Genesis A 49 |
en geleah || siþþan waldend |
his |
/ heofona heahcining || honda a |
Genesis A 57 |
d dugeþe || and dreame benam / |
his |
feond friþo || and gefean ea |
Genesis A 58 |
fean ealle / torhte tire || and |
his |
torn gewræc / on gesacum swiþ |
Genesis A 64 |
on mode || æþele bescyrede / |
his |
wiþerbrecan || wuldorgesteal |
Genesis A 80 |
s || frea eallum leof / þeoden |
his |
þegnum || þrymmas weoxon / du |
Genesis A 149 |
ahof / up from eorþan || þurh |
his |
agen word / frea ælmihtig || f |
Genesis A 158 |
lode || frea engla heht / þurh |
his |
word wesan || wæter gemæne / |
Genesis A 207 |
/ þa sceawode || scyppend ure / |
his |
weorca wlite || and his wæst |
Genesis A 207 |
d ure / his weorca wlite || and |
his |
wæstma blæd / niwra gesceafta |
Genesis B 241 |
en / stiþferhþ cyning || stod |
his |
handgeweorc / somod on sande || |
Genesis B 245 |
wæron leof gode / þenden heo |
his |
halige word || healdan woldon |
Genesis B 249 |
m he getruwode wel / þæt hie |
his |
giongorscipe || fyligan wolde |
Genesis B 250 |
ipe || fyligan wolden / wyrcean |
his |
willan || forþon he him gewi |
Genesis B 251 |
he him gewit forgeaf / and mid |
his |
handum gesceop || halig driht |
Genesis B 253 |
ne geworhtne / swa mihtigne on |
his |
modgeþohte || he let hine sw |
Genesis B 255 |
tne geworhtne / swa wynlic wæs |
his |
wæstm on heofonum || þæt h |
Genesis B 257 |
tnes wyrcean / dyran sceolde he |
his |
dreamas on heofonum || and sc |
Genesis B 257 |
as on heofonum || and sceolde |
his |
drihtne þancian / þæs leanes |
Genesis B 258 |
gescerede || þonne læte he |
his |
hine lange wealdan / ac he awen |
Genesis B 262 |
e him bedyrned weorþan / þæt |
his |
engyl ongan || ofermod wesan / |
Genesis B 263 |
ofermod wesan / ahof hine wiþ |
his |
hearran || sohte hetespræce / |
Genesis B 265 |
de gode þeowian / cwæþ þæt |
his |
lic wære || leoht and scene / |
Genesis B 266 |
iowbeorht || ne meahte he æt |
his |
hige findan / þæt he gode wol |
Genesis B 272 |
gel ofermodes || þohte þurh |
his |
anes cræft / hu he him strengl |
Genesis B 274 |
heofonum || cwæþ þæt hine |
his |
hige speone / þæt he west and |
Genesis B 282 |
heofne || hwy sceal ic æfter |
his |
hyldo þeowian / bugan him swil |
Genesis B 291 |
e ænegum || ne wille ic leng |
his |
geongra wurþan / þa hit se al |
Genesis B 293 |
llwalda || eall gehyrde / þæt |
his |
engyl ongan || ofermede micel |
Genesis B 294 |
| ofermede micel / ahebban wiþ |
his |
hearran || and spræc healic |
Genesis B 296 |
innes gedælan || and sceolde |
his |
wite habban / ealra morþra mæ |
Genesis B 298 |
a deþ monna gehwilc / þe wiþ |
his |
waldend || winnan ongynneþ / m |
Genesis B 301 |
hean stole / hete hæfde he æt |
his |
hearran gewunnen || hyldo hæ |
Genesis B 301 |
rran gewunnen || hyldo hæfde |
his |
ferlorene / gram wearþ him se |
Genesis B 302 |
ne / gram wearþ him se goda on |
his |
mode || forþon he sceolde gr |
Genesis B 304 |
waldend / acwæþ hine þa fram |
his |
hyldo || and hine on helle we |
Genesis B 306 |
to deofle wearþ / se feond mid |
his |
geferum eallum || feollon þa |
Genesis B 309 |
ten to deoflum || forþon heo |
his |
dæd and word / noldon weorþia |
Genesis B 339 |
nost / hwitost on heofne || and |
his |
hearran leof / drihtne dyre || |
Genesis B 350 |
el / hwit on heofne || oþ hine |
his |
hyge forspeon / and his ofermet |
Genesis B 351 |
þ hine his hyge forspeon / and |
his |
ofermetto || ealra swiþost / |
Genesis B 354 |
| weoll him on innan / hyge ymb |
his |
heortan || hat wæs him utan / |
Genesis B 396 |
e hæfþ mon geworhtne / æfter |
his |
onlicnesse || mid þam he wil |
Genesis B 399 |
|| gif we æfre mægen / and on |
his |
eafrum swa some || andan gebe |
Genesis B 402 |
lange niotan / þæs eades mid |
his |
engla cræfte || ne magon we |
Genesis B 404 |
n ne moton || gedon þæt hie |
his |
hyldo forlæten / þæt hie þ |
Genesis B 405 |
e þæt onwendon þæt he mid |
his |
worde bebead || þonne weorþ |
Genesis B 406 |
wraþ on mode / ahwet hie from |
his |
hyldo || þonne sculon hie þ |
Genesis B 413 |
eahte / mine gife gyldan || gif |
his |
gien wolde / minra þegna hwilc |
Genesis B 430 |
laþran beoþ / gif hie brecaþ |
his |
gebodscipe || þonne he him a |
Genesis B 432 |
heard hearmscearu || hycgaþ |
his |
ealle / hu ge hi beswicen || si |
Genesis B 456 |
funde / wislice geworht || and |
his |
wif somed / freo fægroste || s |
Genesis B 473 |
wesan / lungre on lustum || and |
his |
lif agan / hyldo heofoncyninges |
Genesis B 486 |
red / lytle hwile || sceolde he |
his |
lifes niotan / secan þonne lan |
Genesis B 497 |
/ adam up to gode || ic eom on |
his |
ærende hider / feorran gefered |
Genesis B 508 |
þine dæd and word / lofian on |
his |
leohte || and ymb þin lif sp |
Genesis B 510 |
t || þæt on þis land hider / |
his |
bodan bringaþ || brade synd |
Genesis B 515 |
fare / gumena drihten || ac he |
his |
gingran sent / to þinre spræc |
Genesis B 518 |
s læran || læste þu georne / |
his |
ambyhto || nim þe þis ofæt |
Genesis B 519 |
im þe þis ofæt on hand / bit |
his |
and byrige || þe weorþ on |
Genesis B 526 |
mne || and me her stondan het / |
his |
bebodu healdan || and me þas |
Genesis B 530 |
/ healdan sceolde || se þe bi |
his |
heortan wuht / laþes gelæde | |
Genesis B 537 |
c hine nehst geseah / he het me |
his |
word weorþian || and wel hea |
Genesis B 538 |
an || and wel healdan / læstan |
his |
lare || þu gelic ne bist / æn |
Genesis B 539 |
|| þu gelic ne bist / ænegum |
his |
engla || þe ic ær geseah / ne |
Genesis B 544 |
lmihtegan gode || þe me mid |
his |
earmum worhte / her mid handum |
Genesis B 545 |
handum sinum || he mæg me of |
his |
hean rice / geofian mid goda ge |
Genesis B 546 |
id goda gehwilcum || þeah he |
his |
gingran ne sende / wende hine w |
Genesis B 557 |
/ to incre andsware || ne mæg |
his |
ærende / his boda beodan || þ |
Genesis B 558 |
dsware || ne mæg his ærende / |
his |
boda beodan || þy ic wat þ |
Genesis B 561 |
nde || wordum hyran / þu meaht |
his |
þonne rume || ræd geþencan |
Genesis B 567 |
l / herran þines || and habban |
his |
hyldo forþ / meaht þu adame | |
Genesis B 569 |
adame || eft gestyran / gif þu |
his |
willan hæfst || and he þinu |
Genesis B 602 |
rnenga bedrog || þe hire for |
his |
dædum com / þæt hire þuhte |
Genesis B 616 |
te / hwit of heofonum || nu þu |
his |
hrinan meaht / sæge adame || h |
Genesis B 621 |
him þa womcwidas || þeah he |
his |
wyrþe ne sie / to alætanne || |
Genesis B 625 |
rran hearmcwyde || ond habban |
his |
hyldo forþ / þa gieng to adam |
Genesis B 635 |
hine ne warnaþ || þonne he |
his |
geweald hafaþ / sum heo hire o |
Genesis B 645 |
n || þe þæt laþe treow / on |
his |
bogum bær || bitre gefylled / |
Genesis B 649 |
ac geþoht || þæt heo ongan |
his |
wordum truwian / læstan his la |
Genesis B 650 |
an his wordum truwian / læstan |
his |
lare || and geleafan nom / þæ |
Genesis B 654 |
ire tacen || and treowa gehet / |
his |
holdne hyge || þa heo to hir |
Genesis B 657 |
iene / godes engel god || ic on |
his |
gearwan geseo / þæt he is ær |
Genesis B 659 |
cres hearran / hefoncyninges || |
his |
hyldo is unc betere / to gewinn |
Genesis B 660 |
etere / to gewinnanne || þonne |
his |
wiþermedo / gif þu him heodæ |
Genesis B 664 |
ines hearran bodan || unc is |
his |
hyldo þearf / he mæg unc ære |
Genesis B 669 |
s woruld gesceop / geseo ic him |
his |
englas || ymbe hweorfan / mid f |
Genesis B 678 |
s ofætes onbat / nu hæbbe ic |
his |
her on handa || herra se goda |
Genesis B 680 |
hit from gode come / broht from |
his |
bysene || þæs me þes boda |
Genesis B 701 |
ifa wlitegost || þæt heo on |
his |
willan spræc / wæs him on hel |
Genesis B 706 |
lice || oþ þam þegne ongan / |
his |
hige hweorfan || þæt he þa |
Genesis B 716 |
þæt adame || innan breostum / |
his |
hyge hwyrfde || and his heort |
Genesis B 716 |
ostum / his hyge hwyrfde || and |
his |
heorte ongann / wendan to hire |
Genesis B 730 |
des witod || nu hie wordcwyde |
his |
/ lare forleton || forþon hie |
Genesis B 733 |
one sweartan siþ || swa þu |
his |
sorge ne þearft / beran on þi |
Genesis B 748 |
| folca mæste / and mid handum |
his |
|| eft on heofonrice / rihte ro |
Genesis B 764 |
secan helle gehliþo || þær |
his |
hearra læg / simon gesæled || |
Genesis B 770 |
e onsæton || selfe forstodon / |
his |
word onwended || þæt wif gn |
Genesis B 781 |
|| and hine bædon / þæt hie |
his |
hearmsceare || habban mosten / |
Genesis B 829 |
ndes || willan cuþe / hwæt ic |
his |
to hearmsceare || habban sceo |
Genesis B 833 |
restream þæs micel || þæt |
his |
o min mod getweode / ac ic to |
Genesis A 856 |
usser / bilwit fæder || hwæt |
his |
bearn dyde / wiste forworhte || |
Genesis A 865 |
him recene to || rice þeoden / |
his |
sunu gangan || him þa sylfa |
Genesis A 972 |
wiste || willgebroþor / oþer |
his |
to eorþan || elnes tilode / se |
Genesis A 984 |
g ofsloh / broþor sinne || and |
his |
blod ageat / cain abeles || cwe |
Genesis A 1012 |
ne rinc / broþor þinne || and |
his |
blod to me / cleopaþ and cige |
Genesis A 1030 |
emonige / broþorcwealmes || ic |
his |
blod ageat / dreor on eorþan | |
Genesis A 1061 |
erende || settan heton / þanon |
his |
eaforan || ærest wocan / bearn |
Genesis A 1090 |
rhsittende || brucan wide / þa |
his |
wifum twæm || wordum sægde / |
Genesis A 1107 |
eth noma / se wæs eadig || and |
his |
yldrum þah / freolic to frofre |
Genesis A 1132 |
ontig || þa he furþum ongan / |
his |
mægburge || men geicean / sunu |
Genesis A 1165 |
ld ofgeaf / and tyne eac || þa |
his |
tiddæge / under rodera rum || |
Genesis A 1173 |
num brohte || se maga wæs / on |
his |
mægþe || mine gefræge / guma |
Genesis A 1183 |
fæst hæleþ / and se frumgar |
his |
|| freomagum leof / fif and hun |
Genesis A 1187 |
| þa seo sæl gewearþ / þæt |
his |
wif sunu || on woruld brohte / |
Genesis A 1190 |
umbearn || fæder her þa gyt / |
his |
cynnes forþ || cneorim icte / |
Genesis A 1212 |
feran / on þam gearwum || þe |
his |
gast onfeng / ær hine to monnu |
Genesis A 1221 |
a breac || worn gestrynde / ær |
his |
swyltdæge || suna and dohtra |
Genesis A 1362 |
ihtig / weroda drihten || þurh |
his |
word abead / him on hoh beleac |
Genesis A 1505 |
þa he noe / gebletsade || and |
his |
bearn somed / þæt he þæt gy |
Genesis A 1545 |
acumen || flode on laste / mid |
his |
eaforum þrim || yrfes hyrde / |
Genesis A 1563 |
ode || þæt se eadega wer / on |
his |
wicum wearþ || wine druncen / |
Genesis A 1567 |
|| he lyt ongeat / þæt him on |
his |
inne || swa earme gelamp / þa |
Genesis A 1578 |
siþian / eafora noes || þær |
his |
aldor læg / ferhþe forstolen |
Genesis A 1580 |
len || þær he freondlice / on |
his |
agenum fæder || are ne wolde |
Genesis A 1593 |
wæs / sar on mode || ongan þa |
his |
selfes bearn / wordum wyrgean | |
Genesis A 1597 |
|| him þa cwyde syþþan / and |
his |
fromcynne || frecne scodon / þ |
Genesis A 1602 |
c þa he forþ gewat / siþþan |
his |
eaforan || ead bryttedon / bear |
Genesis A 1625 |
inre / domas sægde || oþþæt |
his |
dogora wæs / rim aurnen || þa |
Genesis A 1661 |
ed / þa þær mon mænig || be |
his |
mægwine / æþeling anmod || o |
Genesis A 1696 |
siþþan metod tobræd / þurh |
his |
mihta sped || monna spræce / t |
Genesis A 1738 |
as mid wifum || on þam wicum |
his |
/ fæder abrahames || feorh ges |
Genesis A 1771 |
weard / waldend usser || þurh |
his |
word abead / ceapas from carran |
Genesis A 1775 |
lædan / swæse gebeddan || and |
his |
suhtrian / wif on willan || win |
Genesis A 1800 |
haten / beorn bliþemod || and |
his |
broþor sunu / forþ oferforan |
Genesis A 1808 |
rhtum cigde || tiber onsægde / |
his |
liffrean || him þæs lean ag |
Genesis A 1809 |
eaf / nalles hneawlice || þurh |
his |
hand metend / on þam gledstyde |
Genesis A 1822 |
g / beorhte blican || ongan þa |
his |
bryd frea / wishydig wer || wor |
Genesis A 1857 |
lædan heht || leoflic wif to / |
his |
selfes sele || sinces brytta / |
Genesis A 1866 |
eþreadne / brego egipto || and |
his |
bryd ageaf / wif to gewealde || |
Genesis A 1884 |
m þe abraham || æror rærde / |
his |
waldende || þa westan com / þ |
Genesis A 1949 |
m / lufum and lissum || forþon |
his |
lof secgaþ / wide under wolcnu |
Genesis A 1959 |
nd gewitte || wise þance / oþ |
his |
ealdorgedal || oleccan wile / |
Genesis A 2029 |
on mode / sorga sarost || þæt |
his |
suhtriga / þeownyd þolode || |
Genesis A 2032 |
s þæs || ræd ahicgan / þæt |
his |
hyldemæg || ahreded wurde / be |
Genesis A 2037 |
e / treowa sealdon || þæt hie |
his |
torn mid him / gewræcon on wra |
Genesis A 2039 |
feollan / þa se halga heht || |
his |
heorþwerod / wæpna onfon || h |
Genesis A 2047 |
| mid heora folcgetrume / wolde |
his |
mæg huru # || / loth alynnan |
Genesis A 2047 |
hira folc-ġe·trume%; / wolde |
his |
mǣġ hūru, / Lōth ā·linnan |
Genesis A 2052 |
neh / gefaren hæfdon || þa he |
his |
frumgaran / wishydig wer || wor |
Genesis A 2071 |
dde || nalles wunden gold / for |
his |
suhtrigan || sloh and fylde / f |
Genesis A 2302 |
ah / swa se engel ær || þurh |
his |
agen word / fæle freoþoscealc |
Genesis A 2372 |
þotacen || be frean hæse / on |
his |
selfes sunu || heht þæt seg |
Genesis A 2373 |
n wegan / heah gehwilcne || þe |
his |
hina wæs / wæpnedcynnes || w |
Genesis A 2377 |
olf onfeng / torhtum tacne || a |
his |
tir metod / domfæst cyning || |
Genesis A 2381 |
he on fære || furþum meahte / |
his |
waldendes || willan fremman / |
Genesis A 2431 |
ere || geonge þuhton / men for |
his |
eagum || aras þa metodes þe |
Genesis A 2443 |
ead / reste and gereorda || and |
his |
recedes hleow / and þegnunge | |
Genesis A 2510 |
astrum || mid cwealmþrea / and |
his |
torn wrecan || þære tide is |
Genesis A 2540 |
|| under burhlocan / in sægor |
his |
|| þa sunne up / folca friþca |
Genesis A 2578 |
stod / þær wordum ær || wiþ |
his |
waldend spræc / frod frumgara |
Genesis A 2594 |
gewat / of byrig gangan || and |
his |
bearn somed / wælstowe fyrr || |
Genesis A 2599 |
de leof / dægrimes worn || and |
his |
dohtor twa / hie dydon swa || d |
Genesis A 2623 |
abimelech || æhte lædan / mid |
his |
hiwum || hæleþum sægde / þ |
Genesis A 2624 |
hæleþum sægde / þæt sarra |
his |
|| sweostor wære / abraham wor |
Genesis A 2625 |
wære / abraham wordum || bearh |
his |
aldre / þy he wiste gearwe || |
Genesis A 2628 |
freonda hæfde / þa se þeoden |
his |
|| þegnas sende / heht hie bri |
Genesis A 2718 |
n / woruldgestreonum || and him |
his |
wif ageaf / sealde him to bote |
Genesis A 2719 |
e him to bote || þæs þe he |
his |
bryd genam / gangende feoh || a |
Genesis A 2736 |
r / abraham fremede || swa hine |
his |
aldor heht / onfeng freondscipe |
Genesis A 2740 |
e sibbe || gesælig dreah / and |
his |
scippende || under sceade gef |
Genesis A 2750 |
forstod / oþþæt se halga || |
his |
hlaforde / abraham ongan || arn |
Genesis A 2768 |
nemde / hine abraham on || mid |
his |
agene hand / beacen sette || sw |
Genesis A 2776 |
/ siþþan him ærest || þurh |
his |
agen word / þone dægwillan || |
Genesis A 2793 |
de || þæt he on wræc drife / |
his |
selfes sunu || þa com soþ m |
Genesis A 2801 |
ismael / cniht of cyþþe || ic |
his |
cynn gedo / brad and bresne || |
Genesis A 2804 |
dum gehet / þa se wer hyrde || |
his |
waldende / draf of wicum || dre |
Genesis A 2806 |
gmod tu / idese of earde || and |
his |
agen bearn / sweotol is and ges |
Genesis A 2842 |
o sette / weobedd worhte || and |
his |
waldende / on þam glædstede | |
Genesis A 2862 |
an engla / word ondrysne || and |
his |
waldend leof / þa se eadga || |
Genesis A 2867 |
breostum wunode || ongan þa |
his |
esolas bætan / gamolferhþ gol |
Genesis A 2869 |
/ men mid siþian || mæg wæs |
his |
agen þridda / and he feorþa s |
Genesis A 2871 |
sylf || þa he fus gewat / from |
his |
agenum hofe || isaac lædan / b |
Genesis A 2880 |
ldor / þa abraham spræc || to |
his |
ombihtum / rincas mine || resta |
Genesis A 2885 |
t him þa se æþeling || and |
his |
agen sunu / to þæs gemearces |
Genesis A 2898 |
þhydig || steape dune / up mid |
his |
eaforan || swa him se eca beb |
Genesis A 2906 |
p / sweord be gehiltum || wolde |
his |
sunu cwellan / folmum sinum || |
Genesis A 2921 |
ldan || þæt þe wæs leofre |
his |
/ sibb and hyldo || þonne þin |
Genesis A 2925 |
reost geblissad || þa he him |
his |
bearn forgeaf / isaac cwicne || |
Genesis A 2931 |
ad ahof / ofestum miclum || for |
his |
agen bearn / abrægd þa mid þ |
Exodus 9 |
ihten / soþfæst cyning || mid |
his |
sylfes miht / gewyrþode || and |
Exodus 17 |
waldend / modgum magoræswan || |
his |
maga feorh / onwist eþles || a |
Exodus 27 |
rodor / gesette sigerice || and |
his |
sylfes naman / þone yldo bearn |
Exodus 146 |
ta cyn || ymbe antwig / þa heo |
his |
mægwinum || morþor fremedon |
Exodus 177 |
enum || wælhlencan sceoc / het |
his |
hereciste || healdan georne / f |
Exodus 314 |
orette || on uncuþ gelad / for |
his |
mægwinum || swa him mihtig g |
Exodus 335 |
l angetrum / eode unforht || he |
his |
ealdordom / synnum aswefede || |
Exodus 363 |
aþ / þrymfæst þeoden || mid |
his |
þrim sunum / þone deopestan | |
Exodus 402 |
in bælblyse || beorna selost / |
his |
swæsne sunu || to sigetibre / |
Exodus 428 |
fan mæg || heofon and eorþe / |
his |
wuldres word || widdra and si |
Exodus 434 |
god / soþfæst sigora || þurh |
his |
sylfes lif / þæt þines cynne |
Exodus 502 |
n || dugoþ egypta / faraon mid |
his |
folcum || he onfond hraþe / si |
Daniel 21 |
genscipe || swa no man scyle / |
his |
gastes lufan || wiþ gode dæ |
Daniel 47 |
dorfrea / babilones brego || on |
his |
burhstede / nabochodonossor || |
Daniel 133 |
sceaft || wisdom bude / gif þu |
his |
ærest ne meaht || or areccan |
Daniel 157 |
gel godes || eall asægde / swa |
his |
mandrihten || gemæted wearþ |
Daniel 167 |
meahte / babilonie weard || in |
his |
breostlocan / no hwæþere þæ |
Daniel 225 |
hta feorum || forþam þe hie |
his |
cræftas onsocon / þa he wæs |
Daniel 230 |
od || godes spelbodan / het þa |
his |
scealcas || scufan þa hyssas |
Daniel 268 |
þa swiþmod cyning || þa he |
his |
sefan ontreowde / wundor on wit |
Daniel 323 |
æg / in eare gryndeþ || þæt |
his |
unrim a / in wintra worn || wur |
Daniel 334 |
de wæs / metodes miltse || and |
his |
mihta sped / rehte þurh reorde |
Daniel 337 |
onsended / wlitescyne wer || on |
his |
wuldorhaman / se him cwom to fr |
Daniel 449 |
inum leodum || þæt se wære |
his |
aldre scyldig / se þæs onsoce |
Daniel 452 |
morþre alysde / agæf him þa |
his |
leoda lafe || þe þær gelæ |
Daniel 475 |
ofne / lacende lig || þam þe |
his |
lof bæron / forþam he is ana |
Daniel 478 |
eaf / spowende sped || þam þe |
his |
spel beraþ / forþon witigaþ |
Daniel 480 |
or monig / halgum gastum || þe |
his |
hyld curon / cuþ is þæt me d |
Daniel 512 |
lce eac þa fugolas || þonne |
his |
fyll come / het þonne besnæda |
Daniel 521 |
sæledne || in susl don / þæt |
his |
mod wite || þæt migtigra / wi |
Daniel 533 |
seald / halig of heofonum || se |
his |
hyge trymede / on þam drihtenw |
Daniel 547 |
daniel æt þam dome || þæt |
his |
drihten wæs / gumena aldor || |
Daniel 558 |
eas beon / westen wunian || and |
his |
wyrtruman / foldan befolen || f |
Daniel 593 |
de / no þæs fela daniel || to |
his |
drihtne gespræc / soþra worda |
Daniel 596 |
lde / middangeardes weard || ac |
his |
mod astah / heah fram heortan | |
Daniel 600 |
ergeweorc / babilone burh || on |
his |
blæde geseah / sennera feld || |
Daniel 629 |
n hige || heortan getenge / þa |
his |
gast ahwearf || in godes gemy |
Daniel 656 |
sceolde / earfoþsiþas || for |
his |
ofermedlan / swa he ofstlice || |
Daniel 671 |
an || hea rice / siþþan þær |
his |
aferan || ead bryttedon / welan |
Daniel 675 |
/ þa in þære þeode awoc || |
his |
þæt þridde cneow / wæs bald |
Daniel 714 |
|| gode on andan / cwæþ þæt |
his |
hergas || hyrran wæron / and m |
Daniel 721 |
egesan || engel drihtnes / let |
his |
hand cuman || in þæt hea se |
Daniel 756 |
brohte / israela gestreon || in |
his |
æhte geweald / ac þæt oftor |
Christ and Satan 6 |
sæ / wæter and wolcn || þurh |
his |
wundra miht / deopne ymblyt || |
Christ and Satan 13 |
im / seolua he gesette || þurh |
his |
soþan miht / swa se wyrhta || |
Christ and Satan 14 |
n miht / swa se wyrhta || þurh |
his |
wuldres gast / serede and sette |
Christ and Satan 126 |
e werega gast || wordum sæde / |
his |
earfoþo || ealle ætsomne / fa |
Christ and Satan 190 |
d wæs / godes andsaca || dydon |
his |
gingran swa / gifre and grædig |
Christ and Satan 241 |
e heap / dogra gehwilcne || and |
his |
se deora sunu / gasta scyppend |
Christ and Satan 282 |
rþon mæg gehycgan || se þe |
his |
heorte deah / þæt he him afir |
Christ and Satan 325 |
s fæstlic þreat / ec sceoldon |
his |
þegnas || þær gewunian / ato |
Christ and Satan 359 |
nnes / and hie gesegnaþ || mid |
his |
swiþran hond / lædeþ to liht |
Christ and Satan 375 |
o helle || hnigan sceolde / and |
his |
hired mid hine || in hynþo g |
Christ and Satan 390 |
ron / wile nu ure witu || þurh |
his |
wuldres cræft / eall toweorpan |
Christ and Satan 543 |
m / sylfne be sidan || þær he |
his |
swat forlet / feollon to foldan |
Christ and Satan 547 |
ure / he on beame astah || and |
his |
blod ageat / god on galgan || |
Christ and Satan 548 |
ageat / god on galgan || þurh |
his |
gastes mægen / forþon men sce |
Christ and Satan 571 |
e niht || twelf apostolas / mid |
his |
gastes gife || gingran geswi |
Christ and Satan 579 |
on þa swiþran hond || sunu |
his |
fæderes / dæleþ dogra gehwæ |
Christ and Satan 584 |
a / wyrhta and waldend || þurh |
his |
wuldres cræft / siteþ him on |
Christ and Satan 587 |
tegum || hafaþ wuldres bearn / |
his |
seolfes seld || swegl betolde |
Christ and Satan 588 |
us þider to leohte || þurh |
his |
læcedom / þær we moton seolf |
Christ and Satan 591 |
habban þæt ilce leoht / þær |
his |
hired nu || halig eardaþ / wun |
Christ and Satan 614 |
# || / and heo gesenaþ || mid |
his |
swiþran hond / cynincg alwihta |
Christ and Satan 621 |
rn godes / deman wille || þurh |
his |
dæda sped / wenaþ þæt heo m |
Christ and Satan 666 |
daga / metod mancynnes || þurh |
his |
mildsa sped / þa gewearþ þon |
Andreas 50 |
æfte / hæleþ hellfuse || ond |
his |
heafdes segl / abreoton mid bil |
Andreas 60 |
þa wepende || weregum tearum / |
his |
sigedryhten || sargan reorde / |
Andreas 94 |
es sweg / mæres þeodnes || he |
his |
maguþegne / under hearmlocan | |
Andreas 164 |
locen leoþubendum || þe oft |
his |
lufan adreg / for ebreum || ond |
Andreas 237 |
e / þriste on geþance || ond |
his |
þegnas mid / gangan on greote |
Andreas 249 |
wealdend / ece ælmihtig || mid |
his |
englum twam / wæron hie on ges |
Andreas 323 |
bead / þeoden þrymfæst || we |
his |
þegnas synd / gecoren to cempu |
Andreas 365 |
þeoden / ece ælmihtig || heht |
his |
engel gan / mærne maguþegn || |
Andreas 460 |
de god / eorl on eorþan || gif |
his |
ellen deah / swa hleoþrode || |
Andreas 525 |
d wearþ / engla eþel || þurh |
his |
anes miht / forþan is gesyne | |
Andreas 575 |
miht / gumena leofost || hu he |
his |
gif cyþde / geond woruld wide |
Andreas 585 |
feala / cynerof cyþde || þurh |
his |
cræftes miht / he gehalgode || |
Andreas 651 |
isdom || on wera gemote / þurh |
his |
sylfes muþ || symle gehyrde / |
Andreas 685 |
eare / cildgeong acenned || mid |
his |
cneomagum / þus syndon haten | |
Andreas 757 |
|| æþeles geþingu / þæt of |
his |
cynne || cenned sceolde / weor |
Andreas 779 |
worde / beodan habrahame || mid |
his |
eaforum twæm / of eorþscræfe |
Andreas 834 |
iþne bidan || burhwealle neh / |
his |
niþhetum || nihtlangne fyrst |
Andreas 855 |
uldor / waldend werþeode || ic |
his |
word oncneow / þeh he his mæg |
Andreas 856 |
| ic his word oncneow / þeh he |
his |
mægwlite || bemiþen hæfde / |
Andreas 1030 |
e halga || in þam hearmlocan / |
his |
god grette || ond him geoce b |
Andreas 1109 |
|| cearegan reorde / cwæþ he |
his |
sylfes sunu || syllan wolde / o |
Andreas 1207 |
meotud mihtum swiþ || sægde |
his |
magoþegne / scealt þu andreas |
Andreas 1327 |
efealg / þæt he on gealgan || |
his |
gast onsende / swa ic nu bebeod |
Andreas 1336 |
taþulfæst steorend || þurh |
his |
strangan miht / syþþan hie on |
Andreas 1338 |
oncneowon || cristes rode / on |
his |
mægwlite || mære tacen / wurd |
Andreas 1346 |
dsware / fah fyrnsceaþa || ond |
his |
fæder oncwæþ / ne magan we h |
Andreas 1358 |
| bendum fæstne / oþwitan him |
his |
wræcsiþ || habbaþ word gea |
Andreas 1449 |
ædum gehrodene || swa he ær |
his |
blod aget / þa worde cwæþ || |
Andreas 1466 |
nncynnes / lifes lareow || heht |
his |
lichoman / hales brucan || ne s |
Andreas 1477 |
n miht / lof lædende || ond on |
his |
lice trum / hwæt ic hwile nu | |
Andreas 1520 |
þonne eall gimma cynn / þurh |
his |
halige hæs || þu scealt hr |
Andreas 1521 |
scealt hræþe cyþan / gif þu |
his |
ondgitan || ænige hæbbe / næ |
Andreas 1582 |
dryge / folde fram flode || swa |
his |
fot gestop / wurdon burgware || |
Andreas 1613 |
if ge teala hycgaþ / sende þa |
his |
bene || fore bearn godes / bæd |
Andreas 1653 |
ond þriste bebead / þæt hie |
his |
lare || læston georne / feorhr |
Andreas 1654 |
/ feorhræd fremedon || sægde |
his |
fusne hige / þæt he þa goldb |
Andreas 50 |
ce god || eallra gesceafta / is |
his |
miht ond his æht || ofer mid |
Andreas 51 |
ngeard / breme gebledsod || ond |
his |
blæd ofer eall / in heofonþry |
A.2.1 51 |
e·sċeafta. / Is his meaht and |
his |
ǣht || ofer middan-ġeard / br |
A.2.1 52 |
rd / brēme ġe·bletsod || and |
his |
blǣd ofer eall / on heofon-þr |
The Fates of the Apostles 33 |
as / beorhtne boldwelan || næs |
his |
broþor læt / siþes sæne || |
The Fates of the Apostles 53 |
lihted / hige onhyrded || þurh |
his |
halig word / syþþan collenfer |
The Fates of the Apostles 120 |
gildeþ / lean unhwilen || nu a |
his |
lof standeþ / mycel ond mære |
The Fates of the Apostles 121 |
andeþ / mycel ond mære || ond |
his |
miht seomaþ / ece ond edgiong |
Soul and Body I 2 |
|| hæleþa æghwylc / þæt he |
his |
sawle siþ || sylfa geþence / |
Soul and Body I 28 |
oderum / sawle onsende || þurh |
his |
sylfes hand / meotod ælmihtig |
Soul and Body I 29 |
s hand / meotod ælmihtig || of |
his |
mægenþrymme / ond þe gebohte |
Homiletic Fragment I 5 |
æt facen swa þeah / hafaþ in |
his |
heortan || hord unclæne / byþ |
A.2.4 6 |
fācen swā% þēah / hafaþ on |
his |
heortan, || hord unclǣne. / Bi |
Dream of the Rood 49 |
n sidan || siþþan he hæfde |
his |
gast onsended / feala ic on þa |
Dream of the Rood 63 |
imwerigne || gestodon him æt |
his |
lices heafdum / beheoldon hie |
Dream of the Rood 92 |
ofonrices weard / swylce swa he |
his |
modor eac || marian sylfe / æl |
Dream of the Rood 102 |
wæþere eft dryhten aras / mid |
his |
miclan mihte || mannum to hel |
Dream of the Rood 106 |
en sylfa / ælmihtig god || ond |
his |
englas mid / þæt he þonne wi |
Dream of the Rood 156 |
d cwom / ælmihtig god || þær |
his |
eþel wæs |
Elene 147 |
a / rice under roderum || þurh |
his |
rode treo / gewat þa heriga he |
Elene 162 |
re / boldes brytta || þe þis |
his |
beacen wæs / þe me swa leoht |
Elene 193 |
|| ond þæt forþ geheold / on |
his |
dagana tid || dryhtne to will |
Elene 214 |
b þæt mære treo || ond þa |
his |
modor het / feran foldwege || f |
Elene 295 |
e / þe eow of wergþe || þurh |
his |
wuldres miht / fram ligcwale || |
Elene 41 |
þeah he sume hwile / on galgan |
his |
|| gast onsende / sigebearn god |
A.2.6 42 |
h hē sume hwīle / on ġalĝan |
his |
|| gāst on·sende, / siġe-bea |
Elene 48 |
nde aras / þeoden engla || ond |
his |
þegnum hine / soþ sigora frea |
A.2.6 49 |
·rās, / þēoden engla || and |
his |
þeġnum hine%, / sōþ siĝora |
Elene 54 |
/ ne geald he yfel yfele || ac |
his |
ealdfeondum / þingode þrohthe |
A.2.6 55 |
ġeald hē yfel yfele, || ac |
his |
eald-fēondum / þingode þroht |
Elene 386 |
butan blinne || sint in bocum |
his |
/ wundor þa he worhte || on ge |
A.2.6 387 |
tan blinne. || Sint on bōcum |
his |
/ wunder þā hē worhte || on |
Elene 477 |
ænige nu / rihte spowan || is |
his |
rice brad / ofer middangeard || |
A.2.6 478 |
ġe nū / rihte spōwan%. || Is |
his |
rīċe brād / ofer middan-ġea |
Elene 596 |
ste getrywe / lifwearde leof || |
his |
geleafa wearþ / fæst on ferh |
A.2.6 597 |
rīewe, / līf-wearde lēof. || |
His |
ġe·lēafa wearþ / fæst on f |
Elene 626 |
rgendes / fet þurhwodon || ond |
his |
folme swa some / mid þam on ro |
A.2.6 627 |
des / fēt þurh·wōdon || and |
his |
folme swā same, / mid þām on |
Elene 726 |
þuhte / to gelæstenne || ond |
his |
lare geceas / þurh þeodscipe |
A.2.6 727 |
hte / tō ġe·lǣstenne || and |
his |
lāre ġe·ċēas / þurh þēo |
Elene 735 |
orþcyninga / burgagendra || on |
his |
bridels don / meare to midlum | |
A.2.6 736 |
cyninga / burĝ-āĝendra || on |
his |
briġdels dōn, / mēare tō m |
Christ A 21 |
eð / wlitigan wilsiðes || gif |
his |
weorc ne deag / huru we for ðe |
Christ A 91 |
mænað / sunu solimæ || somod |
his |
dohtor / fricgað ðurh fyrwet |
Christ A 141 |
nd / lara lædend || ðam longe |
his |
/ hyhtan hidercyme || swa him g |
Christ A 206 |
es / torhtes tirfruman || nu ic |
his |
tempel eam / gefremed butan fac |
Christ A 210 |
rum meotodes sunu || ðæt ic |
his |
modor gewearð / fæmne forð s |
Christ A 218 |
rfæder / cild acenned || ðurh |
his |
cræft ond meaht / nis ænig nu |
Christ A 295 |
|| forðon heht sigores fruma / |
his |
heahbodan || hider gefleogan / |
Christ A 296 |
ahbodan || hider gefleogan / of |
his |
mægenðrymme || ond ðe meah |
Christ A 354 |
eodnes ðryðgesteald || ond |
his |
ðegnunga / ða ðu ærest wær |
Christ A 392 |
crist forgeaf / ðæt hy motan |
his |
ætwiste || eagum brucan / siml |
Christ A 425 |
efremede / monna cynne || ðurh |
his |
modor hrif / ond swa forðgonge |
Christ A 427 |
orðgongende || folca nergend / |
his |
forgifnesse || gumum to helpe |
Christ B 457 |
ethania / ðeoden ðrymfæst || |
his |
ðegna gedryht / gelaðade leof |
Christ B 470 |
d || geond woruld innan / ðurh |
his |
ðrowinga || ðegnas heredon / |
Christ B 567 |
helm || hilde gefremede / wið |
his |
ealdfeondum || anes meahtum / |
Christ B 581 |
ðe he on deoflum genom / ðurh |
his |
sylfes sygor || sib sceal gem |
Christ B 587 |
|| hu ðæt hælubearn / ðurh |
his |
hydercyme || hals eft forgeaf |
Christ B 615 |
a yrmpðu || eft oncyrde / æt |
his |
upstige || ðe we ær drugon / |
Christ B 652 |
pp hafen || engla fæðmum / in |
his |
ða miclan || meahta spede / he |
Christ B 665 |
wordlaðe || wise sendeð / on |
his |
modes gemynd || ðurh his mu |
Christ B 665 |
/ on his modes gemynd || ðurh |
his |
muðes gæst / æðele ondgiet |
Christ B 682 |
end us / godbearn on grundum || |
his |
giefe bryttað / nyle he ængum |
Christ B 685 |
læs him gielp sceððe / ðurh |
his |
anes cræft || ofer oðre for |
Christ B 691 |
dre || engla ond monna / swa he |
his |
weorc weorðað || bi ðon se |
Christ B 718 |
yllas ond cnollas / bewrið mid |
his |
wuldre || woruld alyseð / eall |
Christ B 738 |
| ða he to heofonum astag / on |
his |
ealdcyððe || ða wæs engla |
Christ B 759 |
on roderum / ælmeahtigne || he |
his |
aras ðonan / halig of heahðu |
Christ B 765 |
c godes || forð onsendeð / of |
his |
brægdbogan || biterne stræl |
Christ B 821 |
fe || scyle gumena gehwylc / on |
his |
geardagum || georne biðencan |
Christ C 941 |
abeatne / wile ælmihtig || mid |
his |
engla gedryht / mægencyninga m |
Christ C 943 |
ymfæst ðeoden || bið ðær |
his |
ðegna eac / hreðeadig heap || |
Christ C 968 |
m || ond upheofon / torhtne mid |
his |
tunglum || teonleg somod / ðry |
Christ C 1034 |
agum / godes oððe gales || on |
his |
gæste gehlod / geara gongum || |
Christ C 1098 |
y weorðe || ðe no wom dyde / |
his |
lichoma || leahtra firena / mid |
Christ C 1111 |
|| ond ða halgan fet / ond of |
his |
sidan swa some || swat forlet |
Christ C 1120 |
hysptun hearmcwidum || ond on |
his |
hleor somod / hyra spatl speowd |
Christ C 1125 |
tum || ond fystum eac / ond ymb |
his |
heafod || heardne gebigdon / be |
Christ C 1151 |
de || tungolgimmum / forðon he |
his |
bodan sende || ða wæs gebor |
Christ C 1168 |
e gan || eahstream ne dorste / |
his |
frean fet || flode bisencan / g |
Christ C 1216 |
lge / ðonne crist siteð || on |
his |
cynestole / on heahsetle || heo |
Christ C 1335 |
gehwylc || wuldre scineð / of |
his |
heahsetle || hlutran lege / ð |
Christ C 1521 |
fir / ðæt wæs satane || ond |
his |
gesiðum mid / deofle gegearwad |
Christ C 1552 |
ðe nu ne giemeð || hwæðer |
his |
gæst sie / earm ðe eadig || |
Christ C 1573 |
edom / findan mote || se ðe nu |
his |
feore nyle / hælo strynan || |
Christ C 1580 |
d gæst / somodfæst seon || he |
his |
sawle wlite / georne bigonge || |
Christ C 1586 |
orleose || on ðas lænan tid / |
his |
dreames blæd || ond his dage |
Christ C 1586 |
tid / his dreames blæd || ond |
his |
dagena rim / ond his weorces wl |
Christ C 1587 |
æd || ond his dagena rim / ond |
his |
weorces wlite || ond wuldres |
Christ C 1617 |
an || ðæt he fah scyle / from |
his |
scyppende || ascyred weorðan |
Vainglory 11 |
|| on ðas lænan tid / amyrran |
his |
gemyndum || modes gælsan / ond |
Vainglory 12 |
yndum || modes gælsan / ond on |
his |
dægrime || druncen to rice / |
Vainglory 28 |
odað he ond bælceð || boð |
his |
sylfes / swiðor micle || ðonn |
Vainglory 30 |
e se sella mon / ðenceð ðæt |
his |
wise || welhwam ðince / eal un |
Vainglory 36 |
at / fæhðe gefremede || feoð |
his |
betran / eorl fore æfstum || l |
Vainglory 70 |
aldeð / freode on folce || ond |
his |
feond lufað / ðeah ðe he him |
Widsith 13 |
oðrum || eðle rædan / se ðe |
his |
ðeodenstol || geðeon wile / |
The Fortunes of Men 28 |
feorwegas / nyde gongan || ond |
his |
nest beran / tredan uriglast || |
The Fortunes of Men 32 |
ra || lað bið æghwær / fore |
his |
wonsceaftum || wineleas hæle |
The Fortunes of Men 39 |
n / laðum lyftsceaðan || bið |
his |
lif scæcen / ond he feleleas | |
The Fortunes of Men 50 |
eð / were winsadum || bið ær |
his |
worda to hræd / sum sceal on b |
The Fortunes of Men 53 |
ne he gemet ne con / gemearcian |
his |
muðe || mode sine / ac sceal f |
The Fortunes of Men 59 |
geoguðe || mid godes meahtum / |
his |
earfoðsið || ealne forspild |
The Fortunes of Men 80 |
/ sum sceal mid hearpan || æt |
his |
hlafordes / fotum sittan || feo |
The Fortunes of Men 91 |
wælisca || wædum ond dædum / |
his |
ætgiefan || eaðmod weorðe |
The Fortunes of Men 98 |
ghwa secge / ðæs ðe he fore |
his |
miltsum || monnum scrifeð |
Maxims I 35 |
woruld teode / dol bið se ðe |
his |
dryhten nat || to ðæs oft c |
Maxims I 37 |
id ryhte / eadig bið se ðe in |
his |
eðle geðihð || earm se him |
Maxims I 37 |
eðle geðihð || earm se him |
his |
frynd geswicað / nefre sceal s |
Maxims I 38 |
geswicað / nefre sceal se him |
his |
nest aspringeð || nyde sceal |
Maxims I 39 |
aloleas heorte || blind sceal |
his |
eagna ðolian / oftigen bið hi |
Maxims I 41 |
onan || ðæt him bið sar in |
his |
mode / onge ðonne he hit ana w |
Maxims I 96 |
|| ðonne flota stondeð / bið |
his |
ceol cumen || ond hyre ceorl |
Maxims I 98 |
heo hine in laðað / wæsceð |
his |
warig hrægl || ond him syle |
Maxims I 99 |
we / lið him on londe || ðæs |
his |
lufu bædeð / wif sceal wið w |
Maxims I 171 |
|| hearpan gretan / hafað him |
his |
gliwes giefe || ðe him god s |
Maxims I 186 |
t he elne forleose || drugað |
his |
ar on borde / lot sceal mid lys |
Maxims I 196 |
dum / bealoblonden nið || slog |
his |
broðor swæsne / cain ðone cw |
The Order of the World 28 |
/ ðæt he mæge in hreðre || |
his |
heah geweorc / furðor aspyrgan |
The Order of the World 48 |
erað / dryhtnes duguðe || ond |
his |
dæda ðrym / lixende lof || in |
The Order of the World 56 |
ond lædeð || lifes agend / in |
his |
anes fæðm || ealle gesceaft |
The Order of the World 65 |
ereð / bronda beorhtost || ond |
his |
brucan mot / æghwylc on eorða |
The Order of the World 77 |
a || ðæs frod leofað / ðæt |
his |
mæge æspringe || ðurh his |
The Order of the World 77 |
his mæge æspringe || ðurh |
his |
ægne sped witan / hu geond gru |
The Riming Poem 53 |
nnið || sorgum cinnið / blæd |
his |
blinnið || blisse linnið / li |
The Panther 34 |
n || butan ðam attorsceaðan / |
his |
fyrngeflitan || ðe ic ær fo |
The Whale 40 |
gehwylc / hæleða cynnes || on |
his |
hringe bið / fæste gefeged || |
The Whale 43 |
eð / wloncum ond heanum || ðe |
his |
willan her / firenum fremmað | |
The Whale 55 |
ras || cymeð wynsum stenc / of |
his |
innoðe || ðætte oðre ður |
The Whale 63 |
gumena gehwam / se ðe oftost |
his |
|| unwærlice / on ðas lænan |
The Whale 74 |
m gehrodene || ond ær georne |
his |
/ in hira lifdagum || larum hyr |
Soul and Body II 2 |
|| hæleða æghwylc / ðæt he |
his |
sawle sið || sylfa bewitige / |
Soul and Body II 25 |
oderum / sawle onsende || ðurh |
his |
sylfes hond / meotud ælmihtig |
Soul and Body II 26 |
s hond / meotud ælmihtig || of |
his |
mægenðrymme / ond ðe ða geb |
Guthlac A 14 |
dryman mid dryhten || ða ðe |
his |
domas her / æfnað on eorðan |
Guthlac A 24 |
/ lærað ond læstað || ond |
his |
lof rærað / oferwinnað ða a |
Guthlac A 27 |
r oððe æfter || ðonne he |
his |
ænne her / gæst bigonge || ð |
Guthlac A 36 |
æle brucan / godra tida || ond |
his |
gæste forð / weges willian || |
Guthlac A 55 |
wað / hwær ða eardien || ðe |
his |
æ healden / gesihð he ða dom |
Guthlac A 58 |
ryhte / ða he gesette || ðurh |
his |
sylfes word / he fela findeð | |
Guthlac A 92 |
ða lean alegeð || ðam ðe |
his |
lufan adreogeð / magun we nu n |
Guthlac A 95 |
ne || had gecyðed / hu guðlac |
his |
|| in godes willan / mod gereht |
Guthlac A 102 |
ngan / beorgseðel bugan || ond |
his |
blæd gode / ðurh eaðmedu || |
Guthlac A 112 |
es dome || hwonne guðlace / on |
his |
ondgietan || engel sealde / ð |
Guthlac A 118 |
him gelice || lare bæron / in |
his |
modes gemynd || mongum tidum / |
Guthlac A 124 |
n / georne gieldeð || ðam ðe |
his |
giefe willað / ðicgan to ðon |
Guthlac A 156 |
wundor hine weorðiað || ond |
his |
wisdomes / hlisan healdað || |
Guthlac A 163 |
rah / lifes snyttru || ðæt he |
his |
lichoman / wynna forwyrnde || o |
Guthlac A 193 |
beorge || byrnan sceolde / ond |
his |
lichoman || lig forswelgan / ð |
Guthlac A 194 |
homan || lig forswelgan / ðæt |
his |
earfeðu || eal gelumpe / modce |
Guthlac A 197 |
ne wolde / sylfa gesecan || ond |
his |
sibbe ryht / mid moncynne || ma |
Guthlac A 238 |
gu || maran cwome / ða ðe for |
his |
life || lyt sorgedon / guðlac |
Guthlac A 294 |
ng / ne wond he for worde || ac |
his |
wiðerbreocum / sorge gesægde |
Guthlac A 338 |
worulde || wynna ðorfte / mid |
his |
lichoman || læsast brucan / no |
Guthlac A 341 |
tid forsæt / ðæs ðe he for |
his |
dryhtne || dreogan sceolde / ð |
Guthlac A 344 |
mod / swa sceal oretta || a in |
his |
mode / gode compian || ond his |
Guthlac A 345 |
his mode / gode compian || ond |
his |
gæst beran / oft on ondan || |
Guthlac A 362 |
gæst / wisað on willan || ond |
his |
weorc trymað / laðað hine li |
Guthlac A 366 |
eond || eft oncyrran / mod from |
his |
meotude || hu sceal min cuman |
Guthlac A 387 |
ne sceal se dryhtnes ðeow / in |
his |
modsefan || mare gelufian / eor |
Guthlac A 388 |
n / eorðan æhtwelan || ðonne |
his |
anes gemet / ðæt he his licho |
Guthlac A 389 |
onne his anes gemet / ðæt he |
his |
lichoman || lade hæbbe / ða w |
Guthlac A 424 |
wæs || lytle hwile / ðæt hy |
his |
lichoman || leng ne mostan / wi |
Guthlac A 439 |
nade / bliðe on beorge || wæs |
his |
blæd mid god / ðuhte him on m |
Guthlac A 441 |
ncynnes / eadig wære || se ðe |
his |
anum her / feore gefreoðade || |
Guthlac A 516 |
adreogan || ðeah ðe dryhten |
his |
/ witum weolde || hwæt ðæt w |
Guthlac A 522 |
dangeard / sylfa gesohte || ond |
his |
swat ageat / on bonena hond || |
Guthlac A 529 |
sena || ðe us bec fore / ðurh |
his |
wundra geweorc || wisdom cyð |
Guthlac A 535 |
winnum / sylfa gesette || ðær |
his |
sawl wearð / clæne ond gecost |
Guthlac A 537 |
de / geond middangeard || ðæt |
his |
mod geðah / in godes willan || |
Guthlac A 594 |
e / weoruda waldend || ðæt ge |
his |
wergengan / in ðone laðan leg |
Guthlac A 599 |
nergende crist / eom ic eaðmod |
his |
|| ombiehthera / ðeow geðyldi |
Guthlac A 601 |
fian sceal / æghwær ealles || |
his |
anne dom / ond him geornlice || |
Guthlac A 622 |
spræce gelæded / ðam ðe in |
his |
weorcum || willan ræfnað / si |
Guthlac A 706 |
hælde || ond him hearsume / on |
his |
sylfes dom || siððan wæron |
Guthlac A 713 |
on eorðan || fore æfstum / on |
his |
wergengan || wite legdon / is |
Guthlac A 714 |
n / is ðæt min broðor || mec |
his |
bysgu gehreaw / ic ðæt gefrem |
Guthlac A 717 |
hine / healdan wille || nu ic |
his |
helpan mot / ðæt ge min onsyn |
Guthlac A 719 |
onsynn || oft sceawiað / nu ic |
his |
geneahhe || neosan wille / scea |
Guthlac A 720 |
ahhe || neosan wille / sceal ic |
his |
word ond his weorc || in gewi |
Guthlac A 721 |
witnesse / dryhtne lædon || he |
his |
dæde conn / ða wæs guðlaces |
Guthlac A 764 |
m a / snyttrum swelgen || ðæt |
his |
soð fore us / on his giefena g |
Guthlac A 765 |
|| ðæt his soð fore us / on |
his |
giefena gyld || genge weorðe |
Guthlac A 772 |
aces / dagas ond dæde || ðurh |
his |
dom ahof / wæs se fruma fæstl |
Guthlac A 775 |
an lyt / wære gewonade || oft |
his |
word gode / ðurh eaðmedu || u |
Guthlac A 777 |
rh eaðmedu || up onsende / let |
his |
ben cuman || in ða beorhtan |
Guthlac B 843 |
dun / beorht in breostum || ond |
his |
bebodu læstan / æfnan on eðl |
Guthlac B 846 |
aldendes || willan læsten / ac |
his |
wif genom || wyrmes larum / ble |
Guthlac B 882 |
ond mundbyrd || mære wurdon / |
his |
wundra geweorc || wide ond si |
Guthlac B 949 |
|| ðe him on weorcum her / on |
his |
dagena tid || dædum gecwemde |
Guthlac B 951 |
lawe || ða se ælmihtiga / let |
his |
hond cuman || ðær se halga |
Guthlac B 959 |
ade / meotud fore miltsum || he |
his |
modsefan / wið ðam færhagan |
Guthlac B 967 |
u / on ðas lænan tid || ðeah |
his |
lic ond gæst / hyra somwiste | |
Guthlac B 1007 |
ldes meðelcwida || fonde ða |
his |
mondryhten / adlwerigne || him |
Guthlac B 1010 |
g / micle modceare || ongan ða |
his |
magu frignan / hu gewearð ðe |
Guthlac B 1051 |
|| he ðæs færspelles / fore |
his |
mondryhtne || modsorge wæg / h |
Guthlac B 1053 |
hyge hreowcearig || ðæs ðe |
his |
hlaford geseah / ellorfusne || |
Guthlac B 1110 |
am miclan bysgum || ongon ða |
his |
mod staðelian / leohte geleafa |
Guthlac B 1114 |
erynum || in godes temple / ond |
his |
ðegne ongon || swa ðam ðeo |
Guthlac B 1116 |
ian / secgan sigortacnum || ond |
his |
sefan trymman / wundrum to wuld |
Guthlac B 1151 |
ste tid / on midne dæg || wæs |
his |
mondryhtne / endedogor || ætry |
Guthlac B 1159 |
e ðurh mihta scyppend / gif he |
his |
wordcwida || wealdan meahte / s |
Guthlac B 1161 |
onwrige worda gongum || hu he |
his |
wisna truwade / drohtes on ðæ |
Guthlac B 1202 |
gor || ongon ða ofostlice / to |
his |
winedryhtne || wordum mæðla |
Guthlac B 1223 |
/ ðurh cwide ðinne || hwonan |
his |
cyme sindon / ða se eadga wer |
Guthlac B 1294 |
g elnes gemyndig || spræc to |
his |
onbehtðegne / torht to his tre |
Guthlac B 1295 |
to his onbehtðegne / torht to |
his |
treowum gesiðe || tid is ð |
Guthlac B 1300 |
|| gæst swiðe fus / ahof ða |
his |
honda || husle gereorded / eað |
Guthlac B 1301 |
y æðelan gyfle || swylce he |
his |
eagan ontynde / halge heafdes g |
Guthlac B 1303 |
to geofona leanum || ond ða |
his |
gæst onsende / weorcum wlitign |
Guthlac B 1337 |
rne / meðne modsefan || se ðe |
his |
mondryhten / life bilidenne || |
Guthlac B 1352 |
al / aswæman sarigferð || wat |
his |
sincgiefan / holdne biheledne | |
Guthlac B 1376 |
he wæs siðes fus / ðæt ðu |
his |
lichoman || leofast mægða / e |
Riddles 15 15 |
eð / hine berað breost || ic |
his |
bidan ne dear / reðes on gerum |
Riddles 2 16 |
oft ic oðrum scod / frecne æt |
his |
freonde || fah eom ic wide / w |
Riddles 20 16 |
Oft ic oþrum scod / frecne æt |
his |
freonde; || fah eom ic wide, / |
Riddles 27 14 |
præce / mægene binumen || nah |
his |
modes geweald / fota ne folma | |
Riddles 35 2 |
ta wong || wundrum freorig / of |
his |
innaðe || ærist cende / ne wa |
Riddles 37 4 |
æt hit felde || fleah ðurh |
his |
eage / ne swylteð he symle || |
Riddles 4 13 |
ngeard || meahtig dryhten / mid |
his |
onwalde || æghwær styreð / s |
Riddles 4 39 |
fone || hateð mec heahcyning / |
his |
deagol ðing || dyre bihealda |
A.3.22.40 13 |
ġeard || mehtiġ drihten / mid |
his |
an-wealde || ǣġhwǣr styre |
Riddles 40 14 |
ngeard || meahtig dryhten / mid |
his |
onwalde || æghwær styreð; / |
A.3.22.40 39 |
, || hāteþ mec hēah-cyning / |
his |
dēaĝol þinġ || dīere be |
Riddles 40 40 |
one, || hateþ mec heahcyning / |
his |
deagol þing || dyre bihealda |
Riddles 43 9 |
les unrim || care gif se esne / |
his |
hlaforde || hyreð yfle / frean |
Riddles 44 4 |
afað godne / ðonne se esne || |
his |
agen hrægl / ofer cneo hefeð |
Riddles 44 6 |
|| wile ðæt cuðe hol / mid |
his |
hangellan || heafde gretan / ð |
Riddles 46 1 |
46 / / wer sæt æt wine || mid |
his |
wifum twam / ond his twegen sun |
Riddles 46 2 |
ine || mid his wifum twam / ond |
his |
twegen suno || ond his twa do |
Riddles 46 2 |
am / ond his twegen suno || ond |
his |
twa dohtor / swase gesweostor | |
Riddles 5 4 |
|| ðone on teon wigeð / feond |
his |
feonde || forstrangne oft / wif |
Riddles 50 4 |
|| þone on teon wigeð / feond |
his |
feonde. || / Forstrangne oft |
Riddles 53 9 |
ed || nu he fæcnum weg / ðurh |
his |
heafdes mægen || hildegieste |
Riddles 54 3 |
to / hror hægstealdmon || hof |
his |
agen / hrægl hondum up || hran |
Riddles 54 6 |
re || stiðes nathwæt / worhte |
his |
willan || wagedan buta / ðegn |
Riddles 55 13 |
reo || ðæt oft wæpen abæd / |
his |
mondryhtne || maðm in healle |
Riddles 59 8 |
endra || him torhte in gemynd / |
his |
dryhtnes naman || dumba broht |
The Wife's Lament 46 |
sy æt him sylfum gelong / eal |
his |
worulde wyn || sy ful wide fa |
The Judgment Day I 4 |
um || oft mæg se ðe wile / in |
his |
sylfes sefan || soð geðenca |
The Judgment Day I 26 |
sibbe ful oft / tomældeð mid |
his |
muðe || ne con he ða mircan |
The Judgment Day I 28 |
e stondeð / ðam ðe ðær for |
his |
synnum || onsægd weorðeð / o |
The Judgment Day I 83 |
de || wuldres ealdor / ðam ðe |
his |
synna nu || sare geðenceð / m |
The Judgment Day I 88 |
swa geomor wearð / sarig fore |
his |
synnum || ne sceal se to sæn |
Resignation 92 |
him wrað meotud / gnornað on |
his |
geoguðe || / ond him ælce m |
Resignation 94 |
mæle || men fullestað / ycað |
his |
yrmðu || ond he ðæt eal ð |
The Descent into Hell 25 |
/ modig to ðære mengo || ymb |
his |
mæges // / hæfde me gehaten | |
The Descent into Hell 57 |
g fore ðære mengo || ond to |
his |
mæge spræc / ond ða wilcuman |
The Descent into Hell 67 |
ge || ellen habban / ðonne he |
his |
hlafordes || hyldo gelyfeð / |
The Descent into Hell 83 |
|| hwonne we word godes / ðurh |
his |
sylfes muð || secgan hyrde / e |
Azarias 50 |
e wæs / meotudes miltse || ond |
his |
modsefan / rehte ðurh reorde | |
Azarias 53 |
onsended / wlitescyne wer || in |
his |
wuldorhoman / cwom him ða to a |
Azarias 167 |
eorl acolmod || ðæt he ofer |
his |
ealdre gestod / abead ða for |
Riddles 63 6 |
folm/ || /grum ðyð / wyrceð |
his |
willa/ || /ð l/ / fulre || ðo |
A.3.34.63 7 |
lm[]grum þȳþ, || / wyrċeþ |
his |
willa[]ð l[] || / []fullre, | |
Riddles 70 4 |
tua / scearp on gescyldrum. || |
His |
gesceapo dreogeð / þe swa wr |
Riddles 73 9 |
lme bysigo/ / /dlan dæl || gif |
his |
ellen deag / oððe æfter dome |
Riddles 88 27 |
mmanne / næfre uncer awðer || |
his |
ellen cyðde / swa wit ðære b |
The Phoenix 211 |
ndwliteð || ðonne weorðeð |
his |
/ hus onhæted || ðurh hador s |
The Phoenix 262 |
dre nihte || bi ðon se modga |
his |
/ feorh afedeð || oððæt fyr |
The Phoenix 267 |
na ful || ðonne he of greote |
his |
/ lic leoðucræftig || ðæt |
The Phoenix 277 |
s lafe / clam biclyppeð || ond |
his |
cyððu eft / sunbeorht gesetu |
The Phoenix 282 |
n wong / sigorfæst sette || he |
his |
sylfes ðær / ban gebringeð | |
The Phoenix 321 |
e he gewiteð || wongas secan / |
his |
ealdne eard || of ðisse eðe |
The Phoenix 351 |
esæliga || æfter swylthwile / |
his |
ealdcyððe || eft geneosað / |
The Phoenix 356 |
na wat / cyning ælmihtig || hu |
his |
gecynde bið / wifhades ðe wer |
The Phoenix 394 |
a / worhte wer ond wif || ðurh |
his |
wundra sped / ond hi ða gesett |
The Phoenix 421 |
| oððæt wuldorcyning / ðurh |
his |
hidercyme || halgum togeanes / |
The Phoenix 435 |
r deaðe / edgeong wesan || ond |
his |
ealdcyððu / sunbeorht gesetu |
The Phoenix 459 |
eceð / clænum gehygdum || ond |
his |
cneo bigeð / æðele to eorða |
The Phoenix 468 |
er swegle || side ond wide / to |
his |
wicstowe || ðær he wundrum |
The Phoenix 515 |
s cneo || cyning ðrymlice / of |
his |
heahsetle || halgum scineð / w |
The Phoenix 530 |
me || mid ðam se wilda fugel / |
his |
sylfes nest || biseteð utan / |
The Phoenix 536 |
/ ænlic ond edgeong || se ðe |
his |
agnum her / willum gewyrceð || |
The Phoenix 572 |
leawmod || godes spelboda / ymb |
his |
æriste || in ece lif / ðæt w |
The Phoenix 637 |
mynd / forð butan ende || næs |
his |
frymð æfre / eades ongyn || |
The Phoenix 640 |
re / in middangeard || hwæðre |
his |
meahta sped / heah ofer heofonu |
The Phoenix 651 |
d us || helpe gefremede / ðurh |
his |
lices gedal || lif butan ende |
The Phoenix 652 |
n ende / swa se fugel swetum || |
his |
fiðru tu / ond wynsumum || wyr |
Juliana 8 |
a blod / ryhtfremmendra || wæs |
his |
rice brad / wid ond weorðlic | |
Juliana 26 |
dom / micelne ond mærne || ða |
his |
mod ongon / fæmnan lufian || h |
Juliana 48 |
od / lufast ond gelyfest || ond |
his |
lof rærest / ongietest gæsta |
Juliana 162 |
het || æfter leohtes cyme / to |
his |
domsetle || duguð wafade / on |
Juliana 252 |
gan nelt / gleawhycgende || ond |
his |
godum cweman / wes ðu on ofest |
Juliana 259 |
wæs / criste gecweme || hwonan |
his |
cyme wære / hyre se wræcmæcg |
Juliana 285 |
nd fæste geheald / oððæt he |
his |
siðfæt || secge mid ryhte / e |
Juliana 286 |
yhte / ealne from orde || hwæt |
his |
æðelu syn / ða wæs ðære f |
Juliana 310 |
eanne beam / ðæt he of galgan |
his |
|| gæst onsende / in wuldres w |
Juliana 331 |
|| ne durran we siððan / for |
his |
onsyne || ower geferan / ðonne |
Juliana 534 |
lge || hæðnum to spræce / to |
his |
domsetle || heo ðæt deofol |
Juliana 560 |
ær / heredon on heahðu || ond |
his |
halig word / sægdon soðlice | |
Juliana 595 |
/ hreoh ond hygegrim || ongon |
his |
hrægl teran / swylce he grenna |
Juliana 598 |
eor / grymetade gealgmod || ond |
his |
godu tælde / ðæs ðe hy ne m |
The Wanderer 13 |
e || indryhten ðeaw / ðæt he |
his |
ferðlocan || fæste binde / he |
The Wanderer 14 |
locan || fæste binde / healde |
his |
hordcofan || hycge swa he wil |
The Wanderer 35 |
cðege / hu hine on geoguðe || |
his |
goldwine / wenede to wiste || w |
The Wanderer 37 |
s / forðon wat se ðe sceal || |
his |
winedryhtnes / leofes larcwidum |
The Wanderer 41 |
nceð him on mode || ðæt he |
his |
mondryhten / clyppe ond cysse | |
The Wanderer 112 |
ndor æt rune / til bið se ðe |
his |
treowe gehealdeð || ne sceal |
The Wanderer 112 |
gehealdeð || ne sceal næfre |
his |
torn to rycene / beorn of his b |
The Wanderer 113 |
e his torn to rycene / beorn of |
his |
breostum acyðan || nemðe he |
The Gifts of Men 21 |
| ðæt him folca weard / ðurh |
his |
halige giefe || hider onsende |
The Gifts of Men 79 |
fe || ðristhydigra / ðegn mid |
his |
ðeodne || sum geðyld hafað |
The Gifts of Men 105 |
cynne / gielpes styreð || ond |
his |
giefe bryttað / sumum on cystu |
The Gifts of Men 111 |
lice || wide tosaweð / dryhten |
his |
duguðe || a ðæs dom age / le |
The Gifts of Men 113 |
|| se us ðis lif giefeð / ond |
his |
milde mod || monnum cyðeð |
Precepts 15 |
|| to gode trymmen / fæder eft |
his |
sunu || frod gegrette / oðre s |
Precepts 22 |
nottor guma / breostgehygdum || |
his |
bearn lærde / ne gewuna wyrsa |
Precepts 33 |
eft ongon / breostgeðoncum || |
his |
bearn læran / druncen beorg ð |
Precepts 44 |
ngon / ðurh bliðne geðoht || |
his |
bearn læran / ongiet georne || |
Precepts 52 |
ferðe god / seofeðan siðe || |
his |
sunu lærde / fæder frod guma |
Precepts 56 |
seldon || drymeð sorgful / ymb |
his |
forðgesceaft || nefne he fæ |
Precepts 60 |
an siðe || eald fæder ongon / |
his |
mago monian || mildum wordum / |
The Seafarer 40 |
dwlonc || mon ofer eorðan / ne |
his |
gifena ðæs god || ne in geo |
The Seafarer 41 |
geoguðe to ðæs hwæt / ne in |
his |
dædum to ðæs deor || ne hi |
The Seafarer 41 |
ædum to ðæs deor || ne him |
his |
dryhten to ðæs hold / ðæt h |
The Seafarer 42 |
hten to ðæs hold / ðæt he a |
his |
sæfore || sorge næbbe / to hw |
The Seafarer 69 |
ra sum || ðinga gehwylce / ær |
his |
tid aga || to tweon weorðeð |
The Seafarer 78 |
da bearn || æfter hergen / ond |
his |
lof siððan || lifge mid eng |
The Seafarer 92 |
að / gomelfeax gnornað || wat |
his |
iuwine / æðelinga bearn || eo |
The Seafarer 98 |
ille || golde stregan / broðor |
his |
geborenum || byrgan be deadum |
The Seafarer 106 |
d uprodor / dol bið se ðe him |
his |
dryhten ne ondrædeð || cyme |
The Seafarer 108 |
gestaðelað || forðon he in |
his |
meahte gelyfeð / stieran mon s |
The Seafarer 115 |
ðe on bæle || forbærnedne / |
his |
geworhtne wine || wyrd bið s |
Beowulf 65 |
wiges weorðmynd || ðæt him |
his |
winemagas / georne hyrdon || o |
Beowulf 79 |
| scop him heort naman / se ðe |
his |
wordes geweald || wide hæfde |
Beowulf 169 |
ste / maððum for metode || ne |
his |
myne wisse / ðæt wæs wræc m |
Beowulf 250 |
pnum geweorðad || næfne him |
his |
wlite leoge / ænlic ansyn || n |
Beowulf 349 |
| ðæt wæs wendla leod / wæs |
his |
modsefa || manegum gecyðed / w |
Beowulf 357 |
ar sæt / eald ond anhar || mid |
his |
eorla gedriht / eode ellenrof | |
Beowulf 360 |
ðeaw / wulfgar maðelode || to |
his |
winedrihtne / her syndon gefere |
Beowulf 373 |
ne cuðe || cnihtwesende / wæs |
his |
ealdfæder || ecgðeo haten / |
Beowulf 375 |
ðel geata / angan dohtor || is |
his |
eafora nu / heard her cumen || |
Beowulf 380 |
iges / manna mægencræft || on |
his |
mundgripe / heaðorof hæbbe || |
Beowulf 385 |
e || ic ðæm godan sceal / for |
his |
modðræce || madmas beodan / b |
Beowulf 434 |
hsod || ðæt se æglæca / for |
his |
wonhydum || wæpna ne recceð |
Beowulf 475 |
fað / hynðo on heorote || mid |
his |
heteðancum / færniða gefreme |
Beowulf 521 |
gesohte || swæsne eðel / leof |
his |
leodum || lond brondinga / freo |
Beowulf 532 |
brecan spræce / sægdest from |
his |
siðe || soð ic talige / ðæt |
Beowulf 573 |
ereð / unfægne eorl || ðonne |
his |
ellen deah / hwæðere me gesæ |
Beowulf 662 |
ða him hroðgar gewat || mid |
his |
hæleða gedryht / eodur scyldi |
Beowulf 672 |
nan / helm of hafelan || sealde |
his |
hyrsted sweord / irena cyst || |
Beowulf 730 |
gædere / magorinca heap || ða |
his |
mod ahlog / mynte ðæt he ged |
Beowulf 756 |
can deofla gedræg || ne wæs |
his |
drohtoð ðær / swylce he on e |
Beowulf 764 |
non / fleon on fenhopu || wiste |
his |
fingra geweald / on grames grap |
Beowulf 793 |
mcuman || cwicne forlætan / ne |
his |
lifdagas || leoda ænigum / nyt |
Beowulf 805 |
fde / ecga gehwylcre || scolde |
his |
aldorgedal / on ðæm dæge || |
Beowulf 822 |
ic || wiste ðe geornor / ðæt |
his |
aldres wæs || ende gegongen / |
Beowulf 841 |
sceawian / laðes lastas || no |
his |
lifgedal / sarlic ðuhte || sec |
Beowulf 881 |
ces hwæt || secgan wolde / eam |
his |
nefan || swa hie a wæron / æt |
Beowulf 905 |
hwylmas / lemede to lange || he |
his |
leodum wearð / eallum æðelli |
Beowulf 923 |
micle / cystum gecyðed || ond |
his |
cwen mid him / medostigge mæt |
Beowulf 966 |
lde / licgean lifbysig || butan |
his |
lic swice / ic hine ne mihte || |
Beowulf 970 |
eond on feðe || hwæðere he |
his |
folme forlet / to lifwraðe || |
Beowulf 1007 |
buendra || gearwe stowe / ðær |
his |
lichoma || legerbedde fæst / s |
Beowulf 1147 |
at / sweordbealo sliðen || æt |
his |
selfes ham / siððan grimne gr |
Beowulf 1166 |
an scyldinga || gehwylc hiora |
his |
ferhðe treowde / ðæt he hæf |
Beowulf 1167 |
fde mod micel || ðeah ðe he |
his |
magum nære / arfæst æt ecga |
Beowulf 1276 |
c seon / mancynnes feond || ond |
his |
modor ða gyt / gifre ond galgm |
Beowulf 1317 |
r flore || fyrdwyrðe man / mid |
his |
handscale || healwudu dynede / |
Beowulf 1385 |
selre bið æghwæm / ðæt he |
his |
freond wrece || ðonne he fel |
Beowulf 1528 |
ma sið / deorum madme || ðæt |
his |
dom alæg / eft wæs anræd || |
Beowulf 1536 |
nceð / longsumne lof || na ymb |
his |
lif cearað / gefeng ða be eax |
Beowulf 1683 |
dsaca / morðres scyldig || ond |
his |
modor eac / on geweald gehwearf |
Beowulf 1733 |
dælas / side rice || ðæt he |
his |
selfa ne mæg / for his unsnytt |
Beowulf 1734 |
æt he his selfa ne mæg / for |
his |
unsnyttrum || ende geðencean |
Beowulf 1808 |
g beran / sunu ecglafes || heht |
his |
sweord niman / leoflic iren || |
Beowulf 1963 |
ewat him ða se hearda || mid |
his |
hondscole / sylf æfter sande | |
Beowulf 2013 |
modsefan || minne cuðe / wið |
his |
sylfes sunu || setl getæhte / |
Beowulf 2157 |
el || sume worde het / ðæt ic |
his |
ærest ðe || est gesægde / cw |
Beowulf 2325 |
yðed / snude to soðe || ðæt |
his |
sylfes ham / bolda selest || br |
Beowulf 2433 |
hte / beorn in burgum || ðonne |
his |
bearna hwylc / herebeald ond h |
Beowulf 2438 |
hyne hæðcyn || of hornbogan / |
his |
freawine || flane geswencte / m |
Beowulf 2439 |
wencte / miste mercelses || ond |
his |
mæg ofscet / broðor oðerne | |
Beowulf 2445 |
ceorle / to gebidanne || ðæt |
his |
byre ride / giong on galgan || |
Beowulf 2447 |
wrece / sarigne sang || ðonne |
his |
sunu hangað / hrefne to hroðr |
Beowulf 2455 |
ndad / gesyhð sorhcearig || on |
his |
suna bure / winsele westne || w |
Beowulf 2481 |
gefræge wæs / ðeah ðe oðer |
his |
|| ealdre gebohte / heardan cea |
Beowulf 2572 |
wile / mærum ðeodne || ðonne |
his |
myne sohte / ðær he ðy fyrst |
Beowulf 2579 |
bane || bat unswiðor / ðonne |
his |
ðiodcyning || ðearfe hæfde |
Beowulf 2604 |
inga / mæg ælfheres || geseah |
his |
mondryhten / under heregriman | |
Beowulf 2608 |
inga / folcrihta gehwylc || swa |
his |
fæder ahte / ne mihte ða forh |
Beowulf 2614 |
hstan bana / meces ecgum || ond |
his |
magum ætbær / brunfagne helm |
Beowulf 2617 |
sc || ðæt him onela forgeaf / |
his |
gædelinges || guðgewædu / fy |
Beowulf 2619 |
a fæhðe spræc / ðeah ðe he |
his |
broðor bearn || abredwade / he |
Beowulf 2621 |
a / bill ond byrnan || oððæt |
his |
byre mihte / eorlscipe efnan || |
Beowulf 2622 |
mihte / eorlscipe efnan || swa |
his |
ærfæder / geaf him ða mid ge |
Beowulf 2627 |
an || ðæt he guðe ræs / mid |
his |
freodryhtne || fremman sceold |
Beowulf 2628 |
gemealt him se modsefa || ne |
his |
mæges laf / gewac æt wige || |
Beowulf 2675 |
an / ac se maga geonga || under |
his |
mæges scyld / elne geeode || |
Beowulf 2676 |
ges scyld / elne geeode || ða |
his |
agen wæs / gledum forgrunden | |
Beowulf 2698 |
rn / modiges mannes || ðær he |
his |
mæges healp / ðæt he ðone n |
Beowulf 2703 |
| ða gen sylf cyning / geweold |
his |
gewitte || wællseaxe gebræd |
Beowulf 2722 |
egn ungemete till / winedryhten |
his |
|| wætere gelafede / hilde sæ |
Beowulf 2723 |
gelafede / hilde sædne || ond |
his |
helm onspeon / biowulf maðelod |
Beowulf 2861 |
aru / eðbegete || ðam ðe ær |
his |
elne forleas / wiglaf maðelode |
Beowulf 2869 |
um || helm ond byrnan / ðeoden |
his |
ðegnum || swylce he ðrydlic |
Beowulf 2949 |
/ gewat him ða se goda || mid |
his |
gædelingum / frod felageomor | |
Beowulf 2978 |
aces ðegn / bradne mece || ða |
his |
broðor læg / eald sweord eoto |
Beowulf 2982 |
open / ða wæron monige || ðe |
his |
mæg wriðon / ricone arærdon |
Beowulf 2987 |
nan / heard swyrd hilted || ond |
his |
helm somod / hares hyrste || hi |
Beowulf 3065 |
| ðonne leng ne mæg / mon mid |
his |
magum || meduseld buan / swa w |
Beowulf 3068 |
| seolfa ne cuðe / ðurh hwæt |
his |
worulde gedal || weorðan sce |
Beowulf 3173 |
can / eahtodan eorlscipe || ond |
his |
ellenweorc / duguðum demdon || |
Beowulf 3175 |
swa hit gedefe bið / ðæt mon |
his |
winedryhten || wordum herge / f |
Judith 16 |
lance to wingedrince || ealle |
his |
weagesiðas / bealde byrnwiggen |
Judith 31 |
e on swiman lagon / oferdrencte |
his |
duguðe ealle || swylce hie w |
Judith 36 |
n mægð || ofstum fetigan / to |
his |
bedreste || beagum gehlæste / |
Judith 57 |
seo halige meowle / gebroht on |
his |
burgetelde || ða wearð se b |
Judith 63 |
gumena ðreate || / bealofull |
his |
beddes neosan || ðær he sce |
Judith 63 |
es neosan || ðær he sceolde |
his |
blæd forleosan / ædre binnan |
Judith 64 |
nnan anre nihte || hæfde ða |
his |
ende gebidenne / on eorðan uns |
Judith 68 |
a wine swa druncen / se rica on |
his |
reste middan || swa he nyste |
Judith 279 |
ða on bedde || blacne licgan / |
his |
goldgifan || gæstes gesne / li |
Judith 281 |
ll / freorig to foldan || ongan |
his |
feax teran / hreoh on mode || o |
Judith 282 |
ax teran / hreoh on mode || ond |
his |
hrægl somod / ond ðæt word a |
Judith 349 |
/ ond swegles dreamas || ðurh |
his |
sylfes miltse |
The Paris Psalter 101:14 2 |
ten / and gesette sion || þurh |
his |
sylfes miht / þær wæs gesyne |
The Paris Psalter 101:14 3 |
fes miht / þær wæs gesyne || |
his |
seo soþe sped / / # / oft he þe |
The Paris Psalter 101:17 2 |
fæstlice || forþ locade / of |
his |
þam hean || halgan setle / dri |
The Paris Psalter 101:19 2 |
gd || soþ nama drihtnes / and |
his |
lof swylce || leoda bearnum / o |
The Paris Psalter 101:21 2 |
sona / on wege worulde || þær |
his |
gewis mægen / fæste standeþ |
The Paris Psalter 102:1 2 |
ihten / and eall min inneran || |
his |
þæne ecean naman / / # / bletsi |
The Paris Psalter 102:7 1 |
lice || teonan þolian / / # / he |
his |
wegas dyde || wise and cuþe / |
The Paris Psalter 102:7 3 |
ran || on mænige tid / swylce |
his |
willan eac || werum israhela / |
The Paris Psalter 102:13 1 |
wa fæder þenceþ || fægere |
his |
bearnum / milde weorþan || swa |
The Paris Psalter 102:14 4 |
nlice || eorþan blostman / swa |
his |
lifdagas || læne syndan / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 102:17 1 |
a þe ondrædaþ him / / # / swa |
his |
soþfæstnyss || swylce stand |
The Paris Psalter 102:17 2 |
fer þara bearna bearn || þe |
his |
bebodu healdaþ / and þæs gem |
The Paris Psalter 102:17 4 |
de || mycle habbaþ / þæt heo |
his |
wisfæst word || wynnum efnan |
The Paris Psalter 102:18 2 |
n heofenhame || halig drihten / |
his |
heahsetl || hror timbrade / þa |
The Paris Psalter 102:19 1 |
|| eallum wealdeþ / / # / ealle |
his |
englas || ecne drihten / bletsi |
The Paris Psalter 102:19 3 |
frean / mægyn and mihta || þa |
his |
mære word / habbaþ and healda |
The Paris Psalter 102:20 1 |
/ / # / bletsian drihten || eall |
his |
bearna mægen / and his þegna |
The Paris Psalter 102:20 2 |
|| eall his bearna mægen / and |
his |
þegna þreat || þe þæt þ |
The Paris Psalter 102:20 3 |
þe þæt þence nu / þæt hi |
his |
willan || wyrcean georne / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 102:21 1 |
an || wyrcean georne / / # / eall |
his |
agen geweorc || ecne drihten / |
The Paris Psalter 102:21 2 |
en geweorc || ecne drihten / on |
his |
agenum stede || eac bletsige / |
The Paris Psalter 102:21 3 |
ede || eac bletsige / þær him |
his |
egsa || anweald standeþ / blet |
The Paris Psalter 103:5 1 |
redeþ || fiþru winda / / # / he |
his |
englas deþ || æþele gastas |
The Paris Psalter 103:5 2 |
as deþ || æþele gastas / and |
his |
frome þegnas || fyr byrnende |
The Paris Psalter 103:24 1 |
sceafta || scyppend mære / / # / |
his |
is mycel sæ || and on gemær |
The Paris Psalter 103:25 3 |
/ geheowadest || hete syþþan / |
his |
bysmere || brade healdan / eall |
The Paris Psalter 103:29 3 |
|| wunie syþþan / blissie on |
his |
weorcum || bealde drihten / / # |
The Paris Psalter 103:30 2 |
n || ealle locaþ / deþ hi for |
his |
egsan || ealle beofian / gif he |
The Paris Psalter 103:30 3 |
n || ealle beofian / gif he mid |
his |
mihte || muntas hrineþ / hi fu |
The Paris Psalter 104:1 1 |
4 / / # / andetaþ drihtne || and |
his |
ecne naman / cegaþ cymlice || |
The Paris Psalter 104:1 3 |
cymlice || and cwyce secgeaþ / |
his |
wundorweorc || ofer ealle wer |
The Paris Psalter 104:2 2 |
ylce || and salletaþ / secgaþ |
his |
wundor eall || wide mæru / / # |
The Paris Psalter 104:3 1 |
ll || wide mæru / / # / hergeaþ |
his |
naman || niode swylce / heorte |
The Paris Psalter 104:4 3 |
|| ful trume æghwær / secaþ |
his |
ansyne || symble georne / / # / g |
The Paris Psalter 104:5 3 |
æclice || wundur unlytel / and |
his |
muþes eac || mære domas / / # |
The Paris Psalter 104:6 1 |
wæt he abrahames cynn || þe |
his |
esne wæs / geweorþude || ofer |
The Paris Psalter 104:7 2 |
rihten || dædum spedig / earun |
his |
domas || deore and mære / geon |
The Paris Psalter 104:9 5 |
awa to feore || israheles cyn / |
his |
gewitnesse || wel geheolde / / # |
The Paris Psalter 104:15 6 |
oþþæt hine halig god / þurh |
his |
worda || wisdom ahof / / # / send |
The Paris Psalter 104:17 1 |
um sette / / # / he sette hine on |
his |
huse || to hlafwearde / ealra h |
The Paris Psalter 104:17 2 |
se || to hlafwearde / ealra him |
his |
æhta || anweald betæhte / / # |
The Paris Psalter 104:18 1 |
anweald betæhte / / # / þæt he |
his |
ealdormen || ealle lærde / swa |
The Paris Psalter 104:18 2 |
dormen || ealle lærde / swa he |
his |
sylfes mod || geseted hæfde / |
The Paris Psalter 104:21 2 |
n || hwyrfan æryst / þæt heo |
his |
folc || feodan swyþe / and his |
The Paris Psalter 104:21 3 |
his folc || feodan swyþe / and |
his |
esnum eac || inwit fremedan / / |
The Paris Psalter 104:22 2 |
þone mæran || moyses sende / |
his |
sylfes scealc || samod ætgæ |
The Paris Psalter 104:32 1 |
|| heora frean swylce / / # / and |
his |
þæt gode folc || golde and |
The Paris Psalter 104:37 3 |
he hleoþrade / to abrahame || |
his |
agenum hysse / / # / and his folc |
The Paris Psalter 104:38 1 |
e || his agenum hysse / / # / and |
his |
folc lædde || fægere on bli |
The Paris Psalter 104:38 2 |
dde || fægere on blisse / and |
his |
þone gecorenan || heap clæn |
The Paris Psalter 104:40 2 |
i heoldan || halige domas / and |
his |
soþfæst word || swylce geor |
The Paris Psalter 104:40 3 |
st word || swylce georne / and |
his |
æbebod || awa to feore |
The Paris Psalter 105:1 3 |
ic hine godne wat / forþon he |
his |
mildheortnysse || mannum cyþ |
The Paris Psalter 105:2 3 |
yrian || oþþe spedlice / eall |
his |
lofmægen || leode gehyran / an |
The Paris Psalter 105:2 4 |
ofmægen || leode gehyran / and |
his |
gehyrnesse || her oncnawan / / # |
The Paris Psalter 105:11 1 |
an spellboda / / # / syþþan hi |
his |
wordon || wel gelyfdan / and hi |
The Paris Psalter 105:11 5 |
clicra || na hi wel syþþan / |
his |
geæhtunge || ahwær heoldan / |
The Paris Psalter 105:19 4 |
feonda mægene / forþon he him |
his |
yrre || of acyrde / þæt he hi |
The Paris Psalter 105:20 3 |
selestan || geseon woldan / ne |
his |
wordum eac || woldan gelyfan / |
The Paris Psalter 105:20 5 |
|| and grame spræcan / noldan |
his |
wordum || wel gehyran / / # / he |
The Paris Psalter 105:21 1 |
wordum || wel gehyran / / # / he |
his |
handa ahof || and hi hraþe w |
The Paris Psalter 105:25 5 |
felum || swa he oftor wæs / on |
his |
gaste gram || ne mihte him go |
The Paris Psalter 105:25 6 |
ne mihte him godes willan / mid |
his |
welerum || wisne getæcean / / # |
The Paris Psalter 105:29 3 |
wearþ || ece drihten / and he |
his |
yrfe || eall forhogode / / # / he |
The Paris Psalter 105:34 1 |
bealde gehyrde / / # / þonne he |
his |
wordgebeot || well gemunde / hr |
The Paris Psalter 105:34 3 |
onne hi hynþa drugan / æfter |
his |
miltsa || menigu godes / / # / sy |
The Paris Psalter 106:1 3 |
orþan ic hine gleawne wat / is |
his |
mildheortnes || mycel to woru |
The Paris Psalter 106:7 3 |
ēac seċġaþ / miċel wunder |
his |
|| manna bearnum. / / # / For·þ |
The Paris Psalter 106:10 2 |
præce / æghwæs ægype || and |
his |
geþeaht swylce / þæs heahsta |
The Paris Psalter 106:14 3 |
and eac cweþan / mycel wundur |
his |
|| ofer manna bearn / / # / forþ |
The Paris Psalter 106:20 3 |
earþ || manna cynne / mycel ys |
his |
wundur || ofer manna bearn / / # |
The Paris Psalter 106:21 2 |
ces lof || lustum bringan / and |
his |
weorc wynsum || wide sæcgean |
The Paris Psalter 106:23 2 |
es weorc || digul gesawon / and |
his |
wundra wearn || on wætergrun |
The Paris Psalter 106:30 3 |
rþ || manna cynne / mære synd |
his |
wundur || ofer manna bearn / / # |
The Paris Psalter 106:41 4 |
gehwylc || eft oncyrreþ / and |
his |
sylfes muþ || symble hemneþ |
The Paris Psalter 107:7 2 |
|| gearwe mannases / is effrem |
his |
|| agen broþur / efne heah str |
The Paris Psalter 108:6 2 |
hwam || deope gehyned / and him |
his |
gebed || hweorfe to fyrenum / / |
The Paris Psalter 108:7 1 |
# / gewurþe him weste || eall |
his |
onwunung / and on hys eardungst |
The Paris Psalter 108:7 2 |
|| eall his on-wunung / and on |
his |
eardung-stōwe || nǣfre ġe |
The Paris Psalter 108:8 2 |
ce || and dimme and feawe / and |
his |
bisceophad || brucan feondas / |
The Paris Psalter 108:9 1 |
| brucan feondas / / # / weorþan |
his |
agene bearn || ealle steopcil |
The Paris Psalter 108:9 2 |
bearn || ealle steopcild / and |
his |
wif wyrþe || wydewe hreowlic |
The Paris Psalter 108:10 1 |
e || wydewe hreowlic / / # / syn |
his |
bearn swylce || toboren wide / |
The Paris Psalter 108:10 3 |
| earme þearfan / þonne hi to |
his |
huse || hleowes wilnian / / # / e |
The Paris Psalter 108:11 1 |
|| hleowes wilnian / / # / ealle |
his |
æhta || unholde fynd / rice re |
The Paris Psalter 108:11 3 |
þemann || rycene gedæle / and |
his |
feoh onfon || fremde handa / / # |
The Paris Psalter 108:12 2 |
hwær wese || ænig fultum / ne |
his |
steopcildum || stande to help |
The Paris Psalter 108:13 1 |
nde to helpe / / # / gangan ealle |
his |
bearn || on ece forwyrd / and o |
The Paris Psalter 108:13 3 |
anum cneowe || eall gewyrþe / |
his |
nama nyhsta || nede adilgad / / |
The Paris Psalter 108:14 1 |
/ / # / eall þæt unriht || þe |
his |
ealdras ær / manes gefremedan |
The Paris Psalter 108:14 5 |
de wesan || deorce fyrene / þa |
his |
modur ær || mane fremede / / # |
The Paris Psalter 108:18 3 |
m || wræstum geteode / and sio |
his |
innaþ || ywde swylce / wan wæ |
The Paris Psalter 110:2 1 |
drihtnes weorc / / # / swylce ic |
his |
willan || wylle georne / swyþe |
The Paris Psalter 110:2 3 |
e secean || samed andettan / hu |
his |
mægenþrymnes || mycellic st |
The Paris Psalter 110:2 4 |
mnes || mycellic standeþ / and |
his |
soþfæstnyss wunaþ || symbl |
The Paris Psalter 110:3 3 |
yleþ eallum mete || þam þe |
his |
ege habbaþ / / # / and he on wor |
The Paris Psalter 110:4 2 |
on worulde || wearþ gemyndig / |
his |
gewitnesse || þe he wel swyl |
The Paris Psalter 110:4 4 |
cum / fægrum gefylde || and to |
his |
folce cwæþ / þæt he him wol |
The Paris Psalter 110:5 1 |
æht || eall gesyllan / / # / ys |
his |
handgeweorc || hyge soþfæst |
The Paris Psalter 110:5 3 |
|| þa he ræran wyle / wærun |
his |
bebodu || ealle treowfæste / o |
The Paris Psalter 110:6 4 |
t hi on ecnysse || a syþþan / |
his |
gewitnesse || well geheoldan / |
The Paris Psalter 110:6 5 |
itnesse || well geheoldan / and |
his |
þone halgan naman || hæfdan |
The Paris Psalter 111:1 3 |
ofan || fæste gestandeþ / and |
his |
bebod healdeþ || bealde mid |
The Paris Psalter 111:2 2 |
byþ || eadig and spedig / and |
his |
cneorisse byþ || cyn geblets |
The Paris Psalter 111:3 2 |
wela || wunaþ æt huse / byþ |
his |
soþfæstnys || swylce mære / |
The Paris Psalter 111:5 2 |
rt / seteþ soþne dom || þurh |
his |
sylfes word / se on ecnysse || |
The Paris Psalter 111:6 2 |
emynde || æghwylc þæra / þe |
his |
soþe and riht || symble heal |
The Paris Psalter 111:7 1 |
e || yfeles syþþan / / # / byþ |
his |
heorte gearo || hyhte to drih |
The Paris Psalter 111:8 1 |
|| æghwær georne / / # / se þe |
his |
æhta || ealle tostredeþ / and |
The Paris Psalter 111:8 3 |
þearfendum || þa gedæleþ / |
his |
soþfæstnyss wunaþ || symbl |
The Paris Psalter 111:8 4 |
unaþ || symble oþ ende / byþ |
his |
horn wended || her on wuldur / |
The Paris Psalter 112:4 3 |
s ofer heofenas eac || ahafen |
his |
wuldur / / # / hwylc ys anlic || |
The Paris Psalter 112:5 5 |
ealdor-dōm || up ā·settan / |
his |
folces fruman || on fǣġer l |
The Paris Psalter 112:7 2 |
e on ealdordom || upp asettan / |
his |
folces fruman || on fæger li |
The Paris Psalter 113:8 3 |
swylce / wæteres wellan || mid |
his |
gewealdendre hand / / # / nalæs |
The Paris Psalter 113:11 3 |
lum || and he eall gedeþ / swa |
his |
willa byþ || on woruldrice / / |
The Paris Psalter 115:5 2 |
d fæger || beacen dryhtne / on |
his |
gesyhþe || swylt haligra / / # |
The Paris Psalter 115:8 2 |
in gehat || halgum dryhtne / on |
his |
getynum || tidum gylde / þe ym |
The Paris Psalter 116:2 1 |
æþelne herigan / / # / forþon |
his |
mildheortnyss || is mycel ofe |
The Paris Psalter 117:1 3 |
ode || ic hine gleawne wat / ys |
his |
mildheortnys || mycel to woru |
The Paris Psalter 117:2 3 |
oda god || and gearu standeþ / |
his |
mildheortnys || mære to woru |
The Paris Psalter 117:3 3 |
oda god || and gearu standeþ / |
his |
mildheortnys || mære to woru |
The Paris Psalter 117:4 4 |
oda god || and gearu standeþ / |
his |
mildheortnys || mære on woru |
The Paris Psalter 118:2 2 |
swylce || þa þe a wyllaþ / |
his |
gewitnesse || wise smeagan / an |
The Paris Psalter 118:3 2 |
anwyrhtan || mægene feran / on |
his |
mærne weg || mihtigan drihtn |
The Paris Psalter 118:24 4 |
wat || þæt ic forþ heonun / |
his |
soþfæstnysse || sece georne |
The Paris Psalter 118:137 1 |
/ drihten is soþfæst || synd |
his |
domas eac / reþe mid ræde || |
The Paris Psalter 118:137 2 |
ryhten is sōþfæst; || sind |
his |
dōmas ēac / rēðe mid rǣde |
The Paris Psalter 118:145 5 |
hyrde || hyldo cuþe / þæt ic |
his |
soþfæstnesse || sohte genea |
The Paris Psalter 118:146 1 |
e, || hyldu cūðe, / þæt iċ |
his |
sōþfæstnesse || sōhte ġe |
The Paris Psalter 121:4 4 |
tnesse || wæran israelas / þe |
his |
naman || neode sceoldon / him a |
The Paris Psalter 122:2 3 |
esne biþ || þonne ondrysnum / |
his |
hlaforde || hereþ and cweme |
The Paris Psalter 126:6 2 |
|| se þe a þenceþ / þæt he |
his |
lust on þon || leofne gefyll |
The Paris Psalter 126:6 4 |
þonne he on gaton greteþ || |
his |
grame feondas |
The Paris Psalter 127:1 2 |
god / drihten ondrædaþ || and |
his |
gedefne weg / on hyra lifes tid |
The Paris Psalter 127:5 3 |
dan || þe him metodes ege / on |
his |
dædum || drihten forhtaþ / / # |
The Paris Psalter 128:5 3 |
hit mawe || micle elne / ne mid |
his |
sceafe ne mæg || sceat afyll |
The Paris Psalter 128:6 1 |
/ and þæt ne cweþan || þa |
his |
cwide weoldan / on ofergeate || |
The Paris Psalter 128:6 4 |
hten / and ofer eow wese || eac |
his |
bletsung / we eow neodlice || o |
The Paris Psalter 131:1 2 |
ten || mærne dauid / and ealle |
his |
mannþwærnesse || micle and |
The Paris Psalter 131:7 1 |
gu || on wudufeldum / / # / we on |
his |
selegesceot || swylce gangaþ |
The Paris Psalter 131:7 3 |
e stowe || stede ariaþ / þær |
his |
fotas ær || fæste gestodan / |
The Paris Psalter 131:12 2 |
icne || wæstm gesette / þe of |
his |
innaþe || agenum cwome / ofer |
The Paris Psalter 131:16 1 |
forþon ic hi ær geceas / / # / |
his |
wuduan ic || wordum bletsige / |
The Paris Psalter 131:17 1 |
grium || hlaf to fylle / / # / ec |
his |
sacerdas || swylce mid hælu / |
The Paris Psalter 131:17 3 |
eorne gegyrwe || and gode eac / |
his |
þa halgan her || habbaþ bli |
The Paris Psalter 131:19 1 |
þe ic hine cuþne wat / / # / ic |
his |
feondas eac || facne gegyrwe / |
The Paris Psalter 132:2 3 |
|| hrore stence / mid þy aaron |
his |
beard || oftast smyrede / / # / s |
The Paris Psalter 132:3 1 |
de / / # / seo niþer astah || on |
his |
reafæs fnæd / swa æþele dea |
The Paris Psalter 133:1 2 |
en nu || bliþe drihten / ealle |
his |
agene || onbyhtscealcas / / # / g |
The Paris Psalter 134:1 2 |
|| neode swylce / herigen hine |
his |
scealcas || swiþe ealle / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 134:3 3 |
um || fira æghwam / weorþiaþ |
his |
naman || forþon he wyrþe is |
The Paris Psalter 134:8 2 |
lædeþ || fægere windas / of |
his |
goldhordum || godra manegum / s |
The Paris Psalter 134:9 4 |
araones || folce gecyþde / and |
his |
scealcum || samed ætgædere / |
The Paris Psalter 134:12 2 |
rahelum / and heora yrfe || eac |
his |
folce / / # / ys þin nama drihte |
The Paris Psalter 134:14 1 |
| wynnum standeþ / / # / forþon |
his |
folc demeþ || fægere drihte |
The Paris Psalter 134:14 2 |
ægere drihten / and he biþ on |
his |
esnum || agenum frefriend / / # |
The Paris Psalter 135:3 4 |
is || and ic gearwe wat / þæt |
his |
mildheortnes || is mycel to w |
The Paris Psalter 135:15 1 |
/ þær pharaon gefeol || and |
his |
fæge werud / on þam readan s |
The Paris Psalter 135:16 2 |
dendlice || þuruh westen eft / |
his |
þæt leofe folc || lædde sw |
The Paris Psalter 135:23 2 |
þæt yrfe || on israele / þe |
his |
esnas || agene wæron / / # / for |
The Paris Psalter 135:28 2 |
de || geara andettaþ / forþan |
his |
mildheortnes || is mycel to w |
The Paris Psalter 136:2 4 |
we sittaþ || and sare wepaþ / |
his |
agen bearn || on þone æþel |
A.5.5.136 2 |
e nimeþ || and ēac seteþ% / |
his |
āĝen bearn || on þone æð |
The Paris Psalter 137:8 2 |
ihten for me || dome gylde / is |
his |
mildheortnes || mycel on woru |
The Paris Psalter 141:2 2 |
mine bene || bealde swylce / on |
his |
gesihþe || symble ageote / and |
The Paris Psalter 143:5 2 |
gesceaft || mihtum idel / beoþ |
his |
dagas swylce || demde gelice / |
The Paris Psalter 144:3 3 |
lde mode || herian swiþe / nis |
his |
micelmodes || mægenes ende / / |
The Paris Psalter 144:9 3 |
ne || milde and bliþe / syndan |
his |
miltsa || ofer us mære weorc |
The Paris Psalter 144:14 2 |
dædum getreowe / and on eallum |
his |
weorcum || wis and halig / / # / |
The Paris Psalter 144:18 1 |
# / soþfæst is drihten || on |
his |
sylfes wegum / eallum on eorþa |
The Paris Psalter 144:18 3 |
þan || and he æfter þan / on |
his |
weorcum is || wis and halig / / |
The Paris Psalter 144:19 3 |
ge || seceaþ and ciegaþ / and |
his |
willan her || wyrceaþ georne |
The Paris Psalter 144:19 4 |
an her || wyrceaþ georne / and |
his |
ege swylce || elne ræfnaþ / h |
The Paris Psalter 144:21 4 |
a gehwylc || þurh fæle word / |
his |
þone haligan naman || her bl |
The Paris Psalter 145:4 3 |
d || geara fultumiend / and ær |
his |
hiht on god || hæfde fæste / |
The Paris Psalter 145:6 1 |
im on || ahwær syndon / / # / he |
his |
soþfæst word || swylce gehe |
The Paris Psalter 145:6 2 |
lce gehealdeþ / and on worulde |
his |
|| wise domas / deþ gedefe || |
The Paris Psalter 146:5 2 |
is ure || mihtig drihten / and |
his |
mægen is micel || and mihtum |
The Paris Psalter 146:5 3 |
micel || and mihtum strang / ne |
his |
snytru mæg || secgean ænig / |
The Paris Psalter 146:12 3 |
|| dædum and wordum / and on |
his |
milde mod || mægene gewenaþ |
The Paris Psalter 147:4 1 |
ecynnes || holde lynde / / # / he |
his |
spræce hider || spowendlice / |
The Paris Psalter 147:4 3 |
eorþan || ærest sendeþ / and |
his |
word yrneþ || wundrum sniome |
The Paris Psalter 147:6 1 |
þ || wide swa æscean / / # / he |
his |
cristallum || cynnum sendeþ / |
The Paris Psalter 147:7 1 |
standan || stiþe mode / / # / he |
his |
word sendeþ || þuruh windes |
The Paris Psalter 147:8 1 |
re || weorþeþ sniome / / # / he |
his |
word eac || ær mid wisdome / g |
The Paris Psalter 147:8 3 |
oresægde / and israhele || eac |
his |
domas / / # / ne dyde he ahwær s |
The Paris Psalter 147:9 2 |
|| eldran cynne / þæt he him |
his |
domas || digle gecydde |
The Paris Psalter 148:2 2 |
as / lofige hine swylce || eall |
his |
leodmægen / / # / herigen hine s |
The Paris Psalter 148:8 3 |
and yste || ealra gastas / þe |
his |
word willaþ || wyrcean georn |
The Paris Psalter 148:13 1 |
s || mid neodlofe / / # / forþon |
his |
anes nama || ofer ealle is / ah |
The Paris Psalter 148:13 3 |
leþa ealra / is upp ahafen || |
his |
andetness / heah ofer myclum || |
The Paris Psalter 148:14 5 |
lce || and hi forþ heonan / on |
his |
neaweste || neode wunian |
The Paris Psalter 149:1 3 |
e sang || nu-þa singaþ / wese |
his |
herenes || on haligra / clænre |
The Paris Psalter 149:3 1 |
þust ealra # || / / # / herigen |
his |
naman || neode on þreatum / on |
The Paris Psalter 149:4 1 |
singaþ georne / / # / forþon on |
his |
folce is || fægere drihtne / w |
The Paris Psalter 150:1 1 |
/ # / heriaþ on þam halgum || |
his |
holdne drihten / heriaþ hine o |
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2 |
oldne drihten / heriaþ hine on |
his |
mægenes || mære hælu / / # / h |
The Paris Psalter 150:2 1 |
/ # / heriaþ hine swylce || on |
his |
heahmihtum / heriaþ hine æfte |
The Paris Psalter 150:2 2 |
m / heriaþ hine æfter mode || |
his |
mægenþrymmes / / # / heriaþ hi |
The Paris Psalter 51:6 3 |
r || fæstne gelyfde / ac he on |
his |
welan spede || wræste getruw |
The Paris Psalter 52:1 1 |
aris Psalter: Psalm 52 / / # / on |
his |
heortan cwæþ || unhydig sum |
The Paris Psalter 52:3 2 |
/ ofer manna bearn || hwæþer |
his |
mihta þa / andgyt ænig || eal |
The Paris Psalter 52:7 3 |
|| nymþe sylfa god / þonne he |
his |
folc || fægere alyseþ / of h |
The Paris Psalter 54:10 1 |
|| ealle wealde / / # / næfre on |
his |
weorþige || wea aspringe / mea |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 3 |
daþ / heo besmitaþ || swylce |
his |
sylfes / þa gewitnesse || þæ |
The Paris Psalter 54:19 7 |
geseon æfre / forþon hit wæs |
his |
heortan || gehygde neah / / # / h |
The Paris Psalter 56:4 1 |
ædan / / # / sende mihtig god || |
his |
milde gehigd / and his soþfæs |
The Paris Psalter 56:4 2 |
g god || his milde gehigd / and |
his |
soþfæst mod || samod ætgæ |
The Paris Psalter 56:4 2 |
don. / / # / Sende mehtiġ god || |
his |
milde ġe·hyġd / and his sō |
The Paris Psalter 56:4 3 |
d || his milde ġe·hyġd / and |
his |
sōþfæst mōd || samod æt |
The Paris Psalter 57:6 3 |
nde || eorþe forswelgeþ / swa |
his |
bogan bendeþ || oþþæt bit |
The Paris Psalter 57:6 4 |
tere eft / adl on seteþ || swa |
his |
geearnuncg byþ / / # / swa weax |
The Paris Psalter 57:9 3 |
san || ealle forweorþaþ / and |
his |
handa þwehþ || on hæþenra |
The Paris Psalter 57:10 1 |
and þonne man cweþeþ || on |
his |
modsefan / þis is wæstm || wi |
The Paris Psalter 57:10 3 |
æstm || wises and goodes / þe |
his |
soþfæst weorc || symble læ |
The Paris Psalter 60:5 2 |
ær byþ gedefe cynincg / beoþ |
his |
winter eac || wynnum iced / oþ |
The Paris Psalter 61:12 4 |
þæt he manna gehwam / æfter |
his |
agenum || earnungum demeþ / ef |
The Paris Psalter 63:8 4 |
rc godes || wide mærsian / and |
his |
weorc ongitan || mid wisdome / |
The Paris Psalter 64:4 3 |
and hine clæne hafaþ / and on |
his |
earduncgstowum || eardaþ sy |
The Paris Psalter 65:1 3 |
m wislicum || wide herian / and |
his |
naman secgeaþ || neode mid s |
The Paris Psalter 65:2 1 |
/ / # / and gode secgeaþ || hu |
his |
þa goodan weorc / syndon wundo |
The Paris Psalter 65:4 2 |
weorc / drihten worhte || synt |
his |
domas eac / swiþe egeslice || |
The Paris Psalter 65:6 1 |
reddian || eorþan gelice / / # / |
his |
mægen wealdeþ || ofer eall |
The Paris Psalter 65:15 1 |
yde || minre sawle / / # / þuruh |
his |
mihte ic || muþe cleopige / o |
The Paris Psalter 65:18 3 |
ine bene || bealde gehyrde / ne |
his |
milde mod || me dyde fremde |
The Paris Psalter 66:6 4 |
er god || eac bletsige / hæbbe |
his |
egesan eall || eorþan gemær |
The Paris Psalter 67:1 2 |
/ arise god || ricene weorþe / |
his |
feonda gehwylc || fæste towo |
The Paris Psalter 67:1 3 |
ylc || fæste toworpen / fleoþ |
his |
ansyne || þa þe hine feodan |
The Paris Psalter 67:4 2 |
ode || sealmas geneahhige / and |
his |
naman swylce || neode heriaþ |
The Paris Psalter 67:5 1 |
mned drihten / / # / wesaþ ge on |
his |
gesyhþe || symble bliþe / and |
The Paris Psalter 67:5 2 |
yhþe || symble bliþe / and on |
his |
ansyne wesan || ealle gedrefd |
The Paris Psalter 67:6 1 |
ge fæderas / / # / drihten is on |
his |
stowe || dema halig / se þe ea |
The Paris Psalter 67:7 1 |
healdeþ blisse / / # / se þe on |
his |
mægenes || mihte gelædeþ / |
The Paris Psalter 67:8 1 |
/ # / þonne god gangeþ || for |
his |
þæt gleawe folc / oþþe geon |
The Paris Psalter 68:36 3 |
gytaþ || esnas drihtenes / and |
his |
naman || neode lufiaþ / þær |
The Paris Psalter 70:10 3 |
onne we hine forgripen || and |
his |
geara ehtan / syþþan he ne h |
The Paris Psalter 71:4 1 |
u eac || soþum dædum / / # / on |
his |
soþfæstnesse || swylce deme |
The Paris Psalter 71:7 1 |
rþan || upon dreopaþ / / # / on |
his |
agenum dagum || ypped weorþe |
The Paris Psalter 71:9 2 |
elwearas || seceaþ ealle / and |
his |
feondas || foldan liccigeaþ / |
The Paris Psalter 71:14 3 |
iora sawle || softe alysde / ys |
his |
nama for him || neode gebyrht |
The Paris Psalter 71:16 3 |
s up / ofer libanum || licgeaþ |
his |
yþa / and on burgum beoþ || b |
The Paris Psalter 71:17 1 |
ute on lande / / # / þonne byþ |
his |
nama || ofer eall niþa bearn |
The Paris Psalter 71:17 3 |
eorþeþ gebletsod / ær sunnan |
his |
nama || soþfæst standeþ / by |
The Paris Psalter 71:17 4 |
ma || soþfæst standeþ / byþ |
his |
setl ær || swylce þonne mon |
The Paris Psalter 71:19 4 |
undor mycel || wyrceþ ana / si |
his |
mihta nama || mode gebletsad / |
The Paris Psalter 71:20 2 |
þe si || eall gefylled / þurh |
his |
wuldres miht || wese swa wese |
The Paris Psalter 72:13 4 |
| wolde gangan / oþþæt ic on |
his |
hus || halig gange / and ic þa |
The Paris Psalter 73:13 2 |
dracan || mihtum forcome / and |
his |
þæt hearde || heafod gescæ |
The Paris Psalter 75:1 2 |
geara cuþ || mid iudeum / and |
his |
æþele nama || mid israelum / |
The Paris Psalter 75:2 1 |
mid israelum / / # / is on sibbe |
his |
stow || soþe behealden / and h |
The Paris Psalter 76:7 3 |
oweorpan / ne us witnian || for |
his |
weldædum / oþþe wiþ ende || |
The Paris Psalter 76:7 5 |
wiþ ende || æfre to worulde / |
his |
milde mod || mannum afyrran / o |
The Paris Psalter 76:8 4 |
oþþe on yrre || æfre wille / |
his |
milde mod || mannum dyrnan / / # |
The Paris Psalter 77:5 2 |
symble || leofum drihtne / and |
his |
þa myclan miht || mænigu wu |
The Paris Psalter 77:9 2 |
e hiht || to gode hæfdan / and |
his |
weorþlicu || weorc gemundon / |
The Paris Psalter 77:12 2 |
gan drihtnes / gewitnesse || ne |
his |
weorca æ / awiht wislice || wo |
The Paris Psalter 77:23 4 |
gegleded fyr || on iacobe / and |
his |
yrre barn || on israhelas / / # |
The Paris Psalter 77:31 2 |
sum || ihtan synne / and noldan |
his |
wundrum || wel gelyfan / / # / hi |
The Paris Psalter 77:42 1 |
n / / # / na gemynd hæfdan || hu |
his |
seo mycle hand / on gewindæge |
The Paris Psalter 77:52 1 |
me || folce chames / / # / þa he |
his |
folc genam || swa fæle sceap |
The Paris Psalter 77:54 2 |
ofre byrig / and haligre || þa |
his |
hand begeat / / # / and he manige |
The Paris Psalter 77:56 3 |
nne god / gebysmredan || noldon |
his |
bebodu / fæste healdan # || / / |
The Paris Psalter 77:58 1 |
wendan and cyrdan / / # / swa hi |
his |
yrre || oft aweahtan / þonne h |
The Paris Psalter 77:60 2 |
me wiþsoc || snytruhuse / wæs |
his |
agen hus || þær he eard gen |
The Paris Psalter 77:62 1 |
n feondes hand / / # / sealde þa |
his |
swæs folc || sweorde under e |
The Paris Psalter 77:62 2 |
olc || sweorde under ecge / and |
his |
yrfe eac || eall forhogode / / # |
The Paris Psalter 77:66 1 |
an || wine druncen / / # / he þa |
his |
feondas sloh || and him ætf |
The Paris Psalter 77:68 2 |
a anhornan || ealra gelicast / |
his |
halige hus || her on eorþan / |
The Paris Psalter 77:71 2 |
facne || fedeþ syþþan / and |
his |
folmum syþþan || hi forþ l |
The Paris Psalter 78:7 2 |
n hi iacob || geara ætan / and |
his |
wicstede || westan gelome / / # |
The Paris Psalter 79:9 2 |
eforan || worhtest rihtne / and |
his |
wyrtruman || wræstne settest |
The Paris Psalter 79:10 1 |
e wearþ || eall gefylled / / # / |
his |
se brada scua || beorgas þea |
The Paris Psalter 79:10 2 |
a scua || beorgas þeahte / and |
his |
tanas astigun || godes cedder |
The Paris Psalter 79:12 1 |
n þu towurpe || weallfæsten |
his |
/ wealdeþ his winbyrig || eall |
The Paris Psalter 79:12 2 |
|| weallfæsten his / wealdeþ |
his |
winbyrig || eall þæt on weg |
The Paris Psalter 79:14 6 |
d ofer mannes sunu || þe þu |
his |
mihte ær / under þe getrymede |
The Paris Psalter 79:16 2 |
r / and ofer mannes sunu || þu |
his |
mihta þe / geagnadest || ealle |
The Paris Psalter 84:7 3 |
efan || mælan wille / sybbe he |
his |
folces || seceþ geornast / and |
The Paris Psalter 84:8 2 |
forswiþe neah / þam þe egsan |
his |
|| elne healdaþ / hæleþ mid |
The Paris Psalter 86:1 1 |
salter: Psalm 86 / / # / healdaþ |
his |
staþelas || halige beorgas / l |
The Paris Psalter 88:3 5 |
sware || ær benemde / þæt ic |
his |
cynne || and cneowmagum / on ec |
The Paris Psalter 88:8 2 |
e sæs || wealdest mihtum / þu |
his |
yþum miht || ana gesteoran / |
The Paris Psalter 88:21 1 |
arn || ænig sceþþan / / # / of |
his |
ansyne || ealle ic aceorfe / þ |
The Paris Psalter 88:21 3 |
feondas || fæcne syndon / and |
his |
ehtendas || ealle geflyme / / # |
The Paris Psalter 88:22 4 |
n naman minum || neode swylce / |
his |
horn biþ ahafen || heane on |
The Paris Psalter 88:23 1 |
|| heane on mihtum / / # / and ic |
his |
swiþran hand || settan þenc |
The Paris Psalter 88:32 3 |
ne leoge / þæt on ecnesse || |
his |
agen cynn / wunaþ on wicum || |
The Paris Psalter 88:33 5 |
nes þines || ealle gewemdest / |
his |
halignesse || her on eorþan / |
The Paris Psalter 88:34 1 |
her on eorþan / / # / ealle þu |
his |
weallas || wide todældest / to |
The Paris Psalter 88:34 2 |
de todældest / towurpe fæsten |
his |
|| for folcegsan / / # / hine þa |
The Paris Psalter 88:36 2 |
e || heah ehtendra / gebrohtest |
his |
feondas || fæcne on blisse / / |
The Paris Psalter 88:38 2 |
nesse || clæne alysdest / setl |
his |
gesettest || sorglic on eorþ |
The Paris Psalter 88:39 1 |
|| sorglic on eorþan / / # / þu |
his |
dagena tid || deorce gescyrte |
The Paris Psalter 88:42 3 |
þþe hwylc manna is || þæt |
his |
agene / fram helle locum || saw |
The Paris Psalter 90:4 1 |
| hearmum worde / / # / he me mid |
his |
gesculdrum || sceade beþeaht |
The Paris Psalter 90:11 1 |
wær sceþþan / / # / forþon he |
his |
englum bebead || þæt hi mid |
The Paris Psalter 90:16 1 |
e / / # / ic hine generige || and |
his |
naman swylce / gewuldrige || ge |
The Paris Psalter 91:1 2 |
geara andette / and neodlice || |
his |
naman asinge / þone heahestan |
The Paris Psalter 91:2 3 |
lde wearþ || manna cynne / and |
his |
soþe || sæcge nihtes / / # / hw |
The Paris Psalter 91:12 2 |
|| on godes huse / þæt ge on |
his |
wicum || wel geblowan / / # / nu |
The Paris Psalter 93:9 6 |
ealdeþ || eallum þeodum / and |
his |
þrea ne si || þær for awih |
The Paris Psalter 93:12 2 |
re wiþdrifeþ || drihten ure / |
his |
agen folc || ne his yrfe þon |
The Paris Psalter 93:12 2 |
ihten ure / his agen folc || ne |
his |
yrfe þon ma / on ealdre wile | |
The Paris Psalter 93:19 3 |
and gestaþelad / is me fultum |
his |
|| fæst on drihtne / / # / þonn |
The Paris Psalter 94:2 1 |
e || hyldo gebeodan / / # / wutun |
his |
ansyne || ærest secean / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 94:4 2 |
wiþdrifeþ || drihten usser / |
his |
agen folc || æfre æt þearf |
The Paris Psalter 94:5 2 |
|| and he sette þone / worhte |
his |
folme eac || foldan drige / / # |
The Paris Psalter 94:7 2 |
n god || dema usser / wærun we |
his |
fæle folc || and his fægere |
The Paris Psalter 94:7 2 |
run we his fæle folc || and |
his |
fægere sceap / þa he on his e |
The Paris Psalter 94:7 3 |
d his fægere sceap / þa he on |
his |
edisce || ær afedde / / # / gif |
The Paris Psalter 95:2 1 |
|| eceum drihtne / / # / secgeaþ |
his |
wuldor || geond sigeþeode / an |
The Paris Psalter 95:2 1 |
# / Singaþ nū drihtne || and |
his |
sōðne naman / bealde blētsia |
The Paris Psalter 95:2 2 |
eode / and on eallum folcum || |
his |
fægere wundor / / # / singaþ nu |
The Paris Psalter 95:3 1 |
/ # / singaþ nu drihtne || and |
his |
soþne naman / bealde bletsiaþ |
The Paris Psalter 95:3 2 |
dryhtnes hǣlu. / / # / Seċġaþ |
his |
wuldor || ġond siġe-þēode |
The Paris Psalter 95:3 3 |
ode, / and on eallum folcum || |
his |
fæġere% wunder. / / # / Hē is |
The Paris Psalter 95:8 2 |
lice lac || and in gangaþ / on |
his |
wictunas || weorþiaþ drihte |
The Paris Psalter 95:8 3 |
unas || weorþiaþ drihten / on |
his |
þære halgan || healle genea |
The Paris Psalter 95:9 1 |
|| healle geneahhige / / # / for |
his |
ansyne sceal || eorþe beofia |
The Paris Psalter 95:10 2 |
riht || folcum demeþ / and on |
his |
yrre || ealle þeode / / # / heof |
The Paris Psalter 97:9 2 |
demeþ / soþe and rihte || and |
his |
syndrig folc / on rihtnesse || |
The Paris Psalter 97:9 3 |
meþ / sōðe and rihte || and |
his |
syndriġ folc / on rihtnesse || |
The Paris Psalter 98:5 3 |
serne god || ellencræfte / and |
his |
fota sceamul || forþ weorþi |
The Paris Psalter 98:6 3 |
s || samuhel þridda / þa gode |
his |
naman || neode cigdan / / # / hi |
The Paris Psalter 98:8 2 |
witnesse || wel geheoldon / and |
his |
bebodu || beorhte efnedan / þa |
The Paris Psalter 98:10 3 |
iaþ / mærum beorge || forþon |
his |
meahte synt / and halig is || h |
The Paris Psalter 99:2 3 |
god / he us geworhte || and we |
his |
syndon / / # / we his folc syndan |
The Paris Psalter 99:3 1 |
e || and we his syndon / / # / we |
his |
folc syndan || and his fæle |
The Paris Psalter 99:3 1 |
/ # / we his folc syndan || and |
his |
fæle sceap / þa he on his edi |
The Paris Psalter 99:3 2 |
and his fæle sceap / þa he on |
his |
edisce || ealle afedde / gaþ n |
The Paris Psalter 99:3 3 |
ce || ealle afedde / gaþ nu on |
his |
doru || god andettaþ / and hin |
The Metres of Boethius: Proem 8 |
onne he swelces lyt / gymð for |
his |
gilpe. || Ic sceal giet sprec |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 58 |
ara ara || and ealdrihta / þe |
his |
eldran mid him || ahton longe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 39 |
fre þy eþ || ænne wræccan / |
his |
cræftes beniman || þe mon o |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 41 |
| and þisne swiftan rodor / of |
his |
rihtryne || rinca ænig / hwa w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 23 |
|| ealle gesceafta / gebæt mid |
his |
bridle || hafaþ butu gedon / e |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 28 |
an || þonne him sigora weard / |
his |
gewealdleþer || wille onlæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 32 |
ærod || hefonrices weard / mid |
his |
anwealde || ealle gesceafta / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 53 |
abban under heofonum || þæt |
his |
hige durre / gemetgian || ær h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 77 |
bridla || þe he gebætte mid / |
his |
agen weorc || eall æt frymþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 28 |
a || swa swa londes ceorl / of |
his |
æcere lycþ || yfel weod mon |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 3 |
|| ealla gesceafta / bryrþ mid |
his |
bridlum || begþ þider he wi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 4 |
m || begþ þider he wile / mid |
his |
anwalde || ge endebyrd / wundor |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 8 |
ealla gesceafta / geræped mid |
his |
racentan || þæt hi aredian |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 67 |
gene || eft symle onlyt / wiþ |
his |
gecyndes || cymþ to þonne h |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 2 |
m welegan || woruldgitsere / on |
his |
mode þe bet || þeah he mice |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 8 |
sunnan || suþ west and east / |
his |
anwalde || eall underþieded / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 6 |
orulde || witena gehwelcum / on |
his |
lifdagum || laþ and unweorþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 8 |
l || hwæt se feond swa þeah / |
his |
diorlingas || duguþum stepte |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 2 |
eal he ærest tilian / þæt he |
his |
selfes || on sefan age / anwald |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 4 |
nnan || þy læs he æfre sie / |
his |
unþeawum || eall underþyded |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 5 |
um || eall underþyded / ado of |
his |
mode || mislicra fela / þara y |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 20 |
t eall || agan mote / hwy biþ |
his |
anwald || auhte þy mara / gif |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 21 |
y mara / gif he siþþan nah || |
his |
selfes geweald / ingeþances || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 24 |
ilc mon || þe mid ealle biþ / |
his |
unþeawum || underþieded / he |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 26 |
rest || lifes frumsceaft / and |
his |
agene || æþelo swa selfe / an |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 30 |
hit is þin agen / forþæm hit |
his |
utan || ne com auht to þe / ac |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 143 |
|| þe we ymb sprecaþ / hæfþ |
his |
agenne || eard onsundran / biþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 155 |
t hit fiolan ne mæg / eft æt |
his |
eþle || þær þæt oþer fy |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 160 |
|| wilnaþ þiderweard / þær |
his |
mægþe biþ || mæst ætgæd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 8 |
hte / sece þæt siþþan || on |
his |
sefan innan / and forlæte an | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 12 |
mæge / ealle to þæm anum || |
his |
ingeþonc / gesecge his mode || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 13 |
anum || his ingeþonc / gesecge |
his |
mode || þæt hit mæg findan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 18 |
net || eal þæt he hæfde / on |
his |
incofan || æror lange / efne s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 21 |
on locian / and he eac ongit || |
his |
ingeþonc / leohtre and berhtre |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 47 |
gne || gif he awuht nafaþ / on |
his |
modsefan || mycles ne lytles / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 59 |
emynde || he mæg siþþan / on |
his |
runcofan || rihtwisnesse / find |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 63 |
swiþost / and mid hefinesse || |
his |
lichoman / and mid þæm bisgum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 37 |
ra || eorþan cyninga / se mid |
his |
bridle || ymbebæted hæfþ / y |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 39 |
ne || eorþan and heofones / he |
his |
gewaldleþer || wel gemetgaþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 21 |
walde || þe him anra gehwilc / |
his |
tirwina || to fultemaþ / gif m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 29 |
e wyrsa ne biþ || ne wene ic |
his |
na beteran / gif him þonne æf |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 53 |
res || him þæt eall gehæt / |
his |
recelest || rihtes ne scrife |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 57 |
anlepra ælc || a wilnode / for |
his |
agenum || ealdgecynde / unrihtw |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 9 |
and retie || rices hirde / wæs |
his |
freadrihtnes || folccuþ nama |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 66 |
i on sefan lufode / þæt he to |
his |
earde || ænige nyste / modes m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 88 |
diore || swelcum he æror / on |
his |
lifdagum || gelicost wæs / but |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 95 |
eþonc / hæfde anra gehwylc || |
his |
agen mod / þæt wæs þeah swi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 17 |
is þæt earmlic þing / þæt |
his |
gebidan ne magon || burgsitte |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 32 |
one monnan || mode lufian / and |
his |
unþeawas || ealle hatian / and |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 63 |
gecerreþ / ismere ænlic || on |
his |
agen gecynd / weorþeþ to wæt |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 69 |
a gehwæm || wundor þince / on |
his |
modsefan || micle læsse / unst |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 28 |
t under weorulde || werþioda |
his |
/ noman onwendaþ || þonne nih |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 82 |
buendra / ealla gesceafta || on |
his |
ærendo / hionane he sendeþ || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 5 |
sgunga || þonne hit winnende / |
his |
agen leoht || an forlæteþ / a |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 15 |
wyrhta || weorulde gesceafta / |
his |
agen weorc || eall geondwlite |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 1 |
wæt þu meaht ongitan || gif |
his |
þe geman lyst / þætte mislic |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 17 |
æþ || metodes gesceafta / mid |
his |
andwlitan || up on gerihte / mi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 18 |
/ mid þy is getacnod || þæt |
his |
treowa sceal / and his modgeþo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 19 |
|| þæt his treowa sceal / and |
his |
modgeþonc || ma up þonne ni |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 20 |
an to heofonum || þy læs he |
his |
hige wende / niþer swa þær n |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 15 |
|| rihte floweþ / irneþ wiþ |
his |
eardes || oþ him on innan fe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 20 |
nden || broc biþ onwended / of |
his |
rihtryne || ryþum toflowen / s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 1 |
tre 7 / / þa ongon se wisdom || |
his |
gewunan fylgan / gliowordum gol |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 32 |
e wlite || wyrce him siþþan / |
his |
modes hus || þær he mæge f |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 47 |
le gehealdeþ / anwunigendne || |
his |
agenum / modes gesælþum || þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 37 |
weorþ on weorulde || gif mon |
his |
willan ongeat / yfelne mid eldu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 3 |
worhte / romwara cyning || þa |
his |
rice wæs / hehst under heofonu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 10 |
orbærnan / romana burig || sio |
his |
rices wæs / ealles eþelstol | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 22 |
t he wolde || ofer werþiode / |
his |
anes huru || anwald cyþan / ea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 29 |
on uppan || agene broþor / and |
his |
modor mid || meca ecgum / billu |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 30 |
a ecgum / billum ofbeatan || he |
his |
bryde ofslog / self mid sweorde |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 51 |
ice berædan || and bereafian / |
his |
anwaldes || þurh þa ecan me |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 52 |
urh þa ecan meaht / oþþe him |
his |
yfeles || elles gestioran / eal |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 57 |
alra þara hæleþa || þe on |
his |
tidum / geond þas lænan worol |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 60 |
on unscyldgum || eorla blode / |
his |
sweord selede || swiþe gelom |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 63 |
godes / gif se wel nele || þe |
his |
geweald hafaþ |
Metrical Psalm 90:16 1 |
90:16 / / Ic hine generie || and |
his |
næmæn swilce / gewuldrige || |
Metrical Psalm 91:1 2 |
ræ ændette / and neodlice || |
his |
næmæn æsinge / þone heæhes |
Metrical Psalm 91:12 2 |
e || on godes huse / þet ge on |
his |
wicum || wel geblowen. |
Metrical Psalm 91:2 3 |
e weærð || mænnæ cyne / and |
his |
soðe || sege neæhtes. |
Metrical Psalm 93:12 2 |
e% wiðdrifeð || drihten ure / |
his |
ægen folc || ne his yrfe ðo |
Metrical Psalm 93:12 2 |
hten ure / his ægen folc || ne |
his |
yrfe ðon ma / on ealdre wile | |
Metrical Psalm 93:19 3 |
and gestæþeled / is me fultum |
his |
|| fest on drihtne. |
Metrical Psalm 93:9 6 |
ealdað || eallum ðeodum / and |
his |
ðrea ne sio || þa for awiht |
Metrical Psalm 94:2 1 |
# Metrical Psalm 94:2 / / Wutun |
his% |
ansine || arest seceæn / þet |
Metrical Psalm 94:4 2 |
wiðdrifeð || drihten usser / |
his |
agen folc || æfre æð ðeæ |
Metrical Psalm 94:5 2 |
|| and he sette ðone / worhte |
his |
folme eæc || foldæn drige. |
Metrical Psalm 94:7 2 |
en god || dema usser / werum we |
his |
fele folc || and his fægere |
Metrical Psalm 94:7 2 |
werum we his fele folc || and |
his |
fægere sceæp / þæ he% on hi |
Metrical Psalm 94:7 3 |
is fægere sceæp / þæ he% on |
his |
edisce || ær æfedde. |
Metrical Psalm 95:2 1 |
2 / / Singæð nu drihtne || and |
his |
soðne næmæn |
The Battle of Brunanburh 2 |
ryhten / beorna beahgifa || and |
his |
broþor eac / eadmund æþeling |
The Battle of Brunanburh 38 |
se froda || mid fleame com / on |
his |
cyþþe norþ || costontinus / |
The Battle of Brunanburh 40 |
rfte / mæca gemanan || he wæs |
his |
mæga sceard / freonda gefylled |
The Battle of Brunanburh 42 |
de / beslagen æt sæcce || and |
his |
sunu forlet / on wælstowe || w |
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 12 |
age || oþ hie alysde eft / for |
his |
weorþscipe || wiggendra hleo |
The Death of Edgar 10 |
life / beorna beahgyfa || feng |
his |
bearn syþþan / to cynerice || |
The Death of Edgar 23 |
end / rodera rædend || þa man |
his |
riht tobræc / and þa wearþ e |
The Death of Alfred 2 |
| and hine on hæft sette / and |
his |
geferan he todraf || and sume |
A.6.10.5 7 |
and hine on hæft sette, / and |
his |
ġe·fēran hē tō·drāf || |
Durham 17 |
cheþe / lerde lustum || and he |
his |
lara wel genom / eardiæþ æt |
The Rune Poem 28 |
to hæle gehwæþre || gif hi |
his |
hlystaþ æror / is byþ oferce |
The Rune Poem 59 |
rofur / monn byþ on myrgþe || |
his |
magan leof / sceal þeah anra g |
A.6.13 47 |
tō be·gangenne || þǣm þe |
his |
gāst wile / meltan wiþ morðr |
Solomon and Saturn 51 |
dum / to begonganne || þam þe |
his |
gast wile / meltan wiþ morþre |
A.6.13 95 |
|| hē ne be·sċēawaþ nā / |
his |
limona liþ, || ne biþ him l |
Solomon and Saturn 100 |
concan || he ne besceawaþ no / |
his |
leomona liþ || ne biþ him l |
A.6.13 154 |
s tilian; / ā·wrīteþ hē on |
his |
wǣpne || wæl-nota hēap, / be |
Solomon and Saturn 159 |
lifes tiligan / awriteþ he on |
his |
wæpne || wællnota heap / beal |
A.6.13 159 |
sċeall singan, || þonne hē |
his |
sweord ġe·tēo, / Pāter Nost |
A.6.13 162 |
fe / feorh and folme, || þonne |
his |
fēond cyme’. / ‘swīce, || |
Solomon and Saturn 164 |
he sceal singan || þonne he |
his |
sweord geteo / pater noster || |
Solomon and Saturn 167 |
ife / feorh and folme || þonne |
his |
feond cyme / // swice || ær he |
A.6.13 171 |
an ġe·fēred; || nǣfre ǣr |
his |
ferhþ ā·hlōh. / Hwæt. || I |
Solomon and Saturn 176 |
feorran gefered || næfre ær |
his |
ferhþ ahlog / hwæt ic flitan |
A.6.13 17 |
|| inn-gang rȳmaþ. / Ġīet |
his |
sweord sċīeneþ% || swīðe |
Solomon and Saturn 22 |
es oroþ || ingang rymaþ / git |
his |
sweord scineþ || swiþe gesc |
A.6.13 61 |
ere, / swīðe swingeþ || and |
his |
searu hringeþ, / ġielleþ ġ |
A.6.13 62 |
ielleþ ġōmorlīċe || and |
his |
gryn sefaþ, / wielleþ hine on |
A.6.13 65 |
seldlīċe; || seldum ǣfre / |
his |
lēoma liċġaþ. || Langaþ |
Solomon and Saturn 73 |
nhiere / swiþe swingeþ || and |
his |
searo hringeþ / gilleþ geomor |
Solomon and Saturn 74 |
eþ / gilleþ geomorlice || and |
his |
gyrn sefaþ / wylleþ hine on |
Solomon and Saturn 77 |
ggeþ syllice || seldum æfre / |
his |
leoma licggaþ || longaþ hin |
A.6.13 155 |
wāt || on weorold-rīċe / on |
his |
mǣġ-winum || māran āre’ |
A.6.13 170 |
orĝe, || siþþan drēoĝeþ / |
his |
earfoþu || orleġ-stunde. / H |
Solomon and Saturn 186 |
sa ne wat || in woroldrice / on |
his |
mægwinum || maran are / salomo |
A.6.13 194 |
mōt || stillan nēahtes’. / |
‘His |
līfes fæðme. || Simle hit |
A.6.13 194 |
es fæðme. || Simle hit biþ |
his |
lāreowum hīersum; / full oft |
Solomon and Saturn 204 |
to sorge || siþþan dreogeþ / |
his |
earfoþu || orlegstunde / heo |
A.6.13 211 |
cunnaþ hwonne mōte / fȳr on |
his |
frumsċeaft || on fæder ġea |
A.6.13 212 |
| on fæder ġeardas, / eft tō |
his |
ēðle, || þanon hit ǣror c |
Solomon and Saturn 222 |
dig eorl || eaþe geceosan / on |
his |
modsefan || mildne hlaford / an |
Solomon and Saturn 232 |
neahtes / salomon cwæþ # || / |
his |
lifes fæþme || simle hit bi |
Solomon and Saturn 232 |
fes fæþme || simle hit biþ |
his |
lareowum hyrsum / full oft hit |
A.6.13 236 |
ē biþ mōdes glēaw / and tō |
his |
frēondum wile || fultum sē |
A.6.13 247 |
and þæs ofer-mōdan; / Ōðer |
his |
drihtne hīerde, || ōðer hi |
A.6.13 248 |
rnan, || cwæþ þæt hē mid |
his |
ġe·sīðum wolde / hȳðan ea |
Solomon and Saturn 249 |
| cunnaþ hwænne mote / fyr on |
his |
frumsceaft || on fæder geard |
Solomon and Saturn 250 |
t || on fæder geardas / eft to |
his |
eþle || þanon hit æror cuo |
A.6.13 250 |
ðan dǣle, || oþ·þæt hē |
his |
tornes% ne% cūðe / ende þurh |
A.6.13 274 |
ǣr sē dæġ cyme / þæt sīe |
his |
cālend-cwide || ā·runnen / a |
Solomon and Saturn 276 |
if he biþ modes gleaw / and to |
his |
freondum wile || fultum secan |
A.6.13 278 |
ē sċeall be·healdan || hū |
his |
hyġe wille%; / grǣdiġ% grōw |
A.6.13 286 |
healde, / metodes miltse || and |
his |
mǣĝa rǣd, / ōðer hine tyht |
Solomon and Saturn 289 |
|| and þæs ofermodan / oþer |
his |
dryhtne hierde || oþer him o |
A.6.13 289 |
ġe·mynda || and þurh þæt |
his |
mōd hweteþ, / lǣdeþ hine an |
Solomon and Saturn 290 |
byrnan || cwæþ þæt he mid |
his |
gesiþum wolde / hiþan eall he |
A.6.13 291 |
ond land spaneþ, / oþ·þæt |
his |
eġe biþ, || æf-þuncum ful |
Solomon and Saturn 292 |
teoþan dæle || oþþæt he |
his |
tornes ne cuþe / ende þurh in |
A.6.13 298 |
e || on weġ faran / enġel tō |
his |
earde || and þæt eall saĝa |
Solomon and Saturn 317 |
|| ær se dæg cyme / þæt sie |
his |
calendcwide || arunnen / and hi |
Solomon and Saturn 322 |
eþ / se sceall behealdan || hu |
his |
hyge wille / grædig growan || |
Solomon and Saturn 2 |
healde / metodes miltse || and |
his |
mæga ræd / oþer hine tyhteþ |
Solomon and Saturn 5 |
misgemynda || and þurh þæt |
his |
mod hweteþ / lædeþ hine and |
Solomon and Saturn 7 |
e geond land spaneþ / oþþæt |
his |
ege biþ || æfþancum full / |
Solomon and Saturn 14 |
ende || on weg faran / engel to |
his |
earde || and þæt eall saga |
The Menologium 31 |
and twa || þeodum gewelhwær / |
his |
cyme calend || ceorlum and eo |
The Menologium 50 |
|| eorlas healdaþ / heahengel |
his |
|| se hælo abead / marian mycl |
The Menologium 172 |
gleaw || gast onsende / matheus |
his |
|| to metodsceafte / in ecne ge |
The Menologium 217 |
ele andreas || up on roderum / |
his |
gast ageaf || on godes wære / |
The Menologium 225 |
aldum beornwigan || bletsunga |
his |
/ þænne emb feower niht || þ |
The Menologium 227 |
niht || þætte fæder engla / |
his |
sunu sende || on þas sidan g |
The Judgment Day II 20 |
dæleð and todemeð || ðurh |
his |
dihlan miht / ic gemunde eac || |
The Judgment Day II 49 |
cene onbindan / ne mid swiðran |
his |
|| swyðe nele brysan / wanhydi |
The Judgment Day II 60 |
e swa ðeah || deaðe gehende / |
his |
bena bebead || breostgehigdum |
The Judgment Day II 62 |
lyt wordum || ac geleaffullum / |
his |
hæle begeat || and help rece |
The Judgment Day II 120 |
brohte / æghwanum cumene || to |
his |
ansyne / ðæt gehwylc underfo |
The Judgment Day II 122 |
t gehwylc underfo || / dom be |
his |
dædum || æt drihtne sylfum / |
The Judgment Day II 252 |
mod bliðe || on woruld ealle / |
his |
ðeodne geðeon || and ðonne |
The Judgment Day II 279 |
heofonsetle || hean geregnað / |
his |
sunu bliðe || sigores brytta |
The Rewards of Piety 40 |
t || / swiðor micle || ðonne |
his |
sylfes gewil / warna ðe georne |
The Gloria I 42 |
ð / cyning innan wuldre || and |
his |
ða gecorenan / heahðrymnesse |
The Creed 36 |
sine / runum arette || and ða |
his |
rice began / ðone uplican || e |
Fragment of Psalm 102 1 |
ihten / and eall min inneran || |
his |
ðone ecan naman / / # / bletsige |
Psalm 50 19 |
an het || selfum gecyðan / ymb |
his |
womdeda || waldendes doom / ð |
Psalm 50 20 |
doom / ðæt se fruma wære || |
his |
feores sceldig / for ðam ðe h |
Psalm 50 25 |
a || ðe he godes eorre / ðurh |
his |
selfes weorc || sona anfunde / |
Psalm 50 28 |
|| and to dryhtne gebæd / and |
his |
synna hord || selfa ontende / g |
A.6.28 13 |
nihtes || dēofle campaþ / and |
his |
willan wyrcþ; || wā him ð |
A.6.28 18 |
es || drihtne hīeraþ / and ā |
his |
willan wyrcþ; || wēl him þ |
Aldhelm 15 |
oethia || biddan georne / ðurh |
his |
modes gemind || [micro in cos |
The Seasons for Fasting 5 |
ahcyning || her on life / ðurh |
his |
sylfes word || sette for leod |
The Seasons for Fasting 35 |
e / hyht and gehateð || gyf we |
his |
willað / ðurh rihtne sefan || |
The Seasons for Fasting 113 |
cræft || bæle behlæned / of |
his |
haligan || handa gescrifene / h |
The Seasons for Fasting 164 |
mes gemyndig / ðæt he stræla |
his |
|| stellan mihte / on ðam lich |
The Seasons for Fasting 196 |
ngian || ðreale hwilcum / wið |
his |
arwesan || gyf he him ærur h |
Cædmon's Hymn, Northumbrian Version 2 |
s uard / metudæs maecti || end |
his |
modgidanc / uerc uuldurfadur || |
Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version 2 |
weard / meotodes meahte || and |
his |
modgeðanc / weorc wuldorfæder |
Bede's Death Song, Northumbrian Version 3 |
f sie / to ymbhycggannae || aer |
his |
hiniongae / huaet his gastae || |
Bede's Death Song, Northumbrian Version 4 |
ae || aer his hiniongae / huaet |
his |
gastae || godaes aeththa yfla |
Bede's Death Song, The Hague Version 3 |
iae || / to ymbhycgenne || aer |
his |
hinionge / hwet his gastæ || g |
Bede's Death Song, The Hague Version 4 |
enne || aer his hinionge / hwet |
his |
gastæ || godes oððe yfles / |
Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 3 |
earf sy / to gehicgenne || ær |
his |
heonengange / hwæt his gaste | |
Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 4 |
|| ær his heonengange / hwæt |
his |
gaste || godes oððe yfeles / |
The Leiden Riddle 2 |
ta uong || uundrum freorig / ob |
his |
innaðae || aerest cændæ / ni |
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 12 |
wende worda gehwelc || and me |
his |
writerum / sende suð and norð |
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 14 |
bi ðære bisene || ðæt he |
his |
biscepum / sendan meahte || for |
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 15 |
/ sendan meahte || forðæm hi |
his |
sume ðorfton / ða ðe lædens |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 25 |
um || dryhtnes welle / fylle nu |
his |
fætels || se ðe fæstne hid |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 8 |
mæg se mon begytan || se ðe |
his |
modgeðanc / æltowe byð || an |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 9 |
towe byð || and ðonne ðurh |
his |
ingehygd / to ðissa haligra || |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 23 |
les rices geweald / and eac swa |
his |
beahgifan || ðe him ðas bys |
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 7 |
|| mundum synum / geendigan || |
his |
aldre to willan / and him ðæs |
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 10 |
|| ðæt he on riht mote / oð |
his |
daga ende || drihten herigan / |
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 1 |
ðis man sceal cweðan ðonne |
his |
ceapa hwilcne man for- / stolen |
A.6.43.10 1 |
is man sċeall cweðan þonne |
his |
ċēapa hwelcne% man for- || |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 2 |
n || in spiderwiht / hæfde him |
his |
haman on handa || cwæð ðæ |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 2 |
on handa || cwæð ðæt ðu |
his |
hæncgest wære / legde ðe his |
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 3 |
his hæncgest wære / legde ðe |
his |
teage an sweoran || ongunnan |
A.6.43.3 8 |
denman tō and ho hit on || / |
his |
swēoran, and dō man swā þ |
A.6.43.3 10 |
|| on spiderwiht%, / hæfde him |
his |
haman on handa, || cwæþ þ |
A.6.43.3 10 |
n handa, || cwæþ þæt þū |
his |
henġest% wǣre, / leġde% þe% |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 9 |
nnan ðrym nihtum || cunne ic |
his |
mihta / his mægen and his miht |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 10 |
nihtum || cunne ic his mihta / |
his |
mægen and his mihta || and h |
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 10 |
s mægen and his mihta || and |
his |
mundcræftas / eall he weornige |
A.6.43.9 14 |
an þrymm nihtum || cunne iċ |
his |
meahta, / his mæġen and his m |
A.6.43.9 15 |
his meahta, / his mæġen and |
his |
meahta || and his mund-cræft |
A.6.43.9 15 |
mæġen and his meahta || and |
his |
mund-cræftas. / Eall hē weorn |
Instructions for Christians 14 |
te do / wop and hreowe% || for |
his |
misdæda. / þonne is þæt oð |
Instructions for Christians 48 |
ian || witona ænig / þæt he |
his% |
ælmessan || ofte gesyllæ; / |
Instructions for Christians 51 |
/ wom-dæda gehwas, || oððe |
his |
wita onleoht / her oððe on h |
Instructions for Christians 65 |
o, || he bið lað Gode, / and |
his |
saul bið || swiðe scyldig. / |
Instructions for Christians 68 |
feð, || mihtig drihten, / mid |
his |
handum twam || þurh þone ha |
Instructions for Christians 72 |
e, || gif he on breostum can / |
his |
unwisdom || inne belucan, / þ |
Instructions for Christians 74 |
notere || ðe symle wile / æt |
his |
heah-þearfe || forhelan his |
Instructions for Christians 74 |
his heah-þearfe || forhelan |
his |
wisdom. / Ac þu scealt gelome |
Instructions for Christians 100 |
|| metes oððe drincas, / and |
his |
innoðe || riht gemetegað, / |
Instructions for Christians 103 |
od on heofonum, / þæt he for |
his |
ege || ær gewonede. / Ac gif |
Instructions for Christians 111 |
an / þæt he gelæran cunne || |
his |
leodscype / heofon-kyninges be |
Instructions for Christians 130 |
lfne || to swiðe ahefð / for |
his |
ofer-mode, || he bið earm fo |
Instructions for Christians 152 |
Crist onlænð, / þæt willan |
his |
|| gewyrce georne. / Ne þearf |
Instructions for Christians 167 |
eortan gehygde% || gehreowað |
his |
synna, / and fulfæstlice þen |
Instructions for Christians 172 |
hine / fæderlice onfon || æt |
his |
forð-siðe. / Swa mon ma synna |
Instructions for Christians 174 |
rlæt / drihtnes þancas || on |
his |
dæg-rime / swa maran þær mi |
Instructions for Christians 187 |
| ða he þonne doð, / gif he |
his |
ælmyssan || alning dæleð. / |
Instructions for Christians 217 |
ing || æfre forceorran / and |
his |
synna swa some, || þeah he s |
Instructions for Christians 240 |
ignod, || þonne wolde ær / on |
his |
tale mette || tale wel þeign |
The Battle of Finnsburh 13 |
oldhladen þegn || gyrde hine |
his |
swurde / þa to dura eodon || d |
The Battle of Finnsburh 40 |
yldan / þonne hnæfe guldan || |
his |
hægstealdas / hig fuhton fif d |
The Battle of Finnsburh 44 |
|| on wæg gangan / sæde þæt |
his |
byrne || abrocen wære / heresc |
The Battle of Finnsburh 45 |
sceorp unhror || and eac wæs |
his |
helm þyrel / þa hine sona fr |
The Battle of Maldon 10 |
feng / eac him wolde eadric || |
his |
ealdre gelæstan / frean to gef |
A.6.9 11 |
Ēac him wolde Ēad·rīċ || |
his |
ealdre ġe·lǣstan, / frēan t |
The Battle of Maldon 15 |
t he gelæste / þa he ætforan |
his |
frean || feohtan sceolde / þa |
A.6.9 16 |
e·læste / þā hē æt-foran |
his |
frēan || feohtan sċolde. / Þ |
The Battle of Maldon 23 |
ær him leofost wæs / þær he |
his |
heorþwerod || holdost wiste / |
A.6.9 24 |
him lēofost wæs, / ðǣr hē |
his |
heorð-weorod || holdost wiss |
The Battle of Maldon 49 |
r stynt unforcuþ || eorl mid |
his |
werode / þe wile gealgean || e |
A.6.9 51 |
stent unforcūþ || eorl mid |
his |
weorode, / þe wile ealĝian || |
The Battle of Maldon 74 |
wæs haten wulfstan / cafne mid |
his |
cynne || þæt wæs ceolan su |
The Battle of Maldon 75 |
u / þe þone forman man || mid |
his |
francan ofsceat / þe þær bal |
A.6.9 76 |
āten Wulf·stān, / cāfne mid |
his |
cynne, || þæt wæs Ċēolan |
A.6.9 77 |
/ þe þone forman mann || mid |
his |
francan of·sċēat / þe ðǣr |
The Battle of Maldon 87 |
dan / þa se eorl ongan || for |
his |
ofermode / alyfan landes to fel |
A.6.9 89 |
Þā sē eorl on·gann || for |
his |
ofer-mōde / ā·līefan landes |
The Battle of Maldon 113 |
mæg || he mid billum wearþ / |
his |
swuster sunu || swiþe forhea |
A.6.9 115 |
ġ; || hē mid billum wearþ, / |
his |
sweostor sunu, || swīðe for |
The Battle of Maldon 116 |
eard || anne sloge / swiþe mid |
his |
swurde || swenges ne wyrnde / |
The Battle of Maldon 118 |
eoll || fæge cempa / þæs him |
his |
þeoden || þanc gesæde / þam |
A.6.9 120 |
ll || fǣġe cempa; / þæs him |
his |
þēoden || þanc ġe·sæġd |
The Battle of Maldon 138 |
od wæs se fyrdrinc || he let |
his |
francan wadan / þurh þæs hys |
A.6.9 140 |
s sē fyrd-rinċ; || hē lēt |
his |
francan wadan / þurh þæs hys |
The Battle of Maldon 156 |
þæt se on eorþan læg / þe |
his |
þeoden ær || þearle geræh |
A.6.9 158 |
æt sē on eorðan læġ / þe |
his |
þēoden ǣr || þearle ġe· |
The Battle of Maldon 187 |
gehleop þone eoh || þe ahte |
his |
hlaford / on þam gerædum || |
The Battle of Maldon 189 |
m || þe hit riht ne wæs / and |
his |
broþru mid him || begen ærn |
A.6.9 189 |
hlēop þone eoh || þe āhte |
his |
hālford, / on þām ġe·rǣdu |
A.6.9 191 |
|| þe hit riht ne wæs, / and |
his |
brōðru mid him || bēġen |
The Battle of Maldon 226 |
e on foldan læg / forwegen mid |
his |
wæpne || ongan þa winas man |
A.6.9 228 |
on foldan læġ / forweġen mid |
his |
wǣpne. || On·gann þā wina |
The Battle of Maldon 240 |
cyldburh tobrocen || abreoþe |
his |
angin / þæt he her swa manign |
The Battle of Maldon 242 |
ymde / leofsunu gemælde || and |
his |
linde ahof / bord to gebeorge | |
A.6.9 244 |
Leof·sunu ġe·mǣlde || and |
his |
linde ā·hōf, / bord tō ġe |
The Battle of Maldon 274 |
landes / ofer bæc bugan || þa |
his |
betera leg / he bræc þone bor |
The Battle of Maldon 276 |
þa beornas feaht / oþþæt he |
his |
sincgyfan || on þam sæmannu |
A.6.9 276 |
s, / ofer bæc būĝan, || þā |
his |
betera leġ. / Hē bræc þone |
A.6.9 278 |
beornas feaht, / oþ·þæt hē |
his |
sinċ-ġiefan || on þām sǣ |
The Battle of Maldon 287 |
e þeah geforþod || þæt he |
his |
frean gehet / swa he beotode æ |
The Battle of Maldon 288 |
et / swa he beotode ær || wiþ |
his |
beahgifan / þæt hi sceoldon b |
A.6.9 289 |
ah ġe·forþod || þæt hē |
his |
frēan ġe·hēt, / swā hē b |
A.6.9 290 |
swā hē bēotode ǣr || wiþ |
his |
beah-ġiefan / þæt hīe sċol |