine tyhteþ || and on teosu lǣre
A.6.13 290 æt his mōd hweteþ, / lǣdeþ hine and lǣċeþ || and hine ġon
A.6.13 290 deþ hine and lǣċeþ || and hine ġond land spaneþ, / oþ·þæ
Solomon and Saturn 294 æs deofles gehygdo || forlet hine þa of dune gehreosan / afielde
Solomon and Saturn 295 þa of dune gehreosan / afielde hine þa || under foldan sceatas / h
Solomon and Saturn 296 || under foldan sceatas / heht hine þær fæste gebindan || þæ
A.6.13 296 nd þæs willan wyrcþ || þe hine on wōh spaneþ. / Ġe·wīteþ
Solomon and Saturn 299 la dryhten / þæt heo leng mid hine || lare ne namon / aweorp hine
Solomon and Saturn 300 hine || lare ne namon / aweorp hine þa of þam wuldre || and wid
Solomon and Saturn 318 is calendcwide || arunnen / and hine mon annunga || ut abanne / salo
Solomon and Saturn 325 þy þe hit dæg biþ / þonne hine ymbegangaþ || gastas twegen /
Solomon and Saturn 1 ære stylenan helle || / oþer hine læreþ || þæt he lufan hea
Solomon and Saturn 3 e || and his mæga ræd / oþer hine tyhteþ || and on tæso lære
Solomon and Saturn 6 þæt his mod hweteþ / lædeþ hine and læceþ || and hine geond
Solomon and Saturn 6 deþ hine and læceþ || and hine geond land spaneþ / oþþæt h
Solomon and Saturn 12 nd þæs willan wyrcþ || þe hine on woh spaneþ / gewiteþ þonn
The Menologium 9 || us to tune / forma monaþ || hine folc mycel / ianuarius || gerum
The Menologium 184 genihte / winterfylleþ || swa hine wide cigaþ / igbuende || engle
A Summons to Prayer 14 [Uoca frequenter] / bide helpes hine || [clemens deus] / se onsended
The Gloria I 26 lf halgodest / and gemærsodest hine || manegum to helpe / ðone hea
Psalm 50 148 ryhtne || deda gemyndig / ðæt hine mæhtig god || mannum to frof
Thureth 1 / / ic eom halgungboc || healde hine dryhten / ðe me fægere ðus |
The Seasons for Fasting 3 eow / anlyht and gelared || swa hine lifes frea / heofna heahcyning
The Seasons for Fasting 84 yd || nan is on eorðan / butan hine unhæl || an geðreatige / ðe
The Seasons for Fasting 114 ligan || handa gescrifene / het hine leodum ðone || leoran and t
The Seasons for Fasting 146 wangstede || wuldres neosian / hine fyren scryd || feower mærum /
The Seasons for Fasting 154 weord || heolp and lærde / he hine dyppan let || deorum ðweale /
The Seasons for Fasting 160 owertig daga || fæsten hewan / hine costude ðær || cristes gewi
The Seasons for Fasting 200 | dædum niwað / gyf se sacerd hine || sylfne ne cunne / ðurh dryh
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 5 / wætru fleowen || ðe wel on hine / gelifden under lyfte || is hi
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 9 | ðæt is halig gæst / ðonan hine hlodan || halge and gecorene /
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 10 | halge and gecorene / siððan hine gierdon || ða ðe gode herdo
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 13 manna mod || missenlice / sume hine weriað || on gewitlocan / wisd
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 18 giefe || diop and stille / sume hine lætað || ofer landscare / ri
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 28 brohte to ðys burnan || bete hine georne / ðy læs he forsceade
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 2 e / he in me findan mæg || gif hine feola lysteð / gastlices lifes
Instructions for Christians 129 || men oferseagon. / Ac se ðe hine sylfne || to swiðe ahefð / f
Instructions for Christians 153 arf he þæs gewenan || þæt hine drihten Godd / maran mænige%
Instructions for Christians 154 / maran mænige% || þonne he hine onmunde ær. / Spræc God geara
Instructions for Christians 162 geleafan, / þæt ic mage wið hine || miltse gefremman. / Ne sceal
Instructions for Christians 171 dagas, || þeah wile drihten hine / fæderlice onfon || æt his f
The Battle of Finnsburh 13 nig goldhladen þegn || gyrde hine his swurde / þa to dura eodon
A.6.7 33 ra, / Gūðlāfes sunu, || ymbe hine gōdra fela, / hwearflicra% hr
The Battle of Finnsburh 46 eac wæs his helm þyrel / þa hine sona frægn || folces hyrde / h
Waldere, Fragment II 7 wan || iulean genam / þæs þe hine of nearwum || niþhades mæg /
Waldere B 8 || (iulean genam), / þæs ðe hine of nearwum || Niðhades mæg,
The Battle of Maldon 162 d on þa byrnan sloh / to raþe hine gelette || lidmanna sum / þa h
A.6.9 164 þā byrnan slōh. / Tō raþe hine ġe·lette || lid-manna sum, /
The Battle of Maldon 179 ceaþan || hynan ne moton / þa hine heowon || hæþene scealcas / a
A.6.9 181 || hīenan ne mōton.’ / Þā hine hēowon || hǣðne sċealcas /
his - 1322 occurrences
Genesis A 49 en geleah || siþþan waldend his / heofona heahcining || honda a
Genesis A 57 d dugeþe || and dreame benam / his feond friþo || and gefean ea
Genesis A 58 fean ealle / torhte tire || and his torn gewræc / on gesacum swiþ
Genesis A 64 on mode || æþele bescyrede / his wiþerbrecan || wuldorgesteal
Genesis A 80 s || frea eallum leof / þeoden his þegnum || þrymmas weoxon / du
Genesis A 149 ahof / up from eorþan || þurh his agen word / frea ælmihtig || f
Genesis A 158 lode || frea engla heht / þurh his word wesan || wæter gemæne /
Genesis A 207 / þa sceawode || scyppend ure / his weorca wlite || and his wæst
Genesis A 207 d ure / his weorca wlite || and his wæstma blæd / niwra gesceafta
Genesis B 241 en / stiþferhþ cyning || stod his handgeweorc / somod on sande ||
Genesis B 245 wæron leof gode / þenden heo his halige word || healdan woldon
Genesis B 249 m he getruwode wel / þæt hie his giongorscipe || fyligan wolde
Genesis B 250 ipe || fyligan wolden / wyrcean his willan || forþon he him gewi
Genesis B 251 he him gewit forgeaf / and mid his handum gesceop || halig driht
Genesis B 253 ne geworhtne / swa mihtigne on his modgeþohte || he let hine sw
Genesis B 255 tne geworhtne / swa wynlic wæs his wæstm on heofonum || þæt h
Genesis B 257 tnes wyrcean / dyran sceolde he his dreamas on heofonum || and sc
Genesis B 257 as on heofonum || and sceolde his drihtne þancian / þæs leanes
Genesis B 258 gescerede || þonne læte he his hine lange wealdan / ac he awen
Genesis B 262 e him bedyrned weorþan / þæt his engyl ongan || ofermod wesan /
Genesis B 263 ofermod wesan / ahof hine wiþ his hearran || sohte hetespræce /
Genesis B 265 de gode þeowian / cwæþ þæt his lic wære || leoht and scene /
Genesis B 266 iowbeorht || ne meahte he æt his hige findan / þæt he gode wol
Genesis B 272 gel ofermodes || þohte þurh his anes cræft / hu he him strengl
Genesis B 274 heofonum || cwæþ þæt hine his hige speone / þæt he west and
Genesis B 282 heofne || hwy sceal ic æfter his hyldo þeowian / bugan him swil
Genesis B 291 e ænegum || ne wille ic leng his geongra wurþan / þa hit se al
Genesis B 293 llwalda || eall gehyrde / þæt his engyl ongan || ofermede micel
Genesis B 294 | ofermede micel / ahebban wiþ his hearran || and spræc healic
Genesis B 296 innes gedælan || and sceolde his wite habban / ealra morþra mæ
Genesis B 298 a deþ monna gehwilc / þe wiþ his waldend || winnan ongynneþ / m
Genesis B 301 hean stole / hete hæfde he æt his hearran gewunnen || hyldo hæ
Genesis B 301 rran gewunnen || hyldo hæfde his ferlorene / gram wearþ him se
Genesis B 302 ne / gram wearþ him se goda on his mode || forþon he sceolde gr
Genesis B 304 waldend / acwæþ hine þa fram his hyldo || and hine on helle we
Genesis B 306 to deofle wearþ / se feond mid his geferum eallum || feollon þa
Genesis B 309 ten to deoflum || forþon heo his dæd and word / noldon weorþia
Genesis B 339 nost / hwitost on heofne || and his hearran leof / drihtne dyre ||
Genesis B 350 el / hwit on heofne || oþ hine his hyge forspeon / and his ofermet
Genesis B 351 þ hine his hyge forspeon / and his ofermetto || ealra swiþost /
Genesis B 354 | weoll him on innan / hyge ymb his heortan || hat wæs him utan /
Genesis B 396 e hæfþ mon geworhtne / æfter his onlicnesse || mid þam he wil
Genesis B 399 || gif we æfre mægen / and on his eafrum swa some || andan gebe
Genesis B 402 lange niotan / þæs eades mid his engla cræfte || ne magon we
Genesis B 404 n ne moton || gedon þæt hie his hyldo forlæten / þæt hie þ
Genesis B 405 e þæt onwendon þæt he mid his worde bebead || þonne weorþ
Genesis B 406 wraþ on mode / ahwet hie from his hyldo || þonne sculon hie þ
Genesis B 413 eahte / mine gife gyldan || gif his gien wolde / minra þegna hwilc
Genesis B 430 laþran beoþ / gif hie brecaþ his gebodscipe || þonne he him a
Genesis B 432 heard hearmscearu || hycgaþ his ealle / hu ge hi beswicen || si
Genesis B 456 funde / wislice geworht || and his wif somed / freo fægroste || s
Genesis B 473 wesan / lungre on lustum || and his lif agan / hyldo heofoncyninges
Genesis B 486 red / lytle hwile || sceolde he his lifes niotan / secan þonne lan
Genesis B 497 / adam up to gode || ic eom on his ærende hider / feorran gefered
Genesis B 508 þine dæd and word / lofian on his leohte || and ymb þin lif sp
Genesis B 510 t || þæt on þis land hider / his bodan bringaþ || brade synd
Genesis B 515 fare / gumena drihten || ac he his gingran sent / to þinre spræc
Genesis B 518 s læran || læste þu georne / his ambyhto || nim þe þis ofæt
Genesis B 519 im þe þis ofæt on hand / bit his and byrige || þe weorþ on
Genesis B 526 mne || and me her stondan het / his bebodu healdan || and me þas
Genesis B 530 / healdan sceolde || se þe bi his heortan wuht / laþes gelæde |
Genesis B 537 c hine nehst geseah / he het me his word weorþian || and wel hea
Genesis B 538 an || and wel healdan / læstan his lare || þu gelic ne bist / æn
Genesis B 539 || þu gelic ne bist / ænegum his engla || þe ic ær geseah / ne
Genesis B 544 lmihtegan gode || þe me mid his earmum worhte / her mid handum
Genesis B 545 handum sinum || he mæg me of his hean rice / geofian mid goda ge
Genesis B 546 id goda gehwilcum || þeah he his gingran ne sende / wende hine w
Genesis B 557 / to incre andsware || ne mæg his ærende / his boda beodan || þ
Genesis B 558 dsware || ne mæg his ærende / his boda beodan || þy ic wat þ
Genesis B 561 nde || wordum hyran / þu meaht his þonne rume || ræd geþencan
Genesis B 567 l / herran þines || and habban his hyldo forþ / meaht þu adame |
Genesis B 569 adame || eft gestyran / gif þu his willan hæfst || and he þinu
Genesis B 602 rnenga bedrog || þe hire for his dædum com / þæt hire þuhte
Genesis B 616 te / hwit of heofonum || nu þu his hrinan meaht / sæge adame || h
Genesis B 621 him þa womcwidas || þeah he his wyrþe ne sie / to alætanne ||
Genesis B 625 rran hearmcwyde || ond habban his hyldo forþ / þa gieng to adam
Genesis B 635 hine ne warnaþ || þonne he his geweald hafaþ / sum heo hire o
Genesis B 645 n || þe þæt laþe treow / on his bogum bær || bitre gefylled /
Genesis B 649 ac geþoht || þæt heo ongan his wordum truwian / læstan his la
Genesis B 650 an his wordum truwian / læstan his lare || and geleafan nom / þæ
Genesis B 654 ire tacen || and treowa gehet / his holdne hyge || þa heo to hir
Genesis B 657 iene / godes engel god || ic on his gearwan geseo / þæt he is ær
Genesis B 659 cres hearran / hefoncyninges || his hyldo is unc betere / to gewinn
Genesis B 660 etere / to gewinnanne || þonne his wiþermedo / gif þu him heodæ
Genesis B 664 ines hearran bodan || unc is his hyldo þearf / he mæg unc ære
Genesis B 669 s woruld gesceop / geseo ic him his englas || ymbe hweorfan / mid f
Genesis B 678 s ofætes onbat / nu hæbbe ic his her on handa || herra se goda
Genesis B 680 hit from gode come / broht from his bysene || þæs me þes boda
Genesis B 701 ifa wlitegost || þæt heo on his willan spræc / wæs him on hel
Genesis B 706 lice || oþ þam þegne ongan / his hige hweorfan || þæt he þa
Genesis B 716 þæt adame || innan breostum / his hyge hwyrfde || and his heort
Genesis B 716 ostum / his hyge hwyrfde || and his heorte ongann / wendan to hire
Genesis B 730 des witod || nu hie wordcwyde his / lare forleton || forþon hie
Genesis B 733 one sweartan siþ || swa þu his sorge ne þearft / beran on þi
Genesis B 748 | folca mæste / and mid handum his || eft on heofonrice / rihte ro
Genesis B 764 secan helle gehliþo || þær his hearra læg / simon gesæled ||
Genesis B 770 e onsæton || selfe forstodon / his word onwended || þæt wif gn
Genesis B 781 || and hine bædon / þæt hie his hearmsceare || habban mosten /
Genesis B 829 ndes || willan cuþe / hwæt ic his to hearmsceare || habban sceo
Genesis B 833 restream þæs micel || þæt his o min mod getweode / ac ic to
Genesis A 856 usser / bilwit fæder || hwæt his bearn dyde / wiste forworhte ||
Genesis A 865 him recene to || rice þeoden / his sunu gangan || him þa sylfa
Genesis A 972 wiste || willgebroþor / oþer his to eorþan || elnes tilode / se
Genesis A 984 g ofsloh / broþor sinne || and his blod ageat / cain abeles || cwe
Genesis A 1012 ne rinc / broþor þinne || and his blod to me / cleopaþ and cige
Genesis A 1030 emonige / broþorcwealmes || ic his blod ageat / dreor on eorþan |
Genesis A 1061 erende || settan heton / þanon his eaforan || ærest wocan / bearn
Genesis A 1090 rhsittende || brucan wide / þa his wifum twæm || wordum sægde /
Genesis A 1107 eth noma / se wæs eadig || and his yldrum þah / freolic to frofre
Genesis A 1132 ontig || þa he furþum ongan / his mægburge || men geicean / sunu
Genesis A 1165 ld ofgeaf / and tyne eac || þa his tiddæge / under rodera rum ||
Genesis A 1173 num brohte || se maga wæs / on his mægþe || mine gefræge / guma
Genesis A 1183 fæst hæleþ / and se frumgar his || freomagum leof / fif and hun
Genesis A 1187 | þa seo sæl gewearþ / þæt his wif sunu || on woruld brohte /
Genesis A 1190 umbearn || fæder her þa gyt / his cynnes forþ || cneorim icte /
Genesis A 1212 feran / on þam gearwum || þe his gast onfeng / ær hine to monnu
Genesis A 1221 a breac || worn gestrynde / ær his swyltdæge || suna and dohtra
Genesis A 1362 ihtig / weroda drihten || þurh his word abead / him on hoh beleac
Genesis A 1505 þa he noe / gebletsade || and his bearn somed / þæt he þæt gy
Genesis A 1545 acumen || flode on laste / mid his eaforum þrim || yrfes hyrde /
Genesis A 1563 ode || þæt se eadega wer / on his wicum wearþ || wine druncen /
Genesis A 1567 || he lyt ongeat / þæt him on his inne || swa earme gelamp / þa
Genesis A 1578 siþian / eafora noes || þær his aldor læg / ferhþe forstolen
Genesis A 1580 len || þær he freondlice / on his agenum fæder || are ne wolde
Genesis A 1593 wæs / sar on mode || ongan þa his selfes bearn / wordum wyrgean |
Genesis A 1597 || him þa cwyde syþþan / and his fromcynne || frecne scodon / þ
Genesis A 1602 c þa he forþ gewat / siþþan his eaforan || ead bryttedon / bear
Genesis A 1625 inre / domas sægde || oþþæt his dogora wæs / rim aurnen || þa
Genesis A 1661 ed / þa þær mon mænig || be his mægwine / æþeling anmod || o
Genesis A 1696 siþþan metod tobræd / þurh his mihta sped || monna spræce / t
Genesis A 1738 as mid wifum || on þam wicum his / fæder abrahames || feorh ges
Genesis A 1771 weard / waldend usser || þurh his word abead / ceapas from carran
Genesis A 1775 lædan / swæse gebeddan || and his suhtrian / wif on willan || win
Genesis A 1800 haten / beorn bliþemod || and his broþor sunu / forþ oferforan
Genesis A 1808 rhtum cigde || tiber onsægde / his liffrean || him þæs lean ag
Genesis A 1809 eaf / nalles hneawlice || þurh his hand metend / on þam gledstyde
Genesis A 1822 g / beorhte blican || ongan þa his bryd frea / wishydig wer || wor
Genesis A 1857 lædan heht || leoflic wif to / his selfes sele || sinces brytta /
Genesis A 1866 eþreadne / brego egipto || and his bryd ageaf / wif to gewealde ||
Genesis A 1884 m þe abraham || æror rærde / his waldende || þa westan com / þ
Genesis A 1949 m / lufum and lissum || forþon his lof secgaþ / wide under wolcnu
Genesis A 1959 nd gewitte || wise þance / oþ his ealdorgedal || oleccan wile /
Genesis A 2029 on mode / sorga sarost || þæt his suhtriga / þeownyd þolode ||
Genesis A 2032 s þæs || ræd ahicgan / þæt his hyldemæg || ahreded wurde / be
Genesis A 2037 e / treowa sealdon || þæt hie his torn mid him / gewræcon on wra
Genesis A 2039 feollan / þa se halga heht || his heorþwerod / wæpna onfon || h
Genesis A 2047 | mid heora folcgetrume / wolde his mæg huru # || / loth alynnan
Genesis A 2047 hira folc-ġe·trume%; / wolde his mǣġ hūru, / Lōth ā·linnan
Genesis A 2052 neh / gefaren hæfdon || þa he his frumgaran / wishydig wer || wor
Genesis A 2071 dde || nalles wunden gold / for his suhtrigan || sloh and fylde / f
Genesis A 2302 ah / swa se engel ær || þurh his agen word / fæle freoþoscealc
Genesis A 2372 þotacen || be frean hæse / on his selfes sunu || heht þæt seg
Genesis A 2373 n wegan / heah gehwilcne || þe his hina wæs / wæpnedcynnes || w
Genesis A 2377 olf onfeng / torhtum tacne || a his tir metod / domfæst cyning ||
Genesis A 2381 he on fære || furþum meahte / his waldendes || willan fremman /
Genesis A 2431 ere || geonge þuhton / men for his eagum || aras þa metodes þe
Genesis A 2443 ead / reste and gereorda || and his recedes hleow / and þegnunge |
Genesis A 2510 astrum || mid cwealmþrea / and his torn wrecan || þære tide is
Genesis A 2540 || under burhlocan / in sægor his || þa sunne up / folca friþca
Genesis A 2578 stod / þær wordum ær || wiþ his waldend spræc / frod frumgara
Genesis A 2594 gewat / of byrig gangan || and his bearn somed / wælstowe fyrr ||
Genesis A 2599 de leof / dægrimes worn || and his dohtor twa / hie dydon swa || d
Genesis A 2623 abimelech || æhte lædan / mid his hiwum || hæleþum sægde / þ
Genesis A 2624 hæleþum sægde / þæt sarra his || sweostor wære / abraham wor
Genesis A 2625 wære / abraham wordum || bearh his aldre / þy he wiste gearwe ||
Genesis A 2628 freonda hæfde / þa se þeoden his || þegnas sende / heht hie bri
Genesis A 2718 n / woruldgestreonum || and him his wif ageaf / sealde him to bote
Genesis A 2719 e him to bote || þæs þe he his bryd genam / gangende feoh || a
Genesis A 2736 r / abraham fremede || swa hine his aldor heht / onfeng freondscipe
Genesis A 2740 e sibbe || gesælig dreah / and his scippende || under sceade gef
Genesis A 2750 forstod / oþþæt se halga || his hlaforde / abraham ongan || arn
Genesis A 2768 nemde / hine abraham on || mid his agene hand / beacen sette || sw
Genesis A 2776 / siþþan him ærest || þurh his agen word / þone dægwillan ||
Genesis A 2793 de || þæt he on wræc drife / his selfes sunu || þa com soþ m
Genesis A 2801 ismael / cniht of cyþþe || ic his cynn gedo / brad and bresne ||
Genesis A 2804 dum gehet / þa se wer hyrde || his waldende / draf of wicum || dre
Genesis A 2806 gmod tu / idese of earde || and his agen bearn / sweotol is and ges
Genesis A 2842 o sette / weobedd worhte || and his waldende / on þam glædstede |
Genesis A 2862 an engla / word ondrysne || and his waldend leof / þa se eadga ||
Genesis A 2867 breostum wunode || ongan þa his esolas bætan / gamolferhþ gol
Genesis A 2869 / men mid siþian || mæg wæs his agen þridda / and he feorþa s
Genesis A 2871 sylf || þa he fus gewat / from his agenum hofe || isaac lædan / b
Genesis A 2880 ldor / þa abraham spræc || to his ombihtum / rincas mine || resta
Genesis A 2885 t him þa se æþeling || and his agen sunu / to þæs gemearces
Genesis A 2898 þhydig || steape dune / up mid his eaforan || swa him se eca beb
Genesis A 2906 p / sweord be gehiltum || wolde his sunu cwellan / folmum sinum ||
Genesis A 2921 ldan || þæt þe wæs leofre his / sibb and hyldo || þonne þin
Genesis A 2925 reost geblissad || þa he him his bearn forgeaf / isaac cwicne ||
Genesis A 2931 ad ahof / ofestum miclum || for his agen bearn / abrægd þa mid þ
Exodus 9 ihten / soþfæst cyning || mid his sylfes miht / gewyrþode || and
Exodus 17 waldend / modgum magoræswan || his maga feorh / onwist eþles || a
Exodus 27 rodor / gesette sigerice || and his sylfes naman / þone yldo bearn
Exodus 146 ta cyn || ymbe antwig / þa heo his mægwinum || morþor fremedon
Exodus 177 enum || wælhlencan sceoc / het his hereciste || healdan georne / f
Exodus 314 orette || on uncuþ gelad / for his mægwinum || swa him mihtig g
Exodus 335 l angetrum / eode unforht || he his ealdordom / synnum aswefede ||
Exodus 363 aþ / þrymfæst þeoden || mid his þrim sunum / þone deopestan |
Exodus 402 in bælblyse || beorna selost / his swæsne sunu || to sigetibre /
Exodus 428 fan mæg || heofon and eorþe / his wuldres word || widdra and si
Exodus 434 god / soþfæst sigora || þurh his sylfes lif / þæt þines cynne
Exodus 502 n || dugoþ egypta / faraon mid his folcum || he onfond hraþe / si
Daniel 21 genscipe || swa no man scyle / his gastes lufan || wiþ gode dæ
Daniel 47 dorfrea / babilones brego || on his burhstede / nabochodonossor ||
Daniel 133 sceaft || wisdom bude / gif þu his ærest ne meaht || or areccan
Daniel 157 gel godes || eall asægde / swa his mandrihten || gemæted wearþ
Daniel 167 meahte / babilonie weard || in his breostlocan / no hwæþere þæ
Daniel 225 hta feorum || forþam þe hie his cræftas onsocon / þa he wæs
Daniel 230 od || godes spelbodan / het þa his scealcas || scufan þa hyssas
Daniel 268 þa swiþmod cyning || þa he his sefan ontreowde / wundor on wit
Daniel 323 æg / in eare gryndeþ || þæt his unrim a / in wintra worn || wur
Daniel 334 de wæs / metodes miltse || and his mihta sped / rehte þurh reorde
Daniel 337 onsended / wlitescyne wer || on his wuldorhaman / se him cwom to fr
Daniel 449 inum leodum || þæt se wære his aldre scyldig / se þæs onsoce
Daniel 452 morþre alysde / agæf him þa his leoda lafe || þe þær gelæ
Daniel 475 ofne / lacende lig || þam þe his lof bæron / forþam he is ana
Daniel 478 eaf / spowende sped || þam þe his spel beraþ / forþon witigaþ
Daniel 480 or monig / halgum gastum || þe his hyld curon / cuþ is þæt me d
Daniel 512 lce eac þa fugolas || þonne his fyll come / het þonne besnæda
Daniel 521 sæledne || in susl don / þæt his mod wite || þæt migtigra / wi
Daniel 533 seald / halig of heofonum || se his hyge trymede / on þam drihtenw
Daniel 547 daniel æt þam dome || þæt his drihten wæs / gumena aldor ||
Daniel 558 eas beon / westen wunian || and his wyrtruman / foldan befolen || f
Daniel 593 de / no þæs fela daniel || to his drihtne gespræc / soþra worda
Daniel 596 lde / middangeardes weard || ac his mod astah / heah fram heortan |
Daniel 600 ergeweorc / babilone burh || on his blæde geseah / sennera feld ||
Daniel 629 n hige || heortan getenge / þa his gast ahwearf || in godes gemy
Daniel 656 sceolde / earfoþsiþas || for his ofermedlan / swa he ofstlice ||
Daniel 671 an || hea rice / siþþan þær his aferan || ead bryttedon / welan
Daniel 675 / þa in þære þeode awoc || his þæt þridde cneow / wæs bald
Daniel 714 || gode on andan / cwæþ þæt his hergas || hyrran wæron / and m
Daniel 721 egesan || engel drihtnes / let his hand cuman || in þæt hea se
Daniel 756 brohte / israela gestreon || in his æhte geweald / ac þæt oftor
Christ and Satan 6 sæ / wæter and wolcn || þurh his wundra miht / deopne ymblyt ||
Christ and Satan 13 im / seolua he gesette || þurh his soþan miht / swa se wyrhta ||
Christ and Satan 14 n miht / swa se wyrhta || þurh his wuldres gast / serede and sette
Christ and Satan 126 e werega gast || wordum sæde / his earfoþo || ealle ætsomne / fa
Christ and Satan 190 d wæs / godes andsaca || dydon his gingran swa / gifre and grædig
Christ and Satan 241 e heap / dogra gehwilcne || and his se deora sunu / gasta scyppend
Christ and Satan 282 rþon mæg gehycgan || se þe his heorte deah / þæt he him afir
Christ and Satan 325 s fæstlic þreat / ec sceoldon his þegnas || þær gewunian / ato
Christ and Satan 359 nnes / and hie gesegnaþ || mid his swiþran hond / lædeþ to liht
Christ and Satan 375 o helle || hnigan sceolde / and his hired mid hine || in hynþo g
Christ and Satan 390 ron / wile nu ure witu || þurh his wuldres cræft / eall toweorpan
Christ and Satan 543 m / sylfne be sidan || þær he his swat forlet / feollon to foldan
Christ and Satan 547 ure / he on beame astah || and his blod ageat / god on galgan ||
Christ and Satan 548 ageat / god on galgan || þurh his gastes mægen / forþon men sce
Christ and Satan 571 e niht || twelf apostolas / mid his gastes gife || gingran geswi
Christ and Satan 579 on þa swiþran hond || sunu his fæderes / dæleþ dogra gehwæ
Christ and Satan 584 a / wyrhta and waldend || þurh his wuldres cræft / siteþ him on
Christ and Satan 587 tegum || hafaþ wuldres bearn / his seolfes seld || swegl betolde
Christ and Satan 588 us þider to leohte || þurh his læcedom / þær we moton seolf
Christ and Satan 591 habban þæt ilce leoht / þær his hired nu || halig eardaþ / wun
Christ and Satan 614 # || / and heo gesenaþ || mid his swiþran hond / cynincg alwihta
Christ and Satan 621 rn godes / deman wille || þurh his dæda sped / wenaþ þæt heo m
Christ and Satan 666 daga / metod mancynnes || þurh his mildsa sped / þa gewearþ þon
Andreas 50 æfte / hæleþ hellfuse || ond his heafdes segl / abreoton mid bil
Andreas 60 þa wepende || weregum tearum / his sigedryhten || sargan reorde /
Andreas 94 es sweg / mæres þeodnes || he his maguþegne / under hearmlocan |
Andreas 164 locen leoþubendum || þe oft his lufan adreg / for ebreum || ond
Andreas 237 e / þriste on geþance || ond his þegnas mid / gangan on greote
Andreas 249 wealdend / ece ælmihtig || mid his englum twam / wæron hie on ges
Andreas 323 bead / þeoden þrymfæst || we his þegnas synd / gecoren to cempu
Andreas 365 þeoden / ece ælmihtig || heht his engel gan / mærne maguþegn ||
Andreas 460 de god / eorl on eorþan || gif his ellen deah / swa hleoþrode ||
Andreas 525 d wearþ / engla eþel || þurh his anes miht / forþan is gesyne |
Andreas 575 miht / gumena leofost || hu he his gif cyþde / geond woruld wide
Andreas 585 feala / cynerof cyþde || þurh his cræftes miht / he gehalgode ||
Andreas 651 isdom || on wera gemote / þurh his sylfes muþ || symle gehyrde /
Andreas 685 eare / cildgeong acenned || mid his cneomagum / þus syndon haten |
Andreas 757 || æþeles geþingu / þæt of his cynne || cenned sceolde / weor
Andreas 779 worde / beodan habrahame || mid his eaforum twæm / of eorþscræfe
Andreas 834 iþne bidan || burhwealle neh / his niþhetum || nihtlangne fyrst
Andreas 855 uldor / waldend werþeode || ic his word oncneow / þeh he his mæg
Andreas 856 | ic his word oncneow / þeh he his mægwlite || bemiþen hæfde /
Andreas 1030 e halga || in þam hearmlocan / his god grette || ond him geoce b
Andreas 1109 || cearegan reorde / cwæþ he his sylfes sunu || syllan wolde / o
Andreas 1207 meotud mihtum swiþ || sægde his magoþegne / scealt þu andreas
Andreas 1327 efealg / þæt he on gealgan || his gast onsende / swa ic nu bebeod
Andreas 1336 taþulfæst steorend || þurh his strangan miht / syþþan hie on
Andreas 1338 oncneowon || cristes rode / on his mægwlite || mære tacen / wurd
Andreas 1346 dsware / fah fyrnsceaþa || ond his fæder oncwæþ / ne magan we h
Andreas 1358 | bendum fæstne / oþwitan him his wræcsiþ || habbaþ word gea
Andreas 1449 ædum gehrodene || swa he ær his blod aget / þa worde cwæþ ||
Andreas 1466 nncynnes / lifes lareow || heht his lichoman / hales brucan || ne s
Andreas 1477 n miht / lof lædende || ond on his lice trum / hwæt ic hwile nu |
Andreas 1520 þonne eall gimma cynn / þurh his halige hæs || þu scealt hr
Andreas 1521 scealt hræþe cyþan / gif þu his ondgitan || ænige hæbbe / næ
Andreas 1582 dryge / folde fram flode || swa his fot gestop / wurdon burgware ||
Andreas 1613 if ge teala hycgaþ / sende þa his bene || fore bearn godes / bæd
Andreas 1653 ond þriste bebead / þæt hie his lare || læston georne / feorhr
Andreas 1654 / feorhræd fremedon || sægde his fusne hige / þæt he þa goldb
Andreas 50 ce god || eallra gesceafta / is his miht ond his æht || ofer mid
Andreas 51 ngeard / breme gebledsod || ond his blæd ofer eall / in heofonþry
A.2.1 51 e·sċeafta. / Is his meaht and his ǣht || ofer middan-ġeard / br
A.2.1 52 rd / brēme ġe·bletsod || and his blǣd ofer eall / on heofon-þr
The Fates of the Apostles 33 as / beorhtne boldwelan || næs his broþor læt / siþes sæne ||
The Fates of the Apostles 53 lihted / hige onhyrded || þurh his halig word / syþþan collenfer
The Fates of the Apostles 120 gildeþ / lean unhwilen || nu a his lof standeþ / mycel ond mære
The Fates of the Apostles 121 andeþ / mycel ond mære || ond his miht seomaþ / ece ond edgiong
Soul and Body I 2 || hæleþa æghwylc / þæt he his sawle siþ || sylfa geþence /
Soul and Body I 28 oderum / sawle onsende || þurh his sylfes hand / meotod ælmihtig
Soul and Body I 29 s hand / meotod ælmihtig || of his mægenþrymme / ond þe gebohte
Homiletic Fragment I 5 æt facen swa þeah / hafaþ in his heortan || hord unclæne / byþ
A.2.4 6 fācen swā% þēah / hafaþ on his heortan, || hord unclǣne. / Bi
Dream of the Rood 49 n sidan || siþþan he hæfde his gast onsended / feala ic on þa
Dream of the Rood 63 imwerigne || gestodon him æt his lices heafdum / beheoldon hie
Dream of the Rood 92 ofonrices weard / swylce swa he his modor eac || marian sylfe / æl
Dream of the Rood 102 wæþere eft dryhten aras / mid his miclan mihte || mannum to hel
Dream of the Rood 106 en sylfa / ælmihtig god || ond his englas mid / þæt he þonne wi
Dream of the Rood 156 d cwom / ælmihtig god || þær his eþel wæs
Elene 147 a / rice under roderum || þurh his rode treo / gewat þa heriga he
Elene 162 re / boldes brytta || þe þis his beacen wæs / þe me swa leoht
Elene 193 || ond þæt forþ geheold / on his dagana tid || dryhtne to will
Elene 214 b þæt mære treo || ond þa his modor het / feran foldwege || f
Elene 295 e / þe eow of wergþe || þurh his wuldres miht / fram ligcwale ||
Elene 41 þeah he sume hwile / on galgan his || gast onsende / sigebearn god
A.2.6 42 h hē sume hwīle / on ġalĝan his || gāst on·sende, / siġe-bea
Elene 48 nde aras / þeoden engla || ond his þegnum hine / soþ sigora frea
A.2.6 49 ·rās, / þēoden engla || and his þeġnum hine%, / sōþ siĝora
Elene 54 / ne geald he yfel yfele || ac his ealdfeondum / þingode þrohthe
A.2.6 55 ġeald hē yfel yfele, || ac his eald-fēondum / þingode þroht
Elene 386 butan blinne || sint in bocum his / wundor þa he worhte || on ge
A.2.6 387 tan blinne. || Sint on bōcum his / wunder þā hē worhte || on
Elene 477 ænige nu / rihte spowan || is his rice brad / ofer middangeard ||
A.2.6 478 ġe nū / rihte spōwan%. || Is his rīċe brād / ofer middan-ġea
Elene 596 ste getrywe / lifwearde leof || his geleafa wearþ / fæst on ferh
A.2.6 597 rīewe, / līf-wearde lēof. || His ġe·lēafa wearþ / fæst on f
Elene 626 rgendes / fet þurhwodon || ond his folme swa some / mid þam on ro
A.2.6 627 des / fēt þurh·wōdon || and his folme swā same, / mid þām on
Elene 726 þuhte / to gelæstenne || ond his lare geceas / þurh þeodscipe
A.2.6 727 hte / tō ġe·lǣstenne || and his lāre ġe·ċēas / þurh þēo
Elene 735 orþcyninga / burgagendra || on his bridels don / meare to midlum |
A.2.6 736 cyninga / burĝ-āĝendra || on his briġdels dōn, / mēare tō m
Christ A 21 eð / wlitigan wilsiðes || gif his weorc ne deag / huru we for ðe
Christ A 91 mænað / sunu solimæ || somod his dohtor / fricgað ðurh fyrwet
Christ A 141 nd / lara lædend || ðam longe his / hyhtan hidercyme || swa him g
Christ A 206 es / torhtes tirfruman || nu ic his tempel eam / gefremed butan fac
Christ A 210 rum meotodes sunu || ðæt ic his modor gewearð / fæmne forð s
Christ A 218 rfæder / cild acenned || ðurh his cræft ond meaht / nis ænig nu
Christ A 295 || forðon heht sigores fruma / his heahbodan || hider gefleogan /
Christ A 296 ahbodan || hider gefleogan / of his mægenðrymme || ond ðe meah
Christ A 354 eodnes ðryðgesteald || ond his ðegnunga / ða ðu ærest wær
Christ A 392 crist forgeaf / ðæt hy motan his ætwiste || eagum brucan / siml
Christ A 425 efremede / monna cynne || ðurh his modor hrif / ond swa forðgonge
Christ A 427 orðgongende || folca nergend / his forgifnesse || gumum to helpe
Christ B 457 ethania / ðeoden ðrymfæst || his ðegna gedryht / gelaðade leof
Christ B 470 d || geond woruld innan / ðurh his ðrowinga || ðegnas heredon /
Christ B 567 helm || hilde gefremede / wið his ealdfeondum || anes meahtum /
Christ B 581 ðe he on deoflum genom / ðurh his sylfes sygor || sib sceal gem
Christ B 587 || hu ðæt hælubearn / ðurh his hydercyme || hals eft forgeaf
Christ B 615 a yrmpðu || eft oncyrde / æt his upstige || ðe we ær drugon /
Christ B 652 pp hafen || engla fæðmum / in his ða miclan || meahta spede / he
Christ B 665 wordlaðe || wise sendeð / on his modes gemynd || ðurh his mu
Christ B 665 / on his modes gemynd || ðurh his muðes gæst / æðele ondgiet
Christ B 682 end us / godbearn on grundum || his giefe bryttað / nyle he ængum
Christ B 685 læs him gielp sceððe / ðurh his anes cræft || ofer oðre for
Christ B 691 dre || engla ond monna / swa he his weorc weorðað || bi ðon se
Christ B 718 yllas ond cnollas / bewrið mid his wuldre || woruld alyseð / eall
Christ B 738 | ða he to heofonum astag / on his ealdcyððe || ða wæs engla
Christ B 759 on roderum / ælmeahtigne || he his aras ðonan / halig of heahðu
Christ B 765 c godes || forð onsendeð / of his brægdbogan || biterne stræl
Christ B 821 fe || scyle gumena gehwylc / on his geardagum || georne biðencan
Christ C 941 abeatne / wile ælmihtig || mid his engla gedryht / mægencyninga m
Christ C 943 ymfæst ðeoden || bið ðær his ðegna eac / hreðeadig heap ||
Christ C 968 m || ond upheofon / torhtne mid his tunglum || teonleg somod / ðry
Christ C 1034 agum / godes oððe gales || on his gæste gehlod / geara gongum ||
Christ C 1098 y weorðe || ðe no wom dyde / his lichoma || leahtra firena / mid
Christ C 1111 || ond ða halgan fet / ond of his sidan swa some || swat forlet
Christ C 1120 hysptun hearmcwidum || ond on his hleor somod / hyra spatl speowd
Christ C 1125 tum || ond fystum eac / ond ymb his heafod || heardne gebigdon / be
Christ C 1151 de || tungolgimmum / forðon he his bodan sende || ða wæs gebor
Christ C 1168 e gan || eahstream ne dorste / his frean fet || flode bisencan / g
Christ C 1216 lge / ðonne crist siteð || on his cynestole / on heahsetle || heo
Christ C 1335 gehwylc || wuldre scineð / of his heahsetle || hlutran lege / ð
Christ C 1521 fir / ðæt wæs satane || ond his gesiðum mid / deofle gegearwad
Christ C 1552 ðe nu ne giemeð || hwæðer his gæst sie / earm ðe eadig ||
Christ C 1573 edom / findan mote || se ðe nu his feore nyle / hælo strynan ||
Christ C 1580 d gæst / somodfæst seon || he his sawle wlite / georne bigonge ||
Christ C 1586 orleose || on ðas lænan tid / his dreames blæd || ond his dage
Christ C 1586 tid / his dreames blæd || ond his dagena rim / ond his weorces wl
Christ C 1587 æd || ond his dagena rim / ond his weorces wlite || ond wuldres
Christ C 1617 an || ðæt he fah scyle / from his scyppende || ascyred weorðan
Vainglory 11 || on ðas lænan tid / amyrran his gemyndum || modes gælsan / ond
Vainglory 12 yndum || modes gælsan / ond on his dægrime || druncen to rice /
Vainglory 28 odað he ond bælceð || boð his sylfes / swiðor micle || ðonn
Vainglory 30 e se sella mon / ðenceð ðæt his wise || welhwam ðince / eal un
Vainglory 36 at / fæhðe gefremede || feoð his betran / eorl fore æfstum || l
Vainglory 70 aldeð / freode on folce || ond his feond lufað / ðeah ðe he him
Widsith 13 oðrum || eðle rædan / se ðe his ðeodenstol || geðeon wile /
The Fortunes of Men 28 feorwegas / nyde gongan || ond his nest beran / tredan uriglast ||
The Fortunes of Men 32 ra || lað bið æghwær / fore his wonsceaftum || wineleas hæle
The Fortunes of Men 39 n / laðum lyftsceaðan || bið his lif scæcen / ond he feleleas |
The Fortunes of Men 50 eð / were winsadum || bið ær his worda to hræd / sum sceal on b
The Fortunes of Men 53 ne he gemet ne con / gemearcian his muðe || mode sine / ac sceal f
The Fortunes of Men 59 geoguðe || mid godes meahtum / his earfoðsið || ealne forspild
The Fortunes of Men 80 / sum sceal mid hearpan || æt his hlafordes / fotum sittan || feo
The Fortunes of Men 91 wælisca || wædum ond dædum / his ætgiefan || eaðmod weorðe
The Fortunes of Men 98 ghwa secge / ðæs ðe he fore his miltsum || monnum scrifeð
Maxims I 35 woruld teode / dol bið se ðe his dryhten nat || to ðæs oft c
Maxims I 37 id ryhte / eadig bið se ðe in his eðle geðihð || earm se him
Maxims I 37 eðle geðihð || earm se him his frynd geswicað / nefre sceal s
Maxims I 38 geswicað / nefre sceal se him his nest aspringeð || nyde sceal
Maxims I 39 aloleas heorte || blind sceal his eagna ðolian / oftigen bið hi
Maxims I 41 onan || ðæt him bið sar in his mode / onge ðonne he hit ana w
Maxims I 96 || ðonne flota stondeð / bið his ceol cumen || ond hyre ceorl
Maxims I 98 heo hine in laðað / wæsceð his warig hrægl || ond him syle
Maxims I 99 we / lið him on londe || ðæs his lufu bædeð / wif sceal wið w
Maxims I 171 || hearpan gretan / hafað him his gliwes giefe || ðe him god s
Maxims I 186 t he elne forleose || drugað his ar on borde / lot sceal mid lys
Maxims I 196 dum / bealoblonden nið || slog his broðor swæsne / cain ðone cw
The Order of the World 28 / ðæt he mæge in hreðre || his heah geweorc / furðor aspyrgan
The Order of the World 48 erað / dryhtnes duguðe || ond his dæda ðrym / lixende lof || in
The Order of the World 56 ond lædeð || lifes agend / in his anes fæðm || ealle gesceaft
The Order of the World 65 ereð / bronda beorhtost || ond his brucan mot / æghwylc on eorða
The Order of the World 77 a || ðæs frod leofað / ðæt his mæge æspringe || ðurh his
The Order of the World 77 his mæge æspringe || ðurh his ægne sped witan / hu geond gru
The Riming Poem 53 nnið || sorgum cinnið / blæd his blinnið || blisse linnið / li
The Panther 34 n || butan ðam attorsceaðan / his fyrngeflitan || ðe ic ær fo
The Whale 40 gehwylc / hæleða cynnes || on his hringe bið / fæste gefeged ||
The Whale 43 eð / wloncum ond heanum || ðe his willan her / firenum fremmað |
The Whale 55 ras || cymeð wynsum stenc / of his innoðe || ðætte oðre ður
The Whale 63 gumena gehwam / se ðe oftost his || unwærlice / on ðas lænan
The Whale 74 m gehrodene || ond ær georne his / in hira lifdagum || larum hyr
Soul and Body II 2 || hæleða æghwylc / ðæt he his sawle sið || sylfa bewitige /
Soul and Body II 25 oderum / sawle onsende || ðurh his sylfes hond / meotud ælmihtig
Soul and Body II 26 s hond / meotud ælmihtig || of his mægenðrymme / ond ðe ða geb
Guthlac A 14 dryman mid dryhten || ða ðe his domas her / æfnað on eorðan
Guthlac A 24 / lærað ond læstað || ond his lof rærað / oferwinnað ða a
Guthlac A 27 r oððe æfter || ðonne he his ænne her / gæst bigonge || ð
Guthlac A 36 æle brucan / godra tida || ond his gæste forð / weges willian ||
Guthlac A 55 wað / hwær ða eardien || ðe his æ healden / gesihð he ða dom
Guthlac A 58 ryhte / ða he gesette || ðurh his sylfes word / he fela findeð |
Guthlac A 92 ða lean alegeð || ðam ðe his lufan adreogeð / magun we nu n
Guthlac A 95 ne || had gecyðed / hu guðlac his || in godes willan / mod gereht
Guthlac A 102 ngan / beorgseðel bugan || ond his blæd gode / ðurh eaðmedu ||
Guthlac A 112 es dome || hwonne guðlace / on his ondgietan || engel sealde / ð
Guthlac A 118 him gelice || lare bæron / in his modes gemynd || mongum tidum /
Guthlac A 124 n / georne gieldeð || ðam ðe his giefe willað / ðicgan to ðon
Guthlac A 156 wundor hine weorðiað || ond his wisdomes / hlisan healdað ||
Guthlac A 163 rah / lifes snyttru || ðæt he his lichoman / wynna forwyrnde || o
Guthlac A 193 beorge || byrnan sceolde / ond his lichoman || lig forswelgan / ð
Guthlac A 194 homan || lig forswelgan / ðæt his earfeðu || eal gelumpe / modce
Guthlac A 197 ne wolde / sylfa gesecan || ond his sibbe ryht / mid moncynne || ma
Guthlac A 238 gu || maran cwome / ða ðe for his life || lyt sorgedon / guðlac
Guthlac A 294 ng / ne wond he for worde || ac his wiðerbreocum / sorge gesægde
Guthlac A 338 worulde || wynna ðorfte / mid his lichoman || læsast brucan / no
Guthlac A 341 tid forsæt / ðæs ðe he for his dryhtne || dreogan sceolde / ð
Guthlac A 344 mod / swa sceal oretta || a in his mode / gode compian || ond his
Guthlac A 345 his mode / gode compian || ond his gæst beran / oft on ondan ||
Guthlac A 362 gæst / wisað on willan || ond his weorc trymað / laðað hine li
Guthlac A 366 eond || eft oncyrran / mod from his meotude || hu sceal min cuman
Guthlac A 387 ne sceal se dryhtnes ðeow / in his modsefan || mare gelufian / eor
Guthlac A 388 n / eorðan æhtwelan || ðonne his anes gemet / ðæt he his licho
Guthlac A 389 onne his anes gemet / ðæt he his lichoman || lade hæbbe / ða w
Guthlac A 424 wæs || lytle hwile / ðæt hy his lichoman || leng ne mostan / wi
Guthlac A 439 nade / bliðe on beorge || wæs his blæd mid god / ðuhte him on m
Guthlac A 441 ncynnes / eadig wære || se ðe his anum her / feore gefreoðade ||
Guthlac A 516 adreogan || ðeah ðe dryhten his / witum weolde || hwæt ðæt w
Guthlac A 522 dangeard / sylfa gesohte || ond his swat ageat / on bonena hond ||
Guthlac A 529 sena || ðe us bec fore / ðurh his wundra geweorc || wisdom cyð
Guthlac A 535 winnum / sylfa gesette || ðær his sawl wearð / clæne ond gecost
Guthlac A 537 de / geond middangeard || ðæt his mod geðah / in godes willan ||
Guthlac A 594 e / weoruda waldend || ðæt ge his wergengan / in ðone laðan leg
Guthlac A 599 nergende crist / eom ic eaðmod his || ombiehthera / ðeow geðyldi
Guthlac A 601 fian sceal / æghwær ealles || his anne dom / ond him geornlice ||
Guthlac A 622 spræce gelæded / ðam ðe in his weorcum || willan ræfnað / si
Guthlac A 706 hælde || ond him hearsume / on his sylfes dom || siððan wæron
Guthlac A 713 on eorðan || fore æfstum / on his wergengan || wite legdon / is
Guthlac A 714 n / is ðæt min broðor || mec his bysgu gehreaw / ic ðæt gefrem
Guthlac A 717 hine / healdan wille || nu ic his helpan mot / ðæt ge min onsyn
Guthlac A 719 onsynn || oft sceawiað / nu ic his geneahhe || neosan wille / scea
Guthlac A 720 ahhe || neosan wille / sceal ic his word ond his weorc || in gewi
Guthlac A 721 witnesse / dryhtne lædon || he his dæde conn / ða wæs guðlaces
Guthlac A 764 m a / snyttrum swelgen || ðæt his soð fore us / on his giefena g
Guthlac A 765 || ðæt his soð fore us / on his giefena gyld || genge weorðe
Guthlac A 772 aces / dagas ond dæde || ðurh his dom ahof / wæs se fruma fæstl
Guthlac A 775 an lyt / wære gewonade || oft his word gode / ðurh eaðmedu || u
Guthlac A 777 rh eaðmedu || up onsende / let his ben cuman || in ða beorhtan
Guthlac B 843 dun / beorht in breostum || ond his bebodu læstan / æfnan on eðl
Guthlac B 846 aldendes || willan læsten / ac his wif genom || wyrmes larum / ble
Guthlac B 882 ond mundbyrd || mære wurdon / his wundra geweorc || wide ond si
Guthlac B 949 || ðe him on weorcum her / on his dagena tid || dædum gecwemde
Guthlac B 951 lawe || ða se ælmihtiga / let his hond cuman || ðær se halga
Guthlac B 959 ade / meotud fore miltsum || he his modsefan / wið ðam færhagan
Guthlac B 967 u / on ðas lænan tid || ðeah his lic ond gæst / hyra somwiste |
Guthlac B 1007 ldes meðelcwida || fonde ða his mondryhten / adlwerigne || him
Guthlac B 1010 g / micle modceare || ongan ða his magu frignan / hu gewearð ðe
Guthlac B 1051 || he ðæs færspelles / fore his mondryhtne || modsorge wæg / h
Guthlac B 1053 hyge hreowcearig || ðæs ðe his hlaford geseah / ellorfusne ||
Guthlac B 1110 am miclan bysgum || ongon ða his mod staðelian / leohte geleafa
Guthlac B 1114 erynum || in godes temple / ond his ðegne ongon || swa ðam ðeo
Guthlac B 1116 ian / secgan sigortacnum || ond his sefan trymman / wundrum to wuld
Guthlac B 1151 ste tid / on midne dæg || wæs his mondryhtne / endedogor || ætry
Guthlac B 1159 e ðurh mihta scyppend / gif he his wordcwida || wealdan meahte / s
Guthlac B 1161 onwrige worda gongum || hu he his wisna truwade / drohtes on ðæ
Guthlac B 1202 gor || ongon ða ofostlice / to his winedryhtne || wordum mæðla
Guthlac B 1223 / ðurh cwide ðinne || hwonan his cyme sindon / ða se eadga wer
Guthlac B 1294 g elnes gemyndig || spræc to his onbehtðegne / torht to his tre
Guthlac B 1295 to his onbehtðegne / torht to his treowum gesiðe || tid is ð
Guthlac B 1300 || gæst swiðe fus / ahof ða his honda || husle gereorded / eað
Guthlac B 1301 y æðelan gyfle || swylce he his eagan ontynde / halge heafdes g
Guthlac B 1303 to geofona leanum || ond ða his gæst onsende / weorcum wlitign
Guthlac B 1337 rne / meðne modsefan || se ðe his mondryhten / life bilidenne ||
Guthlac B 1352 al / aswæman sarigferð || wat his sincgiefan / holdne biheledne |
Guthlac B 1376 he wæs siðes fus / ðæt ðu his lichoman || leofast mægða / e
Riddles 15 15 eð / hine berað breost || ic his bidan ne dear / reðes on gerum
Riddles 2 16 oft ic oðrum scod / frecne æt his freonde || fah eom ic wide / w
Riddles 20 16 Oft ic oþrum scod / frecne æt his freonde; || fah eom ic wide, /
Riddles 27 14 præce / mægene binumen || nah his modes geweald / fota ne folma |
Riddles 35 2 ta wong || wundrum freorig / of his innaðe || ærist cende / ne wa
Riddles 37 4 æt hit felde || fleah ðurh his eage / ne swylteð he symle ||
Riddles 4 13 ngeard || meahtig dryhten / mid his onwalde || æghwær styreð / s
Riddles 4 39 fone || hateð mec heahcyning / his deagol ðing || dyre bihealda
A.3.22.40 13 ġeard || mehtiġ drihten / mid his an-wealde || ǣġhwǣr styre
Riddles 40 14 ngeard || meahtig dryhten / mid his onwalde || æghwær styreð; /
A.3.22.40 39 , || hāteþ mec hēah-cyning / his dēaĝol þinġ || dīere be
Riddles 40 40 one, || hateþ mec heahcyning / his deagol þing || dyre bihealda
Riddles 43 9 les unrim || care gif se esne / his hlaforde || hyreð yfle / frean
Riddles 44 4 afað godne / ðonne se esne || his agen hrægl / ofer cneo hefeð
Riddles 44 6 || wile ðæt cuðe hol / mid his hangellan || heafde gretan / ð
Riddles 46 1 46 / / wer sæt æt wine || mid his wifum twam / ond his twegen sun
Riddles 46 2 ine || mid his wifum twam / ond his twegen suno || ond his twa do
Riddles 46 2 am / ond his twegen suno || ond his twa dohtor / swase gesweostor |
Riddles 5 4 || ðone on teon wigeð / feond his feonde || forstrangne oft / wif
Riddles 50 4 || þone on teon wigeð / feond his feonde. || / Forstrangne oft
Riddles 53 9 ed || nu he fæcnum weg / ðurh his heafdes mægen || hildegieste
Riddles 54 3 to / hror hægstealdmon || hof his agen / hrægl hondum up || hran
Riddles 54 6 re || stiðes nathwæt / worhte his willan || wagedan buta / ðegn
Riddles 55 13 reo || ðæt oft wæpen abæd / his mondryhtne || maðm in healle
Riddles 59 8 endra || him torhte in gemynd / his dryhtnes naman || dumba broht
The Wife's Lament 46 sy æt him sylfum gelong / eal his worulde wyn || sy ful wide fa
The Judgment Day I 4 um || oft mæg se ðe wile / in his sylfes sefan || soð geðenca
The Judgment Day I 26 sibbe ful oft / tomældeð mid his muðe || ne con he ða mircan
The Judgment Day I 28 e stondeð / ðam ðe ðær for his synnum || onsægd weorðeð / o
The Judgment Day I 83 de || wuldres ealdor / ðam ðe his synna nu || sare geðenceð / m
The Judgment Day I 88 swa geomor wearð / sarig fore his synnum || ne sceal se to sæn
Resignation 92 him wrað meotud / gnornað on his geoguðe || / ond him ælce m
Resignation 94 mæle || men fullestað / ycað his yrmðu || ond he ðæt eal ð
The Descent into Hell 25 / modig to ðære mengo || ymb his mæges // / hæfde me gehaten |
The Descent into Hell 57 g fore ðære mengo || ond to his mæge spræc / ond ða wilcuman
The Descent into Hell 67 ge || ellen habban / ðonne he his hlafordes || hyldo gelyfeð /
The Descent into Hell 83 || hwonne we word godes / ðurh his sylfes muð || secgan hyrde / e
Azarias 50 e wæs / meotudes miltse || ond his modsefan / rehte ðurh reorde |
Azarias 53 onsended / wlitescyne wer || in his wuldorhoman / cwom him ða to a
Azarias 167 eorl acolmod || ðæt he ofer his ealdre gestod / abead ða for
Riddles 63 6 folm/ || /grum ðyð / wyrceð his willa/ || /ð l/ / fulre || ðo
A.3.34.63 7 lm[]grum þȳþ, || / wyrċeþ his willa[]ð l[] || / []fullre, |
Riddles 70 4 tua / scearp on gescyldrum. || His gesceapo dreogeð / þe swa wr
Riddles 73 9 lme bysigo/ / /dlan dæl || gif his ellen deag / oððe æfter dome
Riddles 88 27 mmanne / næfre uncer awðer || his ellen cyðde / swa wit ðære b
The Phoenix 211 ndwliteð || ðonne weorðeð his / hus onhæted || ðurh hador s
The Phoenix 262 dre nihte || bi ðon se modga his / feorh afedeð || oððæt fyr
The Phoenix 267 na ful || ðonne he of greote his / lic leoðucræftig || ðæt
The Phoenix 277 s lafe / clam biclyppeð || ond his cyððu eft / sunbeorht gesetu
The Phoenix 282 n wong / sigorfæst sette || he his sylfes ðær / ban gebringeð |
The Phoenix 321 e he gewiteð || wongas secan / his ealdne eard || of ðisse eðe
The Phoenix 351 esæliga || æfter swylthwile / his ealdcyððe || eft geneosað /
The Phoenix 356 na wat / cyning ælmihtig || hu his gecynde bið / wifhades ðe wer
The Phoenix 394 a / worhte wer ond wif || ðurh his wundra sped / ond hi ða gesett
The Phoenix 421 | oððæt wuldorcyning / ðurh his hidercyme || halgum togeanes /
The Phoenix 435 r deaðe / edgeong wesan || ond his ealdcyððu / sunbeorht gesetu
The Phoenix 459 eceð / clænum gehygdum || ond his cneo bigeð / æðele to eorða
The Phoenix 468 er swegle || side ond wide / to his wicstowe || ðær he wundrum
The Phoenix 515 s cneo || cyning ðrymlice / of his heahsetle || halgum scineð / w
The Phoenix 530 me || mid ðam se wilda fugel / his sylfes nest || biseteð utan /
The Phoenix 536 / ænlic ond edgeong || se ðe his agnum her / willum gewyrceð ||
The Phoenix 572 leawmod || godes spelboda / ymb his æriste || in ece lif / ðæt w
The Phoenix 637 mynd / forð butan ende || næs his frymð æfre / eades ongyn ||
The Phoenix 640 re / in middangeard || hwæðre his meahta sped / heah ofer heofonu
The Phoenix 651 d us || helpe gefremede / ðurh his lices gedal || lif butan ende
The Phoenix 652 n ende / swa se fugel swetum || his fiðru tu / ond wynsumum || wyr
Juliana 8 a blod / ryhtfremmendra || wæs his rice brad / wid ond weorðlic |
Juliana 26 dom / micelne ond mærne || ða his mod ongon / fæmnan lufian || h
Juliana 48 od / lufast ond gelyfest || ond his lof rærest / ongietest gæsta
Juliana 162 het || æfter leohtes cyme / to his domsetle || duguð wafade / on
Juliana 252 gan nelt / gleawhycgende || ond his godum cweman / wes ðu on ofest
Juliana 259 wæs / criste gecweme || hwonan his cyme wære / hyre se wræcmæcg
Juliana 285 nd fæste geheald / oððæt he his siðfæt || secge mid ryhte / e
Juliana 286 yhte / ealne from orde || hwæt his æðelu syn / ða wæs ðære f
Juliana 310 eanne beam / ðæt he of galgan his || gæst onsende / in wuldres w
Juliana 331 || ne durran we siððan / for his onsyne || ower geferan / ðonne
Juliana 534 lge || hæðnum to spræce / to his domsetle || heo ðæt deofol
Juliana 560 ær / heredon on heahðu || ond his halig word / sægdon soðlice |
Juliana 595 / hreoh ond hygegrim || ongon his hrægl teran / swylce he grenna
Juliana 598 eor / grymetade gealgmod || ond his godu tælde / ðæs ðe hy ne m
The Wanderer 13 e || indryhten ðeaw / ðæt he his ferðlocan || fæste binde / he
The Wanderer 14 locan || fæste binde / healde his hordcofan || hycge swa he wil
The Wanderer 35 cðege / hu hine on geoguðe || his goldwine / wenede to wiste || w
The Wanderer 37 s / forðon wat se ðe sceal || his winedryhtnes / leofes larcwidum
The Wanderer 41 nceð him on mode || ðæt he his mondryhten / clyppe ond cysse |
The Wanderer 112 ndor æt rune / til bið se ðe his treowe gehealdeð || ne sceal
The Wanderer 112 gehealdeð || ne sceal næfre his torn to rycene / beorn of his b
The Wanderer 113 e his torn to rycene / beorn of his breostum acyðan || nemðe he
The Gifts of Men 21 | ðæt him folca weard / ðurh his halige giefe || hider onsende
The Gifts of Men 79 fe || ðristhydigra / ðegn mid his ðeodne || sum geðyld hafað
The Gifts of Men 105 cynne / gielpes styreð || ond his giefe bryttað / sumum on cystu
The Gifts of Men 111 lice || wide tosaweð / dryhten his duguðe || a ðæs dom age / le
The Gifts of Men 113 || se us ðis lif giefeð / ond his milde mod || monnum cyðeð
Precepts 15 || to gode trymmen / fæder eft his sunu || frod gegrette / oðre s
Precepts 22 nottor guma / breostgehygdum || his bearn lærde / ne gewuna wyrsa
Precepts 33 eft ongon / breostgeðoncum || his bearn læran / druncen beorg ð
Precepts 44 ngon / ðurh bliðne geðoht || his bearn læran / ongiet georne ||
Precepts 52 ferðe god / seofeðan siðe || his sunu lærde / fæder frod guma
Precepts 56 seldon || drymeð sorgful / ymb his forðgesceaft || nefne he fæ
Precepts 60 an siðe || eald fæder ongon / his mago monian || mildum wordum /
The Seafarer 40 dwlonc || mon ofer eorðan / ne his gifena ðæs god || ne in geo
The Seafarer 41 geoguðe to ðæs hwæt / ne in his dædum to ðæs deor || ne hi
The Seafarer 41 ædum to ðæs deor || ne him his dryhten to ðæs hold / ðæt h
The Seafarer 42 hten to ðæs hold / ðæt he a his sæfore || sorge næbbe / to hw
The Seafarer 69 ra sum || ðinga gehwylce / ær his tid aga || to tweon weorðeð
The Seafarer 78 da bearn || æfter hergen / ond his lof siððan || lifge mid eng
The Seafarer 92 að / gomelfeax gnornað || wat his iuwine / æðelinga bearn || eo
The Seafarer 98 ille || golde stregan / broðor his geborenum || byrgan be deadum
The Seafarer 106 d uprodor / dol bið se ðe him his dryhten ne ondrædeð || cyme
The Seafarer 108 gestaðelað || forðon he in his meahte gelyfeð / stieran mon s
The Seafarer 115 ðe on bæle || forbærnedne / his geworhtne wine || wyrd bið s
Beowulf 65 wiges weorðmynd || ðæt him his winemagas / georne hyrdon || o
Beowulf 79 | scop him heort naman / se ðe his wordes geweald || wide hæfde
Beowulf 169 ste / maððum for metode || ne his myne wisse / ðæt wæs wræc m
Beowulf 250 pnum geweorðad || næfne him his wlite leoge / ænlic ansyn || n
Beowulf 349 | ðæt wæs wendla leod / wæs his modsefa || manegum gecyðed / w
Beowulf 357 ar sæt / eald ond anhar || mid his eorla gedriht / eode ellenrof |
Beowulf 360 ðeaw / wulfgar maðelode || to his winedrihtne / her syndon gefere
Beowulf 373 ne cuðe || cnihtwesende / wæs his ealdfæder || ecgðeo haten /
Beowulf 375 ðel geata / angan dohtor || is his eafora nu / heard her cumen ||
Beowulf 380 iges / manna mægencræft || on his mundgripe / heaðorof hæbbe ||
Beowulf 385 e || ic ðæm godan sceal / for his modðræce || madmas beodan / b
Beowulf 434 hsod || ðæt se æglæca / for his wonhydum || wæpna ne recceð
Beowulf 475 fað / hynðo on heorote || mid his heteðancum / færniða gefreme
Beowulf 521 gesohte || swæsne eðel / leof his leodum || lond brondinga / freo
Beowulf 532 brecan spræce / sægdest from his siðe || soð ic talige / ðæt
Beowulf 573 ereð / unfægne eorl || ðonne his ellen deah / hwæðere me gesæ
Beowulf 662 ða him hroðgar gewat || mid his hæleða gedryht / eodur scyldi
Beowulf 672 nan / helm of hafelan || sealde his hyrsted sweord / irena cyst ||
Beowulf 730 gædere / magorinca heap || ða his mod ahlog / mynte ðæt he ged
Beowulf 756 can deofla gedræg || ne wæs his drohtoð ðær / swylce he on e
Beowulf 764 non / fleon on fenhopu || wiste his fingra geweald / on grames grap
Beowulf 793 mcuman || cwicne forlætan / ne his lifdagas || leoda ænigum / nyt
Beowulf 805 fde / ecga gehwylcre || scolde his aldorgedal / on ðæm dæge ||
Beowulf 822 ic || wiste ðe geornor / ðæt his aldres wæs || ende gegongen /
Beowulf 841 sceawian / laðes lastas || no his lifgedal / sarlic ðuhte || sec
Beowulf 881 ces hwæt || secgan wolde / eam his nefan || swa hie a wæron / æt
Beowulf 905 hwylmas / lemede to lange || he his leodum wearð / eallum æðelli
Beowulf 923 micle / cystum gecyðed || ond his cwen mid him / medostigge mæt
Beowulf 966 lde / licgean lifbysig || butan his lic swice / ic hine ne mihte ||
Beowulf 970 eond on feðe || hwæðere he his folme forlet / to lifwraðe ||
Beowulf 1007 buendra || gearwe stowe / ðær his lichoma || legerbedde fæst / s
Beowulf 1147 at / sweordbealo sliðen || æt his selfes ham / siððan grimne gr
Beowulf 1166 an scyldinga || gehwylc hiora his ferhðe treowde / ðæt he hæf
Beowulf 1167 fde mod micel || ðeah ðe he his magum nære / arfæst æt ecga
Beowulf 1276 c seon / mancynnes feond || ond his modor ða gyt / gifre ond galgm
Beowulf 1317 r flore || fyrdwyrðe man / mid his handscale || healwudu dynede /
Beowulf 1385 selre bið æghwæm / ðæt he his freond wrece || ðonne he fel
Beowulf 1528 ma sið / deorum madme || ðæt his dom alæg / eft wæs anræd ||
Beowulf 1536 nceð / longsumne lof || na ymb his lif cearað / gefeng ða be eax
Beowulf 1683 dsaca / morðres scyldig || ond his modor eac / on geweald gehwearf
Beowulf 1733 dælas / side rice || ðæt he his selfa ne mæg / for his unsnytt
Beowulf 1734 æt he his selfa ne mæg / for his unsnyttrum || ende geðencean
Beowulf 1808 g beran / sunu ecglafes || heht his sweord niman / leoflic iren ||
Beowulf 1963 ewat him ða se hearda || mid his hondscole / sylf æfter sande |
Beowulf 2013 modsefan || minne cuðe / wið his sylfes sunu || setl getæhte /
Beowulf 2157 el || sume worde het / ðæt ic his ærest ðe || est gesægde / cw
Beowulf 2325 yðed / snude to soðe || ðæt his sylfes ham / bolda selest || br
Beowulf 2433 hte / beorn in burgum || ðonne his bearna hwylc / herebeald ond h
Beowulf 2438 hyne hæðcyn || of hornbogan / his freawine || flane geswencte / m
Beowulf 2439 wencte / miste mercelses || ond his mæg ofscet / broðor oðerne |
Beowulf 2445 ceorle / to gebidanne || ðæt his byre ride / giong on galgan ||
Beowulf 2447 wrece / sarigne sang || ðonne his sunu hangað / hrefne to hroðr
Beowulf 2455 ndad / gesyhð sorhcearig || on his suna bure / winsele westne || w
Beowulf 2481 gefræge wæs / ðeah ðe oðer his || ealdre gebohte / heardan cea
Beowulf 2572 wile / mærum ðeodne || ðonne his myne sohte / ðær he ðy fyrst
Beowulf 2579 bane || bat unswiðor / ðonne his ðiodcyning || ðearfe hæfde
Beowulf 2604 inga / mæg ælfheres || geseah his mondryhten / under heregriman |
Beowulf 2608 inga / folcrihta gehwylc || swa his fæder ahte / ne mihte ða forh
Beowulf 2614 hstan bana / meces ecgum || ond his magum ætbær / brunfagne helm
Beowulf 2617 sc || ðæt him onela forgeaf / his gædelinges || guðgewædu / fy
Beowulf 2619 a fæhðe spræc / ðeah ðe he his broðor bearn || abredwade / he
Beowulf 2621 a / bill ond byrnan || oððæt his byre mihte / eorlscipe efnan ||
Beowulf 2622 mihte / eorlscipe efnan || swa his ærfæder / geaf him ða mid ge
Beowulf 2627 an || ðæt he guðe ræs / mid his freodryhtne || fremman sceold
Beowulf 2628 gemealt him se modsefa || ne his mæges laf / gewac æt wige ||
Beowulf 2675 an / ac se maga geonga || under his mæges scyld / elne geeode ||
Beowulf 2676 ges scyld / elne geeode || ða his agen wæs / gledum forgrunden |
Beowulf 2698 rn / modiges mannes || ðær he his mæges healp / ðæt he ðone n
Beowulf 2703 | ða gen sylf cyning / geweold his gewitte || wællseaxe gebræd
Beowulf 2722 egn ungemete till / winedryhten his || wætere gelafede / hilde sæ
Beowulf 2723 gelafede / hilde sædne || ond his helm onspeon / biowulf maðelod
Beowulf 2861 aru / eðbegete || ðam ðe ær his elne forleas / wiglaf maðelode
Beowulf 2869 um || helm ond byrnan / ðeoden his ðegnum || swylce he ðrydlic
Beowulf 2949 / gewat him ða se goda || mid his gædelingum / frod felageomor |
Beowulf 2978 aces ðegn / bradne mece || ða his broðor læg / eald sweord eoto
Beowulf 2982 open / ða wæron monige || ðe his mæg wriðon / ricone arærdon
Beowulf 2987 nan / heard swyrd hilted || ond his helm somod / hares hyrste || hi
Beowulf 3065 | ðonne leng ne mæg / mon mid his magum || meduseld buan / swa w
Beowulf 3068 | seolfa ne cuðe / ðurh hwæt his worulde gedal || weorðan sce
Beowulf 3173 can / eahtodan eorlscipe || ond his ellenweorc / duguðum demdon ||
Beowulf 3175 swa hit gedefe bið / ðæt mon his winedryhten || wordum herge / f
Judith 16 lance to wingedrince || ealle his weagesiðas / bealde byrnwiggen
Judith 31 e on swiman lagon / oferdrencte his duguðe ealle || swylce hie w
Judith 36 n mægð || ofstum fetigan / to his bedreste || beagum gehlæste /
Judith 57 seo halige meowle / gebroht on his burgetelde || ða wearð se b
Judith 63 gumena ðreate || / bealofull his beddes neosan || ðær he sce
Judith 63 es neosan || ðær he sceolde his blæd forleosan / ædre binnan
Judith 64 nnan anre nihte || hæfde ða his ende gebidenne / on eorðan uns
Judith 68 a wine swa druncen / se rica on his reste middan || swa he nyste
Judith 279 ða on bedde || blacne licgan / his goldgifan || gæstes gesne / li
Judith 281 ll / freorig to foldan || ongan his feax teran / hreoh on mode || o
Judith 282 ax teran / hreoh on mode || ond his hrægl somod / ond ðæt word a
Judith 349 / ond swegles dreamas || ðurh his sylfes miltse
The Paris Psalter 101:14 2 ten / and gesette sion || þurh his sylfes miht / þær wæs gesyne
The Paris Psalter 101:14 3 fes miht / þær wæs gesyne || his seo soþe sped / / # / oft he þe
The Paris Psalter 101:17 2 fæstlice || forþ locade / of his þam hean || halgan setle / dri
The Paris Psalter 101:19 2 gd || soþ nama drihtnes / and his lof swylce || leoda bearnum / o
The Paris Psalter 101:21 2 sona / on wege worulde || þær his gewis mægen / fæste standeþ
The Paris Psalter 102:1 2 ihten / and eall min inneran || his þæne ecean naman / / # / bletsi
The Paris Psalter 102:7 1 lice || teonan þolian / / # / he his wegas dyde || wise and cuþe /
The Paris Psalter 102:7 3 ran || on mænige tid / swylce his willan eac || werum israhela /
The Paris Psalter 102:13 1 wa fæder þenceþ || fægere his bearnum / milde weorþan || swa
The Paris Psalter 102:14 4 nlice || eorþan blostman / swa his lifdagas || læne syndan / / # /
The Paris Psalter 102:17 1 a þe ondrædaþ him / / # / swa his soþfæstnyss || swylce stand
The Paris Psalter 102:17 2 fer þara bearna bearn || þe his bebodu healdaþ / and þæs gem
The Paris Psalter 102:17 4 de || mycle habbaþ / þæt heo his wisfæst word || wynnum efnan
The Paris Psalter 102:18 2 n heofenhame || halig drihten / his heahsetl || hror timbrade / þa
The Paris Psalter 102:19 1 || eallum wealdeþ / / # / ealle his englas || ecne drihten / bletsi
The Paris Psalter 102:19 3 frean / mægyn and mihta || þa his mære word / habbaþ and healda
The Paris Psalter 102:20 1 / / # / bletsian drihten || eall his bearna mægen / and his þegna
The Paris Psalter 102:20 2 || eall his bearna mægen / and his þegna þreat || þe þæt þ
The Paris Psalter 102:20 3 þe þæt þence nu / þæt hi his willan || wyrcean georne / / # /
The Paris Psalter 102:21 1 an || wyrcean georne / / # / eall his agen geweorc || ecne drihten /
The Paris Psalter 102:21 2 en geweorc || ecne drihten / on his agenum stede || eac bletsige /
The Paris Psalter 102:21 3 ede || eac bletsige / þær him his egsa || anweald standeþ / blet
The Paris Psalter 103:5 1 redeþ || fiþru winda / / # / he his englas deþ || æþele gastas
The Paris Psalter 103:5 2 as deþ || æþele gastas / and his frome þegnas || fyr byrnende
The Paris Psalter 103:24 1 sceafta || scyppend mære / / # / his is mycel sæ || and on gemær
The Paris Psalter 103:25 3 / geheowadest || hete syþþan / his bysmere || brade healdan / eall
The Paris Psalter 103:29 3 || wunie syþþan / blissie on his weorcum || bealde drihten / / #
The Paris Psalter 103:30 2 n || ealle locaþ / deþ hi for his egsan || ealle beofian / gif he
The Paris Psalter 103:30 3 n || ealle beofian / gif he mid his mihte || muntas hrineþ / hi fu
The Paris Psalter 104:1 1 4 / / # / andetaþ drihtne || and his ecne naman / cegaþ cymlice ||
The Paris Psalter 104:1 3 cymlice || and cwyce secgeaþ / his wundorweorc || ofer ealle wer
The Paris Psalter 104:2 2 ylce || and salletaþ / secgaþ his wundor eall || wide mæru / / #
The Paris Psalter 104:3 1 ll || wide mæru / / # / hergeaþ his naman || niode swylce / heorte
The Paris Psalter 104:4 3 || ful trume æghwær / secaþ his ansyne || symble georne / / # / g
The Paris Psalter 104:5 3 æclice || wundur unlytel / and his muþes eac || mære domas / / #
The Paris Psalter 104:6 1 wæt he abrahames cynn || þe his esne wæs / geweorþude || ofer
The Paris Psalter 104:7 2 rihten || dædum spedig / earun his domas || deore and mære / geon
The Paris Psalter 104:9 5 awa to feore || israheles cyn / his gewitnesse || wel geheolde / / #
The Paris Psalter 104:15 6 oþþæt hine halig god / þurh his worda || wisdom ahof / / # / send
The Paris Psalter 104:17 1 um sette / / # / he sette hine on his huse || to hlafwearde / ealra h
The Paris Psalter 104:17 2 se || to hlafwearde / ealra him his æhta || anweald betæhte / / #
The Paris Psalter 104:18 1 anweald betæhte / / # / þæt he his ealdormen || ealle lærde / swa
The Paris Psalter 104:18 2 dormen || ealle lærde / swa he his sylfes mod || geseted hæfde /
The Paris Psalter 104:21 2 n || hwyrfan æryst / þæt heo his folc || feodan swyþe / and his
The Paris Psalter 104:21 3 his folc || feodan swyþe / and his esnum eac || inwit fremedan / /
The Paris Psalter 104:22 2 þone mæran || moyses sende / his sylfes scealc || samod ætgæ
The Paris Psalter 104:32 1 || heora frean swylce / / # / and his þæt gode folc || golde and
The Paris Psalter 104:37 3 he hleoþrade / to abrahame || his agenum hysse / / # / and his folc
The Paris Psalter 104:38 1 e || his agenum hysse / / # / and his folc lædde || fægere on bli
The Paris Psalter 104:38 2 dde || fægere on blisse / and his þone gecorenan || heap clæn
The Paris Psalter 104:40 2 i heoldan || halige domas / and his soþfæst word || swylce geor
The Paris Psalter 104:40 3 st word || swylce georne / and his æbebod || awa to feore
The Paris Psalter 105:1 3 ic hine godne wat / forþon he his mildheortnysse || mannum cyþ
The Paris Psalter 105:2 3 yrian || oþþe spedlice / eall his lofmægen || leode gehyran / an
The Paris Psalter 105:2 4 ofmægen || leode gehyran / and his gehyrnesse || her oncnawan / / #
The Paris Psalter 105:11 1 an spellboda / / # / syþþan hi his wordon || wel gelyfdan / and hi
The Paris Psalter 105:11 5 clicra || na hi wel syþþan / his geæhtunge || ahwær heoldan /
The Paris Psalter 105:19 4 feonda mægene / forþon he him his yrre || of acyrde / þæt he hi
The Paris Psalter 105:20 3 selestan || geseon woldan / ne his wordum eac || woldan gelyfan /
The Paris Psalter 105:20 5 || and grame spræcan / noldan his wordum || wel gehyran / / # / he
The Paris Psalter 105:21 1 wordum || wel gehyran / / # / he his handa ahof || and hi hraþe w
The Paris Psalter 105:25 5 felum || swa he oftor wæs / on his gaste gram || ne mihte him go
The Paris Psalter 105:25 6 ne mihte him godes willan / mid his welerum || wisne getæcean / / #
The Paris Psalter 105:29 3 wearþ || ece drihten / and he his yrfe || eall forhogode / / # / he
The Paris Psalter 105:34 1 bealde gehyrde / / # / þonne he his wordgebeot || well gemunde / hr
The Paris Psalter 105:34 3 onne hi hynþa drugan / æfter his miltsa || menigu godes / / # / sy
The Paris Psalter 106:1 3 orþan ic hine gleawne wat / is his mildheortnes || mycel to woru
The Paris Psalter 106:7 3 ēac seċġaþ / miċel wunder his || manna bearnum. / / # / For·þ
The Paris Psalter 106:10 2 præce / æghwæs ægype || and his geþeaht swylce / þæs heahsta
The Paris Psalter 106:14 3 and eac cweþan / mycel wundur his || ofer manna bearn / / # / forþ
The Paris Psalter 106:20 3 earþ || manna cynne / mycel ys his wundur || ofer manna bearn / / #
The Paris Psalter 106:21 2 ces lof || lustum bringan / and his weorc wynsum || wide sæcgean
The Paris Psalter 106:23 2 es weorc || digul gesawon / and his wundra wearn || on wætergrun
The Paris Psalter 106:30 3 rþ || manna cynne / mære synd his wundur || ofer manna bearn / / #
The Paris Psalter 106:41 4 gehwylc || eft oncyrreþ / and his sylfes muþ || symble hemneþ
The Paris Psalter 107:7 2 || gearwe mannases / is effrem his || agen broþur / efne heah str
The Paris Psalter 108:6 2 hwam || deope gehyned / and him his gebed || hweorfe to fyrenum / /
The Paris Psalter 108:7 1 # / gewurþe him weste || eall his onwunung / and on hys eardungst
The Paris Psalter 108:7 2 || eall his on-wunung / and on his eardung-stōwe || nǣfre ġe
The Paris Psalter 108:8 2 ce || and dimme and feawe / and his bisceophad || brucan feondas /
The Paris Psalter 108:9 1 | brucan feondas / / # / weorþan his agene bearn || ealle steopcil
The Paris Psalter 108:9 2 bearn || ealle steopcild / and his wif wyrþe || wydewe hreowlic
The Paris Psalter 108:10 1 e || wydewe hreowlic / / # / syn his bearn swylce || toboren wide /
The Paris Psalter 108:10 3 | earme þearfan / þonne hi to his huse || hleowes wilnian / / # / e
The Paris Psalter 108:11 1 || hleowes wilnian / / # / ealle his æhta || unholde fynd / rice re
The Paris Psalter 108:11 3 þemann || rycene gedæle / and his feoh onfon || fremde handa / / #
The Paris Psalter 108:12 2 hwær wese || ænig fultum / ne his steopcildum || stande to help
The Paris Psalter 108:13 1 nde to helpe / / # / gangan ealle his bearn || on ece forwyrd / and o
The Paris Psalter 108:13 3 anum cneowe || eall gewyrþe / his nama nyhsta || nede adilgad / /
The Paris Psalter 108:14 1 / / # / eall þæt unriht || þe his ealdras ær / manes gefremedan
The Paris Psalter 108:14 5 de wesan || deorce fyrene / þa his modur ær || mane fremede / / #
The Paris Psalter 108:18 3 m || wræstum geteode / and sio his innaþ || ywde swylce / wan wæ
The Paris Psalter 110:2 1 drihtnes weorc / / # / swylce ic his willan || wylle georne / swyþe
The Paris Psalter 110:2 3 e secean || samed andettan / hu his mægenþrymnes || mycellic st
The Paris Psalter 110:2 4 mnes || mycellic standeþ / and his soþfæstnyss wunaþ || symbl
The Paris Psalter 110:3 3 yleþ eallum mete || þam þe his ege habbaþ / / # / and he on wor
The Paris Psalter 110:4 2 on worulde || wearþ gemyndig / his gewitnesse || þe he wel swyl
The Paris Psalter 110:4 4 cum / fægrum gefylde || and to his folce cwæþ / þæt he him wol
The Paris Psalter 110:5 1 æht || eall gesyllan / / # / ys his handgeweorc || hyge soþfæst
The Paris Psalter 110:5 3 || þa he ræran wyle / wærun his bebodu || ealle treowfæste / o
The Paris Psalter 110:6 4 t hi on ecnysse || a syþþan / his gewitnesse || well geheoldan /
The Paris Psalter 110:6 5 itnesse || well geheoldan / and his þone halgan naman || hæfdan
The Paris Psalter 111:1 3 ofan || fæste gestandeþ / and his bebod healdeþ || bealde mid
The Paris Psalter 111:2 2 byþ || eadig and spedig / and his cneorisse byþ || cyn geblets
The Paris Psalter 111:3 2 wela || wunaþ æt huse / byþ his soþfæstnys || swylce mære /
The Paris Psalter 111:5 2 rt / seteþ soþne dom || þurh his sylfes word / se on ecnysse ||
The Paris Psalter 111:6 2 emynde || æghwylc þæra / þe his soþe and riht || symble heal
The Paris Psalter 111:7 1 e || yfeles syþþan / / # / byþ his heorte gearo || hyhte to drih
The Paris Psalter 111:8 1 || æghwær georne / / # / se þe his æhta || ealle tostredeþ / and
The Paris Psalter 111:8 3 þearfendum || þa gedæleþ / his soþfæstnyss wunaþ || symbl
The Paris Psalter 111:8 4 unaþ || symble oþ ende / byþ his horn wended || her on wuldur /
The Paris Psalter 112:4 3 s ofer heofenas eac || ahafen his wuldur / / # / hwylc ys anlic ||
The Paris Psalter 112:5 5 ealdor-dōm || up ā·settan / his folces fruman || on fǣġer l
The Paris Psalter 112:7 2 e on ealdordom || upp asettan / his folces fruman || on fæger li
The Paris Psalter 113:8 3 swylce / wæteres wellan || mid his gewealdendre hand / / # / nalæs
The Paris Psalter 113:11 3 lum || and he eall gedeþ / swa his willa byþ || on woruldrice / /
The Paris Psalter 115:5 2 d fæger || beacen dryhtne / on his gesyhþe || swylt haligra / / #
The Paris Psalter 115:8 2 in gehat || halgum dryhtne / on his getynum || tidum gylde / þe ym
The Paris Psalter 116:2 1 æþelne herigan / / # / forþon his mildheortnyss || is mycel ofe
The Paris Psalter 117:1 3 ode || ic hine gleawne wat / ys his mildheortnys || mycel to woru
The Paris Psalter 117:2 3 oda god || and gearu standeþ / his mildheortnys || mære to woru
The Paris Psalter 117:3 3 oda god || and gearu standeþ / his mildheortnys || mære to woru
The Paris Psalter 117:4 4 oda god || and gearu standeþ / his mildheortnys || mære on woru
The Paris Psalter 118:2 2 swylce || þa þe a wyllaþ / his gewitnesse || wise smeagan / an
The Paris Psalter 118:3 2 anwyrhtan || mægene feran / on his mærne weg || mihtigan drihtn
The Paris Psalter 118:24 4 wat || þæt ic forþ heonun / his soþfæstnysse || sece georne
The Paris Psalter 118:137 1 / drihten is soþfæst || synd his domas eac / reþe mid ræde ||
The Paris Psalter 118:137 2 ryhten is sōþfæst; || sind his dōmas ēac / rēðe mid rǣde
The Paris Psalter 118:145 5 hyrde || hyldo cuþe / þæt ic his soþfæstnesse || sohte genea
The Paris Psalter 118:146 1 e, || hyldu cūðe, / þæt iċ his sōþfæstnesse || sōhte ġe
The Paris Psalter 121:4 4 tnesse || wæran israelas / þe his naman || neode sceoldon / him a
The Paris Psalter 122:2 3 esne biþ || þonne ondrysnum / his hlaforde || hereþ and cweme
The Paris Psalter 126:6 2 || se þe a þenceþ / þæt he his lust on þon || leofne gefyll
The Paris Psalter 126:6 4 þonne he on gaton greteþ || his grame feondas
The Paris Psalter 127:1 2 god / drihten ondrædaþ || and his gedefne weg / on hyra lifes tid
The Paris Psalter 127:5 3 dan || þe him metodes ege / on his dædum || drihten forhtaþ / / #
The Paris Psalter 128:5 3 hit mawe || micle elne / ne mid his sceafe ne mæg || sceat afyll
The Paris Psalter 128:6 1 / and þæt ne cweþan || þa his cwide weoldan / on ofergeate ||
The Paris Psalter 128:6 4 hten / and ofer eow wese || eac his bletsung / we eow neodlice || o
The Paris Psalter 131:1 2 ten || mærne dauid / and ealle his mannþwærnesse || micle and
The Paris Psalter 131:7 1 gu || on wudufeldum / / # / we on his selegesceot || swylce gangaþ
The Paris Psalter 131:7 3 e stowe || stede ariaþ / þær his fotas ær || fæste gestodan /
The Paris Psalter 131:12 2 icne || wæstm gesette / þe of his innaþe || agenum cwome / ofer
The Paris Psalter 131:16 1 forþon ic hi ær geceas / / # / his wuduan ic || wordum bletsige /
The Paris Psalter 131:17 1 grium || hlaf to fylle / / # / ec his sacerdas || swylce mid hælu /
The Paris Psalter 131:17 3 eorne gegyrwe || and gode eac / his þa halgan her || habbaþ bli
The Paris Psalter 131:19 1 þe ic hine cuþne wat / / # / ic his feondas eac || facne gegyrwe /
The Paris Psalter 132:2 3 || hrore stence / mid þy aaron his beard || oftast smyrede / / # / s
The Paris Psalter 132:3 1 de / / # / seo niþer astah || on his reafæs fnæd / swa æþele dea
The Paris Psalter 133:1 2 en nu || bliþe drihten / ealle his agene || onbyhtscealcas / / # / g
The Paris Psalter 134:1 2 || neode swylce / herigen hine his scealcas || swiþe ealle / / # /
The Paris Psalter 134:3 3 um || fira æghwam / weorþiaþ his naman || forþon he wyrþe is
The Paris Psalter 134:8 2 lædeþ || fægere windas / of his goldhordum || godra manegum / s
The Paris Psalter 134:9 4 araones || folce gecyþde / and his scealcum || samed ætgædere /
The Paris Psalter 134:12 2 rahelum / and heora yrfe || eac his folce / / # / ys þin nama drihte
The Paris Psalter 134:14 1 | wynnum standeþ / / # / forþon his folc demeþ || fægere drihte
The Paris Psalter 134:14 2 ægere drihten / and he biþ on his esnum || agenum frefriend / / #
The Paris Psalter 135:3 4 is || and ic gearwe wat / þæt his mildheortnes || is mycel to w
The Paris Psalter 135:15 1 / þær pharaon gefeol || and his fæge werud / on þam readan s
The Paris Psalter 135:16 2 dendlice || þuruh westen eft / his þæt leofe folc || lædde sw
The Paris Psalter 135:23 2 þæt yrfe || on israele / þe his esnas || agene wæron / / # / for
The Paris Psalter 135:28 2 de || geara andettaþ / forþan his mildheortnes || is mycel to w
The Paris Psalter 136:2 4 we sittaþ || and sare wepaþ / his agen bearn || on þone æþel
A.5.5.136 2 e nimeþ || and ēac seteþ% / his āĝen bearn || on þone æð
The Paris Psalter 137:8 2 ihten for me || dome gylde / is his mildheortnes || mycel on woru
The Paris Psalter 141:2 2 mine bene || bealde swylce / on his gesihþe || symble ageote / and
The Paris Psalter 143:5 2 gesceaft || mihtum idel / beoþ his dagas swylce || demde gelice /
The Paris Psalter 144:3 3 lde mode || herian swiþe / nis his micelmodes || mægenes ende / /
The Paris Psalter 144:9 3 ne || milde and bliþe / syndan his miltsa || ofer us mære weorc
The Paris Psalter 144:14 2 dædum getreowe / and on eallum his weorcum || wis and halig / / # /
The Paris Psalter 144:18 1 # / soþfæst is drihten || on his sylfes wegum / eallum on eorþa
The Paris Psalter 144:18 3 þan || and he æfter þan / on his weorcum is || wis and halig / /
The Paris Psalter 144:19 3 ge || seceaþ and ciegaþ / and his willan her || wyrceaþ georne
The Paris Psalter 144:19 4 an her || wyrceaþ georne / and his ege swylce || elne ræfnaþ / h
The Paris Psalter 144:21 4 a gehwylc || þurh fæle word / his þone haligan naman || her bl
The Paris Psalter 145:4 3 d || geara fultumiend / and ær his hiht on god || hæfde fæste /
The Paris Psalter 145:6 1 im on || ahwær syndon / / # / he his soþfæst word || swylce gehe
The Paris Psalter 145:6 2 lce gehealdeþ / and on worulde his || wise domas / deþ gedefe ||
The Paris Psalter 146:5 2 is ure || mihtig drihten / and his mægen is micel || and mihtum
The Paris Psalter 146:5 3 micel || and mihtum strang / ne his snytru mæg || secgean ænig /
The Paris Psalter 146:12 3 || dædum and wordum / and on his milde mod || mægene gewenaþ
The Paris Psalter 147:4 1 ecynnes || holde lynde / / # / he his spræce hider || spowendlice /
The Paris Psalter 147:4 3 eorþan || ærest sendeþ / and his word yrneþ || wundrum sniome
The Paris Psalter 147:6 1 þ || wide swa æscean / / # / he his cristallum || cynnum sendeþ /
The Paris Psalter 147:7 1 standan || stiþe mode / / # / he his word sendeþ || þuruh windes
The Paris Psalter 147:8 1 re || weorþeþ sniome / / # / he his word eac || ær mid wisdome / g
The Paris Psalter 147:8 3 oresægde / and israhele || eac his domas / / # / ne dyde he ahwær s
The Paris Psalter 147:9 2 || eldran cynne / þæt he him his domas || digle gecydde
The Paris Psalter 148:2 2 as / lofige hine swylce || eall his leodmægen / / # / herigen hine s
The Paris Psalter 148:8 3 and yste || ealra gastas / þe his word willaþ || wyrcean georn
The Paris Psalter 148:13 1 s || mid neodlofe / / # / forþon his anes nama || ofer ealle is / ah
The Paris Psalter 148:13 3 leþa ealra / is upp ahafen || his andetness / heah ofer myclum ||
The Paris Psalter 148:14 5 lce || and hi forþ heonan / on his neaweste || neode wunian
The Paris Psalter 149:1 3 e sang || nu-þa singaþ / wese his herenes || on haligra / clænre
The Paris Psalter 149:3 1 þust ealra # || / / # / herigen his naman || neode on þreatum / on
The Paris Psalter 149:4 1 singaþ georne / / # / forþon on his folce is || fægere drihtne / w
The Paris Psalter 150:1 1 / # / heriaþ on þam halgum || his holdne drihten / heriaþ hine o
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2 oldne drihten / heriaþ hine on his mægenes || mære hælu / / # / h
The Paris Psalter 150:2 1 / # / heriaþ hine swylce || on his heahmihtum / heriaþ hine æfte
The Paris Psalter 150:2 2 m / heriaþ hine æfter mode || his mægenþrymmes / / # / heriaþ hi
The Paris Psalter 51:6 3 r || fæstne gelyfde / ac he on his welan spede || wræste getruw
The Paris Psalter 52:1 1 aris Psalter: Psalm 52 / / # / on his heortan cwæþ || unhydig sum
The Paris Psalter 52:3 2 / ofer manna bearn || hwæþer his mihta þa / andgyt ænig || eal
The Paris Psalter 52:7 3 || nymþe sylfa god / þonne he his folc || fægere alyseþ / of h
The Paris Psalter 54:10 1 || ealle wealde / / # / næfre on his weorþige || wea aspringe / mea
The Paris Psalter 54:19 3 daþ / heo besmitaþ || swylce his sylfes / þa gewitnesse || þæ
The Paris Psalter 54:19 7 geseon æfre / forþon hit wæs his heortan || gehygde neah / / # / h
The Paris Psalter 56:4 1 ædan / / # / sende mihtig god || his milde gehigd / and his soþfæs
The Paris Psalter 56:4 2 g god || his milde gehigd / and his soþfæst mod || samod ætgæ
The Paris Psalter 56:4 2 don. / / # / Sende mehtiġ god || his milde ġe·hyġd / and his sō
The Paris Psalter 56:4 3 d || his milde ġe·hyġd / and his sōþfæst mōd || samod æt
The Paris Psalter 57:6 3 nde || eorþe forswelgeþ / swa his bogan bendeþ || oþþæt bit
The Paris Psalter 57:6 4 tere eft / adl on seteþ || swa his geearnuncg byþ / / # / swa weax
The Paris Psalter 57:9 3 san || ealle forweorþaþ / and his handa þwehþ || on hæþenra
The Paris Psalter 57:10 1 and þonne man cweþeþ || on his modsefan / þis is wæstm || wi
The Paris Psalter 57:10 3 æstm || wises and goodes / þe his soþfæst weorc || symble læ
The Paris Psalter 60:5 2 ær byþ gedefe cynincg / beoþ his winter eac || wynnum iced / oþ
The Paris Psalter 61:12 4 þæt he manna gehwam / æfter his agenum || earnungum demeþ / ef
The Paris Psalter 63:8 4 rc godes || wide mærsian / and his weorc ongitan || mid wisdome /
The Paris Psalter 64:4 3 and hine clæne hafaþ / and on his earduncgstowum || eardaþ sy
The Paris Psalter 65:1 3 m wislicum || wide herian / and his naman secgeaþ || neode mid s
The Paris Psalter 65:2 1 / / # / and gode secgeaþ || hu his þa goodan weorc / syndon wundo
The Paris Psalter 65:4 2 weorc / drihten worhte || synt his domas eac / swiþe egeslice ||
The Paris Psalter 65:6 1 reddian || eorþan gelice / / # / his mægen wealdeþ || ofer eall
The Paris Psalter 65:15 1 yde || minre sawle / / # / þuruh his mihte ic || muþe cleopige / o
The Paris Psalter 65:18 3 ine bene || bealde gehyrde / ne his milde mod || me dyde fremde
The Paris Psalter 66:6 4 er god || eac bletsige / hæbbe his egesan eall || eorþan gemær
The Paris Psalter 67:1 2 / arise god || ricene weorþe / his feonda gehwylc || fæste towo
The Paris Psalter 67:1 3 ylc || fæste toworpen / fleoþ his ansyne || þa þe hine feodan
The Paris Psalter 67:4 2 ode || sealmas geneahhige / and his naman swylce || neode heriaþ
The Paris Psalter 67:5 1 mned drihten / / # / wesaþ ge on his gesyhþe || symble bliþe / and
The Paris Psalter 67:5 2 yhþe || symble bliþe / and on his ansyne wesan || ealle gedrefd
The Paris Psalter 67:6 1 ge fæderas / / # / drihten is on his stowe || dema halig / se þe ea
The Paris Psalter 67:7 1 healdeþ blisse / / # / se þe on his mægenes || mihte gelædeþ /
The Paris Psalter 67:8 1 / # / þonne god gangeþ || for his þæt gleawe folc / oþþe geon
The Paris Psalter 68:36 3 gytaþ || esnas drihtenes / and his naman || neode lufiaþ / þær
The Paris Psalter 70:10 3 onne we hine forgripen || and his geara ehtan / syþþan he ne h
The Paris Psalter 71:4 1 u eac || soþum dædum / / # / on his soþfæstnesse || swylce deme
The Paris Psalter 71:7 1 rþan || upon dreopaþ / / # / on his agenum dagum || ypped weorþe
The Paris Psalter 71:9 2 elwearas || seceaþ ealle / and his feondas || foldan liccigeaþ /
The Paris Psalter 71:14 3 iora sawle || softe alysde / ys his nama for him || neode gebyrht
The Paris Psalter 71:16 3 s up / ofer libanum || licgeaþ his yþa / and on burgum beoþ || b
The Paris Psalter 71:17 1 ute on lande / / # / þonne byþ his nama || ofer eall niþa bearn
The Paris Psalter 71:17 3 eorþeþ gebletsod / ær sunnan his nama || soþfæst standeþ / by
The Paris Psalter 71:17 4 ma || soþfæst standeþ / byþ his setl ær || swylce þonne mon
The Paris Psalter 71:19 4 undor mycel || wyrceþ ana / si his mihta nama || mode gebletsad /
The Paris Psalter 71:20 2 þe si || eall gefylled / þurh his wuldres miht || wese swa wese
The Paris Psalter 72:13 4 | wolde gangan / oþþæt ic on his hus || halig gange / and ic þa
The Paris Psalter 73:13 2 dracan || mihtum forcome / and his þæt hearde || heafod gescæ
The Paris Psalter 75:1 2 geara cuþ || mid iudeum / and his æþele nama || mid israelum /
The Paris Psalter 75:2 1 mid israelum / / # / is on sibbe his stow || soþe behealden / and h
The Paris Psalter 76:7 3 oweorpan / ne us witnian || for his weldædum / oþþe wiþ ende ||
The Paris Psalter 76:7 5 wiþ ende || æfre to worulde / his milde mod || mannum afyrran / o
The Paris Psalter 76:8 4 oþþe on yrre || æfre wille / his milde mod || mannum dyrnan / / #
The Paris Psalter 77:5 2 symble || leofum drihtne / and his þa myclan miht || mænigu wu
The Paris Psalter 77:9 2 e hiht || to gode hæfdan / and his weorþlicu || weorc gemundon /
The Paris Psalter 77:12 2 gan drihtnes / gewitnesse || ne his weorca æ / awiht wislice || wo
The Paris Psalter 77:23 4 gegleded fyr || on iacobe / and his yrre barn || on israhelas / / #
The Paris Psalter 77:31 2 sum || ihtan synne / and noldan his wundrum || wel gelyfan / / # / hi
The Paris Psalter 77:42 1 n / / # / na gemynd hæfdan || hu his seo mycle hand / on gewindæge
The Paris Psalter 77:52 1 me || folce chames / / # / þa he his folc genam || swa fæle sceap
The Paris Psalter 77:54 2 ofre byrig / and haligre || þa his hand begeat / / # / and he manige
The Paris Psalter 77:56 3 nne god / gebysmredan || noldon his bebodu / fæste healdan # || / /
The Paris Psalter 77:58 1 wendan and cyrdan / / # / swa hi his yrre || oft aweahtan / þonne h
The Paris Psalter 77:60 2 me wiþsoc || snytruhuse / wæs his agen hus || þær he eard gen
The Paris Psalter 77:62 1 n feondes hand / / # / sealde þa his swæs folc || sweorde under e
The Paris Psalter 77:62 2 olc || sweorde under ecge / and his yrfe eac || eall forhogode / / #
The Paris Psalter 77:66 1 an || wine druncen / / # / he þa his feondas sloh || and him ætf
The Paris Psalter 77:68 2 a anhornan || ealra gelicast / his halige hus || her on eorþan /
The Paris Psalter 77:71 2 facne || fedeþ syþþan / and his folmum syþþan || hi forþ l
The Paris Psalter 78:7 2 n hi iacob || geara ætan / and his wicstede || westan gelome / / #
The Paris Psalter 79:9 2 eforan || worhtest rihtne / and his wyrtruman || wræstne settest
The Paris Psalter 79:10 1 e wearþ || eall gefylled / / # / his se brada scua || beorgas þea
The Paris Psalter 79:10 2 a scua || beorgas þeahte / and his tanas astigun || godes cedder
The Paris Psalter 79:12 1 n þu towurpe || weallfæsten his / wealdeþ his winbyrig || eall
The Paris Psalter 79:12 2 || weallfæsten his / wealdeþ his winbyrig || eall þæt on weg
The Paris Psalter 79:14 6 d ofer mannes sunu || þe þu his mihte ær / under þe getrymede
The Paris Psalter 79:16 2 r / and ofer mannes sunu || þu his mihta þe / geagnadest || ealle
The Paris Psalter 84:7 3 efan || mælan wille / sybbe he his folces || seceþ geornast / and
The Paris Psalter 84:8 2 forswiþe neah / þam þe egsan his || elne healdaþ / hæleþ mid
The Paris Psalter 86:1 1 salter: Psalm 86 / / # / healdaþ his staþelas || halige beorgas / l
The Paris Psalter 88:3 5 sware || ær benemde / þæt ic his cynne || and cneowmagum / on ec
The Paris Psalter 88:8 2 e sæs || wealdest mihtum / þu his yþum miht || ana gesteoran /
The Paris Psalter 88:21 1 arn || ænig sceþþan / / # / of his ansyne || ealle ic aceorfe / þ
The Paris Psalter 88:21 3 feondas || fæcne syndon / and his ehtendas || ealle geflyme / / #
The Paris Psalter 88:22 4 n naman minum || neode swylce / his horn biþ ahafen || heane on
The Paris Psalter 88:23 1 || heane on mihtum / / # / and ic his swiþran hand || settan þenc
The Paris Psalter 88:32 3 ne leoge / þæt on ecnesse || his agen cynn / wunaþ on wicum ||
The Paris Psalter 88:33 5 nes þines || ealle gewemdest / his halignesse || her on eorþan /
The Paris Psalter 88:34 1 her on eorþan / / # / ealle þu his weallas || wide todældest / to
The Paris Psalter 88:34 2 de todældest / towurpe fæsten his || for folcegsan / / # / hine þa
The Paris Psalter 88:36 2 e || heah ehtendra / gebrohtest his feondas || fæcne on blisse / /
The Paris Psalter 88:38 2 nesse || clæne alysdest / setl his gesettest || sorglic on eorþ
The Paris Psalter 88:39 1 || sorglic on eorþan / / # / þu his dagena tid || deorce gescyrte
The Paris Psalter 88:42 3 þþe hwylc manna is || þæt his agene / fram helle locum || saw
The Paris Psalter 90:4 1 | hearmum worde / / # / he me mid his gesculdrum || sceade beþeaht
The Paris Psalter 90:11 1 wær sceþþan / / # / forþon he his englum bebead || þæt hi mid
The Paris Psalter 90:16 1 e / / # / ic hine generige || and his naman swylce / gewuldrige || ge
The Paris Psalter 91:1 2 geara andette / and neodlice || his naman asinge / þone heahestan
The Paris Psalter 91:2 3 lde wearþ || manna cynne / and his soþe || sæcge nihtes / / # / hw
The Paris Psalter 91:12 2 || on godes huse / þæt ge on his wicum || wel geblowan / / # / nu
The Paris Psalter 93:9 6 ealdeþ || eallum þeodum / and his þrea ne si || þær for awih
The Paris Psalter 93:12 2 re wiþdrifeþ || drihten ure / his agen folc || ne his yrfe þon
The Paris Psalter 93:12 2 ihten ure / his agen folc || ne his yrfe þon ma / on ealdre wile |
The Paris Psalter 93:19 3 and gestaþelad / is me fultum his || fæst on drihtne / / # / þonn
The Paris Psalter 94:2 1 e || hyldo gebeodan / / # / wutun his ansyne || ærest secean / þæt
The Paris Psalter 94:4 2 wiþdrifeþ || drihten usser / his agen folc || æfre æt þearf
The Paris Psalter 94:5 2 || and he sette þone / worhte his folme eac || foldan drige / / #
The Paris Psalter 94:7 2 n god || dema usser / wærun we his fæle folc || and his fægere
The Paris Psalter 94:7 2 run we his fæle folc || and his fægere sceap / þa he on his e
The Paris Psalter 94:7 3 d his fægere sceap / þa he on his edisce || ær afedde / / # / gif
The Paris Psalter 95:2 1 || eceum drihtne / / # / secgeaþ his wuldor || geond sigeþeode / an
The Paris Psalter 95:2 1 # / Singaþ nū drihtne || and his sōðne naman / bealde blētsia
The Paris Psalter 95:2 2 eode / and on eallum folcum || his fægere wundor / / # / singaþ nu
The Paris Psalter 95:3 1 / # / singaþ nu drihtne || and his soþne naman / bealde bletsiaþ
The Paris Psalter 95:3 2 dryhtnes hǣlu. / / # / Seċġaþ his wuldor || ġond siġe-þēode
The Paris Psalter 95:3 3 ode, / and on eallum folcum || his fæġere% wunder. / / # / Hē is
The Paris Psalter 95:8 2 lice lac || and in gangaþ / on his wictunas || weorþiaþ drihte
The Paris Psalter 95:8 3 unas || weorþiaþ drihten / on his þære halgan || healle genea
The Paris Psalter 95:9 1 || healle geneahhige / / # / for his ansyne sceal || eorþe beofia
The Paris Psalter 95:10 2 riht || folcum demeþ / and on his yrre || ealle þeode / / # / heof
The Paris Psalter 97:9 2 demeþ / soþe and rihte || and his syndrig folc / on rihtnesse ||
The Paris Psalter 97:9 3 meþ / sōðe and rihte || and his syndriġ folc / on rihtnesse ||
The Paris Psalter 98:5 3 serne god || ellencræfte / and his fota sceamul || forþ weorþi
The Paris Psalter 98:6 3 s || samuhel þridda / þa gode his naman || neode cigdan / / # / hi
The Paris Psalter 98:8 2 witnesse || wel geheoldon / and his bebodu || beorhte efnedan / þa
The Paris Psalter 98:10 3 iaþ / mærum beorge || forþon his meahte synt / and halig is || h
The Paris Psalter 99:2 3 god / he us geworhte || and we his syndon / / # / we his folc syndan
The Paris Psalter 99:3 1 e || and we his syndon / / # / we his folc syndan || and his fæle
The Paris Psalter 99:3 1 / # / we his folc syndan || and his fæle sceap / þa he on his edi
The Paris Psalter 99:3 2 and his fæle sceap / þa he on his edisce || ealle afedde / gaþ n
The Paris Psalter 99:3 3 ce || ealle afedde / gaþ nu on his doru || god andettaþ / and hin
The Metres of Boethius: Proem 8 onne he swelces lyt / gymð for his gilpe. || Ic sceal giet sprec
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 58 ara ara || and ealdrihta / þe his eldran mid him || ahton longe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 39 fre þy eþ || ænne wræccan / his cræftes beniman || þe mon o
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 41 | and þisne swiftan rodor / of his rihtryne || rinca ænig / hwa w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 23 || ealle gesceafta / gebæt mid his bridle || hafaþ butu gedon / e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 28 an || þonne him sigora weard / his gewealdleþer || wille onlæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 32 ærod || hefonrices weard / mid his anwealde || ealle gesceafta /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 53 abban under heofonum || þæt his hige durre / gemetgian || ær h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 77 bridla || þe he gebætte mid / his agen weorc || eall æt frymþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 28 a || swa swa londes ceorl / of his æcere lycþ || yfel weod mon
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 3 || ealla gesceafta / bryrþ mid his bridlum || begþ þider he wi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 4 m || begþ þider he wile / mid his anwalde || ge endebyrd / wundor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 8 ealla gesceafta / geræped mid his racentan || þæt hi aredian
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 67 gene || eft symle onlyt / wiþ his gecyndes || cymþ to þonne h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 2 m welegan || woruldgitsere / on his mode þe bet || þeah he mice
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 8 sunnan || suþ west and east / his anwalde || eall underþieded /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 6 orulde || witena gehwelcum / on his lifdagum || laþ and unweorþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 8 l || hwæt se feond swa þeah / his diorlingas || duguþum stepte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 2 eal he ærest tilian / þæt he his selfes || on sefan age / anwald
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 4 nnan || þy læs he æfre sie / his unþeawum || eall underþyded
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 5 um || eall underþyded / ado of his mode || mislicra fela / þara y
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 20 t eall || agan mote / hwy biþ his anwald || auhte þy mara / gif
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 21 y mara / gif he siþþan nah || his selfes geweald / ingeþances ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 24 ilc mon || þe mid ealle biþ / his unþeawum || underþieded / he
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 26 rest || lifes frumsceaft / and his agene || æþelo swa selfe / an
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 30 hit is þin agen / forþæm hit his utan || ne com auht to þe / ac
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 143 || þe we ymb sprecaþ / hæfþ his agenne || eard onsundran / biþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 155 t hit fiolan ne mæg / eft æt his eþle || þær þæt oþer fy
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 160 || wilnaþ þiderweard / þær his mægþe biþ || mæst ætgæd
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 8 hte / sece þæt siþþan || on his sefan innan / and forlæte an |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 12 mæge / ealle to þæm anum || his ingeþonc / gesecge his mode ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 13 anum || his ingeþonc / gesecge his mode || þæt hit mæg findan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 18 net || eal þæt he hæfde / on his incofan || æror lange / efne s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 21 on locian / and he eac ongit || his ingeþonc / leohtre and berhtre
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 47 gne || gif he awuht nafaþ / on his modsefan || mycles ne lytles /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 59 emynde || he mæg siþþan / on his runcofan || rihtwisnesse / find
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 63 swiþost / and mid hefinesse || his lichoman / and mid þæm bisgum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 37 ra || eorþan cyninga / se mid his bridle || ymbebæted hæfþ / y
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 39 ne || eorþan and heofones / he his gewaldleþer || wel gemetgaþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 21 walde || þe him anra gehwilc / his tirwina || to fultemaþ / gif m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 29 e wyrsa ne biþ || ne wene ic his na beteran / gif him þonne æf
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 53 res || him þæt eall gehæt / his recelest || rihtes ne scrife
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 57 anlepra ælc || a wilnode / for his agenum || ealdgecynde / unrihtw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 9 and retie || rices hirde / wæs his freadrihtnes || folccuþ nama
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 66 i on sefan lufode / þæt he to his earde || ænige nyste / modes m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 88 diore || swelcum he æror / on his lifdagum || gelicost wæs / but
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 95 eþonc / hæfde anra gehwylc || his agen mod / þæt wæs þeah swi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 17 is þæt earmlic þing / þæt his gebidan ne magon || burgsitte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 32 one monnan || mode lufian / and his unþeawas || ealle hatian / and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 63 gecerreþ / ismere ænlic || on his agen gecynd / weorþeþ to wæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 69 a gehwæm || wundor þince / on his modsefan || micle læsse / unst
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 28 t under weorulde || werþioda his / noman onwendaþ || þonne nih
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 82 buendra / ealla gesceafta || on his ærendo / hionane he sendeþ ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 5 sgunga || þonne hit winnende / his agen leoht || an forlæteþ / a
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 15 wyrhta || weorulde gesceafta / his agen weorc || eall geondwlite
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 1 wæt þu meaht ongitan || gif his þe geman lyst / þætte mislic
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 17 æþ || metodes gesceafta / mid his andwlitan || up on gerihte / mi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 18 / mid þy is getacnod || þæt his treowa sceal / and his modgeþo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 19 || þæt his treowa sceal / and his modgeþonc || ma up þonne ni
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 20 an to heofonum || þy læs he his hige wende / niþer swa þær n
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 15 || rihte floweþ / irneþ wiþ his eardes || oþ him on innan fe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 20 nden || broc biþ onwended / of his rihtryne || ryþum toflowen / s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 1 tre 7 / / þa ongon se wisdom || his gewunan fylgan / gliowordum gol
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 32 e wlite || wyrce him siþþan / his modes hus || þær he mæge f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 47 le gehealdeþ / anwunigendne || his agenum / modes gesælþum || þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 37 weorþ on weorulde || gif mon his willan ongeat / yfelne mid eldu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 3 worhte / romwara cyning || þa his rice wæs / hehst under heofonu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 10 orbærnan / romana burig || sio his rices wæs / ealles eþelstol |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 22 t he wolde || ofer werþiode / his anes huru || anwald cyþan / ea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 29 on uppan || agene broþor / and his modor mid || meca ecgum / billu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 30 a ecgum / billum ofbeatan || he his bryde ofslog / self mid sweorde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 51 ice berædan || and bereafian / his anwaldes || þurh þa ecan me
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 52 urh þa ecan meaht / oþþe him his yfeles || elles gestioran / eal
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 57 alra þara hæleþa || þe on his tidum / geond þas lænan worol
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 60 on unscyldgum || eorla blode / his sweord selede || swiþe gelom
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 63 godes / gif se wel nele || þe his geweald hafaþ
Metrical Psalm 90:16 1 90:16 / / Ic hine generie || and his næmæn swilce / gewuldrige ||
Metrical Psalm 91:1 2 ræ ændette / and neodlice || his næmæn æsinge / þone heæhes
Metrical Psalm 91:12 2 e || on godes huse / þet ge on his wicum || wel geblowen.
Metrical Psalm 91:2 3 e weærð || mænnæ cyne / and his soðe || sege neæhtes.
Metrical Psalm 93:12 2 e% wiðdrifeð || drihten ure / his ægen folc || ne his yrfe ðo
Metrical Psalm 93:12 2 hten ure / his ægen folc || ne his yrfe ðon ma / on ealdre wile |
Metrical Psalm 93:19 3 and gestæþeled / is me fultum his || fest on drihtne.
Metrical Psalm 93:9 6 ealdað || eallum ðeodum / and his ðrea ne sio || þa for awiht
Metrical Psalm 94:2 1 # Metrical Psalm 94:2 / / Wutun his% ansine || arest seceæn / þet
Metrical Psalm 94:4 2 wiðdrifeð || drihten usser / his agen folc || æfre æð ðeæ
Metrical Psalm 94:5 2 || and he sette ðone / worhte his folme eæc || foldæn drige.
Metrical Psalm 94:7 2 en god || dema usser / werum we his fele folc || and his fægere
Metrical Psalm 94:7 2 werum we his fele folc || and his fægere sceæp / þæ he% on hi
Metrical Psalm 94:7 3 is fægere sceæp / þæ he% on his edisce || ær æfedde.
Metrical Psalm 95:2 1 2 / / Singæð nu drihtne || and his soðne næmæn
The Battle of Brunanburh 2 ryhten / beorna beahgifa || and his broþor eac / eadmund æþeling
The Battle of Brunanburh 38 se froda || mid fleame com / on his cyþþe norþ || costontinus /
The Battle of Brunanburh 40 rfte / mæca gemanan || he wæs his mæga sceard / freonda gefylled
The Battle of Brunanburh 42 de / beslagen æt sæcce || and his sunu forlet / on wælstowe || w
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 12 age || oþ hie alysde eft / for his weorþscipe || wiggendra hleo
The Death of Edgar 10 life / beorna beahgyfa || feng his bearn syþþan / to cynerice ||
The Death of Edgar 23 end / rodera rædend || þa man his riht tobræc / and þa wearþ e
The Death of Alfred 2 | and hine on hæft sette / and his geferan he todraf || and sume
A.6.10.5 7 and hine on hæft sette, / and his ġe·fēran hē tō·drāf ||
Durham 17 cheþe / lerde lustum || and he his lara wel genom / eardiæþ æt
The Rune Poem 28 to hæle gehwæþre || gif hi his hlystaþ æror / is byþ oferce
The Rune Poem 59 rofur / monn byþ on myrgþe || his magan leof / sceal þeah anra g
A.6.13 47 tō be·gangenne || þǣm þe his gāst wile / meltan wiþ morðr
Solomon and Saturn 51 dum / to begonganne || þam þe his gast wile / meltan wiþ morþre
A.6.13 95 || hē ne be·sċēawaþ nā / his limona liþ, || ne biþ him l
Solomon and Saturn 100 concan || he ne besceawaþ no / his leomona liþ || ne biþ him l
A.6.13 154 s tilian; / ā·wrīteþ hē on his wǣpne || wæl-nota hēap, / be
Solomon and Saturn 159 lifes tiligan / awriteþ he on his wæpne || wællnota heap / beal
A.6.13 159 sċeall singan, || þonne hē his sweord ġe·tēo, / Pāter Nost
A.6.13 162 fe / feorh and folme, || þonne his fēond cyme’. / ‘swīce, ||
Solomon and Saturn 164 he sceal singan || þonne he his sweord geteo / pater noster ||
Solomon and Saturn 167 ife / feorh and folme || þonne his feond cyme / // swice || ær he
A.6.13 171 an ġe·fēred; || nǣfre ǣr his ferhþ ā·hlōh. / Hwæt. || I
Solomon and Saturn 176 feorran gefered || næfre ær his ferhþ ahlog / hwæt ic flitan
A.6.13 17 || inn-gang rȳmaþ. / Ġīet his sweord sċīeneþ% || swīðe
Solomon and Saturn 22 es oroþ || ingang rymaþ / git his sweord scineþ || swiþe gesc
A.6.13 61 ere, / swīðe swingeþ || and his searu hringeþ, / ġielleþ ġ
A.6.13 62 ielleþ ġōmorlīċe || and his gryn sefaþ, / wielleþ hine on
A.6.13 65 seldlīċe; || seldum ǣfre / his lēoma liċġaþ. || Langaþ
Solomon and Saturn 73 nhiere / swiþe swingeþ || and his searo hringeþ / gilleþ geomor
Solomon and Saturn 74 eþ / gilleþ geomorlice || and his gyrn sefaþ / wylleþ hine on
Solomon and Saturn 77 ggeþ syllice || seldum æfre / his leoma licggaþ || longaþ hin
A.6.13 155 wāt || on weorold-rīċe / on his mǣġ-winum || māran āre’
A.6.13 170 orĝe, || siþþan drēoĝeþ / his earfoþu || orleġ-stunde. / H
Solomon and Saturn 186 sa ne wat || in woroldrice / on his mægwinum || maran are / salomo
A.6.13 194 mōt || stillan nēahtes’. / ‘His līfes fæðme. || Simle hit
A.6.13 194 es fæðme. || Simle hit biþ his lāreowum hīersum; / full oft
Solomon and Saturn 204 to sorge || siþþan dreogeþ / his earfoþu || orlegstunde / heo
A.6.13 211 cunnaþ hwonne mōte / fȳr on his frumsċeaft || on fæder ġea
A.6.13 212 | on fæder ġeardas, / eft tō his ēðle, || þanon hit ǣror c
Solomon and Saturn 222 dig eorl || eaþe geceosan / on his modsefan || mildne hlaford / an
Solomon and Saturn 232 neahtes / salomon cwæþ # || / his lifes fæþme || simle hit bi
Solomon and Saturn 232 fes fæþme || simle hit biþ his lareowum hyrsum / full oft hit
A.6.13 236 ē biþ mōdes glēaw / and tō his frēondum wile || fultum sē
A.6.13 247 and þæs ofer-mōdan; / Ōðer his drihtne hīerde, || ōðer hi
A.6.13 248 rnan, || cwæþ þæt hē mid his ġe·sīðum wolde / hȳðan ea
Solomon and Saturn 249 | cunnaþ hwænne mote / fyr on his frumsceaft || on fæder geard
Solomon and Saturn 250 t || on fæder geardas / eft to his eþle || þanon hit æror cuo
A.6.13 250 ðan dǣle, || oþ·þæt hē his tornes% ne% cūðe / ende þurh
A.6.13 274 ǣr sē dæġ cyme / þæt sīe his cālend-cwide || ā·runnen / a
Solomon and Saturn 276 if he biþ modes gleaw / and to his freondum wile || fultum secan
A.6.13 278 ē sċeall be·healdan || hū his hyġe wille%; / grǣdiġ% grōw
A.6.13 286 healde, / metodes miltse || and his mǣĝa rǣd, / ōðer hine tyht
Solomon and Saturn 289 || and þæs ofermodan / oþer his dryhtne hierde || oþer him o
A.6.13 289 ġe·mynda || and þurh þæt his mōd hweteþ, / lǣdeþ hine an
Solomon and Saturn 290 byrnan || cwæþ þæt he mid his gesiþum wolde / hiþan eall he
A.6.13 291 ond land spaneþ, / oþ·þæt his eġe biþ, || æf-þuncum ful
Solomon and Saturn 292 teoþan dæle || oþþæt he his tornes ne cuþe / ende þurh in
A.6.13 298 e || on weġ faran / enġel tō his earde || and þæt eall saĝa
Solomon and Saturn 317 || ær se dæg cyme / þæt sie his calendcwide || arunnen / and hi
Solomon and Saturn 322 eþ / se sceall behealdan || hu his hyge wille / grædig growan ||
Solomon and Saturn 2 healde / metodes miltse || and his mæga ræd / oþer hine tyhteþ
Solomon and Saturn 5 misgemynda || and þurh þæt his mod hweteþ / lædeþ hine and
Solomon and Saturn 7 e geond land spaneþ / oþþæt his ege biþ || æfþancum full /
Solomon and Saturn 14 ende || on weg faran / engel to his earde || and þæt eall saga
The Menologium 31 and twa || þeodum gewelhwær / his cyme calend || ceorlum and eo
The Menologium 50 || eorlas healdaþ / heahengel his || se hælo abead / marian mycl
The Menologium 172 gleaw || gast onsende / matheus his || to metodsceafte / in ecne ge
The Menologium 217 ele andreas || up on roderum / his gast ageaf || on godes wære /
The Menologium 225 aldum beornwigan || bletsunga his / þænne emb feower niht || þ
The Menologium 227 niht || þætte fæder engla / his sunu sende || on þas sidan g
The Judgment Day II 20 dæleð and todemeð || ðurh his dihlan miht / ic gemunde eac ||
The Judgment Day II 49 cene onbindan / ne mid swiðran his || swyðe nele brysan / wanhydi
The Judgment Day II 60 e swa ðeah || deaðe gehende / his bena bebead || breostgehigdum
The Judgment Day II 62 lyt wordum || ac geleaffullum / his hæle begeat || and help rece
The Judgment Day II 120 brohte / æghwanum cumene || to his ansyne / ðæt gehwylc underfo
The Judgment Day II 122 t gehwylc underfo || / dom be his dædum || æt drihtne sylfum /
The Judgment Day II 252 mod bliðe || on woruld ealle / his ðeodne geðeon || and ðonne
The Judgment Day II 279 heofonsetle || hean geregnað / his sunu bliðe || sigores brytta
The Rewards of Piety 40 t || / swiðor micle || ðonne his sylfes gewil / warna ðe georne
The Gloria I 42 ð / cyning innan wuldre || and his ða gecorenan / heahðrymnesse
The Creed 36 sine / runum arette || and ða his rice began / ðone uplican || e
Fragment of Psalm 102 1 ihten / and eall min inneran || his ðone ecan naman / / # / bletsige
Psalm 50 19 an het || selfum gecyðan / ymb his womdeda || waldendes doom / ð
Psalm 50 20 doom / ðæt se fruma wære || his feores sceldig / for ðam ðe h
Psalm 50 25 a || ðe he godes eorre / ðurh his selfes weorc || sona anfunde /
Psalm 50 28 || and to dryhtne gebæd / and his synna hord || selfa ontende / g
A.6.28 13 nihtes || dēofle campaþ / and his willan wyrcþ; || wā him ð
A.6.28 18 es || drihtne hīeraþ / and ā his willan wyrcþ; || wēl him þ
Aldhelm 15 oethia || biddan georne / ðurh his modes gemind || [micro in cos
The Seasons for Fasting 5 ahcyning || her on life / ðurh his sylfes word || sette for leod
The Seasons for Fasting 35 e / hyht and gehateð || gyf we his willað / ðurh rihtne sefan ||
The Seasons for Fasting 113 cræft || bæle behlæned / of his haligan || handa gescrifene / h
The Seasons for Fasting 164 mes gemyndig / ðæt he stræla his || stellan mihte / on ðam lich
The Seasons for Fasting 196 ngian || ðreale hwilcum / wið his arwesan || gyf he him ærur h
Cædmon's Hymn, Northumbrian Version 2 s uard / metudæs maecti || end his modgidanc / uerc uuldurfadur ||
Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version 2 weard / meotodes meahte || and his modgeðanc / weorc wuldorfæder
Bede's Death Song, Northumbrian Version 3 f sie / to ymbhycggannae || aer his hiniongae / huaet his gastae ||
Bede's Death Song, Northumbrian Version 4 ae || aer his hiniongae / huaet his gastae || godaes aeththa yfla
Bede's Death Song, The Hague Version 3 iae || / to ymbhycgenne || aer his hinionge / hwet his gastæ || g
Bede's Death Song, The Hague Version 4 enne || aer his hinionge / hwet his gastæ || godes oððe yfles /
Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 3 earf sy / to gehicgenne || ær his heonengange / hwæt his gaste |
Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 4 || ær his heonengange / hwæt his gaste || godes oððe yfeles /
The Leiden Riddle 2 ta uong || uundrum freorig / ob his innaðae || aerest cændæ / ni
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 12 wende worda gehwelc || and me his writerum / sende suð and norð
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 14 bi ðære bisene || ðæt he his biscepum / sendan meahte || for
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 15 / sendan meahte || forðæm hi his sume ðorfton / ða ðe lædens
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 25 um || dryhtnes welle / fylle nu his fætels || se ðe fæstne hid
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 8 mæg se mon begytan || se ðe his modgeðanc / æltowe byð || an
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 9 towe byð || and ðonne ðurh his ingehygd / to ðissa haligra ||
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 23 les rices geweald / and eac swa his beahgifan || ðe him ðas bys
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 7 || mundum synum / geendigan || his aldre to willan / and him ðæs
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 10 || ðæt he on riht mote / oð his daga ende || drihten herigan /
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 1 ðis man sceal cweðan ðonne his ceapa hwilcne man for- / stolen
A.6.43.10 1 is man sċeall cweðan þonne his ċēapa hwelcne% man for- ||
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 2 n || in spiderwiht / hæfde him his haman on handa || cwæð ðæ
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 2 on handa || cwæð ðæt ðu his hæncgest wære / legde ðe his
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 3 his hæncgest wære / legde ðe his teage an sweoran || ongunnan
A.6.43.3 8 denman tō and ho hit on || / his swēoran, and dō man swā þ
A.6.43.3 10 || on spiderwiht%, / hæfde him his haman on handa, || cwæþ þ
A.6.43.3 10 n handa, || cwæþ þæt þū his henġest% wǣre, / leġde% þe%
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 9 nnan ðrym nihtum || cunne ic his mihta / his mægen and his miht
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 10 nihtum || cunne ic his mihta / his mægen and his mihta || and h
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 10 s mægen and his mihta || and his mundcræftas / eall he weornige
A.6.43.9 14 an þrymm nihtum || cunne iċ his meahta, / his mæġen and his m
A.6.43.9 15 his meahta, / his mæġen and his meahta || and his mund-cræft
A.6.43.9 15 mæġen and his meahta || and his mund-cræftas. / Eall hē weorn
Instructions for Christians 14 te do / wop and hreowe% || for his misdæda. / þonne is þæt oð
Instructions for Christians 48 ian || witona ænig / þæt he his% ælmessan || ofte gesyllæ; /
Instructions for Christians 51 / wom-dæda gehwas, || oððe his wita onleoht / her oððe on h
Instructions for Christians 65 o, || he bið lað Gode, / and his saul bið || swiðe scyldig. /
Instructions for Christians 68 feð, || mihtig drihten, / mid his handum twam || þurh þone ha
Instructions for Christians 72 e, || gif he on breostum can / his unwisdom || inne belucan, / þ
Instructions for Christians 74 notere || ðe symle wile / æt his heah-þearfe || forhelan his
Instructions for Christians 74 his heah-þearfe || forhelan his wisdom. / Ac þu scealt gelome
Instructions for Christians 100 || metes oððe drincas, / and his innoðe || riht gemetegað, /
Instructions for Christians 103 od on heofonum, / þæt he for his ege || ær gewonede. / Ac gif
Instructions for Christians 111 an / þæt he gelæran cunne || his leodscype / heofon-kyninges be
Instructions for Christians 130 lfne || to swiðe ahefð / for his ofer-mode, || he bið earm fo
Instructions for Christians 152 Crist onlænð, / þæt willan his || gewyrce georne. / Ne þearf
Instructions for Christians 167 eortan gehygde% || gehreowað his synna, / and fulfæstlice þen
Instructions for Christians 172 hine / fæderlice onfon || æt his forð-siðe. / Swa mon ma synna
Instructions for Christians 174 rlæt / drihtnes þancas || on his dæg-rime / swa maran þær mi
Instructions for Christians 187 | ða he þonne doð, / gif he his ælmyssan || alning dæleð. /
Instructions for Christians 217 ing || æfre forceorran / and his synna swa some, || þeah he s
Instructions for Christians 240 ignod, || þonne wolde ær / on his tale mette || tale wel þeign
The Battle of Finnsburh 13 oldhladen þegn || gyrde hine his swurde / þa to dura eodon || d
The Battle of Finnsburh 40 yldan / þonne hnæfe guldan || his hægstealdas / hig fuhton fif d
The Battle of Finnsburh 44 || on wæg gangan / sæde þæt his byrne || abrocen wære / heresc
The Battle of Finnsburh 45 sceorp unhror || and eac wæs his helm þyrel / þa hine sona fr
The Battle of Maldon 10 feng / eac him wolde eadric || his ealdre gelæstan / frean to gef
A.6.9 11 Ēac him wolde Ēad·rīċ || his ealdre ġe·lǣstan, / frēan t
The Battle of Maldon 15 t he gelæste / þa he ætforan his frean || feohtan sceolde / þa
A.6.9 16 e·læste / þā hē æt-foran his frēan || feohtan sċolde. / Þ
The Battle of Maldon 23 ær him leofost wæs / þær he his heorþwerod || holdost wiste /
A.6.9 24 him lēofost wæs, / ðǣr hē his heorð-weorod || holdost wiss
The Battle of Maldon 49 r stynt unforcuþ || eorl mid his werode / þe wile gealgean || e
A.6.9 51 stent unforcūþ || eorl mid his weorode, / þe wile ealĝian ||
The Battle of Maldon 74 wæs haten wulfstan / cafne mid his cynne || þæt wæs ceolan su
The Battle of Maldon 75 u / þe þone forman man || mid his francan ofsceat / þe þær bal
A.6.9 76 āten Wulf·stān, / cāfne mid his cynne, || þæt wæs Ċēolan
A.6.9 77 / þe þone forman mann || mid his francan of·sċēat / þe ðǣr
The Battle of Maldon 87 dan / þa se eorl ongan || for his ofermode / alyfan landes to fel
A.6.9 89 Þā sē eorl on·gann || for his ofer-mōde / ā·līefan landes
The Battle of Maldon 113 mæg || he mid billum wearþ / his swuster sunu || swiþe forhea
A.6.9 115 ġ; || hē mid billum wearþ, / his sweostor sunu, || swīðe for
The Battle of Maldon 116 eard || anne sloge / swiþe mid his swurde || swenges ne wyrnde /
The Battle of Maldon 118 eoll || fæge cempa / þæs him his þeoden || þanc gesæde / þam
A.6.9 120 ll || fǣġe cempa; / þæs him his þēoden || þanc ġe·sæġd
The Battle of Maldon 138 od wæs se fyrdrinc || he let his francan wadan / þurh þæs hys
A.6.9 140 s sē fyrd-rinċ; || hē lēt his francan wadan / þurh þæs hys
The Battle of Maldon 156 þæt se on eorþan læg / þe his þeoden ær || þearle geræh
A.6.9 158 æt sē on eorðan læġ / þe his þēoden ǣr || þearle ġe·
The Battle of Maldon 187 gehleop þone eoh || þe ahte his hlaford / on þam gerædum ||
The Battle of Maldon 189 m || þe hit riht ne wæs / and his broþru mid him || begen ærn
A.6.9 189 hlēop þone eoh || þe āhte his hālford, / on þām ġe·rǣdu
A.6.9 191 || þe hit riht ne wæs, / and his brōðru mid him || bēġen
The Battle of Maldon 226 e on foldan læg / forwegen mid his wæpne || ongan þa winas man
A.6.9 228 on foldan læġ / forweġen mid his wǣpne. || On·gann þā wina
The Battle of Maldon 240 cyldburh tobrocen || abreoþe his angin / þæt he her swa manign
The Battle of Maldon 242 ymde / leofsunu gemælde || and his linde ahof / bord to gebeorge |
A.6.9 244 Leof·sunu ġe·mǣlde || and his linde ā·hōf, / bord tō ġe
The Battle of Maldon 274 landes / ofer bæc bugan || þa his betera leg / he bræc þone bor
The Battle of Maldon 276 þa beornas feaht / oþþæt he his sincgyfan || on þam sæmannu
A.6.9 276 s, / ofer bæc būĝan, || þā his betera leġ. / Hē bræc þone
A.6.9 278 beornas feaht, / oþ·þæt hē his sinċ-ġiefan || on þām sǣ
The Battle of Maldon 287 e þeah geforþod || þæt he his frean gehet / swa he beotode æ
The Battle of Maldon 288 et / swa he beotode ær || wiþ his beahgifan / þæt hi sceoldon b
A.6.9 289 ah ġe·forþod || þæt hē his frēan ġe·hēt, / swā hē b
A.6.9 290 swā hē bēotode ǣr || wiþ his beah-ġiefan / þæt hīe sċol
hleoþre - 3 occurrences
Genesis A 1290 on him brego sægde / halig æt hleoþre || helm allwihta / hwæt he fah
The Paris Psalter 107:2 3 þe singan mote / and ic þe on hleoþre || hearpan swylce / on ærmerge
The Paris Psalter 150:3 1 nþrymmes / / # / heriaþ hine on hleoþre || holdre beman
hlēoðre - 5 occurrences
Genesis A 1290 m breĝu sæġde, / hāliġ æt hlēoðre, || helm æl-wihta, / hwæt hē
A.3.22.14 4 aþ, / hwīlum iċ tō hilde || hlēoðre banne / will-ġe·hlēðan, ||
A.3.22.8 4 erme, / healde mīne wīsan, || hlēoðre ne mīðe, / eald ǣfen-sċōp,
The Paris Psalter 107:2 3 singan mōte, / and iċ þē on hlēoðre || hearpan swelċe / on ǣr-mor
The Paris Psalter 150:3 1 rymmes. / / # / Herġaþ hine on hlēoðre || holdre bīeman. / / ‏‏‏
holdne - 13 occurrences
Genesis B 586 rnlice || gode þegnode / þurh holdne hyge || herran minum / drihtne
Genesis B 654 tacen || and treowa gehet / his holdne hyge || þa heo to hire hearr
Genesis B 708 gde / heo dyde hit þeah þurh holdne hyge || nyste þæt þær hea
Genesis A 2315 n me / hlaford habban || oþþe holdne freond / þinum fromcynne || ic
Guthlac B 1353 igferð || wat his sincgiefan / holdne biheledne || he sceal hean ð
Deor 39 fela wintra || folgað tilne / holdne hlaford || oððæt heorrenda
Beowulf 267 | wide geond eorðan / we ðurh holdne hige || hlaford ðinne / sunu h
Beowulf 376 a nu / heard her cumen || sohte holdne wine / ðonne sægdon ðæt ||
Beowulf 1979 ryhten / ðurh hleoðorcwyde || holdne gegrette / meaglum wordum || me
The Paris Psalter 113:18 2 on drihten / helpe gehogedan || holdne begeaton / fælne fultum || he
The Paris Psalter 134:21 1 getreowaþ / / # / hus israela || holdne drihten / bletsien bealde || bi
The Paris Psalter 150:1 1 heriaþ on þam halgum || his holdne drihten / heriaþ hine on his m
The Paris Psalter 77:19 3 ebrohtan / heora heafodweard || holdne on lande / / # / hi þa on heorta
holdre - 3 occurrences
The Paris Psalter 140:1 2 clypige / gehyr me hrædlice || holdre stefne / þonne ic bene to þe
The Paris Psalter 150:3 1 / heriaþ hine on hleoþre || holdre beman
The Paris Psalter 77:53 1 þe / / # / and he hi on hihte || holdre lædde / næs him on fyrhtu ||
hælu - 35 occurrences
Christ C 1654 n ylde / heofonduguða ðrym || hælu butan sare / ryhtfremmendum ||
The Whale 86 to him / on ðas hwilnan tid || hælu secan / ðæt we mid swa leofne
Guthlac A 171 ste bær / heofoncundne hyht || hælu geræhte / ecan lifes || him w
Guthlac A 435 lac sette / hyht in heofonas || hælu getreowde / hæfde feonda feng
Guthlac A 683 ðær is ryht cyning / help ond hælu || hæleða cynne / duguð ond
The Paris Psalter 106:31 2 lces / hean ahebbaþ || and him hælu and lof / on sotelum soþfæstr
The Paris Psalter 107:11 2 um || æþelne fultum / forþon hælu byþ || her on eorþan / manna
The Paris Psalter 115:4 1 e he me ærur dyde / / # / ic her hælu calic || hæbbe befangen / and
The Paris Psalter 117:14 3 / ys a to worulde || worden on hælu / / # / a byþ blisse stefn || be
The Paris Psalter 117:20 3 / and me þa gewurde || wis on hælu / / # / þone sylfan stan || þe
The Paris Psalter 117:27 3 fe / and þa wurde me || wis to hælu / / # / eac ic andette || eceum d
The Paris Psalter 118:41 2 hten / þæt milde mod || mære hælu / æfter þinre spræce || spow
The Paris Psalter 118:81 2 ur on mode / þær ic on þinre hælu || hogode and sohte / hu ic on
The Paris Psalter 118:155 1 run fyrenfulle feor || fælre hælu / forþon hi þine soþfæstnes
The Paris Psalter 118:166 1 æfre to feore / / # / ic þinre hælu bad || halig drihten / and þin
The Paris Psalter 118:173 1 / / # / syn me þine handa || on hælu nu / and þæt domlice || gedon
The Paris Psalter 118:174 1 lde æt þearfe / / # / ic þinre hælu || her wilnade / drihten ælmih
The Paris Psalter 131:17 1 ec his sacerdas || swylce mid hælu / georne gegyrwe || and gode ea
The Paris Psalter 143:11 1 # / þu healdest and sylest || hælu cyningum / þu alysdest eac ||
The Paris Psalter 145:2 2 anna bearn || nis þær mycel hælu / / # / heora gast gangeþ || gea
The Paris Psalter 149:4 3 m manþwærum syleþ || mære hælu / / # / þonne on wuldre gefeoþ
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2 hine on his mægenes || mære hælu / / # / heriaþ hine swylce || on
The Paris Psalter 52:7 1 god / / # / hwylc israela || ece hælu / syleþ of sione || nymþe syl
The Paris Psalter 59:10 2 um || æþelne fultum / forþon hælu byþ || her on eorþan / manna
The Paris Psalter 61:1 3 gode underþeodan / æt him is hælu min || her eall gelancg / / # / h
The Paris Psalter 61:7 1 on gode standeþ || min gearu hælu / and wuldor min || and wyn myc
The Paris Psalter 61:8 1 e / / # / hycge him halig folc || hælu to drihtne / doþ eowre heortan
The Paris Psalter 68:13 4 sa þinra / gehyre me hlutre || hælu þine / / # / alys me of lame ||
The Paris Psalter 69:5 4 y þin miht drihten / and þine hælu || holde lufigean / / # / ic eom
The Paris Psalter 70:14 3 sægeþ þe ealne dæg || ece hælu / / # / forþon ic ne ongeat || g
The Paris Psalter 73:11 2 test / ær woruld wære || wise hælu / on þisse eorþan || efenmidr
The Paris Psalter 88:24 2 æs me andfencge god || ecere hælu / / # / and ic þonne frumbearn |
The Paris Psalter 90:16 4 | lange sylle / swylce him mine hælu || holde ætywe
The Paris Psalter 95:3 3 am dæge to dæge || drihtnes hælu / / # / he is se mycla god || for
Fragment of Psalm 50 1 mde wyrðe / / # / syle me ðinre hælu || holde blisse / and me ealdor
hēahmeahtum - 1 occurrences
The Paris Psalter 150:2 1 rġaþ hine swelċe || on his hēah-meahtum, / herġaþ hine aefter mōde ||
hǣlu - 59 occurrences
A.1.4 581 m || drihten weoroda / help and hǣlu || hæleþa bearnum / ġond mid
A.2.1 95 -þeġne / under hearm-locan || hǣlu and frōfre / beadu-rōfum ā·
A.2.6 777 ane, hyġe-ġōmre, || simle hǣlu ðǣr / æt þām bisċope, ||
Christ A 119 sċoldon. / Nū we hyhtfulle || hǣlu ġe·līefaþ / þurh þæt wor
Christ A 202 el, / heofones hēah-enġel, || hǣlu ġe·bodade. / Sæġde sōðlī
Christ A 411 īe þē on hēannessum / ēċe hǣlu || and on eorðan lof, / beorht
Christ B 613 odne ūssum, / and hūru ðǣre hǣlu || þe hē ūs tō hyhte for
Christ B 752 iċel / þæt we mid heortan || hǣlu sēċen, / ðǣr we mid gǣste
Christ B 859 help be·cōm, / þæt ūs tō hǣlu || hȳðe ġe·lǣde, / godes g
Christ C 1574 sē þe nū his fēore nille / hǣlu strīenan || þenden hēr leo
Christ C 1654 e, / heofon-duĝuða þrymm, || Hǣlu būtan sāre, / riht-fremmendum
A.3.10 82 n we sċulon ā hyċġende || hǣlu rǣdes / ġe·munan on mōde ||
A.3.13 44 | sē him mæġ wyrpe sellan, / hǣlu of hēofod-ġimme, || ġif h
A.3.17 86 him / on þās hwīlnan tīd || hǣlu sēċan, / þæt we mid swā l
Guthlac A 171 te bær / heofoncundne hiht, || hǣlu ġe·rǣhte / ēċan līfes. ||
Guthlac A 397 ēora ġe·hwelċ / healdeþ on hǣlu, || ðǣr sē hira gǣst / þīe
Guthlac A 435 c sette / hiht on heofonas, || hǣlu ġe·trēowde, / hæfde fēonda
Guthlac A 683 ǣr is riht cyning, / help and hǣlu || hæleþa cynne, / duĝuþ an
Guthlac B 890 || ġearwe fundon, / helpe and hǣlu. || Nǣniġ hæleþa is / þe ā
A.3.22.48 8 || glēawe be·þenċan% / hira hǣlu tō gode, || swā sē hrinġ
The Paris Psalter 105:4 3 | folces þīnes, / and ūs mid hǣlu || hēr ġe·nēosa. / / # / And
The Paris Psalter 106:29 1 wēðaþ. / / # / And hē hīe on hǣlu || hȳðe ġe·lǣde, / swā h
The Paris Psalter 106:31 2 / hēan ā·hebbaþ || and him hǣlu and lof / on setlum sōþfæstr
The Paris Psalter 107:11 2 || æðelne fultum; / for·þon hǣlu biþ || hēr on eorðan / manna
The Paris Psalter 115:4 1 mē ǣror dyde? / / # / Iċ hēr hǣlu calic || hæbbe% be·fangen, /
The Paris Psalter 117:14 3 ā tō weorolde || worden on hǣlu. / / # / Ā biþ blisse stefn || b
The Paris Psalter 117:20 3 ē þā ġe·wurde || wīs on hǣlu. / / # / Þone selfan stān || þe
The Paris Psalter 117:27 3 nd þā wurde mē || wīs tō hǣlu. / / # / Ēac iċ andette || ēċu
The Paris Psalter 118:41 3 %, / þæt milde mōd, || mǣre hǣlu / aefter þīnre sprǣċe || sp
The Paris Psalter 118:81 3 n mōde, / ðǣr iċ on þīnre hǣlu || hoĝode and sōhte, / hū i
The Paris Psalter 118:123 3 wurdon, / ðǣr iċ on þīnre hǣlu || hyldu sōhte / and on þīnr
The Paris Psalter 118:155 2 on firenfulle feorr || fǣlre hǣlu; / for·þon hīe þīne sōþf
The Paris Psalter 118:166 2 e tō fēore. / / # / Iċ þīnre hǣlu bād, || hāliġ drihten, / and
The Paris Psalter 118:173 2 / Sīen mē þīne handa || on hǣlu nū, / and þæt dōmlīċe ||
The Paris Psalter 118:174 2 æt þearfe. / / # / Iċ þīnre hǣlu || hēr wilnode, / drihten æl-
The Paris Psalter 131:17 1 his sācerdas || swelċe mid hǣlu / ġeorne ġe·ġierwe || and g
The Paris Psalter 139:7 2 þū eart ġe·dēfe mæġen / hǣlu mīnre || and þū min hēafo
The Paris Psalter 143:11 1 / Þū healdest and silest || hǣlu cyningum; / þū ā·līesdest
The Paris Psalter 145:2 2 na bearn; || nis ðǣr miċel hǣlu. / / # / Hira gāst gangeþ, || ġ
The Paris Psalter 149:4 3 mann-þwǣrum sileþ || mǣre hǣlu. / / # / Þonne on wuldre ġe·fē
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2 ine on his mæġenes || mǣre hǣlu. / / # / Herġaþ hine swelċe ||
The Paris Psalter 52:7 1 . / / # / Hwelċ Israela || ēċe hǣlu / sileþ of Sīone || nemþe se
The Paris Psalter 59:10 2 || æðelne fultum, / for·þon hǣlu biþ || hēr on eorðan / manna
The Paris Psalter 61:1 3 e under·þēodan; / æt him is hǣlu min || hēr eall ġe·lang. / /
The Paris Psalter 61:7 1 n gode standeþ || min ġearu hǣlu% / and wuldor min || and wynn mi
The Paris Psalter 61:8 1 / Hyċġe him hāliġ folc || hǣlu tō drihtne; / dōþ ēowre heo
The Paris Psalter 66:2 3 þās wer-þēode / on þīnre hǣlu || healdan motan. / / # / Folc þ
The Paris Psalter 68:14 4 ra / ġe·hīere mē hlūtre || hǣlu þīne. / / # / A·līes mē of l
The Paris Psalter 69:5 4 eaht, drihten.’ / and þīne% hǣlu || holde lufien. / / # / Iċ eom
The Paris Psalter 70:14 3 eþ þē ealne dæġ || ēċe hǣlu. / / # / For·þon iċ ne on·ġea
The Paris Psalter 73:11 2 , / ǣr weorold wǣre, || wīse hǣlu / on þisse eorðan || efen-mid
The Paris Psalter 88:24 2 mē andfenġe, god, || ēcre hǣlu.’ / / # / And iċ þonne frumbearn
The Paris Psalter 90:16 4 ange selle, / swelċe him mīne hǣlu || holde æt-īewe.
The Paris Psalter 95:3 1 dæġe tō dæġe || dryhtnes hǣlu. / / # / Seċġaþ his wuldor ||
A.51.90.16 4 ange selle / swelċe him mīne hǣlu || holde æt·īewe.
A.6.13 40 || sōþfæstra ġe·hwǣm, / hǣlu hȳðe, || þǣm þe hīe luf
A.6.14 50 aþ, / hēah-enġel his, || sē hǣlu ā·bēad / Marian miċele, ||
A.6.26 100 || bilewit dōminus%, / þīnre hǣlu hiht, || helm æl-wihta, / and
A.6.26 113 bende, || gylta ġe·clǣnsa, / hǣlu and helpend, || heofon-rīċe
mode - 194 occurrences
Genesis A 63 him on fæþm gebræc / yrre on mode || æþele bescyrede / his wiþ
Genesis B 302 ram wearþ him se goda on his mode || forþon he sceolde grund g
Genesis B 342 || god sylfa wearþ / mihtig on mode yrre || wearp hine on þæt m
Genesis B 405 þonne weorþ he him wraþ on mode / ahwet hie from his hyldo ||
Genesis B 425 cynne || þæt me is on minum mode swa sar / on minum hyge hreowe
Genesis B 559 e inc abolgen wyrþ / mihtig on mode || gif þu þeah minum wilt / w
Genesis B 735 þu gebunden ligst / murnan on mode || þæt her men bun / þone he
Genesis B 745 nc waldend wearþ || wraþ on mode / on hyge hearde || and us on h
Genesis A 1115 rge / mid þys magotimbre || of mode asceaf / þeoden usser || him
Genesis A 1593 þæt þam halgan wæs / sar on mode || ongan þa his selfes bearn
Genesis A 1917 olfa / and geþancmeta || þine mode / on hwilce healfe || þu wille
Genesis A 1957 fter a / þurh gemynda sped || mode and dædum / worde and gewitte
Genesis A 2028 þæt him wære || weorce on mode / sorga sarost || þæt his suh
Genesis A 2216 yht / þa wæs sarran || sar on mode / þæt him abrahame || ænig n
Genesis A 2262 n / hire worcþeowe || wraþ on mode / heard and hreþe || higeteona
Genesis A 2375 es || wære gemyndig / gleaw on mode || þa him god sealde / soþe t
Genesis A 2605 rhþcofan || fæste genearwod / mode and gemynde || þæt he mæg
Genesis A 2710 byrde geceas || ne wæs me on mode cuþ / hwæþer on þyssum folc
Genesis A 2758 || ælmihtig wearþ / milde on mode || moncynnes weard / abimeleche
Genesis A 2792 | þa wæs abrahame / weorce on mode || þæt he on wræc drife / hi
Exodus 536 | gihþum healdaþ / murnaþ on mode || manhus witon / fæst under f
Daniel 184 a aldor dyde / mane gemenged || mode gefrecnod / fremde folcmægen |
Daniel 483 ær swiþe oþstod / manegum on mode || minra leoda / forþam ælmih
Daniel 624 rh wolcna gang / gemunde þa on mode || þæt metod wære / heofona
Daniel 724 a wearþ folctoga || forht on mode / acul for þam egesan || gesea
Christ and Satan 22 e eft forwarþ / þuhte him on mode || þæt hit mihte swa / þæt
Christ and Satan 84 eos menego swa some / þa ic in mode || minum hogade / þæt ic wold
Christ and Satan 285 ndra gehwylc / gemunan symle on mode || meotodes strengþo / gearwia
Christ and Satan 540 eawiaþ / sume hie ne mihton || mode oncnawan / þæt wæs se deora
Andreas 66 wam || willan þines / georn on mode || nu þurh geohþa sceal / dæ
Andreas 99 o þu on sefan to forht / ne on mode ne murn || ic þe mid wunige /
Andreas 422 od || frefra þine / mæcgas on mode || mycel is nu gena / lad ofer
Andreas 448 e || beornas wurdon / forhte on mode || friþes wilnedon / miltsa to
Andreas 625 leþ || wordum gesecgan / maga mode rof || mægen þa he cyþde / d
Andreas 639 þam þe feor oþþe neah / on mode geman || hu se maga fremede / g
Andreas 746 beswicene || oþþe sel nyton / mode gemyrde || ge mon cigaþ / gode
Andreas 984 retta || elne gefyrþred / maga mode rof || meotude getreowe / stop
Andreas 1017 criste wæron begen / leofe on mode || hie leoht ymbscan / halig on
Andreas 1251 wæs criste swa þeah / leof on mode || him wæs leoht sefa / halig
Andreas 1583 / wurdon burgware || bliþe on mode / ferhþgefeonde || þa wæs fo
Homiletic Fragment I 14 re mid welerum || wea biþ in mode / siofa synnum fah || sare gebl
Dream of the Rood 122 e þa to þan beame || bliþe mode / elne mycle || þær ic ana w
Dream of the Rood 130 me is willa to þam / mycel on mode || ond min mundbyrd is / geriht
Elene 268 e || þeodnes willan / georn on mode || þæt hio iudeas / ofer here
Elene 190 ge he heofonrices || hyht swa mode / ond þis ondwearde || anforle
Elene 783 wifum || þæt hie weorþeden / mode ond mægene || þone mæran d
Christ A 28 || leoht ontyne / weorðe ussum mode || to mundboran / ond ðæt tyd
Christ A 280 | hæleð geond foldan / bliðe mode || ðæt ðu bryd sie / ðæs s
Christ A 293 n lac / to heofonhame || hlutre mode / siððan sende || forðon heh
Christ A 371 c / hu we tealtrigað || tydran mode / hwearfiað heanlice || cym nu
Christ C 916 encyninges || ðam ðe him on mode ær / wordum ond weorcum || wel
Christ C 989 wundra ma / ðonne hit ænig on mode || mæge aðencan / hu ðæt ge
Christ C 1401 n ðam eallum || eades to lyt / mode ðuhte || gif ðu meahte sped
Christ C 1428 æt earfeðe wonn / næs me for mode || ac ic on magugeoguðe / yrm
Christ C 1498 / ðinum nergende || nysses on mode / bibead ic eow || ðæt ge bro
Christ C 1512 || ðæt hy ðy freoran hyge / mode gefengen || eall ge ðæt me
Christ C 1557 ne he wihte hafað / hreowe on mode || ðæt him halig gæst / losi
Christ C 1600 erend || giman nellað / men on mode || ðonne man fremmað / hwæt
Vainglory 83 de || hælo rædes / gemunan in mode || mæla gehwylcum / ðone sele
The Fortunes of Men 20 nian / murnan meotudgesceaft || mode gebysgad / sum sceal on holte |
The Fortunes of Men 53 e con / gemearcian his muðe || mode sine / ac sceal ful earmlice ||
Maxims I 41 || ðæt him bið sar in his mode / onge ðonne he hit ana wat ||
Maxims I 50 nde / styran sceal mon strongum mode || storm oft holm gebringeð /
The Order of the World 26 ecræftig || in hreðre mæge / mode gegripan || is sin meaht fors
Guthlac A 320 elan || owiht sinne / ne me mid mode || micles gyrne / ac me dogra g
Guthlac A 344 / swa sceal oretta || a in his mode / gode compian || ond his gæst
Guthlac A 353 sweðrade / woldun ðæt him to mode || fore monlufan / sorg gesohte
Guthlac A 394 tes lof / in guðlaces || godum mode / weox ond wunade || ond hine w
Guthlac A 440 s blæd mid god / ðuhte him on mode || ðæt se moncynnes / eadig w
Guthlac A 465 um miðað || ðæs ðe ge in mode gehycgað / ne beoð eowre dæd
Guthlac A 472 egyldan / ðæt he martyrhad || mode gelufade / sealde him snyttru |
Guthlac A 608 rum / ond ic bletsige || bliðe mode / lifes leohtfruman || ond him
Guthlac A 710 treoweste / under monnes hiw || mode gelufade / he mec of heofonum |
Guthlac A 770 ðeð / ðonne heo in monnes || mode getimbreð / gæstcunde gife ||
Guthlac B 962 h / ne seo adlðracu || egle on mode / ne deaðgedal || ac him dryht
Guthlac B 1068 ðas seocnan tid || sorge on mode / ne ic me herehloðe || helle
Guthlac B 1086 dreorgan tid || dædum cwemde / mode ond mægne || ic ða meorde w
Guthlac B 1255 agum || onsyne wearð / a ic on mode mað || monna gehwylcne / ðeod
Riddles 11 6 wat / ðæt heo swa gemædde || mode bestolene / dæde gedwolene ||
Resignation 75 t eal for gode ðolian / bliðe mode || nu ic gebunden eom / fæste
Resignation 107 ne mæg / ænigne moncynnes || mode gelufian / eorl on eðle || eal
Resignation 109 htig mundbora || ðæt ic eom mode seoc / bittre abolgen || is seo
The Descent into Hell 134 tre || weoruda dryhten / bliðe mode || ealle burgwaran / swylce git
Riddles 84 35 eah ðe ferðum gleaw || / mon mode snottor || mengo wundra / hrusa
Riddles 86 2 s sæton / monige on mæðle || mode snottre / hæfde an eage || ond
The Phoenix 446 heofona heahcyning || hold on mode / ðæt is se hea beam || in ð
The Phoenix 471 ðam wicum || willan fremmað / mode ond mægne || meotudes cempan
Juliana 39 a / goldspedig guma || georn on mode / ðæt him mon fromlicast || f
Juliana 67 ære fæmnan fæder || frecne mode / daraðhæbbende || me ðin do
Juliana 184 / ða for ðam folce || frecne mode / beotwordum spræc || bealg hi
The Wanderer 41 oft gebindað / ðinceð him on mode || ðæt he his mondryhten / cl
The Wanderer 111 orðeð / swa cwæð snottor on mode || gesæt him sundor æt rune
The Gifts of Men 25 ence || wuldorgeofona ful / mon mode swið || of gemete hweorfe / on
The Gifts of Men 87 geornlice || gæstes ðearfe / mode bewindeð || ond him metudes
The Gifts of Men 98 u ofer eorðan || ænig monna / mode ðæs cræftig || ne ðæs m
Precepts 13 t / ðine lareowas || leofe in mode / ða ðec geornast || to gode
Precepts 35 ðe || ond dollic word / man on mode || ond in muðe lyge / yrre ond
Precepts 46 / ond toscead simle || scearpe mode / in sefan ðinum || ond ðe a
Precepts 91 | ne to tweospræce / ne ðe on mode læt || men to fracoðe / ac be
The Seafarer 109 ð / stieran mon sceal strongum mode || ond ðæt on staðelum hea
Beowulf 624 o beowulfe || beaghroden cwen / mode geðungen || medoful ætbær /
Beowulf 753 men / mundgripe maran || he on mode wearð / forht on ferhðe || no
Beowulf 1307 ing / har hilderinc || on hreon mode / syððan he aldorðegn || unl
Beowulf 1418 / winum scyldinga || weorce on mode / to geðolianne || ðegne mone
Beowulf 1844 art mægenes strang || ond on mode frod / wis wordcwida || wen ic
Beowulf 2281 ðæt hyne an abealch / mon on mode || mandryhtne bær / fæted wæ
Beowulf 2527 od manna gehwæs || ic eom on mode from / ðæt ic wið ðone guð
Beowulf 2581 ter heaðuswenge || on hreoum mode / wearp wælfyre || wide sprung
Judith 57 lde || ða wearð se brema on mode / bliðe burga ealdor || ðohte
Judith 93 || ðæt me ys ðus torne on mode / hate on hreðre minum || hi
Judith 97 an || ða wearð hyre rume on mode / haligre hyht geniwod || genam
Judith 154 ge ne ðyrfen leng / murnan on mode || eow ys metod bliðe / cyning
Judith 282 ongan his feax teran / hreoh on mode || ond his hrægl somod / ond
The Paris Psalter 101:21 4 feawe dagas / minra mættra || mode secge / þæt þu me meaht on m
The Paris Psalter 102:5 2 miltse / and þe mildheorte || mode getrymede / eart þu edneowe ||
The Paris Psalter 102:8 1 dheort þu eart and mihtig || mode geþyldig / ece drihten || swa
The Paris Psalter 104:5 1 ble georne / / # / gemunaþ ge on mode || hu he mænig wundor / worhte
The Paris Psalter 106:17 2 onhysctan || æghwylcne mete / mode mægen heora || oþ unmihte /
The Paris Psalter 111:4 4 heoldan mid rihte / milde is on mode || mihtig dryhten / and he ys s
The Paris Psalter 113:21 5 st / þu gebletsadest || bliþe mode / ealle þa þe on þe || egsan
The Paris Psalter 118:24 2 rþ and getreowe / and ic hi on mode || metegie georne / and me to f
The Paris Psalter 118:26 2 and þu me gehyrdest || holde mode / lær me on life || hu ic leng
The Paris Psalter 118:34 3 ealre minre heortan || holde mode / / # / gelæd me on stige || þ
The Paris Psalter 118:58 3 heortan minre / þæt þu me on mode || milde weorþe / æfter þinr
The Paris Psalter 118:67 3 ne spræce geheold || sped on mode / / # / god þu eart drihten || a
The Paris Psalter 118:81 1 n saul gewearþ || swancur on mode / þær ic on þinre hælu || h
The Paris Psalter 118:92 2 n æ || an ne hulpe / þe ic on mode || minum hæfde / þonne ic wen
The Paris Psalter 118:97 3 t lange dyde / þæt ic þa on mode || metegade georne / / # / þu me
The Paris Psalter 118:112 1 ylde ic mine heortan || holde mode / þæt ic þin soþfæst weorc
The Paris Psalter 118:143 4 efnde and læste / eac on minum mode || hi metegade georne / / # / ys
The Paris Psalter 118:162 1 dde / / # / ic blissige || bealde mode / ofer þinre spræce || spede
The Paris Psalter 118:168 1 eold ic þine bebodu || holde mode / and þine gewitnesse || wordu
The Paris Psalter 119:1 3 he / and he me gehyrde || holde mode / / # / alys mine sawle || lifes
The Paris Psalter 128:6 6 es / swylce bletsiaþ || bliþe mode
The Paris Psalter 134:21 6 þ / bletsien drihten || bliþe mode / / # / þa þe him ondræden ||
The Paris Psalter 137:1 4 t / þa ic mid muþe || and mid mode cweþe / and on þinra engla ||
The Paris Psalter 137:2 2 ige / þæt halige hus || holde mode / and þær þinne naman || on
The Paris Psalter 138:1 2 hten / and me ongeate || gleawe mode / þu min setl || swylce oncneo
The Paris Psalter 138:9 1 || þær gehendeþ / / # / ic on mode cwæþ || minum swylce / wen is
The Paris Psalter 140:7 2 ble gerecce / and mildheorte || mode þreage / ele synfulra || æfre
The Paris Psalter 140:10 2 þe || dædum minum / eagum and mode || æghwær gelyfe / ne ascuf
The Paris Psalter 142:5 1 rde gedrefed / / # / þonne ic on mode || gemyndgade / hu me ærran da
The Paris Psalter 142:5 3 as || oft alumpan / metegade on mode || ealle þine mæran weorc / a
The Paris Psalter 142:6 2 e / and mine sawle || sette mid mode / swa eorþan biþ || ansyn wæ
The Paris Psalter 142:9 2 on hwylcne ic gange || gleawe mode / nu ic to drihtnes || dome wil
The Paris Psalter 144:3 2 hine man mægene sceal / holde mode || herian swiþe / nis his mice
The Paris Psalter 146:6 1 dre || æfre ariman / / # / milde mode || and manþwære / he onfehþ
The Paris Psalter 147:6 4 ne mæg / him standan || stiþe mode / / # / he his word sendeþ || þ
The Paris Psalter 150:2 2 eahmihtum / heriaþ hine æfter mode || his mægenþrymmes / / # / her
The Paris Psalter 54:6 1 eostru niþgrim / / # / ic þa on mode cwæþ || hwa me sealde / to fl
The Paris Psalter 54:10 4 geþ / ic þæt abere || bliþe mode / / # / þeah þe þa ealle || þ
The Paris Psalter 58:5 4 ær landes / ne þu hweþere on mode || milde weorþest / eallum þe
The Paris Psalter 60:1 2 e / beheald mine gebed || holde mode / nu ic of eorþan || utgemæru
The Paris Psalter 65:7 1 # / bletsigen þeoda || bliþe mode / ealle eorþbuend || ecne drih
The Paris Psalter 66:1 1 s mihtig drihten || and us on mode eac / gebletsa nu || beorhte le
The Paris Psalter 66:1 3 þinne andwlitan || and us on mode weorþ / þuruh þine mycelness
The Paris Psalter 70:2 1 hyld me þin eare to || holde mode / and me lustum alys || and me
The Paris Psalter 71:19 4 ceþ ana / si his mihta nama || mode gebletsad / on ecnesse || awa t
The Paris Psalter 72:11 1 || wynnum namon / / # / þa ic on mode cwæþ || minum sona / þeah þ
The Paris Psalter 76:5 2 æfde me ece gear || ealle on mode / / # / ic þa mid heortan ongann
The Paris Psalter 80:11 3 me israhel behealdan || holde mode / / # / ac hi lifian het || lustu
The Paris Psalter 83:1 2 fe / mægena drihten || a ic on mode þæs / willum hæfde || þet i
The Paris Psalter 83:11 2 les / þæt man si mildheort || mode soþfæst / þonne him god gyfe
The Paris Psalter 84:4 3 þu us ne weorþe || wraþ on mode / / # / ne wrec þu þin yrre ||
The Paris Psalter 84:5 1 wrec þu þin yrre || wraþe mode / of cynne on cynn || and on cn
The Paris Psalter 85:6 3 on þu me gehyrdest || holde mode / / # / nis þe goda ænig || on
The Paris Psalter 85:15 2 d me syþþan weorþ / milde on mode || mihtig drihten / geteoh hror
The Paris Psalter 89:16 2 mildheortnesse || þæs we on mode nu / habbaþ ealle dagas || æ
The Paris Psalter 89:18 3 heora bearn gerece || bliþe mode / / # / wese us beorhtnes ofer ||
The Paris Psalter 98:7 2 en / and he hi gehyrde || holde mode / spræc him wordum to || þurh
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 2 legan || woruldgitsere / on his mode þe bet || þeah he micel age
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 5 | eall underþyded / ado of his mode || mislicra fela / þara ymbhog
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 20 lum || up ahebben / nu on þæm mode biþ || monna gehwilcum / þa r
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 200 ceal mid geþeahte || þegnes mode / mid andgite || ealles waldan /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 13 || his ingeþonc / gesecge his mode || þæt hit mæg findan / eall
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 27 eawas || eallunga ne magon / of mode ation || monna ænegum / rihtwi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 65 e on breostum styreþ / mon on mode || mæla gehwylce
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 19 biþ to up ahæfen || inne on mode / for þæm anwalde || þe him
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 109 listas and cræftas / of þæm mode cumaþ || monna gehwylcum / anl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 31 con / he sceal þone monnan || mode lufian / and his unþeawas || e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 79 sta || and him lifes weard / of mode abrit || þæt micle dysig / þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 2 ihtnes / heane anwald || hlutre mode / ongitan giorne || gem almæge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 9 eswenced || swa is þissum nu / mode gelumpen || nu hit mare ne wa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 27 || doþ on heofonum swa some / mode and mægne || butan men anum /
The Death of Edgar 21 || byrnende lufan / metodes on mode || þa wæs mærþa fruma / to
The Judgment Day II 25 / and ic murcnigende cwæð || mode gedrefed / nu ic eow æddran ||
The Judgment Day II 92 gearugne timan / gemyne eac on mode || hu micel is ðæt wite / ðe
The Rewards of Piety 6 on ðas hwilwendan tid / bliðe mode || and gebedum filige / oftost
The Lord's Prayer III 9 eleafa || in lifdæge / on urum mode || mære ðurhwunige / and ðin
Fragment of Psalm 102 3 mildse / and ðe mildheorte || mode getrymede / eart ðu edniwe ||
Fragment of Psalm 19 2 ne / and us eac gehyr || holdum mode / swylce we ðe daga || drihten
Fragment of Psalm 5 2 e / beheald min gebed || holdum mode / ðu eart min cyning || and ea
Fragment of Psalm 89 3 heora bearn gerece || bliðum mode / / # / wese us beorhtnys ofer ||
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 26 a engla / biddu ealle || bliðu mode / ðæt me beo matheus helm ||
mægenes - 22 occurrences
Exodus 215 iht || somod ætgædere / maran mægenes || oþ moyses bebead / eorlas o
Daniel 702 magum / þær medugal wearþ || mægenes wisa / het þam æþelum beran
Beowulf 155 ne wolde / wið manna hwone || mægenes deniga / feorhbealo feorran ||
Beowulf 196 es dæda / se wæs moncynnes || mægenes strengest / on ðæm dæge ||
Beowulf 418 æt ic ðe sohte / forðan hie mægenes cræft || minne cuðon / selfe
Beowulf 1270 wearð / hwæðre he gemunde || mægenes strenge / gimfæste gife || ðe
Beowulf 1534 | strenge getruwode / mundgripe mægenes || swa sceal man don / ðonne h
Beowulf 1716 / ðeah ðe hine mihtig god || mægenes wynnum / eafeðum stepte || ofe
Beowulf 1835 ðe to geoce || garholt bere / mægenes fultum || ðær ðe bið mann
Beowulf 1844 re || guman ðingian / ðu eart mægenes strang || ond on mode frod / wi
Beowulf 1887 e || oððæt hine yldo benam / mægenes wynnum || se ðe oft manegum
Beowulf 2647 cumen / ðæt ure mandryhten || mægenes behofað / godra guðrinca || w
The Paris Psalter 107:12 1 || mægene idel / / # / us sceal mægenes gemet || mihtig drihten / soþf
The Paris Psalter 137:4 3 micle mine sawle || on þines mægenes sped / / # / ealle þe andettan |
The Paris Psalter 144:3 3 swiþe / nis his micelmodes || mægenes ende / / # / cneorissa cynn || cw
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2 e drihten / heriaþ hine on his mægenes || mære hælu / / # / heriaþ hi
The Paris Psalter 54:7 4 bete eft / modes mindom || and mægenes hreoh / / # / hat nu todælan ||
The Paris Psalter 59:11 1 || mægene idel / / # / us sceal mægenes gemet || mihtig drihten / soþf
The Paris Psalter 65:2 3 eorþan / and eac on menigeo || mægenes þines / þine feondas þe || f
The Paris Psalter 67:7 1 deþ blisse / / # / se þe on his mægenes || mihte gelædeþ / þæt he
The Paris Psalter 73:12 1 | efenmidre / / # / þu on þines mægenes || mihte spedum / sæ gesettest
The Paris Psalter 88:15 1 ghwær / / # / forþon þu heora mægenes eart || mærost wuldor / and we
mægenþrymmes - 4 occurrences
The Paris Psalter 144:5 1 ycel mod and strang || þines mægenþrymmes / and þine halignesse || holde
The Paris Psalter 144:11 3 || and mid cneorissum / þines mægenþrymmes || mære wuldur / riht and reþ
The Paris Psalter 150:2 2 riaþ hine æfter mode || his mægenþrymmes / / # / heriaþ hine on hleoþre
Solomon and Saturn 3 t / hwylc wære modes || oþþe mægenþrymmes / elnes oþþe æhte || oþþe
mære - 114 occurrences
Genesis A 155 om ofer foldan || fus siþian / mære mergen þridda || næron meto
Genesis A 853 ælmihtig / ofer midne dæg || mære þeoden / on neorxnawang || neo
Genesis A 950 iht and strengþo || se þæt mære lif / dugeþum deore || drihtne
Genesis A 2009 d gomorran || þa sæl ageald / mære ceastra || mægþ siþedon / f
Genesis A 2200 fter biþ || yrfes hyrde / gode mære || ne geomra þu / ic eom se wa
Genesis A 2337 hyrdas / woruldcyningas || wide mære / abraham þa || ofestum legde /
Genesis A 2568 þþan / se monlica || þæt is mære spell / stille wunode || þær
Exodus 47 ruron deofolgyld || dæg wæs mære / ofer middangeard || þa seo m
Exodus 102 gen || swa him moyses bebead / mære magoræswa || metodes folce / f
Exodus 349 ægenþrymmum mæst || þy he mære wearþ / on forþwegas || folc
Daniel 45 æt werod gefor / mægenþreat mære || manbealwes georn / awehte þ
Daniel 105 wæs breme || babilone weard / mære and modig || ofer middangeard
Daniel 284 s to nergenne || is þin nama mære / wlitig and wuldorfæst || ofe
Daniel 319 ned wurde / and seo mænigeo || mære wære / had to hebbanne || swa
Daniel 451 onsoce || þætte soþ wære / mære mihta waldend || se hie of þ
Daniel 608 eart seo micle || and min seo mære burh / þe ic geworhte || to wu
Christ and Satan 352 meotodes mihte || geond þæt mære cynn / þær habbaþ englas ||
Andreas 7 || hlyt getæhte / þæt wæron mære || men ofer eorþan / frome fol
Andreas 815 || ic wat manig nu gyt / mycel mære spell || þe se maga fremede /
Andreas 1338 stes rode / on his mægwlite || mære tacen / wurdon hie þa acle ||
The Fates of the Apostles 67 s gefælsod / þurh matheus || mære lare / þone het irtacus || þu
The Fates of the Apostles 121 a his lof standeþ / mycel ond mære || ond his miht seomaþ / ece o
Dream of the Rood 12 ofer moldan || ond eall þeos mære gesceaft / syllic wæs se sigeb
Dream of the Rood 82 ofer moldan || ond eall þeos mære gesceaft / gebiddaþ him to þy
Elene 214 n || forþ gemyndig / ymb þæt mære treo || ond þa his modor het
Elene 340 biþ || cniht on degle / mihtum mære || swa þæs modor ne biþ / w
Elene 530 þa werþeode || wide læded / mære morgenspel || manigum on anda
Elene 737 m sceall / geond middangeard || mære weorþan / þonne æt sæcce mi
Christ A 94 old || ond eac modor gewearð / mære meotudes suna || forðan ðæ
Christ B 589 eoðade || folc under wolcnum / mære meotudes sunu || ðæt nu mon
Guthlac B 881 geceas / meaht ond mundbyrd || mære wurdon / his wundra geweorc ||
Riddles 26 16 nd ða wuldorgesteald || wide mære / dryhtfolca helm || nales dol
Riddles 26 27 iðum to nytte || nama min is mære / hæleðum gifre || ond halig
Riddles 4 45 iestron wæs || geong acenned / mære to monnum || ðurh minre modo
Riddles 40 46 iestron wæs || geong acenned / mære to monnum || þurh minre modo
Resignation 5 icel ond manigfeald || ic ðe mære god / mine sawle bebeode || ond
Azarias 6 s to nerganne || is ðin noma mære / wlitig ond wuldorfæst || ofe
Riddles 84 11 or ond ende || swylce an sunu / mære meotudes bearn || ðurh /ed / o
The Wanderer 100 / wæpen wælgifru || wyrd seo mære / ond ðas stanhleoðu || storm
Beowulf 103 grimma gæst || grendel haten / mære mearcstapa || se ðe moras he
Beowulf 129 up ahafen / micel morgensweg || mære ðeoden / æðeling ærgod || u
Beowulf 1023 ildecumbor || helm ond byrnan / mære maððumsweord || manige gesa
Beowulf 1046 ine wel brucan / swa manlice || mære ðeoden / hordweard hæleða ||
Beowulf 1715 lan || oððæt he ana hwearf / mære ðeoden || mondreamum from / ð
Beowulf 1761 ece rædas || oferhyda ne gym / mære cempa || nu is ðines mægnes
Beowulf 1952 ðan well / in gumstole || gode mære / lifgesceafta || lifigende bre
Beowulf 2405 m to bearme cwom / maððumfæt mære || ðurh ðæs meldan hond / se
Beowulf 3070 g || diope benemdon / ðeodnas mære || ða ðæt ðær dydon / ðæ
The Paris Psalter 101:1 1 salm 101 / / # / þu min gebed || mære drihten / gehyr heofenes weard
The Paris Psalter 102:19 3 n / mægyn and mihta || þa his mære word / habbaþ and healdaþ ||
The Paris Psalter 103:1 3 god || dædum swyþe / meahtum mære || ofer manna bearn / / # / þu
The Paris Psalter 103:23 4 / þinra gesceafta || scyppend mære / / # / his is mycel sæ || and o
The Paris Psalter 104:5 3 unlytel / and his muþes eac || mære domas / / # / hwæt he abrahames
The Paris Psalter 104:7 2 / earun his domas || deore and mære / geond þisse eorþan || æghw
The Paris Psalter 104:11 1 | yrfe gesylle / / # / næs þæt mære cynn || mycel on rime / ac on
The Paris Psalter 106:30 3 e milde wearþ || manna cynne / mære synd his wundur || ofer manna
The Paris Psalter 107:5 3 ce / ofer þas eorþan || ealle mære / and þine þa gecorenan wesan
The Paris Psalter 107:6 6 sycimam nu / and on metibor || mære standaþ / / # / min is galaad ||
The Paris Psalter 111:3 2 þ his soþfæstnys || swylce mære / þenden þysse worulde || wun
The Paris Psalter 113:2 4 urdom || ofer israhelas / mihta mære || and mycel rice / / # / swa heo
The Paris Psalter 117:2 3 standeþ / his mildheortnys || mære to worulde / / # / cweþe aarones
The Paris Psalter 117:3 3 standeþ / his mildheortnys || mære to worulde / / # / cweþan ealle
The Paris Psalter 117:4 4 standeþ / his mildheortnys || mære on worulde / / # / ic on costunge
The Paris Psalter 118:41 2 ce dryhten / þæt milde mod || mære hælu / æfter þinre spræce |
The Paris Psalter 118:132 2 me || and me syþþan hraþe / mære gemiltsa || swa þu manegum d
The Paris Psalter 125:3 5 t þu wundur mid us || wyrce mære / and we bealde on þam || bli
The Paris Psalter 131:5 1 ste / / # / oþþæt ic gemete || mære stowe / drihtne gecorene || dyr
The Paris Psalter 134:11 3 r wæs / on basane || breme and mære / / # / sealde heora eardland ||
The Paris Psalter 135:8 1 m / / # / sette on miht dæges || mære sunnan / / # / on miht nihte || m
The Paris Psalter 135:12 1 le gesunde / / # / on mihtigre || mære handa / and on eallmihte || ear
The Paris Psalter 137:6 2 wide geond eorþan / micel and mære || ofer middaneard / eart þu h
The Paris Psalter 143:3 1 is || lifes mines / / # / min þu mære eart || mihtig scyldend / ic hi
The Paris Psalter 144:5 4 eaþ / eall þin wundur || wide mære / / # / and hi mægen swylce || m
The Paris Psalter 144:6 1 e / / # / and hi mægen swylce || mære and egeslic / þinra wundra ||
The Paris Psalter 144:9 3 / syndan his miltsa || ofer us mære weorc / eall yldum cuþ || awa
The Paris Psalter 144:11 3 ssum / þines mægenþrymmes || mære wuldur / riht and reþe || rice
The Paris Psalter 149:4 3 ce / þam manþwærum syleþ || mære hælu / / # / þonne on wuldre ge
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2 riaþ hine on his mægenes || mære hælu / / # / heriaþ hine swylce
The Paris Psalter 56:6 3 de / ofer þas eorþan || ealle mære / / # / fotum heo minum || fæcne
The Paris Psalter 70:18 1 nes mihtes þrym || and þæt mære soþ / þæt þu on heofenum go
The Paris Psalter 77:14 2 nde / him worhte fore || wundur mære / and on campotanea || eac mid
The Paris Psalter 77:55 1 / / # / and he manige for him || mære þeode / awearp of wicum || sea
The Paris Psalter 79:5 1 e / / # / eala þu mægena god || mære drihten / hu lange yrsast þu |
The Paris Psalter 83:7 2 bed || halig drihten / þu eart mære god || mildum earum / and iacob
The Paris Psalter 86:4 2 || man cwæþ ærest / and hire mære gewearþ || mann on innan / and
The Paris Psalter 87:4 3 n sceolde / ic eom men gelic || mære geworden / þe mid deadum biþ
The Paris Psalter 88:41 1 || swa onæled fyr / / # / gemune mære god || hwæt si min lytle spe
The Paris Psalter 90:6 3 strum / oþþe on midne dæg || mære deoful / / # / fealleþ þe on þ
The Paris Psalter 98:2 2 on || dema se mæsta / heah and mære || ofer eall hæleþa folc / / #
The Paris Psalter 98:6 1 earnum / / # / moyses et aaron || mære gebroþor / soþe sacerdas || s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 43 g / unawendendlic || wlitig and mære / gif þu weorþest || on wege
The Battle of Brunanburh 14 þan sunne up / on morgentid || mære tungol / glad ofer grundas || g
The Rune Poem 6 e deor || feohteþ mid hornum / mære morstapa || þæt is modig wu
The Rune Poem 75 drihtnes sond || deore mannum / mære metodes leoht || myrgþ and t
The Menologium 2 nga wuldor / on midne winter || mære þeoden / ece ælmihtig || on
The Menologium 27 s || nergendes þegen / mathias mære || mine gefræge / þæs þe le
The Menologium 53 ond middangeard || wæs þæt mære wyrd / folcum gefræge || swylc
The Menologium 57 || on þam oftust cymþ / seo mære tiid || mannum to frofre / drih
The Menologium 145 ne getrywe / þurh martyrdom || mære diacon / laurentius || hæfþ n
The Menologium 208 ower niht / þætte martinus || mære geleorde / wer womma leas || we
The Judgment Day II 55 e / hu micel forstent || and hu mære is / seo soðe hreow || synna a
The Lord's Prayer II 39 ðin heahsetl is || heah and mære / fæger and wurðlic || swa ð
The Lord's Prayer II 120 / ealne middaneard || swilc is mære cyningc / sy swa ðu self wilt
The Gloria I 10 fram synnum || swa ðin sunu mære / ðurh clæne gecynd || cyning
The Lord's Prayer III 9 | in lifdæge / on urum mode || mære ðurhwunige / and ðin willa mi
Fragment of Psalm 101 1 salm 101 / / # / ðu min gebed || mære drihten / gehyr heofones weard
A Prayer 38 | ne ðæt gerim wytan / hu ðu mære eart || mihtig drihten / ac is
A Prayer 41 wast || sigores ealdor / hu ðu mære eart || mihtig and mægenstra
A Prayer 51 on roderum / ðyn mægen ys swa mære || mihtig drihten / swa ðæt
The Seasons for Fasting 17 n / feala is mægena || ðe sio mære ðeod / on ðam herescype || he
The Seasons for Fasting 107 ærest ongan || eorl se goda / mære moyses || ær he on munt styg
Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 3 eos dæd wyrðe || for monnum mære
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 5 eos dæd wyrþe || for monnum mære, / [per crucem Christi]! And geb
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 3 / swa ðyos dæd for monnum || mære gewurðe
mæġenes - 29 occurrences
A.1.2 67 æl-fare || Ǣthānes% byrġ, / mæġenes mǣste || mearc-landum inn. / N
A.1.2 215 || samod æt·gædere / māran mæġenes, || oþ Moyses be·bēad / eorla
A.1.2 245 / mōd mid āran, || ēac þon mæġenes cræft, / gār-bēames fenġ. /
A.1.3 702 um, / ðǣr medu-gāl wearþ || mæġenes wīsa. / Hēt þǣm æðelum% b
A.3.4 625 hwelċes. / Miċel, unmǣte || mæġenes strengþu%, / hēah and hāliġ
A.3.5 392 ǣnan, / þæt iċ ne meahte || mæġenes cræfte / gūðe wiþ·gangan.
A.4.1 155 ne wolde / wiþ manna hwone || mæġenes Deniġa, / feorh-bealu fierran,
A.4.1 196 ǣda; / sē wæs mann-cynnes || mæġenes strenġest / on þǣm dæġe ||
A.4.1 418 þē sōhte, / for·þon hīe mæġenes cræft || mīnne% cūðon, / se
A.4.1 1270 ; / hwæðre hē ġe·munde || mæġenes strenġe, / ġin-fæste ġiefe
A.4.1 1534 ġe ġe·truwode, / mund-grīpe mæġenes. || Swā sċeall man dôn, / þo
A.4.1 1716 ēah þe hine mehtiġ god || mæġenes wynnum, / eafoþum stīepte, ||
A.4.1 1761 ǣre cempa. || Nū is þīnes mæġenes blǣd / āne hwīle. || Eft sō
A.4.1 1835 ō ġēoce || gār-holt bere, / mæġenes fultum, || ðǣr þe biþ man
A.4.1 1844 || guman þingian. / Þū eart mæġenes strang || and on mōde frōd,
A.4.1 1887 oþ·þæt hine ieldu be·nam / mæġenes wynnum, || sē þe oft maniĝ
A.4.1 2084 -sele || gangan wolde, / ac hē mæġenes rōf || min costode, / grāpode
A.4.1 2146 lēanum || for·loren hæfde, / mæġenes mēde, || ac hē mē māðmas
A.4.1 2647 en / þæt ūre mann-drihten || mæġenes be·hōfaþ, / gōdra gūð-rin
The Paris Psalter 107:12 1 ġene īdel. / / # / Ūs% sċeall mæġenes ġe·met || mehtiġ drihten / s
The Paris Psalter 137:4 3 le mīne sāwle || on þīnes mæġenes spēd. / / # / Ealle þē andetta
The Paris Psalter 144:3 3 ðe; / nis his miċel-mōdes || mæġenes ende. / / # / Cnēo-rissa cynn ||
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2 drihten, / herġaþ hine on his mæġenes || mǣre hǣlu. / / # / Herġaþ
The Paris Psalter 54:7 4 % eft / mōdes% min-dōm || and mæġenes hrēoh. / / # / Hāt nū tō·dǣ
The Paris Psalter 59:11 1 ġene īdel. / / # / Ūs sċeall mæġenes ġe·met || mehtiġ drihten / s
The Paris Psalter 65:2 3 rðan, / and ēac on meniġu || mæġenes þīnes / þīne fēondas þē
The Paris Psalter 67:7 1 þ blisse. / / # / Sē þe on his mæġenes || meahte ġe·lǣdeþ / þæt
The Paris Psalter 73:12 1 en-midre. / / # / Þū on þīnes mæġenes || meahte spēdum / sǣ ġe·se
The Paris Psalter 88:15 1 ǣr%. / / # / For·þon þū hira mæġenes eart || mǣrost wuldor, / and w
mæġenþrymmes - 9 occurrences
Christ A 352 worden, / ne þæs miċelan || mæġen-þrymmes nan / þe on rodorum up || rī
Christ B 557 aldend / middan-ġeardes || and mæġen-þrymmes. / ‘Hafaþ nū sē hālĝa ||
A.3.4 665 cyning / middan-ġeardes || and mæġen-þrymmes, / wuldre be·wunden || on ðǣr
A.3.5 154 ealdor / middan-ġeardes || and mæġen-þrymmes, / and him ānum tō || eall be
The Paris Psalter 110:2 3 n, || samod andettan, / hū his mæġen-þrymmes% || miċelliċ standeþ / and hi
The Paris Psalter 144:5 1 el mōd and strang || þīnes mæġen-þrymmes / and þīne hāliġnesse || ho
The Paris Psalter 144:11 3 and mid cnēo-rissum, / þīnes mæġen-þrymmes || mǣre wuldor / riht and rē
The Paris Psalter 150:2 2 aþ hine aefter mōde || his mæġen-þrymmes. / / # / Herġaþ hine on hlēoðr
A.6.13 3 hwelċ wǣre mōdes || oþþe mæġen-þrymmes, / elnes oþþe ǣhte || oþþe
mōde - 190 occurrences
Genesis A 63 n fæðm ġe·bræc / ierre% on mōde; || æðele be·sċierede / his
Genesis B 302 m wearþ him sē gōda on his mōde. || For·þon hē sċolde grun
Genesis B 342 | God selfa wearþ / mehtiġ on mōde ierre. || Wearp hine on þæt
Genesis B 405 onne weorþ hē him wrāþ on mōde, / ā·hwet hīe fram his hyldu.
Genesis B 425 e. || Þæt mē is on mīnum% mōde% swā sār, / on mīnum hyġe hr
Genesis B 559 ·bolĝen wierþ, / mehtiġ on mōde. || Ġif þū þēah mīnum wi
Genesis B 735 ġe·bunden liġst / murnan on mōde, || þæt hēr menn bûn / þone
Genesis B 745 wealdend wearþ || wrāþ on mōde, / on hyġe hearde, || and ūs o
Genesis A 1115 / mid þȳs maĝu-timbre || of mōde ā·sċēaf / þēoden ūser. |
Genesis A 1593 t þǣm hālĝan wæs / sār on mōde, || on·gann þā his selfes b
Genesis A 1917 and ġe·þanc-meta || þīne mōde / on hwelċe healfe || þū wil
Genesis A 1957 ā / þurh ġe·mynda spēd || mōde% and dǣdum, / worde and ġe·wi
Genesis A 2028 þæt him wǣre || weorce on mōde, / sorĝa sārost, || þæt his
Genesis A 2216 / Þā wæs Sarran% || sār on mōde, / þæt him Abrahame || ǣniġ
Genesis A 2262 ire worc-þēowe || wrāþ on mōde, / heard and hrēðe, || hyġe-t
Genesis A 2375 wǣre ġe·myndiġ, / glēaw on mōde, || þā him God sealde / sōðe
Genesis A 2605 cofan || fæste ġe·nearwod% / mōde and ġe·mynde, || þæt hē
Genesis A 2710 ġe·cēas. || Ne wæs mē on mōde cūþ, / hwæðer on þissum fo
Genesis A 2758 | Æl-mehtiġ wearþ / milde on mōde, || mann-cynnes weard%, / Abimē
Genesis A 2792 Þā wæs Abrahame / weorce on mōde || þæt hē on wræc drīfe /
A.1.2 536 iehþum healdaþ%, / murnaþ on mōde, || mān-hūs witon / fæst unde
A.1.3 184 dyde, / māne ġe·menġed, || mōde ġe·frecnod. / Fremde folc-mæ
A.1.3 483 īðe oþ·stōd% / maniĝum on mōde || mīnra lēoda, / for·þǣm
A.1.3 624 lcna gang. / Ġe·munde þā on mōde || þæt metod wǣre, / heofona
A.1.3 724 wearþ folc-toĝa || forht on mōde, / ācol for þǣm eġesan. ||
A.1.4 22 ft forwarð%. / Þūhte him% on mōde || þæt hit meahte swā, / þ
A.1.4 84 eniġu swā same. / Þā iċ in mōde || mīnum hoĝode / þæt iċ w
A.1.4 285 ·hwelċ. / Ġe·munan simle on mōde || metodes strengþu; / ġearwi
A.1.4 540 . / ‘Sume hīe ne meahton || mōde% on·cnāwan / þæt wæs sē d
A.2.1 66 m || willan þīnes / ġeorn on mōde; || nū þurh ġiehþa sċeall
A.2.1 99 ū on sefan tō forht, / ne on mōde ne% murn. || Iċ þē mid wun
A.2.1 422 | frēfra þīne / mæċġas on mōde. || Miċel is nū ġīena / lād
A.2.1 448 . || Beornas wurdon / forhte on mōde, || friðes wilnedon, / miltsa t
A.2.1 625 | wordum ġe·seċġan, / maĝa mōde rōf, || mæġen þā hē cȳ
A.2.1 639 ām þe feorr oþþe nēah / on mōde ġe·man || hūse maĝa freme
A.2.1 746 wicene, || oþþe sǣl nyton, / mōde ġe·mierde. || Ġē mon% ċ
A.2.1 984 || elne ġe·fyrðred, / maĝa mōde rōf, || metode ġe·trēowe,
A.2.1 1017 ste wǣron bēġen / lēofe on mōde. || Hīe lēoht ymb·sċān / h
A.2.1 1251 Crīste swā-þēah / lēof on mōde. || Him wæs lēoht sefa / hāli
A.2.1 1583 rdon burĝ-ware || blīðe on mōde, / ferhþ-ġe·fēonde. || Þā
A.2.4 15 d welerum.’ || Wēa biþ on mōde, / sefa synnum fāh, || sāre ġ
A.2.5 122 tō þām bēame || blīðe mōde, / elne miċele, || ðǣr iċ an
A.2.5 130 is willa tō þām / miċel on mōde, || and min mundbyrd is / ġerih
A.2.6 268 || þēodnes willan / ġeorn on mōde || þæt hēo Iūdēas / ofer h
A.2.6 191 heofon-rīċes || hiht% swā mōde / and þis andwearde || ān-for
A.2.6 784 fum, || þæt hīe weorðoden / mōde and mæġene || þone mǣran
Christ A 28 oht on·tȳne, / weorðe ūssum mōde || tō mund-boran, / and þæt
Christ A 280 hæleþ ġond foldan, / blīðe mōde, || þæt þū brȳd sīe / þæ
Christ A 293 c / tō heofon-hāme || hlūtre mōde / siþþan sende. || For­·þo
Christ A 371 hū we% tealtriaþ || tȳdran mōde, / hwearfiaþ hēanlīċe. || Cy
Christ C 916 cininges, || þām þe him on mōde ǣr / wordum and weorcum || wē
Christ C 989 ndra mā / þonne hit ǣniġ on mōde || mæġe ā·þenċan, / hū
Christ C 1401 ām eallum || ēades tō lȳt / mōde þūhte, || ġif þū meahte
Christ C 1428 t earfoþe wann. / Næs mē for mōde, || ac iċ on maĝu-ġuĝuþe /
Christ C 1498 īnum nerġende || nysses on mōde. / Be·bēad iċ ēow || þætte
Christ C 1512 æt hīe þȳ frēoran hyġe / mōde ġe·fēngen. || Eall ġē þ
Christ C 1557 e hē wihte hafaþ / hrēowe on mōde || þæt him hāliġ gǣst / lo
Christ C 1600 || ġīeman nellaþ, / menn on mōde, || þonne man fremmaþ%, / hwæ
A.3.10 83 || hǣlu rǣdes / ġe·munan on mōde || mǣla ġe·hwelcum / þone s
A.3.12 20 / murnan metod-ġe·sċeaft || mōde ġe·bisiĝod. / Sum sċeall on
A.3.12 53 n / ġe·mearcian his mūðe || mōde sīne, / ac sċeall full earml
A.3.13 41 || þæt him biþ sār on his mōde, / onġe þonne hē hit ana wāt
A.3.13 50 tīeran sċeall mann strangum mōde. || Storm oft holm ġe·brinġ
A.3.14 26 ræftiġ || on hreðre mæġe / mōde ġe·ġrīpan. || Is sīn% me
Guthlac A 320 n || āwiht sinne, / ne mē mid mōde || miċeles ġierne, / ac mē d
Guthlac A 344 sċeall ōretta || ā on his mōde / gode campian || and his gǣst
Guthlac A 353 eðrode; / woldon þæt him tō mōde || fore mann-lufan / sorh ġe·
Guthlac A 394 of / on Gūð·lāces || gōdum mōde / wēox and wunode || and hine
Guthlac A 440 blǣd mid god. / Þūhte him on mōde || þæt sē mann-cynnes / ēad
Guthlac A 465 nnum miðaþ || þæs þē on mōde ġe·hyċġaþ; / ne bēoþ ēo
Guthlac A 472 eldan / þæt hē martirhād || mōde ġe·lufode, / sealde him snytr
Guthlac A 608 ; / and iċ blētsie || blīðe mōde / līfes lēoht-fruman || and h
Guthlac A 710 eweste / under mannes hīew || mōde ġe·lufode. / Hē mec of heofo
Guthlac A 770 eþ, / þonne hēo on mannes || mōde ġe·timbreþ / gæstcunde ġie
Guthlac B 962 sēo ādl-þracu || eġle% on mōde, / ne dēaþ-ġe·dāl, || ac hi
Guthlac B 1068 s sēocnan tīd || sorĝe on mōde, / ne iċ mē here-hlōðe || he
Guthlac B 1086 rĝan tīd || dǣdum cwēmde, / mōde and mæġene. || Iċ þā meo
Guthlac B 1255 || ansīene wearþ. / Ā iċ on mōde māþ || manna ġe·hwelcne /
A.3.22.11 6 æt hēo swā ġe·mǣde, || mōde be·stolene, / dǣde ġe·dwole
A.3.25 75 eall for gode þolian / blīðe mōde, || nū iċ ġe·bunden eom / f
A.3.25 107 mæġ / ǣniġne mann-cynnes || mōde ġe·lufian / eorl on ēðle. |
A.3.25 109 mund-bora. || Þæt iċ eom mōde [s]eoc, / bitere ā·bolĝen, |
A.3.26 134 , || weoroda drihten, / blīðe mōde || ealle burĝ-waran, / swelċe
A.3.34.84 35 þe ferhþum glēaw || / mann mōde snotor || meniġu wundra. / Hr
A.3.34.86 2 ǣton / maniġe on mæðele, || mōde snotre; / hæfde ān ēaĝe ||
A.3.4 446 fona hēah-cyning, || hold on mōde. / Þæt is sē hēa bēam || on
A.3.4 471 ām wīcum || willan fremmaþ / mōde and mæġene || metodes cempa
A.3.5 39 d-spēdiġ guma, || ġeorn on mōde, / þæt him man framlicost || f
A.3.5 67 ǣre fǣmnan fæder || frecne mōde, / daraþ-hæbbende: || Mē þī
A.3.5 184 ā for þām folce || frecne mōde / bēot-wordum spræc, || bealh
A.3.6 41 e·bindaþ. / Þynċeþ him on mōde || þæt hē his mann-drihten
A.3.6 111 þ.’ / Swā cwæþ snottor on mōde, || ġe·sæt him sundor æt r
A.3.7 25 || wuldor-ġeofona full, / mann mōde swīþ || of ġe·mete hweorf
A.3.7 87 eornlīċe || gæstes þearfe / mōde be·windeþ || and him metode
A.3.7 98 ofer eorðan || ǣniġ manna / mōde þæs cræftiġ, || ne þæs
A.3.8 13 īne lārēowas || lēofe on mōde, / þā þeċ ġeornast || tō g
A.3.8 35 || and dolliċ word, / mān on mōde || and on mūðe lyġe, / ierre
A.3.8 46 tō·sċēd simle || sċearpe mōde / on sefan þīnum || and þe
A.3.8 91 tō twēo-sprǣċe, / ne þe on mōde lǣt || menn tō fracuþe, / ac
A.3.9 109 Stīeran man sċeall strangum mōde% || and þæt on staðolum hea
A.4.1 624 wulfe, || bēah-hroden cwēn / mōde ġe·þungen, || medu-full æ
A.4.1 753 mund-grīpe māran. || Hē on mōde wearþ / forht on ferhþe; || n
A.4.1 1307 ār hilde-rinċ, || on hrēon mōde, / siþþan hē ealdor-þeġn ||
A.4.1 1418 num Sċieldinga, || weorce on mōde / tō ġe·þolianne, || þeġn
A.4.1 1844 rt mæġenes strang || and on mōde frōd, / wīs word-cwida. || W
A.4.1 2281 t hine ān ā·bealh / mann on mōde; || mann-drihtne bær / fǣted w
A.4.1 2527 nna ġe·hwæs. || Iċ eom on mōde fram / þæt iċ wiþ þone gū
A.4.1 2581 eaðu-swenġe || on hrēoᵤm mōde, / wearp wæl-fȳre; || wīde sp
A.4.2 57 || Þā wearþ sē brēma on mōde / blīðe, burga ealdor, || þ
A.4.2 93 || þæt mē is þus torne on mōde, / hāte on hreðere mīnum.’
A.4.2 97 || Þā wearþ hire rūme on mōde, / hāliġre hiht ġe·nīewod;
A.4.2 154 ē ne þyrfen lenġ / murnan on mōde. || Ēow is metod blīðe, / cyn
A.4.2 282 ann his feax teran, / hrēoh on mōde || and his hræġl samod, / and
The Paris Psalter 101:21 4 ēawe daĝas / mīnra mǣtra || mōde seċġe, / þæt þū mē meaht
The Paris Psalter 102:5 2 miltse / and þe mild-heorte || mōde ġe·trymede; / eart þū ed·n
The Paris Psalter 102:8 1 ort þū eart and mehtiġ, || mōde ġe·þyldiġ, / ēċe drihten,
The Paris Psalter 104:5 1 orne. / / # / Ġe·munaþ ġē on mōde, || hū hē maniġ wunder / worh
The Paris Psalter 106:17 2 ȳsċton || ǣġhwelcne mete, / mōde mæġen hira, || oþ unmihte,
The Paris Psalter 111:4 4 oldon mid rihte; / milde is on mōde || mehtiġ drihten, / and hē i
The Paris Psalter 113:21 5 ġe·blētsodest || blīðe mōde / ealle þā þe on þē || eġ
The Paris Psalter 118:24 2 ġe·trīewe, / and iċ hīe on mōde || metĝie ġeorne / and mē t
The Paris Psalter 118:26 3 mē ġe·hīerdest || holde mōde; / lǣr mē on līfe, || hū iċ
The Paris Psalter 118:35 1 ealre mīnre heortan || holde mōde. / / # / Ġe·lǣd mē on stīġe,
The Paris Psalter 118:58 4 tan mīnre, / þæt þū mē on mōde || milde weorðe / aefter þīn
The Paris Psalter 118:68 1 ǣċe ġe·hēold || spēd on mōde. / / # / God þū eart%, drihten |
The Paris Psalter 118:81 2 wol ġe·wearþ || swancor on mōde, / ðǣr iċ on þīnre hǣlu ||
The Paris Psalter 118:92 3 || ān ne hulpe, / þe iċ on mōde || mīnum hæfde, / þonne iċ
The Paris Psalter 118:98 1 lange dyde, / þæt iċ þā on mōde || metĝode ġeorne. / / # / Þū
The Paris Psalter 118:112 2 de iċ mīne heortan || holde mōde, / þæt iċ þīn sōþfæst we
The Paris Psalter 118:144 1 de and lǣste, / ēac on mīnum mōde || hīe metĝode ġeorne. / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:162 2 de. / / # / Iċ blissie || bealde mōde / ofer þīnre sprǣċe || spē
The Paris Psalter 118:168 2 iċ þīne be·bodu || holde mōde / and þīne ġe·witnesse || w
The Paris Psalter 119:1 3 hē mē ġe·hīerde || holde mōde. / / # / A·līes mīne sāwle, ||
The Paris Psalter 128:6 6 swelċe blētsiaþ || blīðe mōde.’
The Paris Psalter 134:21 6 / blētsien drihten || blīðe mōde. / / # / Þā þe him on·drǣden
The Paris Psalter 137:1 4 ā iċ mid mūðe || and mid mōde cweðe, / and on þīnra engla
The Paris Psalter 137:2 2 / þæt hālġe hūs, || holde mōde, / and ðǣr þīnne naman || on
The Paris Psalter 138:1 2 nd mē on·ġēate || glēawe mōde; / þū min setl || swelċe on·
The Paris Psalter 138:9 1 ǣr ġe·hendeþ. / / # / Iċ on mōde cwæþ || mīnum swelċe: / ‘
The Paris Psalter 140:7 2 e·reċċe / and mild-heorte || mōde þrēaĝe; / ele synfulra || ǣ
The Paris Psalter 140:10 2 || dǣdum mīnum / ēaĝum and mōde || ǣġhwǣr ġe·līefe; / ne
The Paris Psalter 142:5 1 e·drēfed. / / # / Þonne iċ on mōde || ġe·myndgode, / hū mē ǣr
The Paris Psalter 142:5 3 | oft ā·lumpan, / metĝode on mōde || ealle% þīne mǣran weorc
The Paris Psalter 142:6 2 and mīne sāwle || sette mid mōde, / swā eorðan biþ || ansīen
The Paris Psalter 142:9 2 hwelcne iċ gange || glēawe mōde; / nū iċ tō dryhtnes || dōme
The Paris Psalter 144:3 2 ne man mæġene sċeall / holde mōde || herġan swīðe; / nis his m
The Paris Psalter 146:6 1 | ǣfre ā·rīman. / / # / Milde mōde || and mann-þwǣre% / hē% on
The Paris Psalter 147:6 4 mæġ / him standan || stīðe mōde. / / # / Hē his word sendeþ ||
The Paris Psalter 150:2 2 meahtum, / herġaþ hine aefter mōde || his mæġen-þrymmes. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 54:6 1 u nið-grimm. / / # / Iċ þā on mōde cwæþ, || hwā mē sealde / t
The Paris Psalter 54:10 4 iċ þæt ā·bere || blīðe mōde. / / # / Þēah þe þā ealle ||
The Paris Psalter 58:5 4 r landes; / ne þū hweðere on mōde || milde weorðest / eallum þe
The Paris Psalter 60:1 2 eald mīne ġe·bedd || holde mōde. / Nū iċ of eorðan || ūt-ġe
The Paris Psalter 65:7 1 / Bletsien þēoda || blīðe mōde / ealle eorð-būend || ēċne
The Paris Psalter 66:1 1 mehtiġ drihten || and ūs on mōde ēac / ġe·blētsa nū; || beo
The Paris Psalter 66:1 3 īnne andwlitan || and ūs on mōde weorþ / þurh þīne miċelnes
The Paris Psalter 70:2 1 mē þīn ēare tō || holde mōde, / and mē lustum ā·līes || a
The Paris Psalter 71:19 4 ana; / sīe his meahta nama || mōde ġe·blētsad / on ēċnesse ||
The Paris Psalter 72:11 1 wynnum namon. / / # / Þā iċ on mōde cwæþ || mīnum sōna, / ‘þ
The Paris Psalter 76:5 2 mē ēċe ġēar || ealle on mōde. / / # / Iċ þā mid heortan on·
The Paris Psalter 80:11 3 Israhel be·healdan || holde mōde. / / # / Ac hīe libban hēt || lu
The Paris Psalter 83:1 2 æġena drihten; || ā iċ on mōde þæs / willum hæfde, || þet
The Paris Psalter 83:11 2 / þæt man sīe mild-heort || mōde sōþfæst, / þonne him god ġ
The Paris Psalter 84:4 3 ūs ne weorðe || wrāþ on mōde. / / # / Ne wrec þū þīn% ierre
The Paris Psalter 84:5 1 þū þīn% ierre || wrāðe mōde / of cynne on cynn || and on cn
The Paris Psalter 85:6 3 mē ġe·hīerdest || holde mōde. / / # / Nis þē goda ǣniġ || o
The Paris Psalter 85:15 2 mē siþþan weorþ / milde on mōde, || mehtiġ drihten; / ġe·teoh
The Paris Psalter 89:16 2 ld-heortnesse; || þæs we on mōde nū / habbaþ ealle daĝas ||
The Paris Psalter 89:18 3 bearn ġe·reċċe || blīðe mōde. / / # / Wese ūs beorhtness ofer
The Paris Psalter 98:7 2 ē hīe ġe·hīerde || holde mōde, / spræc him wordum tō || þur
A.5.6.14 2 n || weorold-ġītsere / on his mōde þe bet, || þēah hē miċel
A.5.6.16 5 der·þīeded, / ā·dō of his mōde || mislicra fela / þāra ymb·
A.5.6.17 20 | up ā·hebben, / nū on þǣm mōde biþ || manna ġe·hwelcum / þ
A.5.6.20 200 mid ġe·þeahte || þeġnes mōde, / mid and-ġiete, || ealles wea
A.5.6.22 13 -ġe·þanc, / ġe·sċeġe his mōde% || þæt hit mæġ findan / eal
A.5.6.22 27 awas || eallunga ne maĝon / of mōde ā·tēon || manna ǣnĝum / ri
A.5.6.22 65 on brēostum styreþ / mann on mōde || mǣla ġe·hwelċe.
A.5.6.25 19 tō up ā·hæfen || inne on mōde / for þǣm an-wealde || þe hi
A.5.6.26 109 listas and cræftas / of þǣm mōde cumaþ || manna ġe·hwelcum,
A.5.6.27 31 . / Hē sċeall þone mannan || mōde lufian, / and his unþēawas ||
A.5.6.28 79 ta || and him līfes weard / of mōde ā·brit || þæt miċele dys
A.5.6.29 2 s% / hēane an-weald || hlūtre mōde / on·ġietan ġeorne%, || ġī
A.5.6.3 9 nċed. || Swā is þissum nū / mōde ġe·lumpen, || nū hit māre
A.5.6.4 27 | dōþ on heofonum swā same / mōde and mæġene, || būtan menn
A.6.10.4 21 || byrnende lufan / metodes on mōde. || Þā wæs mǣrþa fruma / t
A.6.17 25 and iċ murcniende cwæþ, || mōde ġe·drēfed: / ‘Nū iċ ēow
A.6.17 92 gne tīman. / Ġe·myne ēac on mōde, || hū miċel is þæt wīte /
A.6.22 9 fa || on līf-dæġe / on ūrum mōde || mǣre þurh·wunie. / And þ
A.6.43.11 26 engla. / Biddu ealle || blīðu mōde / þæt mē bēo Matheus% helm,
A.6.7 12 aþ% || on orde, || wesaþ on mōde’. / Þā ā·rās maniġ gold-hla
mǣre - 108 occurrences
Genesis A 155 ofer foldan || fūs sīðian / mǣre morĝen þridda. || Nǣron me
Genesis A 853 -mehtiġ / ofer midne dæġ, || mǣre þēoden, / on neorxna-wang ||
Genesis A 950 t and strengþu, || sē þæt mǣre līf / duĝuþum dēore || drih
Genesis A 2009 ran, || þā sǣl ā·ġeald, / mǣre ċeastra. || Mæġþ sīðodo
Genesis A 2200 biþ || ierfes hīerde, / gōde mǣre. || Ne ġōmra þū. / Iċ eom s
Genesis A 2337 as, / weorold-cyningas || wīde mǣre’. / Abraham þā || ofstum leġde
Genesis A 2568 þan / sē manlica || þæt is mǣre spell / stille wunode, || ðǣr
A.1.2 47 dēoful-ġield. || Dæġ wæs mǣre / ofer middan-ġeard || þā s
A.1.2 102 || swā him Moyses be·bēad, / mǣre maĝu-rǣswa, || metodes folc
A.1.2 349 n-þrymmum mǣst, || þȳ hē mǣre wearþ, / on forþ-weĝas || fo
A.1.3 45 od ġe·fōr, / mæġen-þrēat mǣre, || mān-bealwes ġeorn. / A·we
A.1.3 105 æs brēme || Babilone weard, / mǣre and mōdiġ || ofer middan-ġ
A.1.3 284 nerġenne. || Is þīn nama mǣre, / wlitiġ and wuldorfæst || of
A.1.3 319 ed wurde, / and sēo meniġu || mǣre wǣre, / hād% tō hebbanne ||
A.1.3 451 sōce || þætte sōþ wǣre / mǣre meahta wealdend, || sē hīe
A.1.3 608 sēo miċele || and min sēo mǣre burh / þe iċ ġe·worhte || t
A.1.4 352 etodes meahte, || ġond þæt mǣre cynn, / ðǣr habbaþ englas ||
A.2.1 7 et% ġe·tǣhte. / Þæt wǣron mǣre || menn ofer eorðan, / frame f
A.2.1 815 wāt maniġ nū-ġīet / miċel mǣre spell || þe sē maĝa fremed
A.2.1 1338 rōde% / on his mæġ-wlite, || mǣre tācen, / wurdon hīe þā ācl
A.2.2 67 ġe·fǣlsod / þurh Matheus || mǣre lāre. / Þone hēt Irtacus ||
A.2.2 121 his lof standeþ, / miċel and mǣre || and his meaht seomaþ, / ē
A.2.5 12 er moldan, || and eall þēos mǣre ġe·sċeaft. / syl·līċ wæs
A.2.5 82 er moldan, || and eall þēos mǣre ġe·sċeaft, / ġebiddaþ him
A.2.6 214 forþ ġe·myndiġ / ymb þæt mǣre trēo || and þā his mōdor
A.2.6 340 || cniht on dēagle, / meahtum mǣre, || swā þæs mōdor ne biþ /
A.2.6 531 wer-þēode || wīde lǣded, / mǣre morĝen-spell || maniĝum on
A.2.6 738 ċeall / ġond middan-ġeard || mǣre weorðan, / þonne æt sæċċe
Christ A 94 | and ēac mōdor ġe·wearþ / mǣre metodes suna. || For·þon þ
Christ B 589 iðode || folc under wolcnum, / mǣre metodes sunu, || þæt nū ma
Guthlac B 881 ēas / meaht and mund-byrd. || Mǣre wurdon / his wundra ġe·weorc
A.3.22.26 16 wuldor-ġe·steald || wīde mǣre / dryht-folca helm, || nealles
A.3.22.26 27 um tō nytte. || Nama min is mǣre, / hæleþum ġīfre || and hāl
A.3.22.40 45 tran wæs || ġung ā·cenned / mǣre tō mannum || þurh mīnre m
A.3.25 5 and maniġfeald. || Iċ þē, mǣre god, / mīne sāwle be·bēode
A.3.3 6 nerġanne. || Is þīn nama mǣre, / wlitiġ and wuldorfæst || of
A.3.34.84 11 nd ende, || swelċe ān sunu, / mǣre metodes bearn, || þurh []ed,
A.3.6 100 en wæl-ġīfru, || wyrd sēo mǣre%, / and þās stān-hliðu || sto
A.4.1 103 ymma gāst || Grendel hāten, / mǣre mearc-stapa, || sē þe mōra
A.4.1 129 en, / miċel morĝen-swēġ. || Mǣre þēoden, / æðeling ǣr-gōd,
A.4.1 1023 umbₒr%, || helm and byrnan, / mǣre māðum-sweord || maniġe ġe
A.4.1 1046 l brūcan. / Swā mannlīċe || mǣre þēoden, / hord-weard hæleþa
A.4.1 1715 || oþ·þæt hē ana hwearf, / mǣre þēoden, || mann-drēamum fr
A.4.1 1761 as; || ofer-hyġda ne ġīem, / mǣre cempa. || Nū is þīnes mæ
A.4.1 1952 wēl / on gum-stōle, || gōde, mǣre, / līf-ġe·sċeafta || libbend
A.4.1 2405 ō bearme cōm / māðᵤm-fæt mǣre || þurh þæs meldan hand. / S
A.4.1 3070 | dēope be·nemdon / þēodnas mǣre, || þā þæt ðǣr dydon, / þ
The Paris Psalter 101:1 1 01 / / # / Þū min ġe·bedd, || mǣre% drihten, / ġe·hīer, heofones
The Paris Psalter 102:19 3 ġen and meahta, || þā his mǣre word / habbaþ and healdaþ ||
The Paris Psalter 103:1 3 d, || dǣdum swīðe, / meahtum mǣre || ofer manna bearn. / / # / Þū
The Paris Psalter 103:23 4 ġe·sċeafta, || sċieppend mǣre. / / # / His is miċel sǣ || and
The Paris Psalter 104:5 3 tel, / and his mūðes ēac || mǣre dōmas. / / # / Hwæt, hē Abraha
The Paris Psalter 104:7 2 aron his dōmas || dēore and mǣre / ġond þisse eorðan || ǣġh
The Paris Psalter 104:11 1 e·selle.’ / / # / Næs% þæt mǣre cynn || miċel on rīme, / ac o
The Paris Psalter 106:30 3 milde wearþ || manna cynne; / mǣre sind his wunder || ofer manna
The Paris Psalter 107:5 3 e / ofer þās eorðan || ealle mǣre, / and þīne þā ġe·corenan
The Paris Psalter 107:6 6 ċyimam nū / and on Metibor || mǣre standaþ%. / / # / Mīn is Galaad
The Paris Psalter 111:3 2 his sōþfæstness || swelċe mǣre, / þenden þisse weorolde || wu
The Paris Psalter 113:2 4 ōm || ofer Israhelas, / meahta mǣre || and miċel rīċe. / / # / Sw
The Paris Psalter 117:2 3 tandeþ / his mild-heortness || mǣre tō weorolde. / / # / Cweðe Aaro
The Paris Psalter 117:3 3 andeþ / his mild-heortness% || mǣre tō weorolde. / / # / Cweðen eal
The Paris Psalter 117:4 4 andeþ / his mild-heortness% || mǣre on weorolde. / / # / Iċ on costu
The Paris Psalter 118:41 3 rihten%, / þæt milde mōd, || mǣre hǣlu / aefter þīnre sprǣċe
The Paris Psalter 118:132 3 || and mē siþþan hræðe / mǣre ġe·miltsa, || swā þū man
The Paris Psalter 125:3 5 þū wunder mid ūs || wyrċe mǣre, / and we bealde on þǣm || bl
The Paris Psalter 131:5 1 / oþ·þæt iċ ġe·mēte || mǣre stōwe / drihtne ġe·corene, |
The Paris Psalter 134:11 3 wæs / on Basane || brēme and mǣre. / / # / Sealde hira eard-land ||
The Paris Psalter 135:8 1 tte on% meahtmeht% dæġes || mǣre sunnan. / / # / On% meahtmeht% ni
The Paris Psalter 135:12 1 e·sunde. / / # / On mihtiġre || mǣre handa / and on eall-meahte || e
The Paris Psalter 137:6 2 īde ġond eorðan / miċel and mǣre, || ofer middan-ġeard / eart þ
The Paris Psalter 143:3 1 līfes mīnes. / / # / Mīn þū mǣre eart || mehtiġ sċieldend; / i
The Paris Psalter 144:5 4 þ / eall þīn wunder || wīde mǣre. / / # / And hīe mæġen swelċe
The Paris Psalter 144:6 1 / And hīe mæġen swelċe || mǣre and eġesliċ / þīnra wundra
The Paris Psalter 144:9 3 indon% his miltsa || ofer ūs mǣre weorc / eall ieldum cūþ || ā
The Paris Psalter 144:11 3 , / þīnes mæġen-þrymmes || mǣre wuldor / riht and rēðe || rī
The Paris Psalter 149:4 3 þǣm mann-þwǣrum sileþ || mǣre hǣlu. / / # / Þonne on wuldre
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2 aþ hine on his mæġenes || mǣre hǣlu. / / # / Herġaþ hine swel
The Paris Psalter 56:7 1 e / ofer þās eorðan || ealle mǣre. / / # / Fōtum hēo mīnum || fǣ
The Paris Psalter 70:18 1 s meahtes þrymm || and þæt mǣre sōþ, / þæt þū on heofonum
The Paris Psalter 77:14 2 nde / him worhte fore || wundur mǣre / and on Campotanea || ēac mid
The Paris Psalter 77:55 1 # / And hē maniġe for him || mǣre þēode / ā·wearp of wīcum,
The Paris Psalter 79:5 1 / Eala þū, mæġena god, || mǣre drihten, / hū lange || iersast
The Paris Psalter 83:7 2 || hāliġ drihten, / þū eart mǣre god, || mildum ēarum, / and Ia
The Paris Psalter 86:4 2 nn’ cwæþ ǣrest, / and hire mǣre ġe·wearþ || mann on innan,
The Paris Psalter 87:4 3 ; / iċ eom menn% ġe·līċ || mǣre ġe·worden, / þe mid dēadum%
The Paris Psalter 88:41 1 n·ǣled fȳr? / / # / Ġe·mune, mǣre god, || hwæt sīe min lȳtle
The Paris Psalter 90:6 3 rum, / oþþe on midne dæġ || mǣre dēoful. / / # / Fealleþ þē on
The Paris Psalter 98:2 2 | dēma sē mǣsta, / hēah and mǣre || ofer eall hæleþa folc. / /
The Paris Psalter 98:6 1 rnum. / / # / Moyses et Aaron% || mǣre ġe·brōðor, / sōðe sācerd
A.5.6.24 43 nawendendliċ, || wlitiġ and mǣre. / Ġif þū wierðest% || on we
A.6.10.1 14 n sunne up / on morgen-tīd, || mǣre tungol, / glād ofer grundas, |
A.6.12 6 ēor, || feohteþ mid hornum, / mǣre mōr-stapa; || þæt is mōdi
A.6.12 75 htnes sand, || dēore mannum, / mǣre metodes lēoht, || myrĝþ an
A.6.14 2 a wuldor, / on midne winter, || mǣre þēoden, / ēċe æl-mehtiġ,
A.6.14 27 || nerġendes þeġn, / Mathias mǣre, || mīne ġe·frǣġe, / þæs
A.6.14 53 middan-ġeard; || wæs þæt mǣre wyrd, / folcum ġe·frǣġe. ||
A.6.14 57 | on þǣm oftost cymeþ / sēo mǣre tīd || mannum tō frōfre, / d
A.6.14 145 trīewe / þurh martyrdōm, || mǣre dīacon, / Laurentius, || hæf
A.6.14 208 ower niht / þætte Martinus || mǣre ġe·lēorde, / wer wamma lēas
A.6.17 55 miċel for·stent || and hū mǣre is / sēo sōðe hrēow || synn
A.6.21 10 am synnum, || swā þīn sunu mǣre / þurh clǣne ġe·cynd, || cy
A.6.22 9 līf-dæġe / on ūrum mōde || mǣre þurh·wunie. / And þīn willa
A.6.28 38 æt ġe·rīm witan, / hū þū mǣre eart, || mehtiġ drihten. / Ac
A.6.28 41 || siĝores ealdor, / hū þū mǣre eart, || mehtiġ and mæġen-
A.6.28 51 odorum. / Þīn mæġen is swā mǣre, || mehtiġ drihten, / swā þæ
A.6.31 17 / Fela is mæġena || þe sēo mǣre þēod / on þǣm heresċipe ||
A.6.31 107 t on·gann || eorl sē gōda, / mǣre Moyses, || ǣr hē on munt st
A.6.43.10 5 os dǣd wierðe || for mannum mǣre, / per crucem Christi. And ġe·
on - 5662 occurrences
Genesis A 19 þon / firena fremman || ac hie on friþe lifdon / ece mid heora a
Genesis A 21 r || elles ne ongunnon / ræran on roderum || nymþe riht and so
Genesis A 23 weard || for oferhygde / dwæl on gedwilde || noldan dreogan le
Genesis A 32 niþes ofþyrsted || þæt he on norþdæle / ham and heahsetl |
Genesis A 59 tire || and his torn gewræc / on gesacum swiþe || selfes miht
Genesis A 61 e mod / gegremed grymme || grap on wraþe / faum folmum || and him
Genesis A 62 wraþe / faum folmum || and him on fæþm gebræc / yrre on mode |
Genesis A 63 nd him on fæþm gebræc / yrre on mode || æþele bescyrede / his
Genesis A 68 dend sende / laþwendne here || on langne siþ / geomre gastas ||
Genesis A 71 d þrym / wlite gewemmed || heo on wrace syþþan / seomodon swear
Genesis A 78 þa wæs soþ swa ær || sibb on heofnum / fægre freoþoþeawas
Genesis A 86 gæfon / leohte belorene || him on laste setl / wuldorspedum welig
Genesis A 88 wide stodan / gifum growende || on godes rice / beorht and geblæd
Genesis A 97 aþan || ofgifen hæfdon / heah on heofenum || forþam halig god
Genesis A 101 eted wurde / woruldgesceafte || on wraþra gield / þara þe forhe
Genesis A 106 htne fremde / idel and unnyt || on þone eagum wlat / stiþfrihþ
Genesis A 138 d ure / æfen ærest || him arn on last / þrang þystre genip ||
Genesis A 145 strum || heht þa lifes weard / on mereflode || middum weorþan /
Genesis A 187 s bryd / gaste gegearwod || hie on geogoþe bu / wlitebeorht wæro
Genesis A 188 oþe bu / wlitebeorht wæron || on woruld cenned / meotodes mihtum
Genesis A 191 n || ac him drihtnes wæs / bam on breostum || byrnende lufu / þa
Genesis A 199 inc sceal sealt wæter / wunian on gewealde || and eall worulde
Genesis A 202 halig feoh / and wilde deor || on geweald geseald / and lifigende
Genesis A 220 p / wætre wlitebeorhtum || and on woruld sende / þæra anne hata
Genesis A 224 tum streamum / hebeleac utan || on þære eþyltyrf / niþþas fin
Genesis B 242 || stod his handgeweorc / somod on sande || nyston sorga wiht / to
Genesis B 253 wiþne geworhtne / swa mihtigne on his modgeþohte || he let hin
Genesis B 254 micles wealdan / hehstne to him on heofona rice || hæfde he hin
Genesis B 255 ne / swa wynlic wæs his wæstm on heofonum || þæt him com fro
Genesis B 257 / dyran sceolde he his dreamas on heofonum || and sceolde his d
Genesis B 258 ncian / þæs leanes þe he him on þam leohte gescerede || þon
Genesis B 260 heofnes waldend || þe siteþ on þam halgan stole / deore wæs
Genesis B 274 cran || stol geworhte / heahran on heofonum || cwæþ þæt hine
Genesis B 282 nne || godlecran stol / hearran on heofne || hwy sceal ic æfter
Genesis B 288 nd synd hie mine georne / holde on hyra hygesceaftum || ic mæg
Genesis B 289 mæg hyra hearra wesan / rædan on þis rice || swa me þæt rih
Genesis B 302 orene / gram wearþ him se goda on his mode || forþon he sceold
Genesis B 304 a fram his hyldo || and hine on helle wearp / on þa deopan dal
Genesis B 305 do || and hine on helle wearp / on þa deopan dala || þær he t
Genesis B 308 d dagas / þa englas of heofnum on helle || and heo ealle forsce
Genesis B 310 n weorþian || forþon he heo on wyrse leoht / under eorþan neo
Genesis B 312 mihtig god / sette sigelease || on þa sweartan helle / þær hæb
Genesis B 313 rtan helle / þær hæbbaþ heo on æfyn || ungemet lange / ealra
Genesis B 315 c || fyr edneowe / þonne cymþ on uhtan || easterne wind / forst
Genesis B 322 elæston / lagon þa oþre fynd on þam fyre || þe ær swa feal
Genesis B 331 a befeallene || fyre to botme / on þa hatan hell || þurh hygel
Genesis B 339 r wæs engla scynost / hwitost on heofne || and his hearran leo
Genesis B 342 pe || god sylfa wearþ / mihtig on mode yrre || wearp hine on þ
Genesis B 342 ig on mode yrre || wearp hine on þæt morþer innan / niþer on
Genesis B 343 on þæt morþer innan / niþer on þæt niobedd || and sceop hi
Genesis B 350 || wæs ær godes engel / hwit