A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Poem Word List

79 unique words in the poem.

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afera - 3 occurrences
Genesis A 2054 g wer || wordum sægde / þares afera || him wæs þearf micel / þæ
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 13 weorþscipe || wiggendra hleo / afera eadweardes || eadmund cyning
The Menologium 136 træd || folca lareow / zebedes afera || and þæs symle scriþ / ymb
alysde - 26 occurrences
Daniel 451 end || se hie of þam morþre alysde / agæf him þa his leoda lafe
Elene 181 n for hergum || heardum witum / alysde leoda bearn || of locan deofl
Christ C 1099 | leahtra firena / mid ðy usic alysde || ðæs he eftlean wile / ður
Christ C 1484 ðu ðone lichoman || ðe ic alysde me / feondum of fæðme || ond
The Paris Psalter 101:18 3 on / and þa bealdlice || bearn alysde / þara þe ofslegene || sliþe
The Paris Psalter 102:4 1 adle || ealle gehælde / / # / he alysde þin lif || leof of forwyrde /
The Paris Psalter 104:16 2 m soþ cyning || sweotule are / alysde hine lungre || and hine þam
The Paris Psalter 105:10 1 | wæron on drigum / / # / swa hi alysde || lifes ealdor / of heora feon
The Paris Psalter 105:31 3 handum || hynþe þoledan / hi alysde oft || lifes ealdor / / # / hi hi
The Paris Psalter 106:2 2 nu-þa || þæt hi sylfa god / alysde lifes weard || laþum of hand
The Paris Psalter 106:5 2 i of þam earfeþum || eallum alysde / / # / hi þa gelædde || lifes
The Paris Psalter 106:12 2 i of þam earfoþum || eallum alysde / / # / and he hi of þam þystru
The Paris Psalter 106:18 2 i of þam earfoþum || eallum alysde / / # / he him wisfæstlic || wor
The Paris Psalter 106:27 2 he hi of earfeþum || eallum alysde / / # / he yste mæg || eaþe onc
The Paris Psalter 106:29 3 he hig of earfoþum || eallum alysde / / # / hi andettan || ealle drih
The Paris Psalter 106:40 2 sude / and hi of wædle || wean alysde / sette heora staþol || sceapu
The Paris Psalter 107:5 4 gecorenan wesan || clæne and alysde / / # / do me þin swyþre hand |
The Paris Psalter 123:7 2 | grame torænded / and we synd alysde || lifes wyrþe / we us naman d
The Paris Psalter 56:3 2 fenum || hider onsende / þe me alysde || laþum wiþferede / sealde o
The Paris Psalter 56:4 3 ædere / and mine sawle || sona alysde / of leon hwelpum || reþe gema
The Paris Psalter 71:14 2 c / sniome hiora sawle || softe alysde / ys his nama for him || neode
The Paris Psalter 72:14 3 hi wendan ær / þæt hi wæron alysde || laþum wiþferede / / # / nu s
The Paris Psalter 90:3 1 geare hycge / / # / forþon he me alysde || of laþum grine / huntum unh
The Paris Psalter 90:15 3 e syþþan / of earfoþum || ut alysde / / # / ic hine generige || and h
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 11 ommum / lange þrage || oþ hie alysde eft / for his weorþscipe || wi
Fragment of Psalm 102 2 adle || ealle gehælde / / # / se alysde ðin lif || leof of forwyrde /
and - 5600 occurrences
Genesis A 9 || heagum þrymmum / soþfæst and swiþfeorm || sweglbosmas heo
Genesis A 10 ld / þa wæron gesette || wide and side / þurh geweald godes || w
Genesis A 12 asta weardum || hæfdon gleam and dream / and heora ordfruman ||
Genesis A 13 um || hæfdon gleam and dream / and heora ordfruman || engla þre
Genesis A 21 ran on roderum || nymþe riht and soþ / ærþon engla weard || f
Genesis A 28 an wic || werodes þrymme / sid and swegltorht || him þær sar g
Genesis A 29 || him þær sar gelamp / æfst and oferhygd || and þæs engles
Genesis A 29 gelamp / æfst and oferhygd || and þæs engles mod / þe þone un
Genesis A 31 ongan || ærest fremman / wefan and weccean || þa he worde cwæ
Genesis A 33 || þæt he on norþdæle / ham and heahsetl || heofena rices / aga
Genesis A 35 wolde || þa wearþ yrre god / and þam werode wraþ || þe he
Genesis A 36 || þe he ær wurþode / wlite and wuldre || sceop þam werlogan
Genesis A 43 le geinnod / geondfolen fyre || and færcyle / rece and reade lege
Genesis A 44 len fyre || and færcyle / rece and reade lege || heht þa geond
Genesis A 48 e || reþemode / agan woldan || and swa eaþe meahtan / him seo wen
Genesis A 55 / besloh synsceaþan || sigore and gewealde / dome and dugeþe ||
Genesis A 56 n || sigore and gewealde / dome and dugeþe || and dreame benam / h
Genesis A 56 gewealde / dome and dugeþe || and dreame benam / his feond friþo
Genesis A 57 ame benam / his feond friþo || and gefean ealle / torhte tire || a
Genesis A 58 d gefean ealle / torhte tire || and his torn gewræc / on gesacum s
Genesis A 62 grap on wraþe / faum folmum || and him on fæþm gebræc / yrre on
Genesis A 65 || wuldorgestealdum / sceof þa and scyrede || scyppend ure / oferh
Genesis A 70 gylp forod / beot forborsten || and forbiged þrym / wlite gewemmed
Genesis A 74 helltregum / werige wunodon || and wean cuþon / sar and sorge ||
Genesis A 75 unodon || and wean cuþon / sar and sorge || susl þrowedon / þyst
Genesis A 84 s asprungen / oht mid englum || and orlegniþ / siþþan herewosan
Genesis A 89 wende || on godes rice / beorht and geblædfæst || buendra leas /
Genesis A 99 tum / wolde þæt him eorþe || and uproder / and sid wæter || ges
Genesis A 100 æt him eorþe || and uproder / and sid wæter || geseted wurde / w
Genesis A 105 ac þes wida grund / stod deop and dim || drihtne fremde / idel an
Genesis A 106 nd dim || drihtne fremde / idel and unnyt || on þone eagum wlat /
Genesis A 107 um wlat / stiþfrihþ cining || and þa stowe beheold / dreama leas
Genesis A 110 || sweart under roderum / wonn and weste || oþþæt þeos worul
Genesis A 113 hten / helm eallwihta || heofon and eorþan / rodor arærde || and
Genesis A 114 and eorþan / rodor arærde || and þis rume land / gestaþelode |
Genesis A 118 eahte / sweart synnihte || side and wide / wonne wægas || þa wæs
Genesis A 142 rode || siþþan æfre / drugon and dydon || drihtnes willan / ece
Genesis A 147 holmas dælde / waldend ure || and geworhte þa / roderas fæsten
Genesis A 168 / onrihtne ryne || rumum flode / and gefetero/ # || / ne þuhte þa
Genesis A 168 ihtne ryne, || rūmum flōde, / and ġe·fetoru. / Ne þūhte þā
Genesis A 172 nges || niwre gesceafte / hyrde and healdend || forþon him heahc
Genesis A 174 | fultum tiode / wif aweahte || and þa wraþe sealde / lifes leoht
Genesis A 177 | of adames / lice aleoþode || and him listum ateah / rib of sidan
Genesis A 179 sidan || he wæs reste fæst / and softe swæf || sar ne wiste / e
Genesis A 194 nnes / þa forman twa || fæder and moder / wif and wæpned || he
Genesis A 195 n twa || fæder and moder / wif and wæpned || he þa worde cwæ
Genesis A 196 he þa worde cwæþ / temaþ nu and wexaþ || tudre fyllaþ / eorþ
Genesis A 198 ælgrene || incre cynne / sunum and dohtrum || inc sceal sealt w
Genesis A 199 wæter / wunian on gewealde || and eall worulde gesceaft / brucaþ
Genesis A 200 gesceaft / brucaþ blæddaga || and brimhlæste / and heofonfugla |
Genesis A 201 blæddaga || and brimhlæste / and heofonfugla || inc is halig f
Genesis A 202 fonfugla || inc is halig feoh / and wilde deor || on geweald gese
Genesis A 203 de deor || on geweald geseald / and lifigende || þa þe land tre
Genesis A 207 ppend ure / his weorca wlite || and his wæstma blæd / niwra gesce
Genesis A 209 eafta || neorxnawong stod / god and gastlic || gifena gefylled / fr
Genesis A 220 sceop / wætre wlitebeorhtum || and on woruld sende / þæra anne h
Genesis A 225 tyrf / niþþas findaþ || nean and feorran / gold and gymcynn || g
Genesis A 226 daþ || nean and feorran / gold and gymcynn || gumþeoda bearn / þ
Genesis A 229 onne seo æftre || ethiopia / l and and liodgeard || beligeþ uto
Genesis B 238 ofoncyninge / georne togenes || and sædon ealles þanc / lista and
Genesis B 239 and sædon ealles þanc / lista and þara lara || he let heo þæ
Genesis B 251 forþon he him gewit forgeaf / and mid his handum gesceop || hal
Genesis B 257 he his dreamas on heofonum || and sceolde his drihtne þancian /
Genesis B 265 þæt his lic wære || leoht and scene / hwit and hiowbeorht ||
Genesis B 266 wære || leoht and scene / hwit and hiowbeorht || ne meahte he æ
Genesis B 269 te him sylfum / þæt he mægyn and cræft || maran hæfde / þonne
Genesis B 275 his hige speone / þæt he west and norþ || wyrcean ongunne / trym
Genesis B 294 l / ahebban wiþ his hearran || and spræc healic word / dollice wi
Genesis B 296 rc þæs gewinnes gedælan || and sceolde his wite habban / ealra
Genesis B 304 þ hine þa fram his hyldo || and hine on helle wearp / on þa de
Genesis B 307 / þurhlonge swa || þreo niht and dagas / þa englas of heofnum o
Genesis B 308 englas of heofnum on helle || and heo ealle forsceop / drihten to
Genesis B 309 oflum || forþon heo his dæd and word / noldon weorþian || for
Genesis B 325 owelm || helle tomiddes / brand and brade ligas || swilce eac þa
Genesis B 326 eac þa biteran recas / þrosm and þystro || forþon hie þegns
Genesis B 332 atan hell || þurh hygeleaste / and þurh ofermetto || sohton oþ
Genesis B 333 nd / þæt wæs leohtes leas || and wæs liges full / fyres fær mi
Genesis B 336 rim / þurh heora miclan mod || and þurh miht godes / and þurh of
Genesis B 337 n mod || and þurh miht godes / and þurh ofermetto || ealra swi
Genesis B 339 scynost / hwitost on heofne || and his hearran leof / drihtne dyre
Genesis B 343 an / niþer on þæt niobedd || and sceop him naman siþþan / cwæ
Genesis B 351 || oþ hine his hyge forspeon / and his ofermetto || ealra swiþo
Genesis B 367 healdan / wesan him on wynne || and we þis wite þolien / hearm on
Genesis B 369 a ahte ic minra handa geweald / and moste ane tid || ute weorþan
Genesis B 375 ngen || her is fyr micel / ufan and neoþone || ic a ne geseah / la
Genesis B 386 wa ic wat he minne hige cuþe / and þæt wiste eac || weroda dri
Genesis B 389 helle || þæt syndon þystro and hæto / grimme grundlease || ha
Genesis B 399 adame || gif we æfre mægen / and on his eafrum swa some || and
Genesis B 407 e sculon hie þas helle secan / and þas grimman grundas || þonn
Genesis B 411 odan rice / gesælige sæton || and hæfdon ure setla geweald / þo
Genesis B 416 e / cuman þurh þas clustro || and hæfde cræft mid him / þæt h
Genesis B 419 | þær geworht stondaþ / adam and eue || on eorþrice / mid welan
Genesis B 420 rþrice / mid welan bewunden || and we synd aworpene hider / on þa
Genesis B 422 rihtne synt / wurþran micle || and moton him þone welan agan / þ
Genesis B 431 biþ him se wela onwended || and wyrþ him wite gegarwod / sum h
Genesis B 440 yninges / unwurþlice || wordum and dædum / lare # || / angan hine
Genesis B 444 leþhelm on heafod asette || and þone full hearde geband / spen
Genesis B 452 dum || men beswican / forlædan and forlæran || þæt hie wurdon
Genesis B 456 rone funde / wislice geworht || and his wif somed / freo fægroste
Genesis B 460 d mancynnes || mearcode selfa / and him bi twegin || beamas stodo
Genesis B 465 earn || moste on ceosan / godes and yfeles || gumena æghwilc / wel
Genesis B 466 eles || gumena æghwilc / welan and wawan || næs se wæstm gelic
Genesis B 467 er wæs swa wynlic || wlitig and scene / liþe and lofsum || þ
Genesis B 468 lic || wlitig and scene / liþe and lofsum || þæt wæs lifes be
Genesis B 473 mle wesan / lungre on lustum || and his lif agan / hyldo heofoncyni
Genesis B 478 oþer || eallenga sweart / dim and þystre || þæt wæs deaþes
Genesis B 480 witan / ylda æghwilc || yfles and godes / gewand on þisse woruld
Genesis B 482 | sceolde on wite a / mid swate and mid sorgum || siþþan libban
Genesis B 485 beniman || ellendæda / dreamas and drihtscipes || and him beon d
Genesis B 485 da / dreamas and drihtscipes || and him beon deaþ scyred / lytle h
Genesis B 491 arp hine þa on wyrmes lic || and wand him þa ymbutan / þone de
Genesis B 493 / genam þær þæs ofætes || and wende hine eft þanon / þær h
Genesis B 500 te || cwæþ þæt þin abal and cræft / and þin modsefa || ma
Genesis B 501 þ þæt þin abal and cræft / and þin modsefa || mara wurde / an
Genesis B 502 nd þin modsefa || mara wurde / and þin lichoma || leohtra micle
Genesis B 507 || ic gehyrde hine þine dæd and word / lofian on his leohte ||
Genesis B 508 word / lofian on his leohte || and ymb þin lif sprecan / swa þu
Genesis B 511 d on worulde / grene geardas || and god siteþ / on þam hehstan ||
Genesis B 519 e þis ofæt on hand / bit his and byrige || þe weorþ on þinu
Genesis B 525 an gehyrde / strangre stemne || and me her stondan het / his bebodu
Genesis B 526 dan het / his bebodu healdan || and me þas bryd forgeaf / wlitesci
Genesis B 527 yd forgeaf / wlitesciene wif || and me warnian het / þæt ic on þ
Genesis B 537 het me his word weorþian || and wel healdan / læstan his lare
Genesis B 566 ruld ealle / geseon siþþan || and selfes stol / herran þines ||
Genesis B 567 selfes stol / herran þines || and habban his hyldo forþ / meaht
Genesis B 569 / gif þu his willan hæfst || and he þinum wordum getrywþ / gif
Genesis B 588 lædde hie swa mid ligenum || and mid listum speon / idese on þ
Genesis B 600 es æt || alwaldan bræc / word and willan || þa meahte heo wide
Genesis B 603 hire þuhte hwitre || heofon and eorþe / and eall þeos woruld
Genesis B 604 e hwitre || heofon and eorþe / and eall þeos woruld wlitigre ||
Genesis B 604 eall þeos woruld wlitigre || and geweorc godes / micel and mihti
Genesis B 605 re || and geweorc godes / micel and mihtig || þeah heo hit þurh
Genesis B 613 || þæt þe is ungelic / wlite and wæstmas || siþþan þu minu
Genesis B 625 n hira hearran hearm-cwide || and% habban his hyldu forþ. / Þā
Genesis B 639 a drihten || deaþbeames ofet / and þæt word acwæþ || wuldres
Genesis B 648 ode / on hete heofoncyninges || and hyge euan / wifes wac geþoht |
Genesis B 650 m truwian / læstan his lare || and geleafan nom / þæt he þa bys
Genesis B 653 um sægde / iewde hire tacen || and treowa gehet / his holdne hyge
Genesis B 656 a swete / bliþe on breostum || and þes boda sciene / godes engel
Genesis B 667 sylf siteþ || þæt is suþ and east / welan bewunden || se þa
Genesis B 674 ldend || gehyran mæg ic rume / and swa wide geseon || on woruld
Genesis B 677 wearþ me on hige leohte / utan and innan || siþþan ic þæs of
Genesis B 684 e / hio spræc him þicce to || and speon hine ealne dæg / on þa
Genesis B 687 a boda / legde him lustas on || and mid listum speon / fylgde him f
Genesis B 692 || men forweorpan / forlæran and forlædan || þæt hie læn g
Genesis B 696 godes yrre / habban sceoldon || and hellgeþwing / þone nearwan ni
Genesis B 714 were swelce / tacen oþiewde || and treowe gehet / oþþæt adame |
Genesis B 716 breostum / his hyge hwyrfde || and his heorte ongann / wendan to h
Genesis B 718 he æt þam wife onfeng / helle and hinnsiþ || þeah hit nære h
Genesis B 720 t wæs þeah deaþes swefn || and deofles gespon / hell and hinns
Genesis B 721 fn || and deofles gespon / hell and hinnsiþ || and hæleþa forl
Genesis B 721 s gespon / hell and hinnsiþ || and hæleþa forlor / menniscra mor
Genesis B 724 / hran æt heortan || hloh þa and plegode / boda bitre gehugod ||
Genesis B 727 e hyldo me / witode geworhte || and þinne willan gelæst / to ful
Genesis B 729 ge || men synt forlædde / adam and eue || him is unhyldo / waldend
Genesis B 737 mas nu / þreaweorc þoliaþ || and þystre land / and þurh þin m
Genesis B 746 aþ on mode / on hyge hearde || and us on helle bedraf / on þæt f
Genesis B 748 æt fyr fylde || folca mæste / and mid handum his || eft on heof
Genesis B 749 ofonrice / rihte rodorstolas || and þæt rice forgeaf / monna cynn
Genesis B 753 ice sculon / leode forlætan || and on þæt lig to þe / hate hweo
Genesis B 757 forgolden / mid hearran hete || and mid hæleþa forlore / monnum m
Genesis B 766 æled || sorgedon ba-twa / adam and eue || and him oft betuh / gnor
Genesis B 766 rgedon ba-twa / adam and eue || and him oft betuh / gnornword gengd
Genesis B 778 ede feollon / sinhiwan somed || and sigedrihten / godne gretton ||
Genesis B 779 sigedrihten / godne gretton || and god nemdon / heofones waldend |
Genesis B 780 od nemdon / heofones waldend || and hine bædon / þæt hie his hea
Genesis B 790 sinhiwan twa / adam gemælde || and to euan spræc / hwæt þu eue
Genesis B 793 u-þa sweartan helle / grædige and gifre || nu þu hie grimman m
Genesis B 802 mæstne || nu slit me hunger and þurst / bitre on breostum ||
Genesis B 811 blicþ þeos beorhte sunne || and wit her baru standaþ / unwered
Genesis B 850 ne forgeate || god ælmihtig / and him gewisade || waldend se go
Genesis A 861 lig word / drihtnes gehyrdon || and ondredon him / þa sona ongann
Genesis A 876 lum / for hwon wast þu wean || and wrihst sceome / gesyhst sorge |
Genesis A 877 rihst sceome / gesyhst sorge || and þin sylf þecest / lic mid lea
Genesis A 892 da name / on treowes telgum || and me on teonan / æte þa unfreme
Genesis A 897 ndswarode / me nædre beswac || and me neodlice / to forsceape scyh
Genesis A 898 odlice / to forsceape scyhte || and to scyldfrece / fah wyrm þurh
Genesis A 901 gefremede || fæhþe geworhte / and þa reafode || swa hit riht n
Genesis A 902 iht ne wæs / beam on bearwe || and þa blæda æt / þa nædran sc
Genesis A 905 || fagum wyrme / wide siþas || and þa worde cwæþ / þu scealt w
Genesis A 912 feoþ / hataþ under heofnum || and þin heafod tredeþ / fah mid f
Genesis A 916 under wolcnum || nu þu wast and canst / laþ leodsceaþa || hu
Genesis A 923 æda gedwild || deaþes bidan / and þurh wop and heaf || on woru
Genesis A 924 ennan / þurh sar micel || sunu and dohtor / abead eac adame || ece
Genesis A 928 þel secean / wynleasran wic || and on wræc hweorfan / nacod niedw
Genesis A 931 d || þe is gedal witod / lices and sawle || hwæt þu laþlice / w
Genesis A 933 || forþon þu winnan scealt / and on eorþan þe || þine andli
Genesis A 940 hearmstafas / wraþe onwocan || and woruldyrmþo / hie þa wuldres
Genesis A 945 him on laste beleac || liþsa and wynna / hihtfulne ham || halig
Genesis A 950 on || ac se weard hafaþ / miht and strengþo || se þæt mære l
Genesis A 953 lmihtig || ealra wolde / adame and euan || arna ofteon / fæder æ
Genesis A 957 stedne hrof || halgum tunglum / and him grundwelan || ginne seald
Genesis A 958 lde / het þam sinhiwum || sæs and eorþan / tuddorteondra || teoh
Genesis A 962 synne || sorgfulre land / eard and eþyl || unspedigran / fremena
Genesis A 967 | swa him metod bebead / adames and euan || aforan wæron / freolic
Genesis A 969 twa || frumbearn cenned / cain and abel || us cyþaþ bec / hu þa
Genesis A 971 man || dugeþa stryndon / welan and wiste || willgebroþor / oþer
Genesis A 984 omæg ofsloh / broþor sinne || and his blod ageat / cain abeles ||
Genesis A 992 n / hrinon hearmtanas || hearde and sare / drihta bearnum || doþ g
Genesis A 1012 æstne rinc / broþor þinne || and his blod to me / cleopaþ and c
Genesis A 1013 | and his blod to me / cleopaþ and cigeþ || þu þæs cwealmes
Genesis A 1014 wealmes scealt / wite winnan || and on wræc hweorfan / awyrged to
Genesis A 1026 ahcyning || hyldo þine / lufan and freode || forþon ic lastas s
Genesis A 1032 um / ademest me fram duguþe || and adrifest from / earde minum ||
Genesis A 1048 heht þa from hweorfan / meder and magum || manscyldigne / cnosle
Genesis A 1051 f gesyhþe / wineleas wrecca || and him þa wic geceas / eastlandum
Genesis A 1077 n eþle || eaforan feddon / ada and sella || þara anum wæs / iaba
Genesis A 1085 o sped || smiþcræftega wæs / and þurh modes gemynd || monna
Genesis A 1088 n folca bearn / æres cuþon || and isernes / burhsittende || bruca
Genesis A 1092 eolfa || leofum gebeddum / adan and sellan || unarlic spel / ic on
Genesis A 1103 gryre || golden wurþan / fyll and feorhcwealm || þonne ic for
Genesis A 1107 s seth noma / se wæs eadig || and his yldrum þah / freolic to fr
Genesis A 1108 h / freolic to frofre || fæder and meder / adames and euan || wæs
Genesis A 1109 re || fæder and meder / adames and euan || wæs abeles gield / on
Genesis A 1114 tæl / þæs þe cain ofsloh || and me cearsorge / mid þys magotim
Genesis A 1120 yde || beorn ellenrof / þritig and hund || þisses lifes / wintra
Genesis A 1123 nd || iecte siþþan / mægþum and mæcgum || mægburg sine / adam
Genesis A 1126 hæfde / nigenhund wintra # || / and þritig eac || þa he þas wo
Genesis A 1130 ter yldrum || eþelstol heold / and wif begeat || wintra hæfde / f
Genesis A 1131 f begeat || wintra hæfde / fif and hundteontig || þa he furþum
Genesis A 1133 ægburge || men geicean / sunum and dohtrum || sethes eafora / se y
Genesis A 1139 nde / seofon winter her || suna and dohtra / ond eahtahund || ealra
Genesis A 1140 inter hēr || suna and dohtra / and% eahta-hund. || Ealra hæfde / [
Genesis A 1141 htahund || ealra hæfde / twelf and nigonhund || þa seo tid gewe
Genesis A 1146 hes lice / he wæs leof gode || and lifde her / wintra hundnigontig
Genesis A 1151 n eþle || siþþan eahtahund / and fiftyno || on friþo drihtnes
Genesis A 1153 leþ || geogoþe strynde / suna and dohtra || swealt þa he hæfd
Genesis A 1154 e hæfde / frod fyrnwita || fif and nigonhund / þære cneorisse w
Genesis A 1157 fter enose || aldordema / weard and wisa || wintra hæfde / efne hu
Genesis A 1162 n eahtahund || æþelinga rim / and feowertig eac || feorum geict
Genesis A 1165 æfde || þa he woruld ofgeaf / and tyne eac || þa his tiddæge /
Genesis A 1167 fylled / him on laste heold || l and and yrfe / malalehel siþþan |
Genesis A 1169 ssera worn / se frumgara || fif and sixtig / wintra hæfde || þa h
Genesis A 1175 iared haten / lifde siþþan || and lissa breac / malalehel lange |
Genesis A 1178 estreona || wintra hæfde / fif and hundnigontig || þa he forþ
Genesis A 1179 igontig || þa he forþ gewat / and eahtahund || eaforan læfde / l
Genesis A 1180 eahtahund || eaforan læfde / l and and leodweard || longe siþþ
Genesis A 1183 s æþele || æfæst hæleþ / and se frumgar his || freomagum l
Genesis A 1184 gar his || freomagum leof / fif and hundteontig || on fyore lifde
Genesis A 1186 ra gebidenra || on woruldrice / and syxtig eac || þa seo sæl ge
Genesis A 1192 eahtahund || ealra hæfde / fif and syxtig || þa he forþ gewat /
Genesis A 1193 syxtig || þa he forþ gewat / and nigonhund eac || nihtgerimes /
Genesis A 1195 hē þās weorold of·ġeaf / and% Ġeāred þā || glēawum lǣ
Genesis A 1196 geared þa || gleawum læfde / l and and leodweard || leofum rince
Genesis A 1199 isa || nalles feallan let / dom and drihtscipe # || / þenden he h
Genesis A 1199 || nealles feallan lēt / dōm and dryhtsċipe, / þenden hē hier
Genesis A 1207 es || swa her men doþ / geonge and ealde || þonne him god heora
Genesis A 1208 || þonne him god heora / æhta and ætwist || eorþan gestreona /
Genesis A 1209 þan gestreona / on genimeþ || and heora aldor somed / ac he cwic
Genesis A 1215 læfde / folc frumbearne || fif and syxtig / wintra hæfde || þa h
Genesis A 1217 æfde || þa he woruld ofgeaf / and eac þreo hund || þrage siþ
Genesis A 1221 de / ær his swyltdæge || suna and dohtra / hæfde frod hæle ||
Genesis A 1224 hweorfan || nigonhund wintra / and hundseofontig to || sunu æft
Genesis A 1227 bryttade || wintra hæfde / twa and hundteontig || þa seo tid ge
Genesis A 1229 ongan || æþele cennan / sunu and dohtor || siþþan lifde / fif
Genesis A 1230 dohtor || siþþan lifde / fif and hundnigontig || frea moniges
Genesis A 1232 nder wolcnum || werodes aldor / and fif hund eac || heold þæt f
Genesis A 1234 de || him byras wocan / eaforan and idesa || he þone yldestan / no
Genesis A 1245 e || geond middangeard / sunum and dohtrum || þa giet wæs seth
Genesis A 1247 lufan swiþe / drihtne dyre || and domeadig / oþþæt bearn godes
Genesis A 1250 | cynne secan / wergum folce || and him þær wif curon / ofer meto
Genesis A 1252 an / scyldfulra mægþ || scyne and fægere / þa reordade || rodor
Genesis A 1254 ora waldend / wraþ moncynne || and þa worde cwæþ / ne syndon me
Genesis A 1258 sethes bearn / torn niwiaþ || and him to nimaþ / mægeþ to gem
Genesis A 1261 | onwod grome / idesa ansien || and ece feond / folcdriht wera ||
Genesis A 1267 e / on wærlogan || wite settan / and on deaþ slean || dædum scyl
Genesis A 1272 æs monna || manes on eorþan / and þæt hie wæron || womma þr
Genesis A 1275 / forgripan gumcynne || grimme and sare / heardum mihtum || hreaw
Genesis A 1287 lig || sunu lameches / domfæst and gedefe || drihten wiste / þæt
Genesis A 1295 ldend spræc / nergend usser || and to noe cwæþ / ic wille mid fl
Genesis A 1297 le mid flode || folc acwellan / and cynna gehwilc || cucra wuhta /
Genesis A 1298 || cucra wuhta / þara þe lyft and flod || lædaþ and fedaþ / fe
Genesis A 1298 þe lyft and flod || lædaþ and fedaþ / feoh and fuglas || þu
Genesis A 1299 od || lædaþ and fedaþ / feoh and fuglas || þu scealt friþ ha
Genesis A 1304 negum scealt / reste geryman || and rihte setl / ælcum æfter agen
Genesis A 1308 ftiges wid / þrittiges heah || and þreohund lang / elngemeta || a
Genesis A 1309 d þreohund lang / elngemeta || and wiþ yþa gewyrc / gefeg fæste
Genesis A 1322 æst || gearo hlifigean / innan and utan || eorþan lime / gefæstn
Genesis A 1330 sylle || þæt þu weg nimest / and feora fæsl || þe þu ferian
Genesis A 1334 foran þine / frumgaran þry || and eower feower wif / ond þu seof
Genesis A 1335 , || and ēower fēower wīf. / And% þū seofone ġe·nim || on
Genesis A 1338 þe to mete || mannum lifige / and þara oþerra || ælces twa / s
Genesis A 1352 ic wille / on weras stælan || and mid wægþreate / æhta and age
Genesis A 1353 || and mid wægþreate / æhta and agend || eall acwellan / þa be
Genesis A 1358 lædan / weras on wægþæl || and heora wif somed / and eall þæ
Genesis A 1359 gþæl || and heora wif somed / and eall þæt to fæsle || frea
Genesis A 1365 undum sinum / sigora waldend || and segnade / earce innan || agenum
Genesis A 1372 en sende / regn from roderum || and eac rume let / willeburnan || o
Genesis A 1376 stæþweallas || strang wæs and reþe / se þe wætrum weold ||
Genesis A 1377 se þe wætrum weold || wreah and þeahte / manfæhþu bearn || m
Genesis A 1388 beorgas / geond sidne grund || and on sund ahof / earce from eorþ
Genesis A 1389 nd ahof / earce from eorþan || and þa æþelo mid / þa segnade |
Genesis A 1397 on || ac hie halig god / ferede and nerede || fiftena stod / deop o
Genesis A 1409 gora waldend || sunu lameches / and ealle þa wocre || þe he wi
Genesis A 1417 lled / for famig scip || fiftig and hund / nihta under roderum || s
Genesis A 1435 reamstaþe || stæppan mosten / and of enge ut || æhta lædan / þ
Genesis A 1440 eah hlioþo || horde onfengon / and æþelum eac || eorþan tudre
Genesis A 1456 heo wide hire || willan sohte / and rume fleah || nohweþere rest
Genesis A 1467 | restestowe / fægere funde || and þa fotum stop / on beam hyre |
Genesis A 1488 freþo gangan / ut of earce || and on eorþan bearm / of þam hean
Genesis A 1490 m hean hofe || hiwan læd þu / and ealle þa wocre || þe ic wæ
Genesis A 1493 iddan eþyl / he fremede swa || and frean hyrde / stah ofer streamw
Genesis A 1495 stefn bebead / lustum miclum || and alædde þa / of wægþele || w
Genesis A 1498 ende lac / rædfæst reþran || and recene genam / on eallum dæl |
Genesis A 1501 ealde / gleaw to þam gielde || and þa gode selfum / torhtmod hæl
Genesis A 1505 r || þa he noe / gebletsade || and his bearn somed / þæt he þæ
Genesis A 1507 yld on þanc || agifen hæfde / and on geogoþhade || godum dædu
Genesis A 1512 ldor || word to noe / tymaþ nu and tiedraþ || tires brucaþ / mid
Genesis A 1515 geiceaþ || eow is eþelstol / and holmes hlæst || and heofonfu
Genesis A 1515 þelstol / and holmes hlæst || and heofonfuglas / and wildu deor |
Genesis A 1516 es hlæst || and heofonfuglas / and wildu deor || on geweald gese
Genesis A 1517 ld geseald / eorþe ælgrene || and eacen feoh / næfre ge mid blod
Genesis A 1526 slagan sece || swiþor micle / and to broþor banan || þæs þe
Genesis A 1530 lc hafaþ magwlite || metodes and engla / þara þe healdan wile
Genesis A 1532 ile || halige þeawas / weaxaþ and wridaþ || wilna brucaþ / ara
Genesis A 1535 ynne || foldan sceatas / teamum and tudre || ic eow treowa þæs /
Genesis A 1539 nd || ge on wolcnum þæs / oft and gelome || andgiettacen / magon
Genesis A 1546 eaforum þrim || yrfes hyrde / and heora feower wif # || / nemde
Genesis A 1546 orum þrymm, || ierfes hierde / and hira fēower wīf; / nemde wǣr
Genesis A 1551 atene wæron / suna noes || sem and cham / iafeþ þridda || from
Genesis A 1553 am gumrincum / folc geludon || and gefylled wearþ / eall þes mid
Genesis A 1557 d hleomagum || ham staþelian / and to eorþan him || ætes tilia
Genesis A 1558 rþan him || ætes tilian / won and worhte || wingeard sette / seow
Genesis A 1564 druncen / swæf symbelwerig || and him selfa sceaf / reaf of lice
Genesis A 1573 dum self || mid hrægle wryon / and sceome þeccan || swa gesceap
Genesis A 1574 || swa gesceapu wæron / werum and wifum || siþþan wuldres þe
Genesis A 1575 an wuldres þegn / ussum fæder and meder || fyrene sweorde / on la
Genesis A 1588 mede || gode wæron begen / sem and iafeþ || þa of slæpe onbr
Genesis A 1589 æpe onbrægd / sunu lamehes || and þa sona ongeat / þæt him cyn
Genesis A 1592 þearf || ænige cyþan / hyldo and treowa || þæt þam halgan w
Genesis A 1597 an || him þa cwyde syþþan / and his fromcynne || frecne scodo
Genesis A 1601 lifes / freomen æfter flode || and fiftig eac þa he forþ gewat
Genesis A 1606 eorþwerod || heafodmaga / sunu and dohtra || he wæs selfa til / h
Genesis A 1612 ld || freondum dælde / swæsum and gesibbum || sunu iafeþes / þ
Genesis A 1617 on eþle || þa yldestan / chus and chanan || hatene wæron / ful f
Genesis A 1620 || heafodwisa / wilna brytta || and worulddugeþa / broþrum sinum
Genesis A 1632 e / on þam mældagum || mægen and strengo / se wæs babylones ||
Genesis A 1635 nga || eþelþrym onhof / rymde and rærde || reord wæs þa giet
Genesis A 1640 æron / þa wearþ seme || suna and dohtra / on woruldrice || worn
Genesis A 1650 a eastan || æhta lædan / feoh and feorme || folc wæs anmod / rof
Genesis A 1655 / gesetton þa sennar || sidne and widne / leoda ræswan || leofum
Genesis A 1666 on landsocne / burh geworhte || and to beacne torr / up arærde ||
Genesis A 1670 s ræswan / þa yldestan || oft and gelome / liþsum gewunedon || l
Genesis A 1672 rum sohton / weras to weorce || and to wrohtscipe / oþþæt for wl
Genesis A 1673 tscipe / oþþæt for wlence || and for wonhygdum / cyþdon cræft
Genesis A 1675 æft heora || ceastre worhton / and to heofnum up || hlædræ ræ
Genesis A 1680 eawigan / beorna burhfæsten || and þæt beacen somed / þe to rod
Genesis A 1682 an ongunnon / adames eaforan || and þæs unrædes / stiþferhþ cy
Genesis A 1700 laste bu / stiþlic stantorr || and seo steape burh / samod samworh
Genesis A 1702 tod / weox þa under wolcnum || and wriþade / mægburh semes || o
Genesis A 1708 | bearn afeded / freolicu tu || and þa frumgaran / hæleþ higerof
Genesis A 1710 rofe || hatene wæron / abraham and aaron || þam eorlum wæs / fre
Genesis A 1711 wæs / frea engla bam || freond and aldor / þa wearþ aarone || ea
Genesis A 1715 s || metode geþungon / abraham and loth || unforcuþlice / swa him
Genesis A 1722 e || þær he wic ahte / fæger and freolic || seo fæmne wæs / sa
Genesis A 1729 brohte / sarra abrahame || suna and dohtra / gewat him þa mid cnos
Genesis A 1735 f þære eþeltyrf || abraham and loth / him þa cynegode || on c
Genesis A 1742 a hundteontig || geteled rime / and fife eac || þa he forþ gewa
Genesis A 1746 drihten / gewit þu nu feran || and þine fare lædan / ceapas to c
Genesis A 1749 ic þe hate / monna leofost || and þu minum wel / larum hyre || a
Genesis A 1750 d þu minum wel / larum hyre || and þæt land gesec / þe ic þe
Genesis A 1756 hine wergþo on / mine sette || and modhete / longsumne niþ || lis
Genesis A 1760 e onfoþ / folcbearn freoþo || and freondscipe / blisse minre || a
Genesis A 1761 d freondscipe / blisse minre || and bletsunge / on woruldrice || wr
Genesis A 1764 / swiþe under swegle || sunum and dohtrum / oþþæt fromcyme ||
Genesis A 1769 mearce / gumcystum god || golde and seolfre / swiþfeorm and gesæl
Genesis A 1770 golde and seolfre / swiþfeorm and gesælig || swa him sigora we
Genesis A 1773 carran || sohton cananea / lond and leodgeard || þa com leof god
Genesis A 1775 esa lædan / swæse gebeddan || and his suhtrian / wif on willan ||
Genesis A 1777 n willan || wintra hæfde / fif and hundseofontig || þa he faran
Genesis A 1778 ran sceolde / carran ofgifan || and cneowmagas / him þa feran gewa
Genesis A 1786 ewde selfa / domfæst wereda || and drihten cwæþ / þis is seo eo
Genesis A 1791 se rinc gode / wibed worhte || and þa waldende / lifes leohtfruma
Genesis A 1800 hlem haten / beorn bliþemod || and his broþor sunu / forþ oferfo
Genesis A 1803 e men / weallsteapan hleoþu || and him þa wic curon / þær him w
Genesis A 1812 rage siþþan / wicum wunode || and wilna breac / beorn mid bryde |
Genesis A 1821 seah egypta / hornsele hwite || and hea byrig / beorhte blican || o
Genesis A 1843 re sceolde / fremena friclan || and us fremu secan / þa com ellenr
Genesis A 1860 en wearþ / frea faraone || fah and yrre / for wifmyne || þæs wra
Genesis A 1866 um geþreadne / brego egipto || and his bryd ageaf / wif to geweald
Genesis A 1876 lenrofe || idese feredon / bryd and begas || þæt hie to bethlem
Genesis A 1879 oþre siþe / wif on willan || and heora woruldgestreon / ongunnon
Genesis A 1880 n / ongunnon him þa bytlian || and heora burh ræran / and sele se
Genesis A 1881 lian || and heora burh ræran / and sele settan || salo niwian / we
Genesis A 1889 e / lifes leohtfruman || lisse and ara / wunedon on þam wicum ||
Genesis A 1891 hæfdon wilna geniht / abraham and loth || ead bryttedon / oþþæ
Genesis A 1893 leng somed / blædes brucan || and heora begra þær / æhte habba
Genesis A 1908 þeoda þrymfæste || þegnum and gesiþþum / folc cananea || an
Genesis A 1909 nd gesiþþum / folc cananea || and feretia / rofum rincum || ne wi
Genesis A 1912 culon / teon of þisse stowe || and unc staþolwangas / rumor secan
Genesis A 1917 fe leofa || leorna þe seolfa / and geþancmeta || þine mode / on
Genesis A 1922 an / seo wæs wætrum weaht || and wæstmum þeaht / lagostreamum
Genesis A 1923 þeaht / lagostreamum leoht || and gelic godes / neorxnawange || o
Genesis A 1926 num || wylme gesealde / sodoman and gomorran || sweartan lige / him
Genesis A 1927 n lige / him þa eard geceas || and eþelsetl / sunu arones || on s
Genesis A 1930 lædde / beagas from bethlem || and botlgestreon / welan wunden gol
Genesis A 1941 lande || lifian sceolde / facen and fyrene || and hine fægre heo
Genesis A 1941 n sceolde / facen and fyrene || and hine fægre heold / þeawfæst
Genesis A 1942 hine fægre heold / þeawfæst and geþyldig || on þam þeodsci
Genesis A 1948 byrde heold / wilna wæstmum || and worulddugeþum / lufum and liss
Genesis A 1949 m || and worulddugeþum / lufum and lissum || forþon his lof sec
Genesis A 1953 þenden he eardes breac / halig and higefrod || næfre hleowlora /
Genesis A 1955 rþeþ / feorhberendra || forht and acol / mon for metode || þe hi
Genesis A 1957 a / þurh gemynda sped || mode and dædum / worde and gewitte || w
Genesis A 1958 sped || mode and dædum / worde and gewitte || wise þance / oþ hi
Genesis A 1966 / secan suþ þanon || sodoman and gomorran / þa wæs guþhergum
Genesis A 1972 þm || feollon wergend / bryda and beaga || bennum seoce / him þa
Genesis A 1978 de sceoldon / gombon gieldan || and gafol sellan / oþþæt þa leo
Genesis A 1988 hæfdon / sid tosomne || suþan and norþan / helmum þeahte || þ
Genesis A 1997 cum swice || wurdon sodomware / and gomorre || goldes bryttan / æt
Genesis A 2008 erge || hordburh wera / sodoman and gomorran || þa sæl ageald / m
Genesis A 2010 ra || mægþ siþedon / fæmnan and wuduwan || freondum beslægen
Genesis A 2016 iþ / þara þe læddon loth || and leoda god / suþmonna sinc || s
Genesis A 2023 sodoma folc / leoda duguþe || and lothes siþ / þa þæt inwitsp
Genesis A 2027 hæleþ || willgeþoftan / aner and manre || escol þriddan / cwæ
Genesis A 2036 | heardum wordum / ellenrofe || and abrahame / treowa sealdon || þ
Genesis A 2042 nd / æscberendra || eahtatiene / and þreo hund eac || þeodenhold
Genesis A 2045 inde / him þa abraham gewat || and þa eorlas þry / þe him ær t
Genesis A 2062 | hlyn wearþ on wicum / scylda and sceafta || sceotendra fyll / gu
Genesis A 2065 sceat werum || scearpe garas / and feonda feorh || feollon þicc
Genesis A 2067 hende || huþe feredon / secgas and gesiþþas || sigor eft ahwea
Genesis A 2071 old / for his suhtrigan || sloh and fylde / feond on fitte || him o
Genesis A 2076 e stod / hihtlic heorþwerod || and hæleþ lagon / on swaþe sæto
Genesis A 2078 aþe sæton || þa þe sodoma / and gomorra || golde berofan / best
Genesis A 2090 ferede / suþmonna eft || sinc and bryda / æþelinga bearn || oþ
Genesis A 2105 gre gretan / abraham arlice || and him on sette / godes bletsunge
Genesis A 2106 m on sette / godes bletsunge || and swa gyddode / wæs þu gewurþo
Genesis A 2111 rymmas / on geweald gebræc || and þe wæpnum læt / rancstræte
Genesis A 2113 rume wyrcan / huþe ahreddan || and hæleþ fyllan / on swaþe sæt
Genesis A 2118 egsan sceolde / handum sinum || and halegu treow / seo þu wiþ rod
Genesis A 2121 unga lean / þurh hand ageaf || and þæs hereteames / ealles teoþ
Genesis A 2130 agen wæs || ussum folce / feoh and frætwa || læt me freo læda
Genesis A 2132 nga bearn / on weste wic || wif and cnihtas / earme wydewan || eafo
Genesis A 2138 eorlum || elne gewurþod / dome and sigore || drihtlice spræc / ic
Genesis A 2141 þam halgan || þe heofona is / and þisse eorþan || agendfrea / w
Genesis A 2152 le || þissa drihtwera / aneres and mamres || and escoles / nelle i
Genesis A 2152 rihtwera / aneres and mamres || and escoles / nelle ic þa rincas |
Genesis A 2156 ferian nu / ham hyrsted gold || and healsmægeþ / leoda idesa ||
Genesis A 2167 spræce / trymede tilmodigne || and him to reordode / meda syndon m
Genesis A 2171 her / wiþ weana gehwam || wreo and scylde / folmum minum || ne þe
Genesis A 2191 læsc ligeþ / sceawa heofon || and hyrste gerim / rodores tungel |
Genesis A 2209 rþan sceatas || oþ eufraten / and from egypta || eþelmearce / sw
Genesis A 2211 niþas || swa nilus sceadeþ / and eft wendelsæ || wide rice / ea
Genesis A 2231 þa recene || reste gestigan / and afanda hwæþer || frea wille
Genesis A 2246 des sorge / sarferhþ sægde || and swiþe cwæþ / ne fremest þu
Genesis A 2247 þ / ne fremest þu gerysnu || and riht wiþ me / þafodest þu ge
Genesis A 2251 rehte dogora gehwam || dædum and wordum / unarlice || þæt agar
Genesis A 2263 þeowe || wraþ on mode / heard and hreþe || higeteonan spræc / f
Genesis A 2265 || heo þa fleon gewat / þrea and þeowdom || þolian ne wolde /
Genesis A 2266 wdom || þolian ne wolde / yfel and ondlean || þæs þe ær dyde
Genesis A 2276 hete || hean of wicum / tregan and teonan || nu sceal tearighleo
Genesis A 2279 n || hunger oþþe wulf / sawle and sorge || somed abregde / hire
Genesis A 2290 se biþ unhyre || orlæggifre / and wiþerbreca || wera cneorissu
Genesis A 2301 worulde || wintra hæfde / siex and eahtatig || sunu weox and þa
Genesis A 2301 iex and eahtatig || sunu weox and þah / swa se engel ær || þur
Genesis A 2317 || ic þæs folces beo / hyrde and healdend || gif ge hyraþ me /
Genesis A 2318 e hyraþ me / breostgehygdum || and bebodu willaþ / min fullian ||
Genesis A 2333 e onfon sceal / blisse minre || and bletsunge / lufan and lisse ||
Genesis A 2334 minre || and bletsunge / lufan and lisse || of þam leodfruman / b
Genesis A 2339 tum legde / hleor on eorþan || and mid hucse bewand / þa hleoþor
Genesis A 2349 arum swilce / þeoden þinum || and þe þanc wege / heardrædne hy
Genesis A 2351 trange / to dreoganne || dæges and nihtes / wordum and dædum || w
Genesis A 2352 e || dæges and nihtes / wordum and dædum || willan þinne / him
Genesis A 2367 dagum wille / swiþor stepan || and him soþe to / modes wære || m
Genesis A 2369 elæstan / halige higetreowa || and him hold wesan / abraham fremed
Genesis A 2376 im god sealde / soþe treowa || and þa seolf onfeng / torhtum tacn
Genesis A 2415 þe || synna fremmaþ / þeawum and geþancum || swa hie on þweo
Genesis A 2416 hie on þweorh sprecaþ / facen and inwit || þæt sceal fyr wrec
Genesis A 2417 þæt sceal fyr wrecan / swefyl and sweart lig || sare and grimme
Genesis A 2417 swefyl and sweart lig || sare and grimme / hat and hæste || hæ
Genesis A 2418 rt lig || sare and grimme / hat and hæste || hæþnum folce / wera
Genesis A 2420 telaces / wean under weallum || and heora wif somed / duguþum wlan
Genesis A 2434 uþlice || cynna gemunde / riht and gerisno || and þam rincum be
Genesis A 2434 a gemunde / riht and gerisno || and þam rincum bead / nihtfeormung
Genesis A 2442 th # || / þam giestum hnah || and him georne bead / reste and ger
Genesis A 2443 || and him georne bead / reste and gereorda || and his recedes h
Genesis A 2443 ne bead / reste and gereorda || and his recedes hleow / and þegnun
Genesis A 2444 orda || and his recedes hleow / and þegnunge || hie on þanc cur
Genesis A 2453 þystro || þisses lifes / sæs and sidland || comon sodomware / ge
Genesis A 2454 and || comon sodomware / geonge and ealde || gode unleofe / corþru
Genesis A 2470 gebedscipe || beorna neawest / and geswicaþ þære synne || ic
Genesis A 2478 rode / þis þinceþ gerisne || and riht micel / þæt þu þe afer
Genesis A 2487 im fylston wel / gystas sine || and hine of gromra þa / cuman arf
Genesis A 2489 m abrugdon / in under edoras || and þa ofstlice / anra gehwilcum |
Genesis A 2504 leofe sien / ofestum miclum || and þin ealdor nere / þy læs þu
Genesis A 2507 eht || for wera synnum / sodoma and gomorra || sweartan lige / fyre
Genesis A 2508 weartan lige / fyre gesyllan || and þas folc slean / cynn on ceast
Genesis A 2510 n ceastrum || mid cwealmþrea / and his torn wrecan || þære tid
Genesis A 2517 e gesecan || git me sibblufan / and freondscipe || fægre cyþaþ
Genesis A 2518 cipe || fægre cyþaþ / treowe and hyldo || tiþiaþ me / ic wat h
Genesis A 2521 eastre || lyfaþ me þær / are and reste || þæt we aldornere / o
Genesis A 2531 ne || wit þe friþe healdaþ / and mundbyrde || ne moton wyt / on
Genesis A 2534 sægor þin / bearn gelæde || and bryd somed / þa onette || abra
Genesis A 2543 les aldor / swefl of heofnum || and sweartne lig / werum to wite ||
Genesis A 2554 dan || geondsended wæs / bryne and brogan || bearwas wurdon / to a
Genesis A 2555 gan || bearwas wurdon / to axan and to yslan || eorþan wæstma / e
Genesis A 2558 wera / strudende fyr || steapes and geapes / swogende leg || forswe
Genesis A 2561 sodoma byrig || secgas ahton / and on gomorra || eall þæt god
Genesis A 2571 an ne wolde || nu sceal heard and steap / on þam wicum || wyrde
Genesis A 2581 rec / hie þæs wlenco onwod || and wingedrync / þæt hie firendæ
Genesis A 2584 ofergeaton / drihtnes domas || and hwa him dugeþa forgeaf / blæd
Genesis A 2594 loth gewat / of byrig gangan || and his bearn somed / wælstowe fyr
Genesis A 2599 ldende leof / dægrimes worn || and his dohtor twa / hie dydon swa
Genesis A 2605 ofan || fæste genearwod / mode and gemynde || þæt he mægþa s
Genesis A 2637 sprecan / to þam æþelinge || and him yrre hweop / þu abrahames
Genesis A 2647 on ræde fæst / modgeþance || and him miltse / to þe seceþ || m
Genesis A 2658 elm || aldres recce / he is god and gleaw || mæg self wiþ god s
Genesis A 2660 || þu sweltan scealt / mid feo and mid feorme || gif þu þam fr
Genesis A 2663 me || ærendu wile / þeawfæst and geþyldig || þin abeodan / þ
Genesis A 2687 we þe arlice / gefeormedon || and þe freondlice / on þisse wer
Genesis A 2699 olca gesohte / wina uncuþra || and þis wif mid me / freonda feasc
Genesis A 2714 n ic þegnum || þinum dyrnde / and sylfum þe || swiþost micle /
Genesis A 2718 m swiþan / woruldgestreonum || and him his wif ageaf / sealde him
Genesis A 2720 s bryd genam / gangende feoh || and glæd seolfor / and weorcþeos
Genesis A 2721 nde feoh || and glæd seolfor / and weorcþeos || spræc þa word
Genesis A 2723 elinga helm / wuna mid usic || and þe wic geceos / on þissum lan
Genesis A 2738 scipe || be frean hæse / lufum and lissum || he wæs leof gode / f
Genesis A 2740 on he sibbe || gesælig dreah / and his scippende || under sceade
Genesis A 2744 e synne || þe he wiþ sarrai / and wiþ abrahame || ær gefremed
Genesis A 2746 gedælde || him deore twa / wif and wæpned || he þæs weorc geh
Genesis A 2754 onleac / folccyninge || freora and þeowra / wera and wifa || let
Genesis A 2755 ge || freora and þeowra / wera and wifa || let weaxan eft / heora
Genesis A 2757 imgetel || rodora waldend / ead and æhta || ælmihtig wearþ / mil
Genesis A 2764 æsted || lifes aldor / eaforan and idese || abrahame woc / bearn o
Genesis A 2772 ne || modor brohte / cniht weox and þag || swa him cynde wæron /
Genesis A 2781 sæton bu-tu / halig on hige || and heora hiwan eall / druncon and
Genesis A 2782 and heora hiwan eall / druncon and drymdon || þa cwæþ drihtle
Genesis A 2785 || hat siþian / agar ellor || and ismael / lædan mid hie || ne b
Genesis A 2798 ge of breostum / modgewinnan || and mægeþ hire / bryde þinre ||
Genesis A 2800 hat bu-tu aweg / agar feran || and ismael / cniht of cyþþe || ic
Genesis A 2802 þe || ic his cynn gedo / brad and bresne || bearna tudre / wæstm
Genesis A 2806 eorigmod tu / idese of earde || and his agen bearn / sweotol is and
Genesis A 2807 and his agen bearn / sweotol is and gesene || þæt þe soþ meto
Genesis A 2810 sigor seleþ || snytru mihtum / and þin mod trymeþ # || / godcun
Genesis A 2810 or seleþ || snytru% meahtum / and þīn mōd trymeþ, / godcundum
Genesis A 2825 t ic þe hneaw ne wæs / landes and lissa || wes þissum leodum n
Genesis A 2826 issa || wes þissum leodum nu / and mægburge || minre arfæst / gi
Genesis A 2841 hsteap reced / burh timbrede || and bearo sette / weobedd worhte ||
Genesis A 2842 bearo sette / weobedd worhte || and his waldende / on þam glædste
Genesis A 2851 braham feran / lastas lecgan || and þe læde mid / þin agen bearn
Genesis A 2857 rwan / bælfyr bearne þinum || and blotan sylf / sunu mid sweordes
Genesis A 2858 ylf / sunu mid sweordes ecge || and þonne sweartan lige / leofes l
Genesis A 2859 lige / leofes lic forbærnan || and me lac bebeodan / ne forsæt he
Genesis A 2862 frean engla / word ondrysne || and his waldend leof / þa se eadga
Genesis A 2870 || mæg wæs his agen þridda / and he feorþa sylf || þa he fus
Genesis A 2873 ead metod / efste þa swiþe || and onette / forþ foldwege || swa
Genesis A 2885 gewat him þa se æþeling || and his agen sunu / to þæs gemear
Genesis A 2888 || wudu bær sunu / fæder fyr and sweord || þa þæs fricgean
Genesis A 2890 || wordum abraham / wit her fyr and sweord || frea min habbaþ / hw
Genesis A 2903 þa ad hladan || æled weccan / and gefeterode || fet and honda / b
Genesis A 2903 weccan / and gefeterode || fet and honda / bearne sinum || and þa
Genesis A 2904 fet and honda / bearne sinum || and þa on bæl ahof / isaac geongn
Genesis A 2905 on bæl ahof / isaac geongne || and þa ædre gegrap / sweord be ge
Genesis A 2911 stille gebad / ares spræce || and þam engle oncwæþ / him þa o
Genesis A 2922 æt þe wæs leofre his / sibb and hyldo || þonne þin sylfes b
Genesis A 2927 dega bewlat / rinc ofer exle || and him þær rom geseah / unfeor
Genesis A 2930 æstne / þone abraham genam || and hine on ad ahof / ofestum miclu
Genesis A 2935 ac gode || sægde leana þanc / and ealra þara sælþa || þe he
Genesis A 2935 ra sælþa || þe he him siþ and ær / gifena drihten || forgife
Exodus 1 # Exodus / / hwæt we feor and neah || gefrigen habaþ / ofer
Exodus 10 his sylfes miht / gewyrþode || and him wundra fela / ece alwalda |
Exodus 13 eof gode || leoda aldor / horsc and hreþergleaw || herges wisa / f
Exodus 19 m / heah wæs þæt handlean || and him hold frea / gesealde wæpna
A.1.2 19 ames sunum. / Hēah wæs þæt h and -lēan || and him hold frêa, /
Exodus 26 drihten / eorþan ymbhwyrft || and uprodor / gesette sigerice || a
Exodus 27 d uprodor / gesette sigerice || and his sylfes naman / þone yldo b
Exodus 31 geswiþed || soþum cræftum / and gewurþodne || werodes aldor /
Exodus 57 d þy folce || fæstena worn / l and and leodweard || laþra manna
Exodus 76 cen || widum fæþmum / eorþan and uprodor || efne gedæled / læd
Exodus 93 etan / him beforan foran || fyr and wolcen / in beorhtrodor || beam
Exodus 97 astes / deormodra siþ || dagum and nihtum / þa ic on morgen gefr
Exodus 185 endo / þæt wæron cyningas || and cneowmagas / on þæt eade riht
Exodus 271 e gewurþien || wuldres aldor / and eow liffrean || lissa bidde / s
Exodus 275 || se þas fyrd wereþ / modig and mægenrof || mid þære micla
Exodus 280 undra sum / hu ic sylfa sloh || and þeos swiþre hand / grene tacn
Exodus 309 læste near / sweg swiþrode || and sances bland / þa þæt feorþ
Exodus 339 ht || freobroþor oþþah / ead and æþelo || he wæs gearu swa
Exodus 371 e / frumcneow gehwæs || fæder and moder / tuddorteondra || getele
Exodus 381 niwan asceop || eac þon neah and feor / halige heapas || in gehy
Exodus 394 sesta || on woruldrice / heahst and haligost || hæleþum gefræg
Exodus 395 || hæleþum gefrægost / mæst and mærost || þara þe manna be
Exodus 427 e / ne behwylfan mæg || heofon and eorþe / his wuldres word || wi
Exodus 428 e / his wuldres word || widdra and siddra / þonne befæþman mæg
Exodus 430 sceattas / eorþan ymbhwyrft || and uprodor / garsecges gin || and
Exodus 431 and uprodor / garsecges gin || and þeos geomre lyft / he aþ swer
Exodus 433 ngla þeoden / wyrda waldend || and wereda god / soþfæst sigora |
Exodus 435 es lif / þæt þines cynnes || and cneowmaga / randwiggendra || ri
Exodus 506 þmum || hilde gesceadan / yrre and egesfull || egyptum wearþ / þ
Exodus 537 nder foldan || þær biþ fyr and wyrm / open ece scræf || yfela
Exodus 546 || on uprodor / þær is leoht and lif || eac þon lissa blæd / d
Exodus 557 n cananea || cyn gelyfed / burh and beagas || brade rice / wile nu
Exodus 587 yþlafe || ealde madmas / reaf and randas || heo on riht sceodon
Exodus 588 s || heo on riht sceodon / gold and godweb || iosepes gestreon / we
Daniel 6 wig gifen || wigena mænieo / and hie of egyptum || ut aforon / m
Daniel 14 nd || se þam werude geaf / mod and mihte || metod alwihta / þæt
Daniel 52 ingan / gesamnode þa || suþan and norþan / wælhreow werod || an
Daniel 53 nd norþan / wælhreow werod || and west foran / herige hæþencyni
Daniel 60 wuldor || readan golde / since and seolfre || salomones templ / ge
Daniel 66 e || hordwearda gestreon / feoh and frætwa || swilc þær funden
Daniel 67 wa || swilc þær funden wæs / and þa mid þam æhtum || eft si
Daniel 68 d þam æhtum || eft siþedon / and gelæddon eac || on langne si
Daniel 89 freagleawe / æþele cnihtas || and æfæste / ginge and gode || in
Daniel 90 cnihtas || and æfæste / ginge and gode || in godsæde / an wæs a
Daniel 94 on || to þeodne foran / hearde and higeþancle || þær se hæþ
Daniel 105 breme || babilone weard / mære and modig || ofer middangeard / ege
Daniel 138 eþances || swa ge me sægdon / and þæt gecwædon || þæt ge c
Daniel 151 e wæs drihtne gecoren / snotor and soþfæst || in þæt seld ga
Daniel 162 ongeat || swiþmod cyning / ord and ende || þæs þe him ywed w
Daniel 177 wæs || gumrices weard / reþe and rædleas || riht // / þa wear
Daniel 211 nmælde / grimme þam gingum || and geocre oncwæþ / þæt hie geg
Daniel 220 t æ godes || ealle gelæste / and ne awacodon || wereda drihtne
Daniel 228 || þa he þyder folc samnode / and gebindan het || babilone wear
Daniel 229 an het || babilone weard / grim and gealhmod || godes spelbodan / h
Daniel 248 t up gewat / lig ofer leofum || and þurh lust gesloh / micle mare
Daniel 276 ne on sumera || sunne scineþ / and deaw dryge || on dæge weorþ
Daniel 282 hten herede / wer womma leas || and þa word acwæþ / metod alwiht
Daniel 285 || is þin nama mære / wlitig and wuldorfæst || ofer werþeode
Daniel 287 domas || in daga gehwam / soþe and geswiþde || and gesigefæste
Daniel 287 gehwam / soþe and geswiþde || and gesigefæste / swa þu eac sylf
Daniel 290 llan || on woruldspedum / rihte and gerume || rodora waldend / geoc
Daniel 292 r georne nu || gasta scyppend / and þurh hyldo help || halig dri
Daniel 293 ten / nu we þec for þreaum || and for þeonydum / and for eaþmed
Daniel 294 þreaum || and for þeonydum / and for eaþmedum || arna biddaþ
Daniel 303 f || geond landa fela / fracoþ and gefræge || folca manegum / þa
Daniel 306 ealde / on hæft heorugrimra || and we nu hæþenra / þeowned þol
Daniel 311 ltsum || þe þec men hligaþ / and for þam treowum || þe þu t
Daniel 313 numen hæfdest / to abrahame || and to isaace / and to iacobe || ga
Daniel 314 / to abrahame || and to isaace / and to iacobe || gasta scyppend /
Daniel 319 on cneorissum || cenned wurde / and seo mænigeo || mære wære / h
Daniel 326 n / wlitiga þinne wordcwyde || and þin wuldor on us / gecyþ cræ
Daniel 327 in wuldor on us / gecyþ cræft and miht || þæt þa caldeas / and
Daniel 328 and miht || þæt þa caldeas / and folca fela || gefrigen habba
Daniel 330 eofenum || hæþene lifigeaþ / and þæt þu ana eart || ece dri
Daniel 334 rgende wæs / metodes miltse || and his mihta sped / rehte þurh re
Daniel 338 aman / se him cwom to frofre || and to feorhnere / mid lufan and mi
Daniel 339 || and to feorhnere / mid lufan and mid lisse || se þone lig tos
Daniel 340 || se þone lig tosceaf / halig and heofonbeorht || hatan fyres / t
Daniel 341 t || hatan fyres / tosweop hine and toswende || þurh þa swiþan
Daniel 346 þær se engel becwom / windig and wynsum || wedere gelicost / þo
Daniel 352 | wearþ se hata lig / todrifen and todwæsced || þær þa dædh
Daniel 353 tan / geond þone ofen eodon || and se engel mid / feorh nerigende
Daniel 355 ær feorþa wæs / annanias || and azarias / and misael || þær
Daniel 356 wæs / annanias || and azarias / and misael || þær þa modhwatan
Daniel 363 fæder / woruldcræfta wlite || and weorca gehwilc / heofonas and e
Daniel 364 | and weorca gehwilc / heofonas and englas || and hluttor wæter /
Daniel 364 ehwilc / heofonas and englas || and hluttor wæter / þa þe ofer r
Daniel 367 wuldre || þa þec wurþiaþ / and þec ælmihtig || ealle gesce
Daniel 369 | þa þe ryne healdaþ / sunna and mona || sundor anra gehwilc / h
Daniel 370 nra gehwilc / herige in hade || and heofonsteorran / deaw and deor
Daniel 371 de || and heofonsteorran / deaw and deor scur || þa þec domige /
Daniel 372 deor scur || þa þec domige / and þec mihtig god || gastas lof
Daniel 373 gastas lofige / byrnende fyr || and beorht sumor / nergend hergaþ
Daniel 374 nergend hergaþ || niht somod and dæg / and þec landa gehwilc |
Daniel 375 ergaþ || niht somod and dæg / and þec landa gehwilc || leoht a
Daniel 375 d þec landa gehwilc || leoht and þeostro / herige on hade || so
Daniel 376 o / herige on hade || somod hat and ceald / and þec frea mihtig ||
Daniel 377 n hade || somod hat and ceald / and þec frea mihtig || forstas a
Daniel 377 d þec frea mihtig || forstas and snawas / winterbiter weder || a
Daniel 378 d snawas / winterbiter weder || and wolcenfaru / lofige on lyfte ||
Daniel 379 wolcenfaru / lofige on lyfte || and þec ligetu / blace berhtmhwate
Daniel 382 n grund || ece drihten / hyllas and hrusan || and hea beorgas / sea
Daniel 382 drihten / hyllas and hrusan || and hea beorgas / sealte sæwægas
Daniel 384 fæst metod / eastream yþa || and upcyme / wætersprync wylla ||
Daniel 386 iaþ / hwalas þec herigaþ || and hefonfugolas / lyftlacende ||
Daniel 388 reamas / wæterscipe wecgaþ || and wildu deor / and neata gehwilc
Daniel 389 ipe wecgaþ || and wildu deor / and neata gehwilc || naman bletsi
Daniel 390 eata gehwilc || naman bletsie / and manna bearn || modum lufiaþ /
Daniel 391 manna bearn || modum lufiaþ / and þec israela || æhta scyppen
Daniel 393 igaþ in hade || herran sinne / and þec haligra || heortan cræf
Daniel 394 / soþfæstra gehwæs || sawle and gastas / lofiaþ liffrean || le
Daniel 397 ece drihten / annanias þec || and adzarias / and misael || metod
Daniel 398 annanias þec || and adzarias / and misael || metod domige / breost
Daniel 402 a nergend / hæleþa helpend || and þec halig gast / wurþiaþ in
Daniel 405 ec herigaþ || halig drihten / and gebedum bremaþ || þu geblet
Daniel 417 e wæs || cyninges ræswa / wis and wordgleaw || þæt is wundra
Daniel 422 hie god herigaþ / anne ecne || and ealles him / be naman gehwam ||
Daniel 426 / witig wuldorcyning || worlde and heofona / aban þu þa beornas
Daniel 435 n / laþsearo leoda cyninges || and hyra lice geborgen / næs hyra
Daniel 442 of || heofona rices / heh þegn and hold || halgum metode / hæfde
Daniel 445 olce / septon hie soþcwidum || and him sædon fela / soþra tacna
Daniel 469 het þa tosomne || sine leode / and þa on þam meþle || ofer me
Daniel 470 nigo bebead / wyrd gewordene || and wundor godes / þætte on þam
Daniel 490 ceod / wearþ him hyrra hyge || and on heortan geþanc / mara on mo
Daniel 503 rd || oþ merestreamas / twigum and telgum || þær he to geseah /
Daniel 509 an of roderum / stigan cwome || and stefne abead / torhtan reorde |
Daniel 511 de || het þæt treow ceorfan / and þa wildan deor || on weg fle
Daniel 514 dan || seolfes blædum / twigum and telgum || and þeh tacen wesa
Daniel 514 blædum / twigum and telgum || and þeh tacen wesan / wunian wyrtr
Daniel 519 one miclan / ærenum clammum || and isernum / and gesæledne || in
Daniel 520 renum clammum || and isernum / and gesæledne || in susl don / þ
Daniel 535 wisse / sefan sidne geþanc || and snytro cræft / wisne wordcwide
Daniel 539 an || swefnes woman / heahheort and hæþen || heriges wisa / ealne
Daniel 542 run bude / hofe haligu word || and in hige funde / to gesecganne |
Daniel 545 bude || þe he blican geseah / and him witgode || wyrda geþingu
Daniel 553 fen cuman / heofonheane beam || and þa halgan word / yrre and eges
Daniel 554 m || and þa halgan word / yrre and egeslicu || þa se engel cwæ
Daniel 557 llan || þæt ær fæste stod / and þonne mid deorum || dreamlea
Daniel 558 eamleas beon / westen wunian || and his wyrtruman / foldan befolen
Daniel 565 eallum || eorþbuendum / weard and wisa || nis þe wiþerbreca / m
Daniel 568 ec aceorfeþ || of cyningdome / and þec wineleasne || on wræc s
Daniel 569 ineleasne || on wræc sendeþ / and þonne onhweorfeþ || heortan
Daniel 576 || ac þec regna scur / weceþ and wreceþ || swa wildu deor / oþ
Daniel 579 etod || eallum mannum / reccend and rice || se on roderum is / is m
Daniel 582 ole || swa seo stefn gecwæþ / and ymbe seofan tide || sæde onf
Daniel 608 ra life / þu eart seo micle || and min seo mære burh / þe ic gew
Daniel 611 rice || ic reste on þe / eard and eþel || agan wille / þa for
Daniel 613 a drihten / forfangen wearþ || and on fleam gewat / ana on oferhyd
Daniel 633 eþafian / wundorlic wræcca || and wæda leas / mætra on modgeþa
Daniel 637 ard || æfter mandrihtne / eard and eþel || æfter þam æþelin
Daniel 665 ce / heold hæleþa gestreon || and þa hean burh / frod foremihtig
Daniel 680 hton / þa metod onlah || medum and persum / aldordomes || ymb lyte
Daniel 692 stna || folcum cuþost / mæst and mærost || þara þe men bun /
Daniel 709 æd forbræcon || billa ecgum / and þurh hleoþorcyme || herige
Daniel 715 t his hergas || hyrran wæron / and mihtigran || mannum to friþe
Daniel 736 com || drihtne gecoren / snotor and soþfæst || in þæt seld ga
Daniel 740 æt he him bocstafas / arædde and arehte || hwæt seo run bude /
Daniel 761 na || ealra gesceafta / drihten and waldend || se him dom forgeaf
Daniel 763 cyndne blæd || eorþan rices / and þu lignest nu || þæt sie l
Christ and Satan 2 m / þæt meotod hæfde || miht and strengþo / þa he gefestnade |
Christ and Satan 4 s / seolfa he gesette || sunnan and monan / stanas and eorþan || s
Christ and Satan 5 te || sunnan and monan / stanas and eorþan || stream ut on sæ / w
Christ and Satan 6 an || stream ut on sæ / wæter and wolcn || þurh his wundra mih
Christ and Satan 8 mbhaldeþ / meotod on mihtum || and alne middangeard / he selfa mæ
Christ and Satan 11 n geofene || godes agen bearn / and he ariman mæg || rægnas scu
Christ and Satan 15 þurh his wuldres gast / serede and sette || on six dagum / eorþan
Christ and Satan 17 þan dæles || up on heofonum / and heanne holm || hwa is þæt
Christ and Satan 19 dreamas he gedelde || duguþe and geþeode / adam ærest || and
Christ and Satan 20 e and geþeode / adam ærest || and þæt æþele cyn / engla ordfr
Christ and Satan 32 n þone neowlan grund / gredige and gifre || god ana wat / hu he þ
Christ and Satan 42 tsomne || susel þrowian / wean and wergu || nalles wuldres blæd
Christ and Satan 48 ld || herigaþ drihten / wordum and wercum || and ic in wite scea
Christ and Satan 48 drihten / wordum and wercum || and ic in wite sceal / bidan in ben
Christ and Satan 49 wite sceal / bidan in bendum || and me bættran ham / for oferhygdu
Christ and Satan 52 eradan || atole gastas / swarte and synfulle || susle begnornende
Christ and Satan 56 u ahtest alles gewald / heofnes and eorþan || wære halig god / sc
Christ and Satan 60 woruld ahtest / alra onwald || and we englas mid þec / atol is þ
Christ and Satan 79 þonne he spreocan ongan / fyre and atre || ne biþ swelc fæger
Christ and Satan 83 d gode / micelne for meotode || and þeos menego swa some / þa ic
Christ and Satan 87 burga gewald / eall to æhte || and þeos earme heap / þe ic hebbe
Christ and Satan 104 || feond seondon reþe / dimme and deorce || ne her dæg lyhteþ
Christ and Satan 111 n ham / ac ic sceal on flyge || and on flyhte þragum / earda neosa
Christ and Satan 112 lyhte þragum / earda neosan || and eower ma / þe þes oferhydes |
Christ and Satan 118 | ah him alles gewald / wuldres and wita || waldendes sunu / forþo
Christ and Satan 119 es sunu / forþon ic sceal hean and earm || hweorfan þy widor / wa
Christ and Satan 131 ynnum forwundod / hwæt her hat and ceald || hwilum mencgaþ / hwil
Christ and Satan 151 fonum || hæfdon ærror / wlite and weorþmynt || ful oft wuldres
Christ and Satan 173 u meotodes / drihten adrifan || and agan me þæs dreames gewald /
Christ and Satan 174 þæs dreames gewald / wuldres and wynne || me þær wyrse gelam
Christ and Satan 184 | ic þæt morþer sceal / wean and witu || and wrace dreogan / god
Christ and Satan 184 orþer sceal / wean and witu || and wrace dreogan / goda bedæled |
Christ and Satan 191 | dydon his gingran swa / gifre and grædige || þa hig god bedra
Christ and Satan 206 tum || bliþe geþohtas / sibbe and snytero || gemunan soþ and r
Christ and Satan 206 e and snytero || gemunan soþ and riht / þonne we to hehselde ||
Christ and Satan 208 o hehselde || hnigan þencaþ / and þone anwaldan || ara biddan /
Christ and Satan 213 eos folde seo / is þær wlitig and wynsum || wæstmas scinaþ / be
Christ and Satan 219 ælend || in þæm deoran ham / and ymb þæt hehsetl || hwite st
Christ and Satan 220 wite standaþ / engla feþan || and eadigra / halige heofenþreatas
Christ and Satan 222 as || herigaþ drihten / wordum and weorcum || heora wlite scine
Christ and Satan 225 / wæs him eall ful strang wom and witu || hæfdon wuldorcyning /
Christ and Satan 233 e halgan gode || heran woldon / and him sang ymb seld || secgan s
Christ and Satan 237 htword aras / engla ordfruma || and to þæm æþelan / hnigan him
Christ and Satan 240 ece drihten || ofer us gestod / and gebletsode || bilewitne heap /
Christ and Satan 241 witne heap / dogra gehwilcne || and his se deora sunu / gasta scypp
Christ and Satan 244 andfeng || þe þær up becom / and hine on eorþan || ær gelefd
Christ and Satan 246 þæt se þeoden wæs / strang and stiþmod || ongan ic þa step
Christ and Satan 247 ppan forþ / ana wiþ englum || and to him eallum spræc / ic can e
Christ and Satan 269 n hweorfan || geond hæleþa l and / and unsibbe || oft onstyrian /
Christ and Satan 274 niþæs || beala gnornian / sic and sorhful || þæs ic seolfa we
Christ and Satan 288 || þær is se ælmihtiga god / and us befæþman wile || freobea
Christ and Satan 290 on eorþan || ær geþencaþ / and us to þam halgan || helpe ge
Christ and Satan 297 forþ || wunian moten / cestre and cynestol || uton cyþan þæt
Christ and Satan 302 end engla || gif þider moton / and þæt on eorþan || ær gewyr
Christ and Satan 320 windsele || wean cwanedon / man and morþur || wæs seo menego þ
Christ and Satan 324 eþan || fæste gebunden / fyre and lige || þæt wæs fæstlic
Christ and Satan 331 gryndes ad / wunian ne moten || and þone werigan sele / þær is w
Christ and Satan 332 one werigan sele / þær is wom and wop || wide gehered / and grist
Christ and Satan 333 s wom and wop || wide gehered / and gristbitungc || and gnornungc
Christ and Satan 333 e gehered / and gristbitungc || and gnornungc mecga / nabbaþ he to
Christ and Satan 334 þ he to hyhte || nymþe cyle and fyr / wean and witu || and wyrm
Christ and Satan 335 e || nymþe cyle and fyr / wean and witu || and wyrma þreat / drac
Christ and Satan 335 cyle and fyr / wean and witu || and wyrma þreat / dracan and nædd
Christ and Satan 336 tu || and wyrma þreat / dracan and næddran || and þone dimman
Christ and Satan 336 þreat / dracan and næddran || and þone dimman ham / forþon miht
Christ and Satan 339 þær wæs toþa geheaw / hlude and geomre || godes andsacan / hweo
Christ and Satan 341 nd helle || hate onæled / ufan and utan || him wæs æghwær wa /
Christ and Satan 347 riht geheold / hired heofona || and þæt halige seld / nis nænig
Christ and Satan 359 fæþmeþ || fæder mancynnes / and hie gesegnaþ || mid his swi
Christ and Satan 364 e hælende || heran þenceþ / and wel is þam || þe þæt wyrc
Christ and Satan 375 he to helle || hnigan sceolde / and his hired mid hine || in hyn
Christ and Satan 376 o geglidan / nergendes niþ || and no seoþþan / þæt hi mosten
Christ and Satan 380 || þa he duru in helle / bræc and begde || blis wearþ monnum /
Christ and Satan 396 e uppe heonan / sawla lædan || and we seoþþan a / þæs yrreweor
Christ and Satan 418 e scræf || hweorfan sceoldon / and wintra rim || wunian seoþþa
Christ and Satan 423 s || þæt ic up heonon / mæge and mote || mid minre mægþe / and
Christ and Satan 424 and mote || mid minre mægþe / and ymb þreo niht com || þegen
Christ and Satan 430 htan / aras þa anra gehwylc || and wiþ earm gesæt / hleonade wi
Christ and Satan 440 e || þæt þu eart sylfa god / and ece ordfruma || ealra gesceaf
Christ and Satan 443 clomma / feondum oþfæsted || and heo furþor sceaf / in þæt ne
Christ and Satan 446 arte þingaþ / earm aglæca || and þa atolan mid him / witum weri
Christ and Satan 452 wites clom / atole to æhte || and egsan gryre / dimne and deorcne
Christ and Satan 453 hte || and egsan gryre / dimne and deorcne || deaþes scuwan / hat
Christ and Satan 456 t se feþa com / up to earde || and se eca mid him / meotod mancynn
Christ and Satan 466 || þa he helle duru / forbræc and forbegde || ban weornodon / þa
Christ and Satan 471 mihte geworhte / adam ærest || and þæt æþele wif / þa hie beg
Christ and Satan 475 middangeard || menio onwocon / and wintra feola || wunian moston
Christ and Satan 481 þa tanas up / æpla bæron || and git æton þa / beorhtan blæda
Christ and Satan 494 æmnan had / ufan from eþle || and on eorþan gebad / tintregan fe
Christ and Satan 495 rþan gebad / tintregan fela || and teonan micelne / me seredon ymb
Christ and Satan 497 n ymb || secgas monige / dæges and nihtes || hu heo me deaþes c
Christ and Satan 501 wæs || wintra gerimes / þreo and þritig geara || ær ic þrow
Christ and Satan 505 gan sceolon / drihtnes domas || and duguþe þrym / wuniaþ in wynn
Christ and Satan 510 algum || heow se giunga þær / and ic eft up becom || ece dreama
Christ and Satan 519 drihten / on þæm fæstenne || and gefatian het / englas eallbeorh
Christ and Satan 521 lbeorhte || andleofan gingran / and huru secgan het || simon petr
Christ and Satan 523 galileam || god sceawian / ecne and trumne || swa he ær dyde / þa
Christ and Satan 531 eca wæs / feollon on foldan || and to fotum hnigon / þanceden þe
Christ and Satan 547 oden ure / he on beame astah || and his blod ageat / god on galgan
Christ and Satan 550 ecgan drihtne þanc || dædum and weorcum / þæs þe he us of h
Christ and Satan 554 sceolon / drihtnes domas # || / and we in wynnum || wunian moton /
Christ and Satan 565 d godes / onfeng freodrihten || and hine forþ lædde / to þam hal
Christ and Satan 581 hwæm || drihten weoroda / help and hælo || hæleþa bearnum / geo
Christ and Satan 584 a is || ealra gescefta / wyrhta and waldend || þurh his wuldres
Christ and Satan 605 ht / þæt biþ daga lengust || and dinna mæst / hlud gehered ||
Christ and Satan 608 e þonne gesceadan || wlitige and unclæne / on twa healfe || til
Christ and Satan 609 nclæne / on twa healfe || tile and yfle / him þa soþfæstan || o
Christ and Satan 614 on / gongan in godes rice # || / and heo gesenaþ || mid his swiþ
Christ and Satan 630 um scriþaþ / þusendmælum || and þider leaþaþ / in þæt scea
Christ and Satan 632 runde / in þæt nearwe niþ || and no seoþþan / þæt hie up þo
Christ and Satan 635 sceolon || earmlic wite / clom and carcern || and þone caldan g
Christ and Satan 635 mlic wite / clom and carcern || and þone caldan grund / deopne adr
Christ and Satan 636 ldan grund / deopne adreogan || and deofles spellunge / hu hie him
Christ and Satan 639 n || stæleþ feondas / fæhþe and firne || þær þe hie freodr
Christ and Satan 650 gongan moten || to godes rice / and ymb þa weallas || wlitige sc
Christ and Satan 651 itige scinaþ / engla gastas || and eadige sawla / þa þe heonon f
Christ and Satan 654 r martiras || meotode cwemaþ / and herigaþ hehfæder || halgum
Christ and Satan 656 us / þu eart hæleþa helm || and heofendema / engla ordfruma ||
Christ and Satan 657 heofendema / engla ordfruma || and eorþan tudor / up gelæddest |
Christ and Satan 1 genom || / atol þurh edwit || and on esle ahof / herm bealowes ga
Christ and Satan 2 le ahof / herm bealowes gast || and on beorh astah / asette on dune
A.1.4 3 f, / hearm% bealwes% gāst, || and on beorh ā·stāh, / ā·sette
Christ and Satan 6 || on þines seolfes dom / folc and foldan || foh hider to me / bur
Christ and Satan 7 oldan || foh hider to me / burh and breotone || bold to gewealde /
A.1.4 8 an. || Foh hider tō mē / burh and brytene || bold tō% ġe·wea
Christ and Satan 9 gif þu seo riht cyning / engla and monna || swa þu ær myntest /
A.1.4 10 f þū sēo riht cyning / engla and manna, || swā þū ǣr mynte
Christ and Satan 19 ite þu eac awyrgda || hu wid and sid / helheoþo dreorig || and
Christ and Satan 20 and sid / helheoþo dreorig || and mid hondum amet / grip wiþ þ
A.1.4 21 d / hell-hēoðu drēoriġ, || and mid heandum ā·met. / Grip wi
Christ and Satan 23 þone ymbhwyrft || alne cunne / and ærest amet || ufan to grunde
Christ and Satan 24 ærest amet || ufan to grunde / and hu sid seo || se swarta eþm /
A.1.4 25 t ā·met || ufan tō grunde, / and hū sīd sīe% || sē swearta
Christ and Satan 27 fast || handum ametene / hu heh and deop || hell inneweard seo / gr
A.1.4 28 heandum ā·metene / hū hēah and dēop || hell inneweard sīe,
Christ and Satan 32 u getenge / satan seolua ran || and on susle gefeol / earm æglæce
A.1.4 33 tenġe. / Satan selfa rann% || and on sūsle ġe·fēoll, / earm
Christ and Satan 34 | hwilum mid folmum mæt / wean and witu || hwilum se wonna læg /
A.1.4 35 Hwīlum mid folmum mæt / wēan and wītu. || Hwīlum sē wanna l
Christ and Satan 49 n þa werigan gastas / reordian and cweþan # || / la þus beo nu
A.1.4 50 ā% werĝan gāstas / reordian and cweðan: / ‘Lā, þus bēo n
A.2.1 8 eorðan, / frame folc-toĝan || and fyrd-hwate, / rōfe rincas, ||
A.2.1 9 ate, / rōfe rincas, || þonne r and and hand / on here-felda || hel
A.2.1 23 brūcanne, || āh hīe blōd and fell, / fīra flǣsċ-haman, ||
A.2.1 38 u-grǣdġe, || ac hīe hīeġ and gærs / for mete-lēaste || mē
A.2.1 49 an ðǣr || handa ġe·bundon / and fæstnodon || fēondes cræft
A.2.1 50 ræfte, / hæleþ hell-fūse || and his hēafdes seġl / ā·brēot
A.2.1 54 || atolne on·fenge. / Ēadiġ and an-mōd, || hē mid elne for
A.2.1 62 efne, / weoroda will-ġiefan || and þus wordum cwæþ: / ‘Hū m
A.2.1 83 olie, / fæste ferhð-lufan || and þē, fæder engla, / beorht bl
A.2.1 95 ne / under hearm-locan || hǣlu and frōfre / beadu-rōfum ā·bēa
A.2.1 100 % murn. || Iċ þē mid wunie / and þē ā·līese || of þissum
A.2.1 101 e || of þissum liðu-bendum, / and ealle þā meniġu || þe þ
A.2.1 111 || ǣdre on·sende / tō hlēow and tō hroðre || on þās hǣð
A.2.1 114 le / efene mid sōðe || seofon and twentiġ / niht-ġe·rīmes, ||
A.2.1 134 dan. / Hæfdon hīe on rūne || and on rīm-cræfte / ā·writen, w
A.2.1 151 / lungre tō·līesan || līċ and sāwle, / and þonne tō·dǣla
A.2.1 152 līesan || līċ and sāwle, / and þonne tō·dǣlan || duĝuþ
A.2.1 152 onne tō·dǣlan || duĝuþe and ġuĝuþe, / werum tō wiste ||
A.2.1 153 ġuĝuþe, / werum tō wiste || and tō will-þeġe, / fǣġes flǣ
A.2.1 165 ufan ā·drēah / for Ebreum || and Israhelum; / swelċe hē Iūdē
A.2.1 173 on·lēac, / weoroda drihten || and þus wordum cwæþ: / ‘Þu s
A.2.1 174 þ: / ‘Þu sċealt fēran || and ferhþ lǣdan, / sīðe ġe·s
A.2.1 196 ng, / sealte% sǣ-strēamas% || and swan-rāde, / waroþ-faroþa ġ
A.2.1 197 , / waroþ-faroþa ġe·winn || and wæter-brōĝan, / weĝas ofer
A.2.1 216 ealt þā fore ġe·fēran || and þīn feorh beran / on gramra g
A.2.1 222 ende / ċēol ġe·stīĝan || and on ċeald wæter / brecan ofer
A.2.1 225 þā sē hālĝa || healdend and wealdend, / up-engla fruma, ||
A.2.1 233 -rǣd || ellen-weorces, / heard and hyġe-rōf, || nealles hild-l
A.2.1 237 e, / þrīste on ġe·þance || and his þeġnas mid, / gangan on g
A.2.1 283 þider || feorh ġe·lǣdaþ, / and þū wilnast nū || ofer wīd
A.2.1 318 | nū þe drihten ġeaf / welan and wiste || and weorold-spēde, /
A.2.1 318 hten ġeaf / welan and wiste || and weorold-spēde, / þæt þū an
A.2.1 325 is cyning on riht, / wealdend and wyrhta || wuldor-þrymmes, / ā
A.2.1 328 hþ || ānes cræfte, / heofon and eorðan, || hālĝum meahtum,
A.2.1 330 , / fæder folca ġe·hwæs || and ūs fēran hēt / ġond ġinne
A.2.1 346 , || swā ġē mē seċġaþ, / and ġē ġe·hēoldon þæt ēow
A.2.1 354 ltsa biddan / wuldres ealdor || and þus wordum cwæþ: / ‘For·
A.2.1 356 ðunga, / willan on weorolde || and on wuldre blǣd, / metod mann-c
A.2.1 366 gān, / mǣrne maĝu-þeġn || and mete sellan, / frēfran feasċe
A.2.1 371 de, / glād ġond gārseċġ || and sē grǣġa mǣw / wæl-ġīfre
A.2.1 388 ġielde, / weoroda wealdend || and þē wist ġiefe, / heofonlicne
A.2.1 399 lande || ofer laĝu-fæsten, / and þonne ġe·bidan || beornas
A.2.1 404 s stefnan / lēofne lārēow || and him land curon: / ‘Hwider hwe
A.2.1 412 āforde æt hilde, || þonne h and and rand / on beadu-wange || bi
A.2.1 431 a folc || feorh ġe·lǣddon, / and for dryhtnes lufan || dēaþ
A.2.1 436 r-eġesa sċeall, / ġe·þīed and ġe·þrēatod || þurh þrȳ
A.2.1 456 | under sweġeles gang / windas and wǣĝas || and wæter-brōĝa
A.2.1 456 es gang / windas and wǣĝas || and wæter-brōĝan / forhte ġe·w
A.2.1 486 ǣhte, || nū þe tīr cyning / and meaht for·ġeaf, || manna s
A.2.1 489 Iċ wæs on ġiefeþe || ġō and nū þā% / siex-tīene sīðum
A.2.1 520 deþ, || brūne ȳða / þīeþ and þrēataþ. || Hē þēodum s
A.2.1 522 te, || sē þe rodor ā·hōf / and ġe·fæstnode || folmum sīn
A.2.1 523 node || folmum sīnum, / worhte and wreðede, || wuldras fylde / be
A.2.1 539 eorðode, / wuldres wealdend || and þus wordum cwæþ: / ‘Wes þ
A.2.1 551 issum hyse || hold ġe·wurde / and hine ġungne || ġiefum weor
A.2.1 552 ðodest, / wīsum ġe·witte || and word-cwīdum. / Iċ æt efen-ea
A.2.1 556 , / fræġn framlīċe || fruma and ende: / ‘Sæġe, þances glē
A.2.1 565 rodum ġe·cȳðde, / sweotolra and ġe·sīenra. || Synniĝe ne
A.2.1 567 ā·cenned wearþ / tō hlēow and tō hroðre || hæleþa cynne
A.2.1 569 rum. || Æðelinge wēox / word and wīsdōm, || āh hē þāra w
A.2.1 578 dēafe ġe·hīerdon, / healtum and hrēofum || hyġe blissode, /
A.2.1 587 e-mæġene / wīn of wætere || and wendan hēt, / beornum tō blis
A.2.1 590 ā·fēdde || of fiscum twǣm / and of fīf hlāfum || fīra cynn
A.2.1 596 ūs wuldres weard || wordum and dǣdum / lufode on līfe || and
A.2.1 597 and dǣdum / lufode on līfe || and þurh lāre spēon / tō þām
A.2.1 607 n cȳðde, / ðǣr bisċopas || and bōceras / and ealdor-menn || e
A.2.1 608 ǣr bisċopas || and bōceras / and ealdor-menn || eaht be·sǣto
A.2.1 614 o wyrd be·swāc, / for·lēolc and for·lǣrde. || Nū hīe lung
A.2.1 630 ofesta, / wordum wrætlicum || and þēah wyrda ġe·hwǣre / þur
A.2.1 649 selfum || seċġan wille / ōr and ende, || swā iċ þæs æðe
A.2.1 650 ā iċ þæs æðelinges / word and wīsdōm || on wera ġe·mōt
A.2.1 668 æs || tempel dryhtnes, / hēah and horn-ġēap, || hæleþum ġe
A.2.1 687 ten || hām-sittende, / fæder and mōdor, || þæs we ġe·fræ
A.2.1 688 urh mōd-ġe·mynd, || Maria and Ioseph. / Sindon him on æðelu
A.2.1 691 bbum, / suna Iosephes, || Simon and Iacob.’ / Swā hlēoðrodon |
A.2.1 702 ġene ġe·swīðed, / wealdend and wyrhta || wuldor-þrymmes, / ā
A.2.1 732 sēċe, / wlitiġ of wǣĝe || and word sprece, / seċġe sōþ-cw
A.2.1 743 um tācnum, / wītiġ werede || and worde cwæþ: / 'Ġē sind unl
A.2.1 747 e bearn, || þone% þe grund and sund, / heofon and eorðan || a
A.2.1 748 e% þe grund and sund, / heofon and eorðan || and hrēo wǣĝas,
A.2.1 748 d sund, / heofon and eorðan || and hrēo wǣĝas, / sealte sǣ-str
A.2.1 749 ĝas, / sealte sǣ-strēamas || and sweġel uppe / ā·mearcode ||
A.2.1 753 eras cūðon. / Hē Abrahame || and Isace / and Iocobe || ġiefe br
A.2.1 754 on. / Hē Abrahame || and Isace / and Iocobe || ġiefe bryttode, / we
A.2.1 775 n% strǣte || of stede-wange, / and forþ gān || fold-weġ treda
A.2.1 782 u gadrian, / gāste on·fôn || and ġuĝoþhāde, / ed-nīewunga |
A.2.1 793 e || up ā·standan / Habraham and Isaac, || æðeling þriddan /
A.2.1 798 tēode / eorðan eall-grēne || and up-heofon, / hwǣr sē wealdend
A.2.1 810 sibbe || sweġeles drēamas, / and þæs tō wīdan fēore || wi
A.2.1 850 on·gann / wīġend weċċan || and worde cwæþ: / ‘Iċ ēow se
A.2.1 867 breahtmum blīðe, || beorhte and līðe. / Lissum lufodon || and
A.2.1 868 and līðe. / Lissum lufodon || and on lofe wunodon, / ðǣr wæs s
A.2.1 869 n, / ðǣr wæs singāl sang || and sweġeles gang, / wlitiġ weoro
A.2.1 870 ang, / wlitiġ weoroda hēap || and wuldres þrēat. / Ūtan ymbe
A.2.1 876 deras || hālġe on·cnēowon / and martira || mæġen unlȳtel, /
A.2.1 896 miċeles || ofer menn ealle, / and þæt word ġe·cwæþ || wī
A.2.1 934 || ānra ġe·hwelcne / fremman and fyrðran || frēonda mīnra / o
A.2.1 939 || tō wīdan ealdre, / cræfte and meahte. || þū on þā ċeas
A.2.1 945 ·līesan || of lāðra hete, / and eall þæt manncynn || þe hi
A.2.1 948 æðe / weorðan on weorolde || and on wuldre lēan, / swā iċ him
A.2.1 964 || Wordum tierĝdon, / slōĝon and swungon, || synniġe ne mihto
A.2.1 1001 dhrīne% || hālġes gæstes, / and ðǣr in·ēode, || elnes ġe
A.2.1 1016 arme be·þeahte, / cyston hīe and clypton. || Crīste wǣron b
A.2.1 1018 e lēoht ymb·sċān / hāliġ and heofon-torht. || Hreðer inna
A.2.1 1030 arm-locan / his god grētte% || and him ġēoce bæd, / hǣlend hel
A.2.1 1033 e hǣðenra || hilde-þrymme, / and þā ġe·lǣdde || of liðu-
A.2.1 1035 enne || on friþ dryhtnes / tū and hundtēontiġ || ġe·teled r
A.2.1 1039 rĝ-locan || bennum fæstne), / and% ðǣr wīfa þā-ġīet, || w
A.2.1 1072 || hearm þrōwedon. / Wēndan and woldon || wiðer-hyċġende /
A.2.1 1122 orðre ġe·sōhton, / duĝuþe and ġuĝuþe, || dæl on·fēngo
A.2.1 1133 olde% sweordes eċġ, / sċearp and sċūr-heard, || of sċaðan
A.2.1 1139 Wæs sē lēod-hete / þrīst% and% þroht-heard. || Þrymman sċ
A.2.1 1169 || dēoful æt·īewde, / wann and wlitelēas, || hæfde wērġe
A.2.1 1172 an wer / wiðer·hyċġende || and þæt word ġe·cwæþ: / ‘H
A.2.1 1187 es cwealm, / hātne on helle || and þū here fȳsest, / fēðan t
A.2.1 1191 tĝa / hēanne ġe·hnǣġde || and on% heolstor be·sċēaf, / ð
A.2.1 1193 cyning || clamme be·leġde, / and þe siþþan ā || Satan% nem
A.2.1 1203 ild-frame || herġes bearhtme / and tō weall-ġeatum || wīġend
A.2.1 1205 / tō þām or-leġe, || ordum and bordum. / Þā worde cwæþ ||
A.2.1 1215 n on·cnāwan. / Ne maĝon hīe and ne mōton || ofer mīne ēst /
A.2.1 1222 -mōde; || bǣron ūt hræðe / and þām hālĝan ðǣr || handa
A.2.1 1224 pped wæs || æðelinga wynn, / and hīe andweardne || ēaĝum me
A.2.1 1257 el-sċūrum, || swelċe hrīm and forst, / hāre hild-stapan, ||
A.2.1 1264 | elnes ġe·myndiġ, / þrīst and þroht-heard || on þrēa-nī
A.2.1 1280 n, / wēoll waðuman strēam || and hē worde cwæþ: / ‘Ġe·seo
A.2.1 1282 da will-ġiefa. || þū wāst and canst / ānra ġe·hwelċes ||
A.2.1 1299 ful / ā·wierġed on wītum || and þæt word ġe·cwæþ: / ‘Sl
A.2.1 1307 bræġd || beorĝas stēape, / and sē hālĝa wæs || tō hofe
A.2.1 1308 æs || tō hofe lǣded, / dēor and dōm-ġeorn, || on þæt dimm
A.2.1 1321 e ānum || eall ġe·teohhad / l and and lēode, || swā dyde lār
A.2.1 1326 ūdēa, / rīċes be·rǣdde || and hine rōde be·fealh, / þæt h
A.2.1 1340 -fenge, / forhte, ā·fǣrde || and on flēam numen. / On·gann eft
A.2.1 1346 ndsware, / fāh fyrn-sċaða || and his fæder on·cwæþ: / ‘Ne
A.2.1 1361 stefne, / wītum be·wǣled || and þæt word ġe·cwæþ: / ‘Þ
A.2.1 1364 þū lēoda fela / for·leolce and for·lǣrdest. || Nū lenġ n
A.2.1 1395 a || nīþ on·hrēred, / heard and hete-grīm. || Wæs sē hāl
A.2.1 1400 efne / wēop wēriġ-ferhþ% || and þæt word ġe·cwæþ: / ‘N
A.2.1 1411 clipodest, / cyninga wuldor || and cwǣde þus: / 'Iċ þē, fæde
A.2.1 1414 æt for·lǣtest þū mē?’ / And iċ nū þrīe daĝas || þol
A.2.1 1438 s wlitie ġe·sċeaft, / heofon and eorðe, || hrēosaþ tō·gæ
A.2.1 1451 ndra hleo: / ‘Sīe þē þanc and lof, || þēoda wealdend, / tō
A.2.1 1464 n-reċed, || hæleþa wuldor, / and þā wine sīnne || wordum gr
A.2.1 1465 wine sīnne || wordum grētte / and frōfre ġe·cwæþ, || fæde
A.2.1 1477 ðelan meaht / lof lǣdende || and on his līċe trum. / Hwæt%, i
A.2.1 1496 ē wiþ ǣnne þāra, / mehtiġ and mōd-rōf%, || mæðel ġe·h
A.2.1 1501 e fæder ġe·sēoþ / heofonas and eorðan || herġa mǣste / on m
A.2.1 1511 cȳðde / recene ġe·rȳnu || and rihte ǣ / ġe·tācnode || on
A.2.1 1562 s sēo wyrd sċieðeþ, / heard and hete-grimm. || Þæt is hēr%
A.2.1 1566 mōde, || (ofost is sēlest), / and ūs þone hālĝan || helpe b
A.2.1 1567 ĝan || helpe biddan, / ġēoce and frōfre. || Ūs biþ ġearu s
A.2.1 1588 d, / eorþ-sċræf eġesliċ || and ðǣr inn for·lēt / flōd fæ
A.2.1 1597 āste. / Wēndon hīe wīfa% || and wera cwealmes, / þearlra ġe·
A.2.1 1628 wæs eall ġeador / leoðoliċ and gǣstliċ, || þēah hīe lun
A.2.1 1630 ton. / on·fengon fullwihte || and friðu-wǣre, / wuldres wedde |
A.2.1 1635 rās / þurh fæder fulwiht || and sē flōd on·sprang. / Þā ġ
A.2.1 1637 ġond þā wīn-burh || wīde and sīde, / eorlas ān-mōde || an
A.2.1 1638 nd sīde, / eorlas ān-mōde || and hira idesa mid, / cwǣdon holdl
A.2.1 1641 s bæþ / drihtne tō willan || and dēoful-ġield, / ealde eolh-st
A.2.1 1644 hæfen, / æðele mid eorlum || and ǣ godes / riht ā·rǣred, ||
A.2.1 1650 iġ || bisċop þām lēodum, / and ġe·hālĝode || fore þām
A.2.1 1652 emned, / þēodum on þearfe || and þrīste be·bēad / þæt hīe
A.2.1 1656 wolde, / seċġa sele-drēam || and sinċ-ġe·strēon, / beorht b
A.2.1 1657 strēon, / beorht bēah-salu || and him brim-þīsan / æt sǣs far
A.2.1 1663 -fæte || selfum æt·īewde, / and þæt word ġe·cwæþ, || we
A.2.1 11 an. || Crīstenra wēox / word and wīsdōm, || siþþan wuldres
A.2.1 17 heofona rīċes, / ðǣr fæder and sunu || and frōfre gǣst / on
A.2.1 17 es, / ðǣr fæder and sunu || and frōfre gǣst / on þrīnesse |
A.2.1 21 , / dēoful-ġild tō·drāf || and ġe·dwolan fielde. / Þæt wæ
A.2.1 31 / On·gann hine þā fȳsan || and tō flote ġierwan, / blissum h
A.2.1 37 lle ċeafl / sīþ ā·sette || and siþþan% nā, / fāh, frēonda
A.2.1 48 h-paðu || ġe·sēon mihton, / and þā weorðodon || wuldres ā
A.2.1 49 ĝend, / clipodon on corðre || and cwǣdon þus: / ‘Ān is ēċe
A.2.1 51 a ġe·sċeafta. / Is his meaht and his ǣht || ofer middan-ġear
A.2.1 52 ġeard / brēme ġe·bletsod || and his blǣd ofer eall / on heofon
A.2.2 4 gas || ellen cȳðdon, / torhte and tīr-ēadġe. || Twelfe wǣro
A.2.2 7 e. || Lof wīde sprang, / meaht and mǣrþu, || ofer middan-ġear
A.2.2 14 nes || nearwe% searwe, / Petrus and Paulus. || Is sē apostol-hā
A.2.2 46 Astrias || on Albano, / hǣðen and hyġe-blind, || heafde be·n
A.2.2 57 ē of dēaðe ā·rās, / ġung and gūþ-hwæt || and him wæs G
A.2.2 57 ās, / ġung and gūþ-hwæt || and him wæs Gad nama, / and þā
A.2.2 58 æt || and him wæs Gad nama, / and þā þǣm folce || feorh ġe
A.2.2 77 sōhton sīþ-frame, || Simon and Thaddeus%, / beornas beadu-rōf
A.2.2 81 wian, / siġe-lēan sēċan || and þone sōðan ġe·fēan, / dr
A.2.2 83 ed wearþ / līf wiþ līċe || and þās lǣnan ġe·strēon, / ī
A.2.2 91 hēap || helpe bidde, / friðes and fultumes. || Hū, iċ frēond
A.2.2 103 tō·glīdeþ. / Þonne% //C// and% //Y// || cræftes nēosaþ / ni
A.2.2 109 ng, || þæt hē ġēoce mē% / and% frōfre% fricle. || Iċ sċea
A.2.2 113 || Wiċ sindon uncūþ, / eard and ēðel, || swā biþ% ǣlcum
A.2.2 121 ā his lof standeþ, / miċel and mǣre || and his meaht seoma
A.2.2 121 standeþ, / miċel and mǣre || and his meaht seomaþ, / ēċe and
A.2.2 122 and his meaht seomaþ, / ēċe and ed-ġung, || ofer ealle ġe·
A.2.3 5 | þe ǣr samod wǣron, / līċ and sāwle. || Lang biþ siþþan
A.2.3 30 , || of his mæġen-þrymme, / and þē ġe·bōhte || blōde þ
A.2.3 31 hte || blōde þȳ hālĝan, / and þū mē mid þȳ heardan ||
A.2.3 32 heardan || hungre ġe·bunde / and ġe·hæftnodest || helle wī
A.2.3 34 cuman, / flǣsċe be·fangen || and mē firen-lustas / þīne ġe·
A.2.3 39 Wǣre þū þe wiste wlanc || and wīnes sǣd, / þrymfull þunod
A.2.3 40 sǣd, / þrymfull þunodest || and iċ% of·þyrsted wæs / Godes
A.2.3 44 t þū wǣre þurh flǣsċ || and þurh firen-lustas / strange ġ
A.2.3 45 tas / strange ġe·strīened || and ġe·staðolod þurh mē, / and
A.2.3 46 and ġe·staðolod þurh mē, / and iċ wæs gāst on þē || fra
A.2.3 62 rēafod, / be·sliten sīnum || and þē þīn sāwol sċeall% / m
A.2.3 65 t tō mē. / Eart þū nū dumb and dēaf, || ne sint þīne drē
A.2.3 67 ċan, / synnum ġe·sārĝod || and eft sōna fram þē / hweorfan
A.2.3 71 | þe þū mē hēr sċrīfe, / and þā ār-lēasan || eardung-s
A.2.3 72 r-lēasan || eardung-stōwe, / and þē sċulon hēr mold-wyrmas
A.2.3 74 ċe || swearte wihta, / ġīfre and grǣdġe. || Ne sint þīne
A.2.3 119 ē þā tungan tō·tiehþ || and þā tēþ þurh·smiehþ / and
A.2.3 120 and þā tēþ þurh·smiehþ / and þā ēaĝan þurh·eteþ ||
A.2.3 121 teþ || ufan on þæt hēafod / and tō ǣt-welan || ōðrum ġe
A.2.3 133 aþ%, / snotere, siġefæste || and þus sōðlīċe / þone līċ-
A.2.3 142 e. / Fæstest þū on foldan || and ġe·fyldest mē / Godes līċ-
A.2.3 146 dene bēoþ / þā synfullan || and þā sōþfæstan / on þǣm m
A.2.3 150 t / on ġe·mōt-stede || manna and engla. / Bīeġdest þū þē f
A.2.3 151 st þū þē for hæleþum || and ā·hōfe% mē on ēċne drē
A.2.3 159 t·samne || siþþan brūcan / and unc on heofonum || hēah-þun
A.2.4 2 ragment I / / sorh cymeþ / maniġ and misliċ || on manna drēam. / E
A.2.4 4 l ōðerne || mid æf-þancum / and mid tēon-wordum || tǣleþ b
A.2.4 5 priceþ fæġere be·foran || and þæt fācen swā% þēah / haf
A.2.4 13 smēðe || sprǣċe habbaþ, / and on gāst-cofan || grymme ġe
A.2.4 20 t·samne / ārlicne an-lifan || and ǣttrenne tæġel / hafaþ on h
A.2.4 29 ccas, / smēðne sibb-cwide || and on sefan innan / þurh dēofles
A.2.4 32 || māne ġe·blanden, / wanaþ and weaxeþ. || Wācaþ sē ealda
A.2.4 33 || Wācaþ sē ealda, / dweleþ and drēfeþ || dæġes and nihte
A.2.4 33 eleþ and drēfeþ || dæġes and nihtes / miltse mid māne, || m
A.2.4 44 nū we bōt% cunnon, / hyċġan and hyhtan, || þæt we heofones
A.2.5 12 gāstas, / menn ofer moldan, || and eall þēos mǣre ġe·sċeaf
A.2.5 13 līċ wæs sē siġebēam, || and iċ synnum fāh, / forwunded mi
A.2.5 22 t fūse bēacen / wendan wǣdum and blēom; || hwīlum hit wæs m
A.2.5 40 s god æl–mehtiġ), / strang and stiðmōd. || ġestāh hē on
A.2.5 64 e ðǣr heofones drihten, || and hē hine ðǣr hwīle ræste,
A.2.5 77 nas, / frēondas ġe·frugnon, / and ġieredon mē || golde and se
A.2.5 77 n, / and ġieredon mē || golde and seolfre. / nū þū meaht ġe·
A.2.5 81 þæt mē weorðiaþ || wīde and sīde / menn ofer moldan, || an
A.2.5 82 nd sīde / menn ofer moldan, || and eall þēos mǣre ġe·sċeaf
A.2.5 85 ū / hlīfie under heofonum, || and iċ hǣlan mæġ / ǣg·hwelcne
A.2.5 100 manncynnes || maniĝum synnum / and ādames || eald–ġe·wyrhtu
A.2.5 106 ten selfa, / ælmihtiġ god, || and his englas mid, / þæt hē þo
A.2.5 115 / ac hīe þonne forhtiaþ, || and fēa þenċaþ / hwæt hīe tō
A.2.5 130 tō þām / miċel on mōde, || and min mundbyrd is / ġeriht tō
A.2.5 135 ædere, / wuniaþ on wuldre, || and iċ wene mē / daĝa ġe·hwel
A.2.5 139 lǣnan || līfe ġe·feċċe / and mē þonne ġe·brinġe || ð
A.2.5 142 le, || ðǣr is singal bliss, / and mē þonne ā·sette || ðǣr
A.2.5 147 synnum. / hē ūs onlīesde || and ūs līf forġeaf, / heofon·l
A.2.5 149 wæs ġe·nīewod / mid blǣdum and mid blisse || þām þe ðǣr
A.2.5 151 on þām sīþfæte, / mehtiġ and spēdiġ, || þā hē mid men
A.2.5 154 mehtiġ, || englum tō blisse / and eallum þām hālgum || þām
A.2.6 2 || ġēara hwyrftum / tū-hund and þrīe || ġe·teled rīmes, /
A.2.6 15 || Hine God trymede / mǣrþum and meahtum, || þæt hē maniĝu
A.2.6 20 orod samnodon / Hūna lēode || and Hrēð-Gotan, / fōron% fyrd-hw
A.2.6 21 fōron% fyrd-hwate || Francan and Hūĝas%. / Wǣron hwate weras,
A.2.6 24 ðene wæl-hlencan. || Wordum and bordum / hōfon here-cumbol. ||
A.2.6 26 ingas / sweotole ġe·samnod || and% eall sibb% ġeador. / For folca
A.2.6 53 e. || Hræfen uppe gōl, / wann and wæl-fell. || Weorod wæs on
A.2.6 58 siþþan ell-þēodġe, / Hūna and Hrēða || here sċēawode%, /
A.2.6 73 īene || on weres hāde / hwīt and hīew-beorht || hæleþa nāt
A.2.6 78 uldres boda, || wiþ þingode / and be naman nemde, || (niht-helm
A.2.6 92 c-stafum ā·writen%, / beorhte and lēohte: || ‘Mid þȳs bēa
A.2.6 95 oht ġe·wāt, / up sīðode || and sē ār samod, / on clǣnra ġe
A.2.6 97 || Cyning wæs þȳ blīðra / and þe sorĝ-lēasra, || seċġa
A.2.6 106 -dæġe / wīġend wreċċan || and wǣpen-þræce / hebban heoru-c
A.2.6 107 ræce / hebban heoru-cumbol || and þæt hālġe trēo / him be·f
A.2.6 114 ǣr wæs borda ġe·bræc || and beorna ġe·þræc, / heard han
A.2.6 115 nd beorna ġe·þræc, / heard h and -ġe·swing || and herġa crin
A.2.6 134 f-cwice / fluĝon on fæsten || and fēore burgon / aefter stān-cl
A.2.6 163 ē swā lēoht oþ·īewde || and mīne lēode ġe·nerede, / tā
A.2.6 164 e·nerede, / tācna torhtost || and mē tīr for·ġeaf, / wīġ-sp
A.2.6 171 ofon-cininges / tācen wǣre || and þæs twēo nǣre. / Þā þæt
A.2.6 179 ed wearþ, || cyninga wuldor, / and hū on ġalĝan wearþ || god
A.2.6 182 n dēofla, / ġōmre gāstas || and him ġiefe sealde / þurh þā
A.2.6 185 en%, / wiþ þēoda þræce. || And hū þȳ þriddan dæġe / of b
A.2.6 188 hten ealra / hæleþa cynnes || and tō heofonum ā·stāh. / Þus
A.2.6 192 d-fruma / fulwihte on·fēng || and þæt forþ ġe·hēold / on hi
A.2.6 197 e, || wæs him frōfra mǣst / and hyhta% nīehst || heofon-rī
A.2.6 198 n þā dryhtnes ǣ || dæġes and nihtes / þurh gāstes ġiefe |
A.2.6 200 es ġiefe || ġeorne cȳðan, / and hine sōðlīċe || selfne ġ
A.2.6 214 diġ / ymb þæt mǣre trēo || and þā his mōdor hēt / fēran f
A.2.6 234 u, || mæġen aefter ōðrum, / and þā ġe·hlōdon || hilde-si
A.2.6 235 don || hilde-sierċum, / bordum and ordum, || byrn-wīġendum, / we
A.2.6 236 um, || byrn-wīġendum, / werum and wīfum, || wǣġ-henġestas. /
A.2.6 257 ġe·sīene / broĝden byrne || and bill ġe·cost, / ġeatoliċ g
A.2.6 277 um / þām snotorestum || sīde and wīde / ġond Iūdēas, || gume
A.2.6 292 or-cyninge, / drihtne dīere || and dǣd-hwate. / Hwæt, ġē ealle
A.2.6 301 | þurh þæt æðele spāld, / and fram unclǣnum || oft ġe·ne
A.2.6 311 an% meht / dēman on·gunnon || and ġe·dwolan lifdon, / þīestru
A.2.6 332 ·hyrsted. / Elene maðelode || and for eorlum spræc: / ‘Ġe·h
A.2.6 334 ēawe, || hālġe rūne, / word and wīsdōm. || Hwæt, ġē wīt
A.2.6 338 end. || Be þām Moyses sang, / and þæt word% ġe·cwæþ || we
A.2.6 344 rn-wita, || fæder Salomones, / and þæt word ġe·cwæþ || wi
A.2.6 354 p ā·hōf || eaforan ġungne / and bearn cēnde, || þām iċ bl
A.2.6 357 ces, / wīsdōmes ġe·witt. || and þā werĝan nēat, / þe man d
A.2.6 358 daĝa ġe·hwǣm || drīfeþ and þirsċeþ, / on·ġietaþ hira
A.2.6 361 || þe him fōdor ġiefaþ%, / and mē Israhela || ǣfre ne wold
A.2.6 369 ow þæs lungre ā·þrēat, / and ġē þām rihte || wiþ·rot
A.2.6 371 nd ealra, / dryhtna% drihten || and ġe·dwolan fylgdon / ofer riht
A.2.6 373 . || Nū ġē hræðe gangaþ / and findaþ ġīen || þā þe fy
A.2.6 387 on, / werġe wræc-mæċġas || and ġe·writu hieredon, / fædera
A.2.6 390 ndnesse || bōte for·sāwon, / and ġē wiþ·sōcon || sōðe a
A.2.6 390 d ġē wiþ·sōcon || sōðe and rihte, / þæt on Bethleme || b
A.2.6 404 ǣfre.’ / Elene maðelode || and for eorlum spræc, / undearnung
A.2.6 408 þe snytru mid ēow, / mæġen and mōd-cræft, || mǣste hæbbe
A.2.6 431 īen / frōd fyrn-ġe·writu || and þā fæderlican / lāre for·l
A.2.6 2 || / wende hine of weorolde || and þæt word ġe·cwæþ: / 'Ġif
A.2.6 5 lġe trēo / frōde friġnan || and ġe·flitu rǣran / be þām si
A.2.6 13 an, || ac þāra dōm leofaþ / and hira dryhtsċipe, || / on weor
A.2.6 15 ·hangnan cyning || herġaþ and lofiaþ.’ / þā iċ framlī
A.2.6 38 wera, || hālford ealra / engla and ielda, || æðelost bearna. / N
A.2.6 47 wæs / under þeostor-locan || and þā þȳ þriddan dæġ / eall
A.2.6 49 e ā·rās, / þēoden engla || and his þeġnum hine%, / sōþ si
A.2.6 66 rġend, || naman on·ċierde, / and hē siþþan wæs || sanctus
A.2.6 67 tus Paulus / be naman hāten || and him nǣniġ wæs / ǣ-lǣrendra
A.2.6 78 -dǣda || bōte ġe·fremmaþ / and þæs unryhtes || eft ġe·sw
A.2.6 79 / For·þon iċ sōðlīċe || and min swǣs fæder / siþþan ġe
A.2.6 97 ēo, || nū ġē ferhþ-sefan / and mōd-ġe·þanc || mīnne cun
A.2.6 106 e·ðearf, / worda wǣrlicra || and witan snytru, / sē ðǣre æð
A.2.6 111 hider, sume þider, / þridodon and þōhton. || Þā cōm þeġn
A.2.6 135 hīerdon. / Elene maðelode || and him ierre on·cwæþ: / ‘Iċ
A.2.6 137 tō sōðe || seċġan wille, / and þæs on līfe || lyġe ne wi
A.2.6 141 eþ, / hātost heaðu-wielma || and ēower hrǣw bryttaþ, / lācen
A.2.6 147 īe dēaðes on wēnan, / ādes and ende-līfes || and ðǣr þā
A.2.6 147 nan, / ādes and ende-līfes || and ðǣr þā ǣnne be·tǣhton /
A.2.6 154 cynnes, / word-cræftes wīs || and wītĝan sunu, / beald on mæð
A.2.6 161 ġe·hwelcne / āgenne eard || and þone ǣnne ġe·nam, / Iudas t
A.2.6 162 e·nam, / Iudas tō ġīsle || and þā ġeorne bæd / þæt hē b
A.2.6 165 wæs || lange || be·dierned, / and hine selfne || sundor ā·ċ
A.2.6 174 an || þe on wēstenne / mēðe and metelēas || mōrland trideþ
A.2.6 175 ġe·hæfted || and him hlāf and stān / on ġe·sihþe bū || s
A.2.6 177 amod% ġe·weorðaþ, / strēac and hnesċe, || þæt hē þone s
A.2.6 179 eme, / ġe·wende tō wǣdle || and þā wiste wiþ·sæce, / beter
A.2.6 184 bban wille / eard mid englum || and on eorðan līf, / siĝor-lēan
A.2.6 190 mor sefa, / hāt æt heortan || and ġe·hwæðres wā, / ġe hē h
A.2.6 192 n-rīċes || hiht% swā mōde / and þis andwearde || ān-for·l
A.2.6 199 | forþ-ġe·wītenra / frōdra and gōdra || þe ūs% fore wǣro
A.2.6 215 ġenna / under stān-hliðum || and þā stōwe swā same, / and þ
A.2.6 216 || and þā stōwe swā same, / and þā winter-ġe·rīm || on
A.2.6 220 ed-þearfe || nēan myniaþ, / and þā wīġ-þræce || on ġe
A.2.6 221 setton, / þēoda ġe·bǣru || and þis nǣfre / þurh ǣnġes man
A.2.6 225 st þū tō swīðe || sōðe and rihte / ymb þæt līfes trēo
A.2.6 226 hte / ymb þæt līfes trēo || and nū lȳtle ǣr / sæġdest sō
A.2.6 228 ġe-bēame / lēodum þīnum || and nū on lyġe ċierrest.’ / Iu
A.2.6 230 æt on ġiehþu ġe·sprǣċe / and on% twēon swīðost, || wēn
A.2.6 252 for·lǣte || þā lēasunga / and mē sweotollīċe || sōþ ġ
A.2.6 258 atod, / clammum be·clungen || and þā clipian on·gann / sārum
A.2.6 260 þone seofoþan dæġ, / mēðe and metelēas, || (mæġen wæs
A.2.6 266 / þrēa-nīed þæs þearl || and þēs þroht tō þæs heard /
A.2.6 270 dysġe || þurh·drifen wǣre / and þæt sōþ tō læte || self
A.2.6 273 e / þæt hine man of nearwe || and of nīed-clifan, / fram þām e
A.2.6 276 ofostlīċe || efnedon sōna, / and hine mid ārum || up ġe·lǣ
A.2.6 281 ard, / god-bearn on ġalĝan || and hwæðere ġeare niste, / hungr
A.2.6 286 ā·hōf / elnes an-cȳðiġ || and on Ebrisċ spræc: / ‘Dryhten
A.2.6 288 þe āhst dōma ġe·weald, / and þū ġe·worhtest || þurh
A.2.6 289 þīnes wuldres meaht / heofon and eorðan || and holm-þræce, /
A.2.6 289 s meaht / heofon and eorðan || and holm-þræce, / sǣs sīdne fæ
A.2.6 291 || samod ealle ġe·sċeaft, / and þū ā·mǣte || mundum þī
A.2.6 292 m þīnum / ealne ymb-hwyrft || and up-rodor, / and þū self sites
A.2.6 293 e ymb-hwyrft || and up-rodor, / and þū self sitest, || siĝora%
A.2.6 300 s. || Þū ġe·worhtest þā / and tō þeġnunge || þīnre ġe
A.2.6 301 þīnre ġe·settest, / hāliġ and heofonliċ. || Þāra on hād
A.2.6 310 s lof, / wōða wlite-gāste || and þās word cweðaþ / clǣnum s
A.2.6 314 Is þæs wuldres full / heofon and eorðe || and eall hēah-mæ
A.2.6 314 res full / heofon and eorðe || and eall hēah-mæġen, / tīre ġe
A.2.6 318 . || Hē sċeall neorxna-wang / and līfes trēo || līeġene swu
A.2.6 320 caþ, / bifaþ broĝden-mǣl || and blēom wrixleþ / grāpum gryre
A.2.6 322 en, / wealdest wīdan ferhþ || and þū wamfulle / sċield-wyrċen
A.2.6 336 sie || sē þe on rōde wæs, / and þurh Marian || on middan-ġe
A.2.6 358 || Iċ ġe·līefe þȳ sēl / and þȳ fæstlīcor || ferhþ st
A.2.6 367 Hē mid bǣm heandum, / ēadiġ and ǣ-glēaw, || uppweard pleĝo
A.2.6 373 æs þū mē swā mēðum || and swā mān-weorcum / þurh þīn
A.2.6 377 þæt þū eart / ġe·cȳðed and ā·cenned || ealra cyninga
A.2.6 405 ·fēng / wuldres wynn-bēam || and mid weorode ā·hōf / of fold-
A.2.6 411 ġe·feah / on ferhþ-sefan || and þā friġnan on·gann / on hwe
A.2.6 416 n mid him / ġe·þrōwodon, || and hē wæs þridda self / on rōd
A.2.6 426 yriġ / bēamas mid breahtme || and ġe·bīdan ðǣr / oþ·þæt
A.2.6 433 eniġu cōm, / folc unlȳtel || and ġe·farenne man / brōhton on
A.2.6 440 ċ on eorðan, / unlibbendes || and up ā·hōf / rihtes wēmend ||
A.2.6 451 d, || ġeador bū samod / līċ and sāwl. || Þǣr wæs lof hafe
A.2.6 453 folce. || Fæder weorðodon, / and þone sōðan || sunu wealden
A.2.6 454 m heredon. || Sīe him wuldor and þanc / ā būtan ende || ealra
A.2.6 484 s ǣr / hyhtfull ġe·wearþ || and nū ġe·hīened eom, / gōda g
A.2.6 486 sne, || þurh Iudas eft, / fāh and frēondlēas. || Ġīen iċ f
A.2.6 490 cyning, || sē ēhteþ þīn, / and hē for·lǣteþ || lāre þ
A.2.6 491 for·lǣteþ || lāre þīne / and mān-þēawum || mīnum folĝ
A.2.6 492 -þēawum || mīnum folĝaþ, / and þeċ þonne sendeþ || on þ
A.2.6 493 endeþ || on þā sweartestan / and þā wierrestan || wīte-brō
A.2.6 500 t || þurh wītĝan% snytru), / and þæt word ġe·cwæþ, || w
A.2.6 502 e·myndiġ, / sār nīewian || and sæce rǣran, / morðres mān-f
A.2.6 509 r·lēte / lēohta beorhtost || and lufan dryhtnes, / þone fæġra
A.2.6 510 / þone fæġran ġe·fēan || and on fȳr-bæðe / sūslum be·þ
A.2.6 512 n wunodest, / āde on·ǣled || and ðǣr āwa sċealt, / wiðer-hy
A.2.6 515 e ġe·hīerde / hū sē fēond and sē frēond || ġe·flitu rǣ
A.2.6 516 ·flitu rǣrdon, / tīr-ēadiġ and trāh, || on twā healfa%, / sy
A.2.6 517 , || on twā healfa%, / synniġ and ġe·sǣliġ. || Sefa wæs þ
A.2.6 520 wīðedne%, || synna bryttan, / and þā wundrode || ymb% þæs w
A.2.6 522 fful || on swā lȳtlum fæce / and swā uncȳðiġ || ǣfre wurd
A.2.6 538 heofonum || ā·hafen wurde, / and wæs Iūdēum || gnorn-sorĝa
A.2.6 545 anne holm || hālford sēċan / and þām wīġende || will-spell
A.2.6 566 fre, || ġif hīe brim nesen / and ġe·sundne sīþ || settan m
A.2.6 585 de hēt / golde be·wyrċan || and ġimm-cynnum, / mid þām æðe
A.2.6 587 be·settan% searu-cræftum || and þā on sielfren fæt / locum b
A.2.6 592 || wīta ġe·hwelċes, / sæce and sorĝe. || Hīe sōna ðǣr /
A.2.6 596 st-mearce || fulwihtes bæþ, / and ġe·clǣnsod wearþ || Crīs
A.2.6 601 ġe·ċēas, / wuldres wynne || and þām wiersan wiþ·sōc, / dē
A.2.6 602 þ·sōc, / dēoful-ġieldum || and ġe·dwolan fielde, / unrihte
A.2.6 609 t hē swā ġe·lēaffull || and swā lēof gode / on weorold-r
A.2.6 620 emple / cræftum ġe·corene || and hine Cyriacus / þurh snytru ġ
A.2.6 627 ġendes / fēt þurh·wōdon || and his folme swā same, / mid þā
A.2.6 633 / on·wriġe wuldor-ġiefum || and þæt word ā·cwæþ / tō þ
A.2.6 644 orĝaþ, / rēoniġ rēoteþ || and ġe·resteþ nā / ǣr·þon m
A.2.6 658 na þrēate / god herġendra || and þā ġeornlīċe / Cyriacus ||
A.2.6 690 fēng, / eġesan ġe·āclod || and ðǣre ār·wierðan / cwēne b
A.2.6 705 led wæs / wīsdōmes ġiefe || and þā wīċ be·hēold / hāliġ
A.2.6 720 on hēo þā næġlas sēlest / and dēorlicost || ġe·dōn meah
A.2.6 725 cūðe, / frōdne on ferhþe || and hine friġnan on·gann / hwæt
A.2.6 727 þūhte / tō ġe·lǣstenne || and his lāre ġe·ċēas / þurh
A.2.6 731 ġe rūne, / cwēn sēleste% || and þæs cininges be·bod / ġeorn
A.2.6 733 sealde / sāwle siġe-spēd || and snytru cræft, / nerġend fīra
A.2.6 744 spēd, / siĝor æt sæċċe || and sibbe ġe·hwǣr, / æt ġe·fe
A.2.6 748 guman ġe·coste, / beraþ bord and ord. || Þis biþ beorna ġe
A.2.6 756 ēacen gode / hāliġ nemned || and sē hwæt-ēadiġ, / wīġe weo
A.2.6 768 || þæt hīe lufan dryhtnes, / and sibbe swā same || selfra be
A.2.6 771 ēase || on hira līfes tīd, / and þæs lāttēowes || lārum h
A.2.6 776 , heoru-drēorġe, || hrēofe and blinde, / hēane, hyġe-ġōmre
A.2.6 781 īðes fūs / eft tō ēðle || and þā eallum be·bēad / on þā
A.2.6 783 ċe || god herġendum, / werum and wīfum, || þæt hīe weorðo
A.2.6 784 | þæt hīe weorðoden / mōde and mæġene || þone mǣran dæ
A.2.6 793 a rīċe, / drēam unhwīlen || and hira dæl sċīred / mid Marian
A.2.6 798 hte. || Finit. / Þus iċ frōd and fūs || þurh þæt fǣcne h
A.2.6 799 e hūs / word-cræftum% wæf || and wundrum læs, / þrāĝum þrid
A.2.6 800 m læs, / þrāĝum þridode || and ġe·þanc reodode / nihtes nea
A.2.6 809 de / mæġen-cyning ā·mæt || and on ġe·mynd be·ġeat, / torht
A.2.6 836 wolcnum, || wēdende færeþ / and eft samnunga || swīġe ġe·
A.2.6 840 weorlod || eall ġe·wīteþ, / and ēac swā same || þe hire in
A.2.6 846 || þurh þæs dēman mūþ, / and worda swā same || wedd ġe·
A.2.6 854 wā hīe ā·drēoĝan maĝon / and būtan earfeþum || ēaðe ġ
A.2.6 874 eall ġe·clǣnsod, / ā·mered and ġe·melted || Swā biþ þā
A.2.6 875 āra manna ǣlċ / ā·sċiered and ā·sċēaden || sċielda ġe
A.2.6 879 || Him biþ engla weard / milde and blīðe, || þæs þe hīe m
A.2.6 880 / for·sāwon, synna weorc || and tō suna metodes / wordum clipo
Christ A 5 afod% sīe || healle mǣrre, / and ġe·samnie || sīde weallas /
Christ A 10 / sōþfæst, siĝor-beorht || and sōna for·lǣt% / weall wiþ w
Christ A 12 / þæt sē cræftĝa% cume || and sē cyning selfa, / and þonne
Christ A 13 cume || and sē cyning selfa, / and þonne ġe·bēte, || nū ġe
Christ A 18 de. / Ēalā þū% reċċend || and þū riht cyning, / sē þe loc
Christ A 23 earfe || þās word sprecaþ, / and m[…]giaþ || þone þe mann
Christ A 29 ssum mōde || tō mund-boran, / and þæt tīedre ġe·witt || t
Christ A 52 -land, / engla ēðel-stōl || and þā āne on þē / sāwle sō
Christ A 57 feorr ā·būĝeþ, / wǣrhþo and ġe·winnes. || Bist tō wuld
Christ A 62 yning / sīðe ġe·sēċeþ || and self cymeþ, / nimeþ eard on
Christ A 76 e / bearnes þurh ġe·byrde || and þone ġe·bedsċipe / aefter m
Christ A 84 s þrymm / bōsme ġe·bǣre || and nā ġe·brosnod wearþ / mæġ
Christ A 90 undrung || þe ġē wāfiaþ, / and ġōmrende || ġīehþum mǣn
Christ A 93 d, / mund mīnne ġe·hēold || and ēac mōdor ġe·wearþ / mǣre
Christ A 98 nded, / wierhþa% ā·worpen || and ġe·wuldrod is / sē hēanra h
Christ A 101 ōt || bǣm ġe·mǣne, / werum and wīfum, || ā tō weorolde fo
Christ A 106 ddan-ġeard || mannum sended, / and sōþfæsta || sunnan lēoma,
Christ A 114 rhtan ūs / sunnan on·sende || and þē self cyme / þæt þū on
Christ A 116 e ǣr, / þrosme be·þeahte || and on þīestrum hēr, / sǣton s
Christ A 122 mihtĝum / efen-eċe mid god || and nū eft ġe·wearþ / flǣsċ f
Christ A 126 odon / mehtiġ metodes bearn || and sē mannes sunu / ġe·þwǣre
Christ A 136 fyrn / ealra cyninga cyning || and þone clǣnan ēac / sācerd s
Christ A 170 worde hæbbe / sīdra sorĝa || and sār-cwida, / hearmes ġe·hīe
Christ A 171 wida, / hearmes ġe·hīered || and mē hosp sprecaþ, / torn-worda
Christ A 179 funde, / wamma ġe·worhtra || and þū þā word spricest / swā
Christ A 188 mnan clǣne, / wamma lēase || and nū ġe·hwierfed is / þurh n
Christ A 196 on·wrāh / riht-ġe·rȳno || and þus reordade: / ‘Sōþ iċ s
Christ A 211 rþ, / fǣmne forþ seþēah || and þū fæder cweden / weoroldcun
Christ A 214 led.’ / Ēalā þū sōða || and þū sibsuma / ealra cyninga cy
Christ A 218 ·cenned || þurh his cræft and meaht. / Nis ǣniġ nū || eorl
Christ A 227 , / līfes ord-fruma, || lēoht and þīestru / ġe·dǣlde dryhtl
Christ A 228 ru / ġe·dǣlde dryhtlīċe || and him wæs dōmes ġe·weald, / a
Christ A 229 d him wæs dōmes ġe·weald, / and þā wīsan ā·bēad || weor
Christ A 233 -rissum || cende weorðen.’ / And þā sōna ġe·lamp, || þā
Christ A 244 s weard, / metod mann-cynnes || and þīne miltse% hēr / ārfæst
Christ A 251 ēr-cyme, || hǣlende Crīst, / and þā gyldnan ġeatu, || þe o
Christ A 254 ah-frēa, || hāt on·tȳnan, / and ūsiċ þonne ġe·sēċe ||
Christ A 260 fulla / hīeneþ heardlīċe || and him on hæft nimeþ / ofer ūss
Christ A 266 grund || hēan ġe·drēose, / and þīn hand-ġe·weorc, || hæ
Christ A 267 ieppend, / mōte ā·rīsan || and on riht cuman / tō þām up-cu
Christ A 270 sē swearta gǣst / for·tēah and for·tylde, || þæt we, tīr
Christ A 279 || ealle reord-berend / hātaþ and seċġaþ, || hæleþ ġond f
Christ A 283 rīstes þeġnas, || cweðaþ and singaþ / þæt þū sīe hlæf
Christ A 285 um meahtum / wuldor-weorodes || and weoroldcundra% / hāda under he
Christ A 286 ndra% / hāda under heofonum || and hell-wara. / For·þon þū þ
Christ A 296 an / of his mæġen-þrymme || and þē meahta spēd / snūde cȳ
Christ A 299 sċolde / mannum tō miltse || and þē, Maria, forþ / efne unwem
Christ A 316 þanc / þā wīsan on·wrah || and þæt word ā·cwæþ: / ‘Iċ
Christ A 321 lsian, || fæder æl-mehtiġ, / and þurh þā fæstan locu || fo
Christ A 322 stan locu || foldan nēosan, / and hēo þonne aefter him || ē
Christ A 330 ās eorðan || ūt sīðode, / and efene swā þeċ ġe·mette,
Christ A 331 meahtum ġe·hrodene, / clǣne and ġe·corene, || Crīst æl-me
Christ A 354 odnes þrȳð-ġe·steald || and his þeġnunga, / þā þū ǣr
Christ A 370 hæbben. / Āra nū ambihtum || and ūsse iermþa ġe·þenċ, / h
Christ A 374 / þæt þū ūs ā·hredde || and ūs hǣlu-ġiefe / sōþfæst s
Christ A 379 e, || weorðmynda full, / hēah and hāliġ, || heofoncund þrīn
Christ A 390 lūdan stefne, / fæġere feorr and nēah. || Habbaþ folĝoþa / c
Christ A 394 , / weorðian wealdend || wīde and sīde, / and mid hira fiðerum
Christ A 395 wealdend || wīde and sīde, / and mid hira fiðerum || frēan
Christ A 397 ardiaþ%, || ēċan dryhtnes, / and ymb þēoden-stōl || þringa
Christ A 400 inn. / Lofiaþ lēoflīċne || and on lēohte him / þā word cwe
Christ A 401 hte him / þā word cweðaþ || and wuldriaþ / æðelne ordfruman
Christ A 408 n þū ġe·fyldest || foldan and rodoras, / wīġendra hleo, ||
Christ A 411 on hēannessum / ēċe hǣlu || and on eorðan lof, / beorht mid be
Christ A 419 t fǣmnan || flǣsċ unwemme, / and sēo weres frīĝa || wiht% n
Christ A 426 nne || þurh his mōdor hrif. / And swā forþ-gangende || folca
Christ A 429 we hine dōm-hwate || dǣdum and wordum / herġen holdlīċe. ||
Christ A 432 þ, / þæt hē simle oftost || and inlocast / and ġeornlicost ||
Christ A 433 simle oftost || and inlocast / and ġeornlicost || god weorðie.
Christ B 474 īðum || lēan aefter ġeaf, / and þæt word ā·cwæþ || weal
Christ B 478 simle || lǣste wiþ ēowiċ, / and ēow meaht ġiefe || and mid
Christ B 478 iċ, / and ēow meaht ġiefe || and mid wunie, / āwa tō ealdre, |
Christ B 483 || weorodum cȳðaþ, / bodiaþ and brēmaþ || beorhtne ġe·lē
Christ B 484 aþ || beorhtne ġe·lēafan, / and fulwiaþ || folc under rodoru
Christ B 486 | herġas brēotaþ, / fiellaþ and fēoĝaþ, || fēondsċipe dw
Christ B 489 id wunie, / forþ on frōfre || and ēow friðe healde / strengþu
Christ B 521 iġe-bearna || þæt sēleste / and æðeleste, || þe ġe· hēr
Christ B 522 || þe ġe· hēr on stariaþ / and on frōfre ġe·sēoþ || fr
Christ B 525 ġe·sēċan || sīde herġe, / and þonne ġe·dēman || dǣda
Christ B 557 s wealdend / middan-ġeardes || and mæġen-þrymmes. / ‘Hafaþ n
Christ B 561 ealh. / Nū sind for·cumene || and on cwic-sūsle / ġe·hīende a
Christ B 562 d on cwic-sūsle / ġe·hīende and ġe·hæfte, || on helle grun
Christ B 582 ibb sċeall ġe·mǣne / englum and ieldum || ā forþ heonan / wes
Christ B 584 . || Wǣr is æt·samne / godes and manna, || gǣst-hāliġ trēo
Christ B 585 trēow, / lufu, līfes hiht || and ealles lēohtes ġe·fēa.’
Christ B 588 eft for·ġeaf, / ġe·frēode and ġe·friðode || folc under w
Christ B 597 fremmanne, || þenden flǣsċ and gǣst / wuniaþ on weorolde. ||
Christ B 602 a ġe·hwelcre / þe ūs sīþ and ǣr || simle ġe·fremede / þu
Christ B 604 ȳnu. / Hē ūs ǣt ġiefeþ || and ǣhta spēd, / welan ofer wīd-
Christ B 605 pēd, / welan ofer wīd-land || and weder līðe / under sweġeles
Christ B 606 nder sweġeles hleo. || Sunne and mōna, / æðelost tungla || ea
Christ B 609 m on eorðan. / Drēoseþ dēaw and reġn, || duĝuþe weċċaþ /
Christ B 612 ealles sċulon / seċġan þanc and lof || þēodne ūssum, / and h
Christ B 613 c and lof || þēodne ūssum, / and hūru ðǣre hǣlu || þe hē
Christ B 616 stiġe || þe we ǣr druĝon, / and ġe·þingode || þēod-būen
Christ B 622 bban, / wunian on ġe·winne || and wræce drēoĝan, / fēondum t
Christ B 624 rōðor || fūs-leoþ gālan, / and tō ðǣre īlcan sċealt ||
Christ B 628 þā hē lēomum on·fēng || and līċ-haman, / mannes maĝu-tū
Christ B 635 helm wera, || hǣlend lofode, / and mid sibb-lufan || sunu wealde
Christ B 636 aldendes / frēo-naman cende || and hine fuĝol nemde, / þone Iūd
Christ B 640 || fēondum on eorðan / dierne and dēaĝol, || þām þe deorc
Christ B 653 elan || meahta spēde, / hēah and hāliġ, || ofer heofona þry
Christ B 656 īġes || and·sæc fremedon, / and þæt ne ġe·lyfdon, || þæ
Christ B 660 ·sċōp, / godes gǣst-sunu || and ūs ġiefe sealde, / uppe mid e
Christ B 662 id englum || ēċe staðolas, / and ēac maniġfealde || mōdes s
Christ B 663 fealde || mōdes snytru / sēow and sette || ġond sefan manna. / S
Christ B 667 || Sē mæġ eall fela / singan and seċġan || þām biþ snytru
Christ B 690 eþ / ēċe tō ealdre || engla and manna; / swā hē his weorc weo
Christ B 694 ungol, || healīċe up, / sunne and mōna. || Hwæt sindon þā /
Christ B 697 sta || sunnan lēoma, / englum and eorð-warum || æðele sċīm
Christ B 700 urh ġe·samnunga || sōðes and rihtes / beorhte blīceþ. || S
Christ B 708 ac hīe godes tempel / brǣcon and bærndon, || blōd-ġēote wo
Christ B 709 lōd-ġēote worhton, / feodan% and fyldon. || Hwæðere forþ be
Christ B 714 num, / wealdend wer-þēoda || and þæt word ā·cwæþ: / ‘Cū
Christ B 717 ēapeþ hēa dūne, || hyllas and cnollas / be·wrīþ mid his wu
Christ B 721 ·stāh, / mæġeþ unmǣle || and ðǣr mennisċ hīew / on·fēn
Christ B 750 um weorcum, || ðǣr is hiht and bliss, / ġe·þungen þeġn-we
Christ B 757 tas, / synn-wunde for·sēon || and þæs sēlran% ġe·fēon. / Ha
Christ B 774 ilnian, / biddan bearn godes || and þone blīðan gǣst / þæt h
Christ B 777 līf for·ġeaf, / limu, līċ and gǣst. || Sīe% him lof simle
Christ B 790 ehþu. || Huru iċ wēne mē / and ēac on·drǣde || dōm þȳ%
Christ B 800 wāce hīerdon, / þendan //Y// and //N// || īeðast meahtan / fr
Christ B 825 || þonne eft cymeþ, / rēðe and riht-wīs. || Rodor biþ on·
Christ B 826 s. || Rodor biþ on·hrēred, / and þās miċelan ġe·metu || m
Christ B 860 ·lǣde, / godes gǣst-sunu% || and ūs ġiefe sealde / þæt we on
Christ C 877 | metode ġe·trīewe, / beorht and blīðe. || Him weorðeþ bl
Christ C 883 || Hlydaþ tō·samne, / trume and torhte, || wiþ tungla gang, /
Christ C 884 || wiþ tungla gang, / singaþ and swinsiaþ || sūðan and nor
Christ C 884 gaþ and swinsiaþ || sūðan and norðan, / ēastan and westan,
Christ C 885 sūðan and norðan, / ēastan and westan, || ofer ealle% ġe·s
Christ C 895 þ / unhǣlu ġe·lāc || engla and dēofla, / beorhtra and blācra
Christ C 896 | engla and dēofla, / beorhtra and blācra. || Weorðeþ bēga c
Christ C 897 Weorðeþ bēga cyme, / hwītra and sweartra, || swā him is hām
Christ C 898 eapen / unġelīċe, || englum% and dēoflum. / Þonne samnunga ||
Christ C 909 ġe·blēod wundrum, / ēadĝum and earmum || unġelīċe. / Hē bi
Christ C 912 e·fēan fǣġer, || frēond and lēof-tǣl, / lufsum and līðe
Christ C 913 rēond and lēof-tǣl, / lufsum and līðe || lēofum mannum / tō
Christ C 917 m þe him on mōde ǣr / wordum and weorcum || wēl ġe·cwēmdon
Christ C 918 biþ þām yflum || eġesliċ and grimmliċ / tō ġe·sēonne, |
Christ C 927 drum || maniĝum tō þinġe, / and him on healfa ġe·hwone% ||
Christ C 930 / Dyneþ dēop ġe·sċeaft || and fore drihtne færeþ / wielm-f
Christ C 933 , || heofonas berstaþ, / trume and torhte, || tungol of·hrēosa
Christ C 939 hte, || niðer ġe·hrēoseþ / and steorran swā some || streda
Christ C 949 ered || heofon-bīeman stefn, / and on seofon healfa || swōĝaþ
Christ C 951 || bearhtma mǣste, / weċċaþ and waniaþ || weorold mid storme
Christ C 954 æc, || hlūd, unmǣte, / swǣr and swīðliċ, || sweġ-dynna m
Christ C 967 / eorðan mid hire beorĝum || and up-heofon / torhtne mid his tun
Christ C 978 las. || Beorĝas ġe·meltaþ / and hēah-clifu, || þā% wiþ ho
Christ C 980 || foldan sċieldon%, / stīþ and stæðfæst, || staðolas wi
Christ C 982 ne wihta ġe·hwelċe, / dēora and fuĝola, || dēað-līeġ nim
Christ C 990 þenċan, / hū þæt ġe·stun and sē storm || and sēo strange
Christ C 990 t ġe·stun and sē storm || and sēo strange lyft / brecaþ br
Christ C 995 eġ || synne on for·dōnum, / and gold-frætwe || glēda for·s
Christ C 997 el-cyninga. / Þǣr biþ ċierm and cearu || and cwicra ġe·winn
Christ C 997 ǣr biþ ċierm and cearu || and cwicra ġe·winn, / ġe·hrēow
Christ C 998 cwicra ġe·winn, / ġe·hrēow and hlūd wōp || be heofon-wōma
Christ C 1004 || ġeorne ā·sēċeþ / innan and ūtan || eorðan sċēatas, / o
Christ C 1011 er weredum, || wealdende god, / and hine ymb·ūtan || æðel-du
Christ C 1018 sēo hālġe ġe·cynd, / hwīt and heofon-beorht, || hēaĝ-engl
Christ C 1031 rīsan, / lēoðum on·fōn || and līċ-haman, / ed-ġung wesan.
Christ C 1036 afaþ æt·gædere bū, / līċ and sāwle. || Sċeal on lēoht c
Christ C 1037 cuman / sīnra weorca wlite || and worda ġe·mynd / and heortan
Christ C 1038 wlite || and worda ġe·mynd / and heortan ġe·hyġd || fore he
Christ C 1039 ­Þonne biþ ġe·īeċed || and ġe·ed-nīewod / mann-cynn þu
Christ C 1052 ǣr earnode || ēċes līfes, / and eall andweard || þæt hīe
Christ C 1061 Þonne sēo bīeman stefen || and sē beorhta seġn, / and þæt
Christ C 1062 fen || and sē beorhta seġn, / and þæt hāte fȳr || and sēo
Christ C 1062 eġn, / and þæt hāte fȳr || and sēo hēa duĝuþ, / and sē en
Christ C 1063 ȳr || and sēo hēa duĝuþ, / and sē engla þrymm || and sē e
Christ C 1063 uþ, / and sē engla þrymm || and sē eġesan þrēa, / and sē h
Christ C 1064 mm || and sē eġesan þrēa, / and sē hearda dæġ || and sēo
Christ C 1064 rēa, / and sē hearda dæġ || and sēo hēa rōd, / riht ā·rǣr
Christ C 1070 ǣst || fore wealdende, / ēċe and ed-ġung, || andweard gæþ / n
Christ C 1071 ung, || andweard gæþ / nēode and nīede, || be naman ġe·hāt
Christ C 1077 bringaþ. || Biþ hira meaht and ġe·fēa / swīðe ġe·sǣli
Christ C 1107 gōde || on·ġietan woldon. / And ēac þā ealdan wunde || and
Christ C 1107 And ēac þā ealdan wunde || and þā openan dolh / on hira drih
Christ C 1110 ġende / þā hwītan handa || and þā hālĝan fēt, / and of hi
Christ C 1111 da || and þā hālĝan fēt, / and of his sīdan swā same || sw
Christ C 1112 wāt for·lǣton, / ðǣr blōd and wæter || bū-tū æt·samne /
Christ C 1120 ncum, / hyspton hearm-cwidum || and on his hlēor samod / hira spat
Christ C 1122 don. || Sprǣcon him ed-wīt, / and on þone ēadĝan || andwlita
Christ C 1125 reahtum || ond fȳstum ēac, / and ymb his hēafod || heardne ġ
Christ C 1127 linde on ġe·þancum, / dysġe and ġe·dwealde. || Ġe·sǣĝon
Christ C 1128 eaft, / eorðan eall-grēne || and up-rodor, / forhte ġe·fēlan
Christ C 1130 fēlan || frēan þrōwunga, / and mid ċearum cwīðdon, || þ
Christ C 1142 de. || Sċīre burstan / mūras and stānas || manġe aefter fold
Christ C 1143 nas || manġe aefter foldan, / and sēo eorðe ēac, || eġesan
Christ C 1144 myrde, / bifode on bearhtme || and sē brāda sǣ / cȳðde cræft
Christ C 1145 sǣ / cȳðde cræftes meaht || and of clamme brēac / up yrrunga |
Christ C 1175 unnen under rindum, || rēade and þicce; / sæp wearþ tō swāt
Christ C 1181 t sind || eorðan ġe·cynda, / and heofones ēac || heah-ġe·ti
Christ C 1196 n || eallum sċolde / tō hleo and tō hrōðor || hæleþa cynn
Christ C 1201 þā mildan || metodes lāre, / and eall þā earfoþu || þe hē
Christ C 1207 en, || dolh sċēawian, / wunde and wīte. || On wērĝum sefan /
Christ C 1211 n mān-weorca / tōme libban || and tīres blǣd / ēċne āĝan. |
Christ C 1225 ston || on hira līf-daĝum, / and ðǣr wōm-sċaðan || on þo
Christ C 1229 hīe ā·rāsode || rēotaþ and bifiaþ / fore frēan forhte, |
Christ C 1236 e hira þēodnes wēl / wordum and weorcum || willan hēoldon. / A
Christ C 1239 m || lēohte blīcaþ, / blǣde and byrhte || ofer burga ġe·set
Christ C 1244 e witon || wealdendes ġiefe, / and inn sēoþ, || ēaĝum tō wy
Christ C 1250 wīte, / weallendne līeġ || and wyrma slite / biterum ċeaflum,
Christ C 1256 nor || gode þanciaþ / blǣdes and blissa || þe hīe bū ġe·s
Christ C 1258 e·nerede || fram nīþ-cwale / and ēac for·ġeaf || ēċe drē
Christ C 1276 sum || firen-bealu lāðliċ, / and þæt æl-beorhte || ēac sċ
Christ C 1277 ēawiaþ / heofon-engla here || and hæleþa bearn, / ealle eorð-b
Christ C 1278 bearn, / ealle eorð-būend || and atol dēoful, / miercne mæġen
Christ C 1289 || þonne him daĝas lǣston; / and be hira weorcum || wēpende s
Christ C 1295 ġe·fēan% || on fyrn-daĝum / and swā ǣnlīċe || ān·for·l
Christ C 1310 if hē hit ānum ġe·seġð, / and nǣniġ be·hēlan mæġ || o
Christ C 1320 olian, / synn-rūst þwēan || and hine selfne þrēan, / and þæ
Christ C 1321 n || and hine selfne þrēan, / and þæt wamm ǣrran || wunde h
Christ C 1326 s, || þendan bū samod / līċ and sāwle || libban mōte. / Nū w
Christ C 1336 ġe. / Þǣr hē fore englum || and fore el-þēodum / tō þām ē
Christ C 1338 ĝostum || ǣrest mæðleþ%, / and him swæslīċe || sibbe ġe
Christ C 1340 rde / frēfreþ hē fæġere || and him friþ bēodeþ, / hāteþ h
Christ C 1341 , / hāteþ hīe ġe·sunde || and ġe·senade / on ēðel faran |
Christ C 1343 ðel faran || engla drēames, / and þæs tō wīdan fēore || wi
Christ C 1353 , / þonne ġe· hira hulpon || and him hlēoþ ġe·fōn, / hingre
Christ C 1354 e·fōn, / hingrendum hlāf || and hræġl nacedum; / and þā þe
Christ C 1355 hlāf || and hræġl nacedum; / and þā þe on sāre || sēoce l
Christ C 1359 ē hīe mid sibbum sōhton || and hira sefan trymedon / forþ on
Christ C 1367 erum be ġe·wyrhtum || worda and dǣda, / reord-berendum; || sċ
Christ C 1377 / swā hē tō ānum sprece || and hwæðere ealle mæneþ, / fire
Christ C 1380 heandum / ǣrest ġe·worhte || and þē andġiet sealde%. / Of lā
Christ C 1387 æfde, / wynlicne ġe·worht || and þē welan for·ġiefen / þæt
Christ C 1400 fela || for·ġiefen hæfde / and þē on þām eallum || ēade
Christ C 1407 -mōd, || gǣsta ēðel, / earh and unrōt, || eallum be·dǣled /
Christ C 1408 | eallum be·dǣled / duĝuþum and drēamum || and þā be·drif
Christ C 1408 led / duĝuþum and drēamum || and þā be·drifen wurde / on þā
Christ C 1411 foþu || miċele stunde, / sār and swǣr ġe·winn || and sweart
Christ C 1411 , / sār and swǣr ġe·winn || and sweartne dēaþ, / and aefter h
Christ C 1412 winn || and sweartne dēaþ, / and aefter hin-gange% || hrēosan
Christ C 1422 eahte mid þearfan wǣdum || and mec þā on þīestre ā·le
Christ C 1431 ā || wǣre þē% ġe·liċ%, / and þū meahte || mīnum weorða
Christ C 1433 e·liċ, || māne be·dǣled. / And fore manna lufan || min þrō
Christ C 1438 ne / unswētne drinc || eċedes and ġeallan. / Þonne iċ fore fol
Christ C 1441 renum, || fǣhþe ne rōhton, / and mid swipum slōĝon. || Iċ
Christ C 1443 du || eall ġe·þolode, / hosp and heard-cwide. || Þā hīe hw
Christ C 1455 medun ǣr / on mīnum folmum || and on fōtum swā same, / þurh þ
Christ C 1462 l-rīċes || ēadiġ nēotan, / and þē mīne dēaðe || dīere
Christ C 1485 de mē / fēondum of fæðme || and þā him firene for·bēad, / s
Christ C 1504 ce mosten / inn ġe·būĝan || and him ǣghwæs of·tuĝon, / þur
Christ C 1521 ċe fȳr / þæt wæs Satane || and his ġe·sīðum mid, / dēofle
Christ C 1522 mid, / dēofle ġe·ġearwod || and ðǣre deorcan sċole, / hāt a
Christ C 1523 d ðǣre deorcan sċole, / hāt and heoru-grimm. || On þæt ġē
Christ C 1527 onne rīċes weard || rēðe and mehtiġ, / ierre and eġesfull.
Christ C 1528 || rēðe and mehtiġ, / ierre and eġesfull. || Andweard ne mæ
Christ C 1546 e mid þȳ ealdan līeġe || and mid þȳ eġesan forste, / wrā
Christ C 1547 an forste, / wrāðum wyrmum || and mid wīta fela, / frēcnum feor
Christ C 1549 þ. / Þæt we maĝon eahtan || and on ān cweðan, / sōðe seċġ
Christ C 1560 rc on þām dōme standeþ || and dēaðe fāh, / wammum ā·wier
Christ C 1564 þrǣd, || andweard gode / wann and wlitelēas || hafaþ wērġes
Christ C 1579 metode, || þenden him lēoht and gǣst / samodfæst sēon. || H
Christ C 1582 be·gange || on godes willan, / and wǣr% weorðe || worda and d
Christ C 1582 n, / and wǣr% weorðe || worda and dǣda, / þēawa and ġe·þanc
Christ C 1583 e || worda and dǣda, / þēawa and ġe·þanca, || þenden him
Christ C 1586 an tīd / his drēames blǣd || and his daĝena rīm, / and his weo
Christ C 1587 lǣd || and his daĝena rīm, / and his weorces wlite || on wuldr
Christ C 1591 eorne hīeraþ. / Þonne heofon and hell || hæleþa bearnum, / fī
Christ C 1595 , / þrēaþ þēod-sċaðan || and nā þonan lǣteþ% / on ġe·
Christ C 1602 ðum lēodum. || Þonne līf and dēaþ / sāwlum swelĝaþ. ||
Christ C 1604 aþ. || Biþ sūsla hūs / open and oþ·īewed, || āð-loĝum o
Christ C 1609 le. / Þǣr sċulon þēofas || and þēod-sċaðan, / lēase and f
Christ C 1610 | and þēod-sċaðan, / lēase and for·leġene, || līfes ne w
Christ C 1611 leġene, || līfes ne wēnan, / and mān-swaran || morðor-lēan%
Christ C 1612 | morðor-lēan% sēon, / heard and heoru-grimm. || Þonne hell n
Christ C 1613 nimeþ / wǣrlēasra weorod || and hīe wealdend ġiefeþ / fēond
Christ C 1621 imu rǣċaþ / tō bindenne% || and tō bærnenne / and tō swīĝe
Christ C 1622 indenne% || and tō bærnenne / and tō swīĝenne || synna tō w
Christ C 1625 meaht godes, / fȳres fulle || and fēonda here, / cininges worde.
Christ C 1627 ē biþ cwealma mǣst / dēofla and manna. || þæt is drēamlēa
Christ C 1648 æder ealra ġe·weald / hafaþ and healdeþ || hāliġra weorod.
A.3.10 7 bearn, / wilġest on wīcum || and þone wācran swā some, / sċy
A.3.10 12 ġe·myndum || mōdes gǣlsan / and on his dæġ-rīme || druncen
A.3.10 28 fācen-searwum; / brēodaþ hē and bælceþ, || bōþ his selfes
A.3.10 33 ntan sċēawaþ. / Wrenceþ hē and blenċeþ, || worn ġe·þen
A.3.10 51 sang, / ġearu-wierdiġ guma || and þæt ġiedd ā·wræc: / Sē%
A.3.10 62 þā hīe tō swice þōhton / and þrymm-cyning || þēoden-st
A.3.10 64 an, || swā hit riht ne wæs, / and þonne ġe·settan || on hira
A.3.10 69 orðan || ēað-mōd leofaþ, / and wiþ ġe·sibbra ġe·hwone |
A.3.10 70 healdeþ / frēode% on folce || and his fēond lufaþ, / þēah þe
A.3.11 15 æs Hwala% || hwīle sēlost, / and Alexandreas || ealra rīcost /
A.3.11 16 ealra rīcost / manna cynnes || and hē mǣst ġe·þeah / þāra
A.3.11 20 a. / Cāsere wēold Crēacum || and Cæliċ% Finnum, / Haĝena Holm
A.3.11 21 innum, / Haĝena Holm-rygum% || and Hēoden% Glommum / Witta wēold
A.3.11 26 rnum. / Oswine wēold Ēowum || and Ytum Ġewulf, / Fin Folcwalding
A.3.11 33 Longbeardum, / Hun Hætwerum || and Holen Wrosnum / Hringweald wæs
A.3.11 44 hēoldon forþ siþþan / Engle and Swǣfe, || swā hit Offa ġe
A.3.11 45 it Offa ġe·slōh / Hrōðwulf and Hrōðgār || hēoldon lenġe
A.3.11 48 or·wrǣcon || wīċinga cynn / and Inġeldes || ord for·bīeġd
A.3.11 51 / ġond ġinne grund. || Godes and yfles / ðǣr iċ cunnode || cn
A.3.11 54 For·þon iċ mæġ singan || and seċġan spell, / mǣnan fore m
A.3.11 57 ōhten. / Iċ wæs mid Hunum || and mid Hrēð-ġotum, / mid Sweom
A.3.11 58 mid Hrēð-ġotum, / mid Sweom and mid Ġēatum || and mid Sūð
A.3.11 58 mid Sweom and mid Ġēatum || and mid Sūð-Denum. / Mid Wenlum i
A.3.11 59 ð-Denum. / Mid Wenlum iċ wæs and mid Wærnum || and mid wīċi
A.3.11 59 m iċ wæs and mid Wærnum || and mid wīċingum. / Mid Ġefþum
A.3.11 60 ingum. / Mid Ġefþum iċ wæs and mid Winedum || and mid Ġeffl
A.3.11 60 m iċ wæs and mid Winedum || and mid Ġeffleĝum. / Mid Englum i
A.3.11 61 ffleĝum. / Mid Englum iċ wæs and mid Swǣfum || and mid ǣnĝu
A.3.11 61 m iċ wæs and mid Swǣfum || and mid ǣnĝum. / Mid Seaxum iċ w
A.3.11 62 ǣnĝum. / Mid Seaxum iċ wæs and Syċġum || and mid Sweord-we
A.3.11 62 axum iċ wæs and Syċġum || and mid Sweord-werum. / Mid Hronum
A.3.11 63 rd-werum. / Mid Hronum iċ wæs and mid Deanum || and mid Heaðu-
A.3.11 63 um iċ wæs and mid Deanum || and mid Heaðu-reamum. / Mid Þyrin
A.3.11 64 um. / Mid Þyringum iċ wæs || and mid Þrōwendum, / and mid Bur
A.3.11 65 wæs || and mid Þrōwendum, / and mid Burġendum, || ðǣr iċ
A.3.11 68 cyning. / Mid Francum iċ wæs and mid Friesum || and mid Frumti
A.3.11 68 m iċ wæs and mid Friesum || and mid Frumtingum. / Mid Ruĝum i
A.3.11 69 umtingum. / Mid Ruĝum iċ wæs and mid Glammum || and mid Rumwal
A.3.11 69 m iċ wæs and mid Glammum || and mid Rumwalum. / Swelċe iċ wæ
A.3.11 75 es. / Mid Sercingum iċ wæs || and mid Seringum; / mid Creacum iċ
A.3.11 76 eringum; / mid Creacum iċ wæs and mid Finnum || and mid Casere,
A.3.11 76 um iċ wæs and mid Finnum || and mid Casere, / sē þe wīn-burg
A.3.11 78 || ġe·weald āhte, / weolena% and wilna || and Wala rīċes. / Mi
A.3.11 78 āhte, / weolena% and wilna || and Wala rīċes. / Mid Sċottum i
A.3.11 79 īċes. / Mid Sċottum iċ wæs and mid Peohtum || and mid Sċrī
A.3.11 79 m iċ wæs and mid Peohtum || and mid Sċrīde-Finnum; / mid Lid-
A.3.11 80 ; / mid Lid-Wīċingum iċ wæs and mid Leonum || and mid Lang-be
A.3.11 80 um iċ wæs and mid Leonum || and mid Lang-beardum, / mid hǣðnu
A.3.11 81 id Lang-beardum, / mid hǣðnum and mid hæleþum || and mid Hund
A.3.11 81 hǣðnum and mid hæleþum || and mid Hundingum. / Mid Israhelum
A.3.11 82 um. / Mid Israhelum iċ wæs || and mid Ex-Syringum, / mid Ebreum a
A.3.11 83 d mid Ex-Syringum, / mid Ebreum and mid Indeum || and mid Eġyptu
A.3.11 83 / mid Ebreum and mid Indeum || and mid Eġyptum. / Mid Moidum iċ
A.3.11 84 Eġyptum. / Mid Moidum iċ wæs and mid Persum || and mid Myrĝin
A.3.11 84 um iċ wæs and mid Persum || and mid Myrĝingum, / and Mofdingum
A.3.11 85 Persum || and mid Myrĝingum, / and Mofdingum || and onġend Myr
A.3.11 85 Myrĝingum, / and Mofdingum || and onġend Myrĝingum, / and mid A
A.3.11 86 um || and onġend Myrĝingum, / and mid Amothingum. || Mid East-
A.3.11 87 ringum iċ wæs / and mid Eolum and mid Istum || and Idumingum. / A
A.3.11 87 nd mid Eolum and mid Istum || and Idumingum. / And iċ wæs mid E
A.3.11 88 d mid Istum || and Idumingum. / And iċ wæs mid Eormanrīċe ||
A.3.11 97 r ēðel, || frēa Myrĝinga. / and mē þā Ealhhild || ōðerne
A.3.11 112 anrīċes. / Heðcan sōhte iċ and Beadecan || and Herelingas, / E
A.3.11 112 an sōhte iċ and Beadecan || and Herelingas, / Emercan sōhte i
A.3.11 113 erelingas, / Emercan sōhte iċ and Frīdlan || and Eastgotan, / fr
A.3.11 113 an sōhte iċ and Frīdlan || and Eastgotan, / frōdne and gōdne
A.3.11 114 lan || and Eastgotan, / frōdne and gōdne || fæder Unwenes. / Se
A.3.11 115 Unwenes. / Seċċan sōhte iċ and Beccan, || Seafolan and Þēo
A.3.11 115 e iċ and Beccan, || Seafolan and Þēodrīċ, / Heaðurīċ and
A.3.11 116 and Þēodrīċ, / Heaðurīċ and Sifecan, || Hliðe and Inċġ
A.3.11 116 urīċ and Sifecan, || Hliðe and Inċġenþēow. / Ēadwine sōh
A.3.11 117 enþēow. / Ēadwine sōhte iċ and Elsan, || Æġelmund and Hung
A.3.11 117 iċ and Elsan, || Æġelmund and Hungar, / and þā wlancan ġe
A.3.11 118 an, || Æġelmund and Hungar, / and þā wlancan ġe·dryht || Wi
A.3.11 119 yrġinga. / Wulfhere sōhte iċ and Wyrmhere; || full oft ðǣr w
A.3.11 123 lēodum. / Rædhere sōhte iċ and Randhere, || Rumstān and Gis
A.3.11 123 iċ and Randhere, || Rumstān and Gislhere, / Wiðerġield and Fr
A.3.11 124 n and Gislhere, / Wiðerġield and Frēoðerīċ, || Wudĝan and
A.3.11 124 and Frēoðerīċ, || Wudĝan and Haman; / ne wǣron þæt ġe·s
A.3.11 130 ealdan || wundnan golde / werum and wīfum, || Wudĝa and Hama. / S
A.3.11 130 e / werum and wīfum, || Wudĝa and Hama. / Swā iċ þæt simle on
A.3.11 142 þæt eall sċæceþ, / lēoht and līf samod; || lof sē ġe·w
A.3.12 2 id godes meahtum, / þætte wer and wīf || on weorold cennaþ / be
A.3.12 3 naþ / bearn mid ġe·byrdum || and mid blēom ġierwaþ, / tennaþ
A.3.12 4 mid blēom ġierwaþ, / tennaþ and tǣtaþ, || oþ·þæt sēo t
A.3.12 7 oden weorðaþ. / Ferĝaþ swā and fēðaþ || fæder and mōdor
A.3.12 7 swā and fēðaþ || fæder and mōdor, / ġiefaþ and ġierwa
A.3.12 8 | fæder and mōdor, / ġiefaþ and ġierwaþ. || God ana wāt / hw
A.3.12 28 feorr-weĝas / nīede gangan || and his nest beran, / tredan ūriġ
A.3.12 40 n, || biþ his līf sċæcen, / and hē felelēas, || fēores or-
A.3.12 56 lu || drēamum be·sċierwed, / and hine tō self-cwale || seċġ
A.3.12 60 -sīþ || ealne for·spildan, / and on ieldu eft || ēadiġ weor
A.3.12 61 orðan, / wunian wynn-daĝum || and welan þiċġan, / māðmas and
A.3.12 62 and welan þiċġan, / māðmas and medu-full || mǣġ-burĝe inn
A.3.12 66 || eallum dǣleþ, / sċīreþ and sċrīfeþ || and ġe·sċapu
A.3.12 66 , / sċīreþ and sċrīfeþ || and ġe·sċapu healdeþ, / sumum
A.3.12 74 ull oft hē ġe·hīerdeþ || and ġe·hyrsteþ wēl, / bryten-ci
A.3.12 75 ēl, / bryten-cininges beorn || and hē him brād sileþ / land tō
A.3.12 82 um sittan, || feoh þiċġan, / and ā snellīċe || snere wrǣst
A.3.12 90 þæt sē wielisca || wǣdum and dǣdum / his æt-ġiefan || ēa
A.3.12 92 iefan || ēað-mōd weorðeþ / and tō haĝu-stealdes || handa
A.3.12 95 eard || manna cræftas / sċōp and sċierede || and ġe·sċapu
A.3.12 95 ftas / sċōp and sċierede || and ġe·sċapu ferede / ǣġhwelcu
A.3.13 3 īnne hyġe-cræft hylest || and þīne heortan ġe·þōhtas.
A.3.13 6 æt frymþe ġe·tēode / līf and lǣnne willan: || hē ūsiċ
A.3.13 18 d, || efen-fela bēga / þēoda and ēawa. || Þing sċeall ġe·
A.3.13 24 ġe·mæċċan; / sċeall wīf and wer || on weorold cennan / bear
A.3.13 28 all fēran, || fǣġe sweltan / and dōĝra ġe·hwǣm || ymb ġe
A.3.13 46 mon ġeongne mannan, / trymman and tyhtan þæt hē teala cunne,
A.3.13 47 emedne hæbbe, / sille him wist and wǣdu, || oþ·þæt hine man
A.3.13 57 him on ġe·sundum þingum || and þonne mid ġe·sīðum heald
A.3.13 82 | cwēne ġe·biċġan, / bunum and bēaĝum; || bū sċulon ǣre
A.3.13 84 n eorle, / wīġ ġe·weaxan || and wīf ġe·þēon / lēof% mid h
A.3.13 87 , || rūm-heort bēon / mēarum and māðmum, || medu-rǣdenne / fo
A.3.13 91 hand / rīċene ġe·rǣċan || and him rǣd witan / bold-āĝendum
A.3.13 96 eþ; / biþ his ċēol cumen || and hire ċeorl tō hām, / āĝen
A.3.13 97 ō hām, / āĝen æt-ġeofa || and hēo hine inn lāðaþ, / wǣs
A.3.13 98 sċeþ his wāriġ hræġl || and him sileþ wǣde nīewe, / liġ
A.3.13 109 | þonne līðan cymeþ; / wuda and wæteres nyttaþ, || þonne h
A.3.13 120 d nimeþ. / Gōd biþ genġe || and wiþ God lenġe. / Hyġe sċeal
A.3.13 136 eaf || þæt we inn libbaþ, / and eft æt þām ende || eallum
A.3.13 141 s ōnettan. / Til mann tiles || and tames mēares, / cūðes and ġ
A.3.13 142 || and tames mēares, / cūðes and ġe·costes || and calc-rande
A.3.13 142 s, / cūðes and ġe·costes || and calc-randes; / nǣniġ fīra ||
A.3.13 156 God sellan / ēadĝum ǣhte || and eft niman. / Sele sċeall stand
A.3.13 159 eþ. / Trēo sċulon brǣdan || and trēow weaxan, / sēo ġond bil
A.3.13 161 t ā·rīseþ. / Wærlēas mann and wan-hyġdiġ, || / ǣtren-mōd
A.3.13 162 wan-hyġdiġ, || / ǣtren-mōd and un-ġe·trēow, || / þæs ne
A.3.13 166 rīsaþ, / glēo-menn ġiedd || and guman snytru. / Swā maniġe b
A.3.13 178 rincas || ġe·rǣdan lǣdan / and him æt·samne swefan; || / n
A.3.13 200 e ġond eorðan, / ā·hoĝodan and ā·hīerdon || heoru slīðe
A.3.13 202 sċeafte, / eċġ on swurde || and ord spere, / hyġe heardum menn
A.3.13 204 menn. || Helm sċeall cēnum, / and ā þæs hēanan hyġe || hor
A.3.14 15 friċġende || fīra cynnes / and seċġende || searu-rūna ġe
A.3.14 36 if ūs on ferhþe ġe·nēah / and we willaþ healdan || heofon-
A.3.14 37 hīer nū þis here-spell || and þīnne hyġe ġe·fæstna. / H
A.3.14 39 hēah hordes weard, || heofon and eorðan%, / sǣs sīdne grund,
A.3.14 42 | þurh þēodnes hand / hēaþ and hebbaþ || þone hālĝan% bl
A.3.14 48 beraþ / dryhtnes duĝuþe || and his dǣda þrymm, / līexende l
A.3.14 54 þ tīehþ / heofon-candelle || and holmas mid, / laðaþ and lǣde
A.3.14 55 le || and holmas mid, / laðaþ and lǣdeþ% || līfes āĝend / on
A.3.14 59 ūs þis līf ġe·sċōp || and þis lēohte beorht / cymeþ mo
A.3.14 62 as || wundrum ġe·ġierwed, / and mid ǣr-dæġe || ēastan sn
A.3.14 63 e || ēastan snōweþ / wlitiġ and wynsum || wera cnēorissum; / l
A.3.14 65 þ bireþ / branda beorhtost || and his brūcan mōt / ǣġhwelċ o
A.3.14 89 ām sīe ā·hefed || heofon and eorðe. / Bēoþ þonne ēadġe
A.3.14 96 on sweġle; || him is simble and drēam / ēċe unhwīlen || ēa
A.3.15 2 || sē þis lēoht on·wrāh, / and þæt torhte ġe·teoh, || ti
A.3.15 58 / stēapum atole mis·þāh || and eall stund ġe·nāh. / Swā n
A.3.15 60 ld wendeþ, || wyrde sendeþ, / and hetes henteþ, || hæleþe s
A.3.15 70 . / Mē þæt wyrd ġe·wæf || and ġe·wyrht% for·ġeaf, / þæt
A.3.15 71 af, / þæt iċ grōfe græf || and þæt grymme græf / flēan fl
A.3.15 74 / sēo mē ēðles of·ann% || and mec hēr eardes% on·cann. / Þ
A.3.15 76 / ac him wenne ġe·wiġeþ || and þā wist ġe·þiġeþ, / oþ
A.3.15 78 æt bēoþ þā bān || ān, / and æt nīehstan nan || nefne s
A.3.15 87 ōt / sōðne god ġe·sēon || and ā on sibbe ġe·fēan.
A.3.16 5 | ġond weorold% innan / fuĝla and dēora || fold-hrērendra / wor
A.3.16 26 iġda ġe·hwæs, || beorhtra and sċīenra / wundrum lixeþ, ||
A.3.16 29 ōðrum, || ǣnlicra ġīen / and fæġerra || frætwum blīce
A.3.16 32 | Hē is mann-þwǣre, / lufsum and lēof-tæl, || nele lāðes w
A.3.16 46 , || wynsumra stēam, / swētra and swīðra || swæċċa ġe·hw
A.3.16 47 ·hwelcum, / wyrta blōstmum || and wudu-blēdum, / eallum æðelic
A.3.16 49 twum%. / Þonne of ċeastrum || and cyne-stōlum / and of burh-salu
A.3.16 50 ċeastrum || and cyne-stōlum / and of burh-salum || beorn-þrēa
A.3.16 60 ·sǣlde || on sūsla grund%, / and ġe·feterode || fyrnum tēa
A.3.16 61 be·þeahte þrēa-nīedum || and þȳ þriddan dæġe / of dēa
A.3.16 65 t wæs swēte stenċ, / wlitiġ and wynsum || ġond weorold ealle
A.3.16 72 || þe ūs tō ġiefe dǣleþ / and tō feorh-nere || fæder æl-
A.3.16 73 h-nere || fæder æl-mehtiġ, / and sē ānga hiht || ealra ġe·
A.3.17 5 um || oft ġe·mēted, / frecne and ferhþ-grimm, || faroð-lāce
A.3.17 13 a-land sum || ēaĝum wliten, / and þonne ġe·hȳdaþ || hēah-
A.3.17 16 -mēaras || sundes æt ende, / and þonne on þæt eġ-land || u
A.3.17 30 ǣst, || grund ġe·sēċeþ, / and þonne on dēaþ-sele || dren
A.3.17 34 aht || duĝuþe be·swīcaþ, / and on teosu tyhtaþ || tilra dǣ
A.3.17 43 | siþþan weorðeþ, / wlancum and hēanum, || þe his willan h
A.3.17 49 ċeþ || sǣ-līðende / eorlas and ȳþ-mēaras. || Hē hafaþ
A.3.17 52 on holme || hungor bisiĝaþ / and þone āĝlæċan || ǣtes ly
A.3.17 74 fiaþ, / gyltum ġe·hrodene || and ǣr ġeorne his / on hira līf-
A.3.17 83 linga || / dryhtna drihtne% || and ā dēoflum wiþ·sace / wordum
A.3.17 84 ā dēoflum wiþ·sace / wordum and weorcum, || þæt we wuldor-c
A.3.18 6 tō mē / on hyġe hweorfaþ || and ġē hell-firena / sweartra ġe
A.3.18 10 torhte tīr-ēadġe || talode and rīmde, / beorhte ġe·brōðor
A.3.19 5 þe ǣr samod wǣron, / līċ and sāwle%. || Lang biþ siþþa
A.3.19 24 s, || hū þis is lang hider, / and þe þurh enġel || ufan of r
A.3.19 27 , || of his mæġen-þrymme, / and þē þā ġe·bohte || blōd
A.3.19 28 ohte || blōde þȳ hālĝan, / and þū mē þȳ heardan || hung
A.3.19 29 heardan || hungre ġe·bunde / and ġe·hæftnodest || helle wī
A.3.19 31 eahte, / flǣsċe be·fangen || and mē firen-lustas / þīne% ġe
A.3.19 36 Wǣre þū þe wiste wlanc || and wīnes sǣd, / þrymfull þunod
A.3.19 37 sǣd, / þrymfull þunodest || and iċ of­·þyrsted wæs / godes
A.3.19 41 t þū wǣre þurh flǣsċ || and þurh firen-lustas / strange%
A.3.19 42 tas / strange% ġe·stīered || and ġe·staðolod þurh mec%, / an
A.3.19 43 nd ġe·staðolod þurh mec%, / and iċ wæs gǣst on þē || fra
A.3.19 57 rēafod, / be·sliten sinwum || and þē% þīn sāwol sċeall / m
A.3.19 60 htest tō mē. / Eart þū dumb and dēaf, || ne sindan þīne dr
A.3.19 62 ċan, / synnum ġe·sarĝod || and eft sōna fram þē / hweorfan
A.3.19 66 || þe þū mē ǣr sċrīfe, / and þā ārlēasan || eardung-st
A.3.19 67 ārlēasan || eardung-stōwe, / and þē% sċulon mold-wyrmas ||
A.3.19 69 tan || swearte wihte, / ġīfre and grǣdġe. || Ne sindon þīne
A.3.19 114 hē þā tungan tō·tyhð || and þā tōðas þurh·smȳhþ, /
A.3.19 115 þā tōðas þurh·smȳhþ, / and tō ǣt-welan || ōðrum ġe
A.3.19 116 elan || ōðrum ġe·rȳmeþ, / and þā ēaĝan% þurh·iteþ ||
Guthlac A 2 t frymþe ġe·metaþ, / enġel and sēo ēadġe sāwl. || Of·ġ
Guthlac A 3 teþ þās lǣnan drēamas || and hēo wiþ þām līċe ġe·d
Guthlac A 7 | þider þū fundodest / lange and ġe·lōme. || Iċ þeċ lǣd
Guthlac A 8 . / Weĝas þe sindon wēðe || and wuldres lēoht / torht on·tīe
Guthlac A 12 ðǣr biþ engla drēam, / sibb and ġe·sǣlĝness || and sāwla
Guthlac A 12 , / sibb and ġe·sǣlĝness || and sāwla ræst, / and ðǣr ā t
Guthlac A 13 lĝness || and sāwla ræst, / and ðǣr ā tō fēore || ġe·f
Guthlac A 21 sēl; / ġuĝuþe brūcaþ || and godes miltsa. / Þider sōþfæ
Guthlac A 24 þe hēr Crīstes ǣ / lǣraþ and lǣstaþ || and his lof rǣra
Guthlac A 24 es ǣ / lǣraþ and lǣstaþ || and his lof rǣraþ; / ofer·winna
Guthlac A 36 sǣle brūcan / gōdra tīda || and his gǣste forþ / weġes willi
Guthlac A 41 pell-bodan / wordum sæġdon || and þurh wītedōm / eall ā·nemd
Guthlac A 44 blǣd || æðela ġe·hwelcre / and of wlite wendaþ || wæstma
Guthlac A 53 um || hādas cennaþ, / miċele and mǣte. || Is þēs middan-ġe
Guthlac A 57 dōĝra ġe·hwelċe / wānian and wendan || of weorold-ryhte / þ
Guthlac A 61 n willaþ / weġan on wordum || and þā weorc ne dōþ. / Biþ him
Guthlac A 69 -ġeard / drihtne þēowiaþ || and þæs dēoran hām / wilniaþ b
Guthlac A 75 es / þurh be·bodu brūcaþ || and þæs beteran forþ / wȳsċaþ
Guthlac A 76 þæs beteran forþ / wȳsċaþ and wēnaþ. || Wuldres byċġaþ
Guthlac A 82 þ || on wēstennum, / sēċaþ and ġe·sittaþ || selfra willum
Guthlac A 100 fes weġ / gǣstum ġearwaþ || and him ġiefe sealde / enġel-cund
Guthlac A 102 gann / beorh-seþel būĝan || and his blǣd gode / þurh ēað-m
Guthlac A 116 n druĝon, / enġel dryhtnes || and sē atola gǣst. / Nealles hīe
Guthlac A 120 sæġde / lǣne under lyfte || and þā langan god / herede on heo
Guthlac A 125 llaþ / þiċġan tō þance || and him þās weorold / ūtor lǣta
Guthlac A 128 na ġe·mōt / nihtes sōhte || and þurh nēðinge / wunne aefter
Guthlac A 138 oce ġe·wunode, / lufode hine and lǣrde || lenge hū ġeornor,
Guthlac A 141 ðǣr brōĝa cōm / eġesliċ and uncūþ, || eald-fēonda nī
Guthlac A 143 self hira / ansīen īewdon || and ðǣr ǣr fela / setla ġe·sǣ
Guthlac A 156 cu / wunder hine% weorðiaþ || and his wīsdōmes / hlisan healda
Guthlac A 160 ðǣr hē dryhtnes lof / reahte and rǣrde; || oft þurh reorde
Guthlac A 164 -haman / wynna for·wiernde || and weorold-blissa, / sēftra setla
Guthlac A 165 rold-blissa, / sēftra setla || and simble-daĝa, / swelċe ēac ī
Guthlac A 184 naþ. / Hē him siġe sealde || and snytru-cræft, / mund-byrd meah
Guthlac A 193 m beorĝe || beornan sċolde / and his līċ-haman || līeġ for
Guthlac A 197 e wolde / selfa ġe·sēċan || and his sibbe riht / mid mann-cynne
Guthlac A 216 drihtne on ġe·myndum / īdel and ǣ-menn, || ēðel-rihte feor
Guthlac A 249 m || gǣst-ġe·rȳnum / wunaþ and weaxeþ, || sē mē wrāðe h
Guthlac A 251 r || ēaðe ġe·timbre / hūs and hlēonaþ; || mē on heofonum
Guthlac A 254 eþ / spōwende spēd || spreca and dǣda. / Ġe·wītaþ nū, ā·
Guthlac A 275 e fēdeþ; / bēoþ þē hungor and þurst || hearde ġe·winnan,
Guthlac A 286 þriceþ% / mēara þrēatum || and mann-farum. / Bēoþ þā ġe·
Guthlac A 288 eċ bredwiaþ, / tredaþ þeċ and terĝaþ || and hira torn wre
Guthlac A 288 tredaþ þeċ and terĝaþ || and hira torn wrecaþ, / tō·bera
Guthlac A 293 ne god fremede / on andsware || and on elne strang. / Ne wand hē f
Guthlac A 300 þā ealle || ūt ā·banne%, / and ēow ēac ġe·wyrċe || wīd
Guthlac A 328 þōhton. / Hē wæs on elne || and on ēað-mēdum, / bād on beor
Guthlac A 345 on his mōde / gode campian || and his gǣst beran / oft on andan
Guthlac A 357 m ānade / ġeornost grētte || and him ġiefe sealde, / þæt hine
Guthlac A 362 ġ gǣst / wīsaþ on willan || and his weorc trymaþ, / laðaþ hi
Guthlac A 380 ēaðes sorh. / Þēah min bān and blōd || bū tū ġe·weorðe
Guthlac A 395 lāces || gōdum mōde / wēox and wunode || and hine weoroda go
Guthlac A 395 dum mōde / wēox and wunode || and hine weoroda god / freoðode on
Guthlac A 411 id heandum || hrīnan mosten, / and þæt friþ wiþ hīe || ġe
Guthlac A 418 ust brūcan, / īdlum ǣhtum || and ofer-wlencum, / ġierelum ġiel
Guthlac A 431 bearn / þrēam ofer·þunge || and swā þearfendliċ / him tō ea
Guthlac A 454 an wolde, || þā þū hēan% and earm / on þis or-leġe || ǣre
Guthlac A 489 e for·bær / rūme reĝulas || and rēðe mōd / ġungra manna ||
Guthlac A 492 lof, / sōhton þā sǣmran || and þā sellan nā / dēmdon aefte
Guthlac A 495 ille. / God sċōp ġuĝuþe || and gumena drēam; / ne maĝon þā
Guthlac A 500 æt sē gǣst lufaþ / ansīen and æt-wist || ieldran hādes, /
Guthlac A 507 aþ, || sōþfæstra nā / mōd and mann-þēaw || mǣran willaþ
Guthlac A 520 rme gæstas / hrīnan lēton || and þæt hwæðere ġe·lamp. / W
Guthlac A 522 n-ġeard / selfa ġe·sōhte || and his swāt ā·ġēat / on banen
Guthlac A 524 hte bēga ġe·weald, / līfes and dēaðes, || þā hē lustum
Guthlac A 536 ǣr his sāwol wearþ / clǣne and ġe·costod. || Cuþ is wīde
Guthlac A 553 wolde / nerġan wiþ nīðum || and hira nīed-wræce / dēope dēm
Guthlac A 565 n, || budon or-leġe, / eġesan and andan || ārlēaslīċe, / frec
Guthlac A 568 willaþ / synnum be·swīcan || and searu-cræftum. / On·gunnon gr
Guthlac A 573 e·hīened || tō hell-warum, / and ðǣr on bendum || bryne þr
Guthlac A 581 stod, || ne cempa god, / wordum and weorcum || wēl ġe·cȳðed,
Guthlac A 597 ges, / sē ēow ġe·hīende || and on hæft be·drāf / under near
Guthlac A 602 ǣr ealles || his ānne dōm, / and him ġeornlīċe || gǣst-ġe
Guthlac A 605 e || mīnum hǣlende / þēawum and ġe·þyncþum || and him þa
Guthlac A 605 ēawum and ġe·þyncþum || and him þancian / ealra þāra ġi
Guthlac A 607 ġe·sċōp / englum ǣrest || and eorð-warum; / and iċ blētsie
Guthlac A 608 um ǣrest || and eorð-warum; / and iċ blētsie || blīðe mōde
Guthlac A 609 mōde / līfes lēoht-fruman || and him lof singe / þurh ġe·dēf
Guthlac A 610 h ġe·dēfne dōm || dæġes and nihtes, / herġe on heortan ||
Guthlac A 619 num / wille weorðian || wordum and dǣdum, / lufian on līfe, || s
Guthlac A 620 ian on līfe, || swā is lār and ār / tō spōwendre || sprǣċ
Guthlac A 635 sċulon drēoĝan || dēaþ and þīestru, / wōp tō wīdan ea
Guthlac A 637 ē þæs wierpe ġe·bīdaþ. / And iċ þæt ġe·līefe || on l
Guthlac A 639 / þæt hē mec for miltsum || and mæġen-spēdum, / niþþa ner
Guthlac A 643 m iċ lange || on līċ-haman / and on mīnum gǣste || gode camp
Guthlac A 647 m / hafaþ on heandum || heofon and eorðan, / þæt ġē mec mid n
Guthlac A 650 tin-treĝu, / mīne myrðran || and mān-sċaðan, / swearte siġel
Guthlac A 652 īċe / lēohte ġe·lēafan || and mid lufan dryhtnes / fæġere
Guthlac A 657 ðǣr is ēðel-land / fǣġer and ġe·fēaliċ || on fæder wu
Guthlac A 663 lles tō swīðe. / Wendon ġē and woldon%, || wiðer-hyċġende
Guthlac A 680 e / dēaþ sċulon drēoĝan || and iċ drēama wynn / āĝan mid e
Guthlac A 683 || ðǣr is riht cyning, / help and hǣlu || hæleþa cynne, / duĝ
Guthlac A 684 lu || hæleþa cynne, / duĝuþ and drohtaþ.’ || þā cōm dry
Guthlac A 697 dlum% band, / nīed onsette || and ġe·neahhe be·bēad: / ‘Ne
Guthlac A 705 hwelċ / heandum ġe·hǣlde || and him hīersume / on his selfes d
Guthlac A 720 n wille; / sċeall iċ his word and his weorc || on ġe·witnesse
Guthlac A 729 an dǣle. / Hīe hine bǣron || and him bryċe hēoldon, / hōfon h
Guthlac A 730 oldon, / hōfon hine heandum || and him hryre burgon. / Wǣron hira
Guthlac A 732 | under godes eġesan / smēðe and ġe·sēfte. || Siġe-hrēði
Guthlac A 742 / Smolt wæs sē siġe-wang || and sele nīewe, / fǣġer fuĝla r
Guthlac A 745 || Gūð·lāc mōste / ēadiġ and anmōd || eardes brūcan. / St
Guthlac A 766 ðe, / þā hē ūs tō āre || and tō andġiete / syleþ and send
Guthlac A 767 e || and tō andġiete / syleþ and sendeþ, || sāwlum rȳmeþ / l
Guthlac A 772 swā hē Gūð·lāces / daĝas and dǣde || þurh his dōm ā·h
Guthlac A 793 þā þe ræfnaþ hēr / wordum and weorcum || wuldor-cininges / l
Guthlac A 802 le, / ġearwaþ gæstes hūs || and mid glēawnesse / fēond ofer·
Guthlac A 803 esse / fēond ofer·feohtaþ || and firen-lustas / for·beraþ on b
Guthlac A 809 / beorĝaþ him bealu-nīþ || and ġe·bedu sēċaþ, / swincaþ
Guthlac A 810 iþ synnum, || healdaþ sōþ and riht. / Him þæt ne hrēoweþ
Guthlac A 816 || ġeorne be·healdan, / sibbe and ġe·sihþe, || ðǣr hēo s
Guthlac B 825 || anstæll wynliċ, / fǣġer and ġe·fēaliċ. || Fæder wæs
Guthlac B 838 mōston, / limu līċ samod || and līfes gǣst, / and ðǣr siþ
Guthlac B 839 ċ samod || and līfes gǣst, / and ðǣr siþþan ā || on sīn-
Guthlac B 843 woldon / beorht on brēostum || and his be·bodu lǣstan, / efnan o
Guthlac B 847 lārum / blǣde for·bodene || and of bēame ā·hnēop / wæstm%
Guthlac B 849 ord godes, / wuldor-cininges || and hire were sealde / þurh dēofl
Guthlac B 853 l || uð-genġe wearþ / Ādame and Ēuan, || eard-wīca cyst / beo
Guthlac B 854 cyst / beorht oþ·broġden || and hira bearnum swā, / eaforum ae
Guthlac B 861 || siþþan sċoldon / mæġeþ and mæċġas || morðres on·ġi
Guthlac B 881 him ēċe ġe·ċēas / meaht and mund-byrd. || Mǣre wurdon / hi
Guthlac B 882 is wundra ġe·weorc || wīde and sīde, / brēme aefter burgum |
Guthlac B 890 mpan || ġearwe fundon, / helpe and hǣlu. || Nǣniġ hæleþa is
Guthlac B 918 e feorh-nere / witode fundon || and hine weorðodon / mēaglum stef
Guthlac B 921 að-mēdum || eft nēosedon, / and ðǣr sīþ-frame || on þām
Guthlac B 929 omre, || hǣlde bū tū / līċ and sāwle, || þenden līfes wea
Guthlac B 953 e || dōm-ēadiġ bād, / heard and hyġe-rōf. || Hyht wæs ġe
Guthlac B 967 nan tīd, || þēah his līċ and gǣst / hira sam-wiste, || sīn
Guthlac B 979 | Wæs sēo ādl þearl, / hāt and heoru-grimm. || Hreðer innan
Guthlac B 983 relode / ǣrost ðǣre idese || and hēo Ādame, / hire swǣsum wer
Guthlac B 990 tte meahte him / ġe·beorĝan and be·būĝan || þone blēatan
Guthlac B 1005 tan || lārēow ġe·corenne, / and þā inn ēode || ēadĝum t
Guthlac B 1040 iðen, / sorh ġe·sweðrod% || and iċ siþþan mōt / fore metode
Guthlac B 1042 hlēotan, / ġingra ġiefena || and godes lambor / on sīn-drēamum
Guthlac B 1047 līfes.’ || þā wæs wōp and hēaf, / ġungum ġōcor sefa,
Guthlac B 1076 duĝuþa ġe·hwelcre, / lufena and lissa. || Mīn þæt lēofe b
Guthlac B 1082 ġel-cyning, || ðǣr is sibb and bliss, / dōmfæstra drēam, ||
Guthlac B 1086 tīd || dǣdum cwēmde, / mōde and mæġene. || Iċ þā meorde
Guthlac B 1107 ġ || blissum hrēmiġ, / milde and ġe·metfæst, || mæġen uns
Guthlac B 1114 e·rȳnum || on godes temple, / and his þeġne on·gann, || swā
Guthlac B 1116 n, / seċġan siĝor-tācnum || and his sefan trymman / wundrum tō
Guthlac B 1131 æs þæs dēopliċ eall / word and wīsdōm || and þæs weres s
Guthlac B 1131 iċ eall / word and wīsdōm || and þæs weres stihtung, / mōd an
Guthlac B 1132 nd þæs weres stihtung, / mōd and mæġen-cræft, || þe him me
Guthlac B 1140 / stōp stal-gangum, || strang and hrēðe / sōhte sāwol-hus. ||
Guthlac B 1157 þā hyġe-ġōmor, / frēoriġ and ferhþ-wēriġ, || fūsne gr
Guthlac B 1172 is. || Lǣst ealle wēl / wǣre and winesċipe, || word þā wit
Guthlac B 1176 sīþ ġearu, / siþþan līċ and limu || and þēs līfes gǣs
Guthlac B 1176 u, / siþþan līċ and limu || and þēs līfes gǣst / ā·sundri
Guthlac B 1182 þ mīnne, / on ēċne eard || and hire ēac ġe·cȳþ / wordum m
Guthlac B 1210 e gnornende / nihtes nearwe || and iċ nǣfre þē, / fæder, frō
Guthlac B 1218 s, / dæġ-wōman be·twēon || and ðǣre deorcan niht, / mæðel-
Guthlac B 1219 t, / mæðel-cwide mæċġes || and on morĝne swā, / on·ġeat ġ
Guthlac B 1232 læs þæt wundrodon || weras and idesa, / and on ġēaþ guton,
Guthlac B 1233 wundrodon || weras and idesa, / and on ġēaþ guton, || ġieddum
Guthlac B 1243 m, / mehtiġ metodes þeġn || and on morĝne eft, / siĝorfæst
Guthlac B 1244 t, / siĝorfæst ġe·sōhte || and mē sāra ġe·hwelċ / ġe·h
Guthlac B 1245 / ġe·hǣlde hyġe-sorĝe || and mē on hreðere be·lēac / wul
Guthlac B 1258 || nū iċ for lufan þīnre, / and ġe·fērsċype || þæt wit
Guthlac B 1296 || ‘Tid is þæt þū fere, / and þā ǣrendu || eall be·þen
Guthlac B 1303 -mōd tō ġeofona lēanum || and þā his gǣst on·sende / weor
Guthlac B 1318 ·fylled, / swēotum stencum || and sweġel-wundrum, / ēadġes ier
Guthlac B 1321 weard. || Þǣr wæs ǣnlicra / and wynsumra || þonne hit on weo
Guthlac B 1322 ·reċċan, || hū sē stenċ and sē swēġ, / heofonliċ hlēo
Guthlac B 1323 ēġ, / heofonliċ hlēoðor || and sē hālĝa sang, / ġe·hīere
Guthlac B 1341 ēoll, / hāte hlēor-dropan || and on hreðere wæġ / miċele mō
Guthlac B 1347 ā·gōl / wine-þearfende || and þæt word ā·cwæþ: / ‘Ell
Guthlac B 1358 lford min, / beorna bealdor || and brōðor þīn, / sē sēlosta
Guthlac B 1368 n innan / wunaþ wæl-ræste || and sē wuldres dæl / of līċ-fæ
Guthlac B 1370 godes / siĝor-lēan sōhte || and þē seċġan hēt / þæt ġit
Guthlac B 1374 an, || willum nēotan / blǣdes and blissa. || Ēac þē ā·bēo
A.3.20 3 m tō ġe·sīþþe || sorĝe and langoþ, / winter-ċealde wræc
A.3.21 10 nne hit wæs rēniġ weder || and iċ rēotiĝu sæt, / þonne me
A.3.22.1 1 is hæleþa þæs horsċ || and þæs hyġe-cræftiġ / þæt
A.3.22.10 1 0 / / Nebb wæs min on nearwe || and iċ niðan wætere, / flōde un
A.3.22.10 3 rēamum / swīðe be·suncen || and on sunde ā·wēox / ufan ȳðu
A.3.22.10 7 iċ of fæðmum cōm / brimes and bēames || on blacum hræġle
A.3.22.11 2 h, || hyrste beorhte, / rēade and sċīre || on rēafe mīnum%.
A.3.22.11 3 mīnum%. / Iċ dysġe dwelle || and dole hwette / un-rǣd-sīðas,
A.3.22.12 8 t / wann-feax Wēale || weġeþ and þīeþ, / dol drunc-mennen ||
A.3.22.12 15 e iċ libbende || land reafie / and aefter dēaðe || dryhtum þ
A.3.22.13 2 ealra, / [VI] ġe·brōðor || and hira sweostor mid; / hæfdon fe
A.3.22.13 4 icu. || Fell hangodon / sweotol and ġe·sīene || on seles wǣġ
A.3.22.14 2 ng haĝu-steald mann || golde and seolfre, / woum wir-boĝum. ||
A.3.22.15 1 les 15 / / Heals is min hwīt || and hēafod fealu, / sīdan swā sa
A.3.22.15 9 būĝe, / bold% mid bearnum || and iċ bīde ðǣr / mid ġeuĝuþ
A.3.22.15 22 | þurh dūne% þȳrel / swǣse and ġe·sibbe; || iċ mē siþþ
A.3.22.15 28 hylles || hrōf ġe·rāċe, / and þurh hest hrīno || hildepil
A.3.22.16 1 sċeall wiþ wǣġe winnan || and wiþ winde feohtan, / samod wi
A.3.22.16 6 bēoþ swīðran þonne iċ, / and mec slītende || sōna flīem
A.3.22.16 9 e, || ġif min steort þolaþ / and mec stīðne wiþ || stānas
A.3.22.18 4 e. || / Iċ wæs on ċēole || and mīnes cnōsles mā.
A.3.22.2 7 þ / on stealc hliða || stāne and sande, / wāre and wǣġe, ||
A.3.22.2 8 a || stāne and sande, / wāre and wǣġe, || þonne iċ winnend
A.3.22.20 10 yning mec ġierweþ / sinċe || and seolfre || and mec on sele we
A.3.22.20 10 weþ / sinċe || and seolfre || and mec on sele weorðaþ; / ne wie
A.3.22.21 2 erweard; || neowol iċ fēre / and be grunde græfe, || ġunge s
A.3.22.21 3 wīsaþ / hār holtes fēond || and hālford min / wōh færeþ ||
A.3.22.21 5 aþ on wange, || weġeþ mec and þīeþ, / sāweþ on swæþ mi
A.3.22.21 10 gangendre || grēne on healfe / and min swæþ sweotol || sweart
A.3.22.21 13 l, || ōðer on heafde, / fæst and forðweard. || Fealleþ on s
A.3.22.22 9 ĝan þā / on wæġn weras || and hira wiċġ samod / hlōdan und
A.3.22.22 11 Þā þā hors oþ·bær / eoh and eorlas, || æscum dealle, / ofe
A.3.22.22 18 ðere / beornas ofer burnan || and hira blancan mid / fram stæðe
A.3.22.22 21 len-rōfe, / weras of wǣġe || and hira wiċġ ġe·sund.
A.3.22.23 3 pen. / Þonne iċ on·būĝe || and mē of bōsme fareþ / ǣtren a
A.3.22.24 8 / mec nemnaþ, / swelċe //Ā// and //R// || //O// fullesteþ, / //
A.3.22.24 9 // || //O// fullesteþ, / //H// and //I//. || Nū iċ hāten eom /
A.3.22.26 7 grunden; / fingras fēoldan || and mec fuĝoles wynn / ġond spēd
A.3.22.26 15 angen. / Nū þā ġe·rēnu || and sē rēada telg / and þā wuld
A.3.22.26 16 rēnu || and sē rēada telg / and þā wuldor-ġe·steald || w
A.3.22.26 19 e bēoþ þȳ ġe·sundran || and þȳ siġefæstran, / heortum
A.3.22.26 20 ran, / heortum þȳ hwætran || and þȳ hyġe-blīðran, / ferhþe
A.3.22.26 22 þ frēonda þȳ mā, / swǣsra and ġe·sibbra, || sōðra and g
A.3.22.26 22 a and ġe·sibbra, || sōðra and gōdra, / tilra and ġe·trēow
A.3.22.26 23 || sōðra and gōdra, / tilra and ġe·trēowra, || þā hira t
A.3.22.26 23 ·trēowra, || þā hira tīr and ēad / ēstum īeċaþ || and h
A.3.22.26 24 r and ēad / ēstum īeċaþ || and hīe ār-stafum / lissum be·le
A.3.22.26 25 tafum / lissum be·leċġaþ || and hīe lufan fæðmum / fæste cl
A.3.22.26 28 s mǣre, / hæleþum ġīfre || and hāliġ self.
A.3.22.27 2 funden, / brungen of bearwum || and of burĝ-hliðum, / of denum an
A.3.22.27 3 nd of burĝ-hliðum, / of denum and of dūnum. || Dæġes mec wǣ
A.3.22.27 7 ydene. || Nū iċ eom bindere / and swingere, || sōna weorpe% / es
A.3.22.27 10 ē þe mec fēhð on·ġēan, / and wiþ mæġen-þisan || mīnre
A.3.22.28 2 ierwed / mid þȳ heardostan || and mid þȳ sċearpostan / and mid
A.3.22.28 3 || and mid þȳ sċearpostan / and mid þȳ grymmestan || gumena
A.3.22.28 10 ange hwīle / wilna brūceþ || and nā wiþ spriceþ, / and þonne
A.3.22.28 11 eþ || and nā wiþ spriceþ, / and þonne aefter dēaðe || dēm
A.3.22.29 9 ·hredde þā þā hūðe || and tō hām be·drāf% / wreċċan
A.3.22.3 3 nges% / bearm þone% brādan || and on bid wriċeþ, / þrafaþ on
A.3.22.3 11 e þynceþ / lyft ofer lande || and laĝu swīġe, / oþ·þæt iċ
A.3.22.3 15 afte || furðum leġde, / bende and clamme, || þæt iċ on·bū
A.3.22.3 18 ġan, / strēamas% styrġan || and tō staðe þȳwan% / flint-gr
A.3.22.3 40 ǣst, / breahtma ofer burgum || and ġe·breca hlūdost, / þonne s
A.3.22.3 44 swǣtaþ, / blācan līeġe || and ġe·brecu fēraþ / deorc ofer
A.3.22.3 65 er lyfte helm || lande nēar, / and mē on% hryċġ hlade || þæ
A.3.22.3 72 wrēġe, || wīde fēre / swift and swīþ-feorm. || Saĝa hwæt
A.3.22.30 6 fter heandum, / þæt mec weras and wīf || wlance cyssaþ. / Þonn
A.3.22.30 7 / Þonne iċ mec on·hæbbe || and hīe on·hnīġaþ% tō mē / m
A.3.22.31 7 eard% || wæs nebb hire, / fēt and folme || fuĝole ġe·līċe;
A.3.22.31 11 || ċierreþ ġe·neahhe / oft and ġe·lōme || eorlum on ġe·
A.3.22.32 11 ēoĝeþ, / wist inn wiġeþ || and werum ġieldeþ / gafol ġēara
A.3.22.32 13 s þe guman brūcaþ, / rīċe and hēane. || Rece, ġif þū cu
A.3.22.34 4 ngeþ, / hūðeþ holdlīċe || and tō hām tīehþ, / wǣðeþ ġ
A.3.22.34 9 , / beorhte blīcan, || blōwan and grōwan.
A.3.22.36 4 fēowere || fēt under wambe / and ehtuwe || / mann h w M wīf m
A.3.22.36 7 ġe; || / hæfde tu fiðeru || and twelf ēaĝan / and siex heafdu
A.3.22.36 8 fiðeru || and twelf ēaĝan / and siex heafdu. || Saĝa hwæt h
A.3.22.36 11 | ānra ġe·līċness / horses and mannes, || hundes and fuĝole
A.3.22.36 11 / horses and mannes, || hundes and fuĝoles, / and ēac wīfes wli
A.3.22.36 12 nnes, || hundes and fuĝoles, / and ēac wīfes wlite. || Þū w
A.3.22.37 3 lĝode, / mæġen-rōfa mann || and miċel hæfde / ġe·fēred þ
A.3.22.39 3 ne || miċelum tīdum / sweotol and ġe·sīene. || Sundor-cræft
A.3.22.4 11 t selfe, / ðǣr wiht wīte || and wordum min / on spēd mæġe ||
A.3.22.40 2 ū / wreð-stuþum wealdeþ% || and þās world healdeþ. / Rīċe%
A.3.22.40 3 þ. / Rīċe% is sē reccend || and on riht cyning / ealra an-weald
A.3.22.40 4 g / ealra an-wealda, || eorðan and heofones, / healdeþ and wealde
A.3.22.40 5 orðan and heofones, / healdeþ and wealdeþ, || swā hē ymb þ
A.3.22.40 10 ne slǣpe || siþþan ǣfre, / and mec samnunga || slǣp ofer·g
A.3.22.40 18 gende || grymma ā·brēĝan, / and eofore eom || ǣġhwǣr cēnr
A.3.22.40 22 isne hēan heofon || healdeþ and wealdeþ. / Iċ eom on stence |
A.3.22.40 31 wētnesse || simle ǣġhwǣr, / and iċ fulre eom || þonne þis
A.3.22.40 36 hte || reċċan mōste / þicce and þynne; || þinga ġe·hwelċ
A.3.22.40 44 eard || meahte ġe·weorðan, / and iċ ġiestran wæs || ġung
A.3.22.40 51 an eom || ǣġhwǣr brǣdre, / and wīd-ġielra || þonne þēs
A.3.22.40 52 a; / folm mec mæġ be·fōn || and fingras þrīe / ūtan ēaðe |
A.3.22.40 54 b­·clyppan. / Heardra iċ eom and ċealdra || þonne sē hearda
A.3.22.40 63 mēsan mæġ || meahtelīcor / and efen-etan || ealdum þyrse%, /
A.3.22.40 64 efen-etan || ealdum þyrse%, / and iċ ġe·sǣliġ mæġ || sim
A.3.22.40 71 wiftra, || snelra% reġn-wyrm / and fenyce || fōre hreðre; / is%
A.3.22.40 83 ðan eom || ǣġhwǣr brǣdre / and wīd-ġielra || þonne þēs
A.3.22.40 92 n%, ne sċeall. / Māra iċ eom and strengra || þonne sē miċel
A.3.22.40 105 wundne loccas. / Māra iċ eom and fǣttra || þonne ā·mæsted
A.3.22.42 9 Nīed wesan / twēġa ōðer || and sē torhta æsċ / ān ān līn
A.3.22.43 7 m / findaþ witode him || wiste and blisse, / cnōsles unrīm, ||
A.3.22.43 14 maĝan || ellor-fūse, / mōdor and sweostor. || Mann, sē þe wi
A.3.22.44 3 Foran is þȳrel. / Biþ stīþ and heard, || stede hafaþ gōdne
A.3.22.45 2 || weaxan% nāthwæt, / þindan and þunian, || þecene hebban; / o
A.3.22.46 2 wine || mid his wīfum twǣm / and his twēġen suno || and his
A.3.22.46 2 wǣm / and his twēġen suno || and his twā dohtor, / swǣse ġe·
A.3.22.46 3 htor, / swǣse ġe·sweostor || and hira% suna twēġen, / frēolic
A.3.22.46 6 a || ǣġhwæðeres mid, / êam and nefa. || Ealra wǣron fīfe / e
A.3.22.46 7 . || Ealra wǣron fīfe / eorla and idesa || inn-sittendra.
A.3.22.47 5 estru, || þrymfæstne cwide / and þæs strangan staðol. || St
A.3.22.49 5 m || sē wanna þeġn, / sweart and salu-nebb, || sendeþ ōðre /
A.3.22.49 8 gas || oft wilniaþ, / cyningas and cwēne. || Iċ þæt cynn nū
A.3.22.49 10 le, || þe him tō nytte swā / and tō duĝuþum dōþ || þæt
A.3.22.50 7 ġif him þeġniaþ / mæġeþ and mæċġas || mid ġe·mete ri
A.3.22.53 3 wudu weaxende. || Wæter hine and eorðe / fēdan fæġere, || o
A.3.22.53 11 d æt·gædere; || hrǣd wæs and unlæt / sē æftera, || ġif s
A.3.22.54 12 e menn / ferhþum frēoĝaþ || and mid fēo biċġaþ.
A.3.22.55 3 nna, / wrǣtliċ wudu-trēow || and wunden gold, / sinċ searu-bund
A.3.22.55 4 n gold, / sinċ searu-bunden || and seolfres dæl / and rōde tācn
A.3.22.55 5 u-bunden || and seolfres dæl / and rōde tācn, || þæs ūs tō
A.3.22.55 9 lu seċġan; / ðǣr wæs hlyne and āc || and sē hearda īw / and
A.3.22.55 9 ; / ðǣr wæs hlyne and āc || and sē hearda īw / and sē fealwa
A.3.22.55 10 and āc || and sē hearda īw / and sē fealwa holen; || frēan s
A.3.22.56 5 s wǣron / wēo ðǣre wihte || and sē wudu searwum / fæste ġe·
A.3.22.59 9 yhtnes naman || dumba brōhte / and on ēaĝna ġe·sihð, || ġi
A.3.22.59 11 tācen || on·ġietan cūðe / and% dryhtnes% dolh, || dōn swā
A.3.22.59 18 ā hē on healle wæs / wielted and wended || wlancra folmum.
A.3.22.7 4 hæleþa byht / hyrste mīne || and þēos hēa lyft, / and mec þo
A.3.22.7 5 īne || and þēos hēa lyft, / and mec þonne wīde || wolcna st
A.3.22.7 7 twe mīne / swōĝaþ hlūde || and swinsiaþ, / torhte singaþ, ||
A.3.22.7 9 ġe·tenġe ne bēom / flōde and foldan, || fērende gǣst.
A.3.22.9 2 dēadne of·ġēafon% / fæder and mōdor; || ne wæs mē feorh
A.3.22.9 5 || wǣdum þeċċan%, / hēold and friðode, || hleo-sċeorpe wr
A.3.22.9 12 hæfde swǣsra þȳ læs / suna and dohtra, || þȳ hēo swā dyd
A.3.23 14 -rīċe / lifdon lāðlicost || and mec langode. / Hēt mec hālfor
A.3.24 22 orðeþ. / Ufan hit is enġe || and hit is innan hāt; / nis þæt
A.3.24 29 nnum || on·sæġd weorðeþ, / and þonne ā tō ealdre || or-le
A.3.24 36 firena ġe·hwelċe, / þēawas and ġe·þōhtas; || þæt biþ
A.3.24 41 bearna ġe·hwelċ / mid līċe and mid sāwle || lēanes friċġ
A.3.24 44 ·weorðan aefter weorolde || and sē biþ wīde cūþ. / Ne tȳt
A.3.24 49 dre / libben on ġe·lēafan || and ā lufan dryhtnes / wyrċan on
A.3.24 60 yneþ up-heofon. / Þonne weras and wīf || weorold ā·lǣtaþ, /
A.3.24 102 onne ġe·ġæderod || gǣst and bān-sele, / ġe·samnod tō þ
A.3.24 106 eofonum ġe·wearþ || hātes and ċealdes, / godes oþþe yfles:
A.3.25 2 . || Þū ġe·sċōpe heofon and eorðan / and wunder eall, || m
A.3.25 3 e·sċōpe heofon and eorðan / and wunder eall, || min wunder-cy
A.3.25 5 don, || ēċe drihten, / miċel and maniġfeald. || Iċ þē, mǣ
A.3.25 6 d, / mīne sāwle be·bēode || and mīnes selfes līċ, / and min
A.3.25 7 es selfes līċ, / and min word and min weorc, || wītiġ drihten
A.3.25 8 in weorc, || wītiġ drihten, / and eall min liðu, || lēohtes h
A.3.25 9 n liðu, || lēohtes hīerde, / and þā maniġfealdan || mīne
A.3.25 14 þēo || þinga ġe·hwelċe, / and on mē selfum, || sōþfæst
A.3.25 22 þū mē, min frēa, || first and andġiet / and ġe·þyld and
A.3.25 23 t and andġiet / and ġe·þyld and ġe·mynd || þinga ġe·hwel
A.3.25 32 līf aefter ōðrum / ġe·sēo and ġe·sēċe, || þæt mē si
A.3.25 45 || on þīnne wuldor-drēam, / and mec ġe·lēoran lǣt, || lē
A.3.25 59 rōwian. / For·stand þū mec and ġe·stīer him, || þonne st
A.3.25 62 nre sāwle, / ġe·friða hire and ġe·feorma hīe, || fæder m
A.3.25 65 nū-þā / sefa synnum fāh || and iċ ymb sāwle eom / fēam sī
A.3.25 68 Þe sīe ealles þanc / meorda% and miltsa, || þāra þū mē se
A.3.25 71 s þæs || ellen wille / habban and hliehhan || and mē hyhtan t
A.3.25 71 wille / habban and hliehhan || and mē hyhtan tō, / frætwian mec
A.3.25 72 ætwian mec on ferhþ-weġ || and fundian / self tō þām sīðe
A.3.25 74 n sċeall, / gǣst ġearwian || and mē þæt eall for gode þoli
A.3.25 93 nornaþ on his ġuĝuþe, || / and him ǣlċe mǣle || menn full
A.3.25 94 taþ, / īeċaþ his iermþu || and hē þæt eall þolaþ, / sār-
A.3.25 95 olaþ, / sār-cwide seċġa || and him biþ ā sefa ġōmor, / mō
A.3.25 97 st / seċġe þis sār-spell || and ymb sīþ spræce, / langunge f
A.3.25 98 þ spræce, / langunge fūs || and on laĝu þenċe, / nāt min ||
A.3.26 23 en-þrymm ā·rās / siġefæst and snotor. || Sæġde Iohannis, /
A.3.26 30 en. / Wēne iċ full swīðe || and witod [] / [] tō dæġe || dri
A.3.26 35 || helle weallas / for·brecan and for·bīeġan, || ðǣre bur
A.3.26 44 n || ġe·sēon mōste, / Ādam and Abraham, || Isac and Iacob, / m
A.3.26 44 e, / Ādam and Abraham, || Isac and Iacob, / maniġ mōdiġ eorl, |
A.3.26 45 aniġ mōdiġ eorl, || Moyses and Dauid, / Esias and Sacharias, |
A.3.26 46 l, || Moyses and Dauid, / Esias and Sacharias, || / hēah-fædera
A.3.26 57 ōdiġ fore ðǣre meniġu || and tō his mæġe spræc / and þ
A.3.26 58 || and tō his mæġe spræc / and þā will-cuman || wordum gr
A.3.26 72 mē ġe·sealdest || sweord and byrnan, / helm and heoru-sċeor
A.3.26 73 st || sweord and byrnan, / helm and heoru-sċeorp, || ā iċ þæ
A.3.26 74 iċ þæt hēold nū ġīet, / and þū mē ġe·cȳðdest, || c
A.3.26 76 ihel, || hū þū eart glēaw and sċearp, / milde and ġe·myndi
A.3.26 77 art glēaw and sċearp, / milde and ġe·myndiġ || and mann-þw
A.3.26 77 rp, / milde and ġe·myndiġ || and mann-þwǣre, / wīs on þīnum
A.3.26 78 wīs on þīnum ġe·witte || and on þīnum worde snotor. || /
A.3.26 82 m, || sibbe of·liste, / wynnum and wēnum, || hwonne we word god
A.3.26 120 ld-hāde, || cyninga sēlost, / and fore ðǣre wunde, || weoroda
A.3.26 122 m ǣriste, || æðelinga wynn / and fore þīnre mē[]ian nama, |
A.3.26 123 ealle hell-wara || herġaþ and lof[] / []lum || þe þe% ymb s
A.3.26 128 e·weald || sēċan woldest, / and fore% Hierusālem || on Iūd
A.3.26 131 lēofa || þīnes eft-cymes, / and for Iordane || on Iūdēum, / w
A.3.27 4 eorolde || weorðmynda mǣst, / and for ūssum drihtne || dōma s
A.3.29 4 a. / Cyme þīn rīċe wīde || and þīn rǣdfæst willa / ā·rǣ
A.3.3 4 en herede, / wīs on weorcum || and þās word ā·cwæþ: / ‘Met
A.3.3 7 Is þīn nama mǣre, / wlitiġ and wuldorfæst || ofer wer-þēo
A.3.3 9 hwǣm / sōðe ġe·swīðde || and ġe·siġefæste, / ēac þīne
A.3.3 13 eorne, || gǣsta sċieppend, / and þurh hyldu help, || hāliġ
A.3.3 14 / nū we þeċ for þearfum || and for þrēa-nīedum / and fore
A.3.3 15 fum || and for þrēa-nīedum / and fore ēað-mēdum || ārena b
A.3.3 24 f || ġond landa fela / fracuþ and ġe·frǣġe || fold-būendum
A.3.3 30 | hæfdes || / tō Abrahame || and tō Isace / and Iacobe, || gǣs
A.3.3 31 tō Abrahame || and tō Isace / and Iacobe, || gǣsta sċieppend.
A.3.3 43 litiĝa þīne word-cwidas || and þīn wuldor ūs. / Ġe·cȳþ
A.3.3 44 wuldor ūs. / Ġe·cȳþ cræft and meaht, || nū þeċ Caldeas / a
A.3.3 45 d meaht, || nū þeċ Caldeas / and ēac fela folca || ġe·freġ
A.3.3 47 rihten, / siġe-rōf settend || and sōþ metod, / wuldres wealdend
A.3.3 48 þ metod, / wuldres wealdend || and weorold-sċeafta.’ / Swā sē
A.3.3 50 ġende wæs / metodes miltse || and his mōd-sefan / reahte þurh r
A.3.3 54 an, / cōm him þā tō āre || and tō ealdor-nere / þurh lufan a
A.3.3 55 d tō ealdor-nere / þurh lufan and þurh lisse. || Sē þone lī
A.3.3 56 līeġ tō·sċēaf, / hāliġ and heofon-beorht, || hātan fȳr
A.3.3 59 ǣ-fæstum þrymm. / To·swēop and tō·swengde% || þurh swīð
A.3.3 62 þā sē enġel cōm, / windiġ and wynsum, || wedere on·līcost
A.3.3 67 sē hāta līeġ / tō·drifen and tō·dwǣsċed, || ðǣr þā
A.3.3 74 r, / weorold-sċeafta wuldor || and weorca ġe·hwelċ, / heofonas
A.3.3 75 weorca ġe·hwelċ, / heofonas and englas || and hlūtor wæter,
A.3.3 75 welċ, / heofonas and englas || and hlūtor wæter, / and eall mæ
A.3.3 76 englas || and hlūtor wæter, / and eall mæġen || eorðan ġe·
A.3.3 77 , sōþfæst cyning, || sunne and mōna%, / lēohte lēoman, || l
A.3.3 79 oman, || libbende god, / hādre and hlūtre || and heofondreame / w
A.3.3 79 de god, / hādre and hlūtre || and heofondreame / wæstm weorðian
A.3.3 85 Trymmaþ eorð-welan, / hlēoþ and hlūttraþ. || Nǣfre hlisan
A.3.3 90 þ || þenden we hēr bēoþ, / and ūs milde metod || māre ġe
A.3.3 94 e·hwæs || sāwol of līċe. / and þeċ, god drihten, || gæsta
A.3.3 95 as% herġen, / byrnende fȳr || and beorht sumor, / wearme weder-da
A.3.3 99 ilde drihten, / and þeċ dæġ and niht, || dōmfæst cyning, / lo
A.3.3 100 , || dōmfæst cyning, / lofien and lufien%, || lux et% tenebre, /
A.3.3 103 || druĝon hīe þæt lange. / And þeċ, Crīst cyning, || ċē
A.3.3 104 olas weorðian, / fæder, forst and snāw, || folca wealdend, / win
A.3.3 105 ldend, / winter-bitera weder || and wolcna ġe·nipu, / and þeċ l
A.3.3 106 eder || and wolcna ġe·nipu, / and þeċ līexende || līeġetta
A.3.3 109 en. || Ā þīn dōm sīe / god and ġenġe. || Þū þæs ġeorn
A.3.3 111 herġe, / blētsien blǣdum || and þīn blǣd wese / ā forþ ē
A.3.3 113 e, || æl-mehtiġ god. / Wesaþ and weaxaþ || ealle wer-þēode,
A.3.3 117 bryċe, || brēmen drihten. / and þeċ, hālĝa god, || hēa d
A.3.3 119 tsum herien, / fǣġer folde || and fæder rīċe. / For·þon weal
A.3.3 122 , sōþfæst cyning, || sǣs and wætera / hēa holmas, || hāli
A.3.3 124 , / dōmlīċe dēop wæter; || and dryhtnes be·bod / ġeofon-flō
A.3.3 134 llan, || wuldorfæst% cyning, / and þeċ ealle ǣ-sprynġe, ||
A.3.3 138 ·sċōp / mannul tō miltse || and tō mæġen-ēacan. / Blētsien
A.3.3 140 ċ, || bilewit fæder, / fiscas and fuĝolas, || fela-mihtiġne, /
A.3.3 143 drihten, / herġen hāliġne || and heofon-fuĝolas%, / þā þe l
A.3.3 145 sien þeċ, drihten, || dēor and nīeten. / Metod manna bearn ||
A.3.3 147 anna bearn || miltsum herġen / and ēċne god, || Israhela cynn.
A.3.3 150 mæsseras || mǣrne drihten, / and þīne þēowas%, || þēoda
A.3.3 152 hāliġra || hlūtre sāwle, / and, ēċe god, || ēað-mōd-heor
A.3.3 153 -heorte. / Nū þeċ Ananias || and Azarias / and Misahel, metod, |
A.3.3 154 þeċ Ananias || and Azarias / and Misahel, metod, || miltsum he
A.3.3 157 ofonum, / þone sōðan sunu || and þone siġefæstan gǣst. / For
A.3.3 160 re, || sē þe ūs bearh / fȳr and fēondas || and mid fiðerum
A.3.3 160 s bearh / fȳr and fēondas || and mid fiðerum be·wrēah / wiþ
A.3.3 189 -lufan / synne ġe·swencton || and ġe·siġe-fæston, / mōdum gl
A.3.31.1 6 fter heandum, / ðǣr mec weras and wīf || wlance ġe·cyssaþ. /
A.3.31.2 12 cann, / hū mec seaxes% ord || and sēo swīðre hand, / eorles in
A.3.31.2 13 and, / eorles inn-ġe·þanc || and ord samod, / þingum ġe·þīe
A.3.32 9 hēr cumen / on cēol-þele || and nū cunnan sċealt / hū þū y
A.3.32 34 ne || siþþan motan / seċġum and ġe·sīðum || s[] / næġlede
A.3.32 41 ded, || nacan ūt ā·þrang, / and on ȳða ġung [] sċolde ||
A.3.32 50 // //R// ġeador / //EA// //W// and //D// || āðe be·nemnan, / þ
A.3.32 51 mnan, / þæt hē þā wǣre || and þā wine-trēowe / be him libb
A.3.33 10 æs wāh ġe·bād / ræġ-har and read-fah || rīċe aefter ō
A.3.33 30 þon þās hofu drēorĝiaþ, / and þæs teafor-ġēapa || tiġe
A.3.33 33 ġō beorn maniġ / glæd-mōd and gold-beorht || gleoma ġe·fr
A.3.33 34 gleoma ġe·frætwed%, / wlanc and wīn-gāl || wīġ-hyrstum s
A.3.34.61 3 up ā·tēah / folmum sīnum || and frēan sealde, / holdum þēodn
A.3.34.62 1 # Riddles 62 / / Iċ eom heard and sċearp || hin-ganges% strang
A.3.34.62 3 r·cūþ, / wade under wambe || and mē weġ selfa / rihtne ġe·r
A.3.34.64 1 # Riddles 64 / / Iċ seah //W// and //I// || ofer wang faran, / ber
A.3.34.64 3 ðe / hæbbendes hiht || //H// and //Ā// / swelċe þrȳða dæl,
A.3.34.64 4 lċe þrȳða dæl, || //Þ// and //E//. / Ġe·feah //F// and //
A.3.34.64 5 // and //E//. / Ġe·feah //F// and //U// || flēah ofer //E// / //
A.3.34.64 6 / || flēah ofer //E// / //Ā// and //SP// || selfes þæs folces
A.3.34.65 3 faþ, / hafaþ mec on headre || and min hēafod sċīreþ, / bīte
A.3.34.66 4 ealle / flōdas on fæðmum || and þēs% foldan bearm, / grēne w
A.3.34.66 9 ylle, / ealne% middan-ġeard || and mere-strēamas / sīde mid mē%
A.3.34.67 15 ǣr guman druncon, / sinċe || and seolfre. || Seċġe sē þe c
A.3.34.70 6 ċe || be weġe stande / hēah and hlēor-torht || hæleþum tō
A.3.34.71 2 || rēade be·wǣfed, / stīþ and stēap-wang. || Staðol wæs
A.3.34.71 4 nū eom wrāðra lāf, / fȳres and fēole, || fæste ġe·nearwo
A.3.34.72 10 oþ·þæt iċ wæs ieldra || and þæt ān for·lēt / sweartum
A.3.34.73 2 ode% ðǣr mec fēddon / hrūse and heofon-wolcn%, || oþ·þæt
A.3.34.73 15 ode ūtan we[] || / []ipe || / and tō wrōht-stæp[] || / []eorp
A.3.34.73 18 xle ġe·gyrde, || / wō[] || / and swēora smæl, || sīdan feal
A.3.34.73 20 ġel / sċīr be·sċīeneþ || and mec [] / fæġere feormaþ || a
A.3.34.73 21 d mec [] / fæġere feormaþ || and on fyrd wiġeþ / cræfte on h
A.3.34.74 2 e ġung, || feax-hār cwēne, / and ǣnliċ rinċ || on āne tīd
A.3.34.74 3 e tīd; / flēah mid fuĝlum || and on flōde swamm, / dēaf under
A.3.34.74 5 er ȳðe || dēad mid fiscum, / and on foldan stōp, || hæfde fe
A.3.34.77 2 fēdde, || sund-helm þeahte, / and mec ȳða wruĝon || eorðan
A.3.34.78 3 as || [] / []s || cynn[] mīnum / and [] || / []yde mē tō mos[] ||
A.3.34.79 1 / / Iċ eom æðelinges || ǣht and willa.
A.3.34.80 11 ġiedde. || Gōd is min wīse / and iċ selfa salu. || Saĝa hwæ
A.3.34.81 2 ed-swēora, / hēafod hæbbe || and hēane steort, / ēaĝan and ē
A.3.34.81 3 || and hēane steort, / ēaĝan and ēaran || and ǣnne fōt, / hry
A.3.34.81 3 steort, / ēaĝan and ēaran || and ǣnne fōt, / hryċġ and heard
A.3.34.81 4 an || and ǣnne fōt, / hryċġ and heard-nebb, || hneccan stēap
A.3.34.81 5 ard-nebb, || hneccan stēapne / and sīdan twā, || sāh on middu
A.3.34.81 8 eþ || sē þe wudu hrēreþ, / and mec standende || strēamas b
A.3.34.81 9 ēataþ, / hæġl sē hearda || and hrīm þeċeþ, / []orst []ēos
A.3.34.81 10 þeċeþ, / []orst []ēoseþ || and fealleþ snāw / on% þȳrel-wa
A.3.34.81 11 snāw / on% þȳrel-wambne || and iċ þæt []ōl[] / [] mæ[] ||
A.3.34.84 2 | wundrum ā·cenned%, / hrēoh and rēðe, || hafaþ ryne strang
A.3.34.84 3 strangne, / grymme grymetaþ || and be grunde fareþ%. / Mōdor is
A.3.34.84 7 | Nǣniġ ōðrum mæġ / wlite and wīsan || wordum ġe·cȳðan
A.3.34.84 10 || fæder ealle be·wāt / ōr and ende, || swelċe ān sunu, / m
A.3.34.84 12 metodes bearn, || þurh []ed, / and þæt hīehste mæġe[]es gæ
A.3.34.84 20 / [] þon ǣr wæs || / wlitiġ and wynsum, || [] / Biþ sēo mōdo
A.3.34.84 27 e·tenġe, / clǣn-ġeorn biþ and cystiġ, || cræfte ēacen. / h
A.3.34.84 29 reoliċ, seldliċ; || framost and swīðost, / ġīfrost and grǣ
A.3.34.84 30 most and swīðost, / ġīfrost and grǣdĝost || grund-bedd trid
A.3.34.84 32 nder lyfte || ā·loden wurde / and ielda bearn || ēaĝum sāwe,
A.3.34.86 3 snotre; / hæfde ān ēaĝe || and ēaran twā, / and [II] fēt, |
A.3.34.86 4 n ēaĝe || and ēaran twā, / and [II] fēt, || [XII] hund hēa
A.3.34.86 5 [XII] hund hēafda, / hryċġ% and wambe || and handa twā, / earm
A.3.34.86 5 ēafda, / hryċġ% and wambe || and handa twā, / earmas and eaxle,
A.3.34.86 6 mbe || and handa twā, / earmas and eaxle, || ānne swēoran / and
A.3.34.86 7 and eaxle, || ānne swēoran / and sīdan twā. || Saĝa hwæt i
A.3.34.87 3 eġn folĝode / mæġen-strang% and mund-rōf; || miċel mē þū
A.3.34.88 2 ċ wēox ðǣr iċ s[] || / [] and sumor || mi[] / []mē || wæs m
A.3.34.88 10 p-lang stōd, ðǣr iċ[] || / and min% brōðor; || bēġen wǣ
A.3.34.88 19 ; || is min āĝen% bæc / wann and wundorliċ. || Iċ on wuda st
A.3.34.92 2 holte, / freoliċ feorh-bora || and foldan wæstm, / weres% wynn-st
A.3.34.92 3 stm, / weres% wynn-staðol% || and wīfes sand, / gold on ġeardum
A.3.34.93 4 llum sīnum, || / [] || / hēah and hiht[] || / []rpne, || hwīlum
A.3.34.93 16 gra% brōðor / min āĝnode || and mec of earde ā·drāf. / Siþ
A.3.34.93 25 || Nū iċ blace swelġe / wuda and wætere, || w[]b[]be·fæðme
A.3.34.93 35 | / []eorc || ēaĝum wlīteþ / and spe[]. ||
A.3.34.95 1 es 95 / / Iċ eom inn-drihten || and eorlum cūþ, / and ræste oft;
A.3.34.95 2 -drihten || and eorlum cūþ, / and ræste oft; || rīċum and h
A.3.34.95 2 , / and ræste oft; || rīċum and hēanum, / folcum ġe·frǣġe
A.3.34.95 4 ġe·frǣġe || fēre% wīde, / and mē fremdes ǣr || frēondum
A.3.4 20 | ac sē wang seomaþ / ēadiġ and ansund. || Is þæt æðele l
A.3.4 37 ā him god be·bēad. / Wintres and sumeres || wudu biþ ġe·lī
A.3.4 91 e sunnan || sīþ be·healdan / and on·ġēan cuman || godes can
A.3.4 98 / be·dīeglod on dæġ-red || and sēo deorce niht / wann ġe·w
A.3.4 108 es cyme, / sweġel-candelle% || and simle swā oft / of þām wilsu
A.3.4 124 || flyhte on lyfte, / swinsaþ and singeþ || sweġle tō·ġēa
A.3.4 131 || weorold staðolode, / heofon and eorðan. || Biþ þæs hlēo
A.3.4 132 llum sang-cræftum || swētra and wlitiġra / and wynsumra% || wr
A.3.4 133 ftum || swētra and wlitiġra / and wynsumra% || wrenca ġe·hwel
A.3.4 140 ōmran weorold. / Singeþ swā and swinsaþ || sǣlum ġe·bliss
A.3.4 143 eþ. || Þonne swīĝaþ hē / and hlyst ġe·fēþ, || heafde o
A.3.4 144 , / þrīst, þances glēaw || and þrīwa ā·sċæceþ / feðere
A.3.4 147 | tīda ġe·mearcaþ / dæġes and nihtes. || Swā ġe·dēmed i
A.3.4 149 can mōt / wanges mid willum || and welan nēotan, / līfes and lis
A.3.4 150 || and welan nēotan, / līfes and lissa, || landes frætwa, / oþ
A.3.4 156 ynn%, || foldan ġe·blōwne, / and þonne ġe·sēċeþ || sīde
A.3.4 158 ǣr nā% menn% būĝaþ / eard and ēðel. || Þǣr hē ealdor-d
A.3.4 160 n, / ġe·þungen on þēode || and þraĝe mid him / wēsten weard
A.3.4 165 ǣġhwelċ wille / wesan þeġn and þēow || þēodne mǣrum, / o
A.3.4 170 , || weste stōwe, / be·holene and be·hȳde || hæleþa maniĝu
A.3.4 172 bēam || on holt-wuda% / wunaþ and weardaþ, || wyrtum fæstne / u
A.3.4 192 ung on·fōn. || Þonne feorr and nēah / þā swētostan || samn
A.3.4 193 ah / þā swētostan || samnaþ and gadraþ / wyrta wynsume || and
A.3.4 194 and gadraþ / wyrta wynsume || and wudu-blēda / tō þām eard-st
A.3.4 203 | hūs ġe·timbreþ, / wlitiġ and wynsum || and ġe·wīcaþ ð
A.3.4 203 mbreþ, / wlitiġ and wynsum || and ġe·wīcaþ ðǣr / self on þ
A.3.4 204 ðǣr / self on þām solore || and ymb·seteþ ūtan / on þām le
A.3.4 205 on þām leaf-sċade || līċ and feðere / on healfa ġe·hwǣre
A.3.4 207 e·hwǣre || hālĝum stencum / and þām æðelostum || eorðan
A.3.4 210 st, / ofer sċadu sċīeneþ || and ġe·sċæpu drēoĝeþ, / weor
A.3.4 218 eþ, / fealu līeġ feormaþ || and fenix byrneþ, / fyrn-ġēarum
A.3.4 221 feorh-hord, || þonne flǣsċ and bān / ād-līeġ ǣleþ. || Hw
A.3.4 229 lad, / bān-fæt ġe·brocen || and sē bryne sweðraþ. / Þonne o
The Phoenix 238 æstmum gelic / ealdum earne || and æfter ðon / feðrum gefrætwa
A.3.4 248 ġe·fēan%, || þonne forst and snāw / mid ofer-mæġene || eo
A.3.4 271 nod, || aefter bǣl-þræċe, / and þonne ġe·brinġeþ || bān
A.3.4 271 þonne ġe·brinġeþ || bān and yslan, / ādes lāfe, || eft æ
A.3.4 273 des lāfe, || eft æt·samne, / and þonne þæt wæl-rēaf || wy
A.3.4 277 lāfe, / clamm be·clyppeþ || and his cȳþþu eft, / sun-beorht
A.3.4 280 Eall biþ ġe·nīewod / feorh and feðer-hama, || swā hē æt
A.3.4 286 ġeþ beadu-cræftiġ || bān and yslan / on þām êa-lande. ||
A.3.4 298 fiðeru / hwīt hindanweard || and sē heals grēne / neoðanweard
A.3.4 299 sē heals grēne / neoðanweard and ufanweard || and þæt nebb l
A.3.4 299 neoðanweard and ufanweard || and þæt nebb lixeþ / swā glæs
A.3.4 301 m, || ġeaflas sċīene / innan and ūtan. || Is sēo ēag-ġe·b
A.3.4 302 Is sēo ēag-ġe·byrd / stearc and hīewe || stāne ġe·līcost
A.3.4 308 n, || wundrum fǣġer, / sċīr and sċīene. || Is sē sċield u
A.3.4 317 aþ fiðerum, / ac hē is snell and swift || and swīðe lēoht, /
A.3.4 317 / ac hē is snell and swift || and swīðe lēoht, / wlitiġ and w
A.3.4 318 | and swīðe lēoht, / wlitiġ and wynsum, || wuldre ġe·mearco
A.3.4 324 , / þonne samniaþ% || sūðan and norðan, / ēastan% and westan,
A.3.4 325 sūðan and norðan, / ēastan% and westan, || ēorod-cystum, / far
A.3.4 326 ēorod-cystum, / faraþ feorran and nēan || folca þrȳðum / ðǣ
A.3.4 332 || weras ofer eorðan / wlite and wæstma || and ġe·writum% c
A.3.4 332 eorðan / wlite and wæstma || and ġe·writum% cȳðaþ, / mundum
A.3.4 334 marm-stāne% / hwonne sē dæġ and sēo tīd || dryhtum ġe·īe
A.3.4 339 ōdiġne || mēaglum reordum, / and swā þone hālĝan || hringe
A.3.4 344 ōðrum, / cræftum cȳðaþ || and for cyning mǣraþ / lēofne l
A.3.4 375 him self ġe·hwæðer / sunu and swǣs fæder || and simle ēa
A.3.4 375 ðer / sunu and swǣs fæder || and simle ēac / eft ierfe-weard ||
A.3.4 385 a nēotan / on sīn-drēamum || and siþþan ā / wunian on wuldre%
A.3.4 391 d / healdaþ under heofonum || and him hēanne blǣd / on þām up
A.3.4 394 t sē æl-mihtĝa / worhte wer and wīf || þurh his wundra spē
A.3.4 395 f || þurh his wundra spēd, / and hīe þā ġe·sette || on þ
A.3.4 405 wearþ / iermþu aefter ǣte || and hira eaforum swā, / sārliċ s
A.3.4 406 wā, / sārliċ simble || sunum and dohtrum. / Wurdon% tēonlīċe
A.3.4 418 e līf / heolstre be·hȳded || and sē hālĝa wang / þurh fēond
A.3.4 423 ·fēa, || mēðra frēfrend, / and sē ānga hiht, || eft on·t
A.3.4 425 eorneras / wordum% seċġaþ || and writu cȳðaþ, / þisses fuĝo
A.3.4 427 onne frōd of·ġiefeþ / eard and ēðel || and ġe·ealdad bi
A.3.4 427 ·ġiefeþ / eard and ēðel || and ġe·ealdad biþ. / Ġe·wīte
A.3.4 430 m hē ġe·timbreþ || tānum and wyrtum / þām æðelostum || e
A.3.4 435 er dēaðe, / ed-ġung wesan || and his eald-cȳþþu, / sun-beorht
A.3.4 439 ēton / þone wlitiĝan wang || and wuldres setl, / lēofliċ on l
A.3.4 454 dǣleþ, / duĝuþa lēasum || and him drihten ġe·cīeĝþ, / f
A.3.4 458 odes ǣ / beald on brēostum || and ġe·bedu sēċeþ / clǣnum ġ
A.3.4 459 ċeþ / clǣnum ġe·hyġdum || and his cnēo bīġeþ / æðele t
A.3.4 467 amnaþ under sweġle || sīde and wīde / tō his wīc-stōwe, ||
A.3.4 471 cum || willan fremmaþ / mōde and mæġene || metodes cempan, / m
A.3.4 478 %, || hyġe weallende / dæġes and nihtes || drihten lufiaþ, / l
A.3.4 487 d, / ealdor ānra ġe·hwæs || and on eorðan fæðm / snūde send
A.3.4 510 | on þā openan tīd / fǣġer and ġe·fēaliċ || fuĝoles tā
A.3.4 513 dra%ð, / leomu līċ samod || and līfes% gǣst, / fore Cristes c
A.3.4 532 / for·sweleþ under sunnan || and hē selfa mid, / and þonne aef
A.3.4 533 sunnan || and hē selfa mid, / and þonne aefter līeġe || līf
A.3.4 536 ngen || fīra cynnes, / ǣnliċ and ed-ġung, || sē þe his āĝ
A.3.4 541 , || sang ā·hebbaþ, / clǣne and ġe·corene, || herġaþ cini
A.3.4 557 dǣda, || on grēotes fæðm, / and þonne aefter dēaðe || þur
A.3.4 563 || ende ġe·bīdan, / lēohtes and lissa. || Þēah min līċ s
A.3.4 567 hwīle || sāwle ā·līeseþ / and on wuldor ā·weċeþ. || Mē
A.3.4 576 acnaþ. || Bāna lāfe, / ascan and yslan, || ealle ġe·samnaþ /
A.3.4 608 r sē langa ġe·fēa, / ēċe and ed-ġung, || ǣfre ne sweðra
A.3.4 616 e·dryht / hǣlend herġaþ || and heofon-cininges / meahte mǣrsi
A.3.4 622 Sibb sīe þē, sōþ god || and snytru-cræft, / and þē þanc
A.3.4 623 þ god || and snytru-cræft, / and þē þanc sīe || þrymm-sit
A.3.4 626 | mæġenes strengþu%, / hēah and hāliġ. || Heofonas sindon / f
A.3.4 629 s wuldres, / uppe mid englum || and on eorðan samod. / Ġe·friða
A.3.4 653 l swēotum || his fiðeru tū / and wynsumum || wyrtum ġe·fylle
A.3.4 659 hīe drihtne tō ġiefe / worda and weorca || wynsumne stenċ / on
A.3.4 662 mle / þurh weorold weorolda || and wuldres blǣd, / ār and anweal
A.3.4 663 lda || and wuldres blǣd, / ār and anweald, || on þām uplican /
A.3.4 665 iht cyning / middan-ġeardes || and mæġen-þrymmes, / wuldre be·
A.3.4 671 ton% || maxima reġna / sēċan and ġe·sittan || sedibus altis,
A.3.4 676 siĝora frēan || sīne fine, / and him lof singan || laude peren
A.3.5 9 | Wæs his rīċe brād, / wīd and weorðliċ || ofer wer-þēod
A.3.5 17 gǣston godes cempan || gāre and līeġe. / Sum wæs ǣht-weliġ
A.3.5 26 | hæfde ealdor-dōm / miċelne and mǣrne. || þā his mōd on·
A.3.5 45 || Hēo þæt eall for·seah, / and þæt word ā·cwæþ || on w
A.3.5 48 Ġif þū sōðne god / lufast and ġe·līefest || and his lof
A.3.5 48 d / lufast and ġe·līefest || and his lof rǣrest, / on·ġietest
A.3.5 61 ian || fērend snelle, / hrēoh and hyġe-blind, || hāliġre fæ
A.3.5 65 ġen / synnum sēoce, || swēor and āðum. / Þā reordode || rī
A.3.5 90 ǣmnan tō sprǣċe, / ān-rǣd and yreþweorg, || ierre ġe·bol
A.3.5 94 dohtor min || sēo dīereste / and sēo swēteste || on sefan m
A.3.5 112 e lēoht ġe·sċōp, / heofon and eorðan || and holma be·gang
A.3.5 112 sċōp, / heofon and eorðan || and holma be·gang, / eodora ymb-hw
A.3.5 121 des || ǣr ne ġe·swīcest, / and þū fremdu godu || forþ be
A.3.5 122 mdu godu || forþ be·gangest / and þā for·lǣtest || þe ūs
A.3.5 128 n. || Miċel is þæt anġinn / and þrēa-nīedliċ% || þīnre
A.3.5 131 || ā·ġeaf andsware, / glēaw and gode lēof, || Iuliana: / ‘I
A.3.5 140 ā wæs ellen-wōd, || ierre and rēðe, / frecne and ferhð-gri
A.3.5 141 , || ierre and rēðe, / frecne and ferhð-grimm, || fæder wiþ
A.3.5 143 þrēaĝan, / wītum wǣġan || and þæt word ā·cwæþ: / ‘On
A.3.5 144 ·wend þeċ on ġe·witte || and þā word on·ċierr / þe þū
A.3.5 150 þæt iċ lēasungum, / dumbum and dēafum || dēoful-ġieldum, /
A.3.5 154 res ealdor / middan-ġeardes || and mæġen-þrymmes, / and him ān
A.3.5 155 rdes || and mæġen-þrymmes, / and him ānum tō || eall be·þe
A.3.5 157 || min ġe·weorðe, / helpend and hǣlend || wiþ hell-sċaðum
A.3.5 170 um || ġīe·n ġe·cwēmest, / and þē tō swā mildum || mund-
A.3.5 180 ēasunga, / wēoh-weorðunga || and wuldres god / on·ġiete glēaw
A.3.5 186 hine swīðe / folc-āĝende || and þā fǣmnan hēt / þurh nīþ
A.3.5 188 þ-wræce || nacode þennan, / and mid swipum swingan% || synna
A.3.5 198 ǣr wiþ hīe / ġe·þingie || and him þanc-wierðe / aefter leah
A.3.5 207 sēlostan || sacan on·gunne, / and þā mildostan || þāra þe
A.3.5 228 || Hē be feaxe hēt / ā·hōn and ā·hebban || on hēanne bēa
A.3.5 231 rymme, || siex tīda dæġes, / and hē ǣdre hēt || eft ā·set
A.3.5 232 settan, / lāþ-ġe·nīðla || and ġe·lǣdan be·bēad / tō car
A.3.5 248 ĝest þū, || sēo dīereste / and sēo wierðeste || wuldor-cyn
A.3.5 252 an nylt, / glēaw-hyċġende || and his godum cwēman. / Wes þū o
A.3.5 262 ende, / þeġn ġe·þungen || and tō þē sended, / hāliġ of h
A.3.5 284 For·foh þone frǣtĝan || and fæste ġe·heald. / oþ·þæt
A.3.5 292 tō sǣĝon / þæt ðǣr blōd and wæter || bū tu æt·gædere
A.3.5 300 corenan || Crīstes þeġnas, / and þā hālĝan weras || hospe
A.3.5 304 || Crīstes þeġnas, / Petrus and Paulus. || Pilatus ǣr / on rō
A.3.5 336 , / þæt hīe ūsiċ binden || and on bǣl-wielme / sūslum swinge
A.3.5 340 hyġe, || we þā heardostan / and þā wierrestan || wītu ġe
A.3.5 357 es lēas. / Iċ þæt wēnde || and witod tealde / þrīste ġe·þ
A.3.5 361 iþ·sōce, siĝora frēan || and tō sǣmran ġe·buĝe, / on·s
A.3.5 378 ann, / lēohtes ġe·lēafan || and hē lārum wile / þurh mōdes
A.3.5 421 īste ġō / wǣrlēas wunne || and ġe·winn tuĝe, / hoĝodes wi
A.3.5 427 stum || swelċes ġe·mōtes / and þȳ unbealdra, || þe þe of
A.3.5 451 ah iċ þeċ ġe·dyrstiġ || and þus dol-willen / sīðe ġe·s
A.3.5 466 ll þinga ġe·hwelċ / þolian and þafian || on þīnne dōm, / w
A.3.5 472 lēoman / sweartum sċūrum || and iċ sumra fēt / for·bræc bea
A.3.5 496 þā earfoþu || þe iċ ǣr and sīþ / ġefremede tō facne, |
A.3.5 498 ðum wæs / rodor ā·rǣred || and ryne tungla, / folde ġe·fæst
A.3.5 499 ungla, / folde ġe·fæstnod || and þā forman menn, / Adam and Ae
A.3.5 500 || and þā forman menn, / Adam and Aeue, || þām iċ ealdor oþ
A.3.5 501 þām iċ ealdor oþ·þrang, / and hīe ġe·lǣrde || þæt hī
A.3.5 504 wearþ / iermþu tō ealdre || and hira eaforum swā, / miercost m
A.3.5 560 r || / heredon on hīehþu || and his hāliġ word%, / sæġdon s
A.3.5 564 el godes / frætwum blīcan || and þæt fȳr tō·sċēaf, / ġe
A.3.5 565 r tō·sċēaf, / ġe·frēode and ġe·friðode || fācnes clǣ
A.3.5 566 nes clǣne, / leahtra lēase || and þone līeġ tō·wearp, / heor
A.3.5 576 er-cræfte, / wīġes wōmum || and wudu-bēamum, / holte be·hlǣn
A.3.5 579 m-fæt || lēades ġe·fylde, / and þā on·bærnan hēt || bǣl
A.3.5 588 h þæs fȳres fnǣst || fīf and hund·seofontiġ / hǣðnes her
A.3.5 595 Þā sē dēma wearþ / hrēoh and hyġe-ġrimm, || on·gann his
A.3.5 596 eran, / swelċe hē grennode || and grist-bitode, / wēde on ġe·w
A.3.5 598 r, / grymetade% ġealĝ-mōd || and his godu tǣlde, / þæs þe h
A.3.5 601 s sēo wuldres mæġ / ān-rǣd and unforht, || eafoþa ġe·mynd
A.3.5 608 hālĝan || hiht ġe·nīewod / and þæs mæġdnes mōd || miċe
A.3.5 613 Hēt þā leahtra full / clǣne and ġe·corene || tō cwale lǣd
A.3.5 616 | hearm-lēoþ ā·gōl, / earm and unlǣd, || þone hēo ǣr ġe
A.3.5 617 r ġe·band / ā·wierĝedne || and mid wītum swang, / clipode þ
A.3.5 620 ūssa / meaht for·hoĝode% || and mec swīðost / ġe·minsode, |
A.3.5 631 m%, sċacan, / wīta nēosan || and þæt word ā·cwæþ: / ‘Wā
A.3.5 636 ·lǣded || land-mearce nēah / and tō ðǣre stōwe || ðǣr h
A.3.5 638 / On·gann hēo þā lǣran || and tō lofe trymman / folc of fire
A.3.5 639 fe trymman / folc of firenum || and him frōfre ġe·hēt, / weġ t
A.3.5 640 ġe·hēt, / weġ tō wuldre || and þæt word ā·cwæþ%: / ‘Ġ
A.3.5 641 Ġe·munaþ wiĝena wynn || and wuldres þrymm, / hāliġra hih
A.3.5 644 e, || þæt hine wer-þēode / and eall engla cynn || up on rodo
A.3.5 655 fæstniaþ, / sōðe trēowe || and sibbe mid ēow / healdaþ æt h
A.3.5 676 e for·nam / seċġa hlōðe || and hine selfne mid, / ær·þon h
A.3.5 679 þrēa. || Þǣr [XXX] wæs / and fēowere ēac || fēores on·
A.3.5 704 Ġōmor hweorfeþ / //C// //Y// and //N// . || Cyning biþ rēðe
A.3.5 706 onne synnum fāh / //E// //W// and //U// || ācle bīdaþ / hwæt
A.3.5 714 ġe·sċamode, / þenden gǣst and līċ || ġeador sīðodon / an
A.3.5 721 man mīnum / ġemyne mōdiġ || and metod bidde / þæt mē heofona
A.3.5 725 ēcnan tīd, / dǣda dēmend || and sē dēora sunu, / þonne sēo
A.3.6 23 hrūsan heolstre be·wrāh || and iċ hēan þonan / wōd winter-
A.3.6 34 Ġe·man hē sele-seċġas || and sinċ-þeġe, / hū hine on ġe
A.3.6 39 nge for·þolian, / þonne sorh and slǣp || samod æt·gædere / e
A.3.6 42 t hē his mann-drihten / clyppe and cysse || and on cnēo leċġe
A.3.6 42 n-drihten / clyppe and cysse || and on cnēo leċġe / handa and h
A.3.6 43 || and on cnēo leċġe / handa and hēafod, || swā hē hwīlum
A.3.6 48 rǣdan feðra, / hrēosan hrīm and snāw, || hæġle ġe·menġe
A.3.6 63 ōgra ġe·hwǣm || drēoseþ and fealleþ, / for·þon ne mæġ
A.3.6 89 -steall || wīse ġe·þōhte / and þis deorce% līf || dēope
A.3.6 91 ġe·man / wæl-sleahta worn || and þās word ā·cwiþ: / ‘Hwǣ
A.3.6 101 ġīfru, || wyrd sēo mǣre%, / and þās stān-hliðu || stormas
A.3.7 22 sende / wīse ġe·þōhtas || and weorold-cræftas, / under ānes
A.3.7 26 wīþ || of ġe·mete hweorfe / and þonne for·hyċġe || hēan-
A.3.7 46 | hand biþ ġe·læred, / wīs and ġe·wealden, || Swā biþ wy
A.3.7 59 || sum searu-cræftiġ / goldes and ġimma, || þonne him gumena
A.3.7 67 gāres. / Sum biþ ārfæst || and ælmes-ġeorn, / þēawum ġe·
A.3.7 84 e || for gum-þeġnum, / lēoht and liðu-wāc. || Sum biþ lēof
A.3.7 85 biþ lēof-wende, / hafaþ mōd and word || mannum ġe·þwǣre. /
A.3.7 87 þearfe / mōde be·windeþ || and him metodes ēst% / ofer eorð-
A.3.7 103 ana || ofer ealle menn / wlite and wīsdōm || and weorca blǣd;
A.3.7 103 le menn / wlite and wīsdōm || and weorca blǣd; / ac hē missenl
A.3.7 105 a cynne / ġielpes stīereþ || and his ġiefe bryttaþ, / sumum on
A.3.7 113 || sē ūs þis līf ġiefeþ / and his milde mōd || mannum cȳ
A.3.8 6 || gōda ġe·hwelċes / frēa and fultum, || fēond þām ōðr
A.3.8 9 ā þenden þū libbe. / Fæder and mōdor || frēo þū mid heor
A.3.8 12 fæst simle, / fǣġer-wyrde || and þē on ferhþe lǣt / þīne l
A.3.8 25 ġe·sprecan simle || spella and lāra / rǣd-hyċġende. || Sī
A.3.8 34 ran: / ‘Druncen beorh þē || and dolliċ word, / mān on mōde |
A.3.8 35 olliċ word, / mān on mōde || and on mūðe lyġe, / ierre and æ
A.3.8 36 || and on mūðe lyġe, / ierre and æfste || and idese lufan. / Fo
A.3.8 36 e lyġe, / ierre and æfste || and idese lufan. / For·þon% sċea
A.3.8 46 hwæt sīe gōd oþþe yfel, / and tō·sċēd simle || sċearpe
A.3.8 47 rpe mōde / on sefan þīnum || and þe ā þæt selle ġe·ċēo
A.3.8 49 hyġe, / wunaþ wīsdōm inn || and þū wāst ġeare / andġiet yf
A.3.8 64 yhte, || hāliġra ġe·mynd, / and ā sōþ tō siġe, || þonne
A.3.8 73 an / forþ% fyrn-ġe·writu% || and frēan dōmas, / þā þe hēr
A.3.8 79 n / warnaþ him wammas || worda and dǣda / on sefan simle || and s
A.3.8 80 a and dǣda / on sefan simle || and sōþ fremeþ; / biþ him ġeof
A.3.8 87 e. || Hæle sċeall wīsfæst / and ġe·metlīċe, || mōdes sno
A.3.8 94 ·myne / frōde fæder lāre || and þeċ ā wiþ firenum ġe·he
A.3.9 21 gamene, || ganotes hlēoðor / and hwilpan swēġ || fore hleaht
A.3.9 29 , || bealu-sīða hwon, / wlanc and wīn-gāl, || hū iċ wēriġ
A.3.9 62 || cymeþ eft tō mē / ġīfre and grǣdiġ, || ġielleþ ān-fl
A.3.9 78 ielda bearn || aefter herien, / and his lof siþþan || libbe mid
A.3.9 85 him || mǣrþa ġe·fremedon / and on dryhtlīcostum || dōme li
A.3.9 87 tene, / wuniaþ þā wācran || and þās weorold healdaþ, / brūc
A.3.9 89 , / eorðan indryhtu || ealdaþ and sēaraþ, / swā nū manna ġe
A.3.9 105 grundas, / eorðan sċēatas || and up-rodor. / Dol biþ sē þe hi
A.3.9 109 an sċeall strangum mōde% || and þæt on staðolum healdan, / a
A.3.9 110 d þæt on staðolum healdan, / and ġe·wiss werum, || wīsum cl
A.3.9 112 e·mete healdan / wiþ lēofne and wiþ lāðne || bealu, / þēah
A.3.9 118 ġan || hwǣr we% hām āgen, / and þonne ġe·þenċan || hū w
A.3.9 119 nċan || hū we þider cumen, / and we þonne ēac tilien, || þ
A.4.1 33 d || hrīnġed-stefna, / īsiġ and ūt-fūs, || æðelinges fær
A.4.1 39 e·ġierwan / hilde-wǣpnum || and heaðu-wǣdum, / billum and byr
A.4.1 40 || and heaðu-wǣdum, / billum and byrnum; || him on bearme læ
A.4.1 58 | hēold þenden lifde, / gamol and gūð-rēow, || glæde Sċiel
A.4.1 61 weoroda rǣswan%, / Heoru·gār and Hrōð·gār || and Halga til
A.4.1 61 oru·gār and Hrōð·gār || and Halga til; / hīerde iċ þæt
A.4.1 71 bearn || ǣfre ġe·frugnon, / and ðǣr on innan || eall ġe·d
A.4.1 72 n || eall ġe·dǣlan / ġungum and ealdum, || swelċ him God sea
A.4.1 73 ealde, / būtan folc-sċeare || and fēorum gumena. / Þā iċ wīd
A.4.1 82 mble. || Sele hlīfode, / hēah and horn-ġēap, || heaðu-wielma
A.4.1 94 tte siġe-hrēðiġ || sunnan and mōnan / lēoman tō lēohte ||
A.4.1 95 ōnan / lēoman tō lēohte || l and -būendum / and ġe·frætwode |
A.4.1 97 ode || foldan sċēatas / limum and lēafum, || līf ēac ġe·s
A.4.1 104 | sē þe mōras hēold, / fenn and fæsten; || fifel-cynnes eard
A.4.1 112 s || ealle on·wōcon, / etonas and ielfe || and orc-nēas, / swel
A.4.1 112 ·wōcon, / etonas and ielfe || and orc-nēas, / swelċe ġīĝanta
A.4.1 121 wera. || Wiht unhǣlu, / grimm and grǣdiġ, || ġearu sōna wæ
A.4.1 122 , || ġearu sōna wæs, / rēoc and rēðe || and on ræste ġe·
A.4.1 122 na wæs, / rēoc and rēðe || and on ræste ġe·nam / þrītiġ
A.4.1 134 t ġe·winn tō strang, / lāþ and langsum. || Næs hit lengra f
A.4.1 136 fremede / morð-beala māre || and nā mearn fore, / fǣhþe and f
A.4.1 137 | and nā mearn fore, / fǣhþe and firene; || wæs tō fæst on
A.4.1 143 || hēold hine siþþan / fierr and fæstor || sē þǣm fēonde
A.4.1 144 nde æt-wand. / Swā rīxode || and wiþ rihte wann, / ana wiþ eal
A.4.1 153 || hete-nīðas wæġ, / firene and fǣhþe || fela missera, / sīn
A.4.1 160 rc dēaþ-sċūa, || duĝuþe and ġuĝuþe, / seomode and sierwe
A.4.1 161 ĝuþe and ġuĝuþe, / seomode and sierwede, || sīn-nihte hēol
A.4.1 188 að-dæġe || drihten sēċan / and tō fæder fæðmum || friðe
A.4.1 192 t ġe·winn tō swīþ, / lāþ and langsum, || þe on þā lēod
A.4.1 198 e || þisses līfes, / æðele and ēacen. || Hēt him ȳþ-lida
A.4.1 261 gum-cynnes || Ġēata lēode / and Hyġe·lāces || heorð-ġe·
A.4.1 277 || uncūðne nīþ, / hīenþu and hrǣw-fiell. || Iċ þæs Hr
A.4.1 279 d ġe·lǣran, / hū hē frōd and gōd || fēond ofer·swīðe
A.4.1 282 a bisiĝu, || bōt eft cuman, / and þā ċear-wielmas || cōlran
A.4.1 289 a || ġe·sċād witan, / worda and weorca, || sē þe wēl þen
A.4.1 292 e·wītaþ forþ beran / wǣpen and ġe·wǣdu; || iċ ēow wīsi
A.4.1 305 an || ġe·hroden golde, / fāh and fȳr-heard; || feorh-wearde h
A.4.1 308 īe sæl% timbred, / ġeatoliċ and gold-fāh, || anġietan meaht
A.4.1 334 ċieldas, / grǣġe sierċan || and grīm-helmas, / here-sċeafta h
A.4.1 336 || Iċ eom Hrōð·gāres / ār and ambiht. || Ne seah iċ ell-þ
A.4.1 350 maniĝum ġe·cȳðed, / wīġ and wīsdōm): || ‘Iċ þæs wi
A.4.1 354 mǣrne, || ymb þīnne sīþ, / and þē þā andsware || ǣdre
A.4.1 357 ðǣr Hrōð·gār sæt / eald and an-hār% || mid his eorla ġe
A.4.1 393 æt hē ēower æðelu cann, / and ġē him sindon || ofer sǣ-w
A.4.1 408 | Iċ eom Hyġe·lāces / mǣġ and maĝu-þeġn; || hæbbe iċ m
A.4.1 413 , || rinca ġe·hwelcum / īdel and unnytt, || siþþan ǣfen-lē
A.4.1 421 ·band, / īeðde etona cynn || and on ȳðum slōh / nicoras nihte
A.4.1 424 scodon), / for·grand gramum || and nū wiþ Grendel sċeall, / wi
A.4.1 431 cōm, / þæt iċ mōte ana || and mīnra eorla ġe·dryht, / þē
A.4.1 439 sċeall / fōn wiþ fēonde || and ymb feorh sacan, / lāþ wiþ l
A.4.1 458 % þū, || wine min Bēowulf, / and for ār-stafum || ūsiċ sōh
A.4.1 466 ðum wēold || folce Deniġa% / and on ġuĝuþe hēold || ġinne
A.4.1 489 ·nam. / Site nū tō simble || and on·sǣl meta, / siġe-hreþ se
A.4.1 498 am, / duĝuþ unlȳtel || Dena and Wedera. / Unferþ% maðelode, |
A.4.1 509 for wlenċu || wadu cunnodon / and for dol-ġielpe || on dēop w
A.4.1 523 || ðǣr hē folc āhte / burh and bēaĝas. || Bēot eall wiþ
A.4.1 536 ġe·cwǣdon || cniht-wesende / and ġe·bēotedon || (wǣron bē
A.4.1 538 eċġ ūt / ealdrum nēðdon || and þæt ġe·æfndon swā. / Hæf
A.4.1 547 a ċealdost, / nīpende niht || and norðan-wind / heaðu-grimm and
A.4.1 600 ac hē lust wiġeþ, / swefeþ and sendeþ, || sǣċċe ne wēne
A.4.1 602 ċ him Ġēata sċeall / eafoþ and ellen || unġāra nū, / gūðe
A.4.1 608 || sinċes brytta, / gamol-feax and gūð-rōf; || ġēoce ġe·l
A.4.1 615 ld-hroden || guman on healle, / and þā freoliċ wīf || full ġ
A.4.1 619 Hē on lust ġe·þeah / simble and sele-full, || siġe-rōf cyni
A.4.1 621 ā || ides Helminga / duĝuþe and ġuĝuþe || dæl ǣghwelcne,
A.4.1 630 wiĝa, || æt Wealh·þēon, / and þā ġieddode || gūðe ġe
A.4.1 653 e, / Hrōð·gār Bēo·wulf || and him hǣl ā·bēad, / wīn-ærn
A.4.1 654 ad, / wīn-ærnes ġe·weald || and þæt word ā·cwæþ: / ‘Nǣ
A.4.1 656 r ā·līefde, / siþþan iċ h and and rand || hebban meahte, / þ
A.4.1 658 ūtan þē nū-þā. / Hafa nū and ġe·heald || hūsa sēlest, /
A.4.1 674 rena cyst, || ambiht-þeġne, / and ġe·healdan hēt || hilde-ġ
A.4.1 685 an dearr / wīġ ofer wǣpen || and siþþan wītiġ god / on swā
A.4.1 689 on·fēng / eorles andwlitan || and hine ymb maniġ / snelliċ sǣ-
A.4.1 698 u, || Wedera lēodum, / frōfor and fultum, || þæt hīe fēond
A.4.1 745 es || eall ġe·feormod, / fēt and folma. || Forþ nēar æt-st
A.4.1 749 ng hræðe / inwitt-þancum || and wiþ earm ġe·sæt. / Sōna þ
A.4.1 760 prǣċe, || up-lang ā·stōd / and him fæste wiþ·fēng; || fi
A.4.1 763 e swā, / wīdre ġe·windan || and on weġ þonan / flēon on fenn
A.4.1 774 c hē þæs fæste wæs / innan and ūtan || īren-bendum / searu-
A.4.1 780 ete || manna ǣniġ, / betliċ% and bān-fāh, || tobrecan meahte
A.4.1 800 hyċġende || hilde-meċġas, / and on healfa ġe·hwone || hēaw
A.4.1 807 s līfes / earmliċ weorðan || and sē ellor-gāst / on fēonda ġ
A.4.1 826 þe ǣr feorran cōm, / snotor and swīþ-ferhþ, || sele Hrōð
A.4.1 832 rĝe, || þe hīe ǣr druĝon / and for þrēa-nīedum || þolian
A.4.1 835 ēor || hand ā·leġde, / earm and eaxle || (ðǣr wæs eall ġe
A.4.1 839 ērdon folc-toĝan || feorran and nēan / ġond wīd-weĝas || wu
A.4.1 846 men, || on nicora mere / fǣġe and ġe·flīemed || feorh-lāsta
A.4.1 873 ow·ulfes || snytrum styrġan / and on spēd wrecan || spell ġe
A.4.1 879 || ġearwe ne wisson, / fǣhþe and firena, || būtan Fitela mid
A.4.1 902 es || hild sweðrode, / eafoþ% and ellen. || Hē mid Ēotnum wea
A.4.1 912 n, || folc ġe·healdan, / hord and hleo-burh, || hæleþa rīċe
A.4.1 918 wæs morĝen-lēoht / sċofen and sċynded. || Ēode sċealc ma
A.4.1 923 ċele, / cystum ġe·cȳðed || and his cwēn mid him / medu-stīġ
A.4.1 927 apne hrōf, / golde fāĝne || and Grendles hand): / ‘Þisse ans
A.4.1 939 lāðum be·weredon / sċuccum and sċinnum. || Nū sċealc hafa
A.4.1 972 æðe || lāst weardian, / earm and eaxle. || No ðǣr ǣnġe sw
A.4.1 993 od. || Fela þāra wæs, / wera and wīfa, || þe þæt wīn-reċ
A.4.1 1008 ter simble. || Þā wæs sǣl and mǣl / þæt tō healle gēong
A.4.1 1017 ele þǣm hēan, / Hrōð·gār and Hrōð·ulf. || Heorot innan
A.4.1 1022 oden hilde-cumbₒr%, || helm and byrnan, / mǣre māðum-sweord
A.4.1 1043 ġ, || þonne walu fēollon. / And þā Bēow·ulfe || bēġa ġ
A.4.1 1045 || anweald ġe·teah, / wiċġa and wǣpna, || hēt hine wēl br
A.4.1 1048 heaðu-rǣsas ġeald / mēarum and māðmum, || swā hīe nǣfre
A.4.1 1053 m ġe·sealde, / ierfe-lāfe || and þone ǣnne hēt / golde for·g
A.4.1 1057 tiġ god || wyrd for·stōde / and þæs mannes mōd. || Metod e
A.4.1 1061 a sċeall ġe·bīdan / lēofes and lāðes || sē þe lange hēr
A.4.1 1063 lde brūceþ. / Þǣr wæs sang and swēġ || samod æt·gædere /
A.4.1 1074 þǣm lind-pleĝan%, / bearnum and brōðrum; || hīe on ġe·by
A.4.1 1087 || eall ġe·rȳmdon, / healle and hēah-setl, || þæt hīe hea
A.4.1 1089 otna bearn || āĝan mōston, / and æt feoh-ġiftum || Folc·wea
A.4.1 1107 olde. / Ād% wæs ġe·efned || and iċġe gold / ā·hæfen of hor
A.4.1 1116 fæstan, / bān-fatu bærnan || and on bǣl dôn / êame% on eaxle.
A.4.1 1127 Frēsland ġe·sêon, / hāmas and hēa-burh. || Henġest þā-
A.4.1 1148 grimne grīpe || Gūð·lāf and Ōs·lāf / aefter sǣ-sīðe,
A.4.1 1153 læġen, / cyning on corðre || and sēo cwēn numen. / Sċēotend
A.4.1 1171 lum wes, / gold-wine gumena || and tō Ġēatum sprec / mildum wor
A.4.1 1174 ġiefena ġe·myndiġ, / nēan and feorran || þū nū hafast. / M
A.4.1 1178 n þū mōte / maniġra medu || and þīnum māĝum lǣf / folc and
A.4.1 1179 and þīnum māĝum lǣf / folc and rīċe, || þonne þū forþ
A.4.1 1186 mann, / hwæt wit tō willan || and tō weorð-myndum / umbₒr-wes
A.4.1 1189 re byre wǣron, / Hrēð·rīċ and Hrōð·mund || and hæleþa
A.4.1 1189 ð·rīċ and Hrōð·mund || and hæleþa bearn, / ġuĝuþ æt
A.4.1 1192 twǣm. / Him wæs full boren || and frēond-laðu / wordum be·wæ
A.4.1 1193 -laðu / wordum be·wæġned || and wunden gold / ēstum ġe·īewe
A.4.1 1195 || earm-rēade% twā, / hræġl and hringas, || heals-bēaĝa mǣ
A.4.1 1200 ġ || Brōsinga mene, / siġele and sinċ-fæt; || searu-nīðas
A.4.1 1211 ninges, / brēost-ġe·wǣdu || and sē bēah samod; / wiersan wī
A.4.1 1217 lf lēofa, / hyse, mid hǣle || and þisses hræġles nēot, / þē
A.4.1 1218 ēot, / þēod-ġe·strēona || and ġe·þēoh tela, / cenn þeċ
A.4.1 1219 la, / cenn þeċ mid cræfte || and þissum cnihtum wes / lāra lī
A.4.1 1221 e·fēred || þæt þe feorr and nēah / ealne wīde-ferhþ || w
A.4.1 1236 iĝum, || siþþan ǣfen cōm / and him Hrōð·gār ġe·wāt ||
A.4.1 1240 ġeond·brǣded wearþ / beddum and bolstrum. || Bēor-sċealca s
A.4.1 1241 m. || Bēor-sċealca sum / fūs and fǣġe || flett-ræste ġe·b
A.4.1 1272 ġiefe || þe him god sealde, / and him tō an-wealdan || āre ġ
A.4.1 1273 || āre ġe·līefde, / frōfre and fultum; || þȳ hē þone fē
A.4.1 1276 sêon, / mann-cynnes fēond || and his mōdor þā-ġīet, / ġīf
A.4.1 1277 s mōdor þā-ġīet, / ġīfre and ġealĝ-mōd, || ġe·ġān w
A.4.1 1325 ra brōðor, / min rūn-wita || and min rǣd-bora, / eaxl-ġe·stea
A.4.1 1337 lange || lēode mīne / wanode and wierde. || Hē æt wīġe ġe
A.4.1 1338 e·crang / ealdres sċyldiġ || and nū ōðer cōm / mehtiġ mān-
A.4.1 1417 wæter under stōd / drēoriġ and ġe·drēfed. || Denum eallum
A.4.1 1430 þ || on seġl-rāde, / wyrmas and wild-dēor; || hīe on weġ h
A.4.1 1431 | hīe on weġ hruron, / bitere and ġe·bolĝne, || bearhtm on·
A.4.1 1439 arwod, / nīða ġe·nǣġed || and on næs toĝen, / wundorliċ w
A.4.1 1444 | heandum ġe·broĝden, / sīd and searu-fāh, || sund cunnian, /
A.4.1 1488 tan, || brēac þonne mōste. / And þū Un·ferþ% læt || ealde
A.4.1 1499 hēold || hund missera, / grimm and grǣdiġ, || þæt ðǣr gume
A.4.1 1533 hit on eorðan læġ, / stīþ and stīel-eċġ; || strenġe ġe
A.4.1 1542 or·ġeald / grimmum grāpum || and him tō·ġēanes fēng; / ofer
A.4.1 1545 æt þā þone sele-ġiest || and hire seax ġe·teah, / brād an
A.4.1 1546 nd hire seax ġe·teah, / brād and% brūn-eċġ, || wolde hire be
A.4.1 1549 t ġe·bearh fēore, / wiþ ord and wiþ eċġe || ingang for·st
A.4.1 1553 fremede, / here-nett hearde || and hāliġ god / ġe·wēold wīġ
A.4.1 1562 ce || æt-beran meahte, / gōd and ġeatoliċ, || ġīĝanta ġe
A.4.1 1564 , || freca Sċieldinga / hrēoh and heoru-grimm || hrinġ-mǣl ġ
A.4.1 1575 | Hyġe·lāces þeġn, / ierre and ān-rǣd. || Næs sēo eċġ
A.4.1 1583 s Deniġa || fīf-tīene menn / and ōðer swelċ || ūt of·fere
A.4.1 1590 ode, / heoru-swenġ heardne, || and hine þā heafde be·ċearf. /
A.4.1 1603 estas setan% / mōdes sēoce || and on mere starodon, / wiston and
A.4.1 1604 and on mere starodon, / wiston and ne wēndon || þæt hīe hira
A.4.1 1611 | sē ġe·weald hafaþ / sǣla and mǣla; || þæt is sōþ meto
A.4.1 1614 seah, / būtan þone hafolan || and þā hilt samod / sinċe fāĝe
A.4.1 1622 gāst / of·lēt līf-daĝas || and þās lǣnan ġe·sċeaft. / C
A.4.1 1629 wæs of þǣm hrōran || helm and byrne / lungre ā·līesed. ||
A.4.1 1649 ncon, / eġesliċ for eorlum || and ðǣre idese mid, / wlite-sīen
A.4.1 1673 id þīnra seċġa ġe·dryht / and þeġna ġe·hwelċ || þīnr
A.4.1 1674 || þīnra lēoda, / duĝuþe and ġuĝuþe, || þæt þū him
A.4.1 1681 wundₒr-smiða ġe·weorc || and þā þās weorold of·ġeaf /
A.4.1 1683 ndsaca, / morðres sċyldiġ || and his mōdor ēac, / on ġe·weal
A.4.1 1696 rihte ġe·mearcod, / ġeseted and ġe·sæġd || hwǣm þæt sw
A.4.1 1698 || ǣrest wǣre, / wriðen-hilt and wyrm-fāh. || Þā sē wīsa
A.4.1 1700 ġ seċġan || sē þe sōþ and riht / fremeþ on folce, || feo
A.4.1 1712 willan, || ac tō wæl-fielle / and tō dēaþ-cwalum || Deniġa
A.4.1 1727 efan || snytre bryttaþ, / eard and eorlsċipe; || hē āh ealra
A.4.1 1741 n || ofer-hyġda dæl / weaxeþ and wrīdaþ. || Þonne sē weard
A.4.1 1750 lp seleþ / fædde% bēaĝas || and hē þā forþ-ġe·sċeaft / f
A.4.1 1751 þ-ġe·sċeaft / for·ġieteþ and for·ġīemeþ, || þæs þe
A.4.1 1759 ·ulf lēofa, / secg betesta || and þe þæt sēlre ġe·cēos, /
A.4.1 1767 ēaĝena bearhtm / for·siteþ and for·sweorceþ; || samnunga b
A.4.1 1770 ssera / wēold under wolcnum || and hīe wīġe be·lēac / maniĝu
A.4.1 1772 þisne middan-ġeard, / æscum and eċġum, || þæt iċ mē ǣn
A.4.1 1800 rt; || reċed hlīfode / ġēap and gold-fāh; || ġiest inne sw
A.4.1 1813 ; || þæt wæs mōdiġ secg. / And þā sīþ-frame, || searwum
A.4.1 1833 hē mec fremman wile / wordum% and weorcum%, || þæt iċ þe w
A.4.1 1834 || þæt iċ þe wēl herġe / and þē tō ġēoce || gār-holt
A.4.1 1844 Þū eart mæġenes strang || and on mōde frōd, / wīs word-cwi
A.4.1 1849 dor þīnne, / folces hierde || and þū þīn feorh hafast, / þæ
A.4.1 1856 m sċeall, / Ġēata lēodum || and Gār-Denum, / sibb-ġe·mǣne%
A.4.1 1857 r-Denum, / sibb-ġe·mǣne% || and sacu restan, / inwitt-nīðas,
A.4.1 1863 aca || ofer hafu bringan / lāc and luf-tācen. || Iċ þā lēod
A.4.1 1872 ieldinga, || þeġn betestan / and be healse ġe·nam; || hruron
A.4.1 1898 , || hrinġed-stefna, / mēarum and māðmum; || mǣst hlīfode / o
A.4.1 1921 elinga ġe·strēon, / frætwe and fǣt-gold; || næs him feorr
A.4.1 1958 For·þǣm Offa wæs / ġiefum and gūþ-um, || gār-cēne mann,
A.4.1 2027 ieldinga, / rīċes hīerde || and þæt rǣd talaþ, / þæt hē
A.4.1 2033 n || þēodne% Heaðu-Beardna / and þeġna ġe·hwǣm || þāra
A.4.1 2037 diaþ || gamolra lāfe, / heard and hrinġ-mǣl || Heaðu-Beardna
A.4.1 2040 leĝan / swǣse ġe·sīðas || and hira selfra feorh. / Þonne cwi
A.4.1 2046 nian, / wīġ-bealu weċċan || and þæt word ā·cwiþ: / ‘Meah
A.4.1 2055 gǣþ, / morðres ġielpeþ% || and þone māðum bireþ, / þone
A.4.1 2057 rǣdan sċoldest. / Manaþ swā and myndgaþ || mǣla ġe·hwelċ
A.4.1 2065 elde / weallaþ wæl-nīðas || and him wīf-lufan / aefter ċear-w
A.4.1 2086 -folm%. || Glōf hangode / sīd and seldliċ, || searu-bendum fæ
A.4.1 2088 ġierwed / dēofles cræftum || and dracan fellum. / Hē mec ðǣr
A.4.1 2099 e weardode / hand on Heorote || and hē hēan þonan / mōdes ġōm
A.4.1 2104 mum || siþþan morĝen cōm / and we tō simble || ġe·seten h
A.4.1 2105 en hæfdon. / Þǣr wæs ġiedd and glēo. || Gamela Sċielding, /
A.4.1 2109 wīlum ġiedd ā·wræc / sōþ and sārliċ, || hwīlum seldliċ
A.4.1 2138 mǣne, / holm heolfre wēoll || and iċ heafde be·ċearf / on þǣ
A.4.1 2166 ē him ēst ġe·tēah / mēara and mādma. || Swā sċeall mǣġ
A.4.1 2171 eardum, || nefa swīðe hold, / and ġe·hwæðer ōðrum || hro
A.4.1 2175 | þrīe wiċġ samod / swancor and sadol-beorht; || hire siþþa
A.4.1 2195 ow·ulfes || bearm ā·leġde / and him ġe·sealde || seofon þ
A.4.1 2196 lde || seofon þūsendu, / bold and breĝu-stōl. || Him wæs bǣ
A.4.1 2202 || siþþan Hyġe·lāc læġ / and Heard·rǣde% || hildē-mēċ
A.4.1 2225 as flēah, / ærnes% þearfa || and ðǣr inne fealh%, / secg synn-
A.4.1 2237 aþ for·nam / ǣrrum mǣlum || and sē% ān þā-ġīen / lēoda d
A.4.1 2269 || unblīðe hwearf% / dæġes and nihtes, || oþ·þæt dēaðe
A.4.1 2292 || īeðe ġe·dīeġan / wēan and wræc-sīþ, || sē þe weald
A.4.1 2296 te || sāre ġe·tēode, / hāt and hrēoh-mōd || hlǣw% oft ymb
A.4.1 2317 / nearu-fāĝes nīþ || nēan and feorran, / hū sē gūþ-sċað
A.4.1 2319 aða || Ġēata lēode / hatode and hīende; || hord eft ġe·sċ
A.4.1 2322 || līeġe be·fangen, / bǣle and brande, || beorĝes ġe·truw
A.4.1 2323 eorĝes ġe·truwode, / wīġes and wealles; || him sēo wenn ġe
A.4.1 2343 e·bīdan, / weorolde līfes || and sē wyrm samod, / þēah þe ho
A.4.1 2349 īġ || for wiht dyde, / eafoþ and ellen, || for·þon hē ǣr f
A.4.1 2353 adiġ secg, || sele fǣlsode / and æt gūðe for·grāp || Gren
A.4.1 2369 him Hyġd ġe·bēad || hord and rīċe / bēaĝas and breĝu-st
A.4.1 2370 d || hord and rīċe / bēaĝas and breĝu-stōl, || bearne ne tr
A.4.1 2387 nġum, || sunu Hyġe·lāces, / and him eft ġe·wāt || Angₑn-
A.4.1 2395 || sunu Ōht·heres, / wīĝum and wǣpnum; || hē ġe·wræc si
A.4.1 2413 | sē wæs innan full / wrǣtta and wīra. || Weard unhīere, / ġe
A.4.1 2420 Him wæs ġōmor sefa, / wǣfre and wæl-fūs, || wyrd unġemete
A.4.1 2430 m fæder-ġe·nam; / hēold mec and hæfde || Hrēðel cyning, / ġ
A.4.1 2431 ðel cyning, / ġeaf mē sinċ and symbₑl, || sibbe ġe·munde
A.4.1 2434 his bearna hwelċ / Here·beald and Hǣð·cynn || oþþe Hyġe·
A.4.1 2439 swencte, / miste mierċelses || and his mǣġ of·sċēat, / brōð
A.4.1 2448 angaþ / hræfne tō hroðre || and hē him helpe% ne mæġ, / eald
A.4.1 2449 hē him helpe% ne mæġ, / eald and infrōd, || ǣnġe ġe·fremm
A.4.1 2462 hte him eall tō rūm, / wangas and wīċ-stede. || Swā Wedra he
A.4.1 2471 , || swā dēþ ēadiġ mon, / l and and lēod-byriġ, || þā hē
A.4.1 2472 fe ġe·wāt. / Þā wæs synn and sacu || Swēona and Ġēata / o
A.4.1 2472 wæs synn and sacu || Swēona and Ġēata / ofer wīd% wæter, ||
A.4.1 2480 | mīne ġe·wrǣcon, / fǣhþe and firene, || swā hit ġe·frǣ
A.4.1 2498 ·foran wolde, / ana on orde || and swā tō ealdre sċeall / sæċ
A.4.1 2500 sweord þolaþ, / þæt mec ǣr and sīþ || oft ġe·læste. / Si
A.4.1 2509 || Nū sċeall billes eċġ, / h and and heard sweord, || ymb hord
A.4.1 2523 res || hātes wēne, / oreðes% and attres%; || for·þon iċ mē
A.4.1 2524 ·þon iċ mē on hæbbe / bord and byrnan. || Nylle iċ beorĝes
A.4.1 2571 Sċield wēl ġe·bearh / līfe and līċe || lǣssan hwīle / mǣr
A.4.1 2614 tān% bana / mēċes eċġum || and his māĝum æt-bær / brūn-f
A.4.1 2621 hēold || fela missera, / bill and byrnan, || oþ·þæt his byr
A.4.1 2638 || ðearf ġe·lumpe, / helmas and heard sweord. || Þȳ hē ūs
A.4.1 2640 , / on·munde ūsiċ mǣrþa || and mē þās māðmas ġeaf, / þ
A.4.1 2659 ċe; || ūrum sċeall sweord and helm, / byrne and beadu-sċrūd
A.4.1 2660 ċeall sweord and helm, / byrne and beadu-sċrūd%, || bǣm ġe·
A.4.1 2682 || sweord Bēow·ulfes, / gamol and grǣġ-mǣl. || Him þæt ġi
A.4.1 2691 ā him rūm ā·ġeald, / hāt and heaðu-grimm, || heals ealne
A.4.1 2696 eorl || ellen cȳðan, / cræft and cēnþe, || swā him ġe·cyn
A.4.1 2701 þæt sweord ġe·dēaf, / fāh and fǣted, || þæt þæt fȳr o
A.4.1 2704 wæl-seaxe ġe·bræġd / biter and beadu-sċearp, || þæt hē o
A.4.1 2707 fieldon || feorh ellen wræc, / and hīe hine þā bēġen || ā
A.4.1 2713 ca || ǣr ġe·worhte, / swelan and swellan; || hē þæt sōna o
A.4.1 2723 ġe·lafode, / hilde sædne || and his helm% on·spēon. / Bēow·
A.4.1 2751 -welan || min ā·lǣtan / līf and lēodsċipe, || þone iċ lan
A.4.1 2759 tēnġe, / wunder on wealle || and þæs wyrmes denn, / ealdes ūh
A.4.1 2763 | ðǣr wæs helm maniġ / eald and ōmiġ, || earm-bēaĝa fela /
A.4.1 2775 him on bearm hladon% || bunan and discas / selfes dōme; || seġn
A.4.1 2812 , || gold-fāĝne helm, / bēah and byrnan, || hēt hine brūcan
A.4.1 2868 ealde / heall-sittendum || helm and byrnan, / þēoden his þeġnum
A.4.1 2878 hte / æt-ġiefan æt gūðe || and on·gann swā-þēah / ofer min
A.4.1 2884 . / Nū sċeall sinċ-þeĝu || and sweord-ġiefu, / eall ēðel-wy
A.4.1 2896 a on wēnum, / ende-dōĝres || and eft-cymes / lēofes mannes. ||
A.4.1 2910 um || hēafod-wearde / lēofes and lāðes. || Nū is lēodum w
A.4.1 2912 || siþþan undierne% / Francum and Frēsum || fiell cininges / wī
A.4.1 2929 a || fæder Ōht·heres, / eald and eġesfull || andslieht ā·ġ
A.4.1 2932 be·rofene, / Anelan mōdor || and Ōht·heres, / and þā folgode
A.4.1 2933 an mōdor || and Ōht·heres, / and þā folgode || feorh-ġe·n
A.4.1 2943 an hīe Hyġe·lāces || horn and bīeman, / ġealdor on·ġēato
A.4.1 2946 sēo swāt-swaðu || Swēona% and Ġēata, / wæl-rǣs wera || w
A.4.1 2956 m || hord for·standan, / bearn and brȳde; || bēah eft þonan / e
A.4.1 2987 yrnan, / heard sweord hilted || and his helm samod, / hāres hyrste
A.4.1 2989 / Hē þǣm% frætwum fēng || and him fæġere ġe·hēt / lēana
A.4.1 2990 ·hēt / lēana mid% lēodum || and ġe·lǣste%swā. / ġeald þon
A.4.1 2993 hē tō hām be·cōm, / Eofore and Wulfe || mid ofer-māðmum, / s
A.4.1 2995 rum || hund þūsenda / landes and locenra bēaĝa || ne þorfte
A.4.1 2997 e þā mǣrþa ġe·slōĝon, / and þā Eofore for·ġeaf || ān
A.4.1 2999 dde. / Þæt is sēo fǣhþu || and sē fēondsċipe, / wæl-nīþ
A.4.1 3004 hēold / wiþ hettendum || hord and rīċe / aefter hæleþa hryre,
A.4.1 3009 od-cyning || ðǣr sċēawien / and þone ġe·bringen, || þe ū
A.4.1 3013 me || grymme ġe·ċēapod%, / and nū æt sīðostan || selfes
A.4.1 3021 || hleahtor ā·leġde, / gamen and glēo-drēam. || For·þon s
A.4.1 3047 tod. / Him bī stōdon || bunan and orcas, / discas lǣĝon || and
A.4.1 3048 and orcas, / discas lǣĝon || and dīeru sweord, / ōmġe, þurh
A.4.1 3087 tyhte. / Iċ wæs ðǣr inne || and þæt eall ġond·seah, / reċe
A.4.1 3094 Cwicu wæs þā ġīena, / wīs and ġe·wittiġ; || worn eall ġ
A.4.1 3095 spræc / gamol on ġīehþe || and ēowiċ grētan hēt, / bæd þ
A.4.1 3098 | beorh þone hēan, / miċelne and mǣrne, || swā hē manna wæ
A.4.1 3102 stan || ōðre sīðe%, / sēon and sēċan || searu-ġimma% ġe
A.4.1 3105 || nēon sċēawiaþ / bēaĝas and brād gold. || Sīe sēo bǣr
A.4.1 3107 fned, || þonne we ūt cymen, / and þonne ġe·ferġen || frēan
A.4.1 3155 || weorodes eġesan, / hȳnðu% and% hæft-nīed%. || Heofon rīe
A.4.1 3157 ow on hōe, || sē wæs hēah and brād, / wǣġ-līðendum || w
A.4.1 3159 endum || wīde ġe·sīene%, / and be·timbredon% || on tīen da
A.4.1 3163 / Hīe on beorh dydon || bēah and siġlu, / eall swelċe hyrsta,
A.4.1 3171 %, / woldon ċeare% cwīðan || and% cyning% mǣnan, / word-ġiedd w
A.4.1 3172 mǣnan, / word-ġiedd wrecan || and ymb wer% sprecan; / eahtodon eo
A.4.1 3173 recan; / eahtodon eorlsċipe || and his ellen-weorc / duĝuþum dē
A.4.1 3181 ld-cyninga% / manna% mildost || and mann-þwǣrost%, / lēodum lī
A.4.1 3182 wǣrost%, / lēodum līðost || and lof-ġeornost.
A.4.2 8 īn-hātan wyrċan ġeorne || and eallum wundrum þrymmliċ / ġi
A.4.2 18 lōme, || swelċe ēac bunan and orcas / fulle flett-sittendum;
A.4.2 23 ena, || on gyte-sǣlum, / hlōh and hlȳdde, || hlynede and dyned
A.4.2 23 hlōh and hlȳdde, || hlynede and dynede, / þæt meahton fīra b
A.4.2 25 ū sē stīþ-moda || styrmde and ġielede, / mōdiġ and medu-g
A.4.2 26 styrmde and ġielede, / mōdiġ and medu-gāl, || manode ġe·nea
A.4.2 41 ithe / fundon ferhð-glēawe || and þā framlīċe / lind-wīġend
A.4.2 51 inne cōm / hæleþa bearna || and on hine nǣniġ / manna cynnes,
A.4.2 59 ā beorhtan idese / mid wīdle and mid wamme be·smītan. || Ne
A.4.2 79 e mēċe, / sċūrum heardne || and of sċeaðe ā·bræġd / swī
A.4.2 82 end ealra / weorold-būendra || and þæt word ā·cwæþ: / ‘Iċ
A.4.2 83 : / ‘Iċ þē, frymþa god || and frōfre gāst, / bearn eall-wea
A.4.2 87 ū-þā / heorte% on·hǣted || and hyġe ġōmor, / swīðe mid so
A.4.2 89 mē, sweġeles ealdor, / siĝor and sōðne ġe·lēafan, || þæ
A.4.2 97 tō helpe sēċeþ / mid rǣde and mid rihte ġe·lēafan. || Þ
A.4.2 100 þ hire weard / bismerlīċe || and þone bealufullan / listum ā·
A.4.2 107 hē on swīman læġ, / druncen and dolĝ-wund. || Næs þā dēa
A.4.2 113 wearf / under neowolne næss || and ðǣr ġe·niðerod wæs, / sū
A.4.2 130 ungen, || þider inn lǣdde, / and hit þā swā heolfriġ || hi
A.4.2 147 ft cumen / lēof tō lēodum || and þā lungre hēt / glēaw-hyġd
A.4.2 150 || hire tō·ġēanes gān, / and hīe ofostlīċe || inn for·
A.4.2 151 / þurh þæs wealles ġeat || and þæt word ā·cwæþ / tō þ
A.4.2 157 -blǣd / torhtliċ tō-weard || and tīr ġiefeþe / þāra lǣþþ
A.4.2 163 , / weras wīf samod, || wornum and hēapum, / þrēatum and þrymm
A.4.2 164 wornum and hēapum, / þrēatum and þrymmum || þrungon and urno
A.4.2 164 atum and þrymmum || þrungon and urnon / on·ġēan þā þēodn
A.4.2 169 udith cumen / eft tō ēðle || and þā ofostlīċe / hīe mid ēa
A.4.2 174 ðan || hēafod on·wrīðan / and hit tō bīecþe || blōdiġ
A.4.2 182 e·fremede, / sārra sorĝa || and þæt swīðor ġīet / īeċan
A.4.2 192 forþ, / bord for brēostum || and byrn-hamas, / sċīre helmas ||
A.4.2 196 re / ġe·dēmed tō dēaðe || and ġē dōm āĝon, / tīr æt to
A.4.2 201 | Stōpon cyne-rōfe / seċġas and ġe·sīðas, || bǣron siġe
A.4.2 206 a ġe·feah / wulf on wealde || and sē wanna hræfn, / wæl-ġīfr
A.4.2 244 on, || wreahton cumbol-wiĝan / and him forhtlīċe || fǣr-spell
A.4.2 248 leþ || slǣpe tō·breġdan / and wiþ þæs bealufullan || bū
A.4.2 254 le / þæt sē beorna breĝu || and sēo beorhte mæġeþ / on þǣ
A.4.2 256 samne, / Iudith sēo æðele || and sē gāl-mōda, / eġesfull and
A.4.2 257 and sē gāl-mōda, / eġesfull and āfor. || Næs þēah eorla n
A.4.2 271 cohhetan, || ċierman hlūde / and grist-bitian, || gōde orfeor
A.4.2 273 hira tīres æt ende, / ēades and ellen-dǣda. || Hoĝedon þā
A.4.2 275 ne spēow. / Þā wearþ sīþ and læte || sum tō þǣm arod /
A.4.2 282 eax teran, / hrēoh on mōde || and his hræġl samod, / and þæt
A.4.2 283 de || and his hræġl samod, / and þæt word ā·cwæþ || tō
A.4.2 295 hēawen, / wulfum tō willan || and ēac wæl-ġīfrum / fuĝlum t
A.4.2 317 af, || hyrsta sċīene, / bord and brād-sweord, || brūne helma
A.4.2 325 lanc, wunden-locc, || wǣĝon and lǣddon / tō ðǣre beorhtan b
A.4.2 327 byriġ, || Bethuliam, / helmas and hup-seax, || hāre byrnan, / g
A.4.2 337 -rōfe, || Holofernes / sweord and swātiġne helm, || swelċe
A.4.2 338 e·reġnode rēadum golde || and eall þæt sē rinca bealdor /
A.4.2 340 oþþe sundor-ierfes, / bēaĝa and beorhtra mādma, || hīe þæ
A.4.2 347 ldre, || þe ġe·sċōp wind and lyfte, / rodoras and rūme grun
A.4.2 348 ċōp wind and lyfte, / rodoras and rūme grundas, || swelċe ēa
A.4.2 349 swelċe ēac rēðe strēamas / and sweġeles drēamas, || þurh
The Paris Psalter 100:1 1 Psalm 100 / / # / mildheortnesse and dom || mihtigan drihtnes / sing
The Paris Psalter 100:1 2 om || mihtigan drihtnes / singe and secge || and soþ ongyte / on u
The Paris Psalter 100:1 2 n drihtnes / singe and secge || and soþ ongyte / on unwemmum wege
The Paris Psalter 100:4 1 / ic awyrgde fram me || wende and cyrde / nolde ic hiora andgit |
The Paris Psalter 100:6 4 e / þa me symble mid || sæton and eodon / he me holdlice || her
The Paris Psalter 100:8 3 le þe unriht || elne worhtan / and fyrena fela || gefremed habba
The Paris Psalter 101:1 2 ihten / gehyr heofenes weard || and gehlyde min / to þe becume ||
The Paris Psalter 101:2 4 æs to me / þin eare onhyld || and me ofestlice gehyr / heofenes
The Paris Psalter 101:3 2 droren syndan / smece gelice || and forspyrcende synd / mine mearhc
The Paris Psalter 101:5 4 lic / þe on scræfe eardaþ || and ic spearuwan swa some / gelice
The Paris Psalter 101:6 3 ine feondas || fæste brohtan / and þa me heredan || hi me hraþ
The Paris Psalter 101:7 2 c anlic ætt || æscean hlafe / and ic minne drinc || mengde wiþ
The Paris Psalter 101:8 2 s þines / feor þu me ahofe || and gehnæctest eft / / # / dagas min
The Paris Psalter 101:9 2 edruran || swa se deorca scua / and ic hege gelic || swa hit hra
The Paris Psalter 101:12 3 n þe þu stiþlice || stanum and eorþan / eallum ætgædere ||
The Paris Psalter 101:13 3 e eorþbuend || egsan habbaþ / and þin wuldor ongitaþ || wise
The Paris Psalter 101:14 2 / eft timbrade || ece drihten / and gesette sion || þurh his syl
The Paris Psalter 101:15 2 fendra bene || þance gehyrde / and he ne forhogode || heora hold
The Paris Psalter 101:16 2 a wislice || awriten standaþ / and on cneoressum || cyþed synda
The Paris Psalter 101:18 3 e gebundene || bitere wæron / and þa bealdlice || bearn alysde
The Paris Psalter 101:19 2 e sægd || soþ nama drihtnes / and his lof swylce || leoda bearn
The Paris Psalter 101:19 3 num / on hierusalem || gleawast and mærust / / # / cumaþ folc syþ
The Paris Psalter 101:20 2 syþþan || feorran togædere / and ricu eac || þæt hraþe drih
The Paris Psalter 101:22 2 geworhtest / eorþan frætwe || and upheofen / þæt is heahgeweorc
The Paris Psalter 101:23 1 / sweotule þa forweorþaþ || and þu sylf wunast / eall forwisna
The Paris Psalter 101:23 3 l forwisnaþ || wædum anlice / and þu hi onwendest || swa man w
The Paris Psalter 101:23 4 ndest || swa man wrigels deþ / and hi beoþ to worulde || wended
The Paris Psalter 101:25 2 inra scealca || her bu namon / and þær eardedan || ealle þrag
The Paris Psalter 101:25 3 ær eardedan || ealle þrage / and heora sylfra cynn || syþþan
The Paris Psalter 102:1 2 mine sawle || bliþe drihten / and eall min inneran || his þæn
The Paris Psalter 102:3 2 mandædum || miltsade eallum / and þine adle || ealle gehælde /
The Paris Psalter 102:5 2 gesigefæste || soþre miltse / and þe mildheorte || mode getrym
The Paris Psalter 102:6 3 domas || eallum þe deope her / and ful treaflice || teonan þoli
The Paris Psalter 102:7 1 / # / he his wegas dyde || wise and cuþe / moyse þam mæran || on
The Paris Psalter 102:8 1 rahela / / # / mildheort þu eart and mihtig || mode geþyldig / ece
The Paris Psalter 102:12 2 e bewindeþ / þes eastrodor || and æfter west / he betweonan þam
The Paris Psalter 102:12 3 t / he betweonan þam || teonan and unriht / us fram afyrde || ægh
The Paris Psalter 102:14 1 g god || þæt we synt moldan and dust / beoþ mannes dagas || ma
The Paris Psalter 102:16 3 ld || wislic standeþ / deorust and gedefust || ofer ealle þa þ
The Paris Psalter 102:17 3 rn || þe his bebodu healdaþ / and þæs gemynde || mycle habba
The Paris Psalter 102:19 3 || heora bliþne frean / mægyn and mihta || þa his mære word / h
The Paris Psalter 102:19 4 || þa his mære word / habbaþ and healdaþ || and hyge fremmaþ
The Paris Psalter 102:19 4 word / habbaþ and healdaþ || and hyge fremmaþ / / # / bletsian dr
The Paris Psalter 102:20 2 ten || eall his bearna mægen / and his þegna þreat || þe þæ
The Paris Psalter 103:4 1 e / / # / he wolcen eac || worhte and sette / þæt he mihte eaþe ||
The Paris Psalter 103:5 2 englas deþ || æþele gastas / and his frome þegnas || fyr byrn
The Paris Psalter 103:9 1 || strangne egsan / / # / beorgas and feldas || ba astigaþ / on þæ
The Paris Psalter 103:9 3 || þe þu gestaþeludest him / and on þære stowe || standaþ f
The Paris Psalter 103:10 2 denum yrnaþ || deope wyllan / and of midle || munta swylce / wæt
The Paris Psalter 103:12 1 / # / beorgas onfoþ || blædum and wæstmum / ufan eorþwæstme ||
The Paris Psalter 103:14 3 o helpe || heortan manna / must and windrinc || myclum blissaþ / /
The Paris Psalter 103:15 2 e andwlitan || eac gescyrpeþ / and hlaf trymeþ || heortan manne
The Paris Psalter 103:20 1 wildeor || wide toeornaþ / / # / and leon hwelpas || lange swylce /
The Paris Psalter 103:21 3 i of siþum eft || gesamniaþ / and hi on holum || hydaþ hi geor
The Paris Psalter 103:22 2 rc on morgen || man onginneþ / and þæt geendaþ || on æfynne /
The Paris Psalter 103:24 1 mære / / # / his is mycel sæ || and on gemærum wid / þær is unri
The Paris Psalter 103:24 3 im on || ealra cwycra / mycelra and mætra || ofer þæne mægene
The Paris Psalter 103:26 1 n eorþan || eac wilniaþ / / # / and him gesomnadum || swylce wyll
The Paris Psalter 103:27 3 i gedrefde || deope weorþaþ / and him gast weorþeþ || georne
The Paris Psalter 103:28 2 | sona weorþaþ / geedniwad || and þu eac scyppest / eorþan ansy
The Paris Psalter 103:29 2 dor si wide || weruda drihtne / and on worulda woruld || wunie sy
The Paris Psalter 103:31 2 tum drihtne / singe soþlice || and secge eac / þenden ic wunige |
The Paris Psalter 103:33 1 drihten || deorne lufige / / # / and þa fyrenfullan || frecne for
The Paris Psalter 104:1 1 m 104 / / # / andetaþ drihtne || and his ecne naman / cegaþ cymlice
The Paris Psalter 104:1 2 ecne naman / cegaþ cymlice || and cwyce secgeaþ / his wundorweor
The Paris Psalter 104:2 1 ode / / # / singaþ him swylce || and salletaþ / secgaþ his wundor
The Paris Psalter 104:4 1 hten / / # / secaþ ge drihten || and ge syþþan beoþ / teonan gehw
The Paris Psalter 104:5 3 e wræclice || wundur unlytel / and his muþes eac || mære domas
The Paris Psalter 104:6 3 geweorþude || ofer werþeoda / and iacobes bearn || þone he gea
The Paris Psalter 104:7 2 edig / earun his domas || deore and mære / geond þisse eorþan ||
The Paris Psalter 104:9 2 e mid aþsware || to abrahame / and to isaace || eac gesohte / and
The Paris Psalter 104:9 3 / and to isaace || eac gesohte / and gleawlice || iacobe bead / þæ
The Paris Psalter 104:10 1 ewitnesse || wel geheolde / / # / and him þa mid soþe || sægde c
The Paris Psalter 104:12 2 him manna || mihte sceþþan / and he þearle for him || þrea g
The Paris Psalter 104:14 1 om þa ofer eorþan || ermþu and hungor / wurdon wide menn || w
The Paris Psalter 104:15 3 t / ful wisne || wer to scealce / and þa bebohtan || bearn iacobes
The Paris Psalter 104:16 2 ule are / alysde hine lungre || and hine þam leodum þa / to ealdo
The Paris Psalter 104:18 3 sylfes mod || geseted hæfde / and þa yldestan || ealle lærde /
The Paris Psalter 104:19 2 r israhel becwom || on egypta / and se goda || iacob syþþan / eft
The Paris Psalter 104:20 2 t eadige folc || ehte swyþe / and hio ofer heora feond || fæst
The Paris Psalter 104:21 3 heo his folc || feodan swyþe / and his esnum eac || inwit fremed
The Paris Psalter 104:22 3 es scealc || samod ætgædere / and aaron eac || þone he ær gec
The Paris Psalter 104:23 2 sylfe || soþne wisdom / worda and weorca || wundortacna / and for
The Paris Psalter 104:23 3 rda and weorca || wundortacna / and forebeacna || þæt hio froml
The Paris Psalter 104:25 1 heora || wel ne oncneowan / / # / and heora wæter swylce || wende
The Paris Psalter 104:29 2 forwurdan || heora wingeardas / and ficbeamas || furþor ne mihto
The Paris Psalter 104:30 2 cwoman / gangan gærshoppan || and grame ceaferas / ne mihte þa o
The Paris Psalter 104:31 3 gyptum wæs || ahwær acenned / and frumcynnes || heora frean swy
The Paris Psalter 104:32 1 nes || heora frean swylce / / # / and his þæt gode folc || golde
The Paris Psalter 104:32 1 his þæt gode folc || golde and seolfre / geweorþade || and hi
The Paris Psalter 104:32 2 de and seolfre / geweorþade || and hi wislice / leofe lædde || n
The Paris Psalter 104:35 3 f garsecge || ganetas fleogan / and hi heofonhlafe || halige gefy
The Paris Psalter 104:38 1 ahame || his agenum hysse / / # / and his folc lædde || fægere on
The Paris Psalter 104:38 2 c lædde || fægere on blisse / and his þone gecorenan || heap c
The Paris Psalter 104:39 3 on agene æht || oþre þeode / and hi folca gewinn || fremdra ge
The Paris Psalter 104:40 2 r hi heoldan || halige domas / and his soþfæst word || swylce
The Paris Psalter 104:40 3 þfæst word || swylce georne / and his æbebod || awa to feore
The Paris Psalter 105:2 2 re || mihta drihtnes / asprecan and aspyrian || oþþe spedlice / e
The Paris Psalter 105:2 4 is lofmægen || leode gehyran / and his gehyrnesse || her oncnawa
The Paris Psalter 105:4 3 rþ hycgende || folces þines / and us mid hælo || her geneosa / /
The Paris Psalter 105:5 1 mid hælo || her geneosa / / # / and us tidlice || teala sceawige /
The Paris Psalter 105:5 4 inre þeode || þær blissian / and þæt yrfe þin || æghwær h
The Paris Psalter 105:6 2 edan || mid urum fæderum ær / and we unsoþfæste || ealle wær
The Paris Psalter 105:6 3 unsoþfæste || ealle wæron / and unrihtes || æghwær worhtan /
The Paris Psalter 105:8 4 u hi alysdest || lifes ealdor / and hi generedest || on naman þi
The Paris Psalter 105:9 2 adne sæ || ricene geþywdest / and þær wæron || þa wareþas
The Paris Psalter 105:9 3 wæron || þa wareþas drige / and hi betweonum wætera || weall
The Paris Psalter 105:10 3 eora feonda || fæcnum handum / and of feogendra || folmum swylce
The Paris Psalter 105:10 4 of feogendra || folmum swylce / and heora feondas || flod adrenct
The Paris Psalter 105:11 2 hi his wordon || wel gelyfdan / and him lofsangum || lustum cwemd
The Paris Psalter 105:11 3 m lofsangum || lustum cwemdan / and þæs eft hraþe || ealle for
The Paris Psalter 105:12 2 e ongunnan / gitsunge began || and gramlice / heora godes þær ||
The Paris Psalter 105:13 1 / he him been sniome || brohte and sealde / sende on heora muþas
The Paris Psalter 105:14 3 / mærne moyses || ma bysmrian / and aaron mid || eac þone halgan
The Paris Psalter 105:15 1 lgan / / # / þa eorþe togaan || and eall forswealh / on deope forwy
The Paris Psalter 105:15 3 pe forwyrd || dathanes weorod / and abirones || eall ætgædere / /
The Paris Psalter 105:16 2 swylce / on heora gemetinge || and þær maansceaþan / þa synful
The Paris Psalter 105:18 4 on egyptum || æþele wundur / and on chananea || cymu worhte / an
The Paris Psalter 105:18 5 nd on chananea || cymu worhte / and recene wundur || on þam read
The Paris Psalter 105:20 4 dan gelyfan / ac hi granedan || and grame spræcan / noldan his wor
The Paris Psalter 105:21 1 yran / / # / he his handa ahof || and hi hraþe wolde / on þam weste
The Paris Psalter 105:21 3 am westenne || wide todrifan / and heora swæs cynn || sendan on
The Paris Psalter 105:23 1 || swa hit gedefe ne wæs / / # / and hi bysmredon || bealde drihte
The Paris Psalter 105:23 3 a gemetincge || mægene ealle / and þær healicne || on hryre ge
The Paris Psalter 105:24 3 ræc / he þæs hæl gehleat || and helpe fand / of cynna gehwam ||
The Paris Psalter 105:24 4 helpe fand / of cynna gehwam || and on cneorisse / / # / eac hi gefre
The Paris Psalter 105:26 4 manfullum || mengdan þeode / and leornedan || laþ weorc gode /
The Paris Psalter 105:26 5 leornedan || laþ weorc gode / and sceuccgyldum || swyþe guldan
The Paris Psalter 105:27 2 m / sceuccum onsæcgean || suna and dohter / agutan blod swylce ||
The Paris Psalter 105:29 3 im yrre wearþ || ece drihten / and he his yrfe || eall forhogode
The Paris Psalter 105:30 2 ndgeweald || hæþenum sealde / and heora weoldan || þa him wyrr
The Paris Psalter 105:31 2 ora costedan || cuþe feondas / and under handum || hynþe þoled
The Paris Psalter 105:36 2 o us hale nu || halig drihten / and us se goda god || georne gesa
The Paris Psalter 105:36 6 one halgestan || her andettan / and we on lofe þinum || lungre w
The Paris Psalter 105:37 3 da woruld || wealdend drihten / and þæt fægere becweþe || fol
The Paris Psalter 106:2 3 ifes weard || laþum of handa / and hi of sidfolcum || gesamnade /
The Paris Psalter 106:3 3 heo gewiteþ || on westrodur / and fram sæ norþan || swycedan
The Paris Psalter 106:4 1 genaman / / # / hæfde hi hungor and þurst || heard gewyrded / þæ
The Paris Psalter 106:5 1 ecne on || feorh aþolude / / # / and hi þa on þære costunge ||
The Paris Psalter 106:5 2 tunge || cleopedan to dryhtne / and he hi of þam earfeþum || ea
The Paris Psalter 106:7 2 n drihtnes / ealle andettaþ || and eac sæcgeaþ / mycel wundur hy
The Paris Psalter 106:8 2 on he gesedeþ || sawle idle / and þa hungrian || her mid godum
The Paris Psalter 106:9 2 on þystrum || þrage sæton / and on deaþes scuan || deorcum l
The Paris Psalter 106:9 4 we feterum / on wædle wrace || and on iserne / / # / forþon hi dyda
The Paris Psalter 106:10 2 es spræce / æghwæs ægype || and his geþeaht swylce / þæs hea
The Paris Psalter 106:11 2 orte wæs || hean on gewinnum / and untrume || ealle wæran / næfd
The Paris Psalter 106:12 2 tunge || cleopedan to drihtne / and he hi of þam earfoþum || ea
The Paris Psalter 106:13 1 arfoþum || eallum alysde / / # / and he hi of þam þystrum || þa
The Paris Psalter 106:13 2 am þystrum || þanon alædde / and of deaþes scuan || deorcum g
The Paris Psalter 106:13 3 es scuan || deorcum generede / and heora bendas towearp || bitre
The Paris Psalter 106:14 2 an drihtnes / ealle andettan || and eac cweþan / mycel wundur his
The Paris Psalter 106:15 2 æren dor || eaþe gescæneþ / and iserne steng || ana gebigeþ /
The Paris Psalter 106:18 2 tunge || cleopedan to drihtne / and he hi of þam earfoþum || ea
The Paris Psalter 106:19 3 hi hrædlice || hælde wæron / and of heora forwyrde || wurdan g
The Paris Psalter 106:21 2 n laces lof || lustum bringan / and his weorc wynsum || wide sæc
The Paris Psalter 106:23 2 ihtnes weorc || digul gesawon / and his wundra wearn || on wæter
The Paris Psalter 106:27 2 tunge || cleopedan to drihtne / and he hi of earfeþum || eallum
The Paris Psalter 106:28 3 s hweoþu || weorþeþ smylte / and þa yþe || eft swygiaþ / bli
The Paris Psalter 106:29 1 || þa þe brimu weþaþ / / # / and he hi on hælo || hyþe gelæ
The Paris Psalter 106:29 3 hira willan || wyste fyrmest / and he hig of earfoþum || eallum
The Paris Psalter 106:31 2 tenes folces / hean ahebbaþ || and him hælu and lof / on sotelum
The Paris Psalter 106:34 2 he geworhte || on widne mere / and swylce eorþan || eac butan w
The Paris Psalter 106:35 2 he hungrium || ham staþelude / and þær gesetton || swylce ceas
The Paris Psalter 106:37 1 stmum / / # / þa he bletsade || and hi brade þa / weoxan weorþlic
The Paris Psalter 106:38 3 | þe him becwom æfter / sares and yfeles || þe hi syþþan beg
The Paris Psalter 106:39 4 beswicene || swicedan oftust / and on wegas werige || wendan hwi
The Paris Psalter 106:40 2 e þearfendra || þa miltsude / and hi of wædle || wean alysde / s
The Paris Psalter 106:41 4 ihta gehwylc || eft oncyrreþ / and his sylfes muþ || symble hem
The Paris Psalter 106:42 3 mid gehygde || healdan cunne / and milde mod || mihtigan drihtne
The Paris Psalter 107:2 3 psalterio || þe singan mote / and ic þe on hleoþre || hearpan
The Paris Psalter 107:3 3 olca gehwam || fægrum wordum / and ic þe on þeodum || on þanc
The Paris Psalter 107:5 4 r þas eorþan || ealle mære / and þine þa gecorenan wesan ||
The Paris Psalter 107:5 4 þa gecorenan wesan || clæne and alysde / / # / do me þin swyþre
The Paris Psalter 107:6 2 swyþre hand || swylce halne / and me gehyre || hælynd drihten /
The Paris Psalter 107:6 4 um spreceþ || her on eorþan / and ic blissige || bu gedæle / þa
The Paris Psalter 107:6 6 gesceotu || þa on sycimam nu / and on metibor || mære standaþ /
The Paris Psalter 107:8 4 ylce / ic idumea || ealle cenne / and min gescy þyder || sendan þ
The Paris Psalter 107:12 2 g drihten / soþfæst syllan || and he sona mæg / ure feond gedon
The Paris Psalter 108:2 2 nwit feala || ywdan on tungan / and me wraþra wearn || worda spr
The Paris Psalter 108:2 3 spræcon / fæcne firenlicu || and afuhtan me / ealle earwunga ||
The Paris Psalter 108:4 2 e yfel settan || a wiþ goode / and feounge || for minre lufan / / #
The Paris Psalter 108:6 2 dome gehwam || deope gehyned / and him his gebed || hweorfe to f
The Paris Psalter 108:7 2 im weste || eall his onwunung / and on hys eardungstowe || næfre
The Paris Psalter 108:8 1 / # / wesan him dagas deorce || and dimme and feawe / and his bisce
The Paris Psalter 108:8 2 deorce || and dimme and feawe / and his bisceophad || brucan feon
The Paris Psalter 108:9 2 gene bearn || ealle steopcild / and his wif wyrþe || wydewe hreo
The Paris Psalter 108:10 2 bearn swylce || toboren wide / and he ut weorpe || earme þearfa
The Paris Psalter 108:11 3 e reþemann || rycene gedæle / and his feoh onfon || fremde hand
The Paris Psalter 108:13 2 e his bearn || on ece forwyrd / and on anum cneowe || eall gewyr
The Paris Psalter 108:14 3 gefremedan || on gemynd cume / and on ansyne || ures drihtnes / ne
The Paris Psalter 108:15 2 wiþ drihtne || dædum swylce / and hine adilgie || dome ealne / of
The Paris Psalter 108:16 2 m milde gemynd || on modsefan / and he þearfendra || þriste eht
The Paris Psalter 108:17 2 lde wergþu || wyrcean georne / and hine seo ylce on || eft geset
The Paris Psalter 108:18 3 ne wædum || wræstum geteode / and sio his innaþ || ywde swylce
The Paris Psalter 108:18 4 e swylce / wan wætere gelic || and wynele / se þe banes byrst ||
The Paris Psalter 108:18 5 / se þe banes byrst || beteþ and hæleþ / / # / wese he hrægle g
The Paris Psalter 108:19 2 lic || þe her hraþe ealdaþ / and gyrdelse || þe hine man gelo
The Paris Psalter 108:21 1 sar sprece || sawle minre / / # / and þu min drihten god || do me
The Paris Psalter 108:24 3 od; || help min, drihten god, / and mē hālne ġe·dō, || hǣle
The Paris Psalter 108:25 1 , || þæt sīe þīn selfes h and / and þū þās ġe·dydest, |
The Paris Psalter 108:25 3 eafod || help min drihten god / and me halne gedo || hælynde cri
The Paris Psalter 108:25 4 e, || wes þū ġe·blētsod; / and þā þe mē mid unryhte ||
The Paris Psalter 108:26 1 itan || þæt si þin sylfes h and / and þu þas gedydest || drih
The Paris Psalter 108:26 1 id unryhte || ǣnġe styrian, / and hīe ðǣr sċeande || selfe
The Paris Psalter 108:27 2 awyrgde || wes þu gebletsad / and þa þe me mid unryhte || æn
The Paris Psalter 108:27 3 mid unryhte || ænige styrian / and hi þær sceande || sylfe ago
The Paris Psalter 108:28 2 hta dryhtnes / ealle andette || and ēac swelċe / hine on middle |
The Paris Psalter 108:28 3 ælnysse || teonan ætfæstan / and him si abrogden || swa of bre
The Paris Psalter 108:29 2 hta drihtnes / ealle andette || and eac swylce / hine on midle || m
The Paris Psalter 109:6 2 ebreceþ || hæleþa mæniges / and swa geweorþeþ || wide geond
The Paris Psalter 109:6 1 breceþ || hæleþa maniġes / and swā ġe·weorðeþ || wīde
The Paris Psalter 109:7 3 caþ || beoþ þy dædfromran / and forþon hiora heafod || hebba
The Paris Psalter 110:1 4 mnuncge || þæra soþfæstra / and on gemetingum || mycel drihtn
The Paris Psalter 110:2 4 þrymnes || mycellic standeþ / and his soþfæstnyss wunaþ || s
The Paris Psalter 110:3 2 mærra wundra / mildheort he is and modig || mihtig drihten / syle
The Paris Psalter 110:4 1 þam þe his ege habbaþ / / # / and he on worulde || wearþ gemyn
The Paris Psalter 110:4 3 e wel swylce / myhtum miclum || and mærweorcum / fægrum gefylde |
The Paris Psalter 110:4 4 ærweorcum / fægrum gefylde || and to his folce cwæþ / þæt he
The Paris Psalter 110:5 5 weoruld || wurdan soþfæste / and on rihtnysse || ræda getryme
The Paris Psalter 110:6 2 leofum folce / soþe onsende || and him swylce bebead / þæt hi on
The Paris Psalter 110:6 5 gewitnesse || well geheoldan / and his þone halgan naman || hæ
The Paris Psalter 110:7 3 godes egesan || gleawe healde / and þæt byþ andgit good || eal
The Paris Psalter 110:7 4 hine wyllaþ well || wyrcean and healdan / / # / herenes drihtnes
The Paris Psalter 111:1 3 cleofan || fæste gestandeþ / and his bebod healdeþ || bealde
The Paris Psalter 111:2 1 / he on eorþan byþ || eadig and spedig / and his cneorisse byþ
The Paris Psalter 111:2 2 þan byþ || eadig and spedig / and his cneorisse byþ || cyn geb
The Paris Psalter 111:3 1 cyn gebletsad / / # / him wuldur and wela || wunaþ æt huse / byþ
The Paris Psalter 111:4 3 on þystrum || þrage lifdan / and hiora heortan || heoldan mid
The Paris Psalter 111:4 5 is on mode || mihtig dryhten / and he ys soþfæst || symble æt
The Paris Psalter 111:5 1 / glæd man gleawhydig || god and mildheort / seteþ soþne dom |
The Paris Psalter 111:6 2 æghwylc þæra / þe his soþe and riht || symble healdeþ / ne hi
The Paris Psalter 111:7 2 || hyhte to drihtne / getrymed and getyhted || þæt him teonan
The Paris Psalter 111:8 2 his æhta || ealle tostredeþ / and þearfendum || þa gedæleþ /
The Paris Psalter 112:1 2 nu cnihtas || hælynd drihten / and naman dryhtnes || neode herig
The Paris Psalter 112:5 2 naĝan / weċċan tō willan || and of weorf-torde / þone þearfen
The Paris Psalter 112:5 4 || þrīste ā·reċċan. / / # / And hine on ealdor-dōm || up ā
The Paris Psalter 112:6 2 ne unagan / weccan to willan || and of woruftorde / þone þearfend
The Paris Psalter 112:6 3 o ofer hire suna || symblaþ and blissaþ.
The Paris Psalter 112:7 1 fendan || þriste areccan / / # / and hine on ealdordom || upp aset
The Paris Psalter 112:8 3 io ofer hire suna || symblaþ and blissaþ
The Paris Psalter 113:1 2 þa ut eode || israheles cynn / and of ægyptum || ealle foran / ia
The Paris Psalter 113:2 4 ofer israhelas / mihta mære || and mycel rice / / # / swa heo sæ ge
The Paris Psalter 113:4 2 þær beorgas || bliþe sæle / and rammum þa || restan gelice / w
The Paris Psalter 113:7 3 eorþe sceal || eall abifigan / and for iacobes gode || geara for
The Paris Psalter 113:8 2 wendeþ stan || on widne mere / and clifu cyrreþ || on cwicu swy
The Paris Psalter 113:10 2 ære myclan || mildheortnysse / and for þinre soþfæstnysse ||
The Paris Psalter 113:11 2 ofondreame / uppe mid englum || and he eall gedeþ / swa his willa
The Paris Psalter 113:12 2 ild || deorce hæþenra / golde and seolfre || þa her geara menn
The Paris Psalter 113:13 1 olmum / / # / þa muþ habbaþ || and ne magon hwæþere / wiht hleo
The Paris Psalter 113:14 1 n / / # / earan habbaþ swylce || and opene nose / ne magon eþian ||
The Paris Psalter 113:15 3 agon / gegrapian || godes awiht / and fet habbaþ || ne magon feala
The Paris Psalter 113:17 2 þam wyrcendum || wel gelice / and æghwylcum || þe him on treo
The Paris Psalter 113:19 3 lyfdan || he him liþe wearþ / and him fultum gestod || fæste
The Paris Psalter 113:20 4 m fultum || fæste gestandeþ / and him scyldend byþ || symble
The Paris Psalter 113:21 2 re gemyndig || mihtig dryhten / and þine bletsunge || bring ofer
The Paris Psalter 113:21 7 on þe || egsan hæfdan / mycle and mæte || ofer middangeard / / #
The Paris Psalter 113:22 2 tig dryhten / ofer eow ealle || and ofer agene bearn / / # / wesaþ g
The Paris Psalter 114:2 1 gebedes || bene gehyrdest / / # / and þu þin eare to me || eadmod
The Paris Psalter 114:2 2 | eadmodlice / hold ahyldest || and gehyrdest me / þa ic þe on da
The Paris Psalter 114:3 2 e ymbsealde || swylde deaþes / and me frecne ætfeah || fyrhtu h
The Paris Psalter 114:4 1 | fyrhtu helle / / # / me costung and sar || cnyssedan geneahhe / þo
The Paris Psalter 114:5 4 e mildheort || mihtig dryhten / and ure god || æghwæs soþfæst
The Paris Psalter 114:8 2 ine sawle || sylfa generedyst / and hig of deopum || deaþe gelæ
The Paris Psalter 114:8 4 tearum || æghwær geheolde / and fet mine || wiþ færslide / ic
The Paris Psalter 115:4 2 ælu calic || hæbbe befangen / and naman dryhtnes || neode cige /
The Paris Psalter 115:5 1 s || neode cige / / # / beorht ys and fæger || beacen dryhtne / on h
The Paris Psalter 115:6 2 eom þin agen || esne dryhten / and þin swylce eom || scealc omb
The Paris Psalter 115:6 3 swylce eom || scealc ombehte / and þinre þeowan sunu || on þe
The Paris Psalter 115:8 5 eagum folc || eall sceawiaþ / and on hierusalem || georne midre
The Paris Psalter 116:1 3 hygecræfte || herigan wordum / and hine eall folc on efn || æþ
The Paris Psalter 116:2 3 lice getrymed || til mancynne / and soþfæstnys || swylce dryhtn
The Paris Psalter 117:2 2 -þa / þe he is se goda god || and gearu standeþ / his mildheortn
The Paris Psalter 117:3 2 t sylfe / he ys se goda god || and gearu standeþ / his mildheortn
The Paris Psalter 117:4 3 / forþon he ys se goda god || and gearu standeþ / his mildheortn
The Paris Psalter 117:5 2 costunge || cigde to dryhtne / and he me gehyrde || on heare br
The Paris Psalter 117:10 2 me ymbsealdon || side þeode / and ic wæs on dryhtnes naman ||
The Paris Psalter 117:11 2 e ymbstodan || strange manige / and me godes nama on him || georn
The Paris Psalter 117:13 1 / # / ic wæs hearde cnyssed || and ic me helpe fand / þæt ic fæ
The Paris Psalter 117:14 2 u strang || stiþ on dryhtne / and herenes heah || and he me eac
The Paris Psalter 117:14 2 n dryhtne / and herenes heah || and he me eac / ys a to worulde ||
The Paris Psalter 117:16 2 fe mægen || dryhtnes swyþre / and me seo swyþre || swylce drih
The Paris Psalter 117:17 2 d sare || ac ic gesund lifige / and weorc godes || wide secge / / #
The Paris Psalter 117:20 3 gehyrdest || æt heahþearfe / and me þa gewurde || wis on hæl
The Paris Psalter 117:25 2 symbeldæge || settan georne / and þone gelome || lustum healda
The Paris Psalter 117:26 1 / þu eart min dryhten god || and ic dædum þe / ecne andette #
The Paris Psalter 117:26 3 / þu eart min hælend god || and ic herige þe / / # / ic þe ande
The Paris Psalter 117:27 3 gehyrdest || æt heahþearfe / and þa wurde me || wis to hælu /
The Paris Psalter 117:28 2 / forþon he ys se goda god || and ic ful geare wat / þæt þin m
The Paris Psalter 118:2 3 is gewitnesse || wise smeagan / and hine mid ealle || innancundum
The Paris Psalter 118:7 3 / on þan þe ic geleornode || and gelæstan mæg / þæt ic þine
The Paris Psalter 118:8 1 ne domas || dædum healde / / # / and ic þine soþfæstnysse || sw
The Paris Psalter 118:12 3 id lufan || hu ic læste well / and ic þine soþfæstnysse || sw
The Paris Psalter 118:14 1 es muþes || meahte domas / / # / and ic on wege swylce || wynnum g
The Paris Psalter 118:21 3 u awyrgde || wistest gearuwe / and þine bebodu || efnan noldan /
The Paris Psalter 118:22 1 / # / afyr þu fram me || facen and edwit / oþþe ic oferhydige ||
The Paris Psalter 118:23 3 on seldum || swyþe spræcon / and wiþ me wraþum || wordum sci
The Paris Psalter 118:24 1 e wæs þin gewitnys || wyrþ and getreowe / and ic hi on mode ||
The Paris Psalter 118:24 2 ewitnys || wyrþ and getreowe / and ic hi on mode || metegie geor
The Paris Psalter 118:24 3 hi on mode || metegie georne / and me to frofre wat || þæt ic
The Paris Psalter 118:26 2 þe wegas mine || wise secge / and þu me gehyrdest || holde mod
The Paris Psalter 118:26 3 eĝas mīne || wīse seċġe, / and þū mē ġe·hīerdest || ho
The Paris Psalter 118:29 2 afyr fram me || unryhte wegas / and me on þinre æ geweorþ || e
The Paris Psalter 118:30 1 r fram mē || unrihte weĝas, / and mē on þīnre ǣ ġe·weorþ
The Paris Psalter 118:32 2 worda þinra / reþne rinne || and þu rice nu / mine heortan gehe
The Paris Psalter 118:32 3 orda þīnra / rēðne rinne || and þū rīċe nū / mīne heortan
The Paris Psalter 118:33 3 fæste wegas || symble gange / and ic þa secan || symble mote / /
The Paris Psalter 118:34 1 fæste weĝas || simle gange / and iċ þā sēċan || simle mot
The Paris Psalter 118:38 3 ine spræce || sped leornige / and þa on ege þinum || ealle he
The Paris Psalter 118:39 1 ne sprǣċe || spēd leornie / and þā on eġe þīnum || ealle
The Paris Psalter 118:41 1 rihtes || ræd gecwycige / / # / and me ofer cume || ece dryhten /
The Paris Psalter 118:41 2 htes || rǣd ġe·cwycie. / / # / And mē ofer cume, || ēċe driht
The Paris Psalter 118:42 1 re spræce || spowendlice / / # / and ic andwyrde || þam þe me ed
The Paris Psalter 118:42 2 prǣċe || spōwendlīċe / / # / And iċ andwyrde || þǣm þe mē
The Paris Psalter 118:42 3 aþ || þæt ic gewene on þe / and on þinum wordum || wære hæ
The Paris Psalter 118:43 1 þæt iċ ġe·wēne on þē / and on þīnum wordum || wǣre h
The Paris Psalter 118:43 3 me on muþe || mægene hæbbe / and ic soþfæst word || on sylfa
The Paris Psalter 118:43 4 on mūðe || mæġene hæbbe, / and iċ sōþfæst word || on sel
The Paris Psalter 118:44 1 doma || dæde getreowige / / # / and ic æ þine || efne and heald
The Paris Psalter 118:44 1 e / / # / and ic æ þine || efne and healde / and to worulde on þæ
The Paris Psalter 118:44 2 c æ þine || efne and healde / and to worulde on þære || wunia
The Paris Psalter 118:44 2 / # / And iċ ǣ þīne || efne and healde, / and tō weorolde on
The Paris Psalter 118:44 3 ulde on þære || wunian mote / and on ecnysse || efnan and heald
The Paris Psalter 118:44 3 mote / and on ecnysse || efnan and healdan / / # / and ic on bealde
The Paris Psalter 118:45 1 ysse || efnan and healdan / / # / and ic on bealde || brædu gange /
The Paris Psalter 118:45 1 te / and on ēċnesse || efnan and healdan. / / # / And iċ on beald
The Paris Psalter 118:45 2 sse || efnan and healdan. / / # / And iċ on bealde% || brǣdu gang
The Paris Psalter 118:46 1 witnysse || wel getrymede / / # / and ic þæt fore cyningum || cy
The Paris Psalter 118:46 2 sse || wēl ġe·trymede. / / # / And iċ þæt fore cyningum || c
The Paris Psalter 118:46 3 e þin gewitnyss ys || weorþ and getreowe / and on þam ne beon
The Paris Psalter 118:46 4 yss ys || weorþ and getreowe / and on þam ne beon || æfre gesc
The Paris Psalter 118:46 4 īn ġe·witness is || wierþ and ġe·trīewe, / and on þǣm ne
The Paris Psalter 118:47 1 e beon || æfre gescynded / / # / and ic on þinum bebodum || beald
The Paris Psalter 118:47 2 on || ǣfre ġe·sċynded / / # / And iċ on þīnum be·bodum || b
The Paris Psalter 118:48 1 fan minre || lange hæfde / / # / and ic mine handa || hof gelome /
The Paris Psalter 118:48 2 n mīnre || lange hæfde. / / # / And iċ mīne handa || hof ġe·l
The Paris Psalter 118:48 4 sse þeode || þearle begange / and on þine soþcwydas || symble
The Paris Psalter 118:49 1 þēode || þearle be·gange, / and on þīne sōþ-cwidas || sim
The Paris Psalter 118:55 3 naman þinne || nemde dryhten / and ic æ þine || elne heolde / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:56 1 an þīnne || nemde, drihten, / and iċ ǣ þīne || elne hēolde
The Paris Psalter 118:61 4 ine / mid hygecræfte || heolde and læste / / # / ic æt midre niht
The Paris Psalter 118:62 1 / mid hyġe-cræfte || hēolde and lǣste. / / # / Iċ æt midre nih
The Paris Psalter 118:62 2 æla gehwylce / ricene arise || and hraþe gange / þær ic þe and
The Paris Psalter 118:62 3 ·hwelċe / recene ā·rīse || and hræðe gange / ðǣr iċ þe a
The Paris Psalter 118:63 2 nd || þe heom ondrædaþ þe / and þine halige bebodu || healda
The Paris Psalter 118:64 1 || þe him on·drǣdaþ þē, / and þīne hālġe be·bodu || he
The Paris Psalter 118:66 2 eodscipe lær || þinne tilne / and wisdomes || word to genihte / f
The Paris Psalter 118:66 3 dsċipe lǣr || þīnne tilne / and wīsdōmes || word tō ġe·n
The Paris Psalter 118:68 1 e / / # / god þu eart drihten || and me god swylce / on þinum tile
The Paris Psalter 118:68 2 # / God þū eart%, drihten || and mē god swelċe / on þīnum ti
The Paris Psalter 118:69 1 nu mænigfeald ofer me || man and unriht / oferhydigra || ic nu m
The Paris Psalter 118:69 2 maniġfeald ofer mē || mān and unryht / ofer-hyġdiġra; || i
The Paris Psalter 118:71 1 inum healde / / # / selre me wæs and seftre || þæt þu sylfa me /
The Paris Psalter 118:71 2 sylfa me / heane gehnægdest || and ic hraþe syþþan / þin soþf
The Paris Psalter 118:71 2 um healed. / / # / Selre mē wæs and sēftre%, || þæt þū selfa
The Paris Psalter 118:71 3 mē / hēane ġe·hnǣġdest || and iċ hræðe siþþan / þīn s
The Paris Psalter 118:72 3 eofe / geara þusende || goldes and seolfres / / # / handa me þine |
The Paris Psalter 118:73 1 fe / ġeare þūsende || goldes and seolfres. / / # / Handa mē þīn
The Paris Psalter 118:73 2 a me þine || holde geworhton / and gehiwedan || mid higecræfte /
The Paris Psalter 118:73 3 þīne || holde ġe·worhton / and ġe·hīewodon || mid hyġe-c
The Paris Psalter 118:74 2 || þa me on fægere geseoþ / and blissiaþ || bu geþenceaþ /
The Paris Psalter 118:74 3 mē on fæġere ġe·sēoþ / and blissiaþ, || bū ġe·þenċ
The Paris Psalter 118:75 2 domas þine / reþe rihtwise || and þu ricene me / on þinre soþf
The Paris Psalter 118:75 3 as þīne / rēðe rihtwīse || and þū recene mē / on þīnre s
The Paris Psalter 118:76 2 milde mod || mihtum geswiþed / and me to frofre || fæste gestan
The Paris Psalter 118:76 3 ōd || meahtum ġe·swīðed, / and mē tō frōfre || fæste ġe
The Paris Psalter 118:77 2 e miltsa || mihtum geswyþede / and ic lange on þam || lifian mo
The Paris Psalter 118:77 3 tsa || meahtum ġe·swīðed, / and iċ lange on þǣm || libban
The Paris Psalter 118:79 2 e hyldu to þe / egsan ahtan || and ealle þa / þe þine gewitness
The Paris Psalter 118:79 3 du tō þē / eġesan āhton || and ealle þā / þe þīne ġe·wi
The Paris Psalter 118:80 2 heorte min || on hige clæne / and ic on þin soþfæst word ||
The Paris Psalter 118:80 3 heorte min || on hyġe clǣne / and iċ on þīn sōþfæst word
The Paris Psalter 118:81 2 ic on þinre hælu || hogode and sohte / hu ic on þinum wordum
The Paris Psalter 118:81 3 on þīnre hǣlu || hoĝode and sōhte, / hū iċ on þīnum wo
The Paris Psalter 118:86 1 þine ealle gebann || æþele and soþfæst / min ehtan oft || un
The Paris Psalter 118:86 2 ne ealle ġe·bann || æðele and sōþfæst; / min ēhton oft ||
The Paris Psalter 118:88 2 weorþ me mihtig god || milde and bliþe / and ic gewitnesse || w
The Paris Psalter 118:88 3 ihtig god || milde and bliþe / and ic gewitnesse || wel gehealde
The Paris Psalter 118:88 3 þ mē, mehtiġ god, || milde and blīðe; / and iċ ġe·witness
The Paris Psalter 118:88 4 ġ god, || milde and blīðe; / and iċ ġe·witnesse || wēl ġe
The Paris Psalter 118:90 1 aþ || weorþ on heofenum / / # / and on worulda woruld || wunaþ e
The Paris Psalter 118:90 2 þ || weorþ on heofonum. / / # / And on weorolda weorold || wunaþ
The Paris Psalter 118:95 3 an / ic þine gewitnesse || wat and sohte / / # / ic soþ geseah || a
The Paris Psalter 118:96 1 d sohte / / # / ic soþ geseah || and swylce wat / ealre þysse worul
The Paris Psalter 118:96 2 e. / / # / Iċ sōþ ġe·seah || and swelċe wāt, / ealre þisse we
The Paris Psalter 118:96 3 ende / brad is þin gebann || and beorht swyþe / / # / hu ic æ þ
The Paris Psalter 118:97 1 ; / brād is þīn ġe·bann || and beorht swīðe. / / # / Hū iċ
The Paris Psalter 118:100 1 þæt ofer yldran oncneow || and þæt a geheold / þæt ic þin
The Paris Psalter 118:100 2 t ofer ieldran on·cnēow || and þæt ā ġe·hēold, / þæt i
The Paris Psalter 118:103 1 est / / # / me is on gomum || god and swete / þin agen word || ece d
The Paris Psalter 118:103 2 . / / # / Mē is on gamum || gōd and swēte / þīn āĝen word, ||
The Paris Psalter 118:103 4 t is halwende || hunige mycle / and beobreade || betere and swetr
The Paris Psalter 118:103 4 mycle / and beobreade || betere and swetre / / # / on bebodum þinum
The Paris Psalter 118:104 1 āl-wende, || huneġe miċele / and bēo-brēade || betere and sw
The Paris Psalter 118:104 1 le / and bēo-brēade || betere and swētre. / / # / On be·bodum þ
The Paris Psalter 118:105 3 word drihten || wel gehealde / and þæt ys þæt strange leoht
The Paris Psalter 118:106 1 ge minre / / # / ic aþas swor || and eac hycge / þæt ic soþne dom
The Paris Psalter 118:106 1 drihten, || wēl ġe·healde, / and þæt is þæt strange lēoht
The Paris Psalter 118:106 2 nre. / / # / Iċ āðas swōr || and ēac hyċġe, / þæt iċ sōð
The Paris Psalter 118:107 1 þne dom || symble healde / / # / and ic eadmedu || ungemetum georn
The Paris Psalter 118:107 2 ne dōm || simle healde. / / # / And iċ ēad-mēdu || unġemetum
The Paris Psalter 118:108 3 heahsælum || hraþe gebringe / and me þine domas alær || driht
The Paris Psalter 118:109 1 ǣlum || hræðe ġe·bringe, / and mē þīne dōmas ā·lǣr, |
The Paris Psalter 118:110 2 cne gyrene / awriþan wraþe || and ne wolde ic / fram þinum bebod
The Paris Psalter 118:110 3 irene / ā·wriðon wrāðe || and ne wolde iċ / fram þīnum be
The Paris Psalter 118:113 1 æs ece || edlean hæbbe / / # / and ic synfulle || symble feode / a
The Paris Psalter 118:113 2 d ic synfulle || symble feode / and ic æ þine || elne lufade / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:114 1 iċ synfulle || simle fēode, / and iċ ǣ þīne || elne lufode.
The Paris Psalter 118:114 2 ian scealt || fæle gestandan / and andfenga || æghwær æt þea
The Paris Psalter 118:114 3 fenga || æghwær æt þearfe / and ic on þin word || wel getreo
The Paris Psalter 118:115 1 a% || ǣġhwǣr æt þearfe, / and iċ on þīn word || wēl ġe
The Paris Psalter 118:116 2 am þe þu sylfa || sægdest and cwæde / þæt ic sceolde lifig
The Paris Psalter 118:116 3 m þe þū selfa || sæġdest and cwǣde, / þæt iċ sċolde lif
The Paris Psalter 118:117 2 || þonne beo ic fægere hal / and ic þine soþfæstnysse || sy
The Paris Psalter 118:118 1 onne bēo iċ fæġere hāl, / and iċ þīne sōþfæstnysse ||
The Paris Psalter 118:123 3 n þinre hælo || hyldo sohte / and on þinre spræce || sped so
The Paris Psalter 118:124 1 þīnre hǣlu || hyldu sōhte / and on þīnre sprǣċe || spēd
The Paris Psalter 118:124 2 sne swylce / mycel milde mod || and me mægene eac / þin soþfæst
The Paris Psalter 118:124 3 swelċe / miċel milde mōd || and mē mæġene ēac / þīn sōþ
The Paris Psalter 118:128 2 all þin bebod || elne healde / and ic unrihte wegas || ealle feo
The Paris Psalter 118:129 1 þīn be·bod || elne healde, / and iċ unrihte weĝas || ealle f
The Paris Psalter 118:129 2 orþon heo min sawl smeaþ || and seceþ georne / / # / worda me þ
The Paris Psalter 118:130 1 on hēo min sāwol smêaþ || and sēċeþ ġeorne. / / # / Worda m
The Paris Psalter 118:130 2 hteþ / beorhtnesse blæcern || and þu bealde sylest / andgit eall
The Paris Psalter 118:130 3 eþ, / beorhtnesse blǣc-ern || and þū bealde silest / andġiet e
The Paris Psalter 118:132 1 illan / / # / beseoh þu on me || and me syþþan hraþe / mære gemi
The Paris Psalter 118:132 2 . / / # / Be·seoh þū on mē || and mē siþþan hræðe / mǣre ġ
The Paris Psalter 118:135 2 ansyne || esne þinum / leohte and leofe || lær me syþþan / hu
The Paris Psalter 118:135 3 īene || esne þīnum / lēohte and lēofe; || lǣr mē siþþan,
The Paris Psalter 118:139 2 grame wæron / worda þinra || and me wa dydan / me heard ehtnes |
The Paris Psalter 118:139 3 rame wǣron, / worda þīnra || and mē wā dydon. / / # / Mē heard
The Paris Psalter 118:140 2 nnan fyren / sylf swiþe hat || and symble þa / þin esne her || e
The Paris Psalter 118:140 3 fȳren, / self swīðe hāt || and simle þā / þīn esne hēr ||
The Paris Psalter 118:142 2 ble drihten / seo soþfæste || and seo symble biþ / on ecnesse ||
The Paris Psalter 118:142 3 drihten, / sēo sōþfæste || and sēo simle biþ / on ēċnesse
The Paris Psalter 118:142 4 e / is þin swylce æþelnes || and æ soþfæst / / # / me costunga
The Paris Psalter 118:143 1 þīn swelċe æðelness% || and ǣ sōþfæst. / / # / Mē costun
The Paris Psalter 118:143 2 costunga || cnysdan geneahhe / and nearonessa || naman gelome / ac
The Paris Psalter 118:143 3 e / ac ic þine bebodu || efnde and læste / eac on minum mode || h
The Paris Psalter 118:143 3 unga || cnysdon ġe·nēahhe, / and nearunessa || nāmon ġe·lō
The Paris Psalter 118:143 4 iċ þīne be·bodu || efnde and lǣste, / ēac on mīnum mōde
The Paris Psalter 118:144 1 me þin gewitnes || weorþast and rihtast / and þa me on ece ||
The Paris Psalter 118:144 2 tnes || weorþast and rihtast / and þa me on ece || andgyt hæbb
The Paris Psalter 118:144 2 īn ġe·witness || wierðost and rihtost, / and þā mē on ēċ
The Paris Psalter 118:144 3 æbbe / syle me þa to soþe || and ic syþþan lifige / / # / ic mid
The Paris Psalter 118:144 3 ess || wierðost and rihtost, / and þā mē on ēċe || andġiet
The Paris Psalter 118:145 1 ; / sele mē þā tō sōðe || and iċ siþþan lifie. / / # / Iċ m
The Paris Psalter 118:147 1 bebodu || bliþe gehealde / / # / and ic þe on ripe forecom || and
The Paris Psalter 118:147 1 and ic þe on ripe forecom || and hraþe swylce / ceare cleopode
The Paris Psalter 118:147 2 u || blīðe ġe·healde. / / # / And iċ þē on ripe fore·cōm |
The Paris Psalter 118:147 2 ċ þē on ripe fore·cōm || and hræðe swelċe / ċeare clipod
The Paris Psalter 118:149 3 ære myclan || mildheortnesse / and æfter þinum domum || do me
The Paris Psalter 118:150 1 miċelan || mild-heortnesse, / and aefter þīnum dōmum || dō
The Paris Psalter 118:150 2 n eahtend || ungemete neah aa / and þa synfullan || syndan ealle
The Paris Psalter 118:150 3 ēhtend || unġemete nēah ā / and þā synfullan; || sindon eal
The Paris Psalter 118:151 2 ynt ealle þine wegas || wise and cuþe / / # / ic gewitnesse || wi
The Paris Psalter 118:152 1 ealle þīne weĝas || wīse and cūðe. / / # / Iċ ġe·witnesse
The Paris Psalter 118:154 1 healdan / / # / dem minne dom || and me deore alys / for þinre spr
The Paris Psalter 118:154 2 ldan. / / # / Dēm mīnne dōm || and mē dīere ā·līes; / for þ
The Paris Psalter 118:154 3 nre spræce || do me spedlice / and cuþlice || cwicne nu-þa / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:155 1 ǣċe, || dō mē spēdlīċe / and cūðlīċe || cwicne nū-þ
The Paris Psalter 118:158 3 friþowære || fæste healdan / and ic þand wiþ þan || þe hi
The Paris Psalter 118:158 4 iðu-wǣre || fæste healdan, / and iċ þand wiþ þon || þe h
The Paris Psalter 118:160 3 ær byþ soþ || symble meted / and on ecnesse || awa to feore / ea
The Paris Psalter 118:160 4 r biþ sōþ || simle mēted, / and on ēċnesse || āwa tō fēo
The Paris Psalter 118:163 1 | þær hit mannum losaþ / / # / and ic unrihta gehwylc || elne fe
The Paris Psalter 118:163 2 unrihta gehwylc || elne feode / and onhyscte || æghwær georne / w
The Paris Psalter 118:163 3 ta ġe·hwelċ || elne fēode / and on·hysċte || ǣġhwǣr ġeo
The Paris Psalter 118:166 2 re hælu bad || halig drihten / and þine bebodu || bealde lufode
The Paris Psalter 118:167 1 lu bād, || hāliġ drihten, / and þīne be·bodu || bealde luf
The Paris Psalter 118:167 3 gewitnesse || worda æghwylc / and ic þa lustum || lufade swiþ
The Paris Psalter 118:168 1 itnesse% || worda ǣġhwelċ, / and iċ þā lustum || lufode% sw
The Paris Psalter 118:168 2 ic þine bebodu || holde mode / and þine gewitnesse || wordum tr
The Paris Psalter 118:168 3 īne be·bodu || holde mōde / and þīne ġe·witnesse || wordu
The Paris Psalter 118:173 2 me þine handa || on hælu nu / and þæt domlice || gedon weorþ
The Paris Psalter 118:173 3 þīne handa || on hǣlu nū, / and þæt dōmlīċe || ġe·dōn
The Paris Psalter 118:175 1 etige / / # / leofaþ sawl min || and þe lustum hereþ / and me þin
The Paris Psalter 118:175 2 min || and þe lustum hereþ / and me þine domas || dædum fult
The Paris Psalter 118:175 2 e. / / # / Lēofaþ sāwol min || and þē lustum hereþ, / and mē
The Paris Psalter 118:176 1 in || and þē lustum hereþ, / and mē þīne dōmas || dǣdum f
The Paris Psalter 119:1 3 costunga || cnysdon geneahhe / and he me gehyrde || holde mode / /
The Paris Psalter 119:2 3 am welerum || þe wom cweþen / and from þære tungan || þe teo
The Paris Psalter 119:4 1 rele beoþ scearpe || strange and mihtige / syþþan of gledon we
The Paris Psalter 119:5 2 wyrde || þæt min wynn alæg / and min bigengea gewat || bryce o
The Paris Psalter 119:6 3 ic him spedlice to || spræce and hi lærde / þonne me earwunga
The Paris Psalter 120:5 2 gehealde þe || halig drihten / and þin mundbora || mihtig weor
The Paris Psalter 120:6 5 ela gehwam || æghwær georne / and þine sawle || swylce geheald
The Paris Psalter 120:7 1 ce gehealde / / # / utgang þinne and ingang || ece drihten / sawla s
The Paris Psalter 121:1 3 cuþlice to || acweden syndon / and on godes hus || gange syþþa
The Paris Psalter 121:4 3 r cynne || cuþan þa drihten / and on þære gewitnesse || wæra
The Paris Psalter 121:6 3 on hierusalem || gode syndan / and geniht agun || þa þe neode
The Paris Psalter 121:7 1 n þinum mægene sib || mæst and fyrmest / and on þinum torrum
The Paris Psalter 121:7 2 gene sib || mæst and fyrmest / and on þinum torrum wese || tidu
The Paris Psalter 121:8 2 r mine broþru || ic bidde nu / and mine þa neahstan || nemne sw
The Paris Psalter 121:9 1 e on þe || symble habbon / / # / and ic for mines godes huse || ge
The Paris Psalter 121:9 2 godes huse || georne þingie / and to minum drihtne || deorum se
The Paris Psalter 122:1 2 u þe heofonhamas || healdest and wealdest / / # / efne mine eagan
The Paris Psalter 122:2 3 rysnum / his hlaforde || hereþ and cwemeþ / / # / and swa eagan ga
The Paris Psalter 122:3 1 rde || hereþ and cwemeþ / / # / and swa eagan gaþ || earmre þeo
The Paris Psalter 122:5 1 dnessum || hearde gefylde / / # / and we manegum synd || manna word
The Paris Psalter 122:5 3 e gefylled / mid edwite || oft and geneahhe / and us oferhydige fo
The Paris Psalter 122:5 4 id edwite || oft and geneahhe / and us oferhydige forseoþ || oft
The Paris Psalter 122:5 4 us oferhydige forseoþ || oft and gelome
The Paris Psalter 123:3 2 us þara manna || mod yrsade / and us wiþerwearde || wæron gen
The Paris Psalter 123:7 2 on sadan || grame torænded / and we synd alysde || lifes wyrþ
The Paris Psalter 123:7 4 habbaþ / on fultume || fæstne and strangne / þæs þe heofon wor
The Paris Psalter 125:2 2 gefean syþþan / muþas ure || and we ma sprecaþ / beoþ ure tung
The Paris Psalter 125:3 6 wundur mid us || wyrce mære / and we bealde on þam || bliþe w
The Paris Psalter 125:5 3 m || gefean sniþaþ / gangende and ferende || georne wepaþ / and
The Paris Psalter 125:5 4 and ferende || georne wepaþ / and heora sylfra sæd || sniþaþ
The Paris Psalter 125:6 2 cumendum || cuþe mid blisse / and on heora sceafas beraþ || sw
The Paris Psalter 126:3 3 bearnum / arisaþ nu ricene || and hraþe sittaþ / þa þe sares
The Paris Psalter 126:4 3 is yrfe eac || ecean drihtnes / and herde bearn || þa her mannum
The Paris Psalter 126:5 1 seo stræle byþ || strangum and mihtigum / hrorum on handa || h
The Paris Psalter 127:1 2 cne god / drihten ondrædaþ || and his gedefne weg / on hyra lifes
The Paris Psalter 127:2 2 stme byrgest / etest oretes || and þu eadig leofast / and þe wel
The Paris Psalter 127:2 3 etes || and þu eadig leofast / and þe wel weorþeþ || on wynbu
The Paris Psalter 127:3 3 wingearde || weaxen berigean / and on þines huses || hwommum ge
The Paris Psalter 127:6 2 ce drihten / bealde bletsige || and þu bruce eac / on hierusalem |
The Paris Psalter 127:7 1 nge dagas || lifes þines / / # / and þu þinra bearna || bearn sc
The Paris Psalter 128:2 3 firenfullan || facen timbrian / and heora unriht || eft gelengdon
The Paris Psalter 128:3 1 n / / # / drihten is soþfæst || and gedeþ sniome / þæt he firenf
The Paris Psalter 128:3 4 eorpeþ || weorþaþ gescende / and hiora scamiaþ || swiþust ea
The Paris Psalter 128:6 1 samnige || swiþe georne / / # / and þæt ne cweþan || þa his c
The Paris Psalter 128:6 4 gebletsige || bealde drihten / and ofer eow wese || eac his blet
The Paris Psalter 129:2 2 þine earan || eac gehyrende / and beheldende || mid hige swylce
The Paris Psalter 129:4 2 nes mid þe || mihta wealdend / and ic for þinre æ || ece driht
The Paris Psalter 129:7 2 heortnesse || miht on drihtne / and he alyseþ || lustum ealle / þ
The Paris Psalter 131:1 2 e þu drihten || mærne dauid / and ealle his mannþwærnesse ||
The Paris Psalter 131:1 2 his mannþwærnesse || micle and goode / / # / swa ic æt frymþe
The Paris Psalter 131:2 2 eswor || ferhþe wiþ drihten / and gehat gehet || he geheold tea
The Paris Psalter 131:7 2 selegesceot || swylce gangaþ / and þære stowe || stede ariaþ /
The Paris Psalter 131:9 2 fæstnesse / gode gegierede || and gleawe nu / þine þa halgan ||
The Paris Psalter 131:11 2 s deopne aþ || drihten aswor / and þone mid soþe || swylce get
The Paris Psalter 131:12 5 sylfes bearn || soþe treowa / and þa gewitnesse || þe ic hig
The Paris Psalter 131:13 3 ysse worulde || wynnum brucan / and on þinum setle || sittan gen
The Paris Psalter 131:14 2 sione geceas || sylfa drihten / and him to earde geceas || ærest
The Paris Psalter 131:16 2 wuduan ic || wordum bletsige / and gesegnade || sylle geneahhe / h
The Paris Psalter 131:17 2 e mid hælu / georne gegyrwe || and gode eac / his þa halgan her |
The Paris Psalter 132:1 1 / / # / efne hu glædlic biþ || and god swylce / þætte broþur on
The Paris Psalter 133:2 2 godes huse || gearwe standaþ / and on cafertunum || cristes huse
The Paris Psalter 133:3 3 e / eowre handa || on halig lof / and bletsiaþ || balde drihten / / #
The Paris Psalter 134:2 2 godes huse || gleawe standaþ / and on cafertunum || cristes huse
The Paris Psalter 134:3 2 orþon he lungre is / fæstræd and fremsum || fira æghwam / weor
The Paris Psalter 134:4 2 godne geceas || iacob drihten / and on agene æht || israeles cyn
The Paris Psalter 134:5 1 gearwe ongeat || þæt is god and mycel / drihten ure || forþon
The Paris Psalter 134:6 2 rhte drihten / on heofonrice || and her on eorþan / on sidum sæ |
The Paris Psalter 134:7 1 rne wat || deorce grundas / / # / and he fram þysse eorþan || end
The Paris Psalter 134:7 2 deþ / wolcen wræclicu || wind and liget / and þa to regne || rec
The Paris Psalter 134:7 3 n wræclicu || wind and liget / and þa to regne || recene wyrce
The Paris Psalter 134:9 3 ebeacn fæle || folce ægipta / and þa pharaones || folce gecyþ
The Paris Psalter 134:9 4 a pharaones || folce gecyþde / and his scealcum || samed ætgæd
The Paris Psalter 134:10 2 þeode folc || þearle manige / and eac acwealde || cyningas stra
The Paris Psalter 134:11 2 on efne || sum þara cynincga / and og cyning || se þe æror wæ
The Paris Psalter 134:11 3 æror wæs / on basane || breme and mære / / # / sealde heora eardla
The Paris Psalter 134:12 2 ra eardland || eall israhelum / and heora yrfe || eac his folce / /
The Paris Psalter 134:13 2 in nama drihten || nemned ece / and þin gemynd || mihtig drihten
The Paris Psalter 134:14 2 olc demeþ || fægere drihten / and he biþ on his esnum || agenu
The Paris Psalter 134:15 2 olgyld || dysigra þeoda / gold and seolfur || þe her geotaþ me
The Paris Psalter 134:15 3 olfur || þe her geotaþ menn / and mid heora folmum || fægere w
The Paris Psalter 134:16 1 ceaþ / / # / þa muþ habbaþ || and ne meldiaþ wiht / fægere eaga
The Paris Psalter 134:17 3 n || þeah þe him hleoþrige / and nose habbaþ || nawiht gestin
The Paris Psalter 134:20 2 e þæm || þe hi ær worhtan / and ealle þa þe on hi || æfre
The Paris Psalter 135:1 2 drihtne / forþon he god is || and ic ful gearwe wat / þæt he to
The Paris Psalter 135:1 3 æt he to worulde byþ || wis and mildheort / / # / eac ic andette
The Paris Psalter 135:3 3 pedigast / forþon he god is || and ic gearwe wat / þæt his mildh
The Paris Psalter 135:9 1 an / / # / on miht nihte || monan and steorran / / # / he ægyptas sloh
The Paris Psalter 135:10 1 orran / / # / he ægyptas sloh || and eall heora frumbearn / / # / and
The Paris Psalter 135:11 1 and eall heora frumbearn / / # / and he israhelas || ealle oþlæd
The Paris Psalter 135:12 2 # / on mihtigre || mære handa / and on eallmihte || earmes swylce
The Paris Psalter 135:15 1 e / / # / þær pharaon gefeol || and his fæge werud / on þam reada
The Paris Psalter 135:19 1 cwealde || cyningas mycle / / # / and he eac ofsloh || æþele cyni
The Paris Psalter 135:21 1 amorrea || anweald hæfde / / # / and og swylce || þe æror wæs / s
The Paris Psalter 135:23 1 ra eorþan || on yrfeland / / # / and þæt yrfe || on israele / þe
The Paris Psalter 135:24 2 || ece drihten / gemyndgade || and us mycel sealde / / # / and he us
The Paris Psalter 135:25 1 de || and us mycel sealde / / # / and he us aferede || feondum of h
The Paris Psalter 135:28 1 onum is || heah eardiende / / # / and ge ealra godena gode || geara
The Paris Psalter 136:1 2 e / eadig byþ se þe nimeþ || and eac seteþ / þær we sittaþ |
The Paris Psalter 136:1 3 ac seteþ / þær we sittaþ || and sare wepaþ / his agen bearn ||
The Paris Psalter 136:8 5 || bitere æt·fæsted / ǣnġe and yfele, || hire earm dōhter; /
The Paris Psalter 136:9 2 ne || bitere ætfæsted / ænge and yfele || hire earm dohter / ead
The Paris Psalter 136:9 3 on ealdre || ǣr for·ġēafe / and ūs eallum || ēac ġe·seald
A.5.5.136 1 adiġ biþ sē þe nimeþ || and ēac seteþ% / his āĝen bearn
The Paris Psalter: Psalm 136 2 him on ealdre || ær forgeafe / and us eallum || eac gesealdest
The Paris Psalter 137:1 4 gehyrdest / þa ic mid muþe || and mid mode cweþe / and on þinra
The Paris Psalter 137:1 5 muþe || and mid mode cweþe / and on þinra engla || ealra gesi
The Paris Psalter 137:2 3 æt halige hus || holde mode / and þær þinne naman || on neod
The Paris Psalter 137:3 2 þa miclan || mildheortnesse / and soþfæstnesse || samed ætg
The Paris Psalter 137:4 2 ne cige / gehyr me hwætlice || and me hraþe gedo / micle mine saw
The Paris Psalter 137:6 2 s || wide geond eorþan / micel and mære || ofer middaneard / eart
The Paris Psalter 137:7 6 eræhtest || recene mid handa / and me þin swyþre || sneome hæ
The Paris Psalter 138:1 2 n costadest || cynnum drihten / and me ongeate || gleawe mode / þu
The Paris Psalter 138:1 4 u min setl || swylce oncneowe / and minne ærist || æfter gecyþ
The Paris Psalter 138:2 1 rist || æfter gecyþdest / / # / and mine geþohtas eac || þriste
The Paris Psalter 138:2 3 / feorran ongeate || fore mine / and mine gangas || gearwe atredde
The Paris Psalter 138:2 4 ne gangas || gearwe atreddest / and ealle mine wegas || wel fores
The Paris Psalter 138:8 2 olma begang / lædeþ lustum || and me lungre eft / þin seo swiþr
The Paris Psalter 138:9 3 þystru || þearle forgripen / and me on nihte || neode onlihte /
The Paris Psalter 138:12 3 egesan eart || eall gewuldrad / and þine weorc wæron || wræcli
The Paris Psalter 138:16 3 e manige / syþþan ic arise || and recene nu gyt / mid þe sylfum
The Paris Psalter 138:18 3 feode nu || fæste mid niþe / and ofer þine feondas beo || fac
The Paris Psalter 138:20 2 a min god || swa hit cyn wese / and minre heortan gehygd || her g
The Paris Psalter 138:20 4 geþanc || frine me syþþan / and mine stige ongit || gestaþel
The Paris Psalter 138:21 1 ige ongit || gestaþelode / / # / and þu sylfa geseoh || gif ic on
The Paris Psalter 139:1 3 am yfelum menn || ece drihten / and fram þam were || þe wom fre
The Paris Psalter 139:2 1 e / / # / þa ealne dæg || inwit and facen / hycgeaþ on heortan ||
The Paris Psalter 139:3 1 eorne || gefremed habbaþ / / # / and heora tungan || torncwidum / ne
The Paris Psalter 139:3 3 rwaþ || swa oft nædran doþ / and him aspidas || ætrene wyrmas
The Paris Psalter 139:4 2 me drihten || wiþ heteniþas / and wiþ firenfulles || folmum sw
The Paris Psalter 139:4 3 firenfulles || folmum swylce / and fram þam mannum || þe man f
The Paris Psalter 139:5 2 ohtan || þæt hi ahyltan me / and minne gang || georne swylce / f
The Paris Psalter 139:7 2 gedefe mægen / hælo minre || and þu min heafod scealt / on gefe
The Paris Psalter 139:10 2 hi feallaþ on || fyres glede / and þu hi mid fyre || facnes geh
The Paris Psalter 140:4 3 minum || ne læt man sprecan / and æþele dor || ymbstandende /
The Paris Psalter 140:5 3 ruh inwitstæf || ut forlæte / and ic lædend wese || laþra fir
The Paris Psalter 140:7 2 e soþfæst || symble gerecce / and mildheorte || mode þreage / el
The Paris Psalter 140:10 2 on þe || dædum minum / eagum and mode || æghwær gelyfe / ne as
The Paris Psalter 141:1 2 fn to þe || styrmeþ drihten / and ic mid strangere || stefne sw
The Paris Psalter 141:2 3 his gesihþe || symble ageote / and mine earfeþu || ealle full g
The Paris Psalter 141:3 2 ame þenceaþ || gast teorian / and þu mine stige || strange ong
The Paris Psalter 141:5 4 þe drihten || digle cleopode / and sona cwæþ || þu eart min s
The Paris Psalter 142:1 2 ten min gebed || deore gehyre / and mid earum onfoh || ungemetum
The Paris Psalter 142:1 4 n / on þinre soþfæstnesse || and me on soþe gehyr / / # / ne ga
The Paris Psalter 142:3 4 ehnæged || heanne to eorþan / and min lif swylce || gelytlad is
The Paris Psalter 142:4 5 ænge gast || innan hreþres / and me is heorte on || hearde ged
The Paris Psalter 142:5 4 e || ealle þine mæran weorc / and ymbe þine handgeweorc || hog
The Paris Psalter 142:6 2 handa to þe || holde þenede / and mine sawle || sette mid mode /
The Paris Psalter 142:10 3 hu ic þinne willan || wyrce and fremme / forþon þu min god ea
The Paris Psalter 142:12 1 rihte || rædfæst lifige / / # / and þu of costunge || clæne al
The Paris Psalter 142:12 4 mildheortnesse || mote wunian / and þu mine feondas || fæcne to
The Paris Psalter 142:12 5 ine feondas || fæcne todrife / and eac forleose || laþra gehwyl
The Paris Psalter 143:1 3 e mine handa || to hilde teah / and mine fingras || to gefeohtann
The Paris Psalter 143:2 2 tnes || min æt þearfe / friþ and fultum || fæst andfengea / and
The Paris Psalter 143:2 3 and fultum || fæst andfengea / and alysend is || lifes mines / / #
The Paris Psalter 143:6 2 hten / onhrin þissum muntum || and hi hraþe reocaþ / / # / þine l
The Paris Psalter 143:7 1 / # / þine ligetta || leohtaþ and beorhtaþ / and þu hi toweorpe
The Paris Psalter 143:7 2 tta || leohtaþ and beorhtaþ / and þu hi toweorpest || wide æf
The Paris Psalter 143:7 4 ine strele || strange swylce / and þu hi gedrefed hafast || deo
The Paris Psalter 143:8 2 handa || of heanessum / alys me and genere || wiþ lagustreamum / m
The Paris Psalter 143:8 3 ustreamum / manegum wæterum || and wiþ manfolmum / fremdra bearna
The Paris Psalter 143:8 4 manfolmum / fremdra bearna || and frecenra / / # / þara muþas spr
The Paris Psalter 143:11 1 þe geneahhe / / # / þu healdest and sylest || hælu cyningum / þu
The Paris Psalter 143:12 1 | wraþan sweorde / / # / alys me and oþlæd || laþum wætrum / man
The Paris Psalter 143:15 2 heora dohtru || deore gesette / and ymb frætwum || utan gegyrede
The Paris Psalter 143:17 2 sceap wærun || swylce tydred / and on siþfatum || swiþe geniht
The Paris Psalter 144:1 2 ahne god || hæbbe to cyninge / and ic naman þinne || neode heri
The Paris Psalter 144:2 2 gas || symble ic þe bletsige / and naman þinne || neode herige /
The Paris Psalter 144:4 3 eorc herigen || wordum georne / and þine mihte eac || micle sæc
The Paris Psalter 144:5 1 micle sæcgeon / / # / mycel mod and strang || þines mægenþrymm
The Paris Psalter 144:5 2 rang || þines mægenþrymmes / and þine halignesse || holdes mo
The Paris Psalter 144:6 1 þin wundur || wide mære / / # / and hi mægen swylce || mære and
The Paris Psalter 144:6 1 and hi mægen swylce || mære and egeslic / þinra wundra || wisl
The Paris Psalter 144:6 3 inra wundra || wislic sæcgen / and þine mægenstrengþu || mær
The Paris Psalter 144:7 3 || wise sæcgenum / roccette || and ræd sprece / and þine soþfæ
The Paris Psalter 144:7 4 m / roccette || and ræd sprece / and þine soþfæstnesse || sæcg
The Paris Psalter 144:8 1 e / / # / mildheort is drihten || and mannþwære / and geþyldig eac
The Paris Psalter 144:8 2 is drihten || and mannþwære / and geþyldig eac || þearle mild
The Paris Psalter 144:9 2 drihten / manna cynne || milde and bliþe / syndan his miltsa || o
The Paris Psalter 144:10 2 drihten || ealle þine weorc / and þe þine þa halgan || her b
The Paris Psalter 144:11 1 a halgan || her bletsien / / # / and hi þine mihte || manna bearn
The Paris Psalter 144:11 2 bearnum / cyþan mid cynnum || and mid cneorissum / þines mægen
The Paris Psalter 144:11 4 þrymmes || mære wuldur / riht and reþe || rices þines / / # / þ
The Paris Psalter 144:12 3 manna bearn || manig ætsomne / and þæt þin miht is || ofer mi
The Paris Psalter 144:12 4 in miht is || ofer middaneard / and þines rices || rædfæst wul
The Paris Psalter 144:13 2 n drihten || ræde gefæstnod / and þu woruldricum || wealdest e
The Paris Psalter 144:13 4 eorþware / of cynne on cynn || and on cneorissum / / # / drihten is
The Paris Psalter 144:14 2 on wordum || dædum getreowe / and on eallum his weorcum || wis
The Paris Psalter 144:14 2 on eallum his weorcum || wis and halig / / # / ahefeþ halig god |
The Paris Psalter 144:15 2 g god || þa þe hreosaþ ær / and he ealle areceþ || earme geb
The Paris Psalter 144:16 3 gewenaþ || wiste to genihte / and þu him mete sylest || mæla
The Paris Psalter 144:16 4 mete sylest || mæla gehwylce / and þæs tidlice || tid gemearca
The Paris Psalter 144:17 1 / onhlidest þu þine handa || and hi hraþe fyllest / ealra wihta
The Paris Psalter 144:18 2 es wegum / eallum on eorþan || and he æfter þan / on his weorcum
The Paris Psalter 144:18 3 þan / on his weorcum is || wis and halig / / # / neah is drihten ||
The Paris Psalter 144:19 2 ine mid soþe hige || seceaþ and ciegaþ / and his willan her ||
The Paris Psalter 144:19 3 e hige || seceaþ and ciegaþ / and his willan her || wyrceaþ ge
The Paris Psalter 144:19 4 willan her || wyrceaþ georne / and his ege swylce || elne ræfna
The Paris Psalter 144:19 6 heora bene || bealde gehyreþ / and hi hrædlice gedeþ || hale s
The Paris Psalter 144:20 3 wiþ hine || lustum healdeþ / and he synfulle || swylce todrife
The Paris Psalter 144:21 3 muþ mannum || mæla gehwylce / and flæsca gehwylc || þurh fæl
The Paris Psalter 145:1 2 e min sawl || hælend drihten / and ic on minum life || lustum dr
The Paris Psalter 145:1 3 tum drihten / herige haligne || and holdum gode / sealmas singe ||
The Paris Psalter 145:4 3 cobes god || geara fultumiend / and ær his hiht on god || hæfde
The Paris Psalter 145:5 2 eofon worhte || hrusan swylce / and sidne sæ || samed ætgædere
The Paris Psalter 145:5 3 sidne sæ || samed ætgædere / and ealle þa þe him on || ahwæ
The Paris Psalter 145:6 2 st word || swylce gehealdeþ / and on worulde his || wise domas /
The Paris Psalter 145:7 4 gre drihten / lungre alyseþ || and him lif geofeþ / and blinde ea
The Paris Psalter 145:7 5 lyseþ || and him lif geofeþ / and blinde eac || bealde drihten /
The Paris Psalter 145:8 2 le drihten / lustum healdeþ || and lif geofeþ / weodewum wencelum
The Paris Psalter 145:9 3 en / on ecnesse || awa to feore / and þin sione god || symble to w
The Paris Psalter 146:1 1 heriaþ drihten || he is heah and good / singaþ him sealmas || s
The Paris Psalter 146:1 3 im sealmas || swiþe geneahhe / and hine wlitegum || wordum herig
The Paris Psalter 146:2 2 rne drihten / timbreþ tidum || and to somnaþ / þa þe ut gewitan
The Paris Psalter 146:3 2 eþ eac || heortan geþræste / and heora unrotnesse || ealle gew
The Paris Psalter 146:4 2 recene mæg || riman steorran / and þa neodlice || be naman sona
The Paris Psalter 146:5 2 icel is ure || mihtig drihten / and his mægen is micel || and mi
The Paris Psalter 146:5 2 en / and his mægen is micel || and mihtum strang / ne his snytru m
The Paris Psalter 146:6 1 fre ariman / / # / milde mode || and manþwære / he onfehþ fægere
The Paris Psalter 146:6 2 þwære / he onfehþ fægere || and fyrenfulle / wiþ eorþan niþe
The Paris Psalter 146:8 2 fen þeceþ || hadrum wolcnum / and regn þanon || recene sendeþ
The Paris Psalter 146:12 2 hine him ondrædaþ || dædum and wordum / and on his milde mod |
The Paris Psalter 146:12 3 drædaþ || dædum and wordum / and on his milde mod || mægene g
The Paris Psalter 147:2 3 doru mihtest || bedon fæste / and gebletsade || bearna æghwylc
The Paris Psalter 147:3 3 u on utlandum || ahtest sibbe / and þe gesadade || mid þy seles
The Paris Psalter 147:4 3 as eorþan || ærest sendeþ / and his word yrneþ || wundrum sn
The Paris Psalter 147:5 3 wulle flys || wolcnum bringe / and þone toweorpeþ || wide swa
The Paris Psalter 147:7 3 beorhtlice || burnan floweþ / and to wætere || weorþeþ sniom
The Paris Psalter 147:8 3 um iacobe || geara foresægde / and israhele || eac his domas / / #
The Paris Psalter 148:3 1 / herigen hine swylce || sunna and mona / æghwylc steorra || and
The Paris Psalter 148:3 2 and mona / æghwylc steorra || and þæt æþele leoht / / # / heofe
The Paris Psalter 148:4 2 hine heofena || herian georne / and þa wæter swylce || þe ofer
The Paris Psalter 148:5 3 ce geworht || wætera þryþe / and gesceapene wærun || þa he s
The Paris Psalter 148:6 2 on ecnesse || eall staþelade / and on worulda woruld || wolde he
The Paris Psalter 148:7 2 swylce || drihten of eorþan / and ealle neowelnessa || herian n
The Paris Psalter 148:8 1 htnes / / # / fyr forst hægel || and gefeallen snaw / is and yste ||
The Paris Psalter 148:8 2 gel || and gefeallen snaw / is and yste || ealra gastas / þe his
The Paris Psalter 148:9 1 || wyrcean georne / / # / muntas and geswyru || micle beamas / þa
The Paris Psalter 148:9 2 || micle beamas / þa þe mæst and wæstm || mannum bringaþ / and
The Paris Psalter 148:9 3 and wæstm || mannum bringaþ / and on eallum cedrum || ciiþ al
The Paris Psalter 148:10 1 rum || ciiþ alæded / / # / deor and neat || do þæt sniome / nifle
The Paris Psalter 148:10 3 ædran cynn || be naman ealle / and fugla cynn || fiþerum gescyr
The Paris Psalter 148:11 3 þe folcum her || fore wisien / and ealdormen || ahwær syndan / an
The Paris Psalter 148:11 4 nd ealdormen || ahwær syndan / and ealle þe þas eorþan || ahw
The Paris Psalter 148:12 1 / / # / beon ge hægestealdas || and glade fæmnan / ealde and geong
The Paris Psalter 148:12 2 as || and glade fæmnan / ealde and geonge || ealle ætsamne / heri
The Paris Psalter 148:13 4 s / heah ofer myclum || heofone and eorþan / / # / he horn hefeþ ||
The Paris Psalter 148:14 4 | on israhela / fælum folce || and hi forþ heonan / on his neawes
The Paris Psalter 149:1 2 samheorte || sangas drihtne / and him neowne sang || nu-þa sin
The Paris Psalter 149:2 2 helas on hine || eac blissien / and sione bearn || symble hihtan /
The Paris Psalter 149:3 3 m / on timpano || tidum heriaþ / and on psalterio || singaþ georn
The Paris Psalter 149:4 2 gere drihtne / wel licendlic || and he wynlice / þam manþwærum s
The Paris Psalter 149:6 3 æs wislice || wynnum brucaþ / and sweord habbaþ || swylce on f
The Paris Psalter 149:7 2 n þenceaþ || wraþum cynnum / and þrea þearle || þeodum eawa
The Paris Psalter 149:8 1 þearle || þeodum eawan / / # / and hio bindan || balde þenceaþ
The Paris Psalter 149:8 2 enceaþ / cyningas on campum || and cuþlice / heora æþelingas do
The Paris Psalter 149:9 2 dom on him || deopne gecyþan / and þæt mid wuldre || awriten s
The Paris Psalter 51:6 4 an spede || wræste getruwode / and on idel gylp || ealra geornos
The Paris Psalter 51:7 3 e / on godes huse || ece gewene / and on milde mod || mines drihtne
The Paris Psalter 51:7 4 n milde mod || mines drihtnes / and me þæt to worulde || wat to
The Paris Psalter 52:1 4 niendlice || syndon gewordene / and heora willan || wraþe besmit
The Paris Psalter 52:5 3 þe unrihtes || elne wyrceaþ / and min folc fretaþ || swa fæln
The Paris Psalter 52:8 2 cob byþ || on glædum sælum / and israelas || ealle bliþe
The Paris Psalter 53:2 2 d min gebed || gearuwe gehyre / and earum onfoh || min agen word /
The Paris Psalter 53:3 3 mine sawle || swiþe strange / and na heom god setton || gleawne
The Paris Psalter 53:5 2 e fæcne yfel || feonda minra / and hi soþfæst toweorp || syþ
The Paris Psalter 53:6 2 / ic þe lustum || lace cweme / and naman þinne || niode swylce /
The Paris Psalter 54:1 3 s bene / beheald me holdlice || and gehyr me eac / / # / grimme ic eo
The Paris Psalter 54:2 2 gangen || forþon ic gnornige / and me forhtige || feondes stefne
The Paris Psalter 54:2 3 me forhtige || feondes stefne / and fyrenfulra || fæcne niþas / /
The Paris Psalter 54:3 2 urdon me þa on yrre || yfele and hefige / / # / ys me on hreþre h
The Paris Psalter 54:4 2 eþre heah || heorte gedrefed / and me fealleþ on || fyrhtu dea
The Paris Psalter 54:5 1 || fyrhtu deaþes / / # / egsa me and fyrhtu || ealne forcwomon / and
The Paris Psalter 54:5 2 and fyrhtu || ealne forcwomon / and me beþeahton || þeostru ni
The Paris Psalter 54:6 3 ogenne || fiþeru swa culfran / and ic þonne ricene || reste sy
The Paris Psalter 54:7 2 c feor gewite || fleame dæle / and on westene || wunode lange / bi
The Paris Psalter 54:7 4 e me bete eft / modes mindom || and mægenes hreoh / / # / hat nu tod
The Paris Psalter 54:8 4 þær on unriht || oft locade / and wiþercwyda || wearn gehyrde /
The Paris Psalter 54:8 5 gon þæt on burgum || dæges and nihtes / / # / þunie him gewinne
The Paris Psalter 54:9 2 es wearn || ofer wealles hrof / and heom on midle wese || man and
The Paris Psalter 54:9 2 and heom on midle wese || man and inwit / and unsoþfæstnys || e
The Paris Psalter 54:9 3 n midle wese || man and inwit / and unsoþfæstnys || ealle weald
The Paris Psalter 54:11 2 me a feodon / wordum wyrigen || and wearn sprecan / ic me wiþ heor
The Paris Psalter 54:12 2 || þe me wære / on anmede || and æghwæs cuþ / latteow lustum
The Paris Psalter 54:12 3 ghwæs cuþ / latteow lustum || and wyt gelome eac / æton swetne m
The Paris Psalter 54:12 5 etne mete || samed ætgædere / and on godes huse || gangan swylc
The Paris Psalter 54:12 6 lce / mid geþeahtunge || þine and mine / / # / hi ofer cume || unþ
The Paris Psalter 54:14 2 gasthusum || is gramlic inwit / and on hiora midle || man inwitst
The Paris Psalter 54:15 2 rihtne / cleopode on corþre || and me cuþlice / gehyrde || hælen
The Paris Psalter 54:16 2 on æfenne || eac on mergenne / and on midne dæg || mægene sæc
The Paris Psalter 54:16 3 midne dæg || mægene sæcge / and bodie || þæt þu bliþe me /
The Paris Psalter 54:18 1 aþ / / # / þæt gehyreþ god || and hi gehyneþ eac / þe ær worul
The Paris Psalter 54:18 2 eac / þe ær worulde wæs || and nu wunaþ ece / / # / nis him onw
The Paris Psalter 55:1 2 ten || forþon me man tredeþ / and me ealne dæg || mid unrihte /
The Paris Psalter 55:2 1 htaþ || þurh facensearu / / # / and me fæcne tredaþ || feondas
The Paris Psalter 55:4 2 wealdend god || wordum herige / and on god swylce || georne gelyf
The Paris Psalter 55:5 3 lfne socon || swyþe oncuþon / and wiþer me || wæran georne / on
The Paris Psalter 55:8 3 þe / wordum wilnige || ic wat and can / þæt þu min god || glea
The Paris Psalter 55:9 2 god min word || georne herige / and on god swylce || georne gelyf
The Paris Psalter 55:9 3 n god swylce || georne gelyfe / and ic ealne dæg || ecne drihten
The Paris Psalter 55:10 6 mine eagan || wraþum tearum / and mine fet || fæle beweredest /
The Paris Psalter 56:1 1 salm 56 / / # / miltsa min god || and me milde weorþ / forþon min s
The Paris Psalter 56:1 3 el on þe || swyþe getryweþ / and ic on fægerum scuan || fiþe
The Paris Psalter 56:1 5 icie || oþþæt gewite forþ / and unriht me || eall beglide / / #
The Paris Psalter 56:2 2 an ic cleopige || to heahgode / and to wealdendgode || þe me wel
The Paris Psalter 56:3 1 iċ clipie || tō hēah-gode / and tō wealdend-gode, || þe mē
The Paris Psalter 56:4 2 ihtig god || his milde gehigd / and his soþfæst mod || samod æ
The Paris Psalter 56:4 3 fæst mod || samod ætgædere / and mine sawle || sona alysde / of
The Paris Psalter 56:4 4 t mōd || samod æt·gædere, / and mīne sāwle || sōna ā·lī
The Paris Psalter 56:5 4 an getale || teonan gehwylcre / and to yfele gehwam || ungemet sc
The Paris Psalter 56:6 1 tale || tēonan ġe·hwelcre / and tō yfele ġe·hwǣm || unġe
The Paris Psalter 56:6 2 rihten / is wuldur þin || wide and side / ofer þas eorþan || eal
The Paris Psalter 56:6 3 ten; / is wuldor þīn || wīde and sīde / ofer þās eorðan || e
The Paris Psalter 56:7 2 cne grine / grame gearwodon || and geornlice / mine sawle || swyþ
The Paris Psalter 56:7 3 cne grine / grame ġearwodon || and ġeornlīċe / mīne sāwle ||
The Paris Psalter 56:8 3 e / þær ic eagum || on locade / and hi on þone ylcan || eft gefe
The Paris Psalter 56:9 1 r iċ ēaĝum || inn lōcade, / and hīe on þone īlcan || eft
The Paris Psalter 56:10 2 s wuldur min || wynpsalterium / and ic on ærmergene || eac arise
The Paris Psalter 56:10 3 ic on ærmergene || eac arise / and min hearpe || herige drihten /
The Paris Psalter 56:11 1 r-merġenne || ēac ā·rīse / and min hearpe || herġe drihten.
The Paris Psalter 56:13 3 / þines wuldres wlite || wide and side
The Paris Psalter 57:3 3 hi on worlde || wæron acende / and heo on life || lygeword spæc
The Paris Psalter 57:9 3 rleasan || ealle forweorþaþ / and his handa þwehþ || on hæþ
The Paris Psalter 57:9 4 handa þwehþ || on hæþenra / and þæra fyrenfulra || fæcnum
The Paris Psalter 57:10 1 renfulra || fæcnum blode / / # / and þonne man cweþeþ || on his
The Paris Psalter 57:10 2 sefan / þis is wæstm || wises and goodes / þe his soþfæst weor
The Paris Psalter 58:2 3 er unrihtes || ealle wyrceaþ / and me wiþ blodhreowes weres ||
The Paris Psalter 58:3 3 das mine || fæcne ofþryhtun / and me strange eac || stundum ong
The Paris Psalter 58:4 3 anryne || aris þu drihten nu / and þu sylfa gesyhst || þæt ic
The Paris Psalter 58:4 5 mægena god || mihtig drihten / and israela god || æghwær æt
The Paris Psalter 58:7 2 im on welerum || wraþ sweord and scearp / / # / þonne gehyreþ hw
The Paris Psalter 58:8 2 ylc || hwæt hyra hyge seceþ / and þu hi drihten dest || deope
The Paris Psalter 58:9 3 god eart || geara andfencgea / and mildheortnes || mines drihtne
The Paris Psalter 58:11 2 || þurh þines wordes mægen / and hi wraþe toweorp || wealdend
The Paris Psalter 58:12 6 hi on ende || yrre forgripeþ / and hi syþþan ne beoþ || samod
The Paris Psalter 58:13 3 r middangeard || manna cynnes / and ealra eac || eorþan gemæru /
The Paris Psalter 58:14 2 i on æfenne || eft gecyrraþ / and heardne eac || hungor þolia
The Paris Psalter 58:16 2 ne strengþu || stundum singe / and þin milde mod || morgena geh
The Paris Psalter 58:17 2 n andfengea || æghwær wære / and ic helpe æt þe || hæfde sy
The Paris Psalter 58:18 2 e god eart || geara andfengea / and mildheortnes || mihtig drihte
The Paris Psalter 59:1 2 u us todrife || drihten user / and us towurpe || geond werþeoda
The Paris Psalter 59:1 3 nd werþeoda / yrre us wurde || and eft milde / / # / eorþan þu onh
The Paris Psalter 59:3 2 folce þinum / heardra wisan || and hi hraþe æfter / mid wynsume
The Paris Psalter 59:4 3 æt hi him gebeorgen || bogan and stræle / and wæron alysede ||
The Paris Psalter 59:4 4 ebeorgen || bogan and stræle / and wæron alysede || leofe þine
The Paris Psalter 59:5 4 re halignesse || her aspræce / and ic blissie || ba gedæle / sici
The Paris Psalter 59:6 2 n is galaad || gleaw mannases / and effrem ys || æþele strengþ
The Paris Psalter 59:7 3 me moab || mines hyhtes hwer / and ic aþenige eac || on idumea /
The Paris Psalter 59:7 4 on idumea / min gescy sende || and me syþþan gedo / allophilas |
The Paris Psalter 59:11 2 g drihten / soþfæst syllan || and he sona mæg / ure fynd gedon |
The Paris Psalter 60:5 5 / on ansyne || andweard gangan / and þær to worlde || wunian ece
The Paris Psalter 61:2 1 cg / / # / hwæt he is god min || and gearu hælend / is he fultum mi
The Paris Psalter 61:4 4 ige muþe || þæne bletsadan / and þone wyrgedan || wraþe mid
The Paris Psalter 61:6 1 þ / / # / hwæt he is god min || and gleaw hælend / and fultum is |
The Paris Psalter 61:6 2 god min || and gleaw hælend / and fultum is || ne mæg ic hine
The Paris Psalter 61:7 2 e standeþ || min gearu hælu / and wuldor min || and wyn mycel / m
The Paris Psalter 61:7 2 gearu hælu / and wuldor min || and wyn mycel / me is halig hyht ||
The Paris Psalter 61:8 2 þ eowre heortan hige || hale and clæne / forþon eow god stande
The Paris Psalter 61:9 2 s unlyt / wyrceaþ on wægum || and woh doþ / and eow beswicaþ ||
The Paris Psalter 61:9 3 aþ on wægum || and woh doþ / and eow beswicaþ || sylfe oftast
The Paris Psalter 61:11 4 d spræcan || gearuwe gehyrde / and þæt treowe ongeat || tidum
The Paris Psalter 61:12 2 drihtnes || ofer middangeard / and him þæs to worlde || wuldor
The Paris Psalter 61:12 3 s to worlde || wuldor stande / and mildheortness || þæt he man
The Paris Psalter 62:2 2 wl on þe || swyþe þyrsteþ / and min flæsc on þe || fæste g
The Paris Psalter 62:3 1 getreoweþ / / # / on westene || and on wege swylce / and on wæterf
The Paris Psalter 62:3 2 westene || and on wege swylce / and on wæterflodum || wene ic sw
The Paris Psalter 62:3 4 r ætywe / þæt ic þin wuldur and mægen || wis sceawige / / # / ys
The Paris Psalter 62:5 2 minum life || lustum bletsige / and ic on naman þinum || neode s
The Paris Psalter 62:7 3 minre reste || rihte begange / and on ærmergen on þe || eac ge
The Paris Psalter 62:8 2 e beþeaht || fiþerum þinum / and hiht on þon || hæbbe georne
The Paris Psalter 62:9 3 / sohton synlice || sawle mine / and geond eorþscræfu || eodon g
The Paris Psalter 62:10 2 æne blisse / hluttre habban || and hine heriaþ eac / ealle þa þ
The Paris Psalter 63:1 3 costunge || cnyssaþ geneahhe / and wiþ egesan || yfeles feondes
The Paris Psalter 63:2 2 aweredest || wyrigra gemotes / and fram þære menegeo || þe ma
The Paris Psalter 63:2 3 re menegeo || þe man woldon / and unrihte || æghwær fremman / /
The Paris Psalter 63:3 2 hwylce / sweorde efenscearpe || and heora swiþne bogan / and unscy
The Paris Psalter 63:3 3 pe || and heora swiþne bogan / and unscyldige mid þy || scotian
The Paris Psalter 63:4 4 id wraþum || wordum trymmaþ / and sare sprecaþ || hwa gesyhþ
The Paris Psalter 63:5 2 eagaþ oft || swiþost unriht / and on þam ilcan || eft forweor
The Paris Psalter 63:5 3 aþ / þær hi mamriaþ || man and unriht / / # / gangeþ man manig
The Paris Psalter 63:8 3 anna gehwylc || man ondrædan / and weorc godes || wide mærsian /
The Paris Psalter 63:8 4 weorc godes || wide mærsian / and his weorc ongitan || mid wisd
The Paris Psalter 63:9 3 aþ baldlice || bote geweneþ / and hine heriaþ eac || heortan c
The Paris Psalter 64:1 3 man on sion || swyþe herige / and on hierusalem || gylde and ge
The Paris Psalter 64:1 3 ge / and on hierusalem || gylde and gehate / / # / gehyr min gebed ||
The Paris Psalter 64:4 2 e ece god / cystum geceoseþ || and hine clæne hafaþ / and on his
The Paris Psalter 64:4 3 eþ || and hine clæne hafaþ / and on his earduncgstowum || eard
The Paris Psalter 64:5 3 || fæste is þin templ / ece and wræclic || awa to feore / / # /
The Paris Psalter 64:7 4 t byþ ormætum || yþa hlude / and hi uneaþe mæg || ænig aræ
The Paris Psalter 64:11 4 cneorisse || cende weorþaþ / and blissiaþ || blowaþ and grow
The Paris Psalter 64:11 4 aþ / and blissiaþ || blowaþ and growaþ / þurh dropunge || dea
The Paris Psalter 64:11 5 waþ / þurh dropunge || deawes and renes / / # / þonne þu geares h
The Paris Psalter 64:12 2 es hring || mid gyfe bletsast / and þine fremsumnesse wylt || fo
The Paris Psalter 64:13 2 wæstmum || weorþaþ mæsted / and mid wynngrafe || weaxaþ gesw
The Paris Psalter 64:14 5 lice to þe || cleopiaþ sona / and þe þonne lustum || lofe þa
The Paris Psalter 65:1 3 ordum wislicum || wide herian / and his naman secgeaþ || neode m
The Paris Psalter 65:1 4 secgeaþ || neode mid sealmum / and him wuldres lof || wide sylla
The Paris Psalter 65:2 1 ldres lof || wide syllaþ / / # / and gode secgeaþ || hu his þa g
The Paris Psalter 65:2 3 dorlice || wide geond eorþan / and eac on menigeo || mægenes þ
The Paris Psalter 65:3 3 þeos eorþe || ecne drihten / and þe singe eac || secge geneah
The Paris Psalter 65:4 1 hæleþa cynnes / / # / cumaþ nu and geseoþ || hu cyme weorc / drih
The Paris Psalter 65:5 3 deopan sæ || drige weorþaþ / and þa strangan mæg || streamas
The Paris Psalter 65:6 3 yn / on ecnesse || awa to feore / and he ofer ealle þeode || eagum
The Paris Psalter 65:7 3 le eorþbuend || ecne drihten / and mid stefne lof || strang asec
The Paris Psalter 65:10 2 me swylce || gryne gelæddest / and us bealuwa fela || on bæce s
The Paris Psalter 65:11 1 d / / # / we þuruh fyr faraþ || and þuruh floda þrym / and þu us
The Paris Psalter 65:11 2 aþ || and þuruh floda þrym / and þu us on colnesse || clæne
The Paris Psalter 65:12 2 ic on þin hus || halig gange / and þær tidum þe || tifer onse
The Paris Psalter 65:14 1 s todælde / / # / gehyraþ me || and her cumaþ / ic eow mid soþe |
The Paris Psalter 65:17 2 me gehyrde || hælend drihten / and minre stefne beheold || stran
The Paris Psalter 66:1 1 / miltsa us mihtig drihten || and us on mode eac / gebletsa nu ||
The Paris Psalter 66:1 3 te leohte / þinne andwlitan || and us on mode weorþ / þuruh þin
The Paris Psalter 66:1 4 ruh þine mycelnesse || milde and bliþe / / # / and we þæs on eo
The Paris Psalter 66:2 1 nesse || milde and bliþe / / # / and we þæs on eorþan || andgyt
The Paris Psalter 66:3 2 andette || þu eart fæle god / and þe andetten || ealle þeoda /
The Paris Psalter 66:4 2 æs gefean || folca æghwylc / and blissien || bealde þeoda / þ
The Paris Psalter 66:4 4 hi on rihtum || rædum demest / and eorþbuende || ealle healdest
The Paris Psalter 66:5 2 e andetten || fælne drihten / and þe andetten || ealle þeoda /
The Paris Psalter 66:6 3 bletsige us || bliþe drihten / and user god || eac bletsige / hæb
The Paris Psalter 67:2 2 swa fram fyre weax || floweþ and mylteþ / swa þa fyrenfullan |
The Paris Psalter 67:3 2 / habbaþ beorhtlice || blisse and sibbe / / # / singaþ soþum gode
The Paris Psalter 67:4 2 um gode || sealmas geneahhige / and his naman swylce || neode her
The Paris Psalter 67:4 3 doþ siþfæt þæs || seftne and rihtne / þe he sylfa astah ||
The Paris Psalter 67:5 2 his gesyhþe || symble bliþe / and on his ansyne wesan || ealle
The Paris Psalter 67:6 3 e eardian deþ || anes modes / and on hiora huse || healdeþ bli
The Paris Psalter 67:7 3 a gehæftan || hæleþ sniome / and þa to yrre beoþ || ealle ge
The Paris Psalter 67:7 4 o yrre beoþ || ealle gecigde / and eardiaþ || on eorþscræfum /
The Paris Psalter 67:10 2 umne regn || wolcen brincgeþ / and þonne ascadeþ god || sundor
The Paris Psalter 67:12 3 n || se þe is mihtig cynincg / and wlites wealdend || oft weorþ
The Paris Psalter 67:13 3 culfran || fægeres seolfres / and hire bæc scineþ || beorhtan
The Paris Psalter 67:15 2 genihte / wæstme weorþlice || and wel þicce / / # / forþon ge onf
The Paris Psalter 67:18 4 hwile micele / lange lifdon || and wæs lacgeofa / ofer middangear
The Paris Psalter 67:20 3 re hælend god || helpe usser / and us æt deaþe eac || drihten
The Paris Psalter 67:21 3 fdas feonda || her gescæneþ / and he tofylleþ || feaxes scadan
The Paris Psalter 67:24 2 der ealdormen || ofstum coman / and gegaderade || gleowe sungon / o
The Paris Psalter 67:24 4 wæs || forþ þāra lēoda, / and ealdras ēac || of Zabulone / a
The Paris Psalter 67:24 5 tympanis || togenum strengum / and on ciricean || crist drihten
The Paris Psalter 67:25 1 ne; || þū eart mehtiġ god; / and þīn weorc on ūs || mid wī
The Paris Psalter 67:25 2 nes synt || bearn on geogoþe / and ealdormenn || eac of iudan / þ
The Paris Psalter 67:25 4 eow wæs || forþ þara leoda / and ealdras eac || of zabulone / an
The Paris Psalter 67:25 5 nd ealdras eac || of zabulone / and neptalim || niode swylce / / # /
The Paris Psalter 67:26 1 wildor || wordum þrēatast / and fearra ġe·mōt || under fol
The Paris Psalter 67:26 2 ægene || þu eart mihtig god / and þin weorc on us || mid wisdo
The Paris Psalter 67:27 1 ealdor-menn || ofstum cōmon, / and ġe·ġaderode || glēowe sun
The Paris Psalter 67:27 2 u wildeor || wordum þreatast / and fearra gemot || under folcum /
The Paris Psalter 67:27 4 ympanis || toĝenum strengum, / and on ċiriċan || Crīst, driht
The Paris Psalter 68:1 2 to minum feore inn || floweþ and gangeþ / eom ic on lame oflegd
The Paris Psalter 68:2 2 | þær me sealt wæter / hreoh and hopig || holme besencte / / # /
The Paris Psalter 68:3 1 / # / þær ic werigmod || wann and cleopode / þæt me grame synda
The Paris Psalter 68:5 3 þ gestrangad / feondas mine || and ic forþ agef / unrihtlice ||
The Paris Psalter 68:8 2 dwit for þe || oft aræfnade / and me hleorsceame || hearde becw
The Paris Psalter 68:8 3 leorsceame || hearde becwoman / and ic framþe wearþ || fæderen
The Paris Psalter 68:9 2 heard ellenwod / æt ormæte || and me eac fela / þinra edwita ||
The Paris Psalter 68:9 2 for þē || oft ā·ræfnode / and mē hlēor-sċame || hearde b
The Paris Psalter 68:9 3 -sċame || hearde be·cōmon, / and iċ fremde wearþ || fæderen
The Paris Psalter 68:11 1 rd ellen-wōd / æt or-mǣte || and mē ēac fela / þīnra ed·wī
The Paris Psalter 68:13 3 dum sende || teala liciendlic / and þu me þonne on mænigeo ||
The Paris Psalter 68:14 2 e læs ic weorþe lange fæst / and me feondum afyrr || frea ælm
The Paris Psalter 68:14 3 m sende || tela līciendliċ, / and þū mē þonne on meniġu ||
The Paris Psalter 68:15 2 læs iċ weorðe lange fæst, / and mē fēondum ā·fierr, || fr
The Paris Psalter 68:16 3 n milde mod || mannum fremsum / and for mænigeo || miltsa þinra
The Paris Psalter 68:17 3 eneahhe / gehyr me hrædlice || and me help freme / / # / beheald min
The Paris Psalter 68:17 3 milde mōd || mannum fremsum, / and for meniġu || miltsa þīnra
The Paris Psalter 68:18 1 eme / / # / beheald mine sawle || and hi hrædlice / alys and wiþfer
The Paris Psalter 68:18 2 awle || and hi hrædlice / alys and wiþfere || laþum feondum / / #
The Paris Psalter 68:19 2 ġe·hīer mē hrǣdlīċe || and mē help freme. / / # / Be·heald
The Paris Psalter 68:19 1 / # / Be·heald mīne sāwle || and hīe hrǣdlīċe / ā·līes an
The Paris Psalter 68:20 2 rte gebad || hearmedwit feala / and yrmþu mænig || eac aræfned
The Paris Psalter 68:21 2 mete || mengdan wiþ geallan / and þa gedrugadne || drenctan mi
The Paris Psalter 68:21 1 e·bād || hearm-ed-wīt fela / and iermþu maniġ || ēac ā·r
The Paris Psalter 68:22 2 d fore him || wended on grine / and on edlean yfel || and on æwi
The Paris Psalter 68:22 2 n grine / and on edlean yfel || and on æwisce / / # / syn hiora eaga
The Paris Psalter 68:23 3 ete || mengdon% wiþ ġeallan / and þā ġe·drūĝodne || drenc
The Paris Psalter 68:24 2 r hi || þin þæt grame yrre / and æbylignes eac || yrres þine
The Paris Psalter 68:24 2 īne / and on ed·lēan yfel || and on ǣwisċe. / / # / Sīen hira
The Paris Psalter 68:24 1 e / / # / wese wic heora || weste and idel / ne on heora eþele ne sy
The Paris Psalter 68:26 2 e || þīn þæt grame ierre, / and ǣ-byliġness ēac || ierres
The Paris Psalter 68:26 3 u him earfoþu || ænig geafe / and me wean ecton || minra wunda
The Paris Psalter 68:26 1 / # / Wese wīċ hira || wēste and īdel; / ne on hira ēðle ne s
The Paris Psalter 68:27 2 nriht to || þe hi geearnedan / and mid unrihte || ær geworhton /
The Paris Psalter 68:27 3 mid unrihte || ær geworhton / and hi on þin soþfæst weorc ||
The Paris Psalter 68:28 2 m earfoþu || ǣniġ ġēafe, / and mē wēan ecton% || mīnra wu
The Paris Psalter 68:28 1 ō || þe hīe ġe·earnodon, / and mid unrihte || ǣr ġe·worht
The Paris Psalter 68:29 2 me sylfa eam || sarig þearfa / and me andwlita onfeng || ecean d
The Paris Psalter 68:30 2 aman drihtnes || neode herige / and hine mid lofsange || læde sw
The Paris Psalter 68:31 2 elfa ēam || sāriġ þearfa, / and mē andwlita on·fēng || ē
The Paris Psalter 68:31 1 hearde cleo / / # / geseoþ þæt and gefeoþ || sarie þearfan / sec
The Paris Psalter 68:32 2 e þearfan / seceaþ drihten || and eower sawl leofaþ / / # / forþa
The Paris Psalter 68:32 2 man dryhtnes || nīede herġe / and hine mid lof-sange || lǣde s
The Paris Psalter 68:33 1 / herige hine swylce || heofen and eorþe / side sæflodas || and
The Paris Psalter 68:33 1 clēo. / / # / Ġe·sēoþ þæt and ġe·fēoþ, || sārie þearf
The Paris Psalter 68:34 2 and eorþe / side sæflodas || and þa him syndon on / / # / forþon
The Paris Psalter 68:35 1 erġe% hine swelċe || heofon and eorðe, / sīde sǣ-flōdas ||
The Paris Psalter 68:36 2 hi yrfestol || eft gesittaþ / and hiora eþel begytaþ || esnas
The Paris Psalter 68:36 2 eorðe, / sīde sǣ-flōdas || and þā him sindon inn. / / # / Þǣ
The Paris Psalter 68:36 3 l begytaþ || esnas drihtenes / and his naman || neode lufiaþ / þ
The Paris Psalter 68:36 4 rfe-stōl || eft ġe·sittaþ / and hira ēðel be·ġietaþ || e
The Paris Psalter 69:1 2 fultum / beheald drihten me || and me hraþe syþþan / gefultuma
The Paris Psalter 69:2 1 / / # / þonne beoþ gescende || and scame dreogaþ / þa þe mine f
The Paris Psalter 69:2 3 e mine fynd || fæcne wæron / and mine sawle || sohton mid niþ
The Paris Psalter 69:3 1 i on hinderlincg || hweorfaþ and cyrraþ / ealle hiora scamien |
The Paris Psalter 69:4 1 en || þe me yfel hogedon / / # / and heora æfstu eac || ealle sce
The Paris Psalter 69:5 3 þe secean || symble drihten / and symble cweþen || sy þin mih
The Paris Psalter 69:5 4 eþen || sy þin miht drihten / and þine hælu || holde lufigean
The Paris Psalter 69:6 1 lufigean / / # / ic eom wædla || and worldþearfa / gefultuma me god
The Paris Psalter 70:2 2 me þin eare to || holde mode / and me lustum alys || and me lung
The Paris Psalter 70:2 2 de mode / and me lustum alys || and me lungre weorþ / on god driht
The Paris Psalter 70:2 4 od drihten || georne þeccend / and on trume stowe || þæt þu m
The Paris Psalter 70:3 3 tumiend || alys me feondum nu / and me of folmum afere || firenwy
The Paris Psalter 70:5 3 on þe ic singge nu || symble and geneahhie / / # / ic eom swa fore
The Paris Psalter 70:6 2 a forebeacen || folce manegum / and þu me eart fultum strang ||
The Paris Psalter 70:7 1 e æt þearfe / / # / sy min muþ and min mod || mægene gefylled /
The Paris Psalter 70:7 3 in lof mæge || lustum singan / and wuldur þin || wide mærsian /
The Paris Psalter 70:7 4 wuldur þin || wide mærsian / and þe ealne dæg || æghwær he
The Paris Psalter 70:8 3 || on gesige / þonne me mægen and mod || mylte on hreþre / ne fo
The Paris Psalter 70:9 2 eala cwædon || feondas yfele / and sætendan || sawle minre / and
The Paris Psalter 70:9 3 / and sætendan || sawle minre / and on anre geþeaht || eodan tog
The Paris Psalter 70:10 3 e / þonne we hine forgripen || and his geara ehtan / syþþan he n
The Paris Psalter 70:12 3 þust tældun / byþ þam scand and sceamu || þe me syrwedan yfe
The Paris Psalter 70:14 2 sægeþ || þine mægenspede / and þin soþfæst weorc || swyþ
The Paris Psalter 70:16 5 ndor þin || weorþlic sægde / and ic þæt wiþ oryldu || awa f
The Paris Psalter 70:18 1 ys / / # / þines mihtes þrym || and þæt mære soþ / þæt þu on
The Paris Psalter 70:19 3 a / on costunge || cuþra manna / and me yfela feala || oft oncnyss
The Paris Psalter 70:19 5 u yrre þin || eft oncyrdest / and me of neowelnesse eft || neo
The Paris Psalter 70:20 2 est / þonne þu gehwyrfdest || and hulpe min / and me getrymedest
The Paris Psalter 70:20 3 gehwyrfdest || and hulpe min / and me getrymedest || þæt ic te
The Paris Psalter 70:20 5 ic þe andette || ece drihten / and þe on sealmfatum || singe be
The Paris Psalter 70:20 6 be hearpan / israela god || ece and halig / / # / mine weleras gefeo
The Paris Psalter 70:21 3 þe singe || sigora wealdend / and min sawl eac || þa þu sylf
The Paris Psalter 71:3 3 inum folce || fægere blisse / and geswyru eac || soþum dædum /
The Paris Psalter 71:5 1 he þa hermcweþend || hyneþ and bygeþ / se mid sunnan wunaþ |
The Paris Psalter 71:6 2 a ren / fealleþ on flys her || and swa fæger dropa / þe on þas
The Paris Psalter 71:8 3 be sæ tweonum || sidum ricum / and fram streamracum || styreþ h
The Paris Psalter 71:9 2 sigelwearas || seceaþ ealle / and his feondas || foldan liccige
The Paris Psalter 71:10 2 þ of tharsis || tires eadige / and of ealandum || utan cynincgas
The Paris Psalter 71:12 3 lega ne mæg || wiht onsittan / and þæne wædlan || þe on woru
The Paris Psalter 71:13 2 earfan || swylce eac wædlan / and he þearfigendra || sawla geh
The Paris Psalter 71:14 1 leþ / / # / he of mansceatte || and of mane eac / sniome hiora sawl
The Paris Psalter 71:15 4 weorþiaþ || wera cneoressa / and hine ealne dæg || eac bletsi
The Paris Psalter 71:16 4 libanum || licgeaþ his yþa / and on burgum beoþ || blostmum f
The Paris Psalter 71:17 2 nama || ofer eall niþa bearn / and to widan feore || weorþeþ g
The Paris Psalter 71:18 1 ær || swylce þonne mona / / # / and him byþ eorþan cynn || eall
The Paris Psalter 71:19 2 / wese israhela || ece drihten / and hiora sylfra god || symble ge
The Paris Psalter 71:20 1 ecnesse || awa to worlde / / # / and þeos eorþe si || eall gefyl
The Paris Psalter 72:4 2 i on miclum || manna gewinnum / and hi mid manna ne beoþ || mæg
The Paris Psalter 72:6 3 it of gelynde || lungre cwome / and hi on heortan || hogedon and
The Paris Psalter 72:6 3 / and hi on heortan || hogedon and þohton / hu hi fyrmest || face
The Paris Psalter 72:6 4 ohton / hu hi fyrmest || facen and unriht / on hean huse || hraþo
The Paris Psalter 72:7 2 on setton || hyge hyra muþes / and hira tungan || tugon ofer eor
The Paris Psalter 72:9 1 lle dagas || findaþ sona / / # / and þonne cwædon || hu weorþe
The Paris Psalter 72:10 2 nu fyrenfulle || foldan æhta / and þysse worulde welan || wynnu
The Paris Psalter 72:11 4 e heortan || heolde mid soþe / and mine handa þwoh || þær ic
The Paris Psalter 72:11 5 þwoh || þær ic hete nyste / and ic wæs ealne dæg || eac ges
The Paris Psalter 72:12 1 æg / / # / gif ic sylf cwæde || and sæcge eac / swa þe bearn weor
The Paris Psalter 72:13 5 ic on his hus || halig gange / and ic þa nehstan ongite || neod
The Paris Psalter 72:15 2 i gewordene || wraþe tolysde / and semninga || sneome forwurdon /
The Paris Psalter 72:16 1 pe hwylc || swærum arise / / # / and hi on byrig drihtnes || beald
The Paris Psalter 72:16 2 ealde habbaþ / hiora ansyne || and þu hi eaþe miht / to nawihte
The Paris Psalter 72:17 1 minre heortan hige || hluttor and clæne / wærun mine ædra || e
The Paris Psalter 72:17 3 n mine ædra || ealle tolysde / and ic to nawihte eom || nyde geb
The Paris Psalter 72:18 2 m anlic mid þe || anum neate / and ic symble mid þe || syþþan
The Paris Psalter 72:19 2 swyþran hand || sylfa gename / and me mid þinon willan || well
The Paris Psalter 72:19 3 non willan || well gelæddest / and me þa mid wuldres || welan g
The Paris Psalter 72:21 1 ofer eorþan / / # / me is heorte and flæsc || hearde geteorad / ys
The Paris Psalter 72:21 3 rtan gehygd || hyldu drihtnes / and ece dæl || awa to worulde / / #
The Paris Psalter 72:24 1 ht sette || healde fæste / / # / and ic eall þin lof || eft asecg
The Paris Psalter 73:1 3 drifan / is þin yrre strang || and egesa mycel / ofer þin agen ||
The Paris Psalter 73:3 2 þele gyrde / sylfa alysdest || and sione byrig / on þam ilcan þu
The Paris Psalter 73:3 4 ename / hefe þu þine handa || and hyn hiora oferhygd / feala wyrg
The Paris Psalter 73:3 8 mhydige || þa þin geo ehtan / and on þinra wica || wuniaþ mid
The Paris Psalter 73:5 2 mid æxum duru || elne curfan / and mid twyecgum || teoledan geor
The Paris Psalter 73:6 2 gere hus || fyre forbærndan / and on eorþstede || eac gewemdan
The Paris Psalter 73:7 2 heortan || wutan cuman ealle / and ure magas mid us || wutun þy
The Paris Psalter 73:7 3 || wutun þyder gemot habban / and symbeldagas || swylce drihtne
The Paris Psalter 73:9 3 wit þolian || yfelum feondum / and naman þinne || nu bysmriaþ /
The Paris Psalter 73:13 2 clan dracan || mihtum forcome / and his þæt hearde || heafod ge
The Paris Psalter 73:14 2 u sylfa eac || toslite wyllas / and hlynnende || hlude streamas / o
The Paris Psalter 73:15 1 gdest / / # / þu dæg settest || and deorce niht / swylce þu gesett
The Paris Psalter 73:15 2 wylce þu gesettest || sunnan and monan / ealle þu geworhtest ||
The Paris Psalter 73:15 4 || eorþan gemæru / sumor þu and lencten || swylce geworhtest /
The Paris Psalter 73:19 2 gecyrred / þeah þe wædla || and þearfa he wyle / naman þinne
The Paris Psalter 73:21 4 digan || þa þe feogeaþ þe / and eft to þe || ealle stigaþ
The Paris Psalter 74:1 2 þe andettaþ || ecne drihten / and þe andettaþ || ealle þeoda
The Paris Psalter 74:1 3 þe andettaþ || ealle þeoda / and naman þinne || neode ciegen /
The Paris Psalter 74:2 3 stlicast mæg || befon wordum / and eac soþ || symble deme / / # / e
The Paris Psalter 74:3 1 eme / / # / eorþe is gemolten || and hire eardend mid / ic þonne hi
The Paris Psalter 74:4 3 le ge unriht || ænig fremman / and agyltan þæt hi || ne gulpan
The Paris Psalter 74:8 6 rulde gefean || wynnum healde / and iacobes gode || georne singe /
The Paris Psalter 75:1 2 wæs geara cuþ || mid iudeum / and his æþele nama || mid israe
The Paris Psalter 75:2 2 e his stow || soþe behealden / and he on sione || swylce eardaþ
The Paris Psalter 75:3 2 hornbogan || hearde gebendeþ / and sweord and sceld || æt gesco
The Paris Psalter 75:6 5 e / þe he mildheorte || meteþ and findeþ / / # / forþon þe manne
The Paris Psalter 75:7 2 s geþoht || mægen andetteþ / and þonne þa lafe || lustum þe
The Paris Psalter 75:7 3 t ic þe symbeldæg || sette and gyrwe / / # / gehataþ nu drihtne
The Paris Psalter 75:8 1 we / / # / gehataþ nu drihtne || and him hraþe gyldaþ / eowrum þa
The Paris Psalter 75:8 4 ndan / him gyfe bringen || gode and clæne / / # / to þam egsan scea
The Paris Psalter 75:9 2 n / þe wera gastum || wealdeþ and healdeþ / eorþcynincgum || se
The Paris Psalter 76:1 2 ongann || styrman to drihtne / and he me gehyrde || and beheold
The Paris Psalter 76:1 2 drihtne / and he me gehyrde || and beheold sona / / # / ic on earfo
The Paris Psalter 76:2 3 mid handum || swyþe geneahhe / and ic on niht for him || neode e
The Paris Psalter 76:3 1 m siþe || beswicen awiht / / # / and ic swiþe wiþsoc || sawle mi
The Paris Psalter 76:4 1 # / swyþe ic begangen wæs || and min sylfes gast / wæs hwonlice
The Paris Psalter 76:9 1 ilde mod || mannum dyrnan / / # / and ic selfa cwæþ || nu ic sona
The Paris Psalter 76:10 4 es god, || wæter sċēawedon / and þe ġe·sāwon || sealte ȳ
The Paris Psalter 76:13 2 ldres god || wæter sceawedon / and þe gesawon || sealte yþa / fo
The Paris Psalter 76:14 2 þurh Moyses || mihtġe handa / and Aarones || ealle ġe·sunde.
The Paris Psalter 76:16 2 n wegas þine || on widne sæ / and þine stige || ofer strang w
The Paris Psalter 76:17 3 þurh moyses || mihtige handa / and aarones || ealle gesunde
The Paris Psalter 77:3 2 we oncneowan || cuþ ongeaton / and ure fæderas us || æror sæg
The Paris Psalter 77:5 2 lof symble || leofum drihtne / and his þa myclan miht || mænig
The Paris Psalter 77:6 2 gewitnesse / on iacobe || goode and strange / and israhelum || æ g
The Paris Psalter 77:6 3 n iacobe || goode and strange / and israhelum || æ gesette / / # /
The Paris Psalter 77:7 2 æt hi heora bearnum || budun and sægdun / and cinn oþrum || cy
The Paris Psalter 77:7 3 bearnum || budun and sægdun / and cinn oþrum || cyþden and m
The Paris Psalter 77:7 3 un / and cinn oþrum || cyþden and mærden / / # / gif bearn wære |
The Paris Psalter 77:9 2 eawne hiht || to gode hæfdan / and his weorþlicu || weorc gemun
The Paris Psalter 77:9 3 weorþlicu || weorc gemundon / and godes bebodu || georne heolda
The Paris Psalter 77:10 2 æt wæs earfoþcynn || yrre and reþe / næfdon heora heortan |
The Paris Psalter 77:13 2 ddæda || hi forgiten hæfdon / and þara wundra || þe he worhte
The Paris Psalter 77:14 3 m worhte fore || wundur mære / and on campotanea || eac mid soþ
The Paris Psalter 77:15 2 || sealte yþa / gefæstnade || and hi foran þurh / / # / him wisode
The Paris Psalter 77:16 3 hwylce || swa hit drihten het / and him ealle niht || oþer beace
The Paris Psalter 77:19 2 hira firene || furþur ehtan / and hine on yrre || eft gebrohtan
The Paris Psalter 77:20 2 n heortan || hogedon to niþe / and geornlice || godes costadan / b
The Paris Psalter 77:20 4 hiora feorum || foddur geafe / and gramlice || be gode spræcan /
The Paris Psalter 77:20 7 od / on þisum westene || widum and sidum / / # / þeah þe he of sta
The Paris Psalter 77:23 2 ig drihten / he ylde þa gyt || and eft gespræc / wæs gegleded fy
The Paris Psalter 77:23 4 æs gegleded fyr || on iacobe / and his yrre barn || on israhelas
The Paris Psalter 77:25 2 en ontynan / hea of heofenum || and hider rignan / manna to mose ||
The Paris Psalter 77:25 5 fenes hlaf || hider on foldan / and engla hlaf || æton mancynn / a
The Paris Psalter 77:25 6 d engla hlaf || æton mancynn / and hwætenne || hæfdon to genih
The Paris Psalter 77:26 1 nne || hæfdon to genihte / / # / and awehte þa || windas of heofe
The Paris Psalter 77:26 2 of heofenum / auster ærest || and þa affricum / / # / him þa eac
The Paris Psalter 77:28 1 iþrade || fugelas swylce / / # / and on middan þa wic || manige f
The Paris Psalter 77:28 2 dan þa wic || manige feollan / and ymb hiora selegescotu || swi
The Paris Psalter 77:29 1 geneahhe / / # / swiþe ætan || and sade wurdan / and hiora lusta |
The Paris Psalter 77:29 2 iþe ætan || and sade wurdan / and hiora lusta || lifdan hwile / n
The Paris Psalter 77:30 3 im on becwom || yrre drihtnes / and heora mænige || mane swultan
The Paris Psalter 77:31 2 lum hi þissum || ihtan synne / and noldan his wundrum || wel gel
The Paris Psalter 77:32 2 ora dagena tid || dædun idle / and heora geara gancg || eac unny
The Paris Psalter 77:33 2 sloh || þonne hi sohton hine / and ær leohte to him || lustum c
The Paris Psalter 77:37 1 / # / he þonne is mildheort || and manþwære / hiora fyrendædum
The Paris Psalter 77:39 1 hyge || hæleþum cyþan / / # / and he gemunde || þæt hi wæran
The Paris Psalter 77:39 1 nde || þæt hi wæran moldan and flæsc / gast gangende || næs
The Paris Psalter 77:40 1 hi hine on westenne || wordum and dædum / on yrre mod || eft geb
The Paris Psalter 77:41 2 hi grimlice || godes costodan / and israhela god || eac abulgan / /
The Paris Psalter 77:42 2 hand / on gewindæge || werede and ferede / / # / he ægypti || eges
The Paris Psalter 77:43 2 n geþywde / mid feala tacna || and forebeacna / in campotaneos ||
The Paris Psalter 77:45 2 heard wite || hundes fleogan / and hi ætan eac || yfle tostan / h
The Paris Psalter 77:46 3 ra wyrta || wæstme forslitan / and hiora gram gewinn || hæfdan
The Paris Psalter 77:48 2 ra neat eac || swylce hæglum / and heora æhta || ealle fyre / / #
The Paris Psalter 77:49 1 he æbyligþe on hi || bitter and yrre / sarlic sende || oþ sawl
The Paris Psalter 77:49 3 / sarlic sende || oþ sawlhord / and þæt wiþ yfele || englas se
The Paris Psalter 77:50 3 um deaþ || swiþe ne sparude / and heora neat || niþcwealm fors
The Paris Psalter 77:51 3 / on ægiptum || eall acwealde / and frumwæstme || folce chames / /
The Paris Psalter 77:53 1 westenas || wegas uncuþe / / # / and he hi on hihte || holdre læd
The Paris Psalter 77:54 2 a gelædde || on leofre byrig / and haligre || þa his hand begea
The Paris Psalter 77:55 1 re || þa his hand begeat / / # / and he manige for him || mære þ
The Paris Psalter 77:57 3 a fæderas || beforan heoldan / and on wiþermede || wendan and c
The Paris Psalter 77:57 3 n / and on wiþermede || wendan and cyrdan / / # / swa hi his yrre ||
The Paris Psalter 77:58 3 nne hi oferhydig || up ahofan / and him wohgodu || worhtan and gr
The Paris Psalter 77:58 3 an / and him wohgodu || worhtan and grofun / / # / þa þæt gehyrde
The Paris Psalter 77:59 2 ig drihten / he hi forhogode || and hraþe syþþan / israhela cynn
The Paris Psalter 77:60 1 ela cynn || egsan geþyde / / # / and he þa swa gelome wiþsoc ||
The Paris Psalter 77:61 2 on hæftnyd || hean gesealde / and heora fæger folc || on feond
The Paris Psalter 77:62 2 s folc || sweorde under ecge / and his yrfe eac || eall forhogod
The Paris Psalter 77:66 1 # / he þa his feondas sloh || and him ætfæste eac / ece edwit |
The Paris Psalter 77:67 1 ece edwit || awa to feore / / # / and he georne wiþsoc || iosepes
The Paris Psalter 77:69 1 n worldrice || wunian ece / / # / and him þa dauid geceas || deorn
The Paris Psalter 77:69 2 a dauid geceas || deorne esne / and genam hine æt eowde || ute b
The Paris Psalter 77:70 2 þonne fedeþ || folc iacobes / and israhela || yrfelafe / / # / and
The Paris Psalter 77:71 1 / and israhela || yrfelafe / / # / and he hi þonne butan facne || f
The Paris Psalter 77:71 2 utan facne || fedeþ syþþan / and his folmum syþþan || hi for
The Paris Psalter 78:2 5 to mose / haligra lic || hundum and deorum / / # / hi þara bearna bl
The Paris Psalter 78:6 2 ot yrre þin || on þæt rice / and on cneowmagas || þe ne cunna
The Paris Psalter 78:7 2 rþon hi iacob || geara ætan / and his wicstede || westan gelome
The Paris Psalter 78:9 1 rfende || þearle sindon. / / # / And iċ selfa cwæþ: || ‘Nū i
The Paris Psalter 78:9 2 efultuma us || frea ælmihtig / and alys us || lifigende god / weor
The Paris Psalter 78:9 3 d / weorþ urum synnum || sefte and milde / for naman þinum || neo
The Paris Psalter 78:9 4 lde / for naman þinum || neode and aare / / # / þy læs æfre cweþ
The Paris Psalter 78:10 3 || hwær com eower halig god / and us þæt on eagum || oftust w
The Paris Psalter 78:10 4 ma ūs, || frēa æl-mehtiġ, / and ā·līes ūs, || libbende go
The Paris Psalter 78:11 1 weorþ ūrum synnum || sēfte and milde / for naman þīnum || n
The Paris Psalter 78:11 2 e / for naman þīnum || nīede and āre. / / # / Þā iċ metĝian o
The Paris Psalter 78:14 1 on / / # / we þin folc wærun || and fæle sceap / eowdes þines ||
The Paris Psalter 78:14 3 es þines || we þe andettaþ / and þe to worulde || wuldur sæc
The Paris Psalter 78:14 4 o worulde || wuldur sæcgeaþ / and þe on worulda woruld || word
The Paris Psalter 79:1 2 ela || æþelum cynne / reccest and rædest || þu nu recene behe
The Paris Psalter 79:2 3 fore effraim || eac mannasse / and beniamin || nu we biddaþ þe
The Paris Psalter 79:3 1 þe / / # / awece þine mihte || and mid wuldre cum / and us hale do
The Paris Psalter 79:3 2 e mihte || and mid wuldre cum / and us hale do || her on eorþan /
The Paris Psalter 79:4 1 # / gehweorf us mægena god || and us mildne æteow / þinne andwl
The Paris Psalter 79:5 3 n þines esnes gebed / tyhst us and fedest || teara hlafe / and us
The Paris Psalter 79:5 4 us and fedest || teara hlafe / and us drincan gifest || deorcum
The Paris Psalter 79:7 1 # / gehweorf us mægena god || and us mildne æteow / þinne andwl
The Paris Psalter 79:8 3 stne wingeard || wurpe þeode / and þone ylcan þær || eft aset
The Paris Psalter 79:9 2 eg beforan || worhtest rihtne / and his wyrtruman || wræstne set
The Paris Psalter 79:10 2 brada scua || beorgas þeahte / and his tanas astigun || godes ce
The Paris Psalter 79:11 3 treamas || sealte gebræddest / and hi to flodas || forþ aweaxa
The Paris Psalter 79:13 2 an of wuda || eoferas wrotaþ / and wilde deor || westaþ and fre
The Paris Psalter 79:13 2 aþ / and wilde deor || westaþ and frettaþ / / # / gehweorf nu mæg
The Paris Psalter 79:14 1 weorf nu mægena god || milde and spedig / þine ansyne || ufan o
The Paris Psalter 79:14 3 ne || ufan of heofenum / gewite and beseoh || wingeard þisne / þ
The Paris Psalter 79:14 6 swiþre || sette æt frymþe / and ofer mannes sunu || þe þu h
The Paris Psalter 79:16 2 iþre hand || ofer soþne wer / and ofer mannes sunu || þu his m
The Paris Psalter 80:11 1 dde / / # / ontyn þinne muþ || and ic hine teala fylle / nele min
The Paris Psalter 80:13 4 þonne ic hiora fynd || fylde and hynde / and þæt mycle mægen
The Paris Psalter 80:13 5 hiora fynd || fylde and hynde / and þæt mycle mægen || minra h
The Paris Psalter 80:15 2 de || mid fætre lynde / hwæte and hunige || þæt him halig god
The Paris Psalter 81:1 2 htig stod || godum on gemange / and he hi on midle || mægene tos
The Paris Psalter 81:2 2 ange deme ge || domas unrihte / and ge onfoþ ansyna || synnwyrce
The Paris Psalter 81:3 2 þ steopcildum || domas soþe / and eadmedum || eac þæt sylfe / w
The Paris Psalter 81:3 3 um || eac þæt sylfe / wædlum and þearfum || wel soþfæstum / /
The Paris Psalter 81:4 2 ra || fæcnum handum / þearfan and wædlan || þriste alysaþ / / #
The Paris Psalter 81:6 2 synd uppe godu / ealle uphea || and æþele bearn / / # / ge þonne s
The Paris Psalter 82:2 3 fæste ær || feodan drihten / and heora heafod wiþ þe || hofa
The Paris Psalter 82:3 2 him || facengeswipere / syredan and feredan || and to swice hoged
The Paris Psalter 82:3 2 wipere / syredan and feredan || and to swice hogedon / and ehtunga
The Paris Psalter 82:3 3 redan || and to swice hogedon / and ehtunga || ealle hæfdon / hu h
The Paris Psalter 82:4 2 cuþlice || wutun cuman ealle / and hi towyrpan || geond werþeod
The Paris Psalter 82:5 2 n geþeaht || ealle ymbsætan / and gewitnesse wiþ þe || wise g
The Paris Psalter 82:6 2 otu synd || onsægd in idumea / and ismæhelita || eac synt moabe
The Paris Psalter 82:6 3 lita || eac synt moabes / ammon and ammalech || agareni / swylce ge
The Paris Psalter 82:6 4 ch || agareni / swylce gebal || and grame manige / fremde þeoda mi
The Paris Psalter 82:8 2 a þu dydest || dagum madiane / and sisare || swylce iabin / ealle
The Paris Psalter 82:8 4 lle þa namon || ændor wylle / and cisone || clæne hlimme / wurda
The Paris Psalter 82:9 2 nn || swa þu oreb dydest / zeb and zebee || and salmanaa / and heo
The Paris Psalter 82:9 2 oreb dydest / zeb and zebee || and salmanaa / and heora ealdrum ||
The Paris Psalter 82:9 3 zeb and zebee || and salmanaa / and heora ealdrum || eallum swylc
The Paris Psalter 82:10 3 hweol || oþþe windes healm / and swa færincga || fyr wudu byr
The Paris Psalter 82:11 1 / swa þu hi on yrre || ehtest and drefest / þæt hi on hrernesse
The Paris Psalter 82:13 2 eoþ georette || eac gescende / and on weoruldlife || weorþaþ g
The Paris Psalter 83:1 1 / synd me wic þine || weorþe and leofe / mægena drihten || a ic
The Paris Psalter 83:2 1 him wunude onn / / # / heorte min and flæsc || hyhtaþ georne / on
The Paris Psalter 83:2 4 lice || spearuwa hus begyteþ / and tidlice || turtle nistlaþ / þ
The Paris Psalter 83:3 2 ihten / þu eart drihten min || and deore cynincg / / # / eadige weor
The Paris Psalter 83:4 3 þinum husum || halig drihten / and þe on worulda woruld || weal
The Paris Psalter 83:5 3 e seceþ || nymþe fælne god / and þæt on heortan hige || heal
The Paris Psalter 83:7 3 art mære god || mildum earum / and iacobes || god se mæra / / # / b
The Paris Psalter 83:10 1 æla / / # / ic me þæs wyrce || and wel ceose / þæt ic hean gange
The Paris Psalter 83:11 3 þonne him god gyfeþ || gyfe and wuldur / / # / nele god æfre ||
The Paris Psalter 84:1 2 liþe drihten / foldan fæle || and afyrdest eac / of iacobe || þa
The Paris Psalter 84:2 2 orlete || eallum þinum folce / and heora fyrene || fæste hæle /
The Paris Psalter 84:4 2 us hraþe || hælend drihten / and þin yrre fram us || eac oncy
The Paris Psalter 84:5 2 aþe mode / of cynne on cynn || and on cneorisse / gecyr us georne
The Paris Psalter 84:5 4 rne to þe || crist ælmihtig / and þin folc on þe || gefeo swi
The Paris Psalter 84:6 2 s milde mod || mihtig drihten / and us þine hæle syle || her to
The Paris Psalter 84:7 4 his folces || seceþ geornast / and swiþust to þam || þe hine
The Paris Psalter 84:8 3 healdaþ / hæleþ mid hyldo || and him her syleþ / ure eorþan ||
The Paris Psalter 84:9 2 ræftas / mildheortnesse mod || and mihte soþ / and hine sybbe luf
The Paris Psalter 84:9 3 rtnesse mod || and mihte soþ / and hine sybbe lufu || swylce cly
The Paris Psalter 84:12 2 æstnes || symble foregangeþ / and on weg setteþ || wise gangas
The Paris Psalter 85:1 3 om wædla || þu me wel gehyr / and ic sylfa eom || sorhfull þea
The Paris Psalter 85:4 2 en / is þin milde mod || mycel and genihtsum / eallum þam þe þe
The Paris Psalter 85:5 2 ece drihten / min agen gebed || and eac beheald / hu ic stefne to
The Paris Psalter 85:8 3 e weorþiaþ || wuldres aldor / and naman drihtnes || neode cigea
The Paris Psalter 85:10 2 en me || on þinne leofne weg / and ic on þinum soþe || syþþa
The Paris Psalter 85:11 4 t halig god / nemned drihten || and we naman þinne / on ecnesse ||
The Paris Psalter 85:12 2 tnes mycel || ofer me drihten / and þu mine sawle || swylce alys
The Paris Psalter 85:13 3 / mid unrihte || oft onginnaþ / and gesamnincge || swiþmihtigra /
The Paris Psalter 85:15 1 fæst / / # / beseoh nu on me || and me syþþan weorþ / milde on m
The Paris Psalter 85:16 2 edefe mid me || drihten tacen / and þæt god ongitan || þa me g
The Paris Psalter 85:17 2 ære fultum || fæste drihten / and me frefredest || frea ælmiht
The Paris Psalter 86:2 4 gemyndige || þa mæran raab / and babilonis || begea gehwæþer
The Paris Psalter 86:4 2 dor sion || man cwæþ ærest / and hire mære gewearþ || mann o
The Paris Psalter 86:4 3 re gewearþ || mann on innan / and he hi þa hehstan || her sta
The Paris Psalter 87:1 3 æge to þe || dygle cleopode / and on niht fore þe || neode swy
The Paris Psalter 87:2 2 we gesihþ / ahyld eare þin || and gehyr min gebed / / # / forþon i
The Paris Psalter 87:3 1 / forþon is sawl min || sares and yfeles / fæste gefylled || is
The Paris Psalter 87:6 2 / þær wæs deorc þeostru || and deaþes scua / / # / þær me wæ
The Paris Psalter 87:7 2 wæs yrre þin || on acyþed / and þu me oferhige on || ealle g
The Paris Psalter 87:9 4 uh ealne dæg || elne clypige / and mine handa to þe || hebbe an
The Paris Psalter 87:9 4 nd mine handa to þe || hebbe and þenige / / # / ne huru wundur ||
The Paris Psalter 87:10 3 hi listum || læceas weccean / and hi andettan þe || ealle syþ
The Paris Psalter 87:13 3 modgehygde || mægene clypade / and min gebed || morgena gehwylce
The Paris Psalter 87:15 2 wa on geoguþe / ahafen ic wæs and gehyned || hwæþere næs ges
The Paris Psalter 87:16 2 ines yrres || egsa geþeowde / and me broga þin || bitere gedre
The Paris Psalter 87:18 2 afyrdest || frynd þa nehstan / and mine cuþe eac || cwicu geyrm
The Paris Psalter 88:1 3 a singe / fram cynne on cynn || and on cneorisse / ic þine soþfæ
The Paris Psalter 88:2 5 heofenum || hæleþa bearnum / and þin soþfestnes || symble ge
The Paris Psalter 88:3 5 benemde / þæt ic his cynne || and cneowmagum / on ecnesse || a ge
The Paris Psalter 88:4 3 dor þin || wræclic standeþ / and þa halgan eac || hergeaþ on
The Paris Psalter 88:6 2 || þær biþ wisra geþeaht / and haligra || heah gemetincg / mic
The Paris Psalter 88:6 3 ligra || heah gemetincg / micel and egeslic || ofer eall manna be
The Paris Psalter 88:11 1 u gesettest / / # / þu norþdæl and sæ || niode gesceope / tabor e
The Paris Psalter 88:13 1 þ gegearwod / / # / mildheortnes and soþfæstnes || mægene forga
The Paris Psalter 88:14 1 on þinum leohte || lifigeaþ and gangaþ / þe him ansyn þin ||
The Paris Psalter 88:14 3 him ansyn þin || ær onlihte / and on naman þinum || neode swyl
The Paris Psalter 88:14 5 ealne dæg || eac on blisse / and þine soþfæstnesse || symbl
The Paris Psalter 88:15 2 genes eart || mærost wuldor / and we þinum weldædum || wurdan
The Paris Psalter 88:16 2 / us an nimeþ || ece drihten / and israhela cyning || eac se hal
The Paris Psalter 88:17 2 nunga / þine bearn sprecest || and bealde cwyst / ic me on þyssum
The Paris Psalter 88:18 2 eorne scealc || dauid gemette / and hine halige ele || handum smy
The Paris Psalter 88:19 1 rede / / # / heo him fultumeþ || and min fæle earm / and hine mid m
The Paris Psalter 88:19 2 ltumeþ || and min fæle earm / and hine mid mycle || mægene ges
The Paris Psalter 88:21 3 him feondas || fæcne syndon / and his ehtendas || ealle geflyme
The Paris Psalter 88:22 2 stnes min || samod ætgædere / and mildheortnes min || mægene h
The Paris Psalter 88:22 3 rtnes min || mægene healdeþ / and on naman minum || neode swylc
The Paris Psalter 88:23 1 ahafen || heane on mihtum / / # / and ic his swiþran hand || setta
The Paris Psalter 88:25 1 fencge god || ecere hælu / / # / and ic þonne frumbearn || forþ
The Paris Psalter 88:26 2 le gehealdan / min milde mod || and him miht syllan / mine gewitnes
The Paris Psalter 88:26 3 an / mine gewitnesse || weorþe and getreowe / / # / ic to widan feor
The Paris Psalter 88:27 2 yþþan / þin heahsetl || hror and weorþlic / swa heofones dagas
The Paris Psalter 88:29 2 isnessa || fracoþe gewemmaþ / and hi mine bebodu || bliþe ne h
The Paris Psalter 88:30 2 unriht gewrece || egsan gyrde / and hiora synne || swinglum forgy
The Paris Psalter 88:32 6 inre gesihþe || sunnan anlic / and swa mona || meahte on heofenu
The Paris Psalter 88:33 2 nne wiþsoce || soþum criste / and hine forhogodest || hwile yld
The Paris Psalter 88:33 3 e forhogodest || hwile yldest / and awendest fram him || gewitnes
The Paris Psalter 88:35 2 ne þa towurpon || wegferende / and he on edwit wearþ || ymbsitt
The Paris Psalter 88:39 2 gena tid || deorce gescyrtest / and mid sarlicre || sceame onmett
The Paris Psalter 88:42 2 s manna || þæt feores neote / and hwæþere on ende || deaþ ne
The Paris Psalter 88:43 3 heortness || þe þu mancynne / and dauide || deope aþe / þurh þ
The Paris Psalter 88:45 3 das þine || fæste ætwitaþ / and þæt þinum criste || becwe
The Paris Psalter 89:1 2 drihten / of cynne on cynne || and on cneorisse / / # / ærþon munt
The Paris Psalter 89:3 2 u fram mænn || heah eadmedu / and þu cuþlice || cwæde sylfa /
The Paris Psalter 89:5 1 stran dæg || gegan wære / / # / and swa hi on niht hyrdnesse || n
The Paris Psalter 89:6 3 þre morgene || eft gebloweþ / and geefneþ swa || oþþæt æfe
The Paris Psalter 89:8 3 u sylfa || to eagum locadest / and ure worulde þu || eac gesta
The Paris Psalter 89:9 2 ure dagas || ealle geteorudun / and we on þinum yrre synt || swi
The Paris Psalter 89:11 4 n worulde || þa beoþ gewinn and sar / / # / us manþwærnes becwo
The Paris Psalter 89:12 2 es becwom || micel ofer ealle / and we on þam gefean || forhte g
The Paris Psalter 89:13 3 þines yrres || egsa standeþ / and seo micle miht || nis þæt m
The Paris Psalter 89:14 3 snytrum syn || swyþe getyde / and þa heora heortan || healdaþ
The Paris Psalter 89:17 3 eadmedum || ealle gebrohtest / and for þam gearum þe we on ges
The Paris Psalter 89:18 2 ine scealcas || swæsum eagum / and on þin agen weorc || ece dri
The Paris Psalter 89:18 3 in agen weorc || ece drihten / and heora bearn gerece || bliþe
The Paris Psalter 90:2 3 ond on him / min se goda god || and ic on þe geare hycge / / # / for
The Paris Psalter 90:7 2 a wynstran || wergra þusend / and eac geteledra || tyn þusendo
The Paris Psalter 90:7 3 endo / on þine þa swiþran || and þe ne sceaþeþ ænig / / # / hw
The Paris Psalter 90:12 1 ilwega || wealdan mostest / / # / and þe on folmum || feredan swyl
The Paris Psalter 90:13 2 r aspide miht || eaþe gangan / and bealde nu || basiliscan treda
The Paris Psalter 90:13 3 ealde nu || basiliscan tredan / and leon and dracan || liste geby
The Paris Psalter 90:15 1 aman minne / / # / he cigde me || and ic hine cuþlice / hold gehyrde
The Paris Psalter 90:15 2 hine cuþlice / hold gehyrde || and hine hraþe syþþan / of earfo
The Paris Psalter 90:16 1 lysde / / # / ic hine generige || and his naman swylce / gewuldrige |
The Paris Psalter 90:16 3 rige || geond ealle werþeoda / and him lifdagas || lange sylle / s
The Paris Psalter 91:1 2 man drihtne || geara andette / and neodlice || his naman asinge /
The Paris Psalter 91:2 1 hestan || hæleþa cynnes / / # / and þonne on morgene || mægene
The Paris Psalter 91:2 3 e milde wearþ || manna cynne / and his soþe || sæcge nihtes / / #
The Paris Psalter 91:6 6 syþþan / on worulda woruld || and to widan feore / / # / þu on ecn
The Paris Psalter 91:8 3 rþwege || ealle forweorþaþ / and weorþaþ towrecene || wide e
The Paris Psalter 91:9 3 rn weorþeþ || ahafen swiþe / and mine yldo beoþ || æghwær g
The Paris Psalter 91:10 1 oþ || æghwær genihtsum / / # / and eage þin || eac sceawode / hw
The Paris Psalter 91:10 3 r fynd mine || fæcne wæran / and mine wergend || wraþe gehyrd
The Paris Psalter 91:11 3 blædum || bloweþ swa palma / and swa libanes beorh || lideþ a
The Paris Psalter 91:11 3 d swa libanes beorh || lideþ and groweþ / / # / settaþ nu georne
The Paris Psalter 91:13 3 ldo gebidan || ær to genihte / and þa mid geþylde || þenden s
The Paris Psalter 91:14 2 re soþfæst || sylfa drihten / and hine unrihtes || awyht ne heo
The Paris Psalter 92:1 2 ne gegyrede || gode strengþe / and hine þa mid micle || mægene
The Paris Psalter 92:2 2 / drihten rixaþ || dema usser / and hine mid weorþlice || wlite
The Paris Psalter 92:3 1 rþlice || wlite gegyrede / / # / and þa ymbhwyrft || eorþan getr
The Paris Psalter 92:4 1 an / / # / gearu is þin setl || and þu ece god / ær worulde fruma
The Paris Psalter 92:5 2 fne || streamas drihten / hofan and hlynsadan || hludan reorde / fr
The Paris Psalter 92:7 2 itnes is || weorcum geleafsum / and mid soþe is || swiþe getreo
The Paris Psalter 92:8 2 g gedafenaþ / drihten usser || and dagas lange
The Paris Psalter 93:1 1 3 / / # / þu eart wracena god || and þu miht wrecan swylce / ana ge
The Paris Psalter 93:4 2 t sprecaþ || unnyt sæcgeaþ / and woh meldiaþ || wyrceaþ unri
The Paris Psalter 93:5 2 in drihten || fæcne gehyndan / and yrfe þin || eall forcoman / / #
The Paris Psalter 93:7 1 stundum acwealdon / / # / sægdan and cwædan || þæt ne gesawe / dr
The Paris Psalter 93:8 1 tan cuþe / / # / onfindaþ þæt and ongeotaþ || þe on folce nu /
The Paris Psalter 93:9 3 e oferhleoþur || æfre wurde / and him eagena gesyhþ || eallum
The Paris Psalter 93:9 4 gena gesyhþ || eallum sealde / and he scearpe ne mæge || gescea
The Paris Psalter 93:9 5 cearpe ne mæge || gesceawian / and se þe ege healdeþ || eallum
The Paris Psalter 93:9 6 ge healdeþ || eallum þeodum / and his þrea ne si || þær for
The Paris Psalter 93:11 3 soþre æ || sylfa getyhtest / and hine þeodscipe || þinne læ
The Paris Psalter 93:11 4 þeodscipe || þinne lærest / and him yfele dagas || ealle gebe
The Paris Psalter 93:11 6 nfullan / deop adolfen || deorc and þystre / / # / næfre wiþdrife
The Paris Psalter 93:13 4 ymeþ me || þæt ic man fleo / and mid rihtheortum || rædes þe
The Paris Psalter 93:14 2 id me || þæt ic riht fremme / and wiþ awyrgedum || winne and s
The Paris Psalter 93:14 2 e / and wiþ awyrgedum || winne and stande / þe unrihtes || ealle
The Paris Psalter 93:18 4 þfæste || sneome gehæftaþ / and heora sawle || ofslean þence
The Paris Psalter 93:19 2 rihten / to friþstole || fæst and gestaþelad / is me fultum his
The Paris Psalter 93:20 3 a unriht || þe hi geearnedan / and on heora facne || fæste todr
The Paris Psalter 94:2 3 æt we andettan || ure fyrene / and we sealmas him || singan mid
The Paris Psalter 94:3 2 e micla god || mihtig drihten / and se micla cynincg || ofer eall
The Paris Psalter 94:5 1 e / / # / eac he sæs wealdeþ || and he sette þone / worhte his fol
The Paris Psalter 94:6 1 drige / / # / cumaþ him fore || and cneow bigeaþ / on ansyne || ur
The Paris Psalter 94:6 3 þ / on ansyne || ures drihtnes / and him wepan fore || þe us worh
The Paris Psalter 94:7 2 r / wærun we his fæle folc || and his fægere sceap / þa he on h
The Paris Psalter 94:9 2 ydan / on þam wraþan dæge || and on westenne / þær min þurh f
The Paris Psalter 94:9 6 hi cunnedan || cuþ ongeaton / and min sylfes weorc || gesawon m
The Paris Psalter 94:10 3 intra rimes || wunade neah / aa and symble cwæþ || and eac swa
The Paris Psalter 94:10 3 neah / aa and symble cwæþ || and eac swa oncneow / þæt hi on h
The Paris Psalter 95:2 1 e. / / # / Singaþ nū drihtne || and his sōðne naman / bealde blē
The Paris Psalter 95:2 2 is wuldor || geond sigeþeode / and on eallum folcum || his fæge
The Paris Psalter 95:3 1 dor / / # / singaþ nu drihtne || and his soþne naman / bealde blets
The Paris Psalter 95:3 3 uldor || ġond siġe-þēode, / and on eallum folcum || his fæġ
The Paris Psalter 95:6 3 halignes || fæste gebletsad / and weorþlic wlite || wuldres þ
The Paris Psalter 95:7 2 drihtne || bu ætsomne / wlite and are || wuldor þridde / and þ
The Paris Psalter 95:7 3 ite and are || wuldor þridde / and þæt of hiora eþele don ||
The Paris Psalter 95:8 1 # / genimaþ eow arlice lac || and in gangaþ / on his wictunas ||
The Paris Psalter 95:9 2 ofian / secgaþ nu on cynnum || and on cneorissum / þæt from treo
The Paris Psalter 95:10 2 erhtlic riht || folcum demeþ / and on his yrre || ealle þeode / /
The Paris Psalter 95:11 2 n swylce / gefeoþ fæstlice || and floda þrym / sealte sæstreama
The Paris Psalter 95:12 2 feldas eac || fægere blisse / and ealle þa þe on him || eard
The Paris Psalter 95:13 2 hwyrft || eorþan folca / soþe and rihte || syþþan demeþ
The Paris Psalter 96:1 3 is eorþe nu || eac on blisse / and þæs fægerne || gefean habb
The Paris Psalter 97:9 2 wyrft || eorþan demeþ / soþe and rihte || and his syndrig folc
The Paris Psalter 97:9 2 an demeþ / soþe and rihte || and his syndrig folc / on rihtnesse
The Paris Psalter 97:9 3 rft || eorðan dēmeþ / sōðe and rihte || and his syndriġ fol
The Paris Psalter 97:9 3 n dēmeþ / sōðe and rihte || and his syndriġ folc / on rihtness
The Paris Psalter 98:1 1 salm 98 / / # / rixaþ drihten || and he reþe folc / healdeþ on yrr
The Paris Psalter 98:2 2 n sion || dema se mæsta / heah and mære || ofer eall hæleþa f
The Paris Psalter 98:3 2 æt he mid mannum is || mycel and egeslic / halig on helpe || hæ
The Paris Psalter 98:5 3 n / usserne god || ellencræfte / and his fota sceamul || forþ weo
The Paris Psalter 98:7 2 / hi cymlice || cigdon drihten / and he hi gehyrde || holde mode / s
The Paris Psalter 98:8 2 a gewitnesse || wel geheoldon / and his bebodu || beorhte efnedan
The Paris Psalter 98:8 3 efnedan / þa he him sealde || and sylfa bebead / / # / þu gehyrdes
The Paris Psalter 98:9 2 ehyrdest hig || halig drihten / and him meahtig god || milde wurd
The Paris Psalter 98:9 3 im meahtig god || milde wurde / and heora æfþancan || ealle gew
The Paris Psalter 98:10 2 urne god || hælend drihten / and hine on halgum || her weorþi
The Paris Psalter 98:10 4 ge || forþon his meahte synt / and halig is || heofonrices weard
The Paris Psalter 99:1 3 all þeos eorþe || elne hyre / and blisse gode || bealde þeowie
The Paris Psalter 99:2 3 ealdend god / he us geworhte || and we his syndon / / # / we his folc
The Paris Psalter 99:3 1 don / / # / we his folc syndan || and his fæle sceap / þa he on his
The Paris Psalter 99:3 4 on his doru || god andettaþ / and hine weorþiaþ || on wictunu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 7 de || cyningas twegen / rædgod and aleric || rice geþungon / þa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 19 m wæs / rom gerymed || rædgot and aleric / foron on þæt fæsten
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 30 æt þe þeodrice || þegnas and eorlas / heran sceoldan || wæs
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 34 gnodon ealle / romwara bearn || and him recene to / friþes wilnedo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 55 emynde || mæla gehwilce / yfel and edwit || þæt him elþeodge /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 57 cas hold / gemunde þara ara || and ealdrihta / þe his eldran mid
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 59 mid him || ahton longe / lufan and lissa || angan þa listum ymb
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 64 || ealdhlafordum / degelice || and hi for drihtne bæd / ealdum tr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 69 re ongeat / þeodric amuling || and þone þegn oferfeng / heht fæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 5 sweotole ymbsawe || suþ east and west / hu widgil sint || wolcnu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 15 s hlisan || heardost lysteþ / and he þeah ne mæg || þone tob
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 28 lgebyrdum / welum geweorþad || and on wlencum þio / duguþum dior
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 40 erran mæg / sunnan onswifan || and þisne swiftan rodor / of his r
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 45 is nu se rica || romana wita / and se aroda || þe we ymb spreca
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 48 emned / hwær is eac se wisa || and se weorþgeorna / and se fæstr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 49 e wisa || and se weorþgeorna / and se fæstræda || folces hyrde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 51 þwita || ælces þinges / cene and cræftig || þæm wæs caton
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 63 ebrengan / þeah ge nu wenen || and wilnigen / þæt ge lange tid |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 3 d || woruldgesceafta / heofones and eorþan || and heare sæ / and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 3 eafta / heofones and eorþan || and heare sæ / and ealra þara ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 4 and eorþan || and heare sæ / and ealra þara || þe þær in w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 5 in wuniaþ / ungesæwenlicra || and eac swa same / þara þe we eag
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 12 sindon / se us gesette || sido and þeawas / eallum gesceaftum ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 24 butu gedon / ealle gemanode || and eac getogen / þæt hi ne moten
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 30 ridle || butu befangen / heofon and eorþan || and eall holma beg
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 30 efangen / heofon and eorþan || and eall holma begong / swa hæfþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 34 æghwilc || wiþ oþer winþ / and þeah winnende || wreþiaþ f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 39 æt frymþe || fæder getiode / and swa edniwe || eft gewiorþan /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 43 | forþ anhealdaþ / swa nu fyr and wæter || folde and lagustrea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 43 wa nu fyr and wæter || folde and lagustream / manigu oþru gesce
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 46 orulde || winnaþ betweox him / and swa þeah magon || hiora þeg
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 47 eah magon || hiora þegnunga / and geferscipe || fæste gehealda
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 58 æt on hærfest eft || hrest and wealuwaþ / winter bringeþ ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 64 hæfþ se ilca god || eorþan and wætere / mearce gesette || mer
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 74 e healden / ac þonne se eca || and se ælmihtiga / þa gewealdleþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 81 n / sona hi forlætaþ || lufan and sibbe / þæs geferscipes || fr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 86 s eorþe || eall forweorþeþ / and eac swa same || oþra gesceaf
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 90 gefehþ fela || folca tosomne / and mid freondscipe || fæste geg
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 100 t || þurh þa strongan meaht / and geendebyrd || swa swa oþra s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 3 m æcere || ærest sona / fearn and þornas || and fyrsas swa sam
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 3 est sona / fearn and þornas || and fyrsas swa same / wiod þa þe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 14 tle ær / stormas gestondaþ || and se stearca wind / norþan and e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 15 | and se stearca wind / norþan and eastan || nænegum þuhte / dæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 20 gesælþ || symle þe betere / and þy wynsumre || þe he wita m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 24 sælþa || sweotolor gecnawan / and to heora cyþþe || becuman s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 26 þu up atyhsþ || ærest sona / and þu awyrtwalast || of gewitlo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 31 a gesælþa || sona oncnawan / and þu æfre ne recst || æniges
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 10 hi hi æfre him || of aslepen / and þeah wuhta gehwilc || wriga
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 16 sceafta || buton sumum englum / and moncynne || þara micles to f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 21 ire magister || miclum lufige / and eac ondræde || dogora gehwel
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 30 ntan slitan || ryn grymetigan / and ærest abit || hire agenes / hu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 31 || hire agenes / huses hirde || and hraþe siþþan / hæleþa gehw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 39 was || þe hi lange ær / tydon and temedon || hi on treowum wild
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 59 nihtes geneþeþ || norþ eft and east / eldum oteweþ || brencþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 65 þas widan woruld || wrigaþ and higaþ / ealle mægene || eft s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 71 f becom / þæt is orsorgnes || and ecu rest / þæt is openlice ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 80 eft don || þæt hio ær dyde / and eac wesan || þæt hio æror
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 3 || þeah he micel age / goldes and gimma || and gooda gehwæs / æ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 3 micel age / goldes and gimma || and gooda gehwæs / æhta unrim ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 4 gooda gehwæs / æhta unrim || and him mon erigen scyle / æghwelc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 6 end / þeah þes middangeard || and þis manna cyn / sy under sunna
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 7 / sy under sunnan || suþ west and east / his anwalde || eall unde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 4 wundorlice / golde geglengde || and gimcynnum / þeah he wæs on wo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 6 elcum / on his lifdagum || laþ and unweorþ / fierenfull || hwæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 17 lles wealde / þæs iglandes || and eac þonan / oþ indeas || east
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 22 selfes geweald / ingeþances || and hine eorneste / wel ne bewarena
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 23 e / wel ne bewarenaþ || wordum and dædum / wiþ þa unþeawas ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 4 num twæm || ealle comon / were and wife || on woruld innan / and h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 5 e and wife || on woruld innan / and hi eac nu get || ealle gelice
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 6 ce / on woruld cumaþ || wlance and heane / nis þæt nan wundor ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 9 afta / frea moncynnes || fæder and scippend / se þære sunnan leo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 11 t || seleþ of heofonum / monan and þyssum || mærum steorrum / se
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 13 tod || gesceop men on eorþan / and gesamnade || sawle to lice / æ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 26 t ærest || lifes frumsceaft / and his agene || æþelo swa self
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 27 is agene || æþelo swa selfe / and eac þone fæder || þe hine
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 2 ig || hygeþ ymbe se þe wile / and frecenlic || fira gehwilcum /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 17 onne eow secan lyst / heorotas and hinda || þu gehicgan meaht /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 22 secan sceal || be sæwaroþe / and be eaofrum || æþele gimmas /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 23 ofrum || æþele gimmas / hwite and reade || and hiwa gehwæs / hw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 23 ele gimmas / hwite and reade || and hiwa gehwæs / hwæt hi eac wit
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 25 hi eafiscas / secan þurfan || and swylcra fela / weoruldwelena ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 41 g / forþæm hi sint earmran || and eac dysegran / ungesæligran ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 43 an mæge / hi wilniaþ || welan and æhta / and weorþscipes || to
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 44 i wilniaþ || welan and æhta / and weorþscipes || to gewinnanne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 9 nu miscyrre || cuþe spræce / and þeah uncuþre || ær hwilum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 12 imme hol || dysine forlæddon / and me þa berypton || rædes and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 12 and me þa berypton || rædes and frofre / for heora untreowum ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 15 o wendon / heora bacu bitere || and heora blisse from / forhwam wol
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 3 modilic || mærþum gefræge / and wundorlic || witena gehwylcum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 6 wel gesceope / ungesewenlica || and eac swa same / gesewenlicra ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 9 ta || mid gesceadwisum / mægne and cræfte || þu þysne middang
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 16 um willan || wislice astyrest / and þe self wunæst || swiþe st
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 23 illan || þu hit worhtes eall / and mid anwalde || þinum agenum /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 24 agenum / weorulde geworhtest || and wuhta gehwæt / þeah þe næne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 29 all an || ælces þincges / þu and þæt þin good || hit is þi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 40 eþeahte / þines geþohtest || and hi þa worhtest / næs æror þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 50 ihten || swa þu woldest self / and mid þinum willan || wealdest
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 60 feower || wæs þara folde an / and wæter oþer || worulde dæle
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 61 æter oþer || worulde dæles / and fyr is þridde || and feower
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 61 dæles / and fyr is þridde || and feowerþe lyft / þæt is eall
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 66 oþer sie / miclum gemenged || and mid mægne eac / fæder ælmiht
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 75 um || winnaþ hwæþre / wæter and eorþe || wæstmas brengaþ /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 77 || cealda ba-twa / wæter wæt and ceald || wangas ymbelicgaþ / e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 80 wundor || þæt hio sie wearm and ceald / wæt wolcnes tier || wi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 83 midle || mine gefræge / fyres and eorþan || fela monna wat / þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 89 sceadlice / mearce gesettest || and hi gemengdest eac / hwæt þu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 90 þu þæm wættere || wætum and cealdum / foldan to flore || f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 93 wolde / wide toscriþan || wac and hnesce / ne meahte hit on him s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 96 dan || ac hit sio eorþe hylt / and swelgeþ eac || be sumum dæl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 98 eleht lyftum || forþæm leaf and gærs / bræd geond bretene ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 99 ræd geond bretene || bloweþ and groweþ / eldum to are || eorþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 104 o wære / fordrugod to duste || and todrifen siþþan / wide mid wi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 111 iþ fyre hwæthwugu || foldan and lagustream / ne mengdest togæd
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 112 tream / ne mengdest togædre || and gemetgodest / cele and hæto ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 113 ædre || and gemetgodest / cele and hæto || cræfte þine / þæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 114 t þæt fyr ne mæg || foldan and merestream / blate forbærnan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 118 se / þæt þios eorþe mæg || and egorstream / swa ceald gesceaft
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 123 æft || eagorstreames / wætres and eorþan || and on wolcnum eac
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 123 reames / wætres and eorþan || and on wolcnum eac / and efne swa s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 124 eorþan || and on wolcnum eac / and efne swa same || uppe ofer ro
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 132 lif tiode / þæt is se eca || and se ælmihtga / eorþe is hefigr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 138 lce dæge || utan ymbhwyrfeþ / and þeah þære eorþan || æfre
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 141 pan || striceþ ymbutan / ufane and neoþane || efenneah gehwæþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 147 | somod eardien / swa nu eorþe and wæter || earfoþtæcne / unwis
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 151 same || fæst on þæm wætre / and on stanum eac || stille gehed
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 159 n || gif hit on cyþþe gewit / and þeah wuhta gehwilc || wilna
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 167 aldeþ / is þeah efneþe || up and of dune / to feallanne || folda
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 173 utan / lagufloda gelac || lyfte and tungla / and sio scire scell ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 174 oda gelac || lyfte and tungla / and sio scire scell || scriþeþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 177 alde on us / sawle gesettest || and hi siþþan eac / styrest and s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 178 | and hi siþþan eac / styrest and stihtest || þurh þa stronga
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 192 a wilnunga || welhwilc neten / and þa yrsunga || eac swa selfe /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 199 ære wilnunge || waldan semle / and irsunge || eac swa selfe / hio
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 203 mæste mægen || monnes saule / and se selesta || sundorcræfta / h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 213 n / drihtnes gesceafta || dagum and nihtum / hwilum ymb hi selfe ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 223 ne hio þæs lænan || lufaþ and wundraþ / eorþlicu þing || o
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 237 an wuniaþ / þis eorþlice || and þæt ece samod / saul in flæs
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 247 ing / se þas foldan gesceop || and hi gefylde þa / swiþe mislicu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 251 n asiow || sæda monegum / wuda and wyrta || weorulde sceatum / for
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 255 g þas earfoþu || up astigan / and of þisum bysegum || bilewit
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 257 eoda waldend || to þe cuman / and þonne mid openum || eagum mo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 266 modes / hangode hwyle || hefig and þystre / onliht nu-þa eagan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 270 ewit fæder / soþes leohtes || and þu selfa eart / sio fæste ræ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 275 inga || þeoda waldend / fruma and ende || hwæt þu fæder engl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 278 eswince || þu eart selfa weg / and latteow eac || lifgendra gehw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 279 teow eac || lifgendra gehwæs / and sio wlitige stow || þe se we
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 4 m gode || þe we ymb sprecaþ / and to þæm gesælþum || þe we
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 16 lte / þæt is sio friþstow || and sio frofor an / eallra yrminga
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 31 c þæt is wundorlic || wlite and beorhtnes / þe wuhta gehwæs |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 33 a gehwæs || wlite geberhteþ / and æfter þæm || eallum wealde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 9 iþþan || on his sefan innan / and forlæte an || swa he oftost
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 11 ymbhogan || þy him unnet sie / and gesamnige || swa he swiþost
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 17 ylc || he ongit siþþan / yfel and unnet || eal þæt he hæfde /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 21 eagum andweardum || on locian / and he eac ongit || his ingeþonc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 22 ngit || his ingeþonc / leohtre and berhtre || þonne se leoma si
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 25 m þæs lichoman || leahtras and hefignes / and þa unþeawas ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 26 oman || leahtras and hefignes / and þa unþeawas || eallunga ne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 29 m / þæs lichoman || leahtras and hefignes / and unþeawas || oft
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 30 oman || leahtras and hefignes / and unþeawas || oft bysigen / monn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 31 sigen / monna modsefan || mæst and swiþost / mid þære yflan ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 35 swa beorhte ne mot || blican and scinan / swa hit wolde || gif h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 62 gehwilce / modes sines || mæst and swiþost / and mid hefinesse ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 63 s sines || mæst and swiþost / and mid hefinesse || his lichoman
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 64 mid hefinesse || his lichoman / and mid þæm bisgum || þe on br
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 5 elne æwelm || ælces goodes / and of him selfum || þone sweart
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 8 ta || mid godes fylste / ealdum and leasum || þinne ingeþonc / be
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 13 ra / for lange betweox || lyfte and rodere / swa him æt frymþe ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 18 ere ufan / siþþan weorþan || and þonne samtenges / æt þæm æ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 33 me ricsaþ || ofer roderum up / and under swa same || eallra gesc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 38 þ / ymbhwyrft ealne || eorþan and heofones / he his gewaldleþer
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 41 / þæm hrædwæne || heofones and eorþan / se an dema || is gest
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 43 þig / unawendendlic || wlitig and mære / gif þu weorþest || on
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 48 est / þonne wilt þu secgan || and sona cweþan / þis is eallunga
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 50 allunga || min agen cyþ / eard and eþel || ic wæs ær hionan / c
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 51 l || ic wæs ær hionan / cumen and acenned || þurh þisses cræ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 59 nrihtwise || eorþan cyningas / and þa ofermodan || oþre rican /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 3 yningum / þa her nu manegum || and mislicum / wædum wlitebeorhtum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 6 ofe getenge / golde gegerede || and gimcynnum / utan ymbestandne ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 8 estandne || mid unrime / þegna and eorla || þa bioþ gehyrste / m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 10 twum || hildetorhtum / sweordum and fetelum || swiþe geglengde / a
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 11 d fetelum || swiþe geglengde / and þegniaþ || þrymme micle / æ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 12 þrymme micle / ælc oþrum || and hi ealle him / þonan mid þy
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 15 r / ymbsittenda || oþra þeoda / and se hlaford ne scrifþ || þe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 24 negerelan || claþa gehwilcne / and him þonne oftion || þara þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 25 nne oftion || þara þegnunga / and þæs anwaldes || þe he ær
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 32 t him wurde oftogen / þrymmes and wæda || and þegnunga / and þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 32 oftogen / þrymmes and wæda || and þegnunga / and þæs anwaldes
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 33 es and wæda || and þegnunga / and þæs anwaldes || þe we ymbe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 39 emete || ælces þinges / wiste and wæda || wingedrinces / and of
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 40 ste and wæda || wingedrinces / and of swetmettum || swiþost wea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 47 wiþan welme / hatheortnesse || and hreþe siþþan / unrotnesse ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 52 ce || wilnaþ þæt irre / anes and oþres || him þæt eall geh
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 70 he wolde a || winnan onginnan / and þonne on þæm gewinne || þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 1 / / ic þe mæg eaþe || ealdum and leasum / spellum andreccan || s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 8 wæs þracia || þioda aldor / and retie || rices hirde / wæs his
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 24 hindan || hyrnde ciolas / nigon and hundnigontig || nænigne þon
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 36 o cyning / se licette || litlum and miclum / gumena gehwylcum || þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 38 || þæt he good wære / hehst and halgost || swa se hlaford þa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 45 ford || for þone hehstan god / and weorþodon || swa swa wuldres
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 64 sum lufode || liþmonna frean / and he eac swa same || ealle mæg
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 75 scinlace / beornas forbredan || and mid balocræftum / wraþum weor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 78 es þegnas || cyspan siþþan / and mid racentan eac || ræpan m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 106 ilces / ofer lichoman || lænne and sænne / swylcum and swylcum ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 107 || lænne and sænne / swylcum and swylcum || þu meaht sweotole
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 108 æt þæs lichoman || listas and cræftas / of þæm mode cumaþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 118 þa unþeawas || ælces modes / and þæt ingeþonc || ælces mon
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 11 elcum || eorþan tudre / diorum and fuglum || deaþ eac swa same /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 32 l þone monnan || mode lufian / and his unþeawas || ealle hatian
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 33 his unþeawas || ealle hatian / and ofsniþan || swa he swiþost
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 11 a habbaþ scyrtran || scriþe and færelt / ymbhwerft læssan ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 39 þe near || þe on midne dæg / and þeah monnum þyncþ || þæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 50 wæt nu hæleþa fela / swelces and swelces || swiþe wundraþ / an
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 51 nd swelces || swiþe wundraþ / and ne wundriaþ || þætte wuhta
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 52 || þætte wuhta gehwilc / men and netenu || micelne habbaþ / and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 53 and netenu || micelne habbaþ / and unnetne || andan betweoh him /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 57 ragmælum eft / anforlæteþ || and eac swa same / yþ wiþ lande |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 78 ela onginþ / leornian lista || and him lifes weard / of mode abrit
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 83 nges || þe monnum nu / wæfþo and wunder || welhwær þynceþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 25 dæg / is se forrynel || fæger and sciene / cymeþ eastan up || æ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 27 eastan up || ær for sunnan / and eft æfter sunnan || on setl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 35 tungol || emne gedæled / dæg and nihte || drihtnes meahtum / sun
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 36 hte || drihtnes meahtum / sunna and mona || swiþe geþwære / swa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 54 cealde || oninnan hire / heold and hydde || haliges meahtum / be
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 57 e bringeþ || æghwylc tudor / and se hata sumor || hæleþa bea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 58 num / geara gehwilce || giereþ and drigeþ / geond sidne grund ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 59 eþ / geond sidne grund || sæd and bleda / hærfest to honda || he
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 62 ren æfter þæm / swylce hagal and snaw || hrusan leccaþ / on win
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 71 ne he wile || heofona waldend / and eowaþ eft || eorþbuendum / ni
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 73 onne he wile || nergende god / and þæt hehste good || on heahs
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 74 ahsetle / siteþ self cyning || and þios side gesceaft / þenaþ a
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 75 d þios side gesceaft / þenaþ and þiowaþ || he þonan waldeþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 78 or || he is weroda god / cyning and drihten || cwucera gehwelces /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 79 n || cwucera gehwelces / æwelm and fruma || eallra gesceafta / wyr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 80 ma || eallra gesceafta / wyrhta and sceppend || weorulde þisse / w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 81 end || weorulde þisse / wisdom and æ || woruldbuendra / ealla ges
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 90 e || ealla gesceafta / heofones and eorþan || hæbben gemæne / þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 92 iowien || swilcum þiodfruman / and fægniaþ || þæt hiora fæd
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 1 tre 3 / / æala on hu grimmum || and hu grundleasum / seaþe swince
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 6 s agen leoht || an forlæteþ / and mid uua forgit || þone ecan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 3 ræftgast / firgilies || freond and lareow / þæm mæran sceope ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 5 betst / hwæt se omerus || oft and gelome / þære sunnan wlite ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 7 erede / æþelo cræftas || oft and gelome / leoþum and spellum ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 8 tas || oft and gelome / leoþum and spellum || leodum reahte / ne m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 9 escinan || þeah hio sie scir and beorht / ahwærgen neah || eall
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 13 g || ealla geondlihtan / innan and utan || ac se ælmihtega / wald
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 14 n || ac se ælmihtega / waldend and wyrhta || weorulde gesceafta /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 4 aþ || ungelice / habbaþ blioh and fær || bu ungelice / and mægw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 5 blioh and fær || bu ungelice / and mægwlitas || manegra cynna / c
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 6 gwlitas || manegra cynna / cuþ and uncuþ || creopaþ and snica
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 6 a / cuþ and uncuþ || creopaþ and snicaþ / eall lichoma || eorþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 19 nod || þæt his treowa sceal / and his modgeþonc || ma up þonn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 23 a æniges / niþerheald wese || and þæt neb upweard
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 2 pend || scirra tungla / hefones and eorþan || þu on heahsetle / e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 3 on heahsetle / ecum ricsast || and þu ealne hræþe / hefon ymbhw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 4 hræþe / hefon ymbhwearfest || and þurh þine halige miht / tungl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 22 u þæm treowum selest / suþan and westan || þa ær se swearta
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 23 ær se swearta storm / norþan and eastan || benumen hæfde / leaf
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 27 oþ on heofonum swa some / mode and mægne || butan men anum / se w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 29 ceþ oftost / wel la þu eca || and þu ælmihtiga / ealra gesceaft
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 30 a / ealra gesceafta || sceppend and reccend / ara þinum earmum ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 56 her / worulde yþum || wynnaþ and swincaþ / earme eorþwaran ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 2 sunnan || sweotole geþencean / and be æghwelcum || oþrum steor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 13 ealleþ / of clife harum || col and hlutor / and gereclice || rihte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 14 clife harum || col and hlutor / and gereclice || rihte floweþ / ir
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 16 an felþ / muntes mægenstan || and him on middan geligeþ / atrend
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 23 e leohtan || lare wiþstondan / and þin modgeþonc || miclum ged
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 33 d ofermettum || eft gescended / and to up ahafen || for orsorgum /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 37 arda mæsþ / þinga þreage || and þu þe selfum / swiþost onsit
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 2 ord onleac / sang soþcwidas || and þus selfa cwæþ / þonne sio
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 8 onne smolte blæwþ || suþan and westan / wind under wolcnum ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 12 onne he strong cymþ / norþan and eastan || he genimeþ hraþe /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 13 hraþe / þære rosan wlite || and eac þa ruman sæ / norþerne y
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 15 u / grundleas gitsung || gilpes and æhta / gedrinceþ to dryggum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 17 o dryggum || dreosendne welan / and þeah þæs þearfan ne biþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 43 ll forsihþ || eorþlicu good / and eac þara yfela || orsorh wun
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 50 ruldearfoþa / swiþe swence || and hine singale / gemen gæle ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 3 an ongan / singan soþcwidas || and þus selfa cwæþ / hwæt sio f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 18 egan || þe him crist gesceop / and hi æne on dæge || æton sym
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 20 tid || eorþan wæstmas / wudes and wyrta || nalles win druncon / s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 53 hit symle biþ || sinbyrnende / and ymbutan hit || oþra stowa / bl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 57 ngstedas / grof æfter golde || and æfter gimcynnum / hwæt he fre
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 7 hthæmed || arleasta fela / man and morþor || misdæda worn / unri
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 13 yr meahte / lixan swa leohte || and swa longe eac / read rasettan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 26 / þa ricostan || romana witan / and þa æþelestan || eorlgebyrd
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 28 æm folce || gefrigen hæfde / and on uppan || agene broþor / and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 29 and on uppan || agene broþor / and his modor mid || meca ecgum / b
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 31 de ofslog / self mid sweorde || and he symle wæs / micle þe bliþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 37 he on ferþe fægn || facnes and searuwa / wælriow wunode || wi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 40 || middangeardes / swa swa lyft and lagu || land ymbclyppaþ / gars
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 42 ice / secgea sitlu || suþ east and west / oþ þa norþmestan || n
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 47 / hu he eorþcyningas || yrmde and cwelmde / wenst þu þæt se an
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 50 gelpscaþan / rice berædan || and bereafian / his anwaldes || þu
Metrical Psalm 90:16 1 alm 90:16 / / Ic hine generie || and his næmæn swilce / gewuldrige
Metrical Psalm 90:16 3 e || geond eælle weorðeodæ / and him lifdægæs || and længe
Metrical Psalm 90:16 3 ðeodæ / and him lifdægæs || and længe sille / swilce him mine
Metrical Psalm 91:1 1 / God% is ðet mæn drihtne || and geæræ ændette / and neodlice
Metrical Psalm 91:1 2 ihtne || and geæræ ændette / and neodlice || his næmæn æsin
Metrical Psalm 91:10 3 er fynd mine || fæcne weræn / and mine wergend || wræðe gehir
Metrical Psalm 91:11 3 ædum || bloweð swæ pælmæ / and swæ libænes beorh || lideð
Metrical Psalm 91:11 3 swæ libænes beorh || lideð and groweð.
Metrical Psalm 91:13 3 ldo gebidan || ær to genihte / and þæ mid geðilde || þendæn
Metrical Psalm 91:14 2 re soðfest || silua drihtæn / and hine unrihtes || æwiht ne he
Metrical Psalm 91:2 1 # Metrical Psalm 91:2 / / And þonne on morgenne || megenne
Metrical Psalm 91:2 3 milde weærð || mænnæ cyne / and his soðe || sege neæhtes.
Metrical Psalm 91:6 6 ðæn / on woruldæ% world% || and to widæn feore.
Metrical Psalm 91:8 3 wege || eælle forweorðæð / and weorðæþ towrecene || wide
Metrical Psalm 91:9 3 weorðeð || æhæfen swiðe / and mine yldo beoð || æghwer ge
Metrical Psalm 92:2 1 / scrydde drihten strangnesse% and he begirde hine of megene
Metrical Psalm 92:3 1 # Metrical Psalm 92:3 / / and þæ ymbhwirft || eorðæn ge
Metrical Psalm 92:4 1 92:4 / / Geæru is ðin setl || and ðu ece god / er worulde frumæ
Metrical Psalm 92:5 2 | streæmæs drihtæn, / hofæn and hlynsædæn || hludæn reord
Metrical Psalm 92:7 2 drihten || weorcum geleæfsum / and mid soðe is || swiðe getrew
Metrical Psalm 92:8 2 gedæfenæþ / drihten usser || and dægæs længæ.
Metrical Psalm 93:1 1 od þu eart% wrecenæ% god || and ðu meæht% wrecæn swylce / æ
Metrical Psalm 93:11 3 soðre æ || sylfa getihtest / and hine þeodscipe || þinne ler
Metrical Psalm 93:11 4 e þeodscipe || þinne lerest / and him yfele dagas || ealla gebe
Metrical Psalm 93:11 6 fullæn / deop adolfen || deorc and ðistre.
Metrical Psalm 93:13 4 nimeð me || þet ic man fleo / and mid rihtheortum || redes ðen
Metrical Psalm 93:14 2 mid me || þet ic riht fremme / and wið awirgdum || winne and st
Metrical Psalm 93:14 2 me / and wið awirgdum || winne and stænde / ðe unrihtes || eæll
Metrical Psalm 93:18 4 oðfeste || sniome geheftæþ / and hioræ sawle || ofslean ðenc
Metrical Psalm 93:19 2 drihten / to friðstole fest || and gestæþeled / is me fultum his
Metrical Psalm 93:20 3 a unriht || þe hi gearnedæn / and on hiora facne || feste todri
Metrical Psalm 93:4 2 st sprecæþ || unnyt secgað / and woh meldiað || wyrceæþ unr
Metrical Psalm 93:5 2 n drihten || fæcne gehindæn / and yrfæ ðin || eæll forcomæn
Metrical Psalm 93:7 1 Metrical Psalm 93:7 / / Segdæn and cweðæn || þet ne% gesæwe%
Metrical Psalm 93:8 1 l Psalm 93:8 / / Onfindæn ðeð and ongeoton || þe on folce nu / u
Metrical Psalm 93:9 3 e oferhleoður || æfre wurde / and him eægana gesihð || eallum
Metrical Psalm 93:9 4 gana gesihð || eallum sealde / and he scarpe ne mæge || gesceaw
Metrical Psalm 93:9 5 scarpe ne mæge || gesceawian / and se ðe ege healdað || eallum
Metrical Psalm 93:9 6 ge healdað || eallum ðeodum / and his ðrea ne sio || þa for a
Metrical Psalm 94:10 3 ntra rimes || wunedæ neah / aa and simble cweð || and eæc and
Metrical Psalm 94:10 3 neah / aa and simble cweð || and eæc and swa oncneow / þet hi
Metrical Psalm 94:2 3 et we andettæn || ure fyrene / and we sealmas him || singæn mid
Metrical Psalm 94:3 2 micla god || mihtig% drihten% / and% se% micla% kining || ofer eal
Metrical Psalm 94:5 1 :5 / / Eæc he seæs wealdeð || and he sette ðone / worhte his fol
Metrical Psalm 94:6 1 alm 94:6 / / Cumæð him fore || and cneow bigeað / on ansine || ur
Metrical Psalm 94:6 3 ð / on ansine || ures drihtnes / and him wepan fore || ðe us worh
Metrical Psalm 94:7 2 ser / werum we his fele folc || and his fægere sceæp / þæ he% o
Metrical Psalm 94:9 2 dydan / on ðam wraðan dege || and on westenne / þer min ðurh fa
Metrical Psalm 94:9 6 hi cunnedon || cuð ongeaton / and min silfes weorc || geseawon
Metrical Psalm 95:2 1 95:2 / / Singæð nu drihtne || and his soðne næmæn
The Battle of Brunanburh 2 la dryhten / beorna beahgifa || and his broþor eac / eadmund æþe
The Battle of Brunanburh 10 ehwæne || land ealgodon / hord and hamas || hettend crungun / sceo
The Battle of Brunanburh 11 tend crungun / sceotta leoda || and scipflotan / fæge feollan || f
The Battle of Brunanburh 32 lafes || unrim heriges / flotan and sceotta || þær geflemed wea
The Battle of Brunanburh 42 cstede / beslagen æt sæcce || and his sunu forlet / on wælstowe
The Battle of Brunanburh 58 þer || begen ætsamne / cyning and æþeling || cyþþe sohton / w
The Battle of Brunanburh 62 eartan hræfn / hyrnednebban || and þane hasewanpadan / earn æfta
The Battle of Brunanburh 64 brucan / grædigne guþhafoc || and þæt græge deor / wulf on wea
The Battle of Brunanburh 70 | siþþan eastan hider / engle and seaxe || up becoman / ofer brad
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 4 r scadeþ / hwitanwyllesgeat || and humbra ea / brada brimstream ||
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 6 | burga fife / ligoraceaster || and lincylene / and snotingaham ||
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 7 igoraceaster || and lincylene / and snotingaham || swylce stanfor
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 8 ngaham || swylce stanford eac / and deoraby || dæne wæran æror
The Coronation of Edgar 7 / þone niþa bearn || nemnaþ and cigaþ / pentecostenes dæg ||
The Coronation of Edgar 10 gefrege / gleawra gegaderod || and þa agangen wæs / tyn hund win
The Coronation of Edgar 15 s þe gewritu secgaþ / seofon and twentig || swa neah wæs sigo
The Coronation of Edgar 17 aurnen || þa þa þis gelamp / and him eadmundes || eafora hæfd
The Coronation of Edgar 18 mundes || eafora hæfde / nigon and twentig || niþweorca heard / w
The Coronation of Edgar 20 lde || þa þis geworden wæs / and þa on þam þritigoþan wæs
The Death of Edgar 3 | ceas him oþer leoht / wlitig and wynsum || and þis wace forle
The Death of Edgar 3 er leoht / wlitig and wynsum || and þis wace forlet / lif þis læ
The Death of Edgar 13 or || þam wæs eadweard nama / and him tirfæst hæleþ || tyn n
The Death of Edgar 17 myrceon || mine gefræge / wide and welhwær || waldendes lof / afy
The Death of Edgar 24 d || þa man his riht tobræc / and þa wearþ eac adræfed || de
The Death of Edgar 27 æþ || gamolfeax hæleþ / wis and wordsnotor || ofer wætera ge
The Death of Edgar 29 wæles eþel || hama bereafod / and þa wearþ ætywed || uppe on
The Death of Alfred 1 c godwine hine þa gelette || and hine on hæft sette / and his g
The Death of Alfred 2 te || and hine on hæft sette / and his geferan he todraf || and
The Death of Alfred 2 / and his geferan he todraf || and sume mislice ofsloh / sume hi m
A.6.10.5 6 dwine hine þā ġe·lette || and hine on hæft sette, / and his
The Death of Alfred 7 earde / syþþan dene comon || and her friþ namon / nu is to gely
A.6.10.5 7 e || and hine on hæft sette, / and his ġe·fēran hē tō·drā
A.6.10.5 12 arde, / siþþan Dene cōmon || and hēr friþ nāmon. / Nū is tō
The Death of Alfred 15 e || on scype man hine blende / and hine swa blindne || brohte to
The Death of Alfred 16 dne || brohte to þam munecon / and he þar wunode || þa hwile
A.6.10.5 20 | on sċipe mann hine blende, / and hine swā blindne || brōhte
The Death of Edward 8 ra gerimes || weolan britnode / and healfe tid || hæleþa wealde
The Death of Edward 9 / weold wel geþungen || walum and scottum / and bryttum eac || by
The Death of Edward 10 eþungen || walum and scottum / and bryttum eac || byre æþelred
The Death of Edward 11 ac || byre æþelredes / englum and sexum || oretmægcum / swa ymbc
The Death of Edward 19 t ofercom || cynn æþelredes / and dena weoldon || deore rice / en
The Death of Edward 23 / cyningc cystum god || clæne and milde / eadward se æþela || e
The Death of Edward 25 se æþela || eþel bewerode / l and and leode || oþþæt lungre
The Death of Edward 26 ngre becom / deaþ se bitera || and swa deore genam / æþelne of e
The Death of Edward 29 sawle || innan swegles leoht / and se froda swa þeah || befæst
The Death of Edward 33 dlice || hærran sinum / wordum and dædum || wihte ne agælde / þ
Durham 4 ymbeornad / ea yþum stronge || and þer inne wunaþ / feola fisca
Durham 6 fisca cyn || on floda gemonge / and þær gewexen is || wudafæst
Durham 11 þe arfesta || eadig cudberch / and þes clene || cyninges heafud
Durham 12 heafud / osuualdes engle leo || and aidan biscop / eadberch and ead
Durham 13 || and aidan biscop / eadberch and eadfriþ || æþele geferes / i
Durham 15 idd heom || æþelwold biscop / and breoma bocera beda || and boi
Durham 15 cop / and breoma bocera beda || and boisil abbot / þe clene cudber
Durham 17 | on gecheþe / lerde lustum || and he his lara wel genom / eardiæ
The Rune Poem 4 omes hleotan / ur byþ anmod || and oferhyrned / felafrecne deor ||
The Rune Poem 11 re spræce / wisdomes wraþu || and witena frofur / and eorla gehwa
The Rune Poem 12 s wraþu || and witena frofur / and eorla gehwam || eadnys and to
The Rune Poem 12 ur / and eorla gehwam || eadnys and tohiht / rad byþ on recyde ||
The Rune Poem 14 cyde || rinca gehwylcum / sefte and swiþhwæt || þam þe sitte
The Rune Poem 17 a gehwam || cuþ on fyre / blac and beorhtlic || byrneþ oftust /
The Rune Poem 19 þ / giefu gumena byþ || gleng and herenys / wraþu and wyrþscype
The Rune Poem 20 || gleng and herenys / wraþu and wyrþscype || and wræcna geh
The Rune Poem 20 enys / wraþu and wyrþscype || and wræcna gehwam / ar and ætwist
The Rune Poem 21 cype || and wræcna gehwam / ar and ætwist || þe byþ oþra lea
The Rune Poem 23 þ || þe can weana lyt / sares and sorge || and him sylfa hæfþ
The Rune Poem 23 weana lyt / sares and sorge || and him sylfa hæfþ / blæd and bl
The Rune Poem 24 || and him sylfa hæfþ / blæd and blysse || and eac byrga genih
The Rune Poem 24 fa hæfþ / blæd and blysse || and eac byrga geniht / hægl byþ h
The Rune Poem 28 ah oft niþa bearnum / to helpe and to hæle gehwæþre || gif hi
The Rune Poem 34 llan / beorhte bleda || beornum and þearfum / ioh byþ utan || uns
The Rune Poem 38 e / peorþ byþ symble || plega and hlehter / wlancum || þar wigan
The Rune Poem 58 on wicgum || wrixlaþ spræce / and biþ unstyllum || æfre frofu
The Rune Poem 65 un neþan || on nacan tealtum / and hi sæyþa || swyþe bregaþ /
The Rune Poem 66 hi sæyþa || swyþe bregaþ / and se brimhengest || bridles ne
The Rune Poem 72 en / gif he mot þær rihtes || and gerysena on / brucan on bolde |
The Rune Poem 75 mære metodes leoht || myrgþ and tohiht / eadgum and earmum || e
The Rune Poem 76 t || myrgþ and tohiht / eadgum and earmum || eallum brice / ac by
The Rune Poem 84 monige / yr byþ æþelinga || and eorla gehwæs / wyn and wyrþmy
The Rune Poem 85 inga || and eorla gehwæs / wyn and wyrþmynd || byþ on wicge f
The Rune Poem 87 geatewa sum / eor byþ eafix || and þeah a bruceþ / fodres on fol
A.6.13 3 r-cræftas on·locen || Libia and Grēca, / swelċe ēac istoriam
Solomon and Saturn 4 / larcræftas onlocen || libia and greca / swylce eac istoriam ||
Solomon and Saturn 8 ritig punda / smætes goldes || and mine suna twelfe / gif þu mec
Solomon and Saturn 11 an / gesemesþ mec mid soþe || and ic mec gesund fare / wende mec
A.6.13 24 n fram þǣm grunde || goldes and seolfres, / fiðer-sċeatum ful
Solomon and Saturn 25 en fram þam grunde || goldes and seolfres / feþersceatum full |
A.6.13 27 ðe. / Fracoþ hē biþ þonne and fremede || frēan æl-mihtĝu
Solomon and Saturn 28 cuþe / fracoþ he biþ þonne and fremede || frean ælmihtigum /
A.6.13 44 lǣreþ, / stefnum stīereþ || and him stede healdeþ / heofona r
Solomon and Saturn 47 u læreþ / stefnum steoreþ || and him stede healdeþ / heofona ri
A.6.13 59 an. / Hē biþ sefan snytru || and sāwle huneġ / and mōdes meol
A.6.13 60 n snytru || and sāwle huneġ / and mōdes meolc, || mǣrþa ġe
Solomon and Saturn 64 cgan / he biþ seofan snytro || and saule hunig / and modes meolc |
Solomon and Saturn 65 fan snytro || and saule hunig / and modes meolc || mærþa gesæl
Solomon and Saturn 70 me || he þone cræft briceþ / and þa orþancas || ealle toslit
A.6.13 75 ierfe-weard, || earmra fisca / and wyrma wielm%, || wild-dēora
A.6.13 77 eard, || weorð-mynta ġeard. / And sē þe wile ġeornlīċe ||
A.6.13 78 s cwide / singan sōðlīċe || and hine simle wile / lufian būtan
Solomon and Saturn 80 þa yrfeweard || earmra fisca / and wyrma welm || wildeora holt / o
Solomon and Saturn 82 ne weard || weorþmynta geard / and se þe wile geornlice || þon
Solomon and Saturn 83 odes cwide / singan soþlice || and hine siemle wile / lufian butan
A.6.13 84 ierde lange, / gyldene gāde || and ā þone grimman fēond / swī
A.6.13 85 fēond / swīþ-mōd swipaþ || and him on swaðe fylġeþ / //A//
A.6.13 86 eþ / //A// A ofer-mæġene || and hine ēac of-sliehþ. / //T// T
A.6.13 87 hþ. / //T// T hine teoswaþ || and hine on þā tungan stīcaþ,
A.6.13 88 wrǣsteþ him þæt woddor || and him þā wangan briceþ. / //E/
Solomon and Saturn 89 gierde lange / gyldene gade || and a þone grymman feond / swiþmo
Solomon and Saturn 90 an feond / swiþmod sweopaþ || and him on swaþe fylgeþ / ac a of
Solomon and Saturn 91 e fylgeþ / ac a ofermægene || and hine eac ofslihþ / tir t hine
Solomon and Saturn 92 fslihþ / tir t hine teswaþ || and hine on þa tungan sticaþ / wr
Solomon and Saturn 93 wræsteþ him þæt woddor || and him þa wongan brieceþ / eoh e
A.6.13 101 ā ċiriċan ġe·tuinnas, / N and O s[]od || ǣġhwæðer bren
Solomon and Saturn 106 þ || þa cirican getuinnas / n and o samod || æghwæþer brenge
A.6.13 111 stilled. / Swelċe hine //G// Q and //V// V || cwealme ġe·hnǣ
Solomon and Saturn 116 tilled / swilce hiene cweorþ q and ur v || cwealme gehnægaþ / fr
A.6.13 116 / Þonne hine I and //L// L || and sē ierra //C// C / gūðe be·
A.6.13 120 er gæþ. / Þonne hine //F// F and //M// M || ūtan ymb­·þrin
Solomon and Saturn 121 æt deofol laþ / þonne hine i and lagu l || and se yrra cen c / g
Solomon and Saturn 121 / þonne hine i and lagu l || and se yrra cen c / guþe begyrdaþ
Solomon and Saturn 125 der gæþ / þonne hiene feoh f and monn m || utan ymbþringaþ / s
A.6.13 146 || on wyrmes līċ / stranges% and sticoles, || stinġeþ nīete
Solomon and Saturn 151 aþ || in wyrmes lic / stronges and sticoles || stingeþ nieten / f
A.6.13 160 d ġe·tēo, / Pāter Noster || and þæt palm-trēow / biddan mid
A.6.13 162 || þæt him bū ġiefe / feorh and folme, || þonne his fēond c
Solomon and Saturn 165 sweord geteo / pater noster || and þæt palmtreow / biddan mid bl
Solomon and Saturn 167 se || þæt him bu gife / feorh and folme || þonne his feond cym
A.6.13 167 e be·tȳnan, / fȳres fulle || and þā fēondas mid’. / Hæfde
A.6.13 169 a || sunu Dāuides / for·cumen and for·cȳðed || Caldea eorl. /
Solomon and Saturn 172 helle betynan / fyres fulle || and þa feondas mid / hæfde þa se
Solomon and Saturn 174 otra || sunu dauides / forcumen and forcyþed || caldea eorl / hwæ
A.6.13 181 estinion, / Niniuen ċeastre || and norþ Predan, / Meda māðum-se
A.6.13 184 þ liġeþ / ymbe Ġeallboe || and ymb Ġeador norþ, / Filistina
Solomon and Saturn 186 alestinion / niniuen ceastre || and norþ predan / meda maþþumsel
Solomon and Saturn 189 suþ ligeþ / ymbe geallboe || and ymb geador norþ / filistina fl
A.6.13 1 bbe gumena% bearn / for·cumen and for·cȳðed. || Wāt iċ þ
A.6.13 2 deas / gūðe þæs ġielpne || and þæs gold-wlance, / mǣrþa þ
Solomon and Saturn 5 hæbbe gumena bearn / forcumen and forcyþþed || wat ic þæt w
Solomon and Saturn 6 aldeas / guþe þæs gielpne || and þæs goldwlonce / mærþa þæ
A.6.13 10 XXV] / dracena on dæġ-rǣd || and hine þā dēaþ% of·fēoll;
Solomon and Saturn 15 twentig / dracena on dægred || and hine þa deaþ offeoll / forþa
A.6.13 18 þ% || swīðe ġe·sċǣned, / and ofer þā byrġenna || blīca
Solomon and Saturn 23 d scineþ || swiþe gescæned / and ofer þa byrgenna || blicaþ
A.6.13 30 Hierusalem / weallas blīcan || and hira winrod līexan, / sōþfæ
A.6.13 34 hyġeþ. / Ġe·strangaþ hīe and ġe·staðeliaþ || staðolf
Solomon and Saturn 37 hierusalem / weallas blican || and hiera winrod lixan / soþfæstr
Solomon and Saturn 42 e wiht hygeþ / gestrangaþ hie and gestaþeliaþ || staþolfæst
A.6.13 43 t bræc || [L] wintra / dæġes and nihtes || þurh dēop ġe·s
Solomon and Saturn 54 bræc || fiftig wintra / dæges and niehtes || þurh deop gesceaf
A.6.13 55 nihta ġe·hwelċe || norðan and sūðan / on twā healfa || tū
A.6.13 58 IIII] heafdu / medumra manna || and hē is on middan hwælen; / ġ
A.6.13 59 ēowes hē hafaþ fiðeru || and griffus fēt, / liġeþ lannum
A.6.13 61 unhīere, / swīðe swingeþ || and his searu hringeþ, / ġielleþ
A.6.13 62 , / ġielleþ ġōmorlīċe || and his gryn sefaþ, / wielleþ hin
Solomon and Saturn 67 ne niehta gehwylce || norþan and suþan / on twa healfa || tu hu
Solomon and Saturn 70 eower heafdu / medumra manna || and he is on middan hwælen / geowe
A.6.13 70 r·þon iċ hine ana on·fand / and hine þā ġe·bendan% hēt |
Solomon and Saturn 71 n / geowes he hafaþ fiþeru || and griffus fet / ligeþ lonnum fæ
Solomon and Saturn 73 þ unhiere / swiþe swingeþ || and his searo hringeþ / gilleþ ge
Solomon and Saturn 74 ringeþ / gilleþ geomorlice || and his gyrn sefaþ / wylleþ hine
A.6.13 81 him on hand gǣþ || heardes and hnesċes, / miċeles and mǣtes
Solomon and Saturn 82 || ærþon ic hine ana onfand / and hine þa gebendan het || ofer
A.6.13 90 . / Bēam hēo ā·brēoteþ || and be·briceþ telĝum, / ā·styr
Solomon and Saturn 94 him on hand gæþ || heardes and hnesces / micles and mætes ||
Solomon and Saturn 95 || heardes and hnesces / micles and mætes || him to mose sceall /
A.6.13 98 ·tīeġeþ, / ġe·ðȳð hīe and ġe·þrēataþ, || þæt hī
Solomon and Saturn 104 eo wile / beam heo abreoteþ || and bebriceþ telgum / astyreþ sta
A.6.13 110 wiaþ, || feallaþ on eorðan / and for·weorniaþ, || weorðaþ
Solomon and Saturn 113 wæstmas getigeþ / geþyþ hie and geþreataþ || þæt hie þra
A.6.13 115 tenne || fēondum tō willan, / and wēnaþ wan-hoĝan || þæt h
Solomon and Saturn 128 ewiaþ || feallaþ on eorþan / and forweorniaþ || weorþaþ to
Solomon and Saturn 133 æstenne || feondum to willan / and wenaþ wanhogan || þæt hie
A.6.13 136 ǣm be·sċādeþ hēo / muntas and mōras || and maniġe ēac / w
A.6.13 136 eþ hēo / muntas and mōras || and maniġe ēac / wēste stōwa? |
A.6.13 143 s || samod æt·gædere, / wōp and hleahtor? || Full oft hīe we
A.6.13 145 eþ þæt?’ / ‘Unlǣde biþ and or-mōd || sē þe ā wile / ġ
A.6.13 152 ānra ġe·hwelċ / on·lūtan and on·līðian || þe hafaþ l
Solomon and Saturn 161 forhwam besceadeþ heo / muntas and moras || and monige ec / weste
Solomon and Saturn 161 adeþ heo / muntas and moras || and monige ec / weste stowa || hu g
A.6.13 164 isse sīdan ġe·sċeafte || and þonne eft mid sorĝum ġe·w
Solomon and Saturn 170 siþas || somod ætgædre / wop and hleahtor || full oft hie weor
A.6.13 171 þæs eaforan sċeall || oft and ġe·lōme / grymme grēotan, |
Solomon and Saturn 173 mon cuæþ # || / unlæde biþ and ormod || se þe a wile / geomri
Solomon and Saturn 182 ra sceal anra gehwylc / onlutan and onliþigan || þe hafaþ læs
A.6.13 183 rċan / dēores dryhtsċipes || and dǣd-fruman, / wadan on wīsdō
A.6.13 191 | cræfte tīehþ, / crīstnaþ and clǣnsaþ || cwicra meniġu, /
Solomon and Saturn 197 on þisse sidan gesceafte || and þonne eft mid sorgum gewite
A.6.13 199 lūteþ aefter, / ġe·seġnaþ and ġe·syfleþ || and him self
A.6.13 199 seġnaþ and ġe·syfleþ || and him self friteþ. / Swelċ biþ
A.6.13 204 ·reordu. / Lēoht hafaþ hēow and hād || hālġes gāstes, / Cr
Solomon and Saturn 205 heo þæs afran sceall || oft and gelome / grimme greotan || þon
A.6.13 208 þurh hrōf wædeþ, / briceþ and bærneþ || bold-ġe·timbru,
A.6.13 209 d-ġe·timbru, / seomaþ stēap and ġēap, || stīġeþ on lenge
Solomon and Saturn 218 ewyrcan / deores dryhtscipes || and dædfruman / wadan on wisdom ||
A.6.13 221 || fyrn ġe·hīerde / seċġan and swerġan || ymb sume wīsan, /
A.6.13 227 ton, / bōcum tō·brǣddon || and on bearm leġdon, / mæðel-cwi
Solomon and Saturn 228 yþ || cræfte tyþ / cristnaþ and clænsaþ || cwicra manigo / wu
A.6.13 234 eþþ, || hēo ġēar bireþ, / and hwæðre him mæġ wīs-sefa
A.6.13 236 | ġif hē biþ mōdes glēaw / and tō his frēondum wile || ful
Solomon and Saturn 237 þ || luteþ æfter / gesegnaþ and gesyfleþ || and him sylf fri
Solomon and Saturn 237 er / gesegnaþ and gesyfleþ || and him sylf friteþ / swilc biþ s
A.6.13 241 -sċylda ġe·hwæs || fæder and mōdor, / dēaðes dohtor? || A
Solomon and Saturn 242 belgereordu / leoht hafaþ heow and had || haliges gastes / cristes
Solomon and Saturn 246 it þurh hrof wædeþ / bryceþ and bærneþ || boldgetimbru / seom
A.6.13 246 des rīċe / ēadġes engles || and þæs ofer-mōdan; / Ōðer his
Solomon and Saturn 247 || boldgetimbru / seomaþ steap and geap || stigeþ on lenge / clym
A.6.13 248 þurh dierne% cræftas / seġn and sīde byrnan, || cwæþ þæt
A.6.13 249 ȳðan eall heofona rīċe || and him þonne on healfum sittan,
A.6.13 258 hine þā of þǣm wuldre || and wīde tō·drāf, / and him be
A.6.13 259 ldre || and wīde tō·drāf, / and him be·bēad || bearn heofon
Solomon and Saturn 260 menn || fyrn gehyrde / secggan and swerian || ymb sume wisan / hw
A.6.13 262 wian, / hēaf under heofonum || and him helle ġe·sċōp, / wæl-
A.6.13 264 ·þeahte, / wæter on sende || and wyrm-ġeardas, / atol dēor man
Solomon and Saturn 266 um sæton / bocum tobræddon || and on bearm legdon / meþelcwidas
A.6.13 267 || and blace nǣdran, / þurst and hungor || and þearle ġe·wi
A.6.13 267 nǣdran, / þurst and hungor || and þearle ġe·winn, / ēaġna e
A.6.13 269 na eġesan, || un-rōtnesse; / and ǣġhwelċ him þissa earfoþ
Solomon and Saturn 274 gast scyþ || heo ger byreþ / and hwæþre him mæg wissefa ||
A.6.13 275 s cālend-cwide || ā·runnen / and hine man ānnunga || ūt ā·
Solomon and Saturn 276 an || gif he biþ modes gleaw / and to his freondum wile || fultu
Solomon and Saturn 282 / frumscylda gehwæs || fæder and modor / deaþes dohtor || ac to
A.6.13 286 fan healde, / metodes miltse || and his mǣĝa rǣd, / ōðer hine
A.6.13 287 rǣd, / ōðer hine tyhteþ || and on teosu lǣreþ, / īeweþ him
Solomon and Saturn 288 godes rice / eadiges engles || and þæs ofermodan / oþer his dry
A.6.13 288 on teosu lǣreþ, / īeweþ him and yppeþ || earmra manna / mis-ġ
A.6.13 289 armra manna / mis-ġe·mynda || and þurh þæt his mōd hweteþ,
Solomon and Saturn 290 an þurh dierne cræftas / segn and side byrnan || cwæþ þæt h
A.6.13 290 / lǣdeþ hine and lǣċeþ || and hine ġond land spaneþ, / oþ
Solomon and Saturn 291 e / hiþan eall heofona rice || and him þonne on healfum sittan /
A.6.13 296 dǣdum || dæġ-langne frist, / and þæs willan wyrcþ || þe hi
A.6.13 298 faran / enġel tō his earde || and þæt eall saĝaþ: / 'Ne meaht
Solomon and Saturn 300 rp hine þa of þam wuldre || and wide todraf / and him bebead ||
Solomon and Saturn 301 am wuldre || and wide todraf / and him bebead || bearn heofonwar
Solomon and Saturn 304 rowian / heaf under hefonum || and him helle gescop / wælcealde w
Solomon and Saturn 306 beþeahte / wæter in sende || and wyrmgeardas / atol deor monig |
Solomon and Saturn 308 enum hornum / blodige earnas || and blace nædran / þurst and hung
Solomon and Saturn 309 s || and blace nædran / þurst and hungor || and þearle gewin / e
Solomon and Saturn 309 nædran / þurst and hungor || and þearle gewin / egna egesan ||
Solomon and Saturn 311 win / egna egesan || unrotnesse / and æghwylc him þissa earfeþa
Solomon and Saturn 318 ie his calendcwide || arunnen / and hine mon annunga || ut abanne
Solomon and Saturn 2 ufan healde / metodes miltse || and his mæga ræd / oþer hine tyh
Solomon and Saturn 3 ga ræd / oþer hine tyhteþ || and on tæso læreþ / yweþ him an
Solomon and Saturn 4 nd on tæso læreþ / yweþ him and yppeþ || earmra manna / misgem
Solomon and Saturn 5 || earmra manna / misgemynda || and þurh þæt his mod hweteþ / l
Solomon and Saturn 6 his mod hweteþ / lædeþ hine and læceþ || and hine geond lan
Solomon and Saturn 6 / lædeþ hine and læceþ || and hine geond land spaneþ / oþþ
Solomon and Saturn 12 es dædum || dæglongne fyrst / and þæs willan wyrcþ || þe hi
Solomon and Saturn 14 g faran / engel to his earde || and þæt eall sagaþ / ne meahte i
The Menologium 11 ycel / ianuarius || gerum heton / and þæs embe fif niht || þætt
The Menologium 19 de gesiþas / ealde ægleawe || and þæs embe ane niht / þæt we
The Menologium 24 fered byþ / winter of wicum || and se wigend þa / æfter seofenty
The Menologium 30 ce eac is wide cuþ / ymb þreo and twa || þeodum gewelhwær / his
The Menologium 31 r / his cyme calend || ceorlum and eorlum / butan þænne bises ||
The Menologium 42 þæs || nergend sohte / heard and higestrang || þæne heriaþ
The Menologium 47 on þy sylfan dæge || sunnan and monan / hwæt ymb feower niht |
The Menologium 54 gefræge || swylce emb feower and þreo / nihtgerimes || þætte
The Menologium 71 þæt embe nihgontyne || niht and fifum / þæs þe eastermonaþ
The Menologium 77 s || smicere on gearwum / wudum and wyrtum || cymeþ wlitig scri
The Menologium 81 || æþele geferan / philippus and iacob || feorh agefan / modige
The Menologium 83 þegnas || for meotudes lufan / and þæs embe twa niht || þætt
The Menologium 95 lmihtigne || þæs emb eahta and nigon / dogera rimes || þætte
The Menologium 107 ænne monaþ bringþ / ymb twa and feower || tiida lange / ærra l
The Menologium 111 t on geare / tungla torhtust || and of tille agrynt / to sete sige
The Menologium 113 þan leng / grund behealdan || and gangan lator / ofer foldan wang
The Menologium 122 | geond hæleþa bearn / petrus and paulus || hwæt þa apostolas
The Menologium 129 am || unrim fremedon / swutelra and gesynra || þurh sunu meotude
A.6.14 134 wer niht || feorh ġe·sealde / and% twentiĝum, || trum on brēos
The Menologium 135 igum || trum in breostum / frod and fæstræd || folca lareow / zeb
The Menologium 136 folca lareow / zebedes afera || and þæs symle scriþ / ymb seofon
The Menologium 162 geond middangeard / betux wife and were || wurde acenned / ond þ
A.6.14 163 and were || wurde ā·cenned. / And þæs ymbe þrīe niht || ġo
The Menologium 167 ror fundan / septembres fær || and þy seofoþan dæg / þæt acen
The Menologium 181 orlum geywed || emnihtes dæg / and þæs embe twa niht || þæt
The Menologium 185 wide cigaþ / igbuende || engle and seaxe / weras mid wifum || swyl
The Menologium 188 ntig þæs || twegra healdaþ / and seofon nihtum || samod ætgæ
The Menologium 191 n || þæt hy foremære / simon and iudas || symble wæron / drihtn
The Menologium 193 i dom hlutan / eadigne upweg || and þæs ofstum bringþ / embe feo
The Menologium 199 naþ maran || miltse drihtnes / and þy ylcan dæge || ealra we h
The Menologium 204 hærfest mid herige || hrimes and snawes / forste gefeterad || be
The Menologium 211 rd || þænne embe eahta niht / and feowerum || þætte fan gode /
The Menologium 215 es oft || clypiaþ to þearfe / and þæs embe seofon niht || sig
The Menologium 221 rra iula || swylce emb eahta and twelf / nihtgerimes || þætte
Maxims II 11 deorost / gold gumena gehwam || and gomol snoterost / fyrngearum fr
Maxims II 15 gesiþas / byldan to beaduwe || and to beahgife / ellen sceal on eo
Maxims II 23 sceal on hringe / standan steap and geap || stream sceal on yþum
Maxims II 30 || bera sceal on hæþe / eald and egesfull || ea of dune sceal /
Maxims II 46 sceal sealte weallan / lyfthelm and laguflod || ymb ealra landa g
Maxims II 48 feoh sceal on eorþan / tydran and tyman || tungol sceal on heof
Maxims II 59 ul sceal || syþþan hweorfan / and ealle þa gastas || þe for g
Maxims II 62 || is seo forþgesceaft / digol and dyrne || drihten ana wat / nerg
The Judgment Day II 3 r ða wæterburnan || swegdon and urnon / on middan gehæge || ea
The Judgment Day II 5 / eac ðær wynwyrta || weoxon and bleowon / innon ðam gemonge ||
The Judgment Day II 7 gemonge || on ænlicum wonge / and ða wudubeamas || wagedon and
The Judgment Day II 7 and ða wudubeamas || wagedon and swegdon / ðurh winda gryre ||
The Judgment Day II 9 gryre || wolcn wæs gehrered / and min earme mod || eal wæs ged
The Judgment Day II 10 efed / ða ic færinga || forht and unrot / ðas unhyrlican fers ||
The Judgment Day II 13 ynna gemunde / lifes leahtra || and ða langan tid / ðæs dimman c
The Judgment Day II 17 mandædum || minum on eorðan / and ðæt ece ic eac || yrre ondr
The Judgment Day II 18 ce ic eac || yrre ondræde me / and synfulra gehwam || æt sylfum
The Judgment Day II 19 lra gehwam || æt sylfum gode / and hu mihtig frea || eall manna
The Judgment Day II 20 || eall manna cynn / todæleð and todemeð || ðurh his dihlan
The Judgment Day II 22 munde eac || mærðe drihtnes / and ðara haligra || on heofonan
The Judgment Day II 23 / swylce earmsceapenra || yfel and witu / ic gemunde ðis mid me |
The Judgment Day II 24 itu / ic gemunde ðis mid me || and ic mearn swiðe / and ic murcni
The Judgment Day II 25 mid me || and ic mearn swiðe / and ic murcnigende cwæð || mode
The Judgment Day II 31 t mine beate || on gebedstowe / and minne lichaman || lecge on eo
The Judgment Day II 32 lichaman || lecge on eorðan / and geearnade sar || ealle ic gec
The Judgment Day II 36 ge hleor || dreccað mid wope / and sealtum dropum || sona oferge
The Judgment Day II 37 um dropum || sona ofergeotað / and geopeniað man || ecum drihtn
The Judgment Day II 42 rdum || eall abæred / breostes and tungan || and flæsces swa so
The Judgment Day II 42 bæred / breostes and tungan || and flæsces swa some / ðis is an
The Judgment Day II 44 s is an hæl || earmre sauwle / and ðam sorgiendum || selest hih
The Judgment Day II 48 aglidene mod || gode gehælan / and ræplingas || recene onbindan
The Judgment Day II 55 on rode / hu micel forstent || and hu mære is / seo soðe hreow |
The Judgment Day II 56 e is / seo soðe hreow || synna and gylta / se sceaða wæs on rode
The Judgment Day II 57 eaða wæs on rode || scyldig and manful / mid undædum || eall g
The Judgment Day II 62 eaffullum / his hæle begeat || and help recene / and in gefor ||
The Judgment Day II 63 le begeat || and help recene / and in gefor || ða ænlican geat
The Judgment Day II 74 d wordum || wið scyppend god / and ðam rican frean || riht agyl
The Judgment Day II 76 dra || mid hreowlicum tearum / and ðæt yrre forfoh || eces dem
The Judgment Day II 80 ne bidst ðu ðe || beðunga and plaster / lifes læcedomes ||
The Judgment Day II 83 s geotan / ða hwile tima sy || and tid wopes / nu is halwende ||
The Judgment Day II 85 alwende || ðæt man her wepe / and dædbote do || drihtne to wil
The Judgment Day II 87 unu || gif ðu gnorn ðrowast / and ðe sylfum demst || for synnu
The Judgment Day II 88 an / ne heofenes god || henða and gyltas / ofer ænne syð wrecan
The Judgment Day II 90 scealt ðu forhyccan || heaf and wopas / and forgifnesse || gear
The Judgment Day II 91 u forhyccan || heaf and wopas / and forgifnesse || gearugne timan
The Judgment Day II 94 rdædum / oððe hu egeslice || and hu andrysne / heahðrymme cynin
The Judgment Day II 98 forebeacn || feran onginnað / and cristes cyme || cyðað on eo
The Judgment Day II 100 || eac swa ða duna / dreosað and hreosað || / and beorga hlið
The Judgment Day II 101 una / dreosað and hreosað || / and beorga hliðu || bugað and m
The Judgment Day II 101 / and beorga hliðu || bugað and myltað / and se egeslica sweg
The Judgment Day II 102 hliðu || bugað and myltað / and se egeslica sweg || ungerydre
The Judgment Day II 105 bið eac upheofon || / sweart and gesworcen || swiðe geðuxsa
The Judgment Day II 106 en || swiðe geðuxsað / deorc and dimhiw || and dwolma sweart /
The Judgment Day II 106 eðuxsað / deorc and dimhiw || and dwolma sweart / ðonne stedelea
The Judgment Day II 108 edelease || steorran hreosað / and seo sunne forswyrcð || sona
The Judgment Day II 116 / ðone mæran metod || mihte and ðrymme / sitt ðonne sigelbeor
The Judgment Day II 125 ent hergea mæst || heortleas and earh / amasod and amarod || mih
The Judgment Day II 126 || heortleas and earh / amasod and amarod || mihtleas afæred / ð
The Judgment Day II 129 / ðænne bið geban micel || and aboden ðider / eal adames cnos
The Judgment Day II 152 d / ðonne fyren lig || blaweð and braslað / read and reaðe || r
The Judgment Day II 153 || blaweð and braslað / read and reaðe || ræsct and efesteð
The Judgment Day II 153 að / read and reaðe || ræsct and efesteð / hu he synfullum || s
The Judgment Day II 158 he horwum sy || her afeormad / and ðonne ðider cume || ðearle
The Judgment Day II 162 ustum / ðær beoð ðearfan || and ðeodcyningas / earm and eadig
The Judgment Day II 163 fan || and ðeodcyningas / earm and eadig || ealle beoð afæred /
The Judgment Day II 164 ðær hæfð ane lage || earm and se welega / forðon hi habbað
The Judgment Day II 167 t reðe flod || ræscet fyre / and biterlice || bærnð ða earm
The Judgment Day II 168 e || bærnð ða earman saula / and heora heortan || horxlice wyr
The Judgment Day II 169 rmas / synscyldigra || ceorfað and slitað / ne mæg ðær æni ma
The Judgment Day II 173 oga ætsomne / breostgehyda || and se bitera wop / and ðær stæn
The Judgment Day II 174 stgehyda || and se bitera wop / and ðær stænt astifad || stane
The Judgment Day II 179 ðeowast || ðissere worulde / and her glæd leofast || on galny
The Judgment Day II 180 glæd leofast || on galnysse / and ðe mid stiðum astyrest || s
The Judgment Day II 182 e forhtas ðu || fyrene egsan / and ðe sylfum ondræd || swiðli
The Judgment Day II 185 ane / ða oferswiðað || sefan and spræce / manna gehwylces || fo
The Judgment Day II 192 ne gemenged / se ðrosma lig || and se ðrece gicela / swiðe hat a
The Judgment Day II 193 d se ðrece gicela / swiðe hat and ceald || helle tomiddes / hwilu
The Judgment Day II 200 rsworcenum || sweartum nihtum / and weallendes pices || wean and
The Judgment Day II 200 / and weallendes pices || wean and ðrosme / ðær nan stefn styre
The Judgment Day II 202 reð || butan stearcheard / wop and wanung || nawiht elles / ne bi
The Judgment Day II 206 inne || aht gemeted / butan lig and cyle || and laðlic ful / hy mi
The Judgment Day II 206 gemeted / butan lig and cyle || and laðlic ful / hy mid nosan ne m
The Judgment Day II 211 elum bryne || laðlices fyres / and hy wælgrimme || wyrmas slita
The Judgment Day II 212 wælgrimme || wyrmas slitað / and heora ban gnagað || brynigum
The Judgment Day II 214 ost / mid bitere care || breged and swenced / for hwi fyrngende fl
The Judgment Day II 226 c ðær bið angryslic || ege and fyrhtu / and sari mod || swiðl
The Judgment Day II 227 angryslic || ege and fyrhtu / and sari mod || swiðlic gristbig
The Judgment Day II 229 nes || æghwær wælhreow / adl and yrre || and æmelnes / and ðæ
The Judgment Day II 229 ær wælhreow / adl and yrre || and æmelnes / and ðær synnge eac
The Judgment Day II 230 / adl and yrre || and æmelnes / and ðær synnge eac || sauwle on
The Judgment Day II 231 on blindum scræfe || byrnað and yrnað / ðonne deriende || ged
The Judgment Day II 235 ennes || gedwineð mid wistum / and hleahter and plega || hleapa
The Judgment Day II 236 nd plega || hleapað ætsomne / and wrænnes eac || gewiteð heon
The Judgment Day II 237 nnes eac || gewiteð heonone / and fæsthafolnes || feor gewite
The Judgment Day II 238 feor gewiteð / uncyst onweg || and ælc gælsa / scyldig scyndan |
The Judgment Day II 240 g scyndan || on sceade ðonne / and se earma flyhð || uncræftig
The Judgment Day II 245 on life || lað bið ðænne / and ðæt werige mod || wendað
The Judgment Day II 246 a gyltas / swiðe mid sorgum || and mid sargunge / eala se bið ges
The Judgment Day II 247 unge / eala se bið gesælig || and ofersælig / and on worulda wor
The Judgment Day II 248 ð gesælig || and ofersælig / and on worulda woruld || wihta ge
The Judgment Day II 250 id gesyntum || swylce cwyldas / and witu mæg || wel forbugon / and
The Judgment Day II 251 and witu mæg || wel forbugon / and samod bliðe || on woruld eal
The Judgment Day II 252 ealle / his ðeodne geðeon || and ðonne mot / habban heofonrice
The Judgment Day II 269 amod ricxað || sib mid spede / and arfæstnes || and ece god / wul
The Judgment Day II 269 b mid spede / and arfæstnes || and ece god / wuldor and wurðmynt
The Judgment Day II 270 æstnes || and ece god / wuldor and wurðmynt || / swylce lof and
The Judgment Day II 271 and wurðmynt || / swylce lof and lif || and leoflic geðwærne
The Judgment Day II 271 ynt || / swylce lof and lif || and leoflic geðwærnes / ufenan ea
The Judgment Day II 275 a andweard || ealle weorðað / and fehð and geblyssað || fæde
The Judgment Day II 276 || fæder ætsomne / wuldrað and wel hylt || / fægere frætua
The Judgment Day II 277 hylt || / fægere frætuað || and freolice lufað / and on heofon
The Judgment Day II 278 tuað || and freolice lufað / and on heofonsetle || hean geregn
The Judgment Day II 283 ðam ænlican || engla werode / and ðæra haligra || heapum and
The Judgment Day II 283 / and ðæra haligra || heapum and ðreatum / ðær hy beoð geðe
The Judgment Day II 285 gemang / betwyx heahfæderas || and halige witegan / blissiendum mo
The Judgment Day II 288 can synd || ælmihtiges godes / and betweoh rosena || reade heapa
The Judgment Day II 298 breman fæder / betweox fæder and sunu || freolicum werede / and
The Judgment Day II 299 and sunu || freolicum werede / and betwyx ðære ecan || uplicum
The Judgment Day II 305 eardian unbleoh || on ecnesse / and on upcundra || eadegum setlum
The Rewards of Piety 3 gan / ðænne beo ðu eadmod || and ælmesgeorn / wis on wordum ||
The Rewards of Piety 4 ælmesgeorn / wis on wordum || and wæccan lufa / on hyge halgum |
The Rewards of Piety 6 hwilwendan tid / bliðe mode || and gebedum filige / oftost symle |
The Rewards of Piety 8 forðan ðæt halige gebed || and seo hluttre lufu / godes and ma
The Rewards of Piety 9 || and seo hluttre lufu / godes and manna || and seo ælmessylen /
The Rewards of Piety 9 uttre lufu / godes and manna || and seo ælmessylen / and se miccla
The Rewards of Piety 10 manna || and seo ælmessylen / and se miccla hopa || to ðinum h
The Rewards of Piety 12 ine synna || adwæscan wylle / and eac oðera fela || / godra weo
The Rewards of Piety 13 || / godra weorca || glengað and bringað / ða soðfæstan || s
The Rewards of Piety 20 e / ðeos woruld is æt ende || and we synd wædlan gyt / heofena r
The Rewards of Piety 22 ices || ðæt is hefig byrden / and ðeah ðu æfter ðinum ende
The Rewards of Piety 32 ðanan / syle ælmessan || oft and gelome / digolice || ðæt bið
The Rewards of Piety 44 eriað / ðæt is druncennes || and dyrnegeligere / ungemet wilnung
The Rewards of Piety 45 gere / ungemet wilnung || ætes and slæpes / ða man mæg mid fæs
The Rewards of Piety 47 a man mæg mid fæstenum || / and forhæfdnessum || heonon adri
The Rewards of Piety 48 hæfdnessum || heonon adrifan / and mid cyricsocnum || cealdum we
The Rewards of Piety 52 dbora || swa him gemet ðince / and ondræd ðu ðe || dihle wisa
The Rewards of Piety 60 cealt || læne staðelas / eard and eðel || uncuð bið ðe ðæ
The Rewards of Piety 65 || nu ðu ðe beorgan scealt / and wið feonda gehwæne || fæst
The Rewards of Piety 68 winnað / embe ðæt || / dæges and nihtes || ongean drihtnes lif
The Rewards of Piety 76 uplican || eðelrices / dæges and nihtes || ðu scealt druncen
The Rewards of Piety 77 s || ðu scealt druncen fleon / and ða oferfylle || ealle forlæ
The Rewards of Piety 80 t on eorðan || ær geðencan / and ðu ðe sylfne || swiðe gebi
The Rewards of Piety 81 ðe sylfne || swiðe gebindan / and ða unðeawas || ealle forlæ
The Rewards of Piety 82 on ðis life ær || lufedest and feddest
A Summons to Prayer 8 d se mæra || [magna uirtute] / and se soðfæsta || [summi filiu
A Summons to Prayer 13 h marian || [mundi redemptor] / and ðurh ðæne halgan gast || [
A Summons to Prayer 16 ded wæs || [summo de throno] / and ðære clænan || [clara uoce
A Summons to Prayer 20 ga cyningc || [casta uiuendo] / and ðu ða soðfæstan || [suppl
A Summons to Prayer 22 de friclo || [uirginem almum] / and ðær æfter to || [omnes san
A Summons to Prayer 29 freolice || [factor aeternus] / and he gelæde || [luce perhennem
The Lord's Prayer II 9 / ðu eart on heofonum || hiht and frofor / blissa beorhtost || ea
The Lord's Prayer II 14 nengla cyningc / drihten ure || and ðine domas synd / rihte and ru
The Lord's Prayer II 15 || and ðine domas synd / rihte and rume || ræcað efne gehwam /
The Lord's Prayer II 20 lice || manegum gereordum / twa and hundseofontig || ðæs ðe se
The Lord's Prayer II 22 ttest / ælcere ðeode || ðeaw and wisan / ða wurðiað ðin weor
The Lord's Prayer II 23 urðiað ðin weorc || wordum and dædum / ðurh gecynd clypiað
The Lord's Prayer II 24 dum / ðurh gecynd clypiað || and crist heriað / and ðin lof l
The Lord's Prayer II 25 clypiað || and crist heriað / and ðin lof lædað || lifigenda
The Lord's Prayer II 27 d || geond ealle world / cum nu and mildsa || mihta waldend / and u
The Lord's Prayer II 28 u and mildsa || mihta waldend / and us ðin rice alyf || rihtwis
The Lord's Prayer II 29 rihtwis dema / earda selost || and ece lif / ðar we sibbe and luf
The Lord's Prayer II 30 || and ece lif / ðar we sibbe and lufe || samod gemetað / eagena
The Lord's Prayer II 31 emetað / eagena beorhtnysse || and ealle mirhðe / ðar bið gehyr
The Lord's Prayer II 33 ð gehyred || ðin halige lof / and ðin micele miht || mannum to
The Lord's Prayer II 37 geopenod || geond ealle world / and ðu ðe silf eart || soðfæs
The Lord's Prayer II 39 / swa ðin heahsetl is || heah and mære / fæger and wurðlic ||
The Lord's Prayer II 40 l is || heah and mære / fæger and wurðlic || swa ðin fæder w
The Lord's Prayer II 41 wa ðin fæder worhte / æðele and ece || ðar ðu on sittest / on
The Lord's Prayer II 42 iðran healf || ðu eart sunu and fæder / ana ægðer || swa is
The Lord's Prayer II 44 e gecynd / micclum gemærsod || and ðu monegum helpst / ealra cyni
The Lord's Prayer II 48 ægere geblissast / sylest miht and mund || micclum herige / and ð
The Lord's Prayer II 49 ht and mund || micclum herige / and ðe ðanciað || ðusenda fel
The Lord's Prayer II 52 num || heahðrymnesse / æðele and ece || a ðanciað / clæne and
The Lord's Prayer II 53 and ece || a ðanciað / clæne and gecorene || cristes ðegnas / s
The Lord's Prayer II 54 ne || cristes ðegnas / singað and biddað || soðfæstne god / ar
The Lord's Prayer II 55 iddað || soðfæstne god / are and gifnesse || ealre ðeode / ðon
The Lord's Prayer II 58 || ealre worlde / sy ðe ðanc and lof || ðinre mildse / wuldor a
The Lord's Prayer II 59 d lof || ðinre mildse / wuldor and willa || ðu gewurðod eart / o
The Lord's Prayer II 61 / on heofonrice || heah casere / and on eorðan || ealra cyninga / h
The Lord's Prayer II 62 eorðan || ealra cyninga / help and heafod || halig læce / reðe a
The Lord's Prayer II 63 d heafod || halig læce / reðe and rihtwis || rumheort hlaford /
The Lord's Prayer II 65 lodest ðe || ealle gesceafta / and tosyndrodest hig || siððan
The Lord's Prayer II 67 ælcre gecynde || agene wisan / and a ðine mildse || ofer manna
The Lord's Prayer II 71 est || / mete ðinum mannum || and him mare gehætst / æfter for
The Lord's Prayer II 74 ere gegearwod / earda selost || and ece lif / gif we soð and riht
The Lord's Prayer II 75 st || and ece lif / gif we soð and riht || symle gelæstað / syle
The Lord's Prayer II 77 dæg || drihten ðine / mildse and mihta || and ure mod gebig / ð
The Lord's Prayer II 77 ten ðine / mildse and mihta || and ure mod gebig / ðanc and ðeaw
The Lord's Prayer II 78 ta || and ure mod gebig / ðanc and ðeawas || on ðin gewil / bewy
The Lord's Prayer II 80 ligne gast / fæste on innan || and us fultum sile / ðæt we moton
The Lord's Prayer II 82 moton wyrcan || willan ðinne / and ðe betæcan || tyreadig cyni
The Lord's Prayer II 86 e || ðonne ðu on dome sitst / and ealle men || up arisað / ðe f
The Lord's Prayer II 87 n || up arisað / ðe fram wife and fram were || wurdon acænned /
The Lord's Prayer II 92 orhton || on worldrice / betere and wyrse || ðar beoð buta gear
The Lord's Prayer II 94 for ðam ðe hit drihten wat / and ðar gewitnesse beoð || wuld
The Lord's Prayer II 95 ð || wuldormicele / heofonwaru and eorðwaru || helwaru ðridde /
The Lord's Prayer II 104 n mannum || ðe wið us agilt / and na us ðu ne læt || laðe be
The Lord's Prayer II 105 swican / on costunga || cwellan and bærnan / sawla ure || ðeah we
The Lord's Prayer II 107 idon for ure disige || dæges and nihtes / idele spræce || and u
The Lord's Prayer II 108 s and nihtes / idele spræce || and unrihte weorc / ðine bodu bræ
The Lord's Prayer II 110 ddað nu / ælmihtig god || are and gifnesse / ne læt swa heanlice
The Lord's Prayer II 115 gifnesse || we agylt habbað / and swiðe gesingod || we ðe so
The Lord's Prayer II 116 e ðe soðfæstan god / heriað and lofiað || swa ðu hælend ea
The Lord's Prayer II 117 rt / cynebearn gecydd || cwycum and deadum / æðele and ece || ofe
The Lord's Prayer II 118 || cwycum and deadum / æðele and ece || ofer ealle ðingc / ðu
The Gloria I 1 # The Gloria I / / sy ðe wuldor and lof || wide geopenod / geond ea
The Gloria I 2 d / geond ealle ðeoda || ðanc and wylla / mægen and mildse || an
The Gloria I 3 oda || ðanc and wylla / mægen and mildse || and ealles modes lu
The Gloria I 3 nd wylla / mægen and mildse || and ealles modes lufu / soðfæstra
The Gloria I 4 modes lufu / soðfæstra sib || and ðines sylfes dom / worulde gew
The Gloria I 6 n miht / eall eorðan mægen || and uplyfte / wind and wolcna || we
The Gloria I 7 an mægen || and uplyfte / wind and wolcna || wealdest eall on ri
The Gloria I 8 iht / ðu eart frofra fæder || and feorhhyrde / lifes latteow || l
The Gloria I 13 oca lareow / heah higefrofer || and halig gast / swa wæs on fruman
The Gloria I 15 cynnes / ealre worulde || wlite and frofer / clæne and cræftig ||
The Gloria I 16 de || wlite and frofer / clæne and cræftig || ðu gecyddest ð
The Gloria I 18 ðurh halige miht || heofonas and eorðan / eardas and uplyft ||
The Gloria I 19 | heofonas and eorðan / eardas and uplyft || and ealle ðing / ðu
The Gloria I 19 eorðan / eardas and uplyft || and ealle ðing / ðu settest on fo
The Gloria I 21 foldan || swyðe feala cynna / and tosyndrodost hig || syððon
The Gloria I 23 lle gesceafta / on syx dagum || and on ðone seofoðan ðu gerest
The Gloria I 25 forðad || ðin fægere weorc / and ðu sunnandæg || sylf halgod
The Gloria I 26 sunnandæg || sylf halgodest / and gemærsodest hine || manegum
The Gloria I 27 ðone heahan dæg || healdað and freoðiað / ealle ða ðe cunn
The Gloria I 29 ðeawas / halige heortlufan || and ðæs hehstan gebod / on drihtn
The Gloria I 31 namon || se dæg is gewurðod / and nu and symble || ðine soðan
The Gloria I 32 symble || ðine soðan weorc / and ðin mycele miht || manegum s
The Gloria I 37 ige dreamas / clænre stefne || and cristene bec / eall middaneard
The Gloria I 38 istene bec / eall middaneard || and we men cweðað / on grunde her
The Gloria I 39 að / on grunde her || gode lof and ðanc / ece willa || and ðin a
The Gloria I 40 de lof and ðanc / ece willa || and ðin agen dom / and on worulda
The Gloria I 41 ce willa || and ðin agen dom / and on worulda woruld || wunað a
The Gloria I 41 d on worulda woruld || wunað and rixað / cyning innan wuldre ||
The Gloria I 42 rixað / cyning innan wuldre || and his ða gecorenan / heahðrymne
The Gloria I 44 iges gastes / wlitige englas || and wuldorgyfe / soðe sibbe || saw
The Gloria I 50 a || ofer middangeard / swutele and gesyne || ðæt ðu hy sylf w
A.6.21 53 eart cyning on riht, / clǣne and cræftiġ. || Þū ġe·cȳdd
The Gloria I 54 u eart cyning on riht / clæne and cræftig || ðu gecyddest ð
A.6.21 55 ġ God, || mann ġe·worhtest / and him inn dydest || oroþ and s
A.6.21 55 t / and him inn dydest || oroþ and sāwol, / sealdest word and ġe
The Gloria I 56 mihtig god || man geworhtest / and him on dydest || oruð and sa
The Gloria I 56 st / and him on dydest || oruð and sawul / sealdest word and gewit
The Gloria I 57 oruð and sawul / sealdest word and gewitt || and wæstma gecynd /
The Gloria I 57 l / sealdest word and gewitt || and wæstma gecynd / cyddest ðine
The Lord's Prayer III 8 in rice to us || rihtwis dema / and ðin geleafa || in lifdæge / o
The Lord's Prayer III 10 rum mode || mære ðurhwunige / and ðin willa mid us || weorðe
The Lord's Prayer III 19 gyf us gumena weard || gyltas and synna / and ure leahtras alet |
The Lord's Prayer III 20 ena weard || gyltas and synna / and ure leahtras alet || lices wu
The Lord's Prayer III 21 leahtras alet || lices wunda / and mandæda || swa we mildum wi
The Lord's Prayer III 25 m ðe wið us || oft agyltað / and him womdæde || witan ne ðen
The Lord's Prayer III 31 feondscipe || fremde weorðan / and wið yfele gefreo || us eac n
The Lord's Prayer III 33 locan / ðeoden engla || ðanc and wuldor / soð sigedrihten || se
The Creed 2 ða sciran gesceaft || sceope and worhtest / and eorðan wang ||
The Creed 3 sceaft || sceope and worhtest / and eorðan wang || ealne gesette
The Creed 7 ordfruma || eorðan wealdend / and ðu garsecges || grundas gewo
The Creed 8 rsecges || grundas geworhtest / and ðu ða menegu canst || mærr
The Creed 15 t ærende / onfeng freolice || and ðe fæder sylfne / under breos
The Creed 20 mnan bosm || fylde mid blisse / and heo cuðlice || cende swa mæ
The Creed 23 rofre gewearð || foldbuendum / and ymbe bethleem || bodedan engl
The Creed 26 weold / under romwarum || rices and doma / ða se deora frea || dea
The Creed 30 ne geomormod || iosep byrigde / and he of helle || huðe gefette /
The Creed 35 ices frea || recene of moldan / and he feowertig daga || folgeras
The Creed 36 folgeras sine / runum arette || and ða his rice began / ðone upli
The Creed 40 ð ofer ðæt || fylian wolde / and mid fæstum sefan || freode g
The Creed 47 naman || ðinga gerynum / soð and sigefæst || ofer side gescea
The Creed 48 ft / wereda wuldorgyfa || wlanc and ece / eac ic gelyfe || ðæt sy
The Creed 52 na heahcyning || her for life / and ic gemænscipe || mærne getr
The Creed 55 c gelyfe || leahtra gehwylces / and ic ðone ærest || ealra getr
Fragment of Psalm 101 2 ihten / gehyr heofones weard || and gehlyde min / to ðe becume ||
Fragment of Psalm 102 1 mine sawle || bliðe drihten / and eall min inneran || his ðone
Fragment of Psalm 102 1 mandædum || miltsade eallum / and ðine adle || ealle gehælde /
Fragment of Psalm 102 3 gesigefæste || soðre mildse / and ðe mildheorte || mode getrym
Fragment of Psalm 118 1 118 / / # / leofað sawul min || and ðe lustum hereð / and me ðin
Fragment of Psalm 118 2 min || and ðe lustum hereð / and me ðine domas || dædum fult
Fragment of Psalm 121 1 on ðinum mægne sib || mæst and fyrmest / and on ðinum torrum
Fragment of Psalm 121 2 gne sib || mæst and fyrmest / and on ðinum torrum wese || tidu
Fragment of Psalm 19 2 drihten cyng || dædum halne / and us eac gehyr || holdum mode / s
Fragment of Psalm 24 2 e wegas ðine || wise drihten / and me ðinra stiga || stapas eac
Fragment of Psalm 24 1 ær / / # / gerece me on ræde || and me ricene gelær / ðæt ic on
Fragment of Psalm 24 3 dest || syððan dagas wæron / and ðu wislice || ðas woruld ge
Fragment of Psalm 24 3 o georne || ðe ic geong dyde / and me uncuðe || æghwær wæron
Fragment of Psalm 27 2 do ðin folc || halig drihten / and ðin yrfe eac || eal gebletsa
Fragment of Psalm 27 3 bletsa / rece ðu heo swylce || and on riht ahefe / ðæt hi on wor
Fragment of Psalm 34 1 a me fuhtan to / / # / gegrip gar and scyld || and me georne gestan
Fragment of Psalm 34 1 o / / # / gegrip gar and scyld || and me georne gestand / on fultume
Fragment of Psalm 34 2 herewæpnum || wið unholdum / and wige beluc || wraðum feondum
Fragment of Psalm 43 1 alm 43 / / # / aris drihten nu || and us ricene do / fælne fultum ||
Fragment of Psalm 43 2 us ricene do / fælne fultum || and us æt feondum ahrede / forðon
Fragment of Psalm 5 2 u min onfoh || wuldres ealdor / and mid earum gehyr || ece drihte
Fragment of Psalm 5 3 m mode / ðu eart min cyning || and eac ece god / / # / forðon ic to
Fragment of Psalm 5 2 ece drihten / soðum gebidde || and ðu symble gehyr / morgena gehw
Fragment of Psalm 5 2 e æt stande || ær on morgen / and ðe sylfne geseo || forðon i
Fragment of Psalm 50 2 ram minum / fræcnum fyrenum || and nu forð heonon / eall min unri
Fragment of Psalm 50 2 e halig god || heortan clæne / and rihtne gast || god geniwa / on
Fragment of Psalm 50 2 ðinre hælu || holde blisse / and me ealdorlice || æðele gast
Fragment of Psalm 69 2 fultum / beheald drihten me || and me hraðe syððan / gefultuma
Fragment of Psalm 70 1 t of Psalm 70 / / # / sy min muð and min mod || mægne gefylled / ð
Fragment of Psalm 70 3 in lof mæge || lustum singan / and wuldor ðin || wide mærsian /
Fragment of Psalm 70 4 wuldor ðin || wide mærsian / and ðe ealne dæg || æghwær he
Fragment of Psalm 79 1 / # / gehweorf us mægna god || and us milde æteow / ðinne andwli
Fragment of Psalm 84 2 us hraðe || hælend drihten / and ðin yrre fram us || eac oncy
Fragment of Psalm 87 3 modgehygde || mægne clypode / and min gebed || morgena gehwylce
Fragment of Psalm 89 2 ine scealcas || swæsum eagum / and on ðin agen weorc || ece dri
Fragment of Psalm 89 3 in agen weorc || ece drihten / and heora bearn gerece || bliðum
The Kentish Hymn 4 an liofwendum || lifæs agend / and him simle sio || sigefæst wu
The Kentish Hymn 5 st wuldor / uppe mid ænglum || and on eorðan sibb / gumena gehwil
The Kentish Hymn 8 ðe heriað || halgum stefnum / and ðe blætsiað || bilewit fæ
The Kentish Hymn 9 blætsiað || bilewit fæder / and ðe ðanciað || ðioda walde
The Kentish Hymn 11 weorðlican || wuldordreames / and ðinra miclan || mægena gere
The Kentish Hymn 13 hafest on gewealdum || hiofen and eorðan / an ece fæder || ælm
The Kentish Hymn 16 ces / ðu eart sigefest sunu || and soð hælend / ofer ealle gesc
The Kentish Hymn 17 / ofer ealle gescæft || angla and manna / ðu dryhten god || on d
The Kentish Hymn 22 r / ðu eart heofenlic lioht || and ðæt halige lamb / ðe ðu man
The Kentish Hymn 33 dsa nu meahtig || manna cynne / and of leahtrum ales || ðine ða
The Kentish Hymn 34 || ðine ða liofan gescæft / and us hale gedo || heleða scepp
The Kentish Hymn 37 eart soðlice || simle halig / and ðu eart ana || æce dryhten /
The Kentish Hymn 38 ðu eart ana || æce dryhten / and ðu ana bist || eallra dema / c
The Kentish Hymn 40 an ðu on ðrymme ricsast || and on ðrinesse / and on annesse |
The Kentish Hymn 41 e ricsast || and on ðrinesse / and on annesse || ealles waldend /
Psalm 50 2 ð / israela bræga || æðelæ and rice / cyninga cynost || criste
Psalm 50 18 mid wordum || weorada dominus / and secgan het || selfum gecyðan
Psalm 50 23 mne ferdrinc || fere beserode / and him bezabe || brohte to wife /
Psalm 50 27 ðioda aldor / dauid georne || and to dryhtne gebæd / and his syn
Psalm 50 28 orne || and to dryhtne gebæd / and his synna hord || selfa onten
Psalm 50 30 e andhette / weoruda dryhtne || and ðus wordum spæc / miltsa ðu
A.6.26 35 miċelan || mild-heortnesse%. / And ēac aefter meniġu || miltsa
Psalm 50 43 ic unriht min || eal oncnawe / and eac synna gehwær || selfum
Psalm 50 48 nu ic anum ðe || oft syngode / and yfela feola || eac gefræmede
Psalm 50 57 hio cerrende || criste herdon / and hiom lif mid ðe || langsum b
Psalm 50 63 | hu me modor gebær / in scame and in sceldum || forgef me scepp
Psalm 50 66 mine ældran || ær geworhtan / and ic selfa eac || sioððan bee
Psalm 50 69 d benum || biddan wille / lifes and lisse || liohtes aldor / forða
Psalm 50 72 s / ðu me meahtig god || milde and bliðe / ðurh ysopon || ealne
Psalm 50 75 ic geclænsod || criste hero / and eac ofer snawe || self scinen
Psalm 50 84 fram synnum || saula neriend / and fram misdedum || minra gylta /
Psalm 50 86 ine ansione || ælmeahtig god / and ðurh miltsunga || meahta ði
Psalm 50 91 to ðolienne || ðinne willan / and to healdenne || halige domas /
Psalm 50 92 to healdenne || halige domas / and ðu rihtne gast || rodera wal
Psalm 50 101 re hælo heht || helm alwihta / and me lifgende || liohtes hiorde
Psalm 50 111 er mancynnes / fram blodgete || and bealaniðum / god lifigende ||
Psalm 50 113 igende || gylta geclansa / helo and helpend || hiofenrices weard /
Psalm 50 118 uð sioððan || mæhte ðine / and lof georne || liodum to blið
Psalm 50 128 ysta gast || hiorte geclansod / and geeadmeded || ingeðancum / ða
Psalm 50 133 sione dun || sigefest weorðe / and weallas sion || wynfæste get
Psalm 50 156 ynna hord || simle oferwinnan / and us geearnian || æce dreamas /
The Gloria II 1 The Gloria II / / wuldor sy ðe and wurðmynt || wereda drihten / f
The Gloria II 3 re gemæne / mid sylfan sunu || and soðum gaste / amen ||
A.6.27 3 e·mǣne, / mid selfan sunu || and sōðum gāste. || Amen.
A Prayer 5 æl ðu hy || heofena drihten / and gelacna ðu hy || lifes ealdo
A Prayer 12 || ðe on eorðan her / dæiges and nihtes || deofle campað / and
A Prayer 13 and nihtes || deofle campað / and hys willan wyrcð || wa him
A Prayer 14 nne he ða handlean || hafað and sceawað / bute he ðæs yfeles
A Prayer 17 se ðe on eorðan her / dæiges and nyhtes || drihtne hyræð / and
A Prayer 18 and nyhtes || drihtne hyræð / and a hys willan wyrcð || wel hy
A Prayer 19 nne he ða handlean || hafað and sceawað / gyf he ealteawne ||
A Prayer 25 || ðu eart eaðe god / hæfst and waldest || / ana ofer ealle ||
A Prayer 26 || / ana ofer ealle || eorðan and heofonas / syddra gesceafta ||
A Prayer 41 r / hu ðu mære eart || mihtig and mægenstrang / ealra cyninga cy
A Prayer 50 gelyfað || on lyfiendne god / and on ðæt ece leoht || uppe on
A Prayer 58 d / ðæt ðu eart se miccla || and se mægenstranga / and se eadmo
A Prayer 59 iccla || and se mægenstranga / and se eadmoda || ealra goda / and
A Prayer 60 / and se eadmoda || ealra goda / and se ece cyning || ealra gescea
A Prayer 61 ece cyning || ealra gesceafta / and ic eom se litla for ðe || an
A Prayer 61 nd ic eom se litla for ðe || and se lyðra man / se her syngige
A Prayer 63 gige || swiðe genehhe / dæges and nihtes || do swa ic ne sceold
A Prayer 66 rle scyldi / inwitniðas || oft and gelome / ac ic ðe halsige nu |
A Prayer 68 halsige nu || heofena drihten / and gebidde me to ðe || bearna s
A Prayer 70 drihten / heofena heahcyning || and se halga gast / and gefylste me
A Prayer 71 ahcyning || and se halga gast / and gefylste me || fæder ælmiht
Thureth 4 | ðus het me wyrcean / to loue and to wurðe || ðam ðe leoht g
Thureth 7 e on foldan || gefremian mæg / and him geðancie || ðeoda walde
Thureth 10 gemearcian || metode to lace / and he sceal æce lean || ealle f
The Seasons for Fasting 3 oysen || mærne lareow / anlyht and gelared || swa hine lifes fre
The Seasons for Fasting 6 for leodum / rincum to ræde || and him runa gescead / sylfum asæd
The Seasons for Fasting 10 ligde / heofena heahcyninges || and ða hæleð samod / swa hie on
The Seasons for Fasting 14 to leane / asende sigora god || and hie sona to him / fryða wilnod
The Seasons for Fasting 15 ona to him / fryða wilnodan || and ðær fundon raðe / gif hie le
The Seasons for Fasting 18 od / on ðam herescype || heold and worhte / ðendan hie lifes frea
The Seasons for Fasting 20 ac him se ende wearð || earm and ðrealic / ða hie besyredon ||
The Seasons for Fasting 22 fne dryhten / on beam setton || and to byrgenne / gedemdon || he ð
The Seasons for Fasting 24 don || he ðær bedigled wæs / and ðy ðryddan dæge || ðeodum
The Seasons for Fasting 26 ænige / on bocstafum || breman and writan / ðæt hie fæstenu ||
The Seasons for Fasting 28 ie fæstenu || feower heoldon / and ðonne offredan || unmæne ne
The Seasons for Fasting 33 f byrgenne || blæda gefylled / and mid heofenwarum || ham gesoht
The Seasons for Fasting 34 am gesohte / eard mid englum || and us eallum ðone / hyht and geha
The Seasons for Fasting 35 m || and us eallum ðone / hyht and gehateð || gyf we his willa
The Seasons for Fasting 40 for life / deorne dædfruman || and him geara gerim / ælmesdædum
The Seasons for Fasting 42 / ælmesdædum || ure gefyllan / and on fæstenum || swa se froda
The Seasons for Fasting 43 se froda iu / moyses mælde || and we ða mearce sceolan / heoldan
The Seasons for Fasting 51 geond romwara || rice nemneð / and ðær twelfe sceolan || torht
The Seasons for Fasting 73 rur full / dryhtnes gebyrde || and we mid deornum scylan / wordum
The Seasons for Fasting 74 we mid deornum scylan / wordum and weorcum || wuldres cyninge / in
The Seasons for Fasting 77 wylces / efne swa swa ærran || and ðone arwesan / leofne leoda fr
The Seasons for Fasting 80 stenum || is se feorða dæg / and sixta samod || seofoða getin
The Seasons for Fasting 82 o gelæstanne || lifes ealdre / and to bremenne || boca gerynum / e
A.6.31 95 . / Þus hē ġe·sette || self and dihte / þā þeġnunga, || þ
The Seasons for Fasting 106 u lengtentid || leoda nemnað / and hit ærest ongan || eorl se g
The Seasons for Fasting 109 sten heold || feowertig daga / and nyhta samod || swa he nahtes
The Seasons for Fasting 114 t hine leodum ðone || leoran and tæcan / elda orðancum || eall
The Seasons for Fasting 117 tene magon || freode gewinnan / and ða deopan || dryhtnes gerynu
The Seasons for Fasting 124 s engla sum || dihte togeanes / and se gestrangud wearð || styð
The Seasons for Fasting 126 gefæstenne || feowertig daga / and nihta samod || swa he nahtes
The Seasons for Fasting 139 a andlifene || ofstum ðycgen / and ðone deoran wist || dryhtnes
The Seasons for Fasting 151 sten her || fyrena gelæstað / and ðone uplican || æðel seca
The Seasons for Fasting 153 halig heofenes weord || heolp and lærde / he hine dyppan let ||
The Seasons for Fasting 156 tes bæðe || fyrena bedæled / and he feowertig daga || firsude
The Seasons for Fasting 161 winna / on ðæm ænete || eald and fræte / geseah mærne frean ||
The Seasons for Fasting 163 ærne frean || mannum gelicne / and ða wenan ongann || wommes ge
The Seasons for Fasting 167 inder gewat || hearmes brytta / and ðær englas hyra || ealdor s
The Seasons for Fasting 173 gum / ac he on hinder scrið || and ðe halig / englas ærfæste ||
The Seasons for Fasting 178 wertig daga || fæsten hewdon / and we bebeodað || ðurh beorn g
The Seasons for Fasting 182 hewe / oð ða nigoðan tid || and he na bruce / flæsces oððe f
The Seasons for Fasting 187 ond wese / folce gynd foldan || and ða fyrna sceolan / ðam sacerd
The Seasons for Fasting 189 m sacerdan || secgan gehwilce / and ða dymnissa || dædum betan /
The Seasons for Fasting 190 mnissa || dædum betan / wordes and weorces || wuldres ealdor / ðu
The Seasons for Fasting 197 rur hæfð / bitere onbolgen || and ðæs bote ne deð / ac ða æb
The Seasons for Fasting 211 ghwamlice || dryhten gremiað / and mid æfeste || ælcne forlæd
The Seasons for Fasting 214 on mergan || mæssan syngað / and forðegide || ðurste gebæde
The Seasons for Fasting 217 leaslice || leogan ongynnað / and ðone tæppere || tyhtað gel
The Seasons for Fasting 219 syllan mote / ostran to æte || and æðele wyn / emb morgentyd ||
The Seasons for Fasting 221 s ðe me ðingeð / ðæt hund and wulf || healdað ða ilcan / wi
The Seasons for Fasting 222 ða ilcan / wisan on worulde || and ne wigliað / hwæne hie to mos
The Seasons for Fasting 229 ig ðicgan / etan ostran eac || and oðerne / fisc of flode ||
Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version 2 ices weard / meotodes meahte || and his modgeðanc / weorc wuldorf
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 12 yning / awende worda gehwelc || and me his writerum / sende suð an
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 13 nd me his writerum / sende suð and norð || heht him swelcra ma /
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 9 t / ðonan hine hlodan || halge and gecorene / siððan hine gierdo
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 17 / ðurh dryhtnes giefe || diop and stille / sume hine lætað || o
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 20 gif swa hlutor wæter || hlud and undiop / tofloweð æfter feldu
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 5 ican hame || ðar byð a hyht and wyn / blis on burgum || ðam ð
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 9 is modgeðanc / æltowe byð || and ðonne ðurh his ingehygd / to
A.6.38 11 iġra || helpe ġe·līefeþ, / and hira bȳsene full·gāþ, ||
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 13 het || wulfstan bisceop / ðeow and ðearfa || ðæs ðe alne ðr
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 14 a || ðæs ðe alne ðrym aof / and eac walden is || wihta gehwel
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 17 on ðinum handum nu || hafast and sceawast / ðæt ðu him to ðe
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 20 her on || gemearcude siendon / and ðæt him god ællmihtig || /
A.6.38 20 inn || ġe·mearcode sindon, / and þæt him God æl-mehtiġ / for
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 22 a gyltas || ðe he geo worhte / and eac resðe mid him || se ðe
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 23 e ðe ah ealles rices geweald / and eac swa his beahgifan || ðe
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 3 s weard || ðe ðas boc ræde / and ða bredu befo || fira aldor /
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 8 ndigan || his aldre to willan / and him ðæs geunne || se ðe ah
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 6 mære, / [per crucem Christi]! And gebide þe ðonne þriwa east
A.6.43.10 6 ide þē þonne þrīwa ēast and || / cweþ þrīwa: Crux% Chri
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 7 Christi ab oriente reducat]. And [III] / west and cweð: [Crux C
A.6.43.10 7 % Christi ab oriente reducat. And [III]% || / west and cweþ: Cr
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 8 ente reducat]. And [III] / west and cweð: [Crux Christi ab occid
A.6.43.10 8 Christi ab occidente reducat. And || / [III]% sūþ and cweþ: C
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 9 e reducat]. And / [III] suð and cweð: [Crux Christi a meridi
A.6.43.10 9 Christi ā merīdie reducant. And || / [III]% norþ and cweþ: C
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 10 reducant]. And / [III] norð and cweð: [Crux Christi abscondi
A.6.43.10 10 educant. And || / [III]% norþ and cweþ: Crux Christi abscondit
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 1 me on ðisse gyrde beluce || and on godes helde bebeode / wið
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 5 egsa || ðe bið eghwam lað / and wið eal ðæt lað || ðe in
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 7 sigegyrd ic me wege / wordsige and worcsige || se me dege / ne me
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 10 urðe / ac gehæle me ælmihtig and sunu || and frofre gast / ealle
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 10 æle me ælmihtig and sunu || and frofre gast / ealles wuldres ||
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 13 de || heofna scyppende / abrame and isace || / and swilce men || m
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 14 cyppende / abrame and isace || / and swilce men || moyses and iaco
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 14 || / and swilce men || moyses and iacob / and dauit and iosep ||
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 15 wilce men || moyses and iacob / and dauit and iosep || / and evan
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 16 iacob / and dauit and iosep || / and evan and annan || and elizabe
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 16 sep || / and evan and annan || and elizabet / saharie and ec marie
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 17 annan || and elizabet / saharie and ec marie || modur cristes / and
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 18 and ec marie || modur cristes / and eac ðæ gebroðru || petrus
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 18 eac ðæ gebroðru || petrus and paulus / and eac ðusend || ði
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 19 ebroðru || petrus and paulus / and eac ðusend || ðinra engla / c
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 21 eallum feondum / hi me ferion and friðion || and mine fore ner
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 21 / hi me ferion and friðion || and mine fore nerion / eal me gehea
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 29 rof || lucos min swurd / scearp and scirecg || scyld iohannes / wul
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 34 ltse / siðfæt godne || smylte and lihte / windas on waroðum || w
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 41 on engla blæd || gestaðelod / and inna halre hand || heofna ric
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 10 ing ðu || alswa scerne awage / and weorne || alswa weter on anbr
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 12 gewurðe || alswa linsetcorn / and miccli lesse || alswa anes ha
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 13 alswa anes handwurmes hupeban / and alswa litel ðu gewurðe ||
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 4 wyrta / ðu miht wið ðreo || and wið ðritig / ðu miht wið at
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 5 ritig / ðu miht wið attre || and wið onflyge / ðu miht wið ð
A.6.43.2 7 an || þe ġond land færþ. / And þū, weġ-brāde, || wyrta m
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 11 / eallum ðu ðon wiðstode || and wiðstunedest / swa ðu wiðsto
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 12 t / swa ðu wiðstonde || attre and onflyge / and ðæm laðan ||
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 13 ðstonde || attre and onflyge / and ðæm laðan || ðe geond lon
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 34 eah / ðær geændade || æppel and attor / ðæt heo næfre ne wol
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 36 e wolde || on hus bugan / fille and finule || felamihtigu twa / ða
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 39 fonum || ða he hongode / sette and sænde || on seofun worulde / e
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 40 e || on seofun worulde / earmum and eadigum || eallum to bote / sto
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 42 attre / seo mæg wið ðreo || and wið ðritig / wið feondes hon
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 43 ðritig / wið feondes hond || and wið færbregde / wið malscrun
A.6.43.2 43 nd wiþ [XXX], / wiþ fēondes h and || and wiþ fǣr-breġde%, / wi
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 46 flogenum / wið nigun attrum || and wið nygon onflygnum / wið ðy
A.6.43.3 2 , swelċe || / man mid ofrað, and writan% þās naman on ǣlcre
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 6 sweostar / ða geændade heo || and aðas swor / ðæt næfre ðis
A.6.43.3 7 gā þonne ān mædenman tō and ho hit on || / his swēoran, a
A.6.43.3 8 d ho hit on || / his swēoran, and dō man swā þrīe daĝas; h
A.6.43.4 1 h / / Wiþ færstice feferfuiġe and sēo rēade netele, þe þurh
A.6.43.4 2 , þe þurh || / ærn inwyxð, and weġ-brāde; wyll on buteran.
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 7 wif || hyra mægen beræddon / and hy gyllende || garas sændan /
A.6.43.4 9 f || hira mæġen be·rǣdon / and hīe ġiellende || gāras sen
A.6.43.6 2 wītenes || / mannes byrġenne and stæppe þonne þrīwa ofer
A.6.43.6 3 rīwa ofer þā byrġenne || / and cweðe þonne þrīwa þās w
A.6.43.6 7 ne þæt wīf sēo mid bearne and hēo tō hire hlāforde || / o
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 9 bicgan / ðas sweartan wulle || and ðysse sorge corn / gehwer ferd
Metrical Charm 6: For Delayed Birth 12 / ðonne ic me wille habban || and ham gan
A.6.43.6 12 enum, || nealles mid fǣġan. / And þonne sēo mōdor ġe·fele
A.6.43.7 2 nne and þā ēaĝan tēarġe and wile lōcian niðer. || / Dō
A.6.43.8 2 under þīnum swīðran fēt, and cweþ: || / Fō iċ under fōt
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 3 || wið ealra wihta gehwilce / and wið andan || and wið æmind
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 3 ta gehwilce / and wið andan || and wið æminde / and wið ða mic
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 4 ið andan || and wið æminde / and wið ða micelan || mannes tu
A.6.43.8 5 wiþ ealra wihta ġe·hwelċe / and wiþ andan || and wiþ ǣ·my
A.6.43.8 5 e·hwelċe / and wiþ andan || and wiþ ǣ·mynde / and wiþ þā
A.6.43.8 6 andan || and wiþ ǣ·mynde / and wiþ þā miċelan || mannes
A.6.43.8 7 grēot, þonne hīe swierman, and || / cweþ: || / Sitte ġē, si
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 8 a bið manna gehwilc || metes and eðeles
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 2 des ðegen / find ðæt feoh || and fere ðæt feoh / and hafa ðæ
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 3 t feoh || and fere ðæt feoh / and hafa ðæt feoh || and heald
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 3 t feoh / and hafa ðæt feoh || and heald ðæt feoh / and fere ham
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 4 feoh || and heald ðæt feoh / and fere ham ðæt feoh || / ðæt
A.6.43.9 5 næs tō || / oþ·wyrċenne, and tō lufienne, næs tō oþ·l
A.6.43.9 7 es þeġn, / find þæt feoh || and fere þæt feoh / and hafa þæ
A.6.43.9 8 t feoh || and fere þæt feoh / and hafa þæt feoh || and heald
A.6.43.9 8 t feoh / and hafa þæt feoh || and heald þæt feoh / and fere hā
A.6.43.9 9 feoh || and heald þæt feoh / and fere hām þæt feoh. || / þ
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 10 cunne ic his mihta / his mægen and his mihta || and his mundcræ
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 10 a / his mægen and his mihta || and his mundcræftas / eall he weor
A.6.43.9 15 e iċ his meahta, / his mæġen and his meahta || and his mund-cr
A.6.43.9 15 his mæġen and his meahta || and his mund-cræftas. / Eall hē w
Instructions for Christians 3 an dæl; || he getyþað þe / and he ðe mænigfealdað || mycl
Instructions for Christians 12 tan mæig / man fram deofla || and beon metodes þeing. / An is æ
Instructions for Christians 14 rest || þæt he ofte do / wop and hreowe% || for his misdæda. /
Instructions for Christians 20 / þæt he gemettige || metas and drincas. / Ne synd þa þrowung
Instructions for Christians 26 eanig || winnað for Criste, / and eft swa ðeah || in ecnesse /
Instructions for Christians 30 ra saula. / æla, ðu ærma || and þu eorðlica / man ofer molda
Instructions for Christians 35 bið þær oht% betweon þe / and þæm neatum || ðe naht ne w
Instructions for Christians 37 || þæt þu her on locest, / and eal þæt þu her sceawast ||
Instructions for Christians 40 t selre lif || symble lufian / and æfre fleon || unrihte gestre
Instructions for Christians 46 im unþiaw || ælc mislicað / and ealra wyrrest || yfela getreo
Instructions for Christians 62 gðhade || metode to willan, / and for Cristes lufan || clæne g
Instructions for Christians 63 an. / Swa hwilc man swa mæg || and nu nele / geleornian hwæt-hwu
Instructions for Christians 65 hwugo, || he bið lað Gode, / and his saul bið || swiðe scyld
Instructions for Christians 69 gast. / Se forholena cræft || and forhyded god / ne bið ællung
Instructions for Christians 75 þu scealt gelome || gelæran and tæcan, / ða hwile þe ðe mi
Instructions for Christians 80 inum bearne% || bysne goda, / and eac swa some || eallum leoda;
Instructions for Christians 82 ðu geearnost || ece blisse / and æfter þisse weorlda || weor
Instructions for Christians 86 elæredon || longe gebetað, / and þone unlærdan || eac gelær
Instructions for Christians 89 þone earman || eac aræreð / and þa saula swa || some geclens
Instructions for Christians 90 saula swa || some geclensað / and þæt mod gedeþ || mycle ðe
Instructions for Christians 91 gedeþ || mycle ðe bliðre; / and heo eac æþelne gedeð || þ
Instructions for Christians 93 olsað. / Godd sceal% deman% || and gume þæncan; / þæt is riht
Instructions for Christians 96 cweðe. / Se ðe ear gifeð% || and eft oftihð / bearna gehwylce,
Instructions for Christians 100 eð || metes oððe drincas, / and his innoðe || riht gemetega
Instructions for Christians 112 ype / heofon-kyninges bebod || and halige þeawas. / þæt is for
Instructions for Christians 120 e || gumena gehwylcne / healan and gehyran, || þeah he heah-ges
Instructions for Christians 122 -rice || age mycelne / goldes and seolfres, || and eac godes fe
Instructions for Christians 122 elne / goldes and seolfres, || and eac godes fele / to habbanne |
Instructions for Christians 126 nd eal cristen folc || cyðan and læran, / þæt ða weologan |
Instructions for Christians 133 æt iu-dagum || Iacob hæfde / and Moyses eac || micele speda, /
Instructions for Christians 134 icele speda, / swylce Isaac || and Abraham; / and Dauide || driht
Instructions for Christians 135 swylce Isaac || and Abraham; / and Dauide || drihten sealde / win
Instructions for Christians 137 urgum mid || weolan unmete%; / and eac Noe hæfde || weoruld-weo
Instructions for Christians 147 e earman || oftost geholpen / and þa mettruman || myclum gehæ
Instructions for Christians 148 ettruman || myclum gehælede / and þa nacodan eac || niowum gew
Instructions for Christians 156 o Hieremie, / þan witegan, || and þus wordon cwæð / Far nu ymb
Instructions for Christians 158 e æll || eorðan rices, / sec and smeage, || swa ðu swiðost m
Instructions for Christians 160 ydigne wer, / þe wel wille || and gewyrcan swa, / recce and gesm
Instructions for Christians 161 e || and gewyrcan swa, / recce and gesmeage || soðne geleafan,
Instructions for Christians 168 de% || gehreowað his synna, / and fulfæstlice þencð || þæt
Instructions for Christians 173 ð-siðe. / Swa mon ma synna || and maran forlæt / drihtnes þanc
Instructions for Christians 176 þær mide || mede geearnað / and geofona ma || Godes ealmihtig
Instructions for Christians 216 ne, || gif hit forbugan mæg / and þurh eanig þing || æfre fo
Instructions for Christians 217 ig þing || æfre forceorran / and his synna swa some, || þeah
Instructions for Christians 218 eah he symle ne mage / bewacan and beweardian || and bewitan geo
Instructions for Christians 218 ge / bewacan and beweardian || and bewitan geornan; / ac þonne d
Instructions for Christians 225 ian / ures wealdendes || weorc and angin, / forþon ðe he is hea
Instructions for Christians 226 is heah-cræftig || heofonas and eorðan, / weoruldes waldend,
Instructions for Christians 227 eoruldes waldend, || wæteres and lyfte, / and eac ælra þæra
Instructions for Christians 228 dend, || wæteres and lyfte, / and eac ælra þæra || þe ðær
Instructions for Christians 245 ighwylcum% || gearwurðian, / and na ymb þe sylfum || na to we
Instructions for Christians 253 st, / þear is hope heagost || and sibbe ealra selost, / lif ealr
Instructions for Christians 254 elost, / lif ealra leofest, || and meda ealra mærost / þem ðe
Instructions for Christians 259 onum, || swa us se halga wer / and se apostol || Paulus gekydde.
Instructions for Christians 260 us gekydde. / An is geleafa, || and lufu oðer; / þridde is tohop
Cnut's Song 4 / Roweþ cnites noer the lant / and here we þes muneches sæng.
Godric's Prayer 2 5 ið þe in Godes riche. / Crist and Seinte Marie sio on scamel me
Grave 6 cealt. / Nu me sceæl þe meten and þa molde seoðða. / Ne bið n
Grave 8 ice itinbred: / Hit bið unheh and lah, þonne þu list þerinne
Grave 11 molde wunien ful calde, Dimme and deorcæ. / þet den fulæt on h
Grave 13 n honde. / Dureleas is þet hus and dearc hit is wiðinnen. / ðær
Grave 14 . / ðær þu bist feste bidytt and dæð hefð þa cæge. / Ladlic
Grave 15 æge. / Ladlic is þet eorðhus and grim inne to wunien. / ðer þu
Grave 16 unien. / ðer þu scealt wunien and wurmes þe todeleð. / ðus ðu
Grave 17 todeleð. / ðus ðu bist ilegd and ladæst þine fronden. / Nefst
Grave 21 and þe æfter lihten. / For sone
Grave 22 ten. / For sone þu bist ladlic and lad to iseonne. / For sone bið
Distich on the Sons of Lothebrok 1 the Sons of Lothebrok / / Ynguar and Ubbe || Beorn was þe þridde
The Battle of Finnsburh 15 || drihtlice cempan / sigeferþ and eaha || hyra sword getugon / an
The Battle of Finnsburh 16 nd eaha || hyra sword getugon / and æt oþrum durum || ordlaf an
The Battle of Finnsburh 16 nd æt oþrum durum || ordlaf and guþlaf / and hengest sylf || h
The Battle of Finnsburh 17 m durum || ordlaf and guþlaf / and hengest sylf || hwearf him on
The Battle of Finnsburh 35 w || hræfen wandrode / sweart and sealobrun || swurdleoma stod /
The Battle of Finnsburh 45 en wære / heresceorp unhror || and eac wæs his helm þyrel / þa
Waldere, Fragment II 4 ric widian / selfum onsendon || and eac sinc micel / maþma mid þi
Waldere, Fragment II 15 genan hand || hilde gefremede / and getwæmde /þewigges || feta
Waldere, Fragment II 18 eaxelum || ælfheres laf / god and geapneb || golde geweorþod / e
Waldere, Fragment II 25 an || se þe symle byþ / recon and rædfest || ryh/ /a gehwilces
Waldere B 5 ic Widian / selfum onsendon, || and eac sinc micel / maðma mid ði
Waldere B 16 genan hand || hilde gefremede / and getwæmde /ðewigges. || Feta
Waldere B 19 eaxelum || ælfheres laf, / god and geapneb, || golde geweorðod,
Waldere B 26 an || se ðe symle byð / recon and rædfest || ryh/ /a gehwilces
The Battle of Maldon 2 hors forlætan / feor afysan || and forþ gangan / hicgan to handum
The Battle of Maldon 3 þ gangan / hicgan to handum || and to hige godum / þa þæt offan
A.6.9 4 ngan, / hyċġan tō heandum || and tō% hyġe gōdum. / Þā% þæ
The Battle of Maldon 7 an / hafoc wiþ þæs holtes || and to þære hilde stop / be þam
A.6.9 8 an / hafoc wiþ þæs holtes || and tō ðǣre hilde stōp; / be þ
The Battle of Maldon 14 handum || healdan mihte / bord and bradswurd || beot he gelæste
A.6.9 15 eandum || healdan meahte / bord and brād-sweord; || bēot hē ġ
The Battle of Maldon 17 ongan || beornas trymian / rad and rædde || rincum tæhte / hu hi
The Battle of Maldon 18 hte / hu hi sceoldon standan || and þone stede healdan / and bæd
A.6.9 18 gann || beornas trymian, / rād and rǣdde, || rincum tǣhte / hū
The Battle of Maldon 19 an || and þone stede healdan / and bæd þæt hyra randas || rih
A.6.9 19 / hū hīe sċoldon standan || and þone stede healdan, / and bæd
The Battle of Maldon 20 heoldon / fæste mid folman || and ne forhtedon na / þa he hæfde
A.6.9 20 n || and þone stede healdan, / and bæd þæt hira randas% || ri
A.6.9 21 hēolden / fæste mid folmum || and ne forhteden nā. / Þā hē h
The Battle of Maldon 30 raþe / beagas wiþ gebeorge || and eow betere is / þæt ge þisne
A.6.9 31 ēaĝas wiþ ġe·beorĝe; || and ēow betere is / þæt ġe þis
The Battle of Maldon 37 ylfra dom / feoh wiþ freode || and niman friþ æt us / we willaþ
The Battle of Maldon 39 scype gangan / on flot feran || and eow friþes healdan / byrhtnoþ
A.6.9 41 ipe gangan, / on flot feran || and ēow friðes healdan.’ / Byrh
The Battle of Maldon 42 ne æsc || wordum mælde / yrre and anræd || ageaf him andsware /
A.6.9 44 sċ, || wordum mǣlde, / ierre and ān-rǣd || ā·ġeaf him and
The Battle of Maldon 45 garas syllan / ættrynne ord || and ealde swurd / þa heregeatu ||
A.6.9 47 āras sellan, / ǣtrenne ord || and ealde sweord, / þā here-ġeat
The Battle of Maldon 52 es eard || ealdres mines / folc and foldan || feallan sceolon / hæ
A.6.9 54 eard, || ealdres mīnes, / folc and foldan. || Feallan sċulon / h
The Battle of Maldon 58 || sinc gegangan / us sceal ord and ecg || ær geseman / grim guþp
A.6.9 60 ġe·ġangan; / ūs sċeall ord and eċġ || ǣr ġe·sēman, / gri
The Battle of Maldon 67 e bestodon / eastseaxena ord || and se æschere / ne mihte hyra æn
A.6.9 69 ·stōdon, / East-Seaxna ord || and sē æsċ-here. / Ne meahte hir
The Battle of Maldon 78 ane || wigan unforhte / ælfere and maccus || modige twegen / þa n
A.6.9 80 | wiĝan unforhte, / Ælf·here and Maccus, || mōdġe twēġen, /
The Battle of Maldon 82 ston / þa hi þæt ongeaton || and georne gesawon / þæt hi þær
A.6.9 84 ā hīe þæt on·ġēaton || and ġeorne ġe·sāwon / þæt hī
The Battle of Maldon 100 m het / wyrcan þone wihagan || and þæt werod healdan / fæste wi
A.6.9 102 wyrċan þone wīġ-haĝan || and þæt weorod healdan / fæste w
The Battle of Maldon 129 n up ahof / bord to gebeorge || and wiþ þæs beornes stop / eode
A.6.9 131 ōf, / bord tō ġe·beorĝe || and wiþ þæs beornes stōp. / Ēo
The Battle of Maldon 135 e || þæt se sceaft tobærst / and þæt spere sprengde || þæt
A.6.9 137 æt sē sċeaft tō·bærst, / and þæt spere sprengde, || þæ
The Battle of Maldon 159 ornes || beagas gefecgan / reaf and hringas || and gerenod swurd /
The Battle of Maldon 159 gefecgan / reaf and hringas || and gerenod swurd / þa byrhtnoþ b
The Battle of Maldon 161 bræd || bill of sceþe / brad and bruneccg || and on þa byrnan
The Battle of Maldon 161 f sceþe / brad and bruneccg || and on þa byrnan sloh / to raþe h
A.6.9 163 d || bill of sċēaðe, / brād and brūn-eċġ || and on þā by
A.6.9 163 ðe, / brād and brūn-eċġ || and on þā byrnan slōh. / Tō ra
The Battle of Maldon 180 e heowon || hæþene scealcas / and begen þa beornas || þe him
The Battle of Maldon 181 | þe him big stodon / ælfnoþ and wulmær || begen lagon / þa on
A.6.9 182 hēowon || hǣðne sċealcas / and bēġen þā beornas || þe h
A.6.9 183 him biġ stōdon, / Ælf·nōþ and Wulf·mǣr || bēġen lāĝon
The Battle of Maldon 185 n fleame / godric fram guþe || and þone godan forlet / þe him m
A.6.9 187 ame, / Godrīċ fram gūðe || and þone gōdan for·lēt / þe hi
The Battle of Maldon 189 ædum || þe hit riht ne wæs / and his broþru mid him || begen
The Battle of Maldon 190 him || begen ærndon / godwine and godwig || guþe ne gymdon / ac
The Battle of Maldon 191 n / ac wendon fram þam wige || and þone wudu sohton / flugon on
A.6.9 191 dum || þe hit riht ne wæs, / and his brōðru mid him || bēġ
The Battle of Maldon 192 on / flugon on þæt fæsten || and hyra feore burgon / and manna m
A.6.9 192 | bēġen ærndon%, / God·wine and God·wīġ, || gūðe ne ġī
The Battle of Maldon 193 sten || and hyra feore burgon / and manna ma || þonne hit ænig
A.6.9 193 c wendon fram þām wīġe || and þone wudu sōhton, / fluĝon o
A.6.9 194 , / fluĝon on þæt fæsten || and hira fēore burgon, / and manna
A.6.9 195 en || and hira fēore burgon, / and manna mā || þonne hit ǣni
The Battle of Maldon 222 t / he wæs ægþer min mæg || and min hlaford / þa he forþ eode
A.6.9 224 ē wæs ǣgðer% min mǣġ || and min hālford.’ / Þā hē for
The Battle of Maldon 227 ongan þa winas manian / frynd and geferan || þæt hi forþ eod
A.6.9 229 nn þā winas manian, / frīend and ġe·fēran, || þæt hīe fo
The Battle of Maldon 234 le þe he wæpen mæge / habban and healdan || heardne mece / gar a
The Battle of Maldon 235 d healdan || heardne mece / gar and godswurd || us godric hæfþ /
A.6.9 236 þe hē wǣpen mæġe / habban and healdan, || heardne mēċe, / g
A.6.9 237 ldan, || heardne mēċe, / gār and gōd-sweord. || Ūs Godrīċ
The Battle of Maldon 242 aflymde / leofsunu gemælde || and his linde ahof / bord to gebeor
A.6.9 244 ’ / Leof·sunu ġe·mǣlde || and his linde ā·hōf, / bord tō
The Battle of Maldon 251 ac me sceal wæpen niman / ord and iren || he ful yrre wod / feaht
A.6.9 253 mē sċeall wǣpen niman, / ord and iren.’ || Hē full ierre w
The Battle of Maldon 260 ce feohtan / grame garberend || and god bædon / þæt hi moston ge
The Battle of Maldon 262 gewrecan || hyra winedrihten / and on hyra feondum || fyl gewyrc
A.6.9 262 feohtan, / grame gār-berend || and god bǣdon / þæt hīe mosten
A.6.9 264 ·wrecan || hira wine-drihten / and on hira fēondum || fiell ġe
The Battle of Maldon 272 od || eadweard se langa / gearo and geornful || gylpwordum spræc
A.6.9 274 Ēad·weard sē langa, / ġearu and ġeornfull, || ġielp-wordum
The Battle of Maldon 275 g / he bræc þone bordweall || and wiþ þa beornas feaht / oþþ
A.6.9 277 Hē bræc þone bord-weall || and wiþ þā beornas feaht, / oþ
The Battle of Maldon 279 þeric || æþele gefera / fus and forþgeorn || feaht eornoste /
The Battle of Maldon 280 eornoste / sibyrhtes broþor || and swiþe mænig oþer / clufon ce
A.6.9 281 , || æðele ġe·fēra, / fūs and forþ-ġeorn, || feaht eornos
The Battle of Maldon 282 redon / bærst bordes lærig || and seo byrne sang / gryreleoþa su
A.6.9 284 don; / bærst bordes læriġ || and sēo byrne sang / gryre-lēoða
The Battle of Maldon 285 || þæt he on eorþan feoll / and þær gaddes mæg || grund ge
A.6.9 287 þæt hē on eorðan fēoll, / and ðǣr Gaddes mǣġ || grund
The Battle of Maldon 302 | wæl feol on eorþan / oswold and eadwold || ealle hwile / begen
A.6.9 304 l fēoll on eorðan. / Ōswold and Ēadwold || ealle hwīle, / bē
The Battle of Maldon 322 am folce || fyrmest eode / heow and hynde || oþþæt he on hilde
brada - 3 occurrences
Christ C 1144 beofode on bearhtme || ond se brada sæ / cyðde cræftes meaht ||
The Paris Psalter 79:10 1 || eall gefylled / / # / his se brada scua || beorgas þeahte / and h
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 5 anwyllesgeat || and humbra ea / brada brimstream || burga fife / ligo
brimstream - 1 occurrences
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 5 esgeat || and humbra ea / brada brimstream || burga fife / ligoraceaster |
brimstrēam - 1 occurrences
A.6.10.2 5 eat || and Humbra êa, / brāda brim-strēam. || Burga fīfe, / Liġoraceaste
brāda - 3 occurrences
Christ C 1144 bifode on bearhtme || and sē brāda sǣ / cȳðde cræftes meaht ||
The Paris Psalter 79:10 1 eall ġe·fylled. / / # / His sē brāda sċua || beorġas þeahte, / an
A.6.10.2 5 yllesġeat || and Humbra êa, / brāda brim-strēam. || Burga fīfe,
burga - 17 occurrences
Daniel 63 || agan sceoldon / oþþæt hie burga gehwone || abrocen hæfdon / þ
Daniel 676 ridde cneow / wæs baldazar || burga aldor / weold wera rices || oþ
Daniel 693 || þara þe men bun / babilon burga || oþþæt baldazar / þurh gy
Daniel 712 ulpon / þa wearþ bliþemod || burga aldor / gealp gramlice || gode
Christ and Satan 86 man / bearn helendes || agan me burga gewald / eall to æhte || and
Christ and Satan 138 ic hihtlicran || hames brucan / burga ne bolda || ne on þa beorhta
Christ and Satan 601 e stefne / beman blawan || ofer burga geseotu / geond foldan sceatas
Elene 152 bold secan / beadurof cyning || burga neosan / heht þa wigena weard
Christ A 66 byrd || cwædon ðe to frofre / burga betlicast || nu is ðæt bear
Christ C 1239 að / blæde ond byrhte || ofer burga gesetu / him on scinað || ærg
Judith 58 earð se brema on mode / bliðe burga ealdor || ðohte ða beorhtan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 18 mana || rice gewunnen / abrocen burga cyst || beadurincum wæs / rom
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 42 hydde || her on worulde / geond burga fela || beorhte cræftas / unri
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 5 humbra ea / brada brimstream || burga fife / ligoraceaster || and lin
A.6.12 24 / blǣd and blisse || and ēac burga ġe·niht. / //H// hæġl biþ
A.6.13 101 fer·bryċġeþ, / ġe·briceþ burga ġeat, || bealdlīċe færeþ
Solomon and Saturn 116 tum he oferbricgeþ / gebryceþ burga geat || baldlice fereþ / reafa
cyning - 256 occurrences
Genesis A 107 e ēaĝum wlāt / stīþ-ferhþ cyning, || and þā stōwe be·hēold
Genesis A 192 / þa gebletsode || bliþheort cyning / metod alwihta || monna cynnes
Genesis B 241 || halig drihten / stiþferhþ cyning || stod his handgeweorc / somod
Genesis B 338 iþost / þa spræc se ofermoda cyning || þe ær wæs engla scynost
Genesis A 978 n abeles gield || eagum sinum / cyning eallwihta || caines ne wolde /
Genesis A 1210 somed / ac he cwic gewat || mid cyning engla / of þyssum lænan || li
Genesis A 1406 treamum stigan || stiþferhþ cyning / þa gemunde god || mereliþen
Genesis A 1683 nd þæs unrædes / stiþferhþ cyning || steore gefremede / þa he re
Genesis A 1784 ig / cynne cananeis || þa hine cyning engla / abrahame || iewde selfa
Genesis A 1946 leardum / cananea forþ || hine cyning engla / metod moncynnes || mund
Genesis A 2378 e || a his tir metod / domfæst cyning || dugeþum iecte / on woruldri
Genesis A 2425 n || ac him to sende / stiþmod cyning || strange twegen / aras sine |
Genesis A 2672 ng æfter swefne || heht sylf cyning / him þa abraham to || ofstum
Genesis A 2795 þ guman / cearum on clommum || cyning engla spræc / to abrahame || e
Genesis A 2847 þæs rinces || se rica ongan / cyning costigan || cunnode georne / hw
Exodus 9 e || weroda drihten / soþfæst cyning || mid his sylfes miht / gewyr
Exodus 141 ne gymdon / þeah þe se yldra cyning || ær ge/ / þa wearþ yrfewea
Exodus 175 rd gumena || grimhelm gespeon / cyning cinberge || cumbol lixton / wig
Exodus 390 a || sunu dauides / wuldorfæst cyning || witgan larum / getimbrede ||
Exodus 421 s gecyþed / nu þin cunnode || cyning alwihta / þæt þu wiþ walden
Daniel 95 cle || þær se hæþena sæt / cyning corþres georn || in caldea b
Daniel 100 ad || babilone weard / swiþmod cyning || sinum þegnum / þæt þa fr
Daniel 135 liþe || andswarode / wulfheort cyning || witgum sinum / næron ge swa
Daniel 161 ætte sona ongeat || swiþmod cyning / ord and ende || þæs þe him
Daniel 198 n ne healdan || ac þone hean cyning / gasta hyrde || þe him gife s
Daniel 224 n wære / þa wearþ yrre anmod cyning || het he ofn onhætan / to cwa
Daniel 246 blacan fyres / wolde wulfheort cyning || wall onsteallan / iserne ymb
Daniel 268 gefægon / geseah þa swiþmod cyning || þa he his sefan ontreowde
Daniel 430 þonne þu þurfe / het þa se cyning to him || cnihtas gangan / hyss
Daniel 528 || frægn ofer ealle / swiþmod cyning || hwæt þæt swefen bude / na
Daniel 599 an || þurh gylp micel / caldea cyning || þa he ceastergeweorc / babi
Daniel 621 e / wildeora westen || winburge cyning / þa se earfoþmæcg || up loc
Daniel 667 mihtig || folca ræswa / caldea cyning || oþþæt him cwelm gesceod
Daniel 701 ble || siþestan dæge / caldea cyning || mid cneomagum / þær meduga
Christ and Satan 256 adrifan || of þam deoran ham / cyning of cestre || cuþ is wide / þ
Christ and Satan 259 him / rice haldeþ || he is ana cyning / þe us eorre gewearþ || ece
A.1.4 615 að || mid his swīðran hond / cyning æl-wihta, || clipaþ ofer ea
Christ and Satan 655 hehfæder || halgum stefnum / cyning in cestre || cweþaþ ealle
Christ and Satan 661 cel / sang æt selde || is sylf cyning / ealra aldor || in þære ecan
Christ and Satan 669 n helle gedeaf / þa costode || cyning alwihta / brohte him to bearme
Christ and Satan 8 ora rices || gif þu seo riht cyning / engla and monna || swa þu æ
A.1.4 9 ċes, || ġif þū sēo riht cyning / engla and manna, || swā þū
Christ and Satan 18 u gemettes || meotod alwihta / cyning moncynnes || cer þe on bæcl
A.1.4 19 e·mettes || metod æl-wihta, / cyning mann-cynnes. || Ċierr% þē
Andreas 120 an / eþelrice || he is on riht cyning / staþolfæst styrend || in st
Andreas 145 eadurofne || þæs him beorht cyning / engla ordfruma || unnan wolde
Andreas 324 nd / gecoren to cempum || he is cyning on riht / wealdend ond wyrhta |
A.2.1 416 || rīċe þēoden, / wǣrfæst cyning, || word stunde ā·hōf: / ‘
Andreas 450 igo ongan / clypian on ceole || cyning sona aras / engla eadgifa || y
Andreas 485 þu me getæhte || nu þe tir cyning / ond miht forgef || manna scyp
Andreas 538 stefne / cempa collenferhþ || cyning wyrþude / wuldres waldend || o
Andreas 700 fta gecyþde || þæt he wæs cyning on riht / ofer middangeard || m
A.2.1 828 ō ðǣre ċeastre || þe him cyning engla / þā þā āras sīðia
A.2.1 880 es sunu, / for Crīst cumen, || cyning Israhela. / Swelċe we ġe·sǣ
Andreas 903 eotud ælmihtig / bliþe beorht cyning || ic on brimstreame / spræc w
A.2.1 912 ewed || on þā īlcan tīd, / cyning cwicera ġe·hwæs, || þurh
A.2.1 978 ofonas sēċan, / ealra cyninga cyning, || þone clǣnan hām, / ēaþ-
Andreas 1055 algum stefnum / cempan coste || cyning weorþadon / wyrda waldend ||
A.2.1 1192 e·sċēaf, / ðǣr þe cyninga cyning || clamme be·leġde, / and þe
Andreas 1325 esnyþede / forcom æt campe || cyning iudea / rices berædde || ond h
Andreas 1505 þe ælmihtig / hateþ heofona cyning || þæt þu hrædlice / on þi
Andreas 1509 sincgife sylla || on þe sylf cyning / wrat wuldres god || wordum cy
Andreas 1517 u miht gecnawan || þæt þe cyning engla / gefrætwode || furþur
Andreas 1603 syne || þæt þe soþ meotud / cyning eallwihta || cræftum wealde
Andreas 54 id englum || þæt is æþele cyning
The Fates of the Apostles 27 eres hade || syþþan wuldres cyning / engla ordfruma || eorþan soh
The Fates of the Apostles 69 s || þurh yrne hyge / wælreow cyning || wæpnum aswebban / hyrde we
The Fates of the Apostles 119 || þær is hihta mæst / þær cyning engla || clænum gildeþ / lean
Dream of the Rood 44 s ic aræred || ahof ic ricne cyning / heofona hlaford || hyldan me
Dream of the Rood 133 dreamum || sohton him wuldres cyning / lifiaþ nu on heofenum || mid
Elene 13 under roderum || he wæs riht cyning / guþweard gumena || hine god
Elene 32 ergum to hilde || swylce huna cyning / ymbsittendra || awer meahte / a
A.2.6 49 on tō hilde || þonne% Hūna cyning; / ridon ymb rōfne, || þonne r
Elene 51 nd dynede / campwudu clynede || cyning þreate for / herge to hilde ||
Elene 56 gen samnode / cafe to cease || cyning wæs afyrhted / egsan geaclad |
Elene 62 rime || modsorge wæg / romwara cyning || rices ne wende / for werodle
Elene 79 glad / constantinus || heht þe cyning engla / wyrda wealdend || wære
Elene 96 ar somed / on clænra gemang || cyning wæs þy bliþra / ond þe sorg
Elene 104 inus || cristes rode / tireadig cyning || tacen gewyrcan / heht þa on
Elene 129 treo / aræran heht || romwara cyning / heaþofremmende || wurdon hea
Elene 145 t sige forgeaf / constantino || cyning ælmihtig / æt þam dægweorce
Elene 152 || þryþbold secan / beadurof cyning || burga neosan / heht þa wige
Elene 158 ongan || folces aldor / sigerof cyning || ofer sid weorod / wære þæ
Elene 195 um || sinces brytta / niþheard cyning || wæs him niwe gefea / befole
Elene 342 urh weres frige / be þam dauid cyning || dryhtleoþ agol / frod fyrnw
Elene 392 bethleme || bearn wealdendes / cyning anboren || cenned wære / æþe
Elene 14 m gefylled / þe þone ahangnan cyning || heriaþ ond lofiaþ / þa ic
A.2.6 15 ylled, / þe% þone ā·hangnan cyning || herġaþ and lofiaþ.’ /
Elene 21 n ær / þæt he crist wære || cyning on roderum / soþ sunu meotudes
A.2.6 22 r / þæt hē Crīst wǣre, || cyning on roderum, / sōþ sunu metode
A.2.6 361 ċe æl-mehtiġ, || Israhela cyning, / wealde wīdan ferhþ || wuldr
Elene 426 ær / oþþæt him gecyþde || cyning ælmihtig / wundor for weorodum
A.2.6 427 þ·þæt him ġe·cȳðde || cyning æl-mehtiġ / wunder for weorod
Elene 488 || ic awecce wiþ þe / oþerne cyning || se ehteþ þin / ond he forl
A.2.6 489 ·weċċe% wiþ þē / ōðerne cyning, || sē ēhteþ þīn, / and hē
Elene 494 sæcest fæste / þone ahangnan cyning || þam þu hyrdest ær / him
A.2.6 495 cest fæste / þone ā·hangnan cyning, || þām þū hīerdest ǣr.
Elene 502 nfrea || þæt þe se mihtiga cyning / in neolnesse || nyþer bescuf
A.2.6 503 a, || þæt þe% sē mihtĝa cyning / on neowolnesse || niðer be·
Elene 651 na þrym / þæt þe gecyþe || cyning ælmihtig / hord under hrusan |
A.2.6 652 ymm / þæt þe ġe·cȳðe, || cyning æl-mehtiġ, / hord under hrūs
A.2.6 713 lǣste, || fæder on roderum, / cyning æl-mehtiġ, || þæt sēo cw
Christ A 12 t se cræftga cume || ond se cyning sylfa / ond ðonne gebete || nu
Christ A 18 a ðu reccend || ond ðu riht cyning / se ðe locan healdeð || lif
Christ A 61 a gehwone || hu ðec heofones cyning / siðe geseceð || ond sylf cy
Christ A 136 t gomele gefyrn / ealra cyninga cyning || ond ðone clænan eac / sace
Christ A 215 ond ðu sibsuma / ealra cyninga cyning || crist ælmihtig / hu ðu ær
Christ A 372 heanlice || cym nu hæleða cyning / ne lata to lange || us is lis
Christ B 494 res aras / cwomun on corðre || cyning ure gewat / ðurh ðæs temples
Christ B 528 || wolcnum bifongen / heahengla cyning || ofer hrofas upp / haligra he
Christ B 565 na wyrpum || siððan wuldres cyning / heofonrices helm || hilde gef
Christ B 578 e in to eow || ealles waldend / cyning on ceastre || corðre ne lytl
Christ B 618 der swæsne || fæhða mæste / cyning anboren || cwide eft onhwearf
Christ B 687 d meahtig || geofum unhneawum / cyning alwihta || cræftum weorðað
Christ B 703 of grundum || godbearn astag / cyning clænra gehwæs || ða seo ci
Christ B 715 ðæt geweorðeð || ðætte cyning engla / meotud meahtum swið ||
Christ B 732 heap forbygde / in cwicsusle || cyning inne gebond / feonda forespreca
Christ B 797 onne cen cwacað || gehyreð cyning mæðlan / rodera ryhtend || sp
Christ B 827 des / beofiað ðonne || beorht cyning leanað / ðæs ðe hy on eorð
Christ B 832 raðlic ondlean / ðonne mægna cyning || on gemot cymeð / ðrymma m
Christ C 1009 genðrymme cymeð / heofonengla cyning || halig scineð / wuldorlic of
Christ C 1038 eortan gehygd || fore heofona cyning / ðonne bið geyced || ond gee
Christ C 1165 || on sidne grund / tirmeahtig cyning || forðon he hine tredne him
Christ C 1208 sorga mæste || hu se sylfa cyning / mid sine lichoman || lysde of
Christ C 1588 wuldres lean / ðætte heofones cyning || on ða halgan tid / soðfæs
Widsith 34 eald wæs haten || herefarena cyning / offa weold ongle || alewih de
Widsith 67 to leane || næs ðæt sæne cyning / mid froncum ic wæs ond mid f
Widsith 89 ealle ðrage / ðær me gotena cyning || gode dohte / se me beag forg
Maxims I 58 dað / cene men gecynde rice || cyning bið anwealdes georn / lað se
Maxims I 81 des monnes || dom bið selast / cyning sceal mid ceape || cwene gebi
The Order of the World 32 ealdre || ðæs ðe us se eca cyning / on gæste wlite || forgiefan
The Order of the World 93 geseoð symle || hyra sylfra cyning / eagum on wlitað || habbað
The Order of the World 95 wihte won || ðam ðe wuldres cyning / geseoð in swegle || him is s
Guthlac A 17 ðær se hyhsta / ealra cyninga cyning || ceastrum wealdeð / ðæt si
Guthlac A 682 / rodera rice || ðær is ryht cyning / help ond hælu || hæleða cy
Guthlac B 822 ynnes / of ðære clænestan || cyning ælmihtig / foldan geworhte ||
Deor 23 tena rices || ðæt wæs grim cyning / sæt secg monig || sorgum geb
Riddles 2 9 tberend / cwelle compwæpnum || cyning mec gyrweð / since ond seolfre
Riddles 20 9 berend / cwelle compwæpnum. || Cyning mec gyrweð / since ond seolfre
Riddles 4 3 is se reccend || ond on ryht cyning / ealra anwalda || eorðan ond
A.3.22.40 3 is sē reccend || and on riht cyning / ealra an-wealda, || eorðan a
Riddles 40 4 is se reccend || ond on ryht cyning / ealra anwalda, || eorþan ond
The Judgment Day I 95 waldend cwæð / ealra cyninga cyning || forðon cwicra gehwylc / deo
Resignation 14 ond on me sylfum || soðfæst cyning / ræd arære || regnðeof ne l
Resignation 24 wylces / ðara ðu me soðfæst cyning || sendan wylle / to cunnunge |
Resignation 40 onstep minne hige / gæsta god cyning || in gearone ræd / nu ic fund
Resignation 50 on ðinne neawest || nergende cyning / meotud for ðinre miltse ||
The Descent into Hell 40 n / clustor of ðam ceastrum || cyning in oðrad / ealles folces fruma
The Descent into Hell 85 la maria || hu ðu us modigne / cyning acendest || ða ðu ðæt cil
Azarias 77 eafta / bletsige ðec soðfæst cyning || sunne ond mona / leohte leom
Azarias 99 ec dæg ond niht || domfæst cyning / lofigen ond lufigen || [lux e
Azarias 103 hi ðæt longe / ond ðec crist cyning || ceolas weorðian / fæder fo
Azarias 114 am lissum || ðe us se leofa cyning / ece dryhten || ær gesette / si
Azarias 122 hyrde / bletsige ðec soðfæst cyning || sæs ond wætra / hea holmas
Azarias 133 ðinne willan || wuldorfæst cyning / ond ðec ealle æsprynge || e
Azarias 137 clife clænum || ðæt us se cyning gescop / monnum to miltse || on
Azarias 148 e ðine sacerdas || soðfæst cyning / milde mæsseras || mærne dry
The Phoenix 175 reowe forgiefen || tirmeahtig cyning / meotud moncynnes || mine gefr
The Phoenix 344 m / cræftum cyðað || ond for cyning mærað / leofne leodfruman ||
The Phoenix 356 ong in geardum || god ana wat / cyning ælmihtig || hu his gecynde b
The Phoenix 496 n on moldan || swa se mihtiga cyning / beodeð brego engla || byman
The Phoenix 514 es gæst / fore cristes cneo || cyning ðrymlice / of his heahsetle ||
The Phoenix 614 ðu ne yldo || him se æðela cyning / forgifeð goda gehwylc || ð
The Phoenix 664 / rodera rice || he is on ryht cyning / middangeardes || ond mægenð
Juliana 4 | se geond middangeard / arleas cyning || eahtnysse ahof / cwealde cri
Juliana 224 ra gehwylces || ðæt is soð cyning / ða ðam folctogan || fracuð
Juliana 289 deofol genom / // ealra cyninga cyning || to cwale syllan / ða gen ic
Juliana 322 n ðas fore to ðe / hellwarena cyning || hider onsende / of ðam enga
Juliana 437 ic in minne fæder / hellwarena cyning || hyht staðelie / ðonne ic b
Juliana 516 m weoruda god / onwrige wuldres cyning || wisdomes gæst / giefe unmæ
Juliana 544 / under hlinscuan || helwarena cyning / in feonda byrig || ðæt is f
Juliana 704 hweorfeð / cen yr ond nied || cyning bið reðe / sigora syllend ||
Juliana 716 o halge || wið ðone hyhstan cyning / geðingige || mec ðæs ðear
Beowulf 11 mban gyldan || ðæt wæs god cyning / ðæm eafera wæs || æfter c
Beowulf 619 symbel ond seleful || sigerof cyning / ymbeode ða || ides helminga /
Beowulf 863 hroðgar || ac ðæt wæs god cyning / hwilum heaðorofe || hleapan
Beowulf 920 arowundor seon || swylce self cyning / of brydbure || beahhorda wear
Beowulf 1010 || healfdenes sunu / wolde self cyning || symbel ðicgan / ne gefræge
Beowulf 1153 feorum || swilce fin slægen / cyning on corðre || ond seo cwen nu
Beowulf 1306 eonda feorum || ða wæs frod cyning / har hilderinc || on hreon mod
Beowulf 1851 lran næbben / to geceosenne || cyning ænigne / hordweard hæleða ||
Beowulf 1870 nude eft cuman / gecyste ða || cyning æðelum god / ðeoden scylding
Beowulf 1885 oft geæhted || ðæt wæs an cyning / æghwæs orleahtre || oððæ
Beowulf 1925 / bold wæs betlic || bregorof cyning / heah in healle || hygd swiðe
Beowulf 2110 ehte æfter rihte || rumheort cyning / hwilum eft ongan || eldo gebu
Beowulf 2158 ðæt hyt hæfde || hiorogar cyning / leod scyldunga || lange hwile
Beowulf 2191 hleo || in gefetian / heaðorof cyning || hreðles lafe / golde gegyre
Beowulf 2209 iftig wintra || wæs ða frod cyning / eald eðelweard || oððæt a
Beowulf 2356 n hygelac sloh / syððan geata cyning || guðe ræsum / freawine folc
Beowulf 2390 tum wealdan || ðæt wæs god cyning / se ðæs leodhryres || lean g
Beowulf 2396 yððan / cealdum cearsiðum || cyning ealdre bineat / swa he niða ge
Beowulf 2417 t ða on næsse || niðheard cyning / ðenden hælo abead || heorð
Beowulf 2430 old mec ond hæfde || hreðel cyning / geaf me sinc ond symbel || si
Beowulf 2702 rian syððan || ða gen sylf cyning / geweold his gewitte || wælls
Beowulf 2980 n ofer bordweal || ða gebeah cyning / folces hyrde || wæs in feorh
Beowulf 3171 e / woldon ceare cwiðan || ond cyning mænan / wordgyd wrecan || ond
Judith 190 syððan frymða god / arfæst cyning || eastan sende / leohtne leoma
The Paris Psalter 104:16 1 isdom ahof / / # / sende him soþ cyning || sweotule are / alysde hine l
The Paris Psalter 134:11 2 || sum þara cynincga / and og cyning || se þe æror wæs / on basan
The Paris Psalter 135:20 1 eoruld heoldan / / # / þær seon cyning || swylt dreorig fornam / þe a
The Paris Psalter 135:21 2 | þe æror wæs / swyþe breme cyning || on basane / / # / sealde heora
The Paris Psalter 59:7 1 mīnes || hēr on foldan. / / # / Cyning is mē || Iuda cūþ; / is mē
The Paris Psalter 60:5 1 ġe, || ðǣr biþ ġe·dēfe cyning; / bēoþ his winter ēac || wyn
The Paris Psalter 62:10 1 uþe nū || foxes dǣlas. / / # / Cyning sċeall on drihtne% || clǣne
The Paris Psalter 67:12 2 mæġen || sē þe is mehtiġ cyning / and wlites wealdend; || oft w
The Paris Psalter 67:14 1 # / Þonne hīe sē heofonlica cyning || hēr tō·sċādeþ, / siþ
The Paris Psalter 70:18 3 wræclicu || nis þe wuldres cyning / ænig æfre gelic || ece drih
The Paris Psalter 73:11 1 lfa wiþ ende? / / # / Ūser gōd cyning, || ġēara þū worhtest, / ǣr
The Paris Psalter 83:3 2 art drihten min || and dēore cyning. / / # / Ēadġe weorðaþ, || þ
The Paris Psalter 88:16 2 || ece drihten / and israhela cyning || eac se halga / / # / þonne þ
The Paris Psalter 94:3 2 htiġ drihten / and sē miċela cyning || ofer eall manna godu. / / # /
The Metres of Boethius: Proem 2 lfred us || ealdspell reahte, / cyning Westsexna, || cræft meldode,
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 32 e heretema / criste gecnoden || cyning selfa onfeng / fulluhtþeawum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 12 iþ þæs gecyndes || þe him cyning engla / fæder æt frymþe || f
A.5.6.15 2 yfela || unrihtwīsa / Nēron cyning || nīewan ġe·sċierpte / wli
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 110 fte / for cele anum || gif þu cyning engla / wiþ fyre hwæthwugu ||
A.5.6.20 246 e·samnode, || þæt is sōþ cyning. / Sē þās foldan ġe·sċōp
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 31 bban þinne dæl || þonan an cyning / rume ricsaþ || ofer roderum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 34 rulde waldeþ || þæt is wis cyning / þæt is se þe waldeþ || gi
A.5.6.26 22 xes || lēafe hæfde, / Þracia cyning, || þæt hē þonan mōste, / h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 35 s / iobes eafora || se wæs gio cyning / se licette || litlum and micl
A.5.6.26 45 orðodon || swā swā wuldres cyning, / ġif hē tō þǣm rīċe wæ
A.5.6.26 59 m īeġ-lande || þe Aulixes, / cyning Þracia, || cōm āne tō / ċ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 74 d || on heahsetle / siteþ self cyning || and þios side gesceaft / þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 78 an wundor || he is weroda god / cyning and drihten || cwucera gehwel
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 3 feor || neron worhte / romwara cyning || þa his rice wæs / hehst un
A.51.94.3 2 % drihten% / and% sē% miċela% cyning || ofer eall manne godu.
The Battle of Brunanburh 1 of Brunanburh / / her æþelstan cyning || eorla dryhten / beorna beahg
The Battle of Brunanburh 35 eorode / cread cnear on flot || cyning ut gewat / on fealene flod || f
The Battle of Brunanburh 58 a gebroþer || begen ætsamne / cyning and æþeling || cyþþe soht
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 1 he Five Boroughs / / her eadmund cyning || engla þeoden / mæcgea mund
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 13 o / afera eadweardes || eadmund cyning
The Death of Edgar 2 eorþan dreamas / eadgar engla cyning || ceas him oþer leoht / wliti
A.6.10.6 1 eath of Edward / / Hēr Ēadward cyning, || Engla hālford, / sende sō
A.6.10.6 15 ā blīðe-mōd || bealulēas cyning, / þēah hē lange || ǣr, || l
A.6.10.6 23 cōm || frēolice on ġeatwum / cyning cystum gōd, || clǣne and mi
The Rune Poem 33 on god læteþ / halig heofones cyning || hrusan syllan / beorhte bled
A.6.13 126 . / ‘Saĝa þū mē, Salomon cyning, || sunu Dāuides, / hwæt bēo
Solomon and Saturn 147 þ # || / saga þu me salomon cyning || sunu dauides / hwæt beoþ
Maxims II 1 # Maxims II / / cyning sceal rice healdan || ceastra
Maxims II 28 l on wætere / cynren cennan || cyning sceal on healle / beagas dælan
A.6.17 95 d hū an-drysne / hēah-þrymme cyning || hēr wile dēman / ānra ġe
The Gloria I 11 mære / ðurh clæne gecynd || cyning ofer ealle / beald gebletsod ||
The Gloria I 42 a woruld || wunað and rixað / cyning innan wuldre || and his ða g
A.6.21 52 clǣne ġe·cynd || þū eart cyning on riht, / clǣne and cræftiġ
The Gloria I 53 urh clæne gecynd || ðu eart cyning on riht / clæne and cræftig |
The Creed 10 ne || soðne gelyfe / hælendne cyning || hider asendne / of ðam upli
Fragment of Psalm 5 3 d || holdum mode / ðu eart min cyning || and eac ece god / / # / forðo
A.6.25 15 ehtiġ God. / Þū eart cyninga cyning% || cwicera ġe·hwelċes, / þ
A Prayer 22 s wynn / getiða me || tireadig cyning / ðonne ic minre sawle || sweg
A Prayer 42 nd mægenstrang / ealra cyninga cyning || crist lifiende / ealra worul
A Prayer 60 moda || ealra goda / and se ece cyning || ealra gesceafta / and ic eom
A Prayer 75 ten / ac getyða me || tyreadig cyning / læt me mid englum || up sið
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 11 an min on englisc || ælfred cyning / awende worda gehwelc || and m
The Brussels Cross 1 d is min nama || geo ic ricne cyning / bær byfigynde || blode beste
The Battle of Finnsburh 2 hleoþrode þa || heaþogeong cyning / ne þis ne dagaþ eastan || n
deoraby - 1 occurrences
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 8 am || swylce stanford eac / and deoraby || dæne wæran æror / under n
dor - 3 occurrences
The Paris Psalter 106:15 1 na bearn / / # / forþon he æren dor || eaþe gescæneþ / and isern
The Paris Psalter 140:4 3 læt man sprecan / and æþele dor || ymbstandende / þæt on wele
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 3 geeode / dyre dædfruma || swa dor scadeþ / hwitanwyllesgeat || a
dyre - 24 occurrences
Genesis B 340 and his hearran leof / drihtne dyre || oþ hie to dole wurdon / þ
Genesis A 1247 an || on lufan swiþe / drihtne dyre || and domeadig / oþþæt bear
Elene 292 ron || wuldorcyninge / dryhtne dyre || ond dædhwæte / hwæt ge ea
Christ C 1650 || eadigra blis / ðær is seo dyre || dryhtnes onsien / eallum ða
The Riming Poem 45 in fleah / se ær in dæge wæs dyre || scriðeð nu deop in feore
Guthlac A 693 am egsan || ofermæcga spræc / dyre dryhtnes ðegn || dæghluttre
Deor 37 s || heodeninga scop / dryhtne dyre || me wæs deor noma / ahte ic
Riddles 4 39 eahcyning / his deagol ðing || dyre bihealdan / eac ic under eorða
Riddles 40 40 eahcyning / his deagol þing || dyre bihealdan; / eac ic under eorþ
Riddles 84 13 hyhste mæge/ || /es gæ/ / || dyre cræft/ / // || / /onne hy aweor
Riddles 84 23 / hordum gehroden || hæleðum dyre / mægen bið gemiclad || meaht
The Gifts of Men 38 eadigra / deora dræfend || sum dyre bið / woruldricum men || sum b
Beowulf 2050 heregriman || hindeman siðe / dyre iren || ðær hyne dene slogo
Beowulf 2306 a || lige forgyldan / drincfæt dyre || ða wæs dæg sceacen / wyrm
Beowulf 3048 ond orcas / discas lagon || ond dyre swyrd / omige ðurhetone || swa
Beowulf 3131 hi ofostlice || ut geferedon / dyre maðmas || dracan ec scufun / w
Judith 318 ond bradswyrd || brune helmas / dyre madmas || hæfdon domlice / on
The Paris Psalter 131:5 2 re stowe / drihtne gecorene || dyre selegesceot / iacobes gode || g
The Paris Psalter 139:6 1 drihtne cwæþ || þu me eart dyre god / gehyr min gebed || halig
The Paris Psalter 87:1 1 # / þu eart me drihten god || dyre hælend / ic on dæge to þe ||
The Paris Psalter 90:2 1 c to drihtne cwæþ || þu me dyre eart / fæle fultum || hæbbe i
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 3 cgea mundbora || myrce geeode / dyre dædfruma || swa dor scadeþ /
The Rune Poem 81 e / æsc biþ oferheah || eldum dyre / stiþ on staþule || stede ri
The Menologium 192 udas || symble wæron / drihtne dyre || forþon hi dom hlutan / eadi
dædfruma - 4 occurrences
Andreas 75 adgifa || eþelleasum / dugeþa dædfruma || deman wille / forgif me to a
Andreas 1455 igne || an ne forlæte / swa se dædfruma || dryhten herede / halgan stef
Beowulf 2090 r on innan || unsynnigne / dior dædfruma || gedon wolde / manigra sumne
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 3 mundbora || myrce geeode / dyre dædfruma || swa dor scadeþ / hwitanwyll
dæne - 1 occurrences
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 8 e stanford eac / and deoraby || dæne wæran æror / under norþmannu
dēoraby - 1 occurrences
A.6.10.2 8 || swelċe Stanford ēac / and% Dēoraby. || Dæne wǣran ǣror% / under
dǣdfruma - 4 occurrences
A.2.1 75 a, || ēðellēasum, / duĝuþa dǣd-fruma, || dēman wille. / For·ġief m
A.2.1 1455 n ne for·lǣte.’ / Swā sē dǣd-fruma || drihten herede / hālĝan st
A.4.1 2090 n innan || unsynniġne, / dēor dǣd-fruma, || ġe·dōn wolde / maniġra s
A.6.10.2 3 ra, || Myrce ġe·eode, / dȳre dǣd-fruma, || swā Dor sċadeþ, / Hwitanw
dȳre - 1 occurrences
A.6.10.2 3 mundbora, || Myrce ġe·eode, / dȳre dǣd-fruma, || swā Dor sċad
ea - 8 occurrences
Genesis A 232 tigris || seo wiþ þeodscipe / ea inflede || assiriæ beliþ / sw
Andreas 1504 staþole || streamas weallan / ea inflede || nu þe ælmihtig / h
A.3.32 50 samne || //S// //R// ġeador / //EA// //W// and //D// || āðe be·
Riddles 77 8 e siððan / iteð unsodene || ea/ /d
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 4 witanwyllesgeat || and humbra ea / brada brimstream || burga fif
Durham 4 um gewæxen || weor ymbeornad / ea yþum stronge || and þer inn
Maxims II 30 n hæþe / eald and egesfull || ea of dune sceal / flodgræg feran
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 59 | ængan cundes / ic ana wat || ea rinnende / ðær ða nygon næd
eac - 380 occurrences
Genesis B 325 and and brade ligas || swilce eac þa biteran recas / þrosm and
Genesis B 386 ne hige cuþe / and þæt wiste eac || weroda drihten / þæt sceol
Genesis B 754 t lig to þe / hate hweorfan || eac is hearm gode / modsorg gemacod
Genesis A 925 icel || sunu and dohtor / abead eac adame || ece drihten / lifes le
Genesis A 1126 hund wintra # || / and þritig eac || þa he þas woruld / þurh g
Genesis A 1162 æþelinga rim / and feowertig eac || feorum geicte / enoses sunu
Genesis A 1165 þa he woruld ofgeaf / and tyne eac || þa his tiddæge / under rod
Genesis A 1186 a || on woruldrice / and syxtig eac || þa seo sæl gewearþ / þæ
Genesis A 1193 he forþ gewat / and nigonhund eac || nihtgerimes / wine frod wint
Genesis A 1217 e || þa he woruld ofgeaf / and eac þreo hund || þrage siþþan
Genesis A 1232 || werodes aldor / and fif hund eac || heold þæt folc teala / bea
Genesis A 1372 ende / regn from roderum || and eac rume let / willeburnan || on wo
Genesis A 1440 | horde onfengon / and æþelum eac || eorþan tudres / sunu lamech
Genesis A 1601 en æfter flode || and fiftig eac þa he forþ gewat / siþþan h
Genesis A 1742 ntig || geteled rime / and fife eac || þa he forþ gewat / misseru
Genesis A 2042 || eahtatiene / and þreo hund eac || þeodenholdra / þara þe he
Genesis A 2502 ssum folcum || freond ænigne / eac þissum idesum || þe we her
Genesis A 2721 orcþeos || spræc þa wordum eac / to abrahame || æþelinga hel
Exodus 245 læstan wolde / mod mid aran || eac þan mægnes cræft / garbeames
Exodus 374 en cunnon / snottor sæleoda || eac þon sæda gehwilc / on bearm s
Exodus 381 gla god / naman niwan asceop || eac þon neah and feor / halige hea
Exodus 514 meredeaþ geswealh / spelbodan eac || se þe sped ahte / ageat gyl
Exodus 546 dor / þær is leoht and lif || eac þon lissa blæd / dugoþ on dr
Daniel 68 || eft siþedon / and gelæddon eac || on langne siþ / israela cyn
Daniel 271 ne / ealle æfæste þry || him eac þær wæs / an on gesyhþe ||
Daniel 288 e || and gesigefæste / swa þu eac sylfa eart # || / syndon þine
Daniel 296 ifgende / worhton on worulde || eac þon wom dyde / user yldran ||
Daniel 506 | eallum heolde / swylce fuglas eac || heora feorhnere / on þæs b
Daniel 512 n deor || on weg fleon / swylce eac þa fugolas || þonne his fyl
Daniel 518 bleda || þonne god sylle / het eac gebindan || beam þone miclan
Christ and Satan 19 cer þe on bæcling / wite þu eac awyrgda || hu wid and sid / hel
Andreas 584 þe / worde awehte || swylce he eac wundra feala / cynerof cyþde |
Andreas 1592 e bisencte / ach þæs weorodes eac || þa wyrrestan / faa folcscea
The Fates of the Apostles 23 an || gealgan þehte / hwæt we eac gehyrdon || be iohanne / æglæ
The Fates of the Apostles 50 as leasan godu / swylce thomas eac || þriste geneþde / on indea
Dream of the Rood 92 weard / swylce swa he his modor eac || marian sylfe / ælmihtig god
Elene 3 geteled rimes / swylce þritig eac || þinggemearces / wintra for
Elene 302 a ymbsealde synt || mid syxum eac / fiþrum gefrætwad || fægere
Elene 567 n byrig / heht hire þa aras || eac gebeodan / constantinus || þæ
Elene 839 os world || eall gewiteþ / ond eac swa some || þe hire on wurdo
Christ A 93 had / mund minne geheold || ond eac modor gewearð / mære meotudes
Christ A 136 a cyning || ond ðone clænan eac / sacerd soðlice || sægdon to
Christ A 145 foldan mægðe / swylce grundas eac || gæstes mægne / siðe gesec
Christ A 282 ce ða hyhstan || on heofonum eac / cristes ðegnas || cweðað o
Christ A 301 / efne unwemme || a gehealdan / eac we ðæt gefrugnon || ðæt g
Christ B 662 d englum || ece staðelas / ond eac monigfealde || modes snyttru /
Christ B 790 eahðu || huru ic wene me / ond eac ondræde || dom ðy reðran /
Christ C 943 oden || bið ðær his ðegna eac / hreðeadig heap || halge sawl
Christ C 1107 o gode || ongietan woldan / ond eac ða ealdan wunde || ond ða o
Christ C 1124 folmum areahtum || ond fystum eac / ond ymb his heafod || heardne
Christ C 1143 æfter foldan / ond seo eorðe eac || egsan myrde / beofode on bea
Christ C 1152 gesceafta scircyning || hwæt eac scyldge men / gesegon to soðe
Christ C 1159 od / heoldon on hreðre || hell eac ongeat / scyldwreccende || ðæ
Christ C 1163 wlum sorge toglidene || hwæt eac sæ cyðde / hwa hine gesette |
Christ C 1169 rean fet || flode bisencan / ge eac beamas onbudon || hwa hy mid
Christ C 1181 eorðan gecynda / ond heofones eac || heahgetimbro / eall fore ða
Christ C 1258 enerede || from niðcwale / ond eac forgeaf || ece dreamas / bið h
Christ C 1276 lic / ond ðæt ællbeorhte || eac sceawiað / heofonengla here ||
Christ C 1383 ite me gelicne || geaf ic ðe eac meahta sped / welan ofer widlon
Christ C 1457 | hearde gefæstnad / meaht her eac geseon || orgete nu gen / on mi
Guthlac A 166 etla || ond symbeldaga / swylce eac idelra || eagena wynna / gierel
Guthlac A 206 / cwædon ðæt him guðlac || eac gode sylfum / earfeða mæst ||
Guthlac A 300 a ealle || ut abanne / ond eow eac gewyrce || widor sæce / ge her
Guthlac B 1182 inne / on ecne eard || ond hyre eac gecyð / wordum minum || ðæt
Guthlac B 1192 / eades mid englum || ðu hyre eac saga / ðæt heo ðis banfæt |
Guthlac B 1374 neotan / blædes ond blissa || eac ðe abeodan het / sigedryhten m
Wulf and Eadwacer 12 n to ðon || wæs me hwæðre eac lað / wulf min wulf || wena me
Riddles 36 12 nnes || hundes ond fugles / ond eac wifes wlite || ðu wast gif
Riddles 4 40 eagol ðing || dyre bihealdan / eac ic under eorðan || eal sceaw
Riddles 40 41 agol þing || dyre bihealdan; / eac ic under eorþan || eal sceaw
The Wife's Lament 44 abban sceal / bliðe gebæro || eac ðon breostceare / sinsorgna ge
The Descent into Hell 47 ias / heahfædra fela || swylce eac hæleða gemot / witgena weorod
The Descent into Hell 98 stum || to bonan honda / sculon eac to ussum feondum || freoðo w
The Lord's Prayer I 5 ræred under rodores hrofe || eac ðon on rumre foldan / syle us
Azarias 10 geswiðde || ond gesigefæste / eac ðine willan || in woruldsped
Azarias 17 ifgende / worhton in worulde || eac ðon wom dydon / yldran usse ||
Azarias 45 meaht || nu ðec caldeas / ond eac fela folca || gefregen habban
Azarias 83 al siððan / wyrt onwæcnan || eac ðon wudubearwas / tanum tydra
Riddles 63 12 | /an on leohte / // || / swylce eac bið sona || / /r/ /te getacna
The Phoenix 375 ond swæs fæder || ond symle eac / eft yrfeweard || ealdre lafe /
Juliana 297 wordum styrde / unryhtre æ || eac ic gelærde / simon searoðoncu
Juliana 307 inum larum / swylce ic egias || eac gelærde / ðæt he unsnytrum |
Juliana 475 asta wearð / siðast gesyne || eac ic sume gedyde / ðæt him banl
Juliana 679 ær ðritig wæs / ond feowere eac || feores onsohte / ðurh wæge
The Seafarer 119 we ðider cumen / ond we ðonne eac tilien || ðæt we to moten / i
Beowulf 97 atas / leomum ond leafum || lif eac gesceop / cynna gehwylcum || ð
Beowulf 388 | samod ætgædere / gesaga him eac wordum || ðæt hie sint wilc
Beowulf 433 || heorot fælsian / hæbbe ic eac geahsod || ðæt se æglæca /
Beowulf 1683 res scyldig || ond his modor eac / on geweald gehwearf || worold
Beowulf 2776 nd discas / sylfes dome || segn eac genom / beacna beorhtost || bil
Judith 18 fter bencum gelome || swylce eac bunan ond orcas / fulle fletsit
Judith 295 eawen / wulfum to willan || ond eac wælgifrum / fuglum to frofre |
Judith 337 d ond swatigne helm || swylce eac side byrnan / gerenode readum g
Judith 343 rðe on moldan rice || swylce eac mede on heofonum / sigorlean in
Judith 348 as ond rume grundas || swylce eac reðe streamas / ond swegles dr
The Paris Psalter 101:4 3 | mannes folmum / is min heorte eac || hearde geswenced / forþon i
The Paris Psalter 101:4 7 || heortan getenge / ætfeolen eac min ban || flæsce minum / / # /
The Paris Psalter 101:5 2 e on westene wunaþ || wat ic eac swiþe geare / þæt ic genemne
The Paris Psalter 101:20 2 || feorran togædere / and ricu eac || þæt hraþe drihtne / ful h
The Paris Psalter 102:7 3 mænige tid / swylce his willan eac || werum israhela / / # / mildheo
The Paris Psalter 102:21 2 rihten / on his agenum stede || eac bletsige / þær him his egsa |
The Paris Psalter 103:4 1 wætra þryþe / / # / he wolcen eac || worhte and sette / þæt he
The Paris Psalter 103:11 2 alle drincaþ / bidaþ assan || eac on þurste / ofer þan heofonfu
The Paris Psalter 103:14 1 rhtest || to wraþe manna / / # / eac þu him of eorþan || ut alæ
The Paris Psalter 103:15 1 blissaþ / / # / ele andwlitan || eac gescyrpeþ / and hlaf trymeþ |
The Paris Psalter 103:23 3 ylfa worhtest / is þeos eorþe eac || eall gefylled / þinra gesce
The Paris Psalter 103:25 5 e drihten / ætes on eorþan || eac wilniaþ / / # / and him gesomnad
The Paris Psalter 103:28 2 eorþaþ / geedniwad || and þu eac scyppest / eorþan ansyne || ea
The Paris Psalter 103:31 2 e / singe soþlice || and secge eac / þenden ic wunige || on worul
The Paris Psalter 104:5 3 wundur unlytel / and his muþes eac || mære domas / / # / hwæt he a
The Paris Psalter 104:9 2 to abrahame / and to isaace || eac gesohte / and gleawlice || iaco
The Paris Psalter 104:21 3 | feodan swyþe / and his esnum eac || inwit fremedan / / # / þa he
The Paris Psalter 104:22 3 || samod ætgædere / and aaron eac || þone he ær geceas / / # / he
The Paris Psalter 105:14 3 ma bysmrian / and aaron mid || eac þone halgan / / # / þa eorþe t
The Paris Psalter 105:20 3 | geseon woldan / ne his wordum eac || woldan gelyfan / ac hi grane
The Paris Psalter 105:25 1 ehwam || and on cneorisse / / # / eac hi gefremedan || oþer bysmer
The Paris Psalter 106:7 2 ihtnes / ealle andettaþ || and eac sæcgeaþ / mycel wundur hys ||
The Paris Psalter 106:14 2 rihtnes / ealle andettan || and eac cweþan / mycel wundur his || o
The Paris Psalter 106:34 2 ne mere / and swylce eorþan || eac butan wætre / on utgange || æ
The Paris Psalter 107:2 4 earpan swylce / on ærmergen || eac gecweme / / # / ic þe andette ||
The Paris Psalter 108:29 2 drihtnes / ealle andette || and eac swylce / hine on midle || manna
The Paris Psalter 112:4 3 leþa cynnes / is ofer heofenas eac || ahafen his wuldur / / # / hwyl
The Paris Psalter 113:19 1 um geheold / / # / aarones hus || eac on dryhten / leofne gelyfdan ||
The Paris Psalter 113:21 4 earn israheles / aarones hus || eac gebletsadest / þu gebletsadest
The Paris Psalter 117:3 1 lde / / # / cweþe aarones hus || eac þæt sylfe / he ys se goda god
The Paris Psalter 117:12 2 n bitere || oþþe þu bærne eac / þornas þyre || þicce fyre /
The Paris Psalter 117:14 2 and herenes heah || and he me eac / ys a to worulde || worden on
The Paris Psalter 117:19 1 me sniome duru || soþfæstra eac / þær ic gange inn || gode an
The Paris Psalter 117:28 1 wurde me || wis to hælu / / # / eac ic andette || eceum dryhtne / f
The Paris Psalter 118:34 1 ymble mote / / # / syle me andgit eac || þæt ic æ þine / smeage m
The Paris Psalter 118:82 1 rywade / / # / eagan me swylce || eac teoredon / þær on þinre spr
The Paris Psalter 118:106 1 inre / / # / ic aþas swor || and eac hycge / þæt ic soþne dom ||
The Paris Psalter 118:124 2 l milde mod || and me mægene eac / þin soþfæst word || sylfa
The Paris Psalter 118:126 1 is is wynne tid || þæt man eac wel do / drihten ure || ne læt
The Paris Psalter 118:137 1 s soþfæst || synd his domas eac / reþe mid ræde || rihte gecy
The Paris Psalter 118:143 4 ne bebodu || efnde and læste / eac on minum mode || hi metegade
The Paris Psalter 118:148 1 truwade / / # / þe eagan mine || eac forecoman / on ærmergen || ic
The Paris Psalter 120:2 1 æt þearfe / / # / is min fultum eac || fæger æt drihtne / se þe
The Paris Psalter 126:2 1 aþeliaþ / / # / nymþe gehealde eac || halig drihten / ceastre mid
The Paris Psalter 126:4 2 | swiþe leofum / þæt is yrfe eac || ecean drihtnes / and herde b
The Paris Psalter 127:6 2 lde bletsige || and þu bruce eac / on hierusalem || goda gehwylc
The Paris Psalter 128:1 2 guþe / cweþan israhelas nu || eac þæt sylfe / oft me fuhtan to
The Paris Psalter 128:6 4 drihten / and ofer eow wese || eac his bletsung / we eow neodlice
The Paris Psalter 129:2 1 hyre / / # / wesan þine earan || eac gehyrende / and beheldende || m
The Paris Psalter 131:17 2 lu / georne gegyrwe || and gode eac / his þa halgan her || habbaþ
The Paris Psalter 131:19 1 cuþne wat / / # / ic his feondas eac || facne gegyrwe / mid scame sw
The Paris Psalter 134:10 2 de folc || þearle manige / and eac acwealde || cyningas strange /
The Paris Psalter 134:12 2 l israhelum / and heora yrfe || eac his folce / / # / ys þin nama dr
The Paris Psalter 135:2 1 byþ || wis and mildheort / / # / eac ic andette || þam þe ece is
The Paris Psalter 135:19 1 || cyningas mycle / / # / and he eac ofsloh || æþele cyningas / we
The Paris Psalter 135:26 1 wraþe || wæron ealle / / # / he eac afedeþ || flæscea æghwylc /
The Paris Psalter 136:1 2 dig byþ se þe nimeþ || and eac seteþ / þær we sittaþ || an
The Paris Psalter: Psalm 136 2 ær forgeafe / and us eallum || eac gesealdest
The Paris Psalter 137:2 1 inge || swiþe geneahhige / / # / eac ic þin tempel || tidum weor
The Paris Psalter 138:2 1 þdest / / # / and mine geþohtas eac || þriste oncneowe / feorran o
The Paris Psalter 138:3 2 eall oncneowe / þa ærestan || eac þa nehstan / þu me gehiwadest
The Paris Psalter 138:4 2 isdom eall / se is beutan me || eac gestrangod / ne mæg ic him on
The Paris Psalter 139:10 1 ilce sceal || on gesittan / / # / eac hi feallaþ on || fyres glede
The Paris Psalter 141:5 1 e || ongitan wolde / / # / þa me eac frecne fram || fleam gedydan /
The Paris Psalter 142:12 5 feondas || fæcne todrife / and eac forleose || laþra gehwylcne /
The Paris Psalter 143:11 2 | hælu cyningum / þu alysdest eac || leofne dauid / þinne agenne
The Paris Psalter 143:17 3 | swiþe genihtsum / heora oxan eac || ungemete fætte / / # / ne hre
The Paris Psalter 144:4 3 wordum georne / and þine mihte eac || micle sæcgeon / / # / mycel m
The Paris Psalter 144:8 2 and mannþwære / and geþyldig eac || þearle mildheort / / # / swyl
The Paris Psalter 144:13 3 aldest eallum / is þin anweald eac || ofer eorþware / of cynne on
The Paris Psalter 145:7 5 nd him lif geofeþ / and blinde eac || bealde drihten / on heora ea
The Paris Psalter 146:3 1 | of israhelum / / # / se hæleþ eac || heortan geþræste / and heo
The Paris Psalter 147:8 1 rþeþ sniome / / # / he his word eac || ær mid wisdome / godum iaco
The Paris Psalter 147:8 3 ra foresægde / and israhele || eac his domas / / # / ne dyde he ahw
The Paris Psalter 148:11 1 m gescyrped / / # / eorþcyningas eac || ealle swylce / þe folcum he
The Paris Psalter 149:2 1 ahhe / / # / israhelas on hine || eac blissien / and sione bearn || s
The Paris Psalter 54:1 3 d me holdlice || and gehyr me eac / / # / grimme ic eom begangen ||
The Paris Psalter 54:12 3 teow lustum || and wyt gelome eac / æton swetne mete || samed æ
The Paris Psalter 54:16 1 drihten / / # / ic on æfenne || eac on mergenne / and on midne dæg
The Paris Psalter 54:18 1 hyreþ god || and hi gehyneþ eac / þe ær worulde wæs || and n
The Paris Psalter 55:4 4 folgie / æghwæs ealne dæg || eac ic swylce / on god drihten || g
The Paris Psalter 56:10 2 erium / and ic on ærmergene || eac arise / and min hearpe || herig
The Paris Psalter 56:11 2 frine drihten / ecne andete || eac geond þeode / sealmas singe ||
The Paris Psalter 58:3 3 cne ofþryhtun / and me strange eac || stundum ongunnon / ne me unr
The Paris Psalter 58:3 5 || awiht wistan / ne ic firene eac || fremde drihtne / / # / gif ic
The Paris Psalter 58:13 3 ard || manna cynnes / and ealra eac || eorþan gemæru / / # / hi on
The Paris Psalter 58:14 2 || eft gecyrraþ / and heardne eac || hungor þoliaþ / swa hundas
The Paris Psalter 59:7 3 s hyhtes hwer / and ic aþenige eac || on idumea / min gescy sende
The Paris Psalter 59:8 3 a wyle swylce me / in idumea || eac gelædan / / # / ac ne eart þu s
The Paris Psalter 60:5 2 defe cynincg / beoþ his winter eac || wynnum iced / oþ þone dæg
The Paris Psalter 62:7 3 ge / and on ærmergen on þe || eac gewene / forþon þu me on fult
The Paris Psalter 62:10 2 re habban || and hine heriaþ eac / ealle þa þe on hine || aþa
The Paris Psalter 63:9 3 ote geweneþ / and hine heriaþ eac || heortan clæne
The Paris Psalter 65:2 3 ice || wide geond eorþan / and eac on menigeo || mægenes þines
The Paris Psalter 65:3 3 || ecne drihten / and þe singe eac || secge geneahhie / þæt þin
The Paris Psalter 65:4 2 hten worhte || synt his domas eac / swiþe egeslice || ofer eall
The Paris Psalter 65:10 3 e standeþ / settest us mænige eac || men ofer heafod / / # / we þu
The Paris Psalter 66:1 1 tig drihten || and us on mode eac / gebletsa nu || beorhte leohte
The Paris Psalter 66:6 3 liþe drihten / and user god || eac bletsige / hæbbe his egesan ea
The Paris Psalter 67:20 3 helpe usser / and us æt deaþe eac || drihten gehealde / / # / hwæ
The Paris Psalter 67:25 2 on geogoþe / and ealdormenn || eac of iudan / þe latteow wæs ||
The Paris Psalter 67:25 4 forþ þara leoda / and ealdras eac || of zabulone / and neptalim |
The Paris Psalter 68:9 2 llenwod / æt ormæte || and me eac fela / þinra edwita || on gefe
The Paris Psalter 68:20 2 it feala / and yrmþu mænig || eac aræfnede / næfde eorla þæs
The Paris Psalter 68:22 1 wisce / / # / syn hiora eagan || eac adimmad / þæt hi geseon ne ma
The Paris Psalter 68:23 3 e heora bæc swylce || abeged eac / / # / ageot ofer hi || þin þ
The Paris Psalter 68:24 2 æt grame yrre / and æbylignes eac || yrres þines / hi forgripe |
The Paris Psalter 68:27 1 / syn hi adilgad || of gedefra eac / þæra lifigendra || leofra b
The Paris Psalter 68:33 2 holdlice || nyle he gehæfte eac / on heora neode || na forhycga
The Paris Psalter 69:4 1 hogedon / / # / and heora æfstu eac || ealle sceamien / þe me word
The Paris Psalter 70:12 1 fultum / / # / beoþ gedrette || eac gescende / þa mine sawle ær |
The Paris Psalter 70:21 3 sigora wealdend / and min sawl eac || þa þu sylf lysdest / / # / s
The Paris Psalter 71:3 1 de mid dome / / # / onfon beorgas eac || beorhtre sibbe / on þinum f
The Paris Psalter 71:3 3 || fægere blisse / and geswyru eac || soþum dædum / / # / on his s
The Paris Psalter 71:10 4 æþele bringaþ / of arabia || eac of saba / ealle him leoda || la
The Paris Psalter 71:13 1 he helpeþ þearfan || swylce eac wædlan / and he þearfigendra
The Paris Psalter 71:14 1 of mansceatte || and of mane eac / sniome hiora sawle || softe a
The Paris Psalter 71:15 4 oressa / and hine ealne dæg || eac bletsiaþ / / # / þonne æþele
The Paris Psalter 72:11 5 ste / and ic wæs ealne dæg || eac geswungen / wæs me leawfinger
The Paris Psalter 72:12 1 ic sylf cwæde || and sæcge eac / swa þe bearn weorþaþ || ge
The Paris Psalter 73:6 2 bærndan / and on eorþstede || eac gewemdan / þæt þinum naman g
The Paris Psalter 73:10 2 ldres ansyne / æfre fram us || eac þa swyþran hand / of þinum s
The Paris Psalter 73:14 1 yþþan to mose / / # / þu sylfa eac || toslite wyllas / and hlynnen
The Paris Psalter 73:20 2 em þine nu / ealde intingan || eac wes gemyndig / hu þe unwise ||
The Paris Psalter 74:2 3 cast mæg || befon wordum / and eac soþ || symble deme / / # / eorþ
The Paris Psalter 76:4 3 d worden / wæron eagan mine || eac mid wæcceum / werded swyþe ||
The Paris Psalter 76:12 2 on foldan || þu wiþferedes eac / israhela bearn || of ægyptum
The Paris Psalter 77:14 3 ur mære / and on campotanea || eac mid soþe / / # / he sæ toslat |
The Paris Psalter 77:27 1 and þa affricum / / # / him þa eac feoll ufan || flæsc to genih
The Paris Psalter 77:30 4 e swultan / æþele israhela || eac forwurdan / / # / in eallum hi þ
The Paris Psalter 77:32 2 idle / and heora geara gancg || eac unnytte / / # / þonne he hi sare
The Paris Psalter 77:41 2 costodan / and israhela god || eac abulgan / / # / na gemynd hæfdan
The Paris Psalter 77:45 2 | hundes fleogan / and hi ætan eac || yfle tostan / hæfdan hi eal
The Paris Psalter 77:48 1 edigean / / # / sealde heora neat eac || swylce hæglum / and heora
The Paris Psalter 77:62 2 eorde under ecge / and his yrfe eac || eall forhogode / / # / heora g
The Paris Psalter 77:63 1 forhogode / / # / heora geoguþe eac || grimme lige / fyr fæþmade
The Paris Psalter 77:66 1 das sloh || and him ætfæste eac / ece edwit || awa to feore / / #
The Paris Psalter 79:2 2 erubin / æteow fore effraim || eac mannasse / and beniamin || nu w
The Paris Psalter 81:3 2 | domas soþe / and eadmedum || eac þæt sylfe / wædlum and þear
The Paris Psalter 82:6 2 in idumea / and ismæhelita || eac synt moabes / ammon and ammalec
The Paris Psalter 82:13 1 / / # / ealle beoþ georette || eac gescende / and on weoruldlife |
The Paris Psalter 83:2 3 igendan || leofan drihten / him eac spedlice || spearuwa hus begy
The Paris Psalter 84:1 2 / foldan fæle || and afyrdest eac / of iacobe || þa graman hæft
The Paris Psalter 84:4 2 hten / and þin yrre fram us || eac oncyrre / þæt þu us ne weor
The Paris Psalter 85:5 2 drihten / min agen gebed || and eac beheald / hu ic stefne to þe |
The Paris Psalter 86:2 3 si cymast || ceastra drihtnes / eac ic gemyndige || þa mæran ra
The Paris Psalter 87:18 2 nd þa nehstan / and mine cuþe eac || cwicu geyrmdest
The Paris Psalter 88:4 3 clic standeþ / and þa halgan eac || hergeaþ on cyricean / þine
The Paris Psalter 88:11 3 aman þinum / hi mid strencgþe eac || upp ahebbaþ / þinne swiþr
The Paris Psalter 88:14 4 de swylce / beoþ ealne dæg || eac on blisse / and þine soþfæst
The Paris Psalter 88:16 2 rihten / and israhela cyning || eac se halga / / # / þonne þu ofer
The Paris Psalter 89:8 3 cadest / and ure worulde þu || eac gestaþelodest / on alihtincge
The Paris Psalter 90:7 2 ynstran || wergra þusend / and eac geteledra || tyn þusendo / on
The Paris Psalter 91:10 1 enihtsum / / # / and eage þin || eac sceawode / hwær fynd mine || f
The Paris Psalter 94:5 1 eorgas || healdeþ swylce / / # / eac he sæs wealdeþ || and he se
The Paris Psalter 94:5 2 sette þone / worhte his folme eac || foldan drige / / # / cumaþ hi
The Paris Psalter 94:10 3 h / aa and symble cwæþ || and eac swa oncneow / þæt hi on heort
The Paris Psalter 95:12 1 e habbaþ / / # / habbaþ feldas eac || fægere blisse / and ealle
The Paris Psalter 96:1 2 rice drihten / is eorþe nu || eac on blisse / and þæs fægerne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 44 on || næs þæt hærlic dæd / eac þam wæs unrim || oþres man
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 48 rum || brutus nemned / hwær is eac se wisa || and se weorþgeorn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 55 re || buton se hlisa an / se is eac to lytel || swelcra lariowa / f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 2 s || butan ælcum tweon / se is eac wealdend || woruldgesceafta / h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 5 uniaþ / ungesæwenlicra || and eac swa same / þara þe we eagum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 10 s ambehtes || awuht cunnon / ge eac swa same || þa þæs auht ny
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 17 æt hit wesan sceolde / swa hit eac to worulde || sceal wunian fo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 24 u gedon / ealle gemanode || and eac getogen / þæt hi ne moten ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 86 rþe || eall forweorþeþ / and eac swa same || oþra gesceafta / w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 92 nlice lufe || swa se cræftga eac / geferscipas || fæste gesamna
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 11 eare / bitres onbyrgeþ || biþ eac swa same / monna æghwilc || mi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 22 a || her adreogeþ / þu meaht eac mycle þy eþ || on modsefan /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 21 magister || miclum lufige / and eac ondræde || dogora gehwelce / g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 56 n || went on gecynde / swa deþ eac sio sunne || þonne hio on si
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 80 don || þæt hio ær dyde / and eac wesan || þæt hio æror wæs
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 17 wealde / þæs iglandes || and eac þonan / oþ indeas || eastewea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 5 ife || on woruld innan / and hi eac nu get || ealle gelice / on wor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 27 gene || æþelo swa selfe / and eac þone fæder || þe hine æt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 24 || and hiwa gehwæs / hwæt hi eac witon || hwær hi eafiscas / se
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 41 rþæm hi sint earmran || and eac dysegran / ungesæligran || þo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 6 gesceope / ungesewenlica || and eac swa same / gesewenlicra || soft
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 66 um gemenged || and mid mægne eac / fæder ælmihtiges || fæste
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 78 mbelicgaþ / eorþe ælgreno || eac hwæþre ceald / lyft is gemeng
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 89 esettest || and hi gemengdest eac / hwæt þu þæm wættere || w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 96 sio eorþe hylt / and swelgeþ eac || be sumum dæle / þæt hio s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 123 and eorþan || and on wolcnum eac / and efne swa same || uppe ofe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 144 þ þeah wiþ þæm oþrum || eac gemenged / ne mæg hira ænig |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 151 on þæm wætre / and on stanum eac || stille geheded / earfoþhawe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 177 gesettest || and hi siþþan eac / styrest and stihtest || þurh
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 192 wilc neten / and þa yrsunga || eac swa selfe / forþy men habbæþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 199 | waldan semle / and irsunge || eac swa selfe / hio sceal mid geþe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 234 scinaþ / hwæt þu ece god || eac gemengest / þa heofoncundan ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 278 u eart selfa weg / and latteow eac || lifgendra gehwæs / and sio
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 21 ndweardum || on locian / and he eac ongit || his ingeþonc / leohtr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 41 symle aweaht / mid ascunga || eac siþþan mid / goodre lare || g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 11 an / ufan ofer ealle || meahtes eac faran / ofer þæm fyre || þe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 48 hreþe siþþan / unrotnesse || eac geræped / hearde gehæfted ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 47 æs þæs iobes fæder || god eac swa he / saturnus þone || sund
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 51 þrum || for ecne god / sceolde eac wesan || apollines / dohtor dio
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 64 ode || liþmonna frean / and he eac swa same || ealle mægne / efne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 78 pan siþþan / and mid racentan eac || ræpan mænigne / sume hi to
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 11 re / diorum and fuglum || deaþ eac swa same / æfter moncynne || g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 28 s || weoruld ymbcirred / boetes eac || beorhte scineþ / oþer steo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 35 þæs þe monnum þincþ / swa eac sume wenaþ || þæt sio sunn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 45 ostrum || hwa þegna ne mæge / eac wafian || ælces stiorran / hwy
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 57 ælum eft / anforlæteþ || and eac swa same / yþ wiþ lande || ea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 10 urh þinra meahta sped / hwilum eac þa sunnan || sines bereafaþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 28 || unnytne gefean / þu scealt eac yfelne ege || an forlætan / wo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 13 þe / þære rosan wlite || and eac þa ruman sæ / norþerne yst |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 6 ealle hroffæste || ne þearf eac hæleþa nan / wenan þæs weor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 11 ahte / fæste healle || ne mæg eac fira nan / wisdom timbran || þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 43 orsihþ || eorþlicu good / and eac þara yfela || orsorh wunaþ /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 13 n swa leohte || and swa longe eac / read rasettan || swa he roman
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 23 is anes huru || anwald cyþan / eac hit gesælde || æt sumum cie
Metrical Psalm 91:10 1 lm 91:10 / / ænd eægæ ðin || eac sceawade / hwer fynd mine || f
The Battle of Brunanburh 2 a beahgifa || and his broþor eac / eadmund æþeling || ealdorla
The Battle of Brunanburh 19 ild scoten || swilce scittisc eac / werig wiges sæd || wesseaxe
The Battle of Brunanburh 30 um aswefede || swilce seofene eac / eorlas anlafes || unrim herig
The Battle of Brunanburh 37 | feorh generede / swilce þær eac se froda || mid fleame com / on
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 7 notingaham || swylce stanford eac / and deoraby || dæne wæran
The Coronation of Edgar 4 dan byrig || acemannesceastre / eac hi igbuend || oþre worde / beo
The Death of Edgar 24 s riht tobræc / and þa wearþ eac adræfed || deormod hæleþ / o
The Death of Edward 10 walum and scottum / and bryttum eac || byre æþelredes / englum an
Durham 9 eora ungerim / is in þere byri eac || bearnum gecyþed / þe arfes
The Rune Poem 24 æfþ / blæd and blysse || and eac byrga geniht / hægl byþ hwitu
Solomon and Saturn 5 cen || libia and greca / swylce eac istoriam || indea rices / me þ
Solomon and Saturn 91 / ac a ofermægene || and hine eac ofslihþ / tir t hine teswaþ |
Solomon and Saturn 114 ngne || full oft he gecostaþ eac / wildeora worn || wætum he of
Solomon and Saturn 233 lareowum hyrsum / full oft hit eac þæs deofles || dugoþ gehn
The Menologium 29 fde / werum to wicum || swylce eac is wide cuþ / ymb þreo and tw
The Menologium 44 / rincas regolfæste || swylce eac rimcræftige / on þa ylcan tii
The Menologium 118 || wearþ acenned / tyn nihtum eac || we þa tiid healdaþ / on mi
The Menologium 156 her / wyrd welþungen || swylce eac wide byþ / eorlum geypped ||
The Judgment Day II 5 n gehæge || eal swa ic secge / eac ðær wynwyrta || weoxon and
The Judgment Day II 15 es on eorðan / ic ondræde me eac || dom ðone miclan / for mand
The Judgment Day II 17 m on eorðan / and ðæt ece ic eac || yrre ondræde me / and synfu
The Judgment Day II 21 rh his dihlan miht / ic gemunde eac || mærðe drihtnes / and ðara
The Judgment Day II 92 esse || gearugne timan / gemyne eac on mode || hu micel is ðæt
The Judgment Day II 99 eorðan / eall eorðe bifað || eac swa ða duna / dreosað and hre
The Judgment Day II 104 || miclum gedrefeð / eal bið eac upheofon || / sweart and geswo
The Judgment Day II 111 nihte || genipu mæge flecgan / eac ðonne cumað hider || ufon o
The Judgment Day II 145 ange hæl / ufenan eall ðis || eac byð gefylled / eal uplic lyft
The Judgment Day II 196 al he is bealuwes full / hwilum eac ða teð for miclum cyle || m
The Judgment Day II 230 and æmelnes / and ðær synnge eac || sauwle on lige / on blindum
The Judgment Day II 236 leapað ætsomne / and wrænnes eac || gewiteð heonone / and fæst
The Rewards of Piety 12 synna || adwæscan wylle / and eac oðera fela || / godra weorca
The Lord's Prayer III 31 n / and wið yfele gefreo || us eac nu-ða / feonda gehwylces || we
The Creed 49 a wuldorgyfa || wlanc and ece / eac ic gelyfe || ðæt syn leofe
Fragment of Psalm 19 2 n cyng || dædum halne / and us eac gehyr || holdum mode / swylce w
Fragment of Psalm 24 2 and me ðinra stiga || stapas eac gelær / / # / gerece me on ræde
Fragment of Psalm 27 2 | halig drihten / and ðin yrfe eac || eal gebletsa / rece ðu heo
Fragment of Psalm 5 3 de / ðu eart min cyning || and eac ece god / / # / forðon ic to ðe
Fragment of Psalm 84 2 hten / and ðin yrre fram us || eac oncyrre
Psalm 50 35 miclan || mildhiortnesse / ond eac efter menio || miltsa ðinra /
Psalm 50 43 unriht min || eal oncnawe / and eac synna gehwær || selfum æt e
Psalm 50 48 ft syngode / and yfela feola || eac gefræmede / gelta gramhegdig |
Psalm 50 60 ula neriend / ic on unrihtum || eac ðan in synnum / geeacnod wæs
Psalm 50 66 || ær geworhtan / and ic selfa eac || sioððan beeode / ac ðu se
Psalm 50 70 dor / forðan ðu me uncuðe || eac ðan derne / ðinre snetera hor
Psalm 50 75 geclænsod || criste hero / and eac ofer snawe || self scinende /
The Seasons for Fasting 103 rum ne scealt || æfre filian / eac we feowertig daga || fæsten
The Seasons for Fasting 157 wertig daga || firsude mettas / eac nihta swa feala || nanuht gyl
The Seasons for Fasting 229 || meðig ðicgan / etan ostran eac || and oðerne / fisc of flode
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 14 ðæs ðe alne ðrym aof / and eac walden is || wihta gehwelcre /
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 22 ltas || ðe he geo worhte / and eac resðe mid him || se ðe ah e
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 23 e ah ealles rices geweald / and eac swa his beahgifan || ðe him
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 1 College, Cambridge / / bidde ic eac || æghwylcne mann / brego rice
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 18 ec marie || modur cristes / and eac ðæ gebroðru || petrus and
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 19 ðru || petrus and paulus / and eac ðusend || ðinra engla / clipi
Instructions for Christians 10 we gefremmon sceolon. / Syndon eac swa some || oðer feower / þ
Instructions for Christians 80 m bearne% || bysne goda, / and eac swa some || eallum leoda; / þ
Instructions for Christians 86 tað, / and þone unlærdan || eac gelæreð. / Heo geeadmodað ||
Instructions for Christians 88 kyng, / swilce þone earman || eac aræreð / and þa saula swa |
Instructions for Christians 91 | mycle ðe bliðre; / and heo eac æþelne gedeð || þone ðe
Instructions for Christians 92 ð || þone ðe ær ne wæs; / eac heo þrah-mælum || þeowne g
Instructions for Christians 122 / goldes and seolfres, || and eac godes fele / to habbanne || he
Instructions for Christians 133 m || Iacob hæfde / and Moyses eac || micele speda, / swylce Isaa
Instructions for Christians 137 m mid || weolan unmete%; / and eac Noe hæfde || weoruld-weolona
Instructions for Christians 148 um gehælede / and þa nacodan eac || niowum gewerede; / of þæm
Instructions for Christians 228 , || wæteres and lyfte, / and eac ælra þæra || þe ðær on
The Battle of Finnsburh 45 ære / heresceorp unhror || and eac wæs his helm þyrel / þa hine
Waldere, Fragment II 1 || / buton þam anum || þe ic eac hafa / on stanfate || stille ge
Waldere, Fragment II 4 widian / selfum onsendon || and eac sinc micel / maþma mid þi mec
Waldere B 2 ran / buton ðam anum || ðe ic eac hafa / on stanfate || stille ge
Waldere B 5 idian / selfum onsendon, || and eac sinc micel / maðma mid ði mec
The Battle of Maldon 10 ige || þa he to wæpnum feng / eac him wolde eadric || his ealdr
eadmund - 3 occurrences
The Battle of Brunanburh 3 ahgifa || and his broþor eac / eadmund æþeling || ealdorlangne tir
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 1 ure of the Five Boroughs / / her eadmund cyning || engla þeoden / mæcg
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 13 ndra hleo / afera eadweardes || eadmund cyning
eadweardes - 3 occurrences
The Battle of Brunanburh 7 olinde || hamora lafan / afaran eadweardes || swa him geæþele wæs / fro
The Battle of Brunanburh 52 || þæs hi on wælfelda / wiþ eadweardes || afaran plegodan / gewitan hi
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 13 scipe || wiggendra hleo / afera eadweardes || eadmund cyning
eft - 352 occurrences
Genesis A 94 an gesceaft / eþelstaþolas || eft gesette / swegltorhtan seld ||
Genesis B 396 nlicnesse || mid þam he wile eft gesettan / heofona rice mid hlu
Genesis B 493 æs ofætes || and wende hine eft þanon / þær he wiste handgew
Genesis B 568 yldo forþ / meaht þu adame || eft gestyran / gif þu his willan h
Genesis B 748 mæste / and mid handum his || eft on heofonrice / rihte rodorstol
Genesis B 760 lange þoledon || nu wille ic eft þam lige near / satan ic þær
Genesis B 762 hringa gesponne || hwearf him eft niþer / boda bitresta || sceol
Genesis B 821 m eagum geseah / þa spræc eue eft || idesa scienost / wifa wliteg
Genesis A 882 e wordum forbead / him þa adam eft || andswarode / me þa blæda o
Genesis A 1117 anc sie / adam hæfde || þa he eft ongan / him to eþelstæfe || o
Genesis A 1343 ic þære lafe || lagosiþa eft / reorde under roderum || ryman
Genesis A 1413 nd || willflod ongan / lytligan eft || lago ebbade / sweart under s
Genesis A 1415 oþ metod / eaforum egstream || eft gecyrred / torhtne ryne || regn
Genesis A 1446 | secan wolde / on wægþele || eft him seo wen geleah / ac se feon
Genesis A 1464 halgum rince / þa wæs culufre eft || of cofan sended / ymb wucan
Genesis A 1471 era onsceoc || gewat fleogan eft / mid lacum hire || liþend bro
Genesis A 1478 lde culufran / ane sende || seo eft ne com / to lide fleogan || ac
Genesis A 1485 an reorde / þe is eþelstol || eft gerymed / lisse on lande || lag
Genesis A 1537 iddangeard / næfre egorhere || eft gelæde / wæter ofer widland |
Genesis A 1663 to mærþe || ær seo mengeo eft / geond foldan bearm || tofaran
Genesis A 1871 ine arlice / ealles onsundne || eft gebrohten / of þære folcscear
Genesis A 1885 þa westan com / þær se eadga eft || ecan drihtnes / niwan stefne
Genesis A 2067 ecgas and gesiþþas || sigor eft ahwearf / of norþmonna || niþ
Genesis A 2090 e || abraham ferede / suþmonna eft || sinc and bryda / æþelinga
Genesis A 2131 rætwa || læt me freo lædan / eft on eþel || æþelinga bearn /
Genesis A 2146 þelinga helm || þy læs þu eft cweþe / þæt ic wurde || will
Genesis A 2211 as || swa nilus sceadeþ / and eft wendelsæ || wide rice / eall
Genesis A 2282 / somwist incre || ac þu sece eft / earna þe ara || eaþmod ongi
Genesis A 2294 d unmæte || gewit þu þinne eft / waldend secan || wuna þæm
Genesis A 2439 les bidan || siþþan sunnan eft / forþ to morgen || metod up f
Genesis A 2577 ngan / mid ærdæge || þæt he eft gestod / þær wordum ær || wi
Genesis A 2653 | gefremed gena / him þa ædre eft || ece drihten / soþfæst meto
Genesis A 2703 beheowe / se þe him þas idese eft || agan wolde / forþon ic wigs
Genesis A 2727 e þe feoh syllaþ / cwæþ þa eft raþe || oþre worde / to sarra
Genesis A 2755 a / wera and wifa || let weaxan eft / heora rimgetel || rodora wald
Genesis A 2882 t / her on þissum wicum || wit eft cumaþ / siþþan wit ærende |
Exodus 389 || swa hæleþ gefrunon / þær eft se snottra || sunu dauides / wu
Exodus 452 lmist astah / wæron egypte || eft oncyrde / flugon forhtigende ||
Exodus 508 / forþam þæs heriges || ham eft ne com / ealles ungrundes || æ
Daniel 67 s / and þa mid þam æhtum || eft siþedon / and gelæddon eac ||
Daniel 516 s / eorþan fæstne || oþþæt eft cyme / grene bleda || þonne go
Daniel 561 æþ / ymb seofon tida || sæde eft onfon / swa þin blæd liþ ||
Daniel 584 lh for eorlum || oþþæt þu eft cymst / gehyge þu frea min ||
Daniel 617 þ || in godes wite / þara þe eft lifigende || leode begete / nab
Daniel 626 earnum / ana ece gast || þa he eft onhwearf / wodan gewittes || þ
Daniel 631 nget / gewat þa earmsceapen || eft siþian / nacod nydgenga || ni
Daniel 640 þæt se ræswa com / þa wæs eft geseted || in aldordom / babilo
Christ and Satan 21 / engla ordfruman || þæt þe eft forwarþ / þuhte him on mode |
Christ and Satan 75 nmedlan || þe hie ær drugon / eft reordade || oþre siþe / feond
Christ and Satan 211 scine / þonne he oþer lif || eft geseceþ / fægere land || þon
Christ and Satan 227 higdum || anforlæten / cwædon eft hraþe || oþre worde / nu is g
Christ and Satan 373 / yfeles ordfruma || him þæt eft gehreaw / þa he to helle || hn
Christ and Satan 476 n / eorlas on eþle || oþþæt eft gelamp / þæt hie afyrde eft |
Christ and Satan 477 t eft gelamp / þæt hie afyrde eft || feond in firenum / fah is æ
Christ and Satan 510 | heow se giunga þær / and ic eft up becom || ece dreamas / to ha
Christ and Satan 539 mæg / þonne heo endestæf || eft gesceawiaþ / sume hie ne mihto
Andreas 277 u us on lade || liþe weorþe / eft him ondswarode || æþelinga
Andreas 400 / aras on earde || hwænne þu eft cyme / edre him þa eorlas || a
Andreas 466 ere sweoþerade / yþa ongin || eft oncyrde / hreoh holmþracu ||
Andreas 531 fdes / haliges gastes || hærn eft onwand / aryþa geblond || eges
Andreas 655 cnodon || haliges lare / þonne eft gewat || æþelinga helm / beor
Andreas 694 þohton / meotudes mihte || man eft gehwearf / yfel endeleas || þ
Andreas 706 || on wera gesyhþe / syþþan eft gewat || oþre siþe / getrume
Andreas 763 don ealle / þa þa yldestan || eft ongunnon / secgan synfulle || s
Andreas 1078 as deade / hie þa unhyþige || eft gecyrdon / luste belorene || la
Andreas 1246 com / sigetorht swungen || sar eft gewod / ymb þæs beornes breos
Andreas 1274 wærfæstne hæleþ / þa wæs eft swa ær || ondlangne dæg / swu
Andreas 1302 a reordaþ / þa wæs orlege || eft onhrered / niwan stefne || niþ
Andreas 1341 e || ond on fleam numen / ongan eft swa ær || ealdgeniþla / helle
Andreas 1356 þam gegnslege || utan gangan eft / þæt we bysmrigen || bendum
Andreas 1476 ge || dreore bestemed / ac wæs eft swa ær || þurh þa æþelan
Andreas 7 id mildse || minre ferest / þa eft gewat || oþre siþe / modig m
A.2.1 8 se || mīnre fērest.’ / Þā eft ġe·wāt || ōðre sīðe / m
Soul and Body I 67 esecan / synnum gesargod || ond eft sona fram þe / hweorfan on han
Soul and Body I 101 do wyt unc / sculon wit þonne eft ætsomne || siþþan brucan / s
Dream of the Rood 68 a æfentide || þa hie woldon eft siþian / meþe fram þam mæra
Dream of the Rood 101 he þær byrigde || hwæþere eft dryhten aras / mid his miclan m
Dream of the Rood 103 a on heofenas astag || hider eft fundaþ / on þysne middangeard
Elene 143 won becwom / huna herges || ham eft þanon / þa wæs gesyne || þ
Elene 148 / gewat þa heriga helm || ham eft þanon / huþe hremig || hild w
Elene 255 ena þreate / ofer eastwegas || eft gesohte / þær wæs on eorle |
Elene 350 aldre || onsion mine / swa hit eft be eow || essaias / witga for w
Elene 382 efan snyttro || heo to salore eft / ymb lytel fæc || laþode wæ
Elene 61 aþe || swa þeah him dryhten eft / miltse gefremede || þæt he
A.2.6 62 e. || Swā þēah him drihten eft / miltse ġe·fremede, || þæt
Elene 75 en / synna wunde || gif we sona eft / þara bealudæda || bote gefr
A.2.6 76 synna wunde, || ġif we sōna eft / þāra bealu-dǣda || bōte
Elene 77 remmaþ / ond þæs unrihtes || eft geswicaþ / forþan ic soþlice
A.2.6 78 remmaþ / and þæs unryhtes || eft ġe·swīcaþ. / For·þon iċ
Elene 463 is þis la manna || þe minne eft / þurh fyrngeflit || folgaþ w
A.2.6 464 is, lā, manna, || þe mīnne eft / þurh fyrn-ġe·flit || folĝ
Elene 484 om / goda geasne || þurh iudas eft / fah ond freondleas || gen ic
A.2.6 485 / gōda gǣsne, || þurh Iudas eft, / fāh and frēondlēas. || Ġ
Elene 560 casere heht / ofstum myclum || eft gearwian / sylfe to siþe || se
A.2.6 561 sere hēt / ofstum miċelum || eft ġearwian / selfe tō sīðe. |
Elene 715 n / eall æfter orde || swa hit eft gelamp / þinga gehwylces || þ
A.2.6 716 eall aefter orde, || swā hit eft ġe·lamp / þinga ġe·hwelċe
Elene 780 ga || þa hio wæs siþes fus / eft to eþle || ond þa eallum be
A.2.6 781 | þā hēo wæs sīðes fūs / eft tō ēðle || and þā eallum
Elene 835 olcnum || wedende færeþ / ond eft semninga || swige gewyrþeþ /
A.2.6 836 cnum, || wēdende færeþ / and eft samnunga || swīġe ġe·wier
Christ A 86 na bearn / sorgum sawað || swa eft ripað / cennað to cwealme ||
Christ A 122 gum / efenece mid god || ond nu eft gewearð / flæsc firena leas |
Christ A 133 / ærest on ebresc || ðæt is eft gereht / rume bi gerynum || nu
Christ A 325 e nergend god / hy æfre ma || eft onluceð / nu ðæt is gefylled
Christ A 333 e æfter him || engla ðeoden / eft unmæle || ælces ðinges / lio
Christ B 455 n ða æðelan tid || swa hie eft dydon / ða se brega mæra || t
Christ B 523 seoð || frætwum blican / wile eft swa ðeah || eorðan mægðe /
Christ B 587 n / ðurh his hydercyme || hals eft forgeaf / gefreode ond gefreoð
Christ B 614 forgeaf / ða he ða yrmpðu || eft oncyrde / æt his upstige || ð
Christ B 618 æste / cyning anboren || cwide eft onhwearf / saulum to sibbe || s
Christ B 624 ond to ðære ilcan scealt || eft geweorðan / wyrmum aweallen ||
Christ B 626 r / of ðære eorðan scealt || eft gesecan / hwæt us ðis se æð
Christ B 648 n ham / hwilum he to eorðan || eft gestylde / ðurh gæstes giefe
Christ B 791 de || dom ðy reðran / ðonne eft cymeð || engla ðeoden / ðe i
Christ B 824 rd / bið nu eorneste || ðonne eft cymeð / reðe ond ryhtwis || r
Christ C 1156 e ageaf || ða hyre on lægun / eft lifgende || up astodan / ða ð
The Fortunes of Men 60 ealne forspildan / ond on yldo eft || eadig weorðan / wunian wynd
Maxims I 76 nter sceal geweorpan || weder eft cuman / sumor swegle hat || sun
Maxims I 104 ebædan ne mæg || hwonne him eft gebyre weorðe / ham cymeð gif
Maxims I 136 af || ðæt we on lifgað / ond eft æt ðam ende || eallum weald
Maxims I 156 od syllan / eadgum æhte || ond eft niman / sele sceal stondan || s
Soul and Body II 62 esecan / synnum gesargad || ond eft sona from ðe / hweorfan on hon
Guthlac A 196 monna dream / of ðam orlege || eft ne wolde / sylfa gesecan || ond
Guthlac A 281 n wilt / oððe ðec ungearo || eft gesecað / maran mægne || ðæ
Guthlac A 355 gesohte || ðæt he sið tuge / eft to eðle || ne wæs ðæt ong
Guthlac A 365 hyre / ne lete him ealdfeond || eft oncyrran / mod from his meotude
Guthlac A 390 homan || lade hæbbe / ða wæs eft swa ær || ealdfeonda nið / wr
Guthlac A 428 / earde on eorðan || ðæt he eft gestag / beorg on bearwe || bon
Guthlac A 687 dne ege || earmum gæstum / het eft hraðe || unscyldigne / of ðam
Guthlac B 908 n on corðre || hwilum cyrdon eft / minne mansceaðan || on menni
Guthlac B 910 htma mæste || hwilum brugdon eft / awyrgde wærlogan || on wyrme
Guthlac B 920 um mennisce / aras eaðmedum || eft neosedon / ond ðær siðfrome
Guthlac B 924 um wæs / ðæt he æwiscmod || eft siðade / hean hyhta leas || ac
Guthlac B 1186 ðy ic wilnode / ðæt wit unc eft || in ðam ecan gefean / on swe
Guthlac B 1243 otudes ðegn || ond on morgne eft / sigorfæst gesohte || ond me
Riddles 2 13 on heaðore || hwilum læteð eft / radwerigne || on gerum sceaca
A.3.22.2 14 es fæðmum, / þonne strēamas eft || stille weorðaþ, / ȳða ġ
Riddles 20 13 n heaþore, || hwilum læteð eft / radwerigne || on gerum sceaca
Riddles 23 1 ddles 23 / / agof is min noma || eft onhwyrfed / ic eom wrætlic wih
Riddles 26 3 ðan / dyfde on wætre || dyde eft ðonan / sette on sunnan || ð
Riddles 26 10 swealg / streames dæle || stop eft on mec / siðade sweartlast ||
Riddles 3 38 ustreama full || hwilum læte eft / slupan tosomne || se bið swe
Riddles 3 63 h hloðgecrod || ðonne hnige eft / under lyfte helm || londe nea
Riddles 37 6 / innað ðam oðrum || ac him eft cymeð / bot in bosme || blæd
Riddles 39 6 cne / feorhberendra || gewiteð eft feran on weg / ne bið hio næf
Riddles 6 9 lce ðæs oðres || ðonne ic eft hyra / ofer deop gedreag || dro
The Wife's Lament 23 emne deað ana / owiht elles || eft is ðæt onhworfen / is nu || s
Riddles 62 6 tyhð / of hole hatne || hwilum eft fareð / on nearo nathwær || n
A.3.34.62 7 þ / of hole hātne, || hwīlum eft fareþ / on nearu nāthwǣr, ||
Riddles 65 2 e ic efne seðeah / ær ic wæs eft ic cwom || æghwa mec reafað
Riddles 89 7 || / || listum worhte / hwilum eft || / ðygan || him ðoncade / si
Riddles 93 10 sceolde / up in eðel || hwilum eft gewat / in deop dalu || duguðe
The Phoenix 222 / adleg æleð || hwæðre him eft cymeð / æfter fyrstmearce ||
The Phoenix 224 edniwe / siððan ða yslan || eft onginnað / æfter ligðræce |
The Phoenix 231 icnes / on ðære ascan bið || eft gemeted / of ðam weaxeð wyrm
The Phoenix 241 bræd weorðeð / eal edniwe || eft acenned / synnum asundrad || su
The Phoenix 251 stmum sceal / eorla eadwela || eft alædan / ðurh cornes gecynd |
The Phoenix 256 as beoð / ðurh agne gecynd || eft acende / foldan frætwe || swa
The Phoenix 264 æt fyrngesetu / agenne eard || eft geseceð / ðonne bið aweaxen
The Phoenix 272 || ban ond yslan / ades lafe || eft ætsomne / ond ðonne ðæt wæ
The Phoenix 275 ne afysed bið / agenne eard || eft to secan / ðonne fotum ymbfeh
The Phoenix 277 biclyppeð || ond his cyððu eft / sunbeorht gesetu || seceð on
The Phoenix 351 swylthwile / his ealdcyððe || eft geneosað / fægre foldan || fu
The Phoenix 354 ðam guðfrecan || geomormode / eft to earde || ðonne se æðeli
The Phoenix 366 ð / ðurh æledfyr || hwæðre eft cymeð / aweaht wrætlice || wu
The Phoenix 373 es had || gebreadad weorðeð / eft of ascan || edgeong weseð / un
The Phoenix 376 swæs fæder || ond symle eac / eft yrfeweard || ealdre lafe / forg
The Phoenix 379 wrætlice || weorðan sceolde / eft ðæt ilce || ðæt he ær ð
The Phoenix 423 frefrend / ond se anga hyht || eft ontynde / is ðon gelicast ||
The Phoenix 433 eod micel / ðæt he feorhgeong eft || onfon mote / ðurh liges bl
The Phoenix 533 ond ðonne æfter lige || lif eft onfehð / edniwinga || swa bið
The Phoenix 645 ge / æfter lices hryre || lif eft onfeng / ðurh fæder fultum ||
The Phoenix 648 s meaht / ðonne he of ascan || eft onwæcneð / in lifes lif || le
Juliana 231 da dæges / ond he ædre het || eft asettan / laðgeniðla || ond g
Juliana 633 nu is wen micel / ðæt heo mec eft wille || earmne gehynan / yflum
The Wanderer 45 tolas breac / ðonne onwæcneð eft || wineleas guma / gesihð him
The Wanderer 53 ð / secga geseldan || swimmað eft on weg / fleotendra ferð || no
The Gifts of Men 17 næfre god demeð / ðæt ænig eft || ðæs earm geweorðe / næni
The Gifts of Men 18 | ðæs earm geweorðe / nænig eft ðæs swiðe || ðurh snyttru
Precepts 15 ast || to gode trymmen / fæder eft his sunu || frod gegrette / oð
Precepts 27 æge / feorðan siðe || fæder eft lærde / modleofne magan || ð
Precepts 32 ðinum / fiftan siðe || fæder eft ongon / breostgeðoncum || his
Precepts 43 hyrde / siextan siðe || swæs eft ongon / ðurh bliðne geðoht |
Precepts 77 siðe || tornsorgna ful / eald eft ongon || eaforan læran / snytt
The Seafarer 61 ide / eorðan sceatas || cymeð eft to me / gifre ond grædig || gi
Beowulf 22 bearme / ðæt hine on ylde || eft gewunigen / wilgesiðas || ðon
Beowulf 56 ldor of earde || oððæt him eft onwoc / heah healfdene || heold
Beowulf 123 enam / ðritig ðegna || ðanon eft gewat / huðe hremig || to ham
Beowulf 135 ngra fyrst / ac ymb ane niht || eft gefremede / morðbeala mare ||
Beowulf 281 scolde / bealuwa bisigu || bot eft cuman / ond ða cearwylmas || c
Beowulf 296 ande / arum healdan || oððæt eft byreð / ofer lagustreamas || l
Beowulf 603 ra nu / guðe gebeodan || gæð eft se ðe mot / to medo modig || s
Beowulf 642 to hire frean sittan / ða wæs eft swa ær || inne on healle / ðr
Beowulf 692 hte || ðæt he ðanon scolde / eft eardlufan || æfre gesecean / f
Beowulf 853 | ðær him hel onfeng / ðanon eft gewiton || ealdgesiðas / swylc
Beowulf 871 r fand / soðe gebunden || secg eft ongan / sið beowulfes || snytt
Beowulf 1146 e / swylce ferhðfrecan || fin eft begeat / sweordbealo sliðen ||
Beowulf 1160 ungen / gleomannes gyd || gamen eft astah / beorhtode bencsweg || b
Beowulf 1377 otað || nu is se ræd gelang / eft æt ðe anum || eard git ne c
Beowulf 1529 madme || ðæt his dom alæg / eft wæs anræd || nalas elnes l
Beowulf 1541 t heo on flet gebeah / heo him eft hraðe || andlean forgeald / gr
Beowulf 1556 esced / yðelice || syððan he eft astod / geseah ða on searwum |
Beowulf 1596 æt hig ðæs æðelinges || eft ne wendon / ðæt he sigehreði
Beowulf 1753 ynda dæl / hit on endestæf || eft gelimpeð / ðæt se lichoma ||
Beowulf 1762 es mægnes blæd / ane hwile || eft sona bið / ðæt ðec adl oð
Beowulf 1787 swa se snottra heht / ða wæs eft swa ær || ellenrofum / fletsit
Beowulf 1804 onetton / wæron æðelingas || eft to leodum / fuse to farenne ||
Beowulf 1869 e / secean on gesyntum || snude eft cuman / gecyste ða || cyning
Beowulf 2111 hte || rumheort cyning / hwilum eft ongan || eldo gebunden / gomel
Beowulf 2117 om / oðer to yldum || ða wæs eft hraðe / gearo gyrnwræce || gr
Beowulf 2142 e ða gyt / ac me eorla hleo || eft gesealde / maðma menigeo || ma
Beowulf 2200 rice || ðam ðær selra wæs / eft ðæt geiode || ufaran dogrum
Beowulf 2319 eode / hatode ond hynde || hord eft gesceat / dryhtsele dyrnne ||
Beowulf 2365 an ongean / linde bæron || lyt eft becwom / fram ðam hildfrecan |
Beowulf 2368 unu ecgðeowes / earm anhaga || eft to leodum / ðær him hygd gebe
Beowulf 2387 gum || sunu hygelaces / ond him eft gewat || ongenðioes bearn / ha
Beowulf 2592 on / ðæt ða aglæcean hy || eft gemetton / hyrte hyne hordweard
Beowulf 2654 ysne || ðæt we rondas beren / eft to earde || nemne we æror m
Beowulf 2790 d / ealdres æt ende || he hine eft ongon / wæteres weorpan || oð
Beowulf 2941 um / fuglum to gamene || frofor eft gelamp / sarigmodum || somod æ
Beowulf 2956 andan / bearn ond bryde || beah eft ðonan / eald under eorðweall
Beowulf 3044 heold / nihtes hwilum || nyðer eft gewat / dennes niosian || wæs
Judith 146 wat / ides ellenrof || wæs ða eft cumen / leof to leodum || ond
Judith 169 on || ðæt wæs iudith cumen / eft to eðle || ond ða ofostlice
The Paris Psalter 101:6 4 me hraþe æfter / full swyþe eft || swerigean ongunnon / / # / for
The Paris Psalter 101:8 2 u me ahofe || and gehnæctest eft / / # / dagas mine gedruran || sw
The Paris Psalter 101:14 1 ongitaþ || wise cyningas / / # / eft timbrade || ece drihten / and g
The Paris Psalter 103:21 2 || æþele sunne / hi of siþum eft || gesamniaþ / and hi on holum
The Paris Psalter 104:19 3 and se goda || iacob syþþan / eft eardude || eorþan chanaan / / #
The Paris Psalter 105:11 3 m || lustum cwemdan / and þæs eft hraþe || ealle forgeaton / weo
The Paris Psalter 106:25 3 lne grund / oft þa on yfele || eft aþindaþ / / # / gedrefede þa |
The Paris Psalter 106:28 3 rþeþ smylte / and þa yþe || eft swygiaþ / bliþe weorþaþ ||
The Paris Psalter 106:41 3 eaþ / þæt unrihta gehwylc || eft oncyrreþ / and his sylfes muþ
The Paris Psalter 107:9 3 orþ þanon / on idumea wese || eft gelæded / / # / hwæt þu eart s
The Paris Psalter 108:17 2 eorne / and hine seo ylce on || eft gesette / nolde he bletsunge ||
The Paris Psalter 118:82 4 icenne me / on þysum ealdre || eft frefrade / / # / ic eom nu geword
The Paris Psalter 118:83 1 enne mē / on þissum ealdre || eft frēfrode?’ / / # / Iċ eom nū
The Paris Psalter 124:5 2 rwe beoþ || to gramum bendum / eft hi gelædeþ || ece drihten / m
The Paris Psalter 125:5 2 tornlicum || tearum sawaþ / hi eft fægerum || gefean sniþaþ / g
The Paris Psalter 128:2 3 timbrian / and heora unriht || eft gelengdon / / # / drihten is soþ
The Paris Psalter 135:16 1 wealdendlice || þuruh westen eft / his þæt leofe folc || lædd
The Paris Psalter 136:8 1 iġ biþ hwæðere || sē þe eft ġieldeþ / þā þū him on ea
The Paris Psalter 136:9 3 adig byþ hwæþere || se þe eft gyldeþ / / # / þa þu him on ea
The Paris Psalter 138:8 2 deþ lustum || and me lungre eft / þin seo swiþre || þær geh
The Paris Psalter 140:8 5 gedefe word / earan gehyran || eft ne mihton / / # / swa unefne is |
The Paris Psalter 141:9 2 aþ / oþþæt þu me edlean || eft forgylde
The Paris Psalter 145:7 6 lde drihten / on heora eagum || eft onleohteþ / soþfæste drihten
The Paris Psalter 146:2 1 tegum || wordum herigeaþ / / # / eft hierusalem || georne drihten /
The Paris Psalter 54:7 3 þæs beornes || þe me bete eft / modes mindom || and mægenes
The Paris Psalter 54:20 2 el gesmyredon / ele anlicast || eft gewurdon / on gescotfeohta || s
The Paris Psalter 56:8 3 cade / and hi on þone ylcan || eft gefeollan / / # / gearo is min he
The Paris Psalter 56:9 1 , / and hīe on þone īlcan || eft ġe·fēollon. / / # / Ġearu is
The Paris Psalter 57:2 1 nna bearn || domum rihtum / / # / eft ge on heortan || hogedon inwi
The Paris Psalter 57:2 2 wraþe || forþan þæs wite eft / on eowre handa || hefige geeo
The Paris Psalter 57:6 3 an bendeþ || oþþæt bitere eft / adl on seteþ || swa his geea
The Paris Psalter 58:4 1 c on unriht bearn || ic þæs eft geswac / on minne geanryne || a
The Paris Psalter 58:6 1 ne wyrceaþ / / # / hi æt æfene eft || in gecyrraþ / þonne hy hea
The Paris Psalter 58:14 1 gemæru / / # / hi on æfenne || eft gecyrraþ / and heardne eac ||
The Paris Psalter 59:1 3 erþeoda / yrre us wurde || and eft milde / / # / eorþan þu onhrerd
The Paris Psalter 63:5 2 t unriht / and on þam ilcan || eft forweorþaþ / þær hi mamria
The Paris Psalter 68:7 4 aniġe byriġ || mid Iūdēum / eft ġe·timbrode, || ðǣr hīe
The Paris Psalter 68:10 2 / eall hi me þæt on edwit || eft oncyrdan / / # / gif ic mine gew
The Paris Psalter 68:12 1 hīe mē þæt on ed·wīt || eft on·ċierdon. / / # / Ġif iċ m
The Paris Psalter 68:35 3 mænige byrig || mid iudeum / eft getimbrade || þær hi eard n
The Paris Psalter 68:35 1 maþ / / # / þær hi yrfestol || eft gesittaþ / and hiora eþel beg
The Paris Psalter 68:36 3 / # / Þǣr hīe ierfe-stōl || eft ġe·sittaþ / and hira ēðel
The Paris Psalter 70:19 4 edest / þonne þu yrre þin || eft oncyrdest / and me of neowelnes
The Paris Psalter 70:19 5 cyrdest / and me of neowelnesse eft || neoþan alysdest / þysse eo
The Paris Psalter 72:24 1 e / / # / and ic eall þin lof || eft asecge / sione dohtrum || on hi
The Paris Psalter 73:21 4 n || þa þe feogeaþ þe / and eft to þe || ealle stigaþ
The Paris Psalter 76:5 1 ala / / # / þa ic ealde dagas || eft geþohte / hæfde me ece gear |
The Paris Psalter 76:9 5 ċan || on weorold-līfe. / / # / Eft þū þīne meahte || maniġe
The Paris Psalter 76:12 1 ewyrcean || on woruldlife / / # / eft þu þine mihte || mænige cy
The Paris Psalter 77:19 2 ur ehtan / and hine on yrre || eft gebrohtan / heora heafodweard |
The Paris Psalter 77:23 2 rihten / he ylde þa gyt || and eft gespræc / wæs gegleded fyr ||
The Paris Psalter 77:39 2 t gangende || næs se geancyr eft / / # / hi hine on westenne || wo
The Paris Psalter 77:40 2 dum and dædum / on yrre mod || eft gebrohtan / aweahtan hine on eo
The Paris Psalter 79:8 3 eode / and þone ylcan þær || eft asettest / / # / þu him weg befo
The Paris Psalter 89:6 2 molsnad wyrt / oþre morgene || eft gebloweþ / and geefneþ swa ||
The Paris Psalter 93:13 2 ed byþ / þæt he on unriht || eft ne cyrre / oþþe hwylc nymeþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 61 s oncerran || þæt se casere eft / anwald ofer hi || agan moste /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 26 des est / æfre gestillan || ne eft eallunga / swiþor stirian ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 37 le sculon / þone ilcan ryne || eft gecyrran / þe æt frymþe || f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 39 der getiode / and swa edniwe || eft gewiorþan / swa hit nu fagaþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 58 eaf grenian / þæt on hærfest eft || hrest and wealuwaþ / winter
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 59 weg / nihtes geneþeþ || norþ eft and east / eldum oteweþ || bre
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 62 stihþ / a upweardes || oþ hio eft cymeþ / þær hire yfemesþ bi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 66 and higaþ / ealle mægene || eft symle onlyt / wiþ his gecyndes
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 76 n hio swa hwearfaþ / þæt hio eft cume || þær hio æror wæs /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 79 þ || utan becerred / hio sceal eft don || þæt hio ær dyde / and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 13 ghwæþer / ge ær faraþ || ge eft cumaþ / þu þe unstilla || ag
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 58 ldres god / þone anne naman || eft todældes / fæder on feower ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 62 lyft / þæt is eall weoruld || eft togædere / habbaþ þeah þa f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 128 d / þeah hit wiþ ealla sie || eft gemenged / weoruldgesceafta ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 155 e || þæt hit fiolan ne mæg / eft æt his eþle || þær þæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 215 elfe || secende smeaþ / hwilum eft smeaþ || ymb þone ecan god /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 240 of þe / æror comon || sculon eft to þe / sceal se lichama || la
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 242 se lichama || last weardigan / eft on eorþan || forþæm he ær
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 7 des / unnyttre lufe || sece him eft hræþe / fulne friodom || þæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 57 nesse || hine hræþe sceolde / eft gewendan || in to sinum / modes
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 47 forgiten hæbbe / gif þu æfre eft || þær an cymest / þonne wil
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 55 ondan / gif þe þonne æfre || eft geweorþeþ / þæt þu wilt o
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 57 þe most || weorolde þiostro / eft fandian || þu meaht eaþe ge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 21 aþ on heofonum || sume hwile eft / læsse geliþaþ || þa þe l
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 30 same / on þone ilcan stede || eft ymb þritig / geargerimes || þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 56 earle þunraþ || þragmælum eft / anforlæteþ || and eac swa s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 60 wundraþ þæs / oþþe oþres eft || hwi þæt is mæge / weorþa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 27 stan up || ær for sunnan / and eft æfter sunnan || on setl glid
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 49 wiþ hæto || hwilum cerreþ eft / on uprodor || ælbeorhta leg /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 71 || heofona waldend / and eowaþ eft || eorþbuendum / nimþ þonne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 83 do / hionane he sendeþ || hæt eft cuman / gif he swa gestæþþig
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 32 þe for him / mid ofermettum || eft gescended / and to up ahafen ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 34 sorgum / woruldgesælþum || ne eft to waclice / geortreowe || æni
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 1 thius: Metre 6 / / þa se wisdom eft || wordhord onleac / sang soþc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 27 m || woruldearfoþa / oþþe hi eft se reþa || ren onhrereþ / sum
Metrical Psalm 93:13 2 þ bið / þet he on unriht% || eft ne oncyrre / oððe wilc nimeð
The Battle of Brunanburh 56 deop wæter || difelin secan / eft iraland || æwiscmode / swilce
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 11 ange þrage || oþ hie alysde eft / for his weorþscipe || wiggen
The Death of Edgar 35 e / hungor ofer hrusan || þæt eft heofona weard / gebette brego e
The Death of Edgar 36 d / gebette brego engla || geaf eft blisse gehwæm / egbuendra ||
The Rune Poem 68 wen secgun || oþ he siþþan eft / ofer wæg gewat || wæn æfte
A.6.13 109 af bēoþ grēne; / þonne hīe eft fealwiaþ, || feallaþ on eor
Solomon and Saturn 127 | leaf beoþ grene / þonne hie eft fealewiaþ || feallaþ on eor
A.6.13 164 n ġe·sċeafte || and þonne eft mid sorĝum ġe·wīteþ. / Fri
Solomon and Saturn 197 sidan gesceafte || and þonne eft mid sorgum gewiteþ / fricge ic
A.6.13 212 ċeaft || on fæder ġeardas, / eft tō his ēðle, || þanon hit
Solomon and Saturn 250 umsceaft || on fæder geardas / eft to his eþle || þanon hit æ
Maxims II 63 wat / nergende fæder || næni eft cymeþ / hider under hrofas ||
The Lord's Prayer II 7 nu || / buton ðu engla god || eft hig alyse / sawle of synnum ||
The Lord's Prayer II 84 synna || ðæt us ne scamige eft / drihten ure || ðonne ðu on
The Lord's Prayer II 89 ðam flæsce / ealle ansunde || eft geworden / ðar we swutollice |
Psalm 50 106 n lærde / ðæt hio arlease || eft gecerdan / to hiora selfra || s
The Seasons for Fasting 120 uðe hwæt || dryhten sylleð / eft helias || eorl se mæra / him o
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 26 ne hider / cylle brohte || cume eft hræðe / gif her ðegna hwelc
A.6.43.3 4 onstantinus, Serafion. þonne eft þæt ġealdor, þæt || / hē
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 8 ras sændan / ic him oðerne || eft wille sændan / fleogende flane
A.6.43.4 10 s sendon; / iċ him ōðerne || eft wille sendan, / flēoĝende fl
Instructions for Christians 26 g || winnað for Criste, / and eft swa ðeah || in ecnesse / gewu
Instructions for Christians 77 / þe læs hit þe on ende || eft gereowe / æfter dæg-rime, ||
Instructions for Christians 96 e. / Se ðe ear gifeð% || and eft oftihð / bearna gehwylce, ||
Instructions for Christians 108 | þæt bið siððan gereht / eft on ænglisc, || þæt he eall
Instructions for Christians 169 ofer þæt / þam æfre to || eft ne gecyrre / þeah he ne fæst
Instructions for Christians 236 de || þæt wurde laford god / eft on ylde, || se ðe ær ne was
Waldere, Fragment II 22 wiþ me / þonne // unmægas || eft ongynnaþ / mecum gemetaþ || s
Waldere B 23 me, / þonne […] unmægas || eft ongynnað, / mecum gemetað, ||
The Battle of Maldon 47 deah / brimmanna boda || abeod eft ongean / sege þinum leodum ||
A.6.9 49 rīm-manna boda, || ā·bēod eft onġēan, / sæġe þīnum lēo
The Battle of Maldon 154 ga / forlet forheardne || faran eft ongean / ord in gewod || þæt
A.6.9 156 forlēt for·heardne || faran eft on·ġēan; / ord inn ġe·wōd
The Battle of Maldon 199 iglice || manega spræcon / þe eft æt þearfe || þolian noldon
A.6.9 201 ċe% || maneĝa sprǣcon / þe eft æt þearfe% || þolian nolde
engla - 183 occurrences
Genesis A 13 dream / and heora ordfruman || engla þreatas / beorhte blisse || w
Genesis A 22 nymþe riht and soþ / ærþon engla weard || for oferhygde / dwæl
Genesis A 66 scyppend ure / oferhidig cyn || engla of heofnum / wærleas werod ||
Genesis A 121 boren / miclum spedum || metod engla heht / lifes brytta || leoht fo
Genesis A 157 æste / folde mid flode || frea engla heht / þurh his word wesan ||
Genesis A 181 blod of benne || ac him brego engla / of lice ateah || liodende ban
Genesis B 338 ermoda cyning || þe ær wæs engla scynost / hwitost on heofne ||
Genesis B 402 ge niotan / þæs eades mid his engla cræfte || ne magon we þæt
Genesis B 539 þu gelic ne bist / ænegum his engla || þe ic ær geseah / ne þu m
Genesis B 583 ac ic cann ealle swa geare || engla gebyrdo / heah heofona gehlidu
Genesis A 976 ne lac / begen brohton || brego engla beseah / on abeles gield || eag
Genesis A 1008 roþer mines || him þa brego engla / godspedig gast || gean þinga
Genesis A 1210 c he cwic gewat || mid cyning engla / of þyssum lænan || life fer
Genesis A 1503 le || tiber onsægde / cyninge engla || huru cuþ dyde / nergend uss
Genesis A 1530 afaþ magwlite || metodes and engla / þara þe healdan wile || hal
Genesis A 1711 aron || þam eorlum wæs / frea engla bam || freond and aldor / þa w
Genesis A 1784 e cananeis || þa hine cyning engla / abrahame || iewde selfa / domf
Genesis A 1888 orl || tiber onsægde / þeodne engla || þancode swiþe / lifes leoh
Genesis A 1946 / cananea forþ || hine cyning engla / metod moncynnes || mundbyrde
Genesis A 2585 n burgum || forþon him brego engla / wylmhatne lig || to wræce se
Genesis A 2643 p oncwæþ / hwæt þu æfre || engla þeoden / þurh þin yrre wilt
Genesis A 2752 na biddan / ecne drihten || him engla helm / getigþode || tuddorsped
Genesis A 2765 bearn of bryde || þone brego engla / ær þy magotudre || modor w
Genesis A 2795 n / cearum on clommum || cyning engla spræc / to abrahame || ece dri
Genesis A 2837 ceaft mid fremdum || him frea engla / wic getæhte || þæt weras h
Genesis A 2861 san to fore || him wæs frean engla / word ondrysne || and his wald
Genesis A 2909 ore || þa metodes þegn / ufan engla sum || abraham hlude / stefne c
Exodus 380 þæt is se abraham || se him engla god / naman niwan asceop || eac
Exodus 432 geomre lyft / he aþ swereþ || engla þeoden / wyrda waldend || and
Exodus 559 e lange gehet / mid aþsware || engla drihten / in fyrndagum || fæde
Christ and Satan 21 rest || and þæt æþele cyn / engla ordfruman || þæt þe eft fo
Christ and Satan 36 e / eisegan stefne || hwær com engla þrym / þe we on heofnum || ha
A.1.4 94 e%, || ne weorolde drēam, / ne engla% þrēat%, || ne we% up-heofon
Christ and Satan 166 ohta || eala dream godes / eala engla þreat || eala upheofen / eala
Christ and Satan 198 a drihten / uppe ecne gefean || engla waldend / he þæt gecydde ||
Christ and Satan 220 æt hehsetl || hwite standaþ / engla feþan || and eadigra / halige
Christ and Satan 237 eman stefne || byrhtword aras / engla ordfruma || and to þæm æþ
Christ and Satan 301 e || us ongean cumaþ / þusend engla || gif þider moton / and þæt
Christ and Satan 386 þegen mid þreate || þeoden engla / him beforan fereþ || fægere
Christ and Satan 395 s se seolfa || sunu waldendes / engla drihten || wile uppe heonan / s
Christ and Satan 401 lædan / up to eþle || þa com engla sweg / dyne on dægred || hæfd
Christ and Satan 422 ede || þe þu hider læddest / engla þreatas || þæt ic up heono
Christ and Satan 489 þa monna gemet || ne mægen engla / ne witegena weorc || ne wera
Christ and Satan 518 e wiþhabban / ah he ut eode || engla drihten / on þæm fæstenne ||
Christ and Satan 533 æt hi sceawodon || scyppend engla / þa sona spræc || simon petr
Christ and Satan 562 nrice / astah up on heofonum || engla scyppend / weoroda waldend ||
Christ and Satan 567 eofna ealdor / him ymbflugon || engla þreatas / þusendmælum || þa
Christ and Satan 651 a weallas || wlitige scinaþ / engla gastas || and eadige sawla / þ
Christ and Satan 657 leþa helm || and heofendema / engla ordfruma || and eorþan tudor
Christ and Satan 664 for us / geþrowode || þeoden engla / swylce he fæste || feowertig
Christ and Satan 9 es || gif þu seo riht cyning / engla and monna || swa þu ær mynt
A.1.4 10 || ġif þū sēo riht cyning / engla and manna, || swā þū ǣr m
Andreas 74 anne || þæt þu drihten min / engla eadgifa || eþelleasum / dugeþ
Andreas 83 fyrhþlufan || ond þe fæder engla / beorht blædgifa || biddan wi
Andreas 119 þa se halga || helm ælwihta / engla scyppend || to þam uplican / e
Andreas 146 ne || þæs him beorht cyning / engla ordfruma || unnan wolde / þa w
Andreas 278 æþelinga helm / of yþlide || engla scippend / ne magon þær gewun
Andreas 290 se gecyþan / him ondswarode || engla þeoden / neregend fira || of n
Andreas 434 æt us gescyldeþ || scyppend engla / weoruda dryhten || wætereges
Andreas 451 on ceole || cyning sona aras / engla eadgifa || yþum stilde / wæte
Andreas 525 welan || swa gebledsod wearþ / engla eþel || þurh his anes miht /
Andreas 642 siþfrome || swegles dreamas / engla eþel || þurh þa æþelan m
Andreas 713 undor agræfene / anlicnesse || engla sinra / geseh sigora frea || on
Andreas 828 re ceastre || þe him cining engla / || # þa þa aras siþigean /
Andreas 900 gestah / þeh ic on yþfare || engla þeoden / gasta geocend || ongi
Andreas 1007 dryhtne lof || domweorþinga / engla þeodne || he þær ana sæt /
Andreas 1064 hluttre lufan / ece upgemynd || engla blisse / þanon basnode || unde
Andreas 1412 ond cwæde þus / ic þe fæder engla || frignan wille / lifes leohtf
Andreas 1517 gecnawan || þæt þe cyning engla / gefrætwode || furþur mycle /
The Fates of the Apostles 28 de || syþþan wuldres cyning / engla ordfruma || eorþan sohte / þu
The Fates of the Apostles 119 r is hihta mæst / þær cyning engla || clænum gildeþ / lean unhwi
Soul and Body I 150 st / on gemotstede || manna ond engla / bygdest þu þe for hæleþum
Elene 79 nstantinus || heht þe cyning engla / wyrda wealdend || wære beoda
Elene 37 n helm wera || hlaford eallra / engla ond elda || æþelust bearna /
A.2.6 38 helm wera, || hālford ealra / engla and ielda, || æðelost bearn
Elene 48 eoht || lifgende aras / þeoden engla || ond his þegnum hine / soþ
A.2.6 49 | libbende ā·rās, / þēoden engla || and his þeġnum hine%, / s
Elene 333 if þin willa sie || wealdend engla / þæt ricsie || se þe on rod
A.2.6 334 þīn willa sīe, || wealdend engla, / þæt rīcsie || sē þe on r
Elene 337 arþ || in cildes had / þeoden engla || gif he þin nære / sunu syn
A.2.6 338 || on ċildes hād, / þēoden engla, || (ġif hē þīn nǣre / sunu
Elene 344 bearn ne wære / gedo nu fæder engla || forþ beacen þin / swa þu
A.2.6 345 wǣre), / ġe·dō nū, fæder engla, || forþ bēacen þīn. / Swā
Elene 418 cre þyssa þreora || þeoden engla / geþrowode || þrymmes hyrde /
A.2.6 419 e þissa þrīera || þēoden engla / ġe·þrōwode, || þrymmes h
Elene 661 / eallum eaþmedum || bæd him engla weard / geopenigean || uncuþe
A.2.6 662 lum ēaþ-mēdum, || bæd him engla weard / ġe·openian || uncūð
Elene 791 fones ontyned / ece geopenad || engla rice / dream unhwilen || ond hi
A.2.6 792 tȳned, / ēċe ġe·openod || engla rīċe, / drēam unhwīlen || a
Elene 842 dryhten sylf || dom geseceþ / engla weorude || sceall æghwylc þ
A.2.6 843 en self || dōm ġe·sēċeþ / engla weorode. || Sċeal ǣġhwelċ
Elene 868 twam dælum / ungelice || moton engla frean / geseon sigora god || hi
A.2.6 869 dǣlum / unġelīċe. || Mōton engla frēan / ġe·sēon, siĝora go
Elene 877 can / eces eadwelan || him biþ engla weard / milde ond bliþe || þ
A.2.6 878 ċes ēad-welan. || Him biþ engla weard / milde and blīðe, ||
Christ A 52 tola cyst || cristes burglond / engla eðelstol || ond ða ane in
Christ A 102 ulde forð / in ðam uplican || engla dreame / mid soðfæder || syml
Christ A 104 symle wunian / eala earendel || engla beorhtast / ofer middangeard ||
Christ A 332 lmihtig / swa ðe æfter him || engla ðeoden / eft unmæle || ælces
Christ B 474 ðæt word acwæð || waldend engla / gefysed frea mihtig || to fæ
Christ B 515 an / æðelinga ord || mid ðas engla gedryht / ealra folca fruma ||
Christ B 630 dre || siððan meotodes sunu / engla eðel || up gestigan / wolde we
Christ B 646 ugel || flyges cunnode / hwilum engla eard || up gesohte / modig meah
Christ B 651 tga song / he wæs upp hafen || engla fæðmum / in his ða miclan ||
Christ B 690 ibbe ræreð / ece to ealdre || engla ond monna / swa he his weorc we
Christ B 715 geweorðeð || ðætte cyning engla / meotud meahtum swið || munt
Christ B 738 n his ealdcyððe || ða wæs engla ðreat / on ða halgan tid || h
Christ B 791 reðran / ðonne eft cymeð || engla ðeoden / ðe ic ne heold teala
Christ C 895 mengde beoð / onhælo gelac || engla ond deofla / beorhtra ond blacr
Christ C 941 tne / wile ælmihtig || mid his engla gedryht / mægencyninga meotod
Christ C 1013 eðan || hlutre blicað / eadig engla gedryht || ingeðoncum / forhte
Christ C 1063 || ond seo hea duguð / ond se engla ðrym || ond se egsan ðrea / o
Christ C 1342 nd gesenade / on eðel faran || engla dreames / ond ðæs to widan fe
Christ C 1520 u awyrgde || willum biscyrede / engla dreames || on ece fir / ðæt w
Christ C 1645 htne gelyfde / awo to ealdre || engla gemanan / brucað mid blisse ||
Christ C 1649 ð || haligra weorud / ðær is engla song || eadigra blis / ðær is
Vainglory 74 gra hyht || heonan astigan / on engla eard || ne bið ðam oðrum s
The Order of the World 92 herga mæst / eadigra unrim || engla ðreatas / hy geseoð symle ||
The Panther 63 ðreo niht ðolade || ðeoden engla / sigora sellend || ðæt wæs
Guthlac A 11 fore yrmðum || ac ðær bið engla dream / sib ond gesælignes ||
Guthlac A 325 d weorðlice || wuldres cempa / engla mægne || gewat eal ðonan / fe
Guthlac A 670 h deopne dom || dream afyrred / engla gemana || swa nu awa sceal / we
Guthlac A 782 s guðlaces || gæst gelæded / engla fæðmum || in uprodor / fore o
Guthlac B 945 s on forðweg || nolde fæder engla / in ðisse wonsælgan || worul
Guthlac B 1132 ægencræft || ðe him meotud engla / gæsta geocend || forgiefen h
Guthlac B 1314 eorhtra / æðeltungla wlite || engla ðreatas / sigeleoð sungon ||
Guthlac B 1319 eglwundrum / eadges yrfestol || engla hleoðres / eal innanweard ||
The Descent into Hell 17 / ac ðær cwom on uhtan || an engla ðreat / behæfde heapa wyn ||
Riddles 66 8 dres eðel || wide ræce / ofer engla eard || eorðan gefylle / ealne
The Phoenix 492 ed / fyra cynnes || wile fæder engla / sigora soðcyning || seonoð
The Phoenix 497 mihtiga cyning / beodeð brego engla || byman stefne / ofer sidne gr
The Phoenix 568 n breostum || ðe ic in brego engla / forðweardne gefean || fæste
The Phoenix 610 ægrum frætwum || mid fæder engla / ne bið him on ðam wicum ||
Juliana 274 ðele gesceap / ðe ðu fæder engla || æt fruman settest / ðæt
Juliana 644 ðæt hine werðeode / ond eal engla cynn || up on roderum / hergen
Juliana 666 bearn godes || ðæt me brego engla / meotud moncynnes || milde gew
The Paris Psalter 137:1 5 mid mode cweþe / and on þinra engla || ealra gesihþe / ic þe sing
The Paris Psalter 148:2 1 sum / / # / heriaþ hine ealle || engla þreatas / lofige hine swylce |
The Paris Psalter 77:25 5 s hlaf || hider on foldan / and engla hlaf || æton mancynn / and hw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 12 s gecyndes || þe him cyning engla / fæder æt frymþe || fæste
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 110 r cele anum || gif þu cyning engla / wiþ fyre hwæthwugu || folda
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 153 hwæþre þær / hafaþ fæder engla || fyr gebunden / efne to þon
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 263 an moten / afæstnian || fæder engla todrif / þone þiccan mist ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 275 and ende || hwæt þu fæder engla / eall þing birest || eþelice
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 1 roughs / / her eadmund cyning || engla þeoden / mæcgea mundbora || m
The Coronation of Edgar 1 of Edgar / / her eadgar wæs || engla waldend / corþre miclum || to
The Death of Edgar 2 ode || eorþan dreamas / eadgar engla cyning || ceas him oþer leoh
The Death of Edgar 36 t heofona weard / gebette brego engla || geaf eft blisse gehwæm / eg
The Death of Edward 1 Edward / / her eadward cingc || engla hlaford / sende soþfæste || s
The Death of Edward 20 nd dena weoldon || deore rice / engla landes || eahta ond twentig / w
A.6.11 12 cininges hēafod, / Ōswaldes, Engla lēo || and Aidan bisċop, / Ē
A.6.13 104 %. / Þonne //S// S cymeþ, || engla ġe·rǣswa, / wuldres stæf, |
Solomon and Saturn 109 naþ / þonne sigel s cymeþ || engla geræswa / wuldores stæf || wr
A.6.13 256 ā þæt ēadiġ on·fand || engla drihten, / þæt hēo lenġ mid
Solomon and Saturn 298 aca / þa þæt eadig onfand || engla dryhten / þæt heo leng mid hi
The Menologium 85 a / on þam þrowode || þeoden engla / for manna lufan || meotud on
The Menologium 226 feower niht || þætte fæder engla / his sunu sende || on þas sid
The Judgment Day II 50 san / wanhydige mod || wealdend engla / ne ðone wlacan smocan || wac
The Judgment Day II 115 tyred || styllað embutan / eal engla werod || ecne behlænað / ðon
The Judgment Day II 128 umað || of swegles hleo / eall engla werod || ecne ymtrymmað / ðæ
The Judgment Day II 282 gifu / gemang ðam ænlican || engla werode / and ðæra haligra ||
The Lord's Prayer II 7 ar cymð heo nu || / buton ðu engla god || eft hig alyse / sawle of
The Lord's Prayer II 21 æs ðe secgað bec / ðæt ðu engla god || ealle gesettest / ælcer
The Lord's Prayer II 34 t || mannum to frofre / swa ðu engla god || eallum blissast / gewur
The Lord's Prayer II 50 anciað || ðusenda fela / eal engla ðrym || anre stæfne / swa ðe
The Lord's Prayer II 122 wilt || soðfæst dema / we ðe engla god || ealle heriað / swa ðu
The Lord's Prayer III 33 || we in ferhðlocan / ðeoden engla || ðanc and wuldor / soð sige
The Creed 6 gelyfe || ðu eart lifes frea / engla ordfruma || eorðan wealdend /
The Creed 11 er asendne / of ðam uplican || engla rice / ðone gabriel || godes
The Creed 21 de swa mærne / eorðbuendum || engla scyppend / se to frofre gewear
A.6.25 17 nd / ofer ealle ġe·sċæft || engla% and manna. / Þū, drihten God,
A Prayer 35 eart || ece drihten / ne ðeah engla werod || up on heofenum / snotr
A Prayer 39 c is wunder mycel || wealdend engla / gif ðu hit sylfa wast || sig
A Prayer 43 worulda scippend || wealdend engla / ealra dugeða duguð || driht
A Prayer 54 ihta / ne ðæt ænig ne wat || engla hades / ða heahnisse || heofen
The Seasons for Fasting 98 || we ðam forð nu gyt / geond engla land || estum filiað / swa he
The Seasons for Fasting 123 || somod mid wætere / dryhtnes engla sum || dihte togeanes / and se
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 19 lus / and eac ðusend || ðinra engla / clipige ic me to are || wið
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 25 gerofra sceolu || soðfæstra engla / biddu ealle || bliðu mode / ð
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 32 efare || frind ic gemete / eall engla blæd || eadiges lare / bidde i
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 40 laðan || se me lyfes eht / on engla blæd || gestaðelod / and inna
The Battle of Maldon 176 te / on þin geweald || þeoden engla / mid friþe ferian || ic eom f
A.6.9 178 þīn ġe·weald, || þēoden engla, / mid friðe ferian. || Iċ eom
fife - 7 occurrences
Genesis A 1742 ndteontig || geteled rime / and fife eac || þa he forþ gewat / mis
Genesis A 1974 a togeanes || mid guþþræce / fife foran || folccyningas / sweotum
Dream of the Rood 8 oldan sceatum || swylce þær fife wæron / uppe on þam eaxlegesp
Riddles 46 6 / eam ond nefa || ealra wæron fife / eorla ond idesa || insittendr
Beowulf 420 / fah from feondum || ðær ic fife geband / yðde eotena cyn || on
The Battle of Brunanburh 28 gesohtun / fæge to gefeohte || fife lægun / on þam campstede || c
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 5 ea / brada brimstream || burga fife / ligoraceaster || and lincylen
for - 487 occurrences
Genesis A 22 d soþ / ærþon engla weard || for oferhygde / dwæl on gedwilde |
Genesis B 341 hie to dole wurdon / þæt him for galscipe || god sylfa wearþ /
Genesis B 359 in hearra onlag / þeah we hine for þam alwaldan || agan ne most
Genesis B 598 rlædd be þam lygenum || þe for þam larum com / heo þa þæs
Genesis B 602 / dearnenga bedrog || þe hire for his dædum com / þæt hire þu
Genesis B 800 nu wit hreowige magon / sorgian for þis siþe || forþon he unc
Genesis A 871 rhþe || ne dear nu forþ gan / for þe andweardne || ic eom eall
Genesis A 873 ede / saga me þæt sunu min || for hwon secest þu / sceade sceomi
Genesis A 876 e anfenge || ac gefean eallum / for hwon wast þu wean || and wri
Genesis A 982 reostum || blatende niþ / yrre for æfstum || he þa unræden / fo
Genesis A 1279 ceop / cwæþ þæt he wolde || for wera synnum / eall aæþan ||
Genesis A 1394 holmes hrincg || hof seleste / for mid fearme || fære ne moston
Genesis A 1417 orhtne ryne || regn gestilled / for famig scip || fiftig and hund
Genesis A 1457 hweþere reste fand / þæt heo for flode || fotum ne meahte / land
Genesis A 1459 || ne on leaf treowes / steppan for streamum || ac wæron steap h
Genesis A 1673 || and to wrohtscipe / oþþæt for wlence || and for wonhygdum / c
Genesis A 1673 pe / oþþæt for wlence || and for wonhygdum / cyþdon cræft heor
Genesis A 1831 e wraþra sum || wæpnes ecge / for freondmynde || feore beneote /
Genesis A 1853 lcfrean || þæt fægerro lyt / for æþelinge || idesa sunnon / ac
Genesis A 1861 / frea faraone || fah and yrre / for wifmyne || þæs wraþe ongea
Genesis A 1925 wange || oþþæt nergend god / for wera synnum || wylme gesealde
Genesis A 1956 erendra || forht and acol / mon for metode || þe him æfter a / þ
Genesis A 1964 fel / of sennar || side worulde / for on fultum || gewiton hie feow
Genesis A 2071 o wedde || nalles wunden gold / for his suhtrigan || sloh and fyl
Genesis A 2108 þu gewurþod || on wera rime / for þæs eagum || þe þe æsca
Genesis A 2137 a abraham || andswarode / ædre for eorlum || elne gewurþod / dome
Genesis A 2140 e gehate || hæleþa waldend / for þam halgan || þe heofona is
Genesis A 2201 u / ic eom se waldend || se þe for wintra fela / of caldea || ceas
Genesis A 2253 ar sceal ongieldan / gif ic mot for þe || mine wealdan / abraham l
Genesis A 2431 an were || geonge þuhton / men for his eagum || aras þa metodes
Genesis A 2474 þ agon / gistas mine || þa ic for gode wille / gemundbyrdan || gi
Genesis A 2475 le / gemundbyrdan || gif ic mot for eow / him þa seo mænigeo ||
Genesis A 2506 logan / unc hit waldend heht || for wera synnum / sodoma and gomorr
Genesis A 2592 e dorste þa || dædrof hæle / for frean egesan || on þam fæst
Genesis A 2640 beorne || þe abregdan sceal / for þære dæde || deaþ of breo
Genesis A 2671 es word || weras him ondredon / for þære dæde || drihtnes hand
Genesis A 2692 þa || andswarode / ne dyde ic for facne || ne for feondscipe / ne
Genesis A 2692 de / ne dyde ic for facne || ne for feondscipe / ne for wihte þæs
Genesis A 2693 facne || ne for feondscipe / ne for wihte þæs || ic þe wean u
Genesis A 2743 en wæs yrre || god abimelehe / for þære synne || þe he wiþ s
Genesis A 2779 rþ || þæt þæt wif geseah / for abrahame || ismael plegan / þ
Genesis A 2931 on ad ahof / ofestum miclum || for his agen bearn / abrægd þa mi
Exodus 48 middangeard || þa seo mengeo for / swa þæs fæsten dreah || fe
Exodus 235 æl || ræswan herges / þa þe for geoguþe || gyt ne mihton / und
Exodus 252 | lyftedoras bræc / ahleop þa for hæleþum || hildecalla / bald
Exodus 276 id þære miclan hand / hof þa for hergum || hlude stefne / lifige
Exodus 314 / on orette || on uncuþ gelad / for his mægwinum || swa him miht
Exodus 330 mhelma gegrind || þær iudas for / æfter þære fyrde || flota
Exodus 336 m aswefede || þæt he siþor for / on leofes last || him on leod
Exodus 347 gewat / þa þær folcmægen || for æfter oþrum / isernhergum ||
Exodus 576 hereþreatas || hlude stefne / for þam dædweorce || drihten he
Daniel 142 || mine ne cunnon / þa þe me for werode || wisdom beraþ / ge sw
Daniel 166 | swefen cyninge / þæt he ær for fyrenum || onfon ne meahte / ba
Daniel 176 yld of golde || gumum arærde / for þam þe gleaw ne wæs || gum
Daniel 180 efne || ofer burhware / þa hie for þam cumble || on cneowum sæ
Daniel 293 p || halig drihten / nu we þec for þreaum || and for þeonydum /
Daniel 293 nu we þec for þreaum || and for þeonydum / and for eaþmedum |
Daniel 294 eaum || and for þeonydum / and for eaþmedum || arna biddaþ / lig
Daniel 297 þon wom dyde / user yldran || for oferhygdum / bræcon bebodo ||
Daniel 310 t þu usic ane || ece drihten / for þam miltsum || þe þec men
Daniel 311 m || þe þec men hligaþ / and for þam treowum || þe þu tirum
Daniel 344 andan sloh / fyr on feondas || for fyrendædum / þa wæs on þam
Daniel 444 ton / hyssas heredon drihten || for þam hæþenan folce / septon h
Daniel 537 wundor manig / metodes mihta || for men ætbær / þa he secgan ong
Daniel 584 rice || restende biþ / anwalh for eorlum || oþþæt þu eft cy
Daniel 587 san || wes earmra hleo / þinga for þeodne || ær þam seo þrah
Daniel 605 alle men / swiþmod in sefan || for þære sundorgife / þe him god
Daniel 612 d and eþel || agan wille / þa for þam gylpe || gumena drihten /
Daniel 656 ndan sceolde / earfoþsiþas || for his ofermedlan / swa he ofstlic
Daniel 658 godspellode / metodes mihtum || for mancynne / siþþan in babilone
Daniel 718 | þær he to starude / egeslic for eorlum || innan healle / þæt
Daniel 719 rlum || innan healle / þæt he for leodum || ligeword gecwæþ /
Daniel 725 olctoga || forht on mode / acul for þam egesan || geseah he engl
Daniel 747 || þa þu wendan ne miht / þu for anmedlan || in æht bere / husl
Christ and Satan 44 fnum || hehselda wyn / hwæt we for dryhtene iu || dreamas hefdon
Christ and Satan 50 bendum || and me bættran ham / for oferhygdum || æfre ne wene /
Christ and Satan 62 onseon || habbaþ we alle swa / for þinum leasungum || lyþre ge
Christ and Satan 69 elde || hæfdan dryhtnes liht / for oferhygdum || ufan forleton / h
Christ and Satan 74 an || geond þæt atole scref / for þam anmedlan || þe hie ær
Christ and Satan 83 fde me dream mid gode / micelne for meotode || and þeos menego s
Christ and Satan 105 deorce || ne her dæg lyhteþ / for scedes sciman || sceppendes l
Christ and Satan 196 bysne || hu þa blacan feond / for oferhygdum || ealle forwurdon
Christ and Satan 226 witu || hæfdon wuldorcyning / for oferhigdum || anforlæten / cw
Christ and Satan 281 hælend god / wraþ geworden || for womcwidum / forþon mæg gehycg
Christ and Satan 354 singaþ || þæt is se seolfa for god / þonne beoþ þa eadigan
Christ and Satan 379 de || þa him egsa becom / dyne for deman || þa he duru in helle
Christ and Satan 392 rpan || nu þes egsa com / dyne for drihtne || sceal þes dreorga
Christ and Satan 421 halsige || heofenrices weard / for þan hirede || þe þu hider
Christ and Satan 427 ig || swylce him wuldorcyning / for onmædlan || eorre geworden / s
Christ and Satan 663 is se drihten || seþe deaþ for us / geþrowode || þeoden engl
Christ and Satan 671 arme || brade stanas / bæd him for hungre || hlafas wyrcan / gif
Andreas 39 dige || ac hie hig ond gærs / for meteleaste || meþe gedrehte /
Andreas 165 um || þe oft his lufan adreg / for ebreum || ond israhelum / swylc
Andreas 431 a folc || feorh gelæddon / ond for dryhtnes lufan || deaþ þrow
Andreas 457 terbrogan / forhte gewordne || for frean egesan / forþan ic eow t
Andreas 509 are || æghwylces canst / worda for worulde || wislic andgit / him
Andreas 586 cræftes miht / he gehalgode || for heremægene / win of wætere ||
Andreas 610 | me þæt þinceþ / þæt hie for æfstum || inwit syredon / þur
Andreas 633 wiþþingode / ne frine ic þe for tæle || ne þurh teoncwide / o
Andreas 767 || þæt se scyna stan / mælde for mannum || man wridode / geond b
Andreas 880 / eadig oretta || essages sunu / for crist cumen || cining israhel
Andreas 881 israhela / swylce we gesegon || for suna meotudes / æþelum ecne |
Andreas 924 þær ic worda gespræc / minra for meotude || ma þonne ic sceol
Andreas 1086 man || þa wearþ forht manig / for þam færspelle || folces ræ
Andreas 1127 n || geomran stefne / gehæfted for herige || hearmleoþ galan / fr
Andreas 1168 isfæstra || wordum hyran / þa for þære dugoþe || deoful æty
Andreas 1200 fliteþ / wordum wrætlicum || for wera menigo / þa wæs beacen b
Andreas 1209 || ellen fremman / ne miþ þu for menigo || ah þinne modsefan /
Andreas 1266 ht || no on gewitte blon / acol for þy egesan || þæs þe he æ
Andreas 1285 uma / þæt þu mildheort me || for þinum mægenspedum / nerigend
Andreas 1298 aþ wærloga || wigend lærde / for þam heremægene || helle dio
The Fates of the Apostles 17 / swylce andreas || in achagia / for egias || aldre geneþde / ne þ
The Fates of the Apostles 55 þ || cyninges broþor / awehte for weorodum || wundorcræfte / þu
The Fates of the Apostles 61 | þær se halga gecrang / wund for weorudum || þonon wuldres le
The Fates of the Apostles 73 eng || stiþmod gecrang / eadig for æfestum || hafaþ nu ece lif
Soul and Body I 88 e || onfon sceolde / þonne þu for unc bæm || andwyrdan scealt /
Soul and Body I 98 me aweaxen / þæt þu ne scyle for anra || gehwylcum onsundrum / r
Soul and Body I 151 nna ond engla / bygdest þu þe for hæleþum || ond ahofe me on
Dream of the Rood 21 sorgum gedrefed / forht ic wæs for þære fægran gesyhþe || ge
Dream of the Rood 93 marian sylfe / ælmihtig god || for ealle menn / geweorþode || ofe
Dream of the Rood 99 ælmihtig god || on þrowode / for mancynnes || manegum synnum / o
Dream of the Rood 111 þær ænig || unforht wesan / for þam worde || þe se wealdend
Dream of the Rood 112 se wealdend cwyþ / frineþ he for þære mænige || hwær se ma
Dream of the Rood 113 ge || hwær se man sie / se þe for dryhtnes naman || deaþes wol
Dream of the Rood 146 rowode / on þam gealgtreowe || for guman synnum / he us onlysde ||
Elene 4 eac || þinggemearces / wintra for worulde || þæs þe wealdend
Elene 27 esamnod || ond eal sib geador / for folca gedryht || fyrdleoþ ag
Elene 35 nan to beadwe || burgwigendra / for fyrda mæst || feþan trymedo
Elene 51 udu clynede || cyning þreate for / herge to hilde || hrefen uppe
Elene 63 wara cyning || rices ne wende / for werodleste || hæfde wigena t
Elene 110 n godes || byman sungon / hlude for hergum || hrefn weorces gefea
Elene 124 e || þa wæs þuf hafen / segn for sweotum || sigeleoþ galen / gy
Elene 170 a wisestan || wordum cwædon / for þam heremægene || þæt hit
Elene 175 eah hira fea wæron / þæt hie for þam casere || cyþan moston /
Elene 180 || godes agen bearn / ahangen for hergum || heardum witum / alysd
Elene 318 gan cunnon / ondsware cyþan || for eowic forþ / tacna gehwylces |
Elene 332 yrsted / elene maþelode || ond for eorlum spræc / gehyraþ higegl
Elene 351 t eft be eow || essaias / witga for weorodum || wordum mælde / deo
Elene 362 lc oncnawan || þeah ic feala for him / æfter woruldstundum || w
Elene 404 æfre / elene maþelade || ond for eorlum spræc / undearninga ||
Elene 406 rninga || ides reordode / hlude for herigum || ge nu hraþe ganga
Elene 417 e him sio cwen wite / þa þær for eorlum || an reordode / gidda g
Elene 52 bæþ / leohtne geleafan || þa for lufan dryhtnes / stephanus wæs
A.2.6 53 ēohtne ġe·lēafan. || Þā for lufan dryhtnes / Stephanus wæs
Elene 57 to wræce ne sette / þæt hie for æfstum || unscyldigne / synna
A.2.6 58 wræce ne sette, / þæt hīe% for æfstum || unsċyldiġne, / syn
Elene 82 lifes lattiow || laþlic wite / for oferþearfe || ilda cynnes / fo
A.2.6 83 lāttēow, || lāðliċ wīte / for ofer-þearfe || ielda cynnes.
Elene 107 elan sceal || ondwyrde agifan / for þyslicne || þreat on meþle
A.2.6 108 eall || andwyrde ā·ġiefan / for þyslicne || þrēat on mæð
Elene 125 rowade / soþ sunu meotudes || for sawla lufan / heo wæron stearc
A.2.6 126 wade, / sōþ sunu metodes, || for sāwla lufan. / Hēo wǣron ste
Elene 148 | þam wæs iudas nama / cenned for cneomagum || þone hie þære
A.2.6 149 (þām wæs Iudas nama / cenned for cnēo-māĝum), || þone hīe
Elene 152 orde || oþ ende forþ / he is for eorþan || æþeles cynnes / wo
A.2.6 153 de% || oþ ende forþ. / Hē is for eorðan || æðeles cynnes, / w
Elene 157 breostum || he gecyþeþ þe / for wera mengo || wisdomes gife /
A.2.6 158 um. || Hē ġe·cȳðeþ þē / for wera meniġu || wīsdōmes ġ
Elene 181 adige || ondwyrde ageaf / elene for eorlum || undearnunga / gif þu
A.2.6 182 e || andwyrde ā·ġeaf / Elene for eorlum || undearnunga: / ‘Ġi
Elene 218 hereweorces || hlæfdige min / for nydþearfe || nean myndgiaþ /
A.2.6 219 weorces, || hlæf-dīġe min, / for nīed-þearfe || nēan mynia
Elene 238 || ær þec cwealm nime / swilt for synnum || þæt ic hie syþþ
A.2.6 239 ǣr þeċ cwealm nime, / swylt for synnum, || þæt iċ hīe si
Elene 249 od || þæt þu hungre scealt / for cneomagum || cwylmed weorþan
A.2.6 250 || þæt þū hungre sċealt / for cnēo-māĝum || cwielmed weo
Elene 264 nu ic hit leng ne mæg / helan for hungre || is þes hæft to þ
A.2.6 265 iċ hit lenġ ne mæġ / helan for hungre. || Is þēs hæft tō
Elene 342 ce || þeoda wealdend / aweahte for weorodum || gif he in wuldre
A.2.6 343 þēoda wealdend, / ā·weahte for weorodum, || ġif hē on wuld
Elene 427 de || cyning ælmihtig / wundor for weorodum || be þam wuldres t
A.2.6 428 || cyning æl-mehtiġ / wunder for weorodum || be þām wuldres
Elene 539 | wyrda laþost / þær hie hit for worulde || wendan meahton / cri
A.2.6 540 yrda lāðost, / ðǣr hīe hit for weorolde || wendan meahton, / c
Elene 625 ymb þa mæran wyrd / geneahhe for þam næglum || þe þæs ner
A.2.6 626 ā mǣran wyrd, / ġe·nēahhe for þām næġlum || þe þæs n
Elene 694 lm || ofer hleor goten / nalles for torne || tearas feollon / ofer
A.2.6 695 | ofer hlēor goten, / (nealles for torne || tēaras fēollon / ofe
Elene 758 stlice || eall gelæste / elene for eorlum || æþelinges heht / be
A.2.6 759 ċe || eall ġe·lǣste / Elene for eorlum. || Æðelinges hēt, /
Elene 833 || winde geliccost / þonne he for hæleþum || hlud astigeþ / w
A.2.6 834 inde ġe·līcost, / þonne hē for hæleþum || hlūd ā·stīĝ
Christ A 22 gif his weorc ne deag / huru we for ðearfe || ðas word sprecað
Christ A 112 ne || æfre wære / swa ðec nu for ðearfum || ðin agen geweorc
Christ A 169 dome bereafod / forðon ic worn for ðe || worde hæbbe / sidra sor
Christ C 923 nga || owiht ne ondrædeð / se for ðære onsyne || egsan ne weo
Christ C 1019 fonbeorht || heagengla mægen / for ðære onsyne beoð || egsan
Christ C 1116 onne / open orgete || ðæt he for ælda lufan / firenfremmendra |
Christ C 1185 h wundrum || ða hyra waldend for / of lichoman || leode ne cuðo
Christ C 1423 num claðum || hwæt ic ðæt for worulde geðolade / lytel ðuht
Christ C 1428 c ðæt earfeðe wonn / næs me for mode || ac ic on magugeoguðe
Christ C 1441 weopum slogun || ic ðæt sar for ðe / ðurh eaðmedu || eall ge
Christ C 1469 erum wesan || rice mid englum / for hwon forlete ðu || lif ðæt
Christ C 1470 lif ðæt scyne / ðæt ic ðe for lufan || mid mine lichoman / he
Christ C 1480 n synlice || sylfum to sconde / for hwan ðu ðæt selegescot ||
Christ C 1487 wyrcende || scondum gewemdest / for hwon ahenge ðu mec hefgor ||
Widsith 104 wit scilling || sciran reorde / for uncrum sigedryhtne || song ah
Maxims I 16 eardas rume / meotud arærde || for moncynne / ælmihtig god || efe
Maxims I 88 ond maðmum || meodorædenne / for gesiðmægen || symle æghwæ
Maxims I 148 se gefera sliteð / gryre sceal for greggum || græf deadum men / h
The Riming Poem 86 generede / ðær moncyn mot || for meotude rot / soðne god geseon
Soul and Body II 82 e || onfon sceolde / ðonne ðu for unc bu || ondwyrdan scealt / on
Soul and Body II 91 e geweaxen / ðæt ðu ne scyle for æghwylc || anra onsundran / ry
Guthlac A 200 e stille / swa him yrsade || se for ealle spræc / feonda mengu ||
Guthlac A 208 || ana gefremede / siððan he for wlence || on westenne / beorgas
Guthlac A 238 mengu || maran cwome / ða ðe for his life || lyt sorgedon / guð
Guthlac A 294 ond on elne strong / ne wond he for worde || ac his wiðerbreocum
Guthlac A 341 e he tid forsæt / ðæs ðe he for his dryhtne || dreogan sceold
Guthlac A 458 earfeðum || eaðe gescilde / for ðam myrcelse || ðe ðec mon
Guthlac A 639 ealra gesceafta / ðæt he mec for miltsum || ond mægenspedum / n
Guthlac A 661 des rice || agiefen weorðeð / for ðam oferhygdum || ðe eow in
Guthlac A 692 ða wearð feonda ðreat / acol for ðam egsan || ofermæcga spr
Guthlac B 933 s || wæs gewinnes ða / yrmða for eorðan || endedogor / ðurh ny
Guthlac B 1110 swa he hraðost meahte / meðe for ðam miclan bysgum || ongon
Guthlac B 1185 ealle ðrage / in woruldlife || for ðy ic wilnode / ðæt wit unc
Guthlac B 1257 e dæg / leofast monna || nu ic for lufan ðinre / ond geferscype |
Guthlac B 1329 ghengest wræc || wæterðisa for / snel under sorgum || swegl ha
Riddles 18 2 ne mæg word sprecan / mældan for monnum || ðeah ic muð hæbb
Riddles 19 8 ne cen os / feoh os ac hægl || for wæs ðy beorhtre / swylcra si
Riddles 2 12 rdlofes || wisan mæneð / mine for mengo || ðær hy meodu drinc
Riddles 20 12 dlofes, || wisan mæneð / mine for mengo, || þær hy meodu drin
Riddles 35 12 ah || wide ofer eorðan / hatan for hæleðum || hyhtlic gewæde /
Riddles 36 9 eafdu || saga hwæt hio wære / for flodwegas || ne wæs ðæt na
Riddles 48 1 # Riddles 48 / / ic gefrægn for hæleðum || hring endean / tor
Riddles 48 4 irmde || strongum wordum / sinc for secgum || swigende cwæð / geh
Riddles 55 8 || ic ðæs beames mæg / eaðe for eorlum || æðelu secgan / ðæ
The Wife's Lament 10 að secan / wineleas wræcca || for minre weaðearfe / ongunnon ð
The Judgment Day I 28 | ece stondeð / ðam ðe ðær for his synnum || onsægd weorðe
The Judgment Day I 113 endes word || wongas beofiað / for ðam ærende || ðæt he to u
Resignation 27 || feorma mec hwæðre / meotod for ðinre miltse || ðeah ðe ic
Resignation 51 est || nergende cyning / meotud for ðinre miltse || ðeah ðe ic
Resignation 74 gearwian || ond me ðæt eal for gode ðolian / bliðe mode || n
Resignation 80 c ðus bittre wearð / gewitnad for ðisse worulde || swa min gew
Resignation 106 yrde bidan / tanum lædan || ic for tæle ne mæg / ænigne moncynn
The Descent into Hell 113 ðearfe || ðeoda waldend / ac for ðam miltsum || ðe ðu moncy
The Descent into Hell 131 leofa || ðines eftcymes / ond for iordane || in iudeum / wit unc
Alms-Giving 3 | rume heortan / ðæt him bið for worulde || weorðmynda mæst /
Alms-Giving 4 ulde || weorðmynda mæst / ond for ussum dryhtne || doma selast /
Azarias 14 p || halig dryhten / nu we ðec for ðearfum || ond for ðreanydu
Azarias 14 u we ðec for ðearfum || ond for ðreanydum / ond fore eaðmedum
Azarias 58 ttra bryne || beorgan sceolde / for ðæs engles ege || æfæstum
Azarias 65 hwile / se wæs in ðam fire || for frean meahtum / halgum to helpe
Azarias 168 r his ealdre gestod / abead ða for ðære duguðe || deop ærend
Azarias 172 eoda wisa / geonge cniehtas || for gæstlufan / gebunden to bæle
Riddles 60 15 || ðæt ic wið ðe sceolde / for unc anum twam || ærendspræc
Riddles 71 6 e geweorðad || wepeð hwilum / for minum gripe || se ðe gold wi
Riddles 93 21 | no ic ða stunde bemearn / ne for wunde weop || ne wrecan meaht
The Phoenix 344 ðrum / cræftum cyðað || ond for cyning mærað / leofne leodfru
The Phoenix 461 fla gehwylc / grimme gieltas || for godes egsan / glædmod gyrneð
Juliana 95 eteste || in sefan minum / ange for eorðan || minra eagna leoht /
Juliana 101 is betra ðonne ðu / æðelra for eorðan || æhtspedigra / feohg
Juliana 184 n ende || ealle gesceafta / ða for ðam folce || frecne mode / beo
Juliana 267 ge ða / ða wæs seo fæmne || for ðam færspelle / egsan geaclad
Juliana 331 bað || ne durran we siððan / for his onsyne || ower geferan / ð
Juliana 542 me || fraceðu ne wyrce / edwit for eorlum || ðonne ðu ær dyde
Juliana 570 orc to ðolianne / ðær he hit for worulde || wendan meahte / soht
Juliana 587 || hæleð wurdon acle / arasad for ðy ræse || ðær on rime fo
Juliana 618 mid witum swong / cleopade ða for corðre || ceargealdra full / g
The Wanderer 59 ne mæg || geond ðas woruld / for hwan modsefa || min ne gesweo
The Gifts of Men 24 || ealle forlæte / ðy læs he for wlence || wuldorgeofona ful / m
The Gifts of Men 83 rolic gomen / gleodæda gife || for gumðegnum / leoht ond leoðuwa
Precepts 70 ð ðeodscype / ne habbað wiht for ðæt || ðeah hi wom don / ofe
The Seafarer 101 ð synna ful / gold to geoce || for godes egsan / ðonne he hit ær
Beowulf 110 c he hine feor forwræc / metod for ðy mane || mancynne fram / ða
Beowulf 169 stol || gretan moste / maððum for metode || ne his myne wisse /
Beowulf 338 | modiglicran / wen ic ðæt ge for wlenco || nalles for wræcsi
Beowulf 338 ðæt ge for wlenco || nalles for wræcsiðum / ac for higeðrymm
Beowulf 339 || nalles for wræcsiðum / ac for higeðrymmum || hroðgar soht
Beowulf 358 iht / eode ellenrof || ðæt he for eaxlum gestod / deniga frean ||
Beowulf 382 orof hæbbe || hine halig god / for arstafum || us onsende / to wes
Beowulf 385 gryre || ic ðæm godan sceal / for his modðræce || madmas beod
Beowulf 434 geahsod || ðæt se æglæca / for his wonhydum || wæpna ne rec
Beowulf 457 r maðelode || helm scyldinga / for gewyrhtum ðu || wine min beo
Beowulf 458 m ðu || wine min beowulf / ond for arstafum || usic sohtest / gesl
Beowulf 462 fingum || ða hine wedera cyn / for herebrogan || habban ne mihte
Beowulf 508 || ymb sund flite / ðær git for wlence || wada cunnedon / ond f
Beowulf 509 r wlence || wada cunnedon / ond for dolgilpe || on deop wæter / al
Beowulf 832 rge || ðe hie ær drugon / ond for ðreanydum || ðolian scoldon
Beowulf 947 eowulf ðec / secg betsta || me for sunu wylle / freogan on ferhðe
Beowulf 951 ic geweald hæbbe / ful oft ic for læssan || lean teohhode / hord
Beowulf 965 de || wriðan ðohte / ðæt he for mundgripe || minum scolde / lic
Beowulf 1026 tte || no he ðære feohgyfte / for sceotendum || scamigan ðorft
Beowulf 1120 num || wælfyra mæst / hlynode for hlawe || hafelan multon / benge
Beowulf 1175 e man sægde || ðæt ðu ðe for sunu wolde / hererinc habban ||
Beowulf 1206 hyne wyrd fornam / syððan he for wlenco || wean ahsode / fæhðe
Beowulf 1404 r grundas || ðær heo gegnum for / ofer myrcan mor || magoðegna
Beowulf 1442 eowulf / eorlgewædum || nalles for ealdre mearn / scolde herebyrne
Beowulf 1515 r || wihte ne sceðede / ne him for hrofsele || hrinan ne mehte / f
Beowulf 1537 / gefeng ða be eaxle || nalas for fæhðe mearn / guðgeata leod
Beowulf 1649 | ðær guman druncon / egeslic for eorlum || ond ðære idese mi
Beowulf 1734 || ðæt he his selfa ne mæg / for his unsnyttrum || ende geðen
Beowulf 1796 rrancundum || forð wisade / se for andrysnum || ealle beweotede /
Beowulf 1908 / siðes getwæfde || sægenga for / fleat famigheals || forð ofe
Beowulf 2020 ær hie to setle geong / hwilum for duguðe || dohtor hroðgares /
Beowulf 2223 || se ðe him sare gesceod / ac for ðreanedlan || ðeow nathwylc
Beowulf 2308 g / bidan wolde || ac mid bæle for / fyre gefysed || wæs se fruma
Beowulf 2348 ed / ne him ðæs wyrmes wig || for wiht dyde / eafoð ond ellen ||
Beowulf 2385 æt to mearce wearð / he ðær for feorme || feorhwunde hleat / sw
Beowulf 2501 || oft gelæste / syððan ic for dugeðum || dæghrefne wearð
Beowulf 2549 ænige hwile / deop gedygan || for dracan lege / let ða of breost
Beowulf 2645 o gefremmanne || folces hyrde / for ðam he manna mæst || mærð
Beowulf 2672 sian / laðra manna || ligyðum for / born bord wið rond || byrne
Beowulf 2741 hbennum seoc || gefean habban / for ðam me witan ne ðearf || wa
Beowulf 2781 hwile || ligegesan wæg / hatne for horde || hioroweallende / midde
Beowulf 2835 ywde || ac he eorðan gefeoll / for ðæs hildfruman || hondgeweo
Beowulf 2926 ðling || wið hrefnawudu / ða for onmedlan || ærest gesohton / g
Beowulf 2966 || wæpne geræhte / ðæt him for swenge || swat ædrum sprong /
Judith 192 an || berað linde forð / bord for breostum || ond byrnhomas / sci
Judith 297 ra lindwerod || him on laste for / sweot ebrea || sigore geweor
The Paris Psalter 101:8 1 inc || mengde wiþ tearum / / # / for andwlitan || yrres þines / feo
The Paris Psalter 103:30 2 rþan || ealle locaþ / deþ hi for his egsan || ealle beofian / gi
The Paris Psalter 104:12 2 ihte sceþþan / and he þearle for him || þrea geaf cyningum / / #
The Paris Psalter 105:20 1 || geond werþeoda / / # / ne hi for awyht || eorþan cyste / þa se
The Paris Psalter 105:25 4 es wearþ || mægene gebysgad / for heora yfelum || swa he oftor
The Paris Psalter 106:33 2 e eorþan / on sealtne mersc || for synndædum / þara eardendra ||
The Paris Psalter 108:4 2 | a wiþ goode / and feounge || for minre lufan / / # / gesete him sy
The Paris Psalter 108:21 2 ne nu / mycle mildheortnesse || for þinum þam mæran naman / swa
The Paris Psalter 108:24 2 cneowu swylce || cwicu unhale / for fæstenum || is min flæsc sw
The Paris Psalter 108:24 3 tenum || is min flæsc swylce / for fægrum ele || frecne onwende
The Paris Psalter 108:24 4 ġe·dō, || hǣlende Crīst, / for þīnre ðǣre miċelan || mi
The Paris Psalter 108:25 4 halne gedo || hælynde crist / for þinre þære myclan || mildh
The Paris Psalter 110:1 3 d hyge ealle || heortan minre / for gesamnuncge || þæra soþfæ
The Paris Psalter 113:3 2 geseah || he hio sniome fleah / for him iordanen || gengde on hin
The Paris Psalter 113:5 2 u swa / oþþe þu iordanen || for hwi gengdest on bæcling / / # /
The Paris Psalter 113:7 1 um beoþ || sceone lambru / / # / for ansyne || ecan dryhtnes / þeos
The Paris Psalter 113:7 3 e sceal || eall abifigan / and for iacobes gode || geara forhtig
The Paris Psalter 113:10 1 wide || geond woruldricu / / # / for þinre þære myclan || mildh
The Paris Psalter 113:10 2 myclan || mildheortnysse / and for þinre soþfæstnysse || same
The Paris Psalter 115:3 2 ic to gode || gyldan dryhtne / for eallum þam godum || þe he m
The Paris Psalter 117:6 2 dryhten / nis me ege mannes || for ahwæþer / / # / nu me fultum ys
The Paris Psalter 118:28 2 l aslep || þa me sorh begeat / for langunga || læt me nu-þa / on
The Paris Psalter 118:28 3 p, || þā mē sorh be·ġeat / for langunga; || lǣt mē nū-þ
The Paris Psalter 118:53 2 þ gemolten || mod on hreþre / for fyrenfulra || facendædum / þa
The Paris Psalter 118:53 3 e·molten || mōd on hreðere / for firenfulra || fācen-dǣdum, /
The Paris Psalter 118:84 2 ra dagena / þe þu mine ehtend for me || ealle gedeme / / # / me man
The Paris Psalter 118:85 1 ĝena, / þe þū mīne ēhtend for mē || ealle ġe·dēme. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 118:154 2 inne dom || and me deore alys / for þinre spræce || do me spedl
The Paris Psalter 118:154 3 || and mē dīere ā·līes; / for þīnre sprǣċe, || dō mē
The Paris Psalter 121:8 1 m wese || tidum genihtsum / / # / for mine broþru || ic bidde nu / a
The Paris Psalter 121:9 1 e || symble habbon / / # / and ic for mines godes huse || georne þ
The Paris Psalter 129:4 2 þe || mihta wealdend / and ic for þinre æ || ece drihten / þas
The Paris Psalter 131:10 1 a halgan || her blissiaþ / / # / for þinum agenum || esne swylce /
The Paris Psalter 131:11 3 wylce getrymede / þæt he hine for hole || ær ne aswore / gehet d
The Paris Psalter 131:18 3 ruwe / byrnende blacern || bere for minum / criste gecorenum || þe
The Paris Psalter 137:8 1 || sneome hælde / / # / drihten for me || dome gylde / is his mildh
The Paris Psalter 142:11 3 on rihtne weg || reþne ferde / for naman þines || neodweorþung
The Paris Psalter 147:6 3 afgebrece || of heofonwolcnum / for andwlitan celes || þær æni
The Paris Psalter 55:4 6 e gewene / nis me ege mannes || for ahwæþer / / # / hwæt me ealne
The Paris Psalter 55:6 4 l bad || þæt þu swylce heo / for nahwæþer || nowiht hæle / on
The Paris Psalter 58:8 3 || deope to bysmre / nafast þu for awiht || ealle þeoda / / # / ic
The Paris Psalter 58:10 2 od ætyw me || þin agen good / for minum feondum || þe me feale
The Paris Psalter 64:2 2 yr min gebed || halig drihten / for þe sceal ælc flæsc || for
The Paris Psalter 64:8 3 e eard nymaþ || utan landes / for þinum wundrum || forhte weor
The Paris Psalter 67:8 1 fum / / # / þonne god gangeþ || for his þæt gleawe folc / oþþe
The Paris Psalter 67:9 1 þe byþ || eall onhrered / / # / for ansyne || ecean drihtnes / heof
The Paris Psalter 67:9 3 roppetaþ || hrusan forhtiaþ / for israela godes || egesan þrym
The Paris Psalter 68:8 1 seceaþ / / # / forþon ic edwit for þe || oft aræfnade / and me h
The Paris Psalter 68:9 1 . / / # / For·þon iċ ed·wīt for þē || oft ā·ræfnode / and
The Paris Psalter 68:16 3 lde mod || mannum fremsum / and for mænigeo || miltsa þinra / ges
The Paris Psalter 68:17 3 e mōd || mannum fremsum, / and for meniġu || miltsa þīnra / ġe
The Paris Psalter 68:19 1 um feondum / / # / # arscame || / for þinre ansyne || ealle syndon
The Paris Psalter 68:20 4 ondum. / / # / || arsċame%; || / for þīnre ansīene || ealle sin
The Paris Psalter 71:14 3 e || softe alysde / ys his nama for him || neode gebyrhted / / # / he
The Paris Psalter 72:14 1 yþþan / / # / hwæþere þu him for inwite || yfel befæle / awurpe
The Paris Psalter 72:15 3 semninga || sneome forwurdon / for unrihte || þe hi ær dydon / s
The Paris Psalter 73:1 1 e Paris Psalter: Psalm 73 / / # / for hwan þu us ece god || æfre
The Paris Psalter 73:10 1 ardan || wraþe wiþ ende / / # / for hwan awendest þu || wuldres
The Paris Psalter 75:5 1 n handum || hæfdan godes / / # / for þinre þrea || þriste ongun
The Paris Psalter 76:2 3 wyþe geneahhe / and ic on niht for him || neode eode / næs ic on
The Paris Psalter 76:7 3 re toweorpan / ne us witnian || for his weldædum / oþþe wiþ end
The Paris Psalter 77:55 1 hand begeat / / # / and he manige for him || mære þeode / awearp of
The Paris Psalter 78:9 4 rum synnum || sefte and milde / for naman þinum || neode and aar
The Paris Psalter 78:11 2 um synnum || sēfte and milde / for naman þīnum || nīede and
The Paris Psalter 78:11 3 || þær þu gesawe to / geonge for þe || gnornendra care / þara
The Paris Psalter 78:13 3 þū ġe·sāwe tō; / ġunĝe for þē || gnornendra care / þār
The Paris Psalter 85:13 5 | swyþe geneahhe / ne doþ him for awiht || egsan drihtnes / / # / h
The Paris Psalter 87:9 2 syndon || unhale nu / geworden for wædle || ic me to wuldres go
The Paris Psalter 88:34 2 ldest / towurpe fæsten his || for folcegsan / / # / hine þa towurp
The Paris Psalter 89:4 1 na bearnum || mod onwende / / # / for þinum eagum || ece drihten /
The Paris Psalter 89:5 2 gangaþ / ne heora winterrim || for wiht ne doþ / / # / morgen gewit
The Paris Psalter 89:17 1 isse / / # / we gefeoþ swylce || for þon fægerum dagum / on þam
The Paris Psalter 89:17 3 medum || ealle gebrohtest / and for þam gearum þe we on gesawon
The Paris Psalter 93:9 6 / and his þrea ne si || þær for awiht / se þe men læreþ || m
The Paris Psalter 95:9 1 lgan || healle geneahhige / / # / for his ansyne sceal || eorþe be
The Paris Psalter 95:12 4 n wudubearuwas || on wyndagum / for andwlitan || ecean drihtnes / f
The Paris Psalter 97:8 3 blissiaþ || beacen oncnawaþ / for ansyne || ecean drihtnes / for
The Paris Psalter 97:8 4 aþ, || bēacen on·cnāwaþ, / for ansīene || ēċan dryhtnes; /
The Metres of Boethius: Proem 8 | þonne he swelces lyt / gymð for his gilpe. || Ic sceal giet s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 51 lla || siþþan longe / he wæs for weorulde wis || weorþmynþa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 64 dhlafordum / degelice || and hi for drihtne bæd / ealdum treowum |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 9 | þæt þeos eorþe sie / eall for þæt oþer || unigmet lytel /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 19 || nænigne metaþ / hwy ge eow for æþelum || up ahebben / nu on
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 13 berypton || rædes and frofre / for heora untreowum || þe ic him
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 71 e dorste / mearce ofergangan || for metodes ege / ac geþweorod sin
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 97 le / þæt hio siþþan mæg || for þæm sype weorþan / geleht ly
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 110 / on eardian || ænige cræfte / for cele anum || gif þu cyning e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 13 þæm fyre || þe fela geara / for lange betweox || lyfte and ro
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 20 to up ahæfen || inne on mode / for þæm anwalde || þe him anra
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 57 fta / anlepra ælc || a wilnode / for his agenum || ealdgecynde / unr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 60 fre þurhtion || awuht goodes / for þæm yfle || þe ic þe ær
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 13 gewin / wearþ under wolcnum || for wiges heard / creca drihten ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 44 wilc / hæfdon heora hlaford || for þone hehstan god / and weorþo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 50 gþa / ælcne æfter oþrum || for ecne god / sceolde eac wesan ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 57 ohtor || sio circe wæs / haten for herigum || hio ricsode / on þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 71 inra || þær mid wesan / ac hi for þæm yrmþum || eardes lyste
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 85 a þonne hi sceoldon / clipian for corþre || cnihtas wurdon / eal
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 97 eah swiþe || sorgum gebunden / for þæm earfoþum || þe him on
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 4 eraþ || iscalde sæ / wecggaþ for winde || hwy oþwite ge / wyrde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 26 ciene / cymeþ eastan up || ær for sunnan / and eft æfter sunnan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 10 elumpen || nu hit mare ne wat / for gode godes || buton gnornunge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 29 earfoþa || ne most þu wesan for þæm / ealles to ormod || ne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 31 æcan || þe læs þu weorþe for him / mid ofermettum || eft ges
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 33 gescended / and to up ahafen || for orsorgum / woruldgesælþum ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 36 e || æniges godes / þonne þe for worulde || wiþerwearda mæs
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 45 ot || innan geondscinan / sunne for þæm sweartum mistum || ær
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 11 s wæs / ealles eþelstol || he for unsnyttrum / wolde fandian || g
Metrical Psalm 93:9 6 m / and his ðrea ne sio || þa for awiht / se ðe men læreð || m
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 12 þrage || oþ hie alysde eft / for his weorþscipe || wiggendra
The Rune Poem 3 miclun hyt dælan / gif he wile for drihtne || domes hleotan / ur b
The Rune Poem 55 fum || lyfte getenge / eoh byþ for eorlum || æþelinga wyn / hors
The Rune Poem 61 anra gehwylc || oþrum swican / for þam dryhten wyle || dome sin
A.6.13 40 ēo ǣrene gripu, / þonne hēo for [XII] fīra || tȳdernessum / o
Solomon and Saturn 43 e seo ærene gripu / þonne heo for twelf fyra || tydernessum / ofe
The Menologium 7 te || habbaþ foreweard gear / for þy se calend us || cymeþ ge
The Menologium 82 agefan / modige magoþegnas || for meotudes lufan / and þæs embe
The Menologium 86 am þrowode || þeoden engla / for manna lufan || meotud on galg
The Menologium 150 fa wuldor || sohte weroda god / for suna sibbe || sigefæstne ham
Maxims II 59 n / and ealle þa gastas || þe for gode hweorfaþ / æfter deaþd
Maxims II 64 under hrofas || þe þæt her for soþ / mannum secge || hwylc sy
The Judgment Day II 16 de me eac || dom ðone miclan / for mandædum || minum on eorðan
The Judgment Day II 34 a / ðæt ge ne wandian || wiht for tearum / ac dreorige hleor || d
The Judgment Day II 87 owast / and ðe sylfum demst || for synnum on eorðan / ne heofenes
The Judgment Day II 93 wite / ðe ðara earmra byð || for ærdædum / oððe hu egeslice
The Judgment Day II 161 e beatað / forhte mid fyste || for fyrenlustum / ðær beoð ðear
The Judgment Day II 186 nd spræce / manna gehwylces || for micelnysse / nænig spræc mæg
The Judgment Day II 195 ær eagan || ungemetum wepað / for ðæs ofnes bryne || eal he i
The Judgment Day II 196 uwes full / hwilum eac ða teð for miclum cyle || manna ðær gr
The Judgment Day II 215 re care || breged and swenced / for hwi fyrngende flæsc || on ð
The Lord's Prayer II 93 / ne magon we hit na dyrnan || for ðam ðe hit drihten wat / and
The Lord's Prayer II 107 || ðeah we sinna fela / didon for ure disige || dæges and niht
The Lord's Prayer III 26 womdæde || witan ne ðencað / for earnunge || ecan lifes / ne læ
The Creed 51 að / heofona heahcyning || her for life / and ic gemænscipe || m
The Creed 53 etreowe / ðinra haligra || her for life / lisse ic gelyfe || leaht
Fragment of Psalm 24 4 me uncuðe || æghwær wæron / for ðinre ðære myclan || mildh
The Kentish Hymn 24 u manscilde || middangeardes / for ðinre arfæstnesse || ealle
The Kentish Hymn 35 ða sceppend / niða nergend || for ðines naman are / ðu eart so
Psalm 50 21 a wære || his feores sceldig / for ðam ðe he uriam het || aldr
Psalm 50 24 him bezabe || brohte to wife / for gitsunga || ðe he godes eorr
Psalm 50 115 nge min || triowfest blissað / for ðines selfes || soðfestness
A Prayer 61 gesceafta / and ic eom se litla for ðe || and se lyðra man / se h
The Seasons for Fasting 5 urh his sylfes word || sette for leodum / rincum to ræde || and
The Seasons for Fasting 30 styrc || leofum to tacne / ðe for worulde wæs || womma bedæle
The Seasons for Fasting 39 n / nu we herian sceolan || her for life / deorne dædfruman || and
The Seasons for Fasting 136 inne || mærne gestygan / sint for englas geteald || eorðbugend
The Seasons for Fasting 141 ædum / on forhæfenesse || her for life / ðæt we ðæs muntes m
The Seasons for Fasting 179 es / ðæt manna gehwilc || ðe for moldan wunað / ær ðam ærest
Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 1 ath Song, West Saxon Version / / for ðam nedfere || næni wyrðe
Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 3 eard / swa ðeos dæd wyrðe || for monnum mære
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 1 ðonne his ceapa hwilcne man for- / stolenne. Cwyð ær he ænyg
A.6.43.10 1 onne his ċēapa hwelcne% man for- || / stolenne%. Cweþ% ǣr hē
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 5 ard; / swa ðeos dæd wyrþe || for monnum mære, / [per crucem Chr
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 25 || æt alorforda / ðæt næfre for gefloge || feorh ne gesealde /
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 3 ne middangeard / swa ðyos dæd for monnum || mære gewurðe
Instructions for Christians 14 e ofte do / wop and hreowe% || for his misdæda. / þonne is þæt
Instructions for Christians 25 agum / witena eanig || winnað for Criste, / and eft swa ðeah ||
Instructions for Christians 28 in wuldre || mid weroda Godd. / For þi sceal þegna gehwilc || g
Instructions for Christians 62 ade || metode to willan, / and for Cristes lufan || clæne gehea
Instructions for Christians 103 || God on heofonum, / þæt he for his ege || ær gewonede. / Ac g
Instructions for Christians 113 and halige þeawas. / þæt is for gemænan || þæt we munuc ne
Instructions for Christians 127 æran, / þæt ða weologan || for heora woruld-rice / on heora m
Instructions for Christians 130 e sylfne || to swiðe ahefð / for his ofer-mode, || he bið ear
Instructions for Christians 130 is ofer-mode, || he bið earm for Gode. / Hwæt, we þæt gehyrdo
Instructions for Christians 144 lufan || mid feondes larum, / for þi heo synd þearflicu || þ
Instructions for Christians 199 cað, || ne þearf he swiltan for þam. / Nis þæs weorkes þear
Instructions for Christians 234 an || þæt hit tale leohte, / for þam ofer-mettum || ðe hit
Instructions for Christians 246 na to wel lætan, / naðer ne for cræfta, || ne for weoruld-æ
Instructions for Christians 246 / naðer ne for cræfta, || ne for weoruld-æhta. / Ac þu scealt
Grave 22 and þe æfter lihten. / For sone þu bist ladlic and lad
Grave 23 st ladlic and lad to iseonne. / For sone bið þin hæfet faxes b
The Battle of Maldon 62 | ealle stodon / ne mihte þær for wætere || werod to þam oþr
A.6.9 64 alle stōden. / Ne meahte ðǣr for wætere || weorod tō þām
The Battle of Maldon 87 n lædan / þa se eorl ongan || for his ofermode / alyfan landes to
A.6.9 89 an. / Þā sē eorl on·gann || for his ofer-mōde / ā·līefan la
The Battle of Maldon 94 mote / wodon þa wælwulfas || for wætere ne murnon / wicinga wer
A.6.9 96 / Wōdon þā wæl-wulfas || (for wætere ne murnon), / wīċinga
The Battle of Maldon 257 þenceþ / frean on folce || ne for feore murnan / þa hi forþ eod
A.6.9 259 ċeþ / frēan on folce, || nē for fēore murnan.’ / Þā hīe f
fīfe - 7 occurrences
Genesis A 1742 iġ, || ġe·teled rīme, / and fīfe ēac, || þā hē forþ ġe·
Genesis A 1974 ġēanes || mid gūþ-þræce / fīfe fōron || folc-cyningas / swēo
A.2.5 8 an sċeatum, || swelċe ðǣr fīfe wǣron / uppe on þām eaxle–
A.3.22.46 6 am and nefa. || Ealra wǣron fīfe / eorla and idesa || inn-sitten
A.4.1 420 h fram fēondum. || Þǣr iċ fīfe ġe·band, / īeðde etona cynn
A.6.10.1 28 n, / fǣġe tō ġe·feohte. || Fīfe lāĝon / on þām camp-stede |
A.6.10.2 5 brāda brim-strēam. || Burga fīfe, / Liġoraceaster || and Lincyle
gebegde - 1 occurrences
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 9 ror / under norþmannum || nyde gebegde / on hæþenra || hæfteclommum
geeode - 6 occurrences
Genesis A 1562 gife || grene folde / þa þæt geeode || þæt se eadega wer / on his
Christ B 443 ðæt ðu soð wite / hu ðæt geeode || ða se ælmihtiga / acenned
Guthlac A 158 || ðæt se halga ðeow / elne geeode || ða he ana gesæt / dygle st
Beowulf 2676 | under his mæges scyld / elne geeode || ða his agen wæs / gledum f
The Paris Psalter 57:2 3 eft / on eowre handa || hefige geeode / / # / ge firenfulle || fremde w
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 2 den / mæcgea mundbora || myrce geeode / dyre dædfruma || swa dor sca
her - 291 occurrences
Genesis A 103 dene || of hleo sende / ne wæs her þa giet || nymþe heolstersc
Genesis A 112 rd gewearþ || wuldorcyninges / her ærest gesceop || ece drihten
Genesis B 374 le clommas / fæste befangen || her is fyr micel / ufan and neoþon
Genesis B 436 o / æfter to aldre || þæs we her inne magon / on þyssum fyre fo
Genesis B 474 agan / hyldo heofoncyninges || her on worulde / habban him to wær
Genesis B 525 rde / strangre stemne || and me her stondan het / his bebodu healda
Genesis B 545 þe me mid his earmum worhte / her mid handum sinum || he mæg m
Genesis B 678 fætes onbat / nu hæbbe ic his her on handa || herra se goda / gif
Genesis B 735 ligst / murnan on mode || þæt her men bun / þone hean heofon ||
Genesis B 751 bliþe on breostum || forþon her synt bu-tu gedon / ge þæt hæ
Genesis B 755 gemacod || swa hwæt swa wit her morþres þoliaþ / hit is nu a
Genesis B 806 þþe on þys lande wesan / gif her wind cymþ || westan oþþe e
Genesis B 811 eos beorhte sunne || and wit her baru standaþ / unwered wædo |
Genesis B 817 d þone godan || þæt he þe her worhte to me / of liþum minum
Genesis A 867 | hrægles þearfa / ic wreo me her || wæda leasne / liffrea min |
Genesis A 935 inne hlaf etan || þenden þu her leofast / oþþæt þe to heort
Genesis A 1122 e || us gewritu secgaþ / þæt her eahtahund || iecte siþþan / m
Genesis A 1139 iþþan strynde / seofon winter her || suna and dohtra / ond eahtah
Genesis A 1146 e wæs leof gode || and lifde her / wintra hundnigontig || ær he
Genesis A 1147 undnigontig || ær he be wife her / þurh gebedscipe || bearn ast
Genesis A 1176 / malalehel lange || mondreama her / woruldgestreona || wintra hæ
Genesis A 1189 n / freolic frumbearn || fæder her þa gyt / his cynnes forþ || c
Genesis A 1206 e swealt / middangeardes || swa her men doþ / geonge and ealde ||
Genesis A 2093 | næfre mon ealra / lifigendra her || lytle werede / þon wurþlic
Genesis A 2170 stest || ac ic þe lifigende her / wiþ weana gehwam || wreo and
Genesis A 2228 en min || do swa ic þe bidde / her is fæmne || freolecu mæg / id
Genesis A 2466 unu arones || snytra gemyndig / her syndon inne || unwemme twa / do
Genesis A 2483 þu gif þu most / wesan usser her || aldordema / leodum lareow ||
Genesis A 2502 / eac þissum idesum || þe we her on wlitaþ / alæde of þysse l
Genesis A 2519 iþiaþ me / ic wat hea burh || her ane neah / lytle ceastre || lyf
Genesis A 2645 n / heah beheowan || þæne þe her leofaþ / rihtum þeawum || bi
Genesis A 2712 ihtiges / egesa wære || þa ic her ærest com / forþon ic þegnum
Genesis A 2735 n / winas uncuþe || ac wuniaþ her / abraham fremede || swa hine h
Genesis A 2741 gefor / hleowfeþrum þeaht || her þenden lifde / þa gien wæs y
Genesis A 2882 / rincas mine || restaþ incit / her on þissum wicum || wit eft c
Genesis A 2890 m geong || wordum abraham / wit her fyr and sweord || frea min ha
Christ and Satan 92 gefærde / alle of earde || nis her eadiges tir / wloncra winsele |
Christ and Satan 104 reþe / dimme and deorce || ne her dæg lyhteþ / for scedes scima
Christ and Satan 131 ele || synnum forwundod / hwæt her hat and ceald || hwilum mencg
Christ and Satan 209 dan / þonne behofaþ || se þe her wunaþ / weorulde wynnum || þ
Christ and Satan 261 wiþ || sceal nu þeos menego her / licgan on leahtrum || sume on
Christ and Satan 272 gþum || geond middaneard / ic her geþolian sceal || þinga æg
Andreas 724 es þrym / meotudes mundbyrd || her amearcod is / haligra hiw || þ
Andreas 1173 de || ond þæt word gecwæþ / her is gefered || ofer feorne weg
Andreas 1562 eard ond hetegrim || þæt is her swa cuþ / is hit mycle selre |
The Fates of the Apostles 96 unigean || weormum to hroþre / her mæg findan || foreþances gl
Soul and Body I 42 es / forþan þu ne hogodest || her on life / syþþan ic þe on wo
Soul and Body I 61 goda || þe þu iu ahtest / ac her sceolon onbidan || ban bereaf
Soul and Body I 70 secan þa hamas || þe þu me her scrife / ond þa arleasan || ea
Soul and Body I 72 | eardungstowe / ond þe sculon her moldwyrmas || manige ceowan / s
Soul and Body I 75 nt þine æhta awihte / þe þu her on moldan || mannum eowdest / f
Soul and Body I 102 swylcra yrmþa || swa þu unc her ær scrife / fyrnaþ þus þæt
Soul and Body I 141 uldor || swylc swa þu me ær her scrife / fæstest þu on foldan
Soul and Body I 148 eafe / ne þe hreowan þearf || her on life / ealles swa mycles ||
Dream of the Rood 108 gehwylcum || swa he him ærur her / on þyssum lænum || life gee
Dream of the Rood 137 wænne me dryhtnes rod / þe ic her on eorþan || ær sceawode / on
Dream of the Rood 145 | si me dryhten freond / se þe her on eorþan || ær þrowode / on
Elene 222 don / hæleþum cyþan || butan her nu-þa / him seo æþele cwen |
Christ A 116 beðeahte || ond in ðeostrum her / sæton sinneahtes || synnum b
Christ A 224 æt wæs ðara ðinga || ðe her ðeoda cynn / gefrugnen mid fol
Christ A 244 moncynnes || ond ðine miltse her / arfæst ywe || us is eallum n
Christ B 521 este / ond æðeleste || ðe ge her on stariað / ond in frofre ges
Christ B 570 ðisne ilcan ðreat || ðe ge her on stariað / wile nu gesecan |
Christ B 590 nu monna gehwylc / cwic ðendan her wunað || geceosan mot / swa he
Christ B 703 nra gehwæs || ða seo circe her / æfyllendra || eahtnysse bad /
Christ B 744 fea || æðelinges plega / ðus her on grundum || godes ece bearn
Christ B 818 || ðenden god wille / ðæt he her in worulde || wunian mote / som
Christ B 854 ream / yða ofermæta || ðe we her on lacað / geond ðas wacan wo
Christ C 1322 lan / ðone lytlan fyrst || ðe her lifes sy / ðæt he mæge fore
Christ C 1457 de || hearde gefæstnad / meaht her eac geseon || orgete nu gen / o
Christ C 1574 nyle / hælo strynan || ðenden her leofað / ne bið ðær ængum
Christ C 1633 fa || forð ðrowian / ða ðe her forhogdun || heofonrices ðry
Vainglory 68 am oðrum || ungelice / se ðe her on eorðan || eaðmod leofað
Widsith 134 / to gehealdenne || ðenden he her leofað / swa scriðende || ges
The Riming Poem 55 lustum ne tinneð / dreamas swa her gedreosað || dryhtscype gehr
The Riming Poem 56 || dryhtscype gehreosað / lif her men forleosað || leahtras of
The Riming Poem 74 eo me eðles ofonn || ond mec her eardes onconn / ðonne lichoma
The Riming Poem 79 || nefne se neda tan / balawun her gehloten || ne bið se hlisa
The Whale 43 ond heanum || ðe his willan her / firenum fremmað || mid ðam
Soul and Body II 39 es / ðær ðu ðonne hogode || her on life / ðenden ic ðe in wor
Soul and Body II 56 lfor || ne ðinra goda nan / ac her sculon abidan || ban bireafod
Soul and Body II 70 on ðine geahðe wiht / ða ðu her on moldan || monnum eawdest / f
Guthlac A 14 dryhten || ða ðe his domas her / æfnað on eorðan || he him
Guthlac A 23 man æfter cwealme || ða ðe her cristes æ / lærað ond læsta
Guthlac A 27 æfter || ðonne he his ænne her / gæst bigonge || ðæt se god
Guthlac A 250 me wraðe healdeð / ic me anum her || eaðe getimbre / hus ond hle
Guthlac A 256 / from ðissum earde || ðe ge her on stondað / fleoð on feorweg
Guthlac A 260 es hond / mundað mid mægne || her sceal min wesan / eorðlic eðe
Guthlac A 301 eac gewyrce || widor sæce / ge her ateoð || in ða tornwræce / s
Guthlac A 373 a ðeos eorðe eall || ðe ic her on stonde / ðeah ge minne flæ
Guthlac A 441 adig wære || se ðe his anum her / feore gefreoðade || ðæt hi
Guthlac A 792 dera rice || ða ðe ræfnað her / wordum ond weorcum || wuldorc
Guthlac B 892 a wundra || ðe he in worulde her / ðurh dryhtnes giefe || duge
Guthlac B 931 unnan wolde / ðæt he blædes her || brucan moste / worulde lifes
Guthlac B 948 n leton || ðe him on weorcum her / on his dagena tid || dædum g
Guthlac B 1129 snyttrucræft / ænges hæleða her || hreðer weardade / dryhta be
Guthlac B 1248 ðonne ænig mon wite / in life her || ðe me alyfed nis / to gecy
Riddles 15 4 bere || me on bæce standað / her swylce swe on hleorum || hlif
Riddles 4 32 ðonne ðis fen swearte / ðæt her yfle || adelan stinceð / eal i
Riddles 4 49 ula / oððe ðis waroð || ðe her aworpen ligeð / ic eorðan eom
Riddles 4 61 aðre || ðonne wermod sy / ðe her on hyrstum || heasewe stonde
Riddles 4 77 || ðonne ðes lytla wyrm / ðe her on flode gæð || fotum dryge
Riddles 4 81 eom micle || halsrefeðre / seo her on winde || wæweð on lyfte /
Riddles 40 33 þonne þis fen swearte / þæt her yfle || adelan stinceð. / Eal
Riddles 40 50 ula / oððe þis waroð || þe her aworpen ligeð. / Ic eorþan eo
Riddles 40 63 e || þonne wermod sy, / þe her on hyrstum || heasewe stonde
Riddles 40 80 || þonne þes lytla wyrm / þe her on flode gæð || fotum dryge
Riddles 40 84 om micle || halsrefeþre, / seo her on winde || wæweð on lyfte.
Riddles 41 6 || to gefean agen / ne magon we her in eorðan || owiht lifgan / ny
Riddles 43 16 atte / eðða se esne || ðe ic her ymb sprice
Riddles 49 10 ugðum doð || ðæt se dumba her / eorp unwita || ær forswilge
The Wife's Lament 32 wic wynna leas || ful oft mec her wraðe begeat / fromsið frean
The Judgment Day I 40 sweg / || fisces eðel / ne bið her ban ne blod || ac sceal bearn
The Judgment Day I 45 d se bið wide cuð / ne tytað her tungul || ac bið tyr scæcen
Resignation 36 heofonmægnes || hwæt ðu me her fela / // forgeafe || gesette m
Azarias 89 / ðe we habbað || ðenden we her beoð / ond us milde meotod ||
The Husband's Message 8 n // / ofer heah hofu || eom nu her cumen / on ceolðele || ond nu
The Husband's Message 39 || / /ra hæleða || ðeah ðe her min wine/ / nyde gebæded || na
Riddles 88 20 es on ende || nis min broðor her / ac ic sceal broðorleas || bo
The Phoenix 23 tanclifu / heah hlifiað || swa her mid us / ne dene ne dalu || ne
The Phoenix 31 nne ænig ðara beorga || ðe her beorhte mid us / hea hlifiað |
The Phoenix 536 d edgeong || se ðe his agnum her / willum gewyrceð || ðæt him
The Phoenix 638 ongyn || ðeah he on eorðan her / ðurh cildes had || cenned w
The Phoenix 668 [lucis auctor] / ðæt we motun her || [merueri] / goddædum begiet
Juliana 116 ese secan || nafað he ænige her / hyre ða ðurh yrre || ageaf
Juliana 442 s / hyhtes æt halgum || swa me her gelamp / sorg on siðe || ic ð
The Wanderer 108 aft || weoruld under heofonum / her bið feoh læne || her bið f
The Wanderer 108 ofonum / her bið feoh læne || her bið freond læne / her bið mo
The Wanderer 109 æne || her bið freond læne / her bið mon læne || her bið m
The Wanderer 109 d læne / her bið mon læne || her bið mæg læne / eal ðis eor
The Gifts of Men 3 rend / wegað in gewitte || swa her weoruda god / meotud meahtum sw
The Gifts of Men 30 cræftas || londbuendum / sumum her ofer eorðan || æhta onlihð
The Gifts of Men 86 word || monnum geðwære / sum her geornlice || gæstes ðearfe /
Precepts 74 tu || ond frean domas / ða ðe her on mægðe gehwære || men fo
The Seafarer 102 hit ær hydeð || ðenden he her leofað / micel bið se meotude
Beowulf 244 rge || sceððan ne meahte / no her cuðlicor || cuman ongunnon / l
Beowulf 361 ðelode || to his winedrihtne / her syndon geferede || feorran cu
Beowulf 376 tor || is his eafora nu / heard her cumen || sohte holdne wine / ð
Beowulf 397 r geseon / lætað hildebord || her onbidan / wudu wælsceaftas ||
Beowulf 1061 es ond laðes || se ðe longe her / on ðyssum windagum || worold
Beowulf 1228 dum gedefe || dreamhealdende / her is æghwylc eorl || oðrum ge
Beowulf 1654 ton / tires to tacne || ðe ðu her to locast / ic ðæt unsofte ||
Beowulf 1820 diað / higelac secan || wæron her tela / willum bewenede || ðu u
Beowulf 2053 hryre || hwate scyldungas / nu her ðara banena || byre nathwylc
Beowulf 2796 secge / ecum dryhtne || ðe ic her on starie / ðæs ðe ic moste
Beowulf 2801 a / leoda ðearfe || ne mæg ic her leng wesan / hatað heaðomære
Judith 177 ðele || to eallum ðam folce / her ge magon sweotole || sigerofe
Judith 285 e ðær unrote || ute wæron / her ys geswutelod || ure sylfra f
Judith 288 mod æt sæcce forweorðan || her lið sweorde geheawen / beheafd
The Paris Psalter 100:6 5 n and eodon / he me holdlice || her þegnade / / # / ne eardaþ on mi
The Paris Psalter 101:17 3 drihten geseah of heofenum || her on eorþan / / # / he þa gehyrde
The Paris Psalter 101:25 1 n / / # / bearn þinra scealca || her bu namon / and þær eardedan |
The Paris Psalter 102:6 2 ten domas || eallum þe deope her / and ful treaflice || teonan
The Paris Psalter 105:2 4 gehyran / and his gehyrnesse || her oncnawan / / # / eadige beoþ æg
The Paris Psalter 105:4 3 es þines / and us mid hælo || her geneosa / / # / and us tidlice ||
The Paris Psalter 105:36 5 nede motan / þone halgestan || her andettan / and we on lofe þinu
The Paris Psalter 106:8 2 awle idle / and þa hungrian || her mid godum / fæste gefylleþ ||
The Paris Psalter 106:9 1 to feore syþþan / / # / þa þe her on þystrum || þrage sæton /
The Paris Psalter 106:26 2 pe syndan / hearde onhrerede || her anlicast / hu druncen hwylc ||
The Paris Psalter 107:6 3 ten / þe on halgum spreceþ || her on eorþan / and ic blissige ||
The Paris Psalter 107:11 2 fultum / forþon hælu byþ || her on eorþan / manna gehwylces ||
The Paris Psalter 108:19 1 / wese he hrægle gelic || þe her hraþe ealdaþ / and gyrdelse |
The Paris Psalter 110:8 1 aldan / / # / herenes drihtnes || her sceal wunian / on worulda worul
The Paris Psalter 111:8 4 ende / byþ his horn wended || her on wuldur / / # / swa þæt synfu
The Paris Psalter 113:12 2 enra / golde and seolfre || þa her geara menn / worhtan wigsmiþas
The Paris Psalter 115:4 1 | þe he me ærur dyde / / # / ic her hælu calic || hæbbe befange
The Paris Psalter 118:70 1 dde / / # / ys heora heorte nu || her anlicast / swa meoluc wese || m
The Paris Psalter 118:91 3 rh þinra dæda sped || dagas her gewuniaþ / forþon þu ealles
The Paris Psalter 118:93 3 rþon ic cuþlice on þæm || her nu cwicu lifige / / # / ic eom þ
The Paris Psalter 118:119 2 ealle getealde / þa on eorþan her || yfele wæron / forþon ic þ
The Paris Psalter 118:140 3 t || and symble þa / þin esne her || ealle lufade / / # / ic wæs o
The Paris Psalter 118:174 1 earfe / / # / ic þinre hælu || her wilnade / drihten ælmihtig ||
The Paris Psalter 124:4 4 rihten wel || þam þe gedefe her / hiora heortan riht || healda
The Paris Psalter 125:5 1 lde || swiþe hlimman / / # / þa her on tornlicum || tearum sawaþ
The Paris Psalter 126:4 3 ihtnes / and herde bearn || þa her mannum beoþ / of innaþe || æ
The Paris Psalter 128:4 1 hæfdon / / # / wesen hi hige || her gelicast / þam þe on huses þ
The Paris Psalter 131:9 3 gleawe nu / þine þa halgan || her blissiaþ / / # / for þinum agen
The Paris Psalter 131:10 4 ncyrre / þines þæs halgan || her on eorþan / / # / þæs deopne a
The Paris Psalter 131:17 3 | and gode eac / his þa halgan her || habbaþ blisse / / # / þær i
The Paris Psalter 132:4 1 | sneome astigeþ / / # / forþon her bebead || halig drihten / lifes
The Paris Psalter 134:6 2 drihten / on heofonrice || and her on eorþan / on sidum sæ || sw
The Paris Psalter 134:15 2 eoda / gold and seolfur || þe her geotaþ menn / and mid heora fo
The Paris Psalter 137:6 5 ealra locast / on heofonhame || her on eorþan / / # / þeah þe ic o
The Paris Psalter 137:8 4 ylfa ær / mid þinum handum || her geworhtest
The Paris Psalter 138:20 2 e / and minre heortan gehygd || her gesceawa / þone fælan geþanc
The Paris Psalter 139:13 4 n þinre ansyne / þa mid ræde her || rihte lifigeaþ
The Paris Psalter 144:10 2 c / and þe þine þa halgan || her bletsien / / # / and hi þine mih
The Paris Psalter 144:19 3 þ and ciegaþ / and his willan her || wyrceaþ georne / and his eg
The Paris Psalter 144:21 4 rd / his þone haligan naman || her bletsian / on ecnesse || awa to
The Paris Psalter 145:6 3 wise domas / deþ gedefe || þe her deorce ær / teonan manige || t
The Paris Psalter 145:6 5 dan / syleþ mete swylce || þe her murcne ær / hungur heaþugrimn
The Paris Psalter 148:11 2 ac || ealle swylce / þe folcum her || fore wisien / and ealdormen
The Paris Psalter 149:9 3 nde / þis is haligra wuldor || her on eorþan
The Paris Psalter 51:8 2 worulde || þe þu geworhtest her / forþan þu eart se gooda ||
The Paris Psalter 58:2 2 m niþe || nahtfremmendra / þe her unrihtes || ealle wyrceaþ / an
The Paris Psalter 59:5 3 dlice / on þinre halignesse || her aspræce / and ic blissie || ba
The Paris Psalter 59:6 3 le strengþu / heafdes mines || her on foldan / / # / cyninc ys me ||
The Paris Psalter 59:10 2 fultum / forþon hælu byþ || her on eorþan / manna gehwylces ||
The Paris Psalter 60:6 3 e singe / þæt ic min gehat || her agylde / of dæge on dæg || sw
The Paris Psalter 61:1 3 eodan / æt him is hælu min || her eall gelancg / / # / hwæt he is
The Paris Psalter 62:3 3 þe / þæt ic þe on halgum || her ætywe / þæt ic þin wuldur a
The Paris Psalter 65:13 4 lle þa gehat || þe ic æfre her / mid minum welerum || wis tod
The Paris Psalter 65:14 1 dælde / / # / gehyraþ me || and her cumaþ / ic eow mid soþe || se
The Paris Psalter 67:12 4 weorþlic reaf / on huse men || her gedælaþ / / # / gif ge slæpaþ
The Paris Psalter 67:14 1 e hi se heofonlica cynincg || her toscadeþ / syþþan hi on selm
The Paris Psalter 67:21 2 þhycgendra / heafdas feonda || her gescæneþ / and he tofylleþ |
The Paris Psalter 67:21 4 þ || feaxes scadan / þara þe her on scyldum || swærum eodon / /
The Paris Psalter 68:7 2 eandlice || þe þines siþes her / ful bealdlice || bidaþ driht
The Paris Psalter 71:6 2 stranga ren / fealleþ on flys her || and swa fæger dropa / þe o
The Paris Psalter 77:22 2 mæge / mid hlafe þis folc || her afedan / / # / syþþan þæt geh
The Paris Psalter 77:68 2 ra gelicast / his halige hus || her on eorþan / getimbrade || het
The Paris Psalter 79:3 2 wuldre cum / and us hale do || her on eorþan / / # / gehweorf us m
The Paris Psalter 82:3 4 hæfdon / hu hi þine halgan || her yfeladan / / # / cwædan cuþlice
The Paris Psalter 82:9 5 / þæt hi halignesse godes || her gesettan / / # / sete hi nu min g
The Paris Psalter 83:5 6 stede || þe þu him settest her / / # / brohte him bletsunge || s
The Paris Psalter 84:6 2 en / and us þine hæle syle || her to genihte / / # / syþþan ic ge
The Paris Psalter 84:8 3 / hæleþ mid hyldo || and him her syleþ / ure eorþan || æþele
The Paris Psalter 86:4 3 nnan / and he hi þa hehstan || her staþelade / / # / drihten þæt
The Paris Psalter 88:27 3 orþlic / swa heofones dagas || her mid mannum / / # / gif mine bearn
The Paris Psalter 88:33 5 e gewemdest / his halignesse || her on eorþan / / # / ealle þu his
The Paris Psalter 98:10 2 drihten / and hine on halgum || her weorþiaþ / mærum beorge || f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 21 he wita ma / heardra henþa || her adreogeþ / þu meaht eac mycle
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 53 | hionan ut witan / ac ic symle her || softe wille / mid fæder wil
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 3 wisum || eorþan cyningum / þa her nu manegum || and mislicum / w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 41 n sceolde / swa sint gehydde || her on worulde / geond burga fela |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 47 mid wrencum || nu on worulde her / monnum ne deriaþ || mane aþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 55 dum eagum || nu hi on monegum her / worulde yþum || wynnaþ and
The Battle of Brunanburh 1 # The Battle of Brunanburh / / her æþelstan cyning || eorla dr
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 1 Capture of the Five Boroughs / / her eadmund cyning || engla þeod
The Coronation of Edgar 1 # The Coronation of Edgar / / her eadgar wæs || engla waldend /
The Death of Edgar 1 # The Death of Edgar / / her geendode || eorþan dreamas / e
The Death of Alfred 7 de / syþþan dene comon || and her friþ namon / nu is to gelyfenn
The Death of Edward 1 # The Death of Edward / / her eadward cingc || engla hlafor
The Death of Edward 4 || gast haligne / he on worulda her || wunode þrage / on cyneþrym
Solomon and Saturn 141 sum modgum monnum || þam þe her nu mid mane lengest / lifiaþ o
The Menologium 15 | hataþ on brytene / in foldan her || swylce emb feower wucan / þ
The Menologium 98 um || þæs þe he on brytene her / eaþmode him || eorlas funde /
The Menologium 155 ad / bartholomeus || in brytene her / wyrd welþungen || swylce eac
Maxims II 64 der under hrofas || þe þæt her for soþ / mannum secge || hwyl
The Judgment Day II 45 | selest hihta / ðæt he wunda her || wope gecyðe / uplicum læce
The Judgment Day II 84 s / nu is halwende || ðæt man her wepe / and dædbote do || driht
The Judgment Day II 95 drysne / heahðrymme cyningc || her wile deman / anra gehwylcum ||
The Judgment Day II 157 fremman / buton he horwum sy || her afeormad / and ðonne ðider cu
The Judgment Day II 179 owast || ðissere worulde / and her glæd leofast || on galnysse /
The Judgment Day II 301 as / hwæt mæg beon heardes || her on life / gif ðu wille secgan
The Lord's Prayer II 99 / swa hwaðer we geearniað || her on life / ða hwile ðe ure mih
The Lord's Prayer II 102 gende god / sawle ure || swa we her forgifað / earmon mannum || ð
The Gloria I 39 and we men cweðað / on grunde her || gode lof and ðanc / ece wil
The Creed 51 heriað / heofona heahcyning || her for life / and ic gemænscipe |
The Creed 53 ne getreowe / ðinra haligra || her for life / lisse ic gelyfe || l
The Creed 58 ece lif || eallum dælest / swa her manna gehwylc || metode gecwe
Fragment of Psalm 58 3 m niðe || nahtfremmendra / ðe her unrihtes || ealle wyrceað / an
Fragment of Psalm 60 2 e singe / ðæt ic min gehat || her agylde / of dæge on dæg || sw
A Prayer 11 yð earming || ðe on eorðan her / dæiges and nihtes || deofle
A Prayer 16 ð eadig || se ðe on eorðan her / dæiges and nyhtes || drihtne
A Prayer 62 r ðe || and se lyðra man / se her syngige || swiðe genehhe / dæ
The Seasons for Fasting 4 fes frea / heofna heahcyning || her on life / ðurh his sylfes word
The Seasons for Fasting 39 eacan / nu we herian sceolan || her for life / deorne dædfruman ||
The Seasons for Fasting 89 ca || ðæt ðu gebann sceole / her on eorðan || ænig healdan /
The Seasons for Fasting 141 ne dædum / on forhæfenesse || her for life / ðæt we ðæs munte
The Seasons for Fasting 150 d blisse / gif we ðæt fæsten her || fyrena gelæstað / and ðon
The Seasons for Fasting 175 wær helpað / gif ðu dryhtnes her || dædum fylgest / hæbbe we n
The Seasons for Fasting 203 ne gyme / ðe gehalgod mann || her gefremme / ac ðu lare scealt |
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 27 rohte || cume eft hræðe / gif her ðegna hwelc || ðyrelne cyll
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 19 helpe bidde / ðe heora gemynd her on || gemearcude siendon / and
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 2 / / wenne wenne || wenchichenne / her ne scealt ðu timbrien || ne
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 1 # Against a Dwarf / / her com in gangan || in spiderwih
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 4 an mote / ut lytel spere || gif her inne sie / stod under linde ||
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 10 nes / ut lytel spere || gif hit her inne sie / sæt smið || sloh s
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 13 swiðe / ut lytel spere || gif her inne sie / syx smiðas sætan |
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 16 ut spere || næs in spere / gif her inne sy || isernes dæl / hægt
Instructions for Christians 36 Hit is idelnisse || þæt þu her on locest, / and eal þæt þu
Instructions for Christians 37 on locest, / and eal þæt þu her sceawast || hit is sceaduwa g
Instructions for Christians 52 , || oððe his wita onleoht / her oððe on helle, || oððe hu
Instructions for Christians 84 nge fyligeð / halgum bocum || her on worulde, / heo ðone gelær
Instructions for Christians 123 ac godes fele / to habbanne || her on weorulde. / Ac we sculon gem
Instructions for Christians 145 gna gehwilcum / to habbanne || her on weorlde; / mid þam bið þ
Instructions for Christians 177 a || Godes ealmihtiges. / þæt her monnum þince || mæst earfe
Instructions for Christians 188 rfan hand || þæt ðe þince her, / ac hit is madm-ceoste || God
Instructions for Christians 230 a% æghwilcum / to habbanne || her on weoruldæ. / Hit sceal beon
The Battle of Finnsburh 3 e þis ne dagaþ eastan || ne her draca ne fleogeþ / ne her þis
The Battle of Finnsburh 4 | ne her draca ne fleogeþ / ne her þisse healle || hornas ne by
The Battle of Finnsburh 5 ealle || hornas ne byrnaþ / ac her forþ beraþ || fugelas singa
The Battle of Finnsburh 26 d / heardra hilda || þe is gyt her witod / swæþer þu sylf to me
Waldere, Fragment II 17 an || hare byrnan / standeþ me her on eaxelum || ælfheres laf / g
Waldere B 18 n || hare byrnan. / Standeð me her on eaxelum || ælfheres laf, /
The Battle of Maldon 34 gyf þu þat gerædest || þe her ricost eart / þæt þu þine l
The Battle of Maldon 49 || miccle laþre spell / þæt her stynt unforcuþ || eorl mid h
The Battle of Maldon 239 it ure hlaford / forþan wearþ her on felda || folc totwæmed / sc
The Battle of Maldon 241 | abreoþe his angin / þæt he her swa manigne || man aflymde / le
The Battle of Maldon 312 are || þe ure mægen lytlaþ / her liþ ure ealdor || eall forhe
hie - 444 occurrences
Genesis A 19 e cuþon / firena fremman || ac hie on friþe lifdon / ece mid heor
Genesis A 24 leng / heora selfra ræd || ac hie of siblufan / godes ahwurfon ||
Genesis A 26 || hæfdon gielp micel / þæt hie wiþ drihtne || dælan meahto
Genesis A 45 / weaxan witebrogan || hæfdon hie wrohtgeteme / grimme wiþ god g
Genesis A 96 tan seld || selran werode / þa hie gielpsceaþan || ofgifen hæf
Genesis A 141 op nihte naman || nergend ure / hie gesundrode || siþþan æfre /
Genesis A 187 dames bryd / gaste gegearwod || hie on geogoþe bu / wlitebeorht w
Genesis B 249 þæm he getruwode wel / þæt hie his giongorscipe || fyligan w
Genesis B 252 alig drihten / gesett hæfde he hie swa gesæliglice || ænne hæ
Genesis B 285 swican / hæleþas heardmode || hie habbaþ me to hearran gecoren
Genesis B 287 folcgesteallan || frynd synd hie mine georne / holde on hyra hyg
Genesis B 326 þrosm and þystro || forþon hie þegnscipe / godes forgymdon ||
Genesis B 327 þegnscipe / godes forgymdon || hie hyra gal beswac / engles oferhy
Genesis B 335 micel || fynd ongeaton / þæt hie hæfdon gewrixled || wita unr
Genesis B 340 rran leof / drihtne dyre || oþ hie to dole wurdon / þæt him for
Genesis B 404 abban ne moton || gedon þæt hie his hyldo forlæten / þæt hie
Genesis B 405 hie his hyldo forlæten / þæt hie þæt onwendon þæt he mid h
Genesis B 406 þ he him wraþ on mode / ahwet hie from his hyldo || þonne scul
Genesis B 406 om his hyldo || þonne sculon hie þas helle secan / and þas gri
Genesis B 407 an grundas || þonne moton we hie us to giongrum habban / fira be
Genesis B 421 der / on þas deopan dalo || nu hie drihtne synt / wurþran micle |
Genesis B 426 minum hyge hreoweþ || þæt hie heofonrice / agan to aldre || g
Genesis B 428 e / gewendan mid wihte || þæt hie word godes / lare forlæten ||
Genesis B 429 godes / lare forlæten || sona hie him þe laþran beoþ / gif hie
Genesis B 430 hie him þe laþran beoþ / gif hie brecaþ his gebodscipe || þo
Genesis B 439 / on þas hatan helle || þæt hie heofoncyninges / unwurþlice ||
Genesis B 452 lædan and forlæran || þæt hie wurdon laþ gode / he þa gefer
Genesis B 457 f somed / freo fægroste || swa hie fela cuþon / godes gegearwigea
Genesis B 462 ne / gewered mid wæstme || swa hie waldend god / heah heofoncyning
Genesis B 588 ne eom ic deofle gelic / lædde hie swa mid ligenum || and mid li
Genesis B 601 urh þæs laþan læn || þe hie mid ligenum beswac / dearnenga
Genesis B 610 þurh feondscipe || nalles he hie freme lærde / þu meaht nu þe
Genesis B 624 culon || æfter lybban / þonne hie laþ gedoþ || hie sculon luf
Genesis B 624 ban / þonne hie laþ gedoþ || hie sculon lufe wyrcean / betan heo
Genesis B 630 / forlæd mid ligenum || þæt hie laþ gode / þurh þæs wraþan
Genesis B 643 rihten / widbradne welan || gif hie þone wæstm an / lætan wolden
Genesis B 647 e him drihten forbead / forlec hie þa mid ligenum || se wæs la
Genesis B 685 g / on þa dimman dæd || þæt hie drihtnes heora / willan bræcon
Genesis B 692 læran and forlædan || þæt hie læn godes / ælmihtiges gife |
Genesis B 695 sceaþa / gearwe wiste || þæt hie godes yrre / habban sceoldon ||
Genesis B 698 niþ || niede onfon / siþþan hie gebod godes || forbrocen hæf
Genesis B 722 rlor / menniscra morþ || þæt hie to mete dædon / ofet unfæle |
Genesis B 730 unhyldo / waldendes witod || nu hie wordcwyde his / lare forleton |
Genesis B 731 his / lare forleton || forþon hie leng ne magon / healdan heofonr
Genesis B 732 agon / healdan heofonrice || ac hie to helle sculon / on þone swea
Genesis B 775 him þone teonan geræd / þæt hie helle niþ || habban sceoldon
Genesis B 781 dend || and hine bædon / þæt hie his hearmsceare || habban mos
Genesis B 782 osten / georne fulgangan || þa hie godes hæfdon / bodscipe abroce
Genesis B 783 fdon / bodscipe abrocen || bare hie gesawon / heora lichaman || næ
Genesis B 785 a giet / sælþa gesetena || ne hie sorge wiht / weorces wiston ||
Genesis B 786 rge wiht / weorces wiston || ac hie wel meahton / libban on þam la
Genesis B 787 n / libban on þam lande || gif hie wolden lare godes / forweard fr
Genesis B 788 godes / forweard fremman || þa hie fela spræcon / sorhworda somed
Genesis B 793 / grædige and gifre || nu þu hie grimman meaht / heonane gehyran
Genesis B 822 sa scienost / wifa wlitegost || hie wæs geweorc godes / þeah heo
Genesis B 837 a / hyldo forworhte || þæt ic hie habban ne mæg / ac wit þus ba
Genesis B 840 isses holtes hleo || hwurfon hie ba-twa / togengdon gnorngende |
Genesis B 843 esceapu / heofoncyninges || þa hie þa habban ne moston / þe him
Genesis B 845 forgeaf || ælmihtig god / þa hie heora lichoman || leafum beþ
Genesis B 847 wealde || wæda ne hæfdon / ac hie on gebed feollon || bu-tu æt
Genesis B 849 ilce || bædon mihtigne / þæt hie ne forgeate || god ælmihtig /
Genesis B 851 ewisade || waldend se goda / hu hie on þam leohte forþ || libba
Genesis A 860 ade || blæde bereafod / hyddon hie on heolstre || þa hie halig
Genesis A 860 hyddon hie on heolstre || þa hie halig word / drihtnes gehyrdon
Genesis A 941 e onwocan || and woruldyrmþo / hie þa wuldres weard || wædum g
Genesis A 943 eccan / frea frumhrægle || het hie from hweorfan / neorxnawange ||
Genesis A 954 der æt frymþe || þeah þe hie him from swice / ac he him to f
Genesis A 964 | þonne se frumstol wæs / þe hie æfter dæde of || adrifen wu
Genesis A 965 of || adrifen wurdon / ongunnon hie þa || be godes hæse / bearn a
Genesis A 975 forþ gewat / dægrimes worn || hie þa drihtne lac / begen brohton
Genesis A 1272 || manes on eorþan / and þæt hie wæron || womma þriste / inwit
Genesis A 1319 þeodum toweard / reþe wite || hie ne rohton þæs / geseah þa ym
Genesis A 1396 es brogan / hæste hrinon || ac hie halig god / ferede and nerede |
Genesis A 1433 de || swilce wif heora / hwonne hie of nearwe || ofer nægledbord
Genesis A 1584 beorn hine / reste on recede || hie þa raþe stopon / heora andwli
Genesis A 1586 / under loþum listum || þæt hie leofum men / geoce gefremede ||
Genesis A 1652 || sohton rumre land / oþþæt hie becomon || corþrum miclum / fo
Genesis A 1653 miclum / folc ferende || þær hie fæstlice / æþelinga bearn ||
Genesis A 1663 g anmod || oþerne bæd / þæs hie him to mærþe || ær seo men
Genesis A 1668 || to rodortunglum / þæs þe hie gesohton || sennera feld / swa
Genesis A 1686 orþbuendum || ungelice / þæt hie þære spæce || sped ne ahto
Genesis A 1687 e spæce || sped ne ahton / þa hie gemitton || mihtum spedge / teo
Genesis A 1691 hwæt oþer cwæþ / ne meahte hie gewurþan || weall stænenne /
Genesis A 1692 nenne / up forþ timbran || ac hie earmlice / heapum tohlocon || h
Genesis A 1717 ron / on woruldrice || forþon hie wide nu / dugeþum demaþ || dr
Genesis A 1724 || þæs þe us secgeaþ bec / hie þa wintra fela || woruld bry
Genesis A 1851 um þuhte / cyninges þegnum || hie þæt cuþ dydon / heora folcfr
Genesis A 1854 æþelinge || idesa sunnon / ac hie sarran || swiþor micle / wynsu
Genesis A 1870 sinum / ombihtscealcum || þæt hie hine arlice / ealles onsundne |
Genesis A 1875 dde / of egypta || eþelmearce / hie ellenrofe || idese feredon / br
Genesis A 1876 redon / bryd and begas || þæt hie to bethlem / on cuþe wic || ce
Genesis A 1892 oth || ead bryttedon / oþþæt hie on þam lande || ne meahton l
Genesis A 1964 ulde / for on fultum || gewiton hie feower þa / þeodcyningas ||
Genesis A 2037 ahame / treowa sealdon || þæt hie his torn mid him / gewræcon on
Genesis A 2055 | him wæs þearf micel / þæt hie on twa healfe # || / grimme gu
Genesis A 2082 e / dome bedrorene || oþþæt hie domasco / unfeor wæron || gewa
Genesis A 2115 siþwerod / guþe spowan || ac hie god flymde / se þe æt feohtan
Genesis A 2154 a rincas || rihte benæman / ac hie me fulleodon || æt æscþræ
Genesis A 2268 gewat / westen secan || þær hie wuldres þegn / engel drihtnes
Genesis A 2270 | an gemitte / geomormode || se hie georne frægn / hwider fundast
Genesis A 2403 ylfa on gesiþþe || oþþæt hie on sodoman / weallsteape burg |
Genesis A 2414 brea || hwæt þa men don / gif hie swa swiþe || synna fremmaþ /
Genesis A 2415 / þeawum and geþancum || swa hie on þweorh sprecaþ / facen and
Genesis A 2428 e gesohton || sodoma ceastre / hie þa æt burhgeate || beorn ge
Genesis A 2444 ecedes hleow / and þegnunge || hie on þanc curon / æþelinges es
Genesis A 2456 miclum || cuman acsian / þæt hie behæfdon || herges mægne / lo
Genesis A 2495 de || reced æfter gistum / swa hie fundedon || ac þær frome w
Genesis A 2545 o wite || weallende fyr / þæs hie on ærdagum || drihten tyndon
Genesis A 2569 spell / stille wunode || þær hie strang begeat / wite þæs heo
Genesis A 2581 ide fleogan || wælgrimne rec / hie þæs wlenco onwod || and win
Genesis A 2582 onwod || and wingedrync / þæt hie firendæda || to frece wurdon
Genesis A 2596 fyrr || wic sceawian / oþþæt hie be hliþe || heare dune / eorþ
Genesis A 2600 es worn || and his dohtor twa / hie dydon swa || druncnum eode / se
Genesis A 2629 den his || þegnas sende / heht hie bringan || to him selfum / þa
Genesis A 2651 wære || næbbe ic synne wiþ hie / facna ænig || gefremed gena /
Genesis A 2780 rahame || ismael plegan / þær hie æt swæsendum || sæton bu-t
Genesis A 2786 llor || and ismael / lædan mid hie || ne beoþ we leng somed / wil
Exodus 29 on / frod fædera cyn || þeah hie fela wiston / hæfde he þa ges
Exodus 51 rige || egypta folc / þæs þe hie wideferþ || wyrnan þohton / m
Exodus 52 n þohton / moyses magum || gif hie metod lete / on langne lust ||
Exodus 59 þas || uncuþ gelad / oþþæt hie on guþmyrce || gearwe bæron
Exodus 64 || tirfæste hæleþ / siþþan hie feondum || oþfaren hæfdon / y
Exodus 124 ne || werod forbærnde / nymþe hie modhwate || moyses hyrde / scea
Exodus 130 þweg || fyrdwic aras / wyrpton hie werige || wiste genægdon / mod
Exodus 150 wera || manum treowum / woldon hie þæt feorhlean || facne gyld
Exodus 151 hlean || facne gyldan / þætte hie þæt dægweorc || dreore geb
Exodus 155 od || ortrywe wearþ / siþþan hie gesawon || of suþwegum / fyrd
Exodus 197 || þider wæron fuse / hæfdon hie gemynted || to þam mægenhea
Exodus 224 | fyrd wæs on ofste / siþþan hie getealdon || wiþ þam teonhe
Exodus 243 heapum || mægen swiþrade / ac hie be wæstmum || on wig curon / h
Exodus 264 issum || dædlean gyfan / þæt hie lifigende || leng ne moton / æ
Exodus 319 d / hæfdon him to segne || þa hie on sund stigon / ofer bordhreo
Exodus 325 endum || lange þolian / þonne hie to guþe || garwudu rærdon /
Exodus 387 magas || on seone beorh / wære hie þær fundon || wuldor gesawo
Exodus 443 beorga sand || sealte yþa / ac hie gesittaþ || be sæm tweonum /
Exodus 499 ene || flodblac here / siþþan hie on bugon || brun yppinge / mode
Exodus 515 sped ahte / ageat gylp wera || hie wiþ god wunnon / þanon israhe
Exodus 570 ild godes / life gefegon || þa hie oþlæded hæfdon / feorh of fe
Exodus 571 h of feonda dome || þeah þe hie hit frecne geneþdon / weras un
Exodus 572 der wætera hrofas || gesawon hie þær weallas standan / ealle h
Exodus 574 þdon hildespelle || siþþan hie þam herge wiþforon / hofon he
Daniel 6 g gifen || wigena mænieo / and hie of egyptum || ut aforon / mæge
Daniel 8 þæt wæs modig cyn / þenden hie þy rice || rædan moston / bur
Daniel 15 mihte || metod alwihta / þæt hie oft fela folca || feore gesce
Daniel 17 þe him hold ne wæs / oþþæt hie wlenco anwod || æt winþege /
Daniel 19 dum || druncne geþohtas / þa hie æcræftas || ane forleton / me
Daniel 28 a þam werude || wisdom budon / hie þære snytro || soþ gelyfdo
Daniel 29 yfdon / lytle hwile || oþþæt hie langung beswac / eorþan dreama
Daniel 31 dreamas || eces rædes / þæt hie æt siþestan || sylfe forlet
Daniel 56 don lufan lifwelan || þenden hie let metod / þa ic eþan gefræ
Daniel 63 las || agan sceoldon / oþþæt hie burga gehwone || abrocen hæf
Daniel 88 uguþe || drihten scyrede / þa hie þær fundon || þry freaglea
Daniel 96 georn || in caldea byrig / þa hie þam wlancan || wisdom sceold
Daniel 148 it forhæfed gewearþ / þætte hie sædon || swefn cyninge / wyrda
Daniel 180 n stefne || ofer burhware / þa hie for þam cumble || on cneowum
Daniel 189 byrig / eorlas israela || þæt hie a noldon / hyra þeodnes dom ||
Daniel 191 om || þafigan onginnan / þæt hie to þam beacne || gebedu rær
Daniel 197 ynegode || cuþ gedydon / þæt hie him þæt gold || to gode nol
Daniel 200 de || þe him gife sealde / oft hie to bote || balde gecwædon / þ
Daniel 201 bote || balde gecwædon / þæt hie þæs wiges || wihte ne rohto
Daniel 202 s wiges || wihte ne rohton / ne hie to þam gebede || mihte gebæ
Daniel 203 hæþen heriges wisa || þæt hie þider hweorfan wolden / guman
Daniel 205 gnas þeodne sægdon || þæt hie þære geþeahte wæron / hæft
Daniel 212 || and geocre oncwæþ / þæt hie gegnunga || gyldan sceolde / o
Daniel 214 l / frecne fyres wylm || nymþe hie friþes wolde / wilnian to þam
Daniel 222 gehwurfe || in hæþendom / ne hie to facne || freoþo wilnedan /
Daniel 225 cnihta feorum || forþam þe hie his cræftas onsocon / þa he w
Daniel 232 geoce gefremede || þeah þe hie swa grome nydde / in fæþm fyr
Daniel 237 one ofn innan becwom || þær hie þæt aglac drugon / freobearn
Daniel 240 lm þæs wæfran liges || þa hie se waldend nerede / hreohmod w
Daniel 241 s se hæþena þeoden || het hie hraþe bærnan / æled wæs ung
Daniel 257 rihten on dreame || dydon swa hie cuþon / ofne on innan || aldre
Daniel 262 don / alæten liges gange || ne hie him þær laþ gedydon / næs h
Daniel 278 || þæt wæs wuldres god / þe hie generede || wiþ þam niþhet
Daniel 360 drihten / þeoda waldend || swa hie þry cwædon / modum horsce ||
Daniel 421 sealde / gingum gædelingum || hie god herigaþ / anne ecne || and
Daniel 429 || nis hit owihtes god / þæt hie sien on þam laþe || leng þ
Daniel 432 n lare / cyrdon cynegode || swa hie gecyþde wæron / hwurfon hæle
Daniel 437 / ne feax fyre beswæled || ac hie on friþe drihtnes / of þam gr
Daniel 445 r þam hæþenan folce / septon hie soþcwidum || and him sædon
Daniel 447 wære mihta waldend || se þe hie of þam mirce generede / gebead
Daniel 451 re / mære mihta waldend || se hie of þam morþre alysde / agæf
Daniel 453 / on æht ealdfeondum || þæt hie are hæfdon / wæs heora blæd
Daniel 454 blæd in babilone || siþþan hie þone bryne fandedon / dom wear
Daniel 455 duguþe gecyþed || siþþan hie drihtne gehyrdon / wæron hyra
Daniel 456 hyra rædas rice || siþþan hie rodera waldend / halig heofonri
Daniel 529 / nalles þy he wende || þæt hie hit wiston / ac he cunnode || h
Daniel 530 it wiston / ac he cunnode || hu hie cweþan woldon / þa wæs to þ
Daniel 590 þeode / wyrcan bote || þonne hie woldon sylfe / fyrene fæstan |
Daniel 699 || to þære heahbyrig / þæt hie babilone || abrecan mihton / ge
Daniel 707 amon / gold in gerusalem || þa hie iudea / blæd forbræcon || bil
Daniel 710 enamon / beorhte frætwe || þa hie tempel strudon / salomanes seld
Daniel 751 n / æt godes earce || oþþæt hie gylp beswac / windruncen gewit
Christ and Satan 23 || þæt hit mihte swa / þæt hie weron seolfe || swegles bryta
Christ and Satan 74 cref / for þam anmedlan || þe hie ær drugon / eft reordade || o
Christ and Satan 345 onum || ham staþelodon / þæt hie woldon benæman || nergendne
Christ and Satan 358 þæt synd word godes / þonne hie befæþmeþ || fæder mancynn
Christ and Satan 359 meþ || fæder mancynnes / and hie gesegnaþ || mid his swiþran
Christ and Satan 467 forbegde || ban weornodon / þa hie swa leohtne || leoman gesawon
Christ and Satan 472 || and þæt æþele wif / þa hie begeton || on godes willan / fe
Christ and Satan 477 || oþþæt eft gelamp / þæt hie afyrde eft || feond in firenu
Christ and Satan 540 stæf || eft gesceawiaþ / sume hie ne mihton || mode oncnawan / þ
Christ and Satan 633 iþ || and no seoþþan / þæt hie up þonan || æfre moton / ah
Christ and Satan 637 n || and deofles spellunge / hu hie him on edwit || oft asettaþ /
Christ and Satan 639 æhþe and firne || þær þe hie freodrihten / ecne anwaldan ||
Christ and Satan 641 an || oft forgeaton / þone þe hie him to hihte || habban sceold
Andreas 5 onne cumbol hneotan / syþþan hie gedældon || swa him dryhten
Andreas 23 teres drync / to bruconne || ah hie blod ond fel / fira flæschoman
Andreas 26 | swelc wæs þeaw hira / þæt hie æghwylcne || ellþeodigra / dy
Andreas 30 acen / unlædra eafoþ || þæt hie eagena gesihþ / hettend heorog
Andreas 37 e || hyge wæs oncyrred / þæt hie ne murndan || æfter mandream
Andreas 38 e / hæleþ heorogrædige || ac hie hig ond gærs / for meteleaste
Andreas 48 æscberend || to þam orlege / hie þam halgan þær || handa ge
Andreas 132 wic || hwile wunedon / hwylcne hie to æte || ærest mihton / æft
Andreas 134 ce || feores berædan / hæfdon hie on rune || ond on rimcræfte /
Andreas 136 ige || wera endestæf / hwænne hie to mose || meteþearfendum / on
Andreas 142 scuan || deofles larum / þonne hie unlædra || eafeþum gelyfdon
Andreas 143 unlædra || eafeþum gelyfdon / hie þa gemetton || modes glawne /
Andreas 150 lfas || awriten hæfdon / þæt hie banhringas || abrecan þohton
Andreas 157 yltcwale || geseted wurde / swa hie symble ymb þritig || þing g
Andreas 159 || wæs him neod micel / þæt hie tobrugdon || blodigum ceaflum
Andreas 178 is þære menigo þeaw / þæt hie uncuþra || ængum ne willaþ
Andreas 247 te / sittan siþfrome || swylce hie ofer sæ comon / þæt wæs dri
Andreas 250 || mid his englum twam / wæron hie on gescirplan || scipferendum
Andreas 252 onlice || ealiþendum / þonne hie on flodes fæþm || ofer feor
Andreas 254 cald wæter || ceolum lacaþ / hie þa gegrette || se þe on gre
Andreas 368 fte || ofer flodes wylm / þæt hie þe eaþ mihton || ofer yþa
Andreas 403 e || þafigan ne woldon / þæt hie forleton || æt lides stefnan
Andreas 464 ta || eorlas trymede / oþþæt hie semninga || slæp ofereode / me
Andreas 534 wædu swæþorodon / seoþþan hie ongeton || þæt þe god hæf
Andreas 610 de || me þæt þinceþ / þæt hie for æfstum || inwit syredon /
Andreas 613 o georne / wraþum wærlogan || hie seo wyrd beswac / forleolc ond
Andreas 614 / forleolc ond forlærde || nu hie lungre sceolon / werige mid wer
Andreas 654 nmæte || to frean dome / þær hie hyrcnodon || haliges lare / þo
Andreas 711 feala / tacna gecyþde || þær hie to segon / swylce he wrætlice
Andreas 785 tan || folce gecyþan / hwylcne hie god mihtum || ongiten hæfdon
Andreas 795 f slæpe þæm fæstan || het hie to þam siþe gyrwan / faran to
Andreas 796 ran to frean dome || sceoldon hie þam folce gecyþan / hwa æt f
Andreas 803 n / open eorþscræfu || woldon hie ædre gecyþan / frumweorca fæ
Andreas 807 m weorþodon || wuldres aldor / hie þa ricene het || rices hyrde
Andreas 894 ide / gingran gehyrdon || þæt hie god wolde / onmunan swa mycles
Andreas 954 geliccost / faran flode blod || hie þin feorh ne magon / deaþe ge
Andreas 975 te / þurh minne naman || þeah hie morþres feala / in fyrndagum |
Andreas 980 ng / fira gehwylcum || þam þe hie findan cann / þa wæs gemyndig
Andreas 1012 es || gode þancade / þæs þe hie onsunde || æfre moston / geseo
Andreas 1016 erne || earme beþehte / cyston hie ond clypton || criste wæron
Andreas 1017 wæron begen / leofe on mode || hie leoht ymbscan / halig ond heofo
Andreas 1050 gehedan / treowgeþoftan || ær hie on tu hweorfan / ægþer þara
Andreas 1073 oldon || wiþerhycgende / þæt hie on elþeodigum || æt geworht
Andreas 1078 amera geweorc || hyrdas deade / hie þa unhyþige || eft gecyrdon
Andreas 1089 || nyston beteran ræd / þonne hie þa belidenan || him to lifne
Andreas 1111 ran geongne / lifes to lisse || hie þa lac hraþe / þegon to þan
Andreas 1121 bodad || beorne manegum / þæt hie þæs cnihtes cwealm || corþ
Andreas 1123 l onfengon / lifes to leofne || hie lungre to þæs / hæþene heri
Andreas 1154 ru / freod unhwilen || þam þe hie findan cann / þa wæs wop hæf
Andreas 1214 nne || heortan staþola / þæt hie min on þe || mægen oncnawan
Andreas 1215 e || mægen oncnawan / ne magon hie ond ne moton || ofer mine est
Andreas 1224 d wæs || æþelinga wynn / ond hie andweardne || eagum meahton / g
Andreas 1231 lum teon || torngeniþlan / swa hie hit frecnost || findan meahto
Andreas 1329 þegnum þryþfullum || þæt hie þe hnægen / gingran æt guþe
Andreas 1334 e guþfrecan || gylp forbegan / hie wæron reowe || ræsdon on so
Andreas 1337 rh his strangan miht / syþþan hie oncneowon || cristes rode / on
Andreas 1339 gwlite || mære tacen / wurdon hie þa acle || on þam onfenge / f
Andreas 1500 / forhte geweorþaþ || þonne hie fæder geseoþ / heofonas ond e
Andreas 1597 nig || folces on laste / wendan hie wifa || ond wera cwealmes / þe
Andreas 1601 gelacan || under grund hruron / hie þa anmode || ealle cwædon / n
Andreas 1628 eoþolic ond gastlic || þeah hie lungre ær / þurh flodes fær
Andreas 1653 e || ond þriste bebead / þæt hie his lare || læston georne / fe
Andreas 1660 | weorc to geþoligenne / þæt hie se leodfruma || leng ne wolde
Andreas 42 æt heortan || hyge weallende / hie þa gebrohton || æt brimes n
Andreas 45 ofre || æfter reotan / þendon hie on yþum || æþelinga wunn / o
The Fates of the Apostles 10 an heape || hlyt wisode / þær hie dryhtnes æ || deman sceoldon
The Fates of the Apostles 99 n eorþan brucaþ || ne moton hie awa ætsomne / woruldwunigende
Soul and Body I 11 findan / þone lichoman || þe hie ær lange wæg / þreo hund win
Soul and Body I 78 le || eorþan speda / butan þu hie gedælde || dryhtne sylfum / þ
Soul and Body I 114 ungregum to frofre || forþan hie ne magon huxlicum / wordum wrix
Soul and Body I 131 lustum þæt lamfæt || þæt hie ær lange wæg / þonne þa gas
Homiletic Fragment I 26 || facenlice þencaþ / þonne hie æt nehstan || nearwe beswica
Dream of the Rood 32 beornas on eaxlum || oþþæt hie me on beorg asetton / gefæstno
Dream of the Rood 48 nænigum sceþþan / bysmeredon hie unc butu ætgædere || eall i
Dream of the Rood 60 eaþmod elne mycle || genamon hie þær ælmihtigne god / ahofon
Dream of the Rood 63 mid strælum forwundod / aledon hie þær limwerigne || gestodon
Dream of the Rood 64 t his lices heafdum / beheoldon hie þær heofenes dryhten || ond
Dream of the Rood 66 s on banan gesyhþe || curfon hie þæt of beorhtan stane / geset
Dream of the Rood 67 t of beorhtan stane / gesetton hie þæron sigora wealdend || on
Dream of the Rood 68 earme on þa æfentide || þa hie woldon eft siþian / meþe fram
Dream of the Rood 115 he ær on þam beame dyde / ac hie þonne forhtiaþ || ond fea
Dream of the Rood 116 aþ || ond fea þencaþ / hwæt hie to criste || cweþan onginnen
Dream of the Rood 132 feala / freonda on foldan || ac hie forþ heonon / gewiton of worul
Elene 48 wod / wæpnum to wigge || þeah hie werod læsse / hæfdon to hilde
Elene 68 || nihtlangne fyrst / þæs þe hie feonda gefær || fyrmest ges
Elene 175 | þeah hira fea wæron / þæt hie for þam casere || cyþan mos
Elene 209 e fortyhte / iudea cyn || þæt hie god sylfne / ahengon herga frum
Elene 210 ahengon herga fruman || þæs hie in hynþum sculon / to widan fe
Elene 355 rgeaf / halige higefrofre || ac hie hyrwdon me / feodon þurh feond
Elene 396 / synwyrcende || soþ oncnawan / hie þa anmode || ondsweredon / hw
Elene 415 um || hwæt sio syn wære / þe hie on þam folce || gefremed hæ
Elene 20 sse / þurh wraþ gewitt || gif hie wiston ær / þæt he crist wæ
Elene 35 isæton / on sefan sohton || hu hie sunu meotudes / ahengon helm we
Elene 38 | æþelust bearna / ne meahton hie swa disige || deaþ oþfæsta
Elene 39 stan / weras wonsælige || swa hie wendon ær / sarum settan || þ
Elene 57 d || to wræce ne sette / þæt hie for æfstum || unscyldigne / sy
Elene 117 omormode / leodgebyrgean || þa hie laþod wæron / þurh heard geb
Elene 145 a deopan mihte || þa wurdon hie deaþes on wenan / ades ond end
Elene 148 cenned for cneomagum || þone hie þære cwene agefon / sægdon h
Elene 238 / swilt for synnum || þæt ic hie syþþan mæge / geclænsian ||
Elene 274 þam engan hofe || up forlete / hie þæt ofstlice || efnedon son
Elene 325 olde / in wita forwyrd || þær hie in wylme nu / dreogaþ deaþcwa
Elene 397 þan beþeahton / iudea cynn || hie wiþ godes bearne / niþ ahofun
Elene 398 des bearne / niþ ahofun || swa hie no sceoldon / þær hie leahtra
Elene 399 || swa hie no sceoldon / þær hie leahtra fruman || larum ne hy
Elene 539 ligum || wyrda laþost / þær hie hit for worulde || wendan mea
Elene 559 eted hæfdon / on creca land || hie se casere heht / ofstum myclum
Elene 564 æl / abeodan beadurofre || gif hie brim nesen / ond gesundne siþ
Elene 591 gehwylces / sæce ond sorge || hie sona þær / þurh þa halgan g
Elene 665 eort þa tacen forþ || þær hie to sægon / fæder frofre gast
Elene 678 or gode / ealle anmode || þeah hie ær wæron / þurh deofles spil
Elene 680 lange / acyrred fram criste || hie cwædon þus / nu we seolfe ges
Elene 706 ardode / æþelne innoþ || swa hie ælmihtig / sigebearn godes ||
Elene 741 caþ / sweordgeniþlan || þær hie ymb sige winnaþ / wraþ wiþ w
Elene 766 n / læran leofra heap || þæt hie lufan dryhtnes / ond sybbe swa
Elene 782 ndum / werum ond wifum || þæt hie weorþeden / mode ond mægene |
Elene 852 dryht / duguþ domgeorne || swa hie adreogan magon / ond butan earf
Elene 865 nd cumaþ / wuldorcyninge || ac hie worpene beoþ / of þam heaþuw
Elene 869 la frean / geseon sigora god || hie asodene beoþ / asundrod fram s
Elene 878 milde ond bliþe || þæs þe hie mana gehwylc / forsawon synna w
Elene 880 s / wordum cleopodon || forþan hie nu on wlite scinaþ / englum ge
Christ A 146 es mægne / siðe gesecan || nu hie softe ðæs / bidon in bendum |
Christ B 455 en / in ða æðelan tid || swa hie eft dydon / ða se brega mæra
Riddles 54 1 / hyse cwom gangan || ðær he hie wisse / stondan in wincsele ||
Riddles 58 4 mæg / ðurh scirne dæg || ne hie scip fereð / naca nægledbord
Beowulf 15 re || fyrenðearfe ongeat / ðe hie ær drugon || aldorlease / lang
Beowulf 47 yðe || umborwesende / ða gyt hie him asetton || segen geldenne
Beowulf 132 || ðegnsorge dreah / syððan hie ðæs laðan || last sceawedo
Beowulf 175 yrum || to gefremmanne / hwilum hie geheton || æt hærgtrafum / wi
Beowulf 180 gemundon / in modsefan || metod hie ne cuðon / dæda demend || ne
Beowulf 181 on / dæda demend || ne wiston hie drihten god / ne hie huru heofe
Beowulf 182 ne wiston hie drihten god / ne hie huru heofena helm || herian n
Beowulf 313 digra / torht getæhte || ðæt hie him to mihton / gegnum gangan |
Beowulf 323 n scir / song in searwum || ða hie to sele furðum / in hyra gryre
Beowulf 365 emnað || hy benan synt / ðæt hie ðeoden min || wið ðe moton
Beowulf 388 esaga him eac wordum || ðæt hie sint wilcuman / deniga leodum |
Beowulf 418 || ðæt ic ðe sohte / forðan hie mægenes cræft || minne cuð
Beowulf 477 fletwerod / wigheap gewanod || hie wyrd forsweop / on grendles gry
Beowulf 482 ealowæge || oretmecgas / ðæt hie in beorsele || bidan woldon / g
Beowulf 562 e || swa hit gedefe wæs / næs hie ðære fylle || gefean hæfdo
Beowulf 563 æfdon / manfordædlan || ðæt hie me ðegon / symbel ymbsæton ||
Beowulf 648 e || hilde geðinged / siððan hie sunnan leoht || geseon ne mea
Beowulf 694 rh || ðær he afeded wæs / ac hie hæfdon gefrunen || ðæt hie
Beowulf 694 hie hæfdon gefrunen || ðæt hie ær to fela micles / in ðæm w
Beowulf 698 um / frofor ond fultum || ðæt hie feond heora / ðurh anes cræft
Beowulf 706 | ðæt wæs yldum cuð / ðæt hie ne moste || ða metod nolde / s
Beowulf 797 gian / mæres ðeodnes || ðær hie meahton swa / hie ðæt ne wist
Beowulf 798 dnes || ðær hie meahton swa / hie ðæt ne wiston || ða hie ge
Beowulf 798 wa / hie ðæt ne wiston || ða hie gewin drugon / heardhicgende ||
Beowulf 831 lle gebette / inwidsorge || ðe hie ær drugon / ond for ðreanydum
Beowulf 862 æbbendra || rices wyrðra / ne hie huru winedrihten || wiht ne l
Beowulf 881 an wolde / eam his nefan || swa hie a wæron / æt niða gehwam ||
Beowulf 937 / ðara ðe ne wendon || ðæt hie wideferhð / leoda landgeweorc
Beowulf 1068 olde / be finnes eaferum || ða hie se fær begeat / hæleð healfd
Beowulf 1074 legan / bearnum ond broðrum || hie on gebyrd hruron / gare wunde |
Beowulf 1086 hig him geðingo budon / ðæt hie him oðer flet || eal gerymdo
Beowulf 1087 / healle ond heahsetl || ðæt hie healfre geweald / wið eotena b
Beowulf 1095 beorsele || byldan wolde / ða hie getruwedon || on twa healfa / f
Beowulf 1102 earo || æfre gemænden / ðeah hie hira beaggyfan || banan folge
Beowulf 1156 teald || eorðcyninges / swylce hie æt finnes ham || findan meah
Beowulf 1157 n meahton / sigla searogimma || hie on sælade / drihtlice wif || t
Beowulf 1238 d weardode / unrim eorla || swa hie oft ær dydon / bencðelu bered
Beowulf 1247 mlic || wæs ðeaw hyra / ðæt hie oft wæron || an wig gearwe / g
Beowulf 1305 wæs ðæt gewrixle til / ðæt hie on ba healfa || bicgan scoldo
Beowulf 1347 ædende || secgan hyrde / ðæt hie gesawon || swylce twegen / micl
Beowulf 1350 | ðæra oðer wæs / ðæs ðe hie gewislicost || gewitan meahto
Beowulf 1355 endel nemdon / foldbuende || no hie fæder cunnon / hwæðer him æ
Beowulf 1357 | ær acenned / dyrnra gasta || hie dygel lond / warigeað wulfhleo
Beowulf 1430 eglrade / wyrmas ond wildeor || hie on weg hruron / bitere ond gebo
Beowulf 1604 wiston ond ne wendon || ðæt hie heora winedrihten / selfne gesa
Beowulf 1858 acu restan / inwitniðas || ðe hie ær drugon / wesan ðenden ic w
Beowulf 1875 rodum || oðres swiðor / ðæt hie seoððan no || geseon moston
Beowulf 1911 na || ofer brimstreamas / ðæt hie geata clifu || ongitan meahto
Beowulf 2019 ahwriðan / secge sealde || ær hie to setle geong / hwilum for dug
Beowulf 2038 eaðabeardna gestreon / ðenden hie ðam wæpnum || wealdan mosto
Beowulf 2039 um || wealdan moston / oððæt hie forlæddan || to ðam lindple
Beowulf 2236 ehydde / deore maðmas || ealle hie deað fornam / ærran mælum ||
Beowulf 2630 ðæt se wyrm onfand / syððan hie togædre || gegan hæfdon / wig
Beowulf 2943 um || somod ærdæge / syððan hie hygelaces || horn ond byman / g
Beowulf 2984 ða him gerymed wearð / ðæt hie wælstowe || wealdan moston /
Beowulf 2996 n on middangearde || syððan hie ða mærða geslogon / ond ða
Beowulf 3002 to || sweona leoda / syððan hie gefricgeað || frean userne / e
Beowulf 3049 swyrd / omige ðurhetone || swa hie wið eorðan fæðm / ðusend w
Beowulf 3112 monegum / boldagendra || ðæt hie bælwudu / feorran feredon || f
Judith 4 æs hehstan deman || ðæt he hie wið ðæs hehstan brogan / gef
Judith 10 ealle ða yldestan ðegnas || hie ðæt ofstum miclum / ræfndon
Judith 15 s ælfscinu || ærest gesohte / hie ða to ðam symle || sittan e
Judith 19 orcas / fulle fletsittendum || hie ðæt fæge ðegon / rofe rondw
Judith 30 mod sinces brytta || oððæt hie on swiman lagon / oferdrencte h
Judith 31 e his duguðe ealle || swylce hie wæron deaðe geslegene / agote
Judith 37 ehlæste / hringum gehrodene || hie hraðe fremedon / anbyhtscealca
Judith 40 pon / to ðam gysterne || ðær hie iudithðe / fundon ferhðgleawe
Judith 54 ete / rinca to rune gegangan || hie ða on reste gebrohton / snude
Judith 134 a ba || ellenðriste / oððæt hie becomon || collenferhðe / eadh
Judith 136 ð || ut of ðam herige / ðæt hie sweotollice || geseon mihten /
Judith 138 | weallas blican / bethuliam || hie ða beahhrodene / feðelaste ||
Judith 140 ðelaste || forð onettan / oð hie glædmode || gegan hæfdon / to
Judith 168 obyrig || mod areted / syððan hie ongeaton || ðæt wæs iudith
Judith 170 to eðle || ond ða ofostlice / hie mid eaðmedum || in forleton /
Judith 220 hæfdon / to ðam fyrdwicum || hie ða fromlice / leton forð fleo
Judith 235 ne ricne / cwicera manna || ðe hie ofercuman mihton / swa ða mago
Judith 241 ðlic eowdon / weras ebrisce || hie wordum ðæt / ðam yldestan ||
Judith 321 dhettende / swyrdum aswefede || hie on swaðe reston / ða ðe him
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 9 re || grimme gedrefeþ / þonne hie gemengaþ || micla ysta / onhre
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 11 teclommum / lange þrage || oþ hie alysde eft / for his weorþscip
Solomon and Saturn 67 feccan under foldan || næfre hie se feond to þæs niþer / fete
Solomon and Saturn 68 terum gefæstnaþ || þeah he hie mid fiftigum / clusum beclemme
Solomon and Saturn 130 ce / grimme ongieldaþ || þæs hie oft gilp brecaþ / þonne hine
Solomon and Saturn 147 / sweartne geswencan || næfre hie þæs syllice / bleoum bregdaþ
Solomon and Saturn 150 hwilum flotan gripaþ / hwilum hie gewendaþ || in wyrmes lic / st
Solomon and Saturn 42 m þe wiht hygeþ / gestrangaþ hie and gestaþeliaþ || staþolf
Solomon and Saturn 49 aþ / salomon cuæþ # || / sige hie onsendaþ || soþfæstra gehw
Solomon and Saturn 50 ehwam / hælo hyþe || þam þe hie lufaþ / saturnus cwæþ # || /
Solomon and Saturn 66 on genæman / wæpna ecggum || hie þæs wære cunnon / healdaþ h
Solomon and Saturn 113 || wæstmas getigeþ / geþyþ hie and geþreataþ || þæt hie
Solomon and Saturn 113 hie and geþreataþ || þæt hie þrage beoþ / cealde geclungne
Solomon and Saturn 127 le || leaf beoþ grene / þonne hie eft fealewiaþ || feallaþ on
Solomon and Saturn 133 / and wenaþ wanhogan || þæt hie wille wuldorcining / ælmihtig
Solomon and Saturn 143 þine leode gecyþdon / wunnon hie wiþ dryhtnes miehtum || for
Solomon and Saturn 143 dryhtnes miehtum || forþon hie þæt worc ne gedegdon / ne sce
Solomon and Saturn 170 / wop and hleahtor || full oft hie weorþgeornra / sælþa toslita
Solomon and Saturn 192 t || gode oþþe yfle / þonne hie beoþ þurh ane || idese acen
Solomon and Saturn 262 ra / wyrd þe warnung || þonne hie winnaþ oft / mid hira þreamed
Solomon and Saturn 284 wan drohtaþ heo mid us / hwæt hie wile lifigende || late aþreo
Solomon and Saturn 302 ead || bearn heofonwara / þæt hie ec scoldon || a þenden hie l
Solomon and Saturn 302 t hie ec scoldon || a þenden hie lifdon / wunian in wylme || wop
Solomon and Saturn 312 þ / butan edwende || a þenden hie lifigaþ / saturnus cwæþ # ||
The Seasons for Fasting 11 || and ða hæleð samod / swa hie on leodscipe || lærede wæro
The Seasons for Fasting 12 odscipe || lærede wæron / gyf hie wancule || weorc ongunnon / heo
The Seasons for Fasting 14 eane / asende sigora god || and hie sona to him / fryða wilnodan |
The Seasons for Fasting 16 || and ðær fundon raðe / gif hie leohtras heora || letan gewyr
The Seasons for Fasting 19 e || heold and worhte / ðendan hie lifes frean || lufian woldon /
The Seasons for Fasting 21 arð || earm and ðrealic / ða hie besyredon || sylfne dryhten / o
The Seasons for Fasting 27 um || breman and writan / ðæt hie fæstenu || feower heoldon / an
The Seasons for Fasting 45 higefæste || mid anglum / swa hie gebrefde us || beorn on rome /
The Seasons for Fasting 158 yltig / leodum to lare || ðæt hie on lengten sceolan / efen feowe
The Seasons for Fasting 213 ian wyle || folces manna / sona hie on mergan || mæssan syngað /
The Seasons for Fasting 223 lde || and ne wigliað / hwæne hie to mose fon || mæða bedæle
his - 1322 occurrences
Genesis A 49 en geleah || siþþan waldend his / heofona heahcining || honda a
Genesis A 57 d dugeþe || and dreame benam / his feond friþo || and gefean ea
Genesis A 58 fean ealle / torhte tire || and his torn gewræc / on gesacum swiþ
Genesis A 64 on mode || æþele bescyrede / his wiþerbrecan || wuldorgesteal
Genesis A 80 s || frea eallum leof / þeoden his þegnum || þrymmas weoxon / du
Genesis A 149 ahof / up from eorþan || þurh his agen word / frea ælmihtig || f
Genesis A 158 lode || frea engla heht / þurh his word wesan || wæter gemæne /
Genesis A 207 / þa sceawode || scyppend ure / his weorca wlite || and his wæst
Genesis A 207 d ure / his weorca wlite || and his wæstma blæd / niwra gesceafta
Genesis B 241 en / stiþferhþ cyning || stod his handgeweorc / somod on sande ||
Genesis B 245 wæron leof gode / þenden heo his halige word || healdan woldon
Genesis B 249 m he getruwode wel / þæt hie his giongorscipe || fyligan wolde
Genesis B 250 ipe || fyligan wolden / wyrcean his willan || forþon he him gewi
Genesis B 251 he him gewit forgeaf / and mid his handum gesceop || halig driht
Genesis B 253 ne geworhtne / swa mihtigne on his modgeþohte || he let hine sw
Genesis B 255 tne geworhtne / swa wynlic wæs his wæstm on heofonum || þæt h
Genesis B 257 tnes wyrcean / dyran sceolde he his dreamas on heofonum || and sc
Genesis B 257 as on heofonum || and sceolde his drihtne þancian / þæs leanes
Genesis B 258 gescerede || þonne læte he his hine lange wealdan / ac he awen
Genesis B 262 e him bedyrned weorþan / þæt his engyl ongan || ofermod wesan /
Genesis B 263 ofermod wesan / ahof hine wiþ his hearran || sohte hetespræce /
Genesis B 265 de gode þeowian / cwæþ þæt his lic wære || leoht and scene /
Genesis B 266 iowbeorht || ne meahte he æt his hige findan / þæt he gode wol
Genesis B 272 gel ofermodes || þohte þurh his anes cræft / hu he him strengl
Genesis B 274 heofonum || cwæþ þæt hine his hige speone / þæt he west and
Genesis B 282 heofne || hwy sceal ic æfter his hyldo þeowian / bugan him swil
Genesis B 291 e ænegum || ne wille ic leng his geongra wurþan / þa hit se al
Genesis B 293 llwalda || eall gehyrde / þæt his engyl ongan || ofermede micel
Genesis B 294 | ofermede micel / ahebban wiþ his hearran || and spræc healic
Genesis B 296 innes gedælan || and sceolde his wite habban / ealra morþra mæ
Genesis B 298 a deþ monna gehwilc / þe wiþ his waldend || winnan ongynneþ / m
Genesis B 301 hean stole / hete hæfde he æt his hearran gewunnen || hyldo hæ
Genesis B 301 rran gewunnen || hyldo hæfde his ferlorene / gram wearþ him se
Genesis B 302 ne / gram wearþ him se goda on his mode || forþon he sceolde gr
Genesis B 304 waldend / acwæþ hine þa fram his hyldo || and hine on helle we
Genesis B 306 to deofle wearþ / se feond mid his geferum eallum || feollon þa
Genesis B 309 ten to deoflum || forþon heo his dæd and word / noldon weorþia
Genesis B 339 nost / hwitost on heofne || and his hearran leof / drihtne dyre ||
Genesis B 350 el / hwit on heofne || oþ hine his hyge forspeon / and his ofermet
Genesis B 351 þ hine his hyge forspeon / and his ofermetto || ealra swiþost /
Genesis B 354 | weoll him on innan / hyge ymb his heortan || hat wæs him utan /
Genesis B 396 e hæfþ mon geworhtne / æfter his onlicnesse || mid þam he wil
Genesis B 399 || gif we æfre mægen / and on his eafrum swa some || andan gebe
Genesis B 402 lange niotan / þæs eades mid his engla cræfte || ne magon we
Genesis B 404 n ne moton || gedon þæt hie his hyldo forlæten / þæt hie þ
Genesis B 405 e þæt onwendon þæt he mid his worde bebead || þonne weorþ
Genesis B 406 wraþ on mode / ahwet hie from his hyldo || þonne sculon hie þ
Genesis B 413 eahte / mine gife gyldan || gif his gien wolde / minra þegna hwilc
Genesis B 430 laþran beoþ / gif hie brecaþ his gebodscipe || þonne he him a
Genesis B 432 heard hearmscearu || hycgaþ his ealle / hu ge hi beswicen || si
Genesis B 456 funde / wislice geworht || and his wif somed / freo fægroste || s
Genesis B 473 wesan / lungre on lustum || and his lif agan / hyldo heofoncyninges
Genesis B 486 red / lytle hwile || sceolde he his lifes niotan / secan þonne lan
Genesis B 497 / adam up to gode || ic eom on his ærende hider / feorran gefered
Genesis B 508 þine dæd and word / lofian on his leohte || and ymb þin lif sp
Genesis B 510 t || þæt on þis land hider / his bodan bringaþ || brade synd
Genesis B 515 fare / gumena drihten || ac he his gingran sent / to þinre spræc
Genesis B 518 s læran || læste þu georne / his ambyhto || nim þe þis ofæt
Genesis B 519 im þe þis ofæt on hand / bit his and byrige || þe weorþ on
Genesis B 526 mne || and me her stondan het / his bebodu healdan || and me þas
Genesis B 530 / healdan sceolde || se þe bi his heortan wuht / laþes gelæde |
Genesis B 537 c hine nehst geseah / he het me his word weorþian || and wel hea
Genesis B 538 an || and wel healdan / læstan his lare || þu gelic ne bist / æn
Genesis B 539 || þu gelic ne bist / ænegum his engla || þe ic ær geseah / ne
Genesis B 544 lmihtegan gode || þe me mid his earmum worhte / her mid handum
Genesis B 545 handum sinum || he mæg me of his hean rice / geofian mid goda ge
Genesis B 546 id goda gehwilcum || þeah he his gingran ne sende / wende hine w
Genesis B 557 / to incre andsware || ne mæg his ærende / his boda beodan || þ
Genesis B 558 dsware || ne mæg his ærende / his boda beodan || þy ic wat þ
Genesis B 561 nde || wordum hyran / þu meaht his þonne rume || ræd geþencan
Genesis B 567 l / herran þines || and habban his hyldo forþ / meaht þu adame |
Genesis B 569 adame || eft gestyran / gif þu his willan hæfst || and he þinu
Genesis B 602 rnenga bedrog || þe hire for his dædum com / þæt hire þuhte
Genesis B 616 te / hwit of heofonum || nu þu his hrinan meaht / sæge adame || h
Genesis B 621 him þa womcwidas || þeah he his wyrþe ne sie / to alætanne ||
Genesis B 625 rran hearmcwyde || ond habban his hyldo forþ / þa gieng to adam
Genesis B 635 hine ne warnaþ || þonne he his geweald hafaþ / sum heo hire o
Genesis B 645 n || þe þæt laþe treow / on his bogum bær || bitre gefylled /
Genesis B 649 ac geþoht || þæt heo ongan his wordum truwian / læstan his la
Genesis B 650 an his wordum truwian / læstan his lare || and geleafan nom / þæ
Genesis B 654 ire tacen || and treowa gehet / his holdne hyge || þa heo to hir
Genesis B 657 iene / godes engel god || ic on his gearwan geseo / þæt he is ær
Genesis B 659 cres hearran / hefoncyninges || his hyldo is unc betere / to gewinn
Genesis B 660 etere / to gewinnanne || þonne his wiþermedo / gif þu him heodæ
Genesis B 664 ines hearran bodan || unc is his hyldo þearf / he mæg unc ære
Genesis B 669 s woruld gesceop / geseo ic him his englas || ymbe hweorfan / mid f
Genesis B 678 s ofætes onbat / nu hæbbe ic his her on handa || herra se goda
Genesis B 680 hit from gode come / broht from his bysene || þæs me þes boda
Genesis B 701 ifa wlitegost || þæt heo on his willan spræc / wæs him on hel
Genesis B 706 lice || oþ þam þegne ongan / his hige hweorfan || þæt he þa
Genesis B 716 þæt adame || innan breostum / his hyge hwyrfde || and his heort
Genesis B 716 ostum / his hyge hwyrfde || and his heorte ongann / wendan to hire
Genesis B 730 des witod || nu hie wordcwyde his / lare forleton || forþon hie
Genesis B 733 one sweartan siþ || swa þu his sorge ne þearft / beran on þi
Genesis B 748 | folca mæste / and mid handum his || eft on heofonrice / rihte ro
Genesis B 764 secan helle gehliþo || þær his hearra læg / simon gesæled ||
Genesis B 770 e onsæton || selfe forstodon / his word onwended || þæt wif gn
Genesis B 781 || and hine bædon / þæt hie his hearmsceare || habban mosten /
Genesis B 829 ndes || willan cuþe / hwæt ic his to hearmsceare || habban sceo
Genesis B 833 restream þæs micel || þæt his o min mod getweode / ac ic to
Genesis A 856 usser / bilwit fæder || hwæt his bearn dyde / wiste forworhte ||
Genesis A 865 him recene to || rice þeoden / his sunu gangan || him þa sylfa
Genesis A 972 wiste || willgebroþor / oþer his to eorþan || elnes tilode / se
Genesis A 984 g ofsloh / broþor sinne || and his blod ageat / cain abeles || cwe
Genesis A 1012 ne rinc / broþor þinne || and his blod to me / cleopaþ and cige
Genesis A 1030 emonige / broþorcwealmes || ic his blod ageat / dreor on eorþan |
Genesis A 1061 erende || settan heton / þanon his eaforan || ærest wocan / bearn
Genesis A 1090 rhsittende || brucan wide / þa his wifum twæm || wordum sægde /
Genesis A 1107 eth noma / se wæs eadig || and his yldrum þah / freolic to frofre
Genesis A 1132 ontig || þa he furþum ongan / his mægburge || men geicean / sunu
Genesis A 1165 ld ofgeaf / and tyne eac || þa his tiddæge / under rodera rum ||
Genesis A 1173 num brohte || se maga wæs / on his mægþe || mine gefræge / guma
Genesis A 1183 fæst hæleþ / and se frumgar his || freomagum leof / fif and hun
Genesis A 1187 | þa seo sæl gewearþ / þæt his wif sunu || on woruld brohte /
Genesis A 1190 umbearn || fæder her þa gyt / his cynnes forþ || cneorim icte /
Genesis A 1212 feran / on þam gearwum || þe his gast onfeng / ær hine to monnu
Genesis A 1221 a breac || worn gestrynde / ær his swyltdæge || suna and dohtra
Genesis A 1362 ihtig / weroda drihten || þurh his word abead / him on hoh beleac
Genesis A 1505 þa he noe / gebletsade || and his bearn somed / þæt he þæt gy
Genesis A 1545 acumen || flode on laste / mid his eaforum þrim || yrfes hyrde /
Genesis A 1563 ode || þæt se eadega wer / on his wicum wearþ || wine druncen /
Genesis A 1567 || he lyt ongeat / þæt him on his inne || swa earme gelamp / þa
Genesis A 1578 siþian / eafora noes || þær his aldor læg / ferhþe forstolen
Genesis A 1580 len || þær he freondlice / on his agenum fæder || are ne wolde
Genesis A 1593 wæs / sar on mode || ongan þa his selfes bearn / wordum wyrgean |
Genesis A 1597 || him þa cwyde syþþan / and his fromcynne || frecne scodon / þ
Genesis A 1602 c þa he forþ gewat / siþþan his eaforan || ead bryttedon / bear
Genesis A 1625 inre / domas sægde || oþþæt his dogora wæs / rim aurnen || þa
Genesis A 1661 ed / þa þær mon mænig || be his mægwine / æþeling anmod || o
Genesis A 1696 siþþan metod tobræd / þurh his mihta sped || monna spræce / t
Genesis A 1738 as mid wifum || on þam wicum his / fæder abrahames || feorh ges
Genesis A 1771 weard / waldend usser || þurh his word abead / ceapas from carran
Genesis A 1775 lædan / swæse gebeddan || and his suhtrian / wif on willan || win
Genesis A 1800 haten / beorn bliþemod || and his broþor sunu / forþ oferforan
Genesis A 1808 rhtum cigde || tiber onsægde / his liffrean || him þæs lean ag
Genesis A 1809 eaf / nalles hneawlice || þurh his hand metend / on þam gledstyde
Genesis A 1822 g / beorhte blican || ongan þa his bryd frea / wishydig wer || wor
Genesis A 1857 lædan heht || leoflic wif to / his selfes sele || sinces brytta /
Genesis A 1866 eþreadne / brego egipto || and his bryd ageaf / wif to gewealde ||
Genesis A 1884 m þe abraham || æror rærde / his waldende || þa westan com / þ
Genesis A 1949 m / lufum and lissum || forþon his lof secgaþ / wide under wolcnu
Genesis A 1959 nd gewitte || wise þance / oþ his ealdorgedal || oleccan wile /
Genesis A 2029 on mode / sorga sarost || þæt his suhtriga / þeownyd þolode ||
Genesis A 2032 s þæs || ræd ahicgan / þæt his hyldemæg || ahreded wurde / be
Genesis A 2037 e / treowa sealdon || þæt hie his torn mid him / gewræcon on wra
Genesis A 2039 feollan / þa se halga heht || his heorþwerod / wæpna onfon || h
Genesis A 2047 | mid heora folcgetrume / wolde his mæg huru # || / loth alynnan
Genesis A 2047 hira folc-ġe·trume%; / wolde his mǣġ hūru, / Lōth ā·linnan
Genesis A 2052 neh / gefaren hæfdon || þa he his frumgaran / wishydig wer || wor
Genesis A 2071 dde || nalles wunden gold / for his suhtrigan || sloh and fylde / f
Genesis A 2302 ah / swa se engel ær || þurh his agen word / fæle freoþoscealc
Genesis A 2372 þotacen || be frean hæse / on his selfes sunu || heht þæt seg
Genesis A 2373 n wegan / heah gehwilcne || þe his hina wæs / wæpnedcynnes || w
Genesis A 2377 olf onfeng / torhtum tacne || a his tir metod / domfæst cyning ||
Genesis A 2381 he on fære || furþum meahte / his waldendes || willan fremman /
Genesis A 2431 ere || geonge þuhton / men for his eagum || aras þa metodes þe
Genesis A 2443 ead / reste and gereorda || and his recedes hleow / and þegnunge |
Genesis A 2510 astrum || mid cwealmþrea / and his torn wrecan || þære tide is
Genesis A 2540 || under burhlocan / in sægor his || þa sunne up / folca friþca
Genesis A 2578 stod / þær wordum ær || wiþ his waldend spræc / frod frumgara
Genesis A 2594 gewat / of byrig gangan || and his bearn somed / wælstowe fyrr ||
Genesis A 2599 de leof / dægrimes worn || and his dohtor twa / hie dydon swa || d
Genesis A 2623 abimelech || æhte lædan / mid his hiwum || hæleþum sægde / þ
Genesis A 2624 hæleþum sægde / þæt sarra his || sweostor wære / abraham wor
Genesis A 2625 wære / abraham wordum || bearh his aldre / þy he wiste gearwe ||
Genesis A 2628 freonda hæfde / þa se þeoden his || þegnas sende / heht hie bri
Genesis A 2718 n / woruldgestreonum || and him his wif ageaf / sealde him to bote
Genesis A 2719 e him to bote || þæs þe he his bryd genam / gangende feoh || a
Genesis A 2736 r / abraham fremede || swa hine his aldor heht / onfeng freondscipe
Genesis A 2740 e sibbe || gesælig dreah / and his scippende || under sceade gef
Genesis A 2750 forstod / oþþæt se halga || his hlaforde / abraham ongan || arn
Genesis A 2768 nemde / hine abraham on || mid his agene hand / beacen sette || sw
Genesis A 2776 / siþþan him ærest || þurh his agen word / þone dægwillan ||
Genesis A 2793 de || þæt he on wræc drife / his selfes sunu || þa com soþ m
Genesis A 2801 ismael / cniht of cyþþe || ic his cynn gedo / brad and bresne ||
Genesis A 2804 dum gehet / þa se wer hyrde || his waldende / draf of wicum || dre
Genesis A 2806 gmod tu / idese of earde || and his agen bearn / sweotol is and ges
Genesis A 2842 o sette / weobedd worhte || and his waldende / on þam glædstede |
Genesis A 2862 an engla / word ondrysne || and his waldend leof / þa se eadga ||
Genesis A 2867 breostum wunode || ongan þa his esolas bætan / gamolferhþ gol
Genesis A 2869 / men mid siþian || mæg wæs his agen þridda / and he feorþa s
Genesis A 2871 sylf || þa he fus gewat / from his agenum hofe || isaac lædan / b
Genesis A 2880 ldor / þa abraham spræc || to his ombihtum / rincas mine || resta
Genesis A 2885 t him þa se æþeling || and his agen sunu / to þæs gemearces
Genesis A 2898 þhydig || steape dune / up mid his eaforan || swa him se eca beb
Genesis A 2906 p / sweord be gehiltum || wolde his sunu cwellan / folmum sinum ||
Genesis A 2921 ldan || þæt þe wæs leofre his / sibb and hyldo || þonne þin
Genesis A 2925 reost geblissad || þa he him his bearn forgeaf / isaac cwicne ||
Genesis A 2931 ad ahof / ofestum miclum || for his agen bearn / abrægd þa mid þ
Exodus 9 ihten / soþfæst cyning || mid his sylfes miht / gewyrþode || and
Exodus 17 waldend / modgum magoræswan || his maga feorh / onwist eþles || a
Exodus 27 rodor / gesette sigerice || and his sylfes naman / þone yldo bearn
Exodus 146 ta cyn || ymbe antwig / þa heo his mægwinum || morþor fremedon
Exodus 177 enum || wælhlencan sceoc / het his hereciste || healdan georne / f
Exodus 314 orette || on uncuþ gelad / for his mægwinum || swa him mihtig g
Exodus 335 l angetrum / eode unforht || he his ealdordom / synnum aswefede ||
Exodus 363 aþ / þrymfæst þeoden || mid his þrim sunum / þone deopestan |
Exodus 402 in bælblyse || beorna selost / his swæsne sunu || to sigetibre /
Exodus 428 fan mæg || heofon and eorþe / his wuldres word || widdra and si
Exodus 434 god / soþfæst sigora || þurh his sylfes lif / þæt þines cynne
Exodus 502 n || dugoþ egypta / faraon mid his folcum || he onfond hraþe / si
Daniel 21 genscipe || swa no man scyle / his gastes lufan || wiþ gode dæ
Daniel 47 dorfrea / babilones brego || on his burhstede / nabochodonossor ||
Daniel 133 sceaft || wisdom bude / gif þu his ærest ne meaht || or areccan
Daniel 157 gel godes || eall asægde / swa his mandrihten || gemæted wearþ
Daniel 167 meahte / babilonie weard || in his breostlocan / no hwæþere þæ
Daniel 225 hta feorum || forþam þe hie his cræftas onsocon / þa he wæs
Daniel 230 od || godes spelbodan / het þa his scealcas || scufan þa hyssas
Daniel 268 þa swiþmod cyning || þa he his sefan ontreowde / wundor on wit
Daniel 323 æg / in eare gryndeþ || þæt his unrim a / in wintra worn || wur
Daniel 334 de wæs / metodes miltse || and his mihta sped / rehte þurh reorde
Daniel 337 onsended / wlitescyne wer || on his wuldorhaman / se him cwom to fr
Daniel 449 inum leodum || þæt se wære his aldre scyldig / se þæs onsoce
Daniel 452 morþre alysde / agæf him þa his leoda lafe || þe þær gelæ
Daniel 475 ofne / lacende lig || þam þe his lof bæron / forþam he is ana
Daniel 478 eaf / spowende sped || þam þe his spel beraþ / forþon witigaþ
Daniel 480 or monig / halgum gastum || þe his hyld curon / cuþ is þæt me d
Daniel 512 lce eac þa fugolas || þonne his fyll come / het þonne besnæda
Daniel 521 sæledne || in susl don / þæt his mod wite || þæt migtigra / wi
Daniel 533 seald / halig of heofonum || se his hyge trymede / on þam drihtenw
Daniel 547 daniel æt þam dome || þæt his drihten wæs / gumena aldor ||
Daniel 558 eas beon / westen wunian || and his wyrtruman / foldan befolen || f
Daniel 593 de / no þæs fela daniel || to his drihtne gespræc / soþra worda
Daniel 596 lde / middangeardes weard || ac his mod astah / heah fram heortan |
Daniel 600 ergeweorc / babilone burh || on his blæde geseah / sennera feld ||
Daniel 629 n hige || heortan getenge / þa his gast ahwearf || in godes gemy
Daniel 656 sceolde / earfoþsiþas || for his ofermedlan / swa he ofstlice ||
Daniel 671 an || hea rice / siþþan þær his aferan || ead bryttedon / welan
Daniel 675 / þa in þære þeode awoc || his þæt þridde cneow / wæs bald
Daniel 714 || gode on andan / cwæþ þæt his hergas || hyrran wæron / and m
Daniel 721 egesan || engel drihtnes / let his hand cuman || in þæt hea se
Daniel 756 brohte / israela gestreon || in his æhte geweald / ac þæt oftor
Christ and Satan 6 sæ / wæter and wolcn || þurh his wundra miht / deopne ymblyt ||
Christ and Satan 13 im / seolua he gesette || þurh his soþan miht / swa se wyrhta ||
Christ and Satan 14 n miht / swa se wyrhta || þurh his wuldres gast / serede and sette
Christ and Satan 126 e werega gast || wordum sæde / his earfoþo || ealle ætsomne / fa
Christ and Satan 190 d wæs / godes andsaca || dydon his gingran swa / gifre and grædig
Christ and Satan 241 e heap / dogra gehwilcne || and his se deora sunu / gasta scyppend
Christ and Satan 282 rþon mæg gehycgan || se þe his heorte deah / þæt he him afir
Christ and Satan 325 s fæstlic þreat / ec sceoldon his þegnas || þær gewunian / ato
Christ and Satan 359 nnes / and hie gesegnaþ || mid his swiþran hond / lædeþ to liht
Christ and Satan 375 o helle || hnigan sceolde / and his hired mid hine || in hynþo g
Christ and Satan 390 ron / wile nu ure witu || þurh his wuldres cræft / eall toweorpan
Christ and Satan 543 m / sylfne be sidan || þær he his swat forlet / feollon to foldan
Christ and Satan 547 ure / he on beame astah || and his blod ageat / god on galgan ||
Christ and Satan 548 ageat / god on galgan || þurh his gastes mægen / forþon men sce
Christ and Satan 571 e niht || twelf apostolas / mid his gastes gife || gingran geswi
Christ and Satan 579 on þa swiþran hond || sunu his fæderes / dæleþ dogra gehwæ
Christ and Satan 584 a / wyrhta and waldend || þurh his wuldres cræft / siteþ him on
Christ and Satan 587 tegum || hafaþ wuldres bearn / his seolfes seld || swegl betolde
Christ and Satan 588 us þider to leohte || þurh his læcedom / þær we moton seolf
Christ and Satan 591 habban þæt ilce leoht / þær his hired nu || halig eardaþ / wun
Christ and Satan 614 # || / and heo gesenaþ || mid his swiþran hond / cynincg alwihta
Christ and Satan 621 rn godes / deman wille || þurh his dæda sped / wenaþ þæt heo m
Christ and Satan 666 daga / metod mancynnes || þurh his mildsa sped / þa gewearþ þon
Andreas 50 æfte / hæleþ hellfuse || ond his heafdes segl / abreoton mid bil
Andreas 60 þa wepende || weregum tearum / his sigedryhten || sargan reorde /
Andreas 94 es sweg / mæres þeodnes || he his maguþegne / under hearmlocan |
Andreas 164 locen leoþubendum || þe oft his lufan adreg / for ebreum || ond
Andreas 237 e / þriste on geþance || ond his þegnas mid / gangan on greote
Andreas 249 wealdend / ece ælmihtig || mid his englum twam / wæron hie on ges
Andreas 323 bead / þeoden þrymfæst || we his þegnas synd / gecoren to cempu
Andreas 365 þeoden / ece ælmihtig || heht his engel gan / mærne maguþegn ||
Andreas 460 de god / eorl on eorþan || gif his ellen deah / swa hleoþrode ||
Andreas 525 d wearþ / engla eþel || þurh his anes miht / forþan is gesyne |
Andreas 575 miht / gumena leofost || hu he his gif cyþde / geond woruld wide
Andreas 585 feala / cynerof cyþde || þurh his cræftes miht / he gehalgode ||
Andreas 651 isdom || on wera gemote / þurh his sylfes muþ || symle gehyrde /
Andreas 685 eare / cildgeong acenned || mid his cneomagum / þus syndon haten |
Andreas 757 || æþeles geþingu / þæt of his cynne || cenned sceolde / weor
Andreas 779 worde / beodan habrahame || mid his eaforum twæm / of eorþscræfe
Andreas 834 iþne bidan || burhwealle neh / his niþhetum || nihtlangne fyrst
Andreas 855 uldor / waldend werþeode || ic his word oncneow / þeh he his mæg
Andreas 856 | ic his word oncneow / þeh he his mægwlite || bemiþen hæfde /
Andreas 1030 e halga || in þam hearmlocan / his god grette || ond him geoce b
Andreas 1109 || cearegan reorde / cwæþ he his sylfes sunu || syllan wolde / o
Andreas 1207 meotud mihtum swiþ || sægde his magoþegne / scealt þu andreas
Andreas 1327 efealg / þæt he on gealgan || his gast onsende / swa ic nu bebeod
Andreas 1336 taþulfæst steorend || þurh his strangan miht / syþþan hie on
Andreas 1338 oncneowon || cristes rode / on his mægwlite || mære tacen / wurd
Andreas 1346 dsware / fah fyrnsceaþa || ond his fæder oncwæþ / ne magan we h
Andreas 1358 | bendum fæstne / oþwitan him his wræcsiþ || habbaþ word gea
Andreas 1449 ædum gehrodene || swa he ær his blod aget / þa worde cwæþ ||
Andreas 1466 nncynnes / lifes lareow || heht his lichoman / hales brucan || ne s
Andreas 1477 n miht / lof lædende || ond on his lice trum / hwæt ic hwile nu |
Andreas 1520 þonne eall gimma cynn / þurh his halige hæs || þu scealt hr
Andreas 1521 scealt hræþe cyþan / gif þu his ondgitan || ænige hæbbe / næ
Andreas 1582 dryge / folde fram flode || swa his fot gestop / wurdon burgware ||
Andreas 1613 if ge teala hycgaþ / sende þa his bene || fore bearn godes / bæd
Andreas 1653 ond þriste bebead / þæt hie his lare || læston georne / feorhr
Andreas 1654 / feorhræd fremedon || sægde his fusne hige / þæt he þa goldb
Andreas 50 ce god || eallra gesceafta / is his miht ond his æht || ofer mid
Andreas 51 ngeard / breme gebledsod || ond his blæd ofer eall / in heofonþry
A.2.1 51 e·sċeafta. / Is his meaht and his ǣht || ofer middan-ġeard / br
A.2.1 52 rd / brēme ġe·bletsod || and his blǣd ofer eall / on heofon-þr
The Fates of the Apostles 33 as / beorhtne boldwelan || næs his broþor læt / siþes sæne ||
The Fates of the Apostles 53 lihted / hige onhyrded || þurh his halig word / syþþan collenfer
The Fates of the Apostles 120 gildeþ / lean unhwilen || nu a his lof standeþ / mycel ond mære
The Fates of the Apostles 121 andeþ / mycel ond mære || ond his miht seomaþ / ece ond edgiong
Soul and Body I 2 || hæleþa æghwylc / þæt he his sawle siþ || sylfa geþence /
Soul and Body I 28 oderum / sawle onsende || þurh his sylfes hand / meotod ælmihtig
Soul and Body I 29 s hand / meotod ælmihtig || of his mægenþrymme / ond þe gebohte
Homiletic Fragment I 5 æt facen swa þeah / hafaþ in his heortan || hord unclæne / byþ
A.2.4 6 fācen swā% þēah / hafaþ on his heortan, || hord unclǣne. / Bi
Dream of the Rood 49 n sidan || siþþan he hæfde his gast onsended / feala ic on þa
Dream of the Rood 63 imwerigne || gestodon him æt his lices heafdum / beheoldon hie
Dream of the Rood 92 ofonrices weard / swylce swa he his modor eac || marian sylfe / æl
Dream of the Rood 102 wæþere eft dryhten aras / mid his miclan mihte || mannum to hel
Dream of the Rood 106 en sylfa / ælmihtig god || ond his englas mid / þæt he þonne wi
Dream of the Rood 156 d cwom / ælmihtig god || þær his eþel wæs
Elene 147 a / rice under roderum || þurh his rode treo / gewat þa heriga he
Elene 162 re / boldes brytta || þe þis his beacen wæs / þe me swa leoht
Elene 193 || ond þæt forþ geheold / on his dagana tid || dryhtne to will
Elene 214 b þæt mære treo || ond þa his modor het / feran foldwege || f
Elene 295 e / þe eow of wergþe || þurh his wuldres miht / fram ligcwale ||
Elene 41 þeah he sume hwile / on galgan his || gast onsende / sigebearn god
A.2.6 42 h hē sume hwīle / on ġalĝan his || gāst on·sende, / siġe-bea
Elene 48 nde aras / þeoden engla || ond his þegnum hine / soþ sigora frea
A.2.6 49 ·rās, / þēoden engla || and his þeġnum hine%, / sōþ siĝora
Elene 54 / ne geald he yfel yfele || ac his ealdfeondum / þingode þrohthe
A.2.6 55 ġeald hē yfel yfele, || ac his eald-fēondum / þingode þroht
Elene 386 butan blinne || sint in bocum his / wundor þa he worhte || on ge
A.2.6 387 tan blinne. || Sint on bōcum his / wunder þā hē worhte || on
Elene 477 ænige nu / rihte spowan || is his rice brad / ofer middangeard ||
A.2.6 478 ġe nū / rihte spōwan%. || Is his rīċe brād / ofer middan-ġea
Elene 596 ste getrywe / lifwearde leof || his geleafa wearþ / fæst on ferh
A.2.6 597 rīewe, / līf-wearde lēof. || His ġe·lēafa wearþ / fæst on f
Elene 626 rgendes / fet þurhwodon || ond his folme swa some / mid þam on ro
A.2.6 627 des / fēt þurh·wōdon || and his folme swā same, / mid þām on
Elene 726 þuhte / to gelæstenne || ond his lare geceas / þurh þeodscipe
A.2.6 727 hte / tō ġe·lǣstenne || and his lāre ġe·ċēas / þurh þēo
Elene 735 orþcyninga / burgagendra || on his bridels don / meare to midlum |
A.2.6 736 cyninga / burĝ-āĝendra || on his briġdels dōn, / mēare tō m
Christ A 21 eð / wlitigan wilsiðes || gif his weorc ne deag / huru we for ðe
Christ A 91 mænað / sunu solimæ || somod his dohtor / fricgað ðurh fyrwet
Christ A 141 nd / lara lædend || ðam longe his / hyhtan hidercyme || swa him g
Christ A 206 es / torhtes tirfruman || nu ic his tempel eam / gefremed butan fac
Christ A 210 rum meotodes sunu || ðæt ic his modor gewearð / fæmne forð s
Christ A 218 rfæder / cild acenned || ðurh his cræft ond meaht / nis ænig nu
Christ A 295 || forðon heht sigores fruma / his heahbodan || hider gefleogan /
Christ A 296 ahbodan || hider gefleogan / of his mægenðrymme || ond ðe meah
Christ A 354 eodnes ðryðgesteald || ond his ðegnunga / ða ðu ærest wær
Christ A 392 crist forgeaf / ðæt hy motan his ætwiste || eagum brucan / siml
Christ A 425 efremede / monna cynne || ðurh his modor hrif / ond swa forðgonge
Christ A 427 orðgongende || folca nergend / his forgifnesse || gumum to helpe
Christ B 457 ethania / ðeoden ðrymfæst || his ðegna gedryht / gelaðade leof
Christ B 470 d || geond woruld innan / ðurh his ðrowinga || ðegnas heredon /
Christ B 567 helm || hilde gefremede / wið his ealdfeondum || anes meahtum /
Christ B 581 ðe he on deoflum genom / ðurh his sylfes sygor || sib sceal gem
Christ B 587 || hu ðæt hælubearn / ðurh his hydercyme || hals eft forgeaf
Christ B 615 a yrmpðu || eft oncyrde / æt his upstige || ðe we ær drugon /
Christ B 652 pp hafen || engla fæðmum / in his ða miclan || meahta spede / he
Christ B 665 wordlaðe || wise sendeð / on his modes gemynd || ðurh his mu
Christ B 665 / on his modes gemynd || ðurh his muðes gæst / æðele ondgiet
Christ B 682 end us / godbearn on grundum || his giefe bryttað / nyle he ængum
Christ B 685 læs him gielp sceððe / ðurh his anes cræft || ofer oðre for
Christ B 691 dre || engla ond monna / swa he his weorc weorðað || bi ðon se
Christ B 718 yllas ond cnollas / bewrið mid his wuldre || woruld alyseð / eall
Christ B 738 | ða he to heofonum astag / on his ealdcyððe || ða wæs engla
Christ B 759 on roderum / ælmeahtigne || he his aras ðonan / halig of heahðu
Christ B 765 c godes || forð onsendeð / of his brægdbogan || biterne stræl
Christ B 821 fe || scyle gumena gehwylc / on his geardagum || georne biðencan
Christ C 941 abeatne / wile ælmihtig || mid his engla gedryht / mægencyninga m
Christ C 943 ymfæst ðeoden || bið ðær his ðegna eac / hreðeadig heap ||
Christ C 968 m || ond upheofon / torhtne mid his tunglum || teonleg somod / ðry
Christ C 1034 agum / godes oððe gales || on his gæste gehlod / geara gongum ||
Christ C 1098 y weorðe || ðe no wom dyde / his lichoma || leahtra firena / mid
Christ C 1111 || ond ða halgan fet / ond of his sidan swa some || swat forlet
Christ C 1120 hysptun hearmcwidum || ond on his hleor somod / hyra spatl speowd
Christ C 1125 tum || ond fystum eac / ond ymb his heafod || heardne gebigdon / be
Christ C 1151 de || tungolgimmum / forðon he his bodan sende || ða wæs gebor
Christ C 1168 e gan || eahstream ne dorste / his frean fet || flode bisencan / g
Christ C 1216 lge / ðonne crist siteð || on his cynestole / on heahsetle || heo
Christ C 1335 gehwylc || wuldre scineð / of his heahsetle || hlutran lege / ð
Christ C 1521 fir / ðæt wæs satane || ond his gesiðum mid / deofle gegearwad
Christ C 1552 ðe nu ne giemeð || hwæðer his gæst sie / earm ðe eadig ||
Christ C 1573 edom / findan mote || se ðe nu his feore nyle / hælo strynan ||
Christ C 1580 d gæst / somodfæst seon || he his sawle wlite / georne bigonge ||
Christ C 1586 orleose || on ðas lænan tid / his dreames blæd || ond his dage
Christ C 1586 tid / his dreames blæd || ond his dagena rim / ond his weorces wl
Christ C 1587 æd || ond his dagena rim / ond his weorces wlite || ond wuldres
Christ C 1617 an || ðæt he fah scyle / from his scyppende || ascyred weorðan
Vainglory 11 || on ðas lænan tid / amyrran his gemyndum || modes gælsan / ond
Vainglory 12 yndum || modes gælsan / ond on his dægrime || druncen to rice /
Vainglory 28 odað he ond bælceð || boð his sylfes / swiðor micle || ðonn
Vainglory 30 e se sella mon / ðenceð ðæt his wise || welhwam ðince / eal un
Vainglory 36 at / fæhðe gefremede || feoð his betran / eorl fore æfstum || l
Vainglory 70 aldeð / freode on folce || ond his feond lufað / ðeah ðe he him
Widsith 13 oðrum || eðle rædan / se ðe his ðeodenstol || geðeon wile /
The Fortunes of Men 28 feorwegas / nyde gongan || ond his nest beran / tredan uriglast ||
The Fortunes of Men 32 ra || lað bið æghwær / fore his wonsceaftum || wineleas hæle
The Fortunes of Men 39 n / laðum lyftsceaðan || bið his lif scæcen / ond he feleleas |
The Fortunes of Men 50 eð / were winsadum || bið ær his worda to hræd / sum sceal on b
The Fortunes of Men 53 ne he gemet ne con / gemearcian his muðe || mode sine / ac sceal f
The Fortunes of Men 59 geoguðe || mid godes meahtum / his earfoðsið || ealne forspild
The Fortunes of Men 80 / sum sceal mid hearpan || æt his hlafordes / fotum sittan || feo
The Fortunes of Men 91 wælisca || wædum ond dædum / his ætgiefan || eaðmod weorðe
The Fortunes of Men 98 ghwa secge / ðæs ðe he fore his miltsum || monnum scrifeð
Maxims I 35 woruld teode / dol bið se ðe his dryhten nat || to ðæs oft c
Maxims I 37 id ryhte / eadig bið se ðe in his eðle geðihð || earm se him
Maxims I 37 eðle geðihð || earm se him his frynd geswicað / nefre sceal s
Maxims I 38 geswicað / nefre sceal se him his nest aspringeð || nyde sceal
Maxims I 39 aloleas heorte || blind sceal his eagna ðolian / oftigen bið hi
Maxims I 41 onan || ðæt him bið sar in his mode / onge ðonne he hit ana w
Maxims I 96 || ðonne flota stondeð / bið his ceol cumen || ond hyre ceorl
Maxims I 98 heo hine in laðað / wæsceð his warig hrægl || ond him syle
Maxims I 99 we / lið him on londe || ðæs his lufu bædeð / wif sceal wið w
Maxims I 171 || hearpan gretan / hafað him his gliwes giefe || ðe him god s
Maxims I 186 t he elne forleose || drugað his ar on borde / lot sceal mid lys
Maxims I 196 dum / bealoblonden nið || slog his broðor swæsne / cain ðone cw
The Order of the World 28 / ðæt he mæge in hreðre || his heah geweorc / furðor aspyrgan
The Order of the World 48 erað / dryhtnes duguðe || ond his dæda ðrym / lixende lof || in
The Order of the World 56 ond lædeð || lifes agend / in his anes fæðm || ealle gesceaft
The Order of the World 65 ereð / bronda beorhtost || ond his brucan mot / æghwylc on eorða
The Order of the World 77 a || ðæs frod leofað / ðæt his mæge æspringe || ðurh his
The Order of the World 77 his mæge æspringe || ðurh his ægne sped witan / hu geond gru
The Riming Poem 53 nnið || sorgum cinnið / blæd his blinnið || blisse linnið / li
The Panther 34 n || butan ðam attorsceaðan / his fyrngeflitan || ðe ic ær fo
The Whale 40 gehwylc / hæleða cynnes || on his hringe bið / fæste gefeged ||
The Whale 43 eð / wloncum ond heanum || ðe his willan her / firenum fremmað |
The Whale 55 ras || cymeð wynsum stenc / of his innoðe || ðætte oðre ður
The Whale 63 gumena gehwam / se ðe oftost his || unwærlice / on ðas lænan
The Whale 74 m gehrodene || ond ær georne his / in hira lifdagum || larum hyr
Soul and Body II 2 || hæleða æghwylc / ðæt he his sawle sið || sylfa bewitige /
Soul and Body II 25 oderum / sawle onsende || ðurh his sylfes hond / meotud ælmihtig
Soul and Body II 26 s hond / meotud ælmihtig || of his mægenðrymme / ond ðe ða geb
Guthlac A 14 dryman mid dryhten || ða ðe his domas her / æfnað on eorðan
Guthlac A 24 / lærað ond læstað || ond his lof rærað / oferwinnað ða a
Guthlac A 27 r oððe æfter || ðonne he his ænne her / gæst bigonge || ð
Guthlac A 36 æle brucan / godra tida || ond his gæste forð / weges willian ||
Guthlac A 55 wað / hwær ða eardien || ðe his æ healden / gesihð he ða dom
Guthlac A 58 ryhte / ða he gesette || ðurh his sylfes word / he fela findeð |
Guthlac A 92 ða lean alegeð || ðam ðe his lufan adreogeð / magun we nu n
Guthlac A 95 ne || had gecyðed / hu guðlac his || in godes willan / mod gereht
Guthlac A 102 ngan / beorgseðel bugan || ond his blæd gode / ðurh eaðmedu ||
Guthlac A 112 es dome || hwonne guðlace / on his ondgietan || engel sealde / ð
Guthlac A 118 him gelice || lare bæron / in his modes gemynd || mongum tidum /
Guthlac A 124 n / georne gieldeð || ðam ðe his giefe willað / ðicgan to ðon
Guthlac A 156 wundor hine weorðiað || ond his wisdomes / hlisan healdað ||
Guthlac A 163 rah / lifes snyttru || ðæt he his lichoman / wynna forwyrnde || o
Guthlac A 193 beorge || byrnan sceolde / ond his lichoman || lig forswelgan / ð
Guthlac A 194 homan || lig forswelgan / ðæt his earfeðu || eal gelumpe / modce
Guthlac A 197 ne wolde / sylfa gesecan || ond his sibbe ryht / mid moncynne || ma
Guthlac A 238 gu || maran cwome / ða ðe for his life || lyt sorgedon / guðlac
Guthlac A 294 ng / ne wond he for worde || ac his wiðerbreocum / sorge gesægde
Guthlac A 338 worulde || wynna ðorfte / mid his lichoman || læsast brucan / no
Guthlac A 341 tid forsæt / ðæs ðe he for his dryhtne || dreogan sceolde / ð
Guthlac A 344 mod / swa sceal oretta || a in his mode / gode compian || ond his
Guthlac A 345 his mode / gode compian || ond his gæst beran / oft on ondan ||
Guthlac A 362 gæst / wisað on willan || ond his weorc trymað / laðað hine li
Guthlac A 366 eond || eft oncyrran / mod from his meotude || hu sceal min cuman
Guthlac A 387 ne sceal se dryhtnes ðeow / in his modsefan || mare gelufian / eor
Guthlac A 388 n / eorðan æhtwelan || ðonne his anes gemet / ðæt he his licho
Guthlac A 389 onne his anes gemet / ðæt he his lichoman || lade hæbbe / ða w
Guthlac A 424 wæs || lytle hwile / ðæt hy his lichoman || leng ne mostan / wi
Guthlac A 439 nade / bliðe on beorge || wæs his blæd mid god / ðuhte him on m
Guthlac A 441 ncynnes / eadig wære || se ðe his anum her / feore gefreoðade ||
Guthlac A 516 adreogan || ðeah ðe dryhten his / witum weolde || hwæt ðæt w
Guthlac A 522 dangeard / sylfa gesohte || ond his swat ageat / on bonena hond ||
Guthlac A 529 sena || ðe us bec fore / ðurh his wundra geweorc || wisdom cyð
Guthlac A 535 winnum / sylfa gesette || ðær his sawl wearð / clæne ond gecost
Guthlac A 537 de / geond middangeard || ðæt his mod geðah / in godes willan ||
Guthlac A 594 e / weoruda waldend || ðæt ge his wergengan / in ðone laðan leg
Guthlac A 599 nergende crist / eom ic eaðmod his || ombiehthera / ðeow geðyldi
Guthlac A 601 fian sceal / æghwær ealles || his anne dom / ond him geornlice ||
Guthlac A 622 spræce gelæded / ðam ðe in his weorcum || willan ræfnað / si
Guthlac A 706 hælde || ond him hearsume / on his sylfes dom || siððan wæron
Guthlac A 713 on eorðan || fore æfstum / on his wergengan || wite legdon / is
Guthlac A 714 n / is ðæt min broðor || mec his bysgu gehreaw / ic ðæt gefrem
Guthlac A 717 hine / healdan wille || nu ic his helpan mot / ðæt ge min onsyn
Guthlac A 719 onsynn || oft sceawiað / nu ic his geneahhe || neosan wille / scea
Guthlac A 720 ahhe || neosan wille / sceal ic his word ond his weorc || in gewi
Guthlac A 721 witnesse / dryhtne lædon || he his dæde conn / ða wæs guðlaces
Guthlac A 764 m a / snyttrum swelgen || ðæt his soð fore us / on his giefena g
Guthlac A 765 || ðæt his soð fore us / on his giefena gyld || genge weorðe
Guthlac A 772 aces / dagas ond dæde || ðurh his dom ahof / wæs se fruma fæstl
Guthlac A 775 an lyt / wære gewonade || oft his word gode / ðurh eaðmedu || u
Guthlac A 777 rh eaðmedu || up onsende / let his ben cuman || in ða beorhtan
Guthlac B 843 dun / beorht in breostum || ond his bebodu læstan / æfnan on eðl
Guthlac B 846 aldendes || willan læsten / ac his wif genom || wyrmes larum / ble
Guthlac B 882 ond mundbyrd || mære wurdon / his wundra geweorc || wide ond si
Guthlac B 949 || ðe him on weorcum her / on his dagena tid || dædum gecwemde
Guthlac B 951 lawe || ða se ælmihtiga / let his hond cuman || ðær se halga
Guthlac B 959 ade / meotud fore miltsum || he his modsefan / wið ðam færhagan
Guthlac B 967 u / on ðas lænan tid || ðeah his lic ond gæst / hyra somwiste |
Guthlac B 1007 ldes meðelcwida || fonde ða his mondryhten / adlwerigne || him
Guthlac B 1010 g / micle modceare || ongan ða his magu frignan / hu gewearð ðe
Guthlac B 1051 || he ðæs færspelles / fore his mondryhtne || modsorge wæg / h
Guthlac B 1053 hyge hreowcearig || ðæs ðe his hlaford geseah / ellorfusne ||
Guthlac B 1110 am miclan bysgum || ongon ða his mod staðelian / leohte geleafa
Guthlac B 1114 erynum || in godes temple / ond his ðegne ongon || swa ðam ðeo
Guthlac B 1116 ian / secgan sigortacnum || ond his sefan trymman / wundrum to wuld
Guthlac B 1151 ste tid / on midne dæg || wæs his mondryhtne / endedogor || ætry
Guthlac B 1159 e ðurh mihta scyppend / gif he his wordcwida || wealdan meahte / s
Guthlac B 1161 onwrige worda gongum || hu he his wisna truwade / drohtes on ðæ
Guthlac B 1202 gor || ongon ða ofostlice / to his winedryhtne || wordum mæðla
Guthlac B 1223 / ðurh cwide ðinne || hwonan his cyme sindon / ða se eadga wer
Guthlac B 1294 g elnes gemyndig || spræc to his onbehtðegne / torht to his tre
Guthlac B 1295 to his onbehtðegne / torht to his treowum gesiðe || tid is ð
Guthlac B 1300 || gæst swiðe fus / ahof ða his honda || husle gereorded / eað
Guthlac B 1301 y æðelan gyfle || swylce he his eagan ontynde / halge heafdes g
Guthlac B 1303 to geofona leanum || ond ða his gæst onsende / weorcum wlitign
Guthlac B 1337 rne / meðne modsefan || se ðe his mondryhten / life bilidenne ||
Guthlac B 1352 al / aswæman sarigferð || wat his sincgiefan / holdne biheledne |
Guthlac B 1376 he wæs siðes fus / ðæt ðu his lichoman || leofast mægða / e
Riddles 15 15 eð / hine berað breost || ic his bidan ne dear / reðes on gerum
Riddles 2 16 oft ic oðrum scod / frecne æt his freonde || fah eom ic wide / w
Riddles 20 16 Oft ic oþrum scod / frecne æt his freonde; || fah eom ic wide, /
Riddles 27 14 præce / mægene binumen || nah his modes geweald / fota ne folma |
Riddles 35 2 ta wong || wundrum freorig / of his innaðe || ærist cende / ne wa
Riddles 37 4 æt hit felde || fleah ðurh his eage / ne swylteð he symle ||
Riddles 4 13 ngeard || meahtig dryhten / mid his onwalde || æghwær styreð / s
Riddles 4 39 fone || hateð mec heahcyning / his deagol ðing || dyre bihealda
A.3.22.40 13 ġeard || mehtiġ drihten / mid his an-wealde || ǣġhwǣr styre
Riddles 40 14 ngeard || meahtig dryhten / mid his onwalde || æghwær styreð; /
A.3.22.40 39 , || hāteþ mec hēah-cyning / his dēaĝol þinġ || dīere be
Riddles 40 40 one, || hateþ mec heahcyning / his deagol þing || dyre bihealda
Riddles 43 9 les unrim || care gif se esne / his hlaforde || hyreð yfle / frean
Riddles 44 4 afað godne / ðonne se esne || his agen hrægl / ofer cneo hefeð
Riddles 44 6 || wile ðæt cuðe hol / mid his hangellan || heafde gretan / ð
Riddles 46 1 46 / / wer sæt æt wine || mid his wifum twam / ond his twegen sun
Riddles 46 2 ine || mid his wifum twam / ond his twegen suno || ond his twa do
Riddles 46 2 am / ond his twegen suno || ond his twa dohtor / swase gesweostor |
Riddles 5 4 || ðone on teon wigeð / feond his feonde || forstrangne oft / wif
Riddles 50 4 || þone on teon wigeð / feond his feonde. || / Forstrangne oft
Riddles 53 9 ed || nu he fæcnum weg / ðurh his heafdes mægen || hildegieste
Riddles 54 3 to / hror hægstealdmon || hof his agen / hrægl hondum up || hran
Riddles 54 6 re || stiðes nathwæt / worhte his willan || wagedan buta / ðegn
Riddles 55 13 reo || ðæt oft wæpen abæd / his mondryhtne || maðm in healle
Riddles 59 8 endra || him torhte in gemynd / his dryhtnes naman || dumba broht
The Wife's Lament 46 sy æt him sylfum gelong / eal his worulde wyn || sy ful wide fa
The Judgment Day I 4 um || oft mæg se ðe wile / in his sylfes sefan || soð geðenca
The Judgment Day I 26 sibbe ful oft / tomældeð mid his muðe || ne con he ða mircan
The Judgment Day I 28 e stondeð / ðam ðe ðær for his synnum || onsægd weorðeð / o
The Judgment Day I 83 de || wuldres ealdor / ðam ðe his synna nu || sare geðenceð / m
The Judgment Day I 88 swa geomor wearð / sarig fore his synnum || ne sceal se to sæn
Resignation 92 him wrað meotud / gnornað on his geoguðe || / ond him ælce m
Resignation 94 mæle || men fullestað / ycað his yrmðu || ond he ðæt eal ð
The Descent into Hell 25 / modig to ðære mengo || ymb his mæges // / hæfde me gehaten |
The Descent into Hell 57 g fore ðære mengo || ond to his mæge spræc / ond ða wilcuman
The Descent into Hell 67 ge || ellen habban / ðonne he his hlafordes || hyldo gelyfeð /
The Descent into Hell 83 || hwonne we word godes / ðurh his sylfes muð || secgan hyrde / e
Azarias 50 e wæs / meotudes miltse || ond his modsefan / rehte ðurh reorde |
Azarias 53 onsended / wlitescyne wer || in his wuldorhoman / cwom him ða to a
Azarias 167 eorl acolmod || ðæt he ofer his ealdre gestod / abead ða for
Riddles 63 6 folm/ || /grum ðyð / wyrceð his willa/ || /ð l/ / fulre || ðo
A.3.34.63 7 lm[]grum þȳþ, || / wyrċeþ his willa[]ð l[] || / []fullre, |
Riddles 70 4 tua / scearp on gescyldrum. || His gesceapo dreogeð / þe swa wr
Riddles 73 9 lme bysigo/ / /dlan dæl || gif his ellen deag / oððe æfter dome
Riddles 88 27 mmanne / næfre uncer awðer || his ellen cyðde / swa wit ðære b
The Phoenix 211 ndwliteð || ðonne weorðeð his / hus onhæted || ðurh hador s
The Phoenix 262 dre nihte || bi ðon se modga his / feorh afedeð || oððæt fyr
The Phoenix 267 na ful || ðonne he of greote his / lic leoðucræftig || ðæt
The Phoenix 277 s lafe / clam biclyppeð || ond his cyððu eft / sunbeorht gesetu
The Phoenix 282 n wong / sigorfæst sette || he his sylfes ðær / ban gebringeð |
The Phoenix 321 e he gewiteð || wongas secan / his ealdne eard || of ðisse eðe
The Phoenix 351 esæliga || æfter swylthwile / his ealdcyððe || eft geneosað /
The Phoenix 356 na wat / cyning ælmihtig || hu his gecynde bið / wifhades ðe wer
The Phoenix 394 a / worhte wer ond wif || ðurh his wundra sped / ond hi ða gesett
The Phoenix 421 | oððæt wuldorcyning / ðurh his hidercyme || halgum togeanes /
The Phoenix 435 r deaðe / edgeong wesan || ond his ealdcyððu / sunbeorht gesetu
The Phoenix 459 eceð / clænum gehygdum || ond his cneo bigeð / æðele to eorða
The Phoenix 468 er swegle || side ond wide / to his wicstowe || ðær he wundrum
The Phoenix 515 s cneo || cyning ðrymlice / of his heahsetle || halgum scineð / w
The Phoenix 530 me || mid ðam se wilda fugel / his sylfes nest || biseteð utan /
The Phoenix 536 / ænlic ond edgeong || se ðe his agnum her / willum gewyrceð ||
The Phoenix 572 leawmod || godes spelboda / ymb his æriste || in ece lif / ðæt w
The Phoenix 637 mynd / forð butan ende || næs his frymð æfre / eades ongyn ||
The Phoenix 640 re / in middangeard || hwæðre his meahta sped / heah ofer heofonu
The Phoenix 651 d us || helpe gefremede / ðurh his lices gedal || lif butan ende
The Phoenix 652 n ende / swa se fugel swetum || his fiðru tu / ond wynsumum || wyr
Juliana 8 a blod / ryhtfremmendra || wæs his rice brad / wid ond weorðlic |
Juliana 26 dom / micelne ond mærne || ða his mod ongon / fæmnan lufian || h
Juliana 48 od / lufast ond gelyfest || ond his lof rærest / ongietest gæsta
Juliana 162 het || æfter leohtes cyme / to his domsetle || duguð wafade / on
Juliana 252 gan nelt / gleawhycgende || ond his godum cweman / wes ðu on ofest
Juliana 259 wæs / criste gecweme || hwonan his cyme wære / hyre se wræcmæcg
Juliana 285 nd fæste geheald / oððæt he his siðfæt || secge mid ryhte / e
Juliana 286 yhte / ealne from orde || hwæt his æðelu syn / ða wæs ðære f
Juliana 310 eanne beam / ðæt he of galgan his || gæst onsende / in wuldres w
Juliana 331 || ne durran we siððan / for his onsyne || ower geferan / ðonne
Juliana 534 lge || hæðnum to spræce / to his domsetle || heo ðæt deofol
Juliana 560 ær / heredon on heahðu || ond his halig word / sægdon soðlice |
Juliana 595 / hreoh ond hygegrim || ongon his hrægl teran / swylce he grenna
Juliana 598 eor / grymetade gealgmod || ond his godu tælde / ðæs ðe hy ne m
The Wanderer 13 e || indryhten ðeaw / ðæt he his ferðlocan || fæste binde / he
The Wanderer 14 locan || fæste binde / healde his hordcofan || hycge swa he wil
The Wanderer 35 cðege / hu hine on geoguðe || his goldwine / wenede to wiste || w
The Wanderer 37 s / forðon wat se ðe sceal || his winedryhtnes / leofes larcwidum
The Wanderer 41 nceð him on mode || ðæt he his mondryhten / clyppe ond cysse |
The Wanderer 112 ndor æt rune / til bið se ðe his treowe gehealdeð || ne sceal
The Wanderer 112 gehealdeð || ne sceal næfre his torn to rycene / beorn of his b
The Wanderer 113 e his torn to rycene / beorn of his breostum acyðan || nemðe he
The Gifts of Men 21 | ðæt him folca weard / ðurh his halige giefe || hider onsende
The Gifts of Men 79 fe || ðristhydigra / ðegn mid his ðeodne || sum geðyld hafað
The Gifts of Men 105 cynne / gielpes styreð || ond his giefe bryttað / sumum on cystu
The Gifts of Men 111 lice || wide tosaweð / dryhten his duguðe || a ðæs dom age / le
The Gifts of Men 113 || se us ðis lif giefeð / ond his milde mod || monnum cyðeð
Precepts 15 || to gode trymmen / fæder eft his sunu || frod gegrette / oðre s
Precepts 22 nottor guma / breostgehygdum || his bearn lærde / ne gewuna wyrsa
Precepts 33 eft ongon / breostgeðoncum || his bearn læran / druncen beorg ð
Precepts 44 ngon / ðurh bliðne geðoht || his bearn læran / ongiet georne ||
Precepts 52 ferðe god / seofeðan siðe || his sunu lærde / fæder frod guma
Precepts 56 seldon || drymeð sorgful / ymb his forðgesceaft || nefne he fæ
Precepts 60 an siðe || eald fæder ongon / his mago monian || mildum wordum /
The Seafarer 40 dwlonc || mon ofer eorðan / ne his gifena ðæs god || ne in geo
The Seafarer 41 geoguðe to ðæs hwæt / ne in his dædum to ðæs deor || ne hi
The Seafarer 41 ædum to ðæs deor || ne him his dryhten to ðæs hold / ðæt h
The Seafarer 42 hten to ðæs hold / ðæt he a his sæfore || sorge næbbe / to hw
The Seafarer 69 ra sum || ðinga gehwylce / ær his tid aga || to tweon weorðeð
The Seafarer 78 da bearn || æfter hergen / ond his lof siððan || lifge mid eng
The Seafarer 92 að / gomelfeax gnornað || wat his iuwine / æðelinga bearn || eo
The Seafarer 98 ille || golde stregan / broðor his geborenum || byrgan be deadum
The Seafarer 106 d uprodor / dol bið se ðe him his dryhten ne ondrædeð || cyme
The Seafarer 108 gestaðelað || forðon he in his meahte gelyfeð / stieran mon s
The Seafarer 115 ðe on bæle || forbærnedne / his geworhtne wine || wyrd bið s
Beowulf 65 wiges weorðmynd || ðæt him his winemagas / georne hyrdon || o
Beowulf 79 | scop him heort naman / se ðe his wordes geweald || wide hæfde
Beowulf 169 ste / maððum for metode || ne his myne wisse / ðæt wæs wræc m
Beowulf 250 pnum geweorðad || næfne him his wlite leoge / ænlic ansyn || n
Beowulf 349 | ðæt wæs wendla leod / wæs his modsefa || manegum gecyðed / w
Beowulf 357 ar sæt / eald ond anhar || mid his eorla gedriht / eode ellenrof |
Beowulf 360 ðeaw / wulfgar maðelode || to his winedrihtne / her syndon gefere
Beowulf 373 ne cuðe || cnihtwesende / wæs his ealdfæder || ecgðeo haten /
Beowulf 375 ðel geata / angan dohtor || is his eafora nu / heard her cumen ||
Beowulf 380 iges / manna mægencræft || on his mundgripe / heaðorof hæbbe ||
Beowulf 385 e || ic ðæm godan sceal / for his modðræce || madmas beodan / b
Beowulf 434 hsod || ðæt se æglæca / for his wonhydum || wæpna ne recceð
Beowulf 475 fað / hynðo on heorote || mid his heteðancum / færniða gefreme
Beowulf 521 gesohte || swæsne eðel / leof his leodum || lond brondinga / freo
Beowulf 532 brecan spræce / sægdest from his siðe || soð ic talige / ðæt
Beowulf 573 ereð / unfægne eorl || ðonne his ellen deah / hwæðere me gesæ
Beowulf 662 ða him hroðgar gewat || mid his hæleða gedryht / eodur scyldi
Beowulf 672 nan / helm of hafelan || sealde his hyrsted sweord / irena cyst ||
Beowulf 730 gædere / magorinca heap || ða his mod ahlog / mynte ðæt he ged
Beowulf 756 can deofla gedræg || ne wæs his drohtoð ðær / swylce he on e
Beowulf 764 non / fleon on fenhopu || wiste his fingra geweald / on grames grap
Beowulf 793 mcuman || cwicne forlætan / ne his lifdagas || leoda ænigum / nyt
Beowulf 805 fde / ecga gehwylcre || scolde his aldorgedal / on ðæm dæge ||
Beowulf 822 ic || wiste ðe geornor / ðæt his aldres wæs || ende gegongen /
Beowulf 841 sceawian / laðes lastas || no his lifgedal / sarlic ðuhte || sec
Beowulf 881 ces hwæt || secgan wolde / eam his nefan || swa hie a wæron / æt
Beowulf 905 hwylmas / lemede to lange || he his leodum wearð / eallum æðelli
Beowulf 923 micle / cystum gecyðed || ond his cwen mid him / medostigge mæt
Beowulf 966 lde / licgean lifbysig || butan his lic swice / ic hine ne mihte ||
Beowulf 970 eond on feðe || hwæðere he his folme forlet / to lifwraðe ||
Beowulf 1007 buendra || gearwe stowe / ðær his lichoma || legerbedde fæst / s
Beowulf 1147 at / sweordbealo sliðen || æt his selfes ham / siððan grimne gr
Beowulf 1166 an scyldinga || gehwylc hiora his ferhðe treowde / ðæt he hæf
Beowulf 1167 fde mod micel || ðeah ðe he his magum nære / arfæst æt ecga
Beowulf 1276 c seon / mancynnes feond || ond his modor ða gyt / gifre ond galgm
Beowulf 1317 r flore || fyrdwyrðe man / mid his handscale || healwudu dynede /
Beowulf 1385 selre bið æghwæm / ðæt he his freond wrece || ðonne he fel
Beowulf 1528 ma sið / deorum madme || ðæt his dom alæg / eft wæs anræd ||
Beowulf 1536 nceð / longsumne lof || na ymb his lif cearað / gefeng ða be eax
Beowulf 1683 dsaca / morðres scyldig || ond his modor eac / on geweald gehwearf
Beowulf 1733 dælas / side rice || ðæt he his selfa ne mæg / for his unsnytt
Beowulf 1734 æt he his selfa ne mæg / for his unsnyttrum || ende geðencean
Beowulf 1808 g beran / sunu ecglafes || heht his sweord niman / leoflic iren ||
Beowulf 1963 ewat him ða se hearda || mid his hondscole / sylf æfter sande |
Beowulf 2013 modsefan || minne cuðe / wið his sylfes sunu || setl getæhte /
Beowulf 2157 el || sume worde het / ðæt ic his ærest ðe || est gesægde / cw
Beowulf 2325 yðed / snude to soðe || ðæt his sylfes ham / bolda selest || br
Beowulf 2433 hte / beorn in burgum || ðonne his bearna hwylc / herebeald ond h
Beowulf 2438 hyne hæðcyn || of hornbogan / his freawine || flane geswencte / m
Beowulf 2439 wencte / miste mercelses || ond his mæg ofscet / broðor oðerne |
Beowulf 2445 ceorle / to gebidanne || ðæt his byre ride / giong on galgan ||
Beowulf 2447 wrece / sarigne sang || ðonne his sunu hangað / hrefne to hroðr
Beowulf 2455 ndad / gesyhð sorhcearig || on his suna bure / winsele westne || w
Beowulf 2481 gefræge wæs / ðeah ðe oðer his || ealdre gebohte / heardan cea
Beowulf 2572 wile / mærum ðeodne || ðonne his myne sohte / ðær he ðy fyrst
Beowulf 2579 bane || bat unswiðor / ðonne his ðiodcyning || ðearfe hæfde
Beowulf 2604 inga / mæg ælfheres || geseah his mondryhten / under heregriman |
Beowulf 2608 inga / folcrihta gehwylc || swa his fæder ahte / ne mihte ða forh
Beowulf 2614 hstan bana / meces ecgum || ond his magum ætbær / brunfagne helm
Beowulf 2617 sc || ðæt him onela forgeaf / his gædelinges || guðgewædu / fy
Beowulf 2619 a fæhðe spræc / ðeah ðe he his broðor bearn || abredwade / he
Beowulf 2621 a / bill ond byrnan || oððæt his byre mihte / eorlscipe efnan ||
Beowulf 2622 mihte / eorlscipe efnan || swa his ærfæder / geaf him ða mid ge
Beowulf 2627 an || ðæt he guðe ræs / mid his freodryhtne || fremman sceold
Beowulf 2628 gemealt him se modsefa || ne his mæges laf / gewac æt wige ||
Beowulf 2675 an / ac se maga geonga || under his mæges scyld / elne geeode ||
Beowulf 2676 ges scyld / elne geeode || ða his agen wæs / gledum forgrunden |
Beowulf 2698 rn / modiges mannes || ðær he his mæges healp / ðæt he ðone n
Beowulf 2703 | ða gen sylf cyning / geweold his gewitte || wællseaxe gebræd
Beowulf 2722 egn ungemete till / winedryhten his || wætere gelafede / hilde sæ
Beowulf 2723 gelafede / hilde sædne || ond his helm onspeon / biowulf maðelod
Beowulf 2861 aru / eðbegete || ðam ðe ær his elne forleas / wiglaf maðelode
Beowulf 2869 um || helm ond byrnan / ðeoden his ðegnum || swylce he ðrydlic
Beowulf 2949 / gewat him ða se goda || mid his gædelingum / frod felageomor |
Beowulf 2978 aces ðegn / bradne mece || ða his broðor læg / eald sweord eoto
Beowulf 2982 open / ða wæron monige || ðe his mæg wriðon / ricone arærdon
Beowulf 2987 nan / heard swyrd hilted || ond his helm somod / hares hyrste || hi
Beowulf 3065 | ðonne leng ne mæg / mon mid his magum || meduseld buan / swa w
Beowulf 3068 | seolfa ne cuðe / ðurh hwæt his worulde gedal || weorðan sce
Beowulf 3173 can / eahtodan eorlscipe || ond his ellenweorc / duguðum demdon ||
Beowulf 3175 swa hit gedefe bið / ðæt mon his winedryhten || wordum herge / f
Judith 16 lance to wingedrince || ealle his weagesiðas / bealde byrnwiggen
Judith 31 e on swiman lagon / oferdrencte his duguðe ealle || swylce hie w
Judith 36 n mægð || ofstum fetigan / to his bedreste || beagum gehlæste /
Judith 57 seo halige meowle / gebroht on his burgetelde || ða wearð se b
Judith 63 gumena ðreate || / bealofull his beddes neosan || ðær he sce
Judith 63 es neosan || ðær he sceolde his blæd forleosan / ædre binnan
Judith 64 nnan anre nihte || hæfde ða his ende gebidenne / on eorðan uns
Judith 68 a wine swa druncen / se rica on his reste middan || swa he nyste
Judith 279 ða on bedde || blacne licgan / his goldgifan || gæstes gesne / li
Judith 281 ll / freorig to foldan || ongan his feax teran / hreoh on mode || o
Judith 282 ax teran / hreoh on mode || ond his hrægl somod / ond ðæt word a
Judith 349 / ond swegles dreamas || ðurh his sylfes miltse
The Paris Psalter 101:14 2 ten / and gesette sion || þurh his sylfes miht / þær wæs gesyne
The Paris Psalter 101:14 3 fes miht / þær wæs gesyne || his seo soþe sped / / # / oft he þe
The Paris Psalter 101:17 2 fæstlice || forþ locade / of his þam hean || halgan setle / dri
The Paris Psalter 101:19 2 gd || soþ nama drihtnes / and his lof swylce || leoda bearnum / o
The Paris Psalter 101:21 2 sona / on wege worulde || þær his gewis mægen / fæste standeþ
The Paris Psalter 102:1 2 ihten / and eall min inneran || his þæne ecean naman / / # / bletsi
The Paris Psalter 102:7 1 lice || teonan þolian / / # / he his wegas dyde || wise and cuþe /
The Paris Psalter 102:7 3 ran || on mænige tid / swylce his willan eac || werum israhela /
The Paris Psalter 102:13 1 wa fæder þenceþ || fægere his bearnum / milde weorþan || swa
The Paris Psalter 102:14 4 nlice || eorþan blostman / swa his lifdagas || læne syndan / / # /
The Paris Psalter 102:17 1 a þe ondrædaþ him / / # / swa his soþfæstnyss || swylce stand
The Paris Psalter 102:17 2 fer þara bearna bearn || þe his bebodu healdaþ / and þæs gem
The Paris Psalter 102:17 4 de || mycle habbaþ / þæt heo his wisfæst word || wynnum efnan
The Paris Psalter 102:18 2 n heofenhame || halig drihten / his heahsetl || hror timbrade / þa
The Paris Psalter 102:19 1 || eallum wealdeþ / / # / ealle his englas || ecne drihten / bletsi
The Paris Psalter 102:19 3 frean / mægyn and mihta || þa his mære word / habbaþ and healda
The Paris Psalter 102:20 1 / / # / bletsian drihten || eall his bearna mægen / and his þegna
The Paris Psalter 102:20 2 || eall his bearna mægen / and his þegna þreat || þe þæt þ
The Paris Psalter 102:20 3 þe þæt þence nu / þæt hi his willan || wyrcean georne / / # /
The Paris Psalter 102:21 1 an || wyrcean georne / / # / eall his agen geweorc || ecne drihten /
The Paris Psalter 102:21 2 en geweorc || ecne drihten / on his agenum stede || eac bletsige /
The Paris Psalter 102:21 3 ede || eac bletsige / þær him his egsa || anweald standeþ / blet
The Paris Psalter 103:5 1 redeþ || fiþru winda / / # / he his englas deþ || æþele gastas
The Paris Psalter 103:5 2 as deþ || æþele gastas / and his frome þegnas || fyr byrnende
The Paris Psalter 103:24 1 sceafta || scyppend mære / / # / his is mycel sæ || and on gemær
The Paris Psalter 103:25 3 / geheowadest || hete syþþan / his bysmere || brade healdan / eall
The Paris Psalter 103:29 3 || wunie syþþan / blissie on his weorcum || bealde drihten / / #
The Paris Psalter 103:30 2 n || ealle locaþ / deþ hi for his egsan || ealle beofian / gif he
The Paris Psalter 103:30 3 n || ealle beofian / gif he mid his mihte || muntas hrineþ / hi fu
The Paris Psalter 104:1 1 4 / / # / andetaþ drihtne || and his ecne naman / cegaþ cymlice ||
The Paris Psalter 104:1 3 cymlice || and cwyce secgeaþ / his wundorweorc || ofer ealle wer
The Paris Psalter 104:2 2 ylce || and salletaþ / secgaþ his wundor eall || wide mæru / / #
The Paris Psalter 104:3 1 ll || wide mæru / / # / hergeaþ his naman || niode swylce / heorte
The Paris Psalter 104:4 3 || ful trume æghwær / secaþ his ansyne || symble georne / / # / g
The Paris Psalter 104:5 3 æclice || wundur unlytel / and his muþes eac || mære domas / / #
The Paris Psalter 104:6 1 wæt he abrahames cynn || þe his esne wæs / geweorþude || ofer
The Paris Psalter 104:7 2 rihten || dædum spedig / earun his domas || deore and mære / geon
The Paris Psalter 104:9 5 awa to feore || israheles cyn / his gewitnesse || wel geheolde / / #
The Paris Psalter 104:15 6 oþþæt hine halig god / þurh his worda || wisdom ahof / / # / send
The Paris Psalter 104:17 1 um sette / / # / he sette hine on his huse || to hlafwearde / ealra h
The Paris Psalter 104:17 2 se || to hlafwearde / ealra him his æhta || anweald betæhte / / #
The Paris Psalter 104:18 1 anweald betæhte / / # / þæt he his ealdormen || ealle lærde / swa
The Paris Psalter 104:18 2 dormen || ealle lærde / swa he his sylfes mod || geseted hæfde /
The Paris Psalter 104:21 2 n || hwyrfan æryst / þæt heo his folc || feodan swyþe / and his
The Paris Psalter 104:21 3 his folc || feodan swyþe / and his esnum eac || inwit fremedan / /
The Paris Psalter 104:22 2 þone mæran || moyses sende / his sylfes scealc || samod ætgæ
The Paris Psalter 104:32 1 || heora frean swylce / / # / and his þæt gode folc || golde and
The Paris Psalter 104:37 3 he hleoþrade / to abrahame || his agenum hysse / / # / and his folc
The Paris Psalter 104:38 1 e || his agenum hysse / / # / and his folc lædde || fægere on bli
The Paris Psalter 104:38 2 dde || fægere on blisse / and his þone gecorenan || heap clæn
The Paris Psalter 104:40 2 i heoldan || halige domas / and his soþfæst word || swylce geor
The Paris Psalter 104:40 3 st word || swylce georne / and his æbebod || awa to feore
The Paris Psalter 105:1 3 ic hine godne wat / forþon he his mildheortnysse || mannum cyþ
The Paris Psalter 105:2 3 yrian || oþþe spedlice / eall his lofmægen || leode gehyran / an
The Paris Psalter 105:2 4 ofmægen || leode gehyran / and his gehyrnesse || her oncnawan / / #
The Paris Psalter 105:11 1 an spellboda / / # / syþþan hi his wordon || wel gelyfdan / and hi
The Paris Psalter 105:11 5 clicra || na hi wel syþþan / his geæhtunge || ahwær heoldan /
The Paris Psalter 105:19 4 feonda mægene / forþon he him his yrre || of acyrde / þæt he hi
The Paris Psalter 105:20 3 selestan || geseon woldan / ne his wordum eac || woldan gelyfan /
The Paris Psalter 105:20 5 || and grame spræcan / noldan his wordum || wel gehyran / / # / he
The Paris Psalter 105:21 1 wordum || wel gehyran / / # / he his handa ahof || and hi hraþe w
The Paris Psalter 105:25 5 felum || swa he oftor wæs / on his gaste gram || ne mihte him go
The Paris Psalter 105:25 6 ne mihte him godes willan / mid his welerum || wisne getæcean / / #
The Paris Psalter 105:29 3 wearþ || ece drihten / and he his yrfe || eall forhogode / / # / he
The Paris Psalter 105:34 1 bealde gehyrde / / # / þonne he his wordgebeot || well gemunde / hr
The Paris Psalter 105:34 3 onne hi hynþa drugan / æfter his miltsa || menigu godes / / # / sy
The Paris Psalter 106:1 3 orþan ic hine gleawne wat / is his mildheortnes || mycel to woru
The Paris Psalter 106:7 3 ēac seċġaþ / miċel wunder his || manna bearnum. / / # / For·þ
The Paris Psalter 106:10 2 præce / æghwæs ægype || and his geþeaht swylce / þæs heahsta
The Paris Psalter 106:14 3 and eac cweþan / mycel wundur his || ofer manna bearn / / # / forþ
The Paris Psalter 106:20 3 earþ || manna cynne / mycel ys his wundur || ofer manna bearn / / #
The Paris Psalter 106:21 2 ces lof || lustum bringan / and his weorc wynsum || wide sæcgean
The Paris Psalter 106:23 2 es weorc || digul gesawon / and his wundra wearn || on wætergrun
The Paris Psalter 106:30 3 rþ || manna cynne / mære synd his wundur || ofer manna bearn / / #
The Paris Psalter 106:41 4 gehwylc || eft oncyrreþ / and his sylfes muþ || symble hemneþ
The Paris Psalter 107:7 2 || gearwe mannases / is effrem his || agen broþur / efne heah str
The Paris Psalter 108:6 2 hwam || deope gehyned / and him his gebed || hweorfe to fyrenum / /
The Paris Psalter 108:7 1 # / gewurþe him weste || eall his onwunung / and on hys eardungst
The Paris Psalter 108:7 2 || eall his on-wunung / and on his eardung-stōwe || nǣfre ġe
The Paris Psalter 108:8 2 ce || and dimme and feawe / and his bisceophad || brucan feondas /
The Paris Psalter 108:9 1 | brucan feondas / / # / weorþan his agene bearn || ealle steopcil
The Paris Psalter 108:9 2 bearn || ealle steopcild / and his wif wyrþe || wydewe hreowlic
The Paris Psalter 108:10 1 e || wydewe hreowlic / / # / syn his bearn swylce || toboren wide /
The Paris Psalter 108:10 3 | earme þearfan / þonne hi to his huse || hleowes wilnian / / # / e
The Paris Psalter 108:11 1 || hleowes wilnian / / # / ealle his æhta || unholde fynd / rice re
The Paris Psalter 108:11 3 þemann || rycene gedæle / and his feoh onfon || fremde handa / / #
The Paris Psalter 108:12 2 hwær wese || ænig fultum / ne his steopcildum || stande to help
The Paris Psalter 108:13 1 nde to helpe / / # / gangan ealle his bearn || on ece forwyrd / and o
The Paris Psalter 108:13 3 anum cneowe || eall gewyrþe / his nama nyhsta || nede adilgad / /
The Paris Psalter 108:14 1 / / # / eall þæt unriht || þe his ealdras ær / manes gefremedan
The Paris Psalter 108:14 5 de wesan || deorce fyrene / þa his modur ær || mane fremede / / #
The Paris Psalter 108:18 3 m || wræstum geteode / and sio his innaþ || ywde swylce / wan wæ
The Paris Psalter 110:2 1 drihtnes weorc / / # / swylce ic his willan || wylle georne / swyþe
The Paris Psalter 110:2 3 e secean || samed andettan / hu his mægenþrymnes || mycellic st
The Paris Psalter 110:2 4 mnes || mycellic standeþ / and his soþfæstnyss wunaþ || symbl
The Paris Psalter 110:3 3 yleþ eallum mete || þam þe his ege habbaþ / / # / and he on wor
The Paris Psalter 110:4 2 on worulde || wearþ gemyndig / his gewitnesse || þe he wel swyl
The Paris Psalter 110:4 4 cum / fægrum gefylde || and to his folce cwæþ / þæt he him wol
The Paris Psalter 110:5 1 æht || eall gesyllan / / # / ys his handgeweorc || hyge soþfæst
The Paris Psalter 110:5 3 || þa he ræran wyle / wærun his bebodu || ealle treowfæste / o
The Paris Psalter 110:6 4 t hi on ecnysse || a syþþan / his gewitnesse || well geheoldan /
The Paris Psalter 110:6 5 itnesse || well geheoldan / and his þone halgan naman || hæfdan
The Paris Psalter 111:1 3 ofan || fæste gestandeþ / and his bebod healdeþ || bealde mid
The Paris Psalter 111:2 2 byþ || eadig and spedig / and his cneorisse byþ || cyn geblets
The Paris Psalter 111:3 2 wela || wunaþ æt huse / byþ his soþfæstnys || swylce mære /
The Paris Psalter 111:5 2 rt / seteþ soþne dom || þurh his sylfes word / se on ecnysse ||
The Paris Psalter 111:6 2 emynde || æghwylc þæra / þe his soþe and riht || symble heal
The Paris Psalter 111:7 1 e || yfeles syþþan / / # / byþ his heorte gearo || hyhte to drih
The Paris Psalter 111:8 1 || æghwær georne / / # / se þe his æhta || ealle tostredeþ / and
The Paris Psalter 111:8 3 þearfendum || þa gedæleþ / his soþfæstnyss wunaþ || symbl
The Paris Psalter 111:8 4 unaþ || symble oþ ende / byþ his horn wended || her on wuldur /
The Paris Psalter 112:4 3 s ofer heofenas eac || ahafen his wuldur / / # / hwylc ys anlic ||
The Paris Psalter 112:5 5 ealdor-dōm || up ā·settan / his folces fruman || on fǣġer l
The Paris Psalter 112:7 2 e on ealdordom || upp asettan / his folces fruman || on fæger li
The Paris Psalter 113:8 3 swylce / wæteres wellan || mid his gewealdendre hand / / # / nalæs
The Paris Psalter 113:11 3 lum || and he eall gedeþ / swa his willa byþ || on woruldrice / /
The Paris Psalter 115:5 2 d fæger || beacen dryhtne / on his gesyhþe || swylt haligra / / #
The Paris Psalter 115:8 2 in gehat || halgum dryhtne / on his getynum || tidum gylde / þe ym
The Paris Psalter 116:2 1 æþelne herigan / / # / forþon his mildheortnyss || is mycel ofe
The Paris Psalter 117:1 3 ode || ic hine gleawne wat / ys his mildheortnys || mycel to woru
The Paris Psalter 117:2 3 oda god || and gearu standeþ / his mildheortnys || mære to woru
The Paris Psalter 117:3 3 oda god || and gearu standeþ / his mildheortnys || mære to woru
The Paris Psalter 117:4 4 oda god || and gearu standeþ / his mildheortnys || mære on woru
The Paris Psalter 118:2 2 swylce || þa þe a wyllaþ / his gewitnesse || wise smeagan / an
The Paris Psalter 118:3 2 anwyrhtan || mægene feran / on his mærne weg || mihtigan drihtn
The Paris Psalter 118:24 4 wat || þæt ic forþ heonun / his soþfæstnysse || sece georne
The Paris Psalter 118:137 1 / drihten is soþfæst || synd his domas eac / reþe mid ræde ||
The Paris Psalter 118:137 2 ryhten is sōþfæst; || sind his dōmas ēac / rēðe mid rǣde
The Paris Psalter 118:145 5 hyrde || hyldo cuþe / þæt ic his soþfæstnesse || sohte genea
The Paris Psalter 118:146 1 e, || hyldu cūðe, / þæt iċ his sōþfæstnesse || sōhte ġe
The Paris Psalter 121:4 4 tnesse || wæran israelas / þe his naman || neode sceoldon / him a
The Paris Psalter 122:2 3 esne biþ || þonne ondrysnum / his hlaforde || hereþ and cweme
The Paris Psalter 126:6 2 || se þe a þenceþ / þæt he his lust on þon || leofne gefyll
The Paris Psalter 126:6 4 þonne he on gaton greteþ || his grame feondas
The Paris Psalter 127:1 2 god / drihten ondrædaþ || and his gedefne weg / on hyra lifes tid
The Paris Psalter 127:5 3 dan || þe him metodes ege / on his dædum || drihten forhtaþ / / #
The Paris Psalter 128:5 3 hit mawe || micle elne / ne mid his sceafe ne mæg || sceat afyll
The Paris Psalter 128:6 1 / and þæt ne cweþan || þa his cwide weoldan / on ofergeate ||
The Paris Psalter 128:6 4 hten / and ofer eow wese || eac his bletsung / we eow neodlice || o
The Paris Psalter 131:1 2 ten || mærne dauid / and ealle his mannþwærnesse || micle and
The Paris Psalter 131:7 1 gu || on wudufeldum / / # / we on his selegesceot || swylce gangaþ
The Paris Psalter 131:7 3 e stowe || stede ariaþ / þær his fotas ær || fæste gestodan /
The Paris Psalter 131:12 2 icne || wæstm gesette / þe of his innaþe || agenum cwome / ofer
The Paris Psalter 131:16 1 forþon ic hi ær geceas / / # / his wuduan ic || wordum bletsige /
The Paris Psalter 131:17 1 grium || hlaf to fylle / / # / ec his sacerdas || swylce mid hælu /
The Paris Psalter 131:17 3 eorne gegyrwe || and gode eac / his þa halgan her || habbaþ bli
The Paris Psalter 131:19 1 þe ic hine cuþne wat / / # / ic his feondas eac || facne gegyrwe /
The Paris Psalter 132:2 3 || hrore stence / mid þy aaron his beard || oftast smyrede / / # / s
The Paris Psalter 132:3 1 de / / # / seo niþer astah || on his reafæs fnæd / swa æþele dea
The Paris Psalter 133:1 2 en nu || bliþe drihten / ealle his agene || onbyhtscealcas / / # / g
The Paris Psalter 134:1 2 || neode swylce / herigen hine his scealcas || swiþe ealle / / # /
The Paris Psalter 134:3 3 um || fira æghwam / weorþiaþ his naman || forþon he wyrþe is
The Paris Psalter 134:8 2 lædeþ || fægere windas / of his goldhordum || godra manegum / s
The Paris Psalter 134:9 4 araones || folce gecyþde / and his scealcum || samed ætgædere /
The Paris Psalter 134:12 2 rahelum / and heora yrfe || eac his folce / / # / ys þin nama drihte
The Paris Psalter 134:14 1 | wynnum standeþ / / # / forþon his folc demeþ || fægere drihte
The Paris Psalter 134:14 2 ægere drihten / and he biþ on his esnum || agenum frefriend / / #
The Paris Psalter 135:3 4 is || and ic gearwe wat / þæt his mildheortnes || is mycel to w
The Paris Psalter 135:15 1 / þær pharaon gefeol || and his fæge werud / on þam readan s
The Paris Psalter 135:16 2 dendlice || þuruh westen eft / his þæt leofe folc || lædde sw
The Paris Psalter 135:23 2 þæt yrfe || on israele / þe his esnas || agene wæron / / # / for
The Paris Psalter 135:28 2 de || geara andettaþ / forþan his mildheortnes || is mycel to w
The Paris Psalter 136:2 4 we sittaþ || and sare wepaþ / his agen bearn || on þone æþel
A.5.5.136 2 e nimeþ || and ēac seteþ% / his āĝen bearn || on þone æð
The Paris Psalter 137:8 2 ihten for me || dome gylde / is his mildheortnes || mycel on woru
The Paris Psalter 141:2 2 mine bene || bealde swylce / on his gesihþe || symble ageote / and
The Paris Psalter 143:5 2 gesceaft || mihtum idel / beoþ his dagas swylce || demde gelice /
The Paris Psalter 144:3 3 lde mode || herian swiþe / nis his micelmodes || mægenes ende / /
The Paris Psalter 144:9 3 ne || milde and bliþe / syndan his miltsa || ofer us mære weorc
The Paris Psalter 144:14 2 dædum getreowe / and on eallum his weorcum || wis and halig / / # /
The Paris Psalter 144:18 1 # / soþfæst is drihten || on his sylfes wegum / eallum on eorþa
The Paris Psalter 144:18 3 þan || and he æfter þan / on his weorcum is || wis and halig / /
The Paris Psalter 144:19 3 ge || seceaþ and ciegaþ / and his willan her || wyrceaþ georne
The Paris Psalter 144:19 4 an her || wyrceaþ georne / and his ege swylce || elne ræfnaþ / h
The Paris Psalter 144:21 4 a gehwylc || þurh fæle word / his þone haligan naman || her bl
The Paris Psalter 145:4 3 d || geara fultumiend / and ær his hiht on god || hæfde fæste /
The Paris Psalter 145:6 1 im on || ahwær syndon / / # / he his soþfæst word || swylce gehe
The Paris Psalter 145:6 2 lce gehealdeþ / and on worulde his || wise domas / deþ gedefe ||
The Paris Psalter 146:5 2 is ure || mihtig drihten / and his mægen is micel || and mihtum
The Paris Psalter 146:5 3 micel || and mihtum strang / ne his snytru mæg || secgean ænig /
The Paris Psalter 146:12 3 || dædum and wordum / and on his milde mod || mægene gewenaþ
The Paris Psalter 147:4 1 ecynnes || holde lynde / / # / he his spræce hider || spowendlice /
The Paris Psalter 147:4 3 eorþan || ærest sendeþ / and his word yrneþ || wundrum sniome
The Paris Psalter 147:6 1 þ || wide swa æscean / / # / he his cristallum || cynnum sendeþ /
The Paris Psalter 147:7 1 standan || stiþe mode / / # / he his word sendeþ || þuruh windes
The Paris Psalter 147:8 1 re || weorþeþ sniome / / # / he his word eac || ær mid wisdome / g
The Paris Psalter 147:8 3 oresægde / and israhele || eac his domas / / # / ne dyde he ahwær s
The Paris Psalter 147:9 2 || eldran cynne / þæt he him his domas || digle gecydde
The Paris Psalter 148:2 2 as / lofige hine swylce || eall his leodmægen / / # / herigen hine s
The Paris Psalter 148:8 3 and yste || ealra gastas / þe his word willaþ || wyrcean georn
The Paris Psalter 148:13 1 s || mid neodlofe / / # / forþon his anes nama || ofer ealle is / ah
The Paris Psalter 148:13 3 leþa ealra / is upp ahafen || his andetness / heah ofer myclum ||
The Paris Psalter 148:14 5 lce || and hi forþ heonan / on his neaweste || neode wunian
The Paris Psalter 149:1 3 e sang || nu-þa singaþ / wese his herenes || on haligra / clænre
The Paris Psalter 149:3 1 þust ealra # || / / # / herigen his naman || neode on þreatum / on
The Paris Psalter 149:4 1 singaþ georne / / # / forþon on his folce is || fægere drihtne / w
The Paris Psalter 150:1 1 / # / heriaþ on þam halgum || his holdne drihten / heriaþ hine o
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2 oldne drihten / heriaþ hine on his mægenes || mære hælu / / # / h
The Paris Psalter 150:2 1 / # / heriaþ hine swylce || on his heahmihtum / heriaþ hine æfte
The Paris Psalter 150:2 2 m / heriaþ hine æfter mode || his mægenþrymmes / / # / heriaþ hi
The Paris Psalter 51:6 3 r || fæstne gelyfde / ac he on his welan spede || wræste getruw
The Paris Psalter 52:1 1 aris Psalter: Psalm 52 / / # / on his heortan cwæþ || unhydig sum
The Paris Psalter 52:3 2 / ofer manna bearn || hwæþer his mihta þa / andgyt ænig || eal
The Paris Psalter 52:7 3 || nymþe sylfa god / þonne he his folc || fægere alyseþ / of h
The Paris Psalter 54:10 1 || ealle wealde / / # / næfre on his weorþige || wea aspringe / mea
The Paris Psalter 54:19 3 daþ / heo besmitaþ || swylce his sylfes / þa gewitnesse || þæ
The Paris Psalter 54:19 7 geseon æfre / forþon hit wæs his heortan || gehygde neah / / # / h
The Paris Psalter 56:4 1 ædan / / # / sende mihtig god || his milde gehigd / and his soþfæs
The Paris Psalter 56:4 2 g god || his milde gehigd / and his soþfæst mod || samod ætgæ
The Paris Psalter 56:4 2 don. / / # / Sende mehtiġ god || his milde ġe·hyġd / and his sō
The Paris Psalter 56:4 3 d || his milde ġe·hyġd / and his sōþfæst mōd || samod æt
The Paris Psalter 57:6 3 nde || eorþe forswelgeþ / swa his bogan bendeþ || oþþæt bit
The Paris Psalter 57:6 4 tere eft / adl on seteþ || swa his geearnuncg byþ / / # / swa weax
The Paris Psalter 57:9 3 san || ealle forweorþaþ / and his handa þwehþ || on hæþenra
The Paris Psalter 57:10 1 and þonne man cweþeþ || on his modsefan / þis is wæstm || wi
The Paris Psalter 57:10 3 æstm || wises and goodes / þe his soþfæst weorc || symble læ
The Paris Psalter 60:5 2 ær byþ gedefe cynincg / beoþ his winter eac || wynnum iced / oþ
The Paris Psalter 61:12 4 þæt he manna gehwam / æfter his agenum || earnungum demeþ / ef
The Paris Psalter 63:8 4 rc godes || wide mærsian / and his weorc ongitan || mid wisdome /
The Paris Psalter 64:4 3 and hine clæne hafaþ / and on his earduncgstowum || eardaþ sy
The Paris Psalter 65:1 3 m wislicum || wide herian / and his naman secgeaþ || neode mid s
The Paris Psalter 65:2 1 / / # / and gode secgeaþ || hu his þa goodan weorc / syndon wundo
The Paris Psalter 65:4 2 weorc / drihten worhte || synt his domas eac / swiþe egeslice ||
The Paris Psalter 65:6 1 reddian || eorþan gelice / / # / his mægen wealdeþ || ofer eall
The Paris Psalter 65:15 1 yde || minre sawle / / # / þuruh his mihte ic || muþe cleopige / o
The Paris Psalter 65:18 3 ine bene || bealde gehyrde / ne his milde mod || me dyde fremde
The Paris Psalter 66:6 4 er god || eac bletsige / hæbbe his egesan eall || eorþan gemær
The Paris Psalter 67:1 2 / arise god || ricene weorþe / his feonda gehwylc || fæste towo
The Paris Psalter 67:1 3 ylc || fæste toworpen / fleoþ his ansyne || þa þe hine feodan
The Paris Psalter 67:4 2 ode || sealmas geneahhige / and his naman swylce || neode heriaþ
The Paris Psalter 67:5 1 mned drihten / / # / wesaþ ge on his gesyhþe || symble bliþe / and
The Paris Psalter 67:5 2 yhþe || symble bliþe / and on his ansyne wesan || ealle gedrefd
The Paris Psalter 67:6 1 ge fæderas / / # / drihten is on his stowe || dema halig / se þe ea
The Paris Psalter 67:7 1 healdeþ blisse / / # / se þe on his mægenes || mihte gelædeþ /
The Paris Psalter 67:8 1 / # / þonne god gangeþ || for his þæt gleawe folc / oþþe geon
The Paris Psalter 68:36 3 gytaþ || esnas drihtenes / and his naman || neode lufiaþ / þær
The Paris Psalter 70:10 3 onne we hine forgripen || and his geara ehtan / syþþan he ne h
The Paris Psalter 71:4 1 u eac || soþum dædum / / # / on his soþfæstnesse || swylce deme
The Paris Psalter 71:7 1 rþan || upon dreopaþ / / # / on his agenum dagum || ypped weorþe
The Paris Psalter 71:9 2 elwearas || seceaþ ealle / and his feondas || foldan liccigeaþ /
The Paris Psalter 71:14 3 iora sawle || softe alysde / ys his nama for him || neode gebyrht
The Paris Psalter 71:16 3 s up / ofer libanum || licgeaþ his yþa / and on burgum beoþ || b
The Paris Psalter 71:17 1 ute on lande / / # / þonne byþ his nama || ofer eall niþa bearn
The Paris Psalter 71:17 3 eorþeþ gebletsod / ær sunnan his nama || soþfæst standeþ / by
The Paris Psalter 71:17 4 ma || soþfæst standeþ / byþ his setl ær || swylce þonne mon
The Paris Psalter 71:19 4 undor mycel || wyrceþ ana / si his mihta nama || mode gebletsad /
The Paris Psalter 71:20 2 þe si || eall gefylled / þurh his wuldres miht || wese swa wese
The Paris Psalter 72:13 4 | wolde gangan / oþþæt ic on his hus || halig gange / and ic þa
The Paris Psalter 73:13 2 dracan || mihtum forcome / and his þæt hearde || heafod gescæ
The Paris Psalter 75:1 2 geara cuþ || mid iudeum / and his æþele nama || mid israelum /
The Paris Psalter 75:2 1 mid israelum / / # / is on sibbe his stow || soþe behealden / and h
The Paris Psalter 76:7 3 oweorpan / ne us witnian || for his weldædum / oþþe wiþ ende ||
The Paris Psalter 76:7 5 wiþ ende || æfre to worulde / his milde mod || mannum afyrran / o
The Paris Psalter 76:8 4 oþþe on yrre || æfre wille / his milde mod || mannum dyrnan / / #
The Paris Psalter 77:5 2 symble || leofum drihtne / and his þa myclan miht || mænigu wu
The Paris Psalter 77:9 2 e hiht || to gode hæfdan / and his weorþlicu || weorc gemundon /
The Paris Psalter 77:12 2 gan drihtnes / gewitnesse || ne his weorca æ / awiht wislice || wo
The Paris Psalter 77:23 4 gegleded fyr || on iacobe / and his yrre barn || on israhelas / / #
The Paris Psalter 77:31 2 sum || ihtan synne / and noldan his wundrum || wel gelyfan / / # / hi
The Paris Psalter 77:42 1 n / / # / na gemynd hæfdan || hu his seo mycle hand / on gewindæge
The Paris Psalter 77:52 1 me || folce chames / / # / þa he his folc genam || swa fæle sceap
The Paris Psalter 77:54 2 ofre byrig / and haligre || þa his hand begeat / / # / and he manige
The Paris Psalter 77:56 3 nne god / gebysmredan || noldon his bebodu / fæste healdan # || / /
The Paris Psalter 77:58 1 wendan and cyrdan / / # / swa hi his yrre || oft aweahtan / þonne h
The Paris Psalter 77:60 2 me wiþsoc || snytruhuse / wæs his agen hus || þær he eard gen
The Paris Psalter 77:62 1 n feondes hand / / # / sealde þa his swæs folc || sweorde under e
The Paris Psalter 77:62 2 olc || sweorde under ecge / and his yrfe eac || eall forhogode / / #
The Paris Psalter 77:66 1 an || wine druncen / / # / he þa his feondas sloh || and him ætf
The Paris Psalter 77:68 2 a anhornan || ealra gelicast / his halige hus || her on eorþan /
The Paris Psalter 77:71 2 facne || fedeþ syþþan / and his folmum syþþan || hi forþ l
The Paris Psalter 78:7 2 n hi iacob || geara ætan / and his wicstede || westan gelome / / #
The Paris Psalter 79:9 2 eforan || worhtest rihtne / and his wyrtruman || wræstne settest
The Paris Psalter 79:10 1 e wearþ || eall gefylled / / # / his se brada scua || beorgas þea
The Paris Psalter 79:10 2 a scua || beorgas þeahte / and his tanas astigun || godes cedder
The Paris Psalter 79:12 1 n þu towurpe || weallfæsten his / wealdeþ his winbyrig || eall
The Paris Psalter 79:12 2 || weallfæsten his / wealdeþ his winbyrig || eall þæt on weg
The Paris Psalter 79:14 6 d ofer mannes sunu || þe þu his mihte ær / under þe getrymede
The Paris Psalter 79:16 2 r / and ofer mannes sunu || þu his mihta þe / geagnadest || ealle
The Paris Psalter 84:7 3 efan || mælan wille / sybbe he his folces || seceþ geornast / and
The Paris Psalter 84:8 2 forswiþe neah / þam þe egsan his || elne healdaþ / hæleþ mid
The Paris Psalter 86:1 1 salter: Psalm 86 / / # / healdaþ his staþelas || halige beorgas / l
The Paris Psalter 88:3 5 sware || ær benemde / þæt ic his cynne || and cneowmagum / on ec
The Paris Psalter 88:8 2 e sæs || wealdest mihtum / þu his yþum miht || ana gesteoran /
The Paris Psalter 88:21 1 arn || ænig sceþþan / / # / of his ansyne || ealle ic aceorfe / þ
The Paris Psalter 88:21 3 feondas || fæcne syndon / and his ehtendas || ealle geflyme / / #
The Paris Psalter 88:22 4 n naman minum || neode swylce / his horn biþ ahafen || heane on
The Paris Psalter 88:23 1 || heane on mihtum / / # / and ic his swiþran hand || settan þenc
The Paris Psalter 88:32 3 ne leoge / þæt on ecnesse || his agen cynn / wunaþ on wicum ||
The Paris Psalter 88:33 5 nes þines || ealle gewemdest / his halignesse || her on eorþan /
The Paris Psalter 88:34 1 her on eorþan / / # / ealle þu his weallas || wide todældest / to
The Paris Psalter 88:34 2 de todældest / towurpe fæsten his || for folcegsan / / # / hine þa
The Paris Psalter 88:36 2 e || heah ehtendra / gebrohtest his feondas || fæcne on blisse / /
The Paris Psalter 88:38 2 nesse || clæne alysdest / setl his gesettest || sorglic on eorþ
The Paris Psalter 88:39 1 || sorglic on eorþan / / # / þu his dagena tid || deorce gescyrte
The Paris Psalter 88:42 3 þþe hwylc manna is || þæt his agene / fram helle locum || saw
The Paris Psalter 90:4 1 | hearmum worde / / # / he me mid his gesculdrum || sceade beþeaht
The Paris Psalter 90:11 1 wær sceþþan / / # / forþon he his englum bebead || þæt hi mid
The Paris Psalter 90:16 1 e / / # / ic hine generige || and his naman swylce / gewuldrige || ge
The Paris Psalter 91:1 2 geara andette / and neodlice || his naman asinge / þone heahestan
The Paris Psalter 91:2 3 lde wearþ || manna cynne / and his soþe || sæcge nihtes / / # / hw
The Paris Psalter 91:12 2 || on godes huse / þæt ge on his wicum || wel geblowan / / # / nu
The Paris Psalter 93:9 6 ealdeþ || eallum þeodum / and his þrea ne si || þær for awih
The Paris Psalter 93:12 2 re wiþdrifeþ || drihten ure / his agen folc || ne his yrfe þon
The Paris Psalter 93:12 2 ihten ure / his agen folc || ne his yrfe þon ma / on ealdre wile |
The Paris Psalter 93:19 3 and gestaþelad / is me fultum his || fæst on drihtne / / # / þonn
The Paris Psalter 94:2 1 e || hyldo gebeodan / / # / wutun his ansyne || ærest secean / þæt
The Paris Psalter 94:4 2 wiþdrifeþ || drihten usser / his agen folc || æfre æt þearf
The Paris Psalter 94:5 2 || and he sette þone / worhte his folme eac || foldan drige / / #
The Paris Psalter 94:7 2 n god || dema usser / wærun we his fæle folc || and his fægere
The Paris Psalter 94:7 2 run we his fæle folc || and his fægere sceap / þa he on his e
The Paris Psalter 94:7 3 d his fægere sceap / þa he on his edisce || ær afedde / / # / gif
The Paris Psalter 95:2 1 || eceum drihtne / / # / secgeaþ his wuldor || geond sigeþeode / an
The Paris Psalter 95:2 1 # / Singaþ nū drihtne || and his sōðne naman / bealde blētsia
The Paris Psalter 95:2 2 eode / and on eallum folcum || his fægere wundor / / # / singaþ nu
The Paris Psalter 95:3 1 / # / singaþ nu drihtne || and his soþne naman / bealde bletsiaþ
The Paris Psalter 95:3 2 dryhtnes hǣlu. / / # / Seċġaþ his wuldor || ġond siġe-þēode
The Paris Psalter 95:3 3 ode, / and on eallum folcum || his fæġere% wunder. / / # / Hē is
The Paris Psalter 95:8 2 lice lac || and in gangaþ / on his wictunas || weorþiaþ drihte
The Paris Psalter 95:8 3 unas || weorþiaþ drihten / on his þære halgan || healle genea
The Paris Psalter 95:9 1 || healle geneahhige / / # / for his ansyne sceal || eorþe beofia
The Paris Psalter 95:10 2 riht || folcum demeþ / and on his yrre || ealle þeode / / # / heof
The Paris Psalter 97:9 2 demeþ / soþe and rihte || and his syndrig folc / on rihtnesse ||
The Paris Psalter 97:9 3 meþ / sōðe and rihte || and his syndriġ folc / on rihtnesse ||
The Paris Psalter 98:5 3 serne god || ellencræfte / and his fota sceamul || forþ weorþi
The Paris Psalter 98:6 3 s || samuhel þridda / þa gode his naman || neode cigdan / / # / hi
The Paris Psalter 98:8 2 witnesse || wel geheoldon / and his bebodu || beorhte efnedan / þa
The Paris Psalter 98:10 3 iaþ / mærum beorge || forþon his meahte synt / and halig is || h
The Paris Psalter 99:2 3 god / he us geworhte || and we his syndon / / # / we his folc syndan
The Paris Psalter 99:3 1 e || and we his syndon / / # / we his folc syndan || and his fæle
The Paris Psalter 99:3 1 / # / we his folc syndan || and his fæle sceap / þa he on his edi
The Paris Psalter 99:3 2 and his fæle sceap / þa he on his edisce || ealle afedde / gaþ n
The Paris Psalter 99:3 3 ce || ealle afedde / gaþ nu on his doru || god andettaþ / and hin
The Metres of Boethius: Proem 8 onne he swelces lyt / gymð for his gilpe. || Ic sceal giet sprec
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 58 ara ara || and ealdrihta / þe his eldran mid him || ahton longe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 39 fre þy eþ || ænne wræccan / his cræftes beniman || þe mon o
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 41 | and þisne swiftan rodor / of his rihtryne || rinca ænig / hwa w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 23 || ealle gesceafta / gebæt mid his bridle || hafaþ butu gedon / e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 28 an || þonne him sigora weard / his gewealdleþer || wille onlæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 32 ærod || hefonrices weard / mid his anwealde || ealle gesceafta /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 53 abban under heofonum || þæt his hige durre / gemetgian || ær h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 77 bridla || þe he gebætte mid / his agen weorc || eall æt frymþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 28 a || swa swa londes ceorl / of his æcere lycþ || yfel weod mon
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 3 || ealla gesceafta / bryrþ mid his bridlum || begþ þider he wi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 4 m || begþ þider he wile / mid his anwalde || ge endebyrd / wundor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 8 ealla gesceafta / geræped mid his racentan || þæt hi aredian
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 67 gene || eft symle onlyt / wiþ his gecyndes || cymþ to þonne h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 2 m welegan || woruldgitsere / on his mode þe bet || þeah he mice
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 8 sunnan || suþ west and east / his anwalde || eall underþieded /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 6 orulde || witena gehwelcum / on his lifdagum || laþ and unweorþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 8 l || hwæt se feond swa þeah / his diorlingas || duguþum stepte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 2 eal he ærest tilian / þæt he his selfes || on sefan age / anwald
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 4 nnan || þy læs he æfre sie / his unþeawum || eall underþyded
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 5 um || eall underþyded / ado of his mode || mislicra fela / þara y
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 20 t eall || agan mote / hwy biþ his anwald || auhte þy mara / gif
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 21 y mara / gif he siþþan nah || his selfes geweald / ingeþances ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 24 ilc mon || þe mid ealle biþ / his unþeawum || underþieded / he
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 26 rest || lifes frumsceaft / and his agene || æþelo swa selfe / an
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 30 hit is þin agen / forþæm hit his utan || ne com auht to þe / ac
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 143 || þe we ymb sprecaþ / hæfþ his agenne || eard onsundran / biþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 155 t hit fiolan ne mæg / eft æt his eþle || þær þæt oþer fy
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 160 || wilnaþ þiderweard / þær his mægþe biþ || mæst ætgæd
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 8 hte / sece þæt siþþan || on his sefan innan / and forlæte an |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 12 mæge / ealle to þæm anum || his ingeþonc / gesecge his mode ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 13 anum || his ingeþonc / gesecge his mode || þæt hit mæg findan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 18 net || eal þæt he hæfde / on his incofan || æror lange / efne s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 21 on locian / and he eac ongit || his ingeþonc / leohtre and berhtre
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 47 gne || gif he awuht nafaþ / on his modsefan || mycles ne lytles /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 59 emynde || he mæg siþþan / on his runcofan || rihtwisnesse / find
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 63 swiþost / and mid hefinesse || his lichoman / and mid þæm bisgum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 37 ra || eorþan cyninga / se mid his bridle || ymbebæted hæfþ / y
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 39 ne || eorþan and heofones / he his gewaldleþer || wel gemetgaþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 21 walde || þe him anra gehwilc / his tirwina || to fultemaþ / gif m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 29 e wyrsa ne biþ || ne wene ic his na beteran / gif him þonne æf
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 53 res || him þæt eall gehæt / his recelest || rihtes ne scrife
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 57 anlepra ælc || a wilnode / for his agenum || ealdgecynde / unrihtw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 9 and retie || rices hirde / wæs his freadrihtnes || folccuþ nama
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 66 i on sefan lufode / þæt he to his earde || ænige nyste / modes m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 88 diore || swelcum he æror / on his lifdagum || gelicost wæs / but
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 95 eþonc / hæfde anra gehwylc || his agen mod / þæt wæs þeah swi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 17 is þæt earmlic þing / þæt his gebidan ne magon || burgsitte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 32 one monnan || mode lufian / and his unþeawas || ealle hatian / and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 63 gecerreþ / ismere ænlic || on his agen gecynd / weorþeþ to wæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 69 a gehwæm || wundor þince / on his modsefan || micle læsse / unst
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 28 t under weorulde || werþioda his / noman onwendaþ || þonne nih
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 82 buendra / ealla gesceafta || on his ærendo / hionane he sendeþ ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 5 sgunga || þonne hit winnende / his agen leoht || an forlæteþ / a
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 15 wyrhta || weorulde gesceafta / his agen weorc || eall geondwlite
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 1 wæt þu meaht ongitan || gif his þe geman lyst / þætte mislic
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 17 æþ || metodes gesceafta / mid his andwlitan || up on gerihte / mi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 18 / mid þy is getacnod || þæt his treowa sceal / and his modgeþo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 19 || þæt his treowa sceal / and his modgeþonc || ma up þonne ni
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 20 an to heofonum || þy læs he his hige wende / niþer swa þær n
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 15 || rihte floweþ / irneþ wiþ his eardes || oþ him on innan fe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 20 nden || broc biþ onwended / of his rihtryne || ryþum toflowen / s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 1 tre 7 / / þa ongon se wisdom || his gewunan fylgan / gliowordum gol
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 32 e wlite || wyrce him siþþan / his modes hus || þær he mæge f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 47 le gehealdeþ / anwunigendne || his agenum / modes gesælþum || þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 37 weorþ on weorulde || gif mon his willan ongeat / yfelne mid eldu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 3 worhte / romwara cyning || þa his rice wæs / hehst under heofonu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 10 orbærnan / romana burig || sio his rices wæs / ealles eþelstol |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 22 t he wolde || ofer werþiode / his anes huru || anwald cyþan / ea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 29 on uppan || agene broþor / and his modor mid || meca ecgum / billu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 30 a ecgum / billum ofbeatan || he his bryde ofslog / self mid sweorde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 51 ice berædan || and bereafian / his anwaldes || þurh þa ecan me
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 52 urh þa ecan meaht / oþþe him his yfeles || elles gestioran / eal
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 57 alra þara hæleþa || þe on his tidum / geond þas lænan worol
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 60 on unscyldgum || eorla blode / his sweord selede || swiþe gelom
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 63 godes / gif se wel nele || þe his geweald hafaþ
Metrical Psalm 90:16 1 90:16 / / Ic hine generie || and his næmæn swilce / gewuldrige ||
Metrical Psalm 91:1 2 ræ ændette / and neodlice || his næmæn æsinge / þone heæhes
Metrical Psalm 91:12 2 e || on godes huse / þet ge on his wicum || wel geblowen.
Metrical Psalm 91:2 3 e weærð || mænnæ cyne / and his soðe || sege neæhtes.
Metrical Psalm 93:12 2 e% wiðdrifeð || drihten ure / his ægen folc || ne his yrfe ðo
Metrical Psalm 93:12 2 hten ure / his ægen folc || ne his yrfe ðon ma / on ealdre wile |
Metrical Psalm 93:19 3 and gestæþeled / is me fultum his || fest on drihtne.
Metrical Psalm 93:9 6 ealdað || eallum ðeodum / and his ðrea ne sio || þa for awiht
Metrical Psalm 94:2 1 # Metrical Psalm 94:2 / / Wutun his% ansine || arest seceæn / þet
Metrical Psalm 94:4 2 wiðdrifeð || drihten usser / his agen folc || æfre æð ðeæ
Metrical Psalm 94:5 2 || and he sette ðone / worhte his folme eæc || foldæn drige.
Metrical Psalm 94:7 2 en god || dema usser / werum we his fele folc || and his fægere
Metrical Psalm 94:7 2 werum we his fele folc || and his fægere sceæp / þæ he% on hi
Metrical Psalm 94:7 3 is fægere sceæp / þæ he% on his edisce || ær æfedde.
Metrical Psalm 95:2 1 2 / / Singæð nu drihtne || and his soðne næmæn
The Battle of Brunanburh 2 ryhten / beorna beahgifa || and his broþor eac / eadmund æþeling
The Battle of Brunanburh 38 se froda || mid fleame com / on his cyþþe norþ || costontinus /
The Battle of Brunanburh 40 rfte / mæca gemanan || he wæs his mæga sceard / freonda gefylled
The Battle of Brunanburh 42 de / beslagen æt sæcce || and his sunu forlet / on wælstowe || w
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 12 age || oþ hie alysde eft / for his weorþscipe || wiggendra hleo
The Death of Edgar 10 life / beorna beahgyfa || feng his bearn syþþan / to cynerice ||
The Death of Edgar 23 end / rodera rædend || þa man his riht tobræc / and þa wearþ e
The Death of Alfred 2 | and hine on hæft sette / and his geferan he todraf || and sume
A.6.10.5 7 and hine on hæft sette, / and his ġe·fēran hē tō·drāf ||
Durham 17 cheþe / lerde lustum || and he his lara wel genom / eardiæþ æt
The Rune Poem 28 to hæle gehwæþre || gif hi his hlystaþ æror / is byþ oferce
The Rune Poem 59 rofur / monn byþ on myrgþe || his magan leof / sceal þeah anra g
A.6.13 47 tō be·gangenne || þǣm þe his gāst wile / meltan wiþ morðr
Solomon and Saturn 51 dum / to begonganne || þam þe his gast wile / meltan wiþ morþre
A.6.13 95 || hē ne be·sċēawaþ nā / his limona liþ, || ne biþ him l
Solomon and Saturn 100 concan || he ne besceawaþ no / his leomona liþ || ne biþ him l
A.6.13 154 s tilian; / ā·wrīteþ hē on his wǣpne || wæl-nota hēap, / be
Solomon and Saturn 159 lifes tiligan / awriteþ he on his wæpne || wællnota heap / beal
A.6.13 159 sċeall singan, || þonne hē his sweord ġe·tēo, / Pāter Nost
A.6.13 162 fe / feorh and folme, || þonne his fēond cyme’. / ‘swīce, ||
Solomon and Saturn 164 he sceal singan || þonne he his sweord geteo / pater noster ||
Solomon and Saturn 167 ife / feorh and folme || þonne his feond cyme / // swice || ær he
A.6.13 171 an ġe·fēred; || nǣfre ǣr his ferhþ ā·hlōh. / Hwæt. || I
Solomon and Saturn 176 feorran gefered || næfre ær his ferhþ ahlog / hwæt ic flitan
A.6.13 17 || inn-gang rȳmaþ. / Ġīet his sweord sċīeneþ% || swīðe
Solomon and Saturn 22 es oroþ || ingang rymaþ / git his sweord scineþ || swiþe gesc
A.6.13 61 ere, / swīðe swingeþ || and his searu hringeþ, / ġielleþ ġ
A.6.13 62 ielleþ ġōmorlīċe || and his gryn sefaþ, / wielleþ hine on
A.6.13 65 seldlīċe; || seldum ǣfre / his lēoma liċġaþ. || Langaþ
Solomon and Saturn 73 nhiere / swiþe swingeþ || and his searo hringeþ / gilleþ geomor
Solomon and Saturn 74 eþ / gilleþ geomorlice || and his gyrn sefaþ / wylleþ hine on
Solomon and Saturn 77 ggeþ syllice || seldum æfre / his leoma licggaþ || longaþ hin
A.6.13 155 wāt || on weorold-rīċe / on his mǣġ-winum || māran āre’
A.6.13 170 orĝe, || siþþan drēoĝeþ / his earfoþu || orleġ-stunde. / H
Solomon and Saturn 186 sa ne wat || in woroldrice / on his mægwinum || maran are / salomo
A.6.13 194 mōt || stillan nēahtes’. / ‘His līfes fæðme. || Simle hit
A.6.13 194 es fæðme. || Simle hit biþ his lāreowum hīersum; / full oft
Solomon and Saturn 204 to sorge || siþþan dreogeþ / his earfoþu || orlegstunde / heo
A.6.13 211 cunnaþ hwonne mōte / fȳr on his frumsċeaft || on fæder ġea
A.6.13 212 | on fæder ġeardas, / eft tō his ēðle, || þanon hit ǣror c
Solomon and Saturn 222 dig eorl || eaþe geceosan / on his modsefan || mildne hlaford / an
Solomon and Saturn 232 neahtes / salomon cwæþ # || / his lifes fæþme || simle hit bi
Solomon and Saturn 232 fes fæþme || simle hit biþ his lareowum hyrsum / full oft hit
A.6.13 236 ē biþ mōdes glēaw / and tō his frēondum wile || fultum sē
A.6.13 247 and þæs ofer-mōdan; / Ōðer his drihtne hīerde, || ōðer hi
A.6.13 248 rnan, || cwæþ þæt hē mid his ġe·sīðum wolde / hȳðan ea
Solomon and Saturn 249 | cunnaþ hwænne mote / fyr on his frumsceaft || on fæder geard
Solomon and Saturn 250 t || on fæder geardas / eft to his eþle || þanon hit æror cuo
A.6.13 250 ðan dǣle, || oþ·þæt hē his tornes% ne% cūðe / ende þurh
A.6.13 274 ǣr sē dæġ cyme / þæt sīe his cālend-cwide || ā·runnen / a
Solomon and Saturn 276 if he biþ modes gleaw / and to his freondum wile || fultum secan
A.6.13 278 ē sċeall be·healdan || hū his hyġe wille%; / grǣdiġ% grōw
A.6.13 286 healde, / metodes miltse || and his mǣĝa rǣd, / ōðer hine tyht
Solomon and Saturn 289 || and þæs ofermodan / oþer his dryhtne hierde || oþer him o
A.6.13 289 ġe·mynda || and þurh þæt his mōd hweteþ, / lǣdeþ hine an
Solomon and Saturn 290 byrnan || cwæþ þæt he mid his gesiþum wolde / hiþan eall he
A.6.13 291 ond land spaneþ, / oþ·þæt his eġe biþ, || æf-þuncum ful
Solomon and Saturn 292 teoþan dæle || oþþæt he his tornes ne cuþe / ende þurh in
A.6.13 298 e || on weġ faran / enġel tō his earde || and þæt eall saĝa
Solomon and Saturn 317 || ær se dæg cyme / þæt sie his calendcwide || arunnen / and hi
Solomon and Saturn 322 eþ / se sceall behealdan || hu his hyge wille / grædig growan ||
Solomon and Saturn 2 healde / metodes miltse || and his mæga ræd / oþer hine tyhteþ
Solomon and Saturn 5 misgemynda || and þurh þæt his mod hweteþ / lædeþ hine and
Solomon and Saturn 7 e geond land spaneþ / oþþæt his ege biþ || æfþancum full /
Solomon and Saturn 14 ende || on weg faran / engel to his earde || and þæt eall saga
The Menologium 31 and twa || þeodum gewelhwær / his cyme calend || ceorlum and eo
The Menologium 50 || eorlas healdaþ / heahengel his || se hælo abead / marian mycl
The Menologium 172 gleaw || gast onsende / matheus his || to metodsceafte / in ecne ge
The Menologium 217 ele andreas || up on roderum / his gast ageaf || on godes wære /
The Menologium 225 aldum beornwigan || bletsunga his / þænne emb feower niht || þ
The Menologium 227 niht || þætte fæder engla / his sunu sende || on þas sidan g
The Judgment Day II 20 dæleð and todemeð || ðurh his dihlan miht / ic gemunde eac ||
The Judgment Day II 49 cene onbindan / ne mid swiðran his || swyðe nele brysan / wanhydi
The Judgment Day II 60 e swa ðeah || deaðe gehende / his bena bebead || breostgehigdum
The Judgment Day II 62 lyt wordum || ac geleaffullum / his hæle begeat || and help rece
The Judgment Day II 120 brohte / æghwanum cumene || to his ansyne / ðæt gehwylc underfo
The Judgment Day II 122 t gehwylc underfo || / dom be his dædum || æt drihtne sylfum /
The Judgment Day II 252 mod bliðe || on woruld ealle / his ðeodne geðeon || and ðonne
The Judgment Day II 279 heofonsetle || hean geregnað / his sunu bliðe || sigores brytta
The Rewards of Piety 40 t || / swiðor micle || ðonne his sylfes gewil / warna ðe georne
The Gloria I 42 ð / cyning innan wuldre || and his ða gecorenan / heahðrymnesse
The Creed 36 sine / runum arette || and ða his rice began / ðone uplican || e
Fragment of Psalm 102 1 ihten / and eall min inneran || his ðone ecan naman / / # / bletsige
Psalm 50 19 an het || selfum gecyðan / ymb his womdeda || waldendes doom / ð
Psalm 50 20 doom / ðæt se fruma wære || his feores sceldig / for ðam ðe h
Psalm 50 25 a || ðe he godes eorre / ðurh his selfes weorc || sona anfunde /
Psalm 50 28 || and to dryhtne gebæd / and his synna hord || selfa ontende / g
A.6.28 13 nihtes || dēofle campaþ / and his willan wyrcþ; || wā him ð
A.6.28 18 es || drihtne hīeraþ / and ā his willan wyrcþ; || wēl him þ
Aldhelm 15 oethia || biddan georne / ðurh his modes gemind || [micro in cos
The Seasons for Fasting 5 ahcyning || her on life / ðurh his sylfes word || sette for leod
The Seasons for Fasting 35 e / hyht and gehateð || gyf we his willað / ðurh rihtne sefan ||
The Seasons for Fasting 113 cræft || bæle behlæned / of his haligan || handa gescrifene / h
The Seasons for Fasting 164 mes gemyndig / ðæt he stræla his || stellan mihte / on ðam lich
The Seasons for Fasting 196 ngian || ðreale hwilcum / wið his arwesan || gyf he him ærur h
Cædmon's Hymn, Northumbrian Version 2 s uard / metudæs maecti || end his modgidanc / uerc uuldurfadur ||
Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version 2 weard / meotodes meahte || and his modgeðanc / weorc wuldorfæder
Bede's Death Song, Northumbrian Version 3 f sie / to ymbhycggannae || aer his hiniongae / huaet his gastae ||
Bede's Death Song, Northumbrian Version 4 ae || aer his hiniongae / huaet his gastae || godaes aeththa yfla
Bede's Death Song, The Hague Version 3 iae || / to ymbhycgenne || aer his hinionge / hwet his gastæ || g
Bede's Death Song, The Hague Version 4 enne || aer his hinionge / hwet his gastæ || godes oððe yfles /
Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 3 earf sy / to gehicgenne || ær his heonengange / hwæt his gaste |
Bede's Death Song, West Saxon Version 4 || ær his heonengange / hwæt his gaste || godes oððe yfeles /
The Leiden Riddle 2 ta uong || uundrum freorig / ob his innaðae || aerest cændæ / ni
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 12 wende worda gehwelc || and me his writerum / sende suð and norð
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 14 bi ðære bisene || ðæt he his biscepum / sendan meahte || for
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 15 / sendan meahte || forðæm hi his sume ðorfton / ða ðe lædens
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 25 um || dryhtnes welle / fylle nu his fætels || se ðe fæstne hid
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 8 mæg se mon begytan || se ðe his modgeðanc / æltowe byð || an
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 9 towe byð || and ðonne ðurh his ingehygd / to ðissa haligra ||
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 23 les rices geweald / and eac swa his beahgifan || ðe him ðas bys
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 7 || mundum synum / geendigan || his aldre to willan / and him ðæs
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 10 || ðæt he on riht mote / oð his daga ende || drihten herigan /
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 1 ðis man sceal cweðan ðonne his ceapa hwilcne man for- / stolen
A.6.43.10 1 is man sċeall cweðan þonne his ċēapa hwelcne% man for- ||
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 2 n || in spiderwiht / hæfde him his haman on handa || cwæð ðæ
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 2 on handa || cwæð ðæt ðu his hæncgest wære / legde ðe his
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 3 his hæncgest wære / legde ðe his teage an sweoran || ongunnan
A.6.43.3 8 denman tō and ho hit on || / his swēoran, and dō man swā þ
A.6.43.3 10 || on spiderwiht%, / hæfde him his haman on handa, || cwæþ þ
A.6.43.3 10 n handa, || cwæþ þæt þū his henġest% wǣre, / leġde% þe%
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 9 nnan ðrym nihtum || cunne ic his mihta / his mægen and his miht
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 10 nihtum || cunne ic his mihta / his mægen and his mihta || and h
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 10 s mægen and his mihta || and his mundcræftas / eall he weornige
A.6.43.9 14 an þrymm nihtum || cunne iċ his meahta, / his mæġen and his m
A.6.43.9 15 his meahta, / his mæġen and his meahta || and his mund-cræft
A.6.43.9 15 mæġen and his meahta || and his mund-cræftas. / Eall hē weorn
Instructions for Christians 14 te do / wop and hreowe% || for his misdæda. / þonne is þæt oð
Instructions for Christians 48 ian || witona ænig / þæt he his% ælmessan || ofte gesyllæ; /
Instructions for Christians 51 / wom-dæda gehwas, || oððe his wita onleoht / her oððe on h
Instructions for Christians 65 o, || he bið lað Gode, / and his saul bið || swiðe scyldig. /
Instructions for Christians 68 feð, || mihtig drihten, / mid his handum twam || þurh þone ha
Instructions for Christians 72 e, || gif he on breostum can / his unwisdom || inne belucan, / þ
Instructions for Christians 74 notere || ðe symle wile / æt his heah-þearfe || forhelan his
Instructions for Christians 74 his heah-þearfe || forhelan his wisdom. / Ac þu scealt gelome
Instructions for Christians 100 || metes oððe drincas, / and his innoðe || riht gemetegað, /
Instructions for Christians 103 od on heofonum, / þæt he for his ege || ær gewonede. / Ac gif
Instructions for Christians 111 an / þæt he gelæran cunne || his leodscype / heofon-kyninges be
Instructions for Christians 130 lfne || to swiðe ahefð / for his ofer-mode, || he bið earm fo
Instructions for Christians 152 Crist onlænð, / þæt willan his || gewyrce georne. / Ne þearf
Instructions for Christians 167 eortan gehygde% || gehreowað his synna, / and fulfæstlice þen
Instructions for Christians 172 hine / fæderlice onfon || æt his forð-siðe. / Swa mon ma synna
Instructions for Christians 174 rlæt / drihtnes þancas || on his dæg-rime / swa maran þær mi
Instructions for Christians 187 | ða he þonne doð, / gif he his ælmyssan || alning dæleð. /
Instructions for Christians 217 ing || æfre forceorran / and his synna swa some, || þeah he s
Instructions for Christians 240 ignod, || þonne wolde ær / on his tale mette || tale wel þeign
The Battle of Finnsburh 13 oldhladen þegn || gyrde hine his swurde / þa to dura eodon || d
The Battle of Finnsburh 40 yldan / þonne hnæfe guldan || his hægstealdas / hig fuhton fif d
The Battle of Finnsburh 44 || on wæg gangan / sæde þæt his byrne || abrocen wære / heresc
The Battle of Finnsburh 45 sceorp unhror || and eac wæs his helm þyrel / þa hine sona fr
The Battle of Maldon 10 feng / eac him wolde eadric || his ealdre gelæstan / frean to gef
A.6.9 11 Ēac him wolde Ēad·rīċ || his ealdre ġe·lǣstan, / frēan t
The Battle of Maldon 15 t he gelæste / þa he ætforan his frean || feohtan sceolde / þa
A.6.9 16 e·læste / þā hē æt-foran his frēan || feohtan sċolde. / Þ
The Battle of Maldon 23 ær him leofost wæs / þær he his heorþwerod || holdost wiste /
A.6.9 24 him lēofost wæs, / ðǣr hē his heorð-weorod || holdost wiss
The Battle of Maldon 49 r stynt unforcuþ || eorl mid his werode / þe wile gealgean || e
A.6.9 51 stent unforcūþ || eorl mid his weorode, / þe wile ealĝian ||
The Battle of Maldon 74 wæs haten wulfstan / cafne mid his cynne || þæt wæs ceolan su
The Battle of Maldon 75 u / þe þone forman man || mid his francan ofsceat / þe þær bal
A.6.9 76 āten Wulf·stān, / cāfne mid his cynne, || þæt wæs Ċēolan
A.6.9 77 / þe þone forman mann || mid his francan of·sċēat / þe ðǣr
The Battle of Maldon 87 dan / þa se eorl ongan || for his ofermode / alyfan landes to fel
A.6.9 89 Þā sē eorl on·gann || for his ofer-mōde / ā·līefan landes
The Battle of Maldon 113 mæg || he mid billum wearþ / his swuster sunu || swiþe forhea
A.6.9 115 ġ; || hē mid billum wearþ, / his sweostor sunu, || swīðe for
The Battle of Maldon 116 eard || anne sloge / swiþe mid his swurde || swenges ne wyrnde /
The Battle of Maldon 118 eoll || fæge cempa / þæs him his þeoden || þanc gesæde / þam
A.6.9 120 ll || fǣġe cempa; / þæs him his þēoden || þanc ġe·sæġd
The Battle of Maldon 138 od wæs se fyrdrinc || he let his francan wadan / þurh þæs hys
A.6.9 140 s sē fyrd-rinċ; || hē lēt his francan wadan / þurh þæs hys
The Battle of Maldon 156 þæt se on eorþan læg / þe his þeoden ær || þearle geræh
A.6.9 158 æt sē on eorðan læġ / þe his þēoden ǣr || þearle ġe·
The Battle of Maldon 187 gehleop þone eoh || þe ahte his hlaford / on þam gerædum ||
The Battle of Maldon 189 m || þe hit riht ne wæs / and his broþru mid him || begen ærn
A.6.9 189 hlēop þone eoh || þe āhte his hālford, / on þām ġe·rǣdu
A.6.9 191 || þe hit riht ne wæs, / and his brōðru mid him || bēġen
The Battle of Maldon 226 e on foldan læg / forwegen mid his wæpne || ongan þa winas man
A.6.9 228 on foldan læġ / forweġen mid his wǣpne. || On·gann þā wina
The Battle of Maldon 240 cyldburh tobrocen || abreoþe his angin / þæt he her swa manign
The Battle of Maldon 242 ymde / leofsunu gemælde || and his linde ahof / bord to gebeorge |
A.6.9 244 Leof·sunu ġe·mǣlde || and his linde ā·hōf, / bord tō ġe
The Battle of Maldon 274 landes / ofer bæc bugan || þa his betera leg / he bræc þone bor
The Battle of Maldon 276 þa beornas feaht / oþþæt he his sincgyfan || on þam sæmannu
A.6.9 276 s, / ofer bæc būĝan, || þā his betera leġ. / Hē bræc þone
A.6.9 278 beornas feaht, / oþ·þæt hē his sinċ-ġiefan || on þām sǣ
The Battle of Maldon 287 e þeah geforþod || þæt he his frean gehet / swa he beotode æ
The Battle of Maldon 288 et / swa he beotode ær || wiþ his beahgifan / þæt hi sceoldon b
A.6.9 289 ah ġe·forþod || þæt hē his frēan ġe·hēt, / swā hē b
A.6.9 290 swā hē bēotode ǣr || wiþ his beah-ġiefan / þæt hīe sċol
hleo - 44 occurrences
Genesis A 102 d / þara þe forhealdene || of hleo sende / ne wæs her þa giet ||
Genesis B 840 weald innan / on þisses holtes hleo || hwurfon hie ba-twa / togengd
Exodus 79 ihta gedrymost || dægsceades hleo / wand ofer wolcnum || hæfde w
Daniel 586 / syle ælmyssan || wes earmra hleo / þinga for þeodne || ær þa
Daniel 690 ær æþelingas / under wealla hleo || welan brytnedon / þæt wæs
Andreas 111 e andreas || ædre onsende / to hleo ond to hroþre || in þas hæ
Andreas 506 u eart seolfa geong / wigendra hleo || nalas wintrum frod / hafast
Andreas 567 n || se þe acenned wearþ / to hleo ond to hroþre || hæleþa cy
Andreas 832 fan on sybbe || under swegles hleo / bliþne bidan || burhwealle n
Andreas 896 æt word gecwæþ || wigendra hleo / nu ic god dryhten || ongiten
Andreas 1450 / þa worde cwæþ || wigendra hleo / sie þe þanc ond lof || þeo
Andreas 4 n þære winbyrig || wigendra hleo / salu sinchroden || seofon nih
Elene 99 heht þa onlice || æþelinga hleo / beorna beaggifa || swa he þ
Elene 150 geweorþod || com þa wigena hleo / þegna þreate || þryþbold
Elene 68 || oþer betera / under swegles hleo || syþþan æfre / þara þe w
Elene 177 þone stan nime / wiþ hungres hleo || hlafes ne gime / gewende to
Elene 634 || bald reordode / þu me eorla hleo || þone æþelan beam / rode r
Christ A 409 | foldan ond rodoras / wigendra hleo || wuldres ðines / helm alwiht
Christ B 606 ond weder liðe / under swegles hleo || sunne ond mona / æðelast t
Christ C 1196 cnanstan || eallum sceolde / to hleo ond to hroðer || hæleða cy
Guthlac B 1012 inedryhten min / fæder freonda hleo || ferð gebysgad / nearwe gen
Guthlac B 1061 dne hyge || ongan ða duguða hleo / glædmod gode leof || geongra
Guthlac B 1365 wuldres ðrym / gewiten winiga hleo || wica neosan / eardes on upwe
Deor 41 ondryht geðah / ðæt me eorla hleo || ær gesealde / ðæs ofereod
Riddles 27 5 eredon mid liste / under hrofes hleo || hæleð mec siððan / baðe
The Phoenix 374 edgeong weseð / under swegles hleo || bið him self gehwæðer / s
The Phoenix 429 trum gebysgad / ðær he holtes hleo || heah gemeteð / in ðam he g
Juliana 49 lof rærest / ongietest gæsta hleo || ic beo gearo sona / unwaclic
Juliana 272 de cleopian / nu ic ðec beorna hleo || biddan wille / ece ælmihtig
Beowulf 429 u me ne forwyrne || wigendra hleo / freowine folca || nu ic ðus
Beowulf 791 || ðysses lifes / nolde eorla hleo || ænige ðinga / ðone cwealm
Beowulf 899 st / ofer werðeode || wigendra hleo / ellendædum || he ðæs ær o
Beowulf 1035 gangan scolde / heht ða eorla hleo || eahta mearas / fætedhleore
Beowulf 1866 ealde wisan / ða git him eorla hleo || inne gesealde / mago healfde
Beowulf 1967 geeodon || to ðæs ðe eorla hleo / bonan ongenðeoes || burgum i
Beowulf 1972 ðær on worðig || wigendra hleo / lindgestealla || lifigende cw
Beowulf 2142 ic fæge ða gyt / ac me eorla hleo || eft gesealde / maðma menige
Beowulf 2190 torna gehwylces / het ða eorla hleo || in gefetian / heaðorof cyni
Beowulf 2337 him ða gewyrcean || wigendra hleo / eallirenne || eorla dryhten / w
Beowulf 3157 / geworhton ða || wedra leode / hleo on hoe || se wæs heah ond br
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 12 his weorþscipe || wiggendra hleo / afera eadweardes || eadmund c
The Judgment Day II 127 samod becumað || of swegles hleo / eall engla werod || ecne ymtr
The Battle of Maldon 72 wiges georne / het þa hæleþa hleo || healdan þa bricge / wigan w
A.6.9 74 s ġeorne. / Hēt þā hæleþa hleo || healdan þā bryċġe / wiĝ
humbra - 1 occurrences
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 4 adeþ / hwitanwyllesgeat || and humbra ea / brada brimstream || burga
hwitanwyllesgeat - 1 occurrences
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 4 dædfruma || swa dor scadeþ / hwitanwyllesgeat || and humbra ea / brada brimst
hwitanwyllesġeat - 1 occurrences
A.6.10.2 4 -fruma, || swā Dor sċadeþ, / Hwitanwyllesġeat || and Humbra êa, / brāda bri
hæfteclommum - 1 occurrences
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 10 nyde gebegde / on hæþenra || hæfteclommum / lange þrage || oþ hie alysd
hæþenra - 10 occurrences
Daniel 306 æft heorugrimra || and we nu hæþenra / þeowned þoliaþ || þæs þ
Andreas 186 e on þære þeode sceal / fore hæþenra || handgewinne / þurh gares gr
Andreas 218 || þær þe guþgewinn / þurh hæþenra || hildewoman / beorna beaducr
Andreas 957 aber / ne læt þe ahweorfan || hæþenra þrym / grim gargewinn || þæt
Andreas 992 empa || carcerne neh / geseh he hæþenra || hloþ ætgædere / fore hlin
Andreas 1032 e || ær þan hra crunge / fore hæþenra || hildeþrymme / ond þa gelæ
Andreas 1389 þa on uhtan || mid ærdæge / hæþenra hloþ || haliges neosan / leoda
The Paris Psalter 113:12 1 a wæron deofulgild || deorce hæþenra / golde and seolfre || þa her
The Paris Psalter 57:9 3 / and his handa þwehþ || on hæþenra / and þæra fyrenfulra || fæc
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 10 orþmannum || nyde gebegde / on hæþenra || hæfteclommum / lange þrage
hēr - 274 occurrences
Genesis A 103 ene || of hleo sende. / Ne wæs hēr þā·ġīet || nemþe heolst
Genesis B 436 efter tō ealdre, || þæs we hēr inne maĝon / on þissum fȳre
Genesis B 474 an%, / hyldu heofon-cininges || hēr on weorolde, / habban him tō w
Genesis B 525 e / strangre stemne, || and mē hēr standan hēt, / his be·bodu he
Genesis B 545 e mē mid his earmum worhte, / hēr mid heandum sīnum. || Hē m
Genesis B 678 on·bāt. / Nū hæbbe iċ his hēr on handa, || hearra sē gōda
Genesis B 735 st / murnan on mōde, || þæt hēr menn bûn / þone hēan heofon,
Genesis B 751 e on brēostum, || for·þon hēr sint bū tū ġe·dōn: / ġe
Genesis B 755 ·macod. || Swa hwæt swa wit hēr morðres þoliaþ, / hit is nū
Genesis B 806 þe on þis lande wesan, / ġif hēr wind cymþ, || westan oþþe
Genesis B 811 os beorhte sunne, || and wit hēr baru standaþ, / unwered wǣdo.
Genesis B 817 one gōdan, || þæt hē þē hēr worhte tō mē / of liðum mīn
Genesis A 867 les þearfa: / ‘Iċ wrēo mē hēr || wǣda lēasne, / līf-frēa
Genesis A 935 e hlāf etan, || þenden þū hēr leofast, / oþþæt þē tō he
Genesis A 1122 s ġe·writu seċġaþ / þæt hēr eahta-hund || īehte siþþan
Genesis A 1139 þan strīende / seofon winter hēr || suna and dohtra / and% eahta
Genesis A 1146 wæs lēof Gode || and lifde hēr / wintra hund-niĝuntiġ || ær
Genesis A 1147 iĝuntiġ || ær hē be wīfe hēr / þurh% ġe·bedsċipe || bear
Genesis A 1176 lēhel lange, || mann-drēama hēr, / weorold-ġe·strēona. || Win
Genesis A 1189 reoliċ frum-bearn. || Fæder hēr þā ġīet / his cynnes forþ
Genesis A 1206 ealt / middan-ġeardes, || swā hēr menn dôþ, / ġunge and ealde,
Genesis A 2093 | Nǣfre mann ealra / libbendra hēr || lȳtle weorode / þon wurðl
Genesis A 2170 test, || ac iċ þē libbende hēr / wiþ wēana ġe·hwǣm% || wr
Genesis A 2228 n, || dō swa iċ þē bidde. / Hēr is fǣmne, || frēolicu mæġ
Genesis A 2466 ones, || snytra ġe·myndiġ: / ‘Hēr sindon inne || unwemme twā / d
Genesis A 2483 ġif þū mōst, / wesan ūser hēr || ealdor-dēma, / lēodum lār
Genesis A 2502 ēac þissum idesum || þe we hēr inn wlītaþ, / ā·lǣde of þ
Genesis A 2519 þ mē. / Iċ wāt hêa burh || hēr āne nēah, / lȳtle ċeastre.
Genesis A 2645 h be·hēowan%, || þone% þe hēr leofaþ / rihtum þēawum, || b
Genesis A 2712 es / eġesa wǣre, || þā iċ hēr ǣrest cōm. / For·þon iċ þ
Genesis A 2735 winas uncūðe, || ac wuniaþ hēr’. / Abraham fremede || swā hine
Genesis A 2741 r, / hlēow-feðrum þeaht, || hēr þenden lifde. / Þā ġīen w
Genesis A 2882 ncas mīne, || restaþ inċit / hēr on þissum wīcum. || Wit eft
Genesis A 2890 ung || wordum Abraham: / ‘Wit hēr fȳr and sweord, || frēa min
A.1.4 92 rde% / ealle% of earde. || Nis hēr ēadġes tīr, / wlancra wīn-s
A.1.4 101 issum neowolan ġe·nipe. || Hēr% is nǣdran swēġ%, / wyrmas ġ
A.1.4 104 e, / dimne and% deorce. || Nē hēr dæġ līehteþ% / for sċædes
A.1.4 131 || synnum for·wundod. / Hwæt, hēr hāt and ċeald || hwīlum me
A.1.4 209 Þonne be·hōfaþ || sē þe hēr wunaþ / weorolde wynnum || þ
A.1.4 261 || Sċeal nū þēos meniġu hēr / liċġan on leahtrum, || sume
A.1.4 272 m || ġond middan-ġeard. / Iċ hēr ġe·þolian sċeall || þing
A.2.1 724 þrymm, / metodes mundbyrd. || Hēr ā·mearcod is / hāliġra hīe
A.2.1 1173 | and þæt word ġe·cwæþ: / ‘Hēr is ġe·fēred || ofer feorne
A.2.1 1562 d and hete-grimm. || Þæt is hēr% swā cūþ, / is hit miċele s
A.2.2 96 wunian || wyrmum tō hroðre. / Hēr mæġ findan || fore-þances
A.2.3 42 or·þon þū ne hoĝodest || hēr on līfe, / siþþan iċ þē o
A.2.3 61 || þe þū ġō āhtest, / ac hēr sċolon on·bīdan || bān be
A.2.3 70 n þā hāmas || þe þū mē hēr sċrīfe, / and þā ār-lēasa
A.2.3 72 dung-stōwe, / and þē sċulon hēr mold-wyrmas || maniġe ċēow
A.2.3 75 īne ǣhta ā·wihte / þe þū hēr on moldan || mannum īewdest.
A.2.3 102 cra iermþa, || swā þū unc hēr ǣr sċrife’. / Firenaþ þus
A.2.3 141 , || swelċ swā þū mē ǣr hēr sċrife. / Fæstest þū on fol
A.2.3 148 , / nē þē hrēowan ðearf || hēr on līfe / ealles swā miċeles
A.2.5 108 hwelcum || swā hē him ǣror hēr / on þissum lǣnum || līfe ġ
A.2.5 137 ne mē dryhtnes rōd, / þe iċ hēr on eorðan || ǣr sċēawode,
A.2.5 145 mē drihten frēond, / sē þe hēr on eorðan || ǣr þrōwode / o
A.2.6 223 hæleþum% cȳðan, || būtan hēr nū þā.’ / Him sēo æðele
Christ A 116 þeahte || and on þīestrum hēr, / sǣton sīn-nihtes; || synnum
Christ A 224 æt wæs þāra þinga || þe hēr þēoda cynn / ġe·frugnen% mi
Christ A 244 -cynnes || and þīne miltse% hēr / ārfæst īewe. || Ūs is eal
Christ B 521 / and æðeleste, || þe ġe· hēr on stariaþ / and on frōfre ġ
Christ B 570 ne īlcan þrēat || þe ġē hēr inn stariaþ. / Wile nū ġe·s
Christ B 590 anna ġe·hwelċ / cwic þendan hēr wunaþ%, || ġe·ċēosan mō
Christ B 703 hwæs, || þā sēo ċiriċe hēr / ǣ-fyllendra || eahtnesse bā
Christ B 744 a || æðelinges pleĝa. / Þus hēr on grundum || godes ēċe bea
Christ B 818 | þenden god wille / þæt hē hēr on weorolde || wunian mōte, /
Christ B 854 am / ȳða ofer-mǣta || þe we hēr inn lācaþ / ġond þās wāca
Christ C 1322 n, / þone lȳtlan first || þe hēr līfes sīe, / þæt hē mæġe
Christ C 1457 | hearde ġe·fæstnod; / meaht hēr ēac ġe·sEon || or-ġiete n
Christ C 1574 le / hǣlu strīenan || þenden hēr leofaþ. / Ne biþ ðǣr ǣngum
Christ C 1633 || forþ þrōwian, / þā þe hēr for·hoĝdun% || heofon-rīċ
A.3.10 68 rum || un-ġe·līċe / sē þe hēr on eorðan || ēað-mōd leof
A.3.11 134 e·healdenne, || þenden hē hēr leofaþ.’ / Swā sċrīðende
A.3.15 55 tum ne tinneþ. / Drēamas swā hēr ġe·drēosaþ, || dryhtsċip
A.3.15 56 htsċipe ġe·hrēosaþ, / līf hēr menn for·lēosaþ, || leahtr
A.3.15 74 ēðles of·ann% || and mec hēr eardes% on·cann. / Þonne lī
A.3.15 79 nefne sē nīeda tān / bealwum hēr ġe·hloten%. || Ne biþ sē
A.3.17 43 nd hēanum, || þe his willan hēr / firenum fremmaþ, || mid þā
A.3.19 39 / Þǣr þū þonne hoĝode || hēr on līfe, / þenden iċ þe on
A.3.19 56 r || ne þīnra gōda nan, / ac hēr sċulon ā·bīdan || bān be
A.3.19 70 ne ġe·ahþe wiht, / þā þū hēr on moldan || mannum ēawdest.
Guthlac A 14 ihten, || þā þe his dōmas hēr / efnaþ on eorðan. || Hē him
Guthlac A 23 n aefter cwealme, || þā þe hēr Crīstes ǣ / lǣraþ and lǣst
Guthlac A 27 fter, || þonne hē his ǣnne hēr / gǣst be·gange, || þæt sē
Guthlac A 250 āðe healdeþ. / Iċ mē ānum hēr || ēaðe ġe·timbre / hūs an
Guthlac A 256 ram þissum earde || þe ġē hēr inn standaþ, / flēoþ on feor
Guthlac A 260 hand / mundaþ mid mæġene. || Hēr sċeall min wesan / eorðliċ
Guthlac A 301 wyrċe || wīdor sæce, / ġē hēr ā·tēoþ || on þā torn-wr
Guthlac A 373 þēos eorðe eall || þe iċ hēr inn stande. / Þēah ġē mīnn
Guthlac A 441 ġ wǣre || sē þe his ānum hēr / fēore ġe·friðode, || þæ
Guthlac A 792 rīċe, || þā þe ræfnaþ hēr / wordum and weorcum || wuldor-
Guthlac B 892 wundra || þe hē on weorolde hēr / þurh dryhtnes ġiefe || duĝ
Guthlac B 931 unnan wolde / þæt hē blǣdes hēr || brūcan mōste%, / weorolde
Guthlac B 948 lēton, || þe him on weorcum hēr / on his daĝena tīd || dǣdum
Guthlac B 1129 ytru-cræft% / ǣnġes hæleþa hēr || hreðer weardode, / dryhta b
Guthlac B 1248 ne ǣniġ mann wite / on līfe% hēr, || þe mē ā·līefed nis / t
A.3.22.15 4 ere. || Mē on bæce standaþ / hēr swelċe swe on hlēorum%. ||
A.3.22.40 32 onne þis fenn swearte / þæt hēr yfele || adelan stinċeþ. / Ea
A.3.22.40 49 lla / oþþe þis waroþ || þe hēr ā·worpen liġeþ. / Iċ eorð
A.3.22.40 61 || þonne wer-mōd sīe, / þe% hēr on hyrstum || haswe standeþ.
A.3.22.40 77 þonne þēs lȳtla wyrm / þe hēr on flōde% gæþ || fōtum dr
A.3.22.40 81 ċele || hāls-refeþre, / sēo hēr on winde || wǣweþ on lyfte.
A.3.22.41 6 e·fēan āĝen. / Ne maĝon we hēr on eorðan || āwiht libban, /
A.3.22.43 16 , / eþþa sē esne, || þe iċ hēr ymb spriċe.
A.3.22.49 10 þum dōþ || þæt sē dumba hēr, / eorp unwita, || ǣr for·swil
A.3.23 32 wynna lēas. || Ful oft mec hēr wrāðe be·ġeat / fram-sīþ
A.3.24 40 | fisċes ēðel; || / ne biþ hēr bān ne blōd, || ac sċeall
A.3.24 45 biþ wīde cūþ. / Ne tȳtaþ hēr tungol, || ac biþ tīr sċæ
A.3.25 36 mæġenes. || Hwæt, þū mē hēr fela / for·ġēafe. || Ġe·se
A.3.3 89 / þe we habbaþ || þenden we hēr bēoþ, / and ūs milde metod |
A.3.32 8 ] / ofer hēah hofu; || eom nū hēr cumen / on cēol-þele || and n
A.3.32 39 / []ra hæleþa, || þēah þe hēr min wine[] / nīede ġe·bǣded
A.3.34.88 20 on ende. || Nis min brōðor hēr, / ac iċ sċeall brōðorlēas
A.3.4 23 clifu / hēah hlifiaþ, || swā hēr mid ūs, / ne dene ne dalu || n
A.3.4 31 ǣniġ þāra beorĝa || þe hēr beorhte mid ūs / hēa hlifiaþ
A.3.4 536 ġung, || sē þe his āĝnum hēr / willum ġe·wyrċeþ || þæt
A.3.4 638 inn. || Þeah hē on eorðan hēr / þurh ċildes hād || cenned
A.3.4 668 lucis auctor% / þæt we mōton hēr || merueri, / gōd-dǣdum be·
A.3.5 116 ċan; || nafaþ hē ǣniġe% hēr.’ / Hire þā þurh ierre || ā·
A.3.5 442 tes æt hālĝum, || swā mē hēr ġe·lamp / sorh on sīðe. ||
A.3.6 108 ft || weorold under heofonum. / Hēr biþ feoh lǣne, || hēr biþ
A.3.6 108 num. / Hēr biþ feoh lǣne, || hēr biþ frēond lǣne, / hēr biþ
A.3.6 109 , || hēr biþ frēond lǣne, / hēr biþ mann lǣne, || hēr biþ
A.3.6 109 ne, / hēr biþ mann lǣne, || hēr biþ mæġ lǣne, / eall þis e
A.3.7 3 eġaþ on ġe·witte, || swā hēr weoroda god, / metod meahtum sw
A.3.7 30 ftas || land-būendum. / Sumum% hēr ofer eorðan || ǣhta on·lī
A.3.7 86 d || mannum ġe·þwǣre. / Sum hēr ġeornlīċe || gæstes þear
A.3.8 74 | and frēan dōmas, / þā þe hēr on mǣġþe ġe·hwǣre || me
A.3.9 102 it ǣr hȳdeþ || þenden hē hēr lēofaþ. / Miċel biþ sē met
A.4.1 244 || sċeþþan ne meahte. / Nā hēr cūðlicor || cuman on·gunno
A.4.1 361 lode || tō his wine-drihtne: / ‘Hēr sindon ġe·ferede, || feorra
A.4.1 376 ; || is his eafora% nū / heard hēr cumen, || sōhte holdne wine.
A.4.1 397 sêon; / lǣtaþ hilde-bord || hēr on-bīdan, / wudu, wæl-sċeaft
A.4.1 1061 and lāðes || sē þe lange hēr / on þissum winn-daĝum || weo
A.4.1 1228 ·dēfe, || drēam-healdende. / Hēr is ǣghwelċ eorl || ōðrum
A.4.1 1654 īres tō tācne, || þe þū hēr tō lōcast. / Iċ þæt unsōf
A.4.1 1820 Hyġe·lac sēċan. || Wǣron hēr tela / willum be·wenede; || þ
A.4.1 2053 e, || hwate Sċieldingas? / Nū hēr þāra banena || byre nāthwe
A.4.1 2796 e, / ēċum drihtne, || þe iċ hēr on starie, / þæs þe iċ mōs
A.4.1 2801 oda þearfe; || ne mæġ iċ hēr lenġ wesan. / Hātaþ heaðu-m
A.4.2 177 le || tō eallum þǣm folce: / ‘Hēr ġē maĝon sweotole || siġe
A.4.2 285 ðǣr unrōte || ūte wǣron: / ‘Hēr is ġe·sweotelod || ūre sel
A.4.2 288 t sæċċe for·weorðan. || Hēr liġeþ swurde ġe·hēawen, /
The Paris Psalter 100:6 5 ēodon; / hē mē holdlīċe || hēr þeġnode. / / # / Ne eardaþ on
The Paris Psalter 101:17 3 hten ġe·seah of heofonum || hēr on eorðan. / / # / Hē þā ġe
The Paris Psalter 101:25 1 / # / Bearn þīnra sċealca || hēr bū nāmon, / and ðǣr eardodo
The Paris Psalter 102:6 2 dōmas || eallum% þe dēope hēr / and full treaflīċe || tēon
The Paris Psalter 105:2 4 an / and his ġe·hīernesse || hēr on·cnāwan? / / # / Ēadġe bēo
The Paris Psalter 105:4 3 þīnes, / and ūs mid hǣlu || hēr ġe·nēosa. / / # / And ūs tīd
The Paris Psalter 105:36 5 e mōton / þone hālĝostan || hēr andettan / and we on lofe þīn
The Paris Psalter 106:8 2 e īdle, / and þā hungrian || hēr mid gōdum / fæste ġe·fylle
The Paris Psalter 106:9 1 fēore siþþan. / / # / Þā þe hēr on þīestrum || þraĝe sǣt
The Paris Psalter 106:26 2 sindon, / hearde on·hrērde || hēr anlīcost, / hū druncen hwelċ
The Paris Psalter 107:6 3 , / þe on hālĝum spreceþ || hēr on eorðan: / ‘And iċ blissi
The Paris Psalter 107:11 2 ltum; / for·þon hǣlu biþ || hēr on eorðan / manna ġe·hwelċe
The Paris Psalter 108:19 1 ē hræġle ġe·līċ || þe hēr hræðe ealdaþ, / and ġyrdels
The Paris Psalter 110:8 1 eald / / # / Hereness dryhtnes || hēr sċeall wunian, / on weorolda w
The Paris Psalter 111:8 4 ende; / biþ his horn wended || hēr on wuldor. / / # / Swā þæt syn
The Paris Psalter 113:12 2 ra / golde and seolfre, || þā hēr ġeara menn / worhton wēoh-smi
The Paris Psalter 115:4 1 e hē mē ǣror dyde? / / # / Iċ hēr hǣlu calic || hæbbe% be·fa
The Paris Psalter 118:70 2 de. / / # / Is hira heorte nū || hēr anlīcast / swā meoluc wese ||
The Paris Psalter 118:91 4 þīnra dǣda spēd || daĝas hēr ġe·wuniaþ, / for·þon þū
The Paris Psalter 118:94 1 n iċ cūðlīċe on þǣm || hēr nū cwicu lifie. / / # / Iċ eom
The Paris Psalter 118:119 3 ġe·tealde, / þā on eorðan hēr || yfele wǣron, / for·þon i
The Paris Psalter 118:141 1 || and simle þā / þīn esne hēr || ealle lufode. / / # / Iċ wæs
The Paris Psalter 118:174 2 rfe. / / # / Iċ þīnre hǣlu || hēr wilnode, / drihten æl-mehtiġ;
The Paris Psalter 124:4 4 wēl || þǣm þe ġe·dēfe hēr / hira heortan riht || healdaþ
The Paris Psalter 125:5 1 || swīðe hlimman. / / # / Þā hēr on tornlicum || tēarum sāwa
The Paris Psalter 126:4 3 nes / and heorde bearn, || þā hēr mannum bēoþ / of innoþe ||
The Paris Psalter 128:4 1 fdon. / / # / Wesen hīe hyġe || hēr ġe·līcost / þǣm þe on hū
The Paris Psalter 131:9 3 e nū / þīne þā hālĝan || hēr blissiaþ. / / # / For þīnum ā
The Paris Psalter 131:10 4 rre / þīnes þæs hālĝan || hēr on eorðan. / / # / Þæs dēopne
The Paris Psalter 131:17 3 gōde ēac / his þā hālĝan hēr || habbaþ blisse. / / # / Þǣr
The Paris Psalter 132:4 1 ā·stīġeþ. / / # / For·þon hēr be·bēad || hāliġ drihten /
The Paris Psalter 134:6 2 ihten / on heofon-rīċe || and hēr on eorðan, / on sīdum sǣ ||
The Paris Psalter 134:15 2 oda / gold and seolfor, || þe hēr ġēotaþ menn, / and mid hira
The Paris Psalter 137:6 5 ra lōcast / on heofon-hāme || hēr on eorðan. / / # / Þēah þe i
The Paris Psalter 137:8 4 fa ǣr / mid þīnum heandum || hēr ġe·worhtest.
The Paris Psalter 138:20 2 mīnre heortan ġe·hyġd || hēr ġe·sċēawa, / þone fǣlan
The Paris Psalter 139:13 4 nre ansīene, / þā mid rǣde hēr || rihte libbaþ.
The Paris Psalter 144:10 2 þē þīne þā hālĝan || hēr blētsien. / / # / And hīe þīn
The Paris Psalter 144:19 3 and ċīeġaþ / and his willan hēr || wyrċaþ ġeorne / and his e
The Paris Psalter 144:21 4 d / his þone hālĝan naman || hēr blētsian / on ēċnesse || āw
The Paris Psalter 145:6 3 ōmas / dēþ ġe·dēfe || þe hēr deorce ǣr / tēonan% maniġe |
The Paris Psalter 145:6 5 ; / sileþ mete% swelċe || þe hēr murcne ǣr / hungor heaðu-grī
The Paris Psalter 148:11 2 c || ealle swelċe / þe folcum hēr || fore wīsien / and ealdor-me
The Paris Psalter 149:9 3 / þis is hāliġra wuldor% || hēr on eorðan.
The Paris Psalter 51:6 2 lde || þe þū ġe·worhtest hēr; / for·þon þū eart sē gōda
The Paris Psalter 58:2 2 nīðe || naht-fremmendra / þe hēr unryhtes || ealle wyrċaþ, / a
The Paris Psalter 59:5 3 e / on þīnre hāliġnesse || hēr ā·sprǣċe: / ‘And iċ blis
The Paris Psalter 59:6 3 e strengþu / heafdes mīnes || hēr on foldan. / / # / Cyning is mē
The Paris Psalter 59:10 2 ltum, / for·þon hǣlu biþ || hēr on eorðan / manna ġe·hwelċe
The Paris Psalter 60:6 3 e, / þæt iċ min ġe·hāt || hēr ā·ġielde / of dæġe on dæ
The Paris Psalter 61:1 3 odan; / æt him is hǣlu min || hēr eall ġe·lang. / / # / Hwæt, h
The Paris Psalter 62:3 3 / þæt iċ þe on hālĝum || hēr æt-īewe, / þæt iċ þīn wu
The Paris Psalter 65:13 4 ġe·hāt, || þe iċ ǣfre hēr / mid mīnum welerum || wīs t
The Paris Psalter 65:14 1 / / # / Ġe·hīeraþ mē || and hēr cumaþ; / iċ ēow mid sōðe |
The Paris Psalter 67:12 4 ðliċ rēaf / on hūse menn || hēr ġe·dǣlaþ. / / # / Ġif ġē s
The Paris Psalter 67:14 1 hīe sē heofonlica cyning || hēr tō·sċādeþ, / siþþan hīe
The Paris Psalter 67:21 2 ċġendra / hēafdas fēonda || hēr ġe·sċǣneþ, / and hē tō·
The Paris Psalter 67:21 4 | feaxes sċādan / þāra% þe hēr on sċyldum || swǣrum ēodon
The Paris Psalter 68:7 6 līċe || þe þīnes sīðes hēr / full bealdlīċe || bīdaþ%,
The Paris Psalter 71:6 2 anga reġn / fealleþ on flīes hēr || and swā fǣġer dropa / þe
The Paris Psalter 77:22 2 æġe / mid hlāfe þis folc || hēr ā·fēdan.’ / / # / Si//an þ
The Paris Psalter 77:68 2 ·līcost / his hālġe hūs || hēr on eorðan / ġe·timbrode; ||
The Paris Psalter 79:3 2 dre cum, / and ūs hāle dō || hēr on eorðan. / / # / Ġe·hweorf
The Paris Psalter 82:3 4 , / hū hīe þīne hālĝan || hēr yfelodon. / / # / Cwǣdon cūðl
The Paris Psalter 82:9 5 t hīe hāliġnesse godes || hēr ġe·setten. / / # / Sete hīe n
The Paris Psalter 83:5 6 stede || þe þū him settest hēr. / / # / Brōhte him blētsunge ||
The Paris Psalter 84:6 2 / and ūs þīne hǣle sile || hēr tō ġe·nihte. / / # / Siþþan
The Paris Psalter 84:8 3 / hǣleþ mid hyldu || and him hēr sileþ / ūre eorðan || æðel
The Paris Psalter 86:4 3 nd hē hīe þā hīehstan || hēr staðolode. / / # / Dryhten þæt
The Paris Psalter 88:27 3 liċ / swā heofones daĝas || hēr mid mannum. / / # / Ġif mīne be
The Paris Psalter 88:33 5 wēmdest / his hāliġnesse || hēr on eorðan. / / # / Ealle þū hi
The Paris Psalter 98:10 2 hten, / and hine on hālĝum || hēr weorðiaþ / mǣrum beorĝe; ||
A.5.6.12 21 ta mā, / heardra hīenþa, || hēr ā·drēoĝeþ. / Þū meaht ē
A.5.6.24 53 eonan ūt witan, / ac iċ simle hēr || sōfte wille / mid fæder wi
A.5.6.25 3 sum || eorðan cyningum, / þā hēr nū maniĝum || and mislicum /
A.5.6.4 41 olde. / Swā sint ġe·hydde || hēr on weorolde / ġond burga fela
A.5.6.4 47 d wrencum. || Nū on weorolde hēr / mannum ne deriaþ || māne ā
A.5.6.4 55 ĝum, || nū hīe on maniĝum hēr / weorolde ȳðum || wynnaþ an
A.6.10.1 1 # The Battle of Brunanburh / / Hēr Æðel·stān cyning, || eorl
A.6.10.2 1 Capture of the Five Boroughs / / Hēr Eadmund cyning, || Engla þē
A.6.10.3 1 # The Coronation of Edgar / / Hēr Ēadgār wæs, || Engla weald
A.6.10.4 1 # The Death of Edgar / / Hēr ġe·endode || eorðan drēam
A.6.10.5 1 # The Death of Alfred / / Hēr cōm Ælfrǣd, || sē unsċe
A.6.10.5 12 , / siþþan Dene cōmon || and hēr friþ nāmon. / Nū is tō ġe
A.6.10.6 1 # The Death of Edward / / Hēr Ēadward cyning, || Engla hā
A.6.10.6 4 st hāliġne. / Hē on weorolda hēr || wunode þraĝe / on cyne-þr
A.6.13 121 mōdĝum mannum, || þǣm þe hēr nū mid māne lenġest / libba
A.6.14 15 hātaþ on Brytene, / on foldan hēr. || Swelċe ymb% fēower wucan
A.6.14 98 , || þæs þe hē on Brytene hēr / ēað-mōde him || eorlas fun
A.6.14 155 od / Bartholomeus || on Brytene hēr, / wyrd% wēl-þungen. || Swelċ
A.6.15 64 r under hrōfas, || þe þæt hēr for sōþ / mannum seċġe || h
A.6.17 45 ēlest hyhta, / þæt hē wunda hēr || wōpe% ġe·cȳðe / uplicum
A.6.17 84 ū is hāl-wende || þæt man hēr wepe / and dǣd-bōte dō || dr
A.6.17 95 rysne / hēah-þrymme cyning || hēr wile dēman / ānra ġe·hwelcu
A.6.17 157 an, / būton hē horwum sīe || hēr ā·feormod%, / and þonne þid
A.6.17 179 % || þissere% weorolde%, / and hēr glæd leofast || on gālnesse
A.6.17 301 / Hwæt mæġ bēon heardes || hēr on līfe, / ġif þū wille se
A.6.21 39 nd we menn cweðaþ / on grunde hēr: || ‘Gode lof and þanc, / ē
A.6.23 51 aþ, / heofona hēah-cyning || hēr for līfe, / and iċ ġe·mæns
A.6.23 53 trēowe / þīnra hāliġra || hēr for līfe. / Lisse iċ ġe·lī
A.6.23 58 līf || eallum dǣlest%, / swā hēr manna ġe·hwelċ || metode
A.6.28 11 iþ earming || þe on eorðan hēr / dæġes and nihtes || dēofle
A.6.28 16 adiġ, || sē þe on eorðan hēr / dæġes and nihtes || drihtne
A.6.28 62 || and sē līeðra mann, / sē hēr syngie || swīðe ġe·neahhe
A.6.31 4 ēa, / heofona hēah-cyning, || hēr on līfe / þurh% his selfes wo
A.6.31 39 an. / Nū we herġan sċolon || hēr for līfe / dēorne dǣd-fruman
A.6.31 89 | þæt þū ġe·bann sċole / hēr on eorðan || ǣniġ healdan,
A.6.31 141 dǣdum / on for·hæfednesse || hēr for līfe, / þæt we þæs mun
A.6.31 150 blisse, / ġif we þæt fæsten hēr || firena ġe·lǣstaþ / and
A.6.31 175 r helpaþ, / ġif þū dryhtnes hēr || dǣdum fylĝest. / Hæbbe we
A.6.31 203 me / þe ġe·hālĝod% mann || hēr ġe·fremme, / ac þū lāre s
A.6.37 27 te, || cume eft hræðe. / Ġif hēr þeġna hwelċ || þȳrelne c
A.6.38 19 e bidde, / þe hēo[] ġe·mynd hēr inn || ġe·mearcode sindon, /
A.6.43.1 1 # For Unfruitful Land / / Hēr is sēo bōt, hū þū meaht
A.6.43.12 2 nne, wenne, || wenchichenne%, / hēr ne sċealt þū timbrien%, ||
A.6.43.3 5 eft þæt ġealdor, þæt || / hēr aefter cweþ, man sċeall sin
A.6.43.3 9 ĝas; him biþ sona sēl. || / Hēr cōm on gangan, || on spiderw
A.6.43.4 6 e. / Ūt, lȳtel spere, || ġif hēr inne sīe. / Stōd under linde,
A.6.43.4 12 t, lȳtel spere, || ġif hit hēr inne sīe. / Sæt smiþ, || sl
A.6.43.4 15 e. / Ūt, lȳtel spere, || ġif hēr inne sīe. / Siex smiðas sǣta
A.6.43.4 18 pere, || næs on, spere. / Ġif hēr inne sīe || īsernes% dæl, /
A.6.7 3 s ne daĝað ēastan%, || nē hēr draca ne flēoġeþ, / nē hēr
A.6.7 4 hēr draca ne flēoġeþ, / nē hēr þisse healle || hornas ne by
A.6.7 5 alle || hornas ne byrnaþ. / Ac hēr forþ beraþ; || fuĝolas sin
A.6.7 26 dra% hilda. || Þē is ġīet hēr witod / swæðer þū self tō
A.6.8.2 18 | hāre byrnan. / Standeþ% mē hēr on eaxlum || Ælfheres lāf, /
A.6.9 36 ū þæt ġe·rǣdest, || þe hēr rīcost eart, / þæt þū þī
A.6.9 51 miċele lāðre spell, / þæt hēr stent unforcūþ || eorl mid
A.6.9 241 ūre hālford; / forþon wearþ hēr on felda || folc totwǣmed, / s
A.6.9 243 ēoðe his anġinn, / þæt hē hēr swā maniġne || mann ā·fl
A.6.9 314 | þȳ ūre mæġen lȳtlaþ. / Hēr liġeþ ūre ealdor || eall f
hīe - 1280 occurrences
Genesis A 19 ūðon, / firena fremman, || ac hīe on friðe lifdon, / ēċe mid h
Genesis A 24 lenġ / hira selfra rǣd, || ac hīe of sibb-lufan / Godes ā·hwurf
Genesis A 26 | Hæfdon ġielp miċel / þæt hīe wiþ drihtne || dǣlan meahto
Genesis A 45 an wīte-brōĝan. || Hæfdon hīe wrōht-ġe·tīeme / grymme wi
Genesis A 96 eld, || sēlran weorode, / þā hīe ġielp-sċaðan || of·ġiefe
Genesis A 141 nihte naman. || Nerġend ūre / hīe ġe·sundrode; || siþþan ǣ
Genesis B 249 m hē ġe·truwode wēl / þæt hīe his ġungorsċipe || fyliġan
Genesis B 252 drihten. / Ġe·sett hæfde hē hīe swa ġe·sǣliġlīċe, || ā
Genesis B 287 e·steallan. || Frīend sind hīe mīne ġeorne, / holde on hira
Genesis B 326 m and þīestru, || for·þon hīe þeġnsċipe / Godes for·ġīe
Genesis B 327 ipe / Godes for·ġīemdon. || Hīe hira gāl be·swāc, / engles o
Genesis B 335 || Fīend on·ġēaton / þæt hīe hæfdon ġe·wrixled || wīta
Genesis B 340 lēof, / drihtne dīere, || oþ hīe tō dole wurdon, / þæt him fo
Genesis B 404 ne mōton, || ġe·dōn þæt hīe his hyldu for·lǣten, / þæt
Genesis B 405 his hyldu for·lǣten, / þæt hīe þæt on·wendon þæt hē mi
Genesis B 406 him wrāþ on mōde, / ā·hwet hīe fram his hyldu. || Þonne sċ
Genesis B 406 his hyldu. || Þonne sċulon hīe þās helle sēċan / and þās
Genesis B 407 grundas. || Þonne mōton we hīe ūs tō ġungrum habban, / fīr
Genesis B 421 / on þās dēopan dalu. || Nu hīe drihtne sint / wurðran miċele
Genesis B 426 num hyġe hrēoweþ, || þæt hīe heofon-rīċe / āĝan tō eald
Genesis B 428 e·wendan mid wihte || þæt hīe word Godes / lāre for·lǣten,
Genesis B 429 s / lāre for·lǣten, || sōna hīe him þē lāðran bēoþ. / Ġi
Genesis B 430 im þē lāðran bēoþ. / Ġif hīe brecaþ his ġe·bodsċipe, |
Genesis B 433 Hyċġaþ his ealle, / hū ġē hīe be·swīcen. || Siþþan iċ
Genesis B 439 þās hātan helle, || þæt hīe heofon-cininges / un-wurðlīċ
Genesis B 452 dan and for·lǣran, || þæt hīe wurdon lāþ Gode. / Hē þā
Genesis B 457 mod, / frēo fæġroste, || swa hīe fela cūðon / Godes ġe·ġear
Genesis B 462 e·wered mid wæstme, || swā hīe wealdend God, / hēah heofon-cy
Genesis B 588 dēofle ġe·līċ’. / Lǣdde hīe swā mid lyġenum || and mid
Genesis B 601 urh þæs lāðan lǣn || þe hīe mid lyġenum be·swāc, / dearn
Genesis B 610 fēondsċipe% || nealles hē hīe freme lǣrde: / ‘Þū meaht n
Genesis B 624 ulon || aefter libban: / þonne hīe lāþ ġe·dōþ, || hīe sċ
Genesis B 624 nne hīe lāþ ġe·dōþ, || hīe sċulon lufe wyrċan, / bētan
Genesis B 630 ·lǣd mid lyġenum, || þæt hīe lāþ Gode / þurh þæs wrāð
Genesis B 643 , / wīd-brādne welan, || ġif hīe þone wæstm ān / lǣtan wolde
Genesis B 647 rihten for·bēad. / For·lēoc hīe þā mid lyġenum || sē wæs
Genesis B 685 / on þā dimman dǣd || þæt hīe dryhtnes hira / willan brǣcon.
Genesis B 692 ran and for·lǣdan, || þæt hīe lǣn Godes, / æl-mihtġes ġie
Genesis B 695 ċaða / ġearwe wiste || þæt hīe Godes ierre / habban sċoldon |
Genesis B 698 || nīede on·fôn, / siþþan hīe ġe·bod Godes || for·brocen
Genesis B 722 r, / mennisċra morþ, || þæt hīe tō mete dǣdon, / ofett unfǣl
Genesis B 730 yldu / wealdendes witod, || nū hīe word-cwide his, / lāre for·l
Genesis B 731 re for·lēton. || For·þon hīe lenġ ne maĝon / healdan heofo
Genesis B 732 / healdan heofon-rīċe, || ac hīe tō helle sċulon / on þone sw
Genesis B 775 one tēonan ġe·rǣd, / þæt hīe helle nīþ || habban sċoldo
Genesis B 781 end, || and hine bǣdon / þæt hīe his% hearm-sċeare || habban
Genesis B 782 / ġeorne full-gangan, || þā hīe Godes hæfdon / bodsċipe ā·b
Genesis B 783 odsċipe ā·brocen. || Bāre hīe ġe·sāwon / hira līċ-haman;
Genesis B 785 et / sǣlþa ġe·setena, || ne hīe sorĝe wiht / weorces wiston, |
Genesis B 786 e wiht / weorces wiston, || ac hīe wēl meahton / libban on þǣm
Genesis B 787 ibban on þǣm lande, || ġif hīe wolden lāre Godes / for·weard
Genesis B 788 s / for·weard fremman. || Þā hīe fela sprǣcon / sorh-worda samo
Genesis B 793 dġe and ġīfre. || Nū þū hīe grimman meaht / heonane ġe·h
Genesis B 822 īenost, / wīfa wlitiĝost; || hīe wæs ġe·weorc Godes, / þēah
Genesis B 837 ldu for·worhte, || þæt iċ hīe habban ne mæġ. / Ac wit þus
Genesis B 840 es holtes hleo’. || Hwurfon hīe bā twā, / tō·ġengdon gnorn
Genesis B 843 eapu / heofon-cininges, || þā hīe þā habban ne mōston / þe hi
Genesis B 845 eaf || æl-mehtiġ God. / Þā hīe hira līċ-haman || lēafum b
Genesis B 847 alde, || wǣda ne hæfdon; / ac hīe on ġe·bēd fēollon || bū
Genesis B 849 e, || bǣdon mihtiġne / þæt hīe ne for·ġēate || God æl-me
Genesis B 851 de || wealdend sē gōda, / hū hīe on þǣm lēohte forþ || lib
Genesis A 860 || blǣde be·rēafod, / hȳdon hīe on heolstre, || þā hīe hā
Genesis A 860 don hīe on heolstre, || þā hīe hāliġ word / dryhtnes ġe·h
Genesis A 941 ōcon || and weorold-iermþu. / Hīe þā wuldres weard || wǣdum
Genesis A 943 / frēa frum-hræġle; || hēt hīe fram hweorfan / neorxna-wange |
Genesis A 954 er æt frymþe, || þēah þe hīe% him fram swīce, / ac hē him t
Genesis A 964 onne sē frum-stōl wæs / þe hīe aefter dǣde of || ā·drifen
Genesis A 965 ā·drifen wurdon. / On·gunnon hīe þā || be Godes hǣse / bearn
Genesis A 1272 | mānes on eorðan / and þæt hīe wǣron || wamma þrīste, / inw
Genesis A 1319 m tō-weard, / rēðe wīte. || Hīe ne% rōhton þæs. / Ġe·seah
Genesis A 1396 rōĝan / hǣste hrīnan, || ac hīe hāliġ God / ferede and nerede
Genesis A 1433 || swelċe wīf hira, / hwonne hīe of nearwe || ofer næġled-bo
Genesis A 1584 rn hine / ræste on reċede. || Hīe þā ræðe stōpon, / hira and
Genesis A 1586 under loðum listum, || þæt hīe lēofum menn / ġēoce ġe·fre
Genesis A 1652 sōhton rūmre land, / oþþæt hīe be·cōmon || corðrum miċel
Genesis A 1653 elum, / folc fērende, || ðǣr hīe fæstlīċe / æðelinga bearn,
Genesis A 1663 -mōd, || ōðerne bæd / þæs hīe him tō mǣrþe, || ǣr sēo
Genesis A 1668 tō rodor-tunglum. / Þæs þe hīe ġe·sōhton || Sennera feld,
Genesis A 1686 ndum || un-ġe·līċe, / þæt hīe ðǣre spǣce || spēd ne āh
Genesis A 1687 ǣce || spēd ne āhton. / Þā hīe ġe·mitton || meahtum spēd
Genesis A 1691 wæt ōðer cwæþ. / Ne meahte hīe ġe·wurðan || weall stǣnen
Genesis A 1692 nenne / up forþ timbran, || ac hīe earmlīċe / hēapum tō·hlōc
Genesis A 1717 weorold-rīċe; || for·þon hīe wīde nū / duĝuþum dēmaþ |
Genesis A 1724 æs þe ūs seċġaþ bēċ. / Hīe þā wintra fela || weorold b
Genesis A 1851 ūhte, / cininges þeġnum. || Hīe þæt cūþ dydon / hira folc-f
Genesis A 1854 ðelinge || idesa% sunnon, / ac hīe Sarran || swīðor miċele, / w
Genesis A 1870 m, / ambiht-sċealcum, || þæt hīe hine ārlīċe / ealles ansundn
Genesis A 1875 of Ēġypta || ēðel-mearce: / hīe ellen-rōfe || idese feredon,
Genesis A 1876 / brȳd and bēaĝas, || þæt hīe tō Bethlem / on cūðe wīc ||
Genesis A 1892 . || Ēad bryttodon, / oþþæt hīe on þǣm lande || ne meahton
Genesis A 1964 fōr on fultum. || Ġe·witon hīe fēower þā / þēod-cyningas
Genesis A 2037 ame / trēowa sealdon, || þæt hīe his torn mid him / ġe·wrǣcon
Genesis A 2055 him wæs ðearf miċel / þæt hīe% on twā healfe / grymme gūð-
Genesis A 2082 ōme be·drorene, || oþþæt hīe Dāmasco / un·fēor wǣron. ||
Genesis A 2115 -weorod / gūðe spōwan, || ac hīe God flīemde, / sē þe æt feo
Genesis A 2154 incas || rihte be·nǣman, / ac hīe mē full ēodon || æt ǣsċ-
Genesis A 2268 āt / wēsten sēċan. || Þǣr hīe wuldres þeġn, / enġel dryhtn
Genesis A 2403 a on ġe·siþþe || oþþæt hīe on Sōdoman, / weall-stēape bu
Genesis A 2414 || hwæt þā menn dôn, / ġif hīe swā swīðe || synna fremma
Genesis A 2415 wum and ġe·þancum, || swā hīe on þweorh sprecaþ / fācen an
Genesis A 2428 sōhton || Sōdoma ċeastre. / Hīe þā æt burh-ġeate || beorn
Genesis A 2444 des hlēow / and þeġnunge. || Hīe on þanc curon / æðelinges ē
Genesis A 2456 elum || cuman ācsian, / þæt hīe be·hæfdon || herġes mæġe
Genesis A 2495 reċed aefter ġiestum, / swā hīe fundodon, || ac ðǣr frame w
Genesis A 2545 te, || weallende fȳr, / þæs hīe on ǣr-daĝum || drihten tīe
Genesis A 2569 spell / stille wunode, || ðǣr hīe strang be·ġeat / wīte, þæs
Genesis A 2581 oĝan || wæl-grimne rīeċ. / Hīe þæs wlenċu on·wōd || and
Genesis A 2582 || and wīn-ġe·drinc / þæt hīe firen-dǣda || tō frece wurd
Genesis A 2596 || wīċ sċēawian, / oþþæt hīe be hliðe || hēare dūne / eor
Genesis A 2629 n his || þeġnas sende, / hēt hīe% bringan || tō him selfum. / Þ
Genesis A 2651 re. || Næbbe iċ synne wiþ hīe, / fācna ǣniġ || ġe·fremed
Genesis A 2780 hame || Ismael pleĝan, / ðǣr hīe æt swǣsendum || sǣton bū
Genesis A 2786 llor || and Ismael / lǣdan mid hīe. || Ne bēoþ we lenġ samod / w
A.1.2 29 frōd fædera cynn, || þēah hīe fela wiston. / Hæfde hē þā
A.1.2 51 , || Ēġypta folc, / þæs þe hīe wīde-ferhþ || wiernan þōh
A.1.2 52 hton / Moyses māĝum, || ġif hīe metod lēte, / on langne lust |
A.1.2 59 un-cūþ ġe·lād, / oþþæt hīe on Gūð-mierċe || ġearwe b
A.1.2 64 īr-fæste% hæleþ, / siþþan hīe fēondum || oþ·faren hæfdo
A.1.2 124 | weorod for·bærnde, / nemþe hīe mōd-hwate || Moyses hīerde.
A.1.2 130 Fierd-wīc ā·rās; / wierpton hīe wērġe, || wiste ġe·nǣġd
A.1.2 150 ra; || mānum trēowum / woldon hīe þæt feorh-lēan || facne ġ
A.1.2 151 an || facne ġieldan, / þætte hīe% þæt dæġ-weorc || drēore
A.1.2 155 || or-trīewe wearþ / siþþan hīe ġe·sāwon || of sūð-weĝu
A.1.2 197 þider wǣron fūse. / Hæfdon hīe ġe·mynted || tō þǣm mæ
A.1.2 224 fyrd wæs on ofste. / Siþþan hīe ġe·tealdon || wiþ þǣm t
A.1.2 243 pum || mæġen swīðrode, / ac hīe be wæstmum || on% wīġ curo
A.1.2 264 || dǣd-lēan ġiefan, / þæt hīe libbende || lenġ ne mōton /
A.1.2 319 fdon him tō seġne, || þā hīe on sund stiĝon, / ofer bord-hr
A.1.2 325 ndum || lange þolian, / þonne hīe tō gūðe || gār-wudu rǣrd
A.1.2 387 as, || on Sēone beorh. / Wǣre hīe ðǣr fundon, || wuldor-ġe·
A.1.2 443 a sand%, || sealte ȳða. / ac hīe ġe·sittaþ || be sǣm twēo
A.1.2 499 || flōd-blāc here, / siþþan hīe on buĝon% || brūn yppinge, /
A.1.2 515 te, / ā·ġeat ġielp wera. || Hīe wiþ God wunnon! / Þanon Israh
A.1.2 570 . / Līfe ġe·fǣĝon% || þā hīe oþ·lǣded hæfdon / feorh of
A.1.2 571 fēonda dōme, || þēah þe hīe hit frecne ġe·nēðdon, / wer
A.1.2 572 tera hrōfas. || Ġe·sāwon hīe ðǣr weallas standan, / ealle
A.1.2 574 don hilde-spelle, || siþþan hīe þǣm herġe% wiþ·fōron; / h
A.1.3 6 efen, || wiĝena meniġu, / and hīe of Eġyptum || ūt ā·fōron
A.1.3 8 t wæs mōdiġ cynn! / þenden hīe þȳ rīċe || rǣdan mōston
A.1.3 15 te, || metod æl-wihta, / þæt hīe oft fela folca || fēore ġe
A.1.3 17 e him hold ne wæs, / oþþæt hīe wlenċu on·wōd || æt wīn-
A.1.3 19 | druncne ġe·þōhtas. / Þā hīe ǣ-cræftas || āne for·lēt
A.1.3 28 m weorode || wīsdōm budon. / Hīe ðǣre snytru || sōþ ġe·l
A.1.3 29 on / lȳtle hwīle, || oþþæt hīe% langung be·swāc / eorðan dr
A.1.3 31 amas || ēċes rǣdes, / þæt hīe æt sīðestan || selfe for·
A.1.3 56 lufan, līf-welan, || þenden hīe lēt metod. / Þā iċ% īeðan
A.1.3 63 || āĝan sċoldon, / oþþæt hīe burga ġe·hwone || ā·broce
A.1.3 88 e || drihten sċierede. / Þā hīe ðǣr fundon || þry% frēa-g
A.1.3 96 orn, || in Caldea byrġ. / Þā hīe þǣm wlancan || wīsdōm sċ
A.1.3 148 r·hæfed ġe·wearþ / þætte hīe sædon || swefn cyninge, / wyrd
A.1.3 180 tefne || ofer burh-ware. / Þā hīe for þǣm cumble || on cnēow
A.1.3 189 rġ, / eorlas Israela, || þæt hīe ā noldon / hira þēodnes dōm
A.1.3 191 || þafian on·ġinnan, / þæt hīe tō þǣm bēacne || ġe·bed
A.1.3 197 de || cūþ ġe·dydon, / þæt hīe him þæt gold || tō Gode no
A.1.3 200 || þe him ġiefe sealde. / Oft hīe tō bōte || bealde ġe·cwǣ
A.1.3 201 || bealde ġe·cwǣdon / þæt hīe þæs wēoġes || wihte ne r
A.1.3 202 oġes || wihte ne rōhton, / ne hīe tō þǣm ġe·bede || meahte
A.1.3 203 ðen herġes wīsa, || þæt hīe þider hweorfan wolden, / guman
A.1.3 205 as þēodne sæġdon || þæt hīe ðǣre ġe·þeahte wǣron, / h
A.1.3 212 nd ġēocre on·cwæþ, / þæt hīe ġeġnunga || ġieldan sċold
A.1.3 214 recne fȳres wielm, || nemþe hīe friðes wolde / wilnian tō þ
A.1.3 222 wurfe% || in hǣðen-dōm, / ne hīe tō facne || friðu wilnodon,
A.1.3 225 a fēorum || for­·þǣm þe hīe his cræftas on·sōcon. / Þā
A.1.3 232 e ġe·fremede; || þēah þe hīe swā grame nydde / in fæðm f
A.1.3 237 ofen innan be·cōm || ðǣr hīe þæt āĝlǣċ druĝon, / frē
A.1.3 240 æs wǣfran līeġes, || þā hīe sē wealdend nerede. / Hrēoh-m
A.1.3 241 sē hǣðna þēoden, || hēt hīe hræðe bærnan. / Ǣled wæs u
A.1.3 257 ten on drēame, || dydon swā hīe cūðon / ofene on innan, || ea
A.1.3 262 lǣten līeġes gange, || ne hīe him ðǣr lāþ ġe·dydon. / N
A.1.3 278 || Þæt wæs wuldres God / þe hīe ġe·nerede || wiþ þǣm nī
A.1.3 360 en, / þēoda wealdend. || Swā hīe þrīe cwǣdon, / mōdum horsċ
A.1.3 421 ealde / ġungum gædelingum% || Hīe God herġaþ, / ānne ēċne, |
A.1.3 429 | Nis hit āwihtes gōd / þæt hīe sīen on þǣm lāðe || len
A.1.3 432 , / ċierdon cyne-gōde || swā hīe ġe·cȳðde wǣron, / hwurfon
A.1.3 437 feax fȳre be·swǣled, || ac hīe on friðe dryhtnes / of þǣm g
A.1.3 445 ǣm hǣðnan folce, / sēpton% hīe sōþ-cwidum || and him sæġ
A.1.3 447 re meahta wealdend || sē þe hīe of þǣm mierċe ġe·nerede.
A.1.3 451 mǣre meahta wealdend, || sē hīe of þǣm morðre ā·līesde.
A.1.3 453 ǣht% eald-fēondum, || þæt hīe āre hæfdon. / Wæs hira blǣd
A.1.3 454 lǣd in Babilone, || siþþan hīe þone bryne fandodon, / dōm we
A.1.3 455 þe ġe·cȳðed, || siþþan hīe drihtne ġe·hīerdon. / Wǣron
A.1.3 456 ra rǣdas rīċe, || siþþan hīe rodera wealdend, / hāliġ heof
A.1.3 529 alles þȳ hē wende || þæt hīe hit wiston, / ac hē cunnode ||
A.1.3 530 wiston, / ac hē cunnode || hū hīe cweðan woldon. / Þā wæs tō
A.1.3 590 ode / wyrċan bōte%, || þonne hīe woldon selfe, / firene fæstan,
A.1.3 699 tō ðǣre hēah-byriġ / þæt hīe Babilone || ā·brecan mihton
A.1.3 707 , / gold in Ġerusalem, || þā hīe Iudea / blǣd for·brǣcon || b
A.1.3 710 mon / beorhte frætwe. || Þā hīe tempel struĝdon, / Salomanes s
A.1.3 751 t Godes earce, || oþ·þæt hīe ġielp be·swāc, / wīn-drunce
A.1.4 23 þæt hit meahte swā, / þæt hīe wǣron% selfe% || sweġeles b
A.1.4 74 / for þǣm an-mēdlan% || þe hīe ǣr druĝon. / Eft reordode ||
A.1.4 191 ġīfre and grǣdġe, || þā hīe% God be·drāf / in þæt hāte
A.1.4 345 um || hām staðolodon, / þæt hīe woldon be·nǣman || nerġend
A.1.4 358 æt sind word Godes), / þonne hīe be·fæðmeþ || fæder mann-
A.1.4 359 þ || fæder mann-cynnes, / and hīe ġe·seġna. || mid his swī
A.1.4 360 ǣdeþ% tō lēohte, || ðǣr hīe līf āĝon / ā tō ealdre, ||
A.1.4 377 þ, || and nā siþþan / þæt hīe mosten in þone ēċan || and
A.1.4 381 . || Bliss wearþ mannum / þā hīe hǣlendes || hēafod ġe·sā
A.1.4 449 ton, || ac in helle grund, / ne hīe ed-ċierres || ǣfre mōton / w
A.1.4 467 eġde; || bān weornodon / þā hīe swā lēohtne || lēoman ġe
A.1.4 472 and þæt æðele wīf. / Þā hīe be·ġēaton || on Godes will
A.1.4 477 þ·þæt eft ġe·lamp / þæt hīe% ā·fyrde% eft || fēond in f
A.1.4 533 t% hit% þus ġe·lamp / þæt hīe sċēawodon || sċieppend eng
A.1.4 540 ġe·sċēawiaþ’. / ‘Sume hīe ne meahton || mōde% on·cnā
A.1.4 633 þ, || and nā siþþan / þæt hīe up þonan || ǣfre mōton, / ah
A.1.4 637 | and dēofles spellunge, / hū hīe him on ed-wīt || oft ā·set
A.1.4 639 þe and firene%, || ðǣr þe hīe frēo-drihten%, / ēċne an-wea
A.1.4 641 ft for·ġēaton, / þone% þe% hīe him tō hyhte || habban sċol
A.2.1 5 onne cumbol hniton, / siþþan hīe ġe·dǣldon, || swā him dri
A.2.1 23 s drinc / tō brūcanne, || āh hīe blōd and fell, / fīra flǣsċ
A.2.1 26 Swelċ wæs þēaw hira / þæt hīe ǣġhwelcne || ell-þēodiġr
A.2.1 30 en, / unlǣdra eafoþ, || þæt hīe ēaĝena ġe·sihþ, / hettend%
A.2.1 37 ġe wæs on·ċierred), / þæt hīe ne murndon || aefter man-drē
A.2.1 38 hæleþ heoru-grǣdġe, || ac hīe hīeġ and gærs / for mete-lē
A.2.1 48 erend, || tō þām or-leġe. / Hīe þām hālĝan ðǣr || handa
A.2.1 132 ċ || hwīle wunodon, / hwelcne hīe tō ǣte || ǣrest mihton / aef
A.2.1 134 | fēores be·rǣdan. / Hæfdon hīe on rūne || and on rīm-cræf
A.2.1 136 , || wera ende-stæf, / hwonne% hīe tō mōse || mete-þearfendum
A.2.1 142 an || dēofles lārum, / þonne hīe unlǣdra || eafoþum% ġe·l
A.2.1 143 a || eafoþum% ġe·līefdon. / Hīe þā ġe·mētton || mōdes g
A.2.1 150 s || ā·writen hæfdon / þæt hīe bān-hringas || ā·brecan þ
A.2.1 157 ale || ġe·seted wurde. / Swā hīe simble ymb þrītiġ || þin
A.2.1 159 | wæs him nīed miċel / þæt hīe tō·bruĝdon || blōdĝum ċ
A.2.1 178 s ðǣre meniġu þēaw / þæt hīe uncūðra || ǣngum ne willa
A.2.1 247 ittan sīþ-frame, || swelċe hīe ofer sǣ cōmon. / Þæt wæs d
A.2.1 250 mid his englum twǣm. / Wǣron hīe on ġe·sċierplan || sċip-f
A.2.1 252 ċe || êa-līðendum, / þonne hīe on flōdes fæðm || ofer feo
A.2.1 254 d wæter || ċēolum lācaþ. / Hīe þā ġe·ġrētte, || sē þ
A.2.1 368 || ofer flōdes wielm, / þæt hīe þe ēaþ mihton || ofer ȳð
A.2.1 403 e, || þafian ne woldon / þæt hīe for·lēton || æt lides stef
A.2.1 464 || eorlas trymede, / oþ·þæt hīe samnunga || slǣp ofer·ēode
A.2.1 534 . || Wadu sweðrodon / siþþan hīe on·ġēaton || þæt þe god
A.2.1 610 || Mē þæt þynceþ, / þæt hīe for æfēstum || inwitt siere
A.2.1 613 rne, / wrāðum wǣr-loĝan. || Hīe sēo wyrd be·swāc, / for·lē
A.2.1 614 ēolc and for·lǣrde. || Nū hīe lungre sċulon, / wearĝe mid w
A.2.1 654 e, || tō frēan dōme, / ðǣr hīe heorcnodon || hālġes lāre.
A.2.1 711 tācna ġe·cȳðde, || ðǣr hīe tō sǣĝon. / Swelċe hē wræ
A.2.1 785 | folce ġe·cȳðan, / hwelcne hīe god meahtum || on·ġieten h
A.2.1 795 slǣpe þǣm fæstan. || Hēt hīe tō þām sīðe ġierwan, / fa
A.2.1 796 tō frēan dōme. || Sċoldon hīe þām folce ġe·cȳðan / hwā
A.2.1 803 pen eorþ-sċræfu, || woldon hīe ǣdre ġe·cȳðan / frum-weorc
A.2.1 807 weorðodon || wuldres ealdor. / Hīe þā recene hēt || rīċes h
A.2.1 894 ngran ġe·hīerdon, || þæt hīe god wolde / on·munan swā miċ
A.2.1 954 īcost / faran flōde blōd. || Hīe þīn feorh ne maĝon / dēaðe
A.2.1 975 þurh mīnne naman, || þēah hīe morðres fela / on fyrn-daĝum
A.2.1 980 ra ġe·hwelcum, || þām þe hīe findan cann. / Þā wæs ġe·m
A.2.1 1012 s, || gode þancode / þæs þe hīe ansunde || ǣfre mōston / ġe
A.2.1 1016 || earme be·þeahte, / cyston hīe and clypton. || Crīste wǣro
A.2.1 1017 n bēġen / lēofe on mōde. || Hīe lēoht ymb·sċān / hāliġ an
A.2.1 1050 , / trēow-ġe·þoftan, || ǣr hīe on tū hweorfan. / Ǣġðer þ
A.2.1 1073 on || wiðer-hyċġende / þæt hīe on ell-þēodĝum || ǣt ġe
A.2.1 1078 e·weorc, || hierdas dēade. / Hīe þā unhȳðġe || eft ġe·
A.2.1 1089 | Nyston beteran rǣd, / þonne hīe þā be·lidenan% || him tō
A.2.1 1111 ungne%, / līfes tō lisse. || Hīe þā lāc hræðe / þǣĝon t
A.2.1 1121 dad || beorne maniĝum, / þæt hīe þæs cnihtes cwealm || corð
A.2.1 1123 fēngon / līfes tō līfne. || Hīe lungre tō þæs, / hǣðne hea
A.2.1 1154 ēod% unhwīlen, || þām þe hīe findan cann. / Þā wæs wōp h
A.2.1 1214 e, || heortan staðola, / þæt hīe min on þē || mæġen on·cn
A.2.1 1215 æġen on·cnāwan. / Ne maĝon hīe and ne mōton || ofer mīne
A.2.1 1224 wæs || æðelinga wynn, / and hīe andweardne || ēaĝum meahton
A.2.1 1231 , || torn-ġe·nīðlan, / swā hīe hit frēcnost || findan meaht
A.2.1 1329 num þrȳþ-fullum, || þæt hīe þē hnǣġen, / ġiengran æt
A.2.1 1334 n || ġielp for·bīeġan.’ / Hīe wǣron rēowe, || rǣsdon on
A.2.1 1337 strangan meahtmeht. / Siþþan hīe on·cnēowon || Crīstes rōd
A.2.1 1339 lite, || mǣre tācen, / wurdon hīe þā ācle || on þām on-fen
A.2.1 1500 hte ġe·weorðaþ, || þonne hīe fæder ġe·sēoþ / heofonas a
A.2.1 1597 || folces on lāste. / Wēndon hīe wīfa% || and wera cwealmes, /
A.2.1 1601 lācan || under grund hruron. / Hīe% þā ān-mōde || ealle cwǣd
A.2.1 1628 liċ and gǣstliċ, || þēah hīe lungre ǣr / þurh flōdes fær
A.2.1 1653 and þrīste be·bēad / þæt hīe% his lāre || lǣston ġeorne,
A.2.1 1660 rc% tō ġe·þolienne, / þæt hīe sē lēod-fruma || lenġ ne w
A.2.1 43 t heortan || hyġe weallende. / Hīe þā ġe·brōhton || æt bri
A.2.1 46 fre || aefter rēotan / þendon hīe on ȳðum || æðelinga wynn /
A.2.2 10 ēape || hlīet wīsode / ðǣr hīe dryhtnes ǣ || dēman sċoldo
A.2.2 99 rðan brūcaþ%. || Ne mōton hīe āwa æt·samne, / weorold-wuni
A.2.3 11 ndan / þone līċ-haman || þe hīe ǣr lange wæġ, / þrīe hund
A.2.3 78 eorðan spēda, / (būtan þū hīe ġe·dǣlde || drihtne selfum
A.2.3 114 um tō frōfre; || for·þon hīe ne maĝon husclicum / wordum wr
A.2.3 131 lustum þæt lamfæt || þæt hīe ǣr lange wæġ. / Þonne þā
A.2.4 27 ācenlīċe þenċaþ, / þonne hīe æt nīehstan || nearwe be·s
A.2.5 32 rnas on eaxlum, || oþ·þæt hīe mē on beorh ā·setton, / ġef
A.2.5 46 an mē ne dorste. / þurhdrifon hīe mē mid deorcan næġlum. ||
A.2.5 48 iĝum sċieþþan. / bismeredon hīe unc būtū æt–gædere. ||
A.2.5 60 d elne miċele. || ġenāmon hīe ðǣr æl–mihtiġne god, / ā
A.2.5 63 strǣlum forwundod. / āleġdon hīe ðǣr limweriġne, || ġe·st
A.2.5 64 līċes heafdum, / be·hēoldon hīe ðǣr heofones drihten, || an
A.2.5 66 banan ġe·sihþe; || curfon hīe þæt of beorhtan stāne, / ġe
A.2.5 67 of beorhtan stāne, / ġesetton hīe ðǣr on siĝora wealdend. ||
A.2.5 68 n þā ǣfen–tīde, || þā hīe woldon eft sīðian, / mēðe f
A.2.5 115 ǣr on þām bēame dyde. / ac hīe þonne forhtiaþ, || and fēa
A.2.5 116 , || and fēa þenċaþ / hwæt hīe tō crīste || cweðan onġin
A.2.5 132 ela / frēonda on foldan, || ac hīe forþ heonan / ġewiton of weor
A.2.6 48 wǣpnum tō wīġe, || þēah hīe weorod lǣsse / hæfdon tō hil
A.2.6 68 niht-langne frist, / þæs þe hīe% fēonda ġe·fær || fyrmest
A.2.6 175 ēah hira fēa wǣron), / þæt hīe for þām cāsere || cȳðan
A.2.6 209 tyhte, / Iūdēa cynn, || þæt hīe god selfne / ā·hēngon, herġ
A.2.6 210 ngon, herġa fruman. || Þæs hīe on hīenþum sċulon / tō wīd
A.2.6 355 / hālġe hyġe-frōfre, || ac hīe hieredon mē%, / fēodon þurh
A.2.6 396 nde, || sōþ on·cnāwan.’ / Hīe þā ān-mōde || andswerodon
A.2.6 415 || hwæt sēo synn wǣre / þe hīe on þām folce || ġe·fremed
A.2.6 21 urh wrāþ ġe·witt, || ġif hīe wiston ǣr / þæt hē Crīst w
A.2.6 36 ton, / on sefan sōhton || hū hīe sunu metodes / ā·hēngon, hel
A.2.6 39 æðelost bearna. / Ne meahton hīe swā dysġe || dēaþ oþ·f
A.2.6 40 n, / weras wan-sǣlġe, || swā hīe wēndon ǣr, / sārum settan, |
A.2.6 58 || tō wræce ne sette, / þæt hīe% for æfstum || unsċyldiġne,
A.2.6 118 e / lēod-ġe·byrġan, || þā hīe laðod wǣron / þurh heard ġe
A.2.6 146 pan meahte.’ || þā wurdon hīe dēaðes on wēnan, / ādes and
A.2.6 149 for cnēo-māĝum), || þone hīe ðǣre cwēne ā·ġēafon, / s
A.2.6 239 wylt for synnum, || þæt iċ hīe siþþan mæġe / ġe·clǣnsia
A.2.6 275 engan hofe, || up for·lēte. / Hīe þæt ofostlīċe || efnedon
A.2.6 326 / on wīta for·wyrd, || ðǣr hīe on wielme nū / drēoĝaþ dēa
A.2.6 398 ·þeahton, / Iūdēa cynn%. || Hīe wiþ godes bearne / nīþ ā·h
A.2.6 399 rne / nīþ ā·hōfon, || swā hīe nā sċoldon, / ðǣr hīe leah
A.2.6 400 swā hīe nā sċoldon, / ðǣr hīe leahtra fruman || lārum ne h
A.2.6 540 um, || wyrda lāðost, / ðǣr hīe hit for weorolde || wendan me
A.2.6 560 d% hæfdon / on Crēca land. || Hīe sē cāsere hēt / ofstum miċe
A.2.6 565 bēodan beadu-rōfre, || ġif hīe brim nesen / and ġe·sundne s
A.2.6 592 welċes, / sæce and sorĝe. || Hīe sōna ðǣr / þurh þā hālĝ
A.2.6 666 t þā tācen forþ, || ðǣr hīe tō sāwon, / fæder, frōfre g
A.2.6 679 de / ealle ān-mōde, || þēah hīe ǣr wǣron / þurh dēofles spi
A.2.6 681 ā·ċierred fram Crīste. || Hīe cwǣdon þus: / ‘Nū we selfe
A.2.6 707 ode, / æðelne innoþ, || swā hīe æl-mehtiġ / siġe-bearn godes
A.2.6 742 weord-ġe·nīðlan, || ðǣr hīe ymb siġe% winnaþ%, / wrāþ w
A.2.6 767 lǣran lēofra hēap || þæt hīe lufan dryhtnes, / and sibbe sw
A.2.6 783 m, / werum and wīfum, || þæt hīe weorðoden / mōde and mæġene
A.2.6 853 duĝuþ dōm-ġeorne, || swā hīe ā·drēoĝan maĝon / and būt
A.2.6 866 cumaþ, / wuldor-cyninge, || ac hīe worpene bēoþ / of þām heað
A.2.6 870 n / ġe·sēon, siĝora god. || Hīe ā·sodene bēoþ, / ā·sundro
A.2.6 879 lde and blīðe, || þæs þe hīe māna ġe·hwelċ / for·sāwon
A.2.6 881 wordum clipodon. || For·þon hīe nū on wlite sċīnaþ / englum
Christ A 146 e / sīðe ġe·sēċan. || Nū hīe sōfte þæs / bidon on bendum
Christ A 325 ðer, || nemþe nerġend god, / hīe ǣfre mā || eft on·lūceþ.
Christ A 385 hine witan mōton%. / For·þon hīe, dǣd-hwate, || dōme ġe·sw
Christ A 392 æt Crīst for·ġeaf, / þæt hīe mōton his æt-wiste || ēaĝ
Christ B 454 ere on bōcum ne cwiþ / þæt hīe on hwītum ðǣr || hræġlum
Christ B 455 n þā æðelan tīd, || swā hīe eft dydon / þā sē breĝa% m
Christ B 495 þæs temples hrōf || ðǣr hīe tō sǣĝon, / þā þe lēofes
Christ B 498 ġnas ġe·corene. / Ġe·sēon hīe on hīehþu || hālford stī
Christ B 501 || hyġe murnende, / þæs þe hīe swā lēofne || lenġ ne mōs
Christ B 506 eafelan līexte. / Ġe·sǣĝon hīe æl-beorhte || englas twēġe
Christ B 535 urh, / ġōmor-mōde, || þonan hīe god nīehst / up stīĝende ||
Christ B 559 d / ealles þæs gafoles || þe hīe ġār-daĝum / on þæt or-leġ
Christ B 642 e, || heortan stǣnne. / Noldon hīe þā torhtan || tācen on·cn
Christ B 707 emdon, / gæstes þearfe, || ac hīe godes tempel / brǣcon and bær
Christ B 828 rht cyning lēanaþ / þæs þe hīe on eorðan || earĝum dǣdum /
Christ B 829 lifdon leahtrum fā. || Þæs hīe lange sċulon / fergð-wērġe
Christ C 888 re ealdan moldan, || hātaþ hīe up ā·standan / snēome of sl
Christ C 1052 s, / and eall andweard || þæt hīe ǣr oþþe sīþ / worhton on w
Christ C 1075 ringen / of þām ēðle || þe hīe inn lifdon. / Þonne bēoþ bea
Christ C 1106 æt him betst be·cōm, / ðǣr hīe hit tō gōde || on·ġietan
Christ C 1130 ċearum cwīðdon, || þēah hīe cwice nēaron, / þā hira% sċ
Christ C 1169 ac bēamas on·budon || hwā hīe mid blǣdum sċōp, / manġe, n
Christ C 1183 , / forht-ā·fangen. || Þeah hīe ferhþ-ġe·witt / of hira æð
Christ C 1188 n, / flintum heardran, || þæt hīe frēa nerede / fram hell-cwale
Christ C 1210 um / þurh milde mōd, || þæt hīe mōston mān-weorca / tōme lib
Christ C 1212 īres blǣd / ēċne āĝan. || Hīe þæs ēðles þanc / hira weal
Christ C 1229 ng, || synfulra weorod. / Þǣr hīe ā·rāsode || rēotaþ and b
Christ C 1233 den / wera cnēorissum, || swā hīe ġe·worhton ǣr, / ðǣr biþ
Christ C 1235 e tācen samod, || þæt þe hīe hira þēodnes wēl / wordum an
Christ C 1238 rest || or-ġiete ðǣr / þæt hīe fore lēodum || lēohte blīc
Christ C 1243 || andġiete swā same, / þæt hīe him on wuldre witon || wealde
Christ C 1245 , || ēaĝum tō wynne, / þæt hīe on heofon-rīċe || hlūtre%
Christ C 1253 || wynsum ġe·fêa, / þonne hīe þæt yfel ġe·sēoþ || ō
Christ C 1254 þ || ōðre drēoĝan, / þæt hīe þurh miltse || metodes ġe·
Christ C 1255 | metodes ġe·nǣson. / Þonne hīe þȳ ġeornor || gode þancia
Christ C 1256 aþ / blǣdes and blissa || þe hīe bū ġe·sēoþ, / þæt hē h
Christ C 1257 e bū ġe·sēoþ, / þæt hē hīe ġe·nerede || fram nīþ-cwa
Christ C 1268 ealfa. / Ān is þāra || þæt hīe him iermþa tō fela, / grimm h
Christ C 1270 / andweard sēoþ, || on þām hīe āwa sċulon, / wræc winnende,
Christ C 1273 ieldgum tō sċande, || þæt hīe ðǣr sċama mǣste / drēoĝa
Christ C 1285 h, / cwīðende cearu, || þæt hīe on þā clǣnan sēoþ, / hū h
Christ C 1286 e on þā clǣnan sēoþ, / hū hīe fore gōd-dǣdum || glade bli
Christ C 1287 dum || glade blissiaþ, / þā hīe, unsǣlġe, || ǣr for·hoĝdo
Christ C 1290 eorcum || wēpende sār / þæt hīe ǣr frēolīċe || fremedon u
Christ C 1291 fremedon unryht. / Ġe·sēoþ hīe þā beteran || blǣde sċīn
Christ C 1294 | ēad tō sorĝum, / þæs þe hīe swā fæġere ġe·fēan% ||
Christ C 1298 haman% || īdelne lust. / Þǣr hīe ā·sċamode, || sċandum ġe
Christ C 1301 re him þonne betere || þæt hīe bealu-dǣde, / ǣlċes unryhtes
Christ C 1304 godes bodan sæġdon || þæt hīe tō gryne wiston / firen-dǣda
Christ C 1341 d him friþ bēodeþ, / hāteþ hīe ġe·sunde || and ġe·senade
Christ C 1351 n% / on mildum sefan. || þonne hīe him þurh mīnne naman / ēað-
Christ C 1359 þæt mē dydon, / þonne ġē hīe mid sibbum sōhton || and hir
Christ C 1365 || æl-wealda god. / Ne þurfon hīe þonne tō metode || miltse
Christ C 1437 , || mān-fremmendra. / Swelċe hīe mē ġe·blendon || bitere t
Christ C 1443 hosp and heard-cwide. || Þā hīe hwæsne bēah / ymb min hēafod
Christ C 1447 / rōde ġe·fæstnod, || þā hīe rīċene mid spere / of mīnre
Christ C 1503 earfum for·wierndon || þæt hīe under ēowrum þæce mosten / i
Christ C 1506 / mōses metelēasum. || Þeah hīe him þurh mīnne naman / werġe
Christ C 1511 ōfre ġe·sprǣcon, || þæt hīe þȳ frēoran hyġe / mōde ġe
Christ C 1524 rēosan sċulon.’ / Ne maĝon hīe þonne ġe·hīenan || heofon
Christ C 1538 synne ne ā·springaþ, / ðǣr hīe leahtrum fā, || līeġe ġe
Christ C 1546 | gǣsta on þīestre, / ǣleþ hīe mid þȳ ealdan līeġe || an
Christ C 1567 biþ, / synne cwīðaþ; || ac hīe tō sīþ dōþ / gǣstum helpe
Christ C 1613 eþ / wǣrlēasra weorod || and hīe wealdend ġiefeþ / fēondum on
Christ C 1620 nder līeġes locan, || ðǣr hīe limu rǣċaþ / tō bindenne% |
Christ C 1630 t bōca be·bod; || for·þon hīe ā·bīdan sċulon / on sīn-ni
A.3.10 61 ·sāwon hira sellan, || þā hīe tō swice þōhton / and þrymm
A.3.11 47 || suhtor-fæderan, / siþþan hīe for·wrǣcon || wīċinga cyn
A.3.11 108 þā þe wēl cūðon, / þæt hīe nǣfre sang || sellan ne hīe
A.3.11 126 ā sǣmestan, / þēah þe iċ hīe ā·nīehst || nemnan sċolde
A.3.13 20 biþ hira ferhþ ġe·līċ, / hīe ā sace sēmaþ, || sibbe ġe
A.3.13 34 | ġe·met ofer eorðan, / ġif hīe ne wānie || sē þās weorol
A.3.13 40 tre ġe·sihþe. || Ne maĝon hīe% tunglu be·witian%, / sweġel-t
A.3.13 55 biþ sǣ smilte, || / þonne hīe wind ne weċeþ; || / swā bē
A.3.13 56 ēoda ġe·þwǣre, || þonne hīe ġe·þingod% habbaþ, / ġe·s
A.3.13 64 f word ġe·springeþ, || oft hīe mann wammum be·līhþ, / hæle
A.3.13 65 nn wammum be·līhþ, / hæleþ hīe hospe mǣnaþ, || oft hire hl
A.3.13 100 er wǣre ġe·healdan, || oft hīe mon wammum be·līhþ% / fela b
A.3.13 102 þ fyr-witt-ġeorna%, / frēoþ hīe fremde manna, || þonne sē
A.3.13 174 ē brōðor āhte, || bēġen hīe ānes mannes, / eorles% eaforan
A.3.13 175 rles% eaforan wǣran, || ġif hīe sċoldon eofor on·ġinnan / o
A.3.13 179 æt·samne swefan; || / nǣfre hīe mann tō·mǣlde%, || / ǣr h
A.3.13 180 e mann tō·mǣlde%, || / ǣr hīe dēaþ tō·dǣle. || / Hīe t
A.3.13 181 r hīe dēaþ tō·dǣle. || / Hīe twēġen sċulon tæfle ymb·
A.3.13 189 stān for·stōlen. || / Oft hīe wordum tō·weorpaþ, || / ǣr
A.3.13 190 wordum tō·weorpaþ, || / ǣr hīe bacum tō·breden; || / ġeara
A.3.14 47 ā miċelan ġe·cynd%. / Swā hīe tō weorolde || wlite forþ b
A.3.14 86 þās ġe·weorc, || ac hē hīe% wēl healdeþ; / standaþ% stī
A.3.14 93 a unrīm, || engla þrēatas. / Hīe ġe·sēoþ simle || hira sel
A.3.17 12 naþ || wǣġ-līðende / þæt hīe on êa-land sum || ēaĝum wl
A.3.17 32 ēaw, / dēofla wīse, || þæt hīe drohtende / þurh dierne meaht
A.3.17 35 , / wēmaþ on willan, || þæt hīe wraðe sēċen, / frōfre tō f
A.3.17 36 e tō fēondum, || oþ·þæt hīe fæste ðǣr / æt þām wǣr-l
A.3.17 58 stenċ / ūt ġe·wīteþ%. || Hīe ðǣr inn faraþ / unware weoro
A.3.19 73 eorðan spēde, / (būtan þū hīe ġe·dǣlde || drihtne selfum
Guthlac A 1 ·fēana fæġerost || þonne hīe æt frymþe ġe·metaþ, / enġ
Guthlac A 65 emde ġe·weorðan. / For·þon hīe nū hierwaþ || hāliġra mō
Guthlac A 73 sa / hlēonaþ ofer heafdum. || Hīe þȳ hīehstan bēoþ / þrymme
Guthlac A 83 illum / hāmas on heolstrum. || Hīe þæs heofon-cundan / boldes b
Guthlac A 117 and sē atola gǣst. / Nealles hīe him ġe·līċe || lāre bǣr
Guthlac A 132 | hūðe ġe·lǣdeþ, / būtan hīe þȳ rēafe || rǣdan motan. /
Guthlac A 133 rēafe || rǣdan motan. / Swā hīe hine trymedon || on twā heal
Guthlac A 142 þ, / searu-cræftum swīþ; || hīe him self hira / ansīen īewdon
Guthlac A 187 || fǣhþe rǣran. / Ne meahton hīe æf-ēste || ān-for·lǣtan,
Guthlac A 190 hine elne trymede, || þonne hīe him ierre hweopan%, / frecne f
Guthlac A 209 nne / beorĝas brǣce, || ðǣr hīe% bīdinge, / earme andsacan, ||
Guthlac A 212 um || tīdum brūcan, / þonne hīe of wāðum || werġe cōmon / r
Guthlac A 219 fēondas || ondan naman, / swā hīe sīn-gāles || sorĝe drēoĝ
Guthlac A 220 sorĝe drēoĝaþ. / Ne mōton hīe on eorðan || eardes brūcan,
Guthlac A 221 eorðan || eardes brūcan, / ne hīe lyft swefeþ || on lima ræst
Guthlac A 222 wefeþ || on lima ræstum, / ac hīe hlēolēase || hāma þoliaþ
Guthlac A 226 | ende ġe·rȳme. / Ne mōston hīe Gūð·lāces || gǣste sċie
Guthlac A 228 ǣlan / wiþ līċ-haman, || ac hīe lyġe-searwum / ā·hōfon hear
Guthlac A 230 don, / sorĝe sifodon, || þā hīe swīðra ofer·stāh / weard on
Guthlac A 233 || grēne beorĝas. / Hwæðere hīe þā ġīena, || godes andsac
Guthlac A 237 lāðran ġe·mōtes, / hwonne hīe mid meniġu || māran cōme, /
Guthlac A 239 an þingode, || cwæþ þæt hīe ġielpan ne þorfton / dǣdum w
Guthlac A 327 Ne wæs sē frist miċel / þe hīe Gūð·lāce || for·ġiefan
Guthlac A 348 hē ġe·sǣlan mæġ. / Simle hīe Gūð·lāc || on godes willa
Guthlac A 406 gum% || earmra gǣsta; / wǣron hīe rēowe || tō rǣsanne / ġīfr
Guthlac A 410 n, || lifde sē þe ana / þæt hīe him mid heandum || hrīnan mo
Guthlac A 411 mosten, / and þæt friþ wiþ hīe || ġe·friðod wǣre. / Hīe h
Guthlac A 412 hīe || ġe·friðod wǣre. / Hīe hine þā hōfon || on þā h
Guthlac A 424 wæs || lȳtle hwīle, / þæt hīe his līċ-haman || lenġ ne m
Guthlac A 426 im wiht ġe·sċōd / þæs þe hīe him tō tēonan || þurh·to
Guthlac A 430 n, / mǣndon murnende || þæt% hīe mannes bearn / þrēam ofer·þ
Guthlac A 433 earfoþum || ana cōme, / ġif hīe him ne meahte || māran sāru
Guthlac A 462 || nealles gode þiġaþ, / ac hīe līċ-haman || fore lufan cw
Guthlac A 466 da dierne, || þēah þe ġē hīe on dīegle ġe·fremme. / Wē
Guthlac A 476 ġde him tō sorĝe || þæt hīe siġelēase / þone grēnan wan
Guthlac A 497 stan / blǣde ġe·beran, || ac hīe blissiaþ / weorolde wynnum, ||
Guthlac A 548 le, || þeġnas grymme, / ealle hīe þām fēore || fiell ġe·h
Guthlac A 549 ore || fiell ġe·hēton. / Nā hīe hine tō dēaðe% || dēman m
Guthlac A 552 an || lēofran tīde. / Ġeorne hīe on·ġēaton || þæt hine go
Guthlac A 564 r næssas || neowole grundas. / Hīe hine breġdon, || budon or-le
Guthlac A 567 biþ fēonda þēaw, / þonne hīe sōþfæstra || sāwle willa
Guthlac A 574 um || bryne þrōwian. / Woldon hīe ġe·tēon || mid torn-cwidum
Guthlac A 729 m anwillan || eorðan dǣle. / Hīe hine bǣron || and him bryċe
Guthlac A 737 t hē him ǣte hēold, / þonne hīe him hungriġe || ymb hand flu
Guthlac A 759 esse || wendan þurfe, / þonne hīe on ġe·sihþe || sōðes br
Guthlac A 806 || on godes willan / swenċaþ hīe selfe, || sāwle frætwaþ / h
Guthlac A 812 || aefter hin-gange, / þonne hīe hweorfaþ || on þā hālĝan
Guthlac A 814 nga || tō Hierusālem, / ðǣr hīe tō weorolde || wynnum mōton
Guthlac B 842 || būtan dēaðe forþ, / ġif hīe hālġes word || healdan wold
Guthlac B 844 lǣstan, / efnan on ēðle. || Hīe tō ǣr ā·þrēat / þæt hī
Guthlac B 845 īe tō ǣr ā·þrēat / þæt hīe wealdendes || willan lǣsten,
Guthlac B 855 swā, / eaforum aefter, || þā hīe on uncȳþþu, / sċamum sċūd
Guthlac B 859 || þurh dēaðes cwealm, / þe hīe unsnytrum || ǣr ġe·fremedo
Guthlac B 873 re / gǣst-hāliġra, || ðǣr hīe godes willan / on mislicum || m
Guthlac B 898 diġ || eard weardode. / Þǣr hīe mislīċe || maniĝum reordum
Guthlac B 913 man || ātre spēowdon. / Simle hīe Gūð·lāc || ġearene fundo
Guthlac B 917 / flēah fuĝla cynn, || ðǣr hīe feorh-nere / witode fundon || a
A.3.20 16 ase || Ġeates friġe, / þæt hīe sēo sorh-lufu || slǣp ealle
A.3.21 2 him mann lāc ġiefe; / willaþ hīe hine ā·þeċġan, || ġif h
A.3.21 7 eras ðǣr on īeġe; / willaþ hīe hine ā·þeċġan, || ġif h
A.3.22.11 10 gaþ% || horda dēorost, / ġif hīe unrǣdes || ǣr ne ġe·swīc
A.3.22.13 6 ðe% þȳ sārre%, || þēah hīe swā sċoldon / rēafe be·rofe
A.3.22.16 5 if mē þæs tō·sǣleþ, || hīe bēoþ swīðran þonne iċ, /
A.3.22.20 12 / mīne for meniġu, || ðǣr hīe medu drincaþ, / healdeþ mec o
A.3.22.22 6 as || ofer mere fēolan, / swā hīe fundodon, || ac wæs flōd t
A.3.22.22 19 / fram stæðe hēam, || þæt hīe stōpon up / on ōðerne, || el
A.3.22.26 19 earn wera || brūcan willaþ, / hīe bēoþ þȳ ġe·sundran || a
A.3.22.26 24 d ēad / ēstum īeċaþ || and hīe ār-stafum / lissum be·leċġa
A.3.22.26 25 m / lissum be·leċġaþ || and hīe lufan fæðmum / fæste clyppa
A.3.22.3 23 den, || ōðer fēreþ, / þæt hīe ġe·mittaþ || mearc-lande n
A.3.22.30 7 nne iċ mec on·hæbbe || and hīe on·hnīġaþ% tō mē / moniġ
A.3.22.43 6 eall / on þām sīþ-fæte, || hīe ġe·sunde æt hām / findaþ w
A.3.22.43 12 þæt bām sċieðeþ, / þonne hīe fram bearme || bēġen hweorf
A.3.22.53 10 ieste / ōðrum rȳmeþ. || Oft hīe ān yste% strudon / hord æt·g
A.3.22.54 1 yse cōm gangan, || ðǣr hē hīe wisse / standan on winc-sele, |
A.3.22.57 6 lu / niþþa bearna. || Nemnaþ hīe selfe.
A.3.22.58 4 / þurh sċīrne dæġ, || ne hīe sċip fereþ, / naca næġled-b
A.3.22.6 8 winne inn / feorran swīðe; || hīe þæs fēlaþ þēah, / swelċe
A.3.23 12 dierne ġe·þōht, || þæt hīe tō·dǣlden unc, / þæt wit
A.3.24 16 hlæġes tiliaþ, / oþ·þæt hīe be·swīcaþ || synna weardas
A.3.24 17 caþ || synna weardas, / þæt hīe mid þȳ hēape || helle sē
A.3.24 27 ā mierċan ġe·sċeaft, / hū hīe būtan ende || ēċe standeþ
A.3.24 47 wille / lēode lǣran || þæt hīe lof godes / herġan on hīehþu
A.3.25 54 | on lāðne sīþ, / þȳ læs hīe on þone fore-þanc || ġe·f
A.3.25 55 || ġe·fēon mōton / þȳ þe hīe him selfum || sellan þuhten /
A.3.25 57 nne ēċe Crīst. / Ġe·luĝon hīe him æt þām ġe·lēafan; |
A.3.25 57 m ġe·lēafan; || for·þon hīe lange sċul[], / werġe wihta,
A.3.25 62 ·friða hire and ġe·feorma hīe, || fæder mann-cynnes, / hǣdre
A.3.26 8 | hæleþ wǣron mōdġe, / þe hīe æt þām beorĝe || blīðe%
A.3.26 10 || Maria on dæġ-rǣd, / hēt hīe ōðre mid || eorles dohtor. /
A.3.26 12 on þæt eorð-ærn || ðǣr hīe ǣr wiston / þæt hine ġe·h
A.3.26 16 iston þā wīf-menn, || þā hīe on weġ ċierdon. / Ac ðǣr c
A.3.26 90 nd || ealle on wynnum / þonne hīe ġe·hīerdon || hū we hrēo
A.3.26 106 wan || fold-būende; / mōston hīe þīnes wæteres || wynnum br
A.3.28 2 les / on Farones fyrde, || þā hīe folc godes / þurh fēondsċipe
A.3.3 71 en, / þēoda wealdend. || Swā hīe þrīe cwǣdon, / mōdum horsċ
A.3.3 102 p dryhtnes be·bod || druĝon hīe þæt lange. / And þeċ, Crīs
A.3.3 164 aton || godes andsacan / þæt hīe ne meahton, || ne metod wolde
A.3.3 165 ā·cwellan% cnihta ǣ, || ac hīe Crīst sċielde. / Hwearf þā
A.3.3 184 t þā hālĝan, || siþþan hīe hwætmōde / weorold-cininges |
A.3.3 188 / ġīfre glēda nīþ%, || ac hīe mid gǣst-lufan / synne ġe·sw
A.3.31.1 7 Þonne iċ mec on·hæbbe, || hīe on·hnīġaþ tō mē, / mōdġ
A.3.34.84 15 re cræft[] || / [] || / []onne hīe ā·weorp[] || / []þe ǣniġ
A.3.4 166 | þēodne mǣrum, / oþ·þæt hīe ġe·sēċaþ || Sier-wara la
A.3.4 246 on ripes tīman, || þȳ læs hīe reġnes sċūr / ā·wierde und
A.3.4 247 ierde under wolcnum; || ðǣr hīe wraðe mētaþ, / fōdor-þeġe
A.3.4 327 ēan || folca þrȳðum / ðǣr hīe sċēawiaþ% || sċieppendes
A.3.4 389 m / bēacnaþ on burgum, || hū hīe beorhtne ġe·fēan / þurh fæ
A.3.4 395 | þurh his wundra spēd, / and hīe þā ġe·sette || on þone s
A.3.4 402 ad, / bēames blǣde, || þæt hīe bū þǣĝon / æppel unrǣdum
A.3.4 410 þan / gryne on·guldon, || þe hīe þæt ġiefl þǣĝon / ofer ē
A.3.4 411 fer ēċes word. || For·þon hīe ēðles wynn / ġōmor-mōde ||
A.3.4 415 þurh fǣcne ferhþ, || þæt hīe feorr þonan / on þās dēað-
A.3.4 476 weorca tō lēane, / þæs þe hīe ġe·hēoldon || hālġe lār
A.3.4 481 ne biþ him wynne hiht / þæt hīe þis lǣne līf || lang ġe·
A.3.4 489 e / lǣne līċ-haman, || ðǣr hīe lange bēoþ / oþ fȳres cyme
A.3.4 579 unnan tō·ġēanes. || Þǣr hīe siþþan forþ / wuniaþ wintra
A.3.4 609 ng, || ǣfre ne sweðraþ, / ac hīe on wlite wuniaþ, || wuldre b
A.3.4 658 d / on drēama drēam, || ðǣr hīe drihtne tō ġiefe / worda and
A.3.5 12 eġnas þrȳþfulle. || Oft% hīe þræce rǣrdon, / dǣdum ġe·
A.3.5 63 Reord up ā·stāh, / siþþan hīe tō·gædere || gāras hlǣnd
A.3.5 77 , / on hyġe herġan, || oþþe hīe nabban.’ / ġe·swearc þā s
A.3.5 85 e þū mē saĝast, / þæt iċ hīe ne sparie, || ac on spild ġi
A.3.5 87 e tō ġe·wealde%. / Dēm þū hīe tō dēaðe, || ġif þe ġe
A.3.5 142 , || fæder wiþ dehter. / Hēt hīe þā swingan, || sūsle þrē
A.3.5 158 end || wiþ hell-sċaðum.’ / Hīe þā þurh ierre || Affrīcan
A.3.5 164 wlite, || folc eall ġeador. / hīe þā sē æðeling || ǣrest
A.3.5 197 ðan, || būtan þū ǣr wiþ hīe / ġe·þingie || and him þanc
A.3.5 301 opne ġe·dwolan, || sæġde hīe drȳas wǣron. / Nēðde iċ ne
A.3.5 336 ah || fundne weorðen, / þæt hīe ūsiċ binden || and on bǣl-
A.3.5 477 an || blōde spēowdon, / þæt hīe fǣringa || feorh ā·lēton /
A.3.5 482 me iċ rōde be·fealh, / þæt hīe hira drēorġe || on hēan g
A.3.5 484 ġe·flite fremede, || þæt hīe fǣringa / ealde% æf·þancan
A.3.5 487 de / wrōht of wǣġe, || þæt hīe on wīn-sele / þurh sweord-gr
A.3.5 501 m iċ ealdor oþ·þrang, / and hīe ġe·lǣrde || þæt hīe luf
A.3.5 501 and hīe ġe·lǣrde || þæt hīe lufan dryhtnes, / ēċe ēad-ġ
A.3.5 599 nd his godu tǣlde, / þæs þe hīe ne meahton% || mæġene wiþ
A.3.5 622 ċ tō meldan wearþ. / Lǣtaþ hīe lāðra || lēana hlēotan / þ
A.3.5 636 nd tō ðǣre stōwe || ðǣr hīe stearc-ferhþe / þurh cumbol-h
A.3.5 677 nd hine selfne mid, / ær·þon hīe tō lande || ġe·liden hæfd
A.3.5 686 da% / wītedra wēnan, || þæt hīe on wīn-sele / ofer bēor-setle
A.3.5 691 ene || tō mold-græfe, / þæt hīe hit ġe·brōhton || burgum o
A.3.6 61 f || eall ġeondþenċe, / hū hīe færlīċe || flett of·ġēa
A.3.7 99 e þæs mæġen-ēacen, / þæt hīe ǣfre ānum || ealle weorðen
A.3.8 70 aþ wiht for þæt, || þēah hīe wamm dōn / ofer metodes be·bo
A.3.9 84 | swelċe ġō wǣron, / þonne hīe mǣst mid him || mǣrþa ġe
A.3.9 103 metodes eġesa, || for·þon hīe sēo molde on·ċierreþ; / sē
A.4.1 15 | firen-þearfe on·ġeat / þe hīe ǣr druĝon || ealdor-lēase%
A.4.1 28 r fēran || on frēan wǣre. / Hīe hine þā æt·bǣron || tō
A.4.1 43 || feorr ġe·wītan. / Nealles hīe hine lǣssum || lācum tēodo
A.4.1 47 || umbor-wesende. / Þā ġīet hīe him ā·setton || seġn gylde
A.4.1 132 eġn-sorĝe drēah, / siþþan hīe þæs lāðan || lāst sċēa
A.4.1 175 | tō ġe·fremmanne. / Hwīlum hīe ġe·hēton || æt hearh-traf
A.4.1 180 undon / on mōd-sefan, || metod hīe ne cūðon, / dǣda dēmend, ||
A.4.1 181 , / dǣda dēmend, || ne wisson hīe drihten god, / ne hīe hūru he
A.4.1 182 e wisson hīe drihten god, / ne hīe hūru heofona helm || herġan
A.4.1 307 iĝon ætsamne, || oþ·þæt hīe sæl% timbred, / ġeatoliċ and
A.4.1 313 a / torht ġe·tǣhte, || þæt hīe him tō meahton / ġeġnum gang
A.4.1 323 īr / sang on searwum, || þā hīe tō sele furðum / on hira gryr
A.4.1 364 meċġas / Bēowulf nemnaþ. || Hīe bēnan sint / þæt hīe, þēo
A.4.1 365 þ. || Hīe bēnan sint / þæt hīe, þēoden min, || wiþ þē m
A.4.1 368 , || glæd-mann Hrōð·gār. / Hīe on wiġ-ġe·tawum || wierðe
A.4.1 388 ġe him ēac wordum || þæt hīe sint wil-cuman / Deniġa lēodu
A.4.1 418 t iċ þē sōhte, / for·þon hīe mæġenes cræft || mīnne% c
A.4.1 477 d, / wīġ-hēap ġe·wanod; || hīe wyrd for·swēop / on Grendles
A.4.1 482 ǣġe || ōret-meċġas / þæt hīe on bēor-sele || bīdan woldo
A.4.1 562 wā hit ġe·dēfe wæs. / Næs hīe ðǣre fylle || ġe·fêan h
A.4.1 563 , / mān-for·dǣdlan, || þæt hīe mē þǣĝon, / simble ymb·sǣ
A.4.1 648 hilde ġe·þinġed, / siþþan hīe sunnan lēoht || ġe·sēon n
A.4.1 694 ðǣr hē ā·fēded wæs; / ac hīe hæfdon ġe·frugnen || þæt
A.4.1 694 hæfdon ġe·frugnen || þæt hīe ǣr tō fela miċeles / on þǣ
A.4.1 698 / frōfor and fultum, || þæt hīe fēond hira / þurh ānes cræf
A.4.1 706 Þæt wæs ieldum cūþ / þæt hīe ne mōste, || þā metod nold
A.4.1 797 n, / mǣres þēodnes, || ðǣr hīe meahton swā. / Hīe þæt ne w
A.4.1 798 , || ðǣr hīe meahton swā. / Hīe þæt ne wisson, || þā hīe
A.4.1 798 Hīe þæt ne wisson, || þā hīe ġe·winn druĝon, / heard-hyċ
A.4.1 831 bētte, / inwitt-sorĝe, || þe hīe ǣr druĝon / and for þrēa-n
A.4.1 862 ndra, || rīċes wierðra. / Ne hīe hūru wine-drihten || wiht ne
A.4.1 881 olde, / êam his nefan, || swā hīe ā wǣron / æt nīða ġe·hw
A.4.1 937 āra þe ne wēndon || þæt hīe wīde-ferhþ / lēoda land-ġe
A.4.1 1048 mēarum and māðmum, || swā hīe nǣfre man liehþ, / sē þe se
A.4.1 1068 de / be Finnes eaforum, || þā hīe sē fǣr be·ġeat, / hæleþ H
A.4.1 1074 n%, / bearnum and brōðrum; || hīe on ġe·byrd hruron, / gāre wu
A.4.1 1085 ngan / þēodnes þeġna; || ac hīe him ġe·þingu budon, / þæt
A.4.1 1086 him ġe·þingu budon, / þæt hīe him ōðer flett || eall ġe
A.4.1 1087 alle and hēah-setl, || þæt hīe healfre ġe·weald / wiþ Ēotn
A.4.1 1095 r-sele || bieldan wolde. / Þā hīe ġe·trūwodon || on twā hea
A.4.1 1102 || ǣfre ġe·mǣnden / þēah hīe hira bēaĝ-ġiefan || banan
A.4.1 1156 ld || eorþ-cininges, / swelċe hīe æt Finnes hām || findan mea
A.4.1 1157 hton / siġla, searu-ġimma. || Hīe on sǣ-lāde / dryhtliċe wīf
A.4.1 1238 eardode / unrīm eorla, || swā hīe oft ǣr dydon. / Benċ-þelu be
A.4.1 1247 ċ. || Wæs þēaw hira / þæt hīe oft wǣron || ān-wīġ-ġear
A.4.1 1305 þæt ġe·wrixle til, / þæt hīe on bā healfa || byċġan sċ
A.4.1 1347 de, || seċġan hīerde / þæt hīe ġe·sāwon || swelċe twēġ
A.4.1 1350 Þāra ōðer wæs, / þæs þe hīe ġe·wisslicost || ġe·witan
A.4.1 1355 nemdon% / fold-būende. || Nā hīe fæder cunnon, / hwæðer him
A.4.1 1357 ā·cenned / diernra gasta. || Hīe dīeĝol land / wariaþ, wulf-h
A.4.1 1430 de, / wyrmas and wild-dēor; || hīe on weġ hruron, / bitere and ġ
A.4.1 1596 || on·ġeador sprǣcon / þæt hīe þæs æðelinges || eft ne w
A.4.1 1604 iston and ne wēndon || þæt hīe hira wine-drihten / selfne ġe
A.4.1 1628 odnes ġe·fǣĝon, / þæs þe hīe hine ġe·sundne || ġe·sêo
A.4.1 1770 a / wēold under wolcnum || and hīe wīġe be·lēac / maniĝum mǣ
A.4.1 1858 estan, / inwitt-nīðas, || þe hīe ǣr druĝon, / wesan, þenden i
A.4.1 1875 m, || ōðres swīðor, / þæt hīe% siþþan% nā% || ġe·sêon
A.4.1 1911 || ofer brim-strēamas, / þæt hīe Ġēata clifu || on·ġietan
A.4.1 1966 ān, / siġel sūðan fūs. || Hīe sīþ druĝon, / elne ġe·ēod
A.4.1 2038 Beardna% ġe·strēon / þenden hīe þǣm wǣpnum || wealdan mōs
A.4.1 2039 | wealdan mōston, / oþ·þæt hīe for·lǣddan || tō þǣm lin
A.4.1 2124 || feorh uð-genġe. / Nāðer hīe hine ne mōston, || siþþan
A.4.1 2233 e% || ǣr-ġe·strēona, / swā hīe on ġār-daĝum || gumena nā
A.4.1 2236 de, / dīere māðmas. || Ealle hīe dēaþ for·nam / ǣrrum mǣlum
A.4.1 2381 || suna Ōht·heres; / hæfdon hīe for·healden || helm Sċielfi
A.4.1 2592 on / þæt þā āĝlæċan || hīe eft ġe·mētton. / Hierte hine
A.4.1 2598 ·stōdon / hilde-cystum, || ac hīe on holt buĝon, / ealdre burgon
A.4.1 2630 % sē wyrm on·fand, / siþþan hīe tō·gædere || ġe·gān hæ
A.4.1 2707 don || feorh ellen wræc, / and hīe hine þā bēġen || ā·brot
A.4.1 2850 htnes || miċelan þearfe, / ac hīe sċamiende || sċieldas bǣro
A.4.1 2934 orh-ġe·nīðlan, / Oþ·þæt hīe oþ·ēodon || earfoðlīċe /
A.4.1 2943 || samod ǣr-dæġe, / siþþan hīe Hyġe·lāces || horn and bī
A.4.1 2984 him ġe·rȳmed wearþ / þæt hīe wæl-stōwe || wealdan mōsto
A.4.1 2996 middan-ġearde, || siþþan% hīe þā mǣrþa ġe·slōĝon, / a
A.4.1 3002 || Swēona lēoda, / siþþan hīe ġe·friċġaþ || frēan ūs
A.4.1 3038 wundₒr-dēaðe swealt. / Ǣr hīe ðǣr ġe·sāwon || seldlicr
A.4.1 3049 ōmġe, þurh·etenu, || swā hīe wiþ eorðan fæðm / þūsend
A.4.1 3112 ĝum / bold-āĝendra, || þæt hīe bǣl-wudu / feorran fereden, ||
A.4.1 3130 n; || lȳt ǣniġ mearn / þæt hīe ofostlīċe% || ūt ġe·fere
A.4.1 3163 notere menn || findan mihton. / Hīe on beorh dydon || bēah and s
A.4.2 4 īehstan dēman, || þæt hē hīe wiþ þæs hīehstan brōĝan
A.4.2 10 e þā ieldestan þeġnas; || hīe þæt ofostum miċelum / ræfnd
A.4.2 15 īenu, || ǣrest ġe·sōhte. / Hīe þā tō þǣm simble || sitt
A.4.2 19 cas / fulle flett-sittendum; || hīe þæt fǣġe þǣĝon, / rōfe
A.4.2 27 eahhe / benċ-sittende || þæt hīe ġe·bǣrden wēl. / Swā sē i
A.4.2 30 sinċes brytta, || oþ·þæt hīe on swīman lǣĝon, / ofer·dre
A.4.2 31 is duĝuþe ealle, || swelċe hīe wǣron dēaðe ġe·slæġene
A.4.2 37 ste, / hringum ġe·hrodene. || Hīe hræðe fremedon, / ambiht-sċe
A.4.2 40 þǣm ġiest-ærne, || ðǣr hīe Iudithe / fundon ferhð-glēawe
A.4.2 54 ca tō rūne ġe·ġangan. || Hīe þā on ræste ġe·brōhton /
A.4.2 94 te on hreðere mīnum.’ || Hīe þā sē hīehsta dēma / ǣdre
A.4.2 134 || ellen-þrīste, / oþ·þæt hīe% be·cōmon, || collen-ferhþe
A.4.2 136 || ūt of þǣm herġe, / þæt hīe sweotollīċe || ġe·sêon m
A.4.2 138 eallas blīcan, / Bethuliam. || Hīe þā bēah-hrodene / fēðe-lā
A.4.2 140 lāste || forþ ōnetton, / oþ hīe glæd-mōde || ġe·gān hæf
A.4.2 150 hire tō·ġēanes gān, / and hīe ofostlīċe || inn for·lǣto
A.4.2 160 e || burh-sittende, / siþþan hīe ġe·hīerdon || hū sēo hā
A.4.2 168 || mōd ā·rēted, / siþþan hīe on·ġēaton || þæt wæs Iu
A.4.2 170 ðle || and þā ofostlīċe / hīe mid ēað-mēdum || inn for·
A.4.2 220 don / tō þǣm fyrd-wīcum. || Hīe þā framlīċe / lēton forþ
A.4.2 235 rīċne%, / cwicra manna || þe hīe ofer·cuman meahton. / Swā þ
A.4.2 241 īewdon / weras Ebreisċe. || Hīe wordum þæt / þǣm ieldestum
A.4.2 269 bielde, / sweorcend-ferhþe. || Hīe þā samod ealle / on·gunnon c
A.4.2 289 hēafdod healdend ūre.’ || Hīe þā hrēowiġ-mōde / wurpon h
A.4.2 301 ultum, || frēa eall-mehtiġ. / Hīe þā framlīċe || fāĝum sw
A.4.2 321 ende / sweordum ā·swefede. || Hīe on swæðe reston, / þā þe h
A.4.2 334 lāre, / mæġeþ mōdiġre. || Hīe tō mēde hire / of þǣm sīþ
A.4.2 340 aĝa and beorhtra mādma, || hīe þæt ðǣre beorhtan idese /
The Paris Psalter 101:3 4 æs þe mē þynceþ, / swelċe hīe on cōcer-pannan || cōcas ġ
The Paris Psalter 101:6 3 ton, / and þā mē heredon; || hīe mē hræðe aefter / full swī
The Paris Psalter 101:23 3 || wǣdum anlīċe, / and þū hīe% on·wendest, || swā man wri
The Paris Psalter 101:23 4 swā man wriġels dēþ, / and hīe bēoþ tō weorolde || wended
The Paris Psalter 102:20 3 þe þæt þenċe nū, / þæt hīe his willan || wyrċan ġeorne
The Paris Psalter 103:9 4 || standaþ fæste; / ne maĝon hīe ofer ġe·mǣre || māre ġe
The Paris Psalter 103:9 5 e || māre ġe·gangan, / þæt hīe þisse eorðan || āwiht habb
The Paris Psalter 103:13 2 test ā·lǣdan, || on þǣm hīe līf healdaþ; / wyrta þū ġe
The Paris Psalter 103:21 2 n up cumeþ || æðele sunne, / hīe of sīðum eft || ġe·samnia
The Paris Psalter 103:21 3 ðum eft || ġe·samniaþ / and hīe on hōlum || hȳdaþ hīe ġe
The Paris Psalter 103:21 3 and hīe on hōlum || hȳdaþ hīe ġeorne. / / # / Mæġen-weorc on
The Paris Psalter 103:26 3 an || hand on·tȳnan, / ealle hīe ġe·fyllan || fæġere gōde
The Paris Psalter 103:27 2 || ǣfre ā·wendest, / þonne hīe ġe·drēfde || dēope weorð
The Paris Psalter 103:30 2 orðan || ealle locaþ, / dēþ hīe for his eġesan || ealle bifi
The Paris Psalter 103:30 4 is meahte || muntas hrīneþ, / hīe full recene || rēocaþ sōna
The Paris Psalter 104:23 1 ġe·ċēas. / / # / Hē sette on hīe selfe || sōðne wīsdōm / wor
The Paris Psalter 104:23 3 na / and fore-bēacna, || þæt hīe framlīċe / cȳðdon cnēo-mā
The Paris Psalter 104:23 5 || cystum gōdum, / oþ·þæt hīe ġe·fōron || folc Khananea.
The Paris Psalter 104:24 1 ron || folc Khananea. / / # / Hē hīe mid þīestrum on·gann || þ
The Paris Psalter 104:24 2 rēan æt frymþe, / for·þon hīe word hira || wēl ne on·cnē
The Paris Psalter 104:32 2 seolfre / ġe·weorðode || and hīe wīslīċe / lēofe lǣde; || n
The Paris Psalter 104:33 2 s || aefter blīðe, / siþþan hīe on fore || folc sċēawodon, /
The Paris Psalter 104:34 1 || angrisliċ stōd. / / # / Hē hīe wolcne be·wrēah, || wrāðu
The Paris Psalter 104:35 1 foran wīsian. / / # / Flæsċes hīe bǣdon, || fuĝolas cōmon, / o
The Paris Psalter 104:35 3 ġe || ganotas flēoĝan, / and hīe heofon-hlāfe || hālġe ġe
The Paris Psalter 104:36 3 ā him ġe·wǣtan fōt, / þā hīe on Iordane || gengdon% aefter
The Paris Psalter 104:39 3 ne ǣht || ōðre þēode / and hīe folca ġe·winn || fremdra ġ
The Paris Psalter 104:40 1 remdra ġe·sǣton. / / # / Þǣr hīe hēoldan% || hālġe dōmas / a
The Paris Psalter 105:7 4 , || wunder unlȳtel; / nēaron hīe ġe·myndġe || miltsa þīnr
The Paris Psalter 105:8 1 þe || maniġe cȳðdest. / / # / Hīe bismrodon, || þā hīe on br
The Paris Psalter 105:8 1 . / / # / Hīe bismrodon, || þā hīe on brād wæter / on þone rēa
The Paris Psalter 105:8 3 || randas bǣron, / ðǣr þū hīe ā·līesdest, || līfes eald
The Paris Psalter 105:8 4 esdest, || līfes ealdor, / and hīe ġe·neredest || on naman þ
The Paris Psalter 105:9 3 | þā wāroþas drīġe, / and hīe be·twēonum wætera || weall
The Paris Psalter 105:9 4 tera || weallas lǣdest, / swā hīe on wēstenne || wǣron on dry
The Paris Psalter 105:10 1 | wǣron on dryĝum. / / # / Swā hīe ā·līesde || līfes ealdor /
The Paris Psalter 105:11 1 ān spell-boda. / / # / Siþþan hīe his wordon || wēl ġe·līef
The Paris Psalter 105:11 4 on, / weorca wræclicra; || nā hīe wēl siþþan / his ġe·eahtun
The Paris Psalter 105:12 1 unge || āhwǣr hēoldan. / / # / Hīe on wēstenne || wrāðe on·g
The Paris Psalter 105:14 1 ō ġe·nihte. / / # / On·gunnon hīe on þǣm wīcum || wrāðe sw
The Paris Psalter 105:17 1 || snēome for·bærnde. / / # / Hīe on Choreb swelċe || ċealf o
The Paris Psalter 105:18 1 || hīeġ-etendes. / / # / Godes hīe for·ġēaton, || þe hīe of
The Paris Psalter 105:18 1 es hīe for·ġēaton, || þe hīe of gramra ǣr / fēonda folmum
The Paris Psalter 105:19 1 on þǣmrēadan sǣ. / / # / Þā hīe wolde tō·weorpan || wuldres
The Paris Psalter 105:19 5 || of ā·ċierde, / þæt hē hīe ne tō·wurpe || ġond wer-þ
The Paris Psalter 105:20 1 || ġond wer-þēoda. / / # / Ne% hīe for āwiht || eorðan cyste /
The Paris Psalter 105:20 4 ac || woldan ġe·līefan; / ac hīe grānodon || and grame sprǣc
The Paris Psalter 105:21 1 Hē his handa ā·hōf || and hīe hræðe wolde / on þǣmwēsten
The Paris Psalter 105:22 1 n || sendan on wīd-land. / / # / Hīe Belpheġor || bǣdon āre, / ǣ
The Paris Psalter 105:23 1 t ġe·dēfe ne wæs. / / # / And hīe bismrodon || bealde drihten / o
The Paris Psalter 105:24 1 | on hryre ġe·fremedon. / / # / Hīe þæs fēond-ǣtes || Finees
The Paris Psalter 105:25 1 and on cnēo-risse. / / # / Ēac hīe ġe·fremedon || ōðer bisme
The Paris Psalter 105:25 2 medon || ōðer bismer, / ðǣr hīe wiðer-cwide || wæteres hæf
The Paris Psalter 105:26 1 sne ġe·tǣċan. / / # / Noldon hīe tō·weorpan || wrāðe þēo
The Paris Psalter 105:26 3 hten ǣr || dēma sæġde, / ac hīe wiþ mānfullum || mengdan%
The Paris Psalter 105:27 5 ġe || ealle wǣron, / siþþan hīe ġe·curon || Chananea god. / /
The Paris Psalter 105:29 1 || mis-dǣdum% fāh. / / # / Eall hīe for·hēoldon || hēah-weorc
The Paris Psalter 105:30 1 || eall for·hoĝode. / / # / Hē hīe on hand-ġe·weald || hǣðnu
The Paris Psalter 105:31 3 heandum || hīenþe þolodon; / hīe ā·līesde oft || līfes eal
The Paris Psalter 105:32 1 sde oft || līfes ealdor. / / # / Hīe hine on ġe·þeahte || oft
The Paris Psalter 105:34 2 / hrēaw hine sōna, || þonne hīe hīenþa druĝon, / aefter his
The Paris Psalter 105:35 2 sealde || sōna miltse, / ðǣr hīe inn ġe·sāwon || ealle æt
The Paris Psalter 106:2 1 ċġe þæt nū-þā || þæt hīe selfa god / ā·līesde, līfes
The Paris Psalter 106:2 3 ard, || lāðum of handa, / and hīe of sīd-folcum || ġe·samnod
The Paris Psalter 106:3 5 e weġ || cūðne mittan, / þe hīe eardunge || inn ġe·naman. / /
The Paris Psalter 106:4 1 || inn ġe·naman. / / # / Hæfde hīe hungor and þurst || heard ġ
The Paris Psalter 106:5 1 || feorh ā·þolode. / / # / And hīe þā on ðǣre costunge || cl
The Paris Psalter 106:5 2 lipodon tō drihtne%, / and hē hīe of þǣm earfoþum || eallum
The Paris Psalter 106:6 1 um || eallum ā·līesde. / / # / Hīe þā ġe·lǣde || līfes eal
The Paris Psalter 106:6 2 lǣde || līfes ealdor, / ðǣr hīe on rihtne weġ || recene ēod
The Paris Psalter 106:6 3 || recene ēodon, / oþ·þæt hīe cūðlīċe || inn be·cōmon
The Paris Psalter 106:7 1 eardung-stōwe. / / # / For·þon hīe% mild-heortnesse || mihtĝan d
The Paris Psalter 106:10 1 and on īserne. / / # / For·þon hīe dydon || dryhtnes sprǣċe / ǣ
The Paris Psalter 106:12 1 n foldan || fultum ǣnne. / / # / Hīe on costunge || clipodon tō d
The Paris Psalter 106:12 2 clipodon tō drihtne, / and hē hīe of þǣm earfoþum || eallum
The Paris Psalter 106:13 1 llum ā·līesde. / / # / And hē hīe of þ­ǣm þīestrum || þon
The Paris Psalter 106:14 1 bitere snēome. / / # / For·þon hīe mild-heort mōd || mihtĝan d
The Paris Psalter 106:16 1 | ana ġe·bīeġeþ. / / # / Hē hīe of unrihtum || ealle swelċe /
The Paris Psalter 106:16 3 e || wīs ā·lǣdeþ, / ðǣr hīe wǣron on wō || ǣr wrāðe
The Paris Psalter 106:17 1 ǣr wrāðe be·smitene. / / # / Hīe on·hȳsċton || ǣġhwelcne
The Paris Psalter 106:17 3 n hira, || oþ unmihte, / þæt hīe wiþ dēaða duru || drencede
The Paris Psalter 106:18 1 || drencede wǣron. / / # / Þā hīe on costunge || clipodon tō d
The Paris Psalter 106:18 2 clipodon tō drihtne, / and hē hīe of þǣm earfoþum || eallum
The Paris Psalter 106:19 2 | word on·sende, / þurh þæt hīe hrǣdlīċe || hǣlde wǣron /
The Paris Psalter 106:20 1 on ġe·nerede. / / # / For·þon hīe nū andetten || ēċum drihtn
The Paris Psalter 106:21 1 nder || ofer manna bearn. / / # / Hīe him sċulon lāces lof || lus
The Paris Psalter 106:23 1 || on wæter-þrȳðum. / / # / Hīe dryhtnes weorc || dēaĝol ġ
The Paris Psalter 106:27 1 || yfele for·glendred%. / / # / Hīe on costunge || clipodon tō d
The Paris Psalter 106:27 2 clipodon tō drihtne, / and hē hīe of earfeþum || eallum ā·l
The Paris Psalter 106:29 1 e brimu wēðaþ. / / # / And hē hīe on hǣlu || hȳðe ġe·lǣde
The Paris Psalter 106:29 3 lan || wiste fyrmest, / and hē hīe of earfoþum || eallum ā·l
The Paris Psalter 106:30 1 um || eallum ā·līesde. / / # / Hīe andetton || ealle drihtne, / h
The Paris Psalter 106:35 3 on || swelċe ċeastre, / ðǣr hīe eard nāmon || āwa siþþan.
The Paris Psalter 106:36 1 nāmon || āwa siþþan. / / # / Hīe wīn-ġeardas || wyrċan on·
The Paris Psalter 106:37 1 / # / Þā hē blētsode || and hīe brāde þā / wēoxan wierðlī
The Paris Psalter 106:38 1 a || nan ġe·yfelod. / / # / Oft hīe fēa wurdan || fēondum ġe·
The Paris Psalter 106:38 3 er, / sāres and yfeles, || þe hīe siþþan be·ġeat. / / # / Siþ
The Paris Psalter 106:39 1 þan be·ġeat. / / # / Siþþan hīe for·hoġodon || hālġe% lā
The Paris Psalter 106:40 2 rfendra || þā miltsode, / and hīe of wǣdle || wēan ā·līesd
The Paris Psalter 108:2 1 a mūðas || inn gānian. / / # / Hīe þā inwitt fela || īewdon o
The Paris Psalter 108:3 1 nga || unġemete swīðe. / / # / Hīe mē wiþ lufan || lāðum dǣ
The Paris Psalter 108:4 1 æd || unġemete ġeorne. / / # / Hīe mē yfel setton || ā wiþ g
The Paris Psalter 108:10 3 rpe || earme þearfan, / þonne hīe tō his hūse || hlēowes wil
The Paris Psalter 108:15 1 r || māne fremede. / / # / Wesan hīe wiþ drihtne || dǣdum swelċ
The Paris Psalter 108:24 1 wā sē gærs-hoppa. / / # / Swā hīe mē ġe·sāwon, || sōna hī
The Paris Psalter 108:24 1 īe mē ġe·sāwon, || sōna hīe waĝodon, / hrērdon hira hēaf
The Paris Psalter 108:25 1 || mild-heortnesse. / / # / Þæt hīe sōþ witen, || þæt sīe þ
The Paris Psalter 108:26 1 nryhte || ǣnġe styrian, / and hīe ðǣr sċeande || selfe āgon
The Paris Psalter 110:6 3 him swelċe be·bēad, / þæt hīe on ēċnesse || ā siþþan / h
The Paris Psalter 113:2 2 den || weorode Iūdēa, / þæt hīe hǣl ġe·hluton || hālġes
The Paris Psalter 113:3 1 | and miċel rīċe. / / # / Swā hīe sǣ ġe·seah, || hē hīe sn
The Paris Psalter 113:3 1 ā hīe sǣ ġe·seah, || hē hīe snēome flēah, / for him Iorda
The Paris Psalter 113:15 1 wiht ġe·hīeran. / / # / Handa hīe habbaþ, || ne hīe% hwæðer
The Paris Psalter 113:15 1 / # / Handa hīe habbaþ, || ne hīe% hwæðere maĝon / ġe·ġrapia
The Paris Psalter 113:16 1 fela gangan. / / # / Ne clipiaþ hīe care, || þēah þe hīe ċē
The Paris Psalter 113:16 1 iaþ hīe care, || þēah þe hīe ċēolan habban, / ne him hlūt
The Paris Psalter 113:18 3 ēaton / fǣlne fultum; || hē hīe wiþ fēondum ġe·hēold. / / #
The Paris Psalter 113:20 2 weġen || eġesan dryhtnes, / hīe hiht hira || habban on drihte
The Paris Psalter 114:8 2 e || selfa ġe·neredest, / and hīe of dēopum || dēaðe ġe·l
The Paris Psalter 117:12 1 ġeorne ġe·hǣlde. / / # / Þā hīe mē ymb·sealdon || samod anl
The Paris Psalter 118:24 2 rþ and ġe·trīewe, / and iċ hīe on mōde || metĝie ġeorne / a
The Paris Psalter 118:36 1 bryċe hæbbe, / for·þon iċ hīe mid sōðe || simle wolde. / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:46 3 ingum || cȳðan mōte, / ðǣr hīe ēaĝum || inn lōcian, / hū m
The Paris Psalter 118:48 1 e mǣrne rǣd, / for·þon% iċ hīe on lufan mīnre || lange hæf
The Paris Psalter 118:51 3 | unryht fremmaþ, / oþ·þæt hīe on eorðan || ealle for·weor
The Paris Psalter 118:54 1 nfulra || fācen-dǣdum, / þā hīe ǣ þīne || ān-for·lēton.
The Paris Psalter 118:87 2 mē || fæġere, drihten / / # / Hīe mē lȳtle lǣs || lāðe wol
The Paris Psalter 118:144 1 ste, / ēac on mīnum mōde || hīe metĝode ġeorne. / / # / Is mē
The Paris Psalter 118:150 3 ā synfullan; || sindon ealle hīe / fram ǣ þīnre || unnēah%
The Paris Psalter 118:152 3 līċe, || þæt þū ġearwe hīe / on ēċnesse || ǣr staðolod
The Paris Psalter 118:156 1 rr || fǣlre hǣlu; / for·þon hīe þīne sōþfæstnesse || sē
The Paris Psalter 118:158 4 nd iċ þand wiþ þon || þe hīe tela noldon / þīnre sprǣċe
The Paris Psalter 118:165 3 l || þe him þenċeþ, / þæt hīe naman þīnne || nīede lufie
The Paris Psalter 119:6 1 be·ēode. / / # / Mid þǣm þe hīe sibbe || swīðost fēodon, / i
The Paris Psalter 119:6 3 ēdlīċe tō || sprǣċe and hīe lǣrde, / þonne mē earwunga |
The Paris Psalter 121:5 1 || ǣġhwǣr habban. / / # / Oft hīe ðǣr on seldum || sǣton æt
The Paris Psalter 123:2 2 on·ġinnaþ; / wēn is, þæt hīe ūs libbende || lungre willen
The Paris Psalter 123:2 3 nēome for·swelĝan, || ġif hīe swā maĝon. / / # / Þonne ūs
The Paris Psalter 123:3 3 ġe·nēahhe; / wēn is, þæt hīe ūs woldon || wætere ġelī
The Paris Psalter 124:1 2 ira || dǣdum ġe·trīewaþ, / hīe bēoþ on Sionbeorĝe || swī
The Paris Psalter 124:2 1 t biþ || on Hierusālem. / / # / Hīe sind mund-beorĝas || miċele
The Paris Psalter 124:4 2 ste || swelċe lǣteþ, / þæt hīe tō unrihte || āhwǣr willen
The Paris Psalter 124:5 2 oþ || tō gramum bendum, / eft hīe ġe·lǣdeþ || ēċe drihten
The Paris Psalter 125:3 1 n || tela wynsume. / / # / Þonne hīe ġond þēode || cweðaþ þr
The Paris Psalter 125:3 2 cweðaþ þrīste; / ǣġhwǣr hīe ġe·miċelode || mehtiġ dri
The Paris Psalter 125:5 2 tornlicum || tēarum sāwaþ, / hīe eft fæġerum || ġe·fēan s
The Paris Psalter 125:6 2 ira sċēafas beraþ, || swā hīe ġe·samnodon.
The Paris Psalter 126:2 2 astre mid cynnum, || ne mæġ hīe cynlīċe / wæċċende% || wea
The Paris Psalter 128:1 4 īend on ġuĝuþe, / ne mihton hīe āwiht æt mē || ǣfre ġe·
The Paris Psalter 128:4 1 swīðost hæfdon. / / # / Wesen hīe hyġe || hēr ġe·līcost / þ
The Paris Psalter 131:12 5 % ġe·witnesse, || þe% iċ hīe wēl lǣre. / / # / Þonne hira s
The Paris Psalter 131:15 3 eard nime, || for·þon iċ hīe ǣr ġe·ċēas. / / # / His wide
The Paris Psalter 132:1 3 n || bēġen hyċġen, / ðǣr hīe ǣnne sċylen || eard weardia
The Paris Psalter 134:17 1 on. / / # / Ēaran habbaþ, || ne hīe āwiht maĝon / holdes ġe·hī
The Paris Psalter 134:18 1 wiht ġe·stincaþ. / / # / Handa hīe habbaþ, || ne hīe hwæðere
The Paris Psalter 134:18 1 / # / Handa hīe habbaþ, || ne hīe hwæðere maĝon / ġe·grāpia
The Paris Psalter 134:19 1 e maĝon fela% gangan. / / # / Ne hīe on hracan āwiht || hlūde ne
The Paris Psalter 134:20 1 # / Sint anlīċe þǣm || þe hīe ǣr worhton, / and ealle þā
The Paris Psalter 134:20 2 orhton, / and ealle þā þe on hīe || ǣfre ġe·trīewaþ. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 136:7 2 nū oft cweðaþ: || ‘Wuton hīe īdle ġe·dōn, / oþ·þæt h
The Paris Psalter 136:7 3 e īdle ġe·dōn, / oþ·þæt hīe hira || eard ġe·ċēosan.
The Paris Psalter 137:5 2 ðan cyningas%, / for·þon þe hīe ġe·hīerdon || hlūde reord
The Paris Psalter 138:11 2 wiþ lēohte, / for·þon þū hīe settest || swelċe, drihten; /
The Paris Psalter 138:15 1 aĝas sindon trymede, || swā hīe drihten ġe·sċōp. / ne mæġ
The Paris Psalter 138:16 1 ġe·strangod%. / / # / Ġif iċ hīe recene nū || rīman on·ġin
The Paris Psalter 138:16 2 ene nū || rīman on·ġinne, / hīe bēoþ ofer sand-corn || snē
The Paris Psalter 138:18 2 odon || þurh fācen god, / iċ hīe fēode nū || fæste mid nī
The Paris Psalter 138:19 1 ne ġe·bolĝen. / / # / Swā iċ hīe mid rihte || recene fēoġe, /
The Paris Psalter 138:19 2 || recene fēoġe, / for·þon hīe mē fēondas || fǣcne wurdon
The Paris Psalter 139:2 3 || þurh hearme ġe·þōht, / hīe þæt tō ġe·feohte ġeorne
The Paris Psalter 139:5 1 on hyġe þōhton, || þæt hīe ā·hielten mē / and mīnne ga
The Paris Psalter 139:8 5 || on līf-daĝum, / þȳ læs hīe ā·hafene ofer mē || hwīle
The Paris Psalter 139:9 2 | hefiĝast ġe·winna, / þæt hīe mid welerum || ġe·worht hab
The Paris Psalter 139:10 1 l || inn ġe·sittan. / / # / Eac hīe feallaþ || on fȳres glēde,
The Paris Psalter 139:10 2 || on fȳres glēde, / and þū hīe mid fȳre || fācnes ġe·hn
The Paris Psalter 139:10 3 fācnes ġe·hnǣġest, / þæt hīe þǣm iermþum || ā ne wiþ
The Paris Psalter 140:8 3 || wēl līciendlīċe / sindon hīe æt strangum || stāne for·s
The Paris Psalter 141:7 1 A·līes mē fram lāðum; || hīe mē lungre sint / ealle ofer m
The Paris Psalter 142:4 1 elċe || ġe·lȳtlod is. / / # / Hīe mē on dīegle || deorce stō
The Paris Psalter 143:6 2 ·hrīn þissum muntum || and hīe hræðe rēocaþ. / / # / Þine l
The Paris Psalter 143:7 2 aþ% and beorhtaþ%, / and þū hīe tō·weorpest || wīde aefter
The Paris Psalter 143:7 4 || strange swelċe, / and þū hīe ġe·drēfed hafast || dēope
The Paris Psalter 143:9 3 || simle ā·bisiĝod, / þæt hīe unryhtes% || elne tiliaþ. / / #
The Paris Psalter 143:13 3 || simle ā·bisiĝod, / þæt hīe unryhtes || āwa tilian. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 143:16 2 æstme || fulle sindon, / þæt hīe rūmlīċe || rocettaþ swī
The Paris Psalter 143:18 1 mete fætte. / / # / Ne hrēosaþ hīe tō hrūsan || hearde ġe·b
The Paris Psalter 144:6 1 under || wīde mǣre. / / # / And hīe mæġen swelċe || mǣre and
The Paris Psalter 144:11 1 an || hēr blētsien. / / # / And hīe þīne meahte || manna bearnu
The Paris Psalter 144:17 1 est% þū þīne handa || and hīe hræðe fyllest, / ealra wihta
The Paris Psalter 144:19 6 e || bealde ġe·hīereþ / and hīe hrǣdlīċe ġe·dēþ || hā
The Paris Psalter 145:3 2 endeþ / on þā eorðan || þe hīe of cōmon; / of þǣm selfan d
The Paris Psalter 145:3 4 lle þā ġe·þōhtas || þe hīe þōhton ǣr. / / # / þonne biþ
The Paris Psalter 148:14 4 Israhela / fǣlum folce || and hīe forþ heonan / on his nēawiste
The Paris Psalter 149:7 1 elċe on folmum. / / # / Mid þȳ hīe wrecan þenċaþ || wrāðum
The Paris Psalter 149:8 1 e || þēodum ēawan. / / # / And hīe bindan || bealde þenċaþ / cy
The Paris Psalter 53:5 2 e yfel || fēonda mīnra, / and hīe sōþfæst tō·weorp || siþ
The Paris Psalter 54:13 1 nge || þīne% and mīne. / / # / Hīe ofer cume || unþinged dēaþ
The Paris Psalter 54:18 1 æt% ġe·hīereþ god || and hīe ġe·hīeneþ ēac, / þe ǣr w
The Paris Psalter 54:19 4 / þā ġe·witnesse, || ðǣr hīe wōh fremedon; / for·þon hīe
The Paris Psalter 54:19 5 hīe wōh fremedon; / for·þon hīe sint on ierre || ūt ā·dǣl
The Paris Psalter 54:19 6 ierre || ūt ā·dǣlde%, / ne hīe selfe wēl || ġe·sēon ǣfr
The Paris Psalter 54:20 1 tan || ġe·hyġde nēah. / / # / Hīe word hira || wēl ġe·smiere
The Paris Psalter 56:8 2 || swīðe on·bīeġdon. / / # / Hīe dēopne sēaþ || dulfon wīd
The Paris Psalter 56:9 1 ēaĝum || inn lōcade, / and hīe on þone īlcan || eft ġe·f
The Paris Psalter 57:3 2 le || fremde wurdon, / siþþan hīe on weorolde || wǣron ā·cen
The Paris Psalter 57:4 3 aspide || ielde nemnaþ; / sēo hīe dēafe dēþ, || dytteþ hire
The Paris Psalter 57:5 2 || grame ġe·sċǣneþ, / þā hīe on mūðe || miċele habbaþ;
The Paris Psalter 57:6 1 en || lungre drihten. / / # / Ac hīe for·weorðan || wætere ġe
The Paris Psalter 57:7 3 swā hēo feallaþ on þæt; / hīe sunnan ne ġe·sēoþ || siþ
The Paris Psalter 57:10 4 st weorc || simle lǣste;’ / hīe on eorðan god || ealle ġe·
The Paris Psalter 58:6 1 unryht || elne wyrċaþ. / / # / Hīe æt ǣfne eft || inn ġe·ċi
The Paris Psalter 58:6 2 || inn ġe·ċierraþ, / þonne hīe heardne || hungor þoliaþ, / s
The Paris Psalter 58:7 1 || hwammas ċeastre. / / # / Efne hīe habbaþ on mūðe || milde sp
The Paris Psalter 58:8 2 hira hyġe sēċeþ? / And þū hīe, drihten, dēst || dēope tō
The Paris Psalter 58:10 3 | þe mē fela sindon; / ne dō hīe tō dēadan, || þȳ lǣs hī
The Paris Psalter 58:10 3 īe tō dēadan, || þȳ lǣs hīe dollīċe / þīnre ǣ ġe·ban
The Paris Psalter 58:11 1 ān·for·lǣton. / / # / Ac þū hīe wīde tō·drīf || þurh þ
The Paris Psalter 58:11 2 h þīnes wordes mæġen, / and hīe wrāðe tō·weorp, || wealde
The Paris Psalter 58:12 2 ield || mān-worda fela, / þā hīe mid welerum || wrāðe ā·sp
The Paris Psalter 58:12 3 wrāðe ā·sprǣcon; / wǣron hīe on ofer·hyġde || ealle ġe
The Paris Psalter 58:12 4 e || ealle ġe·sċende, / þā hīe on lyġe || lange feredon; / fo
The Paris Psalter 58:12 5 e || lange feredon; / for·þon hīe on ende || ierre for·grīpe
The Paris Psalter 58:12 6 de || ierre for·grīpeþ / and hīe siþþan ne bēoþ || samod
The Paris Psalter 58:13 1 od æt·gædere. / / # / Siþþan hīe wīslīċe witon, || þætte
The Paris Psalter 58:14 1 ac || eorðan ġe·mǣru. / / # / Hīe on ǣfenne || eft ġe·ċierr
The Paris Psalter 58:15 1 || hwammas ċeastre. / / # / Efne hīe tō ǣte || ūt ġe·wītaþ,
The Paris Psalter 58:15 2 te || ūt ġe·wītaþ, / ðǣr hīe tō·wrecene || wīde hweorfa
The Paris Psalter 58:15 3 cene || wīde hweorfaþ; / ġif hīe fulle ne bēoþ, || fela gnor
The Paris Psalter 59:3 2 þīnum / heardra wīsan || and hīe hræðe aefter / mid wynsume ||
The Paris Psalter 59:4 3 īnne || elne healdaþ, / þæt hīe him ġe·beorĝen || boĝan a
The Paris Psalter 62:9 1 le æt þearfe. / / # / For·þon hīe on īdel || ealle siþþan / s
The Paris Psalter 62:9 4 u || ēodon ġe·nēahhe; / nū hīe wǣron ġe·seald || under sw
The Paris Psalter 63:4 1 ȳ || sċotian þenċaþ. / / # / Hīe hine samnunga || sċearpum st
The Paris Psalter 63:4 3 þ, || eġesan ne habbaþ, / ac hīe mid wrāðum || wordum trymma
The Paris Psalter 63:5 1 ġe·sihþ ūsiċ? / / # / Swā hīe smēaĝaþ oft || swīðost u
The Paris Psalter 63:5 3 || eft% for·weorðaþ, / ðǣr hīe māmriaþ || mān and unryht.
The Paris Psalter 63:8 1 alle sind ġe·drēfde || þe hīe inn sêoþ; / sċeall him manna
The Paris Psalter 64:7 4 or-mǣtum || ȳða hlūde / and hīe unēaðe mæġ || ǣniġ ā·
The Paris Psalter 64:14 1 e || weaxaþ ġe·swiru%. / / # / Hīe bēoþ ġe·ġierwede || gōd
The Paris Psalter 64:14 4 weorðliċ on hwǣtum; / þonne hīe cynlīċe tō þē || clipia
The Paris Psalter 66:4 3 ealde þēoda, / þæs þe þū hīe on rihtum || rǣdum dēmest / a
The Paris Psalter 67:2 1 e hine fēodon ǣr. / / # / Rece% hīe ġe·līcost || recene ġe·t
The Paris Psalter 67:3 1 þfæste || simble ēċe. / / # / Hīe ansīene || ēċan dryhtnes / h
The Paris Psalter 67:14 1 || beorhtan golde. / / # / Þonne hīe sē heofonlica cyning || hēr
The Paris Psalter 67:14 2 hēr tō·sċādeþ, / siþþan hīe on Selmon || snāwe weorðaþ
The Paris Psalter 68:7 4 m / eft ġe·timbrode, || ðǣr hīe eard nimaþ. / / # / Ne sċulon
The Paris Psalter 68:12 1 e || fæsten ġe·sette, / eall hīe mē þæt on ed·wīt || eft
The Paris Psalter 68:12 3 ġl / cȳme ċierde, || cwǣden hīe siþþan, / þæt iċ him wæfe
The Paris Psalter 68:19 1 Be·heald mīne sāwle || and hīe hrǣdlīċe / ā·līes and wi
The Paris Psalter 68:23 2 || findan iċ ne meahte. / / # / Hīe mīnne mete || mengdon% wiþ
The Paris Psalter 68:24 1 an || ēac ā·dimmod, / þæt hīe ġe·sēon ne maĝon || siþ
The Paris Psalter 68:25 1 ed ēac. / / # / A·ġēot ofer% hīe || þīn þæt grame ierre, / a
The Paris Psalter 68:26 3 ġness ēac || ierres þīnes / hīe for·grīpe || gram-hiċġend
The Paris Psalter 68:27 3 on·eardiendes. / / # / For·þon hīe ealra || ēhtan on·gunnon, /
The Paris Psalter 68:28 3 te him þā unryht tō || þe hīe ġe·earnodon, / and mid unriht
The Paris Psalter 68:29 2 ihte || ǣr ġe·worhton, / and hīe on þīn sōþfæst weorc ||
The Paris Psalter 68:29 3 siþþan ne gangan. / / # / Sīen hīe ā·dīlĝod || of ġe·dēfr
The Paris Psalter 68:30 2 || lēofra% bōcum; / ne wesen hīe mid sōþfæstum || siþþan
The Paris Psalter 68:36 3 ā him sindon inn. / / # / Þǣr hīe ierfe-stōl || eft ġe·sitta
The Paris Psalter 69:3 1 le || sōhton mid nīðe. / / # / Hīe on hinder-ling || hweorfaþ a
The Paris Psalter 72:4 1 wīsliċ trymnes. / / # / Ne sind hīe on miċelum || manna ġe·win
The Paris Psalter 72:4 2 lum || manna ġe·winnum, / and hīe mid manna ne bēoþ || mæġe
The Paris Psalter 72:5 1 be·swungene%. / / # / For·þon hīe ofer-hygd nam || unġemete sw
The Paris Psalter 72:6 3 e·lynde || lungre cōme, / and hīe on heortan || hoĝodon and þ
The Paris Psalter 72:6 4 || hoĝodon and þōhton, / hū hīe fyrmest || fācen and unryht /
The Paris Psalter 72:7 1 ðost ā·cwǣdon. / / # / Hwæt, hīe on heofon setton || hyġe hir
The Paris Psalter 72:8 2 || fæġere hweorfeþ, / ðǣr hīe fulle daĝas || findaþ sōna
The Paris Psalter 72:14 2 || yfel be·fēole, / ā·wurpe hīe wrāðe, || þā hīe wēndan
The Paris Psalter 72:14 2 ·wurpe hīe wrāðe, || þā hīe wēndan% ǣr, / þæt hīe wǣr
The Paris Psalter 72:14 3 þā hīe wēndan% ǣr, / þæt hīe wǣron ā·līesde, || lāðu
The Paris Psalter 72:15 1 m wiþ-ferede. / / # / Nū sindon hīe ġe·wordene || wrāðe tō·
The Paris Psalter 72:15 3 or·wurdon / for unrihte || þe hīe ǣr dydon, / swā fram slǣpe h
The Paris Psalter 72:16 1 || swǣrum ā·rīse. / / # / And hīe on byriġ dryhtnes || bealde
The Paris Psalter 72:16 2 aþ / hira ansīene || and þū hīe ēaðe meaht / tō nāwihte ||
The Paris Psalter 73:4 2 sōðe ne on·ġēaton, / swā hīe on weġe || wyrċan sċoldon /
The Paris Psalter 73:4 3 oldon / wunder-bēacen, || swā hīe on wudu dydon. / / # / Hīe mid
The Paris Psalter 73:5 1 swā hīe on wudu dydon. / / # / Hīe mid æscum duru || elne curfa
The Paris Psalter 73:5 3 ġum || tilodon ġeorne / þæt hīe mid adesan || ealle tō·wurp
The Paris Psalter 73:6 1 | ealle tō·wurpan. / / # / Þā hīe þæt þīn fæġere hūs ||
The Paris Psalter 74:4 3 fremman / and ā·gyltan, þæt hīe || ne gulpan þæs. / / # / Ne ā
The Paris Psalter 75:4 5 hyġe || healdaþ mid dysġe; / hīe slǣp hira || swǣfon% unmurn
The Paris Psalter 75:4 7 þe welan sōhton, / þæs þe hīe on heandum || hæfdan godes. /
The Paris Psalter 77:4 1 || ǣror sæġdon. / / # / Noldon hīe þā swīðe || hira% synna d
The Paris Psalter 77:7 2 ad || fæderum ūssum, / þæt hīe hira bearnum || buden and sæ
The Paris Psalter 77:9 1 eall ġe·seċġan. / / # / Þæt hīe glēawne hiht || tō gode hæ
The Paris Psalter 77:10 1 eorne hēoldon. / / # / Ne wesen hīe on facne || fæderum ġe·lī
The Paris Psalter 77:11 3 rǣle || bitere sendan, / þæs hīe on wīġes dæġe || wendon a
The Paris Psalter 77:12 1 endon aefter. / / # / Ne hēoldon hīe || hālĝan dryhtnes / ġe·wit
The Paris Psalter 77:13 1 angan. / / # / Ealra god-dǣda || hīe for·ġieten hæfdon, / and þ
The Paris Psalter 77:15 2 e ȳða / ġe·fæstnode || and hīe fōron þurh. / / # / Him wīsode
The Paris Psalter 77:19 1 || wætera þrȳðe. / / # / Þā hīe hira firene || furður ēhton
The Paris Psalter 77:20 1 weard || holdne on lande. / / # / Hīe þā on heortan || hoĝodon t
The Paris Psalter 77:24 1 Israhelas. / / # / For·þon þe hīe ne woldon || wordum dryhtnes /
The Paris Psalter 77:29 3 sta || lifdon hwīle; / nēaron hīe be·sċierede || sċēattes w
The Paris Psalter 77:30 1 attes willan. / / # / Þā ġīet hīe on mūðe || hira mete hæfdo
The Paris Psalter 77:31 1 c for·wurdon. / / # / In% eallum hīe þissum || ēhton synne, / and
The Paris Psalter 77:32 1 rum || wēl ġe·līefan. / / # / Hīe hira daĝena tīd || dǣdun%
The Paris Psalter 77:33 1 ēac unnytte. / / # / Þonne hē% hīe sāre slōh, || þonne hīe s
The Paris Psalter 77:33 1 % hīe sāre slōh, || þonne hīe sōhton hine, / and ǣr lēohte
The Paris Psalter 77:34 1 | lustum cōmon. / / # / Siþþan hīe on·ġēaton, || þæt wæs g
The Paris Psalter 77:35 1 god || hira ā·līesend. / / # / Hīe hine lufodon || lēase muðe,
The Paris Psalter 77:36 2 hreðere || heorte clǣne, / ne hīe on ġe·witnesse || wīsne h
The Paris Psalter 77:37 2 e / hira firen-dǣdum, || nolde hīe tō flīemum ġe·dōn. / / # / H
The Paris Psalter 77:39 1 / And hē ġe·munde || þæt hīe wǣran moldan and flǣsċ / gā
The Paris Psalter 77:40 1 s sē ġēan-ċierr% eft. / / # / Hīe hine on wēstenne || wordum a
The Paris Psalter 77:41 1 | oft būtan wætere. / / # / Oft hīe grimmlīċe || godes costodon
The Paris Psalter 77:45 2 te, || hundes flēoĝan, / and hīe ǣton ēac || yfele toscan; / h
The Paris Psalter 77:45 3 ēac || yfele toscan; / hæfdon hīe eallinga || ūt ā·worpen. / /
The Paris Psalter 77:49 1 re. / / # / Hē ǣ·byliġðe% on hīe || biter and ierre, / sārliċ
The Paris Psalter 77:53 1 eĝas un·cūðe. / / # / And hē hīe on hyhte || holdre lǣde; / næ
The Paris Psalter 77:54 1 || ȳða for·nāmon. / / # / Hē hīe þā ġe·lǣde || on lēofre
The Paris Psalter 77:55 3 sealde him wēste land, / þæt hīe mid tāne || ġe·tuĝon riht
The Paris Psalter 77:56 2 ǣton / hrōres folces, || þā hīe hēanne god / ġe·bismerodon,
The Paris Psalter 77:57 1 bodu / fæste healdan. || / / # / Hīe ā·wendon ā·weġ, || neall
The Paris Psalter 77:58 1 endon and ċierdon. / / # / Swā% hīe% his% ierre% || oft% ā·weaht
The Paris Psalter 77:58 2 % || oft% ā·weahton, / þonne hīe ofer-hydiġ || up ā·hōfon,
The Paris Psalter 77:59 2 erde || hāliġ drihten, / hē hīe for·hoĝode || and hræðe s
The Paris Psalter 77:61 1 m, || mehtiġ hæfde. / / # / Hē hīe þā on hæft-nīed || hēan
The Paris Psalter 77:63 3 e be·grētte, || þēah þe hīe grame swulton. / / # / Wǣron sā
The Paris Psalter 77:71 1 a || ierfe-lāfe. / / # / And hē hīe þonne būtan facne || fēde
The Paris Psalter 77:71 2 n, / and his folmum siþþan || hīe% forþ% lǣdeþ.
The Paris Psalter 78:2 3 -bearu || āne cytan; / swelċe hīe setton || swylt þīnum esnum
The Paris Psalter 78:3 1 ċ || hundum and dēorum. / / # / Hīe þāra bearna blōd || on byr
The Paris Psalter 78:7 1 ede ċīeġaþ. / / # / For·þon hīe Iacob || ġāra ǣton, / and hi
The Paris Psalter 78:14 3 ang þā dēaða bearn || þe hīe dēmaþ nū. / / # / Ġield nū g
The Paris Psalter 78:14 4 ld nū gram-hyġdgum, || swā hīe ġe·earnodon, / on sċēat hir
The Paris Psalter 79:11 3 || sealte ġe·brǣdest, / and hīe% tō% flōdas || forþ ā·wea
The Paris Psalter 80:12 1 ealdan || holde mōde. / / # / Ac hīe libban hēt || lustum heorten
The Paris Psalter 80:15 1 d || āwa tō fēore. / / # / Hē hīe fēde || mid fætre lynde, / hw
The Paris Psalter 80:15 3 alde of stāne, || oþ·þæt hīe sæġde wǣron. / / # / Ġif þū
The Paris Psalter 81:1 2 odum on ġe·maniġe, / and hē hīe on middle || mæġene tō·s
The Paris Psalter 81:5 1 īesaþ. / / # / Nē on·ġēaton hīe || nē ġeare wiston, / ac hīe
The Paris Psalter 81:5 2 hīe || nē ġeare wiston, / ac hīe on þīestrum || þrāĝe ēo
The Paris Psalter 82:3 1 þē || hōfon swīðe. / / # / Hīe on þīnum folce him || fāce
The Paris Psalter 82:3 4 ahtunga || ealle hæfdon, / hū hīe þīne hālĝan || hēr yfelo
The Paris Psalter 82:4 2 : || ‘Wuton cuman ealle / and hīe tō·wyrpan || ġond wer-þē
The Paris Psalter 82:5 1 niġ nemne.’ / / # / For·þon hīe ān ġe·þeaht || ealle ymb-
The Paris Psalter 82:9 5 n || ǣr ġe·cwǣdon, / þæt hīe hāliġnesse godes || hēr ġ
The Paris Psalter 82:10 1 || hēr ġe·setten. / / # / Sete hīe nū, min god, || samod anlī
The Paris Psalter 82:11 1 gre mōr-hǣþ. / / # / Swā þū hīe on ierre || ēhtest and drēf
The Paris Psalter 82:11 2 | ēhtest and drēfest, / þæt hīe on hrērnesse || hræþe for
The Paris Psalter 82:12 2 īen || āwa sċeamie, / þonne hīe% naman þīnne || nīede sēċ
The Paris Psalter 82:13 3 weorðþ ġe·drēfde, / þonne hīe naman þīnne || nīede sēċ
The Paris Psalter 83:5 5 þisse sārĝan dene%, / ðǣr hīe tēara || tēonan cnyssaþ% / o
The Paris Psalter 85:3 4 sāwle blīðe, / for·þon iċ hīe tō þē || hebbe ġe·neahhe
The Paris Psalter 86:4 3 rþ || mann on innan, / and hē hīe þā hīehstan || hēr staðo
The Paris Psalter 87:5 4 mynde || menn ne wēnon, / swā hīe sīen fram þīnre handa || h
The Paris Psalter 87:6 1 da || hēane ā·drifene. / / # / Hīe mē ā·setton || on sēaþ h
The Paris Psalter 87:10 2 er || wyrċaþ dēade, / oþþe hīe listum || lǣċas weċċan / an
The Paris Psalter 87:10 3 istum || lǣċas weċċan / and hīe andettan þē || ealle siþþ
The Paris Psalter 87:12 1 / # / Cwīst þū, on·cnāwaþ hīe || wundru þīne / on þǣm dim
The Paris Psalter 87:17 1 n || bitere ġe·drēfde. / / # / Hīe mē ealne dæġ || ūtan ymb
The Paris Psalter 88:3 7 te / full sēfte seld, || þæt hīe sǣten inn. / / # / Heofonas ande
The Paris Psalter 88:8 3 || ana ġe·stīeran, / þonne hīe on wǣġe || wind on·hrēre
The Paris Psalter 88:11 3 t Hermon || on naman þīnum; / hīe mid strengþe ēac || up ā·
The Paris Psalter 88:29 1 s || dǣdum healdan. / / # / Ġif hīe mīne rihtwīsnessa || fracu
The Paris Psalter 88:29 2 || fracuþe ġe·wemmaþ / and hīe mīne be·bodu || blīðe ne
The Paris Psalter 89:5 1 ġe·gan wǣre; / / # / And swā hīe on niht hierdnesse || nīede
The Paris Psalter 89:11 2 mannum ġe·weorðeþ, / þæt hīe hund-eahtatiġ || ielda ġe·
The Paris Psalter 90:11 1 is englum be·bēad, || þæt hīe mid earmum þē / on hira heand
The Paris Psalter 91:6 5 e || worhton ġeornost, / þæt hīe for·wordene || weorðen siþ
The Paris Psalter 93:2 2 ield ofer·hyġdĝum, || swā hīe ǣr grame worhton. / / # / Hū la
The Paris Psalter 93:4 1 tan || morðre ġielpaþ? / / # / Hīe oftost sprecaþ, || unnytt se
The Paris Psalter 93:5 1 || wyrċaþ unryht. / / # / Folc hīe þīn, drihten, || fǣcne ġe
The Paris Psalter 93:10 2 / eorð-būendra, || for·þon hīe īdle sint. / / # / Þæt biþ ē
The Paris Psalter 93:18 3 ·fæstnast || fācen sāres; / hīe sōþfæste || snēome ġe·h
The Paris Psalter 93:20 2 tiġ / ealle þā unryht || þe hīe ġe·earnedon, / and on hira fa
The Paris Psalter 94:9 5 se || cunnodon ġeorne, / ðǣr hīe cunnodon, || cūþ on·ġēat
The Paris Psalter 94:10 4 d ēac swā on·cnēow, / þæt hīe on heortan || hyġe dysiĝodo
The Paris Psalter 94:11 1 rtan || hyġe dysiĝodon. / / # / Hīe weĝas mīne || wihte ne on·
The Paris Psalter 94:11 3 erre || āðe be·nemde, / ġif hīe on mīne ræste || recene ēo
The Paris Psalter 95:7 4 dōn || ealle þēode, / þæt hīe naman dryhtnes || nīede her
The Paris Psalter 98:7 1 man || nīede ċīeġdan. / / # / Hīe cȳmlīċe || ċīeġdon drih
The Paris Psalter 98:7 2 | ċīeġdon drihten, / and hē hīe ġe·hīerde || holde mōde, /
The Paris Psalter 98:8 1 || þurh wolcnes swīer. / / # / Hīe þā ġe·witnesse || wēl ġ
The Paris Psalter 98:9 1 ēad. / / # / Þū ġe·hīerdest hīe, || hāliġ drihten, / and him,
A.5.6.1 13 e·gangan, / lind-wīġende. || Hīe ġe·lǣston swā / efene fram
A.5.6.1 27 nca || mōd mid Grēcum, / ġif hīe lēod-fruman || lǣstan dorst
A.5.6.1 36 ē him fæste ġe·hēt / þæt hīe eald-rihta || ǣlċes mosten /
A.5.6.1 62 sē cāsere eft / an-weald ofer hīe || āĝan mōste. / Sende ǣren
A.5.6.1 64 fordum / dēaĝollīċe || and hīe for drihtne bæd / ealdum trēo
A.5.6.1 65 æd / ealdum trēowum, || þæt hīe æft tō him / cōmen on þā
A.5.6.10 43 || Wēlandes bān, / on hwelcum hīe% hlǣwa || hrūsan þeċċen? /
A.5.6.10 52 , || þǣm wæs Cāton nama? / Hīe wǣron ġe·fyrn || forþ-ġe
A.5.6.10 53 ne; / nāt nǣniġ man || hwǣr hīe nū sindon. / Hwæt is hira her
A.5.6.10 61 || ealle for·ġietene, / þæt hīe sē hlīsa || hīew-cūðe ne
A.5.6.11 11 þā þæs āuht nyton / þæt hīe þæs þēodnes || þēowas s
A.5.6.11 25 | and ēac ġe·toĝen, / þæt hīe ne mōten || ofer metodes ēs
A.5.6.11 36 tan ymb·clyppeþ, / þȳ læs hīe tō·swīfen. || For·þǣm h
A.5.6.11 36 e tō·swīfen. || For·þǣm hīe simle sċulon / þone īlcan r
A.5.6.11 81 t || þā tō·slūpan, / sōna hīe for·lǣtaþ || lufan and sib
A.5.6.11 94 || fæste ġe·samnaþ, / þæt hīe hira frēondsċipe || forþ o
A.5.6.12 32 / ofer þā āne, || ġif þū hīe ealles on·ġietst.
A.5.6.13 8 ed mid his racentan, || þæt hīe ā·redian ne maĝon / þæt h
A.5.6.13 9 ·redian ne maĝon / þæt hīe hīe ǣfre him || of ā·slēpen; /
A.5.6.13 35 dōþ wudu-fuglas; || þēah hīe wēl sīen, / tela ā·temede,
A.5.6.13 36 en, / tela ā·temede, || ġif hīe on trēowum weorðaþ / holte t
A.5.6.13 38 ewene / hira lārēowas, || þe hīe lange ǣr / tȳdon and temedon.
A.5.6.13 39 ge ǣr / tȳdon and temedon. || Hīe on trēowum wilde / eald-ġe·c
A.5.6.13 43 / þone īlcan mete || þe hē hīe ǣror mid / tame ġe·tēode. |
A.5.6.13 45 aþ / emne swā myrġe || þæt hīe þæs metes ne recþ, / þyncþ
A.5.6.13 47 m sē weald on·cwiþ; / þonne hīe ġe·hīeraþ || hlēoðrum b
A.5.6.13 48 bræġdan / ōðre fuĝolas, || hīe hira āgne / stefne styrġaþ;
A.5.6.15 10 ā þȳ sǣl wesan; || þēah hīe sume hwīle / ġe·cure būtan
A.5.6.15 12 || cyninga dyseĝast, / nēaron hīe þȳ wierðran || witena ǣn
A.5.6.17 3 ende, || fruman ġe·līċne; / hīe of ānum twǣm || ealle cōmo
A.5.6.17 5 fe, || on weorold innan, / and hīe ēac nū ġīet || ealle ġe
A.5.6.19 14 ūende / þancol-mōde || þæt hīe ðǣr ne sint. / Hwæðer ġē
A.5.6.19 24 and hīewa ġe·hwæs. / Hwæt, hīe ēac witon || hwǣr hīe ēa-
A.5.6.19 24 æt, hīe ēac witon || hwǣr hīe ēa-fiscas / sēċan þurfan ||
A.5.6.19 26 elcra fela / weorold-welena; || hīe þæt wēl dōþ, / ġeornfulle
A.5.6.19 30 e, / efene swā blinde || þæt hīe on brēostum ne maĝon / ēaðe
A.5.6.19 33 sindon ġe·hȳda. / For·þǣm hīe ǣfre ne list || aefter spyri
A.5.6.19 35 a. || Wēnaþ samwīse / þæt hīe on þis lǣnan mæġen || lī
A.5.6.19 41 seċġan ne mæġ, / for·þǣm hīe% sint earmran || and ēac dyse
A.5.6.19 43 onne iċ þe seċġan mæġe. / Hīe wilniaþ || welan and ǣhta / a
A.5.6.19 45 || tō ġe·winnanne; / þonne hīe habbaþ || þæt hira hyġe s
A.5.6.19 47 || swā ġe·witlēase / þæt hīe þā sōðan || ġe·sǣlþa
A.5.6.2 14 re betst / trūwian sċolde. || Hīe mē tō wendon / hira bacu bitr
A.5.6.20 12 t wæs, / ende-byrdes, || þæt hīe ǣġhwæðer / ġē ǣr faraþ
A.5.6.20 40 þīnes ġe·þōhtest || and hīe þā worhtest. / Næs ǣror% þ
A.5.6.20 89 e / mearce ġe·settest || and hīe ġe·mengdest% ēac. / Hwæt,
A.5.6.20 146 būtan ōðrum bēon. / Þēah hīe unsweotole || samod eardien, /
A.5.6.20 149 m || wuniaþ on fȳre, / þēah hīe sindon% || sweotole þǣm wī
A.5.6.20 166 | þe hēo simle dyde. / Hwæt, hīe þēah eorðliċes || āuht n
A.5.6.20 177 s / sāwle ġe·settest || and hīe siþþan ēac / styrest and sti
A.5.6.20 195 ofer·þungen, / for·þǣm þe hīe habbaþ, || þæs þe hīe na
A.5.6.20 195 e hīe habbaþ, || þæs þe hīe nabbaþ, / þone ǣnne cræft |
A.5.6.20 211 e·līcost, || hwierfeþ ymbe hīe selfe, / oft smēaġende || ymb
A.5.6.20 214 ĝum and nihtum. / Hwīlum ymb% hīe selfe || sēċende smēaþ, / h
A.5.6.20 217 ġe·līcost, || hwierfþ ymb hīe selfe. / Þonne hēo ymb hire s
A.5.6.20 219 o biþ up ā·hæfen || ofer hīe selfe, / ac hēo biþ eallunga
A.5.6.20 221 hire selfre, / þonne hīo ymb hīe selfe || sēċende smēaþ; / h
A.5.6.20 229 || ānra ġe·hwelcre. / Ealle hīe sċīnaþ || þurh þā sċī
A.5.6.20 238 / sāwl on flǣsċe. || Hwæt, hīe simle tō þē / heonan% fundia
A.5.6.20 239 onan% fundiaþ; || for·þǣm hīe hider of þē / ǣror cōmon, |
A.5.6.20 245 am þǣm æl-mihtĝan, || þe hīe ǣror ġō / ġe·samnode, ||
A.5.6.20 247 ās foldan ġe·sċōp || and hīe ġe·fylde þā / swīðe misli
A.5.6.20 250 ynnum, || nerġend ūser. / Hē hīe siþþan ā·sēow || sǣda m
A.5.6.20 253 e god, || ūrum mōdum, / þæt hīe mōten tō þē, || metod al-
A.5.6.20 262 āl || ūres mōdes, / þæt we hīe on þe selfum || siþþan mō
A.5.6.20 273 þū sōfte ġe·dēst / þæt hīe þe selfne || ġe·sēon mōt
A.5.6.21 25 a / sōðra ġe·sǣlþa, || ac hīe swīðor ġīet / manna ġe·hw
A.5.6.21 27 on brēostum, || þonne hīe hīe beorhtran ġe·dōn. / For·þ
A.5.6.21 35 ylen / sāwla ūsse, || ac hē hīe selfa wile / lēoman on·liehta
A.5.6.22 3 an / swā dēoplīċe, || þæt hīe tō·drīfan ne mæġ / manna
A.5.6.24 46 is æðele stōw, / þēah þū hīe nū ġīeta || for·ġieten h
A.5.6.24 61 olc || wierst tūciaþ, / þæt hīe simle bēoþ || swīðe earme
A.5.6.25 12 miċele / ǣlċ ōðrum || and hīe ealle him / þonan mid þȳ þr
A.5.6.25 45 etta, || unnytta saca. / Þonne hīe ġe·bolĝene% weorðaþ, ||
A.5.6.25 61 || for·­þǣm hīe willaþ hīe / þǣm unþēawum || þe iċ
A.5.6.26 18 ā% sēo tīd ġe·lamp / þæt hīe þæt rīċe || ġe·ræht h
A.5.6.26 65 mæġne / efne swā swīðe || hīe on sefan lufode, / þæt hē t
A.5.6.26 71 sīnra || ðǣr mid wesan, / ac hīe for þǣm iermþum || eardes
A.5.6.26 79 ēac || rǣpan maniġne. / Sume hīe tō wulfum wurdon, || ne meah
A.5.6.26 82 ras, || ā grymetedon% / þonne hīe sāres hwæt || seofian sċol
A.5.6.26 84 e / ierrunga rȳn || ā þonne hīe sċoldon / clipian for corðre.
A.5.6.26 91 ītan / mennisċes metes, || ac hīe mā lufedon / dīera drohtaþ,
A.5.6.26 93 t ġe·dēfe ne wæs. / Næfdon hīe māre || mannum ġe·līċes /
A.5.6.28 4 swifto, || rȳne tungla, / hū hīe ǣlċe dæġe || ūtan ymb·h
A.5.6.28 7 b þās wlitiĝan tungol, / hū hīe sume habbaþ || swīðe miċe
A.5.6.28 13 nne ōðru tungol, / for·þǣm hīe ðǣre eaxe || ūtan ymb·hwi
A.5.6.28 46 ian || ǣlċes steorran, / hwȳ hīe ne sċīnen || sċīrum weder
A.5.6.28 47 foran ðǣre sunnan, || swā hīe simle dōþ / middel-nihtum ||
A.5.6.28 55 þæt sēlliċ þinġ, / þæt hīe ne wundriaþ || hū hit on wo
A.5.6.28 72 eaft || ǣfre ne wǣre / þæt hīe seldon ġe·sēoþ, || ac sw
A.5.6.28 81 onne iċ wāt ġeare || þæt hīe ne wundriaþ / maniġes þinġe
A.5.6.29 4 ġene / heofones tungla, || hū hīe him healdaþ be·twuh / sibbe s
A.5.6.29 6 e, || dydon swā lange . / Swā hīe ġe·wenede || wuldres ealdor
A.5.6.29 31 e sunnan swiftra; || siþþan hīe on setl ġe·wītaþ, / of·irn
A.5.6.29 42 e·met þynceþ, / for­·þon hīe be healfe || heofones þisses
A.5.6.29 44 || æl-mehtiġ god, / þȳ læs hīe ōðra for·dyden || æðela
A.5.6.29 65 llum sǣdum, / ġe·dēþ þæt hīe grōwaþ || ġēara ġe·hwel
A.5.6.29 91 || hæbben ġe·mǣne, / þæt hīe þēowien || swelcum þēod-f
A.5.6.29 95 meahte || elles wunian, / ġif hīe eall-mæġene || hira ord-fru
A.5.6.31 8 eorðan ġe·tenġe, / nabbaþ hīe æt fiðerum fultum, || ne ma
A.5.6.31 8 fiðerum fultum, || ne maĝon hīe mid fōtum gangan, / eorðan br
A.5.6.4 5 tunglu ġe·nīedest || þæt hīe þē tō hīeraþ. / Swelċe s
A.5.6.4 55 n-cynn / mildum ēaĝum, || nū hīe on maniĝum hēr / weorolde ȳ
A.5.6.5 5 || wolcen hangaþ, / ne mæġen hīe swā lēohtne || lēoman on·
A.5.6.5 9 grymme ġe·drēfeþ, / þonne hīe ġe·mengaþ || miċela% ȳst
A.5.6.5 45 weartum mistum, || ær·þǣm hīe ġe·swīðrod weorðen.
A.5.6.6 10 s blōstman, || fæġen þæt hīe mōton. / Ac sē stearca storm,
A.5.6.7 25 hira stede styrede, || þonne hīe% strang dreċeþ / wind under wo
A.5.6.7 27 m || weorold-earfoþa, / oþþe hīe% eft sē rēða || reġn on·h
A.5.6.8 10 ċe || mettas ne drincas, / ne hīe þāra hræġla || hūru ne
A.5.6.8 13 niġ || næs þā ġīeta, / ne hīe ne ġe·sāwon || sund-būend
A.5.6.8 14 | sund-būende, / ne ymb·ūtan hīe || āwēr ne hīerdon. / Hwæt,
A.5.6.8 15 || āwēr ne hīerdon. / Hwæt, hīe firenlusta || frece ne wǣron
A.5.6.8 16 frece ne wǣron, / būtan swā hīe meahton || ġe·metlicost / þ
A.5.6.8 18 e him Crīst ġe·sċōp, / and hīe ǣne on dæġe || ǣton simle
A.5.6.8 24 n mā / seoloce siowian%, || ne hīe searo-cræftum / god-webb ġier
A.5.6.8 25 tum / god-webb ġieredon, || ne hīe ġimm-reċed / setton searulī
A.5.6.8 26 ed / setton searulīċe, || ac hīe simle him / eallum tīdum || ū
A.51.93.10 2 as / eorð-būendra || froðon hīe īdle sind.
A.51.93.18 3 stnost ēac || fācen sāres / hīe sōþfæste || snēome ġe·h
A.51.93.2 2 gild ofer-hȳġdiĝum || swā hīe ǣr grame worhton.
A.51.93.20 2 iġ / ealla þā unryht || þe hīe ġe·earnodon / and on hira fa
A.51.94.10 4 ac and swā on·cnēow / þæt hīe on heortan || hȳġe dysiĝia
A.51.94.11 3 rre || ēaðe be·nemde / ġif hīe on mīne ræste || recedon ē
A.51.94.9 5 se || cunnodon ġeorne / ðǣr hīe cunnodon || cūþ on·ġēato
A.6.10.1 8 / fram cnēo-māĝum, || þæt hīe æt campe oft / wiþ lāðra ġ
A.6.10.1 51 wǣpen-ġe·wrixles, || þæs hīe on wæl-felda / wiþ Ēad·wear
A.6.10.2 11 mmum / lange || þraġe, || oþ hīe ā·lȳsde eft / for his weorþ
A.6.10.3 4 , || Acemannes-ċeastre; / ēac hīe īeġ-būend || ōðre worde /
A.6.10.5 8 ume mislīċe of·slōh; / sume hīe mann wiþ fēo sealde, || sum
A.6.10.5 9 rēowlīċe ā·cwealde, / sume hīe mann bende, || sume hīe mann
A.6.10.5 9 sume hīe mann bende, || sume hīe mann blende, / sume hamelode, |
A.6.10.5 14 tō þon lēofan Gode, / þæt hīe blission || blīðe mid Crīs
A.6.12 18 liċ, || byrneþ oftost / ðǣr hīe æðelingas || inne restaþ. /
A.6.12 27 ru on brēostan, || weorðeþ hīe þēah oft nīða bearnum / tō
A.6.12 28 hǣle ġe·hwæðre, || ġif hīe his hlystaþ ǣror. / //I// īs
A.6.12 46 | simle biþ on hyhte, / þonne hīe hine ferĝaþ || ofer fisċes
A.6.12 47 þ || ofer fisċes bæþ, / oþ hīe brim-henġest || brinġeþ t
A.6.12 64 || langsum ġe·þūht, / ġif hīe sċulon nēðan% || on nacan
A.6.12 65 an% || on nacan tealtum, / and hīe sǣ-ȳþa || swīðe brēgaþ
A.6.13 62 ċan under foldan, || nǣfre hīe sē fēond tō þæs niðer / f
A.6.13 63 ġe·fæstnaþ; || þēah hē hīe mid fīftiĝum / clūsum be·cl
A.6.13 125 rymme on·ġieldað, || þæs hīe oft ġielp brecaþ. / Þonne hi
A.6.13 142 artne ġe·swencan, || nǣfre hīe þæs seldlīċe / blēoum bre
A.6.13 145 lum flotan grīpaþ; / hwīlum hīe ġe·wendaþ || on wyrmes lī
A.6.13 34 wiht hyġeþ. / Ġe·strangaþ hīe and ġe·staðeliaþ || stað
A.6.13 39 e·weald hafaþ’. / ‘Siġe hīe on·sendaþ || sōþfæstra
A.6.13 40 m, / hǣlu hȳðe, || þǣm þe hīe lufaþ’. / ‘Ān wīse is ||
A.6.13 54 e·næman / wǣpna eċġum; || hīe þæs wǣre cunnon, / healdaþ%
A.6.13 98 s ġe·tīeġeþ, / ġe·ðȳð hīe and ġe·þrēataþ, || þæt
A.6.13 98 and ġe·þrēataþ, || þæt hīe þraĝe bēoþ / ċealde ġe·c
A.6.13 109 || leaf bēoþ grēne; / þonne hīe eft fealwiaþ, || feallaþ on
A.6.13 115 d wēnaþ wan-hoĝan || þæt hīe wille wuldor-cyning, / æl-meht
A.6.13 123 e lēod ġe·cȳðdon; / wunnon hīe wiþ dryhtnes meahtum, || for
A.6.13 123 ryhtnes meahtum, || for·þon hīe þæt weorc ne ġe·dǣdon. / N
A.6.13 143 ōp and hleahtor? || Full oft hīe weorð-ġeornra / sǣlþa tō·
A.6.13 159 || Gōde oþþe yfele, / þonne hīe bēoþ þurh āne || idese ā
A.6.13 223 , / wyrd þe warnung, || þonne hīe winnaþ oft / mid hira þrēa-m
A.6.13 243 drohtaþ hēo mid ūs? / Hwæt. Hīe wile libbende || late ā·þr
A.6.13 260 ad || bearn heofon-wara / þæt hīe ēac sċoldon || ā þenden h
A.6.13 260 e ēac sċoldon || ā þenden hīe lifdon / wunian on wielme, || w
A.6.13 270 būtan ed-wende || ā þenden hīe libbaþ’. / ‘Is þonne on
A.6.14 128 | ġond wǣr-þēoda, / swelċe hīe% aefter þǣm || un-rīm freme
A.6.14 190 s / fyrn ġe·fruġnon || þæt hīe fore-mǣre, / Simon and Iudas,
A.6.14 192 / drihtne dīere; || for·þon hīe dōm hluton, / ēadiġne up-we
A.6.15 45 le on folce ġe·þēon / þæt hīe man bēaĝum ġe·byċġe. ||
A.6.17 165 rm and sē weleĝa, / for·þon hīe habbaþ eġe || ealle æt·sa
A.6.17 207 ċiele || and lāðliċ full; / hīe mid nosan ne maĝon || nāht
A.6.17 211 ne || lāðliċes fȳres, / and hīe wæl-grymme || wyrmas slīta
A.6.17 284 hēapum and þrēatum%. / Þǣr hīe bēoþ ġe·þēode || þēod
A.6.21 21 ela cynna / and tō·syndrodost hīe || siþþan on meniġu; / þū
A.6.21 50 nd ġe·sīene, || þæt þū hīe self worhtest. / Wē þæt sō
A.6.28 4 m for·wundod; / ġe·hǣl þū hīe, || heofona drihten, / and ġe·
A.6.28 5 drihten, / and ġe·lācna þū hīe, || līfes ealdor, / for·þon
A.6.28 37 eċġan on·gunnon, / ne maĝon hīe nǣfre ā·reċċan, || ne þ
A.6.31 11 and þā hǣleþ samod, / swā hīe on lēodsċipe || lǣrde wǣr
A.6.31 12 sċipe || lǣrde wǣron; / ġif hīe wancole || weorc% on·gunnon,
A.6.31 14 ā·sende siĝora% God || and hīe sōna tō him / friða wilnodon
A.6.31 16 nd ðǣr fundon hræðe, / ġif hīe lēohtras hira || lēton ġe
A.6.31 19 || hēold and worhte, / þenden hīe līfes frēan || lufian woldo
A.6.31 21 || earm and þrēaliċ%, / þā hīe be·sieredon || selfne drihte
A.6.31 27 || brēman and writan, / þæt hīe fæstenu || fēower hēoldon /
A.6.31 45 e-fæste || mid Anglum, / swā hīe ġe·brēfde ūs || beorn on
A.6.31 158 , / lēodum tō lāre, || þæt hīe on lengten sċolon / efen fēow
A.6.31 213 wille || folces manna. / sōna hīe on morĝen || mæssan singaþ
A.6.31 216 tēoþ ġond strǣta. / Hwæt. Hīe lēaslīċe || lēoĝan on·
A.6.31 223 e || and ne wīĝliaþ / hwone% hīe tō mōse fōn, || mǣða be
A.6.31 224 e fōn, || mǣða be·dǣled. / Hīe þonne sittende || sadian ā
A.6.36 15 / sendan meahte, || for·þǣm hīe his sume þorfton, / þā þe L
A.6.43.1 1 ht þīne æceras bētan ġif hīe || / nellaþ wēl weaxan oþþ
A.6.43.10 12 ā wierstan; || / hǣlon þæt hīe for·helan ne mihton. Swā n
A.6.43.11 21 āre || wiþ eallum fēondum. / Hīe mē ferġon and friðion || a
A.6.43.4 3 on buteran. || / Hlūde wǣran hīe, lā, hlūde, || þā hīe ofe
A.6.43.4 3 an hīe, lā, hlūde, || þā hīe ofer þone hlǣw rīdan, / wǣr
A.6.43.4 4 an, / wǣran ān-mōde, || þā hīe ofer land rīdan. / Sċield þ
A.6.43.4 9 | hira mæġen be·rǣdon / and hīe ġiellende || gāras sendon; /
A.6.43.8 7 or·weorp ofer grēot, þonne hīe swierman, and || / cweþ: || /
A.6.7 41 guldon || his hæġ-stealdas. / Hīe fuhton fīf daĝas, || swā h
A.6.7 42 oll / dryht-ġe·sīða, || ac hīe þā duru hēoldon. / Þā ġe
A.6.9 19 rǣdde, || rincum tǣhte / hū hīe sċoldon standan || and þone
A.6.9 46 || hwæt þis folc sæġeþ? / Hīe willaþ ēow tō gafole || g
A.6.9 63 ran, || beornas gangan, / þæt hīe on þām êa-stæðe || ealle
A.6.9 67 lang hit him þūhte, / hwonne hīe togædere || gāras bǣren. / H
A.6.9 68 e togædere || gāras bǣren. / Hīe ðǣr Pantan strēam || mid p
A.6.9 82 da || flēam ġe·wyrċan, / ac hīe fæstlīċe || wiþ þā fīe
A.6.9 83 end weredon, / þā hwīle þe hīe wǣpna || wealdan mōston. / Þ
A.6.9 84 pna || wealdan mōston. / Þā hīe þæt on·ġēaton || and ġe
A.6.9 85 and ġeorne ġe·sāwon / þæt hīe ðǣr bryċġ-weardas || bitr
A.6.9 87 lāðe ġiestas, / bǣdon þæt hīe up-gang% || āgan mosten, / ofe
A.6.9 108 n; || wæs on eorðan ċierm. / Hīe lēton þā of folmum || fēo
A.6.9 127 ōdon stede-fæste; || stihte hīe Byrhtnōþ, / bæd þæt hyssa
A.6.9 180 eom frymdiġ tō þē / þæt hīe hell-sċaðan || hīenan ne m
A.6.9 185 frēan || feorh ġe·sealdon. / Hīe buĝon þā fram beaduwe ||
A.6.9 196 hit ǣniġ mǣþ wǣre, / ġif hīe þā ġe·earnunga || ealle
A.6.9 207 earge menn || efston ġeorne; / hīe woldon þā ealle || ōðer t
A.6.9 209 þe lēofne ġe·wrecan. / Swā hīe bielde forþ || bearn Ælf·r
A.6.9 229 end and ġe·fēran, || þæt hīe forþ ēoden. / Offa ġe·mǣld
A.6.9 260 ē for fēore murnan.’ / Þā hīe forþ ēodon, || fēores hīe
A.6.9 260 hīe forþ ēodon, || fēores hīe ne rōhton; / on·gunnon þā h
A.6.9 263 erend || and god bǣdon / þæt hīe mosten ġe·wrecan || hira wi
A.6.9 283 / clufon cellod bord, || cēne hīe weredon; / bærst bordes læri
A.6.9 291 | wiþ his beah-ġiefan / þæt hīe sċoldon bēġen || on burh r
A.6.9 307 maĝas || wordum bǣdon / þæt hīe ðǣr æt þearfe || þolian
A.6.9 320 || liċġan þenċe.’ / Swā hīe Æðel·gāres bearn || ealle
hǣðenra - 14 occurrences
A.1.3 306 t heoru-grimra, || and we nū hǣðenra / þēow-nīed þoliaþ. || Þ
A.2.1 186 n ðǣre þēode sċeall / fore hǣðenra || hand-ġe·winne / þurh gār
A.2.1 218 ðǣr þe gūþ-ġewinn / þurh hǣðenra || hilde-wōman, / beorna beadu
A.2.1 957 ; / ne læt þe ā·hweorfan || hǣðenra þrymm, / grimm gār-ġe·winn,
A.2.1 992 rc-ærne nēah. / Ġe·seah hē hǣðenra || hlōþ æt·gædere, / fore
A.2.1 1032 || ǣr þon hrǣw crunge / fore hǣðenra || hilde-þrymme, / and þā ġ
A.2.1 1389 on ūhtan || mid ǣr-dæġe / hǣðenra hlōþ || hālġes nēosan / l
Christ B 705 endra || eahtnesse bād / under hǣðenra || hīerda ġe·wealdum. / Þǣ
A.3.3 27 -grimmes, || sċulon we ðǣr hǣðenra / þrēa-nīed || / || hæfdes
A.4.1 179 . || Swelċ wæs þēaw hira, / hǣðenra hiht; || helle ġe·mundon / on
A.4.2 216 ēodiġra || edwīt þolodon, / hǣðenra hosp. || Him þæt hearde wea
The Paris Psalter 113:12 1 ron dēoful-ġield || deorce hǣðenra / golde and seolfre, || þā h
The Paris Psalter 57:9 3 and his handa þwēahþ || on hǣðenra / and þāra firenfulra || fǣc
A.6.10.2 10 mannum || nyde ġe·beġde / on hǣðenra || hæfteclommum / lange || þr
lange - 148 occurrences
Genesis B 258 e || þonne læte he his hine lange wealdan / ac he awende hit him
Genesis B 313 bbaþ heo on æfyn || ungemet lange / ealra feonda gehwilc || fyr e
Genesis B 401 || þæs þe he him þenceþ lange niotan / þæs eades mid his en
Genesis B 760 as gewrecene / laþes þæt wit lange þoledon || nu wille ic eft
Genesis A 1176 || and lissa breac / malalehel lange || mondreama her / woruldgestre
Genesis A 1180 fde / land and lēod-weard. || Lange siþþan / Ġeāred gumum || go
Genesis A 1225 ter heold / lamech leodgeard || lange siþþan / woruld bryttade || w
Genesis A 1426 unu lameches || soþra gehata / lange þrage || hwonne him lifes we
Genesis A 2546 on ærdagum || drihten tyndon / lange þrage || him þæs lean forg
Genesis A 2836 folce eardfæst / leod ebrea || lange þrage / feasceaft mid fremdum
Exodus 138 aþne lastweard || se þe him lange ær / eþelleasum || onnied ges
Exodus 324 e woldon / be him lifigendum || lange þolian / þonne hie to guþe |
Exodus 558 wile nu gelæstan || þæt he lange gehet / mid aþsware || engla d
Daniel 572 eora þeaw / ac þu lifgende || lange þrage / heorta hlypum || geond
Daniel 660 in babilone || burhsittendum / lange hwile || lare sægde / daniel d
Christ and Satan 503 mænego || on þam minnan ham / lange þæs þe ic of hæftum || ha
Andreas 314 strang / þam þe lagolade || lange cunnaþ / þa him andreas || þ
A.2.1 314 rang / þām þe laĝu-lāde || lange || cunnaþ.’ / Þā him Andre
Andreas 579 blissode / þa þe limseoce || lange wæron / werige wanhale || witu
A.2.1 579 ssode, / þā þe lim-sēoce || lange || wǣron, / wērġe, wan-hāle
Andreas 790 meotud / þær þa lichoman || lange þrage / heahfædera hra || beh
Andreas 1363 þe andreas || aclæccræftum / lange feredes || hwæt þu leoda fe
Soul and Body I 11 þone lichoman || þe hie ær lange wæg / þreo hund wintra || but
Soul and Body I 123 e / lic acolod biþ || þæt he lange ær / werede mid wædum || biþ
A.2.3 123 ā·cōlod biþ || þæt hē% lange || ǣr / weorode mid wǣdum. ||
Soul and Body I 131 æt lamfæt || þæt hie ær lange wæg / þonne þa gastas || god
Dream of the Rood 24 hwæþre ic þær licgende || lange hwile / beheold hreowcearig ||
Elene 163 hte / þe ær in legere wæs || lange bedyrned / ond hine seolfne ||
A.2.6 164 te / þe ǣr on leġere wæs || lange || be·dierned, / and hine self
Elene 283 ondes searu || foldan getyned / lange legere fæst || leodum dyrne /
A.2.6 284 searu || foldan ġe·tȳned, / lange || leġere fæst || lēodum d
Elene 353 / geopenie || þæt yldum wæs / lange behyded || forlæt nu lifes f
A.2.6 354 openie, || þæt ieldum wæs / lange || be·hȳded. || For·lǣt n
Elene 679 deofles spild || in gedwolan lange / acyrred fram criste || hie cw
A.2.6 680 ofles spild || on ġe·dwolan lange , / ā·ċierred fram Crīste.
Christ A 115 þū on·līehte || þā þe lange ǣr, / þrosme be·þeahte || a
Christ A 141 gend, / lāra lǣdend, || þām lange his / hyhtan hider-cyme, || sw
Christ A 252 , || þe on ġār-daĝum / full lange ǣr || be·locen stōdon, / heo
Christ A 373 nu hæleða cyning / ne lata to lange || us is lissa ðearf / ðæt
Christ B 805 orðan frætwa. || //U// wæs lange / //L// flōdum be·locen, || l
Christ B 829 n leahtrum fā. || Þæs hīe lange sċulon / fergð-wērġe on·f
Christ C 1361 re sceolon / lean mid leofum || lange brucan / onginneð ðonne to ð
Christ C 1463 e || dīere ġe·bōhte / þæt lange līf || þæt þū on lēohte
A.3.13 103 feorr ġe·wīteþ. / Lida biþ lange on sīðe; || ā mann sċeall
A.3.15 41 um iċ liðode, / līf wæs min lange, || lēodum on ġe·mange, / tī
A.3.19 11 e līċ-haman || þe hēo ǣr lange wæġ, / þrīe hund wintra, ||
A.3.19 118 līċ ā·cōlod || þæt hē lange ǣr / weorode mid wǣdum. || Bi
Guthlac A 7 ran || þider þū fundodest / lange and ġe·lōme. || Iċ þeċ
Guthlac A 624 || swā ġē on wræc-sīðe / lange lifdon, || līeġe be·sencte
Guthlac A 642 || ān-for·lǣtan, / þām iċ lange || on līċ-haman / and on mīn
Guthlac B 832 ōste / ealra leahtra lēas, || lange nēotan / nīewra ġe·fēana.
Guthlac B 1171 , || lāre ġe·hīeran, / noht lange ofer þis. || Lǣst ealle wē
Guthlac B 1259 ype || þæt wit fyrn mid unc / lange lǣstan, || nille iċ lǣtan
A.3.22.15 29 ġe·winnum, || þām þe iċ lange flēah.
A.3.22.28 9 , / þāra þe ǣr libbende || lange hwīle / wilna brūceþ || and
A.3.22.40 8 ēt mec wæċċende || wunian lange, / þæt iċ ne slǣpe || siþþ
Riddles 58 8 steort || heafod lytel / tungan lange || toð nænigne / isernes dæl
A.3.25 57 e·lēafan; || for·þon hīe lange sċul[], / werġe wihta, || wr
A.3.26 54 || hǣdre sċīnan, / þā þe lange ǣr || be·locen wǣron, / be·
A.3.26 80 on Bethlem. || Bidon we þæs lange, / setan% on sorĝum, || sibbe o
A.3.3 102 be·bod || druĝon hīe þæt lange. / And þeċ, Crīst cyning, ||
A.3.34.67 10 da lārēow. || For·þon nū lange mæġ / [] ealdre || ēċe libb
A.3.4 489 ne līċ-haman, || ðǣr hīe lange bēoþ / oþ fȳres cyme || fol
A.3.5 208 þēs lēodsċipe mid him || lange be·ēode.’ / Him þæt æðe
Juliana 444 ow / to late micles || sceal nu lange ofer ðis / scyldwyrcende || sc
A.3.5 674 te, / lēolc ofer laĝuflōd || lange hwīle / on swan-rāde. || Swyl
A.3.6 3 ċeariġ / ġond laĝu-lāde || lange sċolde / hrēran mid heandum |
A.3.6 38 yhtnes / lēofes lār-cwidum || lange for·þolian, / þonne sorh and
Beowulf 16 hie ær drugon || aldorlease / lange hwile || him ðæs liffrea / wu
Beowulf 31 e scyldinga / leof landfruma || lange ahte / ðær æt hyðe stod ||
A.4.1 54 dinga, / lēof lēod-cyning, || lange þrāĝe / folcum ġe·frǣġe
Beowulf 114 antas || ða wið gode wunnon / lange ðrage || he him ðæs lean f
Beowulf 905 || hine sorhwylmas / lemede to lange || he his leodum wearð / eallu
A.4.1 1061 ēofes and lāðes || sē þe lange hēr / on þissum winn-daĝum |
Beowulf 1257 a gyt / lifde æfter laðum || lange ðrage / æfter guðceare || gr
Beowulf 1336 heardum clammum / forðan he to lange || leode mine / wanode ond wyrd
Beowulf 1748 ceð him to lytel || ðæt he lange heold / gytsað gromhydig || na
Beowulf 1915 || hyðweard geara / se ðe ær lange tid || leofra manna / fus æt f
Beowulf 1994 uwode / leofes mannes || ic ðe lange bæd / ðæt ðu ðone wælgæs
Beowulf 2130 rnost / ðara ðe leodfruman || lange begeate / ða se ðeoden mec ||
Beowulf 2159 ogar cyning / leod scyldunga || lange hwile / no ðy ær suna sinum |
Beowulf 2183 / heold hildedeor || hean wæs lange / swa hyne geata bearn || godne
Beowulf 2344 ðeah ðe hordwelan || heolde lange / oferhogode ða || hringa feng
Beowulf 2423 lan / lif wið lice || no ðon lange wæs / feorh æðelinges || fl
A.4.1 2751 and lēodsċipe, || þone iċ lange hēold.’ / Þā iċ snūde ġ
A.4.1 2780 āra mādma || mund-bora wæs / lange hwīle, || līeġ-eġesan wæ
A.4.1 3082 te hine liċġan || ðǣr hē lange wæs, / wīcum wunian || oþ we
A.4.1 3108 / lēofne mannan, || ðǣr hē lange sċeall / on þæs wealdendes |
Judith 158 eðe / ðara læðða || ðe ge lange drugon / ða wurdon bliðe || b
Judith 346 e tweode / ðæs leanes ðe heo lange gyrnde || ðæs sy ðam leofa
The Paris Psalter 103:20 1 rnaþ / / # / and leon hwelpas || lange swylce / grymetigaþ gnorne ||
The Paris Psalter 103:20 1 aþ. / / # / And lēon hwelpas || lange || swelċe / grymettaþ gnorne;
The Paris Psalter 118:47 3 rþan ic hi on lufan minre || lange hæfde / / # / and ic mine handa
The Paris Psalter 118:48 1 % iċ hīe on lufan mīnre || lange hæfde. / / # / And iċ mīne han
The Paris Psalter 118:77 2 a || mihtum geswyþede / and ic lange on þam || lifian mote / forþo
The Paris Psalter 118:77 3 eahtum ġe·swīðed, / and iċ lange on þǣm || libban mōte; / for
The Paris Psalter 118:97 2 ten / lustum lufode || ic þæt lange dyde / þæt ic þa on mode ||
The Paris Psalter 118:97 3 , / lustum lufode; || iċ þæt lange dyde, / þæt iċ þā on mōde
The Paris Psalter 118:116 3 e / þæt ic sceolde lifigan || lange þrage / ne gescend me on siþe
The Paris Psalter 118:116 4 , / þæt iċ sċolde lifian || lange þrāĝe; / ne ġe·sċend mē
The Paris Psalter 127:6 4 salem || goda gehwylces / ealle lange dagas || lifes þines / / # / and
The Paris Psalter 132:4 2 ig drihten / lifes bletsunga || lange to feore / of þisson nu || awa
The Paris Psalter 54:7 2 æle / and on westene || wunode lange / bide þæs beornes || þe me
The Paris Psalter 58:12 4 le gescende / þa hi on lige || lange feredon / forþon hi on ende ||
The Paris Psalter 67:18 4 on hæftnede || hwile micele / lange lifdon || and wæs lacgeofa / o
The Paris Psalter 68:14 1 f lame || þe læs ic weorþe lange fæst / and me feondum afyrr ||
The Paris Psalter 68:15 1 āme, || þe læs iċ weorðe lange fæst, / and mē fēondum ā·f
The Paris Psalter 73:9 1 æfre secgen / / # / wilt þu hu lange || wealdend drihten / edwit þo
The Paris Psalter 79:5 2 gena god || mære drihten / hu lange yrsast þu || on þines esnes
The Paris Psalter 81:2 1 || mægene tosceadeþ / / # / hu lange deme ge || domas unrihte / and
The Paris Psalter 88:40 1 ame onmettest / / # / wilt þu hu lange || wealdend drihten / yrre þin
The Paris Psalter 90:16 3 werþeoda / and him lifdagas || lange sylle / swylce him mine hælu |
The Paris Psalter 92:8 2 þ / drihten usser || and dagas lange
The Paris Psalter 93:3 1 a hi ær grame worhton / / # / hu lange fyrenwyrhtan || foldan wealda
A.5.6.1 50 inċ-ġiefa sella || siþþan lange. / Hē wæs for weorolde wīs, |
A.5.6.1 58 his eldran mid him || āhton lange, / lufan and lissa. || Angan þ
A.5.6.1 75 drēfed / Bōitīus. || Brēac lange ǣr / wlenċa under wolcnum; ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 64 enen || and wilnigen / þæt ge lange tid || libban moten / hwæt iow
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 16 e || þæt þæt he wolde / swa lange swa he wolde || þæt hit wes
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 38 wene / heora lareowas || þe hi lange ær / tydon and temedon || hi o
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 175 butan / dogora gehwilce || dyde lange swa / hwæt þu þioda god ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 244 || wunedon ætsomne / efen swa lange || swa him lyfed wæs / from þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 18 æfde / on his incofan || æror lange / efne swa sweotole || swa he o
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 13 m fyre || þe fela geara / for lange betweox || lyfte and rodere / s
A.5.6.26 16 e ofer laĝu-strēam, || sæt lange ðǣr / tīen winter full. ||
A.5.6.26 99 || þe þissum drȳ-cræftum / lange% ġe·līefdon, || lēasum spe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 103 meahte / þæt þa lichoman || lange þrage / onwend wurdon || is þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 80 hit oferwrigen mid || wunode lange / þonne ic wæt geare || þæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 5 uh / sibbe singale || dydon swa lange / swa hi gewenede || wuldres al
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 46 þran / biþ þæt lease lot || lange hwile / bewrigen mid wrencum ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 19 leþa gehwæm || hus on munte / lange gelæstan || forþæm him lun
A.5.6.9 13 exan swā lēohte || and swā lange ēac, / rēad rāsettan, || sw
A.51.90.16 3 / and him līf-dæġes || and lange selle / swelċe him mīne hǣl
A.51.92.8 2 / drihten ūser || and dagas lange.
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 11 on hæþenra || hæfteclommum / lange þrage || oþ hie alysde eft /
The Death of Edward 16 od || bealuleas cyng / þeah he lange ær || lande bereafod / wunode
A.6.13 83 aþ gūð-mæċġa || ġierde lange, / gyldene gāde || and ā þone
Solomon and Saturn 88 a / hafaþ guþmæcga || gierde lange / gyldene gade || and a þone g
A.6.13 113 nes, / habbaþ lēoht speru, || lange sċeaftas, / swīþ-mōde swipa
Solomon and Saturn 118 gegnes / habbaþ leoht speru || lange sceaftas / swiþmode sweopan ||
A.6.13 112 allaþ || þā þe firena ǣr / lange lǣstaþ, || libbaþ him on m
Solomon and Saturn 130 eallaþ || þa þe fyrena ær / lange læstaþ || lifiaþ him in ma
The Menologium 107 / ymb twa and feower || tiida lange / ærra liþa || us to tune / iun
The Judgment Day II 66 me geðanc / hwi latast ðu swa lange || ðæt ðu ðe læce ne cy
The Judgment Day II 144 ne / gelice alyfed || ðæt man lange hæl / ufenan eall ðis || eac
The Seasons for Fasting 101 e petres || preostas syððan / lange lifes tyd || leordun ðæt sy
Instructions for Christians 43 þu þæt æfre% || ayldan to lange / þæt ðu behatest% || heofo
Instructions for Christians 58 e ðe æfter synnum || swiðe lange / forhæfednesse || habben þ
ligoraceaster - 1 occurrences
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 6 rada brimstream || burga fife / ligoraceaster || and lincylene / and snotinga
lincylene - 1 occurrences
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 6 rga fife / ligoraceaster || and lincylene / and snotingaham || swylce sta
liġoraceaster - 1 occurrences
A.6.10.2 6 brim-strēam. || Burga fīfe, / Liġoraceaster || and Lincylene / and Snotinga
mundbora - 11 occurrences
Guthlac A 695 s || gæst in gewealdum / modig mundbora || meahtum spedig / ðeostra ð
Guthlac A 788 n || is him bearn godes / milde mundbora || meahtig dryhten / halig hyrd
Riddles 17 1 # Riddles 17 / / ic eom mundbora || minre heorde / eodorwirum f
Resignation 109 e || eala dryhten min / meahtig mundbora || ðæt ic eom mode seoc / bit
The Descent into Hell 75 || cyneðrymma wyn / ðæt ðu mundbora || minum wære / eala gabrihel
Juliana 156 m to || eal biðence / ðæt he mundbora || min geweorðe / helpend ond
Beowulf 1480 m || on fæder stæle / wes ðu mundbora || minum magoðegnum / hondgese
Beowulf 2779 lafordes / ðam ðara maðma || mundbora wæs / longe hwile || ligegesan
The Paris Psalter 120:5 2 þe || halig drihten / and þin mundbora || mihtig weorþe / ofer þa sw
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 2 ning || engla þeoden / mæcgea mundbora || myrce geeode / dyre dædfrum
The Rewards of Piety 51 ðæt he ðe hæl gife / milde mundbora || swa him gemet ðince / and o
myrce - 3 occurrences
Andreas 1313 gemyndig / morþres manfrea || myrce gescyrded / deoful deaþreow ||
The Battle of Brunanburh 24 earle / mecum mylenscearpan || myrce ne wyrndon / heardes hondplegan
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 2 a þeoden / mæcgea mundbora || myrce geeode / dyre dædfruma || swa
mæcgea - 1 occurrences
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 2 dmund cyning || engla þeoden / mæcgea mundbora || myrce geeode / dyre
mæċġa - 5 occurrences
A.1.4 333 rist-bitung% || and gnornung% mæċġa. / Nabbaþ hē% tō hyhte || nem
A.2.1 772 on-cwide || twēoġende mōd, / mæċġa mis-ġe·hyġd || morðre be
A.3.12 52 þurh byreles hand / medu-ĝāl mæċġa; || þonne hē ġe·met ne can
A.3.13 151 f sē grǣġa, / morðor-cwealm mæċġa, || ac hit ā māre wille. / Wr
A.6.10.2 2 nd cyning, || Engla þēoden, / mæċġa% mundbora, || Myrce ġe·eode,
norðmannum - 2 occurrences
Genesis A 1977 werġan. || Þā wintra [XII] / norð-mannum ǣr || nīede sċoldon / gambum
A.6.10.2 9 || Dæne wǣran ǣror% / under Norðmannum || nyde ġe·beġde / on hǣðe
norþmannum - 1 occurrences
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 9 y || dæne wæran æror / under norþmannum || nyde gebegde / on hæþenra
nyde - 20 occurrences
Exodus 116 candel barn / niwe nihtweard || nyde sceolde / wician ofer weredum |
Daniel 492 gemet wære / oþþæt hine mid nyde || nyþor asette / metod ælmih
Christ C 1071 g || ondweard gæð / neode ond nyde || bi noman gehatne / berað br
Christ C 1405 worpen / neorxnawonges wlite || nyde sceoldes / agiefan geomormod ||
The Fortunes of Men 28 ceal on feðe || on feorwegas / nyde gongan || ond his nest beran /
Maxims I 38 se him his nest aspringeð || nyde sceal ðrage gebunden / bliðe
Soul and Body II 61 ceal ic ðe nihtes seðeah || nyde gesecan / synnum gesargad || on
Riddles 4 29 heo / swylce ic nardes stenc || nyde oferswiðe / mid minre swetness
Riddles 40 30 eo; / swylce ic nardes stenc || nyde oferswiþe / mid minre swetness
The Husband's Message 40 a || ðeah ðe her min wine/ / nyde gebæded || nacan ut aðrong /
Juliana 203 || gedwolan fylgest / ðonne ic nyde sceal || niða gebæded / on ð
Juliana 343 ðæt ic ðisse noðe wæs || nyde gebæded / ðragmælum geðread
Juliana 462 ðinne hleoðorcwide / ðæt ic nyde sceal || niða gebæded / mod m
Beowulf 1005 gesecan sceal || sawlberendra / nyde genydde || niðða bearna / gru
Judith 287 h geðrungen || ðe we sculon nyde losian / somod æt sæcce forwe
The Paris Psalter 114:4 2 e / þonne ic naman drihtnes || nyde cigde / / # / eala þu leofa god
The Paris Psalter 118:132 3 um dydest / þe naman þinne || nyde lufedon / / # / gerece þu me swy
The Paris Psalter 72:17 3 ysde / and ic to nawihte eom || nyde gebiged / swa ic þæt be owiht
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 9 an æror / under norþmannum || nyde gebegde / on hæþenra || hæft
Fragment of Psalm 43 3 de / forðon we naman ðinne || nyde lufiað
on - 5662 occurrences
Genesis A 19 þon / firena fremman || ac hie on friþe lifdon / ece mid heora a
Genesis A 21 r || elles ne ongunnon / ræran on roderum || nymþe riht and so
Genesis A 23 weard || for oferhygde / dwæl on gedwilde || noldan dreogan le
Genesis A 32 niþes ofþyrsted || þæt he on norþdæle / ham and heahsetl |
Genesis A 59 tire || and his torn gewræc / on gesacum swiþe || selfes miht
Genesis A 61 e mod / gegremed grymme || grap on wraþe / faum folmum || and him
Genesis A 62 wraþe / faum folmum || and him on fæþm gebræc / yrre on mode |
Genesis A 63 nd him on fæþm gebræc / yrre on mode || æþele bescyrede / his
Genesis A 68 dend sende / laþwendne here || on langne siþ / geomre gastas ||
Genesis A 71 d þrym / wlite gewemmed || heo on wrace syþþan / seomodon swear
Genesis A 78 þa wæs soþ swa ær || sibb on heofnum / fægre freoþoþeawas
Genesis A 86 gæfon / leohte belorene || him on laste setl / wuldorspedum welig
Genesis A 88 wide stodan / gifum growende || on godes rice / beorht and geblæd
Genesis A 97 aþan || ofgifen hæfdon / heah on heofenum || forþam halig god
Genesis A 101 eted wurde / woruldgesceafte || on wraþra gield / þara þe forhe
Genesis A 106 htne fremde / idel and unnyt || on þone eagum wlat / stiþfrihþ
Genesis A 138 d ure / æfen ærest || him arn on last / þrang þystre genip ||
Genesis A 145 strum || heht þa lifes weard / on mereflode || middum weorþan /
Genesis A 187 s bryd / gaste gegearwod || hie on geogoþe bu / wlitebeorht wæro
Genesis A 188 oþe bu / wlitebeorht wæron || on woruld cenned / meotodes mihtum
Genesis A 191 n || ac him drihtnes wæs / bam on breostum || byrnende lufu / þa
Genesis A 199 inc sceal sealt wæter / wunian on gewealde || and eall worulde
Genesis A 202 halig feoh / and wilde deor || on geweald geseald / and lifigende
Genesis A 220 p / wætre wlitebeorhtum || and on woruld sende / þæra anne hata
Genesis A 224 tum streamum / hebeleac utan || on þære eþyltyrf / niþþas fin
Genesis B 242 || stod his handgeweorc / somod on sande || nyston sorga wiht / to
Genesis B 253 wiþne geworhtne / swa mihtigne on his modgeþohte || he let hin
Genesis B 254 micles wealdan / hehstne to him on heofona rice || hæfde he hin
Genesis B 255 ne / swa wynlic wæs his wæstm on heofonum || þæt him com fro
Genesis B 257 / dyran sceolde he his dreamas on heofonum || and sceolde his d
Genesis B 258 ncian / þæs leanes þe he him on þam leohte gescerede || þon
Genesis B 260 heofnes waldend || þe siteþ on þam halgan stole / deore wæs
Genesis B 274 cran || stol geworhte / heahran on heofonum || cwæþ þæt hine
Genesis B 282 nne || godlecran stol / hearran on heofne || hwy sceal ic æfter
Genesis B 288 nd synd hie mine georne / holde on hyra hygesceaftum || ic mæg
Genesis B 289 mæg hyra hearra wesan / rædan on þis rice || swa me þæt rih
Genesis B 302 orene / gram wearþ him se goda on his mode || forþon he sceold
Genesis B 304 a fram his hyldo || and hine on helle wearp / on þa deopan dal
Genesis B 305 do || and hine on helle wearp / on þa deopan dala || þær he t
Genesis B 308 d dagas / þa englas of heofnum on helle || and heo ealle forsce
Genesis B 310 n weorþian || forþon he heo on wyrse leoht / under eorþan neo
Genesis B 312 mihtig god / sette sigelease || on þa sweartan helle / þær hæb
Genesis B 313 rtan helle / þær hæbbaþ heo on æfyn || ungemet lange / ealra
Genesis B 315 c || fyr edneowe / þonne cymþ on uhtan || easterne wind / forst
Genesis B 322 elæston / lagon þa oþre fynd on þam fyre || þe ær swa feal
Genesis B 331 a befeallene || fyre to botme / on þa hatan hell || þurh hygel
Genesis B 339 r wæs engla scynost / hwitost on heofne || and his hearran leo
Genesis B 342 pe || god sylfa wearþ / mihtig on mode yrre || wearp hine on þ
Genesis B 342 ig on mode yrre || wearp hine on þæt morþer innan / niþer on
Genesis B 343 on þæt morþer innan / niþer on þæt niobedd || and sceop hi
Genesis B 350 || wæs ær godes engel / hwit on heofne || oþ hine his hyge f
Genesis B 353 es / word wurþian || weoll him on innan / hyge ymb his heortan ||
Genesis B 358 ham || þe we ær cuþon / hean on heofonrice || þe me min hear
Genesis B 367 n || stol behealdan / wesan him on wynne || and we þis wite þo
Genesis B 368 nd we þis wite þolien / hearm on þisse helle || wa la ahte ic
Genesis B 389 weald / ac þoliaþ we nu þrea on helle || þæt syndon þystro
Genesis B 391 hafaþ us god sylfa / forswapen on þas sweartan mistas || swa h
Genesis B 392 synne gestælan / þæt we him on þam lande laþ gefremedon ||
Genesis B 393 s leohtes bescyrede / beworpen on ealra wita mæste || ne magon
Genesis B 398 sculon hycgan georne / þæt we on adame || gif we æfre mægen /
Genesis B 399 me || gif we æfre mægen / and on his eafrum swa some || andan
Genesis B 402 cræfte || ne magon we þæt on aldre gewinnan / þæt we mihti
Genesis B 405 || þonne weorþ he him wraþ on mode / ahwet hie from his hyldo
Genesis B 408 to giongrum habban / fira bearn on þissum fæstum clomme || ong
Genesis B 410 / geara forgeafe || þenden we on þan godan rice / gesælige sæ
Genesis B 412 setla geweald / þonne he me na on leofran tid || leanum ne meah
Genesis B 418 oman || fleogan meahte / windan on wolcne || þær geworht stond
Genesis B 419 orht stondaþ / adam and eue || on eorþrice / mid welan bewunden
Genesis B 421 || and we synd aworpene hider / on þas deopan dalo || nu hie dr
Genesis B 423 n him þone welan agan / þe we on heofonrice || habban sceoldon
Genesis B 425 ed / monna cynne || þæt me is on minum mode swa sar / on minum h
Genesis B 426 t me is on minum mode swa sar / on minum hyge hreoweþ || þæt
Genesis B 434 þan ic me sefte mæg / restan on þyssum racentum || gif him
Genesis B 437 re || þæs we her inne magon / on þyssum fyre forþ || fremena
Genesis B 439 a hwa swa þæt secgan cymeþ / on þas hatan helle || þæt hie
Genesis B 443 a gyrwan || godes andsaca / fus on frætwum || hæfde fæcne hyg
Genesis B 444 æfde fæcne hyge / hæleþhelm on heafod asette || and þone fu
Genesis B 448 || hæfde hyge strangne / leolc on lyfte || laþwendemod / swang
Genesis B 449 laþwendemod / swang þæt fyr on twa || feondes cræfte / wolde
Genesis B 454 es cræft / oþþæt he adam || on eorþrice / godes handgesceaft
Genesis B 464 æt þær yldo bearn || moste on ceosan / godes and yfeles || gu
Genesis B 469 | þæt wæs lifes beam / moste on ecnisse || æfter lybban / wesa
Genesis B 470 cnisse || æfter lybban / wesan on worulde || se þæs wæstmes
Genesis B 473 | ac moste symle wesan / lungre on lustum || and his lif agan / hy
Genesis B 474 n / hyldo heofoncyninges || her on worulde / habban him to wæron
Genesis B 476 o wæron || witode geþingþo / on þone hean heofon || þonne h
Genesis B 481 ilc || yfles and godes / gewand on þisse worulde || sceolde on
Genesis B 481 on þisse worulde || sceolde on wite a / mid swate and mid sorg
Genesis B 483 swa hwa swa gebyrgde || þæs on þam beame geweox / sceolde hin
Genesis B 487 can þonne landa || sweartost on fyre / sceolde feondum þeowian
Genesis B 491 drihten wann / wearp hine þa on wyrmes lic || and wand him þ
Genesis B 497 uht / adam up to gode || ic eom on his ærende hider / feorran gef
Genesis B 499 sylfne sæt || þa het he me on þysne siþ faran / het þæt
Genesis B 504 iges sceattes þearf / ne wurde on worulde || nu þu willan hæf
Genesis B 508 ne þine dæd and word / lofian on his leohte || and ymb þin li
Genesis B 509 a þu læstan scealt || þæt on þis land hider / his bodan bri
Genesis B 510 bodan bringaþ || brade synd on worulde / grene geardas || and
Genesis B 512 ene geardas || and god siteþ / on þam hehstan || heofna rice / u
Genesis B 514 eþu / sylfa habban || þæt he on þysne siþ fare / gumena driht
Genesis B 518 ambyhto || nim þe þis ofæt on hand / bit his and byrige || þ
Genesis B 519 his and byrige || þe weorþ on þinum breostum rum / wæstm þ
Genesis B 522 ce / adam maþelode || þær he on eorþan stod / selfsceafte guma
Genesis B 528 | and me warnian het / þæt ic on þone deaþes beam || bedrore
Genesis B 548 || þær he þæt wif geseah / on eorþrice || euan stondan / sce
Genesis B 551 orum || æfter siþþan / wurde on worulde || ic wat inc waldend
Genesis B 556 rende swa || he easten hider / on þysne siþ sendeþ || nu sce
Genesis B 559 t he inc abolgen wyrþ / mihtig on mode || gif þu þeah minum w
Genesis B 562 rume || ræd geþencan / gehyge on þinum breostum || þæt þu
Genesis B 571 hwylce þu selfa hæfst / bisne on breostum || þæs þu gebod g
Genesis B 574 fel andwyrde || an forlæteþ / on breostcofan || swa wit him bu
Genesis B 589 || and mid listum speon / idese on þæt unriht || oþþæt hire
Genesis B 589 þæt unriht || oþþæt hire on innan ongan / weallan wyrmes ge
Genesis B 627 scenost / wifa wlitegost || þe on woruld come / forþon heo wæs
Genesis B 636 s geweald hafaþ / sum heo hire on handum bær || sum hire æt h
Genesis B 645 lden || þe þæt laþe treow / on his bogum bær || bitre gefyl
Genesis B 648 ligenum || se wæs laþ gode / on hete heofoncyninges || and hy
Genesis B 656 þis ofet is swa swete / bliþe on breostum || and þes boda sci
Genesis B 657 sciene / godes engel god || ic on his gearwan geseo / þæt he is
Genesis B 674 c rume / and swa wide geseon || on woruld ealle / ofer þas sidan
Genesis B 676 ic mæg swegles gamen / gehyran on heofnum || wearþ me on hige
Genesis B 676 hyran on heofnum || wearþ me on hige leohte / utan and innan ||
Genesis B 678 es onbat / nu hæbbe ic his her on handa || herra se goda / gife i
Genesis B 682 || hit nis wuhte gelic / elles on eorþan || buton swa þes ar
Genesis B 685 || and speon hine ealne dæg / on þa dimman dæd || þæt hie
Genesis B 687 wraþa boda / legde him lustas on || and mid listum speon / fylgd
Genesis B 689 | wæs se feond full neah / þe on þa frecnan fyrd || gefaren h
Genesis B 691 er langne weg || leode hogode / on þæt micle morþ || men forw
Genesis B 701 e / wifa wlitegost || þæt heo on his willan spræc / wæs him on
Genesis B 702 on his willan spræc / wæs him on helpe || handweorc godes / to f
Genesis B 710 olde / monna cynne || þæs heo on mod genam / þæt heo þæs la
Genesis B 723 n / ofet unfæle || swa hit him on innan com / hran æt heortan ||
Genesis B 733 ice || ac hie to helle sculon / on þone sweartan siþ || swa þ
Genesis B 734 u his sorge ne þearft / beran on þinum breostum || þær þu
Genesis B 735 ær þu gebunden ligst / murnan on mode || þæt her men bun / þo
Genesis B 739 n micle mod || monig forleton / on heofonrice || heahgetimbro / go
Genesis B 741 rre / forþon wit him noldon || on heofonrice / hnigan mid heafdum
Genesis B 744 gegenge ne wæs / þæt wit him on þegnscipe || þeowian wolden
Genesis B 745 n unc waldend wearþ || wraþ on mode / on hyge hearde || and us
Genesis B 746 ldend wearþ || wraþ on mode / on hyge hearde || and us on hell
Genesis B 746 mode / on hyge hearde || and us on helle bedraf / on þæt fyr fyl
Genesis B 747 rde || and us on helle bedraf / on þæt fyr fylde || folca mæs
Genesis B 748 ste / and mid handum his || eft on heofonrice / rihte rodorstolas
Genesis B 751 || mæg þin mod wesan / bliþe on breostum || forþon her synt
Genesis B 753 sculon / leode forlætan || and on þæt lig to þe / hate hweorfa
Genesis B 761 ic þær secan wille || he is on þære sweartan helle / hæft m
Genesis B 777 forþam him higesorga / burnon on breostum || hwilum to gebede
Genesis B 784 won / heora lichaman || næfdon on þam lande þa giet / sælþa g
Genesis B 787 || ac hie wel meahton / libban on þam lande || gif hie wolden
Genesis B 803 it me hunger and þurst / bitre on breostum || þæs wit begra
Genesis B 804 t begra ær / wæron orsorge || on ealle tid / hu sculon wit nu li
Genesis B 805 culon wit nu libban || oþþe on þys lande wesan / gif her wind
Genesis B 809 hefone getenge / færeþ forst on gemang || se byþ fyrnum ceal
Genesis B 819 || nu þu me forlæred hæfst / on mines herran hete || swa me n
Genesis B 823 s geweorc godes / þeah heo þa on deofles cræft || bedroren wu
Genesis B 826 || hit þe þeah wyrs ne mæg / on þinum hyge hreowan || þonne
Genesis B 830 we þu no sniomor || þeah me on sæ wadan / hete heofones god |
Genesis B 832 eofones god || heonone nu-þa / on flod faran || nære he firnum
Genesis B 835 te / willan gewyrcean || nis me on worulde niod / æniges þegnsci
Genesis B 839 ne / wesan to wuhte || uton gan on þysne weald innan / on þisses
Genesis B 840 ton gan on þysne weald innan / on þisses holtes hleo || hwurfo
Genesis B 841 a-twa / togengdon gnorngende || on þone grenan weald / sæton ons
Genesis B 847 de || wæda ne hæfdon / ac hie on gebed feollon || bu-tu ætsom
Genesis B 851 ade || waldend se goda / hu hie on þam leohte forþ || libban s
Genesis A 854 r midne dæg || mære þeoden / on neorxnawang || neode sine / wol
Genesis A 860 || blæde bereafod / hyddon hie on heolstre || þa hie halig wor
Genesis A 870 || sceaþen is me sare / frecne on ferhþe || ne dear nu forþ g
Genesis A 883 t || andswarode / me þa blæda on hand || bryd gesealde / freoluc
Genesis A 885 || freadrihten min / þe ic þe on teonan geþah || nu ic þæs
Genesis A 886 u ic þæs tacen wege / sweotol on me selfum || wat ic sorga þy
Genesis A 891 dra gifa || þa þu gitsiende / on beam gripe || blæda name / on
Genesis A 892 / on beam gripe || blæda name / on treowes telgum || and me on t
Genesis A 892 e / on treowes telgum || and me on teonan / æte þa unfreme || ad
Genesis A 902 || swa hit riht ne wæs / beam on bearwe || and þa blæda æt /
Genesis A 909 þenden þe feorh wunaþ / gast on innan || þu scealt greot eta
Genesis A 920 | þu scealt wæpnedmen / wesan on gewealde || mid weres egsan / h
Genesis A 923 dan / and þurh wop and heaf || on woruld cennan / þurh sar micel
Genesis A 928 secean / wynleasran wic || and on wræc hweorfan / nacod niedwæd
Genesis A 933 forþon þu winnan scealt / and on eorþan þe || þine andlifne
Genesis A 937 ripeþ / adl unliþe || þe þu on æple ær / selfa forswulge ||
Genesis A 944 from hweorfan / neorxnawange || on nearore lif / him on laste bele
Genesis A 945 nawange || on nearore lif / him on laste beleac || liþsa and wy
Genesis A 974 n || oþer æhte heold / fæder on fultum || oþþæt forþ gewa
Genesis A 977 brohton || brego engla beseah / on abeles gield || eagum sinum / c
Genesis A 981 an || hygewælm asteah / beorne on breostum || blatende niþ / yrr
Genesis A 1011 þu || folmum þinum / wraþum on wælbedd || wærfæstne rinc /
Genesis A 1014 mes scealt / wite winnan || and on wræc hweorfan / awyrged to wid
Genesis A 1024 earf ic ænigre || are wenan / on woruldrice || ac ic forworht
Genesis A 1027 forþon ic lastas sceal / wean on wenum || wide lecgan / hwonne m
Genesis A 1031 es || ic his blod ageat / dreor on eorþan || þu to dæge þiss
Genesis A 1041 sinum / aldre beneoteþ || hine on cymeþ / æfter þære synne ||
Genesis A 1043 æfter weorce || hine waldend on / tirfæst metod || tacen sette
Genesis A 1052 him þa wic geceas / eastlandum on || eþelstowe / fædergeardum f
Genesis A 1062 est wocan / bearn from bryde || on þam burhstede / se yldesta wæ
Genesis A 1068 iarede || yrfes hyrde / fæder on laste || oþþæt he forþ ge
Genesis A 1076 reonum || him bryda twa / idesa on eþle || eaforan feddon / ada a
Genesis A 1082 e sweg || sunu lamehes / swylce on þære mægþe || maga wæs h
Genesis A 1083 re mægþe || maga wæs haten / on þa ilcan tid || tubalcain / se
Genesis A 1093 and sellan || unarlic spel / ic on morþor ofsloh || minra sumne
Genesis A 1095 ne / hyldemaga || honda gewemde / on caines || cwealme mine / fylde
Genesis A 1099 gearwe / þæt þam lichryre || on last cymeþ / soþcyninges || s
Genesis A 1104 orþ scio / þa wearþ adame || on abeles gyld / eafora on eþle |
Genesis A 1105 dame || on abeles gyld / eafora on eþle || oþer feded / soþfæs
Genesis A 1110 and euan || wæs abeles gield / on woruldrice || þa word acwæ
Genesis A 1113 sigora waldend / lifes aldor || on leofes stæl / þæs þe cain o
Genesis A 1121 hund || þisses lifes / wintra on worulde || us gewritu secgaþ
Genesis A 1124 mæcgum || mægburg sine / adam on eorþan || ealra hæfde / nigen
Genesis A 1128 tgedal || ofgyfan sceolde / him on laste seth || leod weardode / e
Genesis A 1137 t ealra || siþþan adam stop / on grene græs || gaste geweorþ
Genesis A 1150 earþ || cainan ærest / eafora on eþle || siþþan eahtahund / a
Genesis A 1151 þan eahtahund / and fiftyno || on friþo drihtnes / gleawferhþ h
Genesis A 1159 ær him sunu woce / þa wearþ on eþle || eafora feded / mago ca
Genesis A 1167 rum || rim wæs gefylled / him on laste heold || land and yrfe /
Genesis A 1173 monnum brohte || se maga wæs / on his mægþe || mine gefræge /
Genesis A 1174 mægþe || mine gefræge / guma on geogoþe || iared haten / lifde
Genesis A 1184 m leof / fif and hundteontig || on fyore lifde / wintra gebidenra
Genesis A 1185 ore lifde / wintra gebidenra || on woruldrice / and syxtig eac ||
Genesis A 1187 ewearþ / þæt his wif sunu || on woruld brohte / se eafora wæs
Genesis A 1204 era waldend || se rinc heonon / on lichoman || lisse sohte / driht
Genesis A 1209 ætwist || eorþan gestreona / on genimeþ || and heora aldor s
Genesis A 1212 þyssum lænan || life feran / on þam gearwum || þe his gast
Genesis A 1219 athusal heold || maga yrfe / se on lichoman || lengest þissa / wo
Genesis A 1246 hes cynn / leofes leodfruman || on lufan swiþe / drihtne dyre ||
Genesis A 1249 bearn godes || bryda ongunnon / on caines || cynne secan / wergum
Genesis A 1255 þa worde cwæþ / ne syndon me on ferhþe freo || from gewitene
Genesis A 1262 ond / folcdriht wera || þa ær on friþe wæron / siþþan hundtw
Genesis A 1264 elftig || geteled rime / wintra on worulde || wræce bisgodon / f
Genesis A 1266 e þeoda || hwonne frea wolde / on wærlogan || wite settan / and
Genesis A 1267 wærlogan || wite settan / and on deaþ slean || dædum scyldig
Genesis A 1271 end / hwæt wæs monna || manes on eorþan / and þæt hie wæron
Genesis A 1280 synnum / eall aæþan || þæt on eorþan wæs / forleosan lica g
Genesis A 1283 ahte || eall þæt frea wolde / on þære toweardan || tide acwe
Genesis A 1303 scip wyrcan / merehus micel || on þam þu monegum scealt / reste
Genesis A 1306 þan tudre / gescype scylfan || on scipes bosme / þu þæt fær g
Genesis A 1312 lifigendra || cynna gehwilces / on þæt wudufæsten || wocor ge
Genesis A 1332 deop wæter || dægrimes worn / on lides bosme || læd swa ic þ
Genesis A 1335 wif / ond þu seofone genim || on þæt sundreced / tudra gehwilc
Genesis A 1345 lle / gewit þu nu mid hiwum || on þæt hof gangan / gasta werode
Genesis A 1348 wyrþe / ara mid eaforum || ic on andwlitan / nu ofor seofon niht
Genesis A 1352 rtig daga || fæhþe ic wille / on weras stælan || and mid wæg
Genesis A 1358 bord || eaforan lædan / weras on wægþæl || and heora wif so
Genesis A 1363 n || þurh his word abead / him on hoh beleac || heofonrices wea
Genesis A 1373 d eac rume let / willeburnan || on woruld þringan / of ædra gehw
Genesis A 1381 ode || hygeteonan wræc / metod on monnum || mere swiþe grap / on
Genesis A 1382 on monnum || mere swiþe grap / on fæge folc || feowertig daga /
Genesis A 1388 rgas / geond sidne grund || and on sund ahof / earce from eorþan
Genesis A 1401 le / nymþe heof wæs ahafen || on þa hean lyft / þa se egorhere
Genesis A 1410 re beleac / lifes leohtfruma || on lides bosme / gelædde þa wige
Genesis A 1421 rage / daga forþ gewat || þa on dunum gesæt / heah mid hlæste
Genesis A 1429 þæra he rume dreah / þa hine on sunde || geond sidne grund / wo
Genesis A 1443 use ut / noe tealde || þæt he on neod hine / gif he on þære la
Genesis A 1444 þæt he on neod hine / gif he on þære lade || land ne funde /
Genesis A 1446 fer sid wæter || secan wolde / on wægþele || eft him seo wen
Genesis A 1452 heah wæter || haswe culufran / on fandunga || hwæþer famig s
Genesis A 1458 e meahte / land gespornan || ne on leaf treowes / steppan for stre
Genesis A 1461 trum || gewat se wilda fugel / on æfenne || earce secan / ofer w
Genesis A 1468 e funde || and þa fotum stop / on beam hyre || gefeah bliþemod
Genesis A 1470 heo gesittan || swiþe werig / on treowes telgum || torhtum mos
Genesis A 1482 lwed bord || syþþan ætywan / on þellfæstenne || þa hire þ
Genesis A 1486 þelstol || eft gerymed / lisse on lande || lagosiþa rest / fæge
Genesis A 1487 ande || lagosiþa rest / fæger on foldan || gewit on freþo gan
Genesis A 1487 est / fæger on foldan || gewit on freþo gangan / ut of earce ||
Genesis A 1488 þo gangan / ut of earce || and on eorþan bearm / of þam hean ho
Genesis A 1490 þa wocre || þe ic wægþrea on / liþe nerede || þenden lago
Genesis A 1499 t reþran || and recene genam / on eallum dæl || æhtum sinum /
Genesis A 1506 arn somed / þæt he þæt gyld on þanc || agifen hæfde / and on
Genesis A 1507 on þanc || agifen hæfde / and on geogoþhade || godum dædum /
Genesis A 1516 eofonfuglas / and wildu deor || on geweald geseald / eorþe ælgre
Genesis A 1533 wridaþ || wilna brucaþ / ara on eorþan || æþelum fyllaþ / e
Genesis A 1536 þæs / mine selle || þæt ic on middangeard / næfre egorhere |
Genesis A 1538 de / wæter ofer widland || ge on wolcnum þæs / oft and gelome
Genesis A 1544 mehes / of fere acumen || flode on laste / mid his eaforum þrim |
Genesis A 1563 geeode || þæt se eadega wer / on his wicum wearþ || wine drun
Genesis A 1567 od || he lyt ongeat / þæt him on his inne || swa earme gelamp /
Genesis A 1568 e || swa earme gelamp / þa him on hreþre || heafodswima / on þ
Genesis A 1569 him on hreþre || heafodswima / on þæs halgan hofe || heortan
Genesis A 1570 hofe || heortan clypte / swiþe on slæpe || sefa nearwode / þæt
Genesis A 1571 nearwode / þæt he ne mihte || on gemynd drepen / hine handum sel
Genesis A 1576 r and meder || fyrene sweorde / on laste beleac || lifes eþel /
Genesis A 1580 stolen || þær he freondlice / on his agenum fæder || are ne w
Genesis A 1584 gde || hu se beorn hine / reste on recede || hie þa raþe stopo
Genesis A 1593 || þæt þam halgan wæs / sar on mode || ongan þa his selfes
Genesis A 1596 eofnum || hleomaga þeow / cham on eorþan || him þa cwyde syþ
Genesis A 1616 suno || cende wurdon / eaforan on eþle || þa yldestan / chus an
Genesis A 1622 sinum || botlgestreona / fæder on laste || siþþan forþ gewat
Genesis A 1632 he moncynnes || mæste hæfde / on þam mældagum || mægen and
Genesis A 1641 earþ seme || suna and dohtra / on woruldrice || worn afeded / fre
Genesis A 1644 um wælreste || werodes aldor / on þære mægþe || wæron men
Genesis A 1659 gre foldan || him forþwearde / on þære dægtide || duguþe w
Genesis A 1665 aran sceolde / leoda mægþe || on landsocne / burh geworhte || an
Genesis A 1697 monna spræce / toforan þa || on feower wegas / æþelinga bearn
Genesis A 1699 þelinga bearn || ungeþeode / on landsocne || him on laste bu /
Genesis A 1699 ngeþeode / on landsocne || him on laste bu / stiþlic stantorr ||
Genesis A 1701 steape burh / samod samworht || on sennar stod / weox þa under wo
Genesis A 1704 rh semes || oþþæt mon awoc / on þære cneorisse || cynebearn
Genesis A 1713 arone || eafora feded / leoflic on life || þam wæs loth noma /
Genesis A 1717 from yldrum || æþelu wæron / on woruldrice || forþon hie wid
Genesis A 1728 yrfeweard / wlitebeorht ides || on woruld brohte / sarra abrahame
Genesis A 1736 and loth / him þa cynegode || on carran / æþelinga bearn || ea
Genesis A 1738 rd genamon / weras mid wifum || on þam wicum his / fæder abraham
Genesis A 1753 oldan || þu gebletsad scealt / on mundbyrde || minre lifigan / gi
Genesis A 1755 an greteþ || ic hine wergþo on / mine sette || and modhete / lon
Genesis A 1762 blisse minre || and bletsunge / on woruldrice || wriþende sceal
Genesis A 1774 eodgeard || þa com leof gode / on þa eþelturf || idesa lædan
Genesis A 1776 eddan || and his suhtrian / wif on willan || wintra hæfde / fif a
Genesis A 1789 orhte wille / wæstmum gewlo || on geweald don / rume rice || þa
Genesis A 1795 braham eastan || eagum wlitan / on landa cyst || lisse gemunde / h
Genesis A 1810 lice || þurh his hand metend / on þam gledstyde || gumcystum t
Genesis A 1817 þa wishydig / abraham gewat || on egypte / drihtne gecoren || dro
Genesis A 1825 iþþan egypte || eagum moton / on þinne wlite wlitan || wlance
Genesis A 1839 gan || gif me freoþo drihten / on woruldrice || waldend usser / a
Genesis A 1842 e us þas lade sceop / þæt we on egiptum || are sceolde / fremen
Genesis A 1845 siþian / abraham mid æhtum || on egypte / þær him folcweras ||
Genesis A 1850 dealle || him drihtlicu mæg / on wlite modgum || mænegum þuh
Genesis A 1872 þære folcsceare || þæt he on friþe wære / þa abraham ||
Genesis A 1877 begas || þæt hie to bethlem / on cuþe wic || ceapas læddon / e
Genesis A 1879 eorþwelan || oþre siþe / wif on willan || and heora woruldges
Genesis A 1882 e settan || salo niwian / weras on wonge || wibed setton / neah þ
Genesis A 1890 uman || lisse and ara / wunedon on þam wicum || hæfdon wilna g
Genesis A 1892 || ead bryttedon / oþþæt hie on þam lande || ne meahton leng
Genesis A 1918 and geþancmeta || þine mode / on hwilce healfe || þu wille hw
Genesis A 1928 and eþelsetl / sunu arones || on sodoma byrig / æhte sine || ea
Genesis A 1940 | monwisan fleah / þeah þe he on þam lande || lifian sceolde /
Genesis A 1942 d / þeawfæst and geþyldig || on þam þeodscipe / emne þon gel
Genesis A 1952 bearn || he frean hyrde / estum on eþle || þenden he eardes br
Genesis A 1964 of sennar || side worulde / for on fultum || gewiton hie feower
Genesis A 1971 lachleor ides || bifiende gan / on fremdes fæþm || feollon wer
Genesis A 1985 eaftum || deawigfeþera / hræs on wenan || hæleþ onetton / on m
Genesis A 1986 s on wenan || hæleþ onetton / on mægencorþrum || modum þry
Genesis A 2001 ergan / secgum ofslegene || him on swaþe feollon / æþelinga bea
Genesis A 2028 þ þæt him wære || weorce on mode / sorga sarost || þæt hi
Genesis A 2038 ie his torn mid him / gewræcon on wraþum || oþþe on wæl feo
Genesis A 2038 ewræcon on wraþum || oþþe on wæl feollan / þa se halga heh
Genesis A 2044 || þæt meahte wel æghwylc / on fyrd wegan || fealwe linde / hi
Genesis A 2050 ndas wægon / forþ fromlice || on foldwege / hildewulfas || herew
Genesis A 2055 m wæs þearf micel / þæt hie on twa healfe # || / grimme guþg
Genesis A 2055 æs ðearf miċel / þæt hīe% on twā healfe / grymme gūð-ġe
Genesis A 2061 leþ to hilde || hlyn wearþ on wicum / scylda and sceafta || s
Genesis A 2072 rigan || sloh and fylde / feond on fitte || him on fultum grap / h
Genesis A 2072 d fylde / feond on fitte || him on fultum grap / heofonrices weard
Genesis A 2074 weard || hergas wurdon / feower on fleame || folccyningas / leode
Genesis A 2075 cyningas / leode ræswan || him on laste stod / hihtlic heorþwero
Genesis A 2077 rþwerod || and hæleþ lagon / on swaþe sæton || þa þe sodo
Genesis A 2084 ron || gewat him abraham þa / on þa wigrode || wiþertrod seo
Genesis A 2087 d æhtum || idesa hwurfon / wif on willan || wide gesawon / freora
Genesis A 2089 a feorhbanan || fuglas slitan / on ecgwale || abraham ferede / su
Genesis A 2105 tan / abraham arlice || and him on sette / godes bletsunge || and
Genesis A 2107 gyddode / wæs þu gewurþod || on wera rime / for þæs eagum ||
Genesis A 2111 e hettendra || herga þrymmas / on geweald gebræc || and þe w
Genesis A 2114 hreddan || and hæleþ fyllan / on swaþe sæton || ne meahton s
Genesis A 2131 wa || læt me freo lædan / eft on eþel || æþelinga bearn / on
Genesis A 2132 on eþel || æþelinga bearn / on weste wic || wif and cnihtas /
Genesis A 2144 sceat ne scilling || þæs ic on sceotendum / þeoden mæra ||
Genesis A 2148 wurde || willgesteallum / eadig on eorþan || ærgestreonum / sodo
Genesis A 2181 u || forþon mec sorg dreceþ / on sefan swiþe || ic sylf ne m
Genesis A 2216 a byht / þa wæs sarran || sar on mode / þæt him abrahame || æ
Genesis A 2229 lecu mæg / ides egyptisc || an on gewealde / hat þe þa recene |
Genesis A 2233 lle / ænigne þe || yrfewearda / on woruld lætan || þurh þæt
Genesis A 2236 afode || heht him þeowmennen / on bedd gan || bryde larum / hire
Genesis A 2262 cwen / hire worcþeowe || wraþ on mode / heard and hreþe || hige
Genesis A 2264 || higeteonan spræc / fræcne on fæmnan || heo þa fleon gewa
Genesis A 2267 ær dyde / to sarran || ac heo on siþ gewat / westen secan || þ
Genesis A 2277 eonan || nu sceal tearighleor / on westenne || witodes bidan / hwo
Genesis A 2286 scealt agar || abrahame sunu / on woruld bringan || ic þe word
Genesis A 2291 um / magum sinum || hine monige on / wraþe winnaþ || mid wæpen
Genesis A 2300 || ismael geboren / efne þa he on worulde || wintra hæfde / siex
Genesis A 2307 e wel / treowrædenne || ic þe on tida gehwone / duguþum stepe |
Genesis A 2313 nne / sete sigores tacn || soþ on gehwilcne / wæpnedcynnes || gi
Genesis A 2314 æpnedcynnes || gif þu wille on me / hlaford habban || oþþe h
Genesis A 2321 an / wæpnedcynnes || þæs þe on woruld cymþ / ymb seofon niht
Genesis A 2339 am þa || ofestum legde / hleor on eorþan || and mid hucse bewa
Genesis A 2340 bewand / þa hleoþorcwydas || on hige sinum / modgeþance || he
Genesis A 2344 blondenfeax || bringan meahte / on woruld sunu || wiste gearwe /
Genesis A 2355 ode / þe sceal wintrum frod || on woruld bringan / sarra sunu ||
Genesis A 2361 frumbearne || þæt feorhdaga / on woruldrice || worn gebide / tan
Genesis A 2365 um bearne || þam þe gen nis / on woruld cumen || willa spedum /
Genesis A 2366 a spedum / dugeþa gehwilcre || on dagum wille / swiþor stepan ||
Genesis A 2372 friþotacen || be frean hæse / on his selfes sunu || heht þæt
Genesis A 2375 ynnes || wære gemyndig / gleaw on mode || þa him god sealde / so
Genesis A 2379 æst cyning || dugeþum iecte / on woruldrice || he him þæs wo
Genesis A 2380 m þæs worhte to / siþþan he on fære || furþum meahte / his w
Genesis A 2385 leoþorcwyde || husce belegde / on sefan swiþe || soþ ne gelyf
Genesis A 2388 yrde || heofona waldend / þæt on bure ahof || bryd abrahames / h
Genesis A 2393 e gehet / soþ ic þe secge || on þas sylfan tid / of idese biþ
Genesis A 2397 ordgehat / min gelæsted || þu on magan wlitest / þin agen bearn
Genesis A 2403 || him wæs lothes mæg / sylfa on gesiþþe || oþþæt hie on
Genesis A 2403 on gesiþþe || oþþæt hie on sodoman / weallsteape burg || w
Genesis A 2408 | sægde him unlytel spell / ic on þisse byrig || bearhtm gehyr
Genesis A 2415 awum and geþancum || swa hie on þweorh sprecaþ / facen and in
Genesis A 2426 range twegen / aras sine || þa on æfentid / siþe gesohton || so
Genesis A 2444 es hleow / and þegnunge || hie on þanc curon / æþelinges est |
Genesis A 2449 æle || giestliþnysse / fægre on flette || oþþæt forþ gewa
Genesis A 2451 nscima || þa com æfter niht / on last dæge || lagustreamas wr
Genesis A 2463 | se þe oft ræd ongeat / loth on recede || eode lungre ut / spr
Genesis A 2484 rdema / leodum lareow || þa ic on lothe gefrægn / hæþne herem
Genesis A 2501 || oþþe swæsne mæg / oþþe on þissum folcum || freond æni
Genesis A 2502 þissum idesum || þe we her on wlitaþ / alæde of þysse leod
Genesis A 2509 n || and þas folc slean / cynn on ceastrum || mid cwealmþrea / a
Genesis A 2522 d reste || þæt we aldornere / on sigor up || secan moten / gif g
Genesis A 2524 willaþ / steape forstandan || on þære stowe we / gesunde magon
Genesis A 2532 and mundbyrde || ne moton wyt / on wærlogum || wrecan torn gode
Genesis A 2533 n synnig cynn || ær þon þu on sægor þin / bearn gelæde ||
Genesis A 2545 te || weallende fyr / þæs hie on ærdagum || drihten tyndon / la
Genesis A 2548 sta waldend || grap heahþrea / on hæþencynn || hlynn wearþ o
Genesis A 2548 n hæþencynn || hlynn wearþ on ceastrum / cirm arleasra || cwe
Genesis A 2549 rum / cirm arleasra || cwealmes on ore / laþan cynnes || lig eall
Genesis A 2560 | forswealh eall geador / þæt on sodoma byrig || secgas ahton /
Genesis A 2561 oma byrig || secgas ahton / and on gomorra || eall þæt god spi
Genesis A 2564 fgedal || lothes gehyrde / bryd on burgum || under bæc beseah / w
Genesis A 2566 us gewritu secgaþ / þæt heo on sealtstanes || sona wurde / anl
Genesis A 2572 e || nu sceal heard and steap / on þam wicum || wyrde bidan / dri
Genesis A 2585 hwa him dugeþa forgeaf / blæd on burgum || forþon him brego e
Genesis A 2592 rof hæle / for frean egesan || on þam fæstenne / leng eardigean
Genesis A 2601 cnum eode / seo yldre to || ær on reste / heora bega fæder || ne
Genesis A 2604 nan to bryde || him bu wæron / on ferhþcofan || fæste genearw
Genesis A 2608 ran brohtan / willgesweostor || on woruld sunu / heora ealdan fæd
Genesis A 2611 ab nemde / lothes dohter || seo on life wæs / wintrum yldre || us
Genesis A 2627 e gearwe || þæt he winemaga / on folce lyt || freonda hæfde /
Genesis A 2632 abrahames || from were læded / on fremdes fæþm || him þær f
Genesis A 2646 eofaþ / rihtum þeawum || biþ on ræde fæst / modgeþance || an
Genesis A 2656 ne / wif to gewealde || gif þu on worulde leng / æþelinga helm
Genesis A 2665 þe lissa || lifigendum giet / on dagum læte || duguþa brucan
Genesis A 2678 u usic under || abraham þine / on þas eþelturf || æhta lædd
Genesis A 2681 u ellþeodig || usic woldest / on þisse folcsceare || facne be
Genesis A 2685 dest laþlice / þurh þæt wif on me || wrohte alecgean / ormæte
Genesis A 2688 ormedon || and þe freondlice / on þisse werþeode || wic getæ
Genesis A 2701 easceaft || ic þæs færes a / on wenum sæt || hwonne me wraþ
Genesis A 2708 eoldon / ic þæt ilce dreah || on þisse eþyltyrf / siþþan ic
Genesis A 2710 undbyrde geceas || ne wæs me on mode cuþ / hwæþer on þyssum
Genesis A 2711 wæs me on mode cuþ / hwæþer on þyssum folce || frean ælmih
Genesis A 2724 id usic || and þe wic geceos / on þissum lande || þær þe le
Genesis A 2729 | sinces brytta / ne þearf þe on edwit || abraham settan / þin
Genesis A 2758 hta || ælmihtig wearþ / milde on mode || moncynnes weard / abime
Genesis A 2768 e || isaac nemde / hine abraham on || mid his agene hand / beacen
Genesis A 2770 t ymb wucan || þæs þe hine on woruld / to moncynne || modor b
Genesis A 2775 ndteontig || þa him wif sunu / on þanc gebær || he þæs þra
Genesis A 2781 sendum || sæton bu-tu / halig on hige || and heora hiwan eall /
Genesis A 2790 in agen bearn || yrfe dæleþ / on laste þe || þonne þu of li
Genesis A 2792 t || þa wæs abrahame / weorce on mode || þæt he on wræc dri
Genesis A 2792 me / weorce on mode || þæt he on wræc drife / his selfes sunu |
Genesis A 2794 u || þa com soþ metod / freom on fultum || wiste ferhþ guman /
Genesis A 2795 || wiste ferhþ guman / cearum on clommum || cyning engla spræ
Genesis A 2808 esene || þæt þe soþ metod / on gesiþþe is || swegles aldor
Genesis A 2814 ædum || waldend scufeþ / frea on forþwegas || folmum sinum / wi
Genesis A 2823 þu feasceaft || feorran come / on þas werþeode || wræccan la
Genesis A 2830 t þu randwigum || rumor mote / on þisse folcsceare || frætwa
Genesis A 2843 dd worhte || and his waldende / on þam glædstede || gild onsæ
Genesis A 2867 þæt him gasta weardes / egesa on breostum wunode || ongan þa
Genesis A 2882 cas mine || restaþ incit / her on þissum wicum || wit eft cuma
Genesis A 2893 t / abraham maþelode || hæfde on an gehogod / þæt he gedæde |
Genesis A 2899 wa him se eca bebead / þæt he on hrofe gestod || hean landes / o
Genesis A 2900 n hrofe gestod || hean landes / on þære stowe || þe him se st
Genesis A 2904 honda / bearne sinum || and þa on bæl ahof / isaac geongne || an
Genesis A 2930 one abraham genam || and hine on ad ahof / ofestum miclum || for
Exodus 8 || gehyre se þe wille / þone on westenne || weroda drihten / so
Exodus 32 rodes aldor / faraones feond || on forþwegas / þa wæs ingere ||
Exodus 46 || feond wæs bereafod / hergas on helle || heofung þider becom
Exodus 53 s magum || gif hie metod lete / on langne lust || leofes siþes /
Exodus 59 || uncuþ gelad / oþþæt hie on guþmyrce || gearwe bæron / w
Exodus 67 mægnes mæste || mearclandum on / nearwe genyddon || on norþwe
Exodus 68 clandum on / nearwe genyddon || on norþwegas / wiston him be suþ
Exodus 98 þ || dagum and nihtum / þa ic on morgen gefrægn || modes rofa
Exodus 106 r / foron flodwege || folc wæs on salum / hlud herges cyrm || heo
Exodus 119 æþbroga || holmegum wederum / on ferclamme || ferhþ getwæfde
Exodus 123 reate || hatan lige / þæt he on westenne || werod forbærnde /
Exodus 129 nde || leodmægne forstod / fus on forþweg || fyrdwic aras / wyrp
Exodus 135 t || be þan readan sæ / þær on fyrd hyra || færspell becwom
Exodus 153 leode || þær him mihtig god / on þam spildsiþe || spede forg
Exodus 161 þunian || þeod mearc tredan / on hwæl # || / hreopon herefugol
A.1.2 161 nian, || þēod mearc tredan, / on hwæl. / Hrēopon% here-fuĝola
Exodus 165 ngon / atol æfenleoþ || ætes on wenan / carleasan deor || cwyld
Exodus 167 easan deor || cwyldrof beodan / on laþra last || leodmægnes fy
Exodus 176 nberge || cumbol lixton / wiges on wenum || wælhlencan sceoc / he
Exodus 186 on cyningas || and cneowmagas / on þæt eade riht || æþelum d
Exodus 189 wigan æghwilcne / þara þe he on þam fyrste || findan mihte / w
Exodus 191 || ealle ætgædere / cyningas on corþre || cuþ oft gebad / hor
Exodus 192 orþre || cuþ oft gebad / horn on heape || to hwæs hægstealdm
Exodus 199 ahela cynn / billum abreotan || on hyra broþorgyld / forþon wæs
Exodus 209 ihtlangne fyrst / þeah þe him on healfa gehwam || hettend seom
Exodus 213 rgum || in blacum reafum / wean on wenum || wæccende bad / eall s
Exodus 216 s || oþ moyses bebead / eorlas on uhttid || ærnum bemum / folc s
Exodus 218 abban heora hlencan || hycgan on ellen / beran beorht searo || b
Exodus 223 flotan feldhusum || fyrd wæs on ofste / siþþan hie getealdon
Exodus 225 tealdon || wiþ þam teonhete / on þam forþherge || feþan twe
Exodus 227 || mægen wæs onhrered / wæs on anra gehwam || æþelan cynne
Exodus 229 under lindum || leoda duguþe / on folcgetæl || fiftig cista / h
Exodus 243 iþrade / ac hie be wæstmum || on wig curon / hu in leodscipe ||
Exodus 269 des / abroden of breostum || ic on beteran ræd / þæt ge gewurþ
Exodus 278 præc / hwæt ge nu eagum to || on lociaþ / folca leofost || fær
Exodus 302 recyste || hwite linde / segnas on sande || sæweall astah / uplan
Exodus 311 orþe cyn || fyrmest eode / wod on wægstream || wigan on heape /
Exodus 311 de / wod on wægstream || wigan on heape / ofer grenne grund || iu
Exodus 313 grenne grund || iudisc feþa / on orette || on uncuþ gelad / for
Exodus 313 || iudisc feþa / on orette || on uncuþ gelad / for his mægwinu
Exodus 319 fdon him to segne || þa hie on sund stigon / ofer bordhreoþan
Exodus 326 þeoda ænigre || þracu wæs on ore / heard handplega || hægst
Exodus 337 wefede || þæt he siþor for / on leofes last || him on leodsce
Exodus 337 or for / on leofes last || him on leodsceare / frumbearnes riht |
Exodus 350 mæst || þy he mære wearþ / on forþwegas || folc æfter wol
Exodus 355 fruma || landriht geþah / frod on ferhþe || freomagum leof / cen
Exodus 365 ncefloda / þara þe gewurde || on woruldrice / hæfde him on hre
Exodus 366 e || on woruldrice / hæfde him on hreþre || halige treowa / for
Exodus 369 mhorda mæst || mine gefræge / on feorhgebeorh || foldan hæfde
Exodus 375 oda || eac þon sæda gehwilc / on bearm scipes || beornas fered
Exodus 379 þa wære / fæder abrahames || on folctale / þæt is se abraham
Exodus 383 ebead / werþeoda geweald || he on wræce lifde / siþþan he gel
Exodus 386 heahlond stigon / sibgemagas || on seone beorh / wære hie þær f
Exodus 393 || eorþcyninga / se wisesta || on woruldrice / heahst and haligos
Exodus 441 mæge || ealle geriman / stanas on eorþan || steorran on heofon
Exodus 441 stanas on eorþan || steorran on heofonum / sæbeorga sand || se
Exodus 450 lm heolfre spaw || hream wæs on yþum / wæter wæpna ful || w
Exodus 466 st || modige swulton / cyningas on corþre || cyre swiþrode / sæ
Exodus 469 restream modig || mægen wæs on cwealme / fæste gefeterod || f
Exodus 487 ige hand || heofonrices weard / on werbeamas || wlance þeode / ne
Exodus 491 yre || garsecg wedde / up ateah on sleap || egesan stodon / weollo
Exodus 499 || flodblac here / siþþan hie on bugon || brun yppinge / modewæ
Exodus 517 anon israhelum || ece rædas / on merehwearfe || moyses sægde /
Exodus 520 nemnaþ / swa gyt werþeode || on gewritum findaþ / doma gehwilc
Exodus 522 þara þe him drihten bebead / on þam siþfate || soþum wordu
Exodus 527 gæþ / hafaþ wislicu || word on fæþme / wile meagollice || mo
Exodus 536 e || gihþum healdaþ / murnaþ on mode || manhus witon / fæst un
Exodus 543 g dædum fah || drihten sylfa / on þam meþelstede || manegum d
Exodus 545 awla lædeþ / eadige gastas || on uprodor / þær is leoht and li
Exodus 547 | eac þon lissa blæd / dugoþ on dreame || drihten herigaþ / we
Exodus 556 e þas fare lædeþ / hafaþ us on cananea || cyn gelyfed / burh a
Exodus 565 ter þam wordum || werod wæs on salum / sungon sigebyman || seg
Exodus 567 on sigebyman || segnas stodon / on fægerne sweg || folc wæs on
Exodus 567 on fægerne sweg || folc wæs on lande / hæfde wuldres beam ||
Exodus 569 rud gelæded / halige heapas || on hild godes / life gefegon || þ
Exodus 577 don / weras wuldres sang || wif on oþrum / folcsweota mæst || fy
Exodus 581 æs eþfynde || afrisc meowle / on geofones staþe || golde gewe
Exodus 586 nnon sælafe || segnum dælan / on yþlafe || ealde madmas / reaf
Exodus 587 madmas / reaf and randas || heo on riht sceodon / gold and godweb
Exodus 590 dorgesteald || werigend lagon / on deaþstede || drihtfolca mæs
Daniel 4 þan þurh metodes mægen || on moyses hand / wearþ wig gifen
Daniel 35 de him æt frymþe || þa þe on fruman ær þon / wæron mancyn
Daniel 39 n byrig / eorlum elþeodigum || on eþelland / þær salem stod ||
Daniel 47 aldorfrea / babilones brego || on his burhstede / nabochodonossor
Daniel 68 siþedon / and gelæddon eac || on langne siþ / israela cyn || on
Daniel 69 on langne siþ / israela cyn || on eastwegas / to babilonia || beo
Daniel 72 deman / nabochodonossor || him on nyd dyde / israela bearn || ofe
Daniel 84 ft leornedon / þæt him snytro on sefan || secgan mihte / nales
Daniel 108 s lifde / þa þam folctogan || on frumslæpe / siþþan to reste
Daniel 110 gehwearf || rice þeoden / com on sefan hwurfan || swefnes woma
Daniel 113 m || oþ edsceafte / wearþ him on slæpe || soþ gecyþed / þæt
Daniel 124 end || reste wunode / wearþ he on þam egesan || acol worden / þ
Daniel 131 swa dygle || drihten ahicgan / on sefan þinne || hu þe swefne
Daniel 145 ne meahte þa seo mænigeo || on þam meþelstede / þurh witigd
Daniel 170 an / ac he wyrcan ongan || weoh on felda / þam þe deormode || di
Daniel 172 ormode || diran heton / se wæs on þære þeode || þe swa hatt
Daniel 180 re / þa hie for þam cumble || on cneowum sæton / onhnigon to þ
Daniel 188 iht dyde / þær þry wæron || on þæs þeodnes byrig / eorlas i
Daniel 192 gebedu rærde / þeah þe þær on herige || byman sungon / þa w
Daniel 244 ær esnas mænige / wurpon wudu on innan || swa him wæs on word
Daniel 244 wudu on innan || swa him wæs on wordum gedemed / bæron brandas
Daniel 245 wordum gedemed / bæron brandas on bryne || blacan fyres / wolde w
Daniel 250 et wære / þa se lig gewand || on laþe men / hæþne of halgum |
Daniel 254 n || alet gehwearf / teonfullum on teso || þær to geseah / babil
Daniel 257 ea || ofestum heredon / drihten on dreame || dydon swa hie cuþo
Daniel 258 || dydon swa hie cuþon / ofne on innan || aldre generede / guman
Daniel 266 þe þa scylde worhton / hwearf on þa hæþenan hæftas || fram
Daniel 269 he his sefan ontreowde / wundor on wite agangen || him þæt wr
Daniel 272 þry || him eac þær wæs / an on gesyhþe || engel ælmihtiges
Daniel 273 | engel ælmihtiges / him þær on ofne || owiht ne derede / ac w
Daniel 275 | ealles gelicost / efne þonne on sumera || sunne scineþ / and d
Daniel 276 nne scineþ / and deaw dryge || on dæge weorþeþ / winde geondsa
Daniel 289 # || / syndon þine willan || on woruldspedum / rihte and gerume
Daniel 296 || we þæs lifgende / worhton on worulde || eac þon wom dyde /
Daniel 306 orþcyninga || æhta gewealde / on hæft heorugrimra || and we n
Daniel 318 n wolde || þætte æfter him / on cneorissum || cenned wurde / an
Daniel 326 wordcwyde || and þin wuldor on us / gecyþ cræft and miht ||
Daniel 337 an onsended / wlitescyne wer || on his wuldorhaman / se him cwom t
Daniel 343 e wæs / owiht geegled || ac he on andan sloh / fyr on feondas ||
Daniel 344 ed || ac he on andan sloh / fyr on feondas || for fyrendædum / þ
Daniel 345 s || for fyrendædum / þa wæs on þam ofne || þær se engel b
Daniel 347 || wedere gelicost / þonne hit on sumeres tid || sended weorþe
Daniel 348 weorþeþ / dropena drearung || on dæges hwile / wearmlic wolcna
Daniel 350 c biþ wedera cyst / swylc wæs on þam fyre || frean mihtum / hal
Daniel 357 l || þær þa modhwatan / þry on geþancum || þeoden heredon /
Daniel 365 æter / þa þe ofer roderum || on rihtne gesceaft / wuniaþ in wu
Daniel 376 || leoht and þeostro / herige on hade || somod hat and ceald / a
Daniel 379 eder || and wolcenfaru / lofige on lyfte || and þec ligetu / blac
Daniel 418 a sum / þæt we þær eagum || on lociaþ / geþenc þeoden min |
Daniel 423 ealles him / be naman gehwam || on neod sprecaþ / þanciaþ þrym
Daniel 429 it owihtes god / þæt hie sien on þam laþe || leng þonne þu
Daniel 434 a bende forburnene || þe him on banum lagon / laþsearo leoda c
Daniel 436 e gewemmed || ne nænig wroht on hrægle / ne feax fyre beswæle
Daniel 437 feax fyre beswæled || ac hie on friþe drihtnes / of þam grimm
Daniel 439 treddedon / gleawmode guman || on gastes hyld / þa gewat se enge
Daniel 441 l up || secan him ece dreamas / on heanne hrof || heofona rices /
Daniel 443 hold || halgum metode / hæfde on þam wundre gewurþod || þe
Daniel 453 || þe þær gelædde wæron / on æht ealdfeondum || þæt hie
Daniel 469 tosomne || sine leode / and þa on þam meþle || ofer menigo be
Daniel 471 e || and wundor godes / þætte on þam cnihtum || gecyþed wæs
Daniel 474 þ cwealme gebearh || cnihtum on ofne / lacende lig || þam þe
Daniel 483 t ær swiþe oþstod / manegum on mode || minra leoda / forþam
Daniel 490 / wearþ him hyrra hyge || and on heortan geþanc / mara on modse
Daniel 491 | and on heortan geþanc / mara on modsefan || þonne gemet wær
Daniel 495 || up astigeþ / þa him wearþ on slæpe || swefen ætywed / nabo
Daniel 497 neh gewearþ / þuhte him þæt on foldan || fægre stode / wudube
Daniel 499 | se wæs wyrtum fæst / beorht on blædum || næs he bearwe gel
Daniel 507 fuglas eac || heora feorhnere / on þæs beames || bledum name /
Daniel 511 eorfan / and þa wildan deor || on weg fleon / swylce eac þa fugo
Daniel 534 ofonum || se his hyge trymede / on þam drihtenweard || deopne w
Daniel 560 en || fyrstmearc wesan / stille on staþole || swa seo stefn gec
Daniel 566 sa || nis þe wiþerbreca / man on moldan || nymþe metod ana / se
Daniel 568 ngdome / and þec wineleasne || on wræc sendeþ / and þonne onhw
Daniel 579 mannum / reccend and rice || se on roderum is / is me swa þeah wi
Daniel 581 þæt se wyrtruma / stille wæs on staþole || swa seo stefn gec
Daniel 600 astergeweorc / babilone burh || on his blæde geseah / sennera fel
Daniel 610 myndum / rume rice || ic reste on þe / eard and eþel || agan wi
Daniel 613 ihten / forfangen wearþ || and on fleam gewat / ana on oferhyd ||
Daniel 614 rþ || and on fleam gewat / ana on oferhyd || ofer ealle men / swa
Daniel 615 fer ealle men / swa wod wera || on gewindagum / geocrostne siþ ||
Daniel 624 þurh wolcna gang / gemunde þa on mode || þæt metod wære / heo
Daniel 634 cca || and wæda leas / mætra on modgeþanc || to mancynne / þo
Daniel 704 a gestreon / huslfatu halegu || on hand werum / þa ær caldeas ||
Daniel 713 aldor / gealp gramlice || gode on andan / cwæþ þæt his hergas
Daniel 724 / þa wearþ folctoga || forht on mode / acul for þam egesan ||
Daniel 730 burhsittendum / werede comon || on þæt wundor seon / sohton þa
Daniel 737 n þæt seld gangan / þam wæs on gaste || godes cræft micel / t
Daniel 748 æht bere / huslfatu halegu || on hand werum / on þam ge deoflu
Daniel 749 lfatu halegu || on hand werum / on þam ge deoflu || drincan ong
Christ and Satan 5 anas and eorþan || stream ut on sæ / wæter and wolcn || þurh
Christ and Satan 8 yt || clene ymbhaldeþ / meotod on mihtum || and alne middangear
Christ and Satan 15 dres gast / serede and sette || on six dagum / eorþan dæles || u
Christ and Satan 16 ix dagum / eorþan dæles || up on heofonum / and heanne holm || h
Christ and Satan 22 t þe eft forwarþ / þuhte him on mode || þæt hit mihte swa /
Christ and Satan 37 hwær com engla þrym / þe we on heofnum || habban sceoldan / þ
Christ and Satan 39 fæstum fyrclommum || flor is on welme / attre onæled || nis nu
Christ and Satan 45 ene iu || dreamas hefdon / song on swegle || selrum tidum / þær
Christ and Satan 66 m wordum / heora aldorþægn || on reordadon / on cearum cwidum ||
Christ and Satan 67 a aldorþægn || on reordadon / on cearum cwidum || crist heo af
Christ and Satan 89 en sutol || þa ic aseald wes on wærgþu / niþer under nessas
Christ and Satan 98 duru || dracan eardigaþ / hate on reþre || heo us helpan ne ma
Christ and Satan 109 hten god || deman wille / fagum on flora || nu ic feran com / deof
Christ and Satan 111 issum dimman ham / ac ic sceal on flyge || and on flyhte þragu
Christ and Satan 111 m / ac ic sceal on flyge || and on flyhte þragum / earda neosan |
Christ and Satan 130 || þæt ic gelutian ne mæg / on þyssum sidan sele || synnum
Christ and Satan 138 s brucan / burga ne bolda || ne on þa beorhtan gescæft / ne mot
Christ and Satan 142 id englum || æfre cuþe / song on swegle || þær sunu meotodes
Christ and Satan 158 ornende || in bæce minum / hat on helle || hyhtwillan leas / þa
Christ and Satan 205 s crist genemned # || / beoran on breostum || bliþe geþohtas /
Christ and Satan 229 ene || þæt we syngodon / uppe on earde || sceolon nu æfre þ
Christ and Satan 235 | þa we þær wæron / wunodon on wynnum || geherdon wuldres sw
Christ and Satan 244 | þe þær up becom / and hine on eorþan || ær gelefde / þa þ
Christ and Satan 262 al nu þeos menego her / licgan on leahtrum || sume on lyft scac
Christ and Satan 262 er / licgan on leahtrum || sume on lyft scacan / fleogan ofer fold
Christ and Satan 264 er foldan || fyr biþ ymbutan / on æghwylcum || þæh he uppe s
Christ and Satan 275 æs ic seolfa weold / þonne ic on heofonum || ham staþelode / hw
Christ and Satan 277 þer us se eca || æfre wille / on heofona rice || ham alefan / e
Christ and Satan 280 rnedon || godes andsacan / hate on helle || him wæs hælend god
Christ and Satan 285 igendra gehwylc / gemunan symle on mode || meotodes strengþo / ge
Christ and Satan 289 freobearn godes / gif we þæt on eorþan || ær geþencaþ / and
Christ and Satan 298 || uton cyþan þæt / deman we on eorþan || ærror lifigend / on
Christ and Satan 302 || gif þider moton / and þæt on eorþan || ær gewyrcaþ / for
Christ and Satan 323 || þe þær ærest com / forþ on feþan || fæste gebunden / fyr
Christ and Satan 344 || heofon deop gehygd / þa heo on heofonum || ham staþelodon /
Christ and Satan 346 e crist / rodera rices || ah he on riht geheold / hired heofona ||
Christ and Satan 367 lucifer haten || leohtberende / on geardagum || in godes rice / þ
Christ and Satan 371 earte geþohte / þæt he wolde on heofonum || hehseld wyrcan / up
Christ and Satan 402 le || þa com engla sweg / dyne on dægred || hæfde drihten seo
Christ and Satan 404 wæs seo fæhþe þa gyt / open on uhtan || þa se egsa becom / le
Christ and Satan 412 a || se þe æfre nu / beorneþ on bendum || þæt wit blæd aht
Christ and Satan 415 gelyfdon / namon mid handum || on þam halgan treo / beorhte blæ
Christ and Satan 463 þæt he swa wolde / þis wæs on uhtan || eall geworden / ær d
Christ and Satan 472 þele wif / þa hie begeton || on godes willan / feowertig bearna
Christ and Satan 474 bearna || þæt forþ þonon / on middangeard || menio onwocon /
Christ and Satan 476 feola || wunian moston / eorlas on eþle || oþþæt eft gelamp /
Christ and Satan 479 enum / fah is æghwær # || / ic on neorxnawonge || niwe asette / t
Christ and Satan 494 an had / ufan from eþle || and on eorþan gebad / tintregan fela
Christ and Satan 500 mæles || mearc agangen / þæt on worulde wæs || wintra gerime
Christ and Satan 502 e / gemunde ic þæs mænego || on þam minnan ham / lange þæs
Christ and Satan 508 lum || ic eow þingade / þa me on beame || beornas sticedon / gar
Christ and Satan 509 ame || beornas sticedon / garum on galgum || heow se giunga þæ
Christ and Satan 513 sæde / meotod moncynnes || ær on morgen / þæs þe drihten god
Christ and Satan 519 h he ut eode || engla drihten / on þæm fæstenne || and gefati
Christ and Satan 528 on || hwær sunu meotodes / þa on upp gestod || ece drihten / god
Christ and Satan 531 || þær se eca wæs / feollon on foldan || and to fotum hnigon
Christ and Satan 537 sumum cyrre / þec gelegdon || on laþne bend / hæþene mid hond
Christ and Satan 547 / geþrowode || þeoden ure / he on beame astah || and his blod a
Christ and Satan 548 tah || and his blod ageat / god on galgan || þurh his gastes m
Christ and Satan 557 m þe teala þenceþ / þa wæs on eorþan || ece drihten / feower
Christ and Satan 562 ast || to heofonrice / astah up on heofonum || engla scyppend / we
Christ and Satan 574 þa wæs iudas of / se þe ær on tifre || torhtne gesalde / drih
Christ and Satan 577 e bebohte || bearn wealdendes / on seolfres sinc || him þæt sw
Christ and Satan 579 æca || innon helle / siteþ nu on þa swiþran hond || sunu his
Christ and Satan 585 his wuldres cræft / siteþ him on heofnum || halig encgel / walde
Christ and Satan 596 þær is cuþre lif / þonne we on eorþan mægen || æfre gestr
Christ and Satan 599 den mæra / ælmihtig god # || / on domdæge || drihten seolfa / ha
Christ and Satan 609 eadan || wlitige and unclæne / on twa healfe || tile and yfle / h
Christ and Satan 610 d yfle / him þa soþfæstan || on þa swiþran hond / mid rodera
Christ and Satan 637 deofles spellunge / hu hie him on edwit || oft asettaþ / swarte
Christ and Satan 678 endum liht || lean butan ende / on heofenrice || halige dreamas /
Christ and Satan 1 m || / atol þurh edwit || and on esle ahof / herm bealowes gast
Christ and Satan 2 hof / herm bealowes gast || and on beorh astah / asette on dune ||
Christ and Satan 3 || and on beorh astah / asette on dune || drihten hælend / loca
A.1.4 3 hearm% bealwes% gāst, || and on beorh ā·stāh, / ā·sette on
A.1.4 4 on beorh ā·stāh, / ā·sette on dūne || drihten hǣlend: / ‘
Christ and Satan 5 londbuende / ic þe geselle || on þines seolfes dom / folc and f
A.1.4 6 ende%. / Iċ þē ġe·selle || on% þīnes selfes% dōm% / folc an
Christ and Satan 18 a / cyning moncynnes || cer þe on bæcling / wite þu eac awyrgda
A.1.4 19 mann-cynnes. || Ċierr% þē on bæclinu! / Wite þū ēac, ā
Christ and Satan 32 tenge / satan seolua ran || and on susle gefeol / earm æglæce ||
A.1.4 33 ġe. / Satan selfa rann% || and on sūsle ġe·fēoll, / earm ǣĝ
Christ and Satan 37 hwilum hream astag / þonne he on þone atolan || eagum gesawun
A.1.4 38 rēam% ā·stāh%, / þonne hē on þone atolan || ēaĝum ġe·
Christ and Satan 39 lac bealowes gast || þæt he on botme stod / þa him þuhte ||
A.1.4 40 bealwes% gāst, || þæt hē on botme stōd. / Þā him þūhte
Christ and Satan 44 te / þa he gemunde || þæt he on grunde stod / locade leas wiht
A.1.4 45 % hē ġe·munde || þæt hē on grunde stōd. / Lōcode lēas w
Christ and Satan 50 cweþan # || / la þus beo nu on yfele || noldæs ær teala / [F
A.1.4 51 weðan: / ‘Lā, þus bēo nū on yfele! || Noldest ǣr tela!
Andreas 1 Andreas / / hwæt we gefrunan || on fyrndagum / twelfe under tunglu
Andreas 10 incas || þonne rond ond hand / on herefelda || helm ealgodon / on
Andreas 11 on herefelda || helm ealgodon / on meotudwange || wæs hira math
Andreas 15 halig god || hlyt geteode / ut on þæt igland || þær ænig
Andreas 18 brucan || oft him bonena hand / on herefelda || hearde gesceode /
Andreas 22 næs þær hlafes wist / werum on þam wonge || ne wæteres dry
Andreas 36 wit || wera ingeþanc / heortan on hreþre || hyge wæs oncyrred
A.2.1 41 ō ðǣre mǣran byriġ / cumen on þā ċeastre. || Þǣr wæs
A.2.1 51 lles eċġe. || Hwæðere hē on brēostum þā-ġīet / herede
A.2.1 52 brēostum þā-ġīet / herede on heortan || heofon-rīċes wea
Andreas 58 cerne || him wæs cristes lof / on fyrhþlocan || fæste bewunde
Andreas 65 t seowaþ || a ic symles wæs / on wega gehwam || willan þines /
Andreas 66 gehwam || willan þines / georn on mode || nu þurh geohþa scea
A.2.1 69 u, / metod mann-cynnes, || mōd on hreðere. / Ġif þīn willa s
Andreas 77 to are || ælmihtig god / leoht on þissum life || þy læs ic l
A.2.1 78 ċ lungre sċyle, / ā·blended on burgum, || aefter bill-hete /
Andreas 86 hetum / werigum wrohtsmiþum || on þone wyrrestan / dugoþa demen
Andreas 98 be under swegle || ne beo þu on sefan to forht / ne on mode ne
Andreas 99 beo þu on sefan to forht / ne on mode ne murn || ic þe mid wu
Andreas 102 menigo || þe þe mid wuniaþ / on nearonedum || þe is neorxnaw
A.2.1 111 tō hlēow and tō hroðre || on þās hǣðnan burh. / Hē þē
A.2.1 117 d, / hweorfan%, of hīenþum || on ġe·hield godes.’ / Ġe·wā
Andreas 120 am uplican / eþelrice || he is on riht cyning / staþolfæst styr
A.2.1 121 g, / staðolfæst stīerend, || on stōwa ġe·hwǣm. / Þā wæs
Andreas 130 hwæþer cwice lifdon / þa þe on carcerne || clommum fæste / hl
Andreas 134 | feores berædan / hæfdon hie on rune || ond on rimcræfte / awr
Andreas 134 an / hæfdon hie on rune || ond on rimcræfte / awriten wælgrædi
Andreas 137 ie to mose || meteþearfendum / on þære werþeode || weorþan
A.2.1 163 || strangum meahtum, / hū hē on ell-þēodĝum || iermþum wu
A.2.1 169 num, || ðǣr sē hālĝa wer / on Achaia, || Andreas, wæs, / (l
Andreas 170 andreas wæs / leode lærde || on lifes weg / þa him cirebaldum
Andreas 179 uncuþra || ængum ne willaþ / on þam folcstede || feores geun
Andreas 180 geunnan / syþþan manfulle || on mermedonia / onfindaþ feasceaf
Andreas 185 fore þreo niht || þæt he on þære þeode sceal / fore hæ
Andreas 191 deop gelad / fore gefremman || on feorne weg / swa hrædlice || h
Andreas 206 ealdan gode / to gefremmanne || on foldwege / þæt sio ceaster hi
Andreas 207 ge / þæt sio ceaster hider || on þas cneorisse / under swegles
Andreas 212 þfætes || sæne weorþan / ne on gewitte to wac || gif þu wel
Andreas 214 aldan / treowe tacen || beo þu on tid gearu / ne mæg þæs æren
A.2.1 217 ran || and þīn feorh beran / on gramra grīpe, || ðǣr þe g
Andreas 222 res ende / ceol gestigan || ond on cald wæter / brecan ofer bæþ
A.2.1 231 || æðelum cempan / ā·boden on burgum, || ne wæs him blēa
Andreas 235 to godes campe / gewat him þa on uhtan || mid ærdæge / ofer sa
Andreas 237 u || to sæs faruþe / þriste on geþance || ond his þegnas m
Andreas 238 || ond his þegnas mid / gangan on greote || garsecg hlynede / beo
Andreas 239 brimstreamas || se beorn wæs on hyhte / syþþan he on waruþe
Andreas 240 orn wæs on hyhte / syþþan he on waruþe || widfæþme scip / mo
Andreas 246 nas gemette / modiglice menn || on merebate / sittan siþfrome ||
Andreas 250 id his englum twam / wæron hie on gescirplan || scipferendum / eo
Andreas 252 ice || ealiþendum / þonne hie on flodes fæþm || ofer feorne
Andreas 253 des fæþm || ofer feorne weg / on cald wæter || ceolum lacaþ /
Andreas 254 þ / hie þa gegrette || se þe on greote stod / fus on faroþe ||
Andreas 255 || se þe on greote stod / fus on faroþe || fægn reordade / hwa
Andreas 257 um liþan / macræftige menn || on mereþissan / ane ægflotan ||
Andreas 263 | meþelhegendra / þe he þær on waroþe || wiþþingode / we of
Andreas 266 geferede || us mid flode bær / on hranrade || heahstefn naca / sn
Andreas 275 rnscipe || ofer hwæles eþel / on þære mægþe || biþ þe me
Andreas 276 meorþ wiþ god / þæt þu us on lade || liþe weorþe / eft him
A.2.1 281 odġe || eardes brūcaþ, / ac on ðǣre ċeastre || cwealm þr
Andreas 284 || ofer widne mere / þæt þu on þa fægþe || þine feore sp
Andreas 286 ondsware / usic lust hweteþ || on þa leodmearce / mycel modes hi
Andreas 289 esta || gif þu us þine wilt / on merefaroþe || miltse gecyþa
A.2.1 304 ġe lust ā·hwettan, / willan on weorolde, || swā þū worde
Andreas 305 þa beorna breogo || þær he on bolcan sæt / ofer waroþa gewe
Andreas 311 eosan / nafast þe to frofre || on faroþstræte / hlafes wiste ||
Andreas 316 andreas || þurh ondsware / wis on gewitte || wordhord onleac / ne
Andreas 324 ren to cempum || he is cyning on riht / wealdend ond wyrhta || w
Andreas 337 freoþo healde / ne þurfan ge on þa fore || frætwe lædan / go
Andreas 339 eolfor || ic eow goda gehwæs / on eowerne agenne dom || est ahw
A.2.1 349 wā ġē bēnan sint.’ / Þā on ċēol stiĝon || collen-ferh
Andreas 351 llenrofe || æghwylcum wearþ / on merefaroþe || mod geblissod /
A.2.1 356 en || dōm-weorðunga, / willan on weorolde || and on wuldre bl
A.2.1 356 ga, / willan on weorolde || and on wuldre blǣd, / metod mann-cynn
Andreas 358 nncynnes || swa þu me hafast / on þyssum siþfæte || sybbe ge
Andreas 379 gete / þara þe mid andreas || on eagorstream / ceol gesohte || n
Andreas 382 nd wisode / him þa se halga || on holmwege / ofer argeblond || an
Andreas 400 gebidan || beornas þine / aras on earde || hwænne þu eft cyme
Andreas 408 swicaþ þe / we bioþ laþe || on landa gehwam / folcum fracoþe
Andreas 413 hilde || þonne hand ond rond / on beaduwange || billum forgrund
Andreas 422 flod || frefra þine / mæcgas on mode || mycel is nu gena / lad
Andreas 429 / ge þæt gehogodon || þa ge on holm stigon / þæt ge on fara
Andreas 430 a ge on holm stigon / þæt ge on fara folc || feorh gelæddon /
Andreas 432 tnes lufan || deaþ þrowodon / on ælmyrcna || eþelrice / sawle
Andreas 438 n / swa gesælde iu || þæt we on sæbate / ofer waruþgewinn ||
Andreas 444 upp astod / of brimes bosme || on bates fæþm / egesa ofer yþli
Andreas 446 tig þær / meotud mancynnes || on mereþyssan / beorht basnode ||
Andreas 448 node || beornas wurdon / forhte on mode || friþes wilnedon / milt
Andreas 450 þa seo menigo ongan / clypian on ceole || cyning sona aras / eng
Andreas 460 rlæteþ || lifgende god / eorl on eorþan || gif his ellen deah
Andreas 470 ordigan || rædum snottor / wis on gewitte || wordlocan onspeonn
Andreas 481 gife hleotest / haligne hyht || on heofonþrymme / gif þu lidweri
Andreas 489 ngeste || sund wisige / ic wæs on gifeþe || iu ond nu-þa / syxt
Andreas 490 ond nu-þa / syxtyne siþum || on sæbate / mere hrerendum || mun
Andreas 498 ls || fugole gelicost / glideþ on geofone || ic georne wat / þæ
Andreas 500 fre ne geseah || ofer yþlade / on sæleodan || syllicran cræft
Andreas 501 t / is þon geliccost || swa he on landsceare / stille stande ||
Andreas 504 can brondstæfne || hwæþere on brim snoweþ / snel under segle
Andreas 507 nalas wintrum frod / hafast þe on fyrhþe || faroþlacende / eorl
Andreas 511 t þæt gesæleþ || þæt we on sælade / scipum under scealcum
Andreas 514 eg || brimhengestum / hwilum us on yþum || earfoþlice / gesæle
Andreas 515 þum || earfoþlice / gesæleþ on sæwe || þeh we siþ nesan / f
Andreas 552 ngne || geofum wyrþodest / wis on gewitte || ond wordcwidum / ic
Andreas 554 efenealdum || æfre ne mette / on modsefan || maran snyttro / him
A.2.1 562 e / nā ðǣr ġe·līefdon || on hira līf-fruman, / grame ġal
A.2.1 573 meahte þæt ġe·weorðan || on wer-þēode, / þæt þū ne ġ
Andreas 582 edum || blinde gesegon / swa he on grundwæge || gumena cynnes / m
Andreas 588 ndan het / beornum to blisse || on þa beteran gecynd / swylce he
Andreas 594 er waþe || wiste þegon / menn on moldan || swa him gemedost w
A.2.1 597 d || wordum and dǣdum / lufode on līfe || and þurh lāre spē
Andreas 604 þer wealdend þin || wundor on eorþan / þa he gefremede || n
Andreas 616 ce þrowian / biterne bryne || on banan fæþme / him þa andreas
Andreas 620 swum / wundor æfter wundre || on wera gesiehþe / swylce deogoll
Andreas 626 mægen þa he cyþde / deormod on digle || þa mid dryhten oft /
Andreas 634 r tæle || ne þurh teoncwide / on hranrade || ac min hige bliss
Andreas 637 t / ac manna gehwam || mod biþ on hyhte / fyrhþ afrefred || þam
Andreas 639 || þam þe feor oþþe neah / on mode geman || hu se maga frem
Andreas 640 | hu se maga fremede / godbearn on grundum || gastas hweorfon / so
Andreas 644 ndreas || agef ondsware / nu ic on þe sylfum || soþ oncnawe / wi
Andreas 650 þelinges / word ond wisdom || on wera gemote / þurh his sylfes
A.2.1 656 helm, / beorht blǣd-ġiefa, || on bold ōðer, / ðǣr him tō·
Andreas 663 ihtig || næs þær folces ma / on siþfate || sinra leoda / nemne
Andreas 672 n onspeon / wroht webbade || he on gewitte oncneow / þæt we soþ
Andreas 684 elu onwocon / he wæs afeded || on þysse folcsceare / cildgeong a
Andreas 689 | maria ond ioseph / syndon him on æþelum || oþere twegen / beo
Andreas 699 land / he þurh wundra feala || on þam westenne / cræfta gecyþd
Andreas 700 yþde || þæt he wæs cyning on riht / ofer middangeard || mæg
Andreas 705 | unrim cyþde / wundorworca || on wera gesyhþe / syþþan eft ge
A.2.1 707 ·trume miċele, || þæt hē on temple ġe·stōd, / wuldres ea
Andreas 714 la sinra / geseh sigora frea || on seles wage / on twa healfe || t
Andreas 715 sigora frea || on seles wage / on twa healfe || torhte gefrætw
A.2.1 719 || þe% mid þām burĝ-warum / on ðǣr ċeastre is. || Cheruph
Andreas 720 | [Cheruphim et Seraphim] / þa on swegeldreamum || syndon nemne
Andreas 726 w || þurh handmægen / awriten on wealle || wuldres þegnas / þa
Andreas 730 ætywan / wundor geweorþan || on wera gemange / þæt þeos onli
Andreas 734 || þy sceolon gelyfan / eorlas on cyþþe || hwæt min æþelo
Andreas 737 / frod fyrngeweorc || þæt he on foldan stod / stan fram stane |
Andreas 752 se ilca || ealwalda god / þone on fyrndagum || fæderas cuþon /
Andreas 769 reost || brandhata niþ / weoll on gewitte || weorm blædum fag /
Andreas 774 ead || þryþweorc faran / stan on stræte || of stedewange / ond
Andreas 777 godes ærendu / larum lædan || on þa leodmearce / to channaneum
Andreas 788 e / ofer mearcpaþu || þæt he on mambre becom / beorhte blican |
Andreas 821 ne semninga || slæp ofereode / on hronrade || heofoncyninge neh
Andreas 824 las sine / fæþmum ferigean || on fæder wære / leofne mid lissu
Andreas 827 p ofereode / þurh lyftgelac || on land becwom / to þære ceastre
Andreas 830 þa þa aras siþigean / eadige on upweg || eþles neosan / leton
Andreas 832 lgan || be herestræte / swefan on sybbe || under swegles hleo / b
Andreas 847 fæder mancynnes / geseh he þa on greote || gingran sine / beorna
Andreas 849 adurofe || biryhte him / swefan on slæpe || he sona ongann / wige
Andreas 852 gete / þæt us gystrandæge || on geofones stream / ofer arwelan
Andreas 864 arnas || ofer yþa wylm / faran on flyhte || feþerum hremige / us
Andreas 866 / mid gefean feredon || flyhte on lyfte / brehtmum bliþe || beor
A.2.1 868 līðe. / Lissum lufodon || and on lofe wunodon, / ðǣr wæs sing
Andreas 873 oden || þusendmælum / heredon on hehþo || halgan stefne / dryht
Andreas 874 dryhtna dryhten || dream wæs on hyhte / we þær heahfæderas |
Andreas 893 a || myclum geblissod / haliges on hreþre || syþþan hleoþorc
Andreas 898 n || ongiten hæbbe / þæt þu on faroþstræte || feor ne wær
Andreas 899 ære / cyninga wuldur || þa ic on ceol gestah / þeh ic on yþfar
Andreas 900 þa ic on ceol gestah / þeh ic on yþfare || engla þeoden / gast
Andreas 903 ig / bliþe beorht cyning || ic on brimstreame / spræc worda worn
Andreas 905 fter nu / hwa me wyrþmyndum || on wudubate / ferede ofer flodas |
A.2.1 911 rþ% / æðeling oþ·īewed || on þā īlcan tīd, / cyning cwic
Andreas 923 wa godne || ongitan ne meahte / on wægfære || þær ic worda g
A.2.1 927 ynne ġe·fremedest / swā þū on Achaia% || andsæc dydest, / þ
Andreas 928 a || ondsæc dydest / þæt þu on feorwegas || feran ne cuþe / n
A.2.1 929 weĝas || fēran ne cūðe / ne on þā ċeastre || be·cuman me
Andreas 935 ond fyrþran || freonda minra / on landa gehwylc || þær me leo
A.2.1 939 , / cræfte and meahte. || þū on þā ċeastre gang / under bur
A.2.1 948 sċeall bōt hræðe / weorðan on weorolde || and on wuldre lē
A.2.1 948 e / weorðan on weorolde || and on wuldre lēan, / swā iċ him se
A.2.1 951 sċealt || ǣdre ġe·nēðan / on gramra grīpe. || Is þe gū
Andreas 960 || wes a domes georn / læt þe on gemyndum || hu þæt manegum
Andreas 970 ofer eorþan || wolde ic eow on þon / þurh bliþne hige || by
Andreas 972 e hige || bysne onstellan / swa on ellþeode || ywed wyrþeþ / ma
A.2.1 973 wierðeþ. / Maniġe sindon || on þisse mǣran byriġ / þāra
A.2.1 976 || þēah hīe morðres fela / on fyrn-daĝum || ġe·fremed ha
A.2.1 982 / beorn beadwe heard, || ēode on burh hræðe, / ān-rǣd ōrett
Andreas 985 rof || meotude getreowe / stop on stræte || stig wisode / swa hi
Andreas 988 geseon || hæfde sigora weard / on þam wangstede || wære betol
Andreas 998 der || breostgehygdum / herede on hehþo || heofoncyninges þry
A.2.1 1004 don. / Ġe·seah hē Matheus || on þām morðor-cofan, / hæleþ
A.2.1 1008 ana sæt / ġiehþum ġōmor || on þām gnorn-hofe. / Ġeseah þ
Andreas 1017 || criste wæron begen / leofe on mode || hie leoht ymbscan / hal
Andreas 1021 t andreas || æþelne geferan / on clustorcleofan || mid cwide s
Andreas 1023 fara monna || nu is þis folc on luste / hæleþ hyder on # || /
Andreas 1024 s folc on luste / hæleþ hyder on # || / gewyrht || eardes neosa
A.2.1 1024 folc on luste, / hæleþ hider on / ġewyrht || eardes nēosan.
A.2.1 1029 godes. / Swelċe sē hālĝa || on þām hearm-locan / his god gr
Andreas 1034 bendum / fram þam fæstenne || on friþ dryhtnes / tu ond hundteo
A.2.1 1043 ordon, || nealles lenġ bidon / on þām gnorn-hofe || gūþ-ġe
Andreas 1045 þa matheus || menigo lædan / on gehyld godes || swa him se ha
Andreas 1046 wa him se halga bebead / weorod on wilsiþ || wolcnum beþehte /
Andreas 1050 dan / treowgeþoftan || ær hie on tu hweorfan / ægþer þara eor
Andreas 1058 / gewat him þa andreas || inn on ceastre / glædmod gangan || to
Andreas 1073 n || wiþerhycgende / þæt hie on elþeodigum || æt geworhton /
A.2.1 1082 diġra, || ǣniġne tō lāfe / on carc-ærne || cwicne ne% ġe
Andreas 1084 eorige || hyrdas lagan / gæsne on greote || gaste berofene / fæg
Andreas 1087 wa / hean hygegeomor || hungres on wenum / blates beodgastes || ny
A.2.1 1091 edon. || Duru-þeġnum wearþ / on āne tīd || eallum æt·samn
Andreas 1096 endra þreat || wicgum gengan / on mearum modige || mæþelhegen
Andreas 1106 eota || eorla dugoþe / heriges on ore || hraþe siþþan wearþ
Andreas 1110 s sylfes sunu || syllan wolde / on æhtgeweald || eaforan geongn
Andreas 1140 odige maguþegnas || morþres on luste / woldon æninga || ellen
Andreas 1142 e / woldon æninga || ellenrofe / on þam hysebeorþre || heafolan
Andreas 1146 wæpen wera || wexe gelicost / on þam orlege || eall formeltan
A.2.1 1155 ann. / Þā wæs wōp hæfen || on wera burgum, / hlūd herġes ċ
Andreas 1160 nohton / beornas to brucanne || on þa bitran tid / gesæton searu
Andreas 1165 e se þe hæbbe || holde lare / on sefan snyttro || nu is sæl c
Andreas 1180 n eaþe || oncyþdæda / wrecan on gewyrhtum || lætaþ wæpnes
A.2.1 1187 st þe bǣles cwealm, / hātne on helle || and þū here fȳses
Andreas 1191 htiga / heanne gehnægde || ond on heolstor besceaf / þær þe cy
Andreas 1199 ede / þæt is andreas || se me on fliteþ / wordum wrætlicum ||
Andreas 1214 eortan staþola / þæt hie min on þe || mægen oncnawan / ne mag
Andreas 1226 rofne || þær wæs sec manig / on þam welwange || wiges oflyst
Andreas 1241 l / hatan heolfre || hæfde him on innan / ellen untweonde || wæs
Andreas 1251 he wæs criste swa þeah / leof on mode || him wæs leoht sefa / h
A.2.1 1264 , / þrīst and þroht-heard || on þrēa-nīedum / winter-ċealda
Andreas 1265 edum / wintercealdan niht || no on gewitte blon / acol for þy ege
A.2.1 1273 t hræðe || æðeling lǣdan / on wrāðra ġe·weald, || wǣrf
Andreas 1289 || þenden feorh leofaþ / min on moldan || þæt ic meotud þi
A.2.1 1299 || helle dēoful / ā·wierġed on wītum || and þæt word ġe
A.2.1 1308 ed, / dēor and dōm-ġeorn, || on þæt dimme reċed; / sċeall
A.2.1 1309 dimme reċed; / sċeall þonne on nīed-cofan || niht-langne fr
Andreas 1317 u andreas || hidercyme þinne / on wraþra geweald || hwæt is w
Andreas 1327 nd hine rode befealg / þæt he on gealgan || his gast onsende / s
A.2.1 1332 ġe·mǣl, || inn ġe·dūfan / on fǣġes ferhþ. || Gāþ fram
Andreas 1334 n / hie wæron reowe || ræsdon on sona / gifrum grapum || hine go
Andreas 1338 hie oncneowon || cristes rode / on his mægwlite || mære tacen /
Andreas 1339 tacen / wurdon hie þa acle || on þam onfenge / forhte afærde |
Andreas 1340 onfenge / forhte afærde || ond on fleam numen / ongan eft swa ær
A.2.1 1377 / niþþa nerġend, || sē þe on nīedum% ġeō / ġe·fæstnode
A.2.1 1380 an ā, || sūsle ġe·bunden, / on wræc wunne, || wuldres blunn
Andreas 1385 || þe biþ a symble / of dæge on dæg || drohtaþ strengra / þa
Andreas 1386 drohtaþ strengra / þa wearþ on fleame || se þe þa fæhþo
Andreas 1388 a || grimme gefremede / com þa on uhtan || mid ærdæge / hæþen
Andreas 1407 gora weard / dryhten hælend || on dæges tide / mid iudeum || geo
Andreas 1417 ifan mote / sawla symbelgifa || on þines sylfes hand / þu þæt
Andreas 1422 oþþeoded / ne synu ne ban || on swaþe lagon / ne loc of heafde
Andreas 1427 lande || loccas todrifene / fex on foldan || is me feorhgedal / le
Andreas 1436 ecyþeþ / mænig æt meþle || on þam myclan dæge / þæt þæt
Andreas 1446 æst || hearma gefremedan / þa on last beseah || leoflic cempa /
Andreas 1452 dend / to widan feore || wuldor on heofonum / þæs þu me on sare
Andreas 1453 ldor on heofonum / þæs þu me on sare || sigedryhten min / ellþ
Andreas 1462 magorædendes || mod oncyrran / on þære deorcan niht || þa co
A.2.1 1463 iht. || Þā cōm drihten god / on þæt hlin-reċed, || hæleþ
A.2.1 1467 rūcan: || ‘Ne sċealt þū on hīenþum ā lenġ / searu-hæb
Andreas 1477 elan miht / lof lædende || ond on his lice trum / hwæt ic hwile
A.2.1 1482 angsum leornung, || þæt hē on līfe ā·drēah, / eall aefter
Andreas 1484 || þæt scell æglæwra / mann on moldan || þonne ic me tælig
Andreas 1485 | þonne ic me tælige / findan on ferþe || þæt fram fruman c
A.2.1 1491 ·þolode%, / heardra hilda, || on ðǣre hǣðnan byriġ. / Hē b
Andreas 1502 ond eorþan || herigea mæste / on middangeard || mancynn secan /
Andreas 1506 cyning || þæt þu hrædlice / on þis fræte folc || forþ ons
Andreas 1509 golde eart / sincgife sylla || on þe sylf cyning / wrat wuldres
Andreas 1512 || ond ryhte æ / getacnode || on tyn wordum / meotud mihtum swi
Andreas 1531 fær || fæge swulton / geonge on geofene || guþræs fornam / þ
Andreas 1560 e mid unrihte || ellþeodigne / on carcerne || clommum belegdon /
Andreas 1570 þær andrea || orgete wearþ / on fyrhþlocan || folces gebæro
Andreas 1573 ow firgendstream || flod wæs on luste / oþþæt breost ofersta
Andreas 1583 top / wurdon burgware || bliþe on mode / ferhþgefeonde || þa w
A.2.1 1594 ġe·witon mid þȳ wǣġe || on for·wyrd sċacan / under eorð
Andreas 1596 od / forhtferþ manig || folces on laste / wendan hie wifa || ond
Andreas 1615 remman / gumena geogoþe || þe on geofene ær / þurh flodes fæ
A.2.1 1618 gæstas, || gode or-fierme, / on wīta for·wyrd, || wuldre be
A.2.1 1619 yrd, || wuldre be·sċierede, / on fēonda ġe·weald || ġe·fe
Andreas 1622 cwidum || haliges gastes / wæs on þanc sprecen || þeoda ræsw
Andreas 1626 ostlice || upp astodon / manige on meþle || mine gefrege / eafora
Andreas 1645 æ godes / riht aræred || ræd on lande / mid þam ceasterwarum |
A.2.1 1649 stne wer, || wordes glēawne, / on ðǣre beorhtan byriġ || bis
Andreas 1652 lhad || platan nemned / þeodum on þearfe || ond þriste bebead
Andreas 1662 wunian || þa him wuldres god / on þam siþfæte || sylfum æty
Andreas 2 u þæt eowde || anforlætan / on swa niowan gefean || ah him n
Andreas 3 gefean || ah him naman minne / on ferþlocan || fæste getimbre
A.2.1 4 ēan, || āh him naman mīnne / on ferhþ-locan || fæste ġe·t
A.2.1 5 n || fæste ġe·timbre. / Wuna on ðǣre wīn-byriġ, || wīġe
Andreas 12 sawon / lærde þa þa leode || on geleafan weg / trymede torhtlic
A.2.1 13 n. / Lǣrde þā þā lēode || on ġe·lēafan weġ, / trymede to
A.2.1 18 and sunu || and frōfre gǣst / on þrīnesse || þrymme wealde
A.2.1 19 rīnesse || þrymme wealdeþ / on weorold weorolda || wuldor-ġ
Andreas 26 þ / gastes gramhydiges || gang on lande / þa wæron gefylde ||
A.2.1 27 æstes gram-hȳdġes, || gang on lande. / Þā wǣron ġe·fylde
Andreas 28 de || æfter frean dome / dagas on rime || swa him dryhten bebea
A.2.1 29 || aefter frēan dōme / daĝas on rīme, || swā him drihten be
Andreas 31 yrwan / blissum hremig || wolde on brimþisan / achaie || oþre si
A.2.1 32 n, / blissum hrēmiġ, || wolde on brim-þyssan / Achaie || ōðre
A.2.1 36 / hleahtre be·hworfen, || ac on helle ċeafl / sīþ ā·sette
Andreas 43 ebrohton || æt brimes næsse / on wægþele || wigan unslawne / s
Andreas 44 wigan unslawne / stodon him þa on ofre || æfter reotan / þendon
Andreas 45 || æfter reotan / þendon hie on yþum || æþelinga wunn / ofer
A.2.1 46 | aefter rēotan / þendon hīe on ȳðum || æðelinga wynn / ofe
Andreas 48 on || wuldres agend / cleopodon on corþre || ond cwædon þus / a
A.2.1 49 || wuldres āĝend, / clipodon on corðre || and cwǣdon þus: /
Andreas 53 mme || halgum scineþ / wlitige on wuldre || to widan ealdre / ece
A.2.1 54 | hālĝum sċīeneþ, / wlitie on wuldre || tō wīdan ealdre, /
The Fates of the Apostles 2 ysne sang || siþgeomor fand / on seocum sefan || samnode wide /
The Fates of the Apostles 6 ste || dryhtne gecorene / leofe on life || lof wide sprang / miht
The Fates of the Apostles 11 on / reccan fore rincum || sume on romebyrig / frame fyrdhwate ||
A.2.2 16 r-þēoda. / Swelċe Andreas || on Achaġia / for Eġias || aldre
The Fates of the Apostles 19 ymme || þeodcyninges / æniges on eorþan || ac him ece geceas /
The Fates of the Apostles 27 h cneorisse || criste leofast / on weres hade || syþþan wuldre
A.2.2 30 if, || fæder manncynnes. / Hē on Effessia || ealle þrāĝe / l
The Fates of the Apostles 40 lm || ricene gesohte / syþþan on galgan || in gearapolim / ahang
A.2.2 40 hte, / siþþan on ġalĝan || on Ġearapolim / ā·hangen wæs |
A.2.2 45 lameus. / þone hēt Astrias || on Albano, / hǣðen and hyġe-bli
The Fates of the Apostles 51 homas eac || þriste geneþde / on indea || oþre dælas / þær m
A.2.2 70 an. / Hīerde we þæt Iacob || on Ierusalem / fore sācerdum || s
The Fates of the Apostles 87 modige || tir unbræcne / wegan on gewitte || wuldres þegnas / nu
The Fates of the Apostles 92 hu ic freonda beþearf / liþra on lade || þonne ic sceal langn
The Fates of the Apostles 94 cuþ || ana gesecan / lætan me on laste || lic eorþan dæl / wæ
The Fates of the Apostles 98 as fitte fegde || feoh þær on ende standeþ / eorlas þæs on
The Fates of the Apostles 99 on ende standeþ / eorlas þæs on eorþan brucaþ || ne moton h
The Fates of the Apostles 101 nde || wyn sceal gedreosan / ur on eþle || æfter tohreosan / læ
The Fates of the Apostles 104 tes neosaþ / nihtes nearowe || on him nied ligeþ / cyninges þeo
The Fates of the Apostles 106 dom || nu þu cunnon miht / hwa on þam wordum wæs || werum onc
The Fates of the Apostles 116 cleopigan / sendan usse bene || on þa beorhtan gesceaft / þæt w
A.2.2 118 ldes || brūcan motan, / hāmes on hīehþu, || ðǣr is hyhta m
Soul and Body I 7 wa wite swa wuldor || swa him on worulde ær / efne þæt eorþf
Soul and Body I 24 eallum / ful geeodest || hu þu on eorþan scealt / wyrmum to wist
Soul and Body I 25 / wyrmum to wiste || hwæt þu on worulde ær / lyt geþohtest ||
Soul and Body I 33 || helle witum / eardode ic þe on innan || ne meahte ic þe of
Soul and Body I 42 orþan þu ne hogodest || her on life / syþþan ic þe on worul
Soul and Body I 43 | her on life / syþþan ic þe on worulde || wunian sceolde / þ
Soul and Body I 46 lod þurh me / ond ic wæs gast on þe || fram gode sended / næfr
Soul and Body I 50 ra gesynta || sceame þrowian / on þam myclan dæge || þonne e
Soul and Body I 68 nd eft sona fram þe / hweorfan on hancred || þonne halige men /
Soul and Body I 75 ine æhta awihte / þe þu her on moldan || mannum eowdest / for
Soul and Body I 79 frymþe fugel || oþþe fisc on sæ / oþþe on eorþan neat ||
Soul and Body I 80 || oþþe fisc on sæ / oþþe on eorþan neat || ætes tilode /
Soul and Body I 82 || feoh butan snyttro / oþþe on westenne || wildra deora / þæ
Soul and Body I 86 wa god wolde / þonne þu æfre on moldan || man gewurde / oþþe
Soul and Body I 89 unc bæm || andwyrdan scealt / on þam miclan dæge || þonne m
Soul and Body I 90 þ / wunda onwrigene || þa þe on worulde ær / fyrenfulle men ||
Soul and Body I 96 an || ac hwæt wylt þu þær / on þam domdæge || dryhtne secg
Soul and Body I 97 nan na to þæs lytel liþ || on lime aweaxen / þæt þu ne scy
Soul and Body I 113 eoþ hira tungan totogenne || on tyn healfa / hungregum to frofr
Soul and Body I 118 e genydde to / ærest eallra || on þam eorþscræfe / þæt he þ
Soul and Body I 120 þa eagan þurheteþ || ufan on þæt heafod / ond to ætwelan
Soul and Body I 125 | biþ þonne wyrma gifel / æt on eorþan || þæt mæg æghwyl
Soul and Body I 130 ærende || eadiglicre / funden on ferhþe || mid gefean seceþ /
Soul and Body I 142 e ær her scrife / fæstest þu on foldan || ond gefyldest me / go
Soul and Body I 144 n || gastes drynces / wære þu on wædle || sealdest me wilna g
Soul and Body I 147 fullan || ond þa soþfæstan / on þam mæran dæge || þæs þ
Soul and Body I 148 / ne þe hreowan þearf || her on life / ealles swa mycles || swa
Soul and Body I 150 mycles || swa þu me sealdest / on gemotstede || manna ond engla
Soul and Body I 151 for hæleþum || ond ahofe me on ecne dream / forþan me a langa
Soul and Body I 153 me a langaþ || leofost manna / on minum hige hearde || þæs þ
Soul and Body I 153 ge hearde || þæs þe ic þe on þyssum hynþum wat / wyrmum to
Soul and Body I 159 omne || syþan brucan / ond unc on heofonum || heahþungene beon
A.2.3 162 dsware || yfele habban / sorĝe on hreðere%, || ac wit selfe ma
Soul and Body I 165 ron / wat ic þæt þu wære || on woruldrice / geþungen þrymlic
A.2.4 2 cymeþ / maniġ and misliċ || on manna drēam. / Eorl ōðerne |
A.2.4 6 t fācen swā% þēah / hafaþ on his heortan, || hord unclǣne
Homiletic Fragment I 10 wyrd || weoruda dryhten / ne me on life forleos || mid þam lige
A.2.4 11 d, || weoroda drihten, / ne mē on līfe for·lēos || mid þām
A.2.4 13 ðe || sprǣċe habbaþ, / and on gāst-cofan || grymme ġe·þ
A.2.4 15 mid welerum.’ || Wēa biþ on mōde, / sefa synnum fāh, || s
Homiletic Fragment I 20 || ond ætterne tægel / hafaþ on hindan || hunig on muþe / wyns
Homiletic Fragment I 20 gel / hafaþ on hindan || hunig on muþe / wynsume wist || hwilum
A.2.4 21 and ǣttrenne tæġel / hafaþ on hindan, || huneġ on mūðe, /
A.2.4 21 l / hafaþ on hindan, || huneġ on mūðe, / wynsume wist. || Hwī
Homiletic Fragment I 27 an || nearwe beswicaþ / hafaþ on gehatum || hunigsmæccas / sme
A.2.4 28 | nearwe be·swīcaþ, / hafaþ on ġe·hātum || huneġ-smæcca
A.2.4 29 s, / smēðne sibb-cwide || and on sefan innan / þurh dēofles cr
A.2.4 37 . || Nǣniġ ōðerne / frēoþ on ferhþe || nemþe fēara hwel
Dream of the Rood 5 t ic gesawe || syllicre treow / on lyft lædan || leohte bewunde
Dream of the Rood 9 swylce þær fife wæron / uppe on þam eaxlegespanne || beheold
Dream of the Rood 20 æt hit ærest ongan / swætan on þa swiþran healfe || eall i
Dream of the Rood 29 æt ic wæs aheawen || holtes on ende / astyred of stefne minum
Dream of the Rood 32 ebban / bæron me þær beornas on eaxlum || oþþæt hie me on
Dream of the Rood 32 on eaxlum || oþþæt hie me on beorg asetton / gefæstnodon me
Dream of the Rood 34 ne mycle || þæt he me wolde on gestigan / þær ic þa ne dors
Dream of the Rood 40 ang ond stiþmod || gestah he on gealgan heanne / modig on manig
Dream of the Rood 41 ah he on gealgan heanne / modig on manigra gesyhþe || þa he wo
Dream of the Rood 46 hi me mid deorcan næglum || on me syndon þa dolg gesiene / op
Dream of the Rood 50 de his gast onsended / feala ic on þam beorge || gebiden hæbbe
Dream of the Rood 56 n cyninges fyll || crist wæs on rode / hwæþere þær fuse ||
Dream of the Rood 66 im þa moldern wyrcan / beornas on banan gesyhþe || curfon hie
A.2.5 67 stāne, / ġesetton hīe ðǣr on siĝora wealdend. || ongunnon
Dream of the Rood 68 him þa sorhleoþ galan / earme on þa æfentide || þa hie wold
Dream of the Rood 71 reotende || gode hwile / stodon on staþole || syþþan stefn up
Dream of the Rood 75 s egeslic wyrd / bedealf us man on deopan seaþe || hwæþre me
Dream of the Rood 83 daþ him to þyssum beacne || on me bearn godes / þrowode hwile
Dream of the Rood 98 beam / se þe ælmihtig god || on þrowode / for mancynnes || man
Dream of the Rood 103 hte || mannum to helpe / he þa on heofenas astag || hider eft f
Dream of the Rood 104 as astag || hider eft fundaþ / on þysne middangeard || mancynn
Dream of the Rood 105 middangeard || mancynn secan / on domdæge || dryhten sylfa / æl
Dream of the Rood 109 ylcum || swa he him ærur her / on þyssum lænum || life geearn
Dream of the Rood 114 teres onbyrigan || swa he ær on þam beame dyde / ac hie þonne
A.2.5 118 ān–forht wesan / þe him ǣr on brēostum bereþ || bēacna s
Dream of the Rood 125 werede || wæs modsefa / afysed on forþwege || feala ealra geba
Dream of the Rood 130 || me is willa to þam / mycel on mode || ond min mundbyrd is / g
Dream of the Rood 132 || nah ic ricra feala / freonda on foldan || ac hie forþ heonon
Dream of the Rood 134 him wuldres cyning / lifiaþ nu on heofenum || mid heahfædere / w
Dream of the Rood 135 um || mid heahfædere / wuniaþ on wuldre || ond ic wene me / daga
Dream of the Rood 137 ne me dryhtnes rod / þe ic her on eorþan || ær sceawode / on þ
Dream of the Rood 138 er on eorþan || ær sceawode / on þysson lænan || life gefeti
Dream of the Rood 140 || þær is blis mycel / dream on heofonum || þær is dryhtnes
Dream of the Rood 143 þær ic syþþan mot / wunian on wuldre || well mid þam halgu
Dream of the Rood 145 me dryhten freond / se þe her on eorþan || ær þrowode / on þ
Dream of the Rood 146 er on eorþan || ær þrowode / on þam gealgtreowe || for guman
Dream of the Rood 150 an / se sunu wæs sigorfæst || on þam siþfate / mihtig ond sped
Dream of the Rood 152 manigeo com / gasta weorode || on godes rice / anwealda ælmihtig
Dream of the Rood 154 allum þam halgum || þam þe on heofonum ær / wunedon on wuldr
Dream of the Rood 155 m þe on heofonum ær / wunedon on wuldre || þa heora wealdend
A.2.6 6 ed wearþ, || cyninga wuldor, / on middan-ġeard || þurh mennis
A.2.6 9 ōmes, / þæt hē Rōm-wara || on rīċe wearþ / ā·hæfen, hil
Elene 28 edryht || fyrdleoþ agol / wulf on wealde || wælrune ne maþ / ur
Elene 30 era || earn sang ahof / laþum on laste || lungre scynde / ofer b
Elene 36 trymedon / eoredcestum || þæt on ælfylce / deareþlacende || on
Elene 37 on ælfylce / deareþlacende || on danubie / stærcedfyrhþe || st
Elene 53 wan ond wælfel || werod wæs on tyhte / hleopon hornboran || hr
Elene 59 þa || here sceawede / þæt he on romwara || rices ende / ymb þ
Elene 67 b æþeling || egstreame neah / on neaweste || nihtlangne fyrst /
Elene 69 | fyrmest gesægon / þa wearþ on slæpe || sylfum ætywed / þam
Elene 70 tywed / þam casere || þær he on corþre swæf / sigerofum geseg
Elene 72 woma / þuhte him wlitescyne || on weres hade / hwit ond hiwbeorht
Elene 84 lde || þu to heofenum beseoh / on wuldres weard || þær þu wr
Elene 93 leohte || mid þys beacne þu / on þam frecnan fære || feond o
Elene 96 up siþode || ond se ar somed / on clænra gemang || cyning wæs
Elene 98 þe sorgleasra || secga aldor / on fyrhþsefan || þurh þa fæg
Elene 101 / heria hildfruma || þæt him on heofonum ær / geiewed wearþ |
Elene 105 ng || tacen gewyrcan / heht þa on uhtan || mid ærdæge / wigend
Elene 108 ge treo / him beforan ferian || on feonda gemang / beran beacen go
Elene 117 eo earhfære || ærest metton / on þæt fæge folc || flana scu
Elene 118 curas / garas ofer geolorand || on gramra gemang / hetend heorugri
Elene 126 / gylden grima || garas lixtan / on herefelda || hæþene grungon
Elene 133 me unsofte || aldor generedon / on þam heresiþe || sume healfc
Elene 134 þe || sume healfcwice / flugon on fæsten || ond feore burgon /
Elene 137 danubie || sume drenc fornam / on lagostreame || lifes æt ende
Elene 138 de / þa wæs modigra || mægen on luste / ehton elþeoda || oþ
A.2.6 177 iefe, || hū sē gasta helm, / on þrīnesse || þrymme ġe·we
Elene 179 arþ || cyninga wuldor / ond hu on galgan wearþ || godes agen b
Elene 184 þe him geywed wearþ / sylfum on gesyhþe || sigores tacen / wi
Elene 193 ng || ond þæt forþ geheold / on his dagana tid || dryhtne to
Elene 194 || dryhtne to willan / þa wæs on sælum || sinces brytta / niþh
A.2.6 196 im nīewe ġe·fēa / be·folen on ferhþe, || wæs him frōfra
A.2.6 201 ·tenġde / gold-wine gumena || on godes þēowdōm, / ǣsċ-rōf,
Elene 204 miþas / guþheard garþrist || on godes bocum / hwær ahangen wæ
Elene 206 ngen wæs || heriges beorhtme / on rode treo || rodora waldend /
A.2.6 210 herġa fruman. || Þæs hīe on hīenþum sċulon / tō wīdan
Elene 213 s cristes lof || þam casere / on firhþsefan || forþ gemyndig
Elene 223 una || ac wæs sona gearu / wif on willsiþ || swa hire weoruda
Elene 232 wlanc manig || æt wendelsæ / on stæþe stodon || stundum wr
Elene 241 de || ne hyrde ic siþ ne ær / on egstreame || idese lædan / on
Elene 242 / on egstreame || idese lædan / on merestræte || mægen fægerr
Elene 250 agofæsten || geliden hæfdon / on creca land || ceolas leton / æ
Elene 253 / ald yþhofu || oncrum fæste / on brime bidan || beorna geþing
Elene 256 gas || eft gesohte / þær wæs on eorle || eþgesyne / brogden by
Elene 261 sde / fyrdrincas frome || foron on luste / on creca land || casere
Elene 262 incas frome || foron on luste / on creca land || caseres bodan / h
Elene 265 wæs gesyne || sincgim locen / on þam hereþreate || hlafordes
Elene 267 ige || elene gemyndig / þriste on geþance || þeodnes willan / g
Elene 268 ance || þeodnes willan / georn on mode || þæt hio iudeas / ofer
A.2.6 274 eþ || tō Hierusālem / cōmon on þā ċeastre || corðra mǣs
Elene 279 na gehwylcum / meþelhegende || on gemot cuman / þa þe deoplicos
Elene 284 ses æ / reccan cuþon || þær on rime wæs / þreo þusend || þ
Elene 290 e / þurg witgena || wordgeryno / on godes bocum || þæt ge geard
Elene 298 tnede || ge mid horu speowdon / on þæs ondwlitan || þe eow ea
Elene 304 deaþe sylf / woruld awehte || on wera corþre / in þæt ærre l
A.2.6 305 ā·weahte || on wera corðre / on þæt ǣrre līf || ēowres c
Elene 316 owre æ || æþelum cræftige / on ferhþsefan || fyrmest hæbbe
Elene 320 þe ic him to sece / eodan þa on geruman || reonigmode / eorlas
Elene 326 swa hio him to sohte / hio þa on þreate || þusend manna / fund
Elene 329 gearwast cuþon / þrungon þa on þreate || þær on þrymme b
Elene 329 ungon þa on þreate || þær on þrymme bad / in cynestole || c
A.2.6 330 ate || ðǣr on þrymme bād / on cyne-stōle || cāseres mǣġ
A.2.6 336 fengon, || hū sē līf-fruma / on ċildes hād || cenned wurde,
Elene 339 ela / eow acenned biþ || cniht on degle / mihtum mære || swa þ
Elene 346 sceawode / sigora dryhten || he on gesyhþe wæs / mægena wealden
Elene 347 wæs / mægena wealdend || min on þa swiþran / þrymmes hyrde |
Elene 382 h modgemynd || mæste hæfdon / on sefan snyttro || heo to salor
A.2.6 391 on || sōðe and rihte, / þæt on Bethleme || bearn wealdendes,
Elene 398 ebreisce || æ leornedon / þa on fyrndagum || fæderas cuþon /
Elene 402 þ nyton / þe we gefremedon || on þysse folcscere / þeodenbealw
A.2.6 412 him sēo rīċe cwēn, / beald on burgum, || be·boden hæfde, /
Elene 415 | hwæt sio syn wære / þe hie on þam folce || gefremed hæfdo
Elene 421 le secan || be þam sigebeame / on þam þrowode || þeoda walde
Elene 424 ehwylces / þurh hete hengon || on heanne beam / in fyrndagum || f
A.2.6 425 e hēngon || on hēanne bēam / on fyrn-daĝum || fæderas ūsse
Elene 2 æþ / gif þe þæt gelimpe || on lifdagum / þæt þu gehyre ||
A.2.6 3 Ġif þē þæt ġe·limpe || on līf-daĝum / þæt þū ġe·h
Elene 5 u ræran / be þam sigebeame || on þam soþcyning / ahangen wæs
A.2.6 6 ran / be þām siġe-bēame || on þām sōþ-cyning / ā·hangen
A.2.6 14 aþ / and hira dryhtsċipe, || / on weorold weorolda || willum ġ
Elene 17 / hu wolde þæt geweorþan || on woruldrice / þæt on þone hal
Elene 18 orþan || on woruldrice / þæt on þone halgan || handa sendan /
A.2.6 18 wolde þæt ġe·weorðan || on weorold-rīċe / þæt on þone
A.2.6 19 an || on weorold-rīċe / þæt on þone hālĝan || handa senda
Elene 21 æt he crist wære || cyning on roderum / soþ sunu meotudes ||
A.2.6 22 t hē Crīst wǣre, || cyning on roderum, / sōþ sunu metodes,
Elene 24 ra min || ageaf ondsware / frod on fyrhþe || fæder reordode / on
A.2.6 25 || ā·ġeaf andsware, / frōd on ferhþe || fæder reordode: / '
Elene 28 gendlic || þone sylf ne mæg / on moldwege || man aspyrigean / n
A.2.6 29 dliċ, || þone self ne mæġ / on mold-weġe || man ā·spyrian
Elene 35 ne uþweotan || æht bisæton / on sefan sohton || hu hie sunu m
A.2.6 36 ð-witan || ǣht be·sǣton, / on sefan sōhton || hū hīe sun
Elene 41 settan || þeah he sume hwile / on galgan his || gast onsende / si
A.2.6 42 an, || þēah hē sume hwīle / on ġalĝan his || gāst on·sen
A.2.6 46 rymm, || þrīe niht siþþan / on byrġenne || bīdende wæs / un
Elene 50 frea || seolfne geywde / beorht on blæde || þonne broþor þin
A.2.6 51 || selfne ġe·īewde, / beorht on blǣde. || Þonne brōðor þ
Elene 69 e / þara þe wif oþþe wer || on woruld cendan / þeah he stepha
A.2.6 70 þāra þe wīf oþþe wer || on weorold cendan, / þēah hē St
Elene 71 anus || stanum hehte / abreotan on beorge || broþor þinne / nu
A.2.6 72 || stānum hehte / ā·brēotan on beorĝe, || brōðor þīnne.
Elene 89 ofonum / þus mec fæder min || on fyrndagum / unweaxenne || wordu
A.2.6 90 um.’ / þus mec fæder min || on fyrn-daĝum, / unweaxenne || wo
Elene 93 geare cunnon / hwæt eow þæs on sefan || selest þince / to gec
A.2.6 94 eare cunnon / hwæt ēow þæs on sefan || sēlest þynċe / tō
Elene 98 þa togenes || þa gleawestan / on wera þreate || wordum mældo
A.2.6 99 ġēanes || þā glēawestan / on wera þrēate || wordum mǣld
Elene 100 we hyrdon || hæleþ ænigne / on þysse þeode || butan þec n
A.2.6 101 hīerdon || hæleþ ǣniġne / on þisse þēode, || būtan þe
Elene 104 a frod || gif þu frugnen sie / on wera corþre || wisdomes beþ
A.2.6 105 d, || ġif þū frugnen sīe / on wera corðre. || Wisdōmes be
Elene 107 gifan / for þyslicne || þreat on meþle / weoxan word cwidum ||
A.2.6 108 efan / for þyslicne || þrēat on mæðele.’ / Wēoxon word cwi
Elene 109 rd cwidum || weras þeahtedon / on healfa gehwær || sume hyder
A.2.6 110 d cwidum, || weras þeahtedon / on healfa ġe·hwǣr, || sume hi
Elene 115 eccen || is eow rædes þearf / on meþelstede || modes snyttro /
A.2.6 116 en. || Is ēow rǣdes ðearf / on mæðel-stede, || mōdes snyt
Elene 122 werige || ymb fyrngewritu / hu on worulde ær || witgan sungon /
A.2.6 123 e || ymb fyrn-ġe·writu, / hū on weorolde ǣr || wītĝan% sun
Elene 131 || wiþersæc fremedon / fæste on fyrhþe || þæt heo frignan
Elene 132 ignan ongan / cwædon þæt hio on aldre || owiht swylces / ne ær
A.2.6 133 on·gann, / cwǣdon þæt hēo on ealdre || āwiht swelċes / ne
A.2.6 137 || seċġan wille, / and þæs on līfe || lyġe ne wierðeþ, /
A.2.6 140 mē fore standaþ, / þæt ēow on beorĝe || bǣl for·nimeþ, /
Elene 143 d geseþan || þe ge hwile nu on unriht / wrigon under womma sce
A.2.6 144 ēðan || þe ġē hwīle nū on unryht / wriĝon under wamma s
Elene 145 hte || þa wurdon hie deaþes on wenan / ades ond endelifes || o
A.2.6 146 || þā wurdon hīe dēaðes on wēnan, / ādes and ende-līfes
Elene 154 s wis || ond witgan sunu / bald on meþle || him gebyrde is / þæ
A.2.6 155 s || and wītĝan sunu, / beald on mæðele; || him ġe·byrde i
A.2.6 157 das || glēawe hæbbe, / cræft on brēostum. || Hē ġe·cȳðe
Elene 159 ht || swa þin mod lufaþ / hio on sybbe forlet || secan gehwylc
A.2.6 160 ā þīn mōd lufaþ.’ / Hēo on sibbe for·lēt || sēċan ġ
A.2.6 164 e || riht ġe·tǣhte / þe ǣr on leġere wæs || lange || be·
Elene 171 rran rex geniþlan || he wæs on þære cwene gewealdum / hu mæ
Elene 172 mæg þæm geweorþan || þe on westenne / meþe ond meteleas |
A.2.6 173 ġ þǣm ġe·weorðan || þe on wēstenne / mēðe and metelēa
Elene 175 fted || ond him hlaf ond stan / on gesihþe bu || samod geweorþ
A.2.6 176 ed || and him hlāf and stān / on ġe·sihþe bū || samod% ġe
Elene 183 wille / eard mid englum || ond on eorþan lif / sigorlean in sweg
A.2.6 183 || undearnunga: / ‘Ġif þū on heofon-rīċe || habban wille
A.2.6 184 wille / eard mid englum || and on eorðan līf, / siĝor-lēan on
A.2.6 185 on eorðan līf, / siĝor-lēan on sweġele, || saĝa recene mē
Elene 199 e wæron / gleawra gumena || ic on geogoþe wearþ / on siþdagum
Elene 200 mena || ic on geogoþe wearþ / on siþdagum || syþþan acenned
A.2.6 200 ron, / glēawra gumena. || Iċ on ġuĝuþe wearþ / on sīð-da
A.2.6 201 a. || Iċ on ġuĝuþe wearþ / on sīð-daĝum || siþþan ā·
Elene 202 ic ne can þæt ic nat / findan on fyrhþe || þæt swa fyrn gew
Elene 203 wearþ / elene maþelade || him on ondsware / hu is þæt geworden
A.2.6 203 cann þæt iċ% nāt, / findan on ferhþe || þæt swā fyrn ġ
Elene 204 sware / hu is þæt geworden || on þysse werþeode / þæt ge swa
Elene 205 de / þæt ge swa monigfeald || on gemynd witon / alra tacna gehwy
A.2.6 206 æt ġē swā maniġfeald || on ġe·mynd witon, / ealra tācna
Elene 211 an || hwæt þær eallra wæs / on manrime || morþorslehtes / dar
A.2.6 212 an, || hwæt ðǣr ealra wæs / on mann-rīme || morðor-sliehte
Elene 215 a some / ond þa wintergerim || on gewritu setton / iudas maþelad
A.2.6 216 / and þā winter-ġe·rīm || on ġe·writu setton.’ / Iudas m
Elene 219 dgiaþ / ond þa wiggþræce || on gewritu setton / þeoda gebæru
A.2.6 220 þ, / and þā wīġ-þræce || on ġe·writu setton, / þēoda ġ
Elene 227 beame / leodum þinum || ond nu on lige cyrrest / iudas hire ongen
Elene 228 gode || cwæþ þæt he þæt on gehþu gespræce / ond on tweon
Elene 229 þæt on gehþu gespræce / ond on tweon swiþost || wende him t
A.2.6 229 de, || cwæþ þæt hē þæt on ġiehþu ġe·sprǣċe / and on
A.2.6 230 on ġiehþu ġe·sprǣċe / and on% twēon swīðost, || wēnde h
Elene 233 cyþan || þæt ahangen wæs / on caluarie || cyninges freobear
A.2.6 234 an || þæt ā·hangen% wæs / on Caluarie || cininges frēo-be
A.2.6 255 ne || (sċealcas ne gǣldon) / on drȳĝne sēaþ, || ðǣr hē
A.2.6 256 r hē duĝuþa lēas / seomode on sorĝum || [VII] nihta first /
Elene 258 pigan ongan / sarum besylced || on þone seofeþan dæg / meþe on
A.2.6 259 n·gann / sārum be·sylċed || on þone seofoþan dæġ, / mēðe
Elene 278 þære stowe || stiþhycgende / on þa dune up || þe dryhten æ
A.2.6 279 stōwe% || stīþ-hyċġende% / on þā dūne up || þe drihten
Elene 280 || heofonrices weard / godbearn on galgan || ond hwæþre geare
A.2.6 281 ofon-rīċes weard, / god-bearn on ġalĝan || and hwæðere ġe
Elene 285 de ahof / elnes oncyþig || ond on ebrisc spræc / dryhten hælend
A.2.6 286 hōf / elnes an-cȳðiġ || and on Ebrisċ spræc: / ‘Dryhten h
A.2.6 298 orð-weĝum || up ġe·fēran / on līċ-haman || mid þā lēoh
Elene 300 / halig ond heofonlic || þara on hade sint / in sindreame || syx
A.2.6 301 iġ and heofonliċ. || Þāra on hāde sint / on sīn-drēame ||
A.2.6 302 liċ. || Þāra on hāde sint / on sīn-drēame || siex ġe·nem
Elene 304 naþ / þara sint feower || þe on flihte a / þa þegnunge || þr
A.2.6 305 . / Þāra sint% [IIII] || þe on flyhte ā / þā þeġnunge ||
A.2.6 308 man, / singāllīċe || singaþ on wuldre / hǣdrum stefnum || heo
Elene 314 en / tire getacnod || syndon tu on þam / sigorcynn on swegle ||
Elene 315 | syndon tu on þam / sigorcynn on swegle || þe man seraphin / be
A.2.6 315 e·tācnod.’ || Sindon tū on þām, / siĝor-cynn on sweġel
A.2.6 316 don tū on þām, / siĝor-cynn on sweġele, || þe man seraphin
A.2.6 326 stor-hofu || hrēosan sċolde / on wīta for·wyrd, || ðǣr hī
A.2.6 326 īta for·wyrd, || ðǣr hīe on wielme nū / drēoĝaþ dēaþ-
A.2.6 327 / drēoĝaþ dēaþ-cwale% || on dracan fæðme, / þīestrum fo
A.2.6 329 ōc / ealdordōme. || Þæs hē on iermþum sċeall, / ealra fūla
A.2.6 332 mæġ / word ā·weorpan, || is on wītum fæst, / ealre synne fru
Elene 334 engla / þæt ricsie || se þe on rode wæs / ond þurh marian ||
A.2.6 335 gla, / þæt rīcsie || sē þe on rōde wæs, / and þurh Marian
A.2.6 336 de wæs, / and þurh Marian || on middan-ġeard% / ā·cenned wea
A.2.6 337 -ġeard% / ā·cenned wearþ || on ċildes hād, / þēoden engla,
A.2.6 340 nǣfre hē sōðra swā fela / on weorold-rīċe || wundra ġe
A.2.6 343 hte for weorodum, || ġif hē on wuldre þīn / þurh þā beorh
Elene 346 st || þone halgan wer / moyses on meþle || þa þu mihta god / g
Elene 347 ta god / geywdest þam eorle || on þa æþelan tid / under beorhh
A.2.6 347 || þone hālĝan wer / Moyses on mæðele, || þā þū, meaht
A.2.6 348 ġe·īewdest% þām eorle || on þā æðelan tīd / under beor
Elene 358 staþelige / hyht untweondne || on þone ahangnan crist / þæt he
A.2.6 359 aðolie, / hiht untwēondne, || on þone ā·hangnan Crīst, / þ
Elene 361 walde widan ferhþ || wuldres on heofenum / a butan ende || ecra
A.2.6 362 alde wīdan ferhþ || wuldres on heofonum, / ā būtan ende ||
A.2.6 368 e. / Iudas maðelode, || glēaw on ġe·þance: / ‘Nū iċ þurh
Elene 369 h soþ hafu || seolf gecnawen / on heardum hige || þæt þu hæ
A.2.6 370 þ hafu || self ġe·cnāwen / on heardum hyġe || þæt þū h
Elene 380 emyndig || læt mec mihta god / on rimtale || rices þines / mid h
A.2.6 381 iġ. || Lǣt mec, meahta god, / on rīm-tale || rīċes þīnes /
A.2.6 383 d hāliġra || hlīete wunian / on ðǣre beorhtan byriġ, || ð
A.2.6 384 is brōðor min / ġe·weorðod on wuldre, || þæs hē wǣre wi
Elene 387 m his / wundor þa he worhte || on gewritum cyþed / ongan þa wil
A.2.6 388 his / wunder þā hē worhte || on ġe·writum cȳðed.’ / On·g
Elene 390 n / under turfhagan || þæt he on twentig / fotmælum feor || fun
A.2.6 391 der turf-haĝan, || þæt hē on [XX] / fōt-mǣlum feorr || fun
A.2.6 394 m niðer || næsse ġe·hȳde / on þeostor-cofan. || Hē ðǣr
A.2.6 395 fan. || Hē ðǣr [III] mēte / on þām rēonian hofe || rōda
Elene 406 estas / eodon æþelingas || in on þa ceastre / asetton þa on ge
Elene 407 in on þa ceastre / asetton þa on gesyhþe || sigebeamas þreo /
A.2.6 407 s / ēodon, æðelingas, || inn on þā ċeastre. / A·setton þā
A.2.6 408 þā ċeastre. / A·setton þā on ġe·sihþe || siġe-bēamas
Elene 410 erhþe || cwen weorces gefeah / on ferhþsefan || ond þa frigna
Elene 411 efan || ond þa frignan ongan / on hwylcum þara beama || bearn
A.2.6 412 || and þā friġnan on·gann / on hwelcum þāra bēama || bear
Elene 416 n || ond he wæs þridda sylf / on rode treo || rodor eal geswea
Elene 417 de treo || rodor eal geswearc / on þa sliþan tid || saga gif
Elene 418 an tid || saga gif þu cunne / on hwylcre þyssa þreora || þe
A.2.6 419 d. || Saĝa, ġif þū cunne, / on hwelcre þissa þrīera || þ
Elene 422 gecyþan || be þam sigebeame / on hwylcne se hælend || ahafen
A.2.6 423 an || be þām siġe-bēame, / on hwelcne% sē hǣlend || ā·h
Elene 424 godes || ær he asettan heht / on þone middel || þære mæran
A.2.6 425 s, || ǣr hē ā·settan hēt / on þone middel || ðǣre mǣran
Elene 433 || ond gefærenne man / brohton on bære || beorna þreate / on ne
Elene 434 on on bære || beorna þreate / on neaweste || wæs þa nigoþe
A.2.6 435 n on bǣre || beorna þrēate / on nēah-wiste, || (wæs þā ni
Elene 436 easne || þa þær iudas wæs / on modsefan || miclum geblissod /
A.2.6 437 sne. || Þā ðǣr Iudas wæs / on mōd-sefan || miċelum ġe·b
Elene 438 lleasne / life belidenes || lic on eorþan / unlifgendes || ond up
A.2.6 439 , / līfe be·lidenes% || līċ on eorðan, / unlibbendes || and u
Elene 441 || þara roda twa / fyrhþgleaw on fæþme || ofer þæt fæge h
A.2.6 442 āra rōda twā / ferhþ-glēaw on fæðme || ofer þæt fǣġe
Elene 445 wæs / ahafen halig || hra wæs on anbide / oþþæt him uppan ||
A.2.6 446 hafen hāliġ. || Hrǣw wæs on an-bīde / oþ·þæt him uppan
Elene 455 ceafta / þa wæs þam folce || on ferhþsefan / ingemynde || swa
A.2.6 456 fta. / þā wæs þām folce || on ferhþ-sefan, / inn-ġe·mynde,
Elene 460 ttiow || þa þær ligesynnig / on lyft astah || lacende feond / o
A.2.6 461 . || Þā ðǣr lyġe-synniġ / on lyft ā·stāh || lācende f
A.2.6 468 a ne mōton / mān-fremmende || on mīnum lenġ / ǣhtum wunian. |
Elene 469 u cwom elþeodig / þone ic ær on firenum || fæstne talde / hafa
A.2.6 470 ell-þēodiġ, / þone iċ ǣr on firenum || fæstne tealde, / ha
A.2.6 474 nīða nearulicra, || sē þe on Nazareþ / ā·fēded wæs. ||
A.2.6 482 an. || Hwæt, sē hǣlend mē / on þām engan hām || oft ġe·
A.2.6 492 , / and þeċ þonne sendeþ || on þā sweartestan / and þā wie
A.2.6 504 þæt þe% sē mihtĝa cyning / on neowolnesse || niðer be·sċ
A.2.6 505 sċūfeþ, / synn-wyrċende, || on sūsla grund / dōmes lēasne,
Elene 509 s / þone fægran gefean || ond on fyrbæþe / suslum beþrungen |
A.2.6 510 ne fæġran ġe·fēan || and on fȳr-bæðe / sūslum be·þrun
Elene 515 rærdon / tireadig ond trag || on twa halfa / synnig ond gesælig
A.2.6 516 n, / tīr-ēadiġ and trāh, || on twā healfa%, / synniġ and ġe
Elene 520 nyttro / hu he swa geleafful || on swa lytlum fæce / ond swa uncy
A.2.6 521 hū hē swā ġe·lēafful || on swā lȳtlum fæce / and swā u
A.2.6 528 nēow, / wuldorfæste ġiefe || on þæs weres brēostum. / Þā w
A.2.6 529 um. / Þā wæs ġe·frǣġe || on ðǣre folc-sċeare, / ġond þ
Elene 530 d / mære morgenspel || manigum on andan / þara þe dryhtnes æ |
A.2.6 531 re morĝen-spell || maniĝum on andan / þāra þe dryhtnes ǣ
A.2.6 534 gum, || swā brimu fæðmaþ, / on ċeastra ġe·hwǣre, || þæ
A.2.6 548 ēst || mēted wǣre, / funden on foldan, || þæt ǣr fela mǣ
A.2.6 553 ndra / under gold-haman || gād on burgum, / feorran ġe·ferede.
A.2.6 555 him frōfra mǣst / ġe·worden on weorolde || æt þām will-sp
Elene 559 id sigecwen || aseted hæfdon / on creca land || hie se casere h
A.2.6 560 e-cwēn || ā·seted% hæfdon / on Crēca land. || Hīe sē cās
Elene 569 us || þæt hio cirican þær / on þam beorhhliþe || begra ræ
A.2.6 570 || þæt hīo ċiriċan ðǣr / on þām beorh-hliðe || bēġra
Elene 571 getimbrede || tempel dryhtnes / on caluarie || criste to willan /
A.2.6 572 timbrede, || tempel dryhtnes / on Caluarie || Crīste tō willa
Elene 575 a þe gefrugnen || foldbuende / on eorþwege || hio geefnde swa /
A.2.6 576 ġe·frugnen || fold-būende / on eorð-weġe. || Hēo ġe·efn
Elene 581 wyrcan cuþon / stangefogum || on þam stedewange / girwan godes
A.2.6 582 ðon% / stān-ġe·fōĝum, || on þām stede-wange / ġierwan go
A.2.6 587 n% searu-cræftum || and þā on sielfren fæt / locum be·lūca
Elene 597 f || his geleafa wearþ / fæst on ferhþe || siþþan frofre ga
A.2.6 598 His ġe·lēafa wearþ / fæst on ferhþe, || siþþan frōfre
A.2.6 599 re gāst / wīċ ġe·wunode || on þæs weres brēostum, / bielde
Elene 606 # || / inbryrded breostsefa || on þæt betere lif / gewended to
A.2.6 607 / in·bryrded brēost-sefa || on þæt betere līf, / ġe·wende
A.2.6 610 affull || and swā lēof gode / on weorold-rīċe || weorðan s
Elene 612 þþan elene heht || eusebium / on rædgeþeaht || rome bisceop /
Elene 613 eaht || rome bisceop / gefetian on fultum || forþsnoterne / hæle
A.2.6 614 || Rōme bisċop, / ġe·fetian on fultum, || forþ-snotterne, / h
Elene 615 gan byrig / þæt he gesette || on sacerdhad / in ierusalem || iud
A.2.6 616 riġ, / þæt hē ġe·sette || on sācerdhād / on Ierusalem || I
Elene 617 m folce / to bisceope || burgum on innan / þurh gastes gife || to
A.2.6 617 ġe·sette || on sācerdhād / on Ierusalem || Iudas þām folc
A.2.6 618 folce / tō bisċope || burgum on innan, / þurh gāstes ġiefe |
Elene 622 gecyrred / beornes in burgum || on þæt betere forþ / æ hælend
A.2.6 623 ma wæs ġe·ċierred / beornes on burgum || on þæt betere for
A.2.6 623 ċierred / beornes on burgum || on þæt betere forþ, / ǣ hǣlen
Elene 627 d his folme swa some / mid þam on rode wæs || rodera wealdend /
A.2.6 628 is folme swā same, / mid þām on rōde wæs || rodera wealdend
Elene 636 cininges || ryhte getæhtesþ / on þa ahangen wæs || hæþenum
A.2.6 637 nges% || rihte ġe·tǣhtest, / on þā ā·hangen wæs || hǣð
Elene 639 fira || mec þæra nægla gen / on fyrhþsefan || fyrwet myngaþ
A.2.6 640 || Meċ þāra næġla ġīen / on ferhþ-sefan || fyr-witt mynd
A.2.6 641 þæt þū funde || þā þe on foldan ġīen / dēope be·dolf
Elene 650 d || in þa beorhtan gesceaft / on wuldres wyn || bide wigena þ
A.2.6 650 sta, / þīne bēne on·send || on þā beorhtan ġe·sċeaft, / o
A.2.6 651 n þā beorhtan ġe·sċeaft, / on wuldres wynn%. || Bide wiĝen
Elene 658 ond þa geornlice / cyriacus || on caluariæ / hleor onhylde || hy
A.2.6 659 þā ġeornlīċe / Cyriacus || on Caluarie% / hlēor on·hylde, |
Elene 663 enigean || uncuþe wyrd / niwan on nearwe || hwær he þara næg
Elene 664 wær he þara nægla swiþost / on þam wangstede || wenan þorf
A.2.6 665 hē þāra næġla swīðost / on þām wang-stede || wēnan þ
Elene 669 / þurh nearusearwe || næglas on eorþan / þa cwom semninga ||
A.2.6 670 urh nearu-searwe, || næġlas on eorðan. / Þā cōm samnunga |
A.2.6 680 ǣron / þurh dēofles spild || on ġe·dwolan lange , / ā·ċier
A.2.6 684 ǣr / mid lēasungum. || Nū is on lēoht cumen, / on·wriġen, wy
Elene 685 da bigang || wuldor þæs age / on heannesse || heofonrices god /
A.2.6 686 ·gang. || Wuldor þæs āĝe / on hēannesse || heofon-rīċes
Elene 696 s gefylled / cwene willa || heo on cneow sette / leohte geleafan |
A.2.6 697 fylled / cwēne willa. || Hēo on cnēow sette / lēohte ġe·lē
Elene 709 þa geornlice || gastgerynum / on sefan secean || soþfæstness
A.2.6 710 rnlīċe || gāst-ġe·rȳnum / on sefan sēċan || sōþfæstne
Elene 711 oda god / gefullæste || fæder on roderum / cining ælmihtig ||
A.2.6 712 god / ġe·fullǣste, || fæder on roderum, / cyning æl-mehtiġ,
A.2.6 714 t sēo cwēn be·ġeat / willan on weorolde. || Wæs sē wīted
Elene 724 e miht || georne cuþe / frodne on ferhþe || ond hine frignan o
Elene 725 frignan ongan / hwæt him þæs on sefan || selost þuhte / to gel
A.2.6 726 nan on·gann / hwæt him þæs on sefan || sēlest þūhte / tō
Elene 729 ic || þæt þu dryhtnes word / on hyge healde || halige rune / cw
A.2.6 730 || þæt þū dryhtnes word / on hyġe healde, || hālġe rūn
Elene 735 | eorþcyninga / burgagendra || on his bridels don / meare to midl
A.2.6 736 þ-cyninga / burĝ-āĝendra || on his briġdels dōn, / mēare t
Elene 740 gehwylcne || þonne fyrdhwate / on twa healfe || tohtan secaþ / s
A.2.6 741 hwelcne, || þonne fyrd-hwate / on twā healfe || tohtan sēċa
Elene 745 se þe foran lædeþ / bridels on blancan || þonne beadurofe /
A.2.6 746 þe foran% lǣdeþ / briġdels on blancan, || þonne beadu-rōf
A.2.6 766 ðǣre hālĝan byriġ / cuman on þā ċeastre. || Þā sēo c
A.2.6 770 ġe·lǣston / leahtorlēase || on hira līfes tīd, / and þæs l
Elene 781 þle || ond þa eallum bebead / on þam gumrice || god hergendum
A.2.6 782 || and þā eallum be·bēad / on þām gum-rīċe || god herġ
A.2.6 785 ġ, / heortan ġe·hyġdum, || on þām sēo hālġe rōd / ġe·
Elene 789 ex nihtum || ær sumeres cyme / on maias calend || sie þara man
A.2.6 790 I] nihtum || ǣr sumores cyme / on Maias kālend%. || Sīe þār
Elene 793 dæl scired / mid marian || þe on gemynd nime / þære deorestan
A.2.6 794 l sċīred / mid Marian, || þe on ġe·mynd nime / ðǣre dēores
Elene 802 eaht / þurh þa mæran miht || on modes þeaht / wisdom onwreah |
A.2.6 803 ht / þurh þā mǣran meaht || on mōdes þeaht% / wīsdōm on·w
Elene 808 nde / mægencyning amæt || ond on gemynd begeat / torht ontynde |
A.2.6 809 æġen-cyning ā·mæt || and on ġe·mynd be·ġeat, / torht on
A.2.6 813 æs iċ lustum brēac, / willum on weorolde. || Iċ þæs wuldre
Elene 815 þone beorhtan beam || swa ic on bocum fand / wyrda gangum || on
Elene 816 on bocum fand / wyrda gangum || on gewritum cyþan / be þam sigeb
A.2.6 817 bōcum fand, / wyrda gangum, || on ġe·writum cȳðan / be þām
A.2.6 820 | //C// drūsende, / þēah hē on medu-healle || māðmas þǣ
A.2.6 837 ga || swīġe ġe·wierðeþ, / on nīed-clifan || nearwe ġe·h
Elene 839 / ond eac swa some || þe hire on wurdon / atydrede || tionleg ni
Elene 847 a / þristra geþonca || þonne on þreo dæleþ / in fyres feng |
A.2.6 848 īstra ġe·þanca. || Þonne on þrīe dǣleþ / on fȳres fēn
Elene 849 gehwylc / þara þe gewurdon || on widan feore / ofer sidne grund
A.2.6 849 . || Þonne on þrīe dǣleþ / on fȳres fēng || folc ānra ġ
A.2.6 850 ċ, / þāra þe ġe·wurdon || on wīdan fēore / ofer sīdne gru
A.2.6 852 || Sōþfæste bēoþ / yfemest on þām āde, || ēadiġra ġe
A.2.6 858 ēoþ, / māne ġe·menġde, || on þām middle þrǣd, / hæleþ
A.2.6 859 d, / hæleþ hyġe-ġōmre, || on hātne wielm, / þrosme be·þe
A.2.6 861 ·wierġede wamm-sċaðan, || on þæs wielmes grund, / lēase l
A.2.6 864 wyrht, || ārlēasra sċeolu, / on glēda grīpe. || Gode nā si
A.2.6 865 þan / of þām morðor-hofe || on ġe·mynd cumaþ, / wuldor-cyni
A.2.6 867 oþ / of þām heaðu-wielme || on helle-grund, / torn-ġe·nīðl
A.2.6 872 um, || swā smǣte gold / þæt on wielme biþ || wamma ġe·hwe
Elene 880 m cleopodon || forþan hie nu on wlite scinaþ / englum gelice |
A.2.6 881 ipodon. || For·þon hīe nū on wlite sċīnaþ / englum ġe·l
Christ A 25 ċēarfulra þinġ, || þe we on carc-ærne / sittaþ sorĝende,
Christ A 40 ċ þǣm, || ǣr ne siþþan, / on weorolde ġe·wearþ || wīfe
Christ A 52 ēðel-stōl || and þā āne on þē / sāwle sōþfæstra || s
Christ A 55 mġe. || Nǣfre wammes tācn / on þǣm eard-ġearde || īewed
Christ A 63 and self cymeþ, / nimeþ eard on þē, || swā hit ǣr ġe·fy
Christ A 79 e || swelċ ne ġe·fruĝnon / on ǣr-daĝum || ǣfre ġe·limp
Christ A 80 ǣfre ġe·limpan, / þæt þū on sundor-ġiefe || swelċe be·
Christ A 82 || wēnan þurfon / tō·weard on tīde. || Huru trēow on þē
Christ A 82 eard on tīde. || Huru trēow on þē / weorðlicu wunode, || n
Christ A 96 rȳne, || ac Crīst on·wrāh / on Dauides || dīerre mǣġan / þ
Christ A 102 fum, || ā tō weorolde forþ / on þām upplican || engla drēa
Christ A 110 sōðan fæder, || sweġeles on wuldre / būtan an·ġinne ||
Christ A 116 r, / þrosme be·þeahte || and on þīestrum hēr, / sǣton sīn-
Christ A 121 godes || weorodum brungen / ðe on frymðe wæs || fæder ælmih
Christ A 127 ond se monnes sunu / geðwære on ðeode || we ðæs ðonc mago
Christ A 133 swa hit engel gecwæð / ærest on ebresc || ðæt is eft gereht
Christ A 139 ġō, || Melchisedech, / glēaw on gǣste || god-þrymm on·wrā
Christ A 147 | Nū hīe sōfte þæs / bidon on bendum || hwonne bearn godes /
Christ A 156 o ðus micle || ac ðu miltse on us / gecyð cynelice || crist n
Christ A 162 ǣr / heandum þīnum. || Þū on hēannessum / wunast wīde-feor
Christ A 177 ċeariende? || Ne iċ culpan on þē, / incan ǣniġne, || ǣfr
Christ A 195 m || libban siþþan, / fracuþ on folcum.’ || Þā sēo fǣmn
Christ A 200 cscipe || monnes ower / ænges on eorðan || ac me eaden wearð
Christ A 201 ac mē ēaden wearþ, / ġungre on ġeardum, || þæt mē Gabrih
Christ A 207 / ġe·fremed būtan facne, || on mē frōfre gǣst / ġe·eardod
Christ A 213 e wēne; || sċolde wītedōm / on him selfum bēon || sōðe ġ
Christ A 232 , || libbendra ġe·hwǣm / þe on cnēo-rissum || cende weorðe
Christ A 251 d þā gyldnan ġeatu, || þe on ġār-daĝum / full lange ǣr |
Christ A 260 a / hyneð heardlice || ond him on hæft nimeð / ofer usse nioda
Christ A 265 an, || þæt sē wītes bana / on helle grund || hēan ġe·dr
Christ A 267 a scyppend / mote arisan || ond on ryht cuman / to ðam upcundan |
Christ A 282 bryttan / swylce ða hyhstan || on heofonum eac / cristes ðegnas
Christ A 303 st sæġde || sum wōð-bora / on eald-daĝum, || Esaias, / þæt
Christ A 305 þæt hē līfes ġe·steald / on þām ēċan hām || eall sċ
Christ A 313 a fæstlice || forescyttelsas / on ecnesse || o inhebban / oððe
Christ A 327 froda ða / mid eagum ðær || on wlatade / ðu eart ðæt wealld
Christ A 329 | ðurh ðe waldend frea / æne on ðas eorðan || ut siðade / on
Christ A 341 modlice || ealle hyhtan / nu we on ðæt bearn foran || breostum
Christ A 344 ūs ne lǣte || lenġ āwihte / on þisse dēaþ-dene || ġe·dw
Christ A 345 æt hē ūsiċ ġe·ferġe || on fæder rīċe, / ðǣr we sorĝ
Christ A 347 ase || siþþan motan / wunian% on wuldre || mid weoroda god. / Ē
Christ A 350 e·fyrn wǣre / efen-wesende || on þām æðelan hām. / Næs ǣn
Christ A 353 n || mæġen-þrymmes nan / þe on rodorum up || rīċe be·witi
Christ A 377 ðing || symle moten / geðeon on ðeode || ðinne willan / eala
Christ A 400 . / Lofiaþ lēoflīċne || and on lēohte him / þā word cweða
Christ A 406 unaþ / eorðliċ mid ieldum || on ǣlċe tīd / wīde ġe·weorð
Christ A 410 / helm æl-wihta. || Sīe þē on hēannessum / ēċe hǣlu || an
Christ A 411 ēannessum / ēċe hǣlu || and on eorðan lof, / beorht mid beorn
Christ A 413 ū ġe·blētsod lēofa, / þe on dryhtnes naman || duĝuþum c
Christ A 414 / hēanum tō hroðre. || Þē on hīehþum sīe / ā būtan ende
Christ A 416 , þæt is wræcliċ wrixl || on wera līfe, / þætte mann-cynn
Christ A 436 ĝoda || hǣlend selfa, / efene on þām ēðle || ðǣr hē ǣr
Christ A 437 le || ðǣr hē ǣr ne cōm, / on libbendra || landes wynne, / ð
Christ B 447 āls ġe·ċēas, / þæt ðǣr on hwītum || hræġlum ġe·weo
Christ B 449 ā sē æðeling cōm, / beorn on Betlem. || Bodan wǣron ġear
Christ B 452 fēan, || þætte sunu wǣre / on middan-ġeard || metodes ā·
Christ B 453 ġeard || metodes ā·cenned, / on Betleme. || Hwæðere on bōc
Christ B 453 ned, / on Betleme. || Hwæðere on bōcum ne cwiþ / þæt hīe on
Christ B 454 on bōcum ne cwiþ / þæt hīe on hwītum ðǣr || hræġlum o
Christ B 455 ǣr || hræġlum oþ·īewden / on þā æðelan tīd, || swā h
Christ B 459 f weorud || hy ðæs lareowes / on ðam wildæge || word ne gehy
Christ B 476 || to fæder rice / gefeoð ge on ferððe || næfre ic from hw
Christ B 487 ype dwæscað / sibbe sawað || on sefan manna / ðurh meahta sped
Christ B 489 ed || ic eow mid wunige / forð on frofre || ond eow friðe heal
Christ B 490 e / strengðu staðolfæstre || on stowa gehware / ða wearð semn
Christ B 491 e / ða wearð semninga || sweg on lyfte / hlud gehyred || heofone
Christ B 494 escyne || wuldres aras / cwomun on corðre || cyning ure gewat /
Christ B 497 fes ða gen || last weardedun / on ðam ðingstede || ðegnas ge
Christ B 498 | ðegnas gecorene / gesegon hi on heahðu || hlaford stigan / god
Christ B 511 bidað ge / galilesce || guman on hwearfte / nu ge sweotule geseo
Christ B 513 ule geseoð || soðne dryhten / on swegl faran || sigores agend /
Christ B 521 / ond æðeleste || ðe ge her on stariað / ond in frofre geseo
Christ B 522 e ġe· hēr on stariaþ / and on frōfre ġe·sēoþ || frætw
Christ B 530 Hyht wæs ġe·nīewod, / bliss on burgum, || þurh þæs beorne
Christ B 531 nes cyme / gesæt sigehremig || on ða swiðran hand / ece eadfrum
Christ B 534 ālem / hæleþ hyġe-rōfe, || on þā hālĝan burh, / ġōmor-m
Christ B 542 fulle || þēodnes ġe·hāta / on ðǣre torhtan || byriġ tīe
Christ B 545 on up stige || ealles waldend / on heofona gehyld || hwite cwoma
Christ B 549 rhte% || englas tō·ġēanes / on þā hālĝan tīd || hēapum
Christ B 550 an tid || heapum cwoman / sigan on swegle || ða wæs symbla mæ
Christ B 551 wæs symbla mǣst / ġe·worden on wuldre. || Wēl þæt ġe·da
Christ B 553 sse, || beorhte ġe·weorode, / on þæs þēodnes burh || þeġ
Christ B 555 litescyne || gesegon wilcuman / on heahsetle || heofones waldend
Christ B 560 oles || þe hīe ġār-daĝum / on þæt or-leġe || unrihte swe
Christ B 561 . / Nū sind for·cumene || and on cwic-sūsle / ġe·hīende and
Christ B 562 ·hīende and ġe·hæfte, || on helle grund / duĝuþum be·dǣ
Christ B 570 ne ilcan ðreat || ðe ge her on stariað / wile nu gesecan || s
Christ B 578 eow || ealles waldend / cyning on ceastre || corðre ne lytle / f
Christ B 580 dan / in dreama dream || ðe he on deoflum genom / ðurh his sylfe
Christ B 580 ca fruma, || folc ġe·lǣdan / on drēama drēam, || þe hē on
Christ B 598 den flǣsċ and gǣst / wuniaþ on weorolde. || Wuldor þæs ā
Christ B 608 / heofoncondelle || hæleðum on eorðan / dreoseð deaw ond ren
Christ B 621 ðec ofer eorðan geworhte || on ðære ðu scealt yrmðum lif
Christ B 622 ealt iermþum libban, / wunian on ġe·winne || and wræce drē
Christ B 632 lla bicwom / heanum to helpe || on ða halgan tid / bi ðon giedd
Christ B 638 as || on·ġietan ne meahton / on ðǣre godcundan || gæstes s
Christ B 639 ðæs fugles flyht || feondum on eorðan / dyrne ond degol || ð
Christ B 641 ðam ðe deorc gewit / hæfdon on hreðre || heortan stænne / no
Christ B 652 s up hafen || engla fæðmum / on his þā miċelan || meahta s
Christ B 657 lyfdon, || þætte līf-fruma / on mannes hīew || ofer mæġena
Christ B 665 mum wordlaðe || wise sendeð / on his modes gemynd || ðurh his
Christ B 668 m bið snyttru cræft / bifolen on ferðe || sum mæg fingrum we
Christ B 682 || swa se waldend us / godbearn on grundum || his giefe bryttað
Christ B 689 || swylce eadgum blæd / seleð on swegle || sibbe ræreð / ece t
Christ B 701 es / beorhte bliceð || swa hit on bocum cwið / siððan of grund
Christ B 720 / wæs se forma hlyp || ða he on fæmnan astag / mægeð unmæle
Christ B 724 arnes ġe·byrda, || þā hē on binne wæs / on ċildes hīew |
Christ B 725 da, || þā hē on binne wæs / on ċildes hīew || clāðum be
Christ B 727 / rodorcyninges ræs || ða he on rode astag / fæder frofre gæs
Christ B 729 t. || Wæs sē feorþa stiell / on byrġenne, || þā hē þone
Christ B 732 arena% || hēap for·bīeġde / on cwic-sūsle, || cyning inne
Christ B 735 , || ðǣr hē ġīen liġeþ / on carc-erne || clammum ġe·fæ
Christ B 738 a || ða he to heofonum astag / on his ealdcyððe || ða wæs e
Christ B 739 ðe || ða wæs engla ðreat / on ða halgan tid || hleahtre bl
Christ B 744 || æðelinges plega / ðus her on grundum || godes ece bearn / of
Christ B 748 hlīepum stiellan / of mæġene on mæġen, || mǣrþum tilian /
Christ B 758 að we us to frofre || fæder on roderum / ælmeahtigne || he hi
Christ B 764 yrċen, || þonne wrōht-bora / on folc godes || forþ on·sende
Christ B 772 tan us beorgan ða / ðenden we on eorðan || eard weardien / utan
Christ B 778 urh woruld worulda || wuldor on heofnum / ne ðearf him ondræd
Christ B 780 dan || deofla strælas / ænig on eorðan || ælda cynnes / gromr
Christ B 787 restan || ēad-mōd ā·stāh / on middan-ġeard || mæġena gol
Christ B 788 ġeard || mæġena gold-hord, / on fǣmnan fæðm || frēo-bearn
Christ B 793 teala || ðæt me hælend min / on bocum bibead || ic ðæs brog
Christ B 795 ð talge / ðær monig beoð || on gemot læded / fore onsyne || e
Christ B 799 rēðe word / þām þe him ǣr on weorolde || wāce hīerdon, /
Christ B 802 an || ðær sceal forht monig / on ðam wongstede || werig bidan
Christ B 807 bilocen || lifwynna dæl / feoh on foldan || ðonne frætwe scul
Christ B 808 ðonne frætwe sculon / byrnan on bæle || blac rasetteð / recen
Christ B 811 gstede berstað || brond bið on tyhte / æleð ealdgestreon ||
Christ B 814 geo guman heoldan / ðenden him on eorðan || onmedla wæs / forð
Christ B 817 agæle || gæstes ðearfe / ne on gylp geote || ðenden god wil
Christ B 818 nden god wille / þæt hē hēr on weorolde || wunian mōte, / sam
Christ B 819 te, / samod sīðian || sāwol on līċe, / on þām gǣst-hofe.
Christ B 820 sīðian || sāwol on līċe, / on þām gǣst-hofe. || Sċyle g
Christ B 821 thofe || scyle gumena gehwylc / on his geardagum || georne biðe
Christ B 828 t cyning leanað / ðæs ðe hy on eorðan || eargum dædum / lifd
Christ B 830 on / fergð-wērġe on·fōn || on fȳr-baðe%, / wielmum be·wrec
Christ B 832 dlean / ðonne mægna cyning || on gemot cymeð / ðrymma mæste |
Christ B 840 eape || gefrægen wurde / æfre on eorðan || ðær bið æghwyl
Christ B 841 ð æghwylcum / synwyrcendra || on ða snudan tid / leofra micle |
Christ B 843 ceaft / ðær he hine sylfne || on ðam sigeðreate / behydan mæg
Christ B 849 wlite || ær ðam gryrebrogan / on ðas gæsnan tid || georne bi
Christ B 850 nu is ðon gelicost || swa we on laguflode / ofer cald wæter ||
Christ B 854 / yða ofermæta || ðe we her on lacað / geond ðas wacan worul
Christ B 866 rymde || rodera waldend / halge on heahðu || ða he heofonum as
Christ C 871 æcne / ðeof ðristlice || ðe on ðystre fareð / on sweartre ni
Christ C 872 lice || ðe on ðystre fareð / on sweartre niht || sorglease h
Christ C 875 gearwe || yfles genægeð / swa on syne beorg || somod up cymeð
Christ C 880 an rices / englas ælbeorhte || on efen blawað / byman on brehtme
Christ C 881 rhte || on efen blawað / byman on brehtme || beofað middangear
Christ C 899 nd deoflum / ðonne semninga || on syne beorg / suðaneastan || su
Christ C 907 wlite || eastan fram roderum / on sefan swete || sinum folce / bi
Christ C 910 e bið ðam godum || glædmod on gesihðe / wlitig wynsumlic ||
Christ C 912 sumlic || weorude ðam halgan / on gefean fæger || freond ond l
Christ C 916 ægencyninges || ðam ðe him on mode ær / wordum ond weorcum |
Christ C 924 e || egsan ne weorðeð / forht on ferðe || ðonne he frean ges
Christ C 927 m || mongum to ðinge / ond him on healfa gehwone || heofonengla
Christ C 935 eð sunne || sweart gewended / on blodes hiw || seo ðe beorhte
Christ C 942 dryht / mægencyninga meotod || on gemot cuman / ðrymfæst ðeode
Christ C 949 yred || heofonbyman stefn / ond on seofon healfa || swogað wind
Christ C 957 na cynnes / wornum hweorfað || on widne leg / ða ðær cwice met
Christ C 964 arfeðum / ðonne eall ðreo || on efen nimeð / won fyres wælm |
Christ C 969 ryðum bærneð || ðreo eal on an / grimme togædre || grorna
Christ C 971 gesargad / eal middangeard || on ða mæran tid / swa se gifra g
Christ C 974 e leg || heahgetimbro / fylleð on foldwong || fyres egsan / widm
Christ C 985 eowan / flodas afysde || ðonne on fyrbaðe / swelað sæfiscas ||
Christ C 989 ð wundra ma / ðonne hit ænig on mode || mæge aðencan / hu ð
Christ C 994 seoðeð swearta leg || synne on fordonum / ond goldfrætwe || g
Christ C 1007 rbærned / ðonne mihtig god || on ðone mæran beorg / mid ðy m
Christ C 1022 | Daĝa eġeslicost / weorðeþ on weorolde, || þonne wuldor-cy
Christ C 1032 / edgeong wesan || hafað eall on him / ðæs ðe he on foldan ||
Christ C 1033 fað eall on him / ðæs ðe he on foldan || in fyrndagum / godes
Christ C 1033 im / þæs þe hē on foldan || on fyrn-daĝum, / godes oþþe gā
Christ C 1034 rndagum / godes oððe gales || on his gæste gehlod / geara gongu
Christ C 1036 dre bu / lic ond sawle || sceal on leoht cuman / sinra weorca wlit
Christ C 1045 re glede || gæstas hweorfað / on ecne eard || opene weorðað /
Christ C 1050 || ac ðær bið dryhtne cuð / on ðam miclan dæge || hu monna
Christ C 1053 hīe ǣr oþþe sīþ / worhton on weorolde. || Ne biþ ðǣr wi
Christ C 1068 || ðara ðe sið oððe ær / on lichoman || leoðum onfengen /
Christ C 1075 ingen / of ðam eðle || ðe hi on lifdon / ðonne beoð bealde ||
Christ C 1080 orca || wel is ðam ðe motun / on ða grimman tid || gode licia
Christ C 1093 de || wita ne cuðun / ðæs he on ðone halgan beam || ahongen
Christ C 1096 s ceapode / ðeoden moncynne || on ðam dæge / mid ðy weorðe ||
Christ C 1102 ofer ealle / swegle scineð || on ðære sunnan gyld / on ða for
Christ C 1103 neð || on ðære sunnan gyld / on ða forhtlice || firenum ford
Christ C 1108 wunde || ond ða openan dolg / on hyra dryhtne geseoð || dreor
Christ C 1114 / rinnan fore rincum || ða he on rode wæs / eall ðis magon him
Christ C 1119 wan / hu hine lygnedon || lease on geðoncum / hysptun hearmcwidum
Christ C 1120 um / hysptun hearmcwidum || ond on his hleor somod / hyra spatl sp
Christ C 1122 don || spræcon him edwit / ond on ðone eadgan || ondwlitan swa
Christ C 1126 gdon / beag ðyrnenne || blinde on geðoncum / dysge ond gedwealde
Christ C 1134 || þā sēo þēod ġe·seah / on Hierusālem || god-webba cyst
Christ C 1137 n eall forbærst || ðæt hit on eorðan læg / on twam styccum
Christ C 1138 || ðæt hit on eorðan læg / on twam styccum || ðæs temples
Christ C 1140 o wlite ðæs huses / sylf slat on tu || swylce hit seaxes ecg / s
Christ C 1144 e eac || egsan myrde / beofode on bearhtme || ond se brada sæ /
Christ C 1146 of clomme bræc / up yrringa || on eorðan fæðm / ge on stede sc
Christ C 1147 ringa || on eorðan fæðm / ge on stede scynum || steorran forl
Christ C 1148 orleton / hyra swæsne wlite || on ða sylfan tid / heofon hluttre
Christ C 1154 soðe || ðy sylfan dæge / ðe on ðrowade || ðeodwundor micel
Christ C 1155 tte eorðe ageaf || ða hyre on lægun / eft lifgende || up ast
Christ C 1159 || ðe dryhtnes bibod / heoldon on hreðre || hell eac ongeat / sc
Christ C 1164 æ cyðde / hwa hine gesette || on sidne grund / tirmeahtig cyning
Christ C 1171 e nales fea || ða mihtig god / on hira anne gestag || ðær he
Christ C 1197 or || hæleþa cynne / weorðan on weorolde, || wuldres āĝend,
Christ C 1203 olde || þæt we wuldres eard / on ēċnesse || āĝan mosten? / S
Christ C 1204 osten / swa ðam bið grorne || on ðam grimman dæge / domes ðæ
Christ C 1207 lg sceawian / wunde ond wite || on werigum sefan / geseoð sorga m
Christ C 1215 || ða tacen geseoð / orgeatu on gode || ungesælge / ðonne cri
Christ C 1216 sælge / ðonne crist siteð || on his cynestole / on heahsetle ||
Christ C 1217 st siteð || on his cynestole / on heahsetle || heofonmægna god
Christ C 1221 dend / ðonne beoð gesomnad || on ða swiðran hond / ða clænan
Christ C 1224 wide georne / lustum læstun || on hyra lifdagum / ond ðær womsc
Christ C 1225 agum / ond ðær womsceaðan || on ðone wyrsan dæl / fore scyppe
Christ C 1227 orðað / hateð him gewitan || on ða winstran hond / sigora soð
Christ C 1234 a hi geworhtun ær / ðær bið on eadgum || eðgesyne / ðreo tac
Christ C 1240 rhte || ofer burga gesetu / him on scinað || ærgewyrhtu / on syl
Christ C 1241 him on scinað || ærgewyrhtu / on sylfra gehwam || sunnan beorh
Christ C 1243 ete swā same, / þæt hīe him on wuldre witon || wealdendes ġ
Christ C 1244 witon || waldendes giefe / ond on seoð || eagum to wynne / ðæt
Christ C 1245 ð || eagum to wynne / ðæt hi on heofonrice || hlutre dreamas /
Christ C 1247 tun / ðonne bið ðridde || hu on ðystra bealo / ðæt gesælige
Christ C 1264 || magon weana to fela / geseon on him selfum || synne genoge / at
Christ C 1267 clifeð / ðroht ðeodbealu || on ðreo healfa / an is ðara ||
Christ C 1270 aro to wite / ondweard seoð || on ðam hi awo sculon / wræc winn
Christ C 1274 ma mæste / dreogað fordone || on him dryhten gesihð / nales fea
Christ C 1281 oman || leahtra firene / geseon on ðam sawlum || beoð ða syng
Christ C 1285 g / cwiðende cearo || ðæt hy on ða clænan seoð / hu hi fore
Christ C 1294 s ðe hy swa fægre gefean || on fyrndagum / ond swa ænlice ||
Christ C 1299 || scondum gedreahte / swiciað on swiman || synbyrðenne / firenw
Christ C 1300 yrðenne / firenweorc berað || on ðæt ða folc seoð / wære hi
Christ C 1305 hi to gyrne wiston / firendæda on him || ne mæg ðurh ðæt fl
Christ C 1306 ðæt flæsc se scrift / geseon on ðære sawle || hwæðer him
Christ C 1307 him mon soð ðe lyge / sagað on hine sylfne || ðonne he ða
Christ C 1310 ð / ond nænig bihelan mæg || on ðam heardan dæge / wom unbete
Christ C 1313 magon || wraðe firene / geseon on ussum sawlum || synna wunde / m
Christ C 1333 god || under wunige / ðæt he on ða grimman tid || gode licie
Christ C 1342 ð hy gesunde || ond gesenade / on eðel faran || engla dreames /
Christ C 1351 ðearfende || willum onfengun / on mildum sefan || ðonne hy him
Christ C 1355 nd hrægl nacedum / ond ða ðe on sare || seoce lagun / æfdon un
Christ C 1360 ond hyra sefan trymedon / forð on frofre || ðæs ge fægre sce
Christ C 1363 rdum mæðlan || ðe him bið on ða wynstran hond / ðurh egsan
Christ C 1371 milts afyrred / ðeodbuendum || on ðam dæge / ðæs ælmihtigan
Christ C 1373 mihtigan || ðonne he yrringa / on ðæt fræte folc || firene s
Christ C 1389 worulde gesceaftum / ða ic ðe on ða fægran || foldan gesette
Christ C 1400 a || forgiefen hæfde / ond ðe on ðam eallum || eades to lyt / m
Christ C 1409 mum || ond ða bidrifen wurde / on ðas ðeostran weoruld || ð
Christ C 1413 e% || hrēosan sċoldes / hēan on helle, || helpendra lēas. / Þ
Christ C 1415 owan || ðæt min hondgeweorc / on feonda geweald || feran sceol
Christ C 1419 ā iċ self ġe·stāh, / maĝa on mōdor, || þēah wæs hire m
Christ C 1422 earfan wædum || ond mec ða on ðeostre alegde / biwundenne mi
Christ C 1424 e ic leoda bearnum || læg ic on heardum stane / cildgeong on cr
Christ C 1425 ic on heardum stane / cildgeong on crybbe || mid ðy ic ðe wold
Christ C 1427 ðu moste halig scinan / eadig on ðam ecan life || forðon ic
Christ C 1428 onn / næs me for mode || ac ic on magugeoguðe / yrmðu geæfnde
Christ C 1446 eworht / ða ic wæs ahongen || on heanne beam / rode gefæstnad |
Christ C 1455 dolg || ðe ge gefremedun ær / on minum folmum || ond on fotum
Christ C 1455 un ær / on minum folmum || ond on fotum swa some / ðurh ða ic h
Christ C 1458 r eac geseon || orgete nu gen / on minre sidan || swatge wunde / h
Christ C 1463 / ðæt longe lif || ðæt ðu on leohte siððan / wlitig womma
Christ C 1465 es. / Læġ min flǣsċ-hama || on foldan be·grafen, / nīðre ġ
Christ C 1467 d, || sē þe nǣngum sċōd, / on byrġenne, || þæt þū meah
Christ C 1468 ðæt ðu meahte beorhte uppe / on roderum wesan || rice mid eng
Christ C 1480 legescot || ðæt ic me swæs on ðe / gehalgode || hus to wynne
Christ C 1487 hwon ahenge ðu mec hefgor || on ðinra honda rode / ðonne iu h
Christ C 1490 synna rod / ðe ic unwillum || on beom gefæstnad / ðonne seo o
Christ C 1495 || siððan gehealdan / ic wæs on worulde wædla || ðæt ðu w
Christ C 1495 la || þæt þū wurde weliġ on heofonum, / earm iċ wæs on ē
Christ C 1496 elig in heofonum / earm ic wæs on eðle ðinum || ðæt ðu wur
Christ C 1496 inum || ðæt ðu wurde eadig on minum / ða ðu ðæs ealles ||
Christ C 1498 onc / ðinum nergende || nysses on mode / bibead ic eow || ðæt g
Christ C 1500 ow || þætte brōðor mīne / on weorold-rīċe || ēl ā·rē
Christ C 1501 / of ðam æhtum || ðe ic eow on eorðan geaf / earmra hulpen ||
Christ C 1520 um biscyrede / engla dreames || on ece fir / ðæt wæs satane ||
Christ C 1523 an scole / hat ond heorogrim || on ðæt ge hreosan sceolan / ne m
Christ C 1526 fene || sceolon raðe feallan / on grimne grund || ða ær wið
Christ C 1529 d egesful || ondweard ne mæg / on ðissum foldwege || feond geb
Christ C 1531 id ðære swiðran hond / ðæt on ðæt deope dæl || deofol ge
Christ C 1532 dæl || dēoful ġe·feallaþ / on sweartne līeġ, || synfulra
Christ C 1534 foldan sceat || fæge gæstas / on wraðra wic || womfulra scolu
Christ C 1535 ra scolu / werge to forwyrde || on witehus / deaðsele deofles ||
Christ C 1542 āte dæl || of heoloð-cynne / on sīn-nihte || synne for·bær
Christ C 1545 / grundleas giemeð || gæsta on ðeostre / æleð hy mid ðy ea
Christ C 1549 / ðæt we magon eahtan || ond on an cweðan / soðe secgan || ð
Christ C 1557 || ne he wihte hafað / hreowe on mode || ðæt him halig gæst
Christ C 1558 æst / losige ðurh leahtras || on ðas lænan tid / ðonne mansce
Christ C 1560 a || fore meotude forht / deorc on ðam dome standeð || ond dea
Christ C 1570 sceaðan / hyra ealdgestreon || on ða openan tid / sare greten ||
Christ C 1581 sawle wlite / georne bigonge || on godes willan / ond wær weorðe
Christ C 1585 mote / ðæt he ne forleose || on ðas lænan tid / his dreames b
Christ C 1587 īm, / and his weorces wlite || on wuldres lēan, / þætte heofon
Christ C 1588 an / ðætte heofones cyning || on ða halgan tid / soðfæst syle
Christ C 1590 | to sigorleanum / ðam ðe him on gæstum || georne hyrað / ðon
Christ C 1596 ðan || ond no ðonan læteð / on gefean faran || to feorhnere /
Christ C 1600 stberend || giman nellað / men on mode || ðonne man fremmað / h
Christ C 1608 eorðeð / heane from halgum || on hearmcwale / ðær sceolan ðeo
Christ C 1614 e wealdend ġiefeþ / fēondum on for-wyrd; || fā þrōwiaþ / e
Christ C 1619 e niðer, / under helle cynn || on þæt hāte fȳr%, / under līe
Christ C 1631 þon hīe ā·bīdan sċulon / on sīn-nihte, || sār endelēas
Christ C 1638 alyfed bið / haligra gehwam || on heofonrice / ðæt is se eðel
Christ C 1659 orð butan æfestum / gesælgum on swegle || sib butan niðe / hal
Christ C 1660 gle || sib butan niðe / halgum on gemonge || nis ðær hungor n
Vainglory 1 nglory / / hwæt me frod wita || on fyrndagum / sægde snottor ar |
Vainglory 7 e || godes agen bearn / wilgest on wicum || ond ðone wacran swa
Vainglory 8 wa some / scyldum bescyredne || on gescead witan / ðæt mæg ægh
Vainglory 10 can / se ðe hine ne læteð || on ðas lænan tid / amyrran his g
Vainglory 12 gemyndum || modes gælsan / ond on his dægrime || druncen to ri
A.3.10 17 þ / hwelċ ǣsċ-stede || inne on reċede / mid werum wunie, ||
Vainglory 20 efan || breahtem stigeð / cirm on corðre || cwide scralletað /
Vainglory 23 on dryhtguman / ungelice || sum on oferhygdo / ðrymme ðringeð |
A.3.10 24 þringeþ%, || þrinteþ him on innan / un-ġe·medemod mōd; |
A.3.10 46 || þeġn ġe·mittest / wunian on wīcum, || wīte þe be þiss
A.3.10 52 ræc: / Sē% þe hine selfne || on þā slīðnan tīd / þurh ofe
A.3.10 57 en. / Þæt wæs ġāra ġō || on godes rīċe / þætte mid engl
Vainglory 64 e wæs / ond ðonne gesettan || on hyra sylfra dom / wuldres wynlo
Vainglory 68 oðrum || ungelice / se ðe her on eorðan || eaðmod leofað / on
Vainglory 70 wone || simle healdeð / freode on folce || ond his feond lufað
A.3.10 72 se || oft ġe·fremede / willum on þisse weorolde. || Sē mōt
A.3.10 73 e. || Sē mōt wuldres drēam / on hāliġra hiht || heonan ā·
Vainglory 74 aligra hyht || heonan astigan / on engla eard || ne bið ðam o
Vainglory 75 e bið ðam oðrum swa / se ðe on ofermedum || eargum dædum / le
A.3.10 76 dum || earĝum dǣdum / leofaþ on leahtrum, || ne bēoþ þā l
Vainglory 79 aðmodne || eorl gemete / ðegn on ðeode || ðam bið simle / gæ
A.3.10 81 || godes āĝen bearn / wilsum on weorolde, || ġif mē sē wī
A.3.10 83 de || hǣlu rǣdes / ġe·munan on mōde || mǣla ġe·hwelcum /
Widsith 3 an / folca geondferde || oft he on flette geðah / mynelicne mað
Widsith 41 eneald him || eorlscipe maran / on orette || ane sweorde / merce g
A.3.11 55 spell, / mǣnan fore meniġu || on medu-healle / hū mē cyne-gōd
Widsith 70 d mid rumwalum / swylce ic wæs on eatule || mid ælfwine / se hæ
Widsith 91 g forgeaf || burgwarena fruma / on ðam siex hund wæs || smæte
Widsith 93 lingrime / ðone ic eadgilse || on æht sealde / minum hleodryhtne
Widsith 128 inende fleag / giellende gar || on grome ðeode / wræccan ðær w
Widsith 131 / swa ic ðæt symle onfond || on ðære feringe / ðæt se bið
A.3.12 2 htum, / þætte wer and wīf || on weorold cennaþ / bearn mid ġe
The Fortunes of Men 10 gað / sumum ðæt gegongeð || on geoguðfeore / ðæt se endest
The Fortunes of Men 18 otan / folmum ætfeohtan || sum on feðe lef / seonobennum seoc ||
The Fortunes of Men 21 ft || mode gebysgad / sum sceal on holte || of hean beame / fiðer
The Fortunes of Men 22 me / fiðerleas feallan || bið on flihte seðeah / laceð on lyft
The Fortunes of Men 23 bið on flihte seðeah / laceð on lyfte || oððæt lengre ne b
The Fortunes of Men 24 estem wudubeames || ðonne he on wyrtruman / sigeð sworcenferð
The Fortunes of Men 26 ð || sawle bireafod / fealleð on foldan || feorð bið on sið
The Fortunes of Men 26 leð on foldan || feorð bið on siðe / sum sceal on feðe || o
The Fortunes of Men 27 eorð bið on siðe / sum sceal on feðe || on feorwegas / nyde go
The Fortunes of Men 27 n siðe / sum sceal on feðe || on feorwegas / nyde gongan || ond
The Fortunes of Men 33 m || wineleas hæle / sum sceal on geapum || galgan ridan / seomia
The Fortunes of Men 41 eleleas || feores orwena / blac on beame || bideð wyrde / bewegen
The Fortunes of Men 43 || bið him werig noma / sumne on bæle sceal || brond aswencan
The Fortunes of Men 48 as ðeccan / sumum meces ecg || on meodubence / yrrum ealowosan ||
The Fortunes of Men 51 his worda to hræd / sum sceal on beore || ðurh byreles hond / m
The Fortunes of Men 58 meodugales gedrinc / sum sceal on geoguðe || mid godes meahtum
The Fortunes of Men 60 sið || ealne forspildan / ond on yldo eft || eadig weorðan / wu
The Fortunes of Men 62 mas ond meoduful || mægburge on / ðæs ðe ænig fira mæge ||
The Fortunes of Men 76 yleð / lond to leane || he hit on lust ðigeð / sum sceal on hea
The Fortunes of Men 77 hit on lust ðigeð / sum sceal on heape || hæleðum cweman / bli
The Fortunes of Men 86 gel || wloncne atemian / heafoc on honda || oððæt seo heorosw
The Fortunes of Men 87 weorðeð || deð he wyrplas on / fedeð swa on feterum || fið
The Fortunes of Men 88 deð he wyrplas on / fedeð swa on feterum || fiðrum dealne / lep
The Fortunes of Men 96 nd gesceapo ferede / æghwylcum on eorðan || eormencynnes / forð
Maxims I 7 sceal in wuldre || mon sceal on eorðan / geong ealdian || god
A.3.13 7 na ġe·manian. / Metod sċeall on wuldre, || mann sċeall on eo
A.3.13 11 l-mihtiġne; / ne gamolaþ hē on gǣste, || ac hē is ġīen s
A.3.13 24 ċan; / sċeall wīf and wer || on weorold cennan / bearn mid ġe
Maxims I 25 rn mid gebyrdum || beam sceal on eorðan / leafum liðan || leom
Maxims I 32 a æradl nimeð / ðy weorðeð on foldan swa fela || fira cynne
A.3.13 37 d rihte. / Ēadiġ biþ sē þe on his ēðle ġe·þiehþ, || e
A.3.13 41 ōnan; || þæt him biþ sār on his mōde, / onġe þonne hē h
Maxims I 47 t ond wædo || oððæt hine m on on gewitte alæde / ne sceal hi
Maxims I 49 e hine acyðan mote / ðy sceal on ðeode geðeon || ðæt he we
A.3.13 51 holm ġe·brinġeþ, / ġeofen on grimmum sǣlum; || on·ġinna
Maxims I 52 nginnað grome fundian / fealwe on feorran to londe || hwæðer
Maxims I 57 ðingad habbað / gesittað him on gesundum ðingum || ond ðonn
Maxims I 62 || beadwe fremman / eorl sceal on eos boge || eorod sceal getru
A.3.13 66 eþ. / Sċamiande mann sċeall on sċade hweorfan, || sċīr on
A.3.13 66 on sċade hweorfan, || sċīr on lēohte ġe·rīseþ. / Hand s
A.3.13 67 hēafod on·wyrċan, || hord on strēonum bīdan, / ġief-stōl
Maxims I 69 m golde onfehð || guma ðæs on heahsetle geneah / lean sceal g
A.3.13 83 m god wesan. || Gūþ sċeall on eorle, / wīġ ġe·weaxan || a
Maxims I 99 im syleð wæde niwe / lið him on londe || ðæs his lufu bæde
Maxims I 103 feor gewiteð / lida bið longe on siðe || a mon sceal seðeah
Maxims I 111 seldan ieteð || ðeah hine m on on sunnan læde / ne mæg he be
Maxims I 112 e wesan || ðeah hit sy wearm on sumera / ofercumen bið he ær
A.3.13 122 nd ġe·wealden, / sēo sċeall on ēaĝan, || snytru on brēost
A.3.13 122 sċeall on ēaĝan, || snytru on brēostum, / ðǣr biþ þæs m
Maxims I 125 tidum gongan / gold geriseð || on guman sweorde / sellic sigesceo
Maxims I 126 rde / sellic sigesceorp || sinc on cwene / god scop gumum || garni
Maxims I 135 se us eal forgeaf || ðæt we on lifgað / ond eft æt ðam ende
Maxims I 144 wel mon sceal wine healdan || on wega gehwylcum / oft mon fereð
Maxims I 182 gesceafta || habban him gomen on borde / idle hond æmetlan gene
A.3.13 184 nne teoselum weorpeþ. / Seldan on sīdum ċēole, || nefne hē
Maxims I 186 ne forleose || drugað his ar on borde / lot sceal mid lyswe ||
Maxims I 201 e / gearo sceal guðbord || gar on sceafte / ecg on sweorde || ond
Maxims I 202 uðbord || gar on sceafte / ecg on sweorde || ond ord spere / hyge
The Order of the World 10 || woruld ealle con / behabban on hreðre || hycgende mon / ðæt
The Order of the World 17 orðon scyle ascian || se ðe on elne leofað / deophydig mon ||
A.3.14 19 a ġe·sċeafta, / be·wrītan% on ġe·witte || word-hordes cr
A.3.14 25 onne þū hyġe-cræftiġ || on hreðre mæġe / mōde ġe·ġr
A.3.14 28 -hrērendra, / þæt hē mæġe on hreðre || his hēah ġe·weo
The Order of the World 33 || ðæs ðe us se eca cyning / on gæste wlite || forgiefan wil
The Order of the World 35 rice / forð gestigan || gif us on ferðe geneah / ond we willað
The Order of the World 38 d ðinne hyge gefæstna / hwæt on frymðe gescop || fæder ælm
A.3.14 41 otole ġe·sċeafte, / þā nū on þām þrēam || þurh þēod
A.3.14 49 ǣda þrymm, / līexende lof || on þā langan tīd, / fremmaþ f
A.3.14 51 stlīċe || frēan ēċe word / on þām frum-stōle || þe him
A.3.14 56 nd lǣdeþ% || līfes āĝend / on his ānes fæðm || ealle ġe
The Order of the World 66 | ond his brucan mot / æghwylc on eorðan || ðe him eagna gesi
The Order of the World 68 teð ðonne mid ðy wuldre || on westrodor / forðmære tungol |
The Order of the World 69 or / forðmære tungol || faran on heape / oððæt on æfenne ||
The Order of the World 70 ol || faran on heape / oððæt on æfenne || ut garsecges / grund
A.3.14 74 ġel / sċīr ġe·sċyndeþ || on ġe·sċeaft godes / under fold
A.3.14 79 % færeþ || gold-torht sunne / on þæt wanne ġe·nip || under
A.3.14 88 æste / miċelum meaht-locum || on þām mæġen-þrymme / mid þ
The Order of the World 94 e || hyra sylfra cyning / eagum on wlitað || habbað æghwæs g
A.3.14 96 wuldres cyning / ġe­·sēoþ on sweġle; || him is simble and
A.3.15 13 d% glād || þurh ġe·sċād on brād, / wæs on laĝu-strēame
The Riming Poem 14 || ðurh gescad in brad / wæs on lagustreame lad || ðær me l
A.3.15 15 hēanne hād, || ne wæs mē on healle gād, / þæt ðǣr rōf
A.3.15 17 r rinċ ġe·bād, / þæt hē on sele sāwe || sinċ-ġe·wǣ
A.3.15 38 sibb nearwode. / Fram iċ wæs on frætwum, || freoliċ on ġea
A.3.15 38 wæs on frætwum, || freoliċ on ġeatwum; / wæs min drēam dry
A.3.15 41 f wæs min lange, || lēodum on ġe·mange, / tīrum ġe·tange
A.3.15 44 nēah; || ġe·wīteþ nihtes on flēah / sē ǣr on dæġe wæs
A.3.15 45 teþ nihtes on flēah / sē ǣr on dæġe wæs dīere. || Sċrī
A.3.15 45 ere. || Sċrīðeþ nū dēop on fēore% / brand-hord ġe·blōw
A.3.15 46 rd ġe·blōwen, || brēostum on for·grōwen, / flyhtum tō·fl
A.3.15 48 lāh is ġe·blōwen / miċelum on ġe·mynde; || mōdes ġe·cy
A.3.15 83 ndon miltsa blisse / hyhtlīċe on heofona rīċe. || Wuton nū
A.3.15 87 ðne god ġe·sēon || and ā on sibbe ġe·fēan.
The Panther 10 irum freamærne || feorlondum on / eard weardian || eðles neota
The Panther 14 ða bearn / wisfæste weras || on gewritum cyðað / bi ðam anst
A.3.16 17 ūtan dracan ānum, / þām hē on ealle tīd || and-wrāþ leof
The Panther 39 ga || ðreonihta fæc / swifeð on swefote || slæpe gebiesgad /
The Panther 41 astondeð / ðrymme gewelgad || on ðone ðriddan dæg / sneome of
The Panther 54 some / æfter ðære stefne || on ðone stenc farað / swa is dry
A.3.16 59 ond, / þone hē ġe·sǣlde || on sūsla grund%, / and ġe·feter
The Panther 67 ðam swicce || soðfæste men / on healfa gehwone || heapum ðru
The Whale 12 nað || wægliðende / ðæt hy on ealond sum || eagum wliten / on
A.3.17 16 | sundes æt ende, / and þonne on þæt eġ-land || up ġe·wī
The Whale 21 lacende || frecnes ne wenað / on ðam ealonde || æled weccað
The Whale 22 ahfyr ælað || hæleð beoð on wynnum / reonigmode || ræste g
The Whale 25 cræftig / ðæt him ða ferend on || fæste wuniað / wic weardia
The Whale 26 niað / wic weardiað || wedres on luste / ðonne semninga || on s
The Whale 27 s on luste / ðonne semninga || on sealtne wæg / mid ða noðe ||
A.3.17 30 und ġe·sēċeþ, / and þonne on dēaþ-sele || drenċe be·f
The Whale 34 eaht || duguðe beswicað / ond on teosu tyhtað || tilra dæda /
The Whale 35 tyhtað || tilra dæda / wemað on willan || ðæt hy wraðe sec
The Whale 40 ra gehwylc / hæleða cynnes || on his hringe bið / fæste gefege
The Whale 51 wrætlicran gien / ðonne hine on holme || hungor bysgað / ond
The Whale 64 ðe oftost his || unwærlice / on ðas lænan tid || lif biscea
The Whale 70 ofer ferhtgereaht || fremedon on unræd / ðonne se fæcna || in
A.3.17 71 unrǣd. / Þonne sē fǣcna || on þām fæstenne / ġe·brōht h
The Whale 73 t ðam edwylme || ða ðe him on cleofiað / gyltum gehrodene ||
A.3.17 75 rodene || and ǣr ġeorne his / on hira līf-daĝum || lārum h
The Whale 86 moton || uton a sibbe to him / on ðas hwilnan tid || hælu sec
A.3.17 87 / þæt we mid swā lēofne || on lofe mōton / tō wīdan fēore
A.3.18 5 e·cwæþ || wuldres ealdor: / ‘On swā hwelċe tīd || swā ġ
The Partridge 6 id || swa ge mid treowe to me / on hyge hweorfað || ond ge hell
The Partridge 11 nd rimde / beorhte gebroðor || on bearna stæl / uton we ðy geor
A.3.18 16 æðelne || eard-wīca cyst / on wuldres wlite || wunian mōto
A.3.19 7 īte swā wuldor, || swā him on weorolde ǣr / efene þæt eor
A.3.19 30 elle wītum. / Eardode% iċ þe on innan. || Nā iċ þē of mea
Soul and Body II 39 ær ðu ðonne hogode || her on life / ðenden ic ðe in woruld
A.3.19 40 ēr on līfe, / þenden iċ þe on weorolde || wunian sċolde, /
Soul and Body II 43 d ðurh mec / ond ic wæs gæst on ðe || from gode sended / næfr
Soul and Body II 47 ra gescenta || scome ðrowian / on ðam miclan dæge || ðonne m
Soul and Body II 63 nd eft sona from ðe / hweorfan on honcred || ðonne halege menn
Soul and Body II 70 ine geahðe wiht / ða ðu her on moldan || monnum eawdest / for
Soul and Body II 74 msceafte fugel || oððe fisc on sæ / oððe eorðan neat || æ
Soul and Body II 77 ende || feoh butan snyttro / ge on westenne || wildra deora / ðæ
Soul and Body II 80 æt wyrreste / ðonne ðu æfre on moldan || mon gewurde / oððe
Soul and Body II 83 or unc bu || ondwyrdan scealt / on ðam miclan dæge || ðonne e
A.3.19 84 nde on·wriĝene, || þā þe on weorolde ǣr / firenfulle menn
Soul and Body II 89 an || ac hwæt wilt ðu ðær / on domdæge || dryhtne secgan / ð
Soul and Body II 90 nænig to ðæs lytel lið || on lime geweaxen / ðæt ðu ne sc
Soul and Body II 97 schord || sceal ðonne feran on weg / secan helle grund || nale
Soul and Body II 108 tge / bið seo tunge totogen || on tyn healfe / hungrum to hroðor
Soul and Body II 113 geneðeð to / ærest ealra || on ðam eorðscræfe / he ða tung
Soul and Body II 116 ða eagan ðurhiteð || ufon on ðæt heafod / wyrmum to wiste
Soul and Body II 120 bið ðonne wyrmes giefl / æt on eorðan || ðæt mæg æghwyl
Guthlac A 15 ða ðe his domas her / æfnað on eorðan || he him ece lean / he
Guthlac A 16 n || he him ece lean / healdeð on heofonum || ðær se hyhsta / e
Guthlac A 29 gode mōte, / wamma clǣne, || on ġe·weald cuman. / Maniġe sin
Guthlac A 31 s under heofonum, || þā þe on hāliġra / rīm ā·rīsaþ. |
Guthlac A 46 sǣda ġe·hwelċes / mǣtræ% on mæġene. || For·þon sē ma
Guthlac A 51 e gesceafte / ða he gesette || on siex dagum / ða nu under heofo
Guthlac A 61 hades || hlisan willað / wegan on wordum || ond ða weorc ne do
Guthlac A 71 um || swa ðas woruldgestreon / on ða mæran god || bimutad weo
Guthlac A 81 sceawað / sume ða wuniað || on westennum / secað ond gesitta
Guthlac A 83 ittað || sylfra willum / hamas on heolstrum || hy ðæs heofonc
Guthlac A 95 ðed, / hū Gūð·lāc his || on godes willan / mōd ġe·reahte
Guthlac A 98 ðelu, || up ġe·munde / hām on heofonum. || Him wæs hiht t
Guthlac A 104 | ealne gesealde / ðone ðe he on geoguðe || bigan sceolde / wor
Guthlac A 107 um, || sē þæt hlūtre mōd / on þæs gæstes god || ġeorne
Guthlac A 109 oft || þæt sē hālĝa wer / on þā ǣrestan || ieldu ġe·l
Guthlac A 111 a. || Frist wæs swā þe ana / on godes dōme, || hwonne Gūð
Guthlac A 112 godes dome || hwonne guðlace / on his ondgietan || engel sealde
Guthlac A 118 m ġe·līċe || lāre bǣron / on his mōdes ġe·mynd || mani
Guthlac A 121 || ond ða longan god / herede on heofonum || ðær haligra / saw
Guthlac A 122 liġra / sāwla ġe·sittaþ || on siĝor-wuldre / dryhtnes drēam
Guthlac A 133 motan / swa hy hine trymedon || on twa healfa / oððæt ðæs gew
Guthlac A 135 s gewinnes || weoroda dryhten / on ðæs engles dom || ende gere
Guthlac A 137 || sīþ þām frōfre gǣst / on Gūð·lāces || ġēoce ġe
Guthlac A 140 leofedan || londes wynne / bold on beorhge || oft ðær broga cw
Guthlac A 148 oððæt meotud onwrah / beorg on bearwe || ða se bytla cwom / s
Guthlac A 154 a. || Hē ġe·costod% wearþ / on ġe·myndiġra || manna tīdu
Guthlac A 168 | Him wæs godes eġesa / māra on ġe·myndum || þonne hē men
Guthlac A 170 Gōd wæs Gūð·lāc. || Hē on gǣste bær / heofoncundne hiht
Guthlac A 175 ðær he mongum wearð / bysen on brytene || siððan biorg ges
Guthlac A 191 cne fyres wylme || stodan him on feðehwearfum / cwædon ðæt h
Guthlac A 192 eðehwearfum / cwædon ðæt he on ðam beorge || byrnan sceolde
Guthlac A 208 ede / siððan he for wlence || on westenne / beorgas bræce || ð
Guthlac A 215 sēo dīegle stōw || drihtne on ġe·myndum / īdel and ǣ-menn
Guthlac A 220 || sorge dreogað / ne motun hi on eorðan || eardes brucan / ne h
Guthlac A 221 can, / ne hīe lyft swefeþ || on lima ræstum, / ac hīe hlēol
Guthlac A 223 lēolēase || hāma þoliaþ, / on ċearum cwīðaþ, || cwealme
Guthlac A 231 ða hi swiðra oferstag / weard on wonge || sceoldon wræcmæcga
Guthlac A 244 gesecgan || mæg ic ðis setl on eow / butan earfeðum || ana ge
Guthlac A 248 eorodes, || ac mē māra dæl / on godcundum || gǣst-ġe·rȳnu
Guthlac A 251 timbre / hus ond hleonað || me on heofonum sind / lare gelonge ||
Guthlac A 256 m ðissum earde || ðe ge her on stondað / fleoð on feorweg ||
Guthlac A 257 ðe ge her on stondað / fleoð on feorweg || ic me frið wille /
Guthlac A 268 þræce mōdiġra, / þāra þe on ġe·limpe || līfe weoldon. /
Guthlac A 271 æt gehatest || ðæt ðu ham on us / gegan wille || ðe eart go
Guthlac A 293 s guðlac || hine god fremede / on ondsware || ond on elne stron
Guthlac A 293 od fremede / on ondsware || ond on elne strong / ne wond he for wo
Guthlac A 301 æce, / ġē hēr ā·tēoþ || on þā torn-wræce / siġelēasne
Guthlac A 328 || forgiefan ðohtan / he wæs on elne || ond on eaðmedum / bad
Guthlac A 328 ohtan / he wæs on elne || ond on eaðmedum / bad on beorge || w
Guthlac A 329 elne || ond on eaðmedum / bad on beorge || wæs him botles neo
Guthlac A 333 ylcre / ðonne he to eorðan || on ðam anade / hleor onhylde || h
Guthlac A 344 d. / Swā sċeall ōretta || ā on his mōde / gode campian || and
Guthlac A 346 an || ond his gæst beran / oft on ondan || ðam ðe eahtan wile
Guthlac A 348 ġ. / Simle hīe Gūð·lāc || on godes willan / framne fundon, |
Guthlac A 356 in swylc / ðonne hine engel || on ðam anade / geornast grette ||
Guthlac A 359 lan / longað gelettan || ac he on ðæs lareowes / wære gewunade
Guthlac A 362 se ðe him halig gæst / wisað on willan || ond his weorc tryma
Guthlac A 373 eos eorðe eall || ðe ic her on stonde / ðeah ge minne flæsch
Guthlac A 378 an ge mine sawle gretan / ac ge on betran gebringað || forðan
Guthlac A 382 ēacan, || min sē ēċa dæl / on ġe·fēan fareþ, || ðǣr h
Guthlac A 385 onne hit menn dūġe% / sē þe on þrōwingum || þēodnes will
Guthlac A 387 e sċeall sē dryhtnes þēow / on his mōd-sefan || māre ġe·
Guthlac A 392 ȳthwōn lēoðode, || þonne on lyft ā·stāh / ċear-gǣsta
Guthlac A 394 ċierm. || Simle Crīstes lof / on Gūð·lāces || gōdum mōde
Guthlac A 396 nd hine weoruda god / freoðade on foldan || swa he feora gehwyl
Guthlac A 397 fēora ġe·hwelċ / healdeþ on hǣlu, || ðǣr sē hira gǣs
Guthlac A 398 ðǣr sē hira gǣst / þīehþ on þēawum. || Hē wæs þāra
Guthlac A 399 ē aefter weorolde, || ac hē on wuldre ā·hōf / mōdes wynne.
Guthlac A 409 āwol þæs || sār þrōwode / on līċ-haman, || lifde sē þe
Guthlac A 412 ad wære / hy hine ða hofun || on ða hean lyft / sealdon him mea
Guthlac A 416 iġra || hīerda ġe·wealdum / on mynsterum || manna ġe·bǣru
Guthlac A 428 te || to ðam leofestan / earde on eorðan || ðæt he eft gesta
Guthlac A 429 || ðæt he eft gestag / beorg on bearwe || bonan gnornedon / mæ
Guthlac A 435 ce. || Gūð·lāc sette / hiht on heofonas, || hǣlu ġe·trēo
Guthlac A 439 rcumen || cempa wunade / bliðe on beorge || wæs his blæd mid
Guthlac A 440 his blæd mid god / ðuhte him on mode || ðæt se moncynnes / ea
Guthlac A 455 olde || ða ðu hean ond earm / on ðis orlege || ærest cwome /
Guthlac A 464 num. || Swā ġē weorðmyndu / on dolum drēame || drihtne ġie
Guthlac A 465 mannum miðaþ || þæs þē on mōde ġe·hyċġaþ; / ne bēo
Guthlac A 466 erne, || þēah þe ġē hīe on dīegle ġe·fremme. / Wē þe
Guthlac A 467 īegle ġe·fremme. / Wē þeċ on lyft ġe·lǣddon, || of·tu
Guthlac A 473 elufade / sealde him snyttru || on sefan gehygdum / mægenfæste g
Guthlac A 478 ceoldan / ge sind forscadene || on eow scyld siteð / ne cunnon ge
Guthlac A 488 h iċ torn druĝe. / Setton mē on ed-wīt || þæt iċ ēaðe f
Guthlac A 490 rēðe mōd / ġungra manna || on godes templum; / woldon þȳ ġ
Guthlac A 496 ne maĝon þā aefter-ield || on þām ǣrestan / blǣde ġe·be
Guthlac A 499 þæt wintra rīm / ġe·ġæþ on þā ġuĝuþe, || þæt sē
Guthlac A 502 ond middan-ġeard / þēowiaþ on þēawum. || Þēodum īewaþ
Guthlac A 508 | mǣran willaþ. / Ġe·fēoþ on firenum, || frōfre ne wēna
Guthlac A 510 | wierpe ġe·biden. / Oft ġē on ġe·stalum standaþ; || þæ
Guthlac A 523 gesohte || ond his swat ageat / on bonena hond || ahte bega gewe
Guthlac A 525 | ða he lustum dreag / eaðmod on eorðan || ehtendra nið / for
Guthlac A 530 eofu wæs mid Gūð·lāc || on godcundum / mæġene ġe·ēted
Guthlac A 532 / eall æfter orde || ðæt he on elne adreag / ðone foregengan
Guthlac A 538 || þæt his mōd ġe·þeah / on godes willan; || is þæs ġ
Guthlac A 543 him ne ġe·twēode || trēow on brēostum, / ne him gnornunga |
Guthlac A 551 erdas, || ac sēo sāwol bād / on līċ-haman || lēofran tīde
Guthlac A 562 ·ġinnaþ / inn-gang ǣrest || on þæt atole hūs, / niðer unde
Guthlac A 570 gram-heorte || godes ōrettan / on sefan swenċan, || swīðe ġ
Guthlac A 571 swīðe ġe·hēton / þæt hē on þone grimman gryre || gangan
Guthlac A 573 || tō hell-warum, / and ðǣr on bendum || bryne þrōwian. / Wo
Guthlac A 575 cwidum / earme āĝ·lǣċan || on orwēnnesse, / metodes cempan.
Guthlac A 582 || wēl ġe·cȳðed, / hāliġ on heortan. || Nū þū on helle
Guthlac A 582 liġ on heortan. || Nū þū on helle sċealt / dēope ġe·dū
Guthlac A 584 ealles dryhtnes lēoht / habban on heofonum, || hēah-ġe·timbr
Guthlac A 585 heofonum || heahgetimbru / seld on swegle || forðon ðu synna t
Guthlac A 586 fela, / fācna ġe·fremedes || on flǣsċ-haman. / Wē þē nū w
Guthlac A 589 n, || ðǣr þe lāðast biþ / on þām grymmestan || gǣst-ġe
Guthlac A 591 er || andswarode, / Gūð·lāc on gǣste || mid godes mæġene:
Guthlac A 595 || þæt ġē his wer-genġan / on þone lāðan līeġ || lǣda
Guthlac A 596 ġ || lǣdan mōton. / Þæt is on ġe·wealdum || wuldor-cining
Guthlac A 597 / sē ēow ġe·hīende || and on hæft be·drāf / under nearone
Guthlac A 611 || dæġes and nihtes, / herġe on heortan || heofon-rīċes wea
Guthlac A 616 an || wōpe be·singan, / hēaf on helle, || nealles herenesse / h
Guthlac A 618 cininges. / Iċ þone dēman || on daĝum mīnum / wille weorðian
Guthlac A 620 || wordum and dǣdum, / lufian on līfe, || swā is lār and ā
Guthlac A 622 rǣċe ġe·lǣded, / þām þe on his weorcum || willan ræfna
Guthlac A 623 ē wǣr-loĝan, || swā ġē on wræc-sīðe / lange lifdon, ||
Guthlac A 629 ā fǣġeran ġe·sċeaft || on fyrn-daĝum, / gǣstlicne gōd-
Guthlac A 632 / Ne mōston ġē ā wunian || on wynn-daĝum, / ac mid sċame s
Guthlac A 634 e wurdon / fore ofer-hyġdum || on ēċe fȳr, / ðǣr ġe· sċul
Guthlac A 637 / And iċ þæt ġe·līefe || on līf-fruman, / ēċne on·weald
Guthlac A 642 r·lǣtan, / þām iċ lange || on līċ-haman / and on mīnum gǣ
Guthlac A 643 lange || on līċ-haman / and on mīnum gǣste || gode campode
Guthlac A 645 / Fo·þon iċ ġe·trīewe || on þone torhtestan / þrīnesse
Guthlac A 647 | sē ġe·þeahtungum / hafaþ on heandum || heofon and eorðan
Guthlac A 649 re mōton / torn-mōde tēon || on tin-treĝu, / mīne myrðran ||
Guthlac A 653 htnes / fæġere ġe·fylled || on mīnum feorh-locan, / brēostum
Guthlac A 657 / fǣġer and ġe·fēaliċ || on fæder wuldre, / ðǣr ēow nǣ
Guthlac A 660 htes lēoma || ne līfes hiht / on godes rīċe || ā·ġiefen w
Guthlac A 661 ām ofer-hyġdum || þe ēow on mōd ā·stāh / þurh īdel ġ
Guthlac A 665 || sċoldon ġe·līċe / wesan on wuldre. || Ēow ðǣr wiers
Guthlac A 667 ealdend || wrāðe be·sencte / on þæt swearte sūsl, || ðǣr
Guthlac A 676 / ne in bælblæsan || bregdon on hinder / in helle hus || ðær
Guthlac A 676 ande || sċūfan mōton, / nē on bǣl-blæsan || breġdon on h
Guthlac A 677 blæsan || breġdon on hinder / on helle hūs, || ðǣr ēow is
Guthlac A 681 ama wynn / āĝan mid englum || on þām uplican / rodera rīċe,
Guthlac A 690 ofosta / gǣst ġe·ġearwod || on godes wǣre / on ġe·fēan fē
Guthlac A 691 t gegearwad || in godes wære / on gefean ferde || ða wearð fe
Guthlac A 694 Hæfde Gūð·lāces || gǣst on ġe·wealdum / mōdiġ mund-bor
Guthlac A 706 gehælde || ond him hearsume / on his sylfes dom || siððan w
Guthlac A 712 hider onsende / geseah ðæt ge on eorðan || fore æfstum / on hi
Guthlac A 713 ge on eorðan || fore æfstum / on his wergengan || wite legdon /
Guthlac A 716 mme || ðær se freond wunað / on ðære socne || ðe ic ða si
Guthlac A 720 iċ his word and his weorc || on ġe·witnesse / drihtne lǣdon.
Guthlac A 746 can. / Stōd sē grēna wang || on godes wǣre; / hæfde sē heord
Guthlac A 749 æġerra / willa ġe·worden || on wera līfe, / þāra þe ieldra
Guthlac A 753 on. / Eall þās ġe·ēodon || on ussera / tīda tīman. || For·
Guthlac A 759 || wendan þurfe, / þonne hīe on ġe·sihþe || sōðes brūca
Guthlac A 761 ċeafte / lufaþ under lyfte || on līċ-haman, / manna mǣġþe |
Guthlac A 765 gen || ðæt his soð fore us / on his giefena gyld || genge weo
Guthlac A 770 o lufu cȳðeþ, / þonne hēo on mannes || mōde ġe·timbreþ
Guthlac A 773 se fruma fæstlic || feondum on ondan / geseted wið synnum ||
Guthlac A 777 sende, / lēt his bēn cuman || on þā beorhtan ġe·sċeaft, /
Guthlac A 778 ode þēodne || þæs þe hē on þrōwungum / bīdan mōste, ||
Guthlac A 782 ġe·lǣded / engla fæðmum || on up-rodor, / fore ansīene || ē
Guthlac A 785 || him wæs lean geseald / setl on swegle || ðær he symle mot /
Guthlac A 791 sōþfæstra || sāwla mōton / on ēċne ġeard || up ġe·stī
Guthlac A 794 ldorcyninges / lare longsume || on hyra lifes tid / earniað on eo
Guthlac A 795 || on hyra lifes tid / earniað on eorðan || ecan lifes / hames i
Guthlac A 796 ðan || ēċan līfes, / hāmes on hīehþu. || Þæt bēoþ hū
Guthlac A 798 ne, || Crīste lēofe, / beraþ on brēostum || beorhtne ġe·l
Guthlac A 801 | habbað wisne geðoht / fusne on forðweg || to fæder eðle / g
Guthlac A 804 and firen-lustas / for·beraþ on brēostum, || brōðor-sibbe /
Guthlac A 805 sibbe / ġeorne be·gangaþ, || on godes willan / swenċaþ hīe s
Guthlac A 808 heofoncyninges bibod / fremmað on foldan || fæsten lufiað / beo
Guthlac A 812 nge, / þonne hīe hweorfaþ || on þā hālĝan burh, / gangaþ
Guthlac A 818 ldorfæst || ealne widan ferh / on lifgendra || londes wynne / ð
Guthlac B 827 dam ærest || ðurh est godes / on neorxnawong || ðær him næn
Guthlac B 831 ryre || ne deaðes cyme / ac he on ðam lande || lifgan moste / ea
Guthlac B 834 ā þorfte / līfes ne lissa || on þām lēohtan hām / þurh iel
Guthlac B 839 st, / and ðǣr siþþan ā || on sīn-drēamum / tō wīdan fēo
Guthlac B 841 eore || wunian mostun / dryhtne on gesihðe || butan deaðe for
Guthlac B 843 word || healdan woldon / beorht on brēostum || and his be·bodu
Guthlac B 844 ond his bebodu læstan / æfnan on eðle || hy to ær aðreat / ð
Guthlac B 855 swa / eaferum æfter || ða hy on uncyððu / scomum scudende ||
Guthlac B 857 um scudende || scofene wurdon / on gewinworuld || weorces onguld
Guthlac B 871 || þæt him bām ġe·sċōd / on þām dēoran hām. || Dēaþ
Guthlac B 874 igra || ðær hi godes willan / on mislicum || monna gebihðum /
Guthlac B 876 sume ǣr, sume sīþ, || sume on ūrra / aefter tæl-mearce || t
Guthlac B 880 || ðurh godes willan / eadig on engle || he him ece geceas / me
Guthlac B 892 alra þāra wundra || þe hē on weorolde hēr / þurh dryhtnes
Guthlac B 899 hy mislice || mongum reordum / on ðam westenne || woðe hofun /
Guthlac B 908 nde || swa wilde deor / cirmdon on corðre || hwilum cyrdon eft /
Guthlac B 909 rdon eft / minne mansceaðan || on mennisc hiw / breahtma mæste |
Guthlac B 911 gdon eft / awyrgde wærlogan || on wyrmes bleo / earme adloman ||
Guthlac B 921 osedon / ond ðær siðfrome || on ðam sigewonge / æt ðam halga
Guthlac B 927 t / ðe hine seoslige || sohtun on ðearfe / hæleð hygegeomre ||
Guthlac B 935 | neah geðrungen / siððan he on westenne || wiceard geceas / fi
Guthlac B 939 || hreðer innan born / afysed on forðsið || him færinga / adl
Guthlac B 940 m færinga / adl in gewod || he on elne swa ðeah / ungeblyged bad
Guthlac B 942 | beorhtra ġe·hāta / blīðe on burgum. || Wæs þām bān-co
Guthlac B 945 n || wæs se bliða gæst / fus on forðweg || nolde fæder engl
Guthlac B 946 -weġ. || Nolde fæder% engla / on þisse wan-sǣlĝan || weorol
Guthlac B 948 ðæt / wunian leton || ðe him on weorcum her / on his dagena tid
Guthlac B 949 ton || ðe him on weorcum her / on his dagena tid || dædum gecw
Guthlac B 952 ðær se halga ðeow / deormod on degle || domeadig bad / heard o
Guthlac B 954 Hyht wæs ġe·nīewod, / bliss on brēostum. || Wæs sē bān-c
Guthlac B 962 eah / ne seo adlðracu || egle on mode / ne deaðgedal || ac him
Guthlac B 964 , || ac him dryhtnes lof / born on brēostum, || brond-hāt lufu
Guthlac B 965 | brond-hāt lufu / siĝorfæst on sefan, || sēo him sāra ġe
Guthlac B 967 swiðde || næs him sorgcearu / on ðas lænan tid || ðeah his
Guthlac B 976 a cynnes / ða wæs guðlace || on ða geocran tid / mægen gemeð
Guthlac B 989 nnes || from fruman siððan / m on on moldan || ðætte meahte h
Guthlac B 992 aðweges || ac him duru sylfa / on ða sliðnan tid || sona onty
Guthlac B 995 ne heanra || ac hine ræseð on / gifrum grapum || swa wæs gu
Guthlac B 1016 idum / worda gewealdan || is me on wene geðuht / ðæt ðe untrym
Guthlac B 1018 ðe untrymnes || adle gongum / on ðisse nyhstan || niht bysgad
Guthlac B 1020 || ðæt me sorgna is / hatost on hreðre || ær ðu hyge minne
Guthlac B 1026 coða || beald reordade / eadig on elne || ondcwis ageaf / ic will
Guthlac B 1028 hrān, / wærc inn ġe·wōd || on þisse wannan niht, / līċ-hor
Guthlac B 1037 ces || ðæt min feorh heonan / on ðisse eahteðan || ende gese
Guthlac B 1039 iðende || ðonne dogor beoð / on moldwege || min forð scriðe
Guthlac B 1043 ġiefena || and godes lambor / on sīn-drēamum || siþþan āw
Guthlac B 1058 ġ-dropan. || Wyrd ne meahte / on fǣĝum lenġ || feorh ġe·h
Guthlac B 1068 s || ne ic ðæs deaðes hafu / on ðas seocnan tid || sorge on
Guthlac B 1068 / on ðas seocnan tid || sorge on mode / ne ic me herehloðe || h
Guthlac B 1070 iðe onsitte || ne mæg synne on me / facnes frumbearn || fyrene
Guthlac B 1072 ǣlan, / līċes leahtor, || ac on līeġe sċulon / sorĝ-wielmum
Guthlac B 1075 ēpan, || wilna be·sċierede / on þām dēaþ-sele || duĝuþa
Guthlac B 1077 ðæt leofe bearn / ne beo ðu on sefan to seoc || ic eom siðe
Guthlac B 1079 rd niman || ed-lēana% ġeorn / on þām ēċan ġe·fean, || ǣ
Guthlac B 1085 ġeorne || gæst-ġe·rȳnum, / on þās drēorĝan tīd || dǣd
Guthlac B 1088 rlease || lean unhwilen / halig on heahðu || ðær min hyht myn
Guthlac B 1091 | tō þām langan ġe·fēan / on ēad-welan%. || Nis þēs ē
Guthlac B 1099 ugeðum || ða se dæg bicwom / on ðam se lifgenda || in lichom
Guthlac B 1099 cōm / on þām sē libbenda || on līċ-haman, / ēċe æl-mehti
Guthlac B 1102 āras / anweald% of eorðan || on þā Ēaster-tīd, / ealra þry
Guthlac B 1105 tāh. / Swā sē ēadĝa wer || on þā æðelan tīd / on þone b
Guthlac B 1106 ga wer || in ða æðelan tid / on ðone beorhtan dæg || blissu
Guthlac B 1113 willan / gǣst-ġe·rȳnum || on godes temple, / and his þeġne
Guthlac B 1117 trymman / wundrum tō wuldre || on þā wlitiĝan ġe·sċeaft / t
Guthlac B 1120 fre to ealdre || oðre swylce / on ðas lænan tid || lare gehyr
Guthlac B 1123 urh menniscne || muð areccan / on sidum sefan || him wæs soðr
Guthlac B 1135 e ða || forð gewitene / dagas on rime || ðæs se dryhtnes ðe
Guthlac B 1136 me || ðæs se dryhtnes ðegn / on elne bad || adle gebysgad / sar
Guthlac B 1148 || fond ða hlingendne / fusne on forðsið || frean unwenne / g
Guthlac B 1149 unwēnne, / gǣst-hāliġne || on godes temple / soden sār-wielm
Guthlac B 1151 wylmum || wæs ða sihste tid / on midne dæg || wæs his mondry
Guthlac B 1160 / spræce ahebban || ðæt him on spellum gecyðde / onwrige word
Guthlac B 1162 he his wisna truwade / drohtes on ðære dimman adle || ærðon
Guthlac B 1169 t þū þā nīehstan sċealt / on weorold-līfe || worda mīnra
Guthlac B 1175 e forlæte / asanian || beo ðu on sið gearu / siððan lic ond l
Guthlac B 1180 tor minre / ðære leofestan || on longne weg / to ðam fægran ge
Guthlac B 1182 ran gefean || forðsið minne / on ecne eard || ond hyre eac gec
Guthlac B 1185 ire ansīene || ealle þraĝe / on weorold-līfe, || for þȳ i
Guthlac B 1186 wilnode / þæt wit unc eft || on þām ēċan ġe·fēan / on sw
Guthlac B 1187 nc eft || in ðam ecan gefean / on sweglwuldre || geseon mostun /
Guthlac B 1191 wunian, || ðǣr wit wilna ā / on ðǣre beorhtan byriġ || br
Guthlac B 1195 be·lūce, || līċ or-sāwle / on þeostor-cofan, || ðǣr hit
Guthlac B 1196 || ðǣr hit þraĝe sċeall / on sand-hofe || siþþan wunian.
Guthlac B 1207 is ðe ende feor / ðæs ðe ic on galdrum || ongieten hæbbe / of
Guthlac B 1215 eorht sunne || setlgonges fus / on æfentid || oðerne mid ðec /
Guthlac B 1219 ht / meðelcwide mæcges || ond on morgne swa / ongeat geomormod |
Guthlac B 1221 || gæstes sprǣċe, / glēawes on ġeardum. || Huru, iċ ġīet
Guthlac B 1229 æs ðe ic furðum ær / æfre on ealdre || ængum ne wolde / mon
Guthlac B 1231 ldan || melda weorðan / ðegne on ðeode || butan ðe nu-ða / ð
Guthlac B 1233 dredan || weras ond idesa / ond on geað gutan || gieddum mænde
Guthlac B 1240 || siððan ic furðum ongon / on ðone æfteran || anseld buga
Guthlac B 1243 meahtig meotudes ðegn || ond on morgne eft / sigorfæst gesohte
Guthlac B 1245 ǣlde hyġe-sorĝe || and mē on hreðere be·lēac / wuldres wi
Guthlac B 1248 an || þonne ǣniġ mann wite / on līfe% hēr, || þe mē ā·l
Guthlac B 1250 o gecyðenne || cwicra ængum / on foldwege || fira cynnes / ðæt
Guthlac B 1253 eaglian || hwæt he dearninga / on hyge hogde || heortan geðonc
Guthlac B 1255 e eagum || onsyne wearð / a ic on mode mað || monna gehwylcne /
Guthlac B 1267 gnornað || gæst hine fyseð / on ecne geard || utsiðes georn /
Guthlac B 1268 ecne geard || utsiðes georn / on sellan gesetu || nu ic swiðe
Guthlac B 1271 hylde || hyrde ða gena / ellen on innan || oroð stundum teah / m
Guthlac B 1273 cwom / swecca swetast || swylce on sumeres tid / stincað on stowu
Guthlac B 1274 wylce on sumeres tid / stincað on stowum || staðelum fæste / wy
Guthlac B 1285 u || bad se ðe sceolde / eadig on elne || endedogor / awrecen wæ
Guthlac B 1304 n·sende / weorcum wlitiġne || on wuldres drēam. / Þā wæs Gū
Guthlac B 1306 laces || gæst gelæded / eadig on upweg || englas feredun / to ð
Guthlac B 1315 sigeleoð sungon || sweg wæs on lyfte / gehyred under heofonum
Guthlac B 1321 ra / and wynsumra || þonne hit on weorolde mæġe / stefn ā·re
Guthlac B 1341 weol / hate hleordropan || ond on hreðre wæg / micle modceare |
Guthlac B 1356 a earfeða || oftost dreogeð / on sargum sefan || huru ic swið
Guthlac B 1360 bi sæm tweonum / ðara ðe we on engle || æfre gefrunen / acenn
Guthlac B 1364 amum of, / wine-māĝa wynn, || on wuldres þrymm, / ġe·witen, w
Guthlac B 1366 ga hleo || wica neosan / eardes on upweg || nu se eorðan dæl / b
Guthlac B 1367 ān-hūs ā·brocen || burgum on innan / wunaþ wæl-ræste || a
Guthlac B 1369 uldres dæl / of līċ-fæte || on lēoht godes / siĝor-lēan sō
Guthlac B 1371 hēt / þæt ġit ā mosten || on þām ēċan ġe·fēan / mid
Deor 5 onfond / siððan hine niðhad on || nede legde / swoncre seonobe
Deor 6 e legde / swoncre seonobende || on syllan monn / ðæs ofereode ||
Deor 9 ne wæs || hyre broðra deað / on sefan swa sar || swa hyre syl
Deor 25 monig || sorgum gebunden / wean on wenan || wyscte geneahhe / ðæ
Deor 29 sorgcearig || sælum bidæled / on sefan sweorceð || sylfum ði
Wulf and Eadwacer 2 ð hy hine aðecgan || gif he on ðreat cymeð / ungelic is us |
Wulf and Eadwacer 4 eð / ungelic is us || / wulf is on iege || ic on oðerre / fæst i
Wulf and Eadwacer 4 us || / wulf is on iege || ic on oðerre / fæst is ðæt eglond
Wulf and Eadwacer 6 ndon wælreowe || weras ðær on ige / willað hy hine aðecgan
Wulf and Eadwacer 7 ð hy hine aðecgan || gif he on ðreat cymeð / ungelice is us
Riddles 1 1 # Riddles 1 / / neb wæs min on nearwe || ond ic neoðan wæt
A.3.22.1 2 ġe ā·seċġan, || hwā mec on sīþ wræce, / þonne iċ ā·
Riddles 1 3 reamum / swiðe besuncen || ond on sunde awox / ufan yðum ðeaht
Riddles 1 7 mum cwom / brimes ond beames || on blacum hrægle / sume wæron hw
A.3.22.1 11 , || hēahum% meahtum / wrecen% on wāðe, || wīde sended; / hæb
Riddles 10 1 # Riddles 10 / / Neb wæs min on nearwe, || ond ic neoþan wæ
Riddles 10 3 eamum / swiþe besuncen, || ond on sunde awox / ufan yþum þeaht,
Riddles 10 7 mum cwom / brimes ond beames || on blacum hrægle; / sume wæron h
Riddles 11 2 te beorhte / reade ond scire || on reafe minum / ic dysge dwelle |
A.3.22.12 10 en || deorcum nihtum, / wǣteþ on wætere, || wiermeþ hwīlum /
Riddles 12 11 hwilum / fægre to fyre || me on fæðme sticað / hygegalan hon
Riddles 13 4 ongedon / sweotol ond gesyne || on seles wæge / anra gehwylces ||
Riddles 13 11 ymene || frætwe leton / licgan on laste || gewitan lond tredan
Riddles 14 12 ge || hyrstum frætwed / wlitig on wage || ðær weras drincað /
Riddles 14 14 yrdsceorp || hwilum folcwigan / on wicge wegað || ðonne ic win
Riddles 15 2 idan swa some || swift ic eom on feðe / beadowæpen bere || me
Riddles 15 3 feðe / beadowæpen bere || me on bæce standað / her swylce swe
Riddles 15 4 bæce standað / her swylce swe on hleorum || hlifiað tu / earan
A.3.22.15 6 ēaĝum. || Ordum iċ steppe / on grēne% græs. || Mē biþ gr
Riddles 15 16 | ic his bidan ne dear / reðes on geruman || nele ðæt ræd te
Riddles 15 21 ægburge mot || mine gelædan / on degolne weg || ðurh dune ðy
Riddles 15 25 iðsceaða || nearwe stige / me on swaðe seceð || ne tosæleð
Riddles 15 26 e seceð || ne tosæleð him / on ðam gegnpaðe || guðgemotes
Riddles 18 4 hæbbe / wide wombe || / ic wæs on ceole || ond mines cnosles ma
Riddles 19 1 # Riddles 19 / / ic on siðe seah || sigel rad os / h
Riddles 19 4 || swiðe ðrægan / hæfde him on hrycge || hildeðryðe / nied o
Riddles 19 7 || widlast ferede / rynestrong on rade || rofne cen os / feoh os
Riddles 2 1 2 / / ic eom wunderlicu wiht || on gewin sceapen / frean minum leo
A.3.22.2 7 bēataþ, || stundum weorpaþ / on stealc hliða || stāne and s
Riddles 2 10 / since ond seolfre || ond mec on sele weorðað / ne wyrneð wor
A.3.22.2 12 || sē þe min lāttēow biþ / on sīða ġe·hwǣm. || Saĝa,
Riddles 2 13 y meodu drincað / healdeð mec on heaðore || hwilum læteð ef
Riddles 2 14 lum læteð eft / radwerigne || on gerum sceacan / orlegfromne ||
Riddles 2 18 earf / ðæt me bearn wræce || on bonan feore / gif me gromra hwy
Riddles 2 26 wa ic gien dyde / minum ðeodne on ðonc || ðæt ic ðolian sce
Riddles 2 29 / geno wyrneð || se mec geara on / bende legde || forðon ic bru
Riddles 2 31 de || forðon ic brucan sceal / on hagostealde || hæleða gestr
Riddles 20 1 0 / / Ic eom wunderlicu wiht, || on gewin sceapen, / frean minum le
Riddles 20 10 / since ond seolfre || ond mec on sele weorþað; / ne wyrneð wo
Riddles 20 13 meodu drincað, / healdeð mec on heaþore, || hwilum læteð e
Riddles 20 14 lum læteð eft / radwerigne || on gerum sceacan, / orlegfromne. |
Riddles 20 18 earf / þæt me bearn wræce || on bonan feore, / gif me gromra hw
Riddles 20 26 wa ic gien dyde / minum þeodne on þonc, || þæt ic þolian sc
Riddles 20 29 geno wyrneð, || se mec geara on / bende legde; || forþon ic br
Riddles 20 31 e; || forþon ic brucan sceal / on hagostealde || hæleþa gestr
Riddles 21 5 || weard æt steorte / wrigað on wonge || wegeð mec ond ðyð
Riddles 21 6 | wegeð mec ond ðyð / saweð on swæð min || ic snyðige for
Riddles 21 8 earwe || bunden cræfte / wegen on wægne || hæbbe wundra fela /
Riddles 21 9 la / me bið gongendre || grene on healfe / ond min swæð sweotol
Riddles 21 10 min swæð sweotol || sweart on oðre / me ðurh hrycg wrecen |
Riddles 21 12 under / an orðoncpil || oðer on heafde / fæst ond forðweard |
Riddles 21 13 st ond forðweard || fealleð on sidan / ðæt ic toðum tere ||
Riddles 22 9 tronge || ongunnon stigan ða / on wægn weras || ond hyra wicg
Riddles 22 14 a mægen / ne fæthengest || ne on flode swom / ne be grunde wod |
Riddles 22 16 um under / ne lagu drefde || ne on lyfte fleag / ne under bæc cyr
Riddles 22 20 e heaum || ðæt hy stopan up / on oðerne || ellenrofe / weras of
Riddles 23 2 yrfed / ic eom wrætlic wiht || on gewin sceapen / ðonne ic onbug
Riddles 25 1 eom wunderlicu wiht || wifum on hyhte / neahbuendum nyt || næn
Riddles 25 4 min is steapheah || stonde ic on bedde / neoðan ruh nathwær ||
Riddles 25 7 / modwlonc meowle || ðæt heo on mec gripeð / ræseð mec on re
Riddles 25 8 eo on mec gripeð / ræseð mec on reodne || reafað min heafod /
Riddles 25 9 reafað min heafod / fegeð mec on fæsten || feleð sona / mines
Riddles 26 3 inom || wætte siððan / dyfde on wætre || dyde eft ðonan / set
Riddles 26 4 tre || dyde eft ðonan / sette on sunnan || ðær ic swiðe bel
Riddles 26 10 lg / streames dæle || stop eft on mec / siðade sweartlast || mec
Riddles 27 4 m || dæges mec wægun / feðre on lifte || feredon mid liste / un
A.3.22.27 6 Hæleþ mec siþþan / baðodon on bydene. || Nū iċ eom binder
Riddles 27 13 ð / strengo bistolen || strong on spræce / mægene binumen || na
Riddles 27 16 a || frige hwæt ic hatte / ðe on eorðan swa || esnas binde / do
A.3.22.28 7 durum dryhta. || Drēam biþ on innan / cwicra wihta, || clenġ
Riddles 29 5 of ðam heresiðe / walde hyre on ðære byrig || bur atimbran /
Riddles 29 12 tonc to heofonum || deaw feol on eorðan / niht forð gewat || n
Riddles 3 3 ges / bearm ðone bradan || ond on bid wriceð / ðrafað on ðyst
Riddles 3 4 | ond on bid wriceð / ðrafað on ðystrum || ðrymma sumne / hæ
Riddles 3 5 strum || ðrymma sumne / hæste on enge || ðær me heord siteð
Riddles 3 6 | ðær me heord siteð / hruse on hrycge || nah ic hwyrftweges /
Riddles 3 13 a mec wisað || se mec wræde on / æt frumsceafte || furðum le
Riddles 3 21 / dun ofer dype || hyre deorc on last / eare geblonden || oðer
Riddles 3 28 astes || ðonne heah geðring / on cleofu crydeð || ðær bið
Riddles 3 30 sæcce || gif hine sæ byreð / on ða grimman tid || gæsta ful
Riddles 3 35 ara ðe ic hyran sceal / strong on stiðweg || hwa gestilleð ð
Riddles 3 36 lum ic ðurhræse || ðæt me on bæce rideð / won wægfatu ||
Riddles 3 51 odðrea || monna cynne / brogan on burgum || ðonne blace scotia
Riddles 3 55 æðre || gif him soð meotud / on geryhtu || ðurh regn ufan / of
Riddles 3 65 fte helm || londe near / ond me on hrycg hlade || ðæt ic habba
Riddles 31 3 c seah sellic ðing || singan on ræcede / wiht wæs nower || we
Riddles 31 4 cede / wiht wæs nower || werum on gemonge / sio hæfde wæstum ||
Riddles 31 11 ahhe / oft ond gelome || eorlum on gemonge / siteð æt symble ||
Riddles 31 14 ft hyre || cyðan mote / werum on wonge || ne heo ðær wiht ð
Riddles 31 17 dumb wunað / hwæðre hyre is on fote || fæger hleoðor / wynli
Riddles 31 21 frætwed hyrstum / hafað hyre on halse || ðonne hio hord wara
Riddles 32 6 folme / exle ne earmas || sceal on anum fet / searoceap swifan ||
Riddles 32 9 | hæfde fela ribba / muð wæs on middan || moncynne nyt / fereð
Riddles 33 4 leahtor wæs gryrelic / egesful on earde || ecge wæron scearpe /
Riddles 33 12 wa ðæt is ældum cuð / firum on folce || ðæt seo on foldan
Riddles 33 12 / firum on folce || ðæt seo on foldan sceal / on ealra londa g
Riddles 33 13 || ðæt seo on foldan sceal / on ealra londa gehwam || lissum
A.3.22.34 1 les 34 / / Iċ wiht ġe·seah || on wera burgum, / sēo þæt feoh
Riddles 34 8 rtum fæste / stille stondan || on staðolwonge / beorhte blican |
Riddles 36 1 Riddles 36 / / ic wiht geseah || on wege feran / seo wæs wrætlice
Riddles 36 6 wf] hors [qxxs] || / || ufon on hrycge / hæfde tu fiðru || on
A.3.22.36 6 kf wf hors qxxs || / || ufan on hryċġe; || / hæfde tu fiðe
Riddles 37 1 ða wihte geseah || womb wæs on hindan / ðriðum aðrunten ||
A.3.22.37 7 um, || ac him eft cymeþ / bōt on bōsme, || blǣd biþ ā·rǣ
Riddles 38 2 / geoguðmyrðe grædig || him on gafol forlet / ferðfriðende |
Riddles 38 4 eower wellan / scire sceotan || on gesceap ðeotan / mon maðelade
Riddles 39 6 erendra || gewiteð eft feran on weg / ne bið hio næfre || nih
Riddles 4 3 eð / rice is se reccend || ond on ryht cyning / ealra anwalda ||
A.3.22.4 9 um% bersteþ; / sē þēah biþ on þance || þeġne mīnum, / med
A.3.22.4 12 wiht wīte || and wordum min / on spēd mæġe || spell ġe·se
Riddles 4 23 healdeð ond wealdeð / ic eom on stence || strengre micle / ðon
Riddles 4 25 ricels || oððe rose sy / || on eorðan tyrf / wynlic weaxeð |
Riddles 4 28 ie sy || leof moncynne / beorht on blostman || ic eom betre ðon
Riddles 4 58 n leoman || lege hatra / ic eom on goman || gena swetra / ðonne
Riddles 4 61 e || ðonne wermod sy / ðe her on hyrstum || heasewe stondeð / i
Riddles 4 77 onne ðes lytla wyrm / ðe her on flode gæð || fotum dryge / fl
Riddles 4 81 micle || halsrefeðre / seo her on winde || wæweð on lyfte / ic
Riddles 4 81 e / seo her on winde || wæweð on lyfte / ic eorðan eom || æghw
Riddles 4 87 ænig oðer / wiht waldendre || on worldlife / ic eom ufor || ealr
Riddles 4 95 iðre ðonne he / swylce ic eom on mægene || minum læsse / ðonn
Riddles 4 102 um / nu me wrætlice || weaxað on heafde / ðæt me on gescyldrum
Riddles 4 103 || weaxað on heafde / ðæt me on gescyldrum || scinan motan / fu
Riddles 4 106 ed swin / bearg bellende || ðe on bocwuda / won wrotende || wynnu
A.3.22.40 3 Rīċe% is sē reccend || and on riht cyning / ealra an-wealda,
Riddles 40 4 / Rice is se reccend || ond on ryht cyning / ealra anwalda, ||
A.3.22.40 23 ealdeþ and wealdeþ. / Iċ eom on stence || strengre miċele% /
Riddles 40 24 healdeþ ond wealdeþ. / Ic eom on stence || strengre micle / þon
A.3.22.40 25 eċels || oþþe rōse sīe, / on eorðan turf || / wynliċ weax
Riddles 40 26 ricels || oþþe rose sy, / || on eorþan tyrf / wynlic weaxeð;
A.3.22.40 28 e || lēof mann-cynne, / beorht on blōstman, || iċ eom betere
Riddles 40 29 e sy || leof moncynne, / beorht on blostman, || ic eom betre þo
A.3.22.40 58 an || līeġe hātra. / Iċ eom on gaman || ġīenā swētra / þo
Riddles 40 60 leoman || lege hatra. / Ic eom on goman || gena swetra / þonne
A.3.22.40 61 onne wer-mōd sīe, / þe% hēr on hyrstum || haswe standeþ. / I
Riddles 40 63 þonne wermod sy, / þe her on hyrstum || heasewe stondeþ. /
A.3.22.40 77 ne þēs lȳtla wyrm / þe hēr on flōde% gæþ || fōtum drī
Riddles 40 80 onne þes lytla wyrm / þe her on flode gæð || fotum dryge. / F
A.3.22.40 81 || hāls-refeþre, / sēo hēr on winde || wǣweþ on lyfte. / I
A.3.22.40 81 sēo hēr on winde || wǣweþ on lyfte. / Iċ eorðan eom || ǣ
Riddles 40 84 icle || halsrefeþre, / seo her on winde || wæweð on lyfte. / Ic
Riddles 40 84 , / seo her on winde || wæweð on lyfte. / Ic eorþan eom || ægh
A.3.22.40 87 iġ ōðer / wiht wealdendre || on weorold-līfe; / iċ eom ufor |
Riddles 40 91 ænig oþer / wiht waldendre || on worldlife; / ic eom ufor || eal
A.3.22.40 95 e þonne hē, / swelċe iċ eom on mæġene || mīnum lǣsse / þo
A.3.22.40 98 | seaxe delfaþ. / Nū hafu iċ on heafde || hwīte loccas / wrǣs
Riddles 40 99 þre þonne he, / swylce ic eom on mægene || minum læsse / þonn
A.3.22.40 102 ū mē wrætlīċe || weaxaþ on heafde / þæt mē on ġe·sċi
A.3.22.40 103 | weaxaþ on heafde / þæt mē on ġe·sċieldrum || sċīnan m
Riddles 40 106 m; / nu me wrætlice || weaxað on heafde / þæt me on gescyldrum
Riddles 40 107 || weaxað on heafde / þæt me on gescyldrum || scinan motan / fu
Riddles 40 111 in, / bearg bellende, || / þe on bocwuda, / won wrotende || wynn
A.3.22.41 6 an āĝen. / Ne maĝon we hēr on eorðan || āwiht libban, / nem
Riddles 42 5 rces speow / fæmne fyllo || ic on flette mæg / ðurh runstafas |
A.3.22.43 2 tne || æðelum dierne / ġiest on ġeardum, || þām sē grymma
Riddles 43 6 ðenað || se ðe agan sceal / on ðam siðfate || hy gesunde
Riddles 43 10 hlaforde || hyreð yfle / frean on fore || ne wile forht wesan / b
Riddles 45 1 # Riddles 45 / / ic on wincle gefrægn || weaxan nat
Riddles 45 3 ond ðunian || ðecene hebban / on ðæt banlease || bryd grapod
A.3.22.47 4 || wera ġiedd sumes, / þēof on þīestru, || þrymfæstne cw
Riddles 49 4 s hond || gifrum lacum / hwilum on ðam wicum || se wonna ðegn /
Riddles 5 1 # Riddles 5 / / wiga is on eorðan || wundrum acenned / dr
Riddles 5 3 m twam / torht atyhted || ðone on teon wigeð / feond his feonde
Riddles 5 9 || he him fremum stepeð / life on lissum || leanað grimme / ðam
Riddles 50 1 # Riddles 50 / / Wiga is on eorþan || wundrum acenned / dr
Riddles 50 3 twam / torht atyhted, || þone on teon wigeð / feond his feonde.
A.3.22.50 9 hē him fremum stepeþ / līfe on lissum. || Lēanaþ grymme / þ
Riddles 50 10 || he him fremum stepeð / life on lissum. || Leanað grimme /
Riddles 51 3 u swiðe blacu || swift wæs on fore / fuglum framra || fleag o
Riddles 51 4 n fore / fuglum framra || fleag on lyfte / deaf under yðe || drea
A.3.22.52 1 es 52 / / Iċ seah rǣplingas || on reċed ferĝan / under hrōf sa
Riddles 53 1 # Riddles 53 / / ic seah on bearwe || beam hlifian / tanum
Riddles 53 2 m torhtne || ðæt treow wæs on wynne / wudu weaxende || wæter
Riddles 53 5 gre || oððæt he frod dagum / on oðrum wearð || aglachade / de
A.3.22.53 6 / dēope ġe·dolĝod, || dumb on bendum, / wriðen ofer wunda, |
A.3.22.53 13 if sē ǣrra fær / ġe·namnan on nearwe || nēðan mōste.
A.3.22.54 2 ðǣr hē hīe wisse / standan on winc-sele, || stōp feorran t
A.3.22.55 1 # Riddles 55 / / Iċ seah on healle%, || ðǣr hæleþ dru
Riddles 55 2 alle || ðær hæleð druncon / on flet beran || feower cynna / wr
A.3.22.55 13 / his mann-drihtne, || māðum on healle, / gold-hilted sweord. |
Riddles 55 15 eddes / ondsware ywe || se hine on mede / wordum secgan || hu se w
Riddles 56 8 er || oðer bisgo dreag / leolc on lyfte || hwilum londe neah / tr
Riddles 56 12 runcon / ðara flana geweorc || on flet beran
Riddles 58 2 anfete || ellen dreogan / wiht on wonge || wide ne fereð / ne fe
Riddles 58 12 fereð oft swa ðeah / lagoflod on lyfte || life ne gielpeð / hla
A.3.22.58 14 ēodne sīnum. || Þrīe sind on naman / rihte rūn-stafas, ||
A.3.22.59 1 # Riddles 59 / / Iċ seah on healle || hrinġ gyldenne% / me
Riddles 59 6 n || word æfter cwæð / hring on hyrede || hælend nemde / tillf
A.3.22.59 7 til-fremmendra. || Him torhte on ġe·mynd / his dryhtnes naman
A.3.22.59 9 es naman || dumba brōhte / and on ēaĝna ġe·sihð, || ġif
A.3.22.59 17 es tō hæleþum, || þā hē on healle wæs / wielted and wende
Riddles 6 7 ic frefre || ða ic ær winne on / feorran swiðe || hi ðæs fe
A.3.22.8 6 ōp, || eorlum bringe / blisse on burgum, || þonne iċ būġen
Riddles 8 7 endre / stefne styrme || stille on wicum / sittað nigende || saga
Riddles 9 1 # Riddles 9 / / mec on ðissum dagum || deadne ofgea
A.3.22.9 3 mē feorh þā ġīen, / ealdor on innan. || Þā mec ān% on·g
A.3.23 13 nc, / þæt wit ġe·wīdost || on weorold-rīċe / lifdon lāðli
The Wife's Lament 16 d niman / ahte ic leofra lyt || on ðissum londstede / holdra freo
The Wife's Lament 27 reogan / heht mec mon wunian || on wuda bearwe / under actreo || i
A.3.23 28 da bearwe, / under āc-trēo || on þām eorþ-sċræfe. / Eald is
The Wife's Lament 33 / fromsið frean || frynd sind on eorðan / leofe lifgende || leg
The Wife's Lament 35 || leger weardiað / ðonne ic on uhtan || ana gonge / under actr
The Wife's Lament 41 es ðæs longaðes || ðe mec on ðissum life begeat / a scyle g
The Wife's Lament 50 e werigmod || wætre beflowen / on dreorsele || dreogeð se min
A.3.24 4 um. || Oft mæġ sē þe wile / on his selfes sefan || sōþ ġe
The Judgment Day I 6 ðinged hider || ðeoden user / on ðam mæstan dæge || mægenc
The Judgment Day I 38 at bið acolod / ne bið ðonne on ðisse worulde || nymðe wæt
The Judgment Day I 42 s fricgan / ealles ðæs ðe we on eorðan || ær geworhtan / gode
The Judgment Day I 48 || ðæt hi lof godes / hergan on heahðu || hyhtum to wuldre / l
The Judgment Day I 49 u || hyhtum to wuldre / lifgen on geleafan || ond a lufan dryht
A.3.24 50 and ā lufan dryhtnes / wyrċan on þisse weorolde, || ǣr þon
The Judgment Day I 53 bið nænges eorles tir / leng on ðissum life || siððan leoh
The Judgment Day I 59 te gesceaft || brondas lacað / on ðam deopan dæge || dyneð u
The Judgment Day I 61 orðan yrmðu || seoð ðonne on ece gewyrht / ðonne bið gecy
A.3.24 62 nne biþ ġe·cȳðed || hwā on clǣnnesse / līf ā·lifde; ||
A.3.24 64 þ lēan ġearu. / Hyht wæs ā on heofonum, || siþþan ūser h
The Judgment Day I 66 || ðurh ða mæstan gesceaft / on ful blacne beam || bunden fæ
The Judgment Day I 71 ul oft || halge lare / brigdeð on bysmer || ne con he ðæs bro
The Judgment Day I 72 yfles ondgiet || ær hit hine on fealleð / he ðæt ðonne onfi
The Judgment Day I 75 negum gecyðeð / ðæt he bið on ðæt wynstre weorud || wyrs
The Judgment Day I 76 ud || wyrs gescaden / ðonne he on ða swiðran hond || swican m
The Judgment Day I 104 an / ðonne we us gemittað || on ðam mæstan dæge / rincas æt
A.3.24 119 iþ ġe·staðolod, / welan āh on wuldre || sē nū wēl þenċ
Resignation 4 || min wundorcyning / ðe ðær on sindon || ece dryhten / micel o
Resignation 14 geðeo || ðinga gehwylce / ond on me sylfum || soðfæst cyning
Resignation 16 d arære || regnðeof ne læt / on sceade sceððan || ðeah ðe
Resignation 25 e / to cunnunge || nu ðu const on mec / firendæda fela || feorma
Resignation 37 orgeafe || gesette minne hyht on ðec / forhte foreðoncas || ð
A.3.25 40 hyġe, / gǣsta god cyning, || on ġearone rǣd. / Nū iċ fundie
A.3.25 44 ē þonne, / wyrda wealdend, || on þīnne wuldor-drēam, / and me
Resignation 48 an frofre || ðeah ðe ic ær on fyrste lyt / earnode arna || fo
Resignation 50 t mec englas seðeah / geniman on ðinne neawest || nergende cy
Resignation 53 ol seðeah / ðin lim lædan || on laðne sið / ðy læs hi on ð
Resignation 54 || on laðne sið / ðy læs hi on ðone foreðonc || gefeon mot
Resignation 67 ðeah ðu me fela sealde / arna on ðisse eorðan || ðe sie eal
Resignation 72 nd me hyhtan to / frætwian mec on ferðweg || ond fundian / sylf
A.3.25 76 ū iċ ġe·bunden eom / fæste on mīnum ferhþe. || Huru mē f
Resignation 84 ðon ic ðas word spræce / fus on ferðe || swa me on frymðe g
Resignation 84 ræce / fus on ferðe || swa me on frymðe gelomp / yrmðu ofer eo
Resignation 87 onc / modearfoða || ma ðonne on oðrum / fyrhto in folce || for
A.3.25 88 mā þonne on ōðrum, / fyrhtu on folce; || for·þon iċ ā·f
Resignation 92 is him wrað meotud / gnornað on his geoguðe || / ond him ælc
Resignation 98 spræce / longunge fus || ond on lagu ðence / nat min || / hwy i
Resignation 100 min || / hwy ic gebycge || bat on sæwe / fleot on faroðe || nah
Resignation 101 gebycge || bat on sæwe / fleot on faroðe || nah ic fela goldes
Resignation 108 ncynnes || mode gelufian / eorl on eðle || eala dryhten min / mea
Resignation 111 ðe / gelong æfter life || ic on leohte ne mæg / butan earfoðu
The Descent into Hell 1 scent into Hell / / ongunnon him on uhtan || æðelcunde mægð / g
The Descent into Hell 9 on / cwom seo murnende || maria on dægred / heht hy oðre mid ||
A.3.26 12 ū || siġe-bearn godes / ǣnne on þæt eorð-ærn || ðǣr hī
The Descent into Hell 14 hæleð iudea / wendan ðæt he on ðam beorge || bidan sceolde /
A.3.26 15 eorĝe || bīdan sċolde, / ana on ðǣre ēaster-niht. || Huru
The Descent into Hell 16 / wiston ða wifmenn || ða hy on weg cyrdon / ac ðær cwom on u
The Descent into Hell 17 y on weg cyrdon / ac ðær cwom on uhtan || an engla ðreat / beh
The Descent into Hell 27 ten || hælend user / ða he me on ðisne sið || sendan wolde /
The Descent into Hell 55 mid ðystre || se ðegn wæs on wynne / abead ða bealdlice ||
The Descent into Hell 61 / /ige || secan woldest / nu we on ðissum bendum || bidan // / ð
The Descent into Hell 78 emyndig || ond monðwære / wis on ðinum gewitte || ond on ðin
The Descent into Hell 78 / wis on ðinum gewitte || ond on ðinum worde snottor / ðæt ð
A.3.26 80 þone cniht / tō ūs brōhtest on Bethlem. || Bidon we þæs la
The Descent into Hell 81 || bidan we ðæs longe / setan on sorgum || sibbe oflyste / wynnu
A.3.26 86 þæt ċild tō ūs / brōhtest on Bethlem. || Wē þæs bifiend
A.3.26 88 um% || hearde sċoldon / bīdan on bendum. || Bana weorces ġe·
The Descent into Hell 89 / wæron ure ealdfind || ealle on wynnum / ðonne hy gehyrdon ||
The Descent into Hell 91 hy gehyrdon || hu we hreowen/ / /on murnende || mægburg usse / oð
A.3.26 97 e þā synne for·þon / beraþ on ūrum brēostum || tō banan
A.3.26 99 ilnian. / Ēalā Hierusālem || on Iūdēum, / hū þū on ðǣre
A.3.26 100 lem || on Iūdēum, / hū þū on ðǣre stōwe || stille ġe·
A.3.26 103 of singaþ. / Ēalā Iordane || on Iūdēum, / hū þū on ðǣre
A.3.26 104 dane || on Iūdēum, / hū þū on ðǣre stōwe || stille ġe·
A.3.26 108 sie, || hǣlend ūser, / dēope on ġe·dyrstum, || þū eart dr
The Descent into Hell 126 sittan || // hond / ða ðu us on ðisne wræcsið || weoroda d
A.3.26 128 est, / and fore% Hierusālem || on Iūdēum, / sċeall sēo burh n
A.3.26 131 eft-cymes, / and for Iordane || on Iūdēum, / wit unc on ðǣre b
A.3.26 132 rdane || on Iūdēum, / wit unc on ðǣre burnan || baðodon æt
A.3.26 135 ran, / swelċe ġit Iohannis || on Iordane / mid þȳ fulwihte ||
Alms-Giving 1 el bið ðam eorle || ðe him on innan hafað / reðehygdig wer
Pharaoh 2 ær weorudes || wære ealles / on farones fyrde || ða hy folc
A.3.28 8 m || ȳþ%[] / wrāðe wyrde || on weorold-rīċe.
The Lord's Prayer I 1 rayer I / / /g fæder || ðu ðe on heofonum eardast / geweorðad w
The Lord's Prayer I 5 under rodores hrofe || eac ð on on rumre foldan / syle us to d
A.3.3 4 eorn, || drihten herede, / wīs on weorcum || and þās word ā
Azarias 8 rðeode / sindon ðine domas || on dæda gehwam / soðe geswiðde
A.3.3 10 æste, / ēac þīne% willan || on weorold-spēdum / rihte mid rǣ
A.3.3 17 || Wē þæs libbende / worhton on weorolde, || ēac þon wamm d
A.3.3 18 wamm dydon / ieldran ūsse, || on ofer-hyġdum / þīn be·bodu b
A.3.3 25 Nū þū ūsiċ be·wrǣce || on þās wierrestan / eorþ-cining
A.3.3 27 cininges || ǣht-ġe·wealda, / on hæft heoru-grimmes, || sċul
Azarias 33 as / ðæt ðu hyra fromcynn || on fyrndagum / ycan wolde || ðæt
Azarias 35 wolde || ðæt hit æfter him / on cyneryce || cenned wurde / yced
Azarias 36 cyneryce || cenned wurde / yced on eorðan || ðæt swa unrime / h
A.3.3 53 sended, / wlite-sċīene wer || on his wuldor-haman, / cōm him þ
A.3.3 61 ira līċe ne sċōd, / ac wæs on þām ofene%, || þā sē en
Azarias 63 sum || wedere onlicust / ðonne on sumeres tid || sended weorðe
A.3.3 65 mid dæġes hwīle. / Sē wæs on þām fȳre || for frēan mea
A.3.3 69 n, / bǣdon blētsian% || bearn on weorolde / ealle ġe·sċeafte
Azarias 97 rdagas || waldend manna / frean on ferðe || fremest eorðwelan /
Azarias 130 floda bigong || leohtes hyrde / on ðam wuniað || widferende / si
Azarias 131 m wuniað || widferende / siðe on sunde || seldlicra fela / blets
Azarias 142 ðe onhrerað || hreo wægas / on ðam bradan brime || bremen d
A.3.3 156 aþ, / fela-mihtiġne || fæder on heofonum, / þone sōðan sunu
A.3.3 173 ufan / ġe·bunden tō bǣle || on byrnendes / fȳres lēoman. ||
A.3.3 190 e-fæston, / mōdum glēawe, || on mann-þēawum, / þurh fore-þa
Homiletic Fragment II 1 iletic Fragment II / / gefeoh nu on ferðe || ond to frofre geðe
Homiletic Fragment II 19 dfate || halgan gæste / beorht on br/ || /e scan / se wæs ordfru
Riddles 60 5 a cynnes || ðæt minne ðær / on anæde || eard beheolde / ac me
Riddles 60 11 xlan || ðæt is wundres dæl / on sefan searolic || ðam ðe sw
A.3.32 3 cynn || iċ tūdre ā·wēox; / on mec æld[] sċeall || ellor l
The Husband's Message 5 e streamas / /sse || ful oft ic on bates / || gesohte / ðær mec m
The Husband's Message 9 heah hofu || eom nu her cumen / on ceolðele || ond nu cunnan sc
The Husband's Message 11 u ymb modlufan || mines frean / on hyge hycge || ic gehatan dear
The Husband's Message 15 u sinchroden || sylf gemunde / on gewitlocan || wordbeotunga / ð
The Husband's Message 16 locan || wordbeotunga / ðe git on ærdagum || oft gespræcon / ð
The Husband's Message 17 præcon / ðenden git moston || on meoduburgum / eard weardigan ||
The Husband's Message 22 refde / siððan ðu gehyrde || on hliðes oran / galan geomorne |
The Husband's Message 23 s oran / galan geomorne || geac on bearwe / ne læt ðu ðec sið
The Husband's Message 29 t / ðær se ðeoden is || ðin on wenum / ne mæg him worulde ||
The Husband's Message 31 orulde || willa gelimpan / mara on gemyndum || ðæs ðe he me s
The Husband's Message 41 æded || nacan ut aðrong / ond on yða geong || // sceolde / fara
The Husband's Message 42 ða geong || // sceolde / faran on flotweg || forðsiðes georn /
The Husband's Message 53 ndum || læstan wolde / ðe git on ærdagum || oft gespræconn
The Ruin 4 rras / hrungeat berofen || hrim on lime / scearde scurbeorge || sc
The Ruin 13 giet se || /num geheapen / fel on || / grimme gegrunden || / scan
A.3.33 19 e ġe·bræġd || / hwæt-rǣd on hringas, || hyġe-rōf ġe·b
The Ruin 35 ingal || wighyrstum scan / seah on sinc on sylfor || on searogim
The Ruin 35 can / seah on sinc on sylfor || on searogimmas / on ead on æht ||
The Ruin 36 c on sylfor || on searogimmas / on ead on æht || on eorcanstan /
The Ruin 36 searogimmas / on ead on æht || on eorcanstan / on ðas beorhtan b
The Ruin 37 ead on æht || on eorcanstan / on ðas beorhtan burg || bradan
The Ruin 41 || ðær ða baðu wæron / hat on hreðre || ðæt wæs hyðeli
Riddles 61 2 ileac || freolicu meowle / ides on earce || hwilum up ateah / folm
Riddles 61 5 wa hio haten wæs / siððan me on hreðre || heafod sticade / nio
Riddles 61 6 sticade / nioðan upweardne || on nearo fegde / gif ðæs ondfeng
Riddles 62 3 fa / ryhtne geryme || rinc bið on ofeste / se mec on ðyð || æf
Riddles 62 4 || rinc bið on ofeste / se mec on ðyð || æftanweardne / hæle
A.3.34.62 4 tne ġe·rȳme. || Rinċ biþ on ofoste, / sē mec on þȳþ ||
A.3.34.62 5 Rinċ biþ on ofoste, / sē mec on þȳþ || æftan-weardne, / hæ
Riddles 62 7 le hatne || hwilum eft fareð / on nearo nathwær || nydeð swi
A.3.34.62 8 hātne, || hwīlum eft fareþ / on nearu nāthwǣr, || nīedeþ
Riddles 63 3 ær guman drincað / hwilum mec on cofan || cysseð muðe / tillic
A.3.34.63 4 r guman drincaþ. / Hwīlum mec on cofan || cysseþ mūðe / tilli
Riddles 63 5 || ðær wit tu beoð / fæðme on folm/ || /grum ðyð / wyrceð
A.3.34.63 6 ðǣr wit tū bēoþ, / fæðme on folm[]grum þȳþ, || / wyrċe
Riddles 63 10 æg ic ðy miðan || / || /an on leohte / // || / swylce eac bið
A.3.34.63 11 ċ þȳ mīðan, [] || / []ān on lēohte || / [] || / swelċe ē
Riddles 64 2 / beran beorc eoh || bæm wæs on siððe / hæbbendes hyht || h
Riddles 65 3 æghwa mec reafað / hafað mec on headre || ond min heafod scir
Riddles 65 4 min heafod scireð / biteð mec on bær lic || briceð mine wisa
Riddles 66 4 || sæs me sind ealle / flodas on fæðmum || ond ðes foldan b
Riddles 67 1 # Riddles 67 / / ic on ðinge gefrægn || ðeodcynin
Riddles 68 1 les 68 / / ic ða wiht geseah || on weg feran / heo wæs wrætlice
Riddles 69 1 # Riddles 69 / / wundor wearð on wege || wæter wearð to bane
Riddles 70 4 t; || hafaþ eaxle tua / scearp on gescyldrum. || His gesceapo d
Riddles 72 9 rh ðyrel ðearle || ic ðæh on lust / oððæt ic wæs yldra |
Riddles 72 13 en under beame || beag hæfde on healse / wean on laste || weorc
Riddles 72 14 || beag hæfde on healse / wean on laste || weorc ðrowade / earfo
Riddles 72 16 l || oft mec isern scod / sare on sidan || ic swigade / næfre me
Riddles 73 1 # Riddles 73 / / ic on wonge aweox || wunode ðær m
Riddles 73 7 ceolde || wið gesceape minum / on bonan willan || bugan hwilum /
Riddles 73 13 ða fremman / wyrcan w/ || / /ec on ðeode || utan we/ / || /ipe / o
Riddles 73 21 mec // / fægre feormað || ond on fyrd wigeð / cræfte on hæfte
Riddles 73 22 || ond on fyrd wigeð / cræfte on hæfte || cuð is wide / ðæt
Riddles 74 2 xhar cwene / ond ænlic rinc || on ane tid / fleah mid fuglum || o
Riddles 74 3 e tid / fleah mid fuglum || ond on flode swom / deaf under yðe ||
Riddles 74 5 r yðe || dead mid fiscum / ond on foldan stop || hæfde ferð c
Riddles 75 1 dles 75 / / ic swiftne geseah || on swaðe feran / dæg nied lagu h
Riddles 80 4 ec hwilum / hwitloccedu || hond on legeð, / eorles dohtor, || þe
Riddles 80 6 eah hio æþelu sy. / Hæbbe me on bosme || þæt on bearwe gewe
Riddles 80 6 . / Hæbbe me on bosme || þæt on bearwe geweox. / Hwilum ic on w
Riddles 80 7 t on bearwe geweox. / Hwilum ic on wloncum || wicge ride / herges
Riddles 80 8 wloncum || wicge ride / herges on ende; || heard is min tunge. /
Riddles 81 5 steapne / ond sidan twa || sag on middum / eard ofer ældum || ag
Riddles 81 11 /eoseð || ond fealleð snaw / on ðyrelwombne || ond ic ðæt
A.3.34.83 2 s min fram-cynn% || [] / biden on burgum, || siþþan bǣles we
Riddles 84 1 # Riddles 84 / / an wiht is on eorðan || wundrum acenned / hr
Riddles 86 2 || ðær weras sæton / monige on mæðle || mode snottre / hæfd
Riddles 87 4 ðuhte / godlic gumrinc || grap on sona / heofones toðe || / bleow
Riddles 87 6 ona / heofones toðe || / bleowe on eage || hio borcade / wancode w
Riddles 88 5 || wæs min ti/ / // || / /d ic on staðol/ || / /um geong || swa
Riddles 88 11 wæs ðy weorðra || ðe wit on stodan / hyrstum ðy hyrra || f
Riddles 88 19 bæc / wonn ond wundorlic || ic on wuda stonde / bordes on ende ||
Riddles 88 20 c || ic on wuda stonde / bordes on ende || nis min broðor her / a
Riddles 88 21 c sceal broðorleas || bordes on ende / staðol weardian || ston
Riddles 88 23 e / ne wat hwær min broðor || on wera æhtum / eorðan sceata ||
Riddles 89 4 / /tne || leðre wæs beg/ / || /on hindan / grette wea/ || / || li
A.3.34.89 4 []tne, || leðere wæs bēg[] / []on hindan. || / Grētte wēa[] ||
Riddles 92 1 / / ic wæs brunra beot || beam on holte / freolic feorhbora || on
Riddles 92 4 taðol || ond wifes sond / gold on geardum || nu eom guðwigan / h
A.3.34.93 10 hliðu || stīĝan sċolde / up on ēðel, || hwīlum eft ġe·w
A.3.34.93 11 el, || hwīlum eft ġe·wāt / on dēop dalu || duĝuþe sēċa
Riddles 93 12 dalu || duguðe secan / strong on stæpe || stanwongas grof / hri
Riddles 93 14 ara scoc / forst of feaxe || ic on fusum rad / oððæt him ðone
Riddles 93 22 unde weop || ne wrecan meahte / on wigan feore || wonnsceaft min
Riddles 93 26 || w/ /b/ befæðme / ðæt mec on fealleð || ufan ðær ic sto
Riddles 93 31 be || bewaden fereð / steppeð on stið bord || / deaðes d/ ||
A.3.34.95 6 ġif iċ habban sċeall / blǣd on burgum || oþþe beorhtne god
The Phoenix 2 tte is feor heonan / eastdælum on || æðelast londa / firum gefr
The Phoenix 30 gleawe / witgan ðurh wisdom || on gewritum cyðað / ðonne ænig
The Phoenix 50 onhliden weorðað / nis ðær on ðam londe || laðgeniðla / ne
The Phoenix 74 tes frætwe / ne feallað ðær on foldan || fealwe blostman / wud
The Phoenix 76 a wlite || ac ðær wrætlice / on ðam treowum symle || telgan
A.3.4 77 hladene, / ofett ed-nīewe, || on ealle tīd / on þām græs-wan
The Phoenix 78 / ofett edniwe || in ealle tid / on ðam græswonge || grene ston
The Phoenix 81 || no gebrocen weorðeð / holt on hiwe || ðær se halga stenc /
The Phoenix 84 ge / frod fyrngeweorc || se hit on frymðe gescop / ðone wudu wea
The Phoenix 89 || næfre him deað sceðeð / on ðam willwonge || ðenden wor
The Phoenix 97 under waðeman || westdælas on / bideglad on dægred || ond se
The Phoenix 98 man || westdælas on / bideglad on dægred || ond seo deorce nih
The Phoenix 100 strong / fugel feðrum wlonc || on firgenstream / under lyft ofer
A.3.4 107 welf sīðum hine / be·baðaþ on þām burnan || ǣr þæs bē
The Phoenix 112 sundplegan / heahmod hefeð || on heanne beam / ðonan yðast mæ
The Phoenix 113 ne beam / ðonan yðast mæg || on eastwegum / sið bihealdan || h
The Phoenix 123 areð feðrum snell || flyhte on lyfte / swinsað ond singeð ||
The Phoenix 136 n || ne hæleða stefn / ænges on eorðan || ne organan / sweghle
A.3.4 139 ·sċōp / gumum tō glēowe || on þās ġōmran weorold. / Singe
The Phoenix 141 blissad / oððæt seo sunne || on suðrodor / sæged weorðeð ||
The Phoenix 160 || ofer fugla cynn / geðungen on ðeode || ond ðrage mid him /
A.3.4 168 sċearplīċe, || þæt hē on sċade weardaþ, / on wudu-bear
The Phoenix 169 || ðæt he in scade weardað / on wudubearwe || weste stowe / bih
The Phoenix 171 negum / ðær he heanne beam || on holtwuda / wunað ond weardað
The Phoenix 174 ofe || ðone hatað men / fenix on foldan || of ðæs fugles nom
The Phoenix 178 æt se ana is || ealra beama / on eorðwege || uplædendra / beor
The Phoenix 188 rm || weorodum lyhteð / ðonne on ðam telgum || timbran onginn
A.3.4 200 le. || Þǣr hē self bireþ / on þæt trēow innan || torhte
A.3.4 201 we; / ðǣr sē wilda fuĝol || on þām wēstenne / ofer hēanne
A.3.4 204 | and ġe·wīcaþ ðǣr / self on þām solore || and ymb·sete
A.3.4 205 lore || and ymb·seteþ ūtan / on þām leaf-sċade || līċ an
The Phoenix 206 leafsceade || lic ond feðre / on healfa gehware || halgum sten
The Phoenix 209 es fus || ðonne swegles gim / on sumeres tid || sunne hatost / o
The Phoenix 214 eð / swetum swæccum || ðonne on swole byrneð / ðurh fyres fen
The Phoenix 220 / lænne lichoman || lif bið on siðe / fæges feorhhord || ðo
The Phoenix 231 f ðam ade || æples gelicnes / on ðære ascan bið || eft geme
The Phoenix 234 æde / scir of scylle || ðonne on sceade weaxeð / ðæt he æres
The Phoenix 237 || ðonne furðor gin / wridað on wynnum || ðæt he bið wæst
The Phoenix 244 ondleofne || eorðan wæstmas / on hærfeste || ham gelædeð / wi
The Phoenix 246 e wynsume || ær wintres cyme / on rypes timan || ðy læs hi re
The Phoenix 254 nsawen || ðonne sunnan glæm / on lenctenne || lifes tacen / wece
The Phoenix 260 || no he foddor ðigeð / mete on moldan || nemne meledeawes / d
A.3.4 265 nne biþ ā·weaxen || wyrtum on ġe·maniġe / fuĝol feðerum
The Phoenix 278 ft / sunbeorht gesetu || seceð on wynnum / eadig eðellond || eal
The Phoenix 281 e wæs / ða hine ærest god || on ðone æðelan wong / sigorfæs
The Phoenix 284 ngeð || ða ær brondes wylm / on beorhstede || bæle forðylmd
The Phoenix 287 eaducræftig || ban ond yslan / on ðam ealonde || bið him edni
A.3.4 303 st, / glādum ġimme, || þonne on gold-fæte / smiða orþancum |
The Phoenix 311 n / fealwe fotas || se fugel is on hiwe / æghwæs ænlic || onlic
The Phoenix 328 ð || scyppendes giefe / fægre on ðam fugle || swa him æt fru
The Phoenix 333 m cyðað / mundum mearciað || on marmstane / hwonne se dæg ond
The Phoenix 336 hthwates || ðonne fugla cynn / on healfa gehwone || heapum ðri
The Phoenix 340 an || hringe beteldað / flyhte on lyfte || fenix bið on middum
The Phoenix 340 flyhte on lyfte || fenix bið on middum / ðreatum biðrungen ||
A.3.4 355 onne sē æðeling biþ / ġung on ġeardum. || God ana wāt, / cy
A.3.4 363 ma || wudu-holtum inn, / wunian on wange, || oþ·þæt wintra b
The Phoenix 385 r geardagum || geofona neotan / on sindreamum || ond siððan a /
A.3.4 386 mum || and siþþan ā / wunian on wuldre% || weorca tō lēane.
A.3.4 389 | Crīstes þeġnum / bēacnaþ on burgum, || hū hīe beorhtne
The Phoenix 390 gefean / ðurh fæder fultum || on ðas frecnan tid / healdað und
A.3.4 392 onum || and him hēanne blǣd / on þām upplican || ēðle ġe
The Phoenix 395 ra sped / ond hi ða gesette || on ðone selestan / foldan sceata
The Phoenix 400 eoðorcwide || healdan woldan / on ðam niwan gefean || ðær hi
A.3.4 414 we be·swāc / ieldran ūsse || on ǣr-daĝum / þurh fǣcne ferh
A.3.4 416 , || þæt hīe feorr þonan / on þās dēað-dene || drohtaþ
A.3.4 430 s hleo || hēah ġe·mēteþ, / on þām hē ġe·timbreþ || t
The Phoenix 432 elestum || eardwic niwe / nest on bearwe || bið him neod micel
The Phoenix 440 g || ond wuldres setl / leoflic on laste || tugon longne sið / in
A.3.4 441 āste, || tuĝon langne sīþ / on hearmra hand, || ðǣr him he
The Phoenix 446 ð / heofona heahcyning || hold on mode / ðæt is se hea beam ||
A.3.4 447 e. / Þæt is sē hēa bēam || on þām hālġe nū / wīċ weard
The Phoenix 450 tre sceððan / facnes tacne || on ðas frecnan tid / ðær him ne
The Phoenix 455 nd him dryhten gecygð / fæder on fultum || forð onetteð / læn
A.3.4 458 || healdeþ metodes ǣ / beald on brēostum || and ġe·bedu s
A.3.4 464 || þām biþ drihten sċield / on sīða ġe·hwone, || siĝora
A.3.4 470 nest ġe·wyrċeþ. / Swā nū on þām wīcum || willan fremma
A.3.4 475 yrtum || wīċ ġe·staðolod / on wuldres byriġ || weorca tō
The Phoenix 484 mes || mid heahcyning / earnað on elne || oððæt ende cymeð /
A.3.4 487 aldor ānra ġe·hwæs || and on eorðan fæðm / snūde sendeþ
The Phoenix 491 ðeahte / ðonne monge beoð || on gemot læded / fyra cynnes || w
The Phoenix 496 riste || ealle gefremmað / men on moldan || swa se mihtiga cyni
A.3.4 502 weorold, / sċyld-wyrċende, || on sċame byrneþ, / āde on·ǣle
The Phoenix 504 weorðeð anra gehwylc / forht on ferððe || ðonne fyr brice
The Phoenix 508 geð / londes frætwe || ðonne on leoht cymeð / ældum ðisses |
A.3.4 509 oht cymeþ / ældum þisses || on þā openan tīd / fǣġer and
A.3.4 517 . || Wēl biþ þām þe mōt / on þā ġōmran tīd || gode l
A.3.4 520 d-mōde, || gæstas hweorfaþ / on bān-fatu, || þonne bryne st
The Phoenix 525 dom / forhtafæred || fyr bið on tihte / æleð uncyste || ðær
A.3.4 553 ortan ġe·þancum, / þæt iċ on mīnum neste || nēo-bedd ċ
The Phoenix 555 rawerig || gewite hean ðonan / on longne sið || lame bitolden /
A.3.4 556 olden, / ġōmor ġō-dǣda, || on grēotes fæðm, / and þonne a
The Phoenix 564 lissa || ðeah min lic scyle / on moldærne || molsnad weorðan
A.3.4 567 le || sāwle ā·līeseþ / and on wuldor ā·weċeþ. || Mē þ
A.3.4 568 æs wēn nǣfre / for·birsteþ on brēostum, || þe iċ on bre
A.3.4 568 teþ on brēostum, || þe iċ on breĝu engla / forþ·weardne
The Phoenix 570 ste hæbbe / ðus frod guma || on fyrndagum / gieddade gleawmod |
A.3.4 572 pell-boda, / ymb his ǣriste || on ēċe līf, / þæt we þȳ ġe
The Phoenix 578 yne || lædeð siððan / fugel on fotum || to frean geardum / sun
A.3.4 582 ung, || ðǣr ǣniġ ne mæġ / on þām lēodsċipe || lǣþþu
A.3.4 586 wod, || fuĝole ġe·līcost, / on ēad-welum% || æðelum stenc
A.3.4 588 teþ / wlitiġ ofer weorodum || on wuldres byriġ. / Þonne sōþf
A.3.4 593 bredode, || blissum hrēmġe, / on þām gladan hām, || gæstas
A.3.4 597 de, / swā sē fuĝol fenix, || on friðu dryhtnes, / wlitiġe on
A.3.4 598 on friðu dryhtnes, / wlitiġe on wuldre. || Weorc ānra ġe·h
A.3.4 599 e·hwæs / beorhte blīceþ || on þām blīðan% hām / fore ans
A.3.4 601 ene || ēċan dryhtnes, / simle on sibbe, || sunnan ġe·līċe.
A.3.4 607 || seldliċ glenġeþ / lēohte on līfe, || ðǣr sē langa ġe
A.3.4 609 | ǣfre ne sweðraþ, / ac hīe on wlite wuniaþ, || wuldre be·
The Phoenix 611 mid fæder engla / ne bið him on ðam wicum || wiht to sorge / w
The Phoenix 629 uldres / uppe mid englum || ond on eorðan somod / gefreoða usic
A.3.4 631 þū eart fæder æl-mehtiġ / on ēannesse, || heofona wealden
A.3.4 633 mmende, / mānes ā·merede, || on ðǣre mǣran byriġ; / cyne-þ
The Phoenix 635 yðað || caseres lof / singað on swegle || soðfæstra gedryht
The Phoenix 638 æfre / eades ongyn || ðeah he on eorðan her / ðurh cildes had
A.3.4 640 ċildes hād || cenned wǣre / on middan-ġeard, || hwæðere h
The Phoenix 643 ce || ðeah he deaðes cwealm / on rode treow || ræfnan sceolde
A.3.4 647 | Swā fenix bēacnaþ, / ġung on ġeardum, || god-bearnes meah
A.3.4 649 of ascum || eft on·wæcneþ% / on līfes līf, || lēomum ġe·
A.3.4 658 ldan gode, || mōd ā·fȳsed / on drēama drēam, || ðǣr hīe
A.3.4 660 and weorca || wynsumne stenċ / on þā mǣran ġe·sċeaft || m
A.3.4 661 ·sċeaft || metode bringaþ, / on þæt lēohte līf. || Sīe h
A.3.4 663 es blǣd, / ār and anweald, || on þām uplican / rodera rīċe.
The Phoenix 664 uplican / rodera rice || he is on ryht cyning / middangeardes ||
A.3.4 666 rymmes, / wuldre be·wunden || on ðǣre wlitiĝan byriġ. / Hafa
A.3.4 669 -dǣdum be·ġietan || gaudia on celo, / ðǣr we mōton% || max
A.3.4 672 ttan || sedibus altis, / libban on lisse || lucis et pacis, / āĝ
A.3.5 2 dēman dǣd-hwate, || þætte on daĝum ġe·lamp / Maximianes,
Juliana 6 stne men || circan fylde / geat on græswong || godhergendra / hæ
A.3.5 21 eard weardode || oftost simle / on ðǣre ċeastre || Commedia, /
A.3.5 28 itt bræc), / Iulianan. || Hēo on gǣste bær / hālġe trēowe,
Juliana 35 ne || hu heo from hogde / geong on gæste || hire wæs godes egs
A.3.5 36 Hire wæs godes eġesa / māra on ġe·myndum, || þonne eall
A.3.5 37 þæt māðum-ġe·steald / þe on þæs æðelinges || ǣhtum w
Juliana 39 ifta / goldspedig guma || georn on mode / ðæt him mon fromlicast
Juliana 45 eah / ond ðæt word acwæð || on wera mengu / ic ðe mæg gesecg
Juliana 69 að / geywed orwyrðu || heo me on an sagað / ðæt heo mæglufan
Juliana 72 denne || me ða fraceðu sind / on modsefan || mæste weorce / ð
Juliana 77 um weorðian || wordum lofian / on hyge hergan || oððe hi nabb
Juliana 85 / ðæt ic hy ne sparige || ac on spild giefe / ðeoden mæra ||
A.3.5 94 ereste / and sēo swēteste || on sefan mīnum, / ānġe for eor
Juliana 96 ra eagna leoht / iuliana || ðu on geaðe hafast / ðurh ðin orle
A.3.5 144 ā·cwæþ: / ‘On·wend þeċ on ġe·witte || and þā word o
Juliana 159 canus / fæder fæmnan ageaf || on feonda geweald / heliseo || he
A.3.5 160 da ġe·weald / Heliseo. || Hē on ǣringe / ġe·lǣdan hēt || a
Juliana 163 his domsetle || duguð wafade / on ðære fæmnan wlite || folc
A.3.5 182 eppend, / metod mann-cynnes, || on þæs meahtum sind / ā būtan
Juliana 191 ealdordom || uncres gewynnes / on fruman gefongen || gen ic feo
Juliana 204 nyde sceal || niða gebæded / on ðære grimmestan || godscyld
Juliana 228 feaxe het / ahon ond ahebban || on heanne beam / ðær seo sunscie
A.3.5 234 ne. || Hire wæs Crīstes lof / on ferhð-locan || fæste be·wu
A.3.5 240 ortan, || heofon-rīċes god, / on þām nīed-clafan, || nerġe
A.3.5 243 sīþ. || þā cōm samnunga / on þæt hlin-reċed || hæleþa
Juliana 253 ond his godum cweman / wes ðu on ofeste || swa he ðec ut heon
Juliana 282 e || ðe mec læreð from ðe / on stearcne weg || hyre stefn on
A.3.5 294 on. || þā ġīen iċ Herode / on hyġe be·swēop% || þæt h
Juliana 305 rus ond paulus || pilatus ær / on rode aheng || rodera waldend /
Juliana 309 | andreas het / ahon haligne || on heanne beam / ðæt he of galga
A.3.5 311 lĝan his || gǣst on·sende / on wuldres wlite. || Þus iċ wr
Juliana 321 rwena / hwæt mec min fæder || on ðas fore to ðe / hellwarena c
A.3.5 324 m, || sē is yfela ġe·hwæs / on þām grorn-hofe || ġeornful
Juliana 328 || we beoð hygegeomre / forhte on ferððe || ne bið us frea m
Juliana 334 ræran / gif we gemette sin || on moldwege / oððe feor oððe n
A.3.5 336 æt hīe ūsiċ binden || and on bǣl-wielme / sūslum swingen.
Juliana 342 arslege || nu ðu sylfa meaht / on sefan ðinum || soð gecnawan
A.3.5 376 ra lufan || lenge ġe·wunian / on ġe·bedd-stōwe. || Swā iċ
A.3.5 388 le gode swīcan. / ac hē beald on ġe·bede || bīd-steall ġie
Juliana 389 ede || bidsteal gifeð / fæste on feðan || ic sceal feor ðona
A.3.5 391 orfan, || hroðra be·dǣled, / on glēda grīpe, || ġīehþu m
A.3.5 405 urh earh-fære || inn onsende / on brēost-sefan || bitere ġe·
A.3.5 413 ierred || mē tō ġe·wealde / on synna sēaþ. || Iċ ðǣre s
Juliana 415 onne ðæs lichoman || se ðe on legre sceal / weorðan in worul
A.3.5 416 e on leġre sċeall / weorðan on weorolde || wyrme tō hrōðo
A.3.5 417 wyrme tō hrōðor, / be·folen on foldan.’ || þā ġīen sē
Juliana 420 c geðyde || ðystra stihtend / on clænra gemong || ðu wið cr
A.3.5 434 ǣġhwæs or-wīġne. || Þū on ēċne god, / þrymm-sittendne,
A.3.5 436 etod mann-cynnes, || swā iċ on mīnne fæder, / hell-warena% c
A.3.5 439 wiþ sōþfæstum, / þæt iċ on mān-weorcum || mōd on·cier
Juliana 443 gum || swa me her gelamp / sorg on siðe || ic ðæt sylf gecneo
Juliana 447 rodorcyninges giefe || se ðe on rode treo / geðrowade || ðrym
Juliana 466 ehwylc / ðolian ond ðafian || on ðinne dom / womdæda onwreon |
A.3.5 473 bræc bealu-searwum, || sume on bryne sende, / on līeġes loca
A.3.5 474 rwum, || sume on bryne sende, / on līeġes locan, || þæt him
Juliana 478 eton / ðurh ædra wylm || sume on yðfare / wurdon on wege || wæ
Juliana 479 ylm || sume on yðfare / wurdon on wege || wætrum bisencte / on m
Juliana 480 n on wege || wætrum bisencte / on mereflode || minum cræftum / u
Juliana 482 ealh / ðæt hi hyra dreorge || on hean galgan / lif aletan || sum
A.3.5 487 ōht of wǣġe, || þæt hīe on wīn-sele / þurh sweord-grīpe
Juliana 510 worulde || fira cynne / eorlum on eorðan || ne wæs ænig ðar
A.3.5 528 e || sīþfæt þisne / mǣĝum on ġe·maniġe, || þonne iċ m
A.3.5 530 rn-ċeariġ || gafol-rǣdenne / on þām rēongan hām.’ || þ
Juliana 533 am engan hofe || ut gelædan / on hyge halge || hæðnum to spr
A.3.5 545 ċūan || hell-warena% cyning / on fēonda byriġ; || þæt is%
A.3.5 549 e sīþ || ǣniġ ne mētte  / on weorold-rīċe || wīf% þē
Juliana 551 htimbran / mægða cynnes || is on me sweotul / ðæt ðu unscamge
Juliana 553 u unscamge || æghwæs wurde / on ferðe frod || ða hine seo f
A.3.5 555 c-hwīle || þīestra nēosan / on sweartne grund, || sāwla ġe
Juliana 556 artne grund || sawla gewinnan / on wita forwyrd || wiste he ði
Juliana 558 cgan / susles ðegnum || hu him on siðe gelomp / || georne ær / h
Juliana 560 gelomp / || georne ær / heredon on heahðu || ond his halig word
Juliana 568 halie stod / mægða bealdor || on ðam midle gesund / ðæt ðam
A.3.5 583 e·bolĝen / leahtra lēase || on þæs lēades wielm / sċūfan
Juliana 587 arasad for ðy ræse || ðær on rime forborn / ðurh ðæs fire
A.3.5 592 d, / ne līċ ne liðu. || Hēo on līeġe stōd / ǣġhwæs ansun
Juliana 597 nade || ond gristbitade / wedde on gewitte || swa wilde deor / gry
Juliana 604 orgcearig || ðurh sweordbite / on hyge halge || heafde bineotan
Juliana 626 c bendum fæst || bisga unrim / on anre niht || earfeða dreag / y
Juliana 630 / feond moncynnes || ongon ða on fleam sceacan / wita neosan ||
Juliana 644 eode / ond eal engla cynn || up on roderum / hergen heahmægen ||
Juliana 675 ofer laguflod || longe hwile / on swonrade || swylt ealle forno
A.3.5 683 / Ne þorfton þā þeġnas || on þām þīestran hām, / sēo
A.3.5 684 m, / sēo ġe·nēat-sċolu || on þām neolwan sċræfe, / tō
A.3.5 686 ītedra wēnan, || þæt hīe on wīn-sele / ofer bēor-setle% |
A.3.5 691 e hit ġe·brōhton || burgum on innan, / sīd-folc miċel. ||
Juliana 700 an || min sceal of lice / sawul on siðfæt || nat ic sylfa hwid
A.3.5 711 sīþ oþþe ǣr / ġe·worhte on weorolde. || Þæt iċ wōpi
Juliana 715 lic || geador siðedan / onsund on earde || ðonne arna biðearf
Juliana 723 pe gefremme / meahta waldend || on ðam miclan dæge / fæder frof
A.3.5 724 e, / fæder, frōfre gǣst, || on þā frēcnan tīd, / dǣda dē
A.3.5 727 þrīness || þrymm-sittende / on ānnesse || ielda cynne / þurh
Juliana 731 ðelinga wyn / milde gemeten || on ða mæran tid / amen ||
A.3.5 731 nga wynn, / milde ġe·meten || on þā mǣran tīd. || Amen.
A.3.6 12 ċ tō sōðe wāt / þæt biþ on eorle || in·drihten þēaw, /
A.3.6 18 m-ġeorne || drēoriġne oft / on hira brēost-cofan || bindaþ
A.3.6 27 ah || findan meahte / þone þe on medu-healle || min% mīne wis
The Wanderer 35 cgas || ond sincðege / hu hine on geoguðe || his goldwine / wene
The Wanderer 41 || oft gebindað / ðinceð him on mode || ðæt he his mondryht
The Wanderer 42 yhten / clyppe ond cysse || ond on cneo lecge / honda ond heafod |
A.3.6 44 afod, || swā hē hwīlum ǣr / on ġe·ār-daĝum || ġief-stō
The Wanderer 53 ecga geseldan || swimmað eft on weg / fleotendra ferð || no ð
A.3.6 65 , || ǣr hē āge wintra dæl / on weorold-rīċe. || Wita sċea
A.3.6 81 | Sume wīġ for·nam, / ferede on forþ-weġe, || sumne fuĝol
A.3.6 84 de, || sumne drēoriġ-hlēor / on eorþ-sċræfe || eorl ġe·h
A.3.6 90 ēope ġond·þenċeþ, / frōd on ferhþe, || feorr oft ġe·ma
The Wanderer 97 swa heo no wære / stondeð nu on laste || leofre duguðe / weal
The Wanderer 105 / hreo hæglfare || hæleðum on andan / eall is earfoðlic || e
The Wanderer 111 weorðeð / swa cwæð snottor on mode || gesæt him sundor æt
The Wanderer 115 m are seceð / frofre to fæder on heofonum || ðær us eal seo
The Gifts of Men 1 # The Gifts of Men / / fela bið on foldan || forðgesynra / geongr
A.3.7 3 ā þā gǣst-berend / weġaþ on ġe·witte, || swā hēr weor
The Gifts of Men 9 ænig ðæs || earfoðsælig / m on on moldan || ne ðæs medsped
The Gifts of Men 13 fta || oððe mægendæda / wis on gewitte || oððe on wordcwid
The Gifts of Men 13 æda / wis on gewitte || oððe on wordcwidum / ðy læs ormod sy
A.3.7 15 þāra þe hē ġe·worhte || on weorold-līfe, / ġeofona ġe·
A.3.7 19 wīðe || þurh snytru-cræft / on þēode þrymm || þisses lī
The Gifts of Men 35 ð || sum freolic bið / wlitig on wæstmum || sum bið woðbora
The Gifts of Men 37 sum bið gearuwyrdig / sum bið on huntoðe || hreðeadigra / deor
A.3.7 41 n, || ðǣr bord stunaþ. / Sum on mæðle mæġ || mōd-snotora
The Gifts of Men 52 cytte / sum leoða gleaw || sum on londe snel / feðespedig || sum
The Gifts of Men 53 londe snel / feðespedig || sum on fealone wæg / stefnan steoreð
The Gifts of Men 69 de || sum bið ðegn gehweorf / on meoduhealle || sum bið meare
A.3.7 71 Sum ġe·wealden-mōd / þafaþ on ġe·þylde || þæt hē þon
A.3.7 90 nnes, / biþ ā wiþ firenum || on ġe·feoht ġearu. / Sum cræft
The Gifts of Men 92 hafað || circnytta fela / mæg on lofsongum || lifes waldend / hl
The Gifts of Men 106 ond his giefe bryttað / sumum on cystum || sumum on cræftum / s
The Gifts of Men 106 tað / sumum on cystum || sumum on cræftum / sumum on wlite || su
The Gifts of Men 107 um || sumum on cræftum / sumum on wlite || sumum on wige / sumum
The Gifts of Men 107 ftum / sumum on wlite || sumum on wige / sumum he syleð monna ||
Precepts 10 ehwylcne || gif him sy meotud on lufan / wes ðu ðinum yldrum |
A.3.8 12 le, / fǣġer-wyrde || and þē on ferhþe lǣt / þīne lārēowa
A.3.8 13 t / þīne lārēowas || lēofe on mōde, / þā þeċ ġeornast |
Precepts 35 rg ðe || ond dollic word / man on mode || ond in muðe lyge / yrr
A.3.8 35 ċ word, / mān on mōde || and on mūðe lyġe, / ierre and æfst
A.3.8 38 ian, / sē þe ġe·wīteþ || on wīfes lufan, / fremdre mēowla
A.3.8 47 ċēd simle || sċearpe mōde / on sefan þīnum || and þe ā
A.3.8 51 ne wiþ, / feorma þū simle || on þīnum ferhþe god.’ / Seofe
A.3.8 62 lǣr-ġe·dēfe, / wēne þeċ on wīsdōm, || weoroda sċieppe
Precepts 74 | ond frean domas / ða ðe her on mægðe gehwære || men forl
Precepts 80 him wommas || worda ond dæda / on sefan symle || ond soð freme
A.3.8 84 || ǣfre ġe·wealdan, / hēah on hreðre, || heoru-worda grund
Precepts 86 mitan || ac him warnað ðæt / on geheortum hyge || hæle sceal
A.3.8 88 e, || mōdes snottor, / glēaw on ġe·hydġum, || ġeorn wīsd
Precepts 91 e || ne to tweospræce / ne ðe on mode læt || men to fracoðe /
Precepts 92 ðe / ac beo leofwende || leoht on gehygdum / ber breostcofan || s
A.3.9 5 e·biden hæbbe, / ġe·cunnod on ċēole || ċear-selda fela, /
The Seafarer 13 | ðæt se mon ne wat / ðe him on foldan || fægrost limpeð / hu
A.3.9 28 e āh līfes wynn / ġe·biden on burgum, || bealu-sīða hwon,
A.3.9 30 -gāl, || hū iċ wēriġ oft / on brim-lāde || bīdan sċolde /
The Seafarer 32 rim hrusan bond || hægl feol on eorðan / corna caldast || for
A.3.9 40 s ġiefena þæs gōd, || nē on ġuĝuþe tō þæs hwæt, / n
A.3.9 41 uĝuþe tō þæs hwæt, / nē on his dǣdum tō þæs dēor, |
The Seafarer 47 c a hafað longunge || se ðe on lagu fundað / bearwas blostmum
The Seafarer 52 iðe || ðam ðe swa ðenceð / on flodwegas || feor gewitan / swy
A.3.9 55 rd, || sorĝe bēodeþ / bitter on brēost-hord. || Þæt sē be
The Seafarer 63 g || gielleð anfloga / hweteð on hwælweg || hreðer unwearnum
The Seafarer 66 | ðonne ðis deade lif / læne on londe || ic gelyfe no / ðæt h
The Seafarer 74 st / ðæt he gewyrce || ær he on weg scyle / fremum on foldan ||
The Seafarer 75 || ær he on weg scyle / fremum on foldan || wið feonda nið / de
The Seafarer 85 him || mærða gefremedon / ond on dryhtlicestum || dome lifdon /
The Seafarer 91 || geond middangeard / yldo him on fareð || onsyn blacað / gomel
A.3.9 108 staþolaþ, || for·þon hē on his meahte ġe·līefeþ / Stī
The Seafarer 109 al strongum mode || ond ðæt on staðelum healdan / ond gewis w
The Seafarer 114 e wille fyres || fulne / oððe on bæle || forbærnedne / his gew
A.3.9 120 ilien, || þæt we tō mōten / on þā ēċan || ēadiġ·nesse
A.3.9 121 e, / ðǣr is līf ġe·lang || on lufan dryhtnes, / hiht on heofo
A.3.9 122 ng || on lufan dryhtnes, / hiht on heofonum. || Þæs sīe þām
A.3.9 124 res ealdor, / ēċe drihten, || on ealle tīd. || Amen.
A.4.1 1 wulf / / Hwæt. Wē Gār-Dena || on ġār-daĝum, / þēod-cyninga,
A.4.1 13 wæs || aefter cenned, / ġung on ġeardum, || þone God sende /
A.4.1 19 eldes eafora || Sċede-landum on. / Swā sċeall ġung% guma% ||
Beowulf 21 ewyrcean / fromum feohgiftum || on fæder bearme / ðæt hine on y
Beowulf 22 | on fæder bearme / ðæt hine on ylde || eft gewunigen / wilgesi
A.4.1 25 ǣsten; || lof-dǣdum sċeall / on mǣġþa ġe·hwǣre || man
Beowulf 27 escæphwile / felahror feran || on frean wære / hi hyne ða ætb
Beowulf 35 ofne ðeoden / beaga bryttan || on bearm scipes / mærne be mæste
Beowulf 40 dum / billum ond byrnum || him on bearme læg / madma mænigo ||
Beowulf 42 ænigo || ða him mid scoldon / on flodes æht || feor gewitan / n
Beowulf 49 od || leton holm beran / geafon on garsecg || him wæs geomor se
Beowulf 53 ðæm hlæste onfeng / ða wæs on burgum || beowulf scyldinga / l
A.4.1 60 er bearn || forþ ġe·rīmed / on weorold wōcon, || weoroda r
Beowulf 67 geweox / magodriht micel || him on mod bearn / ðæt healreced ||
Beowulf 71 n || æfre gefrunon / ond ðær on innan || eall gedælan / geongu
Beowulf 76 ard / folcstede frætwan || him on fyrste gelomp / ædre mid yldum
A.4.1 87 ĝe ġe·þolode, || sē þe on þīestrum bād, / þæt hē d
A.4.1 89 | drēam ġe·hīerde / hlūdne on healle; || ðǣr wæs hearpan
Beowulf 101 ongan / fyrene fremman || feond on helle / wæs se grimma gæst ||
A.4.1 107 ppend || for·sċrifen hæfde / on Cāines% cynne. || Þone cwea
Beowulf 122 na wæs / reoc ond reðe || ond on ræste genam / ðritig ðegna |
Beowulf 126 fylle || wica neosan / ða wæs on uhtan || mid ærdæge / grendle
Beowulf 137 e ond fyrene || wæs to fæst on ðam / ða wæs eaðfynde || ð
A.4.1 180 ra hiht; || helle ġe·mundon / on mōd-sefan, || metod hīe ne
A.4.1 185 nīþ || sāwle be·sċūfan / on fȳres fæðm, || frōfre ne
Beowulf 192 swyð / lað ond longsum || ðe on ða leode becom / nydwracu nið
Beowulf 197 ncynnes || mægenes strengest / on ðæm dæge || ðysses lifes /
Beowulf 210 rst forð gewat || flota wæs on yðum / bat under beorge || beo
Beowulf 212 nder beorge || beornas gearwe / on stefn stigon || streamas wund
Beowulf 214 d wið sande || secgas bæron / on bearm nacan || beorhte frætw
Beowulf 216 olic || guman ut scufon / weras on wilsið || wudu bundenne / gewa
Beowulf 225 non up hraðe / wedera leode || on wang stigon / sæwudu sældon |
Beowulf 242 esæta || ægwearde heold / ðe on land dena || laðra nænig / mi
Beowulf 249 n || ðonne is eower sum / secg on searwum || nis ðæt seldguma
Beowulf 253 e fyr heonan / leassceaweras || on land dena / furður feran || nu
Beowulf 264 n / gebad wintra worn || ær he on weg hwurfe / gamol of geardum |
Beowulf 285 olað || ðenden ðær wunað / on heahstede || husa selest / wear
Beowulf 286 lest / weard maðelode || ðær on wicge sæt / ombeht unforht ||
Beowulf 295 eowerne / niwtyrwydne || nacan on sande / arum healdan || oððæ
Beowulf 302 n || flota stille bad / seomode on sale || sidfæðmed scip / on a
Beowulf 303 e on sale || sidfæðmed scip / on ancre fæst || eoforlic scion
Beowulf 310 endum / receda under roderum || on ðæm se rica bad / lixte se le
A.4.1 323 n, || hrinġ-iren sċīr / sang on searwum, || þā hīe tō sel
A.4.1 324 || þā hīe tō sele furðum / on hira gryre-ġeatwum || gangan
Beowulf 368 cwida || glædman hroðgar / hy on wiggetawum || wyrðe ðincea
Beowulf 380 ritiges / manna mægencræft || on his mundgripe / heaðorof hæbb
Beowulf 386 æce || madmas beodan / beo ðu on ofeste || hat in gan / seon sib
A.4.1 386 / Bēo þū on ofoste, || hāt on gān / sêon sibbe-ġe·dryht |
A.4.1 395 an. / Nū ġē mōton gangan || on ēowrum gūð-ġetawum% / under
Beowulf 404 heard under helme || ðæt he on heoðe gestod / beowulf maðelo
Beowulf 405 e gestod / beowulf maðelode || on him byrne scan / searonet seowe
Beowulf 409 bbe ic mærða fela / ongunnen on geogoðe || me wearð grendle
Beowulf 410 e || me wearð grendles ðing / on minre eðeltyrf || undyrne cu
Beowulf 421 eband / yðde eotena cyn || ond on yðum slog / niceras nihtes ||
A.4.1 443 le, || ġif hē wealdan mōt, / on þǣm gūþ-sele || Ġēatena
Beowulf 466 um weold || folce deniga / ond on geogoðe heold || ginne rice /
Beowulf 473 wor / sorh is me to secganne || on sefan minum / gumena ængum ||
Beowulf 475 wæt me grendel hafað / hynðo on heorote || mid his heteðancu
Beowulf 478 gewanod || hie wyrd forsweop / on grendles gryre || god eaðe m
A.4.1 482 || ōret-meċġas / þæt hīe on bēor-sele || bīdan woldon / G
Beowulf 484 ðonne wæs ðeos medoheal || on morgentid / drihtsele dreorfah
Beowulf 492 eatmæcgum || geador ætsomne / on beorsele || benc gerymed / ðæ
Beowulf 495 || ðegn nytte beheold / se ðe on handa bær || hroden ealowæg
Beowulf 497 red || scop hwilum sang / hador on heorote || ðær wæs hæleð
Beowulf 507 f || se ðe wið brecan wunne / on sidne sæ || ymb sund flite /
Beowulf 509 cunnedon / ond for dolgilpe || on deop wæter / aldrum neðdon ||
Beowulf 512 te / sorhfullne sið || ða git on sund reon / ðær git eagorstre
Beowulf 516 um weol / wintrys wylmum || git on wæteres æht / seofon niht swu
Beowulf 518 æfde mare mægen || ða hine on morgentid / on heaðoræmas ||
Beowulf 519 gen || ða hine on morgentid / on heaðoræmas || holm up ætb
Beowulf 534 trengo || maran ahte / earfeðo on yðum || ðonne ænig oðer m
Beowulf 537 tedon || wæron begen ða git / on geogoðfeore || ðæt wit on
Beowulf 537 / on geogoðfeore || ðæt wit on garsecg ut / aldrum neðdon ||
Beowulf 539 æfdon swurd nacod || ða wit on sund reon / heard on handa || w
Beowulf 540 || ða wit on sund reon / heard on handa || wit unc wið hronfix
Beowulf 543 eor || fleotan meahte / hraðor on holme || no ic fram him wolde
Beowulf 544 him wolde / ða wit ætsomne || on sæ wæron / fif nihta fyrst ||
Beowulf 552 fremede / beadohrægl broden || on breostum læg / golde gegyrwed
Beowulf 555 dscaða || fæste hæfde / grim on grape || hwæðre me gyfeðe
Beowulf 565 mbsæton || sægrunde neah / ac on mergenne || mecum wunde / be y
Beowulf 575 fsloh / niceras nigene || no ic on niht gefrægn / under heofones
Beowulf 577 hwealf || heardran feohtan / ne on egstreamum || earmran mannon /
Beowulf 580 ðbær / flod æfter faroðe || on finna land / wadu weallendu ||
A.4.1 588 ēafod-māĝum; || þæs þū on helle% sċealt / wierhþu drēo
Beowulf 593 læca || ealdre ðinum / hynðo on heorote || gif ðin hige wær
Beowulf 607 ed || suðan scineð / ða wæs on salum || sinces brytta / gamolf
Beowulf 609 e / brego beorhtdena || gehyrde on beowulfe / folces hyrde || fæs
Beowulf 614 ig / grette goldhroden || guman on healle / ond ða freolic wif ||
Beowulf 618 beorðege / leodum leofne || he on lust geðeah / symbel ond selef
Beowulf 627 ire se willa gelamp / ðæt heo on ænigne || eorl gelyfde / fyren
Beowulf 632 wes / ic ðæt hogode || ða ic on holm gestah / sæbat gesæt ||
Beowulf 635 oda / willan geworhte || oððe on wæl crunge / feondgrapum fæst
Beowulf 638 rlic ellen || oððe endedæg / on ðisse meoduhealle || minne g
Beowulf 642 / ða wæs eft swa ær || inne on healle / ðryðword sprecen ||
Beowulf 643 e / ðryðword sprecen || ðeod on sælum / sigefolca sweg || oð
Beowulf 676 a sum / beowulf geata || ær he on bed stige / no ic me an herewæ
A.4.1 677 on bed stiġe: / ‘Nā iċ mē on here-wæstmun || hnāġran ta
Beowulf 683 of sie / niðgeweorca || ac wit on niht sculon / secge ofersittan
Beowulf 686 pen || ond siððan witig god / on swa hwæðere hond || halig d
A.4.1 695 t hīe ǣr tō fela miċeles / on þǣm wīn-sele || wæl-dēa
Beowulf 702 ynnes / weold wideferhð || com on wanre niht / scriðan sceadugen
Beowulf 708 an / ac he wæccende || wraðum on andan / bad bolgenmod || beadwa
A.4.1 713 a cynnes / sumne be·sierwan || on sele þǣm hēan / Wōd under w
Beowulf 718 ares || ham gesohte / næfre he on aldordagum || ær ne siððan
Beowulf 724 edes muðan || raðe æfter ð on / on fagne flor || feond treddo
A.4.1 725 ðan. || Hræðe aefter-þon / on fāgne flōr || fēond treddo
A.4.1 728 oht unfæġer. / Ġe·sēah hē on reċede || rinca maniġe, / swe
Beowulf 747 d handa || higeðihtigne / rinc on ræste || ræhte ongean / feond
Beowulf 752 ddangeardes / eorðan sceata || on elran men / mundgripe maran ||
Beowulf 753 ran men / mundgripe maran || he on mode wearð / forht on ferhðe
Beowulf 754 an || he on mode wearð / forht on ferhðe || no ðy ær fram me
Beowulf 755 hyge wæs him hinfus || wolde on heolster fleon / secan deofla g
Beowulf 757 his drohtoð ðær / swylce he on ealderdagum || ær gemette / ge
Beowulf 763 hte swa / widre gewindan || ond on weg ðanon / fleon on fenhopu |
Beowulf 764 an || ond on weg ðanon / fleon on fenhopu || wiste his fingra g
Beowulf 765 u || wiste his fingra geweald / on grames grapum || ðæt wæs g
Beowulf 772 fde heaðodeorum || ðæt he on hrusan ne feol / fæger foldbol
Beowulf 782 || nymðe liges fæðm / swulge on swaðule || sweg up astag / niw
Beowulf 790 nna wæs || mægene strengest / on ðæm dæge || ðysses lifes /
Beowulf 800 rdhicgende || hildemecgas / ond on healfa gehwone || heawan ðoh
Beowulf 806 lcre || scolde his aldorgedal / on ðæm dæge || ðysses lifes /
Beowulf 808 c wurðan || ond se ellorgast / on feonda geweald || feor siðia
Beowulf 816 ar gebad / atol æglæca || him on eaxle wearð / syndolh sweotol
Beowulf 837 || under geapne hrof / ða wæs on morgen || mine gefræge / ymb
Beowulf 844 de sceawode / hu he werigmod || on weg ðanon / niða ofercumen ||
Beowulf 845 weg ðanon / niða ofercumen || on nicera mere / fæge ond geflyme
Beowulf 847 | feorhlastas bær / ðær wæs on blode || brim weallende / atol
A.4.1 851 oh, || siþþan drēama lēas / on fenn-friðe || feorh ā·leġ
Beowulf 856 modge || mearum ridan / beornas on blancum || ðær wæs beowulf
Beowulf 865 m heaðorofe || hleapan leton / on geflit faran || fealwe mearas
Beowulf 873 ulfes || snyttrum styrian / ond on sped wrecan || spel gerade / wo
Beowulf 891 / wrætlicne wyrm || ðæt hit on wealle ætstod / dryhtlic iren
Beowulf 896 s dome || sæbat gehleod / bær on bearm scipes || beorhte fræt
Beowulf 903 llen || he mid eotenum wearð / on feonda geweald || forð forla
Beowulf 926 de || he to healle geong / stod on stapole || geseah steapne hro
Beowulf 948 || me for sunu wylle / freogan on ferhðe || heald forð tela / n
Beowulf 962 selfne || geseon moste / feond on frætewum || fylwerigne / ic hi
Beowulf 964 hrædlice || heardan clammum / on wælbedde || wriðan ðohte /
Beowulf 970 n || wæs to foremihtig / feond on feðe || hwæðere he his fol
Beowulf 981 s swigra secg || sunu eclafes / on gylpspræce || guðgeweorca / s
Beowulf 996 / secga gehwylcum || ðara ðe on swylc starað / wæs ðæt beor
Beowulf 1001 se aglæca / fyrendædum fag || on fleam gewand / aldres orwena ||
Beowulf 1016 magas ðara / swiðhicgende || on sele ðam hean / hroðgar ond h
Beowulf 1025 n beran || beowulf geðah / ful on flette || no he ðære feohgy
A.4.1 1029 e·ġierede || gum-manna fela / on ealu-benċe || ōðrum ġe·s
Beowulf 1036 eahta mearas / fætedhleore || on flet teon / in under eoderas ||
Beowulf 1041 lfdenes / efnan wolde || næfre on ore læg / widcuðes wig || ðo
Beowulf 1052 mid beowulfe || brimlade teah / on ðære medubence || maððum
Beowulf 1062 nd laðes || se ðe longe her / on ðyssum windagum || worolde b
A.4.1 1070 ·Dena, || Hnæf Sċieldinga, / on Frēs-wæle || feallan sċold
Beowulf 1074 n / bearnum ond broðrum || hie on gebyrd hruron / gare wunde ||
Beowulf 1082 aum anum / ðæt he ne mehte || on ðæm meðelstede / wig hengest
Beowulf 1094 goldes || swa he fresena cyn / on beorsele || byldan wolde / ða
Beowulf 1095 n wolde / ða hie getruwedon || on twa healfa / fæste frioðuwær
Beowulf 1109 inga / betst beadorinca || wæs on bæl gearu / æt ðæm ade wæs
Beowulf 1113 manig / wundum awyrded || sume on wæle crungon / het ða hildebu
Beowulf 1116 æstan / banfatu bærnan || ond on bæl don / eame on eaxle || ide
Beowulf 1117 rnan || ond on bæl don / eame on eaxle || ides gnornode / geomro
Beowulf 1130 nde / ðeah ðe he ne meahte || on mere drifan / hringedstefnan ||
A.4.1 1134 oþ·þæt ōðer cōm / ġēar on ġeardas, || swā nū ġīet
Beowulf 1144 | hildeleoman / billa selest || on bearm dyde / ðæs wæron mid e
A.4.1 1151 eahte wǣfre mōd / for·habban on hreðre. || Þā wæs heall r
Beowulf 1153 || swilce fin slægen / cyning on corðre || ond seo cwen numen
Beowulf 1157 ahton / sigla searogimma || hie on sælade / drihtlice wif || to d
Beowulf 1170 hten min / sinces brytta || ðu on sælum wes / goldwine gumena ||
Beowulf 1196 healsbeaga mæst / ðara ðe ic on foldan || gefrægen hæbbe / n
A.4.1 1210 ġe·crang. / Ġe·hwearf þā on Francna fæðm || feorh cinin
Beowulf 1243 as / bordwudu beorhtan || ðær on bence wæs / ofer æðelinge ||
Beowulf 1248 | an wig gearwe / ge æt ham ge on herge || ge gehwæðer ðara /
Beowulf 1288 || andweard scireð / ða wæs on healle || heardecg togen / sweo
Beowulf 1292 hine se broga angeat / heo wæs on ofste || wolde ut ðanon / feor
Beowulf 1297 hroðgare || hæleða leofost / on gesiðes had || be sæm tweon
Beowulf 1298 ice randwiga || ðone ðe heo on ræste abreat / blædfæstne be
A.4.1 1302 mǣrum Ġēate. / Hrēam wearþ on Heorote; || hēo under heolfr
A.4.1 1304 æs ġe·nīewod, / ġe·worden on wīcum. || Ne wæs þæt ġe
Beowulf 1305 ðæt gewrixle til / ðæt hie on ba healfa || bicgan scoldon / f
Beowulf 1307 frod cyning / har hilderinc || on hreon mode / syððan he aldor
Beowulf 1326 ra / eaxlgestealla || ðonne we on orlege / hafelan weredon || ðo
Beowulf 1330 wylc æschere wæs / wearð him on heorote || to handbanan / wælg
Beowulf 1342 um / se ðe æfter sincgyfan || on sefan greoteð / hreðerbealo h
Beowulf 1352 nlicnæs || oðer earmsceapen / on weres wæstmum || wræclastas
Beowulf 1354 ðonne ænig man oðer / ðone on geardagum || grendel nemdon / f
Beowulf 1366 ehwæm || niðwundor seon / fyr on flode || no ðæs frod leofa
Beowulf 1371 || ær he feorh seleð / aldor on ofre || ær he in wille / hafel
Beowulf 1382 dyde / wundnum golde || gyf ðu on weg cymest / beowulf maðelode
Beowulf 1392 an / ic hit ðe gehate || no he on helm losað / ne on foldan fæ
Beowulf 1393 te || no he on helm losað / ne on foldan fæðm || ne on fyrgen
Beowulf 1393 að / ne on foldan fæðm || ne on fyrgenholt / ne on gyfenes grun
Beowulf 1394 fæðm || ne on fyrgenholt / ne on gyfenes grund || ga ðær he
Beowulf 1418 æs / winum scyldinga || weorce on mode / to geðolianne || ðegne
Beowulf 1421 gehwæm || syððan æscheres / on ðam holmclife || hafelan met
Beowulf 1427 dracan || sund cunnian / swylce on næshleoðum || nicras licgea
Beowulf 1428 leoðum || nicras licgean / ða on undernmæl || oft bewitigað /
Beowulf 1429 bewitigað / sorhfulne sið || on seglrade / wyrmas ond wildeor |
Beowulf 1430 ade / wyrmas ond wildeor || hie on weg hruron / bitere ond gebolgn
Beowulf 1434 fde / yðgewinnes || ðæt him on aldre stod / herestræl hearda
Beowulf 1435 stod / herestræl hearda || he on holme wæs / sundes ðe sænra
Beowulf 1437 e swylt fornam / hræðe wearð on yðum || mid eoferspreotum / he
Beowulf 1439 nearwod / niða genæged || ond on næs togen / wundorlic wægbora
Beowulf 1456 st || mægenfultuma / ðæt him on ðearfe lah || ðyle hroðgar
Beowulf 1479 me a wære / forðgewitenum || on fæder stæle / wes ðu mundbor
Beowulf 1484 | higelace onsend / mæg ðonne on ðæm golde ongitan || geata
Beowulf 1485 on sunu hrædles || ðonne he on ðæt sinc starað / ðæt ic g
Beowulf 1510 ine wundra ðæs fela / swencte on sunde || sædeor monig / hildet
A.4.1 1513 sē eorl on·ġeat / þæt hē on% nīþ-sele || nāthwelcum wæ
Beowulf 1521 nd sweng ne ofteah / ðæt hire on hafelan || hringmæl agol / gr
Beowulf 1532 nden / yrre oretta || ðæt hit on eorðan læg / stið ond stylec
Beowulf 1540 s / feorhgeniðlan || ðæt heo on flet gebeah / heo him eft hrað
Beowulf 1544 engest / feðecempa || ðæt he on fylle wearð / ofsæt ða ðone
Beowulf 1547 n wrecan / angan eaferan || him on eaxle læg / breostnet broden |
Beowulf 1555 drihten / rodera rædend || hit on ryht gesced / yðelice || syð
Beowulf 1557 ðan he eft astod / geseah ða on searwum || sigeeadig bil / eald
Beowulf 1568 wod / fægne flæschoman || heo on flet gecrong / sweord wæs swat
Beowulf 1579 stdenum / oftor micle || ðonne on ænne sið / ðonne he hroðgar
Beowulf 1581 gares || heorðgeneatas / sloh on sweofote || slæpende fræt / f
Beowulf 1585 eðe cempa || to ðæs ðe he on ræste geseah / guðwerigne ||
Beowulf 1592 rlas / ða ðe mid hroðgare || on holm wliton / ðæt wæs yðgeb
Beowulf 1603 stas setan / modes seoce || ond on mere staredon / wiston ond ne w
A.4.1 1612 t is sōþ metod. / Ne nam hē on þǣm wīcum, || Weder-Ġēat
Beowulf 1618 e ðær inne swealt / sona wæs on sunde || se ðe ær æt sæcc
Beowulf 1638 felamodigra || feower scoldon / on ðæm wælstenge || weorcum g
Beowulf 1643 ongan || gumdryhten mid / modig on gemonge || meodowongas træd /
Beowulf 1647 r gretan / ða wæs be feaxe || on flet boren / grendles heafod ||
Beowulf 1650 d / wliteseon wrætlic || weras on sawon / beowulf maðelode || be
Beowulf 1662 uðe || ylda waldend / ðæt ic on wage geseah || wlitig hangian
Beowulf 1671 e ðonne gehate || ðæt ðu on heorote most / sorhleas swefan
Beowulf 1675 ðearft / ðeoden scyldinga || on ða healfe / aldorbealu eorlum
Beowulf 1678 lum rince / harum hildfruman || on hand gyfen / enta ærgeweorc ||
Beowulf 1679 gyfen / enta ærgeweorc || hit on æht gehwearf / æfter deofla h
Beowulf 1684 scyldig || ond his modor eac / on geweald gehwearf || woroldcyn
Beowulf 1686 || be sæm tweonum / ðara ðe on scedenigge || sceattas dælde
Beowulf 1688 | hylt sceawode / ealde lafe || on ðæm wæs or writen / fyrngewi
Beowulf 1694 lm || waldend sealde / swa wæs on ðæm scennum || sciran golde
Beowulf 1701 se ðe soð ond riht / fremeð on folce || feor eal gemon / eald
Beowulf 1718 ð gefremede || hwæðere him on ferhðe greow / breosthord blod
Beowulf 1728 he ah ealra geweald / hwilum he on lufan || læteð hworfan / monn
Beowulf 1730 c || mæran cynnes / seleð him on eðle || eorðan wynne / to hea
Beowulf 1735 || ende geðencean / wunað he on wiste || no hine wiht dweleð
Beowulf 1737 l ne yldo || ne him inwitsorh / on sefan sweorceð || ne gesacu
Beowulf 1739 || ac him eal worold / wendeð on willan || he ðæt wyrse ne c
Beowulf 1740 æt wyrse ne con / oððæt him on innan || oferhygda dæl / weaxe
Beowulf 1745 fyrenum sceoteð / ðonne bið on hreðre || under helm drepen /
Beowulf 1749 d / gytsað gromhydig || nallas on gylp seleð / fædde beagas ||
Beowulf 1753 ldend || weorðmynda dæl / hit on endestæf || eft gelimpeð / ð
Beowulf 1774 acan ne tealde / hwæt me ðæs on eðle || edwenden cwom / gyrn
Beowulf 1779 ecean dryhtne || ðæs ðe ic on aldre gebad / ðæt ic on ðone
Beowulf 1780 e ic on aldre gebad / ðæt ic on ðone hafelan || heorodreorig
Beowulf 1822 us wel dohtest / gif ic ðonne on eorðan || owihte mæg / ðinre
Beowulf 1830 ringe / hæleða to helpe || ic on higelac wat / geata dryhten ||
Beowulf 1840 eah / hroðgar maðelode || him on ondsware / ðe ða wordcwydas |
Beowulf 1842 wordcwydas || wigtig drihten / on sefan sende || ne hyrde ic sn
Beowulf 1843 de || ne hyrde ic snotorlicor / on swa geongum feore || guman ð
Beowulf 1844 u eart mægenes strang || ond on mode frod / wis wordcwida || we
Beowulf 1869 lacum || leode swæse / secean on gesyntum || snude eft cuman / g
Beowulf 1876 an no || geseon moston / modige on meðle || wæs him se man to
Beowulf 1878 m || forberan ne mehte / ac him on hreðre || hygebendum fæst /
Beowulf 1883 enga bad / agendfrean || se ðe on ancre rad / ða wæs on gange |
Beowulf 1884 se ðe on ancre rad / ða wæs on gange || gifu hroðgares / oft
Beowulf 1896 me || to scipe foron / ða wæs on sande || sægeap naca / hladen
Beowulf 1902 lde || ðæt he syððan wæs / on meodubence || maðme ðy weor
Beowulf 1903 eorðra / yrfelafe || gewat him on naca / drefan deop wæter || de
Beowulf 1913 up geðrang / lyftgeswenced || on lande stod / hraðe wæs æt ho
A.4.1 1926 || breĝu-rōf cyning, / hēah% on% healle, || Hyġd swīðe ġun
A.4.1 1935 nefne sīn-frēa, / þæt hire on dæġes || ēaĝum starode, / a
A.4.1 1952 . || Þǣr hēo siþþan wēl / on gum-stōle, || gōde, mǣre, /
A.4.1 1968 n Angₑn·þēowes || burgum on innan, / ġungne gūþ-cyning |
Beowulf 1972 || snude gecyðed / ðæt ðær on worðig || wigendra hleo / lind
A.4.1 1984 n·gann / sīnne ġe·seldan || on sele þǣm hēan / fæġere fri
Beowulf 1987 || siðas wæron / hu lomp eow on lade || leofa biowulf / ða ðu
Beowulf 2003 hwil || uncer grendles / wearð on ðam wange || ðær he worna
Beowulf 2014 || setl getæhte / weorod wæs on wynne || ne seah ic widan feo
Beowulf 2021 e || dohtor hroðgares / eorlum on ende || ealuwæge bær / ða ic
Beowulf 2034 eoda / ðonne he mid fæmnan || on flett gæð / dryhtbearn dena |
Beowulf 2036 earn dena || duguða biwenede / on him gladiað || gomelra lafe /
Beowulf 2054 nathwylces / frætwum hremig || on flet gæð / morðres gylpeð |
Beowulf 2063 eare / ðonne bioð abrocene || on ba healfe / aðsweord eorla ||
Beowulf 2089 nd dracan fellum / he mec ðær on innan || unsynnigne / dior dæd
Beowulf 2092 hyt ne mihte swa / syððan ic on yrre || uppriht astod / to lang
Beowulf 2096 leode / weorðode weorcum || he on weg losade / lytle hwile || lif
Beowulf 2099 iðre || swaðe weardade / hand on hiorte || ond he hean ðonan /
Beowulf 2126 leode / bronde forbærnan || ne on bæl hladan / leofne mannan ||
Beowulf 2132 healsode hreohmod || ðæt ic on holma geðring / eorlscipe efnd
A.4.1 2139 || and iċ heafde be·ċearf / on þǣm gūð-sele% || Grendles
Beowulf 2147 ðmas geaf / sunu healfdenes || on minne sylfes dom / ða ic ðe b
Beowulf 2185 n || godne ne tealdon / ne hyne on medobence || micles wyrðne / d
Beowulf 2193 tum ða / sincmaððum selra || on sweordes had / ðæt he on biow
Beowulf 2194 a || on sweordes had / ðæt he on biowulfes || bearm alegde / ond
Beowulf 2197 egostol || him wæs bam samod / on ðam leodscipe || lond gecynd
Beowulf 2204 n wurdon / ða hyne gesohtan || on sigeðeode / hearde hildefrecan
Beowulf 2208 ððan beowulfe || brade rice / on hand gehwearf || he geheold t
Beowulf 2212 ihtum || draca ricsian / se ðe on heaum hofe || hord beweotode /
Beowulf 2214 er læg / eldum uncuð || ðær on innan giong / niða nathwylc ||
A.4.1 2232 t; || ðǣr wæs swelcra fela / on þǣm eorþ-hūse% || ǣr-ġe
Beowulf 2233 ðhuse || ærgestreona / swa hy on geardagum || gumena nathwylc /
Beowulf 2242 ste || beorh eallgearo / wunode on wonge || wæteryðum neah / niw
Beowulf 2244 || nearocræftum fæst / ðær on innan bær || eorlgestreona / h
Beowulf 2248 / eorla æhte || hwæt hyt ær on ðe / gode begeaton || guðdea
Beowulf 2276 ð || he gesecean sceall / hord on hrusan || ðær he hæðen go
Beowulf 2279 a || ðreo hund wintra / heold on hrusan || hordærna sum / eacen
Beowulf 2281 || oððæt hyne an abealch / m on on mode || mandryhtne bær / f
Beowulf 2295 de guman findan / ðone ðe him on sweofote || sare geteode / hat
Beowulf 2297 tanweardne || ne ðær ænig m on / on ðære westenne || hwæðr
A.4.1 2298 rdne, || ne ðǣr ǣniġ mann / on ðǣre% wēstenne; || hwæðe
Beowulf 2299 feh / beaduwe weorces || hwilum on beorh æthwearf / sincfæt soht
Beowulf 2307 | ða wæs dæg sceacen / wyrme on willan || no on wealle læg / b
Beowulf 2307 sceacen / wyrme on willan || no on wealle læg / bidan wolde || ac
Beowulf 2310 wæs se fruma egeslic / leodum on lande || swa hyt lungre wear
Beowulf 2311 ande || swa hyt lungre wearð / on hyra sincgifan || sare geendo
Beowulf 2314 rnan || bryneleoma stod / eldum on andan || no ðær aht cwices /
Beowulf 2328 | ðæt ðam godan wæs / hreow on hreðre || hygesorga mæst / we
Beowulf 2357 / freawine folca || freslondum on / hreðles eafora || hiorodrync
Beowulf 2361 || sundnytte dreah / hæfde him on earme || ana ðritig / hildegea
Beowulf 2377 ciosan wolde / hwæðre he him on folce || freondlarum heold / es
A.4.1 2383 tan || sǣ-cyninga / þāra þe on Swēo-rīċe || sinċ brytnod
Beowulf 2406 urh ðæs meldan hond / se wæs on ðam ðreate || ðreotteoða
Beowulf 2417 || gumena ænigum / gesæt ða on næsse || niðheard cyning / ð
Beowulf 2426 e || bearn ecgðeowes / fela ic on giogoðe || guðræsa genæs /
A.4.1 2433 fe || lāðra āwihte, / beorn on burgum, || þonne his bearna
Beowulf 2446 || ðæt his byre ride / giong on galgan || ðonne he gyd wrece
A.4.1 2452 / tō ġe·bīdanne || burgum on innan / ierfe-weardas, || þonn
Beowulf 2455 efondad / gesyhð sorhcearig || on his suna bure / winsele westne
A.4.1 2458 . || Rīdend swefaþ, / hæleþ on hoðman; || nis ðǣr hearpan
A.4.1 2459 s ðǣr hearpan swēġ, / gamen on ġeardum, || swelċe ðǣr ġ
Beowulf 2460 ær iu wæron / gewiteð ðonne on sealman || sorhleoð gæleð /
Beowulf 2465 lende wæg || wihte ne meahte / on ðam feorhbonan || fæghðe g
Beowulf 2484 ryhtne || guð onsæge / ða ic on morgne gefrægn || mæg oðer
Beowulf 2485 mæg oðerne / billes ecgum || on bonan stælan / ðær ongenðeo
A.4.1 2495 oþþe tō Gār-Denum / oþþe on Swēo-rīċe || sēċan þurf
Beowulf 2497 weorðe gecypan / symle ic him on feðan || beforan wolde / ana o
Beowulf 2498 n feðan || beforan wolde / ana on orde || ond swa to aldre scea
A.4.1 2505 ðunge, || bringan mōste, / ac on campe% ġe·crang || cumbles
Beowulf 2506 ng || cumbles hyrde / æðeling on elne || ne wæs ecg bona / ac h
Beowulf 2512 ðe || ic geneðde fela / guða on geogoðe || gyt ic wylle / frod
Beowulf 2523 s ond attres || forðon ic me on hafu / bord ond byrnan || nelle
Beowulf 2527 metod manna gehwæs || ic eom on mode from / ðæt ic wið ðone
Beowulf 2529 n || gylp ofersitte / gebide ge on beorge || byrnum werede / secga
Beowulf 2530 eorge || byrnum werede / secgas on searwum || hwæðer sel mæge
Beowulf 2568 rm gebeah / snude tosomne || he on searwum bad / gewat ða byrnend
Beowulf 2578 e || ðæt sio ecg gewac / brun on bane || bat unswiðor / ðonne
Beowulf 2581 weard / æfter heaðuswenge || on hreoum mode / wearp wælfyre ||
Beowulf 2596 e ær folce weold / nealles him on heape || handgesteallan / æðe
Beowulf 2598 gestodon / hildecystum || ac hy on holt bugon / ealdre burgan || h
A.4.1 2599 uĝon, / ealdre burgon. || Hira on ānum wēoll / sefa wiþ sorĝu
Beowulf 2625 | ða he of ealdre gewat / frod on forðweg || ða wæs forma si
A.4.1 2635 e·hēton || ūssum hlāforde / on bēor-sele, || þe ūs þās
Beowulf 2638 d heard sweord || ðe he usic on herge geceas / to ðyssum siðf
Beowulf 2650 sy / gledegesa grim || god wat on mec / ðæt me is micle leofre
Beowulf 2662 rec || wigheafolan bær / frean on fultum || fea worda cwæð / le
Beowulf 2664 lf || læst eall tela / swa ðu on geoguðfeore || geara gecwæd
Beowulf 2679 sloh / hildebille || ðæt hyt on heafolan stod / niðe genyded |
Beowulf 2690 ca || fæhða gemyndig / ræsde on ðone rofan || ða him rum ag
Beowulf 2700 st || nioðor hwene sloh / secg on searwum || ðæt ðæt sweord
Beowulf 2704 r ond beaduscearp || ðæt he on byrnan wæg / forwrat wedra hel
Beowulf 2705 g / forwrat wedra helm || wyrm on middan / feond gefyldan || ferh
Beowulf 2714 e ðæt sona onfand / ðæt him on breostum || bealoniðe weoll /
Beowulf 2715 tum || bealoniðe weoll / attor on innan || ða se æðeling gio
Beowulf 2717 wealle || wishycgende / gesæt on sesse || seah on enta geweorc
Beowulf 2717 gende / gesæt on sesse || seah on enta geweorc / hu ða stanbogan
Beowulf 2736 tan dorste / egesan ðeon || ic on earde bad / mælgesceafta || he
Beowulf 2739 iðas || ne me swor fela / aða on unriht || ic ðæs ealles mæ
Beowulf 2747 wund || since bereafod / bio nu on ofoste || ðæt ic ærwelan / g
Beowulf 2759 nian || grunde getenge / wundur on wealle || ond ðæs wyrmes de
Beowulf 2765 æled || sinc eaðe mæg / gold on grunde || gumcynnes gehwone / o
Beowulf 2773 || ac hyne ecg fornam / ða ic on hlæwe gefrægn || hord reafi
Beowulf 2775 ta geweorc || anne mannan / him on bearm hladon || bunan ond dis
Beowulf 2783 æt he morðre swealt / ar wæs on ofoste || eftsiðes georn / fr
A.4.1 2786 -ferhþ || cwicne ġe·mētte / on þǣm wang-stede || Wedera þ
Beowulf 2793 eosthord ðurhbræc || / gomel on giohðe || gold sceawode / ic
Beowulf 2796 ge / ecum dryhtne || ðe ic her on starie / ðæs ðe ic moste ||
Beowulf 2799 æge || swylc gestrynan / nu ic on maðma hord || mine bebohte / f
Beowulf 2805 minum leodum / heah hlifian || on hronesnæsse / ðæt hit sæli
Beowulf 2816 gas || to metodsceafte / eorlas on elne || ic him æfter sceal /
Beowulf 2822 rodum / earfoðlice || ðæt he on eorðan geseah / ðone leofesta
Beowulf 2831 dfloga || wundum stille / hreas on hrusan || hordærne neah / nall
Beowulf 2836 an || hondgeweorce / huru ðæt on lande || lyt manna ðah / mæge
Beowulf 2842 ccende || weard onfunde / buon on beorge || biowulfe wearð / dry
Beowulf 2849 dorston ær || dareðum lacan / on hyra mandryhtnes || miclan ð
Beowulf 2852 | ðær se gomela læg / wlitan on wilaf || he gewergad sæt / fe
Beowulf 2855 im wiht ne speow / ne meahte he on eorðan || ðeah he uðe wel /
Beowulf 2856 eorðan || ðeah he uðe wel / on ðam frumgare || feorh geheal
Beowulf 2863 s sunu / sec sarigferð || seah on unleofe / ðæt la mæg secgan
Beowulf 2866 f / eoredgeatwe || ðe ge ðær on standað / ðonne he on ealuben
Beowulf 2867 e ðær on standað / ðonne he on ealubence || oft gesealde / hea
Beowulf 2895 or sæt / bordhæbbende || bega on wenum / endedogores || ond eftc
Beowulf 2903 ælreste || wyrmes dædum / him on efn ligeð || ealdorgewinna / s
Beowulf 2905 num seoc || sweorde ne meahte / on ðam aglæcean || ænige ðin
Beowulf 2915 gelac cwom / faran flotherge || on fresna land / ðær hyne hetwar
Beowulf 2919 rnwiga || bugan sceolde / feoll on feðan || nalles frætwe geaf
A.4.1 2935 oþ·ēodon || earfoðlīċe / on Hræfnes-holt || hlāfordlēa
Beowulf 2939 he || ondlonge niht / cwæð he on mergenne || meces ecgum / getan
Beowulf 2940 eces ecgum / getan wolde || sum on galgtreowum / fuglum to gamene
Beowulf 2945 se goda com / leoda dugoðe || on last faran / wæs sio swatswað
Beowulf 2962 ecgum sweorda / blondenfexa || on bid wrecen / ðæt se ðeodcyni
Beowulf 2973 || ondslyht giofan / ac he him on heafde || helm ær gescer / ð
Beowulf 2975 de fah || bugan sceolde / feoll on foldan || næs he fæge ða g
A.4.1 2981 yning, / folces hierde, || wæs on feorh drepen. / Þā wǣron man
Beowulf 2986 n reafode || rinc oðerne / nam on ongenðio || irenbyrnan / heard
Beowulf 2996 orfte him ða lean oðwitan / m on on middangearde || syððan h
Beowulf 3010 bringan || ðe us beagas geaf / on adfære || ne scel anes hwæt
Beowulf 3017 dum || ne mægð scyne / habban on healse || hringweorðunge / ac
Beowulf 3023 ald || mundum bewunden / hæfen on handa || nalles hearpan sweg /
Beowulf 3033 || wundur sceawian / fundon ða on sande || sawulleasne / hlimbed
Beowulf 3039 esegan || syllicran wiht / wyrm on wonge || wiðerræhtes ðær /
Beowulf 3043 fiftiges || fotgemearces / lang on legere || lyftwynne heold / nih
Beowulf 3084 unian || oð woruldende / heold on heahgesceap || hord ys gescea
Beowulf 3090 ed / inn under eorðweall || ic on ofoste gefeng / micle mid mundu
Beowulf 3095 g || worn eall gespræc / gomol on gehðo || ond eowic gretan he
A.4.1 3097 orhten || aefter wines dǣdum / on bǣl-stede || beorh þone hē
Beowulf 3109 annan || ðær he longe sceal / on ðæs waldendes || wære geð
Beowulf 3124 r inwithrof / hilderinca || sum on handa bær / æledleoman || se
Beowulf 3125 da bær / æledleoman || se ðe on orde geong / næs ða on hlytme
Beowulf 3126 se ðe on orde geong / næs ða on hlytme || hwa ðæt hord stru
Beowulf 3128 nigne dæl / secgas gesegon || on sele wunian / læne licgan || l
Beowulf 3134 hyrde / ða wæs wunden gold || on wæn hladen / æghwæs unrim ||
Beowulf 3138 a gegiredan || geata leode / ad on eorðan || unwaclicne / helmum
Beowulf 3143 | hlaford leofne / ongunnon ða on beorge || bælfyra mæst / wige
Beowulf 3148 banhus || gebrocen hæfde / hat on hreðre || higum unrote / modce
Beowulf 3157 rhton ða || wedra leode / hleo on hoe || se wæs heah ond brad /
Beowulf 3159 ide gesyne / ond betimbredon || on tyn dagum / beadurofes becn ||
Beowulf 3163 notre men || findan mihton / hi on beorg dydon || beg ond siglu /
Beowulf 3164 / eall swylce hyrsta || swylce on horde ær / niðhedige men || g
Beowulf 3167 treon || eorðan healdan / gold on greote || ðær hit nu gen li
A.4.2 2 # Judith / / twêode / ġiefena on þȳs ġinnan grunde. || Hēo
Judith 5 waldend || hyre ðæs fæder on roderum / torhtmod tiðe gefrem
Judith 13 æs ðe iudith hyne || gleaw on geðonce / ides ælfscinu || æ
Judith 22 holofernus / goldwine gumena || on gytesalum / hloh ond hlydde ||
Judith 30 sinces brytta || oððæt hie on swiman lagon / oferdrencte his
Judith 44 n / ðær se rica hyne || reste on symbel / nihtes inne || nergend
Judith 50 wlitan ðurh || wigena baldor / on æghwylcne || ðe ðær inne
Judith 51 ne com / hæleða bearna || ond on hyne nænig / monna cynnes || n
Judith 54 a to rune gegangan || hie ða on reste gebrohton / snude ða sno
Judith 57 æs seo halige meowle / gebroht on his burgetelde || ða wearð
Judith 57 etelde || ða wearð se brema on mode / bliðe burga ealdor ||
Judith 65 hæfde ða his ende gebidenne / on eorðan unswæslicne || swylc
Judith 66 ðeoden gumena || ðenden he on ðysse worulde / wunode under w
Judith 68 ða wine swa druncen / se rica on his reste middan || swa he ny
Judith 69 n || swa he nyste ræda nanne / on gewitlocan || wiggend stopon /
Judith 93 tta || ðæt me ys ðus torne on mode / hate on hreðre minum ||
Judith 94 me ys ðus torne on mode / hate on hreðre minum || hi ða se he
Judith 97 eafan || ða wearð hyre rume on mode / haligre hyht geniwod ||
Judith 106 ðone sweoran him || ðæt he on swiman læg / druncen ond dolhw
Judith 111 t him ðæt heafod wand / forð on ða flore || læg se fula lea
A.4.2 116 unden, / hearde ġe·hæfted || on helle-bryne / aefter hin-sīðe
A.4.2 121 ealdre || būtan ende forþ / on þǣm heolstran hām, || hiht
Judith 127 ewæðan || heafod swa blodig / on ðam fætelse || ðe hyre for
Judith 129 t / ðeawum geðungen || ðyder on lædde / ond hit ða swa heolfr
Judith 130 hit ða swa heolfrig || hyre on hond ageaf / higeðoncolre || h
A.4.2 143 ċċende || wearde hēoldon% / on þǣm fæstenne, || swā þǣ
Judith 145 earoðoncol mægð || ða heo on sið gewat / ides ellenrof || w
Judith 154 æt ge ne ðyrfen leng / murnan on mode || eow ys metod bliðe / c
Judith 161 fer heanne weall || here wæs on lustum / wið ðæs fæstengeat
Judith 167 onge || æghwylcum wearð / men on ðære medobyrig || mod arete
Judith 178 rofe hæleð / leoda ræswan || on ðæs laðestan / hæðenes hea
A.4.2 193 byrn-hamas, / sċīre helmas || on sċaðena ġe·mang, / fiellan
Judith 202 as / foron to gefeohte || forð on gerihte / hæleð under helmum
Judith 204 um || of ðære haligan byrig / on ðæt dægred sylf || dynedan
A.4.2 206 æs sē hlanca ġe·feah / wulf on wealde || and sē wanna hræf
Judith 209 guman || ðohton tilian / fylle on fægum || ac him fleah on las
Judith 209 lle on fægum || ac him fleah on last / earn ætes georn || urig
A.4.2 225 ūþ-frecan, || gāras sendon / on heardra ġe·mang. || Hæleþ
Judith 236 mihton / swa ða magoðegnas || on ða morgentid / ehton elðeoda
Judith 252 n / ærðon ðe him se egesa || on ufan sæte / mægen ebrea || my
A.4.2 255 || and sēo beorhte mæġeþ / on þǣm wlitiĝan træfe || wǣ
Judith 266 æfðoncan || assyria wearð / on ðam dægeweorce || dom geswi
A.4.2 276 ra beadu-rinca, || þæt hē on þæt būr-ġe·teld / nīþ-he
Judith 278 wa hyne nyd fordraf / funde ða on bedde || blacne licgan / his go
Judith 282 || ongan his feax teran / hreoh on mode || ond his hrægl somod /
Judith 291 e || gewitan him werigferhðe / on fleam sceacan || him mon feah
Judith 291 leam sceacan || him mon feaht on last / mægeneacen folc || oð
Judith 294 eriges læg || hilde gesæged / on ðam sigewonge || sweordum ge
Judith 297 yfdon / laðra lindwerod || him on laste for / sweot ebrea || sigo
Judith 300 | him feng dryhten god / fægre on fultum || frea ælmihtig / hi
Judith 306 mede || guman ebrisce / ðegnas on ða tid || ðearle gelyste / ga
Judith 307 gelyste / gargewinnes || ðær on greot gefeoll / se hyhsta dæl
Judith 312 e || cirdon cynerofe / wiggend on wiðertrod || wælscel on inn
Judith 312 end on wiðertrod || wælscel on innan / reocende hræw || rum w
Judith 314 æs to nimanne / londbuendum || on ðam laðestan / hyra ealdfeond
Judith 319 yre madmas || hæfdon domlice / on ðam folcstede || fynd oferwu
Judith 321 tende / swyrdum aswefede || hie on swaðe reston / ða ðe him to
Judith 332 geeodon / cene under cumblum || on compwige / ðurh iudithe || gle
Judith 343 hyre weorðmynde geaf / mærðe on moldan rice || swylce eac med
Judith 343 oldan rice || swylce eac mede on heofonum / sigorlean in swegles
A.4.2 344 de on heofonum, / siĝor-lēan on sweġeles wuldre, || þæs þ
The Paris Psalter 100:1 3 and secge || and soþ ongyte / on unwemmum wege || hwænne þu
The Paris Psalter 100:7 1 | her þegnade / / # / ne eardaþ on midle || mines huses / þe ofer
The Paris Psalter 100:8 1 cweþan || elne wille / / # / ic on morgenne ofslea || manes wyrh
The Paris Psalter 101:3 4 æs þe me þinceþ / swylce hi on cocerpannan || cocas gehyrsta
The Paris Psalter 101:5 2 den eom || pellicane gelic / se on westene wunaþ || wat ic eac
The Paris Psalter 101:5 4 d eam || nihthrefne gelic / þe on scræfe eardaþ || and ic spe
The Paris Psalter 101:6 1 me ealne dæg || edwitspræce on / mine feondas || fæste brohta
The Paris Psalter 101:10 1 a hit hraþe weornaþ / / # / þu on ecnysse wunast || awa drihten
The Paris Psalter 101:13 1 adest / / # / forþon neodlice || on naman þinum / ealle eorþbuend
The Paris Psalter 101:16 2 slice || awriten standaþ / and on cneoressum || cyþed syndan /
The Paris Psalter 101:17 3 ten geseah of heofenum || her on eorþan / / # / he þa gehyrde ||
The Paris Psalter 101:19 1 sliþe wæran / / # / þonne byþ on sione sægd || soþ nama drih
The Paris Psalter 101:19 3 s lof swylce || leoda bearnum / on hierusalem || gleawast and m
The Paris Psalter 101:21 2 him andwyrdeþ || eallum sona / on wege worulde || þær his gew
The Paris Psalter 101:21 5 mode secge / þæt þu me meaht on midle || minra dagena / sona ge
The Paris Psalter 101:25 4 fra cynn || syþþan to feore / on worulda woruld || well gereht
The Paris Psalter 102:5 4 þu edneowe || earne gelicast / on geogoþe nu || gleawe geworde
The Paris Psalter 102:7 2 nd cuþe / moyse þam mæran || on mænige tid / swylce his willan
The Paris Psalter 102:9 2 u oþ ende || yrre habban / ne on ecnesse || þe awa belgan / / #
The Paris Psalter 102:18 1 æst word || wynnum efnan / / # / on heofenhame || halig drihten / h
The Paris Psalter 102:21 2 agen geweorc || ecne drihten / on his agenum stede || eac blets
The Paris Psalter 103:6 3 an eardas || ne seo æfre nu / on worulda world || weorþeþ ah
The Paris Psalter 103:7 3 tandaþ ofer mannum || muntas on wæterum / / # / þa him þrea þ
The Paris Psalter 103:9 2 gas and feldas || ba astigaþ / on þæne stede || þe þu gesta
The Paris Psalter 103:9 3 e þu gestaþeludest him / and on þære stowe || standaþ fæs
The Paris Psalter 103:11 2 drincaþ / bidaþ assan || eac on þurste / ofer þan heofonfugel
The Paris Psalter 103:13 2 der neatum / lætest alædan || on þæm hi lif healdaþ / wyrta
The Paris Psalter 103:16 3 wwæstme || tydraþ ealle / þa on libanes || lædaþ on beorge /
The Paris Psalter 103:16 3 lle / þa on libanes || lædaþ on beorge / cwice cederbeamas ||
The Paris Psalter 103:16 5 u cuþlice / sylfa gesettest || on þam swylce nu / mid heora sped
The Paris Psalter 103:17 2 hus || hiora agen is / latteow on lande || oft laþne beorh / on
The Paris Psalter 103:17 3 on lande || oft laþne beorh / on hean muntum || heortas wunia
The Paris Psalter 103:17 4 uniaþ / erinaces fleoþ || oft on stanas / / # / monan he geworhte
The Paris Psalter 103:18 1 anas / / # / monan he geworhte || on þa mæran tid / sunne hire set
The Paris Psalter 103:19 1 / / # / þystru þu gesettest || on þearle niht / on þære ealle
The Paris Psalter 103:19 2 gesettest || on þearle niht / on þære ealle wildeor || wide
The Paris Psalter 103:21 3 þum eft || gesamniaþ / and hi on holum || hydaþ hi georne / / #
The Paris Psalter 103:22 1 aþ hi georne / / # / mægenweorc on morgen || man onginneþ / and
The Paris Psalter 103:22 2 ginneþ / and þæt geendaþ || on æfynne / / # / mycel wærun þin
The Paris Psalter 103:24 1 e / / # / his is mycel sæ || and on gemærum wid / þær is unrim o
The Paris Psalter 103:24 2 n gemærum wid / þær is unrim on || ealra cwycra / mycelra and m
The Paris Psalter 103:25 5 e to þe || ece drihten / ætes on eorþan || eac wilniaþ / / # / a
The Paris Psalter 103:27 5 swylce teonlice || geteoriaþ / on heora agen dust || æfter hwe
The Paris Psalter 103:29 2 si wide || weruda drihtne / and on worulda woruld || wunie syþ
The Paris Psalter 103:29 3 uld || wunie syþþan / blissie on his weorcum || bealde drihten
The Paris Psalter 103:30 1 rcum || bealde drihten / / # / he on þas eorþan || ealle locaþ /
The Paris Psalter 103:31 1 ricene || reocaþ sona / / # / ic on minum life || lustum drihtne /
The Paris Psalter 103:31 3 ecge eac / þenden ic wunige || on worulddreamum / / # / wese him he
The Paris Psalter 103:33 2 an || frecne forweorþaþ / þa on þysse eorþan synt || ealle
The Paris Psalter 103:33 3 sniome / þæt hio ne wunian || on worldlife / bletsa mine sawle |
The Paris Psalter 104:5 1 symble georne / / # / gemunaþ ge on mode || hu he mænig wundor / w
The Paris Psalter 104:8 1 æghwylcne dæl / / # / he þæs on worulde || wearþ gemyndig / þ
The Paris Psalter 104:8 2 ig / þæt he worde gecwæþ || on gewitnesse / þæt heo on þuse
The Paris Psalter 104:8 3 þ || on gewitnesse / þæt heo on þusende || þæt sceoldan he
The Paris Psalter 104:10 3 eowrum cynne || chananea land / on agene æht || yrfe gesylle / / #
The Paris Psalter 104:11 1 æs þæt mære cynn || mycel on rime / ac on þam folce || feaw
The Paris Psalter 104:11 2 ære cynn || mycel on rime / ac on þam folce || feawe wæran æ
The Paris Psalter 104:13 2 halgan || hrinan ne gretan / ne on mine witigan || wergþe setta
The Paris Psalter 104:15 4 ohtan || bearn iacobes / ioseph on geoguþe || þær hine grame
The Paris Psalter 104:17 1 allum sette / / # / he sette hine on his huse || to hlafwearde / eal
The Paris Psalter 104:19 1 n / / # / þær israhel becwom || on egypta / and se goda || iacob s
The Paris Psalter 104:23 1 ne he ær geceas / / # / he sette on hi sylfe || soþne wisdom / wor
The Paris Psalter 104:25 2 ter swylce || wende to blode / on þam heora fisceas || frecne
The Paris Psalter 104:26 1 || frecne forwurdan / / # / sende on heora eorþan || ealle swylce
The Paris Psalter 104:26 3 teonlice || þa teolum husum / on cyninga cofum || cwyce earded
The Paris Psalter 104:27 3 s / fleohcynnes feala || flugan on gemæru / / # / sette him regnas
The Paris Psalter 104:30 3 d grame ceaferas / ne mihte þa on moldan || man geriman / þe þ
The Paris Psalter 104:30 4 ldan || man geriman / þe þær on foldan || fræton wæstmas / / #
The Paris Psalter 104:31 2 loh || æghwylc frumbearn / þe on egyptum wæs || ahwær acenne
The Paris Psalter 104:33 2 || æfter bliþe / syþþan hi on fore || folc sceawedan / forþo
The Paris Psalter 104:36 2 ane || streamas flowan / wæter on willan || na him gewættan fo
The Paris Psalter 104:36 3 | na him gewættan fot / þa hi on iordane || gengdan æfter / / #
The Paris Psalter 104:38 1 nd his folc lædde || fægere on blisse / and his þone gecorena
The Paris Psalter 104:38 2 one gecorenan || heap clæne on wynne / / # / sealde þam leodum
The Paris Psalter 104:39 2 þam leodum || landes anweald / on agene æht || oþre þeode / an
The Paris Psalter 105:1 4 ldheortnysse || mannum cyþde / on þysse worulde || wis gestand
The Paris Psalter 105:3 3 þ / soþe domas || sylfe efnan / on ealle tid || æghwæs healdan
The Paris Psalter 105:4 1 dum / / # / gemune us drihten || on modsefan / forþ hycgende || fo
The Paris Psalter 105:7 2 n / ealle þa wundor || þe þu on egyptum / worhtest wræclice ||
The Paris Psalter 105:7 5 || miltsa þinra / þa þu him on þære mægþe || manige cyþ
The Paris Psalter 105:8 1 st / / # / hi bysmredan || þa hi on brad wæter / on þone readan s
The Paris Psalter 105:8 2 edan || þa hi on brad wæter / on þone readan sæ || randas b
The Paris Psalter 105:8 4 s ealdor / and hi generedest || on naman þinum / þa þu þine mi
The Paris Psalter 105:9 4 ra || weallas læddest / swa hi on westenne || wæron on drigum /
The Paris Psalter 105:9 4 / swa hi on westenne || wæron on drigum / / # / swa hi alysde || l
The Paris Psalter 105:12 1 unge || ahwær heoldan / / # / hi on westenne || wraþe ongunnan / g
The Paris Psalter 105:13 2 me || brohte and sealde / sende on heora muþas || mete to genih
The Paris Psalter 105:14 1 te to genihte / / # / ongunnon hi on þam wicum || wraþe swylce / m
The Paris Psalter 105:15 2 togaan || and eall forswealh / on deope forwyrd || dathanes weo
The Paris Psalter 105:16 2 r fyr abarn || frecne swylce / on heora gemetinge || and þær
The Paris Psalter 105:17 1 n || sniome forbærnde / / # / hi on choreb swylce || cealf ongunn
The Paris Psalter 105:17 3 cean / onwendan heora wuldor || on þæne wyrsan had / hæþenstyr
The Paris Psalter 105:18 3 folmum || frecne generede / þe on egyptum || æþele wundur / and
The Paris Psalter 105:18 4 egyptum || æþele wundur / and on chananea || cymu worhte / and r
The Paris Psalter 105:18 5 u worhte / and recene wundur || on þam readan sæ / / # / þa hi wo
The Paris Psalter 105:21 2 a ahof || and hi hraþe wolde / on þam westenne || wide todrifa
The Paris Psalter 105:21 3 nd heora swæs cynn || sendan on wid land / / # / hi belphegor ||
The Paris Psalter 105:23 2 i bysmredon || bealde drihten / on heora gemetincge || mægene e
The Paris Psalter 105:23 3 e ealle / and þær healicne || on hryre gefremedan / / # / hi þæs
The Paris Psalter 105:24 2 tes || finees awerede / þa he on þam folce || feondgyld gebr
The Paris Psalter 105:24 4 e fand / of cynna gehwam || and on cneorisse / / # / eac hi gefremed
The Paris Psalter 105:25 5 a yfelum || swa he oftor wæs / on his gaste gram || ne mihte hi
The Paris Psalter 105:30 1 e || eall forhogode / / # / he hi on handgeweald || hæþenum seal
The Paris Psalter 105:30 3 eoldan || þa him wyrrest ær / on feondscipe || fæste gestodon
The Paris Psalter 105:32 1 t || lifes ealdor / / # / hi hine on geþeahte || oft abylgdan / wæ
The Paris Psalter 105:32 2 eahte || oft abylgdan / wæron on unrihtum || oft gehynde / / # / s
The Paris Psalter 105:35 2 ealde || sona miltse / þær hi on gesawon || ealle ætgædere /
The Paris Psalter 105:36 6 gestan || her andettan / and we on lofe þinum || lungre weorþa
The Paris Psalter 105:37 2 israhela god || aa gebletsad / on worulda woruld || wealdend dr
The Paris Psalter 106:3 2 nnan / oþþæt heo gewiteþ || on westrodur / and fram sæ norþa
The Paris Psalter 106:3 5 ne mittan / þe hi eardunge || on genaman / / # / hæfde hi hungor
The Paris Psalter 106:4 2 ard gewyrded / þæt him frecne on || feorh aþolude / / # / and hi
The Paris Psalter 106:5 1 feorh aþolude / / # / and hi þa on þære costunge || cleopedan
The Paris Psalter 106:6 2 dde || lifes ealdor / þær hi on rihtne weg || ricene eodan / o
The Paris Psalter 106:6 3 eodan / oþþæt hi cuþlice || on becwoman / to hiora cestre || e
The Paris Psalter 106:9 1 eore syþþan / / # / þa þe her on þystrum || þrage sæton / and
The Paris Psalter 106:9 2 þystrum || þrage sæton / and on deaþes scuan || deorcum lifd
The Paris Psalter 106:9 4 / gebundene || bealuwe feterum / on wædle wrace || and on iserne
The Paris Psalter 106:9 4 eterum / on wædle wrace || and on iserne / / # / forþon hi dydan |
The Paris Psalter 106:10 3 þæs heahstan him || hæfdan on bysmer / / # / hiora heorte wæs
The Paris Psalter 106:11 1 / # / hiora heorte wæs || hean on gewinnum / and untrume || ealle
The Paris Psalter 106:11 3 e || ealle wæran / næfdan þa on foldan || fultum ænne / / # / hi
The Paris Psalter 106:12 1 foldan || fultum ænne / / # / hi on costunge || cleopedan to drih
The Paris Psalter 106:16 3 wis alædeþ / þær hi wæron on woo || ær wraþe besmitene / /
The Paris Psalter 106:18 1 || drencyde wæran / / # / þa hi on costunge || cleopedan to drih
The Paris Psalter 106:22 2 aþ / wyrceaþ weorc mænig || on wæterþryþum / / # / hi drihtne
The Paris Psalter 106:23 2 sawon / and his wundra wearn || on wætergrundum / / # / gif he sylf
The Paris Psalter 106:25 3 under neowulne grund / oft þa on yfele || eft aþindaþ / / # / ge
The Paris Psalter 106:27 1 || yfele forglendred / / # / hi on costunge || cleopedan to drih
The Paris Psalter 106:29 1 e brimu weþaþ / / # / and he hi on hælo || hyþe gelædde / swa h
The Paris Psalter 106:31 1 manna bearn / / # / forþon hine on cyrcean || cristenes folces / h
The Paris Psalter 106:31 3 baþ || and him hælu and lof / on sotelum soþfæstra || secgea
The Paris Psalter 106:32 1 || secgean to worulde / / # / he on westenne || wynne streamas / so
The Paris Psalter 106:33 2 a weaxendan || wende eorþan / on sealtne mersc || for synndæd
The Paris Psalter 106:33 3 m / þara eardendra || þe hire on lifdan / / # / westen he geworhte
The Paris Psalter 106:34 1 dan / / # / westen he geworhte || on widne mere / and swylce eorþan
The Paris Psalter 106:34 3 e eorþan || eac butan wætre / on utgange || æþelast burnan / /
The Paris Psalter 106:39 4 wicene || swicedan oftust / and on wegas werige || wendan hwilum
The Paris Psalter 107:2 2 uldur min || þæt ic wynlice / on psalterio || þe singan mote /
The Paris Psalter 107:2 3 || þe singan mote / and ic þe on hleoþre || hearpan swylce / on
The Paris Psalter 107:2 4 on hleoþre || hearpan swylce / on ærmergen || eac gecweme / / # /
The Paris Psalter 107:3 2 ic þe andette || ece drihten / on folca gehwam || fægrum wordu
The Paris Psalter 107:3 3 || fægrum wordum / and ic þe on þeodum || on þanc mote / seal
The Paris Psalter 107:3 3 rdum / and ic þe on þeodum || on þanc mote / sealmas singan ||
The Paris Psalter 107:6 3 gehyre || hælynd drihten / þe on halgum spreceþ || her on eor
The Paris Psalter 107:6 3 þe on halgum spreceþ || her on eorþan / and ic blissige || bu
The Paris Psalter 107:6 5 dæle / þa selegesceotu || þa on sycimam nu / and on metibor ||
The Paris Psalter 107:6 6 eotu || þa on sycimam nu / and on metibor || mære standaþ / / #
The Paris Psalter 107:9 1 ded / / # / hwylc gelædeþ me || on lifes byrig / fæste getrymede
The Paris Psalter 107:9 3 mede || þæt ic forþ þanon / on idumea wese || eft gelæded / /
The Paris Psalter 107:11 1 ene || mod acyrre / / # / syle us on earfoþum || æþelne fultum /
The Paris Psalter 107:11 2 tum / forþon hælu byþ || her on eorþan / manna gehwylces || m
The Paris Psalter 108:1 3 synfulra / inwitfulra muþas || on ganian / / # / hio þa innwit fea
The Paris Psalter 108:2 1 hio þa innwit feala || ywdan on tungan / and me wraþra wearn |
The Paris Psalter 108:5 2 symble to ealdrum / stande him on þa swyþeran hand || swylce
The Paris Psalter 108:7 2 este || eall his onwunung / and on hys eardungstowe || næfre ge
The Paris Psalter 108:7 3 | næfre gewurþe / þæt þær on gewunige || awiht lifigendes /
The Paris Psalter 108:13 1 / # / gangan ealle his bearn || on ece forwyrd / and on anum cneow
The Paris Psalter 108:13 2 s bearn || on ece forwyrd / and on anum cneowe || eall gewyrþe /
The Paris Psalter 108:14 2 ldras ær / manes gefremedan || on gemynd cume / and on ansyne ||
The Paris Psalter 108:14 3 remedan || on gemynd cume / and on ansyne || ures drihtnes / ne ad
The Paris Psalter 108:16 1 / / # / næs him milde gemynd || on modsefan / and he þearfendra |
The Paris Psalter 108:16 3 || þriste ehte / symble þæt on heortan || hogode geornust / hu
The Paris Psalter 108:17 2 cean georne / and hine seo ylce on || eft gesette / nolde he blets
The Paris Psalter 108:22 2 eom lama þearfa / is me heorte on || hearde gedrefed / / # / ic eom
The Paris Psalter 108:26 2 selfe āgon; / wese þīn esne on þē || unġemete blīðe. / / #
The Paris Psalter 108:27 4 || sylfe agon / wese þin esne on þe || ungemete bliþe / / # / sy
The Paris Psalter 108:28 1 u || swīðost ealra. / / # / Iċ on mīnum mūðe || meahta dryht
The Paris Psalter 108:28 3 ette || and ēac swelċe / hine on middle || manna herġe. / / # / H
The Paris Psalter 108:28 4 . / / # / Hē selfa ġe·stōd || on þā swīðran hand, / ðǣr h
The Paris Psalter 108:29 1 eamu || swyþust ealra / / # / ic on minum muþe || mihta drihtnes
The Paris Psalter 108:29 3 ndette || and eac swylce / hine on midle || manna herige / / # / he
The Paris Psalter 108:30 1 herige / / # / he sylfa gestod || on þa swyþran hand / þær he þ
The Paris Psalter 109:6 1 ide geond eorþan / / # / þa þe on wege weorþaþ || wætres æt
The Paris Psalter 109:7 2 e ġond eorðan. / / # / Þā þe on weġe weorðaþ, || wæteres
The Paris Psalter 110:1 4 cge || þæra soþfæstra / and on gemetingum || mycel drihtnes
The Paris Psalter 110:4 1 e his ege habbaþ / / # / and he on worulde || wearþ gemyndig / hi
The Paris Psalter 110:4 6 im wolde yrfe || ellþeodigra / on agene æht || eall gesyllan / /
The Paris Psalter 110:5 4 s bebodu || ealle treowfæste / on ealra weorulda weoruld || wur
The Paris Psalter 110:5 5 ruld || wurdan soþfæste / and on rihtnysse || ræda getrymede /
The Paris Psalter 110:6 3 nd him swylce bebead / þæt hi on ecnysse || a syþþan / his gew
The Paris Psalter 110:7 1 t byþ secga gehwam || snytru on frymþe / þæt he godes egesan
The Paris Psalter 110:8 2 drihtnes || her sceal wunian / on worulda woruld || wynnum stan
The Paris Psalter 111:1 2 er || se þe him ege drihtnes / on ferhþcleofan || fæste gesta
The Paris Psalter 111:2 1 || bealde mid willan / / # / he on eorþan byþ || eadig and spe
The Paris Psalter 111:4 1 aþ ænig dæl / / # / leoht wæs on leodum || leofum acyþed / þam
The Paris Psalter 111:4 2 um || leofum acyþed / þam þe on þystrum || þrage lifdan / and
The Paris Psalter 111:4 4 || heoldan mid rihte / milde is on mode || mihtig dryhten / and he
The Paris Psalter 111:5 3 m || þurh his sylfes word / se on ecnysse || eadig standeþ / / #
The Paris Psalter 111:6 1 se || eadig standeþ / / # / byþ on eceum gemynde || æghwylc þ
The Paris Psalter 111:6 3 iht || symble healdeþ / ne him on hlyste || mycelum ondrædeþ /
The Paris Psalter 111:6 4 e || mycelum ondrædeþ / awiht on ealdre || yfeles syþþan / / #
The Paris Psalter 111:8 4 e / byþ his horn wended || her on wuldur / / # / swa þæt synfull
The Paris Psalter 112:3 2 sunnan / oþþæt heo wende || on westrodur / ge sculon dryhtnes
The Paris Psalter 112:5 2 yhtne / þam halgan gode || þe on heofonrice / eadig eardaþ || o
The Paris Psalter 112:5 4 te ā·reċċan. / / # / And hine on ealdor-dōm || up ā·settan /
The Paris Psalter 112:5 5 admedu || æghwær begangæþ / on eorþwege || up on heofenum / /
The Paris Psalter 112:5 5 begangæþ / on eorþwege || up on heofenum / / # / he of eorþan m
The Paris Psalter 112:6 2 ard seteþ || unwǣstm-bærre / on mōdor hūs || maniġra bearn
The Paris Psalter 112:7 1 þriste areccan / / # / and hine on ealdordom || upp asettan / his
The Paris Psalter 112:7 2 asettan / his folces fruman || on fæger lif / / # / se þe eard se
The Paris Psalter 112:8 2 eard seteþ || unwæstmbærre / on modor hus || manigra bearna / h
The Paris Psalter 113:3 2 ah / for him iordanen || gengde on hinder / / # / hæfdan þær beor
The Paris Psalter 113:4 3 lice / wæron geswyru || swyþe on blisse / swa on sceapum beoþ |
The Paris Psalter 113:4 4 swyru || swyþe on blisse / swa on sceapum beoþ || sceone lambr
The Paris Psalter 113:5 2 iordanen || for hwi gengdest on bæcling / / # / beorgas wæron b
The Paris Psalter 113:6 2 swa rammas / wurdan gesweoru || on seledreame / swa on sceapum beo
The Paris Psalter 113:6 3 gesweoru || on seledreame / swa on sceapum beoþ || sceone lambr
The Paris Psalter 113:8 1 tigean / / # / he wendeþ stan || on widne mere / and clifu cyrreþ
The Paris Psalter 113:8 2 dne mere / and clifu cyrreþ || on cwicu swylce / wæteres wellan
The Paris Psalter 113:11 1 a / / # / ys ure se halga god || on heofondreame / uppe mid englum
The Paris Psalter 113:11 3 gedeþ / swa his willa byþ || on woruldrice / / # / þa wæron deo
The Paris Psalter 113:16 2 habban / ne him hluttur gast || on hracan eardaþ / / # / ac heo wæ
The Paris Psalter 113:17 2 ice / and æghwylcum || þe him on treowaþ / / # / israhela hus ||
The Paris Psalter 113:18 1 þ / / # / israhela hus || ærest on drihten / helpe gehogedan || ho
The Paris Psalter 113:19 1 eheold / / # / aarones hus || eac on dryhten / leofne gelyfdan || he
The Paris Psalter 113:20 2 tnes / hio hyht heora || habban on drihten / he him fultum || fæs
The Paris Psalter 113:21 6 || bliþe mode / ealle þa þe on þe || egsan hæfdan / mycle an
The Paris Psalter 114:2 3 | and gehyrdest me / þa ic þe on dagum minum || dyrne cigde / / #
The Paris Psalter 114:5 2 ofa god || alys mine nu / sawle on gesyntum || ic to soþan wat /
The Paris Psalter 114:7 1 # / gecyr mine sawle || clæne on þine / rædæs reste || rice d
The Paris Psalter 114:7 3 drihten / þu me wel dydest || on woruldlife / / # / forþon þu mi
The Paris Psalter 114:8 6 / ic gelicie || leofum drihtne / on lifigendra || lande nu-þa
The Paris Psalter 115:2 2 a cwæþ || þa me swa þuhte / on modseofan || minum geþancum /
The Paris Psalter 115:5 2 and fæger || beacen dryhtne / on his gesyhþe || swylt haligra
The Paris Psalter 115:6 3 te / and þinre þeowan sunu || on þe acenned / / # / þu me tobræ
The Paris Psalter 115:8 2 c min gehat || halgum dryhtne / on his getynum || tidum gylde / þ
The Paris Psalter 115:8 5 um folc || eall sceawiaþ / and on hierusalem || georne midre
The Paris Psalter 116:1 3 gan wordum / and hine eall folc on efn || æþelne herigan / / # / f
The Paris Psalter 117:4 2 e þæt || unforcuþe / þe him on standeþ || egsa dryhtnes / for
The Paris Psalter 117:4 4 eþ / his mildheortnys || mære on worulde / / # / ic on costunge ||
The Paris Psalter 117:5 1 ys || mære on worulde / / # / ic on costunge || cigde to dryhtne /
The Paris Psalter 117:5 2 dryhtne / and he me gehyrde || on heare brædu / / # / nu me fultum
The Paris Psalter 117:8 1 eo || feondas mine / / # / god ys on dryhten || georne to þencean
The Paris Psalter 117:8 2 | georne to þenceanne / þonne on mannan wese || mod to treowia
The Paris Psalter 117:9 1 mod to treowianne / / # / god ys on dryhten || georne to hyhtanne
The Paris Psalter 117:9 2 || georne to hyhtanne / þonne on ealdormen || ahwær to treowi
The Paris Psalter 117:10 2 on || side þeode / and ic wæs on dryhtnes naman || deorum geh
The Paris Psalter 117:11 2 ange manige / and me godes nama on him || georne gehælde / / # / þ
The Paris Psalter 117:14 1 æs strengþu strang || stiþ on dryhtne / and herenes heah || a
The Paris Psalter 117:14 3 eac / ys a to worulde || worden on hælu / / # / a byþ blisse stefn
The Paris Psalter 117:15 2 lisse stefn || beorht gehyred / on soþfæstra || swæsum muþe /
The Paris Psalter 117:18 3 lmihtig || nolde to deaþe me / on ecnysse || æfre gesyllan / / #
The Paris Psalter 117:19 3 nn || gode andette / soþfæste on þa duru || seceaþ inngang / /
The Paris Psalter 117:20 3 rfe / and me þa gewurde || wis on hælu / / # / þone sylfan stan |
The Paris Psalter 117:24 2 e com || ofer bearna gehwylc / on dryhtnes naman || dædum mær
The Paris Psalter 118:1 1 r: Psalm 118 / / # / eadige beoþ on wege || þa þe unwemme / on hi
The Paris Psalter 118:1 2 þ on wege || þa þe unwemme / on hiora dryhtnes æ || deore ga
The Paris Psalter 118:3 2 n manwyrhtan || mægene feran / on his mærne weg || mihtigan dr
The Paris Psalter 118:5 2 la wisce || þæt wegas mine / on þinum willan || weorþan ger
The Paris Psalter 118:6 1 e healde / / # / ne beo ic þonne on ealdre || æfre gescynded / gif
The Paris Psalter 118:6 2 dre || æfre gescynded / gif ic on ealle þine bebodu || elne lo
The Paris Psalter 118:7 3 nre heortan || holde geþance / on þan þe ic geleornode || and
The Paris Psalter 118:8 2 soþfæstnysse || swylce mote / on hyge healdan || þæt þu hur
The Paris Psalter 118:8 3 healdan || þæt þu huru me / on þyssum ealdre || ænne ne fo
The Paris Psalter 118:9 1 ldre || ænne ne forlæte / / # / on hwan mæg se iunga || on godn
The Paris Psalter 118:9 1 / / # / on hwan mæg se iunga || on godne weg / rihtran þe rædran
The Paris Psalter 118:11 1 || feor adrife / / # / forþon ic on minre heortan || hydde georne
The Paris Psalter 118:13 1 ysse || sweotule cunne / / # / ic on minum welerum || wordum secge
The Paris Psalter 118:14 1 es || meahte domas / / # / and ic on wege swylce || wynnum gange /
The Paris Psalter 118:15 1 na || willum bruce / / # / swa ic on þine soþfæstnysse || soþe
The Paris Psalter 118:16 1 gittul || awa to feore / / # / ic on þinre soþfæstnysse || symb
The Paris Psalter 118:17 2 þinum esne || gode dæde / ic on lifdagum || lustum healde / þi
The Paris Psalter 118:18 2 e eagan || þæt ic wel mæge / on þinre æ || eall sceawian / wu
The Paris Psalter 118:19 1 a þu worhtyst ær / / # / ic eom on eorþan || earm bigenga / ne do
The Paris Psalter 118:20 3 soþfæst word || gesund mote / on ealle tid || elne healdan / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:23 2 nn || ealle ætgædere / sæton on seldum || swyþe spræcon / and
The Paris Psalter 118:24 2 wyrþ and getreowe / and ic hi on mode || metegie georne / and me
The Paris Psalter 118:26 3 hyrdest || holde mode / lær me on life || hu ic lengest mæge /
The Paris Psalter 118:26 4 dest || holde mōde; / lǣr mē on līfe, || hū iċ lenġest m
The Paris Psalter 118:27 2 eg || swylce getacna / þæt ic on þinum wundrum || me wel bega
The Paris Psalter 118:28 1 welċe ġe·tācna, / þæt iċ on þīnum wundrum || mē wēl b
The Paris Psalter 118:28 3 or langunga || læt me nu-þa / on þinum wordum || weorþan tru
The Paris Psalter 118:29 1 angunga; || lǣt mē nū-þā / on þīnum wordum || weorðan tr
The Paris Psalter 118:29 2 am me || unryhte wegas / and me on þinre æ geweorþ || ealles
The Paris Psalter 118:30 1 ē || unrihte weĝas, / and mē on þīnre ǣ ġe·weorþ || eal
The Paris Psalter 118:31 3 | wel geheolde / ne wylt þu me on ealdre || æfre gescyndan / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:32 1 || æfre gescyndan / / # / nu ic on wisne weg || worda þinra / re
The Paris Psalter 118:32 2 re ġe·sċyndan. / / # / Nū iċ on wīsne weġ || worda þīnra /
The Paris Psalter 118:32 3 ce nu / mine heortan geheald || on hyge brade / / # / æ þu me sete
The Paris Psalter 118:33 1 / mīne heortan ġe·heald || on hyġe brāde. / / # / Ǣ þū mē
The Paris Psalter 118:33 2 sete || ece dryhten / þæt ic on soþfæste wegas || symble ga
The Paris Psalter 118:33 3 , || ēċe drihten, / þæt iċ on sōþfæste weĝas || simle g
The Paris Psalter 118:34 3 ge mid soþe || swylce healde / on ealre minre heortan || holde
The Paris Psalter 118:35 1 n || holde mode / / # / gelæd me on stige || þær ic stæpe mine
The Paris Psalter 118:35 2 stige || þær ic stæpe mine / on þinum bebodum || bryce hæbb
The Paris Psalter 118:35 3 ġe, || ðǣr iċ stepe mīne / on þīnum be·bodum || bryċe h
The Paris Psalter 118:36 2 heortan || þæt ic halige nu / on þine gewitnysse || wise gecy
The Paris Psalter 118:36 3 tan, || þæt iċ hālġe nū / on þīne ġe·witnesse || wīse
The Paris Psalter 118:37 2 del / gese þurh synne || ac me on soþne weg / þinne þone leofa
The Paris Psalter 118:37 3 ·sēo þurh synne, || ac mē on sōðne weġ / þīnne þone l
The Paris Psalter 118:38 3 æce || sped leornige / and þa on ege þinum || ealle healde / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:39 1 ċe || spēd leornie / and þā on eġe þīnum || ealle healed.
The Paris Psalter 118:39 3 ahwær gangeþ / forþon ic eom on þinum domum || gedefe glæd /
The Paris Psalter 118:40 1 r gangeþ; / for·þon iċ eom on þīnum dōmum || ġe·dēfe
The Paris Psalter 118:40 3 | wene ic swylce / þæt þu me on rihtes || ræd gecwycige / / # /
The Paris Psalter 118:41 1 e iċ swelċe, / þæt þū mē on rihtes || rǣd ġe·cwycie. / /
The Paris Psalter 118:42 2 cweþaþ || þæt ic gewene on þe / and on þinum wordum || w
The Paris Psalter 118:42 3 || þæt ic gewene on þe / and on þinum wordum || wære hæbbe
The Paris Psalter 118:42 3 aþ, || þæt iċ ġe·wēne on þē / and on þīnum wordum ||
The Paris Psalter 118:43 1 t iċ ġe·wēne on þē / and on þīnum wordum || wǣre hæbb
The Paris Psalter 118:43 2 re || fæle spræce / þa ic me on muþe || mægene hæbbe / and i
The Paris Psalter 118:43 3 bbe / and ic soþfæst word || on sylfan healde / þæt ic on þi
The Paris Psalter 118:43 3 fǣle sprǣċe, / þā iċ mē on mūðe || mæġene hæbbe, / an
The Paris Psalter 118:43 4 || on sylfan healde / þæt ic on þinra doma || dæde getreowi
The Paris Psalter 118:43 4 e, / and iċ sōþfæst word || on selfan healde, / þæt iċ on
The Paris Psalter 118:44 1 | on selfan healde, / þæt iċ on þīnra dōma || dǣde ġe·t
The Paris Psalter 118:44 2 fne and healde / and to worulde on þære || wunian mote / and on
The Paris Psalter 118:44 3 on þære || wunian mote / and on ecnysse || efnan and healdan /
The Paris Psalter 118:45 1 efnan and healdan / / # / and ic on bealde || brædu gange / forþa
The Paris Psalter 118:45 2 fnan and healdan. / / # / And iċ on bealde% || brǣdu gange, / for
The Paris Psalter 118:46 2 yþan mote / þær hig eagum || on locian / hu me þin gewitnyss y
The Paris Psalter 118:46 4 ys || weorþ and getreowe / and on þam ne beon || æfre gescynd
The Paris Psalter 118:47 1 || æfre gescynded / / # / and ic on þinum bebodum || bealde mote
The Paris Psalter 118:47 2 fre ġe·sċynded / / # / And iċ on þīnum be·bodum || bealde m
The Paris Psalter 118:47 3 þe mærne ræd / forþan ic hi on lufan minre || lange hæfde / /
The Paris Psalter 118:48 1 rne rǣd, / for·þon% iċ hīe on lufan mīnre || lange hæfde.
The Paris Psalter 118:48 4 þeode || þearle begange / and on þine soþcwydas || symble ic
The Paris Psalter 118:49 1 ode || þearle be·gange, / and on þīne sōþ-cwidas || simle
The Paris Psalter 118:49 2 n nu dryhten || þines wordes / on þam þu me þinum || þeowe
The Paris Psalter 118:50 1 yht gesealdest / / # / þas ic me on frofre || fæste hæbbe / on mi
The Paris Psalter 118:50 2 me on frofre || fæste hæbbe / on minum eaþmedum || ungemete s
The Paris Psalter 118:50 3 on frōfre || fæste hæbbe / on mīnum ēaþ-mēdum || unġem
The Paris Psalter 118:51 2 | unriht fremmaþ / oþþæt hi on eorþan || ealle forweorþaþ
The Paris Psalter 118:51 3 yht fremmaþ, / oþ·þæt hīe on eorðan || ealle for·weorða
The Paris Psalter 118:52 3 l || þeoden dryhten / þæt ic on worulde æt þe || wurde afre
The Paris Psalter 118:53 1 / # / me wearþ gemolten || mod on hreþre / for fyrenfulra || fac
The Paris Psalter 118:53 1 | þēoden drihten, / þæt iċ on weorolde æt þē || wurde ā
The Paris Psalter 118:53 2 ē wearþ ġe·molten || mōd on hreðere / for firenfulra || f
The Paris Psalter 118:54 3 sse || selest heolde / þær ic on elelande || ahte stowe / / # / ne
The Paris Psalter 118:55 1 || sēlest hēolde, / ðǣr iċ on ele-lande || āhte stōwe. / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:57 1 sse || sohte georne / / # / me ys on dæle || dryhten user / cwide c
The Paris Psalter 118:57 2 || sōhte ġeorne. / / # / Mē is on dǣle, || drihten ūser, / cwid
The Paris Psalter 118:58 3 || heortan minre / þæt þu me on mode || milde weorþe / æfter
The Paris Psalter 118:58 4 eortan mīnre, / þæt þū mē on mōde || milde weorðe / aefter
The Paris Psalter 118:59 3 renne || fotum minum / þæt ic on þinre gewitnysse || wel gefe
The Paris Psalter 118:60 1 e || fōtum mīnum, / þæt iċ on þīnre ġe·witnesse || wēl
The Paris Psalter 118:67 3 þine spræce geheold || sped on mode / / # / god þu eart drihten
The Paris Psalter 118:68 1 sprǣċe ġe·hēold || spēd on mōde. / / # / God þū eart%, dr
The Paris Psalter 118:68 2 drihten || and me god swylce / on þinum tile gelær || þæt i
The Paris Psalter 118:68 3 rihten || and mē god swelċe / on þīnum tile ġe·lǣr, || þ
The Paris Psalter 118:70 4 c æ þine || ungemete georne / on modsefan || minum healde / / # /
The Paris Psalter 118:71 1 þīne || unġemete ġeorne / on mōd-sefan || mīnum healed. /
The Paris Psalter 118:74 1 beorhte leornian / / # / þa þe on feore forhtigaþ || þa me on
The Paris Psalter 118:74 1 on feore forhtigaþ || þa me on fægere geseoþ / and blissiaþ
The Paris Psalter 118:74 2 eorhte leornian. / / # / Þā þe on fēore forhtiaþ, || þā mē
The Paris Psalter 118:74 2 fēore forhtiaþ, || þā mē on fæġere ġe·sēoþ / and blis
The Paris Psalter 118:75 3 rihtwise || and þu ricene me / on þinre soþfæstnesse dydest
The Paris Psalter 118:76 1 twīse || and þū recene mē / on þīnre sōþfæstnesse dydes
The Paris Psalter 118:76 3 re || fæste gestande / swa þu on þinre spræce || sped gehete
The Paris Psalter 118:76 4 fæste ġe·stande, / swā þū on þīnre sprǣċe || spēd ġe
The Paris Psalter 118:77 2 ihtum geswyþede / and ic lange on þam || lifian mote / forþon m
The Paris Psalter 118:77 3 ote / forþon me is metegung || on modsefan / hu ic æ þine || ef
The Paris Psalter 118:77 3 ġe·swīðed, / and iċ lange on þǣm || libban mōte; / for·
The Paris Psalter 118:77 4 / for·þon mē is metĝung || on mōd-sefan, / hū iċ ǣ þīne
The Paris Psalter 118:80 1 cuþan / / # / wese heorte min || on hige clæne / and ic on þin so
The Paris Psalter 118:80 2 min || on hige clæne / and ic on þin soþfæst word || symble
The Paris Psalter 118:80 2 ðon. / / # / Wese heorte min || on hyġe clǣne / and iċ on þīn
The Paris Psalter 118:80 3 || symble getreowige / þæt ic on ealdre ne wese || æfre gesce
The Paris Psalter 118:81 1 / min saul gewearþ || swancur on mode / þær ic on þinre hælu
The Paris Psalter 118:81 1 simle ġe·trīewe, / þæt iċ on ealdre ne wese || ǣfre ġe·
The Paris Psalter 118:81 2 || swancur on mode / þær ic on þinre hælu || hogode and so
The Paris Psalter 118:81 2 sāwol ġe·wearþ || swancor on mōde, / ðǣr iċ on þīnre h
The Paris Psalter 118:81 3 lu || hogode and sohte / hu ic on þinum wordum || wel getrywad
The Paris Psalter 118:82 1 | hoĝode and sōhte, / hū iċ on þīnum wordum || wēl ġe·t
The Paris Psalter 118:82 2 swylce || eac teoredon / þær on þinre spræce || spede eodan
The Paris Psalter 118:82 3 lċe || ēac tēorodon, / ðǣr on þīnre sprǣċe || spēde ē
The Paris Psalter 118:82 4 on cynlice || hwa cwicenne me / on þysum ealdre || eft frefrade
The Paris Psalter 118:83 1 ċe: || ‘Hwā cwicenne mē / on þissum ealdre || eft frēfro
The Paris Psalter 118:83 2 den || werum anlicast / swa þu on hrime setest || hlance cylle /
The Paris Psalter 118:83 3 || werum anlīcost, / swā þū on hrīme setest || hlance cylle
The Paris Psalter 118:85 1 e / / # / me manwyrhtan || manige on spellum / sægdon soþlice || n
The Paris Psalter 118:85 2 / Mē mān-wyrhtan || maniġe on spellum / sæġdon sōðlīċe;
The Paris Psalter 118:87 4 ic þin gebod || þa ne wolde / on þysum ealdre || anforlætan /
The Paris Psalter 118:88 1 īn ġe·bod || þā ne wolde / on þissum ealdre || ān-for·l
The Paris Psalter 118:89 1 s || þe þu men lærdest / / # / on ecnesse || awa drihten / þin w
The Paris Psalter 118:89 2 en / þin word wunaþ || weorþ on heofenum / / # / and on worulda w
The Paris Psalter 118:89 2 | þe þū menn lǣrdest. / / # / On ēċnesse || āwa, drihten, /
The Paris Psalter 118:90 1 || weorþ on heofenum / / # / and on worulda woruld || wunaþ ece
The Paris Psalter 118:90 1 , / þīn word wunaþ || weorþ on heofonum. / / # / And on weorolda
The Paris Psalter 118:90 2 | weorþ on heofonum. / / # / And on weorolda weorold || wunaþ ē
The Paris Psalter 118:92 2 þin æ || an ne hulpe / þe ic on mode || minum hæfde / þonne i
The Paris Psalter 118:92 3 num hæfde / þonne ic wende || on woruldlife / þæt ic on minum
The Paris Psalter 118:92 3 n ǣ || ān ne hulpe, / þe iċ on mōde || mīnum hæfde, / þonn
The Paris Psalter 118:92 4 nde || on woruldlife / þæt ic on minum eadmedum || eall forwur
The Paris Psalter 118:92 4 m hæfde, / þonne iċ wende || on weorold-līfe, / þæt iċ on m
The Paris Psalter 118:93 1 g ic þæs æfre forgytan || on ecnesse / nymþe ic soþ word |
The Paris Psalter 118:93 1 | on weorold-līfe, / þæt iċ on mīnum ēad-mēdum || eall fo
The Paris Psalter 118:93 2 þæs ǣfre for·ġietan || on ēċnesse, / nemþe iċ sōþ w
The Paris Psalter 118:93 3 gehealde / forþon ic cuþlice on þæm || her nu cwicu lifige /
The Paris Psalter 118:94 1 de; / for·þon iċ cūðlīċe on þǣm || hēr nū cwicu lifie
The Paris Psalter 118:97 3 þæt lange dyde / þæt ic þa on mode || metegade georne / / # /
The Paris Psalter 118:98 1 t lange dyde, / þæt iċ þā on mōde || metĝode ġeorne. / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:98 2 t || swylce ofer mine / feondas on foldan || fæcne ealle / forþo
The Paris Psalter 118:98 3 | swelċe ofer mīne / fēondas on foldan || fǣcne% ealle; / for
The Paris Psalter 118:103 1 d || ærest settest / / # / me is on gomum || god and swete / þin a
The Paris Psalter 118:103 2 || ǣrest settest. / / # / Mē is on gamum || gōd and swēte / þī
The Paris Psalter 118:104 1 eade || betere and swetre / / # / on bebodum þinum || ic me betst
The Paris Psalter 118:104 2 de || betere and swētre. / / # / On be·bodum þīnum || iċ mē
The Paris Psalter 118:108 2 ines muþes me || modes willa / on heahsælum || hraþe gebringe
The Paris Psalter 118:108 3 s mūðes mē || mōdes willa / on hēah-sǣlum || hræðe ġe·
The Paris Psalter 118:109 1 lce / / # / is sawl min || symble on þinum / holdum handum || ne ic
The Paris Psalter 118:109 2 e. / / # / Is sāwol min || simle on þīnum / holdum heandum, || ne
The Paris Psalter 118:109 3 || ne ic þine þa halgan æ / on þysum ealdre forgitan || æf
The Paris Psalter 118:110 1 e iċ þīne þā hālĝan ǣ / on þissum ealdre for·ġietan |
The Paris Psalter 118:111 3 ne gewitnesse || wel getreowe / on ecnesse || awa to feore / þæt
The Paris Psalter 118:111 4 witnesse || wēl ġe·trīewe / on ēċnesse || āwa tō fēore;
The Paris Psalter 118:114 3 | æghwær æt þearfe / and ic on þin word || wel getreowe / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:115 1 ġhwǣr æt þearfe, / and iċ on þīn word || wēl ġe·trīe
The Paris Psalter 118:116 4 || lange þrage / ne gescend me on siþe || nu ic þin swa onbad
The Paris Psalter 118:117 1 þrāĝe; / ne ġe·sċend mē on sīðe, || nū iċ þīn swā
The Paris Psalter 118:118 3 n || wat ic gearewe / þæt heo on unriht || ealle þohtan / / # / i
The Paris Psalter 118:119 1 wāt iċ ġearwe, / þæt hēo on unryht || ealle þōhton. / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:119 2 hylmend || ealle getealde / þa on eorþan her || yfele wæron / f
The Paris Psalter 118:119 3 nd || ealle ġe·tealde, / þā on eorðan hēr || yfele wǣron,
The Paris Psalter 118:123 2 ne || atule gewurdan / þær ic on þinre hælo || hyldo sohte / a
The Paris Psalter 118:123 3 inre hælo || hyldo sohte / and on þinre spræce || sped soþf
The Paris Psalter 118:124 1 nre hǣlu || hyldu sōhte / and on þīnre sprǣċe || spēd sō
The Paris Psalter 118:132 1 ede mid willan / / # / beseoh þu on me || and me syþþan hraþe /
The Paris Psalter 118:132 2 mid willan. / / # / Be·seoh þū on mē || and mē siþþan hræ
The Paris Psalter 118:133 1 ece þu me swylce || þæt ic on rihtne weg / æfter þinre spr
The Paris Psalter 118:133 2 ū mē swelċe, || þæt iċ on rihtne weġ / aefter þīnre sp
The Paris Psalter 118:138 2 oþfæst weorc || symble hete / on þinre gewitnesse || wel gehe
The Paris Psalter 118:139 1 þfæst weorc || simle hēte / on þīnre ġe·witnesse || wēl
The Paris Psalter 118:139 4 heard ehtnes || huses þines / on bearme me || gebrohte oft / þa
The Paris Psalter 118:139 5 rd ēhtness || hūses þīnes / on bearme mē || ġe·brōhte of
The Paris Psalter 118:141 1 r || ealle lufade / / # / ic wæs on geoguþe || grame me forhoged
The Paris Psalter 118:141 2 || ealle lufode. / / # / Iċ wæs on ġuĝuþe, || grame mē for·
The Paris Psalter 118:142 3 fæste || and seo symble biþ / on ecnesse || awa to feore / is þ
The Paris Psalter 118:142 4 fæste || and sēo simle biþ / on ēċnesse || āwa tō fēore;
The Paris Psalter 118:143 4 ebodu || efnde and læste / eac on minum mode || hi metegade geo
The Paris Psalter 118:144 1 odu || efnde and lǣste, / ēac on mīnum mōde || hīe metĝode
The Paris Psalter 118:144 2 rþast and rihtast / and þa me on ece || andgyt hæbbe / syle me
The Paris Psalter 118:144 3 ost and rihtost, / and þā mē on ēċe || andġiet hæbbe; / sel
The Paris Psalter 118:147 1 liþe gehealde / / # / and ic þe on ripe forecom || and hraþe sw
The Paris Psalter 118:147 2 ġe·healde. / / # / And iċ þē on ripe fore·cōm || and hræð
The Paris Psalter 118:147 4 ge || wistest gearwe / þæt ic on þinum wordum || wel getruwad
The Paris Psalter 118:148 1 || wistest ġearwe, / þæt iċ on þīnum wordum || wēl ġe·t
The Paris Psalter 118:148 2 e eagan mine || eac forecoman / on ærmergen || ic elne ongann /
The Paris Psalter 118:148 3 n mīne || ēac fore·cōmon; / on ǣr-morĝen || iċ elne on·g
The Paris Psalter 118:152 3 eawlice || þæt þu geara hi / on ecnesse || ær staþelodest / /
The Paris Psalter 118:153 1 e, || þæt þū ġearwe hīe / on ēċnesse || ǣr staðolodest
The Paris Psalter 118:159 3 ustum lufige || leofa drihten / on þinre mildheortnesse || me s
The Paris Psalter 118:160 1 tum lufie, || lēofa drihten; / on þīnre mild-heortnesse || m
The Paris Psalter 118:160 3 byþ soþ || symble meted / and on ecnesse || awa to feore / ealle
The Paris Psalter 118:160 4 þ sōþ || simle mēted, / and on ēċnesse || āwa tō fēore /
The Paris Psalter 118:161 4 t || þær ic þin halig word / on þinum egesan ærest || æþe
The Paris Psalter 118:162 1 ðǣr iċ þīn hāliġ word / on þīnum eġesan ǣrest || æ
The Paris Psalter 118:164 4 || forþon ic þine domas wat / on soþ fæste || smicere gefyld
The Paris Psalter 118:165 1 ·þon iċ þīne dōmas wāt / on sōþ fæste || smicere ġe·
The Paris Psalter 118:165 3 ode lufien / ne biþ him æswic on þon || æfre to feore / / # / ic
The Paris Psalter 118:166 1 e lufien; / ne biþ him ǣ-swic on þon || ǣfre tō fēore. / / #
The Paris Psalter 118:168 4 lle mine wegas || wise syndan / on þinre gesihþe || soþe drih
The Paris Psalter 118:169 1 mīne weĝas || wīse sindon / on þīnre ġe·sihþe || sōðe
The Paris Psalter 118:169 3 m bealde || þæt ic bidde nu / on þinre gesihþe || symble dri
The Paris Psalter 118:169 4 ealde, || þæt iċ bidde nū / on þīnre ġe·sihþe || simle,
The Paris Psalter 118:170 2 ngange min ben || ece drihten / on þinre gesihþe || symble æt
The Paris Psalter 118:170 3 e min bēn, || ēċe drihten, / on þīnre ġe·sihþe || simle
The Paris Psalter 118:173 1 wis / / # / syn me þine handa || on hælu nu / and þæt domlice ||
The Paris Psalter 118:173 2 / # / Sīen mē þīne handa || on hǣlu nū, / and þæt dōmlī
The Paris Psalter 119:5 2 d min bigengea gewat || bryce on feorweg / sceal ic eard niman |
The Paris Psalter 120:3 1 / # / ne sylle he þinne fot || on feondes geweald / ne hycge to s
The Paris Psalter 120:4 1 þe healdeþ þe / / # / efne se on hygde || huru ne slæpeþ / ne
The Paris Psalter 120:6 1 æt þearfe / / # / ne þe sunne on dæge || sol ne gebærne / ne
The Paris Psalter 120:6 2 | sol ne gebærne / ne þe mona on niht || min ne geweorþe / ac
The Paris Psalter 121:1 1 ris Psalter: Psalm 121 / / # / ic on þyssum eom || eallum bliþe /
The Paris Psalter 121:1 3 lice to || acweden syndon / and on godes hus || gange syþþan / /
The Paris Psalter 121:2 2 on fæststealle || fotas mine / on þinum cafertunum || þær ur
The Paris Psalter 121:2 3 unum || þær ure cyþþ wæs / on hierusalem || geara ærest / / #
The Paris Psalter 121:3 3 imbred / þær syndon dælas || on sylfre hire / / # / þær cneoris
The Paris Psalter 121:4 3 nne || cuþan þa drihten / and on þære gewitnesse || wæran i
The Paris Psalter 121:5 1 hwær habban / / # / oft hi þær on seldon || sæton æt domum / þ
The Paris Psalter 121:5 3 nne dema || dauides hus / þæt on heofenum siteþ || heah gesta
The Paris Psalter 121:6 2 de || beorhtere sibbe / þa þe on hierusalem || gode syndan / and
The Paris Psalter 121:6 4 iht agun || þa þe neode þe / on heora lufun || lustum healda
The Paris Psalter 121:7 1 || lustum healdaþ / / # / si þe on þinum mægene sib || mæst a
The Paris Psalter 121:7 2 sib || mæst and fyrmest / and on þinum torrum wese || tidum g
The Paris Psalter 121:8 3 | nemne swylce / þæt we sibbe on þe || symble habbon / / # / and
The Paris Psalter 122:3 2 | earmre þeowenan / þonne heo on hire hlæfdigean || handa loc
The Paris Psalter 123:1 1 lter: Psalm 123 / / # / nymþe us on wese || ece drihten / cweþaþ
The Paris Psalter 123:1 3 alle nu-þa / nymþe us eardige on || awa drihten / / # / þonne us
The Paris Psalter 123:5 2 þæt ne dyde æfre / þæt us on hearde || hæftnyd sealde / þa
The Paris Psalter 123:7 1 || gryne losige / / # / grin biþ on sadan || grame torænded / and
The Paris Psalter 123:7 4 man drihtnes || neode habbaþ / on fultume || fæstne and strang
The Paris Psalter 124:1 1 salter: Psalm 124 / / # / þa þe on drihten heora || dædum getre
The Paris Psalter 124:1 2 || dædum getreowaþ / hi beoþ on sionbeorge || swyþe gelice / n
The Paris Psalter 124:1 3 || swyþe gelice / ne mæg hine on ealdre || ænig onhreran / þe
The Paris Psalter 124:1 4 nhreran / þe eardfæst byþ || on hierusalem / / # / hi synd mundbe
The Paris Psalter 125:3 6 || wyrce mære / and we bealde on þam || bliþe weorþan / / # / g
The Paris Psalter 125:5 1 || swiþe hlimman / / # / þa her on tornlicum || tearum sawaþ / hi
The Paris Psalter 125:6 2 endum || cuþe mid blisse / and on heora sceafas beraþ || swa h
The Paris Psalter 126:1 2 hus timbrige || halig drihten / on idel gylp || oþre winnaþ / þ
The Paris Psalter 126:5 2 strangum and mihtigum / hrorum on handa || heard ascyrped / swa l
The Paris Psalter 126:6 2 a þenceþ / þæt he his lust on þon || leofne gefylle / ne bi
The Paris Psalter 126:6 3 || leofne gefylle / ne biþ he on ealdre ealre || æfre gescend
The Paris Psalter 126:6 4 || æfre gescended / þonne he on gaton greteþ || his grame fe
The Paris Psalter 127:1 3 ædaþ || and his gedefne weg / on hyra lifes tid || lustum gang
The Paris Psalter 127:2 3 fast / and þe wel weorþeþ || on wynburgum / / # / beoþ þines wi
The Paris Psalter 127:3 2 nes wifes || welan gelice / swa on wingearde || weaxen berigean /
The Paris Psalter 127:3 3 gearde || weaxen berigean / and on þines huses || hwommum genih
The Paris Psalter 127:5 2 etsad || beorna æghwylc / mann on moldan || þe him metodes ege
The Paris Psalter 127:5 3 moldan || þe him metodes ege / on his dædum || drihten forhta
The Paris Psalter 127:6 3 bletsige || and þu bruce eac / on hierusalem || goda gehwylces /
The Paris Psalter 128:1 1 / / # / oft me fuhtan to || fynd on geoguþe / cweþan israhelas nu
The Paris Psalter 128:1 3 ylfe / oft me fuhtan to || fynd on geoguþe / ne mihton hi awiht
The Paris Psalter 128:4 2 hige || her gelicast / þam þe on huses þæce || heah aweaxeþ
The Paris Psalter 128:6 2 þan || þa his cwide weoldan / on ofergeate || æghwær hæbben
The Paris Psalter 128:6 5 s bletsung / we eow neodlice || on naman drihtnes / swylce bletsia
The Paris Psalter 129:2 3 beheldende || mid hige swylce / on eall gebedd || esnes þines / /
The Paris Psalter 129:5 2 || symble aræfnede / þæt ic on þinum wordum || me wel getre
The Paris Psalter 129:5 3 el getreowde / forþon min sawl on þe || symble getreoweþ / / # /
The Paris Psalter 129:6 3 ume || ylda bearnum / israhelas on drihten || a getreowen / / # / fo
The Paris Psalter 129:7 1 on is mildheortnesse || miht on drihtne / and he alyseþ || lus
The Paris Psalter 129:7 3 || lustum ealle / þa þe hiht on hine || habbaþ fæste / / # / he
The Paris Psalter 130:1 2 ten / ne mine eagan wiþ þe || on oferhygde / / # / ne ic on mægen
The Paris Psalter 130:2 1 þe || on oferhygde / / # / ne ic on mægene || miclum gange / ne wu
The Paris Psalter 130:3 2 || eall geþafige / is min sawl on þon || swyþe gefeonde / / # / s
The Paris Psalter 130:5 1 symble gyldest / / # / israhelas on drihten || a getreowigen / of
The Paris Psalter 131:3 1 þone mæran / / # / þeah þe ic on mines huses || hyld gegange / o
The Paris Psalter 131:3 3 || þænne swæs wese / oþþe on min restbedd || ricene gestig
The Paris Psalter 131:4 3 || beode hnappunga / oþþe ic on þunwange || þriste gereste /
The Paris Psalter 131:6 1 weme / / # / efne we þas eall || on eufraten / sæcgean gehyrdon ||
The Paris Psalter 131:6 3 an gemitton / forwel manegu || on wudufeldum / / # / we on his sele
The Paris Psalter 131:7 1 anegu || on wudufeldum / / # / we on his selegesceot || swylce gan
The Paris Psalter 131:8 1 r || fæste gestodan / / # / aris on þinre reste || recene drihte
The Paris Psalter 131:9 1 ra / / # / synd þine sacerdas || on soþfæstnesse / gode gegierede
The Paris Psalter 131:10 4 re / þines þæs halgan || her on eorþan / / # / þæs deopne aþ
The Paris Psalter 131:13 3 worulde || wynnum brucan / and on þinum setle || sittan geneah
The Paris Psalter 131:15 2 min rest || þe ic recene nu / on worulda woruld || wunian þen
The Paris Psalter 132:1 2 nd god swylce / þætte broþur on an || begen hicgen / þær hig
The Paris Psalter 132:3 1 yrede / / # / seo niþer astah || on his reafæs fnæd / swa æþele
The Paris Psalter 132:3 2 æs fnæd / swa æþele deaw || on hermone / se ofer sionbeorge ||
The Paris Psalter 133:2 1 || onbyhtscealcas / / # / ge þe on godes huse || gearwe standaþ
The Paris Psalter 133:2 2 s huse || gearwe standaþ / and on cafertunum || cristes huses / u
The Paris Psalter 133:3 2 hta gehwylcere / eowre handa || on halig lof / and bletsiaþ || ba
The Paris Psalter 134:2 1 as || swiþe ealle / / # / ge þe on godes huse || gleawe standaþ
The Paris Psalter 134:2 2 s huse || gleawe standaþ / and on cafertunum || cristes huses /
The Paris Psalter 134:4 2 e geceas || iacob drihten / and on agene æht || israeles cynn / /
The Paris Psalter 134:6 2 a þe wolde || worhte drihten / on heofonrice || and her on eor
The Paris Psalter 134:6 2 hten / on heofonrice || and her on eorþan / on sidum sæ || swylc
The Paris Psalter 134:6 3 fonrice || and her on eorþan / on sidum sæ || swylce on eallum
The Paris Psalter 134:6 3 orþan / on sidum sæ || swylce on eallum / þær he dyrne wat ||
The Paris Psalter 134:11 3 g cyning || se þe æror wæs / on basane || breme and mære / / #
The Paris Psalter 134:13 3 þin gemynd || mihtig drihten / on ealra worulda woruld || wynnu
The Paris Psalter 134:14 2 | fægere drihten / and he biþ on his esnum || agenum frefriend
The Paris Psalter 134:19 1 magon feala gangan / / # / ne hi on hracan awiht || hlude ne cleo
The Paris Psalter 134:19 2 / ne him gast waraþ || gomum on muþe / / # / synt anlice þæm |
The Paris Psalter 134:20 2 ær worhtan / and ealle þa þe on hi || æfre getreowaþ / / # / hu
The Paris Psalter 134:21 5 bletsien || beornas ealle / þa on lifes hus || leof eardiaþ / bl
The Paris Psalter 134:22 5 n sniome || þe soþfæst ær / on hierusalem || god eardode
The Paris Psalter 135:8 1 te || manna bearnum / / # / sette on miht dæges || mære sunnan / /
The Paris Psalter 135:9 1 ht dæges || mære sunnan / / # / on miht nihte || monan and steor
The Paris Psalter 135:12 1 ægyptum || ealle gesunde / / # / on mihtigre || mære handa / and o
The Paris Psalter 135:12 2 n mihtigre || mære handa / and on eallmihte || earmes swylce / / #
The Paris Psalter 135:15 2 gefeol || and his fæge werud / on þam readan sæ || recene for
The Paris Psalter 135:17 2 earce burnan / leodum lædde || on leofne þanc / / # / swylce he ac
The Paris Psalter 135:21 2 r wæs / swyþe breme cyning || on basane / / # / sealde heora eorþ
The Paris Psalter 135:22 1 e / / # / sealde heora eorþan || on yrfeland / / # / and þæt yrfe |
The Paris Psalter 135:23 1 rfeland / / # / and þæt yrfe || on israele / þe his esnas || agen
The Paris Psalter 135:27 2 ealle || þam ecean gode / þe on heofonum is || heah eardiende
The Paris Psalter 136:2 4 sare wepaþ / his agen bearn || on þone æþelan stan / þonne we
The Paris Psalter 136:2 4 munon || swīðe ġeorne. / / # / On saliġ we sariġe || swīðe
The Paris Psalter 136:3 1 gemunan || swiþe georne / / # / on salig we sarige || swiþe gel
The Paris Psalter 136:3 2 , / wōh% meldedon, || þā ūs on weġ lǣdon. / / # / ‘Singaþ
The Paris Psalter 136:4 2 wordum / woh meldedan || þa us on weg læddan / / # / singaþ us ym
The Paris Psalter 136:4 2 mnum || ealdra sanga / þe ġē on Sione || sungon ġe·nēahhe.
The Paris Psalter 136:4 2 ymnum || ealdra sanga / þe ge on sione || sungan geneahhige / hu
The Paris Psalter 136:5 4 n we singan || sangas drihtne / on þære foldan || þe us fremd
The Paris Psalter 136:6 4 || simle æt frymþe; / ac iċ on Hierusālem || ġeorne blissi
The Paris Psalter 136:7 2 e || symble æt frymþe / ac ic on hierusalem || georne blissie /
The Paris Psalter 136:7 2 drihten || manigra bearna / þe on edom synt || eal lifigende / þ
The Paris Psalter 136:9 2 e eft ġieldeþ / þā þū him on ealdre || ǣr for·ġēafe / an
The Paris Psalter: Psalm 136 1 e eft gyldeþ / / # / þa þu him on ealdre || ær forgeafe / and us
A.5.5.136 2 c seteþ% / his āĝen bearn || on þone æðelan stān.
The Paris Psalter 137:1 2 c þe andette || ecne drihten / on minre gehygde || heortan ealr
The Paris Psalter 137:1 5 e || and mid mode cweþe / and on þinra engla || ealra gesihþ
The Paris Psalter 137:2 3 ode / and þær þinne naman || on neod secge / / # / ofer þine þa
The Paris Psalter 137:4 3 aþe gedo / micle mine sawle || on þines mægenes sped / / # / eall
The Paris Psalter 137:5 4 muþes || þa mæran word / þa on sangum || singan drihtne / / # /
The Paris Psalter 137:6 5 / þu eadmodra || ealra locast / on heofonhame || her on eorþan /
The Paris Psalter 137:6 5 a locast / on heofonhame || her on eorþan / / # / þeah þe ic on m
The Paris Psalter 137:7 1 r on eorþan / / # / þeah þe ic on midle || manes gange / þær me
The Paris Psalter 137:7 4 feondum / þe me woldan yrre || on acyþan / þu me geræhtest ||
The Paris Psalter 137:8 2 / is his mildheortnes || mycel on worulde / ne forseoh æfre ||
The Paris Psalter 138:2 5 rþan me inwit næs || ahwær on tungan / / # / efne þu drihten |
The Paris Psalter 138:4 3 eac gestrangod / ne mæg ic him on neode || a neah cuman / / # / hwi
The Paris Psalter 138:6 1 || eorþan dæles / / # / gif ic on heofenas up || hea astige / þu
The Paris Psalter 138:6 2 up || hea astige / þu me þær on efn || andweard sittest / gif i
The Paris Psalter 138:6 3 fn || andweard sittest / gif ic on helle gedo || hwyrft ænigne /
The Paris Psalter 138:9 1 re || þær gehendeþ / / # / ic on mode cwæþ || minum swylce / w
The Paris Psalter 138:9 3 u || þearle forgripen / and me on nihte || neode onlihte / þæt
The Paris Psalter 138:13 2 þæt þu wislice || worhtest on diglum / þeh min lichama || ly
The Paris Psalter 138:13 4 h min lichama || lytle þrage / on niþerdælum || eorþan wunig
The Paris Psalter 138:14 2 | þæt ic ealles wæs / unfrom on ferhþe || eall þæt forþ h
The Paris Psalter 138:14 3 e || eall þæt forþ heonan / on þinum wisbocum || awriten st
The Paris Psalter 138:15 2 drihten gesceop / ne mæg ænig on þam || awa lifigean / me synd
The Paris Psalter 138:15 6 ealdordom || ungemete swiþe / on cneorissum || cuþ gestrangod
The Paris Psalter 138:17 2 s || ge bebugaþ me / þe þæt on geþohtum || þenceaþ cweþe
The Paris Psalter 138:21 1 nd þu sylfa geseoh || gif ic on swiculne weg / oþþe on unriht
The Paris Psalter 138:21 2 gif ic on swiculne weg / oþþe on unrihte || ahwær eode / gelæd
The Paris Psalter 138:21 4 onne || lifes ealdor / þæt ic on ecne weg || æghwær gange
The Paris Psalter 139:1 1 9 / / # / genere me wiþ niþe || on naman þinum / fram yfelum menn
The Paris Psalter 139:2 2 g || inwit and facen / hycgeaþ on heortan || þurh hearme geþo
The Paris Psalter 139:5 1 ungre || lifes ealdur / / # / þa on hyge þohtan || þæt hi ahyl
The Paris Psalter 139:7 3 || and þu min heafod scealt / on gefeohtdæge || feondum awerg
The Paris Psalter 139:8 2 u me æfre || ofer lust minne / on fyrenfulra || fæcne geþanca
The Paris Psalter 139:8 4 hycgeaþ / ne forlæt þu me || on lifdagum / þy læs hi ahafene
The Paris Psalter 139:9 3 bbaþ / him þæt ilce sceal || on gesittan / / # / eac hi feallaþ
The Paris Psalter 139:10 1 gesittan / / # / eac hi feallaþ on || fyres glede / and þu hi mid
The Paris Psalter 139:10 1 tan. / / # / Eac hīe feallaþ || on fȳres glēde, / and þū hīe
The Paris Psalter 139:11 1 standen / / # / se getynga wer || on teosuspræce / ne biþ se ofer
The Paris Psalter 139:11 4 || yfel gecnysseþ / oþþe he on eorþan || eall forweorþeþ /
The Paris Psalter 139:12 2 ode deþ / drihten domas || þe on dagum þyssum / wædlum weorþa
The Paris Psalter 139:13 3 herigean / scylan eard niman || on þinre ansyne / þa mid ræde h
The Paris Psalter 140:2 1 e || bidde ceare full / / # / sy on þinre gesihþe || mines sylf
The Paris Psalter 140:4 4 ele dor || ymbstandende / þæt on welerum || wisdom healde / / # /
The Paris Psalter 140:6 3 emænnesse || micle hæbbe / ne on heora gecorenesse || becume
The Paris Psalter 140:8 2 || becnum standeþ / þæt him on wisum is || wel lycendlice / sy
The Paris Psalter 140:10 1 neodum / / # / forþon ic drihten on þe || dædum minum / eagum and
The Paris Psalter 140:12 1 þ / / # / feallaþ firenfulle || on heora fengnettum / ic me syndri
The Paris Psalter 141:2 2 ic mine bene || bealde swylce / on his gesihþe || symble ageote
The Paris Psalter 141:4 1 stige || strange ongeate / / # / on þyssum grenan wege || þe ic
The Paris Psalter 141:4 1 m grenan wege || þe ic gange on / me oferhydige || æghwær set
The Paris Psalter 141:4 4 e || geara ic sceawade / geseah on þa swyþran || ne me sylfne
The Paris Psalter 141:5 5 rt min se soþa hiht / eart þu on lifigendra || lande swylce / se
The Paris Psalter 142:1 4 halsunge || heald me syþþan / on þinre soþfæstnesse || and
The Paris Psalter 142:1 4 inre soþfæstnesse || and me on soþe gehyr / / # / ne ga þu mid
The Paris Psalter 142:2 2 um esne || in to dome / forþon on þinre gesihþe ne biþ || so
The Paris Psalter 142:2 3 e biþ || soþfæst ænig / þe on þisse foldan || feorhlif ber
The Paris Psalter 142:4 1 ylce || gelytlad is / / # / hi me on digle || deorce stowe / settan
The Paris Psalter 142:4 5 nan hreþres / and me is heorte on || hearde gedrefed / / # / þonne
The Paris Psalter 142:5 1 hearde gedrefed / / # / þonne ic on mode || gemyndgade / hu me ærr
The Paris Psalter 142:5 3 dagas || oft alumpan / metegade on mode || ealle þine mæran we
The Paris Psalter 142:7 5 e || wese ic earmum gelic / þe on sweartne grund || syþþan as
The Paris Psalter 142:8 1 gedo þæt ic gehyre || holde on morgene / þine mildheortnesse
The Paris Psalter 142:9 2 wise || þæt ic wite gearwe / on hwylcne ic gange || gleawe mo
The Paris Psalter 142:11 2 ast || gleawe lædde / þæt ic on rihtne weg || reþne ferde / fo
The Paris Psalter 142:11 5 usser || do me halne / þæt ic on þinum rihte || rædfæst lif
The Paris Psalter 142:12 3 e || þær heo syþþan forþ / on þinre mildheortnesse || mote
The Paris Psalter 143:3 2 rt || mihtig scyldend / ic hiht on þe || hæbbe fæste / þæt þ
The Paris Psalter 143:5 3 wylce || demde gelice / swa þu on scimiendre || sceade locige / /
The Paris Psalter 143:10 3 m godan gode || gleawne singe / on psalterio || þe him swynsaþ
The Paris Psalter 143:10 5 yn strengum || getogen hearpe / on þære þe ic þe singe || sw
The Paris Psalter 143:14 3 amum || samed anlice / standaþ on staþule || stiþe wiþ geogu
The Paris Psalter 143:16 3 roccettaþ swiþe / of þissan on þæt || þonne wendaþ / / # / h
The Paris Psalter 143:17 2 p wærun || swylce tydred / and on siþfatum || swiþe genihtsum
The Paris Psalter 143:18 3 um / ne care micle || cleopiaþ on worþum / / # / eadig biþ þæt
The Paris Psalter 143:19 2 c || oþre hataþ / þe him swa on foldan || fægre limpeþ / eadi
The Paris Psalter 144:1 3 naman þinne || neode herige / on ecnesse || awa to worulde / / #
The Paris Psalter 144:2 3 naman þinne || neode herige / on ecnesse || awa to worulde / / #
The Paris Psalter 144:13 4 ac || ofer eorþware / of cynne on cynn || and on cneorissum / / #
The Paris Psalter 144:13 4 ware / of cynne on cynn || and on cneorissum / / # / drihten is on
The Paris Psalter 144:14 1 on cneorissum / / # / drihten is on wordum || dædum getreowe / and
The Paris Psalter 144:14 2 wordum || dædum getreowe / and on eallum his weorcum || wis and
The Paris Psalter 144:16 1 || earme gebrocene / / # / eagan on þe || ealra drihten / wisra ge
The Paris Psalter 144:18 1 a / / # / soþfæst is drihten || on his sylfes wegum / eallum on eo
The Paris Psalter 144:18 2 || on his sylfes wegum / eallum on eorþan || and he æfter þan
The Paris Psalter 144:18 2 n eorðan || and hē aefter þ on / on his weorcum is || wīs and
The Paris Psalter 144:18 3 eorþan || and he æfter þan / on his weorcum is || wis and hal
The Paris Psalter 144:21 1 lle / / # / sceal lof drihtnes || on lust sprecan / min muþ mannum
The Paris Psalter 144:21 5 haligan naman || her bletsian / on ecnesse || awa to feore
The Paris Psalter 145:1 2 awl || hælend drihten / and ic on minum life || lustum drihten /
The Paris Psalter 145:2 1 n ic sylf lifige / / # / nelle ge on ealdurmenn || ane getreowian /
The Paris Psalter 145:2 2 ldurmenn || ane getreowian / ne on manna bearn || nis þær myce
The Paris Psalter 145:3 2 t gangeþ || gearwe onwendeþ / on þa eorþan || þe hi of como
The Paris Psalter 145:4 3 a fultumiend / and ær his hiht on god || hæfde fæste / / # / se
The Paris Psalter 145:5 3 gædere / and ealle þa þe him on || ahwær syndon / / # / he his s
The Paris Psalter 145:6 2 word || swylce gehealdeþ / and on worulde his || wise domas / de
The Paris Psalter 145:7 6 blinde eac || bealde drihten / on heora eagum || eft onleohteþ
The Paris Psalter 145:9 2 aþ mid ræde || rice drihten / on ecnesse || awa to feore / and
The Paris Psalter 146:5 4 snytru mæg || secgean ænig / on þyssum ealdre || æfre arima
The Paris Psalter 146:11 2 anna || mægene willan / ne þe on þinum selegescotum || swiþe
The Paris Psalter 146:11 3 h þe weras wyrcean || wræst on eorþan / / # / ac wel licaþ ||
The Paris Psalter 146:12 3 daþ || dædum and wordum / and on his milde mod || mægene gewe
The Paris Psalter 147:2 4 etsade || bearna æghwylc / þe on innan þe || ahwær wæren / / #
The Paris Psalter 147:3 2 ine gemæru || gemiclade / þu on utlandum || ahtest sibbe / and
The Paris Psalter 147:4 2 spræce hider || spowendlice / on þas eorþan || ærest sende
The Paris Psalter 148:1 1 ter: Psalm 148 / / # / heriaþ ge on heofenum || hælend drihten / h
The Paris Psalter 148:1 2 lend drihten / heriaþ hlude || on heanessum / / # / heriaþ hine ea
The Paris Psalter 148:4 3 ylce || þe ofer wolcnum synt / on heofenhame || herigen drihten
The Paris Psalter 148:6 1 | þa he sylfa het / / # / þa he on ecnesse || eall staþelade / an
The Paris Psalter 148:6 2 cnesse || eall staþelade / and on worulda woruld || wolde heald
The Paris Psalter 148:9 3 wæstm || mannum bringaþ / and on eallum cedrum || ciiþ alæde
The Paris Psalter 148:14 3 þa halgan / wese awa friþ || on israhela / fælum folce || and
The Paris Psalter 148:14 5 folce || and hi forþ heonan / on his neaweste || neode wunian
The Paris Psalter 149:1 3 a singaþ / wese his herenes || on haligra / clænre cyricean || c
The Paris Psalter 149:2 1 cyþed geneahhe / / # / israhelas on hine || eac blissien / and sion
The Paris Psalter 149:3 1 # / herigen his naman || neode on þreatum / on timpano || tidum
The Paris Psalter 149:3 2 is naman || neode on þreatum / on timpano || tidum heriaþ / and
The Paris Psalter 149:3 3 timpano || tidum heriaþ / and on psalterio || singaþ georne / /
The Paris Psalter 149:4 1 || singaþ georne / / # / forþon on his folce is || fægere driht
The Paris Psalter 149:5 1 eþ || mære hælu / / # / þonne on wuldre gefeoþ || wel þa hal
The Paris Psalter 149:5 2 feoþ || wel þa halgan / beoþ on heora husum || bliþe gedreme
The Paris Psalter 149:6 1 sum || bliþe gedreme / / # / him on gomum biþ || godes oft gemyn
The Paris Psalter 149:6 3 / and sweord habbaþ || swylce on folmum / / # / mid þy hi wrecan
The Paris Psalter 149:8 2 n || balde þenceaþ / cyningas on campum || and cuþlice / heora
The Paris Psalter 149:8 3 d cuþlice / heora æþelingas d on || on isene bendas / / # / þæt
The Paris Psalter 149:8 3 ċe / hira æðelingas dōn || on% īsene bendas. / / # / Þæt hēo
The Paris Psalter 149:9 1 sene bendas / / # / þæt hio dom on him || deopne gecyþan / and þ
The Paris Psalter 149:9 3 þis is haligra wuldor || her on eorþan
The Paris Psalter 150:1 1 salter: Psalm 150 / / # / heriaþ on þam halgum || his holdne dri
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2 s holdne drihten / heriaþ hine on his mægenes || mære hælu / /
The Paris Psalter 150:2 1 lu / / # / heriaþ hine swylce || on his heahmihtum / heriaþ hine
The Paris Psalter 150:3 1 genþrymmes / / # / heriaþ hine on hleoþre || holdre beman
The Paris Psalter 51:6 2 ē andette || āwa tō fēore / on ðǣre weorolde || þe þū
The Paris Psalter 51:6 3 ær || fæstne gelyfde / ac he on his welan spede || wræste ge
The Paris Psalter 51:6 3 ū eart sē gōda, || glēaw on ġe·sihþe, / þe þīnne held
The Paris Psalter 51:6 4 pede || wræste getruwode / and on idel gylp || ealra geornost / /
The Paris Psalter 51:7 2 ne swa elebeam || up weaxende / on godes huse || ece gewene / and
The Paris Psalter 51:7 3 godes huse || ece gewene / and on milde mod || mines drihtnes / a
The Paris Psalter 51:8 2 c þe andette || awa to feore / on þære worulde || þe þu gew
The Paris Psalter 51:8 3 an þu eart se gooda || gleaw on gesyhþe / þe þinne held cura
The Paris Psalter 52:1 1 e Paris Psalter: Psalm 52 / / # / on his heortan cwæþ || unhydig
The Paris Psalter 52:4 1 || georne secan / / # / ealle heo on ane || idelnesse / symle besega
The Paris Psalter 52:8 1 hten / / # / þonne iacob byþ || on glædum sælum / and israelas |
The Paris Psalter 53:1 1 e Paris Psalter: Psalm 53 / / # / on þinum þam haligan naman ||
The Paris Psalter 53:3 3 na heom god setton || gleawne on gesyhþe / / # / efne me þonne g
The Paris Psalter 54:3 1 fæcne niþas / / # / forþam me on sah || unrihtes feala / wurdon
The Paris Psalter 54:3 2 unrihtes feala / wurdon me þa on yrre || yfele and hefige / / # /
The Paris Psalter 54:4 1 || yfele and hefige / / # / ys me on hreþre heah || heorte gedref
The Paris Psalter 54:4 2 orte gedrefed / and me fealleþ on || fyrhtu deaþes / / # / egsa me
The Paris Psalter 54:6 1 þeostru niþgrim / / # / ic þa on mode cwæþ || hwa me sealde /
The Paris Psalter 54:7 2 or gewite || fleame dæle / and on westene || wunode lange / bide
The Paris Psalter 54:8 3 woruld wide / forþon ic þær on unriht || oft locade / and wiþ
The Paris Psalter 54:8 5 || wearn gehyrde / drugon þæt on burgum || dæges and nihtes / /
The Paris Psalter 54:9 2 || ofer wealles hrof / and heom on midle wese || man and inwit / a
The Paris Psalter 54:10 1 ys || ealle wealde / / # / næfre on his weorþige || wea aspringe
The Paris Psalter 54:12 2 u eart se man || þe me wære / on anmede || and æghwæs cuþ / l
The Paris Psalter 54:12 5 mete || samed ætgædere / and on godes huse || gangan swylce / m
The Paris Psalter 54:13 2 | unþinged deaþ / astigon heo on helle || heonan lifigende / / #
The Paris Psalter 54:14 1 heonan lifigende / / # / forþam on heora gasthusum || is gramlic
The Paris Psalter 54:14 2 husum || is gramlic inwit / and on hiora midle || man inwitstæf
The Paris Psalter 54:15 2 || to sylfum drihtne / cleopode on corþre || and me cuþlice / ge
The Paris Psalter 54:16 1 rde || hælend drihten / / # / ic on æfenne || eac on mergenne / an
The Paris Psalter 54:16 1 hten / / # / ic on æfenne || eac on mergenne / and on midne dæg ||
The Paris Psalter 54:16 2 fenne || eac on mergenne / and on midne dæg || mægene sæcge /
The Paris Psalter 54:19 1 ce / / # / nis him onwendednes || on woruldlife / ne him godes fyrht
The Paris Psalter 54:19 5 woh fremedon / forþon hi synt on yrre || ut adælde / ne hi sylf
The Paris Psalter 54:20 3 / ele anlicast || eft gewurdon / on gescotfeohta || scearpe garas
The Paris Psalter 54:21 1 hta || scearpe garas / / # / sete on drihten || þin soþ gehygd / h
The Paris Psalter 54:22 4 u arlease || ealle gelædest / on soþe forwyrd || seaþes deop
The Paris Psalter 54:23 3 cne gefylled || ne fæger lif / on middum feore || gemeteþ ahw
The Paris Psalter 54:23 4 eore || gemeteþ ahwær / ic me on minne drihten || deorne getre
The Paris Psalter 55:4 2 dend god || wordum herige / and on god swylce || georne gelyfe /
The Paris Psalter 55:4 5 s ealne dæg || eac ic swylce / on god drihten || gearewe gewene
The Paris Psalter 55:5 4 nd wiþer me || wæran georne / on yfel heora geþeaht || ealle
The Paris Psalter 55:6 1 geþeaht || ealle onwende / / # / on eardiaþ || þa þe swa þenc
The Paris Psalter 55:6 5 or nahwæþer || nowiht hæle / on yrre þu folc || eall geþrea
The Paris Psalter 55:7 2 m gode || lif min secge / sette on þinre gesyhþe || sarige tea
The Paris Psalter 55:7 3 e || sarige tearas / swa ic þe on gehate || hæfde geneahhige / /
The Paris Psalter 55:8 1 hæfde geneahhige / / # / þonne on hinderling || hweorfaþ mine /
The Paris Psalter 55:9 1 in god || gleawe wære / / # / ic on god min word || georne herige
The Paris Psalter 55:9 2 min word || georne herige / and on god swylce || georne gelyfe / a
The Paris Psalter 55:10 1 n awiht || æniges mannes / / # / on me synd mihtig god || þæt i
The Paris Psalter 55:10 2 god || þæt ic þe min gehat / on herenesse || hyldo gylde / for
The Paris Psalter 55:10 8 æt ic gearewe || gode licode / on lifigendra || leohte eallum
The Paris Psalter 56:1 2 ilde weorþ / forþon min sawel on þe || swyþe getryweþ / and i
The Paris Psalter 56:1 3 e || swyþe getryweþ / and ic on fægerum scuan || fiþera þi
The Paris Psalter 56:3 3 e || laþum wiþferede / sealde on edwit || þe me ær trædan / /
The Paris Psalter 56:4 1 lāðum wiþ·ferede, / sealde on ed·wīt || þe mē ǣr trǣd
The Paris Psalter 56:8 2 ulfon widne / þær ic eagum || on locade / and hi on þone ylcan
The Paris Psalter 56:8 3 ic eagum || on locade / and hi on þone ylcan || eft gefeollan /
The Paris Psalter 56:9 1 ĝum || inn lōcade, / and hīe on þone īlcan || eft ġe·fēo
The Paris Psalter 56:10 2 r min || wynpsalterium / and ic on ærmergene || eac arise / and m
The Paris Psalter 56:10 3 n, || wyn-psalterium, / and iċ on ǣr-merġenne || ēac ā·rī
The Paris Psalter 56:11 1 || herige drihten / / # / ic þe on folcum || frine drihten / ecne
The Paris Psalter 56:11 2 herġe drihten. / / # / Iċ þē on folcum || friġne drihten / ē
The Paris Psalter 57:2 1 rn || domum rihtum / / # / eft ge on heortan || hogedon inwit / worh
The Paris Psalter 57:2 3 þe || forþan þæs wite eft / on eowre handa || hefige geeode /
The Paris Psalter 57:3 2 || fremde wurdon / syþþan hi on worlde || wæron acende / and h
The Paris Psalter 57:3 3 rlde || wæron acende / and heo on life || lygeword spæcon / / # /
The Paris Psalter 57:5 2 as || grame gescæneþ / þa hi on muþe || mycle habbaþ / tolyse
The Paris Psalter 57:6 4 þ || oþþæt bitere eft / adl on seteþ || swa his geearnuncg
The Paris Psalter 57:7 2 efæstnad || swa heo feallaþ on þæt / hi sunnan ne geseoþ ||
The Paris Psalter 57:8 3 wol becimeþ / þæt heo beoþ on yrre || ealle forswelgene / / #
The Paris Psalter 57:9 3 aþ / and his handa þwehþ || on hæþenra / and þæra fyrenful
The Paris Psalter 57:10 1 # / and þonne man cweþeþ || on his modsefan / þis is wæstm |
The Paris Psalter 57:10 4 st weorc || symble læste / hi on eorþan god || ealle gedemeþ
The Paris Psalter 58:1 3 fram laþum || þe me lungre on / risan willaþ || nymþe þu m
The Paris Psalter 58:3 4 undum ongunnon / ne me unrihtes on || awiht wistan / ne ic firene
The Paris Psalter 58:4 1 || fremde drihtne / / # / gif ic on unriht bearn || ic þæs eft
The Paris Psalter 58:4 2 bearn || ic þæs eft geswac / on minne geanryne || aris þu dr
The Paris Psalter 58:5 4 ghwær landes / ne þu hweþere on mode || milde weorþest / eallu
The Paris Psalter 58:7 1 s ceastre / / # / efne hi habbaþ on muþe || milde spræce / is him
The Paris Psalter 58:7 2 muþe || milde spræce / is him on welerum || wraþ sweord and s
The Paris Psalter 58:9 1 þeoda / / # / ic mine strengþe on þe || strange gehealde / forþ
The Paris Psalter 58:12 3 || wraþe aspræcan / wærun hi on oferhygde || ealle gescende /
The Paris Psalter 58:12 4 ygde || ealle gescende / þa hi on lige || lange feredon / forþon
The Paris Psalter 58:12 5 e || lange feredon / forþon hi on ende || yrre forgripeþ / and h
The Paris Psalter 58:14 1 eac || eorþan gemæru / / # / hi on æfenne || eft gecyrraþ / and
The Paris Psalter 59:5 3 lig god || hwæt þu holdlice / on þinre halignesse || her aspr
The Paris Psalter 59:5 6 conuallem || þa samod wæron / on metiboris || mihtum spedige / /
The Paris Psalter 59:6 3 trengþu / heafdes mines || her on foldan / / # / cyninc ys me || iu
The Paris Psalter 59:7 3 s hwer / and ic aþenige eac || on idumea / min gescy sende || and
The Paris Psalter 59:8 1 hwylc gelædeþ me || leofran on ceastre / weallum beworhte || h
The Paris Psalter 59:8 3 te? || Hwā wille swelċe mē / on Idumea || ēac ġe·lǣdan? / /
The Paris Psalter 59:9 2 þe us swa drife / ne ga þu us on mægene || mihtig drihten / / #
The Paris Psalter 59:10 1 mihtig drihten / / # / syle us nu on earfoþum || æþelne fultum /
The Paris Psalter 59:10 2 tum / forþon hælu byþ || her on eorþan / manna gehwylces || m
The Paris Psalter 60:1 6 n nu-þa / ahefe me holdlice || on halne stan / / # / þu me gelædd
The Paris Psalter 60:3 2 # / ic eardige || awa to feore / on þinum selegesceote || þær
The Paris Psalter 60:5 3 iced / oþ þone dæg þe he || on drihtnes sceal / on ansyne || a
The Paris Psalter 60:5 4 g þe he || on drihtnes sceal / on ansyne || andweard gangan / and
The Paris Psalter 60:6 4 gehat || her agylde / of dæge on dæg || swa hit gedefe wese
The Paris Psalter 61:7 1 g ic hine ahwær befleon / / # / on gode standeþ || min gearu h
The Paris Psalter 61:7 3 wyn mycel / me is halig hyht || on hine swylce / / # / hycge him hal
The Paris Psalter 61:8 3 on eow god standeþ || georne on fultum / / # / hwæþere ge manna
The Paris Psalter 61:9 2 bearn || manes unlyt / wyrceaþ on wægum || and woh doþ / and eo
The Paris Psalter 61:9 4 oftast / þær ge idel gylp || on þam ilcan fremmaþ / / # / nella
The Paris Psalter 61:11 2 wearnum flowen / nyllan ge eow on heortan þa || hige staþelia
The Paris Psalter 61:12 5 demeþ / efne swa he wyrceþ || on worldlife
The Paris Psalter 62:2 1 || lustum wacie / / # / min sawl on þe || swyþe þyrsteþ / and m
The Paris Psalter 62:2 2 yþe þyrsteþ / and min flæsc on þe || fæste getreoweþ / / # /
The Paris Psalter 62:3 1 þe || fæste getreoweþ / / # / on westene || and on wege swylce
The Paris Psalter 62:3 1 reoweþ / / # / on westene || and on wege swylce / and on wæterflod
The Paris Psalter 62:3 2 ene || and on wege swylce / and on wæterflodum || wene ic swiþ
The Paris Psalter 62:3 3 | wene ic swiþe / þæt ic þe on halgum || her ætywe / þæt ic
The Paris Psalter 62:4 2 s læne lif || þe we lifiaþ on / weleras þe mine || wynnum he
The Paris Psalter 62:5 1 wynnum heriaþ / / # / swa ic þe on minum life || lustum bletsige
The Paris Psalter 62:5 2 ife || lustum bletsige / and ic on naman þinum || neode swylce /
The Paris Psalter 62:7 1 aþ / / # / swa ic þin gemynd || on modsefan / on minre reste || ri
The Paris Psalter 62:7 2 ic þin gemynd || on modsefan / on minre reste || rihte begange /
The Paris Psalter 62:7 3 re reste || rihte begange / and on ærmergen on þe || eac gewen
The Paris Psalter 62:7 4 || eac gewene / forþon þu me on fultum || fæste gestode / / # /
The Paris Psalter 62:8 2 t || fiþerum þinum / and hiht on þon || hæbbe georne / forþon
The Paris Psalter 62:8 3 æbbe georne / forþon min sawl on þe || soþe getreoweþ / me þ
The Paris Psalter 62:9 1 le æt þearfe / / # / forþon hi on idel || ealle syþþan / sohton
The Paris Psalter 62:10 1 oxes dælas / / # / cynincg sceal on drihtne || clæne blisse / hlut
The Paris Psalter 62:10 3 ine heriaþ eac / ealle þa þe on hine || aþas sweriaþ / forþo
The Paris Psalter 63:4 2 samnuncga || scearpum strelum / on scotiaþ || egsan ne habbaþ /
The Paris Psalter 63:5 2 þ oft || swiþost unriht / and on þam ilcan || eft forweorþa
The Paris Psalter 63:6 1 # / gangeþ man manig || modig on heortan / oþþæt hine ahefeþ
The Paris Psalter 63:7 3 ma / heora tungan nu || teonan on sittaþ / / # / ealle synd gedref
The Paris Psalter 63:8 1 alle synd gedrefede || þe hi on sioþ / sceal him manna gehwylc
The Paris Psalter 63:9 1 e / / # / se soþfæsta || symble on drihten / blissaþ baldlice ||
The Paris Psalter 64:1 2 || drihten user / þæt þe man on sion || swyþe herige / and on
The Paris Psalter 64:1 3 on sion || swyþe herige / and on hierusalem || gylde and gehat
The Paris Psalter 64:4 3 || and hine clæne hafaþ / and on his earduncgstowum || eardaþ
The Paris Psalter 64:6 2 od || þu eart hyht ealra / þe on þysse eorþan || utan syndon
The Paris Psalter 64:6 3 an || utan syndon / oþþe feor on sæ || foldum wuniaþ / / # / þi
The Paris Psalter 64:11 2 e || wæstme tyddraþ / mænige on moldan || manna cynnes / on cne
The Paris Psalter 64:11 3 ige on moldan || manna cynnes / on cneorisse || cende weorþaþ /
The Paris Psalter 64:13 1 fylde mid wæstmum / / # / þonne on wæstmum || weorþaþ mæsted
The Paris Psalter 64:14 3 apum || cumaþ eadilic / wæstm on wangas || weorþlic on hwætu
The Paris Psalter 64:14 3 wæstm on wangas || weorþlic on hwætum / þonne hi cynlice to
The Paris Psalter 65:2 3 || wide geond eorþan / and eac on menigeo || mægenes þines / þ
The Paris Psalter 65:5 5 an || þæt þu mid fote miht / on treddian || eorþan gelice / / #
The Paris Psalter 65:6 2 aldeþ || ofer eall manna cyn / on ecnesse || awa to feore / and h
The Paris Psalter 65:6 4 ode || eagum wliteþ / þa hine on yrre || æghwær gebringaþ / n
The Paris Psalter 65:6 5 hwær gebringaþ / ne beoþ þa on him sylfum || syþþan ahafen
The Paris Psalter 65:10 1 || swyþe mid fyre / / # / þu us on grame swylce || gryne gelædd
The Paris Psalter 65:10 2 ddest / and us bealuwa fela || on bæce standeþ / settest us mæ
The Paris Psalter 65:11 2 þuruh floda þrym / and þu us on colnesse || clæne gelæddest
The Paris Psalter 65:12 1 e || clæne gelæddest / / # / ic on þin hus || halig gange / and
The Paris Psalter 65:13 3 yssedan geneahhe / þæt ic þe on tifrum || teala forgulde / eall
The Paris Psalter 65:16 1 me unrihtes oncneow || awiht on heortan / ne wite me þæt || w
The Paris Psalter 66:1 1 a us mihtig drihten || and us on mode eac / gebletsa nu || beorh
The Paris Psalter 66:1 3 te / þinne andwlitan || and us on mode weorþ / þuruh þine myce
The Paris Psalter 66:2 1 e and bliþe / / # / and we þæs on eorþan || andgyt habbaþ / ure
The Paris Psalter 66:2 3 wide || geond þas werþeode / on þinre hælo || healdan motan
The Paris Psalter 66:4 3 ealde þeoda / þæs þe þu hi on rihtum || rædum demest / and e
The Paris Psalter 67:5 1 nemned drihten / / # / wesaþ ge on his gesyhþe || symble bliþe
The Paris Psalter 67:5 2 gesyhþe || symble bliþe / and on his ansyne wesan || ealle ged
The Paris Psalter 67:6 1 range fæderas / / # / drihten is on his stowe || dema halig / se þ
The Paris Psalter 67:6 3 ardian deþ || anes modes / and on hiora huse || healdeþ blisse
The Paris Psalter 67:7 1 || healdeþ blisse / / # / se þe on his mægenes || mihte gelæde
The Paris Psalter 67:7 4 ealle gecigde / and eardiaþ || on eorþscræfum / / # / þonne god
The Paris Psalter 67:11 1 e fæste miht / / # / þine wihte on þam || wynnum lifiaþ / þu þ
The Paris Psalter 67:12 4 ealdend || oft weorþlic reaf / on huse men || her gedælaþ / / #
The Paris Psalter 67:13 1 / / # / gif ge slæpaþ || samod on clero / fiþeru beoþ culfran |
The Paris Psalter 67:14 2 || her toscadeþ / syþþan hi on selmon || snawe weorþaþ / / #
The Paris Psalter 67:16 4 ealdendgode || wel liciendlic / on þam wiþ ende || eardaþ dri
The Paris Psalter 67:18 1 modblissiendra / / # / drihten is on þam || dædum spedig / on hean
The Paris Psalter 67:18 2 n is on þam || dædum spedig / on heanesse astah || hæftned l
The Paris Psalter 67:18 3 astah || hæftned lædde / þa on hæftnede || hwile micele / lan
The Paris Psalter 67:19 2 ungeleafe menn / wese of dæge on dæg || drihten user / se goda
The Paris Psalter 67:21 4 | feaxes scadan / þara þe her on scyldum || swærum eodon / / # /
The Paris Psalter 67:22 2 wæþ || bealde drihten / ic me on sæ deopre || sniome onwende /
The Paris Psalter 67:22 3 t þin fot weorþe || fæste on blode / / # / hundes tungan || ha
The Paris Psalter 67:23 4 te / soþes cynincges || symble on halgum / / # / þyder ealdormen |
The Paris Psalter 67:24 1 r Bennianmines sint || bearn on ġuĝuþe / and ealdor-menn ||
The Paris Psalter 67:24 3 d gegaderade || gleowe sungon / on þæra manna || midle geongra
The Paris Psalter 67:24 4 þæra manna || midle geongra / on tympanis || togenum strengum /
The Paris Psalter 67:24 5 panis || togenum strengum / and on ciricean || crist drihten god
The Paris Psalter 67:25 1 ær benniamines synt || bearn on geogoþe / and ealdormenn || ea
The Paris Psalter 67:25 1 mehtiġ god; / and þīn weorc on ūs || mid wīsdōme / ġe·try
The Paris Psalter 67:25 2 s || mid wīsdōme / ġe·tryme on þīnum temple || tīdum ġe
The Paris Psalter 67:25 3 īdum ġe·hālĝod; / þæt is on Hierusālem, || þider þe ġ
The Paris Psalter 67:25 5 eĝum || foldan cyningas. / / # / On wuda þū wildor || wordum þ
The Paris Psalter 67:26 2 art mihtig god / and þin weorc on us || mid wisdome / getryme on
The Paris Psalter 67:26 3 on us || mid wisdome / getryme on þinum temple || tidum gehalg
The Paris Psalter 67:26 4 le || tidum gehalgod / þæt ys on hierusalem || þyder þe gyfe
The Paris Psalter 67:27 1 wegum || foldan cynincgas / / # / on wuda þu wildeor || wordum þ
The Paris Psalter 67:27 2 ·ġaderode || glēowe sungon / on þāra manna || middle ġungr
The Paris Psalter 67:27 3 āra manna || middle ġungra / on tympanis || toĝenum strengum
The Paris Psalter 67:27 4 nis || toĝenum strengum, / and on ċiriċan || Crīst, drihten
The Paris Psalter 68:1 3 || floweþ and gangeþ / eom ic on lame oflegd || hafaþ lytle s
The Paris Psalter 68:2 1 hafaþ lytle sped / / # / com ic on sæs hricg || þær me sealt
The Paris Psalter 68:3 4 eagon wiþgangen / hwæþere ic on god minne || gearewe gewene / /
The Paris Psalter 68:4 2 cle ma || þonne ic me hæbbe / on heafde nu || hæra feaxes / þe
The Paris Psalter 68:9 3 me eac fela / þinra edwita || on gefeollon / / # / þonne ic minum
The Paris Psalter 68:10 2 sten gesette / eall hi me þæt on edwit || eft oncyrdan / / # / gif
The Paris Psalter 68:11 1 an / / # / gif ic mine gewæda || on witehrægl / cyme cyrde || cwæ
The Paris Psalter 68:12 1 e·sette, / eall hīe mē þæt on ed·wīt || eft on·ċierdon.
The Paris Psalter 68:12 2 alle / þa him sæton || sundor on portum / spræcon me wraþe ||
The Paris Psalter 68:13 3 liciendlic / and þu me þonne on mænigeo || miltsa þinra / geh
The Paris Psalter 68:13 3 e, / þā him sǣton% || sundor on portum; / sprǣcon mē wrāðe,
The Paris Psalter 68:14 3 iendliċ, / and þū mē þonne on meniġu || miltsa þīnra / ġe
The Paris Psalter 68:16 4 nigeo || miltsa þinra / geseoh on me || swylce drihten / / # / ne a
The Paris Psalter 68:18 1 u || miltsa þīnra / ġe·seoh on mē || swelċe, drihten. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 68:21 1 heora beod fore him || wended on grine / and on edlean yfel || a
The Paris Psalter 68:22 2 re him || wended on grine / and on edlean yfel || and on æwisce
The Paris Psalter 68:22 2 ine / and on edlean yfel || and on æwisce / / # / syn hiora eagan |
The Paris Psalter 68:23 1 hira bēod fore him || wended on grīne / and on ed·lēan yfel
The Paris Psalter 68:24 2 e him || wended on grīne / and on ed·lēan yfel || and on ǣwi
The Paris Psalter 68:24 2 / and on ed·lēan yfel || and on ǣwisċe. / / # / Sīen hira ēa
The Paris Psalter 68:25 2 ic heora || weste and idel / ne on heora eþele ne sy || þinc o
The Paris Psalter 68:27 2 hira || wēste and īdel; / ne on hira ēðle ne sīe || þinġ
The Paris Psalter 68:27 3 rihte || ær geworhton / and hi on þin soþfæst weorc || syþ
The Paris Psalter 68:29 2 || ǣr ġe·worhton, / and hīe on þīn sōþfæst weorc || si
The Paris Psalter 68:31 3 || þeah þe him upp aga / horn on heafde || oþþe hearde cleo /
The Paris Psalter 68:33 3 dlice || nyle he gehæfte eac / on heora neode || na forhycgan / /
The Paris Psalter 68:34 2 flodas || and þa him syndon on / / # / forþon sione god || symb
The Paris Psalter 68:35 3 || nille hē ġe·hæfte ēac / on hira nīede || nā for·hyċ
The Paris Psalter 69:3 1 le || sohton mid niþe / / # / hi on hinderlincg || hweorfaþ and
The Paris Psalter 70:1 1 aris Psalter: Psalm 70 / / # / ic on þe god drihten || gearuwe ge
The Paris Psalter 70:1 2 gearuwe gewene / ne weorþe ic on ealdre || æfre gescended / þu
The Paris Psalter 70:2 3 alys || and me lungre weorþ / on god drihten || georne þeccen
The Paris Psalter 70:2 4 rihten || georne þeccend / and on trume stowe || þæt þu me t
The Paris Psalter 70:4 2 ld || fæste drihten / wære me on geoguþe hyht || gleaw æt fr
The Paris Psalter 70:5 1 ic of modur hrife || mundbyrd on þe / þriste hæfde || þu ear
The Paris Psalter 70:5 3 fde || þu eart þeccend min / on þe ic singge nu || symble an
The Paris Psalter 70:8 2 ealdor / þonne me ylde tid || on gesige / þonne me mægen and m
The Paris Psalter 70:8 3 ne me mægen and mod || mylte on hreþre / ne forlæt þu me ||
The Paris Psalter 70:9 3 sætendan || sawle minre / and on anre geþeaht || eodan togæd
The Paris Psalter 70:11 2 eoh þu me soþ god || symble on fultum / / # / beoþ gedrette ||
The Paris Psalter 70:13 1 yrwedan yfel / / # / ic me symble on god || swiþost getreowige / of
The Paris Psalter 70:15 2 ngeat || grame ceapunga / ac ic on þine þa myclan || mihte gan
The Paris Psalter 70:18 2 nd þæt mære soþ / þæt þu on heofenum god || heah geworhte
The Paris Psalter 70:19 2 ætywdest || earfoþes feala / on costunge || cuþra manna / and
The Paris Psalter 70:19 6 dest / þysse eorþan || þe we on buiaþ / / # / þær þu þin so
The Paris Psalter 70:20 5 ndette || ece drihten / and þe on sealmfatum || singe be hearpa
The Paris Psalter 71:3 2 beorgas eac || beorhtre sibbe / on þinum folce || fægere bliss
The Paris Psalter 71:4 1 wyru eac || soþum dædum / / # / on his soþfæstnesse || swylce
The Paris Psalter 71:4 2 þfæstnesse || swylce demeþ / on folce || fyrhte þearfan / swyl
The Paris Psalter 71:6 2 | swa se stranga ren / fealleþ on flys her || and swa fæger dr
The Paris Psalter 71:6 3 r || and swa fæger dropa / þe on þas eorþan || upon dreopaþ
The Paris Psalter 71:7 1 eorþan || upon dreopaþ / / # / on his agenum dagum || ypped weo
The Paris Psalter 71:11 2 iaþ || worulde cyningas / þa on eorþwege || ealle syndan / eal
The Paris Psalter 71:12 3 tan / and þæne wædlan || þe on worulde næfþ / ahwær elles |
The Paris Psalter 71:16 4 anum || licgeaþ his yþa / and on burgum beoþ || blostmum fæg
The Paris Psalter 71:16 5 beoþ || blostmum fægere / swa on eorþan heg || ute on lande / /
The Paris Psalter 71:16 5 ere / swa on eorþan heg || ute on lande / / # / þonne byþ his nam
The Paris Psalter 71:19 5 mihta nama || mode gebletsad / on ecnesse || awa to worlde / / # /
The Paris Psalter 72:1 4 syndon || losode nu-þa / ealle on foldan || fota gangas / / # / for
The Paris Psalter 72:4 1 wislic trymnes / / # / ne synd hi on miclum || manna gewinnum / and
The Paris Psalter 72:6 3 elynde || lungre cwome / and hi on heortan || hogedon and þohto
The Paris Psalter 72:6 5 i fyrmest || facen and unriht / on hean huse || hraþost acwædo
The Paris Psalter 72:7 1 raþost acwædon / / # / hwæt hi on heofon setton || hyge hyra mu
The Paris Psalter 72:9 2 þeos gewitness || weorþeþ on heagum / / # / þi nu fyrenfulle
The Paris Psalter 72:11 1 an || wynnum namon / / # / þa ic on mode cwæþ || minum sona / þe
The Paris Psalter 72:11 2 þ || minum sona / þeah þe ic on me ingcan || ænne ne wiste / h
The Paris Psalter 72:13 4 n || wolde gangan / oþþæt ic on his hus || halig gange / and ic
The Paris Psalter 72:16 1 c || swærum arise / / # / and hi on byrig drihtnes || bealde habb
The Paris Psalter 72:20 1 hwæt mæg me wiþerhabban || on heofonrice / hwæt wolde ic fra
The Paris Psalter 72:23 2 ne / good is swylce || þæt ic on god drihten / minne hiht sette
The Paris Psalter 72:24 2 | eft asecge / sione dohtrum || on hire sylfre durum
The Paris Psalter 73:3 3 a alysdest || and sione byrig / on þam ilcan þu || eard gename
The Paris Psalter 73:3 8 ige || þa þin geo ehtan / and on þinra wica || wuniaþ midle /
The Paris Psalter 73:4 2 n || soþe ne ongeaton / swa hi on wege || wyrcean sceoldon / wund
The Paris Psalter 73:4 3 eoldon / wundorbeacen || swa hi on wudu dydan / / # / hi mid æxum d
The Paris Psalter 73:6 2 e hus || fyre forbærndan / and on eorþstede || eac gewemdan / þ
The Paris Psalter 73:7 1 || niode cenned / / # / cwædan on heortan || wutan cuman ealle /
The Paris Psalter 73:7 4 ymbeldagas || swylce drihtnes / on eorþwege || ealle towurpan / /
The Paris Psalter 73:8 2 cen || us geseoþ ænig / ne we on ænige wisan || witegan habba
The Paris Psalter 73:11 3 r woruld wære || wise hælu / on þisse eorþan || efenmidre / /
The Paris Psalter 73:12 1 eorþan || efenmidre / / # / þu on þines mægenes || mihte sped
The Paris Psalter 73:14 3 d hlynnende || hlude streamas / on æthane || ealle adrigdest / / #
The Paris Psalter 73:17 3 || earme þearfan / þara þu on ealdre ne forgit || ece driht
The Paris Psalter 73:18 3 lled / hu deorce beoþ || dagas on eorþan / þam þe unrihtes ||
The Paris Psalter 74:7 2 ome / forþon se wines steap || on waldendes handa / fægere gefyl
The Paris Psalter 74:8 1 e ann / / # / þonne he of þysum on þæt || þonne oncerreþ / nyl
The Paris Psalter 74:8 4 ealle || drincan synfulle / þa on þysse foldan || fyrene wyrce
The Paris Psalter 75:2 1 e nama || mid israelum / / # / is on sibbe his stow || soþe behea
The Paris Psalter 75:2 2 tow || soþe behealden / and he on sione || swylce eardaþ / / # /
The Paris Psalter 75:4 7 þe welan sohtan / þæs þe hi on handum || hæfdan godes / / # / f
The Paris Psalter 75:5 3 god || georne slepan / þa þe on horsum || hwilon wæron / is þ
The Paris Psalter 75:6 1 þu of heofenum dom || hider on eorþan / mid gescote sendest |
The Paris Psalter 75:6 4 e || drihten ariseþ / þæt he on eorþan do || ealle hale / þe
The Paris Psalter 75:8 3 odan || gode georne / ealle þe on ymbhwyrfte || ahwær syndan / h
The Paris Psalter 76:2 1 de || and beheold sona / / # / ic on earfoþdæge || ecne drihten /
The Paris Psalter 76:2 3 dum || swyþe geneahhe / and ic on niht for him || neode eode / n
The Paris Psalter 76:2 4 for him || neode eode / næs ic on þam siþe || beswicen awiht /
The Paris Psalter 76:5 2 e / hæfde me ece gear || ealle on mode / / # / ic þa mid heortan o
The Paris Psalter 76:6 2 hycggean nihtes / wæs min gast on me || georne gebysgad / / # / þa
The Paris Psalter 76:7 6 s milde mod || mannum afyrran / on woruldlife || wera cneorissum
The Paris Psalter 76:8 3 iltsige || manna cynne / oþþe on yrre || æfre wille / his milde
The Paris Psalter 76:9 1 nan.’ / / # / Is weoroda god || on weġe hālĝum; / hwelċ iċ me
The Paris Psalter 76:9 4 meaht / wunder ġe·wyrċan || on weorold-līfe. / / # / Eft þū
The Paris Psalter 76:10 1 e || maniġe cȳðdest / folcum on foldan; || þū wiþ·feredes
The Paris Psalter 76:10 2 n || mænigra weorca / hu ic me on eallum þam || eaþust geheol
The Paris Psalter 76:10 3 llum þam || eaþust geheolde / on eallum þinum weorcum || ic w
The Paris Psalter 76:10 4 | ic wæs smeagende / swylce ic on þinum gehylde || sylf begang
The Paris Psalter 76:11 1 begangen / / # / ys weruda god || on wege halgum / hwylc is mihtig g
The Paris Psalter 76:11 4 wylc miht / wundor gewyrcean || on woruldlife / / # / eft þu þine
The Paris Psalter 76:12 1 s þunorrād-stefn || strang on hwēole. / / # / Þonne% līeġet
The Paris Psalter 76:12 2 te || mænige cyþdest / folcum on foldan || þu wiþferedes eac
The Paris Psalter 76:13 1 . / / # / Wǣron weĝas þīne || on wīdne sǣ / and þīne stīġe
The Paris Psalter 76:14 3 wæs þunurradstefn || strang on hweole / / # / þonne ligette ||
The Paris Psalter 76:16 1 dan / / # / wærun wegas þine || on widne sæ / and þine stige ||
The Paris Psalter 76:16 3 biþ þær eþe þin spor || on to findanne / / # / folc þin þu
The Paris Psalter 77:2 1 word || mihte gehyran / / # / ic on anlicnessum || ærest ontyne /
The Paris Psalter 77:2 3 muþ || secggean onginne / þa on worldricum || wæron æt frym
The Paris Psalter 77:6 2 / / # / he aweahte || gewitnesse / on iacobe || goode and strange / a
The Paris Psalter 77:10 1 eorne heoldan / / # / ne wesen hi on facne || fæderum gelice / þæ
The Paris Psalter 77:11 3 le || bitere sendan / þæs hi on wiges dæge || wendon æfter /
The Paris Psalter 77:13 3 hte ær / þara heora yldran || on locadan / / # / he on ægypta ||
The Paris Psalter 77:14 1 a yldran || on locadan / / # / he on ægypta || agenum lande / him w
The Paris Psalter 77:14 3 rhte fore || wundur mære / and on campotanea || eac mid soþe / /
The Paris Psalter 77:17 1 eoma || folcnede heold / / # / he on westene || wide ædran / him of
The Paris Psalter 77:19 2 ene || furþur ehtan / and hine on yrre || eft gebrohtan / heora h
The Paris Psalter 77:19 3 n / heora heafodweard || holdne on lande / / # / hi þa on heortan |
The Paris Psalter 77:20 1 || holdne on lande / / # / hi þa on heortan || hogedon to niþe / a
The Paris Psalter 77:20 7 bringan to || beod gegearwod / on þisum westene || widum and s
The Paris Psalter 77:21 2 stane || streamas lete / wæter on willan || wynnum flowan / / # / n
The Paris Psalter 77:23 3 gespræc / wæs gegleded fyr || on iacobe / and his yrre barn || o
The Paris Psalter 77:23 4 n iacobe / and his yrre barn || on israhelas / / # / forþon þe hi
The Paris Psalter 77:25 4 de him heofenes hlaf || hider on foldan / and engla hlaf || æto
The Paris Psalter 77:28 1 ade || fugelas swylce / / # / and on middan þa wic || manige feol
The Paris Psalter 77:30 1 ceattes willan / / # / þa gyt hi on muþe || heora mete hæfdon /
The Paris Psalter 77:30 2 || heora mete hæfdon / þa him on becwom || yrre drihtnes / and h
The Paris Psalter 77:35 2 fedan || lease muþe / ne þæs on heortan || hogedan awiht / / # /
The Paris Psalter 77:36 1 || hogedan awiht / / # / næs him on hreþre || heorte clæne / ne h
The Paris Psalter 77:36 2 reþre || heorte clæne / ne hi on gewitnesse || wisne hæfdon / o
The Paris Psalter 77:36 3 n gewitnesse || wisne hæfdon / on hiora fyrhþe || fæstne gele
The Paris Psalter 77:40 1 s se geancyr eft / / # / hi hine on westenne || wordum and dædum
The Paris Psalter 77:40 2 westenne || wordum and dædum / on yrre mod || eft gebrohtan / awe
The Paris Psalter 77:40 3 | eft gebrohtan / aweahtan hine on eorþan || oft butan wætere /
The Paris Psalter 77:42 2 fdan || hu his seo mycle hand / on gewindæge || werede and fere
The Paris Psalter 77:43 3 la tācna || and fore-bēacna / on Campotaneos; || þæt wæs c
The Paris Psalter 77:49 1 ealle fyre / / # / he æbyligþe on hi || bitter and yrre / sarlic
The Paris Psalter 77:51 1 þcwealm forswealh / / # / he þa on þam folce || frumbearna gehw
The Paris Psalter 77:51 2 m folce || frumbearna gehwylc / on ægiptum || eall acwealde / and
The Paris Psalter 77:53 1 | wegas uncuþe / / # / and he hi on hihte || holdre lædde / næs h
The Paris Psalter 77:53 2 hte || holdre lædde / næs him on fyrhtu || feondes egsa / ac eal
The Paris Psalter 77:54 1 mon / / # / he hi þa gelædde || on leofre byrig / and haligre ||
The Paris Psalter 77:57 3 deras || beforan heoldan / and on wiþermede || wendan and cyrd
The Paris Psalter 77:61 1 | mihtig hæfde / / # / he hi þa on hæftnyd || hean gesealde / and
The Paris Psalter 77:61 2 alde / and heora fæger folc || on feondes hand / / # / sealde þa h
The Paris Psalter 77:67 4 iudan him || geswæs frumcynn / on sione byrig || þær him wæs
The Paris Psalter 77:68 2 elicast / his halige hus || her on eorþan / getimbrade || het þ
The Paris Psalter 77:68 4 e || het þæt teala syþþan / on worldrice || wunian ece / / # / a
The Paris Psalter 78:1 1 s Psalter: Psalm 78 / / # / comon on þin yrfe || ece drihten / frem
The Paris Psalter 78:2 2 lem || samod an·līcost / swā on% æppel-bearu || āne cytan; / s
The Paris Psalter 78:3 1 m / / # / hi þara bearna blod || on byrig leton / swa man gute wæt
The Paris Psalter 78:5 2 uldres god || wraþ yrre þin / on ende fram us || æfre oncyrra
The Paris Psalter 78:5 4 onbærned || biter þin yrre / on þinum folce || fyre hatre / / #
The Paris Psalter 78:6 1 hatre / / # / ageot yrre þin || on þæt rice / and on cneowmagas
The Paris Psalter 78:6 2 rre þin || on þæt rice / and on cneowmagas || þe ne cunnan
The Paris Psalter 78:10 3 eower halig god / and us þæt on eagum || oftust worpen / þær
The Paris Psalter 78:11 4 || gnornendra care / þara þe on feterum || fæste wæran / / # /
The Paris Psalter 78:12 1 ǣm || ēaðost ġe·hēolde; / on eallum þīnum weorcum || iċ
The Paris Psalter 78:12 2 wæs smēaġende, / swelċe iċ on þīnum ġe·hylde || self be
The Paris Psalter 78:13 2 mhydigum || swa hi geearnedan / on sceat hiora || seofonfealde w
The Paris Psalter 78:13 3 fealde wrace / forþon hi edwit on þe || ealle hæfdon / / # / we
The Paris Psalter 78:14 1 || gnornendra care / þāra þe on feterum || fæste wǣran. / / #
The Paris Psalter 78:14 4 e || wuldur sæcgeaþ / and þe on worulda woruld || wordum heri
The Paris Psalter 79:3 2 dre cum / and us hale do || her on eorþan / / # / gehweorf us mæge
The Paris Psalter 79:5 2 rihten / hu lange yrsast þu || on þines esnes gebed / tyhst us a
The Paris Psalter 79:5 5 cum tearum / manna gehwylcum || on gemet rihtes / / # / þu us asett
The Paris Psalter 79:6 1 rihtes / / # / þu us asettest || on sarcwide / urum neahmannum || n
The Paris Psalter 79:12 2 þ his winbyrig || eall þæt on wege færþ / / # / hine utan of
The Paris Psalter 79:15 3 yne || egsan þines / ealle þa on ealdre || yfele forweorþaþ /
The Paris Psalter 80:9 2 | me anum gehyrst / ne byþ god on þe || niwe gemeted / ne þu fr
The Paris Psalter 80:13 3 ehygde || hyran cuþan / oþþe on wegas mine || woldan gangan /
The Paris Psalter 81:1 1 / / # / god mihtig stod || godum on gemange / and he hi on midle ||
The Paris Psalter 81:1 2 || godum on gemange / and he hi on midle || mægene tosceadeþ / /
The Paris Psalter 81:5 2 n hi || ne geara wistan / ac hi on þystrum || þrage eodan / eall
The Paris Psalter 82:3 1 þ þe || hofan swiþe / / # / hi on þinum folce him || facengesw
The Paris Psalter 82:6 1 ·sċeotu% sind || on·sæġd on Idumea / and Ismæhelita%, ||
The Paris Psalter 82:6 5 eoda mid eardiendum || folce on tyrum / / # / cwom samod mid þam
The Paris Psalter 82:7 2 id þam || swylce assur / ealle on wegum || æghwær syndon / on l
The Paris Psalter 82:7 3 e on wegum || æghwær syndon / on leodstefnum || loþes bearnum
The Paris Psalter 82:9 4 um || eallum swylce / ealle þa on an || ær gecwædon / þæt hi
The Paris Psalter 82:11 1 ungre morhæþ / / # / swa þu hi on yrre || ehtest and drefest / þ
The Paris Psalter 82:11 2 | ehtest and drefest / þæt hi on hrernesse || hraþe forweorþ
The Paris Psalter 82:13 2 georette || eac gescende / and on weoruldlife || weorþaþ gedr
The Paris Psalter 83:1 2 leofe / mægena drihten || a ic on mode þæs / willum hæfde ||
The Paris Psalter 83:2 2 and flæsc || hyhtaþ georne / on þone lifigendan || leofan dr
The Paris Psalter 83:4 2 weorþaþ || þa þe eardiaþ / on þinum husum || halig drihten
The Paris Psalter 83:4 3 usum || halig drihten / and þe on worulda woruld || wealdend he
The Paris Psalter 83:5 3 | nymþe fælne god / and þæt on heortan hige || healdeþ fæs
The Paris Psalter 83:5 4 e / geseteþ him þæt sylfe || on þisse sargan dene / þær hi t
The Paris Psalter 83:5 6 r hi teara || teonan cnyssaþ / on þam sylfan stede || þe þu
The Paris Psalter 83:6 3 || syþþan eodan / of mægene on mægen || þær wæs miht ges
The Paris Psalter 83:6 4 en || þær wæs miht gesawen / on sionbeorge || soþes drihtnes
The Paris Psalter 83:9 3 dæg mid þe || þonne oþera / on þeodstefnum || þusend mæla
The Paris Psalter 83:10 2 ceose / þæt ic hean gange || on hus godes / þonne ic on fyrenf
The Paris Psalter 83:10 3 nge || on hus godes / þonne ic on fyrenfulra || folce eardige / /
The Paris Psalter 84:4 3 t þu us ne weorþe || wraþ on mode / / # / ne wrec þu þin yrr
The Paris Psalter 84:5 2 yrre || wraþe mode / of cynne on cynn || and on cneorisse / gecy
The Paris Psalter 84:5 2 mode / of cynne on cynn || and on cneorisse / gecyr us georne to
The Paris Psalter 84:5 4 crist ælmihtig / and þin folc on þe || gefeo swiþe / / # / æteo
The Paris Psalter 84:7 2 gehyre || hwæt me halig god / on minum modsefan || mælan will
The Paris Psalter 84:12 2 nes || symble foregangeþ / and on weg setteþ || wise gangas
The Paris Psalter 85:6 1 tundum cleopige / / # / þonne me on dæge || deorc earfoþe / carel
The Paris Psalter 85:7 1 ode / / # / nis þe goda ænig || on gumrice / ahwær efne gelic ||
The Paris Psalter 85:10 1 ana / / # / gelæd drihten me || on þinne leofne weg / and ic on
The Paris Psalter 85:10 2 | on þinne leofne weg / and ic on þinum soþe || syþþan ganc
The Paris Psalter 85:11 2 inne halgan naman / forhtige me on ferhþe || forþ andette / mid
The Paris Psalter 85:11 5 rihten || and we naman þinne / on ecnesse || a weorþien / / # / ys
The Paris Psalter 85:15 1 earle soþfæst / / # / beseoh nu on me || and me syþþan weorþ /
The Paris Psalter 85:15 2 and me syþþan weorþ / milde on mode || mihtig drihten / geteoh
The Paris Psalter 86:4 2 d hire mære gewearþ || mann on innan / and he hi þa hehstan |
The Paris Psalter 86:5 1 staþelade / / # / drihten þæt on gewritum || dema sægde / þam
The Paris Psalter 86:5 3 ron / eallum swylce || þe hire on wæron / / # / swa ure ealra blis
The Paris Psalter 86:6 2 ealra bliss || eardhæbbendra / on anum þe || ece standeþ
The Paris Psalter 87:1 2 rihten god || dyre hælend / ic on dæge to þe || dygle cleopod
The Paris Psalter 87:1 3 to þe || dygle cleopode / and on niht fore þe || neode swylce
The Paris Psalter 87:2 1 ylce / / # / gange min ingebed || on þin gleawe gesihþ / ahyld ear
The Paris Psalter 87:4 1 wenaþ þæs sume || þæt ic on wraþne seaþ / mid fyrenwyrhtu
The Paris Psalter 87:5 2 læpe / syn þonne geworpene || on widne hlæw / þær hiora gymyn
The Paris Psalter 87:6 1 adrifene / / # / hi me asetton || on seaþ hinder / þær wæs deorc
The Paris Psalter 87:7 1 # / þær me wæs yrre þin || on acyþed / and þu me oferhige o
The Paris Psalter 87:7 2 n acyþed / and þu me oferhige on || ealle gelæddest / / # / feor
The Paris Psalter 87:11 1 ē || ealle siþþan. / / # / Ne on þēostrum ne mæġ || þance
The Paris Psalter 87:11 2 oncnawaþ hi || wundru þine / on þam dimmum || deorcan þystr
The Paris Psalter 87:11 3 e þīn sōþfæstnes || sīe on þǣmlande / þe ofer-ġietness
The Paris Psalter 87:11 4 htwisnesse || recene gemeteþ / on ofergyttolnesse || manna æni
The Paris Psalter 87:12 1 olnesse || manna ænig / / # / ne on þeostrum ne mæg || þances
The Paris Psalter 87:12 2 nāwaþ hīe || wundru þīne / on þǣm dimmum || deorcan þīe
The Paris Psalter 87:12 3 þþe þin soþfæstnes || si on þam lande / þe ofergytnes ||
The Paris Psalter 87:12 4 þam lande / þe ofergytnes || on eardige / / # / ic me to þe || e
The Paris Psalter 87:12 4 snesse || recene ġe·mēteþ / on ofer-ġietelnesse% || manna
The Paris Psalter 87:14 3 || oþþe þinre gesihþe me / on þissum ealdre || æfre wyrna
The Paris Psalter 87:15 1 fre wyrnan / / # / wædla ic eom on gewinne || worhte swa on geog
The Paris Psalter 87:15 1 eom on gewinne || worhte swa on geoguþe / ahafen ic wæs and g
The Paris Psalter 88:1 2 se þine || mihtig drihten / ic on ecnesse || awa singe / fram cyn
The Paris Psalter 88:1 3 nesse || awa singe / fram cynne on cynn || and on cneorisse / ic
The Paris Psalter 88:1 3 nge / fram cynne on cynn || and on cneorisse / ic þine soþfæstn
The Paris Psalter 88:1 5 fæstnesse || secge geneahhe / on minum muþe || manna cynne / / #
The Paris Psalter 88:2 2 u cwæde || cuþe worde / þæt on ecnesse || awa wære / þin mil
The Paris Psalter 88:2 4 e mod || micel getimbrad / heah on heofenum || hæleþa bearnum /
The Paris Psalter 88:3 4 angan / ic dauide || dyrum esne / on aþsware || ær benemde / þæt
The Paris Psalter 88:3 6 c his cynne || and cneowmagum / on ecnesse || a geworhte / ful sef
The Paris Psalter 88:3 7 sefte seld || þæt hi sæton on / / # / heofenas andettaþ || hal
The Paris Psalter 88:4 3 nd þa halgan eac || hergeaþ on cyricean / þine soþfæstnesse
The Paris Psalter 88:6 4 ofer eall manna bearn / þa þe on ymbhwyrfte || ahwær syndon / /
The Paris Psalter 88:7 2 nis þe ealra gelic || ahwær on spedum / is þin soþfæstnes |
The Paris Psalter 88:8 3 ht || ana gesteoran / þonne hi on wæge || wind onhrereþ / / # /
The Paris Psalter 88:11 2 e gesceope / tabor et hermon || on naman þinum / hi mid strencgþ
The Paris Psalter 88:14 1 nne || neode herigean / / # / þa on þinum leohte || lifigeaþ an
The Paris Psalter 88:14 3 ansyn þin || ær onlihte / and on naman þinum || neode swylce /
The Paris Psalter 88:14 4 wylce / beoþ ealne dæg || eac on blisse / and þine soþfæstnes
The Paris Psalter 88:17 3 est || and bealde cwyst / ic me on þyssum folce || fultum sette
The Paris Psalter 88:22 3 s min || mægene healdeþ / and on naman minum || neode swylce / h
The Paris Psalter 88:22 4 his horn biþ ahafen || heane on mihtum / / # / and ic his swiþra
The Paris Psalter 88:32 1 ence / / # / ic æne swor || aþ on halgum / þæt ic dauide || dæ
The Paris Psalter 88:32 3 auide || dæda ne leoge / þæt on ecnesse || his agen cynn / wuna
The Paris Psalter 88:32 4 nesse || his agen cynn / wunaþ on wicum || biþ him weorþlic s
The Paris Psalter 88:32 5 um || biþ him weorþlic setl / on minre gesihþe || sunnan anli
The Paris Psalter 88:32 6 anlic / and swa mona || meahte on heofenum / þe is ece gewita ||
The Paris Psalter 88:33 5 wemdest / his halignesse || her on eorþan / / # / ealle þu his wea
The Paris Psalter 88:35 2 towurpon || wegferende / and he on edwit wearþ || ymbsittendum /
The Paris Psalter 88:36 2 rohtest his feondas || fæcne on blisse / / # / fultum þu him afy
The Paris Psalter 88:38 2 setl his gesettest || sorglic on eorþan / / # / þu his dagena ti
The Paris Psalter 88:41 2 ed / ne huru þu manna bearn || on middangeard / to idelnesse ||
The Paris Psalter 88:42 2 t feores neote / and hwæþere on ende || deaþ ne gesceawige / o
The Paris Psalter 89:1 2 us || fæste drihten / of cynne on cynne || and on cneorisse / / #
The Paris Psalter 89:1 2 hten / of cynne on cynne || and on cneorisse / / # / ærþon munta g
The Paris Psalter 89:5 1 || gegan wære / / # / and swa hi on niht hyrdnesse || neode began
The Paris Psalter 89:7 1 þeþ to duste / / # / forþon we on þinum yrre || ealle forwurdo
The Paris Psalter 89:7 2 rre || ealle forwurdon / wæron on þinum hathige || hearde gedr
The Paris Psalter 89:8 4 lde þu || eac gestaþelodest / on alihtincge || andwlitan þine
The Paris Psalter 89:9 2 as || ealle geteorudun / and we on þinum yrre synt || swiþe ge
The Paris Psalter 89:10 3 / þæt heo afære || fleogan on nette / beoþ ure geardagas ||
The Paris Psalter 89:11 1 o || samod ætgædere / / # / gif on mihtigum || mannum geweorþe
The Paris Psalter 89:11 4 eoþ || æfre getealde / wintra on worulde || þa beoþ gewinn a
The Paris Psalter 89:12 2 om || micel ofer ealle / and we on þam gefean || forhte gewurda
The Paris Psalter 89:14 2 and || drihten cuþe / þam þe on snytrum syn || swyþe getyde /
The Paris Psalter 89:16 1 / we synd gefyllede || fægere on mergenne / þinre mildheortness
The Paris Psalter 89:16 2 re mildheortnesse || þæs we on mode nu / habbaþ ealle dagas |
The Paris Psalter 89:17 2 ce || for þon fægerum dagum / on þam þu us to eadmedum || ea
The Paris Psalter 89:17 3 st / and for þam gearum þe we on gesawon || yfela feala / / # / be
The Paris Psalter 89:18 1 won || yfela feala / / # / beseoh on þine scealcas || swæsum eag
The Paris Psalter 89:18 2 scealcas || swæsum eagum / and on þin agen weorc || ece drihte
The Paris Psalter 90:2 2 le fultum || hæbbe ic freond on him / min se goda god || and ic
The Paris Psalter 90:2 3 him / min se goda god || and ic on þe geare hycge / / # / forþon h
The Paris Psalter 90:6 1 dest / / # / ne forhtast þu þe on dæge || flan on lyfte / þæt
The Paris Psalter 90:6 1 tast þu þe on dæge || flan on lyfte / þæt þe þurhgangan |
The Paris Psalter 90:6 2 æt þe þurhgangan || garas on þeostrum / oþþe on midne dæ
The Paris Psalter 90:6 3 || garas on þeostrum / oþþe on midne dæg || mære deoful / / #
The Paris Psalter 90:7 1 mære deoful / / # / fealleþ þe on þa wynstran || wergra þusen
The Paris Psalter 90:7 3 eac geteledra || tyn þusendo / on þine þa swiþran || and þe
The Paris Psalter 90:9 2 alig drihten / þu me friþstol on þe || fæstne settest / / # / ne
The Paris Psalter 90:10 3 e heard sweopu || huse þinum / on neaweste || nahwær sceþþan
The Paris Psalter 90:11 2 ad || þæt hi mid earmum þe / on heora handum || heoldan georn
The Paris Psalter 90:12 1 | wealdan mostest / / # / and þe on folmum || feredan swylce / þe
The Paris Psalter 90:12 2 n swylce / þe læs þu fræcne on stan || fote spurne / / # / þu o
The Paris Psalter 91:2 1 æleþa cynnes / / # / and þonne on morgene || mægene sæcge / hu
The Paris Psalter 91:3 1 || sæcge nihtes / / # / hwæt ic on tyn strengum || getogen hæfd
The Paris Psalter 91:3 2 m || getogen hæfde / hu ic þe on psalterio || singan mihte / oþ
The Paris Psalter 91:3 4 hlyste cweman / forþon þu me on þinum weorcum || wisum lufad
The Paris Psalter 91:6 4 ætywaþ || þa þe unrihtes / on weoruldlife || worhtan georna
The Paris Psalter 91:6 6 rwordene || weorþen syþþan / on worulda woruld || and to wida
The Paris Psalter 91:7 1 || and to widan feore / / # / þu on ecnesse || awa drihten / heahes
The Paris Psalter 91:8 2 þine feond || fæcne drihten / on eorþwege || ealle forweorþa
The Paris Psalter 91:11 2 sta || samed anlicast / beorht on blædum || bloweþ swa palma /
The Paris Psalter 91:12 1 weþ / / # / settaþ nu georne || on godes huse / þæt ge on his wi
The Paris Psalter 91:12 2 rne || on godes huse / þæt ge on his wicum || wel geblowan / / #
The Paris Psalter 92:6 4 aldend usser / halig drihten || on heanessum / / # / þin gewitnes i
The Paris Psalter 93:2 1 æghwylcne mann / / # / ahefe þe on ellen || eorþan dema / gyld of
The Paris Psalter 93:8 1 þ þæt and ongeotaþ || þe on folce nu / unwiseste || ealra s
The Paris Psalter 93:11 2 mann || þe þu hine ece god / on þinre soþre æ || sylfa get
The Paris Psalter 93:12 3 n folc || ne his yrfe þon ma / on ealdre wile || æfre forlæta
The Paris Psalter 93:13 2 na || gehwyrfed byþ / þæt he on unriht || eft ne cyrre / oþþe
The Paris Psalter 93:17 2 igeo || minra sara / þe me ær on ferhþe || fæste gestodan / þ
The Paris Psalter 93:19 3 lad / is me fultum his || fæst on drihtne / / # / þonne him gylde
The Paris Psalter 93:20 3 riht || þe hi geearnedan / and on heora facne || fæste todrife
The Paris Psalter 94:6 2 him fore || and cneow bigeaþ / on ansyne || ures drihtnes / and h
The Paris Psalter 94:7 3 and his fægere sceap / þa he on his edisce || ær afedde / / # /
The Paris Psalter 94:9 1 en || drihtnes willan / / # / swa on grimnesse || fyrn geara dydan
The Paris Psalter 94:9 2 grimnesse || fyrn geara dydan / on þam wraþan dæge || and on
The Paris Psalter 94:9 2 / on þam wraþan dæge || and on westenne / þær min þurh face
The Paris Psalter 94:10 4 and eac swa oncneow / þæt hi on heortan || hyge dysegedan / / #
The Paris Psalter 94:11 2 hte ne oncneowan / þæt ic ær on yrre || aþe benemde / gif hi o
The Paris Psalter 94:11 3 n yrre || aþe benemde / gif hi on mine reste || ricene eodon
The Paris Psalter 95:2 2 uldor || geond sigeþeode / and on eallum folcum || his fægere
The Paris Psalter 95:3 3 r || ġond siġe-þēode, / and on eallum folcum || his fæġere
The Paris Psalter 95:6 1 orhte || halig drihten / / # / ys on þinre gesihþe || soþ andet
The Paris Psalter 95:8 2 arlice lac || and in gangaþ / on his wictunas || weorþiaþ dr
The Paris Psalter 95:8 3 ictunas || weorþiaþ drihten / on his þære halgan || healle g
The Paris Psalter 95:9 2 || eorþe beofian / secgaþ nu on cynnum || and on cneorissum /
The Paris Psalter 95:9 2 n / secgaþ nu on cynnum || and on cneorissum / þæt from treowe
The Paris Psalter 95:10 2 lic riht || folcum demeþ / and on his yrre || ealle þeode / / # /
The Paris Psalter 95:12 2 gere blisse / and ealle þa þe on him || eard weardiaþ / wærun
The Paris Psalter 95:12 3 rdiaþ / wærun wudubearuwas || on wyndagum / for andwlitan || ece
The Paris Psalter 95:12 5 n drihtnes / forþon he cwom || on cyneþrymme / þæt he þas eor
The Paris Psalter 96:1 2 e drihten / is eorþe nu || eac on blisse / and þæs fægerne ||
The Paris Psalter 96:1 4 habbaþ / ealanda mænig || ut on garsæcge
The Paris Psalter 97:8 1 þ || / fægnian mid folmum || on gefean ælcne / beorgas blissia
The Paris Psalter 97:8 2 || / fæġnian mid folmum || on ġe·fēan ǣlcne; / beorĝas b
The Paris Psalter 97:9 3 rihte || and his syndrig folc / on rihtnesse || ræde gebringeþ
The Paris Psalter 98:1 2 || and he reþe folc / healdeþ on yrre || ungemete swiþe / sitte
The Paris Psalter 98:2 1 alle onstyrian / / # / drihten is on sion || dema se mæsta / heah a
The Paris Psalter 98:3 3 is || mycel and egeslic / halig on helpe || hæleþa bearnum / aar
The Paris Psalter 98:4 3 ene god || rihte beeodest / þu on iacobe || gode domas / æt frum
The Paris Psalter 98:10 2 d || hælend drihten / and hine on halgum || her weorþiaþ / mær
The Paris Psalter 99:2 1 || bealde þeowie / / # / gangaþ on ansyne || ealle bliþe / witaþ
The Paris Psalter 99:3 2 || and his fæle sceap / þa he on his edisce || ealle afedde / ga
The Paris Psalter 99:3 3 disce || ealle afedde / gaþ nu on his doru || god andettaþ / and
The Paris Psalter 99:3 4 ettaþ / and hine weorþiaþ || on wictunum / mid lofsangum || lus
The Metres of Boethius: Proem 9 e. || Ic sceal giet sprecan, / f on on fitte, || folccuðne ræd /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 11 winnes || fana hwearfode / scir on sceafte || sceotend þohton / i
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 20 d || rædgot and aleric / foron on þæt fæsten || fleah casere
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 21 re / mid þam æþelingum || ut on grecas / ne meahte þa seo weal
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 28 | læstan dorsten / stod þrage on þam || þeod wæs gewunnen / w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 37 es mosten / wyrþe gewunigen || on þære welegan byrig / þenden
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 46 hwilcum / þa wæs ricra sum || on rome byrig / ahefen heretoga ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 54 þone hlisan geþah / wæs him on gemynde || mæla gehwilce / yfe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 56 odge / cyningas cyþdon || wæs on greacas hold / gemunde þara ar
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 66 || þæt hi æft to him / comen on þa ceastre || lete greca wit
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 73 am eorle || he hine inne heht / on carcernes || cluster belucan /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 79 ormod eorl || are ne wende / ne on þam fæstene || frofre gemun
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 81 treaht || niþer of dune / feol on þa flore || fela worda spræ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 11 hio unwisum || widgel þince / on stede stronglic || steorleasu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 12 men / þeah mæg þone wisan || on gewitlocan / þære gitsunge ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 26 / þa ytmestan || eorþbuende / on monig þiodisc || miclum heri
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 28 yrdum / welum geweorþad || and on wlencum þio / duguþum diore |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 43 u þæs wisan || welandes ban / on hwelcum hi hlæwa || hrusan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 57 rincas || maran wyrþe / wæron on worulde || ac hit is wyrse nu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 6 wa same / þara þe we eagum || on lociaþ / ealra gesceafta || se
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 58 growan || leaf grenian / þæt on hærfest eft || hrest and wea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 94 hi hiora freondscipe || forþ on symbel / untweofealde || treowa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 6 þy læs he ciþa leas / licge on þæm lande || is leoda gehw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 16 astan || nænegum þuhte / dæg on þonce || gif sio dimme niht /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 22 u meaht eac mycle þy eþ || on modsefan / soþa gesælþa || s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 18 | winþ wiþ gecynde / þeah nu on londe || leon gemete / wynsume
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 36 l sien / tela atemede || gif hi on treowum weorþaþ / holte tomid
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 39 e ær / tydon and temedon || hi on treowum wilde / ealdgecynde ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 51 iþ eallum treowum || þe him on æþele biþ / þæt hit on hol
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 52 him on æþele biþ / þæt hit on holte || hyhst geweaxe / þeah
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 55 || swa þu an forlætst / widu on willan || went on gecynde / swa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 55 lætst / widu on willan || went on gecynde / swa deþ eac sio sunn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 56 eac sio sunne || þonne hio on sige weorþeþ / ofer midne dæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 58 dne dæg || merecondel scyfþ / on ofdæle || uncuþne weg / nihte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 75 earfige || swa swa hweol deþ / on hire selfre || forþon hio sw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 2 æm welegan || woruldgitsere / on his mode þe bet || þeah he
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 5 | and gimcynnum / þeah he wæs on worulde || witena gehwelcum / o
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 6 n worulde || witena gehwelcum / on his lifdagum || laþ and unwe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 9 ic þeah gehycgan || hwy him on hige þorfte / a þy sæl wesan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 2 tilian / þæt he his selfes || on sefan age / anwald innan || þy
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 10 erestreamas / utan belicgaþ || on æht gifen / efne swa wide || s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 12 mest nu / an iglond ligþ || ut on garsecg / þær nængu biþ ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 13 ecg / þær nængu biþ || niht on sumera / ne wuhte þon ma || on
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 14 on sumera / ne wuhte þon ma || on wintra dæg / toteled tidum ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 4 ealle comon / were and wife || on woruld innan / and hi eac nu ge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 6 hi eac nu get || ealle gelice / on woruld cumaþ || wlance and h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 12 se milda metod || gesceop men on eorþan / and gesamnade || sawl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 20 for æþelum || up ahebben / nu on þæm mode biþ || monna gehw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 22 || þe ic þe recce ymb / nales on þæm flæsce || foldbuendra /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 30 þele || a forþ þanan / wyrþ on weorulde || to wuldre ne cym
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 5 alæded / hwæþer ge willen || on wuda secan / gold þæt reade |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 6 uda secan / gold þæt reade || on grenum triowum / ic wat swa þe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 9 orþæm hit þær ne wexþ / ne on wingeardum || wlitige gimmas /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 10 gimmas / hwy ge nu ne settan || on sume dune / fiscnet eowru || þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 16 willen || wæþan mid hundum / on sealtne sæ || þonne eow sec
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 18 meaht / þæt ge willaþ þa || on wuda secan / oftor micle || þo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 19 ecan / oftor micle || þonne ut on sæ / is þæt wundorlic || þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 29 nga / þæt þa dysegan sint || on gedwolan wordene / efne swa bli
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 30 e / efne swa blinde || þæt hi on breostum ne magon / eaþe gecna
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 35 a || wenaþ samwise / þæt hi on þis lænan mægen || life fi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 38 e þinga / ealles swa swiþe || on sefan minum / hiora dysig tæla
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 2 þa fela || lustlice geo / sanc on sælum || nu sceal siofigende
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 7 / sette soþcwida || þonne ic on sælum wæs / oft ic nu miscyrr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 11 ldsælþa || welhwæs blindne / on þis dimme hol || dysine forl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 18 þæt ic gesællic mon / wære on weorulde || ne synt þa word
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 35 || eall þa we habbaþ / gooda on grundum || from gode selfum / n
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 59 naman || eft todældes / fæder on feower || wæs þara folde an
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 76 || wæstmas brengaþ / þa sint on gecynde || cealda ba-twa / wæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 79 t is gemenged || forþæm hio on middum wunaþ / nis þæt nan w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 82 nde geblonden / forþæm hio is on midle || mine gefræge / fyres
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 94 wac and hnesce / ne meahte hit on him selfum || soþ ic geare w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 107 an || eall toblawen / ne meahte on þære eorþan || awuht libba
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 109 hte þon ma || wætres brucan / on eardian || ænige cræfte / for
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 120 adwæscan || þæt þæt him on innan sticaþ / fyres gefeged |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 123 es / wætres and eorþan || and on wolcnum eac / and efne swa same
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 125 ne is þæs fyres || frumstol on riht / eard ofer eallum || oþr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 139 || æfre ne oþrineþ / ne hire on nanre ne mot || near þonne o
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 139 n nanre ne mot || near þonne on oþre / stowe gestæppan || str
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 148 ne / unwisra gehwæm || wuniaþ on fyre / þeah hi sindan || sweot
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 150 s þæt fyr swa same || fæst on þæm wætre / and on stanum ea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 151 || fæst on þæm wætre / and on stanum eac || stille geheded /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 158 mid cele ofercumen || gif hit on cyþþe gewit / and þeah wuhta
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 163 rþan swa fæste || þæt hio on ænige / healfe ne heldeþ || n
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 169 þisse / þæm anlicost || þe on æge biþ / gioleca on middan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 170 t || þe on æge biþ / gioleca on middan || glideþ hwæþre / æ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 172 swa stent eall weoruld / stille on tille || streamas ymbutan / lag
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 176 þu þioda god || þriefalde on us / sawle gesettest || and hi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 179 eaht / þæt hire þy læsse || on þæm lytlan ne biþ / anum fin
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 180 biþ / anum fingre || þe hire on eallum biþ / þæm lichoman ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 197 on / sio gesceadwisnes || sceal on gehwelcum / þære wilnunge ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 206 sceope / þæt hio hwearfode || on hire selfre / hire utan ymb ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 226 e god || eard forgeafe / saulum on heofonum || selest weorþlica
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 230 þurh þa sciran neaht / hadre on heofonum || na hwæþre þeah
A.5.6.20 238 and þæt ēċe samod, / sāwl on flǣsċe. || Hwæt, hīe siml
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 242 lichama || last weardigan / eft on eorþan || forþæm he ær of
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 243 forþæm he ær of hire / weox on weorulde || wunedon ætsomne /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 262 hal || ures modes / þæt we hi on þe selfum || siþþan moten /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 281 | a fundiaþ / men of moldan || on þa mæran gesceaft
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 27 lces || modes eagan / ablendaþ on breostum || þonne hi hi beor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 28 orþæm æghwilc þing || þe on þys andweardan / life licaþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 6 incg || he ærest sceal / secan on him selfum || þæt he sume h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 8 sohte / sece þæt siþþan || on his sefan innan / and forlæte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 14 || þæt hit mæg findan / eall on him innan || þæt hit oftost
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 18 unnet || eal þæt he hæfde / on his incofan || æror lange / ef
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 19 e / efne swa sweotole || swa he on þa sunnan mæg / eagum andwear
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 20 nnan mæg / eagum andweardum || on locian / and he eac ongit || hi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 23 || þonne se leoma sie / sunnan on sumera || þonne swegles gim /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 38 orn || sædes gehealden / symle on þære saule || soþfæstness
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 39 nden gadertang wunaþ || gast on lice / þæs sædes corn || bi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 47 frigne || gif he awuht nafaþ / on his modsefan || mycles ne lyt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 52 are || ænige ne cunne / findan on ferhþe || gif he frugnen bi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 59 s gemynde || he mæg siþþan / on his runcofan || rihtwisnesse /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 60 ncofan || rihtwisnesse / findan on ferhte || fæste gehydde / mid
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 64 n / and mid þæm bisgum || þe on breostum styreþ / mon on mode
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 65 m || þe on breostum styreþ / m on on mode || mæla gehwylce
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 1 thius: Metre 23 / / sie þæt la on eorþan || ælces þinges / ges
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 11 ian to rodorum || rihte stige / on þone ecan eard || ussa saula
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 17 um / meahtest þe full recen || on þæm rodere ufan / siþþan we
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 28 rodere ryneswiftum || gif þu on riht færest / þe þone hehsta
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 44 nd mære / gif þu weorþest || on wege rihtum / up to þæm earde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 5 tebeorhtum || wundrum scinaþ / on heahsetlum || hrofe getenge / g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 17 htum / ac he reþigmod || ræst on gehwilcne / wedehunde || wuhta
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 19 st / biþ to up ahæfen || inne on mode / for þæm anwalde || þe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 36 þæt he þonne sie / becropen on carcern || oþþe coþlice / ra
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 45 olgene weorþaþ || him wyrþ on breostum inne / beswungen sefa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 46 breostum inne / beswungen sefa on hraþre || mid þæm swiþan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 54 scrifeþ / ic þe sæde ær || on þisse selfan bec / þæt sumes
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 70 || winnan onginnan / and þonne on þæm gewinne || þurhwunian
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 4 sprecaþ / hit gesælde gio || on sume tide / þæt aulixes || un
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 12 rices || cuþ wæs wide / þæt on þa tide || troia gewin / wear
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 26 sta || ma þonne ænne / ferede on fifelstream || famigbordon / þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 31 wiþ oþre || ut feor adraf / on wendelsæ || wigendra scola / u
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 32 endelsæ || wigendra scola / up on þæt igland || þær apoline
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 39 ford þa / þæt dysige folc || on gedwolan lædde / oþþæt him
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 43 ecynnes || cuþ is wide / þæt on þa tide || þeoda æghwilc / h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 46 / gif he to þæm rice wæs || on rihte boren / wæs þæs iobes
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 58 en for herigum || hio ricsode / on þæm iglonde || þe aulixes /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 65 mægne / efne swa swiþe || hi on sefan lufode / þæt he to his
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 76 locræftum / wraþum weorpan || on wildra lic / cyninges þegnas |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 88 mum diore || swelcum he æror / on his lifdagum || gelicost wæs
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 97 or þæm earfoþum || þe him on sæton / hwæt þa dysegan men
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 13 geard / egeslic hunta || a biþ on waþe / nyle he ænig swæþ ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 24 oþerne || inwitþoncum / fioge on færþe || swa swa fugl oþþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 26 ehwylc / oþrum gulde || edlean on riht / weorc be geweorhtum || w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 1 of Boethius: Metre 28 / / hwa is on eorþan || nu unlærdra / þe n
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 15 norþende || nean ymbcerreþ / on þære ilcan || eaxe hwerfeþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 18 feþ || swift untiorig / hwa is on weorulde || þæt ne wafige / b
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 21 gul || maran ymbhwyrft / hafaþ on heofonum || sume hwile eft / l
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 30 eorra || cymeþ efne swa same / on þone ilcan stede || eft ymb
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 37 wuhte þe soþra / ne biþ hio on æfen || ne on ærmorgen / mere
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 37 ra / ne biþ hio on æfen || ne on ærmorgen / merestreame þe nea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 38 n / merestreame þe near || þe on midne dæg / and þeah monnum
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 39 h monnum þyncþ || þæt hio on mere gange / under sæ swife ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 40 under sæ swife || þonne hio on setl glideþ / hwa is on weorul
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 41 ne hio on setl glideþ / hwa is on weorulde || þæt ne wundrige
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 55 æt hi ne wundriaþ || hu hit on wolcnum oft / þearle þunraþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 63 na gecerreþ / ismere ænlic || on his agen gecynd / weorþeþ to
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 69 isra gehwæm || wundor þince / on his modsefan || micle læsse /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 27 nnan / and eft æfter sunnan || on setl glideþ / west under weoru
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 31 sunnan swiftra || siþþan hi on setl gewitaþ / ofirneþ þæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 43 be healfe || heofones þisses / on ane ne læt || ælmihtig god /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 50 hæto || hwilum cerreþ eft / on uprodor || ælbeorhta leg / leo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 51 rodor || ælbeorhta leg / leoht on lyfte || ligeþ him behindan /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 63 al and snaw || hrusan leccaþ / on wintres tid || weder unhiore /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 66 hi growaþ || geara gehwilce / on lenctentid || leaf up sprytta
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 68 milda metod || monna bearnum / on eorþan fet || eall þætte g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 69 eall þætte groweþ / wæstmas on weorolde || wel forþbrengeþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 73 god / and þæt hehste good || on heahsetle / siteþ self cyning
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 82 uldbuendra / ealla gesceafta || on his ærendo / hionane he sende
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 1 s of Boethius: Metre 3 / / æala on hu grimmum || and hu grundlea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 7 || þone ecan gefean / þringþ on þa þiostro || þisse woruld
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 30 2 merus wæs || east mid crecum / on þæm leodscipe || leoþa cr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 14 to hrusan || hnipaþ of dune / on weoruld wliteþ || wilnaþ to
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 17 eafta / mid his andwlitan || up on gerihte / mid þy is getacnod |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 2 la / hefones and eorþan || þu on heahsetle / ecum ricsast || and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 25 þone laþran wind / eala hwæt on eorþan || ealla gesceafta / hy
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 26 a / hyraþ þinre hæse || doþ on heofonum swa some / mode and m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 34 || æfre wolde / þæt sio wyrd on gewill || wendan sceolde / yflu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 38 yfele men || giond eorþricu / on heahsetlum || halige þricca
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 41 eolde / swa sint gehydde || her on worulde / geond burga fela || b
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 44 twise || eallum tidum / habbaþ on hospe || þa þe him sindon / r
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 47 le / bewrigen mid wrencum || nu on worulde her / monnum ne deriaþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 50 d ne wilt || wirde steoran / ac on selfwille || sigan lætest / þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 54 / worulde gesceafta || wlit nu on moncyn / mildum eagum || nu hi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 55 moncyn / mildum eagum || nu hi on monegum her / worulde yþum ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 15 þ wiþ his eardes || oþ him on innan felþ / muntes mægenstan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 16 / muntes mægenstan || and him on middan geligeþ / atrendlod of
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 17 trendlod of þæm torre || he on tu siþþan / tosceaden wyrþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 15 t hio strange geondstyred || on staþu beateþ / eala þæt on
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 16 on staþu beateþ / eala þæt on eorþan || auht fæstlices / we
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 17 an || auht fæstlices / weorces on worulde || ne wunaþ æfre
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 4 þ þæt he ne herde || þæt on heane munt / monna ænig || mea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 9 s þu æfre || þætte ænig m on / on sondbeorgas || settan meah
A.5.6.7 10 ǣfre || þætte ǣniġ mann / on sand-beorĝas || settan mihte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 18 mæg hæleþa gehwæm || hus on munte / lange gelæstan || for
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 19 æstan || forþæm him lungre on / swift wind swapeþ || ne biþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 37 hogena || ormete ren / forþæm on þære dene || drihten selfa /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 39 / þær se wisdom a || wunaþ on gemyndum / forþon orsorg lif |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 51 en gæle || þonne him grimme on / woruldsælþa wind || wraþe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 6 dohte / þa þa anra gehwæm || on eorþwæstmum / genoh þuhte ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 18 him crist gesceop / and hi æne on dæge || æton symle / on æfen
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 19 æne on dæge || æton symle / on æfentid || eorþan wæstmas /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 37 | nænig siþþan wæs / weorþ on weorulde || gif mon his willa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 40 rde || oþþe wolde god / þæt on eorþan nu || ussa tida / geond
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 45 æt he maran ne recþ / ac hit on witte || weallende byrnþ / efn
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 49 monna bearn / etne hataþ || se on iglonde / sicilia || swefle byr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 56 se forma || feohgitsere / wære on worulde || se þas wongstedas
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 59 on || funde mænegum / bewrigen on weorulde || wætere oþþe eo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 15 omane / secgan geherde || þæt on sume tide / troia burg || ofert
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 27 lestan || eorlgebyrdum / þe he on þæm folce || gefrigen hæfd
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 28 folce || gefrigen hæfde / and on uppan || agene broþor / and hi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 32 mle wæs / micle þe bliþra || on breostcofan / þonne he swylces
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 37 yrhtum || wohfremmendum / ac he on ferþe fægn || facnes and se
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 43 þ þa norþmestan || næssan on eorþan / eall þæt nerone ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 46 de him to gamene || þonne he on gylp astag / hu he eorþcyninga
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 56 rd || hefig gioc slepte / sware on þa swyran || sinra þegena / e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 57 a / ealra þara hæleþa || þe on his tidum / geond þas lænan w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 59 n worold || liban sceoldon / he on unscyldgum || eorla blode / his
Distich Psalm 17:51 1 alm 17:51 / / Wæs mid Iudeum || on geardagum / ealra cyninga gehwe
Metrical Psalm 91:11 2 æ || sæmed anlicæst / beorht on blædum || bloweð swæ pælm
Metrical Psalm 91:12 1 91:12 / / Settæþ nu georne || on godes huse / þet ge on his wic
Metrical Psalm 91:12 2 orne || on godes huse / þet ge on his wicum || wel geblowen.
Metrical Psalm 91:2 1 trical Psalm 91:2 / / And þonne on morgenne || megenne sege / hu h
Metrical Psalm 91:3 1 # Metrical Psalm 91:3 / / Wet ic on tin strengum || getogen hefde
Metrical Psalm 91:3 2 um || getogen hefde / hu ic ðe on sælterio || singæn meæhte /
Metrical Psalm 91:3 4 hliste cwemæn / forðon ðu me on ðinum wiorcum || wisum lufæ
Metrical Psalm 91:6 4 tywæð || þæ ðe unrihtæs / on weoruldlife || worhton georn
Metrical Psalm 91:6 6 rwordone || weorden siððæn / on woruldæ% world% || and to wi
Metrical Psalm 91:7 1 # Metrical Psalm 91:7 / / þu on ecnesse || æwæ drihten / heæ
Metrical Psalm 91:8 2 inre feond || fæcne drihten / on eorðwege || eælle forweorð
Metrical Psalm 92:6 4 ldend usser / hælig drihten || on heænessum.
Metrical Psalm 93:11 2 mæn || ðe ðu hine ece god / on þinre soðre æ || sylfa get
Metrical Psalm 93:12 3 n folc || ne his yrfe ðon ma / on ealdre wile || hefre forletæ
Metrical Psalm 93:13 2 ena || gewerfeþ bið / þet he on unriht% || eft ne oncyrre / oð
A.51.93.17 2 || mīnre sāre / þe mē ǣr on ferhþe || fæste ġe·stōdo
Metrical Psalm 93:19 3 eled / is me fultum his || fest on drihtne.
Metrical Psalm 93:2 1 Metrical Psalm 93:2 / / Ahef ðe on hellen || eorðæn demæ / gild
Metrical Psalm 93:20 3 riht || þe hi gearnedæn / and on hiora facne || feste todrife
Metrical Psalm 93:8 1 æn ðeð and ongeoton || þe on folce nu / unwiseste || eælre
Metrical Psalm 94:10 4 eæc and swa oncneow / þet hi on heortan || hige disegan.
Metrical Psalm 94:11 2 wihte ne oncneowan / þet ic er on yrre || æðe benemde / gif hi
Metrical Psalm 94:11 3 yrre || æðe benemde / gif hi on mine reste || recedon eodon.
Metrical Psalm 94:6 2 him fore || and cneow bigeað / on ansine || ures drihtnes / and h
Metrical Psalm 94:7 3 d his fægere sceæp / þæ he% on his edisce || ær æfedde.
Metrical Psalm 94:9 1 # Metrical Psalm 94:9 / / Swæ on grimnesse || fyrn geræ dydan
Metrical Psalm 94:9 2 grimnesse || fyrn geræ dydan / on ðam wraðan dege || and on w
Metrical Psalm 94:9 2 n / on ðam wraðan dege || and on westenne / þer min ðurh facen
The Battle of Brunanburh 14 ga swate || siþþan sunne up / on morgentid || mære tungol / gla
The Battle of Brunanburh 22 ondlongne dæg || eorodcistum / on last legdun || laþum þeodum
The Battle of Brunanburh 27 d anlafe || ofer æra gebland / on lides bosme || land gesohtun /
The Battle of Brunanburh 29 ge to gefeohte || fife lægun / on þam campstede || cyningas gi
The Battle of Brunanburh 35 || litle weorode / cread cnear on flot || cyning ut gewat / on fe
The Battle of Brunanburh 36 ar on flot || cyning ut gewat / on fealene flod || feorh genered
The Battle of Brunanburh 38 ac se froda || mid fleame com / on his cyþþe norþ || costonti
The Battle of Brunanburh 41 ga sceard / freonda gefylled || on folcstede / beslagen æt sæcce
The Battle of Brunanburh 43 sæcce || and his sunu forlet / on wælstowe || wundun forgrunde
The Battle of Brunanburh 49 beaduweorca || beteran wurdun / on campstede || cumbolgehnastes /
The Battle of Brunanburh 51 s / wæpengewrixles || þæs hi on wælfelda / wiþ eadweardes ||
The Battle of Brunanburh 54 earrum / dreorig daraþa laf || on dinges mere / ofer deop wæter
The Battle of Brunanburh 65 || and þæt græge deor / wulf on wealde || ne wearþ wæl mare
The Battle of Brunanburh 66 wealde || ne wearþ wæl mare / on þis eiglande || æfre gieta /
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 10 r norþmannum || nyde gebegde / on hæþenra || hæfteclommum / la
The Coronation of Edgar 3 miclum || to cyninge gehalgod / on þære ealdan byrig || aceman
The Coronation of Edgar 6 naþ || þær wæs blis micel / on þam eadgan dæge || eallum g
The Coronation of Edgar 19 ig || niþweorca heard / wintra on worulde || þa þis geworden
The Coronation of Edgar 20 a þis geworden wæs / and þa on þam þritigoþan wæs || þe
The Death of Edgar 5 ne || nemnaþ leoda bearn / men on moldan || þæne monaþ gehw
A.6.10.4 6 , || þone mōnaþ ġe·hwǣr / on þisse ēðel-turf, || þā
The Death of Edgar 7 eltyrf || þa þe ær wæran / on rimcræfte || rihte getogene /
The Death of Edgar 9 noþ || þær se geonga gewat / on þone eahteþan dæg || eadga
The Death of Edgar 16 wæs cyneweard nama / þa wæs on myrceon || mine gefræge / wide
The Death of Edgar 18 wær || waldendes lof / afylled on foldan || fela wearþ todræf
The Death of Edgar 20 wæs gnornung micel / þam þe on breostum wæg || byrnende luf
The Death of Edgar 21 æg || byrnende lufan / metodes on mode || þa wæs mærþa frum
The Death of Edgar 29 nd þa wearþ ætywed || uppe on roderum / steorra on staþole |
The Death of Edgar 30 ed || uppe on roderum / steorra on staþole || þone stiþferhþ
The Death of Alfred 1 hine þa gelette || and hine on hæft sette / and his geferan h
A.6.10.5 2 and wolde tō his mēder, þe on Win- || / ċeastre sæt, ac hi
The Death of Alfred 6 arþ dreorlicre dæd || gedon on þison earde / syþþan dene co
A.6.10.5 11 drēorlicre dǣd || ġe·dōn on þissum earde, / siþþan Dene
The Death of Alfred 14 bundenne / sona swa he lende || on scype man hine blende / and hin
A.6.10.5 19 nne. / Sōna swā hē lende, || on sċipe mann hine blende, / and
The Death of Alfred 20 de || þam styple ful gehende / on þam suþportice || seo saul
The Death of Edward 3 soþfæste || sawle to criste / on godes wæra || gast haligne / h
The Death of Edward 4 odes wæra || gast haligne / he on worulda her || wunode þrage /
The Death of Edward 5 worulda her || wunode þrage / on cyneþrymme || cræftig ræda
A.6.10.6 22 n forþ be·cōm || frēolice on ġeatwum / cyning cystum gōd,
A.6.10.6 31 elfum, / æðelum eorle, || sē on ealle tīd / hīerde holdlīċe
Durham 5 nne wunaþ / feola fisca cyn || on floda gemonge / and þær gewex
A.6.11 7 wuda-fæstenn miċel; / wuniod on þǣm wīcum || wilda dēor m
A.6.11 8 īcum || wilda dēor maniġe, / on dēope dalum || dēora un-ġe
A.6.11 9 um || dēora un-ġe·rīm. / Is on ðǣre byrġ ēac || bearnum
Durham 16 l abbot / þe clene cudberte || on gecheþe / lerde lustum || and
A.6.11 18 diaþ æt þǣm ēadġe || on on þǣm minstre / un-ā·rīmeda
The Rune Poem 13 || eadnys and tohiht / rad byþ on recyde || rinca gehwylcum / sef
The Rune Poem 14 wiþhwæt || þam þe sitteþ on ufan / meare mægenheardum || o
The Rune Poem 16 n byþ cwicera gehwam || cuþ on fyre / blac and beorhtlic || by
The Rune Poem 27 tere syþþan / nied byþ nearu on breostan || weorþeþ hi þea
The Rune Poem 37 wyrtrumun underwreþyd || wyn on eþle / peorþ byþ symble || p
The Rune Poem 40 wlancum || þar wigan sittaþ / on beorsele || bliþe ætsomne / e
The Rune Poem 41 olhsecg eard hæfþ || oftust on fenne / wexeþ on wature || wun
The Rune Poem 42 fþ || oftust on fenne / wexeþ on wature || wundaþ grimme / blod
The Rune Poem 45 sigel semannum || symble biþ on hihte / þonn hi hine feriaþ |
The Rune Poem 49 el / wiþ æþelingas || a biþ on færylde / ofer nihta genipu ||
The Rune Poem 52 ah / tanas butan tudder || biþ on telgum wlitig / heah on helme |
The Rune Poem 53 || biþ on telgum wlitig / heah on helme || hrysted fægere / gelo
The Rune Poem 57 þær him hæleþ ymbe / welege on wicgum || wrixlaþ spræce / an
The Rune Poem 59 lum || æfre frofur / monn byþ on myrgþe || his magan leof / sce
The Rune Poem 64 þuht / gif hi sculun neþan || on nacan tealtum / and hi sæyþa
The Rune Poem 72 þær rihtes || and gerysena on / brucan on bolde || bleadum of
The Rune Poem 73 tes || and gerysena on / brucan on bolde || bleadum oftast / dæg
The Rune Poem 77 armum || eallum brice / ac byþ on eorþan || elda bearnum / flæs
The Rune Poem 82 oferheah || eldum dyre / stiþ on staþule || stede rihte hylt /
The Rune Poem 83 rihte hylt / þeah him feohtan on || firas monige / yr byþ æþe
The Rune Poem 85 æs / wyn and wyrþmynd || byþ on wicge fæger / fæstlic on fær
The Rune Poem 86 byþ on wicge fæger / fæstlic on færelde || fyrdgeatewa sum / e
The Rune Poem 88 || and þeah a bruceþ / fodres on foldan || hafaþ fægerne ear
A.6.13 6 ā trahteras || tala wīsedon / on þǣm miċelan bēċ || / ||
Solomon and Saturn 7 a treahteras || tala wisedon / on þam micelan bec # || / # m/ /
Solomon and Saturn 1 heardum || / swylce ic næfre on eallum þam fyrngewrytum || f
Solomon and Saturn 12 ic mec gesund fare / wende mec on willan || on wæteres hrigc / o
Solomon and Saturn 12 d fare / wende mec on willan || on wæteres hrigc / ofer coferflod
A.6.13 14 s sēċan’. / ‘Unlǣde biþ on eorðan, || unnytt līfes, / w
Solomon and Saturn 15 mon cwæþ # || / unlæde biþ on eorþan || unnit lifes / wesþe
A.6.13 19 full, || worpaþ hine dēoful / on dōm-dæġe, || draca eġesl
Solomon and Saturn 20 s full || worpaþ hine deofol / on domdæge || draca egeslice / bi
A.6.13 31 rīċes / torhte on·tīenan || on ġe·tæl-rīme?’ / ‘Þæt
Solomon and Saturn 33 ofona rices / torhte ontynan || on getælrime / salomon cwæþ # |
A.6.13 50 dorlicne wlite. || Meċ þæs on weorolde full oft / fyr-witt fr
Solomon and Saturn 54 uldorlicne wlite || mec þæs on worolde full oft / fyrwit frine
A.6.13 76 wielm%, || wild-dēora holt, / on wēstenne weard, || weorð-my
Solomon and Saturn 81 d wyrma welm || wildeora holt / on westenne weard || weorþmynta
A.6.13 85 wīþ-mōd swipaþ || and him on swaðe fylġeþ / //A// A ofer-
Solomon and Saturn 86 gebrengan / gif þu him ærest on ufan || ierne gebrengest / prol
A.6.13 87 / T hine teoswaþ || and hine on þā tungan stīcaþ, / wrǣste
Solomon and Saturn 90 / swiþmod sweopaþ || and him on swaþe fylgeþ / ac a ofermæge
A.6.13 91 ste ġe·standan. / Þonne hine on unþanc //R// R || ierrunga
Solomon and Saturn 92 ir t hine teswaþ || and hine on þa tungan sticaþ / wræsteþ
Solomon and Saturn 96 fæste gestondan / þonne hiene on unþanc rad r || ieorrenga ge
A.6.13 107 , || lǣteþ foreweard hlēor / on strangne stān, || streġdaþ
Solomon and Saturn 112 um || læteþ foreweard hleor / on strangne stan || stregdaþ to
A.6.13 119 elle hæftling%, || þæt hē on hinder gæþ. / Þonne hine //F
A.6.13 123 earh-fære, || ǣled lǣtaþ / on þæs fēondes feax || flāna
Solomon and Saturn 124 a / helle hæftling || þæt he on hinder gæþ / þonne hiene feo
Solomon and Saturn 128 ole earhfare || æled lætaþ / on þæs feondes feax || flana s
A.6.13 132 ierpeþ, / Crīstes cempan, || on cwicum wǣdum / Godes spyriende
Solomon and Saturn 133 || þone god sendeþ / freondum on fultum || færeþ æfter dæg
A.6.13 134 unges hræġles. / Þonne hine on lyfte || līf-ġe·twinnan / un
Solomon and Saturn 137 e scierpeþ / cristes cempan || on cwicum wædum / godes spyrigend
Solomon and Saturn 139 geonges hrægles / þonne hine on lyfte || lifgetwinnan / under t
A.6.13 145 / hwīlum hīe ġe·wendaþ || on wyrmes līċ / stranges% and st
A.6.13 148 h ġe·strūdeþ. / Hwīlum hē on wætere || wiċġ ġe·hnǣġ
Solomon and Saturn 153 || feoh gestrudeþ / hwilum he on wætere || wicg gehnægeþ / ho
A.6.13 154 fes tilian; / ā·wrīteþ hē on his wǣpne || wæl-nota hēap
Solomon and Saturn 159 || lifes tiligan / awriteþ he on his wæpne || wællnota heap /
A.6.13 170 || Caldea eorl. / Hwæðre wæs on sǣlum || sē þe of sīðe c
A.6.13 172 | Iċ flītan ġe·fræġn || on fyrn-daĝum / mōd-glēawe menn
Solomon and Saturn 175 d || caldea eorl / hwæþre was on sælum || se þe of siþe cwo
Solomon and Saturn 177 g / hwæt ic flitan gefrægn || on fyrndagum / modgleawe men || mi
A.6.13 197 ne, ġif þū ġe·wītest || on Wendel-sǣ / ofer Cofor-flōd |
Solomon and Saturn 2 ic þonne gif þu gewitest || on wendelsæ / ofer coforflod || c
A.6.13 9 na, || frēond Nebrondes. / Hē on þǣm felda of·slōh || [XXV
A.6.13 10 da of·slōh || [XXV] / dracena on dæġ-rǣd || and hine þā d
Solomon and Saturn 14 istina || freond nebrondes / he on þam felda ofslog || fif ond
Solomon and Saturn 15 og || fif ond twentig / dracena on dægred || and hine þa deaþ
A.6.13 19 / ‘Dol biþ sē þe gæþ || on dēop wæter, / sē þe sund na
A.6.13 24 wæt is sē dumba, || sē þe on sumre dene resteþ? / Swīðe s
Solomon and Saturn 25 || / dol biþ se þe gæþ || on deop wæter / se þe sund nafa
Solomon and Saturn 31 c hwæt is se dumba || se þe on sumre dene resteþ / swiþe sny
A.6.13 41 lufaþ’. / ‘Ān wīse is || on weorold-rīċe / ymb þā mē f
A.6.13 49 seċġe? / Ān fuĝol siteþ || on Filistina% / middel-ġe·mǣrum
Solomon and Saturn 52 us cwæþ # || / an wise is || on woroldrice / ymb þa me fyrwet
A.6.13 56 welċe || norðan and sūðan / on twā healfa || tū hund weard
A.6.13 58 u / medumra manna || and hē is on middan hwælen; / ġēowes hē
Solomon and Saturn 61 þe secgge / an fugel siteþ || on filistina / middelgemærum || m
A.6.13 63 is gryn sefaþ, / wielleþ hine on þǣm wīte, || wunaþ unlust
Solomon and Saturn 65 hiene him scyle eall þeod || on genæman / wæpna ecggum || hie
Solomon and Saturn 68 ehwylce || norþan and suþan / on twa healfa || tu hund wearda /
Solomon and Saturn 70 du / medumra manna || and he is on middan hwælen / geowes he hafa
Solomon and Saturn 75 his gyrn sefaþ / wylleþ hine on þam wite || wunaþ unlustum /
Solomon and Saturn 80 ges || dynn gehyre / nyste hine on þære foldan || fira ænig / e
A.6.13 81 || wihte be·swīcan, / ac him on hand gǣþ || heardes and hne
A.6.13 86 e·rīmes’. / ‘Ieldu bēoþ on eorðan || ǣġhwæs cræfti
A.6.13 91 styreþ standendne% || stefn on sīðe, / ā·fielleþ hine on
A.6.13 92 on sīðe, / ā·fielleþ hine on foldan; || friteþ aefter þ
Solomon and Saturn 94 deor || wihte beswican / ac him on hand gæþ || heardes and hne
Solomon and Saturn 100 lomon cuæþ # || / yldo beoþ on eorþan || æghwæs cræftig /
A.6.13 104 īþ / sē hine ġe·lǣdeþ || on þā lāðan wīċ / mid þā f
Solomon and Saturn 105 / astyreþ standendne || stefn on siþe / afilleþ hine on foldan
Solomon and Saturn 106 stefn on siþe / afilleþ hine on foldan || friteþ æfter þam
A.6.13 109 e eft fealwiaþ, || feallaþ on eorðan / and for·weorniaþ, |
A.6.13 112 ange lǣstaþ, || libbaþ him on māne, / hȳdaþ hēah-ġe·str
A.6.13 114 strēon, || healdaþ ġeorne / on fæstenne || fēondum tō wil
Solomon and Saturn 120 pra niþ / se hine gelædeþ || on þa laþan wic / mid þa fræcn
A.6.13 122 ū mid māne lenġest / libbaþ on þisse lǣnan ġe·sċeaft. |
A.6.13 125 -strynde. || Ne be·iern þū on þā inwitt-ġe·cyndu’. /
Solomon and Saturn 127 ie eft fealewiaþ || feallaþ on eorþan / and forweorniaþ || w
A.6.13 131 eþ þonne || drihtne Crīste / on dōmes dæġe, || þonne hē
Solomon and Saturn 132 ahgestreon || healdaþ georne / on fæstenne || feondum to willa
Solomon and Saturn 142 r nu mid mane lengest / lifiaþ on þisse lænan gesceafte || ie
A.6.13 146 || sē þe ā wile / ġōmrian on ġīehþe; || sē biþ Gode f
A.6.13 148 an-mēdlan / ġeġnum gangan || on Godes rīċe?’ / ‘Ne mæġ
Solomon and Saturn 154 meþ þonne || dryhtne criste / on domes dæge || þonne he deme
A.6.13 154 lenġ? / Sē wiersa ne wāt || on weorold-rīċe / on his mǣġ-w
A.6.13 155 ne wāt || on weorold-rīċe / on his mǣġ-winum || māran ār
A.6.13 161 e·līċ. / Ōðer biþ unlǣde on eorðan, || ōðer biþ ēadi
A.6.13 164 þ || lȳtle hwīle, / swīceþ on þisse sīdan ġe·sċeafte |
Solomon and Saturn 174 mod || se þe a wile / geomrian on gihþe || se biþ gode fraco
A.6.13 180 earnes blǣdes, || ac sċeall on ġe·byrd faran / ān aefter ā
A.6.13 182 ‘Ac for·hwon nele mann him on ġuĝuþe || ġeorne ġe·wyr
A.6.13 184 pes || and dǣd-fruman, / wadan on wīsdōm, || winnan aefter sn
Solomon and Saturn 186 wyrsa ne wat || in woroldrice / on his mægwinum || maran are / sa
A.6.13 189 ēop ġe·sċeaft? || Ne mōt on dæġ restan, / nihtes nēðeþ
Solomon and Saturn 194 tir gelic / oþer biþ unlæde on eorþan || oþer biþ eadig / s
Solomon and Saturn 197 eofaþ || lytle hwile / swiceþ on þisse sidan gesceafte || and
A.6.13 209 ēap and ġēap, || stīġeþ on lenge, / clymmeþ on ġe·cyndu
A.6.13 210 stīġeþ on lenge, / clymmeþ on ġe·cyndu, || cunnaþ hwonne
A.6.13 211 || cunnaþ hwonne mōte / fȳr on his frumsċeaft || on fæder
A.6.13 211 te / fȳr on his frumsċeaft || on fæder ġeardas, / eft tō his
Solomon and Saturn 214 / bearnes blædes || ac sceall on gebyrd faran / an æfter anum |
Solomon and Saturn 217 || / ac forhwan nele monn him on giogoþe || georne gewyrcan / d
Solomon and Saturn 219 cipes || and dædfruman / wadan on wisdom || winnan æfter snytr
Solomon and Saturn 222 eadig eorl || eaþe geceosan / on his modsefan || mildne hlafor
Solomon and Saturn 226 ogeþ deop gesceaft || ne mot on dæg restan / neahtes neþyþ |
A.6.13 227 , / bōcum tō·brǣddon || and on bearm leġdon, / mæðel-cwidas
A.6.13 245 ’. / ‘Nolde gād ġeador || on Godes rīċe / ēadġes engles
Solomon and Saturn 247 aþ steap and geap || stigeþ on lenge / clymmeþ on gecyndo ||
Solomon and Saturn 248 || stigeþ on lenge / clymmeþ on gecyndo || cunnaþ hwænne mo
Solomon and Saturn 249 o || cunnaþ hwænne mote / fyr on his frumsceaft || on fæder g
Solomon and Saturn 249 mote / fyr on his frumsceaft || on fæder geardas / eft to his eþ
A.6.13 261 ā þenden hīe lifdon / wunian on wielme, || wōp þrōwian, / h
A.6.13 264 || wintre be·þeahte, / wæter on sende || and wyrm-ġeardas, / a
Solomon and Saturn 265 / filistina witan || þonne we on geflitum sæton / bocum tobræd
Solomon and Saturn 266 æton / bocum tobræddon || and on bearm legdon / meþelcwidas men
A.6.13 271 hīe libbaþ’. / ‘Is þonne on þisse foldan || fīra ǣniġ
A.6.13 279 wille%; / grǣdiġ% grōwan || on Godes willan, / murnan metodes
A.6.13 287 d, / ōðer hine tyhteþ || and on teosu lǣreþ, / īeweþ him an
Solomon and Saturn 291 eofona rice || and him þonne on healfum sittan / tydran him mid
A.6.13 293 þonne feohteþ sē fēond || on fēower ġe·cynd, / oþ·þæt
A.6.13 294 þ·þæt hē ġe·wendeþ || on þā wiersan hand / dēofles d
Solomon and Saturn 296 æt sindon þa usic feohtaþ on / forþon is witena gehwam || w
A.6.13 297 e·wīteþ þonne wēpende || on weġ faran / enġel tō his ear
Solomon and Saturn 314 turnus cwæþ # || / is þonne on þisse foldan || fira ænig / e
Solomon and Saturn 3 æd / oþer hine tyhteþ || and on tæso læreþ / yweþ him and y
Solomon and Saturn 9 a þonne feohteþ se feond || on feower gecynd / oþþæt he gew
Solomon and Saturn 10 cynd / oþþæt he gewendeþ || on þa wyrsan hand / deofles dædu
Solomon and Saturn 12 æs willan wyrcþ || þe hine on woh spaneþ / gewiteþ þonne w
Solomon and Saturn 13 þ / gewiteþ þonne wepende || on weg faran / engel to his earde
The Menologium 2 æs acennyd || cyninga wuldor / on midne winter || mære þeoden
The Menologium 3 ære þeoden / ece ælmihtig || on þy eahteoþan dæg / hælend g
The Menologium 8 alend us || cymeþ geþincged / on þam ylcan dæge || us to tun
The Menologium 14 / hæleþ heaþurofe || hataþ on brytene / in foldan her || swyl
A.6.14 15 rōfe, || hātaþ on Brytene, / on foldan hēr. || Swelċe ymb%
The Menologium 21 es modor || forþan heo crist on þam dæge / bearn wealdendes |
The Menologium 28 ne gefræge / þæs þe lencten on tun || geliden hæfde / werum t
A.6.14 39 æðele sċynde / Greĝorius || on Godes wǣre, / brēme on Bryten
A.6.14 40 ius || on Godes wǣre, / brēme on Brytene. || Swelċe Benedictu
A.6.14 43 trang, || þone herġaþ wēl / on ġe·writum wīse, || wealden
The Menologium 45 te || swylce eac rimcræftige / on þa ylcan tiid || emniht heal
The Menologium 47 end god || worhte æt frymþe / on þy sylfan dæge || sunnan an
The Menologium 56 ergend sent / aprelis monaþ || on þam oftust cymþ / seo mære t
The Menologium 65 na rimes || ne drihtnes stige / on heofenas up || forþan þe hw
The Menologium 67 rdum || ac sceal wintrum frod / on circule || cræfte findan / hal
A.6.14 75 / bēn-tīd brēmu. || Swelċe on burh ræðe / ymbe% siex% niht%
The Menologium 76 be siex niht þæs || smicere on gearwum / wudum and wyrtum || c
The Menologium 78 eþ wlitig scriþan / þrymilce on tun || þearfe bringeþ / maius
The Menologium 85 an eadigre || æþelust beama / on þam þrowode || þeoden engl
The Menologium 86 gla / for manna lufan || meotud on galgan / be fæder leafe || swy
A.6.14 97 rīmes || þætte drihten nam / on ōðer lēoht || Aĝustinus, /
The Menologium 98 er leoht || agustinus / bliþne on breostum || þæs þe he on b
The Menologium 98 e on breostum || þæs þe he on brytene her / eaþmode him || e
The Menologium 104 an lare / bisceop bremran || nu on brytene rest / on cantwarum ||
The Menologium 105 bremran || nu on brytene rest / on cantwarum || cynestole neah / m
The Menologium 109 ra liþa || us to tune / iunius on geard || on þam gim astihþ /
The Menologium 109 us to tune / iunius on geard || on þam gim astihþ / on heofenas
The Menologium 110 geard || on þam gim astihþ / on heofenas up || hyhst on geare
The Menologium 110 tihþ / on heofenas up || hyhst on geare / tungla torhtust || and
A.6.14 117 þēodnes dīerling, / Iohannes on ġeardaĝan || wearþ ā·cen
The Menologium 119 m eac || we þa tiid healdaþ / on midne sumor || mycles on æþ
The Menologium 119 daþ / on midne sumor || mycles on æþelum / wide is geweorþod |
The Menologium 123 las / þeodenholde || þrowedon on rome / ofer midne sumor || micc
The Menologium 132 | tidlice us / iulius monaþ || on þam iacobus / ymb feower niht
A.6.14 134 alde / and% twentiĝum, || trum on brēostum, / frōd and fæstrǣ
The Menologium 138 | sumere gebrihted / weodmonaþ on tun || welhwær bringeþ / agus
The Menologium 143 n || wela byþ geywed / fægere on foldan || þænne forþ gewat
The Menologium 151 suna sibbe || sigefæstne ham / on neorxnawange || hæfde nergen
A.6.14 155 ġe·weorðod / Bartholomeus || on Brytene hēr, / wyrd% wēl-þun
A.6.14 173 us his || tō metod-sċeafte, / on ēċne ġe·fēan. || Þonne
The Menologium 177 nd eorþan / heahengles tiid || on hærfeste / michaheles || swa
The Menologium 182 niht || þæt se teoþa monþ / on folc fereþ || frode geþeaht
The Menologium 183 þ || frode geþeahte / october on tun || us to genihte / winterfy
The Menologium 189 on nihtum || samod ætgædere / on anne dæg || we þa æþeling
The Menologium 195 || folce genihtsum / blotmonaþ on tun || beornum to wiste / nouem
A.6.14 201 þe sīþ oþþe ǣr / worhtan on weorolde || willan dryhtnes. /
The Menologium 203 wintres dæg || wide gangeþ / on syx nihtum || sigelbeortne ge
The Menologium 212 || þætte fan gode / besenctun on sægrund || sigefæstne wer / o
The Menologium 213 n sægrund || sigefæstne wer / on brime haran || þe iu beorna
The Menologium 216 ne leof / æþele andreas || up on roderum / his gast ageaf || on
The Menologium 217 on roderum / his gast ageaf || on godes wære / fus on forþweg |
The Menologium 218 t ageaf || on godes wære / fus on forþweg || þænne folcum br
The Menologium 227 æder engla / his sunu sende || on þas sidan gesceaft / folcum to
The Menologium 231 brytenricu / sexna cyninges || on þas sylfan tiid
Maxims II 2 þanc enta geweorc || þa þe on þysse eorþan syndon / wrætli
Maxims II 3 allstana geweorc || wind byþ on lyfte swiftust / þunar byþ þ
Maxims II 16 | and to beahgife / ellen sceal on eorle || ecg sceal wiþ hellm
Maxims II 17 / hilde gebidan || hafuc sceal on glofe / wilde gewunian || wulf
Maxims II 18 / wilde gewunian || wulf sceal on bearowe / earm anhaga || eofor
Maxims II 19 we / earm anhaga || eofor sceal on holte / toþmægenes trum || ti
Maxims II 20 oþmægenes trum || til sceal on eþle / domes wyrcean || daroþ
Maxims II 21 domes wyrcean || daroþ sceal on handa / gar golde fah || gim sc
Maxims II 22 da / gar golde fah || gim sceal on hringe / standan steap and geap
Maxims II 23 teap and geap || stream sceal on yþum / mencgan mereflode || m
Maxims II 24 cgan mereflode || mæst sceal on ceole / segelgyrd seomian || sw
Maxims II 25 lgyrd seomian || sweord sceal on bearme / drihtlic isern || drac
Maxims II 26 drihtlic isern || draca sceal on hlæwe / frod frætwum wlanc ||
Maxims II 27 frætwum wlanc || fisc sceal on wætere / cynren cennan || cyni
Maxims II 28 cynren cennan || cyning sceal on healle / beagas dælan || bera
Maxims II 29 e / beagas dælan || bera sceal on hæþe / eald and egesfull || e
Maxims II 32 fæstra getrum || treow sceal on eorle / wisdom on were || wudu
Maxims II 33 | treow sceal on eorle / wisdom on were || wudu sceal on foldan /
Maxims II 33 / wisdom on were || wudu sceal on foldan / blædum blowan || beor
Maxims II 34 blædum blowan || beorh sceal on eorþan / grene standan || god
Maxims II 35 an / grene standan || god sceal on heofenum / dæda demend || duru
Maxims II 36 um / dæda demend || duru sceal on healle / rum recedes muþ || ra
Maxims II 37 um recedes muþ || rand sceal on scylde / fæst fingra gebeorh |
Maxims II 39 orh || fugel uppe sceal / lacan on lyfte || leax sceal on wæle /
Maxims II 39 / lacan on lyfte || leax sceal on wæle / mid sceote scriþan ||
Maxims II 40 sceote scriþan || scur sceal on heofenum / winde geblanden || i
A.6.15 41 fonum, / winde ġe·blanden, || on þās weorold cuman. / Þēof s
Maxims II 42 ystrum wederum || þyrs sceal on fenne gewunian / ana innan land
Maxims II 44 ond gesecean || gif heo nelle on folce geþeon / þæt hi man be
Maxims II 47 firgenstreamas || feoh sceal on eorþan / tydran and tyman || t
Maxims II 48 ran and tyman || tungol sceal on heofenum / beorhte scinan || sw
Maxims II 61 er deaþdæge || domes bidaþ / on fæder fæþme || is seo for
The Judgment Day II 4 erburnan || swegdon and urnon / on middan gehæge || eal swa ic
The Judgment Day II 6 bleowon / innon ðam gemonge || on ænlicum wonge / and ða wudube
The Judgment Day II 14 / ðæs dimman cyme || deaðes on eorðan / ic ondræde me eac ||
The Judgment Day II 16 miclan / for mandædum || minum on eorðan / and ðæt ece ic eac
The Judgment Day II 22 drihtnes / and ðara haligra || on heofonan rice / swylce earmscea
The Judgment Day II 30 id fyste / breost mine beate || on gebedstowe / and minne lichaman
The Judgment Day II 31 e / and minne lichaman || lecge on eorðan / and geearnade sar ||
The Judgment Day II 39 ðær owiht || inne ne belife / on heortscræfe || heanra gylta /
The Judgment Day II 54 e mid criste wæs || cwylmed on rode / hu micel forstent || and
The Judgment Day II 57 nna and gylta / se sceaða wæs on rode || scyldig and manful / mi
The Judgment Day II 77 || eces deman / hwæt ligst ðu on horwe || leahtrum afylled / fl
The Judgment Day II 87 e sylfum demst || for synnum on eorðan / ne heofenes god || he
The Judgment Day II 92 || gearugne timan / gemyne eac on mode || hu micel is ðæt wit
The Judgment Day II 98 / and cristes cyme || cyðað on eorðan / eall eorðe bifað ||
The Judgment Day II 108 seo sunne forswyrcð || sona on morgen / ne se mona næfð || n
The Judgment Day II 118 sigelbeorht || swegles brytta / on heahsetle || helme beweorðod
The Judgment Day II 131 mes cnosl || eorðbuendra / ðe on foldan wearð || feded æfre /
The Judgment Day II 136 sweotolude / digle geðancas || on ðære dægtide / eal ðæt seo
The Judgment Day II 140 annes hand || manes gefremede / on ðystrum scræfum || ðinga o
The Judgment Day II 140 n ðystrum scræfum || ðinga on eorðan / eal ðæt hwæne scea
The Judgment Day II 141 æt hwæne sceamode || scylda on worulde / ðæt he ænigum men
The Judgment Day II 175 ast / eal arleas heap || yfeles on wenan / hwæt dest ðu la flæs
The Judgment Day II 177 reogest ðu nu / hwæt miht ðu on ða tid || ðearfe gewepan / wa
The Judgment Day II 179 ulde / and her glæd leofast || on galnysse / and ðe mid stiðum
The Judgment Day II 188 on || spellum areccan / ænegum on eorðan || earmlice witu / full
The Judgment Day II 189 ice witu / fulle stowa || fyres on grunde / ðe wæs in grimmum ||
The Judgment Day II 190 / ðe wæs in grimmum || susle on helle / ðær synt to sorge ||
A.6.17 190 || fȳres on grunde, / þe wæs on grimmum || sūsle on helle. /
The Judgment Day II 198 e gewrixl || earmsceapene men / on worulda woruld || wendað ð
The Judgment Day II 215 d / for hwi fyrngende flæsc || on ðas frecnan tid / hym selfum s
The Judgment Day II 217 a || synna geworhte / ðæt hit on cweartern || cwylmed wurde / ð
The Judgment Day II 230 nd ðær synnge eac || sauwle on lige / on blindum scræfe || by
The Judgment Day II 231 synnge eac || sauwle on lige / on blindum scræfe || byrnað an
The Judgment Day II 239 lc gælsa / scyldig scyndan || on sceade ðonne / and se earma fl
The Judgment Day II 241 p / sleac mid sluman || slincan on hinder / ðonne blindum beseah
The Judgment Day II 243 beseah || biterum ligum / earme on ende || ðæt unalyfed is nu /
The Judgment Day II 244 ðæt unalyfed is nu / leofest on life || lað bið ðænne / and
The Judgment Day II 248 esælig || and ofersælig / and on worulda woruld || wihta gesæ
The Judgment Day II 251 forbugon / and samod bliðe || on woruld ealle / his ðeodne geð
The Judgment Day II 278 ð || and freolice lufað / and on heofonsetle || hean geregnað
The Judgment Day II 284 beoð geðeode || ðeodscipum on gemang / betwyx heahfæderas ||
The Judgment Day II 294 ðe us || frean acende / metod on moldan || meowle seo clæne /
The Judgment Day II 301 wæt mæg beon heardes || her on life / gif ðu wille secgan ||
The Judgment Day II 304 am werode / eardian unbleoh || on ecnesse / and on upcundra || ea
The Judgment Day II 305 ian unbleoh || on ecnesse / and on upcundra || eadegum setlum / br
The Rewards of Piety 4 eadmod || and ælmesgeorn / wis on wordum || and wæccan lufa / on
The Rewards of Piety 5 on wordum || and wæccan lufa / on hyge halgum || on ðas hwilwe
The Rewards of Piety 5 æccan lufa / on hyge halgum || on ðas hwilwendan tid / bliðe mo
The Rewards of Piety 15 oðfæstan || sauwle to reste / on ða uplican || eadignesse / wyr
The Rewards of Piety 17 ðe dæda / hafa metodes ege || on gemang symle / ðæt is witodli
The Rewards of Piety 23 nde || eall gesylle / ðæt ðu on eorðan || ær gestryndes / god
The Rewards of Piety 34 s lac / gumena gehwylces || ðe on god gelyfð / ceapa ðe mid æh
The Rewards of Piety 53 wisan / nearwe geðancas || ðe on niht becumað / synlustas forof
The Rewards of Piety 63 e most || lifes brucan / eardes on eðle || swa ðu ær dydest / b
The Rewards of Piety 71 re ðe / digollice || ðæt ðu on dægred oft / ymbe ðinre sauwl
The Rewards of Piety 79 ceosan / ðænne scealt ðu hit on eorðan || ær geðencan / and
The Rewards of Piety 82 as || ealle forlætan / ðe ðu on ðis life ær || lufedest and
A Summons to Prayer 5 / saule ðinre || / geunne ðe on life || [auctor pacis] / sibbe
A Summons to Prayer 9 ðfæsta || [summi filius] / fo on fultum || [factor cosmi] / se o
The Lord's Prayer II 2 der || ealles wealdend / cyninc on wuldre || forðam we clypiað
The Lord's Prayer II 9 rh ðine soðan miht / ðu eart on heofonum || hiht and frofor / b
The Lord's Prayer II 41 e / æðele and ece || ðar ðu on sittest / on sinre swiðran hea
The Lord's Prayer II 42 nd ece || ðar ðu on sittest / on sinre swiðran healf || ðu e
The Lord's Prayer II 51 ðrym || anre stæfne / swa ðe on heofonum || heahðrymnesse / æ
The Lord's Prayer II 60 d willa || ðu gewurðod eart / on heofonrice || heah casere / and
The Lord's Prayer II 61 heofonrice || heah casere / and on eorðan || ealra cyninga / help
The Lord's Prayer II 65 tosyndrodest hig || siððan on manega / sealdest ælcre gecynd
The Lord's Prayer II 73 ðines fæder rice / ðæt wæs on fruman || fægere gegearwod / e
The Lord's Prayer II 78 od gebig / ðanc and ðeawas || on ðin gewil / bewyrc us on heort
The Lord's Prayer II 79 as || on ðin gewil / bewyrc us on heortan || haligne gast / fæst
The Lord's Prayer II 80 eortan || haligne gast / fæste on innan || and us fultum sile /
The Lord's Prayer II 83 tyreadig cyningc / sawle ure || on ðines silfes hand / forgif us
The Lord's Prayer II 85 eft / drihten ure || ðonne ðu on dome sitst / and ealle men || u
The Lord's Prayer II 91 að / eal ðæt we geworhton || on worldrice / betere and wyrse ||
The Lord's Prayer II 97 lle world / ðar man us tyhhað on dæg || twegen eardas / drihten
The Lord's Prayer II 99 hwaðer we geearniað || her on life / ða hwile ðe ure mihta
The Lord's Prayer II 105 ðu ne læt || laðe beswican / on costunga || cwellan and bærn
The Lord's Prayer II 112 heanlice || ðin handgeweorc / on endedæge || eal forwurðan / a
The Lord's Prayer II 119 || ofer ealle ðingc / ðu miht on anre hand || eaðe befealdan /
The Lord's Prayer II 123 / swa ðu eart gewurðod || a on worlda forð
The Gloria I 7 d and wolcna || wealdest eall on riht / ðu eart frofra fæder |
The Gloria I 14 er || and halig gast / swa wæs on fruman || frea mancynnes / ealr
The Gloria I 20 | and ealle ðing / ðu settest on foldan || swyðe feala cynna /
The Gloria I 21 tosyndrodost hig || syððon on mænego / ðu gewrohtest ece go
The Gloria I 23 st ece god || ealle gesceafta / on syx dagum || and on ðone seo
The Gloria I 23 gesceafta / on syx dagum || and on ðone seofoðan ðu gerestest
The Gloria I 30 an || and ðæs hehstan gebod / on drihtnes namon || se dæg is
The Gloria I 39 aneard || and we men cweðað / on grunde her || gode lof and ð
The Gloria I 41 illa || and ðin agen dom / and on worulda woruld || wunað and
A.6.21 52 ġe·cynd || þū eart cyning on riht, / clǣne and cræftiġ. |
The Gloria I 53 ne gecynd || ðu eart cyning on riht / clæne and cræftig ||
The Gloria I 56 god || man geworhtest / and him on dydest || oruð and sawul / sea
The Lord's Prayer III 2 idde / halig drihten || ðu ðe on heofonum eart / ðæt sy gehalg
A.6.22 5 ū þā, || nerġende Crīst, / on ūrum ferhþ-locan || fæste
A.6.22 8 ma, / and þīn ġe·lēafa || on līf-dæġe / on ūrum mōde ||
The Lord's Prayer III 9 d ðin geleafa || in lifdæge / on urum mode || mære ðurhwunig
The Lord's Prayer III 11 a mid us || weorðe gelæsted / on eardunge || eorðan rices / swa
A.6.22 12 n rīċes, / swā hlūtor is || on heofon-wuldre, / wynnum ġe·wl
The Lord's Prayer III 17 onsendest || sawlum to hæle / on middaneard || manna cynnes / ð
The Lord's Prayer III 23 swa we forlætað || leahtras on eorðan / ðam ðe wið us || o
A.6.22 27 Ne lǣd þū ūs tō wīte || on wēan sorĝe / ne on costunge,
A.6.22 28 wīte || on wēan sorĝe / ne on costunge, || Crīst nerġende
A.6.22 32 / fēonda ġe·hwelċes; || we on ferhþ-locan, / þēoden engla,
The Creed 1 Creed / / ælmihtig fæder || up on rodore / ðe ða sciran gesceaf
The Creed 9 egu canst || mærra tungla / ic on sunu ðinne || soðne gelyfe /
The Creed 24 s / ðæt acenned wæs || crist on eorðan / ða se pontisca || pi
The Creed 28 deora frea || deað ðrowade / on gealgan stah || gumena drihte
The Creed 56 st || ealra getreowe / flæsces on foldan || on ða forhtan tid /
The Creed 56 etreowe / flæsces on foldan || on ða forhtan tid / ðær ðu ece
Fragment of Psalm 121 1 gment of Psalm 121 / / # / sy ðe on ðinum mægne sib || mæst an
Fragment of Psalm 121 2 sib || mæst and fyrmest / and on ðinum torrum wese || tidum g
Fragment of Psalm 139 1 9 / / # / genere me wið niðe || on naman ðinum / fram yfelum men
Fragment of Psalm 140 1 Fragment of Psalm 140 / / # / sy on ðinre gesihðe || mines sylf
Fragment of Psalm 24 1 apas eac gelær / / # / gerece me on ræde || and me ricene gelær
Fragment of Psalm 24 2 and me ricene gelær / ðæt ic on ðinre soðfæstnysse || simb
Fragment of Psalm 27 3 sa / rece ðu heo swylce || and on riht ahefe / ðæt hi on woruld
Fragment of Psalm 27 4 || and on riht ahefe / ðæt hi on worulde || wynnum lifigen
Fragment of Psalm 32 2 / wel ofer us || swa we wenað on ðe
Fragment of Psalm 34 2 cyld || and me georne gestand / on fultume || wið feonda gryre /
Fragment of Psalm 34 5 || sawle minre / ðæt ðu hire on hæle || hold gestode
Fragment of Psalm 40 3 e hreoweð nu / ðæt ic firene on ðe || fremede geneahhige
Fragment of Psalm 5 1 / / # / ic ðe æt stande || ær on morgen / and ðe sylfne geseo |
Fragment of Psalm 50 3 and rihtne gast || god geniwa / on minre gehigde || huru min dri
Fragment of Psalm 50 3 yne || æfre to feore / ne huru on weg aber || ðone halgan gast
Fragment of Psalm 50 3 e ealdorlice || æðele gaste / on ðinne willan getryme || wero
Fragment of Psalm 53 1 # Fragment of Psalm 53 / / # / on ðinum ðam halgan naman || g
Fragment of Psalm 58 3 fram laðum || ðe me lungre on / risan willað || nymðe ðu m
Fragment of Psalm 60 3 gehat || her agylde / of dæge on dæg || swa hit gedefe wese
Fragment of Psalm 64 2 od || ðu eart hiht ealra / ðe on ðisse eorðan || utan syndon
Fragment of Psalm 89 2 scealcas || swæsum eagum / and on ðin agen weorc || ece drihte
The Kentish Hymn 5 uldor / uppe mid ænglum || and on eorðan sibb / gumena gehwilcum
The Kentish Hymn 13 hten || gastes mæhtum / hafest on gewealdum || hiofen and eorð
The Kentish Hymn 18 and manna / ðu dryhten god || on dreamum wunast / on ðære uppl
The Kentish Hymn 19 hten god || on dreamum wunast / on ðære upplican || æðelan c
The Kentish Hymn 29 || ðriostre senna / ðæt ðu on hæahsetle || heafena rices / s
The Kentish Hymn 30 a rices / sitest sigehræmig || on ða swiðran hand / ðinum godf
The Kentish Hymn 40 || crist nergende / forðan ðu on ðrymme ricsast || and on ðr
The Kentish Hymn 40 ðu on ðrymme ricsast || and on ðrinesse / and on annesse || e
The Kentish Hymn 41 csast || and on ðrinesse / and on annesse || ealles waldend / hio
A.6.25 43 stes / fæġere ġe·felled || on fæder wuldre.
A.6.26 5 || hearpera mǣrost / þāra we on folcum || ġe·friġen hæbbe
Psalm 50 12 eaftig || ðonne cumbulgebrec / on gewinndagum || weorðan scold
Psalm 50 40 || geltas geclansa / ða ðe ic on aldre || æfre gefremede / ður
Psalm 50 60 ynna cynn || saula neriend / ic on unrihtum || eac ðan in synnu
A.6.26 60 nd. / Iċ on unrihtum || ēac þ on on synnum / ġe·ēacnod wæs.
A.6.26 63 ōdor ġe·bær / on sċame and on sċyldum; || for·ġief mē,
Psalm 50 79 n gehernes || hehtful weorðe / on gefean bliðse || forðweard
Psalm 50 80 orðweard to ðe / ðanne bioð on wenne || waldend simle / ða ge
Psalm 50 82 ban || bilwit dominus / ða ðe on hænðum ær || hwile wæron /
A.6.26 89 ten Crīst, || clǣne heortan / on mē, mehtiġ God, || mōd-sw
A.6.26 93 ne gāst, || rodera wealdend, / on ferhþe mīnum || fæste ġe
A.6.26 110 ċan sċoldon%. / Be·frēo mē on ferhþe, || fæder mann-cynne
Psalm 50 138 nna || hio ðæt halige cealf / on wigbed ðin || willum asetta
Psalm 50 142 lan || saule wunde / ða ðe ic on ælde || uel on giogeðe / in f
Psalm 50 142 de / ða ðe ic on ælde || uel on giogeðe / in flæschaman || ge
A.6.26 143 n ælde || wēl% on ġuĝuþe / on flǣsċ-haman% || ġe·fremed
Psalm 50 153 mede || ingeðance / ða ðe he on ferðe || gefræmed hæfde / ga
A.6.26 157 e·earnian || ēċe drēamas / on libbendra || landes wenne. ||
The Gloria II 2 mynt || wereda drihten / fæder on foldan || fægere gemæne / mid
A Prayer 11 rminge / se byð earming || ðe on eorðan her / dæiges and nihte
A Prayer 16 swyce / se byð eadig || se ðe on eorðan her / dæiges and nyhte
A Prayer 29 ealle || eorðbugende / swilce on heofonum up || ðu eart hæle
A Prayer 35 en / ne ðeah engla werod || up on heofenum / snotra tosomne || s
A Prayer 45 nd / ðu eart se æðela || ðe on ærdagum / ealra femnena wyn ||
A Prayer 47 femnena wyn || fægere acende / on bethleem ðære byrig || beor
A Prayer 49 bearnum / ðam ðe gelyfað || on lyfiendne god / and on ðæt ec
A Prayer 50 yfað || on lyfiendne god / and on ðæt ece leoht || uppe on ro
A Prayer 50 nd on ðæt ece leoht || uppe on roderum / ðyn mægen ys swa m
A Prayer 57 ælmihtig god / ðæt ic gelyfe on ðe || leofa hælend / ðæt ð
A Prayer 77 d englum || up siðian / sittan on swegle || / herian heofonas go
Thureth 6 mihta gehwylcre / ðæs ðe he on foldan || gefremian mæg / and
Thureth 8 | ðeoda waldend / ðæs ðe he on gemynde || madma manega / wyle
Thureth 11 || ealle findan / ðæs ðe he on foldan || fremað to ryhte
Aldhelm 4 eop || [etiam fuit] / [ipselos] on æðele || angolsexna / byscop
Aldhelm 5 æðele || angolsexna / byscop on bretene || biblos ic nu sceal
Aldhelm 9 ymle wæs / [euthenia] || oftor on fylste / æne on eðle || ec ð
Aldhelm 10 enia] || oftor on fylste / æne on eðle || ec ðon ðe se is / yf
Aldhelm 11 le || ec ðon ðe se is / yfel on gesæd || [Etiam nusquam] / ne
A.6.30 15 his mōdes ġe·mynd || micro on cosmo, / þæt him drihten ġie
Aldhelm 16 t him drihten gyfe || dinams on eorðan / [fortis factor] || ð
The Seasons for Fasting 1 The Seasons for Fasting / / wæs on ealddagum || israheala folc /
The Seasons for Fasting 4 frea / heofna heahcyning || her on life / ðurh his sylfes word ||
The Seasons for Fasting 11 and ða hæleð samod / swa hie on leodscipe || lærede wæron / g
The Seasons for Fasting 18 ægena || ðe sio mære ðeod / on ðam herescype || heold and w
The Seasons for Fasting 22 e besyredon || sylfne dryhten / on beam setton || and to byrgenn
The Seasons for Fasting 26 gehyrdon || hæleða mænige / on bocstafum || breman and writa
The Seasons for Fasting 38 lled / womme gewesed || ac scal on wyrd sceacan / nu we herian sce
The Seasons for Fasting 42 mesdædum || ure gefyllan / and on fæstenum || swa se froda iu /
The Seasons for Fasting 45 / swa hie gebrefde us || beorn on rome / gregorius || gumena papa
The Seasons for Fasting 48 rme sceolan || fæsten heowan / on ðære ærestan || wucan leng
The Seasons for Fasting 49 e ærestan || wucan lengtenes / on ðam monðe || ðe man martiu
A.6.31 52 m dihte% / rūna ġe·rǣdan || on þæs rīċan hofe, / heofona h
The Seasons for Fasting 58 um lofe || ðe gelesen hafað / on ðære wucan || ðe æfter cu
The Seasons for Fasting 61 enes dæg || preostas nemnað / on ðam monðe || ðæs ðe me
The Seasons for Fasting 64 e || ðinga gehwelces / fæsten on foldan || fyra bearnum / dihte
The Seasons for Fasting 65 fyra bearnum / dihte gelicum || on ðam deoran hofe / to brymenne
The Seasons for Fasting 67 to brymenne || beorhtum sange / on ðære wucan || ðe ærur by
The Seasons for Fasting 69 nihtes dæge || ælda beornum / on ðam monðe || mine gefræge /
The Seasons for Fasting 72 sceolen || fæsten gelæstan / on ðære wucan || ðe bið æru
A.6.31 75 nd weorcum || wuldres cyninge / on þā īlcan tīd || eallum ġ
The Seasons for Fasting 79 e leoda frean || lifes biddan / on ðissum fæstenum || is se fe
The Seasons for Fasting 83 mb ða nigoðan tyd || nan is on eorðan / butan hine unhæl ||
The Seasons for Fasting 89 | ðæt ðu gebann sceole / her on eorðan || ænig healdan / ðæ
The Seasons for Fasting 107 e goda / mære moyses || ær he on munt styge / he ðæt fæsten h
The Seasons for Fasting 121 t helias || eorl se mæra / him on westene || wiste geðigede / ð
The Seasons for Fasting 127 || swa he nahtes anbat / ær he on horeb dun || hali ferde / uton
The Seasons for Fasting 130 fde / to astigenne || stæppon on ypplen / ær him ðæt symbel w
The Seasons for Fasting 132 || seald fram engle / we sint on westene || wuldres blisse / on
The Seasons for Fasting 133 on westene || wuldres blisse / on ðæm ænete || ealra gefeana
The Seasons for Fasting 141 fæstan swa || fyrene dædum / on forhæfenesse || her for life
The Seasons for Fasting 147 ower mærum / wlangum wicgum || on weg ferede / on neorxnawong ||
The Seasons for Fasting 148 angum wicgum || on weg ferede / on neorxnawong || ðær us nerge
The Seasons for Fasting 158 g / leodum to lare || ðæt hie on lengten sceolan / efen feowerti
The Seasons for Fasting 161 tude ðær || cristes gewinna / on ðæm ænete || eald and fræ
The Seasons for Fasting 165 stræla his || stellan mihte / on ðam lichoman || næs ðæs l
The Seasons for Fasting 166 || næs ðæs leahtra nan / ac on hinder gewat || hearmes brytt
The Seasons for Fasting 173 æfð || manes æt egum / ac he on hinder scrið || and ðe hali
The Seasons for Fasting 186 æghwamlice || dryhten biddan / on ðam fæstenne || ðæt he fr
The Seasons for Fasting 194 acerdos || sylfe ne gyltan / ne on leahtrum hiora || ligegen to
The Seasons for Fasting 213 wyle || folces manna / sona hie on mergan || mæssan syngað / and
The Seasons for Fasting 222 f || healdað ða ilcan / wisan on worulde || and ne wigliað / hw
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 11 rðum gefrægost / siððan min on englisc || ælfred cyning / awe
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 3 wæð ðæt he wolde || ðæt on worulde forð / of ðæm innoð
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 5 ndu / wætru fleowen || ðe wel on hine / gelifden under lyfte ||
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 8 wæterscipes || welsprynge is / on hefonrice || ðæt is halig g
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 11 rdon / ðurh halga bec || hider on eorðan / geond manna mod || mi
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 13 ssenlice / sume hine weriað || on gewitlocan / wisdomes stream ||
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 15 | welerum gehæftað / ðæt he on unnyt || ut ne tofloweð / ac s
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 16 ofloweð / ac se wæl wunað || on weres breostum / ðurh dryhtnes
A.6.38 2 ]e þe mē rǣdan þance, / hē on mē findan mæ[], || ġif hin
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 6 ðar byð a hyht and wyn / blis on burgum || ðam ðe bearn gode
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 17 e ðe ðas boc begeat / ðe ðu on ðinum handum nu || hafast an
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 19 pe bidde / ðe heora gemynd her on || gemearcude siendon / and ð
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 9 ld / rodera waldend || ðæt he on riht mote / oð his daga ende |
Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 1 hattæ seo burh || ðe crist on geboren wes / seo is gemærsod
A.6.43.1 2 r hwelċ un-ġe·dēfe þinġ on ġe·dōn biþ || / on drȳ o
A.6.43.1 3 n lybb-lǣce. Ġe·nim þonne on niht, ǣr hit || / daĝie, fē
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 3 hattæ seo burh || ðe Crist on geboren wes, / seo is gemærsod
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 1 # A Journey Charm / / ic me on ðisse gyrde beluce || and on
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 1 on ðisse gyrde beluce || and on godes helde bebeode / wið ðan
A.6.43.11 5 wiþ eall þæt lāþ || þe on tō land fære. / Siġe-ġealdo
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 35 ne || smylte and lihte / windas on waroðum || windas gefran / cir
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 38 reond ic gemete wið / ðæt ic on ðæs ælmihtgian frið || wu
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 40 am laðan || se me lyfes eht / on engla blæd || gestaðelod / an
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 42 heofna rices / ða hwile ðe ic on ðis life || wunian mote / amen
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 8 ornie / clinge ðu || alswa col on heorðe / scring ðu || alswa s
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 10 age / and weorne || alswa weter on anbre / swa litel ðu gewurðe
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 14 tune hætte ðeos wyrt || heo on stane geweox / stond heo wið a
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 33 ða ða næddran || ðæt heo on nigun tofleah / ðær geændade
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 35 / ðæt heo næfre ne wolde || on hus bugan / fille and finule ||
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 38 esceop || witig drihten / halig on heofonum || ða he hongode / se
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 39 e hongode / sette and sænde || on seofun worulde / earmum and ead
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 2 iderwiht / hæfde him his haman on handa || cwæð ðæt ðu his
A.6.43.3 5 , man sċeall singan, ǣrest on þæt wynstre || / ēare, þon
A.6.43.3 6 æt wynstre || / ēare, þonne on þæt swīðre ēare, þonne
A.6.43.3 7 ān mædenman tō and ho hit on || / his swēoran, and dō man
A.6.43.3 9 biþ sona sēl. || / Hēr cōm on gangan, || on spiderwiht%, / h
A.6.43.3 9 . || / Hēr cōm on gangan, || on spiderwiht%, / hæfde him his h
A.6.43.3 10 erwiht%, / hæfde him his haman on handa, || cwæþ þæt þū h
A.6.43.4 2 nwyxð, and weġ-brāde; wyll on buteran. || / Hlūde wǣran h
A.6.43.4 17 worhton. / Ūt, spere, || næs on, spere. / Ġif hēr inne sīe ||
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 18 sceal gemyltan / gif ðu wære on fell scoten || oððe wære o
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 18 n fell scoten || oððe wære on flæsc scoten / oððe wære on
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 19 on flæsc scoten / oððe wære on blod scoten || / oððe wære
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 20 blod scoten || / oððe wære on lið scoten || næfre ne sy
A.6.43.4 20 fell sċoten || oþþe wǣre on flǣsċ sċoten / oþþe wǣre
A.6.43.4 21 flǣsċ sċoten / oþþe wǣre on blōd sċoten || / oþþe wǣr
A.6.43.4 22 lōd sċoten || / oþþe wǣre on līþ sċoten, || nǣfre ne s
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 25 n wille helpan / fleoh ðær || on fyrgenheafde / hal westu || hel
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 1 hatte seo buruh || ðe crist on acænned wæs / seo is gemærso
A.6.43.5 3 tte sēo buruh || þe Crīst on ā·cenned wæs, / sēo is ġe
A.6.43.6 8 d hēo tō hire hlāforde || / on ræste gā, þonne cweðe hē
A.6.43.7 1 r-Elf Disease / / Ġif mann biþ on wæter-ælf-ādle, þonne bē
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 6 ce ðe ðon ma || ðe eorðan on eare ace
A.6.43.9 3 / and iċ ġe·þōhte Crīst on rōde ā·hangen; swā iċ þ
Instructions for Christians 8 bede; / þridde is leornung || on lifes æ; / seo feorða is þ
Instructions for Christians 21 cas. / Ne synd þa þrowunga || on þissera weorulda / monna æni
Instructions for Christians 23 eorð / ðe us gegearcod is || on Godes riche, / ac lytle hwile
Instructions for Christians 24 des riche, / ac lytle hwile || on þissere leana dagum / witena
Instructions for Christians 36 is idelnisse || þæt þu her on locest, / and eal þæt þu he
Instructions for Christians 42 | þam ðe hit georna lufað / on þam ende-dæge || mid ęce w
Instructions for Christians 52 his wita onleoht / her oððe on helle, || oððe huru siðða
Instructions for Christians 53 lle, || oððe huru siððan / on domes dæge || þurh drihtnes
Instructions for Christians 57 æfre ða / ealmihtig Godd || on us syððan. / Se ðe æfter sy
Instructions for Christians 61 licost || swylc swa he wære / on mægðhade || metode to willa
Instructions for Christians 66 c þæm ðe wællað lufæ || on wisdome, / he hit mid þam mod
Instructions for Christians 71 re bið þe dusige, || gif he on breostum can / his unwisdom ||
Instructions for Christians 77 gnes unne, / þe læs hit þe on ende || eft gereowe / æfter d
Instructions for Christians 84 fyligeð / halgum bocum || her on worulde, / heo ðone gelæredo
Instructions for Christians 102 / mid gastlicum gifum, || God on heofonum, / þæt he for his e
Instructions for Christians 108 æt bið siððan gereht / eft on ænglisc, || þæt he eallum
Instructions for Christians 121 n, || þeah he heah-gestreon / on eorð-rice || age mycelne / go
Instructions for Christians 123 odes fele / to habbanne || her on weorulde. / Ac we sculon gemuna
Instructions for Christians 128 gan || for heora woruld-rice / on heora mod-sefan || men oferse
Instructions for Christians 139 | æðeles kynnes, / geþungen on þeod-land; || þeah hwaðere
Instructions for Christians 140 þeah hwaðere drihten heora / on ælcere tide || bena gehyrda.
Instructions for Christians 143 e ne bið || sylfe beleapen / on þes feos lufan || mid feonde
Instructions for Christians 145 gehwilcum / to habbanne || her on weorlde; / mid þam bið þe e
Instructions for Christians 151 ghwylc man || ælne swincan / on swylcum cræfte || swa him Cr
Instructions for Christians 165 þu sige-drihten / mid cræfte on gecampe || gecweman þæncest
Instructions for Christians 174 forlæt / drihtnes þancas || on his dæg-rime / swa maran þæ
Instructions for Christians 178 æst earfeðu / þæt him bið on ende || ealra leofest, / ac hi
Instructions for Christians 182 aht ne bið || ærfoðlices / on þam earnungum, || ne bið þ
Instructions for Christians 183 e bið þær æfre þonne ma / on eadleanum || eht deor-wurðes
Instructions for Christians 203 , || ac he symle mæg / wunian on þem wicum || ðe he wunode
Instructions for Christians 222 ge þines gastes, / hu heo ðe on com || oððe hwær heo æror
Instructions for Christians 223 hwær heo æror was, / oððe on hwylce sealo || heo sceal heo
Instructions for Christians 228 eac ælra þæra || þe ðær on wuniað. / Wisdom is leoht || w
Instructions for Christians 230 ghwilcum / to habbanne || her on weoruldæ. / Hit sceal beon on
Instructions for Christians 236 | þæt wurde laford god / eft on ylde, || se ðe ær ne was / G
Instructions for Christians 237 ne was / Gode oððe monnum || on iugoð þeowa, / ne huru on yl
Instructions for Christians 238 || on iugoð þeowa, / ne huru on ylde || æfre gewurðan / wel
Instructions for Christians 240 þeignod, || þonne wolde ær / on his tale mette || tale wel þ
Instructions for Christians 248 in mod || geornlicę healden / on æighwylce timan || fram ælc
Godric's Prayer 2 5 e. / Crist and Seinte Marie sio on scamel me iledde / thæt ic on
Godric's Prayer 2 6 on scamel me iledde / thæt ic on this hi erthe ne sciulde uuit
Grave 11 roste ful neh. / Swa ðu scealt on molde wunien ful calde, Dimme
Grave 12 and deorcæ. / þet den fulæt on honde. / Dureleas is þet hus a
The Battle of Finnsburh 11 bbaþ eowre linda || hicgeaþ on ellen / winnaþ on orde || wesa
The Battle of Finnsburh 12 || hicgeaþ on ellen / winnaþ on orde || wesaþ onmode / þa ara
A.6.7 12 innaþ% || on orde, || wesaþ on mōde’. / Þā ā·rās mani
The Battle of Finnsburh 17 nd hengest sylf || hwearf him on laste / þa gyt garulf || guþe
The Battle of Finnsburh 28 o me || secean wylle / þa wæs on healle || wælslihta gehlyn / s
The Battle of Finnsburh 29 / sceolde cellod bord || cenum on handa / banhelm berstan || buru
The Battle of Finnsburh 43 þa gewat him wund hæleþ || on wæg gangan / sæde þæt his b
Waldere, Fragment II 2 þam anum || þe ic eac hafa / on stanfate || stille gehided / ic
Waldere, Fragment II 11 e || wiga ellenrof / hæfde him on handa || hildefrofre / guþbill
Waldere, Fragment II 17 | hare byrnan / standeþ me her on eaxelum || ælfheres laf / god
Waldere B 3 ðam anum || ðe ic eac hafa / on stanfate || stille gehided. / I
Waldere B 12 || wiga ellenrof, / hæfde him on handa || hildefrofre, / guðbil
Waldere B 18 hare byrnan. / Standeð me her on eaxelum || ælfheres laf, / god
The Battle of Maldon 24 rod || holdost wiste / þa stod on stæþe || stiþlice clypode /
A.6.9 25 || holdost wisse. / Þā stōd on stæðe, || stīðlīċe clip
The Battle of Maldon 26 icinga ar || wordum mælde / se on beot abead || brimliþendra /
The Battle of Maldon 27 nde to þam eorle || þær he on ofre stod / me sendon to þe ||
A.6.9 27 ga ār, || wordum mǣlde, / sē on bēot ā·bēad || brim-līð
A.6.9 28 tō þām eorle, || ðǣr hē on ōfre stōd: / ‘Mē sendon t
The Battle of Maldon 36 san wille / syllan sæmannum || on hyra sylfra dom / feoh wiþ fre
A.6.9 38 n wille, / sellan sǣ-mannum || on hira selfra dōm / feoh wiþ fr
The Battle of Maldon 39 ceattum || us to scype gangan / on flot feran || and eow friþes
A.6.9 41 tum ūs || tō sċipe gangan, / on flot feran || and ēow friðe
The Battle of Maldon 56 tene || nu ge þus feor hider / on urne eard || in becomon / ne sc
A.6.9 58 || nū ġē þus feorr hider / on ūrne eard || inn be·cōmon.
The Battle of Maldon 61 an || beornas gangan / þæt hi on þam easteþe || ealle stodon
A.6.9 63 || beornas gangan, / þæt hīe on þām êa-stæðe || ealle st
The Battle of Maldon 76 sceat / þe þær baldlicost || on þa bricge stop / þær stodon
A.6.9 78 at / þe ðǣr bealdlīcost || on þā bryċġe stōp. / Þǣr st
The Battle of Maldon 105 ndon / earn æses georn || wæs on eorþan cyrm / hi leton þa of
A.6.9 107 n, / earn ǣses ġeorn; || wæs on eorðan ċierm. / Hīe lēton
The Battle of Maldon 110 beaduræs || beornas feollon / on gehwæþere hand || hyssas la
A.6.9 112 adu-rǣs, || beornas fēollon / on ġe·hwæðre hand, || hyssas
The Battle of Maldon 123 ær mid orde || ærost mihte / on fægean men || feorh gewinnan
The Battle of Maldon 124 igan mid wæpnum || wæl feol on eorþan / stodon stædefæste |
A.6.9 125 ǣr mid orde || ǣrost meahte / on fǣġan menn || feorh ġe·wi
A.6.9 126 n mid wǣpnum; || wæl fēoll on eorðan. / Stōdon stede-fæste
The Battle of Maldon 127 gehwylc || hogode to wige / þe on denon wolde || dom gefeohtan /
A.6.9 129 lċ || hoĝode tō wīġe / þe on Denum wolde || dōm ġe·feoh
The Battle of Maldon 140 hals || hand wisode / þæt he on þam færsceaþan || feorh ge
The Battle of Maldon 142 seo byrne tobærst || he wæs on breostum wund / þurh þa hring
A.6.9 142 ls, || hand wīsode / þæt hē on þām fǣr-sċaðan || feorh
A.6.9 144 yrne tō·bærst; || hē wæs on brēostum wund / þurh þā hri
The Battle of Maldon 151 e stod || hyse unweaxen / cniht on gecampe || se full caflice / br
A.6.9 153 stōd || hyse unweaxen, / cniht on ġe·campe, || sē full cāfl
The Battle of Maldon 155 gean / ord in gewod || þæt se on eorþan læg / þe his þeoden
A.6.9 157 d inn ġe·wōd, || þæt sē on eorðan læġ / þe his þēode
The Battle of Maldon 161 eþe / brad and bruneccg || and on þa byrnan sloh / to raþe hine
A.6.9 163 / brād and brūn-eċġ || and on þā byrnan slōh. / Tō raþe
The Battle of Maldon 169 || gode geferan / ne mihte þa on fotum leng || fæste gestanda
A.6.9 171 e ġe·fēran; / ne meahte þā on fōtum lenġ || fæste ġe·s
The Battle of Maldon 172 / ealra þæra wynna || þe ic on worulde gebad / nu ic ah milde
A.6.9 174 ealra þāra wynna || þe iċ on weorolde ġe·bād. / Nū iċ
The Battle of Maldon 176 sawul to þe || siþian mote / on þin geweald || þeoden engla
A.6.9 178 ol tō þē || sīðian mōte / on þīn ġe·weald, || þēoden
The Battle of Maldon 184 wearþ oddan bearn || ærest on fleame / godric fram guþe || a
A.6.9 186 wearþ% Oddan bearn || ǣrest on flēame, / Godrīċ fram gūðe
The Battle of Maldon 188 e eoh || þe ahte his hlaford / on þam gerædum || þe hit riht
A.6.9 190 oh || þe āhte his hālford, / on þām ġe·rǣdum || þe hit
The Battle of Maldon 192 and þone wudu sohton / flugon on þæt fæsten || and hyra feo
A.6.9 194 d þone wudu sōhton, / fluĝon on þæt fæsten || and hira fē
The Battle of Maldon 196 || gedon hæfde / swa him offa on dæg || ær asæde / on þam me
The Battle of Maldon 197 im offa on dæg || ær asæde / on þam meþelstede || þa he ge
A.6.9 198 e·dōn hæfde. / Swā him Offa on dæġ || ǣr ā·sæġde / on
A.6.9 199 a on dæġ || ǣr ā·sæġde / on þām mæðel-stede, || þā
The Battle of Maldon 209 lde / ælfwine þa cwæþ || he on ellen spræc / gemunan þa mæl
The Battle of Maldon 211 æt meodo spræcon / þonne we on bence || beot ahofon / hæleþ
A.6.9 211 lf·wine þā cwæþ, || hē on ellen spræc: / ‘Ġe·munan%
The Battle of Maldon 212 bence || beot ahofon / hæleþ on healle || ymbe heard gewinn / n
A.6.9 213 æt medu sprǣcon, / þonne we on benċe || bēot ā·hōfon, / h
A.6.9 214 || bēot ā·hōfon, / hæleþ on healle, || ymbe heard ġe·wi
The Battle of Maldon 215 eallum gecyþan / þæt ic wæs on myrcon || miccles cynnes / wæs
A.6.9 217 ġe·cȳþan, / þæt iċ wæs on Mierċum || miċeles cynnes; /
The Battle of Maldon 218 woruldgesælig / ne sceolon me on þære þeode || þegenas æt
A.6.9 220 -ġe·sǣliġ. / Ne sċulon mē on ðǣre þēode || þeġnas æ
The Battle of Maldon 225 orde || anne geræhte / flotan on þam folce || þæt se on fol
The Battle of Maldon 225 tan on þam folce || þæt se on foldan læg / forwegen mid his
A.6.9 227 e || ānne ġe·rǣhte / flotan on þām folce, || þæt sē on
A.6.9 227 on þām folce, || þæt sē on foldan læġ / forweġen mid hi
The Battle of Maldon 231 e || nu ure þeoden liþ / eorl on eorþan || us is eallum þear
A.6.9 233 ūre þēoden liġeþ, / eorl on eorðan. || Ūs is eallum ðe
The Battle of Maldon 237 e þæs formoni man || þa he on meare rad / on wlancan þam wic
The Battle of Maldon 238 ni man || þa he on meare rad / on wlancan þam wicge || þæt w
The Battle of Maldon 239 re hlaford / forþan wearþ her on felda || folc totwæmed / scyld
A.6.9 239 for·maniġ mann || þā hē on mēare rād, / on wlancan þām
A.6.9 240 n || þā hē on mēare rād, / on wlancan þām wiċġe, || þ
A.6.9 241 hālford; / forþon wearþ hēr on felda || folc totwǣmed, / sċi
The Battle of Maldon 246 | ac wille furþor gan / wrecan on gewinne || minne winedrihten /
A.6.9 248 ac wille furður gān, / wrecan on ġe·winne || mīnne wine-dri
The Battle of Maldon 257 se þe wrecan þenceþ / frean on folce || ne for feore murnan /
A.6.9 259 þe wrecan þenċeþ / frēan on folce, || nē for fēore murn
The Battle of Maldon 262 recan || hyra winedrihten / and on hyra feondum || fyl gewyrcan /
The Battle of Maldon 264 || geornlice fylstan / he wæs on norþhymbron || heardes cynne
A.6.9 266 eornlīċe fylstan; / hē wæs on Norð·hymbrum || heardes cyn
The Battle of Maldon 268 orþ || flan genehe / hwilon he on bord sceat || hwilon beorn t
A.6.9 270 lān ġe·neahhe; / hwīlum hē on bord sċēat, || hwīlum beor
The Battle of Maldon 271 pna || wealdan moste / þa gyt on orde stod || eadweard se lang
A.6.9 273 | wealdan mōste. / Þā ġīet on orde stōd || Ēad·weard sē
The Battle of Maldon 276 / oþþæt he his sincgyfan || on þam sæmannum / wurþlice wrec
The Battle of Maldon 277 nnum / wurþlice wrec || ær he on wæle læge / swa dyde æþeric
A.6.9 278 æt hē his sinċ-ġiefan || on þām sǣ-mannum / weorðlīċe
A.6.9 279 weorðlīċe wrec, || ǣr hē on wæle lǣġe%. / Swā dyde Æð
The Battle of Maldon 284 fa þone sælidan || þæt he on eorþan feoll / and þær gadde
A.6.9 286 þone sǣ-lidan, || þæt hē on eorðan fēoll, / and ðǣr Gad
The Battle of Maldon 289 an / þæt hi sceoldon begen || on burh ridan / hale to hame || o
The Battle of Maldon 290 ridan / hale to hame || oþþe on here crincgan / on wælstowe ||
The Battle of Maldon 291 me || oþþe on here crincgan / on wælstowe || wundum sweltan / h
A.6.9 291 æt hīe sċoldon bēġen || on burh rīdan, / hāle tō hāme,
A.6.9 292 n, / hāle tō hāme, || oþþe on here cringan%, / on wæl-stōwe
A.6.9 293 , || oþþe on here cringan%, / on wæl-stōwe || wundum sweltan
The Battle of Maldon 297 iþ þas secgas feaht / he wæs on geþrange || hyra þreora ban
The Battle of Maldon 298 na / ær him wigelines bearn || on þam wæle læge / þær wæs s
A.6.9 299 ās seċġas feaht; / hē wæs on ġe·þrange% || hira þrēor
The Battle of Maldon 300 gemot || stodon fæste / wigan on gewinne || wigend cruncon / wun
A.6.9 300 r him Wīġ·helmes bearn || on þām wæle lǣġe. / Þǣr wæ
The Battle of Maldon 301 on / wundum werige || wæl feol on eorþan / oswold and eadwold ||
A.6.9 302 ōt; || stōdon fæste / wiĝan on ġe·winne, || wīġend crung
A.6.9 303 undum wērġe. || Wæl fēoll on eorðan. / Ōswold and Ēadwold
The Battle of Maldon 313 ealdor || eall forheawen / god on greote || a mæg gnornian / se
A.6.9 315 or || eall for·hēawen, / gōd on grēote. || Ā mæġ gnornian
The Battle of Maldon 320 ar forlet / wælspere windan || on þa wicingas / swa he on þam f
The Battle of Maldon 321 dan || on þa wicingas / swa he on þam folce || fyrmest eode / he
The Battle of Maldon 322 heow and hynde || oþþæt he on hilde gecranc / næs þæt na s
A.6.9 323 on þā wīċingas, / swā hē on þām folce || fyrmest ēode,
oþ - 58 occurrences
Genesis B 340 hearran leof / drihtne dyre || hie to dole wurdon / þæt him
Genesis B 350 godes engel / hwit on heofne || hine his hyge forspeon / and hi
Genesis B 705 desa sceonost / ful þiclice || þam þegne ongan / his hige hw
Genesis A 1343 n / fed freolice || feora wocre / ic þære lafe || lagosiþa e
Genesis A 1959 de and gewitte || wise þance / his ealdorgedal || oleccan wi
Genesis A 2208 ed wurþan / eorþan sceatas || eufraten / and from egypta || e
Exodus 215 ætgædere / maran mægenes || moyses bebead / eorlas on uhtti
Exodus 298 estepte / wrætlicu wægfaru || wolcna hrof / æfter þam wordu
Exodus 444 gesittaþ || be sæm tweonum / egipte || incaþeode / land can
Daniel 112 ndrum geteod / ungelic yldum || edsceafte / wearþ him on slæp
Daniel 502 sceatas / ealne middangeard || merestreamas / twigum and telgu
Andreas 1575 stag || brim weallende / eorlum exle || þa se æþeling het /
Elene 139 en on luste / ehton elþeoda || þæt æfen forþ / fram dæges
Elene 312 lifdon / þeostrum geþancum || þysne dæg / gangaþ nu snude
Elene 151 frignest / æriht from orde || ende forþ / he is for eorþan
A.2.6 152 ġnest, / ǣ-riht fram orde% || ende forþ. / Hē is for eorða
Elene 430 ahtende || ymb þa roda þreo / þa nigoþan tid || hæfdon n
A.2.6 431 nde, || ymb þā rōda þrīe / þā niĝoþan tīd, || hæfd
Elene 817 am sigebeacne || a wæs secg þæt / cnyssed cearwelmum || c
Guthlac B 1256 lcne / þēodnes þrymm-cyme || þisne dæġ. / Lēofost manna,
Guthlac B 1277 lĝan wæs / andlangne dæġ || ǣfen forþ / oroþ up hlæden.
Guthlac B 1312 firen torr / riht ā·rǣred || rodera hrōf, / ġe·sewen unde
A.3.3 38 n / būĝaþ brādne hwearft || brim-flōdas, / swā waroþa sa
A.3.33 8 ene, / heard-grīpe hrūsan, || hund cnēa / wer-þēoda ġe·w
A.3.4 47 / bīdeþ swā ġe·blōwen || bǣles cyme, / dryhtnes dōmes,
A.3.4 490 n, || ðǣr hīe lange bēoþ / fȳres cyme || foldan be·þe
A.3.5 353 ·hwelċes / ōr ġe·cȳðe || ende forþ / þāra þe iċ ġe
A.3.5 694 lof hafen / þrymme miċele || þisne dæġ / mid þēodsċipe
A.4.1 2399 ·þēowes, / ellen-weorca, || þone ǣnne dæġ / þe hē wi
A.4.1 3069 || weorðan sċolde. / Swā hit dōmes dæġ || dēope be·ne
A.4.1 3083 lange wæs, / wīcum wunian || weorold-ende; / hēold on hēah
A.4.2 140 ðe-lāste || forþ ōnetton, / hīe glæd-mōde || ġe·gān
A.4.2 292 āst, / mæġen-ēacen folc, || sē mǣsta dæl / þæs herġes
The Paris Psalter 102:9 1 | mannum cyþed / / # / nelle þu ende || yrre habban / ne on ecn
The Paris Psalter 106:17 2 cne mete / mode mægen heora || unmihte / þæt hy wiþ deaþa
The Paris Psalter 107:4 1 s þin mildheort mod || mycel heofenas / ahafen healice || of
The Paris Psalter 107:4 3 ys þin soþfæstnes || seted wolcen / / # / ahafen þu eart of
The Paris Psalter 111:8 3 oþfæstnyss wunaþ || symble ende / byþ his horn wended ||
The Paris Psalter 117:25 3 one gelome || lustum healdan / wigbedes || wræste hornas / / #
The Paris Psalter 134:8 4 e frumbearn / æghwylc ealra || þa nytenu / / # / he sigetacen |
The Paris Psalter 60:5 3 his winter eac || wynnum iced / þone dæg þe he || on driht
The Paris Psalter 71:8 4 amracum || styreþ him eallum / þysse eorþan || utgemæru / /
The Paris Psalter 77:49 2 tter and yrre / sarlic sende || sawlhord / and þæt wiþ yfele
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 14 an swua / efne from muntgiop || þone mæran wearoþ / þær si
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 62 moncyn stihþ / a upweardes || hio eft cymeþ / þær hire yfe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 18 s iglandes || and eac þonan / indeas || eastewearde / þeah h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 10 d / from fruman ærest || forþ ende / tidum totældes || swa h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 33 ne wafige / hu sume steorran || þa sæ faraþ / under merestre
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 15 eþ / irneþ wiþ his eardes || him on innan felþ / muntes mæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 43 a sitlu || suþ east and west / þa norþmestan || næssan on
The Battle of Brunanburh 16 ondel beorht / eces drihtnes || sio æþele gesceaft / sah to s
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 11 hæfteclommum / lange þrage || hie alysde eft / for his weorþ
The Rune Poem 47 e feriaþ || ofer fisces beþ / hi brimhengest || bringeþ to
The Rune Poem 68 d eastdenum / gesewen secgun || he siþþan eft / ofer wæg gew
A.6.31 182 rtiġ daĝa || fæsten hīewe / þā niĝoþan tīd || and h
A.6.37 21 ō·flōweþ aefter feldum || hit tō fenne wierþ. / Ac hlad
A.6.39 10 d, || þæt hē on riht mōte / his daĝa ende || drihten her
The Battle of Finnsburh 31 berstan || buruhþelu dynede / æt þære guþe || garulf ge
scadeþ - 1 occurrences
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 3 ode / dyre dædfruma || swa dor scadeþ / hwitanwyllesgeat || and humbr
snotingaham - 1 occurrences
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 7 aceaster || and lincylene / and snotingaham || swylce stanford eac / and de
stanford - 1 occurrences
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 7 ene / and snotingaham || swylce stanford eac / and deoraby || dæne wær
swa - 1266 occurrences
Genesis A 48 reþemode / agan woldan || and swa eaþe meahtan / him seo wen gel
Genesis A 78 iþ gode winnan / þa wæs soþ swa ær || sibb on heofnum / fægre
Genesis A 125 halig leoht / ofer westenne || swa se wyrhta bebead / þa gesundro
Genesis A 161 hraþe / holm under heofonum || swa se halga bebead / sid ætsomne
Genesis B 252 drihten / gesett hæfde he hie swa gesæliglice || ænne hæfde
Genesis B 252 sæliglice || ænne hæfde he swa swiþne geworhtne / swa mihtign
Genesis B 253 fde he swa swiþne geworhtne / swa mihtigne on his modgeþohte |
Genesis B 253 is modgeþohte || he let hine swa micles wealdan / hehstne to him
Genesis B 254 eofona rice || hæfde he hine swa hwitne geworhtne / swa wynlic w
Genesis B 255 he hine swa hwitne geworhtne / swa wynlic wæs his wæstm on heo
Genesis B 279 abbanne || ic mæg mid handum swa fela / wundra gewyrcean || ic h
Genesis B 283 gordomes || ic mæg wesan god swa he / bigstandaþ me strange gen
Genesis B 289 wesan / rædan on þis rice || swa me þæt riht ne þinceþ / þ
Genesis B 297 habban / ealra morþra mæst || swa deþ monna gehwilc / þe wiþ h
Genesis B 307 a ufon of heofnum / þurhlonge swa || þreo niht and dagas / þa e
Genesis B 322 fynd on þam fyre || þe ær swa feala hæfdon / gewinnes wiþ h
Genesis B 373 ic eom rices leas / habbaþ me swa hearde || helle clommas / fæst
Genesis B 381 sa heldora / wegas forworhte || swa ic mid wihte ne mæg / of þiss
Genesis B 385 / gehæfted be þam healse || swa ic wat he minne hige cuþe / an
Genesis B 391 en on þas sweartan mistas || swa he us ne mæg ænige synne ge
Genesis B 399 fre mægen / and on his eafrum swa some || andan gebetan / onwenda
Genesis B 425 || þæt me is on minum mode swa sar / on minum hyge hreoweþ ||
Genesis B 438 te ic hine wiþ me sylfne || swa hwa swa þæt secgan cymeþ / o
Genesis B 457 s wif somed / freo fægroste || swa hie fela cuþon / godes gegearw
Genesis B 462 ædene / gewered mid wæstme || swa hie waldend god / heah heofoncy
Genesis B 467 s se wæstm gelic / oþer wæs swa wynlic || wlitig and scene / li
Genesis B 471 de || se þæs wæstmes onbat / swa him æfter þy || yldo ne der
Genesis B 483 mid sorgum || siþþan libban / swa hwa swa gebyrgde || þæs on
Genesis B 509 e || and ymb þin lif sprecan / swa þu læstan scealt || þæt o
Genesis B 552 waldend god / abolgen wyrþ || swa ic him þisne bodscipe / selfa
Genesis B 555 ne læstan wel / hwilc ærende swa || he easten hider / on þysne
Genesis B 563 -twam meaht / wite bewarigan || swa ic þe wisie / æt þisses ofet
Genesis B 564 || þonne wurþaþ þin eagan swa leoht / þæt þu meaht swa wid
Genesis B 565 gan swa leoht / þæt þu meaht swa wide || ofer woruld ealle / ges
Genesis B 574 forlæteþ / on breostcofan || swa wit him bu-tu / an sped spreca
Genesis B 579 um herran || þæt me hearmes swa fela / adam gespræc || eargra
Genesis B 583 godes engel / ac ic cann ealle swa geare || engla gebyrdo / heah h
Genesis B 588 om ic deofle gelic / lædde hie swa mid ligenum || and mid listum
Genesis B 597 þolian || þæt wurde þegn swa monig / forlædd be þam lygenu
Genesis B 608 ær þa siene onlah / þæt heo swa wide || wlitan meahte / ofer he
Genesis B 611 u meaht nu þe self geseon || swa ic hit þe secgan ne þearf / e
Genesis B 620 s leohtes genog / þæs ic þe swa godes || gegired hæbbe / ne wi
Genesis B 623 æs fela he me laþes spræc / swa hire eaforan sculon || æfter
Genesis B 652 || brungen hæfde / þe he hire swa wærlice || wordum sægde / iew
Genesis B 655 adam frea min || þis ofet is swa swete / bliþe on breostum || a
Genesis B 663 tan willaþ || hwæt scal þe swa laþlic striþ / wiþ þines he
Genesis B 674 d || gehyran mæg ic rume / and swa wide geseon || on woruld eall
Genesis B 682 lic / elles on eorþan || buton swa þes ar sægeþ / þæt hit geg
Genesis B 708 e || nyste þæt þær hearma swa fela / fyrenearfeþa || fylgean
Genesis B 718 siþ || þeah hit nære haten swa / ac hit ofetes noman || agan s
Genesis B 723 o mete dædon / ofet unfæle || swa hit him on innan com / hran æt
Genesis B 733 lon / on þone sweartan siþ || swa þu his sorge ne þearft / bera
Genesis B 755 hearm gode / modsorg gemacod || swa hwæt swa wit her morþres þ
Genesis B 819 æfst / on mines herran hete || swa me nu hreowan mæg / æfre to a
Genesis A 901 e geworhte / and þa reafode || swa hit riht ne wæs / beam on bear
Genesis A 910 greot etan / þine lifdagas || swa þu laþlice / wrohte onstealde
Genesis A 966 odes hæse / bearn astrienan || swa him metod bebead / adames and e
Genesis A 989 þan / ludon laþwende || leng swa swiþor / reþe wæstme || ræh
Genesis A 993 / drihta bearnum || doþ gieta swa / of þam brad blado || bealwa
Genesis A 1019 fan / arleas of earde þinum || swa þu abele wurde / to feorhbanan
Genesis A 1206 eaþe swealt / middangeardes || swa her men doþ / geonge and ealde
Genesis A 1314 sceal þy mare / noe fremede || swa hine nergend heht / hyrde þam
Genesis A 1332 s worn / on lides bosme || læd swa ic þe hate / under earce bord
Genesis A 1356 nginneþ / him þa noe gewat || swa hine nergend het / under earce
Genesis A 1361 of gefor / to heora ætgifan || swa him ælmihtig / weroda drihten
Genesis A 1493 || þriddan eþyl / he fremede swa || and frean hyrde / stah ofer
Genesis A 1494 yrde / stah ofer streamweall || swa him seo stefn bebead / lustum m
Genesis A 1565 m selfa sceaf / reaf of lice || swa gerysne ne wæs / læg þa limn
Genesis A 1567 geat / þæt him on his inne || swa earme gelamp / þa him on hreþ
Genesis A 1573 e wryon / and sceome þeccan || swa gesceapu wæron / werum and wif
Genesis A 1630 festole weold / widmære wer || swa us gewritu secgeaþ / þæt he
Genesis A 1669 hie gesohton || sennera feld / swa þa foremeahtige || folces r
Genesis A 1716 ham and loth || unforcuþlice / swa him from yldrum || æþelu w
Genesis A 1748 ofgif / fæder eþelstol || far swa ic þe hate / monna leofost ||
Genesis A 1770 re / swiþfeorm and gesælig || swa him sigora weard / waldend usse
Genesis A 1837 fæste hel / soþan spræce || swa þu minum scealt / feore gebeor
Genesis A 1840 waldend usser / an ælmihtig || swa he ær dyde / lengran lifes ||
Genesis A 2095 wigsiþ ateah / þara þe wiþ swa miclum || mægne geræsde / þa
Genesis A 2106 sette / godes bletsunge || and swa gyddode / wæs þu gewurþod ||
Genesis A 2210 nd from egypta || eþelmearce / swa mid niþas || swa nilus scead
Genesis A 2210 eþelmearce / swa mid niþas || swa nilus sceadeþ / and eft wendel
Genesis A 2213 n þine / þeodlanda gehwilc || swa þa þreo wæter / steape stanb
Genesis A 2227 geomorfrod / drihten min || do swa ic þe bidde / her is fæmne ||
Genesis A 2250 ese laste / beddreste gestah || swa ic bena wæs / drehte dogora ge
Genesis A 2260 in agen most / mennen ateon || swa þin mod freoþ / þa wearþ un
Genesis A 2297 ngles larum / hire hlafordum || swa se halga bebead / godes ærendg
Genesis A 2302 ahtatig || sunu weox and þah / swa se engel ær || þurh his age
Genesis A 2306 || wiþ abrahame spræc / leofa swa ic þe lære || læst uncre w
Genesis A 2325 adrifen from duguþum || doþ swa ic hate / ic eow treowige || gi
Genesis A 2359 || estum wille / bletsian nu || swa þu bena eart / þinum frumbear
Genesis A 2370 hold wesan / abraham fremede || swa him se eca bebead / sette friþ
Genesis A 2391 ordum minum || sceal seo wyrd swa þeah / forþ steallian || swa
Genesis A 2392 swa þeah / forþ steallian || swa ic þe æt frymþe gehet / soþ
Genesis A 2414 || hwæt þa men don / gif hie swa swiþe || synna fremmaþ / þea
Genesis A 2415 maþ / þeawum and geþancum || swa hie on þweorh sprecaþ / facen
Genesis A 2446 æþelinges est || eodon sona / swa him se ebrisca || eorl wisade
Genesis A 2467 wemme twa / dohtor mine || doþ swa ic eow bidde / ne can þara ide
Genesis A 2495 emode || reced æfter gistum / swa hie fundedon || ac þær from
Genesis A 2515 mid idesum || aldornere mine / swa feor heonon || feþegange / si
Genesis A 2556 yslan || eorþan wæstma / efne swa wide || swa þa witelac / reþe
Genesis A 2556 þan wæstma / efne swa wide || swa þa witelac / reþe geræhton |
Genesis A 2588 rfæst þa / abraham arlice || swa he oft dyde / leofne mannan ||
Genesis A 2600 and his dohtor twa / hie dydon swa || druncnum eode / seo yldre to
Genesis A 2633 ær fylste þa / ece drihten || swa he oft dyde / nergend usser ||
Genesis A 2736 uniaþ her / abraham fremede || swa hine his aldor heht / onfeng fr
Genesis A 2759 moncynnes weard / abimeleche || swa hine abraham bæd / þa com fer
Genesis A 2761 | frea ælmihtig / to sarrai || swa he self gecwæþ / waldend usse
Genesis A 2769 is agene hand / beacen sette || swa him bebead metod / wuldortorht
Genesis A 2772 brohte / cniht weox and þag || swa him cynde wæron / æþele from
Genesis A 2803 arna tudre / wæstmum spedig || swa ic þe wordum gehet / þa se we
Genesis A 2833 ære sealde || þæt he wolde swa / siþþan wæs se eadega || ea
Genesis A 2872 saac lædan / bearn unweaxen || swa him bebead metod / efste þa sw
Genesis A 2874 and onette / forþ foldwege || swa him frea tæhte / wegas ofer we
Genesis A 2879 r / geseah hlifigan || hea dune / swa him sægde ær || swegles ald
Genesis A 2894 n gehogod / þæt he gedæde || swa hine drihten het / him þæt so
Genesis A 2896 fa findeþ / moncynnes weard || swa him gemet þinceþ / gestah þa
Genesis A 2898 pe dune / up mid his eaforan || swa him se eca bebead / þæt he on
Exodus 49 angeard || þa seo mengeo for / swa þæs fæsten dreah || fela m
Exodus 82 siþfæt || segle ofertolden / swa þa mæstrapas || men ne cuþ
Exodus 101 d eall aras / modigra mægen || swa him moyses bebead / mære magor
Exodus 143 na æfter maþmum || þæt he swa miceles geþah / ealles þæs f
Exodus 194 reat gumena || gearwe bæron / swa þær eorp werod || ecan læd
Exodus 314 þ gelad / for his mægwinum || swa him mihtig god / þæs dægweor
Exodus 339 and æþelo || he wæs gearu swa þeah / þær forþ æfter him
Exodus 352 e æghwilc / mægburga riht || swa him moises bead / eorla æþelo
Exodus 359 e / israela cyn || onriht godes / swa þæt orþancum || ealde recc
Exodus 377 eofonum || hæleþ bryttigaþ / swa þæt wise men || wordum secg
Exodus 388 gesawon / halige heahtreowe || swa hæleþ gefrunon / þær eft se
Exodus 404 elafe / feores frofre || þa he swa forþ gebad / leodum to lafe ||
Exodus 520 p ærende || dægword nemnaþ / swa gyt werþeode || on gewritum
Exodus 539 ece scræf || yfela gehwylces / swa nu regnþeofas || rice dæla
Exodus 549 uldorcyning || to widan feore / swa reordode || ræda gemyndig / ma
Daniel 3 rd dælan / cyningdom habban || swa him gecynde wæs / siþþan þu
Daniel 20 rleton / metodes mægenscipe || swa no man scyle / his gastes lufan
Daniel 62 under stanhliþum / swilc eall swa þa eorlas || agan sceoldon / o
Daniel 130 || swefen cyninge / hu magon we swa dygle || drihten ahicgan / on s
Daniel 136 ing || witgum sinum / næron ge swa eacne || ofer ealle men / modge
Daniel 137 fer ealle men / modgeþances || swa ge me sægdon / and þæt gecw
Daniel 139 t ge cuþon / mine aldorlege || swa me æfter wearþ / oþþe ic fu
Daniel 157 m engel godes || eall asægde / swa his mandrihten || gemæted we
Daniel 172 wæs on þære þeode || þe swa hatte / bresne babilonige || þ
Daniel 183 tran ræd / efndon unrihtdom || swa hyra aldor dyde / mane gemenged
Daniel 185 efrecnod / fremde folcmægen || swa hyra frea ærest / unræd efnde
Daniel 226 socon / þa he wæs gegleded || swa he grimmost mihte / frecne fyre
Daniel 232 ce gefremede || þeah þe hie swa grome nydde / in fæþm fyres l
Daniel 234 erede / mihtig metodes weard || swa þæt mænige gefrunon / halige
Daniel 244 nige / wurpon wudu on innan || swa him wæs on wordum gedemed / b
Daniel 257 on / drihten on dreame || dydon swa hie cuþon / ofne on innan || a
Daniel 288 geswiþde || and gesigefæste / swa þu eac sylfa eart # || / synd
Daniel 320 ære wære / had to hebbanne || swa heofonsteorran / bebugaþ bradn
Daniel 333 ra settend || soþfæst metod / swa se halga wer || hergende wæs
Daniel 360 cne drihten / þeoda waldend || swa hie þry cwædon / modum horsce
Daniel 432 yrdon lare / cyrdon cynegode || swa hie gecyþde wæron / hwurfon h
Daniel 463 en hæfdon / wylm þurhwodon || swa him wiht ne sceod / grim gleda
Daniel 486 fan sende || snyttro cræftas / swa wordum spræc || werodes ræs
Daniel 493 or asette / metod ælmihtig || swa he manegum deþ / þara þe þu
Daniel 560 c wesan / stille on staþole || swa seo stefn gecwæþ / ymb seofon
Daniel 562 eofon tida || sæde eft onfon / swa þin blæd liþ || swa se bea
Daniel 562 onfon / swa þin blæd liþ || swa se beam geweox / heah to heofon
Daniel 563 am geweox / heah to heofonum || swa þu hæleþum eart / ana eallum
Daniel 576 na scur / weceþ and wreceþ || swa wildu deor / oþþæt þu ymb s
Daniel 580 ice || se on roderum is / is me swa þeah willa || þæt se wyrtr
Daniel 581 ma / stille wæs on staþole || swa seo stefn gecwæþ / and ymbe s
Daniel 583 seofan tide || sæde onfenge / swa þin rice || restende biþ / an
Daniel 615 on oferhyd || ofer ealle men / swa wod wera || on gewindagum / geo
Daniel 638 elinge / seofon winter samod || swa no swiþrode / rice under roder
Daniel 644 lde || gumena gehwilcum / welan swa wite || swa he wolde sylf / ne
Daniel 644 a gehwilcum / welan swa wite || swa he wolde sylf / ne lengde þa |
Daniel 654 | susl awunnen / dom gedemed || swa ær daniel cwæþ / þæt se fo
Daniel 657 siþas || for his ofermedlan / swa he ofstlice || godspellode / me
Daniel 668 || oþþæt him cwelm gesceod / swa him ofer eorþan || andsaca n
Daniel 752 lp beswac / windruncen gewit || swa þe wurþan sceal / no þæt þ
Christ and Satan 14 ette || þurh his soþan miht / swa se wyrhta || þurh his wuldre
Christ and Satan 22 im on mode || þæt hit mihte swa / þæt hie weron seolfe || swe
Christ and Satan 61 in onseon || habbaþ we alle swa / for þinum leasungum || lyþr
Christ and Satan 65 nnes || hafustu nu mare susel / swa firenfulle || facnum wordum / h
Christ and Satan 83 r meotode || and þeos menego swa some / þa ic in mode || minum
Christ and Satan 116 ard alefan / æþel to æhte || swa he ær dyde / ecne onwald || ah
Christ and Satan 125 end || ac hit me wyrse gelomp / swa se werega gast || wordum sæd
Christ and Satan 190 andsaca || dydon his gingran swa / gifre and grædige || þa hig
Christ and Satan 254 earþ usic || þæt we woldon swa / drihten adrifan || of þam de
Christ and Satan 278 ham alefan / eþel to æhte || swa he ær dyde / swa gnornedon ||
Christ and Satan 279 l to æhte || swa he ær dyde / swa gnornedon || godes andsacan / h
Christ and Satan 305 ode cweman / synne adwæscan || swa he sylfa cwæþ / soþfæste me
Christ and Satan 348 þæt halige seld / nis nænig swa snotor || ne swa cræftig / ne
Christ and Satan 348 d / nis nænig swa snotor || ne swa cræftig / ne þæs swa gleaw |
Christ and Satan 349 r || ne swa cræftig / ne þæs swa gleaw || nymþe god seolfa / þ
Christ and Satan 410 igdon / þurh næddran niþ || swa wit na ne sceoldon / gelærde u
Christ and Satan 462 um / witegan sædon || þæt he swa wolde / þis wæs on uhtan || e
Christ and Satan 467 egde || ban weornodon / þa hie swa leohtne || leoman gesawon / ges
Christ and Satan 482 æton þa / beorhtan blæda || swa inc se balewa het / handþegen
Christ and Satan 512 amas / to haligum drihtne # || / swa wuldres weard || wordum sæde
Christ and Satan 523 d sceawian / ecne and trumne || swa he ær dyde / þa ic gongan gef
Christ and Satan 527 ongeton haligne || godes sunu / swa heo gesegon || hwær sunu meo
Christ and Satan 623 mæran byrig / up to englum || swa oþre dydon / ac him biþ reord
Christ and Satan 659 est || to þissum eadigan ham / swa wuldres weard || wordum herig
Christ and Satan 672 ngre || hlafas wyrcan / gif þu swa micle || mihte hæbbe / þa him
Christ and Satan 9 iht cyning / engla and monna || swa þu ær myntest / þa him andsw
Christ and Satan 21 þæs grundes || gang þonne swa / oþþæt þu þone ymbhwyrft
Christ and Satan 42 þusenda / mila gemearcodes || swa hine se mihtiga het / þæt þu
Andreas 5 tan / syþþan hie gedældon || swa him dryhten sylf / heofona heah
Andreas 67 eohþa sceal / dæde fremman || swa þa dumban neat / þu ana canst
Andreas 149 mearces || butan þrim nihtum / swa hit wælwulfas || awriten hæ
Andreas 157 r swyltcwale || geseted wurde / swa hie symble ymb þritig || þi
Andreas 177 l healdaþ / morþorcræftum || swa is þære menigo þeaw / þæt
Andreas 192 re gefremman || on feorne weg / swa hrædlice || heofona scyppend
Andreas 193 a scyppend / wuldres waldend || swa þu worde becwist / þæt mæg
Andreas 261 a ondswarode || ælmihti god / swa þæt ne wiste || se þe þæ
Andreas 269 d gesohton / wære bewrecene || swa us wind fordraf / him þa andre
Andreas 297 abbaþ / sceattas gescrifene || swa eow scipweardas / aras ofer yþ
Andreas 304 ahwettan / willan in worulde || swa þu worde becwist / him þa beo
Andreas 322 llorfusne / oncnawe cuþlice || swa þæt crist bebead / þeoden þ
Andreas 327 n ece god || eallra gesceafta / swa he ealle befehþ || anes cræ
Andreas 333 ealle || eorþan sceatas / emne swa wide || swa wæter bebugeþ / o
Andreas 333 þan sceatas / emne swa wide || swa wæter bebugeþ / oþþe stedew
Andreas 345 rym ahof / ofer middangeard || swa ge me secgaþ / ond ge geheoldo
Andreas 348 an wille / ofer brimstreamas || swa ge benan sint / þa in ceol sti
Andreas 357 re blæd / meotud manncynnes || swa þu me hafast / on þyssum siþ
Andreas 389 wist gife / heofonlicne hlaf || swa þu hyldo wiþ me / ofer firige
Andreas 418 ymsittendes / wuldorcyninges || swa þu worde becwist / rece þa ge
Andreas 438 agu lacende || liþra wyrþan / swa gesælde iu || þæt we on s
Andreas 461 eorþan || gif his ellen deah / swa hleoþrode || halig cempa / þe
Andreas 493 gorstreamas || is þys ane ma / swa ic æfre ne geseah || ænigne
Andreas 501 n cræft / is þon geliccost || swa he on landsceare / stille stand
Andreas 524 s fylde / beorhtne boldwelan || swa gebledsod wearþ / engla eþel
Andreas 582 burhstedum || blinde gesegon / swa he on grundwæge || gumena cy
Andreas 594 iste þegon / menn on moldan || swa him gemedost wæs / nu þu miht
Andreas 622 en gumena / folcræd fremede || swa he to friþe hogode / him ondsw
Andreas 649 secgan wille / oor ond ende || swa ic þæs æþelinges / word ond
Andreas 661 iþheorte || burhweardes cyme / swa gesælde iu || þæt se siged
Andreas 692 a iosephes || simon ond iacob / swa hleoþrodon || hæleþa ræsw
Andreas 710 ne swulgon || þeah he soþra swa feala / tacna gecyþde || þær
Andreas 786 hæfdon / gewat he þa feran || swa him frea mihtig / scyppend wera
Andreas 789 ambre becom / beorhte blican || swa him bebead meotud / þær þa l
Andreas 813 wundra worn || wordum cyþde / swa þeah ne gelyfdon || larum si
Andreas 845 gþe hæfde / siþe gesohte || swa him sylf bebead / þa he him fo
Andreas 895 | þæt hie god wolde / onmunan swa mycles || ofer menn ealle / ond
Andreas 922 || sawla nergend / þæt ic þe swa godne || ongitan ne meahte / on
Andreas 926 warode || ealwalda god / no þu swa swiþe || synne gefremedest / s
Andreas 927 a swiþe || synne gefremedest / swa þu in achaia || ondsæc dyde
Andreas 931 reora nihta / fyrstgemearces || swa ic þe feran het / ofer wega ge
Andreas 937 dre ongit / beorn gebledsod || swa þe beorht fæder / geweorþaþ
Andreas 949 worulde || ond in wuldre lean / swa ic him sylfum ær || secgende
Andreas 972 iþne hige || bysne onstellan / swa on ellþeode || ywed wyrþeþ
Andreas 986 top on stræte || stig wisode / swa him nænig gumena || ongitan
Andreas 1045 igo lædan / on gehyld godes || swa him se halga bebead / weorod on
Andreas 1053 | helle witu / wordum werede || swa þa wigend mid him / hæleþ hi
Andreas 1115 wæron / þearle geþreatod || swa se þeodsceaþa / reow ricsode
Andreas 1137 ic || to geþolianne / þæt he swa unscyldig || ealdre sceolde / l
Andreas 1149 gle ondsacan || ecga þryþum / swa wearþ alysed || of leodhete /
Andreas 1231 gmælum teon || torngeniþlan / swa hie hit frecnost || findan me
Andreas 1234 eoþo || stærcedferþne / efne swa wide swa || wegas to lagon / en
Andreas 1243 fram synnum || þeah he sares swa feala / deopum dolgslegum || dr
Andreas 1245 dolgslegum || dreogan sceolde / swa wæs ealne dæg || oþþæt
Andreas 1250 to carcerne || he wæs criste swa þeah / leof on mode || him wæ
Andreas 1274 rfæstne hæleþ / þa wæs eft swa ær || ondlangne dæg / swungen
Andreas 1288 / ece ælmihtig || anforlætan / swa ic þæt gefremme || þenden
Andreas 1321 ll getihhad / land ond leode || swa dyde lareow þin / cyneþrym ah
Andreas 1323 angeard || þynden hit meahte swa / þone herodes || ealdre besny
Andreas 1328 n gealgan || his gast onsende / swa ic nu bebeode || bearnum minu
Andreas 1341 ond on fleam numen / ongan eft swa ær || ealdgeniþla / helle hæ
Andreas 1343 mleoþ galan / hwæt wearþ eow swa rofum || rincas mine / lindgest
Andreas 1344 e / lindgesteallan || þæt eow swa lyt gespeow / him þa earmsceap
Andreas 1393 / mod gemyltan || hit ne mihte swa / þa wæs niowinga || niþ onh
Andreas 1441 / geseoh nu seolfes swæþe || swa þin swat aget / þurh bangebre
Andreas 1449 standan / blædum gehrodene || swa he ær his blod aget / þa word
Andreas 1455 llþeodigne || an ne forlæte / swa se dædfruma || dryhten hered
Andreas 1476 | dreore bestemed / ac wæs eft swa ær || þurh þa æþelan mih
Andreas 1514 mihtum swiþ || moyse sealde / swa hit soþfæste || syþþan he
Andreas 1562 ond hetegrim || þæt is her swa cuþ / is hit mycle selre || þ
Andreas 1582 æs dryge / folde fram flode || swa his fot gestop / wurdon burgwar
Andreas 2 þæt eowde || anforlætan / on swa niowan gefean || ah him naman
Andreas 28 r frean dome / dagas on rime || swa him dryhten bebead / þæt he
The Fates of the Apostles 102 / læne lices frætewa || efne swa lagu toglideþ / þonne cen ond
The Fates of the Apostles 113 ndon uncuþ / eard ond eþel || swa biþ ælcum menn / nemþe he go
Soul and Body I 7 ast nimeþ || æt gode sylfum / swa wite swa wuldor || swa him on
Soul and Body I 7 sylfum / swa wite swa wuldor || swa him on worulde ær / efne þæt
Soul and Body I 15 oruda dryhten / cleopaþ þonne swa cearful || cealdan reorde / spr
Soul and Body I 47 ode sended / næfre þu me wiþ swa heardum || helle witum / ne gen
Soul and Body I 64 ecan / wemman þe mid wordum || swa þu worhtest to me / eart þu n
Soul and Body I 66 mas awiht / sceal ic þe nihtes swa þeah || nede gesecan / synnum
Soul and Body I 83 deora / þæt wyrreste || þær swa god wolde / ge þeah þu wære
Soul and Body I 85 ynna / þæt grimmeste || þær swa god wolde / þonne þu æfre on
Soul and Body I 102 þan brucan / swylcra yrmþa || swa þu unc her ær scrife / fyrna
Soul and Body I 141 sawon / heofona wuldor || swylc swa þu me ær her scrife / fæstes
Soul and Body I 149 þearf || her on life / ealles swa mycles || swa þu me sealdest
Soul and Body I 149 on life / ealles swa mycles || swa þu me sealdest / on gemotstede
Homiletic Fragment I 4 re beforan || ond þæt facen swa þeah / hafaþ in his heortan |
Homiletic Fragment I 13 eþohtas / gehataþ holdlice || swa hyra hyht ne gæþ / wære mid
Homiletic Fragment I 18 / utan ætywe || ænlice beoþ / swa þa beon beraþ || buta ætso
Homiletic Fragment I 23 inge || þonne se sæl cymeþ / swa bioþ gelice || þa leasan me
Homiletic Fragment I 30 deofles cræft || dyrne wunde / swa is nu þes middangeard || man
Homiletic Fragment I 38 sybbe healde / gastlice lufe || swa him god bebead / forþan eallun
Dream of the Rood 92 u || heofonrices weard / swylce swa he his modor eac || marian sy
Dream of the Rood 108 mes geweald / anra gehwylcum || swa he him ærur her / on þyssum l
Dream of the Rood 114 es wolde / biteres onbyrigan || swa he ær on þam beame dyde / ac
Elene 87 erlocan onspeon / up locade || swa him se ar abead / fæle friþow
Elene 100 linga hleo / beorna beaggifa || swa he þæt beacen geseah / heria
Elene 128 lugon instæpes / huna leode || swa þæt halige treo / aræran heh
Elene 163 e þis his beacen wæs / þe me swa leoht oþywde || ond mine leo
Elene 190 tgerynum / sægdon sigerofum || swa fram siluestre / lærde wæron
Elene 207 aldend / æfstum þurh inwit || swa se ealda feond / forlærde lige
Elene 223 sona gearu / wif on willsiþ || swa hire weoruda helm / byrnwiggend
Elene 271 land gesohte / secga þreate || swa hit siþþan gelamp / ymb lytel
Elene 306 t ærre lif || eowres cynnes / swa ge modblinde || mengan ongunn
Elene 325 re cwene || oncweþan meahton / swa tiles swa trages || swa hio h
Elene 325 ahton / swa tiles swa trages || swa hio him to sohte / hio þa on
Elene 340 niht on degle / mihtum mære || swa þæs modor ne biþ / wæstmum
Elene 350 æfre to aldre || onsion mine / swa hit eft be eow || essaias / wit
Elene 378 | modcwanige / collenferhþe || swa him sio cwen bead / fundon þa
Elene 411 o sece / eodon þa fram rune || swa him sio rice cwen / bald in bur
Elene 436 t eorla || gif þis yppe biþ / swa þa þæt ilce gio || min yld
Elene 38 þelust bearna / ne meahton hie swa disige || deaþ oþfæstan / we
Elene 39 þfæstan / weras wonsælige || swa hie wendon ær / sarum settan |
Elene 59 wles larum / feore beræddon || swa he þurh feondscipe / to cwale
Elene 61 tes folces / demde to deaþe || swa þeah him dryhten eft / miltse
Elene 102 oþerne || þyslic cyþan / ymb swa dygle wyrd || do swa þe þyn
Elene 102 þan / ymb swa dygle wyrd || do swa þe þynce / fyrngidda frod ||
Elene 150 yþan / onwreon wyrda geryno || swa þu hine wordum frignest / æri
Elene 158 gife / þurh þa myclan miht || swa þin mod lufaþ / hio on sybbe
Elene 167 dig cwen || þe synt tu gearu / swa lif swa deaþ || swa þe leof
Elene 167 tu gearu / swa lif swa deaþ || swa þe leofre biþ / to geceosanne
Elene 190 wa / ge he heofonrices || hyht swa mode / ond þis ondwearde || an
Elene 193 mæg ic þæt findan || þæt swa fyrn gewearþ / wintra gangum |
Elene 202 at / findan on fyrhþe || þæt swa fyrn gewearþ / elene maþelade
Elene 205 on þysse werþeode / þæt ge swa monigfeald || on gemynd witon
Elene 206 d witon / alra tacna gehwylc || swa troiana / þurh gefeoht fremedo
Elene 214 stanhleoþum || ond þa stowe swa some / ond þa wintergerim || o
Elene 235 t geagninga / wisdom onwreon || swa gewritu secgaþ / æfter stedew
Elene 252 lice || soþ gecyþe / heht þa swa cwicne || corþre lædan / scuf
Elene 276 | up gelæddon / of carcerne || swa him seo cwen bebead / stopon þ
Elene 338 ynna leas || næfre he soþra swa feala / in woruldrice || wundra
Elene 341 imum || no þu of deaþe hine / swa þrymlice || þeoda wealdend /
Elene 345 er engla || forþ beacen þin / swa þu gehyrdest || þone halgan
Elene 349 r beorhhliþe || ban iosephes / swa ic þe weroda wyn || gif hit
Elene 372 þanc butan ende / þæs þu me swa meþum || ond swa manweorcum /
Elene 372 æs þu me swa meþum || ond swa manweorcum / þurh þin wuldor
Elene 395 ætsomne / greote begrauene || swa hio geardagum / arleasra sceolu
Elene 398 godes bearne / niþ ahofun || swa hie no sceoldon / þær hie lea
Elene 442 deophycgende || hit wæs dead swa ær / lic legere fæst || leomu
Elene 456 | on ferhþsefan / ingemynde || swa him a scyle / wundor þa þe wo
Elene 500 | wisdomes ful / ne þearft þu swa swiþe || synna gemyndig / sar
Elene 520 ymb þæs weres snyttro / hu he swa geleafful || on swa lytlum f
Elene 520 tro / hu he swa geleafful || on swa lytlum fæce / ond swa uncyþig
Elene 521 ul || on swa lytlum fæce / ond swa uncyþig || æfre wurde / gleaw
Elene 526 / ge þæs geleafan || þe hio swa leohte oncneow / wuldorfæste g
Elene 532 woldon / boden æfter burgum || swa brimo fæþmeþ / in ceastra ge
Elene 575 e / on eorþwege || hio geefnde swa / siþþan winemagas || westan
Elene 582 ewange / girwan godes tempel || swa hire gasta weard / reord of rod
Elene 608 | huru wyrd gescreaf / þæt he swa geleaffull || ond swa leof go
Elene 608 æt he swa geleaffull || ond swa leof gode / in worldrice || weo
Elene 626 t þurhwodon || ond his folme swa some / mid þam on rode wæs ||
Elene 691 fde ciriacus / eall gefylled || swa him seo æþele bebead / wifes
Elene 706 r weardode / æþelne innoþ || swa hie ælmihtig / sigebearn godes
Elene 715 an sungen / eall æfter orde || swa hit eft gelamp / þinga gehwylc
Elene 767 hie lufan dryhtnes / ond sybbe swa same || sylfra betweonum / freo
Elene 815 de / ymb þone beorhtan beam || swa ic on bocum fand / wyrda gangum
Elene 829 gewitene / lifwynne geliden || swa lagu toglideþ / flodas gefysde
Elene 838 rod / þream forþrycced # || / swa a þeos world || eall gewite
Elene 839 orld || eall gewiteþ / ond eac swa some || þe hire on wurdon / at
Elene 845 rh þæs deman muþ / ond worda swa same || wed gesyllan / eallra u
Elene 852 a gedryht / duguþ domgeorne || swa hie adreogan magon / ond butan
Elene 855 emetgaþ eall / ældes leoma || swa him eþost biþ / sylfum geseft
Elene 870 beoþ / asundrod fram synnum || swa smæte gold / þæt in wylme bi
Elene 873 ænsod / amered ond gemylted || swa biþ þara manna ælc / ascyred
Christ A 17 ahreddan / earme from egsan || swa he oft dyde / eala ðu reccend
Christ A 58 wuldre full / halgan hyhtes || swa ðu gehaten eart / sioh nu sylf
Christ A 63 cymeð / nimeð eard in ðe || swa hit ær gefyrn / witgan wisfæs
Christ A 85 wearð / mægðhad se micla || swa eal manna bearn / sorgum sawað
Christ A 86 manna bearn / sorgum sawað || swa eft ripað / cennað to cwealme
Christ A 109 sylfum ðe || symle inlihtes / swa ðu god of gode || gearo acen
Christ A 112 / butan anginne || æfre wære / swa ðec nu for ðearfum || ðin
Christ A 132 || nemned wære / emmanuhel || swa hit engel gecwæð / ærest on
Christ A 135 era weard / god sylfa mid us || swa ðæt gomele gefyrn / ealra cyn
Christ A 138 d soðlice || sægdon toweard / swa se mæra iu || melchisedech / g
Christ A 142 longe his / hyhtan hidercyme || swa him gehaten wæs / ðætte sunu
Christ A 148 o cearigum || forðon cwædon swa / suslum geslæhte || nu ðu sy
Christ A 180 || ond ðu ða word spricest / swa ðu sylfa sie || synna gehwyl
Christ A 233 nd ða sona gelomp || ða hit swa sceolde / leoma leohtade || leo
Christ A 306 ham || eal sceawode / wlat ða swa wisfæst || witga geond ðeod
Christ A 312 ænig elda || æfre ne meahte / swa fæstlice || forescyttelsas / o
Christ A 323 ce stondað / simle singales || swa beclysed / ðæt nænig oðer |
Christ A 330 orðan || ut siðade / ond efne swa ðec gemette || meahtum gehro
Christ A 332 d gecorene || crist ælmihtig / swa ðe æfter him || engla ðeod
Christ A 426 e || ðurh his modor hrif / ond swa forðgongende || folca nergen
Christ B 455 ywden / in ða æðelan tid || swa hie eft dydon / ða se brega m
Christ B 468 rimes / hæfde ða gefylled || swa ær biforan sungon / witgena wo
Christ B 501 || hyge murnende / ðæs ðe hi swa leofne || leng ne mostun / gese
Christ B 523 || frætwum blican / wile eft swa ðeah || eorðan mægðe / sylf
Christ B 543 tan byrig || tyn niht ða gen / swa him sylf bibead || swegles ag
Christ B 547 geanes / ðæt is wel cweden || swa gewritu secgað / ðæt him alb
Christ B 591 an her wunað || geceosan mot / swa helle hienðu || swa heofones
Christ B 591 osan mot / swa helle hienðu || swa heofones mærðu / swa ðæt le
Christ B 592 enðu || swa heofones mærðu / swa ðæt leohte leoht || swa ða
Christ B 592 ðu / swa ðæt leohte leoht || swa ða laðan niht / swa ðrymmes
Christ B 593 leoht || swa ða laðan niht / swa ðrymmes ðræce || swa ðyst
Christ B 593 niht / swa ðrymmes ðræce || swa ðystra wræce / swa mid dryhte
Christ B 594 ðræce || swa ðystra wræce / swa mid dryhten dream || swa mid
Christ B 594 æce / swa mid dryhten dream || swa mid deoflum hream / swa wite mi
Christ B 595 ream || swa mid deoflum hream / swa wite mid wraðum || swa wuldo
Christ B 595 hream / swa wite mid wraðum || swa wuldor mid arum / swa lif swa d
Christ B 596 raðum || swa wuldor mid arum / swa lif swa deað || swa him leof
Christ B 596 mid arum / swa lif swa deað || swa him leofre bið / to gefremmann
Christ B 633 d / bi ðon giedd awræc || iob swa he cuðe / herede helm wera ||
Christ B 645 mislicu || geond middangeard / swa se fæla fugel || flyges cunn
Christ B 681 nga bigong / wegas widgielle || swa se waldend us / godbearn on gru
Christ B 691 to ealdre || engla ond monna / swa he his weorc weorðað || bi
Christ B 695 na || hwæt sindan ða / gimmas swa scyne || buton god sylfa / he i
Christ B 699 ona lixeð / gæstlic tungol || swa seo godes circe / ðurh gesomni
Christ B 701 ond ryhtes / beorhte bliceð || swa hit on bocum cwið / siððan o
Christ B 746 stylde / modig æfter muntum || swa we men sculon / heortan gehygdu
Christ B 784 ice sceolon || leanum hleotan / swa we widefeorh || weorcum hlodu
Christ B 850 encen / nu is ðon gelicost || swa we on laguflode / ofer cald wæ
Christ C 870 bihlæmeð / scire gesceafte || swa oft sceaða fæcne / ðeof ðri
Christ C 875 s ungearwe || yfles genægeð / swa on syne beorg || somod up cym
Christ C 897 a cyme / hwitra ond sweartra || swa him is ham sceapen / ungelice |
Christ C 939 iðer gehreoseð / ond steorran swa some || stredað of heofone /
Christ C 972 dangeard || on ða mæran tid / swa se gifra gæst || grundas geo
Christ C 984 swearta leg / weallende wiga || swa ær wæter fleowan / flodas afy
Christ C 988 werig swelteð / byrneð wæter swa weax || ðær bið wundra ma /
Christ C 1109 htne geseoð || dreorigferðe / swa him mid næglum ðurhdrifan |
Christ C 1111 a halgan fet / ond of his sidan swa some || swat forletan / ðær b
Christ C 1122 on ðone eadgan || ondwlitan swa some / helfuse men || hondum sl
Christ C 1185 lum || ænig ne cuðen / wendon swa ðeah wundrum || ða hyra wal
Christ C 1204 ard / in ecnesse || agan mosten / swa ðam bið grorne || on ðam g
Christ C 1230 beofiað / fore frean forhte || swa fule swa gæt / unsyfre folc ||
Christ C 1233 de sceaden / wera cneorissum || swa hi geworhtun ær / ðær bið o
Christ C 1242 / oðer is to eacan || ondgete swa some / ðæt hy him in wuldre w
Christ C 1260 bilocen || heofonrice agiefen / swa sceal gewrixled || ðam ðe
Christ C 1272 onne is him oðer || earfeðu swa some / scyldgum to sconde || ð
Christ C 1282 flæsc / scandum ðurhwaden || swa ðæt scire glæs / ðæt mon y
Christ C 1294 || ead to sorgum / ðæs ðe hy swa fægre gefean || on fyrndagum
Christ C 1295 re gefean || on fyrndagum / ond swa ænlice || anforletun / ðurh l
Christ C 1308 he ða synne bigæð / mæg mon swa ðeah gelacnigan || leahtra g
Christ C 1377 lum || onginneð sylf cweðan / swa he to anum sprece || ond hwæ
Christ C 1386 s ðonc ne wisses / ða ic ðe swa scienne || gesceapen hæfde / w
Christ C 1399 fremum sealde / ða ic ðe goda swa fela || forgiefen hæfde / ond
Christ C 1455 minum folmum || ond on fotum swa some / ðurh ða ic hongade ||
Vainglory 7 on wicum || ond ðone wacran swa some / scyldum bescyredne || on
Vainglory 21 ide scralletað / missenlice || swa beoð modsefan / dalum gedæled
Vainglory 63 eodenstoles / ricne beryfan || swa hit ryht ne wæs / ond ðonne g
Vainglory 74 a eard || ne bið ðam oðrum swa / se ðe on ofermedum || eargum
Widsith 44 siððan / engle ond swæfe || swa hit offa geslog / hroðwulf ond
Widsith 50 eorote || heaðobeardna ðrym / swa ic geondferde fela || fremdra
Widsith 131 m ond wifum || wudga ond hama / swa ic ðæt symle onfond || on
Widsith 135 nne || ðenden he her leofað / swa scriðende || gesceapum hweor
The Fortunes of Men 7 || geloden weorðað / fergað swa ond feðað || fæder ond mod
The Fortunes of Men 64 fira mæge || forð gehealdan / swa missenlice || meahtig dryhten
The Fortunes of Men 88 || deð he wyrplas on / fedeð swa on feterum || fiðrum dealne /
The Fortunes of Men 93 agostealdes || honda gelæred / swa wrætlice || weoroda nergend /
Maxims I 11 he in gæste || ac he is gen swa he wæs / ðeoden geðyldig ||
Maxims I 32 imeð / ðy weorðeð on foldan swa fela || fira cynnes / ne sy ð
Maxims I 54 dað || him bið wind gemæne / swa bið sæ smilte || / ðonne hy
Maxims I 56 / ðonne hy wind ne weceð || / swa beoð ðeoda geðwære || ðo
Maxims I 164 fyrn gewearð || het siððan swa forð wesan / wæra gehwylcum w
Maxims I 167 men gied || ond guman snyttro / swa monige beoð men ofer eorðan
Maxims I 167 ige beoð men ofer eorðan || swa beoð modgeðoncas / ælc him h
Maxims I 198 ðæt ece nið ældum scod || swa aðolwarum / drugon wæpna gewi
The Order of the World 43 one halgan blæd / forðon eal swa teofanade || se ðe teala cu
The Order of the World 45 eal beran / stiðe stefnbyrd || swa him se steora bibead / missenli
The Order of the World 47 tu || ðurh ða miclan gecynd / swa hi to worulde || wlite forð
The Order of the World 57 nes fæðm || ealle gesceafta / swa him wideferh || wuldor stonde
The Order of the World 82 o ofer brim hweorfeð / forðon swa teofenede || se ðe teala cu
The Riming Poem 21 feredon || feondon biweredon / swa mec hyhtgiefu heold || hygedr
The Riming Poem 55 || lustum ne tinneð / dreamas swa her gedreosað || dryhtscype
The Riming Poem 59 isðah || ond eal stund genag / swa nu world wendeð || wyrde sen
The Panther 6 hrerendra / wornas widsceope || swa wæter bibugeð / ðisne beorht
The Panther 20 ndrum scyne / hiwa gehwylces || swa hæleð secgað / gæsthalge gu
The Panther 25 ðrum lixte / dryhta bearnum || swa ðæs deores hiw / blæc brigda
The Panther 53 de / dareðlacende || deor efne swa some / æfter ðære stefne ||
The Panther 55 efne || on ðone stenc farað / swa is dryhten god || dreama ræd
The Panther 69 e ymbhwyrft || eorðan sceata / swa se snottra gecwæð || sanctu
The Whale 11 m ymbseald || særyrica mæst / swa ðæt wenað || wægliðende /
The Whale 31 æsteð / scipu mid scealcum || swa bið scinna ðeaw / deofla wise
The Whale 47 easne wylm / under mistglome || swa se micla hwæl / se ðe bisence
The Whale 62 með togædre / grimme goman || swa bið gumena gehwam / se ðe oft
The Whale 87 d || hælu secan / ðæt we mid swa leofne || in lofe motan / to wi
The Partridge 5 gecwæð || wuldres ealdor / in swa hwylce tiid || swa ge mid tre
The Partridge 5 ealdor / in swa hwylce tiid || swa ge mid treowe to me / on hyge h
The Partridge 7 lfirena / sweartra geswicað || swa ic symle to eow / mid siblufan
The Partridge 15 | ðenden us dæg scine / ðæt swa æðelne || eardwica cyst / in
Soul and Body II 7 st nimeð || æt gode sylfum / swa wite swa wuldor || swa him in
Soul and Body II 7 sylfum / swa wite swa wuldor || swa him in worulde ær / efne ðæt
Soul and Body II 15 | ende worlde / cleopað ðonne swa cearful || caldan reorde / spri
Soul and Body II 44 rom gode sended / næfre ðu me swa heardra || helle wita / ned gea
Soul and Body II 59 gesecan / wemman mid wordum || swa ðu worhtest to me / eart ðu d
Soul and Body II 78 eora / ðæt grimmeste || ðær swa god wolde / ge ðeah ðu wære
Soul and Body II 96 ðan brucan / swylcra yrmða || swa ðu unc ær scrife / firenað
Guthlac A 40 middangeard || monge arisene / swa ðæt geara iu || godes spelb
Guthlac A 42 ðurh witedom / eal anemdon || swa hit nu gongeð / ealdað eorða
Guthlac A 70 ham / wilniað bi gewyrhtum || swa ðas woruldgestreon / on ða m
Guthlac A 110 / frecnessa fela || fyrst wæs swa ðeana / in godes dome || hwonn
Guthlac A 129 inge / wunne æfter worulde || swa doð wræcmæcgas / ða ðe ne
Guthlac A 133 hy ðy reafe || rædan motan / swa hy hine trymedon || on twa he
Guthlac A 200 tigan || lætan wræce stille / swa him yrsade || se for ealle sp
Guthlac A 219 on ealdfeondas || ondan noman / swa hi singales || sorge dreogað
Guthlac A 246 m || ana geðringan / ne eam ic swa fealog || swa ic eow fore sto
Guthlac A 246 ingan / ne eam ic swa fealog || swa ic eow fore stonde / monna weor
Guthlac A 276 gewinnan / gif ðu gewitest || swa wilde deor / ana from eðele ||
Guthlac A 323 h monnes hond || mine ðearfe / swa modgade || se wið mongum sto
Guthlac A 344 pa sluman || oððe sæne mod / swa sceal oretta || a in his mode
Guthlac A 373 lan || ac he gedreosan sceal / swa ðeos eorðe eall || ðe ic h
Guthlac A 390 n || lade hæbbe / ða wæs eft swa ær || ealdfeonda nið / wroht
Guthlac A 396 da god / freoðade on foldan || swa he feora gehwylc / healdeð in
Guthlac A 419 lencum / gierelum gielplicum || swa bið geoguðe ðeaw / ðær ð
Guthlac A 431 earn / ðream oferðunge || ond swa ðearfendlic / him to earfeðum
Guthlac A 463 lufan cwemað / wista wynnum || swa ge weorðmyndu / in dolum dream
Guthlac A 493 dædum || ne beoð ða dyrne swa ðeah / ic eow soð siððon ||
Guthlac A 513 ifa gehwæs || lengu wealdeð / swa hleoðrade || halig cempa / wæ
Guthlac A 554 hyra nydwræce / deope deman || swa dryhten mæg / ana ælmihtig ||
Guthlac A 566 || arleaslice / frecne fore || swa bið feonda ðeaw / ðonne hy s
Guthlac A 576 tudes cempan || hit ne meahte swa / cwædon cearfulle || criste l
Guthlac A 592 || mid godes mægne / doð efne swa || gif eow dryhten crist / life
Guthlac A 620 ond dædum / lufian in life || swa is lar ond ar / to spowendre ||
Guthlac A 623 fnað / sindon ge wærlogan || swa ge in wræcsiðe / longe lifdon
Guthlac A 670 dream afyrred / engla gemana || swa nu awa sceal / wesan wideferh |
Guthlac A 739 rædum gifre || geoce gefegon / swa ðæt milde mod || wið moncy
Guthlac A 760 in gesihðe || soðes brucað / swa se ælmihtiga || ealle gescea
Guthlac A 771 getimbreð / gæstcunde gife || swa he guðlaces / dagas ond dæde
Guthlac A 781 godes willan || agyfen wurde / swa wæs guðlaces || gæst gelæ
Guthlac A 790 ig hyrde || heofonrices weard / swa soðfæstra || sawla motun / in
Guthlac B 854 oðbroden || ond hyra bearnum swa / eaferum æfter || ða hy on u
Guthlac B 907 rum brugdon / hwilum wedende || swa wilde deor / cirmdon on corðre
Guthlac B 940 ga / adl in gewod || he on elne swa ðeah / ungeblyged bad || beorh
Guthlac B 974 ldran fyrn / frecne onfengon || swa him biforan worhton / ða æres
Guthlac B 996 e ræseð on / gifrum grapum || swa wæs guðlace / enge anhoga ||
Guthlac B 1105 of || ða he from helle astag / swa se eadga wer || in ða æðel
Guthlac B 1109 rla wynn / heard hygesnottor || swa he hraðost meahte / meðe for
Guthlac B 1114 emple / ond his ðegne ongon || swa ðam ðeodne geras / ðurh gæs
Guthlac B 1118 tigan gesceaft / to eadwelan || swa he ær ne sið / æfre to ealdr
Guthlac B 1121 lænan tid || lare gehyrde / ne swa deoplice || dryhtnes geryne /
Guthlac B 1219 wide mæcges || ond on morgne swa / ongeat geomormod || gæstes s
Guthlac B 1225 leofum æfter longre hwile || swa he late meahte / elnes oncyðig
Guthlac B 1276 ta geblowene / hunigflowende || swa ðæs halgan wæs / ondlongne d
Guthlac B 1297 eal biðence / ofestum læde || swa ic ðe ær bibead / lac to leof
Guthlac B 1317 der heofonum || haligra dream / swa se burgstede wæs || blissum
Deor 7 onn / ðæs ofereode || ðisses swa mæg / beadohilde ne wæs || hy
Deor 9 | hyre broðra deað / on sefan swa sar || swa hyre sylfre ðing /
Deor 9 ra deað / on sefan swa sar || swa hyre sylfre ðing / ðæt heo g
Deor 13 lde / ðæs ofereode || ðisses swa mæg / we ðæt mæðhilde || m
Deor 17 nom / ðæs ofereode || ðisses swa mæg / ðeodric ahte || ðritig
Deor 20 uð / ðæs ofereode || ðisses swa mæg / we geascodan || eormanri
Deor 27 re / ðæs ofereode || ðisses swa mæg / siteð sorgcearig || sæ
Deor 42 lde / ðæs ofereode || ðisses swa mæg
Riddles 11 6 ic ðæs nowiht wat / ðæt heo swa gemædde || mode bestolene / d
Riddles 13 6 e siðe ðy sarre || ðeah hy swa sceoldon / reafe birofene || ro
Riddles 15 2 wit || ond heafod fealo / sidan swa some || swift ic eom on feðe
Riddles 2 25 ic frean hyre / guðe fremme || swa ic gien dyde / minum ðeodne on
Riddles 20 25 frean hyre, / guþe fremme, || swa ic gien dyde / minum þeodne on
Riddles 21 2 nd be grunde græfe || geonge swa me wisað / har holtes feond ||
Riddles 22 6 agorincas || ofer mere feolan / swa hi fundedon || ac wæs flod t
Riddles 22 13 ætres byht || wægn to lande / swa hine oxa ne teah || ne esna m
Riddles 24 2 sne mine stefne / hwilum beorce swa hund || hwilum blæte swa gat
Riddles 24 2 rce swa hund || hwilum blæte swa gat / hwilum græde swa gos ||
Riddles 24 3 blæte swa gat / hwilum græde swa gos || hwilum gielle swa hafo
Riddles 24 3 æde swa gos || hwilum gielle swa hafoc / hwilum ic onhyrge || ð
Riddles 24 10 gl ond is || nu ic haten eom / swa ða siex stafas || sweotule b
Riddles 27 16 hwæt ic hatte / ðe on eorðan swa || esnas binde / dole æfter dy
Riddles 29 6 an / searwum asettan || gif hit swa meahte / ða cwom wundorlicu wi
Riddles 3 13 c of enge || up aðringe / efne swa mec wisað || se mec wræde o
Riddles 3 67 ahtum gemagnad || mines frean / swa ic ðrymful ðeow || ðragum
Riddles 33 11 dohtor min / eacen up liden || swa ðæt is ældum cuð / firum on
Riddles 4 5 ones / healdeð ond wealdeð || swa he ymb ðas utan hweorfeð / he
Riddles 4 14 s onwalde || æghwær styreð / swa ic mid waldendes || worde eal
Riddles 4 34 er heofones || hwearfte recce / swa me leof fæder || lærde æt
Riddles 4 69 ferus || se swifta wind / ðæt swa fromlice mæg || feran æghw
Riddles 40 6 es, / healdeð ond wealdeð, || swa he ymb þas utan hweorfeð. / H
Riddles 40 15 onwalde || æghwær styreð; / swa ic mid waldendes || worde eal
Riddles 40 35 r heofones || hwearfte recce, / swa me leof fæder || lærde æt
Riddles 40 71 rus, || se swifta wind, / þæt swa fromlice mæg || feran æghw
Riddles 42 11 linan || acas twegen / hægelas swa some || hwylc ðæs hordgates
Riddles 48 8 ðencan / hyra hælo to gode || swa se hring gecwæð
Riddles 49 9 ne wille || ðe him to nytte swa / ond to dugðum doð || ðæt
Riddles 58 11 res ne gitsað || fereð oft swa ðeah / lagoflod on lyfte || li
Riddles 58 13 eð / hlafordes gifum || hyreð swa ðeana / ðeodne sinum || ðry
Riddles 59 11 uðe / ond dryhtnes dolg || don swa ðæs beages / benne cwædon ||
Riddles 6 4 an getenge / næte mid niðe || swa ic him no hrine / ðonne mec mi
Riddles 8 9 de || saga hwæt ic hatte / ðe swa scirenige || sceawendwisan / hl
Riddles 9 6 freoðode || hleosceorpe wrah / swa arlice || swa hire agen bearn
Riddles 9 6 leosceorpe wrah / swa arlice || swa hire agen bearn / oððæt ic u
Riddles 9 7 n / oððæt ic under sceate || swa min gesceapu wæron / ungesibbu
Riddles 9 12 s / suna ond dohtra || ðy heo swa dyde
The Wife's Lament 24 t is ðæt onhworfen / is nu || swa hit no wære / freondscipe unce
The Judgment Day I 13 eda gefylled / reðra bronda || swa nu rixiað / gromhydge guman ||
The Judgment Day I 32 e heofona || heahðu gereccan / swa georne ðone godes dæl || sw
The Judgment Day I 32 wa georne ðone godes dæl || swa he gearo stondeð / clænum heo
The Judgment Day I 87 / godum dædum || ðæs ðe he swa geomor wearð / sarig fore his
The Judgment Day I 94 sculon clæne / womma lease || swa se waldend cwæð / ealra cynin
Resignation 80 ewitnad for ðisse worulde || swa min gewyrhto wæron / micle for
Resignation 84 word spræce / fus on ferðe || swa me on frymðe gelomp / yrmðu o
Resignation 116 earu symle / lufena to leane || swa ic alifde nu / giet bið ðæt
The Descent into Hell 69 f ðam bendum || bicgan wille / swa we ealle to ðe || an gelyfa
The Descent into Hell 129 seo burg nu-ða || bidan efne swa ðeah / ðeoden leofa || ðines
Alms-Giving 5 m dryhtne || doma selast / efne swa he mid wætre || ðone wealle
Alms-Giving 8 byrnende || burgum sceððan / swa he mid ælmessan || ealle tos
Azarias 36 urde / yced on eorðan || ðæt swa unrime / had to hebban || swa h
Azarias 37 t swa unrime / had to hebban || swa heofonsteorran / bugað bradne
Azarias 39 dne hwearft || oð brimflodas / swa waroða sond || ymb sealt wæ
Azarias 40 / yðe geond eargrund || ðæt swa unrime / ymb wintra hwearft ||
Azarias 49 waldend || ond woruldsceafta / swa se halga wer || hergende wæs
Azarias 60 swiðes meaht / liges leoman || swa hyra lice ne scod / ac wæs in
Azarias 71 cne dryhten / ðeoda waldend || swa hi ðry cwædon / modum horsce
Azarias 166 cilde / hwearf ða to healle || swa he hraðost meahte / eorl acolm
Azarias 187 unwemme / wuldre gewlitegad || swa hyra wædum ne scod / gifre gle
Homiletic Fragment II 6 ð hwilum / waciað wordbeot || swa ðeos woruld fareð / scurum sc
Riddles 30b and 60 8 nigað to me / modge miltsum || swa ic mongum sceal / ycan upcyme |
Riddles 60 16 dspræce / abeodan bealdlice || swa hit beorna ma / uncre wordcwida
Riddles 61 4 rean sealde / holdum ðeodne || swa hio haten wæs / siððan me on
Riddles 70 5 || His gesceapo dreogeð / þe swa wrætlice || be wege stonde / h
Riddles 78 5 d || / /yde me to mos/ || / || swa ic him / || ne æt ham gesæt /
Riddles 84 33 ond ælda bearn || eagum sawe / swa ðæt wuldor wifeð || worldb
Riddles 88 6 on staðol/ || / /um geong || swa / || seðeana / oft geond || /fg
Riddles 88 28 er awðer || his ellen cyðde / swa wit ðære beadwe || begen ne
The Phoenix 23 ne stanclifu / heah hlifiað || swa her mid us / ne dene ne dalu ||
The Phoenix 29 um herra / folde fæðmrimes || swa us gefreogum gleawe / witgan ð
The Phoenix 36 a beamas a / grene stondað || swa him god bibead / wintres ond su
The Phoenix 41 edwenden / worulde geweorðe || swa iu wætres ðrym / ealne middan
The Phoenix 47 mme || ðurh est godes / bideð swa geblowen || oð bæles cyme / d
The Phoenix 104 er sidne sæ || swegles leoma / swa se æðela fugel || æt ðam
The Phoenix 108 me / sweglcondelle || ond symle swa oft / of ðam wilsuman || wyllg
The Phoenix 120 ngeard || mærost tungla / sona swa seo sunne || sealte streamas /
The Phoenix 121 e streamas / hea oferhlifað || swa se haswa fugel / beorht of ðæ
The Phoenix 125 | swegle togeanes / ðonne bið swa fæger || fugles gebæru / onbr
The Phoenix 140 n ðas geomran woruld / singeð swa ond swinsað || sælum geblis
The Phoenix 147 mearcað / dæges ond nihtes || swa gedemed is / bearwes bigengan |
The Phoenix 243 nnum asundrad || sumes onlice / swa mon to ondleofne || eorðan w
The Phoenix 257 eft acende / foldan frætwe || swa se fugel weorðeð / gomel æft
The Phoenix 280 niwad / feorh ond feðerhoma || swa he æt frymðe wæs / ða hine
The Phoenix 300 eard || ond ðæt nebb lixeð / swa glæs oððe gim || geaflas s
The Phoenix 315 hygegælsa / swar ne swongor || swa sume fuglas / ða ðe late ður
The Phoenix 322 e eard || of ðisse eðeltyrf / swa se fugel fleogeð || folcum o
The Phoenix 328 giefe / fægre on ðam fugle || swa him æt fruman sette / sigora s
The Phoenix 339 odigne || meaglum reordum / ond swa ðone halgan || hringe beteld
The Phoenix 350 eorðan tyrf || eðel seceð / swa se gesæliga || æfter swylth
The Phoenix 378 a || moncynnes fruma / ðæt he swa wrætlice || weorðan sceolde
The Phoenix 381 fongen || ðeah hine fyr nime / swa ðæt ece lif || eadigra gehw
The Phoenix 405 fter æte || ond hyra eaferum swa / sarlic symbel || sunum ond do
The Phoenix 437 secan mote / æfter fyrbaðe || swa ða foregengan / yldran usse ||
The Phoenix 470 iða gehwam || nest gewyrceð / swa nu in ðam wicum || willan fr
The Phoenix 496 e gefremmað / men on moldan || swa se mihtiga cyning / beodeð bre
The Phoenix 534 lif eft onfehð / edniwinga || swa bið anra gehwylc / flæsce bif
The Phoenix 558 eaðe || ðurh dryhtnes giefe / swa se fugel fenix || feorh edniw
The Phoenix 565 weorðan / wyrmum to willan || swa ðeah weoruda god / æfter swyl
The Phoenix 583 leodscype || læððum hwopan / swa nu æfter deaðe || ðurh dry
The Phoenix 597 r lifgað a || leohte werede / swa se fugel fenix || in freoðu
The Phoenix 646 onfeng / ðurh fæder fultum || swa fenix beacnað / geong in geard
The Phoenix 650 lifes lif || leomum geðungen / swa se hælend us || helpe gefrem
The Phoenix 652 lices gedal || lif butan ende / swa se fugel swetum || his fiðru
The Phoenix 655 bið / ðæt sindon ða word || swa us gewritu secgað / hleoðor h
Juliana 11 grund / foron æfter burgum || swa he biboden hæfde / ðegnas ðr
Juliana 73 | mæste weorce / ðæt heo mec swa torne || tæle gerahte / fore
Juliana 81 t geswerge || ðurh soð godu / swa ic are æt him || æfre finde
Juliana 88 ðe || gif ðe gedafen ðince / swa to life læt || swa ðe leofr
Juliana 88 en ðince / swa to life læt || swa ðe leofre sy / eode ða fromli
Juliana 170 m || gen gecwemest / ond ðe to swa mildum || mundbyrd secest / hyl
Juliana 253 m cweman / wes ðu on ofeste || swa he ðec ut heonan / lædan hate
Juliana 276 fe hweorfan / ðinre eadgife || swa me ðes ar bodað / frecne fær
Juliana 278 rspel || ðe me fore stondeð / swa ic ðe bilwitne || biddan wil
Juliana 376 nge gewunian / in gebedstowe || swa ic brogan to / laðne gelæde |
Juliana 436 etreowdes / meotud moncynnes || swa ic in minne fæder / hellwarena
Juliana 442 an mines / hyhtes æt halgum || swa me her gelamp / sorg on siðe |
Juliana 463 niða gebæded / mod meldian || swa ðu me beodest / ðreaned ðoli
Juliana 504 to ealdre || ond hyra eaferum swa / mircast manweorca || hwæt sc
Juliana 511 ara / ðæt me ðus ðriste || swa ðu nu-ða / halig mid hondum |
Juliana 597 istbitade / wedde on gewitte || swa wilde deor / grymetade gealgmod
Juliana 634 rmne gehynan / yflum yrmðum || swa heo mec ær dyde / ða wæs gel
The Wanderer 6 lastas || wyrd bið ful aræd / swa cwæð eardstapa || earfeða
The Wanderer 14 healde his hordcofan || hycge swa he wille / ne mæg werig mod ||
The Wanderer 19 breostcofan || bindað fæste / swa ic modsefan || minne sceolde /
The Wanderer 43 neo lecge / honda ond heafod || swa he hwilum ær / in geardagum ||
The Wanderer 62 ofgeafon / modge maguðegnas || swa ðes middangeard / ealra dogra
The Wanderer 75 orulde wela || weste stondeð / swa nu missenlice || geond ðisne
The Wanderer 85 scræfe || eorl gehydde / yðde swa ðisne eardgeard || ælda scy
The Wanderer 96 gewat / genap under nihthelm || swa heo no wære / stondeð nu on l
The Wanderer 111 an gesteal || idel weorðeð / swa cwæð snottor on mode || ges
The Gifts of Men 3 stberend / wegað in gewitte || swa her weoruda god / meotud meahtu
The Gifts of Men 46 gelæred / wis ond gewealden || swa bið wyrhtan ryht / sele asetta
The Gifts of Men 110 oht || sum bið ðeodne hold / swa weorðlice || wide tosaweð / d
Precepts 26 a / rædhycgende || sy ymb rice swa hit mæge / feorðan siðe || f
Precepts 89 in gehygdum || georn wisdomes / swa he wið ælda mæg || eades h
Precepts 93 n gehygdum / ber breostcofan || swa ðu min bearn gemyne / frode f
The Seafarer 51 ne / sefan to siðe || ðam ðe swa ðenceð / on flodwegas || feor
The Seafarer 90 dryhto || ealdað ond searað / swa nu monna gehwylc || geond mid
Beowulf 20 ldes eafera || scedelandum in / swa sceal geong guma || gode gewy
Beowulf 29 es faroðe / swæse gesiðas || swa he selfa bæd / ðenden wordum
Beowulf 93 worhte / wlitebeorhtne wang || swa wæter bebugeð / gesette sigeh
Beowulf 99 m || ðara ðe cwice hwyrfað / swa ða drihtguman || dreamum lif
Beowulf 144 or || se ðæm feonde ætwand / swa rixode || ond wið rihte wan /
Beowulf 164 elrunan || hwyrftum scriðað / swa fela fyrena || feond mancynne
Beowulf 189 r fæðmum || freoðo wilnian / swa ða mælceare || maga healfde
Beowulf 273 c wene || ðu wast gif hit is / swa we soðlice || secgan hyrdon /
Beowulf 347 us geunnan wile / ðæt we hine swa godne || gretan moton / wulfgar
Beowulf 352 frinan wille / beaga bryttan || swa ðu bena eart / ðeoden mærne
Beowulf 401 r bidon / heaðoreaf heoldon || swa him se hearda bebead / snyredon
Beowulf 435 / ic ðæt ðonne forhicge || swa me higelac sie / min mondrihten
Beowulf 444 eotena leode / etan unforhte || swa he oft dyde / mægen hreðmanna
Beowulf 455 andes geweorc || gæð a wyrd swa hio scel / hroðgar maðelode |
Beowulf 490 æl meoto / sigehreð secgum || swa ðin sefa hwette / ða wæs gea
Beowulf 538 eðdon || ond ðæt geæfndon swa / hæfdon swurd nacod || ða wi
Beowulf 559 g meredeor || ðurh mine hand / swa mec gelome || laðgeteonan / ð
Beowulf 561 him ðenode / deoran sweorde || swa hit gedefe wæs / næs hie ðæ
Beowulf 585 olace || ne gehwæðer incer / swa deorlice || dæd gefremede / fa
Beowulf 591 ecglafes / ðæt næfre grendel swa fela || gryra gefremede / atol
Beowulf 594 e || gif ðin hige wære / sefa swa searogrim || swa ðu self tal
Beowulf 594 e wære / sefa swa searogrim || swa ðu self talast / ac he hafað
Beowulf 642 ire frean sittan / ða wæs eft swa ær || inne on healle / ðryðw
Beowulf 666 ingwuldor / grendle togeanes || swa guman gefrungon / seleweard ase
Beowulf 686 || ond siððan witig god / on swa hwæðere hond || halig dryht
Beowulf 687 halig dryhten / mærðo deme || swa him gemet ðince / hylde hine
Beowulf 762 e se mæra || ðær he meahte swa / widre gewindan || ond on weg
Beowulf 797 ðeodnes || ðær hie meahton swa / hie ðæt ne wiston || ða hi
Beowulf 881 secgan wolde / eam his nefan || swa hie a wæron / æt niða gehwam
Beowulf 943 hwæt ðæt secgan mæg / efne swa hwylc mægða || swa ðone ma
Beowulf 943 æg / efne swa hwylc mægða || swa ðone magan cende / æfter gumc
Beowulf 956 alwalda ðec / gode forgylde || swa he nu gyt dyde / beowulf maðel
Beowulf 972 ond eaxle || no ðær ænige swa ðeah / feasceaft guma || frofr
Beowulf 1046 wæpna || het hine wel brucan / swa manlice || mære ðeoden / hord
Beowulf 1048 as geald / mearum ond madmum || swa hy næfre man lyhð / se ðe se
Beowulf 1055 grendel ær / mane acwealde || swa he hyra ma wolde / nefne him wi
Beowulf 1058 eallum weold / gumena cynnes || swa he nu git deð / forðan bið a
Beowulf 1092 s heap || hringum wenede / efne swa swiðe || sincgestreonum / fæt
Beowulf 1093 cgestreonum / fættan goldes || swa he fresena cyn / on beorsele ||
Beowulf 1103 gedon / ðeodenlease || ða him swa geðearfod wæs / gyf ðonne fr
Beowulf 1134 oðer com / gear in geardas || swa nu gyt deð / ða ðe syngales
Beowulf 1142 eotena bearn || inne gemunde / swa he ne forwyrnde || woroldræd
Beowulf 1172 eatum spræc / mildum wordum || swa sceal man don / beo wið geatas
Beowulf 1223 ferhð || weras ehtigað / efne swa side || swa sæ bebugeð / wind
Beowulf 1223 ras ehtigað / efne swa side || swa sæ bebugeð / windgeard wealla
Beowulf 1231 ro / druncne dryhtguman || doð swa ic bidde / eode ða to setle ||
Beowulf 1234 ne cuðon / geosceaft grimme || swa hit agangen wearð / eorla mane
Beowulf 1238 reced weardode / unrim eorla || swa hie oft ær dydon / bencðelu b
Beowulf 1252 m sare angeald / æfenræste || swa him ful oft gelamp / siððan g
Beowulf 1283 || wæs se gryre læssa / efne swa micle || swa bið mægða cr
Beowulf 1283 ryre læssa / efne swa micle || swa bið mægða cræft / wiggryre
Beowulf 1381 feo leanige / ealdgestreonum || swa ic ær dyde / wundnum golde ||
Beowulf 1396 ðyld hafa / weana gehwylces || swa ic ðe wene to / ahleop ða se
Beowulf 1451 rðad / befongen freawrasnum || swa hine fyrndagum / worhte wæpna
Beowulf 1471 rðum || ne wæs ðæm oðrum swa / syððan he hine to guðe ||
Beowulf 1508 inga ðengel || to hofe sinum / swa he ne mihte || no he ðæs mo
Beowulf 1534 truwode / mundgripe mægenes || swa sceal man don / ðonne he æt g
Beowulf 1571 leoma || leoht inne stod / efne swa of hefene || hadre scineð / ro
Beowulf 1587 grendel licgan / aldorleasne || swa him ær gescod / hild æt heoro
Beowulf 1667 ldebil / forbarn brogdenmæl || swa ðæt blod gesprang / hatost he
Beowulf 1670 wræc / deaðcwealm denigea || swa hit gedefe wæs / ic hit ðe ð
Beowulf 1676 a healfe / aldorbealu eorlum || swa ðu ær dydest / ða wæs gylde
Beowulf 1694 teres wylm || waldend sealde / swa wæs on ðæm scennum || scir
Beowulf 1707 e sceal mine gelæstan / freode swa wit furðum spræcon || ðu s
Beowulf 1709 to helpe || ne wearð heremod swa / eaforum ecgwelan || arscyldin
Beowulf 1732 e || hleoburh wera / gedeð him swa gewealdene || worolde dælas /
Beowulf 1769 yhtguma || deað oferswyðeð / swa ic hringdena || hund missera /
Beowulf 1786 eong sona to / setles neosan || swa se snottra heht / ða wæs eft
Beowulf 1787 se snottra heht / ða wæs eft swa ær || ellenrofum / fletsittend
Beowulf 1828 ymbsittend || egesan ðywað / swa ðec hetende || hwilum dydon /
Beowulf 1843 || ne hyrde ic snotorlicor / on swa geongum feore || guman ðingi
Beowulf 1854 | me ðin modsefa / licað leng swa wel || leofa beowulf / hafast
Beowulf 1891 weard onfand / eftsið eorla || swa he ær dyde / no he mid hearme
Beowulf 1929 eðes dohtor || næs hio hnah swa ðeah / ne to gneað gifa || ge
Beowulf 1975 gongan / hraðe wæs gerymed || swa se rica bebead / feðegestum ||
Beowulf 2006 ldre || ic ðæt eall gewræc / swa begylpan ne ðearf || grendel
Beowulf 2057 te || rædan sceoldest / manað swa ond myndgað || mæla gehwylc
Beowulf 2091 manigra sumne || hyt ne mihte swa / syððan ic on yrre || upprih
Beowulf 2115 wintrum frod || worn gemunde / swa we ðær inne || ondlangne d
Beowulf 2144 ma menigeo || maga healfdenes / swa se ðeodcyning || ðeawum lyf
Beowulf 2166 st geteah / meara ond maðma || swa sceal mæg don / nealles inwitn
Beowulf 2177 eahðege || breost geweorðod / swa bealdode || bearn ecgðeowes /
Beowulf 2184 hildedeor || hean wæs lange / swa hyne geata bearn || godne ne
Beowulf 2233 am eorðhuse || ærgestreona / swa hy on geardagum || gumena nat
Beowulf 2267 feorhcynna || forð onsended / swa giomormod || giohðo mænde / a
Beowulf 2278 || ne byð him wihte ðy sel / swa se ðeodsceaða || ðreo hund
Beowulf 2291 cræfte || dracan heafde neah / swa mæg unfæge || eaðe gedigan
Beowulf 2310 ma egeslic / leodum on lande || swa hyt lungre wearð / on hyra sin
Beowulf 2332 weoll / ðeostrum geðoncum || swa him geðywe ne wæs / hæfde li
Beowulf 2397 iðum || cyning ealdre bineat / swa he niða gehwane || genesen h
Beowulf 2442 hygemeðe || sceolde hwæðre swa ðeah / æðeling unwrecen || e
Beowulf 2444 ng unwrecen || ealdres linnan / swa bið geomorlic || gomelum ceo
Beowulf 2462 to rum / wongas ond wicstede || swa wedra helm / æfter herebealde
Beowulf 2468 mid ðære sorhge || ðe him swa sar belamp / gumdream ofgeaf ||
Beowulf 2470 eoht geceas / eaferum læfde || swa deð eadig mon / lond ond leodb
Beowulf 2480 wræcan / fæhðe ond fyrene || swa hyt gefræge wæs / ðeah ðe o
Beowulf 2491 me sealde / geald æt guðe || swa me gifeðe wæs / leohtan sweor
Beowulf 2498 oran wolde / ana on orde || ond swa to aldre sceall / sæcce fremma
Beowulf 2521 es meahte / gylpe wiðgripan || swa ic gio wið grendle dyde / ac i
Beowulf 2526 sceal / weorðan æt wealle || swa unc wyrd geteoð / metod manna
Beowulf 2574 orman dogore / wealdan moste || swa him wyrd ne gescraf / hreð æt
Beowulf 2585 ill geswac / nacod æt niðe || swa hyt no sceolde / iren ærgod ||
Beowulf 2590 wic eardian / elles hwergen || swa sceal æghwylc mon / alætan l
Beowulf 2608 mundinga / folcrihta gehwylc || swa his fæder ahte / ne mihte ða
Beowulf 2622 byre mihte / eorlscipe efnan || swa his ærfæder / geaf him ða mi
Beowulf 2664 fa biowulf || læst eall tela / swa ðu on geoguðfeore || geara
Beowulf 2696 n cyðan / cræft ond cenðu || swa him gecynde wæs / ne hedde he
Beowulf 2730 ðgewædu || ðær me gifeðe swa / ænig yrfeweard || æfter wur
Beowulf 2859 um rædan / gumena gehwylcum || swa he nu gen deð / ða wæs æt
Beowulf 2878 tgifan æt guðe || ond ongan swa ðeah / ofer min gemet || mæge
Beowulf 2967 under fexe || næs he forht swa ðeh / gomela scilfing || ac fo
Beowulf 2990 na mid leodum || ond gelæste swa / geald ðone guðræs || geata
Beowulf 3028 he wið wulf || wæl reafode / swa se secg hwata || secggende w
Beowulf 3049 yre swyrd / omige ðurhetone || swa hie wið eorðan fæðm / ðuse
Beowulf 3057 a gehyld || hord openian / efne swa hwylcum manna || swa him geme
Beowulf 3057 ian / efne swa hwylcum manna || swa him gemet ðuhte / ða wæs ges
Beowulf 3066 id his magum || meduseld buan / swa wæs biowulfe || ða he biorg
Beowulf 3069 lde gedal || weorðan sceolde / swa hit oð domes dæg || diope b
Beowulf 3078 anes willan / wræc adreogan || swa us geworden is / ne meahton we
Beowulf 3098 ne hean / micelne ond mærne || swa he manna wæs / wigend weorðfu
Beowulf 3140 ildebordum / beorhtum byrnum || swa he bena wæs / alegdon ða tomi
Beowulf 3161 onda lafe / wealle beworhton || swa hyt weorðlicost / foresnotre m
Beowulf 3168 ðær hit nu gen lifað / eldum swa unnyt || swa hit æror wæs /
Beowulf 3168 gen lifað / eldum swa unnyt || swa hit æror wæs / ða ymbe hlæw
Beowulf 3174 ellenweorc / duguðum demdon || swa hit gedefe bið / ðæt mon his
Beowulf 3178 f lichaman || læded weorðan / swa begnornodon || geata leode / hl
Judith 28 nde || ðæt hi gebærdon wel / swa se inwidda || ofer ealne dæg
Judith 32 ene / agotene goda gehwylces || swa het se gumena aldor / fylgan fl
Judith 38 e fremedon / anbyhtscealcas || swa him heora ealdor bebead / byrnw
Judith 67 lcna hrofe || gefeol ða wine swa druncen / se rica on his reste
Judith 68 e rica on his reste middan || swa he nyste ræda nanne / on gewit
Judith 95 ma / ædre mid elne onbryrde || swa he deð anra gehwylcne / herbue
Judith 102 listum alede || laðne mannan / swa heo ðæs unlædan || eaðost
Judith 123 rne blæd / iudith æt guðe || swa hyre god uðe / swegles ealdor
Judith 126 e / ðæs herewæðan || heafod swa blodig / on ðam fætelse || ð
Judith 130 ðyder on lædde / ond hit ða swa heolfrig || hyre on hond agea
Judith 143 heoldon / in ðam fæstenne || swa ðam folce ær / geomormodum ||
Judith 197 ge dom agon / tir æt tohtan || swa eow getacnod hafað / mihtig dr
Judith 236 a || ðe hie ofercuman mihton / swa ða magoðegnas || on ða mor
Judith 277 burgeteld / niðheard neðde || swa hyne nyd fordraf / funde ða on
The Paris Psalter 101:5 4 e eardaþ || and ic spearuwan swa some / gelice gewearþ || anlic
The Paris Psalter 101:9 1 ft / / # / dagas mine gedruran || swa se deorca scua / and ic hege ge
The Paris Psalter 101:9 2 rca scua / and ic hege gelic || swa hit hraþe weornaþ / / # / þu o
The Paris Psalter 101:23 3 nlice / and þu hi onwendest || swa man wrigels deþ / and hi beoþ
The Paris Psalter 102:8 2 mode geþyldig / ece drihten || swa þu a wære / is þin milde mod
The Paris Psalter 102:12 1 t || þam þe lufedan þe / / # / swa þas foldan || fæþme bewind
The Paris Psalter 102:13 1 afyrde || æghwær symble / / # / swa fæder þenceþ || fægere hi
The Paris Psalter 102:13 2 his bearnum / milde weorþan || swa us mihtig god / þam þe hine l
The Paris Psalter 102:14 4 r anlice || eorþan blostman / swa his lifdagas || læne syndan /
The Paris Psalter 102:17 1 le þa þe ondrædaþ him / / # / swa his soþfæstnyss || swylce s
The Paris Psalter 103:2 3 gyredest || eart nu gleawlice / swa limwædum || leohte gegyrwed /
The Paris Psalter 103:7 1 / / # / he nywolnessa || neoþan swa swa ryfte / him to gewæde || w
The Paris Psalter 104:18 2 his ealdormen || ealle lærde / swa he his sylfes mod || geseted
The Paris Psalter 105:9 4 m wætera || weallas læddest / swa hi on westenne || wæron on d
The Paris Psalter 105:10 1 tenne || wæron on drigum / / # / swa hi alysde || lifes ealdor / of
The Paris Psalter 105:22 2 ædon are / æton deadra lac || swa hit gedefe ne wæs / / # / and hi
The Paris Psalter 105:25 4 gebysgad / for heora yfelum || swa he oftor wæs / on his gaste gr
The Paris Psalter 105:26 2 hi toworpan || wraþe þeode / swa him drihten ær || dema sægd
The Paris Psalter 105:33 1 n unrihtum || oft gehynde / / # / swa he furþum oncneow || þæt h
The Paris Psalter 105:37 4 cweþe || folca æghwylc / wese swa wese swa || þurh eall wide f
The Paris Psalter 106:29 2 hi on hælo || hyþe gelædde / swa he hira willan || wyste fyrme
The Paris Psalter 107:10 2 fram dome || ne do þu æfre swa / þæt þu of urum mægene ||
The Paris Psalter 108:18 2 gegyrede || mid grame wyrgþu / swa he hine wædum || wræstum ge
The Paris Psalter 108:21 3 for þinum þam mæran naman / swa þu oft þin milde mod || man
The Paris Psalter 108:23 2 e ahylded / oþlæded godum || swa se gærshoppa / / # / me synt cne
The Paris Psalter 108:25 1 stæfe || eallum geworden / / # / swa hi me gesawon || sona hig weg
The Paris Psalter 108:28 3 æstan / and him si abrogden || swa of brechrægle / hiora sylfra s
The Paris Psalter 109:6 2 ceþ || hæleþa mæniges / and swa geweorþeþ || wide geond eor
The Paris Psalter 111:9 1 n wended || her on wuldur / / # / swa þæt synfull gesyhþ || sona
The Paris Psalter 113:3 1 a mære || and mycel rice / / # / swa heo sæ geseah || he hio snio
The Paris Psalter 113:4 4 n geswyru || swyþe on blisse / swa on sceapum beoþ || sceone la
The Paris Psalter 113:5 1 swiþa || forhwan fluge þu swa / oþþe þu iordanen || for hw
The Paris Psalter 113:6 1 as wæron bliþe || gebærdon swa rammas / wurdan gesweoru || on
The Paris Psalter 113:6 3 dan gesweoru || on seledreame / swa on sceapum beoþ || sceone la
The Paris Psalter 113:11 3 englum || and he eall gedeþ / swa his willa byþ || on woruldri
The Paris Psalter 115:2 1 lce ic sylfa cwæþ || þa me swa þuhte / on modseofan || minum
The Paris Psalter 117:12 2 me ymbsealdon || samod anlice / swa beon bitere || oþþe þu bæ
The Paris Psalter 117:13 3 geat / þa me dryhten onfeng || swa hit gedefe wæs / / # / me wæs s
The Paris Psalter 118:14 3 gewitnesse || wat ful clæne / swa ic ealra welena || willum bru
The Paris Psalter 118:15 1 ra welena || willum bruce / / # / swa ic on þine soþfæstnysse ||
The Paris Psalter 118:31 1 ra doma || gedweled æfre / / # / swa ic fæste ætfealh || þæt i
The Paris Psalter 118:59 1 re spræce || spowendlice / / # / swa ic wegas þine || wise þence
The Paris Psalter 118:70 2 ora heorte nu || her anlicast / swa meoluc wese || mægene gerunn
The Paris Psalter 118:76 3 to frofre || fæste gestande / swa þu on þinre spræce || sped
The Paris Psalter 118:83 2 nu geworden || werum anlicast / swa þu on hrime setest || hlance
The Paris Psalter 118:85 2 sægdon soþlice || na ic hit swa oncneow / swa hit þin æ hafa
The Paris Psalter 118:85 3 lice || na ic hit swa oncneow / swa hit þin æ hafaþ || ece dry
The Paris Psalter 118:91 2 as eorþan || ealle worhtest / swa heo nu to worulde || wunian
The Paris Psalter 118:116 4 end me on siþe || nu ic þin swa onbad / / # / gefultuma me fæste
The Paris Psalter 118:132 2 þan hraþe / mære gemiltsa || swa þu manegum dydest / þe naman
The Paris Psalter 118:136 3 ng wætera || wundrum gangeþ / swa þam ilcum byþ || þe ær ne
The Paris Psalter 118:157 2 ehton / nolde ic cwic æfre || swa þeah hwæþere / þine gewitne
The Paris Psalter 118:162 3 e spræce || spede þa myclan / swa se biþ bliþe || se þe beor
The Paris Psalter 118:164 1 c æ þine || elne lufian / / # / swa ic þe seofon siþum || symbl
The Paris Psalter 118:176 1 ultumiaþ / / # / ic gedwelede || swa þæt dysige scep / þætte for
The Paris Psalter 119:3 1 e ealles seald || oþþe eced swa / from þære inwitfullan || yf
The Paris Psalter 119:5 3 eorweg / sceal ic eard niman || swa me eþe nis / mid cedaringum ||
The Paris Psalter 121:3 2 hierusalem || geara þu wære / swa swa cymlic || ceaster getimbr
The Paris Psalter 122:3 1 || hereþ and cwemeþ / / # / and swa eagan gaþ || earmre þeowena
The Paris Psalter 122:3 3 e hlæfdigean || handa locaþ / swa us synt eagan to þe || ece d
The Paris Psalter 123:2 3 / sniome forsweolgan || gif hi swa magon / / # / þonne us þara man
The Paris Psalter 123:3 4 elice / sona gesupan || gif hit swa wolde / / # / oft ure sawl || swy
The Paris Psalter 123:6 2 amod anlice / niþa generede || swa swa neodspearuwa / of grames hu
The Paris Psalter 125:4 2 ure hæftned || halig drihten / swa suþhealde || swiþe hlimman /
The Paris Psalter 125:6 2 nd on heora sceafas beraþ || swa hi gesamnedon
The Paris Psalter 126:5 1 f innaþe || ærest cende / / # / swa seo stræle byþ || strangum
The Paris Psalter 126:5 3 um on handa || heard ascyrped / swa lyþra bearn || lungre gewita
The Paris Psalter 127:3 2 þines wifes || welan gelice / swa on wingearde || weaxen berige
The Paris Psalter 127:4 2 earn swylce || samed anlicast / swa elebeamas || æþele weaxen / y
The Paris Psalter 127:5 1 an || blæda standen / / # / efne swa biþ gebletsad || beorna ægh
The Paris Psalter 130:4 1 n þon || swyþe gefeonde / / # / swa man æt meder || biþ miclum
The Paris Psalter 130:4 2 t meder || biþ miclum feded / swa þu minre sawle || symble gyl
The Paris Psalter 131:2 1 rnesse || micle and goode / / # / swa ic æt frymþe geswor || ferh
The Paris Psalter 131:11 4 ær ne aswore / gehet dauide || swa he him dyde syþþan / / # / þæ
The Paris Psalter 132:2 1 e sculan || eard weardian / / # / swa unguentum mæg || æþele wyr
The Paris Psalter 132:3 2 astah || on his reafæs fnæd / swa æþele deaw || on hermone / se
The Paris Psalter 137:4 1 ealle || æghwær micelne / / # / swa hwylce daga || ic þe deorne
The Paris Psalter 138:11 1 æt heo byþ dæge gelic / / # / swa þragum gæþ || þeostru wi
The Paris Psalter 138:11 4 gearuwe / onfenge me fægere || swa ic furþum wæs / of modur hrif
The Paris Psalter 138:15 1 / / # / dagas syndon trymede || swa hi drihten gesceop / ne mæg æ
The Paris Psalter 138:19 1 das beo || facne gebolgen / / # / swa ic hi mid rihte || recene feo
The Paris Psalter 138:20 1 e wurdan / / # / costa min god || swa hit cyn wese / and minre heorta
The Paris Psalter 139:3 2 | torncwidum / neode serwaþ || swa oft nædran doþ / and him aspi
The Paris Psalter 140:2 2 es gebed / ful recene gereht || swa ricels byþ / þonne hit gifre
The Paris Psalter 140:9 1 gehyran || eft ne mihton / / # / swa unefne is || eorþe þicce / sy
The Paris Psalter 140:9 3 as moras || myclum asprotene / swa ure ban syndon || bitere towo
The Paris Psalter 140:12 2 me syndrig eom || oþþæt ic swa fere
The Paris Psalter 142:4 3 ettan sarlice || samed anlice / swa þu worulddeade || wrige mid
The Paris Psalter 142:6 3 mine sawle || sette mid mode / swa eorþan biþ || ansyn wætere
The Paris Psalter 143:5 3 dagas swylce || demde gelice / swa þu on scimiendre || sceade l
The Paris Psalter 143:19 2 folc || oþre hataþ / þe him swa on foldan || fægre limpeþ / e
The Paris Psalter 147:5 2 snaw sendeþ || samed anlice / swa þu wulle flys || wolcnum bri
The Paris Psalter 147:5 3 / and þone toweorpeþ || wide swa æscean / / # / he his cristallum
The Paris Psalter 147:6 2 allum || cynnum sendeþ / swylc swa hlafgebrece || of heofonwolcn
The Paris Psalter 147:9 1 s domas / / # / ne dyde he ahwær swa || eldran cynne / þæt he him
The Paris Psalter 51:7 1 ealra geornost / / # / ic þonne swa elebeam || up weaxende / on god
The Paris Psalter 52:5 3 ceaþ / and min folc fretaþ || swa fælne hlaf / ne hio god wylla
The Paris Psalter 54:6 2 ealde / to fleogenne || fiþeru swa culfran / and ic þonne ricene
The Paris Psalter 55:6 1 de / / # / on eardiaþ || þa þe swa þenceaþ / þæt heo gehyden |
The Paris Psalter 55:6 3 t heo gehyden || hælun mine / swa min sawl bad || þæt þu swy
The Paris Psalter 55:7 3 nre gesyhþe || sarige tearas / swa ic þe on gehate || hæfde ge
The Paris Psalter 57:6 3 yrnende || eorþe forswelgeþ / swa his bogan bendeþ || oþþæt
The Paris Psalter 57:6 4 t bitere eft / adl on seteþ || swa his geearnuncg byþ / / # / swa w
The Paris Psalter 57:7 1 | swa his geearnuncg byþ / / # / swa weax melteþ || gif hit byþ
The Paris Psalter 57:7 2 armum neah / fyre gefæstnad || swa heo feallaþ on þæt / hi sunn
The Paris Psalter 58:4 3 þu sylfa gesyhst || þæt ic swa dyde / þu eart mægena god ||
The Paris Psalter 58:6 3 hy heardne || hungor þoliaþ / swa hundas ymbgaþ || hwommas cea
The Paris Psalter 58:14 3 eardne eac || hungor þoliaþ / swa hundas ymbgaþ || hwommas cea
The Paris Psalter 59:9 1 rt þu se sylfa god || þe us swa drife / ne ga þu us on mægene
The Paris Psalter 60:6 2 þæt || þe soþfæst byþ / swa ic naman þinum || neode sing
The Paris Psalter 60:6 4 er agylde / of dæge on dæg || swa hit gedefe wese
The Paris Psalter 61:3 3 þa to deadan || dædun sona / swa ge awurpon || wah of stofne / /
The Paris Psalter 61:4 1 awurpon || wah of stofne / / # / swa ge mine are || ealle þohton /
The Paris Psalter 61:12 5 enum || earnungum demeþ / efne swa he wyrceþ || on worldlife
The Paris Psalter 62:5 1 e mine || wynnum heriaþ / / # / swa ic þe on minum life || lustu
The Paris Psalter 62:6 2 s sawl min || swetes gefylled / swa seo fætte gelynd || fægeres
The Paris Psalter 62:7 1 n nu-þa || neode heriaþ / / # / swa ic þin gemynd || on modsefan
The Paris Psalter 63:5 1 ecaþ || hwa gesyhþ usic / / # / swa hi smeagaþ oft || swiþost u
The Paris Psalter 64:10 3 eorhnere / findaþ foldbuend || swa him fægere oft / gegearewadest
The Paris Psalter 65:9 2 || clæne fyre / soþe dome || swa man seolfor deþ / þonne man h
The Paris Psalter 67:2 2 gelicast || ricene geteoriaþ / swa fram fyre weax || floweþ and
The Paris Psalter 67:2 3 e weax || floweþ and mylteþ / swa þa fyrenfullan || frecne for
The Paris Psalter 70:6 1 mble and geneahhie / / # / ic eom swa forebeacen || folce manegum / a
The Paris Psalter 70:10 2 ian / hwænne hine god læte || swa swa gymeleasne / þonne we hine
The Paris Psalter 71:6 1 ece / / # / he þonne astigeþ || swa se stranga ren / fealleþ on fl
The Paris Psalter 71:6 2 n / fealleþ on flys her || and swa fæger dropa / þe on þas eor
The Paris Psalter 71:16 5 gum beoþ || blostmum fægere / swa on eorþan heg || ute on land
The Paris Psalter 71:20 2 urh his wuldres miht || wese swa wese swa
The Paris Psalter 72:6 2 forþ becom || fæcne unriht / swa swa hit of gelynde || lungre
The Paris Psalter 72:12 2 sylf cwæde || and sæcge eac / swa þe bearn weorþaþ || gebore
The Paris Psalter 72:15 4 r unrihte || þe hi ær dydon / swa fram slæpe hwylc || swærum
The Paris Psalter 72:17 4 o nawihte eom || nyde gebiged / swa ic þæt be owihte || ær ne
The Paris Psalter 73:4 2 ra tacen || soþe ne ongeaton / swa hi on wege || wyrcean sceoldo
The Paris Psalter 73:4 3 cean sceoldon / wundorbeacen || swa hi on wudu dydan / / # / hi mid
The Paris Psalter 74:2 2 undur eall || wræclic sæcge / swa ic fæstlicast mæg || befon
The Paris Psalter 76:17 1 / # / folc þin þu feredest || swa fæle sceap / þurh moyses || m
The Paris Psalter 77:16 2 cen unlytel / daga æghwylce || swa hit drihten het / and him ealle
The Paris Psalter 77:27 2 oll ufan || flæsc to genihte / swa sand sæs || oþþe þiss swe
The Paris Psalter 77:52 1 / / # / þa he his folc genam || swa fæle sceap / lædde geliccast
The Paris Psalter 77:57 2 ndan aweg || nalæs wel dydan / swa heora fæderas || beforan heo
The Paris Psalter 77:58 1 mede || wendan and cyrdan / / # / swa hi his yrre || oft aweahtan /
The Paris Psalter 77:60 1 egsan geþyde / / # / and he þa swa gelome wiþsoc || snytruhuse /
The Paris Psalter 77:65 2 þ aweaht || wealdend drihten / swa he slæpende || softe reste / o
The Paris Psalter 77:65 3 æpende || softe reste / oþþe swa weorþ man || wine druncen / / #
The Paris Psalter 78:2 2 hierusalem || samod anlicast / swa in æppelbearu || ane cytan / s
The Paris Psalter 78:3 2 bearna blod || on byrig leton / swa man gute wæter || ymb hierus
The Paris Psalter 78:13 1 nu / / # / gyld nu gramhydigum || swa hi geearnedan / on sceat hiora
The Paris Psalter 79:1 3 recene beheald / þu þe ioseph swa sceap || gramum wiþlæddest /
The Paris Psalter 80:12 2 lifian het || lustum heortena / swa him leofust wæs || leode þe
The Paris Psalter 81:7 2 sweltaþ || samod mid mannum / swa ealdormann || an gefealleþ / /
The Paris Psalter 82:8 1 loþes bearnum / / # / do him nu swa þu dydest || dagum madiane / a
The Paris Psalter 82:9 1 / / # / sete heora ealdormenn || swa þu oreb dydest / zeb and zebee
The Paris Psalter 82:10 2 hi nu min god || samod anlice / swa se wægnes hweol || oþþe wi
The Paris Psalter 82:10 3 ol || oþþe windes healm / and swa færincga || fyr wudu byrneþ
The Paris Psalter 82:10 4 ga || fyr wudu byrneþ / oþþe swa lig freteþ || lungre morhæ
The Paris Psalter 82:11 1 reteþ || lungre morhæþ / / # / swa þu hi on yrre || ehtest and
The Paris Psalter 86:6 1 lce || þe hire on wæron / / # / swa ure ealra bliss || eardhæbbe
The Paris Psalter 87:5 1 þ || betweox deaþe freo / / # / swa gewundade || wraþe slæpe / sy
The Paris Psalter 87:5 4 iora gymynde || men ne wænan / swa hi syn fram þinre handa || h
The Paris Psalter 87:15 1 a ic eom on gewinne || worhte swa on geoguþe / ahafen ic wæs an
The Paris Psalter 87:17 2 ealne dæg || utan ymbsealdan / swa wæterflodas || wæron ætsom
The Paris Psalter 88:27 3 eahsetl || hror and weorþlic / swa heofones dagas || her mid man
The Paris Psalter 88:31 2 gere afyrran || ac him forþ swa þeah / mine soþfæstnesse ||
The Paris Psalter 88:32 6 gesihþe || sunnan anlic / and swa mona || meahte on heofenum / þ
The Paris Psalter 88:40 2 drihten / yrre þin acyþan || swa onæled fyr / / # / gemune mære
The Paris Psalter 88:46 2 rihten / to widan feore || wese swa wese swa
The Paris Psalter 89:4 3 wintra biþ || þon anlicast / swa geostran dæg || gegan wære /
The Paris Psalter 89:5 1 n dæg || gegan wære / / # / and swa hi on niht hyrdnesse || neode
The Paris Psalter 89:6 1 e doþ / / # / morgen gewiteþ || swa gemolsnad wyrt / oþre morgene
The Paris Psalter 89:6 3 || eft gebloweþ / and geefneþ swa || oþþæt æfen cymeþ / þon
The Paris Psalter 91:11 2 / beorht on blædum || bloweþ swa palma / and swa libanes beorh |
The Paris Psalter 91:11 3 dum || bloweþ swa palma / and swa libanes beorh || lideþ and g
The Paris Psalter 92:3 2 mbhwyrft || eorþan getrymede / swa folde stod || fæste syþþan
The Paris Psalter 92:6 3 streamas || swiþust flowaþ / swa is wundorlic || wealdend usse
The Paris Psalter 93:2 2 þan dema / gyld oferhydigum || swa hi ær grame worhton / / # / hu l
The Paris Psalter 93:7 2 gesawe / drihten æfre || dyde swa he wolde / ne þæt iacobes god
The Paris Psalter 94:9 1 hyrden || drihtnes willan / / # / swa on grimnesse || fyrn geara dy
The Paris Psalter 94:10 3 and symble cwæþ || and eac swa oncneow / þæt hi on heortan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 77 þolian þa þrage || þa hio swa þearl becom / wæs þa ormod e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 5 þ / ungesæwenlicra || and eac swa same / þara þe we eagum || on
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 10 behtes || awuht cunnon / ge eac swa same || þa þæs auht nyton /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 16 wolde || þæt þæt he wolde / swa lange swa he wolde || þæt h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 17 de || þæt hit wesan sceolde / swa hit eac to worulde || sceal w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 31 þan || and eall holma begong / swa hæfþ geheaþærod || hefonr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 39 frymþe || fæder getiode / and swa edniwe || eft gewiorþan / swa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 40 swa edniwe || eft gewiorþan / swa hit nu fagaþ || frean ealdge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 43 ste sibbe || forþ anhealdaþ / swa nu fyr and wæter || folde an
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 46 de || winnaþ betweox him / and swa þeah magon || hiora þegnung
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 48 / nis hit no þæt an || þæt swa eaþe mæg / wiþerweard gescea
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 86 || eall forweorþeþ / and eac swa same || oþra gesceafta / weor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 92 e gemengeþ / clænlice lufe || swa se cræftga eac / geferscipas |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 100 ongan meaht / and geendebyrd || swa swa oþra sint / woruldgesceaft
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 102 mid monnum || gif hit meahte swa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 3 arn and þornas || and fyrsas swa same / wiod þa þe willaþ ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 11 / bitres onbyrgeþ || biþ eac swa same / monna æghwilc || micle
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 18 fer eldum || egesan ne brohte / swa þincþ anra gehwæm || eorþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 12 27 gewitlocan / leasa gesælþa || swa swa londes ceorl / of his æcer
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 6 rlice || wel gemetgaþ / hafaþ swa geheaþorad || heofona wealde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 14 æt frymþe || fæste getiode / swa nu þinga gehwilc || þiderwe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 35 || nimþ eall þæt hio fint / swa doþ wudufuglas || þeah hi w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 45 | him þa twigu þincaþ / emne swa merge || þæt hi þæs metes
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 51 m sanc || wudu eallum oncwyþ / swa biþ eallum treowum || þe hi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 54 eorþan / he biþ upweardes || swa þu an forlætst / widu on will
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 56 on willan || went on gecynde / swa deþ eac sio sunne || þonne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 64 yfemesþ biþ || eard gecynde / swa swa ælc gesceaft || ealle m
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 74 gesceaft / þe ne hwearfige || swa swa hweol deþ / on hire selfre
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 75 on hire selfre || forþon hio swa hwearfaþ / þæt hio eft cume
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 15 7 / fierenfull || hwæt se feond swa þeah / his diorlingas || dugu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 9 eall sie / þes middangeard || swa swa merestreamas / utan belicga
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 11 licgaþ || on æht gifen / efne swa wide || swa swa westmest nu / a
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 11 n æht gifen / efne swa wide || swa swa westmest nu / an iglond lig
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 26 eaft / and his agene || æþelo swa selfe / and eac þone fæder ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 8 hio yrringa || awuht stingeþ / swa sceal sawla gehwilc || siþþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 7 e || on grenum triowum / ic wat swa þeah || þæt hit witena nan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 30 t || on gedwolan wordene / efne swa blinde || þæt hi on breostu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 38 æge || nænige þinga / ealles swa swiþe || on sefan minum / hior
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 39 n minum / hiora dysig tælan || swa hit me don lysteþ / ne ic þe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 40 hit me don lysteþ / ne ic þe swa sweotole || gesecgan ne mæg /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 46 hige seceþ / wenaþ þonne || swa gewitlease / þæt hi þa soþa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 6 t ic þa ged ne mæg / gefegean swa fægre || þeah ic fela gio
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 6 eope / ungesewenlica || and eac swa same / gesewenlicra || softe we
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 11 oþ ende / tidum totældes || swa hit getæsost wæs / endebyrdes
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 49 tum þinum / weorada drihten || swa þu woldest self / and mid þin
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 55 eah / ungelice || nemdest eall swa þeah / mid ane noman || ealle
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 88 þæt þu þæm gesceaftum || swa gesceadlice / mearce gesettest
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 105 en siþþan / wide mid winde || swa nu weorþaþ oft / axe giond eo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 119 eorþe mæg || and egorstream / swa ceald gesceaft || cræfta nan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 124 | and on wolcnum eac / and efne swa same || uppe ofer rodere / þon
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 147 i unsweotole || somod eardien / swa nu eorþe and wæter || earfo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 150 tole þæm wisum / is þæt fyr swa same || fæst on þæm wætre
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 163 rcyning || wundorlice / eorþan swa fæste || þæt hio on ænige
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 171 ideþ hwæþre / æg ymbutan || swa stent eall weoruld / stille on
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 175 dogora gehwilce || dyde lange swa / hwæt þu þioda god || þrie
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 192 neten / and þa yrsunga || eac swa selfe / forþy men habbæþ ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 199 ldan semle / and irsunge || eac swa selfe / hio sceal mid geþeahte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 207 hire selfre / hire utan ymb || swa swa eal deþ / rineswifte rodor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 210 meahtum / þisne middangeard || swa deþ monnes saul / hweole gelic
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 244 ulde || wunedon ætsomne / efen swa lange || swa him lyfed wæs / f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 244 on ætsomne / efen swa lange || swa him lyfed wæs / from þæm æl
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 3 inweardlice || æfter spyrian / swa deoplice || þæt hit todrifa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 9 efan innan / and forlæte an || swa he oftost mæge / ælcne ymbhog
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 11 im unnet sie / and gesamnige || swa he swiþost mæge / ealle to þ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 19 s incofan || æror lange / efne swa sweotole || swa he on þa sun
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 19 or lange / efne swa sweotole || swa he on þa sunnan mæg / eagum a
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 35 || monna gehwelces / þæt hit swa beorhte ne mot || blican and
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 36 e ne mot || blican and scinan / swa hit wolde || gif hit geweald
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 49 h ænig man || þætte ealles swa / þæs geradscipes || swa bere
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 50 lles swa / þæs geradscipes || swa bereafod sie / þæt he andswar
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 14 e betweox || lyfte and rodere / swa him æt frymþe || fæder get
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 33 || ofer roderum up / and under swa same || eallra gesceafta / weor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 38 od wære / hehst and halgost || swa se hlaford þa / þæt dysige f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 45 hehstan god / and weorþodon || swa swa wuldres cining / gif he to
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 47 þæs iobes fæder || god eac swa he / saturnus þone || sundbuen
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 64 || liþmonna frean / and he eac swa same || ealle mægne / efne swa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 65 swa same || ealle mægne / efne swa swiþe || hi on sefan lufode /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 92 ma lufedon / diora drohtaþ || swa hit gedefe ne wæs / næfdon hi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 2 tfioungum / eower mod drefan || swa swa mereflodes / yþa hreraþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 11 iorum and fuglum || deaþ eac swa same / æfter moncynne || geond
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 19 r willaþ / foran to sciotan || swa swa fugla cyn / oþþe wildu di
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 24 itþoncum / fioge on færþe || swa swa fugl oþþe dior / ac þæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 29 he lufige / godra gehwilcne || swa he geornost mæge / mildsige yf
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 30 rnost mæge / mildsige yflum || swa we ær spræcon / he sceal þon
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 33 ealle hatian / and ofsniþan || swa he swiþost mæge
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 29 / oþer steorra || cymeþ efne swa same / on þone ilcan stede ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 35 s || þæs þe monnum þincþ / swa eac sume wenaþ || þæt sio
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 47 erum / beforan þære sunnan || swa hi symle doþ / middelnihtum ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 57 m eft / anforlæteþ || and eac swa same / yþ wiþ lande || ealneg
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 5 betwuh / sibbe singale || dydon swa lange / swa hi gewenede || wuld
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 6 be singale || dydon swa lange / swa hi gewenede || wuldres aldor /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 37 and mona || swiþe geþwære / swa him æt frymþe || fæder get
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 41 þan ymbe / moncynnes fruma || swa him gemet þinceþ / forþon hi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 84 deþ || hæt eft cuman / gif he swa gestæþþig || ne staþolade
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 3 8 e worulde / sorgum geswenced || swa is þissum nu / mode gelumpen |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 9 otum gangan / eorþan brucan || swa him eaden wæs / sume fotum twa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 21 læs he his hige wende / niþer swa þær nyten || nis þæt geda
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 12 onne hit gebyrigan mæg / þæt swa geneahsne || nede weorþaþ / s
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 26 nre hæse || doþ on heofonum swa some / mode and mægne || butan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 35 ceolde / yflum monnum || ealles swa swiþe / hio ful oft dereþ ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 40 || firum uncuþ / hwi sio wyrd swa wo || wendan sceolde / swa sint
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 41 wyrd swa wo || wendan sceolde / swa sint gehydde || her on woruld
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 5 | wolcen hangaþ / ne mægen hi swa leohtne || leoman ansendan / æ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 7 þicca mist || þynra weorþe / swa oft smylte sæ || suþerne wi
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 12 þe ær gladu || onsiene wæs / swa oft æspringe || ut awealleþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 5 21 s rihtryne || ryþum toflowen / swa nu-þa þiostro || þinre heo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 14 ond willaþ / ren forswelgan || swa deþ ricra nu / grundleas gitsu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 23 ile / sigan sond æfter rene || swa bioþ anra gehwæs / monna mods
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 1 es of Boethius: Metre 8 / / sona swa se wisdom || þas word hæfde
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 16 usta || frece ne wæron / buton swa hi meahton || gemetlicost / þa
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 13 || gif þæt fyr meahte / lixan swa leohte || and swa longe eac / r
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 13 eahte / lixan swa leohte || and swa longe eac / read rasettan || sw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 14 wa longe eac / read rasettan || swa he romane / secgan geherde ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 38 wælriow wunode || wiold emne swa þeah / ealles þisses mæran |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 40 isses mæran || middangeardes / swa swa lyft and lagu || land ymb
Metrical Psalm 94:10 3 simble cweð || and eæc and swa oncneow / þet hi on heortan ||
The Battle of Brunanburh 7 ra lafan / afaran eadweardes || swa him geæþele wæs / from cneom
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 3 yrce geeode / dyre dædfruma || swa dor scadeþ / hwitanwyllesgeat
The Coronation of Edgar 15 secgaþ / seofon and twentig || swa neah wæs sigora frean / þusen
The Death of Alfred 10 te / þe wæron butan scylde || swa earmlice acwealde / se æþelin
The Death of Alfred 13 n hine lædde / to eligbyrig || swa gebundenne / sona swa he lende
The Death of Alfred 14 gbyrig || swa gebundenne / sona swa he lende || on scype man hine
The Death of Alfred 15 cype man hine blende / and hine swa blindne || brohte to þam mun
The Death of Alfred 17 / syþþan hine man byrigde || swa him wel gebyrede / ful wurþlic
The Death of Alfred 18 wel gebyrede / ful wurþlice || swa he wyrþe wæs / æt þam weste
The Death of Edward 12 glum and sexum || oretmægcum / swa ymbclyppaþ || cealde brymmas
The Death of Edward 26 becom / deaþ se bitera || and swa deore genam / æþelne of eorþ
The Death of Edward 29 an swegles leoht / and se froda swa þeah || befæste þæt rice /
The Rune Poem 51 yþ bleda leas || bereþ efne swa þeah / tanas butan tudder || b
Solomon and Saturn 16 s / wesþe wisdomes || weallaþ swa nieten / feldgongende || feoh b
Solomon and Saturn 94 rieceþ / eoh e hiene yflaþ || swa he a wile / ealra feonda gehwan
Solomon and Saturn 188 marculfes eard / saulus rice || swa he suþ ligeþ / ymbe geallboe
Solomon and Saturn 55 eomrende gast || deþ nu gena swa / ærþon me geunne || ece dryh
Solomon and Saturn 109 eþ iren mid ome || deþ usic swa / saturnus cwæþ # || / ac forh
Solomon and Saturn 129 orniaþ || weorþaþ to duste / swa þonne gefeallaþ || þa þe
Solomon and Saturn 223 eling || ne mæg don unlæde swa / saturnus cwæþ # || / ac forh
Solomon and Saturn 9 earmra scyld || yrre geworden / swa þonne feohteþ se feond || o
The Menologium 5 gehaten || heofonrices weard / swa þa sylfan tiid || side herig
The Menologium 17 to tune / butan twam nihtum || swa hit getealdon geo / februarius
The Menologium 52 eolde / cennan cyninga betst || swa hit gecyþed wearþ / geond mid
The Menologium 59 am gerist / wel wide gehwær || swa se witega sang / þis is se dæ
The Menologium 80 icle || geond menigeo gehwær / swa þi ylcan dæge || æþele ge
The Menologium 100 rlas funde / to godes willan || swa him se gleawa bebead / gregoriu
The Menologium 120 þelum / wide is geweorþod || swa þæt wel gerist / haligra tid
The Menologium 140 enþeodum / hlafmæssan dæg || swa þæs hærfest cymþ / ymbe oþ
The Menologium 165 geþinged / fereþ to folce || swa hit foregleawe / ealde uþwitan
The Menologium 178 || on hærfeste / michaheles || swa þæt menigo wat / fif nihtum u
The Menologium 184 s to genihte / winterfylleþ || swa hine wide cigaþ / igbuende ||
The Menologium 197 | niþa bearnum / eadignesse || swa nan oþer na deþ / monaþ mara
The Menologium 230 iida || þe man healdan sceal / swa bebugeþ gebod || geond bryte
Maxims II 49 on heofenum / beorhte scinan || swa him bebead meotud / god sceal w
The Judgment Day II 4 rnon / on middan gehæge || eal swa ic secge / eac ðær wynwyrta |
The Judgment Day II 42 es and tungan || and flæsces swa some / ðis is an hæl || earmr
The Judgment Day II 59 m || eall gesymed / he drihtene swa ðeah || deaðe gehende / his b
The Judgment Day II 66 earme geðanc / hwi latast ðu swa lange || ðæt ðu ðe læce
The Judgment Day II 99 an / eall eorðe bifað || eac swa ða duna / dreosað and hreosa
The Judgment Day II 216 n ðas frecnan tid / hym selfum swa fela || synna geworhte / ðæt
The Rewards of Piety 1 of Piety / / nu lære ic ðe || swa man leofne sceal / gif ðu will
The Rewards of Piety 51 e hæl gife / milde mundbora || swa him gemet ðince / and ondræd
The Rewards of Piety 63 fes brucan / eardes on eðle || swa ðu ær dydest / blissum hremi
The Rewards of Piety 70 u filian wilt / larum minum || swa ic lære ðe / digollice || ð
The Lord's Prayer II 18 m ðe wyrcð || willan ðinne / swa is gehalgod || ðin heah nama
The Lord's Prayer II 26 lof lædað || lifigenda god / swa ðu eart geæðelod || geond
The Lord's Prayer II 34 cele miht || mannum to frofre / swa ðu engla god || eallum bliss
The Lord's Prayer II 35 issast / gewurðe ðin willa || swa ðu waldend eart / ece geopenod
The Lord's Prayer II 39 rædbora || geond rumne grund / swa ðin heahsetl is || heah and
The Lord's Prayer II 40 mære / fæger and wurðlic || swa ðin fæder worhte / æðele an
The Lord's Prayer II 43 unu and fæder / ana ægðer || swa is ðin æðele gecynd / micclu
The Lord's Prayer II 51 l engla ðrym || anre stæfne / swa ðe on heofonum || heahðrymn
The Lord's Prayer II 57 m tiðast || tyreadig cyningc / swa ðu eadmod eart || ealre worl
The Lord's Prayer II 68 ne mildse || ofer manna bearn / swa mid sibbe || sænst urne hlaf
The Lord's Prayer II 99 are || oððe deofles ðeowet / swa hwaðer we geearniað || her
The Lord's Prayer II 102 || lifigende god / sawle ure || swa we her forgifað / earmon mannu
The Lord's Prayer II 111 d || are and gifnesse / ne læt swa heanlice || ðin handgeweorc /
The Lord's Prayer II 116 an god / heriað and lofiað || swa ðu hælend eart / cynebearn ge
The Lord's Prayer II 121 || swilc is mære cyningc / sy swa ðu self wilt || soðfæst de
The Lord's Prayer II 123 e engla god || ealle heriað / swa ðu eart gewurðod || a on wo
The Gloria I 5 fes dom / worulde gewlitegod || swa ðu wealdan miht / eall eorðan
The Gloria I 10 ldend / asyndrod fram synnum || swa ðin sunu mære / ðurh clæne
The Gloria I 14 higefrofer || and halig gast / swa wæs on fruman || frea mancyn
The Gloria I 33 ele miht || manegum swytelað / swa ðine cræftas heo || cyðað
The Gloria I 35 / godes handgeweorc || groweð swa ðu hete / ealle ðe heriað ||
The Gloria I 49 e ecan word || æghwær fulle / swa syndon ðine mihta || ofer mi
The Lord's Prayer III 12 / on eardunge || eorðan rices / swa hluttor is || in heofonwuldre
The Lord's Prayer III 21 | lices wunda / and mandæda || swa we mildum wið ðe / ælmihtigu
The Lord's Prayer III 23 ihtigum gode || oft abylgeað / swa swa we forlætað || leahtras
The Creed 20 sse / and heo cuðlice || cende swa mærne / eorðbuendum || engla
The Creed 42 gne gast || hihte beluce / emne swa ecne || swa is aðor gecweden
The Creed 42 hihte beluce / emne swa ecne || swa is aðor gecweden / fæder oð
The Creed 58 ðu ece lif || eallum dælest / swa her manna gehwylc || metode g
Fragment of Psalm 118 1 ultumiað / / # / ic gedwelede || swa ðæt dysige sceap / ðæt ðe
Fragment of Psalm 140 2 s gebed / full ricene gereht || swa recels bið / ðonne hit gifre
Fragment of Psalm 32 2 mihtig drihten / wel ofer us || swa we wenað on ðe
Fragment of Psalm 50 1 / mildsa me mihtig drihten || swa ðu manegum dydest / æfter ði
Fragment of Psalm 60 1 # Fragment of Psalm 60 / / # / swa ic naman ðinum || neode sing
Fragment of Psalm 60 3 er agylde / of dæge on dæg || swa hit gedefe wese
The Kentish Hymn 20 ceastre / frea folca gehwæs || swa ðu æt fruman wære / efeneadi
Psalm 50 13 oldan / hwæðere him geiode || swa ful oft gedeð / ðætte godfer
Psalm 50 117 waldend god || weoloras mine / swa min muð sioððan || mæhte
Psalm 50 121 uda dryhtne || ðer ðu wolde swa / ða ðu ðæt ne lufedest ||
Psalm 50 135 / hierusolimæ || god lifiende / swa ðu frea meahtig || anfehst s
A Prayer 51 ppe on roderum / ðyn mægen ys swa mære || mihtig drihten / swa
A Prayer 52 s swa mære || mihtig drihten / swa ðæt ænig ne wat || eorðbu
A Prayer 63 nehhe / dæges and nihtes || do swa ic ne sceolde / hwile mid weorc
The Seasons for Fasting 3 lareow / anlyht and gelared || swa hine lifes frea / heofna heahcy
The Seasons for Fasting 11 nges || and ða hæleð samod / swa hie on leodscipe || lærede w
The Seasons for Fasting 42 gefyllan / and on fæstenum || swa se froda iu / moyses mælde ||
The Seasons for Fasting 45 ldan higefæste || mid anglum / swa hie gebrefde us || beorn on r
The Seasons for Fasting 77 eman || ðinga gehwylces / efne swa swa ærran || and ðone arwes
The Seasons for Fasting 99 d engla land || estum filiað / swa he æt ðæm setle || sylfa g
The Seasons for Fasting 109 ertig daga / and nyhta samod || swa he nahtes anbat / ær he ða de
The Seasons for Fasting 126 ertig daga / and nihta samod || swa he nahtes anbat / ær he on hor
The Seasons for Fasting 140 || dryhtnes lare / uton fæstan swa || fyrene dædum / on forhæfen
The Seasons for Fasting 143 es mægen || mærða gestigan / swa se ealda dyde || elias iu / is
The Seasons for Fasting 157 a || firsude mettas / eac nihta swa feala || nanuht gyltig / leodum
Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version 3 geðanc / weorc wuldorfæder || swa he wundra gehwæs / ece drihten
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 3 | suðan brohte / iegbuendum || swa hit ær fore / adihtode || dryh
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 20 | nis ðæt rædlic ðing / gif swa hlutor wæter || hlud and und
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 11 / ond hiora bisene fulgað || swa ðeos boc sagað / me awritan h
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 23 ealles rices geweald / and eac swa his beahgifan || ðe him ðas
Metrical Charm 1: For Unfruitful Land 3 sod || ofer ealne middangeard / swa ðeos dæd wyrðe || for monn
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 5 od || ofer ealne middangeard; / swa ðeos dæd wyrþe || for monn
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 12 þæt hi forhelan ne mihton. Swa næfre ðeos dæd / forholen ne
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 12 es wuldres || wyrðig dryhten / swa swa ic gehyrde || heofna scyp
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 11 eorne || alswa weter on anbre / swa litel ðu gewurðe || alswa l
Metrical Charm 2: The Nine Herbs Charm 12 iðstode || and wiðstunedest / swa ðu wiðstonde || attre and o
Metrical Charm 3: Against a Dwarf 4 im of ðæm lande liðan / sona swa hy of ðæm lande coman || ð
Metrical Charm 5: For Loss of Cattle 3 od || geond ealne middangeard / swa ðyos dæd for monnum || mær
Metrical Charm 7: For the Water-Elf Disease 2 e awrat || betest beadowræda / swa benne ne burnon || ne burston
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 7 lde || to wuda fleogan / beo ge swa gemindige || mines godes / swa
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 8 swa gemindige || mines godes / swa bið manna gehwilc || metes a
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 11 dcræftas / eall he weornige || swa syre wudu weornie / swa breðel
Metrical Charm 9: For Theft of Cattle 12 nige || swa syre wudu weornie / swa breðel seo swa ðystel || / s
Instructions for Christians 10 gefremmon sceolon. / Syndon eac swa some || oðer feower / þære
Instructions for Christians 26 winnað for Criste, / and eft swa ðeah || in ecnesse / gewunað
Instructions for Christians 38 gelic; / æll hit gewitað || swa þe wanna scur. / Ac þu scealt
Instructions for Christians 60 þæt beoð anlicost || swylc swa he wære / on mægðhade || me
Instructions for Christians 63 es lufan || clæne gehealdan. / Swa hwilc man swa mæg || and nu
Instructions for Christians 80 arne% || bysne goda, / and eac swa some || eallum leoda; / þonne
Instructions for Christians 89 | eac aræreð / and þa saula swa || some geclensað / and þæt
Instructions for Christians 151 wincan / on swylcum cræfte || swa him Crist onlænð, / þæt wi
Instructions for Christians 158 an rices, / sec and smeage, || swa ðu swiðost miht. / Gif þu ma
Instructions for Christians 160 þe wel wille || and gewyrcan swa, / recce and gesmeage || soðne
Instructions for Christians 173 onfon || æt his forð-siðe. / Swa mon ma synna || and maran for
Instructions for Christians 175 þancas || on his dæg-rime / swa maran þær mide || mede geea
Instructions for Christians 217 fre forceorran / and his synna swa some, || þeah he symle ne ma
Instructions for Christians 250 an, / kyning cwycra gehweas, || swa him gecweme sy, / wið þon ð
Instructions for Christians 258 þreo / heonan to heofonum, || swa us se halga wer / and se apost
Grave 11 ibyld þire broste ful neh. / Swa ðu scealt on molde wunien fu
The Battle of Finnsburh 19 lf || guþere styrde / þæt he swa freolic feorh || forman siþe
The Battle of Finnsburh 41 aldas / hig fuhton fif dagas || swa hyra nan ne feol / drihtgesiþa
Waldere, Fragment II 23 t ongynnaþ / mecum gemetaþ || swa ge me dydon / þeah mæg sige s
Waldere B 24 ongynnað, / mecum gemetað, || swa ge me dydon. / ðeah mæg sige
The Battle of Maldon 32 mid gafole forgyldon / þon we swa hearde || hilde dælon / we wil
The Battle of Maldon 57 rd || in becomon / ne sceole ge swa softe || sinc gegangan / us sce
The Battle of Maldon 120 urþene || þa he byre hæfde / swa stemnetton || stiþhicgende / h
The Battle of Maldon 130 wiþ þæs beornes stop / eode swa anræd || eorl to þam ceorle
The Battle of Maldon 196 im to duguþe || gedon hæfde / swa him offa on dæg || ær asæd
The Battle of Maldon 207 tan || oþþe leofne gewrecan / swa hi bylde forþ || bearn ælfr
The Battle of Maldon 241 reoþe his angin / þæt he her swa manigne || man aflymde / leofsu
The Battle of Maldon 278 wrec || ær he on wæle læge / swa dyde æþeric || æþele gefe
The Battle of Maldon 288 d || þæt he his frean gehet / swa he beotode ær || wiþ his be
The Battle of Maldon 317 e healfe || minum hlaforde / be swa leofan men || licgan þence / s
The Battle of Maldon 318 a leofan men || licgan þence / swa hi æþelgares bearn || ealle
The Battle of Maldon 321 ere windan || on þa wicingas / swa he on þam folce || fyrmest e
swelċe - 343 occurrences
Genesis A 233 lēde, || Assirie% be·līþ. / Swelċe is sēo fēorþe, || þā nū
Genesis B 325 brand and brāde līeġas, || swelċe ēac þā biteran rīeċas, /
Genesis B 713 wordum || þe hēo þǣm were swelċe / tācen oþ·īewde || and tr
Genesis A 1082 nde swēġ, || sunu Lāmehes. / Swelċe on ðǣre mǣġþe || māĝa
Genesis A 1339 ra ōðerra% || ǣlċes twā. / Swelċe þū of eallum || eorðan wæ
Genesis A 1432 langode, / wǣġ-līðende, || swelċe wīf hira, / hwonne hīe of nea
Genesis A 1615 æl || eorðan ġe·sċeafta. / Swelċe Chāmes sunu || cende wurdon,
Genesis A 1637 -būendum || ān ġe·mǣne. / Swelċe% of Cāmes || cnēo-risse wōc
Genesis A 2552 nes fand || gold-burgum inn, / swelċe ðǣr ymb·ūtan || unlȳtel
A.1.3 501 fode% || tō heofon-tunglum, / swelċe hē ofer-fæðmde || foldan s
A.1.3 506 / āne ǣte || eallum hēolde, / swelċe fuĝolas ēac || hira feorh-n
A.1.3 512 an% dēor% || on weġ flêon, / swelċe ēac þā fuĝolas, || þonne
A.1.4 321 . || Wæs sēo% meniġu ðǣr / swelċe on·ǣled; || wæs þæt eall
A.1.4 426 um strang, / wītum wēriġ, || swelċe him wuldor-cyning / for an-mēd
A.1.4 665 þrōwode, || þēoden engla. / Swelċe hē fæste || fēowertiġ da
A.2.1 89 ācen / hāliġ of heofonum, || swelċe hādre seġl% / tō þām carc-
A.2.1 166 / for Ebreum || and Israhelum; / swelċe hē Iūdēa || gāldor-cræft
A.2.1 247 -bāte / sittan sīþ-frame, || swelċe hīe ofer sǣ cōmon. / Þæt w
A.2.1 584 dēaðe / worde ā·weahte. || Swelċe hē ēac wundra fela / cyne-rō
A.2.1 589 || on þā beteran ġe·cynd. / Swelċe hē ā·fēdde || of fiscum t
A.2.1 621 undre || on wera ġe·sihþe, / swelċe dēaĝollīċe || drihten gum
A.2.1 704 e god || ealra ġe·sċeafta. / Swelċe hē ōðerra || unrīm cȳðd
A.2.1 712 e, || ðǣr hīe tō sǣĝon. / Swelċe hē wrætlīċe || wunder ā
A.2.1 881 st cumen, || cyning Israhela. / Swelċe we ġe·sǣĝon || for suna m
A.2.1 1029 ra bēne || fore bearn godes. / Swelċe sē hālĝa || on þām hearm
A.2.1 1036 ēontiġ || ġe·teled rīme, / swelċe fēowertiġ, / ġe·nerede fram
A.2.1 1257 / heardum hæġel-sċūrum, || swelċe hrīm and forst, / hāre hild-s
A.2.1 20 rolda || wuldor-ġe·stealda. / Swelċe sē hālĝa || herġas þrēa
A.2.2 16 weorðod || ofer wer-þēoda. / Swelċe Andreas || on Achaġia / for E
A.2.2 50 || þonne þās lēasan godu. / Swelċe Thomas ēac || þrīste ġe·
A.2.5 8 ġere æt foldan sċeatum, || swelċe ðǣr fīfe wǣron / uppe on þ
A.2.5 92 udu, || heofon-rīċes weard! / swelċe swā hē his mōdor ēac, ||
A.2.6 3 þrīe || ġe·teled rīmes, / swelċe [XXX] ēac, || þinġ-ġe·me
A.2.6 32 mǣst, / herġum tō hilde, || swelċe Hūna cyning / ymb-sittendra ||
A.2.6 365 stōwe || stēam up ā·rās / swelċe rīeċ under rodorum. || Þǣ
A.2.6 594 findaþ, / godcunde ġiefe. || Swelċe Iudas on·fēng / aefter frist-
A.2.6 674 n, / þā ðǣr of heolstre, || swelċe heofon-steorran / oþþe gold-
Christ A 60 || þās sīdan ġe·sċeaft, / swelċe rodores hrōf || rūme ġeond
Christ A 80 æt þū on sundor-ġiefe || swelċe be·fēnge, / ne we ðǣre wyrd
Christ A 145 fælsian || foldan mǣġþe, / swelċe grundas ēac || gæstes mæġ
Christ A 282 lestan || swēġles bryttan. / Swelċe þā hīehstan || on heofonum
Christ B 688 weorðaþ / eorðan tūdor; || swelċe ēadĝum blǣd / seleþ on swe
Christ C 1140 hūses, / self slāt on tū, || swelċe hit seaxes eċġ / sċearp þur
Christ C 1437 n·fēng, || mān-fremmendra. / Swelċe hīe mē ġe·blendon || bite
A.3.11 70 Glammum || and mid Rumwalum. / Swelċe iċ wæs on Eatule || mid Æl
A.3.15 23 old%, || stepe-gangum wēold / swelċe eorðe ōl, || āhte iċ eald
A.3.17 9 e·līċ || hrēofum stāne, / swelċe wōrie || be wædes ōfre, / sa
Guthlac A 166 ra setla || and simble-daĝa, / swelċe ēac īdelra || ēaĝena wynn
Guthlac B 1119 þ / ǣfre tō ealdre || ōðre swelċe / on þās lǣnan tīd || lāre
Guthlac B 1273 e cōm / swæċċa swētast. || Swelċe on sumeres tīd / stincaþ on s
Guthlac B 1301 ōd þȳ æðelan ġiefle, || swelċe hē his ēaĝan on·tȳnde, / h
Guthlac B 1311 iċ lēoma, / fram foldan up || swelċe firen torr / riht ā·rǣred ||
A.3.21 1 adwacer / / Lēodum is mīnum || swelċe him mann lāc ġiefe; / willaþ
A.3.22.15 4 || Mē on bæce standaþ / hēr swelċe swe on hlēorum%. || Hlifiaþ
A.3.22.20 3 . / Byrne is min blēo-fāh, || swelċe beorht seomaþ% / wir ymb þone
A.3.22.24 8 sitte. || //G// mec nemnaþ, / swelċe //Ā// and //R// || //O// ful
A.3.22.40 29 | iċ eom betere þonne hēo; / swelċe iċ nardes stenċ || iede ofe
A.3.22.40 60 brēad || blende mid huneġe; / swelċe iċ eom wrāðre || þonne we
A.3.22.40 95 iċ eom swīðre þonne hē, / swelċe iċ eom on mæġene || mīnum
A.3.22.6 9 || hīe þæs fēlaþ þēah, / swelċe þæs ōðres, || þonne iċ
A.3.23 43 heard heortan ġe·þōht, || swelċe habban sċeall / blīðe ġe·b
A.3.24 106 ġaþ þonne rihta fela, / eall swelċe under heofonum ġe·wearþ ||
A.3.26 47 s, || / hēah-fædera fela, || swelċe ēac hæleþa ġe·mōt, / wīt
A.3.26 116 fōn || eall folca ġe·setu, / swelċe þū meaht ġe·rīman, || r
A.3.26 118 tu, || sēlost ealra cyninga. / Swelċe iċ þe% hālsie, || hǣlend
A.3.26 135 e mōde || ealle burĝ-waran, / swelċe ġit Iohannis || on Iordane / m
A.3.3 151 ēowas%, || þēoda hīerde, / swelċe hāliġra || hlūtre sāwle, /
A.3.34.63 13 / []ān on lēohte || / [] || / swelċe ēac biþ sōna || [] / []r[]te
A.3.34.64 4 ndes hiht || //H// and //Ā// / swelċe þrȳða dæl, || //Þ// and
A.3.34.84 10 lle be·wāt / ōr and ende, || swelċe ān sunu, / mǣre metodes bearn
A.3.34.89 10 þan u[] || / [] swǣsendum || swelċe þraĝe.
A.3.4 233 eþ wyrm, || wundrum fǣġer, / swelċe hē of ǣĝrum || ūt ā·lǣ
A.3.4 235 eþ, / þæt hē ǣrest biþ || swelċe earnes bridd, / fǣġer fuĝol-
A.3.4 305 þ. / Is ymb þone swēoran, || swelċe sunnan hrinġ, / bēaĝa beorht
A.3.5 51 wāclīċe || willan þīnes. / Swelċe iċ þē seċġe, || ġif þ
A.3.5 307 d mihtiġne || mīnum lārum. / Swelċe% iċ Eġias || ēac ġe·lǣrd
A.3.5 596 | on·gann his hræġl teran, / swelċe hē grennode || and grist-bit
A.3.8 20 Hē þe mid wīte ġieldeþ, / swelċe þām ōðrum || mid ēad-wel
A.3.8 55 guma || sorĝlēas blissaþ, / swelċe dol seldon || drȳmeþ sorhfu
A.3.9 53 weĝas || feorr ġe·wītan%. / Swelċe ġēac manaþ || ġōmran reo
A.3.9 83 cāseras / nē gold-ġiefan || swelċe ġō wǣron, / þonne hīe mǣs
A.4.1 113 s and ielfe || and orc-nēas, / swelċe ġīĝantas, || þā wiþ God
A.4.1 293 e·wǣdu; || iċ ēow wīsie. / Swelċe iċ maĝu-þeġnas || mīne h
A.4.1 757 || ne wæs his drohtoþ ðǣr / swelċe hē on ealdₒr-daĝum || ǣr
A.4.1 830 lēod || ġielp ġe·lǣsted, / swelċe ancȳþþe || ealle ġe·bēt
A.4.1 854 ·witon || eald-ġe·sīðas, / swelċe ġung maniġ || of gamen-wā
A.4.1 907 ingum || tō ealdₒr-ċeare; / swelċe oft be·mearn || ǣrran mǣlu
A.4.1 920 ēan / searu-wundₒr sêon; || swelċe self cyning / of brȳd-būre, |
A.4.1 1146 mid Ēotnum || eċġe cūðe. / Swelċe ferhþ-frecan || Finn eft be
A.4.1 1152 ll roden% / fēonda fēorum, || swelċe Finn slæġen, / cyning on cor
A.4.1 1156 e·steald || eorþ-cininges, / swelċe hīe æt Finnes hām || finda
A.4.1 1165 ǣghwelċ ōðrum trīewe. || Swelċe ðǣr Un·ferþ% þyle / æt f
A.4.1 1249 e ġe·hwæðer þāra, / efene swelċe mǣla || swelċe hira mann-dr
A.4.1 1249 āra, / efene swelċe mǣla || swelċe hira mann-drihtne / ðearf ġe
A.4.1 1347 rde / þæt hīe ġe·sāwon || swelċe twēġen / miċele mearc-stapan
A.4.1 1427 sǣ-dracan, || sund cunnian, / swelċe on næss-hliðum || nicoras l
A.4.1 1482 ellum, || ġif mec hild nime; / swelċe þū þā māðmas || þe þ
A.4.1 1797 ·witode / þeġnes þearfe, || swelċe þȳ dōĝre / heaðu-līðende
A.4.1 2459 swēġ, / gamen on ġeardum, || swelċe ðǣr ġō wǣron. / Ġe·wīte
A.4.1 2767 ian, || hȳde sē þe wille. / Swelċe hē seomian ġe·seah || seġ
A.4.1 2824 / blēate ġe·bǣran. || Bana swelċe læġ, / eġesliċ eorð-draca
A.4.1 2869 an, / þēoden his þeġnum, || swelċe hē þrȳþlicost / ǣġhwǣr f
A.4.1 3150 on, || mann-dryhtnes cwealm%; / swelċe ġōmor-ġiedd || Ġēatisċ%
A.4.1 3164 don || bēah and siġlu, / eall swelċe hyrsta, || swelċe on horde
A.4.1 3164 ġlu, / eall swelċe hyrsta, || swelċe on horde ǣr / nīþ-hyġdġe m
A.4.2 18 aefter benċum ġe·lōme, || swelċe ēac bunan and orcas / fulle fl
A.4.2 31 rencte his duĝuþe ealle, || swelċe hīe wǣron dēaðe ġe·slæ
A.4.2 337 weord and swātiġne helm, || swelċe ēac sīde byrnan / ġe·reġno
A.4.2 343 / mǣrþe on moldan rīċe, || swelċe ēac mēde on heofonum, / siĝo
A.4.2 348 rodoras and rūme grundas, || swelċe ēac rēðe strēamas / and swe
The Paris Psalter 101:3 4 n, || þæs þe mē þynceþ, / swelċe hīe on cōcer-pannan || cōc
The Paris Psalter 101:19 2 þ nama dryhtnes, / and his lof swelċe, || lēoda bearnum, / on Hierus
The Paris Psalter 102:7 3 ǣmmǣran || on maniġe tīd, / swelċe his willan ēac || werum Isra
The Paris Psalter 102:17 1 # / Swā his sōþfæstness || swelċe standeþ / ofer þāra bearna b
The Paris Psalter 103:7 2 him% tō ġe·wǣde || worhte swelċe%; / standaþ ofer mannum || munta
The Paris Psalter 103:10 2 ellan, / and of middle || munta swelċe / wæter ā·wealleþ, || wīde
The Paris Psalter 103:12 3 ð-wæstme || ealle grōwaþ, / swelċe of wæstmum || weorca þīnra
The Paris Psalter 103:13 1 || ufan biþ ġe·fylled. / / # / Swelċe þū of foldan || fōder nēa
The Paris Psalter 103:16 1 ymeþ || heortan% mannes. / / # / Swelċe þū ġe·fyllest || fæġeru
The Paris Psalter 103:16 5 lfa ġe·settest; || on þǣm swelċe nū / mid hira spēdum || spear
The Paris Psalter 103:20 1 And lēon hwelpas || lange || swelċe / grymettaþ gnorne; || ġeorne
The Paris Psalter 103:26 1 / # / And% him ġe·samnodum || swelċe wille / þīne þā hālĝan ||
The Paris Psalter 103:27 4 ðeþ || ġeorne ā·fierred; / swelċe tēonlīċe || ġe·tīeriaþ
The Paris Psalter 103:28 3 est / eorðan ansīene || ealle swelċe. / / # / Wuldor sīe wīde || weor
The Paris Psalter 104:2 1 wer-þēode. / / # / Singaþ him swelċe || and sallettaþ / seċġaþ h
The Paris Psalter 104:3 1 / Herġaþ his naman || nīede swelċe; / heorte hyġe-clǣne || hlūtr
The Paris Psalter 104:25 1 cnēowon. / / # / And hira wæter swelċe || wende tō blōde, / on þǣm
The Paris Psalter 104:26 1 ende on hira eorðan || ealle swelċe / toscan tēonlice, || þā til
The Paris Psalter 104:28 1 / Sette him reġnas || rēþe swelċe, / hāte of heofonum || haĝol b
The Paris Psalter 104:31 3 nd frum-cynnes || hira frēan swelċe. / / # / And his þæt gōde folc
The Paris Psalter 104:40 2 as / and his sōþfæst word || swelċe ġeorne, / and his ǣ-be·bod |
The Paris Psalter 105:10 3 / and of fēoġendra || folmum swelċe, / and hira fēondas || flōd ā
The Paris Psalter 105:14 1 e on þǣm wīcum || wrāðe swelċe / mǣrne Moyses || mā bysmrian
The Paris Psalter 105:16 1 Þǣr fȳr ā·barn || frecne swelċe / on hira ġe·mētinge || and
The Paris Psalter 105:17 1 ·bærnde. / / # / Hīe on Choreb swelċe || ċealf on·gunnon / him tō
The Paris Psalter 105:27 3 a and dohtor; / ā·guton blōd swelċe || bearna fela, / þā unsċyld
The Paris Psalter 106:10 2 īepe || and his ġe·þeaht swelċe / þæs% hīehstan him || hæfd
The Paris Psalter 106:16 1 Hē hīe of unrihtum || ealle swelċe / þǣmwrāðan weġe || wīs
The Paris Psalter 106:34 2 worhte || on wīdne mere, / and swelċe eorðan || ēac būtan wæter
The Paris Psalter 106:35 2 ode, / and ðǣr ġe·setton || swelċe ċeastre, / ðǣr hīe eard nā
The Paris Psalter 107:2 3 þē on hlēoðre || hearpan swelċe / on ǣr-morĝen || ēac ġe·c
The Paris Psalter 107:5 2 ten; / is wuldor þīn || wīde swelċe / ofer þās eorðan || ealle m
The Paris Psalter 107:6 1 ō mē þīn swīðre hand || swelċe hālne / and mē ġe·hīere, |
The Paris Psalter 107:8 2 on mē Moabitingas || māĝas swelċe; / iċ Idumea || ealle cenne / and
The Paris Psalter 108:5 2 im on þā swīðeran hand || swelċe dēoful. / / # / Gange of dōme
The Paris Psalter 108:10 1 ēowliċ. / / # / Sīen his bearn swelċe || tō·boren wīde, / and hē
The Paris Psalter 108:15 1 n hīe wiþ drihtne || dǣdum swelċe, / and hine ā·dīlĝie || dōm
The Paris Psalter 108:16 4 rnost%, / hū hē mid searwe || swelċe ā·cwealde. / / # / Hē wolde wi
The Paris Psalter 108:18 3 d sēo his innaþ || īeðde% swelċe / wann wætere ġelīċ || and
The Paris Psalter 108:28 2 nes / ealle andette || and ēac swelċe / hine on middle || manna herġ
The Paris Psalter 108:29 2 a tilode; / hē mīne sāwle || swelċe ġe·healde / wiþ ēhtendra ||
The Paris Psalter 110:2 1 || miċel dryhtnes weorc. / / # / Swelċe iċ his willan || wille ġeor
The Paris Psalter 110:4 2 e·witnesse, || þe hē wēl swelċe / meahtum miċelum% || and mǣr
The Paris Psalter 110:6 2 e / sōðe on·sende || and him swelċe be·bēad, / þæt hīe on ēċ
The Paris Psalter 110:7 3 biþ andġiet gōd || eallum swelċe / þe hine wyllaþ wēl || wyr
The Paris Psalter 111:3 2 e, / biþ his sōþfæstness || swelċe mǣre, / þenden þisse weorold
The Paris Psalter 113:8 2 d clifu ċierreþ || on cwicu swelċe / wæteres wiellan || mid his
The Paris Psalter 113:14 1 e·sēon. / / # / Ēaran habbaþ swelċe || and opene nose, / ne maĝon
The Paris Psalter 113:23 2 þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan swelċe; / heofonas healdeþ || hāliġ
The Paris Psalter 115:2 1 de || unġemete swīðe. / / # / Swelċe iċ selfa cwæþ, || þā mē
The Paris Psalter 115:6 2 n || esne, drihten, / and þīn swelċe eom || sċealc ambihte / and þ
The Paris Psalter 116:2 3 n-cynne, / and sōþfæstnes || swelċe dryhtnes / wunaþ ēċe% || āw
The Paris Psalter 117:16 2 re, / and mē sēo swīðre || swelċe dryhtnes / ā·hōf hrǣdlīċe
The Paris Psalter 118:2 1 re gangaþ / / # / Ēadġe bēoþ swelċe, || þā þe ā wyllaþ / his ġ
The Paris Psalter 118:8 1 iċ þīne sōþfæstnesse || swelċe mōte / on hyġe healdan, || þ
The Paris Psalter 118:14 1 dōmas. / / # / And iċ on weġe swelċe || wynnum gange, / ðǣr iċ ­
The Paris Psalter 118:27 2 mē sōþfæstnesse weġ || swelċe ġe·tācna, / þæt iċ on þ
The Paris Psalter 118:34 3 īne / smēaġe mid sōðe, || swelċe healde / on ealre mīnre heorta
The Paris Psalter 118:38 2 / Sete þīnum esne || ōðer swelċe, / þæt hē þīne sprǣċe ||
The Paris Psalter 118:40 3 wille ġe·gan; || wēne iċ swelċe, / þæt þū mē on rihtes || r
The Paris Psalter 118:65 1 e sōþfæstnesse || þū mē swelċe lǣr. / / # / Þū ymb þīnne es
The Paris Psalter 118:68 2 eart%, drihten || and mē god swelċe / on þīnum tile ġe·lǣr, ||
The Paris Psalter 118:82 2 e·trīewde. / / # / Ēaĝan mē swelċe || ēac tēorodon, / ðǣr on
The Paris Psalter 118:91 1 forþ / þīn sōþfæstnes || swelċe, drihten. / / # / ­Þū þās eor
The Paris Psalter 118:96 2 # / Iċ sōþ ġe·seah || and swelċe wāt, / ealre þisse weorolde |
The Paris Psalter 118:98 2 mē snoterne ġe·dydest || swelċe ofer mīne / fēondas on foldan
The Paris Psalter 118:109 1 dōmas ā·lǣr, || drihten, swelċe. / / # / Is sāwol min || simle on
The Paris Psalter 118:124 2 / Dō þīnum āĝenum || esne swelċe / miċel milde mōd || and mē
The Paris Psalter 118:133 2 fodon. / / # / Ġe·rece þū mē swelċe, || þæt iċ on rihtne weġ / a
The Paris Psalter 118:143 1 || āwa tō fēore; / is þīn swelċe æðelness% || and ǣ sōþf
The Paris Psalter 118:147 2 ipe fore·cōm || and hræðe swelċe / ċeare clipode; || þū mē c
The Paris Psalter 118:159 2 e || spēd ġe·healdan. / / # / Swelċe iċ self ġe·seah, || þæt
The Paris Psalter 120:2 2 þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan swelċe. / / # / Ne selle hē þīnne fōt
The Paris Psalter 120:6 5 ġeorne / and þīne sāwle || swelċe ġe·healde%. / / # / Ūt-gang þ
The Paris Psalter 121:8 2 mīne þā nīehstan || nemne swelċe, / þæt we sibbe on þē || sim
The Paris Psalter 122:4 2 | mehtiġ drihten, / miltsa ūs swelċe, || for·þon we maniĝum sint
The Paris Psalter 123:7 5 þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan swelċe.
The Paris Psalter 124:4 1 le. / / # / Ne hē sōþfæste || swelċe lǣteþ, / þæt hīe tō unrih
The Paris Psalter 125:3 4 e seldliċ; / ġe·miċela þē swelċe, || mehtiġ drihten, / þæt þ
The Paris Psalter 127:4 1 htsum%. / / # / Sind þīne bearn swelċe || samod anlīcost, / swā ele-
The Paris Psalter 127:6 1 . / / # / Þe% of Sion-beorĝe || swelċe drihten / bealde blētsie || an
The Paris Psalter 128:6 6 edlīċe || on naman dryhtnes / swelċe blētsiaþ || blīðe mōde.
The Paris Psalter 129:2 2 nd be·healdende || mid hyġe swelċe / on eall ġe·bed || esnes þ
The Paris Psalter 131:7 1 Wē on his sele-ġe·sċot || swelċe gangaþ, / and ðǣre stōwe ||
The Paris Psalter 131:10 1 / For þīnum āĝenum || esne swelċe. / dēorum Dauide. || Þū ne d
The Paris Psalter 131:11 2 swōr / and þone mid sōðe || swelċe ġe·trymede, / þæt hē hine
The Paris Psalter 131:13 1 ǣre. / / # / Þonne hira suna || swelċe mōton / ā þisse weorolde ||
The Paris Psalter 131:17 1 lle. / / # / Iċ his sācerdas || swelċe mid hǣlu / ġeorne ġe·ġierw
The Paris Psalter 132:1 1 ū glædliċ biþ || and gōd swelċe, / þætte brōðor on ān || b
The Paris Psalter 133:4 3 þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan swelċe.
The Paris Psalter 134:1 1 aþ naman dryhtnes, || nīede swelċe / herġen hine his sċealcas ||
The Paris Psalter 134:6 3 on eorðan, / on sīdum sǣ || swelċe on eallum, / ðǣr hē dierne w
The Paris Psalter 134:18 3 | gōdes āwiht; / habbaþ fēt swelċe, || ne maĝon fela% gangan. / / #
The Paris Psalter 134:21 2 n / blētsien bealde, || biddan swelċe / þæt Aarones hūs || ēċne
The Paris Psalter 135:3 1 gōdne wāt. / / # / Andette iċ swelċe || þǣm þe ealra is / dryhtna
The Paris Psalter 135:12 2 / and on eall-meahte || earmes swelċe. / / # / Hē rēadne sǣ || recene
The Paris Psalter 135:16 2 is þæt lēofe folc || lǣde swelċe. / / # / Hē of stān-clife || ste
The Paris Psalter 135:18 1 ǣde || on lēofne þanc. / / # / Swelċe hē ā·cwealde || cyningas m
The Paris Psalter 135:21 1 | an-weald hæfde. / / # / And Og swelċe, || þe ǣror wæs / swīðe br
The Paris Psalter 138:1 3 ēawe mōde; / þū min setl || swelċe on·cnēowe, / and mīnne ǣres
The Paris Psalter 138:9 1 Iċ on mōde cwæþ || mīnum swelċe: / ‘Wēn is, þæt mē þīest
The Paris Psalter 138:11 2 or·þon þū hīe settest || swelċe, drihten; / canst mīne ǣdre ||
The Paris Psalter 139:4 2 nd wiþ firenfulles || folmum swelċe, / and fram þǣm mannum || þe
The Paris Psalter 139:5 2 ē / and mīnne gang || ġeorne swelċe, / for·hȳdon ofer-hyġde mē |
The Paris Psalter 140:3 1 īfre || glēda bærnaþ. / / # / Swelċe is% ā·hafenes || handa mīn
The Paris Psalter 140:4 1 # / Sete% swǣse ġe·heald || swelċe, drihten, / mūðe mīnum, || ne
The Paris Psalter 141:1 2 d iċ mid strangere || stefne swelċe / eam biddende || bealde drihte
The Paris Psalter 141:2 1 / # / Iċ mīne bēne || bealde swelċe / on his ġe·sihþe || simle
The Paris Psalter 141:5 5 rt þū on libbendra || lande swelċe / sē ġe·dēfa dæl, || driht
The Paris Psalter 141:8 1 d mē of carc-ernes || clūse swelċe / mīne sāwle, || þæt iċ si
The Paris Psalter 142:3 4 anne tō eorðan / and min līf swelċe || ġe·lȳtlod is. / / # / Hīe
The Paris Psalter 143:5 2 htum īdel; / bēoþ his daĝas swelċe || dēmde ġe·līċe, / swā
The Paris Psalter 143:7 3 ind þīne strǣle || strange swelċe, / and þū hīe ġe·drēfed ha
The Paris Psalter 143:14 1 āwa tilian. / / # / Þāra bearn swelċe || bōĝum% æðelum / settum b
The Paris Psalter 143:17 1 . / / # / Hira sċēap wǣron || swelċe tȳdred / and on sīþ-fatum ||
The Paris Psalter 144:6 1 e mǣre. / / # / And hīe mæġen swelċe || mǣre and eġesliċ / þīnr
The Paris Psalter 144:9 1 c, || þearle mild-heort. / / # / Swelċe eallum is || ūre drihten / man
The Paris Psalter 144:19 4 yrċaþ ġeorne / and his eġe% swelċe || elne ræfnaþ; / hē hira b
The Paris Psalter 144:20 3 healdeþ, / and hē synfulle || swelċe tō·drīfeþ / ġond wīd-weĝ
The Paris Psalter 145:5 1 þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan swelċe / and sīdne sǣ || samod æt·
The Paris Psalter 145:6 1 # / Hē his sōþfæst word || swelċe ġe·healdeþ, / and on weorold
The Paris Psalter 145:6 5 e ġe·þolodon; / sileþ mete% swelċe || þe hēr murcne ǣr / hungor
The Paris Psalter 145:7 3 rn || þe ǣr man ġe·bræc, / swelċe þā ġe·fetrodan || fæġer
The Paris Psalter 145:7 7 hteþ; / sōþfæste drihten || swelċe lufode. / / # / þā ell-þēodĝ
The Paris Psalter 147:1 2 rne drihten, / here þū, Sion, swelċe || þīnne sōðne god%. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 148:2 2 | engla þrēatas, / lofie hine swelċe || eall his lēod-mæġen. / / #
The Paris Psalter 148:3 1 od-mæġen. / / # / Herġen hine swelċe || sunna and mōna, / ǣġhwel
The Paris Psalter 148:4 2 ġan ġeorne, / and þā wæter swelċe || þe ofer wolcnum sint / on h
The Paris Psalter 148:7 1 hēoldon. / / # / Herġen dracan swelċe || drihten of eorðan, / and ea
The Paris Psalter 148:11 1 Eorþ-cyningas% ēac || ealle swelċe / þe folcum hēr || fore wīsi
The Paris Psalter 149:6 3 ūcaþ, / and sweord habbaþ || swelċe on folmum. / / # / Mid þȳ hīe
The Paris Psalter 150:2 1 ǣre hǣlu. / / # / Herġaþ hine swelċe || on his hēah-meahtum, / her
The Paris Psalter 53:6 2 / and naman þīnne || nīede% swelċe / ġeare andette, || for·þon
The Paris Psalter 54:12 5 / and on godes hūse || gangan swelċe / mid ġe·þeahtunge || þīne
The Paris Psalter 54:19 3 rǣdaþ. / Hēo be·smītaþ || swelċe his selfes / þā ġe·witnesse
The Paris Psalter 55:4 2 || wordum herġe, / and on god swelċe || ġeorne ġe·līefe, / þæt
The Paris Psalter 55:4 4 wæs ealne dæġ; || ēac iċ swelċe / on god drihten || ġearwe ġe
The Paris Psalter 55:6 3 min sāwol bād || þæt þū swelċe hēo / for nāhwæðer || nāwi
The Paris Psalter 55:9 2 || ġeorne herġe, / and on god swelċe || ġeorne ġe·līefe, / and i
The Paris Psalter 56:9 3 min heorte || þæt iċ gode swelċe / sealmas singe, || sōþ-word
The Paris Psalter 56:13 1 as, / is þīn sōþfæstnes || swelċe wiþ wolcnum. / / # / A·hafen þ
The Paris Psalter 56:13 3 ten; / is ofer ealle || eorðan swelċe% / þīnes wuldres wlite || wīd
The Paris Psalter 59:8 2 lum be·worhte? || Hwā wille swelċe mē / on Idumea || ēac ġe·l
The Paris Psalter 61:7 3 ē is hāliġ hiht || on hine swelċe. / / # / Hyċġe him hāliġ folc
The Paris Psalter 62:3 1 / On westenne || and on weġe swelċe / and on wæter-flōdum || wēn
The Paris Psalter 62:5 2 ċ on naman þīnum || nīede swelċe / mīne handa þwēa || hālĝu
The Paris Psalter 62:6 3 rwes; / weleras mīne || wynnum swelċe / þīnne naman nū-þā || nī
The Paris Psalter 64:7 2 te sċulon || muntas hīeran, / swelċe þū ġe·drēfest || dēope
The Paris Psalter 65:5 3 strangan mæġ || strēamas swelċe / ġe·feterian, || þæt þū
The Paris Psalter 65:10 1 fȳre. / / # / Þū ūs on grame swelċe || gryne ġe·lǣdest, / and ū
The Paris Psalter 67:4 2 s ġe·nēahhe, / and his naman swelċe || nīede herġaþ; / dōþ sī
The Paris Psalter 67:24 5 ulone / and Neptalim || nīede% swelċe. / / # / Be·bēod þīnum mæġen
The Paris Psalter 68:18 1 a þīnra / ġe·seoh on mē || swelċe, drihten. / / # / Ne ā·ċierr þ
The Paris Psalter 68:25 2 an āwiht; / weorðe hira bæc swelċe || ā·bīeġed ēac. / / # / A·
The Paris Psalter 68:32 2 d hine mid lof-sange || lǣde swelċe. / / # / Iċ þǣmlēofan gode ||
The Paris Psalter 68:35 1 r·hyċġan. / / # / Herġe% hine swelċe || heofon and eorðe, / sīde s
The Paris Psalter 70:22 1 þā þū self līesdest. / / # / Swelċe min tunge || tīdum mǣrde / þ
The Paris Psalter 71:4 1 / # / On his sōþfæstnesse || swelċe dēmeþ / on folce || fyrhte þ
The Paris Psalter 71:4 3 / on folce || fyrhte þearfan, / swelċe hē þearfena bearn || þrīs
The Paris Psalter 71:5 2 eþ, / sē mid sunnan wunaþ || swelċe mid mōnan, / þurh ealra weoro
The Paris Psalter 71:13 1 / / # / Hē helpeþ þearfan, || swelċe ēac wǣdlan, / and hē þearfi
The Paris Psalter 71:17 4 andeþ, / biþ his setel ǣr || swelċe þonne mōna. / / # / And him bi
The Paris Psalter 72:23 2 || mihtĝum drihtne; / gōd is swelċe, || þæt iċ on god drihten / m
The Paris Psalter 73:7 3 % habban / and simble-daĝas || swelċe dryhtnes / on eorð-weġe || ea
The Paris Psalter 73:12 2 spēdum / sǣ ġe·settest, || swelċe ġe·brǣce / þæt dracan hēa
The Paris Psalter 73:15 2 settest || and deorce niht, / swelċe þū ġe·settest || sunnan a
The Paris Psalter 73:15 4 ru, / sumor þū and lencten || swelċe ġe·worhtest. / / # / Wes þū
The Paris Psalter 75:2 2 healden, / and hē on Sione || swelċe eardaþ. / / # / Þǣr hē horn-b
The Paris Psalter 77:27 3 on ġe·fiðrode% || fuĝolas swelċe. / / # / And on middan þā wīċ
The Paris Psalter 77:48 1 / # / Sealde hira nēat ēac || swelċe hæġlum, / and hira ǣhta || e
The Paris Psalter 78:2 3 % æppel-bearu || āne cytan; / swelċe hīe setton || swylt þīnum
The Paris Psalter 78:12 2 rcum || iċ wæs smēaġende, / swelċe iċ on þīnum ġe·hylde ||
The Paris Psalter 82:6 4 on and Ammalech, || Aĝareni, / swelċe% Ġebal || and grame maniġe / f
The Paris Psalter 82:7 1 / / # / Cwōm samod mid þǣm || swelċe Assur; / ealle on weĝum || ǣ
The Paris Psalter 82:8 2 daĝum Madiane / and Sisare, || swelċe Iabin; / ealle þā nāmon ||
The Paris Psalter 82:9 3 a, / and hira ealdrum || eallum swelċe; / ealle þā on ān || ǣr ġe
The Paris Psalter 84:9 3 sōþ, / and hine sibbe lufu || swelċe clyppeþ. / / # / Upp of eorðan
The Paris Psalter 85:12 2 ten, / and þū mīne sāwle || swelċe ā·līesdest / of hell-warena
The Paris Psalter 86:5 3 cend || folces wǣron, / eallum swelċe, || þe hire inn wǣron / / # / Sw
The Paris Psalter 87:1 3 d on niht fore þē || nīede swelċe. / / # / Gange min inn-ġe·bedd |
The Paris Psalter 87:3 2 ġe·fylled; || is min feorh swelċe / tō hell-dore || hielded ġe
The Paris Psalter 88:10 1 nas þū wealdest, || hrūsan swelċe; / eorðan ymbe-hwyrft || eall
The Paris Psalter 88:11 4 aþ / þīnne swīðran earm || swelċe, drihten. / / # / Wesan hēa meaht
The Paris Psalter 88:14 3 nd on naman þīnum || nīede swelċe / bēoþ ealne dæġ || ēac on
The Paris Psalter 88:22 3 and on naman mīnum || nīede swelċe / his horn biþ% ā·hafen, ||
The Paris Psalter 89:17 1 e blisse. / / # / Wē ġe·fēoþ swelċe || for þon fæġerum daĝum,
The Paris Psalter 90:12 1 And þē on folmum || feredon swelċe, / þe læs þū fræcne% on st
The Paris Psalter 90:16 1 ġe·nerġe || and his naman swelċe / ġe·wuldrie || ġond% ealle
The Paris Psalter 90:16 4 m līf-daĝas || lange selle, / swelċe him mīne hǣlu || holde æt-
The Paris Psalter 91:10 4 de / efne þīn āĝen || ēare swelċe. / / # / Sē sōþfæsta || samod
The Paris Psalter 91:13 1 īet sindon maniġe || manna swelċe, / þe him ieldu ġe·bidon ||
The Paris Psalter 93:1 1 god || and þū meaht wrecan swelċe, / ana ġe·frēoġan || ǣġhwe
The Paris Psalter 94:4 3 ās hēah-beorgas || healdeþ swelċe. / / # / Ēac hē sǣs wealdeþ ||
The Paris Psalter 95:11 1 ofonas% blissiaþ, || hrūsan swelċe / ġe·fēoþ fæstlīċe || an
A.5.6.29 62 eċeþ. || Reġn aefter þǣm / swelċe haĝol and snāw || hrūsan l
A.5.6.4 6 þæt hīe þē tō hīeraþ. / Swelċe sēo sunne || sweartra nihta /
A.5.6.4 13 nēahsne || nīede weorðaþ. / Swelċe þone mǣran || morĝen-steor
A.5.6.8 42 weorold || wǣren ǣg·hwæs / swelċe under sunnan. || Ac hit is s
A.51.90.16 4 f-dæġes || and lange selle / swelċe him mīne hǣlu || holde æt
A.51.91.10 4 e / efne þīn āĝen || ēare swelċe.
A.51.94.4 3 s hēah-beorĝes || healdeþ swelċe.
A.6.10.1 19 erna / ofer sċield sċoten, || swelċe Sċyttisċ ēac, / wēriġ, wī
A.6.10.1 30 nge, / sweordum ā·swefede, || swelċe seofone ēac / eorlas An·lāfe
A.6.10.1 37 flōd, || feorh ġe·nerede. / Swelċe ðǣr ēac sē frōda || mid
A.6.10.1 57 ra·land%, || ǣwisċ-mōde. / Swelċe þā ġe·brōðor || bēġen
A.6.10.2 7 Lincylene / and Snotingaham, || swelċe Stanford ēac / and% Dēoraby.
A.6.13 4 n·locen || Libia and Grēca, / swelċe ēac istoriam || Indea rīċe
A.6.13 1 || / || M ses% heandum. || / Swelċe iċ nǣfre on eallum þǣm fy
A.6.13 36 fȳr, || dryhtnes on·ǣleþ. / Swelċe þū meahtmeht mid þȳ beorh
A.6.13 71 lǣċe, || lēoht wincendra, / swelċe hē is dēafra duru, || dumbr
A.6.13 111 eġn || swīðe ġe·stilled. / Swelċe hine //G// Q and //V// V || c
A.6.14 15 n Brytene, / on foldan hēr. || Swelċe ymb% fēower wucan / þætte So
A.6.14 29 hæfde, / werum tō wīcum. || Swelċe ēac is wīde cūþ / ymb [III]
A.6.14 40 wǣre, / brēme on Brytene. || Swelċe Benedictus / ymbe niĝon niht
A.6.14 44 ēow / rincas reĝolfæste. || Swelċe ēac rīm-cræftiġe / on þā
A.6.14 54 wyrd, / folcum ġe·frǣġe. || Swelċe ymb fēower and þrīe / niht-
A.6.14 75 dæġ, / bēn-tīd brēmu. || Swelċe on burh ræðe / ymbe% siex% ni
A.6.14 87 gealĝan / be fæder lēafe. || Swelċe ymb frist wucan / būtan ānre
A.6.14 91 ræðe / blōstmum blōwaþ, || swelċe bliss% ā·stīhþ / ġond midd
A.6.14 128 worhte || ġond wǣr-þēoda, / swelċe hīe% aefter þǣm || un-rīm
A.6.14 148 -fæder || weorca tō lēane. / Swelċe þæs ymb fīf niht || fæġe
A.6.14 156 hēr, / wyrd% wēl-þungen. || Swelċe ēac wīde biþ / eorlum ġe·y
A.6.14 186 d Seaxe, / weras mid wīfum. || Swelċe wiĝena tīd / ymb twentiġ þ
A.6.14 221 ryhta bearnum, / ǣrra Iula. || Swelċe ymb eahta and twelf / niht-ġe
A.6.17 12 | on­·hefde mid sange, / eall swelċe þū cwǣde, || synna ġe·mu
A.6.17 23 liġra || on heofonan rīċe, / swelċe earm-sċapenra || yfel% and w
A.6.17 249 t, / sē þe mid ġe·syntum || swelċe cwieldas / and wītu% mæġ ||
A.6.17 271 d, / wuldor and weorðmynd, || / swelċe lof and līf || and lēofliċ
A.6.26 58 ē || langsum% be·ġēaton, / swelċe þū æt dōme, || drihten, o
A.6.28 29 ofer ealle || eorð-būende, / swelċe on heofonum up || þū eart h
A.6.43.11 14 nde. / Abrame and Isace || / and swelċe menn, || Moyses and Iacob, / an
A.6.43.3 1 iman [VII] lȳtle of·lǣtan, swelċe || / man mid ofrað, and writa
A.6.7 36 rūn. || Sweord-lēoma stōd, / swelċe eall Finnesburh || fȳrenu w
swylce - 331 occurrences
Genesis A 1082 nsigende sweg || sunu lamehes / swylce on þære mægþe || maga wæ
Genesis A 2552 grenes fond || goldburgum in / swylce þær ymbutan || unlytel dæl
Daniel 506 lde / ane æte || eallum heolde / swylce fuglas eac || heora feorhnere
Daniel 512 a wildan deor || on weg fleon / swylce eac þa fugolas || þonne his
Christ and Satan 321 þur || wæs seo menego þær / swylce onæled || wæs þæt eall fu
Christ and Satan 426 hæftum strong / witum werig || swylce him wuldorcyning / for onmædla
Christ and Satan 665 s / geþrowode || þeoden engla / swylce he fæste || feowertig daga / m
Andreas 89 es tacen / halig of heofenum || swylce hadre segl / to þam carcerne |
Andreas 166 g / for ebreum || ond israhelum / swylce he iudea || galdorcræftum / wi
Andreas 247 merebate / sittan siþfrome || swylce hie ofer sæ comon / þæt wæs
Andreas 584 men of deaþe / worde awehte || swylce he eac wundra feala / cynerof c
Andreas 589 isse || on þa beteran gecynd / swylce he afedde || of fixum twam / on
Andreas 621 r wundre || on wera gesiehþe / swylce deogollice || dryhten gumena /
Andreas 704 n ece god || eallra gesceafta / swylce he oþerra || unrim cyþde / wu
Andreas 712 ecyþde || þær hie to segon / swylce he wrætlice || wundor agræf
Andreas 881 rist cumen || cining israhela / swylce we gesegon || for suna meotud
Andreas 1029 hira bene || fore bearn godes / swylce se halga || in þam hearmloca
Andreas 1036 d hundteontig || geteled rime / swylce feowertig # || / generede fram
Andreas 1257 ledon / heardum hægelscurum || swylce hrim ond forst / hare hildstapa
Andreas 19 ld worulda || wuldorgestealda / swylce se halga || herigeas þreade /
The Fates of the Apostles 16 geweorþod || ofer werþeoda / swylce andreas || in achagia / for egi
The Fates of the Apostles 50 ra || þonne þas leasan godu / swylce thomas eac || þriste geneþd
Dream of the Rood 8 fægere æt foldan sceatum || swylce þær fife wæron / uppe on þa
Dream of the Rood 92 holmwudu || heofonrices weard / swylce swa he his modor eac || maria
Elene 3 nd ond þreo || geteled rimes / swylce þritig eac || þinggemearces
Elene 32 eata mæst / hergum to hilde || swylce huna cyning / ymbsittendra || a
Elene 364 þære stowe || steam up aras / swylce rec under radorum || þær ar
Elene 593 elpe findaþ / godcunde gife || swylce iudas onfeng / æfter fyrstmear
Elene 673 þan / þa þær of heolstre || swylce heofonsteorran / oþþe goldgim
Christ A 60 geond || ðas sidan gesceaft / swylce rodores hrof || rume geondwli
Christ A 80 n / ðæt ðu in sundurgiefe || swylce befenge / ne we ðære wyrde ||
Christ A 145 / gefælsian || foldan mægðe / swylce grundas eac || gæstes mægne
Christ A 282 s selestan || swegles bryttan / swylce ða hyhstan || on heofonum ea
Christ B 688 m weorðað / eorðan tuddor || swylce eadgum blæd / seleð on swegle
Christ C 1140 æs huses / sylf slat on tu || swylce hit seaxes ecg / scearp ðurhwo
Christ C 1437 muðe onfeng || manfremmendra / swylce hi me geblendon || bittre tos
Widsith 70 d glommum || ond mid rumwalum / swylce ic wæs on eatule || mid ælf
The Riming Poem 23 m steold || stepegongum weold / swylce eorðe ol || ahte ic ealdorst
The Whale 9 s hiw gelic || hreofum stane / swylce worie || bi wædes ofre / sondb
Guthlac A 166 eftra setla || ond symbeldaga / swylce eac idelra || eagena wynna / gi
Guthlac B 1119 sið / æfre to ealdre || oðre swylce / on ðas lænan tid || lare ge
Guthlac B 1273 muðe cwom / swecca swetast || swylce on sumeres tid / stincað on st
Guthlac B 1301 eaðmod ðy æðelan gyfle || swylce he his eagan ontynde / halge he
Guthlac B 1311 onlic leoma / from foldan up || swylce fyren tor / ryht aræred || oð
Wulf and Eadwacer 1 Eadwacer / / leodum is minum || swylce him mon lac gife / willað hy h
Riddles 15 4 e || me on bæce standað / her swylce swe on hleorum || hlifiað tu
Riddles 2 3 yrwed / byrne is min bleofag || swylce beorht seomað / wir ymb ðone
Riddles 20 3 wed. / Byrne is min bleofag, || swylce beorht seomað / wir ymb þone
Riddles 24 8 do sitte || giefu mec nemnað / swylce æsc ond rad || os fullesteð
Riddles 4 29 an || ic eom betre ðonne heo / swylce ic nardes stenc || nyde ofers
Riddles 4 60 beobread || blende mid hunige / swylce ic eom wraðre || ðonne werm
Riddles 4 95 e || ic eom swiðre ðonne he / swylce ic eom on mægene || minum l
Riddles 40 30 , || ic eom betre þonne heo; / swylce ic nardes stenc || nyde ofers
Riddles 40 62 eobread || blende mid hunige; / swylce ic eom wraþre || þonne werm
Riddles 40 99 || ic eom swiþre þonne he, / swylce ic eom on mægene || minum l
Riddles 6 9 iðe || hi ðæs felað ðeah / swylce ðæs oðres || ðonne ic eft
The Wife's Lament 43 rmod / heard heortan geðoht || swylce habban sceal / bliðe gebæro |
The Judgment Day I 106 secgað ðonne ryhta fela / eal swylce under heofonum gewearð || ha
The Descent into Hell 47 sacharias / heahfædra fela || swylce eac hæleða gemot / witgena we
The Descent into Hell 116 ht ymbfon || eal folca gesetu / swylce ðu meaht geriman || rice dry
The Descent into Hell 118 grotu || selast ealra cyninga / swylce ic ðe halsige || hælend use
The Descent into Hell 135 liðe mode || ealle burgwaran / swylce git iohannis || in iordane / mi
Azarias 151 ðine ðeowas || ðeoda hyrde / swylce haligra || hluttre saule / ond
Riddles 63 12 || / || /an on leohte / // || / swylce eac bið sona || / /r/ /te get
Riddles 64 4 bbendes hyht || hægl ond ac / swylce ðryða dæl || ðorn ond eoh
Riddles 84 10 er ealle bewat / or ond ende || swylce an sunu / mære meotudes bearn
Riddles 89 10 siððan u/ || / swæsendum || swylce ðrage
The Phoenix 233 eaxeð wyrm || wundrum fæger / swylce he of ægerum || ut alæde / sc
The Phoenix 235 axeð / ðæt he ærest bið || swylce earnes brid / fæger fugeltimbe
The Phoenix 305 ðeð / is ymb ðone sweoran || swylce sunnan hring / beaga beorhtast
Juliana 51 na / unwaclice || willan ðines / swylce ic ðe secge || gif ðu to s
Juliana 307 otud meahtigne || minum larum / swylce ic egias || eac gelærde / ðæ
Juliana 596 rim || ongon his hrægl teran / swylce he grennade || ond gristbitad
Precepts 20 a || he ðe mid wite gieldeð / swylce ðam oðrum || mid eadwelan /
Precepts 55 tor guma || sorgleas blissað / swylce dol seldon || drymeð sorgful
The Seafarer 53 / on flodwegas || feor gewitan / swylce geac monað || geomran reorde
The Seafarer 83 | ne caseras / ne goldgiefan || swylce iu wæron / ðonne hi mæst mid
Beowulf 113 tenas ond ylfe || ond orcneas / swylce gigantas || ða wið gode wun
Beowulf 293 ond gewædu || ic eow wisige / swylce ic maguðegnas || mine hate / w
Beowulf 757 || ne wæs his drohtoð ðær / swylce he on ealderdagum || ær geme
Beowulf 830 tmecga leod || gilp gelæsted / swylce oncyððe || ealle gebette / in
Beowulf 854 n eft gewiton || ealdgesiðas / swylce geong manig || of gomenwaðe /
Beowulf 907 æðellingum || to aldorceare / swylce oft bemearn || ærran mælum /
Beowulf 920 ðam hean / searowundor seon || swylce self cyning / of brydbure || be
Beowulf 1146 ron mid eotenum || ecge cuðe / swylce ferhðfrecan || fin eft begea
Beowulf 1156 l ingesteald || eorðcyninges / swylce hie æt finnes ham || findan
Beowulf 1165 dere / æghwylc oðrum trywe || swylce ðær unferð ðyle / æt fotum
Beowulf 1249 e || ge gehwæðer ðara / efne swylce mæla || swylce hira mandryht
Beowulf 1249 er ðara / efne swylce mæla || swylce hira mandryhtne / ðearf gesæl
Beowulf 1347 an hyrde / ðæt hie gesawon || swylce twegen / micle mearcstapan || m
Beowulf 1427 ice sædracan || sund cunnian / swylce on næshleoðum || nicras lic
Beowulf 1482 gesellum || gif mec hild nime / swylce ðu ða madmas || ðe ðu me
Beowulf 1797 beweotede / ðegnes ðearfe || swylce ðy dogore / heaðoliðende ||
Beowulf 2258 dogriman || bywan sceoldon / ge swylce seo herepad || sio æt hilde
Beowulf 2459 rpan sweg / gomen in geardum || swylce ðær iu wæron / gewiteð ðon
Beowulf 2767 erhigian || hyde se ðe wylle / swylce he siomian geseah || segn eal
Beowulf 2824 ende / bleate gebæran || bona swylce læg / egeslic eorðdraca || ea
Beowulf 2869 byrnan / ðeoden his ðegnum || swylce he ðrydlicost / ower feor oð
Beowulf 3150 mændon || mondryhtnes cwealm / swylce giomorgyd || geatisc meowle /
Beowulf 3164 g dydon || beg ond siglu / eall swylce hyrsta || swylce on horde ær
Beowulf 3164 d siglu / eall swylce hyrsta || swylce on horde ær / niðhedige men |
Judith 18 boren æfter bencum gelome || swylce eac bunan ond orcas / fulle fle
Judith 31 rdrencte his duguðe ealle || swylce hie wæron deaðe geslegene / a
Judith 337 s / sweord ond swatigne helm || swylce eac side byrnan / gerenode read
Judith 343 eaf / mærðe on moldan rice || swylce eac mede on heofonum / sigorlea
Judith 348 e / roderas ond rume grundas || swylce eac reðe streamas / ond swegle
The Paris Psalter 101:3 4 ofan || þæs þe me þinceþ / swylce hi on cocerpannan || cocas ge
The Paris Psalter 101:19 2 oþ nama drihtnes / and his lof swylce || leoda bearnum / on hierusale
The Paris Psalter 102:7 3 þam mæran || on mænige tid / swylce his willan eac || werum israh
The Paris Psalter 102:17 1 / / # / swa his soþfæstnyss || swylce standeþ / ofer þara bearna be
The Paris Psalter 103:7 2 fte / him to gewæde || woruhte swylce / standaþ ofer mannum || munta
The Paris Psalter 103:10 2 wyllan / and of midle || munta swylce / wæter awealleþ || wide flow
The Paris Psalter 103:12 3 eorþwæstme || ealle growaþ / swylce of wæstmum || weorca þinra /
The Paris Psalter 103:13 1 iþ || ufan byþ gefylled / / # / swylce þu of foldan || fodder neatu
The Paris Psalter 103:16 1 trymeþ || heortan mannes / / # / swylce þu gefyllest || fægrum blæ
The Paris Psalter 103:16 5 ce / sylfa gesettest || on þam swylce nu / mid heora spedum || spearw
The Paris Psalter 103:20 1 / # / and leon hwelpas || lange swylce / grymetigaþ gnorne || georne
The Paris Psalter 103:26 1 aþ / / # / and him gesomnadum || swylce wylle / þine þa halgan || han
The Paris Psalter 103:27 4 t weorþeþ || georne afyrred / swylce teonlice || geteoriaþ / on heo
The Paris Psalter 103:28 3 ppest / eorþan ansyne || ealle swylce / / # / wuldor si wide || weruda
The Paris Psalter 104:2 1 lle werþeode / / # / singaþ him swylce || and salletaþ / secgaþ his
The Paris Psalter 104:3 1 / hergeaþ his naman || niode swylce / heorte hygeclæne || hlutre b
The Paris Psalter 104:25 1 ncneowan / / # / and heora wæter swylce || wende to blode / on þam heo
The Paris Psalter 104:26 1 nde on heora eorþan || ealle swylce / toscean teonlice || þa teolu
The Paris Psalter 104:28 1 / # / sette him regnas || reþe swylce / hate of heofenum || hagol byr
The Paris Psalter 104:31 3 and frumcynnes || heora frean swylce / / # / and his þæt gode folc |
The Paris Psalter 104:40 2 mas / and his soþfæst word || swylce georne / and his æbebod || awa
The Paris Psalter 105:10 3 um / and of feogendra || folmum swylce / and heora feondas || flod adr
The Paris Psalter 105:14 1 on hi on þam wicum || wraþe swylce / mærne moyses || ma bysmrian /
The Paris Psalter 105:16 1 / # / þær fyr abarn || frecne swylce / on heora gemetinge || and þ
The Paris Psalter 105:17 1 e forbærnde / / # / hi on choreb swylce || cealf ongunnan / him to godg
The Paris Psalter 105:27 3 | suna and dohter / agutan blod swylce || bearna feala / þa unscyldig
The Paris Psalter 106:10 2 s ægype || and his geþeaht swylce / þæs heahstan him || hæfdan
The Paris Psalter 106:16 1 # / he hi of unrihtum || ealle swylce / þam wraþan wege || wis alæ
The Paris Psalter 106:34 2 geworhte || on widne mere / and swylce eorþan || eac butan wætre / o
The Paris Psalter 106:35 2 þelude / and þær gesetton || swylce ceastre / þær hi eard namon |
The Paris Psalter 107:2 3 ic þe on hleoþre || hearpan swylce / on ærmergen || eac gecweme / /
The Paris Psalter 107:5 2 rihten / is wuldur þin || wide swylce / ofer þas eorþan || ealle m
The Paris Psalter 107:6 1 # / do me þin swyþre hand || swylce halne / and me gehyre || hælyn
The Paris Psalter 107:8 2 yndan me moabitingas || magas swylce / ic idumea || ealle cenne / and
The Paris Psalter 108:5 2 him on þa swyþeran hand || swylce deoful / / # / gange of dome gehw
The Paris Psalter 108:10 1 we hreowlic / / # / syn his bearn swylce || toboren wide / and he ut weo
The Paris Psalter 108:15 1 san hi wiþ drihtne || dædum swylce / and hine adilgie || dome ealn
The Paris Psalter 108:16 4 geornust / hu he mid searuwe || swylce acwealde / / # / he wolde wergþu
The Paris Psalter 108:18 3 de / and sio his innaþ || ywde swylce / wan wætere gelic || and wyne
The Paris Psalter 108:24 1 gærshoppa / / # / me synt cneowu swylce || cwicu unhale / for fæstenum
The Paris Psalter 108:24 2 or fæstenum || is min flæsc swylce / for fægrum ele || frecne onw
The Paris Psalter 108:29 2 tnes / ealle andette || and eac swylce / hine on midle || manna herige
The Paris Psalter 108:30 3 inga teolode / he mine sawle || swylce gehealde / wiþ ehtendra || egs
The Paris Psalter 110:2 1 m || mycel drihtnes weorc / / # / swylce ic his willan || wylle georne
The Paris Psalter 110:4 2 / his gewitnesse || þe he wel swylce / myhtum miclum || and mærweor
The Paris Psalter 110:6 2 olce / soþe onsende || and him swylce bebead / þæt hi on ecnysse ||
The Paris Psalter 110:7 3 t byþ andgit good || eallum swylce / þe hine wyllaþ well || wyrc
The Paris Psalter 111:3 2 huse / byþ his soþfæstnys || swylce mære / þenden þysse worulde
The Paris Psalter 113:8 2 and clifu cyrreþ || on cwicu swylce / wæteres wellan || mid his ge
The Paris Psalter 113:14 1 feor geseon / / # / earan habbaþ swylce || and opene nose / ne magon e
The Paris Psalter 113:23 2 m þe heofon worhte || hrusan swylce / heofonas healdeþ || halig dr
The Paris Psalter 115:2 1 admede || ungemete swiþe / / # / swylce ic sylfa cwæþ || þa me swa
The Paris Psalter 115:6 2 agen || esne dryhten / and þin swylce eom || scealc ombehte / and þi
The Paris Psalter 116:2 3 mancynne / and soþfæstnys || swylce dryhtnes / wunaþ ece || awa to
The Paris Psalter 117:16 2 swyþre / and me seo swyþre || swylce drihtnes / ahof hrædlice || æ
The Paris Psalter 118:2 1 eore gangaþ / / # / eadige beoþ swylce || þa þe a wyllaþ / his gewi
The Paris Psalter 118:8 1 nd ic þine soþfæstnysse || swylce mote / on hyge healdan || þæt
The Paris Psalter 118:14 1 ahte domas / / # / and ic on wege swylce || wynnum gange / þær ic þin
The Paris Psalter 118:27 1 / þu me soþfæstnysse weg || swylce getacna / þæt ic on þinum wu
The Paris Psalter 118:34 2 æ þine / smeage mid soþe || swylce healde / on ealre minre heortan
The Paris Psalter 118:38 1 / # / sete þinum esne || oþer swylce / þæt he þine spræce || spe
The Paris Psalter 118:40 2 de / wis wylle gegan || wene ic swylce / þæt þu me on rihtes || ræ
The Paris Psalter 118:64 3 ine soþfæstnesse || þu me swylce lær / / # / þu ymb þinne esne
The Paris Psalter 118:68 1 u eart drihten || and me god swylce / on þinum tile gelær || þæ
The Paris Psalter 118:82 1 || wel getrywade / / # / eagan me swylce || eac teoredon / þær on þin
The Paris Psalter 118:90 2 ce forþ / þin soþfæstnes || swylce dryhten / / # / þu þas eorþan
The Paris Psalter 118:96 1 hte / / # / ic soþ geseah || and swylce wat / ealre þysse worulde || w
The Paris Psalter 118:98 1 / þu me snoterne gedydest || swylce ofer mine / feondas on foldan |
The Paris Psalter 118:108 3 þine domas alær || drihten swylce / / # / is sawl min || symble on
The Paris Psalter 118:124 1 / / # / do þinum agenum || esne swylce / mycel milde mod || and me mæ
The Paris Psalter 118:133 1 yde lufedon / / # / gerece þu me swylce || þæt ic on rihtne weg / æf
The Paris Psalter 118:142 4 nesse || awa to feore / is þin swylce æþelnes || and æ soþfæst
The Paris Psalter 118:147 1 on ripe forecom || and hraþe swylce / ceare cleopode || þu me cynl
The Paris Psalter 118:159 1 spræce || sped gehealdan / / # / swylce ic sylf geseah || þæt ic þ
The Paris Psalter 120:2 2 e þe heofon worhte || hrusan swylce / / # / ne sylle he þinne fot ||
The Paris Psalter 120:6 5 ær georne / and þine sawle || swylce gehealde / / # / utgang þinne an
The Paris Psalter 121:8 2 nd mine þa neahstan || nemne swylce / þæt we sibbe on þe || symb
The Paris Psalter 122:4 2 a || mihtig drihten / miltsa us swylce || forþon we manegum synt / fo
The Paris Psalter 123:7 5 s þe heofon worhte || hrusan swylce
The Paris Psalter 124:4 1 wylle / / # / ne he soþfæste || swylce læteþ / þæt hi to unrihte |
The Paris Psalter 125:3 4 || worhte seldlic / gemicla þe swylce || mihtig drihten / þæt þu w
The Paris Psalter 127:4 1 enihtsum / / # / synd þine bearn swylce || samed anlicast / swa elebeam
The Paris Psalter 127:6 1 taþ / / # / þe of sionbeorge || swylce drihten / bealde bletsige || an
The Paris Psalter 128:6 6 neodlice || on naman drihtnes / swylce bletsiaþ || bliþe mode
The Paris Psalter 129:2 2 de / and beheldende || mid hige swylce / on eall gebedd || esnes þine
The Paris Psalter 131:7 1 / / # / we on his selegesceot || swylce gangaþ / and þære stowe || s
The Paris Psalter 131:10 1 / # / for þinum agenum || esne swylce / deorum dauide || þu ne do æ
The Paris Psalter 131:11 2 aswor / and þone mid soþe || swylce getrymede / þæt he hine for h
The Paris Psalter 131:13 1 ære / / # / þonne hiora suna || swylce motan / a þysse worulde || wyn
The Paris Psalter 131:17 1 fylle / / # / ec his sacerdas || swylce mid hælu / georne gegyrwe || a
The Paris Psalter 132:1 1 e hu glædlic biþ || and god swylce / þætte broþur on an || bege
The Paris Psalter 133:4 3 e þe heofon worhte || hrusan swylce
The Paris Psalter 134:1 1 iaþ naman drihtenes || neode swylce / herigen hine his scealcas ||
The Paris Psalter 134:6 3 er on eorþan / on sidum sæ || swylce on eallum / þær he dyrne wat
The Paris Psalter 134:18 3 an || godes awiht / habbaþ fet swylce || ne magon feala gangan / / # /
The Paris Psalter 134:21 2 ten / bletsien bealde || biddan swylce / þæt aarones hus || ecne dri
The Paris Psalter 135:3 1 hine godne wat / / # / andette ic swylce || þam þe ealra is / drihtna
The Paris Psalter 135:12 2 da / and on eallmihte || earmes swylce / / # / he readne sæ || recene t
The Paris Psalter 135:16 2 is þæt leofe folc || lædde swylce / / # / he of stanclife || stearc
The Paris Psalter 135:18 1 lædde || on leofne þanc / / # / swylce he acwealde || cyningas mycle
The Paris Psalter 135:21 1 || anweald hæfde / / # / and og swylce || þe æror wæs / swyþe brem
The Paris Psalter 138:1 3 | gleawe mode / þu min setl || swylce oncneowe / and minne ærist ||
The Paris Psalter 138:9 1 # / ic on mode cwæþ || minum swylce / wen is þæt me þystru || þ
The Paris Psalter 138:11 2 hte / forþon þu hi settest || swylce drihten / canst mine ædre || e
The Paris Psalter 139:4 2 nd wiþ firenfulles || folmum swylce / and fram þam mannum || þe m
The Paris Psalter 139:5 2 n me / and minne gang || georne swylce / forhyddan oferhygde me || inw
The Paris Psalter 140:3 1 t gifre || gleda bærnaþ / / # / swylce is ahafenes || handa minra / þ
The Paris Psalter 140:4 1 ge / / # / sete swæse geheald || swylce drihten / muþe minum || ne læ
The Paris Psalter 141:1 2 nd ic mid strangere || stefne swylce / eam biddende || bealde drihte
The Paris Psalter 141:2 1 en / / # / ic mine bene || bealde swylce / on his gesihþe || symble age
The Paris Psalter 141:5 5 rt þu on lifigendra || lande swylce / se gedefa dæl || drihten æg
The Paris Psalter 141:8 1 læd me of carcernes || cluse swylce / mine sawle || þæt ic syþþ
The Paris Psalter 142:3 4 heanne to eorþan / and min lif swylce || gelytlad is / / # / hi me on d
The Paris Psalter 143:5 2 | mihtum idel / beoþ his dagas swylce || demde gelice / swa þu on sc
The Paris Psalter 143:7 3 / synd þine strele || strange swylce / and þu hi gedrefed hafast ||
The Paris Psalter 143:14 1 awa tiligean / / # / þara bearn swylce || bogum æþelum / settum beam
The Paris Psalter 143:17 1 aþ / / # / heora sceap wærun || swylce tydred / and on siþfatum || sw
The Paris Psalter 144:6 1 wide mære / / # / and hi mægen swylce || mære and egeslic / þinra w
The Paris Psalter 144:9 1 eac || þearle mildheort / / # / swylce eallum is || ure drihten / mann
The Paris Psalter 144:19 4 | wyrceaþ georne / and his ege swylce || elne ræfnaþ / he heora ben
The Paris Psalter 144:20 3 m healdeþ / and he synfulle || swylce todrifeþ / geond widwegas || w
The Paris Psalter 145:5 1 e þe heofon worhte || hrusan swylce / and sidne sæ || samed ætgæ
The Paris Psalter 145:6 1 / / # / he his soþfæst word || swylce gehealdeþ / and on worulde his
The Paris Psalter 145:6 5 torne geþoledan / syleþ mete swylce || þe her murcne ær / hungur
The Paris Psalter 145:7 3 bearn || þe ær man gebræc / swylce þa gefetredan || fægre drih
The Paris Psalter 145:7 7 eohteþ / soþfæste drihten || swylce lufade / / # / þa elþeodigan ||
The Paris Psalter 147:1 2 georne drihten / here þu sion swylce || þinne soþne god / / # / for
The Paris Psalter 148:2 2 || engla þreatas / lofige hine swylce || eall his leodmægen / / # / he
The Paris Psalter 148:3 1 s leodmægen / / # / herigen hine swylce || sunna and mona / æghwylc st
The Paris Psalter 148:4 2 herian georne / and þa wæter swylce || þe ofer wolcnum synt / on h
The Paris Psalter 148:7 1 t heoldon / / # / herigen dracan swylce || drihten of eorþan / and eal
The Paris Psalter 148:11 1 # / eorþcyningas eac || ealle swylce / þe folcum her || fore wisien
The Paris Psalter 149:6 3 brucaþ / and sweord habbaþ || swylce on folmum / / # / mid þy hi wrec
The Paris Psalter 150:2 1 mære hælu / / # / heriaþ hine swylce || on his heahmihtum / heriaþ
The Paris Psalter 53:6 2 eme / and naman þinne || niode swylce / geara andette || forþon ic h
The Paris Psalter 54:12 5 e / and on godes huse || gangan swylce / mid geþeahtunge || þine and
The Paris Psalter 54:19 3 e ondrædaþ / heo besmitaþ || swylce his sylfes / þa gewitnesse ||
The Paris Psalter 55:4 2 d || wordum herige / and on god swylce || georne gelyfe / þæt minre
The Paris Psalter 55:4 4 æghwæs ealne dæg || eac ic swylce / on god drihten || gearewe gew
The Paris Psalter 55:6 3 swa min sawl bad || þæt þu swylce heo / for nahwæþer || nowiht
The Paris Psalter 55:9 2 d || georne herige / and on god swylce || georne gelyfe / and ic ealne
The Paris Psalter 56:9 2 s min heorte || þæt ic gode swylce / sealmas singe || soþword spr
The Paris Psalter 56:12 2 fenas / is þin soþfæstnes || swylce wiþ wolcnum / / # / ahafen þu e
The Paris Psalter 56:13 2 hten / is ofer ealle || eorþan swylce / þines wuldres wlite || wide
The Paris Psalter 59:8 2 / weallum beworhte || hwa wyle swylce me / in idumea || eac gelædan /
The Paris Psalter 61:7 3 l / me is halig hyht || on hine swylce / / # / hycge him halig folc || h
The Paris Psalter 62:3 1 / # / on westene || and on wege swylce / and on wæterflodum || wene i
The Paris Psalter 62:5 2 d ic on naman þinum || neode swylce / mine handa þwea || halgum ge
The Paris Psalter 62:6 3 oruwes / weleras mine || wynnum swylce / þinne naman nu-þa || neode
The Paris Psalter 64:7 2 mihte sculon || muntas hyran / swylce þu gedrefest || deope wælas
The Paris Psalter 65:5 3 þa strangan mæg || streamas swylce / gefeterian || þæt þu mid f
The Paris Psalter 65:10 1 mid fyre / / # / þu us on grame swylce || gryne gelæddest / and us be
The Paris Psalter 67:4 2 lmas geneahhige / and his naman swylce || neode heriaþ / doþ siþfæ
The Paris Psalter 67:25 5 abulone / and neptalim || niode swylce / / # / bebeod þinum mægene ||
The Paris Psalter 68:16 4 miltsa þinra / geseoh on me || swylce drihten / / # / ne acyr þu æfre
The Paris Psalter 68:23 3 þan awiht / weorþe heora bæc swylce || abeged eac / / # / ageot ofer
The Paris Psalter 68:30 2 nd hine mid lofsange || læde swylce / / # / ic þam leofan gode || li
The Paris Psalter 68:33 1 na forhycgan / / # / herige hine swylce || heofen and eorþe / side sæ
The Paris Psalter 70:22 1 c || þa þu sylf lysdest / / # / swylce min tunge || tidum mærde / þi
The Paris Psalter 71:4 1 / / # / on his soþfæstnesse || swylce demeþ / on folce || fyrhte þe
The Paris Psalter 71:4 3 / on folce || fyrhte þearfan / swylce he þearfena bearn || þriste
The Paris Psalter 71:5 2 ygeþ / se mid sunnan wunaþ || swylce mid monan / þurh ealra worulda
The Paris Psalter 71:13 1 um / / # / he helpeþ þearfan || swylce eac wædlan / and he þearfigen
The Paris Psalter 71:17 4 standeþ / byþ his setl ær || swylce þonne mona / / # / and him byþ
The Paris Psalter 72:23 2 e || mihtigum drihtne / good is swylce || þæt ic on god drihten / mi
The Paris Psalter 73:7 3 mot habban / and symbeldagas || swylce drihtnes / on eorþwege || eall
The Paris Psalter 73:12 2 mihte spedum / sæ gesettest || swylce gebræce / þæt dracan heafod
The Paris Psalter 73:15 2 g settest || and deorce niht / swylce þu gesettest || sunnan and m
The Paris Psalter 73:15 4 æru / sumor þu and lencten || swylce geworhtest / / # / wes þu gemynd
The Paris Psalter 75:2 2 behealden / and he on sione || swylce eardaþ / / # / þær he hornboga
The Paris Psalter 76:10 4 weorcum || ic wæs smeagende / swylce ic on þinum gehylde || sylf
The Paris Psalter 77:27 3 t / coman gefiþrade || fugelas swylce / / # / and on middan þa wic ||
The Paris Psalter 77:48 1 / / # / sealde heora neat eac || swylce hæglum / and heora æhta || ea
The Paris Psalter 78:2 3 a in æppelbearu || ane cytan / swylce hi setton || swylt þinum esn
The Paris Psalter 82:6 4 ammon and ammalech || agareni / swylce gebal || and grame manige / fre
The Paris Psalter 82:7 1 um / / # / cwom samod mid þam || swylce assur / ealle on wegum || æghw
The Paris Psalter 82:8 2 | dagum madiane / and sisare || swylce iabin / ealle þa namon || ænd
The Paris Psalter 82:9 3 a / and heora ealdrum || eallum swylce / ealle þa on an || ær gecwæ
The Paris Psalter 84:9 3 e soþ / and hine sybbe lufu || swylce clyppeþ / / # / up of eorþan cw
The Paris Psalter 85:12 2 drihten / and þu mine sawle || swylce alysdest / of helwarena || hind
The Paris Psalter 86:5 3 ecend || folces wæron / eallum swylce || þe hire on wæron / / # / swa
The Paris Psalter 87:1 3 and on niht fore þe || neode swylce / / # / gange min ingebed || on
The Paris Psalter 87:3 2 ste gefylled || is min feorh swylce / to helldore || hylded geneahh
The Paris Psalter 88:10 1 ofonas þu wealdest || hrusan swylce / eorþan ymbehwyrft || eall þ
The Paris Psalter 88:11 4 bbaþ / þinne swiþran earm || swylce drihten / / # / wesan hea mihte |
The Paris Psalter 88:14 3 / and on naman þinum || neode swylce / beoþ ealne dæg || eac on bl
The Paris Psalter 88:22 3 / and on naman minum || neode swylce / his horn biþ ahafen || heane
The Paris Psalter 89:17 1 æþele blisse / / # / we gefeoþ swylce || for þon fægerum dagum / on
The Paris Psalter 90:12 1 / and þe on folmum || feredan swylce / þe læs þu fræcne on stan
The Paris Psalter 90:16 1 ine generige || and his naman swylce / gewuldrige || geond ealle wer
The Paris Psalter 90:16 4 d him lifdagas || lange sylle / swylce him mine hælu || holde ætyw
The Paris Psalter 91:10 4 ehyrde / efne þin agen || eare swylce / / # / se soþfæsta || samed an
The Paris Psalter 91:13 1 nu gyt syndan manige || manna swylce / þe hiom yldo gebidan || ær
The Paris Psalter 93:1 1 na god || and þu miht wrecan swylce / ana gefreogan || æghwylcne m
The Paris Psalter 94:4 3 þas heahbeorgas || healdeþ swylce / / # / eac he sæs wealdeþ || a
The Paris Psalter 95:11 1 / heofenas blissiaþ || hrusan swylce / gefeoþ fæstlice || and flod
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 62 pa receþ || ren æfter þæm / swylce hagal and snaw || hrusan lecc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 6 est || þæt hi þe to heraþ / swylce seo sunne || sweartra nihta /
Metrical Psalm 93:1 1 od || and ðu meæht% wrecæn swylce / æna gefreogan || æghwylcne%
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 7 lincylene / and snotingaham || swylce stanford eac / and deoraby || d
Solomon and Saturn 5 as onlocen || libia and greca / swylce eac istoriam || indea rices / m
Solomon and Saturn 1 c # || / # m/ /ces heardum || / swylce ic næfre on eallum þam fyrn
Solomon and Saturn 39 fles fyr || dryhtnes onæleþ / swylce þu miht mid þy beorhtan geb
The Menologium 15 on brytene / in foldan her || swylce emb feower wucan / þætte solm
The Menologium 29 iden hæfde / werum to wicum || swylce eac is wide cuþ / ymb þreo an
The Menologium 40 des wære / breme in brytene || swylce benedictus / embe nigon niht þ
The Menologium 44 s þeow / rincas regolfæste || swylce eac rimcræftige / on þa ylcan
The Menologium 54 mære wyrd / folcum gefræge || swylce emb feower and þreo / nihtgeri
The Menologium 75 healic dæg / bentiid bremu || swylce in burh raþe / embe siex niht
The Menologium 87 on galgan / be fæder leafe || swylce ymb fyrst wucan / butan anre ni
The Menologium 91 as hraþe / blostmum blowaþ || swylce blis astihþ / geond middangear
The Menologium 128 geworhte || geond wærþeoda / swylce hi æfter þam || unrim freme
The Menologium 148 ldorfæder || weorca to leane / swylce þæs ymb fif niht || fægeru
The Menologium 156 rytene her / wyrd welþungen || swylce eac wide byþ / eorlum geypped
The Menologium 186 and seaxe / weras mid wifum || swylce wigena tiid / ymb twentig þæs
The Menologium 221 drihta bearnum / ærra iula || swylce emb eahta and twelf / nihtgerim
The Judgment Day II 12 ers || onhefde mid sange / eall swylce ðu cwæde || synna gemunde / l
The Judgment Day II 23 a haligra || on heofonan rice / swylce earmsceapenra || yfel and wit
The Judgment Day II 249 ligost / se ðe mid gesyntum || swylce cwyldas / and witu mæg || wel
The Judgment Day II 271 god / wuldor and wurðmynt || / swylce lof and lif || and leoflic ge
Fragment of Psalm 19 3 d us eac gehyr || holdum mode / swylce we ðe daga || drihten cigen
Fragment of Psalm 27 3 || eal gebletsa / rece ðu heo swylce || and on riht ahefe / ðæt hi
Fragment of Psalm 34 2 || ða me deredon ær / afeoht swylce || ða me fuhtan to / / # / gegri
Instructions for Christians 134 Moyses eac || micele speda, / swylce Isaac || and Abraham; / and Da
The Battle of Finnsburh 36 sealobrun || swurdleoma stod / swylce eal finnsburuh || fyrenu wær
swā - 1191 occurrences
Genesis A 48 -mōde, / āĝan woldon, || and swā ēaðe meahtan. / Him sēo wēn
Genesis B 252 ġlīċe, || ānne hæfde hē swā swīðne ġe·worhtne, / swa mi
Genesis B 253 ġe·þōhte || hē lēt hine swā miċeles wealdan / hīehstne t
Genesis B 255 ine swa hwītne ġe·worhtne, / swā wynliċ wæs his wæstm% on h
Genesis B 279 nne. || Iċ mæġ mid heandum swā fela / wundra ġe·wyrċan. ||
Genesis B 283 ōmes? || Iċ mæġ wesan God swā hē. / Be·standaþ mē strange
Genesis B 289 an, / rǣdan on þis rīċe. || Swā mē þæt riht ne þynceþ, /
Genesis B 297 bban, / ealra morðra mǣst. || Swā dēþ manna ġe·hwelċ / þe w
Genesis B 307 ufan of heofonum / þurh·lange swā || þrīe niht and daĝas, / þ
Genesis B 373 om rīċes lēas; / habbaþ mē swā hearde || helle clammas / fæst
Genesis B 381 l-dora / weĝas for·worhte, || swā iċ mid wihte ne mæġ / of þi
Genesis B 385 ·hæfted be þǣm healse, || swā iċ wāt hē mīnne hyġe cū
Genesis B 391 on þās sweartan mistas; || swā hē ūs ne mæġ ǣnġe synne
Genesis B 399 e mæġen, / and on his eaforum swā same, || andan ġe·bētan, / o
Genesis B 425 æt mē is on mīnum% mōde% swā sār, / on mīnum hyġe hrēowe
Genesis B 438 wiþ mē selfne, || swā hwā swā þæt seċġan cymeþ / on þā
Genesis B 462 e, / ġe·wered mid wæstme, || swā hīe wealdend God, / hēah heof
Genesis B 471 sē þæs wæstmes on·bāt, / swā him aefter þȳ || ieldu ne d
Genesis B 483 || siþþan libban, / swā hwā swā ġe·bierĝde || þæs on þ
Genesis B 509 | and ymb þīn līf sprecan. / Swā þū lǣstan sċealt || þæt
Genesis B 552 nd God / ā·bolĝen wierþ, || swā iċ him þisne bodsċipe / self
Genesis B 555 e lǣstan wēl / hwelċ ǣrende swā ēasten hider / on þisne sīþ
Genesis B 565 n swa lēoht / þæt þū meaht swā wīde || ofer weorold ealle /
Genesis B 574 lǣteþ / on brēost-cofan, || swā wit him bū tū / an spēd spre
Genesis B 583 des enġel. / Ac iċ cann ealle swā ġeare || engla ġe·byrdu, / h
Genesis B 588 le ġe·līċ’. / Lǣdde hīe swā mid lyġenum || and mid listu
Genesis B 608 sīene on·lāh, / þæt hēo swā wīde || wlītan meahte / ofer
Genesis B 611 nū þē self ġe·sēon, || swā iċ hit þē seċġan ne ðea
Genesis B 620 htes ġe·nōh / þæs iċ þē swā Godes || ġe·ġiered hæbbe.
Genesis B 623 la hē mē lāðes spræc’. / Swā hire eaforan sċulon || aefte
Genesis B 652 | brungen hæfde / þe hē hire swā wǣrlīċe || wordum sæġde,
Genesis B 655 , frēa min, || þis ofett is swā swete, / blīðe% on brēostum,
Genesis B 663 willaþ. || Hwæt sċeall þe swā lāðliċ strīþ / wiþ þīne
Genesis B 674 ·hīeran mæġ iċ rūme / and swā wīde ġe·sēon || on weorol
Genesis B 682 / elles on eorðan, || būtan swā þēs ār sæġeþ, / þæt hit
Genesis B 718 þ, || þeah hit nǣre hāten swā, / ac hit ofetes naman || āĝan
Genesis B 723 ete dǣdon, / ofett unfǣle. || Swā hit him on innan cōm, / hrān
Genesis B 733 n / on þone sweartan sīþ. || Swā þū his sorĝe ne þearft / be
Genesis B 819 st / on mīnes hearran hete. || Swā mē nū hrēowan mæġ / ǣfre
Genesis A 901 worhte, / and þā rēafode, || swā hit riht ne wæs, / bēam on be
Genesis A 910 t etan / þīne līf-daĝas. || Swā þū lāðlīċe / wrōhte on·
Genesis A 966 hǣse / bearn ā·strīenan, || swā him metod be·bēad. / Ādames
Genesis A 989 an / ludon lāþ-wende || lenġ swā swīðor / rēðe wæstme. || R
Genesis A 993 hta bearnum, || dōþ ġīeta swā, / of þǣm brād bladu || bealw
Genesis A 1019 ārlēas of earde þīnum, || swā þū Ābele wurde / tō feorh-b
Genesis A 1206 e swealt / middan-ġeardes, || swā hēr menn dôþ, / ġunge and e
Genesis A 1314 ȳ māre’. / Nōe fremede% || swā hine nerġend hēt, / hīerde
Genesis A 1332 orn / on lides bōsme. || Lǣd, swā iċ þē hāte, / under earce b
Genesis A 1356 . / Him þā Nōe ġe·wāt, || swā hine nerġend hēt, / under ear
Genesis A 1361 fōr / tō hira æt-ġiefan, || swā him æl-mehtiġ / weoroda driht
Genesis A 1493 iddan% ēðel’. / Hē fremede swā || and frēan hīerde, / stāh
Genesis A 1494 / stāh ofer strēam-weall, || swā him sēo stefn be·bēad, / lus
Genesis A 1565 a sċēaf / rēaf of līċe. || Swā ġe·risne ne wæs, / læġ þ
Genesis A 1567 eat / þæt him on his inne% || swā earme ġe·lamp, / þā him on
Genesis A 1573 ēon / and sċome þeċċan, || swā ġe·sċapu wǣron / werum and
Genesis A 1630 le wēold, / wīd-mǣre wer, || swā% ūs ġe·writu seċġaþ, / þ
Genesis A 1669 ġe·sōhton || Sennera feld, / swā þā fore-mihtġe || folces r
Genesis A 1716 ōth, || un-for·cūðlīċe, / swā him fram ieldrum || æðelu w
Genesis A 1748 / fæder ēðel-stōl. || Far, swā iċ þē hāte, / manna lēofos
Genesis A 1770 þ-feorm and ġe·sǣliġ, || swā him siĝora weard, / wealdend
Genesis A 1837 ste hell / sōðan sprǣċe; || swā þū mīnum sċealt / fēore ġ
Genesis A 1840 nd ūser, / ān æl-mehtiġ, || swā hē ǣr dyde, / lengran līfes.
Genesis A 2210 fram Eġypta || ēðel-mearce / swā mid niþþas || swā% Nīlus
Genesis A 2210 l-mearce / swā mid niþþas || swā% Nīlus sċēadeþ / and eft Wen
Genesis A 2213 , / þēod-landa ġe·hwelc, || swā þā þrīe wæter / stēape st
Genesis A 2250 e, / bedd-ræste ġe·stāh, || swā iċ bēna wæs, / drehte% dōĝ
Genesis A 2260 en mōst / mennen ā·têon, || swā þīn mōd frêoþ’. / Þā w
Genesis A 2297 es lārum / hire hlāfordum, || swā sē hālĝa be·bēad, / Godes
Genesis A 2302 XX]. || Sunu wēox and þāh, / swā sē enġel ǣr || þurh his
Genesis A 2306 Abrahame spræc: / ‘Lēofa%, swā iċ þē lǣre, || lǣst uncr
Genesis A 2325 ifen fram duĝuþum. || Dōþ swā iċ hāte. / Iċ ēow trēowie,
Genesis A 2359 stum wille / blētsian nū, || swā þū bēna eart / þīnum frum-
Genesis A 2370 wesan’. / Abraham fremede || swā him sē ēċa be·bēad, / sett
Genesis A 2391 m mīnum. || Sċeal sēo wyrd swā þēah / forþ steallian || sw
Genesis A 2392 wā þēah / forþ steallian || swā iċ þē æt frymþe ġe·hē
Genesis A 2414 æt þā menn dôn, / ġif hīe swā swīðe || synna fremmaþ / þ
Genesis A 2415 þēawum and ġe·þancum, || swā hīe on þweorh sprecaþ / fāc
Genesis A 2446 linges ēst, || ēodon sōna, / swā him sē Ebrisċa || eorl wīs
Genesis A 2467 twā / dohtor mīne. || Dōþ, swā iċ ēow bidde / ne cann þāra
Genesis A 2495 de || reċed aefter ġiestum, / swā hīe fundodon, || ac ðǣr fr
Genesis A 2515 d idesum || ealdor-nere mīne / swā feorr heonan || fēðe-gange /
Genesis A 2556 an, || eorðan wæstma, / efene swā wīde || swā þā wīte-lāc
Genesis A 2556 wæstma, / efene swā wīde || swā þā wīte-lāc / rēðe ġe·r
Genesis A 2588 t% þā / Abraham ārlīċe, || swā hē oft dyde / lēofne mannan.
Genesis A 2600 nd his dohtor twā. / Hie dydon swā; || druncnum ēode / sēo ieldre
Genesis A 2633 fylste þā / ēċe drihten, || swā hē oft dyde, / nerġend ūser.
Genesis A 2736 hēr’. / Abraham fremede || swā hine his ealdor hēt, / on·fen
Genesis A 2759 ynnes weard%, / Abimēleche, || swā hine Abraham bæd. / Þā cōm
Genesis A 2761 a æl-mehtiġ / tō Sarrai, || swā hē self ġe·cwæþ, / wealden
Genesis A 2769 āĝne hand / bēacen sette, || swā him be·bēad metod, / wuldor-t
Genesis A 2772 te. / Cniht wēox and þāh, || swā him cynde wǣron / æðele fram
Genesis A 2803 tūdre, / wæstmum spēdiġ, || swā iċ þē wordum ġe·hēt’.
Genesis A 2833 re sealde || þæt hē wolde swā. / Siþþan wæs sē ēadĝa ||
Genesis A 2872 ac lǣdan, / bearn unweaxen, || swā him be·bēad metod. / Efste þ
Genesis A 2874 ōnette / forþ fold-weġe, || swā him frēa tǣhte / weĝas ofer
Genesis A 2879 ·seah hlīfian || hêa dūne / swā him sæġde ǣr || sweġeles
Genesis A 2894 ĝod / þæt hē ġe·dǣde% || swā hine drihten hēt: / ‘Him þ
Genesis A 2896 indeþ, / mann-cynnes weard, || swā him ġe·met þynceþ’. / Ġe
Genesis A 2898 dūne / up mid his eaforan, || swā him sē ēċa be·bēad, / þæ
A.1.2 49 rd || þā sēo meniġu fōr. / Swā þæs fæsten drēah || fela
A.1.2 82 fæt || seġle% ofer·tolden, / swā þā mæst-rāpas || menn ne
A.1.2 101 ·rās, / mōdiġra mæġen, || swā him Moyses be·bēad, / mǣre m
A.1.2 143 aefter māðmum, || þæt hē swā miċeles ġe·þāh. / Ealles
A.1.2 194 at gumena, || ġearwe bǣron. / Swā ðǣr eorp weorod, || ēċan
A.1.2 314 lād / for his mǣġ-winum. || Swā him mehtiġ God / þæs dæġ-w
A.1.2 352 ġhwelċ / mǣġ-burga riht, || swā him Moises bēad, / eorla æðe
A.1.2 359 ēla cynn, || on·riht Godes, / swā þæt or-þancum || ealde re
A.1.2 377 eofonum || hæleþ bryttiaþ. / Swā þæt wīse menn || wordum se
A.1.2 388 on, / hālġe hēah-trēowe, || swā hæleþ ġe·fruĝnon. / Þǣr
A.1.2 404 / fēores frōfre, || þā hē swā forþ ġe·bād, / lēodum tō
A.1.2 520 rende. || Dæġ-word% nemnaþ / swā ġīet wer-þēode, || on ġe
A.1.2 539 ræf. || Yfela ġe·hwelċes% / swā nū reġn-þēofas || rīċe
A.1.2 549 cyning, || tō wīdan fēore. / Swā reordode || rǣda ġe·myndi
A.1.3 3 dǣlan, / cyningdōm habban, || swā him ġe·cynde wæs, / siþþan
A.1.3 20 on, / metodes mæġensċipe, || swā nā man sċyle / his gāstes lu
A.1.3 62 er stān-hliðum, / swelċ eall swā þā eorlas || āĝan sċoldo
A.1.3 130 en cyninge): / ‘Hū maĝon we swā dīeĝle, || drihten, ā·hy
A.1.3 136 itĝum sīnum: / ‘Nǣron ġē swā ēacne || ofer ealle menn / mō
A.1.3 137 lle menn / mōd-ġe·þances || swā ġē mē sæġdon, / and þæt
A.1.3 139 ūðon / mīne ealdor-leġe, || swā mē aefter wearþ, / oþþe iċ
A.1.3 157 el Godes || eall ā·sæġde / swā his mann-drihten || ġe·mǣt
A.1.3 172 æs on ðǣre þēode || þē swā hātte, / bræsne Babilonie. ||
A.1.3 183 n rǣd, / efndon unrihtdōm, || swā hira ealdor dyde, / māne ġe·
A.1.3 185 cnod. / Fremde folc-mæġen, || swā hira frēa ǣrest, / unrǣd efn
A.1.3 226 hē wæs ġe·ġlēded%, || swā hē grimmost meahte, / frecne f
A.1.3 232 ·fremede; || þēah þe hīe swā grame nydde / in fæðm fȳres
A.1.3 234 ede / mehtiġ metodes weard. || Swā þæt maniġe ġe·fruĝnon, /
A.1.3 244 iġe / wurpon wudu on innan, || swā him wæs on wordum ġe·dēme
A.1.3 257 / drihten on drēame, || dydon swā hīe cūðon / ofene on innan,
A.1.3 288 ðde || and ġe·siġefæste, / swā þū ēac selfa eart. / Sindon
A.1.3 320 wǣre, / hād% tō hebbanne || swā heofon-steorran / be·būĝað
A.1.3 333 tend, || sōþfæst metod!’ / Swā sē hālĝa wer || herġende
A.1.3 360 drihten, / þēoda wealdend. || Swā hīe þrīe cwǣdon, / mōdum h
A.1.3 432 lāre, / ċierdon cyne-gōde || swā hīe ġe·cȳðde wǣron, / hwu
A.1.3 463 fdon. / Wielm þurh·wōdon, || swā him wiht ne sċōd / grimm glē
A.1.3 486 an sende, || snytru cræftas! / Swā wordum spræc || weorodes rǣ
A.1.3 493 ·sette / metod æl-mehtiġ, || swā hē maniĝum dēþ / þāra þe
A.1.3 560 wesan / stille on staðole, || swā sēo stefn ġe·cwæþ, / ymb s
A.1.3 562 tīda || sǣde eft on·fōn. / Swā þīn blǣd liġþ. || Swā s
A.1.3 562 . / Swā þīn blǣd liġþ. || Swā sē bēam ġe·wēox, / hēah t
A.1.3 563 wēox, / hēah tō heofonum, || swā þū hæleþum eart / ana eallu
A.1.3 576 sċūr / weċeþ and wreceþ || swā wildu dēor, / oþ·þæt þū
A.1.3 580 || sē on rodorum is. / Is mē swā þēah willa || þæt sē wyr
A.1.3 581 a / stille wæs on staðole, || swā sēo stefn ġe·cwæþ, / and y
A.1.3 583 fan tīde || sǣde on·fenge. / Swā þīn rīċe || restende biþ
A.1.3 615 fer-hyġd || ofer ealle menn. / Swā wōd% wera || on ġe·winn-da
A.1.3 638 inge, / seofon winter samod, || swā nō swīðrode / rīċe under r
A.1.3 644 || gumena ġe·hwelcum% / welan swā wīte, || swā hē wolde self
A.1.3 644 hwelcum% / welan swā wīte, || swā hē wolde self. / Ne lengde þ
A.1.3 654 wunnen, / dōm ġe·dēmed, || swā ǣr Daniel cwæþ, / þæt sē
A.1.3 657 ðas || for his ofer-mēdlan. / Swā hē ofstlīċe || god-spellod
A.1.3 668 þæt him cwealm ġe·sċōd, / swā him ofer eorðan || andsaca n
A.1.3 752 c, / wīn-druncen ġe·witt, || swā þē weorðan sċeall. / Nā þ
A.1.4 14 e || þurh his sōðan meaht. / Swā sē wyrhta || þurh his wuldr
A.1.4 22 on mōde || þæt hit meahte swā, / þæt hīe wǣron% selfe% ||
A.1.4 61 an-sīen! || Habbaþ we ealle swā / for þīnum lēasungum || lī
A.1.4 65 fst þū nū māre sūsel!” / ‘Swā firenfulle || fācnum wordum /
A.1.4 83 metode, || and þēos meniġu swā same. / Þā iċ in mōde || m
A.1.4 116 efan%, / æðel% tō ǣhte, || swā hē ǣr dyde, / ēċne% an-weal
A.1.4 125 it mē% wierse ġe·lamp!%’ / Swā sē wierĝa gāst || wordum s
A.1.4 190 ndsaca; || dydon his ġungran swā%, / ġīfre and grǣdġe, || þā
A.1.4 254 rþ ūsiċ || þæt we woldon swā / drihten ā·drīfan || of þ
A.1.4 278 īefan, / ēðel% tō ǣhte, || swā hē ǣr dyde’. / Swā gnornod
A.1.4 279 hte, || swā hē ǣr dyde’. / Swā gnornodon || Godes andsacan, /
A.1.4 305 man, / synne ā·dwǣsċan. || Swā hē selfa cwæþ: / ‘Sōþfæ
A.1.4 348 æt hālġe seld. / Nis nǣniġ swā snotor || ne swā cræftiġ, /
A.1.4 348 Nis nǣniġ swā snotor || ne swā cræftiġ, / ne þæs swā glē
A.1.4 349 | ne swā cræftiġ, / ne þæs swā glēaw, || nemþe God selfa, /
A.1.4 410 odon / þurh nǣdran nīþ, || swā wit nā ne sċoldon. / Ġe·lǣ
A.1.4 462 ītĝan sæġdon || þæt hē swā% wolde. / Þis wæs on ūhtan ||
A.1.4 467 ; || bān weornodon / þā hīe swā lēohtne || lēoman ġe·sāw
A.1.4 482 ton þā / beorhtan blǣda, || swā inċ sē bealwa hēt, / hand-þ
A.1.4 512 amas / tō hālĝum drihtne’. / 'Swā% wuldres weard || wordum sæġ
A.1.4 523 awian, / ēċne and trumne, || swā hē ǣr dyde. / Þā iċ gangan
A.1.4 527 aton% hāliġne || Godes sunu / swā hēo ġe·sǣĝon || hwǣr su
A.1.4 623 mǣran byrġ / up tō englum || swā ōðre dydon, / ac% him biþ re
A.1.4 659 tō þissum ēadĝan hām’. / Swā wuldres weard || wordum herġ
A.1.4 672 lāfas wyrċan - / ‘ġif þū swā miċele || meahte hæbbe’. /
A.1.4 10 ht cyning / engla and manna, || swā þū ǣr myntest’. / Þā him
A.1.4 22 þæs grundes; || gang þonne swā / oþ·þæt þū þone ymb-hwy
A.1.4 43 senda / mila ġe·mearcodes, || swā hine sē mihtĝa hēt / þæt
A.2.1 5 iþþan hīe ġe·dǣldon, || swā him drihten self, / heofona hē
A.2.1 67 hþa sċeall / dǣde fremman || swā þā dumban neat. / Þū ana ca
A.2.1 149 rces || būtan þrymm nihtum, / swā hit wæl-wulfas || ā·writen
A.2.1 157 lt-cwale || ġe·seted wurde. / Swā hīe simble ymb þrītiġ ||
A.2.1 177 healdaþ / morðor-cræftum. || Swā is ðǣre meniġu þēaw / þæ
A.2.1 192 e·fremman || on feorne weġ / swā hrǣdlīċe, || heofona sċie
A.2.1 193 ieppend, / wuldres wealdend, || swā þū worde be·cwist? / Þæt m
A.2.1 261 dswarode || eall-mehtiġ god, / swā þæt ne wiste, || sē þe þ
A.2.1 269 ōhton, / wǣre be·wrecene, || swā ūs wind for·drāf.’ / Him
A.2.1 297 / sċēatas ġe·sċrifene, || swā ēow sċip-weardas, / āras ofe
A.2.1 304 ettan, / willan on weorolde, || swā þū worde be·cwist.’ / Him
A.2.1 322 ne / on·cnāwe cūðlīċe, || swā þæt Crīst be·bēad, / þēo
A.2.1 327 e god || ealra ġe·sċeafta, / swā hē ealle be·fēhþ || ānes
A.2.1 333 e || eorðan sċēatas% / efene swā wīde || swā wæter be·bū
A.2.1 333 ċēatas% / efene swā wīde || swā wæter be·būĝeþ, / oþþe s
A.2.1 345 ·hōf / ofer middan-ġeard, || swā ġē mē seċġaþ, / and ġē
A.2.1 348 wille / ofer brim-strēamas, || swā ġē bēnan sint.’ / Þā on
A.2.1 357 blǣd, / metod mann-cynnes, || swā þū mē hafast / on þissum s
A.2.1 389 ġiefe, / heofonlicne hlāf, || swā þū hyldu wiþ mē / ofer fier
A.2.1 418 ittendes, / wuldor-cininges, || swā þū worde be·cwist, / rece þ
A.2.1 438 ācende, || līðra weorðan. / Swā ġe·sǣlde ġō, || þæt we
A.2.1 461 , || ġif his ellen dēah.’ / Swā hleoðrode || hāliġ cempa, /
A.2.1 493 amas, || (is þȳs āne mā), / swā iċ ǣfre ne ġe·seah || ǣn
A.2.1 501 æft. / Is þon ġe·līcost || swā hē on land-sċeare% / stille s
A.2.1 524 fylde / beorhtne bold-welan, || swā ġe·bletsod wearþ / engla ē
A.2.1 582 tedum || blinde ġe·sǣĝon. / Swā hē on grund-weġe || gumena
A.2.1 594 þǣĝon, / menn on moldan, || swā him ġe·mēdost wæs. / Nū þ
A.2.1 622 gumena / folc-rǣd fremede, || swā hē tō friðe hoĝode.’ / Hi
A.2.1 649 ċġan wille / ōr and ende, || swā iċ þæs æðelinges / word an
A.2.1 661 eorte, || burĝ-weardes cyme. / Swā ġe·sǣlde ġō || þæt sē
A.2.1 692 ephes, || Simon and Iacob.’ / Swā hlēoðrodon || hæleþa rǣs
A.2.1 710 lĝon, || þēah hē% sōðra swā fela / tācna ġe·cȳðde, ||
A.2.1 786 Ġe·wāt hē þā fēran, || swā him frēa mehtiġ, / sċieppend
A.2.1 789 be·cōm / beorhte blīcan, || swā him be·bēad metod, / ðǣr þ
A.2.1 813 undra worn || wordum cȳðde, / swā þēah ne ġe·līefdon || l
A.2.1 845 hæfde / sīðe ġe·sōhte, || swā him self be·bēad, / þā% hē
A.2.1 895 æt hīe god wolde / on·munan swā miċeles || ofer menn ealle, /
A.2.1 922 āwla nerġend, / þæt iċ þe swā gōdne || on·ġietan ne meah
A.2.1 926 eall-wealda god: / ‘Nā þū swā swīðe || synne ġe·fremede
A.2.1 927 īðe || synne ġe·fremedest / swā þū on Achaia% || andsæc dy
A.2.1 931 nihta / frist-ġe·mearces, || swā iċ þē fēran hēt / ofer wǣ
A.2.1 937 ġiet, / beorn ġe·bletsod, || swā þē beorht fæder / ġe·weor
A.2.1 949 rolde || and on wuldre lēan, / swā iċ him selfum ǣr || seċġe
A.2.1 972 ne hyġe || bȳsne onstellan, / swā on ell-þēode || īewed wier
A.2.1 986 strǣte, || (stīġ wīsode), / swā him nǣniġ gumena || on·ġi
A.2.1 1045 ǣdan / on ġe·hield godes, || swā him sē hālĝa be·bēad. / We
A.2.1 1053 helle wītu / wordum werede. || Swā þā wīġend mid him, / hæle
A.2.1 1115 on / þearle ġe·þrēatod, || swā sē þēod-sċaða / rēow% rī
A.2.1 1137 tō ġe·þolianne, / þæt hē swā unsċyldiġ || ealdre sċolde
A.2.1 1149 ndsacan, || eċġa þrȳðum. / Swā wearþ ā·līesed || of lēo
A.2.1 1231 tēon, || torn-ġe·nīðlan, / swā hīe hit frēcnost || findan
A.2.1 1234 d-ferhþne%, / efene swā wīde swā || weĝas tō lǣĝon, / enta
A.2.1 1243 synnum, || þēah hē sāres swā fela / dēopum dolh-sleĝum ||
A.2.1 1245 sleĝum || drēoĝan sċolde. / Swā wæs ealne dæġ || oþ·þæ
A.2.1 1274 æstne hæleþ. / Þā wæs eft swā ǣr || andlangne dæġ / swunge
A.2.1 1288 -mehtiġ, || ān-for·lǣtan, / swā iċ þæt ġe·fremme, || þe
A.2.1 1321 ·teohhad / land and lēode, || swā dyde lārēow þīn. / Cyne-þr
A.2.1 1323 ġeard, || þenden hit meahte swā. / Þone Herodes || ealdre be·s
A.2.1 1328 lĝan || his gǣst on·sende. / Swā iċ nū be·bēode || bearnum
A.2.1 1341 on flēam numen. / On·gann eft swā ǣr || eald-ġe·nīðla, / hel
A.2.1 1343 gālan: / ‘Hwæt wearþ ēow swā rōfum, || rincas mīne, / lind
A.2.1 1344 -ġe·steallan, || þæt ēow swā lȳt ġe·spēow?’ / Him% þ
A.2.1 1393 e·mieltan. || Hit ne meahte swā. / þā wæs nīewunga || nīþ
A.2.1 1441 ·seoh nū selfes swæðe, || swā þīn swāt ā·ġēat / þurh
A.2.1 1449 ndan / blǣdum ġe·hrodene, || swā hē ǣr his blōd ā·ġēat.
A.2.1 1455 ne, || ān ne for·lǣte.’ / Swā sē dǣd-fruma || drihten her
A.2.1 1476 ore be·stīemed, / ac wæs eft swā ǣr || þurh þā æðelan me
A.2.1 1514 htum swīþ. || Moyse sealde, / swā hit sōþfæste || siþþan h
A.2.1 1562 hete-grimm. || Þæt is hēr% swā cūþ, / is hit miċele sēlre,
A.2.1 1582 drīġe / folde fram flōde, || swā his fōt ġe·stōp. / Wurdon b
A.2.1 3 ēowde || ān-for·lǣtan / on swā nīewan ġe·fēan, || āh hi
A.2.1 29 an dōme / daĝas on rīme, || swā him drihten be·bēad, / þæt
A.2.2 102 ne% līċes frætwa, || efene swā //L// tō·glīdeþ. / Þonne%
A.2.2 113 uncūþ, / eard and ēðel, || swā biþ% ǣlcum menn / nemþe hē
A.2.3 7 || æt Gode selfum / swā wīte swā wuldor, || swā him on weorol
A.2.3 7 um / swā wīte swā wuldor, || swā him on weorolde ǣr / efene þ
A.2.3 15 oroda drihten. / Clipaþ þonne swā ċēarfull || ċealdan reorde
A.2.3 47 sended. / Nǣfre þū mē wiþ% swā heardum || helle wītum / nē
A.2.3 64 n, / wemman þē mid wordum, || swā þū worhtest tō mē. / Eart
A.2.3 66 wiht. / Sċeal iċ þē nihtes swā þēah || nīede ġe·sēċan
A.2.3 83 ora / þæt wierreste, || ðǣr swā God wolde, / ġe þēah þū w
A.2.3 85 nna / þæt grimmeste, || ðǣr swā God wolde, / þonne þū ǣfre
A.2.3 102 n brūcan / swelcra iermþa, || swā þū unc hēr ǣr sċrife’.
A.2.3 141 on, / heofona wuldor, || swelċ swā þū mē ǣr hēr sċrife. / F
A.2.3 149 earf || hēr on līfe / ealles swā miċeles || swā þū mē sea
A.2.3 149 līfe / ealles swā miċeles || swā þū mē sealdest / on ġe·mō
A.2.4 5 be·foran || and þæt fācen swā% þēah / hafaþ on his heortan,
A.2.4 14 , / ġe·hātaþ holdlīċe, || swā hira hiht ne gǣþ, / wǣre mid
A.2.4 19 ·īewe. || Ǣnlīċe bēoþ, / swā þā bēon beraþ || būta æ
A.2.4 24 %, || þonne sē sǣl cumeþ. / Swā bēoþ ġe·līċe || þā l
A.2.4 31 ofles cræft || dierne wunde. / Swā is nū þēs middan-ġeard ||
A.2.4 39 healde, / gāstlīċe lufe, || swā him god be·bēad%. / For·þon
A.2.5 92 heofon-rīċes weard! / swelċe swā hē his mōdor ēac, || māri
A.2.5 108 weald, / ānra ġe·hwelcum || swā hē him ǣror hēr / on þissum
A.2.5 114 wolde / biteres onbierġan, || swā hē ǣr on þām bēame dyde.
A.2.6 87 an on·spēon, / up lōcade, || swā him sē ār ā·bēad, / fǣle
A.2.6 100 ow, / beorna bēaĝ-ġiefa, || swā hē þæt bēacen ġe·seah, /
A.2.6 128 inn-stæpes / Hūna lēode, || swā þæt hālġe trēo / ā·rǣra
A.2.6 163 þis his bēacen wæs / þe mē swā lēoht oþ·īewde || and mī
A.2.6 190 num / sæġdon siġe-rōfum, || swā fram Siluestre / lǣrde wǣron.
A.2.6 207 dend / æfstum þurh inwitt, || swā sē ealda fēond / for·lǣrde
A.2.6 223 earu, / wīf on will-sīþ, || swā hire weoroda helm, / byrn-wīġ
A.2.6 271 sōhte, / seċġa þrēate. || Swā hit siþþan ġe·lamp / ymb l
A.2.6 306 ǣrre līf || ēowres cynnes. / Swā ġē mōd-blinde || menġan o
A.2.6 325 n·cweðan meahton / swā tiles swā trāĝes, || swā hēo him t
A.2.6 325 / swā tiles swā trāĝes, || swā hēo him tō sōhte. / Hēo þ
A.2.6 340 on dēagle, / meahtum mǣre, || swā þæs mōdor ne biþ / wæstmum
A.2.6 350 ealdre || ansīen mīne.’ / Swā hit eft be ēow || Essaias, / w
A.2.6 378 cwāniġe, / collen-ferhþe, || swā him sēo cwēn bēad. / Fundon%
A.2.6 411 / Ēodon þā fram rūne, || swā him sēo rīċe cwēn, / beald
A.2.6 436 orla, || ġif þis yppe biþ, / swā þā þæt īlce ġō || min
A.2.6 39 elost bearna. / Ne meahton hīe swā dysġe || dēaþ oþ·fæstan
A.2.6 40 æstan, / weras wan-sǣlġe, || swā hīe wēndon ǣr, / sārum sett
A.2.6 60 lārum / fēore be·rǣddon, || swā hē þurh fēondsċipe / tō cw
A.2.6 62 folces / dēmde tō dēaðe. || Swā þēah him drihten eft / miltse
A.2.6 103 erne || þȳsliċ cȳðan / ymb swā dēaĝle wyrd. || Dō swā þ
A.2.6 103 mb swā dēaĝle wyrd. || Dō swā þē þynċe, / fyrn-ġiedda fr
A.2.6 151 ·wrēon wyrda ġe·rȳnu, || swā þū hine wordum friġnest, /
A.2.6 159 þurh þā miċelan meaht, || swā þīn mōd lufaþ.’ / Hēo on
A.2.6 168 ē sint tū ġearu, / swā līf swā dēaþ, || swā þe lēofre b
A.2.6 168 ru, / swā līf swā dēaþ, || swā þe lēofre biþ / tō ġe·ċ
A.2.6 191 e hē heofon-rīċes || hiht% swā mōde / and þis andwearde ||
A.2.6 194 ġ iċ þæt findan || þæt swā fyrn ġe·wearþ / wintra gangu
A.2.6 203 t, / findan on ferhþe || þæt swā fyrn ġe·wearþ.’ / Elene ma
A.2.6 206 þisse wer-þēode / þæt ġē swā maniġfeald || on ġe·mynd w
A.2.6 207 , / ealra tācna ġe·hwelċ || swā Troiana / þurh ġe·feoht frem
A.2.6 215 n-hliðum || and þā stōwe swā same, / and þā winter-ġe·r
A.2.6 236 nunga / wīsdōm on·wrēon, || swā ġe·writu seċġaþ, / aefter
A.2.6 253 þ ġe·cȳðe.’ / Hēt þā swā cwicne || corðre lǣdan, / sċ
A.2.6 277 ġe·lǣdon / of carc-ærne, || swā him sēo cwēn be·bēad%. / St
A.2.6 339 lēas, || nǣfre hē sōðra swā fela / on weorold-rīċe || wun
A.2.6 342 ; || nā þū of dēaðe hine / swā þrymlīċe, || þēoda weald
A.2.6 346 ngla, || forþ bēacen þīn. / Swā þū ġe·hīerdest% || þone
A.2.6 350 eorh-hliðe || bān Iosephes, / swā iċ þē, weoroda wynn%, ||
A.2.6 373 c būtan ende, / þæs þū mē swā mēðum || and swā mān-weor
A.2.6 373 þū mē swā mēðum || and swā mān-weorcum / þurh þīn wuld
A.2.6 396 amne, / grēote be·grafene, || swā hēo ġār-daĝum / ārlēasra
A.2.6 399 s bearne / nīþ ā·hōfon, || swā hīe nā sċoldon, / ðǣr hīe
A.2.6 443 hyċġende. || Hit wæs dēad swā ǣr, / līċ leġere fæst. ||
A.2.6 457 hþ-sefan, / inn-ġe·mynde, || swā him ā sċyle, / wunder þā þ
A.2.6 501 mes full: / ‘Ne þearft þū swā swīðe, || synna ġe·myndi
A.2.6 521 % þæs weres snytru, / hū hē swā ġe·lēafful || on swā lȳt
A.2.6 521 hē swā ġe·lēafful || on swā lȳtlum fæce / and swā uncȳ
A.2.6 522 || on swā lȳtlum fæce / and swā uncȳðiġ || ǣfre wurde, / gl
A.2.6 527 æs ġe·lēafan || þe hēo swā lēohte on·cnēow, / wuldorfæ
A.2.6 533 don, / boden% aefter burgum, || swā brimu fæðmaþ, / on ċeastra
A.2.6 576 rð-weġe. || Hēo ġe·efnde swā, / siþþan wine-māĝas || west
A.2.6 583 nge / ġierwan godes tempel, || swā hire gasta weard / reord of rod
A.2.6 609 wyrd ġe·sċrāf / þæt hē swā ġe·lēaffull || and swā l
A.2.6 609 ē swā ġe·lēaffull || and swā lēof gode / on weorold-rīċe
A.2.6 627 urh·wōdon || and his folme swā same, / mid þām on rōde wæs
A.2.6 692 Ciriacus / eall ġe·fylled, || swā him sēo æðele be·bēad, / w
A.2.6 707 weardode, / æðelne innoþ, || swā hīe æl-mehtiġ / siġe-bearn
A.2.6 716 n sungen / eall aefter orde, || swā hit eft ġe·lamp / þinga ġe
A.2.6 768 īe lufan dryhtnes, / and sibbe swā same || selfra be·twēonum, /
A.2.6 816 / ymb þone beorhtan bēam, || swā iċ on bōcum fand, / wyrda gan
A.2.6 830 ne, / līf-wynne ġe·liden, || swā //L//% tō·glīdeþ, / flōdas
A.2.6 839 / þrēam for·þryċċed. || / Swā ā% þēos weorlod || eall ġ
A.2.6 840 | eall ġe·wīteþ, / and ēac swā same || þe hire inn wurdon /
A.2.6 846 þæs dēman mūþ, / and worda swā same || wedd ġe·sellan, / eal
A.2.6 853 yht, / duĝuþ dōm-ġeorne, || swā hīe ā·drēoĝan maĝon / and
A.2.6 856 etgaþ eall / ǣled% lēoma, || swā him īeðost biþ, / selfum ġe
A.2.6 871 , / ā·sundrod fram synnum, || swā smǣte gold / þæt on wielme b
A.2.6 874 / ā·mered and ġe·melted || Swā biþ þāra manna ǣlċ / ā·s
Christ A 17 eddan, / earme fram eġesan, || swā hē oft dyde. / Ēalā þū% re
Christ A 58 ldre full / hālĝan hyhtes, || swā þū ġe·hāten eart. / Seoh n
Christ A 63 meþ, / nimeþ eard on þē, || swā hit ǣr ġe·fyrn / wītĝan w
Christ A 85 / mæġþhād sē miċela. || Swā eall manna bearn / sorĝum sāw
Christ A 86 nna bearn / sorĝum sāwaþ, || swā eft ripaþ, / cennaþ tō cweal
Christ A 109 þē || simle on·līehtest. / Swā þū, god of gode || ġearu
Christ A 112 an an·ġinne || ǣfre wǣre, / swā þeċ nū for þearfum || þ
Christ A 132 || nemned wǣre / Emmanuhel, || swā hit enġel ġe·cwæþ / ǣrest
Christ A 135 ard, / god selfa mid ūs.’ || Swā þæt gamole ġe·fyrn / ealra
Christ A 138 ċe || sæġdon tō·weard%, / swā sē mǣra ġō, || Melchisede
Christ A 142 nge his / hyhtan hider-cyme, || swā him ġe·hāten wæs, / þætte
Christ A 148 ariĝum. || For·þon cwǣdon swā, / sūslum ġe·sliehte: || ‘N
Christ A 180 | and þū þā word spricest / swā þū selfa sīe || synna ġe
Christ A 233 sōna ġe·lamp, || þā hit swā sċolde, / lēoma lēohtode ||
Christ A 306 | eall sċēawode. / Wlāt þā swā wīsfæst% || witĝa ġond þ
Christ A 312 iġ ielda || ǣfre ne% meahte / swā fæstlīċe || fore-sċyttels
Christ A 323 standaþ% / simle singāles || swā be·clȳsed / þæt nǣniġ ō
Christ A 330 an || ūt sīðode, / and efene swā þeċ ġe·mette, || meahtum
Christ A 332 orene, || Crīst æl-mehtiġ. / Swā þē aefter him || engla þē
Christ A 426 || þurh his mōdor hrif. / And swā forþ-gangende || folca nerġ
Christ B 455 den / on þā æðelan tīd, || swā hīe eft dydon / þā sē breĝ
Christ B 468 . / Hæfde þā ġe·fylled, || swā ǣr be·foran sungon, / wītĝe
Christ B 501 yġe murnende, / þæs þe hīe swā lēofne || lenġ ne mōston /
Christ B 523 || frætwum blīcan. / Wile eft swā þēah || eorðan mǣġþe / se
Christ B 543 yriġ tīen niht þā ġīen, / swā him self be·bēad || swēġl
Christ B 547 nes. / Þæt is wēl cweden, || swā ġe·writu seċġaþ, / þæt h
Christ B 591 unaþ%, || ġe·ċēosan mōt / swā helle hīenþu || swā heofon
Christ B 591 n mōt / swā helle hīenþu || swā heofones mǣrþu, / swā þæt
Christ B 592 þu || swā heofones mǣrþu, / swā þæt lēohte lēoht || swā
Christ B 592 / swā þæt lēohte lēoht || swā þā lāðan niht, / swā þrym
Christ B 593 ht || swā þā lāðan niht, / swā þrymmes þræce || swā þī
Christ B 593 iht, / swā þrymmes þræce || swā þīestra wræce, / swā mid dr
Christ B 594 ce || swā þīestra wræce, / swā mid drihten drēam || swā mi
Christ B 594 e, / swā mid drihten drēam || swā mid dēoflum hrēam, / swā wī
Christ B 595 || swā mid dēoflum hrēam, / swā wīte mid wrāðum || swā wu
Christ B 595 m, / swā wīte mid wrāðum || swā wuldor mid ārum, / swā līf s
Christ B 596 wuldor mid ārum, / swā līf swā dēaþ, || swā him lēofre b
Christ B 596 um, / swā līf swā dēaþ, || swā him lēofre biþ / tō ġe·fre
Christ B 633 þon ġiedd ā·wræc || Iob, swā hē cūðe, / herede helm wera,
Christ B 645 icu%, || ġond middan-ġeard. / Swā sē fǣla fuĝol || flyġes c
Christ B 681 gang, / weĝas wīd-ġielle. || Swā sē wealdend ūs, / god-bearn o
Christ B 691 ō ealdre || engla and manna; / swā hē his weorc weorðaþ. || B
Christ B 695 || Hwæt sindon þā / ġimmas swā sċīene || būtan god selfa?
Christ B 699 lixeþ%, / gǣstliċ tungol, || swā sēo godes ċiriċe / þurh ġe
Christ B 701 d rihtes / beorhte blīceþ. || Swā hit on bōcum cwiþ, / siþþan
Christ B 746 de, / mōdiġ aefter muntum. || Swā we menn sċulon / heortan ġe·
Christ B 784 sċulon || lēanum hlēotan%, / swā we wīde-feorh || weorcum hl
Christ B 850 . / Nū is þon ġe·līcost || swā we on laĝu-flōde / ofer ċeal
Christ C 870 þ, / sċīre ġe·sċeafte, || swā oft sċaða fǣcne, / þēof þ
Christ C 875 earwe || yfles ġe·nǣġeþ. / Swā on Syne beorh || samod up cym
Christ C 897 yme, / hwītra and sweartra, || swā him is hām sċeapen / unġelī
Christ C 939 r ġe·hrēoseþ / and steorran swā some || stredaþ of heofone, /
Christ C 972 eard || on þā mǣran tīd. / Swā sē ġīfra gǣst || grundas
Christ C 984 a līeġ, / weallende wiĝa. || Swā ǣr wæter flōwan, / flōdas
Christ C 988 riġ swelteþ, / byrneþ wæter swā weax. || Þǣr biþ wundra m
Christ C 1109 sēoþ || drēoriġ-ferhþe, / swā him mid næġlum þurh·drifo
Christ C 1111 lĝan fēt, / and of his sīdan swā same || swāt for·lǣton, / ð
Christ C 1122 n þone ēadĝan || andwlitan swā same / hell-fūse menn || heand
Christ C 1185 || ǣniġ ne cūðen, / ēndon swā þēah wundrum, || þā hira
Christ C 1204 n ēċnesse || āĝan mosten? / Swā þām biþ grorne || on þām
Christ C 1230 frēan forhte, || swā fūle swā gǣt, / unsȳfre folc, || ārna
Christ C 1233 sċāden / wera cnēorissum, || swā hīe ġe·worhton ǣr, / ðǣr
Christ C 1242 er is tō ēacan || andġiete swā same, / þæt hīe him on wuldr
Christ C 1260 || heofon-rīċe ā·ġiefen. / Swā sċeall ġe·wrixled || þām
Christ C 1272 nne is him ōðer || earfeþu swā same / sċieldgum tō sċande,
Christ C 1282 sċ / sċandum þurh·waden || swā þæt sċīre glæs, / þæt ma
Christ C 1294 d tō sorĝum, / þæs þe hīe swā fæġere ġe·fēan% || on fy
Christ C 1295 fēan% || on fyrn-daĝum / and swā ǣnlīċe || ān·for·lēton
Christ C 1308 ā synne be·gǣþ. / Mæġ man swā þēah ġe·lācnian || leaht
Christ C 1377 || On·ġinneþ self cweðan, / swā hē tō ānum sprece || and h
Christ C 1386 þanc ne wisses. / Þā iċ þe swā sċīenne || ġe·sċeapen h
Christ C 1399 m sealde. / Þā iċ þē gōda swā fela || for·ġiefen hæfde / a
Christ C 1455 īnum folmum || and on fōtum swā same, / þurh þā iċ hangode
A.3.10 7 n wīcum || and þone wācran swā some, / sċyldum ġe·sċieredn
A.3.10 21 sċralletaþ / missenlīċe. || Swā bēoþ mōd-sefan / dālum ġe
A.3.10 63 ōles / rīċne be·rīefan, || swā hit riht ne wæs, / and þonne
A.3.10 74 ard. || Ne biþ þām ōðrum swā, / sē þe on ofer-mēdum || ear
A.3.11 44 siþþan / Engle and Swǣfe, || swā hit Offa ġe·slōh / Hrōðwul
A.3.11 50 te || Heaðo-beardna% þrymm. / Swā iċ ġeond·fērde fela || fr
A.3.11 131 d wīfum, || Wudĝa and Hama. / Swā iċ þæt simle on·fand || o
A.3.11 135 þenden hē hēr leofaþ.’ / Swā sċrīðende || ġe·sċēapu
A.3.12 7 e·loden weorðaþ. / Ferĝaþ swā and fēðaþ || fæder and m
A.3.12 64 æġe || forþ% ġe·healdan. / Swā missenlīċe || mehtiġ driht
A.3.12 88 ēþ hē wyrplas inn, / fēdeþ swā on feterum || fiðerum dealne
A.3.12 93 tealdes || handa ġe·lǣred. / Swā wrætlīċe || weoroda% nerġ
A.3.13 11 n gǣste, || ac hē is ġīen swā hē wæs, / þēoden ġe·þyld
A.3.13 32 eþ; / þȳ weorðeþ on foldan swā fela || fīra cynnes, / ne sīe
A.3.13 54 || him biþ wind ġe·mæne. / Swā biþ sǣ smilte, || / þonne h
A.3.13 56 nne hīe wind ne weċeþ; || / swā bēoþ þēoda ġe·þwǣre,
A.3.13 164 ġe·wearþ, || hēt siþþan swā forþ wesan. / Wera ġe·hwelcu
A.3.13 167 n ġiedd || and guman snytru. / Swā maniġe bēoþ menn ofer eor
A.3.13 167 bēoþ menn ofer eorðan, || swā bēoþ mōd-ġe·þancas; / ǣl
A.3.13 198 ēċe nīþ ieldum sċōd, || swā āðol-warum. / Druĝon wǣpna
A.3.14 43 lĝan% blǣd. / For·þon eall swā teofenode, || sē þe tela c
A.3.14 45 beran / stīðe stefn-byrd, || swā him sē stēora be·bēad / mis
A.3.14 47 urh þā miċelan ġe·cynd%. / Swā hīe tō weorolde || wlite fo
A.3.14 57 æðm || ealle ġe·sċeafta. / Swā him wīde-feorh || wuldor sta
A.3.14 82 fer brim hweorfeþ. / For·þon swā teofenode, || sē þe tela c
A.3.15 21 don, || fēondon be·weredon. / Swā mec hiht-ġiefu hēold, || hy
A.3.15 55 | lustum ne tinneþ. / Drēamas swā hēr ġe·drēosaþ, || dryht
A.3.15 59 || and eall stund ġe·nāh. / Swā nū weorold wendeþ, || wyrde
A.3.16 6 rendra / wornas wīd-sċope, || swā wæter be·būĝeþ / þisne be
A.3.16 20 ene / hīewa ġe·hwelċes; || swā hæleþ seċġaþ, / gǣst-hāl
A.3.16 25 um līexte / dryhta bearnum, || swā þæs dēores hīew, / blǣc br
A.3.16 53 roþ-lācende; || dēor efene swā some / aefter ðǣre stefne ||
A.3.16 55 ne || on þone stenċ faraþ. / Swā is drihten god, || drēama r
A.3.16 69 -hwyrft || eorðan sċēata%. / Swā sē snotra ġe·cwæþ || san
A.3.17 11 seald, || sǣ-rīerca mǣst, / swā þæt wēnaþ || wǣġ-līðe
A.3.17 31 teþ / sċipu mid sċealcum. || Swā biþ sċinna þēaw, / dēofla
A.3.17 47 e wielm / under mist-glōme, || swā sē miċela hwæl, / sē þe be
A.3.17 62 tō·gædere / grymme goman. || Swā biþ gumena ġe·hwǣm, / sē
A.3.17 87 | hǣlu sēċan, / þæt we mid swā lēofne || on lofe mōton / tō
A.3.18 5 æþ || wuldres ealdor: / ‘On swā hwelċe tīd || swā ġē mid
A.3.18 5 r: / ‘On swā hwelċe tīd || swā ġē mid trēowe tō mē / on h
A.3.18 7 na / sweartra ġe·swīcaþ, || swā iċ simle tō ēow / mid sibb-l
A.3.18 15 den ūs dæġ sċīene, / þæt swā æðelne || eard-wīca cyst / o
A.3.19 7 || æt gode selfum / swā wīte swā wuldor, || swā him on weorol
A.3.19 7 um / swā wīte swā wuldor, || swā him on weorolde ǣr / efene þ
A.3.19 15 ende weorolde. / Clipaþ þonne swā ċēarfull || ċealdan reorde
A.3.19 44 gode sended, / nǣfre þū mē% swā heardra || helle wīta / nīed%
A.3.19 59 ēċan, / wemman mid wordum, || swā þū worhtest tō mē. / Eart
A.3.19 78 ora / þæt grimmeste, || ðǣr swā god wolde, / ġe þēah þū w
A.3.19 96 n brūcan / swelcra iermþa, || swā þū unc ǣr sċrīfe.’ / Fir
Guthlac A 40 ġeard || maniġe ā·risene, / swā þæt ġēara ġō || godes s
Guthlac A 42 wītedōm / eall ā·nemdon, || swā hit nū gangeþ. / Ealdaþ eor
Guthlac A 70 / wilniaþ be ġe·wyrhtum. || Swā þās weorold-ġe·strēon / on
Guthlac A 110 frecnessa fela. || Frist wæs swā þe ana / on godes dōme, || hw
Guthlac A 129 nge / wunne aefter weorolde, || swā dōþ wræc-mæċġas / þā þ
Guthlac A 133 þȳ rēafe || rǣdan motan. / Swā hīe hine trymedon || on twā
Guthlac A 200 ian, || lǣtan wræce stille. / Swā him iersode, || sē for ealle
Guthlac A 219 eald-fēondas || ondan naman, / swā hīe sīn-gāles || sorĝe dr
Guthlac A 246 a ġe·þringan%. / Ne ēam iċ swā fēa-lōh, || swā iċ ēow f
Guthlac A 246 e ēam iċ swā fēa-lōh, || swā iċ ēow fore stande, / manna w
Guthlac A 276 an, / ġif þū ġe·wītest || swā wilde dēor / ana fram ēðele.
Guthlac A 323 nes hand || mīne þearfe.’ / Swā mōdĝode, || sē wiþ maniĝ
Guthlac A 344 sluman || oþþe sǣne mōd. / Swā sċeall ōretta || ā on his
Guthlac A 373 ac hē ġe·drēosan sċeall, / swā þēos eorðe eall || þe iċ
Guthlac A 390 āde hæbbe.’ / Þā wæs eft swā ǣr || eald-fēonda nīþ, / wr
Guthlac A 396 a god / freoðode on foldan, || swā hē fēora ġe·hwelċ / healde
Guthlac A 419 um, / ġierelum ġielplicum, || swā biþ ġuĝuþe þēaw, / ðǣr
Guthlac A 431 n / þrēam ofer·þunge || and swā þearfendliċ / him tō earfoþ
Guthlac A 463 fan cwēmaþ / wista wynnum. || Swā ġē weorðmyndu / on dolum dr
Guthlac A 493 dum. || Ne bēoþ þā dierne swā þēah. / Iċ ēow sōþ siþþ
Guthlac A 513 ·hwæs || lengu wealdeþ.’ / Swā hleoðrode || hāliġ cempa; /
Guthlac A 554 īed-wræce / dēope dēman. || Swā drihten mæġ, / ana æl-mehti
Guthlac A 566 lēaslīċe, / frecne fōre, || swā biþ fēonda þēaw, / þonne h
Guthlac A 576 odes cempan. || Hit ne meahte swā. / Cwǣdon ċēar·fulle, || Cr
Guthlac A 592 odes mæġene: / ‘Dōþ efene swā, || ġif ēow drihten Crīst, /
Guthlac A 620 d dǣdum, / lufian on līfe, || swā is lār and ār / tō spōwendr
Guthlac A 623 . / Sindon ġē wǣr-loĝan, || swā ġē on wræc-sīðe / lange li
Guthlac A 670 fierred, / engla ġe·māna. || Swā nū āwa sċeall / wesan wīde-
Guthlac A 739 fre, || ġēoce ġe·fǣġon. / Swā þæt milde mōd || wiþ mann
Guthlac A 760 ·sihþe || sōðes brūcaþ. / Swā sē æl-mihtĝa || ealle ġe
Guthlac A 771 imbreþ / gæstcunde ġiefe, || swā hē Gūð·lāces / daĝas and
Guthlac A 781 illan || ā·ġiefen% wurde%. / Swā wæs Gūð·lāces || gǣst
Guthlac A 790 rde, || heofon-rīċes weard. / Swā sōþfæstra || sāwla mōton
Guthlac B 854 broġden || and hira bearnum swā, / eaforum aefter, || þā hīe
Guthlac B 907 bruĝdon. / Hwīlum wēdende || swā wilde dēor / ċiermdon on cor
Guthlac B 940 inn ġe·wōd. || Hē on elne swā þēah / un-ġe·blyġed bād |
Guthlac B 974 n fyrn / frecne on·fēngon, || swā him be·foran worhton / þā ǣ
Guthlac B 996 seþ inn / ġīfrum grāpum. || Swā wæs Gūð·lāce / enġe an-ho
Guthlac B 1105 ā hē fram helle ā·stāh. / Swā sē ēadĝa wer || on þā æ
Guthlac B 1109 wynn, / heard hyġe-snotor, || swā hē hræðost meahte, / mēðe
Guthlac B 1114 / and his þeġne on·gann, || swā þām þēodne ġe·rās, / þu
Guthlac B 1118 e·sċeaft / tō ēad-welan, || swā hē ǣr ne sīþ / ǣfre tō ea
Guthlac B 1121 īd || lāre ġe·hīerde, / ne swā dēoplīċe || dryhtnes ġe·
Guthlac B 1219 e mæċġes || and on morĝne swā, / on·ġeat ġōmor-mōd, || g
Guthlac B 1225 ofum aefter langre hwīle, || swā hē late meahte, / elnes ancȳ
Guthlac B 1276 blōwne, / huneġ-flōwende, || swā þæs hālĝan wæs / andlangne
Guthlac B 1297 e·þenċe, / ofostum lǣde, || swā iċ þē ǣr be·bēad, / lāc
Guthlac B 1317 eofonum, || hāliġra drēam. / Swā sē burh-stede wæs || blissu
A.3.20 7 Þæs ofer·ēode, || þisses swā mæġ. / Beadu·hilde ne wæs |
A.3.20 9 hire brōðra dēaþ / on sefan swā sār || swā hire selfre þin
A.3.20 9 dēaþ / on sefan swā sār || swā hire selfre þinġ, / þæt hē
A.3.20 13 Þæs ofer·ēode, || þisses swā mæġ. / Wē þæt Mǣþ·hilde
A.3.20 17 Þæs ofer·ēode, || þisses swā mæġ. / Þēod·rīċ āhte ||
A.3.20 20 Þæs ofer·ēode, || þisses swā mæġ. / Wē ġe·āscodon || E
A.3.20 27 Þæs ofer·ēode, || þisses swā mæġ. / Siteþ sorh-ċeariġ,
A.3.20 42 Þæs ofer·ēode, || þisses swā mæġ.
A.3.22.11 6 þæs nāwiht wāt / þæt hēo swā ġe·mǣde, || mōde be·stol
A.3.22.13 6 þȳ sārre%, || þēah hīe swā sċoldon / rēafe be·rofene, |
A.3.22.15 2 || and hēafod fealu, / sīdan swā same. || Swīft% iċ eom on f
A.3.22.2 1 2 / / Hwīlum iċ ġe·wīte, || swā ne wēnaþ menn, / under ȳða
A.3.22.20 25 an hīere, / gūðe fremme, || swā iċ ġīen dyde / mīnum þēod
A.3.22.21 2 d be grunde græfe, || ġunge swā mē wīsaþ / hār holtes fēon
A.3.22.22 6 -rincas || ofer mere fēolan, / swā hīe fundodon, || ac wæs fl
A.3.22.22 13 res byht || wæġn tō lande, / swā hine oxa ne tēah || ne esna
A.3.22.24 2 mīne stefne, / hwīlum beorce swā hund, || hwīlum blāte swā
A.3.22.24 2 swā hund, || hwīlum blāte swā gāt, / hwīlum grǣde swā gō
A.3.22.24 3 te swā gāt, / hwīlum grǣde swā gōs, || hwīlum ġielle swā
A.3.22.24 3 swā gōs, || hwīlum ġielle swā hafoc, / hwīlum iċ on·hȳrġ
A.3.22.24 10 //I//. || Nū iċ hāten eom / swā þā siex stafas || sweotole
A.3.22.27 16 t iċ hātte, / þe on eorðan swā || esnas binde, / dole aefter d
A.3.22.29 6 arwum ā·settan, || ġif hit swā meahte. / Þā cōm wundorlicu
A.3.22.3 13 ġe || up ā·þringe%, / efene swā mec wīsaþ || sē mec wrǣde
A.3.22.3 67 e·maĝnod% || mīnes frēan. / Swā iċ þrymfull þēow || þrā
A.3.22.33 11 ohtor min / ēacen up liden, || swā þæt is ieldum cūþ, / fīrum
A.3.22.40 5 es, / healdeþ and wealdeþ, || swā hē ymb þās ūtan hweorfeþ
A.3.22.40 14 -wealde || ǣġhwǣr styreþ; / swā iċ mid wealdendes || worde e
A.3.22.40 34 eofones || hwearfte% reċċe, / swā mē lēof fæder || lǣrde æ
A.3.22.40 69 us, || sē swifta wind, / þæt swā framlīċe mæġ || fēran ǣ
A.3.22.42 11 || Ācas twēġen, / Hæġelas swā same. || Hwelċ þæs% hord-g
A.3.22.48 8 ċan% / hira hǣlu tō gode, || swā sē hrinġ ġe·cwæþ.
A.3.22.49 9 e wille, || þe him tō nytte swā / and tō duĝuþum dōþ || þ
A.3.22.58 11 ne ġīetsaþ, || fēreþ oft swā þēah / laĝu-flōd on lyfte;
A.3.22.58 13 āfordes ġiefum, || hīereþ swā þēana / þēodne sīnum. ||
A.3.22.59 11 / and% dryhtnes% dolh, || dōn swā þæs bēaġes / benne cwǣdon.
A.3.22.6 4 tenġe, / nǣte mid nīðe, || swā iċ him nā hrīne, / þonne me
A.3.22.8 9 Saĝa hwæt iċ hātte, / þe% swā sċīreniġe || sċēawend-w
A.3.22.9 6 ðode, || hleo-sċeorpe wrāh / swā% ārlīċe% || swā hire āĝe
A.3.22.9 6 rpe wrāh / swā% ārlīċe% || swā hire āĝen bearn, / oþ·þæt
A.3.22.9 7 þæt iċ under sċēate, || swā min ġe·sċeapu wǣron, / un-
A.3.22.9 12 suna and dohtra, || þȳ hēo swā dyde.
A.3.23 24 þæt on·hworfen, / is nū || swā hit nā wǣre / frēondsċipe u
A.3.24 13 e·fylled, / rēðra branda, || swā nū rīxiaþ / gram-hyġdġe gu
A.3.24 32 na || hīehþu ġe·reċċan, / swā ġeorne þone godes dæl, ||
A.3.24 32 ġeorne þone godes dæl, || swā hē ġearu standeþ / clǣnum h
A.3.24 87 dum dǣdum, || þæs þe hē swā ġōmor wearþ, / sāriġ fore
A.3.24 94 ulon clǣne, / wamma lēase, || swā sē wealdend cwæþ, / ealra cy
A.3.25 80 itnod for þisse weorolde, || swā min% ġe·wyrhtu% wǣron / miċ
A.3.25 84 sprǣċe / fūs on ferhþe, || swā mē on frymþe ġe·lamp / ierm
A.3.25 116 u simle / lufena tō lēane, || swā iċ ā·lifde nū. / Gīet biþ
A.3.26 69 ām bendum || biċġan wille. / Swā we ealle tō þē || ān ġe
A.3.26 129 burh nū-þā || bīdan efene swā þēah%, / þēoden lēofa ||
A.3.27 5 ihtne || dōma sēlost. / Efene swā hē mid wætere || þone weal
A.3.27 8 rnende || burgum sċieþþan, / swā hē mid ælmessan || ealle t
A.3.3 36 / īeċed on eorðan, || þæt swā unrīme, / hād tō hebban, ||
A.3.3 37 unrīme, / hād tō hebban, || swā heofon-steorran / būĝaþ brā
A.3.3 39 hwearft || oþ brim-flōdas, / swā waroþa sand || ymb sealt wæ
A.3.3 40 e ġond êar-grund, || þæt swā unrīme / ymb wintra hwearft ||
A.3.3 49 d || and weorold-sċeafta.’ / Swā sē hālĝa wer || herġende
A.3.3 60 es meaht / līeġes lēoman, || swā hira līċe ne sċōd, / ac wæ
A.3.3 71 drihten, / þēoda wealdend. || Swā hīe þrīe cwǣdon, / mōdum h
A.3.3 166 e. / Hwearf þā tō healle, || swā hē hræðost meahte, / eorl ā
A.3.3 187 me, / wuldre ġe·wliteĝod, || swā hira wǣdum ne sċōd / ġīfre
A.3.31.1 8 tō mē, / mōdġe miltsum, || swā iċ maniĝum sċeall / īeċan
A.3.31.2 16 e / ā·bēodan bealdlīċe, || swā hit beorna mā / uncre word-cwi
A.3.34.61 4 n sealde, / holdum þēodne, || swā hēo hāten wæs. / Siþþan m
A.3.34.70 5 ġe·sċeapu drēoĝeþ% / þe swā wrætlīċe || be weġe stand
A.3.34.78 5 []yde mē tō mos[] || / [] || swā iċ him[] / [] || ne æt hām
A.3.34.84 33 ielda bearn || ēaĝum sāwe, / swā þæt wuldor wifeþ, || weoro
A.3.34.88 6 on staðol[] || / []um ġung, swā [] || / []seþeana || / oft ġo
A.3.34.88 28 āwþer || his ellen cȳðde, / swā wit ðǣre beadwe || bēġen
A.3.4 23 tān-clifu / hēah hlifiaþ, || swā hēr mid ūs, / ne dene ne dalu
A.3.4 29 erra, / folde fæðm-rīmes, || swā ūs ġe·frēoĝum glēawe / w
A.3.4 36 ēamas ā / grēne standaþ, || swā him god be·bēad. / Wintres an
A.3.4 41 den / weorolde ġe·weorðe. || Swā ġō wæteres þrymm / ealne mi
A.3.4 47 || þurh ēst godes; / bīdeþ swā ġe·blōwen || oþ bǣles cy
A.3.4 104 dne% sǣ || sweġles lēoma. / Swā sē æðela fuĝol || æt þ
A.3.4 108 weġel-candelle% || and simle swā oft / of þām wilsuman || wiel
A.3.4 120 ard, || mǣrost tungla. / Sōna swā sēo sunne || sealte strēama
A.3.4 121 amas / hēa ofer·hlīfaþ, || swā sē haswa fuĝol / beorht of þ
A.3.4 125 e tō·ġēanes%. / Þonne biþ swā fǣġer || fuĝoles ġe·bǣr
A.3.4 140 ās ġōmran weorold. / Singeþ swā and swinsaþ || sǣlum ġe·b
A.3.4 147 arcaþ / dæġes and nihtes. || Swā ġe·dēmed is / bearwes be·ge
A.3.4 243 ·sundrod, || sumes anlīċe / swā man tō andlēofne || eorðan
A.3.4 257 ā·cende, / foldan frætwe. || Swā sē fuĝol weorðeþ, / gamol a
A.3.4 280 wod / feorh and feðer-hama, || swā hē æt frymþe wæs, / þā hi
A.3.4 300 eard || and þæt nebb lixeþ / swā glæs oþþe ġimm, || ġeafl
A.3.4 315 ġǣlsa, / swǣr ne swangor, || swā sume fuĝolas, / þā þe late
A.3.4 322 rd, || of þisse ēðel-turf. / Swā sē fuĝol flēoġeþ, || fol
A.3.4 328 fæġere on þām fuĝole, || swā him æt fruman sette / siĝora
A.3.4 339 ġne || mēaglum reordum, / and swā þone hālĝan || hringe be·
A.3.4 350 ðan turf || ēðel sēċeþ. / Swā sē ġe·sǣlĝa || aefter sw
A.3.4 378 | mann-cynnes fruma / þæt hē swā wrætlīċe || weorðan sċol
A.3.4 381 en, || þēah hine fȳr nime. / Swā þæt ēċe līf || ēadiġra
A.3.4 405 fter ǣte || and hira eaforum swā, / sārliċ simble || sunum and
A.3.4 437 n mōte / aefter fȳr-baðe. || Swā þā fore-genġan, / ieldran ū
A.3.4 470 hwǣm || nest ġe·wyrċeþ. / Swā nū on þām wīcum || willan
A.3.4 496 ·fremmaþ / menn on moldan, || swā sē mihtĝa cyning / bēodeþ,
A.3.4 534 t on·fēhð / ed-nīewunga. || Swā biþ ānra ġe·hwelċ / flǣs
A.3.4 558 aðe || þurh dryhtnes ġiefe / swā sē fuĝol fenix || feorh ed-
A.3.4 565 eorðan / wyrmum tō willan, || swā þēah weoroda god / aefter swy
A.3.4 583 dsċipe || lǣþþum hwōpan. / Swā nū aefter dēaðe || þurh d
A.3.4 597 ibbaþ ā || lēohte weorode, / swā sē fuĝol fenix, || on frið
A.3.4 646 fēng / þurh fæder fultum. || Swā fenix bēacnaþ, / ġung on ġe
A.3.4 650 īf, || lēomum ġe·þungen. / Swā sē hǣlend ūs || helpe% ġe
A.3.4 652 e·dāl, || līf būtan ende, / swā sē fuĝol swēotum || his fi
A.3.4 655 . / Þæt sindon þā word, || swā ūs ġe·writu seċġaþ, / hl
A.3.5 11 rund / Fōron aefter burgum, || swā hē be·boden hæfde, / þeġna
A.3.5 73 mǣste weorce, / þæt hēo mec swā torne || tǣle ġe·reahte / fo
A.3.5 81 swerġe || þurh·sōð godu, / swā iċ āre æt him || ǣfre fin
A.3.5 88 ġif þe ġe·dafen þynċe, / swā tō līfe lǣt, || swā þē
A.3.5 88 nċe, / swā tō līfe lǣt, || swā þē lēofre sīe.’ / Ēode
A.3.5 170 n ġe·cwēmest, / and þē tō swā mildum || mund-byrd sēċest,
A.3.5 253 ēman. / Wes þū on ofoste, || swā hē þeċ ūt heonan / lǣdan h
A.3.5 276 orfan / þīnre ēad-ġiefe, || swā mē þēs ār bodaþ / frecne f
A.3.5 278 ll, || þe mē fore standeþ. / Swā iċ þē, bilewitne, || bidda
A.3.5 376 unian / on ġe·bedd-stōwe. || Swā iċ brōĝan tō / lāðne ġe
A.3.5 436 owdes, / metod mann-cynnes, || swā iċ on mīnne fæder, / hell-wa
A.3.5 442 nes, / hyhtes æt hālĝum, || swā mē hēr ġe·lamp / sorh on s
A.3.5 463 ġe·bǣded / mōd meldian, || swā þū mē bēodest, / þrēa-nī
A.3.5 504 ō ealdre || and hira eaforum swā, / miercost mān-weorca. || Hwæ
A.3.5 511 a / þæt mē þus þrīste, || swā þū% nū-þā, / hāliġ mid h
A.3.5 597 itode, / wēde on ġe·witte || swā wilde dēor, / grymetade% ġeal
A.3.5 634 e·hīenan / yflum iermþum, || swā hēo mec ǣr dyde.’ / Þā w
A.3.6 6 || Wyrd biþ full ā·rǣd%. / Swā cwæþ eard-stapa, || earfoþ
A.3.6 14 e% his hord-cofan, || hyċġe swā hē wille. / Ne mæġ wēriġ-m
A.3.6 19 ost-cofan || bindaþ fæste; / swā iċ mōd-sefan || mīnne sċo
A.3.6 43 leċġe / handa and hēafod, || swā hē hwīlum ǣr / on ġe·ār-d
A.3.6 62 n, / mōdġe maĝu-þeġnas. || Swā þēs middan-ġeard / ealra dō
A.3.6 75 olde wela || wēste standeþ, / swā nū missenlīċe || ġond þi
A.3.6 85 || eorl ġe·hȳdde. / Īeðde swā þisne eard-ġeard || ielda s
A.3.6 96 ġe·nāp under niht-helm, || swā hēo nā wǣre. / Standeþ nū
A.3.6 111 steall || īdel weorðeþ.’ / Swā cwæþ snottor on mōde, ||
A.3.7 3 end / weġaþ on ġe·witte, || swā hēr weoroda god, / metod meaht
A.3.7 46 ed, / wīs and ġe·wealden, || Swā biþ wyrhtan riht, / sele ā·s
A.3.7 110 t, || sum biþ þēodne hold. / Swā weorðlīċe || wīde tō·s
A.3.8 26 yċġende. || Sīe ymb rīċe swā hit mæġe.’ / Feorðan sīð
A.3.8 89 ydġum, || ġeorn wīsdōmes, / swā hē wiþ ielda mæġ || ēade
A.3.8 93 hyġdum / ber brēost-cofan. || Swā þū, min bearn, ġe·myne / fr
A.3.9 51 efan tō sīðe, || þām þe swā þenċeþ / on flōd-weĝas ||
A.3.9 90 yhtu || ealdaþ and sēaraþ, / swā nū manna ġe·hwelċ || ġon
A.4.1 20 s eafora || Sċede-landum on. / Swā sċeall ġung% guma% || gōde
A.4.1 29 oþe, / swǣse ġe·sīðas, || swā hē selfa bæd, / þenden wordu
A.4.1 93 hte%, / wlite-beorhtne wang, || swā wæter be·būĝeþ, / ġe·set
A.4.1 99 | þāra þe cwice hwierfaþ. / Swā þā dryht-guman || drēamum
A.4.1 144 | sē þǣm fēonde æt-wand. / Swā rīxode || and wiþ rihte wan
A.4.1 164 nan || hwyrftum sċrīðaþ. / Swā fela firena || fēond mann-cy
A.4.1 189 r fæðmum || friðe wilnian. / Swā þā mǣl-ċeare || maĝa Hea
A.4.1 273 e. || Þū wāst (ġif hit is / swā we sōðlīċe || seċġan h
A.4.1 347 ġe·unnan wile / þæt we hine swā gōdne || grētan mōten.’ /
A.4.1 352 an wille, / bēaĝa bryttan, || swā þū bēna eart, / þēoden mǣ
A.4.1 401 on, / heaðu-rēaf hēoldon, || swā him sē hearda be·bēad. / Sni
A.4.1 435 þæt þonne for·hyċġe || (swā mē Hyġe·lāc sīe, / min man
A.4.1 444 tena lēode / etan unforhte, || swā hē oft dyde, / mæġen Hreð-m
A.4.1 455 ġe·weorc. || Gæð ā wyrd swā hīo sċeall.’ / Hrōð·gār
A.4.1 490 eta, / siġe-hreþ seċġum, || swā þīn sefa hwette.’ / Þā w
A.4.1 538 don || and þæt ġe·æfndon swā. / Hæfdon sweord nacod, || þā
A.4.1 559 re-dēor || þurh mīne hand. / Swā mec ġe·lōme || lāþ-ġe·
A.4.1 561 þeġnode / dēoran swurde, || swā hit ġe·dēfe wæs. / Næs hī
A.4.1 585 , || ne ġe·hwæðer inċer, / swā dēorlīċe || dǣd ġe·frem
A.4.1 591 lāfes, / þæt nǣfre Grendel% swā fela || gryra ġe·fremede, / a
A.4.1 594 ġif þīn hyġe wǣre, / sefa swā searu-grimm, || swā þū sel
A.4.1 594 re, / sefa swā searu-grimm, || swā þū self talast. / Ac hē hafa
A.4.1 642 frēan sittan. / Þā wæs eft swā ǣr || inne on healle / þrȳð
A.4.1 666 dor / Grendle tō·ġēanes, || swā guman ġe·frungon, / sele-wear
A.4.1 686 | and siþþan wītiġ god / on swā hwæðre hand, || hāliġ dri
A.4.1 687 ġ drihten, / mǣrþe dēme, || swā him ġe·met þynċe.’ / Hiel
A.4.1 762 mǣra, || ðǣr% hē meahte swā, / wīdre ġe·windan || and on
A.4.1 797 odnes, || ðǣr hīe meahton swā. / Hīe þæt ne wisson, || þā
A.4.1 881 an wolde, / êam his nefan, || swā hīe ā wǣron / æt nīða ġe
A.4.1 943 t, þæt seċġan mæġ / efene swā hwelċ mæġeþa || swā þon
A.4.1 943 fene swā hwelċ mæġeþa || swā þone maĝan cende / aefter gum
A.4.1 956 þeċ / gōde for·ġielde, || swā hē nū ġīet dyde.’ / Bēow
A.4.1 1046 a, || hēt hine wēl brūcan. / Swā mannlīċe || mǣre þēoden,
A.4.1 1048 eald / mēarum and māðmum, || swā hīe nǣfre man liehþ, / sē
A.4.1 1055 del ǣr / māne ā·cwealde, || swā hē hira mā wolde, / nefne him
A.4.1 1058 llum wēold / gumena cynnes, || swā hē nū ġīet dēþ. / For·þ
A.4.1 1092 hēap || hringum wenede / efene swā swīðe || sinċ-ġe·strēon
A.4.1 1093 strēonum / fǣttan goldes, || swā hē Frēsna cynn / on bēor-sel
A.4.1 1103 / þēoden-lēase, || þā him swā ġe·þearfod wæs; / ġif þon
A.4.1 1134 r cōm / ġēar on ġeardas, || swā nū ġīet dēþ, / þā þe sy
A.4.1 1142 tna bearn || inne ġe·munde. / Swā hē ne for·wiernde || weorol
A.4.1 1172 atum sprec / mildum wordum, || swā sċeall man dôn. / Bēo wiþ
A.4.1 1223 rhþ || weras eahtiaþ, / efene swā sīde || swā sǣ be·būĝe
A.4.1 1223 eahtiaþ, / efene swā sīde || swā sǣ be·būĝeþ, / wind-ġeard
A.4.1 1231 / druncne dryht-guman || dōþ swā iċ bidde.’ / Ēode þā tō
A.4.1 1234 ðon, / ġō-sċeaft grymme, || swā hit ā·gangen wearþ / eorla m
A.4.1 1238 ed weardode / unrīm eorla, || swā hīe oft ǣr dydon. / Benċ-þe
A.4.1 1252 e on·ġeald / ǣfen-ræste, || swā him full oft ġe·lamp, / siþ
A.4.1 1283 | Wæs sē gryre læssa / efene swā miċele || swā biþ mæġeþ
A.4.1 1283 læssa / efene swā miċele || swā biþ mæġeþa cræft, / wīġ-
A.4.1 1381 anie, / eald-ġe·strēonum, || swā iċ ǣr dyde, / wundnum% golde,
A.4.1 1396 hafa / wēana ġe·hwelċes, || swā iċ þē wēne tō.’ / A·hl
A.4.1 1451 be·fangen frēa-wrāsnum, || swā hine fyrn-daĝum / worhte wǣpn
A.4.1 1471 um. || Ne wæs þǣm ōðrum swā, / siþþan hē hine tō gūðe
A.4.1 1508 þenġel || tō hofe sīnum, / swā hē ne meahte, || nā hē þ
A.4.1 1534 de, / mund-grīpe mæġenes. || Swā sċeall man dôn, / þonne hē
A.4.1 1571 , || lēoht inne stōd, / efene swā of heofone || hādre sċīene
A.4.1 1587 l liċġan / ealdor-lēasne, || swā him ǣr ġe·sċōd / hild æt
A.4.1 1667 l / for·barn broĝden-mǣl, || swā þæt blōd ġe·sprang, / hāt
A.4.1 1670 c, / dēaþ-cwealm Deniġa, || swā hit ġe·dēfe wæs. / Iċ hit
A.4.1 1676 fe, / ealdₒr-bealu eorlum, || swā þū ǣr dydest.’ / Þā wæs
A.4.1 1694 res wielm || wealdend sealde. / Swā wæs on þǣm sċennum || sċ
A.4.1 1707 l mīne ġe·lǣstan / frēode, swā wit furðum sprǣcon. || Þū
A.4.1 1709 elpe. || Ne wearþ Here·mōd swā / eaforum Eċġ·welan, || Ār-
A.4.1 1732 ow-burh wera, / ġe·dēþ him swā ġe·wealdene || weorolde dǣ
A.4.1 1769 a, || dēaþ ofer·swīðeþ. / Swā iċ Hrinġ-Dena || hund misse
A.4.1 1786 sōna tō / setles nēosan, || swā sē snotora hēt. / Þā wæs e
A.4.1 1787 snotora hēt. / Þā wæs eft swā ǣr || ellen-rōfum / flett-sit
A.4.1 1828 sittend || eġesan þȳwaþ, / swā þeċ hettende || hwīlum dyd
A.4.1 1843 ne hīerde iċ snotorlicor / on swā ġungum fēore || guman þing
A.4.1 1854 þīn mōd-sefa / līcaþ lenġ swā wēl, || lēofa Bēow·ulf. / H
A.4.1 1891 on·fand / eft-sīþ eorla, || swā hē ǣr dyde; / nā hē mid hea
A.4.1 1975 / Hræðe wæs ġe·rȳmed, || swā sē rīċa be·bēad, / fēðe-
A.4.1 2006 || Iċ þæt eall ġe·wræc, / swā be·ġielpan% ne% ðearf || G
A.4.1 2057 e || rǣdan sċoldest. / Manaþ swā and myndgaþ || mǣla ġe·hw
A.4.1 2091 niġra sumne || hit ne meahte swā, / siþþan iċ on ierre || up-r
A.4.1 2115 trum frōd || worn ġe·munde / Swā we ðǣr inne || andlangne d
A.4.1 2144 niġe, || maĝa Healf·denes. / Swā sē þēod-cyning || þēawum
A.4.1 2166 ·tēah / mēara and mādma. || Swā sċeall mǣġ dôn, / nealles i
A.4.1 2177 e || brēost% ġe·weorðod. / Swā bealdode || bearn Eċġ·þē
A.4.1 2184 -dēor. || Hēan wæs lange , / swā hine Ġēata bearn || gōdne
A.4.1 2233 -hūse% || ǣr-ġe·strēona, / swā hīe on ġār-daĝum || gumen
A.4.1 2267 cynna || forþ on·sended.’ / Swā ġōmor-mōd || ġiehþe mǣn
A.4.1 2278 ne biþ him wihte þȳ sēl. / Swā sē þēod-sċaða || þrīe-
A.4.1 2291 æfte || dracan heafde nēah. / Swā mæġ unfǣġe || īeðe ġe
A.4.1 2310 ġesliċ / lēodum on lande, || swā hit lungre wearþ / on hira sin
A.4.1 2332 l / þēostrum ġe·þancum, || swā him ġe·þīewe ne wæs. / Hæ
A.4.1 2397 , || cyning ealdre be·nēat. / Swā hē nīða ġe·hwone || ġe
A.4.1 2444 g unwrecen || ealdres linnan. / Swā biþ ġōmorliċ || gamolum
A.4.1 2462 m, / wangas and wīċ-stede. || Swā Wedra helm / aefter Here-bealde
A.4.1 2468 mid ðǣre sorĝe, || þe him swā sār be·lamp, / gum-drēam of
A.4.1 2470 e·ċēas, / eaforum lǣfde, || swā dēþ ēadiġ mon, / land and l
A.4.1 2480 ǣcon, / fǣhþe and firene, || swā hit ġe·frǣġe wæs, / þēah
A.4.1 2491 sealde, / ġeald æt gūðe, || swā mē ġiefeþe wæs, / lēohtan
A.4.1 2498 ran wolde, / ana on orde || and swā tō ealdre sċeall / sæċċe f
A.4.1 2521 hte / ġielpe wiþ·grīpan, || swā iċ ġō wiþ Grendle dyde. / A
A.4.1 2526 eall / weorðan æt wealle, || swā unc wyrd ġe·tēoþ, / metod m
A.4.1 2574 man dōĝre / wealdan mōste || swā him wyrd ne ġe·sċrāf / hrē
A.4.1 2585 ·swāc, / nacod æt nīðe, || swā hit nā sċolde, / īren ǣr-go
A.4.1 2590 ċ eardian / elles hwerġen, || swā sċeall ǣghwelċ mann / ā·l
A.4.1 2608 a, / folc-rihta ġe·hwelċ, || swā his fæder āhte. / Ne meahte
A.4.1 2622 re meahte / eorlsċipe efnan || swā his ǣr-fæder; / ġeaf him þ
A.4.1 2664 ow·ulf, || lǣst eall tela, / swā þū on ġuĝuþ·fēore ||
A.4.1 2696 ðan, / cræft and cēnþe, || swā him ġe·cynde wæs. / Ne hēdd
A.4.1 2730 wǣdu, || ðǣr mē ġiefeþe swā / ǣniġ ierfe-weard || aefter
A.4.1 2859 ǣdan / gumena ġe·hwelcum, || swā hē nū ġīen dēþ. / Þā w
A.4.1 2967 nder feaxe. || Næs hē forht swā þēah, / gamola Sċielfing, ||
A.4.1 3028 iþ wulf || wæl rēafode.’ / Swā sē secg hwata || seċġende
A.4.1 3049 ord, / ōmġe, þurh·etenu, || swā hīe wiþ eorðan fæðm / þū
A.4.1 3057 hield || hord openian, / efene swā hwelcum manna || swā him ġe
A.4.1 3057 , / efene swā hwelcum manna || swā him ġe·met þūhte. / Þā w
A.4.1 3066 māĝum% || medu-seld būan. / Swā wæs Bēow·ulfe, || þā hē
A.4.1 3069 e·dāl || weorðan sċolde. / Swā hit oþ dōmes dæġ || dēop
A.4.1 3078 llan / wræc ā·drēoĝan%, || swā ūs ġe·worden is. / Ne meahto
A.4.1 3098 ēan, / miċelne and mǣrne, || swā hē manna wæs / wīġend weor
A.4.1 3140 e-bordum, / beorhtum byrnum, || swā hē bēna wæs; / ā·leġdon
A.4.1 3161 lāfe / wealle be·worhton, || swā hit weorðlicost / fore-snotere
A.4.1 3168 hit nū-ġīen leofaþ / ieldum swā unnytt || swā hit% ǣror% w
A.4.1 3168 leofaþ / ieldum swā unnytt || swā hit% ǣror% wæs. / Þā ymbe h
A.4.1 3174 n-weorc / duĝuþum dēmdon, || swā hit ġe·dēfe% biþ / þæt ma
A.4.1 3178 -haman% || lǣded% weorðan. / Swā be·gnornodon || Ġēata lēo
A.4.2 28 þæt hīe ġe·bǣrden wēl. / Swā sē inwidda || ofer ealne dæ
A.4.2 32 otene gōda ġe·hwelċes. || Swā hēt sē gumena ealdor / fylĝa
A.4.2 38 remedon, / ambiht-sċealcas, || swā him hira ealdor be·bēad, / by
A.4.2 67 fe. || Ġe·fēoll þā wine swā druncen / sē rīċa on his ræ
A.4.2 68 ċa on his ræste middan, || swā hē niste rǣda nānne / on ġe
A.4.2 95 ǣdre mid elne on·bryrde, || swā hē dēþ ānra ġe·hwelcne /
A.4.2 102 ·leġde, || lāðne mannan, / swā hēo þæs unlǣdan || ēaðo
A.4.2 123 e blǣd / Iudith æt gūðe, || swā hire god ūðe, / sweġeles eal
A.4.2 126 þæs here-wǣðan || hēafod swā blōdiġ / on þǣm fǣtelse ||
A.4.2 130 ider inn lǣdde, / and hit þā swā heolfriġ || hire on hand ā
A.4.2 143 oldon% / on þǣm fæstenne, || swā þǣm folce ǣr / ġōmor-mōdu
A.4.2 197 m āĝon, / tīr æt tohtan, || swā ēow ġe·tācnod hæfþ / meht
A.4.2 236 þe hīe ofer·cuman meahton. / Swā þā maĝu-þeġnas || on þ
A.4.2 277 teld / nīþ-heard nēðde, || swā hine nīed for·drāf. / Funde
The Paris Psalter 101:5 4 e eardaþ || and iċ spearwan swā some / ġe·līċe ġe·wearþ,
The Paris Psalter 101:9 1 / Daĝas mīne ġe·druran || swā sē deorca sċua, / and iċ hī
The Paris Psalter 101:9 2 nd iċ hīeġe ġe·līċ, || swā hit hræðe weornaþ. / / # / Þ
The Paris Psalter 101:23 3 nd þū hīe% on·wendest, || swā man wriġels dēþ, / and hīe
The Paris Psalter 102:8 2 ·þyldiġ, / ēċe drihten, || swā þū ā wǣre; / is þīn milde
The Paris Psalter 102:12 1 || þǣmþe lufodon þē. / / # / Swā% þās foldan || fæðme be·w
The Paris Psalter 102:13 1 yrde || ǣġhwǣr% simle. / / # / Swā fæder þenċeþ || fæġere
The Paris Psalter 102:13 2 is bearnum / milde weorðan, || swā ūs mehtiġ god, / þǣmþe hin
The Paris Psalter 102:14 4 līċe, || eorðan blōstman, / swā his līf-daĝas || lǣne sind
The Paris Psalter 102:17 1 ā þe% on·drǣdaþ him. / / # / Swā his sōþfæstness || swelċe
The Paris Psalter 103:2 3 est; || eart nū glēawlīċe / swā lim-wǣdum || lēohte ġe·ġ
The Paris Psalter 103:7 1 ē neowolnessa || niðan swā swā ryfte / him% tō ġe·wǣde ||
The Paris Psalter 104:18 2 ealdor-menn || ealle lǣrde, / swā hē his selfes mōd || ġe·s
The Paris Psalter 105:9 4 m wætera || weallas lǣdest, / swā hīe on wēstenne || wǣron o
The Paris Psalter 105:10 1 nne || wǣron on dryĝum. / / # / Swā hīe ā·līesde || līfes ea
The Paris Psalter 105:22 2 āre, / ǣton dēadra lāc, || swā hit ġe·dēfe ne wæs. / / # / A
The Paris Psalter 105:25 4 bisiĝod / for hira yfelum, || swā hē oftor wæs, / on his gāste
The Paris Psalter 105:26 2 ·weorpan || wrāðe þēode, / swā him drihten ǣr || dēma sæ
The Paris Psalter 105:33 1 htum || oft ġe·hīende. / / # / Swā hē furðum on·cnēow, || þ
The Paris Psalter 105:37 4 a ǣġhwelċ; / wese swā, wese swā || þurh eall wīde ferhþ.
The Paris Psalter 106:29 2 n hǣlu || hȳðe ġe·lǣde, / swā hē hira willan || wiste fyrm
The Paris Psalter 107:10 2 m dōme; || ne dō þū ǣfre swā, / þæt þū of ūrum mæġene
The Paris Psalter 108:18 2 ierede || mid grame wierhþu, / swā hē hine wǣdum || wræstum
The Paris Psalter 108:21 3 r þīnum þǣm mǣran naman, / swā þū oft þīn milde mōd ||
The Paris Psalter 108:23 2 hielded, / oþ-lǣded gōdum || swā sē gærs-hoppa. / / # / Swā hī
The Paris Psalter 108:24 1 || swā sē gærs-hoppa. / / # / Swā hīe mē ġe·sāwon, || sōn
The Paris Psalter 108:27 3 / and him sīe ā·broĝden || swā of brēċ-hræġle / hira selfr
The Paris Psalter 109:6 1 ceþ || hæleþa maniġes / and swā ġe·weorðeþ || wīde ġond
The Paris Psalter 111:9 1 wended || hēr on wuldor. / / # / Swā þæt synfull ġe·sihþ, ||
The Paris Psalter 113:3 1 re || and miċel rīċe. / / # / Swā hīe sǣ ġe·seah, || hē h
The Paris Psalter 113:4 4 swīere || swīðe on blisse, / swā on sċēapum bēoþ || sċīe
The Paris Psalter 113:5 1 ða? || For·hwon fluĝe þū swā? / Oþþe þū, Iordanen, || for
The Paris Psalter 113:6 1 ron blīðe, || ġe·bǣrdon swā rammas; / wurdon ġe·swīere%
The Paris Psalter 113:6 3 swīere% || on sele-drēame, / swā on sċēapum bēoþ || sċīe
The Paris Psalter 113:11 3 m || and hē eall ġe·dēþ, / swā his willa biþ, || on weorold
The Paris Psalter 115:2 1 iċ selfa cwæþ, || þā mē swā þūhte / on mōd-sefan || mīn
The Paris Psalter 117:12 2 mb·sealdon || samod anlīċe / swā bēon bitere, || oþþe þū
The Paris Psalter 117:13 3 ā mē drihten on·fēng, || swā hit ġe·dēfe wæs. / / # / Mē
The Paris Psalter 118:14 3 witnesse || wāt full clǣne, / swā iċ ealra welena || willum br
The Paris Psalter 118:15 1 welena || willum brūce. / / # / Swā iċ on% þīne sōþfæstness
The Paris Psalter 118:31 2 ma || ġe·dweled ǣfre. / / # / Swā iċ fæste æt·fealh, || þ
The Paris Psalter 118:59 2 rǣċe || spōwendlīċe. / / # / Swā iċ weĝas þīne || wīse þ
The Paris Psalter 118:70 3 heorte nū || hēr anlīcast / swā meoluc wese || mæġene ġe·
The Paris Psalter 118:76 4 rōfre || fæste ġe·stande, / swā þū on þīnre sprǣċe || s
The Paris Psalter 118:83 3 e·worden || werum anlīcost, / swā þū on hrīme setest || hlan
The Paris Psalter 118:85 3 n sōðlīċe; || nā iċ hit swā on·cnēow, / swā hit þīn ǣ
The Paris Psalter 118:86 1 nā iċ hit swā on·cnēow, / swā hit þīn ǣ hafaþ, || ēċe
The Paris Psalter 118:91 3 s eorðan || ealle worhtest, / swā hēo nū tō weorolde || wuni
The Paris Psalter 118:117 1 on sīðe, || nū iċ þīn swā on·bād. / / # / Ġe·fultuma m
The Paris Psalter 118:132 3 hræðe / mǣre ġe·miltsa, || swā þū maniĝum dydest, / þe nam
The Paris Psalter 118:136 4 wætera, || wundrum gangeþ; / swā þǣm īlcum biþ, || þe ǣr
The Paris Psalter 118:157 3 hton; / nolde iċ cwic ǣfre || swā þēah hwæðere / þīne ġe·
The Paris Psalter 118:162 4 ċe || spēde þā miċelan, / swā sē biþ blīðe, || sē þe
The Paris Psalter 118:164 2 ǣ þīne || elne lufian. / / # / Swā iċ þe seofon sīðum || sim
The Paris Psalter 118:176 2 iaþ. / / # / Iċ ġe·dwelede || swā þæt dysġe sċēap, / þætte
The Paris Psalter 119:3 1 ealles seald || oþþe eċed swā / fram ðǣre inwitfullan || yf
The Paris Psalter 119:5 3 ; / sċeall iċ eard niman, || swā mē ēðe nis, / mid Cedaringum
The Paris Psalter 121:3 2 em, || ġāra þū wǣre / swā swā cȳmliċ || ċeaster ġe·tim
The Paris Psalter 122:3 1 hereþ and cwēmeþ. / / # / And swā ēaĝan gāþ || earmre þēo
The Paris Psalter 122:3 3 hlǣfdīġan || handa locaþ, / swā ūs sint ēaĝan tō þē, ||
The Paris Psalter 123:2 3 e for·swelĝan, || ġif hīe swā maĝon. / / # / Þonne ūs þāra
The Paris Psalter 123:3 4 ōna ġe·sūpan, || ġif hit swā wolde. / / # / Oft ūre sāwol ||
The Paris Psalter 123:6 2 e / niþa ġe·nerede, || swā swā nīed-spearwa / of grames hunta
The Paris Psalter 125:4 2 ft-nīed, || hāliġ drihten, / swā sūþ-healde || swīðe hlimm
The Paris Psalter 125:6 2 on hira sċēafas beraþ, || swā hīe ġe·samnodon.
The Paris Psalter 126:5 1 innoþe || ǣrest cende. / / # / Swā sēo strǣle biþ || strangum
The Paris Psalter 126:5 3 handa || heard ā·sċierped, / swā līeðra bearn || lungre ġe
The Paris Psalter 127:3 2 wīfes || welan ġe·līċe, / swā on wīn-ġearde || weaxen ber
The Paris Psalter 127:4 2 n swelċe || samod anlīcost, / swā ele-bēamas || æðele weaxen
The Paris Psalter 127:5 1 n || blǣda standen. / / # / Efne swā biþ ġe·blētsod || beorna
The Paris Psalter 130:4 1 || swīðe ġe·fēonde. / / # / Swā man æt mēder || biþ miċel
The Paris Psalter 130:4 2 der || biþ miċelum fēded, / swā þū mīnre sāwle || simle
The Paris Psalter 131:2 1 sse || miċele and gōde. / / # / Swā iċ æt frymþe ġe·swōr ||
The Paris Psalter 131:11 4 swōre, / ġe·hēt Dauide, || swā hē him dyde siþþan. / / # / Þ
The Paris Psalter 132:2 1 sċylen || eard weardian. / / # / Swā unguentum mæġ || æðele wy
The Paris Psalter 132:3 2 stāh || on his rēafes fnæd / swā æðele dēaw || on Hermone, /
The Paris Psalter 137:4 1 le || ǣġhwǣr miċelne. / / # / Swā hwelċe daĝa || iċ þē dī
The Paris Psalter 138:11 1 o biþ dæġe ġe·līċ. / / # / Swā þrāĝum gæþ || þīestru
The Paris Psalter 138:11 4 e, / on·fenge mē fæġere, || swā iċ furðum wæs / of mōdor% h
The Paris Psalter 138:15 1 / # / Daĝas sindon trymede, || swā hīe drihten ġe·sċōp. / ne
The Paris Psalter 138:19 1 o || facne ġe·bolĝen. / / # / Swā iċ hīe mid rihte || recene
The Paris Psalter 138:20 1 urdon. / / # / Costa min, god, || swā hit cynn wese, / and mīnre heo
The Paris Psalter 139:3 2 rn-cwidum / nīede sierwaþ, || swā oft nǣdran dōþ, / and him as
The Paris Psalter 140:2 2 dd / full recene ġe·reaht, || swā rīeċels biþ, / þonne hit ġ
The Paris Psalter 140:9 1 īeran, || eft ne mihton. / / # / Swā unefne is || eorðe þicce, / s
The Paris Psalter 140:9 3 ras || miċelum ā·sprotene, / swā ūre bān sindon || bitere t
The Paris Psalter 140:12 2 ndriġ eom, || oþ·þæt iċ swā fere.
The Paris Psalter 142:4 3 sārlīċe || samod anlīċe, / swā þū weorold-dēade || wrīġ
The Paris Psalter 142:6 3 ne sāwle || sette mid mōde, / swā eorðan biþ || ansīen wæte
The Paris Psalter 143:5 3 welċe || dēmde ġe·līċe, / swā þū on sċīmiendre || sċad
The Paris Psalter 143:19 2 c, || ōðre hātaþ, / þe him swā on foldan || fæġere limpeþ
The Paris Psalter 147:5 2 āw sendeþ || samod anlīċe / swā þū wulle flīes || wolcnum
The Paris Psalter 147:5 3 þone% tō·weorpeþ || wīde swā ǣscan. / / # / Hē his cristallu
The Paris Psalter 147:6 2 llum || cynnum sendeþ / swelċ swā hlāf-ġe·brece || of heofon
The Paris Psalter 147:9 1 mas. / / # / Ne dyde hē āhwǣr swā || ieldran cynne, / þæt hē h
The Paris Psalter 52:5 3 ċaþ / and min folc fretaþ || swā fǣlne hlāf, / ne hēo god wil
The Paris Psalter 54:6 2 de / tō flēoĝenne || fiðeru swā culfran, / and iċ þonne recen
The Paris Psalter 55:6 1 / / # / On eardiaþ, || þā þe swā þenċaþ / þæt hēo ġe·hȳ
The Paris Psalter 55:6 3 ġe·hȳden || hǣlum mīne, / swā min sāwol bād || þæt þū
The Paris Psalter 55:7 3 e·sihþe || sārġe tēaras, / swā iċ þē on ġe·hāte || hæ
The Paris Psalter 57:6 3 nde || eorðe for·swelġeþ; / swā his boĝan bendeþ, || oþ·
The Paris Psalter 57:6 4 bitre eft / ādl inn seteþ, || swā his ġe·earnung biþ. / / # / Sw
The Paris Psalter 57:7 1 ā his ġe·earnung biþ. / / # / Swā weax melteþ, || ġif hit bi
The Paris Psalter 57:7 2 nēah / fȳre ġe·fæstnod, || swā hēo feallaþ on þæt; / hīe
The Paris Psalter 58:4 3 lfa ġe·siehst, || þæt iċ swā dyde; / þū eart mæġena god,
The Paris Psalter 58:6 3 e heardne || hungor þoliaþ, / swā hundas ymb·gāþ || hwammas
The Paris Psalter 58:14 3 rdne ēac || hungor þoliaþ, / swā hundas ymb·gāþ || hwammas
The Paris Psalter 59:9 1 ū sē selfa% god, || þe ūs swā drīfe? / Ne gā þū ūs on m
The Paris Psalter 60:6 2 þæt || þe sōþfæst biþ? / Swā iċ naman þīnum || nīede s
The Paris Psalter 60:6 4 ielde / of dæġe on dæġ, || swā hit ġe·dēfe wese.
The Paris Psalter 61:3 3 tō dēadan || dǣdon sōna, / swā ġē ā·wurpon || wāh of st
The Paris Psalter 61:4 1 wurpon || wāh of stofne. / / # / Swā ġē· mīne āre || ealle þ
The Paris Psalter 61:12 5 m || earnungum% dēmeþ, / efne swā hē wyrċeþ || on weorold-l
The Paris Psalter 62:5 1 mīne || wynnum herġaþ. / / # / Swā iċ þe on mīnum līfe || lu
The Paris Psalter 62:6 2 l min || swētes ġe·fylled, / swā sēo fǣtte ġe·lynd, || fæ
The Paris Psalter 62:7 1 -þā || nīede herġaþ. / / # / Swā iċ þīn ġe·mynd || on mō
The Paris Psalter 63:5 1 | Hwā ġe·sihþ ūsiċ? / / # / Swā hīe smēaĝaþ oft || swīð
The Paris Psalter 64:10 3 -nere / findaþ fold-būend, || swā him fæġere oft / ġe·ġearwo
The Paris Psalter 65:9 2 clǣne fȳre / sōðe dōme, || swā man seolfor dēþ, / þonne man
The Paris Psalter 67:2 2 ost || recene ġe·tīeriaþ; / swā fram fȳre weax || flōweþ a
The Paris Psalter 67:2 3 weax || flōweþ and milteþ, / swā þā firenfullan || frecne fo
The Paris Psalter 70:6 1 and ġe·nēahhe. / / # / Iċ eom swā fore·bēacen || folce maniĝ
The Paris Psalter 70:10 2 hwonne hine god lǣte || swā swā ġīemelēasne; / þonne we hin
The Paris Psalter 71:6 1 / Hē þonne ā·stīĝeþ, || swā sē stranga reġn / fealleþ on
The Paris Psalter 71:6 2 ealleþ on flīes hēr || and swā fǣġer dropa / þe on þās eo
The Paris Psalter 71:16 5 bēoþ || blōstmum fæġere / swā on eorðan hīeġ || ūte on
The Paris Psalter 71:20 2 res meaht. || Wese swā, wese swā.
The Paris Psalter 72:6 2 ·cōm || fǣcne unryht, / swā swā hit of ġe·lynde || lungre c
The Paris Psalter 72:12 2 f cwǣde || and seċġe ēac, / swā þē bearn weorðaþ || ġe·
The Paris Psalter 72:15 4 nrihte || þe hīe ǣr dydon, / swā fram slǣpe hwelċ || swǣrum
The Paris Psalter 72:17 4 eom || nīede ġe·bīeġed, / swā iċ þæt be āwihte || ǣr n
The Paris Psalter 73:4 2 n, || sōðe ne on·ġēaton, / swā hīe on weġe || wyrċan sċo
The Paris Psalter 73:4 3 n sċoldon / wunder-bēacen, || swā hīe on wudu dydon. / / # / Hīe
The Paris Psalter 74:2 2 r eall || wræcliċ sæċġe, / swā iċ fæstlicost% mæġ || be
The Paris Psalter 76:13 4 / Folc þīn þū feredest || swā fǣle sċēap / þurh Moyses ||
The Paris Psalter 77:16 2 nlȳtel / daĝa ǣġhwelċe, || swā hit drihten hēt, / and him eal
The Paris Psalter 77:27 2 an || flǣsċ tō ġe·nihte; / swā sand sǣs || oþþe þis swea
The Paris Psalter 77:52 1 Þā hē his folc ġe·nam || swā fǣle sċēap, / lǣde ġe·lī
The Paris Psalter 77:57 2 weġ, || nealles wēl dydon, / swā hira fæderas || be·foran h
The Paris Psalter 77:58 1 e || wendon and ċierdon. / / # / Swā% hīe% his% ierre% || oft% ā
The Paris Psalter 77:60 1 e·þȳwde%. / / # / And hē þā swā ġe·lōme wiþ·sōc || snyt
The Paris Psalter 77:65 2 ·weaht || wealdend drihten, / swā hē slǣpende || sōfte ræst
The Paris Psalter 77:65 3 pende || sōfte ræste / oþþe swā weorþ mann || wīne druncen.
The Paris Psalter 78:2 2 rusālem || samod an·līcost / swā on% æppel-bearu || āne cyta
The Paris Psalter 78:3 2 rna blōd || on byriġ lēton / swā man gute wæter || ymb Hierus
The Paris Psalter 78:14 4 / Ġield nū gram-hyġdgum, || swā hīe ġe·earnodon, / on sċēa
The Paris Psalter 79:1 3 e be·heald, / þū þē Ioseph swā sċēap || gramum wiþ·lǣde
The Paris Psalter 80:12 2 ibban hēt || lustum heortena / swā him lēofost wæs, || lēoda
The Paris Psalter 81:7 2 sweltaþ || samod mid mannum, / swā ealdor-mann || ān ġe·feall
The Paris Psalter 82:8 1 ðes bearnum. / / # / Dō him nū swā þū dydest || daĝum Madiane
The Paris Psalter 82:9 1 / / # / Sete hira ealdor-menn || swā þū Oreb dydest, / Zeb and Zeb
The Paris Psalter 82:10 2 , min god, || samod anlīċe / swā sē wæġnes hwēol || oþþe
The Paris Psalter 82:10 3 l || oþþe windes healm, / and swā fǣringa || fȳr wudu byrneþ
The Paris Psalter 82:10 4 || fȳr wudu byrneþ, / oþþe swā līeġ freteþ || lungre mōr
The Paris Psalter 82:11 1 eþ || lungre mōr-hǣþ. / / # / Swā þū hīe on ierre || ēhtest
The Paris Psalter 86:6 1 e, || þe hire inn wǣron / / # / Swā ūre ealra bliss || eard-hæb
The Paris Psalter 87:5 1 be·tweox dēaðe frēo. / / # / Swā ġe·wundode || wrāðe slǣp
The Paris Psalter 87:5 4 ġiemynde || menn ne wēnon, / swā hīe sīen fram þīnre handa
The Paris Psalter 87:15 1 eom on ġe·winne, || worhte swā on ġuĝuþe; / ā·hafen iċ w
The Paris Psalter 87:17 2 dæġ || ūtan ymb·sealdan, / swā wæter-flōdas || wǣron æt
The Paris Psalter 88:27 3 -setl || hrōr and wierðliċ / swā heofones daĝas || hēr mid m
The Paris Psalter 88:32 6 sihþe || sunnan anlīċ / and swā mōna || meahte on heofonum, /
The Paris Psalter 88:40 2 n, / ierre þīn ā·cȳðan || swā on·ǣled fȳr? / / # / Ġe·mune
The Paris Psalter 88:46 2 dan fēore || Wese swā, wese swā.
The Paris Psalter 89:4 3 intra biþ || þon anlīcost, / swā ġeostran dæġ || ġe·gan w
The Paris Psalter 89:5 1 ġ || ġe·gan wǣre; / / # / And swā hīe on niht hierdnesse || n
The Paris Psalter 89:6 1 . / / # / Morĝen ġe·wīteþ || swā ġe·molsnod wyrt; / ōðre mor
The Paris Psalter 89:6 3 ġe·blōweþ / and ġe·efneþ swā, || oþ·þæt ǣfen cymeþ, /
The Paris Psalter 91:11 2 beorht on blǣdum || blōweþ swā palma, / and swā Libanes beorh
The Paris Psalter 91:11 3 m || blōweþ swā palma, / and swā Libanes beorh || līedeþ and
The Paris Psalter 92:3 2 yrft || eorðan ġe·trymede, / swā folde stōd || fæste siþþa
The Paris Psalter 92:6 3 ēamas || swīðost flōwaþ; / swā is wundorliċ || wealdend ūs
The Paris Psalter 93:2 2 a, / ġield ofer·hyġdĝum, || swā hīe ǣr grame worhton. / / # / H
The Paris Psalter 93:7 2 sāwe / drihten ǣfre, || dyde swā hē wolde, / ne þæt Iacobes g
The Paris Psalter 94:9 1 erden || dryhtnes willan. / / # / Swā on grimmnesse || fyrn ġāra
The Paris Psalter 94:10 3 and simle cwæþ || and ēac swā on·cnēow, / þæt hīe on heo
A.5.6.1 13 ġende. || Hīe ġe·lǣston swā / efene fram Munt·ġeof || oþ
A.5.6.1 77 n þā þrāĝe, || þā hēo swā þearl be·cōm. / Wæs þā or
A.5.6.11 5 unġesæwenlicra% || and ēac swā same / þāra þe we ēaĝum ||
A.5.6.11 10 || ā·wiht cunnon, / ġe ēac swā same || þā þæs āuht nyto
A.5.6.11 16 t þæt hē wolde, / swā lange swā hē wolde || þæt hit wesan
A.5.6.11 17 e || þæt hit wesan sċolde. / Swā hit ēac tō weorolde || sċe
A.5.6.11 31 n || and eall holma be·gang. / Swā hafaþ ġe·heaðorod || heof
A.5.6.11 39 e || fæder ġe·tēode, / and swā ed·nīewe || eft ġe·weorð
A.5.6.11 40 nīewe || eft ġe·weorðan. / Swā hit nū fāĝaþ, || frēan e
A.5.6.11 43 sibbe || forða on·healdaþ. / Swā nū fȳr and wæter, || folde
A.5.6.11 46 || winnaþ be·tweox him, / and swā þēah maĝon || hira þeġnu
A.5.6.11 48 is hit nā þæt ān || þæt swā ēaðe mæġ / wiðer-weard ġe
A.5.6.11 86 eall for·weorðeþ, / and ēac swā same || ōðra ġe·sċeafta /
A.5.6.11 92 menġeþ, / clǣnlice lufe. || Swā sē cræftĝa ēac / ġe·fērs
A.5.6.11 100 t, / and ġe·endebyrd, || swā swā ōðra sint / weorold-ġe·sċe
A.5.6.11 102 id mannum, || ġif hit meahte swā.
A.5.6.12 3 arn and þornas || and fyrsas swā same, / wēod þā þe willaþ
A.5.6.12 11 es on·byrġeþ. || Biþ ēac swā same / manna ǣġhwelċ || miċ
A.5.6.12 18 eldum || eġesan ne brōhte. / Swā þyncþ ānra ġe·hwǣm || e
A.5.6.12 27 / lēasa ġe·sǣlþa, || swā swā landes ċeorl / of his æcere l
A.5.6.13 6 || wēl ġe·metĝaþ. / Hafaþ swā ġe·heaðorod || heofona wea
A.5.6.13 14 ymþe, || fæste ġe·tēode. / Swā nū þinga ġe·hwelċ || þi
A.5.6.13 35 | nimþ eall þæt hēo fint. / Swā dōþ wudu-fuglas; || þēah
A.5.6.13 45 im þā twiĝu þynċaþ / emne swā myrġe || þæt hīe þæs me
A.5.6.13 51 ng, || wudu eallum on·cwiþ. / Swā biþ eallum trēowum || þe h
A.5.6.13 54 ðan, / hē biþ up-weardes, || swā þū ān for·lǣtst / wīdu on
A.5.6.13 56 illan, || went on ġe·cynde. / Swā dēþ ēac sēo sunne, || þo
A.5.6.13 64 biþ || eard ġe·cynde. / Swā swā ǣlċ ġe·sċeaft || ealle m
A.5.6.13 74 eaft / þe ne hwearfie, || swā swā hwēol dēþ, / on hire selfre.
A.5.6.13 75 ire selfre. || For·þon hēo swā hwearfaþ, / þæt hēo eft cum
A.5.6.15 7 renfull. || Hwæt, sē fēond swā þēah / his dīerlingas || du
A.5.6.16 9 / þēs middan-ġeard, || swā swā mere-strēamas / ūtan be·liċ
A.5.6.16 11 þ, || on ǣht ġiefen, / efene swā wīde || swā swā westmest n
A.5.6.16 11 fen, / efene swā wīde || swā swā westmest nū / ān īeġ-land l
A.5.6.17 26 ft / and his āĝene || æðelu swā selfe, / and ēac þone fæder
A.5.6.18 8 ierrunga || āwuht stinġeþ. / Swā sċeall sāwla ġe·hwelċ ||
A.5.6.19 7 on grēnum trēowum? / Iċ wāt swā þēah || þæt hit witena na
A.5.6.19 30 on ġe·dwolan wordene, / efene swā blinde || þæt hīe on brēo
A.5.6.19 38 ġe || nǣnġe þinga / ealles swā swīðe || on sefan mīnum / hi
A.5.6.19 39 mīnum / hira dysiġ tǣlan || swā hit mē dōn lysteþ, / ne iċ
A.5.6.19 40 mē dōn lysteþ, / ne iċ þē swā sweotole || ġe·seċġan ne
A.5.6.19 46 e sēċeþ, / wēnaþ þonne || swā ġe·witlēase / þæt hīe þ
A.5.6.2 6 ġiedd ne mæġ / ġe·fēġan swā fæġere, || þēah iċ fela
A.5.6.20 6 e, / unġesewenlica || and ēac swā same / ġe·sewenlicra || sōft
A.5.6.20 11 ende / tīdum tō·tǣldes, || swā hit ġe·tǣsost wæs, / ende-b
A.5.6.20 49 þīnum, / weoroda drihten, || swā þū woldest self, / and mid þ
A.5.6.20 55 / unġelīċe, || nemdest eall swā þēah / mid āne naman || eall
A.5.6.20 88 þū þǣm ġe·sċeaftum || swā ġe·sċēadlīċe / mearce ġe
A.5.6.20 105 siþþan / wīde mid winde, || swā nū weorðaþ oft / axe ġond e
A.5.6.20 119 mæġ || and ēĝor-strēam, / swā ċeald ġe·sċeaft, || cræf
A.5.6.20 124 nd on wolcnum ēac, / and efene swā same || uppe ofer rodore. / Þo
A.5.6.20 147 unsweotole || samod eardien, / swā nū eorðe and wæter || earf
A.5.6.20 150 e þǣm wīsum. / Is þæt fȳr swā same || fæst on þǣm wæter
A.5.6.20 163 ning, || wundorlīċe / eorðan swā fæste || þæt hēo on ǣnġ
A.5.6.20 171 hwæðere / ǣġ ymb·ūtan. || Swā stent eall weorold / stille on
A.5.6.20 175 a ġe·hwelċe; || dyde lange swā. / Hwæt, þū, þēoda god, ||
A.5.6.20 192 ten / and þā iersunga || ēac swā selfe. / For·þȳ menn habbaþ
A.5.6.20 199 n simle, / and iersunge || ēac swā selfe; / hēo sċeall mid ġe·
A.5.6.20 207 elfre / hire ūtan ymb, || swā swā eall dēþ / ryne-swīfte rodor
A.5.6.20 210 htum / þisne middan-ġeard. || Swā dēþ mannes sāwl, / hwēole
A.5.6.20 244 e. || Wunedon æt·samne / efen swā lange || swā him līefed wæ
A.5.6.20 244 æt·samne / efen swā lange || swā him līefed wæs / fram þǣm
A.5.6.22 3 weardlīċe || aefter spyrian / swā dēoplīċe, || þæt hīe t
A.5.6.22 9 innan, / and for·lǣte ān, || swā hē oftost mæġe, / ǣlcne% ym
A.5.6.22 11 ytt sīe, / and ġe·samnie, || swā hē swīðost mæġe, / ealle t
A.5.6.22 19 n-cofan || ǣror lange / efene swā sweotole || swā hē on þā
A.5.6.22 19 lange / efene swā sweotole || swā hē on þā sunnan mæġ / ēa
A.5.6.22 35 anna ġe·hwelċes, / þæt hit swā beorhte ne mōt || blīcan an
A.5.6.22 36 mōt || blīcan and sċīnan / swā hit wolde, || ġif hit ġe·w
A.5.6.22 49 ǣniġ man || þætte ealles swā / þæs ġe·rādsċipes || sw
A.5.6.22 50 wā / þæs ġe·rādsċipes || swā be·rēafod sīe / þæt hē an
A.5.6.24 14 e·tweox || lyfte and rodore, / swā% him æt frymþe || fæder ġe
A.5.6.24 33 || ofer rodorum up / and under swā same || ealra ġe·sċeafta, /
A.5.6.26 38 re, / hīehst and hālĝost; || swā sē hālford þā / þæt dysġ
A.5.6.26 45 n god, / and weorðodon || swā swā wuldres cyning, / ġif hē tō
A.5.6.26 47 æs Iobes fæder || god ēac swā hē; / Saturnus þone || sund-b
A.5.6.26 64 d-manna frēan%, / and hē ēac swā same || ealle mæġne / efne sw
A.5.6.26 65 ā same || ealle mæġne / efne swā swīðe || hīe on sefan lufo
A.5.6.26 92 lufedon / dīera drohtaþ, || swā hit ġe·dēfe ne wæs. / Næfd
A.5.6.27 2 / ēower mōd drēfan, || swā swā mere-flōdes / ȳða hrēraþ |
A.5.6.27 11 and fuĝolum? || Dēaþ ēac swā same / aefter mann-cynne || ġo
A.5.6.27 19 foran tō sċēotan%, || swā swā fuĝola cynn / oþþe wildu dē
A.5.6.27 24 m / fēoġe on ferhþe, || swā swā fuĝol oþþe dēor, / ac þæt
A.5.6.27 29 lufie / gōdra ġe·hwelcne || swā hē ġeornost mæġe, / mildsie
A.5.6.27 30 ost mæġe, / mildsie yflum, || swā we ǣr% sprǣcon. / Hē sċeall
A.5.6.27 33 e hatian / and of·snīðan, || swā hē swīðost mæġe.
A.5.6.28 29 ðer steorra, || cymeþ efene swā same / on þone īlcan stede ||
A.5.6.28 35 || þæs þe mannum þyncþ? / Swā ēac sume wēnaþ || þæt s
A.5.6.28 47 m / be·foran ðǣre sunnan, || swā hīe simle dōþ / middel-nihtu
A.5.6.28 57 / ān-for·lǣteþ || and ēac swā same / ȳþ wiþ lande || ealne
A.5.6.29 5 uh / sibbe sīn-gāle, || dydon swā lange . / Swā hīe ġe·wenede
A.5.6.29 6 -gāle, || dydon swā lange . / Swā hīe ġe·wenede || wuldres e
A.5.6.29 37 na%, || swīðe ġe·þwǣre, / swā him æt frymþe || fæder ġe
A.5.6.29 41 an ymbe / mann-cynnes fruma || swā him ġe·met þynceþ, / for­
A.5.6.29 84 || hǣt% eft cuman. / Ġif hē swā ġe·stæþþiġ || ne staðo
A.5.6.3 8 de, / sorĝum ġe·swenċed. || Swā is þissum nū / mōde ġe·lum
A.5.6.31 9 m gangan, / eorðan brūcan, || swā him ēaden wæs. / Sume fōtum
A.5.6.31 21 s hē his hyġe wende / niðer swā ðǣr nīeten. || Nis% þæt
A.5.6.4 12 e hit ġe·byrian mæġ / þæt swā ġe·nēahsne || nīede weor
A.5.6.4 26 e hǣse, || dōþ on heofonum swā same / mōde and mæġene, || b
A.5.6.4 35 ċolde / yflum mannum || ealles swā swīðe? / Hēo full oft dereþ
A.5.6.4 40 fīrum uncūþ / hwȳ sēo wyrd swā wō || wendan sċolde. / Swā s
A.5.6.4 41 d swā wō || wendan sċolde. / Swā sint ġe·hydde || hēr on we
A.5.6.5 5 lcen hangaþ, / ne mæġen hīe swā lēohtne || lēoman on·senda
A.5.6.5 7 icca mist || þīnra weorðe. / Swā oft smylte sǣ || sūðerne w
A.5.6.5 12 ǣr gladu || an-sīene wæs. / Swā oft ǣ-springe || ūt ā·wea
A.5.6.5 21 ne, || rīðum tō·flōwen. / Swā nū þā þīestre || þīnre
A.5.6.7 14 illaþ / reġn for·swelgan; || swā dēþ rīcra nū / grundlēas
A.5.6.7 23 īĝan sand aefter reġne. || Swā bēoþ ānra ġe·hwæs / manna
A.5.6.8 1 s of Boethius: Metre 8 / / Sōna swā sē wīsdōm || þās word h
A.5.6.8 16 ta || frece ne wǣron, / būtan swā hīe meahton || ġe·metlicos
A.5.6.9 13 if þæt fȳr meahte / līexan swā lēohte || and swā lange ēa
A.5.6.9 13 e / līexan swā lēohte || and swā lange ēac, / rēad rāsettan,
A.5.6.9 14 nge ēac, / rēad rāsettan, || swā% hē Romane / seċġan ġe·hīe
A.5.6.9 38 -rēow wunode. || Wēold emne swā þēah / ealles þisses mǣran
A.5.6.9 40 ran || middan-ġeardes, / swā swā lyft and laĝu || land ymb·c
A.51.91.11 2 beorht on blǣdum || blōweþ swā palma / and swā libænes beor
A.51.91.11 3 m || blōweþ swā palma / and swā libænes beorh || lideþ and
A.51.92.3 2 yrft || eorðan ġe·trymede / swā folde stōd || fæste siþþa
A.51.92.6 3 ēamas || swīðost flōwaþ / swā is wundorliċ || wealdend ūs
A.51.93.2 2 ma / gild ofer-hȳġdiĝum || swā hīe ǣr grame worhton.
A.51.93.7 2 sāwe% / drihten ǣfre || dyde swā hē wolde / nē þæt īacobes
A.51.94.10 3 simble cwæþ || and ēac and swā on·cnēow / þæt hīe on heo
A.6.10.1 7 um, / eaforan Ēad·weardes, || swā him ġe·æðele wæs / fram cn
A.6.10.2 3 e·eode, / dȳre dǣd-fruma, || swā Dor sċadeþ, / Hwitanwyllesġe
A.6.10.3 15 aþ, / seofon and twentiġ; || swā nēah wæs siĝora frēan / þ
A.6.10.5 15 / þe wǣron būtan sċylde || swā earmlīċe ā·cwealde. / Sē
A.6.10.5 18 ine lǣdde / tō Eliġ-byrġ || swā ġe·bundenne. / Sōna swā hē
A.6.10.5 19 || swā ġe·bundenne. / Sōna swā hē lende, || on sċipe mann
A.6.10.5 20 pe mann hine blende, / and hine swā blindne || brōhte tō þǣm
A.6.10.6 12 nd Seaxum, || ōret-mæġcum, / swā ymb·clyppaþ || ċealde brym
A.6.10.6 26 cōm / dēaþ sē bitera || and swā dēore ġe·nam / æðelne of e
A.6.10.6 29 ġeles lēoht. / And sē frōda swā þēah || be·fæste þæt r
A.6.12 51 blǣda lēas, || bereþ efene swā þēah / tānas būtan tūdor,
A.6.13 15 ēste wīsdōmes, || weallaþ swā nīeten, / feld-gangende || feo
A.6.13 89 eþ. / //E// E hiene yflaþ, || swā hē ā wile / ealra fēonda ġe
A.6.13 183 ulfes eard, / Saulus rīċe, || swā hē sūþ liġeþ / ymbe Ġeall
A.6.13 44 de gāst || dēþ nū ġīena swā, / ǣr·þon mē ġe·unne || ē
A.6.13 95 ren mid ōme, || dēþ ūsiċ swā’. / ‘Ac for·hwon fealleþ sē
A.6.13 111 aþ, || weorðaþ tō dūste. / Swā þonne ġe·feallaþ || þā
A.6.13 187 ing. || Ne mæġ dōn unlǣde swā’. / ‘Ac for·hwǣm winneþ þis
A.6.13 293 sċyld || ierre ġe·worden. / Swā þonne feohteþ sē fēond ||
A.6.14 5 ten, || heofon-rīċes weard. / Swā þā selfan tīd || sīde her
A.6.14 17 tūne / būtan twǣm nihtum, || swā hit ġe·tealdon ġō, / Februa
A.6.14 52 lde / cennan, cyninga betst, || swā hit ġe·cȳðed wearþ / ġond
A.6.14 59 ist / wēl wīde ġe·hwǣr, || swā sē wītĝa sang: / ‘Þis is
A.6.14 80 || ġond maniġe ġe·hwǣr. / Swā þȳ īlcan dæġe || æðele
A.6.14 100 as funde / tō Godes willan, || swā him sē glēawa be·bēad / Gre
A.6.14 120 m. / Wīde is ġe·weorðod, || swā þæt wēl ġe·rist, / hāliġ
A.6.14 140 odum / hlāf-mæssan dæġ. || Swā þæs hærfest cymþ / ymbe ō
A.6.14 165 inged, / fēreþ tō folce, || swā hit fore-ġlēawe, / ealde ūþ
A.6.14 178 on hærfeste, / Michaheles, || swā þæt meniġu wāt, / fīf niht
A.6.14 184 e·nihte, / Winter-fylleþ, || swā hine wīde ċīeġaþ% / īeġ-
A.6.14 197 ða bearnum / ēadiġnesse, || swā nan ōðer nā dēþ / mōnaþ
A.6.14 230 % || þe man healdan sċeall, / swā be·būĝeþ ġe·bod || ġon
A.6.15 49 heofonum / beorhte sċīnan, || swā him be·bēad metod. / Gōd sċ
A.6.17 4 n middan ġe·hæġe, || eall swā iċ seċġe. / Ēac ðǣr wynn-
A.6.17 42 s and tungan || and flǣsċes swā same. / Þis is ān hǣl || ear
A.6.17 59 all ġe·sīemed; / hē drihtne swā þēah, || dēaðe ġe·hende
A.6.17 66 ġe·þanc, / hwȳ latast þū swā lange , || þæt þū þe lā
A.6.17 99 . / Eall eorðe bifaþ, || ēac swā þā dūna / drēosaþ and hrē
A.6.17 216 ās frēcnan tīd / him selfum swā fela || synna ġe·worhte, / þ
A.6.21 5 m / weorolde ġe·wliteĝod, || swā þū wealdan meaht / eall eorð
A.6.21 10 , / ā·syndrod fram synnum, || swā þīn sunu mǣre / þurh clǣne
A.6.21 14 rōfor% || and hāliġ gāst. / Swā wæs on fruman || frēa mann-
A.6.21 33 meaht || maniĝum sweotolaþ, / swā þīne cræftas hēo || cȳð
A.6.21 35 hand-ġe·weorc, || grōweþ swā þū hēte. / Ealle þē herġa
A.6.21 49 ċan word || ǣghwǣr fulle, / swā sindon þīne meahta || ofer
A.6.22 12 eardunge || eorðan rīċes, / swā hlūtor is || on heofon-wuldr
A.6.22 21 ċes wunda / and mān-dǣda, || swā we mildum wiþ þē, / æl-miht
A.6.22 23 , || oft ā·bielġaþ%, / swā swā we for·lǣtaþ || leahtras o
A.6.23 20 and hēo cūðlīċe || cende swā mǣrne / eorð-būendum || engl
A.6.23 42 st || hyhte be·lūce, / efene swā ēċne || swā is āðor ġe
A.6.23 42 ·lūce, / efene swā ēċne || swā is āðor ġe·cweden, / fæder
A.6.23 58 ċe līf || eallum dǣlest%, / swā hēr manna ġe·hwelċ || met
A.6.25 20 e, / frēa folca ġe·hwæs, || swā þū æt fruman wǣre / efen-ē
A.6.26 13 / Hwæðere him ġe·ēode, || swā full oft ġe·dēþ / þætte g
A.6.26 117 aldend God, || weleras mīne; / swā min mūþ siþþan || meahte
A.6.26 121 drihtne, || ðǣr þū wolde swā, / þā þū þæt ne lufodest,
A.6.26 135 ierusolimę, || God libbende. / Swā þū, frēa mehtiġ, || on·f
A.6.26 146 eofene || glīdan% mōte.’ / Swā þingode || þēode ealdor, / D
A.6.28 51 on rodorum. / Þīn mæġen is swā mǣre, || mehtiġ drihten, / sw
A.6.28 52 ā mǣre, || mehtiġ drihten, / swā þæt ǣniġ ne wāt || eorð
A.6.28 63 e, / dæġes and nihtes || dō, swā iċ ne sċolde, / hwīle mid we
A.6.31 3 on·lieht and ġe·lǣred, || swā hine līfes frēa, / heofona h
A.6.31 11 es || and þā hǣleþ samod, / swā hīe on lēodsċipe || lǣrde
A.6.31 42 fyllan, / and on fæstenum, || swā sē frōda ġō / Moyses mǣlde
A.6.31 45 n hyġe-fæste || mid Anglum, / swā hīe ġe·brēfde ūs || beor
A.6.31 77 nga ġe·hwelċes, / efene swā swā ǣrran || and þone ār-wesan
A.6.31 99 gla land || ēstum fylĝaþ%. / Swā hē æt þǣm setle || selfa
A.6.31 109 iġ daĝa / and nihta samod, || swā hē nāhtes on·bāt% / ǣr hē
A.6.31 126 iġ daĝa / and nihta samod, || swā hē nāhtes on·bāt / ǣr hē
A.6.31 140 dryhtnes lāre; / uton fæstan% swā || firene dǣdum / on for·hæf
A.6.31 143 ġen || mǣrþa ġe·stīĝan / swā sē ealda dyde% || Elias ġō
A.6.31 157 fersode% mettas%, / ēac nihta swā fela || nāniht gyltiġ, / lēo
A.6.34 11 rætweþ. / Wile mec hwæðere% swā þēah || wīde ofer eorðan /
A.6.36 3 an brōhte / īeġ-būendum, || swā hit ǣr fore / ā·dihtode || d
A.6.37 20 s þæt rǣdliċ þinġ, / ġif swā hlūtor wæter, || hlūd and
A.6.38 11 hira bȳsene full·gāþ, || swā þēos bōc saĝaþ. / Mē ā·
A.6.38 23 s rīċes ġe·we[], / and ēac swā his bēah-ġiefan, || þe him
A.6.43.10 5 || ofer ealne middan-ġeard; / swā þēos dǣd wierðe || for ma
A.6.43.10 12 t hīe for·helan ne mihton. Swā nǣfre þēos dǣd || / for·h
A.6.43.11 12 es || worðiġ% drihten, / swā swā iċ ġe·hīerde || heofona s
A.6.43.12 11 ne || al-swā weter on anbre. / Swā lȳtel þū ġe·wurþe || al
A.6.43.2 12 tōde || and wiþ·stunodest; / swā þū wiþ·stande || ātre an
A.6.43.3 8 || / his swēoran, and dō man swā þrīe daĝas; him biþ sona
A.6.43.9 3 e Crīst on rōde ā·hangen; swā iċ þenċe þis feoh || / tō
A.6.7 19 Gūðere stīerde% / þæt hē swā freoliċ feorh || forman sī
A.6.7 41 . / Hīe fuhton fīf daĝas, || swā hira nan ne fēoll / dryht-ġe
A.6.8.2 24 aþ, / mēċum ġe·mētaþ, || swā ġē mē dydon. / Þēah mæġ
A.6.9 33 fole for·ġielden, / þonne we swā hearde || hilde% dǣlen. / Ne
A.6.9 59 nn be·cōmon. / Ne sċule ġē swā sōfte || sinċ ġe·ġangan;
A.6.9 122 ne, || þā hē byre hæfde. / Swā stefnetton || stīþ-hiċġen
A.6.9 132 þ þæs beornes stōp. / Ēode swā ān-rǣd || eorl tō þām ċ
A.6.9 198 duĝuþe || ġe·dōn hæfde. / Swā him Offa on dæġ || ǣr ā·
A.6.9 209 | oþþe lēofne ġe·wrecan. / Swā hīe bielde forþ || bearn Æ
A.6.9 243 e his anġinn, / þæt hē hēr swā maniġne || mann ā·flīemde
A.6.9 280 || ǣr hē on wæle lǣġe%. / Swā dyde Æðelrīċ, || æðele
A.6.9 290 æt hē his frēan ġe·hēt, / swā hē bēotode ǣr || wiþ his
A.6.9 319 ealfe || mīnum hlāforde, / be swā lēofan menn, || liċġan þe
A.6.9 320 menn, || liċġan þenċe.’ / Swā hīe Æðel·gāres bearn ||
A.6.9 323 windan || on þā wīċingas, / swā hē on þām folce || fyrmest
sċadeþ - 1 occurrences
A.6.10.2 3 dȳre dǣd-fruma, || swā Dor sċadeþ, / Hwitanwyllesġeat || and Humb
under - 395 occurrences
Genesis A 91 n wræcstowe || werige gastas / under hearmlocan || heane geforan /
Genesis A 98 heofenum || forþam halig god / under roderas feng || ricum mihtum /
Genesis A 109 orc / semian sinnihte || sweart under roderum / wonn and weste || oþ
Genesis A 151 lmihtig || flod wæs adæled / under heahrodore || halgum mihtum / w
Genesis A 153 trum || þam þe wuniaþ gyt / under fæstenne || folca hrofes / þa
Genesis A 159 esan || wæter gemæne / þa nu under roderum || heora ryne healda
Genesis A 161 efnde || þa stod hraþe / holm under heofonum || swa se halga bebe
Genesis B 311 forþon he heo on wyrse leoht / under eorþan neoþan || ællmihtig
Genesis A 859 him þa gangan || geomermode / under beamsceade || blæde bereafod
Genesis A 912 || þe þæt wif feoþ / hataþ under heofnum || and þin heafod tr
Genesis A 916 || a þenden standeþ / woruld under wolcnum || nu þu wast and ca
Genesis A 1058 || ceastre timbran / þæt wæs under wolcnum || weallfæstenna / ær
Genesis A 1166 tyne eac || þa his tiddæge / under rodera rum || rim wæs gefyll
Genesis A 1231 || frea moniges breac / wintra under wolcnum || werodes aldor / and
Genesis A 1243 iafeth || þeoda tymdon / rume under roderum || rim miclade / monna
Genesis A 1333 bosme || læd swa ic þe hate / under earce bord || eaforan þine / f
Genesis A 1340 lum || eorþan wæstmum / wiste under wægbord || werodum gelæde /
Genesis A 1344 lafe || lagosiþa eft / reorde under roderum || ryman wille / gewit
Genesis A 1357 gewat || swa hine nergend het / under earce bord || eaforan lædan /
Genesis A 1360 rea ælmihtig / habban wolde || under hrof gefor / to heora ætgifan
Genesis A 1369 wintra / þa he mid bearnum || under bord gestah / gleaw mid geogoþ
Genesis A 1387 man || flod ealle wreah / hreoh under heofonum || hea beorgas / geond
Genesis A 1392 / siþþan wide rad || wolcnum under / ofer holmes hrincg || hof sel
Genesis A 1414 gan eft || lago ebbade / sweart under swegle || hæfde soþ metod / e
Genesis A 1418 scip || fiftig and hund / nihta under roderum || siþþan nægledbo
Genesis A 1438 ende || sæflod þa gyt / wære under wolcnum || let þa ymb worn d
Genesis A 1481 bearwas || nolde gladu æfre / under salwed bord || syþþan ætyw
Genesis A 1586 ra andwlitan || in bewrigenum / under loþum listum || þæt hie le
Genesis A 1595 cwæþ he wesan sceolde / hean under heofnum || hleomaga þeow / cha
Genesis A 1702 ht || on sennar stod / weox þa under wolcnum || and wriþade / mægb
Genesis A 1764 þinre || monrim wesan / swiþe under swegle || sunum and dohtrum / o
Genesis A 1950 forþon his lof secgaþ / wide under wolcnum || wera cneorisse / fol
Genesis A 1984 erigas || sang se wanna fugel / under deoreþsceaftum || deawigfeþ
Genesis A 2060 nan / þa ic neþan gefrægn || under nihtscuwan / hæleþ to hilde |
Genesis A 2064 na gegrind || gripon unfægre / under sceat werum || scearpe garas /
Genesis A 2160 norþmanna wig || ac nefuglas / under beorhhleoþum || blodige sitt
Genesis A 2223 þinre / rim miclian || roderum under / eaforum þinum || nu ic eom o
Genesis A 2411 a gylp || yfele spræce / werod under weallum habban || forþon wæ
Genesis A 2420 as basnedon || witelaces / wean under weallum || and heora wif some
Genesis A 2447 Ebrisċa || eorl wīsode, / inn under eodoras. || Þǣr him sē æ
Genesis A 2489 fæste || clommum abrugdon / in under edoras || and þa ofstlice / an
Genesis A 2539 gelædde / bryd mid bearnum || under burhlocan / in sægor his || þ
Genesis A 2564 hes gehyrde / bryd on burgum || under bæc beseah / wiþ þæs wælfy
Genesis A 2622 a mid bryde || broþor arones / under abimelech || æhte lædan / mid
Genesis A 2677 te ic þæt / siþþan þu usic under || abraham þine / on þas eþe
Genesis A 2740 ig dreah / and his scippende || under sceade gefor / hleowfeþrum þe
Genesis A 2845 forgeaf / gesæliglic || swegle under / þa þæs rinces || se rica o
Exodus 228 wam || æþelan cynnes / alesen under lindum || leoda duguþe / on fo
Exodus 236 for geoguþe || gyt ne mihton / under bordhreoþan || breostnet wer
Exodus 376 || beornas feredon / þara þe under heofonum || hæleþ bryttiga
Exodus 537 on mode || manhus witon / fæst under foldan || þær biþ fyr and
Exodus 572 ie hit frecne geneþdon / weras under wætera hrofas || gesawon hie
Daniel 61 templ / gestrudan gestreona || under stanhliþum / swilc eall swa þ
Daniel 71 / to babilonia || beorna unrim / under hand hæleþ || hæþenum dem
Daniel 238 eobearn fæþmum beþeahte || under þam fyrenan hrofe / ne mihte
Daniel 260 an glædmode || god wurþedon / under þæs fæþme || þe geflymed
Daniel 329 a || gefrigen habbaþ / þa þe under heofenum || hæþene lifigea
Daniel 639 amod || swa no swiþrode / rice under roderum || oþþæt se ræswa
Daniel 690 de eorla || þær æþelingas / under wealla hleo || welan brytnedo
A.1.4 31 in þone dēopan wielm / niðer under% næssas || in þone neowolan
Christ and Satan 90 aseald wes on wærgþu / niþer under nessas || in þone neowlan gr
Christ and Satan 134 cynn || grundas mænan / niþer under næssum || hwilum nacode men /
Christ and Satan 318 gendum || flor attre weol / hat under hæftum || hreopan deofla / wid
Andreas 2 frunan || on fyrndagum / twelfe under tunglum || tireadige hæleþ /
Andreas 46 nes || garum gehyrsted / lungre under linde || nalas late wæron / eo
Andreas 93 heofoncyninges stefn / wrætlic under wolcnum || wordhleoþres sweg
Andreas 95 þeodnes || he his maguþegne / under hearmlocan || hælo ond frofr
Andreas 98 e matheus || mine sylle / sybbe under swegle || ne beo þu on sefan
Andreas 128 garas hrysedon / bolgenmode || under bordhreoþan / woldon cunnian |
Andreas 141 mildse || oft hira mod onwod / under dimscuan || deofles larum / þo
Andreas 144 modes glawne / haligne hæle || under heolstorlocan / bidan beadurofn
Andreas 208 er hider || on þas cneorisse / under swegles gang || aseted wyrþe
Andreas 420 u || hu he reordberend / lærde under lyfte || lang is þes siþfæ
Andreas 455 ahloh / syþþan we gesegon || under swegles gang / windas ond wæga
Andreas 505 wæþere on brim snoweþ / snel under segle || þu eart seolfa geon
Andreas 512 || þæt we on sælade / scipum under scealcum || þonne sceor cyme
Andreas 545 gemærsod || nænig manna is / under heofonhwealfe || hæleþa cyn
Andreas 832 erestræte / swefan on sybbe || under swegles hleo / bliþne bidan ||
Andreas 837 an || sceadu sweþerodon / wonn under wolcnum || þa com wederes bl
Andreas 940 te || þu in þa ceastre gong / under burglocan || þær þin broþ
Andreas 1005 orcofan / hæleþ higerofne || under heolstorlocan / secgan dryhtne
Andreas 1009 | in þam gnornhofe / geseh þa under swegle || swæsne geferan / hal
Andreas 1013 nsunde || æfre moston / geseon under sunnan || syb wæs gemæne / ba
Andreas 1038 e || þær he nænigne forlet / under burglocan || bennum fæstne / o
Andreas 1065 ngla blisse / þanon basnode || under burhlocan / hwæt him guþweorc
Andreas 1071 n || to þæs þa hæftas ær / under hlinscuwan || hearm þrowedon
Andreas 1204 eatum || wigend þrungon / cene under cumblum || corþre mycle / to
Andreas 1253 untyddre / þa se halga wæs || under heolstorscuwan / eorl ellenhear
Andreas 1305 sunne gewat || to sete glidan / under niflan næs || niht helmade / b
Andreas 1402 c geferde || mid frean willan / under heofonhwealfe || heardran dro
Andreas 1457 or sægl / wuldortorht gewat || under waþu scriþan / þa þa folcto
Andreas 1493 alle geseah || wundrum fæste / under sælwage || sweras unlytle / st
Andreas 1595 y wæge || in forwyrd sceacan / under eorþan grund || þa wearþ a
Andreas 1600 orþorscyldige / guþgelacan || under grund hruron / hie þa anmode |
Dream of the Rood 55 iman || sceadu forþeode / wann under wolcnum || weop eal gesceaft /
Dream of the Rood 85 þan ic þrymfæst nu / hlifige under heofenum || ond ic hælan mæ
Elene 13 æst || æþelinges weox / rice under roderum || he wæs riht cynin
Elene 44 ongean gramum || guþgelæcan / under earhfære || ofstum myclum / ba
Elene 46 we || beran ut þræce / rincas under roderum || wæron romware / sec
Elene 75 nne he ær oþþe siþ / gesege under swegle || he of slæpe onbræ
Elene 147 gweorce || domweorþunga / rice under roderum || þurh his rode tre
Elene 218 | hwær se wuldres beam / halig under hrusan || hyded wære / æþelc
Elene 245 bæþweg || brimwudu snyrgan / under swellingum || sæmearh plegea
Elene 46 n / in byrgenne || bidende wæs / under þeosterlocan || ond þa þy
A.2.6 47 on byrġenne || bīdende wæs / under þeostor-locan || and þā þ
Elene 68 s / ælærendra || oþer betera / under swegles hleo || syþþan æfr
A.2.6 69 ǣ-lǣrendra || ōðer betera / under sweġeles hlēow || siþþan
Elene 144 ge hwile nu on unriht / wrigon under womma sceatum || ne magon ge
A.2.6 145 hwīle nū on unryht / wriĝon under wamma sċeatum, || ne maĝon
Elene 186 wunige || radorcyninges / halig under hrusan || þe ge hwile nu / þu
A.2.6 187 ie || rodor-cininges, / hāliġ under hrūsan, || þe ġē hwīle n
Elene 192 s ondwearde || anforlete / rice under roderum || ge he þa rode ne
A.2.6 193 rde || ān-for·lǣte, / rīċe under roderum, || ġe· hē þā r
Elene 213 lacendra || deadra gefeallen / under bordhagan || ge þa byrgenna /
Elene 214 bordhagan || ge þa byrgenna / under stanhleoþum || ond þa stowe
A.2.6 215 aĝan. || Ġē þā byrġenna / under stān-hliðum || and þā st
Elene 256 sorgum || seofun nihta fyrst / under hearmlocan || hungre geþreat
A.2.6 257 sorĝum || [VII] nihta first / under hearm-locan || hungre ġe·þ
Elene 324 ydige || þa sio werge sceolu / under heolstorhofu || hreosan sceol
A.2.6 325 e. || Þā sēo werġe sċolu / under heolstor-hofu || hrēosan sċ
Elene 348 eorle || on þa æþelan tid / under beorhhliþe || ban iosephes / s
A.2.6 349 orle || on þā æðelan tīd / under beorh-hliðe || bān Iosephes
Elene 355 þam wangstede || wynsumne up / under radores ryne || rec astigan / l
A.2.6 356 ām wang-stede || wynsumne up / under rodores ryne || rīeċ ā·st
Elene 364 e || steam up aras / swylce rec under radorum || þær aræred wear
A.2.6 365 am up ā·rās / swelċe rīeċ under rodorum. || Þǣr ā·rǣred
Elene 390 nes anhydig || eorþan delfan / under turfhagan || þæt he on twen
A.2.6 391 n-hyġdiġ, || eorðan delfan / under turf-haĝan, || þæt hē on
Elene 392 mælum feor || funde behelede / under neolum niþer || næsse gehyd
A.2.6 393 um feorr || funde be·helede, / under neowolum niðer || næsse ġe
Elene 403 | syþþan beacen geseh / halig under hrusan || he mid handum befen
A.2.6 404 n bēacen ġe·seah%, / hāliġ under hrūsan. || Hē mid heandum b
Elene 479 ard || min is geswiþrod / ræd under roderum || ic þa rode ne þe
A.2.6 480 || Mīn is ġe·swiðrod / rǣd under roderum. || Iċ þā rōde ne
Elene 536 ara þe siþ oþþe ær / halig under heofenum || ahafen wurde / ond
A.2.6 537 þe sīþ oþþe ǣr / hāliġ under heofonum || ā·hafen wurde, /
Elene 552 feonde || næs þa fricgendra / under goldhoman || gad in burgum / fe
A.2.6 553 de. || Næs þā friċġendra / under gold-haman || gād on burgum,
Elene 652 yþe || cyning ælmihtig / hord under hrusan || þæt gehyded gen / d
A.2.6 653 , || cyning æl-mehtiġ, / hord under hrūsan || þæt ġe·hȳded
Elene 753 t þæs cyninges sceal / mearh under modegum || midlum geweorþod /
A.2.6 754 þæs cininges sċeall / mearh under mōdĝum || mīdlum ġe·weor
Elene 787 eorþan || up aweoxe / geloden under leafum || wæs þa lencten ag
A.2.6 788 || up ā·wēoxe, / ġe·loden under lēafum. || Wæs þā lencten
Elene 795 restan || dægweorþunga / rode under roderum || þa se ricesta / eal
A.2.6 796 tan || dæġ-weorðunga / rōde under roderum, || þā sē rīċest
Elene 831 de || feoh æghwam biþ / læne under lyfte || landes frætwe / gewit
Elene 832 te || landes frætwe / gewitaþ under wolcnum || winde geliccost / þ
A.2.6 833 | landes frætwe / ġe·wītaþ under wolcnum || winde ġe·līcost
Christ A 14 gebete || nu gebrosnad is / hus under hrofe || he ðæt hra gescop /
Christ A 45 || ðurh lifes fruman / ðe ær under hoðman || biholen lægon / wit
Christ A 219 nd meaht / nis ænig nu || eorl under lyfte / secg searoðoncol || to
Christ A 226 || æt fruman ærest / geworden under wolcnum || ðæt witig god / li
Christ A 286 rudes || ond worldcundra / hada under heofonum || ond helwara / forð
Christ B 484 geleafan / ond fulwiað || folc under roderum / hweorfað to hæðnum
Christ B 502 ofne || leng ne mostun / geseon under swegle || song ahofun / aras uf
Christ B 526 / ðara ðe gefremedon || folc under roderum / ða wæs wuldres wear
Christ B 588 reode ond gefreoðade || folc under wolcnum / mære meotudes sunu |
Christ B 606 er widlond || ond weder liðe / under swegles hleo || sunne ond mon
Christ B 705 / æfyllendra || eahtnysse bad / under hæðenra || hyrda gewealdum /
Christ B 769 in gebuge / biter bordgelac || under banlocan / feonda færsearo ||
Christ C 882 || beofað middangeard / hruse under hæleðum || hlydað tosomne /
Christ C 1175 g || blodigum tearum / birunnen under rindum || reade ond ðicce / s
Christ C 1332 / hwæðer him yfel ðe god || under wunige / ðæt he on ða grimma
Christ C 1503 earfum forwyrndon || ðæt hi under eowrum ðæce mosten / in gebug
Christ C 1533 sweartne leg || synfulra here / under foldan sceat || fæge gæstas
Christ C 1619 domdæge || to deaðe niðer / under helle cinn || in ðæt hate f
Christ C 1620 lle cinn || in ðæt hate fyr / under liges locan || ðær hy leomu
Widsith 101 ge || secgan sceolde / hwær ic under swegle || selast wisse / goldhr
Widsith 143 od || lof se gewyrceð / hafað under heofonum || heahfæstne dom
Maxims I 114 eal mid mete fedan || morðor under eorðan befeolan / hinder under
Maxims I 115 under eorðan befeolan / hinder under hrusan || ðe hit forhelan ð
Maxims I 184 an in sidum ceole || nefne he under segle yrne / werig scealc wið
The Order of the World 75 scyndeð || in gesceaft godes / under foldan fæðm || farende tung
The Order of the World 79 sunne / in ðæt wonne genip || under wætra geðring / oððe hwa ð
The Riming Poem 10 tmum aweaht || world onspreht / under roderum areaht || rædmægne
The Panther 37 ræste seceð / dygle stowe || under dunscrafum / ðær se ðeodwiga
The Whale 47 da geasne || grundleasne wylm / under mistglome || swa se micla hw
Guthlac A 31 on || geond middangeard / hadas under heofonum || ða ðe in haligr
Guthlac A 52 sette || on siex dagum / ða nu under heofonum || hadas cennað / mic
Guthlac A 120 eorðan || ealle sægde / læne under lyfte || ond ða longan god / h
Guthlac A 415 e fore eagum || eall sceawode / under haligra || hyrda gewealdum / in
Guthlac A 540 || ðæs ðe he sylfa adreag / under nyðgista || nearwum clommum /
Guthlac A 563 || in ðæt atule hus / niðer under næssas || neole grundas / hy h
Guthlac A 598 ehynde || ond in hæft bidraf / under nearone clom || nergende cris
Guthlac A 675 synfulle || mid searocræftum / under scæd sconde || scufan motan /
Guthlac A 710 lfa sum || ðe he getreoweste / under monnes hiw || mode gelufade / h
Guthlac A 731 burgun / wæron hyra gongas || under godes egsan / smeðe ond geseft
Guthlac A 761 iga || ealle gesceafte / lufað under lyfte || in lichoman / monna m
Guthlac B 1280 ohte || swearc norðrodor / won under wolcnum || woruld miste ofert
Guthlac B 1289 d || scadu sweðredon / tolysed under lyfte || wæs se leohta glæm
Guthlac B 1308 n gefean || lic colode / belifd under lyfte || ða ðær leoht asca
Guthlac B 1313 ed || oð rodera hrof / gesewen under swegle || sunnan beorhtra / æ
Guthlac B 1316 || sweg wæs on lyfte / gehyred under heofonum || haligra dream / swa
Guthlac B 1330 wræc || wæterðisa for / snel under sorgum || swegl hate scan / bla
A.3.22.2 2 te, || swā ne wēnaþ menn, / under ȳða ġe·þræc || eorðan
Riddles 21 11 ðurh hrycg wrecen || hongað under / an orðoncpil || oðer on hea
Riddles 22 10 || ond hyra wicg somod / hlodan under hrunge || ða ða hors oðbæ
Riddles 22 15 om / ne be grunde wod || gestum under / ne lagu drefde || ne on lyfte
Riddles 22 17 refde || ne on lyfte fleag / ne under bæc cyrde || brohte hwæðre
Riddles 27 5 on lifte || feredon mid liste / under hrofes hleo || hæleð mec si
Riddles 3 2 genearwað / sendeð ðonne || under salwonges / bearm ðone bradan
Riddles 3 64 oðgecrod || ðonne hnige eft / under lyfte helm || londe near / ond
Riddles 3 68 ðeow || ðragum winne / hwilum under eorðan || hwilum yða sceal /
Riddles 36 3 gierwed / hæfde feowere || fet under wombe / ond ehtuwe || / monn [h
Riddles 4 33 fle || adelan stinceð / eal ic under heofones || hwearfte recce / sw
Riddles 4 40 ing || dyre bihealdan / eac ic under eorðan || eal sceawige / wom w
Riddles 4 86 gewefen || wundorcræfte / nis under me || ænig oðer / wiht walden
A.3.22.40 33 || adelan stinċeþ. / Eall iċ under heofones || hwearfte% reċċe
Riddles 40 34 le || adelan stinceð. / Eal ic under heofones || hwearfte recce, / s
A.3.22.40 40 dīere be·healdan; / ēac iċ under eorðan || eall sċēawie / wō
Riddles 40 41 ing || dyre bihealdan; / eac ic under eorþan || eal sceawige / wom w
A.3.22.40 86 wefen || wunder-cræfte. / Nis under mē || ǣniġ ōðer / wiht wea
Riddles 40 90 gewefen || wundorcræfte. / Nis under me || ænig oþer / wiht walden
Riddles 42 4 laces || hwitloc anfeng / wlanc under wædum || gif ðæs weorces s
Riddles 44 2 ongað || bi weres ðeo / frean under sceate || foran is ðyrel / bi
Riddles 49 6 ond saloneb || sendeð oðre / under goman him || golde dyrran / ða
Riddles 51 5 framra || fleag on lyfte / deaf under yðe || dreag unstille / winnen
Riddles 52 2 ræpingas || in ræced fergan / under hrof sales || hearde twegen /
Riddles 54 4 gen / hrægl hondum up || hrand under gyrdels / hyre stondendre || st
Riddles 54 11 weorces || hyre weaxan ongon / under gyrdelse || ðæt oft gode me
Riddles 9 7 a hire agen bearn / oððæt ic under sceate || swa min gesceapu w
The Wife's Lament 28 mon wunian || on wuda bearwe / under actreo || in ðam eorðscræf
The Wife's Lament 36 onne ic on uhtan || ana gonge / under actreo || geond ðas eorðscr
The Wife's Lament 48 es || ðæt min freond siteð / under stanhliðe || storme behrimed
The Judgment Day I 106 ðonne ryhta fela / eal swylce under heofonum gewearð || hates on
The Judgment Day I 115 t ic gewægan ne mæg || wyrd under heofonum / ac hit ðus gelimpan
The Descent into Hell 64 ne bið he no ðæs nearwe || under niðloc/ / ðæs bitre gebunden
The Descent into Hell 65 loc/ / ðæs bitre gebunden || under bealuclommum / ðæt he ðy yð
The Descent into Hell 87 bethlem || we ðæs beofiende / under helle dorum || hearde sceoldo
The Lord's Prayer I 5 ðin rædfæst willa / aræred under rodores hrofe || eac ðon on
The Ruin 11 rice æfter oðrum / ofstonden under stormum || steap geap gedreas
Riddles 62 2 from || frean unforcuð / wade under wambe || ond me weg sylfa / ryh
A.3.34.62 3 || frēan un-for·cūþ, / wade under wambe || and mē weġ selfa / r
Riddles 72 13 træd || moras pæðde / bunden under beame || beag hæfde on heals
Riddles 73 24 ristra sum || ðeofes cræfte / under hrægnlocan || / hwilum eawung
Riddles 74 4 lum || ond on flode swom / deaf under yðe || dead mid fiscum / ond o
Riddles 84 31 | grundbedd trideð / ðæs ðe under lyfte || aloden wurde / ond æl
Riddles 91 8 að || middelnihtum / hwilum ic under bæc || bregde nebbe / hyrde ð
The Phoenix 14 um wong || wealdas grene / rume under roderum || ne mæg ðær ren
The Phoenix 27 || ac se æðela feld / wridað under wolcnum || wynnum geblowen / is
The Phoenix 32 eorhte mid us / hea hlifiað || under heofontunglum / smylte is se si
The Phoenix 39 ngen || næfre brosniað / leaf under lyfte || ne him lig sceðeð /
The Phoenix 58 orp || ne wedra gebregd / hreoh under heofonum || ne se hearda fors
The Phoenix 73 m || ðær no waniað o / halge under heofonum || holtes frætwe / ne
The Phoenix 97 | tungol beoð ahyded / gewiten under waðeman || westdælas on / bid
The Phoenix 101 rum wlonc || on firgenstream / under lyft ofer lagu || locað geor
The Phoenix 129 onne æfre byre monnes / hyrde under heofonum || siððan heahcyni
The Phoenix 173 nd weardað || wyrtum fæstne / under heofunhrofe || ðone hatað m
The Phoenix 186 | bið storma gehwylc / aswefed under swegle || suðan bliceð / wede
The Phoenix 199 dryhtum || ælda cynne / swetes under swegle || ðær he sylf biere
The Phoenix 247 ðy læs hi renes scur / awyrde under wolcnum || ðær hi wraðe me
The Phoenix 374 ft of ascan || edgeong weseð / under swegles hleo || bið him self
The Phoenix 391 on ðas frecnan tid / healdað under heofonum || ond him heanne bl
The Phoenix 444 ða ðe meotude wel / gehyrdun under heofonum || halgum ðeawum / d
The Phoenix 467 || ða se wilda fugel / somnað under swegle || side ond wide / to hi
The Phoenix 532 ga || fyre byrneð / forsweleð under sunnan || ond he sylfa mid / on
Juliana 43 gde || ðeah ðe feohgestreon / under hordlocan || hyrsta unrim / æh
Juliana 395 secan oðerne || ellenleasran / under cumbolhagan || cempan sænran
Juliana 481 n mereflode || minum cræftum / under reone stream || sume ic rode
Juliana 544 swiðdest || ðone snotrestan / under hlinscuan || helwarena cyning
The Wanderer 96 m || hu seo ðrag gewat / genap under nihthelm || swa heo no wære /
The Wanderer 107 eð wyrda gesceaft || weoruld under heofonum / her bið feoh læne
The Gifts of Men 23 ðohtas || ond woruldcræftas / under anes meaht || ealle forlæte /
Beowulf 8 || he ðæs frofre gebad / weox under wolcnum || weorðmyndum ðah /
Beowulf 52 soðe || selerædende / hæleð under heofenum || hwa ðæm hlæste
Beowulf 211 at || flota wæs on yðum / bat under beorge || beornas gearwe / on s
Beowulf 310 mærost || foldbuendum / receda under roderum || on ðæm se rica b
Beowulf 342 d || word æfter spræc / heard under helme || we synt higelaces / be
Beowulf 396 gan || in eowrum guðgeatawum / under heregriman || hroðgar geseon
Beowulf 403 n ætsomne || ða secg wisode / under heorotes hrof || / heard under
Beowulf 404 under heorotes hrof || / heard under helme || ðæt he on heoðe g
Beowulf 414 unnyt || siððan æfenleoht / under heofenes hador || beholen weo
Beowulf 505 n ma || middangeardes / gehedde under heofenum || ðonne he sylfa / e
Beowulf 576 ene || no ic on niht gefrægn / under heofones hwealf || heardran f
Beowulf 651 sceapu || scriðan cwoman / wan under wolcnum || werod eall aras / ge
Beowulf 707 metod nolde / se scynscaða || under sceadu bregdan / ac he wæccend
Beowulf 710 geðinges / ða com of more || under misthleoðum / grendel gongan |
Beowulf 714 rwan || in sele ðam hean / wod under wolcnum || to ðæs ðe he wi
Beowulf 738 higelaces || hu se manscaða / under færgripum || gefaran wolde / n
Beowulf 820 del ðonan / feorhseoc fleon || under fenhleoðu / secean wynleas wic
Beowulf 836 eal geador / grendles grape || under geapne hrof / ða wæs on morge
Beowulf 860 r eormengrund || oðer nænig / under swegles begong || selra nære
Beowulf 887 m acwealde / hordes hyrde || he under harne stan / æðelinges bearn
Beowulf 1037 tedhleore || on flet teon / in under eoderas || ðara anum stod / sa
Beowulf 1078 | syððan morgen com / ða heo under swegle || geseon meahte / morð
Beowulf 1163 ða cwom wealhðeo forð / gan under gyldnum beage || ðær ða go
Beowulf 1197 gefrægen hæbbe / nænigne ic under swegle || selran hyrde / hordma
Beowulf 1204 || nyhstan siðe / siððan he under segne || sinc ealgode / wælrea
Beowulf 1209 r yða ful / rice ðeoden || he under rande gecranc / gehwearf ða in
Beowulf 1302 ream wearð in heorote || heo under heolfre genam / cuðe folme ||
Beowulf 1360 engelad || ðær fyrgenstream / under næssa genipu || niðer gewit
Beowulf 1361 enipu || niðer gewiteð / flod under foldan || nis ðæt feor heon
Beowulf 1416 unde / wynleasne wudu || wæter under stod / dreorig ond gedrefed ||
Beowulf 1469 eordfrecan || selfa ne dorste / under yða gewin || aldre geneðan /
Beowulf 1551 forsiðod || sunu ecgðeowes / under gynne grund || geata cempa / ne
Beowulf 1631 alysed || lagu drusade / wæter under wolcnum || wældreore fag / fer
Beowulf 1656 softe || ealdre gedigde / wigge under wætere || weorc geneðde / ear
Beowulf 1745 eð / ðonne bið on hreðre || under helm drepen / biteran stræle |
Beowulf 1770 ingdena || hund missera / weold under wolcnum || ond hig wigge bele
Beowulf 1773 ecgum || ðæt ic me ænigne / under swegles begong || gesacan ne
Beowulf 1928 ungen || ðeah ðe wintra lyt / under burhlocan || gebiden hæbbe / h
Beowulf 2015 nne || ne seah ic widan feorh / under heofones hwealf || healsitten
Beowulf 2049 in fæder || to gefeohte bær / under heregriman || hindeman siðe /
Beowulf 2128 c ætbær / feondes fæðmum || under firgenstream / ðæt wæs hroð
Beowulf 2203 / ond heardrede || hildemeceas / under bordhreoðan || to bonan wurd
Beowulf 2213 ode / stanbeorh steapne || stig under læg / eldum uncuð || ðær on
Beowulf 2411 eorðsele || anne wisse / hlæw under hrusan || holmwylme neh / yðge
Beowulf 2415 eca || goldmaðmas heold / eald under eorðan || næs ðæt yðe ce
Beowulf 2539 bi ronde || rof oretta / heard under helme || hiorosercean bær / un
Beowulf 2540 er helme || hiorosercean bær / under stancleofu || strengo getruwo
Beowulf 2553 becom / heaðotorht hlynnan || under harne stan / hete wæs onhrered
Beowulf 2559 ldeswat || hruse dynede / biorn under beorge || bordrand onswaf / wi
Beowulf 2605 eres || geseah his mondryhten / under heregriman || hat ðrowian / ge
Beowulf 2675 efremman / ac se maga geonga || under his mæges scyld / elne geeode
Beowulf 2744 lungre geong / hord sceawian || under harne stan / wiglaf leofa || nu
Beowulf 2755 beran / brogdne beadusercean || under beorges hrof / geseah ða sigeh
Beowulf 2957 bryde || beah eft ðonan / eald under eorðweall || ða wæs æht b
Beowulf 2967 e || swat ædrum sprong / forð under fexe || næs he forht swa ðe
Beowulf 3031 d eall aras / eodon unbliðe || under earnanæs / wollenteare || wund
Beowulf 3060 nrihte || inne gehydde / wræte under wealle || weard ær ofsloh / fe
Beowulf 3090 swæslice || sið alyfed / inn under eorðweall || ic on ofoste ge
Beowulf 3103 || searogimma geðræc / wundur under wealle || ic eow wisige / ðæt
Beowulf 3123 a selestan / eode eahta sum || under inwithrof / hilderinca || sum o
Judith 67 n he on ðysse worulde / wunode under wolcna hrofe || gefeol ða wi
Judith 113 eæftan || gæst ellor hwearf / under neowelne næs || ond ðær ge
Judith 203 e || forð on gerihte / hæleð under helmum || of ðære haligan b
Judith 219 n / assyrium || syððan ebreas / under guðfanum || gegan hæfdon / to
Judith 332 guman || ðrymme geeodon / cene under cumblum || on compwige / ðurh
The Paris Psalter 105:31 2 costedan || cuþe feondas / and under handum || hynþe þoledan / hi
The Paris Psalter 106:25 2 astigaþ / nyþer gefeallaþ || under neowulne grund / oft þa on yfe
The Paris Psalter 139:3 4 him aspidas || ætrene wyrmas / under welerum is || gewunad fæste /
The Paris Psalter 62:9 4 eahhe / nu hi wæran geseald || under sweordes hand / syndon fracuþe
The Paris Psalter 67:26 1 atast / and fearra ġe·mōt || under folcum; / ne bēoþ ūt fram þ
The Paris Psalter 67:27 2 þreatast / and fearra gemot || under folcum / ne beoþ ut fram þe |
The Paris Psalter 77:62 1 þa his swæs folc || sweorde under ecge / and his yrfe eac || eall
The Paris Psalter 79:14 7 sunu || þe þu his mihte ær / under þe getrymedest || tires weal
The Paris Psalter 88:5 1 | secgeaþ geneahhige / / # / nis under wolcnum || weoroda drihten / æ
The Paris Psalter 90:4 2 | sceade beþeahte / forþon ic under fiþrum || fæle hihte / / # / hw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 76 us || breac longe ær / wlencea under wolcnum || he þy wyrs meahte
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 53 þerweardes hwæthwugu / habban under heofonum || þæt his hige du
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 7 eard || and þis manna cyn / sy under sunnan || suþ west and east /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 17 14 ice / æt fruman ærest || folc under wolcnum / emnæþele gesceop ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 57 oman || ealle togædre / woruld under wolcnum || hwæt þu wuldres
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 135 rage stod / ealra gesceafta || under niþemæst / buton þæm rodere
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 22 saturnus || sundbuende / hataþ under heofonum || he is se cealda / e
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 33 icsaþ || ofer roderum up / and under swa same || eallra gesceafta /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 5 on sume tide / þæt aulixes || under hæfde / þæm casere || cyneri
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 13 a tide || troia gewin / wearþ under wolcnum || for wiges heard / cr
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 34 teorran || oþ þa sæ faraþ / under merestreamas || þæs þe mon
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 40 þ || þæt hio on mere gange / under sæ swife || þonne hio on se
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 43 n || þonne he færinga / wyrþ under wolcnum || wlites bereafad / be
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 16 er sunnan || samod mid rodere / under eorþan grund || he ana stent
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 22 bearn || morgenstiorra / hataþ under heofonum || forþæm he hæle
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 28 unnan || on setl glideþ / west under weorulde || werþioda his / nom
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 12 ete || sume fleogende / windaþ under wolcnum || biþ þeah wuhta g
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 39 eahsetlum || halige þriccaþ / under heora fotum || firum uncuþ / h
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 9 wþ || suþan and westan / wind under wolcnum || þonne weaxeþ hra
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 26 þonne hi strong dreceþ / wind under wolcnum || woruldearfoþa / oþ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 28 im / eallum tidum || ute slepon / under beamsceade || druncon burnan
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 36 wer || weoruldbuende / gesawan under sunnan || nænig siþþan wæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 42 uld || wæren æghwæs / swelce under sunnan || ac hit is sæmre nu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 4 ng || þa his rice wæs / hehst under heofonum || to hryre monegum /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 18 eohtost || lengest burne / hama under hefonum || næs þæt herlic
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 9 deoraby || dæne wæran æror / under norþmannum || nyde gebegde / o
A.6.13 53 Nǣniġ manna wāt, / hæleþa under heofonum, || hū min hyġe dr
Solomon and Saturn 57 || nænig manna wat / hæleþa under hefenum || hu min hige dreose
A.6.13 62 | of sīn-nihte / ġe·feċċan under foldan, || nǣfre hīe sē f
Solomon and Saturn 67 aule || of siennihte / gefeccan under foldan || næfre hie se feond
A.6.13 96 gōd. / Wendeþ hē hine þonne under wolcnum, || wīġ-steall sē
Solomon and Saturn 101 e god / wendeþ he hiene þonne under wolcnum || wigsteall seceþ / h
A.6.13 135 on lyfte || līf-ġe·twinnan / under tungla ġe·trumum || twiġen
Solomon and Saturn 140 hine on lyfte || lifgetwinnan / under tungla getrumum || tuigena or
A.6.13 253 osan, / ā·fielde hine þā || under foldan sċēatas, / hēt hine
A.6.13 262 lme, || wōp þrōwian, / hēaf under heofonum || and him helle ġe
Solomon and Saturn 295 gehreosan / afielde hine þa || under foldan sceatas / heht hine þæ
Solomon and Saturn 304 in wylme || wop þrowian / heaf under hefonum || and him helle gesc
Maxims II 64 der || næni eft cymeþ / hider under hrofas || þe þæt her for s
The Judgment Day II 150 incð æmtig || eahgemearces / under roderes ryne || readum lige / b
The Creed 16 lice || and ðe fæder sylfne / under breostcofan || bearn acende / n
The Creed 26 se pontisca || pilatus weold / under romwarum || rices and doma / ð
Psalm 50 4 ost || criste liofost / wæs he under hiofenum || hearpera mærost /
The Metrical Epilogue to the Pastoral Care 6 n || ðe wel on hine / gelifden under lyfte || is hit lytel tweo / ð
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 6 sceal legge || leaf et heafde / under fot wolues || under ueðer ea
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 6 et heafde / under fot wolues || under ueðer earnes / under earnes cl
Metrical Charm 12: Against a Wen 7 wolues || under ueðer earnes / under earnes clea || a ðu geweorni
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 5 pere || gif her inne sie / stod under linde || under leohtum scylde
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 5 inne sie / stod under linde || under leohtum scylde / ðær ða miht
A.6.43.4 7 || ġif hēr inne sīe. / Stōd under linde, || under lēohtum sċy
A.6.43.4 7 e sīe. / Stōd under linde, || under lēohtum sċylde, / ðǣr þā
Metrical Charm 8: For a Swarm of Bees 1 # For a Swarm of Bees / / fo ic under fot || funde ic hit / hwæt eor
A.6.43.8 2 d þīnre swīðran || / handa under þīnum swīðran fēt, and c
A.6.43.8 3 fēt, and cweþ: || / Fō iċ under fōt, || funde iċ hit. / Hwæt
Distich on Kenelm 1 n Kenelm / / In clench qu becche under ane þorne, / liet Kenelm Kineb
The Battle of Finnsburh 8 | nu scyneþ þes mona / waþol under wolcnum || nu arisaþ weadæd
weorþscipe - 1 occurrences
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 12 || oþ hie alysde eft / for his weorþscipe || wiggendra hleo / afera eadwe
weorþsċipe - 2 occurrences
A.6.10.2 12 hīe ā·lȳsde eft / for his weorþsċipe || wīġendra hleo, / afera Ead
A.6.12 20 leng and hereness, / wraðu and weorþsċipe || and wræcna ġe·hwǣm / ār
wiggendra - 2 occurrences
Andreas 1095 gwaru bannan || beornas comon / wiggendra þreat || wicgum gengan / on me
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 12 de eft / for his weorþscipe || wiggendra hleo / afera eadweardes || eadm
wæran - 25 occurrences
Widsith 125 ðeric || wudgan ond haman / ne wæran ðæt gesiða || ða sæmesta
Maxims I 175 hi anes monnes / eorles eaforan wæran || gif hi sceoldan eofor ongi
Soul and Body II 72 le || swiðe micle / ðonne ðe wæran ealle || eorðan spede / butan
Riddles 51 2 ower / samed siðian || swearte wæran lastas / swaðu swiðe blacu ||
Beowulf 2475 e him ongenðeowes || eaferan wæran / frome fyrdhwate || freode ne
The Paris Psalter 101:18 4 þara þe ofslegene || sliþe wæran / / # / þonne byþ on sione sæg
The Paris Psalter 104:11 2 ime / ac on þam folce || feawe wæran ænige / oþþæt bigengum || b
The Paris Psalter 104:11 4 an / cynn æfter cynne || cende wæran / oþþæt hio oþer folc || eg
The Paris Psalter 104:27 2 na cwoman / mysci manige || mid wæran gnættas / fleohcynnes feala ||
The Paris Psalter 106:11 2 gewinnum / and untrume || ealle wæran / næfdan þa on foldan || fult
The Paris Psalter 106:17 3 wiþ deaþa duru || drencyde wæran / / # / þa hi on costunge || cle
The Paris Psalter 118:118 2 rhogodest || þa þe unrihtes / wæran wyrhtan || wat ic gearewe / þ
The Paris Psalter 121:4 3 n / and on þære gewitnesse || wæran israelas / þe his naman || neo
The Paris Psalter 55:5 3 þe oncuþon / and wiþer me || wæran georne / on yfel heora geþeaht
The Paris Psalter 62:9 4 ræfu || eodon geneahhe / nu hi wæran geseald || under sweordes han
The Paris Psalter 77:39 1 # / and he gemunde || þæt hi wæran moldan and flæsc / gast gangen
The Paris Psalter 77:63 2 e / fyr fæþmade || fæmnan ne wæran / geonge begrette || þeah þe
The Paris Psalter 77:64 1 eah þe hi grame swultan / / # / wæran sacerdas heora || sweordum ab
The Paris Psalter 78:11 4 ara þe on feterum || fæste wæran / / # / æfter þines earmes ||
The Paris Psalter 89:10 1 e synt || swiþe gewæhte / / # / wæran anlicast || ure winter / geonge
The Paris Psalter 91:10 2 ode / hwær fynd mine || fæcne wæran / and mine wergend || wraþe ge
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 8 ford eac / and deoraby || dæne wæran æror / under norþmannum || ny
The Death of Edgar 6 isse eþeltyrf || þa þe ær wæran / on rimcræfte || rihte getoge
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 1 # For a Sudden Stitch / / hlude wæran hy la hlude || ða hy ofer ð
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 2 ða hy ofer ðone hlæw ridan / wæran anmode || ða hy ofer land ri
wīġendra - 15 occurrences
A.2.1 506 le. || þū eart selfa ġung, / wīġendra hlēow, || nealles wintrum fr
A.2.1 887 . / Þǣr wæs wuldres wynn, || wīġendra þrymm, / æðeliċ anġinn, ||
A.2.1 896 and þæt word ġe·cwæþ || wīġendra hleo: / ‘Nū iċ, god drihten
A.2.1 1095 re bannan. || Beornas cōmon, / wīġendra þrēat, || wiċġum genġan,
A.2.1 1450 ġēat. / Þā worde cwæþ || wīġendra hleo: / ‘Sīe þē þanc and
A.2.1 1572 ra || mæġen% for·bīeġed, / wīġendra þrymm. || Wæter fæðmodon,
A.2.1 1608 on·gann || hæleþ blissian, / wīġendra þrēat || wordum rētan: / ‘
A.2.1 5 una on ðǣre wīn-byriġ, || wīġendra hlēow, / salu sinċ-hroden, ||
Christ A 409 yldest || foldan and rodoras, / wīġendra hleo, || wuldres þīnes, / hel
A.4.1 429 t þū mē ne for·wierne, || wīġendra hleo, / frēo-wine folca, || n
A.4.1 899 mǣrost / ofer wer-þēode, || wīġendra hleo, / ellen-dǣdum || (hē þ
A.4.1 1972 d, / þæt ðǣr on worðiġ || wīġendra hlēow, / lind-ġe·stealla, ||
A.4.1 2337 Hēt him þā ġe·wyrċan || wīġendra hlēow / eall-īrenne, || eorla
A.5.6.26 31 rr ā·drāf / on Wendel-sǣ || wīġendra sċola / up on þæt īeġ-land
A.6.10.2 12 e eft / for his weorþsċipe || wīġendra hleo, / afera Eadweardes, || Ea
wǣran - 8 occurrences
A.3.13 175 ānes mannes, / eorles% eaforan wǣran, || ġif hīe sċoldon eofor o
A.3.19 72 || swīðe miċele / þonne þe wǣran ealle || eorðan spēde, / (bū
The Paris Psalter 55:5 3 n·cūðon, / and wiðer mē || wǣran ġeorne / on% yfel hira ġe·þ
The Paris Psalter 77:39 1 hē ġe·munde || þæt hīe wǣran moldan and flǣsċ / gāst gang
The Paris Psalter 78:14 1 āra þe on feterum || fæste wǣran. / / # / Æfter þīnes earmes ||
A.6.10.2 8 ēac / and% Dēoraby. || Dæne wǣran ǣror% / under Norðmannum || n
A.6.43.4 3 ; wyll on buteran. || / Hlūde wǣran hīe, lā, hlūde, || þā h
A.6.43.4 4 hīe ofer þone hlǣw rīdan, / wǣran ān-mōde, || þā hīe ofer
æror - 24 occurrences
Genesis A 1883 tton / neah þam þe abraham || æror rærde / his waldende || þa we
Guthlac A 210 hy bidinge / earme ondsacan || æror mostun / æfter tintergum || ti
Beowulf 809 ðæt onfunde || se ðe fela æror / modes myrðe || manna cynne / f
Beowulf 2654 eren / eft to earde || nemne we æror mægen / fane gefyllan || feorh
Beowulf 3168 ð / eldum swa unnyt || swa hit æror wæs / ða ymbe hlæw riodan ||
The Paris Psalter 134:11 2 incga / and og cyning || se þe æror wæs / on basane || breme and m
The Paris Psalter 135:21 1 fde / / # / and og swylce || þe æror wæs / swyþe breme cyning || o
The Paris Psalter 145:4 1 / þonne biþ eadig || þe him æror wæs / iacobes god || geara ful
The Paris Psalter 77:3 2 geaton / and ure fæderas us || æror sægdon / / # / noldan hi þa swi
The Paris Psalter 91:8 4 ide ealle / þa þe unrihtes || æror worhtan / / # / þonne anhorna ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 43 þone ilcan mete || þe he hi æror mid / tame getede || him þa tw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 76 æt hio eft cume || þær hio æror wæs / þonne hio ærest sie ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 80 de / and eac wesan || þæt hio æror wæs
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 41 t || and hi þa worhtest / næs æror þe || ænegu gesceaft / þe au
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 240 || forþæm hi hider of þe / æror comon || sculon eft to þe / sc
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 245 m þæm ælmihtigan || þe hi æror gio / gesomnade || þæt is so
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 7 he sume hwile / ymbutan hine || æror sohte / sece þæt siþþan ||
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 22 18 t he hæfde / on his incofan || æror lange / efne swa sweotole || sw
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 87 / to sumum diore || swelcum he æror / on his lifdagum || gelicost w
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 8 c / and deoraby || dæne wæran æror / under norþmannum || nyde geb
The Rune Poem 28 æþre || gif hi his hlystaþ æror / is byþ oferceald || ungemetu
Solomon and Saturn 250 ft to his eþle || þanon hit æror cuom / hit biþ eallenga || eor
The Menologium 166 foregleawe / ealde uþwitan || æror fundan / septembres fær || and
Instructions for Christians 222 e on com || oððe hwær heo æror was, / oððe on hwylce sealo
êa - 3 occurrences
A.2.1 1504 taðole || strēamas weallan, / êa inn-flēde, || nū þē eall-
A.6.10.2 4 itanwyllesġeat || and Humbra êa, / brāda brim-strēam. || Burga
A.6.43.2 59 ngan cundes. / Iċ ana wāt || êa rinnende / ðǣr% þā niĝon n
þeoden - 56 occurrences
Genesis A 15 micel / þegnas þrymfæste || þeoden heredon / sægdon lustum lof ||
Genesis A 80 oþeawas || frea eallum leof / þeoden his þegnum || þrymmas weoxo
Genesis A 92 eane geforan / þa þeahtode || þeoden ure / modgeþonce || hu he þa
Genesis A 139 þystre genip || þam þe se þeoden self / sceop nihte naman || ner
Genesis B 597 t hit ece god || æfre wolde / þeoden þolian || þæt wurde þegn
Genesis A 853 htig / ofer midne dæg || mære þeoden / on neorxnawang || neode sine /
Genesis A 864 fta / het him recene to || rice þeoden / his sunu gangan || him þa sy
Genesis A 1035 aþra sum || ic awyrged sceal / þeoden of gesyhþe || þinre hweorfa
Genesis A 1116 magotimbre || of mode asceaf / þeoden usser || him þæs þanc sie /
Genesis A 1202 / þreohund wintra || him wæs þeoden hold / rodera waldend || se rin
Genesis A 2145 ing || þæs ic on sceotendum / þeoden mæra || þines ahredde / æþe
Genesis A 2304 ealc || fæmnan sægde / þa se þeoden || ymb þreotiene gear / ece dr
Genesis A 2349 / lifge ismael || larum swilce / þeoden þinum || and þe þanc wege /
Genesis A 2628 lyt || freonda hæfde / þa se þeoden his || þegnas sende / heht hie
Genesis A 2643 æþ / hwæt þu æfre || engla þeoden / þurh þin yrre wilt || aldre
Genesis A 2674 m miclum / þa reordode || rice þeoden / mago ebrea || þæs þu me wy
Genesis A 2709 þyltyrf / siþþan ic þina || þeoden mæra / mundbyrde geceas || ne
Exodus 363 as || noe oferlaþ / þrymfæst þeoden || mid his þrim sunum / þone
Exodus 432 lyft / he aþ swereþ || engla þeoden / wyrda waldend || and wereda g
Daniel 33 / þa wearþ reþemod || rices þeoden / unhold þeodum || þam þe æ
Daniel 109 an to reste gehwearf || rice þeoden / com on sefan hwurfan || swefn
Daniel 241 ede / hreohmod wæs se hæþena þeoden || het hie hraþe bærnan / æl
Daniel 357 odhwatan / þry on geþancum || þeoden heredon / bædon bletsian || be
Daniel 419 r eagum || on lociaþ / geþenc þeoden min || þine gerysna / ongyt ge
Daniel 467 ryre || aldor gescylde / þa se þeoden ongan || geþinges wyrcan / het
Christ and Satan 245 a þæs ofþuhte || þæt se þeoden wæs / strang and stiþmod || o
Christ and Satan 386 m becom / þegen mid þreate || þeoden engla / him beforan fereþ || f
Christ and Satan 546 æt freodrihten / geþrowode || þeoden ure / he on beame astah || and
Christ and Satan 597 / hafaþ nu geþingod to us || þeoden mæra / ælmihtig god # || / on
Christ and Satan 660 | wordum herigaþ / þegnas ymb þeoden || þær is þrym micel / sang
Christ and Satan 664 e deaþ for us / geþrowode || þeoden engla / swylce he fæste || feo
Andreas 288 iht || to þære mæran byrig / þeoden leofesta || gif þu us þine
Andreas 290 yþan / him ondswarode || engla þeoden / neregend fira || of nacan ste
Andreas 323 ice || swa þæt crist bebead / þeoden þrymfæst || we his þegnas
Andreas 364 wlitige / þa reordode || rice þeoden / ece ælmihtig || heht his eng
Andreas 415 rowedon / þa reordade || rice þeoden / wærfæst cining || word stun
Andreas 479 inces || wolde ic freondscipe / þeoden þrymfæst || þinne gif ic m
Andreas 696 || þær hit ær aras / þa se þeoden gewat || þegna heape / fram þ
Andreas 773 gd || morþre bewunden / þa se þeoden bebead || þryþweorc faran / s
Andreas 872 || englas stodon / þegnas ymb þeoden || þusendmælum / heredon on h
Andreas 900 h / þeh ic on yþfare || engla þeoden / gasta geocend || ongitan ne c
Elene 48 eohtes leoht || lifgende aras / þeoden engla || ond his þegnum hine
Elene 124 n || be godes bearne / hwær se þeoden || geþrowade / soþ sunu meotu
Elene 337 enned wearþ || in cildes had / þeoden engla || gif he þin nære / su
Elene 418 / on hwylcre þyssa þreora || þeoden engla / geþrowode || þrymmes
The Paris Psalter 118:52 2 rra doma / þinra geþancol || þeoden dryhten / þæt ic on worulde
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 1 / / her eadmund cyning || engla þeoden / mæcgea mundbora || myrce gee
The Coronation of Edgar 20 on þam þritigoþan wæs || þeoden gehalgod
Solomon and Saturn 7 ic þe ealle || sunu dauides / þeoden israela || þritig punda / smæ
Solomon and Saturn 293 fte || þa wearþ se æþelra þeoden / gedrefed þurh þæs deofles
The Menologium 2 ldor / on midne winter || mære þeoden / ece ælmihtig || on þy eahte
The Menologium 85 ust beama / on þam þrowode || þeoden engla / for manna lufan || meot
The Battle of Maldon 118 || fæge cempa / þæs him his þeoden || þanc gesæde / þam burþen
The Battle of Maldon 156 t se on eorþan læg / þe his þeoden ær || þearle geræhte / eode
The Battle of Maldon 176 þian mote / on þin geweald || þeoden engla / mid friþe ferian || ic
The Battle of Maldon 230 þegenas to þearfe || nu ure þeoden liþ / eorl on eorþan || us is
þrage - 25 occurrences
Genesis A 1217 ofgeaf / and eac þreo hund || þrage siþþan / mathusal heold || ma
Genesis A 1420 / oþþæt rimgetæl || reþre þrage / daga forþ gewat || þa on du
Genesis A 1426 meches || soþra gehata / lange þrage || hwonne him lifes weard / fre
Genesis A 1811 mcystum til / þær ræsbora || þrage siþþan / wicum wunode || and
Genesis A 2546 dagum || drihten tyndon / lange þrage || him þæs lean forgeald / ga
Genesis A 2775 u / on þanc gebær || he þæs þrage bad / siþþan him ærest || þ
Genesis A 2836 eardfæst / leod ebrea || lange þrage / feasceaft mid fremdum || him
Daniel 572 eaw / ac þu lifgende || lange þrage / heorta hlypum || geond holt w
Andreas 790 d / þær þa lichoman || lange þrage / heahfædera hra || beheled w
Andreas 1598 cwealmes / þearlra geþinga || þrage hnagran / syþþan mane faa ||
The Fates of the Apostles 30 ynnes / he in effessia || ealle þrage / leode lærde || þanon lifes
The Paris Psalter 101:25 2 n / and þær eardedan || ealle þrage / and heora sylfra cynn || syþ
The Paris Psalter 106:9 1 # / þa þe her on þystrum || þrage sæton / and on deaþes scuan |
The Paris Psalter 111:4 2 yþed / þam þe on þystrum || þrage lifdan / and hiora heortan || h
The Paris Psalter 118:116 3 t ic sceolde lifigan || lange þrage / ne gescend me on siþe || nu
The Paris Psalter 138:13 3 lum / þeh min lichama || lytle þrage / on niþerdælum || eorþan wu
The Paris Psalter 81:5 2 a wistan / ac hi on þystrum || þrage eodan / ealle abeofedan || eor
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 28 ruman || læstan dorsten / stod þrage on þam || þeod wæs gewunne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 77 e þy wyrs meahte / þolian þa þrage || þa hio swa þearl becom / w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 134 icre geþuren || forþæm hio þrage stod / ealra gesceafta || under
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 264 rif / þone þiccan mist || þe þrage nu / wiþ þa eagan foran || us
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 103 e / þæt þa lichoman || lange þrage / onwend wurdon || is þæt wun
The Capture of the Five Boroughs 11 þenra || hæfteclommum / lange þrage || oþ hie alysde eft / for his
The Death of Edward 4 e / he on worulda her || wunode þrage / on cyneþrymme || cræftig r
Solomon and Saturn 113 and geþreataþ || þæt hie þrage beoþ / cealde geclungne || ful
þraġe - 1 occurrences
A.6.10.2 11 nra || hæfteclommum / lange || þraġe, || oþ hīe ā·lȳsde eft / fo
þēoden - 101 occurrences
Genesis A 15 ċel. / Þeġnas þrymfæste || þēoden heredon, / sæġdon lustum lof,
Genesis A 80 awas, || frēa eallum lēof, / þēoden his þeġnum; || þrymmas wē
Genesis A 92 ġe·fōron. / Þa þeahtode || þēoden ūre / mōd-ġe·þance, || hū
Genesis A 139 re ġe·nip, || þǣm þe sē þēoden self / sċōp nihte naman. || N
Genesis B 597 hit ēċe God || ǣfre wolde / þēoden þolian, || þæt wurde þeġ
Genesis A 853 ġ / ofer midne dæġ, || mǣre þēoden, / on neorxna-wang || nēode sī
Genesis A 864 hēt him recene tō || rīċe þēoden / his sunu gangan. || Him þā
Genesis A 1035 || Iċ ā·wierĝed sċeall, / þēoden, of ġe·sihþe || þīnre hwe
Genesis A 1116 imbre || of mōde ā·sċēaf / þēoden ūser. || Him þæs þanc sī
Genesis A 1202 rīe-hund wintra. || Him wæs þēoden hold, / rodera wealdend. || Sē
Genesis A 2145 || þæs iċ on sċēotendum, / þēoden mǣra, || þīnes ā·hrede, /
Genesis A 2304 || fǣmnan sæġde. / Þā sē þēoden || ymb [XIII] ġēar, / ēċe d
Genesis A 2349 fġe Ismael || lārum swilce, / þēoden, þīnum, || and þe þanc we
Genesis A 2628 || frēonda hæfde. / Þā sē þēoden his || þeġnas sende, / hēt h
Genesis A 2643 Hwæt, þū ǣfre, || engla þēoden, / þurh þīn ierre wilt || eal
Genesis A 2674 elum. / Þā reordode || rīċe þēoden: / ‘Maĝu Ebrea, || þæs þū
Genesis A 2709 turf, / siþþan iċ þīna, || þēoden mǣra, / mund-byrde ġe·cēas.
A.1.2 363 | Noe ofer·lāþ, / þrymfæst þēoden, || mid his þrymm sunum, / þon
A.1.2 432 . / Hē% āþ swereþ, || engla þēoden, / wyrda wealdend || and weoroda
A.1.3 33 wearþ rēðe-mōd || rīċes þēoden, / unhold þēodum% || þǣm þe
A.1.3 109 ræste ġe·hwearf || rīċe þēoden, / cōm on sefan hweorfan || swe
A.1.3 241 / Hrēoh-mōd wæs sē hǣðna þēoden, || hēt hīe hræðe bærnan.
A.1.3 357 tan / þrīe on ġe·þancum || þēoden heredon, / bǣdon blētsian ||
A.1.3 419 inn lōciaþ. / Ġe­·þenċ, þēoden min, || þīne ġe·risna! / On
A.1.3 467 ealdor ġe·sċylde. / Þa sē þēoden on·gann || ġe·þinġes wyr
A.1.4 245 æs of·þūhte || þæt sē þēoden wæs / strang and stīþ-mōd.
A.1.4 386 ōm, / þeġen mid þrēate, || þēoden engla. / Him be·foran fereþ |
A.1.4 546 o-drihten / ġe·þrōwode, || þēoden ūre. / Hē on bēame ā·stāh
A.1.4 597 nū ġe·þingod tō ūs || þēoden mǣra, / æl-mehtiġ God, / on% d
A.1.4 660 wordum herġaþ / þeġnas ymb þēoden, || ðǣr is þrymm miċel, / sa
A.1.4 664 þ for ūs / ġe·þrōwode, || þēoden engla. / Swelċe hē fæste ||
A.2.1 288 || tō ðǣre mǣran byriġ, / þēoden lēofesta, || ġif þū% ūs%
A.2.1 290 n.’ / Him andswarode || engla þēoden, / nerġend fīra, || of nacan s
A.2.1 323 swā þæt Crīst be·bēad, / þēoden þrymfæst. || Wē his% þeġ
A.2.1 364 itie. / Þā reordode || rīċe þēoden, / ēċe eall-mehtiġ, || hēt h
A.2.1 415 n.’ / Þā reordode || rīċe þēoden, / wǣrfæst cyning, || word stu
A.2.1 479 . || Wolde iċ frēondsċipe, / þēoden þrymfæst, || þīnne%, ġif
A.2.1 696 r hit ǣr ā·rās. / Þā sē þēoden ġe·wāt || þeġna hēape / f
A.2.1 773 morðre be·wunden. / Þā sē þēoden be·bēad || þrȳð-weorc fa
A.2.1 872 englas stōdon, / þeġnas ymb þēoden, || þūsend-mǣlum, / heredon o
A.2.1 900 ah iċ on ȳþ-fare, || engla þēoden, / gǣsta ġēocend, || on·ġie
A.2.6 49 lēoht || libbende ā·rās, / þēoden engla || and his þeġnum hin
A.2.6 125 || be godes bearne, / hwǣr sē þēoden || ġe·þrōwade, / sōþ sunu
A.2.6 338 ed wearþ || on ċildes hād, / þēoden engla, || (ġif hē þīn nǣ
A.2.6 419 on hwelcre þissa þrīera || þēoden engla / ġe·þrōwode, || þry
Christ A 332 Swā þē aefter him || engla þēoden / eft unmǣle || ǣlċes þinġ
Christ B 457 reĝa% mǣra || tō Bethania, / þēoden þrymfæst, || his þeġna ġ
Christ B 791 %, / þonne eft cymeþ || engla þēoden, / þe iċ ne hēold tela || þ
Christ C 943 n ġe·mōt cuman, / þrymfæst þēoden. || Biþ ðǣr his þeġna ēa
Christ C 1096 oflīċe || līfes ċēapode, / þēoden mann-cynne, || on þām dæġ
A.3.13 12 hē is ġīen swā hē wæs, / þēoden ġe·þyldiġ. || Hē ūs ġe
A.3.16 63 e ūs / þrīe-niht þolode, || þēoden engla, / siĝora sellend. || Þ
Guthlac B 1014 nǣġed%? || Iċ nǣfre þē, / þēoden lēofosta, || þyslicne ǣr /
Guthlac B 1174 || ‘Nǣfre iċ lufan sibbe, / þēoden, æt þearfe || þīne for·l
A.3.24 5 þ him ġe·þinġed hider || þēoden ūser / on þām mǣstan dæġe
A.3.26 59 te: / þe þæs þanc sīe, || þēoden ūser, / þæt þū ūs[]iġe |
A.3.26 130 || bīdan efene swā þēah%, / þēoden lēofa || þīnes eft-cymes, /
A.3.3 68 an / þrīe mid ġe·þancum || þēoden heredon, / bǣdon blētsian% ||
A.3.32 29 || mannan findest, / þæt sē þēoden is || þīn on wēnum. / Ne mæ
A.3.5 82 t him || ǣfre finde, / oþþe, þēoden, æt þē || þīne hyldu / wīn
A.3.5 86 parie, || ac on spild ġiefe, / þēoden mǣra, || þe tō ġe·wealde
A.3.5 524 || þā hē mec fēran hēt, / þēoden of þīestrum, || þæt iċ
A.4.1 34 . / Ā·leġdon þā || lēofne þēoden, / bēaĝa bryttan, || on bearm
A.4.1 129 ċel morĝen-swēġ. || Mǣre þēoden, / æðeling ǣr-gōd, || unblī
A.4.1 201 āde || sēċan wolde, / mǣrne þēoden, || þā him wæs manna ðearf
A.4.1 353 tan, || swā þū bēna eart, / þēoden mǣrne, || ymb þīnne sīþ,
A.4.1 365 Hīe bēnan sint / þæt hīe, þēoden min, || wiþ þē mōten / word
A.4.1 417 lestan, || snotere ċeorlas, / þēoden Hrōð·gār, || þæt iċ þ
A.4.1 1046 can. / Swā mannlīċe || mǣre þēoden, / hord-weard hæleþa, || heað
A.4.1 1209 as || ofer ȳða full, / rīċe þēoden; || hē under rande ġe·crang
A.4.1 1598 ðiġ || sēċan cōme / mǣrne þēoden; || þā þæs maniġe ġe·we
A.4.1 1675 him on·drǣdan ne þearft, / þēoden Sċieldinga, || on þā healf
A.4.1 1715 ·þæt hē ana hwearf, / mǣre þēoden, || mann-drēamum fram. / Þēah
A.4.1 1871 þā || cyning æðelum gōd, / þēoden Sċieldinga, || þeġn betest
A.4.1 2095 ēan% for·ġeald; / ðǣr iċ, þēoden min, || þīne lēode / weorðo
A.4.1 2131 | lange be·ġēate. / Þā sē þēoden mec || þīne līfe / healsode
A.4.1 2336 im þæs gūþ-cyning, / Wedera þēoden, || wræce leornode. / Hēt him
A.4.1 2384 ċe || sinċ brytnode, / mǣrne þēoden. || Him þæt tō mearce wear
A.4.1 2721 d handa || heoru-drēoriġne, / þēoden mǣrne, || þeġn unġemete t
A.4.1 2786 on þǣm wang-stede || Wedera þēoden / ellen-sēocne, || ðǣr hē h
A.4.1 2788 mid þǣm māðmum || mǣrne þēoden, / drihten sīnne, || drēoriġn
A.4.1 2810 of healse || hrinġ gyldenne / þēoden þrīst-hyġdiġ, || þeġne
A.4.1 2869 sittendum || helm and byrnan, / þēoden his þeġnum, || swelċe hē
A.4.1 2883 ġendra% tō lȳt / þrang ymbe þēoden, || þā hine sēo þrāh be·
A.4.1 3037 æt sē gūþ-cyning, / Wedera þēoden || wundₒr-dēaðe swealt. /
A.4.1 3079 ton we ġe·lǣran || lēofne þēoden, / rīċes hierde, || rǣd ǣni
A.4.1 3141 on þā tō·middes || mǣrne þēoden / hæleþ hēofende, || hālfor
A.4.2 66 r aefter worhte, / þearl-mōd þēoden gumena, || þenden hē on þi
A.4.2 91 īnra ġe·synta, / þearl-mōd þēoden gumena. || Nāhte iċ þīnre
The Paris Psalter 118:52 3 ōma / þīnra ġe·þancol, || þēoden drihten, / þæt iċ on weorold
A.6.10.2 1 Hēr Eadmund cyning, || Engla þēoden, / mæċġa% mundbora, || Myrce
A.6.10.3 20 d þā on þǣm [XXX] wæs || þēoden ġe·hālĝod.
A.6.13 7 þe ealle, || sunu Dauides, / þēoden Israela%, || [XXX] punda / smǣ
A.6.13 251 || Þā wearþ sē æðelra% þēoden% / ġe·drēfed þurh þæs dēo
A.6.14 2 or, / on midne winter, || mǣre þēoden, / ēċe æl-mehtiġ, || on þȳ
A.6.14 85 bēama, / on þǣm þrōwode || þēoden engla / for manna lufan, || met
A.6.22 33 lċes; || we on ferhþ-locan, / þēoden engla, || þanc and wuldor, / s
A.6.9 120 | fǣġe cempa; / þæs him his þēoden || þanc ġe·sæġde, / þām
A.6.9 158 sē on eorðan læġ / þe his þēoden ǣr || þearle ġe·rǣhte. /
A.6.9 178 mōte / on þīn ġe·weald, || þēoden engla, / mid friðe ferian. ||
A.6.9 232 nas tō þearfe, || nū ūre þēoden liġeþ, / eorl on eorðan. ||
ālȳsde - 1 occurrences
A.6.10.2 11 lange || þraġe, || oþ hīe ā·lȳsde eft / for his weorþsċipe || w
ēac - 366 occurrences
Genesis B 325 d brāde līeġas, || swelċe ēac þā biteran rīeċas, / þrosm
Genesis B 386 hyġe cūðe; / and þæt wiste ēac || weoroda drihten, / þæt sċ
Genesis B 754 tō þē / hāte hweorfan, || ēac is hearm Gode, / mōd-sorh ġe
Genesis A 925 sunu and dohtor’. / A·bēad ēac Ādame || ēċe drihten, / līf
Genesis A 1126 / niĝun-hund wintra / and [XXX] ēac, || þā hē þās weorold / þu
Genesis A 1162 elinga rīm / and fēowertiġ% ēac || fēorum ġe·īehte / Ēnose
Genesis A 1165 weorold of·ġeaf / and tīene ēac, || þā his tīd-dæġe / under
Genesis A 1186 n weorold-rīċe / and siextiġ ēac || þā sēo sǣl ġe·wearþ
Genesis A 1193 þ ġe·wāt, / and niĝun-hund ēac || niht-ġe·rīmes, / wine fr
Genesis A 1217 ā hē weorold of·ġeaf, / and ēac [III] hund. || Þrāĝe siþ
Genesis A 1232 eorodes ealdor, / and% [V] hund ēac; || hēold þæt folc teala, / b
Genesis A 1372 nde / reġn fram rodorum || and ēac rūme lēt / wille-burnan || on
Genesis A 1440 orde on·fēngon / and æðelum ēac || eorðan tūdres / sunu Lāme
Genesis A 1601 efter flōde, || and fīftiġ ēac, þā hē forþ ġe·wāt. / Si
Genesis A 1742 | ġe·teled rīme, / and fīfe ēac, || þā hē forþ ġe·wāt / m
Genesis A 2042 erendra, || [XVIII] / and [CCC] ēac || þēoden-holdra%, / þāra
Genesis A 2502 um folcum || frēond ǣniġne / ēac þissum idesum || þe we hēr
Genesis A 2721 êos%. || Spræc% þā wordum ēac / tō Abrahame || æðelinga he
A.1.2 245 stan wolde / mōd mid āran, || ēac þon mæġenes cræft, / gār-b
A.1.2 374 cunnon, / snotor sǣ-lēoda. || Ēac þon sǣda ġe·hwelċ / on bea
A.1.2 381 / naman nīewan ā·sċōp; || ēac þon nēah and feorr% / hālġe
A.1.2 514 aþ ġe·swealh, / spell-bodan ēac%. || Sē þe spēd āhte, / ā·
A.1.2 546 ðǣr is% lēoht and līf, || ēac þon lissa blǣd; / duĝuþ on
A.1.3 68 ft sīðodon, / and ġe·lǣdon ēac || on langne sīþ / Israela cy
A.1.3 271 ealle æfēste þrīe; || him ēac ðǣr wæs / ān on ġe·sihþe
A.1.3 288 d ġe·siġefæste, / swā þū ēac selfa eart. / Sindon þīne wil
A.1.3 296 bende / worhton on weorolde, || ēac þon wamm dyde / ūser ieldran;
A.1.3 506 lum hēolde, / swelċe fuĝolas ēac || hira feorh-nere / on þæs b
A.1.3 512 r% || on weġ flêon, / swelċe ēac þā fuĝolas, || þonne his
A.1.3 518 da, || þonne God selle. / Hēt ēac ġe·bindan || bēam þone mi
A.1.4 20 % þē on bæclinu! / Wite þū ēac, ā·wierĝda, || hū wīd and
A.2.1 584 de ā·weahte. || Swelċe hē ēac wundra fela / cyne-rōf cȳðde
A.2.1 1592 be·sencte, / ac þæs weorodes ēac || þā wierrestan, / fā folc-
A.2.2 23 | ġalĝan þeahte. / Hwæt, we ēac ġe·hīerdon || be Iohanne /
A.2.2 50 lēasan godu. / Swelċe Thomas ēac || þrīste ġe·nēðde / on I
A.2.5 92 ! / swelċe swā hē his mōdor ēac, || mārian selfe, / æl–mehti
A.2.6 3 ·teled rīmes, / swelċe [XXX] ēac, || þinġ-ġe·mearces, / wintr
A.2.6 303 mb·sealde sint || mid siexum ēac / fiðerum ġe·frætwad, || f
A.2.6 568 riġ. / Hēt hire þā āras || ēac ġe·bēodan / Constantīnus ||
A.2.6 840 lod || eall ġe·wīteþ, / and ēac swā same || þe hire inn wur
Christ A 93 und mīnne ġe·hēold || and ēac mōdor ġe·wearþ / mǣre meto
Christ A 136 a cyning || and þone clǣnan ēac / sācerd sōðlīċe || sæġd
Christ A 145 dan mǣġþe, / swelċe grundas ēac || gæstes mæġene / sīðe ġ
Christ A 282 þā hīehstan || on heofonum ēac, / Crīstes þeġnas, || cweða
Christ A 301 unwemme || ā ġe·healdan%. / Ēac we þæt ġe·fruĝnon, || þ
Christ B 662 nglum || ēċe staðolas, / and ēac maniġfealde || mōdes snytru
Christ B 790 u. || Huru iċ wēne mē / and ēac on·drǣde || dōm þȳ% rē
Christ C 943 en. || Biþ ðǣr his þeġna ēac / hrēð-eadiġ hēap. || Hāl
Christ C 1107 de || on·ġietan woldon. / And ēac þā ealdan wunde || and þā
Christ C 1124 um ā·reahtum || ond fȳstum ēac, / and ymb his hēafod || heardn
Christ C 1143 efter foldan, / and sēo eorðe ēac, || eġesan myrde, / bifode on b
Christ C 1152 afta sċīr-cyning. || Hwæt, ēac sċieldġe menn / ġe·sǣĝon
Christ C 1159 / hēoldon on hreðre. || Hell ēac on·ġeat, / sċield-wreċċend
Christ C 1163 orĝe tō·glidene. || Hwæt, ēac sǣ cȳðde / hwā hine ġe·se
Christ C 1169 t || flōde be·senċan, / ġe ēac bēamas on·budon || hwā hī
Christ C 1181 ðan ġe·cynda, / and heofones ēac || heah-ġe·timbru, / eall for
Christ C 1258 erede || fram nīþ-cwale / and ēac for·ġeaf || ēċe drēamas;
Christ C 1276 iċ, / and þæt æl-beorhte || ēac sċēawiaþ / heofon-engla here
Christ C 1383 e·līċne. || Ġeaf iċ þe ēac meahta spēd, / welan ofer wīd
Christ C 1457 rde ġe·fæstnod; / meaht hēr ēac ġe·sEon || or-ġiete nū ġ
Guthlac A 166 || and simble-daĝa, / swelċe ēac īdelra || ēaĝena wynna, / ġ
Guthlac A 206 don þæt him Gūð·lāc || ēac gode selfum / earfoþa mǣst ||
Guthlac A 300 e || ūt ā·banne%, / and ēow ēac ġe·wyrċe || wīdor sæce, /
Guthlac B 1182 e, / on ēċne eard || and hire ēac ġe·cȳþ / wordum mīnum, ||
Guthlac B 1192 ades mid englum. || þū hire ēac saĝa / þæt hēo þis bān-f
Guthlac B 1374 ēotan / blǣdes and blissa. || Ēac þē ā·bēodan hēt / siġe-d
A.3.21 12 þon, || wæs mē hwæðere ēac lāþ. / Wulf, min Wulf, || wē
A.3.22.36 12 , || hundes and fuĝoles, / and ēac wīfes wlite. || Þū wāst,
A.3.22.40 40 þinġ || dīere be·healdan; / ēac iċ under eorðan || eall sċ
A.3.23 44 ċeall / blīðe ġe·bǣru, || ēac þon brēost-ċeare, / sīn-sor
A.3.26 47 ēah-fædera fela, || swelċe ēac hæleþa ġe·mōt, / wītĝena
A.3.26 98 m || tō banan handa, / sċulon ēac tō ūssum fēondum || friðu
A.3.29 5 red under rodores hrōfe, || ēac þon on rūmre foldan. / Sile
A.3.3 10 ðde || and ġe·siġefæste, / ēac þīne% willan || on weorold-
A.3.3 17 bende / worhton on weorolde, || ēac þon wamm dydon / ieldran ūsse
A.3.3 45 aht, || nū þeċ Caldeas / and ēac fela folca || ġe·freġen ha
A.3.3 83 siþþan / wyrt on·wæcnan, || ēac þon wudu-bearwas / tānum tȳd
A.3.34.63 13 on lēohte || / [] || / swelċe ēac biþ sōna || [] / []r[]te ġe
A.3.4 375 and swǣs fæder || and simle ēac / eft ierfe-weard || ealdre lā
A.3.5 297 dum stīerde, / unryhtre ǣ. || Ēac iċ ġe·lǣrde / Simon searu-
A.3.5 307 ārum. / Swelċe% iċ Eġias || ēac ġe·lǣrde / þæt hē unsnytr
A.3.5 475 arþ / sīðost ġe·sīene. || Ēac iċ sume ġe·dyde / þæt him
A.3.5 679 Þǣr [XXX] wæs / and fēowere ēac || fēores on·sōhte / þurh w
A.3.9 119 e þider cumen, / and we þonne ēac tilien, || þæt we tō mōte
A.4.1 97 as / limum and lēafum, || līf ēac ġe·sċōp / cynna ġe·hwelcu
A.4.1 388 æt·gædere; / ġe·sæġe him ēac wordum || þæt hīe sint wil
A.4.1 433 | Heorot fǣlsian. / Hæbbe iċ ēac ġe·āscod || þæt sē ǣĝ
A.4.1 1683 s sċyldiġ || and his mōdor ēac, / on ġe·weald ġe·hwearf ||
A.4.1 2776 discas / selfes dōme; || seġn ēac ġe·nam, / bēacna beorhtost.
A.4.1 3131 on / dīere māðmas. || Dracan ēac sċufon, / wyrm ofer weall-clif
A.4.2 18 enċum ġe·lōme, || swelċe ēac bunan and orcas / fulle flett-s
A.4.2 295 wen, / wulfum tō willan || and ēac wæl-ġīfrum / fuĝlum tō fr
A.4.2 337 d swātiġne helm, || swelċe ēac sīde byrnan / ġe·reġnode r
A.4.2 343 on moldan rīċe, || swelċe ēac mēde on heofonum, / siĝor-lē
A.4.2 348 and rūme grundas, || swelċe ēac rēðe strēamas / and sweġele
The Paris Psalter 101:4 3 mannes folmum; / is min heorte ēac || hearde ġe·swenċed, / for
The Paris Psalter 101:4 7 rtan ġe·tenġe, / æt-fēolen ēac min bān || flǣsċe% mīnum.
The Paris Psalter 101:5 2 wēstene wunaþ; || wāt iċ ēac swīðe ġeare, / þæt iċ ġe
The Paris Psalter 101:20 2 orran tō·gædere / and rīċu ēac, || þæt hræðe drihtne / full
The Paris Psalter 102:7 3 iġe tīd, / swelċe his willan ēac || werum Israhela. / / # / Mild-h
The Paris Psalter 102:21 2 hten / on his āĝenum stede || ēac blētsie, / ðǣr him his eġes
The Paris Psalter 103:4 1 tera þrȳðe. / / # / Hē wolcen ēac || worhte and sette, / þæt h
The Paris Psalter 103:11 2 le drincaþ, / bīdaþ assan || ēac on þurste; / ofer% þon heofon
The Paris Psalter 103:14 1 test || tō wraðe manna. / / # / Ēac þū him of eorðan || ūt ā
The Paris Psalter 103:15 1 lissaþ. / / # / Ele andwlitan || ēac ġe·sċierpeþ / and hlāf try
The Paris Psalter 103:23 3 fa worhtest; / is þēos eorðe ēac || eall ġe·fylled / þīnra
The Paris Psalter 103:25 5 drihten, / ǣtes on eorðan || ēac wilniaþ. / / # / And% him ġe·s
The Paris Psalter 103:28 2 / ġe·ed-nīewod || and þū ēac sċieppest / eorðan ansīene |
The Paris Psalter 103:31 2 ge sōþlīċe || and seċġe ēac, / þenden iċ wunie || on weoro
The Paris Psalter 104:5 3 der unlȳtel, / and his mūðes ēac || mǣre dōmas. / / # / Hwæt, h
The Paris Psalter 104:9 2 ō Abrahame / and tō Isaace || ēac ġe·sōhte, / and glēawlīċe
The Paris Psalter 104:21 3 fēodan swīðe / and his esnum ēac || inwitt fremedon. / / # / Þā
The Paris Psalter 104:22 3 samod æt·gædere / and Aaron ēac, || þone hē ǣr ġe·ċēas.
The Paris Psalter 105:14 3 mā bysmrian / and Aaron mid || ēac þone hālĝan. / / # / Þā eor
The Paris Psalter 105:20 3 ·sēon woldan, / ne his wordum ēac || woldan ġe·līefan; / ac h
The Paris Psalter 105:25 1 m || and on cnēo-risse. / / # / Ēac hīe ġe·fremedon || ōðer
The Paris Psalter 106:7 2 yhtnes / ealle andettaþ || and ēac seċġaþ / miċel wunder his |
The Paris Psalter 106:14 2 yhtnes / ealle andetten% || and ēac cweðen / miċel wunder his% ||
The Paris Psalter 106:34 2 mere, / and swelċe eorðan || ēac būtan wætere / on ūt-gange |
The Paris Psalter 107:2 4 pan swelċe / on ǣr-morĝen || ēac ġe·cwēme. / / # / Iċ þē and
The Paris Psalter 108:28 2 dryhtnes / ealle andette || and ēac swelċe / hine on middle || man
The Paris Psalter 112:4 3 eþa cynnes, / is ofer heofonas ēac || ā·hafen his wuldor. / / # /
The Paris Psalter 113:19 1 ·hēold. / / # / Aarones hūs || ēac on drihten / lēofne ġe·līef
The Paris Psalter 113:21 4 rn Israheles, / Aarones hūs || ēac ġe·blētsodest; / þū ġe·b
The Paris Psalter 117:3 1 e. / / # / Cweðe Aarones hūs || ēac þæt selfe; / hē is sē gōda
The Paris Psalter 117:12 2 bitere, || oþþe þū bærne ēac / þornas þyrre || þicce fȳr
The Paris Psalter 117:14 2 hereness hēah || and hē mē ēac / is ā tō weorolde || worden
The Paris Psalter 117:19 1 ē ēome duru || sōþfæstra ēac, / ðǣr iċ gange inn, || gode
The Paris Psalter 117:28 1 de mē || wīs tō hǣlu. / / # / Ēac iċ andette || ēċum drihtne
The Paris Psalter 118:34 2 e mote. / / # / Sile mē andġiet ēac, || þæt iċ ǣ þīne / smēa
The Paris Psalter 118:82 2 e. / / # / Ēaĝan mē swelċe || ēac tēorodon, / ðǣr on þīnre s
The Paris Psalter 118:106 2 . / / # / Iċ āðas swōr || and ēac hyċġe, / þæt iċ sōðne d
The Paris Psalter 118:124 3 ilde mōd || and mē mæġene ēac / þīn sōþfæst word || self
The Paris Psalter 118:126 2 s is wynne tīd, || þæt man ēac wēl dō, / drihten ūre; || ne
The Paris Psalter 118:137 2 ōþfæst; || sind his dōmas ēac / rēðe mid rǣde || rihte ġe
The Paris Psalter 118:144 1 be·bodu || efnde and lǣste, / ēac on mīnum mōde || hīe metĝ
The Paris Psalter 118:148 2 de. / / # / Þē ēaĝan mīne || ēac fore·cōmon; / on ǣr-morĝen
The Paris Psalter 120:2 1 t þearfe. / / # / Is min fultum ēac || fǣġer æt drihtne, / sē
The Paris Psalter 126:2 1 liaþ. / / # / Nemþe ġe·healde ēac || hāliġ drihten / ċeastre m
The Paris Psalter 126:4 2 īðe lēofum; / þæt is ierfe ēac || ēċan dryhtnes / and heorde
The Paris Psalter 127:6 2 e blētsie || and þū brūce ēac / on Hierusālem || gōda ġe·
The Paris Psalter 128:1 2 þe, / cweðan Israhelas nū || ēac þæt selfe; / oft mē fuhton t
The Paris Psalter 128:6 4 drihten / and ofer ēow wese || ēac his blētsung; / we ēow nīedl
The Paris Psalter 129:2 1 e. / / # / Wesan þīne ēaran || ēac ġe·hīerende / and be·healde
The Paris Psalter 131:17 2 rne ġe·ġierwe || and gōde ēac / his þā hālĝan hēr || hab
The Paris Psalter 131:19 1 ne wāt. / / # / Iċ his fēondas ēac || facne ġe·ġierwe / mid sċ
The Paris Psalter 134:10 2 folc || þearle maniġe, / and ēac ā·cwealde || cyningas stran
The Paris Psalter 134:12 2 l Israhelum / and hira ierfe || ēac his folce. / / # / Æs þīn nama
The Paris Psalter 135:2 1 || wīs and mild-heort. / / # / Ēac iċ andette || þǣm þe ēċ
The Paris Psalter 135:19 1 yningas miċele. / / # / And% hē ēac of·slōh || æðele cyningas
The Paris Psalter 135:26 1 ðe || wǣron ealle. / / # / Hē ēac ā·fēdeþ || flǣsċa% ǣġ
The Paris Psalter 136:9 3 or·ġēafe / and ūs eallum || ēac ġe·sealdest. / / # / Ēadiġ bi
A.5.5.136 1 ġ biþ sē þe nimeþ || and ēac seteþ% / his āĝen bearn || o
The Paris Psalter 137:2 1 || swīðe ġe·nēahhe. / / # / Ēac iċ þīn tempel || tīdum we
The Paris Psalter 138:2 1 . / / # / And mīne ġe·þōhtas ēac || þrīste on·cnēowe, / feor
The Paris Psalter 138:3 2 l on·ēowe / þā ǣrestan, || ēac þā nīehstan; / þū mē% ġe
The Paris Psalter 138:4 2 eall, / sē is be·ūtan mē || ēac ġe·strangod; / ne mæġ iċ h
The Paris Psalter 141:5 1 ·ġietan wolde. / / # / Þā mē ēac frecne fram || flēam ġe·dy
The Paris Psalter 142:12 5 as || fǣcne tō·drīfe, / and ēac for·lēose || lāðra ġe·h
The Paris Psalter 143:11 2 cyningum; / þū ā·līesdest ēac || lēofne Dauid, / þīnne ā
The Paris Psalter 143:17 3 īðe ġe·nihtsum, / hira oxan ēac || unġemete fætte. / / # / Ne h
The Paris Psalter 144:4 3 um ġeorne, / and þīne meahte ēac || miċele seċġen. / / # / Miċ
The Paris Psalter 144:8 2 ann-þwǣre / and ġe·þyldiġ ēac, || þearle mild-heort. / / # / Sw
The Paris Psalter 144:13 3 est eallum; / is þīn an-weald ēac || ofer eorð-ware / of cynne o
The Paris Psalter 145:7 5 him līf ġiefeþ, / and blinde ēac || bealde drihten / on hira ēa
The Paris Psalter 146:3 1 of Israhelum. / / # / Sē hæleþ ēac || heortan ġe·þrǣste / and
The Paris Psalter 147:8 1 eþ snēome. / / # / Hē his word ēac || ǣr mid wīsdōme / gōdum I
The Paris Psalter 147:8 3 foresæġde, / and Israhele || ēac his dōmas. / / # / Ne dyde hē
The Paris Psalter 148:11 1 ċierped. / / # / Eorþ-cyningas% ēac || ealle swelċe / þe folcum h
The Paris Psalter 149:2 1 hhe. / / # / Israhelas on hine || ēac blissien, / and Sione bearn ||
The Paris Psalter 54:1 3 dlīċe || and ġe·hīer mē ēac. / / # / Grīmme iċ eom be·gange
The Paris Psalter 54:12 3 lustum; || and wit ġe·lōme ēac / ǣton swētne mete || samod
The Paris Psalter 54:16 1 ihten. / / # / Iċ on ǣfenne, || ēac on merġenne / and on midne dæ
The Paris Psalter 54:18 1 god || and hīe ġe·hīeneþ ēac, / þe ǣr weorolde wæs || and
The Paris Psalter 55:4 4 ie / ǣġhwæs ealne dæġ; || ēac iċ swelċe / on god drihten ||
The Paris Psalter 56:10 3 , / and iċ on ǣr-merġenne || ēac ā·rīse / and min hearpe || h
The Paris Psalter 56:11 3 ne drihten / ēċne andette, || ēac ġond þēode / sealmas singe |
The Paris Psalter 58:3 3 f·þryhton%, / and mē strange ēac || stundum on·gunnon; / ne mē
The Paris Psalter 58:3 5 āwiht wiston, / ne iċ firene ēac || fremde drihtne. / / # / Ġif i
The Paris Psalter 58:13 3 ard || manna cynnes / and ealra ēac || eorðan ġe·mǣru. / / # / H
The Paris Psalter 58:14 2 ft ġe·ċierraþ / and heardne ēac || hungor þoliaþ, / swā hund
The Paris Psalter 59:7 3 es hwer, / and iċ ā·þeġnie ēac || on Idumea, / min ġe·sċōs
The Paris Psalter 59:8 3 ille swelċe mē / on Idumea || ēac ġe·lǣdan? / / # / Ac ne eart
The Paris Psalter 60:5 2 fe cyning; / bēoþ his winter ēac || wynnum īeced, / oþ þone d
The Paris Psalter 62:7 3 and on ǣr-morĝen on þē || ēac ġe·wēne, / for·þon þū m
The Paris Psalter 62:10 2 e habban || and hine herġaþ ēac / ealle þā þē on hine || ā
The Paris Psalter 63:9 3 e·wēneþ, / and hine herġaþ ēac || heortan clǣne.
The Paris Psalter 65:2 3 e || wīde ġond eorðan, / and ēac on meniġu || mæġenes þīn
The Paris Psalter 65:3 3 ċne drihten; / and þē singe ēac, || seċġe ġe·nēahhe, / þæ
The Paris Psalter 65:4 2 en worhte; || sint his dōmas ēac / swīðe eġeslīċe || ofer e
The Paris Psalter 65:10 3 standeþ; / settest ūs maniġe ēac || menn ofer hēafod. / / # / Wē
The Paris Psalter 66:1 1 drihten || and ūs on mōde ēac / ġe·blētsa nū; || beorhte
The Paris Psalter 66:6 3 ðe drihten / and ūser god || ēac blētsie; / hæbbe his eġesan
The Paris Psalter 67:20 3 lpe ūser / and ūs æt dēaðe ēac || drihten ġe·healde. / / # / H
The Paris Psalter 67:24 2 ġuĝuþe / and ealdor-menn || ēac of Iudan, / þe lāttēow wæs
The Paris Psalter 67:24 4 þ þāra lēoda, / and ealdras ēac || of Zabulone / and Neptalim |
The Paris Psalter 68:11 1 -wōd / æt or-mǣte || and mē ēac fela / þīnra ed·wīta || inn
The Paris Psalter 68:21 1 t fela / and iermþu maniġ || ēac ā·ræfnde; / næfde eorla þ
The Paris Psalter 68:24 3 e. / / # / Sīen hira ēaĝan || ēac ā·dimmod, / þæt hīe ġe·s
The Paris Psalter 68:25 2 bæc swelċe || ā·bīeġed ēac. / / # / A·ġēot ofer% hīe ||
The Paris Psalter 68:26 2 rame ierre, / and ǣ-byliġness ēac || ierres þīnes / hīe for·g
The Paris Psalter 68:29 3 ·dīlĝod || of ġe·dēfra ēac / þāra libbendra || lēofra%
The Paris Psalter 68:35 2 ċe; || nille hē ġe·hæfte ēac / on hira nīede || nā for·hy
The Paris Psalter 69:4 1 hoĝodon. / / # / And hira æfstu ēac || ealle sċamien, / þe mē wo
The Paris Psalter 70:12 1 m. / / # / Bēoþ ġe·drette, || ēac ġe·sċende, / þā mīne sāw
The Paris Psalter 70:21 3 ora wealdend, / and min sāwol ēac || þā þū self līesdest. /
The Paris Psalter 71:3 1 dōme. / / # / On·fōn beorĝas ēac || beorhtre sibbe / on þīnum
The Paris Psalter 71:3 3 ġere blisse / and ġe·swīeru ēac || sōðum dǣdum. / / # / On his
The Paris Psalter 71:10 4 ðele bringaþ / of Arabia, || ēac of Saba; / ealle him lēoda ||
The Paris Psalter 71:13 1 helpeþ þearfan, || swelċe ēac wǣdlan, / and hē þearfiendra
The Paris Psalter 71:14 1 mān-sċeatte || and of māne ēac / snēome hira sāwle || sōfte
The Paris Psalter 71:15 4 rissa / and hine ealne dæġ || ēac blētsiaþ. / / # / Þonne æðel
The Paris Psalter 72:11 5 , / and iċ wæs ealne dæġ || ēac ġe·swungen, / wæs mē lǣw-f
The Paris Psalter 72:12 1 ċ self cwǣde || and seċġe ēac, / swā þē bearn weorðaþ ||
The Paris Psalter 73:6 2 ærndan / and on eorþ-stede || ēac ġe·wemdan%, / þæt þīnum n
The Paris Psalter 73:10 2 an·sīene / ǣfre fram ūs, || ēac þā swīðran hand / of þīnu
The Paris Psalter 73:14 1 an tō mōse. / / # / Þū selfa ēac || tō·slite wiellas / and hly
The Paris Psalter 73:20 2 þīne nū / ealde intingan; || ēac wes ġe·myndiġ, / hū þe unw
The Paris Psalter 74:2 3 mæġ || be·fōn wordum, / and ēac sōþ || simle dēme. / / # / Eor
The Paris Psalter 76:4 3 rden, / wǣron ēaĝan mīne || ēac mid wæċċum / werded swīðe;
The Paris Psalter 76:10 1 oldan; || þū wiþ·feredes% ēac / Israhela bearn || of Æġyptu
The Paris Psalter 77:14 3 ur mǣre / and on Campotanea || ēac mid sōðe. / / # / Hē sǣ tō·
The Paris Psalter 77:27 1 þā Affrīcum. / / # / Him þā ēac fēoll ufan || flǣsċ tō ġ
The Paris Psalter 77:30 4 swulton, / æðele Israhela || ēac for·wurdon. / / # / In% eallum h
The Paris Psalter 77:32 2 dle / and hira ġēara gang || ēac unnytte. / / # / Þonne hē% hīe
The Paris Psalter 77:41 2 costodon / and Israhela god || ēac ā·bulĝan. / / # / Nā ġe·myn
The Paris Psalter 77:45 2 des flēoĝan, / and hīe ǣton ēac || yfele toscan; / hæfdon hīe
The Paris Psalter 77:48 1 eġan. / / # / Sealde hira nēat ēac || swelċe hæġlum, / and hira
The Paris Psalter 77:62 2 e under eċġe, / and his ierfe ēac || eall for·hoĝode. / / # / Hir
The Paris Psalter 77:63 1 ·hoĝode. / / # / Hira ġuĝuþe ēac || grymme līeġe / fȳr fæðm
The Paris Psalter 77:66 1 slōh || and him æt·fæste ēac / ēċe ed·wīt || āwa tō f
The Paris Psalter 79:2 2 īn, / æt-īew fore Effraim || ēac Mannasse / and Beniamin, || nū
The Paris Psalter 81:3 2 mas sōðe / and ēad-mēdum || ēac þæt selfe, / wǣdlum and þea
The Paris Psalter 82:6 2 n Idumea / and Ismæhelita%, || ēac sint Moabes, / Ammon and Ammale
The Paris Psalter 82:13 1 Ealle bēoþ ġe·ōrette, || ēac ġe·sċende, / and on weorold-
The Paris Psalter 83:2 3 endan || lēofan drihten; / him ēac spēdlīċe || spearwa hūs b
The Paris Psalter 84:1 2 dan fǣle || and ā·fierdest ēac / of Iacobe || þā graman hæf
The Paris Psalter 84:4 2 , / and þīn ierre fram ūs || ēac on·cierre, / þæt þū ūs ne
The Paris Psalter 85:5 2 , / min āĝen ġe·bedd || and ēac be·heald, / hū iċ stefne tō
The Paris Psalter 86:2 3 cȳmost || ċeastra dryhtnes; / ēac iċ ġe·myndie || þā mǣra
The Paris Psalter 87:18 2 ā nīehstan / and mīne cūðe ēac || cwicu ġe·iermdest.
The Paris Psalter 88:4 3 standeþ, / and þā hālĝan ēac || herġaþ on ċiriċan / þī
The Paris Psalter 88:11 3 n þīnum; / hīe mid strengþe ēac || up ā·hebbaþ / þīnne sw
The Paris Psalter 88:14 4 swelċe / bēoþ ealne dæġ || ēac on blisse / and þīne sōþfæ
The Paris Psalter 88:16 2 rihten / and Israhela cyning || ēac sē hālĝa. / / # / Þonne þū
The Paris Psalter 89:8 3 || / and ūre weorolde þū || ēac ġe·staðolodest / on ā·līe
The Paris Psalter 90:7 2 ran || wierġra þūsend, / and ēac ġe·teledra || tīen þūsen
The Paris Psalter 91:10 1 tsum. / / # / And ēaĝe þīn || ēac sċēawode, / hwǣr fīend mīn
The Paris Psalter 94:5 1 rgas || healdeþ swelċe. / / # / Ēac hē sǣs wealdeþ || and hē
The Paris Psalter 94:5 2 sette þone; / worhte his folme ēac || foldan drīġe. / / # / Cumaþ
The Paris Psalter 94:10 3 h, / ā and simle cwæþ || and ēac swā on·cnēow, / þæt hīe o
The Paris Psalter 95:12 1 e habbaþ. / / # / Habbaþ feldas ēac || fæġere blisse / and ealle
The Paris Psalter 96:1 2 ċe drihten; / is eorðe nū || ēac on blisse, / and þæs fæġern
A.5.6.1 44 || næs þæt hærliċ dǣd. / Ēac þām wæs unrīm || ōðres
A.5.6.10 48 || Brūtus nemned? / Hwǣr iċ ēac sē wīsa || and sē weorð-
A.5.6.10 55 būtan sē hlīsa ān? / Sē is ēac% tō lȳtel || swelcra lārēo
A.5.6.11 2 būtan ǣlcum twēon. / Sē is ēac wealdend || weorold-ġe·sċe
A.5.6.11 5 aþ, / unġesæwenlicra% || and ēac swā same / þāra þe we ēaĝ
A.5.6.11 10 ihtes || ā·wiht cunnon, / ġe ēac swā same || þā þæs āuht
A.5.6.11 17 t hit wesan sċolde. / Swā hit ēac tō weorolde || sċeall wunia
A.5.6.11 24 ōn, / ealle ġe·manode || and ēac ġe·toĝen, / þæt hīe ne m
A.5.6.11 86 e || eall for·weorðeþ, / and ēac swā same || ōðra ġe·sċe
A.5.6.11 92 e lufe. || Swā sē cræftĝa ēac / ġe·fērsċipas || fæste ġ
A.5.6.12 11 biteres on·byrġeþ. || Biþ ēac swā same / manna ǣġhwelċ ||
A.5.6.12 22 r ā·drēoĝeþ. / Þū meaht ēac miċele þȳ ēþ || on mōd-
A.5.6.13 21 ister || miċelum lufie, / and ēac on·drǣde || dōĝra ġe·hw
A.5.6.13 56 ent on ġe·cynde. / Swā dēþ ēac sēo sunne, || þonne hēo on
A.5.6.13 80 n || þæt hēo ǣr dyde, / and ēac wesan || þæt hēo ǣror wæ
A.5.6.16 17 lde / þæs īeġ-landes || and ēac þonan / oþ Indeas || ēaste-w
A.5.6.17 5 || on weorold innan, / and hīe ēac nū ġīet || ealle ġe·lī
A.5.6.17 27 ne || æðelu swā selfe, / and ēac þone fæder || þe hine æt
A.5.6.19 24 īewa ġe·hwæs. / Hwæt, hīe ēac witon || hwǣr hīe ēa-fisca
A.5.6.19 41 ǣm hīe% sint earmran || and ēac dyseġran, / unġesǣliġran, |
A.5.6.20 6 ēope, / unġesewenlica || and ēac swā same / ġe·sewenlicra ||
A.5.6.20 66 ·menġed || and mid mæġene ēac / fæder æl-mihtġes || fæste
A.5.6.20 78 ġaþ%, / eorðe æl-grēno, || ēac hwæðere ċeald. / Lyft is ġe
A.5.6.20 89 st || and hīe ġe·mengdest% ēac. / Hwæt, þū þǣm wætere ||
A.5.6.20 96 o eorðe hielt / and swelġeþ ēac || be sumum dǣle, / þæt hēo
A.5.6.20 123 and eorðan || and on wolcnum ēac, / and efene swā same || uppe o
A.5.6.20 144 þēah wiþ þǣm ōðrum || ēac ġe·menġed. / Ne mæġ hira
A.5.6.20 151 þǣm wætere / and on stānum ēac || stille ġe·hēded / earfoþ
A.5.6.20 177 settest || and hīe siþþan ēac / styrest and stihtest || þurh
A.5.6.20 192 nīeten / and þā iersunga || ēac swā selfe. / For·þȳ menn ha
A.5.6.20 199 ealdan simle, / and iersunge || ēac swā selfe; / hēo sċeall mid
A.5.6.20 234 . / Hwæt, þū, ēċe god, || ēac ġe·menġest / þā heofon-cun
A.5.6.20 278 eart selfa weġ / and lāttēow ēac || libbendra ġe·hwæs, / and
A.5.6.22 21 rdum || inn lōcian, / and hē% ēac on·ġiet || his inn-ġe·þa
A.5.6.22 41 le ā·weaht / mid āscunga, || ēac siþþan mid / gōdre lāre, ||
A.5.6.24 11 n / ufan ofer ealle. || Meahtes ēac faran / ofer þǣm fȳre || þe
A.5.6.25 48 æðe siþþan / unrōtnesse || ēac ġe·rǣped%, / hearde ġe·hæ
A.5.6.26 47 æs þæs Iobes fæder || god ēac swā hē; / Saturnus þone || s
A.5.6.26 51 m || for ēċne god. / Sċeolde ēac wesan || Apollines / dohtor dī
A.5.6.26 64 || lid-manna frēan%, / and hē ēac swā same || ealle mæġne / ef
A.5.6.26 78 pan siþþan / and mid racentan ēac || rǣpan maniġne. / Sume hīe
A.5.6.27 11 erum and fuĝolum? || Dēaþ ēac swā same / aefter mann-cynne |
A.5.6.28 28 weorold ymb·ċierred. / Boetes ēac || beorhte sċīeneþ, / ōðer
A.5.6.28 35 æs þe mannum þyncþ? / Swā ēac sume wēnaþ || þæt sēo su
A.5.6.28 45 um? || Hwā þeġna ne mæġe / ēac wāfian || ǣlċes steorran, /
A.5.6.28 57 m eft / ān-for·lǣteþ || and ēac swā same / ȳþ wiþ lande ||
A.5.6.4 10 þīnra meahta spēd, / hwīlum ēac þā sunnan || sīnes be·rē
A.5.6.5 28 ytne ġe·fēan. / Þū sċealt ēac yfelne eġe || ān for·lǣta
A.5.6.6 13 e / ðǣre rōsan wlite || and ēac þā rūman sǣ / norðerne ȳs
A.5.6.7 6 le hrōf-fæste. || Ne ðearf ēac hæleþa nan / wēnan þæs weo
A.5.6.7 11 te / fæste healle? || Ne mæġ ēac fīra nan / wīsdōm timbran ||
A.5.6.7 43 sihþ || eorðlicu gōd, / and ēac þāra yfela || or-sorh wuna
A.5.6.9 13 wā lēohte || and swā lange ēac, / rēad rāsettan, || swā% hē
A.5.6.9 23 es hūru || an-weald cȳðan. / Ēac hit ġe·sǣlde || æt sumum
A.51.93.18 2 unryht / þū ġe­·fæstnost ēac || fācen sāres / hīe sōþf
A.51.94.10 3 / ā and simble cwæþ || and ēac and swā on·cnēow / þæt h
A.51.94.5 2 sette þone / worhte his folme ēac || foldan drīġe.
A.6.10.1 2 ah-ġiefa || and his brōðor ēac, / Ēad·mund æðeling, || eald
A.6.10.1 19 ċoten, || swelċe Sċyttisċ ēac, / wēriġ, wīġes sǣd. || Wes
A.6.10.1 30 ·swefede, || swelċe seofone ēac / eorlas An·lāfes, || unrīm
A.6.10.1 37 rh ġe·nerede. / Swelċe ðǣr ēac sē frōda || mid flēame cō
A.6.10.2 7 tingaham, || swelċe Stanford ēac / and% Dēoraby. || Dæne wǣra
A.6.10.3 4 byrġ, || Acemannes-ċeastre; / ēac hīe īeġ-būend || ōðre w
A.6.10.4 24 t tō·bræc. / And þā wearþ ēac ā·drǣfed || dēor-mōd hæ
A.6.10.5 3 ġe·þafode Godwine eorl, ne ēac ōðre || / menn þe miċel me
A.6.10.6 10 lum and Sċottum / and Bryttum ēac, || byre Æðelrǣdes, / Englum
A.6.11 9 ġe·rīm. / Is on ðǣre byrġ ēac || bearnum ġe·cȳðed / þe
A.6.12 24 æfþ / blǣd and blisse || and ēac burga ġe·niht. / //H// hæġl
A.6.13 4 || Libia and Grēca, / swelċe ēac istoriam || Indea rīċes. / M
A.6.13 86 / A ofer-mæġene || and hine ēac of-sliehþ. / //T// T hine teos
A.6.13 99 || Full oft hē% ġe·costaþ ēac / wild-dēora worn, || wǣtum h
A.6.13 136 tas and mōras || and maniġe ēac / wēste stōwa? || Hū ġe·we
A.6.13 195 reowum hīersum; / full oft hit ēac þæs dēofles || duĝuþ ġe
A.6.13 260 bearn heofon-wara / þæt hīe ēac sċoldon || ā þenden hīe l
A.6.14 29 / werum tō wīcum. || Swelċe ēac is wīde cūþ / ymb [III] and
A.6.14 44 ncas reĝolfæste. || Swelċe ēac rīm-cræftiġe / on þā īlca
A.6.14 118 arþ ā·cenned, / tīen nihtum ēac; || we þā tīd healdaþ / on m
A.6.14 156 yrd% wēl-þungen. || Swelċe ēac wīde biþ / eorlum ġe·ypped
A.6.17 5 e, || eall swā iċ seċġe. / Ēac ðǣr wynn-wyrta || wēoxon a
A.6.17 15 n eorðan. / Iċ on·drǣde mē ēac || dōm þone miċelan / for m
A.6.17 17 eorðan, / and þæt ēċe iċ ēac || ierre on·drǣde mē / and s
A.6.17 21 aĝlan meaht. / Iċ ġe·munde ēac || mǣrþe dryhtnes / and þār
A.6.17 92 | ġearugne tīman. / Ġe·myne ēac on mōde, || hū miċel is þ
A.6.17 99 rðan. / Eall eorðe bifaþ, || ēac swā þā dūna / drēosaþ and
A.6.17 104 elum ġe·drēfeþ. / Eall biþ ēac up-heofon || / sweart and ġe
A.6.17 111 | ġe·nipu mæġe fleċġan. / Ēac þonne cumaþ hider || ufan o
A.6.17 145 nge hǣl. / Ufenan eall þis || ēac biþ ġe·fylled / eall upliċ
A.6.17 196 hē is bealwes full); / hwīlum ēac þā tēþ for miċelum ċiel
A.6.17 230 melness, / and ðǣr synniġe% ēac || sāwle on līeġe / on blind
A.6.17 236 aþ æt·samne, / and wrǣnness ēac || ġe·wīteþ heonane, / and
A.6.22 31 wiþ yfele ġe·frēo || ūs ēac nū-þā / fēonda ġe·hwelċe
A.6.23 49 r-ġiefa, || wlanc and ēċe. / Ēac iċ ġe·līefe || þæt sīe
A.6.26 35 elan || mild-heortnesse%. / And ēac aefter meniġu || miltsa% þ
A.6.26 43 min || eall on·cnāwe%, / and ēac synna ġe·hwǣr || selfum æ
A.6.26 48 ft syngode, / and yfela fela || ēac ġe·fremede, / gylta gram-hyġ
A.6.26 60 nerġend. / Iċ on unrihtum || ēac þon on synnum / ġe·ēacnod w
A.6.26 66 r ġe·worhtan / and iċ selfa ēac || siþþan be·ēode. / Ac þ
A.6.26 70 or·þon þū mē uncūðe || ēac þon dierne / þīnre snotora h
A.6.26 75 clǣnsod || Crīste hero, / and ēac ofer snāwe || self sċīnend
A.6.30 10 on fylste, / āne on ēðle || ēac þon þe sē is / yfel on ġe·
A.6.31 103 ne sċealt || ǣfre fylĝan. / Ēac we fēowertiġ daĝa || fæst
A.6.31 157 ġ daĝa || fersode% mettas%, / ēac nihta swā fela || nāniht gy
A.6.31 229 ðiġ þiċġan, / etan ostran ēac || and ōðerne / fisċ of flō
A.6.38 14 [] ealne þrymm ā·ōf, / and ēac wealdend is || wihta% ġe·hw
A.6.38 22 || þe hē ġō% worhte%, / and ēac resðe mid him, || sē þe ah
A.6.38 23 ealles rīċes ġe·we[], / and ēac swā his bēah-ġiefan, || þ
A.6.39 1 ollege, Cambridge / / Bidde% iċ ēac || ǣġhwelcne mann, / breĝu,
A.6.43.11 18 arie, || mōdor Crīstes, / and ēac þe ġe·brōðru, || Petrus
A.6.43.11 19 ru, || Petrus and Paulus, / and ēac þūsend || þīnra% engla / cl
A.6.7 45 / here-sċeorp% unhror% || and ēac wæs his helm þȳrel%. / Þā
A.6.8.2 2 būton þǣm ānum || þe iċ ēac hafa / on stān-fæte || stille
A.6.8.2 5 dian / selfum on·sendon || and ēac sinċ miċel / mādma mid þȳ
A.6.9 11 | þā hē tō wǣpnum fēng. / Ēac him wolde Ēad·rīċ || his
ġebeġde - 1 occurrences
A.6.10.2 9 or% / under Norðmannum || nyde ġe·beġde / on hǣðenra || hæfteclommum
ġeeode - 1 occurrences
A.6.10.2 2 / mæċġa% mundbora, || Myrce ġe·eode, / dȳre dǣd-fruma, || swā Dor
ǣror - 32 occurrences
Genesis A 1883 on / nēah þǣm þe Abraham || ǣror rǣrde / his wealdende || þā
A.1.4 150 e ġō in heofonum || hæfdon ǣror / wlite and weorðmynd. || Full
A.1.4 298 æt! / Dēman we on eorðan, || ǣror libbend, / on·lūcan mid listu
A.2.5 108 ġe·hwelcum || swā hē him ǣror hēr / on þissum lǣnum || lī
Guthlac A 210 bīdinge, / earme andsacan, || ǣror mōston% / aefter tin-treĝum |
A.4.1 809 æt on·funde || sē þe fela ǣror / mōdes myrðe || manna cynne,
A.4.1 2654 en / eft tō earde, || nefne we ǣror mæġen / fāne ġe·fiellan, |
A.4.1 3168 ldum swā unnytt || swā hit% ǣror% wæs. / Þā ymbe hlǣw ridon |
The Paris Psalter 115:3 2 m þǣm gōdum || þe hē mē ǣror dyde? / / # / Iċ hēr hǣlu cali
The Paris Psalter 134:11 2 ga, / and Og cyning, || sē þe ǣror wæs / on Basane || brēme and
The Paris Psalter 135:21 1 e. / / # / And Og swelċe, || þe ǣror wæs / swīðe brēme cyning ||
The Paris Psalter 145:4 1 onne biþ ēadiġ || þe him ǣror wæs / Iacobes god || ġeare fu
The Paris Psalter 77:3 2 ton, / and ūre fæderas ūs || ǣror sæġdon. / / # / Noldon hīe þ
The Paris Psalter 91:8 4 e ealle, / þā þe unryhtes || ǣror worhton. / / # / Þonne ān-horna
A.5.6.13 43 e īlcan mete || þe hē hīe ǣror mid / tame ġe·tēode. || Him
A.5.6.13 76 t hēo eft cume || ðǣr hēo ǣror wæs; / þonne hēo ǣrest sīe
A.5.6.13 80 / and ēac wesan || þæt hēo ǣror wæs.
A.5.6.20 41 and hīe þā worhtest. / Næs ǣror% þē% || ǣnĝu ġe·sċeaft /
A.5.6.20 240 for·þǣm hīe hider of þē / ǣror cōmon, || sċulon eft tō þ
A.5.6.20 245 ǣm æl-mihtĝan, || þe hīe ǣror ġō / ġe·samnode, || þæt i
A.5.6.22 7 ume hwīle / ymb·ūtan hine || ǣror sōhte. / Sēċe þæt siþþan
A.5.6.22 18 ē hæfde / on his inn-cofan || ǣror lange / efene swā sweotole ||
A.5.6.26 87 sumum dīere, || swelcum hē ǣror / on his līf-daĝum || ġe·l
A.51.91.8 4 ealle / þā þā unryhtes || ǣror worhton
A.6.10.2 8 nd% Dēoraby. || Dæne wǣran ǣror% / under Norðmannum || nyde ġe
A.6.12 28 re, || ġif hīe his hlystaþ ǣror. / //I// īs biþ ofer-ċeald, |
A.6.13 212 tō his ēðle, || þanon hit ǣror cōm. / Hit biþ eallinga || eo
A.6.14 166 lēawe, / ealde ūþ-witan, || ǣror fundan, / Septembres fær || an
A.6.31 67 sange / on ðǣre wucan || þe ǣror biþ / emnihtes dæġe || ielda
A.6.31 72 / on ðǣre% wucan || þe biþ ǣror full / dryhtnes ġe·byrde || a
A.6.31 85 þe mōt, ǣt, oþþe wǣt || ǣror þingan, / þæs þe ūs bōca
A.6.31 196 is ār-wesan, || ġif hē him ǣror hæfþ / bitere on·bolĝen ||